Research Guide to Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

June 9, 2018 | Author: Lee Fergusson | Category: Documents




INTRODUCTION Since 1955, a significant global research and publishing program has accompanied the teaching of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI), Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology, Maharishi University of Management in USA, Maharishi Vedic University (MVU) in the Netherlands, and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya in India. This advanced research program into Vedic knowledge, along with its accompanying international publishing effort, consists of thousands of published documents, many authored by Maharishi, including books, booklets, literature reviews, white papers, conference proceedings, display charts, and posters, many translated into languages as diverse as Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Hindi, Malayalam, and Mandarin. Topics investigated by Maharishi since the mid-1950s include detailed investigations into the Veda and Vedic Literature, consciousness, Natural Law and the laws of nature, physics (particularly unified field theories), chemistry, physiology, mathematics, law, justice, rehabilitation, education, health and ageing, government, business and industry, management and leadership, economics, and agriculture, among many other academic and applied disciplines. Moreover, a corpus of more than 600 experimental and quasiexperimental studies, time-series analyses, meta-analyses, mixed methods, and social impact assessments, along with theoretical and review studies associated with the application of Maharishi Vedic Science and its applied technologies, accompany Maharishi’s published literature. This record of empirical research combines with experiential, qualitative, descriptive, and case study accounts of Maharishi’s teaching and its application to all areas of life, such as health, education, business, government, and social well-being—all of it documented with evidentiary support and explained using an extensive range of charts, graphs, conceptual maps, diagrams, and other visual aids—to provide a significantly vast body of advanced Vedic knowledge dedicated to living the fullness of individual and social life. Often, the topic is systematically analysed for consistency and presented across three main organizational constructs: 1) ancient Vedic literature (particularly Ṛik Ved, and the 39 aspects of Vedic Literature, including Bhagavad-Gītā and Yoga Sūtras); 2) direct personal experience; 1

A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi

and 3) contemporary scientific theory (most often physics and mathematics) and empirical research (including from the perspectives of physiology, psychology, sociology and ecology). Together these levels of verification represent the so-called ‘three Eurekas’ of Maharishi’s knowledge. Specialist investigations into topics such as the unified quantum field theories of physics (including the ‘vacuum state’ of quantum mechanics), neuroscience, computer science, genetic engineering, organic agriculture, psychology, ecology, set theory and information theory in mathematics, and gerontology complete the enterprise. Maharishi’s program has attracted the interest of a great many academics, business pioneers, government representatives, and other world leaders, including Nobel Laureates Dr Brian Josephson, Dr Melvin Calvin, and Dr Ilya Prigogine, and heads of government, such as President Joachuim Chissano, President of the Republic of Mozambique. Research designed to test Maharishi’s Vedic propositions has been conducted at some of the world’s most prestigious research facilities— such as the Harvard Medical School, Princeton University, and University of Edinburgh—in the United Kingdom, USA, France, Norway, Japan, Australia, Lebanon, Cambodia, Canada, India, and elsewhere. These thirdparty contributions evidence and expand Maharishi’s teaching, often through the identification of principles, frameworks, models, and testable hypotheses. Maharishi’s proposition that the core element of his teaching— described severally as the existence of a state of pure consciousness, pure intelligence, Being, Ātmā, the unified field of Natural Law, and creative intelligence—can be logically explained, directly experienced, scientifically verified, artistically actualised, and fully unfolded and applied in all fields of knowledge and activity for the betterment of the individual, society and environment, is reflected in the research and publishing effort documented in this Guide. Maharishi’s insight into the Veda and Vedic Literature, including his identification of seven states of consciousness, his analysis of the Bhagavad-Gītā and identification of the importance of its two key verses (‘Be without the three Guṇ as, O Arjuna!’ [Nistrai-guṇ yo bhava-Arjuna, निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवार्ुुि, Bhagavad-Gītā, 2.45] and ‘Established in the Self, perform action’ [Yogasthaḥ kuru karmānị, योगस्थः कुरु कर्ाु नि, Bhagavad-Gītā, 2.48]), his explanation that ‘knowledge is structured in consciousness’ as described by the Richo Akshare verse of Ṛik Ved or what Maharishi calls the master key to all knowledge, and his discovery of the Apaurusheya Bhāsya, 2


