Redactare Unei Scrisori in Engleza

March 27, 2018 | Author: Diana Diana | Category: Internship, Employment, Business



Redactare unei scrisori in englezaComenzi Model: Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of….and for the details of your plastic ware. We have now seen samples of your prodycts and are prepared to give them â trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on, or before… The enclosed order is placed strictly on this condition, and with reserve the roght to cancel and to refuse delivery after this date. Yours truly, Dear Sir, Many thanks for your quotation for chocolates and whafers, and also for the sample which arrived last week. We are now convinced that some of the lines will find a ready sale here, and would like you to send us the following quantities at once: 10 dozen gift boxes (containing assorted chocolates) 6 dozen… Oferte comerciale Modele: Dear Sir, We thank you for your letter of…. and send you enclosed our latest price-list for your kind perusal. The prices of our goods range from….per yard upwards, according to quality, but we are ready to allow you a special discount of 5% on orders for large quantities. We shall do our best to satosfy you as regards quality and we can assure you that our articles are quite unequalled for value. Having a pretty large stock of the goods you want on hand, we can execute any order at once; nevertheless, we should be much obliged if you would give us some ideas as to the quantity you are likely to require. Under separate cover we send you samples of the… Scrisori din corespondenta unor personalitati Corespondenta intima Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton February 8th, 1801 “I do not think I ever was so miserable as this moment. I own I sometimes fear that you will not be so true to me as I am to you, yet I cannot, will not belive you can be false. No, I judge you by myself; I hope to be dead before that should happen, but it will not. Forgive me, Emma, oh, forgive your own dear, disinterested Yes. I kiss you a thousand and thousand times.. Yes. having at long last triumphed in their struggle to subordinate to their welfare the unconquered element. I shudder no more. 1819 “ My love has mahe me selfish. by filling it with engines of destruction. Yes. quite able. Yes. Perhaps one day you will know that. Yes. You have absorb’d me. I am quite sensible. Yes. Yes. Yes. If ever the goods were justified of their ironic smile – by the goods.B. Yes. Cannot help it. B.B. And if you tell me that you feel like that the sky will not be high enough for me (isn’t that a nice Irish phrase?) Heavens! How delicious it is to make love to you!!!! G. I will become what you wish-perhaps happy in your love. Yes. 1819 My love…. Yes. John Keats to Fanny Brawne October. Yes.Nelson. Yes. – I could die for that. they have strainghtway commenced to defile that element. Yes. Now I am all yours. to “Stella”. I am forgetful of everything but seeing you again. you would not belive me capable of forgetting you for a single instant. I cannot exist without you. If even men presented a spectacole of sheer insanity it is now – when.S. Of all the varying symptoms of madness in the life of modern nations the most dreadful id the prostitution of the conquest of the air to the ends of warfare. “If you knew how great is the love I feel for you. Yes Yes. Yes. Scrisoare de opinie adresata ziarului “The Times” Aeroplanes and War April 7. You have been mine-and whatever the outcome – I am and eternally shall be yours. Yes. Yes. quite myself and yet a lad playing with you on the mountains and unable to feel where you begin and I leave off. you must become better acquainted with me.” G. I could die for you. but never at peace again…. Yes. although I do not deserve you. Yes. 1911 Sir. I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion – I have shuddered at it. Yes. My creed is Love and you are its only content. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Lord Byron to Countess Guiccioli Venice. so heroically mastered. yes and a million times yes…. My Life seems to stop there – I see no further. Yes. Yes. Yes. I do indeed love you…. Yes. 25th april. 1913 “…So if you are idly curious as to whether I am still in love with Stella the answer is Yes. Co Dublin 3 April. Kilteragh. Yes. Yes. it is now! Is there any thinker alive watching this utterly preventible calamity without horror and despair? . Yes.S.C. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving. despair that men can be so blind. that have given us all our aspirations since the beginning of time. a grain of commonsense. so hopelessly and childishly the slaves of their own marvellous powers. Sincerely. For the love of the sun. Please forgive me for keeping “Ulysses” for so long. and the stare. Your cordially. good will towards men. If this fresh delivry be not quenched within the next few years it will be too late…. I am grateful to you for your letter of………… and your kind invitation to participate on a… Scrisori de felicitare Modele: Dear Mr….Joyce as there are a lot of words I have to look up in the dictionary. bestir themselves while there is yet time and save mankind from this last and worst of all its follies? Yours truly. The truth is that I read English slowly at the best of times. and the power to put that good will into practice. but I am worse with J. We are so glad to hear the good news of Arthur’s success. please give him our love and cingratulations. I hope you will not think of me too ill-mannered for not returning it earlier. Sincerely yours. On behalf of my colleaguesand myself I have the pleasure of extending to you our sincere congratullations on the occasion of your national holiday and wish all our English friends great succes and fruitful work for the benefit of mankind and for the improvement of international relations with all the countries. I do hope the delay has not caused you any inconveniences and I once more hope you will accept my apologies. if not promptly stopped. Thank you very muchindeed for lending me the book. With best regards. Dear Mr…….. Was there ever do patent a case for scotching at birth a hideous development of the black arts of warfare. When you see him or write to him. ever such an occasion for the Powers in conference to ban once and for all a new ghastly menace? A little reason.. Dear Professor Smith.. It was a splendid accomplishment and we are all so proud of him and happy for you. and the blue sky.Horror at what must come of it. let us leave the air to innocence! Will not those who have eyes to see. a gleam of sanity before it is too late – before vested interests and the claims of a new habit enslaved us too hopelessly. . John Galsworthy Scrisori de scuze si refuz Modele: Dear Professor Wittington. Yours ever. it gives us much pleasure to say how much we have appreciated working with you over the past twelve months. My colleagues here join me in wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year Yours cordially. Mary Felicitari de anul nou Dear Mr…. Congratulations to all three of you! May I come to see you and the baby the first time when I am in your town? I’ll write and let you know when that will be. Just a line to tell you how glad we all are to hear of your wonderfull news. Who is this lucky man? When am I going to meet him? I know I shouldn’t be asking all these questions but I’m really quite excitd.. We were delighted to hear the news of Jonathan Junior’s birth. Stella is a wonderfull girl and we hope you will be very happy.. Muh love. Darling.Felicitari adresate cu ocazia aniversarii zilei de nastere Dear Mr…………. I just want to tell you how thrilled I am to hear of your engagement and I’m dying to know all about it. Best wishes for your health and happiness through the coming year! Cele mai bune urari de sanatate si fericire pentru anul care vine! Felicitari cu ocazia nasterii unui copil Dear Sue. This brings our very best wishes to you from. I am so happy for you. Felicitari cu ocazia logodnei sau a casatoriei Dear Ted. As another year draws to close. Alte formule de felicitari de Anul Nou: 1. We sincerely hope that our pleasant relationship will continue for many years to come. Congrations! With love. Best wishes for the New Year! Cele mai bune urari pentru Anul Nou! 2. I wish you a happy New Year! Va urez un An Nou fericit! 3. Scrisori comerciale O scrisoare comerciala este adeseori dovada unui aranjament sau a unui contract intre . It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your 70th birthday and wish you good health and long years of further activity. Dear Stella. Your sincerely. Your order for 1000 calendars should arrive by Red Carrier Lines on Thursday.parteneri. 7. La sugestia………… 8. At the request of………….. According to our order…. Dupa ce ati terminat scrisoarea. In confirmarea ultimei noastre scrisori…. I should be most grateful if you would send me some illustrated brochures of these two cities. 3. Sincerely yours. We are very pleased to receive….. Model: THE MONEY THREE CARD COMPANY 1521 Merriman Drive London W.Call our tollfree number. La recomandarea………… 5. . Speram sa continuati comenzile. 10. In confirmation of our last letter…………. 6. deci trebuie redactata cu grija.. We hope for a continuance of your orders.. The scenes for the various months on the calendars are reproduction of original pencil sketches by……. Can we count? Putem conta? 9. 36 390 for prompt delivery. Incercati sa va subsiduiti destinatarului si sa constatati ce impresie va face scrisoarea asupra acestuia. The Money Tree Card Company Karl Krager Sales Manager Expresii generale 1. Potrivit comenzii noastre…. In answer to…. 2.. I intend to come to Scotland for a holiday in summer and I am particulary interested in Edinburgh and Aberdeen. cititi cu atentie pentru a vedea daca v-ati formulat bine intentiile. 4. Upon the recomandation of…. At the sugestion of…. Modele de scrisori prin care se solicita informatii Informatii in legatura cu o calatorie Dear Sirs. The enclosed brochure shows our complete line of greeting cards for 198…. You must admit that…… Trebuie sa recunosti ca……… 11. We agree with your sugestion Suntem de acord cu propunerea dvs. Ne face placere sa primim….. La cererea……. 