Repository Queries

March 27, 2018 | Author: Veerabaku | Category: Database Index, Sql, Databases, Table (Database), Oracle Database



There is a wealth of information to be found in the Informatica PowerCenter tables, which are accessed through views provided by Informatica. At IU, all of these views are found in the INFORMATICA schema in DSS1PRD, DSS1TST, and DSS1DEV. Explanation of some fields: • SUBJECT_AREA - this is equivalent to the folder name. Object queries: • • • • • • • • Mapping names Source names Target names Lookup transformations: Tables used Lookup transformations: SQL Override text Source Qualifiers: SQL Query text from Session: SQL Query text from the source settings Workflow task and session names Execution queries: • • • Session runs Workflow runs Runs of BRTE scripts which load data from workflows For any of the queries which have 'search_string', replace it with the text for which you are looking. We also have included some of the Valid Values for some columns. List mappings used in any workflow (For more information, see the Informatica KB Document ID# 104897.) The following query will returns all mappings used in any workflow with associated folders, workflows, and sessions listed: SELECT c.subject_area folder_name, a.task_name workflow_name, b.instance_name session_name, c.mapping_name FROM informatica.REP_ALL_TASKS a, informatica.REP_TASK_INST b, informatica.REP_LOAD_SESSIONS c WHERE a.subject_id=c.subject_id AND a.task_type=71 AND a.task_id=b.workflow_id AND b.task_type=68 AND b.task_id=c.session_id AND c.MAPPING_ID <> 0 t.4 Other information: • • The REP_LOAD_SESSIONS view contains both mapping and session object information.) This SQL will give you information about text entered in SQL Overrides within mapping lookups for a particular folder: SELECT ram.ATTR_DESCRIPTION LIKE 'Lookup source table') order by 1.subject_id .rep_all_mappings ram.REP_WIDGET_ATTR rwa WHERE rwi.MAPPING_ID AND rwi. informatica. In both REP_ALL_TASKS and REP_TASK_INST.mapping_id AND ram. (SELECT subject_id FROM informatica. 2.REP_ALL_SOURCES s where s.ATTR_VALUE as LOOKUP_TABLE_NAME FROM informatica.attr_value FROM informatica. rwa.TARGET_NAME like '%search_string%' order by 1.REP_WIDGET_INST rwi.attr_name.MAPPING_NAME. ram.3. informatica.SOURCE_NAME like '%search_string%' order by 1.attr_name like '%Sql Override' AND ram.PARENT_SOURCE_DATABASE_TYPE. s.2. s. task_type for the workflow object is 71 and that for session is 68.MAPPING_ID = rwa. informatica.PARENT_SUBJECT_AREA as FOLDER_NAME.SUBJECT_AREA as FOLDER_NAME.ORDER BY 1. t.subject_id = x. s. rwi.rep_subject WHERE subject_area = 'foldername' ) x WHERE rwa. see the Informatica KB Document ID# 23165.REP_ALL_MAPPINGS ram. 4 Generate a list of SQL Overrides from Lookups (For more information.SUBJECT_AREA as FOLDER_NAME. rwa.2 Target names select t.INSTANCE_NAME as TRANSFORMATION.TARGET_NAME.rep_widget_attr rwa. ram.REP_ALL_TARGETS t where t.SOURCE_NAME. rwa.2 Tables used in Lookup transformations SELECT ram.WIDGET_ID AND (rwa.PARENT_TARGET_DATABASE_TYPE from informatica.mapping_name. 3. Source names select s.PARENT_SUBJECT_AREA.MAPPING_ID = ram.WIDGET_ID = rwa.SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME from informatica. TASK_ID AND a.PARTITION_ID.) select c.task_id=b.SUBJECT_AREA. w.REP_WORKFLOWS w .INSTANCE_NAME AS TASK_NAME FROM informatica.ATTR_VALUE from informatica. informatica. b.WIDGET_TYPE = '3' and a.' clause out completely to query all folders.REP_WIDGET_ATTR a.MAPPING_ID = m.SUBJECT_AREA.ATTR_VALUE like '%search_string%' Replace 'search_string' with the text you are looking for within the SQL Override. I found it takes quite a while to run (like 6-7 minutes).SUBJECT_AREA.WIDGET_ID = i. c.workflow_id and w.ATTR_NAME. informatica.TASK_NAME. w. m. a.LINE_NO SQL Query text from the source settings in a Session (Note from Tina: when I was developing this query. w...INSTANCE_NAME as SESSION_NAME. informatica.TASK_TYPE_NAME.MAPPING_ID and a.SUBJECT_AREA as FOLDER_NAME.REP_ALL_MAPPINGS m where a.REP_TASK_INST c.WIDGET_ID and i. w.LINE_NO. Rather than search a particular folder.WORKFLOW_NAME. informatica.ATTR_VALUE like '%search_string%' order by c.REP_LOAD_SESSIONS c where w. a.TASK_TYPE. a.REP_TASK_INST b.SESSION_ID = c.Replace 'foldername' with the particular folder you want to search. SQL Query text from Source Qualifiers select m. I don't have time right now to figure out how to speed it up.ATTR_ID = '1' order by m. informatica. a.ATTR_ID = 1 AND a.task_type=71 and w. m.REP_WIDGET_INST i.SUBJECT_AREA as FOLDER_NAME.SESSION_ID = b.ATTR_VALUE from informatica. w. informatica.MAPPING_NAME. c.MAPPING_NAME.PARTITION_ID. add a line to the very end of the query: and rwa.LINE_NO Workflow task and session names SELECT w. If you want to look for a particular string within the SQL Override text. b. you could change the WHERE clause to exclude those folders you don't want to search: WHERE subject_area != 'PS8_FA' Or leave the 'WHERE subject_area . c.TASK_NAME as WORKFLOW_NAME. w.INSTANCE_NAME.LINE_NO. a.SESSION_ID and w.OPB_SWIDGET_ATTR w.REP_ALL_TASKS a. a. REP_WFLOW_RUN where START_TIME between to_date('09/21/2010 00:00:00'. Execution Queries For the following three queries.WORKFLOW_ID = w.'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('09/22/2010 00:00:00'.'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('09/22/2010 00:00:00'.START_TIME between to_date('09/21/2010 00:00:00'. Since naming standards for command tasks aren't used consistently. it is possible this list isn't perfect.WORKFLOW_ID and c.TASK_TYPE != 62 --Excludes 'Start' task types and c.'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('09/22/2010 00:00:00'.rep_task_inst_run r where r.4.'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and TASK_TYPE = 68 and RUN_STATUS_CODE = 1 Number of workflows run in a given period of time select count(*) from informatica. change the first WHERE clause line to change the time period you are looking for. To get a more . TASK_NAME from informatica.5 Replace 'search_string' with the text you are looking for within the Workflow task and session names.WHERE c. Or remove that whole line from the query to get all task and session names.INSTANCE_NAME like '%search_string%' order by 1. WORKFLOW_NAME.'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and RUN_STATUS_CODE = 1 List of command tasks which might run BRTE scripts which load data select SUBJECT_AREA.'