Ritter Implants Catalog13.00.00 Low

March 22, 2018 | Author: AhmadModi | Category: Dental Implant, Bone, Nature



RITTER IMPLANTS IVORY LINEMAIN CATALOG 13.00.00 C O N T E N T Production of Ritter Implants Surface treatment Ritter Implants Packaging Clinical advantages of Ritter Implants 4-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 IMPLANTS QSI Quadro Spiral Implant NL-QSI Quadro Spiral Implant - Narrow-Line MCI Ri-Mono Compress Implant TFI Twin Fissure Implant 14-21 22-23 24-25 26-33 ACCESSORIES Impression Transfers & Implant Analogs 34-39 Healing Abutments 40-41 Abutments for Casting 42-43 Restoration Abutments STRAIGHT 44-48 Restoration Abutments ANGLED 49-52 Zirconium Abutments 53-55 Ball Attachments 56-57 Locators 58-59 IVORY on 4 / on 6 Multi unit 60-61 NL - Narrow Line 62-64 INSTRUMENTS Tools and Kits Drills, Trephines & Stoppers Dental Instruments for surgeries IVORY oS Bone Material Surgical Stages, Quick start Ritter history & Training courses 2 65-75 76-77 78-79 80-81 82-89 90-91 3 4 5 production production Ritter Implant production is located in South Germany near Tuttlingen in the outer boundaries of the Black Forest. The Ritter brand stands for high quality, state of the art technology and innovative products made in Germany. precision Ritter Implants and Accessories are made by high modern CNC manufacturing machines. A combination of advanced machining and hand-finishing create the most accurate tools possible for the marking of ceramic drills. improvement 6 7 Vanadium 4%) which passes a special sandblasting and acid etching process. Aluminium 6%.lmplant Surface: • Sand Blasting to create a macro surface of 20-40 microns • Double thermal acid etching process to create micro pitting between 1-5 microns • Speatment to build a titanium oxide layer Nanoblast . 8 osseointegration nano blast Nanoblast .n at u r e Implant Surface Nano Sand Blasting and Acid Edging Ritter lmplants are made from Titanium alloy Grade 5 (Ti6AL4VELI: Titanium 90%. This method creates a high surface area differences which allow immediately after implant’s placing more intense absorption of plasma proteins and blood into the implant micropores.Advantages: • lncreased early bone to implant contact • lncreased stability • Shortened healing period • Higher predictability SEM 9 . faste Osseointegration and higher primary stability which allows immediately loading. Taking the implant out of the tubes.E. The external tube is calor coded with the implant diameter with a printed scale for the implant length. The implants are packed in a double sterile tubes inside the blister. The single carton packs contain an instruction manual and 1 blister pack made from P. Cover screw Carrier Implant Internal Tube 10 Front and back side of the blister with 3 stickers: 1 for the patient 2 for the surgery 11 .T with 3 integrated labels which are perforated from the main label for use as required for the patient file. efficient and easy: The Ritter Implants Packaging & Delivery System 6 pack with window for easy indentification Blister pack with removed sticker Each 6 single carton packs of one Ritter’s Implant are packed in a maxi carton box. The internal transparent tube is holding the pre-mounted implant and a screwed cover screw in the implant carrier. External tube with measurement scale Open single pack Outer tube with colored top.Single pack Unique. The marking of the diameter makes the handling easy and guarantees the right choice. the QSI Implant it requires a much narrower diameter than required for normal implants. Stabilisation in soft bone / low bone density 12 13 . selfdirecting Implant. The clinical advantages of Ritter Implants are: l l l l l l Stabilisation in wide extraction gaps The Ritter QSI-Implant reaches a very high primary stability in soft and minimal bone. Ritter Implants guarantee easy and save implantation especially in soft bone /low bone density. The implant is getting tight by compressing the bone during the screwing process. Due to the construction and ability of penetration of the prepared site. The unique thread design in the apical and the middle part of the QSI-Implant guarantees a stabile and anchored position. The redirection of the Implant is very easy: 2-3 turns backwards and then the Implant can be screwed in the desired position. adjustable line of insertion for an optimal restorative position (enable to small redirections) very high primary stability and bone condensing function reduces bone loss and trauma by enabled smaller osteotomy reduction of risk of damaging neighbored teeth reduction of risk of perforating lingual or buccal cortex enables bone splitting method or narrow ridge expansion Adjustment in parallelism in case of imprecise drilling The possbility of redirection helps to optimize the implant´s position and parallelism during the placement Ritter QSI-Implants have a self tapping capability which makes it possible to change and optimize the direction of the implant during the insertion. even in situation of low/soft bone density or minimal size of bone. It is perfect for the use in difficult clinical situations.Clinical and surgical advantages of Ritter Implants The Ritter IVORY-Line System combines the best unique features for complicated clinical cases or immediate loading with all different bone types. this optimizes surgical positioning • Decreased risk of perforating the lingual or buccal cortex. • Designed for soft bone. or damaging nearby teeth QSI 14 15 .anterior or posterior. The implant is self-drilling. or or for single tooth loss • Can be used in closed and open sinus lift procedures • Allows for single or dual surgical placement protocols • Ideal for bone regeneration and/or splitting crest technique The clinical benefits of the implant make it ideal for all cases. Clinical benefits: • Bone condensing resulting in very high primary stability • Less bone loss. from the simple to the most complicated. less trauma • Aggressive thread design allows for adjustments to the insertion line during placememnt .Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants The QSI implant is best suited for surgical protocols involving soft bone types. immediate implantation and immediate loading • Allows for excellent primary stability • Can be inserted into smaller size preparations • Allows for directional adjustments during placement • Can be used in any region . self-tapping and condenses adjacent bone due to its unique shape and progressively adapting double thread design. upper or lower jaw • Ideal for total or partial edentulous cases. The sequence of drilling depends on the bone quality. In a softer bone less drills should be used in order to get better primary stability. in most cases. type IV. Bone Type IV Very soft bone QSI Upgraded Internal Hex and Platform • Extremely accurate internal hex • One prosthetic platform at 3. the need for additional procedure of bone augmentation before placing the implant.quantity and quality of the bone.75 mm (excluding NL-QSI-3. will be in the posterior maxilla. in the anterior mandible. more prominent than the threads • Bone’s condensing body • Easy insertion • Better primary stabilization Threads with wide steps • Double thread • Easy insertion • High primary stability • Self tapping and drilling • Changeable thread design .micro rings • Greater surface area • Surface area completely roughened • Threaded to the top of the implant • Designed for cortical bone to soft tissue margins • Better load distribution . Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants Bone Types Bone Type I Very hard bone Bone Type II Hard bone Bone Type III Soft bone All Ritter Implants are delivered incl.less vertex stress Body and core • Tapered body and core. Cancellous bone will give less retention . bone augmentation can be carried in the same treatment. and the harder bone. even in compromised situations. covered by a blister package with 3 lot number stickers. Since the implant can be stabilized in a very small bone volume. hence the importance of greater primary stability.3) • Excellent implant-abutment connection with reduced diameter thanks to the switching platform geometry • Simple restorative procedure • Efficient and cost effective • Reduced bone resorption. The blister is inserted in stackable packages with the User Manual attached. good for soft tissue adaptation Coronal Part .0/3. 2. easy insertion • Will penetrate small diameter preparations • Less danger of damage to anatomical structures 16 17 . The special design of the QSI and TFI implants will provide this primary stability. self drilling • Condensing body • Apical blade • Slim core.more bone-to-implant contact will be necessary for reaching high enough initial stabilization. ICI (Implant Carrier) and CSI (Implant cover srew) in 2 plastic tubes.increase in the apical side • The coronal threads condense the bone of the apical threads Apical Part • Threads are sharp and deep • Self tapping. In most cases the softer bone. type I. Implant failures will usually occur in type IV bone. The implant's special abilities will eliminate. Bone Type: Dense and compact bones are considered as giving good initial stabilization for the implant. 00 75.00 75.2-16 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-4.75 3.75 3.2-11.5mm Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.6 4.2 3.75 3.00 QSI-4.00 QSI-4.2mm / L-8mm 75.25 Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants Ø 4.5mm 75.2-8 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-4.75mm / L-10mm Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3. No. Description QSI-4.5 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-4. 18 for cover screw: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.25 5. ICI (Implant Carrier) and CSI (Implant cover screw).75mm / L-13mm Art. Description QSI-3. All prices are recommended dealer sales prices.00 75.5 QSI-3.2mm Picture Ø 3.00 QSI-4.75-16 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.2mm / L-16mm 75.29 for implant: RHDA-9/15 for Hex 2.75mm / L-11.2mm / L-11.00 75.75 3.75mm Picture Art.00 QSI-4.2-13 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-4.Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants 3.2mm / L-13mm 75.00 All Implants are delivered incl.43 19 .75-10 QSI-3.00 Needed tools: QSI-3.2-10 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-4.75-8 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.75-11.75mm / L-16mm 75.75-13 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3. No.75mm / L-8mm QSI-3.2mm / L-10mm 75. 00 QSI-6-6 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-6.0mm / L-6mm 75.0mm / L-11.0mm / L-16mm 75.00 QSI-6-11.0mm / L-6mm QSI-5-8 Picture Art.00 QSI-5-13 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-5.0mm / L-13mm 75.00 QSI-5-11.29 for implant: RHDA-9/15 for Hex 2.0mm / L-11.0mm / L-10mm 75.5 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-6.Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants Ø 5mm The Top and High level Øof 6mm Implant systems Picture Art. No. ICI (Implant Carrier) and CSI (Implant cover screw).5mm 75.5 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-5. No.0mm / L-13mm 75.00 QSI-6-8 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-6.0mm / L-10mm 75.00 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-5.43 21 .00 QSI-6-13 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-6.5mm 75.0mm / L-8mm 75.00 Needed tools: QSI-5-16 20 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-5.0mm / L-8mm 75.00 QSI-5-10 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-5. All prices are recommended dealer sales prices. Description QSI-5-6 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-5.00 QSI-6-10 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-6. Description 75.00 All Implants are delivered incl. for cover screw: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1. 29 for implant: see page top 22 23 .5mm (Narrow Line) 93.0mm / L-16mm (Narrow Line) 93.0 2.5 NL-QSI-3-13 NL-QSI-3-16 Art.3-13 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.00 93.5 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.3mm / L-16mm (Narrow Line) 93.00 Description Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3. No.0 Ritter Implants IVORY LINE NL-QSI Quadro Spiral Implants Narrow Line L = 9 mm Ritter Implants IVORY LINE QSI Quadro Spiral Implants Narrow Line Used tool: NL-RHDI-9 NL-RHDI-15 Ø 3.00 NL-QSI-3.00 93.00 NL-QSI-3. All prices are recommended dealer sales prices.3mm / L-13mm (Narrow Line) 93.0mm / L-11. No.3-16 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.0mm / L-13mm (Narrow Line) Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.0 ALL Narrow Line Implants need a different Hex driver because of the smaller size of inner Hex.0 3. NL-RHDI-9 /15. NL-ICI (Implant Carrier) and NL-CSI (Implant cover screw).5mm (Narrow Line) Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3. Needed tools: for cover screw: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.3-11.3mm Picture Ø 3mm Picture Art.3 CAUTION: Hex 2.3mm / L-10mm (Narrow Line) 93.00 93. L =15mm Ø=3.00 All Implants are delivered incl.0 2.3 3. NL-QSI-3-10 NL-QSI-3-11.3mm / L-11.0 2.0mm / L-10mm (Narrow Line) Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.00 NL-QSI-3.3-10 Ri-Quadro Spiral Implant D-3.Ø=3. Description NL-QSI-3.3 2. 8-13 RI-Mono Compress Implant D-2.8-11.2mm / L-11.00 MCI-3.00 MCI-2.8mm / L-13mm 93.8mm Picture 24 NOTICE: Needed Tool RHDM-S/L Ratchet Hex Driver for MCI (Short or long) Art. Description MCI-2.2-11.Implants are delivered incl.5 RI-Mono Compress Implant D-2.00 25 .2mm / L-13mm 93.5 RI-Mono Compress Implant D-3.5mm 93.2mm / L-10mm 93.5mm 93.2-13 RI-Mono Compress Implant D-3.00 MCI-2.00 MCI-3.8-10 RI-Mono Compress Implant D-2.8mm / L-10mm 93.00 MCI-3.8mm / L-11. MCI plastic Carrier Ø 2.2-10 RI-Mono Compress Implant D-3.Ritter Implants IVORY LINE RI-Mono Compress Implants MCI. No. or damaging nearby teeth TFI 26 27 .Ritter Implants IVORY LINE TFI Twin Fissure Implant The TFI implant is best suited for surgical protocols involving harder bone types. Clinical benefits: • Very high primary stability • Less bone loss. • Very good for hard bone and for immediate implantation • High primary stability • Can be used in any region . from the simple to the most complicated. upper or lower jaw • Ideal for total or partially edentulous cases. (double thread) The length can be seen also in upright position of the package.anterior or posterior. less trauma • Self directing in line of insertion as well as allowing for directional adjustments during placement • Decreased risk of perforating the lingual or buccal cortex. or for one tooth • Can be used in closed and open sinus lift procedures • One or two stage surgical procedures • Ideal for bone regeneration and/or splitting crest technique The clinical benefits of the implant make it ideal for all cases. The implant is self drilling and self tapping due to its special shape and progressively adapting thread design. The special design of the QSI and TFI implants will provide this primary stability. Threads with wide Steps Coronal Middle Apical • Double thread • Easy insertion • High primary stability • Self tapping and drilling • Changeable thread design . in the anterior mandible. 2.more bone-to-implant contact will be necessary for reaching high enough initial stabilization. Bone Types Bone Type I Very hard bone Bone Type II Hard bone Bone Type III Soft bone Bone Type IV Very soft bone TFI Upgraded Internal Hex and Platform • Extremely accurate internal hex • One prosthetic platform at 3. more prominent than the threads • Easy insertion • Better primary stabilization. The blister is inserted in stackable packages with the User Manual attached. self drilling • Apical blade • Less danger of damage to anatomical structures 28 29 . Cancellous bone will give less retention . The sequence of drilling depends on the bone quality.implant can be stabilized in a very small bone volume. Implant failures will usually occur in type IV bone. type I.increase in the apical side • The coronal threads condense the bone of the apical threads Apical Part • Threads are sharp • Self tapping.3) • Excellent implant-abutment connection with reduced diameter thanks to the switching platform geometry • Simple restorative procedure Coronal Part . Bone Type: Dense and compact bones are considered as giving good initial stabilization for the implant.less vertex stress Body and Core • Tapered body and core. bone augmentation can be carried in the same treatment. type IV. covered by a blister package with 3 lot number stickers.Micro Rings • Greater surface area • Surface area completely roughened • Threaded to the top of the implant • Bone platform shifting • Better load distribution . ICI (Implant Carrier) and CSI (Implant cover srew) in 2 plastic tubes. In a softer bone less drills should be used in order to get better primary stability. and the harder bone. All Ritter Implants are delivered incl. hence the importance of greater primary stability. will be in the posterior maxilla.75 mm (excluding NL-QSI-3. Ritter Implants IVORY LINE TFI Twin Fissure Implants In most cases the softer bone.0/3. 00 .75mm / L-16mm 75.3* Ø=3.75 Ø=4.43 2.75-13 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.00 TFI-3.BD - Ø 3mm Picture Art.3 D(mm) belong to the lower body part of the implant and not for the upper D(mm).5mm 75. All prices are recommended dealer sales prices.6 4.0 3.3mm / L-13mm 75.75mm .H .2 * The TFI-3.3-11.D - Ø3.43 31 .2 3. 30 for cover screw: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.75 3. .43 2.3-10 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3. Art.D .5mm 75.3mm / L-10mm 75.43 BD (mm) 3.5 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.3mm / L-8mm 75.00 TFI-3.00 TFI-3.5 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.P - Picture Description TFI-3.2 Ø=5 P (mm) 3.00 TFI-3.3-13 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.3-8 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.75mm / L-13mm 75.29 for implant: RHDA-9/15 for Hex 2.3mm / L-11.00 TFI-3.75mm / L-10mm 75.75mm / L-8mm 75.75-16 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.75-8 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.75-10 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.43 2.L - D (mm) Ritter Implants IVORY LINE TFI Twin Fissure Implants . No.75 3.Ritter Implants IVORY LINE TFI Twin Fissure Implants Ø=3.75 H (mm) 2.75mm / L-11. ICI (Implant Carrier) and CSI (Implant cover screw). Description TFI-3.3-16 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-3.3mm / L-16mm 75.00 All Implants are delivered incl.75 3.00 TFI-3.75-11. No.00 TFI-3.00 Needed tools: TFI-3. Picture Ø 4. Description TFI-5-8 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-5.5 TFI-4.2-13 TFI-4.00 75. No.2mm / L-11.00 75.5mm Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-4.0mm / L-8mm 75.0mm / L-10mm 75.2mm / L-10mm Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-4.2mm / L-8mm Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-4.5mm 75.2mm / L-16mm 75.0mm / L-13mm 75.29 for implant: RHDA-9/15 for Hex 2.2-8 TFI-4.00 Needed tools: for cover screw: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.Ritter Implants IVORY LINE TFI Twin Fissure Implants Ritter Implants IVORY LINE TFI Twin Fissure Implants All Implants are delivered incl.2mm / L-13mm Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-4.2-16 Art.5 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-5. TFI-4. ICI (Implant Carrier) and ICS (Implant cover screw).00 75.00 Description Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-4.0mm / L-11.00 TFI-5-13 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-5.2-11.2mm Picture Ø 5mm Art.00 TFI-5-11.00 TFI-5-10 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-5. No.43 32 33 .2-10 TFI-4.00 TFI-5-16 Ri-Twin Fissure Implant D-5. All prices are recommended