Resolver Catalog
Brushless Motors >>Brush Type Motors >> Next >> Pancake Resolvers Handbook << Previous Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Next >> Major corporations and organizations rely on Axsys Technologies to design, develop and manufacture important, mission critical, innovative motion control components and assemblies. Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Table of Contents (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 V Line Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 How a Resolver Works . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Pancake Resolvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Specifying a Resolver . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Resolver Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Special Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Mounting Recomendations . . . . . . . .21 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Part Number Explanation . . . . . . . . .25 Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Products Data by Ascending Outside Diameter (inches) RP007 (0.71) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 RP012 (1.19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 RP015 (1.51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 RP019 (1.84) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 RP022 (2.21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 RP028 (2.75) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 RP034 (3.38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 RP038 (3.78) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 RP050 (5.01) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 RP065 (6.49) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 RP083 (8.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 RP094 (9.38) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 RP115 (11.37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Schematics and Phase Equations . . .78 1 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers Resolvers are a cost-effective answer to your control needs.They save you size and weight, being substantially smaller than other transducer approaches, and easily integrated into your system, component or motor design. Signal converters and balance circuitry can easily be incorporated into the resolver and/or output connector configuration. Ask our Sales Engineers about simplifying your design task with Axsys integrated packages, including motion control components and related electronics. Introduction Axsys has designed, developed and produced a very large variety of high accuracy resolvers and synchros for military and special industrial customers for more than 40 years.These products are available either unhoused (frameless pancake type) or housed (self-contained, with bearings). Special designs, from segmented multispeed units to brushless designs with rotary transformers are supplied for a wide range of demanding applications. The changing market is demanding lower costs and shorter lead times; this has prompted us to develop the most complete product line of standardized,V-Line™, resolvers in the market today. The following pages provide both a design guide to help you specify your resolver requirement and an entire library of highly tooled pancake designs ready for your selection with extremely short deliveries. These are all proven designs, based on instock laminations, created to meet military specifications, such as MIL-R-23417 and MIL-STD-202. Transducer Selection Resolvers are superior to many other kinds of absolute position sensors because of their ruggedness, and ability to provide a very high degree of angular accuracy under severe conditions.There are no optical paths to keep clear of smoke or oils that often disrupt the operation of optical encoders. Because they are a proportional device, they are also less subject to input signal anomalies; a voltage or frequency variance will change both the sine and cosine outputs equally. Introduction V LIne Products V Line Products Over the years Axsys Engineering has developed many different pancake type resolvers for specific military and space programs, as well as for motion controls in robotics and machine tool applications. Axsys now offers a line of standard frameless pancake resolvers, the V Line products, for the convenience of our customers, and in order to minimize nonrecurring cost and delivery times. Mechanical Configurations G “Bare Units” with stator and rotor lamination stacks, ground for concentric mounting directly into custom enclosures. These don’t have sleeves and hubs. G “Sleeves and Hubs” are added to provide rigidity and improve installation capabilities. Standard sleeves and hubs are made from stainless steel CRES 416. G Lightweight sleeves and hubs can be made of Titanium as an option. They provide the ideal resolver enclosures, because of their light weight and the 2 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> V Line Products vided as a special option. (see page 19 for details. 3 www. Consult Axsys for lead specification on different unit types. Combined with R-to-D converters. They may also be used as an alternative type of mounting. They provide a convenient means for the customer to connect the unit to their system. If you wish to modify the part. Resolvers can be placed on the driven device or easily integrated directly into the motor. their resolution and accuracy is as good or better than available optical discs. Terminals may also be provided for special application. G Sleeves and hubs with flanges can be pro- (800) 777-3393 details). Resolver schematics and phase equations are listed on page 78 at the end of the data pages for reference. and are not sensitive to voltage or frequency fluctuations. Winding distribution and other factors act opposite to the averaging effect of the higher multispeed designs.axsys. you need only to enter the part number. Flanges may further increase structural stability for resolvers having thin cross sections or very large diameters and ultimately increase accuracy. Available accuracies are listed in the data tables for every unit type. If you wish to specify a resolver exactly as it is specified in the tables. Low Cost Applications Resolvers are more stable than potentiometers in varying environmental conditions. 18 inches long. Axsys Engineers will be happy to assist you in defining the modified part number to order. Accuracy Electrical errors range from 15’ (arc minutes) for low accuracy units to 5” (arc seconds) for high accuracy units.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers coefficient of thermal expansion matching that of resolver magnetic << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . (see page 18 for There is an optimum speed for the highest accuracy. An explanation of the easy to use V Line numbering system is given on page 25 at the end of this section. High Precision Applications Resolvers can be made more compact than optical encoders and exhibit much higher signal-to-noise ratios than inductosyns. Units may also incorporate a “trim-board” to provide improved accuracy with the use of external trim resistors. G Resolvers can be provided with connec- tors as a special option. depending on size and other design parameters. G Lead Break-out: Standard resolvers usually have flexible leads of 28 AWG Teflon® coated 7 strand color coded leadwires per MIL-W-16878/6. providing both accurate positioning information and feedback to commutate a brushless motor. but only a resolver can provide ruggedness of construction and high positioning accuracy in extremely hostile environments.axsys.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers Applications When precise positioning is required there are many ways to address the Next >> . Applications Military/Aerospace: Radar fire controls Night vision pods Gyro navigation systems Air traffic control radar Missile guidance systems Seeker heads Telescopes Periscopes Stabilized platforms Industrial: Ballscrew positioning Machine vision systems Remote video controls Motor commutation X-Y tables Pick and place machines Robotics positioning Component insertion Web guides Instrumentation: Coordinate Measuring Optical measurement Oil exploration Robotics Antenna positioning Proximity measurement Medical: C-T scanners MRI patient positioning Laser positioning 4 << Previous Table of Contents www. Secondary windings are always placed with their axes at right angles. known as the transformation ratio. (800) 777-3393 Magnetic Core EIN EOUT Magnetic Flux AC Input Sine Output Shaft Angle o Cosine Output How a Resolver Works Stationary Transformers Fundamental transformer theory is the basis of resolver design. signal processing. Before You Start Selecting a rotary position transducer to meet your application looks straightforward at first. size. An AC voltage is applied to the primary winding (EIN) and a proportional output is developed on the secondary winding (EOUT).This establishes two separate outputs having a sine/cosine relationship. the amplitude of the secondary voltage changes.axsys. modulating the input carrier.You know the accuracy and rotational speed you want and the rest involves size and installation.The proportional is based on the ratio of turns on the secondary to the primary. and stability.” Comparison with “absolute encoders” favors the resolvers in price. one being stationary (stator and one which rotates (rotor).Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers A resolver is an “absolute position transducer. shock and vibration. www. If you are not familiar with specifying resolvers we invite you to read through the following tutorial before you tackle the specification sheets. Transformer EOUT = EIN Rotating Transformers (Resolvers) In a resolver the iron core for the primary and secondary are two multitoothed lamination stacks.The output voltage is affected by change in the position of the secondary winding relative to the primary winding. assuring the most cost-effective product for your requirement.Then you start to think about your system needs: temperature. As the rotor turns. effects of load impedances. installation ( ) N2 N1 5 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> How a Resolver Works . servo bandwidth and operating environment. Is this resolver really for me? Axsys' Engineers are prepared to help you through the selection process. By taking the ratio of E1 /E2 you get tan and can then find by taking the arctangent: E2 .Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Position Sensing The primary winding. EIN .KEINsin E2 . “Speed” is the number of resolvers pole pairs (P).axsys.KEINcos (P ) The number of sine and cosine output voltage cycles is equal to “P”.KEINsin (P ) “K” is the transformation ratio The ratio of the output signals accurately expresses the shaft angle information. For multispeed resolvers output voltage can be expressed as: E1 .com Next >> . (Example is shown for a 2 speed resolver) Shaft Angle ( ) 0° 90° 180° 270° 360° Input Carrier EIN SIN 1 Speed Output E1 COS 1 Speed Output E2 2 Speed Output E1 SIN 2 COS 2 2 Speed Output E2 6 << Previous Table of Contents www. induces variable voltages E1 and E2 into two secondaries. excited by the carrier voltage. depending on the shaft angle E1 .KEINcos Where: How a Resolver Works OUT Pancake Resolvers = arctan E 2 ( ) E1 The relations above are shown for “single speed” resolvers. receiving information and correcting information.axsys.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Resolver Functions A resolver is an electromagnetic transducer that can perform three basic functions: transmitting information.The three types of devices can be used as individual machines or as a system with the units directly interfacing with each Next >> How a Resolver Works . “Resolver Receiver or Transformer” (RT): Translates electrical signals into angular position in conjunction with a servo amplifier and electromechanical or hydraulic drive.They are usually defined as follows: (800) 777-3393 “Resolver Transmitter” (RX): Converts mechanical position into an electrical signal. “Resolver Differential” (RD): Provides a system correction by acting as a variable oIN (1) EIN RX oIN (2) RD RT out = IN(1) Where IN(2) + is the system error Load o OUT Motor Amplifier 7 << Previous Table of Contents www. That is why most of the unit types in this catalog are Resolver Transmitters (RX). which were nonexistent. Pancake Resolvers Pancake Resolvers There is a big advantage in using resolvers as position sensor. to convert coordinates.axsys. directly or through “Resolver-to-Digital Converters” for digital output. Resolver transmitters. as a special Next >> . R to D Converters Resolvers with an input AC reference voltage (EIN) will have output voltages of: KEINsin and KEINcos . resolvers in modern systems are more often used as highly accurate and reliable position sensors. Most applications require the conversion of angular position into electrical signals. or large and very expensive at the time. Some of these applications are still in use today. and to transmit angular positions without using complex electronics. accuracy is not affected by TR.When combined with such converters. adding a second angular vector to the input signal. if necessary. In this capacity they are connected to electronic circuits. Axsys will provide both resolvers receivers (RT) and also Differential Resolvers (RD). resolvers can provide digital outputs with up to 22 bit resolutions and system accuracies to 18 bit are achievable. Pancake Resolvers Resolvers are considered pancake types Digital Data Tranmission System oIN EIN Resolver Transmitter Resolver To Digital Converter R/D Digital Output BUS 8 << Previous Table of Contents www. voltage or frequency changes. or computers. rectangular to polar and vice versa. such as converters.The Resolver-toDigital (R-to-D) converter transforms these signals into easy to use digital representation of the angular position ( ). receivers and differentials were widely used before the computer age to serve as computation devices.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 electrical coupling between a RT and RX. to resolve a vector representing voltage into its orthogonal components. including computers. phase shift. With an advance in electronics and computer technology. Frameless pancake resolvers offer many advantages to the designer of motion control systems. Primary and secondary windings can be located on either a stator or rotor.” so a 1 speed (1X) has P = 1 pole pair (2 poles). brushes. The gimbal consists of two brush type motors. The large inside diameter of pancake resolvers provides a convenient path for both electrical and mechanical linkages such as wave guides.axsys. Mounting frameless units direct to the system eliminates the error inherent with couplings and binding due to misalignment. Multispeed Resolvers Modern requirements for high resolution and extremely accurate angular sensing and data transmission have driven our development of a large variety of standard multispeed resolvers. having their own bearings. regardless of the positional angle.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers (800) 777-3393 Direct placement of rotor onto the system shaft eliminates windup or backlash. in order to have only two leads on the rotating part. Low impedance of the input voltage source essentially acts as a short on the main primary winding. when their diameter is greater than their length. In some cases the leads of the quadrature winding can be brought out to be used for angular correction. having one primary winding requires at least two secondary windings (sine & cosine) with axes in space “quadrature” (90 degrees apart). a slip ring assembly and the associated structural components and the Axsys produces this 2-axis gimbal that can be used in a variety of applications. an 8 speed (8X) has P = 8 pole pairs (16 www. Units of this type can be “wrapped around” the system for the sake of simplicity. or they may be frameless with separate rotor and stator parts designed to integrate directly into a gimbal or other type of supporting structure. two resolvers.They may be self-contained. optics. 