Remove File

March 26, 2018 | Author: Darlington Jose Moreno Arriaga | Category: Internet Explorer, Cybercrime, Cyberspace, Computer Security Exploits, Malware



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"60"="WSCMGR."54"="" "68"="usdeiect.0 "89"="Enterprise "90"="Eps (c:\temp\" "64"="amvo.exe" "65"="" "67"="80avp08.exe" "71"="f.0 "110"="Exploiter 1.cmd" "72"="virusnuevo.exe" "59"="VTPRESET.4 "111"="Ezkilla "112"="troyano "113"="ILOVEYOU (VBS/Loveletter o Love Bug worm) .exe" "63"="ntdeIect.09) "91"="Eret "92"="ErrOr32 "93"="Espionage "94"="Eurosol "95"="Eva XP 1 "96"="Evangelion "97"="Event Horizon "98"="Event Horizon (The "99"="Evil FTP "100"="Evilbot (IRC) "101"="Evilgoar "102"="Excalibur "103"="Executer "104"="Executor "105"="Expir "106"="Expjan "107"="Exploit Translation Server "108"="Exploiter "109"="Exploiter" "69"="" "66"="XAdeIect.xls.1 "82"="Elf 1.exe" "58"=" .exe" "57"="doWTP_RESTORE_0. Zlob.BZ trojan "150"="Win32/Netsky.Malware.OL 1.X "193"="Svcsto "194"="Tilebot.HTML. keyloggers y hijackers "168"="CIH "169"="Blaster "170"="Melissa "171"="Sobig.Win32.CM 8. Mimail.MS05-002.Gen 1.Q worm "153"="Win32/Netsky.W 2.R worm "167"="Spywares. Novarg.B .PP 3. o Kwejeebo ) "121"="Sasser (Big One) "122"="Bagle (Beagle) "123"="Win32/Simile (Etap) "124"="Nimda "125"="win32.03 "127"="Trojan.b "126"="Trojan.O virus "152"="Win32/Mydoom.13 "133"="Packer.FR "195"="Peerbot.FakeAlert.25 "130"="Trojan.EU 2.96 "144"="Trojan.A "148"="Win32/Zafi.Clicker.Agent.66 "131"="Trojan.Zlob.N 7.spywad.NSAnti. Simpsons .R o Shimgapi) "115"="Blaster (Lovsan o Lovesan) "116"="Sobig Worm "117"="Code Red "118"="CIH (Chernobyl o Spacefiller) "119"="Klez "120"="Melissa ( Mailissa .AB worm "165"="Win32/Bagle.AQR 3.inf "181"="Magistr "182"="VBS/Help "183"="W32/MTX "184"="W32/Hybris "185"="Red Code "186"="W32/Bymer "189"="W32/Badtrans@MM "190"="Worm/Dnet_Winit "191"="Code Red II "192"="Cabir.Wimad.JS.73 "145"="Exploit.Q worm "151"="Win32/Merond.38 "129"="Trojan."114"="Mydoom (W32.61 "146"="Troj/Adware.64 "132"="Trojan.AD 1.B worm "149"="a variant of Win32/Injector.Downloader.Downloader.C worm "164"="Win32/Netsky.26 "128"="Trojan.F "172"="ILOVEYOU "173"="Bagle "174"="Code Red "175"="MyDoom "176"="SQL Slammer "177"="Sasser "178"=".Binet "147"="W32/Adware.WMA.HE worm "166"="Win32/Mydoom.Qhost.AA 2. Kwyjibo [email protected] "179"="W32/Sircam "180"="Autorun.E2Give.HTML.Autorun. Q "200"="Netsky.AMPTW "252"="W32/Downloader.dropper (8 variants) "240"="W32/Cadro.CSX "211"="Koutodoor.D "202"="DLoader.AUFM "244"="W32/Crypt.CTG "220"="Koutodoor.CTC "216"="Koutodoor.FFLED "231"="Suspicious_Gen2.BG.CSU "208"="Koutodoor.dropper (10 variants) "239"="W32/BAT_Worm.CTA "214"="Koutodoor.IE "205"="Koutodoor.ZLMA "227"="Suspicious_Gen2.CTF "219"="Koutodoor.CSZ "213"="Koutodoor.EG "233"="VBS/Agent.F "241"="W32/Crypt.P "198"="Netsky.CTD "217"="Koutodoor.IF "204"="JS/Exploit.VABF "237"="W32/Atraps.AUFK "242"="W32/Crypt.CS .G.BH "234"="W32/Agent.BFJR.FFKCE "228"="Suspicious_Gen2.CTI "222"="LNK/Agent.AUFQ "248"="W32/DLoader.VABE "236"="W32/Agent.CTH "221"="Koutodoor.dropper "253"="W32/Downloader.AUFL "243"="W32/Crypt.AUFP "247"="W32/Crypt.BATJ.CSS "206"="Koutodoor.GD "224"="Renos.FFKUE "230"="Suspicious_Gen2.FFQNJ "232"="VBNA.FFKEU "229"="Suspicious_Gen2.CST "207"="Koutodoor.RSHI.AMPTX "203"="JS/Agent."196"="Audio "197"="Netsky.CD "226"="Smalltroj.AMPTV "251"="W32/DLoader.B "199"="Netsky.dropper (3 variants) "235"="W32/Agent.AMPTT "249"="W32/DLoader.CSV "209"="Koutodoor.AUFN "245"="W32/Crypt.G "223"="Perl/Shellbot.Z "201"="Netsky.CHPR "225"="Rugo.CTB "215"="Koutodoor.CTE "218"="Koutodoor.CSY "212"="Koutodoor.dropper "254"="W32/Downloader.BLCM "255"="W32/Dropper.BBZT "238"="W32/BAT_Agent.AMPTU "250"="W32/DLoader.CSW "210"="Koutodoor.AUFO "246"="W32/Crypt. PPQP "304"="W32/Malware.PPPT "282"="W32/Malware.PPQB "290"="W32/Malware.PPQR "306"="W32/Malware.ACBL "260"="W32/FakeAV.PPQN "302"="W32/Malware.PPRA "315"="W32/Malware.ACBT "268"="W32/FakeAV.FUR.PPQZ "314"="W32/Malware.JV "274"="W32/FraudPack.PPPZ "288"="W32/Malware.PPQG "295"="W32/Malware.PPPS "281"="W32/Malware.ACBM "261"="W32/FakeAV.ACBU "269"="W32/FakeAV.PPQY "313"="W32/Malware.PPQI "297"="W32/Malware.PPQJ "298"="W32/Malware.FXE "278"="W32/Kazy.PPPY "287"="W32/Malware.ACBK (2 variants) "259"="W32/FakeAV.ACBW "271"="W32/FraudPack.ACBR "266"="W32/FakeAV.PPQH "296"="W32/Malware.PPPX "286"="W32/Malware.PPQS "307"="W32/Malware.ACBP "264"="W32/FakeAV.PPQM "301"="W32/Malware.PPQT "308"="W32/Malware.ACBV "270"="W32/FakeAV.M "258"="W32/FakeAV.PPQU "309"="W32/Malware.PPRB .ACBS "267"="W32/FakeAV.PPQL "300"="W32/Malware.PPPW "285"="W32/Malware.PPQA "289"="W32/Malware.PPQD "292"="W32/Malware.PPPV "284"="W32/Malware.PPQQ "305"="W32/Malware.JU "273"="W32/FraudPack.PPQW "311"="W32/Malware.PPPR "280"="W32/Malware.ACBN "262"="W32/FakeAV.PPPU "283"="W32/Malware.EL "279"="W32/Malware.JX "276"="W32/Hiloti.PPQF "294"="W32/Malware.PPQK "299"="W32/Malware.dropper "277"="W32/Hiloti.PPQX "312"="W32/Malware.JT "272"="W32/FraudPack.ACBO "263"="W32/FakeAV.L "257"="W32/Ertfor.PPQV "310"="W32/Malware."256"="W32/Ertfor.PPQC "291"="W32/Malware.PPQO "303"="W32/Malware.JW "275"="W32/FraudPack.PPQE "293"="W32/Malware.ACBQ "265"="W32/FakeAV. PPRI "323"="W32/Malware.PPTF "373"="W32/Malware.PPTC "370"="W32/Malware.PPTJ .PPTA "368"="W32/Malware.PPSR "359"="W32/Malware.PPRE "319"="W32/Malware.PPRL "326"="W32/Malware.PPSV "363"="W32/Malware.PPSH "349"="W32/Malware."316"="W32/Malware.PPRF "320"="W32/Malware.PPSI "350"="W32/Malware.PPRH "322"="W32/Malware.PPRR "332"="W32/Malware.PPRK "325"="W32/Malware.PPRG "321"="W32/Malware.PPSM "354"="W32/Malware.PPSY "366"="W32/Malware.PPRO "329"="W32/Malware.PPSU "362"="W32/Malware.PPSJ "351"="W32/Malware.PPTG "374"="W32/Malware.PPRP "330"="W32/Malware.PPSQ "358"="W32/Malware.PPTD "371"="W32/Malware.PPRC "317"="W32/Malware.PPSD "345"="W32/Malware.PPTI "376"="W32/Malware.PPSW "364"="W32/Malware.PPRX "338"="W32/Malware.PPRS "333"="W32/Malware.PPSL "353"="W32/Malware.PPST "361"="W32/Malware.PPRV "336"="W32/Malware.PPRQ "331"="W32/Malware.PPSP "357"="W32/Malware.PPSN "355"="W32/Malware.PPRN "328"="W32/Malware.PPSE "346"="W32/Malware.PPSB "342"="W32/Malware.PPRM "327"="W32/Malware.PPRU "335"="W32/Malware.PPSX "365"="W32/Malware.PPTH "375"="W32/Malware.PPRJ "324"="W32/Malware.PPTE "372"="W32/Malware.PPSC "343"="W32/Malware.PPRZ "340"="W32/Malware.PPTB "369"="W32/Malware.PPRY "339"="W32/Malware.PPRT "334"="W32/Malware.PPSG "348"="W32/Malware.PPRD "318"="W32/Malware.PPSS "360"="W32/Malware.PPRW "337"="W32/Malware.PPSK "352"="W32/Malware.PPSA "341"="W32/Malware.PPSF "347"="W32/Malware.PPSO "356"="W32/Malware.PPSZ "367"="W32/Malware. PPTT "387"="W32/Malware.PPVF "425"="W32/Malware.PPUB "395"="W32/Malware.PPUI "402"="W32/Malware.PPUG "400"="W32/Malware.PPUF "399"="W32/Malware.PPVJ "429"="W32/Malware.PPUS "412"="W32/Malware.PPVE "424"="W32/Malware.PPVG "426"="W32/Malware.PPTK "378"="W32/Malware.PPVL "431"="W32/Malware.PPTM "380"="W32/Malware.PPVB "421"="W32/Malware.PPUD "397"="W32/Malware.PPUT "413"="W32/Malware.PPVK "430"="W32/Malware.PPUO "408"="W32/Malware.PPTP "383"="W32/Malware.PPVO "434"= W32/Malware.PPUQ "410"="W32/Malware.PPUN "407"="W32/Malware.PPTQ "384"="W32/Malware.PPUK "404"="W32/Malware.PPTY "392"="W32/Malware.PPVR .PPTW "390"="W32/Malware.PPTS "386"="W32/Malware.PPUV "415"="W32/Malware.PPVN "433"= W32/Malware.PPVM "432"= 32/Malware.PPVA "420"="W32/Malware.PPVD "423"="W32/Malware.PPUZ "419"="W32/Malware.PPUC "396"="W32/Malware.PPTV "389"="W32/Malware.PPUU "414"="W32/Malware.PPUY "418"="W32/Malware.PPVI "428"="W32/Malware.PPTR "385"="W32/Malware.PPUJ "403"="W32/Malware.PPUP "409"="W32/Malware.PPVP "435"= W32/Malware.PPTL "379"="W32/Malware.PPTN "381"="W32/Malware.PPVH "427"="W32/Malware.PPUM "406"="W32/Malware.PPUR "411"="W32/Malware.PPVC "422"="W32/Malware.PPTZ "393"="W32/Malware."377"="W32/Malware.PPUX "417"="W32/Malware.PPTO "382"="W32/Malware.PPTX "391"="W32/Malware.PPUE "398"="W32/Malware.PPUW "416"="W32/Malware.PPUL "405"="W32/Malware.PPTU "388"="W32/Malware.PPUA "394"="W32/Malware.PPUH "401"="W32/Malware.PPVQ "436"= W32/Malware. PPVX "443"= W32/Malware.PPXL W32/Malware.PPXN W32/Malware.PPVZ "445"= W32/Malware.PPWP W32/Malware.PPXQ W32/Malware.PPWR W32/Malware.db "449"= ndeiect.PPWA "446"= W32/Malware.PPVU "440"= W32/Malware.PPWO W32/Malware.PPWU W32/Malware.PPXD W32/Malware.PPWK W32/Malware.PPXB W32/Malware.PPXH W32/Malware.PPWJ W32/ W32/Malware.PPWW W32/Malware.PPWY W32/Malware.PPWD W32/Malware.PPXR W32/Malware.PPVS "438"= W32/Malware.PPXM W32/Malware.PPXC W32/Malware.PPWT W32/Malware.PPVT "439"= W32/Malware.PPWF W32/Malware.PPWS W32/Malware.PPXG W32/Malware.PPWC "448"= thumbs.PPXF W32/Malware.PPWZ W32/Malware.PPXO W32/Malware.PPWQ W32/Malware.PPXW W32/Malware.PPXU W32/Malware.PPXK W32/Malware.PPXX .PPXV W32/Malware.PPXS W32/Malware.PPWM W32/Malware.PPWN W32/Malware.PPXJ W32/Malware."437"= W32/Malware.PPWX W32/Malware.PPWH W32/Malware.PPXP W32/Malware.PPVW "442"= W32/Malware.PPXT W32/Malware.PPXI W32/Malware.PPXE W32/Malware.PPVV "441"= W32/Malware.PPWE W32/Malware.PPVY "444"= W32/Malware.PPWG W32/Malware.PPWV W32/Malware.PPWL W32/Malware.PPWI W32/Malware.PPWB "447"= W32/Malware.PPXA W32/Malware. PPYL W32/Malware.PPYH W32/Malware.PPYJ W32/Malware.PPZC W32/Malware.PPZZ W32/Malware.PPYN W32/Malware.PPZB W32/Malware.W32/Malware.PPZG W32/Malware.PPZD W32/Malware.PPYP W32/Malware.PPYS W32/Malware.PPZM W32/Malware.PQAF .PPYW W32/Malware.PPZK W32/Malware.PPZR W32/Malware.PPYQ W32/Malware.PPYE W32/Malware.PPZL W32/Malware.PPYF W32/Malware.PPYM W32/Malware.PPZV W32/Malware.PPZE W32/Malware.PQAD W32/Malware.PPYA W32/Malware.PPYT W32/Malware.PQAA W32/Malware.PPZT W32/Malware.PPZS W32/Malware.PPYD W32/Malware.PPYI W32/Malware.PPZA W32/Malware.PPZY W32/Malware.PPYK W32/Malware.PPZI W32/Malware.PPZW W32/Malware.PPYG W32/Malware.PPYU W32/Malware.PPZQ W32/Malware.PQAC W32/Malware.PQAB W32/Malware.PQAE W32/Malware.PPYX W32/Malware.PPYR W32/Malware.PPXZ W32/Malware.PPZJ W32/Malware.PPYZ W32/Malware.PPZH W32/Malware.PPZO W32/Malware.PPZN W32/Malware.PPZF W32/Malware.PPYY W32/Malware.PPYB W32/Malware.PPZX W32/Malware.PPYC W32/Malware.PPXY W32/Malware.PPZP W32/Malware.PPZU W32/Malware.PPYV W32/Malware.PPYO W32/Malware. PQAU W32/Malware.PQAO W32/Malware.RNI W32/NetworkWorm.RMJ W32/NetworkWorm.PQAG W32/Malware.RMO W32/NetworkWorm.W32/Malware.RLZ W32/NetworkWorm.drv.PQAJ W32/Malware.RMQ W32/NetworkWorm.RMU W32/NetworkWorm.PQAR W32/Malware.RMP W32/NetworkWorm.RMB W32/NetworkWorm.RNH W32/NetworkWorm.RMZ W32/NetworkWorm.GD .PQAV W32/NetworkWorm.RMC W32/NetworkWorm.RNF W32/NetworkWorm.PQAK W32/Malware.PQAH W32/Malware.RMY W32/NetworkWorm.gen8 Allaple.PQAT W32/Malware.RNE W32/NetworkWorm.PQAI W32/Malware.gen8 W32/tdss.RNA W32/NetworkWorm.RMT W32/NetworkWorm.RMD W32/NetworkWorm.PQAN W32/Malware.RME W32/NetworkWorm.RMI W32/NetworkWorm.RND W32/NetworkWorm.RMA W32/NetworkWorm.RMN W32/NetworkWorm.RNC W32/NetworkWorm.RMF W32/NetworkWorm.PQAQ W32/Malware.K W32/Bifrose.PQAM W32/Malware.RMM W32/NetworkWorm.RNB W32/NetworkWorm.GF W32/tdss.RML W32/NetworkWorm.PQAL W32/Malware.RMK W32/NetworkWorm.RNJ W32/Obfuscated.RMV W32/NetworkWorm.PQAS W32/Malware.RMH W32/NetworkWorm.PQAP W32/Malware.RMG W32/NetworkWorm.drv.RNG W32/NetworkWorm.CGQR W32/VBInject.RMX W32/NetworkWorm.RMW W32/NetworkWorm.gen W32/Bamital.RMR W32/NetworkWorm.RMS W32/NetworkWorm. CK a CY Bagle.BE a BG Exploit-Mht-BK Exploit.A Lupper-A Maslan-D Molli.Allaple.gen10 Bagle.Mht.Mht.F JS-Exploit.LW Mytob.C SymbOS-Cabir.Mht.LX Mytob-LY Mytob-LZ Mytob-MA Mytob-MB Mytob-MC Mytob-MD Mytob-ME Mytob-MF Mytob-MG Nintendo-Taihen.LV Mytob.Mht.BD Exploit.Mht.NAA Exploit.DWF IRC-SdBot.AA .Mht.A Mytob.Mht.DP Bagle-DB Bagle-DC Bagle-DE Bagle-DF Bagle-DG Bagle-DH Bagle-DJ Bagle-DK Bagle-DL Bagle-DM Bagle-DP Bagle-DQ CmjSpy.BI Exploit.OpenConnection.KX-a-KZ Mytob.B Padodor.A Spy-Goldun-BA Surila-AB Surila-NAC Surila-NAD SymbOS-Appdisabler.NAU PSP-Brick.BH Exploit.BB Exploit.DWO ClassLoader.C Kelvir-GQ Loosky.BJ IRCBot-PG IRC-SdBot.BC Exploit.ByteVerify JS-ObjID.A Nintendo-Taihen.JM-a-JY Mytob.F TrojanDownloader. CJ Win32-Bagle.BW Win32-Bagle.NAF Win32-Bozori.NAE Win32-Bobax.AF Win32-Aimbot.CB Win32-Bagle.AG.NAC Win32-Bobax.NAC Win32-Bagle.Small.A Win32-Bozori.E Win32-Bozori.G Win32-Bozori.Adload.J VBS-Lubus.SymbOS-Cabir.DA Win32-Beastdoor Win32-Bifrose.CZ Win32-Bagle.WPG Win32-Agobot.E TrojanDownloader.E Win32-Bobax.FY Win32-Agent.NAD Win32-Bobax.AD Win32-Bobax.CI Win32-Bagle.A SymbOS-CommWarrior.B Win32-Bozori.AW .dropper Win32-Bobax.BI Win32-Bagle.AB Win32-Bobax.AB SymbOS-Cardblock.BV Win32-Bagle.B Win32-Agent.NC Win32-Agent.01.AC Win32-Bobax.NAB Win32-Bobax.AF Win32-Bobax.NAE Win32-Aimbot.D Win32-Bifrose.AQ Win32-Arman.NAA Win32-Bobax.P Win32-Antinny.AA Win32-Bobax.A VBS-TrojanDownloader.G Win32-AnaFTP.BX Win32-Bagle.L VBS-TrojanDownloader.BS Win32-Bagle.I Win32-Brontok.M W32-Netsky-AG W32-StartPage-AED Win32-Adware.AO Win32-Aimbot.AE Win32-Bobax.LR Win32-Agobot.J Win32-Bropia.NAA VBS-TrojanDropper.Server Win32-Anker.BU Win32-Bagle.AG Win32-Bobax.BR Win32-Bagle.MetaDirect.Small.Small.C SymbOS-Fontal. B Win32-Lazar-A Win32-Lebreat.C Win32-Flux.I Win32-Eyeveg.K Win32-Fanbot.ACH Win32-Delf.M Win32-Lewor.AI Win32-Combra.T Win32-Lewor.C Win32-Hiberium.G Win32-Dumador Win32-Exploit.Q Win32-Eyeveg.OX Win32-Juny.NAB Win32-Lewor.D Win32-Delf.B Win32-Kelvir.NAA Win32-Lewor.N Win32-Lewor.MS05-039.OR Win32-IRCBot.MS05-012 Win32-Exploit.Y .A Win32-Drefir.K Win32-Lewor.NAB Win32-Guap.FB Win32-KillFiles.Win32-Codbot.HI Win32-Hupigon.EA Win32-KillAV.D Win32-Drefir.L Win32-Lewor.S Win32-Lewor.P Win32-Lewor.KS Win32-Dire.C Win32-Drefir.AK Win32-Landis.H Win32-Fanbot.I Win32-Gedza.GO Win32-KillAV.D Win32-Flux.OO Win32-IRCBot.B Win32-Hupigon.OQ Win32-IRCBot.L Win32-Flux.O Win32-Eyeveg.J Win32-Fanbot.C Win32-Drefir.HL Win32-Korgo.E Win32-Flux.OL Win32-Dialer.A Win32-Flux.O Win32-Lewor.B Win32-IRCBot.X Win32-Lewor.S Win32-Fanbot.NE Win32-Incef.F Win32-Drefir.AY Win32-Dialer.I Win32-Fanbot.OW Win32-IRCBot.A Win32-Infober. IX Win32-Mytob.B Win32-LiteBot.JL Win32-Mytob.KF Win32-Mytob.JG Win32-Mytob.KU Win32-Mytob.JD Win32-Mytob.IU Win32-Mytob.KI Win32-Mytob.IN Win32-Mytob.IQ Win32-Mytob.JH Win32-Mytob.IS Win32-Mytob.IT Win32-Mytob.Win32-Lewor.KR Win32-Mytob.JK Win32-Mytob.IZ Win32-Mytob.KT Win32-Mytob.NAE Win32-Mex.IK Win32-Mytob.KC Win32-Mytob.JZ Win32-Mytob.KJ Win32-Mytob.JI Win32-Mytob.KM Win32-Mytob.KN Win32-Mytob.KG Win32-Mytob.KD Win32-Mytob.E Win32-Lowzones.JF Win32-Mytob.A Win32-Mytob Win32-Mytob.KQ Win32-Mytob.A Win32-Mutabor.IO Win32-Mytob.JB Win32-Mytob.JA Win32-Mytob.KB Win32-Mytob.KL Win32-Mytob.IM Win32-Mytob.KV Win32-Mytob.IV Win32-Mytob.JJ Win32-Mytob.IP Win32-Mytob.Z Win32-LiteBot.KH Win32-Mytob.KS Win32-Mytob.KW Win32-Mytob.KE Win32-Mytob.KA Win32-Mytob.D Win32-Lowzones.JE Win32-Mytob.IW Win32-Mytob.IY Win32-Mytob.KO Win32-Mytob.JC Win32-Mytob.IR Win32-Mytob.K Win32-Mytob.KK Win32-Mytob.LA . SB Win32-Rbot.LN Win32-Mytob.AK Win32-Oscarbot.LK Win32-Mytob.XE Win32-Rbot.Banker.LI Win32-Mytob.AD Win32-Spy.A Win32-Rbot.AJ Win32-Oscarbot.HD Win32-Spy.Agent.NFJ Win32-Spy.AE Win32-Savage.XD Win32-Spy.LR Win32-Mytob.LH Win32-Mytob.LF Win32-Mytob.A Win32-PSW.AM Win32-Oscarbot.VW Win32-Rbot.AWD Win32-Rbot.Agent.AVG Win32-Rbot.Flux.AW Win32-Optix.LU Win32-Nonyr.BKR Win32-Rbot.Agent.A .LE Win32-Mytob.AIK Win32-Rahak.ALY Win32-Rbot.AE Win32-Opanki.AF-a-AS Win32-Opanki.LS Win32-Mytob.13 Win32-Oscarbot.LC Win32-Mytob.Banker.AB Win32-Rootkit.B Win32-Small.CV Win32-Spy.ABZ Win32-Spy.VY Win32-Rbot.ZE Win32-Rootkit.LD Win32-Mytob.VJ Win32-Spy.Legendmir.Win32-Mytob.Banker.Banker.AQU Win32-RBot.Banpaes.LG Win32-Mytob.LQ Win32-Mytob.R Win32-Spy.SP Win32-Rbot.LB Win32-Mytob.Banker.DVI Win32-Rbot Win32-Rbot.LM Win32-Mytob.B Win32-Opanki.AN Win32-P2Load.LT Win32-Mytob.Pro.LO Win32-Mytob.AD Win32-Opanki.LP Win32-Mytob.ABE Win32-Rbot.NAA Win32-Sober.ASA Win32-RBot.LJ Win32-Mytob. NBE Win32-Xipi.SG Win32-TrojanDropper.Small.Murlo.HS Win32-TrojanDownloader.Lager.VB.ACV Win32-Surila.BJY Win32-TrojanDownloader.UV Win32-TrojanDownloader.Win32-Spy.CY Win32-StartPage.Mitglieder.NAX Win32-VB.B Win32-Tool.Agent.Agent.Dadobra.VB.Small.X Win32-Surila.Small.AR Win32-TrojanDownloader.UF Win32-TrojanDownloader.Small.BP Win32-TrojanProxy.NDR Win32-Virkel.F Win32-TrojanProxy.NAI Win32-Wootbot.Small.BIH Win32-TrojanDownloader.IL Win32-TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.Agent.FI Win32-TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.BQ Win32-TrojanProxy.AAM Win32-StartPage.G Win64.AAO Win32-TrojanDownloader.IF Win32-TrojanDownloader.Agent.Daemonize.Flux.Delf.NAN Win32-TrojanProxy.Tiny.IR Win32-TrojanDownloader.Flux Win32-Spy.CR Win32-Tsipe.VB.A Pakistani Brain Morris Worm Happy 99 (1999) BubbleBoy Red worm Sircam Klez Sobig MyDoom.ATA MAKE .Small.HZ Win32-Spyboter.R Win32-VB.Y Win32-Telemot.MY Win32-TrojanDropper.Daemonize.NBR Win32-VB.EvID4226 Win32-TrojanClicker.A Sasser SQL Slammer .D Win32-Spy.Rugrat.LQ Win32-TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.KV Win32-TrojanDropper.A Win32-Wootbot.E Win32-Zafi.IM Win32-TrojanDownloader.Small.T Win32-TrojanDownloader.NCJ Win32-TrojanProxy.A Win32-Zafi.GP Win32-TrojanClicker.IA Win32-TrojanDownloader.Delf.CO Win32-TrojanDropper.VB. FakeAlert.PP 3.Downloader.38 Trojan.NSAnti.WMA.HTML.ADH Backdoor. W1M W2M W97M Win16 Win32 Win95 Win2k WM X97M XF XM d Trojan.AD Bloodhound.Suspicious.Zlob.HTML.PDF!gen1 Bloodhound.66 Trojan.Wimad.03 Trojan.Clicker.Qakbot!gen2 Trojan.Zlob.AD 1.Pidief.EU 2.AQR 3.ADH Trojan.I Heuristic.25 Trojan.Sykipot A2M A97M BAS BAT CHM CSC DOS32 FreeBSD INF IRC JAVA JS Linux LOGO MAC Novell O97M OS2 Palm PERL PIF PHP PP97M REG SQL SunOS Unix V5M VBS VirTools WBS.XX Suspicious.13 Packer.Autorun.W 2.PDF!gen W32.Qhost.Malware.96 .N 7.CM 8.64 Trojan.AA 2.26 Trojan. OL 1.exe C:\Program Files\Linksys\WPC11 Config Utility\ R3 .C:\Program Files \Norton AntiVirus\NavShExt.Default URLSearchHook is missing O1 .2 hijackers C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.C:\Program Files\ Adobe\Acrobat 6.Popuper.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\toshiba\ivp\ism\pinger.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe C:\Program Files\Logitech\iTouch\iTouch.exe C:\PROGRA~1\THEWEA~1\THEWEA~1.exe C:\PROGRA~1\PANICW~1\POP-UP~1\ O2 .exe C:\Program Files\TOSHIBA\E-KEY\CeEKey.underwoodmusic.87 www.exe C:\Program Files\Winamp\winampa.Zlob.