Requisition Import Whitepaper v1 (1)

March 28, 2018 | Author: Sudhir Patil | Category: Oracle Database, Spreadsheet, Data Type, Table (Database), Identity Document



An Oracle White PaperJune 2013 Requisition Import Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement Requisition Import Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 Importing Requisitions ....................................................................... 3 Grouping Requisitions ....................................................................... 4 Understanding the Interface Tables ................................................... 4 How to Read this Document .............................................................. 5 Requisition Header Interface Table ................................................... 5 Requisition Line Interface Table ...................................................... 12 Requisition Distribution Interface Table ........................................... 26 Resolving Failed Requisition Interface Rows ................................... 36 Requisition Import Introduction The Import Requisitions process can be used to import requisitions from other Oracle or non-Oracle applications. For the import, requisition information must be loaded into three interface tables: header, line, and distribution. Once the data is loaded in the interface tables, the import program can be executed to validate and process the data. Any records that fail validation are reported and not included in further processing. Requisition lines loaded in the interface table are grouped into individual requisitions and given unique numbers. Requisitions that are valid, grouped, and numbered, are inserted into the main requisition tables. Finally, the requisition approval process will be automatically initiated for requisitions imported as incomplete if the parameter Initiate Approval After Requisition Import is set to Yes. And the Generate Orders program will be initiated to create purchase orders for the approved requisitions, if the requisitioning business function configuration option Create Order Immediately After Requisition Import is set to Yes. The following diagram illustrates the Import Requisition process: 1 Import Requisition Process 2 .Requisition Import Figure 1. which contains the Import Requisition privilege. the default value of 2500 will be used as the maximum batch size. Category. Only the records with the specified requisitioning BU are processed.500 Number field used to limit the number of requisition lines that will be batch processed. If the parameter is not specified. Location. 2. As part of the External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. predefined Excel templates are available to load data to interface tables. Buyer.Requisition Import Importing Requisitions The Import Requisitions process is used to import requisitions from Oracle applications or external applications into Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement. This field is dependent on the Requisitioning BU field: When a requisitioning BU is selected. The task Import Requisitions is controlled by the privilege Import Requisition. and None (where None means group all requisition lines together). From the Requisitioning BU Configuration Choice list with the following choices: Item. Input Parameters ATTRIBUTE REQUIRED Import Source No DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND VALIDATION Used to retrieve the correct set of records for processing by matching the values provided for the attribute INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE in the interface table. The scheduled process Load Interface File for Import Requisitions loads transaction data from the data file on the content management server to the interface tables. the buyer inherits the Requisition Import Submission Duty. The table below displays details of the input parameters of the Import Requisitions process: Table 1. the Group Requisition Import By value from the . Thus the Import Requisition task is available by default from the Purchasing work area. 3 Import Batch ID No Maximum Batch Size No Requisitioning BU Yes Group By Yes Used to retrieve the correct set of records for processing by matching against the records in the interface tables. For convenience. the ID columns are not available in the Excel templates and will be derived by the application. By default. Supplier. Grouping Requisitions Requisition lines associated with a requisition header interface record where a requisition number is specified. The Group By parameter can have one of the following values: Buyer. Location or None. services and pricing. and pricing. are grouped first under the specified requisition number. No Used to allow incomplete requisitions to be submitted for approval immediately after the processes is complete. Understanding the Interface Tables Table 2. Glossary TERM DEFINITION • BPA Purchasing document known as blanket purchase agreement. but it will not affect the grouping logic. Supplier. Blanket Purchase Agreement is an agreement between a buyer and a seller that identifies terms for subsequent orders including goods. services. Note: The Maximum Batch Size (input parameter of the ESS request) is used to enhance performance during the grouping of the lines. Category. Contract Purchase Agreement is an agreement between buyer and seller that identifies general terms for subsequent orders without identifying goods. All requisition lines with the same group code are grouped together under one requisition header.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE REQUIRED DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND VALIDATION Requisitioning BU Configuration will be defaulted. 4 . 2. Next Requisition Number No Initiate Approval After Requisition Import Yes Used for numbering requisitions when requisition numbers are not specified in the requisition header interface table. Item. Grouped requisition lines are then grouped again based on the Group-By input parameter under one requisition header. The remaining requisition lines in the lines interface table will be grouped into one or multiple requisitions based on the following logic: 1. The value ‘None’ is used when no further grouping is needed and all requisition lines are grouped together under one requisition header. • CPA Purchasing document known as contract purchase agreement. Size column: Provides the size in bytes for each attribute. text. Text 30 INTERFACE_SOURCE _CODE Interface Source Code Yes The source from which the requisition lines were submitted for processing. 1. or timestamp. If a value is provided during job submission. If the application cannot determine a default value for a required attribute that has a null value in the interface table. • Oracle Cloud Spreadsheet Column: Indicates the name of the attribute as it appears in the Oracle Cloud spreadsheet. 