an ‘uncreated’ or ‘self-expressed’ commentary, of Ṛik Ved (what Maharishi calls the ‘Constitution of the Universe’), along with the extensive body of subjective and empirical evidence developed to support them, can therefore rightly be called a landmark in Vedic Science and human discovery. The present Guide builds upon and extends the work presented in two related journal publications by this author: 1) “An annotated historical survey of 84 publications by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from 1957-2015”, International Journal of Current Research, 2016, 9(2), 47009-47054; and 2) “Researching Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: An archive of published literature from 1957-2015”, Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 2017, 3, 5351. The Guide identifies and evaluates the published literature by Maharishi to detail the topics, themes and disciplines he examined over a 50-year period and thereby to better comprehend the scope of his written output. The purpose of this Guide is to provide the reader-researcher with information and background material on the published works of Maharishi and to furnish an appropriate context in which this significant body of work can systematically be accessed and comprehended for future scholarly benefit and for the propagation of Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology. The goal of the Guide is to create a record of Maharishi’s published literature since 1955 and to provide greater functionality for its access. The Guide is not intended to be exhaustive but comprehensive; there may be many more publications by Maharishi to which this author does not have access. This is particularly true if translated versions of available publications and other original non-English publications are catalogued (e.g., Maharishi’s 1963, 380-page book La Science de l’Etre et l’Art de Vivre, and his 1974, 60-page book Begründer der Wissenschaft der Schöpferischen Intelligenz Grundlagen des Fortschritts bestätigt durch wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen über Transzendentale Meditation). After examining each document, the following data have been included with its entry in the Guide: 1) a publication number and APA citation for the document, including ISBN and/or publisher’s publication number where applicable, along with a total page count; 2) a quotation, usually by Maharishi, which typically appears in the foreword, preface or other early sections of the document, used here to summarise the main theme of the document; 3) a description of the main contents of the 3

A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi

document; 4) the key words and phrases used in the document, presented alphabetically; and 5) the main types of content contained in the document. The content types identified in section 5) of each document entry were derived from the following taxonomy: Bibliographic Citations, including lists of books or journals, literature reviews, or indexes; Charts and Graphs, including figures, tables and/or diagrams; Historic Photographs of people or places; Press Reports, including letters, press statements, advertisements and/or proclamations; Scientific Research with charts or citations on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and/or TM-Sidhi program or on related research topics; Third-party Contributions, such as quotes, lectures or questions, which were advanced by academics, educators, government agencies or officials, press representatives, or members of the general public; and Vedic Expressions in either in translation, transliteration, and/or Hindi or Sanskrit. The spelling of key words and phrases used in the Guide are true to the original document (for example, the term ‘Natural Law’ has been spelled throughout the literature as natural law, Natural law, and Natural Law, and ‘Ṛik Ved’ has been spelled severally as Rig Veda, Rig Ved, Ṛg Ved, Rik Ved, Ṛk Ved, and Ṛik Ved), and hence some words may be spelled inconsistently from document to document, and some discrepancies in translation and the use of diacritical marks may also be observed. Moreover, Vedic terms and expressions may or may not use diacritical marks, depending on the publication, but when used have been cited in the Guide as they were presented in the original document, with the term or expression provided in Sanskrit if furnished in the original. The Guide also contains a bibliography of published literature by Maharishi and others (beginning on p. 283), as well as an Index of key words, terms and phrases used throughout the literature shown in the Guide (beginning on p. 341). An attempt has been made to standardise the spelling of words and phrases, particularly technical Vedic terms using diacritical marks, in the Index.


A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Key words and phrases: 1% effect; Age of Enlightenment; consciousness; government; Habitat; ideal society; knowledge; laws of nature; Maharishi European Research University; physics; problem; Science of Creative Intelligence; Transcendental Meditation; vacuum state; world consciousness; World Government of the Age of Enlightenment. Contains: Plain text only.

1977 Publication #56: Maharishi International College for the Age of Enlightenment. (1977). The fulfilment of law, justice and rehabilitation through the development of consciousness. West Germany: Maharishi European Research University Press (publication no. G 1403), 16pp. Quote: “We are in a position to invite the great minds of our generation from the field of law to come and examine our findings—that every man can spontaneously act according to the laws of nature and therefore live in an evolutionary direction through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programmes”—Maharishi (Preface). Description: This is one of the first documents in the Guide to explicitly refer to the TM-Sidhi program (although it was alluded to in Publication #53 in reference to the “Governor Training Course”) and to Natural Law, doing so in the context of the philosophy of the Institute of Natural Law and Order. The booklet contains a double-page spread on optimising brain functioning though the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, showing the “first stage of flying” with maximum brainwave coherence and heart rate data (pp. 4-5), and presents data on findings related to Transcendental Meditation and law, justice and rehabilitation outcomes, and the Maharishi Effect. Maharishi’s statement on law, justice and rehabilitation (pp. 12-13) includes topics such as the purpose of law fulfilled, law and justice in the Age of Enlightenment, the criteria of successful rehabilitation, a course for rehabilitation, and the MERU Rehabilitation Index is instructional. 74


