Right to Info Act 1995

March 24, 2018 | Author: Mahesh Babu.K | Category: United States Postal Service, Mail, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Economies



CONTENTSSL. NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. i ii 5 16 52 55 76 102 108 110 112 145 148 154 156 157 158 159 251 A Vision Statement of India Post B Mission Statement of India Post 1 General profile of the organization, functions and duties 2 Powers and duties of officers and employees 3 Channels of supervision and accountability touching upon decision making process 4 Norms set for the discharge of our functions 5 Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals, and records used by our employees for discharging their functions 6 A statement of categories of the documents held by the department or under its control Arrangement for consultation Boards, councils, committees and other bodies A directory of officers and employees Monthly remuneration received by each of the officer and employee, including the system of compensation as provided in the regulation 11 Budget 12 Manner of execution of subsidies 13 Particulars of recipients of concessions, profits or authorizations granted. 14 15 16 17 Information available in electronic form Facilities available to public for obtaining information Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers. Any other information as may be prescribed 7 8 9 10 2 RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT 2005 An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3 -: i :- VISION STATEMENT OF INDIA POST “India Post will be a socially committed, technology driven, professionally managed & forward looking Organisation” 4 -: ii :- MISSION STATEMENT OF INDIA POST To provide high quality mail, parcel and related services in India and throughout the world; to be recognized as an efficient and excellent organization exceeding the expectations of the customers, employees and the society; to perform the task by: Total dedication to understanding and fulfilling customer's needs Total devotion to providing efficient and reliable services, which Customers consider to be value for money. Total commitment to providing challenging and rewarding career for every employee. Total recognition of the responsibilities as a part of the social, industrial and commercial life of the country Total enthusiasm to be forward looking and innovative in all areas. 5 MANUAL –1 GENERAL PROFILE OF THE ORGANISATION, FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES The Department of Posts comes under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India, functions under the Minister for Communications and Information Technology, and has a Minister of State for Communications to assist the Minister of Communications and Information Technology in the discharge of various functions. The Secretary, Department of Posts, as the Chief Executive of the Department, is also the Director General, India Post, and the Chairman of the Postal Services Board. Shri. A.Raja is the Minister of Communications Technology And Dr. Shakeel Ahmed is the Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology. Shri. I.M.G. Khan is the Secretary (Posts) to Govt. Of India as well as Director General, Department of Posts and the Chairman of the Postal Services Board. The Postal Services Board, the apex management body of the Department, comprises the Chairman and three Members. The Members of the Board hold portfolios of Operations, Development and Personnel. The Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Department is a permanent invitee to the Board. The Board is assisted by a senior staff officer of the Directorate as Secretary to the Board. Presently, Deputy Director General (FS) is assisting the Board in this capacity. Deputy Directors General, Directors and Assistant Directors General provide necessary support for the Board at Headquarters. The Postal Services Directorate is the Headquarters organization located at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi, to oversee the operations in the provision of postal services throughout the country. The Postal Services Board comprises the following at present: Shri. I.M.G. Khan Secretary (Posts) Chairman, Postal Board &Director General Ms. Anju Dasgupta Member (D) ,Postal Services Board and Information Execution of works. including purchase of land debitable to the Capital Budget pertaining to the Department of Posts.Postal Services Board Ms. 1961. the whole country has been divided into 22 Postal Circles. Posts. Post Office Life Insurance Fund (Administration). premium postal products and any agency function. hilly and remote areas. 2. and Generate more resources and improve financial performance. Be a forward looking organization. Objectives Department of Posts is committed to providing universal access to basic postal services in the country at affordable prices. second Schedule. . Noorjehan Member (O&M)). Rule 3.Postal Services Board For providing postal services. K.6 Shri Harinder Singh Member (P) .Post Offices and Branch Post Offices. Post Office Certificate (Administration). Distribution of Subjects among the Departments the Department Of Posts is responsible for 1. Sub . Provide value added services according to market requirements. These Circles manage the day-to-day functioning of the various Head Post Offices. including Post Office Savings Banks (Administration). through their Regional and Divisional level arrangements. Its objectives are to:Ensure availability of basic postal services in all parts of the country. As per Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules. including tribal. Provide efficient reliable and economic service. printing of public postage stamps/commemorative stamps including postal stationery. Modernize the services to handle the growing volume of work with efficiency and thereby enhance customer and employee satisfaction. 1885 and the rules made there under. & POPULATION OF 6. including matters relating to all international bodies dealing with postal communications such as Universal Postal Union.585. 4. COLLECTION OF LETTERS THROUGH LETTERBOXES. BILL COLLECTION FELICITIES ARE BEING EXTENDED THROUGH ALL POST OFFICES IN URBAN AREAS. .55.7 3. THERE WERE 23. not specifically allotted to any other Department. Network INDIA HAS THE LARGEST POSTAL NETWORK IN THE WORLD WITH 1.669 POST OFFICES OF WHICH 89% ARE IN RURAL AREAS. research and development in the field of activities allotted to the Department. Matters relating to introduction.09 SQ. Promotion of feasibility survey. A POST OFFICE SERVES AN AREA OF 21. THE FOCUS OF THIS EXPANSION BEING IN THE RURAL AREAS. AND ALSO SALE OF STAMPS AND STATIONERY THROUGH VILLAGE POSTMEN AT THE DOORSTEP OF CUSTOMERS IN RURAL AREAS. and not exclusively allotted to any other Department. Asia Pacific Postal Union (APU). International cooperation in matters connected with postal communications. THUS THE NETWORK HAS REGISTERED A SEVEN FOLD GROWTH OVER THE LAST FIVE DECADES. AND IDENTIFYING POST OFFICES IN RURAL AREAS. 6. THROUGH THESE OFFICES IT ENSURES DAILY DELIVERY OF DAK AT THE DOORSTEP OF EVERY CUSTOMER ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. development and maintenance of all services by the Post Office including those based on cable. POST OFFICES IN URBAN AND RURAL AREAS PROVIDE A RANGE OF BASIC POSTAL SERVICES TO THE CUSTOMERS. ON AN AVERAGE. radio and satellite communications channels: Provided that these matters do not amount to broadcasting. Commonwealth Postal Union. KM. 5. CERTAIN VALUE ADDED SERVICES ARE BEING PROVIDED IN SELECTED OFFICES IN URBAN AREAS. INCLUDING BANKING AND INSURANCE SERVICES. narrow casting. 1898 and rules made there under as well as other laws or enactments having a bearing on postal activities. WHICH WERE PRIMARILY IN THE URBAN AREAS. Matters relating to administration of the Indian Post Office Act. cable and radio networking services and are also not governed by the Indian Telegraph Act.344 POST OFFICES. AT THE TIME OF INDEPENDENCE. Licensed Postal Agents Scheme and the Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Yojana(PSSY) were initiatives that were taken up in this regard. Since an assessment of these schemes indicates the need for restructuring them. no targets were given in 2004-05 for opening PSSKs. The Licensed Stamp Vendor Scheme. So far 7. .8 Efforts are also being made to identify means of providing postal services through more cost effective measures.697 Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Kendras(PSSKs) have been opened.371 PSSKs under the 10th Plan. including 2. Postcard. and error free. Mail Operations Mail processing. This Scheme was launched on a pilot basis through select Post Offices in 2 districts each of 7 Circles. Items of postal stationery like Envelope. Designing. Philately The philatelic activities of India Post include:1.9 Efforts are also underway to optimize the retailing capacity of the network. Postal Services Postal operations at the post office encompass the entire gamut of the basic postal services which interalia include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Sale of stamps and stationery Booking of registered articles Booking of insured articles Booking of value payable articles Remittance of money through money orders and postal orders Booking of Parcels Traditionally. after providing the requisite training to other Circles. It is being gradually expanded. these services were being provided at manually operated counters. The Department has entered into an agreement with the Oriental Insurance Company to function as their Corporate Agent for marketing identified non-life products. This is processed by a network of 466 Railway Mail Service Offices. Inland Letter Card. Aerogram and Registered Cover etc. the counter operations are now being progressively computerised to provide a greater range of service to the customer from a single window leading to services being more responsive. and conveyed by road. 2. transmission and delivery are the core activities of the Department. One major initiative taken up in the current year is the retailing of non-life insurance products through Post Offices. rail and airlines all over the country. Mail is collected from 0.60 Million letter boxes in the country. . Considering the vital need for providing the benefit of technology to the customers. printing and distribution of special/commemorative postage stamps and other postage stamps/ service postage stamps. Management of the National Philatelic Museum. .10 3. Monitoring and promotion of Philately/conduct of philatelic exhibitions within the country. Dak Bhavan. participation in international and world exhibitions 4. bill mail service and logistic post.70. monitor. The Post Office Savings Bank Scheme is an agency function performed by the Department of Posts on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. megdoot post card. It operates about 140 Million Savings Accounts. data post. There are also a number of Schemes covered under the Post Office Savings Bank and these include Savings Account Schemes. greeting post. Time Deposit Schemes.000 Millions as remuneration for discharging various responsibilities relating to the Savings Bank. develop and market value added premium products of the Department. Government of India. e-bill post. Eight products are retailed from the Post Offices across the country. The outstanding balance under all national savings schemes in Post Offices is over Rs. speed post passport service. Details of some of the services being presently offered by the Department are given below :Mutual Funds & Bonds . Public Provident Fund Schemes. the Department earned approximately Rs. With the induction of technology and progressive computerization of the network. Post Office Savings Bank has a customer base of 140 Million account holders with annual deposits exceeding Rs. express parcel post.000 Million. business post. 9. 3. put together.54.000 Post Offices. media post. the Department’s capability to provide more value added services has increased. the Department of Posts has tried to leverage its reach and remittance facility as well as the credibility it enjoys to diversify the range of financial products and services that the Department of Posts can offer to its customers. which is double the size of all banks outlets in the country. Monthly Income Schemes.11 Business Development Activities The Business Development Directorate was set up in 1996 to design. Savings Bank facilities are provided through a network of 1. Kisan Vikas Patras. epost. The Business Development Directorate is responsible for the operations and marketing of speed post. During the last financial year 2003-04. Financial services The Post Office Savings Bank is the oldest and largest banking institution in the country. Recurring Deposit Schemes.000 Million. 17. The Ministry of Finance remunerates Department of Posts for this agency work at a rate fixed from time-to-time. New Products and Services introduced by Department of Posts In recent years. National Savings Certificates and the Senior Citizen Scheme 2004.750. which is the largest player in the Mutual Fund market in the country. on a pilot basis. Mutual Fund industry is a new growth area in financial services. in Mumbai City from 9th August 2003 through 70 Post Offices. This service has helped to extend the reach of the capital market of the country and provides the common man easy access to market based investment options. Therefore. IDBI Flexi Bonds and ICICI Pension Fund. It has facilitated redemption of over 73. 2002.000 dividend warrants of UTI and Citibank worth more than Rs. Banks use this facility to transfer funds to locations where they do not have a presence. India Post is expected to gain a higher revenue share through commissions and trail commissions.000 Million this industry is under the management of various Assets Management Companies. Electronic Clearance Service (ECS) The Department of Posts has introduced Electronic Clearance Service (ECS). 2001. leveraging theVSAT network of the Department to facilitate end-to-end fund transfers by Banks (UTI/IDBI/HDFC) on behalf of the corporate sector as well as the Capital Market. Electronic Fund Transfer A facility for Electronic Fund Transfer was launched in October. The Electronic Clearance Service is being offered in connection with payment of interest under the Monthly Income Scheme(MIS). 50 Million has been retailed by the post office network. The depositor can have the facility of automatically . Till date business worth over Rs. as a retailer. from select Post Offices. for the country’s Capital Market. 2001. Warrant Payment The Warrant Payment Scheme was launched in January. Today the financial services portfolio of India Post has a large number of other relevant financial products like RBI India Relief Bonds. establishing the ability of the Department to undertake this critical service. Since February.000 Million through the postal network. a growing network of over 250 Post Offices are distributing select Mutual Funds and Bonds (Principal/PrudentialICICI/SBI/ICICI Capital/IDBI/RBI Bonds). 1. with assets worth nearly Rs. on a pilot basis. India Post has entered into the business of retailing mutual funds through select offices.12 The Mutual Funds industry has made rapid strides in the country.550. 1. etc. to retail its five mutual fund schemes. The Department has also recently entered into a tie up with the UTI Asset Management Company Limited. 20/. As there is a growing demand from customers in different parts of the country. The service is currently available from more than 4500 post offices. introduced in 1884. In a major innovation.13 transferring interest from the MIS account and crediting it into the SB account at any designated bank electronically. Postal Life Insurance Postal Life Insurance (PLI). International Money Transfer Service This service provides customers the facility of receiving remittances from more than 196 countries on a real time basis.58. the Department proposes to extend the ECS scheme beyond Mumbai to 46 more cities where the RBIEFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) facility is currently available. Remittances in excess of US Dollars 125 Million have been delivered through this service since April 2001. local bodies. Initially meant only for the Postal employees. It has brought in remittance worth 72 Million US Dollars from April 2003 to March 2004 and has generated a revenue of Rs. leveraging the retailing outreach of the network. through the RBI Clearing House. many autonomous and financial institutions. is the oldest life insurance scheme for the benefit of Government employees. today it caters to employees of the civil and military personnel of the central and state governments.9 Million. by due date. nationalized banks. government aided educational institutions. The focus of the Department’s initiatives in the area of financial services is to provide a bouquet of services that will cater to the needs of the customer. and public sector undertakings of the central and state governments. Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) scheme was also introduced in 1995 for the benefit of the entire rural populace. so that the Post Office gradually becomes a one-stop shop for a range of such services.per transaction is levied on the customers opting for this facility. A nominal charge of Rs. PLI offers the following types of policies: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Whole Life Assurance (Suraksha) Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Suvidha) Endowment Assurance(Santosh) Anticipated Endowment Assurance for 15 & 20 years (Sumangal) . universities. is deducted from the salary of its beneficiaries.1992 and a monthly subscription of Rupees 10/. Their trade names are as indicated below: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Whole Life Assurance (Gram Suraksha) Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Gram Suvidha) Endowment Assurance (Gram Santosh) Anticipated Endowment Assurance for 15 & 20 years (Gram Sumangal) 10 year RPLI (Gram Priya) An Extra Departmental Agents Group Insurance Scheme was introduced with effect from 01.2004 there were 2.000/.04. On 31. .03. there are first four common plans and one additional plan “10 year RPLI”.is paid out of the insurance fund.04 the balance in this scheme was Rs.57.695 members under this scheme. in addition to accretion in the savings and the interest on it.1 Million.14 (v) Joint Life Endowment Assurance (Yugal Suraksha) Under RPLI. In the event of death of its beneficiary. an amount of Rupees 10.03. 530. As on 31. Council of Administration.in . Switzerland with 190 member countries. . Customer Care India Post lays maximum stress on customer care in rendering its services and also to sort out the grievances that arise in the course of providing these services. Postal Operations Council and International Bureau. There are 1116 computerised customer care centres to handle public grievances online.15 International Relations India Post is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) which is a specialized agency of the United Nations Headquartered at Berne. – Congress.gov. Customers can lodge their complaints about our services at there nearby post office which are authorized to collect them. India is its member since 1876 and holds an important position in the various organs of the UPU viz. money order and international speed post services to its customers. India Post offers letter mail. parcel. The Department also provides the facility of online registration and response to complaints at its website www.indiapost. The complaints are consolidated at a customer care centre which registers these cases on the website to obtain a reply online for a final reply at the earliest. Postal Services Board SAG-3-5. Development and Personnel. NAME OF THE POSTS Secretary. JAG 2-5. like Operational. He is assisted by the Members of the Postal Services Board in the discharge of this function. They also Member. JAG Chief Group ‘A’ • . India Post Secretary to the Government of India Assist the Minister of Communications and Information Technology in running the Postal Administration in the country and taking important policy decisions. The Member also acts. Board in formulating policies on the postal operations. Provide support to the Chairman. as the head of identified functional groups in the Directorate. Department of Posts SPAN OF CONTROL Overall control of the Department DUTIES • • • • Chairman. Postal Services Board Director General. (DIRECTORATE) NEW DELHI.16 MANUAL-2 POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES DEPARTMENT OF POSTS. Government of India. development of new products and other service matters concer5ning the Department. Postal Services. JAG-2.17 3-9 Senior Deputy Director General SAG-1. GPA-3 • • work as the reviewing authority in disciplinary matters. Policy and programmes of the functional area under his/her control Monitoring of their implementation in the circles . Govt. • To supervise and monitor the work of Assistant Director(OL)/Hindi Officer. • To carry out the OL Inspections of the sub-ordinate offices. • To attend any other meeting related to the Official Language. responsible for initiating action on policy matters as well as on project activities of the respective divisions. • Attending the meetings of Kendriya Hindi Samiti held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and Central Official Language Implementation Committee held under the chairmanship of Secretary(OL). Group ‘B’ officers 1-2 Group ‘C’ 10-14 • Assistant Director General Under Secretary level Staff Officer in the Directorate. of India. Official Languages Act & Rules. GPA-3 • • • Policy and programmes of the functional area under his/her control Monitoring of their implementation in the circles Deal with matters concerning policy formulation and other related matters. annual Programme issued by the Department of Official Language(MHA) in the Department as a whole.18 Deputy Director General Director JAG-2. • Represent the Department in the Circle level OL Conferences. Authorized to issue orders on behalf of the . Group ‘C’ Group ‘D’ Director (OL) • The overall responsibility of implementation of the Official Language Policy of the Union. • To work as Secretary of the Hindi Advisory Committee of the Department held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS© and to convene its meetings on regular intervals. • Attending the inspection meetings of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language. prepare the agenda and minutes of the same and to coordinate the action taken on the decisions taken in that meeting. Group ‘A’ Officers Group ‘B’ . 19 Director General (Posts). . • Examination of cases put up by Dealing Assistants and their submission to the Competent Authority. • All functions which are performed by a Section Officer in a conventional Section. • Carrying out Orgnisational studies of various Sections of the Department. • Distribution of work among the staff. • Ensuring strict compliance with Departmental Security Instructions. We performs all the functions of a Section Officer in respect of subject matters allotted to him. • To ensure timely submission of various returns. • Ensuring proper maintenance of registers required to be maintained in the Section. • To approve the recording of files and their classification. Jr. • Dealing with important and complicated cases himself.g. Each desk functionary handles cases himself and is provided adequate stenographic and clerical assistance. the work of a Department at the lowest level is organized into district functional desks each manned by two desk functionaries of appropriate ranks e.20 Desk Officer Under the Desk Officer system. • Conducting work measurement studies of various Sections of the Department of Posts. Under Secretary or Section Officer. • To submit receipts which should be seen by the Branch Officer or higher Officers at the dak stage.Analyst (Work Study) Section Officer . • To keep a note of important receipts with a view to watching the progress of action. • To review the recorded files before destruction. • Obtaining or supplying factual information of non-classified nature. • Marking of dak among the staff. • Revision of Foreign Post Manual and Post Office Guide(Part-II). telex received from the UPU and other countries from French to English and vice-versa. • Maintenance and upkeep of documents of SAARC/UPU/APPU (i. identification and retrieval thereof. • IB Circulars. refund and compensation in these cases. • Attending of all EMS complaints. • Work relating to International Reply Coupons. Syposia Documents). • Electronic Tracking and Tracing and use of Barcodes. • Christmas Airmails safe dates etc. . administrative and other reports. • Maintenance and follow up of all periodic returns other than O&M returns. work vix. • Maintenance of UPU documents which include various compondia or lists. • Translation of French documents received in DA and DAA Sections. Studies. EC & CCPS documents. • Improvement in quality of forms. correspondence relating to enquiry of EMS complaints. death.21 Translation Officer(IR) • Translation of technical documents. press communiqués. change of greetings etc. letters. Other misc. seminar. general orders. Arrangements of these in chronological order and maintenance of proper Register for their movement. • • • • Translation Officer (DA) Hindi Translator Following types of translation work from English to Hindi and vice versa Resolutions. Forms and simple and administrative nature. • Handling of files relating to Postal dignitaries appointments. labels and bags in the International EMS mails. retirement. non-statutory rules and notifications.e. Translation of English to Hindi and vice versa. Taking dictation and transcription thereof. • • • • • • • Taking dictation in shorthand and its transcription. Handling confidential papers and keeping them in proper order. meeting etc. Keeping a list of engagements. Screening the telephone calls and the visitors. Attending to correspondence of routine nature independently and providing all secretarial assistance to the Officer.22 Principal Private Secretary • • • • • Overall supervision of Secretary’s Office. Screening files. • Providing all secretarial assistance to the Secretary. telephone calls and visitors. dak. Preparation of secretary’s tour programme – both internal and outside the country. visitors. Private Secretary (Merged A & B Grade of CSSS) • • • • • • Supervision of personal section. Attending to routine correspondence. • Making arrangements connected with Officer’s tour. • Keeping a note of the files and papers passed by the Officer. Arranging meetings with and for Secretary. Screening telephone calls. • Taking down notes on all important and confidential matters. Personal Assistant (Grade C of CSSS) . Fixing up of appointments. files and dak. • Attending to routine correspondence independently and keeping a watch over important cases. Keeping a note of the movement of files passed by the Officer. VIP and important cases. Handling confidential and secret papers. • Keeping a constant watch over Parliament Questions. Maintaining in proper order the papers required to be retained by the Officer. Arranging meetings with and for the Officer. where necessary. to precedents or Rules and Regulations on the subject. Attending telephone calls. (iv) to put up the Guard file. he should put up a draft without much noting. Where the line of action on a case is clear or clear instructions have been given by the Branch Officer or higher officers. elimination of noncontributory levels. • Check the projection of the results of the sample. • Carry out case studies of the work of Officers.2 and 3 above and suggest steps for work improvement such as duplication of performance. (ii) to point out any mistakes or incorrect statement of the facts. In other cases he will put up a note keeping in view the following points :(i) to see whether all facts open to check have been correctly stated. Assistant/ Upper Division Clerk. • Analyse data gathered in 1. • Arrange and carry out activity analysis of Officers upto and including Under Secretary./ Dealing hand . (iii) to draw attention. Attending to routine correspondence. He works under the orders and supervision of the Section Officer and is responsible for the work entrusted to him. • Sythesise disposal times for each category of workload. Keeping a note of movement of the files. if necessary.23 Stenographer (Grade C of CSSS) • • • • Taking dictation in shorthand and its transcription. (v) to bring out clearly the question under consideration and suggest a course of action wherever possible. Technical Assistant • Checks the data collected for the assignment. and supply other relevant facts and figures. • Discuss with Section Officers the tentative findings of the workload. typing. File Register. File Movement Register. Exercising full delegated financial powers in respect of operational matters. Financial Management • • • • • Budgeting for the entire Circle Allocation of funds to the Regions and Postal/RMS Divisions Monitoring expenditure for achieving economy in administrations. & In addition to the existing powers of Head of the circle/Head of . recruitment and in other cases full powers of the Head of a Department for building. Supervisory staff in the circle. supervision of correction of reference books and submission of routine and simple drafts etc. preparation of arrears and other statements.24 Lower Division Clerks Entrusted with work of routine nature. POSTAL CIRCLE OFFICES Chief Postmaster General Group ‘A’ Officers Group ‘B’ Officers Operative Personnel Management • • • • • • Controlling Authority for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ officers posted in the circle Appointing Authority for the Group ‘C’ Supervisory Officials. Recruiting Authority for Clerical staff from open market. Cadre Controlling Authority for the inspectoral staff as well as other circle cadres. Head of the circle Welfare Fund. despatch. Indexing and Recording. comparing. for example – registration of Dak. maintenance of Section Diary. Reviewing Authority for supervisory officials. .25 Department also enjoys delegated powers of Director General/Postal Board. Postal Stores Depot 2. Planning and execution of modernization programmes in the post offices/RMS offices. Mail Motor Service • • • Overseeing the work of Director of Accounts Postal Chairman of the Circle management Committee. Monitoring of redressal of public grievances Development of management information system for effective management. Chairman of the Departmental Joint Consultative Machinery. Management of postal estates. Management of customers services through network of the post offices.26 Technical Functions • • • • • • • • • Planning of postal network circle his jurisdiction according to the sanctioned in annual plan. Collection/transmission and delivery of mail within the circles. Overseeing the support systems :1. . Welfare Control Board. Circle Stamp Depots 3. Chairman of the Circle Sports. Regional Postmaster General Group ‘A’ Officers Group ‘B’ Officers Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Head of the Region i.e the Chief Officer in the Postal Region • • • Controlling authority for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ officers posted in the Region . Member of Legislative Assemblies. . eminent public personalities like Member of Parliament. • • • Co-ordination with the State Government Authorities and other Central Government Organizations within the circle. Cadre Controlling Authority for the inspectoral staff as well as Supervisory staff/Circle cadre staff in the Region. Overseeing the work of Dak Adalats for settlement of public grievances.Governmental Organizations).27 Co-ordination Activities. Co-ordination with informal groups (Non.. (Main spokesmen of the Department in his area and) co-ordinate with press and media. Local Bodies etc. Monitoring expenditure for achieving economy in administration. Appellate Authority/Review Authority for Supervisory as well as Clerical cadres. Financial Management • • • Budgeting for the entire Region Exercises full delegated financial powers as Head of a Department. Also oversee the work of Pension Adalats for retired departmental officials. 28 . Oversee the work of Dak Adalats for settlement of public grievances and Pension Adalat for retired officials. Circle Stamp Depot. Planning and execution of modernization programmes in the post offices/RMS offices.L. Inter-act with press and media about departmental activities including new products. Monitoring of redressal of public grievances. Mail Motor Service. eminent public personalities like Member of Parliament. Development of management information system for effective management. Co-ordination with informal groups. Management of postal estates. Management of customers services through network of the post offices.29 Technical Functions • • • • • • • • Planning of postal network within his jurisdiction according to the sanctioned in annual plan. . (Non-Governmental Organizations). Oversee the supporting system like:1. 