RF Programming Guide



November 2000SAP AG Neurottstrasse 16 69190 Walldorf Germany Mobile Data Entry (Radio Frequency) Programming Guideline: Radio re!uen"y A##li"ations Please contact Chris Roediger (e-mail [email protected]) or Christoh !essmoellmann (e-mail" christoh.lessmoellmann @sa.com) #rom Product Management $uly Chain Management #or your #eedbac%. Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Coyright $o#yrig%t © 2000 SAP AG& All rig%ts reserved& No #art of t%is do"umentation may be re#rodu"ed or transmitted in any form or for any #ur#ose 'it%out t%e e(#ress #ermission of SAP AG& )%e information "ontained %ere may be "%anged 'it%out #rior noti"e& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page ! o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications C&'(E'($ 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1.1 Audience.................................................................................................................... 1.! Release %ependent %evelopment.............................................................................. 1.# Furt&er %ocumentation............................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION INTO RADIO FREQUENCY (RF)......................................................... !.1 'ntroduction into RF.................................................................................................... !.! ()isting Functions...................................................................................................... 3 DESIGNING RADIO FREQUENCY APPLICATIONS....................................................... #.1 *ne +ransaction , %i""erent %isplays......................................................................... 3.1.1 Dynamic Screen Call............................................................................................ #.1.1.1 -ogical and P&ysical Screens.......................................................................................................................... #.1.1.! .ser ()it......................................................................................................................................................... #.! Screen Navigation...................................................................................................... 3.2.1 Screen Types....................................................................................................... 3.2.2 Screen Procedure..............................................................................................10 #.# Screen /reation: SAPGui vs. RF %evices................................................................ 3.3.1 Screen Flow....................................................................................................... 3.3.2 Screen Logic....................................................................................................... 3.3.3 Message Mechanism.......................................................................................... 3.3. !rror "andling.................................................................................................... 3.3.# $%S&$%'.......................................................................................................... 3.3.( Special )*+ec,s..................................................................................................12 #.0 %ynamic 1enu.......................................................................................................... #.$ .ser2System 'nteraction........................................................................................... 3.5.1 User Input............................................................................................................1# *&+&1&1 $%anging t%e un"tion ,eys in t%e G-. Status.................................................................................................... *&+&1&2 /nter un"tion ,ey.......................................................................................................................................... 3.5.2 System Feedback...................................................................................................1- 3.5.3 User Support: F1 Field Help and F4 Value Input Help..............................................1- 4 OVERVIEW DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR RF APPLICATIONS....................................... 0.1 Not Supported Features on /&aracter /ell +erminals.............................................. 0.! Guideline Summary.................................................................................................. 5 BASIC OBJECTS RECOMMENDED FOR TE RF DEVELOPMENT.......................... ! DEVELOPING RADIO FREQUENCY APPLICATIONS.................................................. 3.1 Guide "or t&e RF %evelopment in Releases Prior to 034.......................................... 3.! Step2y2step Guide "or t&e RF %evelopment 5Release 67 0348............................... (.2.1 De.elopmen, Class............................................................................................2/ (.2.2 0epor,................................................................................................................2/ (.2.3 Transac,ion.........................................................................................................32 (.2. Screen................................................................................................................32 (.2.# '1& S,a,us..........................................................................................................33 SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page # o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 1 I"#$%&'(#)%" 1.1 A'&)*"(* )%is do"ument is intended for SAP develo#ers0 #artners0 and "ustomers '%o im#lement radio fre!uen"y 1R2 in different a##li"ation areas andareas& .t des"ribes all t%e ste#s t%at %ave to be #erformed to develo# R a##li"ations& )%e do"ument lists t%e s#e"ifi" re!uirements t%at must be ta3en into "onsideration '%en develo#ing in t%e mobile environment& .t tries to giveenvironment and gives an overvie' of t%e most im#ortant guidelines to design useful and useable a##li"ations& 4evelo#ers outside SAP "an often not use t%e tools and te"%ni!ues t%at SAP develo#ers %ave at t%eir dis#osal& )%is #rogramming guideline s%o's t%em %o' R transa"tions s%ould loo3 li3e and '%i"% s"reen elements "an be used& )%is guide #rovides a list of ob5e"ts t%at "an be t%e frame'or3 for t%e R develo#ment& .t "ontains also information on t%e en%an"ement of e(isting fun"tions by "ustomers0 t%e user e(its& 1.2 R*+*,-* D*.