188 Telephone: Whitehall 36390 Dear Sir.A. December 14. as well as lists of recomanded hotels. Ca raspuns la……. Could you. 6. Your hotel has been recomanded by the Travel Association and as I intend to come to Edinburgh. Formule de inceput O scrisoare adresata unui prieten incepe cu “Dear” urmat de prenumele persoanei respective. How long does the crossing take? Cat dureaza traversarea? 7.. Expresii uzuale: 1. Cand pleaca vaporul nostru spre…. I should like to know if accomodation will be available for this period. Would you be kind enough to let me know Va rog sa aveti amabilitatea sa ma informati…….... “Dear” plasat in fata numelui se scrie cu litera mare. When does our liner start for…. My darling Laura. giving inclusive terms for bed and breakfast.. I should like to know if accomodation will be available for this period. Informatii in legatra cu cazarea la hotel Dear Sir.Could you also let me know what reductions in railway fares. O scrisoare adresata unei persoane mai putin cunoscute va incepe cu: Dear Mr. Brown. please tell me…. Your faithfully.. 2. I should require one double room with hot and cold runing water.. Formule de final Scrisorile se termina cu o propozitie scurta care face trecerea la formula de incheiere: . I should appreciate an early reply. Perhaps you would be good enough to send me your price list. Ati putea sa-mi spuneti…. 4. 3. Ma intreb daca ati putea sa-mio dati o informatie. Alte formule uzuale de incepere a unei scrisori adresate unui prieten sunt: My dear Elisabeth. Is there a direct airline between London and Bucharest? Exista o linie aeriana directa intre Londra si Bucuresti? 5. V-as fi recunoscator daca mi-ati furniza urmatoarea informatie. I wonder whether you could give me some information. Aveti amabilitatea sa ne oferiti niste informatii cu privire la. Would you be so kind as to supply me with information regarding……. Dear Kate. Dearest Mary.. are granted during the summer months? Your faithfully. and stating if it is possible to stay in the hotel without having full board. if any. I should be very grateful if you would let me have the following information…. Robert Preston Request the honour of your presence at the marriage of Penelope Peterson To Mr..I hope you will have a nice holiday. Best regards. 1980. Garrett Eckerman announce with double joy the birth of their twin daughters Annemarie&Denise on the 14 july. we have to point out that these articles were ordered subject to their arriving here by the end of September. Miss Lewis was graduated from Kennedy High School and from University of Connecticut with B. Yours sincerely. â recurrence of this situation could well result in our customers placing orders elsewhere. 21. However. As you will no doubt understand. The couple will be married on January. Mr. All my love. Scrisori adresate cu ocazia unor evenimente deosebite Anuntul nasterii unui copil Mr. Since they did not reach us until 15 November. Cyntia to Stephen Armstrong. I’m waiting for your replay. The goods ordered this number arrived today in good condition.&Mrs.of……. Armstrong.A.&Mrs. and Mrs. Richard Lewis of Waterbury announce the engagement of their daughter. also of Waterbury. Scrisori de reclamatie Modele: Dear Sirs. We must. and this is â risk we are unwilling to take. Andrew Peterson Mr. insist that you observe delivery deadlines for future orders. Our order No……. Alte formule de final: All good wishes. George Frank Preston . Yours faithfuly. Invitatii la casatorie Mr. in French. and Mrs. therefore. He is an executive with Scorill Company.Stuart Armstrong. son of Mr. She is â french teacher at the Heast High School. Anuntul logodnei Mr. and your invoice has been cheked and found correct. was graduated from the Taft School in Waterbury and from the College of Wooster in Ohio.&Mrs. we have been hard pressed to meet our commitments to our customers. All the best. Your faithfully. moreover. . condoleante Dear Professor Brown. Sincerly. Dr. where I have increased the number of clients by 10 percent. please contact me at …………. therefore. Along my career. I have been deeply grieved to learned of the death of your husband. Belvedere Anunturi de deces. but I can also manage individual tasks very well. I have built an efficient agents’ team which brought a 20 percent sales’ increase over the last 12 months. In the resume attached to this letter. I‘ve written about my professional achievements and I have also named my results in the …… field. Previous experience speaks for itself about my career objectives. I am writing you this short note to say how deeply I sympathise with you in your terrible bereavement. the ninth of June Nineteen hundred and eighty two Aat twelve’s clock Saint Mary’s Church San Francisco And afterwards at “The Gulls”. after a prolongued and serious illness. Your cordially. at the age of 75. Scriosoare de recomandare (job) Dear Ms. the ……. Please accept my true condoleances. As a member of your team. a 3-year experience) experience in fields like…………. ambitious and highly motivated in accomplishing my goals. Among most recent I hope this letter to be reason enough to further analyze my resume and I’m looking forward to an interview. I am convinced I would be able to face all responsibilities at the requested standards. I am.. at whatever time it is suitable for you. Thank you for your time. allow me to highlight my activity as a Supervisor for the……………company. Greene. Ion Ion • Al doilea model de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza The Human Resources department.