Report Engine

March 27, 2018 | Author: Francisco Rincon | Category: Parameter (Computer Programming), Spreadsheet, Sql, Table (Database), Income Statement



Report Engine ReferenceContents Report Engine Reference ........................................................................................................................ 1 Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Additional step required for Self Service with ABW 553 .................................................................... 9 Additional step required for Web Service ........................................................................................ 10 Notes ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Excelerator ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Control sheet (_control).................................................................................................................... 14 Comment ...................................................................................................................................... 14 GetData ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Group ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Break ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Mandatory .................................................................................................................................... 18 Set ................................................................................................................................................. 19 setdefault ...................................................................................................................................... 19 setnum .......................................................................................................................................... 19 setperiod ....................................................................................................................................... 20 setsqlpattern ................................................................................................................................. 20 setprompt ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Setparameter ................................................................................................................................ 22 Report sheets .................................................................................................................................... 23 Data Rows ..................................................................................................................................... 23 Placement Rows ............................................................................................................................ 38 Cosmetic rows ............................................................................................................................... 55 SQL .................................................................................................................................................... 56 Criteria .............................................................................................................................................. 57 Options .............................................................................................................................................. 59 Zero Suppress................................................................................................................................ 59 Print ............................................................................................................................................... 59 Optimized balance table query for Oracle .................................................................................... 59 Protect loaded sheets ................................................................................................................... 59 Remove control information......................................................................................................... 59 Remove printed / mailed sheets ................................................................................................... 59 Query timeout ............................................................................................................................... 59 Output Split ....................................................................................................................................... 60 output_file .................................................................................................................................... 60 output_dir ..................................................................................................................................... 60 output_title ................................................................................................................................... 60 output_author............................................................................................................................... 60 output_subject .............................................................................................................................. 60 output_password .......................................................................................................................... 60 email_to ........................................................................................................................................ 60 email_cc ........................................................................................................................................ 61 email_reserve ............................................................................................................................... 61 email_subject ................................................................................................................................ 61 email_text ..................................................................................................................................... 61 xe_excel ........................................................................................................................................ 61 Immediate mode............................................................................................................................... 62 Command Line .................................................................................................................................. 63 AGRESSO report ................................................................................................................................ 63 AGRESSO client integration............................................................................................................... 65 Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... 66 Amount types and their column names on balance tables .......................................................... 66 Column name suffixes on periodic balance tables / data warehouses ........................................ 69 Report Creator – ARC ............................................................................................................................ 70 Basic Concepts .................................................................................................................................. 70 Controls ......................................................................................................................................... 70 Data Fields ..................................................................................................................................... 71 File Types....................................................................................................................................... 73 Page setup ..................................................................................................................................... 74 Page Setup Further Information ................................................................................................... 75 Titles .............................................................................................................................................. 77 Groups ........................................................................................................................................... 78 agr Object........................................................................................................................................ 79 Primary Properties and Methods.................................................................................................. 79 AGRESSO Specific Methods........................................................................................................... 99 Utility Methods ........................................................................................................................... 106 Events .............................................................................................................................................. 111 Report Events .............................................................................................................................. 111 Section Events ............................................................................................................................. 112 Portable SQL Functions ................................................................................................................... 114 $TO_CHAR ................................................................................................................................... 114 $DATE .......................................................................................................................................... 115 $IFNULL ....................................................................................................................................... 116 $NOW .......................................................................................................................................... 117 $MID............................................................................................................................................ 118 $LEFT ........................................................................................................................................... 119 $RIGHT ........................................................................................................................................ 120 $CONCAT ..................................................................................................................................... 121 $LPAD .......................................................................................................................................... 122 $MOD .......................................................................................................................................... 123 Zero Length String ....................................................................................................................... 124 Report Designer .............................................................................................................................. 125 Design Tab ................................................................................................................................... 125 Canvas Tab .................................................................................................................................. 125 Preview Tab................................................................................................................................. 125 Menus ......................................................................................................................................... 126 Toolbars and Toolboxes .............................................................................................................. 134 Report Explorer ........................................................................................................................... 139 Technical Notes ............................................................................................................................... 140 Multiple Canvases ....................................................................................................................... 141 The agr and rpt Objects .......................................................................................................... 142 Multiple SELECT Statements ....................................................................................................... 145 Multi-lingual Texts ...................................................................................................................... 146 Golden Rules ............................................................................................................................... 147 Special Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 148 Report Splitting (xs_, xw_) .............................................................................................................. 148 Document Archiving (xd_) .............................................................................................................. 150 E-mailing (xe_, xa_) ......................................................................................................................... 151 Filing (xf_)........................................................................................................................................ 153 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................. 154 Composite Report Files [.rerx] ............................................................................................................ 155 Data Extraction (.resql) file ............................................................................................................. 155 _data.xml ........................................................................................................................................ 155 Report File(s) ................................................................................................................................... 155 Properties........................................................................................................................................ 155 FileName ..................................................................................................................................... 155 Reporter ...................................................................................................................................... 155 Timeout ....................................................................................................................................... 155 OutputType ................................................................................................................................. 155 Report Engine SQL (ReSql) .................................................................................................................. 156 Concepts ......................................................................................................................................... 156 Grammar ......................................................................................................................................... 156 Parameter Substitution ................................................................................................................... 157 Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 157 .name .......................................................................................................................................... 157 .parserLevel ................................................................................................................................. 157 .dbtimeout .................................................................................................................................. 157 .declare........................................................................................................................................ 157 .set............................................................................................................................................... 158 .log............................................................................................................................................... 159 .* comment ................................................................................................................................. 159 .if ................................................................................................................................................. 159 .query .......................................................................................................................................... 159 .addRow ...................................................................................................................................... 160 .addFirstRow ............................................................................................................................... 160 .addRows ..................................................................................................................................... 160 .loop / .group .............................................................................................................................. 161 .relate .......................................................................................................................................... 162 .exec ............................................................................................................................................ 162 Agresso specific Select Commands ................................................................................................. 164 agr_getaddress............................................................................................................................ 164 agr_getdescription ...................................................................................................................... 164 ..... 168 Integer Literals ................................................... 171 8....................................................................................................................... 168 String Literals .................................................... 173 Report Engine (shared functionality) ...28 build 151 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 176 Worderator ..................... 171 8........................... 165 DataSet SQL available to Reports ... 175 Report Engine (shared functionality) ............................................................. 179 Report Engine (shared functionality) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 build 154 ................................................................................................................................................................. 178 Worderator ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 167 SELECT ..........................................................................................................26 build 137 ....................28 build 157 ............................................................................ agr_getDocument .............................................................................................................................................................................. 167 Conditions ........................... 173 Report Creator ............................................................................................................................................. 179 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 177 Report Engine (shared functionality) ....................................................................................... 168 List of Changes ............................................................................ 176 8... 168 Date Literals ......................................................................................... 177 Report Creator . 168 Boolean Literals................................................................................................... 173 Worderator ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 174 8.......................................28 .......................................................................................................................... 175 Report Creator .................... 173 Excelerator ........................................................................................................................... 168 Real Number (amount) Literals ........................................................ 176 Excelerator ...............................................................................................26 build 124 .................................................. 178 8. 177 Excelerator .............................................................................................................................................. 164 agr_getSysConf ..................................... 164 agr_getText ................................................ 164 agr_getbrowser ...................................... 164 agr_getTitles ............................................................ 172 8...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 167 Identifiers .................................................................................................... Report Creator ............................................................................................................................ 179 Excelerator .................................................................................................................................. 179 8.26 ................................................................................................................................................. 180 Report Engine (shared functionality) .......................................................................................... 180 Export Functionality .................................................................................................................... 180 Report Creator ............................................................................................................................ 180 Excelerator .................................................................................................................................. 180 Worderator ................................................................................................................................. 181 8.25 ................................................................................................................................................. 182 8.24 ................................................................................................................................................. 185 8.23 ................................................................................................................................................. 188 8.22 build 134 ................................................................................................................................. 190 8.22 ................................................................................................................................................. 192 8.20 build 124 ................................................................................................................................. 195 8.20 ................................................................................................................................................. 197 8.16 ................................................................................................................................................. 201 8.15 ................................................................................................................................................. 203 8.14 ................................................................................................................................................. 205 8.13 ................................................................................................................................................. 207 8.12 ................................................................................................................................................. 209 8.10 ................................................................................................................................................. 210 Installation Installation instructions for Agresso ReportEngine 8.28. This release of ReportEngine is compatible with Agresso milestones 1, 2, 3 and 4 (including Milestone 4 Software Update 1) and ABW 5.5.3 (update 2 and above). It is NOT compatible with any other version of Agresso. Important implications of installing Report Engine 8.28:  The facility to log in to Agresso from the Excel Addin or ARC Designer using the “Agresso Client” type connection was withdrawn (including for users of ABW 5.5.3) at release 8.26. Therefore it is necessary to use the "Web Service" connection which implements exactly the same functionality.  This release of the web-service will require the installations on your client machine to be 8.25 or above. But note that it is perfectly possible to install this webservice side-by-side with an older version rather than replacing it.  In order to consume .rerx files created using this release within Self-Service you will require this same release to be installed on the user's client machine. The zip file contains a copy of this document and a single msi containing all client and server components of ReportEngine. This must be installed on ALL machines (client, business server and web servers) on which ReportEngine is to be used. Before installation on Web Server machines running the ABW Self-Service and/or the ReportEngine web-service the respective web-sites should be stopped and re-started after installation is complete. Any running instance of the Agresso Client should also be closed and any report server queue stopped. The client application (Excel Add-in and ARC Designer) is always installed. The msi also has a step which interrogates the registry to find the installed location of Agresso and installs ReportEngine in all of the following that are found on the machine: 1. The Report Server files in the Agresso\bin folder. 