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EN6115-4(1/4-28 UNJF-3A) High Strength, Titanium-Alloy, SPS TITAN™, Pan Head, Point Drive, Necked Thread Run-Out, Manufactured to the Requirements of EN6116 REPORT 4071 PRODUCT ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT TECHNICAL REPORT REPORT 4071 REVISED Prepared By Stephan L. Foster Requested By Steven R. Buzolits 11/22/04 APPROVED BY: ____________Steven R. Buzolits____________DATE_____11/24/04_____ ____________ Michael J. Lawler____________ DATE ____11/24/04_____ E R-030 REPORT NO. 4071 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE CONCLUSIONS BACKGROUND RECOMMENDAT ION PROCEDURES MATERIAL MANUFACTURING HEADING HEAT TREATMENT NECK FEATURE FILLET ROLLING THREAD ROLLING NDT COATING MECHANICAL TESTING TENSILE DOUBLE SHEAR FATIGUE TORSION METALLURGICAL TESTING MICROSTRUCTURE TEST RESULTS DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TABLE I – Tensile Strength of ¼-28 X 1.195 Bolts TABLE II – Double Shear Strength of ¼-28 X 1.195 Bolts TABLE III – Fatigue Strength of ¼-28 X 1.195 Bolts 9 10 11 FIGURE 1 – FIGURE 2 – FIGURE 3 – 12 13 14 ¼-28 X 1.195 Bolts: Head-to-Shank Microstructure ¼-28 X 1.195 Bolts: Thread Microstructure ¼-28 X 1.195 Bolts: Core Microstructure APPENDICES A – Raw Material Certificate of Test B – AECMA Drawing Number EN6115 C – AECMA Procurement Specification EN6116 2 Therefore.REPORT NO. a 108.000-psi (1250 MPa) minimum requirement.000 cycles (discontinue) vs. presented herein are the mechanical and metallurgical test data for .2500-28 UNJF-3A pan-head. 3 . an 180.931 psi (1406 MPa) vs. For the un-coated ¼-28 x 1.000 psi (740 MPa) requirement c. point-drive bolts manufactured by PCC Fastener Division. 4071 PURPOSE: This qualification test program is the result of a request for SPS Technologies to manufacture EN6115 bolts (one size) from an SPS Technologies developed high-strength titanium alloy .000 psi (740 MPa) requirement f. PA. Fatigue life successfully achieved 130. CONCLUSIONS: All the fasteners tested met the mechanical property requirements specified on AECMA drawing EN6115 and the fastener procurement specification EN6116: For the coated ¼-28 x 1. Fatigue life successfully achieved 130.195 bolts: a. e. _______________________________________________________________ SPS TITAN is a trademark of SPS Technologies.000-cycle average life requirement. Shear strength averaged 122. Shear strength averaged 128.523 psi (1354 MPa) vs.603 psi (886 MPa) vs. b.195 bolts: d. a 108.SPS TITAN™ 761 to meet the 180-ksi (1250 MPa) alloy steel performance requirements listed in EN6115. a 65. Jenkintown.000 cycles (discontinue) vs.454 psi (843 MPa) vs. a 65.000-psi (1250 MPa) minimum requirement. Tensile strength averaged 203. Tensile strength averaged 196.000-cycle average life requirement. an 180. AS 7460. 4071 BACKGROUND: A customer asked SPS Technologies to manufacture titanium alloy fastener prototypes and to demonstrate that they could meet the performance requirements for the same part made from alloy steel. Unfortunately. fastener manufacturers have dreamed of developing stronger titanium -alloy fasteners whose performance could match alloy steel or CRES alloy fasteners. and these provided some strength improvement over fasteners made from Ti-6Al-4V. Titanium alloy aerospace fasteners have been manufactured for over 50 years. point-drive fastener commonly made from 180-ksi (1250 MPa) alloy steel. and had issued technical reports documenting the successful development of large-diameter. while shear strength might be improved in these fasteners. tension-rated fasteners (SPS technical report # 4061). 180-ksi (1250 MPa). Therefore. titanium-alloy fasteners were commercialized. NAS 4004. SPS Technologies had recently developed a high-strength titanium fastener alloy. The current Ti-6Al-4V industry bolt specifications (NAS 621. owing to titanium’s lower density. that fasteners from this alloy have size and strength limitations. This would enable a direct one -for-one substitution and produce a 35% to 40% weight savings. respectively. It is generally recognized. these fasteners tended to have significant manufacturing liabilities. tension-rated fasteners (SPS technical report # 4049) and small-to-medium diameter. the tensile and fatigue strengths generally were not. The part configuration selected was EN6115-4. however. The intent of the present study was to establish whether this new titanium alloy could be used to manufacture a protruding head. A few other special-purpose. aerospace fastener users have basically had to live with these strength limitations. direct substitution for heavier alloy fasteners remained an unfulfilled goal. By and large. 