Recent Questions Part II

March 29, 2018 | Author: vipul51190 | Category: Mouth, Medical Specialties, Clinical Medicine, Wellness, Medicine



NBDE PART II.1. dental extraction in a patient taking bisphosponate therapy??? surgical extraction, alveoloplasty & primary closure. 2.drug NOT used for nicotine de addiction: buprione HCL. 3.most technique sensitive step in placing ceramic veneers: cementation 4.if u plan ceramic venners of 6 anterior teeth, shade of which pair of teeth needs to be darker than the others??? canines are a shade darker than incisiors & premolars. 5.which drug will be used in a male patient with cirrhosis for IV sedation? midazolam 6.nickel allergy is more common in females. nickel is the most allergic ingredient of base metal alloys. 7.which surgery is not used for pocket reduction? osseous resective surgery. 8.definition of NON MALEFECIENCE in dental ethics do no harm 9.gingival index/pulse & BP, are they ordinal/nominal etc?? no idea about this q. how many days before dental surgery do u need to stop aspirin?? ans:7-10 days. 11.infection of which space causes severe trismus WITHOUT any obvious clinical swelling?? pterygomandibular. which drug is used to treat poisoning with meperidine?? naloxone function of HEX??/ anti rotation device. implants are contraindicated with anti coagulant therapy?? however one implant can be placed when INR IS what of the foll: i answered INR 2.(NOT SURE ) there were so many questions about herpetic gingivo stomatitis??? that's easy picking? there were radiographic pictures of odontoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor,ameloblastoma, these were easy which bone neoplasm shows sign of sunburst appearance on radio? osteosarcoma there were many q. regarding hypoglycemia??? like it's symptoms, its treatment, who is at higher risk for it? mech. of sulphonylureas?? function of anti retraction valves in dentistry??? do behavioural therapy, fear, dose of local anesthetics well. which local anesthetic causes methemoglobinemia?? prilocaine. 2. > > >Which of the following are the primary bacterial invaders that cause pulpal infections? >1. Staphylococci >2. Facultative aerobes(answer) >3. Gram-positive strict anaerobes >4. Streptococci and gram-negative rods >5. Non-specific salivary microorganisms > >organism implicated on causing severe spreading abscesses include > >a. Fusobacterium > >b Campylobacter > >c. Enterococci > >d. Bacteroides(answer) explaination:In fact Bacteroides are one of the most numerous of the intestinal bugs and we get to see a great many everyday as about 30 % of what comes out of the intestine is bacteria! Most of the time we get on perfectly well with Bacteroides, in fact they assist in breaking down food products and supply some vitamins and other nutrients that we cannot make ourselves. The problem with Bacteroides is when they get out of the intestine and into our bodies. One of the most common results of this is an abscess, which is a big ball of puss comprised mostly of bacteria (especially B. fragilis). If the ball breaks then billions of bacteria wreak havok in the body often resulting in death. > >Acidulated phosphate fluoride solutions must be stored in containers that are made of > >1. clear glass >2. brown glass(possible answer) >3. etched glass >4. polyethylene >5. any of the above is suitable for a container > >The major reason for polishing an amalgam restoration is >1. reduce potential for galvanic reaction >2. reduce potential for plaque accumulation(answer) >3. increase the Brinell hardness of the surface >4. adapt the amalgam to open caivty margins >5. draw excess mercury to the surface to produce a stronger restoration > >? > >keeping the Kvp and msA the same and changing from the D film to E film, to keep the same intensity one should do : >a-increase KVp and mA >b-Decrease both >c-Increase kpv and decrease mA >d-Increase mA and decrease Kvp >since E speed film requires less radiation , the most logical thing will be to reduce mA & keep KVP constant, but since this does not appear , then answer may be option b. >digitalis can lead to >a-hypokalcemia >b-hypocalemia >Ans: hyperkelemia. >for an otherwise healthy patient with a acute localized perio abcess ,initial treatment must include >scale and root planning(answer) >occlusal adjustment >prescription of an antibiotic >prescription of an analgesic > >the prime advantage of vacum firing porcelain is >better countour , >less shrinkage >more translucency >increased strength(answer) > >? > >07-2 > >27. ?When evaluating an extension-base removable partial denture several years after delivery,the dentist should apply loading forces to the base area.If an indirect retainer elevates from its rest seat under these forces,these then indicate the need to >a. tighten the clasps condensing silicone d.30 > >d.20 > >c.perforation will usually happen where? > >a.bronchodilation(answer is option d) > >40. acidogenic. Stimulation of B2 receptors causes what? > >a. aciduric.lingual > >d. etc??? the q.5 > >e)5 > >53.5 > >c)4 > >d)4.pvs(answer) > >38.>b.bronchoconstriction d.70 > >42. remake the partial denture >e. is insufficient.mesial > >b.sweating c. max % of N20 for child? > >a. this brings about a transcription of specific genes. advice the patient to use the denture adhesive > > >?37. which one is the exception > >1)gingivectomy >2)gingival curretage >3)S&R . Accepted technique for the reduced pocket depth is all of the above except one .10 > >b.polyether c.polysulfide b.distal(answer) > >c. > >a)3 > >b)3. Ph of bacteria is?(what bacteria.facial > >63. How does cortisol work on receptors? cortisol binds to its receptors in the cytoplasm & the entire steroid-receptor complex is transferred to the nucleus where it combines with hormone receptor element which are soluble transcription factors. adjust the occlusion >c. > >? > >46.vasodilator b.Which elastomer is least soluble? >a. reline the base area(answer) >d. In a max 1st molar in the mesial canal.50(answer) > >e. > >73. is unclear. abrupt and forward > >????? ?b. not sure) > >72.comminuted facial fracture >c.parallel b. flatter(can be the answer.several undercut d.tapered c.