Robertson Airspeak Book
AIRSPEAKRADIOTELEPHONY COMMUNICATION FOR PILOTS F. A. ROBERTSON AIRSPEAK Radiotelephony Communication for Pilots F.A. ROBERTSON Centre of Applied Linguistics, University of Besancon and Air Inter, Paris in association with Edward Johnson Wolfson College, Cambridge PRENTICE HALL New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo First published 1987 by Prentice Hall Imenutiuiial (UK) Lid 66 VMAAI Lane Ecu, Hcmcl Hempstead, Hertfordshire. HP2 -1RG A division of Simon & Schuster International Group © 1987 Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing, from the publisher. For permission within the United States of America contact Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632. Printed and bound in Great Britain by Alden Press Ltd. Oxford Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pubtication Data Robertson. Fiona, 1945— Airspeak: radiotelephony communication fof pilots. 1. English language — Conversation and phrase books {for air pilots) 2. English language — Text-books for foreign speakers. 3. Airplanes —- Piloting — Terminology. I. Title II. Title: Radioiclephony communication for pilots. PE3727.A35R63 I9S7 428.3"40246291 87-8639 ISBN O-13-02O975-9 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Robertson, Fiona Airspeak: radiotelephony communication for pilots. I. English language — Text-books for foreign speakers 2. Aeronautics — Language I. Title 428.2'4-02i629I РЕП28 ISBN 0-I3-O20975-9 12 3 4 5 91 90 89 88 87 ISBN 0-13-020475-4 AIRSPEAK Radiotelephony Communication for pilots Other English For Specific Purposes Titles BINHAM, P. et al. Hotel English* BINHAM. P. et al. Restaurant English* BLAKEY, T. English for Maritime Studies (2nd ed.)* BRIEGER, N. ei al Business Contacts* BRIEGER, N. and J. Comfort Business Issues BRIEGER, N. and J. Comfort Technical Contacts* BRIMS. J. English for Negotiating DAVIES. D. Petroleum Technology DAVIES. D. Telecommunications FITZPATRICK. A. English fur International Conferences* KAY V. Biological Sciences LEBAUER. R.S. Reading Skills for the Future MCGOVERN, J. and J. McGovcrn Bank on Your English* MCKELLEN, J. and M. Spooncr New Business Matters* NOTO. M.S. Physics PALSTRA, R. Telephone English* РОТЕ, М. et al. A Case for Business English* PRODROMOU. L. Medicine *Includes audio cassettes 3 Start-up 14 1.6 45 1.5.2 Departure information 3 1.1 Departure information (routine) 3 1.8.6 Line-up 41 1.2 12 1.5 Taxiing 29 Push-back 24 1.4.2 1.6.1 Distress and urgency messages 61 CHECK for Section 2.1 1.2 Taxi (routine exchanges) 1.4.3 Taxi (nun-routine) 35 CHECK for Section Flight from Rexbury to Winton (from Departure ATIS to line-up) 48 1.2 Push-back (non-routine) 25 CHECK for Section 1.6.1 Routine phraseology review 48 58 Part Two — Take-off to top of climb 59 2.1 Start-up (routine) 14 1.2 Start-up (non-routine) I8 CHECK for Section 1.CONTENTS Foreword viii Acknowledgements xi Introduction xii Notes to the teacher xiv Notes to the learner — how to use this book xvii Standard words and phrases xix Part One — Pre-flight to line-up 1 1.1 Push-back (routine) 24 1.1 Line-up (routine) 41 1.3 20 1.7 Review of Part One 48 1.7 53 1.2 Line-up (non-routine) 44 CHECK for Section 1.3 Flight from Dublin to Paris (from initial contact to line-up) 49 CHECK for Section Departure information (ATIS) 4 CHECK for Section 1.1 Taxi (routine) 29 1.5 37 32 1.3.1 64 .4 27 1.8 1.1.3 Supplementary vocabulary 55 Phases of flight 55 Airport words 56 Airport vehicles 57 CHECK for Section 1.1 7 Route clearances 10 CHECK for Section 1.1 1. 6.1 Flight from Rexbury to Winton (take-off and climb) 96 2.1 Take-off (routine) 66 2.4.2 End of climb (non-routine) 91 CHECK for Section 2.1 En route: position reports (routine) 3.7.2. 7 105 * Part Three — cruise to descent 109 3.5.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (en route) CHECK for Section 3.5.2 En route: position reports 116 3.7 Supplementary vocabulary 99 2.4.1 Initial climb (routine) 75 2.3.6 Review of Part Two 96 2.4 Descent 130 3.2 En route (non-routine) 118 CHECK for Section 3.2 Cabin and safety equipment words CHECK for Section 3.3 Initial climb 75 2.1 Flight from Rexbury to Winton (en route) 3.1 Weather words 142 3.2 En route (non-routine) 125 CHECK for Section 3.1 Descent (routine) 130 3.5.1 Climb (routine) 82 2.3 127 122 3.2 120 3.3 116 En route: traffic information 122 3.1 Words for planes 99 2.6 146 144 138 138 .4 86 Parts of a plane 101 2.1 En route: traffic information (routine) 3.5 Review of Part Three 138 3.5 End of climb 89 2.2 Take-off 66 2.2.4 Climb 82 2.6 Supplementary vocabulary 142 3.1 Volmets I I I CHECK for Section 79 2.2 Take-off (non-routine) 69 CHECK for Section 135 3.6 98 2.6.5 140 114 3.2.2 Initial climb (non-routine) 77 CHECK for Section 2.2 Descent (non-routine) 134 CHECK for Section Climb (non-routine) 85 CHECK for Section 2.1 End of climb (routine) 89 2.2 71 2.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (take-off and climb) 96 CHECK for Section 2.5 92 2.3 Cockpit instruments 104 CHECK for Section 2. 5 182 4.6 Supplementary vocabulary Aviation jobs 185 185 CHECK for Section 154 4.1 Flight from Rexbury to Winton (approach and landing) 180 4.1 193 5.6 186 Part Five — Final review 187 5.3 171 Approach (non-routine) 160 CHECK for Section 4.Part Four — Approach to parking 149 4.4.2 Approach 156 4.1 Rexbury to Winton (complete flight) CHECK for Section 5.2.1 After landing (routine) 177 4.5.1 Final approach and landing (routine) 165 4.4 After landing 175 4.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (descent and landing) 180 CHECK for Section 4.4 178 4.2 Final approach and landing (non-routine) 168 CHECK for Section 4.2 162 4.2 Dublin to Paris (complete flight) 189 196 CHECK for Section 5.2 200 Tapescrlpt for controller's part and for non-dialogue tasks 203 VII .1 Approach (routine) 156 4.2 After landing (non-routine) 176 CHECK for Section 4.1 Arrival (ATIS) 151 CHECK for Section 4.2.5 Review of Part Four 180 4.3 Final approach and landing 165 4. Namely. Another view. is the justification for renewed efforts to improve current RT practice. yet unambiguous and intra-linguistic *Q Code' with wireless telegraphy and adopted. the air ground radiotelephony communications should be conducted in the language normally used by the station on the ground. a prominent feature of the control circuits of aviation. just as important. RT was clearly an operational necessity and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) gave early recognition of the need for a standard and unambiguous language system with which to operate it.FOREWORD The Radiotelephony Language System A dependence upon dear. and elsewhere that: pending the development and adoption of a more suitable form of speech for universal use for aeronautical radio telephony communication. with increasing traffic densities. The result was the creation and continuing evolution of what is probably the world's most successful semi-artificial international language: English-based RT phraseology and procedures. . reaches a different conclusion. on RT for medium and long distance flights. VIII . human speech. concise and unambiguous human speech via radiotelephony (RT) remains. This school of thought believes that it is not the operational tolerances of RT itself which are being reached but rather the operational tolerances of RT as it is currently practised. The proponents of this view look to a radical extension of the role played by devices such as Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) and more recently 'Mode 'S" to more comprehensive data links which arc not speech-dependent. every justification for serious investigation into linguistic or mechanistic enhancements of. on the one hand. by way of illustration. it is not the design of the car but the way it is driven that causes accidents. infinitely adaptable and fast moving apparatus. leaving both a i r traffic controllers and pilots less time for clarifying ambiguous messages. Thus. or alternatives to. The truth must inevitably lie between these views. Despite the considerable linguistic caution which can be inferred from the International Standards and Recommended Practices for Aeronautical Communications contained in ICAO Annex 10 Volume 2 (Communication Procedures) which states that: . in general. despite considerable technological development. maintaining that confidence. Confidence in the use of this language system is a prerequisite for all pilots and controllers involved in international traffic and a fundamental aim of this course is to provide an aid to gaining and. Disaffection with RT The utility of RT for aviation is however being questioned by those who believe. that whilst purely technical devices like SSR transponders perform a unique and valuable service by declaring an air craft height and identity (without the use of a speech circuit). as standard. There is. Jt is about twenty five years since we abandoned the somewhat cumbersome. and more pressing. On the other hand. that the operational tolerances of this method of communication have been reached. it is fair to say that the spirit of the recommendations has been interpreted correctly and that to all intents and purposes English-based RT is the international 'lingua Franca" of air traffic control. The course assembled here by Fiona Robertson represents a significant contribution to the latter effort by providing pilots and trainee pilots — native and non-native speakers of English — with easy access to the language system in its most up-to-date form. we are nevertheless a long way from a sufficiently flexible or communicatively powerful data link for air traffic control which can replace human speech on RT entirely. . that disarmingly familiar. the English language should be used as such aлd should be available on request from any aircraft station unable to comply with the previously mentioned provison at all stations on the ground serving designated airports and routes used by international air services. also critical of RT. the existing almost totally speech-dependent communications provisions. a language system which required explicit designing and regular updating. As far as the standardisation of the language system an d I t s operation are concern ed there appear to be (at least) four requirements: i) A definitive reco m mendation by ICAO of what this standard language is for both routine and non-routine situations. Indeed. This may not be due entirely to lack of will to learn but also in some part to the lack of guidance on the language requirements for non-routine situations. complaints about sloppy RT discipline are commonly heard. there is insufficient interpretation of message priority. Clearly. their users impose change continuously. It is not (simply) that a single misheard phoneme can comletely destroy the value of an entire message but the time wasting which is incurred where. distilled some important aspects of this part of the language and provides practice with the more commonly encountered non-routine language. It is no surprise therefore to find the development of a professional 'gloss' to RT performance characterised by such things as ellipsis (missed out words). Indeed. side. The Call for Standardisation Many of the problems cited have a common theme. i i i ) World wide uniformity in training and certification.Impediments to Safe RT The effort which has gone into the preparation of this course and the effort expected or" pilots so achieve a high language competence is justified by the extremely inhospitable operational environment within which the language system must operate. In addition to these not inconsiderable 'physical' impediments. and non-standard articulation generally cause particular problems for non-native speakers o( the base language. lack of standardisation. IX . propagation noise. Resolution of this question requires research similar to that carried out at this College' on maritime VHF. Cambridge University. ii is frequently reported that in some pans of the world there is severe inadequacy in the language еraining of a i r traffic controllers. For example. what is required is more than the routine phraseology but less than the totality of the natural language. background interference. There are. the inclusion of catch phrases and well meant additions and the creation of jargon. the far from ideal acoustic environment of the flight deck. clipped transmissions and the neglect of such essential communicative steps as «read-back» at very busy locations. however. (all of which contribute to the degradation of the signals received by the brain). for example. as opposed to the linguistic. In the meantime we must continue to rely on [he pilot's or a i r traffic controller's native language competence and professional intuition for non-routine situations. or both. This partly explains why the efforts of well-meaning scholars to create unambiguous and easy-to-learn artificial languages such as Esperanto for international communication have been doomed to failure. it is astonishing that RT is as effective as it is. too. For example. electrostatic noise. Natural languages are never static. a theme which is heard at every gathering of a i r traffic controller's and pilots. Non-standard linguistic behaviour is perhaps easier to account for. often caused by mother-tongue interference. non-standard RT behaviour which seems to be a predictable consequence of the fact that the system is operated by humans not automatons. i i ) Identical interpretation of that standard by national bodies. Research program between 198I-19S3. The odds are heavily stacked against fail-safe RT communications. the potential for misunderstanding is compounded by the normal conversational inclination to hear what you expect to hear and the almost irrepressible desire to make sense of a message (at any cost). with physical impediments such as blocked frequencies and simultaneous transmissions which occasionally inhibit radio contact altogether. RT phraseology goes against nature and has to counter the same influences which are otherwise given free rein in natural language. an inadequacy which shows up (he moment messages deviate from the routine. the pilot must be prepared to encounter. iv) Measures designed to en sure continued operational adherence to the standard. all of which often result in speech which is incomprehensible or too fast for reliable interpretation. Standard behaviour does not come naturally — even on the purely procedural. what one might term 'organisational' or 'administrative' impediments which have to be faced by the RT user. •Wolfson College. Regional pronunciation variation. For this course Fiona Robertson has. and resist himself. cope with. ought. to have one further beneficial effect on the learner: an appreciation of the limits and potential dangers of RT. that there is not more such evidence. These are declared reference works. For example. This fulfills one of ICAO's recommendations: '. Training for RT must be done elsewhere.. During this course the learner may progress through a carefully controlled sequence for IFR traffic in each stage of flight and engage in exercises which graduate from simple four line dialogues to complete flight simulations. The Relevance of this course This material has already proved popular with pilots and some of that popularity seems to be due to the use of *live* recordings which provide 'authentic' practice otherwise unobtainable outside the cockpit. the ICAO Manual of Radiotelephony contains 'examples . when the pilot is flying the plane. standards and subject matter of aviation language teaching will continue to impede efforts to impose an operational standard. There is evidence to suggest a link between the misuse of language and aircraft accidents. E. in the light of the foregoing list of impediments to good communication.. Their reliance on the tool is likely to be proportional to their awareness of those limitations.. A thorough grounding in the RT language system. In flight. not in flight. attention is taken up by things other than searching for the correct RT phraseology. For item iii) above to be fulfilled a prerequisite must be the creation of an intermediate document or course with an explicit training function. intended to be representative of radiotelephony phraseology in common use". such as this course provides. Wolfson College Communication Unit. therefore.The authoritative documents produced under i) and ii) above arе not adequate for training purposes. Until such a document is produced control of what is actually taught is limited and the considerable variation in the methods.J. It is surprising. There is no time today for the "What did he say?" type of dialogue in the cockpit'. X .. the words and phrases must come automatically and understanding must be instantaneous. This could be due in part to the controllers' and pilots' awareness of these impediments and the general realisation that speech over RT is just one more perceptual tool: a tool like any other with limitations. Any remaining errors are. my own. XI . I am also grateful to the following copyright owners for permission to reproduce charts. illustrations and texts: Air Inter (pp. A.R. xix) I also wish to express thanks to all my friends and pupils at Air Inter.A. 101. GMBH (pp. Fossard for his assistance with technical aspects in the first draft. 50-52) The International Civil Aviation Organisation (p. F.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We should like to thank Mr. 107. and the Guild of Air Traffic Controllers for checking the technicalities in the final MS. of course. 144) Jeppesen & Co. whose professional expertise is a constant source of information and inspiration for me. The exercises are designed primarily to teach operational fluency in the ROUTINE phraseology for IFR flights. Departure information Route clearances Start-up Push-back Taxi Each Section is divided into ROUTINE phraseology practice. Each Review contains: --. It is particularly suitable for people working at home or in a learning resources centre. 2. or revise.INTRODUCTION Purpose This course contains a carefully sequenced selection of training materials.) and the system of numbers used in aviation. XII . The learner should also have a basic knowledge of flying procedures. systematic practice in radiotelephony phraseology for pilots. Organisation There are five parts to the course. one an imaginary model flight. the language used for radiotelephony communications. an ability to make simple. plus additional vocabulary work. which serves to bring together the phrases learned in each Section. giving progressive. These events are then followed by a REVIEW. a knowledge of the basic verb tense structures. etc. the result of about three years of positive learning experience at school. practice is also provided for a selection of non-routine situations. and then NONROUTINE exercises. Bravo. Level of English The minimum level of English required to star! this course is what language teachers call 'lower intermediate'. All the exercises are self-correcting. However. Unlike routine phraseology. In this part there are two simulations of complete flights. . 4. 3.Model Flight — Live Traffic AM the exercises build up gradually to Part Five. verb forms. the language of NON-ROUTINE situations is not highly predictable. how to make questions and negative. correct statements and to understand fairly easy dialogue — in other words. This course is suitable for pilots or pilot trainees who wish to learn. Parts 1 — 4 trace the normal pattern of a flight as follows: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Рге-flight to line-up Take-off to top of climb Cruise to descent Approach to parking Each Part is divided into Sections which follow the normal sequence of events for each stage of a flight. the other based on live traffic. 5. Additionally. the learner should know the international alphabet (Alpha. Charlie. For example. Part One (Pre-flight to line-up) is divided as follows: 1.e. which is the FINAL REVIEW. for example in the Route Clearances Section. as it were. VOLMETS and METARS. but it does not attempt to teach: — flying procedures — anything about aviation other than English words and phrases used in RT — all the words that can be found in any situation during a flight References Throughout the book. ALL the exercises in this book are recorded. However. b. Doc 9432-AN/925 Civil Aviation Authority. In this case the document referred to is: International Civil Aviation Organisation. as the presentation of short dialogues in the Manual is considerably easier to place in the context of its correct phase of flight than the original recommendations. CAP413. First — Edition 1984. Manual of Radiotelephony. It should be emphasised that the live recordings have been chosen. routine phraseology practice non-routine situations simulation of a flight with an imaginary scenario simulation of a flight using live traffic supplementary vocabulary practice All the callsigns and place names used in this book are imaginary» except for those in the live recordings of ATIS. The documents referred to arc: International Civil Aviation Organisation. The recorded exercises are of the following types: a. Rules of -the Air and Air Traffic Control. CAA and DGAC phraseologies. c. references arc given for the ICAO. XIII .ICAO CAA DGAC PANS-RAC Recordings Except for a few supplementary vocabulary exercises. and in the Dublin to Paris flight. not as exemplary models. it has occasionally been necessary to return to the source. 4444. Warning This course is based on a considerable amount of authentic material. Procedures for Air Navigation. The sound quality of the live recordings reflects the working environment. e. Arrete du 7 Septembre 1984 The ICAO Manual of Radiotelephony has been chosen in preference to the recommendations in the PANS-RAC. but as practice to help learners get to grips with reality. Procedures de Radiotelephony a l Usage — de la Circulation Aerienne Generate -— Phraseologie. 1984 edition Direction Generale de l Aviation Civile. d. find out what students already know-by 'brainstorming'. weather words. Check that all the words mentioned in the book have been covered. phrases. If not. (ii) abbreviations. write up the dialogue layout with a few elements missing. teach those that remain. Different ways to categorise the Departure ATIS list could be: (i) units. as follows: Write the section title on the board (e. navigation words. There are paragraph references to some of the official phraseologies. A useful preparation for the listening and speaking exercises which follow is to e l ici t this kind of analysis from the class. but this is not a problem — in fact. Whenever there arc variations. and it is ideal for use in the language laboratory. Then ask the class to supply the missing items.g. Each student may see a different way to organise the words. The exercise is aimed at helping students remember words by thinking about them. and coming to their own individual decisions about them. Departure ATIS) and ask the class to write down all the words they know related to the subject. Once each student establishes different categories. single syllable words. Routine phraseology Routine phraseology has been divided into short model dialogues for each phase of flight. two syllable words. Typical exchange This presents an analysis of a typical exchange. and it shows the layout of the pilot-controller exchange which will be practised in the exercises. Try to help the students to understand that there is no 'right answer' here. they can be shown and explained to the rest of the group. and for each phase. Another approach to this list is to ask the students to organise it into categories. with a tape-recorder. first individually.NOTES TO THE TEACHER This material can be adapted for use in the classroom. If that seems too difficult. it can be enriching. the taped material is presented in the same sequence: Listen Listen and Repeat Write Check Listen and Speak Check XIV . either by writing it up on the board or by pinning up pieces of paper used by the class to list their words. but possible variations are described in the NOTES. three syllable words. suggestions for classroom work Key words and phrases Before looking at the list of key words and phrases. Finally put together the whole class's knowledge of the vocabulary connected with Departure ATIS. the ICAO phraseology is used here. then in pairs. Check the pronunciation and accentuation of the words in the list. Suggestions for other activities Remember that for the learner. One could have activities such as: What's My Job in Aviation? (a yes/по guessing game). The Listen and Speak exercise can be practised in pairs with the use of the. insist on the use of 'say again' for any parts of messages which are not understood. All the material presented here can be used for classroom work or/and language laboratory work. the learner has to be dissuaded from reading the answers before doing the exercise. with students recounting any personal experiences they may have had. Preparation for these exercises can take the form of classroom discussion on possible non-routine situations that could occur at the particular phase of flight. aviation crosswords. rather than an 'auto-dictation*. the contents of which provide ample material for 1J hours of classwork. it would be counter-productive to be too authoritarian in this matter. the odd-one-out could check the 'pilot'. The written exercise is important so that the learner knows exactly the words which will be used in the Listen and Speak exercise. Since the 'answers' also appear in the book. Never try to cover more than one Routine RT Section and one Non-routine RT Section in one lesson. With an odd number of students. In pairs. time must be given for the writing phase. Supplementary vocabulary exercises Although these are grouped at the end of each Part of the course. Non-routine exercises These take the form of listening comprehension followed by 'auto-dictation" blank-fill. with matching sets of pictures of different types of planes. In classroom practice of this kind. Describe and Arrange. The listening comprehension can be done in the classroom.This sequence has been chosen so that the learner hears and says the phrases before seeing them in print. or in pairs. The learner should take responsibility for his or her own learning. Many of the word games used in general language courses can be adapted to suit specific areas. for example: — describe your last flight (past tense) — what do you do before you board the plane (present simple tense)? — what are the essential qualities for a pilot ('should*)? — how will c i v i l aviation develop in the next 20 years (expressions of futurity)? XV . However. number games. Each section contains 10-20 minutes of taped material on routine phraseology. including 40 — 45 minutes of individual work in the laboratory. Classroom time can be usefully spent reviewing basic English structures in an aviation context. In the language laboratory. Tapescript of Controller's Part (pages 203 — 219). However. they should be used in small doses along with the sections on phraseology. The written phrases must therefore be carefully checked. and therefore has a choice whether to accept advice or not. it can be used as a recall exercise. With adult learners it is fairly easy to show that the objective is Jo understand the spoken word without written support and hence to accept the discipline of listening and repeating before looking at the written text. but the blank-ЛП is best done individually. students take turns as the controller and the pilot. The initial Listen and Repeat practice can be usefully done in a group with the teacher correcting pronunciation. using the CHECK pages. You may want to enlarge these sections with other kinds of activities centred on learning vocabulary. a little RT practice goes a long way. Routine RT phraseology is not enough to cope with non-routine situations when pilots have to fall back on their own linguistic resources.A collection of pictures of planes. Always encourage the learners to extend their knowledge of English in general. although the formal language used in this type of text can be difficult. XVI . is very useful. as the learner can talk about the pictures within his or her own level of competence. Accident and incident reports always arouse a spark of-interest. etc. ground vehicles. airports. 7 Listen and Speak. Example: 1. You must learn to understand the controller's words without looking at the text. Set the recorder index numbers to zero. If the Listen and Speak exercise is difficult at first. Do not look at the Listen and Write Section yet.3. set the index numbers to zero and listen to the dialogue. Check that you understand each word on the list. Listen and Repeat. The example is recorded again. A correct version of the pilot's words in the Listen and Speak exercise is given in the CHECK section. 6 Check. If the pauses on the tape are not long enough for you to speak. This shows the kind of dialogue that will be practised in the following exercises. Stop XVII . and listen to the recording again. Exercises with non-routine situations When you know the routine phraseology very well. 3 Listen. you can make them longer by stopping the tape. Read the question for the first dialogue.1 Departure information (routine) 1 Key Words and Phrases. 4 Listen and Repeat. then restarting the tape. Practise until you can do it easily. Check that your written words are exactly the same as the word in the CHECK section. then speaking. The six callsigns arc listed on page 4. Put on the cassette. correct i t .2 Stan-up (non-routine) p. Write). you can read aloud from the CHECK section as you play the tape once through. you can turn to the non-routine section. Check with the recording if necessary. 5 Write.NOTES TO THE LEARNER — HOW TO USE THIS BOOK You will need: — the recordings — pencil and paper for notes — a cassette recorder with index numbers — an aviation dictionary A typical Section of the book Example: 1.1. This is a role-play exercise using the same phraseology . 180 1 Listen and Write. then try again without looking at the CHECK section. Write the pilot's words in the boxes (the controller's words are given).»s the first three exercises (Listen. 8 Check. Listen to the first dialogue and the question at the end of it. Remember. Repeat the pilot's words. You can see on the PILOT side what you will have to say. there is no text of the controller's words when you are in the cockpit. 2 Typical Exchange. and on the CONTROLLER side what you will have to understand. There are also NOTES about possible variations. and then you can play the pilot's role for each of the six different flights. There are paragraph references to some of the official phraseologies if you want to see how the language is presented there. If there is a mistake. Example: 1. 4 Check.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (initial contact to line-up) p. Rewind the cassette to zero (the beginning of the first dialogue) and use the recording for "auto-dictation* to write in the words in the blank spaces. route. Start the tape and reply to the controller and follow the instructions/on the tape. These mops ore not to be used for navigation. Have pencil and paper ready to take notes for«clearances. They are given here to make the simulation as realistic as possible. Check your words with the model answers. Maps of the area are given. 3 Listen and Write. Example: 1. parking stand) and be ready to play the pilot's role. 48. Supplementary vocabulary At the end of each Part there is practice with supplementary vocabulary. If you know the answer.the tape. etc. the second is based on live traffic. Listen to the tape and follow the information given in the book about the phase of the flight. These words do not appear in routine phraseology. Set the recorder index numbers to zero. Check your answers by looking at the pilot's words in the CHECK section. listen again. The procedure is the same as for the Rexbury—Winton simulation. 2 Check.7. You may prefer to do them bit oy bit. In a real flight there are often quite long periods without RT communications. practise by making the pauses longer — stop the tape. Check your answers to the questions in the CHECK section. then start the tape again. 1 This simulation uses live traffic. If you want to read the controller's words. Continue in the same way with dialogues 2 and 3. come back to them after the second Listen and Write exercise. . If the questions seem too difficult. and there arc no long pauses without RT.1 Flight from Rexbury to Winton (from ATIS to line-up) p. Think about the flight information (callsign. speak. but they are useful for non-routine situations. pages 203-219. 4 Check. 2 Listen and Read. if not. Look at the information given to help prepare the flight. try again without stopping the machine. Review section Near the end of each Part there is a review of the phraseology learned. 1 Read. Study them before you start. The first is an imaginary scenario. 48. you can find them in the Tapescript of Controller's Part. The exercises are grouped ai the end of each Part.7. 3 Listen and Speak. write it down. NOTE: Real time has been compressed in these simulations. The review is done in two simulations. These exercises use various techniques to help you learn words related to the phases of flight practised in the RT sections. But remember. If you fin'd the pace too fast at first. ) Authorized to proceed under the conditions specified. a) As a request. Check and confirm with originator. NOTE: Normally used to indicate the end of an exchange of transmissions.) I understand your message and will comply with it. Listen out on (frequency).6 Meaning Let me know that you have received and understood this message.) I hereby indicate the separation between messages transmitted to different aircraft in a very busy environment. SOTE: Sol normally used in VHF communications. This exchange of transmissions is ended and no response is expected.. I hereby indicate the separation between portions of the message. Reduce your rate of speech. . What is the readability of my transmission? I repeat for clarity or emphasis. My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you. the phrase Pass your message is used instead 3 Recleared is not used in CAP413. (To be used where there is no clear distinction between the text and other portions of the message. AUTHOR'S NOTES 1 Break Break is not used by the CAA in CAP413. Examine a system or procedure. . Wait and I will call you. An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated).? or Did you correctly receive this message? Establish radio contact with .