
April 2, 2018 | Author: Ravi Rockss | Category: Sales, Balance Sheet, Employment, Advertising, Loans



PREFACEPractical training is very important for B.B.A. student. It is compulsory for every student of B.B.A. to take training for 1 days in any industry & prepare the project on that industry. I prepared project on GOPAL NAMKEEN which is well known in all over the Gujarat Which is located on Vadvajdi, Eshwariya road in Rajkot. This company also initially started in 1996 as a small scale industry. The main object of this project for F.Y.B.B.A. is developing the student skill & knowledge about industrial environment and business practical among the whole students. DATE: Student¶s Signature Bagathriya Kaushal 1|P a ge DECLARATION I undersigned Mr. Kaushal Bagathriya U. A student of F.Y.B.B.A. here by declare that the project work which I presented is my own work & has been carried out under the supervision guidance of Prof. Krunal Goswami of Mahatma Gandhi College Rajkot. This work has not been previously submitted to any other university for an examination. DATE: Signature, Bagathriya Kaushal 2|P a ge ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would to first of all thank Prof. Krunal Goswami for giving me project report guidance & I am also thanking to our principal Sailesh Jani for their co-operation and I am also thankful to our college who helped in project report through their body of knowledge. I would also thank to ³GOPAL NAMKEEN´ which helped in project report through allowed me for project work in their factory. Every industry can not give all information about relatd project report but, this industry gave me very important part of information about this report. DATE: Signature, Bagathriya Kaushal 3|P a ge MAIN ± INDEX SR. NO PARTICULARS PAGE NO 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 5 2. MANUFACTURING PROCESS 16 3. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 25 4. EMPLOYEES RELATED INFORMATION 30 5. MARKETING INFORMATION 35 6. CONTRIBUTION OF THE UNIT OF SOCIETY 42 7. CONTRIBUTION OF THE UNIT OF INDUSTRY 43 8. ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 44 9. FUTURE PLANS 45 10. CONCLUSION 47 11. SUGGESTIONS 49 12. BIBLOGRAPHY 51 4|P a ge 5|P a ge INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRM 7. 3.SR NO. 7. 4. 6. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCURE 12. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. TIME KEEPING SYSTEM 15. 2. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 8. LOCATION CHART 13. COMPANY LAYOUT 14. 8. FORM AND TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 11 5. 6|P a ge . COMPANY PROFILE & PROMOTERS DETAILS 9. 1. Eshwarya road in Rajkot. GOPAL NAMKEEN is well known for its brand in field of NAMKEEN. I got the valuable opportunity to visit this company. I described above general information about the GOPAL NAMKEEN so. 7|P a ge . Spices Powder & other raw material for its products.INTRODUCTION GOPAL NAMKEEN IS A private company is produce such a kind of NAMKEEN product different from the other companies production. you have to known that company closely. They mainly use Besan. situated at Vadvajdi. Mr. Bipinbhai Hadvani & Mr. Prafulbhai Hadvani started ³GOPAL NAMKEEN´ in 1996. That time the name of the unit was GOPAL GRUH UDYOG. Establishment time company can produce 500 Kg. Initially it was established as a partnership firm on 1st November. technology. In 2000. Bipinbhai and Mr.PVT company which is produce 60 to more products in the market. 8|P a ge . It is a snake¶s manufacturer company. per day because of expansion of the company & utilize highly equipment.1996 with investment of 18 lakhs Mr.HISTORY & DEVELOPMENT Mr. Prafulbhai are the partners the production was started in small two room at Rajnagar in Rajkot. Bipinbhai Hadvani himself is coming from reputed family staying at Bhadra like village near Rajkot. production per day but now a day it¶s produce 10000 Kg. innovation etc. huge investment was required for expansion & modernization machineries partnership deed has converted into a Private Ltd. with 15 to 20 products. At present GOPAL GRUH UDYOG known as GOPAL NAMKEEN . Dalmuth 10. Rajkot. Mavdi plot. Year of establishment Telephone number Sector Accounting year Employees Weekly off day Main product : : : : : : : 1996 0281-2371308 Profitable organization Financial year 189 Sunday All Namkeen Products: 1. Fry star 8. Chavanu 6.COMPANY PROFILE & PROMOTERS DETAILS Name of company Registered office : : GOPAL GRUH UDYOG GOAPAL GRUH UDYOG. Rajkot ± 360004. Vatana 7. 9|P a ge . Minining 9. Gathiya 2. ½ Amar Nagar. Chevdo 5. Magdal Brand name Banker : : GOPAL NAMKEEN Oriented Bank Of Commerce Dhebar road. Sev mamara] 4. Bhakhrvadi 3. 