Records and Archives Management Program for LGUs_Annexes



Records & Archives Management ProgramFOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT Primer on Establishing a ANNEXES Contents ANNEX 1 ANNEX 2 ANNEX 3 ANNEX 4 ANNEX 5 ANNEX 6 ANNEX 7 ANNEX 8 ANNEX 9 Sample Functional Subject Alphabetic Filing System 5 DECS Order No. 13-A, S. 1988 Guidelines on the Decentralized Disposal of Valueless Records in Government Agencies 7 DECS Order No. 13-B, S. 1988 Rules and Regulations Governing the Coordination of Records Management and Archives Function 12 Punishable Acts Pertinent to Records Care 20 RMAO Form No. 1 – Records Inventory and Appraisal 21 Sample Budgetary Requirements for a Workshop on Establishing an Archival System 22 Records Disposition Schedule for Local Government 23 RMAO Form No. 2 – Records Disposition Schedule 51 Sample Executive Order Creating the RMIC 53 4 ANNEX 1 Sample Functional Subject Alphabetic Filing System ADMINSTRATIVE MANAGEMENT (ADM) Addresses Lectures Messages Statements Committees Notice of Meeting Meeting (agenda, minutes) Proceedings Conference / Conventions Authority to Attend Request to Attend Directives/Issuances Circulars General Letter Memoranda Office Office Memoranda Standard Operating Procedure Memo Numbered Memo Unnumbered Orders Administrative Department Executive Memorandum Office Special Exhibits and Exposition General Services Building and Ground Maintenance Certification (conditions, repair) Utilities and Services Bills Light, Telephone, Water Legal Services Bids Bonds Cases Administrative Civil Criminal Labor Charges against Official/employee Claims Complaints Contracts Deeds Leases Services Court Hearings/Proceedings Power of Attorney Opinions/Decisions Subpoena/Subpoena Duces Tecum FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (FIN) Accounting Accounts Cash Advance Contributions Donations Loans Overdrafts Petty Cash Shortages Suspensions Accounts Payable Allowances (subsistence, disability, living representation and transportation and entertainment) Bills (equipment, rentals, services and supplies) Payrolls Reimbursement Vouchers (disbursement & attachments – supporting documents) Accounts Receivable Checks Collection and receipts Seminar Fee Certification List of remittances Honoraria Money Order Disbursement Adjustments Expenditures Refunds Reimbursements Repayable Pay Administration Authorized deduction BIR GSIS Pag-ibig Benefits, gratuities, compensation, dividends, GSIS Employee claims Insurance deduction Salary adjustment Saving Tax exemption Withholding of pay and tax Appropriations Annual Deficiency General PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION (PER) Accidents Assets and Liabilities Bonded officials Compensation for injury or death Conduct Absences Appeals Complaints and charges Disciplinary actions Administrative Cases Permit to teach Reimbursement Suspension Tardiness Employee relations Counselling Grievances Job classification Allocation list Pay rates, scales and schedules Position description Information sheets Leave and other fringe benefits Accrued Commutations Forced Maternity Separation Sick Study Vacation Awards-commendation Merit increase Citation Efficiency rating Personnel folder (201 files) Appointment Change of Status / Names Clearances Designation/s Details Incentive awards/scholarship Medical certificate Notice of salary adjustments Oath of office Personal Data Sheet Retirement/Resignation Service Records Plantilla of personnel (Chronological) Personal report Policies and procedures Office policies CSC Rules and Regulations CS eligible 5 Training Division. February 1998 6 .ADMINSTRATIVE MANAGEMENT (ADM) Library Requests Book Selections Exchange Service Purchase Orders Reference Service Rules and Regulations Management Improvement Manuals and Codes Administrative Operations Personnel Records Management Standard Operating Procedures Office Methods and Procedures Inspection Reports Instructions Organizational Charts Planning Development Training Calendar Training Needs Training Survey Program and Schedule Invitations (Participants) Invitations (Speakers) Syllabus Evaluations Post-Training Pre-Training Session Evaluation Examination / Test Programming and Planning Space Management Surveys and Evaluation Work Measurement-promotion Work Simplification/ job analysis Public Interest Favors and Formalities Conference Invitations Letter of Thanks Protocol Public Relations Public Information Format and Editorial Policy Press Releases Records Management (References) Creation Control Program Correspondence Forms Design & Control Reports Management Disposition Program Records Appraisal Records Inventory Records Schedule File Classification Guide FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (FIN) Appropriations Annual Deficiency General Special Supplemental Auditing Administrative and control Audit reports Annual Monthly Quarterly Semi-annual Balance Sheet Internal audits Journal vouchers Ledgers Post audits Vouchers Subsidiary ledger Trial Balance Budgeting Advice of allotments Request for obligations of allotment Allocation of funds Budget estimates Budget proposals Justification Special Budget policy Five year fiscal plan Plan of work and request for allotment Personnel service itemization Report of operation Cashiering services PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION (PER) Plantilla of personnel (Chronological) Personal report Policies and procedures Office policies CSC Rules and Regulations CS eligible CSC examinations Promotion-Demotion Merit Protest Recruitment and Placement Application-recommendation Examination (CSC) Medical and Physical examination Selection Time card Source: Records Management and Archives Office (RMAO). ANNEX 2 DECS Order No. S. KULTURA AT ISPORTS (Department of Education. including Government Owned and Controlled Corporations. Sec. inconsistent with this Department Order are hereby superseded or amended accordingly. 1988 . 25 and 27. Constitutional Offices. 13-A. Culture and Sports as a cultural agency. SANTOS Undersecretary Officer-in-Charge 7 . State Colleges and Universities Guidelines on the Decentralized Disposal of Valueless Records in Government Agencies SUBJECT : Executive Order 285. The following guidelines on the decentralized disposal of valueless records in all agencies in the government are hereby fixed and issued for the guidance of all concerned. 87. General Circular Nos. 13-A February 3. s.Guidelines on the Decentralized Disposal of Valueless Records in Government Agencies REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS (Republic of the Philippines) KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON. 1986 of the Records Management and Archives Office and all other issuances or parts thereof. 5 transfers the Records Management and Archives Office to the Department of Education. 1988 TO : All Heads of Department and Chiefs of Bureaus and Offices of the National and Local Governments. s. (SIGNED) TOMAS V. Culture and Sports) (MANILA) TANGGAPAN NG KALIHIM OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. microfilm. X-ray films. Thus. The determination by appraisal of the vital worth of records for purpose of permanent preservation and storage by an archival agency. * ARTICLE II – DEFINITION OF TERMS Administration Value. The Guidelines on the Decentralized Disposal of Valueless Records in the government offices consist of five (5) parts. 301 dated July 26. as evidence of the objectives. archival value and time values whether temporary or permanent. Disposal. Infidelity of Records. procedures. The termination of filling activity for a particular file at a pre-determined time. Director of Records Management and Archives Office (RMAO). Attached to the guidelines are the General Records Authorized Disposition Schedules. Director.GUIDELINES ON THE DECENTRALIZED DISPOSAL OF VALUELESS RECORDS IN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ARTICLE I – COVERAGE Pursuant to Section 5 of Executive Order No. The usefulness of records to the originating or succeeding agency in the conduct of current business. Any paper. These are: (1) Coverage. 1987. (4) Penal Provisions. policies. A descriptive listing of the records holding by records series indicating its specific location. The act of selling. book photograph. (2) Definition of Terms. Files Breaks. * The forms and schedules may be requested from RMAO when needed. 1987. Archival Value. Any agency other than the Records Management and Archives Appraisal. sound recording. their relationships and contents. the DECS was authorized by virtue of Executive Order No. In this regard. or after the lapse of a specific event and beginning of a new file period. The use of records containing evidence of legally enforceable rights or obligations of government and/or private person. 285 dated July 25. in the storage (inactive) area and its preservation or destruction. operations or other activities of the government. The study of records. fiscal. 