9 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Pancake Resolvers . a brushless motors. improving accuracy. In a resolver transmitter with one primary winding it is usually located on a rotor. electrical conductors and coolant lines. One and two speed resolvers need to have a second “quadrature” primary winding which is usually shorted internally in order to equalize secondary short circuit impedances. etc. compactness and weight reduction. Resolver Windings A resolver functioning as a transmitter.The number of pole pairs is referred to as the resolver “speed. etc. Pancake Resolvers 10 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .axsys.Winding distribution and other factors act opposite to the averaging effect of the higher multispeed designs. Axsys includes a 1 speed or 2 speed winding to provide the cyclical reference. 8. then the resulting maximum error will be: 15” (resolver) + 80”(converted) = 25” 8 (pole pairs) There is an optimum speed for the highest accuracy. Axsys employs proprietary techniques to minimize interaction of the different speed windings and assure accurate signal interpolation on each channel. as there is an optimum speed for the highest accuracy depending on size and other design factors.The ‘V Line’ of standard pancake resolvers establish speed ranges of 2n pole pairs (2. since their secondary short circuit impedances are very close to the secondary open circuit www.The primary advantage relates to the averaging effect of multipole designs. Mulitspeed resolvers do not require a primary “quadrature” winding.To avoid ambiguity when using a larger angular range. repeatability and reliability. 32). depending on size and other design parameters. This is not the complete story of resolver accuracy.These “coarse” windings are located on the same magnetic core as the multispeed “fine” windings. which are all readily adaptable to digital systems. then maximum system error will be: 60” (resolver) + 80” (converter) = 140” If the 8X resolver with 15” max error is used with the same accuracy converter.The increased number of pole pairs effectively increases system resolution by proportionately reducing the number of rotational degrees represented by one complete electrical cycle: 360 = period in degrees # pole pairs Multispeed resolvers can greatly enhance system performance. For example: If the 1X Resolver Transmitter with 60” max error is used with R/D converter having 80” max error. 4. Winding distribution and other factors act opposite to the averaging effect of the higher multispeed designs. any local mechanical or winding perturbation is averaged in the distributed flux of the air gap. 16. poles).Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers Another advantages relates to effects from combined system errors which are diminished by the number of pole pairs. Mulitspeed windings alone can be used only for the angular range less than 360º divided by the number of pole pairs. Developing special windings for every individual application is not always necessary.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Next >> .The next few pages provide you with all the knowledge you need to effectively specify and select a resolver from the Data Pages that follow. however.5 or 1. it is still best to understand these factors and just how they can affect your requirements. G Large voltage increases or frequency decreases can cause saturation of a resolver’s magnetic structure. the designer should keep in mind the following points: G Input voltage can usually be decreased Specifying a Resolver Resolver Parameters Specifying a Resolver Once the basic function of the resolver has been established it becomes important to define the various inputs and outputs to insure consistent performance across the operating range. and reduce the errors resulting from manufacturing limitations. Since the transformation ratio stays the same. since the resolver’s magnetic core will operate in the nonlinear portion of its magnetic curve. however. when certain conditions are met. (800) 777-3393 Resolver Parameters Input Voltage and Frequency Preferable voltage ranges for pancake resolvers are from 1 to 26 volts and frequency ranges from 400 Hz to 5000 Hz. Axsys has developed a special mechanical and electrical trimming technique. and windings are specially designed in order to make a near-perfect sinusoidal magnetic flux distribution. In some cases a reduction to . there will be some decrease in sensitivity.axsys. assuring you of the best solution for your application. for instance. In order to take advantage of the standardized ‘V Line’ designs. The mounting and/or coupling of the device may be critical to the accuracy of a resolver. and do not change significantly with change of positional angle. 11 << Previous Table of Contents www. Every dimension and tolerance is carefully chosen. resulting in increased error and null voltage as well as changing some other parameters. when the resolver is energized through an R-to-D converter. G Input voltage decreases to a Resolver Receiver (RT) may result in slightly increased error. Axsys has developed a family of resolvers designed to meet the more commonly used 400 Hz and 2000 Hz excitation frequencies at a standard 26 volts. in order to compensate for any remaining imperfections in the manufacturing process. as a resolver can be operated at voltages and frequencies other than those specified.0 volt can be beneficial. for Resolver Transmitters (RX). Axsys Engineers are ready to assist you with each of these details. Our Application Engineers will help you to avoid any surprises by asking about your particular installation. For super-high accuracy units. For this reason. but it will not affect resolver performance. without noticeable change of other parameters. Axsys Resolvers are designed to optimize stator/rotor slot combination in order to reduce common space harmonics and improve angular accuracy. When used with R-to-D converters. If the primary windings are on a rotor side. Axsys has designed these components to provide the lowest possible output << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . Voltage Sensitivity Voltage sensitivity is the output voltage per one degree of shaft angle.Secondary (stator) short circuit (For stator primary it will be ZSO and ZRS respectively) Primary Impedance (ZRO) defines the input current (IIN) and power (PIN) as follows: IIN = 2 creased magnetic flux leakage as well as changes in capacitance coupling.Primary (rotor) open circuit ZSS . the ratio of resolver output impedance to that of the load must be kept low to reduce effects on performance. will degrade accuracy and increase null voltage. for one speed units they are usually 100 ohms or lower. they seldom reach 1000 ohms. the loading effect is negligible. This material assures the best resolver characteristics and low core loss. Axsys specifies the impedances based on the definition of primary and secondary windings. the AC component depending on core losses resulting from the eddy currents and hysteresis of the magnetic core is frequency sensitive.45) mV degree Resolver Parameters Impedances.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 G Higher frequencies may result in in- Pancake Resolvers Impedances are usually specified in rectangular form as R +jX where R is the “active component” and X is the “reactive component.” Active component value is the sum of DC and AC resistive components. For the standard resolver magnetic cores Axsys uses high permeability nickel alloy.This parameter (also referred to as voltage gradient) is not usually specified. Current and Power Resolvers are like most other active AC components. mV VS=EINKsin (P ) 1000 degree Where: EIN is input voltage (RMS) K is the transformation ratio = 1 of shaft angle P = number of speeds A 1 speed example: VS=EINK(17. which have input impedances larger than 250. the DC resistive component depending on wire gauge and number of turns is temperature sensitive.This.axsys. then impedances are specified as follows: ZRO .000 ohms. in turn. for multispeed units. EIN ZRO PIN = I IN R Where: EIN is the primary voltage R is the resistive component of primary impedance 12 www. but can be easily calculated. one speed resolvers have a relatively small leading phase shift.200 for most of the multispeed resolvers. Transformation Ratio Transformation Ratio (TR) is the ratio of output voltage to input voltage when output is at maximum coupling. by using a resolver designed for higher frequency. Compensating by increasing the number of secondary turns becomes difficult with the high speed resolvers as very fine magnet wire must be used. complicating the manufacturing process. or by introducing a compensation circuit. then phase shift is recommended to be smaller than 45º by most converter manufacturers. and at 0. the increased R/X and increased flux leakage makes it more difficult to achieve a higher TR. Axsys specifies Transformation Ratios for one speed resolvers at 1. between 0º and 20º.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Pancake resolvers in general have a relatively high ratio of R/X in their impedance values (in relation to regular size resolvers). A large phase shift usually does not cause any problems in resolver performance. if necessary. since a resolver is an inductive instrument. and in some 16 or 32 speed windings it may reach 65º to 70º (@400Hz). since they have a smaller length.axsys. especially in high frequency units and in large diameter units. In multispeed resolvers. These features are mentioned here for better understanding of the changes in characteristics with temperature change. Phase shift can be reduced. ratio R/X is even larger than in one speed units but the share of RAC in “R” component is much smaller. It decreases with the increase of Resolver Parameters RDC XL A higher TR presents no problems to one speed resolvers. www.454 or at 0.0 or at 0. If the resolver is used with an R-to-D converter.The phase shift. One speed pancake resolvers also have a relatively high share of RAC in the resistive component (R). when the ouput is at maximum coupling. approximately proportional to the ratio of effective turns. however. In multispeed resolvers. Multispeed resolvers have a larger leading phase shift due to a larger R/X ratio and larger share of RDC in the resistive impedance component “R”. Its value is between 30º and 60º . expressed in degrees. Phase shift can be approximated as follows: = arctan Where: RDC is the primary winding DC resistance XL is the primary inductive component Generally. is the difference between the time phase of the primary and secondary voltage. secondary (N2) to primary (N1). 13 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . the magnitude of its output voltage will be proportional to the TR and will be a trigonometric function of the shaft position.454.TR is a constant for each design and is determined primarily by winding design. Transformation Ratio = K N2 N1 (800) 777-3393 Phase Shift When a resolver is excited with an AC voltage. In addition the output carrier AC voltage will be “time delayed” from the input. in multispeed resolvers it drops www.” Null voltages in pancake resolvers are relatively low and do not cause any problems. however. G In-phase Fundamental can be offset considered to be a “Null Voltage. It is measured when the “in-phase” secondary voltage is zero.Theoretically. frequency and resolver speed. and has the same frequency as the input voltage. the point of minimum coupling.” but becomes one of the error by re-nulling the rotor.32X Resolver 32X Electrical Error 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180° 200° 220° 240° 260° 280° 300° 320° 340° 360° -20° 1X Error for Compensated Resolver VSP25-4A-E Over Operation Temperature Range +20° C 10” -10” 0 10° -20° 10” -10” 0 63° C 10° 15” -20° 0 -15” -35° C 10° Resolver Parameters Null Voltage “Null Voltage” is the residual voltage at the point of minimum magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary windings.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers 20” 1X Resolvers Typical High Accuracy Electrical Error Curves 10” 1X . quadrature fundamental. Mechanical imperfections. this occurs when the axis of the secondary and primary windings are orthogonal. input voltage. They depend on size. So it is not 14 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . G Quadrature Fundamental component is 90º out of time phase with the in-phase component. is approximately 1 to 3 millivolts per volt of maximum output voltage. It is called “Fundamental Null Voltage. and harmonics. and both electrical and magnetic short circuits can cause some voltage to be induced. of one speed resolvers. even though the principal magnetic axis are perpendicular to each other.” G Harmonics add mostly third order time harmonics into a null voltage. Usually total null voltage. winding errors.16X Resolver 16X Electrical Error 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° -20” 0° 30° 60°90°120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330°360° 0° -10” 0° 10” 0° 180° 200° 220° 240° 260° 280° 300° 320° 340° 360° -10” 0° 0° 1X . The combined fundamental and harmonics create “Total Null Voltage. The “Total Null Voltage” has three components: in phase fundamental.axsys. There can exist a difference between the mechanical angle of the Electrical Zeros (EZ) of the coarse and fine windings. In all Axsys Pancake Resolvers total null voltage is very close to fundamental null voltage.i is a secondary “sine” voltage for position “i” Ecos. in mechanical degrees Esin.i i 15 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Accuracy .This specification must be taken into consideration by the system designer. Operating at 400 Hz and 2000 Hz. the ‘V Line’ Resolvers are designed for low flux density eliminating concerns over saturation that adversely effect 60 HZ and nonpancake type devices.i is a secondary “cosine” voltage for position “i” i Accuracy is specified as a maximum value of error over the entire operating angular range of the resolver. It is specified in “arc minutes” or “arc seconds” in the Data Pages. to trim certain error components down either mechanically or by use of external trim resistors. Where: P is the resolver speed is the actual rotor position. Electrical Error Electrical error in the representation of the exact mechanical position of the rotor with respect to the stator is the most important resolver parameter. www.5 millivolts per volt of maximum output volt. Compensating certain error curve harmonics using electronics can reduce them even further. For Resolver Receivers accuracy is the error in conversion of electrical signals into rotor position. For very high accuracy resolvers Axsys developed a special trimming technique. (800) 777-3393 Accuracy Zero Alignment For dual speed resolvers when both coarse (single speed) and fine (multispeed) windings are located on the same lamination stack there are interactions that must be considered in design and installation of your resolver. Null voltage is specified in resolver drawings as a “max” value. multispeed and segmented positioning sensors which can be absolute position sensors providing a high degree of angular accuracy and extremely high resolution. Axsys design and manufacturing procedures minimize the possibility of irregularities in winding distribution and other assembly factors that contribute to inaccuracies.axsys. It is defined as the difference between the position of the rotor calculated from electrical signals and the actual rotor position in mechanical degrees. Examples of actual error curves are shown on page = ( ) 1 P arctan ( ) Esin.2 to 0. Maximum errors can be very low (5 to 10 seconds of arc).Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers to 0. For Resolver Transmitters accuracy is the error in conversion of rotor position into electrical signals.i Ecos. Error i Axsys manufactures exceptionally reliable. in a variety of configurations. and the accuracy will degrade. these errors should be considered. and “velocity errors” are nonexistent. Fortunately most pancake resolvers are operated in the near static conditions at very slow speeds. speeds above one-forth of the synchronous speed should be avoided. output voltage will decrease. whose input impedances exceed 250.000 ohms. If loads of 10. When used with R-to-D converters. input current and null voltage will increase. and the standardized multispeed units are seldom above 1000 ohms. Accuracy 16 www. differential or receiver functions. Available housed or unhoused.