Rev-Trac User Guide

May 2, 2018 | Author: Leela | Category: Product Lifecycle, Command Line Interface, Dialog Box, Technology, Computing



Rev-TracRev-Trac User Guide Document version: 03 July 2009 Rev-Trac User Guide Rev-Trac User Guide Copyright  1998, 2009 Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. ii Rev-Trac User Guide Table of Contents Before you begin ......................................................................................................................... 1 How to get help ............................................................................................................................ 3 An overview of Rev-Trac............................................................................................................. 4 The Rev-Trac request.................................................................................................................... 4 Life cycle of a Rev-Trac request.................................................................................................... 5 A request may include multiple transports..................................................................................... 7 Each request type may have its own 'rules'................................................................................... 8 Life cycle of a Rev-Trac request in pictures .................................................................................. 9 Creating a request .................................................................................................................. 10 Adding an attachment............................................................................................................. 11 Signing a request.................................................................................................................... 13 Adding a transport while making an SAP change .................................................................. 17 Viewing workflow messages .................................................................................................. 18 Triggering automigration activities.......................................................................................... 19 Common tasks ........................................................................................................................... 20 Accessing Rev-Trac from your system........................................................................................ 20 Creating a request ....................................................................................................................... 21 Finding and displaying a request................................................................................................. 26 Signing a request......................................................................................................................... 28 Deleting a request........................................................................................................................ 29 Updating a request ...................................................................................................................... 30 Adding a note to a request’s history log ................................................................................. 30 Adding special migration instructions ..................................................................................... 31 Changing a field that does not affect the status of a request ................................................. 32 Altering the status of a request directly .................................................................................. 32 Making a change that results in an indirect change of request status ................................... 33 Displaying change history of a request........................................................................................ 34 Transports.................................................................................................................................... 34 Inserting a new transport into a Rev-Trac request using the Rev-Trac enforcement popup . 34 Adding new or existing transports to a Rev-Trac request ...................................................... 35 Detaching a transport from a request..................................................................................... 37 Drilldown to transport components......................................................................................... 37 Defining transport dependencies............................................................................................ 38 Attachments................................................................................................................................. 42 Attaching a file or SAPscript document to a request.............................................................. 42 Editing a request attachment.................................................................................................. 44 Displaying a request attachment ............................................................................................ 45 Display Rev-Trac migration history for a single request......................................................... 45 Display current locations of transports on a single Rev-Trac request.................................... 46 Frequently asked questions ..................................................................................................... 47 Migration ...................................................................................................................................... 47 After implementing Rev-Trac, can we perform migrations using tp or transaction STMS? ... 47 What factors control the sequence in which Rev-Trac migrates transports?......................... 47 Why is the sent indicator for a transport green when migration to this target group failed? .. 47 How can I re-migrate a transport if a migration fails?............................................................. 47 iii .......................... 51 Approval..................... 53 Can any SAP user create or view a Rev-Trac request? .......................................... 51 Why does my mouse pointer change to an hourglass after I approve a request?.................................................... 49 Rev-Trac tells me the object I am changing is already locked to a request............................................................................................................................................................. 52 Rev-Trac says it is sending me workflow messages....................................... What should I do? ............. 53 Why do my Rev-Trac screens look different from those I see in this Guide? ............................................................... 54 iv .... What should I do? ........................................................................................ 51 Adding transports to Rev-Trac requests.......................................................... 48 OOPS and locking .................... 50 Attachments........ 49 Why am I getting a Check for overtake/overwrite error when I approve a request?................. 51 Why is “No approvers found” displayed alongside a request status? ................... 52 How can I add a third-party transport to a Rev-Trac request? .Rev-Trac User Guide Can I change the order of transports on a Rev-Trac request?...... 52 I’ve just added a new transport to the wrong Rev-Trac request............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 Do I always have to type my SAP password to approve Rev-Trac requests?.................... but I am not receiving them .......................... 52 Other..................................................................................................................... What should I do?................................................................................................................ 53 Glossary .......... 52 Why do some requests have a Dynamic links node? ................................................................................. 49 Rev-Trac has displayed an ADVICE ONLY locking message....................................... 51 What is the difference between a reference and an attachment?...................... 53 What does the Rev-Trac administrator do?........................................... Before you begin 1 . but who do not need a detailed understanding of how to configure or administer Rev-Trac. This chapter alone may give you all the information you need to work with Rev-Trac. An overview of Rev-Trac Describes the life-cycle of a typical Rev-Trac request. or read such documentation  Approve (sign) a Rev-Trac request How this guide is organised This guide is organised as follows: How to get help Describes different forms of help you can access when you need to complete a task using Rev-Trac. and introduces the main screens you will use when working with Rev-Trac. updating and approving Rev-Trac requests  Provides answers to questions that new Rev-Trac users frequently ask Prerequisites This guide assumes that the reader:  Has been set up as a Rev-Trac user by his or her Rev-Trac administrator. or how to use its advanced reporting capabilities or other advanced tools.Rev-Trac User Guide Before you begin This guide:  Provides an overview of Rev-Trac's basic functions  Explains how to perform common. You may find this guide useful if you ever need to:  Create a Rev-Trac request  Create a transport under Rev-Trac control (for example. Intended audience This guide is intended to be used by people who need to work with Rev-Trac regularly or occasionally. and has a suitable SAP user profile  Understands the meaning of terms such as “transport” and “migration” as these apply in the world of SAP configuration and development This guide does not assume the reader has prior knowledge of Rev-Trac. everyday tasks with Rev-Trac such as creating. if you are working in an environment where Rev-Trac enforcement is turned on)  Attach documentation to a Rev-Trac request. or that the reader has been trained in its use. Rev-Trac User Guide Common tasks Provides step-by-step instructions in how to perform common Rev-Trac tasks. If you have an improvement suggestion. Glossary Contains brief explanations of some technical terms used in this document. You may find a topic in this chapter useful if you need to check on the significance of a particular Rev-Trac field or option that is not immediately obvious. Frequently asked questions Answers a range of questions that new Rev-Trac users frequently ask. comment or correction. please send an email message to [email protected]. 2 Before you begin . Can you help us to improve our documentation? We are always interested in improving Rev-Trac’s documentation. Your Rev-Trac administrator Your local Rev-Trac administrator is the best person to approach with questions about how your own system is configured. How to get help 3 . a help topic is available if you press the F1 key while the field has the focus. the following sources of help are also available when working with Rev-Trac: F1 help For many Rev-Trac fields. send an email with your details to support@xrsc. In Rev-Trac guides The Rev-Trac Administrator Guide contains a wealth of detailed information on how to configure Rev-Trac and work with Rev-Trac reports and administrator utilities. If you register as a site user of www.Rev-Trac User Guide How to get help In addition to this guide. you can access the latest versions of all Rev-Trac documentation. Rev-Trac help desk If necessary. your Rev-Trac administrator can email or phone the Rev-Trac 24 hour help desk for a rapid response on any Rev-Trac issue. your Rev-Trac administrator has special authorisations which allow him or her to investigate and resolve most Rev-Trac-related including this guide and other shorter topic guides that are published from time to time. To request registration. Rev-Trac intercepts every change and requires the change maker to relate it to a business issue. Figure 2-1: A Rev-Trac request. A Rev-Trac request is a collection of resources relevant to addressing a single business requirement. Figure 2-1 below shows a Rev-Trac request that contains an item of correspondence. as displayed in the Rev-Trac Workbench. Rev-Trac can use its intimate knowledge of your systems to intercept and prevent development and migration errors. including migration of changes across your landscape.Rev-Trac User Guide An overview of Rev-Trac Rev-Trac is an add-on to SAP business intelligence systems that helps you develop your system