8 . Culture and Sports. A records control schedule governing the retention and disposition of a specified recurring records series common to several or all agencies. that has been retained by the entity or its successor. to determine their administrative. General Records Schedule. functions. burning or any other way of getting rid of valueless records in accordance with the provision of these guidelines. The Information on the usefulness of records about the financial transactions and obligation of agencies and organization. A listing of records series by organization showing. and (5) Miscellaneous Provisions. To strengthen operation of the said office. drawing. Disposition Schedule. decisions. Inventory. Appropriate forms for the disposal of valueless records shall be as prescribed by the RMAO. legal. Agency. the Records Management and Archives Office (RMAO) has been transferred and attached to the Department of Education. the prescribed uniform standards or guidelines to be followed by government office/agencies in the disposal or distribution or destruction of their valueless or unnecessary records. Legal Value. inclusive dates and volume in cubic meters. or because of the information contained therein. these guidelines were formulated to meet this purpose. organizations. for each records series the period of time it is to remain in the office area. Records. map or other document of any physical form or character whatever or any copy thereof. (3) Records Disposal Procedure. motion picture film. The latter includes the repealing and effectivity clause of the guidelines. to effect a decentralized disposal of valueless records of government offices. Fiscal Value. Loss of records under the custody of the agency including the loss of valueless records before is actual disposal. Rule 4. Include all record materials that reached their prescribed retention periods and usefulness to the agency or the government ads a whole. 4. after which a given set files is deemed ready for permanent storage or destruction. Systematic removal from office storage of records that are not needed in everyday operation. the Chief of the Current Records Division. to be accomplished in the prescribed form (Form 2) covering its substantive records and those records not included in the General Records Schedules to serve as its guide in the disposition of records subject to approval of the Records Management and Archives Office.1 All government agencies and instrumentalities shall observe the enclosed General Disposition Records Schedules in determining the disposal of their valueless record (Annex 1). Secretary of Department of Education.2 Each agency shall submit to the Records Management and Archives Office four (4) copies of accomplished “Request for Authority to Dispose of Records” (Form 3).Records Disposition. or have a special form such as maps.1 Upon receipt of the request for authority to dispose of records.1 Each agency shall have a Records Disposition Schedule. Records Series. However. Rule 3. General Records Disposition Schedules 2. identification and preservation of permanently valuable records and the destruction of valueless records. 2. 3. such as by burning or direct sale or shredding before sale in the prescribed form (Form 4). Inventory of Records 1. shall assign a Records Management Analyst. acting for the Secretary of DECS with the concurrence of the head of the agency concerned. Agency’s Records Disposition Schedules 3. Secretary.2 Any revision or change in the Schedule shall likewise be submitted for approval by the Director as the need arises.1 Each agency shall prepare an inventory of its records holding in the prescribed from (Form 1) as an initial step in developing the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) and for whatever purposes the agency may deem necessary. records may be retained for longer periods if there is a need to do so. acting for the director.1 No agency shall destroy or sell any record without having first secured authority from the Director of the Records Management and Archives Office. A group of related records arranged under a single unit or kept together as a unit because they deal with a particular subject. Rule 5. Retention Period. Rule 2. Rule 6.2 Agencies shall not dispose of their records earlier than the period indicated for each record series. is authorized to direct destruction or disposal of records in accordance with the recommendation of the Records Management Analyst of Records Management and Archives Office who appraised the records. Appraisal and Examination of Disposable Records 5. The specific period of time established and approved by the Records Management and Archives Office as the life span of files. Culture and Sports. Valueless or No Value Records. ARTICLE III – DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Rule 1. etc. Request for Authorization 4.1 The Director of Records Management and Archives Office. to appraise and examine the disposable records of the requesting agency and recommended the manner or method of disposal. blueprints. result from the same activity. Authority to Dispose 6. 9 . the manner.3 The original copy goes with the agency concerned. Rule 8. How Disposals Are To Be Accomplished 8. 9.4 Each agency shall submit a report on the disposal of valueless records to the Records Management and Archives Office.D.2 The Certificate shall indicate the nature of the records. 6. the RMAO and COA. Custody of Valueless Records The Records Officer who is in custody of the records holding an Agency shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the valueless records until its disposal is authorized. are required to be audited by the Commission on Audit shall not be destroyed or disposed of by the head of any entity under the authorization granted without the necessary clearance from the Commission on Audit. usually once a year. 10.2 Records shall be disposed of periodically. or to the Corporate Fund.1 The Records Management and Archives Office together with representative of DECS and the COA may re-appraise and re-examine records for disposal as the need arises. Rule 9. 12.2 The Records Management and Archives Office shall be furnished with a copy of the contract. Certificate of Disposal 10. 8. File breaks are generally set during the slack periods of filling and servicing. Authority to Conduct Public Bidding 9. the public bidding should be conducted towards the end of the calendar year so that the effectivity of the contract of the winning bidder shall be in January of the following year. Records Management and Archives Office and the owning agency upon the delivery of the disposable records to the paper mills or warehouse of the winning bidder. A file break may be set at the end of the fiscal year or calendar year.1 A certificate of Disposal (Form 6) shall be prepared in triplicate by the agency concerned and witnessed by the representatives of the Commission on Audit.3 All records pertaining to claims and demands by the government of the Philippines either as a debtor or creditor. Preferably. a copy for the Records Management and Archives Office and a copy for the Commission on Audit.2 To safeguard sanctity of the records and to check that the records to be disposed are the same records which were appraised and examined and that no insertions have been done. soon after a file break.1 All proceeds realized from the sale of disposals valueless records shall be remitted either to the National Fund. Proceeds of Sale 11. 10. Rule 10. 10 . File Breaks and Disposal Periods 12. Rule 7. 1445.2 The Director of the Records Management and Archives Office shall issue the authority to dispose of records and the manner of disposal using the prescribed form (Form 5).1 Each agency shall determine when to have its file breaks. Rule 12. the actual disposal of records shall be witnessed by representatives of the agency concerned. Rule 11. 10.6. place and date of disposal and their approximate volume in cubic meters and weight.1 Each agency shall conduct public bidding for the disposal of valueless records once a year following the pertinent provisions of public bidding and awarding of contracts of P. certifying among other things that the records for disposal are not involved in any case. to the Local Government Fund. 15. Repealing Clause 14.1 This Department Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette. 234 and 235 of the Revised Penal Code or any specific rule which may be considered a violation of the specific provision of criminal laws without prejudice to the filing of administrative case against the offender.1 All orders.ARTICLES IV – PENAL PROVISIONS Rule 13. 10 dated March 7. Volume 84. No. rules and regulations or part thereof. Published in the Official Gazette. 