3. Postal Stores Depot 2. Collection/transmission and delivery of mail within the Region. M. Co-ordination Activities • • • • Co-ordination with the State Government authorities and other Central Government organizations in the Region.A etc. 30 . Co-ordination with field units and reporting to Directorate. Training-scheduling. As the Director Postal Services. financial management and technical activities concerning management of the postal services. financial powers have been delegated to the functionary to make him effective in the field situation. Clerical Staff 6-10. Exercising statutory powers (appellate power) over Group ‘C’. like foreign mail processing/transmission. • . discharge of trainees from training and detention of trainees. RMS and in the headquarters office. Overall in charge of training centre Exercising financial powers of Principal. In the Circle office. implementation and monitoring of training programmes. Training administration – grant of leaver exceeding 3 days for induction trainees. Group ‘C’ Group ‘D’ • • A staff Officer either to the Chief Postmaster General in the Circle Office or to the Regional PMG. Postal Life Insurance works are also allocated. He carries out all functions of the personnel management. design. Postal Services Group ‘A’ Officers Group ‘B’ . Imparting training in classroom. investigation and supervision Director/Principal Training Centre • • • • • • • • • • Assistant Postmaster General Section Supervisor 13. In charge of sections for example staff/mail/establishment and planning/vigilance and investigation/stores and printing etc. Estate Management. Administrative Officer and Personal Assistant to Principal.31 Director. Training evaluation. Performance appraisal of Vice-Principal. Assist the Head of the Circle in inspection. He acts as appellate authority in respect of clerical and junior level supervisory staff in Region/Circle. certain other functional areas. Head of the Circle can depute him away from Headquarters particularly in serious cases of robbery abstraction or fraud. Both a Desk Officer as well as an inspecting Officer.32 Group ‘D’ 2-3 because of the nature of his job. . Assistant Director Assistant Director(OL) / Hindi Officer • • • • The translation work from English to Hindi and vice-versa and vetting thereof. Appellate powers over Group ‘D’ staff. To ensure proper compliance of the provisions of the Official Languages Act and the orders pertaining to Hindi Teaching Scheme and Official Language Policy in the Department and in its subordinate formations. Disciplinary authority in case of trainees during training. Imparting training in classroom Monitoring training administration. To acquaint the officers and staff of the department with the provisions of the OL Act. Exercising statutory powers over Group ‘C’ staff. Performance appraisal of Lecturers and instructors. Day-to-day training administration. Grant of leave to trainees within three day limit. .33 Deputy Director/Vice Principal Training Centre • • • • • • • • • • • • Training time-table preparation and monitoring. To work as the Secretary of the Official Language Implementation Committee of the Department/Office and to convene its meeting from time to time. prepare the agenda and minutes of the meetings and to coordinate the action taken on the decision taken in the meetings. Faculty arrangement Exercising administrative powers over non-gazetted staff. Such post holders perform the same nature of hob as done by the Assistant Postmaster General except that their span of control is shorter and they are not deputed by the Head of Circles for special investigation etc. OL rules and Government orders related to the Official Language and Hindi Training and to help them in implementing the same. Exercising powers of drawing and disbursing officer. Introduction of various incentive schemes and implementation thereof. Staff deployment for campus management. Administrative Officer • • • • • • • • • • • Exercising administrative powers over Group ‘D’ staff. Exercising statutory powers over Group ‘D’ staff. To prepare the reference and help literature and to assist the Officers and staff in learning Hindi and using Hindi in official business. Administrative management. Imparting training in classroom Grant of leave to Group ‘C’ & Group ‘D’ staff Supervision over campus management.34 • • • • To make suggestions from time to time for promotion the progressive use of Hindi and to keep liaison with the Official Language Department through proper channel. Performance appraisal of Group ‘C’ staff. To organize Hindi Workshops with a view to remove the hesitation and also to train the officers/staff in doing their official work in Hindi. Day-to-day administration of training centre. Senior Superintendent and Superintendent of Postal and RMS Divisions Personnel Management • • • Controlling Authority for Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’and GDS officials posted in the division Appointing Authority for the Group C. Group D and GDS officials in the Division Reviewing Authority for postal assistants . Trainee welfare matters. 35 . • . Planning and execution of modernization programmes in the post offices/RMS offices. Co-ordination with the State Government Authorities and other Central Government Organizations within the division. Co-ordination Activities. Technical Functions • • • • • • Management of customers services through network of the post offices. Collection/transmission and delivery of mail within the division Management of postal estates.36 Financial Management • • • Budgeting for the division Monitoring expenditure for achieving economy in administrations. Exercising full delegated financial powers in respect of operational matters. Overseeing the work of Dak Adalats for settlement of public grievances. Monitoring of redressal of public grievances Development of management information system for effective management. Responsible for printing and purchase of forms after obtaining the approval of the competent authority in the circle office. appointing authority for the Group ‘D’ Responsible for procurement and supply of stores. Circle Stamps Depots. • • • Joint custodian of stamps/stationery certificates.50 crores. To place indents to the Central Stamps Store. To monitor receipt of supply. Exercise full administrative powers over the clerical staff also the disciplinary authority. Superintendent. IVPs. He is the Head of the Office. NSCs. Custodial Security Functions. Railway. Duprtbidoty (HSG II/LSG) 2-1 Postal Assistant –6 Group ‘D’ –6 • Procurement Function • • • He is responsible for procuring the quarterly requirement of stamps/stationery. of the Head offices under the circle. Nashik for quarterly requirements of the stamps. Private Printing Industry. Govt. Recruiting. To ensure sufficient number of receiptables with double lock arrangements.37 Superintendent of Supervisory PSD (ASP/ASRM/IPO) 3-4. etc. Officer in charge of the Depot having annual financial turnover of minimum of Rs. KVPs. Postal Assistant • • • • • • He is in charge of the PSD/CSD. Printing Press. To ensure adequate arrangements . Co-ordination with other organization like DGS&D. .38 • To maintenance of Stock register. NSCs. Will over see the indents received from the post offices in regulating the supply as per stock positions. Inspector of Post Office (D/O) • Sub Divisional Inspector/Assistant Supdtt. Personal supervision on the opening of wooden cases and Bags containing stamps and stationery etc. To ensure timely disposal of unserviceable packing materials. planning and development at field level . Group D (25 to 40).. Sanction of personal claims. personal supervision over the work relating to stocking of stamps and stationeries in the various strong rooms. KVPs etc.. Staff Functions • • • Recruitment of Group ‘D’ Staff Exercise of disciplinary powers. Responsible for proper preparation quarterly indents of Stamps and Stationery.39 Supply Functions • • To ensure supply of Stamps/Certificate to all the Head Post Offices. PostmanEstablishment (15to 60). personal supervision over the work relating the issue of stamps and stationeries for dispatch to post offices. Will render general assistance whenever necessary. GDS • He is a Junior Manager of the Department responsible for operation. Active assistance to the Superintendent in discharging of his various duties and responsibilities. 40 Establishment in Sub Divisions (50 to 100) in Sub-Divisions • • He is the appointing authority for Group D officials and GDS officials in Branch Post Offices and Time Scale Sub Offices in the sub division He is also the disciplinary and leave sanctioning authority for postmen working in the Sub Division . • • • • • • • • • • Lecturer Training Centre Imparting training in classroom. Physical training of trainees Extra-curricular activities of trainees Organizing games and events Physical Training Instructor . Course evaluations.and above on cent per cent basis in single handed sub post offices and Branch Post Offices Data collection for postal planning and opening of new Post Offices Verify correctness of statistics collected by post offices for sanction of additional staff owing to increase in work load Carries out investigation of fraud and public complaints General purpose duty like painting of letter boxes in the sub division. Help in training design. Development of new training methodologies. maintenance of mail lines etc At sub Divisional level he maintains liaison with State Government authorities. Course co-ordination. Monitoring of mess and hostel. Preparation of training materials.41 • • • • • • • • • • He carries out Inspection of Sub and Branch Pos in the Sub Division He Assists the Divisional Head in the Inspection of the head offices He carries out verification of balances of all SB/RD/TD Accounts in the Post Office in the case of SB Frauds committed by the officials He carries out verification of payment of money orders paid by the postmen every month on random basis and special verification in case of fraud He carries out verification of genuineness of withdrawals for Rs 2500/. and important public persons and customers. arranging hired accommodation for post offices. To remain all site through out in order to see that works are done properly and in accordance with departments. To keep special watch on progress of important cases. which present any special features either personally or given specific instructions to concerned DA. Preparation and submission of accounts.42 Assistant Manager (Canteen) • Receiving orders. assigning duties to the bearers for service in the canteen and in the rooms of officers/staff. Jr. Examination of table of one clerk at least every day in order to see whether any receipt or file is lying for a long time. Scrutiny of monthly statement cases pending disposal over three months. Maintenance of calander of outward and inward returns. . Preparation of weekly area report and its submission to sectional officers. Checking of abstract of weekly arrears of papers in assistant’s diaries at the end of each week to verify their correctness. Up-to-date maintenance of sectional notebook.Engineer (Building) • • • To collect engineering data for estimates and prepare rough drawing and site plants connected there with. Maintenance of proper list for distribution of work in section. To supervise and see that all work under his charge are done with specifications. Section Supervisor (Circle Office) • • • • • • • • • • Disposal of important receipts and those. Scrutiny of assistant’s diaries in ko0rder to see that all receipts given to them are entered in them properly. . Custody.43 • • To arrange for the materials. T&P from store/local purchase and issue materials. maintenance and proper accounting of Government material and T&P. T&P to contractors in time. care. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Preparation of recovery statements for the material/T&P supplied to contractors. Arrangement of C/L required for departmental works. Maintenance of registers of inspection of buildings. encroachment and unauthorized addition and alterations. Preparation of estimates for annual repair/special repair and petty works. Submission of occupation and vocation reports buildings in his charge. Maintenance job drawing of buildings under his charge. Submission of progress report of works. regular staff and maintenance of muster roll. Furnishing full details for preparation of supplementary estimates and revised estimates. Detection and reporting of unauthorized occupation. Preparation of estimates for additions and alterations in buildings. Disposal of surplus unserviceable materials. Preparation of theoretical consumption statements. Mark the attendance of W. extra and substituted items statement. Preparation of completion drawing. deviation statement and reduction rate statement.44 • • To record measurements of work done by contractor. Submission of reports all accidents and arrangements for medical aid and first aid in case of accidents.Charge. Preparation of abstract of measurement at the time of preparation of bills at the time of closing of muster rolls. . Scrutiny and distribution of disputed papers of dak. Enquiring into cases of complaint of serious nature as may be ordered by the Head of the Circle. Monitoring of redressal functions of the divisional Units.45 Office Supdtt. To maintain files of monthly sorting order/sorting memo and airmail order. To carry out correction in DML and sorting list according to the . old record section and reception. Maintenance of CRs of class four officials. Sorting Compilor • • • • To deal with cases of issue of DML of Post Offices in direct correspondence with the Offices/Section of this division. All leave cases of clerks. He is the Chief Grievance Redressal Officer. Submission of reports to the Directorate as prescribed. Posting of clerical staff including stenos in sections/offices. • Circle Complaint Officer • • • • • Clerk To maintain various Registers like Stock Registers. House keeping. Receipt and circulation of DG dak and newspaper cuttings. Dead Stock Registers. Preparation Registers. Coupon Sales Registers. Organising Lok Adalats at the Circle levels. Joint custody of cash of Circle Office with ADPS incharge of accounts and pension Section. Control over Office stock and stationery. (Circle Office) • • • • • • • • • • General supervision and direct responsibility for central registry. To deal with cases of DML/Sorting/’A’ order of the respective Division. Receipt despatch and distribution of telex messages. Kitchen Register etc. issue and despatch. Sales Registers. .46 orders/instructions issued in this regard time to time in r/o all offices/section. To keep one key of the safe in his personal custody and he will be jointly responsible with SRO/HRO for safe custody of cash during all times. called CI and he is I/C of complaint branch and is required to attend all public complaints in regard to service. A complaint and grievances Inspector is generally. to deal with cases of introduction/disconnection of bags and their correspondence. to deal with cases relating to change in mode of transmission. to maintain reminder diary. To deal with the items of stamp imprest of SRO/HRO Ludhiana. To disburse pay and allowance to the staff after bringing the cash from Post Office. Besides this he is required to attend all such duties as or assigned by .47 • • • • • • • • • • Complaint and Public Grievance Inspector Cashier To prepare register of due mail list and sorting lists of division. To attend correspondence relating to checking and amendment in due mail and sorting list. To deduct dues of Co-operative thrift Bank/Society and remit them to the concerned Bank/Society and keep in records to deal with the correspondence relating thereto. To do any other duty required of him by SRO/HRO. 48 the Divisional Supdt. He is required to supervise the work of all branches which have been placed under his control in addition to complaint section. . He is responsible for timely submission of information to higher officers in r/o complicated cases and also ensure timely submission of returns higher/Circle Officer. 49 Development Officer (PLI) • • • Publicizing and marketing PLI Schemes by distribution of literature. Processing of Parliament Questions and VIP references. Maintaining in proper order the papers required to be retained by the Officer. meetings etc. Disposal of dak by submitting in files. Maintenance of rulings and circulation thereof. Posting of premium in individual a/c. Generation of various information reports for – Preparation of History sheets. Postal Assistants (Circle Office) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Senior P. lectures and personal liaison. In addition to above.(Gazetted) with Heads of Circles/Regions . Processing of loan applications. Procurement of effective PLI business by personal contact/liaison with various government institutions. Receipt and registration of dak. MIS Taking dictation in shorthand and its transcription. Screening the telephone calls and the visitors in a tactful manner. Fixing up of appointments. guard files. and reminding the officer sufficiently in advance for keeping them up.A. Noting and drafting. Maintenance of reminder diary. public undertakings and autonomous Organisations. Keeping an accurate list of engagements. Keeping a note of the movement of files passed by the Officer and other officers. Verification of PLI Claims. Postal Assistants (Circle Office) working in PLI Branch discharge following other duties:Data entry operation on computers. if necessary. Settlement of claim. Issue of new policy. Fixing up of appointments. Taking dictation of inspections/visits of divisional heads and of minutes of meetings with Unions. Relieving the boss of much of his routine work and generally assisting him in such a manner as he may direct. Destroying by burning the stenographic record of the confidential and secret letters after they have been typed and issued.II(with Director of Postal Services) Stenographer Grade-III(In the Circle Office) . Maintaining in proper order the papers required to be retained by the Officer. Maintenance of CR dossiers and attending to related matters. meetings etc. Taking dictation in shorthand and its transcription. Screening the telephone calls and the visitors in a tactful manner. Relieving the boss of much of his routine work and generally assisting him in such a manner as he may direct.50 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Destroying by burning the stenographic record of the confidential and secret letters after they have been typed and issued. Carrying out the corrections to the Officer’s reference books. Receiving the telephone calls. Keeping an accurate list of engagements. and reminding the officer sufficiently in advance for keeping them up. Keeping a note of the movement of files passed by the Officer and other officers. if necessary. Carrying out the corrections to the Officer’s reference books. Maintenance of CR dossiers and attending to related matters. Maintaining in proper order the papers required to be retained by the Officer Stenographer Gr. Maintenance of CR dossiers and attending the matters connected therewith. Maintenance of CR dossiers and attending to matters connected therewith. Delivery of postal articles in his beat Sorting of letters beatwise in the delivery post office Preliminary sorting of outward mail from the post office in District wise bundles In rural areas he also sells postal stationery . Maintaining in proper order the papers required to be retained by the Officer. Taking dictation of inspections/visits of divisional heads and of minutes of meetings with Unions.51 Stenographer Grade III(In the divisional office) • • • • • • • • Postman Receiving the telephone calls. called Divisions (Postal/RMS Divisions). Base Circle is headed by the Additional Director General. Each Region is headed by a Postmaster General who is the Postal Manager of the area. Store Depots and Mail Motor Service. comprising the Chairman and three Members. Each circle is divided into Regions comprising groups of field units. The functional restructuring is designed to tackle the transitional problems of change giving due importance to the coordinating and monitoring role of the higher management. Each circle is co-terminus with a State except the North Eastern Circle which comprises six North Eastern States. The three members of the Board hold functional portfolios of Operations and Marketing. the whole country has been divided into 22 Postal Circles. In the Circles and Regions there are other functional supporting logistical units like Stamp Depots. Development and Personnel. Deputy Directors General. The Board is assisted by the Secretary. The organizational set up of the Department has been undergoing restructuring in recent times as a response to the challenges faced due to induction of technology. Postal Services Board. A Principal Chief Postmaster General/Chief Postmaster General heads each Circle. Steps have been taken to substitute the traditional pyramidal system with a desk system to support the management. The Joint Secretary and Financial Adviser to the Department is a permanent invitee to the Board.-: 52 :- MANUAL-3 CHANNELS OF SUPERVISION AND ACCOUNTABILITY:DECISION MAKING PROCESS The Organization Chart of the Department is provided at the end. Over and above these 22 Circles. Kerala Circle includes the Union Territory of Lakshadweep and Punjab Circle includes the Union Territory of Chandigarh. sensitive & efficient management. Army Postal Service. The officer cadre of Army Postal Services . the communication needs of the armed forces are catered to by the Base Circle. For providing postal services. West Bengal Circle includes Sikkim and the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Postal Services Board is the apex management body of the Department. Directors and Assistant Directors General provide necessary support to the Board at the Headquarters. These reforms were introduced to infuse the system with dynamism needed to create a responsive. Maharashtra Circle which includes Goa. 75 per cent of the other ranks of the Army Postal Service are drawn from the Department of Posts and the remaining personnel are recruited by the Army.-: 53 :is drawn on deputation from the Indian Postal Service. . The following arrangements are followed:- Officers/Official Level of Submission LDCs to Assistants with less than five Section Officer years of service Assistants with more than five years ADG or Director where there is no service ADG Section Officers/Assistant Director or DDG where there is no Directors/Desk Officers Director ADsG Directors DDsG/Sr. 22 and 23 of Manual of office procedure and instructions of the Ministry of Personnel. The Divisional Superintendent is overall in-charge of Administration and Operations in the Division and reports to the Regional Postmaster General/Chief Postmaster General. the channel of submission and level of final disposal of cases have been decided in view of paras 17. which are the basic operational units for Postal Services. Delhi. the Chief Postmaster General is over all in-charge of administration and operations of the units under his jurisdiction for all purposes. Gramin Dak Sewa Post Offices are located in rural areas. The circle/Region is further divided into Divisions which are headed by Gr. the circles report to the Directorate which is the policy and planning body as mentioned above. followed by GPOs at Ahmedabad.-: 54 :Post Offices in the country are categorized as Head. Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances and Cabinet Secretariat issue from time to time. The Sub Post Offices are departmental offices located in both rural and urban areas. Head Post Offices are graded into five categories according to their workload and staff strength. Just as the Divisions report to the Regional/Circle office on behalf of all their units. DDG DDG DDG or Member where there is no DDG Member or Secretary. Sub and Branch Post Office. Chennai. Kanpur and Lucknow. Within the Directorate. Bangalore. Head Post Offices. PG & Pension. The Chief PMG and PMG are assisted by the Directors of Postal Services. Sub Post Offices and Branch Post Offices. ‘A’ or Gr. At the circle level. . The larger circles are further divided into Regions under the Postmasters General. The Divisions comprise of Sub-Divisions. ‘B’ Officers. the largest being the General Post Offices at Mumbai and Kolkata. Assistant Postmasters General and Assistant Directors. Our staff will be helpful. Our service area continues to expand to reach people even in hilly. Our Mission guidelines are: Total dedication to understanding and fulfilling customer needs.-: 55 :- MANUAL-4 NORMS SET FOR THE DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS NORMS FOR VARIOUS POSTAL SERVICES Department of Posts is proud to have the largest postal network in the world. . Our commitment towards rendering better service emanates from our Mission. At the same time there is a continuous endeavor to improve our services/operations with innovative ideas and induction of technology. Our Citizen's Charter Commitments We will treat you with courtesy and consideration. We will attend promptly to your enquiries and complaints. The citizen's charter is an attempt to bring the Department closer to its customers. Total devotion to providing efficient and reliable service which the customers consider to be value for money. Total recognition of the responsibilities as a part of the social. which is an expression of our commitment towards improving our services offered to make them more efficient and responsive and at the same time making our working more transparent to our valued customers. difficult and inaccessible terrains. The Department has formulated and implemented in all major offices its citizen's charter. Total commitment to providing challenging and rewarding career for every employee. industrial and commercial life of the country Total enthusiasm to be forward looking and innovative in all areas. We will make posting facilities easily accessible as far as possible. We will speedily redress customer grievances. .-: 56 :We will provide all the necessary information at customer care centers. -: 57 :Counter Services In the post office. payment of telephone bills. In addition to the post offices. chawls etc. These services can be broadly classified as postal and non-postal services. pension payment. booking of money orders. Various premium services are also available at selected post offices. Delivery Services We deliver unregistered. money transfer services. we offer various services to our customers. We in the department of posts are committed to providing prompt and efficient counter services. The Department is committed to provide these services on all working days through delivery post offices. certificate of posting. expecting you to fulfill your customer’s obligations. The postal services offered include registration of letters and parcels. as an agency function. Prior to coming to the counter. also offer banking services. sale of stamps and postal stationary etc. booking of value payable letters and parcels. CUSTOMER’S OBLIGATION At The Counter Please make sure you are standing in a queue at the counter. Post offices besides offering postal services. registered mails. Please make sure you tender exact change at the counter or affix correct amount of postage. A large number of post offices are computerised today. money orders and various premium products to the addressee at his doorstep and through post boxes or bags or deposit boxes in multistoreyed buildings. designated RMS offices also offer some counter services. Some post offices also work for extended hours to enable customers book their articles even beyond normal working hours. please complete all requisite forms related to the service in legible handwriting or in a clear print. In these computerised post offices various services are provided at the single window. parcels. We aim to extend this computerisation further covering more and more offices. where you are actually involved in sorting out your . life insurance schemes. speed post. electricity bills etc. During festive seasons special arrangements are made for handling greetings mail at designated post offices. -: 58 :greeting cards destination-wise. Thus with your co-operation. you will be ensuring expeditious disposal of greetings to your near & dear ones. . Mail relating to hilly and remote areas will take longer. pin-code etc. We aim to deliver 90% of the mails within the norms (time frame) subject to your fulfillment of the obligations such as correctly addressing/pin coding your mail and to the running of air/rail/road transport schedules. locality. as per specific local conditions. All the required information about the way of packing and thereby protecting your article can be obtained at the Inquiry Counter or Customer Care Centres at the post offices.-: 59 :- Our Delivery Norms Our broad delivery norms are. city. In order to prevent missending or misrouting and loss or delay in the delivery of your article. of both the addressee and the sender legibly on articles posted. One day more will be required for parcels and registered articles. Your article is sorted on the basis of the pin-code that you write on it. Correctly Address Your Mail You must write the complete address i.e. name of the street. If your article is weighing more than 200 gms. which would help us to quickly deliver your mail. MAIL DESTINATION Within city/town/district Inter-metro Within state Inter-State Capital Inter – State DATE OF DELIVERY Within 2 days after day of posting Within 2-3 days after day of posting Within 3 days after day of posting Within 3 days after day of posting Within 3-5 days after day of posting These norms apply to normal areas. The size of the article should strictly conform to the standards laid down in terms of shape and size. house no. Please do ensure that you are not sending contraband or prohibited goods. it should be packed in such a way that it can be opened for security check and yet be reclosed effectively.. Please pack your article in the prescribed manner before coming to the counter. CUSTOMER’S OBLIGATION Pack And Wrap Your Mail Properly Due to improper packing or wrapping. . please write correct pin-code at the appropriate place on the article. articles sometimes do get damaged. Money orders may take 1-2 days more depending on the distance and points of handling. district. If you are residing in a tall multi storeyed building. you should pre-sort the mails according to the delivery post office. but have you informed your post office? Please notify change of your address to the delivery post office as soon as possible. town or district and prepare separate bundles to ensure speedier transmission. to avoid non delivery of your articles. You should have your own mail-box on the ground floor only Inform About Change In You might be changing your residence or your office.-: 60 :- If you are not sure of pin-code. If you are receiving mail in large numbers ask for Post Box or Post Bag at your delivery post office. That will ensure greater care and security for your mails and you can pick them up at your convenience. kindly appreciate the problem faced at your postman. please look up the pin-code directory or get it from the inquiry counter at the post office or at Customer Care Centre. You should hand over greeting cards during the peak seasons at the counter in the post offices for quick processing. Please provide telephone numbers of addressee if you are using our Premium Services. Address . also to those who frequently send you mail. Presort Your Mail and use Post Boxes/Bags If you are to send mail in bulk. Correctly Post to Facilitate Fast Delivery Please ensure you post your letter early in the day so that it catches the out going carries. 7. 8.1992 National Savings Certificates VIII th issue Kisan Vikas Patras Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme .-: 61 :- Financial Services As we have an extensive network. 2. 4. 5. Savings Bank Account Recurring Deposit Account Time Deposit Public Provident Fund Account Monthly Income Scheme National Savings Scheme Account. post offices serve the nation by providing various agency services like banking services. 3. The banking services offered at post office counter are: 1. 6. 