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.BHO: NAV Helper .exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\Ati2evxx.exe C:\PROGRA~1\NORTON~1\navapw32.C:\Program Fil es\ClearSearch\IE_ClrSch.c om R0 .exe C:\PROGRA~1\Logitech\MOUSEW~1\SYSTEM\EM_EXEC.Win32.73 Exploit.MS05-002.Default_Page_URL = http://ww w.exe C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.gif[ /IMG] [IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/banfdx/CONFIG%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image003.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.dll O2 .1 ) Hijackers 2.exe C:\Documents and Settings\Sara\Desktop\Unused Desktop Shortcuts\HijackThis.HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.{06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} . 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Penpal Greetings Red Alert Returned or Unable to Deliver Teletubbies Time Bomb Good Times Win a Holiday Baby New Year Virus Hoax.cbrp.anvl BDS/Agent. Good Times hoax email virus 'My clock says 2097/2098' virus misunderstanding Win a Holiday hoax email virus Budweiser frogs screen-saver scare Back Orifice Trojan horse Irina hoax virus Java virus scare Join the Crew hoax email virus Bill Gates hoax MPEG virus hoax 'Millennium' New virus Open A.10 BDS/Blackhole.S.amyp BDS/Agent.aoar BDS/Bifrose. PKZ300 T Returned Bloat Windows Page hijacking Domain hijacking IP hijacking Session hijacking ADSPY/WinApp.anvg BDS/Agent.Budweiser Hoax Free Money Join the Crew Ghost Very Cool World Domination Hoax Hairy Palms Virus Hoax Irina BUDSAVER. 34304D BDS/Refpron.HSP.xzg.14 DR/Agent.657 DR/Autoit.71 BDS/Delf.72 BDS/Delfsnif.fpb.1 DR/Hupigon.TC.48 .655 DR/Autoit.47 DR/Hupigon.AW BDS/Hupigon.159 DR/Autoit.37 DR/FraudPack.2 DR/Autoit.2 DR/BHO.HSP.psb.ZZ BDS/VB.bea BDS/WinUOJ.Adload.myd DR/Delwin.bxk BDS/Refpron.FlyStudio.qyv.dgg DR/Genome.ijz BDS/Small.aaw.Y BDS/Poison.LA.jaww BDS/Hupigon.5 BDS/Papras.eioc.9 DR/Dldr.L.WW.44 DR/Genome.295 DR/Autoit.BDS/Delf.acq.CK.U.232 DR/Bifrose.Agent.2 DR/Genome.bdy BDS/WinUOJ.17 DR/Dldr.WW.656 DR/Autoit.jpud BDS/Hupigon.llz.44 DR/Hupigon.itw BDS/UltimateDefender.Renum.2 BDS/MSIL.16 DR/Dldr.Agent.Agent.nrm DR/Dldr.2 BDS/Small.jrfe BDS/Iroffer.Stabs.GC.Esplor.jbub BDS/Hupigon.bdqw BDS/Poison.eer.296 DR/Autoit.geq BDS/Prosti.152 DR/Bifrose.BA.bdp BDS/WinUOJ.fwk DR/Drop.agp.HSP.38 DR/FlyStudio.HSP.MT.akgy.bdtp.hkm.R BDS/Papras.12 DR/Click.45 DR/Hupigon.qyv.1 BDS/WinUOJ.aao.Genome.5 DR/Drop.HSP.AC.39 BDS/Goolbot.233 DR/Bifrose.HL.4 BDS/Prorat.IER.Small.6 DR/Dldr.26 DR/Delf.46 DR/Hupigon.TC.fpb.35840D.bec DR/Agent.TC.azn DR/Drop. 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X.dfii.10 TR/Agent.3491 TR/Agent.3492 TR/Agent.1443 TR/Agent.X.Z.X.dfhk TR/Agent.1110 TR/Agent.cwhk TR/Agent.1 TR/Agent.1102 TR/Agent.1115 TR/Agent.demc.1111 TR/Agent.X.1104 TR/Agent.3498 TR/Agent.dfiy TR/Agent.3495 TR/Agent.1112 TR/Agent.dfjx TR/Agent.cwhi TR/Agent.1108 TR/Agent.AI.1109 TR/Agent.X.X.dfju TR/Agent.W.dfjr TR/Agent.cslk TR/Agent.dfhm TR/Agent.13055 TR/Agent.X.dfic TR/Agent.1117 TR/Agent.AI.AG.W.AG.dfhh.1103 TR/Agent.X.1116 TR/Agent.X.W.3493 TR/Agent.3490 TR/Agent.X.dfkc TR/Agent.X.W.W.dfiq TR/Agent.1107 TR/Agent.dfhj TR/Agent.X.1114 TR/Agent.3497 TR/Agent.O.W.W.1100 TR/Agent.X.AI.22 TR/Agent.X.3496 TR/Agent.AI.X.TR/Agent.1 TR/Agent.dfhi TR/Agent.13054 TR/Agent.W.dfkd .1106 TR/Agent.3494 TR/Agent.X.W.X.4 TR/Agent.dfim TR/Agent.1441 TR/Agent.X.1113 TR/Agent.1442 TR/Agent.X.W.3489 TR/Agent.X.1105 TR/Agent.1440 TR/Agent.1119 TR/Agent.1101 TR/Agent.dfin TR/Agent.ckiv TR/Agent.dfjz TR/Agent.1118 TR/Agent. 667 TR/Click.B.fgw.B.B.cndr TR/Agent2.B.40 TR/Buzus.AdClicer.ena TR/AntiAV.1205313 TR/Buzus.655 TR/Click.aic.AdClicer.Bancos.argm TR/Banker.653 TR/Click.1 TR/Buzus.ezh TR/BHO.Bancos.ews TR/AntiAV.arcz TR/Banker.AdClicer.669 TR/Click.668 TR/Click.dfkg TR/Agent.657 TR/Click.B.664 TR/Click.TR/Agent.Banker.dfzx TR/Agent2.573952 TR/Banker.AdClicer.B.Agent.663 TR/Click.AdClicer.ajss TR/Banker.cvmx TR/Buzus.AdClicer.1835008 TR/Antavmu.AdClicer.654 TR/Click.AdClicer.661 TR/Click.B.MG TR/Banker.RM TR/Banker.656 TR/Click.AdClicer.Banker.AdClicer.cnek TR/Agent2.B.AdClicer.B.AdClicer.cyma TR/Buzus.Banker.adeh TR/BHO.AdClicer.AdClicer.Bancos.ahi.BHO.658 TR/Click.Banker.Agent.2 TR/Antavmu.B.dfsa TR/Agent.BHO.Bancos.AdClicer.busv TR/Buzus.B.B.cnea TR/Agent2.662 TR/Click.arjg TR/Banker.659 TR/Click.AdClicer.cwcc.lej.AdClicer.Banker.cymm.cnef TR/Agent2.670 .B.loi TR/Banker.666 TR/Click.1 TR/Buzus.cymw.B.B.5 TR/Buzus.MM TR/Banker.Agent.lom TR/Banker.B.AdClicer.AdClicer.cyod TR/Click.9 TR/Banker.loa TR/Banker.B.cyiz TR/Buzus.biyj.lwv TR/Banker.cyla TR/Buzus.1 TR/Buzus.4 TR/Banker.dfrv TR/Agent.adgz TR/Banker.660 TR/Click.B.652 TR/Click.B.665 TR/Click. TR/Click.Delf.dan TR/Click.VB.dex.4 TR/Click.VB.dlf TR/Click.VB.dlg TR/Click.VBiframe.WS TR/Click.VBiframe.auc TR/Cosmu.jnh TR/Cosmu.jwk TR/Cosmu.jxj TR/Cosmu.jxk TR/Cossta.dvb TR/Cossta.dvi TR/Crypt.bil TR/CryptoVB.FD TR/CryptoVB.FF TR/Delf.UF TR/Delf.ryl TR/Delf.srg TR/Delf.sri TR/Dialer.bih TR/Dialer.vrb TR/Dialer.vrd TR/Dldr.Adload.nqy TR/Dldr.Adload.nrl TR/Dldr.Agent.BQ.3 TR/Dldr.Agent.WE.2 TR/Dldr.Agent.bhyn.22 TR/Dldr.Agent.cdas.1 TR/Dldr.Agent.ciqh.9 TR/Dldr.Agent.cynp TR/Dldr.Agent.cyzh TR/Dldr.Agent.czdv TR/Dldr.Agent.czdw TR/Dldr.Agent.czfc TR/Dldr.Agent.czfi TR/Dldr.Agent.czjq TR/Dldr.Agent.czsd.1 TR/Dldr.Agent.czsd.2 TR/Dldr.Agent.czsd.3 TR/Dldr.Agent.czsd.4 TR/Dldr.Agent.czsd.5 TR/Dldr.Agent.cztg TR/Dldr.Agent.cztg.1 TR/Dldr.Agent.ggt TR/Dldr.Agent.naf.4 TR/Dldr.Bagle.ckl TR/Dldr.Banload.ZL.9 TR/Dldr.Banload.aiza TR/Dldr.Banload.ajnq TR/Dldr.Banload.akzn TR/Dldr.Banload.aouq TR/Dldr.Banload.aous TR/Dldr.Banload.aoyj.1 TR/Dldr.Banload.aozl TR/Dldr.Banload.aozu 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AdwareFinder AdwareFlush AdwareFlusher AdwareGuard AdwareGuardian AdwareHunter AdwareInspector Adware-Nuker AdwarePatrol AdwarePolice AdwarePro AdwarePunisher AdwareRemover AdwareSafe AdwareSafety AdwareSanitizer AdwareScanner AdwareScrub AdwareScrubber AdwareSheriff AdwareShield AdwareShredder AdwareSpy AdwareSquash AdwareSquasher AdwareStopper AdwareStriker AdwareSweep AdwareSweeper AdwareTerminator AdwareTools AdwareWasher AdwareWatch AdwareWipe AdwareX AdwareX Eliminator AdwareZapper Ad-Where 2005 A-Fast Antivirus Agent Spyware AgentSpyware AGuardDog Adware/Spyware Remover AGuardDog Suite AKM Antivirus 2010 Pro AlertSpy AlfaCleaner Alpha Antivirus ANG AntiVirus 09 Anti Virus Pro AntiAdd AntiAID AntieSpiaDorado AntieSpionsPack AntiGusanos2008 AntiKeep AntiMalware 2009 Antimalware Defender Antimalware Doctor AntiMalware Pro AntiMalwareGuard . AntiMalwareSuite AntiPrivacy AntiProtect AntiRogue Killer (AntiRogueKiller) AntiSpionage AntiSpionagePro AntiSpy AntiSpy Advanced Antispy Protector 2009 AntiSpy Safeguard AntiSpyBoss AntiSpyCheck AntiSpyGolden AntiSpyGuard AntiSpyKit AntiSpyPro AntispySpider AntiSpyStorm AntiSpyStorm2008 Antispyware 2008 XP AntiSpyware 3000 Anti-Spyware Blocker Antispyware Expert Antispyware Pro 2009 Antispyware PRO XP AntiSpyware Protector AntiSpyware Soft AntiSpyware Soldier Antispyware Suite Antispyware3000 AntiSpywareBot AntiSpywareControl AntiSpywareDeluxe Antispywareexpert AntiSpywareGuard AntiSpywareMaster AntiSpywareShield AntiSpywareSuite AntiSpywareUpdates AntiSpywareXP 2009 AntiSpyZone AntiThiefWare AntiTroy AntiVer2008 AntiVermeans AntiVermins AntiVerminser Antivir 2010 Antivir Antivirus Antivir64 AntivirDoc AntiVirGear AntiVirProtect Antivirus Antivirus '09 Antivirus 2008 Pro Antivirus 2008 XP Antivirus 2009 Antivirus 2009 Plus Antivirus 2010 . Antivirus 2010 Antivirus 360 Antivirus 8 Antivirus Action Antivirus Agent Pro Anti-Virus and Spyware Anti-Virus and Trojan Antivirus Email AntiVirus Gold AntiVirus Golden AntiVirus Lab 2009 Antivirus Live Antivirus Master (AV Master) Anti-Virus Number 1 Antivirus Plasma Antivirus Plus Antivirus Pro 2009 AntivirusPro 2009 Antivirus Pro 2010 Antivirus Protection AntiVirus Protector Antivirus Scan Antivirus Security Antivirus Sentry Antivirus Soft Antivirus Solution AntiVirus Solution 2010 Antivirus Studio 2010 Antivirus Suite 2010 AntiVirus System 2011 Antivirus System Pro Antivirus V8 Antivirus XP 2008 (AntivirusXP2008) Antivirus XP Pro Antivirus XP Pro 2009 AntiVirusAdvance AntivirusBest AntivirusForAll AntivirusGold AntivirusIS AntiVirusPCSuite AntivirusTrigger AntivirusTrigger AntiWorm2008 AnyCleaner APcDefender APcSafe APcSecure Armor Defender ArmorWall ASC-AntiSpyware Astrum Antivirus Pro AV Antispyware AV Defender 2011 Platinum AV Pipeline AV Security Suite Platinum AV8 AVCare AVDefender 2011 AV-Firewall killer AVSystemCare . AWM AntivirusAWM Antivirus Awola B Barracuda Antivirus BazookaBar BestGuardPlatinum BestsellerAntivirus Block Protector Block Scanner BlockDefense BlockDefense BlockKeeper BlockWatcher Botsquash BPS Security Console BPS Spyware & Adware Remover BPS Spyware Remover BraveSentry BreakSpyware BugDoctor BugsDestroyer BugsDestroyer ByteDefender C CheckFlow CheckSpy & Anti Spyware 2005 CleanerMaster CleanUp Antivirus CleanX CoffeeCup Spyware Remover Computer Defender 2009 Computer Defender 2009 Consumer Identity ContentEraser Contraviro Contraviro ContraVirus Control Center Copperhead AntiSpyware CryptDrive CurePcSolutions Anti-Spyware Cyber Security CyberDefender Check Disk CleanScan CleanV D DataHealer DataProtect . Guard DrAntispy Draze Toolbar DriveCleaner DriveCleaner 2006 DrProtection E eAcceleration/Veloz Stop-Sign EAdwareKiller EAdwareRemoval EAdwareRemover EAntiSpyware eAntivirusPro Easy Erase Spyware Remover Easy SpyRemover Easy Spyware Killer Easy Spyware Scanner EasyScan EasySprinter EasyVaccine Eclean Elimiware Emco Malware Bouncer Entreprise Suite ErrClean Error Doctor 2008 Error Fix (ErrorFix) Error Fixer Error Scan and Fix .DataProtection Defence Center Defence Lab DefendAPc Defender Pro DefenseAntiMalware Defenza Defragmenter Desktop Defender 2010 Desktop Security 2010 Deus Cleaner DIARemover Digital Protection DioCleaner DiscErrorFree Disk Doctor Disk Repair DiskClean DiskOK DisqudurProtection Doctor Adware Doctor Adware Pro Doctor Alex Doctor Antivirus 2008 DoctorAdwarePro DoctorCleaner DoctorVaccine Dr. 2 Filterprogram FiltroDeTrojan Fix Registry Errors Fix Tool FixerAntispy Fixiter Flobo Free Anti Spyware Clean Flobo Spyware Clean Free Spyware Adware Scanner and Remover AntiSpyware Froggie Scan FullScan FullSystemProtection G GarbageClean General Antivirus General Antivirus Ghost Antivirus GoldenAntiSpy GoodbyeSpy GT Virus Scan GuardBar GuardCenter .ErrorDigger ErrorDoctor ErrorInspector ErrorKiller ErrorNuker ErrorProtector ErrorSafe ESpywareBlocker ESpywareDefender ESpywareKiller ESpywareRemoval ESpywareRemover ESpywareScanner ETD Security Scanner Evidence Eliminator Evidence Eraser Pro E-Wall Antivirus ExpertAntivirus eXPress Antivirus eXPress Antivirus 2009 Extra Antivir Extra Antivirus EZVideo F Fast Antivirus 09 Fast Disk FastCleaner FileFix Files Secure 2. GuardPcs GuardWWW Guard-X 2009 H Home Antivirus 2010 Hard Drive Diagnostic HardDiskVakt HDD Control HDD Defrag HDD Defragmenter HDD Diagnostic HDD Doctor HDD Fix HDD Help HDD Low HDD OK HDD Plus HDD Recovery HDD Repair HDD Rescue HDD Restore HDD Scan HDD Tools HDriveSweeper HitSpy HitVirus Home Personal Antivirus HomeAntivirus 2009 I Intelinet Smart Security IC Spyware Scanner IDboan IE AntiVirus IE Defender IE-Security IGuardPc IHateAdware InfeStop InfoDoctor InSysSecure Intelinet Anti-Spyware Intelligent Spyware Cleaner Internet Antivirus Internet Antivirus 2011 Internet Cleanup Internet Security 2010 Internet Security 2011 InternetAntiSpy InternetShield IronDefender IronDefense IronProtector . iSafe AntiVirus iSpyKiller J JC Spyware Remover & Adware Killer JustProtectPc K KaZaaP Keep Your Privacy KeepCop KeineGefahr KillAllSpyware KillAndClean KillSpy KnowHowProtection KSecurity KVMSecureis L LastDefender LinkSafeness Live Entreprise Suite Live Security Suite LiveAntispy LiveKill LiveProtect LiveProtection M My Security Engine MacroAV MagicAntispy Malware Bell Malware Catcher Malware Defender 2009 Malware Destructor Malware Destructor 2011 Malware Destructor Protection Center Malware Doctor Malware Scanner Malware Stopper MalwareAlarm MalwareBot MalwareBurn MalwareCleaner MalwareCore MalwareDestructor MalwareDoc . AntiSpy MS Antispyware MS Antivirus My Privacy My Security Suite My Security Wall My Supervisor MyBugFreePc MyDisk MyNetProtector MyPcSecure MyPCTuneUp MySpyFreePC MySPyProtector N NadadeVirus Nano Antivirus Nava Shield NeoSpace Neospace Internet Security NetBrowserPro Netcom3 Cleaner NetPumper NetSpyProtector New Antivirus 2010 NewClean No Malware NoAdware No-Spy / Sin-Espías ** (ver nota 1) NoSpyX NoWayVirus .MalwarePatrol Pro MalwarePro MalwareProtector 2008 MalwareScanner MalwareStopper MalwaresWipeds MalwareWar MalwareWipe MalwareWipe Pro MalwareWiped MalwareWiper Malwarrior MalWhere Max Privacy Protector MaxNetShield (MNS Spyware Remover & History Eraser) MegaVaccine Memory Fixer MenaceRescue MenaceSecure MicroAntivirus Microsoft Security Antivirus Mr. O Omega Antivir Online Privacy Pro OnlineGuard OrantieSpion OSBOdyGuard Oxford Spyware Remover P Page Cannot Be Displayed PAL Emergency Response PAL Spyware Remover Paladin Antivirus PAntispyware09 PC AdWare SpyWare Removal PC Antispyware 2010 Palladium Antivirus Palladium Pro PC Antispyware 2010 PC Defender PC Defender 2008 PC Doc Pro PC Error Eliminator PC Health Plan PC Optimizer 2010 PC Protection Center PC Protection Center 2008 PC Scout PC Security 2009 PC Security 2011 PC Tool 2011 PCAntiMalware Pc-Antispyware PCArmor Pc-Cleaner PCCleaner 2007 PCClear PCOptimizer pcOrion PCPrivacyCleaner PCPrivacyDefender PcSecureNet PcSecureSystem PCSleek Error Cleaner PcsProtector PcsSecure PCVirusless Perfect Defender 2009 PerfectCleaner PerfectOptimizer PerformanceOptimizer Personal Anti Malware Personal Antivirus Personal Defender 2009 Personal Guard 2009 Personal Internet Security 2011 . Personal Security Personal Security Sentinel PestBot PestCapture Pest-Patrol PestProtector PestSweeper PestTrap PestWiper PornoPlayer Power Antivirus 2009 PowerCare Privacy Center Privacy Center Privacy Champion Privacy Commander Privacy Components Privacy Corrector Privacy Crusader Privacy Defender Privacy Fusion Privacy Guard 2010 Privacy Keeper Privacy Protection Suite Privacy Redeemer Privacy Tools 2004 Privacy Tools Pack PrivacyCrusader PrivacyGuardPro PrivacyProtector PrivacyRedeemer PrivacyRight PrivacyWatcher Pro Antispyware 2009 ProAntiSpy Proof Defender 2009 Protect Defender Protect Soldier Protect Your Identity ProtectingTool Protection System Protection System ProtectOne ProtectShield PSGuard PureSafetyHere PurityScan PuritySweep PyroAntiSpy 2.2 Q Qscan Quick Defrag Quick Defragmenter QuickCleaner QuickHealCleaner . R Rapid Antivirus 2009 RapidAntivirus RaptorDefence RazeSpyware Real AdWareRemoverGold Real AntiSpyware Real Antivirus Real Antivirus RealAV RebrandSoft AdwareSpyware Remover Red Cross Antivirus RegFix Pro RegFreeze Registry Cleaner Registry Defender Platinum Registry Doc 2006 Registry Doctor Registry Doctor 2008 Registry Fix It Registry Optimizer 2007 Registry Repair 2006 RegistryCare RegistryCleanerXP RegistryCleanFixer RegistryClever RegistryFox RegistryQuick RegTool RemedyAntiSpy RemoveIT Pro Renus 2008 RescateDeAmenazas Restore My Files S Security Essentials 2010 Safe & Clean (Scan & Clean) Safe Fighter SafeAndClean Safeguard 2009 SafePcTool SaferScan SafeStrip Safety Keeper SafetyCenter SafeWebSurfer SamuraiSpy Save Keeper SaveArmor SaveDefender SaveDefense SaveDefense SaveKeep SaveKeep SaveSoldier SaveSoldier . Scan & Repair Utilities 2006 Scan 119 Scan and Repair Utilities 2007 ScanDisk Scanner ScanSpyware ScanZero Scumware-Remover SearchAndDestroy SearchGuard Secret Service Secure Expert Cleaner Secure Fighter Secure File Shredder Secure Veteran Secure Warrior SecureDefense SecureKeeper SecureMyPC SecurePcAv Security 2009 Security Antivirus Security Central Security Central Security Essentials 2011 Security Fighter Security Guard Security Hijack Security iGuard Security Inspector 2010 Security Mechanic Security Scanner 2008 Security Shield Security Soldier Security Tool ShieldSoldier SiteAdware SiteTicket SiteVillain SlimShield Smart Antivirus 2009 (SmartAntivirus2009) Smart Defender Pro Smart Defragmenter Smart Engine Smart HDD Smart Protector Smart Security Smart Virus Eliminator Smart Virus Eliminator SmartSecurity Smitfraud SmitfraudFixTool Soft Barrier Soft Cop Soft Safeness Soft Soldier Soft Veteran SP Center SpamBlockerUtility SpamBlockerUtility . SpwareRemoval SpwareRemover Spy Analyst Spy Annihilator Spy Cleaner Platinum Spy Crusher Spy Defence Spy Detector Spy Doc Pro Spy Emergency 2005 Spy Guardian Pro Spy iBlock Spy Officer Spy Reaper Spy Shredder Spy Sniper Spy Sniper Pro Spy Sniper Pro Spy Stalker Spy-Ad Exterminator Pro SpyAdvanced SpyAssassin SpyAssault SpyAway SpyAxe SpyBan SpyBeware SpyBlast Spy-Block SpyBlocs/ SpyBouncer SpyBurn SpyBuster SpyButcher SpyCare SpyClean SpyCleaner SpyContra Spy-Control SpyCrush SpyCut SpyDawn SpyDeface SpyDefender 2010 SpyDeleter SpyDemolisher SpyDestroy Pro SpyDevastator SpyDoctor SpyEliminator SpyEraser SpyFalcon SpyFerret SpyFighter SpyFighterPro SpyFirewall SpyFlusher SpyGuarder SpyGuardian Pro SpyHazard . P.SpyHeal SpyHunter SpyiBlock SpyiKiller Spyinator Spy-Kill SpyKiller SpyKiller 2005 SpyKillerPro SpyLax SpyLocked SpyMarshal SpyMaxx SpyNoMore SpyOfficer SpyOnThis SpyOnThis Spy-Out SpyProtector Spy Protector SpyPry SpyReaper SpyRemover Spy-Rid SpySanitizer SpySheriff SpyShield Spy-SHield SpyShredder SpySnipe SpySoap SpySoldier SpySpotter SpySquash SpyStriker SpyToaster SpyTrooper SpyVampire SpyVest SpyViper Spyware & Adware Removal Spyware & Pest Remover Spyware & Pop-Up Utility Spyware Annihilator Spyware Annihilator Pro Spyware B1aster Spyware Bomber Spyware C.O. Spyware Catch Spyware Cleaner Spyware Cleaner & Pop-Up Blocker Spyware Cops Spyware Defense Spyware Destroyer Spyware Detector Spyware Disinfector Spyware Fighter Spyware Guard 2008 Spyware Guard 2009 Spyware Hospital Spyware Immobilizer . nl) Spyware Vanisher Spyware Wizard SpywareAnnihilatorPro SpywareAssassin SpywareAvenger SpywareBeGone SpywareBomb SpywareBot SpywareButcher SpywareCleaner SpywareCrusher SpywareDetector