Respond & Acclaim 2014 Cycle A
Respond&AcclaimD e c e m b e r 1, 2013 — N o v e m b e r 29, 2014 Indexes | List of Page Numbers Respond&Acclaim December 1, 2013 — November 29, 2014 Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations for use with the Second Typical Edition of the Lectionary for Mass Year A Musical settings by Owen Alstott Arranged for Choir and Assembly with Organ and Guitar Accompaniment by Randall DeBruyn and Marie Phillippi Introduction Common (Seasonal) Psalm Index Psalms & Acclamations Ritual Index Celebrations Index Alphabetical Index Scriptural Index Copyrights & Credits Important User Information The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has determined that tablet devices may not be used liturgically (that is, at the ambo/pulpit). This eBook is intended for use on a mobile device by the original purchaser only. It is a violation of copyright law to share, reproduce or transmit any part of this document in any form, by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. This is your only copy. Should this eBook be lost or misplaced, you must order a new copy. If you received this publication from anyone other than,, or one of its agents, you may be in possession of a pirated copy. Please email us or call 1-800-LITURGY (548-8749) immediately to secure purchase of a legal copy. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Introduction Practical Information for Singing the Psalms Liturgy Preparation Assistance Accompaniments and Choral Arrangements These musical settings are written to be accompanied by keyboard and/or guitar. While some guitar chords reflect a harmony different from the notated keyboard/choral harmony, the chords and keyboard part are compatible and function well together. Some chords have been bracketed— these may be omitted by the guitarist when playing alone. LicenSing Online Did you know you need a license to create worship aids and project lyrics for your community? Choral arrangements with descants are provided for all Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations. LicenSing Online gives you access to FREE assembly downloads* for the Respond & Acclaim responses, as well as thousands of today’s most popular songs! Downloadable accompaniments, mp3s and other resources to support your ministry are also available for purchase. Enjoy the security of knowing you’re always in compliance Psalm Responses and Gospel Acclamations with copyright law and ensure composers receive fair comAll Psalm Responses and Gospel Acclamations offered in pensation for their work. Start an annual license today—visit Respond & Acclaim match those found in Today’s Missal, or call 1-800-452-9805. Single-song Heritage Missal, Companion Missal, Breaking Bread and the and weekly licenses are also available. English portion of Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ. Span- *FREE assembly downloads available with an annual license. ish responses and acclamations by various composers are Assembly responses may be reproduced in weekly bulletins or periavailable in the OCP resource Responde y Aclama. odic handouts. Copies are for use solely by the pastoral musician’s Psalm and Gospel Verses Psalm verses are designed to be sung by a cantor or a vocal ensemble. They are not intended for use by the assembly. If it is not practical for the verses to be sung, they may be spoken while the accompaniment is played softly as a background to the spoken word. At the end of each verse, the assembly sings the response. Gospel verses are sung in the same manner as the psalm verses. It should be noted that according to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, if the Gospel Acclamation or Verse before the Gospel is not sung, it may be omitted altogether (GIRM 63c). On the Singing of Chant Verses The first preparation for singing the verses is done without the music—they should be read, understood, and allowed to emanate from a place of prayer in the hearts of the singers. own parish. Music must be reproduced as it appears, with the composer’s name and complete copyright information. Today’s Liturgy Prepare engaging liturgies at church, home or on the go with this best-selling quarterly magazine. Over two-thirds of Catholic music ministers and liturgists rely on Today’s Liturgy for insightful articles, music suggestions for each Sunday and holy day, helpful tips from trusted contributors and more. The choice is yours! Receive print issues by mail or start an online annual subscription, featuring modifiable planning pages, sheet music previews, links to sound samples and more—in the convenience of an interactive PDF. Visit or call us at 1-800-LITURGY (548-8749). Respond & Acclaim Indexes An Index of Celebrations is included on page 155. Scriptural, alphabetical, and ritual indexes are provided beginning on The verse settings are chant tones which by their very nature page 157 for easy reference. You’ll find a c ommon (seaflow in long, lyrical lines. While the tones do not draw atten- sonal) psalm index on page 158. While as a rule the desigtion to themselves, these verses should come across as an nated psalm of the day is to be used, common (seasonal) important part of the whole, not just as “filler” until the next psalms are provided by the Church as options. This is so that repetition of the response, and should be sung in a way that the assembly may repeat a psalm over several celebrations reflects the character of the individual response. in the same season and therefore participate more readily In cases where the number of phrases in a psalm verse is not (Introduction to the Lectionary for Mass 89, GIRM 61). consistent throughout the psalm, dashed lines in parentheses are shown. In order to maintain the proper harmonic progression, the accompaniment may still be played under the dashed lines even though there is no sung text. The cantor would then resume singing at the next appropriate phrase. Choose a tempo that will not disrupt the flow of the music. Singers must proclaim the verses with clarity so that the text is understood and its meaning is clear. A cantor can easily make use of rubato to emphasize specific words; a choir, however, will have to spend time on coordination to achieve the same effect. Whoever sings the psalm verses plays a vital role in the assembly’s participation at this point in the Liturgy of the Word. LORD. to set a go for up Je your and our me. in you!” good. F G sus4 G C7 F to the house re joic ing [to the house. “Peace I will pray of O com of of house love in be for the Je pact the the of you your with your 4 LORD. To give thanks to the name Seats for the 4. May those who Prosperity 5. Pray for the peace of May peace be within 5. 6–7. David. foot city up. “We will go up to the house Within your gates. 2. Let us go to the house Verses: (Cantor or SATB) C G 1. 3–4.] to the house of the Lord. With The tribes 3. judgment seats. unity. Jerusalem. LORD. built as To it the tribes 3. 4–5. Because of my brothers Because of the house of the LORD.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers First Sunday of Advent December 1 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 122:1–2. I rejoiced because they said And now we have 2.” rusalem. G Am7 1. friends God. According to the decree In it are set 4. I will say. Israel. rusalem! walls. 8–9 (1) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Re joice! C Let us go Re joice to the house of the Lord. prosper! buildings. G7 Csus4 C . Psalm 85:8 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al le (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT. your love. and grant us your sal Organ Music: Owen Alstott. Lord. All rights reserved. cont. al le Verse: (Cantor) (G) A div. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: le (G) A Al lu ia. . 1990. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. al le (Am) B m Show us. OCP. (C) D (D) E va tion. 5 lu ia. lu (Em) Fm (C) D le le lu lu (G) A ia. (C) D (D) E lu ia. © 1977. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Second Sunday of Advent December 8 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 12–13, 17 (4) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Jus tice in his time, and Capo 1: (Em) Fm Jus tice shall flour ish in his time, and peace (C) D full (Am) B m ness of peace Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (C) D (G) A 1. O God, with your judgment en dow He shall govern your people 2. Justice shall flower in May he rule from sea 3. For he shall rescue the poor when he He shall have pity for the lowly and 4. May his name be blessed In him shall all the tribes of the earth the with his to cries the for be (Em) Fm (Am) B m 1. 2. 3. 4. king, justice days, sea, out, poor; ever; blessed; And with your justice, the king’s And your afflicted ones And profound peace, till the moon be And from the River to the ends of And the afflicted when he has no one The lives of the poor he As long as the sun his name shall All the nations shall proclaim 6 with no the to shall re his son; judgment. more. earth. help him. save. main. happiness. for ev er. (Bm7) (Esus4) (Em) Cm7 Fsus4 Fm for ev er. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT, cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Luke 3:4, 6 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia, al G/B A sus4 lu ia, A le of the Lord, al Dadd9 le lu A Pre pare the way ia, G al Verse: (Cantor) Gm lu D G/B ia, D al G make straight A his paths: Organ Bm D/A all flesh shall see G the sal va A tion of Music: Owen Alstott, © 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. 7 le God. le lu ia. A7/C D lu ia. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Patronal Feastday of the United States of America December 9 This solemnity is not observed as a holy day of obligation in 2013, according to USCCB’s Liturgical Calendar. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 98:1, 2–3ab, 3cd–4 (689) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant div. Sing Am Sing Em to the Lord to the Lord! He Am a has done mar F new song, for Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em he G7 has done mar Dm7 1. Sing to the L ORD a His right hand has won victory for 2. The LORD has made his salvation He has remembered his kindness and his 3. All the ends of the earth have Sing joyfully to the L ORD , all you new song, him, known: faithfulness seen lands; Em/D C 1. For he has done wondrous His holy 2. In the sight of the nations he has revealed his Toward the house of 3. The salvation by our Break into song; sing 8 deeds; arm. justice. Israel. God. praise. vel ous deeds. C vel ous deeds. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le Verse: (Cantor) Am Hail. © 1977. (2) Gospel Acclamation: See Luke 1:28 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. F G lu ia.] bless ed Fmaj7 are you a mong Music: Owen Alstott. . al C Em le Dm ia. al lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al Em/B Mar le Am y. E sus4 with E you. Organ C G/B Am C/G [bless ed. 1990. OCP. cont. al Fmaj7 F/E Lord is le lu ia. All rights reserved. the ia. lu ia. 9 G sus4 G wom en. G C lu ia. le lu Em/G full of grace.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. Above all the women The creator of heaven 2. By those who tell of the might for God.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12 Responsorial Psalm: Judith 13:18bcde. Second Typical Edition #709. (Em/A) (A7) Fm/B B 7 or of our (D) E race. earth. 10 . gotten on and of earth. Your deed of hope will never be (D) E (Em) Fm 1. For alternate Responsorial Psalms. 19 (690A) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant You are Capo 1: (D) E You are the hon (G/B) (D) A /C E or (G) A the high est (D/A) E /B hon of our race. God. by the Most High And blessed be the LORD 2. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) E (G) A 1. Blessed are you. God. see Lectionary for Mass. daughter. (G) A of jus de serv ing (A sus4) B sus4 tice. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. 11 . 1990. cont. For alternate Gospel Acclamation Verses. ho (Am) B m from you ly Vir (D7) E 7 rose the sun (Am) B m (Em) Fm gin Mar y. © 1977. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A (Bm7) Cm7 Bless ed are you. Music: Owen Alstott. OCP.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. see Lectionary for Mass. al lu le le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al le lu le le lu ia. (C) D (D) E lu ia. All rights reserved. al (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. lu ia. (Am) B m (D) E our God. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: (G) A Al le div. Second Typical Edition #711. (B) C Christ of all praise. free. down. thwarts. blind. save (Em7) Gm7 (F m) Am and save (Bm) Dm us. (F m) Am (Gmaj7) B maj7 come come. Secures justice for the The L ORD sets 2. But the way of the wicked Your God.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Third Sunday of Advent December 15 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 146:6–7. 9–10 (7) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. O Lord. through all (D) F op tives bowed tects he er cap pro gen 12 pressed. The L ORD God keeps faith Gives food to 2. ations. The L ORD raises up those who were The L ORD 3. just. hungry.] Optional Descant Capo 3: (Bm) Dm Lord. . The L ORD gives sight to The L ORD loves 3. O Zion. The fatherless and the widow he The L ORD shall reign us. (D) F for the the the sus for ever. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (G) B 1. 8–9. tains. (Em7) Gm7 1. ever. strangers. G/B A sus4 lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. A a . (2) Gospel Acclamation: Isaiah 61:1 (cited in Luke 4:18) Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. 13 the poor. cont. G al Verse: (Cantor) D le Dadd9 le G the LORD is A sus4 A lu D A on me. le G/B ia. OCP. al A A The Spir it of lu ia. All rights reserved. A7/C D lu ia. le al Bm be cause he has Organ noint ed me to bring G glad tid A sus4 ings to Music: Owen Alstott. 1990. A sus4 up al lu ia. (G) (Asus4) (A7) (D) B Csus4 C7 F of glo ry. king (D) F (Em) Gm ter. LORD. . ry. Jacob. 5–6 (10) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant En Capo 3: (D) F Let the (Em/G) Gm/B Lord (Bm) (A) Dm C en ter.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 24:1–2. Or who may stand in his Who desires not what 3. place? vain. him. The L ORD’s are the earth and For he founded it upon 2. 3–4. He shall receive a blessing from Such is the race that seeks its the the is the for (Em7) Gm7 1. he of glo (D/F ) F/A is king Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) F 1. A reward from God That seeks the face of the God fullness. Who can ascend the mountain of One whose hands are sinless. The world and those And established it upon 2. savior. seas LORD? clean. (A) C ho who the ly is his of 14 dwell in it. rivers. whose heart 3. al A le lu ia. © 1977. OCP. Verse: (Cantor) D The virgin shall conceive. G/B A sus4 lu ia. 15 G/B al A le le lu ia. Music: Owen Alstott. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. G al Dadd9 le al lu D ia. . All rights reserved.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT. A7/C D lu ia. Organ and they shall name him Em D man u el. 1990. cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 1:23 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. and bear a G A son. I have made a covenant Forever will I confirm 2. For D For ev A er I ev er I Bm will will Bm/A sing the Verses: (Cantor or SATB) & ## D áá 1. good ness A/C # ˙˙ chosen one. day. 16–17.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Vigil Mass December 24 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 89:4–5.” firm. 27.vid gen And establish your throne for all 2. Blessed the people who know the At your name they rejoice 3. 3. alted. father. He shall say of me. I have sworn to Da . G Asus4 A D of the Lord. O LORD. savior. In the light of your countenance. “You Forever I will maintain my kind - ? # # áá & ## G áá œœ with your joy all are ness œœ my pos ful the my toward œœ œœ 1. the And my covenant with him ? ## á á œœ œ œ 16 œœ - my er they ex my stands œ œ sing of the Lord. ˙˙ . terity shout. And through your justice they are Rock. walk. 29 (13) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant div. My God. ˙ ˙ D ˙˙ servant: ations. him. Dadd9 le lu the D A sus 4 wickedness of the earth will be de stroyed: the Sav Bm ior of the world will A sus4 reign o A ver Music: Owen Alstott. le Verse: (Cantor) Bm To al A le lu G al ia. A7/C D lu ia. cont. All rights reserved. B mor row al us. 1990. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al lu ia. 17 le al Organ D le G/B ia. OCP. © 1977. A lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. G/B A sus4 lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS): AT THE VIGIL MASS. . Let the sea and what fills it Then shall all the trees of the forest 4. sound. the Lord. (D) F (A7) C7 the Lord. (D) F day is To day (Em7) (A) Gm7 C born our is born Christ (D) F (Bm) Dm (G) B Sav ior. peoples. day Among 3. 11–12. Tell his glory among won His 3. day. joice. 13 (14) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Capo 3: To div. deeds. for He shall rule the world a the ter all re is he with (D) F (Em/A) Gm/C 1. . in them! comes. Sing to the LORD Sing to af 2. For he comes to rule And the peoples with new song. name. Announce his salvation. nations. earth. justice you his the drous re ex the his 18 lands. LORD . They shall exult before the L ORD . Sing to the LORD. ult. constancy. 2–3. Christ Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) F 1.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass during the Night December 25 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96:1–2. Let the heavens be glad and the earth Let the plains be joyful and all that 4. all Bless 2. al A I pro claim to you lu G al Verse: (Cantor) D le ia. 1990. OCP.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS): AT THE MASS DURING THE NIGHT. G/B A sus4 lu ia. Dadd9 le lu D/C Bm good news al D G/B ia. All rights reserved. A7/C D lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Luke 2:10–11 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. of le al le Bm/A D great joy: lu ia. . VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. to Organ G day a G/A 3 Sav ior D6 is born Em for us. cont. 19 D the Lord. A sus4 Christ 3 Music: Owen Alstott. justice. omit "tacet. Lord Lord is born us. . be his of ly 20 born for A Verses: (Cantor or SATB) 1. 6.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass at Dawn December 25 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 97:1. name. just. let the earth The heavens proclaim 2. D for us. glory." 1. Let the many And all peoples 2. The LORD is king. And gladness. heart. 11–12 (15) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant A light will shine D A light on this day: Gmaj7 *tacet Bm will shine us on us this the day: D the A re his the you joice. D G isles see right ho glad. for the up And give thanks to his is D *When guitar plays alone. Light dawns for Be glad in the LORD . just. cont. OCP. al A le lu G al ia. All rights reserved. G/B A sus4 lu ia. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS): AT THE MASS AT DAWN. 1990. A7/C D lu ia. 21 G/B al Verse: (Cantor) le le lu ia. D G Glory to God in the highest. Music: Owen Alstott. © 1977. . A and on earth Organ D peace G to A favor those on whom his rests. al Dadd9 le lu D ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Luke 2:14 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. 5–6 (16) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant div. . 2–3. harp. him. With the harp and Sing joyfully before the (A) C won ho re vealed house by song. For he has done His 2. praise. God.” Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm (A) C 1. (G) B (A7) C7 (D) F pow er *When guitar plays alone. known: faithfulness seen lands.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass during the Day December 25 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 98:1. 3–4. The salvation Break into 4. All the ends of the earth Sing joyfully to the LORD. horn (G) B 1. arm. song. me lo King. of God. omit “tacet. justice. 22 drous ly his of our sing dious the deeds. All Capo 3: (G) (A7) (D) F *tacet B C7 All (D) F the ends of the earth the ends of the earth (Bm) Dm (G) B have have seen (Em) Gm seen the sav ing our God. all 4. Israel. The LORD has made his He has remembered his kindness and 3. LORD. Sing to the LORD His right hand has won victory salva 2. Sing praise to the L ORD with With trumpets and the sound of a for tion his have you the the new song. In the sight of the nations he has Toward the 3. A sus 4 A7 le al lu D ia. Come. and a Organ D dore the Lord. All rights reserved. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. you nations. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. lu ia. cont. OCP. Bm7 le lu ia. al le lu Verse: (Cantor) G A holy day has dawned up on al le G ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS): AT THE MASS DURING THE DAY. A G us. 23 A on the earth. 1990. © 1977. . G D For today a great light Em7 has come up Music: Owen Alstott. al le D Al lu ia. 3. In the recesses A 3. rusalem in E his ways. .Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Holy Family of Jesus. Zion: life. The LORD bless All the days E in be. table. Your wife shall be like a fruitful Your children like 3. Mary and Joseph December 29 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128:1–2. Behold. handiwork. Blessed is everyone who fears the For you shall eat the fruit of your 2. 