1988. which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or amended accordingly. Rule 15. Effectivity. Any act or omission in relation to the rules and regulations promulgated in the guidelines shall be punishable under the provision of Article 226. ARTICLE V – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Rule 14. 11 . S. To effect better coordination in the management of government records archives functions the within attached rules and regulations consisting of nine (9) pages governing the creation. SANTOS Undersecretary Officer-in-Charge 12 . Culture and Sports as a cultural agency.ANNEX 3 DECS Order No. 1988 February 3. 13-B. 1987. Executive Order 285. maintenance and use of government records and archives documents are hereby fixed and issued for the guidance of all concerned. Constitutional Offices. State Colleges and Universities 1. 1988 -Rules and Regulations Governing the Coordination of Records Management and Archives Function REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. CULTURE AND SPORTS MANILA OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DECS ORDER No. 5 transfers the Records Management and Archives Office to the Department of Education. 13-B. including Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations. s. Sec. 1988 RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COORDINATION OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND ARCHIVES FUNCTION TO: All Heads of Department and Chiefs of Bureaus and Office of the National and Local Governments. S. 2. (Signed) TOMAS V. RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE COORDINATION OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND ARCHIVES FUNCTION ARTICLE I – COVERAGE Pursuant to Section 5 of Executive Order No. 1987. cross-referencing and filing of the material. Archives – (1) The non-current records of an organization or institution preserved because of their continuing value. A Collection of records involving a specific name or topics. and subject to immediately relevant addition or other modification. to determine their value. Coordination – Bringing into a common action. also referred to as archival agency. Document – Recorded information regardless of medium or characteristics. their relationships and content. 285 dated July 25. movement or condition to give harmonious results. Disposition Schedule – A written description of records of any agency showing action to be taken at stated intervals with respect to the disposition or records. 13 . or 4. File Audit – Periodic inspection of the internal condition of particular file or file series to determine the accuracy of classification. burning. Authority – A conclusive statement leading to an official decision. dealing with matters of contemporary importance. A class of records in a separate group or series of file drawers. A folder containing records. or any other way of getting rid of valueless records. To effect better coordination in the management of government records and archives functions guidelines have been promulgated to the followed by government offices/agencies to meet this purpose. (3) the building or part of a building where such materials are located. in this sense. “Cut-Off-Period” – The termination of filing activity for a particular file at a predetermined time or after the lapse of a specific event and the beginning of a new filing period. Current Records – Records that are often used in carrying on government function in connection with which they have been accumulated. or 3. ARTICLE II – RECORDS AND ARCHIVES TERMINOLOGY Rule 1 – Definitions Accession – The process of transferring non-current/archival records from the custody of an operating agency to the administrative control and guardianship of a records center/archival agency. as archival materials or archival holdings. Disposal – The act of selling. The operation involved in arranging records in systematic order. (2) The agency responsible for selection. preserving and making available archival materials. or 2. Agency – Any agency other than the Records Management and Archives Office. indexing. Culture and Sports. Classification Scheme or Guide – A systematic arrangement of subjects according to a plan as an aid classifying file materials. such needed for action or for reference in continuing agency transaction. Appraisal – The study of records. the Records Management and Archives Office (RMAO) has been transferred and attached to the Department of Education. also referred to. coding. Frequently used interchangeably with “records”. File – For records purposes. Director – Director of the Records Management and Archives Office. may mean the following: 1. Retention Period – Specific period of time established and approved by competent authority after which a given set of files is deemed ready for permanent storage destruction. and has been retained by that entity or its successor as evidence of the objectives. steel shelves. Use – Proper utility of Records. motion picture film. Records – “Any paper. or have a special form (maps. Retention Code – A numeric symbol by which a file material may be retained or disposed of. blueprints. schedule and center operations). corrugated boxes. Records Series – A group of related records arranged under a single unit or kept together as a unit because they deal with a particular subject. or may be defined generally as the methodology of a program to control the creation. Records Management – Is that function of administrative management business operation and education concerned with the creation (forms. operation or other activities of the government. vaults. processing and handling papers containing various types of written information. Culture and Sports Transfer of Records – The movement of records out of high cost space and equipment to a depository for economy. organization. reports. business and industry operations at costs consistent with the services involved. result from the same activity. reproduction of records. Paperwork Management – Concerned with the framework and techniques of producing. protection. functions. photograph. records. correspondences and directives). Records Creation – Bringing records into existence as the evidence of any administrative process.) Records Office – This is the focal point of the agency where records are received. storage. retention (inventories. drawing. or information from or/about records. practical use. Records Disposition – Systematic removal from office to storage of records that are not needed in everyday operation. Records Management Improvement Committee – Is a group of key officials designated by the head of the agency who are responsible for the improvement of records activities. or because of the information contained therein”. identification and preservation of permanently valuable records and the destruction of valueless records. Reference Service – The function and activity of making available to inquirer. Restricted – Not accessible to searcher. procedures. and disposition or preservation of all forms of paper documents. keeping and servicing of records. policies. General Records Schedule – A records control schedule governing the retention and disposition of specified recurring records series common to several or all agencies. retrieval (duplication and location of information). for the low-cost and efficient storage and furnishing or reference service on semi-current / non-current records with suitable protection pending their ultimate disposition. Secretary – Secretary of Education. decisions. See “Records Management”. that has been made by any entity or received by it in connection with the transaction of public business. sometimes specially designed and constructed. Records Center – A facility. maintenance. protection (housing and disaster insurance). map or other document of any physical from or character whatever or any copy thereof. sound recording. Records Maintenance and Control – This deals with the active growth. open wooden shelves. book. microfilm. the last in conference or in writing. Records Management Manual – Is a guide which contains the outlined records management program for the control of records. Restriction – Limitation placed by authority on access to records or information. Non-Current Records – Files that deal with completed or adjourned business. 14 . etc. but only to agency authorized representative. released and maintained for future use. file jackets and the like used to keep the records of the agency.File Break – See “Cut-Off-Period” File Containers – Refer to steel filing cabinets. preservation (history/archives) or records and records information required for the continuance of government. not needed for action or reference in continuing agency transactions but are of continuing research or historical value to the government and public. 4 Records Management Improvement Committee: Its Composition and Functions Each agency shall create a Records Management Improvement Committee as an advisory body on the improvement of all phases of records management. policies and standard operating procedures on records activities. 