Research Report



RESEARCH REPORTTOPIC:. To find the reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services YEAR:2011 SUBMITTED TOMrs. Nivi Srivastava Assisstant professor, ICCMRT, LKO. TOPIC: To find the reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services. REPORT SUBMITTED TO: Mrs. Nivi Srivastava Asst professor, ICCMRT . SUBMITTED BY: y Eram Javed y Dharmendr Sekhar y Mohd Nazish y Asif Ali siddique y Sushil Kr. Jaisal y Meraj Ahmad Khan y Ajay Kr. Rai y Vivek Vibhu 2|P a g e ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To find the reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services We would like to give our hearty thanks to our research head Mrs. Nivi Srivastava for constant support and guidance. Without her support it was a task next to impossible. She has been a constant motivator for the whole team. The final report is a result of continuous efforts put in by the team members so we as individual team members would like to thank each and every member of our team for helping and contributing creative and innovative ideas. Then at last, but not the least we would like to thank our parents and friends who have played an important role in completion of the report. As it is said- mere verbal thanking is without effect ,but real thankfulness is given from the cordial of heart. So, we thank all from the bottom our hearts. 3|P a g e 7 REASON FOR SELECTING THIS TOPIC 8 GROUP INTRODUCTION RESEARCH METHODOLOGY DATA ANALYSIS RECOMMENDATIONS THINGS WE LEARN DURING RESEARCH 10 11 18 26 29 4|P a g e .CONTENTS TOPIC DTH IN INDIA PAGE NUMBER. LIMITATION 31 ANNEXURE 34 5|P a g e . 6|P a g e . DTH India Now a days DTH services are getting popularity in India. Its main cause of popularty is direct to home services in India. in DTH satellite signals from the TV channels are directly fed to the TV receivers of customers. 7|P a g e .RESEARCH REPORT RESEARCH TOPIC: To find the reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services. Unlike conventional cable TV. to help you decide between Cable TV or DTH satellite service as per your needs. The reason for choosing this topic was that first of all this topic has never been researched before and above all we covered several other aspects like the most preferred broadband service . hardware. and the cause of preferance . quality. support.REASON FOR SELECTING THIS TOPIC Cable TV vs DTH satellite service Cable TV or DTH satellite service. With cable TV you spend Rs 200 to 350 per month (depending on different states of India) and you get:You can use same connection for all TV sets in your home by paying additional 100 rupees of so. you can 8|P a g e .. which one is better? The latest catch22 situation faced by most of us these days! We have tried our best to cover most aspects of both Cable TV and DTH satellite service like pricing. (negotiable depending on nature of cable wala) You can watch latest local news as it happens. This is very important and biggest feature that is missing in DTH services. And if you are not satisfied. transmission. broadcast. Their customer service is far better than any of the DTH service providers in India atleast till now. etc. Access to latest movies without paying extra money. And this comes at same monthly price ! 9|P a g e .always catch him at his shop or house ! Whereas if you not satisfied with DTH and customer service keeps giving excuses then there is no where to go ! Its cable operator s headache to ensure that viewers are able to see cricket series on sports channel that has won the righs to telecast. GROUP INTRODUCTION GROUP MEMBERS:y Eram Javed y Dharmendr Sekhar y Mohd Nazish y Asif Ali siddique y Sushil Kr. Rai y Vivek Vibhu The final report is a result of team effort and endless efforts put in by each and every member. The brain storming sessions while thinking for the research topic . efforts put in while preparing the questionnaire . Jaisal y Meraj Ahmad Khan y Ajay Kr. 10 | P a g e . enthusiastic attitude while conducting the survey has resulted in successful completion of this research project. We have tried to cover in our research certain other objectives as well:y To check the broadcosting channel users tendency.objectives and scope 11 | P a g e . and the scope of inquiry on one hand. we had kept our research objective hidden from our respondents so that their response does not gets influenced. y To identify switching tendency of the respondent. y To detect the most preferred broadcosting service. Statistical data may be classified into primary and secondary depending upon the nature of data and the mode of collection. The method of collection of data depends upon the nature . 