more safely and easily. a screenshot. but the other items are optional. and continuously monitors all changes in your SAP landscape. Rev-Trac then progresses each issue using a predefined approval and migration process. such as records created in other systems  An online approval sheet that records the full approval history of the work. 4 An overview of Rev-Trac . including reports that identify any discrepancies between what is in each of your systems and what is intended to be there. a transport containing one component. reviews or SAP Notes relating to the requirement  One or more SAP transports carrying workbench objects or customising changes  Reference to other resources. two specification documents. like an SAP module. and an approval sheet. In addition. Rev-Trac lives inside SAP. These may include:  Documentation such as specifications. Rev-Trac automates many error-prone human processes. including any backward steps through the approval cycle All Rev-Trac requests contain an approval sheet. A range of powerful reports are available. Rev-Trac users have a transparent view of the whole development effort. The Rev-Trac request A Rev-Trac request is a collection of resources used to address a business requirement. they sign the online approval sheet attached to the Rev-Trac request. Figure 2-2: Typical life cycle of a Rev-Trac request. Statuses and approval rules may vary in your own workplace.Rev-Trac User Guide Life cycle of a Rev-Trac request As people complete different phases of the work on a business requirement. from those illustrated here. After the appropriate approvals have been given. Note that in your own workplace Rev-Trac may use different statuses. Rev-Trac updates the status of the request. and different approval and migration rules. Sometimes Rev-Trac itself changes the status of a request without a separate human signoff. The status of the request changes as work progresses. and shows how the status of the request changes as work progresses. Figure 2-2 below illustrates a typical Rev-Trac request life cycle. An overview of Rev-Trac 5 . and then to change the status of the request to In TST. he or she signs the request to indicate that work is In development. this causes Rev-Trac to migrate the change automatically to TST. the developer signs the request to approve the status Development complete. its status is set automatically to New. Rev-Trac changes the status of the request to In TST only if the migration succeeds. and changes the status of the request to In production (provided the migration succeeds). your system may be configured so that Rev-Trac sets the status to In development automatically as soon as a developer adds a transport to the request. When a developer starts work on this business requirement in DEV. Automigration is an optional but very useful feature in Rev-Trac. members of the project team test and review the work in TST. In our example. In this example. with approval history expanded 6 An overview of Rev-Trac .Rev-Trac User Guide When a project member first creates a Rev-Trac request (at step 2).) When development is complete. Any SAP user can see the full approval history of the Rev-Trac request by displaying it on the Rev-Trac Workbench and expanding the appropriate nodes. Figure 2-3: Rev-Trac request displayed on Rev-Trac Workbench. Rev-Trac now automatically migrates the changes to PRD. Following migration. Rev-Trac changes the status of the request to Approved for PRD. In this example. the approval of both a tester and a business representative is required before the work can be migrated to PRD. (Alternatively. As soon as both have given their approval by signing the request online. as shown in Figure 2-3 below. After performing automigration. testing reveals problems with the ABAP program being developed to meet the business requirement. In this example.Rev-Trac User Guide A request may include multiple transports In the real world. Figure 2-4 on page 7 illustrates the life cycle of a Rev-Trac request where such a backward step occurs. development and configuration work rarely proceeds this smoothly. An overview of Rev-Trac 7 . It is more common for work to proceed in a two steps forward. one step backward fashion  at least for a time. Figure 2-4: Life cycle of a Rev-Trac request where user added a second transport after testing revealed problems with the initial solution. Some request statuses in Figure 2-5 above are displayed with a plain background colour. In this example. "Approved for PRD" during its life cycle (though the exact status names may be different for your organisation). and creates a new transport. Thus each type of work may have its own rules about: 8 An overview of Rev-Trac . The developer adds the new transport to the existing Rev-Trac request.Rev-Trac User Guide The developer sets about fixing the problem. until it is finally In production. Adding a second transport set back the status of the request. while nodes with a plain background represent statuses that were approved a part of a previous iteration. a Rev-Trac request passes through a sequence of statuses with names such as "New". Figure 2-5: Approval history of a Rev-Trac request to which a second transport has been added after testing. The request then progresses through the same steps as previously. This is a standard way of configuring Rev-Trac that helps to ensure reports on the overall status of the work remain meaningful at all times. Following approval. because both transports relate to the same business requirement (associating all transports relating to a business requirement with a single Rev-Trac request makes it easier to track overall progress for that business requirement). Figure 2-5 below shows the full approval history of such a request. Rev-Trac is configured to set the status of any request to In development automatically if a new transport is added to a request. while others are yellow. Each request type may have its own 'rules' As we have seen above. "In TST". Rev-Trac may migrate changes to other clients or systems automatically. Rev-Trac recognises that different "rules" may be needed for different kinds of work. so some approvals were required twice. The yellow nodes relate to the latest iteration of a change. Users sign a Rev-Trac request online at various points to approve its progression to the next status. a request's project and request type determine the sequence of statuses. Internally. So how does Rev-Trac know which rules to apply to which requests? When you create a Rev-Trac request. a request's project and request type play a major role in determining what sequence of statuses a request will pass through. approval rules and migration behaviour that will apply to this request Together. An overview of Rev-Trac 9 . and what approval rules and migration behaviour will apply. it created rules about these matters to suit your needs. Life cycle of a Rev-Trac request in pictures The following section introduces many of the Rev-Trac screens you will use most often when creating and signing Rev-Trac requests.Rev-Trac User Guide  What statuses a request should pass through  Who should approve each change of status  Migration targets When your organisation installed Rev-Trac. you assign it a project and a request type (see Figure 2-6 below). Figure 2-6: Together. Creating and adjusting these strategies is the responsibility of your Rev-Trac administrator. Some organisations also create customer exits for Rev-Trac that may also affect the rules that Rev-Trac applies to each request. Rev-Trac refers to these rules as "strategies". you click the Create request button. This displays the “Create request details” screen (see Figure 2-8 below).Rev-Trac User Guide Creating a request Transaction /n/rsc/rt displays the Rev-Trac Console (see Figure 2-7 below). 10 An overview of Rev-Trac . Figure 2-7: You can reach most Rev-Trac functions from the Rev-Trac Console (transaction /n/rsc/rt ) To create a new Rev-Trac request from the Rev-Trac Console. You can access most Rev-Trac functions from here. The Team. As described above. In the example shown below. You can add running notes to the request at any time in the History Log. An overview of Rev-Trac 11 . then create an attachment header via the menu (see Figure 2-9 below). Adding an attachment At various points in the request life cycle you may find it helpful to attach copies of documents such as specifications. in effect. Owner. Programmer and Customizer field may determine who approves the request at some points.Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 2-8: The “Create request details” screen You use this screen to create what is. the Project and Req type play a major role in determining what process will be used to manage the request through its life cycle. SAP Notes or reviews for use by others working on the request. the user has chosen to attach a specification to the request. Rev-Trac stores compressed copies of such documents internally as attachments. a request header. The first step when adding an attachment to a request is to display the request on the Rev-Trac Workbench. Figure 2-11 below shows the appearance of the request on the Rev-Trac Workbench at this point. The user supplies some attachment header details and then. Rev-Trac will store its own copy of the attached file in its database.Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 2-9: User is about to create an attachment for request 17. 12 An overview of Rev-Trac . selects a specification document on the LAN (see Figure 2-10 below). Figure 2-10: Adding an attachment to a Rev-Trac request. in this example. so all the traffic light indicators under the Approvals node are red. can approve the status In development.Rev-Trac User Guide The first line displays:  The request number (0000000017)  The current status of the request (New)  The project under which you are managing the request (Xenophon)  The type of Rev-Trac request (ABAP/4 Development)  The title of the request The request now includes a specification attachment. When Andy is satisfied that work has started on a particular Rev-Trac request. The request has not yet received any approvals. Figure 2-11: New Rev-Trac request after an attachment has been added. The red "traffic lights" indicate that no-one has yet approved this request. An overview of Rev-Trac 13 . Signing a request In this example illustrated below. the approval rules for a request of type ABAP/4 Development in project Xenophon specify that only the Team leader of the ABAP/4 Development Team. The leader of the ABAP/4 Development Team is Andy Jones. he displays the Rev-Trac Console and selects the Signatory tab (see Figure 2-12 below). or someone standing in for that position. Andy clicks the Total button to display the “Executive matrix” screen (see Figure 2-13 below). by request type and status.Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 2-12: Andy Jones can see on the Signatory tab of the Rev-Trac Console how many requests are waiting for his signature Andy can see there are currently ten requests waiting for his signature. To list all the ABAP/4 Development requests he is due to sign that have a status of New. The three matching requests are displayed on the Rev-Trac Workbench (see Figure 2-14 below). This screen displays a breakdown of the requests Andy is currently due to sign  in this case. Figure 2-13: “Executive matrix” screen shows the request type and status of each request waiting for this user’s approval. 14 An overview of Rev-Trac . To learn more about these. Andy clicks the matching area on the Executive matrix. Rev-Trac displays a dialog box that lists all the people who can give this approval (see Figure 2-16 below). He selects and expands this request until he can see the type of approval that needs to be given (see Figure 2-15 below). In this example. Sometimes multiple types of approval (for example. When Andy clicks the type of approval he is about to give. only one type of approval – ABAP/4 – is required. both Functional and Technical) are needed before a status change can occur. Andy Jones is about to give ABAP/4 approval for status In development. Figure 2-16: Rev-Trac displays a dialog that lists all the people who can give this approval An overview of Rev-Trac 15 .Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 2-14: Rev-Trac Workbench displays all ABAP/4 Development requests in status New that Andy Jones is currently due to sign Andy wants to approve the second of these requests into the status In development. Figure 2-15: Expanded view of request on Rev-Trac Workbench. To give this request ABAP/4 approval for the status In development. This allows users to approve requests in their own name simply by clicking the Sign button. without first typing their SAP password. who can act as a stand-in for the ABAP/4 Development Team leader position. then clicks the Sign button. Figure 2-17: “Sign a document” screen. there are only two potential approvers. Andy clicks his own name to display the “Sign a document” screen (see Figure 2-17 below). then clicks the Sign button. 16 An overview of Rev-Trac . Andy Jones types his SAP password in the open field. Some organisations activate Rev-Trac's one-click approval feature. an approver types his or her SAP password. To sign a request.Rev-Trac User Guide In this example. One is Andy himself. The other is Anselm Pereira. a Rev-Trac request is a collection of resources used to address a business requirement. These resources typically include one or more transports carrying customising or development changes.Rev-Trac User Guide Adding a transport while making an SAP change As we have seen. Figure 2-19: Rev-Trac enforcement popup. and linking the new transport to this Rev-Trac request An overview of Rev-Trac 17 . a developer has begun to create a new ABAP/4 program. The screenshots below illustrate a typical screen sequence through which this occurs. Rev-Trac is usually configured so users must associate all new transports with a Rev-Trac request. Here the user chooses to create a new transport. In our example. the developer chooses to create a new one. Figure 2-18: User is prompted to save SAP change on a new or existing transport. If Rev-Trac is configured to ensure all new transports are associated with Rev-Trac requests. The developer can now choose between:  Linking the new transport to an existing Rev-Trac request  Creating a new Rev-Trac request from scratch. the Rev-Trac enforcement popup is now displayed (see Figure 2-19 below). Because no suitable transport already exists. the developer is prompted to associate the new program with a transport (see Figure 2-18 below). When first saving this program. the user clicks the top button (see Figure 2-20 below). Figure 2-22 shows an example of such a message displayed in Outlook. Figure 2-20: Rev-Trac enforcement popup after user has selected an existing Rev-Trac request.Rev-Trac User Guide In this case. and the number and text of the new transport are displayed on the standard SAP dialog (see Figure 2-21 below). Figure 2-21: After the Rev-Trac enforcement popup is closed. After selecting an existing Rev-Trac request from a dropdown list. the developer chooses the first option. The Rev-Trac enforcement popup closes. Viewing workflow messages Rev-Trac uses its own workflow engine to alert approvers of requests awaiting their approval. the number and text of the new transport are displayed From here the developer can proceed as normal. and to notify other interested parties about the progress of a request. 18 An overview of Rev-Trac . If this approval you are about to give will result in automatic migration activity. Rev-Trac can automatically migrate changes from one system to another after the appropriate approvals have been given (see Life cycle of a Rev-Trac request on page 5). Figure 2-23: If an approval will result in automatic migration activity.Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 2-22: Example of workflow message notifying approver that a Rev-Trac request is waiting to be approved. Triggering automigration activities As explained above. At your own site.. Rev-Trac is probably configured to work this way. Rev-Trac displays the migration activity details An overview of Rev-Trac 19 . Rev-Trac displays the details of this migration activity on the "Please select the appropriate signatory" dialog. as shown in Figure 2-23 below). If you start transaction /n/rsc/rt when logged into the Rev-Trac master system. the "Rev-Trac Monitored System" screen is displayed (see Figure 31 below). but not always. button. It explains how to:  Create. or detach a transport  Create and edit attachments to requests  Add transports to a request. Figure 31: This screen is displayed when user starts transaction /n/rsc/rt on any system other than the Rev-Trac master To display the Rev-Trac Console on the Rev-Trac master. One of these systems (often. modify and approve Rev-Trac requests  Search for and display requests  Add a transport to a request. which co-ordinates and controls Rev-Trac related processes on the other systems. or detach them Accessing Rev-Trac from your system Rev-Trac is typically installed in multiple systems in your landscape. 20 Common tasks . If you start transaction /n/rsc/rt when logged into a system other than the Rev-Trac master.Rev-Trac User Guide Common tasks This chapter provides step-by-step instructions in how to perform everyday tasks using Rev-Trac. click the Click this button to log onto. a development system) functions as the Rev-Trac master system... the Rev-Trac Console is displayed immediately. Select Request Management > Create request. Steps 1. Project Rev-Trac project within which request will be managed. The “Create request details” screen is displayed. Complete some or all of the following fields: Field Description Title Title of request. 3. Req type Request type. This title will appear on many Rev-Trac screens and reports. and by default will be included in the texts of transports created under Rev-Trac control and associated with this request. There is no connection between a Rev-Trac project and a project defined in the SAP Project System (PS) module. 2. Common tasks 21 . This is not possible if users create a new Rev-Trac request for each transport. Go to step 3. Be careful not to create unnecessary Rev-Trac requests. The request type you choose may also help determine this request's approval process and migration path Team Team that is commissioning the change. then press Enter to display the Rev-Trac Console.  Otherwise. type /n/rsc/rt in the command field.Rev-Trac User Guide Creating a request Use this procedure to create a new Rev-Trac request. Prerequisites Only SAP users who have been defined as Rev-Trac users by a Rev-Trac administrator may create Rev-Trac requests. click the Create a new Rev-Trac request and generate transport button. Module The main SAP module to be affected by the work. Used for reporting purposes only. One of Rev-Trac's purposes is to help your organisation manage related transports as a single unit. Position holders within this team may be responsible for approving certain stages of the work. Do one of the following:  If the “Rev-Trac – Add a workbench transport to a request” dialog box is currently displayed. The “Create request details” screen is displayed. The project you choose may help determine this request's approval process and migration path. see the topic "Customising Rev-Trac screens" in the Rev-Trac Administrator Guide. Rev-Trac will send this person a workflow message once only inviting them to "action" this request if the contents of this field have changed.Rev-Trac User Guide Proj. 22 Common tasks . Some sites release SAP changes in sub-projects or clusters which may be known as phases. Whenever this request is saved. Actor A Rev-Trac user who has an interest in the request. User status A supplementary status flag not updated by Rev-Trac. Sites that use this field typically have their own local rules for its application. For more information. Select a suitable Project release only if the dropdown list for this field is populated. The value selected does not affect Rev-Trac behaviour. Actors can quickly identify all requests in which they have an interest from Actor tab on the Rev-Trac Console. Project release. In Rev-Trac these are known as "project releases". rollouts or waves. rel. Owner The person responsible for overseeing the work. The programmer:  Must be a Rev-Trac user  May be responsible for giving some approvals Note: The Customizer field is not available on all versions of the request details screen. The request owner:  Must be a Rev-Trac user  May be responsible for giving some approvals  May delete the request  Can identify all requests he or she owns from the Owner tab on the Rev-Trac Console Programmer The person responsible for doing programming work for the change. The programmer:  Must be a Rev-Trac user  May be responsible for giving some approvals  Can identify all requests he is she is programming from the Programmer tab on the Rev-Trac Console Customizer The person responsible for doing customizing work for the change. Rev-Trac User Guide Class The request class may affect how many approvals are required for this request. Priority Some organisations use this field to record the priority that should be given to working on this request compared with other requests. Severity The value you enter here may be of interest to others working on the issue. Rev-Trac does not use any information in this field. Taken The number of days so far taken to perform the work. Remaining An estimate of the number of days currently required to complete outstanding aspects of the work. Prod date The date when the work is expected to be in production. Log entries cannot subsequently be deleted. It may be relevant to alter the default if. Estimated An estimate of the total number of days required to perform all the work associated with the request. Such organisations typically record priorities using a decimal point system where.1.1. Keywords Search terms that may help users locate this request in future when searching via the Rev-Trac Workbench selection screen. a request with Priority of 3. for example. Release of SAP that work will be done in. Does not affect Rev-Trac behaviour. Rev-Trac automatically appends your name and the current date and time to each log entry. SAP Rel. some organisations provide for the creation of Emergency class requests that undergo a fast track approval process. Test date The date when testing of the work is expected to be complete.2 is seen as less important that a request with a Priority of 3. For example. Common tasks 23 . regardless of their request type. you are planning a system upgrade in the near future. History Log Enter any brief note you want others working on this request to see. for example. Reference description A brief description of the reference content. The format for a valid entry in this field depends upon the reference type. [Optional] If your organisation has defined custom Rev-Trac request fields.  If using a request details screen that does not include a References tab. A special approver might be. [Optional] If the Special approvers button is displayed. then complete the following fields: Field Description Reference A number or code defining the reference. then click the OK button to close the dialog. Example: SAP Note number or help desk reference code. do one of the following: 24  If the custom fields have been placed on one or more tabs inside the request details screen. for example.Rev-Trac User Guide 4. Click the Continue button on the "Reference details" dialog. click this tab. Click the Create button. One or more special approvers are displayed on the Special approvers button. select Request > References to display the “Reference list” dialog. If applicable. also click the Continue button to close the "Reference list" dialog. Select a reference type from the dropdown list. [Optional] To add a reference. To add one or more special approvers:  Select Request > Special approvers to display the "Special approvers" dialog  Complete the Special approver and Text fields. then click the OK button on the dialog to close it Common tasks . do the following:  If using a request details screen that includes a References tab. 6. you can assign one or more special approvers to this request. a tester with special expertise who you want to review and approve this request at a later time. 5. complete any fields required. display these tabs and complete the relevant fields  Select Request > Custom fields to display the "Custom fields" dialog. then click the Create button at the bottom of the tab. select the system where the transports originated in the TX source field. click the No button. select the system where the new transport is to be created in the TX source field. Go to step 9. Its number is displayed in the Request field. Go back to step 8. 25 . click the Save button. The “Transport linking” dialog box is displayed. Select Request > Save to save the request. Close the message box. 8.  To add all the transports in a transport list. go to the next step.  If the “Transport linking” dialog box is displayed. The Rev-Trac Console screen is displayed.  