Review Test Submission: Midterm 2 Part 1

March 28, 2018 | Author: MahmoudT.Mirza | Category: Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Confidence Interval, P Value, Student's T Test, Null Hypothesis



HEGR 280: Engineering Statistics (2016 Spring) 2016Spring-X-EGR280-20936Midterm 2 Review Test Submission: Midterm 2 Part 1 Review Test Submission: Midterm 2 Part 1 User Mahmoud Mirza Course EGR 280: Engineering Statistics (2016 Spring) Test Midterm 2 Part 1 Started 3/15/16 8:43 PM Submitted 3/16/16 1:29 PM Due Date 3/16/16 11:59 PM Status Completed Attempt Score 35.01 out of 42.01 points Time Elapsed 16 hours, 45 minutes Instructions This exam is open book, open notes. You may use any class materials, your previously submitted homework assignments, or material that you find on the web. This exam is to be purely an individual effort; you cannot collaborate with anyone else in working this exam. Collaboration would include working with other students in the class, posting a question to an online forum or discussion group for help, or seeking help from any individual other than the course instructor in any way. This exam must be completed no later than Wednesday March 16 at 11:59 PM MST. Question 1 0.01 out of 0.01 points Your test will not be graded unless you agree to the following statement: I certify that this submission consists entirely of my work. I have neither requested nor accepted help from anyone in doing this work. I have not given help to anyone else for this test. I understand that collaborating with anyone else in any form on this test is considered academic dishonesty and will be sanctioned as described in the ASU Student Academic Integrity Policy. Question 2 1 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Known (Large Sample) (Part 1 of 4) We wish to construct a two-sided 95.0% confidence interval. Compute zα/2 00.0% confidence interval around the mean for the data values in the file T1_CIU_P576.54 Compute the upper limit of the confidence interval. The number of values is n = 40.csv.9% confidence interval around the mean. The number of values is n = 19.csv. Compute the number of samples required. Compute the lower limit of the confidence interval.csv. The number of values is n = 25. Question 7 0 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Unknown (Small Sample) (Part 2 of 3) Compute the lower limit of the two-sided 91.2% confidence interval around the mean for the data values in the file T1_CIK_P382. The population standard deviation is σ = 2.α/2 for a two-sided 85.80. The sample contains 16 values.5% confidence interval around the mean for the data values in the file T1_CIK_P465. and the population standard deviation is σ = 2.3% confidence interval with width of ±1. Question 4 1 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Known (Large Sample) (Part 3 of 4) We wish to construct a two-sided 82. Question 5 1 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Known (Large Sample) (Part 4 of 4) Suppose we wish to have a two-sided 84.Question 3 1 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Known (Large Sample) (Part 2 of 4) We wish to construct a two-sided 95. . Question 6 1 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Unknown (Small Sample) (Part 1 of 3) Compute tn-1.17. and the population standard deviation is σ = 2. csv. Your confidence interval should have a 98.α/2 Question 10 0 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals Using Paired Data (Part 2 of 3) This problem requires you to compute a confidence interval on the difference of paired data values. Question 11 0 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals Using Paired Data (Part 3 of 3) This problem requires you to compute a confidence interval on the difference of paired data values.csv. the data values for this test are in the file T1_CIP_P860. the data values for this test are in the file T1_CIP_P671. For this problem. Compute the upper limit for the confidence interval. subtract the First Value from the Second Value. There are 19 data pairs. The number of values is n = 18. Compute tn-1.csv.csv. subtract the First Value from the Second Value. Question 9 1 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals Using Paired Data (Part 1 of 3) This problem requires you to compute a confidence interval on the difference of paired data values. There are 14 data pairs. subtract the First Value from the Second Value.4% level. Question 12 Hypothesis Testing Vocabulary (Part 1 of 5) Match each term with its definition.Question 8 0 out of 1 points Confidence Intervals around the Mean-Variance Unknown (Small Sample) (Part 3 of 3) Compute the upper limit of the two-sided 93. There are 15 data pairs. 