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers Synchronous Rotational Velocity (RPM) Sc = 60 x frequency (Hz) # of pole pairs For example. If the output load impedance happens to be very small however. << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . Specifically design to withstand highimpact (shock) and environments containing dirt. a 16 speed resolver at 400 Hz has synchronous velocity of: Sc = 60 16 ( ) 400 = 1500 RPM Therefore. Velocity Error A resolver has many of the electromagnetic characteristics of a motor when operating at high speeds and electrical errors can occur as the rotational speed approaches the synchronous velocity.000 to 20.The rule-of-thumb is that the electrical loading should be at least ten times greater than the output short circuit impedance. the most important thing to watch is the load imbalance. the load imbalance can cause additional resolver error.axsys. An easy way to calculate synchronous speed is as follows: Loading Effects Loading presents almost no problem for most installations of Axsys Resolvers because they are designed for the lowest possible output impedance.000 ohms or less are used. rotational speed should be held below 1500 4 = 375 RPM Resolvers are available with transmitter. the loading effect is negligible. If the ratio of load resistance to output resolver impedance (RL /ZSS) is low. As a rule-of-thumb. In special applications like high speed motor controls. oil or other contaminants. Single speed units are usually less than 100 ohms. then EZ shift is minimal. since errors are a result of design limitations and manufacturing inaccuracies. mounting and temperature stresses may cause error variations. However. EZ shift also depends on customer mounting. If sleeve and hub are used. Usually. Temperature Effect Theoretically. Insulation resistance tests check for any breakdown in the insulation of the windings when an over-voltage condition is applied. Insulation Both dielectric withstanding voltage and insulation resistance tests check the quality of insulation between different windings. but change the position of the electrical zero. the electrical error of a given unit should not change with the change of temperature. However. 17 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Accuracy . an approximate relation between (RL /ZSS ) and additional error is as follows: for RL = 10 Zss (800) 777-3393 Hi-Pot tests are performed per military specifications at 250 volts RMS and 60 Hz.1% load imbalance will result in about 10” error for RL = 20 Zss 0. Axsys uses the highest quality insulation materials and impregnation varnishes. Dielectric withstanding voltage test (which is also called a High Potential or “Hi-Pot” test) also proves a resolver’s ability to withstand momentary voltage surges while operating at its normal specified levels of usually 26 volts. It is referred to as “EZ Shift. closely controlling manufacturing processes and incoming inspection of vendor materials. Insulation quality is guaranteed. One speed resolvers are more sensitive to temperature variations than multiwww. and between windings and the magnetic core. even under the most hostile environments.1% load imbalance will result in about 4” error For multispeed resolvers the error values should be divided by the number of 0.” Axsys Pancake Resolvers are always designed and manufactured to minimize any possible stress that could result in EZ shift. Special materials may be specified for operation in high radiation environments as well as for high temperature (up to 200ºC) and space or vacuum applications requiring low outgassing. resistance is to remain above 50 megohms. leakage current is to be less than 1 milliamp.5% load imbalance will result in about 20” error 0. and customer choice of materials. their coefficient of thermal expansion matches the one of the lamination material. Insulation resistance tests are run at 100 volts DC. again making the multispeed unit a more attractive selection.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers For one speed resolvers. If mounting recommendations are followed.axsys. these variations do not cause change in the shape of the error curve.5% load imbalance will result in about 50” error 0. This is a big advantage in using resolvers as angular position sensors. and attach only one connector. In this case. If the customer wants. A trim board can also be attached if the resolver requires electrical trimming to increase accuracy. designed to meet severe environmental conditions while providing the highest degree of angular accuracy. OUT There are some applications. degree of accuracy over the operating temperature range. where secondary resolver voltage is used as a reference.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 speed resolvers. primary voltage or frequency Next >> . Increased temperatures result in higher resistance. approximate level of EZ shift versus temperature can be as follows: G For one speed units. approximately 0. which determines the converted output remains constant. approximately 1 to 2 arc seconds/°C (dependent on size and rigidity) G For multispeed units (8X or 16X). Fortunately these changes do not result in accuracy degradation. Axsys can provide a special resolver with compensated windings. one can use two connectors. = arctan Esin Ecos Axsys has consistently provided the most innovative military and industrial resolvers. In order to keep rotor and stator leads separate.3 arc seconds/°C Pancake Resolvers Changes in phase shift and Transformation Ratio (TR) versus temperature are a primary result of resistance changes in the copper magnet wire of the resolver primary winding. trimmed through a compensation amplifier as an option (see Compensated Resolvers) at right. Axsys can tie rotor and stator leads together. if necessary.axsys. the accuracy of angular conversion does not depend on TR. phase shift. and must remain constant with a high 18 << Previous Table of Contents www. Accuracy Special Options Special Options Connectors and Trim Boards Axsys will provide connectors. They can be attached to every unit type if the customer specifies this feature. since the share of DC resistance in the total primary impedance value in multispeed resolvers is much greater than in one speed resolvers. increasing the phase shift and decreasing the TR.1 to 0. One speed units in this case are much less sensitive to temperature variations than multispeed units. Phase shift must remain at 0º. For properly mounted pancake resolvers. and their ratio.These changes affect the output voltages on sine and cosine secondary windings the same way. 240* .014 B A n PL EQ.440 8.0010 -. Size for Mtg.320 Special Options Bolt Circle Flange Slots Width d & d Stator Rotor s r F S R .2000 +.125 .0003 -.6250 -.125 .430* 2.0005 -.001 THRU .7720 +.0000 3. Screw 256UNC 256UNC 440UNC 440UNC 440UNC 440UNC 440UNC 440UNC 632UNC 632UNC Size Stator DSM TOL Rotor DRM TOL 015 1.005 .400 .460 4.0010 +.125 .0000 034 3.0000 050 5.0000 .0000 2.6063 +.0000 022 2.585 3.125 .270 7.0000 * Designed for reduced diameter washer.700 7.ON R R .810* 4.2400 +.800 2.0005 -.02 MAX.005 dr –.125 .125 . +.0000 +.0000 1.650* .0003 -.820 4.5500 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .9500 +. The customer may specify flanges on either sleeve or hub.0005 -.0003 019 1.156 .0020 -. -B- F R .axsys.0010 065 6.675* 1.0020 115 11.415 .5500 +.0800 +.120* 1.0000 -.6245 +.5700 +.0003 -.0000 .0010 -. Stator DSF 1.070* 2.0003 028 2.094 .0000 +. DSm -A- FULL R F DSF 10°±1° DRF DRm -C-D- ds –.890 1. and standard dimensions for different “V Line” size resolvers are shown in the table below.6875 -.0709 -.440 6.800* 3.125 .0000 +.0010 094 9.156 .9998 -.2.001 SLOT +.125 .870 2.146 1. For advantages of flanged resolvers see page 3.125 .0000 8.125 .080 4.0000 +.092 .0002 -.092 .SP.220 12.0000 2.02 MAX.190 10.900 11.250 Rotor DRF .030 4.240 5.3749 +.1.1000 +.200* .340 1.SP.500 5. of Slots 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 8 Rec.5000 +.9500 -.0000 4.530 7.290 3.200 3.0003 -.930 9.0010 -. 19 www.0000 8.930 .125 .760 8.0000 -.006 D C n PL EQ.0000 +.0000 .125 .0005 038 4.146 .960* 2.6500 +.125 .ON S Dimensions for Standard Resolvers with Flanges Mounting Diameters Flanged Dia.210 2.0005 -.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers (800) 777-3393 Resolvers with Flanged Sleeves & Hubs A typical flanged resolver is shown here.640 No. its TR and phase shift stay almost constant. C1-C3 and the second for S2-S4. ZL R2 Special Options Typical Compensated Resolver Specifications Input Voltage Frequency Input Currect Transformation Ratio: *Rotor/Stator Phase Shift: *Rotor/Stator Impedance ZSO (1400 ZSS ZCO ZRO ZRS Null Voltage * Trimmed and tested with amplifer over operating temperature range of -35°C to +63°C Min.” then two amplifiers will be used (one for << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . C2-C4 windings).axsys. Ohms mV 20 www. Input Voltage R1 R2 Compensation Amplifier C1 S1 S3 C3 Resolver ZL S2 C2 S4 C4 R4 R1 R3 Where: S1-S3 and S2-S4 are the primary windings C1-C3 and C2-C4 are the compensation windings R1-R3 and R2-R4 are the cosine and sine output windings ZL is the load impedance If a resolver is used as a “Receiver. ±. NOM.) Volts Hertz mA Degrees 7.5 NOM. Max.0000 0 800 + j 1400 640 + j 120 2350 + j 1350 490 + j 1440 540 + j 230 8.0005 ±30’ REF REF REF REF REF Max.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers Compensated Resolver Transmitter Compensated Resolvers There is sometimes a need for compensated windings as is mentioned on page 18.07 400 5 1. The electrical characteristic chart shows that when a resolver is trimmed and tested with a compensation amplifier over the operational temperature range. They only need. However.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers (800) 777-3393 Mounting Recommendations Resolvers are easy to install. to be separately installed in the enclosure. Frameless pancake resolvers are supplied with rotor and stator. Improper mounting of a one speed resolver can cause change of the electrical error within several angular minutes. Pancake resolvers constitute a relatively thin set of rings designed to take up as little room as possible and to reduce weight.The number of pole pairs in a multispeed unit divides this same error. relative to the rotor. See following page. and the effect can be just as critical.They are more rigid and reliable than optical encoders or << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Mounting Recommendations . however. multispeed resolvers are usually specified more accurate than one speeds units.axsys.They also withstand more severe environmental conditions. In some very large diameter resolvers. When resolvers (one speed or multispeed) are used over a small angular range they experience less influence from improper mounting conditions than those with full rotation. axially aligned and concentric to each other and the axis of rotation. typically. to be put at electrical zero by slight adjustment of stator angular position. Axsys provides precisely ground mounting surfaces for stator OD and rotor ID as well as square shoulders which allow the customer to mount the unit concentrically in the system. Axsys recommends some different mounting techniques. 21 www. One speed resolvers are affected by eccentricity or by mechanical and temperature stress much more than multispeed resolvers. Sleeves and hubs add rigidity for high accuracy applications. relatively small units to . G Axial alignment tolerance on V Line Pancake Resolvers should be maintained at ±.0003 to .This fit should not be too loose. G For the very large units Axsys incorporates some special features. using accurate OD and ID cylindrical surfaces and is attached to the enclosure by screws.axsys. but there should not be any radial movement possible. with out sleeves or hubs are especially sensitive to distortion.When properly installed. This feature eliminates the need to have special clamps that would increase the diameter of the mounting enclosure. In the size 083 Axsys provides axial holes through the stator and rotor lamination stacks (12 or 16 in. Axsys’ Standard Pancake Resolvers have coefficient of expansion equal to 10x10-6 per degree C.0003 inch for small units to 0.002 inch for the more rigid or larger units having bigger air gaps. G The stator and rotor positions depend not only on the concentricity of mounting surfaces. G Do not use excessive force in clamping the resolver in << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . applying even pressure around the surface of the unit. The rule-of-thumb is that concentricity will not affect performance if it is within 10% of the rotor/stator air gap clearance dimension. Bare resolvers. in order to minimize temperature-related stress.The unit is mounted concentric. the coefficient of thermal expansion should match that of the resolver as closely as possible.005 inches. nor too tight. causing concentricity errors. going through the axial holes. Usually a rotor and stator should be mounted concentric to the axis of rotation starting from . each). be sure to use a material that remains somewhat flexible under different temperature conditions. G Concentricity requirements are specified on the outline drawings for each unit.When inserting the stator or rotor into the system enclosure try to push it straight.0005 inch for high accuracy.001 to .Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers . it should be able to be turned. causing distortion of the resolver. but also on the gap between mounting and resolver surfaces.This may cause distortion that will affect its electrical performance.0002 to Installation 22 www. G In order to minimize the effects of temperature change. Installation Here are some helpful hints when developing procedures for resolver installations.001 inch for large units. which ease their mounting. If you are cementing the unit in place. It can be from . G Do not apply excessive force when mounting the resolver components. consumed by the primary winding at rated RMS voltage and frequency.axsys. A/D Converter: An electronic circuit designed to convert analog signals to digital for computer interfacing.” Dual Speed: A resolver with both coarse and fine windings on the same lamination stack. Input Winding: Winding which receives the excitation voltage.” Input Current: Current in the primary winding at rated RMS voltage and frequency.This “information” is fed back to the associated amplifier to correct for errors primarily due to temperature changes. Compensation Winding: An added winding in the stator used to sense magnetic field changes. Multispeed: A resolver that produces multiple sine and cosine cycles on the output windings for each complete mechanical rotation. EZ Shift: Variation between the electrical zero positions due to mechanical stresses caused by mounting or Next >> Glossary . in watts. when output windings are open. Mechanical Zero: The marked point of alignment between rotor and stator. Null Voltage: Residual voltage measure when excitation and output windings are at minimum coupling. Input Impedance: The (algebraic) sum of the DC and AC resistances with the inductive reactance of the input winding. Excitation Voltage: AC voltage which excites the primary windings. Coarse Winding: The lowest speed winding (usually 1 or 2 speed) on a dual speed resolver having also a multispeed “fine winding. Input power: Power. indicating electrical zero. Glossary Accuracy (Electrical Error): The deviation of the mechanical or rotor position angle from the electrical angle. Interaxis Error: Deviation from 90º between two windings that are wound in quadrature. Measured in mechanical minutes of shaft rotation. 23 << Previous Table of Contents www.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers (800) 777-3393 Fine Windings: The higher speed winding of a dual speed resolver having also a 1 or 2 speed “coarse winding. Electrical Zero (EZ): The mechanical angle at which the sine output voltage is at an in-phase null. as indicated by the output voltage. Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Null Spacing Error: Deviation from 180º between nulls of an output winding with respect to an excited input winding. Glossary Pancake Resolvers Sensitivity: Output voltage representative of one mechanical degree. Primary Winding: The winding which receives the excitation voltage. Output Voltage: The no load voltage of the secondary windings at maximum coupling with rated voltage and frequency applied to the primary winding. Secondary Winding: The output winding. Rotor and Stator: By convention the inner resolver member is called the rotor and the outer member is called the stator. inductively coupled to the primary winding. 24 << Previous Table of Contents www. Either may rotate in the actual application. R-to-D Converter: A circuit used to convert the analog output of a resolver into a digital representation of angular position. Phase Shift: The time phase difference between the primary and secondary voltages when the output is at maximum Next >> . Output impedance: The (algebraic) sum of the DC and AC resistances with the inductive reactance of the output winding. when main and quadrature input windings are shorted.axsys. Transformation Ratio: The ratio of output voltage to input voltage when the two windings are at maximum coupling. Brushless.Unit with Connector Electrical Variation (Next Available Letter for Given Speed) Accuracy (Max.Pancake Lamination Size (Stator O.Titanium A .Simple Sleeve and Hub F . Error in Shaft Angle) A B C D E F G H K L M N P R 5” 10” 15” 20” 30” 40” 1’ 2’ 3’ 6’ 10’ 15’ 20’ 30’ Angular Range (In Degrees) 0 1 2 3 360 ±90 ±45 ±30 4 ±20 5 ±15 6 ±10 7 ±5 V Line Product Special Features (Number or Letter) 25 << Previous Table of Contents www.With Flanged Sleeve and Hub Sleeve/Hub Material M . No Hub) S .com Next >> Part Number Selection .Bare Units Rotor ‘Leads’ Termination F . and for 1X units Mechanical Configuration B .Nonmagnetic Cres 303 T .Resolver P .axsys. Rounded to the next highest 1/10 of an inch) Number of “Speed” (Pole Pairs) “01” for 1 Speed Units Coarse Speed for Multispeed Units Usually “1” or “2” “0” if no coarse speed.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers (800) 777-3393 Part Number Selection RP029-161STBA-EOV R .Bare (No Sleeve.Aluminum B .D.Magnetic Cres 416 N . (with Rotary Transformer) C .Flexible Leads B . 1250 . RP007-010BBFA-H6V 010BBFA-K6V 010BBFA-L0V1 010BBFA-L2V 010BBFA-M0V 010BBFB-K6V 010BBFB-M0V 010BBFC-K6V 010BBFC-M0V 010BBFD-L0V RP012-010BBFA-M1V 010BBFA-N0V 010BBFA-K1V 010BBFB-L0V 010BBFC-M1V 010BBFC-N0V 010BBFD-H2V 010BBFD-K1V .5625 .1875 .7100 .300 0.500 0.7100 1.1250 .1250 .5625 .320 0.1875 1.300 0.1875 1.320 0.5625 .5625 .5625 .250 0.320 0.1875 1. (in.D.1875 1.7100 .5625 .1250 . (in.5625 .300 0.7100 .300 0.320 0.1875 1.1875 010BBFA-K1V 010BBFF-L0V 010SMFD-HSV2 010SMFG-K2V 010SMFG-L0V 030BBFA-L6V 030BBFA-N2V 26 www.) I.5625 .7100 .1875 1.5625 .5625 .1250 .5625 .7100 .300 0.7100 .300 0.1250 .1250 .300 0.320 0.) Speed Accuracy Pancake Resolvers Frequency (Hz) Page No.1875 1.7100 .300 0.5625 .1250 .300 0.1250 .1875 1.320 0.1875 010BBFD-K2V 010BBFD-L0V 010BBFD-L3V 010BBFE-M1V 010BBFE-N0V Selection Guide 1.300 0.5625 .300 0.300 0.1875 1.300 0.1875 1.1875 1.7100 .500 0.3125 1.300 0.250 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3’ 3’ 3’ 2’ 10’ 3’ 10’ 3’ 10’ 6’ 10’ 15’ 3’ 6’ 10’ 15’ 2’ 3’ 3’ 3’ 6’ 6’ 10’ 15’ 3’ 6’ 3’ 3’ 6’ 6’ 15’ 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 400 400 2000 2000 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 38 38 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 010BBFD-K1V1 1.320 0.4500 .5625 .320 0.1875 1.1875 1.5625 0.5625 .300 0.1875 1.3125 1.) Height (in.4500 .Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Selection Guide Part Number: (800) 777-3393 O.300 0.D.5625 .5625 .axsys.320 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .4500 .7100 .1875 1.3125 1.320 0.300 0.1250 . 7000 .460 0.400 0.7000 .400 0.5000 1.7000 .5500 .5000 1.5500 .7000 .7000 .5500 .8384 1.7000 .6500 1.5500 .Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Selection Guide O.8380 .650 0.370 0.6500 1.370 0.8380 .650 0.) Speed (800) 777-3393 Accuracy Frequency (Hz) Page No.9998 1.400 0.5000 1.5000 1.6500 1.5000 1.6500 1.460 0.370 0.axsys.464 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 1/8 1 1/16 1/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3’ 6’ 3’ 3’ 6’ 40” 1’ 40” 40” 3’ 3’ 3’ 1’ 15” 20” 30” 10” 20” 20” 15’/30” 15” 15’/15” 15’/30” 2’ 3’ 6’ 6’ 3’ 3’ 2’ 400 400 2000 400 400 2000 2000 800 2000 2000 2000 400 2000 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 Selection Guide 44 44 44 44 44 44 45 27 www.460 0.6500 1. Part Number: RP015-010BBFA-K2V 010BBFA-LOV 010BBFB-K0V 010SMFA-K2V 010SMFA-LOV 030BBFA-F2V 030BBFA-GOV 030BBFB-F2V1 030FMFA-F2V1 030SMFA-F2V 030SMFA-K2V 030SMFC-K2V 040BBFA-G1V 080BBFA-C6V 080BBFA-D4V 080BBFC-E0V 080SMFA-B6V 080SMFA-D0V 080SMFA-D3V 081BBFA-EOV 160BBFA-C7V 161BBFB-C7V 161BBFB-EOV RP019-010BBFA-H2V 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-L0V 010SMFA-L0V 010SMFB-B7V 010SMFB-K0V 040BBFA-H2V 1.) Height ( << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .) I.400 0.6245 .9998 1.8380 .6500 1.400 0.7000 .8380 1.8384 1.7000 .370 0.8380 .400 0.400 0. (in.6500 1.5000 1.7000 .370 0.9998 1.370 0.5500 .6500 1.7000 .5000 1.6500 1.7000 .7000 .5500 . (in.5000 1.6245 .5000 1.370 0.8380 0.400 0.7000 .370 0.370 0.370 0.650 0.5000 1.370 0.5500 .5500 .5000 1.5000 1.D.370 0.D.370 0.5000 1.5500 .370 0.5000 1.400 0.6245 .7000 . 6245 .500 0.axsys.9998 1.) Height (in.9998 1.3100 2. Part Number: RP019-040BBFA-K0V 040FMFA-G2V 040SMFA-K0V 080BBFA-C4V 080BBFA-D0V 080FMFA-B4V 080FMFA-G4V 080SMFA-B4V 080SMFA-C0V 081FMFA-D1V 160SMFC-C6V 161BBFA-C7V 161BBFA-E0V 161FMFA-D1V 161SMFA-C7V 161SMFA-D0V 161SMFA-E0V 161SMFB-C6V 161SMFB-D0V 161SMFB-D0V1 162SMFD-C7V 162SMFD-E2V RP022-010BBFA-K2V 010BBFA-L0V 010BBFB-L0V1 010SMFA-H2V 010SMFA-L0V 020BBFA-H1V 020BBFA-K0V 020BBFC-H1V1 Selection Guide 1.8380 1.8380 .650 0.8380 .8380 1.600 0.6245 .600 0.650 0.650 0.1000 2.3749 1.2000 1.650 0.8380 .6245 .2000 1.650 0.650 0.500 0.500 0.9998 1.8380 1.2000 1.600 0.6245 .8380 .9998 1. (in.6245 .530 0.9998 1.650 0.3749 1.6245 .650 0.9998 1.D.3100 2.500 0.8380 .D.2000 1.6245 .650 0.6245 .6245 .650 0.650 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .500 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 1/8 16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 2/16 2/16 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3’ 1’ 2’ 15’’ 20’’ 10’’ 1’ 10’’ 15’’ 30’/20’’ 15’ 15’/15’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/30’’ 3’ 6’ 6’ 2’ 6’ 2’ 3’ 2’ 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 2000 2000 400 400 400 400 400 400 2000 2000 2000 400 400 100 400 800 400 400 400 400 400 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 2.464 0.) I.650 0.2000 1.6245 .9998 1.500 0.9998 1.) Speed Accuracy Pancake Resolvers Frequency (Hz) Page No.650 0.9998 1.6245 .8380 1.3100 2.650 0.9998 1.6245 .6245 .9998 1. (in.9998 .3100 2.9998 1.6245 .650 0.6245 0.9998 1.6245 .2000 1.3100 2.8380 1.9998 1.6245 .9998 1.650 0.530 0.600 0.9998 1.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Selection Guide (800) 777-3393 O.650 0.3100 28 www.1000 2. 600 0.690 0.7450 3.690 0.7500 1.0000 1.7500 1.5000 2.5000 0.1000 2.530 0.7500 1. (in.500 0.600 0.530 0.600 0.3100 2. (in.1000 2.3100 2.5000 2.2000 1.3749 1.680 0.600 0.5000 3.7450 2.600 0.600 0.5000 3.5000 3.) Speed (800) 777-3393 Accuracy Frequency (Hz) Page No.7500 1.0000 1.7450 2.3100 2.3749 1.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Selection Guide O.3749 1.3100 2.3100 2.690 0.7500 1.530 0.530 0.530 0.690 0.5000 3.500 0.690 0.7500 1.0000 1.690 0.1000 2.D.3749 1.1000 2.3749 1.7500 1.5000 2.2000 1.500 0.1000 2.0000 1.5000 2.) Height (in.530 0.D.690 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 1/8 16 16 16 1/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 2’ 1’ 2’ 40’’ 20’’ 20’’ 15’’ 15’/20’’ 20’’ 15’’ 20’’ 15’’ 1’ 1’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 3’ 6’ 1’ 2’ 3’ 1’ 2’ 3’ 15’’ 20’’ 10’’ 15’’ 400 400 400 2000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 2000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 2000 2000 2000 2000 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 Selection Guide 54 55 55 55 55 55 29 << Previous Table of Contents www.1000 2.0000 1.530 0.2000 1.2000 1.axsys.530 0.3749 1.3749 1.530 0.690 0.680 0.7500 1.5000 3.0000 Next >> .) I.7450 3.2000 1.7450 3.0000 1.7500 1.1000 2.0000 1. Part Number: RP022-020BBFA-H7V1 020SMFA-G1V 020SMFA-H0V 020SMFA-F1V 080BBFA-D4V 080BBFB-D5V1 080SMFA-C4V 081BBFA-D2V1 160BBFA-D5V 160SMFA-C7V 160SMFA-D5V 161SMFA-D0V RP028-010BBFA-G0V 010BBFA-G0V1 010BBFA-L0V 010BBFA-L0V1 010BBFD-L0V 010SMFA-K0V 010SMFA-L0V 010SMFB-G0V1 020BBFA-H1V 020BBFA-K0V 020SMFA-G1V 020SMFA-H1V 020SMFA-K0V 080BBFA-C4V 080BBFA-D0V 080SMFA-B4V 080SMFA-C0V 2.7450 2.600 0.7450 2. 3740 2.0000 1.2503 3.7450 2.7500 1.3740 2.5700 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .5000 2.600 0.690 0. (in.2503 3.3740 2.600 0.7450 2. (in.2503 3.600 0.0000 1.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Selection Guide (800) 777-3393 O.3740 2.520 0.0000 1.2503 3. Part Number: RP028-080SNFA-B4V 160SMFC-C7V 161BBFA-D7V 161BBFA-E0V 161BBFB-D7V 161BBFB-E0V 161SMFB-C7V 161SMFB-D0V 361SMFA-D0V RP034-010BBFA-H0V1 010BBFA-KOV 010BBFA-L0V 010BBFA-L0V1 010BBFB-L0V 010BBFB-L0V1 010BBFC-K0V1 010FMFA-H0V1 080BBFA-C4V 080BBFA-D0V 080SMFA-B4V 080SMFA-C0V 160BBFD-C4V 160BBFD-C4V1 160BBFD-D4V1 160SMFC-C7V 161BBFA-D7V 161BBFA-E0V 161BBFB-D7V 161BBFB-E0V 161BBFB-E0V1 Selection Guide 3.600 0.) I.2503 3.5700 2.7450 3.axsys.3740 2.3740 2.0000 1.600 0.0800 3.3740 2.600 0.D.5000 3.690 0.680 0.520 0.2503 3.) Height (in.) Speed Accuracy Pancake Resolvers Frequency (Hz) Page No.7500 1.7450 2.3740 2.5700 2.7500 1.600 0.D.3740 2.3740 2.3740 2.520 0.600 0.520 0.2503 3.690 0.2503 3.680 0.520 0.3740 2.680 0.5000 3.0800 3.520 0.2503 3.2503 3.690 0.2503 3.600 0.600 0.2503 3.600 0.0800 3.2503 3.5700 2.5000 3.520 0.690 0.600 0.7500 1.3740 2.0800 3.2503 3.3740 2.2503 0.2503 3.520 0.2503 3.600 8 16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 10’’ 15’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/20’’ 15” 2’ 3’ 3’ 6’ 6’ 6’ 3’ 2’ 15’’ 20’’ 10’’ 15’’ 15’’ 15’’ 15’’ 15’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/20’’ 15” 15” 2000 5000 400 400 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 400 400 400 400 800 2000 1000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 2000 2000 400 400 2000 2000 2000 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 30 www.0000 1.5000 3.3740 2.680 0.3740 2.3740 2. 560 0.0000 4.9946 4.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.9946 4.9946 5.5700 3.750 0.600 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .740 1.560 0.) Height (in.560 0.7400 2.5000 2.750 0.4553 3.5000 2.9946 2.0000 4. (in.4553 3.750 1.560 1.740 0.7800 4.7800 4.750 0.750 1/16 1/16 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1 1 1 1 1 1/8 16 16 16 1/16 1/16 1/16 15’/15’’ 15’/20’’ 6’ 3’ 3’ 2’ 2’ 1’ 40’’ 20’’ 40’’ 20’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/10’’ 30’/20’’ 15’/30’’ 30’/3’ 15’/30’’ 15’/20’’ 3’ 3’ 6’ 2’ 21’ 20’ 10’’ 10’’ 15’’ 10’/15’’ 10’/30’’ 10’/30’’ 2000 2000 400 400 1000 400 2000 400 2000 400 400 2000 2000 2000 5000 2000 2000 2000 400 400 400 400 4500 2000 2000 400 400 400 400 400 2000 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 Selection Guide 31 www.560 0. RP034-161SMFB-C7V 161SMFB-D0V RP038-010SMFA-L0V 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-K0V1 010SMFA-H0V 010SMFC-H0V 040BBFA-G0V 040FMFB-F0V1 040SMFA-D4V 040SMFA-F0V 080SMFB-D2V 081SMFA-E0V 081SMFA-M0V 081SMFC-D0V2 081SMFD-E0V 161SMBA-K0V 161SMFA-E0V 161SMFB-D1V RP050-010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-K5V 010BBFA-L0V 010FMFB-H0V1 010SNBA-P0V1 081FMFA-B3V1 160BBFC-B4V 160BBFC-B4V1 160BBFC-C0V 161BBFA-C0V 161BBFA-E0V 161BBFB-E0V 3.0000 4.4553 3.240 3.750 0.600 0.5000 2.0000 4.560 0.0000 4.5000 2.560 0.D.750 0.D.5000 2.220 3.5000 3.axsys.220 3.200 5.5000 2.750 0.560 0.9946 4.9946 4.0000 3.) Speed (800) 777-3393 Accuracy Frequency (Hz) Page No.240 4.0000 4. (in.0000 3.560 0.7400 2.560 0.9946 4.0000 4.750 0.240 5.560 0.850 0.550 0.7400 2.0000 4.0000 4.560 0.5000 2.0000 4.5000 2.0000 4.5000 2.4553 3.0800 2.7400 2.9946 4.7800 3.4553 3.560 0.0800 2.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Selection Guide Part Number: O.4553 3.750 0.9946 4.4553 3.560 0.4553 0.0000 4.) I.4553 3.560 0.5700 4. 712 4.760 0.975 4.772 4.750 6.650 0.750 6.750 6.) I.4553 3.975 4.712 4.485 6.750 .485 6.9946 4.712 4.750 1.220 3. (in.485 6.240 5. (in.760 0.975 4.650 2.750 0.220 3.712 4.650 0.250 0.650 0.650 2.750 6.721 4.240 5.485 6.975 4.760 0.4553 3.650 0.750 6.6875 3.712 4.650 0.750 0.250 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32 10’/30’’ 10’/30’’ 10’/15’’ 10’/20’’ 10’/10’’ 10’/15’’ 10’/20’’ 10’/60’’ 120’/30’ 10’/10’ 10’/15’’ 3’ 3’ 3’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 3’ 3’ 1’ 20’’ 15’/30’’ 15’/1’ 20’/30’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/10’’ 20’/30’’ 2000 2000 400 400 400 400 400 2000 2000 400 400 400 2000 400 400 400 2000 200 200 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5000 2000 1450 2000 1200 5000 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 32 www.220 3.712 4.D.) Height (in.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Selection Guide Part Number: RP050-161BBFE-E0V 161FNFE-E0V 161SMFA-C0V1 161SMFD-D0V 321BBFA-B6V 321BBFA-C0V 321BBFA-D0V 321SMBA-G0V 321SMBB-R0V 321SMFA-B6V 321SMFA-C0V RP065-010BBFA-K0V 010BBFB-K0V 010BBFD-K0V1 010SMFA-H0V 010SMFA-H0V1 010SMFB-H0V 010SMFB-H0V1 010SMFB-K0V 010SMFB-K0V1 010SMFC-G0V1 080BBFA-D5V1 161BBFA-E0V 161BBFA-G0V 161FMBA-E0V1 161SMFA-C0V 161SMFA-C0V1 161SMFA-C0V2 321BBFB-B0V1 321FMBA-E0V1 Selection Guide O.6875 6.650 0.650 0.axsys.220 3.740 1.760 .650 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .220 3.9946 4. 4.9946 5.712 4.750 6.240 4.760 .) Speed Accuracy Pancake Resolvers Frequency (Hz) Page No.650 0.750 6.240 6.650 0.975 4.750 6.712 4.650 0.650 0.485 6.750 6.9946 5.D.485 6.650 0.4553 3.220 3.750 6.220 4.240 5.712 4.740 0.975 4.240 5.772 0.240 5.750 6.650 0.712 4.650 0.4553 3. 2500 6.000 1.000 1.192 8.) Speed (800) 777-3393 Accuracy Frequency (Hz) Page No.750 6.2500 6.D.675 11.192 9.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Selection Guide O.675 11.6875 4.650 0.850 0.000 1.360 11.7720 6.2300 8.675 9.2500 6.000 1.750 4.024 1.6875 4.650 0.2300 8.2300 8.000 1.000 1.650 0.0709 9.2300 9.712 4.880 8.2300 8.2300 8.850 0.675 11.192 8.2500 6.2500 6.000 1.2300 8.850 0.6063 8.2500 6.2300 010BBFA-L0V 080BBFA-D5V1 081BBFA-B2V 081BBFA-C0V 161BBFA-C6V 161BBFA-D0V 161BBFB-B6V 161BBFB-C0V 321BBFA-A2V 321BBFA-B0V 321BBFB-D0V RP094-010SMFA-M0V 161SMFA-D5V 161SMFA-E0V RP115-010BBFA-L0V 010SMFA-L0V 161BBFA-B6V 161BBFA-D0V 161SMFA-A6V 161SMFA-C0V 320SMFA-B0V 321SMFA-C0V 321SMFD-B0V 8.2500 6.360 11.000 1.D.600 0.880 9.650 0.000 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 1 1 8 1/8 1/8 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/32 1/32 1/32 1 1/16 1/16 1 1 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 32 1/32 1/32 15’/10’’ 15’/5’ 15’/10’’ 15’/10’’ 15’/5’ 3’ 6’ 20’’ 15’/10’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/10’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/5’ 15’/10’’ 15’/20’’ 10’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/30’’ 6’ 6’ 15’/10’’ 15’/20’’ 15’/5’ 15’/15’’ 10’’ 15’/15’’ 15’/10’’ 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 400 2000 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 1200 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 76 Selection Guide 6.2500 6.) Height (in.880 8.712 4.6063 8.2300 8.675 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .880 76 76 76 77 77 77 Other sizes available.675 11.024 1.880 8. (in.850 0.2300 8.7720 RP083-010BBFA-K0V1 8.2300 8.850 1.2500 6.850 0.0709 9.650 0.2500 6.712 0.0709 11.2300 8.880 8.2500 6. Part Number: RP065-321FMFB-B0V 321SMFA-A2V 321SMFA-B0V 321FMFA-B0V 321FMFA-A2V 6. 33 www.850 0.850 0.850 0.2500 6.axsys.850 0. Contact Axsys Technologies for your specific application.024 1. (in.360 11.) I.850 0.6063 8.750 6. 0005 -.0005 1 RT S 5 5000 10 0. (in.320 0. 34 B Accuracy available when supplied with trim resistors.6 1 A ±45 0.B Sleeve and hub available on special order.0005 Ø. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.13 21 0.454 3’ 2’ B 0.454 10’ 6’ B 0.) nom.) Speed (no.6 1 A ±10 0.150 0.454 6’ 3’ B 0.02 5 0.150 0.454 3’ 2’B ±10 0.0005 1 RX R 5 2000 50 0.3 4.0000 Ø.13 21 1 6’ 0.0005 A MTG.320 0.6 1 A. (800) 777-3393 B C +.320 0.0005 1 RX R 5 2000 50 0.150 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.3 4.) C (stator) (in. Concen.150 0.0005 1 RX R 5 2000 50 0.) Mntg. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.150 0.150 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 010BBFA-H6V 010BBFA-K6V 010BBFA-L0V1 010BBFA-L2V 010BBFA-M0V 010BBFB-K6V G G G G G G << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . www.3 4.B Pancake Resolvers ±10 0.B 360 0.0005 1 RX R 5 2000 50 0.3 4.6 2 A.) D (rotor) (in.150 0.13 21 0. Ø.13 21 0. D Ø.) Weight (oz.150 0.0005 1 RX R 5 2000 50 0.13 21 0.454 2’ 0.7100 -.6 1 A.B 360 0. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.axsys.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.320 0.660 MAX.175 MIN. TOL.3 4.3 4.RP007 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.0000 Ø.1250 -ABARE RESOLVER RP007Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.320 0. +.6 1 A.320 0. Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications, please contact Axsys Technologies. Pancake Resolvers RP007 B C +.0000 Ø.660 MAX. Ø.175 MIN. D Ø.7100 -.0005 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0005 -.0000 Ø.1250 -ABARE RESOLVER RP007Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) C (stator) (in.) D (rotor) (in.) Mntg. Concen. (in.) Speed (no. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.) nom. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.) Weight (oz.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C 010BBFB-M0V G 010BBFC-K6V G 010BBFC-M0V G 010BBFD-L0V G 0.320 0.150 0.150 0.0005 1 RT S 5 5000 10 0.02 5 0.454 10’ 6’B 360 0.0067 4.6 2 A,B A 0.320 0.150 0.150 0.0005 1 RX R 5 5000 25 0.05 10 0.480 3’ 2’B ±10 0.009 4.6 1 A,B 0.320 0.150 0.150 0.0005 1 RX R 5 5000 25 0.05 10 0.480 10’ 6’B 360 0.009 4.6 1 A,B 0.320 0.150 0.150 0.0005 1 RX S 2 800 75 0.1 36 1.00 6’ 3’B 360 0.005 4.6 3 A,B Pancake Resolvers Sleeve and hub available on special order. 35 B Accuracy available when supplied with trim resistors. << Previous Table of Contents Next >> RP012 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications, please contact Axsys Technologies. (800) 777-3393 B C B Ø1.125 MAX. Ø.625 MIN. D Ø1.1875 -.0005 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0000 Ø.5625 -A- +.0005 -.0000 +.0004 Ø.4500-.0000 -A- Ø1.3125 -.0004 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP012Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) C (stator) (in.) D (rotor) (in.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Input Power (watts) Max. Phase Shift (deg.) nom. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.) Weight (oz.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 010BBFA-M1V 010BBFA-N0V 010BBFA-K1V 010BBFB-L0V 010BBFC-M1V 010BBFC-N0V G G G G G G 0.300 0.150 0.140 .0005 1 RX S 5 1000 45 0.16 30 1.00 10’ 0.300 0.150 0.140 .0005 1 RX S 5 1000 45 0.16 30 1.00 15’ 0.300 0.150 0.140 .0005 1 RX S 5 1000 55 0.21 38 0.90 3’ 0.300 0.150 0.140 .0005 1 RX S 5 1000 55 0.21 38 0.90 6’ 0.300 0.150 0.140 .0005 1 RX S 5 2000 50 0.13 18 1.00 10’ 0.300 0.150 0.140 .0005 1 RX S 5 2000 50 0.13 18 1.00 15’ Pancake Resolvers ±90 0.7 1.0 3 A 360 .0.7 1.0 3 A ±90 0.7 1.0 3 A 360 0.7 1.0 3 A ±90 .0.7 1.0 3 A 360 0.7 1.0 3 A Sleeve and hub available on special order. 36 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications, please contact Axsys Technologies. Pancake Resolvers RP012 B C B Ø1.125 MAX. Ø.625 MIN. D Ø1.1875 -.0005 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0000 Ø.5625 -A- +.0005 -.0000 +.0004 Ø.4500-.0000 -A- Ø1.3125 -.0004 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP012Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) C (stator) (in.) D (rotor) (in.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Input Power (watts) Max. Phase Shift (deg.) nom. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.) Weight (oz.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 010BBFD-H2V 010BBFD-K1V 010BBFD-K1V1 010BBFD-K2V 010BBFD-L0V 010BBFD-L3V G G G G G G 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RX S 5 2000 70 0.22 25 0.90 2’ ±45 0.7 1.0 3 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RX S 5 2000 70 0.22 25 0.90 3’ ±90 0.7 1.0 3 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RX S 2 5000 20 0.04 15 1.00 3’ ±90 0.7 1.0 3 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RX S 5 2000 70 0.22 25 0.90 3’ ±45 0.7 1.0 3 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RX S 5 2000 70 0.22 25 0.90 6’ 360 0.7 1.0 3 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RX S 5 2000 70 0.22 25 0.90 6’ ±30 0.7 1.0 3 A Pancake Resolvers Sleeve and hub available on special order. 37 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> RP012 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications, please contact Axsys Technologies. (800) 777-3393 B C B Ø1.125 MAX. Ø.625 MIN. D Ø1.1875 -.0005 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0000 Ø.5625 -A- +.0005 -.0000 +.0004 Ø.4500-.0000 -A- Ø1.3125 -.0004 Ø.0005 A MTG. TOL. +.0000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP012Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) C (stator) (in.) D (rotor) (in.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Input Power (watts) Max. Phase Shift (deg.) nom. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Pancake Resolvers Angular Range (deg.) Weight (oz.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 010BBFE-M1V 010BBFE-N0V 010BBFF-K1V G G G 010BBFF-L0V 010SMFD-H2V2 G G 010SMFG-K2V G 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RT S 5 2000 10 0.04 17 1.00 10’ ±90 0.7 1.0 2 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RT S 5 2000 10 0.04 17 1.00 15’ 360 0.7 1.0 2 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RT S 5 2000 12 0.05 23 .90 3’ ±90 0.7 1.0 2 A 0.300 0.150 0.140 0.0005 1 RT S 5 2000 12 0.05 23 .90 6’ 360 0.7 1.0 2 A 0.300 0.500 0.0005 1 RX S 5 2000 70 0.22 25 0.90 3’ ±45 1.0 1.1 1 0.0005 1 RX R 5 400 30 0.11 35 1.00 3’ 2’ ±45 1.7 1.5 1 Sleeve and hub available on special order. 38 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> ) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.0005 Ø.5625 -A- +.098 0.084 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.4500-.6 8 A Pancake Resolvers 6’ 0.5 1 0. Input Power (watts) Max.7 1.6 8 A Characteristics at 25°C ASleeve and hub available on special order.0004 Ø.com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .1875 -.125 MAX.0000 -A- Ø1.0000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP012Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.500 6’ 3’ ±10 0.250 0. Pancake Resolvers RP012 B C B Ø1.5 0.axsys.0005 1 RX R 5 400 30 0. +.0005 3 RX S 5 2000 30 0. Ø.) nom.10 30 0. Phase Shift (deg.0004 Ø.00 6’ 3’ 360 1.) D (rotor) (in.0005 A MTG.) C (stator) (in.0000 +.625 MIN.0000 Ø.500 0. Notes: -6 2 010SMFG-L0V 030BBFA-L6V G G 030BBFA-N2V G 0.11 35 1.500 15’ ±45 0.) Weight (oz. +.0005 A MTG.0005 3 RX S 5 2000 30 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.098 0. D Ø1. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. TOL.250 0.084 0.0005 -.3125 -.10 30 0.5 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg. TOL. 39 www. TOL.10 24 << Previous Next >> .01 8 1.150 0.00 3’ 0.RP015 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.) Pancake Resolvers Weight (oz.0 0.140 0.1 0. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.140 0.150 0.150 0.D 360 1.0003 B +.25 1 A.00 3’ 0.06 15 1.0005 1 RX R 5 400 26 0. Ø.0005 1 RX R 5 400 26 0.0005 3 RX S 5 2000 27 0.1 0.0005 1 RX R 5 400 26 0. 26V 2000 Hz available.D 360 1.400 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C D A -6 2 010BBFA-K2V 010BBFA-L0V 010BBFB-K0V 010SMFA-K2V 010SMFA-L0V 030BBFA-F2V G G G G G G 0.7000+.0000 -A- Ø1.450 MAX.0000 -. (800) 777-3393 B C +.10 24 1.0 0.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No. 40 Table of Contents www.140 0.32 1 D 0.00 6’ 0. Ø1.750 MIN. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.00 3’ 2’ 0.) nom. CLead exit opposite flange end.25 3 A B ±45 2.370 0.C.0005 1 RX R 5 400 26 0.0002 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP015Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.5000 Ø.6500 Ø. please contact Axsys Technologies.axsys.0005 A MTG.370 0.370 0.10 24 1. Ø. Ø.1 0.400 0.370 0.D Sleeve and hub available on special order.25 8 A.0005 1 RX S 2 2000 5 0.00 40’’ ±45 1. TOL.10 24 1.140 0.) D (rotor) (in.32 1 D ±45 1.0000 -A+.) C (stator) (in.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.00 6’ 3’ 360 2.0003 Ø1. Low outgassing.0005 A D MTG. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.0000 -.25 1 A.0002 -.5500 -.0 0.150 0. 400 0. TOL.0003 3 RX S 5 2000 27 0.0 0.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.0002 -.370 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C D A 030BBFA-G0V 030BBFB-F2V 030FMFA-F2V1 030SMFA-F2V 030SMFA-K2V 030SMFC-K2V G G G G G G 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.400 0. Ø. 41 Table of Contents www.0003 B C +. Ø.00 1’ 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.06 15 1. Ø.) D (rotor) (in.31 8 ±45 2.0003 3 RX S 2.0005 3 RX R 1 800 15 0.67 400 50 0. Ø1.400 0.06 15 1.B ±45 2.06 15 1.75 3’ 360 1.) nom.750 MIN.0 0. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.00 3’ 0.370 0.7000+.0005 3 RX S 5 2000 27 0. BLow outgassing.00 40’’ 0. 26V 2000 Hz available.1 43 0.5000 Ø.500 40’’ 0.015 <40 0.0 0.0000 -.31 8 ±45 2.0000 -.32 8 D Pancake Resolvers Sleeve and hub available on special order.) C (stator) (in.6500 Ø.0005 A MTG.0005 3 RX S 5 2000 27 0. Pancake Resolvers RP015 +.5 0.axsys.150 0.33 8 C ±45 2.140 0.25 4 A.06 15 1.140 0.25 8 A ±45 1.0000 -A- Ø1.400 << Previous Next >> . of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.0003 B Ø1.) Weight (oz.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.450 MAX. please contact Axsys Technologies. CLead exit opposite flange end.0000 -A+. TOL.0 0.5500 -.0 0.00 40’’ 0.0002 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP015Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.0003 3 RX S 5 2000 27 0.0005 A D MTG.150 0. ) D (rotor) (in.8 0.50 30’’ 0.140 0.140 0.9 0.0000 -A+. TOL.0003 8 RX R 1 2000 6 0.) C (stator) (in.0000 -. (800) 777-3393 B C +. Input Power (watts) Max.150 0.0002 -.0005 4 RX R 5 2000 17 0.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.370 0.0002 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP015Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.7000+.750 MIN.370 0.9 0.370 0.0005 8 RX R 1 2000 6 0.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg. Ø.0005 A MTG.0 0.50 15’’ 0.0003 8 RX R 1 2000 6 0.450 MAX.50 1’ 0. Ø.8 0. TOL.150 0.0003 B +. 42 www.150 0.005 38 0.27 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.6500 Ø.0005 A D MTG.0000 -.22 4 A ±10 0.0005 8 RX R 1 2000 6 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 040BBFA-G1V 080BBFA-C6V 080BBFA-D4V 080BBFA-E0V 080SMFA-B6V 080SMFA-D0V G G G G G G 0.370 0.50 20’’’ Pancake Resolvers ±90 1.20 4 A 360 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.005 38 0.0000 -A- Ø1.axsys.140 0.5000 Ø.50 20’’ 0.400 0.RP015 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.005 38 0.) nom.150 0.400 0. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.03 23 0.005 38 0.) Weight (oz. Ø.20 4 A ±20 0. Phase Shift (deg. Ø1.9 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .50 10’’ 0.0003 Ø1.5500 -.005 38 0.20 4 A ±10 1.140 0.0005 8 RX R 1 2000 6 0.27 4 360 1. 0003 B C +.7000+.140 0. Input Power (watts) Max. please contact Axsys Technologies.150 0.370 0.) D (rotor) (in.20/.30 5/28 .005 38 0.5000 Ø.0005 16 RX R 5 5000 50 0. TOL.0 0.) Weight (oz.95 0.20 15’ 30’’ Pancake Resolvers 0.0000 -A+.0 0.140 0.150 0.axsys.0005 A D MTG.20 15’/15’’’ 0.0002 -.150 0.0000 -.450 MAX.30 5/28 .140 0. Phase Shift (deg.20/. Ø.0005 1/16 RX R 5 5000 50 0.8 0.200 15’’ 0.20 15’/60’’ ±30 1.0002 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP015Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.400 0.25 5 A Sleeve and hub available on special order. 43 www.0005 1/16 RX R 5 5000 50 0.25 5 A ±5 0. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.0000 -A- Ø1. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 080SMFA-D3V 081BBFA-G0V 160BBFA-C7V 161BBFB-C7V 161BBFB-E0V G G G G G 0.0000 -.27 4 360 .25 5 A 360 1. Ø.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.0 0. Ø1.150 0. TOL.370 0.50 20’ 0.20 4 A ±5 1.30 5/24 .370 0.0005 A MTG.6500 Ø. (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers RP015 +. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.0005 1/8 RX R 5 5000 50 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .20/.1. Ø.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.0003 8 RX R 1 2000 6 0.) C (stator) (in.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.25 34 0.0003 B Ø1.370 0.750 MIN.140 0.5500 -.) nom. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Pancake Resolvers Angular Range (deg.RP019 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.150 0.8 1 B ±5 5.460 0.0003 1 RX R 26 400 65 0.) nom.454 6’ 0. www.7 12 0.0005 Ø.9 0.0005 A MTG.0000 +.17 0.6245 -A- Ø1.53 1 A.0004 1 RX R 26 400 22 0.0004 +.0000 -.460 0. TOL. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 010BBFA-H2V 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-L0V 010SMFA-L0V 010SMFB-B7V 010SMFB-K0V G G G G G G 0.0003 1 RX R 26 400 65 0.454 3’ ±45 1.B 360 4.2 1 B 360 5.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No. please contact Axsys Technologies.0005 -.2 1.454 3’ 0. 44 B 26V 2000 Hz available.7 12 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0004 -.0004 1 RX R 26 400 22 0.0000 -.150 0.454 2’ 0.454 6’ 0.150 0.) Weight (oz.) D (rotor) (in.140 0.) C (stator) (in. Phase Shift (deg.B 360 1.140 0.53 1 A.3 16 0.0004 1 RX R 26 400 22 0.3 16 0.650 0.3 16 0.axsys.0005 A MTG.0003 1 RX R 26 400 22 0.9 0. RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP019Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.460 0.2 1. (800) 777-3393 B C B Ø1.775 MAX.3 16 0. BARE RESOLVER Ø1.9998 Ø.2 1 B Sleeve and hub available on special order. Input Power (watts) Max.0000 D Ø.8380 -A- +.454 10’ 0.900 MIN.140 0.650 0. TOL.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.650 0.53 1 A.B 360 1.9 0.8380 Ø. +. Ø. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 040BBFB-H2V 040BBFB-K0V 040FMFA-G2V 040SMFA-H2V 080BBFA-C4V 080BBFA-D0V G G G G G G 0.460 0.454 20’’ Pancake Resolvers 0.9 0.0005 -. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.9 0.) nom.B Sleeve and hub available on special order.270 0.0005 Ø.53 4 A.600 0.454 2’ 0. Ø.150 0.9998 Ø.0 4 B ±20 2.454 2’ 0.53 4 A.0000 -.0005 8 RX R 26 400 70 1.5 52 0. (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers RP019 B C B Ø1.0005 A MTG.0000 D Ø.900 MIN.9 1. www.0004 -.775 MAX.2 33 0.454 1’ 0.460 0.67 4 A.290 0.) Weight (oz.290 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.0003 4 RX R 26 400 120 1.140 0.600 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.0000 -.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No. +.0004 4 RX R 26 400 80 1.0005 A MTG.2 33 0.650 0. RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP019Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.270 0.B ±45 5. please contact Axsys << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .650 0.0003 4 RX R 26 400 120 1.0004 4 RX R 26 400 80 1.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. 45 B 26V 2000 Hz available.140 0.150 0.454 3’ 0.) D (rotor) (in.B 360 2.67 4 A.0005 8 RX R 26 400 70 1.9 0.0000 +.8380 Ø. TOL.9 1.0004 +.4 23 0.) C (stator) (in.9 0.4 20 0.B 360 1. TOL.6245 -A- Ø1.8380 -A- +.axsys.454 15’’ ±45 1. BARE RESOLVER Ø1.5 52 0. Phase Shift (deg.0 4 B ±45 4. Input Power (watts) Max. 0 5 ±10 5 0.0003 16 RX R 26 5000 70 0.454 1’ 0.8380 Ø.