Reference Texts

March 21, 2018 | Author: Sid Patel | Category: Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Dentistry, Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Pathology



Reference texts – Textes de référenceThis list contains reference material recommended in Faculties of Dentistry in Canada. Cette liste contient les textes de référence recommandés par les facultés dentaires du Canada. 1. Andreoli & Carpenter’s. (2010). Cecil essentials of medicine. (8 th ed.) W.B. Saunders Company. 2. American Academy of Periodontology. (2001). Glossary of periodontal terms. (4 th ed.) Chicago: 3. American Academy of Periodontology. 3. American Association of Endodontists. AAE Consensus Conference Recommended Diagnostic Terminology. J. Endod. 2009; 35(12):1634. 4. Anusavice, K. J. (2013). Phillips' science of dental materials. (12 th ed.) St. Louis: W.B. Saunders. 5. Andreasen, J. O., Andreasen, F. M. (2007). Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth. (4th ed.) Odder, Denmark: Wiley-Blackwell. 6. Andreasen, J., Bakland, L. K., Flores, M. T. (2011). Traumatic dental injuries: a manual. (3rd ed.) Wiley Publishers. 7. Aschheim, K. W., Dale, B. G. (2014). Esthetic dentistry: a clinical approach to techniques and materials. (3rd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. 8. Ash, M. M., Ramfjord, S. (1995). Occlusion. (4th ed.) Philadelphia: Saunders. 9. Bagg, J. (2006). Essentials of microbiology for dental students. (2 nd ed.) New York: Oxford University Press. 10. Barrett, K. E., et al. (2015). Ganong’s review of medical physiology. (25 th ed.) McGraw-Hill Education. 11. Baynes, J. W., Dominiczak, M. H. (2014). Medical biochemistry. (4 th ed.) Elsevier Ltd. 12. Berkovitz, B. K. B., Holland, G. R., Moxham, B. J. (2009). Oral anatomy, histology & embryology. (4th ed.) Mosby Elsevier. 13. Berne, R. M., Levy, M. N., Koeppen, B. M., Stanton, B. A. (2010). Berne and Levy physiology. (6th ed., Updated.) St. Louis: Mosby. 14. Bickley, L. (2012). Bates' guide to physical examination and history taking. (11th ed.) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 15.Block, M. S., Block, F. L., Kent, J. N. (1997). Implants in dentistry: essentials of endosseous implants for maxillofacial reconstruction. Philadelphia: Saunders. 16. Booth, P. W., Schendel, S., Hausamen, J. E. (2006). Maxillofacial surgery. (2 nd ed.) New York: Churchill-Livingstone Elsevier. 17. Bricker, S. L., Langlais, R. P., Miller, C. S. (2012). Oral diagnosis, oral medicine and treatment planning. (2nd ed.) CBS Publisher & Distributors. 18. Brown, P., Herbranson, E. (2007). Tooth atlas. (5th ed.) Quintessence Publishing Co. (5 th ed.Enlow.Burt. (4th ed. (2011). A. (2001). Epstein. Essentials of facial growth. 25.Favus. (9 th sub.) Lippincott. Chenevert Mobley. B. 32. (2009). 31. 35. Pediatric dentistry: infancy through adolescence. (6 th ed. McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics. J. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. B. 33.. W. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (1995). 29. 37. M.. P.Dawson. 26..) Lippencott. N. J. C. R.. Dentistry..) Mosby. A. Finkbeiner. A.) McGraw-Hill. (2006).Champe. (3rd ed. Manual of surgical therapeutics. A. L. 28. Functional occlusion: from TMJ to smile design. (3 rd ed. S.) St. Brown. S. P. C. Brown. 24.. 22. D. Louis: Mosby. W.Capelli. Mitchell. M. K.) Elsevier Health Sciences.. (5th ed. (2007).) Churchill Livingstone. A. 36. Ferrier.) St. (32 nd ed. M. (1 st ed.) Hamilton: BC Deker Inc. G. 34. B.19. Eklund. W. H. Louis: Mosby. (2011).Cohen. A. L.) St. Brunton. 27.Carr. N. M. D. Nyhus. ed.. (2006). (3rd ed. (8th ed. R. R. Prevention in clinical oral health care. (2013). J. Harvey..Casamassimo.Drake.Finkbeiner. (3 rd ed. (2010). Vogl. G.. (2011).Dorland. J.. (2 nd ed. Materials in dentistry: principles and applications. D.Craig. Hans. (2005).) Philadelphia: Saunders. E. D. et al. R. (12th ed. Arm. Louis: Mosby.) Needham Press. (2015). L. Essentials of oral histology and embryology: a clinical approach. Louis: Mosby.) Little Brown and Company. dental practice. C..) St. (2013). R. E. J. (2008).. . Gray’s anatomy for students. D. Hargreaves. and the community. Elsevier. 