To add a new or existing transport to the request. A message box displays the number of the new transport. Do one of the following:  To save the request without adding a transport or further transport.  If the Rev-Trac Console screen is displayed. then click the Workbench or Customising button. 9. select the system where the transport originated in the TX source field (see note below). then go back to step 8. complete the List id field. Common tasks  To create and add a new workbench or customising transport. Do one of the following:  To add an existing transport. click the Yes button to display the “Create transport details” dialog box. then complete the Transport field and click the Save button. Note: If the transport originated in an external. third party system.Rev-Trac User Guide 7. select as the TX source any development system into which the transport has been migrated The Transport dropdown lists transports present in the TX source that have not yet been added to a Rev-Trac request. then back to step 8. The number of the saved request is displayed in the Request field. you have saved the request. include particular references or transports. 3. The Rev-Trac Console is displayed. then press Enter.Rev-Trac User Guide Finding and displaying a request There are two ways to find and display a Rev-Trac request:  If you the request owner or programmer. The Rev-Trac Console is displayed. Actor. In the area at the top left corner of the tab. The selected requests are displayed on the “Rev-Trac Workbench” screen. or whose attachments include particular terms. select the Signatory tab. The “Executive matrix” screen lists a summary of the requests you have selected. The “SAP Business Graphics” screen is displayed. Programmer. To find a request by specifying search parameters explicitly 1. click the Graph matrix button. to identify all requests for which you are the next signatory. a request actor. Type /n/rsc/rt in the command field. click the Other Matrix button. click one of the buttons that displays a total or subtotal. For example. 4. Note: If the screen displays the message “This is not the Rev-Trac master system”.  To display the executive matrix sorted by different criteria. Type /n/rsc/rt in the command field. click the button below the message to log onto the Rev-Trac master system. Signatory. then select the new criteria. Select the tab on the Rev-Trac Console (eg. or someone who can approve the next status of a request.  To display the report graphically. Note: If the screen displays a message indicating “This is not the Rev-Trac master system”. immediately beneath your name. click the button below the message to log onto the Rev-Trac master system. 2. 26 Select Request Management > Rev-Trac Workbench to display the “Rev-Trac Workbench” selection screen. you can find the request quickly via the Rev-Trac Console (transaction /n/rsc/rt )  You can find requests that match particular search criteria. click the appropriate number in the executive matrix. Common tasks . Owner. Do one of the following:  To list on the Rev-Trac Workbench all or some of the requests you selected in the previous step. then press Enter. via the Rev-Trac Workbench. All) that corresponds to the subset of requests you are interested in. To find and display a request for which you are an interested party 1. 2. status). project. click the Attachments button. then complete any of the relevant fields in the Custom Fields area  To select requests that include a particular reference (eg. click the icon at the left hand end of the request line. the “Executive matrix” view screen is displayed. Do one or more of the following:  To select requests by one or more request header attributes (eg. select Reference number 1 or Reference number 2 in the Number display options group Select Program > Execute to display the “Rev-Trac Workbench” screen. click the Custom Selections button. The “Display request details” screen appears. Common tasks 27 . transports or other associations. enter your own SAP user ID in the User id field. On the “Rev-Trac Workbench” screen. attachments. click the Transports button. click the Objects button. Object type and Object name fields  To display the selected requests initially in an executive matrix view rather than a list. request type. then complete the Object category.  To display the request’s approval history. double-click the request. a reference to a particular SAP Note or help desk reference number) click the References button. complete the relevant fields in the General selections area  To select requests by the contents of custom Rev-Trac request fields (if these have been defined at your site). For details on how to work with this screen. see the final step of the preceding procedure. 4. rather than their Rev-Trac request number.Rev-Trac User Guide 3. 5. do one of the following:  To display the request header. and select Standin Signatory  To select requests to which transports are attached that contain particular objects or data. then complete the appropriate search criteria  To select requests whose History Log or attachments contain one or more terms. then complete the appropriate search criteria  To select requests for which you are a stand-in approver. then complete the appropriate search criteria  To select requests that contain a particular transport or transports. references. select Matrix view in the Start options group  To display requests showing their first or second reference number. An expanded view of the request is displayed. Note: If you selected Matrix view in the previous step. 5. In this case. as a way of indicating that further work is needed. 28 Review the request details. Programmer or Customizer)  Because you hold a position in a team whose name appears in the request Team field  Because you hold a position in a team that is named explicitly in the strategy used to manage this request  Because you are defined in Rev-Trac as a stand-in position holder (eg. 2. In some cases. 4. as Owner. For details of how to find and display the right request. The most common reason for signing a request is to approve its next status. the result of signing the request will be to set the status of the request backward. Click your name or role. The “Sign a document” screen is displayed. Click the approval type. To list all requests you are currently due to approve in any capacity. Expand the request nodes until the type of approval you will give is displayed beneath a Next approval marker. The “Please select the appropriate signatory” dialog box is displayed. Common tasks . Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the request you want to approve. see “What requests am I eligible to sign?” above. You may be eligible to sign a request for any of the following reasons:  Because your name appears in a request field (eg.Rev-Trac User Guide Signing a request Use this procedure to sign a Rev-Trac request. 3. as "stand-in team leader for the Tech team")  Because someone has temporarily nominated you as their "delegate" for approval purposes Steps 1. To list all requests you are eligible to sign as a stand-in approver. see To find a request by specifying search parameters explicitly on page 26. you may also sign a request to reject it. see To find and display a request for which you are an interested party on page 26. What requests am I eligible to sign? Rev-Trac typically notifies you by email of each request you are responsible for approving. as shown in Figure 2-15 on page 15. click the Reject button Note: At some sites. Prerequisites Only a Rev-Trac administrator or the request owner may delete a request. After you have closed all information messages and (if necessary) the “Migration Workbench”. A deleted request continues to be displayed on the Rev-Trac Workbench. Once deleted. If your approval triggers foreground migration activity. The request owner is the user whose ID appears in the Owner field for the request (and is not necessarily the person who created the request). see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. select Request > Sign document  If a Reject button is displayed and you want to reject the request. One or more information messages is displayed. See "Activating one-click approval" in the Rev-Trac Administrator Guide. its status can never be changed. showing the result of the migration. Common tasks 29 . the “Rev-Trac Workbench” screen is redisplayed. the status bar reports this activity. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request you want to delete. Deleting a request does not:  Physically remove the request from the system  Exempt transports attached to the request from overtake checking by the Rev-Trac Overtake and Overwrite Protection System (OOPS) If you want to prevent OOPS from displaying overtake warnings relating to transports attached to the deleted Rev-Trac request. The “Sign a document” screen is displayed. Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box. If Rev-Trac now migrates changes in the foreground. Deleting a request Use this procedure to delete a Rev-Trac request. ask your Rev-Trac administrator to quarantine these transports (that is. then do one of the following:  To approve the status change. Deleting a request changes the status of the request to DELT (Deleted). then select Request > Delete request. this process may take some minutes. For step-by-step instructions. 2. Select the request. Steps 1. After foreground migration is completed. If you are happy to proceed. to remove their data files from your transport directory).Rev-Trac User Guide 6. the “Migration Workbench” dialog box is displayed. the password field is suppressed for users when approving requests in their own name. type your SAP password in the open field. result in changing the status of a request. Any Rev-Trac user may set the status of a request backward by editing the value in the Status field.Rev-Trac User Guide 3. Rev-Trac always issues an alert before the change is made. Enter your SAP password in the open field. giving the user the opportunity not to make the change. It is not possible to delete the history log or any entry in it. The “Display request details” screen is displayed. then select Edit > Choose. To add more extensive documentation. in some circumstances. A message box confirms that the status of the request has been changed to “Deleted”. Select the request. A Rev-Trac administrator may also advance the status of a request the same way. Altering other fields may. then select Request > Sign document. 2. 30 Select Request > Change to put the screen in change mode. In such cases. 3. Note: At some sites. For step-by-step instructions. Common tasks . the password field is suppressed for users when deleting requests. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. See "Activating one-click approval" in the Rev-Trac Administrator Guide. See Attaching a file or SAPscript document to a request on page 42. Updating a request You can update many of the fields in a Rev-Trac request after the request has been created. Adding a note to a request’s history log Use this procedure to type or paste a note into a Rev-Trac request’s history log. The following topics describe the relevant procedures. Steps 1. you can add an attachment to the request. It is possible to alter many fields without affecting the status of a request at all. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request to which you want to add a history log note. 5. then select Edit > Paste clipboard Note: Rev-Trac automatically adds your name and a date stamp to your migration instructions. place your cursor in the History Log area. Adding special migration instructions Use this procedure to add special migration instructions (also known as "transport instructions") to a request. There is no need to add this information manually. Select Documentation > Transport inst. A message box displays a warning indicating that requests with transport instructions cannot be migrated automatically. The change is saved. then select Edit > Choose. The “Display request details” screen is displayed. Common tasks 31 . Do one of the following:  Type your note in the History Log area  Copy to the Windows clipboard the text you want to insert. 6. 4. 5. Do one of the following:  Type your instructions in the Special migration instructions area  Copy to the Windows clipboard your instructions. There is no need to add this information manually. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 2. Select Request > Change to put the screen in change mode. Close the message box. place your cursor in the Special migration instructions area. Rev-Trac cannot automatically migrate transports attached to a Rev-Trac request containing special migration instructions. The Special migration instructions field is opened for input. and the Rev-Trac Workbench is redisplayed. If a request contains special migration instructions. Select the request. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request to which you want to add special migration instructions.Rev-Trac User Guide 4. Select Request > Save. For step-by-step instructions. Steps 1. a Special migration instructions node is be added to the view of the request shown on the Rev-Trac Workbench. Only a Rev-Trac administrator may delete special migration instructions. then select Edit > Paste clipboard Note: Rev-Trac automatically adds your name and a date stamp to your note. 3. Select Request > Save. Select Request > Change to put the screen in change mode. Select Request > Change to put the screen in change mode. Any Rev-Trac user may set the status of a request backward. 5. 3. A Special migration instructions node has been added to the request. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. Altering the status of a request directly Use this procedure to alter the status of a request directly. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request you want to change. then select Edit > Choose. The Rev-Trac workbench is displayed. then select Edit > Choose. For step-by-step instructions. 4. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 4. 3. 2. Changing a field that does not affect the status of a request Use this procedure to change any Rev-Trac request field that is initially displayed as unprotected on the “Change request details” screen. click the References or Special approvers button. and when. and the Rev-Trac Workbench is redisplayed. For step-by-step instructions.Rev-Trac User Guide 7. Select the request. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose status you want to alter. 2. Select the request. Select Request > Save. see Making a change that results in an indirect change of request status on page 33. Steps 1. To change a field that is initially displayed as protected on the “Change request details” screen. Rev-Trac inserts a "manual status change" message in the request's Approvals history showing who made the change. Steps 1. Changing such a field will not affect the status of the request. Note: To add or alter a reference or special approver. 32 Common tasks . Select Request > Change status. The change is saved. The “Display request details” screen is displayed. The Status field is opened for input. Enter the appropriate value in the relevant field. The “Display request details” screen is displayed. Only a Rev-Trac administrator may set the status of a request forward. Following a manual status change. and when. 5.Rev-Trac User Guide 5. then select a Status from the available list of options. alerting you of the effect a change will have on the status of the request. should cause the status of the request to alter automatically. and the Rev-Trac Workbench is redisplayed. The “Automatic status change” dialog box is displayed. This ensures the correct list of options is available in the Req type field. the field is displayed as protected on the “Change request details” screen until the user selects Request > Change more fields. and the request Status is altered. 4. A message under the Approvals node indicates who changed the request status. 8. 2. or the project to which a request is assigned. change the Project first. Some of the fields previously protected are now open for data entry. The change is saved. Note: If you intend to change both the Project and Req type. Select the request. Making a change that results in an indirect change of request status An organisation may decide that if the contents of a particular request field alter. you may have to skip this step. If changing a particular field may also cause the status of the request to alter. To proceed with the change. 7. Common tasks 33 . and the Rev-Trac Workbench is redisplayed. Select a new Status. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. it may be decided that changing the type of a request. The change is saved. then select Edit > Choose. To confirm that the request Status is valid and consistent with the changed request details. Select Request > Change to put the screen in change mode. select Request > Change status. Steps 1. The “Display request details” screen is displayed. Use this procedure to change the contents of such a field. Select Request > Save. Select Request > Save. 3. Select Request > Change more fields. 6. Note: If you do not have the appropriate authorisation. click the Continue button on the dialog. For step-by-step instructions. the status of the request as a whole should change automatically. For example. 6. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose details you want to alter. Enter your changes in the formerly protected field or fields. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose change history you want to display. 34 Common tasks . rather than creating a new Rev-Trac request for each transport. then select Extras > Show Change Log. users creating a new transport must link that transport to a new or existing Rev-Trac request. see A request may include multiple transports on page 7. Inserting a new transport into a Rev-Trac request using the Rev-Trac enforcement popup When Rev-Trac enforcement is turned on. Part of how Rev-Trac does this is by ensuring that each new transport is linked to a Rev-Trac request that explains the context. 2. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. Rev-Trac enforces this rule by displaying a dialog box like the one in Figure 3-2 below whenever a user saves a change to a new transport. The screen summarises changes that have occurred to the request since it was first created. The following topics describe how to:  Create a new transport and insert it into a Rev-Trac request using the Rev-Trac enforcement popup  Insert new or existing transports into a Rev-Trac request from the Rev-Trac Workbench  Detach a transport from a Rev-Trac request Note that it is helpful to place all transports relating to a business issue in the same Rev-Trac request. purpose and history of the associated changes. This makes it easier to track overall progress for a given business requirement. Transports A key function of Rev-Trac is to help your organisation manage the deployment of transportable changes to your SAP systems safely and easily.Rev-Trac User Guide Displaying change history of a request Use this procedure to display information about changes that have occurred to a Rev-Trac request. Select the request. For a discussion of this approach. and helps prevent migration sequencing errors. For step-by-step instructions. Steps 1. The “Change documents" screen is displayed. Common tasks 35 . Once the Rev-Trac enforcement dialog is displayed. Create a new Rev-Trac request. Click the Generate the transport from Rev-Trac request number button. Click the Create a new Rev-Trac request and generate transport button. Create and save the new request. The Rev-Trac enforcement popup is closed. For more details. select a request into the field at the right of the dialog. 2. then link the new transport to this request 1.Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 3-2: Rev-Trac enforcement popup Rev-Trac documentation refers to this dialog box as the Rev-Trac enforcement popup. see Creating a request on page 21. 2. The standard SAP "Prompt for << transport type >> request" dialog is populated with the number and text of the newly created transport. empty) workbench or customising transport and add it to an existing Rev-Trac request  Add all the transports in a transport list to an existing Rev-Trac request Wherever possible. you should add all the transports that relate to a particular business issue to the same Rev-Trac request. the standard SAP "Prompt for << transport type >> request" dialog is populated with the number and text of the newly created transport. users have two options: Link the new transport to an existing Rev-Trac request 1. The “Create request details” screen is displayed. Adding new or existing transports to a Rev-Trac request Use this procedure to:  Add an existing transport to a Rev-Trac request  Create a new (ie. This makes it easier to manage the issue than if you associate each transport with a separate Rev-Trac request. After the "Create request details" screen is closed. Using the dropdown list. For example.Rev-Trac User Guide Adding a transport to a Rev-Trac request may change the status of the request. Note: If the transport originated in an external. select the system where the new transport is to be created in the TX source field. 3. select the system where the transports originated in the TX source field. of a particular request type or in a particular status If you choose to create a new (ie. 2. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. select the system where the transport originated in the TX source field (see note below). then click the Save button. then complete the Transport field and click the Save button. The transport is added to the Rev-Trac request. Common tasks . empty) transport and insert this in a Rev-Trac request. you may not be permitted to:  Include transports from different clients or systems in the same Rev-Trac request  Include transports from particular clients or systems in Rev-Trac requests in a particular project. The transports in the transport list are added to the Rev-Trac request. select as the TX source any development system into which the transport has been migrated The Transport dropdown lists transports present in the TX source that have not yet been added to a Rev-Trac request. if a request has a status of “In TST” before a new transport is added. Steps 1. you will be asked to nominate the system where this transport should be created.  To add all the transports in a transport list. the status of the request may revert to “In development” following the addition. third party system. Select Transport > Insert Transport. The transport is added to the Rev-Trac request. 36  To create and add a new workbench or customising transport. For example. you may not be permitted to add certain transports to a request. The “Create transport details” dialog box is displayed. complete the List id field. For step-by-step instructions. then click the Workbench or Customising button. Close the message box. A message box displays the number of the new transport. Your Rev-Trac configuration settings will determine in which client Rev-Trac will create this transport. Do one of the following:  To add an existing transport. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request to which you want to add a transport. Depending on your Rev-Trac configuration. Expand the request to display the Components node. Expand the Transports node to display the transport you want to detach from the request. A message is displayed warning that you are about to delete a transport from the request. authorised users can use the following procedure to drilldown from a component listed under a Rev-Trac request's Components node to view the actual component itself. Common tasks 37 . either in the system where it was developed. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request from which you want to detach a transport. 5. 6. For step-by-step instructions. see Adding new or existing transports to a Rev-Trac request on page 35. 2. Click the Delete link button on the dialog box. Drilldown to transport components For all transport components for which SAP provides a generic editing facility. The “Display transport details” dialog box is displayed.Rev-Trac User Guide Detaching a transport from a request Use this procedure to detach a transport from a Rev-Trac request. if you are authorised to do so. Double-click the transport to be detached. For step-by-step instructions. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 4. Click the Change button on the dialog box to put the dialog box into change mode. 7. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. Click the Continue (Enter) button on the message box. plus its sub-nodes. Steps 1. or in any other system where it is now present. Double-click the system/client where you would like to view the component. Rev-Trac displays a list of system/client combinations 4. Double-click the component you want to display. 3. 3. The selected transport is detached from the request. To re-attach a transport detached in error. Steps 1. Expand the request to display the Transports node. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose transport component you want to display. Rev-Trac launches the appropriate SAP editing facility in the location you have selected for the selected component. 2. DDIC data elements & program changes that reference the data elements) need to be migrated in a specific sequence.Rev-Trac User Guide Defining transport dependencies As of Rev-Trac SPS16 it is now possible to configure a direct dependency between one or more transports attached to the same or different RevTrac requests related to the same or different landscapes. as seen in Figure 3-3 below.  Different but related changes in two different types of landscapes (for example. Figure 3-3: To display the Dependencies icon for a transport. You can display the dependencies icon. R/3 and BW) need to be synchronized. by double-clicking the transport on the Rev-Trac Workbench. The ability to configure a dependency between one or more transports could be useful in situations where for example:  Different but related changes in the same landscape (for example. double-click the transport on the Rev-Trac Workbench 38 Common tasks . Common tasks 39 . followed by the Dependencies iconon the transport details screen. Note! For customers with the Rev-Trac xDeploy add-on it is also possible to configure a dependency between a package and a transport by selecting the “P” xDeploy Package option on the popup. select the Change icon. as seen in Figure 3-4 below. select the Add icon under the Pre-requisites heading and select “T” CTS Transport on the “Please choose an entity type” popup as follows. Figure 3-4: To display the Dependencies screen for a transport. followed by the Dependencies icon.Rev-Trac User Guide To display the dependencies screen. To create a dependency between one or more transports. select the Change icon. 40 Common tasks . The Dependencies screen is re-displayed showing both the transport containing the dependency and the pre-requisite transport. Figure 3-5: Entering Transport source system and Transport number on the Transport dependency details screen. as seen in Figure 3-6 below.Rev-Trac User Guide Enter the Transport source system and Transport number on the Dependency details screen and select continue. Figure 3-6: The Dependencies screen for transport UA2K900610 showing prerequisite transport UA2K900608 that has just been added. as seen in Figure 3-5 below. this message may block the approval from proceeding (default).Rev-Trac User Guide Select continue to re-display the Change transport details screen as per the following screen shot followed by the Save option to save the changes. as seen in Figure 3-7 below. or may merely alert the user that the dependency has not been satisfied. Figure 3-8: Example of Rev-Trac message displayed at approval time if a dependency has not been satisfied Depending on how the dependency check is configured. Figure 3-7: The Rev-Trac workbench screen with icon indicating transport dependencies exist for transport UA2K900610 If a user seeks to approve a Rev-Trac request that contains a dependency that has not been met. Rev-Trac displays a message like the one shown in Figure 3-8 below. The Rev-Trac request is re-displayed on the Rev-Trac Workbench and the transport that now contains a dependency has an icon to the left of the transport indicating that a dependency exists for this transport. Common tasks 41 . Rev-Trac compresses attachments before storing them internally in a table in the SAP database. Prerequisites You can base an attachment on a model file (“template”) only if a suitable model file has already been stored in Rev-Trac. then ask users to create specification or test result attachments to Rev-Trac requests based on these templates. and save the resulting file as an attachment to a Rev-Trac request. screenshots. a model functional specification). email messages or reviews to a Rev-Trac request for use by others working on the request. you can also add to a Rev-Trac request files or documents that you create on-the-fly. SAP Notes. an attachment can be:  Edited using whatever application it was first created with  Deleted  Exported as a file  Copied into another Rev-Trac request The following topics describe how to:  Attach a file or SAPscript document to a request  Edit a request attachment  Display a request attachment Attaching a file or SAPscript document to a request Use this procedure to attach a file or SAPscript document to a Rev-Trac request.Rev-Trac User Guide Attachments Using Rev-Trac's attachments feature. Storing suitable model files is normally a task for the Rev-Trac administrator. Using Rev-Trac's attachments feature. 42 Common tasks . you can attach files such as specifications. based on templates stored within Rev-Trac. Once attached to a Rev-Trac request. Example of files you might want to attach to a request include:  Screenshots  Email messages  Documents  Spreadsheets  SAP Notes Using this procedure you can also download from Rev-Trac a template or model document (for example. you might store a template for functional specifications or test results in Rev-Trac. For example. add the appropriate details. For step-by-step instructions. a model Microsoft Word document or a preformatted SAPscript document). then click the Save button. Change the model file as required. This will be displayed on the Rev-Trac Workbench. Microsoft Word or the SAPscript editor) is launched and opens the model file. then click the editor’s Back button. then confirm your selection. you are prompted to select a model from a list. Select the request. This will also be displayed on the Rev-Trac Workbench. Title Attachment title. 4. then click the Save button. If more than one model file of this type is loaded into the system. then click the Save button.Rev-Trac User Guide Steps 1.  To create an attachment using SAPscript. Common tasks 43 . select Template. The “Create attachment: Header” dialog box is displayed. Rev-Trac adds the attachment to the request.  To create an attachment based on a pre-existing model (for example. Do so. The type and title of the attachment you entered in the previous step are displayed in the Rev-Trac Workbench. Complete the following fields: Field Description Type The type of attachment. Select the file. click the editor’s Save button. see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. The SAPscript editor is displayed. select SAP WP. 2. Do one of the following:  To attach a file accessible from your PC. then select Attachments > Create. A file selection dialog box is displayed. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request to which you want to add an attachment. select PC File. 3. Create your document. The appropriate application (for example. then save it without renaming it and close the file. Rev-Trac User Guide Editing a request attachment Use this procedure to edit an attachment to a Rev-Trac request. If the attachment is a PC-based file, Rev-Trac opens the file for editing using the default application on your PC for a file of this type. After you have finished editing the attachment, Rev-Trac replaces the original version of the attachment with the edited version. Steps 1. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose attachment you want to edit. For step-by-step instructions, see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 2. Select the request, then select Attachments > Change. The “Attachments listing” dialog box is displayed. 3. Select the attachment you want to edit, then click the Change attachment button.  If the file is a PC-based file (for example, a Microsoft Word document or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet), the appropriate application is launched and opens the file for editing Note: If the "Launch PC application instructions" dialog is displayed in the foreground, do not click the Continue button on this dialog until you have edited and saved the file.  If the file is a SAPscript document, the SAPscript editor opens the document for editing 4. Change the file, then save it without renaming it. 5. Do one of the following:  If the file is a PC-based file, switch back to SAP. The “Launch PC application instructions” dialog box is displayed. Click the Continue button on this dialog.  6. If the file is a SAPscript document, click the Back button. On the “Attachments listing” dialog box, click the Cancel button. The edited attachment is saved with the request. 44 Common tasks Rev-Trac User Guide Displaying a request attachment Use this procedure to display an attachment to a Rev-Trac request. If the attachment is a PC-based file, Rev-Trac displays the file using the default application on your PC for displaying a file of this type. Steps 1. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose attachment you want to examine. For step-by-step instructions, see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 2. Select the request, then select Attachments > Display. The “Attachments listing” dialog box is displayed. 3. Select the attachment you want to display, then click the Display attachment button.  If the file is a PC-based file (for example, a Microsoft Word document or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet), the appropriate application is launched and opens the attachment. Note: If the "Launch PC application instructions" dialog is displayed in the foreground, do not click the Continue button on this dialog until you have closed the file.  4. If the file is a SAPscript document, SAP display the document. After you have finished examining the attachment, do one of the following:  If the file is a PC-based file, close the file, then switch back to SAP. The “Launch PC application instructions” dialog box is displayed. Click the Continue button on this dialog.  5. If the file is a SAPscript document, click the Back button. On the “Attachments listing” dialog box, click the Cancel button. Display Rev-Trac migration history for a single request After installing Rev-Trac, organisations typically use Rev-Trac to perform most migrations. However, it is usually still possible to migrate transports, including transports attached to Rev-Trac requests, by other means (for example, using transaction STMS, or via tp). Use this procedure to show all the migrations that Rev-Trac has performed for all the transports currently attached to a single Rev-Trac request. Note that this procedure does not necessarily indicate where transportable changes are located now. For example, if a change was migrated to TST and TST was subsequently restored imperfectly, the change may no longer be present in TST. Conversely, if a change was migrated to TST 100 and this client was subsequently copied to TST 200, the change will now be present in TST 200, even though it was never migrated there directly. Common tasks 45 Rev-Trac User Guide Steps 1. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose Rev-Trac migration history you want to see. For step-by-step instructions, see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 2. Select the request, then select Transport > Show Migration Log. The “RSC - Migration log” screen is displayed. It lists details of all migrations that Rev-Trac has performed for transports currently attached to this request. Display current locations of transports on a single Rev-Trac request Use this procedure to show all systems and clients where transports attached to a single Rev-Trac request are now located. Note that this procedure:  Shows where all transportable changes associated with a Rev-Trac request are now located, regardless of whether they were migrated by Rev-Trac or by some other means  Shows the effects of system or client copies, and perfect or imperfect restorations Steps 1. Display on the Rev-Trac Workbench the Rev-Trac request whose Rev-Trac migration history you want to see. For step-by-step instructions, see Finding and displaying a request on page 26. 2. Select the request, then select Request > Show propagation. The “RSC - Propagation report" screen is displayed. It shows the current location of all transports currently attached to this request. 