2. Any Centrally configured client bin folders on the machine. 3. The ReportEngine web-service (if present) 4. The Self-Service Application (if present) This step is carried out by the program named AgrxlInstall.exe. It always creates a log file with a name like - AgrxlInstall.log in the current TEMP folder. If, for any reason, your copy of Agresso was not installed in the normal way i.e. by the main Agresso msi (e.g. a web server machine which does not have an installed copy of Agresso). You will need to re-run AgrxlInstall from the command line supplying the path of the installation target as follows. DO NOT copy any of the files located under the “ServerFiles” folder by hand. To install ReportEngine only in the named Agresso bin folder: AgrxlInstall "C:\program files\Agresso 5.6\bin" To install ReportEngine only in the named Agresso Self Service folder: AgrxlInstall "C:\program files\Agresso 5.6\Self Service" To install ReportEngine only in the named Agresso Web Service: AgrxlInstall "C:\program files\Agresso 5.6\Web Services\ReportEngine" Additional step required for Self Service with ABW 553 For Agresso 553 only the following line is required in the httpmodules section or the Self-Service web.config file: <add name="ReportEnginePostFix" type="Agresso.ReportEngine.Web.PostFixModule, Agresso.ReportEngine" /> If there is no such section then you will need to add one like this: <httpModules> <add name="ReportEnginePostFix" type="Agresso.ReportEngine.Web.PostFixModule, Agresso.ReportEngine" /> </httpModules> once you have run the installation you will need to go into the Agresso Management Console and “create” the ReportEngine web-service in the normal way.Additional step required for Web Service If this is a new installation. The AMC will allow you to test the webservice by opening the test page (view test node). Click the A_Test link to test a complete webservice connection. . The resulting message should indicate any problems or confirm that the webservice is correctly installed. This option should be unchecked by hand. Note 7: .x can co-exist without problem).x and 8.Notes Note 1: This version of the ReportEngine web service will ONLY support 8. this is the default so no action is usually necessary.config file. Note 6: If interactions with the web-service are unusually large (> 4MegaBytes) or unusually long-running (> 90 seconds) then it may be necessary to edit the ReportEngine web service web. However. Note 2: In order to use Post Back over the web-service connection it is necessary to add the following key in the AppSettings section of the web service web. Note 5: There is no need to remove or uninstall any copy of ReportEngine 7.26 clients so this implies that all clients connecting via the web-service will need to be upgraded at least to 8. Note 4: The parameters ACT_CL_LEVEL and ACT_TG_LEVEL should be enabled by setting the value to 0 or greater.25 and preferably to 8.26.x as 7.25 and 8.config file and uncomment the httpRuntime section so that appropriate values can be set for the executionTimeout and maxRequestLength settings. <add key="AllowPostBack" value="true" /> Note 3: There is a bug in some versions of the Management Console which causes the ReportEngine web service virtual folder to be marked for “Directory browsing”. (This has been done to ensure proper security). ReportEngine and the Agresso platform contain many dlls all of which are signed so this can introduce a very serious delay (up to several minutes) when the application is started.It is important to make sure that the “Check for publisher’s certificate revocation” flag is NOT checked in Internet Explorer>Internet Options>Advanced (see below). The easiest way to achieve this is via the following command: AgrxlInstall revocation /disable . This setting is held on a per-user basis and will need to be disabled for the Business Server and Web Service users as well as regular client users. Otherwise every time that a signed dll is loaded the operating system will try to talk to Verisign over the internet to validate that the certificate has not been revoked. detailed breakdown of expenses)  Sign reversal on a line by line basis (e.  Calculated columns showing row value as a percentage of the total value.g. cheques and remittances. AGRESSO Report Writer. for example total profit). Business Objects. Nor is it the best tool for laying out the printed page for printing on pre-printed stationary (obvious examples of this would be invoices. AGRESSO Excelerator addresses the following sorts of issue that arise when producing a P&L analysis or similar report. . It does this either directly within the product or by leaning on standard features of Microsoft Excel™.  Cross tabs (e. Functionally it is more similar to the traditional GL report writers that existed in some of the older accounting packages on the market than it is to the SQL based reporting tools (like AGRESSO Report Writer. That is to say that they are all based on the premise that you wish to print one line. statements. etc). Crystal Reports. high level summary of income. MS ACCESS. % profit as well as sums. etc are all SQL based (irrespective of whether you have to write the SQL yourself or if it is generated for you). AGRESSO Report Creator or Crystal Reports) that are commonplace in the market today.g.g.g. Tools like AGRESSO Report Creator. income reversed.Excelerator AGRESSO Excelerator is a report writer primarily aimed at producing the month-end management reports from AGRESSO. This is not the case with Excelerator.  Asymmetric totalling (e.g. The functional difference is very important but perhaps difficult to understand until one has actually been presented with the problem of producing the sort of balance sheet or P&L analysis report that is usually required for the month end management report pack. For example it does not address ad-hoc enquiries like the AGRESSO Browser or balance table enquiries. Excelerator is based on the premise that you wish to specify that on a particular line in the report you want to show data summarized or pertaining to a particular range of accounts (or some other attribute(s)).g. expenditure not reversed)  Selection of data based on more than one attribute (for example account and sub- account)  Data from a number of different sources (e. This is exactly the case that occurs in the management report pack. It achieves this by downloading data from the AGRESSO database into Microsoft Excel™ which is used to format and present the information. revenue by specified ranges of periods) A very important point to note is that AGRESSO Excelerator is not in any sense a substitute for a row based enquiry tool or report writer. P&L by cost centre)  Cross tabs by user specified ranges (e. group of lines or page on the report for each row returned from an SQL SELECT statement. head count for a division interspersed between rows of financial data)  Footnotes showing the detail that goes into a particular line at a later point in the report  Calculated rows (e. The presence of the _control sheet is not mandatory for simple reports. A template _control sheet can be created from dialog: AGRESSO Excelerator. It allows the user to retrieve the dataset that will drive the report from the ReportEngine web-service.rerx" file will be run and the resulting DataSet will be returned and will be available for loading the report. As will any row with column A left blank. . report_name.. GetData Column A ColumnB getdata template_name. Tools. This command is for use only when "SQL Parser" is set to "DataSet" in the "Options…" dialog. Control Sheet Row Types: Comment Column A * Any row with an asterix (*) as the first non-space character in column A will be ignored. param1=value1 [. It allows you to define parameters and should contain a list of the worksheets to be loaded. It will then look for a report of the specified name that has been imported against the given browser template. Like the worksheets to be loaded. processing of the _control sheet is determined by the contents of column A. Options. Make Example Control Sheet.param2 = value2] ..Control sheet (_control) Then control sheet (_control) controls the loading of the rest of the worksheets in the workbook. If it is found then the ". If the template does not exist or the user does not have access to it or if it returns no rows then processing will stop with a security exception.resql" file within the ". Reportengine will look for the named browser template. A valid SQL SELECT sentence which will cause the sheet to be loaded once for each row returned from the select sentence with local parameters set for each column returned from the select sentence. If left blank. . itteration If this is specified. sheet name This is the name of sheet to be processed. template name This is the name of template sheet from which sheet is to be produced. Itteration can be: attribute attribute client which will cause the sheet to be loaded once for each value of the attribute attribute that is defined for the AGRESSO client (company) client. parameters These are local parameters to be applied to this sheet with a format like: LocalParameter1=Value1. it is assumed that the sheet named in column 2 already exists. For example (in insert strings):- B2=Period <period> meaning that the value of the parameter Period should be inserted into cell B2 prefixed by the word Period. LocalParameter2=Value2. Range2=Value2.Sheet Column A Column Column C Column Column E B D Sheet[. … insert strings This is a string containing values to be inserted into specified cells on the spreadsheet with a format like: Range1=Value1.nooverwrite] sheet template paramet Insert [itteration] name name ers strings noblanks Indicates that sheets in which no query returns any data should be skipped. the sheet will be loaded from a template multiple times in which case template name is mandatory and sheet name should contain a parameter. The format of such a spread sheet is the same as when a spreadsheet is used as the source for a query. … Values used in both parameters and insert strings may themselves refer to earlier defined local or global parameters simply by referring to the parameter enclosed in angle brackets. This includes column names in row 1.noblanks][. nooverwrite Indicates that sheets in which output_dir \ output_file points to an existing file should be skipped. onwards. data in row 2. Excel sheetname This will cause the sheet to be loaded once for each row in the specified Excel sheet (which must be in the same workbook). Group Causes all sheets specified within the group to be loaded for each row returned by iteration Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E group [.noblanks] group paramete iteration name rs sheet sheet template Insert name name strings sheet sheet template Insert name name strings sheet sheet template Insert name name strings … endgroup noblanks indicates that sheets in which no query returns any data should be skipped group name is a name for the group that will appear in the "Select Sheets dialog. . Break A break row is always used in conjunction with a Group row and causes the sheets within the group to be loaded for each value of column encountered in the data rather than for each row in the data.noblanks] group paramete iteration name rs break column sheet sheet template Insert name name strings sheet sheet template Insert name name strings sheet sheet template Insert name name strings … endgroup . Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E group [. If the Query control syntax is used within a report sheet within the group then the data for the current value of column will be available. Mandatory Column A Column B mandatory parameter Causes an error if parameter is non-existent or is equal to a zero length string. . This is useful in combination with setprompt to prevent the situation where a very long running query would otherwise be generated. useful for obtaining year from period 199709 \ 100 = 1997) for example: Column A Column B Column C setnum year <period> \ 100 . setdefault Column A Column B Column C setdefault parameter value If parameter is not already defined sets parameter to given value. / or \. Example: If you have a parameter named period then you would refer to it as <period>. If parameter is already defined it has no effect. Here as elsewhere this is done by prefixing the name of the parameter with a less than sign < and suffixing it with a greater than sign >.Set Column A Column B Column C set parameter value sets parameter to given value. Value may itself contain references to previously defined parameters. *. Here as elsewhere this is done by prefixing the name of the parameter with a less than sign < and suffixing it with a greater than sign >. Value may itself contain references to previously defined parameters. setnum Column A Column B Column C setnum parameter expression sets parameter to the value of numeric expression which takes the form: operand1 operator operand2 where operands 1 and 2 are numbers and operator is one of +. (backslash (\) signifies integer divide. Example: If you have a parameter named period then you would refer to it as <period>. -. setperiod Column A Column B Column C setperiod parameter expression sets parameter to the value of period expression which takes the form: period1 operator period2 [. For example: Column A Column B Column C setsqlpattern costc * Results in the parameter costc being set to the value %. This is useful when running as an AGRESSO report or server process so that wildcards (usually a *) entered by the user in the report ordering window in the normal fashion can be converted to the corresponding characters to be used in an SQL statement. The periods are added or subtracted modulo periods per year.1 setperiod period2 <period1> .1 setsqlpattern Column A Column B Column C setsqlpattern parameter value sets parameter to the value of value substituting SQL pattern matching characters for the corresponding regular expression characters. . periods per year] where period1 and period2 are valid AGRESSO accounting periods and operator is either + or -. If periods per year is not specified it defaults to 12. Example: * is replaced with % which matches zero or more characters and ? is replaced by _ which matches any single character. For example: Column A Column B Column C setperiod period1 <period> . Value may itself contain references to previously defined parameters.setprompt Column A Column B Column C setprompt parameter value prompts for a value for parameter using value as a default. . Example: If you have a parameter named period then you would refer to it as <period>. Here as elsewhere this is done by prefixing the name of the parameter with a less than sign < and suffixing it with a greater than sign >. if more rows are returned this will be treated as an error that will cause the loading of the sheet to terminate. Note. . The SQL should return only one row.Setparameter Column A Column B setparameter sql Causes the given sql sentence to be executed and will make the results available as parameters.  For non periodic balance tables Period. For this type of query AGRESSO Excelerator looks at all the columns that are referred to on the columns row as well as any crosstab row etc and constructs the required SQL to retrieve the data. The format of the contents of the control column is as follows: type. Valid columns are:  Attributes referred to by name.Report sheets Loading of data into the spreadsheet is controlled by the contents of Column A. see Amount column names  For periodic balance tables Amounts as above suffixed by appropriate suffixes. . The various row types are logically grouped according to their functionality and when they are processed. the accounting period Amounts. The program will ignore any row in which column A is empty. client is the AGRESSO client (or company). period if given specifies that the data is to come from a periodic balance table for the specified accounting period. Data Rows Data Rows define where the data for the report is to come from: Query balance Format: query [.  Attribute descriptions referred to by the name of the attribute with the suffix _text. keyword2 Value Commas separate the row type and keywords and the value (if specified) is separated from the last keyword by one or more spaces. query number] balance ID client [period] [language] ID is the ID of the balance table within AGRESSO. keyword1. language is the AGRESSO language code (defaults to EN for English). In a consolidated balance table the client attribute column can be referred to as dim_client. This is to avoid a conflict with the client column that always exists in the balance table and will refer to the head office client. sort and where which apply only to this type of query.It is possible to refer by name to any AGRESSO attribute which is either posted on the balance table or related to one that is. The data retrieved from the balance table can be controlled by the rows relation. . .Query excel Format: query [. query number] excel worksheet_name|range_name The worksheet given should contain column names in row 1 and data in the following rows (as would be returned by Get External Data). . query number] SELECT .query SELECT . Format: query [..... If the template name is supplied then the data comes from running the browser template via the Query Engine.arw report or the contents of a browser window. This means user group security will be respected. query number] agresso [template name] This causes Excelerator to take the data that it is given by AGRESSO. If working in immediate mode then the data will be read from a sheet named _data that is written by Excelerator when a new report is generated from AGRESSO. either the output of an *. This enables you to work on the design of the report off-line.query AGRESSO Format: query [. . Query control Format: query [. query number] control . .Where row Applies to balance table and Excel type queries only. Column A syntax: where [. query number] column criteria Causes the balance table query to return only rows where column matches criteria. Note criteria are to be specified as in code columns or cross tab rows and not as in an SQL WHERE clause. Column A syntax: nozeros [. . query number] Causes rows returned from a balance table query to be ignored if all value columns are zero.NoZeros row Applies to balance table type queries only. [column [desc]]. The desc keyword can be used to specify that the sort should be in descending order.Sort row Applies to Balance Table. Column A syntax: sort [. … ] Causes the rows returned from the balance table query to be sorted by the specified columns. AGRESSO and Excel type queries only. . query number] column [desc] [. .Datasource row Applies to SQL type queries only. Any number of queries such as this could appear on the same sheet or workbook as other queries running against the main AGRESSO database. phone from shippers order by shipperid datasource northwind columns text shipperid text companyname text phone detail This will open a connection to the northwind data source (A sample database shipped with MS Access and SQL Server) and run the specified query. query number] datasource Specifies that this SQL query should be run against the specified secondary data source rather than the current primary data source. Note  All secondary datasource connections are made using and ODBC or DataCache connection  The specified data source must be recognized by Excelerator and.  If the primary datasource is also of type ADO then this is still defined by the parameter datasource. require no user interaction (for example must not prompt for a password) otherwise an error will occur. Column A syntax: datasource [. Example: query select shipperid. if running on the report server. companyname. Relation row Applies to balance table type queries only. column2 [. column3 …] Tells AGRESSO Excelerator that column1 is a relation on column2 which is a relation on column3 etc. Column A syntax: relation [. . query number] column1 . The last specified column must be a posted attribute on the balance table or a related attribute that has been defined by an earlier relation row. query number] tree name Tells Excelerator that the named tree should be included in a balance table query. For example: tree account. Note: If the tree name contains commas then it should be surrounded by single quotes.Tree row Applies to balance table type queries only. . Column A syntax: tree [. costc and project tree. The columns named in the tree can then be used in the query simply by naming them. 256 characters long to be used in a subsequent query row. For example: sql SELECT dim1. amount sql FROM aglaggadp_<period> sql WHERE client = '<client>' query .SQL rows Column A syntax: sql [fragment of sql sentence] This provides a way of entering an SQL statement. All the values against all SQL lines are concatenated together and used in the next query line. . Note The SQL should return only one row.SetParameter row Column A syntax: setparameter [sql sentence] Causes the given SQL sentence to be executed and will make the results available as parameters. if more rows are returned this will be treated as an error that will cause the loading of the sheet to terminate. Set row Column A syntax: set parameter=value setnum parameter=expression setperiod parameter=expression setdefault parameter=expression setsqlpattern parameter=expression setprompt parameter=default Sets the specified parameter to the specified value. . Parameters defined in this way within the report sheet are local and active only the current sheet. For a description of valid expressions please see help on corresponding _control sheet rows. Placement Rows Placement Rows define where the data from the query is to be put within the Excel worksheet . query number] The rest of the cells in the row should contain the names of the columns returned from the query to be inserted into summary. This is very useful for columns into which the user is going to be asked to enter data. Syntax for other columns: code column text column concat column value column default value column If the name of the column is prefixed by the word code then this is taken to be a code that will be constrained to the values specified in the individual summary or detail rows. group or detail rows. The default delimiter is a single space but this can be overridden by specifying a delimiter (zero or more characters) concat':' project. If the name of the column is not prefixed or prefixed by the word value then this is a value that will be summed etc. If the name of the column is prefixed by the word concat then this column will be treated in the same way as if it were prefixed with text except that strings will be concatenated together from all rows matching the criteria in summary rows (rather than returning the first non-blank value). Attribute names may be suffixed with . or the name of a posted or related attribute. If the name of the column is prefixed by the word text then this column will be treated as text even if the contents and data type are numeric (so that sign reversal will not be applied). The "default" keyword signifies that the corresponding value should be inserted into cells in this column in all active rows. Code columns are hidden in the processed spreadsheet.Columns row Column A syntax: columns [. For balance table type queries each column must either be the name of an amount column on the balance table. . if a columns row is not specified for a given query then the column definitions will be taken from the rest or the cells on the query row. For backwards compatibility._tex meaning that the description of the attribute should be shown rather than the attribute value itself. In value columns of the query the selection criteria for the column is inserted. amount amou amou amount amou nt nt nt crosstab 0000. Example: query.Crosstab row This row allows the setup of a crosstab. Column A syntax: crosstab [. It is possible to have more than one crosstab row per query in which case there is an implied AND of the criteria on the 2 (or more) crosstab rows . The last column where no criteria is entered will show the total amount for all periods. 