-2. Annul the previously transmitted clearance. Please send every word or group of words twice. Word/Phrase Acknowledge Affirm Approved Break Break Break1 Cancel Check Cleared Confirm Contact Correct Correction Disregard Go ahead : How do you read I say again Monitor Negative Over Out Read back Rcclcarcd1 Report4 Request Roger Say again Speak slower Standby Verify Wilco Words twice ICAORef. (No answer is normally expected. Repeat a l l . Proceed with your message. o r I w is h t o ob tai n . . Communication is difficult. . of your last transmission. Permission for proposed action granted. Yes.. No or Permission not granted or That is not correct. A change has been made to your last clearance and this new clearance supersedes your previous clearance or part thereof.STANDARD WORDS AND PHRASES (From ICAO Manual of Radiotelephony) The following words and phrases shall be used in radiotelephony communications as appropriate and shall have the meaning given below. Consider that transmission as not sent. I sh ou ld l i k e t o k no w . XIX . of this message back to me exactly as received. . . . 4 Report in this meaning (pass me the following information) is replaced by Say in the DGAC phraseology regulations. (Abbreviation for ' w i l l comply'. Pass me the following information. . That is correct. or the following pan. Have I correctly received the following . every word or group of words in the message w i l l be sent twice. The correct version is . 2 Go ahead is not used by the CAA in CAP4I3. Repeat all. or the . . . I have received all of your last transm ission. b) As information: Since communication is difficult. .specified pan. . NOTE: Under no circumstances to be used in reply to a question requiring 'Read back' or a direct answer in the affirmative (Affirm) or negative (Negative). . .) Repeal your last transmission or Repeat the part of your last transmission that I specify. . The correct version is . or an answer 'affirm' or 'negative'. . Check and confirm with me. or I want to have . This exchange of transmissions is ended and I do not expect a reply from you. .) I give permission for you to proceed under the conditions stated. . (No answer is normally expected. There was a mistake in this transmission (or message). . Make radio contact with . Check a system or procedure. want to know .. I repeat to make the message clearer. . Examples: ICAO CTL — Report heading DGAC CTL — Say heading CTL — Report passing X CTL — Next report at A CTL — Report passing X CTL — Next report at A Standard words and Phrases — Simplified Meanings Approved Break Break Break I give permission for you to do what you asked. This shows the end of the message. How do you read Give an estimation of the quality of the transmission on a scale of 1 (unreadable) to 5 I say again Over Out Read back Request Roger Say again Verify (excellent reception). Disregard Pay no attention to that transmission. This shows the end of the message to one aircraft.. I have received a l l of your last transmission. (NEVER use 'roger' in reply to a question which needs read-back. Repeal a l l of this message back to me exactly as you receive i t or Repeat the part of this message I specify. and the beginning of another. My transmission is ended and I expect a reply from you. . ..Report for the DGAC means 'make a position report at the following place. and the beginning of another message Cancel Check Cleared Contact Correction Cancel the last clearance I gave you. exactly as you receive i t . Go ahead Give your message. or I repeat because this message is very important. Part One Pre-flight to line-up . dew point .1.1 CAA ref. QNH and runway number. — The pilot generally reads back the essential bits — wind data. other information. ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) surface wind temperature dew point runway runway in use gusting visibility no sig (no significant change) kilometres (km) feet (ft) degrees knots plus minus centigrade mist DGAC ref. dew point. 4.3. visibility. 3 . 3. CONTROLLER call control — name of control — callsign — request data 2.1 Departure Information (routine) ЮАО ref.1 millibars (mb) QNH CAVOK (ceiling and visibility OK) ILS (Instrument Landing System) noise abatement procedure transition level okta cumulo nimbus wet braking action trend RVR (runway visual range) threshold taxi way SID (standard instrument departure) hectopascal flock of birds Typical exchange PILOT 1. QNH.1 DEPARTURE INFORMATION 1.1 Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. control replies — aircraft callsign — runway — wind direction & strength — temperature. 11.1. wind direction and strength. 4.QNH pilot replies — readback — callsign NOTE5 — The controller usually gives the information in the following order: runway in use.5. temperature.2. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.1. Check with the recording if necessary. 1 call conirol 2 3 control replies SF398.. check them. page 7. wind 350° 23 knots.1.1. page 7. Listen to the recording.6.7 Phraseology practice Listen If the airport has no ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) recording. and give the read-back. Write Complete the text below by writing in the pilot's words. ask for departure data in the same way. When it seems easy. Listen to the example. x pilot replies Check Check your answers. the pilot must ask for departure information. Start with the example again.2 Departure Information (ATIS) A typical ATIS recording Some airports have separate departure and arrival ATIS.8 DGAC ref. braking action good. Continue in the same way for the following flights. runway in use 29. temperature 12 dew point 10. and you think your answers are all correct. Listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words. and others have one for both arrival and departure. Those in brackets () depend on the weather and the type of information.5 11. gusting 30. A typical ATIS has the following items. QNH 1023.PANS RAC refs 3. runway is wet. 1. 4 . Listen and Speak Take the part of the pilot.1. Callsigns 1 SF398 2 KM563 3 SV295 4 CV159 5 JD460 6 EN926 Check Practise this exercise several rimes. The different items in the ATIS also vary according to the weather. 3. QFE 997. temp _. If the weather is poor. as in the examples. temp 6. temperature +2. Wind 080° 12 knots. ILS approach runway 07. Listen to this example of an ATIS recording This is Orly information H. recorded at 1300 Z time. fog. etc. departure runway 28R. ice. If the weather is good. visibility 7 kilometres. taxiway 2JA and В area closed. braking action) transition level (operational information: expect ______ departure. and caution taxiway 2A.) (cloud cover in oktas. Roissy is facing East. flocks of birds. expected 3V standard departure. You will have to listen more than one time to each one to get all the details. runway__ C 5 .airport name information code time runway(s) in use (runway condition: wet. DP__. take-off runway 08. Phraseology practice Listen and Write Before start-up or before taxi. restricted areas. At first contact advise you have received information H. dew point — 3. QNH 1021 millibars. dew point -4. QNH 1008. Listen and follow the This is Heathrow departure information N. etc. the pilot listens to the ATIS. kilometres up to 'ten kilometres or more (RVR) (present weather: mist. Remember that you can listen several times to an ATIS recording. Temperature . the recording is longer. If there is no ATIS. ceiling 5 oktas at 700 metres and 7 pktas at 1800 metres. the ATIS recording is short. 330°. transition level is 50. Listen to the following ATIS recordings and make notes for each one in the tables below. height of base of clouds in feet or metres) (CAVOK. IS knots. QNH1001. the controller gives the latest weather data.) wind direction (in degrees) and strength (in knots) visibility in metres. runway 29 B wind ___. pronounced 'CAV-O-KAY') temperature and dew point QNH (QFE) trend («no sig» or expected weather changes) (extra information) Listen and Read text. DP3.I. drizzle. 1109 hours weather. QNH____. А wind 270* 19. slush. snow. snow. 1017.D Е F G Check When you think you have all the correct details. check your answers from texts on page 8. 286 Check When you think you have all the correct details. 6 . check your answers from the texts on page 8. 1 Heathrow 2 Heathrow 3 Heathrow 4 De Gaulle 5 Orly 6 Frankfurt 7 Athens 8 Hamburg E. 200* 09. Remember that you will have to listen several times to each ATIS. 21 09. ............. KM 563... CU 759...... QNH 1015. 3 ........... SV 295........................... 3 pilot replies 350° 23 knots.. PIL 320° 5 knots.............. JD 460. request departure information.... 5 PIL Ground JD 460... CTL .........................PIL Ground.... PIL 260° 10 knots.... 6 PIL Ground.........................l Write (from page 4) 1 call control Ground.. 2 control replies SF398.... QNH 1023. runway 08................................... CU 795.... SF398.................... QNH ] f 019..... CTL ................. runway is wet.... CTL ........ request departure information. PIL 060° 18 knots.. dew point 10...... gusting to 25....................... gusting 30..... braking action good..... EN 926 7 ..........1...........1 Listen and Speak (from page 4) The dotted lines ( ................ QNH 1014................. SV 295.................. runway 19 Left. runway 33 Right.............................1 CHECK l....................................... runway 2 1 ................................... SF398.. request departure information CTL ... request departure information CTL ....... request departure information................ Runway 29.......................... 1......1........ runway in use 29.................................. request departure information. PIL Wind calm......... QNH 1005.............................. 1 PIL Ground.... QNH 1008......................... temperature 12............................ 4 PIL Ground........... PIL 350° 23 knots....... wind 350° 2 23 knots....................................................... PIL 180° 9 knots....... CTL .................. 2 PIL Ground...................... SF398............. ) show when [he controller speaks............ EN 926... runway 23...1. SF398. request departure information............... QNH 1023 runway 29.......... KM 563...... QNH 1023.................. met report as of 15. QFE 995. departure runway 28L. departure information Bravo.I. temperature 1.30 hours weather. . QNH 1008. departure runway 28L 2 This is Heathrow Departure information B. departure information Golf. mist. QNH 1011 mb. caution flock of birds on airfield. temperature 26. departure runway 28L 4 This is de Gaulle at time 13Д0. 00.2 Listen and Write. weather announcement tomorrow morning 6 o'clock. Warning for Frankfurt. surface wind 270° 10 knots gusting to 20. dew point +09. dew point 09. QNH 1006.1. D . visibility 10 km or more. . take-off runway 25. take-off runway 28R. runway in use for takeoff 23. 15. 18. dew point 04. take-off runways 09 and 10. strong winds 320° at 15 knots gusts up to 34 knots. temperature -2°. QNH 1001. E . dew point 6.05 hours weather. 2985 inches. temperature 12. QNH 1017 millibars. dew point -4°.20. takeoff runway 08. 3 oktas 7500 metres. dew point 15. temperature 8. 16. С . QNH 1022. 2 (from page 6) Texts of ATIS recordings 1 This is Heathrow Departure information E. ceiling 3 oktas 900 metres.19 knots. Roissy facing East. visibility 4000 metres. temperature 6 dew point 3. dew point 18. QFE threshold 09 995. dew point -5°. record 09. 18. departure information Foxtrot. dew point 12. A This is Rexbury departure information Alpha.2 Listen and Write. QNH 1017 millibars. . temperature +21. departure information Charlie. time 15. QNH 1015. 330° 20 knots. hectopascal equals 29. . temperature -0°.1 centigrade.. expect 3V departure. transition level 50. 1 okta 7000 feet. QNH 1005. 210° 10 knots. F .. dew point .00. dew point + 1 1 . ceiling 4 oktas 3000 feet. threshold 10 996. 030° 02 knots. CAVOK. 02. 7 oktas 8900 feet.. runway in use 36. cloud 3 oktas 2700. 200° 09 knots. Frankfurt information A. information A out. QNH 1011 millibars. Runways in use 25. confirm E with first contact with Orly. surface wind 270°.97 inches. takeoff runway 04R. 3 This is Heathrow Departure information Z. wind 080° 18 knots. . QNH lO02 temperature 04. transition level 60.. 3 oktas 9000 feet. QNH 1017 millibars. no sig 1. wind 080° 4 knots. 5 6 7 This is Оrlу Е information. expect SID3G or 3H. Runway in use . 1 (from page 6) Departure information: texts of the ATIS recordings. departure runway 31 G .. Weather report 09. dew point —3. temperature 27. 00.. This is Athens Airport information S.15 hours weather. wind 050° 9 knots. braking action is good. temperature 25.30 hours. information I. visibility 7 kilometres. Transition level 50.00 hours: wind 280° 8 knots. visibility 20 kilometres and recent snow shower. ILS approach landing runway 07. . wind 340° 10 knots gusting to 25.45 hours weather. departure information Delta. transition level 65. temperature 27. trend no sig.I. 280° 03 knots! QNH 1017.departure runway 27 В .20: wind 260° 11 knots.45 hours weather. Landing runways 09 and 10. 200° 11 knots temperature 24. temperature + 1. confirm I received on your first contact. QNH 1013. departure information Echo. information Y. visibility 10 km. out . Runway for take-off 34. for landing 23. transition level 50. cloud 1 okta cumulo nimbus at 1500 ft. Hamburg information Y. QNH 1027 mb. Met report as of 13. taxiway Charlie between runway 33R and taxiway Bravo closed. Additional information: all departing aircraft are requested to squawk А4405 when airborne and runway is wet and braking action good. 5 oktas at 1800 ft. dew point -2. It is reminded to follow strictly the noise abatement procedures. this is Hamburg Tower.20: wind 310 with 7 knots. trend no significant change. temperature .1.33R. 8 Good day. 1.2. ROUTE CLEARANCES PANS-RAC 3/3/1 DGAC 11.4.4 Key words and phrases Check Look up any that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. new words in an aviation dictionary. flight planned route left/right turn out climb maintain *request level change en route airborne squawk *cleared Heading АТС (Air Traffic Control) Clearance SID (standard instrument departure) Approach Initially Frequency flight level (FL) *contact (*These words are explained in the section on Standard Words and Phrases, page; xix—xx.) Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER 1 control calls - aircraft callsign -offers clearance 2 pilot replies - 'ready to copy' - callsign 4 read back — callsign — cleared to____(destination) — Avia flight planned route* — standard departure (— additional details) — level instructions — frequency — squawk number 3 route clearance - name of ground station - 'clears1 aircraft callsign - to________ (destination) -Avia flight planned route' -standard departure (— additional details) -level instructions -frequency to contact after departure -squawk number 5 control replies - 'that is correct' - aircraft callsign NOTES — 'Additional details' added to a standard departure usually-just repeat some essential points (e.g. left/right turn out after departure; climb on runway heading to ...) or may contain a modification. — Level instructions in route clearances often contain restrictions (e.g. 'FL190 initially, request level change en route). Phraseology practice Listen Route clearance is given before engine start-up or during taxiing. Listen to the recording. Listen and Repeat Listen again, take notes, and repeat the pilot's words. Write Complete the text below by writing in the missing words. Check with the recording if necessary. 1 соntrol calls SF196, here is your clearance. pilot replies 3 route clearance Rexbury АТС clears SF196 to Winton via flight planned route, November 2 departure, left turn out after departure, climb to and maintain FL250, request level change en route, contact 120.26 when airborne, and squawk 2514. readback 5 control replies That is correct SF196. Check Check your answers, page 12. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's part and reply to the controller for the following flights: 1 2 3 4 5 SFI96 to Winton Sunair 926 to Paris Charles dc Gaulle Sunair 831 to Winton Sunair 4J5 to Rexbury Sunair 921 to Rexbury Check Practise this exercise several times. When it seems easy, and you think your replies are correct, check your answers, page 12. 11 CHECK 1.2 Write (from page 11) 1 control calls SF196, here is your clearance. 2 pilot replies "Ready to copy, SF196. 3 4 readback SF196, cleared to Winton, flight planned route, N2 departure, turn left after departure FL250, request level change en route, 120.26 when airborne, and squawk 2514. route clearance Rexbury АТС clears SFI96 to Winton via flight planned route, N2 departure, left turn out after departure, climb to and maintain FL 250, request level change en route, contact 120.26 when airborne, and squawk 2514. ■ 5 control replies That is correct SF1$6. Listen and Speak (from page 1 1 ) The dots indicate the controller's part. 1 ........................................................................................................................ PIL Ready to copy SF196. CTL CTL ............................................................................................................................................... P IL SF196 cleared to Winton, flight planned route. November 2 departure, FL250 turn left after departure, request level change en route, 120.26 when airborne squawk 2514. 2 CTL ............................................................................................................................ PIL Ready to copy, Sunair 926. CTL ........................................................................................................................... PIL Sunair 926 cleared to Paris Charles de Gaulle via Upper Red 10, Depart 3 1 , FL290, 120.15 when airborne. 3 CTL ..................................................................................................................................... PIL Ready to copy, Sunair 831 CTL ....................................................................................................................................... PIL Sunair 831 cleared to Winton, flight planned; route, Romeo 1 departure, Turn left after departure, FL210 initially, request level change en route, 120.26 when airborne. 4 CTL ........................................................................................................................ PIL Ready to copy, Sunair 435. CTL ..................................................................... ........................................................................ PIL Sunair 435 cleared to Rexbury, Oscar 3 departure, to climb on runway heading) to FLI60, squawk 1537, 1 2 1 . 3 when airborne. 12 CTL ........................................................................................................................................................ РЕ. Ready to copy, Sunair 921. _ CTL ......................................................................................................................................................... PIL Sunair 921 cleared to Rexbury, Whisky 1 departure, flight planned route, FL180 initially, request level change en route, squawk 1525, 121.3 when airborne. 13 greeting.11.callsign 3 pilot replies — callsign — stand number — ATIS information code — request start-up — name of destination 4a control replies — aircraft callsign — 'start-up approved' 5a pilot replies — 'starting up/ — callsign 3 or 4b control replies — aircraft callsign — 'stand by for start' 5b -pilot replies — 'standing by' — callsign NOTE — In control reply 2.3 START-UP ICAO ref.3. 14 . 4.3. name of ground station. pages xix—xx. aircraft callsign.3.2 CAA ref 4. *go ahead stand *approved *standby Gate destination *say again stand number callsign slot slot time at your discretion expect call you back (*These words are explained in the section on Standard Words and Phrases.5.1 Start-up (routine) DGAC ref.) Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER 1 call control — name of ground station — callsign — greeting 2 control replies -.'go ahead' -. or name of ground station.3 1.1. the controller may use: aircraft callsign. greeting. Look up any new words! in an aviation dictionary.2.2 4.3i Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Listen and Write Listen to the dialogues on the tape. 5 pilot replies 15 . Listen and Repeat Listen to the first two dialogues again. I a call control 2 control replies Go ahead. Listen to the recording again if necessary. Callsign Stand/Gate ATIS Information Destination 1 2 3 4 5 6 Check Check your answers from the texts on page 20. No. SFI53. stand (or gate). stand by for sun. start-up approved. information code and destination in the table below. 2 control replies Go ahead FBG. 3 pilot replies 4 control replies FBG.Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the recorded dialogue. Write down the callsign. 3 pilot replies 4 5 pilot replies (b) 1 call control control replies SF153. Write Complete the texts of the dialogues by writing in the pi lot's words below. and repeat the pilot's words. ICАО ref.4.2.2 4.2.3 CAA ref. 4.3.2 4.3.3 DGAC ref. 11.5.3 Check Check your answers, page 21. Listen and Speak Now look again at the table you filled in on page 15. Using the recording, ask for start-up for each flight, and reply to the controller. Listen to the example. Then continue in the same way, starting with the example again. Check Check your answers, page 20. Typical exchange ---------------- PILOT CONTROLLER (a) 1 pilot calls — callsign — stand number — request start-up — for_______(destination) 2 control replies — aircraft callsign — instruction to start up at ______ (time) 3 pilot replies — Roger — readback start-up instructions -— callsign or (b) 1 pilot calls — callsign — stand number — request start-up — for______ (destination) 2 control replies — aircraft callsign — expect departure at ______ (time) — start up 'at your discretion' 3 pilot replies — Roger — expecting departure at_______ (time) — callsign or (c) 1 pilot calls — callsign — stand number — request start-up — for______ (destination) 2 control replies — aircraft callsign — slot time ______ (time) — start up 'at your discretion' 3 pilot replies — Roger — slot time ______ (time) — callsign 16 Phraseology practice Listen Ac a busy airport, there is often a queue for departure, and the controller has a sic; for each flight. Listen to the recording. Listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words. Write Complete the dialogues by writing in the pilot's words. (a) 1 pilot calls 2 control replies SF153, stan up at 35. 3 pilot replies (b) I pilot calls 2 control replies FBG, expect departure at 45, start up at your discretion. 3 pilot replies (c) 1 pilot calls 2 control replies AG235, slot time 55, start up at your discretion. 3 pilot replies Check Check your answers, page 21 17 Listen and Speak Look at a longer version of the table you filled in on page 15. Data for 10 flights. No. Callsign Stand/Gate ATIS Destination 1 SF153 B5 J Athens 2 FBG C8 К New York 3 AG235 gate 21 M Frankfurt 4 THI A9 с Rome, Fiumiccino 5 NUM gate D7 I Cairo 6 WJD L London, Heathrow 7 ESQ P Palma 8 KVX A4 R Copenhagen 9 YFL 19 D Algiers 10 OPR B6 F Madrid 13 5 Ask for start-up for each flight, and reply to the controller. Listen to the example. Then continue in the same way. Start with the same example. Check Check your answers, page 22. 1.3.2 Start-up (non-routine) Listen and Answer "Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. There is one question for each dialogue. 1. Why does the pilot ask for an early start-up? 2. How long is the delay and for what reason? 3. Why does the pilot want to delay his departure? Check Check your answers, page 23. 18 Listen and Write Listen again to the same dialogues and complete the texts below: 1 РП- Rexbury Ground, Sunair _____________, good morning ____________ start-up. CTL Sunair 670, ____________ departure 50, _____________ for start. PIL ____________ start-up quickly please. We've got ____________ in the CTL Stand by one. CTL Sunair 670, start-up PIL Starting up. 2 PIL Rexbury Ground, Sunair 539, good morning, ____________ to start. CTL Good morning Sunair 539, there's a ___________ this morning due to a __________, your_________________ is 09.45. PIL 09.45, roger, Sunair 539. 3 PiL Rexbury Ground, Sunair 692, good morning _________ __ start-up. CTL Good morning Sunair 692, ___________ . start-up ____________ . PIL (readback) _________________________________________ PIL (at 25) Sunair 692, we wish to delay our start-up due to _____________ We have one passenger . ___________ . CTL Roger, Sunair 692. Check Check your answers, page 23. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand, or are not sure about. Try to guess the meaning, in English or in your own language, and write it down. Then check with a dictionary-. Make your own vocabulary notebook, like this: Words or expressions Your idea about the meaning Dictionary meaning 19 .................................................. infor mation Mike........... request start-up for New York......... CTL .................................................................................................................................................... good morning..... PIL Whisky Juliet Delta.................... CTL PIL CTL PIL CTL 5 ......... PIL ................................. PIL Winton Gr ound................. Gate 2 1 ...................................................................... PIL Winton Gr ound.................................................................................................................... Alpha Golf 235......................... PIL Starting up... gate 2 1 .............. ..................................................................................................................... Sierra Foxtrot 153........................................................ Alpha Golf........... CTL ............................................................................................................................................................................... CTL ..... 2 CTL ........... information India.................................... CTL 20 Starting up.... ..... ........................................... Foxtr ot Bravo Golf...................................................................... Foxtr ot Bravo Golf................................................................................................. PIL 6 ' PIL Winton Gr ound............... PIL CTL PIL Gate Delta 7......... CTL ............................ request start-up for Athens......................... good mor ning................................................................. Tango Hotel India.... ................................................................................... request start-up for Cairo.. Alpha Golf........... CTL .......................... ........CHECK SECTION 1................ Tango Hotel India............................................................ information Juliet..................................................... ................................................................. PIL Winton Gr ound.......................................................... Sierra Foxtr ot 153...... Whisky Juliet Delta............................................ CTL .... information Kilo......................................................................... Tango Hotel India........................................................................... St a n d i n g b y .......................... stand Charlie 8......................................... good mor ning............... good mor ning.......................... PIL Winton Gr ound. CTL 3 Standing by........................................... ................................................. stand Bravo 5............ good mor ning.. PIL Starting up............................................... November Uni form Mike ................ PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153....1 1 PIL Write (from page 15).................................................................................................. information Charlie.......... N o v e m b e r U n i f o r m M i k e .. request start-up for Frankfurt..... PIL Foxtrot Bravo Golf..............................................................3.............................. request start-up for Rome Fiumiccino........... gate Delta 7.......................................... CTL PIL CTL PIL CTL 4 .................... stand Alpha 9..... ......................................................................... Alpha Golf 235........... also Listen and Speak (page 16) Winton Ground. PIL November Uniform Mike. PIL Standing by...... November Uniform Mike............... good mor ning.................. Novemb er Unif or m Mike......................... Tango Hotel India............... ................. .. stand B5... 2 control replies Go ahead..... good morning..... FBG......... SF153... start-up at 35... start-up at your discretion..... 5 pilot replies Standing by FBG. request start-up for Athens.. FBG. stand B5. request start-up for New York.. request start-up for New York.... 3 pilot replies SF153...1 Starting up...PIL Whisky Juliet Delta....... 4 control replies SF153... PIL 1. 3 pilot replies Roger. (b) 1 pilot calls FBG...... SF153.. Whisky Juliet Delta.. expect departure at 45....... information J. SF153........... 4 control replies FBG. 5 pilot replies Starting up. stand 13................ good morning..... 2 control replies FBG... Hearhrow... information Lima... stand by for start.. CTL.. (b) I call control Winton Ground. 2 control replies Go ahead. 2 control replies SF153.. FBG 21 .3...... SF153.3. request start-up for London..... expecting departure at 45..... stand C8.. stand C8............1 Write (from page 17) (a) 1 pilot calls SF153. sian-up approved..... : 3 pilot replies Roger. Write (from page 15) (a) I call control Winton Ground.. information K...... request start-up for Athens. start-up at 35. 3 pilot replies FBG........ 1. ................... CTL ....... request start-up for Rome Fiumiccino.................... stand 19.......... Sierra Foxtrot 153......................................................... request start-up for Frankfurt.............. CTL ..................................................................... 3 pilot replies Roger. gate 21.................. r equest start-up for London............. stand 5........ infor mation D................................ PIL CTL .... PIL WJD................. r equest start-up for Frankfurt................................... Gate Delta 7........ 1.......... stand A4............ WJD.............. ......................................... r equest start-up for Cairo...... request start-up for New York........................ Roger. PIL Roger ........................ 9 PIL CTL PIL 22 YFL........................................................................... infor mation India....................................................................(с) 1 pilot calls AG235....... start-up at your discretion............................................. PIL Starting up....... Heathr ow.. CTL ........ PIL Roger ... stand 13.............. infor mation L... departur e at 05............. slot time 10........................ slot time 55.................................................. ............. gate 21................................. departur e at 45................. PIL Roger...... stand Alpha 9. CTL 7 ............. KVX... ESQ.. PIL CTL 4 CTL ..... information Charlie.......... r equest start-up for Algier s.................... Tango Hotel India................ start-up at 35............................... infor mation P.. Foxtrot Bravo Golf.... Alpha Golf 235..... information Juliet..................... CTL ............................... r equest start-up for Copenhagen.. infor mation Mike........ slot time 55.................... 5 6 November Unifor m Mike.. PIL Gate Delta 7........... slot time 15..... PIL Roger ....................... Roger ........ r equest start-up for Palma..... Novemb er Unifor m Mike..... ...... infor mation R............. PIL ESQ. AG235....... slot time 55.... information Kilo..................... YFL......1 Listen and Speak (fr om page 18) 1 PIL 2 CTL PIL PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153.................................... PIL Roger ...... 2 control replies AG235.. stand Bravo 5........................... start-up at 50............................................. 8 PIL KVX..........3................................................ stand Charlie 8....... request sun-up for Athens.......... PIL Tango Hotel India.. ................... PIL Whisky Juliet Delta......... 3 Alpha Golf 235............ . We've got livestock in the hold... Sunair 539. Why does the pilot want to delay his departure? Because of a baggage identification process due to a missing passenger.. We have one passenger missing. start-up approved..... Sunair 670.3........... Why does the pilot ask for an early start-up? There is livestock on board.. CTL Roger..... Sunair 692.2 Listen and Write (from page 19) 1 PIL CTL PIL CTL CTL PIL 2 Rexbury Ground.... request stan-up for Madrid.... 23 ........ ............ there's a 55 minute delay this morning due to a com puter failure.. Sunair 692.. request start-up. Sunair 539... (at 25) Sunair 692.... … … .... slot time 35.3. PI L 3 PIL CTL PIL PIL Rexbury Ground..…… 1 Roger. expect departure 50. start-up 10 minutes before...... Rexbury Ground... SECT........... OPR....... How long is the delay and for what reason? A 55 minute delay due to a computer failure............ Sunair 670...... Sunair 692...... Sunair 670....... PIL 09...45.. I ' l l call you back for start..... we wish to delay our start-up due to passenger baggage identification process. ... your slot time is 09.. 2. OPR.. 3... Good morning Sunair 692... good morning... Listen and Answer (from page 18) 1.. request start-up.........2 OPR... :. Standby one............ good morning..... good morning.... Could we start-up quickly please...... start-up 10 minutes before.... CTL Good morning Sunair 539......10 PIL CTL PIL CTL PIL 1... 1......... Starting up............. ready to start.45.. . stand B6........... Stand B6............ Slot time 35...... roger.... information F.. departure at 25.. 4.4. 4.5.4 Key words and phrases Check that you understand the following words and phrases. Listen and Repeat Listen to the dialogues again and repeat the pilot's words.4 DGAC ref. roger. (a) 1 call control 2 control replies SF153. hold position pass behind before after Typical exchange PILOT (a) I — callsign — 'request push-back' — 'from ____(stand number)1 CONTROLLER 2 — aircraft callsign — 'push-back approved' 3 — 'pushing back' callsign (b) 1 — callsign — 'request push-back" — 'from____ (stand number)' 2 — aircraft cajisig — 'expect ____ minutes delay' — 'due…(reason)' 3 — 'holding position' — calIsign Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the recorded dialogues.1 push-back (routine) ICAO ref.4 PUSH-BACK 1.1.3 CAA ref. 11. push-back approved. Write Complete the texts of these dialogues by writing in the pilot's words. 