Revamping Old Urea Plant

March 21, 2018 | Author: qaisarabbas9002 | Category: Heat Exchanger, Urea, Pump, Gas Compressor, Hvac



REVAMPING OF 23 YEARS OLD UREA PLANT AT IFFCO KALOLRevamp of Chemical Fertiliser Plants is an economically attractive proposition as grassroot plants are large capital intensive ventures. This paper illustrates a successful attempt in revamping urea plant capacity by 37.5% with special emphasis on selection of scheme and implementation, the two crucial steps in achieving the final goal. V.S. VAISH & A.B. SARKAR IFFCO Kalol Unit, Dist.Gandhinagar Gujarat, India PREAMBLE Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO), is a premier Co-operative Society, engaged in business of manufacture and marketing of chemical fertilisers in India. The annual installed capacity is 3.2 Million Tonnes of Urea and 1.2 Million Tonnes of NPK/DAP with Annual total revenue of US $ 810 Million. IFFCO Kalol Unit operates Ammonia & Urea Plants of MW Kellogg and Stamicarbon design respectively since 1974. In 1997, after running the plants for almost 23 years, Ammonia plant capacity has been increased from original designed capacity of 910 MTPD to 1100 MTPD and Urea Plant capacity from original designed capacity of 1200 MTPD to 1650 MTPD. The principal criteria of justifying revamp of any vintage plant is endorsement of the sound health of critical equipment and piping of the plant. Urea Plant at IFFCO Kalol was constructed by Humphreys & Glasgow, UK (now known as Jacob H&G) on turnkey basis in 1973-74 based on CO2 stripping total recycle process, developed by Stamicarbon bv of The Netherlands. In any Urea plant, high pressure equipment such as Urea Reactor, Stripper, Condenser, Scrubber, CO2 Compressor, Ammonia Pumps, Carbamate Pumps and interconnecting high pressure piping are critical and their health determines the residual life of plant and so the justificaton of revamp. At Kalol, all critical equipment are the original ones except the high pressure Condenser which was replaced in September 1993. The high pressure equipment are inspected routinely by in-house inspection group with periodic inspection by Stamicarbon. The sound health of these critical equipment prompted IFFCO to think of a cost effective revamp of the Urea Plant. It is worth mentioning at this point that the Stripper, the most corrosion / erosion prone equipment in any Urea stripping process, is in service at IFFCO Kalol for 25 years, longest ever for any such equipment. Recent inspection of this critical equipment carried out in April 1998 reveals that the Stripper still has a residual life of 3 to 4 years. Considering this fact, action has already been initiated for replacement of this critical equipment in near future. Inspection history and health of high pressure equipment in Urea plant prior to taking up of revamping activities in March 95 is projected in TABLE-1. 1 3 mm to 2.1992 Liner & tube material X2 CrNiMoN 25. Corrosion rate observed 0. This makes it more difficult to choose the perfect revamp scheme.6 mm. Weld defects observed on longitudinal and transversal weld of liner and tray support.22.liner weld.03 mm/year which is normal. Condenser 3. While reviewing the technology options following basic criteria was kept in view.5 mm No.2.5 .06 mm/yr which is normal.10 Good liner condition. of Tubes 2100 Shell & tube heat exchanger Year of Fabrication . In-built capacities of existing equipment are assessed for provision of minimum number of additional equipment to meet the targeted enhanced capacity of the plant.13. Bottom hemispherical liner segment replaced due to leakage of nozzle .5 mm Trays .04 mm/yr which is normal.5 mm No. Tube sheet and overlay condition are OK. Weld defects observed on tube to tube sheet.22. Tube OD 25 mm Tube Thk . The revamped capacity of 1650 MTPD was firmed up based on preliminary end to end survey of Urea plant carried out by Stamicarbon in early 1994.2 Urea Gr. The concept was based on “MORE-IN-MORE-OUT” philosophy taking advantage of maximum cushions available in various process equipment and supplementing deficit areas by modifications and replacement of certain equipment and creating some add-on facilities keeping safety and economy in view.1972 Liner & tube material X2 CrNiMo 17. No revamp scheme has any reference to find provenness and reliability. Rectified by grinding and filling as per standard procedure. Internals are almost like new after 