2. develop and conduct training programs on records and archives management for regional and in-house purposes. issuances to the absolute minimum in the most economical way consistent with efficient and its responsibility.1 Production Control Program 4.6 Agency Records Management Manual Each agency shall develop and maintain a records management operations manual which shall contain the functions.1 Each agency shall have an integrated program in the creation of necessary records and copies thereof. organizational chart of the records unit. Rule 3. the Chairman and members of which shall be designated by the head of the Agency.5 Utilization of Filing Equipment and Floor Space Each agency shall set standards and criteria for the maximum utilization of filing equipment and floor space for maintaining and servicing files.1 Holding of Records Management Training Program The Records Management and Archives Office shall initiate.2 Establishment of Records Office Each agency shall establish a Records Office for its records holdings and shall coordinate with the Records Management and Archives Office in planning the office lay-out of the Records Unit. bureaus and offices of the executive. 4. Records Creation 4. forms. 2.2 Each agency shall use standard size stationery in accordance with the standards and specifications of the System and Procedures Bureau of the Department of Budget and Management.3 Agency’s Records Officer Each agency shall appoint a qualified records officer who shall coordinate across the department lines on their records activities and shall have the responsibility and control of all the records holdings of the agency in his or her possession and custody. shall establish and maintain an active continuing program for the effective management of their records. Archives and Records Management Training Program 3. Requirements of a Sound Records Management 2. 2. legislative and judiciary branches. including constitutional offices and government-owned and controlled corporations.ARTICLE III – RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND ARCHIVES ADMINISTRATION Rule 2. 15 . 2. 2. and assist various government agencies in their training programs concerning records management requesting such assistance. Rule 4.1. including reports.1.1 Establishment of a Records Management Program All departments. section or unit.4 Personnel Security and Access to the File The Records Officer and/or his duly authorized personnel shall have the sole access to the office files and shall be responsible for the security of records at all time.3 Retention Code Retention Code shall be affected by each agency based on the General Records Schedule and the agency’s Records Disposition Schedule before the records are filled.1 Operations of Incoming and Outgoing Mails Each agency shall have a centralized receiving and releasing unit of all communications for proper recording and routing procedures under the accountability of the Records Division. 5. Records Disposition Schedule shall be entered in Form 2 for approval of the Record Management and Archives Office. 6.4 Authority to Transfer Request for authority to transfer records to the Records Center shall be effected upon the recommendation of the Chief. A follow-up device shall be developed on charge out records. 5.3 Transfer of Records of Abolished and Reorganized Agencies Records of abolished or reorganized agencies.6 Records Management Audit Each agency shall conduct a periodic inspection of the records holdings. 6. Records found not included in the agency. Records Center and Approved by the Director. Confidential records shall be kept separately from the general files in secured file containers. except those specifically directed by law or decrees. shall be transferred to the Records Center. 6. Records Management and Archives Office.2 File Classification Guide for Uniform Filing System Each agency shall develop a File Classification Guide or Scheme based on its organization and functions for a uniform filing system. Records Maintenance and Control 5.5 Servicing with the File Each agency shall adopt requisition and charge-out procedures in issuing a File. 5. Records Management and Archives Office or agency’s storage area in accordance with the approved Records Disposition Schedule.2 Transfer and Storage of Non-Current Records Transfer of non-current of an agency to the Records Center shall be in accordance with the approved Records Disposition Schedule and the General Records Disposition Schedule for records of more than five years retention period.1 Responsibility of Records Officer Each agency shall be responsible for ensuring that non-current records are regularly reviewed and the Records Officer shall inspect the files and recommend the transfer to the Records Center. 5. Rule 6. The Records Management and Archives Office shall be authorized to inspect the records holdings of any entity of the government and it shall be the duty of the head of each entity to grant the access to all of its records for audit purposes. 16 .Rule 5. Review and Transfer of Non-Current Records to Records Center 6. 5. Records Management and Archives Office. 5.5 Loan of Records 6. 6.5. 6.5. 7. 16th to 19th centuries. Rule 7. 7. Records Management and Archives Office.1 Archival records shall be stored under one roof and authorize their accessibility to the public. donations may be accepted from public and private sectors or entered into exchange policy agreement.2 It shall be the responsibility of the Archives Division to protect archival documents in its custody and undertake corrective measures to rehabilitate weakened or brittled documents in accordance with modern techniques. Transfer of Records to Archives 7.e. Civil Registers from the Local Government. Records Management and Archives Office. Philippine National Guards. Records from the Courts.4 Application to Refer to Archives Reference Service Any person who desire to refer or have access to the Archival materials shall fill up an application form properly and submit to the Archives Search Room. Records Management and Archives Office.6. Records of defunct agencies could be disposed of upon the recommendation of the Chief. The agencies concerned shall be furnished with an inventory of records transferred. i. 7.5 Preservation of Archival Records 7.1 Transfer of Archival Document from Records Center Records of historical and research value shall be transferred to the Archives Division. may be requested for loan or permanent withdrawal by the owning agency.2 Records of abolished agencies shall not be loaned or permanently transferred for an indefinite period to another office unless approved by the Secretary of Education. subject to certain security and safety measures to preserve the integrity of the records.1 Records in the Records Center. Japanese War Crimes records. Records Center based on the final appraisal of the Records Management Analyst and approved by the Director. 6. Culture and Sports upon recommendation of the Director. 7. subject to existing Philippine laws and evaluation policies of the Records Management and Archives Office. Notarial Records. Spanish documents.7 Transfer of Inactive Records All inactive personnel records (201 files) of government entities which are deemed unnecessary for current operating purpose but can still be utilized for future referrals shall be transferred to the Records Center. Civil Service Commission records and all other records of permanent value. 7.5.2 Direct Transfer The Archives Division is authorized to take into its custody all government records and other historical materials for research and preservation purposes. 17 .3 Donations In whatever form. Records Management and Archives Office.6 Disposal of Records Records in the custody of the Records Center can only be disposed of upon the final appraisal of the Records Management Analyst and with a written concurrence from the owning agency. records with retention period of 25 years and more and those with enduring value. Rule 9. legislative and judiciary branches including government-owned and/or controlled corporations and constitutional offices. Punishment of Specific Act Any act or omission which violates this rule and the provisions of the Revised Penal Code pertinent thereto shall be punishable under Articles 226 to 230 of the Revised Penal Code or any specific rule. Culture and Sports shall in turn notify the Secretary of Justice about the situation and initiate the recovery of records which he finds to have been or believed to have been unlawfully removed from the official custody. threatened or actual. ARTICLE IV – GENERAL PROVISIONS Rule 8. Reference Service Reference service on records transferred in the custody of the Records Center/Archives Division may be requested by persons having legitimate reasons for consulting or using them in accordance with approved rules and regulations. Establishment of Agency Storage/Mini Archives Each Agency shall maintain and operate a records storage/mini archives of non-current records preparatory to their transfer to the Records Management and Archives Office. ARTICLE V – PENAL PROVISIONS Rule 14.6 Publication of Archives No person or agency shall publish or reproduce the whole or part of the Archives collection without permission and/or acknowledgment from the Director. Rule 13. 