9606 9607 9608- period 9605 9999 This will cause the amount for the specified periods to be entered in each column.query number] [column] Value column syntax: [criteria] see Criteria column is the name of a column in the query that is used to select records on a column by column basis.. query number] [number of decimals] Value column syntax: [number of decimals] . Note. This means that data will be rounded to the nearest whole number. This rounding is applied as the data is inserted into Excel so that totals shown are the exact sum of the displayed figures. if no number is supplied in column A then the default is zero.Round row Allows you to specify the level of rounding that should be applied either to all columns or to particular columns. If no number of decimals is specified against a particular column then the number of decimals supplied in column A is used. Column A syntax: round [. Column A syntax: unit [. Effectively this row causes all the data to be divided by the number given as unit.query number] unit Value column syntax: [unit] . If no unit is specified against a particular column then unit supplied in column A is used.Unit row Allows you to specify the base unit for display of the data so that the data can be shown in thousands for example. query number] Value column syntax: [flag] flag should be set to blank.ColumnSign row You can specify sign reversal on a column by column basis. Column A syntax: columnsign [. Set it to y or yes to cause the column to have sign reversal applied. or no to indicate that sign reversal should not take place for this column. n. . {sign | -}] Code column syntax: [criteria] see Criteria This row will be loaded with the sums of all the specified columns for all rows in the underlying query which satisfy criteria specified in the code column(s).keyword is specified then sign reversal will be applied to data loaded by this row. query number] [. . If the hidden keyword is specified then the row will always be hidden in the loaded sheet irrespective of the setting of the option Zero Suppress.hidden] [. If the sign or .Summary rows Column A syntax: {summary | sum} [. …]] This row type provides the classic break-pointed – subtotalled report functionality similar to that found in Crystal or ARW. The initial level of the outline that is displayed can be set by suffixing the outline keyword with the initial level. . The modifier Outline modifier causes Excelerator to create an Excel Outline Grouping corresponding to the loaded data. column2 [.Subtotal row Column A syntax: subtotal [. outline1 causes the structure to be collapsed to the top level. For instance.outline[n]] column1 [. query number] [. The default is level 2 if no level is specified. merge] [column] This row type is valid only in conjunction with a Subtotal row and defines a row to be inserted before every new value of column encountered in the data. The $sum etc keywords may also be used in the header row (see description in Footer row) to give a sum of the data that follows.Header row Column A syntax: header [. Header rows may be followed by one or more Continuation rows . The modifier Merge causes the header to be merged with the first row of data. query number] [. The parameter substitution automatically occurs in header rows. The modifier Page causes a page break to be inserted before the header row in the loaded] [. Footer Row Column A syntax: footer [, query number] [column] footer rows may be followed by one or more Continuation rows This row type is valid only in conjunction with a Subtotal row and defines a row to be inserted after every time the value of column changes in the data. The parameter substitution automatically occurs in footer rows. By default an Excel SUBTOTAL function is inserted beneath every value column. If one of the following keywords is placed in a cell in the footer row (or any following continuation rows) then an Excel SUBTOTAL of the corresponding type will be inserted. $average $count $counta $max $min $product $stdev $stdevp $sum $var $varp Continuation row Column A syntax: + a single + character in column A signifies a continuation row. Continuation rows are valid only following Header rows, Footer rows or other continuation rows. Detail row Column A syntax: {detail | det} [, query number] [,{sign | - }] Code column syntax: [criteria] see Criteria This will cause a row to be inserted into the spreadsheet for each row in the underlying query that satisfies the criteria specified in the code column(s). If the sign or - keyword is specified then sign reversal will be applied to data loaded by this row. Group row Column A syntax: group [, query number] ] [,{sign | - }] column [, column] Code column syntax: [criteria] see Criteria This will cause a row to be inserted into the spreadsheet for each unique value of the specified column. Thus, it would have the same effect as specifying a summary row for each existing value of the specified column that meets the criteria specified in the code columns If the sign or - keyword is specified then sign reversal will be applied to data loaded by this row. If the group row is contained within a subtotal structure then the columns list on the Subtotal row is implicitly pre-pended to the columns list on the group row unless they are already explicitly included. Range row Column A syntax: range [.query number] Code column syntax: [criteria] see Criteria This simply allows specification of criteria in the code column(s) to be OR'ed with the criteria in the next summary or detail row. . Multiple range rows may be used. This means it offers the same functionality that is available from within the AGRESSO 54 client. If sheetname is specified and no sheet of that name already exists then it is created. Syntax 2 extract [.Extract row Column A syntax: extract [. . If sheetname is not specified a new sheet is created. This is very useful for development purposes as it allows the possibility of continuing to develop or debug the report off-line. If sheetname is specified and a sheet of that name already exists then it will be overwritten if and only if the existing sheet is a previous copy of the same data set.query number] word [filename] Takes the data from the current query and makes it available to a new MS Word document as a mail merge data source.query number] [sheetname] This has no effect on the sheet being loaded but causes a copy of all the data returned by the current or specified query to be written to a separate sheet. Within the output sheets the data in the query containing the break will be constrained to include only those rows for the current value of the break column. So that in our example P&L 42 will only see data for division 42. Note sheetname should contain a parameter that will differ for each value of column (usually column itself) for example to produce a profit and loss report for each division:- break division P&L <division> If sheetname is omitted then a default name is generated for the output sheets. Only one break row is allowed per sheet. The use of a break row within a report sheet is functionally very similar to using a break row within a group on the _control sheet but is more concise. Break rows are now allowed within a sheet that is already within a group on the _control sheet .Break row Column A syntax: break [.query number] column [sheetname] A break row causes a separate output sheet named sheetname to be created for each value of column encountered within the data of the query. that all parameters in all cells in this row will be substituted. Hide row Column A syntax: hide Any columns containing anything other than blank or "0" in this row will be hidden after the sheet has been loaded. Such rows are hidden when the sheet is loaded (un-hidden when the sheet is unloaded) but otherwise have no effect. Comment rows Any row with an * as the first non-blank character in column A is treated and a comment. .e. Note: there may only be a single "hide" row for the whole sheet as the entire columns will be hidden for the entire sheet not for any particular query. This may be parameterized in the normal way so that columns may be hidden or left visible according to the current values of parameters or data fields.Cosmetic rows Parameter row Column A syntax: parameter Has no effect except to cause parameters to be substituted in cells in this row PreParameter row Column A syntax: preparameter Has the same effect as a parameter row i. The difference is that preparameter rows are processed before anything else and after they are processed the sheet is recalculated and processing of the sheet recommences. This is so that the value of a parameter can be made available to be used in Excel Formulae early enough to affect the subsequent processing of the sheet. ) to prevent any pre-parsing of the SQL by AGRESSO. The EXEC keyword is only valid when running as a report or server process on the AGRESSO report server. These functions all begin with a "$" and are documented separately. This is a deliberate restriction to avoid the possibility of updating the database. The EXEC keyword exists to allow the possibility of running a stored procedure but this procedure must return a recordset. . You can use the portable SQL functions provided by ReportEngine that will function whatever the database connection type against both SQL Server and Oracle. DBSELECT …. The SQL sentence must begin with SELECT or be prefixed by the EXEC keyword. The SQL sentence may be prefixed by DB (i. This means it must usually be a SELECT statement.e. it will cause an error if running in immediate mode or from the AGRESSO Client.SQL Anywhere where it is valid to enter an SQL sentence the following rules apply: The SQL sentence must always return a recordset. Criteria Anywhere where criteria are specified the format is as follows: [not] expression [. each expression can have one of the following forms: a simple value value a range of values value1-value2 to refer to a simple value containing a hyphen it is possible to quote values like this: "aaa-bbb" an inequality < value meaning less than value > value meaning greater than value <= value meaning less than or equal to value >= value meaning greater than or equal to value an expression containing wildcards * matches any string of zero or more characters ? matches any single character # matches any numeric character (0-9) [list] matches any single character from list [!list] matches any single character not from list [a-c] matches any single character in range a to c [a-cA-C] matches any single character in range a to c or in range A to C the keyword blank to mean all rows for which the specified column is blank (zero length string) the keyword null to mean all rows for which the specified column is null .expression …]] where semicolons represent a logical OR and the not keyword inverts the sense of the entire criteria string.expression [. the keyword else to mean all rows that have not yet been included in any other selection the keywords ref=n or ref>n or ref<n to mean all rows referenced exactly n times. . more than n times or less then n times. an empty string or * to mean all rows. (ref=0 is equivalent to else). If a parameter named Password exists this will be applied. This includes column A.Options These are the options: Zero Suppress Causes summary rows where no matching rows are found in the data to be hidden. Optimized balance table query for Oracle Causes Excelerator to generate the balance table SQL in a manner that is optimized for Oracle. otherwise the sheet will be protected without a password. Useful to prevent the workbook from becoming very large and creating a performance problem. Note: This is not respected by all database/middleware combinations. emailed or saved to a separate worksheet to be deleted from the original workbook. Applies to immediate mode only. If a value of 0 or a negative number is given then no timeout will be active. This option only has an effect when loading a copy of the original sheet. Print Causes each sheet to be printed after it has been loaded. Query timeout Applies the specified timeout (in seconds) to the database connection. Remove printed / mailed sheets Causes sheets that have been printed. Remove control information Causes Excelerator to remove rather than hide the control information in loaded sheets. code columns and rows containing instructions to Excelerator. (With recent releases of Oracle this no longer makes much difference) Protect loaded sheets Causes sheets loaded by Excelerator to be protected. . output_password If password to be applied to the output file. This is usually better than an HTML file in that it always creates a single file but this functionality does require Excel 2002. If not present then no protection is applied. The output can also be saved as HTML (requires Excel 2000 or higher) or MHTML (requires Excel 2002 or higher). This functionality is triggered by the presence of parameters named email_to and output_file and controlled by these and the other parameters listed below: output_file The name of the file where the loaded worksheet is to be saved.  If the file name has an extension of *. output_subject The subject property to be applied to the output file.Output Split The output of Excelerator reports can be split into separate files (workbooks) and either emailed to separate recipients or saved in separate locations (or both). output_title The title property to be applied to the output file. and output_file is not a fully qualified pathname then the output file is written into the users temp directory. Note: This is not the same as the password parameter that is used in conjunction with the Protect output sheets Option which applies password protection to individual sheets rather than to the whole workbook (xls file).)  If the file name has an extension of *. so. Under some conditions Excel will choose to create several secondary files as well as the primary file containing links to the secondary files.mht then a Web Archive (MHTML) file will be created. If omitted. It is perfectly possible to request that the output is split to Email and to Documents. output_author The author property to be applied to the output file. (Note. Excelerator buffers the loaded sheets so that all sheets loaded sequentially with the same values of email_to and email_subject will be written into a single workbook. email_to The email recipient for the loaded worksheet. The Group feature on the control sheet can be used to control of the order of loading of sheets. Or semicolon delimited list of email recipients. . output_dir The directory into which the file is to be written.xls then an ordinary xls file will be created. The type of file created depends on the file extension given in this parameter:  If the file name has no extension or an extension of *.htm then an HTML file will be created. for example all worksheets for a given cost centre could be mailed in a single mail to the cost centre manager. Or semicolon delimited list of email cc recipients. Note: For backwards compatibility. . using a parameter named email instead of email_to will also have the same effect but it will generate a warning. (only when using AGRESSO Mail) email_reserve A single email recipient to use in the event of failure to send to the main email recipient. email_subject The subject field for the email.email_cc Email CC recipient for the loaded worksheet. (only when using AGRESSO Mail) xe_excel Set this parameter to 1 to force the use of the Excel SendMail method when running on the AGRESSO report server. email_text The text to be included in the body of the message. . If a connection to the database is required in this mode then this has to be done via the ReportEngine web-service or an ODBC connection. This is a very useful mode when developing and testing reports (especially in conjunction with the ability to read data previously saved into a worksheet).Immediate mode In this mode AGRESSO Excelerator is invoked directly from within Excel via a special menu item named AGRESSO Excelerator that appears on the Excel worksheets menu bar. Here the fields have there normal meaning except that the fields width and E-mail are ignored. In this case the database connection provided by AGRESSO will be used and no additional configuration of data sources is required. In User defined menus enter a new row as follows: CO Company to which menu item applies (or * for all) ID Unique ID for this menu item Bespoke Checked Func Type Report Function Report name (e.g. make an entry in User defined reports. The output file will be placed into "Report Results" and also added as a blob into the database so that is available from "Maintenance of Ordered Reprots" within the ABW Smart Client and Self- Service. Progress and error messages will be written into the AGRESSO log file in the normal way. Any parameters defined will be passed through to Excelerator and available as parameters as if defined by a set row in the _control sheet. To do this either set up a user defined menu item as described below or simply select an output type of Excelerator. 99 to make it appear at the bottom) Set up an AGRESSO user defined report to set the parameters as needed (see below). To setup a user defined ReportEngine report in AGRESSO: Set up an AGRESSO menu item to invoke this program as a server process. For the new menu item. Report Creator in the report ordering window of an existing report. Report Engine will look for an input Excel workbook.Command Line AGRESSO report ReportEngine reports can be run directly from AGRESSO as a report process on the report server. XL01 – excelerator will look for a report file of this name) Argument Not required – leave blank Menu Menu ID (for example 00 for Personal Menu) Program Not required – leave blank Menu Text Text to appear in menu Variant 0 # Sort value to determine position in menu (e. or Report Creator rpx.g. If no xls or rpx file yet exists for the chosen standard report then one will be created. When Excelerator or Report Creator are invoked as an AGRESSO Report. . in the report input folders (Customised Reports etc). Other parameters defined in User defined report and set in the report ordering window will be available for use within the AGRESSO Excelerator report. If this parameter is not defined or left blank then all sheets will be loaded.Excel only: If an AGRESSO parameter named sheet is defined then its value will be interpreted as the name of a sheet within the workbook to be loaded. The following standard parameters are always available Client The current AGRESSO company Lg or Language The users language User_id User ID Report_name The name of the report . sheet may also be a semi-colon delimited list of sheets. AGRESSO client integration Excelerator or Report Creator can be run directly from within the AGRESSO windows client. . In this case Excelerator will use the database connection provided by AGRESSO and no additional configuration of data sources is required. cn_com_amount Accounting Contract Comm. Amount ua_amount invoices Unauthorised Reg. Contract cn_rest_com_am Accounting t Grants Assignm grant_amount Unauthorised Reg.Appendix Amount types and their column names on balance tables Transaction Type Amount Type Column Name General Ledger Amount amount General Ledger Curr. budget budget2 Budget Forecast forecast Budget Budget number bud_number Budget Budget qty bud_value_1 Contract Ordered contr. amnt ua_cur_amount invoices Purchase Goods received po_vow_amount . Amount cur_amount General Ledger Debit amount debit_amount General Ledger Credit amount credit_amount General Ledger Amount3 value_2 General Ledger Number number_1 General Ledger Value value_1 Budget Budget budget Budget Budget currency budget_cur_amt Budget Rev. Curr. not po_rest_com_am received t Purchase Purch.Transaction Type Amount Type Column Name Purchase Purch. order so_rest_order Sales Orders Invoiced so_inv_amount Sales Orders Sales ordered so_com_amount Sales Orders To invoice so_rest_invoice Approved budget Approved budget bt_budget Budget Budget bt_rev_budget adjustments adjustments Commitments Commitment cm_com_amount amount Commitments Commited amount cm_com_curr currency Pay schedule Commitment pc_com_amount amount Pay schedule Commited amount pc_com_curr currency WBS-budget Original budget cm_mce_amount WBS-budget Rev. margin so_margin Sales Orders Goods dispatched so_vow_amount Sales Orders Incompl. ordered po_com_amount Sales Orders Contr. budget cm_cce_amount WBS-budget Forecast cm_fct_amount WBS-budget UEC cm_uec_amount Approvals for Approved (AFE) cm_afe_amount expenditure (AFE) Cash Accounting Cash amount cash_amount . Transaction Type Amount Type Column Name Financial Plan Amount plan_amt Pre-order Requested cm_pre_order Schedule (VOW) Schedule (VOW) cm_vow_amount . . period _pr Alt. Year to date last year would be amount_pyytd.Column name suffixes on periodic balance tables / data warehouses window prompt Column Name Suffix Current period _p Last period _pp Current period last _ppy year Year to date _ytd Year to date last _pyytd year Forecast _pfc OB current period _ppytd Current alt. for instance the column name General Ledger.period last year _pypr Current year _y Total to date _td These are combined with the column names from the non-periodic balance table to give the column name on the periodic balance table. Amount. Inserted on Report Surface Define the Report Layout Bound to Data Fields . etc. the report surface. Text Boxes and Lines. or they can contain the results of formulae. for example.Report Creator – ARC Basic Concepts Controls Controls are anything that is shown on. They come in the form of. These in turn can be attached to fields of data from the results set. or inserted onto. Labels. They come in the form of. The Underlying Data Not just the Fields from the driving SQL You can add a textbox control to your report. Parameters and Formulas. which is bound to a data field from the result data. . Fields. for example. Note There are occasions when you would need to use an unbound field as well.Data Fields These are the ways of actually getting information to the controls that we have already discussed. . Every section on the report has a grey horizontal bar at the top of it. you can simply click on the minus sign (-) in the top left-hand corner of the grey horizontal bar. comparing two other sections.The page is displayed here to allow you to add. remove and alter the controls within the sections of the report. so that no part of the section remains visible. indicating that you can change the size of the section above. you can simply drag the bottom line of the toolbar up. your cursor will change to a two-headed arrow. To effectively 'remove' a section from your report. At the top of this bar. If you wish to temporarily 'hide' a section whilst you are. for example. it is possible to specify different canvas files on different page. They need to be stored next to the rpx file.rpx. These will generally be placed in the Customised Reports folder on the server. Additionally. but not limited to.rpx] Report Definitions are stored in files with the suffix .cnv.rdf] The default report output format is written to files with the suffix .rpx and po01. If you are using a single canvas then the default name would be the same as the rpx file. . Output files [.rdf. Canvases are files in their own right with the extension .cnv. or between the pages of a report output. boxes. Canvas Files Canvas files can be thought of as electronic pre-printed stationary allowing you to define the background to your report including. This may be overridden by the xw_filetype/ xs_filetype parameters for any given report. So with a standard Purchase Order the two files would be po01.File Types Report Definitions [. Hence there are 20*72 = 1440 twips per inch.54cm. You can also change the number of rows and columns in the grid here. which is a printers' term. The measurements in AGRESSO Report Creator are in twips. duplex printing and paper bin Grid settings In addition to the Alignment toolbar. As an inch is 2. height. A twip is a twentieth of an inch point. as well as opting for the grid to be set in inches or centimetres Styles You can set new font styles here and alter existing ones . There are 72 points to an inch. A4 = 21021*567mm by 297mm -> 11905 twips by 16837 twips Printer setup Here you choose or alter the paper size. you can also choose to display the grid here and whether any new controls on the report will be aligned to the grid. width. orientation of the page. there are approximately 567 twips per cm.Page setup Page setup It is in here that you set the margins for the report. You can also change the settings for collation. you would make sure the following are set: The ActiveReport property. You need to resolve this otherwise you wil get extra blank pages when you print the report. the Print Setup needs to have A4 and portrait chosen From Page Setup in the File menu. if you are working with A4 portrait paper and wish to have a one centimetre margin. this indicates that your page and print setup are not correctly completed and information falling to the right of this line is not within the printable area of the page. portrait is chosen as the orientation.Page Setup Further Information If you have a vertical red line on your Preview tab. PrintWidth needs to be set to 11338 From the File menu. and then click on the Printer settings button. For example. ensure that the left margin is set to 567 and right margin is set to 0. You then need to ensure that A4 is chosen as the size. . the width is set to 11905 and the height to 16837. the Print Setup needs to have A4 and landscape chosen From Page Setup in the File menu. the width is set to 16837 and the height to 11905 Print Width The report itself has a print width that must be set. landscape is chosen as the orientation. Once you have chosen a page size.If you are working with A4 landscape paper and wish to have a one centimetre margin. PrintWidth needs to be set to 16269 From the File menu. If you are wishing to set margins. ensure that the left margin is set to 567 and right margin is set to 0. . minus the margins. you would make sure the following are set: The ActiveReport property. and then click on the Printer settings button. the print width is set automatically. You then need to ensure that A4 is chosen as the size. then the PrintWidth that you could use will be the maximum for that page size. These are the titles of the datafields as they are set up within one of the tables in AGRESSO. Sample Cs04. but if your company is multi-lingual. simply by who has requested the report. This may be of little use on a standard site.Titles With the standard reports you can often use Titles instead of Labels.rpx . you would use titles to allow the report to be easily translated into another language. or by the language as set on a particular customer masterfile. . you would first need to insert a group. This is not covered on this course. A group consists of a header and a footer – the header will come above the detail section and the footer will come below it. For example. so that you can see what the total debt is that a customer has.Groups Groups are used extensively in reports. You would need to have already changed the order of the data from the ARW file. if you wish to add a subtotal on your report. will be done on a group. Any subtotalling that you may wish to do. Note Using a group within AGRESSO Report Creator does not have any effect upon the order of the data. agr Object The agr Object is available in the VB Script environment in Report Creator. It makes available a number of Properties and Methods that neccessary when writing reports against the AGRESSO database. Primary Properties and Methods . UseParameter agr.UseDataSetOnly:- agr. This is designed to be used in conjunction with a "resql" file packaged in the same "rerx" file as the report which will drive the extraction of the data from the database and the creation of the DataSet.UseDataSetOnly agr.ParserType agr. Note that the following statements are not required and illegal in a report specifying agr.UseDataSetOnly Specifies that the report will read the data from the supplied dataset – No direct access to the database will be allowed.UseTitle .UseTypedParameters agr. This should be specified in all reports at the top of the OnDataInitialize() method. If not.ParserType agr. . ARC will revert to the historic behaviour which is that "Native" will be used when running from within the designer or from the Agresso client and "ASQL" will be used when running on the Agresso Report Server. This is almost never what you want.ParserType = 1 ' 1=Native. 