160-ksi (1100 MPa). The overwhelming majority of these are made from the work-horse alloy Ti-6Al-4V (predominantly AMS 4967). AS 7461) specify minimum tensile strengths and double shear strengths of 160-ksi (1100 MPa) and 95-ksi (655 MPa). In addition. this never happened. 4 . For the last half-century. however.REPORT NO. For years. shear and fatigue strength requirements of alloy steel and CRES alloy fasteners. most of these do not ha ve threaded fastener potential owing to formability problems and/or notch sensitivity.REPORT NO. smooth-section properties may look attractive. This effort culminated in the development of SPS TITAN 761 alloy. That is. SPS Technologies sought to develop a titanium alloy that could be used to manufacture bolts over a wide range of sizes that would be capable of maintaining the tensile. but threaded properties are significantly reduced. it is recommended that the next step be to determine whether larger diameter bolts – up to 1 inch manufactured from this high-strength titani um alloy can meet the same EN6115/EN6116 technical requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the successful results herein and confirmation of customer support to proceed further. 4071 There are other titanium alloys that have been developed over the years that do have the ability to attain higher strengths. 5 . Our experience with this evaluation and previous SPS TITAN initiatives strongly suggest this is feasible. However. the material conformed to the chemistry requirements of AMS 4958. NECK FEATURE – The proprietary thread run-out neck was machined and rolled per EN6115. The mill certificate for the raw material lot used in manufacturing the ¼” diameter bolts is included in Appendix A.195 bolts were manufactured on shop order number B02493-010. The steel date identified by SPS Technologies is TB380E. * Indicates an SPS internal and proprietary document – distribution prohibited. Details of the major manufacturing operations are summarized below: HEADING – The pan-head bolt configuration was forged per the guidelines contained in MPP-F-010*. FILLET ROLLING – The head-to-shank fillets were rolled and evaluated per MPP-I-024*. MANUFACTURING: The ¼-28 x 1. 4071 PROCEDURES: MATERIAL: The titanium alloy selected for manufacturing the subject fasteners was a version of the material described by AMS 4958 (3Al-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo). HEAT TREATMENT – The ¼” diameter bolts were heat treated as one lot per E0601*. ALUMINUM COATING – A portion of the lot was left uncoated and another portion of the lot was coated with NAS4006 aluminum-pigmented paint per MPP-P-083*. but bars were processed by the raw material supplier to guidelines contained in SPS’ proprietary material specification SPS-M-761*. THREAD ROLLING – The ¼-28 UNJF-3A threads were rolled after heat treatment. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING – The bolts were Fluorescent Penetrant Inspected 100% in accordance with ASTM E1417. That is.REPORT NO. 6 . Inspection found that the dimensions conformed to the requirements of AS8879. The requirement is specified in EN6115. Method “B” per EN6116 was used. Table A7. TORSION CAPABILITY – HEXAGON SOCKET – Coated and uncoated bolts were tested in accordance with procedures and requirements in EN6116. Table 2. Table 2.2. 7 .Cross sections from the heads. bodies and threads were excised. grain size. The requirement is specified in EN6115. Table 2. polished.REPORT NO. and overall micro structural condition. 4071 MECHANICAL TESTING: TENSILE TESTING – Coated and uncoated bolts were tested at room temperature in accordance with the procedures of NASM 1312 – 8. METALLURGICAL TESTING: MICROSTRUCTURE .2. The polished specimens were etched by swabbing with a solution comprising 2 ml HF + 5 ml H2 O 2 + 100 ml H2O. DOUBLE SHEAR TESTING – Coated and uncoated bolts were tested at room temperature in accordance with the procedures of NASM 1312 – 13. The requirement is specified in EN6115. etched and examined with the aid of an optical microscope to assess material flow lines. FATIGUE TESTING – Coated and uncoated bolts were tested at room temperature in tension-tension fatigue in accordance with the procedures of NASM 1312 – 11. mounted in Bakelite. alloy steel values in Table 2 and fastener procurement specification EN6116. no primary alpha was present. The ¼-28 X 1. Continuous flow lines in the thread roots indicate threads were rolled after heat treatment. 