2. the application will attempt to obtain a default value. an error will be raised. it is used to match the requisition lines Text 25 . • Default Column: Indicates whether the application can default any value to the attribute. • Attribute column: Indicates the name of the attribute as it appears in the interface table definition. Description and Validation columns: Provides a brief description of the attribute and any additional validation applied to the loaded data. Number 18 PROCESS_FLAG N/A N/A Application-updated flag that tracks the processing status of the record in the interface table. when the attribute is null in the interface table. are attributes that are populated by the application and should not be provided by the integrating application. Data Type column: Indicates whether the attribute is number. Requisition Header Interface Table ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN 5 BYTES) REQ_HEADER_INTER FACE_ID N/A Yes Requisition header interface unique identifier. Certain required attributes can also have a default value. • Required Column: Indicates whether or not a value for the attribute is required. date. Requisition Header Interface Table Table 3. Requisition Line Interface Table. In those cases.Requisition Import How to Read this Document This section contains details of the Requisition Header Interface Table. The attributes indicated as N/A (Not Applicable) in the required column. and Requisition Distribution Interface Table. 3. INTERFACE_SOURCE _LINE_ID Interface Source Line ID No Source transaction reference identification.) E-mail of the person who created the requisition.) Unique identifier of the person who created the requisition.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) that are selected for processing. REQUISITION_NUMBE R 6 Requisition Yes Next requisition number input parameter or from the Configure d Requisitio Number used to identify the requisition. Number 18 PREPARER_EMAIL Entered By Yes (If preparer ID is null. you can set the input parameter Initiate Approval After Requisition Import to Y. BATCH_ID Batch ID No An identifier if provided during job submission that is used to match the requisition lines that are selected for processing. Text 240 Text 64 The preparer e-mail is used to derive the preparer ID. so the requisition is submitted for approval once it is fully loaded in the requisition tables. Number 18 APPROVER_ID N/A Yes (When document status = APPROVED and approver e-mail is null. The person ID must be provided within Oracle Fusion Application.) Unique identification of the approver of the requisition. The possible lookup code values are INCOMPLETE. . Number 18 APPROVER_EMAIL Approver Yes (When document status = APPROVED and approver ID is null. JUSTIFICATION Justification No Reason for the requisition. and APPROVED. The requisition number must be unique within a requisitioning BU.) E-mail of the requisition approver. Number 18 DOCUMENT_STATUS Status Code Yes Status code of the requisition. Text 1000 PREPARER_ID N/A Yes (If preparer email is null. Text 25 When loading incomplete requisitions. Text 240 The approver e-mail is used to derive the Approver ID. All lines of the requisition with an emergency purchase order number must have the same supplier and supplier site. 7 PRC_BU_ID N/A No Unique identifier for the business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document.) Name of the business unit of the requisition. Timesta mp 6 LAST_UPDATED_BY N/A N/A Who column indicating the user who last updated the row.) Unique identifier for the business unit of the requisition. Emergency PO number provided must not already exist in the sold-to BU from supplier site assignment. Number 18 . Text 64 CREATION_DATE N/A N/A Who column indicating the date and time of the creation of the row. The Procurement BU name is used to derive the Procurement BU ID. Text 64 LAST_UPDATE_DATE N/A N/A Who column indicating the date and time of the last update of the row. Number 18 PRC_BU_NAME Procurement BU No Name of the business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) ning BU DESCRIPTION Description Yes Description of the requisition. Text 240 REQ_BU_ID N/A Yes (If requisition BU name is null. Number 18 REQ_BU_NAME Requisitioning BU Yes (If requisition BU ID is null. Timesta mp 6 LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN N/A N/A Who column indicating the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Text 20 EMERGENCY_PO_NU MBER Emergency Purchase Order The requisitioning BU name is used to derive the requisitioning BU ID. Text 240 No Purchase order number reserved in advance for an emergency requisition. Text 240 CREATED_BY N/A N/A Who column indicating the user who created the row. Text 32 REQUEST_ID N/A N/A Scheduled Process request ID indicating the job that created or last updated the row. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE2 ATTRIBUTE2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE10 ATTRIBUTE10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE4 ATTRIBUTE4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE8 ATTRIBUTE8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 . Text 150 ATTRIBUTE7 ATTRIBUTE7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE5 ATTRIBUTE5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE11 ATTRIBUTE11 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 100 JOB_DEFINITION_PAC KAGE N/A N/A Scheduled Process package name indicating package that created or last updated the row. Number 9 ATTRIBUTE_CATEGO RY N/A No Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN 8 BYTES) JOB_DEFINITION_NAM E N/A N/A Scheduled Process job name indicating the job that created or last updated the row. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE9 ATTRIBUTE9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE6 ATTRIBUTE6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 30 ATTRIBUTE1 ATTRIBUTE1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE3 ATTRIBUTE3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 900 OBJECT_VERSION_NU MBER N/A N/A Used to implement Optimistic Locking. The number is incremented every time the row is updated and compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE17 ATTRIBUTE17 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE13 ATTRIBUTE13 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE20 ATTRIBUTE20 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE16 ATTRIBUTE16 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE18 ATTRIBUTE18 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE15 ATTRIBUTE15 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE19 ATTRIBUTE19 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 ATTRIBUTE_DA No Descriptive Flexfield: Date . Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE14 ATTRIBUTE14 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN 9 BYTES) ATTRIBUTE12 ATTRIBUTE12 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user Number 10 . ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) TE9 Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP2 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP7 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP6 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP4 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP5 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP8 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP1 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP3 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP9 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP10 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 0 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) descriptive flexfield. Text 50 For Oracle Cloud. Text 240 DOCUMENT_SUB_TYP E_NAME Document Sub Type Name No Default from Oracle Fusion Tax setup Document sub type name. Text 80 DOCUMENT_SUB_TYP E Document Sub Type No Default from Oracle Fusion Tax setup Document sub type code. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number 18 INTERFACE_HEADER_ KEY Interface Header Key Yes. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number DEFAULT_TAXATION_ COUNTRY Taxation Country No Default from Oracle Fusion Tax setup Country where the transaction is deemed to have taken place for taxation purposes. for Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud alternate header key code for integrating applications to be able to identify the requisition header data loaded in the interface table. Text 240 LOAD_REQUEST_ID N/A N/A Application-generated number that uniquely identifies the request to create requisitions through Oracle Cloud. 11 . ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 2 DEFAULT_TAXATION_ TERRITORY Taxation Territory No Default from Oracle Fusion Tax setup Territory where the transaction is deemed to have taken place for taxation purposes. the provided header key must be unique for a load request. Requisition lines that are grouped together will be put on the same requisition header. Number 18 From the supplier site or from the first BU assigned to the buyer. ITEM_ID is not applicable for fixed price service lines. Unique number for an item. Number 18 PROCESS_FLAG N/A N/A Application-updated flag that tracks the processing status of the record in the interface table.Requisition Import Requisition Line Interface Table Table 4. ITEM_NUMBER Item No Unique number for an item. Requisition Line Interface Table ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) REQ_LINE_INTERFAC E_ID Yes Requisition line interface unique identifier. ITEM_DESCRIPTION 12 Item Description Yes Defaults from BPA or from item master item Description of the requested item. The item must be a standard purchasable item in the item master. Unique identifier of the business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document. Business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document. Text 240 Number 18 Text 300 Text 240 PRC_BU_NAME ITEM_ID Procurement BU N/A No No The Procurement BU must be a BU that has a procurement service provider relationship with the Requisitioning BU specified on the requisition header. Text 30 GROUP_CODE Group-By Code No Value by which the requisition lines are grouped when they are being processed by the import program. . Number 18 REQ_HEADER_INTER FACE_ID No Requisition header interface unique identifier. The procurement BU name is used to derive the procurement BU ID. The item number is used to derive the item ID. Text 30 PRC_BU_ID N/A No From the supplier site or from the first BU assigned to the buyer. ) From item master item or from a BPA. UOM and category must be null to obtain the master item default values. the UOM provided must exist and be associated with the item in the deliver-to organization. Indicates the name that uniquely defines an item category. For inventory destination type. CATEGORY_ID N/A Yes (If category name is null. Text 10 Number 18 Text 250 Text 3 Item revision must exist for the item with the item ID provided. The possible lookup code values are INVENTORY. stockable in the deliver-to organization. CATEGORY_NAME UOM_CODE Category Name UOM Yes (If category ID is null. For item master items. Number NEED_BY_DATE Need-by Date Yes Date by which the requested item is needed.) From item master item or from a BPA. For item master items not in BPA. Code in which the quantity of an item is expressed. the UOM and category must be null to obtain the master item default values. .Line type must be a 13 25 . Unique identifier of the category of the item. The category must be a purchasing category. QUANTITY Quantity Yes Quantity of the item to be added to the requisition. For master items not in BPA.) Yes (For goods line type.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN ITEM_REVISION Revision BYTES) No A version of an item. . From master item or from a BPA. The category name is used to derive the category ID. the following must be true: .Item must be a master item. the category provided must exist and match the category of the master item in the deliver-to organization. Date DESTINATION_TYPE_ CODE Destination Type Code Yes Type of destination to which the requested item should be delivered. Text EXPENSE for nonmaster items. and EXPENSE.Inventory must be implemented. For master items. DESTINATION_ORGAN IZATION_ID DESTINATION_ORGAN IZATION_CODE DESTINATION_SUBINV ENTORY N/A Deliver-to Organization Subinventory Yes (If destination organization code is null. Subinventory to which the requested item should be delivered. it is defaulted from Requisitioning BU Configuration. The deliver-to location code is used to derive the 14 . or from the Requisitio ning BU Configurat ion. No Number 18 Text 3 Text 10 Number 18 Text 60 When not provided. Unique identification of the organization to which the requested item will be delivered.) The location of the requester. and must not be restricted for the item. Code of the organization to which the requested item will be delivered. DELIVER_TO_LOCATI ON_ID N/A Yes (If deliver-to location code is null.Project information must not be provided in the distribution. Unique identification of the final location where the goods previously received from the supplier will be delivered. If the deliver-to organization is provided and the deliver-to location is not global. . the deliver-to organization is based on the deliver-to location if it is not a global location. then the deliver-to location must be associated to the deliver-to organization. . From the deliver-to location.) From the deliver-to location.Deliver-to Location must not be a one-time location. or from the Requisitio ning BU Configurat ion.