dealer sales prices.0mm / L-16mm 75.00 75. Ritter Implants IVORY LINE Accessories & Tools 34 35 . Art. Description CTT-10 Closed Tray Transfer .85 TST-17 Titanium Screw for Tray Transfer 17mm 8. Implant Analog The implant analog is the place holder of the implant for the laboratory works.29 Ø 36 Open Tray Open Tray transfer is the direct impression method.13mm (Narrow) delivered with TST-17 16.85 Closed Tray Closed Tray transfer is the indirect impression method.20 3DSPA-8 Plastic Abutment for 3D Scanner 37 .20 CTT-13 Closed Tray Transfer . The indirect transfer abutments are screwed onto the implants with hex driver 1.13mm delivered with TST-22 16. It is replacing the Implant in the casted impression.13mm (Narrow) delivered with TST-22 16.20 TST-14 Titanium Screw for Tray Transfer 14mm 8. Description OTT Open Tray Transfer delivered with TST-22 16.20 OTT-13 Open Tray Transfer .13mm delivered with TST-17 16. No.10mm delivered with TST-22 16.85 TST-22 Titanium Screw for Tray Transfer 22mm 8.20 OTT-13N Open Tray Transfer .20 OTT-10 Open Tray Transfer . No.20 CTT-13N Closed Tray Transfer .10mm delivered with TST-14 16.ACCESSORIES Impression Transfers & Implant Analogs ACCESSORIES Impression Transfers & Implant Analogs Picture Picture Art. ACCESSORIES Impression Transfers & Implant Analogs Picture Art.55 38.6mm 16. No.20 OTTA Open Transfer for OCA incl. Screw for OTTA 22. Description PUTA-1 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 1mm with PUP-C PUTA-2 PUTA-3 PUTA-4 PUTA-5 PUP-C 38 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 2mm with PUP-C Pop Up Transfer Abutment 3mm with PUP-C Pop Up Transfer Abutment 4mm with PUP-C Pop Up Transfer Abutment 5mm with PUP-C Plastic for PUTA ACCESSORIES Impression Transfers & Implant Analogs All PUTA-1/5 delivered with titanium screw TSA 8.75 Implant Analog .55 38.75mm 16. Description TTMI Titanium Transfer for MCI 20.20 CTTA Closed Transfer for OCA 22.40 39 .20 ITA Analog for RI-Mono Compress Implants MCI 17.75 TACA Analog for Connection Abutment for OCA & ACA 16.3 Picture 38.20 TTAO Titanium Temporary Abutment for OCA 19.20 IA-3.55 38. No.20 IA-5 Implant Analog .20 IA-6 Implant Analog .25 PTM Plastic Transfer for Ri-Mono 16.55 Art.5mm 16.3.55 8.50 38. 50 HC-O Healing Cap for Overdeture (for OCA) 13.00 HC-4 Healing Cap .45 HC-OC Healing Cap for Overdeture (for OCA) with Cone 13.45 11.50 HC-3N Healing Cap . Needed tools: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.6mm 11.5mm (Extra Wide 6.3mm (Wide) 11.50 HC-3 Healing Cap .2mm 11. No. Description Picture HC-2 Healing Cap .3mm (Extra Wide 6.5mm (Wide) Art. 40 41 .50 HC-5 HC-5N HC-5W Healing Cap .50 11.5mm Healing Cap .4mm 11.50 HC-3EW Healing Cap . Description HC-5EW Healing Cap . No.3mmD) 20.29 Internal hex for hex driver 1.3mm 11.50 HC-3W Healing Cap .50 HC-7 Healing Cap .7mm 11.00 HC-6 Healing Cap .5mm (Narrow) Healing Cap .50 Healing abutments maintain the opening of tissue to establish an excellent emergence profile.3mmD) 20. The surface is polished titanium with outstanding tissue acceptance.ACCESSORIES Healing Abutments Picture ACCESSORIES Healing Abutments Hight area in mm Art.29mm available in wide and narrow versions.50 11.3mm (Narrow) 11. The distance between the horizontal marks is 1 mm and mark the trans-gingival height. ACCESSORIES Abutments for Casting Picture ACCESSORIES Abutments for Casting Art. Connection implant . Description PAC Burn-It Plastic Sleeve Abutment for Laboratory Casting / non Hex 10.abutment.15 Titanium base for accurate restorations.00 EAPC-25-3 Burn-It Esthetic Angled Plastic Abutment for Casting 25 Degree 3mm Shoulder L= 10. L=12. L=10.00 20.5mm 20.00 20.9mm EAPC-15-2 Burn-It Esthetic Angled Plastic Abutment for Casting 15 Degree 2mm Shoulder L=10.00 SAPC-2 Burn-It Straight Anatomic Plastic Abutment for Casting 2mm Shoulder.5mm EAPC-15-1 Burn-It Esthetic Angled Plastic Abutment for Casting 15 Degree 1mm Shoulder L= 9.5mm 20.00 Shoulder SAPC-3 L H L Burn-It Straight Anatomic Plastic Abutment for Casting 3mm Shoulder.3 (Plastic sleeve fits by press.00 PAC-H Burn-It Plastic Sleeve Abutment for Laboratory Casting with Hex 10.00 AZA Abutment for casting with quick-fit plastic sleeve include Titanium Screw .9mm All Burn-It Abutments are delivered with TSA-8.70 H 42 43 . EAPC-15-3 Burn-It Esthetic Angled Plastic Abutment for Casting 15 Degree 3mm Shoulder L= 11. Description Picture SAPC-1 Burn-It Straight Anatomic Plastic Abutment for Casting 1mm Shoulder.5mm 20.00 18. No. No.00 PA-H Burn-It Plastic Abutment Laboratory with Hex 11. L= 11.00 20.TSA-8.9mm EAPC-25-1 Burn-It Esthetic Angled Plastic Abutment for Casting 25 Degree 1mm Shoulder L= 8. For custom cast prosthetics.3 screw Art.00 PACA Plastic Sleeve for Connection Abutment / non Hex for ACA / OCA 11.70 20.9mm EAPC-25-2 Burn-It Esthetic Angled Plastic Abutment for Casting 25 Degree 2mm Shoulder L= 9.) Esthetic and Overdenture Abutments STRAIGHT 20.70 PACA-H Plastic Sleeve for Connection Abutment with Hex for OCA only 11.70 PA-N Burn-It Plastic Abutment Laboratory / non Hex 11.5mm 20. 20.Shoulder 4mm 18.00 Overdenture Connection Abutment 1.00 1mm ACA-25 Anatomic Connection Abutment 2.12mm Straight Titanium Abutment .15 18. screw fixation SF-O 20.00 OCA-05 Overdenture Connection Abutment 0. TSACA-15 20.15 26. No.3.45 ! de Wi 18.15 25.72mm ACA-15 Anatomic Connection Abutment 1.ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments STRAIGHT ACCESSORIES Esthetic and Overdenture Abutments STRAIGHT Picture Picture Description ACA-05 Anatomic Connection Abutment 0.5mm Shoulder incl.40 18.3mm Art. All abutments are delivered incl. No.5mm Shoulder incl.7mm Straight Titanium Abutment .3 Titanium Screw 8.3mm for recovery straight and angulated abutments. Description TSA-8. screw fixation SF-O 3mm 4mm SSTA-1 SSTA-2 SSTA-3 SSTA-4 5mm OCA-15 2mm 7mm 9mm 15mm 12mm 12mm 9mm 20.5mm Shoulder incl.15 18.15mm All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8.5mm Straight Titanium Abutment .00 ! de Wi OCA-25 Overdenture Connection Abutment 2. this screw.29 45 .Shoulder 3mm Straight Titanium Abutment .00 STA-5 STA-7 STA-9 STA-9W STA-12 STA-12W STA-15 Straight Titanium Abutment .75 Straight Titanium Abutment . TSACA-25 20.15 18.Shoulder 1mm Straight Titanium Abutment .90 18.00 Art.5mm Shoulder incl.15 Ø=1. screw fixation SF-O 20.9mm (Wide) Straight Titanium Abutment .12mm (Wide) Straight Titanium Abutment .15 Needed tools: Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1. TSACA-05 L=8.15 18.9mm Straight Titanium Abutment .5mm Shoulder incl.15 18. BSO 44 Ball Screw for Overdenture (for OCA) 13.5mm Shoulder incl.Shoulder 2mm Straight Titanium Abutment . 7. 10 31.50 35.15 18.15 18.6mm Slim Titanium Abutment .50 All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8.29 SAGA-1 SAGA-2 SAGA-3 46 Straight Anatomic Golden Titanium Abutment 1mm Straight Anatomic Golden Titanium Abutment 2mm Straight Anatomic Golden Titanium Abutment 3mm 35.10 31.10 3mm Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-9/15 for Hex 1.7mm Smooth Slim Titanium Abutment .8mm Slim Titanium Abutment .ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments STRAIGHT ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments STRAIGHT Picture Picture Art.5mm Smooth Slim Titanium Abutment .9mm Smooth Slim Titanium Abutment . Description ESPS-2 Esthetic Straight Abutment with Platform Shifting 2mm Art. Description Platform shifting 45.3. or Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.15 31.05 SLTA-5 SLTA-6 SLTA-7 SLTA-8 SLTA-9 SLTA-10 Straight Anatomic Titanium Abutment 1mm Straight Anatomic Titanium Abutment 2mm Straight Anatomic Titanium Abutment 3mm 8mm 6mm 5mm 3mm SATA-1 SATA-2 SATA-3 1mm Esthetic Straight Abutment with Platform Shifting 3mm 10mm 9mm Slim Titanium Abutment .10mm 18. No.50 35.05 2mm 7mm 3mm 1mm 2mm ESPS-3 2mm 45.15 18. No.15 18.29 47 .15 18. Description ATA-15 Angled Titanium Abutment-15 31. No.10 ATA-15L Angled Titanium Abutment-15 (Long) 31.85 L H L 15° H Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-9/15 for Hex 1.2mm 64. 48 25° Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.10 PASA-2 Peek-On Peek Anatomic Straight Abutment .10 XSPA-1 Peek-On X-Shape Straight Peek Abutment 1mm Shoulder L=9.85 ATA-25N Angled Titanium Abutment-25 (Narrow) 38.5mm 64.10 Art.29 49 .5mm 64.85 ATA-25L Angled Titanium Abutment-25 (Long) 38.4mm 64.3.10 PASA-3 Peek-On Peek Anatomic Straight Abutment .5mm Shoulder L=8.10 XSPA-05 Peek-On X-Shape Straight Peek Abutment 0. Description PASA-1 Peek-On Peek Anatomic Straight Abutment .ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments STRAIGHT ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments ANGLED Picture Picture Art.3 mm L=12.29 or All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8.2 mm L=11.10 ATA-25 Angled Titanium Abutment-25 38.5mm 64.1 mm L= 10. No.10 ATA-15N Angled Titanium Abutment-15 (Narrow) 31. 85 EATA-25-2 Esthetic Angled Titanium Abutment 2mm Shoulder 38.85 38. No.85 25° 15° Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-9/15 for Hex 1.85 EATA-25-3 Esthetic Angled Titanium Abutment 3mm Shoulder 38.85 38.3. No. Description EATA-15-1 Esthetic Angled Titanium Abutment 1mm Shoulder EATA-15-2 EATA-15-3 Esthetic Angled Titanium Abutment 2mm Shoulder Esthetic Angled Titanium Abutment 3mm Shoulder 38.85 Art.ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments ANGLED ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments ANGLED Picture Picture Art.29 All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8.29 or All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8. Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1. Description EATA-25-1 Esthetic Angled Titanium Abutment 1mm Shoulder 38.3. 50 51 . 