3 years of operation. • • • • Minimum equipment so as to manage within the space available No change in operating philosophy Low investment per tonne of urea Low emission levels and specific energy consumption per tonne of urea produced . Average tube thickness is 2.2.1972 Liner & tube material X2 CrNiMoN 25. Affected area grinded and rewelded as per standard procedure.5 mm No. Table-1 SELECTION OF REVAMP PROCESS Revamp schemes are normally tailor made for a particular plant.5%).Sl No 1. High Pressure Equipment Reactor Description Health Status Vessel Year of Fabrication 1972 Liner material 316L Urea Gr X2CrNiMo 17. of Tubes 1970 Shell & tube heat exchanger Year of Fabrication . In case of Kalol Urea plant it was capacity expansion from 1200 MTPD to 1650 MTPD (increase of 37.13. Liquid entry holes on gas tubes (ferrules) increased from 2.2 Tube OD 32 mm Tube Thk . Stripper 4.2 Tube OD 25 mm Tube Thk . All internals are in good condition. 2.2. Scrubber Shell & tube heat exchanger Year of Fabrication . Corrosion rate is 0.68 mm. The equipment replaced by a new one in 1993.3. of Tubes 424 `U’ tubes Corrosion rate is 0.2 Urea Gr Liner Thickness . Material of construction of Tubes and Liner changed to X2 Cr NiMoN 25-22-2 from SS 316 L Urea Gr. Parameters for performance guarantee Overall Project Schedule . This was very important because existing plant with vertical layout and built in space of just half the area (4200 M2) as compared to new generation plants had hardly any space left for placement of new equipment. • • • • • Scope of Process Consultant under Basic Process Design Package (BPDP) & Scope of Indian Consultant during various stages of project execution. 2. Before signing the agreement with the Process Licensor. Engineering & Procurement (DEP) and site supervision services. Revamp scheme of Stamicarbon was chosen based on the following three important factors : 1. Process flow diagram of the plant is shown in Fig-1 highlighting new equipment added with dotted lines. Their offer was perfectly tailor made for the revamp option. agreement was made with Stamicarbon’s approved Indian Consultant Tecnimont ICB (TICB). Minimum number of additional equipment as compared to the offer of other competitor. This was necessary to know the bottlenecks and plant capability to produce 1650 MTPD on continuous basis. Stamicarbon had been involved in all major trouble shooting activities right from commissioning of the plant in 1974 and inspection of critical equipment during various annual turnarounds. Confidence level of proven technology through original plant designer. taking into consideration all the limitations including severe space constraint. 3. Construction and erection jobs were entrusted to reputed agencies like L&T (Mechanical Contractor). Both the technologies were based on “MORE-IN-MORE OUT” concept for same enhanced capacity but one of the consultants proposed add-on facilities consisting of complete Medium Pressure Section operating at 18 ata pressure in addition to modifications and replacement of certain equipment. ENGINEERING AND EXECUTION During the kick-off meeting between the Process Consultant. Stamicarbon being the original process licensor had access to up-to-date data of Kalol Urea Plant. AEC (Electrical Contractor) & Blue Star (Instrumentation Contractor). Stamicarbon was entrusted the job for carrying out detailed Urea plant study. Indian Consultant & IFFCO following parameters / responsibilities were discussed and agreed. This factor was very much realised during erection of new equipment and related piping.Minimum down time to hook-up new equipment and add on facilities No additional steam requirement for increased plant capacity 2 There were two options available for selection of process consultant. Gannon Dunkerley (Civil Contractor). For providing Design. • • CONSULTANCY AND CONSTRUCTION AGENCIES The revamp project was approved by the Government with zero date as 1st March 1995 and completion within 30 months. Lay-out of new equipment HAZOP study of high pressure section by Process Licensor and remaining portion by Indian Consultant. The agreement for supply of “Basic Process Design package (BPDP)” and other engineering services was initialled in September 1995 with Stamicarbon. Installation of one HP ammonia pump & replacement of turbines of old pumps with motors. Installation of one HP carbamate pump & replacement of turbines of old pumps with