23. Powers. Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. Dental materials: properties and manipulation.. A. B. (2011). Williams & Wilkins. R. Williams & Wilkins. Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery. T. et al. (2 nd ed.Cohen. Louis: Mosby. (12th ed. (2013). Lippencott’s illustrated reviews: biochemistry. Pathways of the pulp. R. (10th ed. Peter E.. Disorders of bone and mineral metabolism.. Elsevier.M.. J.) St.) St. Practice management for the dental team.) American Academy of Oral Medicine 20. M. Wataha. AAOM clinician’s guide to diagnosis and treatment of chronic orofacial pain.) St.. S. (2006). (2014).Ferracane. 21. (10 th ed. 30. Goodman & Gilman's pharmacological basis of therapeutics.Chiego. Louis: Mosby.Condon. (2012). Saunders Co. Roschlau. L.Hupp. E. 48. Esthetic composite bonding: techniques and materials. 51. M. Vanarsdall.. Jong's community dental health. H.) Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier.Gartner..Haines. 50. Louis. (2007). L.) W. T..Fletcher.Hupp.) Toronto: Elsevier Canada. (3 rd ed. 54. J. (3 rd ed. D. E...C. Morin. 39. J. E. I. Dental clinical advisor.. Louis: Mosby.) Boucherville. et al.M. E. R. 40.. 47.Juppener.. Fletcher S. and preventive medicine. (2e ed. Toronto: Mosby Year Book. Ingle’s endodontics.) McGrawHill Education.. (1994). (M. (2012). A. H. F.Gluck.Forest. J. (2 nd ed. F. J. Hiatt.) St.Golan. Vig. T. (1 st ed. Pettifor. (2007). W.Guyton. Seltzer and Bender’s dental pulp. 45. (5th ed. Firriolo. 44. J.) Edinburgh: Saunders/Elsevier. (12 th ed. 43. (11 th ed.) Mosby.) Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott. Pediatric bone biology & diseases. A.Hargreaves. ed. Morganstein. (12 th ed.) St.. (5 th ed. L. Williams. W. (2007). 52. M. Principles of medical pharmacology. The hypocalcemic states: disorders of bone and mineral metabolism. (1993). Médecine buccale: méthodologie du diagnostic. K. Clinical epidemiology: the essentials.. (7 th ed. Fundamental neuroscience for basic and clinical applications. (3 rd ed. et al. Bakland. (2014).) Boston: Quintessence Publishing.Fitzpatrick. 53... 56. 46. Hall. J. Ellis. Basic and clinical pharmacology.Jeske. Mosby's dental drug reference.Ingle.Hall. (2014). (2006). 57.) St. Trevor. (13 th ed.Jordan.. E.) Elsevier: Mosby. A.. (2013). J.) BC Decker Inc.. E.) Saunders/Elsevier. A. (6th ed. G. biostatistics. Textbook of medical physiology. (2003).Katzung. (4 th ed. 49. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 41. M. (2007).) Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Color textbook of histology... D. Epidemiology.) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Favus.Jekel. D. (2012). R. Glorieux. L.) St. (5 th ed. Textbook of medical physiology. K. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. B. Principles of pharmacology. J.B. G. Orthodontics: current principles & techniques.. Goodis. W. M. (2nd ed. Guyton. R.) Academic Press of Elsevier.. (2006). Tucker. et al. A. (2012). J.. W.Kalant. L. (2 nd ed. . P.Graber.nH. H. 55. (2012). L. C. 42.38. (6 th ed. (2010). et al. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. M. (2013). (2010). Québec: G. .) Lippencott. E. 61.. (7th ed.. R. Dentistry for the child and adolescent. 77. 76. Falace.. (3rd ed. Oral microbiology.Marsh. P.). Miller. (2008). (2009). Abbas. Orr.Little. (9th ed. J. Harris. Medical emergencies in the dental office. P. (2 nd ed. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Contemporary implant dentistry. (5 th ed. R.. P.L. (2009). M. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Toronto: Mosby.Malamed. E. D.Liebgott. Handbook of local anesthesia.) Mosby Inc. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition: a biomimetic approach. (2015). 