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and TASK_TYPE = 58 and RUN_STATUS_CODE = 1 and (TASK_NAME like '%brte%' or TASK_NAME like 'cmd_run%' or TASK_NAME like 'cmd_dss%' or TASK_NAME like 'cmd_build%') and TASK_NAME not like 'cmd_monitor%' and TASK_NAME not like 'cmd_touch%' and TASK_NAME not like '%done' and TASK_NAME not like '%donefile' and TASK_NAME not like '%indexes%' order by 3 The list is based on the names of the commands tasks.2.rep_task_inst_run r where r. Number of sessions run in a given period of time select count(*) from informatica.START_TIME between to_date('09/21/2010 00:00:00'. Terminated Some TASK_TYPE values: • • • • • • • • • • • • 58 . or transformation.Timer task 67 .Email task 66 .Joiner transformation 26 .Running 15 .Succeeded 2 .Sequence generator 9 .Failed 4 .Stopped 5 .Disabled 3 .Event Wait 61 .Decision task 60 .Rank transformation 80 . you might need to query the commands run in the command tasks and figure out which ones use scripts in dssprdb/batch or something like that.Command task 59 .Worklet 71 .Assignment task 68 .Session 70 . Valid Values Some RUN_STATUS_CODE values: • • • • • • • 1 .Source Qualifier 4 .Control task Some WIDGET_TYPE values: WIDGET_TYPE identifies a source.Update strategy transformation 7 .workflow 91 .Lookup transformation 12 . target.Aborted 6 .accurate list.) • • • • • • • • 3 .Aggregator transformation 11 .Sorter transformation Identifying Informatica PowerCenter sessions for tuning ."Start" task 65 .Event Raise 62 . tbl_sess_wf_key Results go back to November 2004. Oracle AWR reports These reports will show how a database is doing. 18. t. If you want to look it up by session_name instead of table_name. use the line commented out instead. Likewise. The IUIE report "Informatica Daily Report” (DSS_WF_RPT) can also give you information about a particular table load.dss_inf_log_ft f. The DSS_WF_RPT report output is pretty long.START_TIME.SESSION_NAME.WORKFLOW_NAME.date_key and f. where f.SUCCESSFUL_AFFECTED_ROWS. 2.1. as well as the average/minimum/maximum run times and rows loaded.dss_tbl_sess_wf_dm t 9. Using partitioning to speed up an Informatica job .THROUGHPUT 7. 19. 4. so using the table of contents can help you navigate more quickly to the correct folder. Rows highlighted in orange indicate a significant increase over the average. 3. from dss. On that line you’ll find the table name linked to another report which will list the runs for the past 90 days. f. 17. f.dss_tbl_sess_wf_dm t.'YYYY-MM-DD') as RUN_DATE. workflow. 6. t. 8. t. from dss. the following 3 tables will allow you to build a query to compare load time long term in test and production dss environments. t.tbl_sess_wf_key 10. find the specific folder. order by f. then mapping you are interested in.date_key = d. dss. The following is some SQL you can run against DSS1PRD.START_TIME 13.SESSION_NAME = '<session_name>' 11. Once you run the report for today's date. dss. 16. --and t.tbl_sess_wf_key=t. to_char(f. It includes top resource consuming SQL and other stats that might be useful in looking into improving performance in your database application.dss_inf_log_ft f.MINUTES_SESS. The IUIE report "Informatica Sessions > 20 Min" (DSS_LOADS_OVER_20) will show you all sessions which took longer than 20 minutes today. 