Key words and phrases: Brain functioning; consciousness; crime; Institute of Natural Law and Order; law; justice; laws of nature; Maharishi Effect; Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Order; natural law; rehabilitation; TM-Sidhi; Transcendental Meditation. Contains: Charts and Graphs; Historical Photographs; Scientific Research. Publication #57: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. (1977). The scientific age rising to be the Age of Enlightenment. West Germany: Maharishi International University Press (publication no. G 1231), 23pp. Quote: “The source of all ancient insights into life and its evolutionary processes is the Veda. All insights into the source, course and goal of all life come to us from the Veda. The Veda reveals that the individual is a miniature universe. All the forces of nature responsible for all that there is in the universe are present in the individual, some active and some latent. The insight into life brought to us by the Veda explains that it is possible to unfold the full potential of individual life and enliven all the forces of nature in the individual’s consciousness and thereby make the individual free from all limitations”—Maharishi (Preface). Description: This book is the same as Publication #38 but includes a different Preface; all other aspects of the publication are the same. See Publication #38 for a more complete description of the qualities of the vacuum state and its relation to personal experience, scientific research and the Veda and Vedic Literature. Key words and phrases: Aithareya Araṇyaka; ancient insights; Araṇyaka; Bhagavad-Gītā; Brāhmaṇa; consciousness; field of all possibilities; home of all knowledge; home of all the laws of nature; least excited state of consciousness; non-change; perfect orderliness; personal experience; physics; Purāṇa; pure consciousness; quantum physics; Ṛg Veda; Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa; scientific research; Smṛti; source of all change; state of least excitation; Taittrīya Upaniṣad; Transcendental Meditation; unboundedness; unmanifest nature; Upaniṣads; vacuum state; Veda; Vedic literature; Vedic tradition; Viṣṇu Puraṇa; Viṣṇu Smṛti. Contains: Bibliographic Citations; Charts and Graphs; Scientific Research; Vedic Expressions. 75

A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Publication #58: Orme-Johnson, D.W., & Farrow J.T. (eds.) (1977). Scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation program: Collected papers, volume 1. Rheinweiler, West Germany: Maharishi European Research University Press (ISBN 3-88333-001-9), 727pp. Quote: “This great and powerful technology for elevating society owes its efficiency to the profound laws of nature upon which it is based. Physicists and physiologists, psychologists and sociologists may explain these effects by developing their own theories, and it is good that they should do so; but our own understanding is very simple: unbounded pure consciousness, the field of intelligence in its pure, unmanifest form, is the ultimate source of creativity, of energy, of harmony, and of growth for man, just as in the flower pure colorless sap is the ultimate constituent of the pink petal, the green leaf, and the impulse of the plant to grow and evolve”—Maharishi (pp. 2-3). Description: The book begins with Foreword by Maharishi, which includes the words “the Age of Science, which has sometimes seemed to take man far away from nature, has found as its ultimate achievement Transcendental Meditation, a method for establishing man’s mind, heart and behaviour deep in the source of nature’s impulses within himself. Rapidly and inevitably Transcendental Meditation is raising the scientific age to be the Age of Enlightenment. The evidence that this is so is contained in the more than one hundred research studies in this volume, conducted by scientists in all areas of physiology, psychology, and sociology, which prove conclusively that the TM program elevates every aspect of mental potential, health, social behaviour, and community harmony. More and deeper research work on the TM technique should and will proceed from the inspiration of these first studies, but the scientific validation of this most ancient value of human knowledge is established. The whole world is the beneficiary” (pp. 1-2). The research presented in this Volume 1 is then organized into five categories: Part I: Physiology (pp. 35-358, including A. metabolic changes; B. electrophysiological and electroencephalographic changes; C. physiological efficiency and stability; D. health; and E. motor and perceptual ability, and athletic performance); Part II: Psychology (pp. 361-488, including A. intelligence, learning and academic performance; and B. development of personality); Part III: Sociology (pp. 491-648, 76