motors. conversion efficiency of the reactor was in the range of 58 to 59%.water tank Installation of pre-evaporator Replacement of evaporator. Old pneumatic instrumentation was changed to electronic based instrumentation Table-2 3 Low Pressure Section 4 Evaporation & Prilling HIGH PRESSURE SECTION Urea Reactor Harnessing the capacity of Urea Reactor which had 10 trays of original Stamicarbon design was important to achieve higher conversion compatible with enhanced plant capacity. original trays were replaced with 11 Nos modified trays fabricated and supplied by . Sl No 1 Area High Pressure Section Description • • • • • • 2 Feed Pumping/Compression • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 DCS Based Instrumentation • Installation of modified trays in reactor Chemical cleaning of HP stripper tubes & modification to liquid distributors Reduction in LP steam generation pressure in HP condenser Reduction of passivation air in HP system Installation of N/C ratio meter Adoption of low pressure start up Installation of CO2 centrifugal compressor. condenser and ejector in 1st and 2nd vacuum evaporator system Replacement of prill machine with modified prill bucket. Replacement of high pressure discharge pipes of ammonia and carbamate pumps Modification in recirculation heater of rectifying column Additional condenser Increase of plates in plate heat exchanger Modification of operating system of flash tank Improved scrubbing of ammonia Addition of one small capacity ammonia . Prior to revamping.3 The remedial measures implemented in various sections to achieve the design capacity of 1650 MTPD are summarised in Table 2 and also described individually in the following text. To achieve conversion efficiency in the range of 61 to 62% and with an ultimate aim to produce plus 1650 MTPD. This resulted in availability of more effective volume in reactor due to less accumulation of inert and also less loss of ammonia along with the inert through final venting. which is a serious problem in an old Stamicarbon Urea Plant.6% (v/v) as per recent standard of Stamicarbon process. the L. The heat load on H.P. flow dividers were provided with orifices on all ferrules. Around 1.v.P.P. N/C Ratio Meter developed jointly by Stamicarbon & ThIS Analytical b.5 mm thick got deposited inside the vertical tubes predominantly on lower part. thus improving the stripping efficiency by about 2%. Currently the same old stripper is in services to produce more than 1650 MTPD. Stripper HP Stripper which has 2. Originally recommended passivation and heating of HP System by CO2 at 60-70 kg/cm2 mixed with 1. to a level of about 75 to 77% due to poor heat transfer. the pressure control valve installed at the outlet of steam drum has been shifted to the export steam header. therefore the same ferrules were used with slight modification.6 kg/cm2g to 3. To improve the stripping efficiency HP Stripper was chemically cleaned with EDTA solution by Stamicarbon recommended agency Houseman Metal Cleaning bv of The Netherlands. hence no modification was required in the H. The holes on old gas tubes which got enlarged due to long service of 23 years were good enough for enhanced capacity.Schoeller Bleckmann of Austria based on Stamicarbon proprietary design. This was the cause of gradual decrease of Stripper efficiency. For flexibility in operation. Scrubber remained almost the same at the enhanced capacity of 1650 MTPD. of The Netherlands has been installed to monitor NH3/CO2 mole ratio in the reactor.100 tubes is in service for past 25 years.e rubbing with brush or hydrojetting. Low Pressure Start up To shorten the start-up time and to avoid the severe noise pollution. H.8 tonnes of hard scale was removed.P. It was almost impossible to remove this hard scale by mechanical means i. N/C Ratio Meter At the uprated plant capacity it was but for sure that operating flexibility will be squeezed. To avoid process upsets. To improve the liquid / gas distribution in stripper tubes.2 kg/cm2g to augment the additional duty in HP Condenser. hard scale deposit mainly of iron oxide of 2-2. reducing the inert content by 25% in synthesis section. Scrubber Air feed for passivation purpose was reduced with respect to O2 content from 0. Scrubber. 