9. -: 62 :- Saving Scheme Transactions Norms All transactions related to various schemes offered by us are government by norms fixed by us. Type Savings Activity Opening of account Subsequent deposits Withdrawals Post office Head post office Sub Post office Application given at P. The norms are as follows.O. RD Head Post Office Sub Post Office Branch Office/ED MIS HO MIS SO Time Frame Same day Same day Within 10 working days Within 20 working days Same Day Within 2 days One week Within 6 working days Same day Same day Transfer of account Saving Account Closure/premature closure of account With nomination Within 10 working days Settlement of deceased Without nomination but claim case with proof of Within 30 working days succession Issue of duplicate passbook Return of passbook (received for interest posting) Head post office Issue of certificate Certificates Transfer of KVP/NSC Sub Post Office Extra Departmental Post Office Application at Post Office of registration Application at other Post Office HO & SO Within a week Within 10 working days Same day Same day Same day Within 10 working days Within 20 days .O where account Stands Application given at transferee P. .-: 63 :Encashment of IVP/KVP/NSC Office of issue Other Office Same day Within 30 working days We aim to provide various savings services within the time frame subject to fulfillment of your obligations and the other necessary formalities. KVP/NSC in safe custody? If not please do. on 31st March every year. please present your passbook for interest posting and verification of balance.-: 64 :- CUSTOMER’S OBLIGATION Don’t Leave Counter Without A Receipt Always insist on having a receipt. or handing over your passbook for interest posting. Please remember a receipt is a proper receipt. and National Savings Organisation. Don’t accept receipts on blank piece of paper even if it is date stamped by post office.e. at a place where you can easily find them incase you have lost the certificate and want to inform the authorities. You might be wanting to transact through NSS agents/PRF agents/Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachhat Yojna appointed by the state Govt. office of purchase. date of purchase etc. Have you kept your savings certificates i. whether it is at the time of opening a new account in the Branch Post Office. . note down their number. Please give receipt of amount of withdrawal on the back of the withdrawal form. do a thorough scrutiny of your balance. As a measure of abundant precaution. somebody might just walk away with your money. please get the authenticity of their agency and receipt verified from the office of transaction and concerned Superintendents of Post Offices/Postmasters.e. After completion of financial year i. Pay Attention To Your Passbook After having done a transaction. Always insist on signed counterfoil of the pay-in-slip duly stamped and signed by postmaster for deposit in your account either through cash or cheque. Please avoid keeping signed withdrawal forms in the passbook. time-bound and reliable value added services meeting the needs of specific customer segments. corporate Money order etc. There are a number of National Speed Post centres with Express Parcel Service facility.-: 65 :- Do Nominations Properly Do not neglect or delay nominations in case of accounts or certificates. correctly according to the rules. Premium Services In response to the specific needs of our customers we are offering various efficient. Gift delivery. . Express Post. Sattelite Mail and other premium services (at some centers) like Business Post (mass mailing). If you want to change nominations. please do it as the earliest. Premium services offered include Speed Post (including Speed Post Money Order). Delivery of those products is governed by norms which are dependent on destination and distance. is in turn.-: 66 :Each speed post centre. Convertible Whole Life Insurance. Endowment Assurance. in charge of a Manager. Anticipated Endowment Assurance for 15 years and 20 years. controlled by the Business Development centre in office of Postmaster Genera/office of Chief Postmaster General. Various PLI schemes that are being offered are whole Life Insurance.Circle transfer of policies Settlement of claims on maturity completed in all respects Within 1 month when all formalities are completed Within 3 months when all formalities are completed Within 15 days when all formalities are completed Within 30 days when all formalities are completed Settlement of claim on death with nomination Within 3 months when all formalities are completed . In case of your query is not fully answered at the Customer Care Centre or at the Facilitation Counter you should approach the abovementioned controlling authorities. Delivery Norms For Premium Products We give special attention to our premium services. please make use of our premium services. The norms are as below: Issue of acceptance letter Issue of Policy Bond Inter. Yugal Suraksha (Joint Life Insurance) for 5 to 20 years and Rural Insurance Norms for PLI Activities Various activities pertaining to Postal Life Insurance are controlled by a time frame laid down by the Department. The norms are: Type Of Service Day Of Delivery Speed Post Express Post Satellite Post 1-3 days depending upon distance/ destination 2-4 days depending upon destination 1 day between VSAT stations Life Insurance Schemes The Department apart from offering postal services also provides insurance cover to Government/Semi-Government/Public Undertaking employees through Postal Life Insurance (PLI) schemes. So if you want to avail of guaranteed time bound services. -: 67 :Paid up value Loan for policies Acceptance of proposal and issue of PR Book Within 3 months when all formalities are completed Within 1 months when all formalities are completed One month . In case you are using our premium services you can also approach the Manger Speed Post Center or Officer in charge of Business Development Cell in Regional Office/Circle Office. Sansad Marg. You can lodge your complaint in the post office with the post master regarding the quality of service that you have received.011-3737306) In course of your dealing with post office if you have any specific comments about the service you have received. please fill up the Comments Card available with the postmaster which will help us to serve your better. You can also approach the Postmaster for your special queries. How to get information You might be wanting information on various services offered by the Post Office. New Delhi-110001 (Phone No:. Your complaint will be attended to and disposal norms will be as follows Type of service Counter Service Registered articles/insured parcels including A. If your complaint is still not satisfied. This can be obtained at the inquiry counter of the Post Office or at of your city. PLI located in Regional Postal head quarters or from PLI divisons at the head quarters of the Postal Circle. But you may not be fully satisfied with our services and as a result you might want to bring it to our notice.-: 68 :All the information regarding PLI that you desire can be obtained from the inquiry counter and facilitation counter of post offices and also from Development Officer. To take care of your complaints and suggestions we have a public grievances redress system. .D Settlement Time Within 2 months as far as possible Within 6 months as far as possible In case you are still not satisfied you can approach the concerned Superintendent of Post Offices with your complaint. Dak Bhavan. you can write to Deputy Director General (Public Grievances). Complaint We do our best to serve you whether it is at the counter or in delivering mail to you. Your complaint will be acknowledged. But in some cases you are entitled to compensation depending upon the type of service that you have availed. We will attend promptly to your enquiries and complaints We will provide all the necessary information at the Customer Care Centres & Inquiry Counter We will speedily redress customer grievances. However we suggest that you send your valuable mail either by Speed Post or Registered Post. Delivery service:We deliver at your address We also have customized delivery Through Post Box/Post Bag/Deposit Box We aim to deliver 90% of mail within norms Delivery norms are available at the Customer Care Center. Compensation claims should be submitted to the Postmaster of the office where you booked the article after completing the formalities. Our Counter Services We offer our services at the counter Some of our offices work for extended hours We are at the counter will provide you with prompt & efficient services 2.-: 69 :- Compensation We are not liable for any loss or damage to letters carried by the ordinary letter service. OUR CITIZEN’S CHARTER We will treat you with courtesy and consideration Our staff will be helpful. Financial Services We offer savings bank and savings certificates services We offer sattelite transfer of cash Our transaction norms are available at customer care center . 3. We will make posting facilities easily accessible as far as possible What we offer you: 1. Gift Services etc. Express Post. Insurance Services We offer Postal Life Insurance (PLI) & Rural PLI services in various attractive schemes. Our delivery norms are available at the Customer Care center 5. Useful Tips Pack & Wrap your article properly. Do nominations promptly Inform us about your change in address Pay attention to your passbook Address your mail correctly. Use pin-code always. Pre sort your mail and use Post Box/Bag Don’t leave counter without a receipt . Satellite Mail. Post correctly to facilitate fast delivery. Premium Products We cater to your specific mailing needs through speed post.-: 70 :- 4. Activities norms are available at the Customer Care Centre. LTC advance etc. List of pending cases are reviewed by Divisional head on monthly basis as prescribed Norms evolved (internal) for disposal of various Items of Work in Admn.-: 71 :- NORMS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS With respect to official dealings at the postal headquarters (Directorate). 15 By the due date 05 1. Section S.g. the time limits/norms as prescribed by Ministry of Finance and Planning Commission are adhered to on budget related matters.two weeks As per O&M guidelines.one week .one week . 6. Pay fixation Issue of NOC Encashment of unutilized earned leave after retirement Acceptance of nominations of 10 15 07 10 .two weeks . 10 15 During the 1st week of the month in which increment is due. cases are disposed by not more than three levels. Forwarding of applications for higher posts Grant of Leave Grant of Increment 4. Norms as laid down by O&M Unit are followed to deal with the following items:Parliamentary references Audit Paras Inter Branch references/clarifications VIP references Public references . 2. Ordinarily not more than two working days are taken for disposal of a case by the officer of the Division.No ITEM Max. 10. 7. GPF. Honorarium Furnishing of various types of reports Verification of various types of applications e. 8. 9. number of working days for disposal of application.same day . 5. 3. Honorarium/ OTA/Tuition Fee HBA Motor Car/Computer/Scooter Cycle & Other Short term advances Assignment of CGEGIS fund to financial institutions Medical Advance Medical Reimbursement Telephone Bills Contingent Bills News Papers Bills - 2 days before the festival. 2. 17. 4. GPF Advance/withdrawal GPF & Retirement Benefits (Except CGEGIS) CGEGIS 30 LTC/TA/FTA Advance 5 Final settlement of 5 LTC/TA/FTA bills Festival Adv - On the date of retirement provided requisite papers received from DA (P) Subject to availability of Service Book complete in all respects 7. 9. Application for festival advance must reach seven days before the date of festival Payment one in a month on 25th of each month in r/o the applications received by 15th of the month.-: 72 :DCRG/Family Pension/GPF Norms for disposal of cases in Cash &Accounts/Pay Bill Section S No Item of work Working days required for disposal of case 5 Remarks 1. 30 15 7 5 12. 3. 5 25 5 5 5 Subject to the claims being complete Payment once in a month on 20th of each month in r/o the applications received by 15th of the month. 5. Subject to release of funds by Budget Section 8. 15. 11. 16. Conveyance/Tea/Other 5 Petty bills Air India/India Air Lines 20 Bills . 14. 18. 6. 10. 13. 30th April of each year 31st May of each year 20. 29. 42. Assessment of Income Tax Issue of Form 16 Submission of Income Tax Return in Form 24 Fixation of Pay Arrears after pay fixation Periodical Increment Certificates Disbursement of salary 15 30 By 15th of each month On the last date of each month. Once in Nov.-: 73 :19. 41. 31. 28. 25. 33. except for the month of March payment for which is made on the Ist working day of April. 36. Before salary date By 10th of each month By 31st July of each year After receiving from DA (P) By 10th of each month Twice during the year. 27. Credit of undisbursed A/c Schedules Service Verification GPF Statement of Class IV Staff GPF Statement of Other Staff Reconciliation of Accounts with DA (P) Payment of DA arrears Payment of Bonus Pay Advance Pay Certificate/LPC Deposit of Cheques to P. 40.O. 23. 34. 35. 30. 39. 21. 32. of each year. 24. 38. of each year & the final assessment in Feb. 26. 22. 37. Payment by Cashier NDMC/MCD Guarantee RE/BE/FG Parliament Questions Periodical Statements Audit Objection 15 15 5 10 5 15 2 2 2 - As per scheduled time -do-do-do- . Anticipated Income. In normal areas. In normal areas. Population a. In normal areas 3000 population in group of villages. the minimum distance from the nearest existing post office will be 3 km/ b. 1991.-: 74 :- Norms for opening for post offices in Rural areas. a. 2. 500 population in an individual village or 1000 in a group of villages. desert and inaccessible areas. 3. The following norms for opening of Branch Post Offices in rural areas came into effect from 1st April. Distance. the distance limit will be the same except that the hilly areas. In hilly. In hilly. tribal. . tribal. a. b.33 % of cost. 1. desert and inaccessible areas. the minimum anticipated revenue will be 33. the minimum anticipated income will be 15% of the cost. the minimum distance limit can be relaxed by the Directorate in cases where such relaxation is warranted by special circumstances which should be clearly explained while submitting a proposal. b. In hilly tribal desert and inaccessible areas. 2. 4. In case of new townships/individual estates and new colonies. it should show a 5% profit to be eligible for further retention. 1. heads of circles and regions will have the power to relax the condition of a minimum contingent of 7 postmen to open a delivery sub office or to convert a non-delivery office in to a delivery office.5 km in Cities with population of 20 lakhs and above and 2 km in Urban areas. 3. Heads of circles will continue to have powers to relax the distance conditions in 10% of the cases but this power should be exercised personally and not by delegation.-: 75 :- Norms for opening of post offices in Urban areas. Norms for delivery post offices. 3. 2. The minimum distance between two post offices is 1. The minimum strength of postmen justified on the existing basis should not be less than 7. 4. . 1. No Extra Departmental PO will be opened in future in Urban areas. Initially the SO should be self supporting but at the time of the first annual review. The proposed delivery office should have a well demarcated delivery jurisdiction so as to minimize errors in TD Sorting. there will be no requirement of a minimum distance between the proposed delivery office and the nearest existing delivery office in view of 1 above. II Postal Manual Vol.O. 15. VIII Rules for Branch Offices F.I&II Postal Manual Vol. I Postal Manual Vol. Pension Rules. S. GFRs. 7. VI Part-I Postal Manual Vol. I Appendix –V to PAM – Vol.B.B. Control Pairing & Internal Check Original Alphabetical List of Post Offices All India PIN Code Directory Language Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot English Diglot English Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot Diglot English Hindi Diglot Diglot English Diglot Diglot English English In addition to the above. Guide Part-II PO Guide Part III P. LTC Rules. Conduct Rules. 6. I P. S. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Name of Publication P. VI Part-III Postal Manual Vol. Manual Vol. Leave Rules. VI Part-II Postal Manual Vol.II Appendix – V to PAM-Vol. Guide Part-I P.O. CCS (CCA) Rules. 17. 16. PF Rules. Vol.O. MANUALS AND RECORDS USED BY EMPLOYEES FOR DISCHARGING FUNCTIONS S. II Manual of Appointment & Allowances Post Office Insurance Fund S.B Vol. V Postal Manual Vol. I P.B. 1 2 3 4 5. Manual Vol. IV Part. REGULATIONS. 14. Guide Part-IV Postal Manual Vol. VII Postal Manual Vol.H.-: 76 :- MANUAL-5 RULES. Notes on office procedure. Rules of Conduct of Business in .No. the Manual of Office Procedure. I Postal Accounts Manual Vol. 10. Service Rules such as FR SR.I F.III Postal Manual Vol. II Foreign Post Manual Schedule of Financial Powers Postal Accounts Manual Vol.H.O. 8 9.O. INSTRUCTIONS.B. 11 12 13. nic.-: 77 :LS/RS etc. Details are available on the website . are referred http://persmin.in to. 1873 The Government Savings Certificates Act. 1981 National Savings Scheme Rules. Recall of posted article. Payment of postage. manner of affixing postage stamps. 1987 The Post Office Savings Certificates Rules. Franking machine. Post Office Holidays. 1989 Kisan Vikas Patra Rules. . It contains clauses related to Organization of the Department. stamps and stationery.-: 78 :- The following Rules and Manuals are referred in respect of Savings Bank Operations and services: The Government Savings Banks Act. Buiness Hours. 1988 National Savings Scheme Rules. 1960 Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules. Obligation to pay charges. Delivery of mails. 1987 Indira Vikas Patra Rules. 1981 The Post Office Time Deposit Rules. Fictitious stamps. Type of Post Offices. POST OFFICE GUIDE PART-I The Post Office Guide Part I relates to Inland Post. General rules as to packing. 1959 The Post Office Savings Bank General Rules. Certificate of posting. Spoiled or defaced stamps. 1981 The Post Office Recurring Deposit Rules. Methods of address. 1992 Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Rules. 1981 The Post Office Savings Account Rules. 1987 National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue) Rules.sealing and posting. 2004 Post Office Savings Bank Manual Volume I Post Office Savings Bank Manual Volume II 1. Refusal of article. Services which cannot be claimed. Postal life insurance. Registered newspapers. Business reply service. Registration. Insurance. Post restante. Acceptance of cheques. . Letter and parcel post. Legal responsibility of the post. Prohibited articles. Post office monopoly in the conveyance of letters. Parcel. Official postal articles. Identity cards. packets. Facilities provided by postmen in rural areas. Pattern and sample packets. Book packets containing periodicals. Liability to detention of certain mails. Money orders. Book packets. Payment of money orders. Issue of post office forms. Telegraphic money orders. Letter cards. Blind literature. Secrecy. Post cards. Post boxes. Non-exchange of postage stamps and stationery. Philately. Acceptance of small coins. Indian postal order. post bags. Last dates for payment of dues. Instruction regarding address change. Articles addressed to deceased persons. Redirection. Book packets containing printed books. Air mail services. Licenses for sale of postage stamps.-: 79 :Recovery of charges due. Value payable articles. Special packing instructions. D. category of Foreign Postal Articles.Issue). Prohibitions and Restrictions. National Savings Certificates (VIII-Issue) and Social Security Certificates Rules. V. Telegraphic Money orders.IV Post office Guide Part-IV relates to Post office Savings Bank and Post office Saving Schemes. Post cards. Insured Parcels. Services. POST OFFICE GUIDE PART –III It has two volumes containing the list of Post offices. Air Mail Money orders. POST OFFICE GUIDE PART-II Post office Guide part-II relates to Foreign Post. Parcel Post. National Savings Certificates (VI. Enquiries and Complaints. Compensation for loss. 3. Universal Postal Union. Prohibitions and Restrictions applicable to various Countries and Details of countries providing optional services and other special provisions. Post office Savings Accounts rules. and C. National Savings Certificates (VII-Issue). money order. general regulations applicable in the Letter Post. Irish Postal order. It contains clauses relating to definition of ‘Foreign Post. Asian Pacific Postal union. Custom Control. It consists of the sections relating to Post office Saving Bank General Rules.e. Conditions relating to various classes of Letters Post i. Post office Recurring Deposit Rules.O.P. British Postal order. Printed papers. Parcels for delivery free of all charges and fees. Conditions relating to various special services in the Letter Posts. POST OFFICE GUIDE PART. Small Packets and Literature for Blinds. Post office Time Deposits Rules.-: 80 :2. General applicability of Inland Regulations. damage or abstraction of contents. 4. . Post office Savings Certificates Rules. Maintenance of order and tidiness in office. Medical aid. Maps. Initial and signing the documents. Naming and Changing of name of Post office. Admittance of stranger. 1956 6. Departmental Identity Card. Criminal proceedings. Secret and confidential papers. Transmission of official correspondence by foreign Post. rules relating to official display of National flag. Thumb and finger impression. Publication for sale. Printings. Cover containing official documents. counterfeit and defaced postage stamps. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME –II Volume–II Contains Rules relating to: Organization of the Department. Stock. Deep . Appeal and petition. pleader. Forged. National anthem and National song. Correspondence. Books and publications. Compensation for loss of property. Budget estimates and control and Misc. Inland Postal Service articles. 1933 The Government Savings Banks Act 1873 The Post office Cash Certificates Act 1917 The Post office Savings Banks (Nomination) Rules. Security deposits. Case mark system. coins and currency. Annual Reports.-: 81 :5. Personal files. Manual correction slip. Reports and returns. Contracts. 1960 Post Boxes order. Service money order. Buildings. 1960 The Government Savings Certificates Act. Erasing. Employment of Govt. Behavior with Public. Institutions and defense of civil suits. 1959 The Government Savings Certificates Rules. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME –I POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME –I CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING ACTS AND RULES:The Indian Post office Act 1898 The Indian Post office Rules. Uniforms. . Production of record before Courts.-: 82 :changing of surname. (2) Rules for guidance of Depositors in Post office Savings Bank. (3) The cash Certificate rules. Control and Appeal) Rules 1965. and appeal of employees excluded from the operation of the Central Civil Services (Classification. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME –III This postal manual contains rules on the following chapters and schedules: Discipline Central Civil Services (Classification. Other than those vested in and exercised by them under (1) the Indian Post office Act and the Indian Post office Rules.-: 83 :- 7. and (4) Compilation of fundamental and supplementary Rules. Rules relating to appointments. Control and Appeal) Rules 1965. and Schedules showing the administrative powers of the different classes of Officers of the Indian Postal Department. penalties. . POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-IV (APPENDICES) This Volume consists of Appendices relating to: Rules for recruitment of Indian Postal Services Class.I Junior and Senior Time Scale Rules for recruitment of the Post of Time Scale Clerks of Post offices and Sorter in RMS Rules for recruitment to the service of RMS Sorters and clerks in Post offices Rules for recruitment to the service of clerk in RLO Rules for recruitment to the Cadre of Postmen. Valuation of Answer books and for Supervision and Investigation duties in respect of various Departmental Examination. . Rules for recruitment to the Cadre of Stenographer. Village Postman and mail guards. 8.-: 84 :- 8. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-IV (WITHOUT APPENDICES) This Postal manual contains general rules relating to: Appointment and Promotion Transfer and Posting Leaves Pension and Gratuities and Special rules for Appointment and Promotion of: Gazetted Officers of Post office and RMS Non-gazetted officer of Post office and RMS Class-IV servants of Post office and RMS Class-IV servants of Circle office Class-IV servants of Postal Dispensaries and General Rules relating to: Revision of Establishments and Establishment of Post offices and RMS. Rules relating to Departmental Examination. Volunteers for Army Postal Services Central Civil Services (Extra Ordinary Pension. Rules for recruitment to the cadre of Postal Asst. Rules) Grant of honoraria for setting Question Papers. in Circle offices and Administrative offices. . Rules for recruitment to the Post of Daftaries and Jamadars.-: 85 :Rules for recruitment to the Post of Accounts officer. Syllabus for on the job training of candidates appointed as clerks in Mail Motor Service. Registration. Hindi Supervisors. Sorting. Delivery. In Postal Circle Office Rules for recruitment to the Post of Staff Car Driver Rules for recruitment to the Post of Auxilliary Nurse Midwives Rules for recruitment to the Post of Nurses (non.resident) 9. Insured. Rules for recruitment to Work Shops and Stores Rules for recruitment to the Cadre of PA. Deposits. Posts and Inspector Posts Rules for recruitment to the Post of Office Supdt. SBCO Rules for recruitment to the cadre of Overseer Rules for recruitment to the Post of Asstt. In PSD. Valuable Payable Articles and Miscellaneous Rules. Parcel. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME –V This volume contains the rules on the following subjects: Definitions Miscellaneous Rules Investigation Transmission of mails under the weighment system and appendices relating to rules for treatment of Navel Mail by Post and RMS offices Issue of Sorting List and Conventions Period of Preservation of Records 10. . Rules for recruitment to the cadre of Postal Asstt. in CSD. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-VI Part-I This Postal manual contains rules relating to: Mails.-: 86 :Rules for recruitment to the cadre of Asst. Rules for recruitment to the cadre of Postal Asst. Supdt. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-VII Postal Manual –VII contains Rules relating to: Transit Section and Mail Offices. List of work-papers issued to Sections and Mail Offices and. Duties of Letter Box Attendants and Appendices. Bag Accounting. Governing the Relations between Railway Administration and Post office in regard to train timings. Sorting Mail Offices. 13. Duties of Postman. Mail Operations. Mailmen and Van Attendants. Record offices. . POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-VI Part-III This Postal manual contains rules relating to: Sub-accounts.-: 87 :- 11. British Postal Orders and Irish Postal Orders 12. Indian Postal Orders. Camp Articles. Accounts in Sub Post Offices. POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-VI Part-II This Postal manual contains rules relating to: Money Orders. Rules relating to Railway Mail Services.-: 88 :Misc. . INTRODUCTORY . POSTAL MANUAL VOLUME-VIII Postal Manual Volume –VIII contains Rules relating to: Personal duties of Heads of Circles and Misc. Returned Letter Offices. RULES FOR BRANCH OFFICES This book contains rules on the following subjects for the guidance of GDSs working in Branch offices: Mails Sorting Delivery Registration Parcels Money orders Postal orders Accounts Telegram and Miscellaneous Rules relating to function of Branch Offices.-: 89 :14. FINANCIAL HANDBOOK VOLUME I This volume contains the following Chapters. Personal duties of Town Inspector Of Post offices/ Public Inspector of Post offices. 15. 16. Rules related to Circle Offices. Personal duties of Overseers and Postmen. Personal duties of Assistant Superintendents of Post/ Inspectors of Posts. Breaks and Accidents. Stock Depots. Personal duties of Assistant Superintendents/ Inspectors of Railway Mail Service. -: 90 :General Principles and Rules General Outlines of the Systems of Accounts Relations with Audit Cash . -: 91 :Supply of Funds and Other Remittance Transactions Revenue and Miscellaneous Receipts Pay and Allowances: General Rules Bills of Gazetted Government Servants Establishment Contingent Charges Miscellaneous Charges Loans and Advances to Government Servants Sanction Depots Buildings and Railways Mail Service Vans Provident and Other Funds Miscellaneous Subject and appendices on the following matter Table of Concordance. List of Financial Rules Different classes of receipts exempt from Stamp Duty Instructions for regulating the enforcement of responsibility for losses, etc. Rules regarding the destruction of accounts records appertaining to the accounts audited by the Indian Audit Department List of remittance transactions of Post Offices with other departments under the Government of Indian audit Department. List of remittance transactions of Post Offices with other departments under the Government of India List of remittance transactions with private firms etc. Rules regulating the preparation of Last Pay Certificates in case of transfer on duty or of return from leave. Statement showing the disbursing offices at which office establishment pay bills of the Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department (including the Posts and Telegraphs Audit Offices) are cashed. Procedure for disbursement of pay and allowances of establishment. Miscellaneous rulings relating to office expenses. List of important items to be classified under ‘Other Contingencies’ and list of important articles in common use in the Posts and Telecommunications Departments, the cost of which should be classified under ‘Liveries and Uniforms’. ‘Operational and Minor Equipment for Post Offices and RMS Offices’ and ‘Purchase and Repair of furnitures’ below contingencies. Rules for the supply of articles and subsidiary instructions for the guidance of officers who are required to make purchase of stores required for the public service. -: 92 :Instructions for the purchase of stores through Central Purchase Organization (Director-General, Supplies and Disposals, New Delhi/India Supply Mission, London/India Supply Mission, Washington). Rules regulating the purchase of Stationery Stores for the public service. Directions regulating Inter-Departmental transfers. Rules relating to the procedure of work done in Postal Seals Office, Aligarh. Conditions governing issue of Government Drafts. Hints on detecting counterfeit coins List of approved Banks Application form for advance/final withdrawal from Provident Fund. Application forms for final payment of balances in the Provident Fund, etc. Objects of the P&T Development Fund and Revenue Reserve Fund, etc. Procedure for accounting of certain categories of deposits. Co-operative Credit Society Dues. History of the convention governing relations between P&T and General Revenues. Procedure for the accounting of advances on account of pay and traveling allowances on transfer. 17. FINANCIAL HAND BOOK VOLUME- II This Financial Hand Book consists the rules relating to: Supply of stamps Revenue Receipts Post office Accounts Railway Mail Service Accounts Miscellaneous Charges Pension Payments Miscellaneous subjects and appendices Table of Concordance Rules for supply and Distribution of stamps Rules relating to payment of interest on stock certificates Rules relating to the procedure to be followed when the status of a Post office is changed or when a Post office is closed. Rules relating to the conveyance of mail and construction, haulage and maintenance of Postal Vehicle and List of forms referred in Rules and Appendices in this volume. -: 93 :- 18. FOREIGN POST MANUAL Foreign Post Manual contains the rules relating to: General Principles of the Universal Postal Union, Acts of the Union, Asian Oceanic Postal Union, Letter Post Items, Terms and Expressions commonly used in international post, Books of reference published by the International Bureau and the Postal administrations, Correspondence with other Administrations, Methods of Payment. Prepayment of Postage in Cash, Free Postage, Treatment of cotraband and prohibited articles, Counterfeit or fraudulent stamps and impressions, Preservation of records. Outward Surface Mails Inward Surface Mails Closed Surface mails in Transit Outward Air Mails Inward Air Mails Closed Air mails in Transit Closed Air mails in Transit Naval mails Bags Enquiries and Responsibility for Loss, Damage Etc. Surface Letter mail Accounts Accounts Related to Air Mail Conveyance Dues General Principles relating to Parcel Service Outward Surface Parcels Inward Surface Parcels Closed Surface Parcel mails in Transit Outward Air Parcel Mails Inward Air Parcel Mails Closed Air Parcel mails in Transit Enquiries and Responsibility for Loss, Damage Etc. in Case of Parcels Parcel Accounts V. P. And C.O.D. System Foreign Money Orders “Through” Foreign Money Orders Foreign Telegraphic Money Orders Method of Settlement of Account General Account With The United Kingdom Budget and Statistics And Appendices consisting the -: 94 :Names of members countries of the UPU and the Optional Agreements to which they subscribe -: 95 :Names of the offices to which or offices to whom enquiries relating to unregistered item should be Addressed in different countries List of Foreign Countries/ Administrations for which an Enquiry regarding registered article should be forwarded direct to the office of destination instead of the office of Exchange. Names of the Countries for which Mumbay, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai and Patna function as office of Exchange for surface parcels Mode of settlement of balance of accounts with Foreign Administration List of currencies in which payments are to be made or receipt accepted by India Name of countries/ territories, which insist on a separate Dispatch Note for each Parcel. 