including A. rehabilitation; and B. productivity and quality of life); Part IV: Theoretical Papers (pp. 651-697); and Part V: The TM-Sidhi Program (pp. 701-725). Of note is the study titled “Improved quality of city life through the Transcendental Meditation program: Decreased crime rate”, by Candace Borland and Garland Landrith beginning on page 639. This study represents the first study of its type to measure the Maharishi Effect, showing that when 1% of the population of 11 sample cities in the U.S. (e.g., Chapel Hill, NC, Ithaca, NY, Davis, CA, and Lawrence, KS) begin practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique, crime rate in the city decreases, on average by 8.2% compared to control cities, all of which increased by an average of 8.3%. The book concludes with an Index of authors whose research appears in this Volume 1 (pp. 726-727). Key words and phrases: 1% effect; Academic performance; biochemical change; cardiovascular change; development of personality; education; electroencephalographic change; electrophysiological change; health; intelligence; learning; metabolic change; physiology; productivity; psychology; quality of life; rehabilitation; review paper; sociology; theoretical paper; TM-Sidhi; Transcendental Meditation. Contains: Bibliographic Citations: Charts and Graphs; Scientific Research; Third-party Contributions; Vedic Expressions. Publication #59: Maharishi European Research University. (1977). Enlightenment in world psychiatry: The Transcendental Meditation technique new light on consciousness. West Germany: Maharishi European Research University Press (publication no. G 1353), 49pp. Quote: “It is now time for World Psychiatry to become responsible for the psychiatry of the world. This means training the level of world consciousness and measuring the parameters of the growth of world consciousness at a physiological, psychological, and sociological level. The study of the evolution of the world as a whole, and of the rise of the collective consciousness of mankind, is a unique field. In this study there is no basis for comparison. Man now controls the trends of time, and holds the future of the world in his hands. He cannot look to any outer course of control for the direction of his 77

A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

destiny—he must look within himself, to the field of his own consciousness from which he creates his own path of evolution” (p. 18). Description: This document explores the relationship between higher states of consciousness and the practice of psychiatry. It introduces for the first time in this Guide the concept of the so-called “vacuum state” as described by quantum field theory of modern physics and shows how this state parallels the state of pure consciousness described in the Vedic literature; the book presents physiological, psychological and sociological correlates for this state of consciousness (pp. 4-5). Another two-page spread, similar to the one described in Publication #56, presents the TMSidhi program (pp. 10-11), and 61 references to related third-party research, mostly research related to outcomes associated with the practice of Transcendental Meditation, are included (pp. 46-47). Key words and phrases: Brainwave coherence; business; collective consciousness; consciousness; cultural integrity; education; EEG coherence; enlightenment; government; health; industry; physiology; psychiatry; psychophysiology; rehabilitation; scientific research; sociology; TM-Sidhi; Transcendental Meditation; vacuum state; world peace. Contains: Bibliographic Citations; Charts and Graphs; Historical Photographs; Scientific Research; Third-party Contributions. Publication #60: Maharishi European Research University. (1977). Achievements: First quarter 1977. West Germany: Maharishi European Research University Press (publication no. G 1180), 65pp. Quote: “In response to the call of time, a global organization has been established, the nonpolitical, non-religious World Government of the Age of Enlightenment, which has the knowledge and expertise to create an ideal society. The sovereignty of the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment is the domain of consciousness, and its activities to raise and maintain higher levels of consciousness are being carried out from the 1,500 Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment throughout the world”—Maharishi (p. 1). 78


BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrams, A.I. (1979). Transcendental Meditation and rehabilitation at Folsom Prison: Response to a critique. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 6(1), 13-21. Abrams, A.I., & Siegel, L.M. (1978). The Transcendental Meditation program and rehabilitation at Folsom State Prison: A cross-validation study. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 5(1), 3-20. Academy of Meditation. (1965). His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Some press clippings from his world tour. Rishikesh, Uttar Pradesh, India: Shankaracharya Press, Spiritual Regeneration Movement Foundation of India. Ajay Bharat Party. (1998). Maharishi’s master plan for the reconstruction of India—Land of the Veda. India: Age of Enlightenment Publications. Alexander, C.N. (1992). Peaceful body, peaceful mind, peaceful world. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 5(1-2), 150-164. Alexander, C.N. (1994). Transcendental Meditation. In R.J. Corsini (ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychology (pp. 5465–5466). New York: Wiley Interscience. Alexander, C.N., & Boyer, R.W. (1989). Seven states of consciousness: Unfolding the full potential of the cosmic psyche in individual life through Maharishi’s Vedic Psychology. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 2(4), 325-371. Alexander, C.N., & Langer, E.J. (eds.) (1990). Higher stages of human development: Perspectives on adult growth. New York: Oxford University Press. Alexander, C.N., & Orme-Johnson, D.W. (2003). Walpole study of the Transcendental Meditation program in maximum security prisoners II: Longitudinal study of development and psychopathology. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 36(1-4), 127-160. Alexander, C.N., & Sands, D. (1993). Meditation and relaxation. In F.N. McGill (ed.), McGill’s Guide of the Social Sciences: Psychology (pp. 14991505). Pasadena, California: Salem Press. Alexander, C.N., Boyer, R.W., & Alexander, V. (1987). Higher states of consciousness in the Vedic psychology of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: A theoretical introduction and research review. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 1(1), 89-126. Alexander, C.N., Cranson, R.W., Boyer, R.W., & Orme-Johnson, D.W. (1986). 283

A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Transcendental Consciousness: A fourth state of consciousness beyond sleep, dreaming, and waking. In J. Gackenbach (ed.), Sleep and dreams: A sourcebook (pp. 282–312). New York: Garland Publishing. Alexander, C.N., Davies, J.L., Dixon, C.A., Dillbeck, M.C., Oetzel, R.M., & Drucker, S.M. (1990). Growth of higher stages of consciousness: Maharishi’s Vedic psychology of human development. In C.N. Alexander and E.J. Langer (eds.), Higher Stages of Human Development: Perspectives on Adult Growth, (pp. 286-341). New York: Oxford University Press. Alexander, C.N., Drucker, S.M., & Langer, E.J. (1990). Major issues in the exploration of adult growth. In C.N. Alexander and E.J. Langer (eds.), Higher Stages of Human Development: Perspectives on Adult Growth (pp. 3-32). New York: Oxford University Press. Alexander, C.N., Heaton, D.P., & Chandler, H.M. (1990). Promoting adult psychological development: Implications for management education. Human Resource Management, 2, 133-137. Alexander, C.N., Heaton, D.P., & Chandler, H.M. (1994). Advanced human development in the Vedic Psychology of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Theory and research. In M.E. Miller and S.R. Cook-Greuter (eds.), Transcendence and Mature Thought in Adulthood: The Further Reaches of Adult Development (pp. 39-70). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. Alexander, C.N., Kurth, S.C., Travis, F., & Alexander, V.K. (2005). Effect of practice of the children’s Transcendental Meditation technique on cognitive stage development: Acquisition and consolidation of conservation. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 21-46. Alexander, C.N., Langer, E.J., Newman, R.I., Chandler, H.M., & Davies, J.L. (1989). Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness, and longevity: An experimental study with the elderly. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57(6), 950-964. Alexander, C.N., Rainforth, M.V., & Gelderloos, P. (1991). Transcendental Meditation, self-actualization, and psychological health: A conceptual overview and statistical meta-analysis, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6(5), 189-247. Alexander, C.N., Rainforth, M.V., Frank, P.R., Grant, J.D., & Von Stade, C. (2003). Walpole study of the Transcendental Meditation program in maximum security prisoners III: Reduced recidivism. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 36(1-4), 161-180. Alexander, C.N., Robinson, P., & Rainforth, M.V. (1994). Treating and 284


INDEX √1% effect 148, 150 see also Global Maharishi Effect 1% effect 59, 62, 63, 65, 74, 77, 79, 92, 117, 148, 150 see also Maharishi Effect 1% of the population of a city 59 1,500 Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment 78, 133 see also Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment 10 Ministries of the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment 99, 100, 104, 121, 135 see also World Government of the Age of Enlightenment 10 principles of perfect health 116, 117 see also Perfect health 10 supreme values of knowledge 255 106 Articles of the United Nations’ International Plan for Action 144 108 countries in which there are pilot programs to create ideal societies 104 see also Creating an Ideal Society 11 sample cities in the U.S. 77 13 themes of a core course on invincibility 102