5 H. modification has been carried out to adopt steam passivation and low pressure start-up.P. This is the first time that such an instrument is installed in India for precise control of a critical parameter in achieving ideal operating condition in Urea plant. Overflow pipe inside the reactor was also replaced with bigger size pipe to meet the requirement of higher flow rate. H. Condenser At uprated capacity. However.P.00% (v/v) .8%(v/v) to 0. Steam generation pressure on shell side was reduced from 3. Moreover. Enhancing the capacity of existing compressors. Initial option was to change the turbines with motor drives to match the steam balance in Urea plant and to run both ammonia and carbamate pumps in parallel at reduced capacity so as to get the desired combined flow of ammonia and carbamate for revamped plant load. 6 FEED PUMPING/COMPRESSION CO2 Compressor Before revamping. Out of various alternatives. Running both the existing compressors in parallel at low load. Another alternative was to have centrifugal type one number each ammonia and carbamate pumps for full capacity and keep the existing reciprocating pumps as standby. reduce down time and maintenance cost. However.3 KV rating power supply.anti-corrosion air has been replaced by 9 ata steam heating and passivation system. U K and GHH. Installation of a centrifugal compressor of capacity equivalent to 1650 MTPD. Japan. installation of centrifugal compressor would ensure greater reliability in operation and provide high on-stream factor. Installation of small reciprocating compressor in parallel. The pumps were equipped with steam turbine drives except one Ammonia pump which was equipped with motor. 2. H. this arrangement would have left no spare Ammonia and Carbamate pumps for this critical service. Ultimately the best option emerged out is given below:- . 3. Both these alternatives were found not suitable to our system and also economically not viable as in both the cases pumps would have got much excess capacity never to be utilised and also motors needed 3. the network of which was not available within the Urea plant battery limit. For meeting the additional requirement of CO2 following options were studied in detail: 1. All these alternatives were well deliberated from the view point of economic considerations. change in operating & maintenance philosophy and high operating cost. These compressors were capable to compress CO2 for production of maximum 1350 MTPD urea on sustained basis. 4. it was decided to opt for full capacity centrifugal compressor to economise on steam balance and to eliminate additional power requirement to the tune of 1920 KW. Options were many such as to add similar capacity one number each ammonia and carbamate pumps of reciprocating type and run two pumps in parallel at reduced load with one pump as standby. Full capacity centrifugal compressor is procured from Hitachi.P. Ammonia & Carbamate Pumps: Prior to revamping. Kalol Urea Plant was operating with two (1+1) reciprocating compressors of Peter Brotherhood. Germany with a common Centrifugal Booster Compressor for meeting requirement of compressed CO2 in Urea plant. By adopting this change the passivation period is reduced from 14 Hours to 4 Hours and during this period CO2 Compressor is not required to be run giving direct benefit of energy saving and pollution free start-up. Kalol Urea Plant was operating with two (1+1) reciprocating Worthington make HP Ammonia Pumps each capable of delivering maximum of 60 M3/Hr of Ammonia and two (1+1) reciprocating Worthington make HP Carbamate pumps each capable of delivering 28 M3/Hr of carbamate. 9. Derate the existing capacity of reciprocating Carbamate pumps from 28 M3/hr to 22. Italy.P.5 M3/hr and to add a new smaller size pump of 22. Ammonia & Carbamate Pumps which were 23 years old. Complete Analogue study of both Ammonia and Carbamate pumps including piping was also carried out before supply of new pumps and frequency variable drives of existing pumps. LOW PRESSURE SECTION Recirculation heater Modification LP Decomposer heater is a vertical heat exchanger where process stream is heated by 4 ata steam.P.5 M3/Hr with (2+1) operating philosophy.P Condenser rather than going for single bigger capacity condenser.1. The combination of old and new pumps are running smoothly.5 Million (US $ 223500) on operating cost with respect to other options. Plate Heat Exchanger Modification . have been changed from 4” to 6” and 3” to 4” sizes respectively from reliability point of view and to accommodate the enhanced flow rates with permissible pressure drops. The RCC columns were up to height of 7 meters only which were strengthened by reinforcing them. An innovative method was adopted to increase the heat transfer rate by installing orifices at the bottom of each 1030 vertical tubes. 