*"&*"# D*/*+%.0*"# 6e a'are of t%e different releases in '%i"% R a##li"ations in SAP %ave been develo#ed so far& .n ea"% release you are "onfronted 'it% a different 'or3ing environment and #rere!uisites& 7ou "an mainly distinguis% t%ree #%ases: • Releases #rior to 86b0 '%ere no R e(isted and in '%i"% you must start your develo#ment from s"rat"% sin"e you "annot base on e(isting fun"tionality& )%e instru"tions mentioned in "%a#ter + 96asi" :b5e"ts /ssential for t%e R 4evelo#ment; "an sim#lify matters sin"e t%ey %el# you to im#lement t%e 9%eart; of t%e R develo#ment 1a #a"3age of t%e basi" fun"tions and tables2 in your develo#ment system<release& • Release 86b #rovides you 'it% an R environment on '%i"% you base your develo#ment& No #rere!uisites are to be fulfilled& • )%is #rogramming guideline is based on t%e "urrent release 86"& Nevert%eless0 it "ontains a se"tion in '%i"% 'e e(#lain %o' to "reate t%e #rere!uisites to ease your 'or3 in a release free of any R a##li"ations: $%a#ter 6&1 9Guide for t%e R 4evelo#ment in Releases #rior to 866; 1.3 F'$#1*$ D%('0*"#,#)%" or additional do"umentation about 9=obile 4ata /ntry; refer to t%e SAP>ibrary %tt#:<<%el#&sa#&"om : Logistics → Logistics Execution → Warehouse Management Guide → Mobile Data Entry or additional do"umentation about t%e 9SAP$onsole; refer to t%e =edia $enter on t%e >/S %ome#age& )%ere you find a user guide0 a te"%ni"al do"umentation0 and an installation guide& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 0 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 2 I"#$%&'(#)%" I"#% R,&)% F$*2'*"(3 (RF) 2.1 I"#$%&'(#)%" )"#% RF )%e R solution #rovides fast and error?free data "ommuni"ation and mobile data "olle"tion t%roug% t%e use of mobile R devi"es& )y#i"al R devi"es are %and%eld terminals0 bar"ode s"anners0 and tru"3?mounted terminals 1for e(am#le0 for3lift tru"3s2& R devi"es re"eive data via radio 'aves dire"tly from t%e SAP System and transmit t%e results ba"3 to t%e system& 7ou "an s"an t%e information t%at needs to be re"orded0 su"% as storage unit numbers0 using a bar"ode 1for e(am#le0 based on -$$</AN12@ standards20 and also use t%e bar"ode s"an to verify information0 for e(am#le0 !uantities0information li3e !uantities and storage bins& )%e dis#lay of information on t%e R devi"e is #ossible 'it% a gra#%i"al user interfa"e& 7ou "an e(e"ute t%e individual fun"tions using #us%buttons on a tou"% s"reen& .f you are using a "%ara"ter? based devi"e0 SAP #rovides a s#e"ial0 non?gra#%i" interfa"e0 t%e SAP$onsole& )%e SAP$onsole o#erates on a Windo's N) or Windo's 2000 #latform and intera"ts 'it% t%e R devi"es "onne"ted to it via telnet& 2.2 E4)-#)"5 F'"(#)%"- =obile data entry "an be used for a range of a##li"ations& 7et0 SAP su##orts t%e use of R devi"es to "a#ture and u#date data for t%e internal and e(ternal 'are%ouse business #ro"esses: .n release 86b0 'are%ouse internal a"tivities are su##orted by mobile data entry& )%e R fun"tion guides t%e 'or3er t%roug% t%e 'are%ouse ste# by ste# by dis#laying information on t%e transfer order via t%e R terminal& Put a'ay0 #i"3ing0 and #osting "%ange transfer orders "an be identified and data "ontained in t%em "an be verified& R terminals instru"t t%e o#erator '%ere to #la"e t%e goods or '%ere to ta3e t%em from&from '%ere to #i"3 t%em& W%en t%e #ut a'ay or #i"3ing #ro"ess is "om#leted0 you "onfirm eit%er manually0 or by s"anning t%e bar"ode t%at t%e goods %ave been transferred& Any dis"re#an"ies bet'een t%e !uantity re!uested and t%e !uantity transferred are re#orted to t%e system& R #ermits real time u#dates of t%e sto"3 availability in t%e storage bins& Wit% t%e %el# of R you "an also #erform a #a#er?free and effi"ient inventory "ounting in your 'are%ouse& )%e loading of goods onto a tru"3 "an be surveyed and instru"ted via R& .n!uiries about t%e load status of a s#e"ifi" s%i#ment or delivery as 'ell as t%e sto"3 overvie' "an be "alled u# via t%e R devi"es and u#dated immediately& .n release 86" also t%e86"0 also e(ternal 'are%ouse a"tivities "an be #erformed 'it% t%e %el# of R devi"es& 7ou "an identify in"oming goods by reading t%e bar"ode& )%e subse!uent #uta'ay #ro"ess 'or3s 'it% in"reased effi"ien"y0 sin"e interleaving 'as introdu"ed& .nterleaving alleviates dead? %eading in radio fre!uen"y?managed 'are%ouses& -#on #uta'ay "om#letion t%e 'or3er re"eives a ne' assignment0 for e(am#le0 a #i"3ing transfer order and t%us0 does not return em#ty& :utbound #ro"esses benefit from t%e introdu"tion of #i"3 and #a"3 #ossibilities in one ste#& )%e loading of goods '%i"% 'as introdu"ed in 86b is en%an"ed by t%e unloading "ontrol fun"tionality and t%e %andling unit in!uiry& )%e R su##orted s#e"trum of 'are%ouse a"tivities is li3ely to be en%an"ed by #otential a##li"ations from different areas '%ere a need e(ists to move around freely and at t%e same time to be online 'it% SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page $ o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications t%e %ost "om#uter& Real time data "an be "a#tured "lose to material flo's ma3ing t%e use of #a#er lists obsolete& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 3 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 3 D*-)5")"5 R,&)% F$*2'*"(3 A..