Resource Guide

March 25, 2018 | Author: Kent White | Category: Supplemental Security Income, Earned Income Tax Credit, Employment, Homelessness, Disability



DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICESRESOURCE GUIDE 2013 To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Resource Guide 2013 Table of Contents Introduction • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Programs and Services Overview Contact Information Sheet CalWORKs Fact Sheet Homeless Programs for Families Rights, Responsibilities and Other Important Information Sample Application for Cash Aid, CalFresh and Medi-Cal Statement of Fact for Cash Aid, CalFresh and Medi-Cal GAIN Fact Sheet Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) Fact Sheet Orientation/Job Club/Vocational Assessment (JCO) Fact Sheet Vocational Assessment Fact Sheet DPSS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Fact Sheet DPSS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Fact Sheet DPSS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Brochure Problems with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Brochure Specialized Supportive Services for Victims of Domestic Violence Brochure Confidential Domestic Violence (DV) Information WtW/GAIN Decision Chart Refugee Employment Program (REP) Fact Sheet General Relief Fact Sheet General Relief Opportunities For Work (GROW) Fact Sheet Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) Fact Sheet Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) Brochure CalFresh Program Fact Sheet CalFresh Benefits Your Rights and Responsibilities Sample Application for CalFresh Benefits Medi-Cal Program Quarterly Fact Sheet Sample Application for Medi-Cal In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Fact Sheet IHSS Application for Social Services SOC 295 Health & Nutrition Mobile Office Fact Sheet Toy Loan Program Fact Sheet Toy Loan Program Frequently Asked Questions Volunteer Program Fact Sheet Volunteer Program Flyer Accessing Health and Human Services Programs CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work (WtW) /Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) General Relief Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) CalFresh Medi-Cal In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) General Information . short-term rental subsidy. domestic violence. relocation assistance. and once participating in GAIN. Medi-Cal. CalWORKs: State and federally-funded temporary cash assistance for low-income families with children and any combination of the following. as necessary: • Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) Program: CalWORKs applicants and participants are prepared to find and maintain employment. The goal is to obtain an early SSI approval for participants who appear to meet federal SSI eligibility criteria. In addition. personal responsibility. and In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Programs. they are provided with case management. employment services and supportive services. and economic independence. and County-funded programs designed to alleviate hardship and promote health. assistance to prevent eviction. CalFresh (Food Stamps). and the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) to low-income residents of Los Angeles County through dozens of DPSS Offices and other public and non-profit agencies located across the County. participants receive assistance in resolving or clearing their Welfare-to-Work (WTW) non-compliance or pending sanction through the GAIN Sanction Home Visit Outreach Project. State. • • • MEDI-CAL: State and federally-funded program which provides medical benefits to low-income families with children and elderly/disabled individuals who are unable to afford the cost of their medical care. moving assistance. IHSS: State-mandated program that provides domestic services and personal care services to eligible aged. CalFresh (FOOD STAMPS): Federal program with the purpose of promoting and safeguarding the health and well-being of low-income households by raising their levels of nutrition and increasing their food purchasing power. Eligible CalWORKs applicants are engaged during the first points of contact with DPSS. including case management. The goal is to obtain an early SSI approval for participants who appear to meet federal SSI eligibility criteria. to prevent eviction or move out of their current situation and into affordable permanent housing. Supplemental Security Income Medical Advocacy Program (SSIMAP): SSIMAP workers provide physically and mentally disabled GR participants with assistance and advocacy support throughout the Social Security Income (SSI) application process. • 01/17/2013 Page 1 of 2 . and case management services. Benefits include temporary shelter. General Relief (GR). DPSS administers the CalWORKs. blind and disabled individuals to allow them to remain safely in their own homes. CalWORKs Specialized Supportive Services: Mental health. which employs intensive case management to identify services participants need to overcome employment barriers.Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Programs and Services Overview The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) serves a diverse community through a variety of federal. Participants are assisted with activities designed to prepare them for employment. by providing basic in-home care services to consumers who cannot safely perform the services themselves. employment services and ongoing supportive services. and substance abuse services are provided to participants in need of services.” GR: County-funded cash assistance for low-income individuals not eligible for State/federal assistance. as necessary: • General Relief Opportunities for Work (GROW) Program: GROW transitions employable GR participants into the labor market. Supplemental Security Income Assistance Program (SSIAP): SSIAP workers provide physically and mentally disabled CalWORKs participants with assistance and advocacy support throughout the SSI application process. Services must be related to health or safety and cannot be authorized for “comfort. • The intent of the program is to prevent costly institutional care. permanent housing. CalWORKs Housing Program: Program provides a number of services and benefits designed to assist CalWORKs homeless families. or families at risk of homelessness. The following provides a description highlighting some integral components of these programs. plus the following services. CAPI: State-funded cash assistance provided to aged. CalFresh (Food Stamps). emergency hotlines and program hotlines 24 hours a day. LINKAGES Project: A Los Angeles County interdepartmental partnership that promotes service coordination for families involved in the child welfare system (Department of Children and Family Services) who are also receiving services or benefits provided by DPSS. Early Fraud Prevention and Intervention Activities: Welfare Fraud Investigators take referrals for early fraud detection from eligibility staff. WeTip. Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE): LACOE provides orientations for GROW participants. Statewide Fingerprint Imaging System (SFIS): SFIS clerks capture fingerprints and photo images during the CalWORKs or GR application process. addresses.m. for five years from the date they are granted asylum. or Medi-Cal www. churches and schools) to accept and assist with CalFresh (Food Stamp) and/or Medi-Cal applications. and computer matches from fingerprints. CalFresh (Food Stamp) and Medi-Cal Outreach: CalFresh (Food Stamp) and Medi-Cal Outreach staff is stationed at various non-traditional community sites (including health clinics.dpssbenefits. SFIS is a valuable tool for preventing duplicate aid fraud by matching applicant’s fingerprints against those individuals known to the statewide system. case management and placement services for refugees residing in the U. Agencies serve as a resource and referral to connect families to alternative community program services. Participants with an existing case can also view their benefit information through the YBN DPSS has a “No Wrong Door Policy” when serving the public. Page 2 of 2 . and wage and asset matches. for five years or less and asylees residing in the U. The goal is to increase child safety and family functioning and increase the number of positive child/family outcomes. Medi-Cal or GR case information and reporting changes through the telephone. social security number. WIC sites. In addition. and/or disabled legal non-citizens who are categorically ineligible to Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment (SSI/SSP) due to their immigration status.S. • SSIAP: SSIAP workers provide physically and mentally disabled CAPI participants with assistance and advocacy support throughout the SSI application process. Many disabled CAPI participants may be eligible to federally-funded SSI based on their disability. and GR Program. Refugee Cash Assistance. food pantries. the Central Fraud Reporting Line. CalFresh (Food Stamps). blind. including name. • • • FRAUD PREVENTION • Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS): The coordinated data exchange system made available through IEVS allows workers to search and verify income and assets associated with specific identifying information for each household member. to 5:00 p. REFUGEE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (REP): • REP provides employment and training services. Workers engage with the community. Health Care Options: Applicants/participants receive assistance in choosing and enrolling in a health care plan. 8:00 a. EXPANDING ACCESS TO SERVICES • Customer Service Center (CSC): The CSC provides participants with a single point of contact for ease in accessing their CalWORKs. YBN provides 24/7 easy and convenient access for new and existing clients.m. or refugees not aided through a public assistance program. and participants will receive services in the office of their choice or accept a referral to another office. Services are available to refugees aided through the CalWORKs.S. 7 days a week via a self-service menu. YourBenefitsNow (YBN) Website: Los Angeles County residents can now apply on-line for CalWORKs. and date of birth. farmer’s markets.lacounty. Department of Mental Health: Mental health services are provided to CalWORKs and GR participants. IEVS is a valuable