140 countries practicing the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program 101 see also Transcendental Meditation see also TM-Sidhi 16 major language capitals of the Global Country of World Peace 242 16 principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence 89 see also Science of Creative Intelligence 16 values of creative intelligence 91 see also Science of Creative Intelligence 16 versions of the Constitution of the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment 135 see also World Government of the Age of Enlightenment 17,000 meditation centres 8 20 approaches of Maharishi Ayur-Veda 175, 176, 180, 191, 192 20 educational themes 228, 231 20 qualities of intelligence 233 205 teaching centres for Transcendental Meditation and SCI 35 24 academic disciplines 91 240 diseases 238 see also Disease 341

A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

27 areas of Vedic Literature 199, 220 27 chapters of the Constitution of the Universe 199 27 qualities of consciousness 199 3,000 of the world’s city mayors 243 see also Mayor 32 published research studies 71 see also Scientific research 33 developing countries 244, 245 37 areas of natural law 223 see also Natural law 4 stages of the gap 217 40 ministries of the Global Country of World Peace 242 see also Global Country of World Peace 40 qualities of intelligence 230, 231 see also Intelligence 40 qualities of the unified field 239 see also Unified field 40 values of Vedic literature 260 see also Vedic literature 48 scientific research studies 53 see also Scientific research 5 basic premises of the Science of Creative Intelligence 31 5 fundamentals of progress 46, 123, 124, 143, 144 5 social criteria of growth 123, 124 342

50 Meditation guides 8 50 qualities of creative intelligence 91 see also Creative intelligence 50-point program of the Ajeya Bharat Party 235 6 fundamental principles of society 124 60 Maharishi Universities of Management 210 6000 experts in the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field 160, 310 see also Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field 65 Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment in Great Britain 107 68 published scientific research studies 108 see also Scientific research 7 goals of the World Plan 32, 34, 40, 45, 68, 156, 157 see also World Plan 7 objectives of the World Plan 39 see also 7 goals of the World Plan see also World Plan 7 states of consciousness 217, 218, 231, 255, 262, 277, 283 see also Higher states of consciousness 7 steps of learning Transcendental Meditation 262


7000 experts in the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field 150, 153, 313 see also Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field 8 basic rules of nature described in the Veda 128 8 factors of longevity 131, 132, 138, 140 see also Longevity 8 problems of contemporary education 118 84 meditation caves 19 84 meditation guides 8 84 training centres 8 9 words of Rig Veda 135 993 cities enjoying the Maharishi Effect 101 see also Maharishi Effect A Ability 8, 40, 49, 56, 68, 73, 76, 90-92, 96, 97, 113, 118, 127, 129, 132, 138, 168, 175, 177-179, 198, 204, 207, 213, 215, 217-219, 229, 231, 232, 248, 249, 251, 252, 259, 263, 273, 293 Abravanel, E. 48-50 Absence of aggression 49 Absence of anxiety 49 Absence of depression 49 Absence of hostility 49 Absence of rigidity 49 Absenteeism 34, 35, 70, 173 Absolute 6-11, 13, 14, 22, 24, 28-30, 36, 39, 58, 69, 70, 75,

122, 126, 128, 130, 132, 137, 138, 142, 163, 182, 186, 197-199, 202-207, 209, 211, 215, 216, 219222, 247, 257, 268, 280, 281, 309, 316, 317, 326, 337 Absolute and relative 36 Absolute bliss 10, 11 Absolute bliss consciousness 8, 9, 24, 268 see also Pure consciousness see also Sat Chit Ānanda Absolute glory of God 13 Absolute government 197, 199, 206 Absolute happiness 10, 11 Absolute number 220, 221, 326 Absolute peace 10, 11 Absolute state of knowledge 30, 182, 281 Absolute Theory of Education 142 see also Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Education Absolute Theory of Immortality 126, 132, 137, 138 see also Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Immortality Abstract 289, 299-301 Abundance 13, 96, 151, 274, 275 Abundance Eco Village 274 Abundance in agriculture 96


