Rehabilitation Psychology



IGNOUStudent Handbook and Prospectus P.G. DIPLOMA IN REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY Through Distance Mode (Admission - July Session Only) A Collaborative Programme of Indira Gandhi National Open University & Rehabilitation Council of India ignou THE PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY National Centre for Disability Studies Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi Student Handbook & Prospectus PGDREPY Collaborative Programme of Indira Gandhi National Open University & Rehabilitation Council of India National Centre for Disability Studies Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi- 110068 Ph: 29535125 Fax: 91-11-29535125 E-mail: [email protected] Price: Rs. 100/- by cash at counter Rs. 150/- by registered post Programme Coordinator Dr. S.K. Prasad National Centre for Disability Studies Block G-7, New Academic Complex IGNOU, Maidan Garhi- 110068 May, 2011 © Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Further information on the Indira Gandhi National Open University Courses may be obtained from the University’s Office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110 068. Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi by Director, National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS). Laser Typeset by: Rajshree Computers, V-166A, Bhagwati Vihar, (Near Sec-2, Dwarka), Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-59 Pint at: 2 Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDREPY) is launched. psychological.N. (V. PGDREPY programme through Distance Education mode has been designed and develop for professional development of psychologist working in the field of disabilityrehabilitation. The rehabilitation psychologist consistently involves interdisciplinaryteamwork as a condition of practice and services within a network of biological. social. in achieving optimal physical. Rehabilitation psychology is a specialty area within professional psychology which assists the individual with an injuryor illness which maybe chronic.FORWARD Dear Learner It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). disability and handicap relative to the personal preference. This programme is intended to prepare the professionals with required competencies to achieve the psychological wellbeing of persons with disabilities. Rajasekharan Pillai) Vice-Chancellor 3 . I wish to all good luck. The focus of rehabilitant psychology is on the provision of services consistent with the level of impairment. environmental and political considerations in order to achieve optimal rehabilitation goals. needs and resources of the individual with a disability. Icongratulate you for joining Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology(PGDREPY) which is a combined effort of IGNOU and Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). psychological and interpersonal functioning. including the family. It is with this objective to meet the above requirement. traumatic and/or congenital. ............................................................ 9 NATIONAL CENTRE FOR DISABILITY STUDIES (NCDS) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 55  Rules and Regulation for Improvement in Division/Class . 15 4..................................................................................................................................... 45-46  Challan Form ................................... 29 5................................................................................................... 5....10 Fee Concession ..............................................................................................................Admission Form ..... 45-46  Bank Details .................................... 21 4...................................................................................................................11 Term-end Examination and Payment of Examination Fees ...................................................................................... 58-59 Category Certificate (i) SC/ST Candidates ............................6 Programme Fee .................................................................... 61 (iv) Disability Cerfificate for Learners with Disability ................................................................................... 30 5............................................................ 33  Codes and Addresses of Regional Centre Activated for programme ........................................... ............................................................... 49  Application Form Early Declaration of Term-End Exam..................................................................1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 30 5...10 Evaluation System ............................................ 22 4........................................................22 SOME USEFUL ADDRESSES WHOM TO CONTACT FOR WHAT ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 1.......................... 28 5............................ 7.................................................................................................................8 Reservation ............................ 5 1....................................................................9 Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee ...............................3 Validity of Admission .. 29 5.............................. 23 4......1 The Programme ....................................16 Foreign Students ...............................9 Programme Delivery ............................................................................Annexure-1 .................................................................................................................................Annexure-5 ................................................................................... 35-42  List of Codes ................................................................................................................................Annexure-3 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................9 Contact Programme ..............................................................................................................13 Counselling and Examination Centre s are to be conducted within a weeks time........................................................................................................................................................... 56 Application Form : Instructions and Codes ............................................4 The Schools of Studies ....8 Support Services ....... 30 5.............................................................................................................................................. ................................................. 11 POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY (PGDREPY) ............................... 57 IGNOU ...................7 Re-Admission ..............7 Programme Structure .............................. 4..................................................13 Duties of Learners ........................................ CONTENTS Page No.......................Annexure-4 ....15 Change of Region ................................................10 Evaluation .................................................................................................................. 62 Annexure II ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 5..................................... THE UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................. 5 1...............................................................................................Affidavit by Parent/Guardian .................................................................................................................... 6 1............. 12 4.... .............................................................................................................................. 26 5....................................................................................2 Incomplete and Late Applications ............................................................................... 31 LIST OF ANNEXURE  Special Study Centre Activated for Programme .6 Course Preparation .............................................................................. 26 5..Annexure-6 ...... 27 5.................................................................7 Credit System ................................................................................... 43  List of Board Codes .................... 51  Application for Issue of Official Transcript ..............................11 Assignments .................................................................... 7 1......................................................................................... 8 1................................. 7 1................................................ 24 4.........................................................................3 Important Achievements .. 14 4... 5 1................................................. 29 5................................................................................................................................. 50  Rules/Regulation for Early Declaration of Results ..........................................................12 Study Centres ................................. 60 (iii) Relationship Certificate for Parents/Family Members of Person with Disability ....4 ‘Walk in Admission’ for all Advertised Programmes ...................................... 29 5...........................................................................11 Refund of Fee .............................................................................................................. 25 UNIVERSITY RULES .............................................................................. 21 4.. 27 5................................................................................ 26 5.............................................................................................................................................5 Academic Programmes ...................................................................................... 53  Rules/Regulation for Re-Evaluation of Answer Script ...............................................................................Annexure-2 ...............................................................................................2 Programme Objectives .......4 Medium of Instruction and Examination ................................ 28 5.......................................................................................................................... 66 4 .................................................................... 34  Name and Address of IGNOU Regional Centres ....................................... 5 1......................................1 Educational Qualifications Awarded By Private Institutions ........................6 Re-Registration ..Affidavit by the Student ..................................................................18 Official Transcripts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 MoU BETWEEN IGNOU & RCI .....21 Prevention of Malpractice/Notice for General Public .................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 5......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.......5 Eligibility Criteria ...........................14 Change/Correction of Address and Study Centres ..................................................5 Simultaneous Registration ..................................................................................... 14 4...................... 14 4...............................................19 Disputes on Admission & other University matters .................................................................................................17 Term-end Examination ............................................................... 3........................................... 54  Application Form for improvement in Division/Class ......................................................................................12 Study Material and Assignments ................................................................................................................................................... 7 1........................................................................................... 64-65 Student Satisfaction Survey ............................... 13 4................................... 52  Application Form for Reevaluation of Answer Script ...........................2 Prominent Features ........................... 61 Annexure I .................................................Annexure-7 .............................................................................. 28 5................................................1 2............................................................. 14 4................................................................................................................................ 6...................................................... 13 4.....................................................................................20 Recognition ............................................................................... 63 IGNOU Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment at the Workplace ...................................................................................... 26 5............ 9 1.......................................... 60 (ii) OBC Candidates ........................................................................3 Duration of the programme ............... 26 5..... 30 5................... 47  Application Form for Obtaining Photocopy of the Answer Script....................................................................................................................8 Programme Delivery and Instruction System ................... 28 5.................. collaboration and networking with conventional Universities.  Emergence of IGNOU as the largest Open University in the World.1.  setting and maintaining standards in distance education in the country as an apex body.  region. 1.  Award of Excellence for Distance education Materials by Commonwealth of Learning (1999). pace and duration of study  use of latest information and communication technologies  nationwide student support services network  cost-effective programmes  modular approach to programmes  resource sharing. Open  Universities and other Institutions/Organizations  socially and academically relevant programmes based on students need analysis  convergence of open and conventional education systems 1. religion and gender.2 Prominent Features  international jurisdiction  flexible admission rules  individualized study: flexibility in terms of place.3 Important Achievements  IGNOU is the first University in India to Launch Convergence as well as Community College Scheme. THE UNIVERSITY 1.  promoting and developing distance education in India.  providing access to high quality education to all those who seek it irrespective of age. IGNOU is the 5 .  offering need-based academic programmes by giving professional and vocational orientation to the courses.  Launch of a series of 24 hour Educational Channels ‘Gyan Darshan’.1 Introduction The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 to achieve the following objectives:  democratizing higher education by taking it to the doorsteps of the learners.  Recognition as Centre of Excellence in Distance Education by the Commonwealth of Learning (1993). develop and organize its academic programmes and courses in coordination with the School staff and different academic. IGNOU. The emphasis is on providing a wide choice of courses at different levels. 1.  Increase in academic programme from 338 to 535 within a year.nodal agency for these channels and regular transmissions are done from the studio at EMPC. supervise.  On spot delivery of study material to students.4 The Schools of Studies With a view to develop interdisciplinary studies.5 million to over 3 million  UNESCO declared IGNOU as the largest institution of higher learning in the world in 2010.  Declaration of Term-end result within 45 days. administrative and service wings of the University. The following Schools of Studies currently are in operation:  School of Humanities (SOH)  School of Social Sciences (SOSS)  School of Sciences (SOS)  School of Education (SOE)  School of Continuing Education (SOCE)  School of Engineering &Technology (SOET)  School of Management Studies (SOMS)  School of Health Sciences (SOHS)  School of Computer & Information Sciences (SOCIS)  School of Agriculture (SOA)  School of Law (SOL)  School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS)  School of Gender and Development Studies (SOGDS)  School of Tourism and Hospitality Service Sectoral Management (SOTHSSM)  School of Interdisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Studies (SOITS)  School of Social Work (SOSW)  School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET) 6 . the University operates through its Schools of Studies.  Student enrolment has doubled in four years from 1. Each School is headed by a Director who arranges to plan.  Largest network of learning support system. Study Centres and Telecast through Gyan Darshan. which are conventional as well as innovative. 1. are also involved in developing courses and academic programmes. School of Extension and Development Studies (SOEDS)  School of Foreign Languages (SOFL)  School of Translation Studies and Training (SOTST)  School of Performing & Visual Arts (SOPVA) Institutes and Centres at the University.  self-enrichment. The material is previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well as outside experts and edited/modified. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such Programmes. before they are finally dispatched to the students. reading and comprehending the print material. Each credit in our system is equivalent to 30 hours of students study comprising all learning activities (i. They are launched with a view to fulfill the learner’s needs for  certification. They are:  Staff Training and Research in Distance Education (STRIDE)  Centre for Extension Education (CEE)  National Centre for Innovation in Distance Education (NCIDE)  National Centre for Disability Studies (NCDS)  Other Units/Centres of the University 1.  