3 pilot replies . Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. starring with the example again. When it seems easy. I CTL Sunair 559. PIL After the 747.2 Push-back (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. after him. 3 pilot replies Check Check your answers. There is one question for each dialogue 1. and you think it is a l l correct. Listen and Speak Ask for push-back for flights 1-6 below. 1 PIL Sunair 559. Listen to the example. page 27. due 747 taxiing behind. there's a 747 to ____________ and _____________ . page 28. expect 2 minutes delay.4. pushing back. 25 . request push-back. 1. Why will there be a delay? Check Check your answers. then continue in the same way. What is causing problems? 3. Callsign 1 SF153 2 FBG 3 AG235 4 THI 5 NUM 6 WJD Parkins stand B5 C8 gate 21 A9 gate D7 13 Check Practise this exercise several times.1 call control 2 control replies FBG. Where is the 747 going? 2. check your answers. pace 27. page 28. CTL Roger Sunair 892.2 PIL Sunair 310. or are not sure about. . call me back when ____________ 3 PIL Sunair 892. Try to guess the meaning. call me back for taxi when you've got it _____________ Check Check your answers. in English or in your own language and write it down. Then check with a dictionary. The ____________ seems to have____________ . Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. we're going to be ____________ . we're ____________ with the _____________ We're waiting for_______ CTL Roger Sunair 310. . P I L H o l d in g p o s i t io n ......... PIL Holding position.................... PIL Holding position........ CTL .............................. PIL Pushing back........................... request push-back from gate 2 1. FBG.....1 Write (from page 24) (a) 1 call control SFI53............................ N U M ........................................ 5 PIL NUM......................1 Listen and Speak (from page 25) 1 PIL SF153............................ request push-back....................... request push-back from stand A9........... 6 PIL WJD............................................................. 2 control replies FBG........................ 2 control replies SF153.............. PIL Holding position.................. NUM... CTL . PIL Stand 13...................................... FBG......... AG235...... CTL ............................................... ...... request push-back......... PIL Pushing back.................................................................................................................................. expect 2 minutes delay.............. roger............................................... WJD........ stand C8.................CHECK 1....... SF153.................................................. PIL Holding position.... 4 PIL THI....... 3 pilot replies Holding position................ SF153.............................. CTL ......... 3 pilot replies Pushing back...................... request push-back from stand C8........ 1...................... PIL Pushing back.................................... CTL ................................. CTL ............................ CTL . CTL .... WJD............... request push-back from gate D7............ CTL .. request push-back from stand B5................ 3 PIL AG235...................... 27 ................... CTL . push-back approved............... stand B5...4.. THI................................. FBG........... WJD.............. due 747 taxiing behind... (b) 1 call control FBG.................. request push-back from stand 13....................... 2 PIL FBG........................................................................... PIL Holding position...........4........................................................................................... we're having problems with the tow-bar. CTL Roger Sunair 310. push-back approved. 3 PIL Sunair 892. 2 PIL Sunair 310.1. pushing back.2 Listen and Write (from page 25) 1 PIL Sunair 559. The tug seems to have broken down. request push-back. 2. we're going to be delayed for a while.4. CTL Sunair 559. call me back for taxi when you've got it sorted out.4. there's a 747 to pass behind and park behind. PIL After the 747. call me back when ready. The tow-bar. 3.2 Listen and Answer (from page 25) 1. We're waiting for another one. after him. CTL Roger Sunair 892. What is causing problems. 1. . Why will there be a delay? The tug has broken down. Where is the 747 going? It is passing behind to park. first second third turning on your right/left give way overtake follow straight ahead intersection in front of you turn off Phraseology practice Look. Take the second turning on the left. so write N beside Instruction 1 in the table.5.6 TAXIING 1. Listen and Write Listen to the taxi instructions. Instruction number Aircraft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 29 .1.5 ICAO ref. 4 4 CAA ref. This instruction applies to aircraft November. Write the correct aircraft in the table.1 Taxi (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all die words and phrases in this list.5 11. 4 5 DGACrefs 11. look at the diagrams and identify which aircraft the instructions apply to. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.5. Example: 1.5. . . like this: Example: A (Alpha) Go straight ahead at the intersection. 1. Look at the diagrams on pages 30—31 and give taxi instructions to the aircraft named on the tape.1 11. page 37.5. 4.2 Check Check your answers. Stan with the example again.5.5.5 DGAC ref.2 Taxi (routine exchanges) Typical exchanges PILOT CONTROLLER (a) 1 pilot calls — callsign — request for taxi 3 pilot replies — read back — callsisn 5 pilot replies — traffic in sight — callsign 32 2 (pause).5. 11.4 САА ref.5. you will hear the correct instructions on the tape after you have spoken. take the controller's pan and give the taxi instructions. page 37.ICAO ref 4. Check Check your answers. controller replies — callsign — instruction to taxi — via taxiway____ (code name) — to holding point ____ (runway name) 4 control calls — callsign — give way to_____ (aircraft type) — passing ___ (direction) . Look and Speak This time. (b) 1 pilot calls — callsign — request taxi 2 control replies — callsign — instruction to taxi via taxiway______ — to holding point_____ 3 pilot replies — read back — callsign (pause) 4 pilot calls — callsign — approaching holding point____ (clearance limit) — request cross runway ____ (runway name) 5 control replies — callsign — negative — hold short runway 6 pilot replies — holding short — callsign 8 pilot replies — callsign — cross runway 7 control calls — callsign — cross runway . In general. the language used for taxi instructions is affected by each particular airport layout. --There is a time lapse and/or dialogue with other traffic between: pilot pilot pilot pilot reply 3 and control call in (a) 4 reply 3 and pilot call in (b) 4 reply 6 and control call in (b) 7 reply 8 and pilot call in (b) 9 33 . it seems the callsign comes at the end when the pilot expects a break to come in the dialogue with control. — report vacated 9 pilot calls — callsign — runway vacated NOTES --In practice. DGAC regulations use 'crossing' instead of 'cross'. This conforms to the ICAO and CAA publica tions (DGAC does not use callsigns in its regulations). --In pilot reply (b) 8. --Position of callsign in pilot replies. cross runway 29L. 5 pilot replies (b) 1 pilot calls 2 control replies SFI33. hold short runway 29L. Check with the tape if necessary. taxi via runway C. to holding point 29L. (a) 1 pilot calls 2 control replies SFI33. taxi via taxiway С to holding point 29L. give way to the 747 passing left to right. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. 3 pilot replies 4 pilot calls 5 control replies SF133. negative. 8 pilot replies 9 pilot calls . 3 pilot replies 4 control calls SF133. report vacated.Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the recorded dialogues. Write Complete the texts by filling in the pilot's words. 6 pilot replies 7 control calls SF133. When it seems easy. a_____________dog_____________ the taxiway ___ | _________ . page 40. Your callsign is SF133. to wait for the 'follow me'? Check Check your answers.3 Taxi (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and answer these questions. CTL Sunair 978. check your answers. starting with the example again. Listen to the example and continue in the same way.5. page 39. page 38. Why does the aircraft have. CTL Thank you Sunair 978. What crossed in front of the plane and where was it going? 3. ____________ was it going? PIL__________________________ . and you think it is all correct. CTL Sunair 978 ____________ runway 32. Why must the plane pull in? 4. 1. Which runway must the pilot backtrack. reaching ____________ runway 32. _____________ call me back _____________ . request taxi. and which runway must he cross? 2.Check Check your answers. PIL (readback) ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ PIL Sunair 978. _________ . PIL ____________ runway 32. 35 . Listen and Speak Ask for taxi instructions and reply to the controller. Check Practise this exercise several times. ___________________________ . 2 PIL Sunair 978. 1. CTL Sunair 978. we'll try to get someone . Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below: 1 P1L Sunair 978. There is one question for each dialogue. and write it down. Wait there_____________ . Check Check your answers. 4 CTL Sunair 497. Try to guess the meaning in English or in your own language. PIL______________ Sunair 385.3 CTL Sunair 385._____________ You _____________ . or are not sure about. page 40.____________ . Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. . Then check with a dictionary. wilco. PIL Sunair 497. there's a Concorde____________ . (Hotel) Taxi straight ahead. (Oscar) Take the first left turn-off. (Lima) Take the third turning on the right.5.1 Listen and Write (from page 29) Instruction number 1. (India) Take the first turning on the right. (Delta) Follow the aircraft in front of you. (Mike) Take the second turning on the right. . (Golf) There's an aircraft overtaking you on your right. (Charlie) Give way to the aircraft on your left.1 Aircraf 1 N 2 A or J 3 C 4 I 5 K 6 F 7 O 8 P 9 D Look and Speak (from page 32) A С D G H I К L M N О P (Alpha) Go straight ahead at the intersection.CHECK 1 5. (Kilo) Give way to the aircraft on your right. (November) Take the second turning on the left. (Papa) Take the third turning on the left. 2 Write (from page 35) (a) 1 pilot calls SF133. SF133. 3 pilot replies Taxiway С to holding point 29L. 6 pilot replies Holding short. 4 pilot calls SF133. 7 control calls SF133. cross runway 29L. 2 control replies SF133. request taxi. runway vacated. 9 pilot calls SF133. SF133. 3 pilot replies Taxiway С to holding point 29L. cross runway 29L.5. give way to the 747 passing left to right. taxi via taxiway C. SF133. 5 pilot replies Traffic in sight. request taxi. (b) 1 pilot calls SF133. taxi via taxiway С to holding point 29L. to holding point 29L.1. SF133. report vacated. 2 control replies SF133. hold short runway 29L. approaching holding point 29L. 5 control replies SF133. negative. 8 pilot replies SF133. 38 . request cross runway 29L. 4 control calls SF133. .......................................................... SFI33............ cross runwa y 29L..................................................... PIL Following the 767......... SF133............................................ cross runwa y 18................................... CTL ....... PI L Holding short.......................... request taxi............................. .................................................... CTL ...............5................. request cross runway I S ....................................................................... CTL ................. PIL Taxiway С to holding point 29L........2 Listen and Speak (from page 35) 1 PIL SF133................. PIL Taxiway E to holding point runway 18.... PIL Hold at next intersection.................................... CTL ........................................................................ SF133............................................................. PIL SFI33 approaching holding point runway 18....................... 39 ..................................................................... PIL Taxiway I to holding point runway 3 1........................................................... 3 PI L SF133.......................... CTL ................................... CTL ......................... re q u e s t c r o s s ru n w a y 3 1 .......................................... PIL SFI33..... PIL SF133.............................................. SFI33 .... request cross runway 29L...... PIL Taxi to holding point runway 09................................. SFI33............................................................. SF133. SF133................... 2 PIL SFI33 ........................................ re q ues t ta xi................................................... ........................................... SF133............... request taxi.................. CTL ............... CTL ...... SF133.......................................................................................... PIL Ex p e d i tin g ............................................... a p p r o a c h i n g h o l d in g p o i n t ru n w a y 3 1 ...................... PI L SF I3 3 ... approaching holding point 29L............................ SF133................................................... 5 PIL SF133....... SFI33. cross runway 31.................................................................................................... PIL SF133........................... 6 PIL SF133 r request taxi................. CTL .. CTL ........... CTL ............. traffic in sight............. runway vacated................................................................................. CTL ... PIL Traffic in sight........................... request taxi... 4 PI L SF133..................... ...... runway vacated.......... PIL Taxiway D to holding point runway 14.................. request taxi......................... traffic in sight............................................................................................................................................ CTL ............... PIL Hold at next intersection.................... PIL SF133.......... PIL SF133...................................................... CTL -----..........1........................ PIL CTL PIL PIL Holding short................................ SF133............ PIL Taxiway С to holding point 29L................................... runway vacated................ CTL ... SFI33........................... SF133................................................................................................. traffic in sight....................... traffic in sight...... PIL Taxiway D4. 3. pull in to the right. cross runway 32. 40 .3 Write (from page 35) 1 PIL Sunair 978. Which runway must the pilot backtrack.5.5. you've gone too far. reaching intersection with runway 32. 4. 4 CTL Sunair 497. a large dog has just crossed the taxiway ahead of us. PIL Pulling in. You missed taxiway D4.1. cross runway 32. backtrack to threshold runway 11. Sunair 978.3 Listen and Answer (from page 35) 1. What crossed in front of the plane and where was it going? A large dog crossed in front going from right to left. 2 Sunair 978. Why does the aircraft have to wait for the 'follow me'? He missed the correct taxiway. PIL Sunair 497. CTL Sunair 978. we'll try to get someone to catch it . backtrack 1 1 . 1. Wait there for the 'follow me' car. CTL Sunair 978. taxiway D4. PIL 3 CTL Sunair 385. Sunair 3S5. CTL Sunair 978. PIL Sunair 978. call me back reaching 32. on your left. call you back reaching 32. which direction was it going? PIL It crossed from right to left. there's a Concorde overtaking you. 2. and which runway must he cross? He must backtrack runway 11. PIL Crossing runway 32. request taxi. Why must the plane pull in? The plane must pull in to allow a Concorde to overtake on the left. and cross runway 32. wilco. CTL Thank you Sunair 978. 5.7. holding point wait on final in sight landing behind hold short number 2 for departure negative departure Typical Exchanges PILOT (a) CONTROLLER 1 pilot calls — callsign — position (holding point__) 3 pilot replies — 'lining up' — callsign 2 control replies — callsign — instruction 'line up and wait' (b) 1 pilot calls — callsign — position 2 control replies callsign — 'report the______ sight' (aircraft type) on final 3 pilot replies — callsign — ' ___ (aircraft type) in sight' 4 control replies — callsign — 'behind the landing___ on final line up behind 5 pilot replies — behind the landing__ line up — callsign 41 .3 Key words and phrases Check that you understand the following words and phrases.4 DGAC ref . CAA ret 4. 4.1 ICАО ref.6 1.2 4.1.6. 115. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.7.6.2 Line-up (routine) 4.2 4.3 LINE-UP 4. the CAA phraseology is: 4. line up and wait. Listen and Repeat Repeat the pilot's words. (pilot replies) — 'after the ____ (aircraft type) line up' — callsign Phraseology practice Listen Listen to dialogue ( a ) . Write Write in the missing words. 3 pilot replies 42 . Listen and Repeat Repeat the pilot's words. (control replies) — callsign — 'after that ____ (aircraft type) line up' 5. Listen to the tape again if necessary (a) 1 pilot calls SF153. 2 control replies SF153.__ 28R. Listen Listen to dialogue ( b ) .(с) 1 pilot calls — callsign — position 2 control replies — callsign — 'hold short of the runway* — you're number 2 for departure after the ____(aircraft type) 3 pilot replies — 'holding short' — number 2 for departure — callsign 4 control calls — callsign — line up and wait 5 pilot replies — 'lining up' — callsign NOTES — In control reply (b) 4 and pilot reply (b) 5. Listen and Repeat Repeat the pilot's words. Listen Listen to dialogue (c). 5 pilot replies (c) 1 pilot calls AG235. Listen and Speak Using the information below. line up behind. 43 . page 46. 5 pilot replies Check Check your answers. page 45. as in the recorded example. hold short of the runway. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Callsign SF153 FBG AG235 ESQ KVX YFL OPR ZE692 Holding point 28R 19 25 13L 05 33 18 09 Check Practise this exercise several times. No. 3 pilot replies 4 control replies FBG. call the Tower from the correct holding point and reply to the instructions. you're number 2 for departure after the Airbus. 2 control replies AG235. line up and wait. 3 pilot replies 4 control calls AG235. 2 control replies FBG. behind the landing Airbus on final. When it seems easy.(b) 1 Рilot calls FBG _____________ 19. _ 25. and you think it is all correct. check your answers. report the Airbus on final in sight. and write it down.1. Sunair 968. Why can't the aircraft line up? 3. page 46. we have a ___________ _. .____________ . in English or in your own language. line up and . PIL Wildo. Sunair 473. ____________ holding point 29. ____________ 32. page 47. Request _____________to tow us back to the apron. 2 PIL Sunair 473. turn in the_____________ „ take the first ____________ onto ______________ J. PIL Sunair 329. 1 PIL Sunair 329.6-2 Line-up (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions below. or are not sure about. holding point 18 Left. There is one question for each dialogue. CTL Suggest you hold there _____________ the_____________ is rapidly approaching ____________ of the runway. Try to guess the meaning. 3 PIL Sunair 968. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. . Why can't the aircraft line up? 2. Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. the ____________ seems to be CTL Do you require a _____________? PIL Affirm. ___________turn onto _____________ J. Check Check your answers. CTL Roger. Then check with a dictionary. CTL Sunair 329. Why does the pilot ask to return to the stand? Check Check your answers. request return to _____________ the ____________ arc _____________. 1. PIL . 3 pilot replies Holding short. behind the landing Airbus on final. FBG. 3 pilot replies FBG. line up and wait. hold short of the runway. 4 control replies FBG. your're number 2 for departure after the Airbus. SF153. (b) 1 pilot calls FBG. holding point 25.CHECK 1. Airbus in sight. line up behind. holding point 28R. (c) 1 pilot calls AG235. 3 pilot replies Lining up. 2 control replies SF153. number 2 for departure. 2 control replies AG235. report the Airbus on final in sight. . 5 pilot replies Behind the landing Airbus. 2 control replies FBG. 4 control colls AG235. line up and wait.1 Write (from Page 43) (a) 1 pilot calls SF153. AG235. 5 pilot replies Lining up.6. line up. holding point 19. AG235. .................. PIL Lining up......................1 Listen and Speak (from page 43) 1 PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153................ PIL Holding position...................... CTL ....................................................... CTL ............................................................................ CTL ................................................................ CTL ............ CTL ........................................................................................................ Zulu Echo 692............................... Alpha Golf 235................. 3 PIL Alpha Golf 235................2 Listen and Answer ........................................................... holding point 28R......................... 8 PIL Zulu Echo 692... 2 PIL Foxtrot Bravo Golf........................... CTL……………………………………………………………………………………………….............. PIL Behind the landing Airbus line up.............. Why can't the aircraft line up? The nose wheel steering is jammed................. PIL Holding short..... PIL Echo Sierra Quebec................................................................................................. PIL Foxtrot Bravo Golf............................. CTL ......... 6................ number 2 for departure.................................... holding point 19.........6.............. number 2 for departure. : .............................. number 2 for departure................. Kilo Victor X-ray............................ Yankee Foxtrot Lima................ PIL Lining up. .. Alpha Golf 235............................ 767 in sight........................................... CTL .......... 3............................... 46 .... holding point 05. CTL ............................ Kilo Victor X-ray..... Oscar Papa Romeo......... holding point 13 Left....................................... Foxtrot Bravo Golf......... CTL ....................................................................................... CTL . 2.................................... PIL Holding short..... CTL ............ Echo Sierra Quebec...................................... .. 5 PIL Kilo Victor X-ray.. PIL Lining up............. holding point 25....................................... PIL Behind the landing 767 line up. PIL Lining up....... holding point 18............. Sierra Foxtrot 153.......................................... Why can't the aircraft line up? There is a thunderstorm approaching the far end of the runway.................... Oscar Papa Romeo... 7 PIL Oscar Papa Romeo.................................... PIL Lining up......... CTL ....... CTL ...................................................... holding point 33.................... 6 PIL Yankee Foxtrot Lima................................................................... Airbus in sight.. 4 PIL Echo Sierra Quebec.................................. Why does the pilot ask to return to the stand? The brakes are overheating.................................... holding point 09...........................(from page 44) 1...........................................................................................1........................................................................ PIL Lining up............................................ 1.6.2 listen and Write (from page 44) I PIL Sunair 329, holding point 32. CTL Sunair 329, line up-and wait. (pause) PIL Sunair 329, we have a problem, the nose wheel steering seems to be jammed. CTL Do you require a tug? PIL Affirm. Request tug to tow us back to the apron. 2 PIL Sunair 473, holding point 18 Left. CTL Suggest you hold there for a few minutes, the thunderstorm is rapidly approaching the far end of the runway. PIL Wilco, Sunair 473. 3 PIL Sunair 968, reaching holding point 29, request return to stand, the brakes are overheating. CTL Roger, Sunair 968, turn in the holding bay, take the first convenient left turn, onto taxiway Juliet. PIL Left turn onto taxiway Juliet. 1.7 1.7.1 REVIEW OF PART ONE Routine phraseology review Start-up and push-back Write The dialogue for start-up and push-back has been mixed up. Put it into the correct sequence: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) — Sunair 369, request push-back from C6. — Starting up, Sunair 369. — Sunair 369, stand C6, information Fox, request start-up for Winton. — Sunair 369, push-back approved. — Sunair 369, start-up approved. — Sunair 369, hold position, I 'll call you back. — Go ahead Sunair 369. — Rexbury Ground, Sunair 369, good morning. Check Check your answers, page 00. Taxi and line-up Write Put the dialogue for taxi and line-up into the correct sequence. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) — — — — — — Holding point 12, Sunair 369. Sunair 369, l i n e up and wait. Winton Ground, Sunair 369 ready to taxi. Lining up, Sunair 369. Reaching holding point 12, Sunair 369. Sunair 369, taxi to holding point 12. Check Check your answers, page 53. 1.7.2 Flight from Rexbury to winton {from departure ATIS to line-up) Scenario Winton is 1200 nautical miles East of Rexbury. The alternate for Winton is Overby, 75 Bau'JcaJ miles North West of Winter;. !;c л-bridgc Airport is 50 miles South Eas; of Rexbury. 48 Rexbury Airport Runway: 29 Taxiways: Yankee, Delia SID's: November 2, Romeo 1, Golf 5 Tower frequency: 118.3 Approach frequency: 120.26 Rexbury Area Control: 128.9 En route New County Upper Control: 135.9 Valley Control: 128.5 Meadow Control: 126.3 Winton Airport Runways: 07, 12 Taxiways: Inner/Outer Tower frequency: 118.1 Winton Radar frequency: 121.1 Approach frequency: 121.3 Ground frequency: 121.7 VOR-RED (Redhill) Reporting points RIV (River) BCK (Blackrock) LAK (Lake) RED (Redhill) Listen and Read You are flying from Rexbury to Winton. Your callsign is Sunair 367 your stand is 19. The time is 13.40. The recording begins with ATIS information, and then asks you to make initial contact with Rexbury Ground. Listen and Speak Follow the instructions on the tape, and reply to the controller. Check Check your answers, page 53. 1.7.3 Flight from Dublin to Paris (initial contact to line-up) Listen and Read Flight plan details: cailsign: SF309 reporting points: Liffy Wallasey Telba Midhurst Study the maps provided on pages 50—52 before you start. Runways at Dublin; 1 1 , 17 and 23. Note that the callsign letters Sierra Foxtrot arc often abbreviated to Sierra Fox. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's pan, follow the instructions on the tape and reply to the controller. The exercise contains route clearance, so you must be ready to copy (have pencil and paper ready). The exercise starts with initial contact with Dublin Ground Control. Check Check your answers, page 54. . . . taxi to holding point 12................................................................... PIL Tower on 118. (1) CTL Sunair 369.. push-back approved...30 Zulu time.............................. CTL ........ PIL Sunair 367...... CTL ................... (5) CTL Sunair 369........... PIL Sunair 367............................ (3) CTL Sunair 369............. goodbye............................................................ (7) PIL Sunair 369........ information F................. temperature 14...CHECK Start-up and push-back 1 Write (from page 48) PIL Rexbury Ground...................... climb to FL110 initially.. good afternoon................... Sunair 367...1 Write (from page 48) PIL Winton Ground............. Take-off and landing runway 29.................................... Sunair 367................ Sunair 367......... C T L ..................7............................... ( I ) PIL Reaching holding point 12... request start-up.. PIL Ready to copy........................ Stand C6...... QNH 1023............ 53 .............................................. CAVOK........2 Listen and Speak (from page 49) ATIS This is Rexbury departure information Foxtrot at 13......................... Sunair 367..................... (6) Taxl and line-up 1..... (8) CTL Go ahead Sunair 369..................... PIL Holding point 29.. CTL . I ' l l call you back.. request push-back.............. level change en route.................... CTL ................................. (6) PIL Holding point 12.............. PIL Starting up..... taxiway D............................. request push-back CTL ....3..................... request start-up for Winton. (2) PIL Lining up. wind 260° 12 knots.......................... (2) PIL Sunair 369.from C6.... (3) CTL Sunair 369... CTL .......... dew point 11................... PIL Sunair 367 is cleared to Winton via flight planned route................. PIL Stand 19... Sunair 369............ PIL Rexbury Tower.......... Sunair 367..................... CTL .......... information Fox received.... (4) CTL Sunair 369............................ good morning.... no sig.............................................................. Sunair 367. Sunair 369.............................................................. .............................. Sunair 369............................................... start-up approved...................................................... Sunair 369 ready to taxi..... Sunair 369................................. hold position............................................... Golf 5 departure.................7................... This was information Foxtrot.................. line up and wait.. stand 19.................... (4) 1.......... reaching holding point 29......... (5) PIL Starting up....... CTL ........................ PIL Rexbury Ground.. Sunair 369...... good afternoon........... ............ PIL SF309............................................................................... cleared to Paris Orly........ PIL SF309............ CTL ................................................3 Listen and Speak (from page 49) PIL Dublin Ground............ FL230 to request level change........... Dublin Tower 118............ What is the departure runway? CTL .................. 1......................................................... CTL ......................... PIL Runway 17.............6...................... PIL Behind the landing 727 line up........ CTL ....................................................................7........... via Liffy Blue 1.............................................. CTL .............. PIL Dublin Tower.................................................. SF309.. SF309.......... 727 in sight............................................ 110° 20 knots............................................. SF309............... flight planned route....... goodbye............. CTL ............................................................................... 54 ............................................................................. SF309.......................................................................................... good morning............ CTL .................................................................................................................................... PIL Ready to copy......................................................................................... approved to line up and wait runway 17............... CTL ................................................................................................................ PIL We'll be ready to start-up in 20 minutes.... SF3O9....................................... expediting........................... PIL Backtrack runway 1 1 ...................................................... Sunair 367....... PIL Backtrack 11......... CTL ......PIL Sunair 367............ 8 SUPPLEMENTARY VOCABULARY 1. push-back final approach taxi take-off roll touch-down line-up phase of flight I 2 3 4 5 6 7 ■ 8 9 10 II 12 Check Check your answers. climb take-off descent start-up approach cruise no.1. filling in the table below. page 58. 55 .1 Phases of flight Write Put the different phases of flight in the correct sequence.8. ___ terminal building . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Check Check your answers.1. page 58 56 holding bay/area high-speed turn-off runway holding point passenger steps threshold . ___ intersection . . No.2 Airport Words Look and Write Look at the pictures and write down the number that corresponds to these words.8. ___ satellite ____ tower ____ jetway ____ taxiway No. it helps you not to get lost used at push-back used for electrical power at the parking stand for extinguishing fires to clear the tarmac on winter days it carries fuel it carries food it takes passengers to the plane like a huge bus which rises to the level of the door shuttle bus fuel tanker GPU (ground power unit) FOLLOW ME van mobile lounge catering truck snow plough fire truck tug Check Check your answers. and write in the names of each vehicle.1. 57 . page 58. Match them with the list of vehicles under the table.8.3 Airport vehicles Read and Write Look at the list of phrases in the table which describe different vehicles found at an airport. 8.CHECK 1. 10 4 2 12 8 9 No. 6 3 II 5 7 1 Write (from page 55) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 terminal building intersection satellite tower jetway taxiway holding area/bay high-speed turn-off runway holding point passenger steps threshold Read and Write (from page 57) it helps you not to get lost FOLLOW ME van used at push-back tug used for electrical power at the parking stand GPU for extinguishing fires fire truck to clear the tarmac on winter days snow plough it carries fuel fuel tanker it carries food catering truck it takes passengers to the plane shuttle bus like a huge bus which rises to the level of the door mobile lounge .2 Look and Write (from page 56) No. Part Two Take-off To top of climb . page 64. 92 9.2 9. Read Study the following definitions: Distress: a dangerous situation requiring immediate assistance. not procedure.3 CAA ref. The exercises in this section are designed to practise language. 