rent laws

March 29, 2018 | Author: nknaveed | Category: Eviction, Leasehold Estate, Property, Private Law, Politics



T H E R E N T L A WSContaining: The Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009. The Islamabad Rent Restriction Ordinance, 2001. The Cantonments Rent Restriction Act, 1963. By MUHAMMAD ABDUL BASIT FEDERAL LAW HOUSE RAWALPINDI: Mian Plaza, Opposite Rawal Road, Murree Road, Near Chandni Chowk, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Tel: 4843011 - 4571229 Mobile: 0333-5477380 LAHORE: 7, Turner Road, Near High Court, Lahore, Pakistan. Tel: 37363665 Mobile: 0322-4843011 E-mail: [email protected] Website: (i) ISBN : 978-969-557-053-1 Price : Rs. No part of this publication may be reproduced. without prior permission in writing from the Publisher. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form whatsoever or by any means. DISCLAIMER Efforts have been made to avoid errors and omissions in this book with due care and diligence. error. 2010. However. Any person who infringes the above in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. photocopying or otherwise. electronic.All rights are reserved with the Publisher. Printer or sellers are not responsible. mechanical. (ii) . magnetic tape. damage or loss of action. of any kind. for any consequences. Editor and Compiler. Publishers : Federal Law House Composed By: : Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal Ph: 0333-5413162 Publishing Date : January. original legal texts may be consulted and used. in case of any confusion or difference.00 Printers : HAJI HANIF & SONS Printers.300. Lahore. Any such mistake. Publisher. in any manner. directly or indirectly. to anyone. consequential or incidental. discrepancy or omission may be brought to the notice of Author. However. errors or omissions may creep in while editing or processing for computerization and printing. Editor and Compiler or the Publisher which shall be rectified in the next edition. resulting therefrom the use of legal texts or case law as those are edited and compiled in good faith keeping utmost care and caution to make them error-free. Author. 2001. The Punjab Rented Premises Act. 35 3. 1963.T H E R E N T L A WS CONTENTS Page No. The Islamabad Ordinance. 1. 2009. (iii) 69 . 1 2. Rent Restriction The Cantonments Rent Restriction Act. (iv) . Act to override other laws. * Page No. 10. CHAPTER II CREATION OF TENANCY Agreement between landlord and tenant. 2. No. 3. 6. (v) . 8. Effect of other agreement. Payment of rent. Exemption.THE PUNJAB RENTED PREMISES ACT. 2009 (VII OF 2009) * Sec. 7. Definitions. 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 Table of Contents is not the part of law and it is only to facilitate the readers – Editor and Compiler. 1. 4. 9. Existing tenancy. CONTENTS Description CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Short title. Effect of non-compliance. extent and commencement. 5. Contents of tenancy agreement. 20. 31. 27. Obligations of tenant. 18. 32. 22. Leave to contest. 34. 21. SCHEDULE. CHAPTER IV ESTABLISHMENT OF RENT TRIBUNAL AND PROCEDURE Establishment of Rent Tribunal. 26. Reimbursement of expenses. 24. 35. Rent Tribunal to exercise powers of Civil Court. 14. Filing of application. Power to make rules. 28. Application for deposit of rent. 23. Execution of orders. 12. Staff and establishment. Grounds for eviction. 36. 13. Appeal. Written reply. 25. 15. 30. Rent Registrar. Provisions of Qanun-e-Shahadat Order and Code of Civil Procedure not to apply.The Rent Laws 11. 29. (vi) 10 10 10 10 12 13 14 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 21 23 23 25 26 26 27 29 29 29 29 30 32 32 32 33 34 34 . Transfer of ownership. Obligations of landlord. Repeal and validation. Recording of evidence. Period for disposal of application. 16. CHAPTER III OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES AND GROUNDS FOR EVICTION Subletting. 17. Appearance of parties and consequences of nonappearance. 19. Payment of rent and other dues pending proceedings. Repeal and savings. 33. CHAPTER V MISCELLANEOUS General power of transfer. Indemnity.
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