SpywareFlusher SpywareHeal SpywareHound SpywareIsolator SpywareKill SpywareKilla SpywareKnight SpywareLocked SpywareLocker SpywareNo! SpywarePolice SpywarePro SPYwareRemover SpywareRemover 2009 SpywareScanner 2008 SpywareScrub Spyware-Secure SpywareSeeker SpywareShield SpywareSoftStop SpywareSquash .com) Spyware Remover (SpyAdvanced) Spyware Scrapper SpyWare Secure Spyware Seizer Spyware Sheriff Spyware Shield Spyware Slayer Spyware Sledgehammer Spyware Snooper Spyware Soft Stop Spyware Stormer Spyware Striker Pro Spyware Suite 2005 Spyware Terminator 4 (de Invender.Spyware IT SpyWare Killer Spyware Knight Spyware Medic Spyware Nuker Spyware Nuker XT Spyware Protect 2009 Spyware Protection Spyware Protection 2010 Spyware Protection Pro Spyware Quake Spyware Removal Wizard Spyware Remover (alwaysfreealways. SpywareSterilizer SpywareStop Spyware-Stop SpywareStrike Spyware-Sweeper SpywareSweeperPro SpywareTek / Spyware Removal System SpywareThis SpywareVanisher SpywareWipe SpywareXP SpywareZapper SpyWatchE SpyWiper Spyzooka StartGuard StopGuard StopingSpy StopItBlockIt 2005 StorageProtector SunShine Spy SunShineSpy Super Spyware Remover SuperSpywareKiller Support Tool 2011 SwiftCleaner SysAntivirus 2009 SysDefence SysDefenders SysKontroller SysProtect SysProtector System Antivirus 2008 System Defragmenter System Detective System doctor System Fighter System Guard 2009 System Guard Center System Live Protect System Lock 2011 System Protector System Security 2009 System Tool System Tool 2.20 System Tool 2011 System Tuner System Veteran System Warrior SystemArmor SystemBooster2009 SystemCop SystemDefender SystemDoctor SystemErrorFixer SystemPro2011 SystemSecurity SystemStable SafetyGuard . T Total Security TeoSoft Anti-Spyware Terminator 2009 Terminexor The Adware Hunter The SpyGuard The Spyware Detective The Spyware Shield The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover The Web Shield TheDefend TheSpyBot TheSpywareKiller ThinkPoint ThinkSmart Titan AntiSpyware TitanShield AntiSpyware Top10Reviews SpyScan Total Defender Total PC Defender 2010 Total Protect 2009 Total Secure2009 Total Security Total Virus Protection Trace Sweeper (TraceSweeper) TRE Antivirus Trojan Guarder Gold TrojanerFilter TrojansFilter TrojansFiltre TrojansKiller True Sword TrueWatch Trust Cleaner Trust Cop Trust Fighter Trust Ninja Trust Soldier TrustDefender TrustedAntivirus TrustedProtection TrustNinja TrustSoft AntiSpyware TZ Spyware Adware Remover TZ Spyware Remover U UltimateCleaner UltimateCleaner 2007 Ultimatefixer2007 Ultimate-Spyware Adware Remover Ultra Antivir 2009 Ultra Antivirus 2009 . Ultra Defragger Unigray UnSpyPC Unvirex User Antivirus 2010 User Protection UserVaccine V VaccineData VaccineKiller VaccineLab VaccineProgram VBouncer/AdDestroyer Vip Antispyware VIPAntiSpyware Virus Doctor Virus Protector Virus Remover Pro Virus Remover Professional Virus Shield Virus Sweeper VirusAlarma VirusBlast VirusBlaster VirusBlasters VirusBurst VirusBursters VirusEffaceur VirusGuard VirusHeal Virus-Kill VirusLocker VirusMelt VirusProtect VirusProtectPro VirusRanger VirusRay VirusRemover 2009 VirusRescue VirusResponse Lab 2009 Virusschlacht VirusTrigger Vista Antimalware Vista Antimalware 2011 Vista Antispyware Vista Antivirus Vista Guard Vista Internet Security 2011 Vista Security 2011 Vitae Antivirus Volcano Security Suite W . WareOut Spyware Remover WebSafe Spyware Secure WebSpyShield Win 7 Antimalware 2011 Win 7 Antispyware Win 7 Antispyware 2010 Win 7 Guard Win 7 Internet Security 2011 Win 7 Security 2011 Win 7 Virus Protection Win Antivir 2008 (WinAntivir 2008) Win Defrag Win Defragmenter Win HDD Win Scanner Win7 AV WinAntiSpyware 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 WinAntispyware 2008 WinAntivirus 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 WinAntiVirus Pro 2006 Winantivirus pro 2007 WinAntivirusVista-XP WinBlueSoft WinCleaner 2009 Wincleaner AntiSpyware WinDefender 2009 Windows Additional Guard Windows AntiVirus (Windows AntiVirus 2008) Windows Antivirus Pro Windows Defence Windows Entreprise Defender Windows Entreprise Suite Windows Guard Pro Windows Optimization Center Windows PC Defender Windows Police Pro Windows Protection Suite Windows Security Suite Windows Smart Security Windows System Suite WinFix Master WinFixer WinFixer 2005 WinFixMaster / WinFix Master Winhound Spyware Remover WiniBlueSoft WiniFighter WiniGuard WiniShield Winkeeper WinPC Antivirus WinPC Defender WinPerformance WinProtector 3.8) Winreanimator winsecureav WinSecureAv WinSecureDisc WinSecurity360 WinSOS .8 (Win Protector 3. exe .exe F0538_jpg.2 WinXDefender Winxprotector WiseVaccine WorldAntiSpy WorldAntiSpy X X-Con Spyware Destroyer Xmembytes AntiSpyware XP Antimalware XP Antimalware 2011 XP Antispyware XP Antispyware 2009 XP Antispyware 2011 XP Antivirus XP Antivirus Pro XP Deluxe Protector XP Guard XP Internet Security 2011 XP Police Antivirus XP Protector 2009 XPAntivirus XpCleanerPro XpCleanerPro XPert Antivirus XP-Shield XpyBurner Xspyware X-Spyware XSRemover XXXAccess Y YourPrivacyGuard Z ZeroSpyware Zinaps Anti-Spyware ZoneProtect AntiSpyware * * * * * * * Facebook.WinSpyControl WinSpyKiller WinSpywareProtect Winweb Security WinX Security Center Foto_Posse.scr Foto_Celular. zip * * New-Year2008-imgaes.myspace.2007 00008 000niceabstract 000ramwall * Happy2008.* * * * * * MessengerSkinner * MSN Content Plus * MSN Messenger Guiños * My_Pictures2007 * * fotopara* * * * * * * Winks Instalador * * fotos-facebook.exe / * * * * * W32 LechucK * * * * p0017_jpg.jpg.jpg-www.scr * * * portaldeayuda .zip * * * * * * * * * N039_jpg.scr * image134.portaldeayudita * S_00305_jpg.exe * * * * * picture_004-new4myspace.exe * * * fotopara-facebook*.Fotos roberto.0 000superorangecar 0010seamlesstile .zip * fotosfacebook*.zip * NewYearsParty. exe) 013904 (013904.exe) 01martinwall 049yellowongreen 1 Click Spy Clean 1 June of Roses 1 Key logger 1 Nutty Santa Screen Saver 2.exe) 014026 (014026.exe) 014419 (014419.exe) 014152 (014152.exe) 014421 (014421.exe) 013606 (013606.exe) 014440 (014440.0 007asot 007brosnan 007m1 007pink 007porchecarrera 007scanergold 007sexy 00reddragon 00whiterocks 0107 011404 (011404.exe) 013830 (013830.exe) 011413 (011413.exe) 013645 (013645.exe) 013187 (013187.0.exe) 014463 (014463.001katie 001miniredst 001naomi 001peugotproject 001zip 0025 1.exe) 013744 (013744.exe) 014441 (014441.5 1 Nutty Santa Screen Saver 2.exe) 012985 (012985.exe) 013853 (013853.exe) 014053 (014053.exe) 013608 (013608.7 1 Spyware Killer 1-2-3 Spyware Free 1-ACT Computer Spy 2006 1-ACT Parental Advisor 2006 .exe) 013704 (013704.exe) 014507 (014507.6 1 Nutty Santa Screen Saver 2.exe) 013951 (013951.0.exe) 011471 (011471.0 002nicole 002spiderman 007 Golden Eye 007 theme 00701 0074sarah 1.exe) 013832 (013832.exe) 013752 (013752.exe) 012 (012. 3 3D Flying Icons 3D Galaxy Journey Screensaver 3D Gorgeous Fall Foliage Screensaver .0 3D Crash Icons 3D Dino 3D Falling Icons 3D Flying Easter Eggs Saver 2.0 123 ZIP! 123Bar 123Mania 150 Background Wallpapers 18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal 1.exe) 2M Free Tetris 2pac06 2timothy215wp 3 Search 3 Suns Clock 30 Photo Wallpapers 30+ Free Patience 32VegasCasino 360Safe 360so 3721 Chinese Keywords 39292.0 180Search Assistant 180Solutions 1941 Operation Typhoon 1942 Campaign For Malaya 1945 Operation Konrad 1ClickPCFix v3.1-Spy Monitor 100 Percent Anti-Spyware 100% Anti-Spyware 1001 Minigolf Challenge 1001 Tangram Puzzles 112 Screensaver 123 Keylogger 123 PC Spy 123 WASP 2.exe (civilwar.exe) 26923.0 2004luckwp 2004MahjongLite 2005nyth 2010cur 20worldwar 21NovaCasino 269 (269.3 3B Spyware Protection Pro 3D Butterflies Over Waterfalls Screensaver 3D Cozy Fireplace Screen Saver (bandbrothers.exe) 3ami MAS 3ami MAS 5.5 1ClickSpyClean 2 Things Cannot Alter 20000leagueswp 2000AD 2000apollo11 2000Corvette 2000dodgeviper 2003 Happy Holidays Screen Saver V1. 2 7art Clumsy Bears ScreenSaver v.exe (99 9.1 7art Shishkin's Painting ScreenSaver v.exe) 95 3.0 3D Sea Lighthouses Screensaver 3D Solar Traveler Screensaver 3D SuDoKu World 3D Tropical Fish Aquarium Screensaver 3D Valentine Hearts 3D White Christmas Screensaver 3D Xtreme Bingo 3dspringballs 3DWinterFlight 3Planesoft Screensaver Manager 1.1.0 7art Stripy Zebras ScreenSaver v.1 4th of July Fireworks Screensaver 5 Card Slingo Deluxe 1.exe (95 1.0 7art Mandala 3D ScreenSaver v.1.3 7art Mandala Kaleidoscope ScreenSaver v.1 7art Baked Temptation ScreenSaver v.1.1.1.exe (95 8.0 3wPlayer 4 Trade Me Toolbar 4Musics MP3 to WAV Converter 7 Wonders II 74Player 7art Aries ScreenSaver v.08.30 3D Majestic Universe Screensaver 3D Mountain Lakes Screensaver 3D Ocean Beaches Screensaver 3D Pacific Ocean Scenes Screensaver 3D Raindrop Screensaver Version 1.00.Stars.1.0 7art Ocean Life ScreenSaver v.0 3D Lakes at Night Screensaver 3D Mahjongg 1.exe) 9mm A Bit of Irish Screen Saver 2.1.exe (99 3.2 7art Tender Autumn ScreenSaver v.1.5 7art Jolly Birds ScreenSaver v.1.exe) 99 3.1.exe) 95 8.1 7art Bow Travel ScreenSaver v.1.0 7art Ze Tong ScreenSaver v.1.exe (95 3.1.1 7art Toads and Frogs ScreenSaver v.0 7art Tropical Fish ScreenSaver v.1 7art Monkeys ScreenSaver v.2 .1.2 7art Doodles ScreenSaver v.1 7art Golden Sunsets ScreenSaver v.0.3D Halloween Pumpkin Screen Saver 1.exe (99 1.1 888Bar 95 1.0 7art Magic Flower ScreenSaver v.5 50.2 7art Mountains ScreenSaver v.1 7art Graceful Horses ScreenSaver v.1.1 7art Beautiful Plants ScreenSaver v.1 7art Flowers ScreenSaver v. 5940 Toolbar 69babes.1.exe) 99 9.0 7art Butterfly Paradise ScreenSaver v.exe) 99 A Flight In Clouds Screensaver A Joyous Easter Screensaver A Man Apart Vin Diesel Screensaver A Winter Night Screensaver A Wonderful Time Screensaver A-1 Image Screen Saver AB System Spy ABCNews.20 Activity Keylogger 2.1 A-Toolbar Aardvark Toolbar aass0.7 Activity Logger 3.2 Accona Toolbar Ace File Search Ace Password Sniffer Ace Password Sniffer 1.4 ActMon Computer Monitoring .3 Activity Monitor 4.1 ACommander Acrobat Key 8.2 Active Keylogger Home Active Keylogger Home 4.2 Acez Jump Start Screen Saver 1.2 Access Password Recovery (Thegrideon) Access Password Recovery Key Access Password Recovery Master Access Recovery 2005 Access Remote PC Access Remote PC 5.2 A-1 Wallpaper Pro 1.0 Acez 3D Pic Cube Screen Saver 1.0 Active Key Logger 4.4 Ace Zip AceClubCasino AceFreeRipper AceSpy AceSpy 4.3 ACSearch Toolbar Actimon Actions Monitor Active Key Logger Active Key Logger Toolbar About Friendship Screensaver ABPlayer Absolute Key Logger AC3Filter Accent Access Password Recovery Access Password Recover 1.1 Active KeyLogger 4.0 Active Network Monitor Active Shield ActiveMonitor ActiveSecurity ActiveShield2009 ActiveShopper Ver 1.0 Activity Logger Activity Logger 3.8 Activity Monitor Activity Monitor 4. 9 Advanced Net Monitor for Classroom 2.5 Advanced Office Password Recovery Advanced Office XP Password Recovery Pro Advanced Outlook Express Password Recovery Advanced Outlook Password Recovery Advanced Parental Control .2.0 AdRotator AdsAlert ADSTechnology AdSubscribe Adult Links Advanced Access Password Recovery Advanced ACT Password Recovery 2.1 Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery 1.7 Advanced Office Password Breaker Advanced Office Password Breaker 2.1.40 Advanced Archive Password Recovery 4.7 Advanced Internet Explorer Password Recovery Advanced Intuit Password Recovery Advanced Invisible Keylogger Advanced 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CDN Adware.00 Advanced Tracks Eraser Advanced video editor 2.0 Advanced Virus Remover Advanced Word 95 Password Recovery Advanced ZIP Password Recovery AdvancedCleaner AdvancedDefender AdvancedPCTweaker AdvancedPrivacyGuard AdvancedPrivacySuite AdvancedRemoteInfo AdvancedSecurityTool2010 AdvancedSpywareRemover AdvancedVirusRemover AdvancedXPDefender AdvancedXPFixer Advent Calendar Screensaver 1.5 Advanced Spy 4.Semtool Adware.2 Advanced PDF Password Recovery 5.6 Advanced Spy 5.0 Advanced Spy 5.1 AdvertMen Adware Agent Adware Deluxe Adware Patrol Adware Professional v5.0 Adware Remover Adware Remover Gold AdWare SpyWare Blocker & Removal Adware.0.DiscoveryLive Adware.1 Advanced Stealth Email Redirector 6.Uplink AdWareAlert 2009 AdwareAlert 4.0 AdwareAlert2009 AdwareAway AdwareBazooka AdwareBot AdwareCops AdwareCrusher AdwareEradicator AdwarePro AdwarePro22 AdwareProfessional50 AdwarePunisher AdwareRemover2007 AdwareSanitizer AdwareScanner AdwareShredder AdwareSpy .0 Advanced Project Password Recovery Advanced RAR Password Recovery Advanced Spy Advanced Spy 4.0.Advanced Password Generator 3.Advertbar Adware.5 Advanced TCP Logger 4.0 Advanced TCP Logger 4. 3 Alley Baggett Sex-E Screen Saver AllInOneDVDPlayer Allint System Info AllJackpotsCasino AllMonitor AllStarSlotsCasino AlphaAntivirus AlphaWipeTracksCleaner2008 Alpine Gold Casino Alyssa Jayne Milano Screen Saver Alyssa Milano Sex-E Screen Saver Amazing Lighthouses Screensaver 2.0 .Land of Liberty Screensaver American Classic Muscle Cars AKMAntivirus2010Pro AladdinsGold ALaSpherius 3D AlertSpy Alessandra Ambrosio Sexy Screensaver 3.2 AME Info Toolbar Amelie Mathieu Kassovitz nino Screensaver America .17 AIM Spy Monitor 6.0 AmazingDVDPlayer Amazon Toolbar Ambient Light 3D 1.0 All In One Keylogger All-In-One WebSearch 1.5a Amazing Mountainscapes Screensaver 2.18 Air and Space Scenic Reflections 3.5a Amazing Waterfall 1 3D Screensaver 1.Adzgalore Aeroplane screen AFastAntivirus After Buy Toolbar AgavaAntiSpy Age of Atlantis AgentSpyware AGuardDog AIM Log Manager AIM Log Manager 1.1 Alexa Toolbar AlfaCleaner Ali Landry Sex-E Screen Saver AliBaBar AlibabaToolbar Alicia Silverstone screen Alien Shooter Alive Waterfalls All About Love Screensaver All Headline News Toolbar All In 1 Keylogger 3.7 AIM Monitor Sniffer AIM Sniffer 1.3 Ambient Light 3D ScreenSaver v.14 AIM Spy Monitor 6.1.0 aishwaryarai1byjas.5 AIM Spy Monitor AIM Spy Monitor 2009 AIM Spy Monitor 6.0 All-Spy Keylogger 4. 2 Animated Dolphins Screensaver AnnaKournikova Another World Toolbar Ant War Anti Adware Pro Anti Vermins Anti-Peeper Key Anti-Secure Ultimate Password Recovery Anti-Spyware Guard Anti-Virus Professional 5.1 AntispyGolden 5.2 AntiSpyKit 5.26 An Egyptian Panorama Screensaver Ancient Spider AndromedaAV Angel Art Screensaver 2.0.0 Anti-Virus&Spyware AntiAdd AntiAid Anticare AntiClear AntiFirwall AntiGuard AntiKeep AntiLeech Plugin AntiMalware AntiMalware2009 AntimalwareDoctor AntiMalwareGuard AntiMalwarePRO AntiMalwareShield AntiProtect AntiSpamBastion AntiSpy Advanced AntiSpy Knight AntiSpy2008 AntiSpyBoss AntiSpyCheck AntispyDeluxe AntiSpyGolden AntiSpyGolden 5.American Flag Screen Saver 1.2 AntiSpyGuard AntiSpyInfo AntiSpyKit 5.5a Angel Flower Angelina Jolie Animal Emoticons Animal Scenics Screen Saver Animals of Africa Screensaver Animals Screen Saver 1.3 AntiSpyPro AntispyProtector2009 AntispyStorm AntiSpyware .1 American Idol Screensaver AmericanGrandCasino AMW Toolbar AMXPlus 2. 9 AntiSpyware Pro 2009 Antispyware PRO XP Antispyware Soldier AntiSpyware2010 AntiSpywareApp AntiSpywareBOT AntispywareBot 2008 AntiSpywareBot 2009 AntiSpywareControl AntiSpywareExpert AntiSpywareGuard AntiSpywareMaster AntispywarePlus AntispywareShieldPro AntiSpywareXP2009 AntiSpyZone AntiSpyZone 5.3 AntiVermins 3.9 AntiVirGear 4.8 AntiVirGear 3.9 AntiVermins 3.0 AntiVirProtect 2.5 AntiVermins 3.7 Antivir64 AntiViraAV AntiVirGear AntiVirGear 3.6 AntiVermins 3.2 AntiVermins 3.AntiSpyware 1.4 AntiVermins 3.1 AntivirSolutionPro Antivirus 2008 Antivirus 2009 Antivirus 2010 Antivirus Master Antivirus Plasma Antivirus Plus AntiVirus Protector AntiVirus Sentry Antivirus Solution Antivirus2008PRO Antivirus2010 AntiVirus2011 Antivirus360 AntiVirus360Remover Antivirus7 AntivirusAction AntivirusAgentPro AntiVirusAndTrojan801 AntivirusDoktor2009De AntiVirusElite AntivirusForAll AntivirusGolden .4 AntiThiefWare AntiToolbar AntiTracksKit AntiTrojanPro AntiTroy AntiVermins 2. 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KeyboardCash Communicator Pro Antispyware 2009 Pro Mp3 Recorder 1.5 ProBoan ProBot Process Logger ProcessGuard Project Password Recovery Promotion Toolbar Pronto Beta ProofDefender2009 ProtectDefender Protected Storage Passview ProtectInfo Protection Bar Protection System ProtectionCenter ProtectionSystem ProtectPcs ProtectSoldier .1 PowerCare Powered Keylogger Powered Keylogger 2.6.0 Proactive System Password Recovery Proactive System Password Recovery 5.2 PowerScan PPRich Praize Toolbar Precision Time PremierOpinion Presto TuneUp PriceBandit Toolbar PrinterSpoolerFixWizard PrismCasino Prisms of Light 2 Privacy Commander Privacy Crusader Privacy Defender Privacy-Watcher 3.0.Power Linking Toolbar Power Of Love Power Search Power Spy Power Spy 2009 Power Spy 8. 2 Radmin 3.4.3 RAR Password Cracker 4.1 RAR Password Recovery Ray2009 Rays of Hope (rayshope.0 ReaHonda Toolbar Real Domino Real Jigsaw Puzzle Real Spy Monitor Real Spy Monitor 2.3 rainonwetroad rajac Rapid Antivirus 2.2 QQ Soft Multi Screen Spy QQTools QScan QuadRegistryCleaner QUEPASA Toolbar Quick Keylogger Quick Keylogger 3.7 RaptorDefence RAR Key 8.81 RealAV KudoZ Toolbar Ptakks puppies Puppy Luv PureVegasCasino PurityScan Purple Passions Push Toolbar Pushware Puzzle Master 3 PWS-QQRob PyroAntiSpy 2.exe) RazeSpyware Re-elect George Bush Screen Saver 1.3 Radmin Radmin RealVaccine RealVegasOnlineCasino RealVegasOnlineFunOnly RealVNC .0 Quick Toolbar QuickAccess QuickDefragmenter Quicksearch Toolbar QvodPlayer Qyule Ra's Empire rabbit Rabio Rachel McAdams Sex-E Screen Saver Radar Spy Radiating Clock Radio Toolbar RadioactiveClock RadiusTest 2.Proven Tactics ProZ. 4 REAnti Recipe Rewards Toolbar Recipe Toolbar Recorder Red-Handed Red-Handed 2.2 Registry Repair Pro Registry Sweeper RegistryBot RegistryCleaner Pro 2.0 RegistryPowerCleaner RegistryRescue RegistrySmart RegistryToolkit RegistryVictor RegistryWell RegistryWinner RegRecall RegRescue RegSort RegSweep RegTidy RegTool Reklosoft Rekruter-Toolbar RelevantKnowledge RemedyAntispy Remote Anything 5.3 .5 Refresher Bar RegClean RegDoctor RegiFast Registrty Care Registry Cleaner 2009 Registry Cleaner 32 Registry Defender Registry Doktor 2009 Registry Fix Registry Fix v6.4 Red-Handed 2.RealVNC 4.1 RegistryCleanerPro RegistryCleanerXP RegistryCleanFix RegistryClear RegistryClever RegistryConvoy RegistryDefender RegistryDoctor2008 RegistryDoktor2009De RegistryDoktor2009Fr RegistryEasy RegistryFix RegistryFixIt RegistryFox RegistryGenius RegistryGreat RegistryHelper RegistryOK RegistryPatrol 3. 