Renr8091-04 Pl1000e Manual



RENR8091-04November 2008 Systems Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting PL1000E Communication ECM SAFETY.CAT.COM i01658146 Important Safety Information Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly. Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in injury or death. Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information. Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons. The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as “DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below. The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows: Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved. The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or pictorially presented. Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in this publication. Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Caterpillar is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures that you choose. The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before you start any job. Caterpillar dealers have the most current information available. When replacement parts are required for this product Caterpillar recommends using Caterpillar replacement parts or parts with equivalent specifications including, but not limited to, physical dimensions, type, strength and material. Failure to heed this warning can lead to premature failures, product damage, personal injury or death. RENR8091-04 3 Table of Contents Table of Contents Systems Operation Section General Information ................................................ 4 Features .................................................................. 4 Electronic Control Module (ECM) .......................... 6 Wiring Harness ....................................................... 7 Quick Start Guide ................................................... 7 Parameter Translation Configuration ..................... 11 Hardware Configuration ........................................ 27 Data Link Configuration ........................................ 28 Data Link Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control ................................................................ 28 Internet Protocol Configuration ............................. 29 Modbus Configuration ........................................... 30 LAN Network Ethernet Connection ....................... 32 Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection ................. 36 ECM Modbus Interface ......................................... 42 Embedded Web Server ........................................ 56 Custom Web Page ................................................ 63 Modbus Master ..................................................... 68 Hexadecimal Conversion ...................................... 70 Troubleshooting Section Introduction General Information .............................................. Service Tools ........................................................ Connector Locations ............................................. Diagnostic Capabilities ......................................... 72 72 75 75 Symptom Procedures Operational Problems ........................................... 81 Web Browser Problems ........................................ 90 Testing and Adjusting Section Testing and Adjusting Electrical Connector - Inspect ............................... Wiring Harness (Open Circuit) - Test .................... Wiring Harness (Short Circuit) - Test .................... Electronic Control Module (ECM) - Flash Program .............................................................. Electronic Control Module (ECM) - Configure ...... Electronic Control Module (ECM) - Replace ......... System Schematic ................................................ 91 95 96 96 96 97 97 Index Section Index ..................................................................... 99 CDL parameters are given register assignments for accessibility through the Modbus interface. The PL1000E Modbus Interface was designed based on the “Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1. the part number becomes 256-7512 Communication Electronic Control Module (v3). The PL1000E Communication Module provides the processing power. The PCL is stored in the embedded file system on the ECM. i03327180 Features SMCS Code: 7610 The PL1000E can be used in comparable applications as the older “Customer Communications Modules” (CCM). All refereces in this document to the “standard Modbus protocol” will be assumed to use the “Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1. The PL1000E Communication Module has the potential to be upgraded for future applications.001 through 42. The 256-7512 Communication Electronic Control Module (v3) can only be configured for RS-485 4 wire. 2 wire (285-1138. PL1000E configured as a Modbus Slave The PL1000E Communication Module will provide a user with the ability to configure parameter translations. The 256-7512 (v3) cannot be configured for RS-485 2 wire. The PCL file informs the PL1000E what information to translate. That is.000. The PCL files are created and the PCL files are modified with the use of the “Parameter Translation Editor ” (PTE). The PCL file informs the PL1000E about : • which ECMs are in the system • what parameters from each to make available (translate) to the others. memory. or from the industry standard J1939 communications protocol (including Caterpillar proprietary messaging) to a Modbus interface. The configuration for the PL1000E is contained in a “Parameter Configuration List” (PCL) file. 4 wire • TCP The 258-4548 Electronic Control Module is an ECM with no software installed. After the PL1000E software is installed on the ECM. the information in this document is intended for the PL1000E configured as a Modbus “Slave”.4 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Systems Operation Section i03326946 General Information SMCS Code: 7610 The PL1000E Communication Module is an “Electronic Control Module” (ECM). The parameters reside in holding register range of 40. and software in order to integrate Caterpillar engine data in to multiple applications.1a” requirements. Modbus can be communicated with the use of RS-232. RS-485 (4 wire and 2 wire). Caterpillar proprietary communications protocol. The PL1000E supports the parameter translations feature over the following ports: • RS-232 • RS-422 • RS-485. . 256-7512 v4 and later) • RS-485. Cat DataLink (CDL) and/or J1939 to Modbus Parameter Translation Note: Unless otherwise noted. Cat DataLink can be translated to a Modbus interface. The PTE is found under the “Utilities” menu in “Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit” or Cat ET version 2007B or higher. • which protocol to use • which serial port(s) each ECM is using • defines the destination register assignments for CDL parameters The destination register assignments for CDL parameters are assigned through the Parameter Translation Editor in Caterpillar Tool Kit or Cat ET version 2007B or higher.1a”. and “Transmission Control Protocol” (TCP)/Ethernet. Register assignments for CDL parameters are assigned through the “Parameter Translation Editor” in Caterpillar Tool Kit or Caterpillar Electronic Tool (Cat ET). The PCL file informs the PL1000E which protocol to output these translations on. RS-422. 001 – 32.001 – 42.RENR8091-04 The 285-1138 Electronic Control Module is an ECM with no software installed. The PL1000E 315-0627 Communication Software Group is required for “Modbus Master”. Cat ET version 2007B or later and PL1000E software release 315-0627 Communication Software Group or later are required in order to use this feature. 256-7512 v4 only) • RS-485. The PL1000E supports the parameter translations feature over the following ports: • RS-232 • RS-422 • RS-485.Dual Data Link Feature The CDL and J1939 to Modbus Parameter Translation feature gathers information from both the CDL and the J1939 data links simultaneously. Custom Web Pages PCL. Also. 2 wire (285-1138.000 • 40.000 • 40. The PCL file informs the PL1000E which parameters to look at. Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). The 256-7512 (v4) also supports multi-node communications. Cat ET version 2007B will allow for both CDL and J1939 objects in the same “Parameter Translation Editor” window. The PCL files are created and the PCL files are modified with the use of the “Parameter Translation Editor ” (PTE). Cat ET version 2007B will allow translation lines to and from a Modbus ECM. . In order for custom web pages to display information. After the PL1000E software is installed on the ECM. The memory location for the registers are: • 30. 4 wire The destination register assignments for the J1939 parameters are assigned through the Parameter Translation Editor in Caterpillar Tool Kit or Cat ET version 2007B or higher. The PL1000E 315-0627 Communication Software Group is required for “Modbus Master”. PL1000E configured as a Limited Modbus Master Cat DataLink (CDL) to Modbus Parameter Translation CDL parameters are written to assigned registers. The 256-7512 Communication Electronic Control Module (v4) can be configured for RS-485 2 wire or 4 wire. the part number becomes 256-7512 Communication Electronic Control Module (v4). The register memory locations are on a “Modbus Slave” device which is connected to the PL1000E with the use of the serial port. 4 wire J1939 to Modbus Parameter Translation J1939 to “Modbus Parameter Translation” provides translation of parameter data to and from the J1939 protocol supported in Cat ET to the industry standard Modbus protocol interface. 2 wire (285-1138.000 The registers are on a Modbus Slave. The PL1000E supports the parameter translations feature over the following ports: • RS-232 • RS-422 • RS-485.000 5 Systems Operation Section The PCL file informs the PL1000E what information to translate. Extensible Markup Language (XML). Cat DataLink (CDL) and J1939 to Modbus Parameter Translation . and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files all reside on the PL1000E web server.001 – 32. All of these files work together in order to provide a customized view of data that is gathered by the PL1000E. The dual data link feature will translate the CDL and J1939 data to the industry standard Modbus protocol interface. 256-7512 v4 and later) • RS-485. The PTE is found under the “Utilities” menu in “Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit” or Cat ET version 2007B or higher. the PCL file must be configured with a translation line to a web object. J1939 parameters are written to or are read from assigned registers. The PCL file informs the PL1000E which protocol to output these translations on. The custom web pages may include some or all of parameters on that translation line for monitoring and viewing in a web browser.001 – 42. the PCL file informs the PL1000E how to translate the data for another system in order to understand the information. The register memory locations are: • 30. CDL Boost CDL Boost is available with the PL1000E. pin 7 of the ECM must be grounded.6 Systems Operation Section Embedded Webserver The PL1000E Communication Module provides the capability to view web pages that are stored on the ECM. The “Status” and the “Configuration” pages are accessible to the user via most standard web browsers. Perform the following steps in order to utilize the ECA feature. that include 258-4548 and 256-7512 v3). Connect the serial port of the PL1000E to a computer that is running standard Caterpillar service tool software. 2. In addition. Cat ET and the web page will show a status parameter that informs the user if CDL boost is enabled or disabled. “CDL Boost” enables a customer to extend the lengths of CDL wire harnesses. ECA usage is compatible with Cat ET version 2004B and later. Once the ECA is integrated into the system. The ECA feature is always enabled. do not support the J1939 data link on “Embedded Communication Adapter” (ECA). The PL1000E cannot be serviced by ET on the J1939 datalink when connected via the PL1000E's ECA. i03328182 Electronic Control Module (ECM) SMCS Code: 7610 Note: In order to enable CDL boost for the 285-1138 Electronic Control Module v3. The “Status” and the “Configuration” pages provide the same PL1000E information as the Cat ET “Status” and “Configuration” screens. Refer to the “Embedded Web Server” section of this document for more information about “Boost”. other ECMs may be serviced by ET on the J1939 datalink when connected via the PL1000E's ECA. Illustration 1 PL1000E Communication ECM g01705933 . ECA usage is also compatible with Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit version 2005A or later. Other devices that are connected to the CDL data bus may be serviced and may be flashed. The lengths of CDL wire harnesses can extend to a maximum length of 305 m (1000 ft). Note: The new hardware version of PL1000E. Embedded Communications Adapter (ECA) The PL1000E Communication ECM provides a communication adapter for use with standard Caterpillar service tools such as Cat ET. Data integrity will be maintained. The ECA feature is always assigned to serial port 3 of the ECM. 1. The “Status” and the “Configuration” pages are part of the initial software that is used to configure the PL1000E Communication Module. Configure the service tool preferences in order to use the ECA. 285-1138 now supports flashing itself and other ECMs that are on the J1939 datalink when connected via the ECA. RENR8091-04 Note: The previous hardware version of the PL1000E. the ECM will provide all of the same electronic control servicing that was previously provided by external adapters for Caterpillar electronic modules on CDL and J1939. The “Embedded Communications Adapter” (ECA) can be used in order to configure statistics and to monitor statistics of the PL1000E. The PL1000E Communications ECM will require a custom wire harness in order to implement the appropriate connections that are associated with the PL1000E features. Refer to Special Instruction. 2. and RS-422). Refer to the wiring that is shown in BOLD in the schematic that is shown in the “System Schematic” section of this document. Verify that the PL1000E is connected to a network. b. If applicable. Each step or procedure in the checklist references the appropriate section(s) of this System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting . Locate the “Static” address information. i02794752 Wiring Harness SMCS Code: 1408 Gathering Information for PL1000E Commissioning Preparation for Commissioning PL1000E 1. RS-485 (4 wire). “PL1000E Communication ECM” that explains the detail of the respective procedure.001 through 42. “Installation Guide for the PL1000E Communications ECM” for additional wiring harness information. 9. 7. (TCP. Verify the baud rate for the serial port. Verify that the PLC supports the native Modbus. power. 4. 8. Verify the “Internet Protocol” IP Address. key switch. RS-485 (2 wire). CDL. Identify the type of “Programmable Logic Controller” (PLC) that is being used. Identify the Modbus slave address in the PL1000E that the “Master” will request the information from. 5. Rear view of connector. 3. Verify that the PLC is a Modbus Master that is capable of requesting registers 40.000. Verify the Subnet Address. The harness will provide the connections for ground. locate the unused Modbus slave address for the internal housekeeping. Refer to the wiring schematic that is in the “System Schematic” section of this document. c. 6. and the Service Tool Port Group. J1939. . Note: The address type will be either “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” (DHCP) or “Static” addressing.RENR8091-04 7 Systems Operation Section i03328480 Quick Start Guide SMCS Code: 7610 Modbus Parameter Translation and ECM Configuration Quick Start Guide The checklist that is in this section provides information for implementing and for configuring Modbus parameter translations with the use of the PL1000E ECM. Illustration 2 g01720098 Locations of the ECM connector pins. RS-232. A pre-fabricated harness assembly is available. a. NOT Modbus+. Identify the type of network addressing that is currently being used. REHS2362. Identify the protocol that is required for the Modbus. RENR8091. . and that each Modbus ECM has the correct Modbus slave ID. System Block Diagram Refer to Illustration 3 for the system block diagram. Check to make sure the data is being sent by the PL1000E. 5. Ensure that each ECM has the correct address. Check for accuracy between the PCL file and Cat ET. 2. The Modbus slave address that is configured in Cat ET. Note: All of the parameters that are in the General Parameter Translation Editor (PTE) files may not be supported. Check the ECM mapping screen for correct addresses and for correct Modbus slave addresses. 7. Upload the PCL file into the PL1000E via FTP. Note: Please review the parameter list report for scaling. RENR8091-04 Items During Commissioning 1. The Modbus slave address that is configured in the PCL file is the address the Modbus Master uses in order to retrieve engine information. Define all of the translation lines from the Caterpillar ECMs to the Modbus ECMs. Refer to “Caterpillar Dealer Questions” for instructions about the required connections for the PLC. 3. Verify that there are no problems with the communications. 5. Ensure that each defined ECM has a unique “ECM ID”. is for the PL1000E's internal statistics. and will need to be converted into decimal format for the Parameter Translation Editor. log onto Cat ET. 4. Verify all Modbus ECMs. Select the NEEDED parameters on each translation line. Ensure that each Caterpillar ECM is defined. This will be given to the PLC integrator. Use the “IP” address or “Internet Host Name”. Verify all of the Cat Data Link ECM addresses. Save the PCL file to a computer. 2. If applicable. Note: The ECM address depends on the type of engine that is being used.CSV” file from each translation line. Locate the data link that the information is on from each ECM and the starting registers. Wire the PL1000E for use with the PLC. Verify that the PL1000E is communicating the correct data. Locate a parameter that is in a Cat ET status screen. 3. Transferring System Block Diagram to PCL Editor 1. Caterpillar Dealer Questions 1. depending on the network. 4. Note: The PL1000E has two Modbus slave addresses.8 Systems Operation Section d. Modify the PCL file in order to send the data to a RS-232 port. 6. verify the Gateway Address. The “IP” address or “Internet Host Name” are both defined in the “Configuration” screen in Cat ET. Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit. Note: The Modbus registers that are associated with each parameter are shown in the right hand column. Initially. ECM addresses may be in hexadecimal format. or through the web server. To locate the ECM address. Save a “. 2. The default username and the password are both “admin”. Note: For “Data Link Addresses” information. Illustration 3 provides an explanation and a description of each electronic control that is used. or other electronic devices that exist in the Caterpillar application. If the PTE file is not included. The system diagram that is shown in Illustration 3 is a generic example that could be used for an application. “Data Link Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control”. RENR8091. There is certain information that is needed about each device in order to perform the integration successfully. Each system may vary depending on the components and on the interfaces that the system contains. Refer to the sample of a system diagram that is shown in Illustration 3. then contact local Caterpillar dealer. a combustion module. Note: The PTE file should be located on same Compact Disc (CD) with the PL1000E information. and 3 • Modbus Port Configuration The control numbers can represent an engine control. The PL1000E Communication ECM is designed specifically for communication translations from Caterpillar electronic controls. The system diagram should identify each ECM communication type. 2.RENR8091-04 9 Systems Operation Section Develop A System Block Diagram g01395613 Illustration 3 Sample System Block Diagram Begin by making a sketch of the system diagram. • Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit or Caterpillar Required Information and Tools: • Package or Engine Serial Number • Parameter Translation Editor PTE file • Data Link Addresses PL1000E Communication ECM Required Information and Tools: ET 2007B or later • List of Requested Parameters • Modbus and PL1000E Modbus Slave Address . Testing and Adjusting. Caterpillar Electronic Control Numbers 1. refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting. The system diagram should identify each ECM that is in the system. “PL1000E Communication ECM”. RENR8091.1a • Capable of requesting single and multiple Modbus registers in the range of 40.001 through 42. manage. “Internet Protocol Configuration” section. Install the PCL File onto the PL1000E Note: The PL1000E must be configured before installation of the PCL file. Refer also to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. “Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection” section. Each Caterpillar electronic control from the system block diagram will require a PTE file association. RENR8091. “PL1000E Communication ECM”. RENR8091. the module is ready for installation. The ethernet port is used to transfer the PCL file to the PL1000E. Refer to System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. Also. RS-485 (4 wire). the module is ready for integration with the other Caterpillar electronic controls and the Modbus master. each Caterpillar electronic control from the system block diagram would be represented by a CDL or a J1939 ECM Object. then the embedded web server must also be initially configured using Cat ET. The configuration is dependent upon the hardware and the software that is used in order to configure. . all of the methods must be executed using “File Transfer Protocol” FTP over the ECM's ethernet connection. then the local network administrator should be contacted in order to obtain the appropriate configurations. RENR8091-04 In order to change from the DHCP setting. The PL1000E Communication ECM does not need to be connected to the Caterpillar electronic controls in the system in order to allow proper configurations. The translations are defined by the “Translation Lines”. The factory default setting for the PL1000E is “Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol” (DHCP). or PCL file installation.10 Systems Operation Section Modbus Master Device This device may be any industry available Modbus communications device so long as it meets the following criteria: • Capable of Modbus communications over RS-232. After the PCL file has been successfully installed on the ECM. In the PCL design window. The “Translation Lines” are defined by the CDL or J1939 ECM. “PL1000E Communication ECM”. RENR8091. and RS-485 (2 wire) or Ethernet • Modbus Protocol communications designed in accordance with Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1. “Parameter Translation Configuration” section. “Create Parameter Translation Design” section. If the embedded web server of the PL1000E Communication ECM's is to be accessible over a local network. If the embedded web server is to be used. RS-422. “Internet Protocol Configuration” for the appropriate configurations for the system.000 Prepare the PCL File Use the Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit or Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) in order to prepare the PCL file as described in this document. RENR8091. The Modbus communications must also be configured separately in the configuration screen of Cat ET. There are several different methods that can be used in order to install the PCL file. however. and maintain the system's servers. Also. Note: Configuration of the PL1000E Communication ECM and preparation of the PCL file may be completed prior to the actual installation at the system site. Each network requires slightly different configurations. refer to System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. Refer to the “Modbus Configuration” section of this document in order to determine the appropriate configurations for the system. and by the Modbus ECM. “PL1000E Communication ECM”. The ethernet port can be configured with Cat ET or Caterpillar Communication Toolkit. refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. Contact Network Administrator Each network is different. Refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. The PL1000E Modbus interface would be represented by a Modbus ECM. PCL file creation. Configure the PL1000E The Modbus communications must be configured in the PCL file. “PL1000E Communication ECM”. Refer to the “LAN Network Ethernet Connection” section and to the “PL1000E Communication ECM” section of this document for information about connection methods. The PL1000E Communication Electronic Control Module (ECM) requires a “Parameter Configuration List” (PCL) file in order to execute parameter translations. This is the end of “Quick Start Guide”. There are several processes and work products that are involved in the creation of a successful parameter translation configuration. . In order to retrieve the standard and statistics Modbus register data. The PCL file contains the definition of how the parameters are to be translated onto the destination data link. REHS2362 for installation and wiring requirements of the PL1000E Communication ECM. Note: The registers are not pre-assigned registers in the PTE file. configure or program the Modbus master in order to request any of the Modbus registers that are defined in the PCL file for one of the Caterpillar electronic controls in the system. i03328544 Parameter Translation Editor (PTE) The PTE provides a user interface through which a user may design and architect the communications paths within his system. The PCL file contains the definition of parameters on the source data link. a *. The destination data link can be either Modbus “remote terminal unit” (RTU) or Modbus TCP. A PTE file is specific to parameters available on either CDL or J1939. The PTE software also provides a PCL wizard for more rapid translation design for simpler systems. An explanation will be provided for the terms and objects that are used in the following sections.pte) The PTE file contains a list of all parameters for a set of engine models that are available for translation. it is necessary to discuss a few work products used throughout the process. Parameters that are listed within the PTE file may be selected and may be assigned a Modbus register through Cat ET or Caterpillar Communications Toolkit. Refer to Special Instruction. Parameter Translation Files and Configuration Tools Validate Successful Communications of the PL1000E to Caterpillar Electronic Controls Prior to a discussion of the procedure required to configure the PL1000E Communication ECM parameter translation. Parameter Configuration List (PCL) File (*. It is a software application available as a utility application within Cat ET and the Caterpillar Communications Toolkit. The source data link can be either CDL or J1939. Parameter Translation Editor File (*. In order to retrieve the Modbus registers from the other Caterpillar electronic controls in the system. Using either the embedded communication adapter of the ECM or other external communication adapters. the ECM Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL file must be used. Validate Successful Modbus Communications of the PL1000E to the Modbus Master Configure or program the Modbus master to request any or all of the status and statistics Modbus registers from the ECM. or both CDL and J1939. the ECM Modbus slave address that is defined in the Modbus configuration through the Cat ET. Caterpillar Communication Toolkit (the ECM configuration). verify that the service tool can successfully detect all Caterpillar electronic controls in the system. Note: Connection to the PL1000E is not necessary in order to use the PTE. In the Cat ET application (version 2007B or later) or the Caterpillar Communications Toolkit (version 2007B or later). or embedded web pages must be used. select the Parameter Translation Editor (PTE) from the “Utilities” menu. due to the importance of the interface. Alternately.RENR8091-04 11 Systems Operation Section Install the Necessary Infrastructure to Integrate the PL1000E Into A System Each process will be discussed in the following sections. the interface will be discussed first.pcl) The PCL file is the output of the PTE application. Parameter Translation Configuration Create Parameter Translation Design SMCS Code: 7610 1. The PTE software provides an interface for manual translation design. After a user has designed the desired ECM objects and associated translations in the PTE and chooses to save the file.pcl file will be created. However. Each of the translation design methods are covered in the sections that follow. This file then contains all of the information about the parameter necessary for translation to Modbus. 