19. SCHEDULE OF FINANCIAL POWERS This Schedule contains the financial Powers of the following authorities/ officers of the Deptt. Of Posts: Postal Services Board Director General, Postal Services Head of Circle Regional Director/ Area manager Senior Supdt. of Post offices, Senior Supdt. of RMS, First Class Postmaster (including Presidency Postmaster),Dy. Director Foreign Post Mumbai, Supdt. Foreign Post Kolkata and New Delhi, Group ‘B’ Postmaster Supdt. of Postal Seals, Aligarh. Principal of Postal Training Centre Dy. Supdt of RMS Director/Dy. Director PLI Kolkata Supdt. of Postal Stores Depot. Accounts Officer, ICO (SB) and Central Pairing Officer, New Delhi. Manager MMS. 20. POSTAL ACCOUNTS MANUAL VOLUME –I This manual contains rulings on the following subjects: - -: 96 :- Definitions and general system of Accounts. Organisation and Control Postal Accounts Work . POSTAL ACCOUNTS MANUAL VOLUME –II This manual contains rulings on the following subjects: Government Securities Post office Certificates Section (I) – Inland Money Order Section (II) – Foreign Money Order Indian Postal Orders British Postal Order International Reply Coupons Irish Postal Order Savings Bank etc. Transfer Entries Journal and Ledger Cost Calculation Pension Service and other Funds Capital Account Misc. I List of Account heads of the Postal Receipts and Disbursements (printed separately) 21. conducted in Postal Accounts Office Statement /Returns dealt with in the Account Current Section Period of preservation and destruction of records in Postal Accounts Offices List of Forms Referred to in Postal accounts Manual Vol. and Ddrawal of Pay and Allowances of Group ‘A’ or ‘B’ officers Internal Check Inspection and Appendices relating to Extent of Checks and Review. Authorisation. Custom Duty Army Postal Service Accounts and Appendices relating to: Periodical Returns to be rendered by the Branch Postal Accounts Offices List of Forms referred to in this Manual .-: 97 :Book and Compilation Remittances Annual Accounts of Central Govt. Checks Checking of Receipt Entitlement. Supdt. Os/Postmaster Gazetted. Sanction for the payment of the amount of a Saving Bank Account in the name of a deceased depositor Application for the purpose of availing the facility of automatic transfer from SB Account to RD account Register of automatic transfer from SB to RD account Proforma for the Register of applications for transfer received and advices of transfer dispatched Application for issue of a duplicate Pass book Incentive scheme for GDS Sub and Branch Postmaster Payment of P&T and Railway Pensioners through Post office Savings Bank. POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK MANUAL VOLUME –I This Manual contains Rulings on the following subjects: Savings accounts Recurring Deposit Accounts. APPENDIX –V TO THE POSTAL ACCOUNTS MANUAL VOL-I This Appendix contains List of Account Heads of Department of Posts Receipts and Expenditure. where the claim is prepared on legal evidence of heirship. Supdt. 2500/. towards SBCO Questionnaire for inspection of the office of AO ICO (SB) ./ Supdt.and above at BOs/ Single handed SOs Claim Application form for settlement of SB Account of the deceased depositor.-: 98 :- 22 & 23. Duties and Responsibilities of postmaster Time Deposit Accounts Public Provident Fund Accounts National Savings Scheme 1987 Monthly Income Account Scheme1987 and Appendices relating to: Cheque System in Post office Savings Bank Pay Roll savings scheme Preservation Period of SB Records Memo of admission of SB transfer Register of Verification memos for withdrawal of Rs. Responsibility of Divl. 24. Questionnaire for inspection of Saving Bank Branch and CO of Head Post office by the Accounts Officer ICO (SB) Questionnaire for inspection of SBCO by the Officer of the Circle office – Regional Director and Sr. .-: 99 :Statistical Highlights Syllabus for training of SB Counter Assistants Syllabus for training of Supervisor in SB Work. Partial payment and exchange of certificates Journals of certificates discharged and annual interest paid Memo of admission of payment Nomination Change of name of holder . Encashment of Certificates purchased from Provident Fund Encashment of certificates held in joining names Encashment of certificates at Branch Post Office. POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK MANUAL VOLUME II SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Definitions Delegation of duties Stocking and supply of certificates Custody of Certificates Maintenance of the Stock Register Disposal of surplus stocks Yearly lists of unsold certificates Yearly list of unclaimed certificates Application for purchase of certificates. Encashment of Certificates Payment of Annual Interest. Credit of Annual Interest in SB Accounts Payment of Annual Interest through banks Encashment of Certificates of minors. Identity Slips. Disposal of Applications of purchase received at Branch Offices Preparation of Journals of certificates issued Payment of certificates by branch offices authorized to do certificates work independently. Sale of certificates independently by selected branch post offices Sale of certificates through authorized Agents and payment of their commission through Post Office Maintenance of the applications for purchase.-: 100 :- 25. Encashment of certificates at an office other than the office at Registration.Signing of Application on behalf of Minors Modes of payment for certificates purchased Scrutiny of application for purchase and procedure for the issue of certificates Issue of Preliminary receipt Provisional receipts for certificates Purchase of certificates by persons living aboard. IV. And appendices Register of duplicate certificates issued Intimation of seizure of NSCs Claim application forms. where nomination registered Claim application forms. II. mutilation of defacement of certificates in the custody of the holder Issue of duplicate certificates Attachment of a certificate by a Court of Law. Indira Vikas Patra-Procedure to be followed Schedule of fees to be charged. Central Services class I. Loss. theft. MANUAL OF APPOINTMENTS AND ALLOWANCES This manual contains rulings relating to: Classification and Status of Services of Gazetted officers.-: 101 :Transfer of certificates from one Post Office to another Transfer of certificates from one holder to another Pledging of certificates as security Disposal of unclaimed and undeliverable certificates Certificates spoiled before issue Loss or theft of certificates before issue and from the custody of post office after issue. Payment of savings certificates to an authority empowered under the law Clerical or arithmetical mistakes in the issue of certificates Encashment of certificates held by Army and Air Force personnel Payment of the value of certificates in the name of deceased holders Head Office Weekly/Monthly Summaries Certificates Voucher List Social Security Certificates Sale of NSCs to non-Resident Indians Issue of a certificate to non-Resident Indian on encashment Kisan Vikas Patra-Procedure to be followed. Confiscation by Customs or Excise Authorities. destruction. for claims on legal evidence Sanction of deceased claim cases Register for watching settlement of claims Period of preservation of records. III. Additions to Pay other than Recurring Honoraria Additions to Pay (Recurring Honoraria) . 26. -: 102 :Classification and Status of Services Excluded from the Operation of the Civil Services (Classification Control and Appeal) Rules and Appendices relating to: - . POST OFFICE INSURANCE FUND This manual contains rules relating to: Definitions General Rules Life Insurance and Endowment Assurance Manner of effecting Insurance Manner of realizing Premia Payment of Policies Reduction.-: 103 :Medical aid to employees of the Deptt.Table III Post office Insurance Fund: Anticipated Endowment Assurance Table IV and Appendix relating to Procedure to be followed in connection with Proposals submitted by Defence Services Personnel. . Employees Dearness Allowance Winter Allowance Rates of Compensatory Allowance (Other than cost of living. Discontinuance or Commutation and other alterations. service Lapsing of Policies Revival of Policies Loan on Policies Post office Insurance Fund: Whole life Assurance–Table I Post office Insurance Fund: Endowment Assurance – Table II Post office Insurance Fund: Convertible Whole life Assurance. Surrender of Policies Policies held by Persons who have left the govt. Reimbursement of tuition fees in respect of children of Central Govt. 27. Water and house rent allowance) House rent allowance in lieu of free quarters List of officers entitled to rent free quarters Recovery of charges from officials who have been allotted insufficient accommodation Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules. Children’s Education Allowance to Central Government Employees. .D.D. POSTAL MANUAL OF S. Control Procedure C. CONTROL PAIRING AND INTERNAL CHECK ORGANISATION This Manual contains rules relating to: S. 29. 30. Name of Head Post office. Control Procedure C. Control Procedure P.P.B. Control Procedure T. Control Procedure R.D.B.C.O.O.B.D.).A.-: 104 :- 28.T. to circle Office and Postal Directorate. ALL INDIA PIN CODE DIRECTORY This Directory contains: - .S. (S.O. I. And annexures containing the specimens of the registers referred to in this Manual. Control Procedure N. Control Procedure F. (S. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF POST OFFICES This book contains: Alphabetical list of Name of Post offices Their status.D. Name of State/UT and Postal Index Number of that Post office.B) and Appendices relating to: Particulars of Register to be maintained by the Control Organisation Calender of returns to be submitted by the Control Organisation Particulars of statements to be submitted by the A.S.F.C. Certificate Control Procedure Procedure for Pairing Organisation Functions of I. Name of State/UT .-: 105 :Name of Post office Postal Index number of the Post office Their status Name of Head Post office. Speed Post. Data/Information furnished to Economic Editors Conference from . These documents include the records of movement and delivery of accountable articles like Registered Letters. Economic Survey portion pertaining to DOP from 2002 to 2005. Specific In addition to the documents relating to operations mentioned above. India – Reference Manual Portion relating to DOP from 2002 to 2005. savings bank and postal life insurance are also available in the post office and related administrative offices. The records relating to financial. These documents can be made available to public on request. Other documents available with nodal branches are as follows:Name of Section/ Division Corporate Planning Section Documents Draft National Postal Policy and related documents/papers Papers related to Expenditure Reforms Committee (ERC) and Manpower Planning of the Department. The record of movement of mailbags is also available. the respective offices have custody of the files dealt with by them in the discharge of their functions. especially in cases relating to accountable articles with acknowledgements where the acknowledgements have been misplaced and not received by the sender as required by him/her. Value payable articles. Money Orders. It is not possible to retain records beyond the prescribed period due to administrative reasons and space limitations. Insured Letters. Insured Parcels. All these records are available for a limited period of 6 months to 18 months depending on the product.-: 106 :- MANUAL-6 A STATEMENT OF THE CATEGORIES OF DOCUMENTS HELD BY US OR UNDER OUR CONTROL General The primary documents held by the Department relate to the work papers in respect of various products and services. -: 107 :2003 to 2005. . Delegation of Financial Power to Secretary and Member of the Postal Services Board. Files dealing with important policies relating to expansion/rationalization of the network. Action Take Note on recommendations of the Standing Committee of Parliament. Norms for opening of post offices/Punchayat Sanchar Seva Kendras. Policies relating to provision of letterboxes fulfillment of Universal Service Obligation. Material pertaining to DOP related to Standing Committee on Information Technology from 1992 to 2004-05. Vigilance Section Planning Section . STT Section Integrated Finance Wing Book Of Information and Annual Report General Financial Rules/Delegation of Financial Rules prescribed by Ministry of Finance. Communication/Interface with Planning Commission.-: 108 :Approved Plan documents from 1st Plan to 10th Plan. Papers related with collaborations made for optimizing the network. Documents relating to investigation of complaints of corruption against officers of the Department and documents relating to disciplinary cases which are secret/confidential in nature. Annual Plan Documents from 2002 to 2003 onwards up to 2005-06. Upgrading/Downgrading and closing of post offices. Calculation of income-cost norms for post offices. Reference received from circles with proposals for opening of post offices or renaming of post offices. Establishment Section Philately Section . Mails Division MIS on Mail Operations All India Postal Index Number (PIN) Code Directory.-: 109 :Papers relating to target allocations under annual plans and achievement made by various circles in respect of expansion of postal network and provision of infrastructural equipment to rural post office. Standard Format for Notice Inviting Tender for carriage of mail by Private transporter Standard format for Notice Inviting Tender for carriage of Domestic Mail by Private Airlines. Standard of work for jobs in Departmental libraries. Norms for supply of postal franking machine for use in post offices. Instructions for performance of various functions. Monthly statement of promotion and development of philately (Revenue Statement) Monthly statement with regard to opening of philatelic deposit account (PDAs). Monthly statement of fund utilization. Method for calculation of income and cost of post offices. Monthly statement of stock position of postage stamps and stationery. Time Factors for different items of work for deciding the establishment requirements of each office with respect to all categories of staff. Time factors for activities related to various services and operations of the Department. Financial Assistance in case of death of Postal Employees /GDSs etc. Scholarships for UPSC Examinations. while not on duty.-: 110 :Public Grievances Section Citizens Charter Compendium for redressal of public grievances. Fire and floods Financial Assistance in cases of prolonged and serious illness /major Surgeries. Scholarships for SC/ ST employees for Departmental Examination and higher education. Financial assistance for purchase of Mechanical/ Motorized Tricycle for orthopaedically handicapped employees Grant of educational assistance to the children of Postal Employees. List of computerised customer care centres Quarterly statement of complaints Statement on special drives Financial Assistance in cases of death of Postal Employees/GDSs etc Financial Assistance in case of death of Postal Employees /GDSs etc. Financial assistance for regular employees/ GDSs suffering from TB. Financial Assistance in cases of natural calamities. Grant of Financial Assistance for Extra Ordinary Leave and Half Pay Leave due to prolonged illness. robbers etc. Incentive for excellence in academic achievement for Xth & XIIth Class. while on duty. Scholarship for development of individual personality. by terrorists. while on duty due to accidents. Welfare & Sports Section . due to terrorist activity/ dacoits etc. Financial Assistance in case of death of Postal employees /GDSs etc. Financial assistance to the Central Postal Ladies Organisation and its subordinate organizationsin the Circles Financial Assistance to tailoring classes. Holiday Homes Financial assistance to Recreation Clubs.-: 111 :Grant of Scholarships and transport charges to handicapped children of Postal Employees Financial assistance for Excursion Trips. Financial Assistance to Residents Welfare Associations. Augmentation of Welfare Fund by voluntary contributions from the staff Grant of financial assistance on compassionate grounds. Facilities to Sportspersons prescribed by Department of Personnel and Training . In 1998. NIC and IIT. To avoid public inconvenience. The committee is now known as Technology Advisory Committee. They shall be users of the post offices.-: 112 :- MANUAL-7 ARRANGEMENT FOR CONSULTATION DAK ADALAT Dak Adalats are held at circle level in the first instance on a quarterly basis since11. Ultimate aim is to provide an on the spot redressal to the complainant. It is chaired by the Divisional head. It meets every three months. Post Forum is a representative body of users of a post office to advise the post office on matters of its service in public interest conceived in the widest sense. consultations at the formal levels takes place in the form of correspondence and reference from the public. Apart from the consultation in the above two bodies. Gradually. savings bank. the number of such Forums has increased as each post office where the Citizens Charter of the Department has been implemented is supposed to have a post Forum. Working Groups and Steering Groups where important stakeholders and experts are involved in decision making are also important consultative bodies whose views are important in the policy decisions of the Department.90. parcels. It consists of not more than 7 (seven) Members. The Standing Committee of Parliament and Consultative Committee where elected representatives are Members. POST FORUM A new venture to foster better relationship with clients and to create a ready responsiveness to public needs. under the orders of Minister of Stage (c). chaired by the Head of Circle with two other Members covers Pension cases and all types of problems relating to postal services like delay in transmission of mails. Delhi.9.10. its scope was further extended upto the Divisional level on quarterly basis. the Department of Posts had constituted a Standing Committee for conceptualizing design of new services and identifying appropriate technology comprising representatives from Department of Telecom. money orders. cash certificates and counter services. Post Forum was introduced on 10. Department of Electronics. speed post articles.90. The Adalat. Initially it was ordered to be introduced in at least three major post offices in circles. . 2.4. eminent philatelists and prominent personalities from the fields of Art and Culture.05. Official Language implementation Committee. Department of Economic Affairs and certain non-official members who are selected by a set procedure.05. This committee comprises official members from the Department of Posts. or until further orders. The minutes of such committees. are not opened to the public. are constituted periodically as and when the occasion demands. . Hon’ble MOC&IT in. 12. The terms of each non-official member of this committee is for a period of two years from the date of issue of the notification. o Department Promotion Committees are constituted for the purpose of giving benefits of promotion/financial upgradation to the staff of various cadres.-: 113 :Staff Associations/Unions are consulted under JCM Scheme. Other types of committees like Circle Management Committee. A philatelic Advisory “Committee (PAC) functions in the Department of Posts to advise the Government about the issue of Commemorative/Special Postage Stamps and other allied matters of philately including formulation of guidelines for issue of such stamps to ensure philatelic value of the stamps when issued.05.4.charge of the DOP is the co-chairman of the committee. Tender Committee etc. Sports Committee. It was last reconstituted by notification dated 22.05 and 10.5. They comprise Members of Parliament. however. 25. It is a recommendatory body. It functions under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOC&IT. which ever is earlier. Department of Posts). A part of the above. The deliberations are not open to the public but the decisions arrived at on important issues are well publicized. The Standing Committee and Consultative Committee of Parliament play a special role in formulation and implementation of the policies and programmes of the Department. The Board receives grants-in-aid for the purposes stated above from the Consolidated Fund of India. . Member (Development).-: 114 :- MANUAL-8 BOARDS. The JS&FA of the Department is a permanent invitee to the Board. The funds for the Circle Welfare Boards come from the Grants made out of the Central Welfare Board and voluntary contributions. sports. COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES The Postal Services Board comprising the Chairman (Secretary. Postal Services Board. COUNCILS. is earmarked for sports. not exceeding 30%. the Board is also represented by 7 Staff members and three members from recognized Unions. Member (Personnel) is the apex policy making administrative body. Inter-alia. develop. organize and exercise overall control in respect of staff humanities and Welfare Institutions. The Board reports to the Hon’ble MOC&IT and MOS(C&IT). Member (Operations and Marketing). athletics and cultural activities etc. The recognized staff unions. which hold meetings with the Postal Services Board under the JCM arrangement also have a say in the decisions of the Department. POSTAL SERVICES STAFF WELFARE BOARD (PSSWB): Postal Services Staff Welfare Board has been formed with the objective to promote. On a similar pattern the Circle Welfare Board have been formed in all the Circles under the presidentship of the respective Chief Postmasters General. Hon’ble Minister of Communications and Information Technology is the Chairman and Secretary Posts is the Executive Vice Chairman of the Board. Its meetings are attended by other Senior Officers as required according to the issues discussed. Secretary Postal Services Board is the President of Postal Directorate Staff Welfare Board. It is assisted by the Secretary. Inter-alia the Board is also represented by the Circle representatives. exhibitions.-: 115 :POSTAL SPORTS BOARD: The Postal Sports Board has been formed with the objective to promote. exercise overall control in respect of sports. meets and festivals incidental to these matters. On a similar pattern the Circle Sports Boards are formed in all the Circles under the presidentship of the respective Chief Postmaster General. comes out of the Grants made by the Postal Sports Board. develop. inter-alia. The finances of the Postal Sports Board comprise of grant-in-aid out of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Fund. organize. Secretary Posts is the Chairman and Member (Development) is the Vice Chairman of the Board. . The funds for the Circle Sports Boards. income from shows. athletics and cultural activities including tournaments. tournaments and souvenirs etc. K.110 003 Minister Dayanidhi Maran 24369191 24362626 24362333 24324332 24320445 24362626 24369191 24362432 24322422 24364700 24364949 (Fax) 23072222 23795353 26887967 24678458 26115046 PS OSD Addl PS Addl PS K. Nambiar A. Dak Bhawan. Nambiar 20306599 24678458 Addl. Mahalingam 20306599 26115046 Addl PS V. Gowthaman 20306599 MINISTER FOR COMMUNICATIONS & IT Electronic Niketan. Mahalingam V.-: 116 :MANUAL-9 A DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES MINISTER FOR COMMUNICATIONS & IT 2nd Floor.A. 6 CGO Complex. PS A.A. Sanjay Murthy OSD V. Lodhi Road New Delhi . New Delhi Designation Name(S/Shri) Direct EPABX Residence Minister Dayanidhi Maran 23716637 23716628 23716631 23716637 23716628 23716631 23712213 23716637 23716628 23716631 23716637 23716628 23716631 23716637 23716628 23716631 (Fax) 23072222 23795353 26887967 PS K.K. Gowthaman 23036812 23036800 23036734 . Sanjay Murthy V. N. New Delhi Minister of State PS Dr. New Delhi . Shakeel Ahmad 23372246 23714243 23372246 23372247 23372246 23372247 23372246 23372247 23372246 23372247 23073333 Hukum Singh Meena 24122828 OSD Addl PS 1st PA Rasheed Ahmad C. Shakeel Ahmad 23096172 23096167 23096172 23096172 23372160 23096172 23372160 23096172 23372160 23036219 23073333 Hukum singh Meena Rasheed Ahmad C.-: 117 :MINISTER OF STATE FOR COMMUNICATIONS MOS (C& IT) 1st Floor.110 001 Minister of State PS OSD Addl PS 1st PA Dr.N. Mishra Zia-ur-rehman 23743353 23717766 MINISTER OF STATE FOR COMMUNICATIONS MOS (C& IT) 3rd Floor. Mishra Zia-ur-rehman 23036219 23372160 23036219 6219 6219 24122828 23743353 23717766 . Dak Bhawan. Sanchar Bhawan. Promila Ray Ms. U. Srinivasa Raghavan Ms. Sansad Marg New Delhi . DDG (MM) Sr.) Ms. Gopinath 23096060 23036670 23096078 23036495 23096080 23036612 23096082 23036683 26112627 26147476 26886438 JS & FA Secretary (PSB) 23096083 23036905 23096088 23036492 24670692 24652353 HIGHER ADMINISTRATIVE GRADE OFFICERS SR. P. Sharma 23096087 23036433 23096044 23036947 23070922 26141933 . Ganesan & Chairman PS Board Member (P) Member (D) Member (O&M) G. Anju Dasgupta 23096092 23036657 23096097 23036267 23096116 23383980 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE GRADE OFFICERS DEPUTY DIRECTORS GENERAL DDG(CP) DDG(Estt. Mohana Kumar Ms. K. Rekha Gupta Ms.-: 118 :POSTAL SERVICES BOARD Dak Bhawan. Jyotsna Diesh Dr. DDG (PO&I) Ms.110 001 Designation Name (S/Shri) Direct EPABX Residence 2303 23385278 Secretary (Posts) R. Shoba Koshy A. DEPUTY DIRECTORS GENERAL Sr. Kumar Ms. Kavery Banerjee Ms. K. B. PN Amitabh Kharkwal FA FS E & MM PG & WS OL P. Gopinath Ms. Achla Bhatnagar Dr.) DDG(P) DDG(PG&QA) DDG(Phil) DDG(PAF) P. Sarkar DDG(Vig. Kalpana Tewari Ms. P.-: 119 :DDG(FS) DDG(Estates) DDG(IR) DDG(Med. Pushp Lata Singh 23096005 23036669 23096011 23036873 23096102 23036963 23096026 23036745 23096015 23036715 23096017 23036515 262667777 26177651 26268052 26131541 26496839 24604770 . K. Gopinath DIRECTORS Admn & CP. Divya Malhotra Ms. S. Sareen Ms. Swain R. S. K. Rameshwari Handa Ms. Anjali Devasher 23096088 23036492 23096089 23036287 23096090 23036962 23096091 23036465 23096093 23036795 23381482 24652353 22617694 24649721 23096094 23036172 95120-2511985 23096084 23036831 23096096 23036711 23096098 23036816 23096099 23036655 26258819 24354224 26180599 24652353 DDG(Tehnology) S. T. Singh P.) P. Bisoi P.I Tech .II Phil PO & I SR & Legal Staff SPN Tech . P. Singh R. IC/Computer G. Sharma S. Udita Chandra Kumar Niraj Kumar R. P. K. K.P. Tehering K. Kashyap Subhash Chander V. PPS to Secy J. Pratibha Nath 23096019 23036867 23096018 23036414 23096020 23036727 23096008 23036654 23096021 23036686 23096103 23036656 23096122 23036193 23096032 23036329 23096023 23036814 23096024 23036698 23096101 23036668 23096025 23036299 23388551 26492510 29941397 23387379 28544797 26256633 26112097 24627252 26142426 26261686 26102680 Sr.-: 120 :PA .2633433 ASSISTANT DIRECTORS GENERAL Admn.II T&E Vig.I PA . S. Vidushi Chaturvedi Ms. Bldg. D. Yadav P. VP Ms. Barmma Ms. Srivastava (Posts) 23096060 23036563 95120. Pillai Rajinder Kumar Lopamudra Mohanty 23096027 23036555 23036212 23036587 23383536 24616712 . K. C. S. Das A. Bahl Ms. Hena Usman S. Shobha Madhale B. Govindarajan 23036402 23096028 23036463 23036417 23036955 23096029 23036264 23096030 23036726 23096037 23036741 26345261 27561605 23711481 28333332 25910230 Costing & Rates Bhajan Singh ACAO (IC) DE Estt.S. Amarpreet Duggal Om Prakash M. Rawat . C.K.I INV . Krishnan MS.II IR Medical MPP Anand Prakash Prannoy Sharma Ashok Kumar T.I FA SBPG GA Ambika Prasad S.-: 121 :Accounts CP K. C. Estt.2461716 23036684 23036523 23036983 23096031 23036132 23096112 23036343 23036313 23036137 23096113 23036638 23036629 23036802 23367549 22442010 24652802 23074161 23699594 GDS IM INV .S. Panda Ms. D. Mehra P. Chopra 23036298 95124. Rao A. Pratihari Manager (NSD) SCT SGP SPN STT Tech. P.) Pen PG Phil PLG PO S.P. Dwivedi Sachin Kishore Sanjay Singh R. Srinivasan 23036336 23036239 23036356 23036561 23036354 23096032 23036329 23036349 22778544 23342529 23036341 95120-2630304 . Vig.C. I Vig. Manisha Mishra ADG & Project Ajesh Dubey Manager (IMTS&MF) ADG &Project P.-: 122 :PA (Admn.2504288 23096035 23036419 23096013 23036902 23096036 23036793 23096114 23036224 26522699 ADG (BS&SC) Ms.C. II Rajesh Singh S. Kardam 23096033 23036155 23036904 23714602 23036038 26141001 23096034 23036862 95120.S.P. Agrawal R. Pant R. S. Saroj Shailendra Ku.K. Shrivastava Mahendra Kumar B. Rakesh Gupta 23096022 23036569 27317762 Shiv Kumar Ravi Kumar 23314708 23036528 23314708 23036528 23073575 23382056 PARLIAMENT CELL Under Secy.K.) Sr. Malashwari Prashad 23714343 23036921 23328222 . (Civil) B.A.E.E. Bindal 23096067 23036450 25850587 S.E. Vincent Barla 23357600 23036833 26961983 RESIDENT AUDIT OFFICE Director General P&T Audit Ms. Dr. Vinod Kumar 23036339 23036292 23036481 24101951 ENGINEERING WING C. Dr. Architect V.K. Jain V.-: 123 :VIg. Jain V. III Dy.S.A.E (C) HQ S. (P&D) S. K. Dogra Parmjit Singh 23096069 23036475 23636588 23036331 22720535 95129-5258000 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE Technical Director P. K.S. S. (Elect. Director (Tech) System Analyst Bharat Ram N. ) DDG (Estates) DDG (P) DDG (Phil.) SO (Parlt. DDG (PO&I) DDG (CP) DDG (Estt. Mgt.) Director (FA) Director (WS/PG) Director (PA II) Director (SR & Legal) Director (Staff) Director (T&E) Director (VP) ADG (PA Admn) ADG (Phil.) DDG (PAF) DDG (Tech.-: 124 :FAX NUMBERS OF DAK BHAWAN Secretary (Posts) Member (P) Member (D) Member (O&M) JS & FA Sr.) DDG (Vig. DDG (MM) Sr.) Director (E&MM) Director (M.) ADG (IR) ADG (MO) ADG) & Project Manager (IMTS &MF) SB / PG Cell Under Secretary (Parlt.) 23096077 23096079 23096081 23096117 23096083 23096092 23096097 23096086 23096044 23096089 23096093 23096084 23096196 23096007 23096099 23096026 23096100 23096011 23096015 23096018 23096021 23096103 23096024 23096025 23096106 23096034 23096104 23096105 23096108 23096107 23357600 23327057 . -: 125 :BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE DAK BHAWAN. Sarma V.Mgt) AGM (P&L) M. J. GM S.S.110 001 Designation Name (S/Shri) Direct FAX Residence CGM (BD) Raghav Lal 23096055 23096095 23096056 23096057 23096110 23096100 23096100 26177127 26184789 23096144 23096095 23096126 23388436 23074040 DDG(MM&TS) Ms. Jambulkar Sushil Kumar 23096075 23096105 23096105 95120-2504322 DIRECTORATE POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE\ CHANAKYAPURI POST OFFICE COMPLEX NEW DELHI . SANSAD MARG. K.C. Smita Kumar T. NEW DELHI . Pati 24673587 24674794 24673958 26876809 26197085 26876809 23073483 . Devika Kumar GM (M) GM (P) AGM Director (M. Manju Pandey Ms. K. Bali S. Banerjee 23096025 23096016 23096074 23096016 23096025 26264834 Director (MV) T. Chakrabarti Ms.110 021 CGM Addl. Sen DGM (M) DGM (O) ADG (MO) Navin B. Director Jt. Director-I Jt. Roy Ms. Chief Postmaster General Ddg (Medical) T. Director -III Name (S/Shri) Harinder Singh Ms.500 001 STD CODE-HYD-040 Pr.G. GHAZIABAD . Hyderabad .S.-: 126 :POSTAL STAFF COLLEGE. Sharda Sampath Hyderabad Region Director of A/Cs (Postal) S. Hyderabad Region Yesodhara Menon 24744833 24600052 27843336 Director Postal Services. Rajendera Kumar Direct 2789060 2789061 2789394 2789070 2789466 FAX 2789503 2789679 2789394 2789070 2789466 Residence 22750870 2789770 2789083 2789505 2789370 ANDHRA PRADESH CIRCLE Dak Sadan. COMPLEX. Abidas. K. Narasimham 24741415 24743943 24746699 24613299 23112282 23307227 Director Postal Services M. INDIA C.O.201 001 FROM DELHI AND NCR CODE-95120 STD CODE-GHD-0120 Designation Director Addl. Sampath (HCR) Postmaster General. Director -II Jt. Trishaljit Sethi S. Indu Gupta A. Govindarajan 24744555 24744555 27847622 B. Tarachand Hyderabad-500 001 24745198 24742479 23307227 24741704 24734929 23704040 . Das Director Postal Services M. Guwahati . M.781 001 STD CODE-GUW-0361 Chief Postmaster General S.K. Vijayawada 2494685 2493709 2479564 2496324 2495830 2470352 STD CODE-VM-0891 S. Kurnool Region Kurnool .785 024 Postmaster General.D. Dibrugarh . Vijayawada .