RINEX Converter 4.3.4 - Release Note

March 25, 2018 | Author: George Bogdan Constantin | Category: Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology



Release NotesL. Loitière Nantes Ref. RINEX RN Revision: 4.3.4 Page : 1/8 RINEX Converter 4.3 Release Notes ---------- RINEX Converter 4.3 DIFFUSION LIST : DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT : DEPARTMENT Verified by Approved by Approved by Approved by VERSIONS: Revision !"!" !"!+ !$!$ !&!$ !&!( !3!$ !3!& !3!3 !3! DATE #une $% &"$$ Sept &"%&"$$ #anuary (% &"$& Marc. $1% &"$& August 3% &"$& 0ebruary &4% &"$3 April &% &"$3 April $$% &"$3 April $(% &"$3 OBJECT SW Group SW Group Project Management Marketing NAME DATE VISA $st release to System 'est $!( )eeks before *emo for Malaysia tender ,ast minute version to fi- './ug"""+($(& 0i-ed bugs for Pro0le-+"" support Rebranding from As.tec. to Spectra and latest R*2 lib integration /ug fi-ing $st release to System 'est in t.e scope of PM( V&!( project Release 2andidate for PM( V&!( project Release 2andidate for PM( V&!( project% bug fi-ing on t.e installer 5Win46Win+7 Release 2andidate for PM( V&!( project% bug fi-ing on t.e installer 5Win 8P646+7 REMARK: paragraphs modified from the previous version are signaled with a vertical line in the left margin. Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED ......................................................................... RINEX RN Revision: 4.... "......................................................... # (................................Release Notes L................. MISSING FEATURES................................................................................................................................................. $...................................................................................................3..................................................................... #.................... # '........................................... INSTALLATION PROCEDURE......... They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED ... ........ )NO%N ISSUES.................................... RELEASED FILES LOCATION................................................................ CONTEXT AND PURPOSE................. !............................... " &............................................................................... FIXED ISSUES...................4 Page : 2/8 RINEX Converter 4.............................................3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1...................................................................................... VERSIONS........................................................................... ' Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech........................................................................................................................ APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.................................................................. NE% FEATURES.. Loitière Nantes Ref.................................................. e2*0. A.ibraries 5-+17= $"!"! "&$> Visual 2?? &""+ Runtime .n.3 1. documentation )as placed on G= .anguages= :nglis. P0e2ision  RINEX Conve0*e0 Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech.se. RINEX RN Revision: 4. applications using *esktop 9con or Windo)s Start Menu S*.aunc.*ion .5i1es 1o2.4 Page : 3/8 RINEX Converter 4.nical 2ommission for Maritime Services Special 2ommittee $" 5R'2M@S2$" 7% Marc. .ayloft G:\Engineering\Products\RINEX Converter\4.. Con*e+* .ose '.*ion Setup 2* .ome6ftp6bbs6toAmsk6RINEX_Converter/4. Ve0sions R9N:8 2onverter= !3! Microsoft !N:' 0rame)ork 2lient Profile= !"!3"3$> Visual 2?? &"$" Runtime . Spectra Precision products% to convert SiR0% / 0iles . 2*6Setup!e-e and follo) instructions Cou can re launc. Re1e.ibraries 5-+17= >!"!3"4&>!1$1$ .11.4!Bip #.3.3.1i2. Loitière Nantes Ref. &1% &"$3 ". Ins*.4 6./0. A'<M Ra) *ata files into R9N:8! !.31e -o2/4en*s PS* for ProMark ( V&!