4–5 (17) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Bless E Bless C m [B] ed are those A E Bsus4 ed are those who fear the who walk B Lord A and walk F m7 1. of round you of ways! favored. vine olive plants LORD. Who walks Blessed shall you 2. E [B7] C m [A] Verses: (Cantor or SATB) E in LORD. thus is the man blessed who fears the May you see the prosperity of B7 1. home. his and your your from your 24 Je his ways. All rights reserved. Music: Owen Alstott. al (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: (G) A Al le div. al (C) D Christ con le le (G/B) A /C trol your hearts. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Colossians 3:15a. cont.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS. 25 lu ia. Organ (Am7) B m7 let the word of (Am7/C) B m7/D Christ dwell (Dsus4) (D) E sus4 E in you rich ly. lu ia. 1990. (C) D (D) E lu ia. 16a Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. . © 1977. MARY AND JOSEPH. al le lu Verse: (Cantor) (G) A Let the peace of (G/B) A /C le le lu lu ia. OCP. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. D sus4 Dm mer cy. O May God bless us. 2. praise you! fear him! . 5. God.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Solemnity of Mary. May the Because you rule the peoples in 3. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Dm Gm/D 1. May he let his face Among all nations. 6. nations equity. 8 (18) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant May God bless us in his Dm May God bless us in his mer cy. May the peoples praise you. F C7 1. May God have pity on us and So may your way be known upon 2. earth. ult guide. Be glad The nations on the 3. bless us. the Holy Mother of God January 1 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 67:2–3. May all the And may all the ends of the shine your and earth peo earth 26 up sal ex you ples on us. vation. Dadd9 le lu al D G/B ia. he has spoken to us through the D Son. THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le Verse: (Cantor) In the lu ia. . Organ G A in these last days. © 1977. al A le lu G al ia. G/B A sus4 lu ia. Music: Owen Alstott. 27 le le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Hebrews 1:1–2 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. 1990. A7/C D lu ia. cont. OCP. All rights reserved. al Bm D A past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SOLEMNITY OF MARY. gifts. Justice shall May he rule from 3. . And The dow the people with flower in his sea to offer pay him he cries lowly and the with your justice. serve him. tribute. E king’s with ones moon be no the ends of bring shall shall nations to no one poor he shall 28 you. Fmaj7 Dm7 Lord. judgment. O God. help him. 10–11. the your afflicted profound peace. homage. poor. The kings of Tarshish and the Isles shall All kings shall 4. sea. ev all the earth will C Dm earth will G ’ry na tion on a dore [G] a dore Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Am G/A 1.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Epiphany of the Lord January 5 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 72:1–2. with your judgment en He shall govern your 2. son. justice days. And And 2. For he shall rescue the poor when He shall have pity for the Dm6/F Am 1. 12–13 (20) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. save. C you. earth. And And 3. till the from the River to the kings of Arabia and Seba the afflicted when he has lives of the king. more. 7–8. The All 4. out. le Verse: (Cantor) D Dsus2 We saw his Dsus2 Dmaj7 star at Dsus2 its ris Dmaj7 and have ing Organ Bm7 come A sus4 G to do A sus4 him hom A age. 29 . 1990. cont. A7/C D lu ia. All rights reserved.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD. © 1977. Dadd9 le lu al D le G/B ia. OCP. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 2:2 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. Music: Owen Alstott. G/B A sus4 lu ia. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. al A le lu G al ia. al lu ia. . thunders. jestic. The The 3. waters. 3–4. “Glory!” ever. The LORD.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Baptism of the Lord January 12 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 29:1–2. E with peace. Give Give 2. 3. 9–10 (21) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Lord will bless A/C B E will bless E The Lord his peo ple E B7 peo ple C m his Verses: (Cantor or SATB) E B 1. to the LORD . tire. waters. mighty. you sons of to the LORD the glory due his voice of the L ORD is over the voice of the L ORD is God of glory LORD is enthroned above the A 1. flood. The The God. Give to the LORD glo Adore the LORD in ho 2. for 30 praise. name. o The voice of the LORD 3. with peace. And in his temple The L ORD is enthroned as B7 ry ly ver is all king and at vast ma say. © 1977.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD. All rights reserved. al C Em ia. 1990. Mark 9:7 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. 31 le le lu ia. OCP. . al le lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al Verse: (Cantor) Am lu le ia. cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. Music: Owen Alstott. F G lu ia. G C lu ia. Dm al F G C listen to him. The heavens were o pened G and the voice of the Father thundered: Organ Am This is my F belov ed Son. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. will. As you. mouth.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 40:2. O 32 my our you I for my as your cry. In the vast LORD. . justice lips. “In the writ ten To do your will. scroll light. Sacrifice or offering you wished Holocausts or sin-offerings you sought 3. God. 10 (64) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Here am I. “Behold 3. not. It is prescribed And your law is within 4. O my God. D Here am O Lord. A Bm I. I come to G I come do A7 to do Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D A 1. But ears open to obedience Then said I. know. 4. And he stooped toward me and heard A hymn to 2.” me. is my de 4. heart!” sembly. not. D your will. I announced your I did not restrain my LORD . I have waited. come. Lord. 7–8. 8–9. G D 1. gave me. waited for the And he put a new song into my 2. . OCP. le al lu ia. © 1977.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 1:14a. 1990. 12a Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. A le lu ia. cont. al G/B A sus4 lu ia. Verse: (Cantor) D A G The Word of God be came flesh G D G/B cepted him. he gave power to become chil and dwelt a A D mong us. Organ To those who ac A Music: Owen Alstott. 33 dren of God. G al Dadd9 le lu al D le G/B ia. A7/C D lu ia. All rights reserved. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. LORD. I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Wait for the L ORD with D 1. refuge.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 26 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 27:1. This I All the days of contem plate And 3. 13–14 (67) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Lord G The Lord Am7/G is Gmaj7 my is my Am7 Am/C and light Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em my Am/C 1. In the land of Be stouthearted. Whom should be Of whom should I 2. Am7 C/G va tion. G . sal va tion. The LORD is my light and my sal The LORD is my life’s 2. LORD. One thing I ask of the To dwell in the house of the That I may gaze on the loveliness of the 3. G I a my his the the 34 fear? fraid? seek: life. living. 4. temple. and wait for light and sal vation. LORD LORD LORD courage. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. al le lu ia. F G lu ia. cont. OCP. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. G C lu ia. . 1990. 35 G people. All rights reserved. © 1977. Matthew 4:23 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. Verse: (Cantor) F G Dm Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom Am and cured every disease among the Organ Music: Owen Alstott. Am Am/G Fmaj7 al lu le al C Em ia. le Dm al le lu ia. The LORD come in come of in! battle. 8. glory? lintels. 36 the (Bm) Dm (Em) Gm ry? is portals. 4. 4. 2. hosts. Lord! (Em) Gm the Lord! . That the king of glory He is the lintels. 3. portals. mighty. in! glory. Lift up. That the king of glory The LORD . Who is Lift up. The LORD. Reach up. glory? (Cmaj7) E maj7 you ancient strong and you ancient of (Em) Gm (D) F may mighty may king (Am/C) Cm/E Reach up. 9. 2.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Presentation of the Lord February 2 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 24:7. this king O gates. 10 (524) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Capo 3: Who is (Em) Gm (Bm) Dm Who is this king of (C) E this king of glo ry? (G) B (Am7) Cm7 glo It king It of glo is ry? Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (C) E 1. 3. this king your of your of (Em) Gm 1. Who is (D) F O gates. al lu ia. and glory for your peo Organ Music: Owen Alstott.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD. al le lu al le G ia. . cont. A sus 4 A7 le lu D ia. al le D lu ia. 37 A7 ple Israel. All rights reserved. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Luke 2:32 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. Bm7 le Al lu ia. Verse: (Cantor) G A A light of revelation to the G Gentiles. OCP. 1990. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. poor. 6–7. Dm Gm A lends. 3. An evil report he shall 3. dark ness dark the ness Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Gm Dm 1. glory. Dsus4 Dm to the up right. Well for the man who is gracious 2. fear. His heart is steadfast. moved. he shall fear. 38 . 8–9 (73) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia.] Optional Descant The The just is light. membrance. not Gm 1. His justice shall endure and not for Gm He is gracious and merciful and The just one shall be in everlasting re Lavishly he gives to the Dm just. ever. LORD.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 112:4–5. He shall never be upright. Dm Gm Dm just man is a a light [Am] B light in dark ness C B in to Gm7 C up right. Who conducts his affairs with His heart is firm. trusting in the His horn shall be exalted in justice. Light shines through the darkness for the 2. le Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D Bm I am er fol of light A/C D ev the Em Bm lows me the F sus4 says world. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 8:12 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. cont. A7/C D lu ia. 39 Lord. OCP. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al lu ia. le al A le lu ia. © 1977.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. 1990. al lu ia. . G al Dadd9 le al lu D le G/B ia. All rights reserved. A7sus4 A7 G will the light F of who D life. D/A have the Music: Owen Alstott. G/B A sus4 lu ia. that I might firm keeping In the ways of 3. You have com . Be good to your servant. Blessed are they whose way is blameless. law.ed are G/B & 68 œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œœ J Bless . . Instruct me. Optional Descant C œ œ œ Bless . That I may consider the wonders of 4. G œ. Am áá 1. heart. œœ . 4–5. statutes! words. 33–34 (76) Response: (Organ/SATB) & 68 Œ . . kept.low the Am C of Gsus4 the Lord! œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ C maj7 Dm7 áá áá Lord! F œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œœ fol .serve them. in the way of your statutes. œœ áá my heart. 17–18. that I may observe your And keep it with law all á ?á œ œ á á áá 40 áá œœ the their ly your your your G áá LORD. O LORD. œœ . . . That I may live and keep my Open eyes. Who seek him with all 2. œœ .low the law ˙.ed are they ? 68 œœ œœ œœ œœ Verses: (Cantor or SATB) C & áá j œ œ J who œ œ œ œ J œ they who fol .Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 119:1–2.crees.manded That your precepts be diligent be Oh. ob . That I may ex actly Give me discernment. Who walk in the law of Blessed are they who observe his de . œ. . (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 re vealed to lit Lord (Bm) Cm tle ones (F 7/C ) G 7/D of heav en (Em7) Fm7 (Am7) B m7 the mys t’ries of Music: Owen Alstott. 41 (B) C and earth. (C) D (D) E lu ia. (C) D ther. al le (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: le (G) A Al div. lu ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A (Em) Fm Bless ed (Cmaj7) D maj7 you have are Fa you. (Dsus4) E sus4 the king (D) E dom. Matthew 11:25 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. OCP.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. al le lu le le lu lu ia. 1990. cont. © 1977. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. al le lu ia. All rights reserved. Bless the LORD . And all my being. As far as the east is from the As a father has compassion on his (F m) Am in de soul. west. 8. us. Merciful and gracious is the Not according to our sins does he 4. deal with us. 12–13 (79) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Capo 3: The Lord is (D) F Lord is kind and mer (Gmaj7) B maj7 (D) F (Em7) Gm7 kind and ci mer ful. Slow to anger and ing Nor does he requite us according to transgres sions 4. children. kindness. O my Bless the LORD . crimes. bless his ho And forget not all 2. ful. 10. He pardons all your He redeems your life from 3. O my 2. So far has he put our So the LORD has compassion on those 42 ly his your com in our from who name. soul.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 103:1–2. 3–4. iquities. LORD . (Em) Gm (A) C 1. Heals all Crowns you with kindness and abound 3. . passion. ills. struction. fear him. benefits. (D) F ci Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm 1. ? áá lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 Am Organ le ˙˙ le lu ia. áá ˙˙ Music: Owen Alstott. F G lu ia. . V Optional Descant Al le C Al le Verse: (Cantor) F lu ia. 43 ˙ ˙ lu ia. 1990. cont. OCP. All rights reserved.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. al al ˙ & á & áá ˙ ˙ Whoever keeps the word of Christ. © 1977.fected in him. C al Em ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: 1 John 2:5 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. le Dm al le á G ˙ C áá ˙˙ ˙˙ F ˙ the love of God is truly per . G C lu ia. 3. œ œ lone. fore him. turbed. God. 6–7. strength.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time March 2 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 62:2–3. He only is my rock and my salvation. He is the rock of ) My refuge is Pour out your hearts my people! œ œ á á á á 44 œœ sal at my dis my in be œ œ C - - - áá vation. áá . Only in God is my soul He only is my rock and my salvation. hope. From him comes my my stronghold. Am œœ œœ œ œ in God a œ œ œ œ œ œ - 1. I shall not be my glory. 2. Only in God be at rest. œœ G my soul. For from him comes my stronghold. all. I shall not be disturbed my soul. ˙ œ œ F ˙ ˙ Verses: (Cantor or SATB) C & áá œ œ œœ œœ ww ww œœ C maj7 áá Dm7 áá at rest. O á ?á w my soul. With God is my safety and ( Trust in him at all times. 8–9 (82) Response: (Organ/SATB) & 44 Ó Optional Descant & 44 œœ C Rest ? 44 œœ œ œ ˙ Rest in God. Music: Owen Alstott. OCP. 1990. 45 lu G Dmaj7 Bm F m7 Bm dis lu A ia. Bm7 le Al lu ia. D ia. © 1977. ef G flec tions and thoughts of al A sus 4 A7 le lu G A fec tive. al Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D A The word of God cern ing re le is liv lu ing and al le ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Hebrews 4:12 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. D A sus4 the heart.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. . cont. al le D ia. 12–13. O God. praise. (Bm7) Dm7 (Em) Gm have sinned.” in me. lips. And a willing spirit sustain And my mouth shall proclaim 46 of sin me your with from in your fense. In the greatness of your compassion wipe out my And of my 2. God. O Lord. 5–6ab. always: sight. Be mer ci ful. Give me back the joy of O Lord. . me. sinned.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Ash Wednesday March 5 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 51:3–4. Thoroughly wash me 2. vation. me. presence. And a steadfast spirit renew And your Holy Spirit take not 4. for we Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Am) Cm 1. from your open your my of I O your sal my goodness. And my sin is before And done what is evil in 3. 14 & 17 (219) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Capo 3: (Em) Gm Be mer ci ful. For I acknowledge “Against you only 3. Have mercy on me. cleanse me. guilt fense. A clean heart create for Cast me not out 4. (G) B (C) E (G) B O Lord. (Em) Gm in from my have me. (Em) Gm (F 7) A 7 1. 47 D glo ry! G sus4 G glo ry! . Lord. IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. © 1977. (2) Gospel Acclamation: See Psalm 95:8 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers ASH WEDNESDAY. Organ Music: Owen Alstott. cont. Je of King of end less Verse: (Cantor) Am If D to day you hear his voice. Lord King Em G D7 C sus Christ. Em G Praise to C D7 you. OCP. All rights reserved. Em Bm C hard en not your hearts. 1990. Have mercy on me. Thoroughly wash me 2. presence. for we Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Am) Cm 1. 17 (22) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Capo 3: (Em) Gm Be mer ci ful. And a willing spirit sustain And my mouth shall proclaim 48 of sin me your with from in your fense. me. Give me back the joy of O Lord. (Bm7) Dm7 (Em) Gm have sinned. And a steadfast spirit renew And your Holy Spirit take not 4. 12–13. lips. (Em) Gm (F 7) A 7 1. . God. cleanse me.” in me. praise. guilt fense. For I acknowledge “Against you only 3. vation. Be mer ci ful. (Em) Gm in from my have me. (G) B (C) E (G) B O Lord. sinned. And my sin is before And done what is evil in 3. from your open your my of I O your sal my goodness. O God. always: sight. me. 5–6. O Lord. A clean heart create for Cast me not out 4. In the greatness of your compassion wipe out my And of my 2.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers First Sunday of Lent March 9 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 51:3–4. ’ry glo ry! G sus4 G glo ry! . Lord. King of end less Verse: (Cantor) Am One does not live on bread a Em/G Cmaj7 lone. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 4:4b Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. Lord King Je of D7 C sus Christ. IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. but on ev Organ C word that comes D Am7/C forth from the mouth of Music: Owen Alstott. © 1977. 49 God. OCP. G Em Praise to C D7 Em G you. cont.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT. 1990. All rights reserved. Our soul waits for the Am 1. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em Bm LORD. the eyes of the L ORD are upon those who fear him. To deliver them from 3.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Second Sunday of Lent March 16 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:4–5. trust D C in D as we place our trust in you. Upright is the word of the 2. 22 (25) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. Cmaj7 let your mer G/B cy be as we place our C Am7 on us. See. O LORD . be up Bm Am And all his works are trustworthy. May your kindness. 50 . Em you. 1. famine. LORD. G Bm Em right. you. 3. death on us Of the kindness of the LORD the earth is And preserve them in spite of Who have put our hope in full. He loves justice and 2. Em Bm/D Lord. 20. Upon those who hope for his Who is our help and our kindness. shield. 18–19. hear Music: Owen Alstott. glo ry! (Dsus4) Fsus4 (D) F glo ry! . (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT. Capo 3: (D) (Bm) (G) F Dm B Praise to (A7) C7 (D) F you. 1990. Lord. All rights reserved. OCP. King (D/C ) F/E From the shining cloud the of (A7) C7 of end less (Bm) Dm Father’s voice is heard: Organ (Em7) Gm7 This is my (D) F belov ed Son. 51 him. cont. Matthew 17:5 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. IX-b Optional Descant Praise you. © 1977. Lord Je Verse: (Cantor) (D) F King (Bm) Dm (G) B sus Christ. tempted me. Let us kneel before the LORD who made us. Come. (F m) Am (Em7/B) Gm7/D 1. 2. And we are the people he shepherds. voice: hearts as at Meri bah. that today you would hear the in his (D) F Let us acclaim va the Rock of our sal tion. Ped. As in the day of Massah in the des ert. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiv ing. Where your fathers 52 (G/B) B /D ( the flock he (Bm) Dm ) guides. God. let us sing joyfully to 2. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (A7/E) C7/G (Em) Gm 1. let us bow down 3. they tested me though they had seen my works. day you not your hearts.” . “Harden not your LORD. worship. 8–9 (28) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant If Capo 3: (Em) Gm (Bm) Dm If to to day. (Bm) Dm Let us joyfully sing psalms to him. (F m) Am hard en (Bm) Dm not your hearts. Come. For he is our 3. 6–7. Oh. hard en (Bm) Dm (G) B hear his voice.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Third Sunday of Lent March 23 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 95:1–2. a gain. 53 Em er thirst a gain.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT. All rights reserved. . (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. 15 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. G Em C Praise to D7 Em G you. 1990. John 4:42. IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. that the Sav ior Bm of G the world. Lord King D7 C sus Christ. Am I may nev I may er thirst nev Music: Owen Alstott. Em you give me tru are Am G liv ing C wa ly C ter. cont. Lord. © 1977. Je of King of end less glo ry! G sus4 G glo ry! Verse: (Cantor or SATB) Am Lord. OCP. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) G 1. your my my Am7/C Am7 1. soul. come. You anoint my head with 4. courage. And I shall dwell in the house of the not my D re over pose. LORD *to Response 54 He gives me ) I fear no That give me My cup For years to want. Even though I walk in the dark ( 3. leads me. my G The Lord shep Am/C is my shep herd. there is D/A noth ing G/B herd. You spread the table be 4. C/G shall G want.* . sake. He guides me in right my For you are at 3. paths side fore me follow me shall I refresh es He name’s For his and With your rod of In the sight of All the days pastures valley oil. 6 (31) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Lord. there is noth ing I shall Am7 I want. life. ) evil. Only goodness and kind ness C Am G/B shepherd. 3b–4. The LORD is my he Beside restful waters 2. 5. In verdant ( 2. flows. staff foes.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Fourth Sunday of Lent March 30 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1–3a. 55 life.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT. All rights reserved. Je of King of end less Verse: (Cantor) Am I Em am the light of the world. IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. OCP. Lord. Lord King D7 C sus Christ. says the Lord. 1990. cont. glo ry! G sus4 G glo ry! . (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 8:12 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. Organ F who ev 7 Em er fol lows me Am7 will have the D sus4 light Em of Music: Owen Alstott. Em G Praise to C D7 Em G you. LORD. at .tentive in . But with 3. 5–6. dawn. 7–8 (34) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant With Bm With Gmaj7 D mer the Lord there is Bm7 cy the Lord there is mer Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Bm & ## œ œ áá 1.giveness. 3–4. LORD. . That you may 3. To my voice in 2. LORD. stand? vered. For with the And he will ? ## á á & ## Bm áá 1. My soul Let Israel 4. word. LORD. O ears be mark you is trust in the wait for the LORD is deem œ œ œœ my pli can re his the re in œ œ 56 ˙ ˙ LORD. iquities. I More than sentinels 4. for . ˙˙ re demp tion. O LORD.iquities. kindness Israel ˙˙ D ˙˙ - - voice! cation.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Fifth Sunday of Lent April 6 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130:1–2. Asus4 A7 G and cy full ness of re D demp tion. And with him is From ? # # áá full ness G re - A7 œœ hear sup who be trusts in wait for plenteous all their œ œ of A cry to you. If you. demption. Out of the depths I Let your 2. Organ Am who ev Am6 er be lieves in me.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT. OCP. 57 Em glo ry! G sus4 G glo ry! . (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 11:25a. Music: Owen Alstott. IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. 26 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. Bm will nev er die. Lord Je King of D7 C sus Christ. © 1977. Em ev en Am6 if he dies. Em G C Praise to D7 Em G you. Lord. says the Lord. 1990. King of end less Verse: (Cantor) Am I am the res ur rec tion and the Em D/F Em life. cont. In the midst of the assembly All you descendants of Jacob. Israel!” (Bm) Dm doned me? . A pack of evildoers closes I can count 3. 19–20. I will proclaim your name to “You who fear the Re a ban (F m) Am LORD. (D) (F m7) (Em7) F Am7 Gm7 (Em7) Gm7 my my God. let him 2. God. many dogs They have pierced my hands and 3. feet. And for my vesture O my help.” on me. O LORD . be 4. my God. They divide my garments But you. has 4. mong them. praise you: him. lots. brethren. 23–24 (38) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant O Capo 3: My (Bm) Dm my (Bm) Dm (Em) Gm God. they Let him rescue him. why have you God.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 13 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22:8–9. me de sur my a not my (F ) A (Em/G) Gm/B 1. vere scoff at me. They mock me with parted lips. liver him. God. 2. aid me. give glo All you descen wag if in all they ten I ry dants 58 their he up my cast to will to of heads: loves him. bones. 17–18. round me. praise him. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm 1. Indeed. far from me. All who see “He relied on the L ORD. him. OCP. All rights reserved. D7 King 7 to of C sus Christ. 59 glo him Em ’ry name. ev ry! G sus4 G glo ry! less D en death on Bm ly G Am D G Am and be stowed on him the name which is ex ed alt a bove ev Em a cross. Lord Verse: Am (Cantor) (SATB) D7 King 3 the point D C God great of end Em Cmaj7 of death. Je Cmaj7 Christ be came o Be Em G you. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Philippians 2:8–9 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. Em G Praise to C be F di ent Em cause of this. 1990. Lord. . IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. Em D sus4 Music: Owen Alstott. © 1977.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD. cont. bless ing cup is a com mu Our bless ing cup is a com mu nion. LORD. 15–16bc. the son 3. bonds. com mu nion Our bless ing cup is a com mu nion Capo 1: cup nion nion Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (E) F 1. . (E) F Our bless ing our bless ing cup is Christ. And I will call upon the In the presence of with the Blood of Christ. For all the good he has And I will call upon the 2. How shall I make a return The cup of salvation I 2. faithful ones.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Thursday of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday): At the Evening Mass April 17 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 116:12–13. giving. Is the death You have 3. LORD handmaid. Precious in the eyes I am your servant. people. (F m/A) Gm/B to will of of of I LORD up. To you will I offer sacrifice My vows to the LORD the take the your thanks will (F m7) Gm7 1. (E/G ) F/A (F m7) Gm7 is (A) B a com mu Our bless ing. pay (E) F done name of of loosed name of all 60 for the his my the his (E) F me? LORD. 17–18 (39) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Our bless ing cup. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THURSDAY OF THE LORD’S SUPPER (HOLY THURSDAY): AT THE EVENING MASS. Music: Owen Alstott. King (A7) C7 of end less Verse: (Cantor) (Bm) Dm I give you a new (F m) Am com mand (Bm) Dm (A7) C7 ment. says the Lord: Organ (Em7) Gm7 love one another as (D) F I have loved you. All rights reserved. Capo 3: (D) (Bm) (G) F Dm B Praise to (A7) C7 (D) F you. OCP. © 1977. cont. Lord Je King (Bm) Dm of (G) B sus Christ. 61 glo ry! (Dsus4) Fsus4 (D) F glo ry! . 1990. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 13:34 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. IX-b Optional Descant Praise you. Lord. rescue me. In you. 6.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) April 18 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 31:2. I am like a 3. servant. spirit. friends. in to Capo 3: (Bm) Dm Fa your hands I com mend my (F m) (F m7) Am Am7 ther. and a I am forgotten like the unremembered dead. Fa ther. A laughingstock to my neighbors. I In your You will redeem me. in to (G) B your hands I Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Em7) Gm7 1. 17. (Bm) Dm spir it. (Em) Gm (Bm) Dm 1. For all my foes I am an object of They who see me a 3. God. flee from me. In your hands is 4. I say. (Bm) Dm jus broad take tice O re O my your stout refuge. God. Save me All you who 62 put mend faith dread to dish that are and in hope in to my ful my is my my your the shame. 15–16. broken. Let me never be com Into your hands I O 2. O LORD . LORD. LORD. “You Rescue me from the clutches of my enemies 4. destiny. LORD. Let your face shine upon Take courage and be (F m) Am mend my com spir it. proach. 2. . persecutors. 12–13.” kindness. But my trust is in you. hearted. 25 (40) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Fa ther. IX-a Optional Descant Praise you. 63 ry! Bm Am the name which is ev less glo him Em ’ry oth er name. Lord.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FRIDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (GOOD FRIDAY). G Am D and be stowed on him ent 3 the point D C God great G D7 King 7 to of C sus Christ. © 1977. ly G sus4 G glo ry! D alt bove ev a cross. OCP. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Philippians 2:8–9 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. Em ed D sus4 a Em en death on ex Music: Owen Alstott. Em G Praise to C F di be Em cause of this. Lord Verse: Am (Cantor) (SATB) D7 King of end Em Cmaj7 of death. . cont. Je Cmaj7 Christ be came o Be Em G you. 1990. O You are clothed with majesty 2. palace. and re G new the A sus 4 A7 the face new Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D my and foun you the en your man’s O your soul! glory. LORD ! creatures. and vegetation for 5. you are great Robed in light as with 2. Bless the L ORD . In wisdom you have wrought Bless the L ORD . 35 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. works. ever. send out.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night April 19 Responsorial Psalm (following first reading): Psalm 104:1–2. send out G/D your D Spir Lord. You send forth springs into heav Beside them the birds of 4. . song. mountains. You fixed the earth upon its With the ocean. 5–6. my God. 12. 24. stood. 10. 3. Not to be moved wa Above the mountains the 3. re Bm Bm/A it. The earth is replete with the fruit of Producing bread from 5. You water the mountains from You raise grass for the cattle. earth. The earth is full of earth. 13–14. as with a garment. How manifold are your works. D Lord. That wind among From among the branches they send forth 4. use. O 64 in a for ters the their your the them my deed! cloak. send out your Spir it. all— soul! D of the earth. covered it. watercourses dwell. A/C 1. A G/B 1. dation. O LORD . down. By the breath of his mouth In cellars he con 3. shield. right. O L ORD . cont. The people he has chosen for his He sees 4. G A sus 4 A D of the Lord. G/B 1. LORD. By the word of the LORD the heav ens He gathers the waters of the sea as in 3. full. LORD. 6–7. (2) Or: Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:4–5. Who is our help Who have put our the and were a the looks the up LORD. heritance. host. you. 20 & 22 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The D The earth earth is D7 is full of the full of the Lord. flask. Our soul waits for be May your kindness. made. on us A works earth all fines own all and hope are is their the in man our in 65 trustworthy. 12–13. Upright is the word of He loves jus tice 2. good ness Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D A/C 1. . kind. And all his Of the kindness of the L ORD the 2.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. Blessed the nation whose God is LORD From heaven the 4. deep. Fullness of joys in your For 66 dis cor Lord. netherworld. my allotted portion and my I set the LORD ever 2. O Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (G) B i tance. cont. My body. joices. fore me. life. ever. ruption. right hand (A) C (D) F 1. You Capo 3: (D) F You (Bm) (Em) Dm Gm are my (A) C (D) F in her are i my in her (Em) Gm (G/A) B /C tance. abides in Nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo 3. (D) F Lord. confidence. too. You it is who hold fast my With him at my right hand I shall not be 2. 11 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant div. (3) Responsorial Psalm (following second reading): Psalm 16:5. 8. (A7) C7 be re cup.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. turbed. O LORD . Therefore my heart is glad and my soul Because you will not abandon my soul to the 3. (D) F 1. 9–10. You will show me the path to The delights at your O lot. presence. . tri the I a the ters in re O umphant. heritance— tablished. enemy. I will sing to the LORD . tol him. (4) Responsorial Psalm (following third reading): Exodus 15:1–2. O L ORD. Horse and chariot he has cast into And he has been The God of my father. which your hands The LORD shall reign forever 67 Red the my ex his a the in es and sea. And planted them on the mountain of your The sanctuary. for he is My strength and my courage He is my 2. O LORD. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Em) Gm 1. praise him. I 2. 4. LORD. You brought in the people The place where you made your ( glorious mag ly is God. 5–6. The LORD Pharaoh’s chariots and army he hurled 3. stone. 17–18 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Let us Capo 3: Let us (A) C sing sing! Let us (Em) Gm to the Lord. ever. sea. The flood Your right hand. is into wa nificent you seat. savior. . deemed LORD . name! Sea. LORD . LORD is The elite of his officers were submerged in the 3. power. ) (Em) Gm (Bm) Dm 1. cont.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. 3–4. has shattered 4. They sank into the depths like Your right hand. covered them. warrior. (Em7) Gm7 he has sing to his glo ry! (D/F ) (Gmaj7) (A sus 4) (A) F/A B maj7 C sus 4 C cov ered him self glo in ry. And give thanks to his A lifetime.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. 13 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant I G I Bm7/F will praise you. be give ver the ly good re my you me. will. 11–12. forever will I 68 o to ho his dawn. C/G cued me. And did not let my enemies rejoice You preserved me from among those going down in 2. name. will praise. helper. in. faithful ones. praise you. me. joicing. thanks. you have Em C for Lord. moment. O LORD . I will res cued C/D you have res me. But with the 3. dancing. my God. O LORD. G . O LORD . weeping 3. 4. for you drew O LORD . I will extol you. you brought me up from 2. Hear. for Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em 1. Sing praise to the L ORD . pit. cont. 5–6. O LORD . you For his anger lasts but At nightfall. (5) Responsorial Psalm (following fourth reading): Psalm 30:2. and have pity You changed my mourning en in me the his a ters on to clear netherworld. Am D 1. Lord. (A) B un been of claim is all One 69 a my sal his his the of (G) A of sal va (A/C ) B/D (G/B) A/C 1. God indeed is My strength and my courage is With joy you will 2. O city of sal va fraid. deeds. 5–6 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant You will draw wa Capo 2: (D) E (Bm) C m ter (D) E You will draw wa joy ful (G) A ter joy ly from the springs (D) E (A7) B7 ful ly my the draw the his a of savior. Ac Proclaim how exalted 3. name. Zion. chievement. cont. water LORD. savior. vation. (6) Responsorial Psalm (following fifth reading): Isaiah 12:2–3. earth. I am confident and And he has At the fountain 2. Israel! tion. . Sing praise to the L ORD for his glorious Shout with exultation. (A7) B7 (D) E tion. 4. Give thanks to Among the nations make known 3.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. Let this be known throughout For great in your midst is the Holy (Bm) C m from the springs Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) E 1. name. LORD. The law of the L ORD is The decree of the L ORD is 2.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. just. gold. (A) B the the the the for them est the soul. The precepts of the L ORD are The command of the L ORD is 3. pure. simple. . right. you have Capo 1: (D) E the (Bm) Cm (A) B Lord. 9. life. gold. (7) Responsorial Psalm (following sixth reading): Psalm 19:8. trustworthy. syrup 70 Refreshing Giving wisdom to Rejoicing Enlightening Enduring All of Than a heap of pur Or honey from life. true. heart. eye. comb. The fear of the LORD is The ordinances of the LORD are 4. ever. 10. cont. clear. They are more precious than Sweeter also than er (G) A of (A/C ) B /D ev ev last ing (A7) B 7 er last (D) E ing (G/B) A /C perfect. 11 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. you have words the of (D/A) E /B words Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) E 1. G my God. I went with Amid loud cries of joy and 3. Responsorial Psalm (following seventh reading): Psalm 42:3. God! 71 for God. like a deer Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em Am7 liv 1. (8) Option A. the 2. Then will I go in to the altar Then will I give you thanks upon G 1. C D face of house of keeping lead me your gladness and God. They shall To 4. when baptism is celebrated. harp. The God of my O ing the thanks fi ho ly of the God. cont. Athirst is my soul for God. 5. delity. festival. God. When shall I go and behold the 2. Send forth your light and your And bring me to your 4. 43:3. throng giving. like a deer my soul longs C D7 soul longs for you. on dwelling-place. like a deer my Bm Em that longs for run ning streams. mountain. And led them in procession to the With the multitude 3. joy.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. my God? God. 4 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Like a D7 G Gsus4 Like a deer G/B Am/C deer. . Israel! tion. 4bcd. Ac Proclaim how exalted 3. when baptism is not celebrated. (A7) B7 (D) E tion. Let this be known throughout For great in your midst is the Holy (Bm) C m from the springs Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) E 1. cont. God indeed is My strength and my courage is With joy you will 2. . O city of sal va fraid. chievement. (9) Or: Option B. Give thanks to Among the nations make known 3. Responsorial Psalm: Isaiah 12:2–3. I am confident and And he has At the fountain 2. deeds. name.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. water LORD. earth. Sing praise to the L ORD for his glorious Shout with exultation. (A) B un been of claim is all One 72 a my sal his his the of (G) A of sal va (A/C ) B/D (G/B) A/C 1. LORD. name. 5–6 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant You will draw wa Capo 2: (D) E (Bm) C m ter (D) E You will draw wa joy ful (G) A ter joy ly from the springs (D) E (A7) B7 ful ly my the draw the his a of savior. savior. Zion. vation. (10) Or: Option C. My sacrifice. is a a clean 73 And a steadfast spirit renew And your Holy Spirit take not And a willing spirit sustain And sinners shall return Should I offer a holocaust. O God. ate a A/C ] Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Dm heart Bm D/A clean heart in in me. O God. fices. O God. con trite spirit. G A D me. For you are not pleased with sac O your sal your ri God. ways. you. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 51:12–13. O God. 18–19 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Cre D Em/D Cre ate [a G/D D clean heart. . Give me back the joy of your I will teach transgressors 3. presence. me. Cast me not out from 2. me. you would not A heart contrite and humbled. vation. you will A with from in to in me. Gm 1. 14–15.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. when baptism is not celebrated. not spurn. ac cept it. A clean heart create for me. cont. œœ . (Bm/D) (Am/C) ( D) (Em ) C # m/E Bm/D E F #m (Am7) Bm7 Priest (or Cantor).ia. œ œ J œ. œ œœ .... œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.lu . All repeat (unison) ? b b b 83 b ### (C ) Db (Bm/D) Dm/F ..le . J Al . œ œœ . J J 74 (Am/C) Cm/E b ( D) (Em ) F Gm œ œ œœ œ œ œœ .. œ œ œ.ia. œœ .. . œ J bb ? bb œ œ œ ∑ (C ) Eb ∑ al .. œ J aœ œaœ . œ.lu . Optional Descant œ.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ Al ..le . b b (Fine) .le .le . (Em ) Gm œ œ œœ œœ . œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ.lu . œ J al .. (Fine) al . œ œ œ œ . œ. j j œ. œ J al .ia. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Jœ œ œ œ . œ J J . œœ œœ œœ .lu . œj œœ . 16–17.le .ia.le .ia.ia. œ œ œœ œœ . thereafter: All œ . j œ œ J œœ œœ . œ J al . Al .. œœ .ia. J œ.lu . (11) Responsorial Psalm (following the Epistle): Psalm 118:1–2.. œ œ .lu . All repeat.le . b b . ∑ œœ .le . # # # . œ. ∑ œ. # # .lu .lu . VIII Capo 1: (Em ) Fm bb3 &b b 8 & œ œ œ & œ. œ œ .lu . œœ . ..le . cont. œ œ œ.. œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ. ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ .ia.ia.le .ia. al . œ J % Response . œœ j œ œ J œ J œœ . œ œ J (C ) D œœ ..ia..le . œ œ J (Em ) F #m Capo 2: J al .ia.le ... œj œœ . 22–23 (41) Response: (Organ/SATB) NO. # . All repeat (unison) Capo 3: & (Bm/D) (Am/C) ( D) (Em ) Cm/E b B b m/D b E b Fm . œœ . œj œ . (Am7) Cm7 % Priest (or Cantor). al .lu . . ? ### bb (Am7) B bm7 Priest (or Cantor). .lu . Al . ful in our eyes.der . 3. (12) Verses: (Cantor) ( Em) Gm (Am6) Cm6 b &b á 1.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EASTER VIGIL IN THE HOLY NIGHT. done. Music: Owen Alstott.. J œ œ œœ œœ . ∑ 38 œœ .dures And de en . raising his voice a step each time. 2. with each repetition of the response ascending a half step. œ œ œ œ œ J œ. This psalm may also be performed without the key changes by starting at the segno ( % ). By the LORD has this been ? b b áá say. cont. I shall not die. œ œ J œ J j œ ‰ D. ‰ ˙˙ áá áá ˙ ˙ ? b b áá (C ) Eb For his mercy endures for .clare the works of the LORD. The Response as shown provides a written-out version of the psalm in three tonalities. Let the house of Israel 2.ev . 34). œ J œœ . OCP. © 1977. According to the Missale Romanum (no. The right hand of the LORD is ex . D.alted. live. Give thanks to the LORD. œ J œœ . b & b áá 83 œœ .. All rights reserved.S. ∑ 1. 75 . ˙˙ Organ ˙ á ˙ b & b áá (G/B) B b/D ( D) F (G/B) B b/D ˙ ˙ (C ) (Am) E b Cm j œ œ œ œ œœ ( D) ( Em) F Gm œ œ œ œj œ œ œœ œ œœ œ . but 3. If necessary.S. all rise. the psalmist intones the alleluia.” It is won. after the Epistle has been read.” “His mer . Those guitar players with capos which cannot be quickly moved may use the line of chords underneath the capo chords. 