4071 TEST RESULTS: The ¼-28 X 1. This evaluation demonstrates the suitably of using SPS TITAN 761 titanium alloy to replace alloy steel in point drive fasteners and still meet the alloy steel performance requirements at a weight savings of 35%. They met the mechanical property requirements of AECMA drawing EN6115. Representative photomicrographs of head-to-shank fillets. 8 . one sample was excised from a finished bolt and checked for hydrogen content with a hydrogen determinator.195 bolt double shear results are presented in Table II. The core microstructure consisted of medium-sized beta grains. thread roots. The ¼-28 X 1.195 hexagon socket torsional capability test results are presented here: 5 coated and 5 uncoated bolts satisfied the 30-inch pounds (3. The ¼-28 X 1. and bodies are presented in Figures 1 through 3.REPORT NO.195 bolt tensile results are presented in Table I.195 bolt fatigue results are presented in Table III. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS: Bolts were manufactured by traditional methods and equipment without incident. Per the EN6116 requirement.390 N-mm) requirement. Cold work is apparent in the head-to-shank fillet region from the fillet rolling operation. The sample measured 118 parts per million satisfying the 125 parts per million maximum requirement. The microstructures we re typical for beta titanium. 477 33.03637) Square inches (23.729 196.140 31.350 32.psi Strength .MPa Location 7.972 1378 Thds 7.131 1421 Thds Note: All failure locations in the threads failed at the second exposed thread closest to the threaded nut-bushing bearing face.584 1397 Thds 7.089 1393 Thds 7.pounds Load – Newtons Strength . Ultimate Tensile Strength (1/4-28 x 1.000 psi) 29.507 200.894 203.348 206.368 32.308 32.550 pounds (180.427 33.996 31.133 31.302 193.774 202.934 1385 Thds 6.395 32.pounds Load – Newtons Strength .273 32.MPa Location 7.195 Bolts) Required Minimum: 6.psi Strength .351 199.036 204.480 1354 Head 7.206 1408 Head 7.119 192.315 1353 Head 7.123 1352 Thds 7.REPORT NO. 9 .356 1326 Thds NON-COATED BOLTS NonCoated Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Actual Breaking Actual Breaking Calculated Calculated Failure Load .259 205.497 33.581 1417 Head 7.483 1334 Head 7.405 32.760 196.939 203.150 Newto ns (1250 MPa) Tensile Stress Area: (0.601 1404 Head 7.694 202.46) Square millimeters COATED BOLTS Coated Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Actual Breaking Actual Breaking Calculated Calculated Failure Load .786 196.146 31. 4071 Table I.326 1402 Thds 7.037 31. 754 10 127.Newtons Strength .849 52.625 55.891 11.653 52.183 128.150 129.000 psi) 47.Newtons Strength .760 52.pounds Load .483 Calculated Strength – Mpa 875 890 887 887 888 883 892 .840 122.464 12.465 12.283 122.530 122.psi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12. Double Shear Strength (1/4-28 x 1. 4071 Table II.600 pounds (108.REPORT NO.689 121.751 52.473 55.365 Calculated Strength – Mpa 840 846 843 844 846 844 843 NON-COATED BOLTS Non-Coated Actual Breaking Actual Breaking Calculated Sample Load – pounds Load .225) square millimeters COATED BOLTS Coated Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Actual Breaking Actual Breaking Calculated Load .405 12.832 128.442 55.505 12.801 11.150 Newtons (740 Mpa) Nominal Shank Area: (0.859 11.760 128.737 122.045 129.471 12.911 122.845 52.770 128.881 11.psi 11.493 52.298 12.195 Bolts) Required Minimum: 10.861 11.893 52.510 122.180 55.0484) square inches (31.704 55.837 11.447 55.534 54. 000 130.000 130.000 130.200 pounds (9780 N) Minimum Load = 222 pounds (978 N) COATED BOLTS Coated Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Actual Cycle Life Failure Location 130.000 minimum cycles 65.000 None None None None None None None Notes: Fatigue requirement for Alloy Steel is 45.000 cycles if fracture has not yet occurred.000 cycles minimum.000 130. 