acquisition of professional qualifications.7 Credit System The University follows the ‘Credit System’ for most of its programmes. watching video. attending counselling sessions. Similarly. audio and video cassettes are produced in consultation with the course writers. and  empowerment. supervised by the instructors/unit designers and edited by the language experts at IGNOU before they are finally sent for printing. Diplomas and Degrees.  improvement of skills.5 Academic Programmes The University offers both short-term and long-term programmes leading to Certificates.e. These materials are scrutinized by the content experts.  diversification and updation of knowledge.  continuing education and professional development at work place. in-house faculty and producers.6 Course Preparation Learning material is specially prepared by teams of experts drawn from different Universities and specialized Institutions in the area spread throughout the country as well as in-house faculty. 1. wherever necessary. 7 . which have core academic staff. listening to audio. Practicals projects and the term-end examination of each course in a programme. Programme Study Centres.The learning package contains audio and video CDs which have been produced by the University for better clarification and enhancement of understanding of the course material given to the learners. watch/listen to video/ audio programmes and interact with the Coordinator on administrative and academic matters. refer to books in the Library. Skill Development Centres and Special Study Centres.8 Support Services In order to provide individualized support to its learners. Learners can confirm the dates for the programmes from their study centres. c) Counseling Sessions: .The printed study material (written in self-instructional style) for both theory and practical components of the programmes is supplied to the learners in batches of blocks for every course (on an average 1 block per credit).teleconference and writing assignment responses).The University organizes contact sessions for selected programmes to meet specific learners’ needs. d) Contact Programme: . which comprises: a) Self Instructional Written Material: . At the Study Centres. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance education methodology and face-to-face mode as per the requirement. The information is also provided through the university website. The Open University system is more learner-oriented and the learner is an active participant in the pedagogical (teaching and learning) process. the University has a large number of Study Centres.Normally counseling sessions are held as per schedule drawn by the Study Centres. Completion of an academic programme (Degree or Diploma) requires successful completion of assignment. some selected stations of All India Radio are also broadcasting the audio programmes. 1. This helps the learner to know the academic effort he/she has to put in. Each block which comes in the form of a booklet usually comprises 4 to 5 units. This also gives an opportunity for face-to-face interaction of students with the members of the faculty and other experts in the subject. The list of Regional and Study Centres is given in this handbook. These are mostly held during the non-working hours of the host institutions where the study centres are located. b) Audio-Visual Material Aids: . to successfully complete a course. 1. In addition. Thus. The University follows a multimedia approach for instruction. a 4 credit course involves 120 hours of study. spread throughout the country. 8 . Support services are also provided through Work Centres.9 Programme Delivery The methodology of instruction in this University is different from that of the Conventional Universities. the learners interact with the Academic Counselors and other learners. A video programme is normally of 25-30 minutes duration. The video programmes are telecast on National Network of Doordarshan and Gyan Darshan. The video cassettes are screened at the study centres during specific sessions which are duly notified for the benefit of the learners. All Gyan Vani stations are broadcasting curriculum based audio programmes. These Study Centres are co-ordinated by 60 Regional Centres and Recognised Regional Centres. in the form of a booklet. These sessions are conducted for one hour.Interactive Radio Counseling is a recent concept in distance learning in India.Live teleconferencing sessions are conducted via satellite through interactive Gyan Darshan Channels as well as simulated on ‘Edusat’ channel from the University studios at EMPC. A learner should keep duplicate copies of assignment responses of TMA that may be required to be produced at SR&E Division on demand. These handbooks further explain the role and responsibility of the learners and the Resource Persons and other functionaries involved in the delivery of the programme. Students can interact with experts’ right from their homes on telephone. A learner has to write assignment responses compulsorily before taking term-end examination from time to time to complete an academic programme. Live counseling in provided on radio by the experts. The support services may be handled by a Distance Learning Facilitator (DLF).10 Evaluation System The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of conventional universities.The practical handbooks are specially prepared for the students who enroll for the programme and for the Resource Persons who are involved in the programme. f) Interactive Radio Counseling (IRC):. IGNOU has a multi-tier system of evaluation. Term-end examination is conducted at various examination centres spread all over the country and abroad in June and December. Continuous evaluation mainly through assignments which are tutor-marked have to be submitted for evaluation at the Programme Study Centres. A toll free telephone number 1800112345 has been provided for this purpose from selected cities.If the number of learners for a particular programme at a study centre falls below 10 (ten) then usual counseling sessions will not be conducted.Some Programmes have practical/project component also. the schedule of which is made available at the study centres. For project work. h) Practical’s / Project Work: . 2. 1. Self-assessment exercises within each unit of study. The evaluation of learners depends upon various instructional activities undertaken by them. Project Work which will be evaluated at Programme Study Centres and IGNOU Headquarter. Practicals are held at designated institutions for which schedule is provided by the Study Centres. Attendance at practicals is compulsory. 3. A learner has to submit TMA responses to the Coordinator of the Study Centre concerned to which s/he is attached. i) Practical Handbooks: . 4. The complete details are made available with the Programme Centres. is provided to the student along with the study materials.e) Teleconferencing:. The Term-End Examinations. IGNOU uses the following system of “Grading” for evaluating learner’s achievement 9 . These handbooks provide the complete information and guideline about the Practical Component of the Programme. comprehensive project guide. 1. g) Distance Learning Facilitator: . in Examination fee @Rs. where Exam Form to be sent Rs. Date of submission of Exam Forms only at concerned Regional Centres: Late Fee Date st 31 March 1st September to th 30 1st October to 20th April 20th October 21st April to 21 October to 15th May* 15 November* 16 th 28 May to May* th 16 IGNOU. Students can also submit on-line examination form as per guidelines through IGNOU website at D Average 2 40% . New Delhi Concerned** Regional Director Concerned** th 28 November* 10 Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi*** Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi*** Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at New Delhi*** .79.11 Term-end Examination and Payment of Examination Fees The University conducts Term-end Examination twice a year in the months of June & December.60/. 100/- Registrar (SED) Rs. minimum time to pursue these courses is elapsed and they have also submitted the required number of assignment(s). in those courses by the due date.ignou.59. 500/- Regional Director Rs. New Delhi NIL September 1st April to th Remarks Registrar (SED) For June Term For December End Term End Examination Examination 1st March to Address. November to 1000/- IGNOU.49. Students will be permitted to appear in term-end examination subject to the conditions that registration for the courses. cash deposit on designated banks and also through demand drafts.per course is required to be paid either through online payment gateway.9% C Good 3 50% .Letter Grade Qualitative Level Point Grade % Weightage Excellent 5 + 80% & above B Very Good 4 60% . in which they wish to appear is valid. Maidan Garhi. Maidan Garhi.9% E Unsatisfactory 1 Below 40% A 1. if any.  To serve as a repository of official publications and documents of Government of India. extension and awareness activities for empowering the persons with disabilities and create a society that is friendly for them. 2. mental or sensory impairments. research. Maidan Garhi. architectural.).. research and extension programs on Disability in the universities. discrimination and unhealthy attitude. isolation and frustration. entrepreneurship development and vocational rehabilitation services.  To develop human and material resources for promotion of teaching and research in Disability Studies and allied areas.e. Objectives  To offer academic and research programmes through distance mode of learning on multitudinous aspects of disability with interdisciplinary perspectives. journals.  To facilitate empowerment of the persons with disabilities by promoting capacity. amidst appalling poverty. New Delhi-110068. regional and international levels on issues of contemporary significance for persons with disabilities and people who matter to them. national institutes and academic institutions of higher education within India and in neighbouring SAARC countries. To promote and co-ordinate the teaching. More than 400 million persons with disabilities are concentrated in rural and inaccessible parts of developing countries like India. Over 100 million are conservatively projected to have been in the grip of disability in some or other ways. 11 . More than 600 million populations in the world are affected by physical. IGNOU. symposia and training workshops at national. research studies. educational. training. NATIONAL CENTRE FOR DISABILITY STUDIES (NCDS) Disability is a perennial global phenomenon. social adjustment. If this projection is accepted as a yardstick to ascertain the quantum of persons incapacitated by various disabling situations in our country. ** They are required to mention their enrolment number..* If they wish to appear in Delhi Region. Numerous persons with disabilities are faced with a vast array of problems and barriers in their routine lives which include physical. to be of colossal magnitude. research. extension and good governance. the National Centre for Disability Studies was established to undertake plethora of academic.  To publish monographs. teaching. seminars. programme code and name on the backside of the demand draft.building. Against this background and in order to achieve the goal of universalisation of education and also higher education (i. they should submit their examination form to Registrar (SED). State Governments and other governmental and non-governmental (national. regional and international) organizations / agencies. as specified by the IGNOU Statute. employment. the problem seems.  To organize conferences. teaching and self instructional materials as well as an Indian encyclopaedia on diverse aspects of Disability.  Recognition and Monitoring of Institutions/Organizations/Universities offering courses for training of rehabilitation professionals. as it holds the promise of checking the falling standards at reasonable costs. programmes and standards in the field of Special Education and Rehabilitation. the Rehabilitation Council of India has played a crucial role in offering a better quality of life for persons with disabilities. Shall be entitled to sign or authenticate any certificate required by any law to be signed or authenticated by a rehabilitation professional. Shall hold office as rehabilitation professional or any such office (by whatever designation called) in Government or in any institution maintained by a local or other authority. Shall be entitled to give evidence in any court as an expert under Section 45 of the Indian Evidence Act. Distance Education in itself is a growing field. over the last decade and more. developing. other than the rehabilitation professionals/ personnel who posses a recognized rehabilitation qualification and is enrolled on the Central Rehabilitation Register (CRR): 1.  Regulation of training policies.Rehabilitation Council of India is a Statutory Body of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment set up by an act of Parliament in 1992 and charged with the responsibility of planning. Shall practice as rehabilitation professional anywhere in India 3. Moreover the system of distance education has the potential to fulfill the enormous responsibility of universalization and democratization of education. This Act was further amended in the year 2001 to widen the responsibilities of the Council to include:  Standardization of training courses for professional/personnel’s needed for the special education or rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. the most viable option was through the distance mode of education. along with the support and guidance of trained faculty at the Study Centres close to home. and thus extended the range of delivery of training by offering distance education courses. The Council has developed numerous need based training programmes for special education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Under section 13 of the RCI Act. In implementing its responsibilities. RCI realized that in order to meet the huge need for trained manpower in the area of special education in the country. as it offers the option of self study at the doorstep of the student. Further. or with both. making the optimum use of media and technology and providing education relevant to the needs of the country. 4.  Maintenance of a Central Rehabilitation Register (CRR) of all qualified persons in the field of Special Education and Rehabilitation. because of its flexibility and wide coverage. and standardizing the quality of training for sixteen categories of Rehabilitation professionals under its purview to meet the needs of the life span of persons with disabilities. It allows the student trainees flexibility of study hours and enables them to continue to work and study at the same time. no persons. The Rehabilitation Council of India visualizing the benefits of distance education in the area of disability rehabilitation and its potential for preparing professionals in the field of Special Education 12 . 2. 1872 on any matter relating to the handicapped: The Act further states that those who act in contravention of any provision of subsection (2) cited above shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees. 1 POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY (PGDREPY) The Programme The Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology to be implemented through distance mode is a collaborative programme of IGNOU and Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). The rehabilitation psychologist consistently involves interdisciplinary teamwork as a condition of practice and services within a network of biological. Keeping the requirement of 2000-4000 psychologists under the IX & X Plan (Report on Manpower Development. Further the Expert Committee of the RCI for developing of training programme for sixteen categories including Rehabilitation Psychologists/Rehabilitation Counsellors/Vocational Counsellors/ Rehabilitation Social Workers desirous of working in the area of disability expressed the opinion that he/she should have at the minimum a Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology even after possessing a 13 .85 percent (NSSO 2002). For an assumed disability population of 1. Rational of the Course: Trained and qualified human resource continues to be a major constraint in spite of the continuous efforts by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). traumatic and/or congenital. 2007.began to collaborate with Open Universities to promote and implement Special Education training programmes for the empowerment of a special target group of learners with disabilities. IGNOU will collaborate with RCI in design and development of Special Education and Rehabilitation programmes through Multimedia Distance Mode and will also facilitate delivery and certification of such programmes. 1996). According to the RCI Act (1992). the available human resources in India are infinitely small. Till date the practitioners under various disabilities registered with RCI are approximately 47 thousand only. 4. an attempt to augment the manpower in Rehabilitation Psychology through Distance Education Mode is essential to create trained human resource to deliver services to persons with disabilities. psychological and interpersonal functioning. IGNOU has been recognized as the apex National Resource Centre for Special Education and Rehabilitation programmes through Distance Mode. Further Rehabilitation Professionals have to work on one to one basis as it requires close supervision. any person who works as professional/personnel has to register with RCI. MoU BETWEEN IGNOU & RCI IGNOU is offering need-based Special Education Programmes through Distance Education Mode in collaboration with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two on September. social. including the family. disability and handicap relative to the personal preferences. and many disabilities have chronic course. RCI. psychological. 4. 3. environmental and political considerations in order to achieve optimal rehabilitation goals. which requires life long professional help. needs and resources of the individual with a disability. Rehabilitation psychology is a specialty area within professional psychology which is meant for the training of rehabilitation Psychologists assists the individual with an injury or illness which may be chronic. The focus of rehabilitation psychology is on the provision of services consistent with the level of impairment. in achieving optimal physical. Under the provision of MoU. 2 Programme Objectives The broad objectives of the programme are:  To create a cadre of Rehabilitation Psychologists  To strengthen the professionals working in the field to disability to qualify as rehabilitation psychologist.Ed.Bachlor’s or Master’s degree in Psychology. It is needless to add that the proposed course is a job oriented course which will benefit all who would like to serve the disabled including those who are in service. which ultimately helps in assessing the needs as well as designing the comprehensive rehabilitation strategy for persons with disabilities. b) Candidates from the following allied fields essentially having at least one paper in Psychology./M.5 Eligibility Criteria a) All graduates and post graduates in Psychology. (Nursing)  B. 4. It is anticipated that there will be a good demand for this course. Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology is offered by the university through the medium of English and Hindi. 4.500/. so that quality services as per the need of persons with disabilities could be provided. 4. Later on it would be translated in Hindi.6 Programme Fee Fee: Rs.3 Duration of the programme The programme may be completed in 18 months (3 Semester of 6 months each): Each Semester will have 2 theory courses and one practical course.Ed (General and Special Education)  Graduate and Post Graduates in Social Work.Sc. Physiotherapy and Speech Therapy.4 Medium of Instruction and Examination The P. At present printed course material and assignments are sent to learner in the medium of English. 12. The programme has been designed in a such manner that it covers a wide range of psychological assessment and intervention processes.  Graduate and Post Graduate with Diploma in Counselling. Credit: 36 credits (12 credits in each semester) (1080hrs) 4. Learner may submit the assignments and attempt the term-end examination in both the languages.year 14 . which is likely to grow with the increase in population and the growing awareness of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. G. 4.  B. A maximum of four and half years may be allowed to complete the programme. Erick Erickson) Unit 4 Developmental deviations Block 2 Concept of Disability and Rehabilitation Unit 1 Definition of disability and concept of impairment. ADHD/ADD Unit 3 Mental Illness Unit 4 Cardiac Rehabilitation. Piaget. disability and handicap Unit 2 Nature and needs of persons with disabilities Unit 3 Concept and evolution of rehabilitation Unit 4 Paradigm shift in rehabilitation Block 3 Nature and Need of Various Disabilities Unit 1 Mental Retardation Unit 2 Low Vision and Blindness Unit 3 Hearing and Speech Disability Unit 4 Orthopedic Neuromuscular Disability Unit 5 Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities Block 4 Nature and Needs of Associated Disabilities Unit 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder Unit 2 Learning Disability. Freud.7 Programme Structure COURSE 1: PERSPECTIVES ON DISABILITY (MMD-081) Objectives:  To understand child development and deviations  To understand the concept of impairment.4. disability and handicap  To understand the characteristics of various disabilities  To understand various aspects of school psychology Block 1 Child Development Unit 1 Principles and factors influencing child development Unit 2 Area of child development Unit 3 Theories of child development (Sigmund. HIV/AIDS and coping with Cancer Block 5 School Psychology Unit 1 Psychological and Educational Foundations of School Psychology Unit 2 Psychological factors influencing learning: motivation and reinforcement Unit 3 Gifted children and Scholastic Backwardness Unit 4 Inclusive Education/Education for Disabled 15 . Government Unit 2 Mental Health Act Unit 3 Persons with Disabilities Act. National Trust Act Unit 4 Rehabilitation Council of India Act Unit 5 UNCRPD PRACTICAL PAPER 1: Policies & Schemes for Persons with Disabilities PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT (MMDL-0084)  Case History and Interview  Screening and Developmental Assessment 16 . Prejudice and Discrimination towards Persons with Disabilities Unit 2 Role of Parents and Family in Disability Rehabilitation Unit 3 Self-help Groups and Self Advocacy Unit 4 Group Dynamics and Group as Support System Block 3 Community Based Rehabilitation Unit 1 Definition and Principles of Community Based Rehabilitation Unit 2 Community Awareness and Participation Unit 3 Community Based Rehabilitation Unit 4 Independent Living Block 4 Legislative framework/Schemes/Policies Unit 1 Legislations.COURSE 2: MODELS OF DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION (MMD-082) Objectives:  To understand the biological basis of behaviour  To understand the relationship between brain and behaviour  To understand social correlates of disability  To learn about various models of rehabilitation  To learn about legislations and Government schemes for Persons with Disabilities Block 1 Biology Model Unit 1 Brain Behaviour Relationship Unit 2 Genetics and Disabilities Unit 3 Medical Model of Rehabilitation Unit 4 Early Intervention and Prevention Block 2 Psycho-social Model Unit 1 Attitudes. Diagnosis and Certification Unit 4 Understanding Psychological Needs of Caregivers and Working with Families of Persons with Disabilities Block 2 Personality Development Unit 1 Personality Development of Persons with Disabilities Unit 2 Personality Traits and Coping Styles Unit 3 Psychological Adjustment to Disability Unit 4 Personality Disorders Block 3 Training and Work Setting for Rehabilitation Psychologists Unit 1 Work Settings for Rehabilitation Psychologist Unit 2 Designing Training Programmes Rehabilitation Psychologist Unit 3 Training Needs Analysis. Sampling and Research Design Unit 3 Statistical Techniques of Data Analysis Unit 4 Recent trends in Research in Rehabilitation Psychology 17 . Assessment of Intelligence and Adaptive Behaviour  Assessment of Aptitude and Interests  Educational Assessment  Personality Assessment  Neuropsychological Assessment  Vocational Assessment COURSE 3: REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY (MMD-083) Objectives:  To understand psychological aspects of disability rehabilitation  To understand the role of rehabilitation psychologist in the field of disability rehabilitation Block 1 Psychological Approach to Rehabilitation Unit 1 Concept and Definition of Rehabilitation Psychology Unit 2 Function and Methods of Rehabilitation Psychology Unit 3 Assessment. Planning and Implementation of Training Programme Unit 4 Impact of Evaluation of Training Programme Block 4 Research in Disability Rehabilitation Unit 1 Introduction to Research Methodology Unit 2 Hypothesis. Visual and Hearing Impairment Unit 3 Psycho-Educational Assessment of Persons with Locomotor Impairment Unit 4 Psycho-Educational Assessment of Persons with Mental Retardation Unit 5 Psycho-Educational Assessment of Persons with Learning Disability.COURSE 4: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION (MMD-085) Objectives:  To understand the relevance the Psycho-Educational assessment in disability rehabilitation  To learn how to make diagnosis and differential diagnosis based on psychological assessment and clinical casework Block 1 Principles of Psychological Assessment Unit 1 Psychological Testing History and Evaluation Unit 2 Approaches and Methods of Assessment Unit 3 Characteristics of good Psychologist Test Unit 4 Types of Psychological Test Block 2 Area of Psychological Assessment Unit 1 Developmental and Neuropsychological Assessment Unit 2 Assessment of Intelligence. Cognitive Function and Adaptive Behaviours Unit 3 Assessment of Aptitude. Interest and Special Abilities Unit 4 Personality Assessment Block 3 Psychological and Educational Assessment of Persons with Disabilities Unit 1 Role and relevance of Psycho-Educational Assessment in Disability Rehabilitation Unit 2 Psycho-Educational Assessment of Persons with Sensory. ADHD/ADD Block 4 Psychological Evaluation and Certification Unit 1 Computer assisted Psychological Assessment Unit 2 Psychological report writing and communicating test results Unit 3 Tools and Techniques of Evaluation for Disability Certification Unit 4 Ethical issues in Psychological Assessment PRACTICAL PAPER 2:  Behaviour Modification  Counselling PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTION (MMDL-088) COURSE 5: PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION AND INTERVENTION (MMD-086) Objectives:  To learn different approaches to rehabilitation  To understand the importance and application of psychological intervention in the field of disability rehabilitation  To understand the basic principles of psychotherapy and counselling in disability rehabilitation 18 . and Drama Therapy Block 3 Behaviour Modification Technology Unit 1 Theoretical basis and various forms of Behaviour Therapy Unit 2 Behaviour Modification Technology and role of Reinforcement in Behaviour Modification Unit 3 Behaviour Modification Techniques to decrease undesirable Behaviour Unit 4: Behaviour Modification Techniques to increase desirable Behaviour Block 4 Psychological Counselling Unit 1: Concept. Art. positive mental health and overall development. Definition and process of Counselling Unit 2: Characteristics of a good Counsellor Unit 3: Counselling Skills Unit 4: Types of Counselling Unit 5: Ethical issues in Rehabilitation Counselling COURSE 6: VOCATIONAL GUIDENCE AND SCHOOL COUNSELLING (MMD-087) Objectives:  To understand the importance of counselling students for their academic achievement. Music. Teachers and Community Unit 3 Training students in anger management. behaviour modification 19 . Block 1 School Counselling Unit 1 Psychological Counselling to Children and Youth Unit 2 Role of School Counsellor: collaboration with Parents.Block 1 Psychological Intervention Unit 1 Definition and basic principles of psychological intervention Unit 2 Psychotherapy: Concept and Definition Unit 3 Role of Psychotherapy in the field of Disability Unit 4 Individual Therapy and Group Therapy Block 2 Types of Interventions Unit 1 Psychoanalytic and Client Centred Therapy Unit 2 Cognitive Behaviour Rational Emotive and Supportive Therapy Unit 3 Material and Family Counselling Unit 4 Augmentative Therapies-Yoga.  To understand the importance of aptitude and interest in career guidance  To understand the importance of vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. frustration tolerance. Unit 4 Play Therapy and Sports for student’s Mental Health and well being Unit 5 Exceptional students: Changes and Challenges Block 2 Vocational Guidance and Counselling Unit 1 Assessment of Aptitude and Interest for career choices Unit 2 Vocational Assessment Approaches: Traditional vs. Job Analysis and Adaptations Unit 4 Training Aids and Devices Block 4 Placement and Employment Models Unit 1 Open Competitive and Supported Employment Unit 2 Sheltered and Self Employment.No Code Title Nature of Course Credits 1 MMD 081 Perspectives on Disability Theory 4 2 MMD 082 Model of Disability Rehabilitation Theory 4 3 MMDL 084 Psychological Assessment Practical 4 4 MMD 083 Rehabilitation Psychology Theory 4 5 MMD 085 Psychological Assessment and Evaluation Theory 4 6 MMDL 088 Psychological Intervention Practical 4 7 MMD 086 Psychological Rehabilitation and Intervention Theory 4 8 MMD 087 Vocational Guidance and School Counselling Theory 4 9 MMDL 089 Internship under Supervision in Schools/ Disability Rehabilitation Organizations Practical 4 Total 36 Note: One credit is equal to 30 learning hours 20 . Contemporary Unit 3 Aims and Objectives of Vocational Counselling Unit 4 Importance of Vocational Guidance and Counselling in Disability Rehabilitation Block 3 Pre-Vocational Vocational Training Unit 1 Training in life skills and work Behaviour Unit 2 Social skills and Assertiveness Training Unit 3 Job Survey. Special Employment Exchanges and Vocational Rehabilitation Centres Unit 3 Job Training in simulated and Communities Setting Unit 4 Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities by Economic Independence Practical Paper 3 (MMDL-089) Internship under supervision in Schools/Disability Rehabilitation Organizations Course Description The programme has the following courses (36 credits): Course S. If a student requires any additional support from the study centre. he/she will have to make his/her own arrangement with the study centre for which the university has no obligation. 4.No. Counselling and practical sessions: Counselling and practical sessions will be held at the study centre as per schedule displayed at the study centre. Project Work and conduction of tests will be decided by the Coordinator of the Study Centre and made available to the candidates. This audio video material can be used during counselling session at the study centre.9 Contact Programme The candidate who has been selected for admission to the PGDRPD programme has to report to his/ her own Study Centre for induction. The total Practical hours is 420 hrs Counselling/Practical class schedule of subjects covered: Sl. The Audio and Video programme will also be given to the study centre as supplementary material which is meant for better understanding of the content and methodology. The Programme Schedule of each contact session both for Theory and Practical courses. The Teleconferencing session having facility of two way audio and one way video will also be organise time to time to provide more clarity and understanding of the subject. The Calendar of Activities for Face-to-Face Contact Programmes for the entire academic session will be supplied by the Coordinator of the Study Centre. It is mandatory to attend the contact classes. The learners can receive the same from study centre coordinator. Title Contact hours 1 Perspectives on Disability 24 hours of counselling 2 Model of Disability Rehabilitation 24hours of counselling 3 Psychological Assessment 60 hours of counselling and practical 4 Rehabilitation Psychology 24hours of counselling 5 Psychological Assessment and Evaluation 24hours of counselling 6 Psychological Intervention 60 hours of counselling and practical 7 Psychological Rehabilitation and Intervention 24 hours of counselling 8 Vocational Guidance and School Counselling 24hours of counselling 9 Internship under Supervision in Schools/ Disability Rehabilitation Organizations 60 hours of counselling 60 hours of counselling and practical Note: Study centre must provide student support facilities for the number of hours specified above to every student. 75% attendance is a pre-requisite for sitting in the final term-end examination. collection of Self Instructional Material and Face-to-Face Contact Programmes. The schedule must give the exact date and time of the counselling and practical sessions.4. In the same way interactive radio counselling and interactive programme through Gyan Darshan will also be made available. 21 .8 Programme Delivery and Instruction System The PGDRPD Study Material in the form of self instructional material for both Theory and Practical component will be supplied to programme study centre from IGNOU. emphasis is given on the development of practical skills especially in the area of disability.e. Only after the successful completion of the practical exam + assignment. which includes 600 marks for Theory and 300 marks for the Practical Course. The evaluation of the programme consists of continuous assessment and term end examination.10 EVALUATION The evaluation criteria of the programme is given below: 4.3 Term-end Examination Since all the theory courses are of two(2) credit each.10..10. No Paper Courses Credit Duration of exam st 1 1 MMD 081 4 3 hours nd 2 2 MMD 082 4 3 hours rd 3 3 MMDL 084 4 Viva voice for Practical Examination th 4 4 MMD 083 4 3 hours th 5 5 MMD 085 4 3 hours 6 6th MMDL 088 4 Viva voice for Practical Examination th 7 7 MMD 086 4 3 hours th 8 8 MMD 087 4 3 hours 9 9th MMDL 089 4 Viva voice for Practical Examination Since admission to the programme is generally held during January and July every year. A practical examination will be held at the study centre. therefore the paper wise combination of courses are as follows and the term end examination will be held accordingly. date of examination and other instructions related to the examination will be published at the study centre a month before the actual dates of term and 22 . term end examinations are normally held in December and for July session the term end examination held in June of the subsequent year. In the programme. The weightage for the same is as follows: a) Continuous assessment 30% weightage b) Term end examination 70% weightage The candidate has to secure: i) a minimum of 40% marks in each of the two components. IGNOU. 4.4. at least 30 days before the commencement of Term end examinations. The internal assessment marks must reach the SED. Sl. i. ii) a minimum of overall 40% marks in both (1) Continuous (Internal) Assessment and (2) Term-End Examination in practical courses. Maidan Garhi. 4. The pass marks in the assignment and the practical exam is 40% of the sum of assignment and practical exam marks. Term-end examination centre. The student must submit one assignment per course to the study centre.10. the student is eligible to appear for the final examination.2 Internal assessment: Assignments/Practical Exam The programme study centre is responsible for internal assessment.1 Allocation of Marks and Instructional Hours The total face-to-face instructional hours for the PGDREPY programme will be 134 hours including practical. New Delhi – 110068. The Programme has been assigned a total of 900marks.(1) Continuous (Internal) Assessment and (2) Term-End Examination separately.  The assignments are designed to encourage the learner to develop good professional skills.1 Schedule for submission of assignments: The study centre must develop and implement a schedule or time table for submission of assignments by students in order to ensure that internal assessment is carried out well before the term end university examinations and assignment and practical marks are sent to the university at least one month before the term end university examinations in the format supplied by the university.  Internal assessment marks must be submitted before the term end examinations and candidates should ensure that their study centre has done this.  The assignments must be submitted to your study centre at the end of each course on last dates specified by study centre faculty. Where the number of students are significantly small in a centre.10.79. The University will conduct the term-end examination. Examination details will be available university website (www.9% C Good 3 50% .59. They will have to make their own arrangements for attending the examinations on the prescribed date and time and at the prescribed venue. 