68.B. (2013). (4th ed.) New York: The Guilford Press. B.Kumar. D.) St. P. Pathologic basis of diseases. L. ButtersworthHeinemann.Langlais. Aster (2012). Palenik. Color atlas of common oral diseases. (9th ed.. (4th ed. 65.) St. M.W.) Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co. et al. (2012). 74. W. M.Misch. Reynolds.. 75.) St.Lund.) Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.) St. (2009). Orofacial pain: from basic science to clinical management. (2004) Readings in biomedical ethics: a canadian focus. D.Logan. R. J. F. C. (8th ed. Rollnick. (3 rd ed. 67. S. (8th ed.) 64.. F. 73. (2013). (6 th ed. 62. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. Dental management of the medically compromised patient. D.. (3 rd ed.) W. (2002). J. (2007).. Toronto: Mosby. Louis: Mosby. Miller. 69. B.. Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental team. (2012). 71. Abbas.) Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier. F. McMinn's color atlas of head and neck anatomy. (9 th ed. Edgar. (2009).) Chicago: Quintessence Publishing. Robbins basic pathology.. A. S. Williams & Wilkins. (2011). AAOM clinician’s guide to oral health in geriatric patients. P. Hutchings. 70.) St... Toronto: Mosby.Kluge. (2010). Motivational interviewing: preparing people to change addictive behavior. (2009). et al. S.) St. J. (1992). D.Laudenbach. (1 st ed. (1st ed. S.) Mosby. (1998). (5 th ed. Nield-Gehrig.) St. A. S. Immunology. Louis.E. 66. 63. 78. M.. Louis: Mosby. R.S. Avery.Malamed. Exercises in oral radiology and interpretation.McDonald.) Pearson Education Canada. 59. (2003).Kumar.Malamed. Aster.Meghji.Magne.Miller. Clinical oral science. The anatomical basis of dentistry. R. (4 th ed. (5th ed.Miller. (1st ed.) Edinburgh. C. T. Sedation: a guide to patient management. Rhodus. P.) St. C ..S.Langlais. . (2014). Saunders Company. Louis. J. 60. R.58. Louis: Saunders.&al. S. 72. N.Male. (3 rd ed. Dean. Stewart.. Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion.Mosby. . (2013).. DeFreest.. structure.) Elsevier. J. P.Proffit. R. M. P.. Casamassimo. R.Richards.) Philadelphia. 93.Nowak. 94. A. J. (2012). R. K. J. F. Stewart's clinical removable partial prosthodontics. Williams & Wilkins.Okeson. (4 th ed. J. Evidence-based dentistry: managing information for better practice. A. 91. Wheeler's dental anatomy.Regezi. V. P. M. M. The handbook of pediatric dentistry. G. (3 rd ed). J. A. (2008). A. (2013).) St.Nanci.Moursi. K.Murray.Mohl. 83. F. Toronto: W. 95.B. (1988). and function. D. G. Louis: Mosby/ Elsevier. A.) W. (4th ed. M. (4th ed. The developing human: clinically oriented embryology. W.) Chicago: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.) Carswell Publishing. (2011). B. 84. M. (2 nd ed. 97. Medical microbiology. (5 th ed. R. (1994). (6 th ed. 87. (2010).) Philadelphia: W. (2013). J. Missouri: Mosby/Elsevier. (2015). Sciubba. Montreal: Saunders. 96.Newman. 92.B. D. R. (7 th ed. (2011). 82. (2015). (7th ed. Louis. Contemporary orthodontics. (3rd ed..H. N. Mosby. A. Dalley.. Jordan R. 85..) Elsevier. S.Picard. 90.Moore. Handbook of orthodontics. K. J. Saunders. 89.) Philadelphia. (7th ed.) St.Nelson. (8th ed.Nolte. (4 th ed. J. Newman..Moore. (2007). et al. Ten Cate's oral histology: development. and occlusion. et al. (2016). Argur.. (7 th ed. K.) Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co. (2012). (9th ed. Clinically oriented anatomy. D. C. Kapila. Legal liability of doctors and hospitals in Canada..) Lippencott.. (2009).) Quintessence. S. 81. Oral microbiology and immunology. Clinical cases in pediatric dentistry. et al.) Philadelphia: Saunders. Cox. Oral pathology: clinical pathologic correlations. Freeman.Nanda. R. N. physiology... R.. (2016). Current therapy in orthodontics. Ten Cate. 80.) Elsevier/Saunders. Cagna. R. The human brain: an introduction to its functional anatomy.. 