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) goods based line type.) Yes (If destination organization ID is null. Otherwise. The deliver-to location must be active and must be in the Requisitioning BU's set of locations. Code of the final location where the goods previously received from the supplier will be delivered. The destination organization code is used to derive the destination organization ID.) The location of the requester. DELIVER_TO_LOCATI ON_CODE Deliver-to Location Yes (If deliver-to location ID is null. Applies only for Inventory destination type. The subinventory must belong to the deliver-to organization. The suggested buyer email is used to derive the suggested buyer ID. Text 240 No Based on the requisition procureme nt BU. SUGGESTED_BUYER_ EMAIL Suggested Buyer No Based on the requisition procureme nt BU. Vendor ID should not be provided when the new supplier is Y. When the new supplier is N or null. or N.) From the preparer. Unique identification of the organization or individual that provides goods or services to the buying organization for payment. Number 18 REQUESTER_EMAIL Requester Yes (If requester ID is null. SUGGESTED_VENDO R_NAME Supplier No From the BPA. Number 18 Text 240 Text 1 Text 360 Number 18 SUGGESTED_BUYER_ ID N/A The requester e-mail is used to derive the requester ID. the suggested vendor name is used to derive the vendor ID. 15 . VENDOR_ID N/A No From the BPA.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) deliver-to location ID. E-mail of the requester. Possible values are Y. or for one of the procurement service providers for the requisitioning BU. E-mail of the person responsible for placing item resupply orders with suppliers and negotiating supplier contracts. the application will not attempt to autosource an agreement for the requisition line. Unique identification of the requester. NEW_SUPPLIER_FLAG New Supplier No N Indicates whether or not the supplier is new. The suggested buyer must be a purchasing agent defined for the requisition procurement BU if there is a procurement BU context. REQUESTER_ID N/A Yes From the preparer. Organization or individual that provides goods or services to the buying organization for payment. When the new supplier is Y. Unique identification of the person responsible for placing item resupply orders with suppliers and negotiating supplier contracts. Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN SUGGESTED_VENDO R_SITE Supplier Site BYTES) No From the BPA. VENDOR_CONTACT_I D N/A No From the BPA. Text 15 CURRENCY_UNIT_PRI Price Yes From the Unit price of the requested Number 16 The name or number supplier assigns to an item. Text 80 When the new supplier is N or null. the suggested vendor contact name is used to derive the vendor contact ID. Identifies the full phone number for a supplier contact. Text 30 SUGGESTED_VENDO R_CONTACT_EMAIL E-Mail No From the supplier contact if not a new supplier. Employee of the supplier identified on purchasing documents and represents the supplier in communications with the buying organization. Unique identification of the employee of the supplier identified on purchasing documents and represents the supplier in communications with the buying organization. Three-letter ISO code associated with a currency. Unique identification of the entity that models how the buying organization conducts business with the supplier. Number 18 SUGGESTED_VENDO R_CONTACT_PHONE Phone No From the supplier contact if not a new supplier. Text 1000 SUGGESTED_SUPPLI ER_ITEM_NUM Supplier Item No CURRENCY_CODE Currency Yes From the BPA or from the functional currency of the Requisitio ning BU. Number 18 SUGGESTED_VENDO R_CONTACT Supplier Contact No From the BPA. VENDOR_SITE_ID N/A No From the BPA. Entity that models how the buying organization conducts business with the supplier. Identifies the e-mail for a supplier contact. . the suggested vendor site name is used to derive the vendor site ID. The formatted fax number for a supplier address. Text 30 SUGGESTED_VENDO R_CONTACT_FAX Fax No From the supplier contact if not a new supplier. Text 240 When the new supplier is N or null. The currency unit price is not applicable for fixed price service lines. Secondary unit of measure of the requested item. When a BPA exists. otherwise. Number RATE_DATE Conversion Date Yes (When rate type is not User. Source of a currency conversion rate.) From the BPA. Text 30 SECONDARY_UOM_C ODE Secondary UOM No From the master item. Date RATE_TYPE Conversion Rate Type Yes (When the requisition transaction currency is different from the functional currency. Date as of which a conversion rate is used to convert an amount into another currency. When there is a BPA. CURRENCY_AMOUNT Amount Yes (For fixed price service lines. provide ‘USER’ in the rate type. Only applies for fixed price service requisition lines. Amount of the item to be added to the requisition in the currency provided. the price is defaulted from the BPA.) Current date.) Based on the rate type and for a given rate date. If the BPA allows price override.) Quantity in the secondary unit of measure of the requested item. Text 3 When provided. or corporate. then the 17 Number . spot. such as user defined. The price must not exceed the maximum price allowed for the blanket agreement line. item in the currency provided. SECONDARY_QUANTI TY Secondary Quantity Yes(If item is secondary item tracking enabled. then the provided price will be saved in the requisition line. it must match the secondary UOM of the item. the amount is defaulted from the BPA. the BPA price will override the provided price. If the BPA allows price override. Ratio at which the principal unit of one currency can be converted into another currency.) From the Conversio n Rate Type defined on the current Requisitio ning BU's Financial options.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) CE BPA. Number The secondary quantity must be within the deviation factor specified for the provided item. RATE Conversion Rate Yes (When rate type is User. For user-defined rate. the application will autosource an agreement. the BPA amount will override the provided amount. Possible values are Y and N. and 18 . AUTOSOURCE_FLAG Autosource Flag No Y Allows purchasing documents to derive the supply source from purchase agreements. valid for the need-by date (or sysdate). BPA. NEGOTIATION_REQUI RED_FLAG Negotiation Required No Indicates if negotiation is required for the requested item. by a matching some or all the information below. The source document. Possible values are Y or N.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) provided amount will be saved in the requisition line. NEGOTIATED_BY_PRE PARER_FLAG Negotiated No Indicates if the requested item is negotiated with the supplier. When Y. depending on what is available: • • • • • • • SOURCE_DOC_HEAD ER_ID N/A No Autosourc ed Item and its revision Currency Category Deliver-to Organization Supplier Supplier Site Line Type Purchase Basis (Goods or Services) UOM Code The unique identifier of an agreement in a Procurement BU. BPA. The supplier and the price information are derived from the source agreement. Text 1 Text 1 Text 1 Number 18 Must be Y to automate the purchase order creation for items with CPA as a source document. otherwise. The amount cannot be greater than the price limit on the source document for the fixed price line. or CPA. must be open in the Procurement BU. or CPA. and they do not match the values in the source document.Supplier Site .Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) assigned to the Requisitioning BU of the requisition. Possible values are Y and N.Item Description . expired). 19 Text 1 . either derived by the application or provided in the interface table.Currency Code .Supplier Contact . When the provided source document is invalid.g. or its line is invalid (e. There must be an agreement header for this agreement line ID. When values are provided for the following attributes. URGENT_FLAG Urgent No Indicates whether or not the requisition is urgent.Category .will be replaced with the BPA values only if the BPA does not allow price override: . and the autosource flag is Y. Text 20 Number 18 The source document header number is used to derive the source document header ID. Number The source document line number is used to derive the source document line ID.Item Revision .Supplier . then the provided values will be replaced with the source document values: .Price or Amount . the application will attempt to source the requisition line to another valid document source.Negotiated By Preparer Flag SOURCE_DOC_HEAD ER_NUMBER Agreement No Autosourc ed The unique number of an agreement in a Procurement BU. SOURCE_DOC_LINE_I D N/A No Autosourc ed Unique identifier of the agreement line record number. SOURCE_DOC_LINE_ NUMBER Agreement Line No Autosourc ed Agreement line record number. Number 18 HAZARD_CLASS Hazard Class No From provided UN number. or BPA. Unique identification of a line type indicating whether a purchasing document line is for goods or services. Timesta mp 6 LAST_UPDATED_BY N/A N/A Who column indicating the 20 . UN_NUMBER_ID N/A No From BPA. or from BPA/CPA style.) Always goods for master item. Text 40 The hazard class code is used to derive the hazard class ID. or master item. or master. Text 64 CREATION_DATE N/A N/A Who column indicating the date and time of the creation of the row. to facilitate safety regulations compliance. or master.) Always goods for master item. or from BPA/CPA style. Text 25 The line type code is used to derive the line type ID. United Nations identification number for the hazardous material. Number 18 UN_NUMBER UN Number No From BPA.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) NOTE_TO_BUYER Note to Buyer No Note to the buyer who will be processing the request. Line type indicating whether a purchasing document line is for goods or services. Name identifying and classifying hazardous materials. to facilitate safety regulations compliance. Unique identifier of the name to classify hazardous materials. The UN number is used to derive the UN number ID. Text 1000 NOTE_TO_RECEIVER Note to Receiver No Note to the receiver who will be receiving the item. CREATED_BY N/A N/A Who column indicating the user who created the row. or master. or BPA. Text 1000 LINE_TYPE_ID N/A Yes (If line type is null. Number 18 LINE_TYPE Line Type Yes(If line type ID is null. Text 25 HAZARD_CLASS_ID N/A No From provided UN number. as well as some default attributes associated with the line. as well as some default attributes associated with the line. Unique identifier of the United Nations identification number for the hazardous material. or from Requisitio ning BU Configurat ion. or from Requisitio ning BU Configurat ion. The number is incremented every time that the row is updated and is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried. Number 18 JOB_DEFINITION_NAM E N/A N/A Enterprise Service Scheduler indicating the name of the job that created or last updated the row. Text 30 ATTRIBUTE1 ATTRIBUTE1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE6 ATTRIBUTE6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. LAST_UPDATE_DATE N/A N/A Who column indicating the date and time of the last update of the row.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) user who last updated the row. Text 900 OBJECT_VERSION_NU MBER N/A N/A Used to implement Optimistic Locking. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE2 ATTRIBUTE2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number 9 ATTRIBUTE_CATEGO RY N/A No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 64 LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN N/A N/A Who column indicating the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Text 32 REQUEST_ID N/A N/A Enterprise Service Scheduler indicating the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE5 ATTRIBUTE5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 100 JOB_DEFINITION_PAC KAGE N/A N/A Enterprise Service Scheduler indicating the package name of the job that created or last updated the row. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE4 ATTRIBUTE4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE3 ATTRIBUTE3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 21 . Text 150 ATTRIBUTE8 ATTRIBUTE8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE19 ATTRIBUTE19 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE10 ATTRIBUTE10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE16 ATTRIBUTE16 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE15 ATTRIBUTE15 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE14 ATTRIBUTE14 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE13 ATTRIBUTE13 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) ATTRIBUTE7 ATTRIBUTE7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE12 ATTRIBUTE12 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE11 ATTRIBUTE11 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE17 ATTRIBUTE17 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE20 ATTRIBUTE20 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 ATTRIBUTE_DA No Descriptive Flexfield: Date 22 . Text 150 ATTRIBUTE9 ATTRIBUTE9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE18 ATTRIBUTE18 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP2 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP5 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP1 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP3 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP10 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP8 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP7 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) TE4 Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP6 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP9 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user Number 23 . Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP4 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Unique identification of the classification used by a tax authority to categorize a product for a tax. Text 240 PRODUCT_TYPE_NAM E Product Type Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup Name of the nature of the product involved in a taxable transaction. ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) descriptive flexfield. Number TRX_BUSINESS_CATE GORY Transaction Business Category No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Code of the nature of the product involved in a taxable transaction. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 240 TRX_BUSINESS_CATE GORY_NAME Transaction Business Category Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. goods or services. Code of a business classification used by Oracle Fusion Tax to identify and categorize an external transaction into a Fusion Tax transaction. Name of a business classification used by Oracle Fusion Tax to identify and categorize an external transaction into a Fusion Tax transaction. goods or services. Text 240 PRODUCT_TYPE Product Type No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Text 80 PRODUCT_FISC_CLAS SIFICATION_ID N/A No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. For example. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 0 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. For example. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Number 18 24 . Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Segment of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 50 TAX_CLASSIFICATION _NAME Tax Classification Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. A classification code for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types. Tax classification name based on the purpose for which a product is used.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) PRODUCT_FISC_CLAS SIFICATION Product Fiscal Classification No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Text 1996 LINE_INTENDED_USE _ID N/A No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Number 25 18 . Number 18 LINE_INTENDED_USE Intended Use No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. a grouping of taxes for reporting and processing purposes. Text 80 ASSESSABLE_VALUE Assessable Value No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Name for the tax classification. Deemed price at which a product is valued by a tax authority for tax calculation purposes. Text 240 USER_DEFINED_FISC _CLASS_NAME User-Defined Fiscal Classification Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Tax classification code based on the purpose for which a product is used. Text 250 PRODUCT_CATEGOR Y Product Category No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. a grouping of taxes for reporting and processing purposes. Text 240 PRODUCT_FISC_CLAS S_NAME Product Fiscal Classification Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Code of the classification used by a tax authority to categorize a product for a tax. Text 240 TAX_CLASSIFICATION _CODE Tax Classification Code No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Code of the type of product fiscal classification used to classify products. Tax classification unique identifier based on the purpose for which a product is used. Name of the classification used by a tax authority to categorize a product for a tax. Name of the type of product fiscal classification used to classify products. Number LOAD_REQUEST_ID N/A N/A Application-generated number uniquely identifying the request to create requisitions via Oracle Cloud. Text 240 LINE_INTENDED_USE _NAME Intended Use Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Text 250 USER_DEFINED_FISC _CLASS User-Defined Fiscal Classification No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Code for the tax classification. Text 240 PRODUCT_CATEGOR Y_NAME Product Category Name No From Oracle Fusion Tax setup. Classification name for any tax requirement that you cannot define using the existing fiscal classification types. Oracle Cloud alternate header key code for integrating applications identifying the requisition header data loaded in the interface table. Requisition Distribution Interface Table Table 5. Number 18 PROCESS_FLAG N/A N/A Application-updated flag that tracks the processing status of the record in the interface table. General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. The provided header key in the interface lines table must exist in the interface headers table. it will be used to retrieve the charge account 26 . Text 30 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_I D N/A Yes Unique identifier for the General Ledger charge account. When the charge account segment is provided and is valid. for Oracle Cloud.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN INTERFACE_LINE_KEY Interface Line Key BYTES) Yes. Oracle Cloud alternate line key code for integrating applications identifying the requisition line data loaded in the interface table. Number 18 Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT1 N/A No From Oracle Transactio n Account Builder. for Oracle Cloud. The charge account segments are used to derive the charge account ID. INTERFACE_HEADER_ KEY Interface Header Key Yes. Text 50 Text 50 DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN The provided line key must be unique for a load request. Requisition Distribution Interface Table ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET COLUMN BYTES) REQ_DIST_INTERFAC E_ID N/A Yes Requisition distribution interface unique identifier Number 18 REQ_LINE_INTERFAC E_ID N/A Yes Requisition line interface unique identifier. then the code combination ID will be generated for the segment provided. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT14 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT6 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. and the account key flexfield structure instance has the ‘Dynamic combination creation allowed’ set. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT8 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) code combination ID. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT12 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. If the code combination ID cannot be derived. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S N/A No General Ledger charge Text 25 27 . CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT2 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT5 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT11 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT10 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT13 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT9 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT15 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT7 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT3 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT4 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT27 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. The charges are distributed to the respective accounts Number 28 Calculated if distributio n quantity is provided. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT20 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) EGMENT16 account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT21 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Number 18 PERCENT Percentage Yes Percentage of the distribution. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT22 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT18 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT25 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT17 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT29 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT28 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. . Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT19 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT26 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. A requested item can be charged to one or more accounts. Text 25 INTERFACE_SOURCE _LINE_ID N/A No Application-updated identifier that references the source transaction. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT24 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT23 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Text 25 CHARGE_ACCOUNT_S EGMENT30 N/A No General Ledger charge account key flexfield segment. Number DISTRIBUTION_CURR ENCY_AMOUNT Amount No Amount of the distribution in the currency of the supplier. Number 18 PJC_EXPENDITURE_T YPE_NAME Expenditure Type No Name of the expenditure type to which the transaction belongs. Text 40 Yes. The charges are distributed to the respective accounts specified at the distribution level. When project information is provided. The sum of percent allocations should add up to 100 percent. the application will populate this attribute with ‘POR_Requisition’. A requested item can be charged to one or more accounts. PJC_EXPENDITURE_T YPE_ID N/A No Identifier of the expenditure type to which the transaction belongs.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED DEFAULT SPREADSHEET DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) specified at the distribution level. A requested item can be charged to one or more accounts. Number 18 PJC_TASK_NAME Task Number No Name of the task to which the transaction belongs. Text 240 The expenditure type name 29 . Text 240 The project name is used to derive the project ID. Text 240 The task name is used to derive the task ID. PJC_TASK_ID N/A No Identifier of the task to which the transaction belongs. DISTRIBUTION_NUMB ER Distribution Yes Number identifier of the distribution. PJC_PROJECT_ID N/A No Identifier of the project to which the transaction belongs. Number 18 PJC_PROJECT_NAME Project Name No Name of the project to which the transaction belongs. Number DISTRIBUTION_QUAN TITY Quantity Yes Quantity of the distribution. Number PJC_CONTEXT_CATE GORY N/A N/A The context of the project cost collection flexfield. it is calculated based on the percentag e provided. The charges are distributed to the respective accounts specified at the distribution level. Number 18 PJC_CONTRACT_ID N/A No Identifier of the contract to which the transaction belongs. PJC_EXPENDITURE_IT EM_DATE Expenditure Item Date No Date on which the transaction was incurred. Number 18 PJC_ORGANIZATION_ NAME Expenditure Organization No Name of the organization that incurred the cost of the transaction. Valid values are ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Number 18 PJC_FUNDING_ALLOC ATION_ID N/A No Identifier of the funding allocation to which the transaction belongs. PJC_WORK_TYPE_ID N/A No Identifier of the work type to which the transaction belongs. PJC_CAPITALIZABLE_ FLAG Capitalizable No Indicates the capitalizable status of the transaction. PJC_BILLABLE_FLAG Billable No Indicates the billable status of the transaction. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE2 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE2 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Date PJC_ORGANIZATION_I D N/A No Identifier of the organization that incurred the cost of the transaction. Text 240 Text 1 Text 1 The organization name is used to derive the organization ID. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE6 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE6 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Number 18 PJC_CONTRACT_LINE _ID N/A No Identifier of the contract line to which the transaction belongs. Valid values are ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT PJC_RESERVED No Reserved for future use in Text 150 30 .Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) is used to derive the expenditure type ID. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE5 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE5 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE3 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE3 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Number 18 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE1 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE1 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE4 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE4 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE9 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE9 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 30 ATTRIBUTE1 ATTRIBUTE1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE9 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE9 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE4 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE4 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE5 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE5 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE10 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE10 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE1 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE1 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. . Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE7 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE7 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE6 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE6 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE3 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE3 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE10 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE10 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE3 ATTRIBUTE3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the Text 150 31 the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE2 ATTRIBUTE2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE_CATEGO RY N/A No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) RIBUTE7 _ATTRIBUTE7 PJC_RESERVED_ATT RIBUTE8 PJC_RESERVED _ATTRIBUTE8 No Reserved for future use in the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE2 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE2 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. Text 150 PJC_USER_DEF_ATTR IBUTE8 PJC_USER_DEF _ATTRIBUTE8 No User-defined segment of the project cost collection flexfield. ATTRIBUTE4 ATTRIBUTE4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE9 ATTRIBUTE9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE11 ATTRIBUTE11 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE17 ATTRIBUTE17 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE8 ATTRIBUTE8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE5 