46 Common tasks or  The transport was sent to the Rev-Trac migration queue. How can I re-migrate a transport if a migration fails? Eligible Rev-Trac users can re-send to the Rev-Trac migration queue transports that have been sent previously by selecting the request on the Rev-Trac Workbench. Why is the sent indicator for a transport green when migration to this target group failed? A green sent indicator for a transport on the Rev-Trac Workbench does not indicate that a migration actually occurred. Rev-Trac itself does not block the use of tp or transaction STMS. other methods for controlling the migration sequence are also available. or that a migration succeeded. then select Transport > Show Migration Log. A green sent indicator signifies that:  The transport was migrated (sent) to this target group in the foreground. However. then Rev-Trac is usually configured to migrate these transports in the same order they appear on the Rev-Trac Workbench. then selecting Request > Re-queue transports Frequently asked questions 47 . To learn the Rev-Trac migration history of a Rev-Trac request. and is no longer in the queue A sent indicator does not convey reliable information about the migration history of a transport. select the request on the Rev-Trac Workbench. However. contact your Rev-Trac administrator or review the topics dealing with this issue in the Rev-Trac Administrator Guide. organisations typically limit the use of tp or transaction STMS in order to provide a more robust and intelligible audit trail for the progression of SAP changes.Rev-Trac User Guide Frequently asked questions This chapter provides answers to questions frequently asked by new Rev-Trac users. What factors control the sequence in which Rev-Trac migrates transports? If a Rev-Trac request contains multiple transports. Migration After implementing Rev-Trac. and if these are sent for migration at the same time. For example. can we perform migrations using tp or transaction STMS? After implementing Rev-Trac. if it possible to fix (that is. It is also possible to ensure that transports are migrated to PRD in exactly the same order they were migrated to TST. freeze) the migration sequence in any desired order. To learn more about how Rev-Trac sequences transports for migration in your organisation. say. Rev-Trac User Guide It is also possible to over-ride the current Umode setting as defined on the target group. When the Umode tab is selected Rev-Trac displays a screen like the one shown in Figure 5-1 below allowing the user to select the required Umode[s] to be used for the re-migration of the transport. A range of Umode options are displayed for selection by the approver. double-click a transport on the Rev-Trac Workbench. and the migration needs to be repeated. by selecting the Umodes tab on the same screen prior to selecting the Re-queue TX button. To do so. change the value in the Sequence field. Users who are logged into the Rev-Trac master directly may re-queue transports if they are defined as approvers of the status immediately following the migration-triggering status. Can I change the order of transports on a Rev-Trac request? Yes. Users may re-queue only transports that were previously sent to the queue when the request's current status was approved. then save your changes. click the Change button on the "Display transport details" dialog. A transport with a low sequence number appears on the Rev-Trac Workbench before a transport with a higher sequence number. the underlying cause of the failure has been addressed. 48 Frequently asked questions . Figure 5-1: Example of Umode selection option This facility may be useful in a situation where a migration has failed. or if they hold appropriate Rev-Trac administrator privileges. A Rev-Trac request must still be in a migration-triggering status when users re-queue transports. Users who are logged into Rev-Trac from a system other than the Rev-Trac master may re-queue transports only if they are defined as approvers of the status immediately following the migration-triggering status. alerting you to the potential problem. Figure 5-2: Example of OOPS overwrite warning OOPS can detect several different types of potentially unsafe migrations. a user is proposing to migrate transport A46K900171 to system B46. contact your Rev-Trac administrator for advice. you should proceed with the migration only if you are confident you understand why you are getting this warning. Rev-Trac displays a screen like the one shown in Figure 5-2 below. What should I do? A developer or configurer who saves a change to a new transport may sometimes see a Rev-Trac dialog indicating that the changed object or data is already locked to one or more Rev-Trac requests (see Figure 5-3 below). which was released later than A46K900171. but which has already been migrated to B46.Rev-Trac User Guide OOPS and locking Why am I getting a Check for overtake/overwrite error when I approve a request? When you approve a Rev-Trac request into a status that will trigger an automatic migration of the request's transports. Rev-Trac tells me the object I am changing is already locked to a request. OOPS detects potentially unsafe migrations of both configuration settings and so-called workbench objects such as programs. If the proposed migration might be unsafe. In other words. If Rev-Trac displays a warning such as this. and if you are completely sure that it is safe to proceed with the migration despite the warning. Frequently asked questions 49 . the Rev-Trac Overtake and Overwrite Protection System (OOPS) checks whether the proposed migration is safe. Rev-Trac has detected that this transport shares some common contents with transport A46K900173. including:  An Overwrite  An Overtake  A Foreign overwrite In the example shown above. Otherwise. Rev-Trac has detected that a chronologically earlier version of this configuration setting is about to overwrite a chronologically later version. approval and migration of this item  and should lead to improved communication between all those working on this item. the Rev-Trac request that is already carrying a change to this item is request 2. If you do need to save your changes to a different Rev-Trac request. review the Rev-Trac request to which the item is currently locked (in this example. contact your Rev-Trac administrator. then click the Generate the transport from Rev-Trac request number button. Rev-Trac has displayed an ADVICE ONLY locking message. In this example. type the number of the request to which the item is already locked in the field at right. this will simplify the testing. who can permit parallel development of the item in another specific request. in the sense that it has not yet reached production.Rev-Trac User Guide Figure 5-3: Example Rev-Trac locking message Typically. If you see a message like this. If this is the case. you may sometimes see a Rev-Trac ADVICE ONLY locking message similar to that shown in Figure 5-4 below. this message is displayed because someone has recently changed the object or data listed on the dialog. request 2) and discuss your change with the people already working on this item to see if both sets of changes can be managed on the same Rev-Trac request. Figure 5-4: Example of Rev-Trac ADVICE ONLY locking message 50 Frequently asked questions . If all changes to this item can be managed on the same request. What should I do? Depending on how your Rev-Trac installation is configured. and the change is not yet fully complete. you store inside Rev-Trac (in compressed form) all the data that makes up that attachment. or your Rev-Trac organisation does not include anyone in this position for the request team  A position holder in a fixed team  but your Rev-Trac organisation does not include anyone in this position for this team Ask your Rev-Trac administrator to review your organisation's current strategy settings for this project and request type. and are currently in progress. Why does my mouse pointer change to an hourglass after I approve a request? If your Rev-Trac system is configured to automigrate requests once they reach a certain status. you do not save the referenced item as part of the Rev-Trac request. This can occur if the strategy used for this project and request type specifies that approval will be given by:  The request owner. Attachments What is the difference between a reference and an attachment? When you add a reference to a Rev-Trac request. If you believe it is appropriate to save the object or table data you are currently changing to a Rev-Trac request to which this object or table data is already locked. you are free to do so.Rev-Trac User Guide Rev-Trac displays this message to show which other Rev-Trac requests touch the same object or table data. Programmer or Customizer field for the request has not been completed  A position holder in the request team  but either the Team field has not been completed. You save only an identifier (such as a help desk record number) that points to a resource held outside Rev-Trac. one of the following may occur after you approve a request into a status that causes migration to occur: Frequently asked questions 51 . Rev-Trac will also allow you to save your change to another Rev-Trac request if you wish to do so. programmer or customizer  but the Owner. However. Approval Do I always have to type my SAP password to approve Rev-Trac requests? Not necessarily. when you include an attachment in a Rev-Trac request. Some organisations configure Rev-Trac so users don't have to type an SAP password when approving requests in their own name. Why is “No approvers found” displayed alongside a request status? Rev-Trac is unable to identify any approver for this status. Ask you Rev-Trac administrator to consider activating "one-click approval". By contrast. After detaching the transport from the wrong Rev-Trac request.Rev-Trac User Guide  Your mouse pointer may change to an hourglass briefly while Rev-Trac releases transports associated the request If this is the reason for the delay. by using transaction STMS). What should I do? If you have sufficient SAP authorisation. When doing so. Ask your Rev-Trac administrator to contact support@xrsc-trac. detach the transport from the Rev-Trac request yourself (see Detaching a transport from a request on page 37). nominate the system into which you have imported the third-party transport as the TX source in step 3. the status bar is not updated with progress information. you must first import the transport into at least one system where Rev-Trac is installed. you can add the third party transport to a Rev-Trac request by using the procedure Adding new or existing transports to a Rev-Trac request on page 35. After doing so (for example. add it to the correct request using the procedure Adding new or existing transports to a Rev-Trac request on page 35. It may be possible to exempt these transport from OOPS checking. Otherwise.  Your pointer may change to an hourglass for several minutes or longer while the Rev-Trac Overtake and Overwrite Protection System (OOPS) checks whether a migration you have approved can be performed safely If this is the reason for the delay. Other Rev-Trac says it is sending me workflow messages. How can I add a third-party transport to a Rev-Trac request? Before you can attach a third-party transport to a Rev-Trac request. but I am not receiving them There are a number of reasons why workflow messages may not arrive. your status bar is updated with details of each release. contact your Rev-Trac administrator. If you are experiencing repeated delays of this kind when migrating certain kinds of and request a guide to troubleshooting workflow problems. ask your Rev-Trac administrator to do this for you. 52 Frequently asked questions . or to perform a faster form of OOPS checking for these transports. Adding transports to Rev-Trac requests I’ve just added a new transport to the wrong Rev-Trac request. However. including a tabbed version  Suppress or alter the attributes of individual fields on the request details screen  Customise the layout of request information on the Rev-Trac Workbench (tree) screen Can any SAP user create or view a Rev-Trac request? Only suitably authorised SAP users whose details have been entered into Rev-Trac can create. Typically. What does the Rev-Trac administrator do? Your Rev-Trac administrator has special privileges not available to ordinary Rev-Trac users.Rev-Trac User Guide Why do some requests have a Dynamic links node? If the Rev-Trac Workbench displays a Dynamic links node for Rev-Trac request 777. For example. and details of your organisation’s structure)  Setting forward the status of Rev-Trac requests Frequently asked questions 53 . any SAP user can view a Rev-Trac request. both requests include references to the same SAP Note) Why do my Rev-Trac screens look different from those I see in this Guide? The Rev-Trac look-and-feel is highly configurable. this indicates that:  A request listed under this node contains a reference to request 777. organisations implementing Rev-Trac may:  Customise the Rev-Trac Console  Select between several different versions of the request details screen. these allow your administrator to perform such tasks as:  Creating and maintaining Rev-Trac users (including their internet email addresses for the purposes of receiving Rev-Trac workflow messages)  Maintaining Rev-Trac’s configuration (including approval and migration strategies. change or approve Rev-Trac requests. or  A request listed under this node contains a reference that request 777 also contains (for example. actors can quickly identify and review all requests in which they have an interest. Whenever the contents of a request's Actor field change and the request is saved. screen shot or email message) or a SAPscript document that has been stored in compressed form in Rev-Trac and associated with a particular Rev-Trac request. Following a successful migration. 