A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Abuse 34, 35, 65, 67, 68, 97, 122, 272, 285, 291, 294, 301, 320, 323, 330, 335 Academic 1, 7, 53, 55, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 76, 77, 80, 81, 86, 87, 91, 95, 124, 136, 137, 145-147, 177-179, 183, 203, 225, 229, 232, 252, 269, 275, 276, 291, 294-296, 303, 305, 321, 327, 335 Academic achievement 225, 321, 335 Academic discipline 87, 95, 137, 225 Academic excellence 53, 229, 232 Academic performance 55, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 76, 77, 80, 81, 87, 124, 145-147, 177179, 183, 224, 252, 269, 275, 276, 305 Academician 216, 265 Academy 8, 9, 17, 19, 20, 25, 45-50, 69, 127, 225, 257, 283, 297, 306, 311, 336 Academies 40, 41, 63 Academy of the Age of Enlightenment 69 Accelerate 88, 94, 293 Acceptance 17, 242 Accepted 28, 33, 98 Access 2, 19, 189, 195 Accident 70-72, 117, 256 Accompanied 1, 18, 20, 57, 120, 129, 143, 169, 191, 246, 250, 258


accomplish 26, 73, 89, 116, 120, 154, 156, 160, 171, 172, 229, 231, 232, 241, 280 Accordance 71, 82, 85, 96, 113, 116-119, 122-124, 140, 155, 165, 188, 233, 251 Achara Rasāyana 279 Achievement 14, 24, 33, 39, 44, 56, 58, 63, 67, 76, 78, 79, 84, 86, 89, 96, 101, 105, 106, 119-121, 124, 127, 153, 160, 183, 187, 189, 194, 199, 200-202, 206, 220, 225, 248, 249, 255, 257-260, 262, 267-268, 270, 271, 277, 295, 296, 307, 309-310, 321, 322, 335 ACTH see Adrenocorticotropic hormone Action 2, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28-30, 32, 39, 41, 43, 56, 58, 64, 66, 83-87, 89, 93, 103, 106, 111, 113, 116, 117, 122, 129, 135, 141, 143-147, 170, 181, 182, 187, 193, 197-199, 205, 207, 208, 213, 229, 230, 232, 240, 241, 244, 247, 250, 257, 260, 261, 266, 273, 280, 281, 309, 319 Action in accord with natural law 117 Activity 2, 22, 26, 27, 30, 31, 41, 46, 48-50, 64, 65, 68, 80, 83, 89, 91, 103, 104, 113, 116, 132, 134, 138, 146, 147, 182, 184, 202, 209, 247, 279, 281, 286, 304, 306, 340


Acute experimental pain 321 Acute hypometabolic behaviour 304 Acute hypometabolic state 304 Acute stress 287, 306 Adaptability 46, 47, 49, 50, 123, 124 Adaptive mechanism 307 Adaptive response sensitivity 132, 138 Addict 288 Addiction 298, 321, 322, 336 ADHD see Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Address 9, 25, 33, 71, 83, 98, 118, 122, 142, 143, 159, 162, 169, 187, 214, 216, 218, 224, 225, 245, 271, 279, 309-311 Adhibhūtik 235 Adhidaivik 235 Adhyatma vidya 6, 7 Adhyatmic vikas 6, 7 Adhyātmik 235 Administration 42, 48-50, 58, 59, 119, 143, 144, 151, 159, 169, 173, 189, 190, 197200, 203-207, 210, 212, 219, 221, 222, 224, 230, 231, 234-236, 240, 241, 244, 248, 249, 258, 259, 267, 270, 271, 316-318 Administrator 69, 240 Adolescent 287, 288 Adrenocortical activity 304 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 303 Adult 264, 287, 288, 297, 322 Adult education 204

Advaitam 200, 201 Advanced lecture 262, 277 Advanced technique (of Transcendental Meditation) 262, 277 Advertisement 3, 154, 165, 245 Aerobic exercise 334 Affect 321, 332 Affective functioning 286 Affluence 61, 151 Africa 25, 45, 57, 59, 110, 119, 121, 169 African American 285, 287, 289, 303, 306, 328, 329 Ageing also spelled Aging 1, 60, 66, 92, 94, 108, 126-129, 131, 132, 137, 138, 140, 141, 144-147, 150, 160, 164, 180, 181, 309, 312, 328, 330, 335 see also Immortality see also Longevity Age-old problem 39-44, 60, 62 Age of Enlightenment 54-63, 65, 68-79, 81-87, 90, 92, 95, 96, 99-107, 109-112, 114122, 124, 125, 129-131, 133, 135, 139, 141, 142, 147-149, 154-158, 161166, 177, 180, 186, 191, 192, 200, 201, 218, 219, 222, 227, 232-234, 240, 250, 257, 272, 278, 279 Age of ignorance 96, 98, 103, 177 Age of science 76 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 324 345

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