12 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Properties Window When a device within the design window (large white area in the middle of the screen) (5) is selected, the “Properties” window will list the information that is related to that type of object. If no objects exist within the design window (5) or if the user has clicked on the white part of the design window, then the properties window will display the information related to the overall design. Refer to Illustration 4. The following sections present information about the objects and the associated properties that can be displayed. Object - Design Window • Demand Time Out - Total amount of time in Illustration 4 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) g01708133 Properties Window Default PTE Directory Ellipse Toggle Button Save As Button Design Window Familiarization with the Parameter Translation Design Interface File Operations The “New” button clears the design interface and prepares the PTE for creation of a new Modbus Slave or Modbus Master file. The “Open” button initiates a standard windows “Open” dialog that can be used to load a previously created *.pcl into the design window. The “Save” button causes the PTE to commit the information within the design window to a *.pcl file. The “Save As” button (4) initiates a standard Windows “Save As” dialog. The “Save As” dialog can be used in order to save the information within the design window to a new *.pcl file. The“Save As” function is useful when using a previously created *.pcl file as a starting point on a new project. The previously created file can be opened in PTE and then can be saved as a new file name. Parameters can be added or removed in order to create the *.pcl file for the new project. Refer to the Systems Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting, RENR8091, “Parameter Translation Configuration” section of this document for details concerning the execution of this process. milliseconds that on demand parameters remain enabled when no additional read requests are made from the Modbus Master. Since on demand parameters are not implemented in the current design of the PL1000E, the “Demand Time Out” value has no significant impact on the resulting parameter translation design. • Default PTE Directory - The “Default PTE Directory” is the directory on the computer where the *.pte files are located. Keep all *.pte files in one central location. In order to set the *.pte value, click on the button that is located to the right of the “Default PTE Directory”. An Open dialog will appear. Use the Open dialog in order to locate the appropriate folder. Refer to Illustration 4. Object – CDL ECM A “CDL ECM Object” in the design window represents a Caterpillar control attached to Cat DataLink. One of these types of objects must be added to the design for each Caterpillar control from which data is to be collected. For instance, some Caterpillar engine models have an engine controller, combustion module, and temperature sensing module. If data is desired from all three of these devices, then a separate “CDL ECM Object” must be added to the design window for each device. Refer to Illustration 5 for example of the properties window for a CDL object. RENR8091-04 13 Systems Operation Section Object – J1939 ECM A “J1939 ECM Object” that is in the design window represents a Caterpillar control that is attached to the J1939 Data Link. One of these type of objects must be added to the design for each Caterpillar control from which data is desired to be collected. For instance, some Caterpillar engine models have an engine controller, combustion module, and temperature sensing module. If data is desired from all three of these devices, then a separate J1939 Object must be added to the design window for each device. Refer to Illustration 6 for an example of the properties window for a J1939 object. Illustration 5 g01336076 • Type – “ECM Object Type” that is selected in the design window. The valid types are CDL, J1939, Webserver, and Modbus. The “Type” field is read only. • PTE File Path – Displays the path and filename of the *.pte file assigned to the selected ECM object. This field is read only. • ECM ID - A unique number that is assigned to the selected “ECM Object”. Each “ECM Object” in the design window must be assigned a unique ECM ID. When a *.pcl file is generated, this number will allow the on board software to differentiate between each “ECM Object” that is in the *.pcl file. • Description - Free form text field that may be modified in order to give a visual indication of what the “ECM Object” represents within the system that is being designed. For instance, if the “CDL ECM Object” selected will represent the engine controller in the application, this text field can be modified to indicate that the object is the “36XX Engine Cntrl”. The maximum length of characters is equal to 20. • Address - The data link address of the ECM Object. Electronic controls attached to CDL and J1939 data links must use an address to communicate on the associated data link. Refer to the documentation for the specific electronic control device in order to determine what value must be entered in the address field. Most engine controllers default to using the address “36” on CDL but this may vary depending on the application. Refer to the “Data Link Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control” section of this document. Illustration 6 g01336078 • Type - ECM Object Type of the object selected in the design window. The valid types are CDL, J1939, Webserver, and Modbus. This field is read only. • PTE File Path – Displays the path and filename of the *.pte file assigned to the selected ECM Object. This field is read only. • ECM ID - A unique number assigned to the selected ECM Object. Each ECM Object in the design window must be assigned a unique ECM ID. When a *.pcl file is generated, this number will allow the on board software to differentiate between each ECM Object in the *.pcl file. • Description - Free form text field that may be modified in order to give a visual indication of what the “ECM Object” represents within the system that is being designed. For instance, if the “CDL ECM Object” selected will represent the engine controller in the application, this text field can be modified to indicate that the object is the “36XX Engine Cntrl”. 14 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 • Address – The data link address of the ECM Object. Electronic controls attached to CDL and J1939 Data Links must use an address to communicate on the associated data link. See the documentation for the specific electronic control device in order to determine what value must be entered in the address field. Object – Modbus ECM A Modbus ECM in the design window represents a Modbus interface to the PL1000E Communication ECM. The characteristics and attributes that are assigned to this object represent the definition of the Modbus Slave Device. The Modbus Slave Device will communicate with the Modbus Master Device. Multiple Modbus ECM Objects may be included in the design window, but each must be assigned to a different physical port of the ECM. Multiple Modbus ECM Objects may not be added to the design window and assigned the same Port attribute, or the *.pcl file will be unusable by the on board ECM software. Refer to Illustration 7 for an example of the properties window for the Modbus ECM object. • Modbus Slave Address - The Modbus Slave Address to which all Modbus commands should be addressed to retrieve data as defined in the parameter translation arrows. This Modbus slave address is not the same address configured through Cat ET or Websever. • Port - The physical port of the ECM on which the selected Modbus Slave Device should be accessible. If multiple ports are needed for each port, a modbus must be defined. Valid ports are RS-232-1, RS-232-2, RS-422, RS-485 (4 wire), RS-485 (2 wire), or TCP standard. Object – Translation A Translation Object appears on the design window as an arrow indicating the direction of data flow. The direction of data flow indirectly also shows the read/write accessibility of data. In other words, if there is a translation arrow pointing from the CDL ECM Object to the Modbus ECM Object, this indicates the Modbus Slave Device will only support register read commands for the parameters assigned to this translation object. Modbus register write commands will only be supported in J1939 to Modbus translations. An arrow pointing from the Modbus ECM Object to the CDL ECM Object indicates the Modbus Slave Device will only support register write commands for the parameters assigned to this translation object. If it is desired to read and write a parameter, then that parameter must be assigned to translations in both directions. Illustration 7 g01336084 • Type - ECM Object Type of the object selected in the design window. The valid objects types are CDL, J1939, webserver, and Modbus. This field is “read only”. Note: Defining a parameter for register write capability does not mean the CDL or J1939 ECM devices will support a write for these parameters. Closed loop control of write-able parameters is strictly the responsibility of the Modbus Master Device. The PL1000E Communication ECM is designed with the intention to provide remote system control. Caution should be exercised when attempting parameter writes J1939 to Modbus. • ECM ID - A unique number assigned to the selected ECM Object. Each ECM Object in the design window must be assigned a unique ECM ID. When a *.pcl file is generated, this number will allow the on board software to differentiate between each ECM Object in the *.pcl file. • Description - Free form text field that may be modified in order to give a visual indication of what the “ECM Object” represents within the system that is being designed. For instance, if the “Modbus ECM Object” that is selected will represent the “ECM Modbus TCP Slave” in the application, this text field can be modified to indicate that the object is the “PL1000E TCP”. Illustration 8 g01336128 and the Modbus Master Device. The minimum valid value for this data is 500 milliseconds. while less dynamic parameters such as Temperatures and Pressures can be obtained at a slower rate. When the program assigns the Modbus Registers it calculates the appropriate amount of registers for each parameter. Smaller request rates will increase the amount of additional messaging on the source data link. Note: The request rate configuration should be considered carefully for each parameter. The configuration and operation of the Modbus Master Device is outside of the scope of this document. J1939. Defining translations for a large number of parameters at the minimum request rate could cause excessive loading of the source data link and affect performance of the electronic controls attached to that data link. a new “click here to add” row will be added to the properties window. Object – Web Server A Web Server ECM in the design window represents a Web interface to the PL1000E Communication ECM. When a *. Dynamic parameters such as Engine Speed or Load Factor can be obtained at a faster update rate.RENR8091-04 • Parameter – The drop down menu contains a list of the parameters that are available for assignment to the selected Translation Object. Refer to Illustration 9 for an example of the properties window for the “WebServer” ECM object. one PL1000E Communication ECM. If this time elapses and the PL1000E is unable to obtain updated information from the source ECM Object. we have assembled a simple translation from Cat Data Link to Modbus RTU (using the RS-232 Port 1 of the PL1000E) for a Caterpillar 36XX model engine. and WebServer.001 as the parameters are added. the selected parameter is added to the parameter listing. 15 Systems Operation Section ECM ID – A unique number assigned to the selected “ECM Object”. Illustration 9 g01336142 Manual Parameter Configuration List Creation Refer to Illustration 10 for creating a simple system parameter configuration list. Note: When manually changing registers. Illustration 10 is an example of a system consisting of one engine controller.pcl file is generated. • Request Rate – Time in milliseconds the PL1000E will wait before attempting to obtain updated data from the ECM Object from which this data is being translated. Each “ECM Object” in the design window must be assigned a unique “ECM ID”. These registers may be reassigned automatically with a new starting address or manually changed. Description – Free form text field that may be modified to give a visual indication of what the “ECM Object” represents within the system being designed. The valid types are CDL. The *. The Modbus Master Device is shown here only for reference. • Modbus Register – These registers are assigned in sequential order starting with 40. Also. take caution that the registers do not interfere with other existing parameters which have already been assigned. Modbus.pte file used is a sample file and the Modbus Register assignments discussed are arbitrarily chosen for use in this example. This field is read only. this data will be considered to be “stale”. but the data associated with this Modbus Register will only be updated within the PL1000E at the assigned request rate. For the example shown in Illustration 10.pcl file. When a parameter is selected from the drop down menu. this number will allow the on board software to differentiate between each “ECM Object” in the *. Type – ECM Object Type of the object selected in the design window. . The Modbus Master may request a read of a parameter at a faster rate than that defined for the Request Rate. To set the default directory. Refer to Illustration 4. perform the following steps. Identify the current default directory. all of the *. Illustration 12 g01336160 . For this example. Set the Default PTE Directory Illustration 11 g01720134 4.pte files. 1.16 Systems Operation Section Illustration 10 RENR8091-04 g01398013 The following information refers back to Illustration 10 as needed to give system perspective to some of the new terms and concepts used with the PL1000E Communication ECMs Configuration and the use of the PTE design interface. (In this example. 3. C:\PL1000E Example\directory is used). Press “OK”. 2. Before starting the design process. ensure the Default PTE Directory represents the location of the desired *. Refer to Illustration 4. Click on the ellipse button.pte files have been located in the C:\PL1000E Example\ directory. Select the default PTE directory. Copy PTE files from CD to chosen location on PC. Note: The type should be “CDL”. Select the new CDL ECM Object. 5. Modify the Properties for the New CDL ECM Object It is good practice to modify the properties of an ECM object immediately after adding it to the design. 4. an ECM ID of 1 will be assigned to the CDL ECM Object. identify the ECM Object as 36XX Engine Cntrl. The design window will then be updated to reflect the addition of the new CDL ECM. The PTE File Path will display the appropriate path and file name selected for this ECM Object. Refer to Illustration 13. View the information in the properties window. Perform the following in order to modify the properties for the new CDL ECM object: 1. 2. This will aid in distinguishing ECM objects as more objects are added to the design. Modify the ECM ID by entering a number that will be unique among all ECM Objects in the design. Modify the Address. For our example it is C:\PL1000E Example\Sample 36XX. Assign the *. 3.pte file and click on the Open button.pte file to the CDL ECM Object Selecting a CDL ECM Object to be added to the translation design will cause PTE to display an “Open PTE File” dialog box as shown in Illustration 11. Select “CDL” from the resulting drop down menu. Note: PTE files are located on CD with PL1000E. In this dialog select the *. Therefore. . Note: In this example there will only be the CDL ECM Object and the Modbus ECM Object. This step is repeated for each CDL ECM object that is added to the design in order to define different ECM applications.pte.RENR8091-04 17 Systems Operation Section Add a CDL ECM Object Illustration 14 Illustration 13 g01708273 g01336162 Click on the “Add ECM Object”. Note: For this example. Modify the Description for operator distinction. 18 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Note: Enter the Cat DataLink address of this ECM Object. The PTE should look similar to Illustration 14. add a Modbus ECM Object. Assign an “ECM ID” of 2 to the “Modbus ECM Object”. an output of the PL1000E is represented by this Modbus (slave) ECM. Perform the following in order to add a Modbus ECM object: 1. 5. Note: For this example. Modify the description for operator distinction. The Cat DataLink address can vary depending on the device and application. 4. 2. For this example. Illustration 15 g01708294 Add Modbus ECM Object To make data available from the CDL ECM Object (36XX Engine Cntrl) through a Modbus Slave Device. 7. Modify the port settings to match the PL1000E Port over which this Modbus interface will be implemented. Refer to the “Data Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control” section of this document. For this example. Enter the desired Modbus Slave Address for this PL1000E Interface ECM Object. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL editor is not the same as address that is defined through Cat ET or Webserver. Select the new Modbus ECM object. The address value must be a decimal. Modify the Modbus slave address. 3. identify this ECM Object as PL1000E Interface using the following steps. Be sure to contact the product support representative in order to acquire the appropriate address. Click on the Add ECM Object button. 2. the description is “PL1000E Interface”. View information in the properties window. In the PCL file. Note: A new Modbus ECM will be added to the design window. The data that the PL1000E makes available on the registers of the Modbus Slave “object” are limited to the set of translation parameters from the *. it is not necessary to select a *. Note: In this example. Note: All data assigned to translation objects that point to this ECM Object will be available from the Modbus Slave Address assigned here. a product support representative was contacted. Select “Modbus” from the drop down menu. there only is the “CDL ECM Object” and the “Modbus ECM Object”. Modify the “ECM ID” by entering a number that is unique among all objects in the design. For Modbus ECM Objects. The product support representative obtained the appropriate address of 36. 6.pte file. Illustration 16 g01708298 Modify the Properties for the Modbus ECM Object For this example.pte files for each CDL or each J1939 “object”. . the Modbus Slave Address of 3 has been assigned. 1. Illustration 18 g01708333 (8) Select All Parameters Icon (9) Reassign Modbus Registers Icon (10) View/Save Parameter List Report Icon Modify Modbus Registers By default. Modify Request Rate for All Selected Parameters More dynamic parameters should be assigned a smaller update rate. RS-422. Refer to Illustration 18 for the icon location. Select the “Translation Object” in the design window. The parameters need not be grouped by their associated Request Rate. design the translation of the Cat DataLink parameter data to Modbus. . Add Translation Object Perform the following in order to add the translation object: 1. The PTE design window should now look similar to Illustration 18. Click on the Add Translation Object button. when adding a parameter. RS-232 Port 2. Note: An Alternate way to add parameters is to select the icon to add all parameters and then delete the unwanted parameters. and less dynamic parameters should be assigned a larger update rate. Note: In this example system. RS-485. Assign Parameters to the Translation Object Perform the following in order to assign parameters to the “Translation Object”: 1. and each can be assigned its own unique rate. Select the desired translation for this design.RENR8091-04 19 Systems Operation Section Note: The following port settings are available:RS-231 Port 1. and TCP-Standard. the Modbus interface is designed to operate over RS-232 Port 1. Continue to click and add parameters until all desired parameters have been added to the translation. Select the first parameter that is to be added to the translation from the drop down menu. Note: The properties dialog will display a “Parameter Request Rate” and “Modbus Register” selection list. a modbus register is assigned. A modbus register can be change by use of the “Reassign the Modbus Registers” function. Click on the “Click to Add” text in the first row of the Parameter Selection list. 4. 3. Note: Caterpillar does not recommend more than 120 parameters total for all translations. A “Translation Object” is added to the design window. Refer to Illustration 18. 2. The “36XX Engine Cntrl” to “PL1000E Interface Translation Object” has been selected. Illustration 17 g01336295 2. The “PTE Design” window should now look similar to Illustration 16. Note: In this example. Select the ECM Object that is to be removed in the “PTE Design” window. Note: PTE will display a standard Save PCL File dialog. Click on “Save”. Perform the following in order to save a *.20 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Data Type – The data type in the Modbus register Data Length – The number of bytes in the parameter (2 bytes equals 1 Modbus Register) Resolution – The factor that the data in Modbus Registers should be multiplied by in order to transfer the data range from the data type of the register to engineering units. Select the appropriate path and filename for the *. the on board software will truncate the name to 33 characters while processing the configuration. Refer to Illustration 20. which opens the default PTE directory.pcl File To Disk 2. . 1. 3. Modbus registers are two bytes in length. Note: This method is recommended because all parameters are assigned the appropriate amount of modbus registers. If a file name is longer than 33 characters. 2. 3. Click on the “view/save parameter list” button to save the modbus register map. 2. Click “Yes” on the confirmation dialog. Note: File names are limited to a total length of 33 characters. Note: The PTE will ask the user to confirm the removal of the selected “ECM Object”. (3) and resolution of parameters. DSI – (Data Status Indicator) indicates if parameter supports DSI Signed – Specifies if data is signed or unsigned Illustration 19 g01398234 In order to change the parameter: Data Offset – Used in conjunction with “Resolution” in order to provide a transfer function from the binary data type of the register to real world engineering units.pcl file. Perform the following in order to delete an ECM object: Illustration 20 g01708433 Parameter – The parameter name Request Rate – The rate the PL1000E will request the data if not updated through a general broadcast Modbus Register – The first register for the parameter number where the parameter resides.pcl file to disk. This method is generally used by an integrator for parameter mapping. Manually entering the register value is an alternative to allowing PTE to reassign the Modbus registers. 1. Refer to Illustration 18. 1. The data is scaled according to the “Resolution” factor. Enter the register value. 3. Click on the Modbus register parameter that is to be changed. Delete an ECM Object Deleting an ECM Object will automatically delete any attached translation arrows. Note: The operator is able to overwrite other registers. The file name may NOT include any spaces. The data is adjusted according to the “Data Offset” after being retrieved by the PLC or other modbus master. Click on “Remove ECM Object” or press “Delete” on the computer keyboard. Select “Save”. Save *. If a Modbus ECM is selected.RENR8091-04 21 Systems Operation Section Note: The selected ECM Object will be removed. Note: The selected Translation Object will be removed. Start the PTE as described in the Create “Parameter Translation Design” section of this manual. 4. Select the Source ECM Object Delete Translation Object The source ECM refers the ECM Object in the design that the translation arrow is pointing away from. Click on “Remove Translation Object” or press the “Delete” key on the computer. Create *. Illustration 21 g01708453 Perform the following in order to choose a target ECM: . 2. 2. Select the “Translation Object” to be removed in the “PTE Design” window.pcl File Using the PCL Wizard Perform the following in order to create *. One will be available for Source to Target ECM and one for Target to Source ECM. Refer to Illustration 23. Note: The PTE will ask the user to confirm the removal of the Translation Object. Click “Yes” in the confirmation dialog. Perform the following in order to delete a Translation Object: 1. refer to Illustration 22.pcl file using the PCL Wizard: 1. Review the information on the Wizard Start Up screen. Refer to Illustration 21. 3. Select “PCL Wizard” in the lower left hand of the screen. 3. Note: The PCL Wizard will begin asking for information in order to generate the “PTE Design”. Click “Next”. The following illustrations will show that the wizard uses these terms to assign bi-directional translations. Illustration 22 g01708456 If a CDL or J1939 ECM Object is selected. Choose Target ECM The “Target ECM” refers to the ECM Object that is in the design window that the translation arrow is pointing toward. the user may also define the ECM ID on this screen. assign the ECM ID and select the “PTE” file. Illustration 23 g01708495 Click “Next”. If a Modbus ECM or a Webserver ECM is selected. . 4. Review the information displayed as a result of the PCL Wizard. Illustration 24 shows that “Engine Speed” and “Desired Engine Speed” have been selected. Refer to the “Parameter Translation Configuration” and the “Manual Parameter Configuration List Creation” sections of this document for information concerning the process of how to manually adjust the values for the ECM Objects.22 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 1. assign the ECM ID and select the “PTE” file. 2. 