4.5 Grading system: and at the study centre a month before the actual dates of term and examination.4 Eligibility to appear for final examination:  All fees must be fully paid.10.49. 4.ignou.11 Grade Point Grade % Weightage A Excellent 5 + 80% & above B Very good 4 60% .11.examination.9% E Failure 1 Below 40% Assignments  All assignments are tutor marked. However please note that internal assessment marks must be submitted before the term end examinations and one set of each assignment must be kept available for scrutiny by the D Satisfactory 2 40% . 4.  You must have acquired the pass marks in the internal practical examination plus assignment. the candidates will be required to appear for examinations at the nearest pooled centre.  The cover page of assignments (first page) must have the following information: 23 . This is a link between the learners and the university.12.  Give wide publicity to the NCDS programmes. Organizing counselling and Audio-Video Sessions:  Identify course-specific academic counsellor.  To make arrangements for infrastructural facilities.  Provide assistance/guidance in admission process.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Study Centres  Provide assistance to candidates in acquiring application form. The study centres of PGDREPY are well equipped to provide practical training counselling and library facility for the learner.  Arrange periodic meetings with the counsellor and learners to review progress of the programme. general schools and special schools for curriculum completion during contact mode and distance mode.  Install set for viewing Doordarshan and AIR programmes 24 .Name: Roll number: Study centre: Subject: Assignment No: Date of submission at study centre: 4. There are total of 4 Study Centres for the PGDREPY Programme and the list of these Study Centres is given at Annexure II. The learners are advised to get in touch with the study centre and regional centre for schedule of Teleconferencing session and interactive radio counselling and programs.12 Study Centres The Study Centre has an important role in programme delivery.  Prepare schedule of Counselling / Practicals /Clinical Sessions in consultation with Head of the Host Institution. The DRS are also installed at each study centre by RCI for down linking the Teleconferencing Session.  Oversee conduct of counselling / Practicals / Clinical Sessions and maintain a record of attendance. 4.  Maintain database file (DBF) of learners in computer.  Install DRS system in collaboration with RCI.  Establish linkage with training colleges.  Assignment Handling: Receive assignments and get them evaluated by the IGNOU approved academic counsellors and arrange to send the feedback to the grade sheets to SED. desks.  Conduct theory and practical classes.  Make good use of school facilities such as textbooks.  Provide self learning material to the students. and supervisors of study centre. Regional Centre & Study Centre.  Ensure availability of instructional materials to the candidates received from IGNOU. chairs and all other equipment.  Learners must complete all course assignments in the given time frame in prescribed manner. 4.  Search for advice when the need arises by speaking to the counsellor. However.13 Duties of Learners  Learners have to comply with all policies and rules established by IGNOU. Induct candidates through Orientation Programmes.  Learners must contribute to a safe physical and emotional learning environment.  Ensure Teaching practice in general and special schools and their supervision. apparatus.  Learners must demonstrate professional conduct by complying with all attendance policies and by being punctual to all activities.  Learners may not falsify any information given to faculty.  Provide assistance to the candidates for filling up the examination from.  Ensure Continuous Internal Assessment and Maintenance of records.  Learners are expected to follow the guidelines of Programme Guide.  Learners should follow Gyan Darshan/Gyan Vani Programmes of IGNOU. Regional Centre and Study Centre. latest rules will be applicable to all the students irrespective of the year of registration.  Help the students with disabilities for getting the SLM in accessible format. UNIVERASITY RULES The University reserves the right to change the rules from time to time. 5. 25 . Teacher Student Handbook and INGOU Website.  Get thoroughly acquainted with the process of distance learning and procedure of functioning of IGNOU. tools. staff. Therefore. However. University will not be in a position to make adjustment.5 Simultaneous Registration Students who are already enrolled in a programme of one year or longer duration can also simultaneously register themselves for any certificate programme of 6 months duration. The admission form duly completed along with its enclosures is to be submitted to the Regional Director concerned ONLY on or before the due date.5. The learners are. 5. The application form sent to other offices of the University will not be considered and the applicant will have no claim whatsoever on account of this.2 Incomplete and Late Applications Incomplete application form(s)/Re-registration form(s). 5.4 ‘Walk in Admission’ for all Advertised Programmes The University has introduced Walk-in-admission facility. received after due date or having wrong options of courses or electives or false information. B. therefore.1 Educational Qualifications Awarded By Private Institutions Any educational qualification awarded by the Private Universities established under the provisions of the “Chhattisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishwavidyalaya (Sathapane Aur Viniyaman). 200/-) For July Session: From 1st December upto 30th April (without late fee) 1st May to 31st May (With late fee of Rs. In case they want to seek admission for the next session. 200/-) 5. the candidates may submit the application forms as per the following schedule to concerned Regional Centre. 5. 2002” are non-existent and cannot be made the basis of admission to higher studies with IGNOU. The admission for these programmes will remain open round the year. if there is any clash of dates of counselling or examination schedule between the two programmes taken. he/she will have no claim on the University 26 . Adhiniyam. If any student sends the Registration/Re-Registration forms at wrong places and thereby misses the scheduled date and consequently a semester/year. advised to fill the relevant columns carefully and enclosed copies of all the required certificates duly attested by a Gazetted Officer. they have to apply afresh and go through the admission process again. For January Session: From 1st June upto 31st October (without late fee) 1st November to 30th November (With late fee of Rs.Ed. will be summarily rejected without any intimation to the learners. 5.6 Re-Registration Learners are advised to submit the Re-Registration forms only at the respective Regional Centre and nowhere else.3 Validity of Admission Learners offered admission have to join on or before the due dates specified by the University. with effect from July 2008 for all Programmes except for the management. of their state. he/she applied for admission) for necessary certification by the Regional 27 .00 5.7 Re-Admission The students who are not able to clear their programme within the maximum duration can take readmission for additional period in continuation of the earlier period as under: Programmes Duration Re-admission Period Certificates Programmes 6 Months 6 Months Diploma Programmes 1 Year 1 Year Bachelor’s Degree Programmes 3 Years 2 Years Master’s Degree Programmes 2 Years 2 Years For re-admission the student has to make pro-rata fee for each incomplete course. For further details. The learners belonging to above categories admitted to IGNOU Programme(s) are eligible for Government of India Scholarships. War Widows.00 3 1st May to 31st May 1st November to 30th November 500. They are advised to collect Scholarship form the Directorate of Social Welfare or from the Office of the Social Welfare Officer. fill it up and submit the duly completed Scholarship Form to the Regional Director at the Regional Centre (Where he/she stand admitted/ registered for the programme. Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped have to pay the full fee at the time of admission to the University along with other general category candidates. 5. The details of prorata fee and the Re-admission Form is available at the Regional Centres and also in the Website for the courses which they have not been able to completed. 5. for admission to its various programmes. Scheduled Tribes.00 4 1st June to 20th June 1st December to 20th December 1000.9 Scholarships and Reimbursement of Fee The learners belonging to reserved Categories. viz. Schedule for Re-Registration For July Session For January Session Late fee 1 1st February to 31st March 1st August to 1st October NIL 2 1st April to 30th April 3rd October to 31st October 200. non-cremy layer of OBC.for regularization. as per the Government of India rules. Kashmiri Migrants and Physically Handicapped learners. The student who fails to pay the prescribed full programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programmes shall have to pay full fee for the missed years in addition to pro-rata course fee for readmission. please see the website.8 Reservation The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Castes. After the above certification. intensive counselling sessions will be held which essentially means that 40% of the numbers of prescribed counselling sessions are to be conducted within a weeks time. Scholarship scheme of National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People (NCPEDP) for Post Graduate level programmes is applicable to the students of this University also. the Scholarship Form be collected from the Regional Centre and resubmitted at the office of the Social Welfare Officer or Directorate of Social Welfare in their State. Practical Examination need not necessarily be held at the centre where the learner has undergone counselling or Practicals. New Delhi . 5. 5. he can obtain a copy of the same from the Study Centre or Regional Centre or may download it from the IGNOU website: www. IGNOU.Director. 5. Regular counselling sessions will be conducted at the learner support centres provided the number of learners for a particular course is equal to or more than 10.14 Change/Correction of Address and Study Centres There is a printed card for change/correction of address and change of Study Centre which is dispatched along with the study material. The students taking admission for the agriculture Diploma and Certificate programmes except for PG Certificate. Maidan Garhi.12 Study Material and Assignments The University sends study materials and assignments wherever prescribed to the students by registered post and if a student does not receive the same for any reason whatsoever. In case of non-receipt of study material students are required to write to concern Regional Centre.13 Counselling and Examination Centre All study centres. 5. b) The urban students below the poverty line may be given a 50% fee concession subject to production of an income certificate. If the number is less than 10 then in place of regular counselling. as the case may be .10 Fee Concession This fee concession is not applicable for the PG Certificates. PG Diploma and Ph. 5. It is also not adjustable against any other programme of this University. special study centres are not Examination centres. In case a student wants to have assignments. the programme fee will be refunded after deduction of registration fee through A/c Payee Cheque only by concerned Regional Centre.D Programme shall be eligible for the fee concession as per the following criteria: a) All the candidates from rural areas shall be entitled for 50% fee concession subject to production of domicile certificate. the learners are advised to make use of proforma provided in the Programme Guide and send it to the Regional Director concerned who will forward the request after verifying the student’s signature to SRD Division.D Programmes.110068. PG Diploma and Ph. Requests received directly at SRD New Delhi will not be 28 . Programme study centres.11 Refund of Fee Fee once paid will not be refunded under any However. Such students are advised to apply to awarding authority.ignou. for scholarship or reimbursement of Programme Fee. the University shall not be held responsible for that. in cases where University denies admission. In case there is any correction/change in the A fee of Rs. The Regional Director from where the learner is seeking the transfer will transfer all records including details of fee payment to the new Regional Centre under intimation to the Registrar.entertained. ‘No Objection Certificate’ is to be obtained from the concerned Regional Centre/Study Centre where the learner wishes his/her transfer In case any learner is keen for transfer from Army/Navy/Air Force Regional Centre to any other Regional Centre of the University during the cycle/session. In case a change of Study Centre is desired. New Delhi–110 068. For change of Region in practical oriented Programmes like computer programmes.ignou. In case the learner seeks transfer at the beginning of the session/cycle the required programme course fee for the session/cycle shall be deposited at the Regional Centre. 5. Programmes with limited number of seats are not offered for foreign students.Sc.17 Term-end Examination The learner are instructed to refer to the Tables given on Page no.per transcript payable through DD in favour of IGNOU is charged for this purpose. at the new centre opted for. he/she has to write to that effect to the Regional Centre from where he/she is seeking a transfer marking copies to the Regional Centre where he/she would like to be transferred B. Normally.400/.. IGNOU. the transfer shall be subject to availability of seats wherever applicable. the learners are advised to make their own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period. he/she would have to pay the fee-share money to the Regional Centre. the learners are advised to fill the proforma and address it to the Regional Centre concerned. Maidan Garhi. 5. for the subject he/she has chosen. Since counselling facilities are not available for all Programmes at all the centres. 5. learners are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available.ignou. Such students are required to remit the fee at par with foreign students (fee structure of foreign students could be downloaded from the website www. 5.200/.in case of request for sending transcript outside India. he/she has to obtain a certificate from the Coordinator of the Study Centre from where he/she is seeking transfer regarding the number of assignments submitted. 29 . The students are required to pay Rs.16 Foreign Students Foreign students residing in India are eligible to seek admission in IGNOU programmes who have valid student visa for the minimum duration of the programme. Similarly.15 Change of Region When a learner wants transfer from one region to another. Request for change of Study Centre is normally accepted subject to availability of seat for the programme at the new centre asked for. However. Further. change of Study Centre is not permissible in programmes where practical components are involved. it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. 7 before submitting Examination Form for appearing in the June as well as December Term-end examination. Learners are advised not to write letters to any other officer in the University in this regard. etc.18 Official Transcripts The University provides the facility of official transcripts on request made by the learners on plain paper addressed to Registrar (SED). Change of Address and Study Centre are not permitted until admissions are finalized. The form of change of address can also be downloaded from IGNOU Website www. SR&E Division and the learner. A learner should not apply for appearing at the Term-end examinations of any course without getting re-registered/readmission for the same. The result would be withheld in such Admission of foreign students residing in India will be processed by the International Division of the University after ensuring their antecedents from the Ministry of External Affairs/Ministry of Human Resource Development. 1-52/2000(CPP-II) dated 5th 30 . as per UGC Circular letter no. II & III) 5. SRD (Tele: 2953 2741) 3 Registrar. As per directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India ragging is prohibited.5. AICTE/Academic/ MOU-DEC/2005 dated May 13. Pre Admission Enquiry on Academic Programme If you have any queries on academic aspects of the programme. the authority would expel him from the Note: Except the above mentioned complaint. please mail at enquirycp@gmail. SRD (Tele: 2953 6251) Alternative complaint may be faxed on 29536588 or RSD (Tele: 2953 2118) 5 Director.. 5. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found satisfactory. E-mail: ignouregistrar@hotmail. AIU Circular No. However.19 Disputes on Admission & other University matters The place of jurisdiction of filing of suit.20 Recognition IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all member Universities of Association of India Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all Indian Universities/ Institutions.21 Prevention of Malpractice/Notice for General Public Students seeking admission to various academic programmes of Indira Gandhi National Open University are advised to directly contact IGNOU headquarters at New Delhi or Regional Centres of IGNOU only. EV/11(449/94/176915-177115 dated January 14. Students interacting with intermediaries shall do so at their own risk and cost. please contact any of the following members of the Malpractices Prevention Committee: 1 Website: http://www. SSC (Tele: 2953 5714) 6 CPRO (Tele: 2953 2321) 7 Security Officer (Tele: 2953 3237) 8 Deputy Registrar. SOCIS (Tele: 2953 3436) 2 Registrar/OSD. F. no other queries will be entertained at the above phone numbers. 2004. fleecing students etc.ignou. (See Annexure-I. if necessary. will be only New Delhi/Delhi. 2005. in case of any specific complaint regarding fraudulent institutions. 1994 & AICTE Circular No. SED (Tele: 2953 5828) 4 Director. Migration Certificate. Academic Content Director of the School concerned 11. Student Support Services and Student Grievances. SED. IGNOU Hall Ticket Assistant Registrar (Exam-II). 