1990. Has become the cornerstone.jected (Am6/C) Cm6/E b ‰ b &b á 83 œ . œj for . and the priest intones the Alleluia three times. The stone which the builders re . for he is good. “The right hand of the LORD has struck with All repeat the alleluia each time. . jected done. for he Let the house of 2. The stone which the builders By the LORD has this Isra is el with but re been Bm7 1. 16–17. 3.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: At the Mass during the Day April 20 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:1–2. LORD. The right hand of the LORD And declare the works 3. power. let us Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D re joice A/C 1. eyes. Give thanks to the L ORD. Be glad! A7 D and be glad. Has It is wonderful A sus 4 good. For his mercy “His mercy 2. “The right hand of the LORD has struck I shall not die. A en en be dures dures is of come in for for ex the the our 76 ever.” alted. 22–23 (42) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. ever.] Optional Descant This is D This Bm is the A sus 4 the day! A G day the Lord has made.” cornerstone. live. say. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD: AT THE MASS DURING THE DAY, cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. 1 Corinthians 5:7b–8a Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. VIII Optional Descant Al Capo 3: le lu (Em) Gm Al ia, (C) E le lu (Am7) Cm7 ia, Verse: (Cantor) (Am) Cm Christ, al al (Cmaj7/G) E maj7/B our pas (Am) Cm ia, al (F 7) A 7 chal lu (Bm) Dm lu le le ia, al le (D) (Em) F Gm le ia. lu (Am/E) Cm/G (Em/G) Gm/B sac lamb, has been lu ri ficed; Organ (G) B let (Em) Gm (Em/G) Gm/B (Am) Cm us then feast with joy Music: Owen Alstott, © 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. 77 (D) F in the Lord. ia. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Second Sunday of Easter (or Sunday of Divine Mercy) April 27 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:2–4, 13–15, 22–24 (43) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia.] Optional Descant Give thanks to the Lord, Em his love is ev er last C Bm Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Am el on LORD say, say, say, falling, LORD, victory jected done; made; was the of re been has Am/C 1. “His mercy “His mercy “His mercy 2. But the And he has In the 3. Has It is Let us be glad and love is ev er last Em 1. Let the house of Isra Let the house of Aar Let those who fear the 2. I was hard pressed and My strength and my courage is The joyful shout 3. The stone which the builders By the LORD has this This is the day the LORD Em en en en be re dures dures dures LORD been tents of come wonderful in joice for for for my the the our in 78 D ever.” ever.” ever.” helped me. savior. just. cornerstone. eyes. it. ing. Em ing. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (OR SUNDAY OF DIVINE MERCY), cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 20:29 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia, al le D lu ia, Bm7 le Al lu ia, al le le G ia, lu al al lu ia. A sus 4 A7 le lu D ia. Verse: (Cantor) A/C D You be lieve in me, Tho mas, Bm7 G A sus4 A be cause you have seen me, says the Lord; Organ D bless G/B ed are they G/A who have not Bm seen me, Em/B but still Music: Owen Alstott, © 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. 79 A be lieve! counsels me. . ever. Nor will you suffer your faithful one to 4. My body. my allotted portion and my 2. 11 (46) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. joices. cup. presence. I bless the LORD who I set the L ORD ever 3. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Am Em 1. 7–8. netherworld. ruption. “My You it is who hold 2. for in you I take O LORD. Em of life. life. ) Bm 1. you will Am/C you will show us the show the path Am7 Bm7 path of life. Keep me. O God. Em Lord. confidence. horts me.] Optional Descant Lord. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul Because you will not abandon my soul to the 4. You will show me the path to ( be re refuge. Even in the night my With him at my right hand I shall 3. I say to the LORD.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Third Sunday of Easter May 4 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 16:1–2. fore me. Abounding The delights at your Em Lord fast heart not be bides go joy in right hand a under 80 are my ex dis in cor your for you. 5.” lot. turbed. too. 9–10. © 1977. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. 81 le ia. (Am7) Cm7 al lu ia. al (Bm) Dm (Am) Cm ia. . o (C) E (D) F (Em) Gm Scrip tures to pen the us. 1990. Organ (G) B make our hearts (Am) Cm (G/B) B /D (C) E (D) F burn while you speak to us. All rights reserved. lu ia. VIII Optional Descant Al Capo 3: le lu (Em) Gm al (C) E le Al ia. Music: Owen Alstott. al lu le le (D) (Em) F Gm le lu Verse: (Cantor) (Bm7/F ) Dm7/A (Em) Gm Lord Je (Gmaj7/D) B maj7/F sus.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER. OCP. cont. Luke 24:32 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. lu ia. flows. LORD *to Response 82 He gives me ) I fear no That give me My cup For years to want. And I shall dwell in the house of the not my D re over pose. 3b–4. there is noth ing I shall Am7 I want. Only goodness and kind ness C Am G/B shepherd. life. C/G shall G want. The LORD is my he Beside restful waters 2. staff foes. You spread the table be 4. courage. soul. your my my Am7/C Am7 1. paths side fore me follow me shall I refresh es He name’s For his and With your rod of In the sight of All the days pastures valley oil. leads me. my G The Lord shep Am/C is my shep herd. come. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) G 1. there is D/A noth ing G/B herd.* .] Optional Descant The Lord. He guides me in right my For you are at 3. 5. In verdant ( 2. Even though I walk in the dark ( 3. ) evil. sake. 6 (49) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1–3a. You anoint my head with 4. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER. cont. le G/B al le lu ia. OCP. al A le lu ia. G al Dadd9 le lu al D ia. © 1977. Bm and A sus4 the 83 Lord. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. G G/B A sus 4 mine know me. A A . 1990. Music: Owen Alstott. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 10:14 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. says F m/A know my sheep. G/B A sus4 lu ia. A7/C D lu ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D I A/C am the good Em7 I Bm Bm/A G shep herd. Cmaj7 let your mer G/B cy be as we place our C Am7 on us. Em Bm/D Lord.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Fifth Sunday of Easter May 18 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:1–2. trustworthy. To deliver them from Bm/D Am/C LORD. Upright is the word of the 3. 18–19 (52) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. See. fear him. death With the ten-stringed lyre chant his Of the kindness of the L ORD the earth is And preserve them in spite of praises. 84 . Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em 1.] Optional Descant Lord. full. D trust C in D you. Upon those who hope for his kindness. He loves justice and 3. right. Praise from the upright is And all his works are fitting. famine. Exult. Give thanks to the LORD on the 2. Em as we place our trust in you. LORD. in the 2. 4–5. G/B Bm Em harp. the eyes of the L ORD are upon those who Am/C 1. you just. © 1977. cont. Organ (Am) Cm no (C) E (Bm) Dm one comes to the Fa ther. al (C) E le lu (Am7) Cm7 ia. the (Em/G) Gm/B (Am) Cm truth and (G) B the life. OCP. Verse: (Cantor) (Em/G) Gm/B I (D/F ) F/A am the (Em) Gm way. the Lord. VIII Optional Descant Al Capo 3: le lu (Em) Gm Al ia. 85 . al le lu ia. (D) (Em) F Gm le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 14:6 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. says (Em) Gm (G/B) B /D (D) F (Em) Gm cept through me. al lu (Bm) Dm (Am) Cm ia. All rights reserved. al lu le le ia. ex Music: Owen Alstott.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER. 1990. 20 (55) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. land. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D 1.] Optional Descant Let the D Let all earth Asus4 Bm G the earth cry out cry out to with G/A A7 D God with joy.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Sixth Sunday of Easter May 25 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 66:1–3. praise. Shout joyfully to God. 16. “How tremendous 2. 6–7. not A G/B 1. all you who Blessed be God who A/C re re all glo praise works dry joice fear fused the rious to of in me earth. Through the river they He rules by his 4. me. God. Hear now. 4–5. While I declare what he has My prayer of are to dren passed might done or 86 joy. his your your of on for for his name. you. foot. Sing praise to the glory Say to God. Sing praise His tremendous deeds among the chil 3. God. him. deeds! name!” Adam. Let all on earth worship and sing Come and see the 3. Proclaim his 2. ever. He has changed the sea into Therefore let us 4. kindness! . (D) (Em) F Gm le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 14:23 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. 87 (D sus4) F sus4 (D) F (G) B come to him. OCP. All rights reserved.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER. 1990. . says the (Em/D) Gm/F Lord. © 1977. al (Bm7/F ) Dm7/A loves me will lu (Bm) Dm lu le le keep ia. VIII Optional Descant Al Capo 3: le lu (Em) Gm Al ia. cont. Verse: (Cantor) (Am7) Cm7 Who al al (Gmaj7) B maj7 ev er (Am) Cm ia. (C) E le lu (Am7) Cm7 ia. and my Organ (Am7) Cm7 (Bm7) Dm7 Fa ther will (Cmaj7) E maj7 (Em7) Gm7 love him (Cmaj7) E maj7 and we will Music: Owen Alstott. al lu ia. (Em) Gm (Bm7) Dm7 my le word. May 29. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 47:2–3. hymns ho of the pet sing of ly gladness. praise. praise. joy. Sing God sits upon his hands. amid Sing praise to our 3. 6–7.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Ascension of the Lord May 29 The Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord is transferred to the following Sunday.] Optional Descant God mounts his throne. in many archdioceses and dioceses of the United States. The LORD. the 2. praise. Am God mounts his throne a blare of trum Dm Am Dm/A Am to shouts of joy: a blare of trum Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Dm Am 1. B A pets for the Lord. June 1. 8–9 (58) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. Shout to God with Is the great king over 2. the Most High. awesome. 88 pets for the Lord. is observed as an Easter Weekday. earth. nations. Thursday. clap your For the LORD. sing 3. For king of all the earth is God reigns over the Am G 1. blasts. throne. God. In those churches. All you peoples. God mounts his throne amid shouts of Sing praise to God. cries all trum king. . 1990. 89 Lord. Music: Owen Alstott. says Bm the Organ G I am with you D G/B always. 20b Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. OCP. al le D Al lu ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. . © 1977.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD. All rights reserved. A sus 4 A7 le al lu Verse: (Cantor) D A/C Go and teach all na A7 tions. cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 28:19a. ia. Bm7 le lu ia. until the end of the A world. D ia. al le lu al le lu G ia. Am D G vation. and Have pity on my glance You fear? fraid? LORD call. seek: should I Whom be a Of whom should I To dwell in the house of my the LORD all the days of contem plate his And me. this I sal That I may gaze on the loveliness of the 3. O L ORD . the Mass and readings of the Ascension are used.] Optional Descant I G I be be lieve Em G/F lieve that I Em/D see shall in the land C Am D Lord in the land 1.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Seventh Sunday of Easter June 1 In those places where the observance of the Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord has been transferred to this day. One thing I ask of the L ORD . refuge. Hear.) Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 27:1. seeks. 4. speaks. answer me. The LORD is my light and my The LORD is my life’s 2. the sound of my Of you my heart shall good things of the the G Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em I D Am/C the see see that of the of the liv ing. 7–8 (59) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. 89 for Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation. temple. Gsus4 G liv ing. 90 life. . (See pages 88. and your hearts will A re Music: Owen Alstott. John 14:18 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. All rights reserved. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. . Organ G I will come back to D G/B you. al A le lu G al ia. Bm says the Lord. G/B A sus4 lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. A7/C D lu ia. 1990. OCP. G/B al Verse: (Cantor) D I will not leave A/C you or A7 phans. al Dadd9 le lu D ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER. le lu ia. 91 le joice. cont. LORD ! creatures.] Optional Descant Lord. 30 (62) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. D of the earth. And return to And you renew the face of 92 in a them le due with their the the A sus 4 A7 new Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D new deed! cloak. 35. The earth is full of 3. D Lord. In wisdom you have wrought Al Bless the LORD . you gather it. perish ated. earth. O my soul! 3. 27–28. dust. 4. earth. they are filled 4. send out. my God. Creatures all look When you give it to them. re Bm Bm/A it. Bless the LORD . When you send forth your spirit. A G/B 1. you are great Robed in light as with 2. 24. send out your Spir it. send out G/D your D Spir Lord. they are my and O your to they they cre soul! glory. If you take away their breath.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Pentecost Sunday: At the Vigil Mass June 7 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104:1–2. time. O You are clothed with majesty 2. How manifold are your works. all— luia. O LORD . G and re the face A/C 1. good things. To give them food in When you open your hand. . 29. 93 and . Music: Owen Alstott. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. OCP. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. lu al al lu ia. Ho ly Spir D/A [Bm] G the fire G kin dle in them G fill it. A7 D the hearts of the faith ful A sus 4 A Em7 of your love. Bm7 le Al lu ia. All rights reserved. 1990. cont. al le D lu ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D [Bm] A D Come. A sus 4 A7 le lu D ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers PENTECOST SUNDAY: AT THE VIGIL MASS. © 1977. al le le G ia. you are great The earth is full of 2. 29–30. O How manifold are your works. they are 3. 24. works! LORD. May the glory of the LORD endure Pleasing to him be G/B 1. ever. 34 (63) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. A in your their the his the 94 the deed! creatures. dust. my God. send out. theme. new G and re A sus 4 A7 the face new Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D A/C 1. If you take away their breath. send out your Spir it. 2. When you send forth your spirit. earth. . earth.] Optional Descant Lord. 31. O LORD . Bless the LORD . D of the earth. re Bm Bm/A it. May the L ORD be glad in I will be glad in my O they cre for my soul! LORD ! perish ated. And return to And you renew the face of 3.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Pentecost Sunday: At the Mass during the Day June 8 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104:1. D Lord. send out G/D your D Spir Lord. al le D lu ia. © 1977. lu al al lu ia. 95 ful A and . All rights reserved. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D [Bm] A D Come. Music: Owen Alstott. A sus 4 A7 le lu D ia. cont.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers PENTECOST SUNDAY: AT THE MASS DURING THE DAY. al le le G ia. OCP. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. Bm7 le Al lu ia. Ho ly Spir D/A [Bm] G the fire G kin dle in them it. G A7 D fill the hearts of your faith A sus 4 Em7 of your love. 1990. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. ever. ever. ages. Blessed are you in the temple of your holy 3. 54. Blessed are you on the throne of your 4. glory.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Most Holy Trinity June 15 Responsorial Psalm: Daniel 3:52. . 55 (164) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Glo ry and praise A F m E A/C Glo ry and praise for [Bm] D ev er! Asus4 A ev er! for Verses: (Cantor or SATB) F m 1. Praiseworthy Praiseworthy 2. Blessed are you who look into the depths from your throne upon the D 1. ever. name. fathers. 53. cherubim. Praiseworthy 4. kingdom. Praiseworthy 3. O Lord. Blessed are you. Praiseworthy A and and and and and exalted above all exalted above all for glorious above all exalted above all exalted above all for all for for for 96 ever. the God of our And blessed is your holy and glorious 2. Revelation 1:8 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. F who was. Organ Em7 to A God who is. al le lu al le lu G ia. and the Ho ly Spir it. Bm7 le Al lu ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. Bm7 A the Son. Bm and who Em7 is A to come. al le D lu ia. A sus 4 A7 le al lu Verse: (Cantor) D A/C Glory to the Fa ther. .Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. D ia. 1990. cont. 97 ia. Music: Owen Alstott. © 1977. OCP. O For he has strengthened the bars of your 2. fills you. His statutes and his ordinances His ordinances he has not made known to Je rusalem.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) June 22 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 147:12–13. He has granted peace in your He sends forth his command to the 3. word! el. (F) A (G) B O with of ly to Zi in wheat runs Is he his ra on. earth. 14–15.] Optional Descant div. 98 . [Al ia!] (Gsus4) (G) B sus4 B le (C) E lu ia!] Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (C) E (F) A 1. them. Je (F) A ru Lord! [Al le lu (Em7) Gm7 (F) A sa lem. He has blessed your children 2. borders. With the best Swift 3. Praise your God. Glorify the LORD. gates. 19–20 (167) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. Praise the Capo 3: (C) E (Am) Cm Praise the Lord. Jacob. He has proclaimed his word to He has not done thus for any other (C/G) E /B 1. Al le luia. you. nation. A7/C D lu ia. G whoever eats D G/B this bread will live A for Music: Owen Alstott. G al Dadd9 le lu al D ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI). al G/B A sus4 lu ia. OCP. 1990. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. All rights reserved. G/B al Verse: (Cantor) D Bm A/C I am the liv ing bread that came down G/B heav from en. le lu ia. A le lu ia. cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 6:51 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. . Organ A says D the Lord. 99 le ever. And the firmament pro claims And night to night im parts 2. Whose voice is not And to the ends of the world. knowledge. The heavens declare the glory Day pours out the word 2. day. discourse sounds. . B7 E the earth. Apostles: At the Vigil Mass June 28 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 19:2–3. 4–5 (590) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Their E Their mes A sage goes mes sage goes out B sus 4 B out o’er E7 A through all Verses: (Cantor or SATB) B E 1. heard. Not a word nor Through all the earth their voice B A 1. of to a re his their 100 handiwork. all the earth. God.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Saints Peter and Paul. message. Organ Music: Owen Alstott. All rights reserved. Am G Em Dm al Verse: (Cantor) Fmaj7 Em Lord. you know ev ’ry thing: you know that C I love you. OCP. al le lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al le ia. cont. al C lu ia. G C lu ia. . V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. © 1977. 1990. APOSTLES: AT THE VIGIL MASS. 101 le le lu ia. F G lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SAINTS PETER AND PAUL. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 21:17 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. saved him. name. . camps LORD is. 6–7. Apostles: At the Mass during the Day June 29 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2–3. (A) C (D) F (G) B will res cue those Lord (A sus4) (A7) (D sus4) (D) C sus4 C7 F sus4 F Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm (F m) Am 1. and de Blessed the man who takes times. Around those who fear him. fears. Glorify the LORD with I sought the LORD. heard. Look to him that you may be radiant with When the poor one called out. who fear him. And your faces may not dis And from all his 4. Let us together And delivered me from 3. LORD . and he 3. The angel of the LORD Taste and see how good the en (Gmaj7) B maj7 1.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Saints Peter and Paul. 8–9 (591) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Capo 3: The (D) F an The an (A sus4) (A7) C sus4 C7 (D) F gel of the gel of the Lord. 4–5. (D) F in and tol all blush tress liv refuge 102 my be his my with he ers in mouth. I will bless the LORD at all Let my soul glory in the 2. the L ORD 4. him. me. answered me joy. them. shame. glad. His praise shall be ever The lowly will hear me ex 2. al le lu al le lu G ia. 103 vail a gainst A it. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 16:18 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. A sus 4 A7 le al lu D ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SAINTS PETER AND PAUL. OCP. Bm7 le Al lu ia. Verse: (Cantor) Bm You A are Pe ter and up on D this rock Em I Bm will build my Church. © 1977. cont. al le D lu ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. ia. APOSTLES: AT THE MASS DURING THE DAY. Organ D6 and A sus4 G the gates of the neth er world shall not pre Music: Owen Alstott. 1990. All rights reserved. . And I will bless your name And I will praise your name 2.] Optional Descant I Capo 3: (A) C I (A) C (Asus4) Csus4 will praise your name for ev er. bless you. 10–11. merciful. bless you. kingdom words falling (A) C ever and ever and great all his faithful ones speak of your all his bowed 104 ever. 8–9. Slow to anger and of And compassionate toward 3. works. I will extol you. Let them discourse of the glory of 4. . works. Let all your works give you thanks. all LORD. 13–14 (100) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. And let your And 4.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:1–2. will praise (D) F (G) B (Em) Gm king and my Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Em) Gm 1. O my God Every day will 2. (A) C my God. ever. kindness. And holy in And raises up all who are and I and to O your his are for for King. The L ORD is faithful in all The L ORD lifts up all who (Em) Gm (Bm) Dm 1. might. The L ORD is gracious The L ORD is good 3. my God. down. OCP. . All rights reserved. (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 re vealed to lit Lord (Bm) Cm tle ones (F 7/C ) G 7/D of heav en (Em7) Fm7 (Am7) B m7 the mys t’ries of Music: Owen Alstott. lu ia. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. 1990. cont. Matthew 11:25 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. (C) D (D) E lu ia. al le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. © 1977. al le (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: le (G) A Al div. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. (C) D ther. (Dsus4) E sus4 the king (D) E dom. al le lu le le lu lu ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A (Em) Fm Bless ed (Cmaj7) D maj7 you have are Fa you. 105 (B) C and earth. 14 (103) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The The seed that falls Bm A/C D seed that falls on will D/C good ground good yield a G/B will yield a Verses: (Cantor or SATB) 1. And your paths overflow with a And rejoicing clothes 4. flocks ) D en the its its the with for 106 ful A ground will D fruit riched it.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 65:10. bounty. . 12–13. The fields are garmented ( A/C o and are the with your ver with G/B 1. grain. harvest. joy. You have visited the land God’s watercourses 2. D ful har vest. flow with it. Thus have you prepared Softening it 3. clods. filled. land: showers. You have crowned the year with The untilled meadows 4. fruit har vest. grain. yield. Drenching its furrows. And the valleys blanket ed They shout and sing watered it. hills. breaking up Bless ing rich 3. 11. Greatly have you You have pared pre 2. al le D Al lu ia. © 1977.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. al Bm7 le lu ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. cont. All rights reserved. 107 A er. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. . D ia. is Organ G/B A/C All who Bm D come to him Em/G will have life Asus4 for ev Music: Owen Alstott. A G Christ Asus4 A the sow er. 1990. lu le lu A sus 4 A7 le al lu Verse: (Cantor) D Gmaj7/B The seed is Asus4 the word of God. al le G ia. ia. OCP. Gsus4 G giv ing. prayer come deeds. 15–16 (106) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. O LORD. delity. G up my your are fi your on you. You. name. me. O LORD . . O 2. All the nations you have For you are great. and a lone You and 3. You. and you do 3. gracious. pleading. and have F Dm/C C good and LORD.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 20 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 86:5–6. abounding in kindness to Give your strength 108 giving. 9–10. servant. to my made shall wondrous merciful and pity on for F/A call 1. C Lord. Abounding in kindness to all who of And attend to the sound glori fy 2. and for Verses: (Cantor or SATB) C 1. are Hearken. good and for [F] C you are F Dm7 good giv ing. God. Slow to anger. O LORD . are a God Turn toward me. And worship you. (C) D (D) E lu ia. . Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A (Em) Fm Bless ed (Cmaj7) D maj7 you have are Fa you. (C) D ther. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. Matthew 11:25 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 re vealed to lit Lord (Bm) Cm tle ones (F 7/C ) G 7/D of heav en (Em7) Fm7 (Am7) B m7 the mys t’ries of Music: Owen Alstott. al le (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. al le lu ia. 109 (B) C and earth. © 1977. OCP. (Dsus4) E sus4 the king (D) E dom. lu ia. al le lu le le lu lu ia. cont. 1990. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: le (G) A Al div. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. All rights reserved. According to your promise to For your law is my 3. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) F (Bm) Dm 1. light. serve them. hate. More than gold. crees. Let your Let your compassion come to me that 3. I Capo 3: (Bm) Dm Lord. 129–130 (109) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. Wonderful are The revelation of your said. me kind I your I your words (Em) Gm 1. 76–77. light.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 119:57. . (D) F your com mands. precious comfort me live. I love your (Em) Gm (Em/A) Gm/C love com mands. Every false way 4. 127–128. servants. (A) C your ver your de howev er I ob the sil 110 words. pieces. That my part is to keep Than thousands of gold and 2. 72. fine. mands forward. I have The law of your mouth is to 2. Therefore I Giving understanding to O more ness may com go de sheds LORD. simple. For I love For in all your precepts 4. (Dsus4) E sus4 the king (D) E dom. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: (G) A Al le div. . (Am7) B m7 lit Lord (Bm) Cm tle ones (F 7/C ) G 7/D of heav (Em7) Fm7 en (Am7) B m7 the mys t’ries of Music: Owen Alstott. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A Bless (Em) Fm ed are (Cmaj7) D maj7 for Fa you. 111 (B) C and earth. Matthew 11:25 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al le lu le le lu lu ia. al le lu ia. al le (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. OCP. © 1977. (C) D (D) E lu ia. lu ia. All rights reserved. (G/B) A /C you have re vealed to (C) D ther. 1990. cont. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. The LORD is gracious and mer ci 2. thing. 15–16. The LORD is near to all who call up F m/A ful. The eyes of all look hopefully to 3. ways Slow to anger and of great And you give them their food in due And holy in all his Bm kindness. The LORD is just in all his A 1. works. And compassionate toward all his And satisfy the desire of every living To all who call upon him in works. you. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D A/C 1. 112 . The LORD is good to 2. truth. D G/B A all hand on him. feeds Em7 he our needs. A D an swers all our needs. season.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:8–9. 17–18 (112) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The D The hand Dmaj7 hand D of the Lord G of the Lord A/G an swers all F m7 Bm7 us. You open your 3. lu ia. Dm7 from but on G G sus4 the mouth of Music: Owen Alstott. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. . le Dm le al Verse: (Cantor or SATB) C F/C One does F G ev ’ry word not live on Am that comes forth C bread a lone. al le lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al lu le ia. C al Em ia. cont. 1990. G C lu ia. 113 God. OCP.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. F G lu ia. © 1977. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 4:4b Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. Lord. 10. The LORD —for he pro Glory dwelling in 2. Kindness and truth Truth shall spring out of 3. Justice and peace And justice shall look down 3.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 10 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85:9. fear him. Our land shall yield And prepare the way of claims. land. Capo 2: Lord. I will hear what God Near indeed is his salvation to those 2. and grant us your (Bm) C m (G) (A) A B ness. benefits. let (D) E (D/C ) E/D (G/B) A/C let us see your kind us see. increase. meet. kiss. 13–14 (115) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant div. heaven. (D) E tion. earth. The LORD himself will give Justice shall walk (A) B (G/B) A/C 1. va (Asus4) (A) (Dsus4) Bsus4 B Esus4 Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) E sal sal va tion. fore him. . steps. and grant us your (A) B 1. 11–12. pro who shall the his be claims 114 our shall from its his peace. A sus 4 A7 le al lu Verse: (Cantor) D I wait for G/B A/C the Lord. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. Bm7 le lu ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. Organ Music: Owen Alstott. A my soul waits for his word. 1990. OCP. al le D Al lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 19TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. cont. al le lu al le lu G ia. D ia. © 1977. . Psalm 130:5 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. All rights reserved. 115 ia. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: At the Vigil Mass August 14 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 132:6–7, 9–10, 13–14 (621) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord, Capo 3: (D) F Lord, go div. up, go (A) (Bm) C Dm go up to your (Em) Gm rest, you and your ho (F ) A (Em) Gm up to the place of your rest, (A) C (Em) (D) (G) (A) Gm F B C (D) F you and the ark of your ho Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm 1. Behold, we heard of Let us 2. May your priests be For the sake of 3. For the LORD has “Zion is my resting (A) C en (G) B in his with your sen for it ter clothed David cho place Ephrathah; dwelling, justice; servant, Zion; ever; (D) F 1. We found it in Let us 2. Let your faithful ones shout Reject not the plea 3. He prefers In her will I dwell, (A) C the wor ship mer ri of her for fields at ly your for I 116 of his for a his pre li Jaar. footstool. joy. nointed. dwelling. fer her.” li ness. (D) F ness. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: AT THE VIGIL MASS, cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Luke 11:28 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia, G/B A sus4 lu ia, al A le lu G al ia, Dadd9 le lu al D le lu ia. A7/C D lu ia. Asus4 A D G/B ia, al le Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D Bless ed G/B A7 are they who hear the word of G Bm God and ob serve and Music: Owen Alstott, © 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. 117 it. ob serve it. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: At the Mass during the Day August 15 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 45:10, 11, 12, 16 (622) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The queen Capo 3: is (D) F The queen ar rayed in (Bm) Dm (D/A) F/C (Em7) Gm7 stands at your right hand, ar rayed (G/D) (D) B /F F in Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (A) C (Bm) Dm 1. 2. 3. 4. (G) B your The queen takes her place at turn Hear, O daughter, and see; de sire So shall the king gladness They are borne in with right your your and hand ear, beauty; joy; (D) F 1. 2. 3. 4. In gold Forget your people and For pal They enter the (A) C of your O fa is of he ace 118 ther’s your the gold. phir. house. lord. king. gold. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A Mar y (Em) Fm is tak (D/F ) (G) E /G A en up to heav en. al le lu le le lu lu ia. (C) D (D) E lu ia. (Em) Fm a cho (C) D rus of an Music: Owen Alstott. . al (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. All rights reserved. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: le (G) A Al div. 119 (G/B) A /C (C) D (Dsus4) (D) E sus4 E gels ex ults. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. lu ia. OCP. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. cont.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: AT THE MASS DURING THE DAY. al le le lu ia. © 1977. 1990. 8 (118) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant O God. May all the And may all the ends of the praise shine your ples earth peo earth up sal in you ples 120 on us. G D 1. equity. peo 2. May the nations be glad and ( 3. we praise Am/G G O God. praise you! fear him! Dsus4 D you! G you! . let all C the na tions Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em Am/C 1. ult ) God. May he let his face Among all nations. guide.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 67:2–3. Because you rule the The nations on the 3. 5. earth. vation. 6. May God have pity on us and So may your way be known upon 2. May the peoples praise you. O May God ex bless us. bless us. OCP. © 1977. F G lu ia. G C lu ia. Matthew 4:23 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al le lu ia. cont. Verse: (Cantor) F G Dm Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom Am and cured every disease among the Organ Music: Owen Alstott. . Am Am/G Fmaj7 al lu le al C Em ia. le Dm al le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 20TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. All rights reserved. 121 G people. 1990. truth: in me. answered me. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm (F m) Am 1. the work (Em7) Gm7 (G) B do not for sake (A) C the work nal. you 3. Because of your kindness You built up 3. O LORD . ever. of your hands.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time August 24 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 138:1–2. praise. 2–3. sees. . I will give thanks to you. For you have heard the words I will worship at your 2. far. your love your love is e is e ter ter nal. (F m) Am (Bm) Dm of your hands. yet the lowly he Your kindness. O L ORD. hands. with all my In the presence of the angels I will sing your 2. Capo 3: (Bm/A) (Gmaj7) Dm/C B maj7 (Bm) Dm Lord. endures for (Em/G) Gm/B 1. (F ) A of ho and strength from of my ly your with a your 122 mouth. name. The LORD is exalted. is e ter nal. temple. 6. 8 (121) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. And the proud he knows Forsake not the work heart. I will give thanks to your When I called. ia. Verse: (Cantor) A/C Bm You are Pe ter and up on D this rock Em I Bm will build my Church Organ D6/A and Asus4 G the gates of the neth er world shall not pre Music: Owen Alstott. All rights reserved. al le lu al le lu G ia. A . OCP. © 1977. Bm7 le Al lu ia. 123 vail a gainst it. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. al le D lu ia. A sus 4 A7 le al lu D ia. 1990. cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 16:18 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 63:2, 3–4, 5–6, 8–9 (124) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant div. My Capo 3: My soul, (D) F soul my soul (Em7) Gm7 is thirst is (D) F ing for O you, Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm ing (G) B (A7) C7 (D) F Lord my God. (A) C 1. O God, you are my God whom Like the earth, 2. Thus have I gazed toward you in For your kindness is a greater good 3. Thus will I bless you while As with the riches of a banquet shall my soul 4. You are My soul clings fast I the than I be my to (Em) Gm 1. For you my flesh pines and my Lifeless and 2. To see your power My lips shall glo 3. Lifting up my hands, I will call up And with exultant lips my 4. And in the shadow of your wings I right Your thirst seek; parched, sanctuary life; live; satisfied, help, you; (A) C soul with and ri on mouth shout hand 124 out your fy your shall for up thirsts water. glory, you. name. praise you. joy. holds me. for God. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, cont. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. Ephesians 1:17–18 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia, al le D Al lu ia, Bm7 le lu ia, al le lu al le G ia, al lu ia. A sus 4 A7 le lu D ia. Verse: (Cantor) A/C D May the Father of our Lord Je sus Christ D Em7/B en lighten the eyes of our hearts, Organ Em/G that we may know what D/F is the hope that G be longs Music: Owen Alstott, © 1977, 1990, OCP. All rights reserved. 125 A to our call. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 7 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 95:1–2, 6–7, 8–9 (127) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant If Capo 3: (Em) Gm (Bm) Dm If to to day, hard en (Bm) Dm (G) B hear his voice, day you not your hearts. (F m) Am hard en (Bm) Dm not your hearts. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (A7/E) C7/G (Em) Gm 1. Come, let us sing joyfully to 2. Come, let us bow down 3. Oh, that today you would hear the in his (D) F Let us acclaim va the rock of our sal tion. worship; Let us kneel before the LORD who made us. voice: hearts as at Meri bah, “Harden not your LORD; Ped. (F m) Am (Em7/B) Gm7/D 1. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiv ing; 2. For he is our 3. As in the day of Massah in the des ert, (Bm) Dm Let us joyfully sing psalms to him. God, And we are the people he shepherds, Where your fathers 126 (G/B) B /D ( the flock he (Bm) Dm ) guides. tempted me; they tested me though they had seen my works.” lu ia. 1990. 127 i Asus4 A a tion. A7/C D lu ia. OCP. . cont. A le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: 2 Corinthians 5:19 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. All rights reserved. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. le al Verse: (Cantor) D A/C God was rec on cil Dmaj7/A Bm ing the world to him self Gmaj7 Christ in Organ F m7 A9/G and en G trust ing to us the Em7 D/A mes sage of rec on cil Music: Owen Alstott. al G/B A sus4 lu ia. G al al Dadd9 le lu D le G/B ia. Hearken. And lied to him with Nor were they faithful to 4. But he. roused. old. tongues. While he slew them they Remembering that God was their 3. forgave their Often he turned back his teaching. not. gain. my people. And inquired after God And the Most High God. deemer.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78:1bc–2. their 3. being merciful. sought him rock mouths him. covenant. sin anger (F ) A (Em) Gm 1. to my I will open my mouth in a 2. And destroyed And let none of his wrath my of a re their his them be 128 mouth. But they flattered him with their Though their hearts were not steadfast toward 4. . Incline your ears to the words of I will utter mysteries from 2. parable. 38 (638) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Do Capo 3: Do (Bm) Dm not (Em) (F ) (Bm) Gm Dm A not for get the for (Em) Gm get the Lord! (F sus4) (F m) A sus 4 Am works of the (Bm) Dm Lord! Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm (F m) Am 1. 36–37. 34–35. lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al Verse: (Cantor) Am We le O le Am7 Dm Christ. G C lu ia. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. OCP. © 1977. C al Em Dm ia. Am7 your Cross you have le E Organ Am le G re deemed the world. All rights reserved.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS. al cause G by we bless be you. F G lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. 129 lu ia. and lu ia. cont. 1990. Music: Owen Alstott. . al a dore you. . works. praised. truth. all ways on him. Every day will I Great is the LORD and highly to be 2. merciful. works. (D) F him. 17–18 (133) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Lord is near Capo 3: (D) Lord all (Em/D) Gm/F F The to is near who call (A7sus4) (A7) C7sus4 C7 (G) B all to on who call up on him. Slow to anger and of And compassionate toward 3. 8–9. kindness.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 21 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:2–3. searchable. And I will praise your name His greatness 2. The L ORD is just in all his The L ORD is near to all who call up bless you. (Gmaj7) B maj7 1. And holy in To all who call (A) C forev up er and is un great his all his all on him in 130 ever. The L ORD is gracious and The L ORD is good to 3. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (D) F (A) C 1. Acts of the Apostles 16:14b Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. G/B to lis A ten to the words Music: Owen Alstott. cont. 131 of your Son. OCP. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. All rights reserved. O Lord. al le D lu ia. 1990. al le lu al le G ia. . al lu ia. A sus 4 A7 le lu D ia. Bm7 le Al lu ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) A/C D O pen our hearts. LORD . Good and upright is the He guides the humble to known to me. LORD . Thus he shows And teaches the (F ) A re good sin hum me God from mem ness. way. 6–7. ners ble your my of ber O the his paths. 8–9 (136) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Capo 3: Re mem (Bm) Dm (G) B Re mem ber. old. (Em9) Gm9 1. (Em) Gm (D) F ber your O (G) (Bm7) (Em) B Dm7 Gm mer cies.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25:4–5. (Bm) Dm Lord. O The sins of my In your kindness re 3. LORD . O Lord. Teach For you are 2. make Guide me in your truth and 2. way. youth member me. savior. And your love are And my frailties Because of your 3. not. teach me. Remember that your compassion. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm (F m) Am 1. 132 . Your ways. justice. O LORD . A Music: Owen Alstott. 1990. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. OCP. A7/C D lu ia. G al al Dadd9 le lu D le G/B ia. I lu ia. A le lu ia. and they A sus4 A D voice. © 1977. All rights reserved. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 10:27 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. . says the my G Asus4 fol low Lord. 133 D me. al G/B A sus4 lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 26TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. cont. al le Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D D7 My sheep G hear A/C Bm D/A know them. then we G/B is the house Lord 1. the house Cadd9 C D Verses: (Cantor or SATB) G Am/C 1. walls. Give us new life. hand self on shall 134 G and the its up and has made your be planted it. vine. waste. God of hosts. 13–14. 15–16. G ra el. saved. man draw from you. River. . strong. and we will call up If your face shine upon us. ra C el. on it? see. hosts. of Is of Is Em trans the its it of this of with re planted. name. fruit.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 80:9. planted. 12. 19–20 (139) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The vine G The yard Gmaj7/B vine yard of the of the Lord. You drove away the na Its shoots as far 2. Then we will no more O L ORD . store us. So that every passer-by And the beasts of the field 3. Sea. A vine from Egypt you It put forth its foliage to 2. O L ORD Take care of The son 4. Once again. D tions as plucks feed en. Look down from heav And protect what your right your Whom you 4. Why have you broken down The boar from the forest lays 3. the G world. Music: Owen Alstott. al A le lu ia. G/B A sus4 lu ia. A7/C D lu ia. G al Dadd9 le lu have F sus4 F Lord. 135 D lu ia. cont. John 15:16 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. . All rights reserved. says the Asus4 A fruit that will re main. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. cho D to D le G/B ia. 1990. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D A/C Bm I al al le Em sen A/C go and bear you from Bm Bm/A fruit. © 1977. OCP. In verdant ( 2. your my my Am7/C Am7 1. life.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1–3a. The LORD is my he Beside restful waters 2. 3b–4. all the days. come. paths side fore me follow me shall I refresh es He name’s For his and With your rod of In the sight of All the days pastures valley oil. soul. ) evil. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) G 1. sake. courage. leads me. staff foes. You anoint my head with 4. 5. Only goodness and kind ness C Am G/B shepherd. D the G days of my life. You spread the table be 4. He guides me in right my For you are at 3. LORD *to Response 136 He gives me ) I fear no That give me My cup For years to want. Even though I walk in the dark ( 3. And I shall dwell in the house of the not my D re over pose. flows. 6 (142) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant I shall live with the Lord G Em Am I shall live D in the house of all the days G C the Lord all Lord of my life.* . al le lu le G ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. Ephesians 1:17–18 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al Bm7 le lu ia. cont. . Organ Em/G D/F so that we may know what is the hope that G be longs Music: Owen Alstott. 1990. 137 A to our call. (2) Gospel Acclamation: cf. All rights reserved. al le D Al lu ia. A sus 4 A7 le al lu D ia. lu ia. Verse: (Cantor) A/C D May the Father of Our Lord Je sus Christ D Em7/B en lighten the eyes of our hearts.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. OCP. © 1977. Give to the LORD. nations. 7–8. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) 1. beyond But the LORD made 3. in holy Say among the nations: The LORD is or. king. nought. For great is the L ORD and highly to be For all the gods of the nations are things of 3. all He governs the peoples (A) B won you drous all the and his the with 138 (D) E or. Sing to the LORD . nations. Sing to the LORD a Tell his glory among the 2. his 2. equity. you families of Give to the LORD the glory due his 4. Awesome is he. name! tire. 4–5. (D) E lands. 9–10 (145) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Give Capo 2: (D) E Give (Bm) C m him glo (Asus4) Bsus4 the Lord glo ry. gods. all Among all peoples. at new song. (A) (D) B E give him hon (G) A (Asus4) (A7) Bsus4 B7 ry and hon (G/B) A/C (D) E (Asus4) Bsus4 1. Give to the LORD glory Bring gifts. Worship the LORD. earth. . praised. courts. heavens. Tremble before him. deeds. and enter 4.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96:1. 3. praise. Organ Music: Owen Alstott. 16a Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. le Dm le al Verse: (Cantor) F G Am Shine like lights in the world Dm G as you hold on to the word of life. al le lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al le lu ia. © 1977. 1990. F G lu ia. OCP. cont. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. G C lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Philippians 2:15d. C al Em ia. 139 lu ia. All rights reserved. . rock! king G liverer. My God. claim. Em I love you. nointed. Lord. I love you. Am D Em Lord. my 2. I ex 3. stronghold! enemies. 47. my fortress. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) Em Am/C 1. 3–4. O LORD. my rock of Praised be the L ORD . O L ORD . my And I am safe from my 3. 140 . savior. refuge. my rock. 51 (148) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant I love you. the horn of my salvation. Extolled be God my And showed kindness to your a strength. my de 2. My shield. my strength. my strength.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 18:2–3. The L ORD lives and blessed be my You who gave great victories to your D 1. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 14:23 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. © 1977. cont. . Organ Em7 and my Fa A7 ther will love Bm him Em A D and we will come to him. G/B A sus4 lu ia. Music: Owen Alstott. 141 le le lu ia. 1990. G al Dadd9 le lu al D G/B ia. A7/C D lu ia. VII Optional Descant Al le D Al le lu ia. al Verse: (Cantor) F m Who Bm7 ev G D/A er loves me will keep my word.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. al A le lu ia. A says the Lord. OCP. All rights reserved. 5–6 (667) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Lord. seas LORD? clean. Or who may stand in his holy Who desires not what is 3. LORD. The world and those who And established it upon the 2. The LORD’s are the earth and its For he founded it upon the 2. 3–4ab. D face. this G your peo Asus4 A is the peo ple long D to see your G ple that longs Asus4 A7 to Verses: (Cantor or SATB) D G 1. place? vain.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers All Saints November 1 This solemnity is not observed as a holy day of obligation in 2014. savior. according to USCCB’s Liturgical Calendar. A reward from God his That seeks the face of the God of 142 see your face. whose heart is 3. . He shall receive a blessing from the Such is the race that fullness. D Dsus4 D Lord. seeks him. A G/B dwell in it. Who can ascend the mountain of the One whose hands are sinless. Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 24:1bc–2. 1. rivers. Jacob. G C lu ia. . © 1977. you all E sus 4 E la bor who la B 7 G7/B Dm and I will give E/D bor Am/C and are bur and are bur C you rest. G says dened Music: Owen Alstott. F G lu ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) Am Come F Cmaj7/G to me. cont. Am Am/G Fmaj7 al C lu le al Em le Dm ia. OCP. All rights reserved. al le lu ia. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers ALL SAINTS. 1990. 143 dened. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 11:28 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al le lu ia. the Lord. The LORD is my he Beside restful waters 2. Only goodness and kind ness C Am G shepherd. courage. noth ing G there is noth ing I shall want. leads me. flows. Am7 I C shall G want. evil. LORD ) He gives me I fear no That give me My cup For years to re over pose. my G The Lord shep Am is my shep herd.** . life. for you are with me. I fear no evil. there is D herd. your my my D Am7 1. *Alternate response: “Though I walk in the valley of darkness. 144 soul. You anoint my head with 4. pastures valley oil. You spread the table be 4. In verdant 2. He guides me in right For you are at my 3. Even though I walk in the dark ( 3. And I shall dwell in the house of the want. Second Typical Edition no. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) G 1. 6 (668.” **to Response For alternate Responsorial Psalms.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) November 2 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1–3a.1) *Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Lord. come. 5. 3b–4. 668. staff foes. paths side fore me follow me shall I refresh es He For his name’s With your rod and In the sight of All the days of not my sake. see Lectionary for Mass. Verse: (Cantor) Am Come. see Lectionary for Mass. 668. al C Em ia. in her 3 it 3 the king dom pre Organ Dm pared G for you C 3 from the foun da G sus4 F tion of the G world. V Optional Descant Al le C Al le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 25:34 (668. al le lu Am Am/G Fmaj7 al le lu ia. OCP. Am7 3 Fmaj7 3 you who are blessed by my Fa C ther. 1990. © 1977. le Dm le al lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY). All rights reserved. Music: Owen Alstott. 145 . Second Typical Edition no. F G lu ia. G C lu ia.1) Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. cont. For alternate Gospel Acclamation Verses. LORD . we fear not. Jacob. Our stronghold is the The astounding things he has our be of dis is the (G) B in of of break God wrought 146 strength. 5–6. (Em7) Gm7 dis the the of of on tress. (Em7) Gm7 the holy dwelling of Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm (D) F 1. though the earth 2. shaken God. An ever-present help And mountains plunge into the depths 2.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 46:2–3. Most High. The holy dwelling God will help it at the 3. turbed. dawn. The LORD of hosts Come! behold the deeds of (Em7) Gm7 1. God is our refuge and Therefore. sea. earth. 8–9 (671) Response: (Organ/SATB) Capo 3: (D) F (Bm) (Em) Dm Gm The waters of the river (D) F gladden the ci ty of God. it shall not be 3. There is a stream whose runlets gladden the city God is in its midst. with us. (D) F the Most High! . VII Optional Descant Al le D le Al lu ia. G/B A sus4 lu ia. says the Lord. . G al Dadd9 le lu al D G/B ia. 147 le le lu ia.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA. OCP. al A le lu ia. Organ G that my name A sus4 3 may be there for ev A7 er. cont. All rights reserved. al Verse: (Cantor) D A G I have cho sen and con A 3 se D crat ed this house. © 1977. 1990. 3 Music: Owen Alstott. (2) Gospel Acclamation: 2 Chronicles 7:16 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. A7/C D lu ia. Behold. home. The L ORD bless you from All the days of your (D) E ways! favored. table. thus is the man blessed who fears the Je May you see the prosperity of (A) B 1.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128:1–2. 3. handiwork. Your wife shall be like a fruitful Your children like 3. who Verses: (Cantor or SATB) (G/B) A/C (D) E 1. Who walk in his Blessed shall you be. vine olive plants LORD. rusalem . (D) E (A7) B7 the fear Lord. Blessed are you who fear the For you shall eat the fruit of your 2. and 2. In the recesses of your Around your 3. 4–5 (157) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant Bless ed those (D) E (A) B (Bm) C m Bless Bless ed are ed. who those bless ed those who Bless ed those Capo 2: are who (D/A) E/B fear (G) A the Lord. 148 LORD. Zion: life. Music: Owen Alstott. al le lu al le G ia. 5b Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. Bm7 le lu ia. cont. Bm Lord. A sus 4 A7 le al Verse: (Cantor) D A/C Remain in me as I remain in A7 says you. 149 lu lu ia. D ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: John 15:4a. the Organ G Whoever remains in D G/B me bears A much fruit. al le D Al lu ia. . 1990. OCP. All rights reserved.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. © 1977. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. G . I shall not 2. there is Am/C is my shep G/B D/A there is herd.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Our Lord Jesus Christ. leads me. You spread the table You anoint my head with 4. C/G shall want. paths fore me oil. The LORD is my shepherd. Beside restful waters he He guides me in right 3. He refreshes my For his 3. flows. King of the Universe November 23 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1–2. 150 I shall Am7 I want. name’s sake. follow me LORD G re over pose. my G The Lord shep herd. In verdant pastures he gives me 2. foes. 5–6 (160) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Lord. In the sight of my My cup 4. noth ing noth ing Verses: (Cantor or SATB) C G 1. come. life. 2–3. soul. Only goodness and kindness And I shall dwell in the house of the D 1. All the days of my For years to be want. 10 Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. al Bm7 le lu ia. al le D Al lu ia. al le le lu G ia. VI Optional Descant Al le lu ia. OCP. cont. KING OF THE UNIVERSE. 151 ia. 1990.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. D ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: Mark 11:9. All rights reserved. lu A sus 4 A7 le al lu Verse: (Cantor or SATB) D Blessed is he who G G/D A in comes A/G Blessed is the kingdom of our fa the name D of D ther Da the Lord! G/B vid that is A to come! Music: Owen Alstott. . © 1977. you servants of the Blessed be the name of the 2. high low? poor. ever. heavens dust. Verses: (Cantor or SATB) G C 1. see Lectionary for Mass. princes. people. 152 . Praise. our And looks upon the 4. Who is enthroned on And the earth 4. Praise the name of the Both now and 2. From the rising to the setting of the High above all nations is the 3. 3–4.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Thanksgiving Day November 27 Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 113:1–2. For alternate Responsorial Psalms. D G er. Is the name of the L ORD to be Above the heavens is his 3. 7–8 (945. God.2) Response: (Organ/SATB) [or: Alleluia. 945. From the dunghill he lifts up the With the princes of his own for be LORD .] Optional Descant Bless the name G Bless ed be of the D G Em the name of Lord for D sus4 C the Lord ev for ev er. praised. Who is like the L ORD . He raises up the lowly from the To seat them with LORD . Second Typical Edition no. 5–6. LORD sun LORD . glory. Am D 1. al lu le le lu ia. (2) Gospel Acclamation: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (946.7) Acclamation: (Organ/SATB) NO. 946. cont. the Music: Owen Alstott. lu ia. OCP. 1990. Second Typical Edition no. al (G/B) A /C (Am7) B m7 ia. All rights reserved. 153 . For alternate Gospel Acclamation Verses. IV Optional Descant Al Capo 1: (G) A Al le div. © 1977. see Lectionary for Mass. give thanks. (C) D (D) E lu ia. al (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G (Em) Fm (C) D ia. Verse: (Cantor or SATB) (G) A In (Bm7/F ) Cm7/G all cir (Em) Fm cum stan ces. (G/B) A /C will of God (Am7) B m7 for you in Christ (C) D for this is (C) D (D) E Je sus.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers THANKSGIVING DAY. al le lu le le lu ia. Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Selected Psalm for Funerals Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 103:8 & 10. 13–14. (D) F 1. Slow to anger. So the LORD has compassion on those He remembers that we 3. ci ful. For alternate Responsorial Psalms for funerals. formed. children. gone. fear him. crimes. deal with us. OCP. his precepts.” Music: Owen Alstott. see Lectionary for Mass. 17–18 (1013. Like a flower of the field And his place knows him 4. grass. Man’s days are like those of The wind sweeps over him and he is 4. Alternate response: “The salvation of the just comes from the Lord. more. children (Em) Gm (A7) C7 abound ing 1. Second Typical Edition #1013. blooms. e ternity. But the kindness of the LORD is from And his justice toward children’s LORD . dust. and Nor does he requite us according to 2. Merciful and gracious is the Not according to our sins does he 2. To eternity toward those Among those who keep his covenant and remember to ful fill in our who are he no who kindness. © 1977. 15–16. As a father has compassion on his For he knows how we are 3. All rights reserved. 154 . 1990.6) Response: (Organ/SATB) Optional Descant The Capo 3: The Lord is (D) F Lord is kind and mer (Gmaj7) B maj7 (D) F (Em7) Gm7 kind and ci (D) F mer Verses: Cantor or SATB) (Bm) Dm ful. fear him. Mary and Joseph December 29 24 Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) April 18 62 Solemnity of Mary.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Celebrations Index First Sunday of Advent December 1 4 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16 40 Second Sunday of Advent December 8 6 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 23 42 Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time March 2 44 Ash Wednesday March 5 46 First Sunday of Lent March 9 48 Second Sunday of Lent March 16 50 Third Sunday of Lent March 23 52 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 30 54 Fifth Sunday of Lent April 6 56 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 13 58 Thursday of the Lord’s Supper (Holy Thursday): At the Evening Mass April 17 60 The Holy Family of Jesus. the Holy Mother of God January 1 26 The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night April 19 64 The Epiphany of the Lord January 5 28 The Baptism of the Lord January 12 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord: At the Mass during the Day April 20 76 30 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 19 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 9 8 Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12 10 Third Sunday of Advent December 15 12 Fourth Sunday of Advent December 22 14 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Vigil Mass December 24 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass during the Night December 25 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass at Dawn December 25 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas): At the Mass during the Day December 25 16 18 20 22 32 Second Sunday of Easter (or Sunday of Divine Mercy) April 27 78 34 Third Sunday of Easter May 4 80 The Presentation of the Lord February 2 36 Fourth Sunday of Easter May 11 82 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 9 38 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 18 84 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 26 155 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Celebrations Index. King of the Universe November 23 150 Thanksgiving Day November 27 152 Selected Psalm for Funerals 154 Copyrights & Credits 164 156 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . (2) Sixth Sunday of Easter May 25 86 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17 120 The Ascension of the Lord May 29 88 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time August 24 122 Seventh Sunday of Easter June 1 90 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31 124 Pentecost Sunday: At the Vigil Mass June 7 92 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 7 126 Pentecost Sunday: At the Mass during the Day June 8 94 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14 128 The Most Holy Trinity June 15 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 21 130 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 28 132 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5 134 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12 136 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19 138 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26 140 All Saints November 1 142 The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) November 2 144 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9 146 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16 148 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) June 22 Saints Peter and Paul. Apostles: At the Mass during the Day June 29 102 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6 104 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13 106 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 20 108 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27 110 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3 112 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 10 114 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: At the Vigil Mass August 14 116 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: At the Mass during the Day August 15 118 Our Lord Jesus Christ. cont. Apostles: At the Vigil Mass June 28 96 98 100 Saints Peter and Paul. 5–6������������������������������� 22 1–2. 55����������������������������������� 96 Gospel Acclamations Book Chapter Verses Page 2 Chronicles �����7 16��������������������������������������������������� 147 Psalm ���������������85 8��������������������������������������������������������� 5 Psalm ���������������95 8������������������������������������������������������� 47 Psalm �������������130 5����������������������������������������������������� 115 Isaiah ���������������61 1������������������������������������������������������� 13 Matthew �����������1 23����������������������������������������������������� 15 Matthew �����������2 2������������������������������������������������������� 29 Matthew �����������4 4b��������������������������������������������� 49. 