2=ASQL Specifies the level of SQL parsing to be applied. This could be used to attach a file for each invoice line for example. The arguments are as per agr.AttachFile agr.GetFile . This is a better alternative to using the xa_ parameters.AttachFile fileName Specifies that the named file should be attached to the email when the report is distributed. SelectInto and agr.SetQuery.DataSouce = "my_data_source" or agr.DataSource.DataSource = "" Specifies that the alternate (ODBC) datasource is to be used for all SQL (agr.GetDescription / agr.DataSource = "" means revert to the primary agresso data source. . Note: This does not affect the agresso specific functions such as agr.DataSource agr. agr.GetDocument which always work against the primary agresso data source. agr.GetRecordSet) until cancelled by another agr. Example: In the OnFormat Event of the Report Header you might use the following code: If agr. agr. The arguments are as per agr. agr.AttachDocument client. DocType.HasData Then… returns True if the agr.Caption = "Resource List" Else Rpt.HasData Then rpt. Key1. This could be used to attach a document for each invoice line for example. This is almost never what you want.GetFile . This is a better alternative to using the xa_ parameters.HasData If agr.lblReportTitle. 2=ASQL.] … [Key6] Specifies that the Named document should be attached to the email when the report is distributed.lblReportTitle. This could be used to attach a file for each invoice line for example. The arguments are as per agr. 3=DataSet This should be specified in every report and is generated into all new reports. This is a better alternative to using the xa_ parameters. [Key2.ParserType = 1 ' 1=Native. If you do not specify this ARC will revert to the historic behaviour which is that "Native" will be used when running from within the designer or from the Agresso client and "ASQL" will be used when running on the Agresso Report Server. Specifies the level of SQL parsing to be applied.SetQuery method has returned one or more rows and False otherwise.GetDocument agr.AttachFile fileName Specifies that the named file should be attached to the email when the report is distributed.Caption = "Resource List – No Data" End If Note: You must not use brackets on a function that takes no arguments. GetDescription / agr.GetDocument which always work against the primary agresso data source.GetRecordSet) until cancelled by another agr.SetQuery. Note: This does not affect the agresso specific functions such as agr.DataSource = "" means revert to the primary agresso data source.DataSource = "" Specifies that the alternate (ODBC) datasource is to be used for all SQL (agr.DataSouce = "my_data_source" or agr.DataSource. agr. agr. . agr.SelectInto and agr. UseParameter.3 … . NB agr. If it is omitted then all parameters will be treated as strings as they were in versions of ReportEngine prior to 7. "string". Type] tells the system to use the specified parameter.UseTypedParameters tells the system to use typed parameters.Parameter("parameter_name") Gets the value of a parameter previously defined with agr. agr. "2005-02-22".UseParameter ParameterName.UseParameter "my_date". 1.UseTypedParameters agr.UseParameter "apar_type". When entering SQL in the Edit | Query… screen you use the prefix $? to get the parameter value: … AND field = '$?parameter_name' … Note Parameters can also be bound directly to Field Controls.3/1071. DefaultValue [. If specified the Type must be one of "integer".UseParameter "one_point_three". "date". "date" agr. "float".UseParameter / Parameter / UseTypedParameters agr. It is useful to specify a default value so that the report can also be run independently of AGRESSO during the development process. myvariable = agr. Only parameters used in this way will be imported from AGRESSO. If Type is not specified then the type is inferred from the type of the DefaultValue argument. Sub OnDataInitialize ' parameters agr. This call should be used in all new reports and is included in the code that is generated automatically. If the given default value or the value passed in to the report is not of this type and cannot be converted to this type then an error occurs.UseDataSetOnly also forces this option. "R" agr. parameters etc within the text of the Rich Edit control to be replaced by their current values. Causes all fields. if the Rich Edit control contains the text: This is some example text containing [data_field1] and some formatting.rpx" Example: Sub OnDataInitialize agr.Merge "Text2" end if End Sub .isgroupend("resource_id") then agr.Merge("formula_name") Where formula_name is a formula bound to a Rich Edit Control.IsGroupStart("resource_id") Then agr. Then the string [data_field1] will be replaced by the current value of the field named "data_field1" and all the formatting of the text will be preserved. formulas.g.Merge agr. E. Please see sample "Merge.Merge "Text1" End If … if agr.Formula("Text2") = "" … End Sub Sub OnFetchData(eof) If eof Then Exit Sub If agr.Formula("Text1") = "" agr. titles. Formula("Address_40") = WholeAddr This example uses an expression: agr.field("faddr_apar")+ agr.Formula(formula_name) = expression Sets the value of the formula field named formula_name to the value of expression When entering SQL in the Edit | Query… screen you use the prefix $@ to get the formula value: … AND field = '$@formula_name' … Note Valid only in OnDataInitialize or OnFetchData. Example: This example uses a variable called WholeAddr: agr.Formula(formula_name) Gets the value of a formula field named formula_name agr.field("faddr2_apar") .Formula("CustAddr") = agr. When used to set a formula in OnDataInitialize then a new formula field will be created if it does not already exist.Formula myVariable = agr. Field("Address"). 1. 40) . Note Only valid in Report_FetchData() Example: This example uses the variable addr1: Addr1 = Mid (agr.Field myvariable = agr.Field("myfield") Gets the value of the field named "myfield" from the report's query. IsGroupStart(field) Then …code goes here… End If If agr. Returns true if the current row is the Start or End of the break point/ group.IsGroupEnd(field) Then …code goes here… End If Note Only Valid in OnFetchData(). Field should be the name of the field specified in the DataField property of a GroupHeader section in the report. Example: This example sets the value of variable Tot_NotDue to zero: If agr. If Field is a zero length string then these properties can be used to identify the first or last row in the recordset.IsGroupStart / IsGroupEnd If agr.IsGroupStart("currency") Then agr.Formula("Tot_NotDue") = 0 End If . voucher_no = agr.UseParentControl / ParentControl agr. It is useful to specify a default value so that the report can also be run independently of AGRESSO and independently of the parent report during the development process. Note Valid only in a sub-report.voucher_no = '$!txtvoucherno'… As seen in vbScript …where t.ParentControl(parent_control_name) = myDataValue Sets the DataValue property of the Textbox Control in the parent report. 39980001 As used in Edit | Query… …AND T.ParentControl("txtvoucherno")… . When entering SQL in the Edit | Query… screen you use the prefix $! to get the parent control value: …AND field = '$!parent_control_name'… In order to use a Textbox Control from the parent report in a sub-report it must first be declared using agr. sSql = sSql & "…" & agr. Examples agr.ParentControl(parent_control_name) Gets the DataValue property of the Textbox Control in the parent report. agr.UseParentControl. Note Valid only in a sub-report.UseParentControl "txtvoucherno".UseParentControl parent_control_name. default_value declares that the sub-report references the specified Textbox Controlin the parent report. you might wish to run two instances of the report one of which will me marked as a copy with code like this: if agr.lblCopy. This property can be very useful if you wish to have two instances of the same sub-report within the same section of the main report.g.ParentTag = "copy" then rpt. E.ParentTag Returns the value of the "Tag" property of the sub-report control containing this instance of the sub- report.Caption = "" end if .lblCopy. If the report is not a sub-report then a zero length string will be returned.Caption = "COPY" else rpt.ParentTag sTag = agr. SetCanvas page_number. Note Valid only in OnDataInitialize() agr.SetDefaultCanvas / SetCanvas agr. Example Sub OnBeforePrint select case rpt.rpx . "SetCanvas2" end select End Sub Sample SetCanvas. Set canvas_type to 2 if you wish to insert the Canvas after the specified page. canvas_name.SetCanvas. [canvas_type] Defines the Canvas that will be used on the specified page. By default the Canvas is used to underlay the page (canvas_type = 0).SetCanvas rpt.SetCanvas rpt. "SetCanvas1" case "NO" agr.txtPageNumber.txtPageNumber.SetDefaultCanvas canvas_name Defines the Canvas that will be used to underlay each report page unless overridden using agr.txtClient case "EN" agr. Set canvas_type to 1 if you wish to insert the Canvas before the specified page. txtClient case "EN" agr. Some printers require bin numbers like 1 or 2 corresponding to the number embossed on the physical device.SetPaperBin / SetDefaultPaperBin agr.SetCanvas rpt. bin Sets the Paper Bin that will be used on the specified page.txtPageNumber.txtPageNumber.SetPaperBin.SetPaperBin page_number.SetCanvas rpt. Only valid in OnDataInitialize(). agr.SetDefaultPaperBin bin Sets the paper bin that will be used for each report page unless overridden using agr.rpx . Example Sub OnBeforePrint select case rpt. Sample SetPaperBin. 1 case "NO" agr. 2 end select End Sub NOTE: Paper bins are printer specific. Others require numbers like 257 and 258. NOTE: It is always possible and better (more efficient) to write the sql within the report than to use the data output from an arw report. Valid only in OnDataInitialize.this code is automatically inserted by 'Edit>SQL'. If you change it here you will no longer be able to use the SQL editor agr. If you change it here you will no longer be able to use the SQL editor Dim sQuery sQuery = "SELECT client.SetQuery "AGRESSO" '#End Query 10627 This example uses code that has been entered via the Edit | Query… screen: '#Query .SetQuery AGRESSO means take the data given by the output of an arw report or Browser screen. client_name" sQuery = sQuery & vbCrLf & "FROM acrclient" sQuery = sQuery & vbCrLf & "ORDER BY client" agr.SetQuery TABLE my_table_name means take the data from the specified table name within an externally supplied data set.SetQuery sql sets the sql select statement to be used as the main driving query for the report.SetQuery sQuery '#End Query 81111 .SetQuery AGRESSO template_name means run the specified browser template and take the data from that agr. Examples: This example uses an ARW: '#Query . agr.SetQuery agr.this code is automatically inserted by 'Edit>SQL'. agr. prefix] or nRows = agr.Field("apar_id") & "'" & _ " AND attribute_id = 'A4' " & _ " AND client = '" & agr.SelectInto agr. Note If used in the OnFetchData event it will be necessary first to create the formulas within the OnDataInitialize() event using agr.SelectInto(sql [. If specified nRows is set to the number of rows returned by the SQL statement (0 or 1) If "prefix" is specified the this will be added to the front of the returned column names to give the formula names.Formula("column_name") = initial_value Example agr.SelectInto("SELECT rel_value as Del_Type" & _ " FROM aglrelvalue " & _ " WHERE att_value = '" & agr. If no row is returned then the variables are set to appropriate defaults for their data type. The Select statement should return zero or one row. prefix]) Note sql means a SQL statement Runs sql and sets the results into a formula for each of the returned columns.Parameter("client") & "'" & _ " AND rel_attr_id = 'D3' ") . Note Using this method can very often simplify the main Select statement of the report and remove the need to handle outer joins.SelectInto sql [. Valid only in OnDataInitialize and OnFetchData events. GetRecordSet(sql) Runs sql and returns a corresponding ADO recordset. Sample GetRecordSet.rpx .GetRecordSet set rs = agr. It may reduce the size of the rpx file considerably. This is often useful for including a company logo in a report. Often the "Customized Reports" folder.jpg") (the formula "logo" would then be used as the data source for a picture control) . Note. If filename is not relative then it is taken to be relative to the location of the rpx file that is currently executed.GetFile(fileName) Reads the entire contents of the specified file from the file system. Example ' get the company logo agr.GetFile MyFile = agr.Formula("logo") = agr.GetFile("my_logo_file. AGRESSO Specific Methods GetSysConf myValue = agr.GetSysConf([name].Formula("rel_attr_id1") = agr.GetSysConf("UKP_REL_ATTR_ID1") . [client]) Returns an AGRESSO system configuration code Example In the OnDataInitialize Event of the Report you might wish to find the system parameter for the relation attribute id to display on the report: agr. Variant.GetText(TextType. Reminder text.GetText mytext = agr. etc. Language) Returns the requested AGRESSO text (used for Statement text.) . GetAddress myaddress = agr.GetAddress(AttributeId, DimValue, [Client], [AddressType], [SequenceNo]) Returns the address for the given attribute value in the format defined in AGRESSO screen AG40 (Address setup). Example agr.Formula("Address") = agr.GetAddress("A5", agr.field("apar_id")) GetDescription mydescription = agr.GetDescription(AttributeId, AttributeValue, [client], [language]) Returns the description of the AttributeValue assuming that it is a valid value of attribute specified by AttributeId. Client and language are taken from the corresponding parameters if not supplied. Example If agr.IsGroupStart("invoice_ref") Then agr.Formula("Deliv_Descr") = agr.GetDescription("D3", agr.formula("Del_Type")) End If GetDocument MyDocument = agr.GetDocument(client, DocType, Key1, [Key2,] … [Key6]) Gets the specified document from the Agresso document archive. Example ' get the photo ' arguments are: ' client ' DocType ' Key1 ' Key2 ' ... ' Key6 agr.Formula("photo") = agr.GetDocument(agr.Parameter("client"), msDocType,agr.Parameter("client"), agr.Field("resource_id")) UseTitle / Title agr.UseTitle title_name, default_value Tells the system to use the specified title. Only titles used in this way will be imported from AGRESSO. It is useful to specify a default value so that the report can also be run independently of AGRESSO during the development process. mytitle = agr.Title(title_name) Returns the AGRESSO title in the current language. Valid only in OnDataInitialize and OnFetchData Note Titles can also be bound directly to Field Controls. Example: agr.UseTitle "interest", "Int. rate" UseTitles agr.UseTitles table_name When working agaist a DataSet (agr.ParserType = 3) allows titles to be loaded from the specified table in the dataset. The table should contain exactly one row AttachDocument client. This is a better alternative to using the xa_ parameters. DocType.GetDocument .] … [Key6] Specifies that the Named document should be attached to the email when the report is distributed. [Key2. This could be used to attach a document for each invoice line for example. Key1. The arguments are as per agr.AttachDocument agr. Formula("back_colour") = vbYellow End If You can then use the "back_colour" formula to highlight those rows that overlap the given dates.Formula("back_colour") = vbRed Else agr. Has the same effect as CDate() except that formats like yyyymmdd.Field("date_from") <= agr.Parameter("date_from")) agr.Field("date_to") >= agr.Formula("date_to") = agr. yyyymmdd hh:mm or yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss (as for date type parameters passed from AGRESSO) are also acceptable and that if date_string is a zero length string then 1900-01-01 00:00:00 is returned.ToDate(agr.Formula("date_from") = agr.Formula("date_to") And _ agr.ToDate(date_string) converts date_string to a date value. Example: In the OnDataInitalize Event of the Report you might use the following code: agr.Utility Methods ToDate mydate = agr.ToDate(agr.Parameter("date_to")) In the OnFetchData Event of the Report you might then use the following code: If agr.Formula("date_from") Then agr. . FormatSQLDate(mydate) & "BETWEEN…" Given a date argument this returns a string suitable for inclusion in an SQL statement.QuoteSQL() mysql = mysql & " AND " & agr.SelectInto(sSql) .FormatSQLDate(agr.rel_attr_id = '" & msRelAttrId & "'" & _ " AND r.Formula("pay_date")) & _ " BETWEEN r.resource_id = '" & agr.date_to" & _ " AND r.client = '" & agr.Parameter("client") & "'" & _ " AND " & agr.date_from AND r.Field("resource_id") & "'" agr. Example: In the OnFetchData Event of the Report you might wish to find resource relations for the payment date: sSql = "SELECT r.rel_value" & _ " FROM ahsrelvalue r" & _ " WHERE r.FormatSQLDate() is superseded by agr.FormatSQLDate Please note that agr. 34 it will return 12.rel_value" & _ " FROM ahsrelvalue r" & _ " WHERE r.Parameter("my_date_parameter")) & "BETWEEN…" Quotes a variable in a format suitable for inclusion in an SQL statement. E. If value is a date it will return $date('yyyy- mm-dd hh:nn:ss').SelectInto(sSql) .QuoteSQL(mydate) & "BETWEEN…" or very often: mysql = mysql & " AND " & agr. if value is a string equal to abc it will return 'abc'.Field("resource_id")) agr.date_from AND r.Formula("pay_date")) & _ " BETWEEN r.34 (even if the decimal separator is a comma in the current locale) agr.34 (with a ".QuoteSQL(myDateVariable) will return $date('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss') agr.34) will return 12.resource_id=" & agr. if value is an number equal to 12.date_to" & _ " AND r.QuoteSQL(agr." whatever the current regional settings) Example: In the OnFetchData Event of the Report you might wish to find resource relations for the payment date: sSql = "SELECT r.client =agr.g.QuoteSQL("my string") will return 'my string' agr.QuoteSQL(agr.rel_attr_id='" & msRelAttrId & "'" & _ " AND r.QuoteSQL(agr.QuoteSQL(agr.QuoteSQL(12.QuoteSQL mysql = mysql & " AND " & agr.Parameter("client")) & _ " AND " & agr. FormatNumber() etc.Format(expression. In fact this simplifies the VB Format function as it offers better functionality than the VBScript FormatDate(). format) Converts expression to a string usually for use in a formula.Format myvariable = agr. . Log (sTmpMonth) . Example agr. Useful for debugging.Log message Writes message into the log file.Log agr. .SetQuery statement to define where the data is to come from and create the Fields. At the point where the extra call with eof set to true is made the Fields are still set to their values for the last row. agr.IsGroupEnd() are essential to identify rows that will be bound to the corresponding Group Header and Group Footer sections. It must also contain an agr. All calls to agr. agr.IsGroupStart() and agr. It is useful for adjusting the report. OnReportStart() This event fires after OnDataInitialize but before the first OnFetchData. The agr. In this section you must not refer directly to any controls in any section of the report. The only way of passing data from here to the controls is to set up a formula and bind a control to it.Events The following events are available from VB Script: Report Events OnDataInitialize() This event is fired once when the report starts to run and is the only point at which new data fields can be created.UseTitle.UseParameter. OnFetchData(eof) This event is called sequentially for each row of data with eof (end of file) set to false and then one more time with eof set to true.UseParentControl and the initialization of all Formulas must appear here (or in a subroutine called from here). It is here that all data processing should occur and all formulas be evaluated because this is the only event that is guaranteed to be fired in sequence once for each row. perhaps to change the DataField property of Controls. if you wished to refer to this within the format event. There are three events that occur for every section: OnFormat OnBeforePrint OnAfterPrint. agr. you must only refer to controls that occur on the report surface in the current section. Then you could refer to this within the OnFormat event for the Group Header section. You can add a non-visible control bound to a formula onto Group Header section. agr.IsGroupStart() cannot be used.e. agr. For example. If you want to use the value of a data field then you should include a hidden control bound to the data field. you would need to add a non-visible control to the Group Header. i. which was bound to the client data field. Within each event. OnFormat() . dependent upon a field in the dataset.Title() and agr.Field(). if you wished to change which header wording you used.Section Events The report consists of the following sections: Report Header Page Header Group Headers Detail Group Footers Page Footer Report Footer You cannot guarantee the order in which these are processed.Formula(). In these events you can refer to controls within this section only. It is invalid to refer to controls outside this section or data fields. Example If you use the menu item Page N/M from the Insert menu.This is fired before the data is laid on the page and can be used to modify the layout of the section or any control within the section. At this point you can access the values of summary fields (including page numbers and total page counts) Within this event you can modify the control values. Example If you wished to change which company logo you used. Note You cannot use this event to process data. However. the coding needed will be added to this event for the section automatically. Then you could refer to this within the OnFormat event for the Group Header section. . evaluate accumulators etc. At this point it is too late to change anything. you would need to add a non-visible control to the Group Header. but you cannot alter properties such as Height. dependent upon the client you have run the report from. The format of the section and the controls it contains can be changed including changing its height or making it invisible. OnAfterPrint() This is the final event that fires after the section has been printed. which was bound to the client data field. this event is where you should add entries to the Table of Contents (TOC). This must be done in Report_OnFetchData() OnBeforePrint() This event fires when the section is ready to be printed. The following functions are currently supported: $TO_CHAR $to_char(expression) Converts expression to a character value. e. SELECT * FROM acuheader WHERE $to_char(apar_id) = '123' . They all have the form $function([expression]. [expression].Portable SQL Functions These functions are now deprecated and should not be used in new reports. A number of special portable SQL functions are available which will produce the correct results on any supported DBMS or connection mechanism.g. Please use ASQL syntax instead which is now always available. …) The functions take zero or more expressions as arguments but the brackets are mandatory even for functions with no arguments. $DATE $date(date_literal) Converts date_literal to a date value. date_literal must be in one of the following formats: 'yyyymmdd hh:nn:ss' 'yyyymmdd hh:nn' 'yyyymmdd' 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' 'yyyy-mm-dd' SELECT * FROM acutrans WHERE due_date < $date('20040131 00:00:00') NB the format used for date parameters in AGRESSO server processes is yyyymmdd hh:nn:ss . value) Returns value if expression is null otherwise returns expression. (Equivalent to IsNull() in SQL Server or NVL() in Oracle) .$IFNULL $ifnull(expression. . SELECT $now().$NOW $now() Evaluates to the current date/time. e. * FROM acrclient NB the brackets are needed.g. $mid('abcdef'.g. e. n. m) Returns a substring of expression starting at character n and m characters long.3.$MID $mid(expression.2) will return 'cd' . e. n) Returns a substring of expression starting at character 1 and n characters long.g.$LEFT $left(expression. 2) will return 'ab' . $left('abcdef'. $right('abcdef'.g. e. 2) will return 'ef' . n) Returns a substring consisting of the rightmost n characters of expression.$RIGHT $right(expression. expression3 [. e. $concat('abcdef'. expression2 [.…]]) Returns the concatenation of expression1 and expression2.'gh') will return 'abcdefgh' up to 8 expressions may be concatenated.expression4.g. .$CONCAT $concat(expression1. If not specified the string is padded with spaces e.'0') will return '00123'.g.$LPAD $lpad(expression. n. . ['c']) Returns a string consisting of expression.5. n characters long padded on the left with character 'c'. This is useful for performing a numeric sort on numbers stored as strings. $lpad('123'. expression2) Returns the value of expression1 modulo expression2.