8:00 am to 12:00 pm 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm Market : Gujarat 10 | P a g e .Promoters : Bipinbhai Hadvani & Prafulbhai Hadvani Turn over Last year sales Present investment Production capacity Shift : : : : : 8-9 corers 8 corers 1.5 corers 10000 kg per day One shift. 1. Sole proprietorship 2. Joint stock company 4. GOPAL NAMKEEN is a profitable organization & it¶s type of organization is Private Limited Company.FORM AND TYPES OF ORGANIZATION Many type of organization we know that. 11 | P a g e . Co ± operation society But. Partnership 3. The chart of GOPAL NAMKEEN as under is proof of high soundly management of that company. Finance S Accountant Personnel Production Marketing Supervisor Dealer Assistant accountant Workers Consumer 12 | P a g e .D.ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Organizing means dividing the work among different employees among different department and by giving them authority &responsibility. ORGANIZATION CHART M. transportation facility.LOCATION OF CHART The location of any industry affect positively or negatively to profitability & efficiency. The industries are located that place very mush where industries necessary provided like sources of raw material. The location of unit that I have visited: LOCATION CHART: 13 | P a g e . power supply etc. As we know that ³GOPAL NAMKEEN´ is spread all over Gujarat and Maharashtra. That are consider while selecting the factory location. COMPANY LAYOUT 14 | P a g e . 15 | P a g e . In this unit there are approximately 130 employees. The working session of this enterprise is as under: 1. late coming. Time keeping department maintain all types of records like presence. Morning session: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm 2. absence. sick leaves of each employee. GOPAL NAMKEEN working only one shift. Their working hours of entire day is 8 ± 10 hours.TIME KEEPING SYSTEM In GOPAL NAMKEEN SECTOR every worker has to work for different hours. Afternoon session: 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm So. Lunch break: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm 3. casual leaves. 16 | P a g e . INDEX SR. PARTICULAR PAGE NO. INTRODUCTION 18 2. NO. RAW MATERIAL MACHINES WQUIPMENT 19 3. PRODUCTION PROCESS CHART 21 5. PRODUCTION PROCESS 20 4. INSTALLED AND UTILIZES CAPACITY 23 7. 1. MAIN PRODUCTS 22 6. QUALITY CONTROL 24 17 | P a g e . Purchasing raw ± material 3. Production planning 2. 18 | P a g e . The role of production department is unique in any production unit because of performing the primary & important function i. Research & development regarding product 5. Inventory control and quality control 4.INTRODUCTION Production is very important in the industry.e. Develop & adopt new production technology. It deals with man & machine in the organization to accomplish both productivity & satisfaction production department is engaged in conversion of raw material into finished on semi ± finished goods. products of commodities. Production department of the firm makes major contribution for the achievement of company strategic goals. Production department following these activities: 1. Mamri. To reach the demand they have to purchase in bulk quantity of raw material. Packing material. Vatana. as well as all over in Gujarat. Raw material which uses as like Chana dal. Nadiyad. 19 | P a g e . Kathol.RAW MATERIAL & MACHINEEQUIPMENT Every industry purchase raw material for minimize production cost & provide best manufactured production to the public. Tikha masala. GOPAL NAMKEEN purchase the raw material from different cities & different villages like Rajkot. Jamnagar etc. spices masala. Kapaciya Oil. Besan etc. Surendrnagar. 20 | P a g e . Spices masala. Sakarpara. Edible oil. Spices etc.PRODUCTION PROCESS The majority process followed by the Namkeen sector regarding production of its all Namkeen product is as follows: 1) Mixing of Besan in required quality: Mixing of Besan. Masala. 2) Frying: Above mixing puts in frying process & after two minute it is come out from the equipment. Iodized salt. etc. So. Tikha Vatana. 3) Adding other ingredients: After frying process chilly powder. Edible oil. Fry Biscute. And so many raw material use for different product like Save Mamra. chilly masala & other composition are added by machine. Edible oil. Iodized salt. Spices. Boiling water & Soda puts in further process. Whet flour. 4) Packing: After finishing above process than finished roducts are packed by machine in different weight with printing packing. Sing dana. Iodized salt. Spices etc. Iodized salt. Extremely fine. Chevdo. etc. Masur. Tikha Gathiya. GOPAL NAMKEEN makes different products. other ingredients as follows: Masala Dal: Masala sing: Dalmuth: Bhakharvadi: Chana dal. PRODUCTION PROCESS CHART RAW MATERIAL MIXING FRYING PACKING 21 | P a g e . The following products which are manufactured by GOPAL NAMKEEN: ALL IN NAMKEEN ITEMS LIKE: 1) SAVE MAMRA 2) FRY BISCUTE 3) SAKARPARA 4) SING BHAJIYA 5) TIKHA GATHIYA 6) TIKHA VATANA 7) SABUDANA 8) CHEVDO 9) FRY GIYER RING 10) CHANAJOR GARAM 22 | P a g e .MAIN PRODUCT As we know that ³GOPAL NAMKEEN´ has its different units producing all NAMKEEN items. 