1. Fee Receipt. 2953380 Fax:29533129 31 . Entrance Test. Non-receipt of study material and assignments Concerned Regional Centre or Ph: Submission of Project Reports Except BCA & MCA Telephone Nos. Student Grievances (online) Block-3.: 29536743. 13. 2. 2226 8. Maidan Garhi. 12. New Delhi-110068 10. Transcript Deputy Registrar (Exam-III).: 1312. IGNOU. Registrar (Assignment). New Delhi-110068 [email protected] Ph. 29535924-32 Extn. Maidan Garhi. Block-12.: 2216 13. Schedule/Information regarding Exam Form. Original Degree/Diploma/Verification of Degree/Diploma [email protected]/ Extn. Block New Delhi-110068 or Ph. SED. IGNOU. Room No. Room No. Change of Elective/Medium/Opting of left over electives/Deletion of excess credits Concerned Regional Centre 7. IGNOU Asstt.: 29535924-32 Despatch Section.: 2202. Scholarship Forms Concerned Regional Centre 2. IGNOU. IGNOU. Date-sheet. Student Service Centre. pre-admission Inquiry of various courses in IGNOU Regional Extn: 2211. Grade Card. Maidan Garhi.: 29535438.:29535714. Result. Purchase of Audio/Video Tapes Marketing Unit. New Delhi-110068 [email protected]. 2209 4. BLOCK-12. Maidan Garhi. Project Reports Concerned Regional Centre Telephone Nos.: Deputy Registrar (Exam-I). SED.29535924 9. Submission of BCA & MCA. New Delhi-68 Extn.: 29532294. assignment@ignou. New Delhi-110068 E-mail: sgoswami@ignou. Early Declaration of Result.22 SOME USEFUL ADDRESSES WHOM TO CONTACT FOR WHAT 1. IGNOU. SED. Room No. Re-evaluation.1316 5. Room No. Bonafide Certificate. Identity Card. IGNOU. Maidan Garhi. 29533869. IGNOU Block-12. Non-reflection of Assignment Grades/Marks Maidan Garhi. Maidan Garhi. Maidan Garhi. New Delhi-110068 kramesh@ignou. Approval of a Project Synopsis School Project Coordinator in the Concerned School 12. Registrar (Student Grievance) SED.: 29535924/ Extn. New Delhi-68 Ph. Block-3.1319. EMPC. Provisional Certificate. Annexure-7 32 .Annexure-4 List of Board Codes .Annexure-5 Bank Details .Annexure-2 Name and Address of IGNOU Regional Centres .Annexure-1 Special Study Centre Activated for Programme .Annexure-3 List of Codes .Annexure-6 Challan Form .LIST OF ANNEXURES        Codes and Addresses of Regional Centre Activated for programme . Rohini. —- Delhi Vision Institute of Advance Studies Plot No. Jodhpur.N. Ashram Road. —- Ahmedabad B. PocketA-1. —- Rajasthan Jai Narain Vyas University. Agra – 282002 Aligarh PGDREPY 4. TEPSE & HEPSN Centre. 33 . Paota.380009 Ahmedabad PGDREPY 3. Maidan. Ahmedabad. Mathura Road. —- Agra Institute of Mental Health and Hospital Billochpura. candidates may send their application to the respective regional centre. Near K. No Code No Location Name of the Institute Regional Centre Programme Recommended for Activation 1. Bhopal.462021 Bhopal PGDREPY 2. Raikabagh. Near Nehru Bridge. Sector 8.Annexure 1 Special Study Centre Activated for Programme Sl. However. College for Women.M Institute of Mental Health.4. Jodhpur. 15137D Bhopal The Composite Regional Centre for Persons with Disabilities Punarvas Bhawan. Delhi-110085 Delhi PGDREPY The process for activation of the centre is in progress. Khajuri Kalan Marg Piplani. Rajasthan Jaipur PGDREPY 5. Near Goshala. 110 002 Ph. KASGANJ. Regional Director. 0755-2578454. GTB NAGAR. ALIGARH. PITAMPURA. ETAH. JHARODA MAJA. LIBASPUR. 70/79. FIROZABAD. RAMA VIHAR. BULANDSAHAR. Patel Marg. 0755-2578452 4. MANPURI. CIVIL LINES.BURAI. DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI 29 STATE OF DELHI (COVERING AREAS OF KARALA. DR MUKHERJEE NAGAR. YAMUNA VIHAR.462016.202001. IGNOU Regional Centre. Opp. SHASTRI NAGAR. Phone: 0755-2578455.382481. Regional Director. BHR) Regional Centre. IGNOU Regional Centre. Uttar Pradesh. Sector – 7. Chharodi Ahmedabad. 02717-241370. ASHOK VIHAR. MATHURA & J P NAGAR 23 STATE OF RAJASTHAN 15 STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH EXCEPT FOR DISTRICTS MENTIONED UNDER REGIONAL CENTRE JABALPUR 09 STATE OF GUJARAT. UNION TERRITORY OF DAMAN. BUD VIHAR. 02717-241580 5. 0141-2784043 3. SHAKURPUR COLONY. BANAGAR. Bhopal. Mansarovar. Board of Secondary EDN. RAMPUR. BADAUN. SarkhejGandhinagar Highway. Name of the Institute 1. Regional Director Ignou Regional Centre Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti Rajghat New Delhi . Rajashthan. Nirma University. SULTAN PURI. Regional Director. Gujrat. Madhya Pradesh. 730. 3/310 Marris Road Aligarh. 3rd Floor. ETAWAH. Opp. Jaipur. Ph: RANI BAGH. JAHANGIR PURI. MANGOL : 011-23392374 / 23392376 -77 Fax : 011-23392375 Email : Rcdelhi2@Ignou. Sanchi Complex. DIU. 2701365 2. NAND NAGRI. PRAHLADPUR. No. MORADABAD. AGRA. IGNOU Codes 47 DISTRICT OF UTTAR Operational Areas 34 . Ph: 02717-242975/242976.Annexure 2A INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY CODES AND ADDRESSES OF REGIONAL CENTRES ACTIVATED FOR PROGRAMME Sl. Ph: 0571-2700120. HATHRAS. Shivaji Nagar. MODEL TOWN. Regional Director. IGNOU Regional Centre.302020. 799004 TRIPURA PH. MEHSANA. SERCHHIP. REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 3/310 MARRIS ROAD ALIGARH-202001 UTTAR PRADESH PH. VALSAD. BHARUCH. CHAMARAJANAGAR. MATHURA. GULBARGA. AGARWAL. G. ETAWAH.Annexure .in AHMEDABAD REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 09 3 ADDRESS OF THE REGIONAL CENTRE TEL. SABARKANTHA. SHIMOGA. PANDEY. LUNGLEI.B. KOLAR. THIRUMURUGAN. IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE KOLASIB. CENTRE.G. OF LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 1 AGARTALA RC CODE : 26 2 AIZWAL RC CODE: 19 4 ALIGARH RC CODE: 47 5 SENIOR STAFF REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE M. MAMIT. TAPI) DAMAN (U. REGIONAL BANGALORE REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 13 JURISDICTION IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NSSS KALYANA KENDRA 293.NAMRATA HAGJER. NAVSARI.796001 MIZORAM PH. RD STATE OF TRIPURA (DISTRICT: DHALAI. NORTH MS.H. IMRAPUR. RAICHUR. MANDYA. ARD SH. A. BIDAR. ETAH. HAVERI. KODAGU. NIRMA INSTT OF TECHNOLOGY SARKHEJ-GANDHINAGAR HIGHWAY. J.M. VADODARA.P. 8TH BLOCK JAYANAGAR BANGALORE . CODE AND DR K S CHAKRABORTY..R.RD(I/C) STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH SH. NAGAR. HASSAN.O. MAHAMAYA NAGAR/ HATHRAS. LAWNGTLAI) M. LAL BULAIA BUILDING SAIHA. DAHOD. AR (DISTRICT: AHMEDABAD.OFF : 0571-2700120 / 2701365 FAX : 0571-2402147 EMAIL : rcaligarah@ignou. KOPPAL. PATAN. DAVANAGERE. P.OFF : 02717-242975 -79 FAX : 02717-241580 EMAIL : [email protected] : 0381-2519391 / 2516266 FAX : 0381-2516266 EMAIL : rcagartala@ignou. AGRA. YADGIR.OFF : 0389-2311693 / 2311692 FAX : 0389-2311789 EMAIL : [email protected]. ROAD KHATLA(NEAR CENTRAL YMCA OFF) AIZAWL . AGARTALA COLLEGE AGARTALA . AR (DISTRICT: ALIGARH. RD STATE OF MIZORAM (DISTRICT: AIZWAL.3 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY REGIONAL SERVICES DIVISION NAMES & ADDRESSES OF IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRES S.OFF : 080-26654747 / 26657376 FAX : 080-26644848 EMAIL : rcbangalore@ignou.) REGIONAL DIRECTOR DR. TRIPURA. MYSORE. DANG.560 070 KARNATAKA PH. DD MR. SURAT. BAGALKOT. SOWJANYA. KASHIRAM NAGAR/ KASGANJ.382481 GUJARAT PH. BANGALORE RURAL. CHAMPHAI. MAINPURI.K. CHIKMAGALUR.S. VED A KUMAR. RD DR. ANAND. RAMANAGARA. AVANI TRIVEDI. ARD (SEL. CHIKBALLAPUR. PANCHMAHAL. BIJAPUR.SUDHINDRA. MORADABAD AND RAMPUR) DR. CHITRADURGA. GRADE) MS. FAX & E-MAIL IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE OPP. B. AR STATE OF KARNATAKA (DISTRICT: BANGALORE.T. RD (I/C) STATE OF GUJARAT SH. DAKSHINA COLLEGE COMPOUND P. BELLARY. UDUPI) . ZONUNTHARA. TUMKUR. B. NARMADA. ARD (SEL. SOUTH 39TH CROSS. S. GRADE) WEST TRIPURA) MS.M. CHHARODI AHMEDABAD . BUDAUN. 35 SH BHANU PRATAB. J. GADAG. RD DR. RD MS. RUP JAJPUR. AR SH. DAMOH. KHARGONE. DEOGARH. HOSHANGABAD. RD DR. CHHATARPUR. GANJAM.T.OFF : 07172-2590208 FAX : 0172-2590279 EMAIL : rcchandigarh@ignou. TIKAMGARH. SALEM. CUDDALORE. TIWARI. J.S.T. PONDICHERRY (U. NAGAPATTINAM. IDUKKI. BAWANI. BARAGARH. MUNGER. BETUL. VILLUPURAM.T. BOARD OF SECONDARY EDN. INSTITUTIONAL AREA BHUBANESHWAR . GUNA. MORENA. GAJAPATI. NEEMUCH. THIRUVARUR). KENDRAPARA. PANIGRAHI. BURHANPUR. BALASORE. REWA. REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE KALOOR COCHIN .in ignoubhopal@rediffmail. KOZHIKODE. KANDHAMAL. KHORDHA. REGIONAL ADDRESS OF THE No. Z. SHEOPUR. ARD MR. CUTTACK. S.N. SHAJAPUR. DEWAS.S. KEONJHAR. SHREEDHARAN.) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE C. BHAGALPUR BANKA. BHIND. JHARSUGUDA. VIDISHA. AR STATE OF TAMILNADU (DISTRICT: CHENNAI. RATLAM. MAYURBHANJ. DR 36 STATE OF KERALA (DISTRICT: ALAPPUZHA. DATIA. AR (on deputation) CHANDIGARH REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 06 10 SENIOR STAFF DR ASHA SHARMA. SUNDERGARH) DR S K TRIPATHY. SEHORE. HARDA..). NAYAGARH. MADHEPURA) Note: Currently under Darbanga and Patna RCs REGIONAL DIRECTOR DR. RATH. BALAGHAT. DOROTHY. MALAPPURAM. MOHANTI.S. PANCHKULA).682 017 KERALA PH. JAGATSINGHPUR. NAMAKKAL. CAMPUS TARAMANI CHENNAI . INDORE. THRISSUR. 3RD FLOOR PANNA. MANDSAUR.V. K. CHANDIGARH (U. KATHIHAR. DHENKANAL. CENTRE. STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH (DISTRICT: ALIRAJPUR. SHIVAJI NAGAR BHOPAL . SAMBALPUR. STATE OF ORISSA (DISTRICT: ANGUL.T. STATE OF PUNJAB (DISTRICT: PATIALA. AR SCO 208 SECTOR 14 PANCHKULA 134 109 HAYRANA PH. RD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SANCHI COMPLEX. GWALIOR. PURNEA. JHABUA. KRISHNAN. ARARIA.K S D NAIR. RAHMAN. RAISEN. DHAR.I. ERNAKULAM. KANCHIPURAM. ARD SH.OFF : 0674-2301348 / 2301250/ FAX : 0674-2300349 EMAIL : rcbhubaneswar@ignou. PERAMBALUR.) . VELLORE.OFF: 0484-2340203 / 2348189 / 2330891 FAX : 0484-2340204 EMAIL : rccochin@ignou. BHADRAK. FAX & E-MAIL LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 6 BHAGALPUR RC CODE: 82 7 BHOPAL RC CODE: 15 8 BHUBANESHWAR RC CODE: 21 9 CHENNAI RC CODE: 25 11 COCHIN RC CODE: 14 JURISDICTION REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE STATE OF BIHAR (DISTRICT: KISHANGANJ.OFF : 0755-2578455 / 2578452 FAX : 0755-2578454 EMAIL : rcbhopal@ignou. DHARMAPURI. N.F. LAKSHADWEEP (U. STATE OF HARYANA (DISTRICT: AMBALA. RD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE DR.K. T. SHIVPURI. PURI. FATEHGARH SAHEB). KOTTAYAM. VERMA. KRISHNAGIRI. ARD MR. KHAGARIA. CODE REGIONAL CENTRE AND NO.1. SENTHILRAJ. BHOPAL. SAGAR. OF TEL.751 013 ORISSA PH. S. THIRUVANNAMALAI. WAYANAD). KANNUR. KASARAGOD. DR S MOHANAN. SINDHU P. PALAKKAD. ARD SH. MOHALI. NAIR. THIRUVALLUR.600 113 TAMILNADU D.OFF : 044-22541919 / 22542727 FAX : 044-22542828 EMAIL : rcchennai@ignou. ARD SH. RAJGARH. UJJAIN) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE C .K.462 016 MADHYA PRADESH PH. . PALAM. CHAMOLI. DR MUKHERJEE NAGAR. MANORANJAN TRIPATHI.OFF : 011-25088939 / 25088944 FAX : EMAIL : [email protected] 14 DELHI 1 RC CODE: 07 15 DELHI 2 RC CODE: 29 16 DELHI 3 RC CODE: 38 JURISDICTION STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (DISTRICT: SAHARANPUR. SHASTRI NAGAR. RD (I/C) STATE OF DELHI (COVERING AREAS OF MUNDKA. CIVIL LINES. SHEOHAR. HARIDWAR. BAKARWALA. FRIENDS CLY.P. SOUTH EXTN.S. PALAM FARMS. TILAK NAGAR. NAZAFGARH. EAST CHAMPARAN. PURNENDU TRIPATHI. I. REGIONAL ADDRESS OF THE No. TAPOVAN RAIPUR ROAD DEHRADUN . RUPAM. SAKET. DD MS. PURNEA. RD LODHI COLONY. PEERAGARHI.CMPS KAMESHWARANAGAR. RAM KISHAN. KAPASERA. LAJPAT NAGAR. 37 . BAGESHWAR). ARD BANAGAR. US NAGAR. NEAR CENTRAL BANK DARBHANGA-846004 BIHAR PH. ASHOK VIHAR. HAUZ KHAS. SARAN. DHIWAN. ARD (SEL. CODE REGIONAL CENTRE AND NO. ARD MADHEPURA. MANGOL PURI. BUD VIHAR. DD SH. ALMORA. YAMUNA VIHAR. LIBASPUR. DARBHANGA. MAHAVIR ENC..OFF : 06272-251833 FAX : 06272-253719 EMAIL : rcdarbhanga@ignou. UTTAM NAGAR.. MUNIRIKA. NARAINA). DWARKA NEW DELHI 110 045 DR A M SAKLANI. KOTLA. ABHIMANYU KUMAR. DEHRADUN REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NANOOR KHERA.OFF : 011-23392374 / 23392376 -77 FAX : 011-23392375 EMAIL : rcdelhi2@ignou. PITAMPURA. KHAGARIA. AR STATE OF UTTARANCAL (DISTRICT: DEHRADUN. ARD MR. SIWAN. MUZAFFARNAGAR. MUZAFFARPUR & WEST CHAMPARAN) DR ANIL KUMAR DIMRI. AR STATE OF DELHI (COVERING AREAS OF KARALA. DR MR.110 044 DELHI PH. SANGAMVIHAR. SAHARSA. SHAKURPUR COLONY. CHAMPAWAT. UTTARAKASHI. FAX & E-MAIL LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 12 13 DARBHANGA REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 46 IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE LALIT NARAYAN MITHLA UNIV. RD STATE OF BIHAR (DISTRICT: ARARIA.M. RAJBIR SINGH RANA. RANI DR. VIKASPURI.OFF : 011-26990082 / 26990083 FAX : 011-26990084 EMAIL : rcdelhi1@ignou. MADHUBANI. PRAHLADPUR. PH. CENTRE. GREEN PARK. DHAULA KUAN. R K PURAM. RD DR. BIJNORE) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE PLOT NO J-2/1 BLOCK. MALVIYA NAGAR. JHARODA MAJA. OF TEL. MODEL TOWN. CHANAKYAPURI. SAMASTIPUR. DAMLE. G K. GOPALGANJ. SITAMARHI. RUDRAPRAYAG. BHOGAL. SIRAN MUKHERJI.BURAI. STATE OF HARYANA (DISTRICT: GURGAON) PH. ARD DR. KUMUD VERMA. BHR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE F-634-636 PALAM EXTNSION RAM PHAL CHOWK (NEAR SECTOR 7).110 002 PH. SUBHASH NAGAR.RAM CHANDRA. AR STATE OF DELHI (COVERING AREAS OF MEHRAULI. MEERA BAGH. KISHANGANJ. PUNJABI BAGH. STATE OF HARYANA (DISTRICT: FARIDABAD) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE GANDHI SMRITI & DARSHAN SAMITI RAJGHAT NEW DELHI .B.B 1 MOHAN COOPERATIVE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE MATHURA ROAD NEW DELHI . ASHRAM. SULTAN PURI. PITHORAGARH. V. BADARPUR).248 001 UTTARANCHAL RC CODE: 31 SENIOR STAFF DR S S SINGH. MOTINAGAR. NAINITAL. JAHANGIR PURI. KATIHAR. PAURI. GTB NAGAR. DR SANJEEV PANDEY. JANAKPURI. RAMA VIHAR. NAND NAGRI. TEHRI. SAGARPUR. GRADE) DR. VASANTKUNJ. RD DR. D.OFF : 0135-2789200 / 2789180 FAX : 0135-2789190 EMAIL : rcdehradun@ignou. NANGLOI JAT. RANJAN KUMAR. NEAR MADHAPUR PS. DHEMAJI. DIBRUGARH. RD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 31 A NATIONAL HIGHWAY. KOKRAJHAR. RAJSHEKHAR BHAVAN RANI DURGAVATI VISHVAVIDYALAYA CAMPUS. AND UMARIA) ITANAGAR RC CODE: 03 22 JURISDICTION REGIONAL DIRECTOR DR ILA DAS. CACHAR. UPPER SUBANSIRI. SANJIB KUMAR KATAKY.737102 SIKKIM PH. DARRANG. NORTH CACHAR HILLS. HAILAKANDI. AR STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH (DISTRICT: ADILABAD. SOUTH SIKKIM) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE HOUSE NO 71. PACHPEDHI JABALPUR . UPPER DIBANG. CHHINDWARA. KATNI. GUJALA ASHOK.) NAHARLAGUN ITANAGAR -791110 ARUNACHAL PRADESH : 0360-2247536 / 2247538 FAX : 0360-2247537 EMAIL : rcitanagar@ignou. EAST KAMENG. SHAHDOL. KARIMGANJ. MAHABOOBNAGAR. MANDLA. DD (on EOL) SH. BALAGHAT. NORTH AOC IMPHAL . WARANGAL) RC CODE: 01 IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE PLOT NO 207 KAVURI HILLS PHASE II. BONGAIGAON.K. TAMENGLONG. DR S J NEETHIRAJAN. KADAPA.R. PAPUM PARE. NIZAMABAD. NORTH SIKKIM. ASSAM PH. UPPER KARBI. ANANTAPUR. CHANGLANG. JABALPUR. MARIGAON. ARD (On Study Leave) STATE OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH (DISTRICT: ANJAW. REGIONAL ADDRESS OF THE No. BARPETA. DR. LAKHIMPUR. HYDERABAD. LOWER SUBANSIRI. UDALGURI. NALBARI. LOWER DIBANG TIRAP. 5TH MILE BELOW MANIPAL HOSPITAL TADONG GANTOK . CODE REGIONAL CENTRE AND NO. S. DD SH. K. CHIRANG) DR B RAJAGOPAL. KAMRUP METROPOLITAN. D. R. WEST KAMENG. : 0359-2270923 FAX : 0359-2212501 EMAIL : rcgangtok@ignou. SEONI. BAKSA. SIBSAGAR. AR STATE OF MADHYA PRADESH (DISTRICT: ANNUPUR. RANGA REDDY. KURUNG KUMEY. DHUBRI. (MRS) VARDHINI BHATTACHARJEE. KURNOOL. SIDDHI.O. NALGONDA. MEDAK. RD SH. IMPHAL WEST. RD (I/C) STATE OF MANIPUR (DISTRICT: BISHNUPUR.C.OFF : 0361-2343785 / 2343786 / 2343783 FAX : 0361-2343784 EMAIL : rcguwahati@ignou. FIAYAZ AHMED. JUBILEE HILLS (P. SIHORA. ANGLONG. RD DR. SINGRAULI.OFF: 040-40266470 / 40266471 FAX : 040-40266759 EMAIL : [email protected]. DD STATE OF ASSAM (DISTRICT: TINSUKIA. THOUBAL. WEST SIANG) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 2ND FLOOR..GMC ROAD CHRISTIAN BASTI GUWAHATI. IMPHAL EAST.OFF : 0385-2421190 / 2421191 / FAX : 0385-2421192 EMAIL : rcimphal@ignou. CHURACHANDPUR. AR SH. GOALPARA. NARSHINGPUR. FAX & E-MAIL LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 17 GANGTOK RC CODE: 24 18 GUWAHATI RC CODE: 04 19 20 STATE OF SIKKIM (DISTRICT: EAST SIKKIM. SHARMA. MANOJ TIRKEY. U. JORHAT.) HYDERABAD .in HYDERABAD REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 17 21 SENIOR STAFF JABALPUR RC CODE: 41 38 . DR. IMPHAL REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE ASHA JINA COMPLEX. DINDORI. PANDEY.500 033 ANDHRA PRADESH PH. NAGAON.482001 MADHYA PRADESH PH. OF TEL. RD (I/C) (Not yet joined the duty) DR. WEST SIKKIM. LOHIT.795001 MANIPUR PH. DANIEL JOSEPH KUBA. KARIMNAGAR.OFF : 0761-2600411 / 2600441 FAX : 0761-2609919 EMAIL : rcjabalpur@ignou. KAMRUP. UKHRUL) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE ‘HORNHILL COMPLEX’ ‘C’ SECTOR (NEAR CENTRAL SCH. EAST SIANG. TAWANG. RD DR. CENTRE. HOWRAH.OFF : 0452-2380387 / 2380733 FAX : 0452-2370588 EMAIL : rcmadurai@ignou. THANJAVUR. GONDA. MALKANGIRI. KANPUR RURAL. PARBHANI. PASCHIM MEDINIPUR. P. KAMAL KANT BANDA. SIVAGANGA. TAMIL NADU PH. LUCKNOW. NUAPADA. GADCHIROLI) . NADIA) DR ABHILASH NAYAK. DD SH. SULTANPUR. ANIL KUMAR DR P SIVASWAROOP. ARD (SEL. DHARMA RAO GONIPATI.OFF: 0712-2022000 EMAIL : rcnagpur@ignou. KISHORE.700 091 WEST BENGAL PH. SONEPUR. RD DR. KANNAUJ. RD SH. DALAI. NILGIRIS. FAIZABAD. TUTICORIN. AURAIYA. TIRUPUR. SANTANU KUKHERJEE. VIRUDHUNAGAR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR DR M RAJESH. KARUR. SOUTH 24 PARGANAS. NORTH 24 PARAGANAS. REGIONAL ADDRESS OF THE No. FARUKHABAD. SECTOR .OFF : 0522-2746120 / 2745114 FAX : 0522-2746145 EMAIL : rclucknow@ignou. JALAUN. of LSCs : 47 34 NAGPUR RC CODE: 36 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE BIKASH BHAWAN. NAMBOOTHIRIPAD. OF TEL. HOOGHLY. DINDIGUL. PURBA MEDINIPUR. BOLANGIR. RAIGARH AND RATNAGIRI) STATE OF MAHRASHTRA (DISTRICT: AMRAVATI. RAEBAREILY. BASTI. AR STATE OF ORISSA (DISTRICT: KORAPUT. K. YAVATMAL. NARAYNPUR. S. GRADE) SH. FATEHPUR. BALRAMPUR.S. ] KOLKATA .H ALIGANJ LUCKNOW . UNNAO) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SIKKANDAR CHAVADI ALANGANALLUR ROAD MADURAI .ac. BAHRAICH. S. THANE. SHAHJANANPUR. RAIS SIDDIQ. BHANDARA. LAKHIMPUR.764020 ORISSA PH.226 024 UTTAR PRADESH PH. SITAPUR. NABARANGPUR. SIDHARTHNAGAR. ARD SH. RAMANATHAPURAM. DD DR. PUDUKKOTTAI. GONDIA. CHITRAKUT. AR STATE OF WEST BENGAL (DISTRICT: KOLKATA. MADURAI. WARDHA. AR STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (DISTRICT: ALLAHABAD. RD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE OM LEVA VIKAS NIKETAN NANEPADA ROAD.. CODE REGIONAL CENTRE AND NO.OFF : 06852-252982 / 251535 FAX : 06852-252503 EMAIL : rckoraput@ignou. 