$MOD $mod(expression1. $mod(3. e.g.2) will return 1 . This is because AGRESSO uses a single space to represent a zero length string when running on ORACLE.Zero Length String '' Not exactly a function but '' (a literal zero length string) will be converted to ' ' (a literal single space) when running on an ORACLE database. So that SELECT count(*) FROM agldescription WHERE dim_value = '' will have the same effect on ORACLE as it does on MS SQL Server. . they will continue to work together. Canvas Tab The canvas. As long as the files are both stored in the same folder (e. . the Customised Reports folder). Preview Tab This provides a preview of the report output. Use the double-headed arrows at the edge of the page to make the white area of the canvas big enough to hold the box that you are going to draw. you will see three tabs: Design Tab This page is part of the standard layout for the Agresso Report Writer. if they are restricted to the header and footer sections. You can draw lines and boxes on the report itself. if they are to continue to the bottom of pages.cnv extension.g.Report Designer When you open the AGRESSO Report Creator Designer. Select Canvas | Save and save this with the same name as the report itself – you will notice that the canvas will have a . in its simplest form. or on the canvas. Ensure that your canvas has the same page and print width settings as your main report. contains all of the information you would have traditionally placed on to pre-printed stationery. g. e. where page size and orientation can be set Page setup… There are buttons here enabling you to alter the page setup.Menus File Menu New Open a new report Open… Open an existing report Save Save the open report Save As… Save the open report under a different name Export… This allows you to save the report as a range of differing files. as a pdf file. the grid settings and the style properties Exit Closes the AGRESSO Report Creator . Note this option is only available in the Preview tab Print setup… Accesses the standard Windows print setup screen. the printer setup. View Menu Grid Show or hide the grid on the reporting page Explorer Show or hide the Explorer Toolbar Log file… View the log file from the most recent previewing of the report . Canvas Menu These options all concern the Canvas tab: New Open a new canvas Open… Open an existing canvas Save Save the open canvas Save as… Save the open canvas under a different name Close Close the open canvas . . edit the caption that you originally entered Report Name… Allows you to change the subreport that is linked to your report. This is useful to find. . where a field is used as it will point you to the Controls it is linked with as well as the script sections that contain it Query… Edit the query that creates the dataset for the report. Datafield… Alter the datafield that a control is bound to Caption… On a label control. not just in the script but also in the report.e. i. Script… Edit the script that runs behind the report. for example.Edit Menu Find… This will find all the instances of a string in the report. Click on the subreport before choosing the option. Insert Menu Page number… Inserts the page number for the page – this can be part of the numbering for the whole report or for a group within the report Total page count… Inserts the total page number – this can be part of the numbering for the whole report or for a group within the report Page N / M… A special function that adds in the page number and the total page count. preceded by the word page. This adds hidden controls to the report and code into the relevant section of the script Date… Inserts the current date and time – this can be formatted to show just the date or just the time . Map data fields This looks through the report allowing user to map any references to non-existent data fields . On occasions this may also be useful at other times too.Tools Menu Review control If you have altered the data fields that a textbox is bound to. for example when the report appears to have lost the connection with the data. you can names simply choose this option to re-set the names of the controls. Help Menu Help Access the AGRESSO Report Engine helpfiles About AGRESSO Find the build and version number of the software Report Creator… . Click on the grey area at the top of the screen with your right mouse button and you can choose to display them again. .Toolbars and Toolboxes You can close and delete the toolbars and boxes – sometimes without meaning to. Other items here use code which is external to the AGRESSO Report Creator and as such are not supported by Agresso Barcode Control allows insertion of a bar code that can be linked to fields. parameters. group start/end or titles Checkbox adds a checkbox control to the report Image adds a control to the report that can be linked to an image via the Picture property Line adds a line to the report Shape adds a shape to the report – the choice is from a rectangle. ellipse or rounded rectangle. parameters. group start/end or titles ADO Data Control you cannot use Data Controls with Agresso Report Creator DAO Data Control you cannot use Data Controls with Agresso Report Creator RDO Data Control you cannot use Data Controls with Agresso Report Creator XML Data Control you cannot use Data Controls with Agresso Report Creator . formulas.Design Toolbox Pointer changes the cursor back to a pointer Label adds a label control to the report Textbox adds a textbox control to the report that can be linked to fields. Perhaps a more useful method is via the NewPage property on a group header or footer OLE Object is for advanced use only and is not supported by Agresso ActiveX Control only to be used for charts using MSChart. The choice is controlled via the Shape property. with rectangle being the default RichEdit Control adds a rich edit control to the report Frame adds a frame to the report Subreport Control helps to add a subreport to the report PageBreak a method of adding a page break to the report. formulas. You can also use the drop-down box at the top to choose a different object.Property Toolbox In addition to the formatting toolbars. The contents of this toolbox will change. there is also an object property toolbox on the right. depending on what you have highlighted. . The Format Toolbar Select a style for the paragraph Select and applies a font to selected text Select a point size for a font Makes selected text bold Makes selected text italic Adds an underline to selected text Aligns selected text to the left of the paragraph Aligns selected text in the centre of the paragraph Aligns selected text to the right of the paragraph Applies bullets to a paragraph Decreases an indent Increases an indent Displays the fill colour palette to fill an object Displays the fill colour palette to change font colour Displays the fill colour palette to change the line colour Displays the line palette to select a line type . any new controls will automatically line-up to the grid Align controls Make controls the same width Make controls the same height Make controls the same size Position of the control Size of the control .The Alignment Toolbar Bring highlighted control(s) to front Send highlighted control(s) to back Lock controls Switch on/off snap to grid – when this is switched on. in reverse order  The Report Footer is a useful place for summing up the statistics such as Grand Totals etc. If you click on the plus signs. in their relevant sections. This pane on the left-hand side of the screen shows the current sections of the report.  The Report Header section may contain introductory information  The Page Header section will often contain the titles of columns  Any Group Headers will go next. You can also click on an item in this pane and it will be automatically shown on the report.Report Explorer Every report is broken up into sections. in order  The Detail area will contain textbox controls bound to data fields  The Page Footer may contain the page numbering options or running totals  Any Group Footers will follow. . you can also see all of the controls that are on the report. For a complete language reference for VBScript please refer to http://msdn. Note There are various sample reports that have been designed to help demonstrate concepts. these are indicated at the bottom of topics. please note that not all the VBScript functionality is applicable to AGRESSO Report Creator. Where appropriate. AGRESSO Report Creator uses VBScript. However.datadynamics. .Technical Notes AGRESSO Report Creator is built around ActiveReports 2.0 from Data A substantial Help File for Active Reports 2.0 can be downloaded from the Data Dyanamics web site www. This may be useful especially as a reference for the meaning of the properties of the reports. please note that there are different ways of using ActiveReports and not all the information in the help file is applicable to AGRESSO Report sections and controls. rpx .Multiple Canvases It is possible to have different canvases for different pages in the report. Sample SetCanvas. To define a canvas for the whole report use SetDefaultCanvas This only needs to be set if your default canvas has a different name from the report. The default can be overridden on a page-by-page basis using the SetCanvas method. properties and methods. So using an object will provide access to various collections. Through the VB Script we have access to objects. There are two main objects that you would be using within AGRESSO Report Creator: . Objects are a little like links to libraries of code that can be used.The agr and rpt Objects Script… The reports are all written in VB Script. there are three main collections of values: Field links to a field that is contained within the dataset Formula is created and initialised within the script Parameter passes information from the report ordering screen (in a server environment) and is initialised in the script Example agr. the software sets this up for you.The agr Object From the agr object.field ("amount") *1. When you create a formula in AGRESSO Report Creator. .175 The formulas and parameters all need to be initialised at the top of the script.Formula("inc VAT") = agr. before they can be used. txtClient.txtarticleid=0 then rpt.txtClient. Example The name of a textbox control here can be used as shown below: If rpt.The rpt Object This object allows you to reference the sections and controls on the report.visible = true End if .visible = false Else rpt. Sample GL09. You can use the keyword AGRESSO to access a dataset that has been created by an ARW.rpx . Sample GetRecordSet. rather than a dataset.Multiple SELECT Statements Writing the SQL SetQuery creates the main dataset for the report. It returns an ADO recordset that you then process in the VBScript. The data is returned into the formulas so that you can access it. You can access the query through Edit | Query or via the Script window (Note you would generally endeavour to alter this through the query window and allow AGRESSO Report Creator to update the code in the Script window). This is the main Select statement.rpx Advanced Feature With GetRecordSet you write the SQL and you need to handle the data that it returns. With SelectInto you write the SQL to return a single row of data. or write the SQL yourself. Multi-lingual Texts The multilingual texts are looked up from AGRESSO for the language defined by the parameter "language". . The titles available for a standard report are held in asysrepref.UseTitle "client". Where 50257 is the number of the title from asystitles that you wish to use in your report. If you have a user-defined report in which you want to use the language independent version of client you use agr. "Client". AGRESSO Report Creator will substitute the correct value from the correct version of asystitles when you run the report. This can be overridden with the parameters "xw_language" and "xs_language". On top of this you can define numeric titles and these will be looked up in the appropriate asystitles table. If you define it in the RPX file using agr. "Client" then it will substitute in the value for the correct language when you run the report. Example Report GL11 has the following title in asysrepref: t_client.UseTitle "50257". subtotalling etc in OnDataInitialize / OnFetchData – make use of agr.formula they provide much better error handling and enforce some of the other rules 6. agr. USE the Insert Text box button or Edit | Sql to generate VBScript for you. I. Putting VBScript into a DataField property (preceeded by an "=") is almost always the wrong thing to do because you can only refer to other field controls in the same section not items in the fields collection.IsGroupEnd(). 7. DO NOT use Page Headers to display information which changes during the report. 5. a formula (defined in OnFetchData). USE a Group Header with the "Repeat" property set to 4 Every Page including no detail. DO NOT refer directly to the rpt. as the results may be unpredicatble. Do not 1. NEVER rely on the order that the OnFormat events are fired in. If you need to refer to values other than those of the visible fields in the section then include hidden controls bound to the data that you want to use 9. The Section_OnFormat() events should only be used for adjusting the format of the current section – never for data processing. NEVER use Section_OnFormat() events for this purpose 3. There are no intrinsic global variables. calculations. set the DataField property of all Field Controls to the name of a field (from the recordset). DO NOT attempt to implement global variables using agr.title. (It is quite possible to write reports incorrectly which look right some of the time).fields collection – Use agr. 10.Golden Rules Do 1. 2.formula() in order to communicate between the Section_OnFormat() events because you cannot rely on the order in which these events fire.IsGroupStart() and agr. a parameter or a title.field. 3. 4. 2. This is because AGRESSO Report Creator "fetches ahead" so that outside of these events you can never assume that the fields collection with contain the values from the correct row. DO ALL data processing. USE Tools | Verify – it is there to enforce the rules and prevent you from producing incorrect reports. 4. agr. It is much easier than starting with an empty screen. NEVER refer to a Field Control outside its own section. .e. USE Bound Fields. Sections are formatted in advance in order to determine if they will fit on the same page etc. DO NOT use page numbering where the page break is in a deeper group than the group you are putting the page number into. NEVER refer to the fields collection outside of OnDataInitialize or OnFetchData.parameter. 8. agr. xs_required Split Report File 0 Determines if split files that have been Required successfully emailed or entered into the database should also be kept on disk (default = NOT xw_required) xs_inrep Input report name CS04xx Specifies the name of the input file (xls or rpt) to be used for this particular breakpoint. If undefined uses the value of xs_definrep or if that is not defined then the normal input file will be used for all breakpoints. xw_required Whole Report 0 Determines if whole/unsplit report is also Required to be produced (default=1) xw_filetype File Type of main pdf Any of the supported output file types for .Special Parameters The following AGRESSO parameters have special meaning to ReportEngine. name xs_language Language for split <:column_name> Defined the language to be used for the report texts multilingual texts in the split reports (t_xxx). xs_definrep Default input report CS04def See above. xs_nolog Logging flag 0 Set to 1 to inhibit logging from split reports. xs_distrep Distribution input If defined this report will be run against report name the distribution log dataset. xw_) ParamID Param name Example value Comments xs_breakcol Break Column apar_id Name of column to break on apar_id. Note this can evaluate to a different language for each split report. Report Splitting (xs_.voucher_no or comma separated list of columns xs_filetype File Type of split files pdf Any of the supported output file types for the given report type. xs_print Print Split Report File 1 Determines if split should be printed as they are created. The default value is 1 if xw_post is 0 and 0 otherwise. . xw_language Language for whole FR Defined the language to be used for the report texts multilingual texts in the whole report (t_xxx) xw_load Load sheet 1 Excelerator only. output file the given report type. xw_post Post sheet 0 Excelerator only. Determines if the whole report is to be posted back. The default value is 0. Determines if the whole report is to be loaded. Set it to 1 if the whole report is to be validated or to 2 if it is to be posted. xd_title Document Title Statement <period> A title for the Document xd_desc Document Statement for <period> A description for the Document Description xd_comments Document As at <report_date> A comment for the Document Comments xd_archive Document Archive XX Archive name. So this parameter is only needed if the document is to be placed in some other archive. perhaps a different client. .Document Archiving (xd_) ParamID Param name Example value Comments xd_doctype Document Type IMAGE The Document Type to be used in the Document Archive xd_indexvals Index Values <client>. This defaults to the Name current client which is the correct value in almost all installations.<apar_id> A comma delimited list of index values that must correspond to the required index as defined on the Document Type. xa_) ParamID Param name Example value Comments xe_to Email To <email_address> Defines the email address to which the output is to be sent. defaults to <xs_breakcol> xe_addrid Address ID Explicit address id / link into agladdress (some standard ARWs already provide this information) . NB any string can be entered but should contain a parameter in Excelerator format that will evaluate to the appropriate value for each split.x or Defines the email from address for sent mail (the user usually sees this email address) xe_replyto Email Reply To ReplyHere@xxx. NB requires that the email address exist in the data xe_from Email From DoNotReply@xxx. Requires ABW 5. parameters will be substituted at each breakpoint. xe_cc Email Cc <cc_name> Defines the email address to which the output is to be carbon copied.6.E-mailing (xe_. xe_attid/value is probably more useful. xe_subject Email Subject Statement <apar_id> Defines the email subject xe_text Email Text Text for customer Defines the email text <apar_id> xe_addrtype Address Type 1 Defines the address type to be used (defaults to 1=general) xe_attid Address att id A4 Attribute ID to which the address is attached xe_attvalue Address att value <apar_id> Attribute value for this break point. Parameters will be substituted at each breakpoint. NB requires that the email address exist in Defines the "Reply To" email address for sent mail (most systems will use this address if the user hits "reply"). .pdf output. xa_doctype2.<seq> xa_doctype.. xa_docindex1 Document index(s) to <client>. ReportEngine does not impose a limit on the number of attachments although the underlying email system might. xa_doctype1 Document type(s) to ORDER Specifies the document type of the be attached document(s) to be attached.xe_except Exception report 0 Specifies if exception report containing required items for which no email address was found is required. xe_error Treat missing email 1 Tells ReportEngine to treat a missing address as erro email address as an error (default=0) xa_file1 File(s) to be attached C:\temp\ Specifies an alternative e-mail address to address use if the initial e-mail address causes an immediate error.<apar_id> Document indexes corresponding to the be attached document types defined with xa_docindex2 <client>. xa_file2 will only be recognized if xa_file1 is defined etc.pdf Specifies the fully qualified name of a file to be attached to the emailed report xa_file2… C:\temp\anotherfile. ReportEngine does not impose a limit on the number of attachments although the underlying email system might.<apar_id>. INVOICE xa_doctype2 will only be recognized if xa_doctype1 is defined etc. (default=1) xe_reserve Reserve email admin@company. If both xf_dir and xf_file are specified then the file will be written to a file named xf_file in directory xf_dir. Values are: 0 – create file. xf_password Password to be My_password Only applicable to pdf output files applied to report output file xf_jpgsize Image quality in 10 Only applicable to pdf output files exported pdf files Set a value from 1 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) to control the size/quality of images in exported pdf files. xf_missing Split report file is 0 Defines the action to take when a split missing action report file does not exist. 1 – stop. 2 – skip to next file. The default value is 0. (see also xf_dir). 3 – skip to next file. The default value is 0. (default is maximum=100) xf_dir Directory name for C:\Report Output Specifies the root directory for split split report output report output. Note that parameter substitution does NOT occur in xf_dir and the directory must already exist. xf_file may specify a relative but not an absolute path. If both xf_dir and xf_file are specified then the file will be written to a file named xf_file in directory xf_dir. . 2 – overwrite the file.Filing (xf_) ParamID Param name Example value Comments xf_file File name for split Statement<apar_id> Defines where the split report output will report output be put. Note that parameter substitution does NOT occur in xf_dir and the directory must already exist. Values are: 0 – create a new file. 1 – stop. (defaults to the current TEMP folder) xf_dir Directory name for C:\Report Output Specifies the root directory for split split report output report output. (defaults to the current TEMP folder) xf_exists Split report file exists 0 Defines the action to take when a split action report file already exists. 'N' – do not produce a not creation of a cache file. 0 otherwise .Miscellaneous ParamID Param name Example value Comments xc_required Indicates whether or 0 Values are: 0. The cache file is required. 1. 'Y' produce a cache file. 1 default 1 when running ARC on the report server. OutputType This is a used to override the default output file type for the given input file type.xls (Excelerator) .rdf. . .xlsx or myreport.rpx (ARC) .xml".doc". Reporter This allows the user to specify which reporter object to use to render the report.exe) and consequently Report Engine must be installed on the client machine in order to process .xlsx. If the Composite Report file contains only one report this is not mandatory.xlsx".htm. . this is defaulted from the input file type. .NET DataSet. . . . Composite Report files contain all or some of the following constituent files: Data Extraction (.rerx files. ". . FileName This is the name of the primary report file.rpx Properties Properties are held in a hidden file called _properties.docx.docx.Composite Report Files [. The properties that control the way that the . myreport.resql) file This file contains instructions to drive the Data Extraction process that will create the . .report_type" where report_type is one of the legal input report types: ". . ".g. ". Timeout The rendering process will timeout after this amount of time.rpx".xml.xml This is simply a copy of the . however.rpx file. .rerx file will be rendered.doc .pdf. . .xls. They are opened by the Report Engine client application (ReportEngine. Valid output types are: Report Type Output Type . FileName may also contain the special syntax "!new.rerx] Composite Report files are a way of packaging report files together with the data required to run/render the report and produce the output. Normally.xml.pdf.mht.docx".mht .xls .rpx files as well as the main . .doc (Worderator) . ". _data. it is needed in the case of an ARC report that contains subreport . ".tif.xlsx.xlsx.txt.csv .xml (OpenXML) .rtf.xls". .NET DataSet containing the data for the report persisted as in xml format. Report File(s) The input report definition file(s) e. This output DataSet will later be rendered to create the actual report by one of the Reporter plug-ins (Excelerator. WordprocessingML) which." decimal separator irrespective of the current regional settings (as per SQL) e. ARC.648e+5 Identifiers need not be quoted unless they contain spaces or other characters or begin with a numeric in which case they are quoted with double quotes or square brackets: my_table_name [my column name] "my column alias" [1a] Whitespace (including new lines) is ignored in all SQL commands. All types of SQL as well as the contents of the command lines obey the normal SQL syntax for quoting literals.NET DataSet to create an output . Lines in the resql file beginning with a full stop ". All the valid commands are listed below.5 or -1. Thus all the data for the report (but none of the formatting information) must be included in the DataSet. has no access to the database." are command lines that give instructions directly to the ReSql processor. 1 or 4. . All other lines contain SQL commands.resql) files are always embedded within Composite Report Files (. itself. Grammar ReSql files are plain text files.Report Engine SQL (ReSql) Concepts Report Engine SQL (.NET DataSet. String literals are written with single quotes: 'my string' Date literals are written 'yyyy-mm-dd' or 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' Numeric literals always require a ".g. These commands may be  Regular SQL commands that will be executed against the database  ABW specific extensions beginning with names like agr_ also executed against the database  DataSet-SQL commands that will be executed against the DataSet  DataSet-SQL commands must be prefixed with "dataset" to mean execute this statement against the initial / input dataset or "this" to mean against the output dataset that is in the process of being created.rerx) ReSql governs the process of extracting data from the database and/or an input . $$rowcount will be replaced by the number of rows affected by the most recently executed SQL command.field1 will be replaced by the value of field1 from the last row that was added to table1. this is the first statement in the .resql file. $:field1 will be replaced by the value of field1 from the current row of the table being looped over.if statements and within SQL commands as follows: $?parameter1 will be replaced by the current value of parameter1. Note that "database" and "native" are synonymous. . .dbtimeout .DataSetName).resql file.