2. define the ECM ID on this screen. and ports are not set by the PCL Wizard. Refer to Illustration 27. addresses. Assign registers for the Modbus. Click “Next”. 3. If a CDL or J1939 ECM Object is selected. Perform the following in order to finish and display the translations: 1.pcl file has now been created. Select Source to Target Translations Each parameter that is available for inclusion in this translation is listed. Note: The descriptions. Note: The *. Note: Refer to the “Parameter Translation Configuration” and the “Save *. Illustration 25 shows that “Remote E-Stop Switch” has been selected. Refer to Illustration 26. Illustration 25 g01708616 Finish and Display the Translations The PCL Wizard notifies the user that all necessary data for creation of the “PTE Design” has been entered. Save the file. Each parameter can be selected by clicking the check box that is to the left of each parameter. Illustration 24 Illustration 26 g01708622 Illustration 27 g01708623 g01708514 Select Target to Source Translations Each parameter available for inclusion in this translation is listed and can be selected by clicking the check box to the left of each parameter.pcl File to Disk” sections of this manual. Create a Modbus Master PCL File 1. However. each system will vary and may not look exactly like Illustration 30. A screen similar to Illustration 29 will appear. Illustration 30 is an idea of what could be done with the PL1000E as a “Master”. Open the “Parameter Translation Editor”. The title “PCL File Configuration – Modbus Master” (13) will be shown at the top of the design window. The type of configuration that is discussed in this section will allow the following: Illustration 28 g01709113 2. Refer to Table 1 for detailed information on what each type of translation line means. The remaining portion of the configuration of the PCL file is identical to the “Modbus Slave Configuration”. Note: Refer to the “Quick Start Guide” section of this document. Illustration 29 g01709135 3. Select “New” (11) then select “Modbus Master” (12).RENR8091-04 23 Systems Operation Section 5. Install the *. Illustration 30 g01709153 Refer to the call outs that are shown in Illustration 30. The translation lines have a slightly different meaning for the PL1000E as a Modbus Master. . Use Cat ET or Cat Communications Toolkit version 2007B in order to access the “Utilities” menu. Refer to Illustration 28.pcl file into the PL1000E file system. or writing to. Please contact the dealer technical communicator for more detailed information. Represents a translation taking place. (4) is requesting information from the J1939 Engine. For example. ensure the “Default PTE Directory” represents the location of the desired *. NOTE: This utility should only be used for a linear sensor. Represents a Caterpillar ECM that the PL1000E. is communicating with. The user would simply enter the offset and resolution of the data. Note: For this example. So the Request Rate in this instance would be how fast the PL1000E is requesting the specific parameter from the J1939 Engine. Illustration 31 (30) Scale Parameter Utility Screen g01723334 . So the Production Rate in this case would be the speed that the PL1000E is sending the information on Modbus. and writing that information to the Modbus Slave ECM. Represents a second Modbus Slave ECM that the PL1000E. What follows is an explanation of how to open. For example.pte files. 20 Request Rate The rate at which the PL1000E is requesting information from Modbus or J1939. is communicating with. and then sending it out on Modbus. is communicating with. In this case the PL1000E is requesting information from the J1939 Engine. Open an Existing *. The PL1000E is requesting information from the J1939 ECM. modify. 19 Scale Parameters Utility This utility is only available on a translation line from a Modbus Slave ECM to a J1939 ECM. and update an existing *. An expert should only use this utility. 21 Production Rate The rate as which the PL1000E is sending the information it requests to the particular ECM.pte” files have been located in the “C:\PL1000E Example\ directory”.pcl file to add two new parameters and delete one of the existing parameters defined in the translation. 22 Modbus Register The register that the PL1000E is either requesting. a sensor is on Modbus as a slave. upload the PCL file to the PL1000E. as a Modbus Master. The basics of this utility are to allow the user to scale their data to match a public J1939 PGN. as a Master. In this case the PL1000E is requesting information from Modbus “Slave 1” and writing that information on J1939. depending on the translation line that is selected. and the user wants to translate the sensor data to J1939 and have it match the J1939 protocol.pcl file for Modification Sometimes it may become necessary to modify a file to either remove or add translation parameters as the needs of the Modbus Master change with modifications to system monitoring and control strategies. Take (4) again. and the PL1000E would scale the data from Modbus to match the scaling factors of the parameters to J1939. 23 First Modbus Slave ECM 24 Translation from J1939 Engine to Modbus Slave 1 25 Second Modbus Slave ECM Represents a Modbus Slave ECM that the PL1000E. as a Master.24 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Table 1 Call Out Entity 17 Translation from Modbus “Slave 1” to J1939 Engine 18 J1939 ECM Description Represents a translation taking place. all of the “*. Set the Default PTE Directory Before starting the design process. RENR8091-04 25 Systems Operation Section When a *. The screen should look similar to Illustration 33. 3. Note: For this example. Press the “delete” key that is on the keyboard of the computer. Use the dialog to navigate to the disk location where the *. 3.pcl file to be modified is located. 2. 3. 2. Select the desired parameters that are to be added to the translation. Request Rate of 100000 milliseconds has been selected. Since the diagnostic clock will not change with extreme frequency.pcl file. 4. Note: The “PTE” will read in the *. Perform the following in order to open the Parameter Control list: Note: The parameter will be removed from the “Translation Parameter List”. Select the “Translation Object” in the “Design” window. Click “Open”. 1. Perform the following in order to add parameters from the 36XX Engine Cntrl to the PL1000E interface translation: 1. Select the “Translation Object” in the “Design” window. The “PTE” will recreate the Design window objects. 1. More dynamic parameters should be defined with smaller request rates and less dynamic parameters should be defined with larger request rates. View the parameters in the “Properties Window”. Add Parameters to the 36XX Engine Cntrl to PL1000E Interface Translation Note: An “Open” dialog will be displayed. Modify the Request Rate for the New Parameter(s) Illustration 32 g01336395 2. Refer to Illustration 32.pte” file that was originally used in order to create the *. add the “Diagnostic Clock”. The request rates should be carefully considered. Select the file. Click on “Open” in the “PTE”. the “Atmospheric Pressure” parameter has been chosen to be removed. Click on the name of the parameter that is to removed. .pcl file. 4.pcl file is opened. The “PTE Design” window should now look similar to Illustration 33. Click on “Click to Add” in the “Parameter List”. Note: As an example. the PTE must be able to locate the “*. Delete Parameters from the 36XX Engine Cntrl to PL1000E Interface Translation Perform the following steps in order to delete parameters from the 36XX Engine Cntrl to the PL1000E interface translation. Open the Parameter Control List 4. View the parameters in the “Properties” window. Note: There are many ways to set up networks. Local Area Network (LAN) connection and direct crossover connection to a single PC. Each method requires different settings for both the PC and ECM. Install the *.26 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Installation of PCL File to PL1000E Installation of a *. The example in this manual has focused on the creation of a *. Ensure the system is prepared for a temporary loss of data before executing the following instructions. Select the “Save As” button just below the Save button.pcl file for translation of CDL parameters to Modbus. Define a new file name and location for the modified file. and as an interface for Modbus TCP. Click the “Save” button.pcl file has been successfully modified. Refer to the “LAN Network Ethernet Connection” and “Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection” sections in this manual.pcl file to a disk: 1. This discussion is only a brief description of methods that should work in a majority of cases.pcl file into the PL1000E file system. Note: See “Installation of PCL File to PL1000E” Section of this document. PCL files are installed on the PL1000E using a standard FTP connection. Each method requires a different procedure for both the PC and ECM. The user should consult the facility network administrator in order to insure an implementation method that will work for the unique network. Perform the following steps in order to retain the previously configured file as a history.pcl File To Disk Perform the following in order to replace the existing *. 1. The PL1000E includes an Ethernet 10Base-T interface. Initiate Configuration of PL1000E with New PCL File NOTICE The steps in this section will cause the PL1000E Communication Module to perform a warm boot sequence.pcl file is necessary for the PL1000E Communication ECM to begin making translated data available on the target data link. Note: The PTE will write the new data directly into the previously saved file. The on board application software uses this port for access to an embedded web server. Discussions will continue to reference this same example. Note: This will open a “Save As” dialog box. During this boot sequence all data retrieval and communications will be disabled for a few seconds. It is always a good practice to keep a copy of the file that was previously working correctly. 3. The direct crossover connection is a single point-to-point connection to one PC without the overhead of a network. Illustration 33 g01709154 Save the Modified *. the ECM file system. until the new file can be tested and verified in the system. 2. Note: The *. An FTP connection may be established through either the facility network or through a direct crossover connection. The LAN connection allows the gateway to be accessed on a multiuser network and share information with all other nodes on that network. There are two primary methods used to connect the ECM Ethernet port to a system. . zzz.yyy. 10. a time and date stamp appended to the end of the file name. Modbus Configuration. Click “OK” in this dialog box. “LAN Network Ethernet Connection”. i02796160 Hardware Configuration SMCS Code: 7610 ECM Configuration The PL1000E Communication Electronic Control Module (ECM) requires configuration before the PCL file can be loaded. Enter ftp://xxx. Navigate to the “Current” directory. In order to access the PL1000E configuration the first time. The browser will display the “ PL1000E Home Page”.zzz. Enter the appropriate User Name and in the address field of the browser. Navigate to the Configuration/Reset web page 3. The security message indicates that the user has not yet logged into the FTP session. . then refer to the “ECM Configuration”. “Internet Protocol Configuration. 7. 4. 9. The login dialog will prompt for a User Name and Password. Verify that the appended time and date stamp reflect the actual time and date of the PL1000E warm boot sequence. The “xxx. Note: The browser will display the PL1000E files and folders on the modules root directory. Make note of the file that is shown in the Current directory. This section contains information about all of the configuration parameters for the PL1000E. 11.RENR8091-04 Note: The PL1000E needs to be configured before the PCL file is transferred. Enter the appropriate User Name and Password and click “Login”. the embedded web pages may be used in order to change the configuration.yyy. or the “Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection” section of this manual. Select the Reset action. Enter “xxx. the “Embedded Communication” adapter or a Caterpillar Communication Adapter II must be used. Note: A login dialog will be displayed. The PL1000E requires configuration before the modbus ports will function. 27 Systems Operation Section Note: If the file was processed successfully. Note: The browser will indicate the following: “The PL1000E device will RESET”.yyy. select “File / Login As”.pcl Where: • YYYY = year • MM = month • DD = day • HH = hour • NN = minute • SS = second 13. This page will automatically go back to the “Home Page”. 6. 5. and the default password is “admin”.aaa” is the IPv4 address of the PL1000E which is defined in the Cat ET configuration screen. For more information about configuration parameters for the PL1000E ECM. Note: The browser will display the PL1000E Home Page. 2. 8. In the browser menu. The default User Name is “admin”.aaa” in the address field of the browser. RENR8091.pcl The modified file name: 36XX_Sample_PCL_File_YYYYMM DDHHNNSS. Note: The user will be prompted for a User Name and Password for access to reset the PL1000E. This is a normal security message. An example of the file name is: The original file name: 36XX_Sample_PCL_File. 12. Click “Submit”. Initiate a browser “Refresh”. The PL1000E is configured either by Caterpillar Communciation Tool Kit or by Cat ET for the first time. After the first setup. Note: An FTP Folder Error dialog will appear. Perform the following in order to initiate configuration of PL1000E with new PCL file: 1. Testing and Adjusting.zzz. and Data Link Configuration”. please refer to System Operation Troubleshooting. If needed due to site setup. 28 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 i03345200 Data Link Configuration i03331925 Data Link Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control SMCS Code: 7610 SMCS Code: 7610 The data link address for each Caterpillar engine can be found in the engine documentation that is provided with each engine. The data link address can also be found by connecting to the engine with Cat ET. Press “Ctrl+I”. Note: Pressing “Ctrl+I” is only functional for devices on the CDL network. After the Cat ET screen appears, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Select “Real ID Device”. The first two values of this field is the address that needs to be entered. The number will need to be converted into a decimal number for entry into the PCL Editor. The following is an example of how to convert a number to a decimal number for entry into the PCL Editor: 1. Start Cat ET. Illustration 34 g01720155 2. Connect to the engine. Refer to Illustration 34. The “Cat Data Link Module Identifier Configuration” (1) selection is for CDL communications only. The PL1000E is able to select from three different MID numbers. The “Cat Data Link Module Identifier Configuration” (1) is NOT available on the “CAN/J1939” network as a dynamic protocol. 4. At the “Summary” screen, select “Ctrl+I”. Cat Data Link Module Identifier Configuration 6. The first two values that are shown in the field for the “Real Device ID” values, is the ECM address. In Illustration 35, the Real Device ID is 24000000e001 so 24 is the address of the ECM. 3. Select the ECM. 5. Scroll to the bottom of the window. Possible values follow: • PL1000 #1 • PL1000 #2 (Default) • PL1000 #3 Cat Data Link Boost Function Enable Status Possible values follow: • Enabled • Disabled (Default) NOTICE CDL Boost should be enabled only if the wiring lengths for the harnesses are 30.5 m (100 ft) or greater. If the wiring lengths for the harnesses are under 30.5 m (100 ft), then CDL Boost may cause failure. Illustration 35 g01709835 RENR8091-04 29 Systems Operation Section i03331987 Internet Protocol Configuration Internet Protocol (IPv4) Network Mask The Internet Protocol (IPv4) Network Mask (3) is sometimes called the Subnet Mask. This value specifies what range of IP addresses are considered to be on the same local subnet. The Internet gateway value for this configuration is “”. The default value for this configuration indicates that all devices with the same first three octets as this device, will be considered to be on the same local subnet. Consult the network administrator in order to determine the appropriate value for the configuration. SMCS Code: 7610 Network Default Gateway Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address Illustration 36 g01710119 (1) Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) Address (2) Internet Protocol Host Name (3) Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address (4) Internet Protocol (IPv4) Network Mask (5) (6) Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) Address The “Ethernet (MAC) Address” (1) is a read only value. The “Ethernet (MAC) Address” is programmed into the device at manufacture time. The “Ethernet (MAC)” is used in order to uniquely identify the node on the network to which the PL1000E is connected. The address value will be required by the network administrator when configuring the device for operation on the network. Internet Protocol Host Name The Internet Protocol Host Name (2) is a free form text field where the host name may be entered. By default, the IP address is “”. The address must be changed if the PL1000E is to be used in a networked environment. The IP value is limited to 25 characters. The Internet Protocol Host Name is assigned by the network administrator. Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address The Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address (3) is configured according to the kind of network environment in which it is installed. The IP address value must be configured with the value defined by the network administrator. The Network Default Gateway Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address (5) is the address of the networks' Internet gateway. The initial value for this parameter is “”. The value of the parameter must be set if the PL1000E is to be used in a networked environment. Contact the network administrator in order to determine the appropriate Network Default Gateway IP address. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Enable Status The DHCP (6) has two possible values: • Disabled (Default) • Enabled The defaults are: • IP address: • Network Mask: • Default Gateway: 30 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 i03332563 ModBus #1 Echo/No Echo Modbus Configuration The ModBus #1 Echo/No Echo selections are: SMCS Code: 7610 • Echo • No Echo (default) ModBus #1 Flow Control The ModBus #1 Flow Control selections are: • Hardware (CTS/RTS) • None (default) • Reserved • Software (Xon/Xoff) ModBus #1 Data Size The ModBus #1 Data Size selections are: • 7 Illustration 37 g01743935 • 8 (default) ModBus Configuration Details ModBus #1 Parity ModBus #1 Port Selection The ModBus #1 Parity selections are: The ModBus #1 Port selections are: • Even • Disabled • Mark • Serial Port #1 (default) • No Parity (default) • Serial Port #2 • Odd • Serial Port #4 • Space ModBus #1 Baud Rate ModBus #1 Data Link Address The ModBus Baud Rates selections are: • 1200 The ModBus #1 Data Link Address selections are any value between zero (0) and 254. It is recommend that the value remain at default. • 2400 The default value is 254. • 4800 ModBus #2 Port Selection • 9600 (default) The ModBus #2 Port selections are: • 19200 • Disabled • 38400 • Serial Port #1 • 57600 • Serial Port #2 (default) • Serial Port #4 It is recommend that the value remain at default.RENR8091-04 31 Systems Operation Section ModBus #2 Baud Rate ModBus #2 Data Link Address The ModBus #2 Baud Rate selections are: • 1200 The ModBus #2 Data Link Address selections are any value between zero (0) and 254. • 4800 ModBus #3 Port Selection • 9600 (default) The ModBus #3 Port Selection selections are: • 19200 • Disabled • 38400 • Serial Port #1 • 57600 • Serial Port #2 ModBus #2 Echo/No Echo • Serial Port #4 (default) The ModBus #2 Echo/No Echo selections are: ModBus #3 Baud Rate • Echo The ModBus #3 Baud Rate selections are: • No Echo (default) • 1200 ModBus #2 Flow Control • 2400 The ModBus #2 Flow Control selections are: • 4800 • Hardware (CTS/RTS) • 9600 (default) • None (default) • 19200 • Reserved • 38400 • Software (Xon/Xoff) • 57600 ModBus #2 Data Size ModBus #3 Echo/No Echo The ModBus #2 Data Size selections are: The ModBus #3 Echo/No Echo selections are: • 7 • Echo • 8 (default) • No Echo (default) ModBus #2 Parity ModBus #3 Flow Control The ModBus #2 Parity selections are: The ModBus #3 Flow Control selections are: • Even • Hardware (CTS/RTS) • Mark • None (default) • No Parity (default) • Reserved • Odd • Software (Xon/Xoff) • Space ModBus #3 Data Size The ModBus #3 Data Size selections are: . • 2400 The default value is 254. It is recommend that the value remain at default. switches.32 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 • 7 • 8 (default) ModBus #3 Parity The ModBus #3 Parity selections are: • Even • Mark • No Parity (default) • Odd • Space ModBus #3 Data Link Address The ModBus #3 Data Link Address selections are any value between zero (0) and 254. Each node on the LAN may have a static Internet Protocol (IP) address or the network may be set up to use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). The PL1000E Communication ECM may be configured to support either method. The “RS–485 Mode” selections are as follows: • 2 – wire (half duplex) • 4 – wire (full duplex) (default) If a PL1000E is being commissioned in a system that has RS-485 communications. i03332863 LAN Network Ethernet Connection SMCS Code: 7610 LAN Network Ethernet Connection Overview LAN Networks share common cables. . routers. RS-485 Mode The “RS–485 Mode” configuration item only appears on the 285-1138 Electronic Control Modules or newer. then the appropriate wiring standards must be used for the RS-485 mode. etc. It is recommend that the value remain at default. The default value is 254. The default value is 254. ModBus TCP Data Link Address The ModBus TCP Data Link Address selections are any value between zero (0) and 254. DHCP requires specialized server software and is not always available on small networks. 4. an FTP Folder Error dialog will appear. If DHCP support is required. 4. type in the IP (IPv4) Address that was noted in Step 7. Enter the appropriate User Name and Password and click “Login”. IP (IPv4) Network Mask. select “File/Login As”. 7. If static IP addressing is required. Loading the PCL File Using FTP With a Web Browser Perform the following with a standard web browser: 1. and the Default Password is “admin”. Connect the PC and login to the same network as the PL1000E and start a web browser.zzz. Each node needs an IP address. . configure the DHCP Enable Status to Enabled. but there are a finite number of addresses. The Default User Name is “admin”. Make note of the IP (IPv4) Address. and Network Default Gateway Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address to the values specified by the network administrator. Note: A login dialog will be displayed prompting for a User Name and Password. In the address field of the browser. This confirms the connection of the ECM and the PC to the network. In a non-DHCP network for nodes to communicate through IP dedicated IP addresses must be assigned to each node. In the address field of the browser. Note: The browser will display the ECM files and folders on the module's root directory.zzz. navigate to the “Configuration” screen for IP.” 2.yyy. If the user is unable to browse to the ECM Home Page. configure DHCP Enable Status to Disabled and configure the IP (IPv4) Address. Note: Where “ftp://xxx.” is the address noted in the previous steps. 5. As a default. Apply power to the system and start the service tool on the PC. 5. 1. Once connected to the PL1000E. 6. Connect the ECM serial port 3 (ECA) harness connector to the PC. The server can maximize the number of addresses available by assigning them as devices are connected to the network. refer to Troubleshooting. The FTP Folder Error is a normal security message that indicates the user has not yet logged into the FTP server. 8. the folders and files displayed are shown in Illustration 39. Determine whether the network requires support for DHCP or static IP addresses. 3. Click “OK” in this dialog box. Perform the following in order to complete a LAN network ethernet connection: Note: The browser will display the PL1000E Communication ECM Home Page. In the browser menu.yyy.RENR8091-04 33 Systems Operation Section g01414942 Illustration 38 Note: DHCP is used to allow a network server to manage the network node connections dynamically. 2. enter the following: “ftp://xxx. Use Windows Explorer in order to locate the *. Verify the file is located in the new directory. Microsoft Internet Explorer usually will cache the contents of the file system. Note: The file will be placed into the “New ” directory on the PL1000E file system. Therefore. 7. By default. In the blank browser window.pcl file. 8.34 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 6. Start a DOS session.pcl file that is on the disk that was created with the use of Parameter Translation Editor (PTE). Copy the *. this directory is empty. Illustration 40 g01176569 Illustration 41 g01176577 1. right-click and select “Paste”. Note: The browser will display the contents of the “New ” folder. or select “Edit / Paste” from the browser menu. a blank screen will be shown. then selecting “Run”. 9. . The browser should be “refreshed” after file system changes are made. Illustration 39 g01397626 Loading the PCL File Using FTP with the Command Prompt Perform the following with a DOS FTP session: Note: This can be done on most versions of Microsoft Windows by clicking on “Start”. 10. Microsoft Internet Explorer usually displays cached information instead of updated information from the server. Double click on the “New ” folder in order to navigate into the “New ” folder. At the password prompt. Note: By default. type in the password. 5. Note: “xxx. At the prompt. 3. Note: After entering the user name and password. Illustration 45 g01402167”. the screen will be similar to the screen in Illustration 44. Illustration 43 g01402161 4. 8. type “ftp xxx. See Illustration 45. Press “Enter”. 7. Note: In order to specify the local working directory. If the current working directory is not returned as “/ram/”. type “CMD” and click “OK”. Set the remote directory. Confirm that the remote directory is /ram by issuing a Print Working Directory (PWD) command. then the word “command” must be used instead of “CMD”. . At the DOS command prompt. use the command lcd PL1000E.zzz. Set the local directory and remote directory for proper transfer of the file. type in the user name. The address of the device is defined in the “Configuration” screen in Cat ET. the remote directory is /ram.RENR8091-04 Illustration 42 35 Systems Operation Section g01397624 Illustration 44 g01402164” is the IPv4 address of the device.yyy. Press “Enter”. See Illustration 46. Note: If Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98 are being used. In the Run dialog. when the user logs into FTP. 6. Note: The screen will be similar to the screen in Illustration 43.yyy.zzz. then use a Change Directory (CD) command such as “ftp> cd /” in order to return to the root directory. Move the PCL file to the ECM. In order to confirm the remote directory is set up correctly.) Illustration 50 g01402183 15. Illustration 49 g01402180 14. Initiate configuration of the PL1000E Communication ECM with the new PCL file by either removing and reapplying power to the ECM or by executing the steps outlined in System Operations. . 