4TH FLOOR NORTH BLOCK. HARDOI. RAYAGADA. RD DR. AKOLA. AR STATE OF TAMIL NADU (DISTRICT: COIMBATORE. BIJAPUR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE B-1/33. PURULIA.MULUND (E) MUMBAI -81 PH. KAUSHAMBI. RD MR. BANKURA. BIDHAN NAGAR. PRATAPGARH. ARD SH. LALITPUR. FAX & E-MAIL LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 29 KOLKATA RC CODE: 28 30 KORAPUT RC CODE: 44 31 LUCKNOW RC CODE: 27 32 MADURAI RC CODE: 43 33 MUMBAI RC CODE: 49 No. TIRUNELVELI. BARABANKI.OFF : 033-23349850 FAX : 033-23347576 EMAIL : rckolkata@ignou. BALASUBRAMANIAN.C. DANTEWADA. CHANDRAPUR.6625 018. SANZAYA DR AMIT CHATURVEDI. BULDHANA. THENI. THIRUVAROOR. BURDWAN. ARD MR. JHANSI. PILIBHIT. ASHWINI KUMAR. STATE OF CHATTISGARH (DISTRICT: BASTAR. REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE DISTRICT AGRICULTURE OFFICE RD BEHIND PANCHAYAT BHAVAN KORAPUT . SALT LAKE. KANPUR BOUDH). SENIOR STAFF JURISDICTION DR SUJIT KUMAR GHOSH. MAHOBA.OFF: 022-25633159 / 25635540 FAX : 022-25635540 EMAIL : rcmumbai@ignou. BAREILLY. NANDED. RD 39 STATE OF MAHARASHTRA (DISTRICT: MUMBAI. WASHIM. DR M SHANMUGHAM. REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE GYAN VATIKA 14 HINDUSTAN COLONY AMARAVATI ROAD NAGAPUR 440033 PH. DD SH. KALAHANDI. ARD (SEL. AURANGABAD. GRADE) ON DEPUTN. RAJNANDGAON. SOLAPUR.. BISCOMAUN TOWER DHARWAD. JALNA. AR INSTITUTIONAL AREA NOIDA 201305 UTTAR PRADESH PH.OFF: 0120-2405012 / 2405014 FAX : 0120-2405013 EMAIL : rcnoida@ignou. LATUR & KOLHAPUR) DR S RAJA RAO. SENAPATI BAPAT ROAD PUNE . GUPTE. SANGLI. SHAMSU. CODE AND NO. MUNGER. STATE OF GOA (DISTRICT: NORTH GOA.KAMESHWARI 40 STATE OF CHHATTISGARH (DISTRICT: BILASPUR.OFF: 0612-2219539 / 2219541 FAX : 0612-2219538 EMAIL : rcpatna@ignou. S. FAX & E-MAIL SENIOR STAFF JURISDICTION REGIONAL DIRECTOR DR GULAB JHA. DR S SRINIVAS. MEERUT. SINGH. AR STATE OF MAHARASHTRA (DISTRICT: NANDURBAR. RD STATE OF WEST BENGAL (DISTRICT: MURSHIDABAD. NAWADA. KAWARDHA. VAISHALI) 38 PORT BLAIR REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE JNRM CAMPUS PORT BLAIR-744104 ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS PATNA.S. RD REGIONAL DIRECTOR SH.OFF: 020-25671867 / 25651321 FAX : 020-25671864 EMAIL : [email protected]: 03192-242888 / 230111 EMAIL : [email protected] STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (DISTRICT: GAUTAM BUDH NAGAR. MAHASAMUND.53 SECTOR 62 SH. NASIK. KAIMUR.D. PATNA . JAMUI.T. SOUTH ANDAMAN. MALDA) RC CODE: 02 39 40 PUNE RC CODE: 16 RAGHUNATHGANJ REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 50 41 RAIPUR RC CODE: 35 IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE R. OFFICE HALL SECTOR . RAIPUR. RD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE MS.OFF: 0832-2462315 FAX : 0832-2414552 EMAIL : rcpanaji@ignou. JALGAON. D. OF LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 35 NOIDA RC CODE: 39 36 PANAJI RC CODE: 08 ADDRESS OF THE REGIONAL CENTRE TEL.P. KALPANA S. REGIONAL No. ARD WEST GANDHI MAIDAN. NANDA. SHANKAR NAGAR RAIPUR . MSFC BUILDING 270. ARD 2ND FLOOR. SWAMY. SATARA.1. AURANGABAD. RD DR. BIZAPUR) . NALANDA. SH. PUNE. BUXAR.800 001 BIHAR PH. JEHANABAD. LAKSHISARAI. DD C. Y.OFF: 0771-2428285 / 4056508 FAX : 0771-2445839 EMAIL : [email protected]: 03483-271555 / 271666 EMAIL : rcraghunathganj@ignou. SOUTH GOA). RD STATE OF KARNATAKA (DISTRICT: BELGAUM. MONI SAHAY. UTTARA KANNAD). BHAGALPUR. BARAUT) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE BEHIND CHODANKAR HOSPITAL NEAR P&T STAFF QUARTERS ALTO PORVORIM POVORIM -403521 GOA S. BIMAL CH. BHOJPUR. HEMA PANT.492007 CHATTISGARH PH. JASHPUR. STATE OF MAHARASHTRA (DISTRICT: SINDHDURG) 37 PATNA RC CODE: 05 REGIONAL DIRECTOR DR. RD PORT BLAIR ( DR.T. DR H SANGEETA MAJHI. SHARMA. ARD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SH. ARD SH.M. OSMANABAD. BIRBHUM.NO 312 SECOND FLOOR NEW ADMINISTRTIVE BUILDING SDO JANGIPUR OFFICF COMPUND RAGHUNATHGANJ DT. NICOBAR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 1ST FLOOR.MURSHIDABAD WEST BENGAL-742 225 SARGUJA. SURAJPUR. JANJGIRCHAMPA. STATE OF BIHAR (DISTRICT: ARWAL. NARAYANPUR.G. N.) (DISTRICT: NORTH & MIDDLE ANDAMAN. CENTRE. DR M S PARTHASARATHY. ROHTAS. DD MS. BAGHPAT. BHAMBULKAR. SHEIKHPURA.411 016 MAHARASHTRA PH. DHULE. HAIDER.S. BID. AR REST HOUSE & E. PARVEEN KUMAR. RD IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE DR. Q. AHMADNAGAR. DURG. RAJGARH. BANKA. DAKSHIN DINAJPUR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE MANTOO HOUSE RAJ BAGH NEAR MASJID AL-FAROOQ SRINAGAR . DUMKA. JALPAIGURI. BANDIPORE. G. BARAMULLA. AJAY CODE REGIONAL CENTRE AND NO. JUNAGADH. DIU ( [email protected]. WEST GARO HILLS) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE CHAUHAN NIWAS BUILDING. CENTRE. DARJEELING. SANJEEV KR. JAMTARA. CHAMBA.OFF : 0651-2244688 / 2244699 / 2244677 FAX : 0651-2244400 EMAIL : rcranchi@ignou. SH.734001 WEST BENGAL PH. SURENDRANAGAR).OFF : 0177-2624612 / 2624613 FAX : 0177-2624611 EMAIL : rcshimla@ignou. DR YONAH BHUTIA. LEH. EAST SINGHBHUM. UTTAR DINAJPUR.OFF : 0353-2526818 FAX : 0353-2526819 EMAIL : rcsiliguri@ignou. DR MIRZA NEHAL AHMED BAIG. EAST GARO HILLS. GODDA. MOTI RAM. RD DR. SARAIKELA SINGH. AR SH. SOUTH GARO HILLS.793 014 MEGHALAYA PH. SH. ASHOK NAGAR RANCHI . SIMDEGA. AMRELI. LAHUL & DR.. (EOL) PALAMU. GANDERBAL. DR. LATEHAR. AR REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SUNNY LODGE NONGTHYMMI NONGSHILLANG SHILLONG .834022 JHARKHAND PH. RAJKOT . DHABI. GRADE) SH. ARD (SEL. FAX & E-MAIL LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES SENIOR STAFF 42 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. RI-BHOI. AR REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE 457/A. J. DR S GANESHAN. SHIMLA. RD 002 HIMACHAL PRADESH PH. GUMLA.D. JOSEPH SOMI. GARHWA.NEGI. ARD KHARSAWAN. KARGIL.) KODERMA. KULLU. SIRMAUR. PAKUR. RD SH. WEST KHASI HILLS. K. AYOUB. HYNNICTWA. AR STATE OF HIMACHAL PRADESH (DISTRICT: NEGI. ARD SAHEBGANJ.B. REGIONAL ADDRESS OF THE No. CHATRA. VARMA. DR. SOLAN. DR (MRS) DIDCY LALOO.OFF : 0281-2572988 FAX : 0281-2571603 EMAIL : [email protected] : 0194-2311251 / 2311258 FAX : 0194-2311259 EMAIL : [email protected]. KULGAM.360005 GUJARAT AR STATE OF MEGHALAYA (DISTRCT: EAST KHASI HILLS.B.OFF : 0364-2521117 / 2521271 FAX : 0364-2521271 EMAIL : [email protected] 008 JAMMU & KASHMIR PH. RD STATE OF JHARKHAND (DISTRICT: RANCHI.S. RAMGARH) 41 . KHALINI SHIMLA . SARAH NASREEM. BUDGAM. UNA) REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE NETAJI MORE SUBHAS PALLY SILIGURI . GIRIDIH. MANDI.B. SHOPIAN. ARD LOHARDAGA. KINNAUR. ARVIND MANOJ KR. MOHAN SHARMA. JAINTIA HILLS. PORBANDER. DR HAZARIBAGH. YADA . OF TEL. PULWAMA. SH. BOKARO. JOGINDER KR. HAMIRPUR. ARD DR. BHAVNAGAR. WEST SINGHBHUM.D. DHANBAD. ARD SH. SRINAGAR) 43 RAJKOT RC CODE: 42 RANCHI RC CODE: 32 44 SHILLONG RC CODE: 18 45 SHIMLA RC CODE: 11 46 SILIGURI RC CODE: 45 47 SRINAGAR RC CODE: 30 JURISDICTION STATE OF GUJRAT (DISTRICT: RAJKOT.Z. RD DR G N SHIV KUMAR. DEOGHAR. RD (I/C) STATE OF JAMMU & KASHMIR (SRINAGAR REGION – DISTRICT: ANANTNAG. ARD STATE OF WEST BENGAL (DISTRICT: COOCHBEHAR. BHOWMIK. KHUNTI. PATTATHIL. KHAMMAM. CHITTOOR. 49 VARANASI RC CODE: 48 REGIONAL DIRECTOR IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE GANDHI BHAWAN B. CAMPUS VARANASI-221005 UTTAR PRADESH DR MANORMA SINGH. CODE REGIONAL CENTRE AND NO. SANT KABIR NAGAR. RD SH. GORAKHPUR. REGIONAL ADDRESS OF THE No. AR JURISDICTION STATE OF KERALA (DISTRICT: KOLLAM.K. ARD SH.OFF : 0866-2565253 / 2565959 FAX : 0866-2565353 EMAIL : rcvijayawada@ignou. WEST GODAVARI. MAU. RD (I/C) 42 . OF GHAZIPUR. HINDU HIGH SCHOOL PREMISES. PRAVEEN KUMAR. EAST GODAVARI. BANMALI NELLORE. AR STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH (DISTRICT: AMBEDKAR NAGAR. VISAKHAPATNAM. CENTRE. KRISHNAIAH. STATE OF TAMIL NADU (DISTRICT: KANYAKUMARI) PH. 50 VIJAYAWADA REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 33 IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE #9-76-18. SHER SINGH. SRIKAKULAM) PH. SONEBHADRA. MIRZAPUR. GUNTUR. B.PV. SANT RAVIDAS NAGAR.U. AZAMGARH.OFF : 0471-2590300 / 2590600 FAX : 0471-2590700 EMAIL : rctrivandrum@ignou. S. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM). PATHANAMTHITTA. RD SH. 1ST FLOOR. JOJY S. JAUNPUR. AR STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH (DISTRICT: KRISHNA. DEORIA.. KOTHAPET VIJAYWADA 520 001 ANDHRAPRADESH PH.OFF : 0542-2368022 / 2368622 FAX : 0542-2369629 EMAIL : rcvaranasi@ignou. FAX & E-MAIL LEARNER SUPPORT CENTRES 48 TRIVANDRUM REGIONAL DIRECTOR RC CODE: 40 IGNOU REGIONAL CENTRE MEPRAM MANSION CHEKKALAMUKKU SREEKARIYAM TRIVANDRUM -695017 SENIOR STAFF DR B SUKUMAR. BALLIA. MAHARAJGANJ. M.H.. VARANASI) DR. VIZIANAGARAM. Annexure . Daman & Diu (UT) 30 Lakshadweep (UT) 31 Pondicherry (UT) 33 C/o 99 APO 34 Learners Abroad 35 Chattisgarh 36 Jharkhand 37 Uttaranchal EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION CODE Code Description 001 Matriculation/SSC 002 10+2 or Equivalent 003 Diploma in Engineering 004 Graduation in Engineering 005 Graduation or Equivalent 006 Post Graduation or Equivalent 007 Doctoral or Equivalent 008 BPP from IGNOU 009 Bachelor of Library Information Science 010 Master of Library & Information Science 011 PG Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition or Equivalent 43 .3 LIST OF CODES STATE CODE Code Description 01 Andhra Pradesh 02 Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT) 03 Arunachal Pradesh 04 Assam 05 Bihar 06 Chandigarh (UT) 07 Delhi 08 Goa 09 Gujarat 10 Haryana 11 Himachal Pradesh 12 Jammu & Kashmir 13 Karnataka 14 Kerala 15 Madhya Pradesh 16 Maharashtra 17 Manipur 18 Meghalaya 19 Mizoram 20 Nagaland 21 Orissa 22 Punjab 23 Rajasthan 24 Sikkim 25 Tamil Nadu 26 Tripura 27 Uttar Pradesh 28 West Bengal 29 Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Manipur 18. 1201 JKSS 1980 J&K State Board of School Education (Summer) 12. 0501 BIEC ALWAYS Bihar Intermediate Education Council 4. Orissa 21. 3601 JAC 2006 Jharkhand Academic Council. 1101 HPBE 1988 Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education 11. Andhra Pradesh 2. New Delhi 5. Code of Board Board (Abbr) Year from which 10+2 in effect 1. Delhi (Passed with five subjects) 7. & Higher Sec. U. 2701 BHSI ALWAYS Board of High School & Intermediate Edu.. 26. 2201 PSEB 1988 Punjab School Education Board 22. 2501 TNSB 1978 Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Exam. 2802 WBSE 1978 West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education 27.4 LIST OF BOARD CODES (FOR 10 +2) Sl. 8888 DDDD – A recognised three/two year Diploma/Certificate after 10th Class 29.. New Delhi 6. Ed. 2301 RBSE 1986 Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 23. Daman & Diu Board of Sec. 0101 ABIE ALWAYS Board of Intermediate Education. 0901 GSEB 1978 Gujarat Secondary Education Board 9. 8. 1401 KU 1966 University of Kerala 15. MP 16. 1202 JKSW 1980 J&K State Board of School Education (Winter) 13. 1301 KBPE 1971 Board of Pre-University Education.Annexure . Code of Board Board (Abbr) Year from which 10+2 vocational stream in effect 1901 MZSE 2001 Sl. Name of the Board Name of the Board Mizoram Board of Secondary Education 44 . 9999 XXXX – Not listed in this list. No. 2101 CHSE 1980 Council of Higher Secondary Education.P. 2001 NBSE 1980 Nagaland Board of Secondary Education 20. Tamil Nadu 24. 0702 ICSE 1979 Council for the Indian School (Certificate Exam). 2601 TBSE – Tripura Board of Secondary Education 25. 1001 HBSE 1987 Haryana Board of School Education 10. 0801 GBSE 1978 Goa. 1501 BSMP 1988-89 Board of Secondary Education. 1. 0701 CBSE 1979 Central Board of Secondary Education. 1701 MBSE 1980 Board of Secondary Education. 0401 AHSL 1986 Assam Higher Secondary Education Council 3. 1901 MZSE 1980 Mizoram Board of Secondary Education 19. 0703 NOS/NIOS 1991 National Insititute of Open Schooling. 1601 MSBE 1978 Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education & Higher Secondary Board 17. Karnataka 14. No. Ranchi 28. . 627.: 0172-2793225 Mumbai 11/12.. M. . Road.22757391 Chennai 41-42. M. Karnal Haryana-132001 Ph. 25506583 14. Tripura Tel:0381-2326642 Siliguri Hillcart Road. 24413430 Hyderabad 3-6-943/2A. Shree Ram Chambers. Road. 26562973. Madhya Marg. 2548805 Lucknow 1-2.: 0184-2272139 Thiruvanthapuram P. Mission Road. 2368204 Chandigarh SCO 38-39.: 020-24452673. Punjab-141401 Tel: 01628-334817 Shillong G. Lakhotia. Guwahat. Narayanguda. Banglore Ph.S. Jaipur.T. Arya Samaj Road. R. 16. 17. 19. Bhandra. 2223163. 15. Andhra Pradesh-500029 Ph. Kamrup Distt. Vikas Puri.: 0413-2336403. 11.B. New Delhi-110018. Madhav Nagar. First Main Road.& 107 Aurbindo Place. 6. Janpath. Koldata. Adyar.INDIAN BANK 1. No. Uttar Pradesh-462001 Ph. West Tripura Dist. Unit-II. Khanna. Air View Moor Siliguri. 22. Phase-I.B. Khurda Distt. 011-2597250 1336. 2221299 Ahmedabad P. Chandigarh-160019 Ph. Maharastra-411030 Ph.: 0361-2540529. East Khasi Hills. 5.: 044-24912616. Agartala. Sector 7C. 20. 25739821 2.Annexure .22263164 Khanna G T Road (Near Old Bus Stand). 8. Mayur Vihar.G. S V Road. Thiruvanthapuram. Hauz Khas. 22484325 Bhubneshwar 32. Orrissa-751009 Ph. No. 23225373 Pune 495. 12. Assam-781001 Ph.3/1. 717. DDA Community Centre. Mantribari Road. S. Andheri (West). D-1/1. Shillong. Mukharjee Road.: 022-26205900.: 0522-2280496.: 0471-2461058. Rajasthan-302001 Ph. Bhopal Madhya Pradesh462001 Ph. Bhubneshwar. Road.: 0755-2730045 Shimla 17.: 23224575. Road.: 0674-2531645 Banglore City P. Road Burra Bazaar. 21. New Delhi-110005 011-25721486. Partap Nagar.B. Mumbai. Himachal Pradesh-171001 Ph.N. New Delhi-110016 011-26963543.: 033-22482597. 4. 26205800 Guwahati S. No.5 Banks & Branches designated to collect the fee in cash from IGNOU student A . Ashok Mart. 45. Lucknow. 2471378 Pondichery 288. Rana Partap Bagh. 10. Pondichery-605001 Ph.G. Hyderabad. 18. The Mall. Bihar-800008 Ph. Kerala-695001 Ph. G. 33. New Delhi-110007. Indian Bank Towers. Pune. Ahemdabad-380001 Ph. Maharashtra-400058 Ph. 45 Jaipur Mirza Ismail Road. 27231401 13. Jhauganj.: 079-25506641. 24450907 Patna P.: 0612-2265814 Karnal Guru Tegh Bahadur Market. Gandhi Nagar.: 080-22263162. Karol Bagh. Meghalaya 793002 Tel: 0364-2243408 Agartala Amulya Market. Shaniwar Peth. Chennai-600020 Ph.B. Ludhiana District. 3. Road. Hamidia Road. New Delhi 106. Near Sonia Cinema. Shimla. 7. No. 1st Floor. G-27. New Delhi-110092 011-22750845. 9725. Mantri Heights.: 0141-2366603. 011-27002540.B. 9.: 0177-2658133 Kolkata P. West Bengal-700001 Ph. 23.G. Ashok Nagar. 275. 2280098 Bhopal 473. Patna City. 10 K. Unit IX.: 011-25911478/82/83 Plot No. 37. Opp. Chennai-600029 Ph. Yash Kunj Society.B . Sarraki Lake. 8.: 020-6612036/37/38 Rajas Apt. Opposite Rang Mahal.700001 Ph. Prasad Eye. Khel Gaon Marg.I. 27430344 Bangalore 26/1 Sowbhagya Complex. 16.700016 Ph. Ashoka Marg. Towers. Bhubaneshwar-751022. Plot No. Bodakdev. Judges Bunglow. Ahmedabad-380015 Ph. 23222688 Plot No. Rajpur Road. C. 9. 61.R. Hyderabad-500034 Ph. Hyderabad500029 Ph. 19. Local Shopping Centre. V. Off. Chennai-600006 Ph. : 0129-25225128/29. 12.: 0651-2315984.P. M. Nagar.: 044-24661204/7 Nelson Towers. New Delhi-110027 Ph. T. 32. Heera Palace. New Delhi 110049 Ph. Raj Nagar. Pitampura.: 044-2541695 Chennai P. Ph. Road. Ruda Square. Banglore-560027 Bhopal Plot No. 4. Ramaswamy Road.: 044-28292371/72n3n4 Soan Building. Pune-411 006 Ph. Ghatlodia. Kolkata. Pune-411007 Ph. Nr. Rajouri Garden. Chennai-600018 Ph. Kolkata. 3. Nagar Road Yerawada.2. Ground Floor. 46 Mookerjee House. 25. 550. 27315629 IFCI Tower.: 011. Ranchi-834001 Ph. 2315980 .25225027 Ghaziabad C-78. Marg.27314623. Sector-16.: 011-23357800/01/02 J-13/17.: 0124-26357449 Patna Kashi Palace Complex. 23. 37. 5th Phase. 24th Mian. 8m C D Block. Oak Bunglow Road. 24.: 0522-2287104/105/287259 New Delhi 1/6 Sirifort Institutional Area.P.: 079-26872345.G. Fergusson College Road.G.9.: 020-25893535-36 Ranchi Arjan Place. Hospital. Bhopal-462003 Bhubaneshwar IDBI House. 268730024 Aishwarya Complex. 20. 101 Park Street. Raj Nagar District Centre. 26595800 IDBI House. Aundh. 7. Ground Floor. Main Road. J.: 020-25678585 Plot No. 58 Mission Road. No. Ghaziabad-201001 Ph.: 011-26787116. 6. Banjara Hills. Dehradun-248001.: 040-23260000. 31. Pune-411004 Ph. Cochin-682035 Ph. Sikanderpur. 19. 29. 27. 15. Basheerbagh Square. 2315971.: 011-26499681-85 Surya Kiran Building.: 033-22437964/65/66/67 Lucknow 15.: 079-27430337.: 01220-24753000.B. 13. 28. Gurgaon-122002 Ph. 27312625. 11. Blue Hills Avenue. J. 14. Nagar. Ahmedabad Lal Bunglow. 26. Ground Floor. Nehru Place.: 0141-2367929/30/379955 Kolkata Siddha Point. Nelson Manickkam Road. Durlabh Niwas. Jaipur Ph. Ahmedabad-380006 Ph. 13. House. Uttranchal Ph. Road. K. 17 Brabourne Road.: 040-23548762n9i83 Jaipur D24. New Delhi-110001 Ph.: 0484-2382519-21 Dehradun 59/4. Patna Ph. 5. 30. Ahmedabad-380061 Ph. 24755408/09 Gurgaon Sikanderpur Brach. Greams Road. Faridabad Ph. Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road. Janpath.D. Near L. T. SCO-99. New Market. 26787118 Faridabad Ground Floor. P. 43.: 011-6231169/3415 Khasra No. New Delhi-11 0019 Ph. Kalyani Nagar. Bangalore-560078 :6595777. 15. Abhimanshree Road. 2. 22.: 0612-2204141 Pune Dynaneshwar Paduka Chowk. 18.: 044-23745802-05 Cochin Near Padma Theater. New No. C. 4499. Road No.M. 5.: 0135-2744477/2741225-27 Hyderabad Mahavir House. Off Baner Road.: 079-26431902/1296 23-25. 21. Vasant Kunj Road. Prabhat Chowk. 128. 23228517.G. 10. Mahipalpur Ph. Lucknow-226001 Ph.: 033-22175040/5003/5008 17.I BANK 1. Alwarpet. C Scheme.B. Delhi-110034 Ph. 6 (Challan Form to be need to pa fees in cash) INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (For credit to the account ofIndira Gandhi National Open University. Two copies will be returned to the depositor out of which copy marked as “University’s Copy” should be submitted to the Regional Centre along with Admission Application Form. Amount in words (______________________________________________________________________ ) Name and Address of the Student) (City) (State) (Pin Code) Signature of Guardian/Student Instructions to the Depositor 1. (if already allotted) Rs.Annexure . __________________ Programme Fee Rs. New Delhi) Control No. __________________ Service Charges Total Rs. __________________ Late Fee Rs. __________________ Any other Fee Rs. 47 . Programme Code Region Code (To be filled in by the Candidate) Bank & Branch Code (To be filled by the Bank) Year: Programme Name Session : (January/July) Semester : Enrolment No. The next pages comprise the admission application form. 2. Before you start filling in the form make sure that you have read the Sections 2-5 and the instructions for filling up the form very carefully. An electronic version of the Prospectus is also available on the internet at: Remember that making wrong entries in the application form will lead to rejection. 