7 Remote Desktop Control 1.0.Remote Anything 5.1 Renus 2008 RepairError RESpyWare Retina-X Spyware Cleaner Revealer Revealer Keylogger Free Revealer Keylogger Free Edition 1.1 Remote Desktop Inspector Remote Desktop Spy Remote Execute Remote Helpdesk Remote Helpdesk 7.8 Remote Install Mate Watcher Key Logger Remote Installer Remote Password Stealer 2.6 Remote Control (DataSet) Remote Control Pro Remote Control Pro 3.7 Remote Performance Observer Remote Task Manager RemoteByMail RemoteComputer RemoteExec RemShutdown 2.3 Rightonadz RIP Trilogy RiverBell Casino RiverBellPoker Riviera Gold Casino RoboNanny romantic RON Roogoo roseriot RosioSoft Audio Tools RoyalCircusCasino RTSAntivirus2010 Ruby Bingo Ruby Fortune Casino 3.25 rugby screensaver RushmoreCasino Rusted Dreams Flower Screensaver RX Toolbar SafeFighter SafeGuard Popup Blocker SafeHardDrive SafePC SafePcAv SafePrivate SaferScan SafeStrip SafetyAntiSpyware SafetyBoan SafetyCenter SafeUp SafeVaccine .6 Remote Control Pro 3.2.9 Remote Desktop Control 2. Power Of Love Science Toolbar SciFiCasino Scirus Toolbar Screen Logger screensandthemes ScreenSpy ScreenView ScreenViewer Sea Wolf Nova Clock Search Toolbar Search.2 SC-Keylog Pro Scan119 ScanandRepair ScanandRepair 2007 ScanZero Scenic.1 SAPtips Toolbar Sarp32 Save Keys Save Keys 6.0 Gold Edition Save Keys Undetectable 6.Celebrating Love Scenic.4.US Toolbar SearchAndDestroy 5.SafeWebSurfer Sailormoon Screen Saver SaliarAR Sandbox of God SantaClausClock SantaClock Santas Workshop Screensaver 1.2 SearchAssist SearchBoss SearchEssistant SearchGuard SearchGuy Toolbar SearchHippo Toolbar Searching Toolbar SearchingAll Toolbar Searchmaze Toolbar SearchNet Toolbar SearchNugget Searchp Toolbar SearchPixie Toolbar SearchPot SearchPRO SearchRover SearchSafe Toolbar .2 SaveArmor SaveDefender SaveKeeper SaveMoneyShop SaveMyWork SaveNow SaveSoldier SavingBot Shopper SavingsHound SBSToolbar SC Keylog SC System Tuner 3.0. nl Toolbar Sexy Asian Ladies .Natsuki Okamoto Screen Saver Sexy Ladies Ca-Cl Screen Saver Sexy Ladies Ki-Lu Screen Saver Sexy Ladies Ma-Ve Screen Saver Sexy Models For Hire Screen Saver Sexy Neighborhood Girls Screen Saver SexyVideoScreenSaver SFS Toolbar Shakira screen Shania Twain Sex-E Screen Saver .3.4 SEO Toolbar serbiancafe SerbianNET Toolbar Sexxgirls.3 Second Sight Keylogger Secret Explorer v6.0.SearchSpot Toolbar SearchVivor Toolbar SearchWords Toolbar Second Sight 1.0 Security Suite Security119 SecurityAntivirus SecurityBoan SecurityCentral SecurityDefender SecurityEssentials2010 SecurityEssentials2011 SecurityFighter SecurityInspector2010 SecurityMasterAV SecurityMechanic SecurityShield SecuritySoldier SecuritySuite SecuritySuite4 SecurityTool SeekDns SeekITAll Sensis Toolbar Sentinel Professional SentryPC SentryPC 2.0 Secret Eyes Secret Spy SecureAntivirusPro SecureCleaner SecureDefenseAntispyware SecureExpertCleaner SecureFighter SecureKeeper SecureMyPC SecureMyPcPCScanner SecurePcAv SecureVeteran SecureWarrior Security iGuard Security PRO Pack 1.Juri Hamada Screen Saver Sexy Asian Ladies .20 SentryRemote 2. 0 SL-Message SlimShield SlotNuts SlotsOasisCasino SlotsOfVegas SlotsPlusCasino Slymail Professional Smart Keystroke Recorder 2.2 SkyLove Skywriter Plane Screen Saver 1.Casino Silent Cat Screen Watch SilentNight IE Watcher SilverGooseEnglishCasino Sinbad SS SiteAdware SiteVillain Skeleton Sketch Sky.Shareaza Download Accelerator 1.Casino Skydiver Screen Saver Shareaza Faster Downloads 1.Star.0 Smart Scrubber SmartAntivirus2009 SmartDefragmenter SmartEngine SmartFixer SmartHDD SmartPCKeylogger SmartPrivacy SmartProtector SmartSecurity SmartSecurity2 SmartVirusEliminator Smiley Central SmileySource SmileyWorld SmitFraudFixPro Smoke SmokeScreen Smoking Gun Snack Man Snap Desktop Toolbar Snapkey .7.Kings.6.0 Shareaza Lite Sharktank Screen Saver Sharon Stone Sexy Hot Screen Saver ShieldSafeness ships screen shoewalking ShoppingReports ShopPoint ShowBehind ShowPassword SidebySide Search SideFind SideMaxBand SideMaxGuide SideSearch Sierra. 0.0 Solitaire Songoog SOSO Toolbar South Park Desktop Friends Space Wallpaper SpamNullifier Pro 3.5a Snav Sniper Spy 4.5a Spring Wildflowers Screen Saver SnowClock snowfalling Snowmen Snowy Winter Wonderland Saver Sofast Toolbar SoftCop Softdiv Alarm Clock 3.6 .2 SpecialBoan SpecialTip Spector Spedia Speed Motors v.2.0 SpeedDownloader SpeedDownloading SpeedRank Spid the Spider SpionFrei & Kau Antivirus Sports with Motivational Messages Scenic Reflections 3.0 SportsbookCasino Spring Season Screensaver 2.3 SpringClock SpwareRemoval Spy AOL Spy Cleaner Spy Cleaner Gold Spy Cleaner Platinum Spy Defence Spy Guardian Pro Spy Hazard Spy Killer Spy Lax Spy No More Spy Reaper Pro Spy Reaper Pro 1.0 Snoop Snoopy Screen Saver snoopyspotlight.Snapshots of Ronald Reagan Screensaver 2.7.5 Softomate Toolbar Softpile Toolbar SoftSoldier SoftStronghold SoftVeteran SoftWebrity Sogou Sogou Toolbar SogueToolbar Solads Solar System Structure Screensaver SolidKeyLogger 2. 2 SpyLocked 4.3 SpyAnytime PC Spy SpyAnywhere 4.15 SpyAgent 6.6 SpyLocked 3.0 SpyLocked 4.3 SpyCut SpyDajaba SpyDeface SpyDefenderPro SpyDestroy Pro SpyDevastator 1.0 SpyArsenal Logger SpyArsenal Print Monitor Pro SpyAway Spyblaster SpyBouncer SpyBuddy SpyBurner SpyCapture 1.32 SpyEraser SpyExtractorPro SpyFalcon SpyFerret SpyFighter SpyGraphica SpyGuarder SpyGuarder 2.6 .0 Spy-Rid Spy-Speed SpyAgent 6.Spy Remover Spy Sniper Spy Tracker Pro 5.2 SpyGuardPro SpyHeal SpyHeal 4.3 SpyMail For Hotmail And Yahoo SpyMan SpyMarshal SpyMaxx SpymodePCSpy SpyMon SpyMyPC 4.9 SpyLocked 4.1 SpyLocked 4.5 SpyMyPC 4.4 SpyCare SpyClock SpyContra SpyCrush 3.20 SpyAgent 6.1 SpyiBlock Spyinator SpyKeySpy SpyKill SpyKillerPro Spylab WebSpy Spylo PC Monitor SpyLocked 3. SpyMyPC Pro SpyMyPC Pro 5.0 SpyPolice SpyProtector SpyPry SpyRemove SpyRemoverPro SpySheriff SpyShield SpyShredder SpySnipe SpySoap SpySpotter SpyStopper SpyStriker Spytech Shadow Spytech SpyAOL SpytechSpyAgent Spytector Spytector 1.7 SpyTrooper SpyVampire SpyVest SpyViper Spyware Spyware and Adware Removal 3.3.9 SpyPc 8.IncredibleKey Spyware.1 Spyware Begone Spyware Cleaner Spyware Cops Spyware Detector 2009 Spyware Disinfector Spyware Fighter Spyware IT Spyware Medic Spyware Nuker XT Spyware Preventer 1.0d Spyware Annihilator Pro Spyware B1aster 4.SpySure SpywareAnnihilatorPro SpywareBegoneFreeScan SpywareBomb SpywareBot .0 Spyware Removal Wizard Spyware Remover Spyware Remover(Privacy-solution) Spyware Scrapper SpyWare Secure Spyware Slayer Spyware Sledgehammer Spyware Stormer Spyware Striker Spyware This Spyware Vanisher Spyware.2 Spynova Toolbar SpyOnThis SpyOutside SpyPartner 8. 0.7 Star Sky ScreenSaver v.2 SpywareThis SpywareZapper SpyWarp SpyWatchE Square Trade Sidebar Squarez SSaecom2010 StaffCop StaffCop 2.SpywareBrowser SpywareCease SpywareCleaner2009 SpywareCrusher SpywareDestructor 2.0 Star Wars Comics Screensaver Star Wars Galaxy Screensaver StarLogger Starluck Casino StartGuard StartNow Toolbar StartPage StartupBHO Starware 4.4 SpywareDetector SpywareFighter SpywareGuard2008 SpywareHound SpywareIsolator SpywareLocker SpywarePro SpywareQuake SpywareRemover SpywareRemover 2008 SpywareRemover2009 SpywareScanner2008 SpywareSoftStop SpywareSolver SpywareStop SpywareStrike SpywareSweeper SpywareSweeperPro Starware Auctions Toolbar Starware Band of Buddies Toolbar Starware Casual Games Toolbar Starware Entertainment Toolbar Starware Horoscopes Toolbar Starware Jokes Toolbar Starware Jokes(390) Toolbar Starware Lottery Toolbar Starware Maps Toolbar Starware Musik Starware News Toolbar Starware Recipe Toolbar Starware Smileys Toolbar Starware Smileytown Toolbar Starware Toolbar Starware Toolbar de Música Starware Toolbar di Musica .4 StaffCop 2. CursorCafe Starware.7 SuperYahooMessengerArchiveDecoder SupremeSpy Surf Accuracy Surf Inspector Surf Secret Privacy Protector Surf SideKick Surf Spy SurfDirector SurfDirector 2.8 Stealth Chat Monitor Stealth Keyboard Interceptor Stealth Keylogger STPlayer StylishProfile Success KS3 Maths SudoPlanet Summer Season Screensaver 2.Starware Toolbar di Ricette Starware Toolbar Recettes Starware Travel Toolbar Starware.5 StatWin StatWin Pro StatWin Pro 7.0 Stealth Recorder Stealth Sleek and Swift Screensaver 2.9 Stealth KeyLogger 5.1 Surfing Spy SurfKeeper SurfLogger SurfMaid SurfSecret KeyPad 2.5a Summer Waterfalls SummerClock SUMo sunrise Sunshine Bingo SunStarKasino Super Keylogger Super Popup Blocker Super Spy Super Spyware Remover Super Winspy SuperJuan SuperSpywareKiller SuperVaccine Supervisor Plus 1.Toolbar v3.2.1 .5a Stealth WebSite Logger StealthActivityReporter Stingware PC Key Logger Stiratel StopBot StopingSpy StopPop.2 Starware381 StarwareMusicToolbar StarwareToolbar318 StarWraith3 StaticX 2. 5 SystemTool SystemVeteran SystemWarrior TangoArgentinoToolbar Tank TeamViewer TeamViewer 3.0 The FreeBar The Hodgy Group Toolbar The Medallion The Olsen Twins Sex-E Screen Saver The PC Detective The PowerStrip Toolbar The Spyware Detective The Spyware Shield The Ultimate Spyware-Adware Remover TheDefend TheLastDefender Themexp.0022 SWFFLVtoMP3Converter SwiftCleaner Swiss Casino Sys Detective+ Sys Keylog SysAntivirus SysDefence SysDefenders SysLive SysProtect SysProtector System Live Protect System Security System Security 2009 System Surveillance Pro 5.5 SystemAdwareScanner2010 Systemantivirus 2008 SystemCleanerPro SystemDefender SystemDefragmenter SystemDoctor SystemFighter SystemIron SystemPro2011 SystemSecurity SystemSecurity2009 SystemSleuth SystemSpyServer SystemStable 3.3 The Florida Search Toolbar File (11359.6 Technology Toolbar Teen Minder TeleDesktop TeleDesktop File (14410.0.00.2 TeoSoft Thanksgiving Shoot-out Screen Saver .org File (103168.SurpriseClock SvchostFixWizard SweetIM For Internet Explorer 3.0b 3. therocksaver Screensaver TheSpyBot TheWorld Thinkertec SpyPal Thinkertec SpyPal Themexp.2 Thinkertec SpyPal Toolbar Gamming Toolbar Software File ( Themexp.6 TimeSink Tinny Toolbar Tiny KeyLogger Tiny Spy Agent Titan Poker TitanShield TK79Formel1 Toolbar Tlbb Tokyo Beauties Screen Saver Tong Keylogger Toni Braxton Screen Saver TonyGPoker Toolbar di Amando.0 Total Player File (44068.ForgetMeNot TopMoxie TopSearch Torrent Toolbar Torrent101 Torrie Wilson Sex-E Screen Saver Total Communicator File (47640.Bybar Toolbar888 Toolfish Utility Suite File ( File ( File ( Themexp.3 ThinkPoint ThunderBrowserHelper tic-tac-toe Tickerbar Tiger Casino Online TightVNC TightVNC Themexp.0 Total Spy File ( File (77023.8.10 Thinkertec SpyPal Themexp.8 Thinkertec SpyPal File (74.5 TotalAntiSpyware TotalDefender .org File (87098.3 TikiBingoCasino Tim's Keylogger Timber Timbuktu Pro File ( File (1989. 7.2 TrueWatch Trust Cleaner TrustedAntivirus TrustedProtection TrustFighter TrustSoldier TrustToolbar TrustWatch TrustyHound Try Media Try2Find Tumblebugs 2 Turbo Internet Accelerator 2.2 U88 UCMore UCMoreSearchAccelerator UlineGuide Ultimate Antivirus 2008 Ultimate Christmas Scenic Reflections 3.0 Turbo Internet Booster 2.7 Toy Trouble Trace Sweeper Track4Win Track4Win Monitor 2.0.0 Turkey Shoot Screen Saver Turtle Odyssey 2 TutsRevenge TwikiBar Toolbar Twister MP3 PRO TypeAgent Tyra Banks Bikini and Lingerie Screen Saver Tyra Banks Screen Saver TZ Popup Killer & Ads Filter TZ Privacy Guard TZ Spyware Adware Remover TZ Spyware Remover Tzolkin Maya 3D ScreenSaver v.6 TrackZapper TrackZapper System Cleanser TREAntiVirus treerotatesonscreen Trojan Guarder Gold TrojansFilter TrueActive Monitor Trueads TrueDownloader TrueSword Ultimate Cleaner Ultimate Defender Ultimate Fixer Ultimate Spy Personal UltimateAV UltimateKeylog UltimateSpyKiller .TotalPCDefender2010 TotalProtect2009 TotalRC TotalSecure2009 TotalSecurity TotalSpy 2. 6 Ultrabar UltraDefragger UltraKeyboard UltraVNC Underground Toolbar Undersea Life Screensaver 2.0 VIPLounge VirtuaGirl .5a underwater Uni ToolBar UninstallWinner UniversalSearchToolbar UnSpyPC UnWrapper UpMedia upoznavanje urbae URLBlaze USB Monitor USB Monitor 5.Ultra Antivirus 2009 Ultra Keylogger Ultra Remote Control 2.2 UselessCreations UserAntivirus2010 UserMonitor Userpart Toolbar UserProtection UserTracker UserVaccine Vaccine2010 VaccineCenter VaccineClear VaccineCore VaccineData VaccineFree VaccineKiller VaccineLab VaccineLabPlus VaccineProgram VaccineTree Valentines Passion VBA Password Recovery Master VBA Recovery 2005 VCatch VDoctor Vegas Red Casino VegasMagicCasino VegasUSA VegasVillaCasino Versa Search Toolbar VersaSearch VictorChandlerPoker VideoMLiteCodecPack View Four ViewPoint Media Toolbar Vika Vimedic Vinden Toolbar VIPAntiSpyware 1. 4 VirusIsolator VirusLock VirusLocker VirusLocker 3.3 VirusHeat 4.5 VirusOut VirusProtect VirusProtect 4.3 VirusResponseLab 2009 VirusTrigger 2.8 VirusHeal 3.9 VirusHeal 4.9 VirusHeat 4.Virtual Screen Spy VirtualCasino virtualno VirtualPCGuard VirtueScope Virus Bursters Virus Remover 2009 Virus Shield 2009 Virus-Kill Virus3Out VirusAlarm VirusBlast VirusBurst VirusBurster VirusBye VirusCure VirusHeal 3.6 VirusProtectPro 3.1 VirusHealc VirusHeat 3.7 VirusHeal 3.3 VirusLocker 3.2 Viviband Toolbar vmacedonia VNC Enterprise Edition 4.1 Vista AntiVirus 2008 (Vav) Visual Zip Password Recovery Processor 6.0 VirusProtector VirusProtectPro VirusProtectPro 3.6 VirusRay 3.4 VirusLocker 3.7 VirusRanger VirusRanger 3.1 VirusLocker 3.0 VirusRanger 3.0 VirusHeal 4.3.8 VirusRemover2008 VirusRescue VirusRescue v3.0.2 VirusLocker 3.4 vojvodinacafe VolcanoSecuritySuite Vomba VombaShots Voonda Toolbar VrBrothers . 0 Weather Studio Toolbar WeatherBug WeatherCast WeatherCheck WeatherStudio Toolbar WeatherStudio Toolbar and Desktop Web Activity Monitor 3.VRE Toolbar VS Toolbar VsSpy VundoFixTool Wabbadabba ToolBar Wacky Animals Walls of Jericho Wanadoo Toolbar Warez P2P Faster Accelerator Warez P2P Manager 1.0 Webdialer .com Toolbar Whales and Dolphins Screensaver 2.0.0 Warez P2P Speed Up Pro 2.14 WebSnitch WebSpy WebSpyShield WebVaccine West Coast Lighthouses Scenic Reflections 3.0.0.Screen Saver waterfalls waterunderearth WAV to MP3 Encoder 1.Account5-1-6-74 WebHancer WebMailSpy WebMediaPlayer WebMenu Toolbar WebPI WebRebates WebSafeCenter WebScout WebSearch Website Spy Monitor Website Spy Monitor 2009 Website Spy Monitor 6.12 Website Spy Monitor 6.5a White House Mambo Screensaver Wi-Fi Toolbar Widomaker Toolbar Wijfzondelijf Toolbar .0 Warez3 Watch Right WatchDog WatchDog PC Watcher Watchful Eye watchinwater Water Illusion Screensaver 1.71 waterfall .0 WetFlowers Toolbar Webcracker 3.3.7.neosexvideo .0 Web Explorer Web Search Assistant WEB. 1 Win7Antispyware2011 WinAdBlocker Winadiscount WinAnonymous WinAntiSpyware 2006 WinAntiSpyware 2006 Scanner WinAntiSpyware2006 WinAntispyware2008 WinAntispywareCenter WinAntiVirus Pro WinAntiVirus Pro 2006 WinAntiVirus2005Pro WinAntivirusPro 3.0 WindowsAntispywareSolution WindowsAntivirus2008 WindowsAntivirusPro WindowsCareTool WindowsCleaner WindowsDefence WindowsEnterpriseDefender WindowsHealthCenter WindowsOptimalSettings .8 WinBlueSoft WinCleaner WinCleaner 2009 WinClear WinContentFilter Wind Optimizer Wind Words WinDefender WinDefender 2009 WinDefrag WinDefragmenter Windmill WindoClear WindoFix WindOptimizer Windows 2000XP Password Recovery Windows AntiVirus 2008 (Wav) Windows Cleaner Windows Messenger Remover Windows Password Windows Password Cracker Windows Password Cracker 3.0 Win Trace Remover Win-Spy Win-Spy 9.Wild Bikini Girls Wild Jack Casino wild life WildVegasCasino Will Smith Screen Saver Willard SS WilliamHillCasino WilliamHillPoker Win Antivir 2008 Win Antivirus 2008 Win Key Genie Win PC Defender Win Sniffer 2. 0.0.3 WinRegPro WinSecureAv WinSecureDisc WinSecurity360 WinSession Logger WinSession Logger 3.9 WinShadow Winsniffer Winsos WinSpy Stealth Monitor WinSpy v3.0 Winlogger 3.0 WinMX Super Speed 4.0 Winner Toolbar WinnerPoker WinPalaceCasino WinPass WinPasswords WinPC Antivirus WinPCDoctor WinProtection WinProtector WinReanimator WinRecon v2.8.0 WinMX Super Speed 3.1 WinMX Speed Up Pro 2.0 WiniShield Wink 1.2 WinKeeper WinLock Remote Administrator WinLock Remote Administrator 2.21 WinSpyControl WinSpyKiller WinSpywareProtect WinSpywareProtect 7.2 .9.0.0.WindowsOptimalSolution WindowsOptimizationCenter WindowsPCDefender WindowsPolicePro WindowsProblemsRemover WindowsProblemsSolution WindowsProtectionSuite WindowsRiskEliminator WindowsSecurityControl WindowsSecuritySuite WindowsShieldCenter WindowsSoftwareGuard WindowsSystemDefender WindowsSystemSuite WindowsUniversalTools WindowsUserSatellite WindowsUtilityTool WindowsWiseProtection WinDriveCleaner WinGuard Winguardian WinHDD WiniFighter WinIFixer WiniGuard 1. 0 Work Examiner Work Examiner Standard 2.Wintective KeyLogger Winter Forest Winter Screen Saver Winter Sports Screen Saver WinterClock Winvestigator WinWebSecurity WinXDefender WinXProtector 2.2 WorldAntiSpy worldclocks Wow Toolbar wristwatch screensaver WS FTP Password Recoverer WSearch Wubly WurldMedia WWII Rescue Wybho X Hollywood Media Bar X-Con Spyware Destroyer XenAntiSpyware Xeon Personal Firewall XhackFirewall Xitamo Toolbar XJRAntivirus XLGuarder Xmas Xmembytes Xolox XP Advanced Keylogger XP Antispyware 2009 XP Antivirus 2008 XP Cleaner XP Delux Protector XP Keylogger XP Logon Password Logger XP Protection Center XP Protector 2009 XP-Guard xp-shield 2.1 .1 WinXSecurityCenter Winzix WiperWizard WiresharkAntivirus WiseCam version 1.0 WiseVaccine WistaAntivirus WizPrivacy Wlording AntiSpyware Wnwb Wolf womenincomics.exe Word Password Recovery Word Password Recovery Master Word Recovery 2005 Word Recovery 2008 WordKey 9. 