15.dss_date_dm d where f. select 5. It will show you what the run times where for a particular table as far back as the information goes.TABLE_NAME. how many rows it loaded.SUBJECT_AREA as SUBJECT. 14. f. It is a good first step at identifying a process which may be holding up a particular DSS schedule. 20. and TABLE_NAME = '<table_name>' 12.tbl_sess_wf_key=t. dss. SEGMENT_TYPE = B. TO_CHAR((A.OWNER "Owner". Space Utilization SQL to find tables in the DSS_MOVE01 tablespace over 100MB (outside the batch schedule) SELECT A. A.'MM/DD/YY') "Last DDL". 4.OWNER = B.BYTES/1024/1024).OWNER and (A. TO_CHAR(B.'9. 5.SEGMENT_NAME "Object name".OBJECT_NAME AND A.CREATED.TABLESPACE_NAME = 'DSS_MOVE01' AND A.LAST_DDL_TIME. 2. 3. Drop indexes Truncate table Load data into table Rebuild indexes If you fully rebuild a table and then do additional updates to the table: 1. 4. TO_CHAR(B.SEGMENT_NAME = B.BYTES/1024/1024) >= 100 ORDER BY 6 desc .999') "MB" FROM DBA_SEGMENTS A. A. 2. 3.'MM/DD/YY') "Created".SEGMENT_TYPE "Type".At what step in the process should you rebuild indexes on a table? Typical full rebuild of a table with indexes: 1. Drop indexes Truncate table Load data into table Rebuild indexes Perform updates The updates generally will occur a lot faster with the indexes on the table than without. DBA_OBJECTS B WHERE A.OBJECT_TYPE AND A. SUBJ_ID AND UPPER(A.WORKFLOW_ID = W.the SRC_ROWS may look big if joiner is used . W. 3.SUBJ_NAME. A. OPB_WIDGET W. 11) --Limit to Src/Tgt/Lkp Transformations AND W.ATTR_VALUE. 1. SUBSTR(A.WIDGET_ID = W.VERSION_NUMBER = A. OPB_SUBJECT S WHERE T. OPB_TASK_INST TI. M.MAPPING_ID AND I. OPB_TASK W.VERSION_NUMBER.TASK_ID AND A. 4.TASK_NAME||'. OPB_SUBJECT S WHERE A. OPB_WIDGET_INST I.WIDGET_ID AND W.VERSION_NUMBER AND A.IS_VISIBLE = 1 AND W.WIDGET_ID = I.102 Write performance data to repository -.MAPPING_NAME.MAPPING_ID = M.SESSION_ID = TI. W.VERSION_NUMBER AND T. A.VERSION_NUMBER AND W. 'SQL Override' WIDGET_NAME.SUBJ_NAME. How to turn on Write Backward Compatible Session Log File for all session tasks in a folder UPDATE OPB_TASK_ATTR A SET A.WIDGET_NAME.SUBJ_ID AND UPPER(A. What are today's long-running tasks select -.VERSION_NUMBER = W.WIDGET_ID AND W.VERSION_NUMBER = TI.IS_VISIBLE = 1 AND T.AND A.SUBJECT_ID = S. 3.ATTR_ID=17 -.'||TI. OPB_SUBJECT S.VERSION_NUMBER AND I.IS_VISIBLE = 1 AND A.INSTANCE_NAME TASK_NAME.WIDGET_ID. 60) ATTR_VALUE FROM OPB_SWIDGET_ATTR A.ATTR_VALUE) LIKE '%PARALLEL%' ORDER BY 1.SUBJECT_ID = S.VERSION_NUMBER AND TI.INSTANCE_ID = 0 -.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID.VERSION_NUMBER = I.SUBJECT_ID = S. W.TASK_ID AND TI. SUBSTR(A.SUBJ_ID AND S.WIDGET_TYPE IN(2.TASK_ID = A.ATTR_VALUE) LIKE '%PARALLEL%' UNION SELECT S.VERSION_NUMBER AND W.How to find all the mappings and sessions which have PARALLEL hints in the SQL Override SELECT S.WBCSLF -.VERSION_NUMBER = M.VERSION_NUMBER. 