2) COLLECTION OF DATA:-The collection of data refers to a purposive gathering of information relevant to the subject matter of the study from the units under investigation. y To analyze which is the most preferred broadcosting service. Since our major aim was to check the reason of decreasing the cable users. purpose .The objective of our research was to check the reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1) OBJECTIVE:. PRIMARY OR SECONDARY DATA:-The choice between primary data and secondary data mainly depends upon the nature . the availability of resources and the time on the other. Sometimes in a certain investigation both primary and secondary data are used as supplement to one other. y This activity not only helped us in gaining practical experience but also made us aware of several problems faced by researchers in conducting a research. METHODS OF COLLECTING PRIMARY DATA:. y The information collected through primary sources are accurate and minimum chances of mistakes are there. However in our research we opted to collect primary data due to following reasons:y Primary sources gives data in greater details compared to secondary source.of inquiry . y Though we were not trained in collection of data and conducting a survey but we took it as a challenge and a part of our training and personality development. y Since we had sufficient time to conduct a survey we decided to collect primary data as it is more accurate and more reliable. the next stage is the actual collection of data. their true significance and method of collection.When Research topic and sources of data are listed. The following methods of collecting data may be distinguished:y Direct personal interviews 12 | P a g e . degree of accuracy desired and the status of investigator. availability of time and money. The primary data are more reliable on the face but the secondary data may be relied only on examining the source from which they have been obtained. y Indirect personal interviews y Information received from correspondents y Questionnaire/Mailed questionnaires y Schedule The tool which we used for collection of data in our research was the questionnaire 3)QUESTIONNAIRE Developing a suitable questionnaire was the most challenging aspect of our research. 13 | P a g e . disguised questioning. non-disguised questioning. y Structured. disguised questioning. disguised type of questionnaire because in this type of the questionnaire respondent does not know what is being measured and hence are not biased in their answers. While preparing the questionnaire we developed an insight into the process of human communication and anticipated the types of responses we may get in reply to certain questions. TYPES OF QUESTIONNAIRE: There are basically four types of questionnaire:y Structured. We opted for the structured. y Non-structured. y Non-structured. non-disguised questioning. We had to be very clear about the various aspects of this research problem to be dealt with in the course of this research problem. She pointed put our mistakes and gave us valuable suggestions. The points which we kept in mind while preparing our questionnaire:y We kept in the view the problem we are to study for it provided starting point for developing the questionnaire. y We kept the questions as short and simple as possible with a view so that they can form a logical part of a well thought out tabulation plan. y A pilot study was conducted at small level where we got the questionnaire filled by our few classmates. y We decided to keep closed ended questions in our questionnaire to save the time of respondents. Though a hidden objective was a challenge before us as every respondent first asked the objective of our survey but our team members managed quite well. y A rough draft of our questionnaire was presented before our teacher. This process really 14 | P a g e . y We decided upon the nature of information sought . y Units of enumeration were also defined precisely in order to ensure accurate and full information.Considering the fact that had we disclosed the research topic to our respondents they would have not disclosed what they really felt and could have manipulated their answer. the sampled respondents and the kind of analysis intended in order to frame appropriate questions. IMPORTANCE OF SAMPLING y Sampling saves time and money. college going youth . y OUR QUESTIONNAIRE: CHECK ANNEXURE1 4) SAMPLING Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of a subset of individual observations within a population of individuals intended to yield some knowledge about the population of concern. y Sampling is the only way when population consists of infinitely many members. y Sampling enables to estimate the sampling error and thus assist in obtaining information concerning some characteristic of the population. We have information from young people. working professionals like lawyers and reporters .helped us to remove certain defects and also helped us to add certain points which we had missed put. and few older people as well. y Sampling enables more accurate measurement. Our sample included men from different age groups. especially for the purposes of making predictions based on statistical inference. This research has helped us in gaining an insight into minds of men of different age groups. 15 | P a g e . We focused on convenience sampling. For example. Our team had decided to keep the sample size of 50. 