4mm Straight Zirconium Abutment 1mm Shoulder 190.5mm NOTICE: 0.29 All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8.4mm XAPA-15-1W Peek-On X-Shape Angled Peek Abutment 15 Degree 1mm Shoulder-Wide. L= 10.Wide.10 15° 64.3.5mm 64. L= 8. L= 9.10 5.8mm 190.10 EAPA-25-2 Peek-On Esthetic Angled Peek Abutment 25 Degree 2 mm Shoulder.9mm EAPA-15-2 Peek-On Esthetic Angled Peek Abutment 15 Degree 2 mm Shoulder.10 H L H XAPA-25-05 Peek-On X-Shape Angled Peek Abutment 25 Degree 0.90 ZASA-1 Zircorit Zirconium Anatomic Straight Abutment .10 64.10 EAPA-25-3 Peek-On Esthetic Angled Peek Abutment 25 Degree 3 mm Shoulder. L= 8.90 XSZA-05 Zircorit X-Shape. L= 8. L= 10.0.9mm 190. No.3mm 2mm H L H L H XAPA-15-05 Peek-On X-Shape Angled Peek Abutment 15 Degree 0. L= 11.90 ZASA-05 Zircorit Zirconium Anatomic Straight Abutment .9 mm EAPA-15-3 Peek-On Esthetic Angled Peek Abutment 15 Degree 3 mm Shoulder.ACCESSORIES Restoration Abutments ANGLED ACCESSORIES Zirconium Abutments Picture Picture Art.90 XSZA-1 Zircorit X-Shape.90 4.5mm Shoulder.10 8. L= 8.5mm 64.1mm. L=9.2mm 64. Description Art. L= 10mm 190.5mm 64. L= 10.2mm 64.2mm L EAPA-15-1 Peek-On Esthetic Angled Peek Abutment 15 Degree 1 mm Shoulder.6mm 25° L H 15° L 64.5mm Shoulder. L= 10. 9. No. L= 9.9mm 64.5mm 190.90 ZASA-2 Zircorit Zirconium Anatomic Straight Abutment .10 64.10 25° Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-9/15 for Hex 1.5mm 190. L= 9.2mm. 52 53 .3mm.5mm Shoulder 190. Description ZSTA-8 Zircorit Zirconium Straight Abutment with Metal Base.4mm Straight Zirconium Abutment 0.10 EAPA-25-1 Peek-On Esthetic Angled Peek Abutment 25 Degree 1 mm Shoulder.90 ZASA-3 Zircorit Zirconium Anatomic Straight Abutment . L= 12.29 or Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1.4mm XAPA-25-1W Peek-On X-Shape Angled Peek Abutment 25 Degree 1mm Shoulder.5mm. 4mm EAZA-15-1 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 15 Degree.2mm 190.90 EAZA-15-3 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 15 Degree. No.5 mm Shoulder L= 8mm 190.5mm 190. Description XAZA-15-05 Zircorit X-Shape Angled Zirconium Abutment 15 Degree H= 0.5mm 190. H= 2 mm Shoulder L= 9.90 EAZA-25-3 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 25 Degree.Wide Zirconium Abutment 25 Degree H= 1mm Shoulder L= 9. Description EAZA-15-05 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 15 Degree.90 190. H= 1mm Shoulder L= 9. H= 3 mm Shoulder L= 10.9mm 190.9mm 190.29 or Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA for Hex 1. H= 1 mm Shoulder L= 8.2mm 190.9mm 190.90 15° L H 15° L L H H EAZA-25-05 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 25 Degree. H= 3mm Shoulder L= 11.90 25° 25° Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-9/15 for Hex 1. No.90 XAZA-25-1W Zircorit X-Shape Angled .5mm Shoulder L= 8.90 EAZA-25-2 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 25 Degree. H= 2mm Shoulder L= 10.29 All standard Abutments include Titanium Screw TSA-8.3. H= 0.90 Art. H= 0.5mm Shoulder L= 8.90 EAZA-25-1 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 25 Degree.4mm 190.90 XAZA-25-05 Zircorit X-Shape Angled Zirconium Abutment 25 Degree H= 0.90 EAZA-15-2 Zircorit Esthetic Angled Zirconium Abutment 15 Degree.5mm Shoulder L= 9.Wide Zirconium Abutment 15 Degree H= 1mm Shoulder L= 9.4mm 190. 54 55 .5mm 190.90 XAZA-15-1W Zircorit X-Shape Angled .ACCESSORIES Zirconium Abutments ACCESSORIES Zirconium Abutments Picture Picture L H Art. 35 48.29 Ball Attachments are used for the fixation of full overdentures with tissue.85 SCB-Y Silicone Cap for Ball Attachment .) Slightly elastic. 1x BA-SP. Retention 1200-1300gr 50. Golden Tin Coated incl.) Very elastic.30 MCB Metal Cap for Ball Attachement 13.35 48. 1x BA-SP.) For Lap use only 50. No. Golden Tin Coated incl.85 BA-7 Ball Attachment 7mm.50 BA-7 BA-1 Ball Attachment 1mm. 1xSCB. 1x BA-SP. MCB Metal Cap BA-4 Ball Attachment 4mm.ACCESSORIES Ball Attachments ACCESSORIES Ball Attachments Picture Picture Art. 1x BA-SP. Retention less 500gr 50. 1xSCB. No. MCB Metal Cap BA-2 Ball Attachment 2mm.85 BA-6 Ball Attachment 6mm. 1x BA-SP. MCB Metal Cap 48. 1xSCB.35 SCB-G Silicone Cap for Ball Attachment . The use of ball attachments stabilizes the cover denture construction to provide firm retentionion. 1x BA-SP.85 Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-/15 for Hex 1. 1xSCB.29 56 57 . Retention 800-950gr 50.Green (4 pcs.35 48. 1x BA-SP. MCB Metal Cap 48.) Extremely elastic. MCB Metal Cap BA-3 Ball Attachment 3mm. Golden Tin Coated incl. 1xSCB.Yellow (4 pcs. MCB Metal Cap 48.35 Silicone Cap for Ball Attachment . The arch should include at least two or more implants parallel (not more than 10 degrees of divergence).) Elastic. The silicone caps provide a secure “click effect” to the ball attachment or Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA-9/15 for Hex 1. 1xSCB.85 SCB-P Silicone Cap for Ball Attachment . Golden Tin Coated incl.Transparent (4 pcs. Golden Tin Coated incl. low SCB-B Silicone Cap for Ball Attachment . 1xSCB.Black (4 pcs.Pink (4 pcs.85 BA-5 Ball Attachment 5mm. Golden Tin Coated incl. 50. BA-1 BA-2 BA-3 BA-4 BA-5 BA-6 Description RETENTION / adhesive strength / grip high 7mm 6mm 5mm 4mm 3mm 2mm 1mm Description Art. Retention 500-550gr.85 SCB-T BA-SP Separators O-Rings for Ball attachment 1. Golden Tin Coated incl. MCB Metal Cap 48. LOC-SP. The use of Locate-ITs stabilize the over denture 58 LOC-4 Picture 6mm 5mm 4mm 3mm 2mm 1mm ACCESSORIES Locators Art. Kits include: three different silicone caps. incl. 3xSCL (one piece each). LOC-SP. carrier. incl. 3xSCL (one piece each). incl.85 LOC-IA Analog for LOCATE-IT 14. LOC-SP. No. MCL and PC-LOC 129.00 LOC-4 LOCATE-IT 4mm KIT (Locators). 3xSCL (one piece each).35 LOC-SP Separators O-Ring for LOCATE-IT 1.) EXTRA-SOFT 50.75 construction and provide a firm retention.ACCESSORIES Locators Picture Art. Description SCL-Y Silicone Cap for LOCATE-IT Yellow (4 pcs. No.29 NOTICE: NOTICE: Kits include: three different silicone caps. MCL and PC-LOC 129.00 LOC-2 LOCATE-IT 2mm KIT (Locators). MCL and PC-LOC 129. incl. MCL and PC-LOC 129.) STANDARD 50. carrier. MCL and PC-LOC 129.35 SCL-P Silicone Cap for LOCATE-IT Pink (4 pcs. 3xSCL (one piece each).) SOFT 50.50 MC-LOC Metal Cap for LOCATE-IT 15. metal cap and the silicone o-ring. LOC-SP. and instrument for insertion/removing of silicone caps LOC-INS 59 .00 LOC-5 LOCATE-IT 5mm KIT (Locators). incl. metal cap and the silicone o-ring. LOC-SP.00 LOC-3 LOCATE-IT 3mm KIT (Locators). LOC-1 Description LOC-2 LOC-3 LOC-5 LOC-6 LOC-1 LOCATE-IT 1mm KIT (Locators).00 LOC-6 LOCATE-IT 6mm KIT (Locators). incl. The arch should include at least two or more implants that diverge no more than 10 degrees.30 PC-LOC Plastic Carrier for LOCATE-IT 9. or Hand Hex Driver for Abutments HHDA-9/15 for Hex 1. Needed tools: Ratchet Hex Driver RHDA-/15 for Hex 1.29 The silicone caps provide the “female” prosthetic connection that secures with a “click effect” to confirm seating. MCL and PC-LOC 129. 3xSCL (one piece each). LOC-SP.35 SCL-T Silicone Cap for LOCATE-IT Transparent (4 pcs. 3xSCL (one piece each).00 Locate-its have a low profile and are used for fixation of full overdentures on an edentulous ridge. .40 FK=Full Kit content: MUL-SCA-.75 MUL-OTSCA Open Transfer for connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT + Screw 50..mm MUL-SCS MUL-PSCA Art.80 MUL-TSCA Titanium Sleeve for Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT + Screw MUL-SCS 46. Description 17° 1mm 2mm incl..25 MUL-PSCA Plastic Sleeve for Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT + Screw MUL-SCS 40.70 MUL-SCA-2BK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-2mm Basic Kit 81.00 1mm 2mm MUL-BA-1 Ball Attachment for IVORY on 4/ on 6   1mm 68.20 61 . No.20 MUL-SCA-4FK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-4mm Full Kit 202.40 MUL-SCA-2 Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-2mm 40.00 MUL-30-1 IVORY ON 4/ ON 6 MULTI UNIT 30Degree 1mm 149.70 MUL-SCA-3BK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-3mm Basic Kit 81. No.40 MUL-SCA-4 Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-4mm 40.00 MUL-30-3 IVORY ON 4/ ON 6 MULTI UNIT 30Degree 3mm 149..00 MUL-STA-9 Straight Abutment for IVORY on 4/ on 6 39.mm 2x MUL-SCS MUL-PSCA MUL-TSCA MUL-OTSCA MUL-AASCA BK=Full Kit content: MUL-SCA-.00 MUL-30-2 IVORY ON 4/ ON 6 MULTI UNIT 30Degree 2mm 149.70 MUL-SCA-4BK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-4mm Basic Kit 81.00 168. Description MUL-SCS Screw for Straight connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT (Included in MUL-PSCA & MUL-TSCA) 24. Carrier for MUL 17-30 30° 3mm 1mm 2mm 3mm MUL-17-1 IVORY ON 4/ ON 6 MULTI UNIT 17Degree 1mm 149.00 Straight Multi Unit 4mm 60 MUL-LOC-1 MUL-LOC-2 MUL-SCA-1 Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-1mm 40.20 MUL-SCA-1FK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-1mm Full Kit 202.ACCESSORIES IVORY on 4 / on 6 Multi Unit ACCESSORIES Straight Multi Unit Picture Picture Art.20 MUL-SCA-2FK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-2mm Full Kit 202.40 MUL-SCA-3 Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-3mm 40.20 MUL-SCA-3FK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-3mm Full Kit 202.00 MUL-BA-2 Ball Attachment for IVORY on 4/ on 6    2mm 68.00 MUL-17-2 IVORY ON 4/ ON 6 MULTI UNIT 17Degree 2mm 149.65 MUL-AASCA Analog Abutment for Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT 24.00 1mm 2mm 1mm LOCATE-IT for IVORY on 4/ on 6  1mm LOCATE-IT for IVORY on 4/ on 6  2mm 168.70 MUL-SCA-1BK Straight Connection Abutment for MULTI UNIT-1mm Basic Kit 81.60 MUL-SOT Screw for Open Transfer for MULTI UNIT (Included in MUL-OTSCA) 27.00 MUL-17-3 IVORY ON 4/ ON 6 MULTI UNIT 17Degree 3mm 149. ACCESSORIES Narrow Line ACCESSORIES Narrow Line Picture Picture Art.15 NL-ACA-05 Anatomic Connection Abutment 0. 2. MCB Metal Cap Ball Attachment & Cap-4 (Kit of 3pcs) (Narrow Line) incl.Shoulder 2mm (Narrow Line) 18.Shoulder 3mm (Narrow Line) 18.50 NL-HC-4 Healing Cap L-4mm / D-4.50 NL-HC-2N Healing Cap L-2mm / D-3.00 63 .15 28.50 NL-HC-3N Healing Cap L-3mm / D-3.00 NL-ACA-25 Anatomic Connection Abutment 2.05 NL-AZA Adapter for Zirconium Abutment (Narrow Line) 18.15 NL-SSTA-1 Straight Titanium Abutment . Description NL-STA-10 Straight Titanium Abutment .15 NL-SLTA-2 Slim Titanium Abutment .1 NL-ATA-15 Angulated Titanium Abutment 15 Degree .00 NL-LOC-5 LOCATE-IT 5mm KIT (Locators) NL -Narrow Line 129. No.50 NL-HC-6N Healing Cap L-6mm / D-3. 