+)(,#)%"- or mobile a##li"ations it is very im#ortant t%at t%e fun"tionality develo#ed is easy to use& )%e user %as a limited area on %is devi"e t%at "an be used for orientation and navigation& Ae s%ould re"ogniBe %is tas3 on t%e first vie' and be able to a""om#lis% it 'it% as littlefe' 3eystro3es as #ossible& ,ee# al'aysAl'ays 3ee# in mind: =inimiBing t%e in#ut effort ma(imiBes t%e effi"ien"y related to t%e use of R terminals& )%e guidelines #rovided in t%is "%a#ter refle"t t%e 'ay in '%i"% t%e e(isting R a##li"ations %ave been "reated& $ertainly0 t%is is not t%e sim#lest and not t%e fastest met%od& .n t%e 9Ste#?by? ste# guide; in "%a#ter 6 'e outline t%e s%ort met%od you "an "%oose to "reate a fun"tioning R a##li"ation& 3.1 O"* T$,"-,(#)%" 6 D)77*$*"# D)-.+,3- SAP$onsole is an SAP integrated utility t%at is aimed at non?standard #resentation environments0 su"% as "%ara"ter?"ell user interfa"es t%at are re!uired for t%e ma5ority of R terminals& Any s"reen may be dis#layed on bot% SAPGui and "%ara"ter "ell s"reens& )%e "%ara"ter "ell standard 'ill serve as "ommon denominator& 6elo' you see a fe' s"reens%ots0 '%i"% s%o' you t%e differen"e in t%e dis#lay bet'een t%e SAPGui and t%e SAP$onsole and t%e different s"reen siBes& )%e usage of t%e SAP$onsole does not re!uire any additional develo#ment effort& Any s"reen t%at "an be dis#layed 'it% t%e SAPG-. "an also be dis#layed using t%e SAP$onsole 'it% some restri"tions t%at are mentioned in "%a#ter 8&"%a#ter 8& )%e R solution su##orts t%e "reation of transa"tions for different s"reen siBes& )%e standard s"reen siBes are designed for for3lift?mounted devi"es 1@C802 and for %and%elds 116C202& .n addition0 t%e user %as t%e o#tion to tailor t%e s"reens to t%e needs of t%e o#erator and t%e a"tivity %e is #erforming0 for e(am#le0 to omit fields0 to add fields0 or to "%ange t%e se!uen"e of t%e fields dis#layed& )%e s"reen siBe s%ould be dynami"ally sele"ted a""ording to t%e user #rofile& Su"% fle(ibility re!uires "ertain guidelines t%at must be "onsidered '%en "reating t%e res#e"tive s"reens& All t%e s"reens s%ould be "onsistent regarding t%e layout as 'ell asand t%e information given& )%e 9general; #us%buttons t%at a##ear on most of t%e s"reens must al'ays be lo"ated at t%e same #la"e& )%e user s%ould not be for"ed to loo3 for t%e 1 SAD/ button al'ays in a different #la"e& .f verifi"ation fields are used to verify data t%ey s%ould be #la"ed on t%e rig%t side of t%e field to be verified& Not to overload t%e s"reens 'it% information is even more im#ortant for R a##li"ations t%an for t%e usual a##li"ations& )%e field names s%ould be as s%ort as #ossible or in ot%er 'ords only as long as ne"essary& Nevert%eless0Ao'ever0 it is im#ortant not to abbreviate t%e names in su"% a 'ay t%at t%e user doesnEt understand t%em& .f t%e limited s#a"e re!uires an abbreviation use only 'ell?3no'n abbreviations& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 9 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Dislay $)P*ui +s. $)PConsole and di##erent screen si,es $creen si,e -./0" $creen si,e 12.30" SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page : o" #$ un"tion 3eys %ave a ma(imal lengt% of 9 digits 1bra"3ets "an be disabled to save t%e s#a"e for t%e number<"%ara"ter2 SAP$onsole: ? 4oes not dis#lay frame 'it% additional information ?Su##resses em#ty lines Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications #.1.1 %ynamic Screen /all )%e #arallel su##ort of more t%an one s"reen siBe is solved in t'o different 'ays: logi"al s"reen number and user e(its& Logical and Physical Screens /a"% R s"reen %as a uni!ue logi"al number s#e"ified in a database table& .n an additional table t%e relation bet'een logi"al s"reens and #%ysi"al s"reens is defined& )%e userEs "urrent devi"e "om#letes t%e logi"al?#%ysi"al data stru"ture& W%en logging on to t%e system0 t%e userEs devi"e is derived 1as defined in t%e user #rofile2& A""ording to t%is t%e user gets t%e res#e"tive #%ysi"al s"reen for ea"% logi"al s"reen %e is "alling& )%erefore0 t'o users "an get different s"reen siBes for t%e same transa"tion if t%ey use different R devi"es& User Exit .f t%e "ustomer 'ants to develo# s"reens different in siBe and<or "ontent from t%e su##orted standard s"reen siBes0 %e "an use t%e user e(it& )%e sub?s"reens allo' t%e user to e(#and or modify t%e "ontent dynami"ally at runtime& )%e user e(its0 '%i"% are #art of t%e en%an"ement "on"e#t0 use t%e sub? s"reen te"%ni!ue& .f t%e a##ro#riate in"lude file is defined 'it%in t%e "ustomer name s#a"e0 t%e system redire"ts t%e s"reen "all at runtime& .nstead of t%e build?in s"reen0 t%e "ustomer obtains a dummy s"reen t%at %e "an design in any 'ay %e 'is%es& or more information about %o' to "reate and a"tivate user e(iste(its refer to t%e res#e"tive "%a#ter in t%e =obile 4ata /ntry Guide& 3.2 S($**" N,/)5,#)%" )%e navigation bet'een s"reens is based on an endless logi" loo#0 '%i"% mani#ulates a s"reen t%at %as been sele"ted dynami"ally& -nless t%e user re!uests to e(it t%e "urrent transa"tion0 t%e system dis#lays s"reens a""ording to t%e logi"al flo' se!uen"e& #.!.1 Screen +ypes our different s"reen ty#es e(ist in t%e R environment:  Source and Destination Screens: Any transfer order is #ro"essed in t'o ste#s: t%e material is ta3en from t%e sour"e storage bin and #la"ed in t%e destination storage bin& A""ording to t%e s#e"ifi" transfer order details0 t%e system dis#lays t%e "orre"t sour"e s"reen& After'ards t%e system dis#lays t%e destination s"reen a""ording to t%e user in#ut and t%e transfer order "%ara"teristi"s&  Entry Screen: -sually a transa"tion starts 'it% an initial s"reen t%at offers a sele"tion "riterion by '%i"% t%e res#e"tive do"ument 1delivery0 transfer order0 and so on2 "an be identified0 for e(am#le0 #uta'ay by storage unit&  Message screen: Sin"e t%e R devi"es use small s"reens0 t%e message s%ould be mas3ed to "om#ly 'it% t%e siBe limitation& Any system message is modified to "orres#ond to t%e s#e"ifi" userEs s"reen& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page ; o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications #.!.! Screen Procedure At ea"% loo# t%e "ontrol is given to one of t%e t%ree s"reen #ro"edures: entry0 sour"e and destination& /a"% s"reen #ro"edure is a "ombination of t'o ste#s: $all s"reen0 '%i"% is follo'ed by "%e"3 s"reen& )%e first gat%ers t%e data from t%e user and t%e