23 | P a g e . per day.INSTALLED & UTILIES CAPACITY ³GOPAL NAMKEEN´ very well known company for its Namkeen product. That company famous very much because company can provide customer demand for namkeen product so. they capable to produce more & more.000 kg. Approximately 7 machinery installed for production process. they daily produce many namkeen product with very higher equipment & so. It¶s utilized capacity : 10. QUALITY CONTROL Quality is one of the most essential that attracts the customers. At GOPAL NAMKEEN MISSON to work as a term for continuous improvement in particular products. Thus. To see & conformed that only standard & qualitative products are dispatched. For that now a day every company has a standard quality management system. company having highly qualitative products can only survive. & measuring equipment time to time. Company can maintain quality with use of best raw material best mixing & frying facilities etc. It is the quality through which our products are distinguished. quality management system of GOPAL NAMKEEN IS VERY efficient. In this highly competitive area.. 24 | P a g e . 25 | P a g e . OWNED AND BORROWED CAPITAL 27 2. BALANCE SHEET 29 26 | P a g e .INDEX SR NO PARTICULARS Page No. SOURCES OF FINANCE 28 3. 1. 000 20.30.000 27 | P a g e .OWNED & BORROWED CAPITAL Today finance is considered as the ³Life blood of the business´ without finance no business activity is possible. So for an organization it is must have a amount of finance & for this it should have financial department. to distribute that finance among the various department according to their need..e.00. first to manage financial resources.00. Particular Ownership fund Reserve & surplus Borrowed capital Amount Rs. Finance management has to play very important i. 45.000 5. As per the very necessary of finance they can use reserve & borrowed capital too. economic condition etc. GOPAL NAMKEEN use different sources of finance. That company also use ownership fund as source of finance. It includes the planning of business finance. Financial manager formulates plans after knowing the organization immediate situation. 28 | P a g e .SOURCES OF FINANCE Finance is one of the important function of financial management. They are taking loans from different banks as per there needs for the development of the unit they are also taking finance from other private financial institute. Balance sheet AMOUNT LIABILITY RS ASSETS AMOUNT RS Capital account Creditor for expenses Deposite from debtors Equity share account Duties & taxes Loans Sundry debtors Secured loans Unsecured loans Sundry creditors Bank a/c Net profit 7500000 402500 2263900 9240000 1841608 14063003 30140 257026 14659554 11435684 3532846 4763447 Fixed assets Investments Deposits Duties & taxes Loans & advances Sundry debtors Bank accounts Cash in hand Stock in hand 2902596 8100 29214 1307273 2000000 8152431 5952116 2187811 332541 69989315 69989315 29 | P a g e . 30 | P a g e . TOPIC PAGE NO. 32 33 34 1 2 3 TOTAL EMPLOYEES & CLASSIFACTION INDUSTRIAL RELATION INDIVIDUAL RELATION 31 | P a g e . NO.INDEX SR. GOPAL NAMKEN pays total salary at the end of month & any worker can withdraw own salary. one accountant. proper administration of their wages & salaries become a necessity. So. under this system worker paid according to work done by certain period on an overage organization pays 80 ± 300 to skilled employees & unskilled employees are paid near about 70 ± 150 rupees. That company can follows daily wage system & monthly wage system which is most common & oldest system.TOTAL EMPLOYEES & CLASSIFICATION There are total approximately working in GOPAL NAMKEEN including two M. 32 | P a g e .D. one takinghead. As every factor employed in a enterprise gets rewards for its combination among this factor human resources get contribution in form of monitory manager. Though GOPAL NAMKEEN is a Private Limited but it has a good industrial relation with all the industries as they contribute a lot of amount to these industries.INDUSTRIAL RELATION Today in industrial relation with other companies are most valuable because by that relation company can compete this competition. air. It includes ventilation. The management of this organization has given careful attention towards proper working condition for its employee. a special care is taken for better working condition as a possible as best. etc. They are also taking different steps & carrying out different activities to keep good relation with different kinds of industries. drinking water. light. 