-: 127 :Postmaster General.V. Venkateswarlu Kurnool 251384 250700 220174 STD CODE-VJA-0866 Postmaster General Vijayawada Region.K.518 005 K. Prasad / CIFA Guwahati . Visakhapatham Region Visakhapatham-530 013 Director Postal Services Lalitendu Pradhan Visakhapatnam 2544934 2544934 2544931 2544930 2544934 2544481 ASSAM CIRCLE 4th Floor.786 001 A. Meghdoot Bhawan Panbazar. Kachari 2603636 2540130 2547380 2544838 2543563 2604646 2730996 2540216 STD CODE-DBR-0373 2329131 2329138 2302833 . Sundar Rajan 250210 250700 227922 Director Postal Services.N.520 010 Director Postal Services. Dibrugarh Region. Chakrabarti Postmaster General.R. Pania (Hq) Director Of A C/S (Postal) B. Brajesh Singh Patna . Sah 2282593 2282793 2281865 T.846 005 STD CODE-DRN-06272 Director Ram Bharosa 246191 246147 246192 .A.812 001 Director Postal Services (N) Muzaffarpur A.800 001 STD CODE-PT-0612 Chief Postmaster General S.800 001 SE (C) Patna -800 001 N. K. Muzaffarpur .P. Mohammad 2284171 2287958 2283178 POSTAL TRAINING CENTRE Darbhanga . Patna .781 001 STD CODE-GUW-0361 Director Ms. Charukesi 2607701 2607699 2607702 BIHAR CIRCLE Patna GPO Complex. Singh 2223152 2224468 2224446 2224468 2224446 2570111 STD CODE-MZ-0621 Postmaster General. J. Singh Director Postal Services (Hq) Anil Kumar 2225051 2225019 2225011 2204808 2225151 2225571 Director Of A/Cs (Postal) Dr.R. Q.-: 128 :POSTAL TRAINING CENTRE Guwahati . Muzaffarpur Region. 110 001 STD CODE-ND . Meera Handa 23554892 23550270 23553135 23515403 24350492 24358651 Director Postal Services Ms. Samant 23620144 23627114 26886296 Ms. Lind Road. P.0771 Chief Postmaster General Prithvi Raj Kumar Director Postal Services CAO/IFA B. S.492 001 STD CODE-RYP .011 Chief Postmaster General Postmaster General S. Sinha (R) Director of A/Cs (Postal) / A. Kanwar 2233400 2534194 2236495 2233194 2236671 2274805 2422100 DELHI CIRCLE Meghdoot Bhawan. New Delhi-110 002 Ms.110 054 Director. Foreign Post. N. Singh IFA Delhi . Tripathy B. New Delhi. Vandita Kaul (P) Director Postal Services K. Meera Ranjan Tshening 23554350 23682031 23813103 23811561 95120-950432 23239375 23235501 24627252 . K.-: 129 :CHHATTISGARH CIRCLE Raipur . 360 001 Ms. Rajkot .0265 Postmaster General.B. Radhika Doraiswamy 25505424 25505275 26441450 Director Postal Services Lt. Ahmedabad . M. Kadam 27412400 27492075 STD CODE-RJ .O. Jitendra Gupta Rajkot 2225003 2238928 2573126 STD CODE-VD .079 Chief Postmaster General Ms.C. Rajkot Region. D. Parmar Ahmedabad-380 001 25510090 25502440 26468169 22162939 STD CODE-AM .S. Anurag Priyadarshee Vadodara 2791890 2784921 2792427 2794915 2792457 2785300 . Chauhan 25501230 25505397 (Hq) Director of A/Cs (Postal) P. Bldg. Vadodara Region.079 SE (C) P. Narmpura Vistar Ahmedabad -380 013 H. Col. Vadodara 390 002 Director Postal Services.0281 Postmaster General. Iawaphinaw 2233200 2238928 2242090 Director Postal Services.380 001 STD CODE-AM .-: 130 :- GUJARAT CIRCLE Khampur. 0177 Chief Postmaster General K. Ambala .133 011 V.133 011 STD CODE-AB .K.390 001 Director Ms. Manju Kumar 2482686 2484538 2483167 HARYANA CIRCLE 107.01907 Director of A/Cs(Postal) Amarjeet Singh at Sundernagar/ IFA 266250 266475 267620 . Gupta 2629001 2620846 2803603 STD CODE-SUNDERNAGAR . C. Chadha 2643202 2641546 HIMACHAL PRADESH CIRCLE Kaithu.-: 131 :POSTAL TRAINING CENTRE Vadodara . Nair 2629000 2620351 2808609 Director Postal Services S. GPO Complex.0171 Chief Postmaster General Director Postal Services V. Ambala . Shimla .C. K.171 009 STD CODE-SM . The Mall Road.Roy 2603100 2603763 2603000 2603424 2602801 2603975 2632072 Director Of A/Cs (Postal) Ms. Kavita Singh Cao/Ifa SE (C) Ambala. Sk Region Bangalore -560 001 Director Postal Services.II 2480503 2480152 2480154 2482318 KARNATAKA CIRCLE Beaulieu. Banglore . Katiyar 22259618 2203042 26565161 . Prakash 22255824 25559960 Ms.P. Rajlingam 22255293 22268342 23634792 Dr. S.080 Chief Postmaster General Director Postal Services (Hq) Postmaster General. Sk Region.0651 Chief Postmaster General Kamleswar Prasad 2482345 2480153 2482346 Director Postal Services Anil Kumar . Janaki Ananthakrishnan 22865120 22867644 25705229 R.834 002 STD CODE-RCH .560 001 STD CODE-BG .560 001 CE (C) S&E Zone. Bangalore Ms.P. Bangalore Director of A/Cs (Postal) Bangalore. Meera Datta 22258832 22202607 25560800 K. Nair 22255293 26564266 S. Palace Road.-: 132 :JHARKHAND CIRCLE Doranda HO Complex. Ranchi . Rajan Director Postal Services (Hq) Director of A/Cs (Postal) Thiruvananthapuram695 033 K.S.-: 133 :SE (HQ) Bangalore SE© Bangalore SE (E) Bangalore N.570 010 STD CODE-MY .0471 Chief Postmaster General M.695 033 STD CODE-Thiruvananthapuram . P. K. Govinda 22872124 22874063 STD CODE-DWR .H. Dharwad H.S. Nk Region. Ramachandirann 2308300 2306500 2313000 2302330 2340222 N.K. Perumalsamy 2463840 2393080 2207200 . Dharwad-580 001 Director Postal Services.0836 Postmaster General. Sharma 2742001 2740237 2742002 Charles Lobo 2740400 2447753 POSTAL TRAINING CENTRE Mysore .0821 Director V. Meshram 22207163 22250716 25704820 S. Niranjan 22259231 22203041 23621284 D. Gupta 2520437 2522023 2521050 KERALA CIRCLE Thiruvananthapuram . Northern Region.673 011 K. K. S.0484 Postmaster General. Kozhikode. Sethy 2767900 2765091 2381500 Director Postal Services. Prakash Kozhikode 2766210 2382858 Madhya Pradesh Circle Bhopal .0731 Postmaster General. P. Ramanujan 2391800 2393080 2207200 Director Postal Services.-: 134 :STD CODE-KOCHI . Job Kochi 2391700 2663863 STD CODE-KOZHIKODE .682 016 M. Sarangi 2550838 2556547 2430200 2553776 2550624 2556547 2430810 Satish Kumar 2778867 2778867 STD CODE-ID . Indore-452 001 O.0495 Postmaster General. L. Madhu Narayanan Director Postal Services (Hq) Director of A/Cs(Postal) Bhopal B. Sharma Indore 2701440 2701432 2490678 . Veerwal 2702723 2701432 Director Postal Services.N.462 012 STD CODE-BP .0755 Chief Postmaster General Ms. Central Region Kochi . Shibu M.S. 400 001 Director Postal Services (Hq). K. Mumbai Director Postal Services.. K.P. Manju P. K. Srivastava 22620673 22620741 24166742 Col. S.2nd Floor Mumbai .022 Chief Postmaster General Postmaster General (MM) Postmaster General (MR) Postmaster General (FM) Mumbai .400 022 S.400 001 SE (C) Postal Civil Circle. Sion PO. Mumbai GM (Finance) Ms. Bldg. Nikhade 22692870 22693011 22692953 22620693 22624199 22620230 22262323 Director.400 001 STD CODE-MUMBAI . Mumbai GPO Mumbai . Noorjehan 22620049 22620829 23643647 Ms. Chowdhury Surya Prakash 24098243 24098443 24321774 .-: 135 :MAHARASHTRA CIRCLE Mumbai GPO Building. C. Humera Ahmed 22621890 22620088 26610155 A. 3rd Floor. Mumbai . Mishra Vsm 22614488 22665948 Ms.Pillai 22621539 22621290 Ashish Kumar 22665686 22624469 A. Panaji.S. Aurangabad G. Bali 24034191 24034181 24034191 25931634 STD CODE-AGH.440 010 Col.0240 Postmaster General. S.K. Bldg. Sandeep Patnaik Pune 26126157 26125368 26126100 26121175 26139002 .0712 Postmaster General.P. Nagpur . S. A Joshi 2225225 2446344 2281246 2446344 STD CODE-NP.B.E.0832 POSTMASTER GENERAL. Mumbai . Goa Region. M. Pune Region Pune .-: 136 :Sr. Dak Sadan. Joshi Postmaster General. K. Sinha Aurangabad Camp Po Compound. Haque Nagpur Director of A/Cs(P) Nagpur-440 001 Smt. Om Prakash 2560517 2523006 2561805 2565986 Director Postal Services.411 001 Director Postal Services.400 022 V. Shankarnagar Square.K. Aurangabad – 431002 Director Postal Services.020 A. Samant 2370822 2370064 2370424 2370186 2370030 STD CODE-PANAJI. Architect Sion PO. Panaji-403 001 A. Zaheer 2561796 2564110 2560255 2533970 2564816 2564816 2543050 STD CODE-PN. 791 001 Mangminthang 2323800 2323800 2209707 STD CODE-AIZWAL .795 001 2328024 2328641 2328025 STD CODE-IP .0385 Director Postal Services.. Agartala . Imphal . Manipur Dn. Pangernungsang 2224260 2224260 2224366 STD CODE-AGT.0364 Chief Postmaster General A.793 001 STD CODE-SH .0381 DIRECTOR POSTAL SERVICES. Mizoram Dn Aizawal .0389 Director Postal Services.795 001 2220264 2443844 . Tripura Dn.-: 137 :NORTH EASTERN CIRCLE Shillong . Ghosh Dastidar 2220579 2223034 2222760 2223800 2226129 2226164 2504392 2222548 2504799 2222326 2224922 2223455 224500 Postmaster General Lalhluna Director Postal Services (Hq) CAO /IFA Director of A/Cs(Postal) Shillong Abhinav Walia I. 0360 Director Postal Services.0674 Chief Postmaster General Ms. Nagaland Dn.R.760 001 Director Postal Services.Swain 2600227 2601228 2643378 STD CODE-BJ. Rakesh Kumar Arunachal Pradesh Dn.791 111 2214937 2212325 STD CODE-KHM-0370 Director Postal Services. Indira Krishna Kumar Director Postal Services (Hq) S.0671 Dy.797 001 2290597 2290601 2245328 ORISSA CIRCLE Bhubaneswar .0674 CIFA Bhubaneswar-751 001 Anil Kishore 2392296 2394055 2504782 STD CODE-CK. Director of A/Cs (P) Cuttack-753 004 S. Itanagar .N.-: 138 :- STD CODE-ITANAGAR..0680 Postmaster General Berhampur (GM) Berhmapur .Nanda 2201555 2212100 200100 2222101 221400 . Berhampur A.. Swain 2392000 2394790 2400500 2391426 2391788 2391100 STD CODE-BBS.751 001 STD CODE-BBS. Kohima . 3rd Floor Sector . K. Madhuri Dabral Sharma Chandigarh Director (F) Ms.-: 139 :STD CODE-SMB.0674 Manager S.L. Khanna Ms. Ms. Sambalpur Director Postal Services. Dash 2580680 2580680 2370860 PUNJAB CIRCLE Chandigarh GPO Bldg. Sukhvinder Kaur 2706700 2721670 2639428 2709572 2704740 2704813 2711721 2695636 Director Postal Services. Kamila Sambalpur 2400026 2410230 2400501 2401009 2410230 2401201 POSTAL PRINTING PRESS Bhubaneswar . Sharon S.0172 Chief Postmaster General L. Gupta 2709087 2713464 2747443 2726524 2636044 .751 010 STD CODE-BBS. Sambalpur Region.17/E Chandigarh STD CODE-CHD.Puri Postmaster General Director Postal Services (Hq) K.0663 Postmaster General.C.K. S. -: 140 :RAJASTHAN CIRCLE Sandar Patel Marg. Jaipur - 302 007 STD CODE-JP- 0141 Chief Postmaster General Ms. Manjula Prasher Director Postal Services Director of A/Cs(P) Jaipur-302 004 Ms. Sarita Singh Shivendu Gupta 2372020 2366151 2376470 2369779 2385100 2623673 2620647 2370330 STD CODE-AR- 0145 Postmaster General, Southern Region, Ajmer-305 006 Jaswinder Singh 2433602 2433101 2626228 Director Postal Services, Shailendra Dashora Ajmer 2432602 2433101 2643411 STD CODE-JPR- 0291 Postmaster General, Western Region, Jodhpur-342 001 Faiz-Ur-Rehman 2432800 2432940 2432870 Director Postal Services, P. K. Tripathi Jodhpur 2430902 2432940 2432902 -: 141 :TAMIL NADU CIRCLE Anna Road, Chennai - 600 002 STD CODE-CHENNAI- 044 Chief Postmaster General Ms. Vatsala Raghu GM (PA & F) Ms. Radha A. Nanjanath 28520367 28521199 24671809 28260272 28260273 24469171 Postmaster General (MM) Ms. Karuna Pillai Postmaster General, Chennai City Region, Chennai Director Postal Services (Hq) T. Paneerselvam 28521608 28521154 24469366 28520276 28521989 26441375 B. Selvakumar 28520241 28528500 24899877 Director Postal Services, Sumathi Chennai City Region Ravichandran Director Foreign Post & Mktg. Chennai - 600 001 Director of A/Cs (P) Cheenai- 600 008 D. V. Mahesh 28521496 28521496 26440634 25240963 25240962 25240965 K. Geethanjali 28278013 28273320 22313825 STD CODE-MA- 0452 Postmaster General , Southern Region, Madurai-625 002 A. Annamalai 2532244 2530593 2529012 Director Postal Services, K.Balasubramanian Madurai 2531893 2530593 2530873 -: 142 :STD CODE-CBT- 0422 Postmaster General, (WR) Ms. Shanthi Nair Coimbatore-641 002 Director Postal Services, V. Rajarajan Coimbatore 2554100 2553700 2233800 2556939 2545082 2543001 2546412 2431000 STD CODE-TR- 0431 Postmaster General, Central Region, Trichy-620 001 Hilda Abraham 2463600 2463605 2463699 STD CODE-TR- 0431 Director Postal Services, R. Anand Trichy 2460637 2461758 2415199 POSTAL TRAINING CENTRE Madurai - 625 022 STD CODE-MA- 0452 Director P.P.Adithian 2690030 2690689 2690031 UTTAR PRADESH CIRCLE 4, Hazratganj, Lucknow - 226 001 STD CODE-LW- 0522 Chief Postmaster General Ms. V. T. Sheth Director Postal Services (Hq) Director of A/Cs (P) Lucknow- 282 001 Ms. Abha Singh 2622000 2616855 2614488 2616812 2311333 Rajeev Kant Pal 2374075 2371994 2331600 -: 143 :STD CODE-AG- 0562 Postmaster General, Agra Region Agra - 282 001 Kamlesh Chandra 2363310 2267716 2363810 Director Postal Services, Ms. Ranju Prasad Agra 2363315 2261606 2361188 STD CODE-KP- 0512 Postmaster General, Kanpur-208 001 Ms. Neelam Srivastava 2306022 2306366 Director Postal Services, Chandra Prakash Kanpur 2306176 2306968 2381884 STD CODE-GR- 0551 Postmaster General, Gorakhpur-273 008 Kulbir Singh 2200844 2203024 2233699 Director Postal Services, Bahadur Singh Gorakhpur 2201966 2200895 2200293 STD CODE-BR- 0581 Postmaster General, Bareilly-243 001 R.R.P. Singh 2427005 2427426 2427015 STD CODE-BR- 0581 Director Postal Services, Ms. Asha Rani Bareilly 2427225 2411136 2422944 STD CODE-AD- 0532 Postmaster General, Allahabad Ashutosh Tripathi 2624887 2420372 2623288 Director Postal Services, Udai Krishna Allahabad 2623775 2624331 2401606 -: 144 :- Prasad 22259909 22121286 .M.0132 Director H. Das Kolkata Postmaster General (MM) A.700 012 STD CODE-KOLKATA. Kolkata Region. Kolkata P. Lal 22120374 22120374 M.247 002 STD CODE-SHN. S.S.033 Chief Postmaster General P. Amrit Raj 2658396 2650065 2658045 2658806 2761677 WEST BENGAL CIRCLE Yogayaog Bhawan. Kolkata . Chatterjee 22120070 22120811 25255537 22253800 22120139 22120122 24499985 Director Postal Services (Hq) DDG (Medical) Postmaster General.-: 145 :POSTAL TRAINING CENTRE Saharanpur .248 001 STD CODE-DN.0135 Chief Postmaster General Ms.K.C. Agrawal 2644247 2647477 2643555 UTTARANCHAL CIRCLE Dehradun . Suneeta Trivedi Director Postal Services Ms.Kumar 22121880 22120077 24439498 22253646 22120231 22121917 24647491 Director Postal Services. 03592 Director Postal Services.700 001 SE (C) Sr. Biswas 22120858 22120860 22120676 22120676 23557524 22120280 STD CODE-SLI-0353 Postmaster General. Gupta 22105150 22105611 24485292 A. Sikkim State (Gangtok) 222610 222165 .K.-: 146 :Postmaster General.734 401 Director Postal Services. Architect Kolkata . Rakshit T. Panda 22121080 22121051 22409080 22253929 Director Postal Services.700 001 GM (PA & F) Director of A/Cs (P) Kolkata-700 012 Director GPO Kolkata . Siliguri .K.700 012 K. Ganguli Ms. Kailaghat Street. De 22121656 22120526 24369515 22120155 22121393 25544847 A. Bhattacharya SB Region Kolkata Director Foreign Post Kolkata Director (PLI) 7. (SB Region) Kolkata-711 112 J. Bhagat Harpreet Singh 22120144 22120692 24635010 22481523 22481523 24487079 22105789 22105788 24654368 A. G. North Bengal& Sikkim Region. Kolkata .K. S. Nb & Sikkim Region John Samuel 2436550 2436530 2520852 2436530 2436700 2435222 2436529 STD CODE-GTK. Puram. R. New Delhi . Directorate General of APS West Block III. DGAPS Brig A.-: 147 :ARMY POSTAL SERVICE CIRCLE Addl.110 066 Addl.K. Shori Dir APS (AHQ) Jt Dir APS (PLI) Col V Ramulu 26106698 26712215 26141028 26140911 Lt Col S F Hussain Rizvi 26152474 CENTRAL BASE POST OFFICE 1 CBPO/CO 56 APO Commandant 1 CBPO 2CBPO C/O 99 APO Commandant 2 CBPO Col Sanjay Sharan Col (Mrs) Meena Datta STD CODE-ND.K.0141 Brig APS HQ Brig G Bhuyan Southern Command Jaipur (Rajasthan) 8292820 2231408 .033 Brig APS HQ Eastern Command Kolkata-700 021 Brig Y S Mohan 22480318 22480318 22130040 STD CODE-JP.011 26149673 26149673 26143640 26141463 STD CODE-KOLKATA 25005575 25005655 25007096 COMMANDS STD CODE-kolkata.011 26103847 26712215 26148875 26104948 26142230 26106764 26108140 26152755 26145530 Dy. DG APS Maj Gen V Sadasivam STD CODE-ND. -: 148 :STD CODE-CHANDIMANDIR.411 011 26360310 26360218 STD CODE-LKO.01992 Director APS HQ Northern Command Udhampur-181 101 Col Jaleswar Kanhar 243051 243051 242205 APS CENTRE Commandant APS Centre Kamptee .0172 Brig APS HQ Western Command Chandimandir -134 107 Brig Sanjeev Thapar 2589973 2589973 2589389 STD CODE-PUNE.441 001 second-in-Command Col R K Maharaj STD CODE-KAMPTEE.07109 288548 288548 288748 .0522 Director APS HQ Central Command Lucknow .226 002 Col Sukhdev Raj 2480560 2480507 STD CODE-Udhampur.020 Director APS Col M Eleesha HQ Southern Command Pune . Asstt.18400-500-22400 Senior Administrative Grade Junior Administrative Grade Rs. ‘A’) . SSRMs. SSPOs. General Managers Director (MV) Director (NFSG) Directors Assistant Directors General.-: 149 :- MANUAL-10 MONTHLY REMUNERATION RECEIVED BY EACH OF THE OFFICER AND EMPLOYEE.12000-375-16500 Rs. The GDS employees receive Time Related Continuity Allowance (TRCA) + 67% DA. Category Secretary Member Higher Administrative Grade Designation DG Posts/Secretary Members postal services Board Principal Chief Postmaster General Chief Postmaster General Sr Deputy director General CGM BD Directorate CGM PLI Director Postal staff College India Postmasters General.(fixed) Rs 24050-650-26000/Rs 22400-600-26000 Rs 22400-525-24500/Rs 22400-525-24500/Rs 22400-525-24500/Rs 22400-525-24500/Rs 22400-525-24500/Rs. Details are given below. Dy.10000-325-15200 Senior Time Scale (IPS Gr.01. Postmasters General Pay Scale Rs 26.14300-400-18300 Rs. Directors. Dy.000/. INCLUDING THE SYSTEM OF COMPENSATION AS PROVIDED IN THE REGULATION The Departmental officers and employees receive Basic Pay + DP(50% of Basic Pay) + DA @ 17% as on 01. Details are furnished below. + Special disturbed area allowance (where applicable).2005 + NPA+ HRA (if admissible)+ CCA (if admissible)+ Special allowance attached to the post.14300-400-18300 Rs. Directors General. 4000-6000 Rs.800-275-13500 Rs.7450-225-11500 Rs.-: 150 :Junior Time Scale (IPS SSPOs.4000-6000 (Entry) Postmen (Entry) (TBOP) Rs.6500-10500 Rs.5500-9000 Rs.6500-200-10500 Rs. SSRMs.5000-8000 Rs.4500-700 .6500-10500 Rs.4500-7000 Rs. Manager(MMS) Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted HSG-1/ASPOs Inspectors Group ‘C’ Postal Assistant (BCR) (TBOP) Rs.3050-4500 (BCR) Group ‘D’ (BCR) (TBOP) Rs.2550-3200 (Entry) Rs.’A’) Assistant Postmasters General Senior Hindi Officer Senior Manager (MMS) Manager (MMS) (General Central Services Gr. Accountants Officer Accounts Officer Asstt.3050-4500 Rs. ‘A’) Group ‘B’ Posts SPOs/SRMs/AD Postal/Supdt.8000-275-13500 Rs.6500=10500 Rs.7500-250-12000 Rs.Dy. PSD/CSD.8000-275-13500 Rs.2650-4400 Rs. SPOs/Administrative officer in Training Centres and R&D) Section Officer Hindi Officer Sr. Accounts Officer Dy. Gr.10000-325-15200 Rs.10000-325-15200 Rs.7500-250-12000 Rs. 1740-30-2660 (For those with work load more than 3 hours 45 minutes) Rs.1280-35-1980 (For those with work load up to 3 hours) Rs.1600-40-2400(For those with work load more than 3 hours ) Rs.1220-20-1600 (For those with work load up to 3 hours 45 minutes) GDSDA/GDSSV GDSBPM GDSSPM Rs.1545-25-2020 (For those with work load more than 3 hours 45 minutes) Rs.1375-25-2125 (For those with work load up to 3 hours 45 minutes) Rs.-: 151 :Gramin Dak Sewaks (GDS) (1)TRCA for GDSMCs/GDS Packers/GDS Runners GDS Messengers and others (2) Rs.2125-50-3125 . 625 Million. 13. this year also the Department was able to keep the expenditure within the ceiling fixed by the Ministry of Finance through strict budgetary control and close monitoring of expenditure. 57.e. 42. Post Offices perform agency functions like Savings Bank. Remuneration from Savings Bank and Savings Certificates was Rs. Sale of Cash Certificates etc.569. Gross working expenditure for the year 2003-2004 was Rs.09 Million (see table 13). The latter amount has been reflected under “recoveries”.360. the deficit of the Department was pegged at Rs. Therefore.61 Million against the previous year’s expenditure of Rs. .039. 1.75%). This increase in expenditure was mainly due to enhanced payment of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief and related Pensionary charges. an increase of about 4. despite increase in salaries and Pensionary charges. Payment of Pension.752. In keeping with the trend of the last five years.-: 152 :- MANUAL-11 BUDGET FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The Department of Post provides services to the public through a large nation wide network of Post Offices.23 Million. 54.761. 17. 23.29 Million. on behalf of other Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and other organizations.687. Besides providing purely postal services.27 Million came from Postal Services while the amount received from other Ministries/Departments as Agency charges was Rs.5 Million (i. The Department earned a total revenue of Rs. of which Rs. 9 54.0 15.1 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE (FOR THE YEAR 2003-2004) (Rs.80% 0.257.76% (-)5.51% 1. This includes service charges retained by the Department of Posts from sale of Passport Application Form.5 2 57.402.3 13.34 17. Passport Fee Stamps.2 3 3.181.6 1 1. 0 1.559.740.752.205.0 36.0 0 1.173.306.205.09 56.62 11.80% 13. .360.810.5 2 13.4 3.5 8.77% 4.644.039.62% 5. receipts from other Postal Administrations etc.5 1.30% 4.1 9 1.0 53.021.75% 1.948. Remuneration for Saving Bank/Saving Certificates Work *Other Receipts Total Expenditure General Administration Operation Agency Services **Others Total Gross Expenditure Less Recoveries Net Expenditure Deficit (Net ExpenditureRevenue) * 3.17% Actuals 2002-03 Actuals 2003-04 %age Inc(+)/Dec(-) over previous year.4 10.5 13.01% 6.321.66% 11.967.3 1 3.02 42.95 37.7 40.18% 4.0 3.247.331.770.2 9 (-)8.761.946.096.3 1. in Million) Particulars Revenue Sale of Stamps Postage Realised in Cash Commission on Money Orders and Indian Postal Orders etc.95 14. Central Recruitment Fee Stamps.625.79% 9.61% 6.011.-: 153 :- TABLE.838.569. -: 154 :- ** This includes Wages. Amenities to Staff. Maintenance. Supplies. . Professional Services. Rent and Taxes. Office Expenses. Overtime Allowance. Material. Machinery and Equipment and Other Administrative Expenses etc. Pension charges. Military Pension Payment of Coal Miners and EPF/Family Pension & other Misc.79 0.75 36. 9.00 42.80 0.20 1021. remuneration for Saving Bank and Saving Certificates work etc. of International Money Transfer – Western Union Scheme Telegraph share of Combined Offices *Others Total 0.0 9 * This includes Commission on sale of Non-Postal stamps of Delhi Administration. in Million) Sl. the deficit of the Department was only Rs.00 37. 2. No Head of Account 2002-03 Actuals 200304 Actual s 1. 4.-: 155 :- TABLE-2 RECOVERY OF WORKING EXPENSES ON ACCOUNT OF AGENCY SERVICES IN 2002-03 AND 2003-04 (Rs. besides containing the expenditure within the ceiling fixed by the Ministry of Finance.60 139.00 38. 8.00 0.06 28. 3. This trend of gradual increase in postal deficit and the consequent dependency on budgetary support has been arrested by generating more revenue through different new services introduced by the Department.80 1039. Recoveries from Army Postal Service Accounts and other Government Departments.00 18. The earnings of the Department are in the form of ‘Recoveries’ and ‘Revenue’ and the details of the latter are listed in Table 13.10 34.00 24.10 111. 5. Services Payment of Railway Pension Postal Life Insurance Custom Duty Realization Mahila Samridhi Yojna Commission on A/c. in the financial year 2003-04.50 187. 6.80 579. receipts from other premium services. Therefore. Earnings from ‘Revenue’ accrue from sale of postal articles.33 72. commission on Money Orders and Indian Postal Orders.26 709. . 7. -: 156 :13,752.23 Million, i.e. 0.79% more than previous year’s deficit of Rs. 13,644 Million, despite an appreciable increase in Working Expenses, due to the appreciable increase registered in Revenue Receipt and Recoveries. The funds made available by the Ministry of Finance for ‘Working Expenses’ and ‘Capital Outlay’ during the year, were appropriately utilized. Surplus funds were surrendered in time to the Ministry of Finance as a result of continuous and timely monitoring of fund utilization. -: 157 :- TABLE 3 FUNDS SURRENDERED AND SAVINGS DURING 2003-04 (Rs. in Million) Nature of Expenditure Budget Est. Suppl. Grant/ Re-app. 3201 Working Exp 2552 Prov. For the Development of North East Region Total working Exp. 5201 Capital Exp. 4552 Prov. for the Development of North East Region Total Capital Exp. Total Working Exp. + Capital Exp. 55940.10 13.40 2127.10 0.00 58067.20 13.40 57360.6 1 0.00 -706.59 -13.40 Total Actual Expd. Excess(+)/ Saving(-) Amount Surrendere d/Re-app. 103.74 13.40 Saving s 602.85 0.00 55953.50 1215.21 76.40 2127.10 78.80 0.00 58080.60 1294.01 76.40 57360.6 1 483.60 0.00 -719.99 -810.41 -76.40 117.14 680.50 76.40 602.85 129.91 0.00 1291.61 57245.11 78.80 2205.90 1370.41 59451.01 483.60 57844.2 1 -886.81 -1606.80 756.90 874.04 129.91 732.76 Capital Outlay The expenditure on fixed assets in the year 2003-04 was Rs. 489.10 Million, of which 30.46% was on Land and Buildings, 39.31% on Mechanization and Modernisation of Postal Services, 25.37% on Railway Mail Vans and 4.86% on other items including Mail Motor Vehicles. The value of Gross Capital on fixed assets rose to Rs. 11,561.50 Million at the end of the year. The net progressive fixed asset value upto the end of the year was Rs. 9,827.80 Million. -: 158 :- MANUAL-12 MANNER OF EXECUTION OF SUBSIDIES COST OF SERVICES (In Rs.) 2001-02 (Actual) Sl. Name of Service No. Average Cost 6.65 6.67 4.63 6.65 7.43 8.29 12.9 8.28 12.9 12.9 5.98 62.4 33 45.1 21.8 42.6 52.7 67.7 20 16.5 Average Revenue 0.46 2.83 4.83 2 7.28 0.37 0.85 7.53 3.36 7.4 2.83 50.1 16.5 37.2 4.04 66 25.4 27.4 1.36 23.9 2003-04 (Projection) Average Cost 6.64 6.66 4.72 6.63 7.33 8.25 13 8.25 13 13.1 5.85 67.4 33 44.6 20.4 44.1 53.8 70.3 21.6 13.9 Average Revenue 0.5 6 10 2.5 9.46 0.39 0.88 7.67 3.85 14.2 3 55.3 17 35.6 3.98 53.5 25.4 27.4 1.36 22.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Postcard Printed Postcard Competition Postcard Letter Card (Inland Letter) Letter Regd. Newspaper-Single Regd. Newspaper-Bundle Book Post-Book, Pattern & S.Pkts. 9 Book Post-Printed Books 10 Book Post-Other Periodicals 11 Acknowledgement 12 Parcel 13 Registration 14 Speed Post 15 Value Payable Post 16 Insurance 17 Money Order 18 Telegraphic Money Order 19 Indian Postal Order 20 Foreign Mail The difference between the cost and revenue is equivalent to the subsidy for each of the products mentioned above where the cost is more than the revenue. -: 159 :In the inherent norms for opening of post offices, subsidies are inbuilt as post offices in hilly, tribal, desert and remote areas are opened even if they cover just 15% of their costs, in normal areas if they cover 33.33 % of cost. -: 160 :- MANUAL-13 PARTICULARS OF RECIPIENTS OF CONCESSIONS, PERMITS OR AUTHORISATIONS GRANTED The conditions for posting of items with respect to packing, franking and postage requirements etc. are provided in detail in the Post Office Guide Vol. II & I. These rules apply uniformly over a given category of postal articles. Special rates are charged in respect of the following categories of the articles:a. Book Packets containing printed books subject to conditions like periodicity of publication (it should not be published at regular intervals), packing (inscribed as “Printed Books”), contents (Reading or study material for students), no advertisements, name of printer or publisher, should contain only printed material. Book packets containing periodicals subject to the conditions that it is registered with the Registrar of Newspapers in India under the press and registration of Books Act, 1867, bears this registration number prominently, other provisions relating to prohibitions, size, weight, packing and penalty of reach of conditions as applicable. Blind literature packets are exempted from payment of postage and also from the payment of registration fee, fee for acknowledgement, fee for the attested copy of the receipt. They are transmitted by surface route only but Air lift can be given on payment of Airmail charge. Registered newspapers as per the definition and conditions provided in the Post Office Act are eligible for special postage rates. The details are available in the Post Office Guide Vol. I. b. c. d. Other useful links. The facility to track and trace delivery and movement of speed post articles and to register complaints on the website for all postal services is also provided on the website. Descriptions of financial services. This includes the PIN Code Directory. double handed and more than double handled post offices in urban and rural areas. . Book of Information. Citizens’ Charter. Circle-wise number of Villages with and without post offices. Physical and Financial targets and actual achievements (Scheme/activity-wise) from 9th Plan (Year-wise) and 10th Plan (up to 2004-05). circle-wise number of single handed. List of Holidays. circle-wise number of letterboxes in urban and rural areas. outlays and actual utilization of funds scheme-wise for North Eastern Region from 2002-03 to 200405 is also available electronically. Description of basic postal services. with break-up Urban and Rural areas. Contact details etc. average area and population served by a po9st office. List of Circle-wise number of Post Offices. Tender Information. norms for opening of post offices are also available in electronic form. Annual Report. Description of premium services. circle-wise number of PSSKs. number of villages with and without letterboxes. Postage Calculator. circle-wise Gram Panchayat villages with and without post offices. the PIN Code Directory is also available in CD Form. Apart from the above.-: 161 :- MANUAL-14 INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN ELECTRONIC FORM A lot of information of interest to the public is available in electronic form on the Department’s Website. Philately. Each post office also acts as a dissemination point for information related to the Department. There is a separate enquiry counter or an Information and Facilitation Counter in larger post offices. Hard copies are also available in Administrative Offices for reference. Pamphlets for providing basic information to all customers regarding postal services. which has to be obtained from other offices in the network. The Post Office Guide Part-I. financial services and premium products are also made available. Part-II and Part –IV also provides basic information of interest to the public in relation to the organization and services. . The Annual Report and Book of Information which contain important information about the Department are available on the website. Each post office also acts as a collection point for requests for obtaining information.-: 162 :MANUAL-15 FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC FOR OBTAINING INFORMATION The basic information of interest to the public is available on the Department’s website. Fax (011) 23096094 23036172 23096107 E mail : dop.-: 163 :- MANUAL-16 NAME. Dak Bhawan. DESIGNATION AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS LIST OF CENTRAL PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (CPIOs) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF POSTS.com . New Delhi-110001. Room No. Sansad Marg. Kalpana Tewari Deputy Director General (Public Grievances ) & Central Public Information Officer Department of Posts. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS. NEW DELHI (POSTAL DIRECTORATE) Smt. 207.rti@gmail. Tel. Guwahati Division. Supdt. Chowkidingi. Dibrugarh Region. PIN 781001 0361/ 2540130 FAX NO. Dibrugarh O/o Supdt. 4th Floor. Assam Circle. Pan Bazar. Meghdoot Bhawan. DPS (Staff). 2319089 03662/230451 0361/2540642. Path. g. Road. M G Road. Dibrugarh Division.-: 164 :- 1. 2540641 .. of POs. B. Meghdoot Bhawan. Guwahati DPS (HQ) O/O the Chief Postmaster General. Dibrugarh O/o Supdt. DhubriO/O the Postmaster General. Post Office Road. Dhubri O/o Sr. Silchar Supdt. E-MAIL ADDRESS 0361/ 2543563 Cachar Darrang Dhubri Dibrugarh SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs Asstt. Trunk Road. K. SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs 788001 784001 783301 786001 03842/263035 263854 03712/220359 223332 03662/ 230450 0373/ 2328162 03842/263865 03712/220360 03662/ 230450 0373/ 2329138 Dibrugarh Goalpara Guwahati 786001 783301 781001 0373/2325721 03662/ 230450 230131 0361/2540641 0373/2326041. of POs. of POs. M. Panbazar. of POs. Darrang Division. of POs. Guwahati Sr. 3rd floor. Tezpur Goalpara Dn. R. Supdt. Cachar Division. Guwahati PHONE NO. Goalpara Division. ASSAM POSTAL CIRCLE NAME OF DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS DISTT /DN. Sivasagar Division. Postmaster Post Office Road. Barama Road. Postmaster. Nagaon SSPOs O/o Supdt. Post Office Road. Tinsukia 781001 785001 782001 782001 781335 781335 0361/ 2605952 0376/ 2320137 03672/ 254596 03672/254596 237380 03624/ 220491 03624/220491 0376/ 2320137 03672/ 235957 03672/231475 03624/ 220491 03624/220492 788001 785001 03842/ 237230 0376/2320137 0376/2325342 Tezpur Tinsukia SSPOs SSPOs 784001 786125 03712/ 220359 0374/2337215 03712/ 220359 0374/2330121. Thana Road. Tezpur O/o Supdt. of POs. NalbariBarpeta Division..-: 165 :- Guwahati Jorhat Nagaon Nagaon Nalbari NalbariBarpeta Silchar Sivasagar Sr. Barama Road. Farida Manjil. Tinsukia Division. 2337215 . of POs. Nalbari Sr. College Road. Silchar HPO SPOs O/o Supdt. of POs. of POs. Jorhat Darrang Dn. Nagaon Division.. Post Office Road. Meghdoot Bhawan. Post Office Road. 1st Floor. Nalbar SPOs O/o Supdt. Nagaon SSPOs Nalbari-Barpeta Dn. College Road... “Farida Manjil”. JorhatSPOs Nagaon Dn. Guwahati GPOSSPOs Savasagar Dn. Supdt.