1xSCB.3 mm NL-TSNA-8.5mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 20. MCB Metal Cap Ball Attachment & Cap-2 (Kit of 3pcs) (Narrow Line) incl.0mm (Narrow Line) 11.00 NL-LOC-3 LOCATE-IT 3mm KIT (Locators) NL -Narrow Line 129.15 NL-SSTA-2 Straight Titanium Abutment .0mm (Narrow Line) 11. MCB Metal Cap Ball Attachment & Cap-3 (Kit of 3pcs) (Narrow Line) incl. 1xSCB.50 1.3 Art.2mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 18.40 NL-LOC-1 LOCATE-IT 1mm KIT (Locators) NL -Narrow Line 129.40 28.85 NL-PAC-H Plastic Abutment Laboratory with Hex (Narrow Line) 10.40 28.0mm (Narrow Line) 11.00 NL-LOC-4 LOCATE-IT 4mm KIT (Locators) NL -Narrow Line 129.Narrow Line 38. 1x BA-SP. MCB Metal Cap CAUTION: ALL Narrow Line Abutments include Titanium Screw 8.5mm (Narrow Line) 11. 1x BA-SP.5mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 20.1mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 18. 1x BA-SP.00 NL-LOC-2 LOCATE-IT 2mm KIT (Locators) NL -Narrow Line 129.00 18.5mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 20.5mm (Narrow Line) 11. 2.00 NL-ACA-15 Anatomic Connection Abutment 1. 1xSCB.0mm (Narrow Line) 11.50 NL-HC-3 Healing Cap L-3mm / D-4. Description NL-HC-2 Healing Cap L-2mm / D-4.5mm (Narrow Line) 11.50 NL-HC-5 Healing Cap L-5mm / D-4.40 28.3mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 18. 3 mm 1. 1x BA-SP.50 NL-HC-6 Healing Cap L-6mm / D-4.15 NL-SSTA-3 Straight Titanium Abutment .5mm (Narrow Line) 11. 3 mm NL-HC-5N Healing Cap L-5mm / D-3. 1xSCB.00 NL-LOC-6 LOCATE-IT 6mm KIT (Locators) NL -Narrow Line 129.0mm (Narrow Line) 11.15 NL-SLTA-3 Slim Titanium Abutment .Shoulder 1mm (Narrow Line) 18.50 NL-HC-4N Healing Cap L-4mm / D-3.10mm (Narrow Line) NL-SLTA-1 Slim Titanium Abutment .50 NL-BA-1 NL-BA-2 NL-BA-3 NL-BA-4 62 Ball Attachment & Cap-1 (Kit of 3pcs) (Narrow Line) incl. No.5mm (Narrow Line) 11. 55 NL-PUTA-3 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 3mm with PUP-C (Narrow Line) 38.8 F up to 275 F (121 C to 134 Cl *The useful life of the case depends on the care taken. Description Starter Kit and Professional Kit The Cases contains sockets with silicone supports for drills.55 NL-PUTA-2 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 2mm with PUP-C (Narrow Line) 38.25 NL-OTT Open Tray Transfer (Narrow Line) 16.3 Titanium Screw 8. ratchets and drivers.10mm (Narrow Line) 16. The high quality raw materials used in manufacturing Ritter’s cases provide a long useful life* and more sterilization rounds by autoclave with temperature between 49.25 NL-CTT-13 Closed Tray Transfer .00 Art.3 mm NL-TSNA-8.55 NL-PUTA-4 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 4mm with PUP-C (Narrow Line) 38. No.NL 7. Avoid contact with chemical products.25 NL-IA-3.25 NL-PUTA-1 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 1mm with PUP-C (Narrow Line) 38. 65 .75 20. Spare sockets are provided for extra tools.3mm (Narrow Line) 16. No.13mm (Narrow Line) 16. Description Picture NL-OCA-05 Overdenture Connection Abutment 0.55 NL-TSNA-8.5mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) NL-OCA-15 Overdenture Connection Abutment 1.25 NL-CTT-13N Closed Tray Transfer .5mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 20. The base and cover are created from a high polycarbonate material and the inner tray is made from Polysulfone and nontoxic silicone.ACCESSORIES Narrow Line Picture 64 CAUTION: Instruments Tools and Kits ALL Narrow Line Abutments include Titanium Screw 8. Ritter’s surgical cases are made from very high quality materials.3 Art. Clean the case in ultrasonic cleaner using enzymatic soap which removes organic substance and use the right disinfectants before autoclaving.00 NL-OCA-25 Overdenture Connection Abutment 2.00 NL-CTT-10 Closed Tray Transfer .5mm Shoulder (Narrow Line) 20.55 NL-PUTA-5 Pop Up Transfer Abutment 5mm with PUP-C (Narrow Line) 38.3mm for recovery straight and angulated Narrow Line abutments.13mm (Narrow Line) 16.0 Implant Analog . 9 MDI-1.Long 16mm 2x PPS Parallel Pin Guide .29 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 15mm Hex 1.2 Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Ø 2mm/L 16mm Ø 2.29 2x PPL Parallel Pin Guide .Instruments Tool Kits RIM2-SE/SI and content Content of RIM2-SE/SI .External Irrigation Drills Ritter .0 DE/DI--2. No. No.Starter Kit Picture 66 Description Ritter .29) MMA-28 Motor Mount Length 28mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.5mm/L 16mm Ø 2. Hex 2.65mm/L 16mm Ø 4. RWH RHDA-9 RHDA-15 RHDI-9 RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 9mm Hex 1.0) NL-MMI-28 Motor Mount Length 28mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.0) L =15mm STARTER KIT RIM2 RIM2-SE RIM2-SI Description L = 9 mm Art.8mm/L 16mm Ø 3. Art.43mm.29 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 9mm Hex 2.43 L = 9 mm for Hex 2.2 DE/DI--5.Empty Mini Case Ritter . Length 24mm MMIO-28 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2. Hex 2.5 DE/DI--2.29) Ratchet Wrench Hex for 6.9 L =15mm for Hex 2.43 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 15mm Hex 2.Starter Kit Mini 2.Starter Kit Mini 2.0 RHDM-S Ratchet Hex Driver for MCI (Short) MMA-22 Motor Mount Length 22mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.Short 10mm L =15mm Drill Extender with External or Internal Irrigation Marking Drill with External Irrigation Marking Drill with Internal Irrigation L = 9 mm DEX/DIX MDE-1.65 DE/DI--4.9mm Ø 1.9mm DE/DI-2.35 mm 67 .8 DE/DI--3.Internal Irrigation Drills HHDA Hand Hex Driver for Abutment Ø 1.2mm/L 16mm Ø 3.43mm. Length 28mm NL-MMI-20 Motor Mount Length 20mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.2mm/L 16mm for Hex 1.2mm/L 16mm Ø 5.0 NL-RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 15mm.0 MMIO-24 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2.43 NL-RHDI-9 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 9mm.Instruments Case Mini 2 .2 DE/DI--3. Instruments Case .Starter Case .Internal Irrigation Drills L =15mm RIC RIC-SE RIC-SI L = 9 mm Description for Hex 2.43 MMIO-24 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2.0 2x PPL Parallel Pin Guide .29) NL-MMI-20 NL-MMI-28 Motor Mount Length 20mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.External Irrigation Drills Ritter . Length 24mm MMIO-28 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2.Starter Case .0 DE/DI-2.Internal Irrigation Drills MDE-1.5 DE/DI-2.External Irrigation Drills Ritter .8 DE/DI-3.2 Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation TPD Tissue Punch Driver CRHD Cap for Ratchet Hex Driver RHDM-S Ratchet Hex Driver for MCI (Short) MMA-22 MMA-28 Motor Mount Length 22mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.0 NL-RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 15mm.0 L = 9 mm Art. Hex 2.43mm.29 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 9mm Hex 2.29) Motor Mount Length 28mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.43mm.Long 16mm 2x PPS Parallel Pin Guide .2 DE/DI-3.Starter Box .29 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 15mm Hex 1.Empty Case Ritter .Starter Box .Short 10mm RWH Ratchet Wrench Hex for 6. Length 28mm RHDA-9 RHDA-15 RHDI-9 RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 9mm Hex 1.43 NL-RHDI-9 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 9mm. No.9 MDI-1.29 L =15mm Ritter .0) Motor Mount Length 28mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.43 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 15mm Hex 2.65 DE/DI-4.9 Marking Drill with External Irrigation Marking Drill with Internal Irrigation DE/DI-2.Single end STARTER KIT PLUS RIB RIB-SE RIB-SI for Hex 1. Content of RIC-SE/SI & RIB-SE/SI L = 9 mm Instruments Tool Kits RIC-SE/SI & RIB-SE/SI 69 .0) DEX/DIX Drill Extender with External or Internal Irrigation HHDA Hand Hex Driver for Abutment TRU-45 Torque Ratchet up to 45 Ncm L =15mm for Hex 2.Empty Box Ritter . Hex 2.35 mm IDP-S Implant Deep Probe .68 Ritter .Instruments Box .2 DE/DI-5. 0) NL-MMI-28 Motor Mount Length 28mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.0) DEX/DIX Drill Extender with External or Internal Irrigation HHDA Hand Hex Driver for Abutment TRU-45 Torque Ratchet up to 45 Ncm IDP-S 2x PPL Parallel Pin Guide .Conical CD-3.7-4.5 SDE/SDI-2.External Irrigation Drills Ritter .Conical Drill.2 DE/DI-3. Irrigation Drill “Short” Ext. / Intern.2mm Countersink Drill D-5.43 NL-RHDI-9 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 9mm.Professional Case .Internal Irrigation Drills for Hex 1.43mm. Ext.75-4. Irrigation Drill “Short” Ext.4 CDE/CDI-2.8 DE/DI-3.2 SDE/SDI--5.0 NL-RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 15mm.65 SDE/SDI-4. Irrigation .29) Motor Mount Length 20mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.Conical Drill.Single end PROFESSIONAL KIT 71 .Conical Drill.Short 10mm 70 L =15mm MDE-1. Hex 2.0-4. Length 24mm MMIO-28 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2. / Intern.8-2. Ext.0-3.0 SDE/SDI-2.75/4. / Intern.5 CDE/CDI-3.0 TB-4.Professional Box .29 L =15mm RIC RIC-PE RIC-PI L =15mm L = 9 mm Description L = 9 mm Art. Irrigation Drill “Short” Ext. Irrigation . Irrigation Drill “Short” Ext.Content of RIC-PE/PI & RIB-PE/PI Instruments Tool Kits RIC-PE/PI & RIB-PE/PI Ritter . Length 28mm RHDA-9 RHDA-15 RHDI-9 RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 9mm Hex 1. / Intern.Conical Drill. Irrigation CDE/CDI-1. Ext.8 SDE/SDI-3.43mm. Ext.Conical Drill. Ext. Irrigation Drill “Short” Ext. Ext.5-3. / Intern.0mm TB-3.7-4.2 Drill “Short” Ext. / Intern. / Intern.43 MMIO-24 Implant Deep Probe .65 DE/DI-4. Irrigation .0-6.2 CD-5.0/6. Irrigation .9 L = 9 mm for Hex 2.Instruments Case .5 DE/DI-2. / Intern.External Irrigation