( project Revision $!"3 R9N:8 Version 3!"&% 9nternational GNSS Service 59GS7% R9N:8 Working Group and Radio 'ec.4s  S.is document contains t.0o2e-/0e ..e Release Notes for standalone R9N:8 2onverter !3 to be released )it.3.0*  P0o60. . They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED .Release Notes L. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED .%0RM%9N' ? A'M%SFP%. Loitière Nantes Ref.Rig.9.for 0N2 3$1>7 @ Fpdates of t.:< and DESS @ Support of t.G0N None in version !$ 5just bug fi-ing for Pro0le-+"" support7 Ne) features in version !" )ere= .Ne) A'<M messages A'M%*A'%.e R9N:8 3!"& file naming convention @ Support of G.3.2MRAG.<NASS and S/AS satellites in R9N:8 &!$$ for <PFS format 5fi. RINEX RN Revision: 4.9.Sign assemblies and send binaries to 'rimble team for direct use in SPS< Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech.Release Notes L.to include or reject corresponding measurements 5R9N:8 &!$& and above7 . <PFS% by adding all optional .en R9N:8 3!"& format is selected Ne) features in version !& )ere= .eader .ecked by default7 @ Add ne) format GR9N:8 Ra) *ata 0iles version 3!"&H @ Add ne) c.. occupation events from R9N:8 output . latest $!"!"!4 and old 3!&1 .for DESS ).<NASS% S/AS .GA.o) c.GA.Add ability to convert ra)@data into R9N:8 version &!$"% as reIuired for Malaysia tender .2P9%:P9 ? A'M%S'A%.4 Page : 4/8 RINEX Converter 4.eckbo.en R9N:8 &!$$ for <PFS format is selected 5unc.Add specific 0ormat R9N:8 version &!$$ for <PFS to ensure compatibility )it.e GF9 are= @ S.eck bo.Add offset in version numbering to avoid confusion )it. Ne7 5e. removing G.:< c.Add ability to convert A'<M RN8 files into R9N:8 .9.eckbo-es for G.atest R'3 SSR6MSM support .3 $.<NASS and S/AS ).< 5'rimble7 support .*/0es Ne) features in version !3 are= @ Support of ne) format R9N:8 version 3!"& @ Support of DESS satellites in R9N:8 3!"& format @ Support of 9<NAF'2 for GA.Add GA.:< support 5ra) measurements and NAV data7 in A'M and R'3%!MSM .t PRN numbering for all navigation data . e observation part Minor '.3.Release Notes L.1 and 4.<NASS data may be incorrectly processed 0i.5 Rig.P2 )./ug"""+(3 (= Application converts file )it.2. Between 4./ug"""+(($ = G"$ is not in t.6.0.ere is not .out restored full range from G@file by R*2 lib Removed une-pected option G2onversion to DFARKH t. is absent in R9N:8 v&!$& </S files :n./ug"""+44&"= No Galileo NAV files created after conversion of G@files )it.2./ug"""+(>4+= 2ras. Missin6 5e./ug"""+(> 4= G.1.e files due to t.< file ). Between 4.3 0i./ug"""+1+"3 raised on MM<= output of measurements )it. Between 4.3 0i.emeris 8.e inability to load6find GppPro-y!dll 8.1 and 4.3 and 4.ort rine.2 and 4.2ritical '.1 and 4. GA.Major '. Between 4.ere is incorrect satellites Iuantity in o@file .ealt.8 and 4.:< ep./ug"""+4433= '. ''' incorrectly Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech. Loitière Nantes Ref./ug"""+((1>= G"$ is in t.o) stopper bug related to output measurements )it./ug"""+44(+= Win46+= 9mpossible to add t.9.3. Between 4.iss/es 8.3.2 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i2ritical '.2.at appeared in version !&!& 8.e ./ug"""+((1 = G"$ is not in t. Between 4. RINEX RN Revision: 4.e .out full range restored from R*2 lib! 8./ug"""+44& = SCS 6 PJAS: SJ90' record for GA.:< does not supported Major '.e inability to load6find GppPro-y!dll 8.3 &./ug"""+44$>= '.F' type of '9M: SCS':M 2<RR record in R9N:8 3!"$ Minor '.:< 8.converter GF9 in case of &!$$ or &!$& versions Moderate '.@file name in Rine. letter in t. Galileo data but )6o S/AS Moderate '.e v&!$& GA.1 0i./ug"""+((11= a$ field is empty for G.3 and 4./ug"""+(4$3= LR9N:8M 'rimble R9N:8 v3!"$ )it.2 0i.en :vt messages are in t.2 and 4.eader% but t.3.4 0i./ug"""+44(+= Win46+= 9mpossible to add t. 0i-ed s./ug"""+44$1= APPR<8 P<S9'9<N 8CE is t.2.e .y GPS or GA.4 and 4.1.3.eader% but its data is presented in t.4 Page : 5/8 RINEX Converter 4.en output directory is read only 8.7.t fi. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED .10.eader% but empty records are presented in t. NAV file e-tension 8.5 and 4.1 None 5ne) features only7 8.1 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0iMajor '.ere are invalid values in APPR<8 P<S9'9<N 8CE filed in <@file Moderate './ug"""+(($+= 'oo s./ug"""+44"3= Fnable to install R9N:8 2onverter to Win+ 1 @bit Major '.1. Between 4.4. of Rine.Major '.ere is no data for it in R9N:8 files Minor './ug"""+((+ = R9N:8 2onverter loses t.eader Moderate '.9.Rejected 2ritical '. Between 4.2. Fi+e.2.e observation part Minor '.2./ug"""+44&(= 2apital .8.2.9.for un.3.2ritical '.ancement '.e files due to t. Between 4.e G file to convert Moderate '.some issues )it. Between 4.*/0es None '. observations for G"$ Major '. GA./ug"""+44&$= '.e first G@file position instead of result of appro-imation Minor '. 0.ase cycle s. Between 4.ing 5b@files7 Moderate './ug"""+ +3>= '.en converting G.0./ug"""+ +34= M@ file doesnNt contain GSensor PositionH line! 0i./ug"""+ >"+= r3!"$!'.ancement '.ift for .&2 5GPS7 0i.ifts for file O$2A&WA&./ug"""+(">(= '.<NASS7 Moderate '.ere is one space at t.tec.< only 5not replicated7 9mplement :n.3.Minor './ug"""+ +14= o@file! *ata Record!Fnnecessary information for GPS! 0i.&2 5GPS and G.ere is a space bet)een freIuency number and satellite number Minor './ug"""+ 1$3= R!--<R file doesnNt s./ug"""+ 1>(= Navigation file! '.<NASS! 5S7 0i.e service messages )indo)! As.14.o) information properly if 9 use R(DR data 0i.8 0i./ug"""+ + "= '.Minor '.ift 5file from Pro0le-(""7 Moderate './ug"""+3$4>= :vent flag is s.Moderate '.ere is not p.3 8.Minor '.6A'<M ra) data import in SPS< 8.e end of line! 0i.15./ug"""+ 4$3= o T file! Jeader section! 0ield O2$2N displays information incorrectly! 0i.roug.Moderate '.7 and 4.6 8.0. static files rejected by <PFS 5seen t.< P& in R9N:8 &!$" ).5 5S7 0i. Between 4.Minor './ug"""+ +(>= ./ug"""+ ( >= '.&2 5GPS7 8.<' 6 0RD QN Minor '.Minor '.ere are not p./ug"""+ >"1= r3!"$!'./ug"""+ (4 = <bservation type O2$N contains O"N for some satellites 5S7 0i.ase cycle s. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED .Moderate './ug"""+ (+"= 9nfo! Need to multiply field ORFN /CN for all bookmarks! 9mplement :n.Minor '. field is blank Minor './ug"""+ +(&= o@file! *ata Record!Fnnecessary information for G.0.13.<?S/A data 5S7 /ugs fi-ed for R9N:8 &!$$  As./ug"""+ (+&= F9! We need to .6 and 4.<NASS S.0./ug"""+3$&1= R9N:8 converter doesnNt support MARK:R NAM: longer t.ase cycle s.ase cycle s.t to vertical Major './ug"""+ >">= r3!"$! Jeader .aracters Moderate '.Moderate './ug"""+($(&= Value G'9M: <0 09RS' </SH is incorrect! 5some files $"JB7 8. Between 4.ifted if epoc.ere is no G.Minor '.avior! Minor '.ave a GUH button for 9nput U <utput folders! ? Sign assemblies )it./ug"""+($$(= Strange te-t in service messages )indo) 5S9R0 data7 Minor './ug"""+ 1(>= P@file! RMessage frame timeR contains incorrect value for G./ug"""+ + $= '.Minor '.0.N at all! 0i.tec./ug"""+ +3>= '.<NASS! 0i.4 and 4.&2 5GPS and G. SPS<7 Moderate '.ere is not p./ug"""+ (43= Application doesnNt convert files )it./ug"""+ +"&= /utton OGalileoN e-./ug"""+3$&4= 9ncorrect converting of slant antenna .eig.ase cycle s. Loitière Nantes Ref.3 and 4.<NASS! 0i.Release Notes L./ug"""+ 4>+= About version number 5in addition to +3$337 0i.0.Moderate '. G.abel Oleap secondsN contains incorrect value! 0i.4 Page : 6/8 RINEX Converter 4.ibits strange be.ere is not p.emeridesN 5'oe7 5S7 0i./ug"""+ >"4= r3!"$! '.Minor '.0.7 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0iMajor '.ere is not p.0./ug"""+("> = '.Major '.ere is a mess in OSCS 6 PJAS: SJ90'SN record! 5S7 0i.Moderate '. of ep.Minor '. RINEX RN Revision: 4.11.<NASS! Minor '.12.an c.<NASS7 Moderate '.ancement './ug"""+ >"(= r3!"