Resume Sayantan Ganguly

May 16, 2018 | Author: SujoyDe | Category: Heat, Heat Transfer, Nature, Energy And Resource



Dr Sayantan Ganguly* Post-Doctoral Fellow Environmental Hydrogeology Department of Earth Sciences Utrecht University Utrecht, the Netherlands E-mail ID: [email protected], [email protected] Area(s) of Interest: Flow through porous media, Heat transport in porous media, Geothermal Energy, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems, Renewable Energy, Energy conservation, Hydrogeology. CGPA/% Educational Qualifications Year Board/Institution PhD 2015 Indian Institute of Science, By Research Bangalore, India Indian Institute of 2009 9.27(10) Postgraduate (M. Tech.) Technology, Roorkee, India and University of Stuttgart, Germany Jadavpur University, Undergraduate Overall(B.E) 2007 Kolkata, India 8.36(10) Jadavpur Vidyapith, Twelfth Class 2003 Kolkata, India 85.10% Jadavpur Vidyapith, Tenth Class 2001 Kolkata, India 89.25% *Institutes I studied or worked at (in reverse chronological order) Japan. to carry out Post-Doctoral research in RMIT University. University of Stuttgart. 7. the Achievements Netherlands. Phil (German Studies)” to visit University of Stuttgart. Languages Known: Bengali (speak.SKILLS Computer Fundamentals of C and FORTRAN. English (speak. Germany for the M. 4. DAAD scholarship “Short term Scholarships for PhD Registered Scholars/ M. 2010. University of Stuttgart. Melbourne. Publishing: Microsoft Office and Latex. read and write) and German (workable knowledge). 19th -24th Apr 2015. read and write). MATLAB. Travel grant from Department of Hydromechanics and Modeling of Hydrosystems. (Academic): 2. Germany to attend the short course on “Multiphase Flow. Dutch (basic knowledge) Awards and 1. 8. Hindi (speak. Fluent-Gambit. DAAD scholarship “Sandwich Model Scholarships for Maters Students of IITs” to visit University of Stuttgart. Best Paper award in the ISH journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 2014 in Saga. Germany. read and write). Australia. Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2016) from Utrecht University. Tech dissertation (Sept 2008 to May2009). given by International Association of Lowland Technology (IALT). Languages: Operating Windows and Linux. 2 . Endeavour Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship 2016. Best Paper Award in the Conference proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology. 5. Transport and Bioprocesses in Porous Media” Oct 4-8. Jalvigyan Puraskar (2013). Fellowship to attend the “World Geothermal Congress 2015” in Melbourne. Indian Society for Hydraulics 6. Germany as a visiting research scholar (Aug 2012 to Oct 2012). Australia 3. systems: Software skills: DuMux (Single and Multiphase flow and transport in porous media Flow3D. Civil 3 . Dutch language course (level A1+A2)-Babel Institute. Sept day workshop/training programme organized by Geosciences Faculty. Received MHRD (Govt. of India) Assistantship to pursue M. Civil Engineering Department. Oct-Dec 2008. Civil Engineering Department. Received MHRD (Govt. ‘Start to Teach’ course/training programme organized by Utrecht Courses University for different aspects of classroom teaching. Sept 2013. 12. Master’s degree with first class honours. 3. 5. Indian Institute of Science. 4. Germany to attend the conference “Computational Methods in Water. International Students Travel grant from University of Stuttgart. Tech. Germany. Utrecht University to train people for classroom teaching. 14. 15. 10. Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering with first class honours. Feb-Jun 2017. 11. 2. 9. Served as a Member of the organizing committee of “Annual Students cular Symposium” 2011. taken: 2. Highest CGPA in M. Bangalore (‘Spandan’). 2. Funded by Utrecht University. Utrecht. 13. studies through GATE Examination. of India) scholarship to pursue PhD studies. Funded by DAAD. Bangalore. Biography listed in Marquis Who’s Who 2016 Additional 1. Tech. Start to Teach – introduction Geosciences. Germany. in University of Stuttgart. German language course (level 1) in University of Stuttgart. Served as a member of the organizing committee of Bengali cultural association of Indian Institute of Science. the Netherlands. AutoCAD with AutoLISP. Extracurri 1. 3. 16. Chair of a session in “7th Annual Students Symposium” 2014. Indian Institute of Activities: Science. Bangalore. Funded by DAAD. specialization of Hydraulic Engineering (9. German language course (level 2).27/10). Best Presentation award (2nd Prize) in Sixth Annual Students’ Symposium. 2014. Civil Engg. 5 Avid traveller. Department of Hydromechanics and Modeling of Hydrosystems. (27th Oct 2014 – 18th Apr 2016). India and McGill University. Organized by Utrecht University. India. Indian Institute of Science. 10th-11th Jun. Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Divecha Centre for Climate Change. Work 1. Department of Earth Sciences. 2012. 2. 5th Sept 2014. University of Stuttgart. Department of Hydraulic Engineering. Endeavour Post-Doctoral Fellow in School of Aerospace. Transport and Bioprocesses in Porous Media” Oct 4-8. Roorkee. Utrecht University. 4 . I have been to 3 continents. Canada. Served as an organizer of the workshop on “Geothermal Energy-Issues and Challenges” Divecha Centre for Climate Change. 2008. Bangalore. Melbourne. Bangalore. Indian Institute of Science. Australia (Apr 2016-Sept 2016) 3. 20 countries and about 90 cities (excluding India) and other places. 5. India. Montreal. the Netherlands (Nov 2016 – present) 2. “Conservation and Management of Water Resources” jointly organized by Indian Institute of Technology. Guest Lecturer. 4. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. Singing (Learning Indian classical). Engineering Department. Bangalore. RMIT University. Utrecht Experience: University. Bangalore. Literature reading. Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Earth Sciences. Tech. “AUGE Workshop: Dynamic modeling of CO2 storage sites in the framework of the German CCS law”. 4. Netherlands and Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore. Institute Research Associate in Department Civil Engineering. “Research Tools for Evaluating Availability and Safety of Surface Water and Ground Water” Feb 6-10. 3. 4. Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore. and 5 years in PhD) WORKSHOP/SEMINARS/ SHORT TERM COURSES/ SCHOOLS ATTENDED 1. Indian Institute of Science. University of Stuttgart. “Multiphase Flow. Germany. Masters Course ‘Environmental hydrogeology’. Feb 27-28. 6th Jan 2015. 2010. 6 Teaching Assistant : (1 year in M. Germany. Indian Institute of Science. (27th Jul 2014 to 26th Oct 2014 – 3 months). Dept. F. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Reviewer for International Journals 1. 2014. Melbourne. International Solar Energy Society (ISES).5. Indian Institute of Science. 5. Utrecht University. Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems. 4. Australian Solar Energy Exhibition and Conference. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 1.F. Applied Energy. Oct 31-Nov 1. 3.589) 3. Water Resources Research (AGU) (I. Workshop on “Water for cities and Agriculture from Confrontation-Competition to Cooperation”. Equation based modelling in COMSOL Multiphysics. Australia. Energies (MDPI) (I. (Elsevier) (I.397) 2. Oman PROJECTS 1. How to use COMSOL. Geosciences (MDPI) Reviewer/Evaluator of professional projects 1. The Darcy Seminar. Melbourne Convention and education Centre. 20th Jun2017. 9. 6.262) 4. Bangalore. Reviewer for scientific project from Sultan Qaboos University. 24th Feb 2017. Modelling Fast High Volume Infiltration (FHVI) in subsurface porous media (Post-Doctoral research work) 5 . (I. 8. India. Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier). Workshop at Utrecht University. 3-4 May 2016.F.F. International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) 2. Member. Professional member. 2 Associate Member. European Geosciences Union (EGU). 7.182) 5. 7. 2. 6th June 2017. conduction and the heat loss to the confining rock media. Modelling the energy extraction and thermal performance of a solar pond charged with solar heat and waste heat (Post-Doctoral research work) RMIT University. 2. regional groundwater flow in the aquifer in longitudinal and lateral direction and the geothermal gradient and anisotropy in the aquifer. Salinity of the water is used to restrict the natural convection due to thermal stratification. This study models the transient temperature distribution in the aquifer for different flow and geological conditions which may be effectively used in designing an efficient ATES project by ensuring safety from breakthrough while catering the energy demand. field experiments as well as laboratory experiments are being performed to investigate the physics of the process. both physically and economically. Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling for Heat Transfer in an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System (Post-Doctoral research work) Indian Institute of Science. its feasibility. Australia (Apr 2016 – Sept 2016) In solar ponds water mass is used to collect and store solar thermal energy conventionally.Utrecht University. without affecting the stability of it. Results show that thermal injection into the aquifer results in the generation of a thermal-front which grows in size with time. Numerical and mathematical modelling. The primary target is to enhance the heat extraction efficiency of the pond to cater high energy demands. The Netherlands (Nov 2016 – present) This research work aims at modelling the physical processes that is involved in FHVI into subsurface porous media. Numerical modeling is being performed using finite difference codes and experiments are also planned to study the physics of the phenomenon practically. The thermal interference caused by the premature thermal breakthrough when the thermal-front reaches the production well results in fall of system performance and hence to be avoided. The ATES system operates in cyclic mode. Water is preferred for heat storage for its high heat capacity and easy availability. Parameter studies are also performed 6 . Melbourne. 