12. i03332946 Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection SMCS Code: 7610 Illustration 48 g01402179 The following instructions cover both the setup requirements for the PL1000E Communication ECM and the single Personal Computer (PC) that will connect to it. use the PWD command again. (This process forces DOS ftp to transfer file in binary format instead of the default ASCII. The FTP session will close. “Parameter Translation Configuration”. Type “Binary” and press “Enter”. The current remote directory should be returned as “/ram/New/”. Since all new PCL files must be loaded into the “New” directory. After the file has been sent successfully. Illustration 46 g01402168 10. The PC instructions are different for the specific operating system used. Refer to Illustration 48. replacing “G3612_Engine. change from the remote directory to the “New” directory using the “Change Directory New (CD New)” command. Illustration 47 g01402169 11. Using the Put command. exit the FTP session using the Bye command. RENR8091. and the screen will return to a DOS command prompt.pcl” with the name of the PCL file. execute the FTP process as shown in Illustration 49 and Illustration 50.36 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 13. Illustration 52 g01710894 4. . 1. Go to the “Configuring a Stand . 3. click on the “Configuration Screen” or press the F5 key. 2. Note: If a PC is to be connected directly to the PL1000E via a crossover ethernet cable. Start Cat ET and wait for it to connect to the PL1000E. then leave the IP configuration set to the default settings.Alone Windows PC to Access the PL1000E Communication Module” section.RENR8091-04 37 Systems Operation Section g01415005 Illustration 51 PL1000E configuration Configuring a PL1000E Communication Module to Work on a Non-DHCP network Perform the following steps in order to configure a PL1000E Communication Module to work on a network that does not have Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP). For more information on the default settings. Connect a computer with Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) or Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit to a PL1000E Communication ECM either by using a “Comm Adapter II” or the “ECA Service Port (serial port 3)” on the PL1000E. go into the “Internet Protocol” section and change the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Enable Status to disabled by highlighting it and clicking “Change”. see the section on Internet Protocol Configuration. Once the configuration screen loads. Once Cat ET is started and the selected device is the PL1000E. 38 Systems Operation Section Illustration 53 RENR8091-04 g01710895 5. Illustration 54 Illustration 55 g01710899 8. Highlight the “Internet Protocol (IPv4) Network Mask” entry and click “Change”. . g01710913 10. Click “OK” and click “Yes” to program the ECM.0. Enter the address of the default gateway. Highlight the Network Default Gateway Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address entry and click “Change”. Click “Yes” to program the PL1000E. Select “Disabled” from the drop down box. in the form of “1.0. g01710898 Illustration 56 7. 6.0” and click “OK”. 9. if applicable. Illustration 59 g01710916 14. Click “Yes” in order to program the PL1000E. this procedure requires temporarily disconnecting the PC from the network in order to connect to the PL1000E. 16. The PL1000E is ready for direct connect use. Enter the four parts of the IP address in the four fields according to the information that is provided by the network administrator. Illustration 58 g01710915 13. Enter the “Subnet” mask value of “255. Configuring a Stand . then leave the IP configuration set to the default settings. Click “Yes” in order to program the PL1000E. 1. Click “Control Panel”. . Note: A crossover ethernet cable is required in order to directly connect the network adapter port (RJ-45) of the PC to the network adapter port of the PL1000E without the use of a hub or switch. turn the key switch to the OFF position. If the PC is normally on a wired network. In order to make the PL1000E changes effective. Click the Internet Options (9) program. Note: If a PC is to be connected directly to the PL1000E via a crossover ethernet cable.RENR8091-04 Illustration 57 39 Systems Operation Section g01710914 11. Click “OK”.255. 2. 12. Click “Start Menu”. Perform the following steps in order to configure a Windows based PC that is not on a network to access the PL1000E.Alone Windows PC to Access the PL1000E Communication Module Note: The PC must be equipped with a wired Ethernet adapter. Highlight the “Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address”" entry and click “Change”.255. 3. 15.0” and click “OK”. then turn the key switch back to the ON position. Uncheck all checked boxes. 8.40 Systems Operation Section Illustration 60 RENR8091-04 g01710918 4. Click Local Area Connection (13). Click “OK” again in order to close the Internet Properties window. Click “OK”. Click “LAN Settings” (11). 7. Make a note of the current settings. g01404026 Illustration 63 10. Illustration 61 5. Illustration 62 g01404032 6. Select the Connections tab (10). In the “Control Panel” click the “Network Connections” (12). g01710920 . 9. 16. Illustration 65 g01404040 12. Illustration 66 g01404064 13.RENR8091-04 41 Systems Operation Section Note: There is a possibility that an ethernet adapter card has not installed on a Windows based PC that is not networked. Highlight “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” (16). Refer to Illustration 66. In order to proceed with this type of connection. Illustration 64 g01710921 11. Click “Properties” (17). Select “Use the Following IP Address”. In the Local Area Connection Status window click “Properties” (14). If an ethernet adapter card has not installed. Make a note of the current settings. scroll down the screen and then select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” (15). “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”. 15. an ethernet adapter card must be installed or a different PC that is equipped with an ethernet adapter must be used. 14. will not appear in the list. then the item. In the box that is titled “This connection uses the following items:”. . 42 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Table 2 Function Code Description Modbus Address Range 3 Read Holding Registers 40001 through 42000 inclusive 6 Preset Single Register 40001 through 42000 inclusive 16 Preset Multiple Registers 40001 through 42000 inclusive Modbus Parameter Translation Data Location and Formats The PL1000E Communication ECM provides parameter translations of Cat Data Link and J1939 data to Modbus. Table 2 documents the Function Codes and the addressing ranges which are supported by the PL1000E. the user can only configure translations for diagnostics that are desired.255. Each parameter that is defined in the PCL file has a starting Modbus Register.10”. and definition of the Event and Diagnostic data as the data is presented to the Modbus interface.1. Event and Parameter Translations .168. Click “OK”. 18.0”. Click “OK” on the Local Area Connection Properties window in order to close the window. Therefore.Cat Data Link Event and Diagnostic Codes Different versions of ECMs that are on Cat Data Link and J1939 are capable of transmitting the event and diagnostic information in multiple versions of communication protocols. . The Modbus application can use the scaling information in order to transform the data to a value that can be displayed. Each parameter that is defined in the PCL file has an associated number of registers that are required to house the data. Enter the IP address in the form “192. The data is housed according to the source data link definition and according to the data length definition. 19. The specific Modbus Registers in each application will vary depending on the configuration in the Parameter Translation Editor (PTE). The next section covers the format.255. i03334148 ECM Modbus Interface SMCS Code: 7610 PL1000E Communication ECM Modbus Interface Overview The PL1000E supports a subset of the common Modbus Function Codes that are used for data transfer. The data that is provided on the Modbus Communication Link has the same scaling as the source data link. Events and Diagnostics Event and Diagnostic information is internally retrieved and tabulated by the PL1000E if the Event and Diagnostic parameter translations were included in the PCL file. Illustration 67 g01404041 17. length. Enter the “Subnet” mask as “255. The process to house the data applies to all of the parameters with the exception of Events and Diagnostics. Event or Diagnostic parameter translations can also be defined independently. 0= table is not being updated Bit 1: 1= data is stale.208. The rate in milliseconds that the source ECM sends updates of the “Event Code” table to the PL1000E. 0= no overflow(1) LSB: Reserved MSB: update rate (HI byte) 2 Negotiated update rate 3 First Event Identifier (EID) 4 Additional Event Identifier information LSB: update rate (LO byte). Register offsets 3 and 4 are repeated for each event reported by the source device. The tables for each type of code are very similar. The events and diagnostics are available in the following form beginning at the starting Modbus Register as defined in the PCL file. The PL1000E determines the appropriate communication method from the source data link. However. then referring to Table 6. there is some additional information that is available or required for certain codes. 0= data is not stale Bit 0: 1= overflow. . MSB: Event Identifier 1 LSB: Reserved MSB: Bits 8 through 4: Reserved Bits 3 through 1: Warning Category Indicator (WCI) WCI values: 0 or 1 = Warning. The “Cat Data Link Events Table” that is shown above.207. Refer to the explanation that is in the footnote (2) of Table 3 for overflow in status bytes when more than 20 events are active on a device. 2 = Service. will hold a maximum of 20 event entries. If the CDL Event Translations were configured in the PCL file to begin at Modbus Register 40. Offset 1 would be available at 40. The additional information dictated minor differences in the table format and content. offset zero (0) would be available at Modbus Register 40. The Modbus application does not need to be aware of these communication differences. Table 3 Cat Data Link Events Modbus Register Offset 0 1 Contents Count of active events Event retrieval status Comments Most Significant Byte (MSB): Count of active events Least Significant Byte (LSB): Maximum table size MSB: Bit mapped status indicator Bits 8 through 3: Reserved Bit 2: 1= table is being updated. The PL1000E presents a list of event and diagnostic data that is consistent regardless of the source data link communication method.RENR8091-04 43 Systems Operation Section The different communication protocols are managed internally by the PL1000E. 3 = Shut Down LSB: Reserved (1) Overflow status means that there are more DTCs present than the table can contain.207. Register offsets 3 and 4 are repeated for each diagnostic reported by the source device. Refer to the explanation that is in the footnote (2) of Table 4 for overflow in status bytes when more than 20 events are active on a device. The two tables will be contiguously located in the Modbus Register ranges beginning with the starting register as defined in the PCL file. 3 = Shut Down Bits 5 through 1: Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) LSB: Reserved (1) Overflow status means that there are more DTCs present than the table can contain. The second table will contain all emission related DTCs that are reported by the device. 2 = Service. Event and Parameter Translations . The first table will contain all DTCs that are reported by the device. (MSB first) MSB: Component Identifier 1 LSB: Reserved MSB Bits 8 through 6: Warning Category Indicator (WCI) WCI values: 0 or 1 = Warning. the pairs of DTC Modbus Registers will be sorted in ascending order by SPN. 0= data is not stale Bit 0: 1= overflow. The “Cat Data Link Diagnostics Table” that is shown above. 0= no overflow(1) LSB: Reserved 2 Negotiated update rate 3 First Component Identifier (CID) 4 Additional Component Identifier Information The minimum update rate at which the source ECM can provide diagnostic code updates to the PL1000E in milliseconds. 0= table is not being updated Bit 1: 1= data is stale. There will be two instances of Table 5 for each device for which diagnostic retrieval has been configured in the PCL file.J1939 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) When the Conversion Method (CM) of all DTC's reported by a device is set to 1. .44 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Table 4 Cat Data Link Diagnostics Modbus Register Offset 0 1 Contents Count of active diagnostics Diagnostics retrieval status Comments Most Significant Byte (MSB): Count of active diagnostics Least Significant Byte (LSB): Maximum table size MSB: Bit mapped status indicator Bits 8 through 3: Reserved Bit 2: 1= table is being updated. Non-emission related DTCs will not appear in the table. will hold a maximum of 20 diagnostic entries. Refer to the explanation that is in the note of Table 5 for overflow in status bytes when more than 20 DTC events are active on a device. 0 = Standard format(1) Bit 2: 1= table is being updated. please refer to SAE J1939-73. so some of the DTCs may be in the appropriate format while some remain indeterminate. 0= no overflow(2) LSB: Reserved 2 Lamp status MSB: Bits 8-7: Malfunction indicator lamp status Bits 6-5: Red stop lamp status Bits 4-3: Amber warning lamp status Bits 2-1: Protect lamp status LSB: Bits 8-1: Reserved for SAE assignment lamp status For each pair of bits.ECM's that implement the J1939 DTC transmission method prior to 1996 may format data in any of three unidentifiable formats. The J1939 DTC's and Emissions Related DTC's Table will hold a maximum of 20 DTC entries. Register offsets 3 and 4 are repeated for each SPN reported by the source device. The registers and associated data are listed in the table shown in Table 6. PL1000E Communication ECM Default Status Modbus Registers The PL1000E Communication ECM has been designed to support a set of default status Modbus Registers that can be used to verify initial connectivity and status of the ECM communications. (3) For details on implementations of the DTC communication methods where CM is 0. 0= data is not stale Bit 0: 1= overflow. Note: Some devices may have implemented both CMs. 01 = Lamp is ON MSB (When CM has a value of 1): SPN bits (18 through 11) 3 First two bytes of the first Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) LSB (When CM has a value of 1): SPN bits (10 through 3) MSB (When CM has a value of 0): Indeterminate LSB (When CM has a value of 0): Indeterminate 4 Lower order bits of the first SPN Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) Conversion Method (CM) Occurrence Count (OC) MSB (When CM has a value of 1): Bits 8 through 6: SPN bits (2 through 0) Bits 5-1: Failure Mode Identifier LSB (When CM has a value of 1): Bit 8: Conversion Method Bits 7-1: Occurrence Count MSB (When CM has a value of 0):(3) Indeterminate LSB (When CM has a value of 0): Indeterminate (1) Non-standard format . (2) Overflow status means that there are more DTCs present than the table can contain. These formats can not be dependably translated for display.RENR8091-04 45 Systems Operation Section Table 5 J1939 Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and Emissions Related DTCs Modbus Register Offset Contents 0 Count of active DTC 1 DTCs retrieval status Comments Most Significant Byte (MSB): Count of active DTCs Least Significant Byte (LSB): Maximum table size MSB: Bit mapped status indicator Bits 8 through 4: Reserved Bit 3: 1 = Non-standard format. the following values represent the associated status: 00 = Lamp is OFF. 0= table is not being updated Bit 1: 1= data is stale. . See explanation in table of overflow in status byte when more than 20 are active on a device. 035 (continued) .RTU errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.049 Reserved 2 registers (4 bytes) 40.071 RS-232 Port 2 received Modbus . etc.055 J1939 transmitted messages (MSB) 2 registers 40. 1 = OK.RTU messages (MSB) 2 registers Starting Register 40.001 40. 2 = error or not present) 1 register (1 byte LSB) PCL file status (0 = Initializing.065 RS-232 Port 1 transmitted Modbus .063 RS-232 Port 1 received Modbus .RTU messages (MSB) 2 register 40.059 Reserved 2 registers (4 bytes) 40.067 RS-232 Port 1 transmitted Modbus .RTU messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.006 40.061 RS-232 Port 1 received Modbus .011 40.051 J1939 received messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.069 Reserved 2 registers (4 bytes) 40.RTU errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.) and Y Y is the last two digits of the year (2005 would be 05) Reserved 2 registers (4 bytes) Module Description String 13 registers (26 ASCII bytes) PCL file status (0 = Initializing. FEB.043 CDL Received Errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.034 40.019 40.047 CDL transmitted errors (MSB) 2 registers 40. 1 = OK.46 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Table 6 Default Status Modbus Registers Modbus Register Contents Format and Length ECM Part Number String 5 registers (10 ASCII bytes) ECM Serial Number String 5 registers (10 ASCII bytes) Personality Module (Software) Part Number String 5 registers (10 ASCII bytes) Module Release Date (Application Date Code) string String 3 registers (5 ASCII bytes) (MM MY Yx) Where MM M is the month (JAN.RTU errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.073 RS-232 Port 2 received Modbus .RTU messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.045 CDL transmitted messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.021 40.041 CDL Received Messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.053 J1939 received errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.037 Reserved 4 registers (8 bytes) 40.057 J1939 transmitted errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.016 40.075 RS232 Port 2 transmitted Modbus . 2 = error or not present) ECM Lifetime Clock 2 registers (4 bytes) Hours (MSB) 40. Sample Message: ECM Part Number • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 0A 30 35 The Caterpillar part number of the PL1000E communication module • Data = 0505B001HU Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 00 00 05 • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 05 00 05 30 35 42 30 30 31 48 55 .Number of Entries (30 entries or 15 pairs) (MSB) 1 register 40.RTU errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.087 RS422/485 Port 4 transmitted Modbus RTU errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.RENR8091-04 47 Systems Operation Section (Table 6.077 RS232 Port 2 transmitted Modbus .TCP connections (MSB) 1 register 40. The checksum would be the last two bytes in a request or a response. • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 0A 32 35 38 34 38 2D 30 31 • Data = 2584548-01 ECM Serial Number The serial number of the PL1000E communication module in the standard Caterpillar serial numbering format.TCP messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.TCP messages (MSB) 2 registers 40. use the Modbus slave address or “Device ID” that was defined in the Cat ET configuration screen for the respective Modbus object.097 Ethernet transmitted Modbus .201 ECM Mapping . The following sample messages do not include the checksum.RTU errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.093 Ethernet received Modbus .205 40.079 Reserved 2 registers (4 bytes) 40.091 Ethernet received Modbus . of the PL1000E is set to $15. In order to retrieve the status data from the PL1000E.207 Description of Default Status Data All sample messaging in the following table assumes that the Modbus slave address.081 RS422/485 Port 4 received Modbus .TCP errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.083 RS422/485 Port 4 received Modbus .204 40.095 Ethernet transmitted Modbus . that is also referred to as the “Device ID”.TCP errors (MSB) 2 registers 40.202 ECM Address (from) (MSB) 2 registers ECM Type and Port 1 register high byte = Type low byte = Port ECM Address (to) (MSB) 2 registers ECM Type and Port 1 register MSB = Type LSB = Port 40. The default address is 254 ($FE).RTU messages (MSB) 2 registers 40. contd) 40.089 Reserved 2 registers (4 bytes) 40.100 Reserved 100 registers (200 bytes) 40.085 RS422/485 Port 4 transmitted Modbus RTU messages (MSB) 2 registers 40.099 number of Modbus . Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 0A 00 05 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 0A 32 35 38 36 38 30 36 2D 30 30 • Data = 2586806 Application Date Code The month and year (last two digits) of the application software flash file release. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 14 00 0D • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 1A 50 4C 31 30 30 30 45 20 43 6F 6D 6D 75 6E 69 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 45 43 55 00 RENR8091-04 Refer to Table 6 for the definitions of the possible data values. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. then the PL1000E will process the PCL file and the PL1000E will assume the configuration that is contained within the PCL file. it searches for a new PCL file. The ECM lifetime clock is NOT the service meter hours.) Sample Message: Note: Data = 01 means “PCL File OK”. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 0F 00 03 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 06 41 55 47 30 38 00 • Data = AUG08 Personality Module Description Text description of the PL1000E communication module as it is identified in the Service Tool. • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 2A 00 02 Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 21 00 01 . Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 28 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 50 1D 24 • Data = PL1000E Communication ECU • Data = 5. ECM Lifetime Clock An internal timer that indicates the amount of time that the PL1000E has been in operation over its lifetime. This is the same description seen on the “ECM Summary” screen in Service Tool. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 22 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 B2 • Data = 178 hours • Scale = 1 hour/bit CDL Received Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of messages that have been successfully received on CDL. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The ECM lifetime clock is an independent accumulation of operation hours of the PL1000E device itself. Use this information as an indicator of whether or not the PL1000E is receiving data on CDL. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again.340 messages PCL File Status CDL Received Errors Each time the PL1000E is powered on.250. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 02 00 01 An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have been received on CDL. Received errors can indicate incorrect system wiring or incorrectly configured parameter translation. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. If the PCL is present in the “NEW” directory.48 Systems Operation Section Personality Module Part Number The application software flash file part number currently programmed into the PL1000E communication module. • Data = 01 (Refer to the following note. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on.250. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 34 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 2E 00 02 • Data = 0 errors • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 • Scale = 1 error message/bit 00 00 • Data = 0 errors J1939 Transmitted Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of messages that have been successfully transmitted by the PL1000E over J1939. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Use this information as an indicator of whether or not the PL1000E is receiving data on J1939. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total.340 messages • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 50 • Scale = 1 message/bit 1D 24 • Data = 4436 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit CDL Transmitted Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have occurred while the PL1000E was attempting to transmit a CDL message. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 32 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 50 1D 24 • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 2C 00 02 • Data = 5. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. Sample Message: 49 Systems Operation Section J1939 Received Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of messages that have been successfully received on J1939. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. Transmitted errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on.RENR8091-04 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 error message/bit CDL Transmitted Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of messages that have been successfully transmitted by the PL1000E over CDL. Sample Message: . Sample Message: J1939 Received Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have been received on J1939. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Received errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrectly configured parameter translation. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. 250. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. Use this information as an indicator of whether or not the PL1000E is receiving modbus requests on RS-232 Port 1. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 38 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 transmit error/bit RS-232 Port 1 Received Modbus-RTU Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully received on RS-232 Port 1. 11 54 • Data = 4436 messages J1939 Transmitted Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have occurred while the PL1000E was attempting to transmit a J1939 message. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 40 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 11 54 Sample Message: • Data = 4436 messages • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 3C 00 02 • Scale = 1 message/bit • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 50 1D 24 • Data = 5. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time.50 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 36 00 02 RS-232 Port 1 Received Modbus-RTU Errors • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus errors that have been received on RS-232 Port 1. Transmitted errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time.340 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit . The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. Received errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrectly formatted modbus messages that are being sent by another modbus device. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 3E 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 error message/bit RS-232 Port 1 Transmitted Modbus-RTU Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully transmitted by the PL1000E over RS-232 Port 1. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Transmitted errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrect baud rate settings. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Use this information as an indicator of whether or not the PL1000E is receiving modbus requests on RS-232 Port 2. Received errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrectly formatted modbus messages that are being sent by another modbus device. Sample Message: Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 42 00 02 • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 48 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 transmit error/bit • Scale = 1 error message/bit RS-232 Port 2 Received Modbus-RTU Messages RS-232 Port 2 Transmitted Modbus-RTU Messages 00 00 An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully received on RS-232 Port 2. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 4A 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 11 54 • Data = 4436 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit . then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on.RENR8091-04 51 Systems Operation Section RS-232 Port 1 Transmitted Modbus-RTU Errors RS-232 Port 2 Received Modbus-RTU Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have occurred while the PL1000E was attempting to transmit a modbus message over RS-232 Port 1.340 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit 00 00 An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully transmitted by the PL1000E over RS-232 Port 2. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus errors that have been received on RS-232 Port 2. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 46 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 50 1D 24 • Data = 5. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The accumulator value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time.250. The accumulator value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The value is reset each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 52 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 error message/bit RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4 Transmitted Modbus-RTU Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully transmitted by the PL1000E over RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4.250. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. Received errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrectly formatted modbus messages that are being sent by another modbus device. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 54 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 11 54 • Data = 4436 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit . then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Transmitted errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrect baud rate settings. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Use this information as an indicator of whether or not the PL1000E is receiving modbus requests on RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 4C 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 transmit error/bit RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4 Received Modbus-RTU Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully received on RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 50 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 50 1D 24 • Data = 5.52 Systems Operation Section RS-232 Port 2 Transmitted Modbus-RTU Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have occurred while the PL1000E was attempting to transmit a modbus message over RS-232 Port 2. The accumulator value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. The value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time.340 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit RENR8091-04 RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4 Received Modbus-RTU Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus errors that have been received on RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. The value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 56 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 transmit error/bit Ethernet Received Modbus-TCP Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully received on the Ethernet port.RENR8091-04 RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4 Transmitted Modbus-RTU Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have occurred while the PL1000E was attempting to transmit a modbus message over RS-422 and RS-485 Port 4. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Sample Message: Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 5E 00 02 • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 5A 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 50 1D 24 • Data = 5. Use this information as an indicator of whether or not the PL1000E is receiving modbus requests on the Ethernet port. 53 Systems Operation Section Ethernet Received Modbus-TCP Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus errors that have been received on the Ethernet port. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. The accumulator value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total.250.340 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit 11 54 • Data = 4436 messages • Scale = 1 message/bit . If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 5C 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 error message/bit Ethernet Transmitted Modbus-TCP Messages An accumulator that indicates the number of modbus messages that have been successfully transmitted by the PL1000E over the Ethernet port. The value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. Transmitted errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrect baud rate settings. Received errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrectly formatted modbus messages that are being sent by another modbus device. The “Object . Refer to the “Object . • Engine Controller (CDL address 0x24) • ICSM#1 (CDL address 0x6D) • ICSM#2 (CDL Address 0x6E) • To: Modbus Master on RS-232 Port 1 Note: The default “Status Registers” and the “Parameter Translation Registers” are located at different modbus slave addresses on the same physical port.54 Systems Operation Section Ethernet Transmitted Modbus-TCP Errors An accumulator that indicates the number of errors that have occurred while the PL1000E was attempting to transmit a modbus message over the Ethernet port. that are on Cat Data Link.Modbus ECM” section that is located within the “Parameter Translation Configuration”. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 60 00 02 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 04 00 00 00 00 • Data = 0 errors • Scale = 1 transmit error/bit Number of Modbus-TCP Connections The number of modbus TCP connections that are currently recognized by the PL1000E. The accumulator value is not a lifetime total. Transmitted errors can indicate incorrect or faulty system wiring or incorrect Ethernet configuration. RENR8091-04 The following example shows a configuration for a parameter translation from three ECM's. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 C8 00 10 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 20 00 24 01 10 00 10 02 20 00 6D 01 10 00 10 02 20 00 6E 01 10 00 10 02 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 • Data = Refer to Table 7 . The accumulator value is reset to zero each time that the PL1000E has the power removed and then has the power turned back on. to a “Modbus Master” that is communicating with the PL1000E on RS-232 port 1. Sample Message: • Request from Modbus Master 15 03 00 62 00 01 • Response from PL1000E Slave 15 03 02 00 01 • Data = 1 Modbus TCP Connection • Scale = 1 Modbus TCP Connection / bit ECM Mapping The ECM mapping registers contain a summary of the parameter translation (PCL) file that is currently loaded into the PL1000E.Modbus ECM”section contains information on assigning the appropriate modbus slave address for “Parameter Translation Registers”. The PL1000E is configured with a “Modbus Slave” at address of 0x10 on RS232 Port 1. a “FROM ECM” and a “TO ECM” • The ECM type • The PL1000E port that is used to communicate to the ECM The ECM mapping modbus registers are capable of containing a configuration summary for up to 15 pairs of ECM's for a maximum total of 90 registers. Each mapping contains: • A pair of ECM's. If power to the PL1000E is left on for an extended amount of time. then the accumulator value can roll over and will begin to increment from zero once again. that is. Valid Values • ECM Address • ECM Type • ECM Port ECM Address .Refer to Table 8 for definitions of valid values. . . ECM Type . .Refer to Table 9 for definitions of valid values. are set to zero. that exceed the total number of ECM mapping pairs.Any value in the range of 1 through 254. 25-90 00 end of list of mapped ECMs Remaining Bytes Note: All of the remaining registers that are requested by the modbus master. ECM Port (of the PL1000E Communication Module) . or a “Modbus Slave” address that is assigned to the PL1000E by the system integrator. This value will represent either an ECM on a datalink. ECM Mapping Fields .RENR8091-04 55 Systems Operation Section Table 7 Translation Pair # 1 byte# data 00 24 01 10 (From ECM) 1-2 00 24 ECM Address (Engine Controller MID 0x24) 3 01 ECM Type (Cat Data Link ECM) 4 10 ECM Port (Cat Data Link Port) byte# data 00 10 02 20 (To ECM) 5-6 00 10 ECM Address (Modbus Slave address 0x10) 7 02 8 20 ECM Type (Modbus ECM) ECM Port (Modbus-RTU RS232 Port 1) Translation Pair # 2 byte# data 00 6D 01 10 (From ECM) 9-10 00 6D ECM Address (ICSM#1 MID 0x6D) 11 01 ECM Type (Cat Data Link ECM) 12 10 ECM Port (Cat Data Link Port) byte# data 00 10 02 20 (To ECM) 13-14 00 10 ECM Address (Modbus Slave address 0x10) 15 02 ECM Type (Modbus ECM) 16 20 ECM Port (Modbus-RTU RS232 Port 1) Translation Pair # 3 byte# data 00 6E 01 10 (From ECM) 17-18 00 6E ECM Address (ICSM#2 MID 0x6E) 19 01 ECM Type (Cat Data Link ECM) 20 10 ECM Port (Cat Data Link Port) byte# data 00 10 02 20 (To ECM) 21-22 00 10 ECM Address (Modbus Slave address 0x10) 23 02 ECM Type (Modbus ECM) 24 20 ECM Port (Modbus-RTU RS232 Port 1) byte# data 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 56 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Table 8 ECM Type identifier PL1000E Port 0 J1939 ECM 1 Cat Data Link ECM 2 Modbus ECM Table 9 ECM Port identifier PL1000E Communications Port 01 CAN Port 1 10 Cat Data Link Port 20 Modbus-RTU RS-232 Port 1 21 Modbus-RTU RS-232 Port 2 23 Modbus-RTU RS-422 / RS-485 Port 4 30 Modbus-TCP Ethernet i03340883 Embedded Web Server SMCS Code: 7610 Using a standard web browser. The active events and diagnostic information are from ECMs that are currently sending data to CDL or to the J1939 data link. navigate to the PL1000E Communication ECM Home Page by entering either the Internet Protocol (IP) address or Host Name. The following sections explain each available web page and the contents of the web pages. Illustration 68 g01720178 Events / Diagnostics The following web pages display active events and diagnostic information. Note: See this System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. “PL1000E Communication ECM” for information about the configuration of the ECM and the PC for either direct cross over connection or network connection. The PL1000E Communication ECM Home Page will be displayed. This translation line must include the desired active events and / or the active diagnostics parameters. Available embedded web pages can be accessed with the left navigation menu shown in Illustration 68. RENR8091. Note: A translation line to a web object must exist in the PCL file for the event and the diagnostic information to be displayed on this page. Illustration 69 Diagnostics Events g01717075 . then a static IP address must be defined here.RENR8091-04 57 Systems Operation Section Internet Protocol Configuration Refer to Illustration 72 for an example of an IP Configuration screen that shows parameters that may be customized for the application. Consult the network administrator to determine the appropriate Host Name for the device. Illustration 70 g01717145 Configuration The Configuration pages are an alternate means of setting the ECM Configuration Parameters that are available in the service tool. These additional page links are as follows: • Cat Data Link Illustration 72 • Internet Protocol g01720734 MAC Address – Assigned at manufacture time. This is also used when connecting a PC directly to the ECM using a cross-over cable. • Modbus • Password Host Name – If Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is enabled. The illustration will also display the status of those parameters that may need to be monitored for use in verification or troubleshooting. If DHCP is not enabled. • Reset IP Address – This field is only applicable if DHCP is not enabled. RENR8091-01. this will be required for static IP addressing. If DHCP is disabled. See this System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. contact the network administrator for the appropriate configuration of the SubNet Mask. this value is read only and will be required by a network administrator to properly set up the ECM on the network. SubNet Mask – If connecting to a network. “Explorer Gateway Service Manual” for details on connecting to this device directly using a cross-over cable. Illustration 71 g01720181 . the host name must be programmed with a descriptive name of the PL1000E device or its function in the system. Clicking on the small symbol to the left of “Configuration” (refer to the navigation menu shown in Illustration 71) will cause additional page links to be displayed under “Configuration”. the assigned Gateway. Any location can serve any port. Modbus registers are made available on these ports as specified by the ECM objects that are defined in the PCL file. and (4) that are for a serial port and one TCP port (1). (3). then the information that is typed into the fields above the DHCP area is not in effect.The mode configuration must be set for the RS-485.The PL1000E physical port (7) on which this location will provide Modbus communications. and the assigned Domain. and (4) on the PL1000E that can be configured to provide a physical port for Modbus communications. the assigned SubNet Mask. the DHCP results will display the assigned IP address. There are three locations (2). (2).The baud rate at which the Modbus communications should be processed for this Modbus location and port (8). The default data link address is 254. contact the network administrator for the appropriate configuration of the Default Gateway IP Address. but no two locations can be set for the same port at the same time. The locations provide the expected resource for the ECM objects that are specified in the PCL file. Since this communication can only be executed over the Ethernet port. then one of the Modbus locations must have RS-232 port 2 selected (7) for use by the ECM in the PCL file. The default data link address is also referred to as the “Device ID” (5) and (6) for all Modbus locations. is only used to access the “Default Status Registers” of the PL1000E. Baud . This process enables the use of either the Host Name or assigned IP address in a standard web browser to view the device's embedded web pages. If DHCP is enabled. The “Device ID” (5) and (6) does not need to be changed unless the system integrator has a specific reason for changing the “Device ID”. is distinct from the address that is used for the “Device ID's” that are used by the ECM objects that are defined in the PCL file. there is no port selection associated with this Modbus Configuration. Consult with the network administrator for proper configuration of the DHCP enable function. 2 wire or 4 wire . this will be required for static IP addressing. If DHCP is not enabled. (5) and (6). (3). A “Modbus Master” device or ECM uses the “Modbus Slave” addresses that are defined in the PCL file in order to access the parameters for the ECM objects that are defined in the PCL file. Modbus Configuration All four Modbus locations may be configured at the same time on a single PL1000E module. The address. This setting must match that of the Modbus Master and all other Modbus devices on this network. The numbers are for identification only.58 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Default Gateway IP Address – If connecting to a network. the assigned Hostname. DHCP Results – If DHCP is enabled and executed successfully. All four Modbus locations may use the same “Device ID” because each must be on different physical ports. The address. Illustration 73 g01717148 There are four locations (1). The address. . Port . TCP The PL1000E supports Modbus TCP over its Ethernet port. Config 1 / Config 2 / Config 3 Address . The “Default Status Registers” contain performance statistics of the PL1000E. DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a process by which a device on a network may automatically obtain its IP address from a network server when the device is powered on or when the device is reconnected to the network. (5) and (6). including Modbus TCP. The PL1000E Modbus Slave Address configured here is the Modbus Slave Address that should be used by the Modbus Master to access the Default Status Registers of the PL1000E. (5) and (6). For example: if the PCL file specifies an ECM with Modbus translations over RS-232 port 2.The “Device ID” (5) and (6) on which the “Default Status Registers” are provided. is distinct from the parameters that are being translated. Password Configuration Change Password The PL1000E Write Access Password may be modified from this interface. such as when updating the PL1000E Configuration Parameters or installing new PCL files. Click on “Submit”. . each must each be configured with a unique source address. Note: CDL boost that is available for the PL1000E. See Special Instructions.) to a maximum of 305 m (1000 ft. Illustration 74 g01720755 Access the status web pages using the left navigation menu shown in Illustration 74. Cat ET and the web page will show a status parameter that informs the user if CDL boost is enabled. This parameter indicates which of the three source addresses the PL1000E should utilize. Enabling the Boost function of the PL1000E will allow Cat Data Link harnessing to which this device is connected to be run a maximum of 305 m (1000 ft. Boost The ECM has the capability to extend the physical harness length limitations of the Cat Data Link network from the standard of 30.RENR8091-04 Cat Data Link Configuration PL1000E Module ID (MID) The PL1000E Communication Module can be manually configured to occupy any one of three distinct source addresses on the Cat Data Link. is enabled through a configuration parameter in Cat ET or through the embedded web page.5 m (100 ft). In the Change Password screen enter the new password in the New Password and Confirm Password boxes. 59 Systems Operation Section Note: A prompted will appear. Perform the following in order to change the password: 1. Note: The warm boot function feature is protected by the password.). This web page provides the ability to request the PL1000E to perform a warm boot function. The current password is required to authorize updating to the new password. The prompt will request the current password. 2. 256-7512 Communications ECM (v3) . then CDL Boost may cause failure. Reset Reset Action Occasionally. PL1000E Status Web Pages These web pages display the same status information that is available in the status screens of the service tool and can be used for communication verification and troubleshooting. 3. or disabled. Note: CDL boost that is available for the PL1000E.5 m (100 ft. it will be necessary to cause the ECM to perform either a warm or cold boot sequence. REHS2362 for more information related to harnessing and wiring requirements. The password is discussed in this “Symptom Procedures” section of this document. If the wiring lengths for the harnesses are under 30.5 m (100 ft) or greater. NOTICE CDL Boost should be enabled only if the wiring lengths for the harnesses are 30. 256-7512 Communications ECM (v4) that uses the 285-1138 ECM is enabled by grounding pin 7.). that uses the 258-4548 ECM. The following sections explain the ECM Summary and ECM Mapping screens and their contents. Enter the current password. When multiple PL1000E Communication Modules are connected to the same Cat Data Link network. and the group of three columns on the right represent the To ECM. Personality Module Release Date – The month and the year (last two digits) of the application software flash file release.This is the ECM address defined in the PCL file for this ECM object that the PL1000E Communication ECM will use to request data from the ECM. The group of three columns on the left represent the From ECM. TO • ECM # . The “ECM Serial Number” can be used in order to verify which ECM web pages are being viewed when multiple PL1000E devices are integrated into the same network. . The ECM#. • Type – The ECM Type as defined in the parameter configuration list (PCL file). This is the same description seen on the ECM Summary screen in the service tool. as this hour counter represents the total amount of time that the ECM has had power applied. Personality Module Part Number – The Caterpillar part number of the application flash file currently programmed into the PL1000E Communication ECM. The “ECM Lifetime Clock” is a more accurate name. The table is separated into two sections of three columns. FROM • ECM # .60 Systems Operation Section Illustration 75 RENR8091-04 g01720774 Illustration 76 g01720933 PL1000E Summary Screen ECM Mapping Screen ECM Serial Number – Hardware serial number of the PL1000E Communication ECM. The ECM Mapping screen displays a tabular overview of the ECMs that are programmed into the device for parameter translations as defined in the PCL file. ECM Part Number – The Caterpillar part number of the PL1000E Communication ECM. • Port – The physical port of the PL1000E Communication ECM to which data translations from the source ECM will be made available. It is not the number of hours the engine or system to which it is connected has been operated. Type. • Port – The physical port of the PL1000E to which this ECM is connected. • Type – The ECM type to which the data translations for the source ECM will be made available. ECM Lifetime Clock – In earlier versions of software this text was “Service Meter Hours”.This is the ECM address to which data translations from the source ECM will be made available. and Port in each section combine to describe an ECM in the translation. but was later changed to “ECM Lifetime Clock”. Personality Module Description – The text description of the PL1000E Communication ECM as it is identified in the service tool data base. This From and To relationship describe the ECMs and direction of data translation relative to the communication ports and protocols. The Clear Counters button simply forces these values to all zeros without the need for a warm or cold boot. total number of receive errors. This information represents the communication statistics of the physical port. Illustration 78 g01720953 The Physical Port Statistics page displays the total number of bytes received. Total Number of Bytes Transmitted (Tx Bytes) – The total number of bytes successfully transmitted on the physical port. total number of bytes transmitted. These byte counts may represent bytes received across various protocols on the same port. simply expand the statistics menu by clicking on the symbol to the left of “Statistics”. The physical communication statistics is a good tool to use to verify the PL1000E is capable of receiving data at the most basic level. and may include counts of bytes received or transmitted from various protocols on the same physical port. . The Clear Counters button is password protected. The communication statistics on this page are automatically updated by the PL1000E every one second. and Protocol. See Illustration 77. Modbus. These byte counts may represent bytes transmitted across various protocols on the same physical port. They are NOT lifetime totals and will be reset with each boot sequence of the PL1000E. Total Number of Bytes Received (Rx Bytes) – The total number of bytes successfully received on the physical port. These totals are the accumulated totals since the warm or cold boot sequence of the PL1000E. The pages are: Physical.RENR8091-04 61 Systems Operation Section Statistics Physical The PL1000E Communication ECM is capable of tracking and displaying communication statistics that indicate the level and presence of communications for the various protocols and physical communication ports the ECM supports. Illustration 77 g01402195 To access the communication statistics pages. There are three pages available under the Statistics sub menu. and total number of transmit errors. . Each time the PL1000E transmits a Modbus Message. Total Number of Transmit No Response Occurrences (Tx No Rsp) – Every time the PL1000E receives a valid properly formatted Modbus message. Total Number of Transmit No Response Occurrences. These totals represent the total accumulations since the last warm or cold boot sequence of the PL1000E. the ECM decrements this counter. or incorrect ECM configuration. The PL1000E configuration should be verified and the PCL file should be reviewed to insure the desired parameters and Modbus communications are configured appropriately. These totals represent the total accumulations since the last warm or cold boot sequence of the ECM. These are NOT lifetime totals. and Total Number of Web Connections (only applicable to the Web Protocol). The increment and decrement actions occur within milliseconds and are typically not viewable on the web page. It simply indicates that all individual bytes are being received successfully. Successful communications still depends on the communication protocols and the receiving device's adherence to the same. Total Number of Transmit Errors. the ECM increments this counter. Total Number of Receive Errors. These are NOT lifetime totals.62 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Total Number of Receive Errors (Rx Errors) – The total number of errors that have been identified by the PL1000E while attempting to receive data on the physical port. and Total Number of Connections (only applicable to Modbus-TCP). These errors can be caused by incorrect baud rate and other port configurations. faulty wiring. The PL1000E generates exceptions in response to requests for invalid Modbus registers or unsupported Modbus Function Codes. However. This page displays the Total Number of Messages Received. These errors can be caused by incorrect baud rate or other port configurations. Protocol This statistics page displays the communication information for all other protocols supported by the PL1000E. The lack of receive errors does not necessarily indicate that protocol communications are successful. These errors can be caused by incorrectly formatted messages being transmitted by the Modbus Master or another Modbus Slave connected to the communications port. Total Number of Messages Received (Rx Messages) – The total number of valid properly formatted Modbus messages successfully received on the communications port. Illustration 79 g01720993 . if this value is other than zero it indicates the PL1000E is receiving Modbus messages and not responding. Total Number of Receive Errors (Rx Errors) – The total number of errors identified by the PL1000E while attempting to receive Modbus messages on the communications port. Total Number of Messages Transmitted (Tx Messages) – The total number of messages successfully transmitted by the PL1000E on the communications port. Total Number of Transmit Errors (Tx Errors) – The total number of errors that have been identified by the PL1000E while attempting to transmit data on the physical port. Total Number of Exceptions Transmitted. Total Number of Receive Errors. The PL1000E is capable of supporting up to ten Modbus TCP connections at the same time. The lack of transmit errors does not necessarily indicate that protocol communications are successful. Modbus The Modbus communication statistics page displays the Total Number of Messages Received. Total Number of Messages Transmitted. It simply indicates that the PL1000E is able to successfully transmit the individual bytes. Total Number of Messages Transmitted. Total Number of Connections (Connections) – The total number of active Modbus TCP connections identified and being serviced by the PL1000E on the Ethernet port. Total Number of No Response Occurrences. Total Number of Exceptions Transmitted (Tx Exceptions) – The total number of exception messages successfully transmitted by the PL1000E on the communications port. Successful communications still depends on the communication protocols and the transmitting devices adherence to the same. These errors can be caused by excessive data link loading and faulty/incorrect harnessing. The data requested or transmitted may or may not be supported by the receiving ECM. . Illustration 80 g01721055 Total Number of Messages Received (Rx Messages) – The total number of valid properly formatted messages received by the PL1000E for the given protocol. Extensible Markup Language (XML). Total Number of Receive Errors (Rx Errors) – The total number of errors detected by the PL1000E while attempting to receive a message for the given protocol. Total Number of Transmit Errors (Tx Errors) – The total number of errors detected by the PL1000E while attempting to transmit a message for the relative protocol. This total does not indicate that the message contained valid data. Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). but rather indicates the number of messages received that satisfied the requirements of the communications protocol. This total does not indicate that the message contained valid data.RENR8091-04 63 Systems Operation Section i03341123 Custom Web Page SMCS Code: 7610 Overview PCL. Total Number of Messages Transmitted (Tx Messages) – The total number of messages successfully transmitted by the PL1000E for the given protocol. These errors can be caused by incorrectly formatted messages or baud rate and other port configurations for the port over which the protocol is being communicated. but rather indicates the number of messages transmitted that satisfied the requirements of the communications protocol. The data requested or transmitted may or may not be supported by the receiving ECM. and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files all reside on the PL1000E web server. Illustration 81 displays the relationship between the file types. These files work together to provide a customized view of data gathered by the PL1000E. that is.XSL file calls the CSS file to use for the web page. and CSS files are read by the browser to provide the user with the view of their data.xls?>”. Understanding the XSL File The XSL file is a stylesheet for the XML file. Throughout this section of the document.xml” template. XSL. To create a custom page: 1. .XSL file also contains code that configures the structure and formatting for numbers and text. Note: Refer to Illustration 82. The style sheet must be indicated in the XML file. and associates error strings with certain values gathered from the ECM. The XSL file does NOT provide formatting such as italics. Each of theseIf-Then statements associates a given value returned from an ECM with an error string. Creating Custom XML Pages Custom Pages allow user-selected parameters to be monitored through a web browser. The . The XML. or other visual formatting. The programmer associates an XML file with a specific XSL file in the . The XML custom page file consists of a select group of parameters to monitor and view together gathered from the larger list in the PCL file. bold.XSL file contains a series of If-Then type statements written in XSL language. there are references to a Parameter Translation Editor (PTE) . The template is located on the CD that was included with the ECM to a PC with a text editor. The preceeding paragraph is referring to line 2.xsl?> tag with the filename for the XSL file. Copy the “CSPL1000E_Custom_Page. places elements on the page. The . A Custom Page is configured using an XML file that is published to the PL1000E Web Server. The XSL file calls out a CSS file to provide that formatting for the XML page. The style sheet controls the format of the data as it will be displayed on the page. the style sheet file name.64 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 g01214643 Illustration 81 The PCL file contains configurations that translate parameters in a web-based solution. The . “href= ParameterGroup. RENR8091-04 Illustration 82 65 Systems Operation Section g01721356 . Modify the information contained in the appropriate XML tags to include the data to monitor. Table 10 contains a detailed description of the XML tags that are shown in Illustration 82 and that are used in the web page. Refer to Illustration 83. The call outs in Illustration 83 show each area of the web page that is rendered from each XML.66 Systems Operation Section Illustration 83 RENR8091-04 g01717224 2. Each XML tag described in Table 10 is the source of a different part of the web page. . Only the parameters defined in a web translation object in the PCL file are available for display on the Custom Pages. RENR8091-04 67 Systems Operation Section Table 10 Number Tag Name Description 1 <Title> Contains the “Custom Page” title (see Illustration 83). 3. ECM Description Contains a label created by the user to describe the ECM from which the parameter was obtained. but it is not necessary.xml where <name> is the name of the file. See System Operation. Unique titles for custom pages allow better organization when analyzing larger or more complex systems. Publish the custom page XML file to the PL1000E web server in the /status/user/ folder using FTP. “LAN Network Ethernet Connection”. Refer to Modify the properties for the New CDL ECM object in the Manual Parameter Configuration List Creation section to identify the ECM ID. For example. 4 <ECMUID> The same unique number that is assigned for the ECM ID in the Parameter Translation Editor for the PCL file. 2 <Item> Each parameter is represented by an item element containing the attributes of that parameter. a correctly formatted filename could be “CSPL1000ECustomPage. 10 Type Always set to Zero.xml”. and “Y” is the “UID”. 3 <UID> A unique identifier for a parameter used in a web server translation. These two descriptions may be different. Refer to Converting a Hexadecimal Number to a Decimal Number for more information on converting the hexadecimal number to a decimal value.Y” where “X” is the “ECM ID”. . Refer to the description for item 4 for more information on the “ECM ID” The number of decimal places to apply to the value of the parameter to be monitored. RENR8091. 6 UID Description Contains a label chosen by the user to describe the parameter that is to be monitored. Note: The filename must always begin with “CS”. The OSEFUNC tag is formatted as: “/ssi/getparm/X. 7 Value 8 Decimals 9 Unit The units of measure used for the parameter to be monitored. but it is not necessary. This description is free form text and can be customized to clearly describe the parameter being displayed. The UID contained in the XML file will be converted to the decimal equivalent value of the UID included in the PTE file as a hexadecimal value. 4. 5 The value of the parameter being monitored. It may be helpful to identify this Parameter with the same description as viewed in the PCL file creation. Verify file exists on the server and is correct by browsing to the page using any standard web browser. It may be helpful to identify this ECM with the same description as was used in the PCL file creation. This description is free form text and can be customized to clearly describe the ECM from which data is being collected. Illustration 84 g01721400 5. Save the file in a text-only format with the filename CS<name>. the features of the PL1000E are limited to translating data from CDL or J1939 to “Modbus”. . and then move on to the next request. Click the Custom Pages tab on the navigation menu. i02836787 Modbus Master SMCS Code: 7610 Limited Modbus Master The PL1000E can act as a “Modbus Master” in a limited fashion. the process to send a request and wait for a response is not an issue. If the page still does not appear to reflect the changes. there is possibility that the transmit buffer on the PL1000E may become full. If this happens with too many messages. the PL1000E will send a request message on Modbus and then will wait for a response. force the browser to execute a refresh. The equation below is a guideline in order to determine the load on the Modbus Link. The PL1000E cannot act as a full “Modbus Master”. make sure that the parameters were added to the web translation object in the PTE when the PCL file associated with the page was created. If some slaves do not respond to the requests of the PL1000E. Therefore. Perform the following in order to view the list of Custom Pages: 1. then close the browser and start the browser again. then the data may not be received in a timely fashion. the PL1000E will wait for 250ms. Considerations for Designing a Robust System Modbus is a “Point-to-Point” protocol.68 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Note: If the page does not appear to reflect the changes. As a “Modbus Master”. Viewing Custom XML Pages Using a Browser A list of Custom Pages on a PL1000E server will appear under the Custom Pages tab on the navigation menu for the specific server. The web browser displays the Custom Page as shown in Illustration 86. In a “Point-to-Point” protocol system that operates properly. then system operation will slow due to the wasted time. There is another issue that must be considered with the “Point-to-Point” protocol. Click the link in the navigation menu or the link on the Custom Pages web page to view the desired Custom Page. The equation calculates the total time the system takes to send one request and receive one response. Illustration 85 g01721413 Illustration 86 g01721414 3. Note: If parameters used in the XML file do not appear on the page. If the PL1000E does not receive a response. 2. If too many parameters are being requested within a given time period. Each of the parameters used in the XML file will be listed with the appropriate characteristics. If the transmit buffer becomes full. then transmit messages may be dropped. • The PL1000E is close to the Modbus slave that the PL1000E is requesting information from. so the total length of a Modbus request message is 7 bytes.RENR8091-04 69 Systems Operation Section g01412383 Illustration 87 LengthReqBit = Total Length of the Request Message in Bits. • Since the PL1000E can only request one register at a time as a “Master”. 20 requests a second are being sent to the transmit buffer. the propagation time is 0 • The response from the Modbus slave takes 100ms. The buffer for the PL1000E will eventually become full because the amount of messages that are being queued per second is more than what is being sent out. . • The PL1000E can only request one register at a time. • The PL1000E has been configured to request 10 registers at rate of 500ms. which is equal to 48 bits.8ms. The equation would look like this: Illustration 88 The total time that is required in order to send one request and receive one response from the system is 110. TotalPropagationTime = Time that it takes the message to reach the destination. g01412389 In summary. SlaveResponseTime = Time it takes the Modbus slave to respond to the request from PL1000E. In theory you should be able to request 9 messages per second. but only 9 messages per second can be sent out. therefore. LengthRespBits = Total Length of the Response Message in Bits. which is equal to 56 bits. • The PL1000E has been configured for a baud rate of 9. make sure that the system design makes sense. The response is a total of 6 bytes. Make sure that high request rates of the data do not say “rates of speed” because they are the inverse of each other. BaudRate = The Baud rate you system configured.600 bps. for this example. In the example. Modbus Load Equation Example The following values are used in order to provide an example of how to use the equation. 3. The PL1000E requests data on J1939 and writes the data in a “Modbus Slave”. J1939 to Modbus The PL1000E requests data on J1939 and holds the data in a Modbus register waiting for a register request from a “Modbus Master”. 4. Click “Calculator”. Develop a system block diagram. or the “Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection” section of this manual. Refer to the “Quick Start Guide” section of this document. CDL to Webserver The PL1000E requests data on CDL. 6. Upload the PCL file. and compares those to the PL1000E as a “Master”. The hexadecimal numbers that are associated with a specific UID can be found by opening the PTE file associated with the ECM that is being monitored in the “Parameter Translation Editor”. The steps are as follows: 1. Click “Accessories”. refer to the “ECM Configuration”. PL1000 as Modbus Master PL1000E requests data on CDL. The Modbus Slave section may also provide useful information. then the PL1000E writes the informationon CDL. . 2. Click “Start”. Not Supported i03346182 Hexadecimal Conversion SMCS Code: 7610 Hexadecimal UID numbers must be converted to their decimal equivalents in order to be placed in the XML code for the custom pages. From the “View” menu. then writes the data to a “Modbus Slave”. 7. 5. Not Supported The PL1000E requests data on J1939.70 Systems Operation Section RENR8091-04 Configuring the PL1000E as a Modbus Master The Table 11 shows what the translation lines mean for the PL1000E as a “Slave”. In the “Quick Start Guide” section. Not Supported J1939 to Webserver The steps to configure the PL1000E as a “Modbus Master” are very similar to those to a “Modbus Slave”. “LAN Network Ethernet Connection”. Refer to Illustration 89. Configure the PL1000E so it can be accessed with the Ethernet port. 4. Obtain information on all the ECMs that are on the data link. 3. Develop a PCL file. Refer to the “Quick Start Guide” section of this document. then the PL1000E writes the information on J1939. Refer to the “Features” section and the “Quick Start Guide” section of this document for “Modbus Master and Modbus Slave” information. Modbus. Modbus to J1939 The PL1000E waits for data to be written to it from a Modbus master. Click “Programs”. Table 11 Translation PL1000E as Modbus Slave CDL to Modbus The PL1000E requests data on CDL and holds the data in a Modbus register waiting for a register request from a “Modbus Master” Modbus to CDL The PL1000E waits for data to be written to it from a “Modbus Master”. and J1939. then writes the information on J1939. refer to the “Prepare the PCL File” section. then pases the data to the webserver. then pases the data to the webserver. 5. PL1000E requests information from a Modbus slave. select “Scientific”. Configure the serial ports that are on the PL1000E. 2. CDL. Perform the following in order to convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number: 1. Test the system in order to ensure proper communications. Enter the hexidecimal number that is to be converted. 7.RENR8091-04 Illustration 89 71 Systems Operation Section g01747434 6. 8. Illustration 90 g01721453 Illustration 91 g01721454 . Select “Hex” and “Qword” under the data entry window. Select “Dec” and “Degrees” under the data entry window. Refer to Illustration . and monitor the PL1000E Communication Module. . The recommended Caterpillar service tools listed in Table 12 are required in order to enable a service technician to perform the procedures. A problem can be persistent or intermittent. (5) A long extension wire may also be needed to check the continuity of some wiring harness Information related to operation of the Cat ET can be found online at https://productsupportglobalcontent. The PL1000E Communication Module requires version 2007B or later of the Cat ET and version 2007B or later of the Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit. configure.(3) 9U-7330 Digital Multimeter 7X-1710 Multimeter Probe 1U-5804 Crimp Tool (12-AWG TO 18-AWG) 175-3700 Connector Repair Kit (DT) Two short jumper wires(4) Long extension wire(5) 4 mm (hex) key (1) Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit version 2005A or later may also be used. A failure of a connection of one electrical component can cause the failure of another electrical component. always check the ground circuit. i03341900 Service Tools Troubleshooting Software SMCS Code: 0785 The Cat ET Service Tool or Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit is used to connect. At a component connector. (4) Two short jumper wires are needed to check the continuity of some wiring harness circuits by shorting two adjacent terminals together in a connector. is required to adapt the Communication Adapter's RS-232 serial cable (196-0055) to the USB port on computers that are not equipped with a RS-232 serial JERD2124 Caterpillar Electronic Technician (CAT ET) Version 2004B or later (optional)(1) JERD2129 Date Subscription for all engines 171-4400 Communication Adapter Gp (CAT ET to ECM interface) (optional)(2) 237-7547 Adapter Cable As. A problem can be incorrectly diagnosed if resistance is greater than 5 ohms in the ground circuit. the PL1000E requires the use of Caterpillar Communication Toolkit or Caterpillar Electronic Technician that is version 2007B or newer. Continuity checks and resistance checks should be performed at the connector locations in order to locate a failure in the harness.72 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Troubleshooting Section Table 12 Required Service Tools Part Number Introduction Description Laptop Computer i03346184 General Information SMCS Code: 7610 Refer to the appropriate system or the schematics of the engine harness if a troubleshooting procedure instructs the user to “Analyze and Repair the Harnessing”. Ensure that the wires are pushed into the connectors completely. the connection can cause an electrical problem. Note: Due to all the new features of the PL1000E. If these connections are not clean and tight. Always attempt to find a failure of a connection. (3) The 237-7547 Adapter Cable As. inspect all component and harness connections before a component is replaced. During a troubleshooting procedure. Make sure that the connections are tight before other tests are performed. (2) The 7X-1700 Communication Adapter Gp or the PL1000E Communication ECM's embedded communication adapter may also be used. Correct the failed connection before replacing a component. The Caterpillar Communications Tool Kit provides customer level access to information on the data link. Table 13 lists and compares the information access capabilities of these two service tools. Less than five ohms of resistance is required from the ground contacts to frame ground. the terms Gateway Translator and PL1000E refer to the same device. Illustration 93 g01721458 Note: In Cat ET versions prior to 2005A. For the purpose of the screen illustrations in this manual. service tool will attempt to identify modules on the target data link. this product is identified as Gateway Translator. All identified devices are displayed in a selection dialog box by the service tool. 93.RENR8091-04 73 Troubleshooting Section Table 13 Service Tool Capability Service Tool Feature Caterpillar Electronic Technician Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit PL1000E ECM Summary Yes Yes PL1000E ECM Configuration Yes Yes PL1000E ECM Status Yes Yes PL1000E ECM Totals Yes Yes All other ECM Summary Yes Yes All other ECM Configuration Yes No All other ECM Status Yes No All other ECM Totals Yes No All ECM Events Yes No All ECM Diagnostics Yes No Flash New ECM Software Yes No Perform Calibrations Yes No When service tool is started. click on the Advanced button in order to access the Baud Rate setting options. ensure the preference settings in the service tool are correctly set . Illustration 92 g01721457 After “Caterpillar Embedded Communication Adapter” is selected. Refer to Illustrations 92. . and 94 for the correct settings. If the Embedded Communication Adapter of the PL1000E is used for the service tool connection. 74 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Connecting Cat ET and the Communications Adapter Illustration 94 g01721459 Select “PL1000E” as shown in Illustration 94 and click the OK button. Use the following procedure to connect Cat ET and the 171-4400 Communication Adapter Gp. (1) Personal computer (PC) (2) Custom built PL1000E Communication ECM service cable (optional) (3) 196-0055 Serial Cable (4) 171-4401 Communication Adapter As (5) 207-6845 Adapter Cable As (Data Link) (6) Connects to RS-232 Serial Port 3 of PL1000E Communication ECM Communication Gps Note: Items (3). . then the engine may start. 1. “Electronic Control Module (ECM) Configure” for more information. In order to use the embedded communications adapter. Note: The PL1000E Communication ECM's embedded communications adapter may also be used for communications with Cat ET. If the key switch is not placed in the OFF/RESET position. Turn the engine key switch to the OFF/RESET position. and (5) are part of the 171-4400 Communication Adapter Gp. The ECM Summary screen displays the following PL1000E Communication Module information: • ECM Serial Number • Personality Module part number • Personality Module description • Personality Module release date g01132698 • ECM part number Illustration 95 Refer to the System Operation/Test and Adjust. a custom built service cable (2) must be connected between the RS-232 serial port of the PC and the RS-232 “Serial Port 3” of the PL1000E Communication ECM. The use of a Communication Adapter Gp is not necessary. Cat ET will then display the ECM Summary screen. (4). RENR8091. If Cat ET and the communication adapter do not communicate with the ECM. then start the Cat ET. Select “Embedded Communications Adapter” from the available list of communication adapters.CAT ET unable to detect any electronic control modules”. use the “WINflash” program.RENR8091-04 75 Troubleshooting Section 2. In order to modify the Cat ET preferences select “Tools/Preferences” from the menu. and 64). Cat ET is used to communicate to. • Load new FLASH software. refer to Troubleshooting. • Display the clock hour of the internal diagnostic clock. Connect cable (3) between the Computer end of communication adapter (4) and the RS-232 serial port of PC (1). Note: A 237-7547 Adapter Cable As. Connect cable (5) between the Data Link end of the communication adapter (4) and the service tool connector. The service technician can use Cat ET in order to perform maintenance work on the engine. and access data from the ECM over the data link by connecting to the service tool connector. Cat ET can be connected to the system as follows: • The status of most of the inputs and the outputs i02809396 • By using the 7X-1700 Comm Adapter • By using the 171-4400 Comm Adapter II • Through the embedded com adapter within the PL1000E Communication ECM (pins 62. Refer to the “Electrical System Schematic” section of this document in order to locate the service tool connector for a specific application. RENR8091. The location of the service tool connector will vary between applications. The Cat ET will list the available electronic control modules on the engine after communication has been established. . In order to use the embedded communications adapter. • Display the status of the input and output parameters in real time. Some of the options that are available with Cat ET are listed below: • View the status of parameters • Perform calibration of engine systems • Program the ECM (Flash) • Print reports Note: In order to “Flash” program the ECM. click on the Advanced the button. “Problem . Connector Locations The following list contains some of the diagnostic functions and programming functions that are performed by the service tools.Flash Program” section of this document for information about the process to flash program the ECM. Turn the engine key switch to the ON position. 63. Refer to the “Electrical System Schematic” section of this document in order to locate the service tool connector for a specific application. Embedded Communications Adapter The Embedded Communications Adapter (ECA) functionality is always enabled and always available for physical connection on serial port number 3. is required to adapt the cable (3) to the USB port on computers that are not equipped with a RS-232 serial port. • The settings for the ECM are displayed. SMCS Code: 7553-546-WW • The failures of the ECM system are displayed. Refer to Systems Operation. Cat ET preferences must be modified to identify the ECA as the interface hardware. The Cat ET will initiate communications with the electronic control modules on the engine. i03346200 Diagnostic Capabilities SMCS Code: 7610 The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) is a software program that can be used on an IBM compatible personal computer. are displayed. Refer to the “Electronic Control Module (ECM) . RENR8091. After the Preferences screen appears. “Service Tool”. a custom built service cable must be connected between the RS-232 port of the PC and the RS-232 “Serial Port 3” of the PL1000E. 4. 