latter analysesanalyBes it& )%erefore0 t%ese t'o routines are al'ays one after t%e ot%er:  Call Screen: )%is subroutine "alls t%e re!uired s"reen and dis#lays t%e re!uired fields& )%en0 t%e user "an enter t%e re!uired values t%at 'ill be sent to t%e "alling #rogram toget%er 'it% t%e additional data 1fun"tion "ode0 "urrent field0 et"&2&  Check Screen: After a"!uiring t%e information from t%e s"reen0 a series of validation "%e"3s is e(e"uted& .n "ase t%e data fulfills t%e #redefined rules0 t%e business e(e"ution "ontinues& )%ereu#on0 a "%e"3 s"reen subroutine e(e"utes t%e re!uired business fun"tion& 6efore returning t%e "ontrol to t%e #rogram0 "%e"3 s"reen subroutine defines t%e ne(t s"reen to be #ro"essed& .t "an be any of t%e s"reen ty#es in"luding t%e message s"reens& $creen Flo4 / n t r y S " r e e n S o u r " e s " r e e n 4 e s t i n a t i o n s " r e e n E n t r y $ c r e e n 5 $ o u r c e 6 D e s t i n a t i o n Y E S S o u r c e D e s t i n a t i o n P / R : R = $ A > > F S $ R / / N F 0 6 + 0 & P / R : R = $ A / $ , F S $ R / / N F 0 6 + 0 & P / R : R = $ A > > F S $ R / / N F C C C C & P / R : R = $ A / $ , F S $ R / / N F S : - R $ / & P / R : R = $ A > > F S $ R / / N F C C C C & P / R : R = $ A / $ , F S $ R / / N F 4 / S ) & 3.3 S($**" C$*,#)%"8 SAPG') /-. RF D*/)(*- SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 10 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications )%e s"reen #ainter is t%e A6APWor3ben"% tool t%at allo's you to "reate s"reens for your transa"tions& 7ou use it to "reate t%e s"reen itself0 'it% fields and ot%er gra#%i"al elements and to 'rite t%e flo' logi" be%ind t%e s"reen& .n general0 t%e s"reen #ainter vie' refle"ts %o' t%e des3to# a##li"ation s"reen s%ould a##ear& )%is is not valid for R devi"es& )%e SAPGui su##orts features t%at are %ard or even im#ossible to im#lement in a "%ara"ter "ell environment& 6e"ause of t%is limitation t%e R develo#ment must use s#e"ial met%ods and routines0 and "ertain G-. ob5e"ts& #.#.1 Screen Flo< Any information dis#layed to t%e user must be filtered and ad5usted a""ording to t%e userEs devi"e limitations& )%erefore t%e regular SAP .n#ut<:ut#ut stream "annot be used& .nstead0 t%e R module must use its o'n s"reen sta"3 and s"reen flo' me"%anisms& #.#.! Screen -ogic )%e regular SAP transa"tion im#lements t%e s"reen flo' logi" me"%anism& )%e s"reen may en"a#sulate business logi" t%at is #ro"essed before and after t%e s"reen is dis#layed& )%erefore0 t%e #rogram "an dynami"ally flo' from one s"reen to t%e ot%er 'it%out t%e need for a su##lementary "ode& 4ue to t%e re!uirement to su##ort multi s"reen siBes0 ea"% R s"reen "arries as little logi" as #ossible& .nstead0 t%e "%e"3s and fun"tion e(e"ution are "om#leted outside t%e s"reen and t%erefore areare t%ereforeare s%ared by all t%e "urrent transa"tion s"reens& #.#.# 1essage 1ec&anism Sin"e A6AP uses t%e tas3bar 1or #o#u# s"reens2 as t%e out#ut stream0 t%e R s"reen develo#er must reroute t%is stream& -sing t%e R s#e"ifi" me"%anism0 any message is mas3ed to fit t%e res#e"tive s"reen& #.#.0 (rror =andling )o save time0 A6AP saves #art of t%e logi" on t%e "lient "om#uter& 6asi" "%e"3s0 for e(am#le0 t%e mas3 of t%e in#ut field or its ty#e are "om#leted #rior to t%e Pro"ess after .n#ut 1PA.2 e(e"ution& .n "ase of a userEs erroneous in#ut0 an error message is sent to t%e out#ut s"reen& As stated before0 t%ese messages are not R "om#atible and must be avoided& )%us0 any "%e"3 of t%e userEs in#ut0 must not be %andled by t%e s"reen& )%e develo#er must disable all t%e data field restri"tions and ma3e t%ose "%e"3s in t%e "ode itself& or an e(am#le of t%e 'arning<error message s"reen in R refer to System eedba"3& #.#.$ >?S'>?G )%e te(t dis#layed on t%e userEs des3to# is a "ombination of a fe' fa"tors:  Text Fields ? )%e data for t%e s"reen te(t fields 'ill be ta3en by default from t%e data di"tionary unless t%e develo#er overrides it&  Text ttribute ? -sing t%e te(t attributes0 t%e loo3 and feel of t%e s"reen "an be modified&  Text Length ? G-. s"reen is "a#able of dis#laying different string siBes of t%e same 'idt% de#ending on t%e stringEs siBe and font& As mentioned0 t%e R uses t%e SAP$onsoleSAP$onsole to translate t%e G-. s"reens into a "%ara"ter "ell environment& Sin"e t%e SAP$onsoleSAP$onsole ta3es t%e te(t information dire"tly from t%e database0 any te(t field %as to be a member of t%e SAP data di"tionary& :t%er'ise0 t%e te(t 'ill be invisible to t%e user& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 11 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications )%e "%ara"ter "ell s"reen0 as o##osed to G-.0 is limited to a fi(ed string siBe dis#lay0 regardless toof t%e te(t attributes& )%us0 any field lengt% must not e("eed t%e 'idt% of t%e a""ommodating R s"reen& .f t%e Gs"rollableE attribute is s'it"%ed on0 t%e dis#layed field may be s%orter t%an t%e field lengt%& Nonet%eless0)%erefore0 in order to vie' t%e fieldEs full lengt% t%e user must tediously s"roll in t%at field& #.#.3 Special *@ects )%e follo'ing is a s%ort list of ob5e"ts t%at are li3ely to a##ear in G-. SAP:  !cons ? )%e i"on me"%anism 1image H ti#2 allo's t%e develo#er to "reate a##li"ation standard& )%is met%od re!uires a relatively small s"reen s#a"e and it is easy to im#lement&  "Controls ? )%e C$ontrols are i"ons t%at en"a#sulate logi"& 6y dragging C$ontrol to an a##li"ation0 t%e develo#er im#orts a bla"3?bo( "ode0 '%i"% is "a#able of doing #redefined tas3s&  Table Control ? )able "ontrol is C$ontrol0 '%i"% is "a#able of0 mani#ulating tabular data& )%is C$ontrol is 'ides#read 'it%in SAP s"reens& Naturally0 "%ara"ter "ell s"reens ignore t%is C$ontrol 1not t%at t%ese s"reens su##ort any of t%e ot%er C$ontrols&2  #adio $uttons ? A fe' "%e"3 bo(es t%at are #ro"essed toget%er& )%e "%ara"ter?"ell environment does not su##ort t%e gra#%i" data and t%e logi" be%ind it& Alternatively0 t%e R module uses #us%buttons t%at are assigned to s#e"ially 'ritten "ode& )%e table "ontrol0 as an e("e#tion0 o#erates using ste#?loo#s and s#e"ifi" flo' logi"& Sin"e t%e table "ontrol evolved from t%e ste#?loo# met%od0 