2. TI. 60) ATTR_VALUE FROM OPB_WIDGET_ATTR A.SUBJ_NAME LIKE '%Sample%' ) -.105 Enable high precision AND EXISTS ( SELECT 0 FROM OPB_TASK T.Reusable Session Only .TASK_ID AND T.108 Collect performance data -.ATTR_VALUE=1 WHERE A.VERSION_NUMBER = W. 1. OPB_MAPPING M WHERE A.ATTR_VALUE. T.Last_Saved.VERSION_NUMBER = R. . TABLE_NAME TARGET_NAME from PM_REPO. OPB_SUBJECT S.SUBJ_ID.EXPR_ID and W.Find the current LAST_SAVED and UTC_LAST_SAVED select m. W.VERSION_NUMBER = F.START_TIME >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)-2/24 and T. p.VERSION_NUMBER and W.START_TIME) START_TIME.WIDGET_NAME like 'EXP_SAMPLE%' order by S. m. E.EXPR_ID. Which session populates the specific target table select SUBJECT_AREA.WIDGET_ID.VERSION_NUMBER. SUM(L.SUBJECT_AREA.WIDGET_NAME. m. v.TARG_SUCCESS_ROWS) TGT_ROWS from REP_TASK_INST_RUN T.SUBJ_NAME. TARGET_NAME. SESSION_NAME. E.VERSION_NUMBER.SRC_SUCCESS_ROWS) SRC_ROWS.LAST_SAVED. E. How to avoid re-generating & re-transporting ABAP program after slightly changing the mapping CR 29233 and 63134 have been opened to have fix this problem. OPB_SESS_TASK_LOG L where T. TRUNC(AVG(END_TIMESTART_TIME)*24.WIDGET_ID AND F. TYPE_ID. F. TARGET_NAME. MIN(T.UTC_LAST_SAVED. TYPE_ID.IS_VISIBLE = 1 and w.WIDGET_ID=E. COUNT(1) SAMPLE# from ( select SUBJECT_AREA.EXPR_ID=E. MAX(SUCC_ROWS) AS ROWS#.INSTANCE_NAME.REP_SESS_TBL_LOG WHERE TYPE_ID in (2) -.SUBJECT_ID=S.WIDGET_ID and W.UTC_Last_Saved.COMMENTS.SUBJECT_AREA. v. Inside the Expression Transformation select S. F. m. v.User_ID. v.FIELD_ID. TYPE_ID Order By SUBJECT_AREA.Mapping_ID.T.VERSION_NUMBER and F.run_err_code=0 and (T.END_TIME-T.VERSION_NUMBER = E. SESSION_INSTANCE_NAME SESSION_NAME.INSTANCE_NAME Order By RUN_HOUR desc.WIDGET_ID AND R. SESSION_NAME .OUTPUT_FIELD_ID and W.FIELD_ID.PROGRAM_NAME.EXPRESSION from OPB_WIDGET W. F.INSTANCE_ID GROUP BY T. OPB_EXPRESSION E where W. OPB_WIDGET_FIELD F. W.WIDGET_ID=R.SUBJ_ID and W.FIELD_ID=R.WIDGET_ID. SUM(L.FIELD_NAME. F. SESSION_NAME. -.Target Only and END_TIME >= TRUNC(SYSDATE-40) and SUCCESSFUL_AFFECTED_ROWS > 0 and TABLE_NAME like :TGT_NAME||'%' ESCAPE '\' ) Group By SUBJECT_AREA.INSTANCE_ID = L.WIDGET_ID=F.START_TIME)>= 1/24 and T. SUCCESSFUL_AFFECTED_ROWS SUCC_ROWS. T.VERSION_NUMBER and R. 2) RUN_HOUR. OPB_WIDGET_EXPR R.TARGET_NAME. INSTANCE_NAME ||'. OPB_WIDGET_FIELD F.FIELD_ID from OPB_WIDGET Z.REF_VERSION_NUMBER = T.OBJECT_ID and v. OPB_WIDGET_FIELD T.WIDGET_ID.SUBJECT_ID = v.VERSION_NUMBER = WT.FIELD_NAME FROM_NAME.VERSION_NUMBER = D.version_number. opb_program_info p where m. Link from EXP_FROM.FROM_INSTANCE_ID and F.PORT_NAME to ??? select S. OPB_SUBJECT S where Z.MAPPING_ID = p.SUBJECT_ID = p.INSTANCE_ID and D.MAPPING_ID and WF. OPB_VERSION_PROPS v.FIELD_NAME TO_NAME.WIDGET_ID = T.VERSION_NUMBER(+) and m. F. p. F.VERSION_NUMBER = p. Then modify the LAST_SAVED.WIDGET_ID and Z.'|| F.WIDGET_NAME like 'EXP_FROM%' and F. update opb_mapping m set last_saved='12/05/2008 09:10:11'.MAPPING_ID = WT.WIDGET_ID. .IS_VISIBLE = 1 and Z.WIDGET_ID = F.FIELD_ORDER.RU_VERSION_NUMBER = WF. T. F. OPB_WIDGET_INST WT.FROM_FIELD_ID and D.VERSION_NUMBER and WT. WF. WT.WIDGET_ID = WF.VERSION_NUMBER = v.INSTANCE_NAME ||'.MAPPING_ID and D. OPB_WIDGET_DEP D.FIELD_ID. update opb_program_info set VERSION_NUMBER = :VER_NUM where mapping_id = :MAP_ID and subject_id = :SUB_ID. T.VERSION_NUMBER ABAP_VERSION_NUM from opb_mapping m.SUBJ_ID and Z.VERSION_NUMBER and Z.FIELD_ID = D. UTC_LAST_SAVED in OPB_VERSION_PROPS and