2. India (Oct 2014 – Apr 2016) Three-dimensional coupled thermo-hydrogeological numerical model for a confined aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system underlain and overlain by rock media is pursued in this study. Bangalore. This study aims to investigate the transient thermal performance and efficiency of a solar pond with collects solar heat and waste heat from some other source. The model takes into account the heat transport processes of advection. turbulent intensity and turbulent shear stresses along vertical and also stress distribution around a roughness block and to check whether these distributions follow some trend. the regional groundwater flow. The present numerical model results are validated using an analytical model previously derived by the authors which shows good agreement to each other. Analytical and Numerical Modeling for Heat transport in a geothermal Reservoir due to Cold Water Injection (PhD thesis work) Indian institute of Science. Bangalore. Tech. India and University of Stuttgart. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) is employed to measure the 3D instantaneous velocities as well as the turbulent intensities and Reynolds shear stresses. Model results are also compared with experimental field studies performed at Auburn university. the injection flow rate. thesis work) Indian Institute of Technology. Roorkee. the turbulent intensities and the turbulent shear stresses. The flow and temperature distribution in the geothermal reservoir due to injection-production process is utmost essential to model to design a geothermal power production scheme. which shows this model predicts the results quite well. 3. Study of Flow Characteristics on Extremely Rough Bed Channels (M. The thermal energy discharged by the system is estimated and the strategy to avoid the premature thermal-breakthrough in critical cases is also discussed. Analytical models have also been developed which are essential in validating the numerical results. 7 . Three-dimensional modeling of a geothermal reservoir is done using a specialized code DuMux for different geological and flow conditions.which reveals that the permeability of the aquifer and the confining rocks. the thickness of the aquifer are important parameters which influence the transient heat transport in the subsurface porous media. Flow characteristics will include the measurement of instantaneous velocities at different points. Germany (Sept 2008 to May 2009) This study concerns with the flow characteristics over channels with high bed roughness. The study is supposed to find the distribution of velocity. Measurements are to be done with different discharge. 4. India (Aug 2009 – Jul 2014) This project concerns with modeling the flow and transient heat transport in porous geothermal aquifers due to reinjection of heat depleted geothermal water which is left after power production. 589-602. Experiments were conducted with four channel slopes and different flow Froude numbers and the instantaneous velocity data were collected. Tech. M. Ganguly S and M. Laboratory experiment results investigating the velocity distribution over a vertical cross section for a uniform free surface flow in the flume using acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) was reported.S. In all the cases flow would be uniform and subcritical conditions.depth of flow and the channel slope.79. G Sayantan. Geothermal Reservoirs-A brief Review. CFD Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Horizontal Pump Intake System. India (May 2008 to Aug 2008) This project study is concerned the velocity distribution in an open channel the bed of which is hydraulically in transition condition. Vol. project work) Jadavpur University. pp. Same measurements are to be done with normal gravel bed channels also and they are to be compared with each other. In all the runs of the experiment the flow were uniform. Roorkee. Study of Velocity Distribution in a Channel with Hydraulically Transition Bed (M. 173-185. P.18 (3). Kolkata. pp. Pradeep S. Mohan Kumar. (In the list of ‘Most Read Articles’ of the journal) (Cited by: 1) 8 . India (2007) This small project described the effectiveness of fly ash to be used as a filling material. Jun 2012.G. Indian Society for Hydraulics (Taylor and Francis). subcritical. Vol. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer). (Cited by: 12) 2. 