Drills Ritter . Irrigation Drill “Short” Ext. / Intern.Internal Irrigation Drills RIB RIB-PE RIB-PI Ritter .0 Trephine Bur Trephine Bur Trephine Bur Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2.0 TPD Tissue Punch Driver CRHD Cap for Ratchet Hex Driver RHDM-S Ratchet Hex Driver for MCI (Short) MMA-22 Motor Mount Length 22mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.Empty Box Ritter .7 CDE/CDI-2. No. Irrigation .0 TB-5. / Intern.29) MMA-28 NL-MMI-20 Motor Mount Length 28mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.43 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 15mm Hex 2.0 Marking Drill with External Irrigation Marking Drill with Internal Irrigation DE/DI-2.2 CDE/CDI-2. / Intern.2 DE/DI-5.Instruments Box .2 SDE/SDI-3.0-5.Professional Box .29 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 9mm Hex 2.Professional Case .0 Countersink Drill D-3. for Hex 2.5 Drill. Irrigation . / Intern.0 CDE/CDI-2. Hex 2.9 MDI-1.29 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 15mm Hex 1.Long 16mm 2x PPS Parallel Pin Guide .2 Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation Drill with External / Internal Irrigation SDE/SDI-2.Empty Case Ritter .1-5.0 DE/DI-2. / Intern.0-6. Length 24mm 39.0) 41.43mm.40 PPL Parallel Pin Guide . Length 24mm 39.60 IDP-S Implant Deep Probe .43) 26.90 MMI-28 Motor Mount Length 28mm for Implant (for Hex 2.Long 16mm 13.29) 26.00 65.90 MMA-28 Motor Mount Length 28mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.90 73 .60 MMIO-28 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2. The only difference is the water supply channel inside the tool. No.43) 26. Art.90 MMI-20 Motor Mount Length 20mm for Implant (for Hex 2.35 mm Hand Hex Driver for Abutment Picture 48.Instruments Tools Picture Description DEX Drill Extender with External Irrigation HDH HHDA Instruments Tools Internal and External Irrigation items have the same look.29) 26.Single end 51.60 NL-MMI-20 Motor Mount Length 20mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2.40 NL-MMI-28 Motor Mount Length 28mm for (NL) Implants (for Hex 2. No.15 NOTICE: Pictures of Narrow Line Abutments are only slightly different and can be seen on former pages of this catalog.50 MMA-22 Motor Mount Length 22mm for Abutment (for Hex 1.Short 10mm 13.00 IDP Implant Deep Probe 70.0) 41. Art.80 76.45 PPS Parallel Pin Guide .43mm.45 53. Description MMIO-24 Motor Mount for implant for Hex 2. DIX 72 NOTICE: Drill Extender with Internal Irrigation Handle Driver for Hex 6. 77 Ratchet Hex Driver for MCI (Short) 61.29 Art. Hex 2. No.5mm 13mm 16mm 8mm 10mm 11.5mm 13mm 16mm 8mm 10mm 11.5mm 13mm 16mm 10mm 11.80 523.5mm 13mm 16mm 8mm 10mm 11.29 26. Hex 2.90 TPD Tissue Punch Driver 76.3 mm Ø 3.80 SCALE Measurement bar for Ivory 5.2 mm Ø 5 mm Ø 6 mm 10mm 11.2 mm Ø 5 mm Ø 6 mm 74 10mm 8mm Ø 3 mm 8mm Ø 3.5mm 13mm 16mm 8mm 10mm 11.70 Ø 3 mm Ø 3.5mm 13mm 16mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 11.70 Ø 4. No. Picture L =15mm L = 9 mm for Hex 1.43 26.75 mm RHDM-L Ratchet Hex Driver for MCI (Long) 61.35 mm 59.45 NL-RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 15mm.15 SDH Screw Driver Hex 2.0 38.20 RHDI-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 15mm Hex 2.5mm 13mm 16mm 10mm 11.20 L =15mm L = 9 mm for Hex 2.43 26.43 RHDI-9 Ratchet Hex Driver for Implant 9mm Hex 2.70 61.5mm 13mm 16mm 11.45 RHD-OD RHDM-S Ratchet Hex Driver for Overdenture Hex 1.0 38.00 BA-INS Ball Attachment Instrument for silicones inserting and removing 152. Picture Art.20 L =15mm L = 9 mm for Hex 2.00 TRU-35 TRU-45 TRU-60 Torque Ratchet up to 35 Ncm Torque Ratchet 10 to 45 Ncm Torque Ratchet up to 60 Ncm 523.75 mm Ø 4.0 NL-RHDI-9 Ratchet Hex Driver for Narrow Line (NL) Implants 9mm.5mm 13mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 11.30 Description RHDA-9 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 9mm Hex 1.80 523.42 mm 65.5mm 13mm Ø 3. Description RWH Ratchet Wrench Hex for 6.60 LOC-INS Locate-It Instrument for silicones inserting and removing 152.Instruments Tools NOTICE: Pictures of Narrow Line Abutments are only slightly different and can be seen on former pages of this catalog.20 RHDA-15 Ratchet Hex Driver for Abutment 15mm Hex 1.29 26.00 HRM Hand Ratchet Hex for 6.35 mm 195.5mm 13mm 16mm 16mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 11.00 CRHD Cap for Ratchet Hex Driver 12.5mm 13mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 11.3 mm 75 . 0 SDI-2.2 SDI-5.0-Kit DS-2.1-5.2 DI-3.7 CDI-2.0/6.Conical Drill with Internal Irrigation . No.0 CDI-2.30 96.25 67.25 TB-3.50 62.Conical Drill with Internal Irrigation . No.50 SDI-2.0-4. Instruments Drills. The only difference is the water supply channel inside the tool.2 SDE-5.Conical Drill with Internal Irrigation .8 DI-3.25 67.50 62.8 DE-3.70 128.5-3.0 CDE-2.Conical Drill with External Irrigation .0 Countersink Drill D-3.5 CDE-3. NOTICE: Internal and External Irrigation items have the same look.65 DI-4.8 SDI-3.50 62.2-Kit Drill 2.8-Kit DS-3.50 62.2 DE-3.2 DI-5.Conical Drill with External Irrigation .0 DI-2.2-Kit DS-5.70 128.25 Art.5 Drill with Internal Irrigation .8 SDE-3.2 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) Drill 3.5 CDI-3.5 SDI-2.25 DE-2.25 67.9 MDI-1.5 SDE-2.70 128.2 CD-5.25 67.2-Kit DS-3.Conical Drill with Internal Irrigation .2 Drill “Short” with External Irrigation Drill “Short” with External Irrigation Drill “Short” with External Irrigation Drill “Short” with External Irrigation Drill “Short” with External Irrigation Drill “Short” with External Irrigation Drill “Short” with External Irrigation 62.2 CDI-2.Conical 67. Description Picture CD-3.2 SDI-3.4 CDI-2.2 Drill with External Irrigation Drill with External Irrigation Drill with External Irrigation Drill with External Irrigation Drill with External Irrigation Drill with External Irrigation Drill with External Irrigation 62.0-6.0-5.2 CDE-2.0-3.50 CDE-1.65 DE-4.65-Kit DS-4.50 62.25 67. Description MDE-1.70 128.50 62.25 67.50 62.7-4.50 62.50 62.Conical Drill with External Irrigation .50 DI-2.30 96.2 Drill with Internal Irrigation Drill with Internal Irrigation Drill with Internal Irrigation Drill with Internal Irrigation Drill with Internal Irrigation Drill with Internal Irrigation Drill with Internal Irrigation 67.75/4.5-3.2 SDE-3.0 TB-5.1-5.2 Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation Drill “Short” with Internal Irrigation 67.Conical 62.50 62.7-4.25 67.25 67.4 CDE-2.Conical Drill with External Irrigation .80 37.5 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) Drill 2.2mm Countersink Drill D-5.70 128.7 CDE-2.70 77 .30 DS-2.8 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) Drill 3.25 67.25 67.0-6.0 DE-2.5 Drill with External Irrigation . The only difference is the water supply channel inside the tool.50 62.65 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) Drill 4.0 SDE-2.25 67.50 62.70 128.0 Trephine Bur Trephine Bur Trephine Bur 96.Conical Drill with Internal Irrigation .7-4.0-3.2 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) 128.0 TB-4.5-Kit DS-2.9 Marking Drill with External Irrigation Marking Drill with Internal Irrigation 37.65 SDE-4.25 67.65 SDI-4.0 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) Drill 2.75-4.5 DI-2.50 62.25 67.5 DE-2.25 67.50 62.8-2.NOTICE: Instruments Drills Picture 76 Art.25 67.2 Stopper Kit ( 6 different lengths) Drill 5.50 62.50 62.25 67.50 62.50 62.8-2.0mm 62.Conical Drill with External Irrigation .2 DE-5.80 SDE-2. Trephines & Stoppers Internal and External Irrigation items have the same look.25 67.50 CDI-1.7-4. EDI TION N E W HIGH Y LITTS A U Q INSTRUMEN FINE 78 79 .Instruments for Sinus lift. surgery and augmentation Ritter Implants provides a wide range of dental instruments and equipment. Please ask your responsible Sales Manager for the the catalog of instruments. which allows it to work as osteoconductor support Due to its characteristics. IvoryOs is an ideal biomaterial for bone regeneration processes. What is IvoryOs? IvoryOs is a range of bone replacement products made of Tricalcium ß-Phosphate in compliance with international standard ASTM F1088-04. Human Cortical B Human Cortical Bone SEM Micrography 81 . The technology we apply in our manufacturing process allows us to develop three-dimensional structures in our products that are similar to those in the human bone. Its bioactivity and composition allows them to intervene in the bone remodelling process with full oesteointegration and bioreabsorption in so that it is replaced by the patient's own bone.IvoryOs interactions and bioactivity Micrographs taken at 45 days after implant of Tricalcium Beta-Phosphate with electron microscopy. Initial colonisation can be observed with cell nodes (1) that migrate through the implant leading to the formation of (non mineralised osteoid tissue) (2). Bio compatible Bio active Bio absorptable Bio remodelable Osteointegrable Osteoconductor KeraOs SEM Micrography 80 where blood capillaries and osteogenic cells adhere to form bone. There are also some areas where osteoid tissue is mineralised to a larger extent (3) and areas where there is already newly formed bone (4). IvoryOs's structure is similar to that of spongy bone trabecules in its interconnected porosity. The IvoryOs product range complies with the maximum requirements of any biomaterial for odontological use. The technology we apply in our manufacturing process allows us to IvoryOs develop SEMthree-dimensional Micrography structures in our products that are similar to those in the human bone. Micrograph A shows areas of coexistence between non mineralised reabsorbed material ) and structured material (newly formed bone). which implies the directional implant absorption. properties and composition. Surgical Stages Quick start 82 83 . The special design of the QSI and TFI implants will provide this primary stability. The sequence of drilling depends on the bone quality. the need forof two separate procedures. alcohol and other information listed in the instructions for use. The pre-operative examinationofofthe thepatient's patientmedical shouldstatus. Implant selection: The following factors should be considered when selecting an implant: 4. This means an additional surgical procedure and a longer process. scan. and 1. extraoral • Pay attention to the general contraindications as surgical treatment. tures such as will thebemandibular PIC tation required.1 t familiarized with the QSI implant system. Vertical bone quantity: Surgical Stages .5 Patient's body and head should be covered with sterile operating sheets. and the harderlength bone. especially about the different possibilities of treatment. otherwise Implant is determined by measuring the ridge vertical length the In most cases the softer bone. indicating their acceptance of the treatment 1. Bone Type I Very hard bone 84 Bone Type II Hard bone 6. Bone Type: augmentation neccessary. the use of the narrow MCI/NL-QSI implants may make bone implant can beshould stabilized in a very small bone volume. The correct data of theImplant ridge 2 and hard tissues. and 1. bone augmentation can be carried in the same treatment. 