3. Ammonia and Carbamate pumps. Structural framework was then erected above the reinforced columns to accommodate the equipment at 18 meters height. Driving force for process fluid movement is by thermosyphonic action. 2 LP Condenser in series to existing L. Condenser in series to the existing L. Again IFFCO Kalol is the first plant in India where frequency variable AC LT motor drive system has been tried successfully on H. Derate the existing capacity of Ammonia pumps from 60 M3/Hr to 45 M3/Hr limiting the maximum speed and add one new smaller size pump of 45 M3/Hr capacity with (2+1) operating philosophy. One number each reciprocating type new Ammonia and Carbamate pumps and variable frequency AC LT motor drive system for existing 2 Nos Ammonia and 2 Nos Carbamate pumps were procured from 7 Peroni. Condenser The best and most economical option to make up shortfall of condensing capacity of vapour in low pressure section was to install an additional L.P. The orifices act as an ejector thereby increasing velocity of process fluid and higher heat transfer rate by about 30%. Requirement of higher heat transfer to meet revamp capacity heat load needed replacement with bigger size heat exchanger. The equipment was procured from L&T. Remove steam turbines and change all the pumps to variable frequency AC LT motor drive system which would directly give an annual saving of Rs.P. This study was essential as this type of arrangement has no reference and is adopted for the first time in the world where two dissimilar new reciprocating pumps are added to the existing pumps with de-rated capacities. moreover 23 year old pumps at reduced speed has resulted in less wear and tear of the pumps and longer life of the packing and valve assemblies. Erection of the equipment was at the height of 18 meters by the side of old condenser to have the minimum pressure drop . The new condenser is falling film type capable to remove additional heat duty of 30% due to increase in process vapour load at enhanced capacity. 2. The modification adopted is shown in Fig. High Pressure Piping Discharge piping of both H. Pre-Evaporator Condenser and associated piping and instrumentation have been installed to increase urea solution concentration from 72% to 82% in Urea Solution Tank utilizing the heat from process.25 meters with minimum process flow path to prevent high Biuret formation. operating pressure of Flash Tank was changed from vacuum to atmospheric pressure.P. Replacement of existing urea solution pumps with higher capacity suitable for higher concentration. EVAPORATION AND PRILLING Pre-Evaporator To harness the overall capacity of evaporation section for handling increased production. This improves the scrubber performance.Heat of condensation in low pressure system is removed by closed loop circulating condensate which releases the heat to cooling water in plate type exchanger. Structural columns of this area were strengthened by encasing with additional structural columns. Mumbai and Vacuum Condenser from Graham USA.4 kg/te of product only. Ammonia Water Tank One 15 M3 capacity small tank is added by the side of main tank for the purpose of separating lean ammonia water (4% NH3 conc) received from evaporation section and strong ammonia water (7% NH3 conc) after scrubbing of ammonia from HP & LP System. Finally some old civil engineering drawings revealed existence of civil foundations and structure on North West side of Prilling Tower which was meant for bucket elevator system abandoned and removed around 18 years back. System for recovery of ammonia instead of sending to Hydrolyser section through Waste Water Tank. 8 Improved Scrubbing system Existing scrubbing of ammonia to reduce loss to atmosphere is improved by higher flow rate of lean ammonia water solution to the scrubbers and recovery of vent gases from low pressure section by diverting the gases to flash tank condenser. In addition to above. By this modification. 