9. Read and Write Classify these incidents into the 'distress' or 'urgency* category. total electrical failure depressurisation fire in the hold fire in the toilets fuel endurance 10 minutes at initial approach phase a bomb scare injuries among passengers and cabin crew after severe turbulence engine flameout bird ingestion at initial climb.4 DGAC ref. For example: Uncontrollable engine fire is a distress situation. and write them in the table below. one engine shut down wheel well fire passenger with a heart attack Distress Urgency Check Check your answers. A passenger taken seriously ill is an urgency situation.DISTRESS AND URGENCY MESSAGES ICAO ref. 9. 61 . Urgency: a dangerous situation not requiring immediate assistance.3 NОТЕ: Each Incident in real life is different and must be evaluated separately.3 9. Problem Possible action 1. — — — — — — — — — — — look for a doctor on board and land as soon as possible put on oxygen mask and make an emergency descent land immediately release fire bottle and land immediately ask for priority landing change level look for VMC conditions and land return to the airport try to extinguish the fire and land immediately land immediately try to make an airstart Check Check your answers. 62 aircraft identification description of the emergency intention of the pilot position. fire in the toilets 5. Think of actions you might take to solve each problem. bird ingestion after take-off 11. fire in the hold 4. MAYDAY 2. MAYDAY. passenger with heart attack Now look at this list of possible actions to solve the problems. Read Distress messages should consist of: 1. level and heading other information . engine flameout 10. a bomb scare 7. The same answer may be used several times. 6. 5.Read and Write Look at this list of possible incidents durine flight. total electrical failure 2. 3. fuel endurance very low 6. wheel well fire 12. page 6-4. severe icing 8. Choose an action for each problem and write it in the table above. injuries among passengers and cabin crew after severe turbulence 9. depressurisation 3. 4. MAYDAY. and call control. Winton is 1200 miles East of Rexbury. 3. Decide on the appropriate action. 5. page 64. with 'MAYDAY' replaced by PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN 1. 4. (There are no 'right answers' because there are so many variables in real life. 6.) 63 . 1 Sunair 664 — 60 miles West of Winton — FL310 — depressurisation 2 Sunair 967 — 40 miles East of Rexbury — FL280 — bomb scare 3 Sunair 663 — 20 miles East of Rexbury — FL190 — bird ingestion — one engine shut down 4 Sunair 525 — 15 miles North East of Rexbury — FL140 — wheel well fire Check Check your answers. Read You are flying from Rexbury to Winton on a twin engined jet aircraft. PAN PAN aircraft identification description of the emergency intention of the pilot position.Urgency messages should have the same elements. PAN PAN. 2. situated 75 miles North-West of Winton. The flight time is about 2 hours. alternate for Winton is Overby. Newbridge airport is 50 miles South-East of Rexbury. PAN PAN. but you can compare the possible answers with your own. level and heading other information -: Listen and Read Listen to the recorded examples of distress and urgency messages. Listen and Speak Look at the following flight details and situations. You will hear a version of each call after you speak. severe icing change level 8. total electrical failure look for VMC conditions and land 2. passenger with heart attack look for a doctor on board and land as soon as possible 64 . fuel endurance very low ask for priority landing 6. a bomb scare land immediately 7. depressurisation put on oxygen mask and make an emergency descent 3.1 Read and Write (from page 61) Distress Urgency total electrical failure fuel endurance 10 minutes at initial approach fire in the hold fire in the toilets wheel well fire depressurisation a bomb scare injuries among passengers and cabin crew engine flameout bird ingestion passenger with a heart attack (Remember. each real situation is different so the 'answers' to this exercise may be different) 2.CHECK 2. fire in the hold land immediately 4. injuries among passengers and cabin crew after severe turbulence look for a doctor on board and land as soon as possible 9. fire in the toilets try to extinguish the fire and land immediately 5. wheel well fire release fire bottle and land immediately 12. bird ingestion after take-off return to the airport 11.1 Read and Write (from page 62) Problem Possible Action 1. engine flameout try to make an airstart 10. Sunair 967. 4 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. There seems to be a bomb on board. We have a fire warning on the main gear. We have shut down one engine due to bird ingestion. Squawking A7700. Emergency descent due to depressurisation. Position 40 miles East of Rexbury. PAN PAN. Leaving flight level 310 descending to flight level 100 over. MAYDAY. 3 Sunair 663. we are coming back. PAN PAN. Sunair 525. Request priority landing and emergency services. Request emergency landing at Rexbury. flight level 280. heading 270. Position 60 miles west of Winton. Flight level 190. flight level 140.Listen and Speak (from page 63) 1 MAYDAY. 2 PAN PAN. We are coming back to Rexbury. Our position is 15 miles North East of Rexbury. 65 . Sunair 664. MAYDAY. Rexbury Control 20 miles East of Rexbury. Request descent SEC and landing data at Rexbury. 4.3 11.7.2. 11.7. ICAO and CAA use 'cleared to takeoff. I call control 2 control replies SF153.2 ICAO ref. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.callsign — ready to depart CONTROLLER 2 control replies — aircraft callsign — clearance — wind direction & strength 3 pilot replies — readback clearance (— wind data) — callsign NOTES — The pilot can omit the wind data in the reply. wind 290° 12 knots.6.7 4.7.4 4.8 DGAC ref. Check with the tape if necessary.6.E. immediate report immediately stop obstructing calm vacate cancel vehicle Typical exchange PILOT I call control -. cleared for takeoff.2 4.5.1 4.5.4 2.5 4. 4. — In pilot reply 3.6. Phraseology practice 1 Listen Listen to the dialogue on the tape.7. 3 pilot replies .1 4.1 таке-off (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words in this list. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. 4.8 TAKE-OFF CAAref.7.7. DGAC variant is 'taking off.7 4. Write Complete the dialogue below by writing in the pilot's words. and reply to me controller's instructions.callsign -.Check Check your answers. 1 2 3 4 Check Check your answers. starting with the example again.instruction to hold -.«holding» . Listen to the example and then continue in the same way.aircraft callsign -. Listen and Speak Get take-off clearance for the flights below. page 71. Typical exchange If the controller wants to stop the departure or vacate the runway quickly. page 71.callsign 5c pilot replies --«stopping» --callsign or 4c control calls -. Callsign SF153 FBG AG235 ESQ No.instruction to stop repeated 67 68 . the exchange looks like this: CONTROLLER PILOT 1 call control — callsign — "ready to depart" 2 control replies — aircraft callsign ---clearance — wind direction & strength 3 pilot replies — readback clearance (— wind data) — callsign 4a control calls — aircraft callsign — instruction to take off or vacate 5a pilot replies — intention (either take off or vacate) — callsign or 4b control calls -.Cancellation of take-off 5b pilot replies . request return to parking area. . Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. Why did the controller stop the take-off? 3. ready for departure. CTL Do you request taxi to the ____________ Sunair 332? PIL ____________ . page 73. There is one question for each dialogue. Sunair 332. PIL Sunair 596. ______________________________________________________ coming from left main fgear.2 Take-off (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. Why was the take-off abandoned? 2. cleared to take-off. taking off. PIL Sunair 596 stopping.1 SF153 2 FBG 3 AG235 4 JDI 5 МРН 6 RST 7 DNO 8 UCQ Check Check your answers. PIL Sunair 332_____________ Take-off abandoned. request _____________ . PIL Taking off. (pause) CTL Sunair 596. PIL Sunair 596. page 72. 69 . __________________________. 3 PIL Sunair 879. Why was the take-off aborted? Check Check your answers. 2. 1. ________________________ . 2 PIL Sunair 596. ____________ . take-off____________ due to _____________ We _____________ slightly off the runway. due to _____________ .2. cleared to take-off. 1 CTL Sunair 332. CTL Sunair 596. and write it down. we'll get a_____________to come out to you as well. Check Check your answers. the right gear is ____________ Request __________________ _____ and ____________ to take the passengers to the______________ CTL Roger. are you able to_____________ ? PE. Try to guess the meaning in English or in your own language. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. Sunair 879. Negative. 70 . page 74.CTL Sunair 879. Then check with a dictionary. or are not sure about. ........ 4 control calls SF153............................................................................... 2........ wind 290' 12 knots. 1 Listen and Write (from page 66) (a) 1 call control SF153... AG235.................. SFI53................1 Write (from page 68) (a) I call control SF153 ready for departure.............2.. wind calm....................... PIL Cleared for take-off...........2........... 3 PIL AG235 ready for departure. SF153.............. CTL . SF153............ 2 PIL FBG ready for departure........ report airborne....................................................... 2 control replies SFI53................. PIL Cleared for take off..... FBG.. SF153.. 005°.............. ESQ.2............................................... CTL ............................ CTL .......CHECK 2............................ 290е 12 knots..... 2 control replies SFI53. 290° 12 knots................................................. 4 PIL ESQ ready for departure........ 19 knots.................... 8 knots... 71 ...1 Listen and Speak (from page 67) 1 PIL SF 153 ready for departure...... cleared for take-off..... CTL ................................ 5 pilot replies Taking off.................................... CTL .............................. wind 290° 12 knots.......................... cleared for take-off...................... ready for departure........... 3 pilot replies Cleared for take-off.... 2.... 200°..... 3 pilot replies Cleared for take-off..... take-off immediately or vacate runway.... PIL Cleared for take-off....... PIL Cleared for take-off........................................... .. ... AG235.... FBG ready for departure 3 pilot replies Cleared for take-off..... cancel take-off. stop immediately. 3 pilot replies Cleared for takeoff........... control replies AG235 cleared for take-off..(b) 1 call сопtrol 2 control replies FBG cleared for Lake off..... wind calm... Taking off. Cleared for take-off...... 200° 8 knots FBG.....2... PiL CTL PiL CTL PIL SF153 ready for departure. cancel take-off.. 290° 12 knots............. hold position..... (c) 1 call control AG235 ready for departure.. stop immediately...... ............. wind 200° 8 knots............... FBG. SF153........ 4 5 control calls pilot replies Holding.... wind calm......1 Listen and Speak (from page 69) 1 : 72 pilot replies Stopping.. 5 2........... FBG..... I say again........ SF153 ....... AG235......... AG235 4 control calls AG235. .........2 РIL FBG ready for departure CTL ............... 2............ 170° 13 knots....................... CTL ...................................................................... JDI............... 4 PIL JDI ready for departure................... 3 PIL AG235 ready for departure....................... PIL Stopping........ P IL Clear ed for take...................................... CTL .............................................. CTL ................................... PIL Cleared for take-off................................ P IL Clear ed for take-off.................................................. CTL ........... Why did the controller stop the take-off? He stopped the take-off because of fire in the left main gear......................... CTL ............. CTL ... 3........... AG235............................ 340° 5 knots............. MPH......................................................... PIL Holding FBG. MPH.............. 090° 7 knots...................... PIL RST ready for departure............... 7 PIL DNO ready for departure............................................................................... FBG....................................................................................................... 150° II knots......................... PIL Cleared for take-off..... 222 Listen and Answer (from page 69) 1..................... CTL ...... CTL ... PIL Holding...................... PIL Cleared for take-off...................................... RST................. CTL ............... RST...... DNO..................................................... Why was the take-off abandoned? It was abandoned because of engine failure................................................ PIL 6 Taking off (or 'vacating runway').......... 73 ...... UCQ.............. CTL DNO.............................................................................................. 8 PIL UCQ ready for departure.............. AG235.... PIL Clear ed for ta ke-off........................................... PIL Holding..................................... UCQ...................................................... PIL Stopping.......................................................................................................................................................... CTL ............ 120° 16 knots............................. PIL Cleared for take-off................................ CTL ........................... 200° 8 knots............................... PIL Stopping JDI................................................................... 5 PIL MPH ready for departure....................................................... wind calm........................... Why was the take-off aborted? It was aborted due to a tyre blow-out............................................................................. CTL ...................................... are you able to taxi off the runway? PIL Negative. cleared to take-off. Taking off. activating escape slides. PIL Sunair 332 stopping.2. CTL Sunair 879. ready for departure.2. stop immediately. 2 PIL Sunair 596. flames coming from left main gear. Sunair 332. CTL Do you request taxi to the parking area Sunair 332? PIL Affirm. I say again.2 Listen and Write (from page 69) 1 CTL Sunair 332. taking off. РIL. cleared for take-off. 74 . (pause) CTL Sunair 596. request emergency services. Sunair 879. PIL Sunair 596. 3 PIL Sunair 879. we'll get a tug to come out to you as well. We slid slightly off the runway. the right gear is bogged down. Take-off abandoned. request return to parking area. stop immediately. wind calm. PIL Sunair 596 stopping PIL Sunair 596. wind 340° 16 knots. Request passenger steps and buses to take the passengers to the terminal. due to engine failure. take-off aborted due to tyre blow-out. CTL Roger. CTL Sunair 596. or/and communication with other traffic between pilot reply 2 and control call 3.5 2.1 initial climb (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. of course. and write the number beside i t .1.7. 11. present heading so as to cross… continue climb change until on track expedite report reaching report passing correction Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER 1 2 pilot replies — readback heading — readback level — callsign control calls — aircraft identification — airborne lime — heading instructions — level instructions 3 control continues — frequency change — greeting 4 pilot replies — readback of frequency — callsign — greeting NOTE — There may be a pause. 7.2 CAA ref. 7. 75 . control starts with the aircraft callsign. as a new exchange is starting.3 INITIAL CLIMB ICAO ref. In this case. identify each instruction on the list.2 DGAC ref.2.1.3. Listen to the tape. Phraseology practice Write Here is a l i s t of various instructions given during the climb.5. . heading 190. heading 190. airborne 33. turn right heading 130. D Climb on track to Delta. F Turn left. CTL Turn left heading 190 PIL Left heading 190. CTL Climb to flight level 220. page 79. Reply to the instructions like this. Write Complete the dialogue below by writing in the pilot's words. 1.Instruction Number on tape A Climb to flight level 190. Listen and Speak Listen to the instructions on the tape. l i s t e n to the tape again. Listen Listen to the dialogue on the tape. С Climb straight ahead. В Climb on present heading.goodbye.8. I Expedite climb to flight level 190. Check Check your answers. Continue climb to flight level 150. pilot replies control continues Contact 125. Check Check your answers. 1 2 pilot replies 3 4 76 control calls SF153. H Continue present heading until flight level 150. page 79. PIL Climbing to flight level 220. E Turn right. 2. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. G Climb so as to cross Delta at flight level 190. If necessary. begining with the examples again. 1. There is one question for each dialogue. Sunair 670. Listen and Speak Reply to the instructions given to the following flights. Sunair 539. but we ____________ 40 tons of fuel first. Sunair 539.5. page 80. starting with the example again. then continue in the same way. CTL Sunair 539. We're_____________ CTL Do you require _____________Sunair 670? PIL Negative. Why are they returning? 3. I engine after a ____________ . 2-3-2 initial climb (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the three dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. We seem to have a ____________ the _____________ has just_____________ _. turn left heading 250. ________ We intend to_____________ to Rexbury. Why have they shut down an engine? 2. I ' l l call you back.Check Check your answers. Sunair 670. Callsigns 1 SF153 2 AG235 3 YFL 4 OPR 5 DNO 6 ZE692 Check Check your answers. Listen to the example. page 79. ____________ . What must they do before returning to Rexbury? Check Check your answers. CTL Roger. page 80. we're returning. 1 PJL Sunair 670. 2 PIL Sunair 539.5. Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. ' 3 PIL Sunair 281. Rexbury Approach. 77 . CTL Roger. there is no ________. Request _________________________ and _____________. we've ____________ no. we have an____. PiL 118. you're _________________________ call Tower on 118. All aircraft. and write it down. page 80. go ahead Sunair 281.____________ in progress. Then check with a dictionary. . fuel dumping completed. in English or in your own language. right ______________ over Forest. Rexbury Control. DC8. ready to dump fuel. reaching forest. request approach to Rexbury. or are not sure about. at 5000 feet. Sunair 281.________________________________________ flight below 5000 feet ____________ 10 nautical miles of __________________________ PIL Sunair 281. ____________________________ PEL Sunair 281. Check Check your answers. CTL Roger. ___________________________ . Try to guess the meaning.CTL Roger. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. 5000 feet over forest. ___________ Forest VOR. break. (pause) PIL Sunair 281. 78 CHECK . Expediting climb to flight level 170. A 5 В 6 С 1 D 7 E 2 F 4 G 3 H 8 I 9 2. 2. (from page 76) 1 control calls SF153. 5. Climbing flight level 220. 4. turn right heading 130. climbing level 150. 2.3. Climbing straight ahead. 8. Climbing on track to Zulu. goodbye! 79 . Present heading until flight level 190. Climbing to cross Zulu at 150. airborne 33.3.1 Listen 1. Left heading 260. 3.1 Write and Speak (from page 76) Left heading 190.continue climb to flight level 150. 6.1 Listen and Write (from page 76) Instruction No. 11.2. 9. 7. SF153 3 control continues Contact 125. Right heading 310.3.pilot replies SF153. Climbing to flight level 270.8 goodbye 4 . 2. 10. pilot replies Right heading 130. Climbing on track to Papa. YFL..............................................................3........5... AG235........... climbing to FLI30................................................ 2................................ 5 CTL ................................................ G* О *-J ' CTL .......... There is no fire warning................. 3........................... goodbye................ PIL Right heading 130.. PIL Climbing on present heading to FLllO......................................................... expediting to FL70................................................. PIL 128.............................2......... goodbye... PIL 134.......... We're coming back...............................8...................................... Why are they returning? There is a wheel well fire..................... goodbye.........6.......................... climbing to 150............... We seem to have a wheel well fire — the warning light has just flashed on............................................... goodbye....... PIL Right heading 190....................................................................... Sunair 670? .. PIL 129...6..... SF153................................................................ CTL ....................1 Listen and Speak (from page 77) 1 CTL .................. Request priority landing and emergency services..... 4 CTL ...... OPR... 2.......... PIL Left heading 230...... CTL .................... Why have they shut down an engine? Because of a bird strike/bird ingestion.. 80 .....2 Listen and Answer (from page 77) 1........ Sunair 670........ we're returning......... CTL Suna i r 539......................... 3 CTL...... CTL Roger................... SF153... I 'll call you back......... DNO........ Sunair 539............ Sunair 539...... you're number one to land................................................3.......3...... What must they do before returning to Rexbury? They must dump fuel..... goodbye................. Rexbury Approach..................... PIL 132............................. CTL ...... call Tower on 118.................... 6 CTL .... CTL .......... 2 CTL ......................... we've shut down no.......................... PIL Negative................................. 5...2 Listen and Write (from page 77) 1 PIL Sunair 670........... CTL .... OPR................................................... DNO.....................2...... goodbye...................7.......... PIL Climbing to cross November at FL90.............. AG235........ 2 PIL Sunair 539.. PIL 1 1 8....... PIL 129........................ turn left heading 250................. Sunair 670............... PIL 125............... CTL Do you require landing priority...............................................................................9..... 2.. PIL Climbing on present heading to FLI30............ ZE 692........ CTL Roger............................................................................................. YFL........................ 1 engine after a bird strike.................. ZE692...................................... right pattern over Forest. CTL Roger. 5000 feet over Forest. at 5000 feet. break. proceed to fuel dumping area. 81 . avoid flight below 5000 feet within 10 nautical miles of fuel dumping track. but we have to dump 40 tons of fuel first. DC8. reaching Forest. fuel dumping completed. go ahead Sunair 281. CTL Roger. fuel dumping in progress. ranging 14 to 20 nm. РIL. ready to dump fuel. request approach to Rexbury. (pause) PlL Sunair 281. Report when reaching. We intend to return to Rexbury.3 PIL Sunair 281. Sunair 281. Sunair 281. PlL Sunair 281. All aircraft Rexbury Control. on radial 240 Forest VOR. we have аn engine failure. -.2.2 3.1 11. Look up any new words in a dictionary.level .8.2-4 ICAO refs. 2.2.1 2.2 Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words in this frequency — greeting 82 .3.3.1 Climb (routine) DGACreFs. .1 CLIMB CAA refc. pilot replies — readback level — callsign .2. good morning good afternoon good evening heading flight level reach goodbye maintain present heading report Typical exchange sequences PILOT 2 CONTROLLER control calls — aircraft callsign — new frequency — greeting pilot replies — frequency — callsign — greeting change of frequency 1 3 5 pilot calls — name of ground station — callsign — greeting pilot replies — callsign — level (or altitude) — heading pilot replies — rcadback climb instructions — readback heading instructions — callsign control replies — go ahead — callsign control — climb instructions — heading instructions (pause) 6 8 pilot calls — caUsign .4.4. 10 pilot replies -: — readback level — greeting — callsign control replies — aircraft callsign — further climb instructions 9 control .3. 2. 2. At initial contact. When the pilot calls a ground station another time. and the name of the ground station is normally unnecessary (pilot call 6). the callsign can be omitted until the end of the exchange (CAA ref. then the aircraft callsign. the pilot says the name of the ground station first. So in pilot reply 5. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. — Order of items in readbacks: In readbacks there is a strong tendency for the pilot to put the most important (the most immediate) instruction first. The greetings are a little bit of human exchange. — Use of callsigns: In control reply 2. control calls SF153.3. when the pilot is 'signing off.). At the end of an exchange. goodbye. pilot replies 5 and 10. aircraft callsign. Check with the tape if necessary. name of ground station. contact Delta Control on 128. e. and quite often the speaker will translate them into the language of the receiver ('bonjour') to a French person. but ‘good morning’. etc.Go ahead.NOTES — Greetings: Greetings like 'good morning'. greeting. ‘buenas dias' to a Spaniard. the readback of heading instructions may come first.7. the callsign is at the end. so numbers 4 and 9 have no callsigns here. the controller may use: aircraft callsign. (b)). They do not appear in official phraseologies. and 'goodbye’ replaces 'over' or 'over and out'.1. 'good afternoon' in the first call. 2. Once contact is made. and 'good bye’ at the end of an exchange are very commonly used. SF153. the aircraft callsign comes first. as in pilot call 1. Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the dialogue. 'good afternoon’ or 'good evening' replaces ‘how do you read?' at initial contact. 2 pilot replies change of frequency 1 pilot calls 2 3 pilot replies 83 control replies . .7. Write Complete the dialogue below by filling in the pilot's words. or name of ground station.g. greeting. followed by the readbacks of climb instructions. 5 pilot replies control Climb to (light level 210. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's part and reply to the controller's instructions on the tape. climb to level 310. Start with the example again. 10 pilot replies Check Check your answers. goodbye. 8 pilot replies control Change now 129. then reply in the same way using the data for the following flights. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Callsign Present flight level Heading SF153 AG235 YFL OPR DNO ZE692 90 110 130 250 230 180 190 090 Check 70 80 90 80 Check your answers. SF153.4. Listen to the example. (pause) 6 pilot calls control replies Roger. report reaching Maintain present heading. page 86. page 86. 84 . page 88. What was the cause of the turbulence? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2._________ Sunair 596. ________ _________? PIL ____________ ___________.4. 1 PIL Sunair 928.although______ ____was provided. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand or are not sure about. Sunair 165. and what immediate action are they taking? Check Check your answers. _____________ Winton VOR.2 Climb (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. left of Green 4. we've just come through some_____________What kind of traffic is there______________? CTL It must’ve been_________. 3 PIL MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY. in English or in your own language and write it down. we have __________________________ . There is one question for each dialogue. Try to guess the meaning. page 88.__________ __________ _________ FL180 at the _________? PIL _______ FL180 _________. Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. leaving FL310. 85 . _____________ Newbridge for__________________________ . __________________________ . we are__________________________ ____________ to FL30. please ____________ . CTL________traffic. Winton Control. ___________ 040. Check Check your answers. Then check with a dictionary. Why does the controller want the pilot to change his rate of climb? 3. CTL Sunair 596. What is the emergency.2. 2.there’s a 747_______. 1. 4. 8 pilot replies Climbing level 310.4. 4 control Climb to flight level reaching. 1 control calls SF153. 7 control replies Roger. 10 pilot replies 129. . maintaining present heading. goodbye. climb to level 310. SF153. goodbye. good morning. SF153. SF153. 86 .4. goodbye. SF153.CHECK 2. 3 pilot replies SF153. flight level 90.1 Listen and Write (from page 84) 2 pilot replies 128. SF153. reachmg level 210. heading 130. pilot replies Climbing level 210.7. SF153. SF153. 5 6 (pause) i pilot calls SF153. maintain present heading. 2 control replies Go ahead. (change of frequency)- 1 pilot calls Delta Control. goodbye. 9 control Change now 129. contact Delta Control on 128.7. ........ PIL 131........... report passing level 180................ 2 CTL .... CTL..............................4............................................ PIL Alpha Golf 235........................................................................................................................................ Oscar Papa Romeo........................9............................................... good morning............ Alpha Golf 235...... PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153....... goodbye Alpha Golf 235...................................................................................... PIL 127......................................... CTL ....................................... Alpha Golf 235............................................ climbing to flight level 240...... goodbye............................................................. good morning.............................................................................................. PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153...............................7.................................... expediting until passing level 150.................... FL110..................................... Sierra Foxtrot 153.......... PIL 128................. passing leveTl80........................ PIL Mike Control............ flight level 70........................................... PIL Climbing to level 210..................................... heading 230.........1 Listen and Speak (from page 84) 1 CTL .......................................... CTL ..................................................................... heading 180........... PIL Right turn heading 230........... Yankee Foxtrot Lima................ Yankee Foxtrot Lima................................................... CTL .................. Sierra Foxtrot 153....... PIL 128.. PIL Oscar Papa Romeo............................ PIL Right turn heading 330..............................................................................................2........................................................... PIL Left turn heading 180...................................... maintaining present heading........................................................................................................................... Oscar Papa Romeo.. CTL ............ CTL ............. Sierra Foxtrot 153........... PIL 129......... 3 CTL .......... CTL .... goodbye.............................................................................................................................. PIL Climbing to flight level 290............................................................................ PIL 126............. PIL Climbing level 210...................... PIL Delta Control..... PIL Climbing to flight level 250. reaching level 240.............. PIL Alpha Golf 235........ PIL Oscar Papa Romeo................... CTL...... heading 250......................... climbing to level 280...... reaching level 210........................ PIL Climbing level 310.................................... CTL .4............... CTL ......................... heading 130...................................................................... good morning......5.. goodbye............................ PIL 132........................... Alpha Golf 235......... good morning................................................5............................................................................................................................. PIL Yankee Foxtrot Lima............... 87 ...............................................4........................................................... 4 CTL ........................... CTL.................... goodbye....................................... goodbye.....................................7............. goodbye............. PIL 129........ Yankee Foxtrot Lima....................... Oscar Papa Romeo......... flight level 90.......... flight level 80.. CTL ..... CTL ............ Alpha Golf 235...... CTL ....3 goodbye PIL November Control...... Sierra Foxtrot 153.................................................................... PIL Foxtrot Control....... CTL ............................................................... Oscar Papa Romeo.............................. CTL ...................................................... Yankee Foxtrot Lima................... .................2 Listen and Answer (from page $5) 1...4.................................................... PIL Whisky Control...................................9...................... They are making an emergency descent to FL30...................................... Sunair 596... can you adjust your rate of climb to be above flight level I S O at the FIR boundary? PIL Above flight level 180 at the FIR boundary................................ flight level 90...................................... goodbye.......... ....................... Why does the controller want the pilot to change his rate of climb? Due to traffic. good morning... What kind of traffic is there ahead of us? CTL It must've been wake turbulence............. .... Zulu Echo 692...........................5 CTL ........... we are making an emergency descent to FL30............................... What was the cause of the turbulence? It was wake turbulence caused by a 747.4..................................... 2.... PIL Left turn heading 160.... PIL Foxtrot Control........ climbing level 270.............................................. CTL ....... PIL Climbing level 250......... passing level 150................... PIL Zulu Echo 692...................... PIL 6 129............................................................ PIL Delta November Oscar.. expediting until passing level 150...................................................2....... radial 040................. heading 190........ report passing level 150.................................. Delta November Oscar.................. he wants the plane to climb quickly to FL180........... climbing to level 210............ PIL Delta November Oscar.......................... what is your rate of climb? PIL 700 feet per minute... PIL Right turn heading 130............................... flight level 80...... CTL ... ..................... good morning....... reaching level 210................. Zulu Echo 692....................................... CTL Due to traffic............. 88 ......................... we have fire in the hold.. Zulu Echo 692.............. CTL .... What is the emergency and what immediate action are they taking? There is a fire in the hold........... we've just come through some severe turbulence... .......... CTL . Delta November Oscar................................................................................................................ heading to Newbridge for emergency landing............. 2. goodbye.................... heading 090.............. wildo. please advise.............. CTL .............................................. CTL ........... CTL ........ although normal separation was provided..... PIL Zulu Echo 692........................ CTL .................. PIL 128. CTL... left of Green 4........ 2 CTL Sunair 596........... 2.. PIL 126......... 3..2... 3 PIL MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY...... Winton Control............... PIL Wiico........ goodbye......... PIL 133.................................. Sunair 165............. 50 miles from Winton VOR............... leaving FL310.......... Present position..................... goodbye............... there's a 747 ahead.2 Listen and Write (from page 85) 1 PIL Sunair928..5............................................... 2-5 END OF CLIMB 2.1 End of climb (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. available can you accept? negative further not at the moment climb heavy unavailable traffic Typical exchange PILOT 1 3 5 CONTROLLER pilot calls — callsign — greeting pilot replies — callsign — flight level — heading pilot replies — readback heading — readback level — callsign {pause) 6 pilot calls — callsign — 'reaching level __ S pilot replies — readback climb instructions — request for higher level control replies — *go ahead* — callsign control replies — heading instructions — climb instructions — 'report when reaching' control replies — "roger" — aircraft callsign — climb instructions 13 control replies — 'goodbye' 11 9 10 pilot replies — refuses level offered control replies 4 frequency change control replies — 'negative* — offers another higher level pilot replies — readback frequency — 'goodbye' — callsign 89 .5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Callsign Present flight level Heading SFI53 AG235 YFL OPR DNO ZE692 90 110 70 80 90 130 250 230 180 190 090 Check 90 100 Check your answers.4 10 pilot replies 13 control replies Goodbye. climb to level 270. Preferred cruise level 310 330 330 290 210 330 . starting with the example again. page 92. then continue in the same way.Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the recorded dialogue. Can you accept level 390? 11 control replies Change now on 129. 9 " control replies Negative. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words Write Complete the text below by writing in the pilot's words. 7 control replies Roger. climb FL 210. page 93. Listen and Speak Continue for each of the following flights. 12 pilot replies Check Check your answers. 153. SF153. Listen to the example. Try to negotiate a good cruise level if necessary. Check with the recording if necessary. 3 pilot replies 5 pilot replies 6 pilot calls 8 pilot replies 4 control replies Maintain present heading. report when reaching. 1 pilot calls 2 control replies Go ahead. PIL Sunair 883. Sunair 883. Request ____________ to Rexbury _____________ this level. 1 PIL Winton Control. Why does the pilot want a lower level? 3.5. 2 P I L Sunair 596. CTL Sunair 596. ______________________________________ . CTL Sunair 596. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. I'll tell Overby you____________ --------------------- I PIL Turning right 290. _ __________ . call you back. 3 PIL Sunair 725. 91 . _____________ is rising fast. Try to guess the meaning. and write it down.2. CTL Roger. Sunair 596. page 94. PIL Descending to FL120. Then check with a dictionary. in English or in your own language. descend to FL120. Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. PIL ____________ to FL280. Sunair 725. Why does the pilot change her route? Check Check your answers. ____________ to FL280. __________________________ to FLI20.__________________________ ? Pit.2 End of climb (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the three dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. could we have a _________________________ ? We're _____________________________ at this level. 1. or are not sure about. CTL Roger. turn right heading 290. Sunair 883. There is one question for each dialogue. page 94.-------------------. request ____________ to Overby. CTL Roger Sunair 725. What is the problem and what action is being taken? 2. probably a ____________ . Check Check your answers. reaching FL120. Sunair 883. a passenger is . SF153.CHECK 2.1 Write (from page 90) 1 pilot calls Echo Control SF153. 13 control replies Goodbye. 10 pilot replies Affirm.4. 153. SF153. 4 5 pilot replies Climbing level 210. 6 pilot calls control replies Maintain present heading.5. 12 pilot replies 129. there would be an additional exchange: . good morning. pilot replies SF153. 2 3 control replies Go ahead. climb FL210.reaching level210 7 8 control replies Roger. pilot replies Climbing level 270. Is level 310 available? 9 control replies Negative. NOTE If the pilot wanted to accept the much higher level offered. 10 b pilot replies Climbing to FL390. report when reaching. . FL90.4. heading 130. 92 10a control replies Climb to FL390. goodbye SF153. climb to level 270. Can you accept level 390? 10 pilot replies Negative 11 control replies Change now on 129. SF153. ....... PIL 126........ 3 PIL Echo Control................................................................................................................................................... CTL ................................................ Is 330 available? CTL .......................................................... heading 180............................... Alpha Golf 235............................... PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153......... CTL ....................... Oscar Papa Romeo.................................................................. PIL Alpha Golf 235.. CTL .................. flight level 70........ PIL Negative. PIL Climbing level 190.... FIL Climbing level 250....... PIL Climbing level 270..................................................... PIL Left rum heading 160...................................................................................................................................................................................................... PIL Negative..... PIL Flight level 80. good morning.............................. CTL .........................................................................................................................................1 Listen and Speak (from page 90) 1 PIL Echo Control................ PIL Climbing level 210........................ PIL Right turn 290............ OPR.............. reaching level 190.............................................. Yankee Foxtrot Lima............................................................................................................7..................................... Alpha Golf 235................... CTL ................ heading 130...... goodbye............ CTL .................................................................................................................................. CTL .................................................................... 2 PIL Echo Control...................................................................... .............................................................. CTL ............................................. CTL .............................................................................. 93 ............................................................................ flight level 110................................................... PIL Negative........................................................ PIL Climbing level 330........ PIL 131...................... PIL Yankee Foxtrot Lima.............................................. 4 PIL Echo Control................................... CTL .............................4................................................................. Yankee Foxtrot Lima................................................. PIL Climbing level 250 OPR...........8....................................... Yankee Foxtrot Lima................ CTL .... CTL ........ .............................................................................................. CTL ....................... goodbye................. Sierra Foxtrot 153...................................................... goodbye......................................... Alpha Golf 235........................................................... heading 230......... heading 250...............................................................................................................5.................................................. PIL Climbing level 280....... PIL SF153......2...................................................... CTL ....................... CTL....... good morning...................... good morning.............. good morning................... flight level 90................................................................. PIL 129..... Is 310 available? CTL ... CTL .................. is level 290 available? CTL____ .. reaching level 210........................ Sierra Foxtrot 153.................... CTL .................................................................................. CTL....................................................................... PIL Yankee Foxtrot Lima.... CTL ...... Sunair 883............... climbing level 170........................ CTL ..... good morning.................3. ...... Delta November Oscar.... ............ Why does the pilot change her route? A passenger has had a heart attack......................................... :.......... Delta November Oscar..................................... heading 90............................................... goodbye.......................... PIL Reaching level 90.................. ............................. PIL Descending to FL120.... call you back......... ZE 692.2 What is the problem and what action is being taken? There is a pressurisation problem.... PIL 132. PIL Climbing 170... : ................ PIL CTL CTL ................... PIL Sunair 83..............Echo Control............... goodbye............................... 5 РП.................................................... PIL Climbing level 290..... passing 150........ Is 330 available? CTL ... PIL 129......... PIL Reaching level 100... PIL Climbing 210.............. Sunair 883..........5.. CTL Sunair 596........ reaching 250................................... we are unable to control pressurisation.............................................................. PIL 133............................................ reaching FL120........................................................... Listen and Write (from page 91) 1 PIL Winton Control..... ....PIL OPR......... CTL .................................... what are your intentions? PIL Request resume our flight to Rexbury at this level............................. PIL ZE 692............................................. descend to FL280.... good morning..................... Sunair 883..... 3......................................... reaching level 170................................ CTL ...........................................................................2........................................................... They are descending to FL120................ 2................... 2 PIL Sunair 596.................................... goodbye. cabin altitude is rising fast........ Zulu Echo 692........ Why does the pilot want a lower level? There is moderate turbulence at their present level.............. C T L . CTL Roger. CTL Roger.. descend to flight level 120.................. PIL DNO..... 6 Echo Control.............................. report 150........................... Sunair 596................. request immediate descent to flight level 120.................................2 Listen and Answer (from page 91) 1.................... report reaching..................... PIL Left turn................ 2... heading 190.... CTL. CTL ............. PIL Negative.................. CTL Sunair 596................... could we have a slightly lower flight level? We're experiencing moderate turbulence at this level........ 010......................... to continue their flight................................ 2...............9.............. PIL Descending to FL280................... CTL ... CTL .............................5.................. Sunair 725.3 PIL Sunair 725. a passenger is seriously ill. request divert to Overby. CTL Roger Sunair 725. 95 . PIL Turning right 290. I'll tell Overby you require medical assistance on landing. turn right heading 290. probably a heart attack. The exercise starts with the aircraft lined up on runway 17 ready for departure.6. Follow the instructions on the tape and reply to the controller. Listen and Speak You are flying from Rexbury to Winton. follow the instructions on the tape and reply to the controller. Check Check your answers. turn to page 48. page 98.6 REVIEW OP PART TWO 2.1 Flight from Rexbury to Winton (take-off and climb) Listen and Read Flight plan details: АТС clearance: Golf 5 departure. page 98. NOTE: You will hear communications with other traffic on your frequency. Check Check your answers. 2.2. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's part. climb initially to FL110 Flight planned cruising level 290 Route: reporting points RTV(River) then BCK (Blackxock) For further details. 96 .6.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (take-off and climb) Listen and Read Flight plan details: Callsign SF309 reporting points: Li fry Wallasey Telba Midhurst Study the maps provided on pages 50—52 before you start. The exercise starts with the aircraft lined up on runway 29 and ready for departure. callsign Sunair 367. ................................. SF3O9.................................................................... Rexbury Control on 128......... climbing to FL220.. PIL Cleared to take-off runway 17.......... SF309........................................................ CTL........................................ PIL Climbing to FL290........................ Sunair 367............. SF3O9...............................................................................................2 Listen and Speak (from page 96) PIL SF309 ready to depart..................... PIL Climbing to FLI10...................................... Sunair 367.................................. SF309...................................... SF309.................................................................................................................................................. Sunair 367....................1 Listen and Speak (from page 96) PIL Ready for departure.. CTL .......................................... PIL Sunair 367.......................... Sunair 367. 100 20 knots.................... CTL ........................................ PIL Sunair 367......... reaching FL270.................................................................................................... CTL ............................................... goodbye......................................................... Sunair 367.........0.............. good afternoon............... PIL London........... SF3O9........................ goodbye.... Sunair 367.......................................... good afternoon.................................................................... PIL Rexbury Control........................................... PIL Dublin............................................................. : CTL ............... SF309..................................................................... goodbye........... : PIL Maintain 230 on reaching...................... Sunair 367............. CTL ....................................... CTL _____ ............................................ CTL . PIL Climbing to FL270.............................. PIL Climbing to FL230..........6.......................................... squawking 5260................... CTL ............... left turn-out direct Liffy...........CHECK 2................... PIL Dublin 128....... Sunair 367............................................. .. climbing FL230...................................................................................... 98 ............. : CTL...........................................................................6........ is FL330 available? CTL .......................................8. heading 050.................. CTL........................................................................................................................................................9...... PIL FL100............. PIL Climbing to FL330................. CTL ........... CTL ........ good afternoon.................................. London 128.................................. CTL.................................................................................................. 2................................ PIL 135......................... CTL ........................... PIL Negative........... Sunair 367........... PIL Right turn...... SF3O9................................ PIL Climbing to FL270..............05............................................... PIL Cleared for take-off................................... PIL Direct Liffy.................... CTL .................. direct to Romeo India Victor VOR.......... Group 1 ___________ aeroplane aircraft plane airplane Group 2 ____________ helicopter balloon glider airship Group 3 ___________ long haul short haul medium haul STOL* VTOL* Group 4 ____________ fighter airliner freighter bomber tanker business jet executive aircraft seaplane Group 5 ___________ twin jet single-engined aircraft tri-jet four-engined aircraft jet turbo prop Group 6 ____________ narrow-bodied plane wide-bodied plane a jumbo Headings: Range Purpose Size Power Flying machines Plane words Check Check your answers.1 Words for planes Read and Write Look at these six groups of words about planes.7 SUPPLEMENTARY VOCABULARY 2.2. Choose the correct heading for each group from the list of headings below. • STOL — short take-off and landing * VTOL — vertical lake-off and landing 99 .7. page 105. 100 .Read and Write The same six groups of words are organised here into a 'word tree1. but one word from each group is missing. page 105. Write in the missing words. Check Check your answers. 2. Decide which of the words you know.2 Parts of a plane Look and Think Look at the pictures on this page. There is a word which corresponds to each number.7. 101 . page 105. Then you will hear the right answer. Listen and Repeat Look at the picture. 102 . Listen to ал example. try to say them before you hear them on the tape. How талу of the words do you remember? Listen to the tape. don't repeat the words. listen to the tape and repeat the words.Look. Look. Start with the example again. Remember. Check Check how the words are written. look at the picture and say the correct word when you hear the number. listen and Speak Now test yourself. Now continue in the same way. wing tip door ailerons trailing edge wheel rudder window fuselage nose windshield engine nacelle slats stabiliser flaps tyre tail airbrakes landing gear leading edge elevators tail-fin wing nose gear spoilers Write Now fill in t he 'word tree' below by putting a term in each box. (Some words are filled in for you. There is no right or wrong answer here.Read Look at these words for parts of a plane. It is an exercise to help you to remember the words by thinking about them. 103 .) Try to give some kind of organisation to the tree. 104 . Check Check your version of the tree with the version given on page 106. (NOTE: There is no single right answer — this is just one possibility. The captain's main control panel on the Airbus 300B.3 Cockpit instruments Listen and Write Listen to the description of the main control panel and write in the abbreviations for the names of the instruments in the correct place on the diagram. do not look at the tree you fiUed in or the list of words. The first two instruments are labelled for you. _____________ the clock is the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) and _______ the DME you find the Air Speed Indicator _____________ of the Air Speed Indicator is the Attitude Director Indicator (the ADI) _____________the ADI there is the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI).7. on the ____________ there is a clock. Starting in the bottom left-hand corner. page 107. but this time.Write Now try to make the same word tree. Complete Complete the text below so that the description corresponds to the diagram on page 107.) 2. Check Check your answers. 10. 1 2. nose gear 19. nose windshield (or windscreen) door fuselage wing wing tip slats landing gear (or undercarriage) tail fin rudder elevators 12. airbrakes 22. Check Check your answers. 6. ______________ the ADF and the HSI is an altimeter.the ADF. page 107. and -----------------. is the Automatic Direction Finder. 7. twin jet 2. flaps 105 . trailing edge 16. window 14. CHECK 2. 4. 7.On the bottom row. wide-bodied plane 6. 5. 7. leading edge 17. is the vertical speed indicator. 8. stabiliser 13. business jet 5. _____________. 1 Re a d a nd Wri te (fr om pa ge 99) Group 1: Plane Words Group 2: Flying Machines Group 3: Range Group 4: Purpose Group 5: Powe r Group 6: Size 2. 3. the ADF. glider L is a radio altimeter_____________ of the radio altimeter ---------------. short haul 3. aircraft 4. engine nacelle 18. 11. ailerons 20. spoile rs 2 1 . 2 Re a d a nd Wri te (from pa ge 100) 1. 7. 9. Li st e n a nd S pe a k (from pa ge 1 02) 12. hold (or cargo compartment) door 15. 2 106 Write (from page 103) Compare your tree with this one. .7. There are many equally good ways to organise the words.2. Below the ADI there is the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI).2. the ADF. and above it is a radio altimeter. on the left there is a clock. is the Automatic Direction Finder. is the vertical speed indicator. On the right of the radio altimeter.7. Between the ADF and the HSI is an altimeter. Next to the clock is the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) and above the DME you find the Air Speed Indicator. on the right.3 Complete (from page 104) The captain's main control panel on the Airbus 300B. On the right of the Air Speed Indicator is the Attitude Director Indicator (the ADI).7. Suiting in the bottom lefthand corner. On the bottom row.3 Listen and Write (from page 104) 2. 107 . above the ADF. Part Three Cruise to descent 109 . mist.QNH) — trend: no sig or gradu (plus expected change) or tempo (plus possible temporary conditions) NOTE: Some countries (e. mist gradu rain tempo drizzle visibility freezing rain recent thin scattered more than less than ceiling overcast haze RVR = Runway Visual Range Typical volmets These recorded broadcasts follow the same pattern at each station. Poland) give wind strength in metres per second.VOLMETS Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary. but the order is very similar to ATIS weather reports. snow. drizzle.g. There is a little variation in some of the items from station to station. USSR. etc.) — cloud cover (in oktas) — ceiling (in feet or metres) — temperature — dew point ( . 111 . — airport name — wind data: direction and strength — visibility (in metres or kilometres) — present weather (rain. 1 London Heathrow 2 London Gatwick 3 Birmingham 4 Manchester 5 Prestwick 6 Manchester 7 London Gatwick 8 9 Copenhagen Kastmp Stockholm Arlanda 10 Gothenburg 11 Praha 12 Bratislava 13 Warsaw 14 Bologna Borgo Panigale 15 Catania Fontanarossa 16 Palermo Puntaraisi 17 Athenai 18 Thessaloniki 19 20 21 22 23 Malta Kerkira Beirut Cairo Ben Gurion Check Check your notes using the texts on page 114. reports and note the details in the table below. You may have to listen several times. .Phraseology practice Listen and Write Listen to the rust. 8 Copenhagen Kastrup met report. 5 oktas 1500ft. Gothenburg. freezing rain. 3 m per second. tempo. 3 oktas Ж ft. 8 oktas 1600ft. 2 oktas IOOOft. temp 3. temp 8. dew point —3. London Gatwick.50. 04. temperature 18. snow showers. no sig. 3 Birmingham at 11. 114 10 Gothenburg met report. London Heathrow 11. Wind calm. 070° 14 knots. 5 oktas 1500 ft. 2000m.50. no sig.i mist. dew point 1. 1800 m. dew point —2. runway 07 damp up to 100%. 04. QNH 1030. 13 Metar Warsaw 14. dew point 6. Manchester. clouds I okta 240 m. Wind 080°. 12 Metar Bratislava 14. This is London Volmet main.50.50 Z. 8 oktas 200 ft. 090°. visibility 2000 m. gradu.50 Z. dew point —5. RVR 1200 raj drizzle. mist.00 GMT. QNH 1012.1 Listen and Write (from page 112) 1 This is London Volmet main. rain. gradu. 110° 06 knots. 5 Prestwick at 11. 280° at 8 knots. haze. no sig. 7 London Gatwick met report. temp 6. temperature 21. dew point -4. QNH 1009. temperature 0. dew point 20.00 GMT. Copenhagen Kastrup. 2 London Gatwick at 11. visibility 10 km. visibility 8 km. temp 5. temperature —2. dew point . Stockholm Arlanda. 09 knots. braking action £ood. visibility 4500 m. recent rain. misu clouds 6 oktas 1200 m. 200° 18 knots. wet up to 100%. no sig. 7 km.CHECK 3.50. Wind 110° 3 m per second. 15 Catania Fontanarossa. 6 okus IOOOft. temp — 2. 14 Bologna Borgo Panigale. dewpoirf 5. recent rain. QNH 1035. 8 okus 12000ft. 14. gradu. visibility 5000 m. 5 oktas 300ft. temj 7. 6 Manchester met report. dew point 1. 1 m per second. QNH 1010. visibility 3500m. 2 oktas 300 ft.50 Z. braking action good. mist. visibility 8 km. visibility 1100 m. 270° 5 knots. braking action good. Q4. soft at 300 ft. QNH 1012. 130° 05 knots. temp . visibility 5000 m. 11 Metar Praha. 1 okta 1500 ft. 7 oktas 2000 ft. no sig. visib ilit y 7 kmj mist. Wind 340°. 200° 12 knots. mist. 7 oktas 1200ft. 7 okial 1600 ft. dew point -5. Wind calm. tempo 7 oktas 1400 ft. 7 km. 10 km or more. 10 km or more. Wind 050° 11. temperature 3. 7 oktas 300ft. QNH 1010. 8 oktas 400 ft. 210° 19 knots. 3000 m. 5 oktas 450 m. dew point 23. QNH 1010. mist. dew point 7. temperature 25. visibility 8 km. no sig. temp —3. 7 oktas I 500ft. clouds 7 oktas 690 m. temp 8.50. dew point 3. tempo. 16 Palermo Puntaraisi. . 4 Manchester at 11. dew point 16. 9 Stockholm Arlanda met report. visibility 7km. 5 oktas 10000 ft. runway 33. QNH 1032. runway 13 damp up to 100%.00 GMT. visibility 7 km. 1 okta 1000 ft. 8 oktaj 400 ft. dew point 6. temp 4. 2 oktas 300 ft. rain 1 okta IOOOft.1.1. 240° 03 knots. 50 Athenai. 18 05.50 Kerkira.00 Beirut. Break' 23 05. visibility 9 km. visibility 7 km. temperature 24. 19 05. Break. mist. Calm. 20 05. Calm. temperature 25. dew point 16. temperature 26. no sig. sky clear. 3 oktas 1800 ft.50 Thessaloniki. no sig. 4 oktas 2500 ft. temperature 24. dew point 22. visibility 7 km. visibility 10 km. 22 Cairo missing. 1 okta 1200 ft. 190° 05 knots. dew point 20. temperature 26.50 Ben Gurion. no sig. temperature 22. 310° II knots. no sig. dew point 20. visibility 8 km. dew point 20. sky clear. mist. 170° 5 knots. no sis. mist. 115 . Break. no sig. 3 oktas 2600 ft. Calm.17 05. 21 06.50 Malta. QNH 1009. dew point 19. visibility 10 km. . 3 DGACref.3. page 120. Identify each instruction on the list below. Resume position reporting. omit position reports intercept radial resume VOR Phraseology practice Listen and Write Listen to the controller's instructions about position reports. Omit position reports until Alpha.2 EN ROUTE: POSITION REPORTS ICAOref.1 En route: position reports (routine) CAA ref.2. Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER 1 control calls — callsign — new frequency — greeting 2 pilot replies — readback of frequency — callsign — greeting -(change of frequency ) 116 . 3. Report 15 miles from Alpha DME.3.11. Report passing the Alpha VOR 342 radial.2 Key words and phrases Check that you understand the words and phrases in this list. The first one is done for you.3 3. Report 5 miles from Alpha DME. 3. Omit position reports this frequency.2 3.2. Report intercepting the 120 radial of the Alpha VOR. A В С 1 D E F G H I J Report passing Alpha. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary. Check Check your answers.3. Report intercepting the 2I0 radial of the Alpha VOR. Next report at Alpha. and write its number in the box.2. 5 pilot replies Check Check your answers. 117 . Listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words.'wilco' — callsign — -next report at ____(name of reporting point) Phraseology practice 2 Listen Listen to the dialogue on the tape. contact 129.I pilot calls — cafisign — greeting 2 control replies — 'go ahead' — — — 3 pilot position report — callsign — ___ (name of reporting point) at___(present time) — flight level — 'estimating___(next reporting point) at ___time)’ 4 control replies — 'roger' — aircraft callsign 5 pilot replies -. SF153. SF153. page 120. 2 pilot replies (change of frequency)1 pilot calls 2 control replies Go ahead. goodbye. next report at Z. 3 pilot position report 4 control replies Roger. Check with the tape if necessary. 1 control calls SF153.4. Write Complete the dialogue below by writing in the pilot's words. Sunair 506. Sunair 312. MAYDAY. Ther e is one question for each dialogue. CTL Roger. page 120. What is the pr oblem and what action is being taken? 3. 118 to level . Callsign 1 2 3 4 SF153 AG235 BI196 NJ342 MO725 5 Flight level 310 280 290 250 230 Position Time R S N G S 35 28 43 23 52 Next reporting point Y Z О H U Estimated time + 10' + 12' + 15' + 16' + 10' Check Check your answers. PIL Sunair 312. turn ____________________ heading 030. we have _____________all______________. No. Listen and Write 1 PIL Listen again and complete the texts below. _______ _ left head ing 030. Why does the pilot ask for a change of heading? Check Check your answer s. 3 to to avoid _ _____________. _____________ FL33O 150. MAYDAY. ____________ . ____________ avoid be? be? CTL Roger. what will ____________ PlL Heading 250°. ther e is _____________ we _____________ an _____________________________ to FL 25.____________to FL150 PIL . ____________ the ___________________________ .Listen and Speak Make position reports for the following flights using the data. Sunair 312. 1. Sunair 822. MAYDAY. Sunair 506. Request to _________________________ to Newbridge. 3.2 En route: (non-routine) List en a nd Ans wer List en t o t he dialogu es and wr it e down the ans wer s t o t hes e questions. starting '-vim the example again. Listen to the example. 2 PIL Sunair 506. page 121. What is the pr oblem and what action is being taken? 2.2. ______________to Overby for _________________________ . then continue in the same way. given below. 119 . Then check with a dictionary. in English or in your own language and write it down. Sunair 312. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand or are not sure about.PIL Sunair 312. turn left heading 230 __________________________ Check Check your answers. Try to guess the meaning. we're clear of ___________ now. CTL Roger. page 121. ........ SF153..... flight level 310.................... 4 control replies Roger......................... -------------------------------------------------................. 120 ..................... 2 pilot replies 129. 5 pilot replies Wilco...................................... estimating Y at 45................................ next report at Z.....CHECK 3......... estimating Yankee at 45........... PIL Alpha Golf 235. Alpha Golf 235...... Report 15 miles from Alpha DME Resume position reporting Report intercepting the 120 radial of the Alpha VOR Report 5 miles from Alpha DME Report passing the Alpha VOR 342 radial.......... 2 control replies Go ahead...................... SF153..........2.............4................. Sierra Foxtrot 153....................... flight level 310....... estimating Zulu at 40..... Romeo at 35...............(change of frequency) --------------------------------------------- 1 pilot calls SF153......... goodbye.......... Sierra at 28.. good morning...................4............. Omit position reports this frequency Report intercepting the 210 radial of the Alpha VOR............ ... A B C D E F G H I J 1 control calls SF153.. R at 35............................... CTL ................ SF153.......... SF153...1 Listen and Speak (from page 11 8) 1 CTL PIL CTL PIL 2 ... 3....... CTL____ .. Sierra Foxtrot.........................1 Listen and Write (from page 116) 7 2 8 1 9 10 3 4 5 6 Report passing Alpha Next report at Alpha Omit position reports until Alpha............... goodbye..................... 3 pilot position report SF153..........2............. Wilco.... contact 129...... PIL Wilco..... flight level 280..... ... CTL... 5 CTL.... Sierra at 52............ MAYDAY... Sunair 312.....2.. Sunair 312... November at 43... PO............. there is depressurisation..................................... turn left heading 230 to come back on track....................... flight level 290.. 3......... 3 Sunatr 312....3 CTL ...2 Listen and Answer (from page 118) 1.... CTL..................................... November Juliet 342............................. Sunair 506.. PIL Wilco. CTL Roger............................... except the emergency circuit.... Sunair 506................. PIL Turning left heading 030........ PIL Wilco............................ so they are diverting to Newbridge....... leaving FL330. Request to divert immediately to Newbridge........................ we are making an emergency descent to FL25.... Mike Oscar 725..... PIL Sunair 312............. Golf at 23..... descending to level 150........ flight level 250..2. 2......................... and they are making an emergency descent........2 Listen and Write (from page 118) 1 PIL MAYDAY................. estimating Oscar at 58..................... estimating Hotel at 39.................. CTL Roger.......................... 