88. Gerald B. Oral & maxillofacial pathology.) Elsevier/Saunders. (2008).Phoenix. (2013). D. L. Carranza's clinical periodontology.) Mosby/Elsevier. L. 99. A. Lehninger principles of biochemistry.) Chicago: Quintessence.Moyers. Wiley-Blackwell. (6 th ed. (12 th ed. Saunders. (7th ed.Nisengard. W. (1993). Justice Ellen I. S. 86. (2013). Persaud.Neville.Nelson..79. Robertson. T. 98. A textbook of occlusion. L. C. D. (10 th ed. L. Essential microbiology for dentistry..Stevens. Brackett. Weiss. Louis: Mosby..Scheid. (6th ed. B. James. (2012). F. J. T. Powers. S.Schuurs.Samaranayake. R.Rosenstiel..Riolo. Nesbit. R.) Edinburgh.. C. (2008). Handbook of oral disease: diagnosis and management..F. Michael.) St. (8th ed. B. 108... Periodontics: medicine. Pathology of the hard dental tissues. (2003). 102. Avery. Treatment Planning in Dentistry. 111. Woelfel’s dental anatomy: it’s relevance to dentistry. (2001).) Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co. 114. surgery and implants.) St Louis. (2004). (2007). Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Nutrition: a functional approach. Wheater's basic histopathology: a colour atlas and text. (4th ed. Wiley-Blackwell. (2nd ed.) St. Young. S. Land. C.Summitt. Wysocki. 106. W. M. Lakshman. A. E.. (2012). 116. (2011). (2012). P. Quintessence Publishing Co. T. Fundamentals of tooth preparations for cast metal and porcelain restorations.Scully.) Ann Arbor Michigan: University Litho Press. Pearson Canada. G. F.Heymann. 107. R.) : Elsevier. C. J. Fazio.) St. Swift. Principles and practice of oral medicine. Fang. L. L. Mealey. Ritter.L. (4 th ed.Standring. Contemporary fixed prosthodontics.Sonis. (1987). (2 nd ed.Stefanac. (2013). Louis: Elsevier Mosby. (3rd ed.. (2004).) Taylor & Francis.. H.. Fundamentals of operative dentistry: a contemporary approach.) Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co.Sadler. S. (Revised ed. (1995).) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 104. 113. T. (4 th ed.100. (4 th ed. Elsevier Mosby.) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Jacobi. Essentials for orthodontic practice. Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics. H. (Illustrated edition). J.) Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. et al. J. J... (2011). A. (40th ed. L. M.Thompson. (4th ed. (2nd ed. (1 st ed. Manore. E. Mosby/Elsevier. A. (2011). (2006). (12 th ed. R..Rose. S. (2013). J. P. Sheeshka. 110. H. 117. Healey. S. 103. Craig's restorative dental materials. J..Sakaguchi. 109. Toronto: Churchill Livingstone. R.Sapp. (2006). Ellis.) St. . (13th ed. J. M. (2002).V. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. 118.. H. J. 115.Shillingburg. S. Lowe. Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice.) Toronto. Langman's medical embryology. T. S. 112.Shillingburg. S. G. Fujimoto. 105. C. T. Eversole.. Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial pathology. B.) Philadelphia: Saunders. 101.. (6th ed. A. Pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry. (2014).) St.) St. 124. et al. (6th ed.) Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins..Wilkins. S. Louis: Mosby. Kornman. Fouad. (2013).Weine. S. C. K. et al.Zarb. T. (7th ed. (2nd ed. (2014). 120. (2014). (2013).. (2007). 126. J. B.Young. Endodontics: principles and practice.) Elsevier.. (13 th ed. 127.119.Zwemer.) Oxford University Press. et al.) Quintessence.) Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier. 125. Louis: Mosby. G. 128. (2004). R. Revised November 2015 . (2004). Mosby's dental dictionary. 123. Endodontic therapy. Torabinejad. (20 th ed.. (2003).E. T. (2 nd ed. 122.White.Young.) St. 129.) Lexicormp. Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients: complete dentures and implant-supported prostheses.Wilson. G. S.. Population health: concepts and methods.L. (6th ed. M. (2011).Yagiela. R. Fundamentals of periodontics. Wheater's functional histology: a text and colour atlas. (2 nd ed. (5th ed. Oral radiology: principles and interpretation.. F. 121. E.Walton. M.) Mosby Inc. (11 th ed. Louis: Mosby. Pharoah.K. A. Drug information handbook for dentistry.) St.. (2012) Clinical practice of the dental hygienist. J.Wynn. T. Louis: Mosby.J.
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