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.axsys.0003 8 RX R 26 400 70 1. TOL.5 52 0.0005 A MTG.2 1.6245 -A- Ø1.0004 -.5 52 0.0000 D Ø.350 8/21 0.RP019 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.650 0.775 MAX.0003 8 RX R 26 400 70 1. BARE RESOLVER Ø1.5 52 0.) C (stator) (in.1 0.0000 -.454 15’’ 0.454 10’’ 0.96 4 B ±90 6.0004 +.0003 1/8 RX R 10 2000 60 0.0 4 B ±20 6.) D (rotor) (in.0005 A MTG. 46 B 26V 2000 Hz available.0000 +.95 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.50 25 0. please contact Axsys Technologies. Phase Shift (deg.650 0.2 1.0000 -.0 4 B ±20 5.96 4 B 360 5. www.8380 -A- +. Ø.0003 8 RX R 26 400 70 1. Input Power (watts) Max. TOL.650 0.650 0. RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP019Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.5 52 0.454 15’’ Pancake Resolvers ±20 6.0005 -.1 .0003 8 RX R 26 400 70 1. +.900 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0005 Ø.650 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.9998 Ø.) nom.454 30’/20’’ 0. (800) 777-3393 B C B Ø1.454 10’’ 0.) Weight (oz.3 1. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 080FMFA-B4V 080FMFA-G4V 080SMFA-B4V 080SMFA-C0V 081FMFA-D1V 160SMFC-C6V G G G G G G 0.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.650 0. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. 270 0.15 5 B ±5 5. BARE RESOLVER Ø1.) nom. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 161BBFA-C7V 161BBFA-E0V 161FMFA-D1V 161SMFA-C7V 161SMFA-D0V 161SMFA-E0V G G G G G G 0. +.B 360 3.0003 1/16 RX R 26 400 120 3.0004 1/16 RX R 26 400 120 3.0003 1/16 RX R 26 400 120 3.0003 1/16 RX R 26 400 120 3.25/. Ø.8380 -A- +. 47 B 26V 2000 Hz available.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.) C (stator) (in.1 0.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.77 5 A.20 15’/20’’ 0.600 0.6245 -A- Ø1.25/.) D (rotor) (in.20 15’/15’’ 0.0004 -.0005 A MTG.axsys. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.650 0.0 24/64 .0004 1/16 RX R 26 400 120 3.0005 A MTG. RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP019Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.05 5 B Sleeve and hub available on special order.290 0.4 1. Pancake Resolvers RP019 B C B Ø1.8380 Ø.0004 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .600 0.900 MIN. www.) Weight (oz.0000 -.0 24/64 .0000 -.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.650 0.5 1.20 15’/20’’ 0.775 MAX. please contact Axsys Technologies.0005 -.25/. TOL.0005 Ø.650 0.25/.650 0.77 5 A.0003 1/16 RX R 26 400 120 3.05 5 B 360 5.0 24/64 .05 5 B 360 5.9998 Ø. Phase Shift (deg. Input Power (watts) Max.4 1.270 0.0000 D Ø.0 24/64 .0000 +.290 0.20 15’/30’’ 0.0 24/64 .20 15’/15’’ 0.1 0.B ±90 6. TOL.25/.20 15’/30’’ Pancake Resolvers 15’/25’’ ±5 3.25/.4 1. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.0 24/64 . 48 www. TOL.20 15’/15’’ 0.) D (rotor) (in.5 2000 80 0.650 0.RP019 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications. BARE RESOLVER Ø1.650 0.20 15’/20’’ 0.0 30/70 .com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . TOL.0003 1/16 RX R 8.0005 Ø.650 0.) Pancake Resolvers Weight (oz.20/.650 0.0 5 C ±5 5.20/.0000 +.0000 -.5 2000 80 0.1 .20 15’/15’’ 0.0005 -.0005 A MTG.4 1. Ø.0003 2/16 RX R 26 400 150 4.6245 -A- Ø1.4 4/30 . of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.0 5 360 5.D B.1 .8380 -A- +. (800) 777-3393 B C B Ø1.96 5 C B.4 1.4 1.0004 +.) nom.0 5 360 4.20 15’/30’’ ±10 5.20/.8380 Ø.900 MIN. RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP019Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.0000 -. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C D A 161SMFB-C6V 161SMFB-D0V 161SMFB-DOV1 162SMFD-C7V 162SMFD-E2V G G G G G 0.5 2000 80 0.0000 D Ø. B 26V 2000 Hz available.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.9998 Ø. +.0005 A MTG.96 5 C C ±45 5.25/.D Sleeve and hub available on special order. Custom Sleeve.0003 2/16 RX R 26 400 150 4. Input Power (watts) Max.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. Phase Shift (deg.650 0.0003 1/16 RX R 8. Refer to drawing for proper 2X-16X schematic & equations.4 4/30 .axsys.775 MAX. please contact Axsys Technologies.0004 -.20 15’/20’’ 0.4 4/30 .0003 1/16 RX R 8.) C (stator) (in. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.0 30/70 .25/. 8 3.500 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 25 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 25 0.00 1 A 360 2.180 0.454 3’ 0.8 3. www.25 20 .0005 1 RX R 26 400 25 0. Phase Shift (deg.190 0.0005 2 RX R 26 800 60 0. Ø1. TOL.454 6’ 0.190 0. Input Power (watts) Max.180 0.1000 Ø1.500 0.150 MAX.2 4.0005 A D MTG.190 0.25 20 .180 0.00 6’ 0.3100 -A-A- +.) D (rotor) (in.0000 Ø2.25 20 .2 4.axsys.190 0.65 22 .0000 +.530 0.454 2’ Pancake Resolvers ±45 2.00 1 A. Ø2. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.530 0.) nom.500 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 25 0.500 0.0005 1 RX R 2 800 25 0. +.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.8 3.3749 Ø. please contact Axsys Technologies.0004 Ø2. 49 B Special Lead Wire. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 010BBFA-K2V 010BBFA-L0V 010BBFB-LOV1 010SMFA-H2V 010SMFA-LOV 020BBFA-H1V G G G G G G 0.0005 Ø1.25 20 .) C (stator) (in.00 1 A 360 2.180 0.0000 -.0005 Ø.2000 -. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP022Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.454 6’ 0. (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers RP022 B C B +.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.00 4 A Sleeve and hub available on special << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .) Weight (oz.00 1 360 5.B ±45 5. TOL. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.370 MIN.8 3.0005 A MTG.00 1 ±90 2.0004 -.454 2’ 0.12 8 1. 500 40’’ Pancake Resolvers ±360 2.00 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.530 0.3749 Ø.00 4 ±90 5.0005 Ø1.0005 2 RX R 26 400 60 0.180 0.axsys.1000 Ø1.0005 A D MTG. Ø1.2 4.500 0.00 2’ 0.65 22 0.0000 +.2 4.65 22 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.RP022 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications. TOL. (800) 777-3393 B C B +.00 8 A ±5 2.0004 Ø2.00 4 A ±90 2.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.454 3’ 0.0005 A MTG.0005 2 RX R 7 400 35 0.190 0.00 4 A ±90 5.180 0.0000 -.0005 Ø.8 3. Input Power (watts) Max.) D (rotor) (in.004 2 0.) nom. Ø2.0004 -. +.2000 -. please contact Axsys Technologies.0005 2 RX S 7 400 30 0.454 1’ 0.530 0.190 0. 50 www.3100 -A-A- +. Phase Shift (deg.180 0.190 0.370 MIN.0005 2 RX R 26 400 60 0.454 2’ 0.) Weight (oz.0005 2 RX R 26 400 60 0. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP022Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.150 MAX.20 26 1.0000 Ø2.8 3.0005 2 RT S 1 2000 10 0.) C (stator) (in.8 3.00 2’ 0.500 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .65 22 . TOL. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 020BBFA-K0V 020BBFC-H1V1 020BBFD-H7V1 020SMFA-GIV 020SMFA-H0V 020SMFB-F1V G G G G G G 0.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.530 0.2 4.500 0. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.20 35 1.00 4 360 5. 00 4 A ±20 5.0005 A MTG.370 MIN.2 4.00 4 A ±15 2.5 54 0. Input Power (watts) Max.0/1.204 0.axsys.00 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.454 15’’ Pancake Resolvers ±20 2.454 20’’ 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.) nom.50 30/45 1.530 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . +.0000 Ø2.8 3.00 20’’ 0.) D (rotor) (in.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.218 0.0000 -. Ø1.07 400 55 0.0005 8 RX R 26 400 50 0.0004 Ø2.218 0.63 33 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.3100 -A-A- +.00 4 -15/+50 2.204 0.0005 A D MTG.30 33 1.454 20’’ 0.1000 Ø1.) C (stator) (in.00 4 A ±5 5.0005 16 RX R 26 400 70 1.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.530 0. Phase Shift (deg.00 5 A ±15 2.0005 Ø1.0000 +.8 3.3749 Ø.0005 8 RX R 26 400 50 0.500 0.218 0. TOL.0005 16 RX R 26 400 70 1. Ø2.0005 8 RX R 7.) Weight (oz.63 33 0. TOL.500 0.07 400 85 0.218 0.204 0. Pancake Resolvers RP022 B C B +. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.530 0.0005 1/8 RX R 7.454 15’ 0.0005 Ø.2 4. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP022Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.150 MAX.8 3.2000 -.0 15’’/20’’ 0.8 3.204 0.530 0.5 54 0.0004 -. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 080BBFA-D4V 080BBFB-D5V1 080SMFA-C4V 081BBFA-D2V1 160BBFA-D5V 160SMFA-C7V G G G G G G 0. 51 www. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg. please contact Axsys Technologies.0004 -.150 MAX. Phase Shift (deg.) nom. Ø1.0000 -.530 0.5 54 0.0 5 52 Table of Contents www. TOL.0004 Ø2.0000 Ø2.0005 Ø1.3100 -A-A- +. +.65 4/22 .) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.20/.0000 +. TOL.454 20’’ 0.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 50 << Previous Next >> .) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.0005 A MTG.0 4 360 5. Ø2.0005 Ø.) D (rotor) (in.2 4.) Weight (oz.1000 Ø1.2 4. Input Power (watts) Max. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP022Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.0005 A D MTG.0005 16 RX R 26 400 70 1.) C (stator) (in.2000 -. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C -6 2 160SMFA-D5V 161SMFA-D0V G G 0.370 MIN.RP022 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.3749 Ø.20 15’’/20’ Pancake Resolvers ±15 5. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. (800) 777-3393 B C B +.530 0. TOL.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.3 8. D Ø2. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.) D (rotor) (in.3 8.5 1 A 360 4.axsys.0000 +.795 MIN.210 0.30 13 0.30 13 1.210 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 010BBFA-G0V 010BBFA-G0V1 101BBFA-L0V 010BBFA-L0V1 010BBFD-L0V 010SMFA-K0V G G G G G G 0.B 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 20 0.5’ 0. 53 B Rotor & Stator lead wires exit opposite sides.30 13 0.195 0.) Weight (oz.600 0.454 6’ 3’ 0.30 13 0.454 6’ 3’ 360 4.30 13 0.3 8. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.195 0.705 MAX.5 1 A.001 10 1.) C (stator) (in.5000 A Ø3. www.0005 1 RX R 26 400 20 0.3 8. please contact Axsys Technologies. +.0005 1 RX R 26 400 20 0. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP028Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) ( << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0005 1 RX R 1 400 0.0000 Ø1.454 3’ Pancake Resolvers 360 4.0005 -.0005 +.195 0.0000 -.0000 -. TOL.5 1 A 360 11.0005 B Ø2.5 0.210 0.600 0.195 0.454 1’ 0.3 8. Phase Shift (deg. Ø1.600 0.2 16 1 Sleeve and hub available on special order.5 1 A 0.00 6’ 3’ 360 4. Pancake Resolvers RP028 B C +.0005 A MTG.0005 A MTG.5 1 A 360 4.600 0. Input Power (watts) Max.7450 -A- Ø1.00 1.0004 -.195 0.0000 Ø.) nom.0005 1 RX R 26 400 20 0.210 0.7500 Ø.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.0005 1 RX R 26 400 20 0.690 0.210 0.600 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications. 0005 1 RX S 7 400 10 0.2 16 4 ±90 11.0005 2 RX R 26 400 15 0.0005 A MTG.30 13 0.0004 -.3 8.0005 A MTG.600 0.0000 Ø.454 1’ 0.2 16 1 ±142 11. (800) 777-3393 B C +. TOL. D Ø2. +.0000 +.2 16 2 ±90 4.795 MIN.7450 -A- Ø1.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.7500 Ø. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.690 0.0005 B Ø2.0005 2 RX R 26 400 15 0.0005 2 RX RS 26 400 15 0.2 16 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.5 4 A 360 4. Ø1.0000 -.195 0.5000 A Ø3. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. 54 www.RP028 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.210 0.454 3’ 0.0005 -.210 0.3 8.axsys. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 010SMFA-L0V 101SMFB-GOV1 020BBFA-H1V 020BBFA-K0V 020SMFA-G1V 020SMFA-H1V G G G G G G 0.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.00 1’ 0.0005 +.) nom.20 18 0.0000 Ø1.) Weight (oz. TOL.454 6’ 0.454 2’ 0. please contact Axsys Technologies. Input Power (watts) Max.690 0.195 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 20 0. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP028Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.600 0.690 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0000 -.705 MAX.) C (stator) (in.454 2’ Pancake Resolvers 360 11. Phase Shift (deg.20 18 0.5 4 A ±90 11.690 0.110 15 1.) D (rotor) (in.20 18 0.0005 2 RX R 26 400 15 0.20 18 0. 0000 -.50 11 0.2 16 4 360 11. please contact Axsys Technologies.690 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.454 3’ 0. (800) 777-3393 Pancake Resolvers RP028 B C +. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP028Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) Weight (oz. Phase Shift (deg.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.20 18 0.0005 8 RX R 26 2000 70 0.0005 A MTG.690 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 020SMFA-K0V 080BBFA-C4V 080BBFA-D0V 080SMFA-B4V 080SMFA-COV 080SNFA-B4V G G G G G G 0.axsys.3 8.2 16 4 ±20 4.50 11 0.5 4 A 360 4.0005 B Ø2.454 15’ 0.680 0. 55 www.0000 Ø.) C (stator) (in.) D (rotor) (in.3 8.2 16 4 ±20 11.0004 -.7500 Ø.690 0. TOL.454 10’ 0.210 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.454 10’ Pancake Resolvers 360 11.0005 8 RX R 26 2000 70 0.454 15’ 0. D Ø2.2 16 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.680 0.0005 8 RX R 26 2000 70 0. TOL.0000 Ø1.0005 +.195 0.0005 2 RX R 26 400 15 0.0005 8 RX R 26 2000 70 0.705 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .50 10 0.) nom.0005 A MTG.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.5 4 A ±20 11.7450 -A- Ø1.195 0.50 10 0.0005 8 RX R 26 2000 70 0.0000 +.0000 -.5000 A Ø3.50 10 0.0005 -. Ø1.454 20’ 0.210 0. Input Power (watts) Max.690 0. +. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.795 MIN. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.RP028 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.2 15’/20’’ 0.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no. TOL.210 0.65 2/20 1. D Ø2.690 0.195 0.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 50 . Input Power (watts) Max.3 8.3 8.5 5 A ±5 11.65 2/20 0. (800) 777-3393 B C +.690 0.00 15’’ 0.65 2/20 0.0005 A MTG.0005 61 RX R 27 2000 50 .195 0.600 0.7450 -A- Ø1.2 15’/20’’ 0.2/0.2/0.0005 1/16 RX R 26 400 130 3.0000 Ø.0005 A MTG.600 0.2 15’/30’’ 0.5 5 A ±5 4.axsys.0005 +.) nom.195 0.5 17/60 0.210 0.) C (stator) (in. please contact Axsys Technologies.3 8.5 17/60 0.195 0.0000 -.210 0.2 16 5 Sleeve and hub available on special order.210 0.0000 +.0000 Ø1.0004 -.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.) D (rotor) ( << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 160SMFC-C7V 161BBFA-D7V 161BBFA-E0V 161BBFB-D7V 161BBFB-E0V 161SMFB-C7V G G G G G G 0. Ø1.2 16 4 ±5 4.50 7 1.0005 B Ø2. TOL.2/0.0005 1/16 RX R 26 400 130 3. +. Phase Shift (deg.0000 -.5 5 A 360 4.3 8.600 0.0005 61 RX R 27 5000 85 0.) Weight (oz.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 50 .2 15’/30’’ 0.600 0.00 15’/15’’ Pancake Resolvers ±5 11.705 MAX.0005 -.5000 A Ø3. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP028Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.7500 Ø.5 5 A 360 4.795 MIN. 56 www.2/0. 0000 Ø. Input Power (watts) Max. +.) D (rotor) (in. Ø1. D Ø2.65 2/20 0.0005 -.) C (stator) (in.70 2/20 0.0005 +.0000 -.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.0005 A MTG.0005 A MTG. Phase Shift (deg.2/0. Pancake Resolvers RP028 B C +.0005 1/36 RX R 26 2000 50 0.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 50 0.) Weight (oz.2 16 5 360 11.690 0.2/0.690 0.7450 -A- Ø1.0004 -.2 15’/20’’ 0.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.0000 Ø1. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.5000 A Ø3.2 16 5 Sleeve and hub available on special order.795 MIN. please contact Axsys Technologies. 57 www.0000 +. TOL. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 161SMFB-D0V 361SMFA-D0V G G 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.705 MAX.7500 Ø.2 15’/20’’ Pancake Resolvers 360 11. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP028Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.axsys.0005 B Ø2.0000 -. << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .) nom. 4 8 1 A. (800) 777-3393 B C +.520 0.35 16 0.axsys.0005 B Ø3.520 0.520 0. Ø 2.570 Ø.2503 -A- +.0800 -A- +.4 8 2 A.032 8 1.0000 -.0005 1 RX R 2 800 25 0.0005 1 RX R 2 2000 15 0.265 0.98 6’ 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.35 16 0.C Sleeve and hub available on special order. +.265 0.35 16 0.0005 1 RX S 26 400 20 0.0000 Ø 3.00 6’ 360 5. 58 Table of Contents www.250 0.035 8 1.0005 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP034Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.98 2’ 0. 2000 Hz.270 MAX.350 MIN.250 0.RP034 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.0005 1 RX S 26 400 20 0.250 0.520 0.) D (rotor) (in.