$! '.ere is empty line OG. strong names including proper version 5as reIuested by 'rimble for SPS<7 Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech.Minor '.ift for ./ug"""+ 1(>= P@file! RMessage frame timeR contains incorrect value for G./ug"""+ +"$= 9ncorrect te-t in t.ere is a mess in OSCS 6 PJAS: SJ90'N record! Moderate '.0.ase cycle s.ere is a mess in Jeader .Minor '.ift for . Between 4.5 and 4.ift for .ere is not p. Between 4.@file! Negative value in a field O:poc./ug"""+ >"1= r3!"$!'.4 0i.'A@F'2PN contains not./ug"""+($$ = r&!$$ Jeader line O*:.abel 5SCS 6 PJAS: SJ90'S7 0i./ug"""+ 1(4= P@ file! Jeader section! Fnnecessary parameters for G. R9N:8 conversion! 0i.0.& data in t.16.e G</S:RVA'9<NSH section! 0i./ug"""+ (""= :ccentricities of antenna center are not rig.18.roug.0. Loitière Nantes Ref.Moderate '.19.G.t 0i.t 8.duplicated epoc.& is al)ays eIual G"H 0i.Major './ug"""+ ($(= Wrong position of G./ug"""+ (("= Wrong version in GAdd or Remove ProgramsH menu 8.Moderate '.Release Notes L./ug"""+ (&3= Sign of GSV clock biasH parameter in .0 None submitted Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech. RINEX RN Revision: 4.< .<NASS primary time mode support 0i.0.0./ug"""+ ($1= 2onverting G@file to R9N:8 &!$" but .Moderate '. factor for .0.tec.< are absent in o@file 8.:AP S:2<N*SH string 0i.'A :6N are opposite to t./ug"""+ ($ = Wavelengt.ere are no G./ug"""+ ("$= *:.2 and 4.17.7 and 4./ug"""+ >>= <ut@of@date Receiver 'ype 0i.Moderate '. Between 4.1 0i.Moderate '.1 and 4.0./ug"""+ (3&= Measurements for G.e ones stated in t. after reset in R*2 lib 0i.3.e ones stated in t.'A :6N are opposite to t.0 and 4. Between 1. ra)@data import in SPS< t./ug"""+ ("$= *:. Between 4.0. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED .0.@file is created according to R9N:8 &!$$ standard 0i.Moderate '.3 8.. reIuired for integration into Spectra Precision Survey <ffice 5SPS<7! 0or As.e R9N:8 0ormat description 0i.e R9N:8 0ormat description 0i.3 0i. Between 4.Moderate '.2 Fpdate project to be able to release source code and binary *.4 Page : 7/8 RINEX Converter 4.Major '.Moderate '.0./ug"""+ (""= :ccentricities of antenna center are not rig.@file is opposite in A'M%A'R and R9N:8 &!$" Reject 5as designed7 Moderate '.Moderate './ug"""+ ($3= '. 4 Page : 8/8 RINEX Converter 4.e name of converted files ! L0N2$+ >M Rine.3 (./ug"""+ +$> '.y SVs= to put or not to put into NAV R9N:8 files issue in t./ug"""+$+&& '. )no7n iss/es './ug"""+(("& '.Release Notes L.eader Additional 9nformation= 9nconvenient general representation Additional 9nformation= 2<MM:N' is limited by 1" symbols Additional 9nformation= .o)s many RslipsR in </S files due to Iuestionable presence of G"$ Standalone R9N:8 converter sometimes misses ra) measurements for t.avior! F9! '.ibits strange be.e last used folder in V/ro)se 0or 0olderV dialog <nly one information message is displayed VG.ose submitted and postponed in 2learDuest '.o) incorrectly Meteo file contains single meteo data record Additional 9nformation= 0ill in t.3.e $st Sv LR9N:8M NAV data for un. Loitière Nantes Ref./ug"""+& &( '.<NASS data not found!H is not al)ays displayed Les informations contenues dans ce document demeurent la propriété exclusive de Ashtech et ne doivent pas être divulguées à l’extérieur du groupe sans accord écrit de l’émetteur RÉSERVÉ GROUPE This document and the information it contains are property of Ashtech.converter 3!& = Wrong rine.ere is no need to report RR ./ug"""+ +"& '.e fields upon data conversion done ? update only .en G2onversion in progressPH Kinematic data is converted to R9N:8 some./ug"""+$>33 './ug"""+441& '.t c./ug"""+ (+$ '.ig./ug"""+$4"4 './ug"""+$>3$ './ug"""+44 " '.ere is not a O2ancelN button )./ug"""+3$3( '. They shall not be reproduced nor disclosed to any person without prior written consent of the copyright owners GROUP RESTRICTED .&2 "!""""R SCS 6 PJAS: SJ90'S in </S files teIc tool s./ug"""+(1" './ug"""+$>&4 '. RINEX RN Revision: 4./ug"""+4&$$ '.ealt.lig.file name /utton OGalileoN e-.anged fields 0ocusing to t./ug"""+$>&> './ug"""+$4"> '.
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