3 Yahoo Message Archive Decoder 4.16 Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2009 YahooSpyMon YarmouthCounty Yazzle Picster Yazzle Snowball Wars Yazzle Sudoku YEHEY!Toolbar YelloPages Toolbar yellow field Yellow Pages Toolbar Yiqilai YOK Your Site Toolbar yourheart YourKeyloggerProgramName YourPrivacyGuard YourProtection Yuanquana YuushaEcchiTrainer Z-Quest Toolbar z2 Remote2PC z2 Remote2PC 1.14 Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2007 v6.23 XPDefender XPDeluxeProtector XPertAntivirus XPGuardian XPInternetSecurity2010 XPMicroAntivirus XPPoliceAntivirus XpressRemote XpressRemote Client XPSecurityCenter xSpyware XT Spy xtrahot3.XPAntispyware2010 XPAntivirus XPAntivirusPro2010 XPCMonitor XPCSpy XPCSpy 2.3 zafrkancije Zango Zango Astrology Zango Messenger Zango Muncher Zango Solitaire .3 XPCSpy Pro XPCSpy Pro YAAQUI Toolbar Yahoo Message Archive Decoder 4.25 Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2007 v7.10 Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2007v 6.17 Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2007 v6.4 Yahoo Messenger Monitor Sniffer Yahoo Messenger Spy Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2007 Yahoo Messenger Spy Monitor 2007 v6. WebEx 1010 a 1015 Doly trojan 1024 NetSpy 1042 Bla 1045 Rasmin 1090 Xtreme 1170 Psyber Stream Server. ProMail trojan. Cain & Abel. FTP trojan. Blade runner. Stealth. Hackers Paradise. Tapiras. Doly. Streaming Audio Trojan.1 ZapSpot Zcom zebra screensaver zeljkojoksimovic ZenoSearch ZeroPopUpBar Zeus zezanje zibb. WinPC.Zango TV Times Zany Animals Screensaver 3. WinSatan 1002 Silencer. W ebEx. RingZero 99 Hidden port 110 ProMail trojan 113 Kazimas 119 Happy 99 121 JammerKillah 421 TCP Wrappers 456 Hackers Paradise 531 Rasmin 555 Ini-Killer. Larva. Stealth Spy 666 Attack FTP. Phase Zero. Sha dow Phyre 911 Dark Shadow 999 Deep Throat. Satanz Backdoor.5 ZipItFast ZoneProtect Anti-Spyware ZQuest zSearch Toolbar Zwangi Zwinky Test zzToolBar Back construction. Invisible FTP. Kuang 2. WinSpy 31 Agent Toolbar ZillaBar ZillaSoftDataShredder ZinapsAntiSpyware Zingtastic Toolbar Zip Key Zip Password ZIP Password Finder Zip Password Recovery Zip Password Recovery Key Zip Password Recovery version 1. Shtrilitz. Fore. NetAdmin. Masters Paradise 41 Deep Throat 59 DMSetup 79 FireHotcker 80 Executor. Email Password Sender. Antigen. Happy99. Back Construction. ServeU. WinCrash 23 TTS (Tiny Telnet Server) 25 Ajan. voice 1234 Ultor trojan puerto 1234 Ultors Trojan . Terminator. Sockets de Troie 5011 One of the Last Trojans (OOTLT) 5031 NetMetro 5321 FireHotcker 5400 Blade Runner. The Invasor 3459 Eclipse 2000 3700 portal of Doom 3791 Eclypse 3801 (UDP) Eclypse 4092 WinCrash 4321 BoBo 4567 File Nail 4590 ICQTrojan 5000 Bubbel. Sockets de Troie 5001 Back Door Setup. SubSeven. The Invasor 2155 Illusion Mailer 2283 HVL Rat5 2565 Striker 2583 WinCrash 2600 Digital RootBeer 2801 Phineas Phucker 2989 (UDP) RAT 3024 WinCrash 3128 RingZero 3129 Masters Paradise 3150 Deep Throat. Back Construction 5550 Xtcp 5512 Illusion Mailer 5555 ServeMe 5556 BO Facil 5557 BO Facil 5569 Robo-Hack 5742 WinCrash 6400 The Thing 6669 Vampyre 6670 Deep Throat 6771 Deep Throat 6776 BackDoor-G. Back Construction 5402 Blade Runner.puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto 1243 BackDoor-G. SubSeven Apocalypse 1245 VooDoo Doll 1269 Mavericks Matrix 1349 (UDP) BO DLL 1492 FTP99CMP 1509 Psyber Streaming Server 1600 Shivka-Burka 1807 SpySender 1981 Shockrave 1999 BackDoor 1999 TransScout 2000 TransScout 2001 TransScout 2001 Trojan Cow 2002 TransScout 2003 TransScout 2004 TransScout 2005 TransScout 2023 Ripper 2115 Bugs 2140 Deep Throat. Back Construction 5401 Blade Runner. Back Door Setup. SubSeven . BO client. Whack Job Donald Dick Donald Dick (UDP) Delta Source SubSeven 2. X-bill GabanBus. DeepBO .puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto puerto 6912 6939 6969 6970 7000 7300 7301 7306 7307 7308 7789 8080 9400 9872 9873 9874 9875 9876 9878 9989 10067 10101 10167 10520 10607 11000 11223 12076 12223 12345 12346 12361 12362 12631 13000 16969 17300 20000 20001 20034 20203 21544 22222 23456 23476 23477 26274 27374 29891 30029 30100 30101 30102 30303 30999 31336 31337 31337 31338 31338 Shit Heep (¡no el puerto 69123!) Indoctrination GateCrasher.0 (UDP) The Unexplained AOL trojan NetSphere NetSphere NetSphere Sockets de Troie Kuang2 Bo Whack Baron Night. X-bill Whack-a-mole Whack-a-mole WhackJob Senna Spy Priority Kuang2 The Virus Millennium Millennium NetBus 2 Pro Logged GirlFriend Prosiak Evil FTP. NetBus. Bo Facil (UDP) BackFire. IRC 3 GateCrasher Remote Grab. Kazimas NetMonitor NetMonitor NetMonitor NetMonitor NetMonitor Back Door Setup. Priority. Ugly FTP. NetBus. Pie Bill Gates. DeepBO NetSpy DK (UDP) Back Orifice. Back Orifice. ICKiller RingZero InCommand portal of Doom portal of Doom portal of Doom portal of Doom Cyber Attacker TransScout iNi-Killer (UDP) portal of Doom BrainSpy (UDP) portal of Doom Acid Shivers Coma Senna Spy Progenic trojan Gjamer Hack´99 KeyLogger GabanBus. BO2. Blaster.F@mm W32.Welchia. Masters Paradise puerto 40422 Masters Paradise puerto 40423 Masters Paradise puerto 40426 Masters Paradise puerto 47262 (UDP) Delta Source puerto 50505 Sockets de Troie puerto 50766 Fore.Sobig.Worm W32.Worm . Schwindler puerto 53001 Remote Windows Shutdown puerto 54320 Back Orifice 2000 puerto 54321 School Bus puerto 54321 (UDP) Back Orifice 2000 puerto 60000 Deep Throat puerto 61466 Telecommando puerto 65000 Devil hacker hackers negligible mrd HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Services HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Once HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run OnceEx HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ServicesOnce HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Pol icies\Explorer\Run HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Once\Setup HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\W inlogon\Userinit HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Once HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run OnceEx HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Once\Setup HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Services HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ServicesOnce HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Pol icies\Explorer\Run HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\W indows\load HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\W indows HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs adware adware traking adware traking cookie traking traking cookie windows broadcastpc W32. TN puerto 40412 The Spy puerto 40421 Agent 40421.puerto 31339 NetSpy DK puerto 31666 Bo Whack puerto 31785 Hack´a´Tack puerto 31787 Hack´a´Tack puerto 31788 Hack´a´Tack puerto 31789 (UDP) Hack´a´Tack puerto 31791 (UDP) Hack´a´Tack puerto 31792 Hack´a´Tack puerto 33333 Prosiak puerto 33911 Spirit 2001a puerto 34324 BigGluck. Rivpas.180Search Adware Adware.3326 PWS.E@mm W32.SQLExp.Sobig.A Virus de macro A97M.ActiveSearch Adware .Lirva.HLLW.D@mm W32.Yaha.A Virus de macro 19/02/2002 A97M.Bugbear@mm W32.Mapson.W32.A@mm W32.Fizzer@mm CodeRed F W32.ABXToolbar Adware Adware.Worm W32.123Search Adware Adware.H@mm W32.C.C@mm W32.Worm W32.ElKern.Brid.B@mm W32.Lirva.Worm W32.HLLW.Opaserv.Swen.B@mm W32.Hamdam.Magistr.A@mm W32.Klez.Magistr.A Virus 14/04/2002 ABC Virus Accept.3773 Virus ACTS.ElKern.E@mm W32.Accessiv.L@mm W32.Trojan Virus 01/07/1993 A and A A2K.Sobig.Bugbear.926 Virus 08/01/2002 ACTS.Klez.Damcor Gusano 18/05/2004 A2M.Yaha.Frethem.Liac.Nimda.1765 Virus 03/04/2001 AdvancedCleaner Aplicaciones engañosas AdvancedXPFixer Aplicaciones engañosas AdvParentalControl Controles para padres Adware.Spaceflash Gusano 18/07/2006 Ada Virus Adolph Virus AdsAlert Aplicaciones engañosas AdShortcuts Posibles aplicaciones no deseadas ADT.A@mm W32.C@mm W32.Sobig.Sobig.A@mm W32.2Search Adware Adware.Loaded Virus de macro 19/02/2002 A97M.Hooker.ElKern.Dumaru@mm W32.LFM.F@mm W32.Mimail.3587 W32.7000n Adware Adware.E@mm W32.24876@mm W32.A@mm W32.39921@mm W32.A@mm W32.Worm W32.C@mm W32.4926 W32.Datom.A@mm W32.Walla Virus de macro 19/02/2002 ABAP.Klez.A@mm W32.Klez.Lovgate.180Solutions Adware Adware. Adware.AdBars Adware Adware.AdBlaster Adware.AdBlock Adware.AdChannel19 Adware.AdDestroyer Adware.AdGoblin Adware.ADH Adware.Adhelper Dialer Adware.Adlogix Adware.Admass Adware Adware.Adpopup Adware.AdRoar Adware Adware.AdServerNow Adware.AdShooter Adware.AdsInContext Adware.Adstation Adware.Adsubscribe Adware.AdSupport Adware.Adtest Adware Adware.Adtomi Adware Adware.Adultbox Adware.AdultLinks Adware.Advertbar Adware.AdvertMen Adware.Advision Adware.AFAEnhance Adware.Affilred Adware.AlibabaTB Adware.AllSum Adware Adware.Annoyance Adware.AntiSpamBoy Adware.Aornum Adware Adware.Appoli Adware Adware.Appztoolbar Adware.Atlcontrol Adware.AUNPS Adware Adware.Aureate Adware.Aurora Adware Adware.BarACE Adware Adware.BargainBuddy Adware.BBSee Adware Adware.BDE Adware Adware.Begin2search Adware.BestIdol Adware.BestSearch Adware.BeSys Adware Adware.BetterInternet Adware.BigTrafficNet Adware.BlazeFind Adware.BlockChecker Adware.Blowsearch Adware.BMCentral Adware.BocaiToolbar Adware.Bonzi Adware Adware.Bookedspace Adware.Borlan Adware Adware.Broadcastpc Adware.BrowserAid Adware.BrowserPal Adware.BrowserVillage Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Trojan Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware 10/03/2010 Adware.Buddylinks Adware Adware.Bullseye Adware Adware.Caishow Adware Adware.CashBackBuddy Adware Adware.Cashfiesta Adware Adware.CashSaver Adware Adware.CasinoClient Adware Adware.Cax Adware Adware.CDT Adware Adware.ClearSearch Adware Adware.Clearx Adware Adware.ClickAlchemy Adware Adware.ClickDLoader Adware Adware.ClickDLoader.B Adware Adware.Clickpotato Adware Adware.ClipGenie Adware Adware.CommonName Adware Adware.Conspy Adware Adware.ContextualToolbar Adware.CoolSavings Adware Adware.CoolWebSearch Adware Adware.CPush Adware Adware.CramToolbar Adware Adware.CrushSearch Adware Adware.CSearch Adware Adware.CtxPopup Adware Adware.CWSAlfaSearch Adware Adware.CWSConyc Adware Adware.CWSIEFeats Adware Adware.CWSMSConfd Adware Adware.CWSMSConfd.B Adware Adware.Cydoor Adware Adware.DailyToolbar Adware Adware.DailyWinner Adware Adware.Daosearch Adware Adware.DashBar Adware Adware.DateManager Adware Adware.Ddpop Adware Adware.DealHelper Adware Adware.DelFin Adware Adware.Delta Adware Adware.DesktopMedia Adware Adware.Diginum Adware Adware.Director Adware Adware.DisableKey Adware Adware.DiscoveryLive Adware Adware.DollarRevenue Adware Adware.DoubleD Adware Adware.DownloadPlus Adware Adware.Downreceive Adware Adware.DreamAd Adware Adware.Drusearch Adware Adware.Dware Adware Adware.Dynamic Adware Adware.DynamicUpdater Adware Adware.EasySearch Adware Adware.EasyWWW Adware Adware.EBoard Adware Adware.Egyrank Adware Adware.Elodu Adware Adware Adware.Emusic Adware Adware.EnergyPlugin Adware.EnhanceMSearch Adware.ESDIexplorr Adware.eSyndicate Adware.EvidenceScan Adware.Exactbar Adware.Expand Adware Adware.Eziin Adware Adware.EZLife Adware Adware.EZSearch Adware.EZSearch.B Adware.EZToolbar Adware.Ezula Adware Adware.FakeMessage Adware.Fapi Adware Adware.Fastfind Adware.Fastfind.B Adware.FastLook Adware.Fastsearchweb Adware.FastSeek Adware.Fastwebfinder Adware.FavBarCash Adware.FavoriteMan Adware.FCHelp Adware Adware.FFToolBar Adware.FindemNow Adware.FindNavi Adware.FindSpyware Adware.Findwhatever Adware.Fizzle Adware Adware.FlashEnhancer Adware.Flyswat Adware.FOne Adware Adware.FreeAccessBar Adware.FreeComm Adware.FreeScratchWin Adware.Fresh Adware Adware.FriendsBlog Adware.GAIN Adware Adware.GatorClone Adware.GatorEWallet Adware.Getup Adware Adware.Getup.B Adware.GoGoTools Adware.GonnaSearch Adware.GotSmiley Adware.GreenIO Adware.HalfLemon Adware.HelpExpress Adware.Henbang Adware.HighTraffic Adware.Hithopper Adware.Hmtoolbar Adware.Horoscope Adware.Hotbar Adware Adware.HungryHands Adware.HyperBar Adware.IAGold Adware Adware.Idocha Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware.Iebar Adware Adware.IEDriver Adware Adware.Iefeats Adware Adware.IEhlpr Adware Adware.IEHost Adware Adware.IEPageHelper Adware Adware.IEPlugin Adware Adware.IESearch Adware Adware.IGetNet Adware Adware.ILookup Adware Adware.Incredifind Adware Adware.InetAntispy Adware Adware.Inetex Adware Adware.InstaFinder Adware Adware.InstallProvider Adware Adware.InstantAccess Adware Adware.Instdollars Adware Adware.IntDel Adware Adware.iPend Adware Adware.Ipinsight Adware Adware.Istbar Adware Adware.Iwantsearch Adware Adware.Jraun Adware Adware.JustFindIt Adware Adware.JustFindIt Removal Tool Adware.Keenval Adware Adware.Kidda Adware Adware.Kiswin Adware Adware.Kuaiso Adware Adware.Lamhok Adware Adware.Latend Adware.Linkgrabber Adware Adware.LinkMaker Adware Adware.Links Adware Adware.Littlehelper Adware Adware.Livechat Adware Adware.LizardBar Adware Adware.LoadEWXD Adware Adware.Locator Adware Adware.Look2Me Adware Adware.LookNSearch Adware Adware.Lop Adware Adware.LoveFreeGames Adware Adware.LSPP Adware Adware.Magicads Adware Adware.Magoo Adware Adware.Mainpean Adware Adware.MainSearch Adware Adware.Margoc Adware Adware.Massfav Adware Adware.MatrixSearch Adware Adware.MaxSearch Adware Adware.MBKWbar Adware Adware.MDSSearchboost Adware Adware.MediaInject Adware Adware.MediaLoad Adware Adware.MediaPass Adware Adware.MediaPlaceTV Adware Adware.MediaTicket Adware Adware.Medload Adware Información de eliminación 04/10/2004 Nafaoz Adware Adware.MXTarget Adware.OMI Adware Adware.Meplex Adware Adware.PrecisionPop Adware.Netpal Adware Adware.P2PNetworking Adware.Mirar Adware Adware.NowFind Adware.MxliveMedia Adware.MSView Adware Adware.MXTarget.Optserve Adware.MessStopper Adware.NaviSearch Adware.Navihelper Adware.Oemji Adware Adware.MemoryMeter Adware.Mpgcom Adware Adware.Adware.NeededWare Adware.Peppi Adware Adware.NetOptimizer Adware.Owlforce Adware.MyCustomIE Adware.Popuppers Adware.NewAds Adware Adware.PurityScan.PopAdStop Adware.MoeMoney Adware.Movittone Adware.NetMedia Adware.Purityscan.OpenSite Adware.Okcashbackmall Adware.MoneyGainer Adware.PStrip Adware Adware.PurityScan Adware.MWSearch Adware.MetaSearch Adware.OfferAgent Adware.Netword Adware.Memini Adware Adware.Multidropper Adware.OrbitExplorer Adware.C Adware.NewWeb Adware Adware.PortalScan Adware.OneStep Adware.OverPro Adware.D Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .B Adware.Mycashbag Adware.Onban Adware Adware.PrecisionTime Adware.NDotNet Adware Adware.MyCentria Adware.PLook Adware Adware.PSN Adware Adware.Ntsearch Adware.NaughtyPops Adware.PPRich Adware Adware.PowerScan Adware.PigSearch Adware. RCPrograms Adware.SearchBarCash Adware.ShowBehind Adware.SeekSeek Adware.Searchtool Adware.Searchsquire Adware.SeeqBar Adware.Adware.Searchq Adware.SearchScout Adware.Quadro Adware Adware.SearchSeekFind Adware.Raxums Adware Adware.Slagent Adware Adware.SearchWords Adware.SecureServicePk Adware.Satbo Adware Adware.Searchdot Adware.Searchforit Adware.Ro2cn Adware Adware.Sheldor Adware.SideBar Adware.SmartBrowser Adware.Shazaa Adware Adware.RegiFast Adware.SideFind Adware.SearchNugget Adware.SearchNet Adware.SecondThought Adware.Qidion Adware Adware.Rabio Adware Adware.Rugo Adware Adware.ScreenScenes Adware.Roogoo Adware Adware.SeekSeek.ReferAd Adware.Searchexplorer Adware.SearchCounter Adware.SavingsHound Adware.SideBySide Adware.SearchCentrix Adware.Sa Adware Adware.B Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .RaxSearch Adware.Savenow Adware Adware.SmartAdware Adware.Replace Adware.SearchNew Adware.QuickBrowser Adware.SearchSpace Adware.SmartPops.RXToolbar Adware.SearchMaid Adware.Roimoi Adware Adware.SmartPops Adware.SmartDove Adware.SideSearch Adware.B Adware.Redir Adware Adware.Shorty Adware.SafeSearch Adware.Riversoft Adware.QoolAid Adware. Thumbsnatcher Adware.SP2Update Adware.UniversalTB Adware.SweetBar Adware.Spedia Adware Adware.Uplink Adware Adware.WeatherScope Adware.Superlogy Adware.Vomba Adware Adware.Sqwire Adware Adware.TopMoxie Adware.TMKSoft.Umaxsearch Adware.Superbar Adware.SurfAccuracy Adware.Surfairy Adware.Topicks Adware.StartPage.TSAdbot Adware.StartPage.Webbuy Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .Starware Adware.WebBar Adware Adware.UpSpiralBar Adware.Tbon Adware Adware.TrustInPopups Adware.SurfSideKick Adware.Surebar Adware.Ventures Adware.TrustInBar Adware.StartPage Adware.Vanish Adware Adware.StatBlaster Adware.Ulubione Adware.Adware.Vtlbar Adware Adware.SystemProcess Adware.UCMore Adware Adware.Syslibie Adware.Ting Adware Adware.TargetAd Adware.Smartsearch Adware.Topsearch Adware.TrueAds Adware.StopPopupAdsNow Adware.Trinity Adware.VirtuMonde Adware.B Adware.SyncroAd Adware.TargetSaver Adware.STIEBar Adware.C Adware.TopAV Adware Adware.VirtualBouncer Adware.Superiorads Adware.SpywareNuker Adware.Twaintec Adware.TopSearch.SQuery Adware Adware.B Adware.XPlugin Adware.VCatch Adware Adware.TickerBar Adware.Toolband Adware.Topantispyware Adware. Webmisc Adware Adware.Zwunzi!gen1 Adware 10/02/2011 Adware.X10 Adware Adware.WorldSearch Adware Adware.Webprefix Adware Adware.WWWBar Adware Adware.Webext Adware Adware.ZioCom.Websearch Adware Adware.WebDir Adware Adware.WinTaskAd Adware Adware.B Adware Adware.Windupdates Adware Adware.WinAd Adware Adware.Winshow Adware Adware.Wurldmedia Adware Adware.ZangoSearch Adware Adware.ZenoSearch Adware Adware.ZeroPopUp Adware Adware.ZipClix Adware Adware.YourSiteBar Adware Adware.Weblookup Adware Adware.WinFavorites Adware Adware.Farfli.WeirdOnTheWeb Adware Adware.Wnad Adware Adware.WinLog Adware Adware.0 Trojan Virus 31/10/2008 AI Virus AIDS Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas AIDS_II Virus .WinFetch Adware Adware.Zwunzi!gen2 Adware 10/02/2011 Adware2 Adware 07/07/2003 AdwarePro Aplicaciones engañosas AdwarePro2Sqr Aplicaciones engañosas AdwareRemover Adware AdwareRemover2007 Aplicaciones engañosas AdwareSheriff Aplicaciones engañosas AdwareSpy Aplicaciones engañosas AgentSpyware Aplicaciones engañosas AH.YellowPages Adware Adware.Zwunzi Adware Adware.WinBo Adware Adware.Ztoolbar Adware Adware.WhenUSearchBar Adware Adware.B Adware Adware.Zhong Adware.Winpup Adware Adware.WhileUSurf Adware Adware.Wengs Adware Adware.C Adware Adware.ZioCom Adware Adware.WinFavorites.YinStart Adware Adware.ZioCom.ZQuest Adware Adware.WebRebates Adware Adware.Adware.WinProtect Adware Adware.Whazit Adware Adware.WebSecureAlert Adware Adware.Webwise Adware Adware.Webentrance Adware Adware.Yuupsearch Adware Adware. 