65.000 average cycles 130.000 psi (1250 MPA) or 2.000 cycles average and the test may be terminated at 130.195 Bolts) Requirements: 45.000 None None None None None None None NON-COATED BOLTS Non-Coated Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Actual Cycle Life Failure Location 130.000 130.000 130. Tension-Tension Fatigue (1/4-28 x 1.000 130.000 130.000 discontinue if no failure Maximum Load = @ 34% of 180.000 130.000 130.000 130.REPORT NO. This is the parameter used for these titanium bolts. 4071 Table III.000 130. 11 . 4071 Figure 1. Bearing surface is at the upper right. ¼-28 x 1. shank is at lower left.195 Bolt: Representative structure in head-to-shank transition.REPORT NO. 12 . ¼-28 x 1.195 Bolt: Representative continuous thread grain flow pattern. 4071 Figure 2. 13 .REPORT NO. ¼-28 x 1. 14 .REPORT NO. 4071 Figure 3.195 Bolt: Representative core microstructure. APPENDIX – A Raw Material Certificate of Test TB380E . . . APPENDIX .B AECMA drawing EN6115 . 1200 Bruxelles Tel. filetage court Série en inch Master document : en fr de Sponsor : AIRBUS FRANCE THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES . : (32) 2 775 8110 Fax.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED prEN 6115 Edition : P3 Date: 08. Kurzgewinde Zöllige Reihe Série Aérospatiale Vis.03 STUDY: STAGE : Ref. B .STANDARDIZATION Gulledelle 94. : Superseding Ref. tête cylindrique. : (32) 2 775 8111 . : ENGLISH VERSION Aerospace series Bolt – Protruding head. Short thread Inch series Luft-und Raumfahrt Zylinderopfschraube. ***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 2 prEN 6115 : 20023 Contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Requirements 4 Designation 5 Marking 6 Technical specification . 4) 1) Published by : The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility. Warrendale. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. U.0V annealed. Land Sea Air and Space (SAE). and lay).38 – 0. US Government Printing Office.0AL-4. PA15096-0001. U.38 – 0. forgings.80Cr – 1. forgings and rings.A.95Cr – 0.Sulfuric acid process. wire.S. light weight .38 – 0. 2) MIL-S-8879 Aerospace – UNJ threads . 2 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference.20Mo (0.0. 1) AMS 6349 Steel bars 0.20Mo (0. 1) AMS 5662 Alloy bars. and tubing 0. and rings. 2) EN 6117 Specification for lubrication of bolts with cetyl alcohol. Washington. forgings. forgings. .80Cr – 1.43C) (SAE 4140) (annealed). forgings.8Ni . corrosion and heat resistant. 3) Under preparation 4) Published by : Superintendent of documents.20402. AMS6322 Steel bars.38 – 0.S. heat treatable.25Mo (0. 2) EN 6116 Aerospace series .C. subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. 1) ANSI/ASME-B46-1 Surface texture (surface roughness waviness.25Mo (0. 1) AMS 6415 Steel bars. 400 Commonwealth drive. forgings.8Ni .Technical specification.Threaded bolts. 1) AMS-H-6875 Heat treatment of steel. and rings AMS6325 Steel bars and forgings AMS6327 Steel bars and forgings QQ-P-416 Plating. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). AMS 4928 Titanium alloys bars. and tubing 0. provisions from other publications. Normalized. 3) ISO 8080 Aerospace – Anodic treatment of titanium and titanium alloys . 1) AMS 6382 Steel bars. 1) AMS 6484 Steel bars.A.Inch series . and rings 6. cadmium (electrodeposited). forgings. 0. and rings 6AL-4V annealed.43C) (SAE 4340). For dated references. tolerances and the requirements of a protruding head bolt for aerospace application.95Cr – 0. D.1) AMS 4967 Titanium alloys bars.43C) (SAE 4340).***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 3 prEN 6115 : 20023 1 Scope This product standard specifies the dimensions. Normalized and tempered.General requirements and limit dimensions. 1) EN 2424 Aerospace series – Marking of aerospace products. raw materials. 2) EN 6118 Process specification – Aluminium base protection for fasteners.2) EN 4473 Aerospace series – Aluminium pigmented coatings – Technical specification.43C) (SAE 4140). wire. 2) Published as AECMA Prestandard as the date of publication of this standard.0. 