6. Fly ash as a filling material (B. Prasad. By plotting and analysing the collected data it has been established that the Karman’s coefficient is a function of the stream power as well as the flow Froude number and the relationship between them is power in nature. 5. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Journals 1. Sept 2012. project work) Indian Institute of Technology.E. S. Mohan Kumar. Vol. 451-463. Jan 2014. (Cited by: 4) 7. pp. A Date and A Akbarzadeh. and A Akbarzadeh. pp. A Date. pp. Energy Procedia. Ganguly S. 110. Mar 2017. Numerical modeling and analytical validation for the movement of thermal front in a heterogeneous aquifer thermal energy storage system. Hydrogeology Journal (Springer) Vol 22 (2). pp. pp. 179-188. 83-88. Heat recovery from ground below the solar pond. Vol. Vol. Dec 2015. (Cited by: 1) 9 .3. Efficiency gains of photovoltaic system using latent heat thermal energy storage. L Tan. 413-424. pp 1254–1260. A comparative case study of remote area power supply systems using photovoltaic-battery vs thermoelectric-battery configuration. Ganguly S. and A Akbarzadeh. MS Mohan Kumar. Vol. Vol. pp. 4 (4). (Cited by: 3) 4. Solar Energy. Lowland Technology International. (Cited by: 5) 8. S. A Numerical Model for transient temperature distribution in an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System with Multiple Wells. 156-173. Mohan Kumar. S. 13. 351-369. Mar 2017. 12. A Date. Numerical investigation of temperature distribution in a confined heterogeneous geothermal reservoir due to injection- production. 110. (Cited by: 9) 5. 89-94. A Date. 10. Seetha and M. Jan 2017. A Date. A Date. Mar 2017. Jan 2017. 111-116. Ganguly S and M. Ganguly S. G Fernandes. Vol 38 (2). Ganguly S and MS Mohan Kumar. L Tan. Oct 2017. (Cited by: 2) 6. A Date.Nov 2013. Analytical Solutions for Movement of Cold Water Thermal Front in a Heterogeneous Geothermal Reservoir. Series B. A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model for Transient Temperature Distribution in an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System. (Cited by: 2) 9. Ganguly S. Vol. B Singh. Ganguly S. 17 (3). 143-148. Mar 2017. 144. pp. pp. S Ganguly. Solar Energy. B Singh. Vol. Vol. L Tan. Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier). 155. Effect of heat loss in a geothermal reservoir. Energy Procedia. S Ganguly. Applied Thermal Engineering. Mohan Kumar. MS Mohan Kumar. Jul 2017. 77-82. pp. R Jain. 11. L Tan. MS Mohan Kumar. Vol. 110(C). Mar 2014. 110(C). International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling. Mohan Kumar. Ganguly S. S. Energy Procedia. pp. Analytical Solutions for Transient Temperature Distribution in a Geothermal Reservoir due to Cold Water Injection. Ganguly S and M. Energy Procedia. N. On the addition of heat to solar ponds from external sources. 110. A Date. Mohan Kumar. Jun 2014. MS Mohan Kumar. Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Lowland Technology. Indonesia. Ganguly S and MS Mohan Kumar. (Accepted for publication). Proceedings of: HYDRO 2013 international. Germany. Australia. University of Stuttgart. (Cited by: 1) 2. (Cited by: 1) 10 . Dec. Numerical modeling and analytical validation for the movement of thermal front in a heterogeneous aquifer thermal storage system. Numerical Simulation and Analytical Validation for Transient Temperature Distribution in an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System. Ganguly S. N. 9th International Symposium on Lowland Technology. Peer Reviewed International Conferences/Symposiums 1. Madras. Ganguly S and MS Mohan Kumar. Numerical Modeling and Analytical Validation for Transient Temperature Distribution in a Heterogeneous Geothermal Reservoir Due to Cold Water Injection. 2013 at Indian Institute of Technology. MS Mohan Kumar. and A Akbarzadeh. World Geothermal Congress 2015. Ganguly S and MS.14. Japan. Ganguly S and MS Mohan Kumar. A Akbarzadeh. Experimental Performance Investigation and Case Study of Combined Desalination and Power Generation using Geothermal Energy. MS Mohan Kumar. 4. Sept. 2015. Presentation at Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) 2014. 3. Numerical Model of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System with Multiple Wells. 2012. A Akbarzadeh. Simulation and Optimization in Applications. M Ahmadi. Numerical modeling for transient temperature distribution in an aquifer thermal energy storage system. Sept 29-Oct 1 2014 in Saga. A Date. Ganguly S. A Date. 2015. Sept. Melbourne. India. Ganguly S. 5. 2012 in Bali. Apr. Ganguly S. Apr. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (ASME). Investigation of thermal performance of a solar pond with external heat addition. Numerical modeling for transient temperature distribution in an aquifer thermal energy storage system. Seetha. 