1 out of 1 points .8% level. the data values for this test are in the file T1_CIP_P663. For this problem. Your confidence interval should have a 92. Compute the lower limit for the confidence interval.4% confidence interval around the mean for the data values in the file T1_CIU_P937. Your confidence interval should have a 96.0% level. For this problem. Question 14 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Vocabulary (Part 3 of 5) True or False: The null hypothesis is a hypothesis that will be retained or rejected on the basis of a sample. Question 15 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Vocabulary (Part 4 of 5) Which of the following is true about the P-value? Question 16 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Vocabulary (Part 5 of 5) What does it mean that a result is significant at the 5% level? Question 17 Hypothesis Testing Fundamentals (Part 1 of 5) Put the following elements of a hypothesis test into the proper order: 1 out of 1 points .Question Alternate Hypothesis Statistical Hypothesis Null Hypothesis Question 13 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Vocabulary (Part 2 of 5) True or False: The null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis can be the same. Question Is the weight of airplanes taking off from an airport higher than the designed load of the runway? Is an automated cornflake box filling machine under filling or over filling boxes? Are student test scores at a high school lower than the national average? Question 19 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Fundamentals (Part 3 of 5) Suppose you are determining whether the depth of groves cut into aluminum by a milling machine is equal to 1. You decide to perform a statistical hypothesis test to determine from the salt concentrations in 16 ground water samples whether the salt concentration is above 50 mg/L.Question 18 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Fundamentals (Part 2 of 5) Match each of the following questions with the type of hypothesis test that would be most appropriate. Which of the following tests would you use? . You cut 14 groves. then measure the depth of each one.7 mm. you perform a statistical hypothesis test to determine whether the groove depth is equal to 1.7 mm. With these measurements. Which of the following tests would you use? Question 20 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Fundamentals (Part 4 of 5) Suppose you are measuring the temperature at which rocket propellant burns to determine whether it is higher than the maximum temperature at which the rocket nozzle will not be damaged. A level of salt of more than 50 mg/L is an indication that remedial action is required. Which of the following tests would you use? Question 21 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing Fundamentals (Part 5 of 5) Suppose you are testing ground water samples for the presence of salt. Compute the P-value for X = 7.Question 22 1 out of 1 points Finding P-Values-variance known (Part 1 of 3) Suppose we desire to perform the following one-sided upper hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = -4.225 Question 23 1 out of 1 points Finding P-Values-variance known (Part 2 of 3) Suppose we desire to perform the following one-sided lower hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = -6. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 26. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 36.832 H1: μ < 0.485. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 47.617 The test is conducted using n = 28 samples. Compute the P-value for X = -5.529 H1: μ < -6.529 The test is conducted using n = 21 samples. Compute the P-value for X = -7.133 H1: μ > -4.569 Question 24 1 out of 1 points Finding P-Values-variance known (Part 3 of 3) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = 8.473.832 .133 The test is conducted using n = 36 samples.617 H1: μ ≠ 8.994.778 Question 25 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing on the Mean-Variance Known (Part 1 of 4) Suppose we desire to perform the following one-sided lower hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = 0. 556 H1: μ < -1.700 H1: μ ≠ 11. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 31.csv. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 48. For this test and data. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 37. would you reject the null hypothesis at a 5% confidence level? Question 27 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing on the Mean-Variance Known (Part 3 of 4) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = 11. Question 26 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing on the Mean-Variance Known (Part 2 of 4) Suppose we desire to perform the following one-sided lower hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = -1.610 H1: μ ≠ 2.csv.csv.011. Question 28 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing on the Mean-Variance Known (Part 4 of 4) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population (variance known): H0: μ = 2.392.556 The data for the test is in the file T1_HTK_P3.965. For this test and data. Suppose you know that the population variance if H0 is true is σ2 = 26. Compute the P-value for this test.700 The data for the test is in the file T1_HTK_P201.csv.636.610 The data for the test is in the file T1_HTK_P443.The data for the test is in the file T1_HTK_P569. would you reject the null hypothesis at a 5% confidence