2 Mass The calculation of the mass of a bolt shall be provided as per indications hereafter : CALCULATION OF THE MASS OF A BOLT Add the mass of the head and threaded part (invariable mass) to the mass of the smooth part (variable mass).98 0. of the bolt. dimensions and tolerances shall conform with Figure 1.12 6. Limitation of application: large diameter (-12 to -16) titanium fasteners are not recommended for single shear applications. dimensions and tolerances Configuration. EXAMPLES : BOLT EN6115-4-8 Invariable mass Variable mass Total mass BOLT EN6115V4-8 Invariable mass Variable mass Total mass BOLT EN6115L4-8 Invariable mass Variable mass Total mass 2. Table 3 and Table 4.22 x 8 = 1.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 4 prEN 6115 : 20023 3 3.1 Requirements Configuration.39 x 8 = 3.57 g .53 0.36 6.29 g 3. Mass of the smooth part : Multiply the value of the 2nd mass column of Table 3 (value according to the diameter code No.10 g 1. 3. diameter -18 titanium fasteners are not recommended for single shear applications at all.21 0.42 x 8 = 3. use ABS0559 instead. Total mass of the head and threaded part : 1st mass column of Table 3.) by the length code No.76 3. Dimensions and tolerances for oversizes shall conform with Table 5. Mechanical characteristics Table 2 Dia. fatigue load (N) Steel alloy Titanium Inconel Steel alloy Titanium Inconel 2 - 17760 - - 9660 - - 3170 - 3 27 250 23 900 31 500 17 100 14 150 20 820 5 330 4 670 6 490 3A - 32 000 - - 17 800 - - 6 050 - 4 47 150 41 330 54 800 29 150 25 900 35 120 9 780 8 670 11 900 5 73 850 64 880 85 100 46 050 40 900 56 070 15 560 13 960 18 940 6 106 300 93 320 123 000 70 050 62 250 85 300 24 000 21 570 29 220 7 144 550 127 100 167 300 94 300 78 600 114 830 32 900 27 200 40 060 8 188 600 165 760 218 300 128 100 106 500 155 990 44 480 37 100 54 160 9 238 850 209 950 276 400 161 900 126 100 197 150 55 150 44 000 67 150 10 294 400 259 330 341 300 205 050 170 600 249 690 69 830 59 900 85 030 12 424 350 373 200* 491 130 297 600 247 320 362 390 101 420 86 290 123 500 14 573 800 493 990* 664 100 413 700 302 000 TBD 140 560 112 020 TBD 16 749 500 625 970* 867 450 536 000 394 000 TBD 182 380 141 950 TBD 18 951 900 769 170* 1 098 000 684 150 509 730 TBD 218 640 174 420 TBD 20 TBD --- TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 22 TBD --- TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Note: .6. double shear strength (N) code Steel Titanium Inconel No. tensile strength (N) Max.1 for limitation of application . Type II. lubrication and identifications Table 1 Code Material Finish Sulfuric-acid anodizing as per ISO 8080 T Titanium alloy 6AL-4V as per AMS 4928 or AMS 4967 Rc min.minimum fatigue loads are equal to 10 % of maximum loads . class 2 None Inconel 718 as per AMS 5662 R = 1 510 MPa A white paint identification at thread end Cetyl alcohol as per A green paint EN 6117 identification at thread end Aluminium coating as per specification EN 4473 **BLUE IVD as per EN 6118 **BLACK M 3.03 attached to main drg.this table incorporate preliminary design values * ref.3 Materials.4 Bolt identification IVD as per EN 6118 K - Lubrication **See email 3. alloy Min. = 650 MPa V Aluminium coating as per specification EN 4473 Alloy steel 4340 (AMS 6415 or AMS 6484) or 4140 (AMS 6382 or AMS 6349) or 8740 (MIL-S-6049) Rc min.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 5 prEN 6115 : 20023 3. finishes. Min. = 740 MPa R = 1 240 to 1 380 MPa (AMS-H-6875) Hardness L Cadmium plating as per QQ-P-416. paragraph 3. 5 General characteristics Surface condition as per ANSI-B46-1. Figure 1 : Configuration. dimensions and tolerances .5 pitch G max. Note 2: Check concentricity of diameters D (shank) and TD (thread) to avoid interference between the bolt thread and hole when using tight interference fits. + B P G max. Dimensions in mm. 1.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 6 prEN 6115 : 20023 3.254 A Chamfer S DETAIL A Thread runout max.3) Thread functionality 1.25 mm. Marking see § 5 Identification (see § 3. G max. See detail A H T 10 0° - 45° A 90 ° r Ø TD ØA W ØY ØD Q Ø 0.0 pitch K ØD (see note 2) J I See note 1 Note 1: The diameter measured at point I shall be less than or equal to the max. Thread of steel bolts shall be carried out after heat treatment. Note 3: The maximum thread runout for oversizes is incremented by 0. diameter TD. 772 7.542 5.824 15. b) Thread UNJC-3B.194 12.697 15.39 15.674 12.57 9.88 1. ØD T code Other code Ø TD H Ref.52 9 9/16" 0.35 37.1250-12 43.662 12.099 11.820 4.087 11.121 2.79 r 0.17 10.1900-32 9.32 12 3/4" 0.91 7.28 2.537 28.245 3.26 15.3750-24 15.2500-12 TBD 36.73 19.395 4.4375-20 17.78 32.128 4.970 5.044 11. diameter a) Thread UNJF-3A modified (inch) ØA B Ref.899 7.77 7.30 7 7/16" 0.670 2.1640-32 b) 8.04 33.89 16 1" 1.024 18.24 14.174 22.712 31.06 3.258 2.337 6.80 4 1/4" 0.38 0.34 29.06 1.487 9.67 13.262 14.512 9.720 8.849 15.249 14.77 4.334 5.999 18.55 3. 