tool in identifying and detecting welfare fraud. DPSS offices are open Monday through Friday. • • CO-LOCATED AGENCIES OR COUNTY DEPARTMENTS • • • • • Child Care Resources: Agencies identify appropriate child care for CalWORKs families and other families depending on family size and income. providing information and referrals to available resources and services. Military and Veteran’s Affairs: Staff provides referrals and resource information. Los Angeles County. participants have access to general case information. services. Director of Intergovernmental Relations Phone: (562) 908-8517 Fax: (562) 699-3671 Email: nestorrequeno@dpss. contact: Nestor Requeno.lacounty. Director of Government Inquiry and Response Phone: (562) 908-6602 Fax: (562) 463-5396 Email: [email protected] Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Contact Information Sheet PROGRAMS: • CALWORKS • CalFresh • MEDI-CAL • GENERAL RELIEF • REFUGEE SERVICES • • • • • IN-HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES CASH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR IMMIGRANTS COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM TOY LOAN For general information on For all other questions. constituents may contact: (626)569-1399 Customer Service Toll Free Number (310)258-7400 Centers 1 (866) 613-3777 (818)701-8200 DPSS Central Help Line Toll Free Number 1(877) 481-1044 For legislative staff assisting constituents on unresolved . contact: Derrick Robinson. and issues.lacounty. food and clothing). CalFresh and Medi-Cal Statement of Fact for Cash Aid. Contents • • • • CalWORKs Fact Sheet Homeless Programs for Families Rights. www. This website provides additional information about programs available after completing a short online survey. Responsibilities and Other Important Information Sample Application for Cash DPSS’ main website. listing all departmental information. including program-specific Informs citizens of Los Angeles County of state and federal benefits assistance. office locations and the community event’s calendar. • • . CalFresh and Medi-Cal Additional information may be accessed through the websites listed below: • www.lacountyhelps.CalWORKs The CalWORKs is a time-limited cash aid program for children and families designed to provide temporary assistance for basic needs (shelter. Provides information about human social services in the Los Angeles County. The program establishes work requirements and provides a broad spectrum of Welfare-to-Work (WtW) services that help remove barriers to employment and help families become economically self-sufficient. deduct $4.650 from the Fair Market Value. (See above Recipient Test.) • Property/Resource Limits • • • • • • • • $2. subtract the amount if the difference between the DBI and the $225. If the Assistance Unit (AU) also has earned income.) Tools used for trade/profession. etc. the principle wage earner may be employed over 100 hours per month as long as there is financial eligibility. a second income test (Recipient Test) is applied: $112/50% disregards to income from earnings or $225 disregard for specific disability-based income. disabled or absent parent). Must be a U. Citizen. the gross income (for earnings. Spiller. or • Not expected to graduate/complete the training before age 19 due to a disability. disregard $112 and deduct 50% of the balance from the income.S. stocks. Once the case is approved. Children must live with a parent or relative caretaker. $3. the gross income must be under MAP for the family after certain disregards are applied. appliances. business or to purchase a home. If income is below MBSAC. naturalized or lawful permanent immigrant. the principle wage earner must not be employed more than 100 hours a month. whichever is less and deducted 50% of the remainder. etc. • • • • • Income Limits • • Gross income may include income from earnings. For approved cases. The remainder must be under the Maximum Aid Payment (MAP) for the family. deduct $90 from the gross income) must be under Minimum Basic Standard of Adequate Care (MBSAC) for the family. deceased. At application.000 (cash on hand. child/spousal support payments. etc.000 if someone in the AU is 60 years or older. savings. Participants may hold special restricted savings accounts to be used for education/training. For Intake. disability benefits. Provide a Social Security Number. Personal/household items (furniture. Exempt Property/Resources may include: The home the applicant/participant resides in. Apply a $225 disregard for specific disability-based income. the remainder is counted towards the property limit. Intend to reside in California.). Children must be under 18 years of age or 18 years of age enrolled as a full-time student in high school or a vocational/technical training program and: • Expected to graduate/complete the training program before reaching age 19. . Director CALIFORNIA WORK OPPORTUNITY AND RESPONSIBILITY TO KIDS (CalWORKs) PROGRAM Fact Sheet Requirements • • Deprivation must exist (unemployment. For earned income only. veterans.County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services Sheryl L. For the first car. or • Is a non-needy.ladpss. visit the DPSS website at http://www. Quarterly Eligibility/Status Reporting. Work and training is required for most parents. Proof of regular school attendance for all school-age children. A special non-recurring allowance may be given to replace clothing and household equipment if the loss was due to a sudden and unusual circumstance (fire. Immunizations for all children under the age of 6 who are not enrolled in school. • IHSS benefits. There are exceptions to this rule.). but in general. • • • • • • For detailed information. Time Limits • • • • • Most adults can only receive 48 months of cash aid. MAP Levels Exempt MAP (higher) is limited to families where each adult relative caretaker in the (AU) receives or meets one of the following conditions: • SSI/SSP benefits. The months do not need to be consecutive. Participants who self-identify as either a fleeing/drug felon are ineligible for CalWORKs. A Diversion payment may be available for applicants who need help to meet a one-time-only expense that prevents current employment or who is likely to find employment in a short period of time. Maximum Family Grant (MFG) requires that cash benefits will not increase even if additional children are born. etc. • SDI. Includes months in which aid was received from other states (after 1/1/98). CW Division Rev. earthquake. etc. A special need allowance may be allowed for diets. Exemptions may be applied to 20% of the CalWORKs population and to participants receiving domestic violence services. 1998 are not counted. The MFG child is eligible to receive CalFresh and Medi-Cal benefits. transportation. The first $50 from a child support payment is disregarded. Months in which aid was received prior to January 1. Temporary Workers’ Compensation. Additional Benefits • For Intake. For approved cases. Temporary Disability benefits. a pregnant woman with no other children must be in her last trimester before she is eligible for assistance. a pregnant participant may receive the pregnancy allowance from the first of the month in which medical verification is received through the month of birth.-2Other Requirements • • • • • • • Child Support cooperation. non-parent caretaker relative who is not included in the AU. the MFG rule is invoked when a child is born into an AU that has received CalWORKs for at least 10 months immediately prior to the child’s birth. 3/2012 . An applicant with other eligible children may receive the pregnancy allowance from the date of application through the month of birth. There are a variety of homeless assistance programs available. In addition. The family’s monthly rent costs cannot exceed 80% of the total monthly household income.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES HOMELESS PROGRAMS FOR FAMILIES Temporary Homeless Assistance (HA) – A homeless CalWORKs family can receive from $65 up to $125 per night (depending on the Assistance Unit’s size) for temporary shelter in a hotel/motel or commercial establishment for up to 16 consecutive days (receipts are required to verify the hotel/motel expense). A family may receive up to $2. prior residence becoming uninhabitable. utility deposits. this program is available only to families meeting their Welfareto-Work requirements (participating in the GAIN Program). HA Permanent Arrearage Payment – CalWORKs families who have received an eviction notice or notice to pay or quit due to non-payment of rent because of a financial hardship. If the family is homeless. 2010. and moving expenses (e. or natural disaster). Proof of financial hardship is required. The program also provides up to $405 for a stove and/or refrigerator.g. If the family is not homeless. Payments are issued in increments of no more than seven days at a time. NOTE: Effective October 1.Provides a one-time-only relocation subsidy of up to $1. mental or physical illness. Housing Relocation Program . they must have exhausted all other means of assistance including HA.000 to help pay rent and/or utilities for up to two months in arrears to assist the family in maintaining permanent housing. MA provides funds for the last month’s rent. Moving Assistance (MA) for CalWORKs Families – CalWORKs families who are experiencing a financial crisis. this program is available only to families meeting their Welfareto-Work requirements (participating in the GAIN Program). .000 limit has been exhausted. they must demonstrate that they are experiencing a financial hardship that could result in homelessness. EAPE provides up to $2. 