*.declare statements must appear before any other statement (except .name dataset_name Sets the name that will be given to the DataSet that is created ( . $:table1. Valid data types are . . . Parameter names may not contain spaces. .parsertype or .Parameter Substitution Parameters and data fields may be referenced within .parserLevel {asql|database|native} Sets the default parser level to be applied to SQL SELECT statements (this can be overridden by prefixing the individual statements if required).log) in the .dbtimeout n Sets the database timeout period to n . Normally.declare parameter_name data_type default_value Declares / Creates a parameter of the given name type and default value.declare . Reference . . string = $?my_string.set i = 1 . "/" and "%" (modulo) For string parameters only "+" (concatenate) is valid.log Number = $?my_number. otherwise an exception will be raised.declare my_string string 'hello world' .set j = $?i + 1 The following operators are supported "+". "*".set parameter_name = value Sets the value of the named parameter. "-".declare current_time datetime 'now' ('now' is a special case which causes reportengine to set the parameter value to the current time) .declare my_date datetime '2013-06-12' .declare my_int int 42 . string = Hello World. "%" (modulo) is only valid of integers. 2012-08-27 14:49:00 You may also use simple arithmetic expressions like this .set my_number = 1 . .string int / int32 / int64 datetime float / real / double Examples . date = $?my_datetime This causes the following to be written into the log file Number = 1.set my_string = 'Hello World' .set .set my_datetime = '2012-08-27 14:49:00' . Parameters can be referenced in other statements as follows . The parameter must have been previously declared. The supplied value must be able to be converted to the correct type for the parameter. elseif condition2 block2 .query .log "text to appear in log file" Causes the specified text to be written into the log file. Conditions take the form of [!] value1 (=|!=|>|>=|<|<=) value2 normally at least one of the values is parameterized e.log "client is not EN" .log . If condition2 is true then block2 is executed otherwise block3 is executed. .else . .* is a comment and will be ignored ..if .else block3 . .log "client is EN" .endquery Or .if condition block1 .endif If condition is true then all lines in block1 are executed and lines in block2 and block 3 are ignored.* comment .* this is a comment line Any line beginning with .if '$?client' = 'EN' .query table_name select_command Runs the sql command and creates a table named table_name in the DataSet containing the results.query table_name select_command .g.endif . If the table exists but has a different schema then an exception is thrown. (select_command2) [prefix2] [..endaddrow Or .addRow you may join several select_commands using the third syntax. .addRows table_name select_command .query main indicates that this is the main table that will be used to drive the report splitting if the report is to be split.addRows table_name select_command . If it does exist the row is appended to the table.addRow table_name select_command . .endAddFirstRow Or .addFirstRow table_name select_command This is exactly the same as . This is very useful to create a well structured DataSet.addFirstRow . This can be useful but in most cases you should use . .addFirstRow table_name select_command .addRow.addRow table_name (select_command1) [prefix1].addRow .addRow except that if more than one row is returned it takes the first row and does not throw an exception. If more than one row is returned an exception is thrown.] .addRows . .endAddRow Runs the sql command and adds the resulting row to the specified table.addRow table_name select_command Or .endAddRows Or . Note that in the case of .. If used within a ..loop table (child) to the added table (parent).loop a relation will be created from the . If the table does not exist it is created. if / .endgroup ... amount FROM some transaction table.loop main . E.endaddrow . .group column1 [group block1] ..endif as well as . WHERE client='$:client' AND account='$:account' ..endgroup [column1] .group account . Statements in group block1 are executed once for each time the value of column1 changes Statements in group block2 are executed once for each time the value of column1.endgroup .Runs the sql command and adds the results to the specified table..endloop . .loop table_name .addRow clients SELECT client_name FROM acrclient WHERE client='$:client' . If used within a .addRows commands. If the table exists but has a different schema then an exception is thrown..addRows details SELECT description. account FROM . .loop a relation will be created from the .column3 [. .group client .endgroup [column2 [.added table (child) to the loop table (parent).. . If the table does not exist it is created.column3 [.query main SELECT client. If it does exist the rows are appended to the table.endquery .]] [group block2] .]]] . column2 and column3 changes Groups may be nested as deeply as desired and the enclosed blocks of statement may contain .endaddrow ..loop / .endloop Iterates through rows in specified .group column2 [.addRow and .g. account (child) will be created. this does not update the database in any way.endexec Executes any of the following dataset sql commands that update the current dataset but do not return a result set: CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE name (column type [UNIQUE] [.…] Creates a relation from table1 (the parent table) to table2 on the specified columns. value2.loop structure.main.client. . N. column3)] VALUES (value1.column1[.exec command Or .client (child) will be created. You can make use of these relations using the 'EXPAND' keyword when selecting data from the resulting dataset within an ARC or Excelerator report.]] ) CREATE TABLE name select_command Where select_command may select from the database. . column2.column2. value3) . this does not update the database in any way. . NB.column1[. INSERT INSERT INTO table [(column1. This can be a more efficient way of achieving the same result as using a loop structure when it is possible to select all rows for the related table in one SELECT statement rather than using a .. the input dataset or the current dataset.B.client. column type [UNIQUE] [.account (parent) to details.exec . N.…] table2.relate .In this example there the column 'client' will be added to the 'clients' table as well as the 'client_name' and a relation from clients.client (parent) to main.B.relate table1.column2. Using relations is a much more efficient way of saving the data as the header information is not repeated for every row. DROP TABLE DROP TABLE name Drops a table from the current dataset. Creates a table in the current dataset.details..exec command . Also the columns 'client' and 'account' will be added to the 'details' table and a relation from main. Where select_command may select from the database. N. ] ] WHERE . this does not update the database in any way. this does not update the database in any way. column3)] select_command Where select_command may select from the database. Updates row(s) into the named table in the current dataset.. column2 = value2|select_command2 [. N. Not applicable to reports. this does not update the database in any way...B.B. Inserts row(s) into the named table in the current dataset. Deletes row(s) from the named table in the current dataset.INSERT INTO table [(column1. DELETE DELETE FROM table WHERE . . column2. . the input dataset or the current dataset... UPDATE UPDATE table SET column1 = value1|select_command1 [. N.. ReSql files only.B. the input dataset or the current dataset. docType [. name2 [. ]]] Returns a single row containing the specified document. ]]] Returns a single row with one column for each title.Agresso specific Select Commands In an ReSql file SQL command may either be regular SQL SELECT statements or one of the 'agr_' macros listed below: agr_getaddress agr_getaddress client. index1 [.g. If sequenceNo is -1 or missing the first matching row (lowest sequenceNo) will be returned.]] Returns a table with columns named 'name1'. addressType [. attribute_id. agr_getdescription agr_getdescription client. dimValue [. agr_getDocument agr_getdocument client. agr_getTitles agr_gettitles reportName. attribute_id. dimValue. . e. agr_getText agr_gettext textType. variant [. address_id This will return a single row containing all available columns from table agladdress plus a column called "formatted_address" containing the address formatted according to the ABW defined rules... id3 .. id2 [. to fetch the statement text for report CS04: agr_gettext '4'. E. index2 [.. index3 . language ] Returns a single row containing the description of the given attribute value. name1 [. 1. language. If sequenceNo is -2 the last (highest sequenceNo) row will be returned.g.. 'name2' etc and a single row containing the values of the corresponding System Configuration parameters.. *|[id1 [. language] Returns a single row table containing the specified text. '$?language' agr_getSysConf agr_getsysconf [client]. name3 . sequenceNo] agr_getaddress client. param2=value2 [. agr_getbrowser agr_getbrowser template_name [. 'EN'. Parameters give must match those defined in the browser template.query titles agr_gettitles 'CS04'... ..endquery will cause all the named titles for report CS04 plus the report header titles to be returned in English. The internal names of columns followed by one of the suffixes below must be given like. param1=value1 [. '*' . param3=value3 … ]]] Runs the specified browser template with the given parameters and returns the results. dim1_eq for dim1 equal (or like) dim1_ne not equal (or not like) dim1_ge greater than or equal dim1_gt greater than dim1_le less than or equal dim1_lt less than dim1_in in list dim1_ni not in list Note that if the parameter is not given then the correct names of the required parameters are given as part of the error message. . ] Note that the FROM clause may contain only one table. '*x*' will match anything containing an 'x'. The EXPAND keyword will cause the table to be de-normalized such at all columns from parent tables will be included as if they were located in the table itself. 'x*' will match anthing beginning with an 'x'. . literal2 [.]]) [NOT] column LIKE('pattern') pattern may contain % or * as wildcard characters either at the beginning or end (or both) of the string.. Conditions Conditions may be prefixed with NOT to negate their meaning and grouped together with round brackets to force the order of calculation.UseDataSetOnly or SQL parser = DataSet is selected. E.g.DataSet SQL available to Reports Within an ARC or Excelerator report running against a DataSet the only way of retrieving data is with the Select command.. column2 [asc|desc] [.column3 . Valid conditions are: [NOT] column =|<>|<|<=|>|>= literal_value|column [NOT] column IN(literal1. 'x*x' is not permitted. (Otherwise AND takes precedence over OR). literal3 [. This is a limited version of the full SQL SELECT syntax and is described below.]]] ORDER BY column1 [asc|desc].]]} FROM [EXPAND] table WHERE condition1 [AND|OR condition2 [AND|OR condition3 [. This is the only statement available within ARC or Excelerator reports when agr. SELECT The DataSet SELECT command is a limited dialect of the SQL SELECT command that operates on tables contained within a dataset..column2 [[as] alias2] [.. The syntax is as follows: SELECT {*|column1 [[as] alias1]|literal_value [as] alias1 [.... column3 .. '*x' will match anthing ending in an 'x'. 5).g.Identifiers Identifiers (column names.g. E. 0 (= false) 1 (= true) . 1.g. 1 -32 +47 Real Number (amount) Literals Real number (amount literals) are written [+|-]nnnn.234.g. E. 'my string literal value' 'O''Brian' Date Literals Date literals are written in yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm:ss] format and quoted with single quotes. column1 [1a] [my column name] "another column" String Literals String literals are quoted with single quotes. E.5 never 1.0 Boolean Literals Boolean literals are written 1 or 0 and are not quoted. '2013-06-11' '2013-06-11 15:33' '2013-06-11 15:33:55' Integer Literals Integer Literals are written simply as [+|-]n and are not quoted.e.5 never 1. If a single quote character is required within the literal value then this must be escaped with a second single quote.nn and are not quoted.g. aliases and table names) are normally not quoted or can be quoted with square brackets or double quotes to allow names starting with a numeric character or containing spaces. always 1234. E.3 -3. Note that as always in SQL the decimal point is always written with a full stop ".g. E.14159 +47." and without thousands separators irrespective of the current localization settings of the machine (i.234. E. . . Problem with Worderator reports stopping with message about not being able to load data from data source is resolved. 4.28 containing only the following changes since 8. 1. . now the meaningful exception message is shown properly in the log file. Problem with the exception handling when running on the report server is resolved. 5. End users (without access to the “Report Architect” menu point) are no longer offered the “Default [.28 build 157 This is a service update of release 8. Previously. Newly generated ARC reports no longer generate agr.28 build 154. error messages would be reported as “ERROR (-9999) Unknown error in CallReport”.ParserType = 3 which lead to a runtime error. 3.xlsx]” or “Design Report [.List of Changes 8.rerx]” except in the Browser / Template Viewer. Problems with installation of ReportEngine web-service under Agresso Milestone 4 update 1 have been resolved. It remains possible for a privileged user to import a template report which is available to all users but they must take responsibility for not showing the user data that they should not see. 2. Support for Agresso Milestone 4 Software Update 1 is added. 16. Timeout period for rendering a report when running from Agresso Desktop (previously Agresso Smart Client) is increased from 30s to 600s.28 build 154 This is a service update of release 8. 9. 12.xlsx]” is improved. 15. .rerx file with a reporter type of CSV or SpreadsheetML which allows you to specify a timeout for new reports of these types. Problem with not focussing on the last sheet to be loaded when running Excelerator reports from within an rerx file is resolved. 7. 10.28 build 151.xlsx]” the name given to worksheet in Excel now reflects the name of the browser template rather than always being “Table1”. Problem with texts being truncated in Login screen with some screen resolutions is resolved. It is now possible to create a . When using “Export>Browser [. (Previously it did nothing) 13. 14.rec) editor. 8. Fixed “Save As…” in cache file (. Problem with failing to write the distribution log to a csv file when splitting reports and stopping the process is resolved.8.28 containing only the following changes since 8. 6. Problem with “refresh links” in Excel sheets containing =AgrGetDescription() worksheet function is resolved. xe_error parameter is introduced which causes ReportEngine to treat a missing email address as an error when splitting reports. 11. Performance of Export>“Browser [. . Parsing of WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in DataSet SELECT statements is corrected.28 build 151 This is a service update of release 8. Problem with 3 or 4 character client codes when using "query balance" is resolved. Spaces are now correctly ignored when using bracketed expressions in . 19.. 23. (This was only a problem for users of the new 64bit report queue in Agresso Milestone 4) 27. The Web-Service version number is now displayed in the response from A_Test. The symptom was that the w3p process would use many seconds of processing time after reports were successfully downloaded causing a problem for other users of the system.3 is resolved. 29.resql files. The "Login" dialog is slightly improved notably the handling of ODBC connect strings. Problem with files downloaded from ReportEngine in Self-Service using Mozilla Firefox where the filename contained spaces is resolved. 5. Report Creator 1... . FROM EXPAND .8.xlsx]" and "Default [. where related values were null is resolved.26 behaviour and no longer locks it's input files (except when being used from within ReportEngine. Serious performance problem on Self-Service on some installations is resolved.xlsx files exported via "Browser [. 24. Problem with "Sequence contains no elements" error when exporting to "Browser [.resql files. The ARC Designer reverts to pre-8. There is a new "hide" row available in Excelerator to allow the user to specify that entire columns in the report should be hidden after the report is loaded. 25.exe). 20. 2. 4.xlsx]" in the case where the browser screen is displaying no data rows is resolved. Problem with SELECT .addrow main or . Report Engine (shared functionality) 17. 18. Creation of new reports on report server is now run out-of-process in the same way as existing reports.28 containing only the following changes. 28. Excelerator 1. "agr_getbrowser" now throws an exception if the user has specified parameters that are not required by the browser template. Under Agresso Milestone 4 "query balance" is now enabled provided that no relations on attributes where "dates on relations" are referenced. Problem with not being able to view the log file from Self-Service under Agresso 5. 26. (Previously "query balance" was entirely disabled for Milestone 4). It is now possible to use the "Cancel" button when displaying the log file in the progress window.xlsx]". It is now possible to add an xsl or xslt file to an rerx file which will be used to transform the xml if xml output is specified. Negative numbers are now shown in red in .5. It is now possible to specify the server queue to use to render Excelerator reports initiated from Self-Service using the system parameter RE_ORDER_QUEUE. 21. 22.addrows main in . 3. Disallow . 6.addrow in . .. 3. Problems with association of incorrect data with Excelerator reports when running from within the Excel Addin are resolved." Worderator 1.. In particular the data was never properly associated after using "Tools>New Report. When running a Worderator report from Self-Service the report is streamed to the client as a .exe UI is resolved. 2. Previously such reports always. Problem running Worderator reports from within the ReportEngine. A report containing only one column of data now fails cleanly.rerx file and processed on the client machine. 7. Note this will only work if ReportEngine is installed on the client machine. 9.exe is now a 64bit program. is introduced which should be used in preference to "agresso template_name" 10. This option creates a . param=value.docx files is resolved. 1900-01-01 is now converted to NULL in all data scraped from ABW screens or returned by the ABW QueryEngine. In the Resource Name field in the Timesheet Entry screen the dataset now contains resource_id_description as well as resource_id. 5. Memory usage and performance when running as part of ABW Self-Service has been very greatly improved.7.xlsx and .27 which contained a pre-release version of this feature.3. 7. 3.8.27 was never made publicly available). 4. The description of SearchList controls in TopGen screens is now added automatically to the dataset scraped from TopGen screens. It is stressed that all existing reports not using this feature will continue to work in all contexts in which they previously worked.g.0. The Samples have been updated to reflect the fact that this will become the preferred way of writing reports in the future. This behaviour can be inhibited by setting a system parameter called RE_1900_01_01="1" if you really do want null dates to show as 1st January 1900 in your reports..exe which has the same functionality. 8. The important difference is that this functionality does not use MS Excel and is run directly on the web- server and gives the user a "one-click" way of getting the data into . This is very much more efficient than creating an Excelerator report and running that.26/8. This is the first release in which the "ReportEngine SQL" feature is fully supported. Login screen has been enhanced and support for windows password authentication is added. any report that does use this feature will work equally well in 32bit environments back to ABW 5. agrxlcmd.xlsx. Parameter names generated from Template Viewer screen for "between" type constraints have been corrected. E. Using this feature reports can be made compatible with the new 64bit server queues in ABW 5. If you want to run an Excelerator or ARC report from the command line you now need to use agrxlcmd32. 2.5. Many enhancements in this area have been made since 8.xlsx file that preserves the Browser template formatting. . There is a new "Browser [. 6.. Also. Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. including subtotals.28 This release contains the following changes since 8. New macro agr_getbrowser template_name.26 (8.xlsx]" option on the "Export" menu which is available in all Browser (Smart Client) and Template Viewer screens (Self-Service). Intermittent problem with opening output .. There is a new "xd_archive" parameter to allow the user control over which archive/client the document is archived to. (If ReportEngine is installed on all client machines and you wish to continue to use the old behaviour please create an AppSetting called ReportEngineExceleratorAsRerx in the main self-service web. Problem with saving files as . instead.xml has been modified since the last run. Problem with . There is a new "getdata" keyword for use in the _control sheet when working in "DataSetOnly" mode. SQL generated by "query balance" is now always forced to execute in "Native" mode to avoid problems with the "ASQL" parser on some versions of Oracle.Report Creator 1. 2.config file <add key="ReportEngineExceleratorAsRerx" value="1" />) 2.docx with Word 2007 has been resolved.cnv files remaining locked after the ARC designer has been closed is resolved. Instead the report is automatically "ordered" and run on the report server and can be viewed from within the "Export" dialog where it was ordered. Problem with processing of Sub-Total break points when data contained nulls is resolved. This allows you to connect to the web-service and retrieve the entire dataset for the report (see body of documentation). In the ARC Designer the report will now be re-run if _data. 3.rerx" file to be streamed to the client machine. . Excelerator 1.. Please use agr_getbrowser. "query balance" does not work in conjunction with ABW 5. 4. Worderator 1.0 due to introduction of dates on relations..7. Excelerator reports initiated from Self-Service no longer cause a ". 5. rpx /data:data.26 build 124. The icon has been changed from an "A" to an "R" in the ABW Route 66 style. Performance of web-service is greatly improved when retrieving large data volumes. (The runtime UI is almost unchanged) 12.xml 25. The ReportEngine designer user interface is substantially improved. .6. Treatment of "Column format" (1000) and (1 000 000) is now the same from Smart Client and Self-Service. 26. 27.rpx / .GetAddress etc when no attribute id or value was specified is resolved. agr. 21. 29. Amount and integer columns are now formatted correctly when creating a "Default [. Problem was introduced in 8. There is a new /edit switch on agrxlcmd meaning open the file in design mode creating it if it does not exist. 20. The returned number is now always divided by 1000 or 1000000 as it has always been in Self-Service. Dates are written to csv files as ANSI date strings (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss). 16. Problem with "access violation" exception when using ReportEngine from within the VP10 transaction entry screen in Smart Client is resolved. The ARC Designer now locks its input files (. 24. Problem with "Failed to CreateTempDirectory" when sending an e-mail with attachments on a very busy machine is resolved. agrxlcmd /edit:myfile. Problem with agr. 13.g.8.GetRecordSet no longer fails if data contains nulls 4.GetDescription. E. The distribution report is no longer sent to xe_reserve unless errors are encountered. 19. Report Creator 3. The number format in Excel and ARC is now also correctly set to "0" rather than "0. Agr. Problem with corrupt Default [.cnv) 5.26 build 137 This is a service release of 8.xlsx] files when table has more than 52 columns is resolved.xlsx] rather than [. Error when exporting data from a TopGen screen with deleted rows is fixed. 28. On Smart-Client and Self-Service the "Client" parameter now correctly returns the current client rather than the logged in / session client.xlsx]" file. The distribution dataset now contains an additional field called page_count which is populated by ARC with the number of pages in each split file.26 build 124. (Requires ABW 5.26 containing only the following changes since 8.rerx/.docx file. Introduced new parameter xe_replyto which sets the "Reply To" address on emails sent by ReportEngine. 17. 18.SelectInto now has an optional prefix parameter which allows you to prefix all the formula names. 15. agr.docx] now fails gracefully if the limit of 63 columns in a Word Table is exceeded rather than creating a corrupt . All temporary files and folders are now created under a folder called "ReportEngine" under the current TEMP folder.26 and partially fixed in 8.x) 23. Default [. 22.xlsx] in self- service is resolved. Date.00" for these columns. Problem with Excelerator reports being shown as [. Report Engine (shared functionality) 11. 14. No Changes.Excelerator 6. Problem with "Method ~ of object ~" error when manipulating a report with 703 or more columns (column AAA) is resolved. . Worderator 2. 33. When automatically creating a data cache file (." errors appearing even when the user did have sufficient privilege when using the web-service are resolved. Problem with "You are not authorized . 34.GetAddress etc when no attribute value etc was specified is resolved.26 containing only the following changes. Problems with Planner PostBack in Validate mode have been resolved. Report Creator 1. agr. In 8.GetDescription. .8. 32. Problem with agr. 2. Most reports never reach 500 methods in the cache so this makes no difference.rec) (i. Problem with agr.26.SelectInto at the detail level this may represent a very serious reduction in the execution time for the report. 31.x are removed. Revert to generating new reports with ParserType=1.GetDescription and agr..GetDocument always returning values from the current client even if a different client was specified is resolved. 