2 5/32" 0.05 42.56 18.75 5.65 1.3750-12 TBD 39.925 7.04 5.65 7.687 12.099 11.849 15.097 13.03 5 5/16" 0.524 28.21 28.725 31.59 6 3/8" 0.67 9.76 0.3125-24 12.517 5.46 25.011 19.875 TBD TBD a) Thread as per MIL-S-8879 except diameter TD.237 14.140 4.51 1.187 22.872 18.700 TBD TBD 22 1"3/8 1.550 28.64 0.76 25.375 25.17 16.54 31.324 6.40 3 3/16" 0.7500-16 29.40 20 1"1/4 1.200 22.687 12.78 1.35 10.597 1.0000-12 38.63 3A 7/32" 0.06 1.14 18 1"1/8 1.11 4.08 16.051 3.869 9.529 5.545 6.197 6.32 11.262 14.81 8 1/2" 0.52 1.40 22.900 34.372 28.024 19.375 25.13 6.911 7.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 7 prEN 6115 : 20023 Table 3 : Dimensions.33 12.813 4.27 0. tolerances and mass Dimensions in mm (Continued) Diameter Nominal code shank No.54 8.07 9.64 10 5/8" 0.512 9.05 10.78 9.788 4.2500-28 11.2160-28 10.28 12.40 1.64 34.84 2.153 4.337 6.17 7.8750-14 33.349 25.813 4.362 25.14 0.500 9.887 34.900 34.20 23.542 5.13 1.347 9.19 22.01 0.725 31.522 12.550 28.925 7.27 21.33 5.800 4.200 22.074 10.5625-18 22.836 15.24 14.67 1.947 10.673 4.82 12.41 9. TBD TBD .988 1.51 8.37 4.76 14 7/8" 0.07 7.15 28.5000-20 19.153 4.312 6.222 25.047 21.44 12.6250-18 24. 61 5.41 8 1/2" 0.29 3.2160-28 1.34 6.34 6.49 4.05 4.60 14 7/8" 0.90 4. Thread UNJF-3A modified (inch) Q Ref.23 2.62 12.94 8. 2 5/32" 0.3750-24 1.83 6.29 3.46 2.36 3.10 0.28 7.02 4 1/4" 0.89 3A 7/32" 0.41 2.5000-20 9 9/16" 0.0000-12 7.1250-12 8.05 12.60 17.89 14.35 9.97 5.02 2.8750-14 6.86 6.2500-12 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 22 1"3/8 1.41 13.02 3.5625-18 3.79 1.19 18 1"1/8 1.68 11.70 9.57 4.40 3.09 20 1"1/4 1.51 5.54 14.46 16 1" 1.06 0.6250-18 3.11 4.68 3.3125-24 1.99 2.43 5.1640-32 b) 0.61 3.55 12 3/4" 0. b) Thread UNJC-3B.09 8.96 11.60 8.59 1.00 4.95 12. d) 37° to 45° 1.2500-28 5 5/16" 6 3/8" d) S Ref.79 2.81 4.19 7 7/16" Hexagonal recess 0.01 2.70 15. Nominal shank dia.55 7.69 5.40 5.54 2.98 .55 17.44 11.64 1.90 4.1900-32 0.92 5. W T ØY 2.84 10.18 15.14 2.7500-16 5.77 0.11 9.18 5.47 8.08 8.17 10 5/8" 0.00 7.05 2. code No.04 3.4375-20 2.83 11.3750-12 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD a) Thread as per MIL-S-8879 except diameter TD.49 6.76 3 3/16" 0.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 8 prEN 6115 : 20023 Table 3 (continued) a) Dia. 43 DETAIL A J MASS (g) K max.92 2.24 0.12 97.40 1.39 0.7500-16 9.08 55.3750-12 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD a) Thread as per MIL-S-8879 except diameter TD. b) Thread UNJC-3B .1640-32 b) 3.19 326.03 9.4375-20 5.3750-24 5.43 2.22 16.65 0.41 2.14 12.22 0.88 9.41 9.37 19.61 0.16 1.18 10.06 0.44 0.41 1.74 1.26 3.79 14 7/8" 0.60 0.14 2.5000-20 6.94 0.04 40.08 10.2500-12 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 22 1"3/8 1.57 6.97 7.14 4.37 2.45 3.41 18 1"1/8 1.68 3.63 7.01 3.98 1.09 6.22 0.89 13.12 0.09 10.26 5.44 1.44 1.35 0.87 1.14 7.29 9.08 9.43 2.58 163.33 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Head and thread Smooth part Titanium Inconel 2 5/32" 3 3/16" 0.66 5.27 10 5/8" 0.77 4.67 1.30 104.19 14.48 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 4 1/4" 0.78 0.67 1.00 TBD TBD 7.63 12 3/4" 0.1900-32 3.33 21.6250-18 8.53 2. modified (inch) P max.56 0.97 1.16 242.13 0.95 10.00 86.54 4.00 128.95 7 7/16" 0.99 9 9/16" 0.49 0.20 0.68 29.52 2.79 2.76 8.31 1.45 3.3125-24 4.66 6 3/8" 0.42 5 5/16" 0.0000-12 15. Nominal Thread code shank UNJF-3A No.5625-18 8.18 0.69 1.78 9.90 1.86 10.8750-14 12.2500-28 3.53 3.72 0.24 3A 7/32" 0.29 8 1/2" 0. 0.75 7.21 0.31 21.81 5.10 2. Steel Titanium Inconel Steel 2.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 9 prEN 6115 : 20023 Table 3 (concluded) a) Dia.73 5.65 152. dia.67 1.41 0.53 1.97 4.12 31.80 9.1250-12 18.78 3.15 225.91 TBD TBD 20 1"1/4 1.80 11.2160-28 3.14 16 1" 1.88 0.82 43.81 10.51 0. 30 15.89 14.19 82.38 68.10 14.11 28.36 33.91 43.86 46.59 47.70 41.63 24.18 69.99 52.01 79.02 18.58 54.19 58.74 74.32 64.21 31.53 66.70 29.81 20.51 53.84 22.85 46.08 4 6.70 19.09 41.69 56.71 14.64 41.28 42.99 44.10 59.80 66.05 40.45 60.07 17.54 10.46 38.88 36.28 45.10 9 14.31 12.29 68.54 37.79 54.50 39.58 85.04 17 26.07 37.40 53.17 57.43 17.68 70.04 22.58 35.54 49.90 68.05 47.03 27.82 49.01 45.13 50.40 32.