1st & 2nd Effect Evaporator System . Pre-Evaporator. Additional 46 no. Flashed condensate containing substantial ammonia recycled back to L. The evaporator package with two heat exchangers in series (one part for heat transfer with process heat i. following changes have also been incorporated: • • Increase in capacity of urea solution tank by adding a smaller tank by the side of existing tank. Evaporator Section with Pre-Evaporator is shown in Fig-3. Flash Tank Flash Tank is last purification stage for removing traces of ammonia & CO2 from main product stream. heat of condensation recovered from HP Scrubber and another part for heat transfer with 4 ata steam generated from process heat in HP Condenser) was procured from GR Engineering. of plates are added to increase the capacity of the exchanger to meet the higher heat load. To reduce load on Hydrolyser and also to ensure admission of less quantity of water to the system. The existing encased structures were extended to accommodate the complete package at a height of 18 . Erection of the equipment weighing around 120 Tonnes was a difficult task as placement of the equipment was at a height of 18 . ammonia losses are restricted to 0.e.25 meters. DCS Based Instrumentation: Under the expansion and modernisation scheme. These were considered to match increased production and facilitate safe and precise control of process parameters. Mumbai. Stamicarbon recommended replacement of 2nd stage evaporator and some critical condensers/ejectors of the complete vacuum system. All the in-situ jobs at a height of 25 meters including equipment. 304 nos digital input loops and 64 nos digital output loops. 10 control valves were meant for replacement of existing ones and 11 for new installation. The system has window in window features. Out of these . 32 controllers from a single page.1. The system employs 84 nos. During detailing. Stamicarbon suggested installation of modified Prill Bucket to make existing Prill Tower suitable to achieve higher prill production rate with marginal sacrifice on prill size . HAZOP STUDY . Due to space constraint again. so it was decided to change the load distribution pattern by resting the equipment on structural beams fixed to the vertical concrete columns instead of resting them on concrete floor similar to the old one. four windows on single CRT screen facilitating modulation of 4x8 i. 23 years old pneumatic instrumentation has been changed to Microprocessor based instrumentation incorporating Distributed Control System (DCS). a 200 tonne capacity crane was utilised by the erection contractor L&T to remove the existing equipment and installation of new ones. REPLACEMENT OF CONTROL VALVES Total 21 Nos of Control Valves were procured from Parcol. The equipment were procured from Graham.7 mm before revamp.e. changing over to modified Prill Bucket also called for complete replacement of Prilling Machine which is supplied by Stamicarbon approved vendor Machinefabriek Kreber of The Netherlands. Taking advantage of the Prill Cooling System . 160 nos temperature open loops. 150 nos 4-20 mA open loops. Italy. Due to the Prill Tower size limitation. 10 Prilling System One of the biggest limitation at Kalol is its induced draft Prilling Tower which has a total free fall height of only 50 mtrs having an internal diameter of 17 meters.5 mm. The daily production of about 1750 MT is now being processed through the same 25 year old Prilling Tower with mean prill dia of 1.To de-bottleneck capacity of maintaining vacuum at high load. Weight and size of the new equipment was more than the old one. hardware on unix platform high resolution CRT and more user friendly man-machine interface. fludized bed Prill Cooling System was installed in 1988 to get prill temperature of 60 65 oC before sending the product to Silo / Bagging Plant . For achieving this task. the prill temperature at the bottom of the tower remains in the range of 85-90oC even at plant capacity of 1200 mtpd specially in summer season. Guaranteed size was 1. Yokogawa’s Centum CS System has been selected. To overcome this problem. The system has many unique features like single loop integrity for controllers. the erection of the equipment of higher dimensions and at a height of 25 mts was a difficult and challenging job.6 mm (mean prill dia) with respect to 1. GDC the civil contractor provided services for broadening the slots and making the equipment foundations suitable for changed dimensions.4 . USA & GR Engineering . half size windows facility. closed loops. erection was carried out in just 8 days. 03 0.IN POINTS: As soon as various schemes were firmed up.27 0.In Points in the existing plant for hooking up of the schemes as and when the equipment were available.20 7.7 9.09 Million). 