t%is may be "onsidered returning ba"3 to SAP origins& 3.4 D3",0)( M*"' Starting)%e starting #oint for R transa"tions to '%i"% t%e user "an easily return is t%e logon s"reen& .t leads to t%e main menu& )%is dynami" menu s%ould be aimed at t%e tas3s of t%e devi"e user& .t "an be tailored to t%e needs de#ending '%at a"tivities t%e user is #erforming& .f %e is only res#onsible for #uta'ay and #i"3ing tas3s0 for e(am#le0 t%e menu must only in"lude t%ose menu #at%s& W%et%er t%e entire menu or only a submenu s%ould be dis#layed "an be determined user?related on t%e R logon s"reen or in t%e "ustomiBing& Wit%in t%e a##li"ation t%e user s%ould al'ays %ave a #ossibilitybe able to return to t%e #revious s"reen 16a"32& .n general0 t%e menu stru"ture s%ould not be more t%an t%ree<four levels dee#0 so t%e user 'ill not %ave t%e feeling of 9getting lost;& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 1! o" #$ )%e dynami" menu =A.N dis#lays t%e entire R menu from '%ere you "an bran"% to t%e different submenus& Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Dynamic Menu Pat%: .n $ustomiBing for Mobile Data Entry "%oose De%ine Menu Management& Customi,ing (able 78(9190) SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 1# o" #$ 4ynami" =enu Se!uen"e in '%i"% t%e entries are dis#layed >ong =enu )e(t 4etermination if menu leads to anot%er menu 112 or a transa"tion 122 =enu<)ransa"tion Name S%ort =enu )e(t Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 3.5 U-*$9S3-#*0 I"#*$,(#)%" SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 10 o" #$ )%e menu P.$,01 dis#lays only t%e #i"3ing related a"tivities and t%e o#erator "annot a""ess different menus& Ae "an only bran"% 'it%in t%e #i"3ing menu& Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications *&+&1 -ser .n#ut 4ue to t%e "%ara"ter mode of t%e R devi"es0 #us%buttons must be used for all available fun"tions& .t is re"ommended to design t%e s"reen in su"% a 'ay t%at t%e fre!uently used fun"tion "odes0 for e(am#le0 SAD/ and N/C) are assigned to t%e lo'er fun"tion 3ey numbers0 su"% as 10 sin"e t%ose #us%buttons usually are easy to a""ess on all t%e devi"es& .n "ontrast0 t%e fun"tion 3eys 11 and 120 for e(am#le0 sometimes are re#resented by small #us%buttons or "an only be rea"%ed by #ressing a "ombination of #us%buttons& )%ey s%ould only be used if t%ere is a need to introdu"e more buttons& )%e standard layout of t%e R s"reens is designed in su"% a 'ayso t%at t%e #us%buttons for t%e 3ey fun"tions are lo"ated in t%e u##er %alf of t%e s"reen0 '%ile additional #us%buttons are set in t%e lo'er %alf of t%e s"reen& Placement o# the ushbuttons &'(')') Changing the Function *eys in the G+! Status )o assign t%e res#e"tive fun"tionality to ea"% fun"tion 3ey0 a""ess t%e G-. status and "%ange t%e fun"tion 3ey settings& Set t%e #ro#er fun"tion "ode for t%e res#e"tive fun"tion 3ey& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 1$ o" #$ re!uently used 9general; #us%buttons un"tion s#e"ifi" #us%buttons Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications &'(')', Enter Function *ey )%e /nter fun"tion 3ey %as a s#e"ial fun"tion sin"e it "an re#la"e u# to five #us%buttons in a se!uen"e& )%e user "an "ustomiBe t%e fun"tionality a""ording to %is #referen"es& )%e /nter fun"tion 3ey 'as "%osen to allo' t%is fle(ibility sin"e it is in t%e ma5ority of t%e "ases t%e largest #us%button on t%e R terminal& .f t%e user assigns to it t%e "%ain of in#ut a"tions t%at are fre!uently used in t%e res#e"tive #ro"ess0 t%e o#erator is relieved from a load and t%e e(e"ution time "an be redu"ed& )%e /nter fun"tion 3ey "an be "ustomiBed for individual s"reens assigning a s"reen "ategoriBation to t%e s"reens& .n t%e follo'ing e(am#le all t%e sour"e s"reens are "ategoriBed under t%e name 9S:-R$/; and t%e destination s"reens under t%e name 94/S);& W%en using t%e fun"tion 3ey on t%e listed s"reens0 a fun"tion "ode se!uen"e 'ill be e(e"uted& 1.n addition to t%e s"reen "ategory0 also t%e fa"t if it is t%e last ): item or t%e last verifi"ation field< in#ut field influen"es t%e sele"tion of t%e "ode se!uen"e in t%is "ase2& Control #or Enter on RF $creens Pat%: .n t%e $ustomiBing for obile !ata "ntry "%oose !e#ault "nter Function $%a&i'ation (it) *arcode Scanner+& *&+&2 System eedba"3 )%e system must inform t%e user in t%e form of messages about t'o t%ings: Wrong format of in#ut and t%e result of t%e o#eration t%at %e e(e"uted& )%e s%ort te(t of t%e messages must be self? e(#lanatory0 sin"e no long te(t 'it% detailed instru"tions is dis#layed on R terminals due to t%e limited s#a"e& .n "ase of a 'arning or error messages t%e user must understand from t%e s%ort te(t '%at %as to be done in order to #ro"eed& or e(am#le0 t%e error message 9atal error; does not say too mu"% and 'ill not bring t%e user "loser to t%e #roblem solution& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 13 o" #$ Assignment of s"reen "ategories to t%e #%ysi"al s"reens& $ode se!uen"e to be e(e"uted Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications )%e follo'ing s"reen 1s"reen number 99@2 is a s"reen used in R a##li"ations for 'arning and error messages& Refer also to /rror =essages& Warning and error message s"reen *&+&* -ser Su##ort: 1 ield Ael# and 8 Dalue .n#ut Ael# 4ue to6e"ause of t%e limited number of #us%buttons and t%e small s"reen siBe0 no field %el# and no value in#ut %el# is available& Sin"e t%e R devi"es are used for instru"tion and "onfirmation #ur#oses0 t%e number of in#ut fields is minimal& )%e user s%ould get all t%e ne"essary information 1for e(am#le0 t%e destination storage bin if %e #erforms a #uta'ay2& .n#ut is only ne"essary to u#date data0 for e(am#le0 if differen"es bet'een t%e re#orted !uantity and t%e e(isting !uantity e(ist and to "onfirm t%e tas3 "om#letion& =ost of t%e in#ut fields on R terminals are filled automati"ally '%en s"anning t%e res#e"tive labels& Sin"e t%e R module uses 1 H 8 fun"tion 3eys differently t%an t%e regular A6AP s"reens0 t%ey s%ould be overloaded& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 19 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 4 SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 1: o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 5 O/*$/)*: D*-)5" P$)"().