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 10 prEN 6115 : 20023 Table 4 : Dimensions .87 44.92 27 42.74 62.26 21.37 25.83 51.37 46.24 23.48 43.88 72.95 47.35 13.84 51.74 35.15 72.58 49.73 40.39 28.34 49.91 38. LENGTH (G max.44 26.60 80.67 43.85 24.23 39.66 39.56 31.61 27.35 63.53 26.64 46.65 48.58 29.22 19 30.02 54.14 39.85 3 4.00 28.05 26.37 32.33 36.03 11 17.77 57.34 54.77 7 11.46 74.00 17.85 73.20 29.06 20.20 55.42 44.59 27.70 67.68 (Continued) .67 48.53 55.27 37.00 12 19.76 21.10 55.25 40.69 46.71 38.63 18 28.02 39.43 77.69 43.59 58.50 67.73 65.07 58.31 40.13 38.33 26 41.04 50.18 60.15 24 38.26 44.83 63.06 46.99 84.97 69.75 48.92 42.24 49.01 25.94 28.24 61.61 56.15 33.00 54.41 50.72 38.94 62.98 22 34.62 43.10 53.03 49.13 37.59 68.32 42.83 49.67 19.27 23.21 64.29 21.70 33.10 34.53 30.20 52.64 49.18 48.46 13.43 53.39 48.88 22.19 42.42 51.28 48.82 80.72 52.70 69.51 32.87 12.80 47.80 20 31.96 60.84 8 12.12 56.45 51.94 33.69 60.96 26.16 51.21 25.69 35.97 50.62 29.29 10.03 42.29 31.89 55.90 41.65 60.12 36.4 21.37 58.14 63.26 72.45 40.74 25 39.51 12.11 18.60 54.78 59.16 37.86 39.46 45.65 19.80 54.79 32.40 46.46 34.57 45.11 39.61 41.81 40.76 33.42 23.21 53. + B ref.25 74.50 28 44.33 29.23 43.15 61.34 9.93 51.42 65.62 51.80 27.40 82.31 53.93 55.89 43.32 76.01 53.92 50.52 37.35 23.55 28.59 56.34 50.36 52.41 52.63 16.56 71.95 35.09 69.64 27.18 10.47 18.55 37.22 50.29 71.69 13 20.56 23 36.22 18.05 36.84 76.86 19.47 44.77 71.43 38.72 31.68 5 7.97 30.Tolerances Dimensions in mm Length G code ± e) 0.24 48.49 45.45 20.76 11.71 58.36 59.12 12.59 18.30 41.12 68.22 29.81 52.16 47.95 53.86 49.41 15.61 20.43 24.29 35.94 24.05 15.07 45.56 51.01 66.62 63.55 61.69 16.21 45.17 20.51 43.09 29 46.83 42.66 46.10 45.29 39.52 16.68 55.83 22.31 66.75 52.95 9.76 59.24 20.24 2 3.59 8.82 44.83 13.45 48.75 10 15.35 27.88 41.35 34.15 53.78 44.40 42.41 26.38 34.05 76.7 3 3A 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 1 1.71 40.57 24.48 36.34 40.79 57.77 50.87 32.94 65.64 37.48 57.94 36.75 28.11 65.98 58.54 35.76 61.27 56.44 47.78 30.61 50.53 64.82 25.72 11.39 56.93 11.254 2 8.61 54.99 48.66 73.76 25.35 31.48 16.07 71.18 28.18 6 9.04 61.04 53.65 22.46 24.08 46.28 62.92 31.56 59.18 56.31 32.53 35.28 14 22.45 16 25.23 47.96 33.37 61.12 32.81 30.17 55.89 34.25 50.17 31.99 34.39 21 33.75 38.64 77.44 75.23 79.19 21.97 35.86 15 23.35 60.86 58.27 17.52 57.50 79.91 65.77 30.47 42.) ± 0.02 26.99 23.88 17.05 44.51 52.16 26.78 23.127 No.94 15.91 77.13 29.49 69. 85 86.01 115.20 93.50 117.53 62.48 121.67 150.27 121.92 107.62 127.67 139.75 86.28 147.55 99.91 58.65 66.11 63.24 143.97 126.20 131.84 153.39 98.45 69.43 123.63 129.80 123.74 79.23 153.72 92.57 83.94 60.32 115.26 120.67 114.80 57.02 77.62 36 57.18 118.96 57.28 66.01 81.98 55.96 133.77 72 114.52 82.78 108.93 116.02 121.60 105.15 74.37 163.51 64.16 87.64 73.98 135.38 80.45 65.53 140.89 136.84 117.54 125.31 83.81 76.85 125.37 96.16 58.95 62.10 92.50 70.08 80.94 150.71 79.88 82.70 143.30 90.18 106.15 163.36 102.80 106.02 157.47 93.09 61.86 124.83 127.34 90.56 83.67 83.90 96.20 80.12 64.61 127.68 92.40 79.26 64.86 71.53 91.29 59.83 103.78 130.13 87.97 108.46 71.32 132.21 56.11 104.24 118.91 143.80 105.92 119.05 85.38 86.35 88.42 102.95 87.33 77.15 137.88 146.59 70 111.75 57.54 58 92.24 137.73 152.83 93.97 109.27 113.37 55.09 86.79 38 60.93 141.25 71. .22 94.60 77.06 115.12 76 120.88 61.63 64.15 82.79 98.93 101.88 119.04 67.61 70.48 124.78 111.87 122.42 68 107.26 89.58 131.35 79.69 85.33 85.68 73.89 112.17 75.10 144.71 108.15 64.90 105.56 112.86 63.69 121.26 31 49.65 75.67 122.73 102.47 70.80 157.26 83.75 138.76 147.41 92.65 97.19 99.15 129.46 126.44 87.45 117.48 106.54 166.30 121.16 123.58 134.58 95.04 103.5875 mm (1/16 inch) increment if necessary.08 99.33 142.94 131.13 80.76 128.85 76.79 134.30 131.50 80.00 134.14 99.66 109.96 77.07 140.07 64 101.