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.0000 -.265 0. RP034-010BFA-LOV except tested at 2V.B 360 5. Leads exit opposite ends.0005 A MTG. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.0005 1 RX S 26 400 20 0.250 0.98 6’ 0.0000 Ø 2. Ø 3.265 0.) nom. TOL.520 0.250 0.B 360 5.98 3’ 0.0005 -.4 8 2 A 360 5.00 6’ 0.0005 1 RX S 26 400 20 0.) Pancake Resolvers Weight (oz.250 0.4 8 2 << Previous Next >> . Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 010BBFA-H0V1 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-L0V 101BBFA-L0V1 010BBFB-L0V 010BBFB-L0V1 G G G G G G 0.3740 Ø.4 8 1 A 360 5.265 0.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.0005 -.) C (stator) (in.35 16 0.4 8 2 A B 360 5.0005 A D Ø 2.265 0.520 0. 59 www.520 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> Pancake Resolvers Angular Range (deg. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy 010BBFC-K0V1 010FMFA-H0V1 080BBFA-C4V 080BBFA-D0V 080SMFA-B4V 080SMFA-C0V G G G G G G 0.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.0005 -.250 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.454 15’’ 0. RP034-010BFA-LOV except tested at 2V.265 0. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.00 20’’ 0.454 3’ 0.0005 A MTG.0005 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP034Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.98 2’ 0. TOL.600 0.) C (stator) (in.0005 1 RX S 26 400 20 0.0000 Ø 3.0005 A D Ø 2. +.5 4 10 12.4 8 1 A.454 15’’ Weight (oz.032 22 1.0005 1 RX R 2 400 15 0. Ø 2.0800 -A- +.250 0. 2000 Hz.0 22 .4 8 4 A 5.520 0.0005 1 RX R 26 1000 25 0.4 8 4 A 10 12.250 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 5.0000 -.0005 8 RX R 26 400 80 1.570 Ø.0000 Ø 2.0 25 0. Ø 3.265 0.0005 B Ø3.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.600 0.49 5 0.0 25 0.270 MAX.6 14 2 D B 5.) D (rotor) (in. Leads exit opposite ends.0005 -.5 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.350 MIN.axsys.520 0.520 0. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Pancake Resolvers RP034 B C +.0005 8 RX R 26 400 80 1.35 16 0.) nom. See drawing for flange dimensions.265 0.) 360 360 ±20 360 ±20 360 .3740 Ø.B D 12.2503 -A- +.0000 -.454 10’’ 0.0005 8 RX R 26 400 80 1. please contact Axsys Technologies. 05 7.4 2000 5 0. Mechanical tolerance applies to average dia.230 0.20 15’/20’’ ±20 6.0005 16 RX R 4.6 8 5 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0005 -.20 15’/30’’ 0.6 8 4 ±5 10 12. Free state roundness is 0.3 37 .0005 A D Ø 2.570 Ø.454 15’ 0.600 0.230 0.454 15’ 0. RP034-010BFA-LOV except tested at 2V.454 15’ 0.0005 B Ø3.242 0. 2000 Hz.600 0.) Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range Weight (oz.242 0.0005 16 RX R 4. Ø 2. +.B ±5 6.0015 max. please contact Axsys Technologies.230 0.5 12 0.0000 Ø 2.600 0.0005 1/16 RX R 26 400 75 1.20/.6 8 4 ±20 6.E Pancake Resolvers A Sleeve and hub available on special order.RP034 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.0000 -.270 MAX.242 0.350 MIN.0005 A MTG.0000 Ø 3.600 0.3740 Ø.) D (rotor) (in.5 4 A.2503 -A- +.0005 16 RX R 26 400 75 1.0000 -. Ø 3.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-inSchematic No.0005 1/16 RX R 26 400 75 1. 60 www.3 37 .0800 -A- +.B ±20 6.0005 16 RX R 26 2000 250 1.600 0.20/.6 8 5 A.570 20’ 0. TOL.230 0.600 0.0005 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP034Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) C (stator) (in. (800) 777-3393 B C +.230 0.242 0. See drawing for flange dimensions. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.) Mounting Speed (no.0005 -.3 12/44 .3 12/44 .4 400 75 1.242 0.5 0.6 8 4 A. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C E 160BBFD-C4V 160BBFD-C4V1 160BBFD-D4V1 G G G 160SMFC-C7V 161BBFA-D7V 161BBFA-E0V G G G 0.B 360 6. D B Leads exit opposite ends. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C E A 161BBFB-D7V G 161BBFB-E0V 161BBFB-E0V1 161SMFB-C7V G G G 161SMFB-D0V G 0.0000 -.axsys.20 1/14 .454/.600 0.0005 A MTG.5 5 Sleeve and hub available on special order.242 0.) Weight (oz.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 150 1.) nom.20 1/14 .454 15’/15’’ 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.454/.20 1/14 .0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 150 1.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.454/.0000 Ø 3. Phase Shift (deg.230 0.454 15’/30’’ 0.2503 -A- +.20 1/14 .454/.454 15’/30’’ 0.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.4 8 5 A. Input Power (watts) Max.6 8 5 A.242 0.20 1/14 .454/. Ø 2.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.600 0. RP034-010BFA-LOV except tested at 2V. Leads exit opposite ends.6 8 5 A.454 15’/20’’ ±5 6.0005 B Ø3.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 150 1.0005 -.570 Ø. Ø 3.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 150 1.350 MIN.0005 1/16 RX R 26 2000 150 1.600 0.0000 -.3740 Ø.com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .) C (stator) (in. TOL.E.600 0.) D (rotor) (in.0005 -. Mechanical tolerance applies to average dia. Pancake Resolvers RP034 B C +.242 0.0800 -A- +. FUses low outgassing materials. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.0005 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP034Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.270 MAX.0005 A D Ø 2. See drawing for flange dimensions.F ±5 10 12.5 5 360 Pancake Resolvers 10 12.230 0.E B 360 6.0015 max.600 0. +.0000 Ø 2. 61 www. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.454 15’/20’’ 0.230 0.E D 360 5. 2000 Hz. Free state roundness is 0. 65 15 .560 0.0000 Ø 2. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.5 26. E B Low accuracy for motor commutation.E 0. +.7800 -. Ø2.454 1’ 360 6 15.454 2’ 360 11.7400 A D +.5 26.50 5 0.235 0.730 MAX.560 0.560 0.790 MIN.0000 Ø.5 26. A -.65 1 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 32 0.0005 1 RX R 26 400 32 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-K0V1 010SMFA-H0V 010SMFA-L0V 010SMFC-H0V 040BBFA-G0V G G G G G G 0.250 0.RP038 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.560 0.0005 MTG. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.0005 1 RX R 26 2000 32 0.5 1 A D 0.454 6’ 360 11.) C (stator) (in.) Weight (oz.0005 Ø3.0000 -.560 0.560 0.) D (rotor) (in.5 1 0.5000 +.0000 Ø. Brushless.5 1 A.235 0. Low outgassing assy. TOL.454 2’ 360 11.65 15 .com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .) nom.454 3’ 360 6 15.0005 1 RX R 26 1000 20 0.65 15 0.5 1 A Pancake Resolvers Sleeve and hub available on special order.235 0. TOL.75 17 0.0005 A Ø2.250 0.250 0.0005 A MTG.0005 B Ø3.500 3’ 360 6 15. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP038Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in. please contact Axsys Technologies.5 1 0.5 1 0.0000 -.0005 1 RX R 26 400 32 0.0005 4 RX R 26 400 75 0. all leads on stator.axsys. (800) 777-3393 B C +. Rotor and stator leads on opposite sides.0005 Ø4. 62 www.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. 5 26.0005 1/8 RX R 26 2000 130 1.75 17 0.0000 Ø.0005 4 RX R 26 400 75 0. Phase Shift (deg.3 0.0005 8 RX R 26 2000 70 0. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP038Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) D (rotor) (in. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.50 3/8 0.75 17 0.5 26.454 40” 0.5 26.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.454 15’/10’ 0.730 MAX. +. A -.0005 1/8 RX R 26 2000 130 1.5 4 360 11.0005 A MTG.560 0.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications. TOL.454 40” 0.560 0.65 3. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 040FMFB-F0V1 040SMFA-F0V 040SMFA-D4V 080SMFB-D2V 081SMFA-M0V 081SMFA-E0V G G G G G G 0.0000 Ø.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.axsys.454/0.5 4 B 360 11.0000 -.5 26.0005 B Ø3.7400 A D +.) nom.0000 Ø 2.560 0.5000 +.454/0.560 0.5 4 Sleeve and hub available on special order.560 0. www.0005 4 RX R 26 400 75 0. TOL.454 15’/30’’ Pancake Resolvers 360 14.7800 -. 63 B Low accuracy for motor commutation. Input Power (watts) Max.0000 -.0005 A Ø2.790 MIN.) C (stator) (in. please contact Axsys Technologies.) Weight (oz.454 20” 0.454 20” 0.5 4 ±20 11.5 30 4 360 11.0005 Ø3.0005 4 RX R 26 2000 32 0. Ø2. Pancake Resolvers RP038 B C +.35 7 0.0005 MTG.5 4 ±45 11.50 3/8 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0005 Ø4.560 0.5 26. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg. 5 5 360 48 57 5 C B 360 11. Brushless. Low outgassing assy.560 1.0005 Ø3.53 26/41 1. please contact Axsys Technologies.0005 A Ø2.001 1/16 RX C 0.0/1.0000 Ø.50 3/8 1.5 26.) nom.001 1/16 RX S 7 400 113 0.5000 +.790 MIN.5 26.4 2000 50 0.0005 A MTG. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 081SMFC-D0V2 011SMFD-E0V 161SMBA-K0V 161SMFA-E0V 161SMFB-D1V G G G G G 0.001 1/16 RX R 26 2000 70 0. Phase Shift (deg.560 0.850 0. BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP038Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.0 15’/30’’ 0. +.7400 A D +.0005 MTG.5/21 . TOL.RP038 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.20/.454/. Ø2.0000 Ø. Input Power (watts) Max.5 6 Pancake Resolvers Sleeve and hub available on special order.730 MAX.0000 -.0005 Ø4.) C (stator) (in.550 0.80 2.20 15’/30’’ 0. A -. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.0 15’/20’’ 4.0005 1/8 RX R 7 5000 85 0. 64 Table of Contents << Previous Next >> .560 0.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.454 30’/3’ 20’/1’ 360 15 34 5 D 360 11. (800) 777-3393 B C +.0005 1/8 RX R 26 2000 130 1.454/.) Weight (oz. all leads on stator.axsys.20 9/8 .5 5 ±90 11.) D (rotor) (in.5 26.0000 Ø 2. D Low accuracy for motor commutation. TOL.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.0005 B Ø3.7800 -.15 -3/7 .0000 -.454 30’/20’’ 0.0/1. -.750 1.002 1 RX R 26 400 75 1.5 -7/5 .) D (rotor) (in.080 -9 0.454 21’ 26 2000 100 1. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFA-K5V 010BBFA-L0V 010FMFB-H0V1 010SNBA-P0V1 081FMBA-B3V1 G G G G G G 0.240 0.375 0.900 MAX.001 D MTG.0 10 0.50 2’ 0.240 -.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP050Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.535 MIN. Pancake Resolvers RP050 B C B +. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Ø4. +.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.) C (stator) (in.454 20’/20’’ 360 17 51 1 A ±15 17 51 1 A 360 17 51 1 A B 360 32 87 1 B 360 62 293 1 C ±30 81 328 5 C Pancake Resolvers Sleeve and hub available on special order.454 3’ 0.002 1 RX c 0.0 5 0.002 1 RX R 26 4500 100 << Previous Next >> .0008 Ø3. TOL.385 0.375 0.001 1/8 RX c 7 2000 30 0.002 1 RX R 26 400 75 1. See drawing for flange details.0000 A Ø3.0008 Ø.0000 Ø3.385 0.750 0.001 A +.454 6’ 0.002 1 RX R 26 400 75 1.001 A MTG. Ø4. Brushless. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg. 65 Table of Contents www.220 -.) Weight (oz.454 3’ 0.001 Ø.385 0. all leads on stator.750 0.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.axsys.750 0.9946 -.740 2.375 0. TOL.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.0 5 0.0 5 0.4553 A Ø5.) nom. please contact Axsys Technologies.454/.000 +. com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> . please contact Axsys Technologies.20 2/7 .) Pancake Resolvers Weight (oz.26/.3 30 0.26 10’/30’’ 0.385 0.750 0.375 0.7 14/32 .750 0.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.001 16 RX R 26 400 75 1.) C (stator) (in.535 MIN.0000 A Ø3. 66 www. Ø4.375 0.454 15’’ 0.375 0.001 1/16 RX R 26 400 90 1. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.RP050 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.750 0.220 -.454 10’’ 0. all leads on stator.9946 -.26 10’/15’’ 0.7 14/32 .375 0. Ø4. (800) 777-3393 B C B +.001 Ø. TOL.001 16 RX R 26 400 75 1.25/.750 0.0008 Ø.3 30 0.axsys.001 1/16 RX R 26 2000 25 0.375 0. ERotor & stator leads on opposite sides. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A -6 2 160BBFC-B4V G 160BBFC-B4V1 G 160BBFC-C0V 161BBFA-C0V 161BBFA-E0V 161BBFB-E0V G G G G 0.385 0.375 0.001 A MTG. Brushless.385 0.) D (rotor) (in.385 0.001 16 RX R 26 400 75 1.900 MAX.31 10’/30’’ ±20 17 51 4 A D ±20 17 51 4 A.0008 Ø3.0000 Ø3.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.E B 360 17 51 4 A 360 17 51 5 A 360 17 51 5 A 360 17 51 5 A Sleeve and hub available on special order.240 -.001 1/16 RX R 26 400 90 1.750 0.385 0. -.3 30 0.001 D MTG.4553 A Ø5.001 A +. Brushless.385 0.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP050Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in. TOL.750 0.454 10’’ 0. +.25/. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg. See drawing for flange details.) nom. all leads on rotor. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.000 +. Input Power (watts) Max.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No. please contact Axsys Technologies. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.axsys.0/1. 67 B See drawing for flange details. +. TOL.26/.375 0. << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .0000 A Ø3.750 0.385 0. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.5 7/32 .002 1/16 RX S 7 400 80 0.31 10’/30’’ 0.454 10’ 30’’ 0.454/.) D (rotor) (in.750 0.240 -.02 5/5 .4 2000 24 0.900 MAX. TOL.20 2/7 .220 -.760 0.) Weight (oz.454 10’/15’’ Pancake Resolvers 0.0008 Ø.4 9/31 1.) C (stator) (in. Phase Shift (deg.7 14/32 .375 0.385 0.26 10’/15’’ 0.0008 Ø3.5 7/32 . Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 161BBFE-E0V 161FNFE-E0V 161SMFA-C0V1 161SMFD-D0V 321BBFA-B6V 321BBFA-C0V G G G G G G 0.002 1/16 RX R 26 400 90 1.0000 Ø3. Ø4.25/.375 0.454 10’/10’’ 360 17 51 6 A 360 32 87 6 B 360 28 80 5 360 28 80 6 ±10 17 51 5 A 360 17 51 5 A Sleeve and hub available on special order.001 Ø.001 A +.000 +.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP050Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.454/.002 1/16 RX S 4.001 1/16 RX R 26 2000 25 0. -.760 0.) nom.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.0 10’/20’’ 0.001 1/32 RX R 26 400 100 1.454/.385 0. Ø4.4553 A Ø5.750 0.9946 -.750 0.001 1/32 RX R 26 400 100 1.001 D MTG.001 A MTG. Pancake Resolvers RP050 B C B +.535 MIN.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications. axsys.454 10’/15’’ 26 2000 125 2.454/. Brushless.001 A MTG.0000 Ø3. TOL.900 MAX. (800) 777-3393 B C B +.740 0. all leads on stator.240 -.001 A +. -.454 10’/10’’ 0.0008 Ø. TOL.4 2000 25 0. Phase Shift (deg. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 321BBFA-D0V G 321SMBA-G0V 321SMBB-R0V 321SMFA-B6V 321SMFA-C0V G G G G 0.0008 Ø3. Brushless. Ø4.9946 -. Ø4.002 1/32 RX D << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP050Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.454/.375 0.001 D MTG.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.535 MIN.454/.) Pancake Resolvers Weight (oz.454 10’/60’’ 4.454/. +. please contact Axsys Technologies. all leads on rotor. See drawing for flange details.002 1/32 RX R 26 400 100 1.0 -6/3 .) nom.454/.) C (stator) (in.740 1.001 Ø.760 0.) D (rotor) (in. 68 www.5 7/32 .002 1/32 RX c 0.0000 A Ø3.002 1/32 RX R 26 400 100 1.RP050 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.760 0.5 7/32 .001 1/16 RX R 26 400 90 1. Input Power (watts) Max. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.750 0.4553 A Ø5.220 -.454 120’/30’’ 360 17 51 5 A D 360 6232 293 5 C B 360 62 293 6 D ±10 28 80 5 360 28 80 5 Sleeve and hub available on special order.000 +.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.385 0.454 10’/20’’ 1.2 1/10 .7 7/32 . 002 A MTG. FSpecial lead wire and lead breakout.1 11 0.454 2’ 0. TOL.) Weight (oz.712 A +.002 1 RX R 26 400 65 1.000 -. D Ø4.7 110 1 A 360 16. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C E H A 010BBFA-K0V 010BBFB-K0V 010BBFD-K0V1 010SMFA-H0V 010SMFA-H0V1 010SMFB-H0V G G G G G G 0.000 Ø6.63 0.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No. shielded cable and connectors.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP065Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in. Brushless.002 1 RX R 26 2000 25 0.310 0.axsys. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.1 11 0.3 195 1 Pancake Resolvers Also available with sleeve and hub.650 0.650 0. Ø5. IAlso tested at 10V 400 Hz (accuracy = 20” max). Ø4.100 MIN.3 195 1 G D 360 34. TOL.465 3’ 0.97 3’ 0.