+*- 7%$ RF A..+)(,#)%"- 5.1 N%# S'..%$#*& F*,#'$*- %" C1,$,(#*$ C*++ T*$0)",+- • 4ro#do'n >ist 6o( • $%e"3bo(es: Sin"e #ointing devi"es are not al'ays available0 t%e "%e"3ing of t%ese bo(es s%ould be ta##ed by fun"tion 3eys& • Radio 6uttons • )able $ontrol • ."ons 5.2 G')&*+)"* S'00,$3 • )%e user intera"ts 'it% t%e system via #us%buttons0 '%i"% must be assigned a""ordingly in t%e G-. status • Ad5ust your s"reen elements and t%e s"reen layout to t%e devi"e siBe • $reate a menu for navigation #ur#oses • 4onEt forget t%at no 1 Ael#0 8 .n#ut Ael#0 and no message long te(t is available • .f you 'ant to ad5ust t%e s"reen siBe to your devi"e siBe0 you s%ould 'or3 'it% a logi"al vs& #%ysi"al s"reen stru"ture • -se t%e user e(its to tailor an e(isting s"reen to your needs0 to dea"tivate fun"tion "odes0 or to enable t%e #rint fun"tion SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page 1; o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications ! B,-)( O;<*(#- R*(%00*"&*& 7%$ #1* RF D*/*+%.0*"# )%e follo'ing tables0 t%e stru"ture and t%e vie' build t%e frame'or3 on '%i"% our R develo#ment is based& rom release 866 u#'ards0 t%ey e(ist already in t%e develo#ment system& or releases #rior to 8660 you must build your o'n infrastru"ture and de"ide '%i"% ob5e"ts you need for your develo#ment& ollo' t%e instru"tions given in $%a#ter 6&1 9Guide for t%e R 4evelo#ment in Releases #rior to 866;& Remember: )able0 stru"tures and vie's s%ould be named in a "ustomer name s#a"e I J)*1*0A& ():!E"  Dynamic Menu (able" (9190) )%is table "ontains t%e dynami" R menu0 '%i"% "an be grou#ed by a"tivities '%ereu#on t%e menu se!uen"e for ea"% a"tivity is defined& /a"% menu ste# is des"ribed by a long te(t 1for 'ide s"reens2 and a s%ort te(t 1for narro' s"reens2& )%e menu "an be s#lit into sub? menus or lead dire"tly to t%e transa"tion& 9 ield 4omain 4ata element Remar3s 1& =AN4) =AN4) =AN4) Already Available 2& >GN-= >GN-= >GN-= Already Available *& ==/N- $AAR20 RF47N=/N ield label: 4yn& =enu 8& S/K-/N$/ RFS/K RFS/K >abel: Se!& no& +& PR:F)7P RFPR:)7P RFPR:)7P >abel: =enu<trns 6& =/NF)RANS RF=/N)R RF=/N)R >abel: =enu<trns L& -S/RF=A.NF=/N- $AAR20 RF47N=/N >abel: 4yn& menu SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !0 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications  7ie4 o# the Dynamic Menu (able" 78(9190) $ustomiBing table used to "%ange and u#date t%e menu& /a"% user "an tailor t%e menu a""ording to %is needs& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !1 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications  (e;t (able #or the Dynamic Menu" (9190: )%is table "ontains t%e te(t for t%e menus in t%e different languages& 9 ield 4omain 4ata element Remar3s 1& =AN4) =AN4) =AN4) Already Available 2& SPRAS S7>ANG- S7>ANG- Already Available *& >GN-= >GN-= >GN-= Already Available 8& ==/N- )$:4/ S7)$:4/ Already Available +& S/K-/N$/ RFS/K RFS/K >abel: Se!& no& 6& )/C) )/C)80 =4)/C) >abel: =enu )e(t L& S)/C) )/C)20 =4S)/C) >abel: S%ort te(t $(R<C(<RE"  )dditional Fields in Mobile Comuting" R!M&: )%is stru"ture "ontains t%e #us%buttons0 '%i"% are dis#layed and used on t%e s"reen itself& W%en "reating t%e s"reen0 t%e #us%buttonsE attributes are ta3en from t%is stru"ture in t%e data di"tionary& Refer to "%a#ter 6&2&8& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !! o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications /(am#le for #us%button data element de"laration: 9 ield 4omain 4ata element Remar3s 1& PSAD/ >DSF4:,- =:6SAD/ 1 P6 for save 2& P$>/AR >DSF4:,- =:6$>/AR 2 P6 for "lear *& P6A$, >DSF4:,- =:66A$, * P6 for ba"3 8& PN/C) >DSF4:,- =:6N/C) 8 P6 for ne(t )%ese are data di"tionary de"larations for t%e first four #us%buttons0 similar de"laration are used for additional #us%buttons +0 6 et"& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !# o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Dynamic Menu $creen" (ransaction" se=1 Program" R!ME'< $creen" 0--- )%e follo'ing is t%e element attributesE dis#lay of t%e first and se"ond #us%button: )%e S"reen lo' logi": PR:$/SS 6/:R/ :-)P-)& =:4->/ S)A)-SF=A.N=/N-& =:4->/ 47NA=.$F=/N-F6-)):NSF)/C)& PR:$/SS A)/R .NP-)& ./>4 :,F$:4/ =:4->/ -S/RF$:==AN4F=A.N=/N-& MH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????M SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !0 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications MH =odule 47NA=.$F=/N-F6-)):NSF)/C) :-)P-) MH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????M M Aandles dynami" te(t on t%e menu #us% buttons M??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????M =:4->/ 47NA=.$F=/N-F6-)):NSF)/C) :-)P-)& =/N-F.4 N OJJRO& C-S/R?4/D)7 N O0@C80O& $>/AR: )/C)10)/C)20)/C)*0)/C)80)/C)+0)/C)6& $A)$A S7S)/=?/C$/P).:NS $:ND/RS.:NF/RR:RS N 01& S/AR$A C-S/R?4/D)7 :R OCO& CFP:S.).:N N S7?4P:S P 1& =:D/ C-S/R?4/D)7PCFP:S.).:N ): 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS& 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS N 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS ? 2& S/>/$) M R:= J)*1*0A .N): )A6>/ )F)*1*0A WA/R/ ==/N- N =/N-F.4& /N4$A)$A& $AS/ S7?S-6R$& WA/N 01& WA/N :)A/RS& /N4$AS/& S/>/$) M R:= J)*1*06 WA/R/ SPRAS N S7?>ANG- AN4 ==/N- N =/N-F.4& M?Q $ombining t%e te(t 'it% its se!uen"e& $:N$A)/NA)/ J)*1*06?S/K-/N$/P1112 O& O J)*1*06?)/C) .N): =:4../4F)/C)& )/C)F>/NG)A N S)R>/N1 =:4../4F)/C) 2& . 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS N/ 0& . )/C)F>/NG)A G) 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS& =:D/ =:4../4F)/C)P014/D.$/F$:>-=NS2 ): =:4../4F)/C)& /N4.& R/A4 )A6>/ )F)*1*0A W.)A ,/7 >GN-= N J)*1*06?>GN-= ==/N- N J)*1*06?==/N- SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !$ o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications S/K-/N$/ N J)*1*06?S/K-/N$/& 4:)FP:S.).:N N 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS ? 1& . )F)*1*0A?PR:F)7P N O1O& =:D/ ):F=/N-FS.GN ): =:4../4F)/C)P4:)FP:S.).:N112& />S/& 4: N-=F:F4:)S ).