4.6.exe.rec file) view in ReportEngine. running an ARC report where xc_required has not been specified) writing to the cache file is disabled after caching 500 methods. Horizontal scroll bar has been added to dataset (also ." messages removed from log file. However. 3. Excelerator 3. Problem was introduced in 8.. These occurred especially but no exclusively when using Single-Sign-On and with Post-Back.26 build 124 This is a service release of 8. for reports containing sub-reports or agr.e. Spurious error messages during installation against ABW 5.. 4. "concat" keyword now excluded blank values.26 build 121 it generated ParserType=3 (DataSet based) reports which was inconvenient for further development of the report. Problem with time zone offset being applied to dates when being rendered in a different time zone to that where the rerx file was created is resolved. Report Engine (shared functionality) 30. 5. Problem with not being able to use SQL in ARC reports within Self-Service even when setup to call back via the web-service is resolved.. ">>>> Cannot Resolve . xlsx and .exe now uses side-by-side activation of COM via manifest files to avoid any registration 41.csv are now correctly converted to OLE Automation format. 2.26 Changes between 8. xa_file2 etc revert to these original names after being inadvertently renamed to xa_file_1. Parameter xa_file1. 39. New parameter xs_nolog is available to inhibit logging originating from split reports.csv] is resolved. Support for "Agresso Client" type login is removed (including for ABW 5. Date values exported to . 6. The installer (AgrxlInstall. Reports may now be split on a combination of columns: xs_breakcol=column1. 5. This creates a document containing a single table suitable to be used as an MS Word Mail-Merge data source.exe) now continues searching for valid installations of ABW past the most recent one that it finds in order to work properly on machines with more than one version of ABW installed. Setting agr. Screen scraping from Smart Client Browser screens has been improved and now preserves descriptions in Browser Templates with "sub-total logic". Database timeout is now correctly passed through from the client to the web-service to avoid the database continuing to process a request after the web client has timed out anyway.8. Exporting or running a report against a screen with no data no longer causes an error – it just makes an empty report. 7. Handling of non-ascii charancters when exporting to csv is improved. Export to . Export Functionality 1. 9.docx files is now supported.5. 3.exe is now added to the Windows Start Menu 38.25 43. A short-cut to ReportEngine. Support for ABW 55sp2 is removed 36. 40.3) 37.ParserType = 3 means that the report will get data ONLY from the supplied dataset – logging on to get further data will not be allowed Excelerator 5.26 Report Engine (shared functionality) 35. Agrxlcmd.25 and 8. Parameter values are now available when running reports from the template viewer within Self-Service 4. Hidden columns in TopGen screens are included in the DataSet but unless you are a ReportArchitect the values are null Report Creator 6. The original protection status of a worksheet is now automatically preserved when loading and unloading .column2 42.pdf file. The content of the Help files have been updated and replaced by this single . Problem with new lines in data exported to default [. 8. Change "Reports" to "Export" on Self-Service menu bar as this better reflects the options available especially to an un-privileged user. 44. xa_file_2 etc in 8. 25) . 6. Problems with version of . New keywords REF=n.0 is not installed.xls if the user has Excel 2007 or higher installed.0 now it first tries CLR 4. ParserType=DatatSet means that the report will get data ONLY from the supplied dataset – logging on to get further data will not be allowed 7. New Excelerator reports are now created as . (REF=0 is exactly equivalent to ELSE) 9. (problem introduced in 8. Problem data containing new lines is resolved.0 and reverts to CLR 2.xlsx rather than . Problem opening running Excelerator reports from remote locations specified by a uri type filename is resolved 8. REF>n and REF<n are introduced for comparators meaning select all rows which have been used exactly n times. Worderator 1.0 if that fails – probably because CLR 4. 7.NET CLR 2. more than n times and less than n times respectively. Excelerator used to demand .NET required by Excelerator Add-in conflicting with some other Excel Add-in are resolved. . GetDocument() now functions correctly for multi-page Tiff files. Cache file (. However. 10. if xd_title is not specified then the filename is used by default filename. 13. Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. Installer has been enhanced and now allows the possibility of viewing the AgrxlInstaller log file. If there are no errors then no errors report is produced. 8.8. "Can't set DataSetName to zero-length string" error no longer occurs when "template" field is empty when running from Agresso Browser/Template Viewer.x/Route 66.x/Route 66 (SR 166537/167749) 4.6.x / Route 66 via “Agresso Client” connection is withdrawn.24 and 8.25 Changes between 8. Non-browser enquiries are now recognized and summary totals generated when Extracting to Excel – also recognize Sigma characters on ABW 5. 14.dll 7. Installation now includes AgrOdbcExporterLib. 5. Support for logging in to ABW 5. When inserting documents into the archive.rec) file. a csv distribution report will be emailed to xe_reserve if it is defined. “Distribution” report is replaced by “Errors” report which is the same except that it contains rows only for iterations of the report for which the distribution failed.6. (SR 167856) 3.25 The most important and visible change in this release is that the ReportEngine UI within the ABW Smart Client and Self-Service screens is very much improved and rationalized such that the same functionality is available in both cases.rec) is now properly saved on logout from ARC Designer / Excel Addin (problem introduced in 8. "object reference" errors no longer occur on initialize in SelfService TopGen Screens (SR 162006) 6. Documents returned by GetDocument() are now included in the data cache (. 12.6. SendMail method now works correctly with ABW 5. 9. GL07 post-back will no longer use incorrect user_id (SR 163044/167799) 2.24). 11. It is now possible to import all types of report including Worderator and ARC reports containing sub-reports against Self-Service screens. New reports generated from pre-browser enquiry screens now include grouping inferred from the screen . col2 FROM table WHERE …” 18. “dataset SELECT” syntax has been expanded to allow a column list. 17. File>Save As… in the ARC designer now allows the possibility of saving as a “Composite Report” file (. Problem with ImportReportFile/distribution report is resolved.g.rerx) for import into ABW. 4. Problem with “query agresso” not finding the results of the query defined in the _query sheet is resolved.e. (problem in 8. My_Printer no longer generates an error. 6.5sp2) 16. (problem only ever existed with ABW 5. my_printer vs.24) 5. Problem with SQL containing “$” functions not being found in cache files (. 3.rerx” file and using “File>Add File…” Excelerator 1. “_data” sheets are no longer created or refreshed. 2. “Validate” mode for planner postback now exists.rec) is resolved. 19.15. “setdefault client” is no longer overridden by blank value of client(SR 167229) 3. “dataset SELECT col1. I. This allows the import of ARC reports containing sub-reports and/or canvas files. Report files can be packed into “Composite Report” files (. If there is a need to add further files this can be done by opening the “. Logging in web-service is improved / no longer generates very large log files. Spurious error when case of printer name set up in ABW does not match actual Windows printer name.rerx) for import into ABW. Problem with SQL editor hanging if SQL contained “?” preceded by an alphanumeric (e. This will include sub-report and canvas files that can be located. “4?”) is resolved. Date columns now generated with locale dependent formatting (m/d/yyyy) 2. Report Creator 1. (These can occur when data originates from template viewer screens in self-service. . Saving data as csv now copes properly with leading underscores and nulls. There is a new system parameter called RE_POSTBACK_AS. If this exists and has a value other than “0” or blank then users will be allowed to override the logged in user_id with the value of the user_id parameter when posting back. Security rules for posting back via web-service are corrected. Problems with data containing Unicode characters are resolved. 2. 9.7. Worderator 1. 8. Database Timeout is now applied to the web-service when running sql 10. print). The Self Service UI has been very considerably improved including the facility to export browser template screens to csv files. This considerably improves the user experience when working with “data only” reports such as those generated from browser screens. Print state of "Check publisher's certificate revocation" in log file. Whenever a report is split a secondary report is created and added to “Maintenance of Ordered Reports” showing the user how the report has been split and distributed (email. ARC_DEF_FILETYPE / ARC_DEF_WFILETYPE are now respected when running on Agresso 5. Report Splitting process no longer stops if distribution error (email or doc archive) is encountered. We have reverted to the original behaviour – in 8. 7. 9. 8. The system consistently only asks the user to log in when it is really required. 5. This means that it becomes important to check the distribution report referred to above. 6.24 The most important changes in this release are probably the first 4 under “Report Engine (shared functionality)” Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. Report Splitting / Distribution Report. doc archive.6. 4.20) 11. file.8.24 Changes between 8. The concept of being connected to a DataSet is separated from the concept of being Logged in. Problems with prompting for a parameter called "User" when running browser templates are resolved. 12.23 and 8. This includes the case where an attribute status is closed and so the doc archive rejects the document.e. There are no parameters controlling this. NB. The full SQL of every user query is now shown in log file.23 on 5. I. Important for developing ARC reports to be imported via the web UI.6 only these parameters were ignored. 10. Installation / Deployment has been considerably simplified (see Installation Note) 2. Problem with blank date parameters in browser templates leading to "invalid date parameter '' errors is resolved (introduced in 8. This is useful as it runs entirely on the web-server and most machines have software installed that can read a csv file (MS Excel or Open Office). 3. Problem with Error handling in calls to underlying agrlib are resolved (caused misleading error messages from SendMail) . it will always happen. ParserLevel not specified 7. (an invalid name sometimes does not cause an immediate error in the underlying code) 5.toc. (sr 142962) 15. Select prefixed with “dataset” means get the data from the current dataset rather than the database. (This is the default state when opening an xlsx file received as a mail attachment in Outlook. This can make a very significant difference to the execution speed of Excelerator reports on the report server.g. Very serious performance problem concerning “FindConditionalFormatting” when running out-of- process with Excel (i.13. . A warning message is printed in the log file if Printer. This used to lead to excessive use of memory and eventually to an “XML invalid” error (especially in North American travel reports) 2. Set printer orientation when printing from ARC designer and RDF viewer to prevent incorrect printing. Problem with split report output files specified by xf_dir\xf_file being removed when they are also emailed or sent to the document archive is resolved. Intermittent problem with direct printing of rdf files is resolved. on the Report Server) is corrected.must be in OnBeforePrint 6. Excelerator 1. Excelerator reports can now be saved as PDF and XPS if using Excel 2007 or higher 2. 3. Add check for rpt. 4. Treatment of 64bit integers (e. Previously these were seen as real numbers/amounts rather than integers causing a particular problem in the “Extract…” functionality but also elsewhere. Check paper size before printing / offer to shrink to fit if interactive – useful when printing a report laid out for “Legal” on “A4” paper for example. A Warning is printed in the log file if agr. Nested sub-reports are no longer re-created for each instance of the section in main report. Report Creator 1.e. transaction_number) scraped from Browser screens is corrected. 14. 3. New Query syntax.DeviceName is not properly set.add in verify . Error that occurs when trying to load sheet in a workbook that is not enabled for editing is now properly handled. 10. Now able to open and xlsm and xlsb as well as xls/xlsx (previously on report server you were only able to save as xls even if the input file was an xlsx) 6.16 to avoid problems with post-back. When running on Report Server Excelerator will stop immediately with a clear error message if it detects DCOM settings which would cause a later error.4. Problem with method ~ of object ~ when loading a workbook/xls file in which a group of sheets selected is resolved. Precedence of parameters when ordering GL07 is corrected 12. (user=LocalSystem and RunAs set or LoadUserSettings not set). Worderator 1. No Changes . Problem with multiple update_columns and crosstab rows in post-back sheets is resolved. I. Detect if selection criteria have been truncated to 255 characters by copy of sheet (Excel2003 and below) 8. 11. we have reverted to behaviour as per 8. 7. 5. 13. Require x_needs_arw in order to run the arw for xls files.e. (Invoking and closing Excel twice in quick succession is not only inefficient but caused a crash if the “MS Office live update add-in” was installed. The correct DCOM settings are now set as part of the installation (AppID/{xxx}/LoadUserSettings=1) 14. It is now possible to generate a new report based on SELECT statement as well as on a browser template. Server process is now launched as client/user_id specified by parameter when posting back. Problem when exporting from browser templates containing descending sort orders is resolved.) 9. 23 Changes between 8. There is a new switch in the Excelerator Options dialog and on the ARC Designer menu called “Connect to Agresso 55”. Report Engine (shared functionality) 1.8. The xs_filetype parameter may now. $TODAY etc may now be given as a parameter to Query Engine 4.22 build 134 and 8. contain parameters.dsn” file. AgrxlRegister.6 compatibility. Pdf / xls buttons only appear in Self-Service menu for non-Report Archictect users in Template viewer screen and other screens where a template report has been imported. 3. Report Creator . 6.exe is now marked as “requireAdministrator” so as to comply with “User Access Control” (Vista. 10. Windows 7) and now installs the Excelerator Add-in for all users who have previously used Excel on the machine not just the current user. 12.6. ODBC connection dialog is replaced by a simple “File Open” dialog prompting for a “. Problems with name clashes in Planner Transaction entry screen (and potentially others) in Self- Service are resolved. This is checked by default but must be unchecked in order to connect to a client installation of Agresso 5. 9. Windows 2008 Server. 8. But please note that it remains compatible with Agresso 55sp2 and 553. Problem with Screen Sizing in Login screen is resolved. To use this please first create a “. Browser Template names containing single quote characters no longer cause an error.23 The most substantial change in this release that it is the first to be compatible with Agresso 5. Agresso 5. 7. There is now an English translations file so that options can be removed from the menu by setting text="-" 5.6. 11. When generating a new report from a Browser Template with Sub-Total columns where the Sort column is left blank the Sub-Totals are now properly respected. itself.dsn” file (“File DSN”) in the Windows ODBC administration screens. 2. No Changes . ARC_DEF_SFILE_TYPE and ARC_DEF_WFILE_TYPE are no longer respected.22) (build 138) Worderator 1. 3. 2. 3. Excelerator 1. Previously. ARC_DEF_FILE_TYPE. BUT please note that this can lead to serious performance problems due to the dubious implementation of conditional formatting in Excel 2007/2010. Added defensive code to prevent errors when user attempts to create > 8 outline / grouping levels (build 138) 4. When running on the Report Server the “whole report” output (the file that will be visible in “Maintenance of Ordered Reports” and/or printed) will always be created as rdf. (xw_filetype will still be respected but creating anything other than rdf for the whole report is NOT recommended). This is no longer an error. If >1000 rows containing conditional formatting to be inserted under Excel 2007 and 2010 a warning is printed in the log file. this situation sometimes lead to the process hanging.1. Split report output will be created as pdf unless overridden by the xs_filetype parameter. Problem with loading xls files containing macros where sheets were copied into new workbooks for distribution/splitting has been resolved. Extract / Snapshot now works properly on non-browser enquiry screens (failed to apply grouping in 8. 2. The RDF viewer now remembers the “Zoom” setting as well as the screen size from the last time it was used. Problem with "cannot remove primary key" error when using ReportEngine from some TopGen screens is resolved. Set this value to “1” if the report does require the output of an ARW or “0” in the normal case where the report contains it’s own SQL.rer files is resolved. There is a new Parameter called x_needs_arw.22. 2.22 build 131.” This only affected systems to which the most recent updates to Agresso 55sp2 or 553 had been applied. PDF files created with a password now have the "allow printing" property set so that they may be printed from within the Adobe pdf reader. 4. If the parameter is not defined then the system will behave exactly as previously and open the report file to determine this itself. 3. Report Creator 1.RenderMode = 1 when running on ReportServer is resolved. This is prohibited for data integrity reasons. Problem with agr. 2. 6. “Processing of the current screen has been terminated because the user attempted to navigate to a previous page. ReportEngine now works in Template Viewer screens based on system browser templates within the main menu. 5. . (previously only worked in the “Reports” menu”). Problem with "trying to deserialize an empty stream" when opening . Problem with ReportEngine leading to the following error occurring in Web screens is resolved. Problem with ReportEngine ACT dlls causing an "object reference" error when entering some some TopGen screens in the smart client is resolved.8.22 build 131 and 8. This prevents ReportEngine from looking at rpx/xls file to determine if the report requires the output from an arw.22 build 134 This build is a minor release containing only the following corrections to 8. These are almost exclusively connected with functionality that was entirely new in 8. Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. Setting this parameter will save a great deal of time (small Excelerator reports will run twice as quickly) and prevents a problem with Excel hanging which used to occur under some circumstances.22 build 134 Changes between 8. Excelerator 1." is resolved. 3.Item .invalid pointer" when removing control information where report contained "header. No Changes . SQL generated by the “query balance” feature is now included in the log file. Problem with "RowDefs. Up to 250 rows containing conditional formatting are allowed to be inserted under Excel 2007 and 2010 (previous (build 131) limit was >200 underlying rows of data which was too severe). Worderator 1. e. Previously only the first page appeared. All pages of multi-page TIF files stored in the document archive are now attached properly to emails (as a single multi-page TIF file). Report Engine (shared functionality) 1.22 Changes between 8. 4. Problem with fatal error when Report Splitting in the case where the driving query returns no rows is resolved. Previously there was a problem with columns originating in Flexi- Fields which had a particularly bad effect for dates. I. 7. The creation and running of Excelerator reports based on information available in the current screen. Problem with the user being presented with the “Login” dialog even when Single Sign On was enabled is resolved (SR70416) 5. Protection of the database connection is improved.8. . 2. this is the exact opposite of the DATABASE keyword. The creation of a pdf file based on the information available in the current screen. When running reports based from the Agresso Browser screen or Template viewer the data types of all columns is now correct. 8. Report Engine functionality is now available in TopGen screens within the Agresso Windows Client. Report Engine functionality is now available in Self-Service screens. b.20 and 8.22 Headline features of this release are the availability of ReportEngine functionality in Self-Service screens and greatly improved Excelerator Post-Back although there are many other enhancements as listed below.rer) on the web-server which is streamed to the client machine. This requires a standalone installation of ReportEngine (and MS Excel) on the client machine to open the . This is achieved by the creation of an intermediate file (. SQL statements may now be prefixed with the keyword ASQL which will force the use of the Agresso SQL parser even when the SQL parser level is set to “Native”. This includes: a. 6.rer file and create/run the report. (ACT dll needs to be installed) 3. This processing occurs on the Web server – there is no requirement for any additional software on the client machine. 3. Problem with use of agr. The rules for applying timeouts to secondary data sources are now exactly as per primary data sources. In general this produces a much reduced print quality but is required on some dot matrix printers to avoid the text from being distorted (usually “squashed up”). Split report output can now be printed as it is created by setting a parameter named xs_print to “1”. 6. A new property is available to allow the user to specify agr. Note: Consider using 1 bit per pixel i.9. This allows scanned images to be stored as TIF files in the document archive which is probably the best format for such images. Use of $breakcol parameter in “Edit Query” window now functions properly (syntax is $?$breakcol). The generation of default reports from Browser / Template Viewer screens has been considerably improved especially where “sub-total logic” has been used in the Browser Template. RDF viewer now properly respects “copies” and “pages” specified in the print setup dialog. black and white if your scanner supports that. Importing a report containing sub-reports and/or canvas files on the Agresso window client no longer causes an error. 2.e. 9.usually 30s). (Previously secondary data sources always had the default timeout .SetPaperBin in the same report is resolved. Report Creator 1. . RDF viewer has a new “File>Save Pages As…” option which allows the selection of a page or range of pages to be included in the exported file. This forces ARC to apply this property when the report is printed. 7. This can often remove the need to create a single unsplit report containing all the data which often takes more time and resources than the rest of the process put together. 8. 5.SetCanvas and agr. 4. (previously this caused the PaperBin to be ignored).RenderMode=1 (no other values are valid). Agr.GetDocument() will now convert TIF documents to a format that can be used in the image control on the fly. There is a new option entitled “Return 1900-01-01 as blank in date columns”.LL. aatbatchinput. This will cause all dates with this value (the canonical “null” date in Agresso) to be returned as blank/null. Excel 2010 is supported. AT08. 7. GL07 post-back processing now occurs on the server and is considerably more efficient and secure. When running on the report server “query. a. 6. 3. (Auto-select still does not work in 55sp2/553) 10. A new option on the Tools menu allows you to create a simple postback template listing all available columns. If one of the following processes is specified in the update_columns row then the data will be placed in the corresponding batch input table and the server process will be ordered.n agresso” now triggers running an ARW file to extract the data. LG04. An xlsx file will now be found and run on the report server if output type “Excelerator” is selected. algbatchinput. GL07 post-back is now available when using an ODBC connection to the database. 8. Processes: GL07. It is now possible to select an “xlsx” file from Report Architect > Existing Report. It is now possible to disable any item in the Excelerator Add-in menu by setting text=”-“ in the Translation. The Post back feature has been considerably improved. 5. e. If the name of the table is specified then the data will be loaded into the table but the process will not be ordered. It is now possible to have multiple update_crosstab rows. atrimport. There are considerable performance improvements when inserting and removing large numbers of rows from Excel. This will be set in all newly created reports but is not set automatically for existing reports because of potential (but unlikely) compatibility issues if the column is an input to an Excel Formula. Insertion of outline grouping now respects and is compatible with any pre-existing outline grouping in the worksheet. c. AT09. The limit on the maximum number of rows to insert has been removed. 2. (As “query agresso” has always done) . 