120 1–2. 111 Matthew ���������11 28��������������������������������������������������� 143 Matthew ���������16 18������������������������������������������� 103. 4. 5–6. 4. 11–12. 22–23��������������������� 74. 4��������������������������������������������������� 71 10. 5. 34–35. 5–6. 24. 6–7. 9–10. 13–14. 8. 76 Psalm �������������122 Psalm �������������128 Psalm �������������130 Psalm �������������132 Psalm �������������138 Psalm �������������145 Psalm �������������145 Psalm �������������145 Psalm �������������146 Psalm �������������147 Isaiah ���������������12 Daniel ���������������3 Verses Page 2–4. 11����������������������� 80 5. 6–7. 34������������������������� 94 4–5. 17–18����� 154 1–2. 7–8. 4–5������������������������������� 24. 18–19������������������������������� 84 4–5. 10–11. 47. 2–3. Scriptural Index Responsorial Psalms Book Chapter Exodus �������������15 Judith ���������������13 Psalm ���������������16 Psalm ���������������16 Psalm ���������������18 Psalm ���������������19 Psalm ���������������19 Psalm ���������������22 Psalm ���������������23 Psalm ���������������23 Psalm ���������������24 Psalm ���������������24 Psalm ���������������24 Psalm ���������������25 Psalm ���������������27 Psalm ���������������27 Psalm ���������������29 Psalm ���������������30 Psalm ���������������31 Psalm ���������������33 Psalm ���������������33 Psalm ���������������33 Psalm ���������������34 Psalm ���������������40 Psalm ���������������42 Psalm ���������������43 Psalm ���������������45 Psalm ���������������46 Psalm ���������������47 Psalm ���������������51 Psalm ���������������51 Psalm ���������������51 Psalm ���������������62 Psalm ���������������63 Psalm ���������������65 Psalm ���������������66 Psalm ���������������67 Psalm ���������������72 Psalm ���������������72 Psalm ���������������78 Psalm ���������������80 Psalm ���������������85 Psalm ���������������86 Psalm ���������������89 Psalm ���������������95 Psalm ���������������96 Psalm ���������������96 Psalm ���������������97 Psalm ���������������98 Psalm ���������������98 Psalm �������������103 Psalm �������������103 Psalm �������������104 Psalm �������������104 Psalm �������������104 Psalm �������������112 Psalm �������������113 Psalm �������������116 Psalm �������������118 Book Chapter Psalm �������������118 Psalm �������������119 Psalm �������������119 Verses Page 1–2. 17–18����������������������������� 130 8–9. 6–7. 8–9����������������������������� 124 10. 11–12. 7–8������������������������� 152 12–13. 12. 4. 19–20����������������������� 98 2–3. 4. 25��������������� 62 1–2. 10����������������������������������������������� 151 Luke �����������������1 28������������������������������������������������������� 9 Luke �����������������2 10–11����������������������������������������������� 19 Luke �����������������2 14����������������������������������������������������� 21 Luke �����������������2 32����������������������������������������������������� 37 Luke �����������������3 4. 6. 3–4ab. 16. 8������������������������������� 26. 9. 27–28. 11��������������������������������������� 70 8–9. 5–6����������������������������������� 14 1bc–2. 18–19����������������������� 73 2–3. 3cd–4��������������������������������� 8 1. 53. 127–128. 8–9. 19��������������������������������������� 10 1–2. 17. 6–7. 17��������������������������� 6 1bc–2. 8–9��������������������������� 52. 8–9����������������������������������� 38 1–2. 6. 76–77. 22��������������������������� 50 2–3. 5. 5–6ab. 36–37. 22–24��������������������������� 78 1–2. 19–20����������� 134 9. 9–10. 2–3. 16–17. 8–9����������������������������������� 44 2. 144 1–2. 8–9����������������������������������� 88 3–4. 5–6. 3–4. 13–15. 9–10. 3. 24. 3–4. 8–9��������������������������������� 132 1. 6–7. 7–8������������������������������������������� 90 1. 12–13. 14–15. 13–14��������������������������� 116 1–2. 15����������������������������������������������� 53 John �������������������6 51����������������������������������������������������� 99 John �������������������8 12����������������������������������������������� 39. 14–15. 5–6������������������������� 142 7. 35. 30��������������� 92 1. 3–4. 9–10. 109. 55 John �����������������10 14����������������������������������������������������� 83 John �����������������10 27��������������������������������������������������� 133 John �����������������11 25a. 5. 136. 20. 7–8. 51����������������������������� 140 2–3. 9. 29��������������������������� 16 1–2. 5–6��������������������������������������� 69 52. 5–6. 10. 26��������������������������������������������� 57 John �����������������13 34����������������������������������������������������� 61 John �����������������14 6������������������������������������������������������� 85 John �����������������14 18����������������������������������������������������� 91 John �����������������14 23����������������������������������������������87. 12–13��������������������� 42 8 and 10. 16–17. 35������� 64 1–2. 11. 17–18. 15–16. 13–14. 8��������������������������������� 122 1–2. 3–4. 15–16. 12–13. 20����������������������� 86 2–3. 10. 12–13. To obtain copies. 13–14����������������� 104 2–3. 12.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Assembly Psalm Responses and Gospel Acclamations are now available separately. 8–9. please contact your OCP Customer Service Representative at 1-800-LITURGY (548-8749). 13������������������������� 68 2. 14 and 17��������� 46 12–13. 3–4. 15–16. 8–9��������������������� 4 1–2. 11–12. 3–4. 20b������������������������������������������� 89 Mark �����������������9 7������������������������������������������������������� 31 Mark ���������������11 9. 9–10��������������������������������� 12 12–13. 5��������������������������������������������������� 71 3. 4–5. 17–18������������������� 60 1–2. 7–8. 13–14. 24. 31. 3–4. 12. 8–9. 6. 13–14��������������������������������������� 34 1–2. 5–6. 4. 10����������������������������� 32 3. 126 1–2. 6����������������������������������������������������� 7 Luke ���������������11 28��������������������������������������������������� 117 Luke ���������������24 32����������������������������������������������������� 81 John �������������������1 14a. 17–18������������������������� 112 6–7. 10. 18–19. 141 John �����������������15 4a. 6��������� 54. 27. 17–18����������������������� 67 18bcde. 82. 10–11. 33–34������������������� 40 57. 3–4. 11����������������������������������� 66 2–3. 129–130������������������������������� 110 1–2. 2–3ab. 10. 4–5. 12–13. 38��������������� 128 9. 14��������������������������� 106 1–3. 13–14����������������������� 114 5–6. 4–5. 105. 23–24��������������� 58 1–2. 113 Matthew �����������4 23��������������������������������������������� 35. 6. 12–13. 8–9. 8–9������������������������� 102 2. 12–13������������������� 28 1–2. 15–16bc. 148 1–2. 4–5. 3–4. 121 Matthew ���������11 25����������������������������� 41. 29–30. 9–10����������������������������� 30 2. 15–16. 5–6. 11. 54. 5b��������������������������������������������� 149 John �����������������15 16��������������������������������������������������� 135 John �����������������20 29����������������������������������������������������� 79 John �����������������21 17��������������������������������������������������� 101 157 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . 3–4. 2–3. 11–12��������������������������������������� 20 1. 4–5. 5–6. 29. 4–5. 4–5����������������������������������������� 100 8. 2–3. 15–16��������������������������� 108 4–5. 22������������������� 65 4–5. 20. 3. 3. 7–8��������������������������� 56 6–7. 16��������������������������������� 118 2–3. 3b–4. 8–9��������������������������������� 146 2–3. 6–7. 72. 5–6��������������������������������� 150 1–3a. 123 Matthew ���������17 5������������������������������������������������������� 51 Matthew ���������25 34��������������������������������������������������� 145 Matthew ���������28 19a. 6–7. 13������������������������� 18 1. 8. 19–20. 8. 12–13. 12a������������������������������������������� 33 John �������������������4 42. 5–6. 7–8. 6–7. 10����������������������������������������� 36 4–5. 17������������������������� 48 3–4. 6–7. 17–18. 7–8. 9–10����������������������� 138 1. . 85��������������������� 114 Christmas . . . . 144 Holy Orders The Lord is my shepherd. . 103����������������������� 42 Ordinary Time. . . . . there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . . O Lord my God����������������� 124 Dedication of an Altar Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord����������������������� 4 Responsorial Psalms Common of the Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord����������������������� 4 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever����������������������� 152 You are the highest honor of our race������������������������������� 10 Common of Pastors Here am I. . . . 122������������������������� 4 Ritual Index Reception of Baptized Christians into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church My soul is thirsting for you. . . 72����������������������� 28 Lent. . . . . . I come to do your will��������������������������� 32 The Lord is my shepherd. . . . . . . . . . . . 95��������������� 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . send out your Spirit. . . . . Lord. . . . 144 You are my inheritance. . . . . . this is the people that longs to see your face��������� 142 My soul is thirsting for you. . . . . . . 27����������������������� 34 Ordinary Time. . there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. 82. . . . . . . . . . . 126 Ordinary Time. . . . . . . . 48 Lent. 144 Christian Initiation Apart from the Easter Vigil For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord������������������� 16 Let all the earth cry out to God with joy��������������������������� 86 The Lord is my light and my salvation����������������������������� 34 The Lord is my shepherd. . . . . . . you have the words of everlasting life ������������������� 70 Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer The Lord is my shepherd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51����������������� 46. . . . . . . . . 34��������������������� 102 Ordinary Time. . . . . . . . . . I come to do your will��������������������������� 32 Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82. . . . 82. . . . . 144 Conferral of Infant Baptism The Lord is my light and my salvation����������������������������� 34 The Lord is my shepherd. . . 144 Marriage Blessed are those who fear the Lord������������������������������� 148 Consecration of Virgins and Religious Profession Here am I. . . 82. 144 You are my inheritance. 145��������������������� 104 Last Weeks in Ordinary Time. . . 137 Philippians ��������2 8–9��������������������������������������������� 59. . . . . . . . . . . . . as we place our trust in you����������������������������������������������������������� 50 Presentation of the Creed Lord. . . . . . . . . . . 76 Ascension. . . 94 The Lord is my shepherd. . O Lord��������������������������������������� 66 Institution of Acolytes The hand of the Lord feeds us. . . . . and renew the face of the earth ��������������������������������������������� 92. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19����������������������� 70 Ordinary Time. . O Lord��������������������������������������� 66 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Entrance into the Order of Catechumens Lord. . . (2) Book Chapter Verses Page Acts �����������������16 14b������������������������������������������������� 131 1 Corinthians �����5 7b–8a����������������������������������������������� 77 2 Corinthians �����5 19��������������������������������������������������� 127 Ephesians ���������1 17–18������������������������������������� 125. . . . . there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . 66����������������������� 86 Easter. . . . 82. . there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . 130����������������������� 56 Holy Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63��������������������� 124 Ordinary Time. . . . . 144 Anointing of the Sick Like a deer that longs for running streams. there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . . 16a����������������������������������������� 139 Book Chapter Verses Page Colossians ���������3 15a. . . . . my God��������������������������������� 71 Viaticum The Lord is my shepherd. . . 118����������������� 74. 82. . . . . . let your mercy be on us. . . . . . . . O Lord my God����������������� 124 The Lord is my light and my salvation����������������������������� 34 Confirmation Lord. . . . . . there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . . he answers all our needs������������������������������������������������������������� 112 The Lord is my shepherd. . . . . 98����������������������� 22 Epiphany. O Lord��������������������������������������� 66 Common of Holy Men and Women Blessed are those who fear the Lord������������������������������� 148 The Lord is my shepherd. . . . 104����������������������� 94 Ordinary Time. . . . . 16a������������������������������������������� 25 1 Thessalonians �5 18��������������������������������������������������� 153 Hebrews �����������1 1–2��������������������������������������������������� 27 Hebrews �����������4 12����������������������������������������������������� 45 1 John ���������������2 5������������������������������������������������������� 43 Revelation ���������1 8������������������������������������������������������� 97 Common (Seasonal) Psalm Index Season Psalm Page Advent. . . . . . . 144 158 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . . 47����������������������� 88 Season Psalm Page Pentecost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82. . . . . Lord. . . . . . . . . .Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers SCRIPTURAL Index. there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . 63 Philippians ��������2 15d. . . . . . . . my soul longs for you. . . . . 82. 82. . . . . . . 144 Admission to the Candidacy for the Diaconate and the Priesthood Lord. . . . . this is the people that longs to see your face��������� 142 You are my inheritance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . there is nothing I shall want��������������������������������������������������� 54. . . . 22����������������������� 58 Easter. . . . 82. O Lord. there is nothing I shall want���������������������������������������������������� 54. 123 Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Blessed are they who hear the word of God and observe it������������������������������������������������������������ 117 Blessed are you. Lord. O Lord���������������������������������������� 66 For Vocations to Holy Orders or Religious Life Here am I. 144 The Most Holy Name of Jesus Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever������������������������ 152 The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Here am I. says the Lord. 144 You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation����������������������������������������� 69. Lord. I am with you always. to listen to the words of your Son ���������������������������������������������� 131 The seed is the word of God. says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you�������������������������� 61 Whoever loves me will keep my word. there is nothing I shall want���������������������������������������������������� 54. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom�������������� 41. I come to do your will���������������������������� 32 You are my inheritance. and I will give you rest. 141 Common of Holy Men and Women Blessed are you. says the Lord. 111 Come to me. All who come to him will have life forever�������������� 107 Common of Virgins Whoever loves me will keep my word. he answers all our needs�������������������������������������������������������������� 112 The Lord is my shepherd. Jerusalem ������������������������������������������������ 98 The hand of the Lord feeds us. says the Lord. Christ our God������������������������������������������������������������ 11 Hail. until the end of the world���������������� 89 God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation��� 127 I am the good shepherd. whoever follows me will have the light of life ���� 39. 144 Funerals for Baptized Children The Lord is my shepherd. says the Lord. (2) For the Church O God. that my name may be there forever ���������� 147 You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church. whoever follows me will have the light of life ���� 39. O Lord������������������������������������ 132 The Lord is my shepherd. Christ is the sower. the truth and the life. and my Father will love him and we will come to him�������������������������������������������������������� 87. and my Father will love him and we will come to him�������������������������������������������������������� 87. 144 For the Evangelization of Peoples Their message goes out through all the earth������������������ 100 For Reconciliation With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption�������������������������������������������������������������� 56 In Thanksgiving to God Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever������������������������ 152 For the Remission of Sins Be merciful. says the Lord���������������������� 143 I am the light of the world. Lord. there is nothing I shall want���������������������������������������������������� 54. and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it �������������������������������� 103. and mine know me������������������������ 83 Common of Doctors of the Church Open our hearts. Lord of heaven and earth. blessed are you among women ������������������������������������ 9 Common of Pastors Go and teach all nations. the Lord is with you. except through me���������� 85 Conferral of Infant Baptism I am the light of the world. I come to do your will���������������������������� 32 Our blessing-cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ���������������������������������������������� 60 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Remember your mercies. 82. all you who labor and are burdened. O Lord. O Lord my God������������������ 124 The Lord is kind and merciful ���������������������������������������� 154 The Lord is my shepherd. there is nothing I shall want���������������������������������������������������� 54. Father. no one comes to the Father. O Lord���������������������������������������� 66 For the Laity Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever������������������������ 152 The Lord is kind and merciful ������������������������������������������ 42 For the Unity of Christians Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord������������������������ 4 The Lord is my shepherd. 82. says the Lord. cont. 55 I give you a new commandment. 48 The Lord is kind and merciful ������������������������������������������ 42 For Our Oppressors The Lord is kind and merciful ������������������������������������������ 42 The Mystery of the Holy Cross Father. says the Lord. I know my sheep. 72 The Blessed Virgin Mary. you have the words of everlasting life �������������������� 70 For Priests You are my inheritance. from you rose the sun of justice. says the Lord. full of grace. Mother of the Church You are the highest honor of our race�������������������������������� 10 Masses for the Dead I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living ���������������������������������������������� 90 Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord������������������������ 4 My soul is thirsting for you. says the Lord. there is nothing I shall want���������������������������������������������������� 54. 82. why have you abandoned me�������������� 58 The Most Holy Eucharist Here am I. 144 Gospel Acclamations Common of the Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church I have chosen and consecrated this house. deserving of all praise.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers RITUAL Index. O Lord������������������������������������ 132 For a Council or Synod or For a Spiritual or Pastoral Meeting Lord. let all the nations praise you�������������������������������� 120 Remember your mercies. 55 159 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . for we have sinned�������������������� 46. I come to do your will���������������������������� 32 Our blessing-cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ���������������������������������������������� 60 Praise the Lord. 109. 105. 82. into your hands I commend my spirit�������������������� 62 My God. whoever follows me will have the light of life ���� 39. 141 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Christian Initiation Apart from the Easter Vigil I am the light of the world. holy Virgin Mary. my God. 55 I am the way. Mary. says the Lord. all you who labor and are burdened. 111 I give you a new commandment. Lord of heaven and earth. until the end of the world��������������� 89 For the Country or a City or For Those Who Serve in Public Office or For the Congress or For the President or For the Progress of Peoples Come. and my Father will love him and we will come to him������������������������������������������������������� 87. 