=/S& =:D/ =:4../4F)/C)P4:)FP:S.).:N112 ): N/C)$AR& . N:) N/C)$AR .S .N.).A>& /C.)& /N4.& =:D/ ):F)RANSA$).:NFS.GN ): =:4../4F)/C)P4:)FP:S.).:N112& 4:)FP:S.).:N N 4:)FP:S.).:N ? 1& /N44:& /N4.& /N4.& $AS/ J)*1*06?S/K-/N$/& WA/N 1& )/C)1 N =:4../4F)/C)& WA/N 2& )/C)2 N =:4../4F)/C)& WA/N *& )/C)* N =:4../4F)/C)& WA/N 8& )/C)8 N =:4../4F)/C)& WA/N +& )/C)+ N =:4../4F)/C)& WA/N :)A/RS& )/C)6 N =:4../4F)/C)& /N4$AS/& /N4S/>/$)& /N4=:4->/& R 47NA=.$F=/N-F6-)):NSF)/C) :-)P-) MH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????M SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !3 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications MH =odule -S/RF$:==AN4F=A.N=/N- .NP-) MH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????M M Navigation from main menu M??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????M =:4->/ -S/RF$:==AN4F=A.N=/N- .NP-)& $AS/ :,F$:4/& WA/N $:4/F$>/AR& >/AD/ ): )RANSA$).:N S7?)$:4/& WA/N $:4/FN/C)& R/A4 )A6>/ )F)*1*0A W.)A ,/7 S/K-/N$/ N :,F$:4/& . S7?S-6R$ N/ 0& =/SSAG/ .4 O=LO )7P/ O/O N-=6/R O01+O& /C.)& /N4.& $A>> )RANSA$).:N )F)*1*0A?=/NF)RANS& WA/N :)A/RS& M?Q Retrieve t%e relevant trans& from )*1*0A R/A4 )A6>/ )F)*1*0A W.)A ,/7 S/K-/N$/ N :,F$:4/ ==/N- N =/N-F.4& . S7?S-6R$ N/ 0& /C.)& /N4.& $A>> )RANSA$).:N )F)*1*0A?=/NF)RANS& /N4$AS/& /N4=:4->/& R -S/RF$:==AN4F=A.N=/N- .NP-) (he #ollo4ing D)() declarations should be included in the (o include: 4A)A =:4../4F)/C) >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)& 4A)A N/C)$AR112 )7P/ $& 4A)A 4/D.$/F$:>-=NS )7P/ . DA>-/ 0& 4A)A )/C)F>/NG)A )7P/ .& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !9 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 4A)A CFP:S.).:N )7P/ .& 4A)A 4:)FP:S.).:N )7P/ .& 4A)A )F)*1*0A >.,/ )*1*0A :$$-RS 20 W.)A A/A4/R >.N/& 4A)A C-S/R?4/D)71102 )7P/ $& 4A)A =/N-F.4 >.,/ )*1*0A?=/NF)RANS& 4A)A $-RS:R./>41202 )7P/ $& M&&&&&&&&$onstants&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&M $:NS)AN)S: ):F=/N-FS.GN112 )7P/ $ DA>-/ OQO0 ):F)RANSA$).:NFS.GN112 )7P/ $ DA>-/ O&O0 N-=F:F4:)S )7P/ . DA>-/ *& M&&&&&&&&)e(tOs for dynami" menu&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&M 4A)A: )/C)1 >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)0 )/C)2 >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)0 )/C)* >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)0 )/C)8 >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)0 )/C)+ >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)0 )/C)6 >.,/ )*1*06?)/C)& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !: o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications = D*/*+%.)"5 R,&)% F$*2'*"(3 A..+)(,#)%"- =.1 G')&* 7%$ #1* RF D*/*+%.0*"# )" R*+*,-*- P$)%$ #% 4!B )o start your 'or3 "o#y t%e basi" ob5e"ts t%at are essential for t%e R develo#ment into your develo#ment system& Refer to "%a#ter +& irst "reate t%e 44.$ ob5e"ts J)*1*0A0 JDF)*1*0A0 J)*1*06 and JR>=:6& Note: t%e ob5e"ts J)*1*0A0 JDF)*1*0A and J)*1*06 e(ist in order to su##ort t%e dynami" menu0 t%is feature is not essential to su##ort your R develo#ment0 but it is ni"e to %ave& )%e JR>=:6 ob5e"t is essential to su##ort t%e #us%buttons on t%e s"reen I t%e fun"tion 3eys& ollo' t%e ste#?by?ste# guide in "%a#ter 6&2& /(e"ute all ste#s 'it% t%e follo'ing differen"es: Add t%e additional data de"larations to JR):P 1refer to "%a#ter +2 only if you '%is% to in"lude t%e dynami" menu in your develo#ment& $reate a dialog transa"tion t%at triggers s"reen JR)/S) 0@@@ '%i"% is t%e menu s"reen& Refer to "%a#ter + for t%e layout and t%e flo' of t%e s"reen& 4o not "reate re#ort JR/PF/RR:RFAAN4>/0 t%e errors are "alled in t%e follo'ing 'ay: =/SSAG/ .4 S7?=SG.4 )7P/ S7?=SG)7 N-=6/R S7?=SGN: After maintaining t%e entries in t%e tables0 you s%ould be able to navigate from t%e menu to t%e transa"tion youEve "reated& =.2 S#*.9;39-#*. G')&* 7%$ #1* RF D*/*+%.0*"# (R*+*,-* >? 4!B) )%e follo'ing e(am#le s%o's ste#?by?ste# t%e "reation of an R a##li"ation derived from t%e .nventory =anagement transa"tion mb1b: )ransfer Posting& $reating an R transa"tion similar to t%e mb1b re!uires additional #rere!uisites and "ustomiBation of t%e system not related to t%e R "on"e#t& Sin"e t%is a guide fo"used on t%e R develo#ment0 'e leave t%e "ustomiBing out of "onsideration& )%e #ur#ose of t%e follo'ing e(am#le is only to des"ribe t%e ste#s one %as to ta3e in order to "reate a transa"tion& )%e "oding is 5ust a "on"e#t illustration and does not fulfill all "onditions for an a"tual movement in t%e system& 9.!.1 %evelopment /lass $reate a develo#ment "lass in t%e "ustomerEs names#a"e& 9.!.! Report Go to se*@: A6AP /ditor $reate an e(e"utable #rogram& )%is #rogram s%ould "ontain t%e business logi" for t%e transa"tion& )%e follo'ing e(am#le s%o's a sim#lified re#ort and "ontains detailed "omments& )%e JR)/S) is t%e main #rogram for t%e transa"tion0 JR):P is an in"lude t%at %olds all data de"larations0 JR/PF/RR:RFAAN4>/ is a re#ort t%at is submitted from t%e main #rogram for /rror < =essages %andling& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page !; o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications R/P:R) JR)/S) & M )%is re#ort is triggered by a re#ort transa"tion& M A s"reen is "alled and bot% P6: H PA. modules are M %andled in t%e re#ort M )%e four elements for t%e R transa"tion are M 1& Re#ort 2& Re#ort transa"tion *& S"reen 8& G-. Status M )%is in"lude %olds re!uired data de"larations .N$>-4/ JR):P& M .t is #ossible to "all t%e s"reen dynami"ally via fun"tion M as #erformed in t%e standard R& $A>> S$R//N O0100O& MH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? MH =odule S)A)-SF0100 :-)P-) MH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? M G-. Status t%at su##orts t%e fun"tion 3eys M )%is module is "alled from t%e P6: of t%e s"reen M????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? =:4->/ S)A)-SF0100 :-)P-)& S/) P?S)A)-S OJJRFS)A)-S2O& S/) ).)>/6AR OS7?47NNRO& /N4=:4->/& R S)A)-SF0100 :-)P-) MH??