16 | P a g e . In practice. the sample size used in a study is determined based on the expense of data collection. For our research report we were asked to keep our sample size near to 20 by our research guide. if we wish to know the proportion of a certain species of fish that is infected with a pathogen. Though we had 50 sets of questionnaires with us but due to certain limitations we could get only 45 questionnaires filled by our respondents. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. and the need to have sufficient statistical power. data are collected on the entire population . we would generally have a more accurate estimate of this proportion if we sampled and examined 200. Keeping in mind certain limitations related to time and distance we opted convenience sampling to make the procedure a bit simpler for us. 5) SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. hence the sample size is equal to the population size. Larger sample sizes generally lead to increased precision when estimating unknown parameters. a positive integer. In a census. It is typically denoted by n. rather than 100 fish. DATA ANALYSIS 17 | P a g e .Our analysis is based on the sample size of 45 but we as a team plan to accomplish the set objective of surveying 50 households and also plan to update our report as soon as possible. The same is represented by the doughnut representation above:-the first quarter shows the people who watch TV and the second represent who don t want TV. 2.V.2% yes no 97. 18 | P a g e .People watch T.8% As mentioned earlier we have included in our study 44 people watch TV out of 45. .DATA ANALYSIS People who watch DTH or CABLE:which broadcasting service are you using? 2% CABLE DTH OTHER 47% 51% 47% people watch DTH others(doordarshan). 51% watch cable and 2% watch Which DTH service provider you are using:- 19 | P a g e . which DTH service provider are you using BIG.TV VIDEOCON AIRTEL TATA SKY SUN TV OTHER 4% 7% 32% 25% 0% 32% Service tenure:- From how many years are you using this service? 0-1 year 1-3 year more than 3 year 11% 48% 41% Satisfaction level:- 20 | P a g e . Are you satisfied with the service you are currently using? YES NO 9% 91% Is the service is convenient:- Do you think this service convenient for you? 20% 7% YES NO 73% CANT'SAY 21 | P a g e . Data analysis :- Economical satisfaction level Do you think this service is economical for you? 16% 11% YES NO 73% CAN'T SAY DATA ANALYSIS 22 | P a g e . Picture quality:- his service provides better picture quality? 32% 45% YES NO AVERAGE 23% Customer orientation:- Do you think this service is customer oriented? 31% YES 69% NO  Better channel packages:23 | P a g e . Which service provides better channal choices? 2% 23% DTH CABLE 75% OTHERS Channel switching decision:- Are you willing to change your service? 31% 32% YES NO CAN'T SAY 37% Broadcosting service preference:24 | P a g e . 56 What are differences you find in DTH and cable network? 25 | P a g e .If yes.22 55.then which service provider would you prefer? 4% 0% 8% BIG TV 50% 38% DIGITAL TV VIDEOCON D2H CABLE NETWORK OTHERS Difference between cable TV and DTH:60 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 0 PICTURE CLARITY CUSTOMER CARE SERVICES CHANNEL'S PACKAGE VALUE FOR MONEY 22. First of all discussing our major topic that was to check the reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services However the viewership increase from 13.09% to 21.3% in one year this shows the growth rate and future of the DTH in India. 26 | P a g e .RECOMMENDATIONS From the analysis of the above data we can certainly reach upto some very meaningful conclusions. 27 | P a g e .TV viewers 97.8% 2. Consumers are now bargaining harder for better transmission quality and lower subscription fees. social networking gaming and better customer satisfaction from their service provider.8% people watch TV this indicate that most of the people watch TV. We ask a subjective question from the respondent for knowing that what they want additional from their service provider and we find some very good response that people want extra channel choice. but the part I like the best is that it s becoming a consumers market now. The competition is gaining huge momentum to attract subscribers.2% yes no In our survey 97. The survey reveals a decreasing trend in cable subscription fees across all the cities due to expansion of DTH services and subsequent competition among service providers to attract and retain consumers. offering digitalized services at comparatively cheaper price. 28 | P a g e . We suggest cable operator to improve the picture quality because people who use cable TV want to switch to DTH due to bad picture quality.consumers are demanding quality transmission and accurate billing practices but even the cable operators have to change fast. The learning started right from the moment we started making the questionnaire. Besides learning a lot we also got to know that what kind of problems are faced by researchers. we got an insight into the problems faced by researchers surveying on national level and on important projects. Overall it was a great opportunity for us. We shared certain humorous moments with our respondents. Though our research and survey was on a very small level. We were peeping into the human psychology and framing anticipated questions which