2010.Helps CalWORKs families who are at risk of losing their housing because of non-payment of rent due to a financial hardship (not for any other lease/contract violations) to prevent eviction and remain in permanent housing. Some programs may be accessed again when certain exceptions are met (domestic violence. provided the family’s rent costs do not exceed 80% of the total monthly household income. NOTE: All of the above homeless programs are once-in-a-lifetime. Permanent Homeless Assistance (HA) – A homeless CalWORKs family can receive help with move-in costs. security deposits. Emergency Assistance to Prevent Eviction (EAPE) . may qualify to pay for up to two months in rent arrearages to prevent eviction. not a lease/contract violation. and cleaning fees. Proof of financial hardship is required. such as last month’s rent. truck rental).. Families receiving HA Permanent Housing and/or MA may qualify for a rental subsidy of up to $300 per family (based on the family size) for up to four consecutive months. deposits.000 in MA and MA can be used in conjunction with permanent HA to purchase a stove/refrigerator or for truck rental only. 4-Month Rental Assistance (RA) Program for CalWORKs Families– Assists homeless CalWORKs Welfareto-Work families to remain in non-subsidized permanent housing by providing a short-term rental subsidy. the family may receive up to $405 to purchase a stove/refrigerator if needed for the new place. NOTE: Effective October 1. This program can be used “as needed” until the $2. including homelessness or at-risk of homelessness (already received eviction notice or 3-day notice to pay or quit) may receive funds to secure permanent housing. utility turn-on fees.500 to eligible CalWORKs participants working 20 hours or more per week or with a documented offer of employment for 20 hours or more per week. including employment/supportive services. District Access Team – CalWORKs district offices have designated Eligibility workers (EWs) from their Housing Resources Unit as part of their access teams to connect families with CalWORKs and eligible homeless programs and services.10-14-2010. Homeless Programs & Services Fact Sheet . short-term stabilization. and assistance in finding permanent housing or moving the family into transitional housing. Eligible families may receive up to 120 days of emergency shelter. the Access Team will travel to the shelter/access center to assist the family as needed. If the family cannot travel to the district office and the shelter/access center cannot provide transportation. The EWs are placed on an “on-call” basis to accept potential applications from access centers and shelters. Public Health (DPH) and Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) identifies homeless families in the Skid Row area and connects them with available benefits and services. It also provides emergency housing vouchers. employment services. advocacy. and move the family into permanent housing. and an individualized housing plan. transportation. Emergency Shelter & Services – DPSS contracts with LAHSA to provide emergency housing and shelter services for homeless CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work families. and assists them in finding permanent housing.doc . Skid Row Access Team (SRAT) – A team comprised of staff from Departments of Public Social Services (DPSS). Mental Health (DMH). initiate referrals. needs assessment. and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) connects homeless families in which a parent has mental health problems with public benefits. Homeless Case Management – Homeless Case Managers (HCMs) work with CalWORKs homeless families to facilitate their access to services. transportation. and crisis intervention. the Department of Mental Health (DMH). The program also includes limited case management.HOMELESS SERVICES FOR FAMILIES Homeless CalWORKs Families Project . The services include crisis intervention.This joint effort between DPSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lacountyhelps. listing all departmental information. Informs citizens of Los Angeles County of state and federal benefits DPSS’ main Provides information about human social services in the Los Angeles County.Welfare-to-Work/Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) The Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) Program is Los Angeles County’s highly successful California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Welfare-to-Work program for families receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). www. including programspecific information. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • GAIN Fact Sheet Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) Fact Sheet Orientation/Job Club/Vocational Assessment (JCO) Fact Sheet Vocational Assessment Fact Sheet DPSS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Fact Sheet DPSS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Fact Sheet DPSS Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Brochure Problems with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Brochure Specialized Supportive Services for Victims of Domestic Violence Brochure Confidential Domestic Violence (DV) Information WtW/GAIN Decision Chart Refugee Employment Program (REP) Fact Sheet Additional information may be accessed through the websites listed below: • www.ladpss. This website provides additional information about programs available after completing a short online survey. office locations and the community event’s calendar. • • . . PROGRAM DESIGN The GAIN Program is designed to help CalWORKs participants find employment which will ultimately lead to self-sufficiency. which will eventually lead to long-term economic self-sufficiency. Services include: • • • • Appraisal. However. and Mental Health. Vocational Assessment. Mandatory participants can utilize WtW Services for up to 48 months. Participants are shown how employment will greatly benefit their family. Education and Training. Subsidized Employment. Domestic violence and Substance Abuse recovery services as needed. After participants find employment.534 mandatory Welfare-to-Work Participants. Community Services. Job Search. Work Experience. The GAIN Program has embraced the philosophy. Currently. once a participant volunteers to enter program. child care and work-related expenses to enable participants to attend assigned activities to facilitate positive outcomes. verification. Post-Employment Services are available to assist employed participants retain their jobs. and the approval of a GAIN Services Worker.County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services GREATER AVENUES FOR INDEPENDENCE (GAIN) FACT SHEET FEBRUARY 2013 PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) Program is Los Angeles County’s highly successful California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Welfare-to-Work program for families receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). he/she must adhere to the same rules and regulations as mandatory participant do. “GAIN: The Bridge to Independence” a practical and powerful message. Exemptions required documentation. participation in GAIN is mandatory for all CalWORKs participants unless they are exempt. The program pays for transportation. Orientation and Motivation. . Exempt participants may volunteer to participate in GAIN. and prepare parents to secure self-sustaining jobs. and/or obtain higher paying jobs. Although not required. The GAIN Program is the largest Welfare-to-Work program in the nation and is focused on activities that rapidly move people into employment. we are serving 46. . which allows participants to be placed in subsidized employment that will lead to selfsufficiency. who in turn sub-contracts with One-Stops/Work Source Centers located throughout the County. SBWIB is the employer-of-record. The Department was also able to free up additional one-time only funding for FY 2011-12 which resulted in the Department being able to place over 1. per employee ($550 = 50% of minimum wage for 32 hours/week) PROJECT FUNDING: The funding source is CalWORKs Single Allocation and employer contributions for OJT. Workers’ Compensation and FICA and will be reimbursed as follows: o For participants working 20 to 31 hours per week. First two months. or non-profit agencies. including coverage of Workers’ Compensation. . On-the-Job Training Design (Employer Contribution) • • • • • Participants are matched to the needs of the employer and are expected to be fully work ready. earning at least $8. per employee ($350 = approximately 50% of minimum wage for 20 hours/week) o For participants working 32 or more hours per week. Participants are placed in private for-profit. agency pays the employee wages. Next four months. DPSS pays 100% of the costs. LADPSS operates two models: Paid Work Experience: • • • • • Participants are placed in government or non-profit agencies. DPSS pays 100% of the wages with SBWIB as the employer of record. the employer is reimbursed $350 per month. the employer is reimbursed $550 per month.County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services CalWORKs TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT (TSE) (February 2012) BACKGROUND/PROGRAM DESIGN Los Angeles County Department of Social Services (LADPSS) Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) is a post-assessment activity for participants who remain unemployed.00/hour or employerselected wage. Participants are paid minimum wage ($8 an hour) Placements are 4 months in duration. Participants may work up to six months.700 individuals into the program. These services are arranged through a contract the Department has with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB). . securing and/or promoting to living wage employment. the ability to complete on-line applications and the ability to e-mail and upload resumes. The one-day orientation and motivational activity is designed to motivate participants and assist them in recognizing strengths. The Job Readiness & Career Planning Preparation program is for English. the ability to effectively communicate their skills and work experience. At the end or Orientation participants are divided in two groups. Advanced Prep requires participants to dress appropriately for job search. Track A. Sessions are conducted in the computer lab and job leads are projected via power point for participants to discuss. skills and abilities that are transferable to the workplace. . Track A participant’s primary focus is to create an individualized Job Search Plan and to focus on fine-tuning pre-employment skills. Week 2-4 Job Club for Advanced Prep participants consist of a group session followed by individualized job search activities in the classroom Workforce Development Center (WDC) focusing on identifying job leads. During Orientation the participants are given information on the program benefits as well as the participants’ rights and responsibilities. Track A. Week 1 Track A services participants who are identified as “Advanced Prep”. During week four. and preparing