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? MH =odule -S/RF$:==AN4SF0100 .NP-) MH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? M Aandling t%e :#eration #erformed by t%e user M )%is module is "alled from t%e PA. of t%e s"reen M????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? =:4->/ -S/RF$:==AN4SF0100 .NP-)& M /a"% fun"tion 3ey on t%e s"reen %olds a fun"tion "ode $AS/ :,F$:4/& WA/N $:4/FSAD/& M -sing .= fun"tions to build an .= R transa"tion $A>> -N$).:N O=6F$R/A)/FG::4SF=:D/=/N)O /CP:R).NG .=,P N .=,P $)$:4 N O=616O .=P:R).NG /=,P N /=,P )A6>/S /=S/G N /=S/G .=S/G N .=S/G /C$/P).:NS :)A/RS N 1& $AS/ /=,P?S-6R$& WA/N O1O& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page #0 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications $A>> -N$).:N O=6FP:S)FG::4SF=:D/=/N)O .=P:R).NG /=,P N /=,P /C$/P).:NS :)A/RS N 1& $:==.) W:R,& M .n order to send an /rror message t%at 'ill use t%e s"reen SAP>>=:6 0999 '%i"% serves as a #o#?u# s"reen for error message %andling 'e s%ould "reate an additional re#ort t%at 'ill be res#onsible for #o##ing u# t%is s"reen& .t is not re!uired to "reate t%is s"reen in your #rogram& We 'ill submit t%is re#ort at t%e #oint '%ere 'e '%is% to #resent t%e error and t%en return to our #rogram& .t is re!uired to deliver t%e error message number to t%e submitted re#ort0 'e 'ill use t%e S/)<G/) #arameter "ommand to do so& =/SSAG/ FN-= N G060E& S/) PARA=/)/R .4 OR.4O ./>4 =/SSAG/FN-=& S-6=.) JR/PF/RR:RFAAN4>/ AN4 R/)-RN& >/AD/ ): )RANSA$).:N S7?)$:4/& WA/N :)A/RS& =/SSAG/ FN-= N S7?=SGN:& S/) PARA=/)/R .4 OR.4O ./>4 =/SSAG/ FN-=& S-6=.) JR/PF/RR:RFAAN4>/ AN4 R/)-RN& /C.)& /N4$AS/& /N4$AS/& /N4=:4->/& R -S/RF$:==AN4SF0100 .NP-) MH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? MH =odule .N.).A>.J/F4A)A :-)P-) MH???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? M .nitialiBe t%e re!uired data on t%e s"reen and M additional #re#aration for "alling .= fun"tion M????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? =:4->/ .N.).A>.J/F4A)A :-)P-)& =,P?6-4A) N S7?4A)-=& =,P?6>4A) N S7?4A)-=& R=0L=?6WAR)WA N O*11O& $>/AR =S/G?/R=G& G/) PARA=/)/R .4 OWR,O ./>4 R=0L=?W/R,S& G/) PARA=/)/R .4 O>AGO ./>4 R=0L=?>G:R)& /N4=:4->/& R .N.).A>.J/F4A)A :-)P-) MMM.N$>-4/ JR):P & M&&&&&4atabase tables&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& )A6>/S: R=0L=0 =,P0 =S/G0 $:6>0 =S/G,0 R>=:60 )*1*0A0 )*1*060 .=,P0 /=,P& M &&&&&/rror %andling&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page #1 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 4A)A: =/SSAG/FN-= >.,/ )100?=SGNR& M&&&&&&&&"odes&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&M 4A)A: :,F$:4/ >.,/ S7?-$:==0 $:4/F6A$, >.,/ S7?-$:== DA>-/ O6A$,O0 $:4/FSAD/ >.,/ S7?-$:== DA>-/ OSAD/O0 $:4/F$>/AR >.,/ S7?-$:== DA>-/ O$>RO0 $:4/FN/C) >.,/ S7?-$:== DA>-/ ON/C)O& M&&&&&&&4ifferent #arameters&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4A)A: =/SSAG/FN-=6/R >.,/ )100?=SGNR0 /RR:RF$:4/ >.,/ S7?S-6R$0 PS$RN >.,/ S7?47NNR& M&&&&&&&.nternal tables&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4A)A 6/G.N : .=S/G :$$-RS 0& .N$>-4/ S)R-$)-R/ .=S/G& 4A)A /N4 : .=S/G& 4A)A 6/G.N : /=S/G :$$-RS 0& .N$>-4/ S)R-$)-R/ /=S/G& 4A)A /N4 : /=S/G& R/P:R) JR/PF/RR:RFAAN4>/& .N$>-4/ JR):P& M )%is re#ort uses an SAP fun"tion from t%e R module '%i"% "alls M t%e error s"reen& G/) PARA=/)/R .4 OR.4O ./>4 =/SSAG/FN-=& $A>> -N$).:N O$A>>F=/SSAG/FS$R//NO /CP:R).NG .F=SG.4 N O>O .F>ANG N O/O .F=SGN: N =/SSAG/FN-= /C$/P).:NS .NDA>.4F=/SSAG/1 N 1 :)A/RS N 2 & . S7?S-6R$ SQ 0& M =/SSAG/ .4 S7?=SG.4 )7P/ S7?=SG)7 N-=6/R S7?=SGN: M W.)A S7?=SGD1 S7?=SGD2 S7?=SGD* S7?=SGD8& /N4.& .n order to maintain t%e 4ynami" menu t%e follo'ing re"ord s%ould be inserted to )*1*0A or to J)*1*0A if release SN8&66 =AN4) >GN-= ==/N- S/K-/N$/ PR:F)7P =/NF)RANS -S/RF=A.NF=/N- )/C) 1$lient2 1W%s num2 JJR 01 2 J616 1/nrty not Re!uired 2 )ransfer #osting 1$lient2 1W%s num2 JJR 01 2 J616 1/ntry not Re!uired 2 )ransfer #osting )able )*1*06 s%ould be automati"ally filled using t%e vie' DF)*1*0A& SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page #! o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications 9.!.# +ransaction Go to se9*: =aintain transa"tion $reate a re#ort transa"tion t%at triggers t%e e(e"utable #rogram t%at you "reated before& 9.!.0 Screen se+1: S"reen Painter /nter t%e #rogram name t%at belongs to t%is s"reen& )%e numbering of t%e s"reens is fle(ible0 only t%e user e(it s%ould get a number starting 'it% 9T&& .f you base your develo#ment on an e(isting standard transa"tion0 you s%ould orientate yourself on t%e business logi" and elements t%at e(ist in t%is transa"tion and build your R s"reen a""ordingly0 "onsidering t%e limitations& 4esign a dialog "on"e#tU all intera"tion 'it% t%e end user s%ould be done via fun"tion 3eys& .n t%e R develo#ment t%e 1 is used for Save or $onfirm0 t%e 2 is used for $lear0 * for 6a"3 and 8 for Ne(t& )ry to be as "onsistent as #ossible 'it% t%e fun"tionality of t%e fun"tion 3eys or every R s"reen add t%e :, ty#e in t%e s"reen element list I add :,F$:4/ & &riginal screen o# the transaction" mb1b )d>usted RF screen SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page ## o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page #0 o" #$ Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications Programming Guideline: Radio Frequency Applications )%e follo'ing is t%e element attributes dis#lay of t%e 1 I Save Pus%button: /(am#le for a sim#le flo' logi": PR:$/SS 6/:R/ :-)P-)& =:4->/ S)A)-SF0100& R G-. Status =:4->/ .N.).A>.J/F4A)A& R Pre#are data on t%e s"reen M PR:$/SS A)/R .NP-)& =:4->/ -S/RF$:==AN4SF0100& R -ser "ommand<:#eration 9.!.$ G.' Status Go to se81: =enu #ainter )%e interestingim#ortant #art in t%e G-. status for t%e R develo#ment are t%e fun"tion 3eys& )%ere is no need for t%e menu bar and a##li"ation toolbar& W%en "reating t%e G-. status0 "%oose as status ty#e online status& =aintain t%e G-. status a""ording to t%e fun"tion "odes you assigned to t%e #us%buttons& )%is s"reens%ot s%o's an e(am#le of t%e #us%button assignment: SAP AG ...... Version 1.0 Novemer !000 Page #$ o" #$
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