18 . Records Center or to Archives repository. Rule 11. Payment of Administrative Fee Charges for certified copies and certifications for non-availability of records shall be collected in accordance with existing laws and regulations. Technical Assistance The Records Management and Archives Office shall provide technical advice and assistance on matters concerning records/ archives management to all entities of the executive. Records Management and Archives Office. Access to Records Restricted records which have been transferred by government agencies are accessible only to authorized personnel from the transferring agencies. Loss of Records The Director shall advice the Secretary of Education. by unlawful removal or destruction of records that shall come to his attention. without prejudice to the filing of administrative case against the offender. Rule 12. Culture and Sports of any loss. The Secretary of Education. Rule 10.7. dated September 17. rules and regulations of parts thereof. which are inconsistent with this Department Order are hereby repealed. maintenance. circulars. 2. 18. Repealing Clause Ministry Order No. SANTOS Undersecretary Officer-in-Charge Published in the Official Gazette. preservation and security of government records shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette.ARTICLE VI – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Rule 15. 19 . 1986 of the Ministry of General Services.) TOMAS V. use. Rule 16. dated May 9. No. disposition. 84. superseded or amended accordingly. Vol. 1985. all orders. (SGD. Effectivity Clause These rules and regulations on the creation. memoranda. or including in such a copy a statement contrary to. 227. employee or notary or ecclesiastic minister. taking advantage of his official position. Making any alteration or intercalation in a genuine document which changes its meaning. shall falsify a document by committing any of the following acts: 1. 171.000 pesos shall be imposed upon any public officer. 2. Officer breaking seal.000 pesos. whenever the damage to a third party or to the public interest shall not have been serious. 5. signature or rubric. or different from. temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding 50 pesos shall be imposed. Art. documents or objects entrusted to his custody. employee.000 pesos if the revelation of such secrets or the delivery of such papers shall have caused serious damage to the public interest. Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the issuance thereof in a protocol. concealment or destruction of documents. Art. 4. 226. 229. or shall wrongfully deliver papers or copies of papers of which he may have charge and which should not be published. shall suffer the penalties of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods. temporary special disqualification and a fine of not exceeding 2. Source: The Philippine Revised Penal Code 20 . temporary special disqualification and a fine not exceeding 2. 228.000 pesos. shall suffer the penalties or arresto mayor.ANNEX 4 Punishable Acts Pertinent to Records Care Art. 6. whenever serious damage shall have been caused thereby to a third party or to the public interest. shall open or shall permit to be opened any closed papers. Revelation of secrets by an officer. In either case. The penalty of prision mayor and a fine not exceeding 1. 7. Altering true dates. shall suffer: 1.000 pesos. the additional penalty of temporary special disqualification in its maximum period to perpetual disqualification shall be imposed. who shall break the seals or permit them to be broken. 2. or 8. perpetual special disqualification and a fine not exceeding 2. the penalties of prision correccional in its minimum period. — Any public officer charged with the custody of papers or property sealed by proper authority. destroy or conceal documents or papers officially entrusted to him.000 pesos. — The penalty of prision mayor and a fine not to exceed 5. Attributing to persons who have participated in an act or proceeding statements other than those in fact made by them. or official book. The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium period and a fine not exceeding 1. or notary who. Art. shall suffer the penalties of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods. Removal. Art. Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts. — Any public officer who shall remove. Opening of closed documents. that of the genuine original. — Any public officer who shall reveal any secret known to him by reason of his official capacity. 3. Issuing in an authenticated form a document purporting to be a copy of an original document when no such original exists. Causing it to appear that persons have participated in any act or proceeding when they did not in fact so participate. registry. Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting. Falsification by public officer. otherwise. — Any public officer not included in the provisions of the next preceding article who. without proper authority. Agency 3. Location 12. 1 – Records Inventory and Appraisal 1. 4. Volume (cu. Rate of Accumulation 11. Frequency of References Daily Once a Month As the Need Arises Others (Specify) 2.m. Recommended Retention Period Years in office file 16.) 10. Prepared by: 17. Type of Equipment 4-drawer filing cabinet Storage Open Shelf Others (Specify) 8. Duplication (Please indicate the Units/Offices who have a copy of this records) 7.ANNEX 5 RMAO Form No. Assisted by: ______________________________ Position: 18. Organizational 5. Approved by: ______________________________ Date: Cashier Records Management Analyst Years in Storage 21 . Person In-Charge of File 15. Records Series Title and Description 6. Period Covered 9. Filing System Alphabetical Chronological Numerical Functional Subject Alphabetic Others (specify) 14. Value/Nature Time Value Permanent Temporary Utility Value Administrative Fiscal Archival Legal Others 13. Address and Phone No. 300.600.500.00 14. Training Design 2.00 33.ANNEX 6 Sample Budgetary Requirements for a Seminar on Establishing an Archival System Assumption: 3-day live-out workshop RMAO Counterpart: 1.000/person/day x 5 persons 25.800.500 x 5 persons P185/person/day x 60 persons x 3 days P700/person/day x 6 persons x 4 days P 37.00 Total P 134.00 22 .000.00 P5. Development of training materials 3.000.00 5.00 16. Resource persons Airfare for resource persons (RMAO) Meals and Snacks Board and Lodging for resource persons Supplies and Materials Honoraria for resource persons Transportation Communication P7. Action Plans Affidavits Birth Citizenship Change of Name Death Discrepancy Identity Illegitimacy Joint (Common-law husband/wife) Marriage Ownership Retirement 3. 2. Affidavits of Loss 4. 5. 1 Applications Business Permit (New / renewal) Employment Franchise Announcements (Bandillo) 1 1 After renewed / terminated / acted upon After purpose had been served 3 PERMANENT After implemented 23 .ANNEX 7 Records Disposition Schedule for Local Government ARCHIVO NATIONAL RECORDS DISPOSITION SCHEDULE FOR THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT Series 2003 NATIONAL ARCHIVES RETENTION PERIOD DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS Number of Years Remarks EXECUTIVE OFFICES (City Mayor / Municipal Mayor / Governor) 1. Housing Mayor’s Permit (With requirements) Tricyle Operation 6. 16. Deeds of Donation / Exchange / Ratification Directories of Local Officials (Record set) Franchises / Permits File Copy Building Business 15 5 After completed After renewed PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 2 2 1 PERMANENT After terminated After settled PERMANENT PERMANENT 5 PERMANENT After complied with PERMANENT 24 . Boundary Disputes Documents City/Municipal / Provincial Profiles Closure Orders Commendations / Awards Committee / Organization Files Non-routine Routine 12. Complaints / Petitions / Protests Confirmations of Application to Operate Cultural Files Celebration Fiesta History 15. 13. 10. Barangay Files Barangay Profile Chart Land Area Livelihood Program Official Population Profile 7. 9. 11. 8. 17. 14. 20. Insurances / Registrations of Vehicles Land Titles Owned by the LGUs Lease Contracts of Market Stalls 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 PERMANENT 1 PERMANENT 5 After franchise had been renewed After renewed After renewed After renewed After renewed After renewed After renewed After contract had been terminated and finally settled After updated 21. Lists Association Committee Cooperative Donor Markets Stall Occupant Organization 1 22. Logbooks Business Permit Issued by the Mayor’s Office Official Receipt Visitor 5 10 After date of last entry 25 .Bicycle / Tricycle Franchise Carolling Electrical Inspection Fair Mayor Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit Occupational Permit Social Sport Transfer of Cadaver Use of Vehicle Vehicle / Tricycle Masterlist 18. 