we expected from our respondents. This team effort helped us to eliminate many awkward situations which we would have faced in absence of such discussions. We got to learn many things and the best part was that we got an opportunity to get practical experience. They gave us valuable suggestions and tips for future as well. Our experience of conducting the research was also very encouraging. Since we were conducting our research on Sunday a few people said that it was their free time and they did not want to get disturbed but there were a few people who encouraged us for our work and wished us good luck.Things that we learnt during Research Our whole experience was very great. we had to convince some people to fill in our questionnaire and we also got a negative answer from some of 29 | P a g e . We were thinking about the questions relevant to our topic. Some of our respondents were very supportive and filled in the questionnaire very enthusiastically. the people whom we approached. So we can say that it was a mixed experience for us. 30 | P a g e . LIMITATIONS In our research we faced a lot of problems as well. y Small sample size. Let us discuss these limitations in details: Lack of specialization . So the limitations we came across were:y Lack of specialization. y Limited respondents. 31 | P a g e . We had mostly included closed ended questions but certain respondents looked a bit confused and were not able to decide what to answer. As our topic was hidden so it became a little tough for us to complete the procedure because the very first question asked by the respondents was related to the purpose of our research.Since this was our first experience of field work we felt that we lacked in certain areas. Though we answered them by saying that it was having TV & some people got satisfied while there were others who questioned us further. For example there were certain shortcomings in our questionnaire which could have been avoided if we were a little experienced. y Hidden purpose. y Lack of interest in respondents. Specialization is also required to handle certain questions asked by the respondents. y Limitation of time and distace. Secondly we did not approach each and every men we came across since we did not want to disturb their privacy. Thus for better and accurate conclusion we had to hide our topic. We were left with very few respondents whom we thought will willingly fill in our questionnaire.we had lack of time as we had to wind up our work in specified time and also we could not cover a very wide area for research. However we focused only on people who were ready to fill the questionnaires willingly because only such people gave the right feedback and correct response for our questions. Limited respondents. Lack of interest in respondents-Some kind of hesitation was shown by certain people in filling the questionnaire. Some people filled it unwillingly while others refused to fill in the questionnaires straight away. 32 | P a g e . Limitation of time and distance.reasons for decreasing cable users after the launch of DTH services .Our subject of study were only men so this made us stand with limited respondents as we were not able to approach groups of girls and ladies whom we found there in our research area.our topic was to check we were asked to keep our research topic hidden so that the response was not biased and influenced by other factors. since we were on research to test the psychology of men Hidden purpose. Small sample size we had very small sample size. So a sample size increases chances of error. 33 | P a g e . We know that larger sample size leads to precision and accuracy. . . Q2) Which broadcasting service are you using? a) Cable b) D.? a) Yes B) No .. c) Other Q3) What is the cause of your preference? a) Cost b) Quality c) Other Q4) From how many years are you using this service? A) 0-1year B) 1-3years c) more than 3 years Q5) Are you satisfied with this service? 34 | P a g e .a) Below 1 lac b) 1-3lac c) 3-5 lac d) Above 5 lac Address:Phone No.H.T.ANNEXURE ANNEXURE 1: QUESTIONNAIRE Name: Age: Sex: a) Below 20 b) 20-30 c)30-40 d)40-50 e)Above 50 a) Male b) Female Income :. :Email id:Q1) Do you watch T.V. then which service provider would you prefer? A) BIG T V B) DIGITAL TV(AIRTEL) C) VIDEOCON D2h D)CABLE NETWORK E)OTHERS( .T.. and cable network? A) Picture clarity C) Channel package B) good customer service D) choice to select favorite channel 35 | P a g e .A) Yes B) No c) can t say Q6) Do you think this service is convenient for you? A) Yes B) No c) can t say Q7) Do you think this service is economical for you? A) Yes B) No c) can t say Q8) Do you think this service provides better picture quality? A) Yes B) No c) Average Q9) Do you think this service is customer oriented? A) Yes B) No c) can t say Q10) Which service provides better channels choices? A) DTH B) Cable C) Others Q11) Are you willing to change your service? A) Yes B) No c) can t say Q12) if yes.) Q13) what are the differences you find in D.H. E) Cost Q14) Which service you want to add in your service provider? Signature 36 | P a g e .
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