48 .PLEASE NOTE: 1. 3. .......................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI........................................................................... :......... (c) Exam Centre Address : .............per course.............................................................................. Date : ..................................... I am enclosing self attested photocopy of my Identity Card issued by the University............ (b) Exam Centre Code: 5.................. 100/- Total Amount: ... Name : ...... Fee details: (The fee for this purpose is Rs.... 6......................... Detail of the course(s).................................. for which photocopy of the answer script(s) is/are required: (a) Term-end examination: June/December........... 2...... Signature....... which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at the City of Evaluation Centre).........................................................  Rs....... (d) Course(s) ................... for which photocopy(ies)..........Pin Code 4.............................................. 49 ......... 1st September to 15th October for December Term-end Exam............................................... Self attested photocopy of the Identity Card : Issued/Not attached issued by the University..................... belongs to me.................. ................................... applied for... 1............................. NEW DELHI-110068 APPLlCATION FORM FOR OBTAINING PHOTOCOPY OF THE ANSWER SCRIPT Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st March to 15th April for June Term-end Exam........ UNDERTAKING I hereby undertake that the answer script(s).................................................. For this purpose...................................... In case..... 100/.......... Date : ...................... Address : ....................................... Demand Draft No......................... .......... my statement is found false.................... ............................................... Issuing Bank : .... Programme: 3........................................................................................................................................................... Enrolment No: ............... ................. the University may take action against me as deemed fit......................................................... Place : ................................................................................ No................................... Name ....... of Course(s) : ..... ............. ———————————— ——————————— 4.... .......... Courses(s) detail for early evaluation:- 6................................... Course Code Date of Examination 1.......................... from where you have to appear/appeared at Term-end Examination:Exam..per course..... Enrolment No: ............ …………………………… = Total Amount :………………………… Date …………………………….... No....................................................... ———————————— ——————————— 2........... ———————————— ——————————— Exam.... 700/... of Course(s) …………………. Address: ...… Issuing Bank ……………………………………………………....................Pin 4.. Centre ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Fee Details: (The fee for early declaration of result is Rs.... Reason for early declaration of result: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (Enclose a copy of the documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration) 5.............................................. ———————————— ——————————— 3.......... which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable at the City of Evaluation Centre) No..................... Programme: 3..... Centre Code: 7............................. 700/Demand Draft No.............................Rs... Centre details...INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION APPLICATION FORM FOR EARLY DECLARATION OF TERM-END EXAMINATION 1.............. Address of Exam.......... S..... Name: ____________________________________ 2...........................................…… Date: …………………… Signature of the student 50 ........ Dy. Address of Evaluation Centre Jurisdiction of Evaluation Centre 1. 2. Dy. Bihar ( areas under Patna RC) Assam. 5. Dy. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre H/No. North Block4th Floor. will not be entertained. Sikkim.50. Maharashtra ( area under Pune RC). Uttar Pradesh area under the jurisdiction of Lucknow RC). Kerala. Request for early declaration of results will be entertained for final semester/year or maximum of 4 backlog courses only. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre 1st Floor. Goa 6. Chhattisgarh . Dy. Nagaland. EVK Sampath Road Vepery. Gandhi Maidan. Faridabad. Registrar Evaluation Centre Block-5. Chennai -600 007 All Examination Centres in Andhra Pradesh. Gurgaon. J&K. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre B-l/33. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3. Punjab.RULES & REGULATIONS FOR EARLY DECLARATION Of RESULTS 1. Christian Basti. (ii) The student has completed all the other prescribed components except the term-end examination of the courses. MSFC Building 270. IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068 All Examination Centres within Delhi. Jharkhand. Patna-800001 All Examination Centres in Orissa. which is before the prescribed dates of declaration of the University’s results. Tamil Nadu ( area under Chennai RC). Application without enclosing documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration will not be entertained. Noida and Ghaziabad 2. Haryana. Biscomaun Tower. W. Dy. Application form must reach at the following address before the date of the examination for the course(s) for which early evaluation is sought:- Sl. Manipur. Dy. Aliganj Lucknow-226 024 All Examination Centres in Himachal Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh (areas under Varanasi & Aligarh RCs) Chandigarh. Application for early declaration. Registrar Evaluation Centre and Periyar Thidal No. West Bengal. Karnataka. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre Bikash Bhawan. Dy. Mizoram.71. Arunachal Pradesh. Uttaranchal. Meghalaya 7. Kolkata-700091 All Examination Centres in Kolkata. for which early evaluation has been sought.GMC Road. 3. Salt Lake. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre 2nd Floor. Senapati Bapat Road Pune-410 016 All Examination Centres in Gujarat. Madhya Pradesh. Maharastra (areas under Mumbai and Nagpur RCs) Rajasthan. 4. Tamil Nadu (area under Madurai RC).No. subject to the following conditions:(i) The student has been selected for higher study/employment and statement of marks/grade card is required to be produced to the institute by a particular date. for the reasons such as to apply for recruitment/higher study/post and promotion purpose etc. Mumbai. Darbhanga and Ranchi 51 . Guwahati -78 605 All Examination Centres in Tripura. Bihar (area under Darbhanga RC) 4. Sector-H. ... ........ NEW DELHI-110068 APPLICATION FORM FOR ISSUE OF OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT 1............................................ Indira Gandhi National Open University........................................ 5............per transcript........................................................... Student Evaluation Division... : . Purpose for which: ..........................(Signature of the student) The filled in form with the requisite fee is to be sent to: The Registrar.... as the number of transcripts required........................... Issuing Bank : ......= total Amount : Rs........ 2... transcript is required .................. Maidan Garhi.............................................................................................. Fee details:Fee for the official transcript:Rs................... Required Demand Draft No........ Rs.................................................................. Date : ....... 200/........................................................................................................ New Delhi ......... : ................................................................................... Enrolment No............................................ .................. if required) .............. Programme : 3............................................................... (The requisite fee is required to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable at ‘New Delhi’) No..................... Pin 4............................. ...........Rs. ......................... if required to be sent to the Institute outside India by the University............. of transcript(s) : ............. it to be sent to student/institute in India....... Rs.........................110068 Note : The student are required to enclose same number of legible photocopies of both side of the statement of marks/grade card issued to them....... Name : ......... 6....................................... 52 ....... 200/.................................................... Whether the transcripts to be mailed by the University: Yes/No (please tick) 7............... Address : ............................................. Name & Address of the University/Institute/Employer (In capital letters) to whom transcript is required to be sent (attached a separate list........................................... 400/...................INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MAIDAN GARHI............................... 400/............................................... Date : ..........................................per transcript................................................................... ..... ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. …………………................... in which Re-evaluation is sought COURSE CODE ………………….. …………………………….per course. …………………………………………………………………………... 5...… Issuing Bank ……………………………………………………... Name:…………………………………………………………………………….. 2..... 8.. MARKS/GRADE OBTAINED …………………………….. of Course(s) ………………….... which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ & payable at the City of Evaluation Centre) No. ……………………………....…… Date: …………………… Signature of the student 53 .... Examination Centre Code : 6...... 500/... Address of the Examination Centre :………………………………………………... Fee Details: (The fee for Re-evaluation of answer script is Rs.... Address: Enrolment No. Please go through them carefully before filling up the form)...... 500/Demand Draft No.... PIN: 4. …………………………… = Total Amount :………………………… Date ……………………………...... ………………….... Programme: 3.. …………………..Rs.. Courses. …………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………… ..INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION APPLICATION FORM FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPT (Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form............. Month and Year of the Exam:…………………………………………………………. 1................... Patna-800001 All Examination Centres in Orissa. Noida and Ghaziabad 2. Sector-H.71. Arunachal Pradesh. 3. Chennai -600 007 All Examination Centres in Andhra Pradesh.ignou. 5. Chhattisgarh . Dy. The date of declaration of result will be calculated from the date on which the result are placed on the IGNOU website. Sl. Senapati Bapat Road Pune-410 016 All Examination Centres in Gujarat. Assignments & Seminar etc. Address of Evaluation Centre Jurisdiction of Evaluation Centre 1. Darbhanga and Ranchi 54 . Nagaland. Goa 6. Punjab. Uttar Pradesh (areas under Varanasi & Aligarh RCs) Chandigarh.GMC Road. Gandhi Maidan. Faridabad. Uttar Pradesh area under the jurisdiction of Lucknow RC). 2. Jharkhand. Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE only and not in the Project Dissertation Practicals/Lab courses. Bihar ( areas under Patna RC) Assam. W. Sikkim. EVK Sampath Road Vepery. the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after reevaluation will be considered. Dy. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre Bikash Bhawan. Mizoram. whichever is later. Tamil Nadu ( area under Chennai RC). Dy. Aliganj Lucknow-226 024 All Examination Centres in Himachal Pradesh. IGNOU Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068 All Examination Centres within Delhi. Biscomaun Tower. 6. North Block4th Floor. Haryana. 4. Mumbai. Dy. Christian Basti. Maharastra (areas under Mumbai and Nagpur RCs) Rajasthan. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form. Meghalaya 7. The revised marks/grade after re-evaluation shall be communicated to the student on receipt pf reevaluation result and result of re-evaluation will also made available on the IGNOU website at www. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre H/No. Tamil Nadu (area under Madurai RC). West Bengal. J&K. Workshops. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre B-l/33.No. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3. Karnataka. Uttaranchal. Please mention APPLICATION FORM FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPTS Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address: 1. The minimum time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the date of receipt of application. 5. Kolkata-700091 All Examination Centres in Kolkata.50. Salt Lake. After re-evaluation. 7. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre 1st Floor. Bihar (area under Darbhanga RC) 4. Gurgaon. Maharashtra ( area under Pune RC). Kerala.RULES & REGULATIONS FOR RE-EVALUATION OF ANSWER SCRIPTS The request for re-evaluation by the student must be made before 31st March for December TEE and 30th September for June TEE or within one month of declaration of results. Madhya Pradesh. Manipur. Guwahati -78 605 All Examination Centres in Tripura. Registrar Evaluation Centre Block-5. Registrar Evaluation Centre and Periyar Thidal No. MSFC Building 270. Dy. Registrar Evaluation Centre IGNOU Regional Centre 2nd Floor. ……. 6. in which you wish to appear: June /December…………. Enrolment No: Address …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………. Name ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2...…………………. ………………….. 500/. 7.. …………………… 3.. ………………………… Date …………………. 55 .………………………………………… UNDERTAKING I hereby undertake that I shall abide by the rules & regulations prescribed by the University for improvement in Division/Class.. …… Rs.. Examination centre details. of Course(s) …………. Centre Code:…………… City/Town……………………………………….……………. 1... 5. Programme: 3. Issuing Bank ……………………………………………………………………………. Please go through them carefully before filling up the form). Term-end examination. Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st to 30th April for June Term-end Exam. …………………… 2.. Date: ……………… Signature……………………………… Place: ……………… Name:…………………………………. Fee details: (The fee for this purpose is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU & payable at New Delhi). where you wish to appear in term-end examination:Exam. …… Pin Code 4. 4... in which programme completed June and December………… Total marks/Overall point grade obtained Percentage obtained ………………………………………. …………………. 8. No. . (Please enclose photocopy of the statement of marks/grades card) 5. 1st to 31st October for December Term-end Exam.= Total Amount …………………….. Term-end examination. in which improvement is sought: COURSE CODE COURSE CODE 1. Course(s).INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY STUDENT EVALUATION DIVISION APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS (Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form.. ………………………. Demand Draft No. 6. 3. Under the Provision of improvement. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed app lication form. Indira Gandhi National Open University. In case of improvement. marks/ grade already awarded and the marks/grade secured in the improvement examination will be considered. No student will be permitted to improve if maximum duration to complete the programme. 7. has expired. After appearing in the examination for improvement. 2. Only one opportunity will be given to improve the marks/grade. better of the two examinations i. The improvement of marks/grades is applicable only for the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes. Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address:The Registrar. Please mention ‘APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/CLASS’ . Workshops and Assignments etc. including the re-admission period. New Delhi-110068 56 . subject to the condition that their registration for the programme/course being applied for improvement. Students whishing to improve the marks will have to apply within six months from the date of issue of final statement of marks/grade card to them. Students will be permitted for improvement of marks/grades provided the examination for the particular course. a maximum of 25% of the maximum credits required for successful completion of a programme shall be permitted. is valid till the next term-end examination in which they wish to appear for improvement. No improvement is permissible in Practicals/ Lab courses. The improvement is permissible only in theory papers. Projects. 10.e. 11. b) The students of Master’s degree programmes only. 9.RULES & REGULATION FOR IMPROVEMENT IN DIVISION/ CLASS 1. who fall short of 2% marks to secure overall 55% marks. in which students appeared for Improvement. 4. who have completed the programme. The eligibility is as under:a) The students of Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programmes who fall short of 2% marks to secure 2nd and 1st division. Maidan Garhi. the month and year of completion of the programme will be changed to the Term-end examination. 8. 5. Student Evaluation Division. in which they wish to improve is being conducted by the University at that time. APPLICATION FORM: INSTRUCTIONS AND CODES Please fill up the form and mail or submit in person the same along with copies of attested certificates to the Concerned Regional Centre by ____________ 2011 for July session. GUIDELINES FOR FILLING IN THE APPLCIATION FORM Some instructions for filling-up of application form are given below: 1. Programme Code is printed in the form 2. Enrollment No. will allot the University, Leave it blank 3. Code of Regional Centres and Recognised Regional Centres is at Annexure 1. You have to write the code of that Regional Centre in which your Programme Study Centre falls. List of Programme Study Centre at Annexure 2. 4. For Programme Study Centre Code refer to Annexure 2. 