3..................... descend to FLI50............. 3...................................... PIL Mike Oscar 725.. MAYDAY........ 4 СTL .......... we're clear of CBs now.... CTL Roger..... What is the problem and what action is being taken? They have lost all electrical power except the emergency circuit..................................... What is the problem and what action is being taken? There is depressurisation....... PIL 121 .............................................................................. we have lost ail electrical power............................. Sunair 312....... what will your heading be? PIL Heading 250°. Why does the pilot ask for a change of heading? To avoid a build-up (or CB’s).... flight level 230............. Bravo India 196.................. Bravo India 196....... •&■ 2 PIL Sunair 506................ turn left heading 030............................ PIL November Juliet 342.. estimating Uniform at 02......... request 10° heading change right of track to avoid build-up..................... heading to Overby for emergency landins........... PIL Wilco.............................. CTL ..... Sunair 822............... page 127.3 EN ROUTE: TRAFFIC INFORMATION 3.3. Identify the diagram which corresponds to each item in the table below. 122 . (Y = the plane receiving the information X = the unknown traffic) D Item no. E Diagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Check Check your answers.1 En route: traffic Information (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list.3. and look at the diagrams. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary. unknown same direction moving fast moving parallel -descend — negative contact vectors resume own navigation direct magnetic track distance at your 10 o'clock position opposite direction Phraseology practice 1 Listen and Write Listen to the items of traffic information on the tape. 3 CAA ref.112. 6.4.6 DGACref.11 PILOT CONTROLLER comrol calls — aircraft callsign — traffic position — traffic distance — traffic direction 2 pilot replies — callsign — 'negative contact' — 'request vectors' 4 pilot replies readback turn and heading instructions — — callsign 6 pilot replies — 'roger' — readback navigation instructions — callsign 123 control replies — turn left/right — heading ___ 5 control calls ---aircraft calisign — 'clear of traffic’ .'resume own navigation' . 6. track and distance .Typical exchange ICAOref.navigation instructions: next en route point. 2 pilot replies 3 control replies Turn left. Check Check your answers. Listen and Speak Phraseology practice 3 Listen Listen to the recorded dialogue. page 127. 4 pilot replies 6 pilot replies 5 control calls SF153. distance 27 miles. 1 control calls SF153. heading 050. magnetic track 070. Your callsign is SF153. Listen and respond to the traffic information on the tape. Check with the tape if necessary. Check Check your answers. crossing left to right.Phraseology practice 2 Listen Listen to the recorded dialogue. 10 o'clock 5 miles. 124 . direct C. resume own navigation. unknown traffic. Listen and Repeat Listen to the same dialogue and repeat the pilot's words. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. Write Complete the text below by filling in the pilot's words. page 127. Write Mark the position of the 'unknown traffic' on the diagram below. clear of traffic. Listen and Write Complete the diagrams below. ___________ with CTL Do you have any other ____________ ? Did you see the _________ . 1 PIL Sunair 593. page 128. that's all we know. 1. page 128. or _____________ 7 PIL It was a ____________ . ______ _____ ____________ to avoid .3. Listen and Write Listen again and complete the texts below. Check Check your answers. There is one question for each dialogue. What is the problem. 3. _____________ if the_____________ are OK. What is the problem.2 En route: (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions. What evasive action did the pilot take. and with what results? 2. and what action is the pilot taking? 3. 125 . and what action is the pilot taking? Check Check your answers. CTL Do you_____________ an ____________? PIL ______________It was a very close thing. ___________ to FL110.PIL Sunair 593. Sunair 715. ____________ 280.. CTL Sunair 715. page 128. CTL Roger._ ___________________ _ a t O v e r b y ? PIL_____________ . or are not sure about. Try to guess the meaning in English or your own language. so we'll continue our _____________ . Then check with a dictionary. Sunair 593. Sunair 177. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. request _____________ ______________ on ____________ . 3 CTL Sunair 177. we have a __________________________ . CTL Do you _. PIL__________________________ to Newbridge. CTL Roger. will . 2 PEL Sunair 715.. Sunair 715. 126 . Check Check your answers. _____________ passengers have been________________________ but there's a doctor _____________ . PIL _____________right 280 ______________ 180 ______________ to FL110. and write it down. request ____________ to Overby. ___________ . your company _____________ us you ____________ have a_____________ PIL Do you have any _________ _ a b o u t ____________ ? CTL Negative. Winton Control. ____________ now.. ....3. distance 27 miles............................ 3......................... direct C... request vectors............. CTL ..................... CTL .... heading 050t SFI53........................................ PIL SF153................................ 127 ............... 2 CTL .............................. 5 miles crossing left to right.. 6 pilot replies Roger.. negative contact................................ track 149..3.................. unknown traffic........................ negative contact......... clear of traffic. CTL....... control replies Turn left.....3.............1 A Write (from page 124) control calls SF153.... SF153.............. request vectors.... 4 pilot replies Left turn.......................... resume own navigation........ PIL Roger.... SFI53.............. Listen and Speak (from page 124) 1 CTL ........................................... ................................ track 070................. 2 pilot replies SF153...................... PIL Roger.................... heading 050......... 10 o'clock.......................1 Listen and Write (from page 122) Item no...... magnetic track 070... Diagram 1 G 2 3 В D 5 6 С E F 4 7 3......... PIL SF153...................... SF153.........1 control calls SF153.... PIL Left turn heading 050.....CHECK 3...... track 070................. CTL ................... SF153....................................... SF153.......... PIL Right turn heading 170....... request vectors..................................... negative contact....................... CTL Sunair 715..... will advise.................... so they are diverting to Newbridge.................3... What is the problem and what action is the pilot taking? There is a bomb scare on this flight............ PIL SF153.............. CTL Roger Sunair 593.. 128 ...... .................... What is the problem and what action is the pilot taking? There is a fuel leak......................... PIL Right turn heading 250. It was a very close thing.. Sunair 715..3........2 What evasive action did the pilot take.. Speak and Write (from page 125) 3......... 3............. we have a serious fuel leak...... SFI53......... SF153............ we've just had to dive to avoid colliding with converging traffic... CTL Do you require emergency assistance at Overby? PIL Affirm...... 2.... CTL Do you have any other details? Did you see the type or the markings? PIL It was a white jet............................. six passengers have been badly bruised. 3................ PIL Sunair 593....... CTL Do you wish to Л1е an airmiss report? PIL Affirm....... descend to FL110......3 СП-.. so they are diverting to Overby................ PIL Roger. CTL ............... but six passengers were badly bruised........2 Listen and Answer (from page 125) 1. track 227....... request divert to Overby.... negative contact.... so we'll continue on our route.. CTL ... that's all we know....... 3..... turn right now.............. Listen and Write (from page 126) 1 PIL Sunair 593. heading 280.. CTL Roger............. I'll check if the passengers are OK. request vectors............... 2 PIL Sunair 715. but there's a doctor on board.................. and with what results? He dived and avoided colliding with converging traffic. leaving level 180. descending to FL1I0.... PIL Turning right 280..........................3...1 Listen.... Sunair 715.......... Winton Control. Sunair 177.Sunair 177. your company has informed us you may have a bomb on board. PIL Diverting immediately to Newbridge. 129 . PIL Do you have any information about the type of bomb? CTL Negative.3 СTL. request emergency services on landing. — aircraft callsign — further descent instructions — 'report passing_____ (flight level) 6 pilot replies -.2 3. 8. squawk ident radar contact leave confirm affirm increase rate of descent Typical exchange CONTROLLER PILOT 1 control calls — aircraft callsign — 'squawk idem’ (a) 2 pilot replies — 'identing' — callsign 3 control calls — aircraft callsign — 'radar contact’ — descent instructions 4 pilot replies — 'leaving flight level — 'descending to level — callsign 5 control calls .1 Descent (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in the list below.4.3 DGAC ref.3.3. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.2. 11.3.descending to flight level_____ — callsign (pause) 130 .1 CAAref.4 DESCENT ICAO ref.8. 'passing flight level____’ -. .descending 9 pilot replies .: — 'negative — leaving level — callsign 8 control replies — 'confirm leaving level______’ — aircraft callsign .callsign -.'report passing ____ ' (pause) 7 pilot calls -.7 pilot calls — callsign — 'passing flight level — 'descending' 8 control replies — callsign — 'confirm leaving level’_____ 7 pilot replies — 'affirm' — callsign 1 control calls --callsign --'squawk A___’ (b) 2 pilot replies --'squawking__’ — callsign 3 control — callsign — descent instructions 4 pilot replies — 'leaving level___ — 'descending to level — callsign 6 pilot replies — readback. of instructions — callsign 5 control calls — aircraft callsign — instruction to increase rate of descent . continue descent to flight level 110. squawk (а) 2 pilot replies 3 control calls SF153.phraseology practice Listen Listen to dialogue (a). . Check with the tape if necessary 1 control calls SF153. Write Complete the text of dialogue (a) below. report passing 150. 6 pilot replies 7 pilot calls 8 control replies SF153. radar contact. 9 pilot replies Check 32 Check your answers. Listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words. 4 pilot replies 5 control calls SF153. page 135. confirm leaving level 150. Descend to flight level 220. No. Check with the tape if necessary. increase rate of descent so as lo cross T at FL150. 6 pilot replies 7 pilot calls control replies Confirm leaving FLI90. 133 . squawk A2744. descend now to flight level 210.Listen Listen to dialogue (b). (b) 1 control calls AG235. Callsign SF153 1 AG235 2 BI196 3 NJ342 4 MO725 5 Cruising level 310 280 290 250 230 Check Check your answers. 5 4 pilot replies control calls AG235. page 136. 2 pilot replies 3 control AG235. Write Complete the text below by writing in the pilot's words. Listen and Speak Reply to the instructions for the following flights. 9 pilot replies Check Check your answers. page 135. listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words. AG235. report passing level 180. What is the problem and how does this affect descent? 2. Then check with a dictionary. write down the answers to these questions. What is the problem? Check Check your answers. Mayday all stations ___________________________________________ 3 PIL Sunair 779. MAYDAY. PIL Descending to FL170. heading 110. request__________ ____________________________________ at Winton. MAYDAY. CTL Roger. (pause) PIL Mayday Winton. page 137. fire now_________________________ . ____________ . __________________________ . we have ___________________________________________________ . Sunair 939.__________________________________________ FL100 over RIV __________________________ next for landing runway 32 at Winton. (pause) PIL Sunair 939. 50 miles West of Winton.____________ on 126.3. Sunair 662. or are not sure about.4. page 137. Sunair 939. CTL Roger. Listen and Write Listen to the dialogue again and complete the texts below. Check Check your answers. Sunair 662. CTL Roger. FL290. and write it down. descend to FL190. ____________________________________ 75°. Sunair 939.3_____________________________________________Mayday. 2 PIL MAYDAY. Winton Control. CTL Sunair 662. 134 . ___________ when reaching. we are descending to FL30. Sunair 662. PIL ___________ FL320______________ to FL190. _________________________ Plaintree VOR this time. What is the emergency and what are the pilot's intentions? 3. Try to guess the meaning in English or in your own language. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. ____________________ _ _ _ t o F L1 7 0. There is one question for each dialogue.2 Descent (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and. we're having _________________________ with the pressurisation. rogcr Mayday. 1. _________________________ _________ due to ________________________ Sunair 779. ____________ _. Sunair 939. . Sunair 939. _________________________ to descend. Winton Control. 1 PIL Winton Control. descending to T at FL150. 2 pilot replies Ideating.AG235. SF153. AG235. report passing 150. descending. 8 control replies Confirm leaving level 150. (b) 2 pilot replies Squawking 2744. 3 control SF153. 6 pilot replies Roger. SF153. AG235.1 Write (from pages 132 and 133) (a) 1 control calls SF153. SF153. squawk ident. 4 pilot replies Leaving level 280. SF153. continue descent to flight level 110. report passing level 180. 6 pilot replies Descending to flight level 110. SF153. Descend to flight level 220.4. 3 control AC235. descending to level 220. 5 control calls SF153. 4 pilot replies Leaving flight level 310. passing flight level 150. increase rate of descent so as to cross T at FL150. 5 control calls AG235. radar contact. descend now to FL210. 135 . 7 pilot calls SF153. descending to level 210.CHECK 3. 9 pilot replies Affirm. .......... CTL ............... PIL Identing.................... 4 CTL . CTL ...........................4...................... passing level 160............................. PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153.......................... SF153..... November Juliet 342................... November Juliet 342.............................. descending to level 130................ B ra v o In d i a 1 9 6 ................................ PIL Negative............................................................. descending............................................................ PIL Descending to flight level 90...................................................................................................................... PIL Leaving level 280................................................................... CTL ........... CTL ...... CTL .................... Sierra Foxtrot 153.... descending to level 220.................... leaving flight level 110......... Alpha Golf 235......... passing FL180........ passing level 110............................................................................. 136 .............. descending. CTL ............ PIL Squawking 4526.. 2 CTL ....................... CTL .............................................. passing flight level 180............................. Alpha Golf 235......7 pilot calls AG235....................................................................................................................... 9 pilot replies Negative....... PIL Affirm..................................... Bravo India 196.. CTL ............................. AG235 3..... PIL Alpha Golf 235....................... PIL Leaving level 250............................ PIL Squawking 2744.............................. Alpha Golf 235............. Bravo India 196........... November Juliet 342............................................................................................................................... CTL . 3 CTL ................................................... CTL ................ PIL Roger........ l e a v i n g fli g h t l e v e l 1 8 0 .................... PIL Leaving flight level 310.......... CTL ..... Sierra Foxtrot 153.................................................................................... leaving FL18O.......................................................... CTL ................. PI L I d e n t i n g .............................................................. Sierra Foxtrot 153....... descending to level 210......................................................................................... November Juliet 342..... passing flight level 150.................................... CTL.... descending to cross Sierra at 80... PIL Affirm..................................................................... descending to level 190...1 Listen and Speak (from page 133) 1 8 control replies Confirm leaving FL190......... A l p h a G o l f 2 3 5 ................. descending.............. PIL November Juliet........................................................................................................................ PIL N e g a t i v e . Bravo India 196........................................................................................ PIL Bravo India 196.......................................................................................... PIL Roger.. AG235........................... descending to Tango at flight level 150.................................................................... PIL Descending to flight level 110..... PIL Leaving level 290.................... ......... 2.......... PIL Affirm........... Mayday all stations distress traffic ended.... Sunair 662... 3 PIL Sunair 779.. CTL ..2 Listen and Answer (from page 134) 1.......4........................................ Sunair 939......... heading 110...... The pilot intends to make an emergency landing at Winton.. 2 PIL MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY....... CTL Sunair 662. descending to FL190... Sunair 939. Winton Control...5 CTL . Mike Oscar 725...... passing level 140.... descending to cross Delta at level 90............................ Winton Control........................ we're having problems with the pressurisation... What kind of problem is there and how does this affect descent? There is a pressurisation problem so they have to descend slowly. CTL Roger..... 3........... w-e are descending to FL30............................... AH stations on 126.. descending to be at FL100 over RIV intersection. Sunair 939. Sunair 662... Sunair 662. Mike Oscar 725..... rccleared to FL170................... standard arrival procedure next for landing runway 32 at Winton........... Mike Oscar 725.. Sunair 939................... call me back when reaching........ break........................ CTL ... PIL Descending to FL170..... Mike Oscar 725........ PIL Roger. cancel distress....................... CTL Roger.. PIL ldenting.... 3...........3 stop transmitting....... position... descend to FL190... Sunair 779...... CTL Roger.... Sunair 939................... descending to level 170.... What is the problem? They have a receiver failure.... What is the emergency and what are the pilot's intentions? There is a fire in the rear toilets....... 137 ... heading 75Э. 3................................. ready to descend...... we'll have to descend slowly. PIL Leaving level 230............. PIL Leaving FL3I0.. fire now under control............ PIL Mike Oscar 725........4......2 Listen and Write (from page 134) 1 PIL Winton Control.. transmitting blind due to receiver failure...... Over Plaintree VOR this time. FL290. 50 miles West of Winton.. (pause) PIL Sunair 939.............................. Mayday.............. we have fire in the rear toilets.......... (pause) PIL Mayday Winton........... roger Mayday................... CTL ...................... request an emergency landing at Winton........... estimated 15 You are flying from Rexbury to Winton. After the handover you tune in to the Volmets for the area.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (en route) Listen and Read Flight plan details: Callsign SF3O9 reporting points: Wallesey. Telba.5. 138 . You are 55 nm from Blackrock. page 140.1 Flight from Rexbury to Wintcn (en route) Listen and Read Flight plan details: Blackrock (BCK) beacon. 3. SF309 is now climbing to FL330. estimated 48 Lake (LAK) VOR. Sitet. You are being handed over from Rexbury Control to New County Upper Control. Listen and Speak Follow the instructions on the tape. You are cruising at FL270. Etrat. page 140. callsign Sunair 367. Check Check your answers. Route maps are on pages 50-52.3. and reply to the controller. Check Check your answers.5 REVIEW OF PART THREE 3.5. Follow the instructions and reply to the controllers. the next reporting point. Midhurst. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's part. ............................. dew point 11.......... P I L 025°................ CTL ................ Newbridge at 14............... Sunair 367..................... PIL Roger............................................................................................. goodbye............ PIL Continue to Blackr ock....... P IL 3.. QNH 1020.......... estimating BCK at 48....................... estimating LAK at 15.................... T his is Winton Volmet..... no sig........................................................ temperature 12......... Winton airport at 14................................... Listen and Speak (fr om page 138) CTL .......... CTL ............... dew point 6...... PIL Roger...... 8000 metr es.....2 To RED... Sunair 367... are now back on track.......... temperature 6.................. 3 oktas 500 ft................ temper atur e 8....30.......... good after noon............................................................ we have passed the build-up.......................................... 3000 metres......30. Sunair 367................................ SF309............. over Blackr ock this time..........................................5...................... 140 .......1 Listen and Speak (from page 138) PIL New County Upper Control.........30.......................................5.............. CTL ............................ request turn right 30° to avoid build-up......... CTL......................................................5..... PIL Over LAK this lime. Over by at 14... 3 oktas 3500 ft................. CTL .................................................... mist............................................... Sunair 367................. P IL PIL Roger................................ T his is Winton Volmet.............................. PIL Heading 100....................... 250° 4 knots.......................... PIL Sunair 367.......... P I L SF309rreaching FL33O................................. Sunair 367....... continue to Blackr ock.................. no sig......... CTL ..... heading 125..................... CTL.......................................................... CTL....... good afternoon......................... 240° 12 knots................... 10 km or more.................................. PIL Valley Contr ol................................... PIL 128............... r eport r eaching..................... CTL .. no sig.................... 4 oktas 2000 ft................ 280° 10 knots................................................................... PIL Turning right heading 050...........................................................CHECK 3.............................................................. dew point 4........ PIL Proceeding to Lake.. CTL ............. Sunair 367... QNH 1016............. QNH 1020...... CTL.......................................................... traffic in sight.. Sunair 367........................................................................... PIL Turning right... Sunair 367........... PIL Sunair 367.... Sunair 367........................... CTL .................................................................... Sunair 367...................... Sunair 367.......................... .................. SF309........................................................................... SF309.. PIL Maintaining FL330.... cleared to Reymy................... CTL.. good afternoon........................................... good afternoon................ PIL Maintaining FL310.................................................................... SF309................................... CTL .. SF309....................................................................................................... SF309................................................................ SF309....PIL Own navigation to Honiley..................................................................... CTL .................. CTL ...................................................... PIL Descending to FL310..................... CTL................. PIL London.......... SF309.. PIL London 127.................................. PIL Paris................ .................. CTL......... PIL London 133............... 141 .....7...................... SF309. good afternoon...................................... squawking 0444.............................. direct Midhurst............................................. good day........... CTL.......................0......................................................................................................................................................... CTL... PIL London. SF3O9................... PIL Paris 132............................ PIL Go ahead SF309.................................................................................................. PIL Direct to Midhurst................................................................ PIL Maintaining FL330..........................................................................7.............. CTL........... rain goes under precipitation. e. Note that some words fit into more than one category.1 weather words Listen and Write Listen to the recording and write the weather words you recognise under the correct heading below. sandstorm wet CAVOK drizzle broken headwind CB's hail damp gusts fog-bound tornado pools of water snow dispersing clear air turbulence black ice slush a build-up (thick/dense) fog light rain snow snow drifts hailstones ceiling turbulence haze (in and out of) the tops crosswind flooded freezing rain a rainbow storm cells fog patches 142 . (You can read the words on page 146).3. There is no right or wrong answer here. Choose from these words to complete the 'weather word tree' below.6. CB's fits under both clouds and storms.6 SUPPLEMENTARY VOCABULARY 3. WIND PRECIPITATION VISIBILITY SURFACES CLOUD STORMS Listen and Check Listen to the categories and words read out on the recording. For example. It is an exercise to help you to remember the words by thinking about them. Try to choose some words that you do not know very well.g. then check the words you don't know. overcast heavy rain water spout strong wind snow ruts down/up-draught frost sleet icy patches cirrus closing in VMC conditions a flash of lightning 143 . listen to the tape and repeat the words. Listen and Repeat Look at the diagrams. Do you know the words which correspond to the numbers? Look.2 Cabin and safety equipment words L OOK and Think Look at the diagrams on this page.3. 144 .6. .. 6 .................................... Check Check your answers.................. 10 ............................ 3 .. Do not look at the words............................. Look at the diagrams only...... Then you will hear the right answer................ page 147.... 1 ............................ 9 ................. 12 . 7 . Listen and Speak Now test yourself............... 2 .... Listen and Write Look at the diagrams and listen to the tape........................ Write down the words which correspond to each number.................... 5 ............... 8 ............ 11 ........ below. Look....................... 145 . 4 ................................Look.. Listen to the tape and say the correct word when you hear the number...................... CHECK Listen and Check (from page 142) WIND calm headwind tailwind crosswind drift gusts strong wind light wind turbulence clear air turbulence severe/moderate turbulence windshear down/up draught PRECIPITATION rain drizzle scattered showers heavy rain light rain sleet snow hail hailstones slush freezing rain icing frost a rainbow SURFACES wet damp Hooded icy patches standing water pools of water snow ruts snow banks snow drifts black ice CLOUDS STORMS broken sandstorm overcast tornado CB 's hurricane (in and out of) the tops typhoon ceiling water spout cirrus thunder a bank of clouds lightning storm cells a flash of lightning a build-up to be struck by lightning CB's 146 VISIBILITY CAVOK VMC conditions mist (thick/dense) fog fog patches haze dispersing closing in fog-bound . 6.6.2 Look.1 Write (from page 143) 3.3. Listen and Write (from page 145) 1 the cabin 2 the cockpit 3 a door 4 an aisle (or alley) 5 a row of seats 6 toilets 7 8 9 10 11 12 a galley a jump seat an oxygen mask a life jacket (or life vest) an escape slide (or chute) a seat.belt 147 . Part Four Approach to parking . 3000 m.1. 1 Winton 2 Rexbury 3 Newbridge 4 Overby 5 Lambek 6 Frankfurt 7 Heathrow 8 Hamburg 9 Schiphol 10 Kastrup 11 Kastrup 12 Heathrow 07. fog vertical visibility minima QFE repairs damp flock of birds north/south/east/west Showers radar vectors instrument approach unserviceable (US) ILS (Instrument Landing System) turn-off hectopascal Typical ATIS recording Look at page 4 for a description of the items in these recordings. Phraseology practice Listen and Write Listen to the following ATIS recordings and make notes for each one in the table below. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary. The first one is done for you. TL50. ARRIVAL (ATIS) Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words and phrases in this list. 12 10. 330° 16 kts.4. 1002 7 Check Check your notes using the texts on page 154 151 . 6/8 1000. 00 hours. Information M. dew point 3. Landvetter. transition level 45. cloud 7 okus 2600 ft. transition level 55. QNH 1018 millibars. . 7 This is Heathrow arrival information K. QNH 1034. hectopascal 30. 20. . QNH 1036. dew point —4. direction West-East. Ockam VOR US. temperature + 17. wind 200°. 1 okta 1800 feet. large flock of birds at 1500 feet moving West. temperature 5. no sig. runway condition damp. 6 knots. dew point 5. 4 This is Overby information India at 14. Taxiway Yankee closed for repairs. QNH 1001 mbs. 5 . Report aircraft type and information К received on first contact with Heathrow Approach. temperature 13. temperature —2. information E. transition level 35. visibility 3000 metres. estimated altitude 3500 ft.20. transition level 50. 7 oktas 200 feet. visibility 220 metres. Main landing runway 27. temperature 5. Expect radar vectors for an ILS approach runway 15. visibility more than 10km. ILS approach landing runway 15 Left. 7 oktas 300 ft.30 Zulu time. Information M. wind calm. time 10. visibility 10 km or more. take-off runway 23. temperature 6. 6 oktas 1000 feet. dew point +10. dew point 10. QNH 1029. transition level 50. visibility 9 km. QNH 1002. 154 . This was information Mike. temp 1. runway condition wet. 9 Schiphol Arrival information Charlie.CHECK Listen and Write (from page 152) 1 This is Winton arrivaJ information Charlie. 270° IS knots. out. This was information Uniform. transition level 60.30. present weather: 3 oktas 800 feet. This was information India. Met report: wind variable 3 knots. runway in use 07L and 07R. braking action good. present weather: fog. ILS approach landing runway 07. ILS approach landing runway 29. dew point -2. temp 6. visibility 10 kilometres. 2 oktas 200 ft. visibility 2000 m in mist. This was information Charlie. available block 14. dew point —3. clouds 1 okta 2900 ft. 6 This is Frankfurt information M.*QNH 1006. wind 165° 21 knots.15. and no sig. QNH 1020. out. Met report: 210° 24 knots. temporarily freezing rain. Attention ILS runway 07L unserviceable. observation time 10. QNH 1014. no sig. visibility more than 10 km. take-off runway 33. present weather: rain showers. present weather: continuous rain. Expect radar vectors for instrument approach. no turn-off. dew point 11. 28R single runway operations. 3 This is Newbridge arrival information Mike at 15. visibility 8 kilometres in haze.50.54 inches. transition level 45. vertical visibility 45 metres. ILS approach landing runway 33. wind 225° 9 knots. 8 This is Hamburg information Mike. at 17. wind 330° 16 knots. 2 This is Rexbury arrival information Uniform. Additional information: extensive bird activity across the Hamburg area. 21. recorded at 08. braking action good. ILS approach runway 21 in use. Transition level 60. temperature 12. dew point 3.15 hours weather: wind 240° 07 knots. runway braking action good. check your minima. Transition level 60. 10 This is Kastrup arrival information Sierra. temperature +21. Pilots are reminded that there is no turn-off from runway 28R at block 14. cumuio nimbus 4000 ft. landing runway 28R. QNH 1013. dew point 18. visibility 20 kms. met report 13. 070° 8 knots. visibility 15 kilometres. Report aircraft type and information E received on first contact with Heathrow Approach. 12 This is Heathrow arrival information E. temp 24. Runway in use for landing O4L.20. CAVOK. no sig. 1 okta. no sig.50. 18. This was information Bravo. Transition level 50. QNH 1017 millibars. Runway in use for landing 04L. QNH 1012. This was information Sierra. dew point 17. Met report 09. temp 28. dew point +09.15 hours weather: 200° 09 knots. 2 oktas 9000 ft. 060° 9 knots.9 This is Kastrup arrival information Bravo. 155 . 11. reduce speed delay no delay expected holding pattern enter delay not determined snow removal Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER (a) 1 pilot calls — name of ground station — callsign — greeting 2 control replies --aircraft callsign --name of ground staition --‘go ahead’ 3 pilot replies — callsign — flight level — information received 4 control replies — callsign — squawk number — reporting point — speed reduction instruction 5 pilot replies — 'squawking_____(number)’ — 'reducing ____knots’ — callsign (possible Pause) 7 pilot replies — readback approach clearance --. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.2.2. 8.4. 8. 