level? Question 29 1 out of 1 points . Compute the P-value for this test. For this test and data. the population variance is unknown: H0: μ = 11. the population variance is unknown: H0: μ = 8. Question 31 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing on the Mean-Variance Unknown (Part 1 of 2) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population.Finding P-values-Variance Unknown (Part 1 of 2) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population. Question 30 1 out of 1 points Finding P-values-Variance Unknown (Part 2 of 2) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population.513 The data for the test is in the file T1_HTU_P307. and n = 22 samples. Compute the P-value for this test. would you reject the null hypothesis at a 5% confidence level? . Question 32 1 out of 1 points Hypothesis Testing on the Mean-Variance Unknown (Part 2 of 2) Suppose we desire to perform the following two-sided hypothesis test on the mean of a population.835 H1: μ ≠ 8.972 Compute the P-value for this test if x = 7. the population variance is unknown: H0: μ = -9.csv.873 Compute the P-value for this test if x = -7.835 The data for the test is in the file T1_HTU_P458.514.977. and n = 22 samples.764. s2 = 46. the population variance is unknown: H0: μ = 4.972 H1: μ ≠ 4.csv. s2 = 36.698.513 H1: μ ≠ 11.873 H1: μ ≠ -9. subtract the First Value from the Second Value. You formulate the following hypothesis test: H0: μ = 1900 degrees C .csv.csv. subtract the First Value from the Second Value. μ0 = 0 Compute the P-value for this test. Also. μ0 = 0 Compute the test statistic t0 Question 34 1 out of 1 points Paired t-test Hypothesis Test (Part 2 of 3) This problem requires you to set up a paired t-test for the following hypothesis test: H0: μD = 0 H1: μD ≠ 0 The paired data values for this test are in the file T1_PTH_P869. Question 35 1 out of 1 points Paired t-test Hypothesis Test (Part 3 of 3) This problem requires you to set up a paired t-test for the following hypothesis test: H0: μD = 0 H1: μD ≠ 0 The paired data values for this test are in the file T1_PTH_P765. would you reject the null hypothesis at a 5% confidence level? Question 36 0 out of 1 points Error (Part 1 of 3) Suppose you wish to know whether alcohol gel fuel burns at a temperature hotter than 1900 degrees C. Also. There are 18 data pairs. In the test. In the test. Also.csv. There are 18 data pairs. In the test.Question 33 0 out of 1 points Paired t-test Hypothesis Test (Part 1 of 3) This problem requires you to set up a paired t-test for the following hypothesis test: H0: μD = 0 H1: μD ≠ 0 The paired data values for this test are in the file T1_PTH_P765. subtract the First Value from the Second Value. There are 15 data pairs. μ0 = 0 For this test and data. you conclude the gel fuel burns at a temperature above 1900 degrees C.H1: μ > 1900 degrees C Match the following statements with the type of error they describe.csv? Question 40 1 out of 1 points . when in fact it burns at a temperature above 1900 degrees C. finding the concentration of ozone in each sample.You formulate the following hypothesis test: H0: μ = 1 ppm H1: μ > 1 ppm Which of the following sentences describes a Type II error? Question 38 1 out of 1 points Error (Part 3 of 3) Suppose you are testing rope samples to determine whether the maximum force the rope can sustain before breaking is greater than 1000 lbs. You formulate the following hypothesis test: H0: μ = 1000 lbs H1: μ > 1000 lbs Which of the following sentences describes a Type I error? Question 39 0 out of 1 points Correlation (Part 1 of 1) What is r. Question After collecting a sample. the sample correlation coefficient for thedata in T1_COR_P447. Question 37 1 out of 1 points Error (Part 2 of 3) Suppose you are testing whether the ventilation system in a room with several plasma cutters is adequate. After collecting a sample. you conclude the gel fuel burns at a temperature of 1900 degrees C. you collect and analyze air samples. In particular. and you want to determine whether the ozone concentration in the room is greater than 1 ppm. when in fact it burns at a temperature of 1900 degrees C. csv. Question 43 1 out of 1 points Linear Regression Interpretation (Part 2 of 2) The data in the file T1_LRI_P571. the coefficient of determination for this linear regression.csvhave been fitted by the following linear regression line: yhat = 13. What is the intercept coefficient β0? Question 42 1 out of 1 points Linear Regression Interpretation (Part 1 of 2) The data in the file T1_LRI_P308.Linear Regression (Part 1 of 2) Compute a linear regression on the data in the file T1_LRG_P998.265 + 0. 2016 2:02:09 PM MST ← OK .csv.209 + -0. March 16.071 x Find r2.127 x Which of the following plots best represents the residuals for this linear regression? Wednesday. What is the slope coefficient β1? Question 41 1 out of 1 points Linear Regression (Part 2 of 2) Compute a linear regression on the data in the file T1_LRG_P647.csvhave been fitted by the following linear regression line: yhat = -3.
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