19. 24. 27. 28. Meeting Files Agenda Notice 1 26.Ordinary VIP 23. 30. Requests Additional Plantilla Allocation Auditorium Ambulance Budgetary Allocation for Salary Standardization Bulldozer and Dumper Calamity Aid Donation / Solicitation 1 After acted upon 26 . Masterlists of Registered Tricycle Mayor’s Profile 2 PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT After the last entry Transfer to the agency’s library for reference 25. 32. Messages / Speeches (Record set) Motor Vehicle Legalization Files Oath of Office of Local Government Officials PERMANENT 2 15 5 1 PERMANENT 2 After expired / terminated After settled After acted upon Petitions Recommendations / Referrals Reorganization Records Reports Emergency Relief Assistance Land Problem Market Inspection Monitoring Nursery Seedling Police Rebel Returnee Typhoon Damage 33. 29. 31. Agreements Cost Share Reimbursement Agreement for Completed Tax Mapping Annual Reports of Provincial Assessor 38. PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT Annual Statements of Assessed Value of Real Properties 40. Special Events Files / Photographs ASSESSOR’S OFFICE 35.Financial Assistance Increase of Internal Revenue Allocation Infrastructure Project Sound System Transport Service Use of Town Plaza 34. Others Quit Claim Transfer Adjudication 37. Abstracts of Sworn Statement of True Current Fair Market Value of Real Property Affidavits Absolute Sale Adverse Claim Aggregate Land Holding Assets / Properties Joint Quit Claim (Joint affidavit) PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 2 PERMANENT To be filed with appropriate record series PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT After purpose had been served PERMANENT PERMANENT 36. 39. Assessments Building Plan Data Sheet Subdivision Plan Tax Declaration 27 . replevin. extra judicial partition) Sketch Transfer PERMANENT PERMANENT 47. Field Appraisal and Assessment Sheets / Field Sheets for Assessment (Worksheets showing floor plan and description of buildings together with computation) Building Land Machinery Plant and Tree 5 After revised 28 . Title Assessment Rolls of Taxpayers Agricultural Land and Product Building (Construction / renovation / repair) Residential Land PERMANENT 42. Cancellation of Tax Declaration Cases Adverse Claim (Auction sales. Certifications Ownership Pauper Litigant Real Property True Copy of Tax Declaration 1 45.41. 46. lis pendens. writs of attachment / execution) Assessment Appeal Certificate of Title Original Transfer PERMANENT 15 After decided and finally executed 44. Certificates of Assessed Value of Real Properties Declarations of Real Property Affidavit of Adjoining Owner Certificate from the Bureau of Lands / Bureau of Forest Development Deed (Sale. 43. absolute sale. provincial. town. location. Market Values of Buildings 2 After the last entry PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 29 . Maps / Blueprints Barangay Base Cadastral Engineer Controlled Map (Used in locating undeclared properties) Road Survey Tax Map (Barangay. Mapping Control Rolls Post Tax Pre tax 55.48.pertaining to the section within the barangay) Topographic 56. 52. 50. Land Holding Certificates Lists Awarded Lot Committee Appraiser Declared Owner of Unknown Address Real Property PERMANENT 1 After updated 53. index. city. photo and sketch . Guidelines / Manuals City Charter Depreciation Rate Table Revised Realty Tax Declaration Guide Table Adjusted Value PERMANENT 49. Inventories of Declared Accumulated Accounts Journals Assessment Transaction Cancelled Assessment 2 3 After updated After superseded 51. Logbooks of Notice of Assessment and Sworn Statements 54. 65. Sworn Statements of Real Property Owners PERMANENT PERMANENT 30 . PERMANENT PERMANENT 10 PERMANENT PERMANENT After settled 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PERMANENT 2 1 PERMANENT After acted upon 66. 62. 61.57. Schedules of Base Unit Values for All Kinds of Lands and Improvements 69. Requests for Copies of Official Documents Schedules of Base Unit Costs for Buildings and Improvement 68. 64. Notices of Assessment and Tax Bill / Real Property Tax Orders of Payment (RPTOP) Ownership Record Cards Property Index Cards Public / Real Estate Mortgages Real Property Records and Appraisal Cards Registry Books of Tax Declaration Reports Comparative Statement of Assessed Valuation Daily Accomplishment of Tax Mapping Work Inspection Monthly Assessment Monthly Report of Undeclared Real Property Progress Quarterly Report Statistical Uncollected Tax by Municipalities 5 60. 67. 1 After settled 59. Minutes of Meetings of City / Municipal / Provincial Appraisal Committee Notices Assessment to Declarant Cancellation of Assessment PERMANENT 58. 63. 81. PERMANENT PERMANENT 73.70. 72. 78. 76. Sworn Statements of the True Correct and Fair Market Value of Real Properties Tax Declarations of Real Property Transfer of Extra Judicial Statements BUDGET OFFICE 5 After superseded 71. Advices of Allotment Barangay Administration Fund Internal Revenue Allotment Local Government Revenue Stabilization Fund National Aid to Local Government Unit Supplemental 5 74. 75. Annual Investment Program Files Approved Position Classification and Pay Plans Budgets Annual Budget Local School Board Supplemental Budget Files Analysis and Resumé Barangay Budget Preparation Development Fund Local Budget Circular and Memorandum Local School Fund Preparation of Different Offices Review-Budget Allocation Infrastructure PERMANENT 1 After superseded PERMANENT 3 5 3 77. Certifications of Fund Availability General Appropriations Acts Logbooks General Fund Allocations 1 3 3 After date of last entry 31 . 80. Cash Allocation Ceilings/Notices of Cash Allocation 3 79. Infrastructure National Aid for Local Government Unit Special Education Fund Trust Fund Withdrawal 82. 89. 90. Reports Local Government Unit Quarterly Advice of Allotment 86. 87. 83. 84. Record Books of Payroll and Vouchers 85. 91. PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 2 3 3 5 Position Allocation Lists Realignment of Infrastructure Projects 3 2 10 From date of last entry Admission of Paternity Files Adoption Files Advices Upon Intended Marriage Affidavits Acknowledgement Date of Birth Legal Age Marriage Legitimization Officiating Minister Marriage Articulo-Mortis Marriage between Non-Christians Name of Child Wrong Entry 32 . Summaries of Appropriations Work and Financial Plans CIVIL REGISTRAR’S OFFICE 88. 20) Parental Advice (21 . 95. Registry Books Birth Death PERMANENT 33 . 97. 101. 99. 93. Authorities to Solemnize Marriage Certificates Death Fetal Death Foundling Live Birth Marriage License PERMANENT PERMANENT 96.92. Marriage Contracts Marriage Licenses Notices of Re-applicants PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT Petitions for Correction of Clerical Error / Change of First Name (In the certificate of birth / death / marriage) 102. 100. Alien / Civil Registration Books Applications for Marriage License and Supporting Papers Consent of Parents for Under Age (18 .24) Seminar of Family Planning (25 up) Seminar or Counselling (24 down) Notice for Posting Birth Certificate PERMANENT PERMANENT 94. Consents to Marry a Person Under Age Court Decrees / Orders Adoption Annulment of Marriage Change of Name Civil Status Correction of Entry Legitimization Naturalization PERMANENT PERMANENT 98. Building / Sanitary Permits (Applications & supporting documents) 109. Building Plans Approved as Built Plan Architectural Commercial Industrial / Residential Structural 108. Certificates Occupancy To Operate Business 110. Certificates of Locational Clearance Commercial Industrial Institutional Residential PERMANENT 15 15 After project had been completed PERMANENT 15 After project had been completed 1 PERMANENT 1 1 PERMANENT After acted upon PERMANENT 34 . Awards of Affidavit of Project Completion and Acceptance Letters 107. Reports Monthly Report to NSO / Mayor Provincial Statistical Office Supplemental Reports on Legal Instrument 104.Marriage 103. Requests Application for Civil Registry Records Celebration of Marriage (Permit) Others Verification Slips for Birth / Death / Marriage 105. Sworn Statements that Advice of Parents or Guardian Had Been Asked ENGINEERING OFFICE 106. Certifications Building Permit Issued (True copy) Completion of Project Electrical / Sanitary / Safety Inspection Electrical Installation Final Inspection & Contraction Finished Project House Number Inspection Building Electrical Payment of Laborer & Material 2 112. Charts / Sketches Complaints Clogged Drainage Leakage Others PERMANENT 2 After finally settled 114. Consolidated Statistical Data (barangay.111. city. 113. municipal. Equipment Files Certificate of Registration Daily Assignment of Equipment History Card PERMANENT 15 After project had been completed and finally settled PERMANENT 2 2 2 2 After renewed After equipment had been declared unserviceable Inspection Report Insurance Policy 35 . provincial) 115. Construction / Reconstruction / Repair Files Bill of Materials Contract / Agreement Cost Estimate Details of Cost Estimate Program of Works Project Accomplishment Report Schedule of Base Unit Cost for Building and Improvement Suspension / Resumption / Change Order 116. Maintenance Files Accomplishment / Completion Report Inventory of Bridge / Building / Road Monthly Assignment Quarterly Routine Program Road Classification Road Maintenance Program Schedule of Implementation 124. Mechanical Computation Sheet 2 2 2 PERMANENT After the last entry After the last entry After the last entry 2 After the last entry 5 5 2 2 PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 5 After completed After updated After project had been completed 36 . 