331 Virus 11/06/2003 Allayed Virus ALS.FakePlayer Caballo de Troya 10/08/2010 AndroidOS.Accessiv.A Virus de macro AM.Tox.B Virus de macro AM.1101 Virus 16/05/2003 AntiPascal.174 Virus 22/11/2002 Anarchy Virus Android.506 Virus Albania.Bursted.Cop Virus Alabama Virus Alad.408 Virus 07/05/2003 AntiSpyBoss Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyCheck Aplicaciones engañosas AntispyDeluxe Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyGuard Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyKit Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyPro Aplicaciones engañosas .FakePlayer.Tapsnake Caballo de Troya 12/08/2010 AndroidOS.818 Virus Alexander.A Virus AM.Kenilfe Gusano 07/09/2010 AM.Bursted.Accessiv.AirCop.B Caballo de Troya 09/09/2010 Andromeda Virus AndromedaAV Aplicaciones engañosas Andryushka Virus Angarsk Virus AngryIPscanner Herramientas de evaluación de la seguridad Anna Virus Anthrax Virus ANTI Virus Anti-Pascal II.2293 Virus 04/09/2001 Albania.Tox.1951 Virus AlfaCleaner Aplicaciones engañosas Alfons.819 Virus 16/05/2003 Antibody Virus 29/10/1998 AntiCAD Virus Antichrist Hoax Falsas alarmas 17/07/2001 AntiCMOS Virus 11/07/1994 AntiEXE Virus 10/02/1995 AntiPascal.606 Virus Alex.B Virus 17/11/2005 ALS.B Virus de macro Amac Herramientas de evaluación de la seguridad Amanita.Geinimi Caballo de Troya 01/01/2011 Android.429 Virus Albania.Adrd Caballo de Troya 15/02/2011 Android.Ewalls Caballo de Troya 30/07/2010 Android.400 Virus 01/06/1990 AntiAVP.1151 Virus 09/04/2001 Ambulance Virus AMIN Virus Amoeba Virus Ana.575 Virus Albania.Standard Virus Akuku Virus Akuku.A Virus 10/12/2003 ALS.SMSReplicator Caballo de Troya 02/11/2010 Android.1344 Virus Alicino.368 Virus Alex. 3375 Virus Ariskkey Herramientas de evaluación de la seguridad Arriba.385.32512 Caballo de Troya 21/06/1999 AOL.Infostealer.A Virus AsteriskLogger Posibles aplicaciones no deseadas AT.B Caballo de Troya 20/06/2008 ARCV.AntispySpider Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyStorm Posibles aplicaciones no deseadas AntiSpywareExpert Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpywareGuard Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpywareMaster Aplicaciones engañosas AntispywareProtector Aplicaciones engañosas AntispywareProXP Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpywareShield Aplicaciones engañosas AntispywareSoldier Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyZone Aplicaciones engañosas AntiToolbar Aplicaciones engañosas Antivermins Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirGear Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirProtect Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirus2008 Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirus2009 Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirus2010 Aplicaciones engañosas Antivirus360 Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusAgentPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusAndSpyware Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusAndTrojan Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusDemoFraud Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusDoktor2009 Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusdotNET Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusFraud Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusGold Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusPlasma Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusSystem2011 Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusSystemPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusXP2008 Aplicaciones engañosas AOD.Trojan Caballo de Troya 01/04/2001 AOL.140 Virus Atomic Virus 28/07/1993 AutoStart 9805 Gusano 12/08/1998 Avalon.A Caballo de Troya 20/06/2008 AplS.814 Virus AVCare Aplicaciones engañosas Avispa Virus Avkiller.B Virus 25/10/2002 AOL and Intel Hoax Falsas alarmas AOL Flashing 'IM' Falsas alarmas 06/01/2000 AOL Gold Trojan Caballo de Troya AOL RIOT 2 Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas AOL Year 2000 Update Hoax Falsas alarmas 18/12/1999 AOL.Saprilt.Trojan Caballo de Troya 31/12/2001 AVSecuritySuite Aplicaciones engañosas AVSystemCare Aplicaciones engañosas Awareness Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas .330 Virus 16/08/1993 Arianna.Infostealer.Trojan Caballo de Troya 11/12/1997 AOL4Free Trojan Horse Caballo de Troya 16/04/1997 AOL4Free Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas AplS.EXE Hoax Falsas alarmas AOL.Saprilt. M.1304 Abraxas.603 Acid.Amg.536 Acurev.1872 ACG ACG.499 Ace.206 ADAF.8824 Abaddon Trojan Abal (1) Abal (2) ABAP.) A.Delins ABAP.Dosjob ABAP.Nitro.Poison A97M.3773 (Gen1) Account_Avenger.AMG.2024 Acurev.3619 Accept.B Ache.O.542 .458 (1) Absturz.494 Acdc.666 (1) Acurev.410 Abbas. Trojan A97M.1320 Abbas.272 Acurev.1518 Abraxas.790 AD.5660 ABCD (b) Abraxas.Accessiv.670 AcidWarp Acula.Kit A97M.716 AAA.Awola Aplicaciones engañosas Detecciones de Symantec AntiVirus (1006) (Estas amenazas también son detectadas por las definiciones de virus más recientes.397 ABX ACAD.Accrest A97M.Sonic AA.Sycode Abba.666 Acurev.Trojan (2) Absys ABT.458 Abraxas.1100 Abbas.666 (2) Acvt (Gen1) Acy.A A97M.338 Acid Rain Trojan (1) Acid Rain Trojan (2) Acid.Trojan A97M.Trojan Absturz.873 Acdc.448 AAV.807 Aardwolf.Pobresito Accept.D A97M. Searchthisbiz Adware.886 ADsmile.ISMonitor Adware.DL Adware.Trojan ADI.Iefeats!dr Adware.ADH Adware.SysAI Adware.Coolpp Adware.3026 (3) Adin.FFinder Adware.1406 Adv.552 Adri.LampUpdate Adware.ISearchHelpW Adware.Psic Adware.MoreResults Adware.Adeni.Opencash Adware.732 Adin.1113 Aduj.CashOn Adware.Sponsorbox Adware.Cleanurl Adware.Tginfo .Admagic Adware.4105 Adware.Ramdud Adware.Binet.KMGuide Adware.SmartAllYes Adware.484 Adrenalin Adrenaline.MidADdle Adware.Cygo Adware.Soduisearch Adware.CouponAge Adware.3026 (4) Adindi.1976 Adios.Favorit Adware.Worm Advice.485 Adif.147.Eurobarre Adware.DropSpam Adware.AdPutHelper Adware.ADDeliverer Adware.3026 (1) Adin.poly Adi_Pop.Cacb Adware.3026 (2) Adin.1431 Adi.1488 Adin.Infokey Adware.InstantBuzz Adware.Edea Adware.601 Adit.Gen Adware.Rcash Adware.1210 Adolf (1) Adolf (2) Adreim.Happy888 Adware. 698 Agent.XPassmanager Adware3 AdWhere2006 AEP.3000 (3) Agen.698 Gen(1) AH.Lop.Adware.6500 Agen.2919.572 .1536 Ailbone.303 Airwalker.B Airdef.3000 (2) AGA.Unknown Adware.823 Ailbone.626 Aforia.Lop.WhistleHelp Adware.3000 AGA.377 Ahav.1 AH.384 Airwalker.656 (x) AFV.3 Ahav.379.2919.ow (4) Air.383 Ahav.2919.ow Air.999 Airwalker.ow (5) Air_Raid.WhenU Adware.300 Airwalker.1730 (Gen1) Air_Raid.656 Aforia.1536 (b) AIMpws.Lop.385 AI (2) AI22.ow (3) Air.6500(2) Agen.Lop.379 Ahav.336 Ahav.218 AH.Trojan Air.6500(3) Agena Agent.386 Aiw.Toolgate Adware.0 AH.1659 AIH.236 AH.2919.385 Airwalker.ow (2) Air.3000 (1) AGA.4 Dropper AirCop.1728 (Gen1) Air_Raid.2919.1/3 Dropper AirCop.2 AH.517 AGA.1730 (1) Air_Raid.330 AirCop.337 Ahav.1730 (2) Air_Raid.B Ahav. C.1023 (3) Alia.1 (x) Akuku.B Alicino.b.1344 (x) Alfons.4265 Alar.506.4873 Alar.1361 Alien.Cop (x) Ala-eh.1536 Alfons.arj Alicia.5088 Alar.889.599 Alexander.1023 (2) Alia.E Akuku.2349 Alex & (Gen1) Alaeh.1023 (1) Alia.F Akuku.624 Alicia.6585 Alicia.259 .886.513 Alicia.889.1536 (x) Algerian Alho.2279 Ala-Eh.1976 Alien.6585 (1) Alicia.2104 Alexe.1223 Alfa.ow Alaper.1911 ALEV.852 Ajax.1392 Akill.E Akuku.1300 Alice.ow Alaper.B (1) Alabama.1287 Alfa.3161 Alaper.1356 Alien.886 Akuku.4873(b) Alar.676 Alia.3163 Alabama.512 Alex.145 AKE.4270 Albania.6047 Alar.5088 (b) Alar.3072 Alfons.858 Akuku.1027 Akill.4270 (b) Alar.ow Alar.C Albanian Ale.a Alicia.598 Alex.B (2) Alabama.1843 Alex. 14190 (3) Altx.1309 (x)(2) Altx.1827 Alph.Alien.2748 Altx.1751 Altx.1264 Altx.1751 (x)(3) Altx.14190 (2) ALSetup.480 Alien.4608.733 Alive.3800 Alive.D Alla.447 Alphastrike Alphavirus.1264 (x) Altx.1309 (4) Altx.2283 Alive.1325 ALLA.1309 (x)(3) Altx.1628 Already.1751 (x)(2) Altx.1264 (3) Altx.2340 (4) Alive.2000 alpha.1751 (3) Altx.1121 Alpha Alpha.1751 (4) Altx.1751 (2) Altx.3400 Alive.2340 (1) Alive.2900 Altx.2297 Altx.1309 Altx.1264 (x)(2) Altx.1264 (4) Altx.C .2675 Altx.2606 Altx.Trojan Am AM.Accessiv.2340 (3) Alive.71 ALSetup.2283 Altx.2889 Altx.2000 Alive.1309 (x) Altx.1555 Alpha.4608 Alive.1264 (2) Altx.2340 (2) Alive.2663 Altx.1264 (x)(3) Altx.1309 (2) Altx.1751 (x) Altx.14190 ALSetup.298 Alien.1407 Alladin.4000 Alive.1309 (3) Altx. 3000 Amt.6093 Anarchy.2124 (x) Ambulance.6093 (2) Anarchy.B Anarchy.3568 (1) Andr.666 ANDR.800 (3) Andromeda.3184 (2) Amuck.3536 (3) Andryushka.Jaring.B AN.3536 (4) .6503 Anarchy.1268 Anarchy.843 Androide.4000 Amt.758 Andromeda.D.4000 (Gen1) Amuck.2124 Ambulance.D Aman Amanita.B Andromeda.3568 (3) Andreew.479 Amazon.800.206 Andromeda.3000 Ambulance (d) Ambulance.AM.3536 (2) Andryushka.725.3948 AMD.300 Anarchy.500 Amazon.512 AN.Pun.479 (x) Amazon.A Amoeba.Tox.B Amt.795 AMD.805 Andris (b) Andris.3153 Anarchy.3568 (2) Andr.3184 (X) Amuck3184.500 (x) Amber.3184 Amuck.intended AM.800 Andromeda.1151 (x) Amazon.683 Andris.2900 Andr.468 (x) Amazon.6093 (3) Anarchy.370 Andromeda.995 Andromeda.725 Anad.468 Amazon.3948 (x) AMIN (x) Amoeba.512 Gen(1) Anad.800 (2) Andromeda.1392 Amoeba.1024 Andryushka. 2400.449 Annihilator.1571 Anger.1146 Answer.a Animals.12695 Anston.243 Another World.518 Anna (Gen1) Anna (Gen1) (2) Anna.416 Annihilator.314 Annihilator.734 Gen(1) Anni.548 Annihilator.394 Annihilator.907 .306 Annihilator.599 Annihilator.719 ANSI.1052 Annres.707 AnotherWorld.596 Annihilator.276 Annihilator.299 Annihilator.603 Annihilator.762 Angry.298 Annihilator.1053 Annres.393 Ani (b) Animals.807 AnniVCS.809 Annihilator Family(1) Annihilator Family(2) Annihilator Family(3) Annihilator Family(4) Annihilator.383 Annihilator.555 AnotherWorld.305 Annihilator.734 Anna.972 Anony.b Animo.553 Annres.2169 Answer.395 Angera.610 Annihilator.3568 (2) Angela(b) Angels.555 Annihilator.866 Annres.673 AnniVCS.3568 (1) Andryushka.2400.1782 Anston.361 Annihilator.1153 Anthrax (b) Anthrax (Gen1) Anthrax (x) ANTI B Anti-AV.Andryushka.645 AnotherWorld.880 AnsJovis. 2576 AntiCAD.4096.313 AntiArj.605 Anti_Trace AntiArj Antiarj.4096.E Anticad.726 Anti-Fortran.G Anticad.D Anticad.E (x) Anticad.2576 (x) AntiCad.2900 (x1) AntiCad.B (2) AntiCAD.F (x) Anticad.3012 (x) Anticad.4096.1110 Anti-Heur.gen AntiBase AntiBasic.3012.4096.2454 AntiCAD.4096.4096.4096.J Anticad.4096 (x1) AntiCAD.10000 (Gen1) AntiCAD.Chi (x) Anticad.4096.4096.Anti-Aznar.672 Anti-Pascal.3000 (2) AntiCAD.4096.H (x) Anticad.F Anticad.351 AntiCAD (b) AntiCAD.666 Anti-C.G (x) Anticad.4096.1235 AntiAVP.2454 (x) AntiCAD.930 AntiAVP.4096.A AntiCAD.4096.4096 (1) AntiCAD.Mozart Anticad.4096.2646 AntiCAD.10000 (x) AntiCad.3004 AntiCAD.2224 AntiCad.3000 (1) AntiCad.529 Anti-Pascal.4096.I (x) Anticad.2900 (x) AntiCAD.2900 (2) AntiCAD.4096.D (x) Anticad.664 Anti-Aznar.3088 AntiCAD.I Anticad.Mozart.977 AntiAVP.4096.4096.2900 AntiCAD.2646 (x) AntiCAD.2900 (1) AntiCAD.H Anticad.3012 AntiCAD.B (x) AntiCAD.J (x) AntiCAD.B .2224 (x) AntiCAD. 1570 Antilamer.385 (2) AOL 79316.B (x) Anticad.6747 Anticom.8530 ANTICOM.633 Antiwin.2305 AntiWin.6016 (2) AntiCMOS.Trojan AOL Trojan 0797A (1) AOL Trojan 0797A (2) AOL Trojan 0797A (3) AOL Trojan 1 AOL Trojan 1525 AOL Trojan 2 .764 (1) AntiMIT.400.385 AOD.1725 (3) Antigus.4096.633.1723 Antifort.E AntiPascal.8535 Antiem.Trojan AntiMit AntiMIT (Gen1) AntiMIT.6016 Antichek.1045 AntiSkol.1110 AntiFort.D AntiPascal.400.2320 Antieta.802 AntiScan.Anticad.632 Antiwin.5368 ANTIEXE.1723 (2) Antifort.B Anticom Anticom.G AntiPascal.583 AntiPascal.1723 (b) Antifort.764 (2) AntiMIT.764 Gen(1) AntiMon AntiPascal.Mozart.1723 (3) Antifort.2111 ANTIW.1007 Antipode.971 Antipode.1509 AntiFort.1725 Antifort.C AntiPascal.A Antifor.5297 Antieta.1509 (1) Antifort.613 AntiCMOS.653 Antipass.1342 AntiWin95 (b) AOD.k (b) Anticheck Antichek.1725 (2) Antifort.440 AntiPascal. 1500.Reaper.MaryM.Trojan.C APM.B APE.a APE.Minimal APOC.Trojan.850 AOS.Reaper.845 AOS.PHANT1.581 AOS.339 AOS.847 AOS.1264 AOL.Trojan.784 AOS.Trojan.Click AOL.629 AoTaun Trojan AP.Trojan.Reaper.Phant1.1430 Apocalipse Apocalipse (x) .Click (2) AOL.A (b) AP.789 AOS.1294 AOL.Click (4) AOS.841 AOS.1029 AOS.Trojan.Click (3) AOL.Trojan.613 AOS.794 AOS.Greenstripe APM.823 AOS.Trojan (1) AOL.MaryM.833 AOS.862 AOS.736 AOS.MaryM.621 AOS.852 AOS.617 AOS.H (b) Apadana.854 AOS.786 AOS.813 AOS.MaryR.1500 Apadana.Reaper.AOL Trojan 2351 AOL Trojan 3 AOL Trojan 4 AOL Trojan 5 AOL Trojan 6 AOL Trojan 7 AOL Trojan 8 AOL Trojan 873 AOL Trojan 9 AOL Trojan 911 AOL Trojan 958 AOL Trojan 966 AOL Trojan Winsyst AOL Trojan Winsyst 2 AOL Trojan Winsyst 3 AOL.856 AOS.BAT AOL.848 AOS.846 AOS. W95.615 April Fool.1060 (2) ARCV.89021 (1) Apparition.5959 Apparition.9258 Apparition.B1(Gen1) Apparition.1375 Arara.D Apparition.7035 Apparition.b Apulia.7035 Apparition APPARITION.748 April.1210 Apri1.748(2) April_1st.255 .1555 Arcobale ARCV ARCV.B AppelSch (1) AppelSch (2) Appelscha.1060 (1) ARCV.1060.942.797 April.4360 (1) Apparition.903 Archiver.4360 APPARITION.1092 Arara.17584 Arab Arachnophobia Aragon Aragon (2) Aragon (b) Aragon dropper Aragorn Aragorn (x) Arai.1488 April 1st April 1st (d) April Fool.2161 (2) Appender.1800 Arch.1060 (x) ARCV.2161 (1) Appelscha.5070 Arch.9052 Apparition.Dropper ARCV.1947 ARCV.APPARAITION.A Arale (2) Arale (d1) Arara Arara (1) Arara (2) Arara (3) Arara (4) Arara (5) Arara (Gen1) Arara.426 April.A Apparition. B ARCV.822 Areg.Anna.Lurve.659 ARCV.Friends ARCV.28781 Arg Argyle Argyle (1) Argyle (2) Argyle (3) Argyle (4) Argyle (5) Argyle (6) .1994 AreThree.Jo ARCV.more (Gen1) (2) ARCV.Two Minutes ARCV.A (1) ARCV.Ice.773 ARCV.2048 (b) AreThree.Scroll ARCV.Xmas.Scroll (Gen1)(2) ARCV.X-2 (Gen1) (2) ARCV.Lurve.Evul.Ice-9.Scroll (Gen1) ARCV.718 (Gen1) ARCV.Christmas.Anna.New Year ARCV.Made.746 ARCV.Payback ARCV.968 Arfav.800 ARCV.250 ARCV.805(drp) ARCV.334 ARCV.670 ARCV.Zaphod (Gen1) Aref.Evul.X-2 (Gen1) ARCV.847 Arequipa.Reaper ARCV.745 Gen 1 ARCV.2048 AreThree.X-2 (1) ARCV.Scythe ARCV.Kiss ARCV.639.745 ARCV.890 Areg.Ice.805 ARCV.718 ARCV.ARCV.Lurve.Benoit (Gen1) ARCV.Sandwich ARCV.Ice.X-2 (2) ARCV.670 (G1)(2) ARCV.670 (Gen1) ARCV.more (Gen1) ARCV.Xmas.Payback Dropper ARCV.Ice-9 ARCV.642 ARCV.Benoit (Gen1)(2) ARCV.Joanna.Benoit ARCV.718(G1)(2) ARCV. 4616 (b) Arya.714 Armageddon.1586 Ash.245 Ash.C Armagedon.230 ARSON.333 Ash.C Ash.dr Armagedon Armagedon.743.C .794 ASCII.509 Armenia.Argyle (Gen 1) Ari.246 Ash.1079.402.449 Ash.501 Armen.376.B Ash.441 Ash.485 Ash.280.1962 Aria.2864 Arianna.280 Ash.743.2864 (b2) Arianna.ow.B Ash.4616.449 (Gen1) Ash.613 Ascii.376.270.2864 (b3) Arianna.270 Ash.B (2) Ash.1152 Arusiek Arusiek (x) Arusiek.3426 Arj Worm ArjDrop.A Arjworm.1604 Ash.116 Artic.817 Arya.338 Ash.613 Ash Ash.a (b) Asahi.743.1602 Ash.1061 ASBV (b) Asch.281 Ash.284 Ash.B (1) Ash.675 Ascii.1079a Armagedon.4616 Arya.737 Ash.A Ash.712 Ash.451 Ash.3076 Arianna.3375 (b) Arianna.4616 (x) Arya.A Ash.743. Ash.7821 Astra.743.118 AT II.6539 ASStral.431 ASMvirus.510 AstraSYS.K Ash.959 Assassin.G (1) Ash.Silky Asparagus.433 (2) ASP.743.753 ASStral.H Ash.F Ash.441 Astra.498 AstraSYS.422 Astra.532 Aslf (b) Asmodeous Asmodeous.L Ash.D (1) Ash.309 Astra Astra.743.cmp.858 Asim.104 AT.114 AT II.927 (1) Astra.132 .1539 Ask.472 Dropper AstraSYS.431 (2) ASMvirus.959 (2) Asscom (bat) Assembly Duplicator Assign.1010 Astra.Child AstraSYS.4834 Assassin.768 Assassin.472 AstraSYS.433 ASMvirus.472 Dropper2 AstraSYS.817 Ash.743.521 AT II.122 AT.108 AT II.E Ash.743.1829 Asmodeus ASMvirus.743.744 Asterisk Asterix.1450 (1) Asmodeous.927 Astra.743.1450 (2) Asmodeous.I Ash.952 Assassin.443 Astra.743.753 (Gen1) Aster.976 Astra.882 Astra.841 Astra. cav.149 AT.823 Ausih.3215 Atas II.363 ATE.1268 Atas.160 AT.1014 (2) Aust.3321 Atas.825 Augnight.1522 ATB.653 Aurea.1014 Aust.AT.A AT.292 Auspar.524 Gen(1) Atenfor.480 Atomic.B AT.231 Austr_Parasite.524 ATE.cmp.3215 Atas.B AT.C Attitude.724 Attitude.2143 Atomic.B .990 (Gen1) AussieBoy.1353 Austr_Parasite.1268 Atas II.1522.384 Atas.321 ATCorp.2211 Atenfor.3233 Atas II.768 (1) Aurea.1179 Austr_Parasite.371 Atomic.1070 Atomant (1) Atomant.384 Atas.144.86 AusIH.2515 Atmosphere.140.144.147 Aust.A Attention.629 Attention.254 Austr_Parasite.E AT.768 (2) Aus-Dinky.1225 Aurea.1033 AusTerm Austin.B ATCORP.205 Austr_Parasite.144.322 Auspar.Companion Att.312.178 Atas II.343 Attitude.254(2) Austr_Parasite.400 Atb.156 AT.990 Auspar.3321 Atas II. 423 Austr_Parasite.543 Autumnal.550.990 (2) Australian.1024 Australian.153.213 Australian.Comic Australian.615 Australian.AMSV Austr_Parasite.482 Australian.162 AustralianTiny.3072 Autumnal.424(2) Australian.152 Australian.B Austr_Parasite.3072 (b) Autur AvA.990 (3) Australian.784 Australian.Lipo Australian.142/143 Australian.147 AustralianTiny.215 Australian.306 (1) Australian.762 (1) Australian.306 (2) Australian.990 Australian.352 Austr_Parasite.Austr_Parasite.B Australian.369 Australian.550 Australian.726 Australian.217 Australian.543.AMS Australian.1050 Australian.Elvis Australian.368 (Gen1) Australian.1179 Australian.579 Austr_Parasite.163 Australian.320 Austr_Parasite.162 (2) Austrian Parasite.187 Australian.1000 Australian.600 .229 Australian.Gotter Australian Australian.588 Australian.150/153 Australian.482 (d1) Australian.155 Australian.GOT Australian.550 AvA.440 Australian.424 Australian.1007(Gen1) Australian.VGA_Demo AustralianTiny.972 Austr_Parasite.A Australian.858 Australian. 918 Axe.3773 Virus ACTS.500 Awake.423 Aximus.270 AVCS.276 Avcs.2812 Avalanche.674 Avcs.Spaceflash Gusano 18/07/2006 .A Virus de macro 19/02/2002 A97M.797 AWME.cmp Axypt.b Avcs.2816 (2) Avalanche.814 (x) Avatar.A Virus 14/04/2002 ABC Virus Accept.2048.288 Avenger.1213 AWME.268 AVCS.1206 AWME.d Avlanche.2908 Avalgasil.423 (2) Axypt.1141 Azatoth.A Virus de macro A97M.1016 Axe.gen Axe.666 Avalon.997 Azboo (b) AZD Trojan Virus 01/07/1993 A and A A2K.b Avcs.273.kit.492 Azatoth.275 AVCS.LFM.Loaded Virus de macro 19/02/2002 A97M.Walla Virus de macro 19/02/2002 ABAP.Rivpas.Accessiv.2531 Avs.349 AVV.2300 Avvaddon.1930.884 Axe.2048.2816 Avalanche.b Avispa.268.1214 AWME.Family AWVCK.2831 Avalanche.Damcor Gusano 18/05/2004 A2M.926 Virus 08/01/2002 ACTS.Acid.2818 Avalanche.cmp AZ.Avalanche.154 Awvck.a AVCS.1344 Avenger.516.974 Aximus.180 AWVCK.Hamdam.1268 AWME.273.1100 Awaits.2820 Avalanche.1344 (x) Avispa. AdultLinks Adware Adware.AFAEnhance Adware Adware.BestSearch Adware .AUNPS Adware Adware.Adhelper Dialer Adware Adware.AllSum Adware Adware.Appoli Adware Adware.Begin2search Adware Adware.180Solutions Adware Adware.Annoyance Adware Adware.Aureate Adware Adware.Adpopup Adware Adware.Adultbox Adware Adware.AdServerNow Adware Adware.AdRoar Adware Adware.AdsInContext Adware Adware.AdChannel19 Adware Adware.BestIdol Adware Adware.BargainBuddy Adware Adware.7000n Adware Adware.AdBars Adware Adware.Adlogix Adware Adware.ABXToolbar Adware Adware.Admass Adware Adware.AntiSpamBoy Adware Adware.Affilred Adware Adware.Advision Adware Adware.180Search Adware Adware.AdDestroyer Adware Adware.Advertbar Adware Adware.AdGoblin Adware Adware.2Search Adware Adware.Aurora Adware Adware.123Search Adware Adware.ActiveSearch Adware Adware.AlibabaTB Adware Adware.Adtest Adware Adware.Aornum Adware Adware.Atlcontrol Adware Adware.AdBlock Adware Adware.Appztoolbar Adware Adware.BarACE Adware Adware.ADH Adware Trojan 10/03/2010 Adware.AdvertMen Adware.AdSupport Adware Adware.Adtomi Adware Adware.Adstation Adware Adware.Adsubscribe Adware Adware.BDE Adware Adware.AdBlaster Adware Adware.BBSee Adware Adware.Ada Virus Adolph Virus AdsAlert Aplicaciones engañosas AdShortcuts Posibles aplicaciones no deseadas ADT.1765 Virus 03/04/2001 AdvancedCleaner Aplicaciones engañosas AdvancedXPFixer Aplicaciones engañosas AdvParentalControl Controles para padres Adware.AdShooter Adware Adware. 