for job interviews. recently unemployed and for participants who have attended Job Club previously. Track A is for participants who are job ready. Track B is for new participants who need more direction from the Job Club facilitator on how to search for employment and for participants who previously attended Job Club. JCO provides a seamless transition between GAIN Orientation. The Orientation/Job Club/Vocational Training (JCO) program incorporates the following activities: Orientation Orientation is the first activity conducted on Monday of the first week of JCO. job search and/or an educational/training plan with the ultimate goal of obtaining. Job Club has been modified to meet the needs of participants who are unemployed with extensive work skills and or degrees.County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services SHERYL L. have a current professional resume. as well as those participants with no employment history. demonstrate an urgency to obtain employment. Participants participate in “Hot Jobs” job placement session(s) daily and one-on-one meetings with the facilitator for participants to receive individualized job search support and guidance. Job Club and Vocational Assessment. identifying potential employers. Advance Prep participants who have not obtained employment will complete Vocational Assessment. Track A. The changes include more use of technology in the classroom allowing participants to apply for jobs on-line. SPILLER Director ORIENTATION/JOB CLUB/VOCATIONAL ASSESSMENT (JCO) FACT SHEET PROGRAM OVERVIEW The GAIN program provides a one-day GAIN Orientation and four-week Job Readiness & Career Planning Services Program known as Orientation/Job Club/Vocational Assessment (JCO) to assist participants with job preparation. Participants in the “Advanced Prep” begin supervised Job Search activities in the Workforce Center/Computer Lab. and Track B. Spanish and Non-English-Spanish speaking participants. practice online applications.Track B. The activities during these weeks are designed to teach GAIN/REP participants various job finding skills to enable them to find work through their own efforts and enhance their chances of finding employment. This group of participants follows the regular job club flow which includes interviewing techniques. participants secure job interviews by submitting on-line job applications to prospective employers using the computer labs that are available at the Job Services sites. goal-setting. Track B. During JCO. This four-week component focuses on essential pre-employment skills. Participants who have not found employment by the beginning of the fourth week proceed to Vocational Assessment at the end of the week to develop an employment plan. The goal is to complete on-line applications and secure job interviews. Rev 3/13/13 . They are expected to dress appropriately. Week 1 Track B participants are GAIN/REP participants who are participating in Job Club for the first time or returning participants who need additional job readiness assistance. which is reviewed regularly by the Job Club instructor. Participants are required to treat JCO as if it were an actual job. report on time. dress for success. complete resume. Participants practice mock interviews. preparing participants to enter or re-enter the workforce with the flexibility to pursue various Workforce Development Center activities that are appropriate to each individual. and participate actively in the workshops. Weeks 2-4 During the second through fourth week of JCO. Each participant maintains a job search progress report to guide and monitor their search. Participants have daily one-on-one meetings with the facilitators to identify and maximize job readiness and potential job leads. The curriculum presented in the first week of the Job Club is vital to the participant’s success in obtaining employment. money management skills and soft skills leading to job retention and promotion. online data storage. Job Search documentation are monitored and reviewed daily. as well as work independently to practice and update computer skills. job search is focused on classroom activities combined with job search activities. Career Assessment .SHERYL L. employment skills. abilities. training. employment interest and goals. and domestic violence. vocational assessment test results and local labor market information. if the participant did not complete assessment in JCO. mid-. DPSS contracts with professional vocational assessors to provide required services to participants throughout the County. Based on an evaluation of work history. job skills. knowledge and ability through appropriate vocational testing and labor market information. and long-term career goals. The types of assessments for GAIN participants: • Vocational Assessment . • • • Assessment Fees: Full vocational/career assessment costs $220 per participant. education level.A subsequent Assessment tailored for participants who have completed all assigned components in the established employment plan but have still not found employment. . Providers also conduct barrier screening for mental health. Third-Party Assessment . Vocational Reassessment . substance abuse. The participant is referred to an impartial Third Party Assessor. personal strengths.This activity usually follows the Job Search Component if the participant has not found employment.Career Assessment is a post-employment tool to help GAIN participants arrive at short-. while third-party assessment. vocational reassessment and partial assessment costs $110 per participant. a career and economic self-sufficiency. Services include the utilization of behavioral tests and observational tools to screen GAIN participants for the development of a Welfare-to-Work employment plan. The goal of the of Los Angeles County GAIN Vocational/Career Assessment is to help participants achieve employment in an occupation consistent with their education. Vocational Assessment takes place during the third week of the Orientation/Job Club/Vocational Assessment (JCO) activity or as a stand-alone activity after Appraisal or after JCO. Services also include post-employment career and comprehensive assessments. an individualized employment plan is developed. A career plan is developed between the participant and an assessor to identify services which will promote job retention and to assist the participant advance to a better job. SPILLER Director VOCATIONAL ASSESSMENT FACT SHEET PROGRAM OVERVIEW Vocational Assessment is the process by which a professional assessor develops an individualized employment plan which leads a participant to employment based on evaluation of the participant’s existing skills. and interests.An Assessment is specifically tailored for participants who are unable to reach an agreement with the assessor on the development of their employment plan. The Assessment is customized to help participants identify and fulfill their objectives for future employment. . Background The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) agreed to partner with Internal Revenue Services (IRS) to develop a VITA Program to provide VITA services to eligible DPSS participants. Each tax preparer must pass a certification exam. before they can provide tax preparation assistance to participants.A.L. and To increase participant earnings by providing free tax preparation services and educating them about avoiding the high predatory lending fees offered by commercial tax preparers like the Rapid Anticipation Loans (RALs). In Los Angeles County there are over 150 VITA sites where anyone earning less than $51. 2012 Tax Season • • • • • Assisted over 2. Page 1 3/13/13 .2 million claimed in Child Tax Credit “To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service” M. Purpose DPSS became a VITA provider to determine the benefits and impact of providing income tax assistance preparation to eligible working families with children. SPILLER Director DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS)/ VITA PROGRAM What is Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)? The VITA program assists low-income families and individuals with free and reliable tax preparation assistance. determined by their previous experience. To increase utilization of federal tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) by eligible participants. The department set the goals: • • • To educate and emphasize the benefits of employment to as many participants as possible.7 million claimed in total tax refund amounts $3. They receive training on basic tax law and the tax preparation software approved by the IRS.1 million claimed in Earned Income Tax Credit $1. DPSS VITA program has 10 VITA sites located throughout Los Angeles County that provide reliable tax preparation assistance to CalWORKs and CalFresh participants.County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services SHERYL L.933 returns processed $4. DPSS Tax Preparers GAIN Services Workers receive training as VITA tax preparers to assist qualified participants with tax preparation. The duration of the training may be one to three days. The IRS sponsors and administers the VITA program with the support of volunteers.500 families 1.000 a year may qualify to have their taxes prepared at no cost. issued by the IRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 or less and signs a lien.500 or less. An average GR case consists of one person. the following aid may be available while GR is pending: • • • • • • Aid to Prevent Eviction Aid to Prevent Utility Shut-off or to Restore Utilities Aid to First Paycheck Meal and Housing Vouchers Transportation to seek jobs/keep medical appointments. SERVICES AVAILABLE: Emergency Aid If eligible to GR. or $1. Real Property (home) has an assessed value of $34. Ineligibles An individual is ineligible to GR if he or she: • Was convicted of a drug felony after 12/31/97 and is an unaided member of a CalWORKs Assistance Unit. If determined to have a substance abuse problem. Spiller Director GENERAL RELIEF FACT SHEET DESCRIPTION General Relief (GR) assists needy adults who are ineligible for State or federal assistance. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for GR. living alone. Non-needy caretakers who are timed-off of CalWORKs are also eligible. Only one motor vehicle may be retained. Expedited CalFresh benefits. The maximum monthly GR grant is $221. individuals must attend a County-approved treatment program as a condition of eligibility for GR.500 or less after approval. with no income or resources. Cash on hand or in a bank account is valued at $50 or less at application. if the following GR eligibility requirements are met: • • • • • Monthly net income is lower than the maximum GR grant of $221 for one person. Approximately 90% of GR participants also receive CalFresh benefits. an individual must be a resident of Los Angeles County. Motor vehicle is valued at $4.County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services Sheryl L. . allowing the County to recover GR payments received under certain circumstances. Personal property has a combined value of $500 or less per adult. etc. SUBSTANCE ABUSE PRE-SCREENING REQUIREMENT Individuals are pre-screened at application for potential substance abuse. In addition. Administratively Unemployable (AU) Individuals with circumstances that prevent them from seeking employment. GR eligibility for unemployable individuals is not time limited. who are co-located in GR Districts. Employable participants may receive GR for nine months in any 12 month period. Permanently disabled individuals or those disabled 12 out of the last 18 months must apply for SSI and are referred to an SSI Advocate for assistance. prescriptions. Supplemental Security Income and Medi-Cal Assistance Program (SSIMAP) Social Workers provide advocacy to help physically/mentally disabled individuals apply for SSI. If approved for SSI. . Applicants pending approval of GR. Special Needs Individuals may receive: • A transportation allowance to look for work. • An allowance for tools needed to begin a new job. SSI recipients receive full-scope Medi-Cal. most GR participants are approved for Healthy Way Los Angeles (HWLA) benefits. Is fleeing to avoid prosecution or custody/confinement after a felony conviction.2SERVICES AVAILABLE: (Continued) • • Is in violation of probation or parole. Evaluation of the mental health disability is conducted by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) or Adult Protective Services (APS) staff. nor are they required to participate in GROW. and emergency services. may be designated AU. designed to help them find employment. GR eligibility is not time limited for AUs. the maximum monthly grant is $845 versus the monthly GR grant of $221. nor are they required to participate in GROW. NSAs are given priority treatment in the District Office and are exempt from most GR requirements. Unemployable (U) Individuals are designated unemployable through an employability screening by contracted medical providers. Potentially SSI eligibles are referred to an SSI Advocate for assistance with their SSI application. • A special/therapeutic diet allowance as verified by a doctor. and become self-sufficient. including primary care. an AU designation may be assigned because an individual provides full time care to an incapacitated family member. specialty physician visits. Needs Special Assistance (NSA) Individuals with mental healt disabilities are designated as NSA. GR for NSAs is not time limited. provided they continue to comply with GROW requirements.. For example. is pregnant. or not eligible to HWLA are referred to a County-administered clinics or hospitals for health care services. Individuals determined to be employable are required to participate in the General Relief Opportunities for Work (GROW) program. obtain early SSI approval. HWLA offers a wide range of services. Health Care Upon GR approval. GR CASELOAD TYPES The GR caseload includes the following employability status classifications: Employable (E) Individuals are designated employable through self-declaration or through an employability screening by contracted medical providers. or is 65 years of age or older. other than physical or mental disabilities. nor are they required to participate in GROW. these individuals may be restricted to sedentary. (3/13) . This category is assigned to individuals who are employable. However. Unemployable Volunteer (U) Individuals are designated unemployable through a medical disability assessment by contracted medical providers. light. or through documentation provided by his/her own medical provider. or moderate work due to their physical disability. The disability/illness for these individuals must be determined and verified by the contracted medical providers or his/her own personal physician. however. For example. Participation in GROW is limited by the restrictions determined by the contracted medical providers. No penalties will be applied to GR participants who are designated Unemployable Volunteers for not complying with GROW requirements. he/she would still like to volunteer to participate in GROW.-3GR CASELOAD TYPES (continued) Employable with Restrictions (E) Individuals are designated Employable with restrictions through a medical disability assessment by contracted medical providers. Participation in GROW is limited by the restrictions identified by the contracted medical provider or his/her own personal physician. these individuals may volunteer to participate in GROW. The restrictions for these individuals must be identified by the contracted medical providers. such as a person with a back problem who may not be able to do work that requires heavy lifting or excessive bending. Individuals determined to be Employable with restrictions are required to participate in the GROW Program. Individuals who are designated as Employable with Restrictions may receive GR for nine months in any 12 month period. nor are they required to participate in GROW. provided they continue to comply with GROW requirements. GR eligibility for individuals determined Unemployable Volunteers are not time limited. but need certain accommodations in their work preparation program or have certain limitations/restrictions in the type of work they can perform. . rather than a mandatory component to allow the Case Managers more flexibility to address each individual’s needs. the Case Manager evaluates participants for job readiness during Job Skills Assessment and assigns them to ongoing activities based on each individual’s situation. as approved by the Board of Supervisors under Section 17000. As a result of the GROW Redesign. Supportive services are included as needed. 1998. The Fastrak component was modified to include services to the chronically homeless population. Following a brief Orientation. providing a life skills module that addresses this group’s specific needs. and eliminated the gap between Orientation and Job Skills Participation Class (JSPC).6 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. This redesign provided new components including Rapid Employment and Promotion (REP). as well as other time gaps in-between components. SPILLER Director GENERAL RELIEF OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORK (GROW) FACT SHEET BACKGROUND General Relief Opportunities for Work (GROW) was implemented in February 1999. GROW PROGRAM OVERVIEW The goal of GROW is to transition GROW participants into the labor market. participation in the GROW Program meets the CalFresh education/training and work requirements. Other enhancements include changing Vocational Assessment to an optional. On August 21. Therefore. Early Job Search (EJS) and Short Term Training (STT). These activities are designed to prepare the participants for employment. GROW implemented a redesign that enhanced its services. a law change extended the time limit on eligibility for General Relief (GR) to nine months in any 12 month period and made participation in a welfare-to-work program mandatory for employable GR recipients. . GR participants who are actively and continuously participating in a GROW activity are no longer required to complete Workfare Project assignments. Participation is mandatory for all employable GR recipients. provided more flexibility to GROW Case Managers in assigning components based on an individual’s employment goals. In July 2006. Participants can be referred to Intensive Case Management (ICM) while they wait for the start date of a new activity in order to keep them continuously engaged in workrelated activities.SHERYL L. Participants take a literacy assessment during Orientation. as well as any potential barriers to employment that may affect their participation in the program. Orientation . 2 . its services. 2000.A three-week activity consisting of a oneweek job skills workshop and two weeks of directed.This is a voluntary component that was designed to provide participants without a high school diploma an opportunity to earn a GED. there is a selection process to determine if they are job ready and available to start employment immediately if they receive a job offer. Participants must have a California ID or driver’s license. B. Beginning on August 3. It consists of a brief twohour presentation to provide participants with an overview of the GROW Program.This component is the first activity in GROW. Transportation is issued for traveling to job interviews as needed. based on information gathered on the Participant Employment Profile (PEP). all employable and volunteer applicants to GROW are screened to gather information regarding their education and job skills. Business Services Specialist (formerly job developer) and facilitator provide support and determine the best way to assist each individual participant in his/her career path. GROW Components include: A. C. This information is recorded into the GROW computer system and later on utilized by the Case Manager to determine the GROW activities that are appropriate for each individual. Literacy (LIT) – This is a voluntary component that was designed to assist participants with literacy barriers learn basic reading and writing skills prior to participation in other GROW activities. participation requirements and benefits of employment. Early Job Search (EJS) – This is a voluntary component offered to interested participants who are willing to participate in intensive job searching activities under the guidance of a job developer. General Education Diploma (GED) . Participants who fail the literacy test are offered enrollment in English as a Second Language (ESL) or Adult Basic Education classes. as part of their GROW activities. D. Participants are allowed to enroll in a GED preparation course as a primary or concurrent GROW