OPB_MAPPING first.OBJECT_TYPE = 21 and m.SUBJECT_ID(+) and m. UTC_LAST_SAVED=1228363499 where MAPPING_ID = :MAP_ID and version_number = :VER_NUM.VERSION_NUMBER and m.INSTANCE_ID = D.TO_INSTANCE_ID = WT. --The timsstamp below is just a sample update OPB_VERSION_PROPS v set last_saved='12/05/2008 09:10:11' .FIELD_ID.REF_VERSION_NUMBER = F. T. UTC_LAST_SAVED=1228363499 where v. then modify the VERSION_NUMBER in OPB_PROGRAM_INFO if necessary.FIELD_ORDER.VERSION_NUMBER and WF.TO_FIELD_ID = T.'|| T.FIELD_ID and D.SUBJECT_ID and m.FIELD_NAME like 'PORT_NAME%' order by F.OBJECT_ID = :MAP_ID and version_number = :VER_NUM and object_type = 21.SUBJECT_ID = S.SUBJ_NAME.MAPPING_NAME = :MAP_NAME order by m.MAPPING_ID(+) and m.MAPPING_ID = v.VERSION_NUMBER and WF.p.INSTALL_TIME. OPB_WIDGET_INST WF.MAPPING_ID = D.WIDGET_ID and WT.WIDGET_ID and Z.VERSION_NUMBER and WF. OBJECT_TYPE_NAME NOT IN ('Mapplet') and W.CONNECTION_VALUE.SESSION_ID = a.Source/Target and t. W. x.SUBJ_NAME Folder.MAPPING_NAME like :Mapping_Name ) select O. t. Find Transformation Attribute Override at Session Level select f.MAPPING_ID in ( . W.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID = a.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME.SESSION_ID= t.SUBJECT_ID= f. 'Output Transformation'.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME.MAPPING_ID = M.* from opb_swidget_attr a.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID = x.SUBJECT_ID.CONNECTION_TYPE. opb_task t. OPB_OBJECT_TYPE O.SESSION_ID = x. o.INSTANCE_NAME.INSTANCE_NAME.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = W.INSTANCE_NAME like :WIDGET_NAME -.task_name. M where O.MAPPING_ID and s. b.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID and i.WORKFLOW_ID . OPB_SESS_CNX_VALS x.TASK_ID. x.WIDGET_TYPE = o.SESSION_ID = b.TASK_NAME like :SESS_NAME order by t.TASK_NAME.WIDGET_ID and i. W.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID.WIDGET_TYPE and O.SUBJECT_ID = :SUBJ_ID and b.SESSION_ID and s. opb_task t.CONNECTION_ID. x. OPB_OBJECT_TYPE O.task_id and t.INSTANCE_ID. b. M. t.WIDGET_TYPE = w.SESS_WIDG_INST_ID and t.SESSION_ID and b.MAPPING_ID union select O.task_name SESSION_NAME.subj_id. a.MAPPING_ID from OPB_MAPPING M.SUBJ_NAME LIKE :Folder_Name and M. t.CONNECTION_ID and s.WIDGET_TYPE and O. opb_subject f where a.SESSION_ID = t.COMMENTS from OPB_WIDGET_INST W.SESSION_ID and i. i.INSTANCE_NAME. c.CONNECTION_NUM.SUBJECT_ID and S.COMMENTS from OPB_WIDGET_INST W.TASK_ID and s. M where O. OPB_OBJECT_TYPE o.SUBJ_ID = M. OPB_SWIDGET_INST b.WIDGET_ID = w.attr_value in (:VALUE1. opb_cnx c where c.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME NOT IN ('Mapplet'.INSTANCE_NAME.How the connection values is set at session level select x. x. b. List all the Transformations in a given Mapping Including the transformations within the mapplet WITH M AS ( select M. 'Input Transformation') and W. OPB_WIDGET w. :VALUE2.OBJECT_TYPE_ID and i. :VALUE3) and i. OPB_SWIDGET_INST i.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = W. b. OPB_SUBJECT S where S. W.