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OrbitExplorer Adware.MWSearch Adware.MediaTicket Adware.P2PNetworking Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .MediaInject Adware.NowFind Adware.Mpgcom Adware Adware.Magoo Adware Adware.MDSSearchboost Adware.Nafaoz Adware Adware.MBKWbar Adware.Adware.Okcashbackmall Adware.Margoc Adware Adware.MediaLoad Adware.MoneyGainer Adware.MxliveMedia Adware.NeededWare Adware.MediaPass Adware.OverPro Adware.NewAds Adware Adware.NaughtyPops Adware.MaxSearch Adware.OneStep Adware.B Adware.Optserve Adware.MXTarget.Medload Adware.Ntsearch Adware.MXTarget Adware.MetaSearch Adware.MessStopper Adware.MainSearch Adware.NaviSearch Adware.MSView Adware Adware.Netpal Adware Adware.MyCustomIE Adware.Netword Adware.Meplex Adware Adware.OMI Adware Adware.MyCentria Adware.Movittone Adware.Multidropper Adware.Mirar Adware Adware.MoeMoney Adware.OfferAgent Adware.NDotNet Adware Adware.Mainpean Adware.NetMedia Adware.MatrixSearch Adware.MemoryMeter Adware.MediaPlaceTV Adware.NewWeb Adware Adware.NetOptimizer Adware.OpenSite Adware.Mycashbag Adware.Memini Adware Adware.Massfav Adware.Navihelper Adware.Oemji Adware Adware.Onban Adware Adware.Owlforce Adware. Roimoi Adware Adware.SeekSeek.Searchforit Adware.Rabio Adware Adware.Sa Adware Adware.SearchScout Adware.RCPrograms Adware.PurityScan.SearchNugget Adware.SearchCentrix Adware.Rugo Adware Adware.SearchMaid Adware.SavingsHound Adware.Replace Adware.QuickBrowser Adware.QoolAid Adware.RXToolbar Adware.RegiFast Adware.ReferAd Adware.SearchSeekFind Adware.SecureServicePk Adware.SearchNet Adware.SearchCounter Adware.B Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .RaxSearch Adware.PigSearch Adware.Raxums Adware Adware.SafeSearch Adware.Popuppers Adware.PrecisionTime Adware.PSN Adware Adware.PLook Adware Adware.PStrip Adware Adware.SearchNew Adware.Ro2cn Adware Adware.ScreenScenes Adware.PowerScan Adware.Searchsquire Adware.PortalScan Adware.Adware.Qidion Adware Adware.PurityScan Adware.Searchexplorer Adware.Purityscan.Satbo Adware Adware.Riversoft Adware.PrecisionPop Adware.Roogoo Adware Adware.D Adware.SecondThought Adware.Peppi Adware Adware.Searchq Adware.Searchtool Adware.PopAdStop Adware.SeekSeek Adware.SearchWords Adware.PPRich Adware Adware.SearchSpace Adware.C Adware.Savenow Adware Adware.SearchBarCash Adware.Quadro Adware Adware.Searchdot Adware.Redir Adware Adware. StartPage Adware.STIEBar Adware.SyncroAd Adware.Spedia Adware Adware.TargetAd Adware.SmartBrowser Adware.Trinity Adware.B Adware.StopPopupAdsNow Adware.SurfSideKick Adware.SmartPops.SweetBar Adware.Superlogy Adware.Sqwire Adware Adware.SideBySide Adware.SideBar Adware.TrustInBar Adware.Topsearch Adware.Topicks Adware.StartPage.B Adware.Surfairy Adware.TopAV Adware Adware.Thumbsnatcher Adware.TargetSaver Adware.Slagent Adware Adware.StatBlaster Adware.Superbar Adware.TopSearch.Adware.SP2Update Adware.SmartDove Adware.Syslibie Adware.SideFind Adware.C Adware.Sheldor Adware.SideSearch Adware.Shorty Adware.StartPage.TMKSoft.SpywareNuker Adware.TrustInPopups Adware.TSAdbot Adware.SmartPops Adware.UCMore Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .B Adware.Smartsearch Adware.Ting Adware Adware.Shazaa Adware Adware.Superiorads Adware.XPlugin Adware.SystemProcess Adware.SurfAccuracy Adware.Twaintec Adware.ShowBehind Adware.Starware Adware.Topantispyware Adware.Tbon Adware Adware.SmartAdware Adware.Toolband Adware.SeeqBar Adware.Surebar Adware.TrueAds Adware.TopMoxie Adware.TickerBar Adware.SQuery Adware Adware. Webext Adware Adware.ZioCom Adware Adware.YinStart Adware.Ventures Adware.VirtuMonde Adware.WinFetch Adware.Winshow Adware.WinBo Adware Adware.WinProtect Adware.WhileUSurf Adware.WeatherScope Adware.Uplink Adware Adware.Winpup Adware Adware.YourSiteBar Adware.WinLog Adware Adware.Ztoolbar Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware Adware .WhenUSearchBar Adware.UpSpiralBar Adware.WWWBar Adware Adware.Vomba Adware Adware.WebBar Adware Adware.ZQuest Adware Adware.WebDir Adware Adware.Weblookup Adware.WebRebates Adware.X10 Adware Adware.C Adware.Adware.WinFavorites Adware.UniversalTB Adware.WinAd Adware Adware.Wengs Adware Adware.Windupdates Adware.WorldSearch Adware.ZioCom.Webmisc Adware.Umaxsearch Adware.Webprefix Adware.Webentrance Adware.B Adware.VirtualBouncer Adware.Vanish Adware Adware.ZenoSearch Adware.WinTaskAd Adware.ZangoSearch Adware.WinFavorites.Webwise Adware.ZeroPopUp Adware.ZipClix Adware.Zhong Adware.Whazit Adware Adware.YellowPages Adware.Wurldmedia Adware.Yuupsearch Adware.Wnad Adware Adware.WeirdOnTheWeb Adware.Vtlbar Adware Adware.Webbuy Adware Adware.VCatch Adware Adware.B Adware.Ulubione Adware.Websearch Adware.WebSecureAlert Adware.ZioCom. Tox.Cop Virus Alabama Virus Alad.Standard Virus Akuku Virus Akuku.B Caballo de Troya 09/09/2010 Andromeda Virus AndromedaAV Aplicaciones engañosas Andryushka Virus Angarsk Virus AngryIPscanner Herramientas de evaluación de la seguridad Anna Virus Anthrax Virus ANTI Virus .A Virus de macro AM.Bursted.1151 Virus 09/04/2001 Ambulance Virus AMIN Virus Amoeba Virus Ana.B Virus de macro AM.575 Virus Albania.A Virus 10/12/2003 ALS.Accessiv.2293 Virus 04/09/2001 Albania.A Virus AM.B Virus 17/11/2005 ALS.Zwunzi!gen2 Adware 10/02/2011 Adware2 Adware 07/07/2003 AdwarePro Aplicaciones engañosas AdwarePro2Sqr Aplicaciones engañosas AdwareRemover Adware AdwareRemover2007 Aplicaciones engañosas AdwareSheriff Aplicaciones engañosas AdwareSpy Aplicaciones engañosas AgentSpyware Aplicaciones engañosas AH.429 Virus Albania.Bursted.0 Trojan Virus 31/10/2008 AI Virus AIDS Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas AIDS_II Virus AirCop.368 Virus Alex.B Virus de macro Amac Herramientas de evaluación de la seguridad Amanita.1951 Virus AlfaCleaner Aplicaciones engañosas Alfons.FakePlayer.SMSReplicator Caballo de Troya 02/11/2010 Android.Farfli.331 Virus 11/06/2003 Allayed Virus ALS.Adrd Caballo de Troya 15/02/2011 Android.Tox.174 Virus 22/11/2002 Anarchy Virus Android.FakePlayer Caballo de Troya 10/08/2010 AndroidOS.506 Virus Albania.Adware.818 Virus Alexander.Zwunzi!gen1 Adware 10/02/2011 Adware.Zwunzi Adware Adware.1344 Virus Alicino.Kenilfe Gusano 07/09/2010 AM.Tapsnake Caballo de Troya 12/08/2010 AndroidOS.Geinimi Caballo de Troya 01/01/2011 Android.606 Virus Alex.Accessiv.Ewalls Caballo de Troya 30/07/2010 Android. Trojan Caballo de Troya 01/04/2001 AOL.Anti-Pascal II.32512 Caballo de Troya 21/06/1999 AOL.819 Virus 16/05/2003 Antibody Virus 29/10/1998 AntiCAD Virus Antichrist Hoax Falsas alarmas 17/07/2001 AntiCMOS Virus 11/07/1994 AntiEXE Virus 10/02/1995 AntiPascal.Trojan Caballo de Troya 11/12/1997 AOL4Free Trojan Horse Caballo de Troya 16/04/1997 AOL4Free Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas AplS.Saprilt.400 Virus 01/06/1990 AntiAVP.B Caballo de Troya 20/06/2008 .Infostealer.Saprilt.EXE Hoax Falsas alarmas AOL.Infostealer.408 Virus 07/05/2003 AntiSpyBoss Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyCheck Aplicaciones engañosas AntispyDeluxe Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyGuard Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyKit Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntispySpider Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyStorm Posibles aplicaciones no deseadas AntiSpywareExpert Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpywareGuard Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpywareMaster Aplicaciones engañosas AntispywareProtector Aplicaciones engañosas AntispywareProXP Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpywareShield Aplicaciones engañosas AntispywareSoldier Aplicaciones engañosas AntiSpyZone Aplicaciones engañosas AntiToolbar Aplicaciones engañosas Antivermins Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirGear Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirProtect Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirus2008 Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirus2009 Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirus2010 Aplicaciones engañosas Antivirus360 Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusAgentPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusAndSpyware Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusAndTrojan Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusDemoFraud Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusDoktor2009 Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusdotNET Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusFraud Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusGold Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusPlasma Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusSystem2011 Aplicaciones engañosas AntivirusSystemPro Aplicaciones engañosas AntiVirusXP2008 Aplicaciones engañosas AOD.B Virus 25/10/2002 AOL and Intel Hoax Falsas alarmas AOL Flashing 'IM' Falsas alarmas 06/01/2000 AOL Gold Trojan Caballo de Troya AOL RIOT 2 Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas AOL Year 2000 Update Hoax Falsas alarmas 18/12/1999 AOL.1101 Virus 16/05/2003 AntiPascal.A Caballo de Troya 20/06/2008 AplS.385. 3619 Accept.1304 Abraxas.1100 Abbas.Trojan Absturz.458 Abraxas.1320 Abbas.814 Virus AVCare Aplicaciones engañosas Avispa Virus Avkiller.5660 ABCD (b) Abraxas.1518 Abraxas.338 .Trojan (2) Absys ABT.B Ache.ARCV.Dosjob ABAP. Trojan A97M.448 AAV.M.O.499 Ace.) A.Amg.A Virus AsteriskLogger Posibles aplicaciones no deseadas AT.Poison A97M.873 Acdc.410 Abbas.Pobresito Accept.A A97M.Sonic AA.3375 Virus Ariskkey Herramientas de evaluación de la seguridad Arriba.Sycode Abba.458 (1) Absturz.Accrest A97M.1872 ACG ACG.Trojan Caballo de Troya 31/12/2001 AVSecuritySuite Aplicaciones engañosas AVSystemCare Aplicaciones engañosas Awareness Virus Hoax Falsas alarmas Awola Aplicaciones engañosas Detecciones de Symantec AntiVirus (1006) (Estas amenazas también son detectadas por las definiciones de virus más recientes.8824 Abaddon Trojan Abal (1) Abal (2) ABAP.330 Virus 16/08/1993 Arianna.397 ABX ACAD.716 AAA.Accessiv.D A97M.3773 (Gen1) Account_Avenger.807 Aardwolf.Trojan A97M.Kit A97M.140 Virus Atomic Virus 28/07/1993 AutoStart 9805 Gusano 12/08/1998 Avalon.494 Acdc.AMG.Delins ABAP.Nitro. ADH Adware.DropSpam Adware.CouponAge Adware.1210 Adolf (1) Adolf (2) Adreim.AdPutHelper Adware.3026 (3) Adin.Cleanurl Adware.Worm Advice.536 Acurev.886 ADsmile.1113 Aduj.1976 Adios.484 Adrenalin Adrenaline.Coolpp Adware.Cygo Adware.Cacb Adware.Iefeats!dr Adware.FFinder Adware.Trojan ADI.3026 (4) Adindi.272 Acurev.670 AcidWarp Acula.790 AD.Happy888 Adware.206 ADAF.Favorit Adware.1406 Adv.Infokey Adware.4105 Adware.1488 Adin.542 Adeni.ADDeliverer Adware.666 Acurev.601 Adit.3026 (1) Adin.666 (1) Acurev.1431 Adi.Edea Adware.ISearchHelpW .3026 (2) Adin.147.732 Adin.Admagic Adware.CashOn Adware.Acid Rain Trojan (1) Acid Rain Trojan (2) Acid.603 Acid.Gen Adware.552 Adri.2024 Acurev.poly Adi_Pop.666 (2) Acvt (Gen1) Acy.Binet.Eurobarre Adware.485 Adif.InstantBuzz Adware.DL Adware. 1659 AIH.Opencash Adware.336 Ahav.377 Ahav.Ramdud Adware.Adware.626 Aforia.337 Ahav.379.SmartAllYes Adware.2919.Lop.3000 AGA.3 Ahav.2919.Lop.Soduisearch Adware.KMGuide Adware.Unknown Adware.6500(2) Agen.2919.1 AH.Psic Adware.ow (2) Air.Trojan Air.ISMonitor Adware.Tginfo Adware.698 Gen(1) AH.ow (5) .236 AH.698 Agent.WhenU Adware.2919.823 Ailbone.Lop.ow (4) Air.656 Aforia.2 AH.385 AI (2) AI22.Sponsorbox Adware.6500(3) Agena Agent.1536 (b) AIMpws.ow Air.Searchthisbiz Adware.Lop.ow (3) Air.2919.Rcash Adware.379 Ahav.3000 (1) AGA.1536 Ailbone.Toolgate Adware.3000 (2) AGA.WhistleHelp Adware.218 AH.517 AGA.383 Ahav.SysAI Adware.B Ahav.3000 (3) Agen.XPassmanager Adware3 AdWhere2006 AEP.6500 Agen.MoreResults Adware.656 (x) AFV.0 AH.LampUpdate Adware.MidADdle Adware. 599 Alexander.B (2) Alabama.C Albanian Ale.2279 Ala-Eh.999 Airwalker.145 AKE.6047 Alar.C.2104 Alexe.1843 Alex.852 Ajax.ow Alaper.B (Gen1) Alaeh.889.385 Airwalker.1730 (1) Air_Raid.384 Airwalker.4 Dropper AirCop.1223 Alfa.b.2349 Alex & Solo.330 AirCop.B Airdef.1728 (Gen1) Air_Raid.889.5088 (b) Alar.1287 Alfa.E Akuku.B (1) Alabama.1536 Alfons.ow Alaper.858 Akuku.E Akuku.598 Alex.4270 Albania.4873(b) Alar.3072 Alfons.Air_Raid.300 Airwalker.512 Alex.886.ow Alar.506.1730 (Gen1) Air_Raid.5088 Alar.4873 Alar.1536 (x) Algerian Alho.1/3 Dropper Aiwed.F Akuku.4270 (b) Alar.303 Airwalker.4265 Alar.Cop (x) Ala-eh.3161 Alaper.886 Akuku.3163 Alabama.386 Aiw.1027 Akill.1 (x) Akuku.676 .1911 ALEV.1344 (x) Alfons.1730 (2) Air_Raid.1392 Akill. 1555 Alpha.4000 Alive.733 Alive.2000 Alive.14190 (3) Altx.1309 (x)(2) Altx.D Alla.1309 Altx.1264 (x)(3) Altx.1309 (x)(3) Altx.1023 (2) Alia.1264 (3) Altx.arj Alicia.4608 Alive.1309 (4) Altx.2340 (1) Alive.1309 (x) Altx.1827 Alph.1264 (4) Altx.480 Alien.2340 (3) Alive.1356 Alien.6585 (1) Alicia.1264 (x) Altx.1264 Altx.6585 Alicia.1023 (1) Alia.3400 Alive.a Alicia.624 Alicia.2283 Alive.1264 (2) Altx.1325 ALLA.14190 (2) ALSetup.2340 (2) Alive.4608.1309 (2) Altx.71 ALSetup.2000 alpha.Alia.1751 (2) Altx.1023 (3) Alia.1976 Alien.1361 Alien.259 Alien.513 Alicia.1628 Already.1121 Alpha Alpha.1407 Alladin.1264 (x)(2) Altx.1300 Alice.1309 (3) Altx.298 Alien.B Alicino.14190 ALSetup.3800 Alive.2340 (4) Alive.447 Alphastrike Alphavirus.1751 (3) .1751 Altx. 468 Amazon.805 .1392 Amoeba.Altx.1751 (4) Altx.B Amt.3184 (2) Amuck.intended AM.Tox.Accessiv.3184 Amuck.3948 (x) AMIN (x) Amoeba.500 Amazon.6093 (2) Anarchy.6093 (3) Anarchy.725 Anad.795 AMD.2889 Altx.666 ANDR.1151 (x) Amazon.479 Amazon.2663 Altx.2675 Altx.1751 (x) Altx.725.B Anarchy.Jaring.300 Anarchy.3000 Amt.3568 (3) Andreew.1751 (x)(3) Altx.4000 (Gen1) Amuck.512 AN.D Aman Amanita.3568 (1) Andr.2748 Altx.2900 Andr.Pun.6093 Anarchy.2124 (x) Ambulance.3000 Ambulance (d) Ambulance.3153 Anarchy.512 Gen(1) Anad.1268 Anarchy.3948 AMD.2297 Altx.1751 (x)(2) Altx.3568 (2) Andr.2283 Altx.2606 Altx.479 (x) Amazon.C AM.4000 Amt.Trojan Am AM.468 (x) Amazon.A Amoeba.6503 Anarchy.500 (x) Amber.2900 Altx.B AN.2124 Ambulance.3184 (X) Amuck3184. 866 Annres.807 AnniVCS.3536 (4) Andryushka.361 Annihilator.206 Andromeda.394 Annihilator.Andris (b) Andris.673 AnniVCS.3536 (2) Andryushka.298 Annihilator.3568 (2) Angela(b) Angels.599 Annihilator.243 .D.1024 Andryushka.758 Andromeda.a Animals.3568 (1) Andryushka.603 Annihilator.548 Annihilator.800 (3) Andromeda.3536 (3) Andryushka.555 Annihilator.1052 Annres.683 Andris.306 Annihilator.1571 Anger.610 Annihilator.b Animo.518 Anna (Gen1) Anna (Gen1) (2) Anna.762 Angry.800 Andromeda.393 Ani (b) Animals.734 Anna.299 Annihilator.383 Annihilator.800 (2) Andromeda.809 Annihilator Family(1) Annihilator Family(2) Annihilator Family(3) Annihilator Family(4) Annihilator.995 Andromeda.449 Annihilator.314 Annihilator.370 Andromeda.276 Annihilator.2400.2400.B Andromeda.416 Annihilator.395 Angera.972 Anony.843 Androide.1053 Annres.596 Annihilator.800.553 Annres.734 Gen(1) Anni.305 Annihilator. 2646 (x) AntiCAD.B (2) AntiCAD.707 AnotherWorld.3088 AntiCAD.10000 (x) AntiCad.645 AnotherWorld.4096.2900 (x1) AntiCad.4096 (1) AntiCAD.719 ANSI.1235 AntiAVP.880 AnsJovis.10000 (Gen1) AntiCAD.666 Anti-C.672 Anti-Pascal.3004 AntiCAD.12695 Anston.3000 (2) AntiCAD.3012 AntiCAD.D .B (x) AntiCAD.3000 (1) AntiCad.977 AntiAVP.605 Anti_Trace AntiArj Antiarj.gen AntiBase AntiBasic.2224 AntiCad.1146 Answer.2900 (x) AntiCAD.2576 AntiCAD.A AntiCAD.1782 Anston.726 Anti-Fortran.4096.351 AntiCAD (b) AntiCAD.2454 AntiCAD.3012.664 Anti-Aznar.2224 (x) AntiCAD.3012 (x) Anticad.2646 AntiCAD.Another World.555 AnotherWorld.1110 Anti-Heur.2454 (x) AntiCAD.529 Anti-Pascal.2900 AntiCAD.2169 Answer.930 AntiAVP.313 AntiArj.2900 (1) AntiCAD.Chi (x) Anticad.907 Anti-Aznar.4096.1153 Anthrax (b) Anthrax (Gen1) Anthrax (x) ANTI B Anti-AV.4096.2576 (x) AntiCad.2900 (2) AntiCAD.4096 (x1) AntiCAD. 4096.A Antifor.E AntiPascal.400.400.1725 (2) Antifort.1007 Antipode.1509 AntiFort.G Anticad.6016 (2) AntiCMOS.1045 AntiSkol.Trojan AntiMit AntiMIT (Gen1) AntiMIT.440 AntiPascal.5368 ANTIEXE.1570 Antilamer.B (x) Anticad.2320 Antieta.F (x) Anticad.1110 AntiFort.Mozart.400.6016 Antichek.4096.971 Antipode.4096.4096.4096.4096.4096.2111 .4096.4096.J (x) AntiCAD.B Anticad.I (x) Anticad.E Anticad.D (x) Anticad.B Anticom Anticom.613 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Normal 6.exe C:\WINDOWS\ 1308 19-2-2011 6:27:41 a.