ATTRIBUTE5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE18 ATTRIBUTE18 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE12 ATTRIBUTE12 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE13 ATTRIBUTE13 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 32 . Text 150 ATTRIBUTE7 ATTRIBUTE7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE10 ATTRIBUTE10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE15 ATTRIBUTE15 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE19 ATTRIBUTE19 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE20 ATTRIBUTE20 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE6 ATTRIBUTE6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE16 ATTRIBUTE16 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Text 150 ATTRIBUTE14 ATTRIBUTE14 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN BYTES) ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP5 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP4 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP3 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP2 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP7 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP6 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA ATTRIBUTE_TIM No Descriptive Flexfield: Timesta 6 33 . Date ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 ATTRIBUTE_DA TE10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Date ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP1 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number 18 INTERFACE_DISTRIBU TION_KEY Interface Distribution Key Yes. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 0 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Oracle Cloud alternate distribution key code for integrating applications identifying the requisition distribution data loaded in the interface table. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER3 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER6 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER4 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER5 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER7 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN MP8 ESTAMP8 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP9 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP9 ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTA MP10 BYTES) Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER1 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER9 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER2 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 ATTRIBUTE_NU MBER8 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. for Oracle Cloud. Text 50 The provided distribution key must be unique for a load request. 34 . mp No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. Number LOAD_REQUEST_ID N/A N/A Application-generated number uniquely identifying the request to create requisitions via Oracle Cloud. Timesta mp 6 ATTRIBUTE_TIM ESTAMP10 No Descriptive Flexfield: Structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield. for Oracle Cloud interface. Text 64 LAST_UPDATE_DATE N/A N/A Who column indicating the date and time of the last update of the row. Timesta mp 6 LAST_UPDATED_BY N/A N/A Who column indicating the user who last updated the row. Text 64 CREATION_DATE N/A N/A Who column indicating the date and time of the creation of the row. Number 18 JOB_DEFINITION_NAM E N/A N/A Enterprise Service Scheduler indicating the name of the job that created or last updated the row. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated and compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.Requisition Import ATTRIBUTE ORACLE CLOUD REQUIRED SPREADSHEET DEFAULT DESCRIPTION AND DATA SIZE VALIDATION TYPE (IN COLUMN INTERFACE_LINE_KEY Interface Line Key BYTES) Yes. Text 900 OBJECT_VERSION_NU MBER N/A N/A Used to implement Optimistic Locking. Text 32 REQUEST_ID N/A N/A Enterprise Service Scheduler indicating the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row. Timesta mp 6 LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN N/A N/A Who column indicating the session login associated to the user who last updated the row. Text 100 JOB_DEFINITION_PAC KAGE N/A N/A Enterprise Service Scheduler indicating the package name of the job that created or last updated the row. Number 9 35 . CREATED_BY N/A N/A Who column indicating the user who created the row. Text 50 The provided line key in the interface distributions table must exist in the interface lines table. Oracle Cloud alternate line key code for integrating applications identifying the requisition line data loaded in the interface table. For any previously processed set of rows identified by INTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE and BATCH_ID. only rows that failed validation remain in the interface table. the Requisition Import Exceptions report lists all the columns that failed validation along with the reason for the failure. as all the successfully imported rows are deleted. the Import Requisitions program creates one or more rows with error information in the POR_ESS_REPORT_TEXT table. You can report on all rows that failed validation through the Requisition Import Exceptions report.Requisition Import Resolving Failed Requisition Interface Rows The Import Requisitions program may display specific error messages during interface processing. For every transaction in the interface table that fails validation. You can also identify failed transactions in the requisitions interface tables by selecting rows with a PROCESS_FLAG of ’ERROR’. For each row in the requisition interface tables that fails validation. 36 . and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. AMD.7200 oracle.A.7000 Fax: +1. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.1. electronic or mechanical. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. the AMD logo. Redwood Shores.7. and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document is not warranted to be error-free. 0113 .com trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices.650. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means.650.S. All rights reserved. Inc. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document.0.0 June 2013 Author: Mara Prieto Copyright © 2013. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International. whether expressed orally or implied in law. World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Oracle and/or its affiliates. This document is provided for information purposes only. for any purpose. Opteron. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. and the AMD Opteron logo are Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.Requisition Import Oracle Fusion Self Service Procurement 11. including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.506. without our Oracle Corporation prior written permission. CA 94065 U.506. nor subject to any other warranties or conditions.
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