activity. and as part of the GR application process. while they wait for their case to be approved.Prior to enrollment in GROW. intensive job search activities. F. E. social security card and registration with the Employment Development Department (EDD) in order to be considered for this component. The Employment Development Team (EDT) comprised of the Case Manager. Job Skills Preparation Class (JSPC) . Rapid Employment and Promotion (REP) – This is a voluntary component offered to participants after Orientation while the GR case is pending.Employment Needs Evaluation (EVA) . Additionally. attending Orientation became a condition of GR eligibility. This component consists of intensive job searching activities under the guidance of the job developer and/or Case Manager. The Employment Development Team (EDT) or the Case Manager shall determine whether it will be more advantageous to refer a participant to Vocational Assessment or directly to other activities geared towards the participant’s employment goals. and those age 50 and older. financial planning. K. Vocational Assessment (VOC) – This is an optional component. This component was designed to promote life skills development.) H. ICM services are provided as follows: • • • During any down-time in-between components. M. I. J. CORE specifically targets participants with more challenging barriers to employment including those who are chronically homeless. Intensive Case Management (ICM) . Participation in this program enhances their ability to reach selfsufficiency. (Note: CORE was previously known as FasTrak. The class is designed to provide TAY with knowledge and understanding of industry-standard software used by current employers. those who have previously been in GROW. and can be completed within the remaining time on aid. social. Computer Application Class (CAC) – A 12-week open-entry/open-exit computer training class for TAY participants. critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 3 . Career Opportunities Resources and Employment (CORE) .G.A four-week component designed to increase participant’s job readiness and career motivation by reducing potential barriers to employment. Once all other required components have been completed and until time limits expire. work-readiness. Concurrently with any other activities which combined add up to 20 hours per week. Life Skills (LSK) – A one-week class designed to teach TAY independent living. and problem solving skills to help them become self-sufficient and independent. L.Attendance at education or training programs may be approved in lieu of JSPC if the participant was enrolled prior to Orientation and: • • • involves a minimum of 20 hours activity per week. job retention. Self-Initiated Program (SIP) . is likely to lead to employment in a demand occupation. Pathways to Success (PTS) – A four-week component customized for Transition Age Youth (TAY) between the ages of 18-24. 1. Q. Additionally. Orientation and Vocational Assessment.This component is available to participants who may benefit from services provided by the WorkSource centers. along with employment opportunities to our GROW participants. Participants receive job-related services through participation in this component. 4 . and other job-readiness components. open exit course designed for participants who express an interest in working in an office environment. but is not limited to. Short-Term Training (STT) . R. a Vocational Assessment employment plan.N. on-the job training (OJT). participants acquire hands-on experience with computers and use of office-related software programs. S. Under the recommendation of the Employment Development Team (EDT) and if needed. and subsidized employment programs. continued education development. One-Stop/WorkSource (OST) . The training provides a series of workshops that prepare participants to obtain jobs in this field. Other supportive services include Homeless Court and Expungement. During this course. O. This project has been incorporated as a GROW activity. Case Managers may also make referrals at any time a participant expresses the need for such assistance. participants may get assistance with transportation for up to thirty days after securing employment as long as their GR case remains active. which assist eligible participants clear criminal backgrounds that may affect their ability to find employment. Office Occupations (OPS) – Open entry. Participation is mandatory for individuals who are referred by the judge as part of their probation requirements. training. There is no requirement for Vocational Assessment in order to participate in this component. including customized training. Post Employment Services (PES) –This component offers job retention services. P. Day Reporting Center . Supportive Services – Participants are screened for potential substance abuse.This component is managed by the Probation Department. This component includes. including job preparation workshops. Education/Training (EDU) .Participants receive referrals to training programs that can be completed within sixty days.Additional education or training provided by local/community schools and training programs. Security Officer Training (SOT) – A comprehensive training that includes 60 hours of industry-related instruction and 15 hours of soft skills. participants make a selection from a wide inventory of programs that help them fulfill their employment plan. Collaborations have been established with various WorkSource Centers which offer case management. Activities include occupational training with institution/classroom programs delivered by public and private schools. domestic violence and mental health needs at application. and work-based programs. courses such as Office Occupations and Security Guard Training. rapid re-employment and supportive services provided by the Case Manager. 2. Participation for this group is voluntary. Ancillary Expenses – Issuances to cover ancillary expenses are provided as needed for transportation and other employment related needs. Participants have the opportunity to have the sanction lifted if they can prove “good cause” during a scheduled hearing to discuss the issues that prevented their participation in the program. NONCOMPLIANCE Participation is tracked throughout the program. They are required to participate as a condition of eligibility and they are subject to time limits and financial sanctions for noncompliance. applicants without documented physical or mental disabilities meet one-on-one with an Employment Specialist (Eligibility Worker) who describes the program and explains that participation is mandatory as a condition of receiving GR. Subsequent occurrences result in a 60-day period of ineligibility. a 30-day period of ineligibility is imposed. etc. work history. 5 . An Employment Needs Evaluation is made to gather information concerning the applicant’s job skills. fees and supplies. GROW ENROLLMENT Individuals are given information on the GROW program when they apply for GR. Individuals who are exempt from mandatory participation in GROW. shoes. the participant receives a warning. may enroll in the program if they wish to do so. etc. On the same day. Aid for mandatory participants who fail to comply with any required activity without good cause is terminated and sanctions are imposed. but may reapply without a penalty. On the second occurrence. These are also provided for education and training costs such as books. Time limits begin on the date of the Orientation appointment. Individuals who report having a physical or mental health disability that prevents their participation in GROW are referred for enhanced medical and/or mental health assessments to determine their employability status. including. The applicant is then scheduled for an Orientation appointment.T. but not limited to uniforms. Those individuals who are determined to be Employable are referred to GROW. For the first occurrence. educational background. tools. They are not subjected to time limits or financial sanctions if they opt to stop participation at any time. . . . blind or aged. < Individuals who are disabled. < Qualified aliens or PRUCOLs who are disabled. < Qualified aliens who are disabled.S. 1998. blind or aged. and entered the U. 1998. ELIGIBLE POPULATION If otherwise eligible. they may be eligible to SSI/SSP. individuals must successfully complete the application process. and have a sponsor. the following legal non-citizens will qualify for CAPI: < Qualified aliens 65 years or older (aged) who lawfully entered the U. and do not have a sponsor or have a sponsor who is not deceased. BASIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS To be eligible for CAPI. on or after August 22. If aged individuals are disabled or blind. lawfully entered the U. 1996. Federal SSI/SSP was restored for the aged/disabled legal non-citizens (PRUCOLs) who had been slated for discontinuance on September 30. blind or aged. . disabled or abusive.S. entered the U.This is necessary to determine if an individual is ineligible for SSI/SSP solely due to their immigrant status.S. including the following: < Apply for SSI/SSP . or. disabled or abusive (or the sponsor’s spouse is abusive to the immigrant). 1996. However. but the sponsor is deceased. 