4.2 APPROACH Key words and phrases Check that you understand all the words in the list below.7 DGAC ref.7 CAA ref.callsign 156 6 control — callsign — approach clearance — runway number — 'no delay expected' .1 11.4.ICAO ref. — In {b) control reply 4. the greeting should be at the end. as this is part of a dialogue. However.callsign 2 control replies — aircraft callsign — name of ground station — 'go ahead' 3 pilot replies — callsign — flight level — ‘descending to ___(flight level)’ — information received 4 control replies — descent instructions — hold instructions — ‘expect approach time___’ 5 pilot replies ---‘descending to _______’ — readback hold instructions — 'expected approach time ____’ — callsign NOTES — In (a) pilot call 1. Climb). as in (b) 1. in practice it often comes between name of ground station and callsign. the callsign is not used. and contact is clearly established (see notes on Use of Callsigns in 2.4.greeting of ground station --. 157 .1.(b) 1 pilot calls --. 7 pilot replies Check Check your answers.Phraseology practice Listen Listen to dialogue (a) en the tape. Write Complete the text by filling in the pilot's words (flight details below). 2 control replies SF153. cleared "ILS approach. 5 pilot replies 6 control SFI53. runway 07. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. 3 pilot replies 4 control replies SF153. report MEL. SF153. Orly Approach. Check with the recording if necessary Callsign Flight ATIS level information 50 M SF153 (a) 1 pilot calls Orly Approach. go ahead. page 162 158 . squawk A4263. reduce speed to 250 knots. no delay expected. page 162 159 . ATIS Callsign Flight information level 150AG235 К -0 (b) 1 pilot calls 2 control replies AG235. page 162. Listen and Speak Listen to the taре. 3 pilot replies 4 control replies Descend to FL60. call Approach Control. Flight ATIS Callsign level information SFI53 1 -50 M AG235 2 3 BI196 NJ342 MO725 15080 K -90 L 13080 P -90 T Check Check your answers. on reaching MEL. expect approach time at 45. hold. Check with the recording if necessary. Listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words. 5 pilot replies Check Check your answers. Orly Approach. go ahead. Write Complete the text by filling in the pilot's words (flight details below).Listen Listen to dialogue (b) on the tape. Using the flight details below. ____________MEL 2000 ft. Orly Tower. 1 (a) What is the problem? _______________________________________________________________________ (b) What does the pilot do first? _____________________________________________________________________________ (c) Then what does he do? _________________________________________________________________ (d) What can the Tower controller see? _________________________________________________________________ 2. page 163. CTL Roger. heading 200. CTL Roger. what are____________? PIL Request proceed to____________in order to____________complete check. . Listen and Write Listen to the following dialogues and complete the texts below. (pause) PIL SF662. our__________________________is____________.2. North of Tower. PIL At 200 feet. What problem does Sunair 572 have? _________________________________________________________________ Check Check your answers. We intend to________________________ near the Tower to have the __ __________checked. 160 . (pause) CTL SF662 your landing gear__________________________ PIL SF662.____________of Tower. climb 2000 ft and turn left heading 350 to MEL VOR. Why did they overshoot? _________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Approach (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions.4. There arc four questions for dialogue 1. CTL SF662. make a low pass at 200 ft heading 200. 1 PIL SF662.__________________________and we intend to land. PIL ____________to 2000 ft______________left heading 350 to MEL. landing gear_________but ___________ not____________. CTL Roger Sunair 572.2 PEL Sunair 594. rum right to Redhill VOR. Try to guess the meaning. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand. or are not sure about._____________when____________1000 ft. 3 PIL Sunair 572. Check Check your answers. Request____________ ____________to runway 26 which is the____________. Sunair 572. and write it down. PIL Number 1 to land. runway 07. 161 . over RIV VOR while we sort out the traffic. PIL Thank you Winton. (pause) PIL Sunair 594. page164._____________ CTL Sunair 594.________________________10°. in English or in your own language. Sunair 594. Then check with a dictionary._________________________. you're number 1 to land__________________________at 600 feet 2 miles final. request____________for landing.____________when ready._____________ CTL Sunair 594. .... report MEL. PIL Cleared ILS 07.......:.... go ahead....2.................... on reaching MEL... go ahead 3 pilot replies AG235... squawk A4263... reduce speed to 250 knots 5 pilot replies Squawking 4263.. 2 control replies SF153...... bonjour.. reaching flight level 50. CTL . PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153............ descending to FL80... 4 control replies SF153. 162 .. Sierra Foxtrot 153... 5 pilot replies Descending to FL60..... CTL . reaching FL50. AG235 2 control replies AG235... information M received...... FL150........... expected approach time 45.. SF153 6 control SF153.... Sierra Foxtrot 153....... runway 07. Sierra Foxtrot 153..... at MEL enter the holding pattern.... expect approach time at 45...1 Write (from page 158) (a) 1 pilot calls Orly Approach.1 Listen and Speak (from page 159) 1 PIL Orly Approach...... PIL Squawking 4263. SF153......... good afternoon... information Mike received........ reducing to 250 knots.. 7 pilot replies Cleared ILS 07.. CTL ........... good afternoon. reducing to 250 knots...... information К received 4 control replies Descend to FL60.....2. Orly Approach. SF153 4.1 Write (from page 159) (b) 1 pilot calls Orly Approach... 4........ hold....CHECK 4........... Orly Approach... no delay expected... cleared ILS approach.2.. AG235..... 3 pilot replies SF153. . 4..... 2.......................... PIL Bravo India 196.......2 Listen and Answer (from page 160) l(a) What is the problem? The left main landing gear is jammed......... CTL ............. Alpha Golf 235.................. November Juliet 342. good afternoon............ CTL ........ report reaching. Mike Oscar 725..2 PlL Orly Approach... CTL .... good morning............................................ CTL.... will report Mike Echo Lima on reaching........ PIL Affirm......... PIL Mike Oscar 725.. information Kilo received...................... desending level 70............ CTL ......... reducing 200 knots....... (b) What does the pilot do first? He carries out a complete check while in a holding pattern........... expected approach time 45................ PIL Orly Approach.. Bravo India 196......... reaching flight level 90............ information Tango received.... PIL Negative.... CTL ..... CTL ...... at Mike Echo Lima................ Mike Oscar 725...2...... PIL Orly Approach............. descending to flight level 80.... enter the holding pattern........................ reducing to 210 knots... cleared Mike Echo Lima. information Lima received............... PIL Cleared ILS 07........ PIL Descending to flight level 60. descending to level 60....................... PIL November Juliet 342....... PIL Squawking idem............ information Papa received... Bravo India 196................ 4 PIL Cleared ILS approach runway 26.............. November Juliet 342....... at Mike Echo Lima enter the holding pattern.......... PIL Squawking 3127............... 3 PIL Alpha Golf 235............................. flight level 130. CTL ...................................................... What problem does Sunair 572 have? They cannot extend the flaps more than 10°.............. bonjour........... CTL ....... Bravo India 196. descending to level 80......................... CTL ...... reaching level 90........................... flight level 150........................... CTL ..... 163 ................ Why did they overshoot? Because of wind shear on the approach.................................. 5 PIL Descending to flight level 50. CTL ........... Mike Oscar 725......... good afternoon...... reaching flight level 90. Alpha Golf 235....................... PIL Orly Approach.... 3..................... (c) Then what does he do? He makes a low pass near the Tower. November Juliet 342. Bravo India 196.......... (d) What can the Tower controller see? He can see that the landing gear seems to be fully extended... (pause) CTL SF662. turn right to Redhill VOR. when passing 1000 ft. you're number 1 to land. Caution wind shear reported at 600 feet 2 miles final. North of Tower. runway 07. going around. PIL Climbing to 2000 ft. We intend to make a low pass near the Tower to have the undercarriage checked. make a low pass at 200 ft heading 200. climb 2000 ft and turn left heading 350 to Mike Echo Lima VOR. (pause) PIL Sierra Foxtrot 662. PIL Number 1 to land. request emergency services and we intend to land. PIL Thank you Winton. turning left heading 350 to Mike Echo Lima. North of Tower. CTL Sierra Foxtrot 662.2 Listen and Write (from page 161) 1 PIL Sierra Foxtrot 662. your landing gear seems to be completely extended. Orly Tower. call you back when ready. outer marker. CTL Sunair 594. CTL Roger.4. Sunair 572. Request high speed flat approach to runway 26 which is the longest available. Request proceed to holding area in order to carry out complete check. standard procedure. (pause) PIL Sunair 594. 2 PIL Sunair 594. 164 . landing gear down but maybe not locked. unable to extend flaps beyond 10°. over Mike Echo Lima 2000 ft. PIL At 200 ft. CTL Sunair 594. PIL SF662. what are your intentions? PIL. CTL Roger. proceed to holding pattern over RIV VOR while we sort out the traffic. request emergency services for landing. our left main landing gear is jammed. 3 PIL Sunair 572.2. CTL Roger Sunair 572. heading 200. Sunair 594. 3 FINAL APPROACH AND LANDING 4.1 11.2 Caa ref.1 Key words and phrases Check that you understand the words and phrases below.9. 7.3 DGAC ref. 7. straight in approach established tower outer marker Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER 1 pilot calls — name of ground station — callsign 2 control replies — aircraft callsign — name of ground station 3 pilot replies — callsign — flight level — 'Estimating___(next reporting point)___(time)’ — information received 4 control replies — aircraft callsign — speed reduction instructions — clearance to beacon 5 pilot replies — readback clearance —‘reducing to_____knots’ — callsign 5 control — aircraft callsign — 'expect_____ (type of approach)' — runway number — QNH — 'report established' 165 . Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary.3.4.1 Final approach and landing (routine) ICAO ref.. 11.3.4. estimate .3.5. ICAO and CAA use 'Cleared to land'.wind direction and strength 16 pilot replies — readback landing clearance --.callsign NOTE — In pilot reply 16.7 pilot replies — runway number --QNH — callsign (pause) 8 pilot calls — callsign — 'established’ — 'runway___in sight’ control replies — aircraft callsign — ‘number 1’ — 'contact Tower___(frequency)’ 10 pilot replies — readback frequency — callsign change of frequency 11 pilot calls — name of ground station — callsign 12 control replies — callsign — 'report outer marker' 13 pilot replies — callsign (pause) 14 pilot calls — callsign — 'outer marker' control replies — aircraft callsign — landing clearance --. DGAC uses 'Landing’. 166 . 1 10 pilot replies change of frequency 167 . contact Tower 118. Write Complete the text of the dialogue below. reporting point estimation RED 32. 3 pilot replies 4 control replies SF153.Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the dialogue on the tape. using the flight details given. QNH 1005. Check with the tape if necessary. Flight details: callsign SF153. cleared RED. flight level 50. 5 pilot replies 6 control SFI53. 1 pilot calls 2 control replies SF153. reduce speed to 250 knots. Winton Approach. number 1. expect straight in ILS approach runway 07. ATIS information M. Listen and Repeat Listen and repeat the pilot's words. 7 pilot replies 8 pilot calls 9 control replies SF153. report established. page 171.3.2 Final approach and landing (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down answers to these questions. l(a) Why must Sunair go around? __________________________________________________________________________ (b) What might cause problems on runway 12? __________________________________________________________________________ 2(a) Why can't Sunair 350 vacate the runway? ___________________________________________________________________________ 168 . wind 330°. cleared to land.11 pilot calls 12 control replies SF153. page 171. 10 knots 16 pilot replies Check Check your answers. Callsign 1 SF153 2 AG235 3BI196 Check Flight Level 50 150 80 90 Estimated time at RED 32 ATIS M 16 K 54 O Check your answers. 13 pilot replies 14 pilot calls 15 control replies SF153. 4. Use the flight details below. There are two questions for each dialogue. report outer marker. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's role in the following three recorded approach sequences. Sunair 323. Sunair 323. (pause) PIL Winton Tower. the aircraft__________________________to ____________ the runway. good morning. PIL____________. report short final. Listen and Write Listen to the dialogues again and complete the texts below. wind 320° 12 knots. PIL Cleared to land. PIL Roger. you are_________________________. 2 CTL Sunair 350. page 173._________________________. PIL Number 2 to land. Sunair 323. 1 PIL Winton Tower. proceed to Redhill____________ ____________. can you____________a____________of 18 knots____________ to 25? PIL Affirm. ____________to runway 12? CTL Standby one. we_________________________and have at least 2__________________________We are_____________ _ _________. Sunair 350.(b) What do they ask the controller to do? _____________________________________________________________________________ 3(a) Why must Sunair go around? ____________________________________________________________________________ (b) Why does the pilot decide to divert to Overby? ____________________________________________________________________________ Check Check your answers. I'l l call you back. CTL Sunair 323. Sunair 323. good morning. Sunair 350. please 169 . CTL Sunair 323. (pause) PIL Sunair 323. CTL Sunair 323.__________________________. cleared to land. go around.____________. runway 07 is____________by a_________________________. CTL Sunair 323. Sunair 323. Sunair 323. (pause) PIL Approach. CTL Sunair 697.______________. number 1 to land. Sunair 697. Your word list Wine down any words in the dialogues you do not understand.3 advise ______________ and we request ______________ and buses to take the passengers__________________________. Sunair 697. and Approach on 121. and write it down. CTL Sunair 697. Sunair 697. Sunair 697. Try to guess the meaning. Then check with a dictionary. PIL Winton Tower. page 173. or are not sure about.3.______________. do you know _________________________? CTL Delay is_____________for the moment — there seems to be a problem with the___________________________ PIL Request______________to Overby.______________. PIL Wintcn Approach. (pause) CTL Sunair 697. proceed to____________________________Redhill. PIL Climbing to 3000 ft. CTL Climb to 3000 ft____________________________and contact Approach on 121.3. we ______________ l onge r tha n f ive mi nute s. there's a_________________________. Check Check your answers. go around. 170 . Confirm the standard procedure. PIL _________. PIL ______________. in English or in your own language. information M. 7 pilot replies Runway 07. SF153 11 pilot calls Winton Tower. wind 330°. SF153 8 pilot calls SF153. estimating RED 32.1 Write (from page 167) 1 pilot calls Winton Approach. expect straight-in ILS approach. QMH 1005. cleared to land. report established. number 1. report outer marker 13 pilot replies SF153. 10 knots. reducmg to 250 knots. contact Tower 118. 3 pilot replies SF153. SF153 6 control replies SFI53. Winton Approach. runway 07 in sight 9 control replies SF153.3. runway 07.1 10 pilot replies 118. outer marker 15 control replies SF153. 5 pilot replies Cleared RED. SF153 171 . FL50.CHECK 4. established. 14 pilot calls SF153.1. 16 pilot replies Cleared to land.SF153 12 control replies SF153. 4 control replies SF153. cleared RED. 2 control replies SFI53. SF153. reduce speed to 250 knots. QNH 1005. ........... outer marker... PIL Runway 07................. runway 07 in sight................................. estimating Romeo Echo Delta 32............1.. estimating Romeo Echo Delta at 54........ PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153 established................................................................................ Sierra Foxtrot 153..... runway 07 in sight.. outer marker................................................................................................... PIL Winton Tower... QNH 1012.. PIL.............................. Sierra Foxtrot 153................. flight level 50............................. Sierra Foxtrot 153.................................................... PIL Winton Tower...................... Alpha Golf 235. PIL Alpha Golf 235..... descending flight level 60.. PIL 118........................................ CTL.................. PIL Winton Approach............................... CTL........................................... Alpha Golf 235.. flight level 90... CTL ...... Alpha Golf 235.... CTL ............. runway 07.. PIL 118.............................................................. information Oscar. CTL ........................... CTL ... CTL ................... established ILS runway 07.... CTL ...... CTL .. descending to 4000 feet... PIL Cleared Romeo Echo Delta............................................................. CTL.. estimating Romeo Echo Delta 16............ PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153.........Listen and Speak (from page 168) 1 PIL Winton Approach........... Alpha Golf 235........ CTL ......... PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153. CTL .. CTL ......... information Kilo... information Mike. Bravo India 196.... PIL 3 Cleared to land Alpha Golf 235.......... PIL Cleared to land Sierra Foxtrot 153.. PIL Sierra Foxtrot 153. PIL Leaving flight level 90.............1........................................................... Bravo India !96.. Bravo India 196.................... PIL Cleared Romeo Echo Delta... reducing to 250 knots........................ PIL Winton Tower... QNH 1005......... Bravo India 196.......... CTL ..... Bravo India 196.............................. Alpha Golf 235........1............... PIL Runway 07.. PIL Bravo India 196.......... PIL Squawking Alpha 4263.... 172 .... CTL .. PIL Alpha Golf 235................... PIL Alpha Golf 235. PIL Bravo India 196.... Sierra Foxtrot 153.... CTL ... PIL 118................... PIL Alpha Golf 235 established....... descending flight level 80.. 2 PIL Winton Approach.... leaving flight level 150........... Sierra Foxtrot 153..... .... can you accept a crosswind of 18 knots gusting to 25? PIL Affirm.. (b) Why does the pilot decide to divert to Overby? They are running short of fuel.... please advise company maintenance and we request passenger steps and buses to take the passengers to the terminal.РIL Bravo India 196. may we proceed to runway 12? CTL Standby one I'll call you back. good morning. 4.... the aircraft in front of you is unable to vacate the runway... long final. PIL Roger. CTL. PIL Bravo India 196. Sunair 323. (pause) 2 PIL Approach... wind calm. PIL Going around. Sunair 323. PIL Cleared to land. PIL Cleared to land. Confirm the standard procedure.. go around. Sunair 323. standard procedure. PIL Winton Tower... CTL Sunair 323. PIL Going around. Sunair 697..3. Sunair 350. Sunair 350...... report short final. proceed to Redhill holding pattern...3. (pause) 3 PIL Winton Tower.. CTL Sunair 697. cleared to land. (pause) PIL Sunair 323. CTL Sunair 323. 173 ... climb to 4000 ft. wind 320° 12 knots. good morning. CTL Climb to 3000 feet on runway heading and contact Approach on 121.. 4. runway 07 is blocked by a crashed aircraft.. we aquaplaned after touch-down and have at least 2 tyres blown out on right main gear. Sunair 323.. go around... short final. over outer marker. outer marker. We are unable to vacate the runway............ PIL Number 2 to land. Sunair 323... 3(a) Why must Sunair go around? The runway lights have failed. (b) What might cause problems on runway 12? There is a strong crosswind. there's a runway lighting failure...2 Listen and Write (from page 169) 1 PIL Winton Tower. Bravo India 196. 2(a) Why can't Sunair 350 vacate the runway? They aquaplaned and have at least 2 tyres blown out on main gear. (pause) CTL Sunair 697..... number 1 to land.3. CTL Sunair 323. CTL Sunair 350.. Sunair 323.. you are number 2 for landing. CTL Sunair 323..2 Listen and Answer (from page 168) 1 (a) Why must Sunair go around? The aircraft in front was unable to vacate the runway... Sunair 697. (b) What do they ask the controller to do? Advise company maintenance and arrange for passenger steps and buses....... CTL Sunair 697.PIL Climbing to 3000 ft. proceed to holding area over Redhill. PIL We're running low on fuel. PIL Request divert to Overby. do you know how long the delay will be? CTL Delay is undetermined for the moment — there seems to be a problem with the generators. and Approach on 121. 174 . Sunair 697. Sunair 697. we cannot hold longer than five minutes. PIL Wintcn Approach.3. 4 AFTER LANDING 4. vacated inner/outer taxiway turn-off Typical exchange PILOT CONTROLLER 1 control calls — callsign — taxi instruction — frequency change 2 pilot replies — readback of frequency — callsign 3 pilot calls — name of ground station — callsign — 'runway vacated' 4 control replies — callsign — taxi instructions — parking stand number 5 pilot replies -.1 After landing (routine) Key words and phrases Check that you understand the following words and phrases. 11. Look up any new words in an aviation dictionary. CAA ref.4. 4.stand number -.ICAO ref.4 4.readback of taxi instructions -.callsign 175 .11 DGAC ref. inner taxi way. Then continue in the same way. Write Complete the text below by writing in the pilot's words. 5 pilot replies Check Check your answers. Listen and Speak: Reply to the taxi instructions for the following flights in a similar way. Listen to the example first. Check with the tape if necessary. No 1 2 3 4 5 Callsign SF153 AG235 BI196 NJ342 MO725 Check Check your answers. take the second left.9. take the first right and contact Ground on 121. 1 control calls SFI53. 176 . 2 pilot replies 3 pilot calls 4 control replies SF153. to stand D7. page 178. page 178.Phraseology practice Listen Listen to the recorded dialogue. Listen and Repeat Listen again and repeat the pilot's words. starting with the example again. good morning. take the_________________________. and write it down. CTL Roger.2 After landing (non-routine) Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogues and write down the answers to these questions.7. 177 ._____________ CTL Sunair 229. CTL Thank you Sunair 223. Try to guess the meaning._____________a 727_________________________and is ____________the taxiway. Your word list Write down any words in the dialogues you do not understand or are not sure about. page 179. Listen and Write Listen to the dialogues again and complete the texts below. Sunair 223. page 179. then________________________ PIL Sunair 229. Check Check your answers. we'll____________as soon as possible. Why does Sunair need a tug? ___________________________________________________________________________ Check Check your answers. can you__________________________50 yards or so ____________the next intersection? PIL Affirm. Sunair 229. I think we can____________that slowly. We seem to have had____________ ____________on_____________R e q u e s t _ _ _ „ ___________________. 2 CTL Sunair 223. PIL 121.. 1 CTL Sunair 229. Then check with a dictionary._________________________ beyond the next_____________ PIL Roger. PIL Winton Ground. take the . Sunair 223.4.7. Sunair 223. You'll have to wait ._________________________. Why does Sunair have to hold on the taxiway? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 1. in Engjish or in your own language.____________left and contact Ground on 121.4. . PIL Winton Ground.. CTL ............ runway vacated........4...... PIL Taxiway Bravo.................. PIL 121..............................1 Write (from page 176) 1 control calls SFI53. PIL 121. to stand D7... SF153 4........................ 2 CTL .... 3 CTL ........ Sierra Foxtrot 153. outer taxiway...... PIL 121....... November Juliet 342............. stand D7............. PIL Winton Ground...... SF153............ Bravo India 196...........8............................. PIL Second left.......... runway vacated. runway vacated 4 control replies SF153... CTL ............................ CTL ..... 121...9 2 pilot replies 121..................... taxiway Bravo............................ Mike Oscar 725... runway vacated.. stand Chariie 10.................... stand 28..... November Juliet 342........... Sierra Foxtrot 153........................ PIL Winton Ground.. November Juliet 342....6......... Mike Oscar 725.... 5 pilot replies Second left..... Alpha Golf 235.... Mike Oscar 725.... 5 PIL Taxiway Bravo... runway vacated........................... first right. Sierra Foxtrot 153. Bravo India 196................4. take the second left.................. inner taxiway......... CTL ...........6... SF153 3 pilot calls Winton Ground........ PIL CTL .9. Alpha Golf 235... gate 39................... stand Delta 7....... take the first right and contact Ground on 121................. PIL 121. 4 PIL Turn right........................ Bravo India 196......... PIL Straight ahead.... 178 ............... CTL ... PIL Winton Ground.........6..................... inner taxiway..................... stand 12........ CTL ......9............... PIL Winton Ground.CHECK 4.....1 Listen and Speak (from page 176) 1 CTL ..... runway vacated... Alpha Golf 235........ inner taxiway. I think we can manage that. CTL Thank you Sunair 223. 50 yards or so until you're past the next intersection? PIL Affirm. PIL 121. You'll have to wait until a tug pushes him back beyond the next intersection. PIL Winton Ground.4. good morning. We seem to have had a nose gear tyre blow out on landing. can you move forward under your own power. Sunair 223. Why does Sunair need a tug? They have had a tyre blow out on the nose gear.7. Request a tug to tow us to the apron. slowly. Sunair 223. we'll get a rug out to you as soon as possible.7. take the second left and contact Ground on 121. CTL Roger. holding. PIL Sunair 229. stop taxi. Sunair 229. CTL Sunair 229. 2 CTL Sunair 223. Why does Sunair have to hold on the taxi way? A 727 has taken a wrong turning and is blocking the taxiway.2 Listen and Write (from page 177) 1 CTL Sunair 229. 2. a 727 has taken a wrong turning ar.4. PIL Roger. take the first convenient turn-off. 179 . 4. then turn right into taxiway Bravo.4. runway vacated.2 Listen and Answer (from page 176) 1. Sunair 223.d is blocking the taxiway. Check Check your answers.5. page 182. 4.5 REVIEW OF PART FOUR 4. follow the instructions and reply to the controller. The next reporting point is RED (Redhill) VOR. (Note that for historical reasons the callsign letters Sylvia Foxtrot are sometimes pronounced as Safa. Listen and Speak You are ready to begin your descent towards Winton. SF309 is cruising at FL310 and preparing for descent. cruising at FL270 and preparing for descent.5. Listen and Speak Take the pilot's pan. Follow the instructions and reply to the controller. You expect to change to Meadow Control soon. For further details (Winton radio frequencies) turn to page 49. The recording begins with Winton ATIS. page 182. 180 . Listen to the recording. The recording begins with Paris Orly Arrival ATIS.) Look again at the maps on pages 50—52. Check Check your answers.2 Flight from Dublin to Paris (descent and landing) Listen and Read Flight plan details: Callsign SF309.4.1 Flight from Rexbury to Winton (approach and landing) Listen and Read You are now in contact with Valley Control. . goodbye.. PIL Winton Radar............... stand D7...... good afternoon........ 182 . Sunair 367...5......5. On initial contact report information Lima received........ PIL Sunair 367.. PIL Sunair 367....................... temperature +10..............1 Listen and Speak (from page 180) ATIS This is Winton information Lima recorded at 15................ CTL... Sunair 367...... PIL Sunair 367. expecting ILS approach runway 25. Sunair 367..... goodbye..... PIL Descending FL120. 4.....!. QNH 1020........ surface wind 280° 10 knots visibility 8000 metres... descending to 60..... PIL Cleared to land........ inner taxiway......... CTL...... Sunair 367........................ Sunair 367.... 3 oktas 350 metres.30 Zulu time....... Sunair 367.. Sunair 367..... reaching FL70.... CTL......... 6 oktas 7000 metres. surface wind 242° 13 knots........ Sunair 367...... QNH 1020.......................... visibility 10 km............ PIL Number 2 to land....... established on the glide slope................. CTL................ runway vacated....... confirm information India received on initial contact............... CTL __________________________________________________________________________________________ PIL Winton Approach on 121. PIL 121... ready for descent....... CDG is facing West..... dew point +8....... for take-off 30..... take-off runway 25...... temp 12..... CTL........... PIL Descending to 2000 ft........ attention taxiway 2A closed...... PIL Second left.. outer marker..............2 Listen and Speak (from page 180) ATIS landing runway 26. Sunair 367. PIL Descending to 3000 ft..... CTL. 3 oktas stratocumulus at 3500 ft........ CTL......... turning right heading 160... PIL Winton Approach... Meadow Control 128........ dew point I I ....... PIL To intercept the Redhill VOR 070 radial and descending to FL60.......... PIL Tower 118..............3.... PIL Sunair 367.........CHECK 4.. attention bird situaiion.......... good afternoon. QNH 1017mbQFE 1006 mb. CTL.................... Sunair 367...................... transition level 50..1.............. PIL Meadow Control............. goodbye.................................7............. good afternoon....... CTL _________________________________________________________________________ PIL Winton Radar on 121.5.1...... good afternoon.. turning right heading 230. Sunair 367....... Sunair 367................... CTL.. goodbye....... Sunair 367. PIL Descending FL190.......... good afternoon.. Sunair 367. PIL Sunair 367. CTL........ RED direct. transition level 40......... goodbye.... Runway for landing 25....... PIL Tower...... PIL Ground.......... Sunair 367............ Sunair 367.............. ... CTL ....... Paris............ PIL SF309.............. PIL Orly............ PIL Reaching FL80........... PIL Descending to FL80....................... 183 ....... goodbye......... PIL Descending to 3000 feet...................... CTL ........ ………. ready to descend........ bonjour...... CTL ............ CTL ........ SF309.......... SF309............................... PIL SF309................... SF309... SF309............... SF309..... goodbye............ PIL SF309.................... descending to 4000 feet...... PIL Turning right heading 230..... CTL ...... change 118...................................................... CTL................... cleared ILS 26..... SF309............................... PIL Turning left to Reymy...................... CTL .......... SF309. SF309........................................................ QNH1017............... good afternoon................... SF309............. SF309................... PIL Orly Approach...... runway 26...................... SF309.................... ………..................... CTL ..... over outer marker..... PIL Reducing to 250 knots...... CTL .......... CTL ............... goodbye....................:...................... PEL 124.............. SF3O9.... PIL 180 knots till OYP........... PIL Squawking 4244............................................ PIL Descending to FL110...85............ reaching Reymy.... SF309............................. SF309...............7.............................. PIL Roger....................... CTL.......................... PIL Negative. CTL . PIL Heading 170..................... reaching 4000 feet............ PIL Descending to FL240 initially... PIL TSU......... CTL ............................ SF309.................... SF309.. radial 075...... CTL ...... CTL......................... 180 knots........... SF309.... SF309................. CTL .... CTL ................................................................................ SF3O9..............PH.............. SF309.... PIL Paris.. bonjour......... PIL 300................... CTL... PIL Orly Approach 120..05........................... ..... 184 .............7. CTL ...... SF309....................... PIL First right............... CTL ...... Ground 121. runway vacated..PIL Cleared to land................................... SF309.................... SF309.. PIL Ground. PIL Delta 8.......... SF309...... followed by a list of definitions of the jobs. Match the jobs with the definitions. Jobs Definitions co-ordinator ticket sales clerk Controller station manager flight engineer Purser Captain reservations clerk customs officer shuttle bus driver Marshaller flight attendant baggage handler DEFINITIONS a person who works in the cabin the third crew member in the cockpit this person helps the pilot to park the plane the person in the left-hand seat in the cockpit the boss of the ground staff the person in charge of the bus from the plane to the terminal someone who loads and unloads the luggage this person may work in the Tower the person who can inspect passengers' luggage the person who sells tickets the person who works mainly on the telephone the first person to come on board when a flight arrives the chief of the cabin crew Check Check your answers. and write the definitions in the table.4. 185 . page 186.6 SUPPLEMENTARY VOCABULARY Aviation Jobs Read and Write Here is a table with the names of jobs in aviation. 