33 | P a g e . Now days in each an every industry the employment services are provided to strong up the employees co-operation. Thus it has a well established personnel department for managing their workers & employees. * * The company provides bus facilities. it also provides the facilities like: (a) Insurance (b) Medical (c) Bonus (d) Festive advance (e) Overtime payment (f) Canteen facility. it is also a social responsibility of the unit. Moreover. Provident fund benefits are provided.´ In this case of GOPAL NAMKEEN it has personnel manager to manage the HRM of their sector. The company also provides short ± term loan to the employees if required which will be deducted from their wages in the installments. 34 | P a g e . * * Every employee gets bonus on the to time of the festival.INDIVIDUAL RELATIONS In present personnel department is essential due to complexity of HRM in an organization personnel can be defined in the words of Pigors & Hyng ³Personnel management is method of developing potentialities of employees so that they get maximum satisfaction out of their work & give their best efforts to organization. Gifts and sweet are given at the time of festival. 35 | P a g e . ADVERTISING & SALES PROMOTION 38 3. 1. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. INTRODUCTION 37 2.INDEX SR NO. COMPTITORS 41 36 | P a g e . PRICING POLICY 40 5. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL 39 4. INTRODUCTION As the name itself suggests the ³GOPAL NAMKEEN´ is one corner part of concept of all Namkeen products manufacturer in India. This market can be referred to as the place or geographical area where buyers & sellers assemble & exchange goods or commodities. This is namkeen production different from the other companies production. This is the general meaning of the term marketing. In past days barter system having in the place of market. 37 | P a g e . Marketing is a social process by which individuals & groups obtain what they need and want through creating offering & freely exchanging products and services of value with others. The market at the first sight explains that it¶s a place where goods and services are offered for sale. GOPAL NAMKEEN is advertising through intellectual power. So. there is 3% profit of owner in sales & 8% commission to salesman on their sales. In this company. They give hoarding in Navratri.ADVERTISING & SALES PROMOTION The term advertising organized from the Latin word ³ADVERTO´ which means to turn around. It is forum of pre selling which carries out the first four steps of sale they are: y Catch attention y Arrange interest y Induce action GOPAL NAMKEEN uses various tool of sale promotion such as : y Free samples y After sales services y Demonstration y Free gifts 38 | P a g e . posters for advertising. each are derived from more basis marketing developed for the product. Advertising policy depends on what is circumstance & main depends on budge of individual firm on industry. and they use media also they give information in newspaper & they also give pamphlets. Janmasthmi & Diwali etc. It is a process by which the message is given by the advertiser through various media. The specific objectives for sales promotion vary with target market. They are advertising as under. Thus advertising is the ability to tell well in order to sell. They use festival for their advertisements. Advertising thus denoted the means employed to draw attention to object or purpose. They give printed cover to their employees or worker & also to outsider. Sales promotion objectives are derived from broader promotion objective. The products of GOPAL NAMKEN are sold by retailer because marketing manager trains to sales executives & marketing executives following is the distribution chart: Producer Whole sellers Retailers Consumers 39 | P a g e .DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS The products of Gopal Namkeen are sold by any retailer because channel of distribution is very useful to customer and it is comfortable to consumers. they have produced their product considered the trains in market. 40 | P a g e . It can be defined in there categories 1. They fixed their price according to demand on market. competition etc. 1) Plant capacity & overhead 2) The competitor¶s price for similar product 3) Marketing policies 4) Policy of government The GOPAL NAMKEEN fixes its price at prevailing market rates as at faces full competition national on market. So. it decides its price on the basis of market fluctuation. every company has its own pricing policy. Competitors oriented price policy From about three policies these unit has adopted ³Demand oriented price policy´. A company has to set up its pricing policy considering various factors such as demand.PRICING POLICIES Pricing is an important element of marketing. There are many factor on which price is to be decided. supply. Demand oriented price policy 3. Cost oriented price policy 2. 