6. Australia. Talk in the Indo-German conference on Modeling. World Geothermal Congress 2015. 7. Melbourne. Dec 2016. G Fernandes. Poster presentation at 2nd SRP- NUPUS Meeting Mühlhausen im Täle. Efficiency gains of photovoltaic system using latent heat thermal energy storage. 10. L Tan. Bangalore. Temperature distribution in a confined heterogeneous geothermal reservoir due to injection-production. Apr 2017. S. Civil Engineering Department. Ganguly S. RMIT University. Ganguly. 9. Ganguly. Other Presentations 1. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. 3. S. L Tan. Australia. Australia. Dec 2016. Ganguly S: ‘Study of turbulent flow characteristics over highly rough bed channel’. 4th Annual Students’ Symposium. Ganguly S. L Tan. Poster Presentation. 2. Dec 2016. Sept 2010. MS Mohan Kumar. 3rd Annual Students’ Symposium. Universität 11 . 13. Vienna. Indian Institute of Science. S. Poster Presentation. Civil Engineering Department. Poster Presentation. Schotting R. Numerical simulation and experimental validation of a horizontal pump intake system. High-resolution visualization of free surface flow- porous media flow interaction using micromodel. Indian Institute of Science. A Date. Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems. Civil Engineering Department. Sept 2011. Abstract in European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly.8. International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP). A Date. Melbourne. Bangalore. RMIT University. Melbourne. A Date. Melbourne. RMIT University. 12. B Singh. Australia. ‘Numerical modeling for transient temperature distribution in an aquifer thermal energy storage system’. Dec 2016. Abstract in 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting. Annual Meeting at Georgenhof. Poster Presentation. 4. L Tan. 11. Ganguly S. RMIT University. Thermal Performance of an Aquifer while Charging-Discharging Thermal Energy. InterPore (International Society for Porous Media). A comparative case study of remote area power supply systems using photovoltaic-battery vs thermoelectric-battery configuration. B Singh. Raoof A. Dept. 9–11th Oct 2017. International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP). International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP). Effect of heat loss in a geothermal reservoir and parameters influencing it. Ganguly S. Temperature Distribution and Thermal Performance of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System. Ganguly S. Ganguly S. Numerical modeling and analytical validation for the movement of thermal front in a heterogeneous aquifer thermal storage system. MS Mohan Kumar. International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP). Australia. Ganguly. A Date. Ganguly S. 6th Annual Students’ Symposium. May 2017 14. Sept 2013. Rotterdam. Melbourne. Ganguly. Jan 2016. PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth: 02-05-1984 Gender: Male Marital status: married Permanent Address: C/o Sumit Ganguly. Melbourne. ‘Geothermal Energy-A renewable energy source for electricity generation and many other purposes’.com/pub/sayantan-ganguly/90/776/194 REFERENCES 1 Prof. Ruud Schotting Civil Engineering Department. S. R. Stuttgart. Millanpally. Sept 2014.Schotting@uu. Dist. Utrecht. Guest Lecture at the Masters course “Environmental Hydrogeology”. Indian Institute of Science. 7th Annual Students’ 12 . S. Utrecht University ms. Bangalore. LinkedIn link: http://www.O. Civil Engg. dr. 27th May 2017.ruud@gmail. RMIT University. 7. Parikrama Festival of Science 2016. West ResearchGate link: https://www. Sept 2012. 8. Kolkata 700150. Environmental Hydrogeology Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Department of Earth Sciences Bangalore. India Email: msmk@civil. [email protected]. the Netherlands Email: schotting. S.researchgate. M S Mohan Kumar 2. Ganguly. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research. Bangalore. Prof. Sukantanagar. Skype Id: sayforall_iisc Google scholar citation link: Institute Seminar at School of Engineering. Thermal energy storage in subsurface aquifers-modeling. Dept. ‘Numerical Modeling and Analytical Validation for the Movement of Thermal Front in a Heterogeneous Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System’.- Sonarpur. Fundaments of geothermal energy and geothermal power.J.-24pgs(s). Aug 2016. Ganguly. hydrogeological aspects and performance analysis. S. Ganguly. P. [email protected]. Australia Email: Dr. 13 . Email: abhijit. Australia Melbourne. Prof. Abhijit Date 4. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Bangalore. Aliakbar Akbarzadeh Senior Lecturer School of Aerospace Mechanical School of Aerospace Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering RMIT University RMIT University D Nagesh Kumar Civil Engineering . India Email: [email protected] 5.
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