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. Pancake Resolvers RP065 B C +.002 A MTG. please contact Axsys Technologies.380 MAX.) D (rotor) (in.310 0.001 Ø.000 A Ø6. GSee drawing for sleeve and hub dimension details.310 0.3 195 1 360 34.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.1 11 0. With coil covers. All leads on stator. CSpecial lead wire.650 0.001 -.750 -.650 0. See drawing for flange details. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.465 2’ 360 16.454 3’ 0. 69 www.280 0.280 0.5 0.002 1 RX R 26 400 68 1.454 2’ 0.280 0.) C (stator) (in.05 0. +.) nom.002 1 RX R 26 400 68 1.485 Ø.2 13 0.7 110 1 A B 360 16.7 110 1 A 360 34. Special lead wire.63 0.001 B Ø << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .650 0.002 1 RX R 26 400 68 1.650 0.002 1 RX R 26 2000 25 0.975 +.001 -. H 360 16.002 1 RX R 26 2000 25 0.5 0.) Weight (oz.465 3’ 0.) D (rotor) ( << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .750 -. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.650 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C E H A 010SMFB-H0V1 010SMFB-K0V 010SMFB-K0V1 010SMFC-G0V1 080BBFA-D5V1 161BBFA-E0V G G G G G G 0.002 A MTG.002 1 RX R 1 2000 1.001 B Ø6. Brushless.650 0.3 195 1 360 34.465 3’ 0.280 0. 70 www. Ø4.7 110 5 A Also available with sleeve and hub.310 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg. FSpecial lead wire and lead breakout. TOL. please contact Axsys Technologies.650 0.280 0.65 2/6 .63 0.001 Ø. D Ø4. Special lead wire.002 1 RX R 26 2000 25 0.3 195 1 F D ±15 16.3 195 1 C B C 360 34.7 110 4 A. +.) Pancake Resolvers Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.1 7 0.3 195 1 B ±360 34. GSee drawing for sleeve and hub dimension details.002 1/16 RX R 26 2000 135 0.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP065Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in. With coil covers.000 Ø6.380 MAX.axsys. Ø5.63 0.485 Ø.50 1’ 0.5 0.650 0.001 -.454 30’’ ±360 34. IAlso tested at 10V 400 Hz (accuracy = 20” max).454 15’/30’’ 0.002 1 RX R 26 2000 25 0.) C (stator) (in. TOL.650 0. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg. See drawing for flange details.650 0.310 0.000 -.001 -. All leads on stator.) nom. shielded cable and connectors.5 -1 0. Special lead wire.100 MIN.465 2’ 0.454/.975 +.000 A Ø6.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.002 8 RX R 5 2000 20 0.63 0.712 A +.RP065 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.5 0.002 A MTG. (800) 777-3393 B C +. 65 2/6 .650 0.7 110 5 A 360 360 30 195 360 30 195 5 360 30 195 5 360 16.280 0.454/. +.310 0.65 2/6 .001 B Ø6.001 1/16 RX RE 4 5000 60 0.03 2/6 .4 4/10 .650 0.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .975 +. GSee drawing for sleeve and hub dimension details. C D See drawing for flange details.380 MAX.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP065Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.000 Ø6.001 1/16 RX R 4.650 0. Special lead wire. D Ø4.001 1/16 RX R 26 2000 135 0. Ø4.485 Ø.454/.454 20’/30’’ 0.712 A +. All leads on stator.250 0.) D (rotor) (in.4 2000 25 0.001 -.310 0. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.41 15’/10’’ 360 16.454/.10 -10/2 . Special lead wire.) Weight (oz.750 -.) nom.454/.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.000 A Ø6.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.454 15’/60’’ 2.280 0.I Pancake Resolvers 5 E. FSpecial lead wire and lead breakout.002 1/16 RX R 26 2000 135 0. Ø5.001 Ø.100 MIN.000 -.7 110 5 A.G B 5 Also available with sleeve and hub.454 15’/15’’’ 0.650 0.5 40/15 .650 0.002 A MTG.axsys. 71 www. Brushless.454 15’/15’’ 0. please contact Axsys Technologies. With coil covers.002 1/32 RX R 26 1200 500 7.454 15’/15’’ 0.) C (stator) (in. IAlso tested at 10V 400 Hz (accuracy = 20” max).454/.001 -. shielded cable and connectors.002 A MTG. Pancake Resolvers RP065 B C +. TOL. TOL. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C E H A 161BBFA-G0V 161FMBA-E0V1 161SMFA-C0V 161SMFA-C0V1 161SMFA-C0V2 321BBFB-B0V1 G G G G G G 0.44/.001 1/16 RX R 26 1450 170 1. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg. 712 A +.650 0. shielded cable and connectors.8 6/18 .) D (rotor) (in.3 195 6 360 34.975 +.8 6/18 .650 0.001 -.002 A MTG. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C E H A 321FMBA-E0V1 321FMFB-B0V 321SMFA-A2V 321SMFA-B0V 321SMFA-BOV 321FMFA-A2V G G G G G G 2.380 MAX.454/.001 -.454 15’/5’’ 4 5000 60 0.454/. GSee drawing for sleeve and hub dimension details.8 6/18 .com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .000 A Ø6. IAlso tested at 10V 400 Hz (accuracy = 20” max). Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.250 0.100 MIN. please contact Axsys Technologies.001 1/32 RX S 26 2000 300 2. (800) 777-3393 B C +. 72 www.454/.000 Ø6.001 1/32 RX S 26 2000 300 2. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.650 0. Brushless.3 195 6 360 40 222 6 G ±45 40 222 6 G Pancake Resolvers Also available with sleeve and hub.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. Special lead wire.axsys.001 1/32 RX E 0.454/.650 0.8 6/18 . Ø4.454 20’/30’’ 360 40 195 5 E.454 15’/5’’ 0.RP065 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.454 15’/10’’ 0.454 15’/10’’ 0.G 360 40 195 5 G B ±45 34. All leads on stator.750 -. D Ø4.001 B Ø6. Ø5.001 1/32 RX R 26 2000 300 2.) nom.000 -.454/. Special lead wire.) Weight (oz.485 Ø. C D See drawing for flange details. TOL.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No. With coil covers.650 0. FSpecial lead wire and lead breakout. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.10 -10/2 . TOL.001 1/32 RX S 26 2000 300 2.454 15’/10’’ 0.8 6/18 .001 Ø.) C (stator) (in.454/.001 1/32 RX S 26 2000 300 2.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP065Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.002 A MTG. +. 454/.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max. Ø6.454 15’/15’’ ±10 37. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.7 320 5 A 0.2 9 0.36 0. TOL.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.001 M A B +.) C (stator) (in.0000 << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .454 6’ 3’ ±360 37.axsys.38 0.004 A MTG.0625 Ø.450 3’ 360 37.7 320 5 A 0.004 1/8 RX R 26 400 200 2 22/22 . Pancake Resolvers RP083 C Ø.850 0.36 0..36 0.0000 D Ø6.005 THRU 12 OR 16 HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON Ø8.36 0.454/.005 THRU 12 HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON Ø6.38 0. Free state roundness is 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.850 0.7 320 4 A.454/.850 0.004 1/8 RX R 26 400 200 2 22/22 .0015 -.38 0.850 0.7 320 1 A 0.004 1 RX R 26 400 90 1.) D (rotor) (in.454 15’/15’’ 360 37.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.38 0.875 MAX.004 8 RX R 5 2000 12 0.1 7 0.) Weight (oz.454 15’/10’’ ±45 37.2300 -A- Ø8.850 0.625 MAX. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.38 0.7 320 1 A 0.454 20’’ ±15 37. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A 010BBFA-K0V1 010BBFA-LOV 080BBFA-D5V1 081BBFA-B2V 160BBFA-COV 161BBFA-C6V G G G G G G 0. Ø7.7 5 A Pancake Resolvers Mechancial tolerance applies to average dia.0025 max.850 0. BShort special length.36 0. 73 www.100 ±.B 0.0015 -EØ.004 1 RX R 26 1500 60 0.2500 +.36 0. 1 BARE RESOLVER RP083Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.375 Ø.001 M E Ø.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 200 3 22/35 .100 ±.38 0.) nom.6 2 0. 850 0.375 Ø. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 200 3 22/35 .100 ±. Ø7. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Available Angular Range (deg.36 0.875 MAX.20 15’/10’’ 0. Ø6.0000 D Ø6.39 0. 74 www.20/.com << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .2500 +.36 0.454 20’/20’’ Pancake Resolvers 360 37.005 THRU 12 OR 16 HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON Ø8.36 0.850 0.625 MAX. Free state roundness is 0.004 1/32 RX R 26 400 200 2 8/27 .) Weight (oz.001 M E Ø.20 15’/10’’ 0.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 200 2 9/22 .20/.) C (stator) (in.36 0.20 15’/5’’ 0.36 0.39 0. 1 BARE RESOLVER RP083Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in. BShort special length.004 1/32 RX R 26 400 200 2 8/27 .7 320 5 A 360 37. Phase Shift (deg.7 320 5 A ±360 37.001 M A B C +.) nom.39 0.0015 -EØ.7 320 5 A 360 37.850 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C A -6 2 161BBFA-D0V 161BBFB-B6V 161BBFB-C0V 321BBFA-A2V 321BBFA-B0V 321BBFB-D0V G G G G G G 0.850 0.20/.20/.20/.) Mounting Concentricity (in) Speed (no.7 320 5 A Mechancial tolerance applies to average dia.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 200 2 9/22 .004 1/32 RX R 26 400 200 2 8/24 .005 THRU 12 HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON Ø6.20 15’/15’’ 0.20 15’/20’’ 0.39 0.0625 Ø.0025 max.850 0.39 0. (800) 777-3393 Ø.004 A MTG.7 320 5 A ±10 37. Input Power (watts) Max.100 ±.axsys.454/. TOL.) D (rotor) (in.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.39 0.2300 -A- Ø8.RP083 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications. please contact Axsys Technologies.850 0.0015 -.0000 -.36 0.7 320 5 A ±45 37. Free state roundness is 0.454/.003 1/16 RX R 26 400 70 1 15/14 . (800) 777-3393 B Ø8.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.C 56.0010 RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP094Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.) D (rotor) (in.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.6063 Ø. please contact Axsys Technologies. TOL.0000 Ø9.0010 -.454 15’/30’’ Weight (oz. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy 010SMFA-M0V 161SMFA-D5V 161SMFA-E0V G G G 1.003 max.B.) nom.024 0.C 56.454 15’/20’’ 0.C Mechancial tolerance applies to average dia. Not available as a “bare” unit. 75 Table of Contents www.5 527 5 A.003 A MTG. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.454 10’ 0.024 1. +.) 360 ±15 360 .003 1 RX R 26 400 20 0. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C C A 56.RP094 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.B.5 527 1 << Previous Next >> Pancake Resolvers Angular Range (deg.454/.0709 -A- +.B.0000 -.35 12 0.axsys.003 1/16 RX R 26 400 70 1 15/14 .) C (stator) (in. B2000 Hz units are available.5 527 5 A.024 1. ) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Angular Range (deg.454 15’/10’’ 0.45 6 0.0 12/14 .0 12/14 .550 MIN.454/.360 -.002 Ø9.004 A MTG.454/.000 0. A 010BBFA-L0V 010SMFA-L0V 161BBFA-B6V 161BBFA-D0V 161SMFA-A6V 161SMFA-C0V G G G G G G 1.0 12/14 .392 0.454 15’/20’’ 1. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C available.454/.192 -.000 0.axsys. Ø11.392 0.378 0.378 0.003 max.) D (rotor) (in.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 140 1.000 1.002 Ø.000 Ø11.RP115 Pancake Resolvers Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Should you require a different design or modifications.880 +.) C (stator) (in.392 0.004 A D +.454 6’ 0.454 6’ 1.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 140 1.002 Ø. TOL.0 12/14 . Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg.004 1 RX R 26 400 25 0. +. -. TOL.000 MAX.) Inertia (x10-6 oz-in-sec2) Schematic No.002 MTG.675 -.000 Ø << Previous Next >> .000 -A-A- +. (800) 777-3393 B C B Ø11.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 140 1.000 0.454/. Free state roundness is 0.378 1. Ø9.000 0. please contact Axsys Technologies.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP115Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in.454 15’/5’’ 0.) Weight (oz.004 1/16 RX R 26 400 140 1.454 15’ 15’’ 360 58 1490 1 A 360 105 1950 1 ±10 58 1490 5 A 360 58 1490 5 A ±10 105 1950 5 360 105 1950 5 Pancake Resolvers Mechancial tolerance applies to average dia. of pole Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.000 1.) nom. B2000 Hz units are 76 Table of Contents www.45 5 0.004 1 RX R 26 400 25 0. A -6 2 320SMFA-B0V 321SMFA-C0V 321SMFD-B0V G G G 1.000 MAX.25 25 0. B2000 Hz units are 77 Table of Contents www.004 1/32 RX R 12 1200 50 0.000 1. -.360 -.) Mounting Concentricity Speed (no.454/.675 -.454/. Ø11.004 1/32 RX R 26 400 95 2.axsys.000 Ø11.192 -.) .000 Ø8.000 BARE RESOLVER RESOLVER WITH SLEEVE & HUB RP115Bare Sleeve and Hub B (overall height) (in. Ø9.880 +. Pancake Resolvers RP115 B C B Ø11.) nom.25 3/15 .003 max. Notes: Characteristics at 25°C available.454 15’/10’’’ 360 105 1950 5 Mechancial tolerance applies to average dia.002 MTG.002 Ø.com << Previous Next >> Pancake Resolvers Angular Range (deg.000 -A-A- +.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Should you require a different design or modifications.550 MIN. of pole pairs) Function Primary Winding Input (VRMS) Frequency (Hz) Input Current (ma) Max.) Inertia (x10 oz-in-sec ) Schematic No.004 A D +. TOL.) D (rotor) (in.454 10’’ 360 105 1950 4 0.004 A MTG.000 0.454 15’/15’’ 360 105 1950 5 0. Free state roundness is 0. TOL.002 Ø9.002 Ø. Input Power (watts) Phase Shift (deg. please contact Axsys Technologies.5 19/31 .000 1.004 32 RX R 26 400 150 2.) C (stator) (in. +. Transformation Ratio Accuracy Optional Accuracy Weight (oz. ER1-R3 = K( ES1-S3 COS + ES2-S4 SIN ) R1 RED/WHT R3 BLK/WHT S3 BLK/WHT is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side. ES1-S3 = KE R1-R3 COS ES2-S4 = KE R1-R3 SIN S1 RED S3 BLK 2 S1 RED S3 BLK S1 RED/WHT 3 1 Speed Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Stator Primary) R4 BLU R2 YEL is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side. ER1-R3 = KE S1-S3 COS ER2-R4 = KE S1-S3 SIN R1 RED R3 BLK R1 RED/WHT 4 “n” Speed Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Rotor Primary) S2 YEL S4 BLU R3 BLK/WHT R1 RED/WHT 5 1X .com Next >> . S1 RED S3 BLK S1 RED/WHT 8 “n” Speed Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Stator Primary) R4 BLU R2 YEL R3 BLK/WHT is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side.KE (R1-R3) SIN + KE (R2-R4) COS is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers (800) 777-3393 1 Speed Resolver Transformer (RT) (Stator Primary) S2 YEL S4 BLU Schematics and Phase Equations R1 RED/WHT 1 1 Speed Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Rotor Primary) S2 YEL S4 BLU R3 BLK/WHT is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side.nX Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Stator Primary) 1X S3 BLK/WHT nX R1 RED/WHT 7 1X Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Quad. ES1-S3 = KE R1-R3 COS ES2-S4 = KE R1-R3 SIN ES5-S7 = KE R1-R3 COS n ES6-S8 = KE R1-R3 SIN n R1 RED R3 BLK S4 BLU S2 YEL S5 RED/WHT S7 BLK/WHT S8 BLU/WHT S6 YEL/WHT S1 RED/WHT 6 1X . Winding Leads R2 & R4 Provided) E(S1-S3) = KE (R1-R3) COS E(S2-S4) = KE (R1-R3) SIN R2 YEL/WHT R4 S2 BLU/WHT YEL S4 BLU is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side. ES1-S3 = KE R1-R3 COS n ES2-S4 = KE R1-R3 SIN n S1 RED S3 BLK R3 BLK/WHT nX is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side.axsys. ER1-R3 = KES1-S3 COS n ER2-R4 = KES1-S3 SIN n R1 RED R3 BLK Schematics and Phase Equations 78 << Previous Table of Contents www. ER1-R3 = KE S1-S3 COS ER2-R4 = KE S1-S3 SIN ER5-R7 = KE S1-S3 COS n ER6-R8 = KE S1-S3 SIN n R1 RED R3 BLK R2 YEL R4 BLU R5 RED/WHT R7 BLK/WHT R6 YEL/WHT R8 BLU/WHT R3 BLK/WHT .nX Resolver Transmitter (RX) (Rotor Primary) 1X is positive for CCW Rotation of the rotor as viewed from lead exit side. com Next >> Notes .Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Pancake Resolvers Notes (800) 777-3393 79 << Previous Table of Contents www.axsys. com Next >> .axsys.Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> (800) 777-3393 Notes Pancake Resolvers Notes 80 << Previous Table of Contents www. All brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. Such information is subject to change without notice. Axsys is not responsible for inadvertent errors. 07/2005 Axsys believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. << Previous Table of Contents Next >> .Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> © Copyright 2005 Axsys Corporation Rev. Inc. Suite H San Diego.<< Previous Brushless Motors >> Brush Type Motors >> Axsys Technologies. Motion Control Products 7603 Saint Andrews Avenue. CA 92154 Ph: (800) 777-3393 Fx: (619) 671-9292 . Axsys Technologies. Home | Contacts | GSA Search: Overview Overview Optics Optics Motion Control Motion Control Precision Machining Precision Machining Capabilities | Products | Applications About Axsys | Investor Relations | Careers | Trade Events | Press http://www. 8:32:09 AM .axsys.
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