-: 166 :2. Supdt. Supdt. SPOs Supdt. POSTAL ADDRESS PHONE NO.Gudur Dn SPOs Guidivada Dn SPOsGuntakal Dn SPOsGuntur Dn. SSPOs Supdt. SPOs Hanamkonda-Dn SPOs Mabubnagar-Dn SPOsHindupur Dn 24743943 08732-23105 231302 222318 242045 226133 242045 08812-230651 08624-251304 08674-242548 226523 0863-2255977 0870-2455872 08542-242960 220452 24613299 231302 222318 242045 226133 242045 08812-230651 08624-251304 08674-242548 226523 0863-2255977 220452 . SPOs SPOs SPOs Supdt. Hyderabad Adilabad Amalapuram Anakapalle Ananthapur Chittoor Cuddapah Eluru Gudur Guidivada Guntaka Guntur Hanamkonda Hanamkonda Hindupur DESIGNA TION DPS (HQ) Supdt. SPOsAmalapuram Dn SPOsAnakapalle Dn SPOsAnanthapur Dn SSPOsChittoor Dn SPOsCuddapah SPOsEluru Dn SPOs. Supdt. E-MAIL ADDRESS O/o Pr.CPMG. Supdt. ANDHRA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE NAME OF DISTT /DN. FAX NO.Hyd SPOsAdilabad Dn. Chief PM Asst. SPOs Narasaraopet Dn SSPOsNellore Dn SPOsParvathipuram 2364290 0870-5564679 08742-224658 251294 241081 08672-223587 08452-221386 08682-224267 242602 08647-222681 0861-2331681 221040 2364290 08742-224658 251294 241081 08672-223587 242602 08647-222681 0861-2331681 221040 .GPO PMG Hyd 24745375 24604567 24745978 24741282 24744375 Kakinada Karimnagar Khammam Kurnool Kurnool Machilipatnam Medak Nalgonda Nandyal Narasaraopet Nellore Parvathipuram SPOsKakinada SPOsKarimnagar-Dn SPOsKhammam Dn. Supdt.Machilipatnam Dn SPOsMedak Dn SPOsNalgonda Dn SPOsNandyal Dn.S.GPO Hyd. Hyd. SPOs SSPOs Supdt. SPOs AD Supdt.Dn.Hyd.-: 167 :- Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad Hyderabad SSPOs SSPOs Chief PM Dy. Director (Staff) Supdt. %PMGKurnool SPOsKurnool Dn SPOs. Supdt. SSPOs.E. SPOs Supdt.Hyd City Dn SSPOs. Supdt. Sr. Supdt. . Supdt. Supdt. SSPOs Visakhapatnam AD Visakhapatnam SPOs Vizianagaram Wanaparthy Wanaparthy Warangal Supdt.-: 168 :- Peddapalli Prakasam Proddatur Rajahmundry Sangareddy Sangareddy Sec’bad Srikakulam suryapet Supdt.Supdt.Sec’bad Dn. %PMGVisakhapatnam SPOsVisakhapatnam Dn SPOsVizianagaram DN SPOsWanaparthy Dn SSPOsBhimavaram Dn SPOsWarangal-Dn 08728-222193 08592-233790 252866 2425501 08455-276504 08462-222003 27767849 222235 08684-220218 08818-221310 08644-224920 227373 0866-2425577 2544937 2565099 222300 08545-232017 08816-233377 0870-2454574 08816-233377 08818-2 08644-224920 227373 0866-2425577 2544934 2565099 222300 222235 08592-233790 252866 2428400 Tadapalligudem SPOs Tenali Tirupathi Vijayawada SPOs Supdt. Supdt. SPOs. SSPOs Supdt. SSPOs Supdt.Peddapalli Dn SSPOsPrakasam –Dn (Ongole) SPOsProddatur Dn SPOsRajahmundry Dn SPOsSangareddy Dn SSPOsNizamabad Dn SSPOs. SPOsSrikakulam Dn SPOssuryapet Dn SPOs Tadapalligudem-Dn SPOsTenali Dn SPOsTirupathi Dn SSPOsVijayawada Dn. SSPOs Supdt. Motihari SPOs. Darbhanga Sr. SPOs. Bhojpur Dn. Gaya HO SSPOs. SPOs. SSPOs. SPOs. SPOs. SPOs. SPOs. Sr. Patna SPOs. O/O CPMG Bihar Circle. Bhojpur Dn. Bhagalpur SPOs. Munger 0612 06182 06454 0631 06186 06184 0641 06243 0641 0612 06182 06254 06252 06272 0631 0631 06344 2225019 239820 242518 2420044 223162 222272 2421126 212559 2421126 2674060 239820 230188 232667 246195 2220660 2420044 222773 . Rohtas Dn. SPOs. Begusarai SPOs. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN. SPOs. SPOs. Gaya SPOs. Patna Ara Araria. SSPOs. Aurangabad Dn. SPOs. SPOs. SPOs. Patna Dn. SPOs.-: 169 :3. Gaya S. Bhagalpur SSPOs. Arwal Aurangabad Bhabhua Banka Begusarai Bhagalpur Biharsharif Buxar Champaran (East) Champaran (West) Darbhanga Gaya Gaya Jamui DPS (HQ) SPOs. SPOs. BIHAR POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS PHONE NO. SPOs. FAX NO. SPOs.PM SSPOs. Bettiah SPOs. Purnea SSPOs.PM.SPOs. Munger SPOs. Begusarai SPOs. SPOs. Gaya SPOs.-: 170 :- Jehanabad Madhubani Munger Katihar Kishanganj Khagaria Lakhisarai Muzaffarpur Muzaffarpur Nalanda Nawada Muzaffarpur Patna Patna Patna Purnea Madhepura Samastipur Saharsa SSPOs. Patna Dn. Sr. Muzaffarpur 0621 Sr. Purnea 06454 SPOs. SPOs. Muzaffarpur HO 0621 SPOs. SPOs. PM. Saharsa SPOs. SPOs.PM SSPOs. Munger 0631 06276 06344 06454 06454 06243 06344 2420044 222376 222773 242518 242518 212559 222773 2282532 2216137 222017 215806 2284171 2224150 2672364 2674060 242518 223575 222324 223575 SSPOs. PM SPOs. Nawada 06324 O/O PMG (NORTH). SSPOs. 0612 SPOs. Bankipur HO 0612 SSPOs. SPOs. SSPOs. Purnea SPOs. SPOs. 0621 MUZAFFARPUR CPM. Nalanda Dn. Madhubani SPOs. 06112 SPOs. SPOs. DPS(North) CPM Sr. SPOs. Purnea SPOs. SPOs. SPOs.PM. Saharsa 06478 06274 06478 .Patna GPO 0612 Sr. Samastipur Dn SPOs. SPOs. Chapra HO SPOs.-: 171 :- Saran Saran Supaul Sasaram Sheikhpura Sitamarhi. Raipur 492001 PHONE NO. Sr. Saharsa SPOs. Sheohar Siwan Vaishali SSPOs. SPOs. G. Jagdalpur Bilaspur Dn Durg Dn. Rohtas Dn. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DESIGNATION DISTT /DN.PM.co. SSPOs. Siwan Dn. Bhilai.490006 496001 492009 07782-225489 07782-225489 07752-223575 07752-223575 Jpshrivastav@yahoo. CHHATISGARH POSTAL CIRCLE POSTAL ADDRESS PIN O/o CPMG C. Vaishali 06152 06152 06478 06184 06344 06226 06154 06224 232204 232778 223575 222272 222773 250235 242496 272262 4. SPOs. SPOs. SPOs. Sitamarhi SPOs. SPOs. Bhilai Raigarh Dn Raipur Dn Raipur HPO DPS (HQ) SPOs SPOs SSPOs 07712534194 07712236671 SPOs Bastar Dn. Sr. PM SPOs.SSPOs SSPOs Raipur Dn. Circle. FAX NO. 494001 Jagdalpur SPOs Bilaspur Dn. Munger SPOs. Postmaster Sr. Raipur Bastar Dn. PM Raipur . SPOs.in 0788-2261675 0788-2261675 07762-232380 07762-232380 0771-2527730 0771-2527727 0771-2234577 SPOs SPOs Raigarh Dn.495001 SSPOs Durg Dn. Saran Dn. SPOs. Sr. DELHI POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS DPS (HQ) O/o CPMG.com Krishna Nagar 22373250 22373250 Srpmknho01@rediffmail. Lind Road.com Delhi-GPO Indraprastha 23869771 23236795 23865717 [email protected] 001 Ashok Vihar Delhi East Sr Postmaster Senior Superintendent of Pos Senior Superintendent of Pos Chief Postmaster Chief Postmaster Sr Postmaster Ashok Vihar HO Centrtal Market Delhi-110052 Delhi East Dn Karkardooma Delhi110051 Delhi North Dn.mail. New Delhi. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN.com Delhi North 238146390 238146390 [email protected]: 172 :- 5. Meghdoot PHONE NO. FAX NO.com 23217193 [email protected] 22373778 sspoeast@rediff. Civil Lines Delhi-110054 Delhi GPO Kashmeri Gate Delhi-110006 Indraprastha HO Bahadur Shah Zaffar Marg New Delhi-110002 Krishna Nagar HO Karkardooma Delhi110051 Lodhi Road HO New Delhi-110003 27249661 22373778 27249661 srpmavho@rediffmail. New Delhi 23553135 23515403 Bhawan.com Lodhi Road Senior Postmaster 24692329 24611255 NA . Puri New Delhi-110021 New Delhi West Dn.com New Delhi South West New Delhi West 24671592 24671592 [email protected]: 173 :- New Delhi Chief Postmaster Senior Superintendent of Pos Senior Superintendent of Pos Senior Superintendent of POs Senior Superintendent of Pos Sr Postmaster Sr Postmaster Sr Postmaster New Delhi Central New Delhi South Chief Postmaster New Delhi HO Ashoka Road New Delhi-110001 New Delhi Central Dn. Golf Links New Delhi-110003 New Delhi South West Dn Chanakya.com 25799134 25799134 sspowest@rediffmail. Naraina New Delhi110028 Ramesh Nagar HO Shivaji Nagar New Delhi-110015 Sansad Marg HO New Delhi-110001 Sarojini Nagar HO New Delhi-110023 23743602 23743602 [email protected] Ramesh Nagar Sansad Marg Sarojini Nagar 25930828 23096070 24670081 25930828 [email protected] 23096070 NA 24677589 Srpmsnho1@rediffmail. Meghdoot Bhawan. Link Road New Delhi-110001 New Delhi South Dn.com .com 24625614 24625614 [email protected] 23542435 23542435 sspocentral@rediff. com 382010 SPOs Godhra 389001 02672-242792 02672 .com CPM Ahmedabad GPO 079-25510027 079-25503116 [email protected] SSPOs.com SPOs Himatnagar 383001 02772-42450 02772-242450 [email protected] . Gujarat Circle.com 380001 SPOs Amreli 365001 02792-222400 02792-222781 spoamreli@indiapost. PHONE NO.com 242792 SPOs Gondal 360311 0286-220961 02825-225307 [email protected] SSPOs Bhavnagar 3640001 0278-2426312 0278-2523240 ssp_bhavnagar@yahoo. 079FAX NO. Ahmedabad 380001 Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Amreli Anand Bardoli Bharuch& Narmada Dist Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Bhuj Gandhinagar Godhra Gondal Himatnagar SSPOs CPM SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs Sr Postmaster SPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs 25501230 25505397 SSPOs Ahmedabad 380009 079-27541714 079-2751714 rajulbhatt@gmail. Gandhinagar 079-23260180 079-23260542 [email protected] 364001 SPOs Bhuj 370001 02832-251253 02832-251253 [email protected] SPOs Bharuch 392001 02742-240303 02742-240303 Spbharuch@yahoo. Ahmedabad Khampur. 079E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN.-: 174 :- 6. GUJARAT POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATI POSTAL ADDRESS ON DPS (HQ) O/o [email protected] SPOs Anand 388001 02692-240800 02692-240800 [email protected] Sr Postmaster BhavnagarHO 0278-2426972 0278-2426972 [email protected] SPOs Bardoli 394601 02622-220562 02622-220561 spbardoli@yahoo. in SPOs Junagadh 362001 0285-2672750 0285-2672750 [email protected] Fatehganj Vadodara.nic. Nadiad 0268-2550561 0268-2549311 [email protected] Vadodara 390001 Vadodara Sr PM Sr PM Vadodara. 0265-2433101 0265-2433101 sspvdr_e@yahoo. HO 390001 0265-2422449 0265-2422449 srpmvdre@yahoo. SSPOs SSPOs VadodaraEast Dn.com Surat Sr PM Sr PM Surat 395003 0261-2419035 0261-2419035 [email protected] Navsari SSPO SSPOs Navsari 396445 [email protected] Porbandar SPOs SPOs Porbandar 360575 0286-2240963 0286-2215100 [email protected] . Nadiad SSPOs SPOs Jamnagar 361001 0288-2550306 0288-2552891 [email protected] Valsad SSPOs SSPOs Valsad 396001 02632-253544 02632-253544 [email protected] Patan SPOs SPOs Patan 384265 02766-230147 02766-230254 [email protected] Vadodara Sr PM SrPM Fatehganj HO 390002 0265-2795355 0265-2781716 [email protected] Surat SSPOs SSPOs Surat 395001 0261-2475910 0261-2475723 [email protected] Rajkot SrPostmaster Sr Postmaster Rajkot 360001 0281-2224532 0281-2224532 [email protected] Valsad Sr PM Sr PM valsad 396001 02632-243038 02632-222490 srpmvalsad@yahoo.. 0265-2780680 0265-2780680 [email protected] Vadodara 390002 Vadodara.com 258778 258778 Navsari Sr PM Sr PM Navsari 396445 02637-257284 02637-257284 [email protected] Palanpur SPOs SPOs Palanpur385001 02742-254095 02742-254095 [email protected] 387001 Mahesana SPOs SPOs Mahesana 384001 02762-223709 02762-223709 [email protected] Rajkot SSPOs SSPOs Rajkot 360001 0281-2224530 0281-228676 [email protected]: 175 :- Jamnagar SPOs Junagadh SPOs Kheda.com SSPOs Kheda Dn. SSPOs SSPOsVadodaraWest Dn.com Surendranagar SPOs SPOs Surendranagar 363001 02752-285880 02751-283870 [email protected] Nadiad Sr PM Sr PM Nadiad Ho 387001 0268-2562569 0268-2562569 srpmnadiad@yahoo. PM Faridabad SSPOs Gurgaon SPOs Hisar Dn SSPOs Karnal Sr. Ambala SSPOs Ambala Sr.PM SSPOs SPOs SSPOs Sr.PM SPO Haryana Circle.com .PM Rohtak HO SPOs Sonipat 133001 0171-2602801 133001 0171-2641533 133001 0171-2640952 127021 01664-243140 121001 0129-2416597 121001 0129-2415821 122001 0124-2321714 125001 01662-232050 132001 0184-2273101 132001 0184-2272298 136118 01744-220820 124001 01262-243206 124001 01262-244871 131001 0130-2241807 PHONE NO.com 2253492 sspokarnal(@)rediffmail.com 2334393 [email protected] 2257982 220820 [email protected] 2644948 243140 [email protected] Karnal SPOs Kurukshetra SSPOs Rohtak Sr.com 2416597 [email protected] 243206 ssporohtak@rediffmail. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN. FAX NO.PM SPOs SSPOs Sr.com 231930 spohissar@rediffmail. HARYANA POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS PIN DPS (HQ) SSPOs Sr. Ambala Ambala Ambala Bhiwani Faridabad Faridabad Gurgaon Hissar Karnal Karnal Kurukshetra Rohtak Rohtak Sonipat 2603975 [email protected] Ambala GPO SPOs Bhiwani SSPOs Faridabad Sr.com 2641533 [email protected] SPOs SSPOs Sr.com 244871 2241807 [email protected]: 176 :7. -: 177 :8.com Shimla Chamba Hamirpur Kangra Kangra Mandi Shimla Shimla Shimla Solan Una SPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs Sr.co.in 01975-228452 lrbhogal@rediffmail. Shimla DPS (HQ) O/O CPMG HP 171009 Circle.co. 0177.com 01792-220521 srverma [email protected] 01972-222322 isverma@hotmail. Postmaster SPOs SPOs SPOs Chamba SSPOs Hamirpur SPOs Dehra SPOs Dharamsala SSPOs MandiSPOs Rampur SSPOs Shimla GPO Shimla SPOs Solan SPOs Una 176310 177001 177101 176215 175001 172001 171001 171001 173211 174303 . HIMACHAL PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE PHONE NO.com 0177-2657258 sspos sml @rediffmail. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS PIN DISTT /DN.in 01782-234032 Premraj-negi@rediffmail. Kaithu.0177-2620846 2629001 01899-222640 01972-222322 01970-233146 01892-222323 01905-223169 01782-234032 0177-2652465 0177-2652472 01792-220521 01975-225258 01899-222440 [email protected] 01970-233146 spos [email protected]. FAX NO.com 01892-222323 mr-chaudhary@rediffimail-com 01905-223169 [email protected] 0177-2651565 Msrana-pss@rediffmail. S. 0651E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS DISTT /DN. S. S. Ranchi DPS (HQ) O/o CPMG. Dn.P. Dhanbad 826 001 SPOs. Ranchi-834001 SPOs. Doranda HO Complex. Dumka 814101 SSPOs. Hazaribagh 825301 SSPOs. Dumka 814101 SPOs.834 002 Bokaro Chatra Deoghar Dhanbad Dumka Garhwa Giridih Godda Gumla Hazaribagh Jamtara Koderma Latehar Lohardaga SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs 2480503 2480152 0326-2220026 06546-222315 06434-222284 0326-2220026 06434-222284 06562-222076 06532-222632 06434-222284 0651-2207691 06546-222315 06434-222284 06546-222315 06562-222076 2480154 0326-222284 06546-222315 06434-222284 0326-222284 06434-222284 06562-222076 06532-222632 06434-222284 0651-2309400 06546-222315 06434-222284 06546-222315 06562-222076 sspost_dnb@rediffmail. Dn.com mabdali@rediffmail. S.com singh@rediffmail. Ranchi .com [email protected] jpsah@rediffmail. Palamau.com jpsah@rediffmail. JHARKHAND POSTAL CIRCLE PHONE NO.com rssingh@rediffmail. Giridih 815301 SSPOs.com jpsah@rediffmail. Daltonganj 822101 SPOs. Dn. Dn. Dumka 814101 SPOs. Dumka 814101 SSPOs. Ranchi-834001 0651-2207691 0651-2309400 [email protected]. Hazaribagh 825301 SSPOs. Jharkhand Circle. Daltonganj 822101 SSPOs.com [email protected]. Dhanbad 826 001 SSPOs.P. Palamau.com [email protected]: 178 :- 9. 0651FAX NO. Hazaribagh 825301 SPOs.com .com SPOs SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs SSPOs. com 0651-2207691 0651-2309400 [email protected] 0657-2340032 0657-2340032 sspostjsr@rediffmail. Jamshedpur SSPOs.com 0657-2340032 0657-2340032 sspostjsr@rediffmail. Singhbhum Division. Singhbhum Division. PHONE NO. Bangalore-560010` 08354 4 220729 223168 spobagalkot@yahoo. Dn. Banglore . E-mail ID NAME OF DISTT /DN.com 06562-222076 06562-222076 [email protected] 0651-2207691 0651-2309400 [email protected] westssp@vsnl. KARNATAKA POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS DPS (HQ) O/O CPMG.560 001 Bagalkot Bangalore (U) Bangalore (U) SPOs SSPOs SSPOs Bagalkot Division Bagalkot587101 Bangalore East Dn. Bangalore Beaulieu.com 25321960 sspobgeast@vsnl. S. Palace Road. S. Bangalore-560025 Bangalore West dn. Ranchi-834001 SSPOs. Jamshedpur SSPOs. Daltonganj 822101 SSPOs.net 080 25587995 080 23324751 . Dn.com 10. Ranchi-834001 06434-222284 06434-222284 jpsah@rediffmail. Palamau. Jamshedpur SSPOs.-: 179 :- Pakur Palamau Paschimi Singhbhum Purbi Singhbhum Ranchi Sahibganj Saraikela Kharsawan Simdega SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs. Dumka 814101 SSPOs.P. Dumka 814101 SPOs.net 23324869 sspwest@rediffmail. 080 2225582 FAX NO.P. Singhbhum Division. Karnataka Circle.com 0657-2340032 0657-2340032 [email protected] 06434-222284 06434-222284 jpsah@rediffmail. co.co.in Chitradurga Division 08194 Chitradurga-577501 Dharwad Division Dharwad0836 580001 Gadag Division Gadag-582101 08372 Gulbarga Division Gulbarga08472 585101 .in 228850 [email protected] 2742311 [email protected] 2436870 sspobelgaum@yahoo. Dharwad Gadag Gulbarga SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs Bangalore South Dn Bangalore-560041 Channapatna Dn -571501 Belgaum Division Belgaum590001 Bellary Division Bellary583102 Bidar Division Bidar-585401 Bijapur Divison Bijpaur-586104 Nanjangud Division Nanjangud-571301 Chikmagalur Division Chikmagalur-577101 Chitradurga Division Chitradurga-577501 Mangalore Division Mangalore-575001 Puttur Division Puttur-574201 080 26633719 08113 0831 08392 08482 08352 08221 08262 08194 0824 8251 51215 2431860 266524 225350 250265 226293 230120 235695 2216700 230201 235695 2472250 238672 220264 26633719 [email protected] 268567 [email protected] 227994 [email protected] 430817 [email protected] 230120 [email protected] 230201 [email protected] 251800 [email protected]. Chikmagalur SPOs Chitradurga Dakshina Kannada Dakshina Kannada Davangere Chitradurga Dn.co.co.i n 235695 [email protected]: 180 :- Bangalore (U) Bangalore{R} Belgaum Bellary SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs Bidar SPOs Bijapur SSPOs Chamarajanagar SPOs Nanjangud Dn.co.co.in 2217076 [email protected] 235695 [email protected] 51215 [email protected] 237936 spogadag@yahoo. co.co.co.co.co.co.in 237936 [email protected]: 181 :- Hassan Haveri Kodagu Kolar Koppal Gadag Dn.in 833398 [email protected] 2417302 [email protected] 222991 [email protected] 221208 [email protected] 2521780 [email protected] .in 225496 [email protected] 222033 kolardvn@yahoo. Mandya Mysore Raichur Shimoga Tumkur Udupi Uttar Kannada Uttar Kannada SPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs Hassan Division Hassan573201 Haveri Division Haveri-581110 Kodagu Division Madikeri571201 Kolar Division Kolar-563101 Gadag Division Gadag-582101 Mandya Division Mandya571401 Mysore Division Mysore570020 Raichur Division Raichur584102 Shimoga Division Shimoga577201 Tumkur Division Tumkur572102 Udupi Division Udupi-576010 Karwar Division Karwar581301 Sirsi Division Sirsi-581402 08172 08375 08272 08152 08372 08232 0821 08532 08182 0816 0820 08382 08384 267005 232412 225496 222033 238672 224333 2417300 235097 222991 2278281 2521780 221435 236631 267005 [email protected] 235026 [email protected] 235987 [email protected] 224333 [email protected] 2278281 tumkurdvn@yahoo. com splakshadweep@yahoo. Idukki Division.com sspaluva@yahoo. Ernakulam 0484-2369869 Postmaster HO. Ernakulam 682011 SPOs Superintendent of Post 04896-262071 Offices. Calicut 673003 Sr Senior Postmaster. Aluva 683101 SPOs Superintendent of Post 0486-2222282 Offices. 0471-2302330 0477-2251229 0479-2302589 0495-2333099 alapuzhadn@sify. Lakshadweep 682555 Sr Senior Postmaster. in srpmekm@yahoo. KERALA POSTAL CIRCLE POSTAL ADDRESS O/O CPMG.com spidukki@rediffmail. Kerala Circle.com .-: 182 :11. Calicut 0495-2720164 Postmaster 673001 SSPOs Senior Superintendent of Post 0484-2355652 Offices. PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS DESIGNA TION Thiruvananth DPS (HQ) NAME OF DISTT /DN. Thodupuzha 685584 Calicut Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Ernakulam Idukki 0495-2720164 0484-2361614 04896-262071 0484-2369869 0484-2624412 0486-2222282 jayandysp@yahoo. Mavelikara 690101 SSPOs Senior Supdt of Post Offices.co.com spmvkdn@sify. Alapuzha 688012 SPOs Superintendent of Post 0479-2302589 Offices. Kochi 682011 SSPOs Senior Superintendent of Post 0484-2624412 Offices.com ssposctl@rediffmail. FAX NO. 0495-2333099 Calicut Division.uk [email protected] apuram Alapuzha Alapuzha Calicut SPOs Thiruvananthapuram 695 033 Superintendent of Post 0477-2251229 Offices.co. Changanacherry 686101 Manjeri SPOs Superintendent of Post Offices.in 0468-2222480 0468-2222480 [email protected] sspkottayam@yahoo. Manjeri 676121 Ottappalam SPOs Superintendent of Post Offices.c om sspquilon@rediffmail. Pathanamthitta Division 689645 Pathanamthitta SPOs Superintendent of Post & Alapuzha Offices. Tiruvalla 689101 SPOs 0497-2701425 04964-230716 0497-2701425 04964-230716 sposkannur@rediffmail. Kollam 691001 Kottayam SSPOs Senior Post Offices. Senior Postmaster. Manjeri Division. Ottappalam 679101 Palakkad SPOs Superintendent of Post Offices. Kottayma Postmaster HO 686010 Kottyam SP Superintendent of Post Offices.com 0466-2244216 0466-2244216 0491-2546315 0491-2546315 [email protected] 0469-2602592 0469-2602592 [email protected] 0481-2581681 0481-2567730 0481-2421821 0474-2742677 0481-2581681 0481-2567730 0481-2421821 0483-2766320 0483-2766320 sposmanjeri@rediffmail. Kasargode Division.inl [email protected] m sposopp@rediffmail. Kottayam 686001 Kottayam Sr.com 0474. Ottappalam Division. Kannur Division. Kasargode 671121 Kollam SSPOs SSPOs.com .com sposkasrgode@rediffmail. Palakkad 678001 Pathanamthitta SPOs Superintendent of Post Offices.co.-: 183 :- Kannur Supdt of Post Offices.com pmkottayam@yahoo. Palakkad Division. Kannur 670 001 Kasargode SPOs Supdt of Post Offices. com tvmgpo@sancharnet. Trivandrum North puram Division. Trivandrum 695014 Thiruvanantha Sr Senior Postmaster. Thalassery Division. Tirur 676101 Thiruvanantha SSPOs SSPOs. Thrissur 680001 Thrissur SPOs Superintendent of Post Offices. Trivandrum 695001 Thiruvanantha SPOs SPOs.2460725 0471-2464794 0471-2323771 0471-2460725 [email protected] 0471-2470141 0471. puram Postmaster Trivandrum GPO. Thalassery 670 002 Thrissur SSPOs.com 0484-2624412 0480-2821626 0494-2422570 0484-2624412 0480-2821626 0494-2422570 ssptsr@yahoo. Tirur Division. Vadakara 673101 SPOs 0490-2341355 0490-2341355 [email protected] 0471. Senior Superintendent of Post Offices.com mathewavirah@yahoo. Vadakara Division.com [email protected]: 184 :- Thalassery Supdt of Post Offices.com sasindran_morazha@yaho o.in 0496-2522732 0496-2522732 sposvad@rediffmail. Irinjalakuda 680121 Tirur SPOs Superintendent of Post Offices.com . Trivandrum South puram Division. Trivandrum 695001 Vadakara SPOs Supdt of Post Offices. Aurangabad – 431 002.-: 185 :12.com [email protected] 2441851 [email protected] . Ahmednagar-414 001 Akola.442 401 255337 / 250224 rd Dhule HPO Compound 3 236602 / 235480 Floor Dhule 424001 Jalgaon 425001 2224288 /2229679 2324565 [email protected] 235452 no email address 2221420 ulhassdi_jal@sancharnet. PO Compound.444 001 Telephone No. Mumbai – 400 001. Email Address Name of District Mumbai 2550624 2355019 / 2355010 2435014 /2435039 2662060 2370334 2556547 2328081 cccanrdn@sancharnet. Juna Bazar Aurangabad 2331088 / 431001 2334885 Bhusawal 425201 222979 /222981 Buldana.in 2662060 [email protected] 242558 spos_bld@rediffmail. Maharashtra Circle.in Ahmednagar SSPOs Akola Amravati Aurangabad SSPOs SSPOs ADPS Aurangabad Bhusawal Buldana Chandrapur Dhule Jalgaon SSPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs Amravati . MAHARASHTRA POSTAL CIRCLE Designation DPS (HQ) Address % Chief Postmaster General.443 001 242558 /242557 Chandrapur.444 602 Aurangabad Camp. Fax No.in 226916 [email protected] 2370334 pmg051_agd@sancharnet. Dr.co.. 22015984 24163000 / 24110577 227035 bhr_pm431122@sancharnet. of Post 2262881 / Offices. Supdt. SSPOs O/o Sr. Supdt. Kolhapur Dn. 2262450 Mapuca . B R.-: 186 :- Khadakakpura SPOs Kolhapur Malegaon Malvan Mapuca Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Khadakakpura. Mumbai 22621685 O) GPO. Ambedkar Rd.com Mumbai SSPOs 24150188 24185939 ssp_west1@rediffmail. Dadar(East). 4th floor. PM SSPOs Kalbadevi HO. Azad Nagar. Malvan 416 606. Mumbai–400014.com 22622323 22015984 srpm400002@yahoo. Dadar (East). Dr.. of Post 2654485 Offices. Mumbai400002 3rd floor. /2654055 Kolhapur . Andheri(West).in 24150912 ssp_east1@rediffmail. Mumbai-400001 Sr.in 2667378 [email protected] .403 507 Dy.co. Mumbai– 400014.Director(PR Old GPO Bldg.416 003 SPOs Malegaon 423203 234652 /235653 SPOs O/o Supdt of Post Offices. B R.Ambedkar Road..co.Mumbai– 400053.com 2262881 natarajan_ipos@yahoo. Beed 222664 /222381 431122 SSPOs O/o Sr.in 235015 no email address 252022 sindhudurg@rediffmail. 252022 / 252237 Sindhudurg Dn.in 22621499 / directorgpo400001@yahoo... Dadar HPO Bldg. Goa Division..com Mumbai SSPOs 26743377 26743740 ssp_north1@rediffmail. Dadar HPO Bldg. com 239845 [email protected] 010./ [email protected] 2231871 [email protected] 2526086 sspnpmfldn@rediffmail. Kandivali (East). Nanded 431602 Nashik GPO Nashik Osmanabad 413501 Panaji – 403001 Pandharpur-413 304 22622622 25647388 / 25647452 28850414 28114800 / 28114232 2562207 22622567 [email protected] 25647488 [email protected] 2526086 [email protected] 012. Mumbai–400042.P.440 010.com Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Nanded Nashik Osmanabad Panaji Pandharpur SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs ADPS SPOs 2531455 2526086 / 2560577 2531455 / 2560708 2526086 / 2560577 231521 /231877 2598216 227078 / 223394 2231870 223250 . Nagpur. Samata Nagar..Nagpur. Nagpur. PO Bldg. Mumbai–400 101.Nagpur Region.com 28850414 ssp_northwest@rediffmail. % Postmaster General.O. Bldg. Mumbai–400107. Mira Road.com 2550577 pmgnpcccc@rediffmail. Annex Bldg.440 012./ 223999 2565117 [email protected] t 2599128 no email address 225924 [email protected]: 187 :Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Nagpur SSPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs ADPS G.440 010 Nagpur. Bhandup East P. 5th floor.com 2565117 [email protected] 28114800 [email protected] 223250 .. Nagpur.Mumbai–400001.in 223999 .. c om 240599 spwardha@indiapost.. Satara-415 001 237443 / 232403 Shrirampur-413 709 222642 Solapur-413 001 2621147 / 2726513 Near Railway 25343436 Station.-: 188 :- Panvel Parbhani Pune Pune Pune Pune Ratnagiri SPOs SPOs ADPS SSPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs Sangli SSPOs Satara Shirrampur Solarpur Thane Wardha SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs 27458997 / 27453204 Parbhani 431401 225280 / 220274 Pune – 411 001 26124595 Pune-411 037 24263345 / 24263394 Pune-411 030 24328699 / 24338501 Pune-411 042 24476609 / 24470325 O/o Supdt of Post Offices. Ratnagiri 415 612.Thane – 400 601.442 001 240599 / 243399 Panvel – 410 206.in 222642 [email protected] 225280 no email address 26124595 [email protected] 2725144 srspsolapur@yahoo. Sangli Divn. O/o Sr. Supdt.. Wardha.net 24328699 [email protected] 24267911 [email protected] 416. 27458997 sp_navimumbai@rediffmail. 241300 / 241247 Ratnagiri Dn. Sangli .in 25334290 [email protected] 241321 No email address 2320280 No email address 237445 cccstrdo@sancharnet. of Post 2330304 Offices.co.org .net 24484350 spomfl@hotmail. of [email protected]. Chhatarpur 471001 Chhindwara Supdt.Os.of POs Sr.Os.Os. of P.Os.Os.Os Supdt.co m 13.of P.Supdt.of P. of Sr. of P. of POs Indore Mfl. Hoshangabad Indore Sr.O. Supdt. of P.of P. Supdt. Guna 473 001 Gwalior Sr. (0755)2550624 (07632) 240797 0755-2772989 FAX NO.org 253017 suresh.Supdt.Supdt. Balaghat 481001 P. of Sr.of P.Os.Supdt. of P. MADHYA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE PHONE NO. Supdt. Hoshangaba Sr.of P. Gwalior 474 009 P. 461001 d.Os. Chhindwara 480001 Guna [email protected]. of POs. Bhopal 462003 P. 462 012 Bhopal Balaghat Sr.of Sr. Indore 452001 City Indore Supdt.242377 07162-230867 07162-244771 (07542) 226321 (07542) 286321 (0751) 2462870 (0751) 2462871 (07574) 252916 (07574) 252977 (0731) 2531173 (0731) 2531172 0731 2702840 0731-2702840 .Supdt.Os.co m 253017 suresh. of Sr. (0755)2556547 07632.442 001 Yavatmal – 445 001 Yavatmal – 445 001 240599 / 243399 253016 / 253018 253016 / 253018 240599 spwardha@indiapost. MP Circle.-: 189 :- Wardha Yavatmal Yavatmal SPOs SPOs SPOs Wardha. 452001 (07682) 241120 07682.Os Chhatarpur Supdt.Supdt.Supdt.241166 0755-2771523 E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS PIN DISTT /DN. Bhopal DPS (HQ) O/o CPMG. P. of P.Os Bhopal Sr.Supdt..Supdt.. Shillong 793 001 Director Postal Services. of P. of POs.Supdt. Supdt. of P.Os. Shillong Aizawl East Khasi Hills Sr. Morena Supdt. of POs.Supdt.-: 190 :- Jabalpur Khandwa Mandsaur Morena Ratlam Rewa Sagar Sehore Shahdol Ujjain Vidisha Sr.Os.Supdt. of POs.Os.Os.Supdt.Os. of P. Ratlam Supdt.Os. Supdt. of POs.Os. Supdt.Os Sr. Sagar Supdt. Mandsaur Supdt. Supdt. 793 001 PHONE NO. of P. NORTH EAST POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION DPS (HQ) DPS POSTAL ADDRESS O/o CPMG.Os. Meghalaya Division. 2224922 2328024 2221708 FAX NO. of P. Mizoram Division. Sr. of P. of PO’s. of P. of P. of P. Supdt. Supdt.Os.Os. Supdt. of POs. of POs.Os.Os. of P. Rewa Sr. Vidisha 482001 (0761) 2678363 (0761) 2624300 (0733) 2249547 (07422) 222787 (07532) 223140 (07412) 231398 (07662) 242103 (07582) 222670 (0733) 2249547 07422-222787 (07532) 223140 07412. of P. Shillong. of POs. Aizawl-796001 Sr. 2223455 2328641 2222264 E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN. Sehore Supdt. of PO’s . Supdt. Khandwa Supdt. of POs.Supdt. NE Circle. Jabalpur Supdt. Ujjain Supdt. Shahdol Sr. Supdt. Supdt. of P.234810 (07662) 2506103 (07582) 229608 458001 476001 457 001 486001 470 001 466001 484001 456010 464001 (07562) 224302 (07562) 224302 (07652) 245323 (07652) 245323 (0732) 2530756 (0732) 2530756 (07592) 232969 (07592) 232661 14. of P.Os. of P.Supdt. Sr. Angul Dhenkanal-759 001. Bhadrak756001. of PO’s.2391426 0674. Dharmanagar.Agartala Division.2304401 0671 . Supdt.250284 06652 . Orissa Bhadrak SPOs SPOs Bhadrak Dn.250284 06784 . FAX NO.232686 .-: 191 :- Imphal west Kohima Papumpare Tripura North West Tripura DPS DPS DPS Supdt. Orissa 0674. Dharmanagar Division. Orissa Bolangir and SPOs SPOs Balangir Dn. 799250 Director Postal Services. Manipur Division. Cuttack-753 001. ORISSA POSTAL CIRCLE PHONE NO.751 001 Balasore SPOs SPOs Balasore Division. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS DISTT /DN. Bhubaneswar DPS (HQ) Bhubaneswar .2391788 06782 .225676 06762 .799001 22202264 2290597 2214937 234315 2323800 2443844 2290601 2212325 234315 2323800 15.262125 06782 .232156 06652 .756 001. Arunachal Pradesh Division. Itanagar. Orissa Dhenkanal and SPOs SPOs Dhenkanal division. of PO’s DPS Director Postal Services.2304401 06762 . Balasore. Kohima. Imphal-795001 Director postal Services. Agartala.232156 0671 .797001 Director Postal Services.262125 06784 . BolangirSonepur 767 001 Orissa Cuttack SSPOs SSPOs Cuttack City Dn. Nagaland Division. 222044 06752 .222044 .241085 SPOs Mayurbhanj Dn.764 001. Orissa SSPOs Bhubaneswar division.252293 (O).-: 192 :- Ganjam Ganjam and Gajapati SPOs SSPOs Jagatsinghpur SPOs Jajpur and SPOs Kendrapara Kalahandi and SPOs Nuapada Kandhamal and Boudh Keonjhar Khurda SPOs SPOs SSPOs Koraput SSPOs Rayagada Nabrangpur and Malkangiri Mayurbhanj SPOs Puri Nayagarh SSPOs and Khurda SPOs. Dist. Baripada-757 001. Orissa SPOs Phulbani Dn. 0674 . Orissa 06792 .2532765 06854 .760 001.273313 110.240550 (K).2304395 0671 .Puri 752 001. Orissa SPOs Cuttack South Dn.766 001. Orissa SPOs Keonjhar dn.2532765 Bhubaneswar . Ganjam.252244 06792 . 0671 .2222091 Berhampur (Ganjam) . Orissa SSPOs Berhampur Dn 0680 .230299 Bhawanipatna . Phulbani 06842 .252244 06752 .2222091 0671 . Aska Dn Aska . Keonjhar 06766 .2304395 Cuttack-753 001.2304812 06670 .762 001.230299 06842 .2304812 Cuttack-753 001. 0671 . Orissa SPOs Kalahandi Dn 06670 . Orissa SPOs Cuttack North Dn.761 06822 . Orissa SSPOs Koraput Dn Jeypore 06854 . Orissa 0680 .751 009.253956 0674 . Orissa SSPOs Puri Dn.253691 06766 .253956 758 001. com Offices Chandigah-160017 Chandigarh Sr.160 017 Amritsar Sr. Head 0183-2400785 --Post Office.2410178 SSPOs SSPOs Sundergarh division Sundergarh 770 001. Postmaster. Postmaster Sr. Sambalpur . of Post Offices Supdt.-: 193 :- Sambalpur Bargarh Deogarh and Jharsuguda Sundergarh SPOs SPOs Sambalpur division.768 001. 0172-2704813 0172-2711721 Chandigarh GPO Bldg. FAX NO. of Post Offices.2410178 0663 .com Bathinda-151005 Chandigarh Sr.Supdt. of Post Officer 0183-2222114 0183-2564540 dop_asr@rediffmail. PUNJAB POSTAL CIRCLE POSTAL ADDRESS PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DESIGNATION DISTT /DN. 0164-2239278 0164-2235215 [email protected]. of Post Sr. of Post Sr. 0172-2722490 0172-2700766 dop_chd@rediffmail. 3rd Floor Sector . Orissa 06622 2172258 .com Offices Amritsar-143001 Amritsar Sr. Chandigarh DPS (HQ) O/o CPMG. Punjab Circle. Postmaster Sr. Supdt.Supdt. of Post Offices.17/E Chandigarh .0662221722528 16. Orissa 0663 . Postmaster 0172-2703716 --Chandigarh GPO-160017 . Amritsar143001 Bathinda Supdt. of Post Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices Supdt. of Post Offices Supdt.Supdt. Postmaster Sr.com 0161-2404184 dop_ldh-c@rediffmail. Postmaster Head Post Office Hoshiarpur-146001 Jalandhar Sr.com 01874-246198 [email protected] --- 0181-2403279 [email protected] 01882-247477 dop_hsp@rediffmail. Kapurthala-144601 Ludhiana Sr. of Post Offices. Head Post office. Ludhiana141001 01639-250201 01632-244525 01874-246202 01882-220139 01882-220141 0181-2224807 0181-2459650 01639-250472 [email protected] 0181-2221454 -- 01822-233758 0161-2770003 0161-2774194 0161-2774004 01822-221723 dop_kpt@rediffmail. of Post Sr. of Post Offices Supdt. of Post Offices.com 0161-2403033 dop_ldhm@rediffmail. Postmaster. Offices Jalandhar-144001 Jalandhar Sr. of Post Offices. Head Post Office Jalandhar144001 Kapurthala Supdt. of Post Offices Supdt. of Post Offices. Hoshiarpur-146001 Hoshiarpur Sr. Ludhiana (M)-141001 Ludhiana Sr.-: 194 :- Faridkot Supdt. Postmaster Sr. Ferozepur-152001 Gurdaspur Supdt. Postmaster Sr. of Post Offices Supdt. Offices Ludhiana (City)-141001 Ludhiana Supdt. of Post Offices.com --- . of Post Offices.com 01632-246926 dop_fzr@rediffmail. Gurdaspur-143521 Hoshiarpur Supdt. of Post Offices Supdt. of Post Offices Faridkot-151203 Ferozepur Supdt.Postmaster . Supdt.Supdt. of Post Offices. RAJASTHAN POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION DPS (HQ) A. Rajasthan 0141-2376470 0141-2369779 Circle. Patiala . Ajmer 0145-2429437 0145. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN. of Post Offices.230934 .147001 Supdt.240354 SPOs Churu -252205 01562-250643 spochuru @reddifma SPOs Dholpur 05642-240509 05642. 01672-234281 Sangrur-148001 0175-2217887 [email protected]. P.Supdt.Supdt.P. 0175-2215557 Patiala-147001 Sr.2420401 SR.com --- 01672-238759 [email protected] Head Post 0175-2301697 Office.221853 SPOs Bharatpur 05644-222125 05644-222125 [email protected] spo_barmer@reddifma SPOs Beawar 01462-225553 01462. FAX NO. SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs POSTAL ADDRESS PHONE NO.-: 195 :- Patiala Patiala Sangrur Sr. Postmaster Sr.2433101 SSPOs Ajmer 0145-2420401 0145.D. of Post Offices Sr. P.com 17.240509 SPOs Dungarpur 02964-230934 02964.2420401 SSPOs Alwar 0144-2337276 0144 –2337276 SPOs Barmer 02982-220443 02982.com SPOs Bhilwara 01482-220334 01482-220334 SPOs Bikaner 0151-2524177 0151 2524177 spobikaner@reddifma SPOs Chittorgarh 01472-240354 01472.P. SSPOs SR. (SR) Ajmer 0145-2433492 0145. Jaipur A.M SSPOs.S.S. of Post Offices Supdt. of Post Offices.M. Jaipur Ajmer Ajmer Ajmer Alwar Barmer Beawar Bharatpur Bhilwara Bikaner Chittorgarh Churu Dholpur Dungarpur O/O CPMG . Jaipur GPO SPOs Jhunjhunu 0141-2374161 0141-2302055 0141-2374000 01592-232349 0141-2374161 aman3705@yahoo. SPOs SSPOs Jaipur City Dn.co uk 0141-2302055 [email protected]: 196 :Jaipur Jaipur Jaipur Jhunjhunu SSPOs. P.232349 spo_junjunj@reddifma . SPOs Sr.com 0141-374161 01592.M. SPOs Jaipur (Mfl) Dn Sr. P.M. 2432940 premktripati2003@yahoo. Chennai Arakkonam Chengalpattu Chennai 28277978 28277978 ssp. 28520241 28528500 233525 232543 sp.Arakkonam-631 001 Chengalpattu Dn.com 226465 226465 sp. P. 0291-2430902 0291-2632250 0291-2636746 0744-2451665 01582-240573 02932-220362 07462-220239 -252474 02972-222291 0154-2460098 01432-253323 0291.253323 18.com .250902 spo_sikar@reddifma 02972-222291 spo_sirohi@reddifma 0154-2460098 spo_sgnr@reddifma 01432.220239 01572.com NAME OF DISTT /DN. DPS WR Jodhpur SSPOs Jodhpur Sr. TAMILNADU POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNA TION DPS (HQ) SSPOS SPOS SSPOS POSTAL ADDRESS O/o CPMG.M.co m 0291-2634186 sspo_jodhpur@reddifma 0291-2634186 0744-2451665 01582-240573 spo_nagaur@ reddifma 02932-220362 spo_pali@reddifma 07462. Chennai Arakkonam Dn. TN Circle.Chengalpattu603 001 Chennai City North Dn. P. Jodhpur SSPOs Kota SPOs Nagaur SPOs Pali SPOs Sawaimadhopur SPOs Sikar SPOs Sirohi SPOs Sri-Ganganagar SPOs Tonk Dn.north@rediffmail. SSPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs SPOs [email protected]@rediffmail.Chennai 600008 PHONE FAX NO.-: 197 :- Jodhpur Jodhpur Jodhpur Kota Nagaur Pali Sawaimadhopur Sikar Sirohi Sri-Ganganagar Tonk DPS SSPOs Sr. E-MAIL ADDRESS NO. Erode-638 001 Head Post Office.Dharmapuri-636 701 Dindugul Dn.com 24345325 24345325 ssp.Chennai600 017 Chennaui City Central Dn.Nagercoil-629 001 Karaikudi Dn.Cuddalore-607 001 Dharmapuri Dn.com 25216766 25244388 cpm.in 2395637 294936 [email protected] 260346 [email protected] 001 Kovilpatti [email protected]@rediffmail.Coimbatore-641 001 Cuddalore [email protected]: 198 :- Chennai Chennai Chennai Chennai Coimbatore Coimbatore Cuddalore Dharmapuri Dindigul Erode Erode Kanchipuram Kanniyakumari Karaikudi Karur Kovilpatti SSPOS SSPOS Chief Postmaster Chief Postmaster SSPOS Senior Postmaster SPOS SPOs SSPOS SSPOS Senior Postmaster SPOS SSPOS SSPOs SPOS SSPOS Chennai City South [email protected] Kanniyakumari Dn.com 232033 224245 262282 [email protected] 2251408 223723 sp.Chennai-600 017 Chennai GPO.Chennai-600 002 28520926 28520926 cpm.com 2430201 2252400 [email protected] 221300 Coimbatore Dn.Dindigul-624 001 Erode Dn.Kovilpatti-628 501 [email protected] 001 Kanchipuram Dn.co m Anna Road H.Coimbatore-641 001 Head Post Office.com 2305100 2395637 293716 260346 2432402 2252400 2251408 223723 232032 224548 262771 221013 2305100 [email protected] 001 Karur Dn.Chennai-600 001 28342893 28342893 ssp. [email protected] 001 2520636 222066 242066 232552 2442521 222093 224166 2334837 221400 221321 2264486 2447463 2264844 2534907 224760 [email protected] 005 Head Post Office.Thanjavur-613 001 238066 231430 [email protected] Tambaram Division.com 232552 [email protected] m 222850 [email protected] 2264844 Sivaganga Dn.Udhagamandalam-643 001 Pattukkottai Dn.Pollachi-642 001 Pondycherry Dn.Srirangam-620 006 2432381 2432381 [email protected] 2442521 [email protected] 001 Ramanathapuram Dn.Chennai 22260550 22260550 [email protected] 222288 [email protected] .com 600045 Thanjavur Dn.Madurai-625 001 Mayiladuthurai Dn.Namakkal-637 001 Nilgiris Dn.Nagappattinam-611 001 Namakkal Dn.com 224166 Sp.net 2344855 ssp.com 2447463 spos.Mayiladuthurai609 001 Nagappattinam Dn.Ramanathapuram-623 501 Salem East [email protected] 001 Pudukkottai Dn.com 220811 2264486 [email protected] 560 241978 241970 Srirangam Dn.-: 199 :- Madurai Mayiladuthurai Nagappattinam Namakkal Nilgiris Pattukkottai Pollachi Pondicherry UT Pudukkottai SSPOS SPOS SPOS SPOs SSPOS SPOs SPOs SSPOS SPOs Ramanathapuram SSPOS Salem Salem Salem Sivaganga Srirangam Tambaram Thanjavur SSPOS SPOs Senior Postmaster SSPOs SPOs SSPOS SSPOs Madurai Dn.Pattukkottai-614 601 Pollachi Dn.Salem-636 001 Salem West Dn.co m 242066 [email protected]@vsnl. Kumbakonam612 001 SSPOS Theni Dn.Director(M o/o Postmaster General.co m 2390251 2212045 ssp.com 2560422 220442 sp.Tiruchirappalli-620 001 SSPOS Tiruchirappalli DnTiruchirappalli620 001 SSPOS Tirunelveli Dn.-: 200 :- Thanjavur Theni Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tiruppattur Tirupur Tiruvannamalai Tuticorin Vellore Virudhunagar Vriddhachlam Kumbakonam Dn.Tirunelveli-627 001 SPOs Tiruppattur Dn.Theni-625 531 Asst.Virudhunagar626 001 SSPOS Vriddhachlam Dn.com .com 243291 261460 [email protected] 2419714 [email protected] 601 SSPOS Tuticorin [email protected] 601 SSPOS Tiruvannamalai Dn.Central ails) Region.Tiruppattur-635 601 SSPOS Tirupur Dn.com 2206700 [email protected] 001 SPOs 2421700 254843 2461506 2419714 2561178 220442 2206700 252465 2391690 2232549 243091 230077 2420627 [email protected]@rediffmail.Tuticorin-628 001 SSPOS Vellore Dn.Vellore-632 001 SSPOS Virudhunagar [email protected] 254539 2463605 [email protected] 252465 sp. Director Supdt. PSFS Aligarh 202001 O/O SSPOs Aligarh -202001 PHONE NO.P. Circle Lucknow -226001 O/O SSPOs Agra-282001 O/O PMG Agra Region . 0522 0562 0562 0571 0571 FAX NO.) Region Azamgarh & SSPOs Mau Ballia SPOs Banda & SPOs Chitrakoot & Hamirpur & Mahoba Barabanki SPOs Bareilly & Pilibhit SSPOs O/O SSPOs Allahabad 0532 211001 O/O PMG Allahabad -211001 0532 O/O SSPOs Azamgarh267001 O/O SPOs Ballia-277001 O/O SPOs Banda-210001 05462 05498 05192 O/O SPOs Barabanki-225001 05248 O/O SSPOs Bareilly -243001 0581 222460 2427079 222460 2427079 . O/O CPMG U.-: 201 :19. Lucknow Agra Agra Region Aligarh 28520241 285285 00 2851779 2363011 2400021 2403701 2622766 2623471 220456 220518 224741 2856115 2261606 2400021 2403701 2622766 2623471 220674 220518 224741 Aligarh & SSPOs Hatrash Allahabad & SSPOs Kaushambi Allahabad ADPS(BD. Agra -282001 O/O Supdt. UTTAR PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION POSTAL ADDRESS DPS (HQ) SSPOs Asstt. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN. Nagar.272001 0581 05542 2511137 282214 2427459 282214 O/O SPOs Bhraich-271801 O/O SPOs Bijnor-246701 O/O SPOs Budaun-243601 O/O SPOs Bulandshahar203001 O/O SSPOs Deoria-274001 05252 01342 05832 05732 05568 232322 262003 266064 252668 222381 232322 262003 266899 252668 222381 SPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs SPOs SSPOs O/O SPOs Etah-207001 O/O SPOs Etawah-206001 05742 05688 233548 254632 222115 224252 228088 2961208 233548 256122 222115 225728 228088 2964554 O/O SSPOs Faizabad -224001 05278 O/O SPOs Fatehpur-212601 05180 O/O SPOs Fatehgarh -209601 09556 92 O/O SSPOs Ghaziabad0120 201001 O/O SPOs Ghazipur-233001 0548 SPOs 2220385 2220385 .-: 202 :- Bareilly Region APMG Basti . SK Nagar SPOs (Khalilabad )& Sidharath Nagar (Naugarh) Bharaich & SPOs Shravasti Bijnore SPOs Budaun SPOs Bulandshahar SPOs Deoria &Kushinagar ( Padrauna) Etah Etawah & Oraiya Faizabad & Ambedkarnagar Fatehpur Furakkhabad & Kannoj Ghaziabad &GB. ( Noida) Ghazipur SSPOs O/O PMG Bareilly-243001 O/O SPOs Basti. -: 203 :- Gonda & Balrampur Gorakhpur & Maharajganj Gorakhpur Region Hardoi Jaunpur Jhansi SPOs SSPOs ADPS SPOs SPOs SRM O/O SPOs Gonda-271001 05262 222892 2333447 2200762 220433 243522 2471174 2471261 2306210 2306168 2362668 2303393 252062 2781118 2626811 2635733 2626666 222892 2333447 2203024 220433 269643 2471174 2471261 2306366 2306168 O/O SSPOs Gorakhpur0551 273301 O/O PMG Gorakhpur-273301 0551 O/O SPOs Hardoi-241001 O/O SPOs Jaunpur222001 O/O SRM’X” Dn. Kanpur-208001 O/O CPM Kanpur HO-208001 O/O Supdt. CSD Kanpur208001 O/O PMG Kanpur -208001 O/O SPOs Kheri-262701 O/O SSPOs New Haydrabad Lucknow-226007 O/O CPM LKO GPO -226001 05852 05452 0517 0517 0512 0512 0512 0512 05872 0522 0522 0522 0522 Jhansi. Lalitpur SSPOs & Jalaun Kanpur SSPOs Kanpur Kanpur CPM SSPOs Kanpur Region ADPS Kheri SPOs Lucknow SSPOs Lucknow Lucknow Lucknow Chief Postmaster SSRM 2306366 255301 2780260 2625167 2635733 2626666 O/O SSRM 'O' Dn.P. Circle Lucknow-226001 . Lucknow226004 Vigilance Officer O/O CPMG U. Jhansi284001 O/O SSPOs Jhansi-284001 O/O SSPOs Kanpur City Dn. Naghar (Amroha) & Rampur Muzaffar Nagar Pratpagarh Raebareli Saharanpur Shahjahanpur SPOs SSPOs SSPOs SPOs O/O SPOs Mainpuri-205001 05672 234531 2403344 2643929 245867 234531 2403032 2667510 245898 O/OS SPOs Mathura-261001 0565 O/O SSPOs Meerut -250001 0121 O/O SPOs Mirzapur-231001 05442 SSPOs O/O SSPOs Moradabad244001 0591 2411024 2411024 SSPOs SSPOs SPOs SSPOs SPOs Sitapur SPOs Sultanpur SPOs Unnao & Kanpur SPOs Dehat O/O SSPOs Muzaffar Nagar 251001 O/O SSPOs Pratapgarh230001 O/O SPOs Raebareli-229001 O/O SSPOs Saharanpur247001 O/O SPOs Shahjahanpur242001 O/O SPOs Sitapur-261001 O/O SPOs Sultanpur-228001 O/O SPOs Kanpur(M) Dn.0131 05342 0535 0132 05842 05862 05362 0512 2409571 220419 2202202 2727451 223250 242510 222418 2361366 2409571 220419 2202202 2727451 223250 242510 222418 2361366 . Kanpur-208001 . J.P.-: 204 :- Mainpuri & Firozabad Mathura Meerut & Baghpat Mirzapur &Sonbhadra (Robertsganj) Mnoradabad. UTTRANCHAL POSTAL CIRCLE DESIGNATION DPS (HQ) SPOs SPOs SSPOs Sr. FAX NO.O SSPOs Nainital SPOs Pauri SPOs Pithoragarh SPOs Tehri PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT /DN.2658806 05962-230293 01372-252449 0135-2659247 0135-2655141 05942-235184 01368-222228 05964-225337 01376-233127 232775 252449 2659247 239184 222228 222436 226012 233127 Pithoragarh SPOs Tehri SPOs .-: 205 :- Varanasi & SSPOs Chaundali Varanasi & Sant SPOs Ravidas Nagar(Bhadohi ) O/O SSPOs Varanasi(E)221001 O/O SPOs Varanasi(W) 221002 0542 0542 2211022 2509897 2211022 2502771 20.P. PM SSPOs SPOs POSTAL ADDRESS O/O CPMG Dehradun SPOs Almora SPOs Chamoli SSPos Dehradun Dehraudn G. Dehradun Almora Chamoli Dehradun Dehraudn Nainital Pauri 0135. 22120122 E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME OF DISTT DESIGNA POSTAL ADDRESS /DN. Of Post Offices.of Pos Bankura Division Bankura 722101.Supdt.731101 Burdwan SSPOs The Sr. Cooch Behar Dn.Yogayag Bhawan Kolkata-700012 Andaman & DPS ANDAMAN & NICOBAR Nicobar Islands ISLANDS . 033. Darjelling Dn. Cooch-Behar SPOs The Supdt.-: 206 :- 22.Office Barasat Dn. Birbhum Dn Suri . Burdwan SSPOs The Supdt.of Pos Asansol Division. WEST BENGAL POSTAL CIRCLE PHONE NO. Of PostOffice. TION Kolkata DPS (HQ) O/OChief Postmaster General W. PORTBLAIR 744101 Bankura SSPOs The Sr. Barasat SPOs The Supdt. Of Post. Of PostOffices And South Dinajpur Dn. Darjeeling 734101 Dinajpur (North SPOs The Supdt.Supdt. Burdwan Division. Birbhum SPOs The Supdt.B.25523577 3462 0341255260 2203497 0342- 2662588 2662588 3582 354 3522 222451 2252141 255394 222451 2252141 255394 . Balurghat 733101 0319203242- 230485 253312 231036 253312 25523577 255508 2203497 033. Coohbehar 736101 Darjeeling SPOs The Supdt.Circle . Burdwan 713101.22120139 FAX NO.of Posts Offices. Barasat 700124. Asansol HO 713301 . Of Post Offices. Howrah 711101 SSPOs The Sr.of Pos Jalpaiguri Division.22105150 22105611 22438847 033.2269-0840 2269-0840 .of Pos North Kolkata Division Kolkata-700037.-: 207 :- Hooghly Hooghly Howrah Jalpaiguri Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata The Sr.2667-1289 2667-1289 03561- 232047 230742 22120990 033.2556-7251 25567251 033. SSPOs The Sr. ADPS-III O/O The Postmaster General South Bengal Region Yogayog Bhawan Kolkata-12 Director KOLKATA FOREIGN POST KOL-700001 Director Kolkata GPO .of Pos Central Kolkata Division Kolkata-700007.Supdt. Supdt. Of Post.of Post Offices East Kolkata Division Kolkata700014.22693221/ 22693221 2269/3380 033. .Supdt. Of Pos South Hooghly Dn.Offices North Hoogly Dn.Supdt.2466-3008 2466-3008 033.22120264 033_ 22481523 22481523 033.26620587/ 3021 033.Chinchura 712101.Supdt.26802310 26620587 26802310 033. SSPOs The Sr.Serampore 712201 SPOs The Supdt. KOLKATA 700001 CHIEF PM BARABAZAR HPO KOLKATA700007 SSPOs The Sr.of Pos South Kolkata Division Kolkata-700029 SSPOs Sr. Of Post offices Howrah Division. SSPOs 033.22489003 2248-9003 033.Jalpaiguri 735101.Supdt. Supdt. SSPOs The Sr. Berhampur 742101. Krishnanagar 743101.Office Mursidabad Dn. .Offices Contai Dn. Kalyani 741235.25926088 2592-6088 033. Purulia Dn. Contai.-: 208 :- Malda SPOs Midnapore (East) SPOs Midnapore East SPOs Midnapore West SSPOs Murshidabad SPOs Nadia Nadia Purulia Sikkim SPOs SPOs SPOs DPS Sikkim 24 Pgs (N) 24 Pgs (S) DPS SSPOs SSPOs The Supdt. 3512 0322803220- 252956 266118 255005 252956 266118 255005 03222- 275518 275518 03482- 250008 250008 03472- 252827 252827 25828682 222733 2536561 033. Midnapore 721401 The Sr. Offices Nadia South Dn. Of Post.Of Post Offices. Of Post. Purulia 723101 O/O The Postmaster General North Bengal & Sikkim Region.Office Tamluk Dn.25828682 032520353222733 2435518 03592- 222610 222165 033. Of Post Offices.721636 The Supdt. Of Post. The Supdt. Dn.Supdt. The Supdt. Malda 732101 The Supdt. The SSPOs South Presy.of Post Offices Midnapore Division Midnapore 721101 The Supdt. Baruipur 700144. Of Post.Nadia North Dn.24338409 24338409 .Siliguri 734401 SIKKIM Dn.Tamluk. GANGTOK 737101 SSPOs North Presidency Division Barrackpore-700120 . The SPOs. Malda Dn . Trunk Road. Dist. No. Silchar Manager (CCC) Mangaldoi HO. 1. Dist. Dibrugarh Division. Dibrugarh Manager (CCC) O/o Supdt. of POs. M. Dist.-: 209 :- LIST OF CENTRAL ASSISTANT PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERS (CAPIOs). Dhubri Manager (CCC) Golaghat HO. Barpeta Manager (CCC) Bongaigaon MDG. of POs. Darrang Manager (CCC) Dhemaji MDG. Bongaigaon Manager (CCC) Sr. K. Dist. Cachar Division. Supdt. ASSAM POSTAL CIRCLE ASSAM Name of the District Barpeta Bongaigaon Cachar Darrang Dhemaji Dhubri Dibrugarh Goalpara Golaghat Designation Full Postal address PIN Tele. Golaghat 781301 783380 788001 784125 787057 783301 786001 03665/252148 03664/222236 222135 03842/263035 03842/263865 263854 03713/222170 03753/224176 03662/230257 0373/2325721 0373/2326041 783301 03662/ 230450 03662/230451 230131 785621 03774/2480548 . Road. Path. FAX E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) Barpeta HO. Goalpara Division. Assam Manager (CCC) O/o Supdt. R. Dist. Dhemaji Manager (CCC) Dhubri HO. Dhubri. Dist. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS. g. B. of POs. Karimgan Manager (CCC) Kokrajhar HO. Post Office Road. Kokrajhar Manager (CCC) North Lakhimpur HO. 3rd floor. Tinsukia Division. Guwahati Manager (CCC) Diphu HO. College Road. Dist. Dist. Supdt. Hills Manager (CCC) Shivasagar HO Manager (CCC) Chariali MDG. N. North Lakhimpur Manager (CCC) Morigaon MDG.. of POs. of POs. Jorhat Manager (CCC) O/o Sr.-: 210 :Hailakandi Jorhat Kamrup Manager (CCC) Hailakandi HO. C. Thana Road. Morigaon Manager (CCC) Nagaon Dn. Sonitpur Manager (CCC) O/o Supdt. Dist. Dist. Dist. Hailakandi Manager (CCC) Savasagar Dn. Meghdoot Bhawan. Nalbari Manager (CCC) Haflong MDG. Nagaon Manager (CCC) Nalbari-Barpeta Dn. Barama Road. Dist.. Guwahati Division. Tinsukia 788819 03844/222228 785001 0376/ 2320137 0376/ 2320137 781001 0361/2540641 0361/2540642 Karbi Anglong Karimganj Kokrajhar Lakhimpur Morigaon Nagaon Nalbari North Cachar Hills Sivasagar Sonitpur Tinsukia 782460 788710 783370 787001 782105 03671/273479 272251 03843/262258 03661/271601 03752/222333 03678/241873 240230 782001 03672/ 254596 03672/ 235957 781335 03624/ 220491 03624/ 220491 788819 03673/236265 785640 03772/222722 784176 03715/224000 786125 0374/2337215 0374/2330121 . Karbi Anglong Manager (CCC) Karimganj HO. Dist. Dist. Panbazar. “Farida Manjil”.. -: 211 :- 2. No. FAX E-mail address (if available) 08732-23105 242045 242045 226133 226133 242045 242045 231302 231302 2364290 2364290 2425501 2428400 0863-2255977 0863-2255977 040-24745375 040-24604567 040-24604567 040-27762987 040-27762987 040-24745978 0870-5564679 08742-224658 08742-224658 Hyderabad and Manager (CCC) Hyd South East Divn. ANDHRA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE ANDHRA PRADESH Name of the Designation District Adilabad Manager (CCC) Anantapur Manager (CCC) Chittoor Manager (CCC) Cuddapah Manager (CCC) EGodavari Manager (CCC) EGodavari Manager (CCC) EGodavari Manager (CCC) Guntur Manager (CCC) Hyderabad and Manager (CCC) RR Distt Full Postal address Adilabad Anantapur Chittoor Cuddapah Amalapuram Kakinada Rajahmundry Guntur Hyd City Divn Hyderabad PIN 504001 515001 517001 516001 533201 533001 533101 522001 500 001 500 027 500 016 500 001 505001 507 003 Tele. RR Distt Hyderabad Hyderabad and Manager (CCC) Secunderabad Division RR Distt Hyderabad and Manager (CCC) Hyderabad GPO RR Distt Karimnagar Manager (CCC) Karimnagar Khammam Manager (CCC) Khammam . -: 212 :- Krishna Krishna Krishna Kurnool Mahabub Nagar Medak Nalgonda Nellore Nizamabad Srikakulam Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Gudivada Machilipatnam Vijayawada Kurnool Mahabub Nagar Medak Nalgonda Gudur(NL) Nizamabad Srikakulam Dn Visakhapatnam Warangal Bhimavaarm Eluru Tadepalligudem 521301 521001 520 001 518 001 509001 502110 508001 524101 503001 532 001 530001 506001 534001 534101 08674-242548 08674-242548 08672-223587 08672-223587 0866-2425577 0866-2425577 241018 241081 08542-242960 08452-221386 08682-224267 08624-251304 08624-251304 08462-222003 08942-227140 2565099 2565099 08545-232122 08816-233377 08816-233377 08812-230651 08812-230651 08818-221310 08818-221310 Visakhapatnam Manager (CCC) Warangal Manager (CCC) West Godavari Manager (CCC) West Godavari Manager (CCC) West Godavari Manager (CCC) . com youfirst@ sancharnet.com shanti_sp@sancharnet. No. BIHAR POSTAL CIRCLE BIHAR Name of the District Araria Aurangabad Banka Begusarai Bhabhua (Kaimur) Bhagalpur Bhojpur Buxar Champaran (East) Champaran (West ) Darbhanga Gaya Gopalganj Jamui Jehanabad Katihar Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC SPOs. 06453 06186 06424 06243 06189 0641 06182 06183 06254 222199 223109 231651 210673 224233 2303320 233329 224624 230188 FAX E-mail address (if available) [email protected]: 213 :- 3. Full Postal address Araria MDG Aurangabad Banka HO Begusarai HO Bhabhua MDG Bhagalpur Bhojpur Buxar HO SPOs.in 845401 06252 232667 846005 06272 246195 246196 823001 0631 2220084 841426 06156 224605 811307 06345 224039 804408 06114 223334 8544105 06452 242301 Manager (CCC) Darbhanga Manager (CCC) Gaya Manager (CCC) Gopalganj HO Manager (CCC) Jamui HO Manager (CCC) Jehanabad HO Manager (CCC) Katihar HO hopogopalganjccc @redifmail. Bettiah SPOs. SPOs. Motihari PIN 854311 824101 813102 851101 821101 812001 802301 802101 845438 Tele.in . in sposmadhubani@ sancharnet.in Manager (CCC) Samastipur Manager (CCC) Saran Dn Chhapra Manager (CCC) Sheikhpura MDG Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Shiohar Sitamarhi Siwan HO Supaul MDG 848101 06274 222324 841301 06152 243698 811105 06341 224925 843329 843301 841226 852131 06222 06226 06154 06473 257203 250235 242925 225208 Spmspa053@ sancharnet.com supr_post@ sancharnet.in [email protected] Dak_supaul @sancharnet.com [email protected]: 214 :- Khagaria Kishanganj Lakhisarai Madhepura Madhubani Munger Muzaffarpur Nalanda Nawada Patna Purnea Rohtash Saharsa Samastipur Saran Sheikhpura Shiohar Sitamarhi Siwan Supaul Vaishali Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Khagaria MDG Kishanganj MDG Lakhisarai MDG Madhepura MDG Madhubani 851204 855107 811311 852113 847211 06244 06456 06346 06476 06276 222082 222726 232031 224336 226347 - Manager (CCC) Munger Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Muzaffarpur Nalanda Nawada Patna (Patna GPO) Purnea Sasaram Saharsa 811201 06344 224464 842002 803101 805110 800001 854301 821115 852201 0621 06112 06324 0612 06454 06184 06478 2282146 222019 216519 2213079 222518 227793 222815 dak_mde@ sancharnet.in [email protected] Manager (CCC) Vaishali 844101 06224 276556 .in meghdootm@ sancharnet. C.O. CHHATISGARH POSTAL CIRCLE CHHATISGARH Name of the District Ambikapur Bhilai H. Manager (CCC) O/o SSPOs Durg Dn. Bastar Bilaspur Dantewara Dhamtari Durg Designation Full Postal address PIN 497001 490006 494001 495001 494449 493773 490006 491001 495668 496331 494334 491995 Tele.O. 07774-223831 FAX E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Ambikapur H. Bhilai Manager (CCC) SPOs Bastar Dn.C. JagdalpurManager (CCC) O/o SPOs Bilaspur 0788-2261004 0788-2261675 07782-225489 07782-225489 07752-250201 07752-223575 07856-252220 07722-231610 0788-2261004 0788-2261675 0788-2323404 07817-223542 07763-223342 07868-241477 07741-232402 232275 Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Dantewara Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Dhamtari Manager (CCC) O/o SSPOs Durg Dn. C. C.-: 215 :- 4. Bhilai Durg Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Durg Janjgir-Champa Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster JanjgirChampa MDG PinJashpur Nagar Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Jashpur Nagar MDG Kanker Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Kanker HO Kawardha Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Kawardha . No. DELHI POSTAL CIRCLE DELHI Name of the Designation Full Postal address District DelhiNorth Manager (CCC) Senior Postmaster Ashok West Vihar HO Centrtal Market Delh Delhi East Manager (CCC) Senior Superintendent of Pos Delhi East Dn Karkardooma Delh PIN 110052 E-mail address (if available) 27249661 27249661 srpmavho@rediffmail. No.O. Raigarh Manager (CCC) SSPOs Raipur Dn. 495677 497335 493445 496001 492009 491441 497001 07759-227291 07836-233126 07723-222020 07762-235242 07762-232380 0771-2527726 0771-2527727 07744-224016 07744-224016 222900 07774-223831 5.com . Raipur Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Rajnandgaon HO Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Ambikapur H.com Tele.mail.-: 216 :- Korba Koria Mahasamund Raigarh Raipur Rajnandgaon Suguja Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Korba HO Manager (CCC) O/o Sub Postmaster Koria SO Baikunthpur Manager (CCC) O/o Postmaster Mahasamund MDG Manager (CCC) O/o SPOs Raigarh Dn. FAX 110051 22373778 22373778 sspoeast@rediff. Naraina New Delhi 110021 24671592 24671592 ssposouthwest@rediffmail. New Delhi South Dn.com 110003 24625614 24625614 ssposouth@rediffmail. Golf Links New Delhi 23743602 23743602 cpmndho@rediffmail. Civil Lines Delhi 110054 238146390 238146390 [email protected] New Delhi HO Manager (CCC) Chief Postmaster New Delhi HO Ashoka Road New Delhi New South Delhi Manager (CCC) Senior Superintendent of Pos.com 110028 25799134 25799134 [email protected]: 217 :- Delhi North Manager (CCC) Senior Superintendent of Pos Delhi North Dn.Puri New Delhi New West Delhi Manager (CCC) Senior Superintendent of Pos .com New Delhi Manager (CCC) Senior Superintendent of South West Pos New Delhi South West Dn Chanakya. Link Road New Delhi 110001 23869771 23865717 [email protected] Delhi Central 23542435 23542435 [email protected] Delhi West Dn.com DelhiEast North Manager (CCC) Chief Postmaster Delhi 110006 GPO Kashmeri Gate Delhi Manager (CCC) Senior Superintendent of 110001 Pos New Delhi Central Dn.com . Meghdoot Bhawan. No.Ahmedabad Manager (CCC) SrPM Navrangpura HO 079 27543831 079 27541714 380009 079-26441933 079-26449375 pm38009@indiapost. GUJARAT POSTAL CIRCLE GUJARAT Name of the District Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Navrangpura HO Amreli Anand Banas Kantha Bharuch Dahod Gandhinagar Jamnagar Junagadh Kachchh Kheda Mahesana Designation Full Postal address PIN 380009 Tele.in Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) SP Amreli SSP Anand SP Palanpur SP Bharuch PM Dahod Ho SPO Gandhinagar SP Jamnagar SP Junagadh SP Kachchh Bhuj Nadiad SSP Kheda Nadiad Manager (CCC) SSP Mahesana 2792222882 02792 222781 02692 250181 02692 258668 2742251144 2742254095 2642243443 2642261748 952673952673242723 242723 3872010 079 23260217 079 23060542 361001 2882553513 2882552891 362001 2852674550 2852672750 370001 2832221172 2832251253 387001 2682549311 2682549311 384001 2762223366 2762223809 388001 388001 385001 392001 389151 . FAX E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) SSP CITY Dn.nic.-: 218 :- 6. Valsad Manager (CCC) SSP Valsad .in 2612473214 2612460157 952631220311 2652780680 2652780680 2652433101 2632244480 2652433101 2632253544 Vadodara West Manager (CCC) Vadodara West vadodara Vadodara East Manager (CCC) SSP Vadodara East.-: 219 :- Narmada Navsari Ho Patan Porbandar Punchmahal (Godhra) Rajkot Sabar Kantha Surat The Dangs Manager (CCC SPM Rajpipla SO DistNarmada Manager (CCC) Sr PM Navsari Manager (CCC) SP Patan Manager (CCC) SP Porbandar Manager (CCC) SP Godhra Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) SSP Rajkot SPOs Himatnagar SSP Surat SPM Ahwa Dang 393145 396445 384265 360575 389001 360001 383001 395001 394710 390001 390002 396001 952640220020 02637-257284 02637-257284 [email protected] 2766221426 2766230254 2862242457 2862215100 2672261731 2672242792 2812242376 2812242376 02772-42450 02772-242450 sposkdn@sancharnet. 124001 125055 131001 135001 Tele. Panchkula PM Panipat SPM HSG-I Rewari MDG SSPOs Rohtak PM Sirsa SPOs Sonipat PM Yamuna Nagar PIN 134003 133001 127021 121001 125050 122001 125001 124103 126102 136027 132001 136118 123001 134109 132103 123401. Sect-8. No. 0171-2556746 0171-2641533 01664-243140 0129-2416597 01667-220010 0124-2321714 01662-232050 01251-252040 01681-253170 01746-222510 0184-2273101 01744-220820 01284-251941 0172-2561446 0180-2650933 01274-256167 01262-243206 01666-220688 0130-2241807 01732-238186 FAX E-mail address (if available) 2556746 2641533 243140 2416597 2334393 231930 2253492 220820 2561446 243206 221202 2241807 238434 . HARYANA POSTAL CIRCLE HARYANA Name of the Designation District Ambala Manager (CCC) Ambala Manager (CCC) Bhiwani Manager (CCC) Faridabad Manager (CCC) Fatehabad Manager (CCC) Gurgaon Manager (CCC) Hissar Manager (CCC) Jhajjar Manager (CCC) Jind Manager (CCC) Kaithal Manager (CCC) Karnal Manager (CCC) Kurukshetra Manager (CCC) Mahendergarh Manager (CCC) Panchkula Manager (CCC) Panipat Manager (CCC) Rewari Manager (CCC) Rohtak Manager (CCC) Sirsa Manager (CCC) Sonipat Manager (CCC) Yamuna Nagar Manager (CCC) Full Postal address PM Ambala City SSPOs Ambala SPOs Bhiwani SSPOs Faridabad SPM Fatehabad SSPOs Gurgaon SPOs Hisar Dn SPM Jhajjar PM Jind SPM Kaithal MDG SSPOs Karnal SPOs Kurukshetra PM Narnaul SPM.-: 220 :7. -: 221 :- 8. HIMACHAL PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE HIMACHAL PRADESH Name of the District Bilaspur Chamba Hamirpur Kangra Kinnaur Kullu Lahaul & Spiti Mandi Shimla Sirmaur Solan Una Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Full Postal address SSPOs Hamirpur SPOs Chamba SSPOs Hamirpur SPOs Dehra SPOs Rampur SSPOs Mandi Lahaul Sub Dn SSPOs Mandi SSPOs Shimla Nahan HO SPOs Solan SPOs Una PIN 177003 176310 177001 177103 175042 175001 175132 175001 171001 173001 173212 174303 Tele. No. 01972-222322 01899-222640 01972-222322 01970-233148 01782-234206 01902-223170 FAX 01972-222322 01899-222440 01972-222322 01970-233148 01782-234032 01902-223170 E-mail address (if available) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] spos [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] sspos sml @rediffmail.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 01905-223169 0177-2652465 01702-226914 01792-220522 01975-225258 01905-223169 0177-2657258 01702-222257 01792-220522 01975-228452 -: 222 :- 9. JHARKHAND POSTAL CIRCLE JHARKHAND Name of the District Bokaro Deoghar Dhanbad Dumka Garhwa Giridih Godda Gumla Hazaribagh Jamtara Koderma Latehar Lohardaga Pakur Designation Full Postal address PIN 827001 826 001 814101 822114 815301 Tele. No. 06542-247781 06432-222307 0326-2220026 FAX 248100 E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) Postmaster B.S.City HO Manager (CCC) Postmaster B.Deoghar HO Manager (CCC) SSPOs, Dhanbad Manager (CCC) SSPOs, S.P. Dn. Dumka Manager (CCC) Postmaster, Garhwa MDG Manager (CCC) SPOs, Giridih Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Postmaster, Godda MDG Postmaster, Gumla HPO SPOs, Hazaribagh Postmaster Jamtara MDG Postmaster, Jhumri Telaiya MDG Manager (CCC) Postmaster, Latehar MDG Manager (CCC) Postmaster, Lohardaga MDG Manager (CCC) Postmaster Pakur MDG 835207 825301 815351 835302 829206 825302 816107 0326-222284 sspost_dnb@rediff mail.com 06434-222284 06434-222284 [email protected] m 06561-222220 06532-222632 06532-222632 [email protected] m 06422-2220221 06524-223005 06546-222315 06546-222315 06433-222232 06534-222402 06565-247620 06526-24028 06435-222001 -: 223 :- Palamau Daltonganj Ranchi Sahibganj Saraikela Simdega Singhbhum (East) Singhbhum (West) Manager (CCC) SPOs, Palamau, Daltonganj Manager (CCC) SSPOs, RanchiManager (CCC) Postmaster Sahibganj MDG Manager (CCC) Postmaster, Saraikela SO Manager (CCC) Postmaster Simdega MDG Manager (CCC) SSPOs, Singhbhum Division, Jamshedpur Manager (CCC) Postmaster Chaibasa HO 822101 06562-222076 06562-222076 rssingh@rediffmail. com 834001 0651-2207691 0651-2309400 mabdali@rediffmail .com 816109 06436-2223030 833219 835223 06597-234610 0652526230/26335 0657-2340032 0657-2340032 sspostjsr@rediffmai l.com 06582-252346 833201 10. KARNATAKA POSTAL CIRCLE KARNATAKA Name of the District Bagalkot Designation Manager (CCC) Full Postal address Bagalkot HO Bagalkot587101 Bangalore South Dn Bangalore-560041 Bangalore East Dn. Bangalore-560025 Bangalore GPO,BG-1. Telephone No. 08354 080 080 080 224791 Fax No. E-mail ID 223168 [email protected] Bangalore Manager (CCC) South Bangalore East Manager (CCC) Bangalore GPO Manager (CCC) 26633719 26633719 [email protected] 25587995 25321960 [email protected] 22868652 22867788 [email protected] -: 224 :- Bangalore West Manager (CCC) Bangalore Rural Manager (CCC) Banglore Rural Belgaumn Bellary Bidar Bijapur Chamrajnagar Chikmagalur Chitradurga Davangere Dharwad Gadag Gulbarga Hassan Haveri Kodagu Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Bangalore West dn. Bangalore-560010` Jayanagar HO Bangalore560013 Basavangudi HO Bangalore560004 Belgaum HO Belgaum590001 Bellary HO Bellary-583101 Bidar HO Bidar-585401 Bijapur HO Bijpaur-586104 Nanjangud Division Nanjangud-571301 Chikmagalur HO Chikmagalur-577101 Chitradurga HO Chitradurga577501 Davangere HO Davangere577101 Dharwad HO Dharwad580001 Gadag HO Gadag-582101 Gulbarga HO Gulbarga585101 Hassan HO Hassan-573201 MHaveri HO Haveri-581110 Kodagu HO Madikeri-571201 080 080 080 0831 08392 08482 08352 08221 08262 08194 08192 0836 08372 08472 08172 08375 08272 23324751 23324869 [email protected] [email protected] 26340303 26340303 Not available 26612250 Nil [email protected] 2400439 2436870 [email protected] 230731 2208486 243040 226284 235270 220001 257630 268567 [email protected] 227994 [email protected] 251800 [email protected] 228850 [email protected] 230120 [email protected] 235695 [email protected] 257630 [email protected] 2740494 2742311 [email protected] 238566 243477 233163 239149 223903 237936 [email protected] 220067 [email protected] 267005 [email protected] 833398 [email protected] 225496 [email protected] -: 225 :- Kolar Koppal Mandya Mysore North Kannada Raichur Shimoga Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) South Kannada Manager (CCC) Tumkur Udupi Dn Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Kolar HO Kolar-563101 Gadag Division Gadag582101 Mandya HO Mandya-571401 Mysore HO Mysore-570020 Karwar Division Karwar581301 Raichur HO Raichur-584101 Shimoga HO Shimoga577201 Mangalore Division Mangalore-575001 Tumkur-572102 Udupi-576010 08152 08372 08232 0821 08382 08532 08182 0824 0816 0820 222253 238566 222033 Nil 237936 [email protected] 220130 224333 [email protected] 2421418 2417302 [email protected] 223640 221208 [email protected] 225874 222615 235987 [email protected] 222991 [email protected] 2441960 2217076 [email protected] 2278440 2278281 Nil 2526144 2521780 [email protected] 11. KERALA POSTAL CIRCLE KERALA Name of the District Alappuzha Ernakulam Idukki Kannur Kasargode Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Full Postal address O/O SP, Alappuzha 688012 O/O SSPOs, Ernakulam 682011 O/O SPOs, Idukki 685584 O/O SSPOs, Kannur 670001 O/O SPOs, Kasargode, 671121 Tele. No. 0477-2239816 0484-2369507 0486-2226135 0497-2705373 04994-226391 FAX 0477-2239816 0484-2369507 0486-2226135 0497-2705373 04994-223691 E-mail address (if available) Kalpetta 673121 . Palakkad 678001 Postmaster. Pathanamthitta 689645 O/O SSPOs. Thrissur. Calicut 673003 Postmaster. TVM GPO.