9. Problem with GL07 processes being initiated with some or all parameters missing is resolved (only affected the web-service connection) b. acsheaderinput.xml file. 4. TR01. Tables: acrbatchinput.Excelerator 1. Post-back to other batch import tables and processes is now available. CS15. (where LL is the current language code). aatassetinput. (This was done to avoid the use of conditional formatting which becomes very inefficient in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. f. d. xla is now digitally signed. The generation of default reports from Browser screens has been improved.usually 30s). Split reports may now be printed as they are created.20 build 124 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. Documents or files specified by the xa_* parameters or agr. Worderator 1. Giving create access ‘C’ to the Report Architect menu will now allow users to use the “query balance” feature in Excelerator without granting the user the right to run user-defined SQL. Add-in file agrxl8.20 build 124 Changes between 8. 12. 2. To do this use a parameter called xs_print and set it’s value to 1. 14. 15. The rules for applying timeouts to secondary data sources are now exactly as per primary data sources. 13. “cc” address is removed when emailing to xe_reserve address after and email failure. This allows scanned images to be stored as TIF files in the document archive .Attach* methods are now correctly attached to emails. (In previous releases this worked against Agresso 553 but not 55sp2. No Changes 8. Tools>Lookup… now functions properly against Agresso 553. Agr. xe_excel parameter no longer has any affect 16. Report Creator 1.20/123 this did not work with either 553 or 55sp2) 2.20 build 123 and 8. in 8.11. (Previously secondary data sources always had the default timeout .GetDocument() will now convert TIF documents to a format that can be used in the image control on the fly. No Changes .which is probably the best format for such images. Note: Consider using 1 bit per pixel i. black and white if your scanner supports that. No Changes Worderator 1. Excelerator 1.e. ” message after logging in. When running Browser Templates which include a prompt for a parameter named “client” (often displayed as “company” ReportEngine will now prompt the user even though a parameter called “client” will always pre-exist. 14. 7. To prevent this behavior it would be necessary to define a parameter called “company” (or the multilingual equivalent of “company”) . Problem that occurred generating reports from a browser template with a name > 30 characters long and in which the 30th character was blank is resolved. 11. 4. Note that older versions of ReportEngine cannot use the new web service and vice-versa. 2. The efficiency of the web service type connection is very significantly improved in terms of both speed and memory usage on both the client machine and the web server.16 and 8.8. 10. Login is always required when working from ARC Designer or Excel Add-in.ReportEngine Version=1. 2=ASQL. Problem that prevented Oracle runtime dlls from being found under some (rare) circumstances is resolved.0. The efficiency of handling large volumes of data is improved. Progress window is no longer marked as “TopMost” which had the effect of leaving it visible even if the user switched to another application. 8.20 Changes between 8. Parser Types / Levels have been renamed 1=Native. Problem with Web server returning the following error is resolved “Could not load file or assembly ‘Agresso. 3.0. New xe_from parameter that allows user to specify the “from” address when reports are distributed by email. Progress window is no longer left on the screen covering the “Logged In. 13.3…” 12.20 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1.16 and only affected 553). Intermittent failures of server based reports where parallel queues were in use is resolved. Symptom was “Unrecoverable Error” in the log file. 6. Intermittent “login” problems when running on server under Agresso 553 are resolved (problem introduced in 8. 5. Problem with a server process parameter named client being defined but left blank is resolved. 9. 1=low size/quality.16.UseParameter in the ARC designer now takes immediate effect.e. When closing the rpx file the user is logged out from the rec file.jpg”) will look for “myfile. 2. NB agr.pdf /p:xf_jpgsize=10 16.GetTitle() not returning the title in some cases is resolved. New “clean” mode in agrxlregister.rdf file2. i.exe is replaced by AgrxlARCViewer.dll to AgrxlARCViewer. 3. Problem with agr. New xf_password parameter to allow specification of a password on pdf files created from ARC reports. 100=full quality (default) 9.exe /cmp file1. When opening an rpx file with the ARC designer the user will automatically be logged in to a correspondingly named rec file if one exists and the user was not already logged in or logged in to a different rec file. ARC designer user interface code is moved from AgrxlARC001. 12. agr. . The change is noted here only because the sizes of these files are dramatically changed.g. This is an alternative to using the xa_ parameters and is much more versatile. New xf_jpgsize parameter to allow control over jpg image quality when writing the output of ARC reports as pdf. 6. Problem with “Object variable of with block not set” error after export of report output from ARC Designer is resolved. 10. 11. often in “Customised Reports”.rdf 4. agr.GetFile(“c:\mypath\myfile.exe Report Creator 1. This does not have any effect on functionality. Command line utility agrxlcmd will now accept rdf files as input.GetFile(“myfile.DataSource allows ARC to read data from secondary ODBC datasource as well as the main Agresso database to which it is connected.bmp”) that can be used in a similar way to agr. 7. AgrxlRDFComparator.GetDocument() in order to set the “picture” property of report controls. Should be set in range 1-100. E.GetRecordSet() now leaves the cursor positioned at the first row as was the case before 8. There is a new GetFile() method on the agr object. New agr. agr. 5.AttachFile() to allow the specification of documents or files to be attached to the distributed email within the vbscript code.jpg” in the same folder as the rpx file in which it is running. You no longer have to close and re-open the designer for the change to be registered. Useful in the following case: agrxlcmd /in:myfile.15. New agr. Changing an agr.GetRecordSet() now works correctly with Unicode data.exe.AttachDocument() and agr. 8.rdf /out:myfile. 13. 8. Problem with the combination of “query balance”. 15. Worderator . 7.e. NB setting the paper bin will not always be respected by the printer / printer driver in use. 5. (query EXCEL my_named_range).id” 4.g. agr. 3. 10. Limit on number of rows returned by a query is removed. itself. This was causing problems when data was compared with values supplied in “code” columns or “crosstab” rows.SetDefaultPaperBin to allow control of which paper bin individual pages are to be printed to. the result of loading data from elsewhere or contained referenced to data previously updated by the load process. 2. It is now possible to refer to a named range to use as a data source. New agr. Very small rounding errors are now ignored by the workbook comparator tool. I.x. This is to allow for the case where it was. Trailing blanks are now stripped from string type data read from the database as was the case in ReportEngine 7. Problems with breaking on a column name containing a dot in a balance query are resolved. Use of these methods is very similar to agr.16). When using an Excel worksheet as a data source (query EXCEL my_worksheet) the worksheet is now re-calculated before the read. 6. E. Allows the user to specify that the report should be run from the named table which should exist in the externally supplied DataSet.10 to 8. “break cust. Needed in reports designed to run from TopGen screens.SetPaperBin and agr.14. 9. Excelerator 1.SetDefaultCanvas. This is very useful in order to allow the named range to refer to data that will be loaded by Excelerator and include extra columns of calculated data.SetCanvas and agr. (This problem has existed from 8. it will only work on some printers. GL07 type Post-Back can now be used via the web-service connection. Error handling in the case where data in worksheets used as data source is invalid.SetQuery TABLE my_tablename. “break” and “nozeros” on the same query is resolved. Problem with Page Breaks only being inserted if the total number of page breaks in the report was an odd number is resolved. 1. No Changes . Note that this change requires Agresso 553 update2 or Agresso 55sp2 update10. The treatment of SQL timeouts is corrected (reverts to the same behavior as ReportEngine 7. from the Excel Addin the timeout set in the “Options…” dialog is respected.16 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. Parser type defined in report (rpx or xls) is now respected when the query is run by the report engine in order to perform report splitting. 5. Command line switches to agrxlcmd are no longer case sensitive. 8. (To do this set the value of this registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\AGRESSO Excelerator\Options\ShowLogInProgressWindow=”1”).9 in conjunction with Agresso 5. Problem with upper or mixed case stored procedure names being rejected is resolved (577733).8. The symptom of this was that if you had a report using native database sql syntax then it could fail because the sql was being parsed by the Agresso server sql parser. A “notepad” like editor is available to view / edit the contents of cells .4). Cache file editor is improved and supplied as a separate exe file named AgrxlRecEdit. a. if these updates have not been applied ReportEngine prints a warning in the log file and continues without setting the timeout. 9.15 and 8. 4. 10. b. On the report server no timeout is applied. 6. other tabs open only at the request of the user. A new “randomize” feature allows the contents of the selected cells to be randomized . Only the “Methods” tab is initially open. 3. Problem with using the “Agresso client” type connection to a database which is not the default at the database/odbc level is resolved. Various registration problems on Vista are resolved.useful for working with the SQL statements. Previously under some conditions this gave rise to problems with the Agresso server parser corrupting native flavour SQL. 2. . 7. Problem with the wrong user domain being supplied to the ReportEngine web service when working with Single-Sign-On is resolved.16 Changes between 8.useful for sensitive data. Problem with using the wrong database drivers after certain server processes (including TS01 and CU04) is resolved. c. It is now possible to show the log messages in the progress window. 14). Problem with login failing when logging in to a user with no default client is resolved (this problem was introduced in 8. 2. No Changes . 12. Report Creator 1. 13. Fixed a major problem with platform login/out with wrong credentials that was leading to the user being temporarily locked out. Last character of subroutine no longer gets lost after commenting out / uncommenting with Cntrl- ‘ 3. Excelerator 1. Worderator 1. Excelerator will now log in silently on demand to a previously used ODBC connectioin but not to a previously used data cache file. Excel 2003 bug causing “file not found” error when opening the Excelerator Addin is now detected automatically and the error message contains a reference to the MS knowledge base article and details to download the patch to Excel. It is also improved by getting the correct messages from platform during authentication.11. “Cancelled by user” errors no longer cause full error details to be displayed on screen when running from within the Agresso Windows client. 2. “Subscript out of range” error when copying multiple controls from the report to the canvas in the ARC Designer is resolved. Problem with rpx file located in the REPORT_WRITER folder not being found if it also requires an ARW is resolved. 14 is resolved.15 Changes between 8. 3. 6. The agr.8.14 and 8.9) 2.GetDocument() method no longer throws an error if no such document exists in the document archive. Problem with attaching documents from the document archive to emails is resolved. No Changes . Excelerator 1.rec files) is improved.14). Instead a zero length file image is returned. Problem with “out of bounds” error when using the “Extract” option from within a pre-browser balance table enquiry screen is resolved. (Problem was introduced in 8. Data Caching mechanism (. 4. Problem with Database keyword and/or agr. Worderator 1. (This is the primary reason for this release following shortly after 8. Problem with retrieving email addresses via xe_attid/xe_attvalue or xe_addressid introduced in 8. The “Max Rows to load” restriction is now ignored for new Excelerator reports. Problem with retrieving titles by number when that number was less than 32000 is resolved. Report Creator 1.14). 5.ParserLevel=1 when executing SQL statements not being respected when ReportEngine was being invoked by certain standard server processes is resolved. “New ARC Report” from Agresso windows client now leaves the new report (rpx file) open in the ARC Designer (as per 7. 2.15 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. . [rec|xml]. (HEAT 556230) 2. Problems with printing xls files directly on the report server machine are resolved. 5.14 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. A number of exception handling problems have been resolved.14 Changes between 8. Error that occurs when printing a report when an invalid printer tray or paper size is specified is no longer fatal. 6.CacheEditor. (problem introduced at 8.exe with the following command: agrxlcmd filename.ReportEngine. 3. Problem with the use of the “$” portable sql functions when running against Oracle is resolved.8. a warning is printed in the log file and execution continues. ODBC connection is now an option in the Login dialog.10) 2. 7. Excelerator 1. (Used to be a problem with inefficient serialization of data) 8. Cache files may be viewed / edited via agrxlcmd. Problem with leading and trailing spaces in parameters is resolved. Single sign on is now available when using the Agresso Client type connection from within Excel or the ARC Designer.exe is withdrawn. Problem causing rdf files always to be printed to the default printer is resolved. Problem with progress window remaining visible after previewing a report within the designer is resolved. Agresso. 2.13 and 8. . Report Creator 1. Problem with “Report (xls)” from browser screen generating output like <xr0r0dim2> in columns where subtotal logic exists is resolved. Memory usage is reduced and performance increased when running from within Excel or the ARC designer. (Was only a problem where server process and report parameters with names differing only by leading or trailing spaces). 4. 5. Support for postback to Salary Review is added. This is useful as any pre-validation errors will be reported at this stage. Sort keyword is now allowed on all query types (except query control). 6. Worderator 1. The “Validate” option when posting back to Planner or Salary Review is now enabled.3. 7. Query AGRESSO template_name syntax now works in “sheet” or “group” row in _control sheet 4. A new query type of TABLE is available. It processes the spreadsheet loading data into the postback object but stops before actually posting it. (Useful mainly when calling Excelerator programmatically). But it is still recommended to use an SQL ORDER BY clause instead on SQL queries. No Changes . This means that the query is based on the named table in the supplied DataSet. No Changes Excelerator 1.13 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. Problem with “object does not support this property or method” error when sending emails is resolved. It is not possible to use this feature at all without this access. path etc) are now only remembered after a successful login. 3. (HEAT 545681) 4. client.8. This problem occurred in some standard server processes notably su11. (HEAT 547027) 2. unless the user has access to “Batch input Maintenance” it is not possible to post to any client other than the client that the user is logged in as. Problem with “Exctract (xls)” from browser screen which gave rise to columns being offset by one and incorrectly formatted is resolved. 5. (HEAT 546237) Worderator 1. The use of this feature is now controlled by access to the “Batch input transactions from external system” menu point in the Agresso Windows client.12 and 8. 2. Report Creator 1. Login details (username.13 Changes between 8. Support for multilingual texts is extended. Problem with sending email attachments on Agresso 533 is resolved (HEAT 544459). Problem with duplicate parameters differing in case (BatchId vs batchid) is resolved. No Changes . Further. Security on GL07 type post back has been enhanced. . 12 Changes between 8. Problem with automation error when viewing rdf files when logged in as an administrator user on Vista is resolved. CC address is now properly respected xe_cc (previously caused an error with illegal email address containing ‘!’) 6.10 and 8. Excelerator 1. A problem with the web service was discovered when running multiple client sessions from the same terminal services (or Citrix) server. Added support for using planner post-back in asynchronous mode.12 Report Engine (shared functionality) 1. 4. Problem with 553 authenticator mechanism on web service is resolved. xa_doctype1. 3. xa_doctype2. See new parameters xa_file1. . 7. Report Creator 1. xa_doctype2 etc. 2. 5. Problem with self registration when running on Visa as an administrator and when running as part of an Agresso report server process using the “Local System” user is resolved. Problem with “GetCursor” when splitting reports (via xs_breakcol) is resolved. 2. This has required a change to the web service interface breaking compatibility with previous versions of the ReportEngine client so that after installing the new web server it will also be necessary to update all the client installations of ReportEngine that use it. 8. xa_file2. There is a new option to allow you to remove the “Post” option leaving only the “Validate” mode of postback. Problem with data cache files being overwritten after logging out and logging in again without closing Excel or the ARC designer is resolved. Added the possibility of attaching files or documents from the document archive to report output distributed by email.8. xa_doctype1. Error handling and logging has been improved. The data cache file format is changed and the functionality is improved.10 Changes between 7. If it is possible to run the Agresso Windows Client from a PC (either locally installed or via central client config) then it is also possible to login to Agresso from Excel and use Excelerator via the Excel Add-In. 4. Important: Due to this increased integration with Agresso this release of ReportEngine to now requires Agresso 55sp2 update 6 or higher.10 The most important feature of this release is the possibility to log on to Agresso and use the Agresso client configuration when starting from Excel or the ARC Designer and the availability of functionality whatever the connection method. 8. Problems encountered when running Excelerator from within Excel on Vista are resolved.9 and 8.3. As before. When logging in from . For example the Planner Post Back feature is now available when connected in this way as well as via the web service. Worderator 1.1 can be installed side-by-side with earlier versions of ReportEngine. (All GUIDs and ProgIDs have been changed including the installation product ID). it is necessary to define a parameter called xc_required with a non-zero. Report Engine (shared functionality) 1.rec” (ReportEngine Cache) file is created for all ARC reports when running on the Agresso Report Server. By default a “. non-blank value to trigger the same behaviour when running Excelerator on the Report Server. Problem with planner posback failing after logging in a second time during the same Excel session is resolved. Resolved problem resulting from a security update in all versions of MS Word which caused a “do you want to run this SQL” message when Worderator was run. (This message was spurious anyway because Worderator was not trying to run any SQL). To avoid inconvenience to customers who may have a requirement to connect to both Agresso 55sp2 and an earlier version of Agresso (perhaps for the duration of an upgrade project) this ReportEngine 8. Support for Excel 95 has also been removed. This release of ReportEngine will not function properly against previous releases of Agresso. I. (setting this property to 2 will cause the Agresso Server SQL parser to be used even when running within the Agresso windows client or directly from the ARC Designer).e. 7. There should no longer be any reason to connect to an Agresso Database using a direct ODBC connection. Agr. It is highly recommended that the Client SQL parsing be used even when running on the Server.Excel or from the ARC designer it is possible to log in to / connect to a . Also allows these to be converted to . Spaces are now tolerated in the value of the xd_indexvals parameter. 4.SetQuery "Agresso template_name" is now allowable syntax meaning “invoke the QueryEngine to run the specified browser template and base the report on the results” . The security model is improved so that access to the database connection is controlled by access to the “Report Architect” menu point whatever the connection method. Parameter descriptions rather than parameter names are used when prompting for Browser template parameters Report Creator 1. all too frequent. a properly handled error occurs which is reported in the log file an execution of the server job continues normally. There is a new agr. This situation arose only when rpt.ParserLevel=1 is added by default for all new which means “always use the Agresso client parser”. “<client>. 2.Cancel was used to cancel the report but had the very undesirable effect of hanging the Report Server queue. It is now possible to select which type of SQL parsing is required on a report by report basis wherever the report is being run. it is no longer necessary to use the Agresso Server Parser (ASQL) when running on the report server. 3. 6. “agr. Add defensive code to prevent untrapped trap error when report has zero pages. Resolution of timing information printed in log file is improved.rec files.ParserLevel =0 means no parsing. 2.ParserLevel property available in ARC reports which allows the user to specify which type of SQL parsing is required. <apar_id>” with a space after the comma used to cause an error but now has the desired effect. 8. problem of a report working properly when developed on the client not working properly when deployed on the Report Server. 3.rec file so that the report can be re-run offline. This is very important as it avoids the. It is also possible to create a new cache file when running interactively. any other value or missing means the same as “Compatibility Mode” in Excelerator and mimics the previous functionality. A new Data Cache Editor is provided to view and amend . agr. (Although this feature is still available to facilitate use against other databases especially as a secondary data source in Excelerator) 5.xml files if required. Now. non-blank value will indicate that the row is to be excluded. 9. 4.4. “Save As…” dialog now always opens properly from within the ARC designer. colours and conditional formatting are now respected when generating a new Excelerator report from a browser template from within Excel. 5. 8. “Agresso Client” when running within the Agresso Client. . 2. Problem with incorrect treatment of groups when group column contains data with nulls is resolved. There is a new “Pre Parser Level” option in the “Options” window to allow the user to specify which flavour of SQL parsing they require. 10. Excelerator 1. 12. (Used to open the first time showing only part of the window). This normally results in a prompt like “Cost Centre” rather then the internal name like “dim1”. this mimics the previous undesirable behaviour for backwards compatibility. Limit of 10000 rows no longer applies to data exported from Agresso. It is now possible to insert an unbound rich edit control onto the canvas designer. Performance improvements have been made where large amounts of data are loaded into Excel. Problem with Method ~ of object ~ error when inserting large volumes of data into Excel has been resolved. 3. “Agresso Client”. 11. Values are “None” = don’t parse the SQL at all. Autofit is no longer used when generating a new report running under Excel 2007 because this feature of Excel is very slow on Excel 2007.e. When prompting for parameters required by a Browser Template the user now sees the parameter description rather than its name. It is now possible to use the “Edit Caption” feature on the canvas designer. A column named “_exclude” can be added into an update_columns row to control whether individual rows will be included or excluded when the sheet is Posted. 7. 5. 7. Log in on demand is now applied consistently whatever action is requested. 6. GL07 postback no longer requires separate ODBC connection. “Agresso Server” or “Compatibility Mode” which means “None” when running from within Excel. 6. Sub-total logic. “query excel sheet_name” functionality has been extended to read from an Excel List Object if the sheet_name worksheet contains one. Any non-zero. Problems printing to printers with names like \\myprinterserver\myprinter are resolved. “Agresso Server” when running on the Agresso Report Server – i. Protected worksheets are now re-protected after loading or unloading.13. 14. It used to be necessary to import the document into Agresso. Merge fields containing formatting switches are now properly treated. . Note that on re- protecting no password is used. 3. PreParameter rows are now processed after everything else during the unload process so that the main part of the unload process sees the same view of the worksheet as the load process. It is now possible to use Worderator to push data into a mail merge document held outside Agresso provided that the data column definitions match. Worderator 2.
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