11. 15. Vent scrubber pumps LP Carbamate Condenser Strong Ammonia Water Tank. Orifices. Magnetic Flowmeter Cabinets etc Control & Safety valves Rs. 14. 4. Urea Solution Tank and Lean Carbamate vessel N/C Ratio Meter & Water in Carbamate analyser Modified reactor trays Chemical cleaning of Stripper Heat exchanger modification EOT Cranes Urea DCS Instrument items such as Smart transmitters.19 0.In connections were taken as and when opportunity arose in Urea plant during periodic shut downs. Pressure gauges.2 US$ Million 1. TIE . 10.9 2.3 26. 17.19 0.5 2.58 0. 13. 3. it was decided to take Tie . Urea plant was not shut down for hooking up of any expansion scheme.09 0. Process water pumps & Atmos. There were in all 140 Tie-In Points for which material was procured and arranged well in advance. After thorough checking of various high pressure equipment. The Tie.77 0.No Item Description Cost Cost 1.56 1. 7. the cost toward Urea plant revamp was Rs. 6. 9. 12 UREA PLANT REVAMP COST Out of the total project cost of Rs 1497 Million (US $ 42.Hazop study of the plant was carried out by Stamicarbon to check the adequacy of existing high pressure system for revamped capacity.08 0. This strategy worked well as most of the schemes could be hooked up within the time schedule and in running plant.5 41.6 11.42 0. I/P & P/I converters.9 20.3 264.4 4. Engineering & Consultancy fee CO2 Centrifugal Compressor package HP Ammonia & Carbamate Pump with Variable Speed Drive & Drive conversion of existing pumps Prilling Machine with Prill Buckets Vacuum Condensing System Evaporator package Urea solution pumps . Other than the annual turn around.19 0. Lean Carbamate pumps .2 9.11 0.598 Million (US $ 17. 5. 8.06 0. piping and control valves.26 0. Rotameters. Million 42.1 3. 2.0 6.8 14. Design .8 6. Break-up is given in Table-3 Sl.32 . 12. the Consultant certified that the incremental increase of system pressure by about 4 to 5 kg/cm2 after revamping will be within the safe operating limits.9 9.77 Million) for Kalol expansion project. 16.28 0.1 0. 10. Description Daily production capacity Sp. Pipes.51 0.598 Million (US $ 17. 19.26.1497 Million (US $ 42. The specific capital cost investment per tonne of urea for the incremental production of 1. 15680 Million (US $ 448 Million).83 0. 5. . No 1.7 18. consumption of Ammonia Sp. 2. Guarantee Test Run was successfully performed in February 1998 in presence of Stamicarbon & TICB engineers meeting all the guarantee figures as listed in Table .000 tonne annual capacity grass root project. which is 40% of the total revamp cost. Electrical & Instrumentation Erection Cost 56. 21.0 1. 1497 Million (US $ 42. Presently the plant is producing around 1750 MTPD on continuous basis and maximum production achieved recently was 1800 MTPD.63 0. 4.0 17.9 29. 20.4 Guaranteed Figures 1650 570 737 871 179 Achieved Figure 1690 566 733 853 408 ECONOMICS The total capital cost for revamp of Ammonia & Urea plants at IFFCO Kalol was Rs.77 Million) out of which cost incurred for Urea plant expansion was Rs.(US $ 614) per tonne of urea for a 7.500 tonne per annum of urea at the total cost of Rs. 21.09 Civil & Structural jobs Insurance. assuming present day investment of Rs.48.77 Million) works out to Rs.4. Bank charges & Financing charges Total Conversion rate 1US$ = Rs. Fittings & Valves Mechanical . consumption of steam Low pressure steam export Unit MTPD KG/ tonne of Urea KG/tonne of Urea KG/ton of Urea KG/tonne of urea Table .600/. 35/Table-3 13 PERFORMANCE: Plant was commissioned for revamped capacity in August ‘97 well within the cost & time schedule.2 598.080/.18. consumption of CO2 Sp. 3.09 Million).52 17.(US $ 288) as compared to Rs. Sl. 14 . Kalol. Sarkar is Sr. who was involved in conceptualisation of expansion schemes and execution of the same as Project In-Charge. A.S. judicious planning. who was involved with process licensor. Vaish is General Manager at IFFCO. Last but not the least.CONCLUSION: The successful revamping of 23 years Vintage Urea Plant at Kalol shows the possibility of revamping well maintained similar Urea Plants at a very reasonable cost. • • V. Manager (Project) at IFFCO Kalol.B. consultant and execution of Urea plant revamp jobs. training of operating & maintenance staff and proper selection of technology for revamp is a must.
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