41 | P a g e . It has many competitors. There are many other units who are in competition with GOPAL NAMKEEN. Some of the important competitors of GOPAL NAMKEEN are as follow.COMPETITORS Though GOPAL NAMKEEN is a private limited company. 1) A ± ONE NAMKEEN 2) GOLDI NAMKEEN And other plants which produce some quality of namkeen works. 42 | P a g e .CONTRIBUTION OF THE UNIT TO THE SOCIETY GOPAL NAMKEEN have not only panning about social work but they are thinking about participating in social work for packing other social work. Company also arrange many social program for society like Navratri Garba competition etc. It can another work in sociality. A business unit is an integral part of society & it operates with in social society in the home to business. There for it is in social duty of business man to protenceal interest development & practice of businessman responsible for social welfare. 43 | P a g e . All the product of GOPAL NAMKEEN in Gujarat contribution is this use a more person. In india have a many firm produce Namkeen. GOPAL NAMKEEN is a small scale industry. Gopal Namkeen produce such kind of NAMKEEN product.CONTRIBUTION OF THE UNIT TO THE INDUSTRY The contribution unit to the industry is also expert on the industries. this snacks need many person because NAMKEEN test is very favourable of people. 44 | P a g e .ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Since this industry has started before a short period only there are n awards and achievements by the unit as it is a small scale industry. I think in future company will get best award for it¶s cleaness production process 100% vegetarian raw material use for producing Namkeen product. Achievement awards are dream of every company trying to achieve more & more only. 45 | P a g e . Future plans of the GOPAL NAMKEEN are that they want to increase their machinery according to their sales & want to purchase new technology machinery for good quality and they also want to increase their production capacity exceed from 10000 kg per day.FUTURE PLANS Each & every industry has its own wishes & plans. GOPAL NAMKEEN has present production capacity 10000 kg. They want to purchase new machineries for decrease their employees & due to new machine they reduce their power cost also & their gets more profit from new machineries. per day. Company also want to change its place out side from Rajkot. It is also expecting on increase in the demand for its product. 46 | P a g e . Future plans simply that any want to expenses & spread their industries or unit. They want develop their company & want to sale other states. GOPAL NAMKEEN has also for future plan. In future they plan to give many more items to the market and to the people who understand quality & technology. 47 | P a g e . GOPAL NAMKEEN has given permission to me for project report. It is good unit which provide good quality snacks to market and increases their employees also and I am thankful for increasing employments because unemployment is bad task for India. So. The working of the unit is very systematic. 48 | P a g e . They have adopted modern accounting system. At end I conclude my report with good wishes & bright future to GOPAL NAMKEEN. An industrial visit was good opportunity for me to learn practical knowledge.CONCLUSION After studying all the matter. I feel that GOPAL NAMKEEN is very successful unit. I am very thankful to GOPAL NAMKEEN. 49 | P a g e . g. They have to give remuneration to their workers as per their good quality production & give motive to them also.SUGGESTION GOPAL NAMKEEN has a good skills employees & they also have good ideas for increase their sales & expansion of company but. An advertisement is essential for any company so. they should give scheme with high purchase. buy 5 k. 50 | P a g e . they have to increase their advertisement through media or & ambassador and they should change its packing.g.g. E. I would like to suggest that they have to give gift to marketing executives for increasing their sales. E. they have to put good photos in packing and also joint its products photo because customer can easily learn about products. There are some manners that they have to see which are as under. & get free 500 gram. Varma & varma Marketing management: . F. Google.S.BIBLIOGRAPHY I have referred the following books for gaining theoretical knowledge about various fields of management Personnel management: .Varma & Agraval I have also use www. 51 | P a g e . Sherlakar Finance management: .com for searching knew information about GOPAL NAMKEEN.
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