5. evaluate the anatomy. the use the narrow ARRP implants may eliminate the need for implant can CT be will stabilized in a very small bone volume. type I.0 mm of bone around the implant buccaly and lingually) are recommended. Bone Types Premedication according on to individual indications and literature updates. bone augmentation is Since necessary. in cases where the initial stabilization is not ensured. mental clinical and radiographic examination (Panoramic x-ray / CT scan will be recommended) psychosis. 5.Planning such as Diabetes Millitus.5 Patient’s body and head should be covered with sterile operating sheets. hence the importance of greater primary anterior mandible. Patient history and informations: • Ask the patient about his expectation of an implant insertion treatment.1 For efficient and precise implantation one should study and get familiarized with the Ritter implant system. Patient should rinse the mouth with only 0. 3.6 implant surgery should be made periodontal and initial preparation of the patient. the need for implant. 6.(especially buccaly and lingually) are recommended. or enable bone augmentation at the same time with the implant insertion. The implant’s special abilities will eliminate. Planning and treatment width can be provided by CT scan only.should hence the importance of safety greater primary strucscan.3.2 treatment and initial preparation of the patient. due to their special design. Since the amount of bone differs from Patient History. radioThe radiographic is for advanced evaluate the anatomy. will Planning and Treatment site to site. will be in the posterior maxilla.more bone-to-implant contact will bebone necessary forshould reaching highinenough initial ridge vertical length on the CT scan. a bone augmentation is necessary before inserting the implant. or enable bone augmentation at the same time with the implant 4. even in compromised situations. One should keep a safety distance of at least 2 mm from anatomical structures scan. After of thebone complete and precise an adequat treatment plan situations.5 mm stability of bone around the implant the implant insertion. bone augmentation is necessary. 6. stabilization. other such asbonethe mandibular 1 1 tion.5 mm of bone around implant The intraoral examination should include in particular dental history. be informed very well. Soft bone Very soft bone 6. type IV.more bone-to-implant will beas necessary for reaching high enough following length factors should be considered when selecting an implant: Implant length is determined by measuring the Implant length is determined by measuring the ridgeThe vertical on the CT stabilization. The QSIatimplants. risks involved and expected results. In a softer less drills be used willsequence give lessofretention . 6. Examination. Bone Dense and compact bones are situation considered as giving good initial stabilization for the implant. 4. and also during surgery if necessary. Patient information: • inform the patient about the intended plan of treatment and possible such asrisks the 4. otherwise bone augmen and 500mg TID after treatment for one week.6 Patient should rinse the mouth with 0. Horizontal bone quantity: retention. tation will be required. Since the amount of bone differs from Verticalin immediate bone quantity: site to site. has to be figured The patient necessary. 6 Pre-operative nonallergic patients one hour before implant placement prophilactically.2% chlorhexidine for one minute.Examination. Implant selection: Dense and compact bones arecontact considered giving good initial stabilization forinitial the implant. bone augmentation is additional procedure augmentation beforeexamination placing the implant. Implant selection: tion and the diagnostics of x-ray pictures are important for the treatment plan. resulting in immediate stabilization. insertion. Bone Type III Bone Type IVThe implant surgery should be made only after periodontal 6. The drilling depends on the bone quality. In some cases. intraoral. will achieve enough primary even in cases with very small quantity of bone. and soft and narrow ridges. This means an additional surgical Surgical Stages retention. 1. Implant failures will usually occur in typeOne IV bone.2%after chlorhexidine for one treatment minute. Vertical bone: informations listed in the instruction manual (mental psychosis.4 Surgical instruments and equipment should be prepared and sterilized before starting the procedure. and 500mg TID after treatment for one week. and Treatment find out his medical status. 6 ofPre-operative procedure: scan. 6. enoughhowever primary stability even in cases with veryfrom smallanatomical quantity of bone. and the harder bone. The special design of the QSI and TFI implants will provide this primary stability.2 The6. restorative status and occlusion.6. in the In most cases the softer bone. keep a distance of at least 2 mm from anatomical Pre-operative procedure: stability. Planning and Treatment retention. Since the amount of bone differs from site to site. indicating their acceptance of the treatment. thereforeprocedure bone augmentation is possible the same time the implant and a longer process. due to their special design. instead of two separate procedures.5around mm around the width can be provided by CT scan only. pathology. Cancellous bone will give less retention .5 mm the graphic examination – usually a CT scan will be recommended. canal. in the Implant diameter depends upon the measurements of the ridge width on the CT anterior mandible. bone augmentation. in 2 the Maxilla at least 12 mm because of the (especially buccaly and lingually) are recommended. The correct data of the ridge weaker density of bone. Bone width A panoramic X-Ray for initial evaluation and CT for advanced planning helpsaugmentation. The QSI implants. 6. type IV. zone. includesuch a general health evaluation. 2g amoxicillin can be given to 6. The pre-operative examinationExamination of the patient should includeplanning a generalhelps health evaluation.7 Local anesthesia is given in related areas. type I. Implant diameter depends upon the measurements of the ridge width on the CT scan. medication andcanal. In the Mandibular a 10 mm should be at least inserted. 1. due to theirwith special design. The QSI implants. It isachieve important to keep safety distance structures Patients always should have a realistic view of the coming process therefore bone augmentation is possible at the same time with the implant inserSurgical •Stages . narrow ridges. The correct data of the ridge instead quantity and quality of the bone. a bone augmentation is necessary before inserting the implant. • Inform patient about the intended treatment. resulting in immediate stabilization. in insertion. tion. order to get better primary stability.otherwise bone augmenstability. Implant failures will usually occur in type IV bone. PIC bone augmentation will be required. diseases. The implant's special abilities will eliminate. restorative status and occlusion. and soft lar canal. especially especially in in thethe esthetic zone. therefore bone augmentation is possible at the same time with A 3 mm of bone between two implants. When there is less than 1. most cases.4 Surgical instruments and equipment should be prepared and sterilized before starting the procedure. When there is less than 1. The examination should include in particular dental history. cases This withmeans veryansmall quantity tion is necessary inserting additional surgicalof bone. In complex cases CT will give accurate details. In a softer less drills should used indistance of at least 2 mm from anatomical struc- The following factors should be considered when selecting an implant: such as the mandibular canal. resulting stabilization. instead ofSince two separate procedures. will be in the posterior maxilla. even in compromised theout. 6. Cancellous bone 5. width can be provided by CT scan only.5 mm of bone must be kept all around the implant. 6. mm bone must be kept all around the implant. in cases where the initial stabilization is not ensured. clinical andpathology.3of the ridge– width the CT 2g amoxicillin can be given to nonallergic patients one hour before implant placement prophilactically. quantity and quality of the bone. Onebone should keep a be safety order to get better primary stability. procedure and a longer process.3. Especially the bone situa- 5.0 mm around the implant. bone or enable bone augmentation at the same time with the (especially implant 1. 6. It is important however to keep safety distance from anatomical structures mandibular canal. alcohol etc) • Patients should sign a consent form.3 Premedication – procedure: according to individual indications and literature updates.5 mm of bone must be kept allon around the CT implant. in most cases. a bone augmentaachieve enough primarybefore stability eventheinimplant. When there is less than 1. inform patient about the expected results of the pre-operative examination.2 The implant surgery should be made after general dental treatment and initial preparation of the patient. 