6 Read and Wiite (from page 185) Jobs co-ordinator ticket sales clerk controller station manager flight engineer purser captain reservations clerk customs officer shuttle bus driver marshaller flight attendant baggage handler 186 Definitions the first person to come on board when a flight arrives the person who sells tickets this person may work in the Tower the boss of the ground staff the third crew member in the cockpit the chief of the cabin crew the person in the left-hand seat in the cockpit the person who works mainly on the telephone the person who can inspect passengers' luggage the person in charge of the bus from the plane to the terminal this person helps the pilot to park the plane a person who works in the cabin someone who loads and unloads the luggage .CHECK 4. Part Five Final review 5.1 REXBURY TO WINTON (COMPLETE FLIGHT) Scenario Read Winton is 1200 nautical miles East of Rexbury. The alternate for Winton is Overby, 75 nautical miles North West of Winton. Newbridge Airport is 50 miles South East of Rexbury. Rexbury Airport Runway: 29 Taxiways: Yankee, Delta SID's: November 2, Romeo 1, Golf 5 Tower frequency: 118.3 Approach frequency: 120.26 Rexbury Area Control: 128.9 Winton Airport Runways: 07, 12 Taxiways: Inner/Outer Tower frequency: 118.1 Winton Radar frequency: 121.1 Approach frequency: 121.3 Ground frequency: 12i.7 VOR-RED (Redhill) En route New County Upper Control: 135.9 Valley Control: 128.5 Meadow Control: 126.3 Reporting points RIV (River) BCK (Blackrock) LAK (Lake) RED (Redhili) Listen and Read You are flying from Rexbury to Winton. Your callsign is Sunair 367, your stand is 19. The time is 13.40. The recording begins with ATIS information, and then asks you to make initial contact with Rexbury Ground. Listen and Speak Follow the instructions on the tape, and reply to the controller. If necessary, you can read the controller's part included below. But then try to reply without reading the controller's part. Check Check your answers, page 193. Tapescript of recorded simulation (controllers pan only). The dotted lines (...) show where the pilot (you) should speak. ATIS (twice): This is Rexbury departure information Foxtrot at 13.30 Zulu time. Takeoff and landing runway 29, wind 260° 12 knots, CAVOK, temperature 14, dew point I I , QNH 1023, no sig. This was information Foxtrot. PIL (call Rexbury Ground) ................................................................................................................... CTL Good afternoon, Sunair 367, go ahead. 189 PIL (ask for start-up) .................................................... CTL Say again stand number, Sunair 367. PIL ...................................................................................... CTL Sunair 367, start-up approved, PIL ................................................................... CTL Sunair 367, here is your АТС clearance. PIL……………. ................................................................... CTL АТС clears Sunair 367 to destination Winton airport via flight planned route. Golf 5 departure, climb initially to FL110, expect level change en route. PIL ................................................................... CTL That is correct, Sunair 367. PIL (call for push-back) .................................................. CTL Sunair 367, push-back approved, taxi to holding point 29 via taxiway Delta. PIL................................................................... CTL Sunair 367, contact Tower now on 118.3. PIL ................................................................... PIL (call reaching holding point) .......................................... CTL Sunair 367, report the 727 on final in sight. PIL ................................................................... CTL Behind the landing 727, line up behind, PIL ................................................................... PIL (call ready for departure) ............................................. CTL Sunair 367, cleared for take-off, wind 255° 13 knots. PIL ................................................................... CTL Sunair 367, airborne 04, climb on present heading to FL1.10, contact Rexbury Control on 128.8. PIL................................................................... CTL Sunair 367, Rexbury Control, good afternoon. Turn right now heading 050 and continue climb to flight level 220. PIL ................................................................... CTL Sunair 367, proceed now to Romeo India Victor VOR and recleared to flight level 270, cruising level. PIL ………………………………………………………………......................................................... PIL {ask if you can have flight level 330) ................................................................................... CTL Standby Sunair, I'll call you back. CTL Sunair 367, can you accept flight level 370? PIL (you can’t) ............................................................ CTL Sunair 367, climb to flight level 270, report when reaching. PIL ........................................................................................................................................................ PIL (call at flight level 270) .............................................. CTL Roger, Sunair 367, change now to New County Upper Control, frequency 135.9, goodbye. PIL ................................................................... 190 PIL (call New County Upper Control)...................................... CTL Good afternoon, Sunair 367, continue to Blackrock, repon when reaching; . PIL……………………………………………………................................................................... (you now tune in to Winton Volmet) VOLMET This is Winton Volmet. This is Winton Volmet. Winton airport at 14.30. 280° 10 knots, 8000 metres, 3 oktas 3500 ft. temp 12, dew point 11, QNH 1020, no sig. Overby at 14.30. 240° 12 knots, 10 km or more, 4 oktas 2000 ft, temp 8, dew point 6, QNH 1020, no sig. Newbridge at 14.30. 250° 4 knots, 3000 metres, mist, 3 oktas 500 ft, temp 6, dew point 4, QNH 1016, no sig. CTL Sunair 367, unknown traffic 10 o'clock, 8 miles, moving from left to right. PIL (you see the traffic, reply) ............................................ CTL Roger. CTL Sunair 367, contact Valley Control now on 128.5, goodbye. PIL .................................................................. PIL (call Valley Control) ................................................. CTL Sunair 367, good afternoon, continue to Blackrock, report reaching. PIL ................................................................... PIL {call over Blackrock) ................................................. CTL Roger, Sunair 367, proceed to Lima Alpha Kilo direct. PIL................................................................... PIL (you want to turn 30° right to avoid build-up) ........................... CTL Roger. Sunair 367, what is your present heading? PIL (025°, reply) ....................................................... CTL Sunair 367, turn right heading 050° for 15 miles, report back on track. PIL (you have passed the build-up) ........................................ CTL Roger, Sunair 367, resume own navigation to Lake. PIL ................................................................... PIL (call over LAK) ..................................................... CTL Sunair 367, proceed to Romeo Echo Delta, call me back when ready for descent. PIL ................................................................... (you now tune in to Winton ATIS) ATIS (twice) This is Winton information Lima recorded at 15.30 Zulu time. Runway for landing 25 for take-off 30, transition level 50, surface wind 280° 10 knots, visibility 8000 metres, 3 oktas strato-cumulus at 3500 ft, temp 12, dew point 11, QNH 1020. On initial contact report information Lima received. PIL (ask for descent) .................................................... CTL Sunair 367, descend to flight level 190 and contact Meadow Control on 128.5, goodbye. PIL................................................................... PIL (call Meadow Control) ............................................... 191 ... PIL .. CTL Sunair 367..................................... radar contact........................1.................. PIL ......... take the second left onto the irmer taxiway................. goodbye................... PIL (call established)........... CTL Sunair 367....... contact Tower on 118........... CTL Good afternoon..................... PIL .. PIL ...................................________ PIL ..................................................................................... passing Romeo Echo Delta VOR....7..................................................... expect radar vectoring to ILS runway 25. stand Delta 7........ turn right heading230..... descend to 3000 ft..................... PIL ........ clear to land runway 25................ PIL ... report crossing 70.......... contact Winton Approach now on 121....... PIL ........... 367....... 192 ................... good afternoon...3........................................... contact Ground on 121............................................................................1...... continue descent to 2000 ft.. QNH 1020...................... PIL {call reaching 70)............................... PIL (call at outer marker) ...... contact Winton Radar on 121....... Intercept radial 070 Romeo Echo Delta VOR and descend to flight level 60.................... number 2 to land....................... PIL ................. CTL Roger....... CTL Sunair 367............................ report established................................................ goodbye...... Sunair 367........................ CTL Sunair 367...... CTL Good afternoon............ CTL Good afternoon.......... Sunair 367.............. radar identified.... PIL (call runway vacated)..... PIL ............ radar contact.. Take heading 160........ PIL (call Tower) .. PIL (call Winton Approach)................ PIL (call Ground) .......... wind 260° 08 knots........... CTL Sunair 367..... you are approaching Romeo Echo Delta............. Sunair 367......... PIL ............................................. number I at touch down......CTL Good afternoon.... report over outer marker...................................... descend to flight level 120 Romeo Echo Delta VOR direct... Sunair 367....... cleared for ILS approach runway 25........... PIL (call Winton Radar) ......................................... goodbye........................................... CTL Sunair 367.............. .........................3............ CTL . is FL330 available? CTL ....... goodbye............ Sunair 367................. PIL Holding point 29.................................. information Foxtrot received...... no sig............... good afternoon........................................... CTL .............. 193 .......... CTL .... request push-back ' * CTL .................. P I L Rexbury Tower...... PIL Starting up........ 727 in sight..... CTL............................................... PIL Climbing to FL1I0.......... PIL Rexbury Control.................... CTL ..................................... PIL Rexbury Ground................................ wind 260° 12 knots.... CTL . reaching holding point 29.......... Sunair 367............ CTL ... Take-off and landing runway 29............ Sunair 367....................... Golf 5 departure............. heading 050. P I L Behind the landing 727 line up...................... Sunair 367......... CTL . PIL Cleared for take-off...... PIL Sunair 367.... taxi way D...... CTL .. CAVOK.............. Sunair 367.... PIL Ready to copy................ climb to FL110 initially....... Sunair 367.......CHECK 5... PIL Right turn...................... CTL ................................. temperature 14.........30 Zulu time. climbing........... PIL Ready for departure....... This was information Foxtrot... Sunair 367...................... stand 19..................1 Listen and Read (from page 189) AT1S This is Rexbury departure information Foxtrot at 13.......................... Rexbury Control on 128..... PIL Sunair 367 is cleared to Winton via flight planned route.................. PIL Sunair 367.......................... CTL ......... PIL Sunair 367........... Sunair 367................... PIL Climbing to FL270....................................... Sunair 367........... good afternoon.... CTL......... level change en route... PIL Stand 19.. goodbye...................... Sunair 367........ dew point 1 1 ...... CTL ............. good afternoon.... direct to Romeo India Victor FL220...... CTL.............. Sunair 367.................... QNH 1023......................................................... PIL Sunair 367......................................8.......... request start-up..... Sunair 367... PIL Tower on 118.............................................................. ................. heading 050.......... CTL ................ mist...5......... good afternoon............. dew point 11................... PIL To RED....... CTL ........................................ 10 km or more...................... PIL Continue to Blackrock.......... VOLMET This is Winton Volmet.................... QNH 1020........ good afternoon..... Sunair 367.................. Winton airport at 14.. CTL ............... PIL New County Upper Control... Sunair 367........... PIL Proceeding to Lake.. continue to Blackrock. no sig........................... Newbridge at 14.......9.. PIL Valley Control. 3000 metres.. Sunair 367. Sunair 367..... temperature 8..................... we have passed the build-up.......... PIL Turning right.. goodbye........................ Sunair 367. Sunair 367......... temperature 12. CTL ............. CTL ............... Estimating BCK at 48............ PIL 135.... 8000 metres............... QNH 1020.......... PIL Climbing to FL270..... 194 ....... 250° 4 knots................. 280° 12 knots............................... Sunair 367... 240° 12 knots......................... CTL .......... PIL Sunair 367. 3 oktas 3500 ft........ CTL . no sig............. traffic in sight.......... Sunair 367....................... CTL .. dew point 4........ Sunair 367................. QNH 1016...........PIL Negative....... Sunair 367. Sunair 367...... PIL Roger......................... dew point 6... are now back on track..... PIL Sunair 367....... over Blackrock this time........................ Sunair 367...... PIL 128........ request turn right 30° to avoid build-up.......... goodbye.. Overby at 14...30....... This is Winton Volmet..... temperature 6... Sunair 367.... report reaching.. PIL Over LAK this time...... PIL Roger....... CTL ......... 3 oktas 500 ft....... PIL Sunair 367......... CTL ............................. CTL . PIL Roger... no sig.... estimating LAK at 15. PIL 025°....... 4 oktas 2000 ft.............. CTL .. reaching FL270................30...30....... PIL Sunair 367............ ........ PIL Tower....... PIL Winton Radar on 121... goodbye............. 195 ......... dew point 11..................... good afternoon......... Runway for landing 25 for take-off 30..... turning right heading 230..................................3......................... Sunair 367.. good afternoon.......................... Sunair 367.1. transition level 50. Sunair 367.............. PIL Winton Approach on 121... Sunair 367.................. good afternoon...... Sunair 367........ goodbye.......... PIL Winton Radar.... turning right heading 160...................... PIL Descending to 2000 ft........ Sunair 367........... reaching FL70.... PIL Winton Approach. CTL . PIL Descending to 3000 ft..... surface wind 280* 10 knots..... PIL Sunair 367.................... Sunair 367............ PIL To intercept the Redhill VOR 070 radial and descending to FL60........... RED direct......... Sunair 367. visibility 8000 metres................... Meadow Control 128.... CTL .... PIL Sunair 367......... PIL Meadow Control..... descending to 60... stand D7...... goodbye........... CTL ....... CTL ........... good afternoon........................ PIL Tower 118.... expecting ILS approach runway 25.................... temperature 12... inner taxiway................ Sunair 367................. Sunair 367............. PIL Ground....................... PIL Sunair 367..... CTL ...1.... PIL Second left........... good afternoon. Sunair 367.................. established on the glide slope.. Sunair 367......... goodbye....... PIL Sunair 367...... CTL ............ PIL Cleared to land........7........................ CTL ............. PIL Number 2 to land................. goodbye.................. PIL Surair 367.. PIL Descending FL190.. CTL . CTL ................................. CTL ............ outer marker......... PIL 121.. On initial contact report information Lima received............. QNH 1020............5.............. PIL Descending FL120........... CTL ............ CTL ... QNH 1020.... 3 oktas strato cumulus at 3500 ft............................ Sunair 367. runway vacated....30 Zulu time.......ATIS This is Winton information Lima recorded at 15..... ready for descent...... Sunair 367.. Sunair 367.. Sunair 367... ..................... Check Check your answers....................2 DUBLIN TO PARIS (COMPLETE FLIGHT) Read Before you start this simulation..... surface wind 110° 20 knots. and reply to the controller........... you can read the controller's part below.......... Orly via Liffy Blue I....... to request level change........................ 23 Tower frequency 118.......... If necessary..... PIL....... study the following details carefully...7 France Control Paris Control Orly Approach Orly Tower 132... Ground frequency 121.... Note that the callsign letters Sierra Foxtrot are often abbreviated to Sierra Fox........... 196 . Ground.0 London Control 128. your АТС clearance..... that is OK...6 Route to Paris and reporting points: Liffy Wallasey (WAL) Telba Midhurst (MID) Sitet Etrat Reymy Toussus Orly (OYE) Frequencies en route Dublin Control 128..0 12. 17....5. Tapescript of Dublin-Paris simulation (controller's pan only). The recording begins by asking you to make initial contact with Dublin Ground...7 London Control 127........ Your callsign is SF309....... page 200.............. The dotted lines (........... no restrictions into Orly. cleared Dublin to Paris....7 Orly airport: runway 26.. PIL {ask for departure runway)............ Dublin airport: runways 11.4..........05 120. PIL {call Ground)........... PIL . good morning....................05 London Control 133............ PIL ....... flight planned route....... Listen and Read You are flying from Dublin to Paris........7 Study the maps on pages 50—52. PIL {ready to start-up in 20 minutes)........... But then try to reply without reading the controller's part....... Ground... Listen and Speak Follow the instructions on the tape.85 118..... CTL Runway 17............................ CTL Yes.. CTL 309... CTL SF309.. FL23O... CTL SF309......... and are some times pronounced as Safa.) show where the pilot (you) should speak............... .................................................... PIL ... squawk 5260.. correction the last message.............................. PIL (call ready to depart)..............................7...................... continue climb to 230.......... good day...CTL ....................................... PIL .... It's a left turn-out direct for Liffy........................... PIL .. CTL SF309................ roger.. CTL That is correct.......................................................................................................... present position direct Midhurst................ call London 128..................... CTL Roger... PIL (call Tower) ...................... contact London 133... PIL (level 100) ................... direct Liffy climb FL230............ PIL ...... 197 ............ CTL SF309........... CTL Roger. 309 is clear to take-off runway 17.................................................. backtrack 11....05............ good morning..............6........ CTL SF309............... wind is 100° 20 knots...... maintain FL330.... CTL SF309..................... PIL ............. CTL That's it 309. CTL SF309......................... cleared enter backtrack runway 11....................... resume own navigation to Honiley.. CTL 309 airborne................................ good day............. PIL ........... climb to FL290................................. 309.......................................................................................... report FL................................ PIL (call London) ...................... request level change is correct................. CTL SF309.............. .......... CTL SF309...........................................0......................... contact Dublin Tower frequency 118. turn right heading 125........ PIL ........... CTL SF3O9......................... what is your heading? PIL (100) ............... PIL ................. CTL SF309....................................... time 23............ CTL SF3O9.............. PIL ...................................... CTL SF309.......... climb to FL330..... maintain 230 on reaching....................................... PIL ............... PIL .. PIL .... You can set course direct to Midhurst.. contact Dublin Control 128............. CTL SF309.............. PIL ....... PIL (call FL330).... PIL {call Dublin) ......... PIL (call London) ........ expedite the taxi please and cleared to line up and hold runway 17................................................. ................ PIL ....... contact London now 127.................... .................. contact Paris 124.... PIL................ runway 26 at Orly.............PIL....................................... PIL ............................ recleared down FL110........................ PIL (call Orly) . (be ready to copy Orly AT IS) ATIS . CTL SF309... CTL SF309.. roger............................. clearance FL240 initially............................... good afternoon.................. CTL SF309................05..................... PIL ... I ' l l call you back........ PIL ........ CTL Good afternoon................................................................................................... CTL SF309.......................................... bonjour......... Reymy clearance limit............. PIL ..... Charles de Gaulle is facing West....... PIL (call Paris).......... temperature +10... good evening.......... squawk 0444....... PIL................ call Orly Approach now 120...................................... CTL SF3O9.QNH 1017mb.... (call reaching FL80)............... PIL .................... Confirm information I received on initial contact............................................................................. 6 oktas 7000 m...... PIL ........... CTL SF309............. CTL SF309............................................................. visibility 10 km............... CTL SF309........................................... PIL .. landing runway 26.............. maintain FL33O. CTL SF309.................. transition level 40.. continue now with Paris 132...... 3oktas 350 m. CTL SF309......... descend to FL310.................................................. PIL (call reaching Reymy)........ maintain FL3I0 standard routing..0............................................ CTL SF309......... CTL SF309................................... radar contact. recleared down FL80 now..................................................................................................... attention taxiway 2A closed....................... PIL (call London)…….... your squawk on 4244... cleared FL 250............... surface wind 242° 13 knots............. cross to TSU now radar vectoring runway 26 after Toussus radial 075 198 PIL ........85....... PIL (call Paris)..................... dew point + 8... goodbye....... PIL ........... CTL SF309.................. you turn left to Reymy now..............................7............ goodbye sir............. PIL . attention bird situation.. 309................... PIL .................................................... take-off runway 25.......................... PIL ........QFE 1006 mb.. PIL (call and ask for descent)....... ...................................... reply).. CTL SF309.............CTL SF309.... clear to land.... PIL CTL ..... PIL ........ CTL SF309........ PIL ........................... reduce 250 knots and after descend 4000 feet. CTL SF309.... CTL SF309... first right and call Ground 121........ descend 3000 feet... CTL OK..:............. PIL (call reaching 4000 feet) ........................................... 160 knots? PIL (your speed is 180 knots................................................................. 199 ............... PIL (call over outer marker) . QXH 1017........ CTL SF309............ call Airport 118................ bonjour.................. CTL Roger.............. taxi for D8..................... PIL (call Orly) ................ CTL SF3O9..................... PIL what's your speed? (300).. wind 240° 12 knots.................... SF309....................... runway vacated) .... PIL ... CTL Roger.. bonjour............................................... CTL SF309...................................................................... (call Ground.............. report passing outer marker runway 26....................................... CTL SF309......... maintain 180 knots minimum till OYE..............................7................. PIL ......... turn right heading 230 cleared ILS 26................................................................ PIL PIL ...7........................ bye........................................... PIL .................. heading 170............... PIL ........ ......... to request level change en route.... SF309...............CHECK 5.......................................................... SF309........ PIL Cleared to take-off runway 17... SF309..................... SF309.................. PIL SF309 is cleared to Paris...................... CTL........................................... CTL ...................................... PIL Heading 100.. Tower 118................. SF3O9... PIL FL100...... CTL .... goodbye........... ready to depart............. SF309................. PIL Ready to copy....................... what is the departure runway? CTL ............. 110° 20 knots........... CTL .................. PIL Dublin 128.......... PIL 17. CTL.................... PIL Climbing to FL230..... climbing FL230. CTL ...2 Listen and Speak from page 196 PIL Dublin Ground.............. PIL Maintain 230 on reaching.............:.................... CTL . PIL Direct Liffy....05... PIL London. CTL ...... approved to line up and wait runway 17...................................... SF309........................ PIL Back track runway 11............................... 100° 20 knots.................................... CTL ......... PIL SF309......... PIL Climbing to FL330. CTL .............................. CTL ................. SF309......... PIL Backtrack 11.6...................... good afternoon........................................................ CTL ............ CTL ..... expediting..... CTL ..... PIL SF309.............................. good afternoon........................... CTL ... FL230... Orly via Liffy Blue 1.................... SF3O9......................... good afternoon. SF309............................................. 200 .................... left turn-out direct Liffy........ London 128.......... SF309.... PIL We'll be ready to start-up in 20 minutes...... PIL Tower....... PIL Dublin........................................... CTL ....... SF309.................................... squawking 5260................0............................ flight planned route................. CTL ............:......... SF309............................................................................................... PIL Climbing to FL290.. ... good afternoon... Paris......0.......... SF309....................... direct Midhurst................... CTL ..... ............. squawking 0444.. ..... CTL.....i...... SF309...... SF309...................... SF309.............. ... PIL Maintaining FL330...................85............................ CTL .. PIL PIL London 133.................... heading 125....... ................. SF309................. PIL Paris.................. reaching FL330... Descending to FLUO...................05................. PIL ATIS PIL Maintaining FL3I0................. good afternoon............................................... PIL PIL CTL PIL CTL PIL CTL PIL CTL PIL PIL CTL PIL PIL 124. good afternoon.. good day... ............ Maintaining FL330.............. SF309........................... cleared to Reymy.. CTL .............................................. SF309..... PIL SF309... Orly Approach........... Descending to FL310.. SF309... CTL ........... Reaching FL80.... SF309................................................................................ Go ahead...7.................. PIL Own navigation to Honiley.... SF309........ London............ Descending to FL240 initially............ SF309.... 201 .............. Descending to FL80................ .... SF309...... Orly Approach 120.................................. SF309........... bonjour... London..... goodbye.................................................. good afternoon...... SF3O9.. PIL Turning right................... SF309................. SF309. CTL PIL PIL CTL PIL CTL PIL CTL PIL CTL ......CTL . Paris.... SF3O9.................................................................................................. ................................ PIL Paris 132................ ............... SF309........................................................... SF309............ ................................................. -'London 127............... CTL.................7.. goodbye..... ready to descend. ... SF309.................................. PIL Direct to Midhurst. Turning left to Reymy........................... Paris.......................... 7.................. PIL PIL... bonjour....... PIL CTL PIL Descending to 3000 feet..................... PIL Reducing to 250 knots..... SF309. CTL .... Roger...... PIL Delta 8........ SF309........................... CTL .......... PIL PIL 160 knots........ cleared ILS 26............. over outer marker....... CTL .......... CTL . CTL ............ runway 26... runway vacated................... CTL ............................. PIL Orly..... SF3O9............. Heading 170... Ground 1 2 1 ....... CTL...................... CTL.......... CTL . PIL Cleared to land....... r e a c h i n g R e y my ....................... SF309............................. reaching 4000 feet.................CTL ..... CTL .......................... . SF3O9..... 7 ....................................... PIL TSU....................... goodbye........ 202 ........................ descending to 4000 feet........... change 118.. SF309....... SF3O9.... PIL Ground. radial 075...... PIL 300.................. SF309............................. PIL SF309........... SF309..................................................... SF3O9...................................... QNH1017............................. SF309............... SF3O9....... CTL ..... SF309...................................................................................................... SF3O9................. PIL First right................ CTL . PIL 180 knots till OYE.................... PIL SF309............................................................. PIL Turning right heading 230....... Squawking 4244......................... S F 3 0 9 ...................... Tapescript for controller’s part and for non-dialogue tasks . ......15 PIL………………………………………. PIL .. 260° 10 5 CTL Sunair 921..... Whisky 1 departure. flight 6 PIL (ask for departure information). Listen and Speak 2 CTL Sunair 926..... temperature +2.... here is your clearance.2 (page 11) the student........... PIL…………………………………………. PIL …………………………................ level 150 initially.......... flight runway 23....... squawk 1537.... temperature PIL………………………………………………… 8..3....... SF398......... CTL Kilo Mike 563... here is your clearance........ 4 PIL (ask for departure information)……........... request level change en route.. PIL ……. and maintain FL290.... CTL Charlie Uniform 759.. level 210 initially.. QNH1023.. SF153....... PJL…………………………………………….. QNH 1015.. runway in use 29......... 5 PIL (ask for departure information)......... 1................. To avoid duplication.....26 when airborne.. 2 PIL (ask for departure information)......... wind route.. contact Approach on frequency 120.. However.. CHECK Section (pages 7-9) 205 . runway in use 21..... good morning........... clearance.... dew point 16............. 1 CTL SF196.......... wind 350' 23 knots Charles de Gaulle. taxiway India Oscar 3 departure..26 when airborne......... Romeo 1 dew point 21.. Listen CTL Rexbury ATC clears SF196 to Winton via Listen and Repet flight planned route..... latest take-off data — wind calm..........1. dew point airborne. dew point -6.....: PIL............. minus 1............3 when PIL...... runway in use 19 Left......... contact 121............ QNH 1019... N2 departure left turnWright out after departure.... PIL…………………………………………….... QNH 1008.. and squawk 2514.. here is your clearance... climb to way is wet.......... take off depanure............. braking action good.......... runCTL Winton АТС clears Sunair 435 to Rexbury. PIL .... to FL160..... airborne... PIL ……....... here is your clearance........ CTL Frankfurt ATC clears Sunair 926 to Paris CTL... via Upper Red 10........ 1 PIL (ask for departure information).1..... 1..... way in use 33 Right............. surface wind 180* 9 knots. gusting 30. 3 PIL (ask for departure information)…………. temperature-2...... reference is made to the 1......... contact Approach on 120............. it may occasionally be useful Listen for students to see the controller's words... flight planned route... 4 CTL Sunair 435...... climb to and maintain See CHECK section (page 7) FL250................ QNH 1014.. temperature 12... .. request level change en route. Winton via flight planned route.... for examListen and Repeat pie in pairwork practice... CTL Juliet Delta........ CTL Rexbury АТС clears Sunair 831 to CTL Sierra Victor 295....frequency 121...2 (page 11) CHECK Sections............. contact 120....1 (page 15) Wright (Exercises I and 2) 1 PIL Winton Ground... QNH 1005..... There may also be occasions Write when the teacher wishes to read out the controller's See CHECK Section {page 12) words to students. temperature 18.......1 (page 4) PIL................ dew point 10. when airborne....... take-off runway 08 3 CTL Sunair 831............. in cases where the controller's Listen and Speak words can be found there..... . CTL Winton АТС clears Sunair 921 to Rexbury..The controller's words will not normal]у be read by 1.. PIL .. climb on runway heading closed.... knots gusting to 25.3 when 320° 5 knots............. squawk 1525...... request level change en CTL Echo November 926.............. left turn-out after departure................ runStandard Instrument Departure 31.... dew point 5. 1... 60* 18 knots.......1..1 (page 4) PIL………………………...... PIL ..2 (page 5) 1...... temperature 23..... 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