118. Ledger Card Illegal Construction Cases Inventory Lists Bridge Building Equipment Road Annual Monthly PERMANENT 5 After finally settled PERMANENT PERMANENT 2 PERMANENT 2 After consolidated After updated 119.117. Lease / Equipment Rental Files 121. 122. Laboratory Tests on Construction Material and Soil PERMANENT PERMANENT 5 PERMANENT 10 1 After rental had been paid After updated Material Sample Card Quality Control Plan Report Result 120. Lists of Contractors Logbooks Clearance Final Certificate Issued Order of Payment Permit Issued Building Electrical Plan / Specification 123. Permits / Clearances 15 After project had been completed 1 Arcades / News Stand / Waiting Shed / Musoleum / Sidewalk Boiler / Elevator / Escalator Building Construction Demolition Electrical Excavation Fence / Wall / Partition Fire Escape 1 15 3 5 5 5 1 PERMANENT 5 PERMANENT 5 1 1 5 PERMANENT After expired After renewed After project had been completed After building had been demolished After completed After completed After completed After Building Code had been complied with After completed After completed After purpose had been served After expired After project had been completed Locational / Zoning Mechanical Occupancy Plumbing / Sanitary Road Sign Sign Board / Advertisement / Advertising Sign / Billboard / Streamers / Sign Waterwork 128. Orders Change Order (Spare parts) Rental Request Order (Equipment) 127.125. Notices Contractor Demolition Excavation Illegal Construction Violation 2 After finally settled 126. Plans / Maps / Blueprints Building Approved as Built Plan Architectural Commercial / Industrial / Residential Structural Road and Bridge 37 . Project Proposals (With bill of materials and estimates) Approved Disapproved 15 3 After project had been completed 15 After project had been completed and finally settled 38 . Project Files Acceptance Bill of Materials & Cost Estimate / Detailed Cost of Material Building Repair Certificate of Completion/Fire/Inspection Communication Completion of Project Contract/Agreement Contractor’s Affidavit Repayment of Laborer and Material Final Inspection and Contractor’s Affidavit Final Inspection of Project Final Payment Graph / Plan & Specification / Blueprint / Construction Plan Labor / Material / Equipment Requirement Occupancy Program of Work Project Appropriation / Maintenance / Performance Budget / Fund Release Project Proposal / Feasibility Study Report Accomplishment Monitoring Pre & Post Inspection Status Termination Request / Resolution for Project / Funding / Program Resume / Suspension Order 130.Specification Work Plan 129. Clinical Referral Slips Family Planning Files Charts Contraceptives Stock Record Pre-Marital Counseling 10 PERMANENT 1 Provided they are not product of research / study & training purposes After date of last consultation / visit PERMANENT 3 1 After date of last entry 39 . 137. 2 PERMANENT To be filed with appropriate record series After evaluated Certifications Examination Health Medical 1 135. Road Right of Way Files Agreement Permit to Trespass 133.131. Charts In-Patient 15 Out-Patient Tuberculosis / Monitoring / Leprosy 136. Requests Construction Department / School Improvenment of Water System Inspection (Building. Surveys HEALTH OFFICE 134. bridge and road) Letter Barangay Different Department / School Maintenance / Reconstruction / Repair Material / Equipment / Laborer Reconstruction 132. Laboratory Services Results / Findings Hemoglobia Examination Leprosy Detection Malaria Paps Smear Sputum Examination Stool / Urine Tuberculosis White / Red Blood Cell 5 142. Logbooks Diarrhea Family Member Medicines Distribution Minutes of Monthly and Weekly Meeting Sputum Examination Treatment 2 After date of last entry 143. Index Cards Family Member Patient PERMANENT 141.138. Five Year Impact Programs Dental Care Diarrheal Disease Environmental Sanitation Expanded Immunization Program 5 After implemented 139. Health Information Sheets Medical Treatment Record Mortality and Monitoring Record Pregnant Mother 2 After superseded 140. Masterlists Birth Death Health Education Health Program PERMANENT 40 . coronary thrombosis & the like) 145. 151. 150. retired. Plans / Programs / Projects Reports Annual Monthly Dehydration Expanded Program On Immigration Family Planning Maternal Child Health Marriage Counselling Mortality National Tubercolosis Program Nutrition Under-five Others 147. Surveys 5 5 After completed PERMANENT 2 2 After evaluated and consolidated in the Annual Report LEGAL / ATTORNEY’S OFFICE 148. 146.144. Articles of Incorporation / By . Legal Opinions PERMANENT After separated. Morbid Cases of Cerebro Vascular Diseases (Hypertension. rheumatic heart disease.Laws Complaints / Protests Contracts Chattel Mortgage Deed of Sale Deed of Sale with Reservation of Title 152. death 15 PERMANENT 5 PERMANENT After finally settled 41 . Administrative Cases 149. Eligibles Local School Board Applications Logbooks Attendance 1 1 After updated 1 2 3 2 PERMANENT 2 Clearances Issued General Funds Visitors Ordinary VIP 161. 159. 154. Guidelines Civil Service Reporter Local Government Consultancy Resource Outreach for Productivity Project 2 After superseded 158. Memoranda of Agreements / Understanding Special Powers of Attorney PERSONNEL OFFICE PERMANENT 1 After purpose had been served 155. 163. Requests for Accumulated Leave Credits PLANNING DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATING OFFICE Provided leave and undertime are posted in the leave card After date of last entry After date of last entry After date of last entry After acted upon 162. 160.153. Annual Development Plans Barangay Files (Development council) Plan Project Socio . 156. Annual Status Reports Certifications Employment Residency Service PERMANENT 1 157. Lists of Eligibles / Non .Economic PERMANENT PERMANENT 42 . 166. Committee / Council / Association Files Association of Barangay Council Cabinet Action Committee for Implementation Development Board / Council Housing and Urban Coordination Council National and Local Government Unit Peace and Order Council People Economic Council Project Reconciliation.164. Masterlists Barangay Integrated Development Plan Barangay Official Botanical Garden and Park Development Cattle Fattening Cooperative Housing Project Kabisig Mall School Building Construction Spring Development 1 43 . 172. Evaluation and Monitoring Committee 1 168. Inventories of Barangay Roads and Bridges Livelihood Projects and Programs 2 5 After superseded After project had been completed / implemented After updated 173. 170. Data on Different Needs of the Community Foreign Assisted Project Files Infrastructure Files Barangay Road and Bridge Public Building PERMANENT PERMANENT 15 After project had been completed 171. 169. 165. Boy Scout Camp Position Papers Census Statistics Charts Functional Organizational 5 1 PERMANENT After updated 167. 175. 180.Economic PERMANENT PERMANENT 176. 182. Agenda Certifications of Attendance / Attendance Sheets Minutes of Meetings / Sessions Hearing Regular Session Barangay 1 1 PERMANENT 44 . Statistical Data Survey Household Land Ownership PERMANENT 1 After evaluated 179. 183. Planning and Development Staffing Pattern Profiles Barangay City / Municipal Demography Employment Land Characteristic Socio . Reports Annual Investment Program Financial and Development Return Status of Projects and Infrastructure Local Community Assistance 2 5 2 177. Territorial Boundaries and Population Zoning Ordinances / Clearances SANGGUNIANG PANGLUNSOD / BAYAN / PANLALAWIGAN PERMANENT PERMANENT 181. 178.174. Abstracts of Real Property / Real Estate / Collections 189. Alien Annual Taxes Alien Registration Documents Allotments by Appropriation (Internal Revenue) Alpha Listings of Real Property Owners Annual Real Property Tax Payments (Yearly Registered of Real Property Tax Payments) 4 10 PERMANENT 3 PERMANENT 4 194. 186. 