2. in cases where the initial stabilization is not ensured.1 t familiarized with the QSI implant system. In very In very implant. tures such as the mandibular canal. will inser1. Horizontal bone quantity: • Before treatment. 1. the use of the narrow ARRP implants may eliminate the need for treatment.Examination. 6.the It is important however to keep safety distance from anatomical structures such as the mandibuA 3 mm of bone between two implants. Inthe complex cases give accurate details.56. bone augmentation can be carried in theof same hard tissues. esthetic additional procedure of bone augmentation before placing the implant. 2. 85 . • Patients should signExamination consent form. 6. Implant diameter depends upon the measurements6. especially in the esthetic zone. usually The just usetoof osteotomes other condensing is not needed d implant. check angulation. 8. usually just to penetrate the cortex. 7.4 Use Markdrills theofbone using a guide drill of your choice. orincremental even thebone two last steps in a very sof thantype usual. turn the implant 2-3 rounds counter clockwise and continue inserting. Drills Colors Code Intrernal Irrigation feature of the implant will take effect. not including the triangular shaped cutting 7. 4 5 6 The length marks refer to the beginning of the parallel walls.8mm drills will be enough for all impla • In cases of very hard cortical bone it may be necessary to use the next size drill for the cortical layer The Spiral QSI special design enables insertion of the implant into a prepared site with much lower diam• In cases of eter bone drilling step can be and skipped. longer. Surgical Steps 7. The two types are: Friction free insertion on the irrigation tab is due to a teflon ring in the irrigation canal 2. Drilling 7. diameters andand two lengths. Internal drills:both They in aresequential made of surgical titanium used with internal or external irrigation. Usually 2mm or 2.3 If necessary. • Internal irrigation drills.or When therebone is a strong resistance toinstruments the insertion of the implant will take effect. Planning and Treatment Drill selection Two types of drills are available. so thatIn precious tissue is preserved thethick special bone condensation featu cases of highbone resistance to insertion (50 Ncm). penetrate the cortex. When there is a strong resistance to the insertio implant. under ample irrigation with saline solution The length marks refer to the beginning of the parallel walls. reshape the alveolar ridge. Usually 2mm (pilot drill) or 2. • In cases of bone type 3 the last drilling step can be skipped. All drills are color coded for easy identification and handling! • External irrigation drills.5 Drilling 7. not including the triangular shaped cutting edge. They are made of stainless steel and should be used with external irrigation only. External Irrigation Drills. Start with the pilot drill of 2.Examination. Drilling should be performed intermittently.Examination.0 mm.1 Expose the surgical by making site: incisions Preparation of thefield implant 7. high stability and retention reached. used in cases of dense/cortical bone. The use of osteotomes or other bone condensing instruments is not due to the high stability and retention reached. Drills should have rpm depthand indication lines which will show the desired drilling depth. Extrernal Irrigation If cutting efficiency is reduced. at speed increasing the diameter in sequence step by step.8mm drills could be enough for all implant sizes. additional step necessary. both in sequential diameters and two lenghts. Drilling sequence • Fewer steps may be necessary for softer bone. Drills Colors Code 7. such as round bur or sharp pointed guide drill.7 Drill selection gical Stages . replace drills. additional steps may be necessary. The instructed drilling step for the cortical layer only. or even the two last steps in a very soft bone. In should remember that the actual osteotomy length is 1 mm longer. In 87 .Examination.2 Elevate the mucoperiosteal flaps Intrernal Irrigation 7. The Spiral QSIneeded special design enables insertion of the implant into a prepared site with much lower diam usual. In cases of high resistance to insertion (50 Ncm). TheyThey areare made of of surgical titanium andshould used be with internal or external irrigation. Extrernal Irrigation 86 ngth marks refer to the beginning of the parallel walls. 7.6 Depth and parallelism Use parallel/depth guide (4 and 5)intosequence. Planning and Treatment 7. The drilling procedure onit the implant and • In cases depends of cortical bone may be necessarydiameter to use the next sizebone drill quality. made stainless steel and used with external irrigation only. reshape the alveolar ridge 7. Two types of Irrigation drills are available.8 Drilling sequence after pilot drill should remember that the actual mmquality. not including the triangular shaped cutting edge. Planning and Treatment Surgical Stages .3sothe that last precious bone tissue is preserved the special condensation under ample irrigation with saline solution. The drilling procedure dependsosteotomy on the implantlength diameter is and1bone The instructed drilling steps can be used in cases of dense/cortical bone. parallelism. for example thick cortical bone layer. The two types are: 1.3 If neccessary. forand example corticalincremental bone layer.Surgical Stages . Use drills of increasing diameter Drills depth shouldandhave depth indication lines which will show the Implant depth probe can also be used (6) the be tactile feeling is thefor most important matter of sucessful drilling • Fewer steps• may necessary softer bone.4 Mark the implant position using a marking drill with irrigation 7. turn the implant 2-3 rounds counter clockwise and continue inserting. not exceeding 1500 with ample irrigation. 3. Always start with drill diameter 2.2 mmD drill > blue Flapless technique 1 Flapless method Punching the tissue and marking with marking drill 2 Flapless method White 2 mm Drill 3 Flapless method Red 2. Drilling always start with marking drill to mark the drilling point.8 mm Drill 4 .0 mmD drill > white 3. which is between 0.0. Marking Drill 2. which is color coded black. To prevent the bone from overheating we must always start with the smaller diameter drills to the bigger diameter drills.75 diameter (Blue Code) implant we use: 1. which means to go up and down with the drill during drilling (for a cooling effect and more depth control) Some countries have stopped working with internal irrigation because it’s safer to sterilize the drills.0 mmD).NOTE / TIP Our lecturers promote the “Bone Dancing Method”.2 diameter color coded black drill (the final bit must always be of a smaller diameter than the implant diameter. 2. Flap method Red 3.Simply step by step. Autoclaves that are NOT class B cannot sterilize hollow drills or hollow instruments because they do not work with vacuum. 1 Flap method Punching the tissue and marking with marking drill 2 Flap method White 2 mm Drill 3 Flap method Red 2.5 mmD to 1.8 mmD drill > red 4.0 implant diameter.2 mm Drill For the 3.2 mm Drill Delayed function with healing abutment 5 Implant Insertion by hand hex and torque ratchet 6a Immediate loading with straight abutment and tempory crown 88 6b 89 . 2. Implant placement: Step by Step The Ritter IVORY-Line System shows two different techniques of implant insertion and 6 steps l l Flap technique flapless method without flapping the gingiva method with gingiva flaps It is very important to keep the sequence of drilling by each method. (See Ritter Training Videos) For example: for a 5.8 mm Drill 4 Flapless method Red 3. the final drill bit must go with the 4. with all Ritter products Made in Germany at the modern production facility (dental devices) located in Zwönitz in Saxony. you plan with your Ritter representative 3 month in advance. excellent product quality and a model line that allows every dentist to Education and training courses in South Germany are very popular and enjoy the benefits of owning a “Ritter”. cuspidor. Trainings last usually 2 days with a practical and theoretical part. Ritter Implants production.history 125 years of dental experience In 1887.all instruments in one unit! This system delivered for the first Made in Germany time the modern dental system. Frank Ritter . South Germany. Frank Ritter produced one of the world’s first The Ritter group remains a German owned and oper- treatment chairs for the dental profession. Welcome to Germany! In 1917 Ritter introduced the integrated treatment system.founder of Ritter Dental and developer of the Ritter treatment chair 90 91 . The Ritter treatment chair of 1887 training Ritter Headquarter Zwönitz. East Germany Ritter remains one of the leading dental equipment providers. always striving for innovation. East Germany. in combination with favorite excursions to Stuttgart and Munich they are always fully booked. the core concept which has not changed even today. chair with control panel. saliva ejector. South Germany 1912 Ritter introduced the “control panel” for the outer boundaries of the Black Forest. drill. tray table and air/water syringes . The implants manufacturing process is situated in the In the 125 years since. dental instruments.make sure beginning of modern technology in dentistry. Black Forest. ated company. a major advancement and the Ask us for a training course or factory visit . Ritter has produced a long line of products that has changed the face of dentistry. 11 [email protected] Fax +49 7351 /52 925 .com www.Ritter Implants GmbH & Co. KG Zeppelinring 57 D-88400 Biberach Fon +49 7351 /52 925 .com .ritterimplants.
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