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.AO Aimbot.B Agent.2180 Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows® Microsoft Corporation Explorador de Windows explorer © Microsoft Corporation.2600.00. EXPLORER.EXE #:11 [svchost.exe LegalCopyright : © Microsoft Corporation.2900. All rights Win32/adware.21 Google Update Google Inc.RegistryReviver Js.01.2180 ProductName : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation FileDescription : Generic Host Process for Win32 Services InternalName : svchost.G AnaFTP.BV Bagle.yama .m.BR Bagle.040803-2158) 6.1..2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.1. GoogleUpdate.ProductVersion ProductName CompanyName FileDescription InternalName LegalCopyright OriginalFilename #:10 [explorer.BI Bagle.exe] FilePath ProcessID ThreadCreationTime BasePriority FileVersion ProductVersion ProductName CompanyName FileDescription InternalName LegalCopyright OriginalFilename : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1. Google Installer Google Update Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.FY Agent.NAC Bagle.MetaDirect.2.coolnow · JS/Frist · Js.BW Bagle.P Antinny. C Drefir.J Bropia.NAA Codbot.AH Dialer.F Drefir.AG.NAF Bozori.AG Bobax.DM Bagle.AW ClassLoader.NAC Bobax.AE Bobax.CJ Bagle.CZ Bagle.DI Bagle.NAD Bobax.AC Bobax.AI Combra.F CmjSoy.DP Bagle.Bagle.DQ Beastdoor Bifrose.D Bifrose.NAA Bobax.DG Bagle.AD Bobax.AY Dialer.E Bozori.DL Bagle.OL DelFiles.E Bobax.DA Bagle.DK Bagle.NAB Bobax.AA Bobax.G Bozori.DB Bagle.A Bozori.dropper Bobax.B Bozori.A Drefir.DF Bagle.NAE Bobax.G Dumador .DP Bagle.AB Bobax.C Drefir.I Bozori.D Delf.J Brontok.DH Bagle.DJ Bagle.D Drefir.DE Bagle.H Bozori.ACH Delf.AF Bobax.DC Bagle.CK a CY Bagle.KS Dire. Exploit.Bytverify.K Exploit.Mht.BB Exploit.Mht.BC Exploit.Mht.BD Exploit.Mht.BE-a-BG Exploit.Mht.BH Exploit.Mht.BI Exploit.Mht.BJ Exploit.MS05-012 Exploit.MS05-039.I Exploit-Mht-BK Eyeveg.O Eyeveg.Q Eyeveg.S Fanbot.H Fanbot.I Fanbot.J Fanbot.K Fanbot.L Flux.A Flux.C Flux.D Flux.E Flux.I Gedza.NAB Guap.C Hiberium.B Hupigon.HI Hupigon.NE Incef.A Infober.B IRCBot.OO IRCBot.OQ IRCBot.OR IRCBot.OW IRCBot.OX IRCBot-PG IRC-SdBot.DWF IRC-SdBot.DWO JS-Exploit.ByteVerify JS-ObjID.C Juny.B Kelvir.GO Kelvir-GQ KillAV.EA KillAV.FB KillFiles.HL Korgo.AK Landis.B Lazar-A Lebreat.O Lebreat.S Lewor.K Lewor.L Lewor.M Lewor.N Lewor.NAA Lewor.NAB Lewor.P Lewor.S Lewor.T Lewor.X Lewor.Y Lewor.Z LiteBot.B LiteBot.D Loosky.A Lowzones.E Lowzones.NAE Lupper-A Maslan-D Mex.A Molli.A Mutabor.A Mytob Mytob.IK Mytob.IM Mytob.IN Mytob.IO Mytob.IP Mytob.IQ Mytob.IR Mytob.IS Mytob.IT Mytob.IU Mytob.IV Mytob.IW Mytob.IX Mytob.IY Mytob.IZ Mytob.JA Mytob.JB Mytob.JF Mytob.JG Mytob.JH Mytob.JI Mytob.JJ Mytob.JK Mytob.JL Mytob.JM-a-JY Mytob.JZ Mytob.KA Mytob.KB Mytob.KC Mytob.KD Mytob.KE Mytob.KF Mytob.KG Mytob.KH Mytob.KI Mytob.KJ Mytob.KK Mytob.KL Mytob.KM Mytob.KN Mytob.KO Mytob.KP Mytob.KQ Mytob.KR Mytob.KS Mytob.JE Mytob.KT Mytob.KU Mytob.KV Mytob.KW Mytob.KX-a-KZ Mytob.LA Mytob.LB Mytob.LC Mytob.LD Mytob.LE Mytob.LF Mytob.LG Mytob.LH Mytob.LI Mytob.LJ Mytob.LK Mytob.LM Mytob.LN Mytob.LO Mytob.LP Mytob.LQ Mytob.LR Mytob.LS Mytob.LT Mytob.LU Mytob.LV Mytob.LW Mytob.LX Mytob-LY Mytob-LZ Mytob-MA Mytob-MB Mytob-MC Mytob-MD Mytob-ME Mytob-MF Mytob-MG Nintendo-Taihen.A Nintendo-Taihen.B Nonyr.B Opanki.AD Opanki.AE Opanki.AF-a-AS Opanki.AW Optix.Pro.13 Oscarbot.AJ Oscarbot.AK Oscarbot.AM Oscarbot.AN P2Load.A Padodor.NAU PSP-Brick.A PSW.Legendmir.AIK Rahak.A Rbot Rbot.ABE Rbot.ALY Rbot.AQU RBot.ASA RBot.AVG Rbot.AWD Rbot.BKR Rbot.DVI Rbot.SB Rbot.SP Rbot.VW Rbot.VY Rbot.XE Rbot.ZE Rootkit.Agent.AB Rootkit.Agent.AE Savage.B Small.NAA Sober.R Spy.Agent.HD Spy.Banker.ABZ Spy.Banker.CV Spy.Banker.NFJ Spy.Banker.VJ Spy.Banker.XD Spy.Banpaes.AD Spy.Flux Spy.Flux.A Spy.Flux.D Spy.VB.HZ Spyboter.CY Spy-Goldun-BA StartPage.AAM StartPage.ACV Surila.X Surila.Y Surila-AB Surila-NAC Surila-NAD SymbOS-Appdisabler.C SymbOS-Cabir.AA SymbOS-Cabir.AB SymbOS-Cardblock.A SymbOS-CommWarrior.C SymbOS-Fontal.E Telemot.B Tool.EvID4226 TrojanClicker.Small.GP TrojanClicker.Small.HS TrojanDownloader.Adload.J TrojanDownloader.Agent.LQ TrojanDownloader.Agent.UF TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.IA TrojanDownloader.Dadobra.IL TrojanDownloader.Delf.UV TrojanDownloader.Murlo.AR TrojanDownloader.Small.AAO TrojanDownloader.Small.BIH TrojanDownloader.Small.BJY TrojanDownloader.Tiny.T TrojanDownloader.VB.FI TrojanDownloader.VB.IF TrojanDownloader.VB.KV TrojanDropper.Agent.CO TrojanDropper.Agent.SG TrojanDropper.Delf.MY TrojanDropper.Small.NCJ TrojanProxy.Daemonize.BP TrojanProxy.Daemonize.BQ TrojanProxy.Lager.F TrojanProxy.Mitglieder.NAN TrojanProxy.Small.CR Tsipe.R VB.NAX VB.NBR VB.NDR VBS-Lubus.A VBS-TrojanDownloader.Small.L VBS-TrojanDownloader.Small.NAA VBS-TrojanDropper.Small.M Virkel.A Netsky-AG StartPage-AED Win64.Rugrat.A Wootbot.NAI Wootbot.NBE Xipi.A Zafi.E Adware.MetaDirect.B IRCBot.OX Agent.FY Agent.NC Agent.WPG Agobot.LR Agobot.NAE Aimbot.AF Aimbot.AO Aimbot.G AnaFTP.01.Server .B Anker.P Antinny.AQ Arman.NAC Bagle.BI Bagle.BR Bagle.BS Bagle.BU Bagle.BV Bagle.BW Bagle.BX Bagle.CB Bagle.CI Bagle.CJ Bagle.CK a CY Bagle.CZ Bagle.DA Bagle.DB Bagle.DC Bagle.DE Bagle.DF Bagle.DG Bagle.DH KillAV.FB KillFiles.HL Korgo.AK Landis.B Lazar-A Lebreat.O Lebreat.S Lewor.K Lewor.L Lewor.M Lewor.N Lewor.NAA Lewor.NAB Lewor.P Lewor.S Lewor.T Lewor.X Lewor.Y Lewor.Z LiteBot.B LiteBot.D Loosky.A Nonyr.B Opanki.AD Opanki.AE Opanki.AF-a-AS Opanki.AW Optix.Pro.13 Oscarbot.AJ Oscarbot.AK Oscarbot.AM Oscarbot.AN P2Load.A Padodor.NAU PSP-Brick.A PSW.Legendmir.AIK Rahak.A Rbot Rbot.ABE Rbot.ALY Rbot.AQU RBot.ASA RBot.AVG Rbot.AWD Mytob-LZ IRCBot-PG Mytob-MA IRC-SdBot.DWF Mytob-MB IRC-SdBot.DWO Mytob-MC JS-Exploit.ByteVerify Mytob-MD JS-ObjID.C Mytob-ME Juny.B Mytob-MF Kelvir.GO Mytob-MG Kelvir-GQ Nintendo-Taihen.A KillAV.EA Nintendo-Taihen Agent.JF Surila.E Mytob.F a.KB SymbOS-Fontal.IT Spy.DI Lowzones.KL TrojanDownloader.D Bobax.J Mytob.OL Mytob.A Rbot.KI TrojanDownloader.IM Rootkit.KM TrojanDownloader.Murlo.Banker.DP Molli.NAA Mytob.G a.KS Mytob.NAC Mytob.KH TrojanDownloader.AG.Agent.AE Mytob.Y Bozori.K r.IR Spy.Dadobr Mytob.NAA Bobax.Dadobr Mytob. .JJ Surila-NAD Bropia.JM-a-JY SymbOS-Cabir.IX Spy.IP Sober.A Rbot.VW Bagle.Banker.AD Mytob.J Mytob.B DelFiles.AI Mytob.ACH Mytob.Flux Bobax.BB AR Mytob.NAD Mytob.SP Bagle.Dadobr Mytob.ACV Bozori.JL SymbOS-Cabir.JH Surila-AB Bozori.JI Surila-NAC Brontok.AB Mytob.NAA Mytob.I Mytob.KG TrojanDownloader.AB Codbot.HD Bobax.AD Bobax.JE StartPage.IO Small.C Mytob.ZE Beastdoor Mytob.Bagle.B Bobax.J Drefir.IR Exploit.AE Bifrose.JD StartPage.CV Bobax.DVI Bagle.F Mytob.AG Mytob.IS Spy.E Rbot.AAM Bozori.SB Bagle.JZ SymbOS-Cardblock.UV Exploit. Mytob.Dadobr Mytob.C UF Drefir.AY Mytob.B Mytob.Bytverify.DJ Lowzones.Agent.Banpaes.KK TrojanDownloader.Mht.GP Dialer.A Mytob.Agent.KJ TrojanDownloader.G Mytob.AF Mytob.A Bobax.NAB Mytob.A Mytob.E Delf.DK Lupper-A Rbot.DP Mutabor.NAE Mytob.JK SymbOS-Appdisabler. LQ Drefir.Banker.Small.BKR Bagle.IM Dumador a.IA Drefir.AW Mytob.DQ Mytob Rbot.KN Mytob.D a.H Mytob.Flux.AA CmjSoy.JA Spy.D Mytob.Delf.C ClassLoader.R Bobax.IV Spy.D Mytob.XD Bobax.JB Spyboter.A Combra.NAE Rbot.Adload.DM Mex.dropper Mytob.JC Spy-Goldun-BA Bozori.IK Rootkit.NFJ Bobax.IZ Spy.AA Mytob.VJ Bobax.IN Savage.KA SymbOS-CommWarrior.IL Drefir.EvID4226 Dialer.CY Bozori.AB Bifrose.ABZ Bobax.C Delf.X Bozori.HZ Bobax.KC Telemot.KF TrojanClicker.Banker.DL Maslan-D Rbot.KD Tool.Small.E Mytob.NAF Mytob.Agent.XE Bagle.HS Dire.KO TrojanDownloade TrojanDownloader.AH Mytob.Banker.VY Bagle.IQ Spy.Flux.KE TrojanClicker.VB.IU Spy.JG Surila.A Rbot.AC Mytob.IY Spy.IW Spy. A Gedza.Q Mytob.NBE IRCBot.I Mytob.A IRCBot.Daemonize.BIH Exploit.LN VBS-Lubus.LE TrojanProxy.M Hupigon.Patcher Worm.KV TrojanDownloade r.KQ TrojanDownloader.Hijack. AAO Exploit.LG TrojanProxy.Hijack.B Mytob.Exploit.LS Netsky-AG Incef.T Exploit.Small.LM VB.Mht.KR TrojanDownloade r.B Q Fanbot.Agent.K Mytob.LH TrojanProxy.BE-a-BG Mytob.OQ Mytob.L Guap.LF TrojanProxy.VB.HI Mytob.KT TrojanDownloader.LW Wootbot.Agent.Small.controlplanelstyle win32/adware.NAB Mytob.G hijack.LC TrojanDropper.J Mytob.LU Win64.Small.Autorun Trojan.NBR Flux.L Mytob.LJ VB.exe .Tiny.KU TrojanDownloader.BD Mytob.NAI IRCBot.Mht.LK VB.O Mytob.NDR Flux.F Exploit.LD TrojanProxy.Small.Mht.FakeAlert PUM.VB.C Mytob.FI Exploit.KV Exploit-Mht-BK Mytob.Small.A Hupigon.B P Fanbot.Help backup.H Mytob.StartMenu PUM.LR Virkel.BC Mytob.Mht.MS05-039.ADON Hijack.CR Flux.OR Mytob.LI Tsipe.I Mytob.LQ VBS-TrojanDropper.Mht.R Flux.BJ Mytob.BH Mytob.NAX Flux.LO VBS-TrojanDownloader.NCJ Fanbot.Lager.A Mytob.BI Mytob.LV Wootbot.A Mytob.LX Xipi. BJY Exploit.I Mytob.LT StartPage-AED Infober.A IRCBot.exe xx.S Mytob.Sm all.F Fanbot.Small.NE Mytob.LA TrojanDropper.exe scvhost.MS05-012 Mytob.KX-a-KZ TrojanDropper.exe backupme.NAA Hiberium.Delf.Rugrat.Daemonize.C Mytob.KS TrojanDownloader.OW Mytob-LY Zafi.Agent HackTool.KP TrojanDownloader.E Zafi.B Mytob.E Mytob.ControlPanelStyle Trojan.OpenCo nnection.CO Eyeveg.Small .exe drv32.SG Eyeveg.exe bxo.Mitglieder.MY Eyeveg.LP VBS-TrojanDownloader.LB TrojanDropper.D Mytob.OO Mytob.IF Exploit.KW TrojanDownloade r.Mht.VB. NAN Fanbot. exe" "5" = "arena.exe" "8" = "autorunx.000.exe" "22" = "gouday.exe MSOCache RECYCLERS-1-6-21-1257894210-1075856346 RECYCLERS-1-6-21-6875689567-0328346474 RESTORE SSCVIHOST SYSTEM CONFIG RECYCLER FOUND.** msvcr71.exe ntdetect.exe vadelextra.000 autorun.exe thein.exe" "7" = "auto.exe bs.exe" "21" = "fvprotect.** SSCVIHOST.exe" "4" = "amvo.exe delextra.** "1" = " .** RavMonE.exe drv32.exe" "6" = "au.inf ise32.exe del.EXE" "24" = "" "3" = "amigda.exe auhi64.exe" .exe" "12" = "copetttt.** uvsqfgwd.cmd" "18" = "Foto_celular.exe" "20" = "fun.exe vadelnew.exe" "9" = "avp.exe" "16" = "Emma.exe" "2" = "80avp08.exe planet.** FOUND.exe" "14" = "direct.exe" "17" = "f.scr" "19" = "fservice.exe micro$oft satanas.** lky.**" "13" = "d3dupdate.EXE" "25" = "ise32.exe" "10" = "avpo.exe vadel.exe" "15" = "doWTP_RESTORE_0.autorun.exe" "11" = "bro-act.xls.** xih9.exe" "23" = "HIDN2.exe delnew. exe" "39" = "nfbl.143 Trojan.exe" "52" = "SSVICHOSST.exe" "31" = "KOfcpwSvcs" "32" = "lsasss.FakeMS Trojan.exe" "29" = "kavo.exe" "27" = "iuhx32.Help Hijack.exe" "38" = "New" "59" = "wintbp.ControlPanelStyle Win32/CMDOW.exe" "37" = "My SeXy.exe" "58" = "usdeiect.exe" "49" = "srate.exe" "55" = "sysdll.Hijack.cmd" "63" = "yeahdude.StartMenu PUM.exe" "36" = "mssq.Gen W32 JS VBS @m @mm W95 -> Afecta a sistemas Windows 95/98/ME WM -> Virus de macro de Microsoft Word XM97 -> Virus de macro de Microsoft Excel 97 Worm -> Gusano Troj -> Troyano Bck -> Puerta trasera VBS -> Escrito en Visual Basic Script JS -> Escrito en Java Script HTML -> Virus incrustado en código HTML para explotar alguna vulnerabilidad Mac -> Afecta a sistemas Apple Macintosh .exe" "57" = "sysxp.exe" "28" = "ixagpxsm.FakeAlert" "62" = "xih9.exe" "54" = "sxs.exe" "45" = "RavMonE.exe" "40" = "nideiect.Agent.exe" "56" = "sysmonxp.exe" "44" = "" "41" = "ntde1ect.exe" "50" = "ssate.exe" "51" = "sservice.EXE" "61" = "XAdeIect.exe" "53" = "SVOHOST.exe" "46" = "semo2x.exe" "33" = "mgrs.exe" "35" = "msime82.exe" "48" = "spooldr.exe" "60" = "" "43" = "" "42" = "ntdeIect.exe" PUM.exe" "34" = "msfun80.Hijack.exe" "30" = "knight.exe" "47" = "soundmix."26" = "isee. D 14-12-2004 Media Win32/Bagle.AS 29-10-2004 Media Win32/Conficker.gen.PI 23-02-2006 Baja Win32/Sober.AE nombre: Win32/Conficker.977 Bytes destructivo: No origen: Desconocido .B tipo: Gusano de Internet fecha: 28/05/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media daño: Medio tamaño: 161.R 05-10-2005 Baja Win32/Zafi.ih.Downadup. W32.Linux -> Afecta a sistemas Linux LoveLetter Netsky gen Adware Backdoor Badware Alcalinos Bomba fork Botnet Bug Cookies Crackers Cryptovirus.BI 26-06-2005 Media Win32/Sober. W32/Conficker. Ransomware o Secuestradores Dialers Exploit Falso antivirus Hijacker Hoaxes.Y 18-11-2005 Media Win32/Bagle.Win32.AE aliases: Net-Worm.worm. Jokes o Bulos Keystroke o keyloggers Lamer Leapfrog Parásito Informático Pharming Phishings Pornware Rabbit o conejos Riskware Rootkit Scumware o escoria Spam Spyware Troyano Ventanas emergentes/POP-UPS Gusanos exploits botnets dialers javascript vbscript windows scripting host Java controles ActiveX Win32/Mytob.a.Kido. dll c:\archivos de programa\Windows NT\[nombre al azar].dll c:\archivos de programa\Internet Explorer\[nombre al azar].nombre asignado por: ESET c:\windows\system32\[nombre al azar].exe services.exe svchost.exe App Audio DM ER Event help Ias Ir Lanman Net Ntms Ras Remote Sec SR Tapi Trk W32 win Wmdm Wmi wsc wuau xml access agent auto logon man mgmt mon prov serv Server Service Srv srv Svc svc System Time 64 Adobe Agent App Assemblies assembly Boot Build Calendar .dll explorer.dll c:\archivos de programa\Movie Maker\[nombre al azar].dll c:\Users\[nombre del usuario]\AppData\[nombre al azar].dll c:\windows\temp\[nombre al azar]. Collaboration Common Components Cursors Debug Defender Definitions Digital Distribution Documents Downloaded en Explorer Files Fonts Gallery Games Globalization Google Help inf Installer Intel Inter Internet Java Journal Kernel L2S Live Logs Mail Maker Media Microsoft Mobile Modem Movie MS msdownld NET New Office Offline Options Packages Pages Patch Performance Photo PLA Player Policy Prefetch Profiles Program Publish Reference Registered registration . net adultadworld.Reports Resources schemas Security Service Setup Shell Software Speech System Tasks Temp tmp tracing twain US Video Visual Web winsxs Works Zx autoruns avenger confick downad filemon gmer hotfix kb890 kb958 kido klwk mbsa. *** .net more. mrtstub ms08-06 procexp procmon regmon scct_ sysclean tcpview unlocker wireshark 2ch.. adsrevenue. com .com *** *** bebo. org .ru ucoz. .com agnitum ahnlab antiantivir arcabit avast avgate avira bothunter castlecops ccollomb centralcommand clamav comodo computerassociates conficker cpsecure cyber-ta defender downad drweb dslreports emsisoft esafe eset .com Para obtener la fecha y hora actuales se conecta a los siguientes sitios de Inte rnet: google. sonico. bwr. PWS-Tibia tipo: Troyano fecha: 28/05/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media daño: Medio securecomputing secureworks sophos spamhaus spyware sunbelt symantec technet threat threatexpert trendmicro trojan virscan virus wilderssecurity windowsupdate nombre: Win32/Chip.A aliases: Trojan-GameThief.etrust ewido f-prot f-secure fortinet free-av freeav gdata grisoft hauri ikarus jotti k7computing kaspersky kido malware mcafee microsoft mirage msftncsi msmvps mtc.sri networkassociates nod32 norman norton onecare panda pctools prevx ptsecurity quickheal removal rising rootkit safety.Win32. KS aliases: W32.f. autorun.ez tipo: Troyano fecha: 28/05/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media daño:Medio tamaño: 10.tamaño: 22.BlueScr.H aliases: Trojan-Ransom. WORM_AUTORUN. Trojan.bhhw.AQ.Win32.Kido.worm.Win32.Agent.Pandex.E . Generic Dropper.Wigon.Win32.exe Desktop.AQ aliases: Win32/Conficker. Trojan.I tipo: Troyano fecha: 11/05/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media Daño:Medio destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: ESET nombre: Win32/Ransom.inf WIN32/CONFICKER.320 Bytes destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: ESET nombre: Win32/Agent.SillyFDC.fgj.DNN tipo: Gusano de Internet fecha: 23/04/2009 gravedad general:Baja distribución:Media Daño:Medio tamaño: 38. Spam-Mailbot.BlueScreen.400 Bytes destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: ESET vsounds.064 Bytes destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: ESET nombre: Win32/TrojanDownloader.m.Joleee.Win32.PHT aliases: Email-Worm.dr.AutoRun. Spammer:Win32/Tedroo.Ransom.BS aliases: Trojan-Downloader.o. W32/Conficker. WORM_DOWNAD.AQ descripción nombre: Win32/Conficker.383 Bytes destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: ESET nombre: Win32/Autorun. Worm.F tipo: Troyano fecha: 11/05/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media daño:Medio tamaño: 421. exe services.exe svchost.296 Bytes destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: ESET explorer.exe App Audio DM ER Event help Ias Ir Lanman Net Ntms Ras Remote Sec SR Tapi Trk W32 win Wmdm Wmi wsc wuau xml access agent auto logon man mgmt mon prov serv Server Service Srv srv Svc svc System Time El nombre del servicio mostrado puede ser uno de los siguientes: 64 Adobe .tipo: Gusano de Internet fecha: 16/04/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media daño:Medio tamaño: 119. Agent App Assemblies assembly Boot Build Calendar Collaboration Common Components Cursors Debug Defender Definitions Digital Distribution Documents Downloaded en Explorer Files Fonts Gallery Games Globalization Google Help inf Installer Intel Inter Internet Java Journal Kernel L2S Live Logs Mail Maker Media Microsoft Mobile Modem Movie MS msdownld NET New Office Offline Options Packages Pages Patch Performance Photo PLA Player Policy . mrt...Prefetch Profiles Program Publish Reference Registered registration Reports Resources schemas Security Service Setup Shell Software Speech System Tasks Temp tmp tracing twain US Video Visual Web winsxs Works Zx autoruns avenger confick downad filemon gmer hotfix kb890 kb958 kido klwk 56. mrtstub ms08-06 procexp procmon regmon scct_ sysclean tcpview unlocker wireshark adsrevenue. .com 4shared. com .com *** *** imagevenue. fr .com *** miniclip. com Para obtener la fecha y hora actuales se conecta a los siguientes sitios de Inte rnet: google. Bloquea el acceso a cualquier dominio que contenga alguno de los siguientes text os en su nombre: agnitum ahnlab antiantivir arcabit avast avgate avira bothunter castlecops ccollomb centralcommand clamav comodo pornhub.. sri networkassociates nod32 norman norton onecare panda pctools prevx ptsecurity quickheal removal rising rootkit safety.computerassociates conficker cpsecure cyber-ta defender downad drweb dslreports emsisoft esafe eset etrust ewido f-prot f-secure fortinet free-av freeav gdata grisoft hackerwatch hacksoft hauri ikarus jotti k7computing kaspersky kido malware mcafee microsoft mirage msftncsi msmvps securecomputing secureworks sophos spamhaus spyware sunbelt symantec technet threat threatexpert trendmicro . Gen Trojan.000 netcfg.FakeMS PUM.Agent.BU descripción nombre: Win32/Xorer.X 26-03-2009 Media Win32/Virut.bu.BS 28-05-2009 Media Win32/ netcfg.A 23-04-2009 Media Win32/Autorun.BU aliases: Win32/Xorer.BU.Xorer.dll lsass.A 23-03-2009 Media Adware.B 23-04-2009 Media Win32/Drowor.Adrotator Trojan.AQ 16-04-2009 Media Win32/Sality.H 11-05-2009 Media Win32/Ransom.A 28-05-2009 Media Win32/TrojanDownloader.B 26-03-2009 Media Win32/Conficker. W32/Fujacks tipo: Troyano fecha: 16/04/2009 gravedad general:Media distribución:Media daño:Medio destructivo: No origen: Desconocido nombre asignado por: EnciclopediaVirus.exe *htm *tml *.js asm ollydbg ida softice tapplication 360 ##vso## Win32/Conficker.exe smss. Virus.NBM 23-03-2009 Media Win32/MonaGray.T 16-04-2009 Media Win32/Xorer.KS 23-04-2009 Baja Win32/Conficker.Wigon.trojan virscan virus wilderssecurity windowsupdate WIN32/XORER.BU 16-04-2009 Media Win32/Rovud.AE 28-05-2009 Media Win32/Chip.Help .PHT 11-05-2009 Media Win32/Ransom.
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