-: 226 :- Kollam Manager (CCC) Kottayam Manager (CCC) Kozhikode Manager (CCC) Malappuram Manager (CCC) Palakkad Manager (CCC) Pathanamthitta Manager (CCC) Thrissur Manager (CCC) Trivandrum GPO Trivandrum North Trivandrum South Wayanad Senior Supdt of Pos. Trivandrum 695014 Manager (CCC) Postmaster. Kollam 691001 O/O SSPOs. Trivandrum 695001 0474-2760463 0481-2303255 0495-2321566 0483-2734880 0491-2545052 0468-2322338 0487-2444900 0471-2460725 0471-2464794 0471-2323817 0493-2603411 0474-2760463 0481-2303255 0495-2325166 0483-2734880 0491-2545052 0468-2322338 0487-2444900 0471-2460725 0471-2464794 0471-2323817 0493-2603411 Manager (CCC) SPOs. Trivandrum South. Kottayam 686001 O/ O SSPOs Calicut. Malappuram 676505 O/O SSPOs. Thrissur 680001 Manager (CCC) Senior Postmaster. Trivandrum North Dn. Trivandrum 695001 Manager (CCC) SSPOs. Hingoli Tele.442 401 Manager (CCC) Dhule HPO Compound 3rd Floor Dhule 424001 Manager (CCC) Postmaster. Gondia . 2355019 / 2355010 2435014 2435039 2662060 2331088 / 2334885 FAX E-mail address (if available) 2328081 cccanrdn@sancharnet. in 2324565 [email protected] Manager (CCC) Hingoli Mukhya Dak Ghar. Andheri Manager (CCC) Khadakakpura.442 605 Manager (CCC) Postmaster.443 001 Manager (CCC) Chandrapur.444 001 Manager (CCC) Amravati .444 602 Manager (CCC) Juna Bazar Aurangabad 431001 Manager (CCC) Mumbai City North CCC.-: 227 :12.232921 No Fax 07182 .com 250012 [email protected] 2441851 [email protected] 242558 spos_bld@rediffmail. MAHARASHTRA POSTAL CIRCLE MAHARASHTRA Name of the Designation Full Postal address District Ahmednagar Manager (CCC) Ahmednagar-414 001 Akola Amravati Aurangabad Bandra Suburban Beed Buldhana Chandrapur Dhule Gadchiroli Gondia Hingoli Manager (CCC) Akola. Gadchiroli MDG.in 2662060 sspamt_cccc@sancharnet. No. Gadchiroli . Gondia HO.com 235452 no email address No Fax 07132 . Beed 431122 Manager (CCC) Buldana.223080 / 232419 No Fax 02456-223103&221713 .in 222664 222381 242558 242557 255337 / 250224 236602 / 235480 442605 441601 431513 227035 bhr_pm431122@sancharn et. com . Near Gandhi Chowk.co m 239845 sponanded@indiapostoffic es. Near Shivaji Maharaj Statue.410 206 Manager (CCC) Azad Nagar. Panvel . Manager (CCC) Old GPO Building. Andheri (West). Kolhapur .440 012.co. Manager (CCC) Nagpur. Nagpur Cith Nagpur Nanded Nandurbar Nasik Navi Mumbai North Manager (CCC) Nagpur.. 2224288 2229679 431203 2654485 2654055 413512 23071296 / 23090284 22623120 / 22620343 2531455 / 2560708 2526086 / 2560577 231521 /231877 425412 2598216 27458997 / 27453204 26325544 / 26325740 2221420 [email protected]: 228 :- Jalgaon Jalna Manager (CCC) Jalgaon 425001 Manager (CCC) Jalna HPO. Supdt.i n No Fax 02482-231699 &232925 2667378 sspokolhapur@yahoo. Mumbai 400001.com 22623120 / directorgpo400001@yahoo 22621499 / .c om 2526086 [email protected] 26325740 [email protected] 243430 02382-242680 23060623 ssp_west1@rediffmail. Manager (CCC) Nanded 431602 Manager (CCC) Nandurbar PO. Kolhapur Dn. Mumbai-400053. Nandurbar Manager (CCC) Nashik GPO Nashik Manager (CCC) Navi Mumbai Dn. Latur Mumbai Central Manager (CCC) Mumbai Central HPO. of Post Offices.440 010.400008 Mumbai GPO. Jalna Kolhapur Manager (CCC) O/o Sr.com 22622323 2565117 sspnpcitycccc@rediffmail. Andhare. Near Dr.Panvel HO Bldg.net No Fax 02564-222424 &222285 2599128 no email address 27458997 sp_navimumbai@rediffmail .416 003 Latur Manager (CCC) Latur HPO... Mumbai . Malvan . Manager (CCC) O/o Sr.com Parbhani Manager (CCC) Parbhani 431401 Pune City East Manager (CCC) Pune-411 037 Pune City West Manager (CCC) Pune-411 030 Pune MFL Raigad Ratnagiri Manager (CCC) Pune-411 042 28850414 [email protected] 606. Manager (CCC) Satara-415 001 237443 / 232403 Manager (CCC) O/o Supdt of Post Offices. Mumbai .com 222022 241321 No email address Sangli Satara. 2330304 Sangli Divn. Ratnagiri Dn.-: 229 :- North East Manager (CCC) Bhandup East PO Building. Kandivali (East).416 416. Supdt.. of Post Offices. Manager (CCC) Osmanabad 413501 North West Osmanabad 25647388 / 25647452 / 25610484 28850414 227078 / 223394 225280 / 220274 24263345 / 24263394 24328699 / 24338501 24476609 / 24470325 952141 – 222110 241300 / 241247 25647388 sspne@yahoo. Mumbai-400 042 Manager (CCC) Samata Nagar. Sangli .in 252022 sindhudurg@rediffmail. Sindhudurg Manager (CCC) Raigad Division.com 952141 – [email protected] 101.in 225280 no email address 24267911 ssppuneeast@vsnl. Ratnagiri .415 612.. Alibag – 402 201.net 24328699 cccpncw@vsnl. Alibag HO Bldg.net 24484350 spomfl@hotmail. com 225924 osd_sppostal1@sancharne t.. 2320280 No email address 237445 cccstrdo@sancharnet. 252022 / 252237 Sindhudurg Dn. Manager (CCC) O/o Supdt of Post Offices.com . dhapudkar@rediffm ail.403601 0832 .com 28114800 ssp_thanewest@rediffmail. 5th floor.. Annex Bldg.442 001 240599 / 243399 Manager (CCC) Yavatmal – 445 001 253016 / 253018 2621147 / 2726513 22622622/ 22657184 25343436 2725144 srspsolapur@yahoo. Madgaon HO.. Panaji-403001 Manager (CCC) Madgaon CCC.com GOA North Goa (Panaji South Goa (Madgaon Manager (CCC) Sr. com 232006 240599 spwardha@indiapost. Manager (CCC) Near Railway Station. Panaji HO.co.O.org 253017 suresh. PO Bldg. Thane-400 601.in 22622622 ssp_south1@rediffmail. Mumbai – 28114800 / 400 107 28114232 Manager (CCC) Washim MDG (Near Old bus 233496 stand)-444505 Manager (CCC) Wardha.P. Postmaster.2223704 2223704 2711446 2703893 / 2715791 .co m 25334290 ssp_thanecentral1@rediff mail. Madgaon . Manager (CCC) Mira Road. Mumbai .400001.0832 .-: 230 :- Solapur South Thane Central Thane West Washim Wardha Yavatmal Manager (CCC) Solapur-413 001 Manager (CCC) Mumbai G. Thane RS PO. FAX E-mail address (if available) Anuppur Manager (CCC) Shahdol HO Ashoknagar Manager (CCC) Guna HO Balaghat Manager (CCC) Balaghat HO Barwani Manager (CCC) Barwani MDG Betul Manager (CCC) Betul HO Bhind Manager (CCC) Morena HO Bhopal.T.-: 231 :13.Nagar Bhopal GPO Manager (CCC) Bhopal GPO Burahanpur Manager (CCC) Khandwa HO Chhatarpur Manager (CCC) Chhatarpur HO Chhindwara Manager (CCC) Chhindwara HO Damoh Manager (CCC) Damoh HO Datia Manager (CCC) Datia MDG Dewas Manager (CCC) Dewas HO Dhar Manager (CCC) Dhar HO Dindori Manager (CCC) Dindori MDG 484001 473001 481001 451551 460001 476001 462022 (07652) 245666 (07542)251525 (07632) 241301 (07290) 222022 (07141) 231491 (07532) 226124 (0755) 2753588 462003 (0755) 2778392 462001 (0755) 2531206 (0733) 2223110 471001 (07682) 241745 481001 (07162) 244139 470661 (07812) 222106 475661 (07522) 234803 455001 (07272) 222094 454001 (07292) 222350 481880 (07644) 234020 . BhopaL SB HO Bhopal Manager (CCC) Bhopal C.T Nagar HO C. BHEL Manager (CCC) BHEL SB HO. No. MADHYA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE MADHYA PRADESH Name of the District Designation Full Postal address PIN Tele.T.T. Postmaster.Os. HO Manager (CCC) Satna HO Manager (CCC) Sehore HO 473001 (07542) 251525 474 009 (0751) 2462870 461331 461001 452001 482001 457001 483501 450001 450001 481661 458001 476001 487001 458001 488001 464001 466001 457001 486001 470001 485001 466001 07577 222002 (07574) 254880 (0731) 2700022 (0761) 2678079 (07412) 222877 (07622) 230465 (0733) 2223110 (0733) 2223110 (07642) 250796 (07422) 221501 (07532) 226124 (07792) 230604 (07422) 221501 (07732) 254434 (07592) 232022 (07562) 225653 (07412) 222877 (07662) 242103 (07582) 222547 (07672) 230351 (07562) 225653 (0751) 2462871 . Gwalior Manager (CCC) Harda MDG Manager (CCC) Hoshangabad HO Manager (CCC) Sr.-: 232 :- Guna Gwalior Harda Hoshangabad Indore Jabalpur Jhabua Katni Khandwa Khargone Mandla Mandsaur Morena Narsinghpur Neemuch Panna Raisen Rajgarh Ratlam Rewa Sagar Satna Sehore Manager (CCC) Guna HO Manager (CCC) Sr. Indore GPO Manager (CCC) Jabalpur HO Manager (CCC) Ratlam HO Manager (CCC) Katni HO Manager (CCC) Khandwa HO Manager (CCC) Khandwa HO Manager (CCC) Mandla HO Manager (CCC) Mandsaur HO Manager (CCC) Morena HO Manager (CCC) Narsinghpur HO Manager (CCC) Mandsaur HO Manager (CCC) Panna MDG Manager (CCC) Vidisha HO Manager (CCC) Sehore HO Manager (CCC) Ratlam HO Manager (CCC) Rewa HO Manager (CCC) Sagar Cantt.Supdt. of P. O.-: 233 :- Seoni Shahdol Shajapur Sheopur Shivpuri Sidhi Tikamgarh Ujjain Umaria Vidisha Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Seoni H. No. NORTH EAST POSTAL CIRCLE ARUNACHAL PRADESH Name of the District Changlang Dibang Valley East Kameng East Siang Itanagar Kurung Kumey Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Full Postal address Changlang SO Anini SO Seppa SO Pasighat MDG Itanagar HO Palin S. PIN 792120 792101 790102 791102 791111 791118 Tele.O Shahdol HO Shajapur HO Sheopurkalan MDG Shivpuri HO Sidhi HO Tikamgarh HO Ujjain HO Umaria MDG Vidisha HO 480661 484001 465001 476337 473551 486661 472001 456001 484661 464001 (07692) 220292 (07652) 245666 (07364) 226433 (07530) 221170 (07492) 233386 (07822) 252202 (07683) 243051 (0734) 2553100 (07653) 222342 (07592) 232022 14. 222423 222279 222223 2222341 2211156 - FAX E-mail address (if available) . Itanagar. Tirap Manager (CCC) Khonsa MDG Towang Manager (CCC) Tawang SO Upper Siang Manager (CCC) Hill top S. Upper Manager (CCC) Daporijo SO Subansiri West Kameng Manager (CCC Bomdila S. West Siang Manager (CCC) Along MDG 792001 792110 791120 222208 03803-222283 224239 2212325 797001 2214937 786630 222239 790104 222280 791103 791122 223221 790001 791001 222184 222234 MANIPUR Bishenpur Manager (CCC) Chandel Manager (CCC) Churachandpur Manager (CCC) Imphal (East) Manager (CCC) Imphal west Manager (CCC) Senapati Tamenglong Thoubal Ukhrul Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Bishenpur SO Chandel SO ChurachandpurMDG Jiribam Director Postal Services. Valley Lower Manager (CCC) Zero MDG Subansire Papumpare Manager (CCC) Director Postal Services.O.-: 234 :Lohit Manager (CCC) Tezu MDG Lower Dibang Manager (CCC) Roing S. Arunachal Pradesh Division. ImphalSenapati SO Tamenglong SO Thoubal MDG Ukhrul SO 795126 795127 795128 795116 795001 795106 795142 795138 795142 222542 222227 234227 21220 22202264 22227 222006 222221 222027 1 2 3 4 2443844 5 6 7 8 9 . Manipur Division.O.O. Shillong. Meghalaya Division. Manager (CCC) Jowai MDG NongpohS. Manager (CCC) Tura H. Manager (CCC) Sr.O. of PO’s.O. FAX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E-mail address (if available) 796001 2328023 796321 234323 796081 220030 796891 232244 796701 0389-2324035 796441 Nil 796901 226200 796181 222580 .-: 235 :- MEGHALYA Name of the District East Garo Hills East Khasi Hills Jaintia Hills Ri Bhoi South Garo Hills West Garo Hills West Khasi Hills Designation Full Postal address PIN Tele.O. No. 794111 220680 2221708 2222264 793150 220603 793102 232417 794102 222230 794001 793119 223790 222220 MIZORAM Name of the District Aizawl Champai Kolasib Lawngtlai Lunglei Mamit Saiha Serchip Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Full Postal address Aizawl Ho Champai SO Kolasib SO Lawngtlai SO SPM Lunglei Mamit SO Saiha SO Serchip SO PIN Tele. Manager (CCC) Bagmara S.O. Supdt. Manager (CCC) Nongstoin S. No.O. FAX E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) Williamnagar S. Agartala.O. 229193 2291346 2226265 221243 223056 220235 222022 220290 FAX E-mail address (if available) TRIPURA Name of the Designation Full Postal address PIN District Dhalai Manager (CCC) Ambassa S. 799289 North Tripura Manager (CCC) Dharmanagar HO 799350 South Tripura Manager (CCC) Post Master RadhaKishore Pur 799120 HOWest Tripura Manager (CCC) Director Postal 799001 Services.799001 Tele.Agartala Division. No. No. 222230 220269 222499 2323800 FAX E-mail address (if available) 222499 2323800 .-: 236 :NAGALAND Name of the District Dimapur Kohima Mokokchung Mon Phek Tuensang Wokha Zunheboto Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Full Postal address Dimapur MDG Kohima HO Mokokchung MDG Mon MDG Phek SO Tuensang MDG Wokha SO Zunheboto MDG PIN 797112 797001 798601 798621 797108 798612 797111 798620 Tele. Orissa 06764 230595 Manager (CCC) o/o the SPOs Balasore 06782 . 06841 .2620820 Cuttack-753001 Cuttack City Manager (CCC) o/o the Sr. Orissa .0671 . Sambalpur.0671 . Angul.0671 . Bolangir-767 001 06652 . Cuttack .222021 Dist.251693 250284 756100 Bolangir Manager (CCC) SPOs Balangir Dn.Balasore 756001 Bargarh Manager (CCC) Bargarh HO 768028 Dist. Boudh. Cuttack . 0671 .2620799 753 001. Cuttack GPO. ORISSA POSTAL CIRCLE ORISSA Name of the District Angul Balasore Designation Full Postal address Tele. Orissa Cuttack North Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Cuttack North Dn.06784 .232156 Orissa Boudh Manager (CCC) Boudhraj Mykhya Dak Ghar -762014.2304269 2304812 753 001. No.232156 06652 .-: 237 :15. Orissa Cuttack South Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Cuttack South Dn.232810 Orissa Bhadrak Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Bhadrak division.262008 262125 division.2304318 2304395 753 001. FAX E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) Angul HO. Orissa Cuttack Manager (CCC) o/o Sr Postmaster. 759122 Dist. 06646 . Bhadrak. Postmaster Cuttack GPO . 272430 06670 . Aska .2222091 06822 273314 06724 . Orissa Keonjhar Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Keonjhar Dn. Jharsuguda. Dist.230235 253956 241085 .760 001. Ganjam .252293 06842 . Malkangiri Orissa. Orissa Khurda Manager (CCC) Khurda HO 752055. Orissa Koraput Manager (CCC) o/o SSPOs Koraput Dn. Orissa Kalahandi Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Kalahandi Dn.764045 06842 . Keonjhargarh 758 001. Dhenkanal 759001. Orissa Jharsuguda Manager (CCC) Jharsuguda HO 768201. Orissa 06641 . Orissa Kandhamal Manager (CCC) SPOs Phulbani Dn.226687 232686 0680 .220026 06728 .761 110 Dist.226440 06762 .232210 06766 .240341 06861 .220587 06854 .230713 230299 - Jagatsinghpur Manager (CCC) Jagatsinghpur HO 754 103. Orissa Manager (CCC) o/o the SPOs Aska division. Orissa Malkangiri Manager (CCC) Malkangiri MDG Dist.255485 06755 . Orissa Kendrapara Manager (CCC) Kendrapara HO 254211. Orissa Manager (CCC) SSPOs Berhampur Dn Berhampur (Ganjam) .762 001. Phulbani (O). Jeypore (K) 764 001.222164 06645 .2222091 0680 .-: 238 :- Deogarh Dhenkanal Gajapati Ganjam Manager (CCC) Deogarh Mukhya Dak Ghar 768108 Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Dhenkanal Dn. Bhawanipatna 766001. Orissa Jajpur Manager (CCC) Jajpur HO 751001.253691 06727 . Orissa Manager (CCC) Nowrangpur Mukhya Dak Ghar 764051.223422 06752 . Orissa Manager (CCC) o/o SSPOs Sundergarh dn.272256 252244 222044 2410178 2172258 . Orissa Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Sambalpur Dn. Nuapara 766105.-: 239 :- Mayurbhanj Nayagarh Nowrangpur Nuapara Tanwat.252708 06753 . Orissa Manager (CCC) o/o SSPOs Puri Dn. Orissa Manager (CCC) Postmaster.222066 06856 .2410709 06654 . Sundergarh 770001. Rayagada. Sambalpur 768 001.222022 06678 . Puri 752 001. Puri Rayagada Sambalpur Sonepur Sundergarh Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Mayurbhanj Dn.235955 0663 . Orissa Manager (CCC) Nayagarh HO 752069. Orissa Manager (CCC) Sonepurraj Mukhya Dak Ghar 767017. Sonepur.252219 06658 . Baripada 757001. Orissa Manager (CCC) Nuapara Tanwat Mukhya Dak Ghar. Orissa 06792 .220224 06622 . Dist. Dist. Rayagada HO 765 001 Dist. -: 240 :- 16. Kapurthala-144601 Head Post Office. Ludhiana-141001 Head Post Office. Gurdaspur-143521 Head post Office. Jalandhar City-144001 Head Post Office. Jalandhar Cantt. Bathinda.151001 Manager (CCC) Head Post Office. Ludhiana City-141001 MDG Mansa-151505 018522229808 0164-2239072 01639-250539 01762-233610 01632-243566 01874-242089 01882-220341 0181-2260240 0181-2401981 01882-231492 0161-2405354 0161-2772488 01652-220274 . Faridkot-151203 Manager (CCC) Fatehgarh Sahib S. Hoshiarpur-146001 Head Post Office. PUNJAB POSTAL CIRCLE PUNJAB Name of the District Designation Full Postal address Tele. No. FAX E-mail address (if available) Amritsar Bathinda Faridkot Fatehgarh Sahib Ferozepur Gurdaspur Hoshiarpur Jalandhar Cantt Jalandhar City Kapurthala Ludhiana Ludhiana © Mansa Manager (CCC) ead Post Office Amritsar-143001 Manager (CCC) Head Post Office.-144005 Head Post Office.-140407 Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Head Post Office Ferozepur-152001 Head Post Office.O. Patiala-147001 Head Post Office. Sangrur-148001 01636-222367 01633-262034 01823-220010 0175-2301455 01881-221422 01672-239677 CHANDIGARH Chandigarh Manager (CCC) General Post Office. Moga-142001 MDG Muktsar-152026 MDG.O. Ropar-140001 Head Post Office. Nawanshahr-144514 Head Post Office.-: 241 :- Moga Muktsar Nawanshahr Patiala Rupnagar Sangrur Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Head Post Office. 0145-2420401 0144-2337276 02962-242734 07453-230104 02982-220443 05644-222125 01482-220334 FAX 0145-2420401 0144-2337276 02964-230934 02982-220443 05644-222125 01482-220334 E-mail address (if available) . RAJASTHAN POSTAL CIRCLE RAJASTHAN Name of the District Ajmer Alwar Banswara Baran Barmer Bharatpur Bhilwara Designation Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Full Postal address SSPOs Ajmer SSPOs Alwar PM Banswara H. No. Chandigarh-160017 0172-2711765 17. SPM Baran MDG SPOs Barmer SPOs Bharatpur SPOs Bhilwara PIN 305001 301001 327001 325205 344001 321001 311001 Tele. -: 242 :- Bikaner Manager (CCC) Bundi Manager (CCC) Chittorgarh Manager (CCC) Churu Manager (CCC) Dausa Manager (CCC) Dholpur Manager (CCC) Dungarpur Manager (CCC) Hanumangarh Manager (CCC) Jaipur City Manager (CCC) Jaipur GPO Manager (CCC) Jaipur Mofussil Manager (CCC) Jaisalmer Jalore Jhalawar Jhunjhunu Jodhpur Karauli Kota Nagaur Pali Rajsamand SPOs Bikaner PM Bundi HO SPOs Chittorgarh SPOs Churu PM Dausa HO PM Dholpur SPOs Dungarpur PM Hanumangarh HO SSPOs Jaipur City Dn. 224450 07432-232359 01592-232349 0291-2632250 07464-220010 0744-2451084 01582-240573 02932-220362 0151-2524177 01472-240354 01562-250643 0141-2302055 05642-240509 02964-230934 0154-2460098 0141-2374161 0141-2374161 0141-2302055 0291-2634186 02972-222291 0744-2441665 01592-232349 0291-2634186 07462-220239 0744-2441665 01582-240573 02932-220352 Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) . Sr.Dn.. Jaipur GPO SPOs Jaipur Mfl. Jasipur Manager (CCC) PM Jaisalmer Manager (CCC) PM Jalore H. PM Jhalawar HO SPOs Jhunjhunu SSPOs Jodhpur PM Karauli MDG SSPOs Kota SPOs Nagaur SPOs Pali Rajsamand 334001 323001 312001 331001 303303 328001 314001 335512 302006 302001 302016 345001 343001 326001 333001 342001 322241 324001 341001 306401 313326 0151-2524177 0747-2456740 01472-240354 01562-250643 01427-230250 05642-220675 02964-230934 01552-254053 0141-2374161 0141-2374000 0141-2302055 02992-252407 02973-223801. PM.O. -: 243 :- Sawai Madhopur Sikar Sirohi Sriganganagar Tonk Udaipur Manager (CCC) SPOs. Sawai Madhopur Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) SPOs Sikar SPOs Sirohi SPOs Sriganganagar PM Tonk HO SSPOs Udaipur 322001 332001 307001 335001 304001 313001 07462-220239 01572-250902 02972-222291 0154-2460098 01432-253192 0294-2429016 07462-220239 01572-250902 02972-222291 0154-2460098 01432-253323 0294-2429133 19. TAMILNADU POSTAL CIRCLE TAMILNADU . No. of POs CCC. Office Chennai Chief Post Master ChennaiGPO Chennai Manager.north@rediffm 28277978 ail.central@rediff 24345325 mail. Office Chennai SSPOs Chennai City SouthDivl.chennaigpo@ 25244388 rediffmail.south@rediffm 28342893 ail. Coimbatore Postmaster Cuddalore HO Supdt.com ssp.-: 244 :Designation Full Postal address PIN Tele. Dharmapuri 600 017 044-24345325 600 008 044-28277978 600 017 044-28342893 600 001 044-25216766 641001 2397352 607001 04142-222493 636701 2690632 2399292 ssp. Office Chennai SSPOs Chennai City North Divl. FAX E-mail address (if available) Name of the Distric t Chennai City Central Chennai City North Chennai City south Chennai-GPO Coimbatore Cuddalore Dharmapuri Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) SSPOsChennai City Central Divsl.Customer Care Centre.com ssp.com cpm.com . com Krishnagiri Manager (CCC) Madurai Manager (CCC) Nagapattinam Manager (CCC) Namakkal Manager (CCC) Nilgiris Manager (CCC) Perambular Manager (CCC) Pudukottai Manager (CCC) Ramanathapuram Manager (CCC) Salem East Manager (CCC) Salem Manager (CCC) Salem West Manager (CCC) Sivaganga Manager (CCC) Thanjavur Manager (CCC) Theni Manager (CCC) Tuticorin Manager (CCC) Tiruchirappalli Manager (CCC) Tirunelveli Manager (CCC) Tiruvallur Manager (CCC) 625002 611001 637001 643001 621211 622001 623501 636001 636001 636005 630561 613001 625 531 628 001 620001 627001 602001 - 2264844 254539 2390251 . Namakkal SSPOs Udagamandalam Post Master Perambular HO Postmaster Pudukottai HO Postmaster RamanathapuramSupdt.Postmaster. of POs . SalemSupdt.KarurPostmaster Krishnagiri Sr.TuticorinPostmaster Tiruchirappalli HO Postmaster Tirunelveli HO Postmaster Tiruvallur HO 624001 0451-2427503 638001 2258066 631501 04112-223723 629 001 232032 639 001 262771 236808 0452-2343930 04365-242022 220953 2451229 04328-227180 04322-221324 04527-220338 2253050 2267433 2448014 04575-230289 04362-230810 254843 2391690 0431-2415618 0462-2322816 04116-260033 sp. of POs Salem Sivaganga MDG Postmaster Thanjavur HO Theni Dn.com 232033 262282 spokarur@rediffm ail.Supdt.Nagercoil Manager (CCC) Karur Dn. CCC Erode Manager (CCC) SSPOs Kanchipuram HO Manager (CCC) Kanniyakumari Dn.kanchipuram@r 223723 ediffmail.TheniTuticorin Dn. of POs SalemSr.-: 245 :- Dindigul Erode Kanchipuram Kanniyakumari Karur Manager (CCC) Postmaster CCC Dindigul Manager (CCC) Sr. Postmaster Madurai HO Postmaster Nagapattinam HO Supdt. No. 0562 0571 0532 05271 05683 05462 05832 0121 05252 05498 05263 2858296 2704473 2621599 2244160 244957 220147 267148 221060 236365 220771 232020 FAX 2856115 2403701 2622766 E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Agra Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Aligarh Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Allahabad Manager (CCC) Postmaster Akbarpur HO Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Postmaster Auraiya HO O/O SSPOs Azamgarh O/O SPOs Badaun Postmaster Baghpat HO O/O SPOs Bharaich O/O SPOs Ballia Postmaster Balrampur HO 220674 266811 221060 232322 220518 .vellore@rediff 0416-2232549 2212045 mail. UTTAR PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE UTTAR PRADESH Name of the District Agra Aligarh Allahabad Ambedkar Nagar) Auraiya Azamgarh Badaun Baghpat Baharaich Ballia Balrampur Designation Full Postal address PIN 282001 202001 211001 224122 206122 267001 243601 250601 271801 277001 271201 Tele. Office Manager (CCC) Postmaster Villupuram HO Manager (CCC) Postmaster Virudhunagar HO 610001 04366-222022 632001 ssp.-: 246 :- Tiruvarur Vellore Villupuram Virudhunagar Manager (CCC) Postmaster Tiruvarur HO Manager (CCC) SSPOs Vellore Divl.com 605602 04146-223717 626001 04562-243232 19. Hamirpur Hardoi Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) O/O SPOs Banda O/O SPOs Barabanki O/O SSPOs Bareilly O/O SPOs Basti O/O SPOs Bijnore O/O SPOs Bulandshahar Postmaster Chandauli MDG Postmaster Chitrakoot MDG O/O SSPOs Deoria O/O SPOs Etah O/O SPOs Etawah O/O SSPOs Faizabad O/O SPOs Fatehpur Postmaster Firozabad HO O/O SPOs Fatehgarh 209601 Manager (CCC) Postmaster Noida HO O/O SSPOs Ghaziabad O/O SPOs Ghazipur O/O SPOs Gonda O/O SSPOs Gorakhpur Postmaster Hamirpur HO O/O SPOs Hardoi 210001 225001 243001 272001 246701 203001 232104 210204 274001 207001 206001 224001 212601 205152 209601 05192 224737 05248 228260 0581 2422832 05542 282600 01342 262187 05732 253691 05412 262330 05198 235374 05568 222288 05742 234456 05688 255398 05278 222941 05180 224256 05612 241147 05692 222011 2546189 222460 2427079 282214 262003 252668 222381 233548 256122 222215 225728 223981 201307 0120 201001 233001 271001 273301 210301 241001 Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) 0120 2750065 0548 2222602 05262 222880 0551 2333036 05182 222323 05852 220226 2964554 2220385 222892 2333447 220433 .-: 247 :- Banda Barabanki Bareilly Basti Bijnore Bulandshahar. Chandauli Chitrakoot Deoria Etah Etawah Faizabad Fatehpur Firozabad Furakkhabad Gautambudh Nagar Ghaizabad Ghazipur Gonda Gorakhpur . -: 248 :- Hathrash Jalaun Jaunpur Jhansi Jyotibaphule Nagar Kannauj Kanpur Dehat Kanpur Nagar Kaushambi Kheri Kushi Nagar Lalitpur Lucknow Maharajganj Mahoba Mainpuri Mathura Mau Meerut Mirzapur Moradabad Manager (CCC) Postmaster Hathrash MDG Manager (CCC) Postmaster HO Orai Manager (CCC) O/O SPOs Jaunpur Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Jhansi Manager (CCC) Postmaster Amroha HO Manager (CCC) Postmaster Kannauj MDG Manager (CCC) O/O SPOs Kanpur (M) Dn.. Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Manager (CCC) Postmaster Manjhanpur MDG Manager (CCC) O/O SPOs Kheri Manager (CCC) Postmaster HO Padrauna Manager (CCC) Postmaster Lalitpur HO Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Lucknow Manager (CCC) Postmaster Maharajganj MDG Manager (CCC) Postmaster Mahoba MDG Manager (CCC) O/O SPOs Mainpuri Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Mathura Manager (CCC) Postmaster Mau HO Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Meerut Manager (CCC) O/O SPOs Mirzapur Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Moradabad 204101 285001 222001 284001 244221 209725 208001 208001 212207 262701 274304 284403 226007 273301 210427 205001 281001 275101 250001 231001 244001 05722 233810 05162 252242 05452 242948 243522 0517 2471098 2471261 05922 259600 05694 234298 0512 2361366 0512 2362129 05331 232304 05872 252064 05564 222367 05176 272402 0522 2781118 05523 222226 05281 05672 0565 05742 0121 05442 0591 244123 234629 2403345 2220812 2661565 245898 2410023 2361366 2306210 255301 2780260 234531 2403032 2667510 245898 2411367 . -: 249 :- Muzaffarnagar Pilibhit Pratapgarh Raebareli Rampur Saharanpur Sant Kavir Nagar Sant Ravidas Nagar Shahjahanpur Shrawasti Sidharth Ngr Sitapur Sonebhadra Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Manager (CCC) Sultanpur Manager (CCC) Unnao Manager (CCC) Varanasi Cantt. Manager (CCC) Varanasi HO Manager (CCC) Varanasi(East) Manager (CCC) Varanasi(West) Manager (CCC) O/O SSPOs Muzaffarnagar Postmaster HO Pilibhit O/O SSPOs Pratapgarh O/O SPOs Raebareli Postmaster Rampur HO O/O SSPOs Saharanpur Postmaster Sant Kavir Nagar MDG Postmaster Sant Ravidas Nagar MDG O/O SSPOs Shahjahanpur Postmaster Shrawasti MDG Postmaster Bansi HO O/O SPOs Sitapur Postmaster Sonebhadra MDG O/O SPOs Sultanpur Postmaster Unnao HO Postmaster Varanasi Cantt. HO Postmaster Varanasi HO O/O SSPOs Varanasi(East) O/O SPOs Varanasi(West) 251001 0131 2404532 262001 05882 258936 230001 05342 220670 229001 0535 2202908 244901 0595 2327133 247001 0132 2721357 272175 05547 222877 221401 242001 05414 05842 250914 222111 255253 242848 222022 2409578 220419 2202202 2727451 223250 272153 05543 261001 05862 231216 05444 242510 228001 05362 222458 209801 0515 2820247 221002 0542 2504150 221001 221001 221002 0542 2330050 0542 2213098 0542 2502249 222418 2330050 2211022 2502771 . -: 250 :- 20.M.Champawat MDG Dehradun Manager (CCC) o/oSSPOs Dehradun Haridwar Manager (CCC) Postmaster Haridwar MDG Nainital Manager (CCC) o/o SSPOs Nainital Pauri Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Pauri Pithoragarh Rydrapur Tehri Udham Singh Nagar Uttarkashi Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Pithoragarh Manager (CCC) Postmaster Rudrapur MDG Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Tehri DO Manager (CCC) Postmaster Rudrapur MDG Manager (CCC) P.M. Bageshwar Manager (CCC) Postmaster Bageshwar MDG Chamoli Manager (CCC) o/o SPOs Chamoli at GopeshwarChampawat Manager (CCC) P. 05962-230044 05963-220010 01372-252431 FAX 232775 01372-252449 0135-2659247 05942-239184 0136822228/222436 05964-226012 01376-233127 E-mail address (if available) 262523 05965--222021 248001 0135-2653571 249401 01334-227025 263001 05942-236308 246001 01368-222228 262501 246171 249001 263153 249193 05964-225128 01364-233215 01376-233127 01374-222229 - . UTTARANCHAL POSTAL CIRCLE UTTARANCHAL Name of Designation Full Postal address the District Almora Manager (CCC) SPOs Almora D.O. No.Uttarakashi MDG PIN 263601 263642 246401 Tele. Kol Calcutta North Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. Barrackpore Calcutta South Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. Burdwan Dn Calcutta Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. WEST BENGAL POSTAL CIRCLE WEST BENGAL Name of the District Designation Full Postal address PIN Tele. No. East Kolkata Dn Entally. Of Post. Baruipur Birbhum Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. FAX E-mail address (if available) 24 Paraganas Manager (CCC) The Sr. Calcutta North Presidency Presidency Dn. Baruipur 700120 .Offices South (South) Presy. Dn.of Post Offices (North) North Presidency Division Barrackpore 24 Paraganas Manager (CCC) The Supdt. South Kolkata Dn Calcutta South Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. 033-25926088 2592-6088 700144 033-24338409 731101 03462-259148 713101 0342-2662594 700007 033-22690847 700014 033-22844523 700037 033-25567877 700120 033-25921695 700029 033-24663258 700144 033-24338460 24338409 03462-255260 0342-2662588 033-22735218 033-22849003 033-25567251 033-25926088 033-24663008 033-24338409 . Central Kolkata Central Dn.-: 251 :- 22. Kolkata Calcutta East Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. Birbhum Dn Suri Burdwan Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. Calcutta North Dn Kol Calcutta North Manager (CCC) O/O the SSPOs. Calcutta South Presidency Presidency Dn.Supdt. Dinajpur Dn.of Post West Offices Midnapore Division Midnapore Murshidabad Manager (CCC) The Supdt.of Pos Jalpaiguri Division. Krishnanagar. Dinajpur South Manager (CCC) Postmaster Raiganj MDG Hooghly Manager (CCC) The Sr.Jalpaiguri. Coochbehar Dn Darjeeling Manager (CCC) O/O the SPOs.Supdt. Purulia Dn. Of Post. Supdt. Of Pos South Hooghly Dn. Kalyani Purulia Manager (CCC) The Supdt. Midnapore Midnapore SSPOs The Sr. Of Post. OF Post. Of Post.. Malda Dn .Offices East Contai Dn. Howrah Jalpaiguri Manager (CCC) The Sr.-: 252 :- Coochbehar Manager (CCC) O/O the SPOs. Balurghat. Offices Nadia South Dn. Of Post.Supdt.Of Post Offices.Serampore Hooghly Manager (CCC) The Supdt. Darjeling Dn Dinajpur North Manager (CCC) O/o SPOs. Nadia Manager (CCC) The Supdt. Supdt. Malda Manager (CCC) The Supdt.Offices North Hoogly Dn.Chinchura Howrah Manager (CCC) The Sr.Offices Nadia North Dn. Malda Midnapore Manager (CCC) The Supdt. Nadia Manager (CCC) The Supdt. .Offic Mursidabad Dn. Of Post offices Howrah Division. Contai. Purulia 736101 03582-226953 734101 0354-2259056 733101 03522255428/258535 733134 03523-241486 712201 033-26620587/ 3021 712101 033-26802310 03582-222451 0354-2252141 03522-255394 03523-241486 26620587 26802310 711101 033-2667-1289 2667-1289 735101 03561-232047 732101 3512-252956 721401 03220-255005 721101 03222-275518 230742 252956 255005 275518 742101 03482-250008 743101 03472-252827 741235 033-25828682 723101 03252-222733 250008 252827 25828682 222733 .Berhampur. Of Post Offices. A&N Islands Dn 744101 03192-232346 03192232346 . Rongat 744205 03192-274229 A&N Islands Manager (CCC) O/o Director.Magan Manager (CCC) PO. Gangtok 737101 03592-223085 North Sikkim South Sikkim West Sikkim Manager (CCC) PO. FAX E-mail address (if available) Manager (CCC) Gangtok HO. No.Gayzing 737116 737126 737111 03595-234221 03592-263760 03592-250721 ANDMAN & NICOBAR (UT) A& N Islands Manager (CCC) Rongat SO.-: 253 :- SIKKIM Name of the District East Sikkim Designation Full Postal address PIN Tele.Namchi Manager (CCC) PO. . G.D.D.G.G.G.D.D. (Philately) Director (Vigilance Petition) DDG(PG & QA) Director (Staff Relations) D. POSTAL SERVICES BOARD Member(Personnel) Member(Development) Member(Operations) Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser Secretary (Postal Services Board) D.Es. (Technology) Director (P.G.D.D.-: 255 :- MANUAL-17 OTHER INFORMATION AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED ORGANISATION CHART OF THE DEPARTMENT OF POSTS MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MINISTER OF STATE FOR COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECRETARY/DIRECTOR GENERAL.G. (Personnel) Sr.D. (Estates) D.M. (Financial Services) D. (Mail Management & Transport Service) D. (Material Management) Sr. (Postal Accounts & Finance) D.D.) C.G.D.D.G.C.M.) D.G. (Business Development) D.G.G. (Postal Operations & Inspections) C.D.D.G. (Medical) D.D. (Civil) Director (Welfare & Sports) .D. (Postal Life Insurance) D.P.G. D. (C.S. POSTS/CHAIRMAN. (Establishment) C.D.G. (International Relations) D. (Vigilance) D.G.G. ) Head Post Offices (Chief/Senior Postmaster) Sub-Post Offices Branch Post Offices .-: 256 :- Department of Posts Secretary (Posts) Members Base Circle APS Circle Pr. Supdt/Supdt of POs/RMS) Sub-Divisions (Asst. CPMG/ CPMG Presidency Post Office PLI Directorate Business Development Directorate 56 APO 99APO FPO SBCO Regions (PMG) Postal Store Depot Circle Stamp Depot Mail Motor Service Divisions (Sr. Supdt of POs/ Sub-Division Insp. -: 257 :- .
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