1996. or. 1996. they may receive CAPI benefits until SSI/SSP is approved. CAPI was implemented on November 1. blind and disabled legal non-citizens who are not eligible for Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment (SSI/SSP).County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services Sheryl L.S. on or after August 22. on or before August 21. on or before August 21. (these individuals must provide proof of their Permanent Residence Under Color of Law [PRUCOL] status). Spiller Director CASH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR IMMIGRANTS (CAPI) FACT SHEET BACKGROUND The State Legislature approved and the Governor signed Assembly Bill (AB) 2779 authorizing a State-only program to provide cash assistance to certain aged. bank accounts. CAPI presentations were given at District Community meetings and other community agency meetings.The resources a person may own cannot be greater than $2. CAPI payment amounts are $10 less for an individual or $20 less for a couple than the SSI/SSP payment standards. APPLICATION PROCESSING CAPI applications may be filed at any DPSS GR office. In-kind income is food. < Meet the resource criteria .The individual’s monthly income. or something that can be used to get any of these items. mortgages. Flyers are also shared with community representatives. CAPI participants may be eligible for Medi-Cal. after certain amounts are disregarded. Individuals requesting such benefits must file the appropriate application for the other program. CAPI brochures are available at all District Offices for applicants of all aids. Individuals who are not California residents are not eligible for CAPI. bonds. < Meet CAPI living arrangements and residency requirements . California residency is determined by physical presence in California with the intent to remain in the State. In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) and/or Food Stamp benefits.Any individual living in a public institution. for an entire month is not eligible for CAPI. Resources are cash or other property that the person can convert into cash for support. General Relief (GR) participants and other interested agencies or individuals. Some resources are not counted in determining eligibility. mutual funds. Income is anything the person receives in cash or in-kind that can be used or sold to meet their needs for food.-2< Meet the income criteria . one car (used to provide necessary transportation or does not exceed a certain value) and household goods and personal effects of reasonable value. For example: stocks. household goods. OUTREACH EFFORTS DPSS posts flyers in district offices to advise individuals about CAPI. clothing or shelter. such as jail.000 for a couple. CAPI FS (1/10) . cannot be greater than the maximum monthly CAPI benefit amount. CAPI participants will receive these payment amounts if no other income is received by the household. clothing and shelter. such as the principal place of residence (regardless of value).000 for an individual or $3. Homebound applicants may call the toll-free Hotline Number 1-877-481-1044 to receive an application by mail. BENEFITS By law. CAPI applications are processed centrally in the Wilshire CAPI District. boats and vehicles or land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or disabled persons who are unable to perform all of the personal and household services needed to maintain independent living and who cannot remain safely in their own home unless such services are Informs citizens of Los Angeles County of state and federal benefits assistance. blind. This website provides additional information about programs available after completing a short online Provides information about human social services in the Los Angeles County.IHSS The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program provides supportive services to aged. office locations and the community event’s calendar. listing all departmental information. including program-specific information.211LACounty. • DPSS’ main website.ladpss. • www. Applicants can receive a mail-in application by calling 1-888-944 IHSS (4477) or 1-213-744-4477 Contents: • • In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Fact Sheet IHSS Application for Social Services SOC 295 Additional information may be accessed through the websites listed below: • www. . County of Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services SHERYL L. SPILLER Director IN-HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES PROGRAM FACT SHEET PURPOSE The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program helps disabled individuals so that they may remain safely in alternative to out-of-home care such as nursing homes or one must be 65 years of age or older or disabled or IHSS. pay for services provided to aged, blind or their own home. IHSS is considered an board and care facilities. To receive IHSS, blind. Disabled children may also receive IHSS authorized services can include: housecleaning, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, personal care services (such as bowel and bladder care, bathing, grooming, protective supervision and paramedical services), and accompaniment to medical appointments. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Income • Receiving Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payments (SSI/SSP); or • • Meeting all SSI/SSP eligibility criteria except for income or citizenship/immigration status (includes Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) recipients) and are Medi-Cal eligible; or Meeting all SSI/SSP eligibility criteria including income, but do not receive SSI/SSP (includes CalWORKs participants or Medi-Cal Medically Needy (MN) beneficiaries who have a chronic disability lasting at least 12 continuous months). Paying the share of cost for Medi-Cal and IHSS benefits if income is above the SSI/SSP payment limits. • Property • Personal property may not exceed $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for a couple. • Countable property includes: cash on hand, checking and savings accounts, the value of stocks, bonds, trust deeds, real property (other than the home owned and lived in), automobiles and recreational vehicles, promissory notes and loans. Property not counted includes: the home owned and lived in, one automobile needed for transportation to medical appointments or work, and all life insurance policies if the combined face value is $1,500 or less. • Residency • United States citizenship or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence. • California residency. • Living in own home that is not a nursing home or other out-of-home care facility (licensed or not). ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA; (CONTINUED) APPLICATION PROCESS Applications for IHSS are made by calling (888) 944-IHSS [4477] or (213) 744-IHSS [4477]. The call can be made by the applicant or someone calling on his/her behalf. Applicants receiving SSI/SSP payments from the Social Security Administration will be interviewed by an IHSS Social Worker (SW) during a home visit to determine eligibility and need for IHSS. Applicants who do not receive SSI/SSP payments or Medi-Cal benefits must first be determined eligible to receive Medi-Cal benefits under Medi-Cal rules and regulations. The IHSS application is automatically sent to a Medi-Cal Eligibility Worker for this determination. Once Medi-Cal eligibility is determined, an IHSS SW will conduct a home visit to determine eligibility and need for IHSS. During the home visit, the IHSS SW will assess the types of IHSS services needed and authorize an amount of time for each one based on the applicant’s/consumer’s functional ability to safely perform certain tasks. The assessment of need includes information given by the applicant, and if appropriate, family, friends, physician, or other health care practitioners. Notices are mailed for the approval or denial of Medi-Cal benefits and IHSS. If denied for IHSS, the reason for denial is stated on the notice. If approved for IHSS, the services and number of hours per month that have been authorized are listed on the notice. All notification regarding approval or denial will be in writing. IHSS consumers must hire someone (the IHSS service provider) to perform the authorized services. The IHSS consumer is considered the provider’s employer. It is the responsibility of the IHSS consumer to hire, train, supervise and, if necessary, fire this individual. All IHSS providers must complete all of the following enrollment requirements: • Complete and sign the IHSS Provider Enrollment Form (SOC 426). The form must be submitted to the county in person and original documentation verifying provider’s identity (e.g. current photo identification and social security card) must be provided for photocopying by the county; Attend an on-site provider orientation to obtain information about IHSS rules and requirements for being a provider; Complete and sign the Provider Enrollment Agreement, SOC 846. The SOC 846 states that the provider understands and agrees to the rules of the IHSS program and the responsibilities of being an IHSS provider; and Submit fingerprints and pass a Criminal Background Investigation from the Department of Justice. • • • IHSS PROVIDER PAYMENTS The State issues the paychecks for IHSS provider payments and withholds the applicable amounts for disability insurance coverage and Social Security. The IHSS provider may choose to have federal and State income taxes withheld. IHSS providers are covered by Workers Compensation insurance. IHSS consumers and providers must complete, sign, date, and mail timesheets verifying the delivery of authorized services for each pay period. MEDI-CAL BENEFITS Individuals receiving SSI/SSP payments automatically receive Medi-Cal through the Social Security Administration. Those who do not receive SSI/SSP benefits must be determined eligible to receive Medi-Cal benefits under Medi-Cal rules and regulations. If eligible to receive Medi-Cal, there may be a share of cost for benefits. IHSS QUESTIONS For questions or concerns (888) 678-IHSS [4477]. IN-HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES PROGRAM FACT SHEET REVISED JANUARY 2011 about the IHSS program call the IHSS Ombudsman at . . . . . and contact Informs citizens of Los Angeles County of state and federal benefits assistance. including program-specific information. • www.ladpss. Contents • • • • • • Health & Nutrition Mobile Office Fact Sheet Toy Loan Program Fact Sheet Toy Loan Program Frequently Asked Questions Volunteer Program Fact Sheet Volunteer Program Flyer Accessing Health and Human Services Programs Additional information may be accessed through the websites listed below: • www. and the community event’s calendar. office locations. and economic independence in Los Angeles County. listing all departmental information. program summaries. personal responsibility. • www. application samples.The Department of Public Social Services General Information The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) Resource Guide was developed to provide information on programs designed to both alleviate hardship and promote DPSS’s main website.211LACounty. This website provides additional information about programs available after completing a short online survey.lacountyhelps. This Resource Guide is organized to easily access information on programs and Provides information about human social services in the Los Angeles County. . HEALTH & NUTRITION MOBILE OFFICE FACT SHEET