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME.OBJECT_ID(+) = x.WIDGET_TYPE and i.OBJECT_NAME from opb_session s.MAPPING_ID = b. workflow_run_id=t2.'Terse'. To Get the latest workflow run times between the time range select t1.OBJECT_TYPE_ID = W.TASK_TYPE=68 and attr_id=204 and attr_type=6 Description : This query will give tracing information along with session names.4. ( select workflow_id.workflow_id=t2.workflow_run_id order by t1.'Normal' X. 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and to_date ('2010-09-30 18:00:00'.MAPPING_ID and O. OPB_MAPPING X where W.2. M.MAPPING_ID from OPB_WIDGET_INST W. OPB_OBJECT_TYPE O. Purpose : To find who saved mapping last time . Purpose : To Find name of all stored procedure being used in stored procedure transformation Query : select attr_value from OPB_WIDGET_ATTR where widget_type=6 and attr_id=1 Description : This query is helpful when you require to know name of all stored procedure being used in informatica.START_TIME Purpose : To Find Tracing Level for Session Query : select task_name.workflow_id and t1. max(workflow_run_id) as workflow_run_id from REP_WFLOW_RUN where workflow_name like 'wf_%' and START_TIME between to_date ('2010-09-30 12:00:00'.opb_task TSK WHERE CFG.This query is helpful in identifying the session which are having particular type of Tracing level like Verbose.0.'None'.3.WIDGET_ID ) order by 1. 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and run_status_code = 1 group by workflow_id ) t2 where t1.MAPPING_ID = M.REF_WIDGET_ID = W.'') Tracing_Level from REP_SESS_CONFIG_PARM CFG.'Verbose Data'.decode (attr_value.2 .'Verbose Initialisation'.TASK_ID and tsk.1.* from REP_WFLOW_RUN t1.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME = 'Mapplet' and X.WIDGET_TYPE and O. usr.subject_id and opb_targ.subject_id = s21.subj_id = opb_mapping.12.mapping_id = opb_mapping. Repository Query for finding the mapping name having the target file as FLAT file select opb_subject.user_id AND map.target_name = 'YOUR_FLAT_FILE_TARGET_NAME' Repository Query for find the list of targets SELECT t.widget_id = opb_targ.subj_name. t.SUBJECT_AREA AS FOLDER_NAME.REP_ALL_TARGETS t WHERE . obt.1) substr(rpl.subj_id(+) AND rpl. substr(rpl.event_time.11)) DESC Description : This query is helpful when you want to know who saved the mapping last time .4) substr(rpl.opb_subject s21 WHERE obt.object_type_name "Type". opb_subject where opb_widget_inst.event_time.11) "EventTimestamp" .mapping_name from opb_widget_inst.object_type_id')')) "Folder".event_time.object_type_id. opb_targ.mapping_id(+) AND rpl.1.PARENT_TARGET_DATABASE_TYPE FROM informatica.opb_object_type obt. DECODE(rpl.5) ' ' substr(rpl.subj_id(+) ORDER BY(substr(rpl.7. usr. opb_mapping. DECODE(rpl.('('rpl.event_time.object_id = fld.event_time.mapping_name.('('rpl.object_type_id AND rpl.event_time.object_type_name = 'Mapping' AND rpl.object_type_id')')) "Object" FROM opb_reposit_log rpl.12.event_time.6.user_name "Username".opb_mapping map.TARGET_NAME.object_type_id = obt.mapping_id and opb_subject. opb_subject fld. t. opb_mapping.21.event_uid = usr.Query : SELECT substr(rpl.target_id and opb_widget_inst.4) substr(rpl.subj_name .s21.object_id = map.event_time.5) ' ' substr(rpl. subject_area = 'ETL_MIDR_SharedObjects' AND t.target_name LIKE '%TINV_%'.t. .
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