105. and mine know me����������������������� 83 Institution of Readers Open our hearts. I know my sheep. Father. Christ our God����������������������������������������������������������� 11 Masses for the Dead Blessed are you. fill the hearts of the [your] faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love��������������� 93. says the Lord. says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you������������������������� 61 The Mystery of the Holy Cross Christ became obedient to the point of death. deserving of all praise. until the end of the world��������������� 89 I am the good shepherd. even death on a cross. 109. says the Lord��������������������� 143 I am the good shepherd. Christ is the sower. the truth and the life. all you who labor and are burdened. says the Lord. says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you������������������������� 61 In Time of War or Civil Disturbance I give you a new commandment. says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you������������������������� 61 For the Blessing of Human Labor Come to me. whoever follows me will have the light of life ��� 39. because by your Cross you have redeemed the world����������� 129 The Most Holy Eucharist I am the living bread that came down from heaven. I know my sheep. Father. and I will give you rest. 123 For Priests Go and teach all nations. Father. and mine know me����������������������� 83 The Blessed Virgin Mary. until the end of the world��������������� 89 I am the good shepherd. Lord of heaven and earth. says the Lord. and I will give you rest. all you who labor and are burdened. and we bless you. says the Lord. 55 I give you a new commandment. says the Lord. 63 We adore you. says the Lord. holy Virgin Mary. and I will give you rest. 95 Holy Orders Go and teach all nations. whoever eats this bread will live forever ��������������������������������������������������������� 99 Anointing of the Sick Come to me. from you rose the sun of justice. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. says the Lord. 105. except through me��������� 85 Confirmation Come. I am with you always. 105. and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it ������������������������������� 103. give thanks. I am with you always. God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every [other] name ��������������������� 59. I know my sheep. until the end of the world��������������� 89 I am the good shepherd. 105. says the Lord��������������������� 143 Viaticum I am the living bread that came down from heaven. 105. I know my sheep. says the Lord. whoever follows me will have the light of life ��� 39. Lord of heaven and earth. you who are blessed by my Father. 55 160 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . Mother of the Church Blessed are you. 141 For the Laity I am the light of the world. because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ����� 13 Institution of Acolytes I am the living bread that came down from heaven. 109. cont. you who are blessed by my Father. and mine know me����������������������� 83 For Ministers of the Church Go and teach all nations. I am with you always. until the end of the world��������������� 89 For Religious Blessed are you. says the Lord. whoever eats this bread will live forever ��������������������������������������������������������� 99 I am the way. whoever eats this bread will live forever ��������������������������������������������������������� 99 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Blessed are you. says the Lord��������������������� 143 In Thanksgiving to God Blessed are you. says the Lord. and mine know me����������������������� 83 You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church. 111 Come to me. I am with you always. Holy Spirit. says the Lord. says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you������������������������� 61 For the Church Go and teach all nations. 111 In all circumstances. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. (3) The seed is the word of God. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. All who come to him will have life forever������������� 107 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. says the Lord. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. says the Lord. O Lord.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers RITUAL Index. no one comes to the Father. I am with you always. 111 Come. says the Lord. inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world������������������������������������������� 145 I am the light of the world. All who come to him will have life forever������������� 107 For the Evangelization of Peoples Go and teach all nations. 109. 109. Father. says the Lord. to listen to the words of your Son ��������������������������������������������� 131 The seed is the word of God. Because of this. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. says the Lord. Lord of heaven and earth. whoever eats this bread will live forever ��������������������������������������������������������� 99 Consecration of Virgins and Religious Profession Blessed are they who hear the word of God and observe it����������������������������������������������������������� 117 Blessed are you. Christ is the sower. for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus ������������������� 153 For Our Oppressors I give you a new commandment. O Christ. 111 Whoever loves me will keep my word. says the Lord. Father. 109. inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world������������������������������������������� 145 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Lord of heaven and earth. his love is everlasting������������������������������������������������� 78 Give the Lord glory and honor��������������������������������������� 138 Glory and praise for ever ������������������������������������������������� 96 God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord��������������������������������� 88 Here am I. Christ the Lord������������������������� 18 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. arrayed in gold����� 118 The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest��������������������������������������������������������� 106 The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel ������������� 134 The waters of the river gladden the city of God. you are good and forgiving����������������������������������� 108 Lord. let all the nations praise you������������������������������� 120 Our blessing-cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ��������������������������������������������� 60 Praise the Lord. 144. do not forsake the work of your hands��������������������������������������������� 122 Responsorial Psalm Refrains A light will shine on us this day: the Lord is born for us��� 20 All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia����������������������������������������������� 74 May God bless us in his mercy����������������������������������������� 26 My God.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Funerals for Baptized Children Blessed are you. and fullness of peace for ever��������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Let all the earth cry out to God with joy��������������������������� 86 Let the Lord enter. he is king of glory ����������������������������� 14 Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord����������������������� 4 Let us sing to the Lord. even if he dies. 150 The Lord is near to all who call upon him ��������������������� 130 The Lord will bless his people with peace����������������������� 30 The queen stands at your right hand. my soul����������������������������������������������� 44 Create a clean heart in me. he has covered himself in glory ��� 67 Like a deer that longs for running streams. you have the words of everlasting life��������������������� 70 With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption������������������������������������������������������������� 56 Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord��������������������������� 36 You are my inheritance. Lord. 82. O Lord����������������������������������� 132 Rest in God alone. he answers all our needs������������������������������������������������������������� 112 The just man is a light in darkness to the upright������������� 38 The Lord is kind and merciful ��������������������������������� 42. 126 Justice shall flourish in his time. 92. 94 Lord. Lord. your love is eternal. 84 Lord. harden not your hearts ��� 52. why have you abandoned me������������� 58 My soul is thirsting for you. you will show us the path of life����������������������������� 80 Lord. For today a great light has come upon the earth������������������������������������ 23 A light of revelation to the Gentiles. I love your commands������������������������������������������� 110 Lord. O God ����������������������������������� 73 Do not forget the works of the Lord������������������������������� 128 Sing to the Lord a new song. this is the people that longs to see your face��������� 142 Lord. 48 Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord������������� 40 Blessed are those who fear the Lord������������������������������� 148 Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways����������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever����������������������� 152 O God. my king and my God ��� 104 If today you hear his voice. let us rejoice and be glad������������������������������������������� 76 Today is born our Savior. I come to do your will��������������������������� 32 I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living������������������������������������� 90 I love you. Father. my soul longs for you. O Lord my God����������������� 124 Be merciful. will never die������������������������������������������������������������� 57 Alphabetical Index Lord. and grant us your salvation����������������������������������������������������������� 114 Lord. and adore the Lord. let your mercy be on us. 105. 154 The Lord is my light and my salvation����������������������������� 34 The Lord is my shepherd. send out your Spirit. Come. 109. into your hands I commend my spirit������������������� 62 Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord ������������������� 16 The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear him��� 102 The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord ������������������� 65 The hand of the Lord feeds us. 111 I am the resurrection and the life. the holy dwelling of the Most High������������������������������� 146 Their message goes out through all the earth����������������� 100 This is the day the Lord has made. there is nothing I shall want������������������������������������������� 54. as we place our trust in you����������������������������������������������������� 50. and renew the face of the earth ��������������������������������������� 64. O Lord. O Lord��������������������������������������� 66 You are the highest honor of our race������������������������������� 10 You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation����������������������������������������� 69. my God��������������������������������� 71 Lord. Lord. let us see your kindness. for we have sinned������������������� 46. whoever believes in me. every nation on earth will adore you����������������������� 28 Lord. for you have rescued me������������� 68 I will praise your name for ever. for he has done marvelous deeds����������������������������������������������������������� 8 Father. my God. go up to the place of your rest. and glory for your people Israel������������������������������������������������������� 37 Blessed are they who hear the word of God and observe it����������������������������������������������������������� 117 161 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . you nations. Lord of heaven and earth. my strength����������������������������������������� 140 I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life����������������������������������������������� 136 I will praise you. come and save us ��������������������������������������������������� 12 Lord. you and the ark of your holiness ������������������������������������������� 116 Lord. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. Jerusalem ����������������������������������������������� 98 Remember your mercies. 72 Gospel Acclamation Verses A holy day has dawned upon us. says the Lord. the love of God is truly perfected in him��������������������������������������������� 43 Whoever loves me will keep my word. harden not your hearts ��������� 47 In all circumstances. give me living water. Holy Spirit. says the Lord. Lord. because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor ����������� 13 The virgin shall conceive. my soul waits for his word ������������� 115 I will not leave you orphans. Mary. give thanks. says the Lord. and mine know me ����������������������� 83 I am the light of the world. Whoever remains in me bears much fruit ��������������� 149 Glory to God in the highest. 113 Open our hearts. Christ our God����������������������������������������������������������� 11 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come��������������������������������������������������������������������� 151 Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom and cured every disease among the people��������������� 35. says the Lord. he gave power to become children of God����������������������������������������� 33 The word of God is living and effective. blessed are they who have not seen me. says the Lord. says the Lord��������������������� 143 Come. let us then feast with joy in the Lord����������������������������������� 77 Come. because you have seen me. who was. Christ is the sower. discerning reflections and thoughts of the heart ������������������������� 45 Tomorrow the wickedness of the earth will be destroyed: the Savior of the world will reign over us��������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Hail. and my Father will love him and we will come to him������������������������������������������������������� 87. Father. because by your Cross you have redeemed the world����������� 129 We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage������������������������������������������������������� 29 Whoever keeps the word of Christ. says the Lord. Christ the Lord��������������������� 19 I wait for the Lord. that my name may be there forever ��������� 147 I have chosen you from the world. 55 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. to God who is.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers ALPHABETICAL Index. To those who accepted him. whoever believes in me. and bear a son. says the Lord. Lord of heaven and earth. (2) Blessed are you. and your hearts will rejoice��������� 91 If today you hear his voice. the Son. says the Lord. holy Virgin Mary. All who come to him will have life forever������������� 107 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. and they shall name him Emmanuel ������������������������� 15 The word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. says the Lord. whoever eats this bread will live forever ��������������������������������������������������������� 99 I am the resurrection and the life. 105. listen to him��������������������������������������������������������������� 31 The seed is the word of God. fruit that will remain��������������� 135 I proclaim to you good news of great joy: today a Savior is born for us. fill the hearts of the [your] faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love��������������� 93. O Christ. he has spoken to us through the Son������������������������������������������������� 27 We adore you. whoever follows me will have the light of life����� 39. cont. full of grace. 141 You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church. and they follow me��������������������������������������������������� 133 One does not live on bread alone. to listen to the words of your Son��������������������������������������������������������������� 131 Prepare the way of the Lord. says the Lord. for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus ������������������� 153 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets. you know everything: you know that I love you��� 101 Christ became obedient to the point of death. 121 Let the peace of Christ control your hearts. even if he dies. I am with you always. all you who labor and are burdened. will never die������������������������������������������������������������� 57 I am the way. from you rose the sun of justice. inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world������������������������������������������� 145 Mary is taken up to heaven. I know my sheep. 95 Come to me. hear him ����������������������������� 51 Remain in me as I remain in you. your love. the truth and the life. and we bless you. says the Lord. says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you������������������������� 61 I have chosen and consecrated this house. and grant us your salvation������� 5 The heavens were opened and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my beloved Son. says the Lord. says the Lord. until the end of the world��������������� 89 God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation�� 127 Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life��������������������������������������������������������� 139 Show us. and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests ������������������������������� 21 Glory to the Father. make our hearts burn while you speak to us ����������������������������� 81 Lord. 109. God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every [other] name����������������������� 59. I will come back to you. 63 Christ. you who are blessed by my Father. says the Lord. 111 Blessed are you. to go and bear fruit. a chorus of angels exults��� 119 May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts. the Lord is with you. I know them. deserving of all praise. but still believe ������������������������������������������� 79 162 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . in these last days. let the word of Christ dwell in you richly ����������������� 25 Lord Jesus. open the Scriptures to us. 137 My sheep hear my voice. [so] that we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call ��������� 125. and the Holy Spirit. no one comes to the Father. Because of this. and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it��������������������������������� 103. but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God ��� 49. make straight his paths: all flesh shall see the salvation of God ������������� 7 From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: This is my beloved Son. has been sacrificed. Thomas. our paschal lamb. 123 You believe in me. O Lord. even death on a cross. you are truly the Savior of the world. blessed are you among women ����������������������������������� 9 I am the good shepherd. that I may never thirst again ����������������� 53 Lord. and I will give you rest. [for] you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom������������� 41. and who is to come ����������� 97 Go and teach all nations. except through me��������� 85 I give you a new commandment. Home | Indexes List of Page Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 . OCP. . Watercolor on paper. . . . . . Straub. . . Vlazny. 1997. . 2014 Musical settings by Owen Alstott Arranged for Choir and Assembly with Organ and Guitar Accompaniment by Randall DeBruyn and Marie Phillippi Concordat cum originali: † John G. . . . Used with permission. No portion of this text may be reproduced without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Melissa Schmidt. . . . . . . Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. some alleluia and gospel verses. . . . Wade Wisler Music Engraving: Scott Hall. . . . . OR 97213-3638. 1981. . . 2013 through November 29. .C. . edition 30109560 eBook: . . . . . . . . Portland. . . Jennings Publisher: John J. 1998. International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). . None of these compositions may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. . . . .org ocp. . . All rights reserved. . . . . . D. Wade Wisler Engraving Manager: Tia Regan Editorial Assistance: Anne Connors. Eddie Osborn. . . . edition RD-141 CD [3-CD set]:. . . . . edition RA-141 5-hole punched edition:. . OCP 5536 NE Hassalo. . . Cover Art Trinity (detail). The English translation of some psalm responses. . OR 97213 Phone: (503) 281-1191 liturgy@ocp. . . . © Mark Respond & Acclaim 2014: . . 5536 NE Hassalo. . Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States. . . . . . .. All rights reserved. . Mary K. . . Portland.Home | Indexes | List of Page Numbers Copyrights & Credits Respond & Acclaim Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations for use with the Second Typical Edition of the Lectionary for Mass Year A: December 1. Limb Director of Product Development: John Vogler Music Development and Outreach Director: Eric Schumock Project Editor: Randall DeBruyn eBook Production: Robert Koglin. . . . . . Katy Devine. . . . and the Lenten gospel acclamations from the Lectionary for Mass. Paul Raspa. . United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. . . . . . . Archbishop of Portland in Oregon Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship. . . Music © 1977. . Used with permission. . . Kantor Art Direction: Judy Urben Graphic Designer: Le Vu © 2013. . . . All rights reserved. . Laura C. . . . © 1969. . Inc. . 1997. . 1990. Washington. . . . edition 30118815 ISBN 978-1-57992-197-2 164 Celebrations Index | Scriptural Index | Common Psalm Index | Ritual Index | Alphabetical Index . © 1970.
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