(phone number) or by e-mail……. I take great interest in this job offer because my academic and professional experience match a career in this particular area.g. I graduated from…………….On Friday. I have proved to be a really good team player. I have excellent communication skills. For more information. I’m easily adaptable and I consider new tasks as real challenges. Franklin Sparks Dear Mrs.field has been my favorite throughout the academic years.myjob. We are deeply grieved to announce the news that Professor James died on April 19th./Dear Mr. I am sending you this letter as a response to your…………….job ad. posted by your company on www.and I have a…………year(e. I am communicative. please. Yours. As you can see in the resume I have attached to this letter. I am a…………. I am looking forward for an interview. Thank you. Your company is well-known as a model……………… and your recent achievements have caught the eye of the media. although not very extended./Dear Mr. short time decision making. For: (job’s title)……………… I’m writing you because of the job ad posted by your company on the MyJob webpage./Dear Mr. I take deep interest in it as this job is a suitable one for me. . Hoping I have awaken your interest in finding out more. Hoping to have awaken your interest. I also consider my ability to work on deadlines and taking on responsibilities as great career achievements.. gave me the opportunity to both apply theoretical knowledge and achieve new skills: crisis management. I adapt easily. therefore.year student at the……………….projects on………………which allowed me to achieve theoretical knowledge in this area. I participated in several………………. For: (job’s title)……………… I am deeply interested in the job you posted an ad for on MyJob. the market and performances in this field and this constitutes an important motivation point to me. as you can see in the resume I have attached. For any additional information. Ion Ion • Al treilea model de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza The Human Resources department. Ion Ion • Al patrulea model de scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza The Human Resources Department.University and because of my real interest in this field. I had the opportunity to improve teamwork and communication skills.Dear Ms. Dear Ms. At present time. I am looking forward for an interview.. this internship allows me to learn more about this area. contact me at ……………… (phone number) …………………or by email……………. I also had several part-time jobs in the…………field and. Please. still. Dear Ms. at present time I am an employee of the…………………company as ………………and I have just graduated from the…………training.field. matching both my academic and professional background and my career goals. My professional experience. I am a loyal employee. Moreover./Dear Mr. not to mention your company’s credit in the………………. contact me at……………… (phone number) or by email…………………… Thank you for your time. I want to pursue a career in the…………. I think I am a suitable candidate for an internship in your company. I strongly believe that I can support your future success as a member in your team. That is why I should be glad to work as an intern in your team.. at whatever time is suitable for you. improvement of negotiation skills. Date Sincerely. therefore. field. …………………….. Throughout my education.. I am convinced of having the right skills for this job. I am looking forward to an interview. I am also an active person in the …… team.-year experience in …………. On the other hand. I have graduated from the ….I am writing to you because of the ……….and several training courses. please. As you can see. easily adaptable and motivated. field because of my previous (n)…. I work as a coordinator of the….position available with your company.. at whatever time it is suitable for you. Hoping to have awaken your interest. also. I am an efficient organizer. Ion Ion. I take great interest in the ……. contact me at……………… (phone number) or by email…………………… Thank you for your time. . as you can see in my attached resume.. I take much interest and satisfaction in the motivation and evaluation process. I have conflict mediation and negotiation skills and I am focused on achieving goals. Department and supervisor of …employees. I strongly believe I would achieve the best results according to the standards imposed. as advertised on MyJob. when dealing with new professional challenges.. For any additional information. Sincerely.University and I also have a Master’s Degree in…. I am keen on accomplishing budget objectives. At present time. I work for an innovative successful company in……. As a member of your team. I am
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