Background: The Health & Nutrition Mobile Office (Mobile Office) was developed as a result of the Quality and Productivity Commission’s recommendation of December 2008, which authorized funding from the Productivity Investment Fund for the purchase of the DPSS Mobile Office, which became operational on September 29, 2010. The Mobile Office was designed for, and is utilized to allow the Department to reach out in a non-traditional way to the public to reduce food hunger/insecurity, increase CalFresh awareness and participation, and provide an alternative platform to better serve the thousands of low-income Los Angeles County residents. The Mobile Office enables individuals and families to apply for CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal benefits on-site. Benefits: The Mobile Office accepts applications at various outreach locations and activities. This reduces lobby traffic and helps to reduce lines in District Offices. Applications taken on the Mobile Office are prescreened and the initial interview process is completed at the outreach site, saving the district receiving the applications for final processing valuable intake and clerical staff time. The Mobile Office also benefits the community we serve by increasing access to DPSS benefits and services. By applying for benefits on the Mobile Office, applicants are able to avoid lines and long wait times they would likely experience at district offices. Further, the Mobile Office serves as an alternative location for those who do not wish to go to an office to apply and/or do not want to apply by mail or via on line. Description and Features: The Mobile Office is 34 feet long (bumper to bumper) with two 10 foot long slideout sections, and is equipped with an emergency generator. It is equipped with a solar panel system that distributes electrical power throughout the Mobile Office. There are four Screening areas, one private interview booth, and one Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 compliant Screening room. It is equipped with a wheelchair lift. It is equipped with wireless technology to support the use of laptop equipment with LEADER and MEDs applications. It has a 29” flat screen television for Public Service Announcements. Health & Nutrition Mobile Unit Rev 03/11/13 Staffing/Operation: The Mobile Office is staffed with: o one Eligibility Supervisor o two Eligibility Workers/Drivers (additional staff are added for larger events) Staffs were selected from a listing of volunteers. Security must be provided by the event/activity location. The Mobile Office staff accepts, assists, and processes CalFresh and Medi-Cal applications. In addition, the EW’s distribute DPSS program and services materials and answer eligibility related questions. The Mobile Office staff evaluates participants for Expedited Services and provides them with an appointment the following day (unless it is a weekend) at the office where the case will be assigned. Integrated Service Operations Section coordinates the agency outreach scheduling and develops the calendar for the Mobile Office’s participation in outreach activities. Production: Mobile Office has participated in 381 events/activities since implemented on September 29, 2010 to February 28, 2013. o Vendor sites include Food Banks, Work Source Centers, Homeless Connect events, Supermarkets, Farmers Markets, Health Fairs, and Schools. Over 4,037 applications taken on board o 3,482 CalFresh Applications o 555 Medi-Cal applications Over 10,323 inquiries on DPSS services and benefits Recent Updates: The Mobile Office has expanded service to weekends. The Mobile Office has included the YBN System to allow applicants to apply online. Increased promotion of the Mobile Office through the following methods: o Information shared on DPSS Portal Calendar and Outreach portlet o Information shared at Community Meetings Additional partnerships developed with Community and Faith Based organizations to conduct outreach at various sites. Health & Nutrition Mobile Unit Rev 03/11/13 TOY LOAN PROGRAM FACT SHEET BACKGROUND In the summer of 1934, during the Great Depression, the manager of a dime store in southwest Los Angeles noticed two young boys wandering around his store, and discovered they were pocketing small toys and materials that could be used to construct toys. The boys were apprehended and referred to the Probation Department. Probation staff then spoke to the principal of the school they attended and found that the boys had good records, but their families could not afford many toys. Together, the store manager, school principal and Probation staff decided something must be done to prevent them from becoming delinquents. From this, the idea of gathering toys and loaning them to children was conceived. The first Toy Loan Center opened May 6, 1935, in a garage near Manchester Park. The basic ground rules were developed. Toys would be loaned on a weekly basis, and a record would be kept of every toy borrowed. The children would be graded on the care of their borrowed toy, receiving a satisfactory mark for returning their toy on time and in good condition. After 20 good marks, s/he would attain the status of Honor Borrower, which entitled the child to a gift from the Honor Cabinet. In addition, the Toy Loan Honor Code was established to teach honesty, responsibility, courtesy and integrity. OVERVIEW Individuals, groups and toy manufacturers donate toys and books to the Toy Loan Program. Each Toy Loan Centers operates independently. The Toy Loan Centers are located in parks, recreation facilities, children’s centers, housing projects and community service buildings. Each center adheres to the basic tenets of the Toy Loan Program. Currently, the Toy Loan Program supplies toys to over 50 centers throughout Los Angeles County and is a resource for teachers and educators who borrow toys, books and games to enhance learning and stimulate communication. Over 35,000 children are served annually by the various services offered by the program. While the program depends on monetary, toy and book donations from the public and private sectors, the County does provide other key supports, such as a headquarters facility and a delivery truck. Toys are sorted and sanitized at the headquarters, then distributed to the various Toy Loan Centers, as well as Domestic Violence and Homeless Shelters. At any given time, there are approximately 45,000 toys in circulation. mbb 3/2012 . What if the toy is broken or lost? If the toy is broken or lost it will take the child a bit longer to receive his/her “incentive toy”. Where do the toys come from? All of the toys are donated from private citizens and toy manufacturers. . No ID is required. Toy Loan believes that every child in LA County deserves a toy and playing is an essential component of a child’s development. What is an “incentive toy”? The child is rewarded with a new “incentive toy” to keep and take home with them after participation in the program for 5. CA 90007 (213) 744-4344 INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION How can my child join Toy Loan? You simply fill out a registration card with name and address. The child “checks out” the toy and returns it the following week.Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Toy Loan Program Headquarters 2615 South Grand Ave LA. Our Philosophy ☺☻ The Toy Loan Program is designed to instill self confidence and socialization in the child. 10. What is Toy Loan? It is a free toy lending library. responsibility and cooperation. It works just like a library. What does the child learn from this program? The child learns about honesty. 15 and 20 weeks. ¿Qué es el Préstamo de Juguetes? Es una biblioteca gratuita de préstamo de juguetes. P. 10. ¿Qué pasa si el juguete se rompe o se pierde? Si el juguete se rompe o se pierde le tomará al niño(a) más tiempo recibir su “juguete de incentivo”. mbb 11/08 SPANISH . P. El Préstamo de Juguetes cree que cada niño en el Condado de Los Angeles merece un juguete y jugar es un componente esencial del desarrollo de un niño. No se requiere identificación. ¿Qué aprende el niño de este programa? El niño aprende sobre responsabilidad y cooperación. Funciona como una biblioteca.Departamento de Servicios Sociales Públicos del Condado de Los Angeles Programa de Préstamo de Juguetes INFORMACIÓN PARA PADRES/MADRES/TUTORES LEGALES PREGUNTAS QUE SE HACEN A MENUDO P. El niño “pide prestado” el juguete y lo devuelve la siguiente semana. P. ¿Cómo puede mi hijo(a) formar parte del Préstamo de Juguetes? Usted simplemente completa una tarjeta de registro con el nombre y dirección. 15 y 20 semanas. P. ¿De dónde proceden los juguetes? Todos los juguetes son donados por ciudadanos particulares y fabricantes de juguetes. P. ¿Qué es un “juguete de incentivo”? El niño(a) es premiado(a) con el regalo de un “juguete de incentivo” nuevo. Nuestra filosofía El Programa de Préstamo de Juguetes es diseñado para inculcar autoconfianza y socialización en el niño. después de participar en el programa por 5. Volunteers will be able to use their expertise. Show me and I remember. talents and wisdom to serve the Department of Public Social Services and improve services to the community.Volunteer Opportunities Available Tell Your Friends . All Volunteers: • Complete a personal background/fingerprinting and reference check • Complete a DPSS confidentiality agreement • Must be at least 16 years old The DPSS Volunteer Services Section is committed to creating volunteer opportunities of true value for students. Volunteers will be dedicating their time for the betterment of families and the community. DPSS Volunteer Coordinator at: (213) 744-4348 or [email protected] Your Neighbors The Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services Volunteer Services Section is seeking volunteers for short term or long term assignments. Involve me and I understand. ~Chinese Proverb . Volunteers commit to serving in one or more ongoing assignments. please contact Rafael Navarro. Volunteers gain experience that is highly marketable in the workforce today.lacounty. For more information on volunteer placement. The number of hours served is often 20-40 hours per We Customize Volunteer Placement Based on Individual Skills and Desired Work Location Tell me and I forget. displaced workers and senior citizens from Los Angeles County.
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