192. Apprehension of Advices (Advice Issued by the Licensed Inspector on Erring Taxpayers) PERMANENT 5 After the case had been settled 196. 5 15 After finally settled To be filed with appropriate record series PERMANENT Blotters Abstracts Daily Collection Deposit and Trust Fund General Collection 188. 3 Subpoenas TREASURER’S OFFICE 187. Appropriations / Allotments & Expenses Subsidiary Ledgers PERMANENT 45 . 193. 190. Ordinances / Resolutions TASK FORCE ORDINANCE OFFICE 185. Applications for Bond of Accountable Officials and Employees 195.City 184. 191. Books of Account Cash Books Cashier’s Treasurer’s Reports of Daily Collections and Deposits PERMANENT PERMANENT 10 Provided post audited. Certificates and Receipt of Transfer of Large Cattle PERMANENT 206. 201. Bond Index Cards Bonding Documents Action Request Indemnity for Issue of Due Warrant PERMANENT 3 202. Electric / Water Bills 4 10 After settled 46 . Comparative Statements of Markets and Slaughters 5 207. 203. finally settled and not involved in any case 205. 204. 199.197. 198. Approved Pay Plans (Provincial and Municipal) Auction Sales (By Municipalities) Authorizations Purchase of Equipment / Property Transfer of Fund Travel Others PERMANENT 1 2 After expired 200. Demand Letters (Letters to the taxpayers demanding taxes as result of the ocular verification of the inspector) 5 After settled 208. Deputized Provincial / Municipal Treasurer Comparative Collection 209. Guidelines on Application of Penalties in Administrative Cases 2 After superseded 215. Lists of Taxpayers Municipal Burial Permits and Official Receipts PERMANENT 10 Provided post audited. 222. Journal of Barangay Transactions (Barangay Form No. finally settled and not involved in any case 219. finally settled and not involved in any case 47 . KKK Programs Land Tax Receipts 5 PERMANENT 10 Provided postaudited. 2) 217. Fund Distribution Reports (Revenue derived from real property taxes) 5 PERMANENT 214. Estimated Income Expenditures 3 10 Files on 10% Barangay Shares in Real Property Tax 212. Financial Statements Statement of Operation 213.210. Ledger Covers 5 1 After superseded / updated Lists Delinquent Taxpayer Market Owner (Stall) Owner of Large Cattle 221. 220. Index Cards Payments of Real Property Real Property Owner Salary Taxpayer PERMANENT 216. 211. 218. Quarterly Surveys of Employment and Computer Payrolls of Local Government Real Property Cash Real Property Tax Receipts 2 232. 225. 233. Municipal Treasurer’s Account Books PERMANENT PERMANENT Municipal Treasurer’s Journal of Collections and Deposits 226. 229. Notices Assessment Value of Real Property Delinquent Taxpayer Demand L:etter Suspension 227. Real Property Tax Registers Real Property Tax Remittances (Provincial / Cities) PERMANENT 1 After the last entry provided data are transferred to Master Lists 48 . 230. PERMANENT 10 Provided post audited. Municipal Tax Ordinances (Revised / approved by provincial treasurer) PERMANENT 224. 235.223. Partial Implementation of Salary Standardization Files 228. Posting Guides of Real Property Tax Payment Provincial Summary of Collections Provincial Treasurer’s General Receipts 4 10 10 Provided post audited. finally settled and not involved in any case After consolidated in the Annual Report 5 After superseded 1 231. finally settled and not involved in any case 234. Receipts and Certificates of Ownership of Large Cattle 237. finally settled and not involved in any case 49 . C and C1 Revenue Files Asset BIR Allotment and Local Government Revenue Stabilization Branding of Cattle Land Tax Permit Secretary’s Fee Tax PERMANENT PERMANENT PERMANENT 5 3 PERMANENT 2 After consolidated in the Annual Report 2 2 After consolidated in the Annual Report PERMANENT PERMANENT 240.236. Requests for Bonding and / or Cancellations of Bond of Accountable Officials and Employees Residence Certificates A. Records of Ownership Reports Cash Advance Disbursement Consolidated Collective Daily Program Collection Financial Audit Local Government’s Quarterly Financial Operation Municipal Treasurer’s Weekly Cash Report Provincial / City Treasurer’s Monthly Accountability Revenues / Receipts 239. 238. B. 10 10 Provided post audited. 241. Statements of Short / Over Remittances. 243.242. Statements of Income and Expenditures General Fund Infrastructure 10 246. follow General Records Disposition Schedule series of 2003 Date Approved: October 15. Validations and Missing Receipts Tax Declaration Registers 5 After cleared 247. PERMANENT Note: For other administrative and management records. Revenue Subsidiary Ledgers Slaughter Permits and Fee Receipts 5 10 Provided post audited. Collections. finally settled and not involved in any case 244. Statements and Inventories of Accountable Forms 5 245. 2003 50 . ANNEX 8 RMAO Form No. Disposition Authority/Remarks 5. Schedule No. Item No. Retention Period 6. 13-A. Active b. Address 3. 4. Rule 4. Agency 2. Date Prepared 8. 2 – Records Disposition Schedule RMAO Form No. Total 9. 1. 7. Records Series Title and Description a. Page _____ of _____ Page (Accomplish in Quintuplicate) Important: No Agency shall destroy or sell any records without having first secured authority from the Director of Records Management and Archives Office. Storage c. 51 . 1988. 2 Revised 1998 RECORD DISPOSITION SCHEDULE 1. (Article III. Department Order No. s. Assisted by: Records Management Analyst 13. Prepared by: Name Position 11.Page _____ of ______ Page 10. Recommending Approval: Chairman Records Management Improvement Committee TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THE RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND ARCHIVES OFFICE This Records Disposition Schedule is being returned for improvement/correction is being recommended for approval ________________________________________ Chairman Records Management Evaluation Committee ________________________________________ Director ____________________ Date __________________ Date 52 . Approved: Agency Head 12. Gregoria A. Arturieto P. Abendaño. Develop policies and techniques for repairing damaged records and take positive steps to prevent loss and unauthorized destruction of records. Grace Nieves B. Caneos. formulate and be responsible for the systematic records management program of the municipality in all phases of records management. Evangeline J. Plan. Municipal Social Welfare Officer 5. Ms. Municipal Budget Office 4. 03 Series of 2002 ESTABLISHING THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE (MRMIC) By virtue of the powers vested in me by the Local Government Code of 1991 and other pertinent laws. Emelyn G. Gadgude. and records of temporary value which may be disposed of after they reach their prescribed retention period. economic and effective records management of the local government of this Municipality. Ms. Clerk 12. Evaluate and establish the retention periods of the municipality’s records and formulate the Records Disposition Schedule subject to the approval of the Municipal Mayor and final approval of the Records Management and Archives Office. Noel L. 3. Abregana. Ramigoso. Mr. Municipal Agriculturist 9. Establish a depository for non-current records. Ms. Crisusa F. which are records that are no longer needed by the Municipal Government in its day-to-day operations but not yet ready for disposal. Ms. Jardino B. Lumacang. Ms. Mr. 4. 53 . Whenever necessary and as the need arises. ICO-MTO 11. Teodora D. Be responsible for the identification and preservation of documents which are of continuing value and requiring permanent retention. Veloso. records maintenance and records disposition. Cecenia I. 5. Jurial. MCR/MPDC Designate 3. Tuyugon. Aguiñot. Mr. Salutan. Ms. Aurora C. Clerk Chairperson Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member The Committee shall have the following functions and responsibilities: 1. Ms. may seek technical advise and assistance from the Records Management and Archives Office in its task of improving records management in the municipality. Mr. the Records Management Improvement Committee. there is hereby created a Municipal Records Management Improvement Committee (MRMIC) that will effect a more efficient. This Committee shall be composed of the following: 1. Jurial.ANNEX 9 Sample Executive Order Creating the RMIC Republic of the Philippines Province of Camiguin Municipality of Catarman EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. Cedrix R. Municipal Assessor 7. Municipal Engineer 10. SB Secretary 2. Ms. 2. Municipal Health Nurse 6. Municipal Accountant 8. namely records creation. ” This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. Issued this 13th day of September 2002 at Catarman.In the implementation of this program. 13-A series of 1988 shall be used as “Guidelines on the Decentralized Disposal of Valueless Records in Government Agencies. Camiguin. BABARIN. MD Municipal Mayor 54 . DECS Order No. (Signed) QUINTILIANITO G.
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