54 Glossary . for example. Applying such a restriction is called “enforcement”. Automigration Rev-Trac can migrate SAP changes associated with Rev-Trac requests to other systems automatically after a request has received the appropriate approvals. An actor is not required to be a Rev-Trac user. Usually this requires a user to perform an electronic signoff. your Rev-Trac administrator can force SAP users to associate new transports they create with a new or existing Rev-Trac request. a Rev-Trac request passes through many different statuses. For example. after successfully automigrating transports associated with a Rev-Trac request). then pass to the status “In development”. spreadsheet. although in some cases Rev-Trac itself may approve a status change automatically (for example. Approval During its life-cycle. After being attached to a Rev-Trac request.Rev-Trac User Guide Glossary Actor An SAP user who is likely to have an interest in the progress of a Rev-Trac request. Automigration may occur immediately following approval. email messages and test results to a Rev-Trac request makes it easier for those working on the request to find all the information relevant to this business issue in one place. Each forward-moving change of status must be approved beforehand. Rev-Trac can automatically approve a further status change for the request to indicate that it is now. Attachment A file from a user’s PC (for example. Rev-Trac sends a workflow message to this user asking them to action the request. a file may be edited using the application in which it was originally created and then re-saved in Rev-Trac. Enforcement By using an appropriate configuration setting. From the Rev-Trac Console. or at set intervals. Attaching documents such as specifications. it may start off with the status “New”. but who is not the request owner or programmer. “In TST” or “In PRD”. Rev-Trac User Guide You Rev-Trac administrator can turn on enforcement for all users. One Rev-Trac system (usually your primary development system) is designated as the master system. Monitored system See glossary entry for Master system above. Overtake An overtake occurs where two versions of a software object or configuration setting have been saved to a transport. your Rev-Trac administrator can exempt specific users from this requirement. Master system Rev-Trac is installed on multiple SAP systems. then create a new transport linked to the new Rev-Trac request For details on how to work with the Rev-Trac enforcement popup. as Rev-Trac is unable to determine which version of ZZ_SOME_OBJECT is the earlier. Enforcement popup A dialog box that Rev-Trac displays whenever a SAP user attempts to create a transport while Rev-Trac enforcement is turned on. Orphan transport A transport that has not been attached to a Rev-Trac request. If enforcement is turned on for all users. This migration is potentially unsafe. and the object with the same name in the target system. All other system under the control of the Rev-Trac master are known as "monitored systems". Rev-Trac displays the Rev-Trac enforcement popup whenever a user seeks to create a new transport. It is even possible that the object about to be migrated. Rev-Trac issues a "will overwrite foreign" warning. Other development systems under the control of the Rev-Trac master system are known as "slave systems". Foreign overwrite If a user is proposing to migrate ZZ_SOME_OBJECT to a target system. The dialog box gives the user two options:  Create a new transport linked to an existing Rev-Trac request  Create a new Rev-Trac request. or for selected users. see Inserting a new transport into a Rev-Trac request using the Rev-Trac enforcement popup on page 34. and two different objects that happen to share the same name  in which case proceeding with the migration could lead to very unfortunate consequences. and a user migrates Glossary 55 . and if Rev-Trac detects that the most recent change to ZZ_SOME_OBJECT in the target system is in a transport that is not also present in the system from which ZZ_SOME_OBJECT is about to be migrated. When Rev-Trac enforcement is turned on. This system controls and co-ordinates Rev-Trac functions that run on the other systems. A Rev-Trac request's project and request type jointly determine what approval strategy will be used to manage a request. 56 Glossary . but is the person with primary responsibility for overseeing the work. The request programmer is normally the person who is responsible for implementing the work at a technical level by writing code or making configuration changes. Only the request owner may delete a request. and replace it with an earlier version. to SAP Notes or help desk records).Rev-Trac User Guide the later version to a test or production system without first migrating the earlier version. Project Each Rev-Trac installation defines one or more projects. The request owner is not necessarily the person who created a request. Overwrite An overwrite occurs when a recent version of a software object or configuration setting has been imported into a system. There is no connection between Rev-Trac projects and projects defined in the SAP Project System (PS) module. One is that the second version of the change may depend on the presence of the first version. and may potentially reverse the change contained in the second version. Another is that the earlier version of the object or configuration setting may subsequently be migrated to the test or production system. Some organisations configure Rev-Trac so the request programmer is responsible for approving some statuses of a request. you can nominate a Rev-Trac user as the request programmer. Programmer When creating or changing a Rev-Trac request. and what migration actions will occur as the request progresses. and an earlier version of the same object or setting is subsequently imported. you can nominate a Rev-Trac user as the request owner. Owner When creating or changing a Rev-Trac request. Dividing the total work effort into different projects makes it easier to report on the progress of different major groupings of work. The effect of an overwrite is typically to undo a later version of a change. perhaps accidentally. Reference number A Rev-Trac request may include references to external documents or records (for example. This situation presents several risks. Some organisations configure Rev-Trac so that the request owner is responsible for approving some statuses of a request. Rev-Trac then progresses each issue using a predefined approval and migration process. You may search for Rev-Trac requests by reference number. The Rev-Trac migration queue should not be confused with the SAP import buffer. All SAP users may view Rev-Trac requests. users add transports to a list maintained in Rev-Trac known as the Rev-Trac migration queue. like an SAP module. This utility is usually scheduled to run in the background. Rev-Trac intercepts every change and requires the change maker to relate it to a business issue. including any backward steps through the approval cycle A Rev-Trac request should not be confused with an SAP transport request. In the first step. Request A Rev-Trac request is a collection of resources used to address a specific business requirement. Rev-Trac user An SAP user who has been defined as in Rev-Trac configuration as a Rev-Trac user. In the second step. and who has adequate authorisation to perform this role.Rev-Trac User Guide Such references are stored in Rev-Trac using brief codes which may be purely numeric or which may also contain alphabetical characters. These may include:  Documentation such as specifications. However. One method migrates transports immediately using a foreground (dialog) process. a Rev-Trac request does typically contains links to one or more SAP transport requests. Rev-Trac's batch migration utility migrates items in the Rev-Trac migration queue to their destinations. but only Rev-Trac users may create. change or sign such requests. The other method. In Rev-Trac. known as queued migration. Rev-Trac An add-on to SAP business intelligence systems that helps you develop your system more safely and easily. such as records created in other systems  An online approval sheet that records the full approval history of the work. reviews or SAP Notes relating to the requirement  One or more SAP transports carrying workbench objects or customising changes  Reference to other resources. Rev-Trac lives inside SAP. and continuously monitors all changes in your SAP landscape. migrates transports in a two-step process. these codes are known as “reference numbers”. Rev-Trac migration queue Two different migration methods are available in Rev-Trac. Glossary 57 . Your Rev-Trac administrator is normally responsible for loading suitable templates into Rev-Trac. Slave system See glossary entry for Master system on page 55. The person who is defined as a stand-in can approve a request if the normal holder of this position is unavailable. you may have the option of basing the attachment on an existing template that has been stored in Rev-Trac. 58 Glossary .. For example. that determine what statuses a request will pass through. or a spreadsheet that acts as a model document for recording test results. Stand-in Users who can approve Rev-Trac requests may be defined in terms of the positions they hold in teams within your organisation. It is possible to configure a “stand-in” for a position within a team. Strategy A set of rules. your organisation may have decided the leader of your ABAP team should give certain approvals. or altered an important request field) Template When creating an attachment to a Rev-Trac request.Rev-Trac User Guide Your Rev-Trac administrator is responsible for creating Rev-Trac users. and who will receive Rev-Trac workflow messages. configured in Rev-Trac. In some cases. For example. A strategy does not determine what migration actions will occur as a request is progressed through different statuses. your organisation may have created a word processor document that acts as a model document for functional specifications. Status Each Rev-Trac request passes through a number of different statuses during its life cycle as work proceeds on the tasks associated with the request. Rev-Trac updates the status of a request after the appropriate users have performed an online signoff (approval). Each type of Rev-Trac request within a Rev-Trac project may have its own strategy (although it is more common to share one strategy between several types of request). Rev-Trac may automatically alter the status of a request. who can approve each status. This may occur if:  Transports linked to the request have been migrated successfully  The request itself has changed in a significant way (for example. because a user has added a new transport to the request. This is determined by a separate area of configuration. doc filename extension. Transport lists may be created from text files using the Migration Workbench. Glossary 59 . saved internally in Rev-Trac for later re-use. Several Rev-Trac utilities can process transport lists as well as individual transports. Workflow Rev-Trac can send email messages to notify users that:  A request is waiting for their approval  A request in which they have an interest has reached a certain status  A migration in which they have an interest has failed  Some action is required in relation to a particular request For an example of a workflow email message sent to an approver. Transport list A named list of transports. see Figure 2-22 on page 19.Rev-Trac User Guide Microsoft Word documents functioning as templates for this purpose must have a . The Rev-Trac Administrator Guide contains more information on working with Rev-Trac transport lists. or directly from within several Rev-Trac migration extension. not a .
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