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 11 prEN 6115 : 20023 Table 4 (concluded) 30 47.26 96.31 69.41 141.08 109.12 115.27 95.62 95.59 124.24 66 104.53 76.13 90.44 128.30 67.09 146.81 132.70 116.72 60 95.89 62 98.88 97.47 80 127.40 131.62 54.93 89.14 105.45 124.72 133.82 69.02 80.47 63.57 101.51 89.87 70.86 59.00 131.60 118.99 72.43 105.81 117.50 118.94 74.59 144.87 95.15 111.75 135.00 106.36 56 88.54 130.94 74 117.92 82.34 58.04 74.53 115.97 133.50 136.17 83.48 134.14 141.27 58.02 128.44 34 53.89 131.26 149.35 137.49 111.56 108.38 83.66 48 76.30 93.90 65.98 79.75 111.05 73.57 56.09 122.80 130.30 118.71 128.08 96.75 88.83 78.13 118.32 108.68 68.32 56.52 93.29 78 123.25 102.95 124.43 115.83 100.93 60.61 103.28 107.05 150.96 96.32 140.13 136.49 147.39 73.80 67.11 153.73 111.90 92.60 108.37 134.06 134.33 114.32 67.65 127.77 84.72 89.86 99.49 46 73.62 120.95 84.39 109.75 104.23 125.21 101.05 125.05 100.41 107.53 112.22 102.23 76.33 127.98 61.83 130.36 85.32 44 69.36 122.21 142.13 66.16 139.08 117.45 98.47 96.19 54 85.63 102.02 52 82.95 112.63 154.73 62.98 120.52 89.21 77.73 54.03 98.23 88.67 82.97 70.35 109.56 76.18 134.45 150.22 70.91 90.17 109.65 100.43 67.38 146.00 103.86 136.57 108.70 119.75 98.61 90.18 85.97 138.41 121.26 125.48 72.34 86.71 94.56 149.23 128.98 160.74 87.84 112.39 133.56 137.68 133.14 42 66.64 e) Intermediate grip lengths may be purchased in 1.15 112.96 40 63.95 115.44 99.43 74.19 160.77 81.32 144.31 103.69 96.91 114.55 86.11 120.58 110.84 50 79.19 124.38 104.65 137.28 123.40 128.34 61.37 127.65 124.51 130.78 93.75 115.10 118.54 64.96 101.66 89.70 92.07 68.62 129.29 156.63 114.35 112.85 95.76 113.74 140.61 78.40 105.63 73.78 121.54 105.87 88.25 99.22 106.55 58.92 114.03 139.00 80.21 130.35 73.08 93.11 134.46 160.85 32 50.20 83.82 76.04 99.23 104.05 91.13 128.45 61.40 156.25 112.79 74.03 90.45 111.05 122.10 110.55 89.49 86.01 96.04 127.44 92. 596 22.317 1.142 1.945 28.49 15.65 17.571 14Y 29/32" 34. ØA Without coating With coating 7.658 14.98 19.234 16. code No.480 13.130 7.055 15.496 11.992 22.65 22.07 19.89 35.284 35.421 19.471 0.75 16.029 16.933 28.296 35.64 23.493 1. B ref.75 14.121 32.27 12.646 14.480 13.3125-24 5X 21/64" 9.1250-12 18X 73/64" 33.97 15.792 14X 57/64" 25.2160-28 3AX 0.058 8Y 17/32" 20.21 12.909 9.86 21.146 5.421 19.668 a) Thread as per MIL-S-8879 except diameter TD.56 42.2500-28 ØD 1/32" oversize shank 0.293 10.692 35.220 10Y 21/32" 24.05 0.722 6.118 7.734 6.27 25.717 8.79 32.155 26.883 6Y 0.49 0.3750-24 6X 25/64" 10.305 10.5625-18 9X 37/64" 15.817 19.496 11. 0. .86 10.505 32.914 4X 17/64" 8.396 mm Thread UNJF-3A modified (inch) Dia. code No.79 32.89 35.708 4Y 9/32" 11.***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 12 prEN 6115 : 20023 Table 5 : Oversizes a) 1/64" oversize shank 0.92 10.68 11.072 0.484 11.692 13/32" 15.746 16Y 33/32" 38.167 26. dia.759 25.330 29.321 8.4375-20 7X 29/64" 12.38 7.817 19.642 16.7500-16 12X 0.246 16. Nom.939 5. Nom.58 13.454 14.967 1.468 13.1900-32 3X 13/64" 0.57 11.130 7.45 9.98 19.771 25.920 18Y 37/32" 43.00 5.296 35.91 8.705 8.51 16.72 25.680 35.0000-12 16X 65/64" 29.92 9. ØD Without coating With coating 8.08 22.104 13.617 49/64" 22.40 28.584 22.633 9Y 19/32" 22.29 33.86 37.980 22.097 20Y 41/32" TBD 36.409 19.396 12Y 25/32" 30.084 13.909 9.40 29.109 32.279 7Y 15/32" 17.134 5.6250-18 10X 41/64" 0.305 10.38 6.8750-14 B ref.62 5.272 22Y 45/32" TBD 39.342 29.734 6.771 25.5000-20 8X 33/64" 13.867 13.892 11.658 14.18 13.043 15.084 13.58 13.121 15/64" 8.309 8.596 22.321 8.51 16.945 28.91 8.717 8.10 29.55 33.805 19.296 5Y 11/32" 0.892 11.167 26.642 16.939 5.146 5.3750-12 22X 89/64" 39.927 5.246 16.57 11.517 32.055 15.880 11.121 32. dia.792 mm Dia.897 9.2500-12 20X 81/64" 36.630 16.992 22.72 26.85 29.342 29.65 22.692 35.517 32. 25 mm. depth of 0. style B. Identity block EN6115 V 4 - 8 .***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 13 prEN 6115 : 20023 4 Designation EXAMPLE: Description block Bolt Number of this standard Material code (see Table 1) Diameter code No. (see Table 4) 5 Marking Parts shall be marked as per EN 2424. Marking shall be recessed with max. (see Table 3 or Table 5) Length code No. 6 Technical specification EN 6116. ***DRS GENERATED*** PRINTED COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED Page 14 prEN 6115 : 20023 RECORD OF REVISIONS Edition Clause modified Description of modification New standard. Introduction of code diameter 20 and 22. Addition of mechanical characteristics for –12 Inconel fasteners.1). Normative references updated. 3 chapter 3 Limitation of application : Large diameters (-12 to –18) titanium fasteners 08/03 (para 3. 4 & 5 P max. update of tensile table 2 strength for –4 inconel fastener. Data for table 3. . 1 06/02 2 07/02 chapter 2. APPENDIX C EN6116 Please see separate pdf file .
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