3. Serial Port Statistics The second of these screens displays the communication statistics for serial port 4 which is the RS-422 and 485 port. These byte counts may represent bytes transmitted across various protocols on the same physical port. or incorrect ECM configuration. Physical Layer Transmit Errors (Tx Errors) – The total number of errors that have been identified by the ECM while attempting to transmit data on the physical port. . The first of the screens displays the communication statistics for serial ports 1. The communication statistics on this page are automatically updated by the ECM every 1 second. The physical communication statistics is a good tool to use to verify the ECM is successfully receiving data at the most basic level. It simply indicates that the ECM is able to successfully transmit the individual bytes. and RS-232 Port 3 respectively. physical layer bytes that are transmitted.76 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Status Groups For The Electronic Technician Cat ET is used as the primary reference in the discussion and Illustrations that follow. RS-232 Port 1. For each serial port. These errors can be caused by incorrect baud rate or other port configurations. the physical layer receive errors. Status Group 1 . that is. and the physical layer transmit errors are displayed. Physical Layer Bytes Received (Rx Bytes) – The total number of bytes successfully received on the physical port. The lack of receive errors does not necessarily indicate that protocol communications are successful. This information represents the communication statistics of the physical port and may include counts of bytes received or transmitted from various protocols on the same physical port. RS-232 Port 2. These totals are the accumulated totals since the last “warm boot sequence” or “cold boot sequence” of the ECM (Keyswitch or power cycle). and 3. the physical layer bytes that are received. Successful communications still depends on the communication protocols and the transmitting device's adherence to the same. Physical Layer Receive Errors (Rx Errors) – The total number of errors that have been identified by the ECM while attempting to receive data on the physical port. These byte counts may represent bytes received across various protocols on the same port. 2. The “Clear Counters” button (password protected) simply forces these values to all zeros without the need for a “warm boot” or “cold boot”. Successful communications still depend on the communication protocols and the receiving device's adherence to the same. The PL1000E displays the communications statistics on the Cat ET “Serial Port Statistics” screens. Illustration 96 g01397803 Serial Port Statistics screens 1 and 2 The PL1000E tracks the communications on its physical ports. It simply indicates that all individual bytes are being received successfully. The reference to the Cat ET also implies a reference to the Caterpillar Communication Tool Kit when features are common between the two. These errors can be caused by incorrect baud rate and other port configurations. Physical Layer Bytes Transmitted (Tx Bytes) – The total number of bytes successfully transmitted on the physical port. The lack of transmit errors does not necessarily indicate that protocol communications are successful. faulty wiring. These totals are not “Lifetime” totals and will be reset with each “boot sequence” of the ECM. The ECM configuration should be verified and the PCL file should be reviewed to insure the desired parameters and Modbus communications are configured appropriately.RENR8091-04 77 Troubleshooting Section Modbus RTU Receive Errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to receive “Modbus” messages on the communications port. if this value is other than zero. Each time the ECM transmits a “Modbus Message”. The totals are not lifetime totals and will be reset with each “warm boot sequence” of the ECM. The second of these screens displays the communication statistics for “Serial Port 4” (RS-422/485). Illustration 98 g01721473 Modbus Statistics screen 3 Modbus TCP packets received – The total number of valid properly formatted “Modbus TCP” packets successfully received by the PL1000E over the Ethernet port. . these errors may be caused by requests for registers or “Modbus Function Code” not supported by the ECM. Modbus RTU Messages Received – The total number of valid. All of the totals that are displayed on these screens represent the total accumulations since the last “warm boot sequence” or “cold boot sequence” of the ECM. this would indicate the ECM is receiving Modbus messages and not responding. The third displays communication statistics for “Modbus TCP” over the Ethernet port. The first of these screens displays the communication statistics for “Serial Port 1” (RS-232 Port 1) and “Serial Port 2” (RS-232 Port 2). the ECM increments this counter. Illustration 97 g01397805 Modbus Statistics screens 1 and 2 The PL1000E tracks all Modbus communications on all configured ports and displays the communication statistics on the Cat ET “Modbus Statistics” screens. The increment and decrement actions occur within milliseconds and are typically not viewable on the status screen. Status Group 2. the ECM decrements this counter. Modbus RTU Transmit Errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to transmit Modbus messages on the communications port. Additionally.Modbus Statistics Modbus RTU Messages Transmitted – The total number of messages successfully transmitted by the ECM on the communications port. These errors can be caused by incorrectly formatted messages being transmitted by the “Modbus Master” or another “Modbus Slave” connected to the communications port. However. properly formatted Modbus messages successfully received on the communications port. Modbus RTU no response – Every time the ECM receives a valid properly formatted Modbus message. The ECM does not include any message counts from “Modbus TCP” messages transmitted on the Ethernet port. The ECM supports the following function codes: 3 = “Read Holding Register”. These totals represent all “Modbus RTU” receive errors received on all configured Modbus ports. The ports are “RS-232 Port 1”. The increment and decrement actions occur within milliseconds and are typically not viewable on the status screen. The ECM does not include any message counts from “Modbus TCP” exception messages transmitted on the Ethernet port. The ECM supports registers in the range of 40. The ports are “RS-232 Port 1”. and the “RS-422/485 Port”. and the “RS-422/485 Port”. Modbus TCP no responses – Every time the ECM receives a valid. These totals represent all Modbus no responses on all configured Modbus ports. “RS-232 Port 2”. 6 = “Write Single Register”. These errors can be caused by incorrectly formatted messages being transmitted by the “Modbus Master” or another “Modbus Slave” connected to the Ethernet port. The ECM does not include any message counts from “Modbus TCP” receive errors received on the Ethernet port. Modbus RTU no responses – The total number of “Modbus RTU” messages received successfully by the ECM for which the ECM has not transmitted a response. The ECM is capable of supporting up to 10 “Modbus TCP” connections at the same time. if this value is other than zero this would indicate the ECM is receiving Modbus messages and not responding. The ports are “RS-232 Port 1”. . • The ECM receives a Modbus function code it does not support. Modbus RTU packets transmitted – The total number of “Modbus RTU” messages transmitted successfully by the ECM. The ports are “RS-232 Port 1”. 16 = “Write Multiple Registers”. “RS-232 Port 2”.78 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Modbus TCP Receive Errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to receive “Modbus TCP” packets on the Ethernet port. These totals represent all Modbus RTU messages received on all configured Modbus ports. These totals represent all “Modbus RTU” messages transmitted on all configured Modbus ports. the ECM increments this counter.001 to 42000. Modbus RTU receive errors – The total number of “Modbus RTU” messages received by the ECM determined to contain incorrect checksum information. “RS-232 Port 2”. Each time the ECM transmits a Modbus message. The ECM configuration should be verified and the PCL file should be reviewed in order to insure the desired parameters and Modbus communications are configured appropriately. Additionally. and the “RS-422/485 Port”. The ECM does not include any message counts from “Modbus TCP” messages received that are on the Ethernet port. These totals represent all “Modbus RTU” exception messages that are transmitted on all configured Modbus ports. Modbus TCP connections – The total number of “Active Modbus TCP” connections identified and being serviced by the ECM on the Ethernet port. • The ECM receives a Modbus request for a register outside of the supported register ranges. Modbus RTU transmit errors – The total number of “Modbus RTU” exception messages transmitted by the ECM. Modbus TCP packets transmitted – The total number of “Modbus TCP” packets successfully transmitted by the ECM on the Ethernet port. An exception message will be transmitted under the following conditions: Modbus TCP transmit errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to transmit Modbus messages on the communications port. and the “RS-422/485 Port”. Modbus RTU packets received – The total number of RTU messages received successfully by the ECM. and the “RS-422/485 Port”. these errors may be caused by requests for registers or “Modbus Function” code not supported by the ECM. The ports are “RS-232 Port 1”. “RS-232 Port 2”. 8 = “Diagnostics”. However. properly formatted Modbus message. the ECM decrements this counter. “RS-232 Port 2”. J1939 Statistics screen.Cat Data Link (CDL) Statistics Illustration 99 g01721475 Status Group 3. CDL packets received – The total number of valid properly formatted messages successfully received on Cat Data Link (CDL) by the PL1000E Communication ECM. CDL receive errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to receive a CDL message. CDL harness pin-outs and total bus length should be analyzed. The harness should be analyzed and repaired. An increment of this number can indicate improper J1939 harnessing. J1939 transmit errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to transmit a J1939 message. . CDL packets transmitted – The total number of messages successfully transmitted on CDL by the ECM. J1939 receive errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to receive a J1939 message. CDL transmit errors – The total number of errors identified by the ECM while attempting to transmit a CDL message.J1939 Statistics Illustration 100 g01721476 CDL Statistics screen. J1939 packets received – The total number of valid properly formatted messages successfully received on J1939 by the PL1000E Communication ECM. An increment of this number can indicate improper J1939 harnessing.RENR8091-04 79 Troubleshooting Section Status Group 3. An increment of this number can indicate improper CDL harnessing. An increment of this number can indicate improper CDL harnessing. The harness should be analyzed and repaired. J1939 harness pin-outs and total bus length should be analyzed. J1939 packets transmitted – The total number of messages successfully transmitted on J1939 by the ECM. 80 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Messaging Statistics Quick Reference Troubleshooting Guide Illustration 101 g01180273 . Where “xxx. Any deviation from the required settings may prevent browser access to the PL1000E Communication ECM embedded web pages. Contact the network administrator for help concerning the appropriate settings in order to connect a personal computer to the ECM that is on the network. 4.zzz. 4. Confirm proper log on to the FTP server. 2.zzz. Confirm the PL1000E Communication ECM is properly connected to power. • Ping “xxx. At the command prompt. RENR8091.yyy. ground. . Where “xxx. • Ping “xxx.Unable to Browse to the PL1000E Home Page Direct . then check the browser” If the ping command indicates successful communications to the ECM and are still unable to connect to the device using the browser. Confirm the ability to browse the embedded web pages using a browser. type the following command and press the enter key.Unable to Establish FTP Connection with the PL1000E Communication ECM Probable Cause 1. Confirm the ability to connect to other sites on the network. 3. Confirm these settings with the network administrator. Confirm that the cable being used is a cross over cable. refer to the “LAN Network Ethernet Connection” or the “Loading the PCL file Using FTP or DOS” sections of this manual. Refer to the “Configuring a Non-networked Windows-based PC to Access the PL1000E Communication Module” section. The cable used to connect the ECM to a network should be a standard “pass-through” or “patch” cable. Confirm the network cable is not a “Cross-Over” cable. “Internet Protocol Configuration” section in order to help determine the appropriate settings.Network Connection Probable Cause 1.yyy. At the command prompt. 2.Unable to Browse to the PL1000E Home Page . review the PC settings and contact the network administrator. try using a DOS shell window to “ping” the ECM.zzz. 3.RENR8091-04 81 Troubleshooting Section Symptom Procedures i03341884 Problem .zzz. If unable to browse the embedded web” is the IP address or domain name of the module. type the following command and press the “enter”” is the IP address or domain name of the module. 2. These will need to be temporarily disabled for direct cross over connections. and key switch inputs in the system. Confirm the PC settings. Problem . Confirm that the IP settings are set appropriately for direct cross over connections.yyy. Refer to the “Loading the PCL file Using FTP or DOS” section of this manual to review the procedure to log in to FTP server. Using Cat ET. Symptom Procedures Problem . Certain settings are sometimes controlled by automatic logon scripts for certain networks.Cross Over Connection Operational Problems Probable Cause SMCS Code: 7610-035 1. If the ECM Internet Protocol configurations are configured properly. Use Cat ET in order to confirm the Internet Protocol configuration. If the ping command indicates successful communications to the ECM and are still unable to connect to the device using the browser. Refer to the System Operation Troubleshooting Testing and Adjusting. confirm the Internet Protocol”. PCL file not moved from "New" folder to "Current" folder Probable Cause 1. FTP using DOS will always be compatible with the PL1000E. Some browsers and graphical FTP programs manage FTP connections differently. connect to the PL1000E Communication ECM and browse to the ECM mapping page. Using a standard web browser.82 Troubleshooting Section 3. On the ECM Mapping web page will be displayed any known errors or issues with the PCL file. “DOS FTP Session with the PL1000E Communication ECM using a command Prompt” section of this manual. Problem . Some browsers and graphical FTP programs may not be compatible with the PL1000E. Attempt to establish an FTP connection to the ECM using the DOS shell FTP feature that is covered in the . RENR8091-04 . There are several things that can prevent proper processing of the PCL file. The table below shows the potential errors that can be displayed there as well as the remedy to repair the problem. ex: invalid network mask caused a rolling reset Review log_config.txt errors and the associated remedies Table 14 Error Probable Cause Remedy Status: Reset Configuration Parameters to Default Module is in reset due to invalid configuration parameter. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 2 with Modbus CFG 3 on RS-422/RS-485 Modbus Configuration 1 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 3. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 2 with Modbus CFG 3 on RS-232-2 Modbus Configuration 2 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 3. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 1 with Modbus CFG 3 on RS-232-1 Modbus Configuration 1 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 3. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 1 with Modbus CFG 2 on RS-232-2 Modbus Configuration 1 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 2. Use the “Parameter Transltion Editor” to re-create the PCL file and review the configuration parameters for any invalid data. An invalid configuration parameter value has been entered and should be corrected. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations .RENR8091-04 83 Troubleshooting Section Log_Status.txt file in “Error” directory. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 1 with Modbus CFG 3 on RS-422/RS-485 Modbus Configuration 2 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 3. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 1 with Modbus CFG 3 on RS-232-2 Modbus Configuration 1 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 3. Status: Rolling Reset counter reset The PCL file is of an incompatible format or there is an invalid configuration parameter causing the reset condition. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 1 with Modbus CFG 2 on RS-422/RS-485 Modbus Configuration 1 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 2. ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 1 with Modbus CFG 2 on RS-232-1 Modbus Configuration 1 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 2. Select a different port for one of the conflicting modbus Configurations ERROR: Port conflict MODBUS CFG 2 with Modbus CFG 3 on RS-232-1 Modbus Configuration 2 is configured for the same port as Modbus Configuration 3. Error validating file PCL file formatted incorrectly Obtain latest copy of service tool and re-create the *.txt Unable to create the log_config. Be prepared to provide a copy of the PCL file and any messages from the log status files to the product support representative. Unable to create socket at port 502 or PCL file is of an invalid format.txt file indicating the module is out of available RAM space for file storage. contact the product support representative and be prepared to provide a copy of the PCL file and any log status messages to the product support representative for analysis. Delete older files from Archive folder. Load the *. Error initializing TCP socket Error initializing PX language Remedy Use the “Parameter Transltion Editor” to re-create the PCL file and review the configuration parameters for any invalid data No Remedy. Error: Creating File : log_config. There may be a version issue between the service tool and PL1000E software.pcl file from scratch.84 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Table 15 Error Probable Cause Error: Rolling Reset 315-0627 Communication Software Group and earlier software The PCL file is of an incompatible format or there is an invalid configuration parameter causing the reset condition. If problem persists. Application Started Indicates that the application software initialized properly. Use the “Parameter Transltion Editor” to re-create the PCL file and review the configuration parameters for any invalid data. . Potential Operating System error Contact the product support representative.pcl file Indicates no *.pcl file found in the “New” or “Current” directory. Error reading file Unable to open and process *.pcl file into the “New” directory. since this is just an informational message. pcl file loaded successfully PCL file was validated and processed successfully No remedy. If the problem persists. as they occupy the same physical serial port. flash the module with undated application software. Unable to create Archive directory During initializing. The PL1000E cannot support these communications simultaneously. If the problem persists. since this is just an informational message. Error initializing software Indicates some low level initialization failed during application software startup sequence. If the problem persists. . Unable to create Error directory During initializing. Open and modify the PCL file to change the RS-422 or RS-485 connection definitions so that there is only one or the other defined. Power down the unit for approximately 10 seconds and attempt to start it up again. Power down the unit for approximately 10 seconds and attempt to start it up again. flash the module with undated application software. the software was unable to successfully create the Error directory. Power down the unit for approximately 10 seconds and attempt to start it up again. Unable to create Current directory During initializing.RENR8091-04 85 Troubleshooting Section Table 16 Error Probable Cause Remedy Error initializing Modbus stack The PCL file was created containing Bodbus communications defined for both RS-422 and RS-485. Status: Valid . Power down the unit for approximately 10 seconds and attempt to start it up again. flash the module with undated application software. the software was unable to successfully create the New directory. If the problem persists. flash the module with undated application software.. Unable to create New directory During initializing. the software was unable to successfully create the Current directory. If the problem persists. Power down the unit for approximately 10 seconds and attempt to start it up again. the software was unable to successfully create the Archive directory. flash the module with undated application software. Error: Unable to set the RW permission on the Current directory. Delete older files from the Archive folder.pcl from the Current directory to the Archive directory. No PCL file exists in the Current directory. When a file is moved to the error directory. and click “Refresh” in order to force the browser to display the most recent list. Error: Unable to move the . Error: . This error indicates the module is out of available file space for storage. If a different file name is desired. Go to “Menu”.pcl files found in the Current directory. Status: Moved the . Error: Unable to move the . No action is necessary unless a different file name is desired.86 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Table 17 Error Probable Cause Remedy Error: Multiple . Indicates that multiple *.pcl from the Current directory to the Error directory. Lod a new PCL file into the New directory and power cycle the unit.pcl files found in the New directory. Unable to move the PCL file indication the module is out of available RAM space for file storage. Delete the directory before resetting the PL1000E. and if not.pcl files were found in the New or Current directory during initialization and the software did not know which one to process. it indicates an error in the file content or format. “View”. The maximum length for PCL file names is 33 characters. PCL file was successfilly moved from the Current to the Error directory. Potential operating system error Contact the Technical Communicator (TC) and be prepared to provide a copy of the PCL file and any messages from the log status files.pcl from the Current directory to the Error directory. then load the newly named file in the New directory observing the maximum character limitation of 33 characters. then searches for a PCL file in the Current directory. Error: pcl file not found in the Current directory. Multiple . The module first determines if a PCL file is loaded into the New directory. Delete the older files from the archive folder .pcl file name truncated to 33 characters. The latest service tool should be used in order to create a new file. Browsers sometimes cache the names of the files in the New and Current directories. This is a general status message that indicates there was and error parsing the .pcl file indicates the module is out of available file space for storage. Recreate the *. Status: Invalid . There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software. There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software. Obtain the latest copy of the service tool. Potential operating system error Contact the Technical Communicator (TC) and be prepared to provide a copy of the PCL file and any messages from the log status files. The specific error should also be logged.pcl file into the memory. Unable to move the . Delete the older files from the Archive folder. Recreate the *.pcl file Base Config . Invalid PCL file format.pcl file in the Current directory.pcl file from the New directory to the Current directory. Invalid . On-board file header On-board file header ID !=0xB100 On-board file header Version !0x0002 On-board file header File Contents Type !=0xC480 Config Data Record block On-board file header Recblock !=0xC480 Config Data Record ID !=1 Software Config Data Software Config Data BlockID !=0xC490 . Obtain the latest copy of the service tool.pcl file from scratch. There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software.pcl file from scratch.pcl file in the New directory. There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software.pcl file Revision Invalid size Checksum position Checksum not found File seeking “pk_OnboardFileHeader_t” ????? File seeking “pk_CfgDataRecBlock_t” File seeking File seeking “pk_PX_Baseconfig_t” File seeking “builderBaseBlobSize” Allocating memory for the tables Invalid PCL file format Obtain the latest copy of the service tool. Unable to set the RW permission on the Current directory.RENR8091-04 87 Troubleshooting Section Table 18 Error Probable Cause Remedy Unable to move the .PCL file into the PL1000E memory. .pcl file from scratch. Status: Unable to read the . Recreate the *. Recreate the *. Invalid PCL file format Obtain the latest copy of the service tool.pcl file from scratch. These two slave addresses must be different. Modifiy the Modbus slave address to a value between 1 and 254. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL file is used to access data that is defined in the PCL file. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration screen is used to access communication statistics and ECM information from the PL1000E. Modbus slave address conflict RS-232 port 1 The slave address that is defined in the PCL file for RS-232 port 1 is the same as the Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL file is used to access data that is defined in the PCL file. Illegal Modbus address The PL1000E will not accept a Modbus slave address of zero. Remedy Obtain the latest copy of the service tool. Error reading data link table Specific error message for “reading the configuration tables into memeory”. Use the service tool in order to change the slave address for the configuration that is associated to the RS-232 port 1. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration screen is used to access communication statistics and ECM information from the PL1000E. Modbus slave address conflict TCP The slave address that is defined in the PCL file for the Modbus TCP port is the same as the Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration screen is used to access communication statistics and ECM information from the PL1000E. These two slave addresses must be different. Use the service tool in order to change the slave address for the configuration that is associated to the RS-422/485. These two slave addresses must be different. Modbus port not configured . Use the service tool in order to change the slave address for the configuration that is associated to the RS-232 port 2. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration screen is used to access communication statistics and ECM information from the PL1000E.pcl file from scratch.88 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Table 19 Error Probable Cause Error reading the configuration tables into memeory This is a general error message that indicates there was and error parsing the . Use the service tool in order to change the slave address for the configuration that is associated to the TCP port. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL file is used to access data that is defined in the PCL file.PCL file into the PL1000E memory. Modbus slave address conflict RS-232 port 2 The slave address that is defined in the PCL file for RS-232 port 2 is the same as the Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration. Modbus slave address conflict RS-422/485 The slave address that is defined in the PCL file for RS-422/485 is the same as the Modbus slave address that is defined in the service tool configuration. The specific error should also be logged. Error reading ECM table Specific error message for “reading the configuration tables into memeory”. Recreate the *. There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software. These two slave addresses must be different. The Modbus slave address that is defined in the PCL file is used to access data that is defined in the PCL file. The PCL file specifies that a serial port for Modbus communications that has not been properly configured on the PL1000E configuration screen in ET Use the service tool in order to configure the appropriate Modbus communications serial port to match that is defined in the PCL file. There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software. Obtain the latest copy of the service tool. Recreate the *. Recreate the *. Obtain the latest copy of the service tool. Obtain the latest copy of the service tool. Error reading the tag table Error reading the DSWrite table Error reading the DSRead table Error reading the Enum lookup table Error reading the Unit Conversion table Error reading the language table Error reading the string index table Table 21 Error Error reading string blob Error validating Base Config Error validating Data Link Types Error validating ECM table Error validating Tag table Error validating DSWrite table Error validating DSRead table Table 22 Error Error validating Enum table Error validating Error validating lfp Error fread !