5. (a) and (b) if you are already registered or have done a credit programme with IGNOU, please write the relevant code in the boxes if A1 then write the Enrol No. & Programme Code. 6. Please follow the rule of Date/Month/Year e.g. 5th June 1975 should be written as: 0 7. 5 0 6 1 9 7 5 If your name is SURENDER KUMAR YADAV, then write as following in the boxes provided for S U R E N D E R K U M A R Y A D A V 8. Please write your Father’s/Husband’s/Mother’s name. If the name is KEDAR NATH YADAV, then write it as follows: K E D A R N A T H Y A D A V Checklist Before sending the filled in form to concerned Regional please check whether you have: 1. Affixed your Photograph 2. Certificates in support of your educational qualification(s). Enclose certificate of successful passing highest qualification obtained 3. Relationship certificate if applicable 4. Category certificate for SC/ST/PH/ non creamy larger of OBC/Minority candidates, if applicable 5. Disability certificate, if applicable 6. Work experience certificate, if applicable 7. Student Card duly filled in along with photograph 8. Acknowledgement Card duly affixed with the postage stamp for Rs. 6/- 9. Attach Demand Draft for the Registration and have written your name, programme code and application No. on the reverse of the Demand Draft, 57 INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY (TO BE SUBMITTED ONLY AT THE CONCERNED REGIONAL CENTRE)  (JULY / JANUARY SESSION) 11. Category (Write the relevant code in the box) A1 - GEN C3 - ST B2 - SC D4 - OBC (In case of OBC s tudent , Please also indicat e c ode eit her) D4 -A or D4 - B ( i ) Cremy Layer - D4-A ( ii ) Non-Cremy Layer D4B 20 (a) Your relationship with the child with disability. (Please tick whichever is applicable. You are required to certify that you live in the same household as the child). A1 Grand Master A1 Mother A1 Brother A1 Uncle B2 Father B2 Sister B2 Aunt B2 Grand Father Any other (please specify), b) Particulars of the child with disability i) Name of the child (use block letters) ii) Sex of the child; iii) Age of the child................................................... Date of birth: iv) Nature of Disability of Child A1 Male  B2 Female Date Month Year 20(c) Whether completed any of the Awareness-cum-Training Packages in Disability (Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment). A1 Yes B2 No 20(d) Whether having direct experience of working with persons with disabilities? A1 Yes B2 No 58 Whether a person with disability If a person with disability (nature of disability) write the relevant code in the box Speech and Hearing Impairment D4 Low Vision (d) BPL d(i) Division of Xth class examination 01, 02, 03) or 04 for pass Details Registration Fees: B2 Cash Challan of Bank d(ii) Division of highest qualification 01, 02, 03) or 04 for pass (Add Rs. 100/- in case of downloaded form (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Disability Certificate (if applicable) Relationship certificate (if applicable) Certificate of Completion of Awareness cum Packages in Disability if applicable. Certificate of direct experience of working with persons with disabilities, if applicable. 59 e(ii) % of e(i) % of marks in marks of highest qualification 10th class do not use decimal do not use decimal .............. Date : ...... ......... .......................................................................... Date : ................................................................................son/daughter/wife of Shri.............belongs to ........................................................belongs to ......Distt.... . ..............................................................................son/daughter/wife of Shri......................................................Distt..../Ms....................State/U......State/U. State/U.. Signature: ......... Mr. .......... ............................................Attach with Application Form C A T E G O R Y C E R T I F I C A T E (i) (SC/ST Candidates) This is to certify that Mr...................../Mrs. 1956).................... Seal/Stamp 60 .../Ms...............................................T............................. . ....... Mr...................of Village........................... Signature: ..District...../Mrs.........../Ms.................................................................T............... Seal/Stamp C A T E G O R Y C E R T I F I C A T E (ii) (ii) OBC Candidates (only non-creamy layer) This is to certify that Mr...............................................Caste who are eligible for availing the benefits as per central list of 5 to 13 Cs/OBC as per Resolution No............................................................................................... 12011/68/93-DCC(C) of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment as modified from time to time by that Ministry based on the advice of the National Commission for Backward classes......................../Mrs.../Mrs..............................T............ and his/her family reside in Village/Town..................Caste which is recognised as Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe under the Constitution (Scheduled Caste Part C States) Order 1951 read with the SC/ST list (Modification Order.................... State/U..District......................Town ............................. (Signature of Tehsildar/Commissioner/District Magistrate) Place : ... (Signature of Tehsildar/Commissioner/District Magistrate) Place : ................ (NCBC).......................................................................T....Town ...............................................of Village............. and his/her family reside in Village/Town......................................../Ms..................................... ......................... ...................... 61 ......................./Mrs.. attach an attested copy of your disability certificate.../Ms..... (Name of  the organisation)... Then get the certificate counter signed by a gazetted officer... Signature of Candidate Attested by Head of Organization where child is availing services Date : Date : Place : Place :  Seal/Stamp) (Please get this relationship certificate attested by the head of the organisation..................... In case the child with disability is not attending any school/services...... Mr....... where the child with disability is attending school/services..................... get this certificate signed by a gazzeted officer only..............................(iii) Relationship Certificate for parents/family members of person with disability This is to certify that I.... is father/mother/sibling/grandfather/grandmother/other relation of the child with disability living in the same household as child/adult with disability.................... years of age and is attending school/other services at .. issued by competent authority................... Sign and stamp of gazetted officer   (iv) Disability Certificate for Learners with disability In case you are a person with disability............................. The name of the person with disability is Mr............................ S/He is .... ......./Ms..... in case the declaration is found to be untrue. or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging. ragging and further affirm that. 4.ANNEXURE I AFFIDAVIT BY THE STUDENT I. if found guilty of ragging. I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in he country on account of being found guilty of./Ms. _______________________ Signature of deponent Name : VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or missstated therein. 5. I am liable for punishment according to clause 9. b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as tagging under clause 3 of the Regulations./Mrs. _______________________ Signature of deponent Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the __________ (day) of ___________________ (month). in particular. I am aware that my admission is liable to be cancelled.1 of the Regulations. perused clause 3 of the Regulations and am aware as to what constitutes ragging. abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote. _____________________________ having been admitted to __________________________ (name of the institution). in particular.1 of the Regulations and am fully aware or the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I am found guilty of or abetting ragging. have received a copy of the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions. 2. (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully read and fully understand the provisions contained in the said Regulations. without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in force. ________________________ (year). 6. I have also. OATH COMMISSIONER 62 . I hereby affirm that. ____________________________________________________ (full name of the student with admission/registration/enrolment number) s/o d/o Mr. Verified at _______________ (place) this the ___________ (day) of ______________________ (month). perused clause 7 and clause 9. _______________________ (year) after reading the contents of this affidavit. I have. I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) I will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations. actively or passively. 3. Declared this ___________________ day of ____________ month of _______________ year. 2009. I have also. in particular. ragging and further affirm that. perused clause 3 of the Regulations and am aware as to what constitutes ragging. Declared this ___________________ day of ____________ month of _______________ year. have received a copy of the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions./Mrs.1 of the Regulations. I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) I will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations. I am liable for punishment according to clause 9. actively or passively. I have. abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote./Ms. OATH COMMISSIONER 63 . without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in force. 2. 3. 6. 4. having been admitted to __________________________ (name of the institution).1 of the Regulations and am fully aware or the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I am found guilty of or abetting ragging. : VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or missstated therein.ANNEXURE II AFFIDAVIT BY PARENT/GUARDIAN I. I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in he country on account of being found guilty of. in particular. in case the declaration is found to be untrue. 5. Verified at _______________ (place) this the ___________ (day) of ______________________ (month). 2009. _______________________ Signature of deponent Name : Address : Telephone/Mobile No. I hereby affirm that. perused clause 7 and clause 9. b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as tagging under clause 3 of the Regulations.__________________________________________ (full name of paent/guardian/ father/mother/guardian of. or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging. (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully read and fully understand the provisions contained in the said Regulations. Mr. _____________________ (full name of student with admission/ registration/enrolment number). _______________________ (year) after reading the contents of this affidavit. if found guilty of ragging. _______________________ Signature of deponent Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the __________ (day) of ___________________ (month). ________________________ (year). I am aware that my admission is liable to be cancelled. PROHIBITION AND PUNISHMENT OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN The Indira Gandhi National Open University. prohibit and punish sexual harassment of women at the workplace.ignou. IGNOU is committed to providing for all women who fall within its jurisdiction. including its academic. in adherence with the guidelines of the Supreme Court of India has evolved a specific policy and procedures to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. In case of any incidents of sexual harassment. the Regional Services Division Committee Against Sexual Harassment ( For further information regarding the policy. students may visit the IGNOU website (www. intimidation and exploitation. rules and procedures approved by IGNOU. students may contact any member of the IGNOU Committee Against Sexual Harassment (ICASH) at the headquarters in New Delhi.overseeing committee for all Regional Centres) or the Regional Centre Committee Against Sexual Harassment (RCCASH) at their nearest regional centre. Further contact information and administrative assistance may also be sought from the CPRO and Security Office of IGNOU. The ACASH (Apex Committee Against Sexual Harassment) will serve as the final appellate body for all complaints. non-academic staff and students. definition of sexual harassment. 64 . In compliance with the mandate of the Supreme Court a place of work and study free from sexual harassment. IGNOU adopts this policy to prevent.INFORMATION REGARDING IGNOU POLICY FOR THE PREVENTION. IGNOU [email protected] Dr. Kutty SED [email protected]. Sadhna Malhotra [email protected] Ms. Parvin Sinclair Chairperson & PVC [email protected] POLICY REGARDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AT THE WORKPLACE In compliance with the guidelines of the Supreme Court. Vidya Sonal DR. SOCIS bhartikharbanda@ignou. Kailash Saluja AR. Ghosh Director. Himadri Roy Campus Placement Cell [email protected]. Ms. Mr. of Ms. Kanika Singh RTA. Malti Mathur Reader. Academic/non-academic staff and students of this University come under its purview. K. Surekha AR. SOCE [email protected] 65 . SOGDS himadriroy@ignou. Information on this policy. Bharti Kharbanda SSC ckghosh@ignou. IGNOU has adopted a policy that aims to prevent/prohibit/ punish sexual harassment of women at the Ms. SOH [email protected] SOL [email protected] IGNOU Committee against Sexual Harassment (ICASH) Prof. Neena Jain EMPC neenajain@ignou. Library ID snanda@ignou. vsonal@ignou. SOH rrpaliwal@hotmail. K. rules and procedures can be accessed on the IGNOU website ( C. Admin Regional Services Division Committee against Sexual Harassment (RSDCASH) Incidents of sexual harassment may be reported to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre you are attached to or to any of the persons below: Apex Committee Against Sexual Harassment (ACASH) Prof. Neeta Kapai Chairperson & Ms. Rita Rani Paliwal Chairperson & Silima Nanda Director. Academic counsellors explain the concepts clearly 5. The learning materials were received in time 3. 115. Maidan Garhi. Guidance from the programme coordinator and teachers from the school Satisfied Average Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied After filling this questionnaires send it to : Programme Coordinator. The counselling sessions were interactive 6. Changes in the counseling schedule were communicated to you on time 7. ACIIL 66 Very Satisfied . Assignments are returned in time 12. Feedbacks on the assignments helped in clarifying the concepts 13. Results and grade card of the examination were provided on time 15. Overall. Supplementary study materials (like video/audio) available 4. Studying the programme/course provide the knowledge of the subject 11. G-Block IGNOU.STRIDE © All rights reserved 2009. New Delhi-110068 IGNOU . Project proposals are clearly marked and discussed 14.Student Satisfaction Survey Student Satisfaction Survey of IGNOU Students Enrollment No : Mobile No : Name : Programme of Study : Year of Enrollment : Age Group Below 30 31-40 Gender Male Female Regional Centre : State : Study Center Code : 41-50 51 and above Please indicate how much you are satisfied or dissatisfied with the following statements Sl. Personnel in the study centers are helpful 9. I am satisfied with the programme 16. Academic counseling sessions are well organized 10.No. Examination procedures were clearly given to you 8. Questions Very Satisfied 1. Concepts are clearly explained in the printed learning material 2. .............. The facilities would be available only relating to the course or courses for which the student is actually registered............................. DD Drawn on : ................. DD /Challan No.............. Your Enrolment Number is .. Thank you for joining IGNOU Programme................. We acknowledge the receipt of your application form....................... (FOR USE OF IGNOU FACILITIES ONLY) Indira Gandhi National Open University ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARD Dear Student............ To be filled in by the Student For Office Use Only Course Applied for : ............ DD /Challan Date : ............INSTRUCTIONS 1............................. 3.. 4....... This card should be produced on demand at the Study Centre and Examination Centre or any other Establishment of IGNOU to use its facilities.. STUDENT CARD 5... Loss of Identity Card is to be reported immediately to the nearest Police Station....................... Identity Card is to be submitted to the issuing authority after completion of the said programme........ 100/. 2................................. Duplicate Identity Card will be issued by the Regional Director.... Amount : ..... : way of Demand Draft only in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where Regional Centre is located.... on payment of Rs....... Please mention Enrolment Number and course applied for in all your future correspondence with the University........... Enrolment No. _________________________________ Name of the Programme _________________________ PASTE Name ________________________________________ LATEST PHOTOGRAPH TO BE PASTED WHICH WILL BE ATTESTED BY UNIVERSITY OFFICERS Father's/Husband’s/Mother's Name _________________ ____________________________________________ Address (in Capital Letters) _______________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Pin Code _________________ Full Signature of the Candidate ____________________ ATTESTED BY REGIONAL DIRECTOR____________________ INDIRAGANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Please mention your full postal address at the space allocated To ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ CITY: _________________________________ STATE: _______________________________ From The Regional Director. IGNOU Regional Centre _____________________ PIN: _____________________ 68 Affix Postage stamp for Rs 6/- .
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