=readSize Invalid source path/file name Invalid destination path/file name Error writing to destination file . There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software. Probable Cause Remedy Specific error message for “Error reading the configuration tables into memeory”. There may be a version issue between the service tool and the PL1000E software.pcl file from scratch. Probable Cause Remedy Specific error message for “Error reading the configuration tables into memeory”.RENR8091-04 89 Troubleshooting Section Table 20 Error Probable Cause Remedy Specific error message for “Error reading the configuration tables into memeory”.pcl file from scratch.pcl file from scratch. Recreate the *. 4. If the “Physical Layer Bytes Received” is not incrementing. Republish the PCL file to the web server. Q: Why are all of the parameters showing up as “Parameter Unavailable”? A: The PCL file that is associated with the XML file must have at least one parameter configured to be a web translation in the Parameter Translation Editor.yyy. “ECM ID” is the numerical ID given to the ECM being monitored. In order to view this parameter in a custom page. Click “ECM Mapping”. Q: Why does the message “Parameter Unavailable” appear for a parameter that is on the custom page? A: If the custom page displays the message “Parameter Unavailable” in the value part of the table. If the browser displays the error message “Parameter Unavailable”. Open the PCL file in the Parameter Translation Editor. Browse to the custom page in order to confirm that the changes are updated. browse off of the page and clear the cache of the browser according to the instructions of the browser. 7. then the parameter either does not exist in the PCL file on the PL1000E web server or there is an error in the coding of the XML file. 5. Note: After a PCL file has been published. 6. analyze and repair the harness. If this process does not work. Cycle the power to the ECM. A: The issue may be that the browser still has old data cached within the memory set aside for this purpose. Click “Status”. UID is the UID number in decimal format. Save the PCL file. Q: Why does the browser not show the changes made on the pages that were just uploaded to the web server? 2.zzz. create a CDL to web translation for each desired parameter. “Diagnostic Capabilities” for the “Messaging Statistics Quick Reference Troubleshooting Guide”. perform the following: 1. Enter the URL “http://xxx. At least one of the translations must be a CDL to Web translation. If not. Press “Enter”. Then try to browse the page parm/<ECM ID>. To directly test whether the parameter exists within the PCL file:” is the address of the ECM. edit the PCL file using the Parameter Translation Editor. The ECM will not respond to an improperly formatted Modbus message. i02810225 Web Browser Problems SMCS Code: 7610-035 Troubleshooting 2. The PL1000E Communication ECM provides communication statistics for received and transmitted Modbus protocol messages as well as the physical layer statistics for received and transmitted bytes. the parameter does not exist in the PCL file. Click the “Refresh” button on the tool bar of the browser or use the “Refresh” function for the browser. Look at the bottom table which contains a summary of translations in the PCL file. If all of the parameters on the page show “Parameter Unavailable”. Refer to the Troubleshooting. the parameter exists in the PCL file. 3.90 Troubleshooting Section RENR8091-04 Problem .zzz. Republish the PCL file. Note: Two tables will be displayed. If the “Physical Layer Bytes Received” is incrementing but the “Protocol Layer Modbus Messages Received” are not incrementing. RENR8091. the power to the PL1000E ECM must be turned off and then turned back on in order to activate the new configurations. Note: “xxx. The error is potentially in the XML coding in the XML file. analyze and correct the Modbus message format. Select the web page within the web browser by clicking within the page but not on a link. . <UID>” in the address field of the browser. If the browser displays good values or error messages other than “Parameter Unavailable”.yyy.No response to data requests from Modbus Master Probable Cause 1. Inspect SMCS Code: 7553-040-WW Reference: Special Instruction. REHS0148. Reference: Service Magazine. Reference: Special Instruction. “New DT Connector Plugs With Improved Seal Retention”. “Protection Of Unsealed Electrical Terminations For Machines In Corrosive Applications”. Reference: Service Magazine. Reference: Service Magazine. Intermittent electrical problems are often caused by poor connections. Perform the following in order to thoroughly inspect the connectors and determine if the connectors are the cause of the problem. repair the connector and verify that the problem has been corrected. likely causes are loose terminals. Use this procedure under the following situation: Use the following steps to help determine if the connector is the cause of the problem. SEPD0371. “Listing Of Deutsch Connector Components” Reference: Special Instruction. Testing and Adjusting i02815851 Electrical Connector . or harness routing that is improper. “Use Of CE Connector Tools”. SEBD0402. “Field Repair Of Single Wire Breaks In Harnesses (Sealed Splice)”. corrosion. If this occurs. “Dielectric Grease Should Not Be Used In Electrical Connectors”. always check for an active diagnostic code after the connector is reconnected in order to verify that the problem disappears. improperly crimped terminals. If a problem is found in the electrical connector. SEPD0545. “Servicing DT Connectors”. bent terminals. 27 January 97. 28 July 97. Also.RENR8091-04 91 Testing and Adjusting Section Testing and Adjusting Section Simply disconnecting the connectors and then reconnecting the connectors can temporarily solve a problem at times. Always check for an active diagnostic code before breaking any connections. Reference: Service Magazine. SEPD0342. SEHS9615. SEPD0473. . 24 May 99. The following background information is related to this procedure: Many of the operational procedures and the diagnostic code procedures in this troubleshooting guide will instruct to check a specific electrical connector. “Guidelines For Routing And Installing Wire Harness Assemblies”. The original source of the problem must then be identified in order to ensure that the problem does not reoccur. SEHS9065. Reference: Pocket Guide. 09 October 00. CHECK THE CONNECTORS. An example of an incorrect method is the use of two 20 AWG wires.92 Testing and Adjusting Section RENR8091-04 g00820688 Illustration 102 (1) Correctly Routed Harness (2) Correctly Inserted Plug Illustration 103 Proper Installation of Plug (3) Incorrectly Routed Harness (4) Incorrectly Inserted Plug g00690571 Illustration 104 g00828600 DT Type sealing plug The 8T-8729 Connector Pin (2) and the 8T-8730 Connector Socket (1) is designed to accept only one 16/18 AWG wire. . 1. Do not insert multiple wires of a smaller wire size. Do not insert multiple wires of a smaller wire size. The 9W-0852 Connector Pin and the 9W-0844 Connector Socket is designed to accept only one 14 AWG wire. An incorrect method would be using two 24 AWG wires. Each wire remains in the connector body. Carefully inspect each wire for signs of abrasion. The connector and the locking mechanism are without cracks or breaks. 2. c. NOT OK – A problem exists with the connector. CHECK THE WIRES FOR NICKS OR ABRASIONS IN THE INSULATION. Be careful not to tighten the bolt too much. The bolt may break.0 N·m (53. nicks. Results: OK – The harness connector is secure and the connector is properly torqued. a. STOP. Proceed to test step 4. NOT OK – A problem exists with the connector. Results: OK – Each connector contact withstands 45 N (10 lb) of pull. nicks. Expected Result: The harness connector is secure and the connector bolt of the ECM is properly torqued. Proceed to test step 3. Expected Result: The wires are free of abrasion. Expected Result: The connector will securely lock. Results: OK – The connector will securely lock. b. 3. Pull back the harness sleeves in order to check for a flattened portion of wire. Each connector contact should withstand 45 N (10 lb) of pull. PERFORM A PULL TEST ON EACH CONNECTOR CONTACT. Results: .RENR8091-04 a.0 lb in) of torque on the connector bolt of the harness when the connector is being installed on the ECM. This test checks whether the wire was properly crimped in the contact and whether the contact was properly inserted into the connector. Check all of the hold down clamps for the harness in order to verify that the harness is properly clamped. Do not solder the terminals. 4. Also check all of the hold down clamps for the harness in order to verify that the harness is not compressed by the clamp. Proceed to test step 2. STOP. or cuts. The flattened portion of wire is caused by the clamp that holds the harness. Check in order to ensure that the orange wedge is not missing and that the orange wedge is installed properly on the DT connectors. Repair: Secure the harness connector of the ECM. Ensure that the connector bolt is properly tightened. Ensure that the connector is properly locked. b. Each wire remains in the connector body. b. Use the proper Crimp Tool. or cuts and the harness is properly clamped. The following areas are locations that should be checked: • Exposed insulation • Points of rubbing wire b. 93 Testing and Adjusting Section a. ensure that the two halves of the connector can not be pulled apart. Ensure that the connector bolt is properly torqued. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is fully latched. The connector and the locking mechanism are without cracks or breaks. Do not exceed 6. as required. Also. Repair: Repair the wiring or replace the connector contact. Expected Result: Each connector contact should withstand 45 N (10 lb) of pull. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is properly latched. CHECK THE ALLEN HEAD SCREW ON THE HARNESS CONNECTOR OF THE ECM. Repair: Repair the connector or replace the connector. STOP. NOT OK – A problem exists with the connector. The DT connectors use an orange wedge to lock the terminals in place. Note: A Crimp Tool should ALWAYS be used in order to crimp wires on connector contacts. Each wire should remain in the connector body. a. Proceed to test step 6. Note: Moisture can also travel from one connector through the inside of a wire to the ECM Connector. Check all of the wiring harnesses in order to verify that the harness does not make a sharp bend out of a connector. nicks. or cuts and the harness is properly clamped. Results: OK – The contacts are properly aligned and the contacts appear undamaged. Do not replace an ECM if moisture is found in either ECM connector. Likely paths for the entrance of moisture are from missing seals. RENR8091-04 Results: OK – All of the connectors are completely coupled and all of the seals are completely inserted.94 Testing and Adjusting Section OK – The wires are free of abrasion. 7. Use a cotton swab or a soft brush to remove the corrosion. Repair: Repair the contacts and wiring and/or replace the contacts and wiring. use only denatured alcohol to remove the corrosion. STOP. Moisture is present. Ensure that the connector seals and the white sealing plugs are in place. nicks in exposed insulation. Verify that the repair eliminates the problem by operating the engine for several minutes and by checking again for moisture. If the source of the moisture entry is not repaired. replace the connector. and improperly mated connectors. the problem will reoccur. moisture. as required. Verify that the contacts are not damaged. the source of the moisture entry must be found and the source of the moisture entry must be repaired. replace the seal or plug. This will deform the connector seal and this will create a path for the entrance of moisture. Simply drying the connector will not fix the problem. Do not use cleaners that contain trichloroethylene because trichloroethylene may damage the connector. Verify that the contacts are properly aligned in the connector and verify that the contacts are properly located in the connector. The harness and the wiring are free of corrosion. b. CHECK THE FIT OF THE CONTACTS. Proceed to test step 5. Proceed to test step 7. If moisture or corrosion is evident in the connector. Repair: Repair the wires or replace the wires. If necessary. NOT OK – A problem exists with the connector contacts. CHECK THE CONNECTORS FOR MOISTURE OR CORROSION. NOT OK – A problem exists with the connector. a. If moisture is found in the ECM connector. If any of the seals or plugs are missing. NOT OK – A problem exists with the wiring. c. 6. Note: It is normal to see some minor seal abrasion on the ECM connector seals. the wiring or the wiring harness. abrasions or pinch points. STOP. Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or replace the connectors or wiring. Expected Result: All of the connectors should be completely coupled and all of the seals should be completely inserted. See Illustration 102. Thoroughly inspect ECM connectors for evidence of moisture entry. Note: If corrosion is evident on the contacts or the connector. The harness and the wiring should be free of corrosion. Minor seal abrasion will not allow the entry of moisture. . Ensure that all of the seals are properly in place and ensure that the connectors are completely coupled. thoroughly check all connectors and wires on the harness that connect to the ECM. improperly installed seals. STOP. The ECM is not the source of the moisture. 5. moisture. a. INSPECT THE CONNECTOR CONTACTS. abrasion or pinch points. Expected Result: The contacts are properly aligned and the contacts appear undamaged. 2. 4. 6. The connector contact is the pin contact or the socket contact. If there is not continuity. Use a multimeter in order to check for continuity across the same two electrical wires at the other end of the wiring harness. If there is continuity between the electrical wires. The following procedure explains the test for an open circuit. This would be an open circuit. The wiring harness must be repaired or replaced. the multimeter will have a reading of less than 5 ohms. If an electrical wire or a connection is broken. i02815873 Wiring Harness (Open Circuit) . c. Disconnect both ends of the wiring harness. 1. Repair: Replace the connector contact.Test SMCS Code: 1408-081 Electrical problems are often caused by failed electrical wires that have either an open circuit or a short circuit. Use a new pin contact. STOP.RENR8091-04 95 Testing and Adjusting Section OK – The pin contacts and the socket contacts appear to be OK. b. Test for an open circuit. STOP. 5. a. the flow of electrical current through the circuit is interrupted. Results: 3. Insert the pin contact into each socket contact one at a time in order to check for a good grip on the pin contact by the socket contact. The pin contact are located on the mating side of the connector. . Use a new socket contact. Insert the pin contact into each socket contact one at a time in order to check for a good grip on the pin contact by the socket contact. Install a jumper (connecting wire) between two of the electrical wires at one end of the wiring harness. The connector contact should stay connected when the connector is held in the position shown in Illustration 105. Expected Result: The pin contacts and the socket contacts appear to be OK. Turn the multimeter dial to the 200 ohm range and measure the electrical resistance. NOT OK – A problem exists with the connector terminal. Turn the battery disconnect switch and the key start switch to the OFF position. Illustration 105 g00838765 Retention of the Connector (1) Pin Contact (2) Socket Contact Note: This is especially important for intermittent problems. the electrical wire is faulty. 6. Three communications adapters are available in order to flash electronic control modules: • 7X-1700 Communication Adapter Gp • 171-4400 Communication Adapter Gp • Embedded Communications Adapter (ECA) is available on serial port 3 of the ECM. the data link cable is a serial connection directly between the PC and serial port 3 of the ECM . 2. If the wire is a part of the ground circuit and the wiring harness is damaged. Reference: In order to determine if the wire is a part of the ground circuit. Use the other probe from the multimeter to check for continuity across all electrical wires in the same wiring harness and check all wires for continuity across the frame to ground. Perform the following in order to test for a short circuit: Test for a short circuit. When the ECA is not used. 3.96 Testing and Adjusting Section RENR8091-04 i02815888 i03342206 Wiring Harness (Short Circuit) . If a “Blank Box” condition occurs due to connection related probems or due to power lost during the flashing procedure for the PL1000E. If there is continuity between any of the wires and the frame. 2. If there is continuity between any of the electrical wires. Disconnect both ends of the wiring harness. the multimeter will have a reading of less than 5 ohms. Identify the wire that has a short to the frame. Perform the following procedure in order to flash program the PL1000E: 1. Connect the appropriate data link cable between the communication adapter and the personal computer (PC) that contains Cat ET software. If the ECA is used. then use of the 171-4400 Communication Adapter Group will be necessary in order to flash the PL1000E. If there is continuity between any of the electrical wires. 5. the ECA is already connected to the system by the use of the standard Cat DataLink or J1939 connection. the flow is diverted from the desired path. refer to the “Electrical System Schematic” section of this document. This would be a short circuit. If one part of the circuit contacts another part of the same circuit. the wiring harness must be repaired or replaced. . Flash programming of the ECM must also be done if the ECM has been replaced. The ECA feature supports ECM flashing functionality when application software is installed on the ECM. 7. When using the ECA.Flash Program SMCS Code: 1408-081 SMCS Code: 7610-591 Electrical problems are often caused by failed electrical wires that have either an open circuit or a short circuit. Use WinFlash in order to load the software. The wiring harness must be repaired or replaced. The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) contains the program WinFlash.Test Electronic Control Module (ECM) . 1. there is a short circuit between the wire and the frame. Continuity between any other wires in the wiring harness indicates that there is a short between those wires.Configure SMCS Code: 7610-025 Cat ET or Caterpillar Tool Kit is required in order to configure the PL1000E Communications ECM. Turn the multimeter dial to the 200 ohm range and measure the electrical resistance. i03346220 Electronic Control Module (ECM) . The PL1000E is “flashed” in order to upgrade the software. 4. the multimeter will have a reading of less than 5 ohms. Turn the battery disconnect switch key and the key start switch to the OFF position. connect the data link cable between the communication adapter and the diagnostic connector of the engine. Use the multimeter in order to test for continuity across the frame or ground. Turn the multimeter probe in order to make contact with the connector of the suspected faulty electrical wire. 3. WinFlash is used in order to load software into an ECM. CAT ET will then display the ECM Summary Screen. which displays the ECM's basic identification information. including: ECM Serial Number. Disable the supply voltage to the system and confirm no voltage is present at the PL1000E Communication ECM connector. Disconnect the system harness from the ECM. Perform the following in order to replace the ECM: 1. Personality Module Part Number.RENR8091-04 97 Testing and Adjusting Section Once Cat ET is connected and the PL1000E Communication ECM has been selected. Personality Module Description. . i02811340 Electronic Control Module (ECM) . Continue Only if all other attempts to isolate the problem have failed. Install the replacement ECM according to the procedures in Special Instruction. Personality Module Release Date. 6. This consultation may greatly reduce the time required for a repair. the user can navigate to the configuration screen through the use of the service tool menus. Always check that power is available to all of the contacts of the ECM that are marked with “+ Battery” and “Keyswitch”. 5. then click “OK”. The ECM is seldom the cause of a failure. 4. ensure that replacement is absolutely necessary. i03342500 System Schematic SMCS Code: 7566 Illustration 106 g01721477 Select “PL1000E 2”. REHS2362. 2. Remove the ECM. Verify that the ECM operates correctly. 3.Replace SMCS Code: 7610-510 Prior to the replacement of the ECM. Always consult the dealership's Technical Communicator for possible consultation with Caterpillar. Make sure that the replacement ECM is the correct part number. and ECM Part Number. 98 Testing and Adjusting Section Illustration 107 RENR8091-04 g01717876 . .....................pcl File Using the PCL Wizard ...................... 11 Familiarization with the Parameter Translation Design Interface ................................................................................................................................................................... Viewing Custom XML Pages Using a Browser ............... 29 Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) Address ........................................... 96 Electronic Control Module (ECM) ...... 29 Network Default Gateway Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address .............................................................. 72 L LAN Network Ethernet Connection.................................... 56 F Features .............................. 75 63 64 63 64 68 D Data Link Address of Caterpillar Electronic Control .............................................................................................. Direct Crossover Ethernet Connection ....................................... 32 LAN Network Ethernet Connection Overview ...................Flash Program ..................... Diagnostic Capabilities ......... Overview .............. The Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) ................... 21 Create a Modbus Master PCL File.................... 42 PL1000E Communication ECM Modbus Interface Overview .................. PL1000E configured as a Modbus Slave................................................................................... 23 Create Parameter Translation Design .................... Modbus Master..................... 29 Introduction. ModBus Configuration Details .............. Custom Web Page ............................................. 6 Electronic Control Module (ECM) ............................................ 12 Initiate Configuration of PL1000E with New PCL File .................. Data Link Configuration ............... PL1000E configured as a Limited Modbus Master ..................... 27 ECM Configuration..... 70 Important Safety Information .......................................................................... Cat Data Link Module Identifier Configuration ...... 96 Electronic Control Module (ECM) ..... 30 30 68 68 O Operational Problems......................................... 42 Electrical Connector .............pcl file for Modification................................................................ 81 Symptom Procedures ........ 91 Electronic Control Module (ECM) ............ Embedded Webserver ...................... 11 ...................................................... Embedded Communications Adapter (ECA) ............................................................................. 2 Internet Protocol Configuration................... 81 P Parameter Translation Configuration........................................... 34 M Modbus Configuration ............................ 24 Parameter Translation Files and Configuration Tools..................................................... 27 Hexadecimal Conversion......................... 28 28 28 28 75 75 36 37 E ECM Modbus Interface....................... 29 Internet Protocol (IPv4) Network Mask ............... Cat Data Link Boost Function Enable Status.... 11 Create *..........Inspect....................................................................................................................RENR8091-04 99 Index Section Index I C Connector Locations................................... Limited Modbus Master............................................... 57 Events / Diagnostics ........................................................................ Understanding the XSL File ... 15 Open an Existing *........ CDL Boost......................... Creating Custom XML Pages .............. 4 6 6 6 5 4 G General Information.. 56 Configuration..........................Replace...... PL1000E configuration............. 29 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Enable Status............. 33 Loading the PCL File Using FTP with the Command Prompt..........................................................................Configure ............................. 97 Embedded Web Server ................... 4........... 29 Internet Protocol (IPv4) Address..................................................................................... 72 H Hardware Configuration............ 29 Internet Protocol Host Name........... 26 Manual Parameter Configuration List Creation............... 32 Loading the PCL File Using FTP With a Web Browser ......................................................... 26 Installation of PCL File to PL1000E ....................................................... ......Test ...............Q Quick Start Guide ......................... 7 S Service Tools ........................................................ 72 W Web Browser Problems............................................. 91 Troubleshooting Section........ 96 ©2008 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved Cat.............................Test............................. 81 System Schematic... 4 T Table of Contents.............................................. are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission................................................ 90 Wiring Harness ........................ 95 Wiring Harness (Short Circuit) ............................................................. 72 Symptom Procedures ... 91 Testing and Adjusting Section ................... “Caterpillar Yellow” and the Power edge trade dress. Caterpillar............................... 90 Troubleshooting .........S.............................................A... their respective logos...... 72 Troubleshooting Software ................. .............................................. as well as corporate and product identity used herein...................... 3 Testing and Adjusting ........ Printed in U............. 7 Wiring Harness (Open Circuit) ......... 97 Systems Operation Section ...... 7 Modbus Parameter Translation and ECM Configuration Quick Start Guide ................................
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