>4)debridement surgery >5)osseous surgery(answer) > >? > > >64. and not noticed during PFM fabrication.injury and time of delay for treatment >b. nominal > >c. interval > >d. ratio(correct) > >b. the patient stories vary the q. adding the soft tissue inter occlusal for better denture fitting > >c. adding the bone to the chin > >b. A high palate will have what type of vibrating line? >????? ?a. > >200. What happens after fabrication intraorally? (What happens when the PFM is placed in . increase the supporting surface area(answer) > >? > >07 > >56)Debris was displaced into the hole where you place the die pin. Antibiotics help reduce pockets by > >1)resectrion >2)shrinkage(possible answer) >3)reattachment >4)regeneration > >A ridge that is broad is then? >a. ordinal > >218. Which situation would you report child neglect? >a. is incomplete) > >70. best scale for gingival index > >a. what is vestibuloplasty > >a.irregular undercut(the q.get clot to form 3. Initial objective for alveolar osteitis? >a>????? a.relieve pain(answer) > >????? b. before the casting is tried on the tooth. >2. nothing > >d. >c.the mouth at try-in?) > >a. occlusion too high(seems to be true. with primary closure what is the sequela? > >a.removed too much bone. infraocclusion? > >? > >63)The time for most finishing and polishing procedures for an indirect cast restoration is > >1.maxillary pterygoid space >b. > >220) Veneer What Do You Use To Clean It After You Try It On? >a. >275) *dental porcelain has > >1)low compressive strength >2)high hardness >3)high tensile strength >4)low impact strength > >1. only after cementing the casting. Phosphoric Acid >ans: how about hydrofluoric acid??? the above options are not correct. post op infection > >134) Swelling above maxilla opposite to the buccinator space will drain into > >a. true > >b. false??(answer) > >285) the buccal rule object can be used for vertical angulations as well > >a. after the casting is tried on the tooth.3 >1&3 >2&4(answer) >4 only >all of the above > >283) a lesions of non endodontic origin remains at the apex of the suspected tooth regardless of xray cone angulations > >a. Pumice >d. Ethanol >b. before and after cementing the casting. true??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????(yes true) . > >106) * Alveoloplasty with excessive flap reflection. >3.(answer.(answer) >b.2. i am sure) >4. but not sure about this) >b. Hydrochloric Acid >c.Shortened vestibule. laterotrusive obstruction >c.area facial to space should have more options the above two don't seem likely to me. >3. sequestration in the body fats(answer) > >7-5 > . oblique >c.> >b. microfilled > >316) Using pins to retain amalgam restorations increases the risk of >1. adding small amt of salt to the water before mixing >b. decreasing the water /powder ratio by a small amount ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (answer) >c. occlusally and parallell to path of insertion. hydroxylation and oxidation.(answer) > >311) which of the following not used to restore incisal edge of tooth > >a. All of the above(answer) > >319)the periodontium is best able to bear forces directed to a tooth > >1 horizontally >2 laterally >3 obliquely >4 vertically ???????????(answer) > >322) which of the foll modifications to the standard procedure for mixing gypsum products will increase the compressive strength of set material > >a. patient's experiences >b. thermal sensitivity >4. cracks in the teeth >2. periodontal ligament invasion >A. (1) (2) (3) >B. hybrid?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? >d. (4) only >E. macrofilled(answer. oxidation. reduction. >D. >C. in fact macrofilled is not used at all) >c. micro hybrid >b. pulp exposures. horizontal >d. (1) and (3) >C. family and friends(answer) > >308) definition of retention as applied to cast restoration is the ability of the restoration to resist dislodgement by forces directed in > >a. false > >302) most of dental fear come from >a. (2) and (4) >D. decreasing the mixing time > >325) The chief mechanism by which the body metabolizes short-acting barbiturates is > >A. >B. apical >b. using warmer water >d. (1) and (3) > >C. redirect the forces of occlusion.underextended vertically > >ans: cheek biting & lip biting are due to insufficient horizontal overlap(overjet) so the answer is option c (underextended in the transverse dimension) if q. compared to a >Type IV gold alloy. What is the problem? >ans:anterior teeth set far too superiorly & labially(anteriorly) given in decks. 93. All of the above.APF . provide intraradicular venting. provide retention for a cast crown. >is it too far labially? > >122. > >02 > >81. (1) (2) (3) > >B. What flap procedure is used to remove a mandibular torus? > >a. to prevent lip biting: resetting anterior teeth to have adequate overjet & overbite. underextended facially >4. 4.>The higher modulus of elasticity of a chromium-cobalt-nickel alloy. > >C. is about how will u treat a patient with cheek biting: ans: by grinding the buccal surface of mandibular molars to create horizontal overlap. a shorter retentive arm. > >D. (4) only(answer) > >E. > >4.vit c is responsible for abnormal osteoid cheek biting in dentures due to ???? > >1. > >3.overextend flange >3. more taper.muscle function >2. (2) and (4) > >D. means that chromiumcobalt-nickel partial denture clasp will require > >A. > >2. a shallower undercut. strengthen a weakened tooth. a heavier cross section for a clasp arm.(answer) > >? > >A cast post and core is used to > >1. > >A. > >B.patient with a new denture has a problem pronouncing F and V sounds. IV injection of 50% dextran water > >c. > >168.5-1 mg of glucagon. smear cytology > >b. > >44 inadequate attached gingiva without any periodontal symptom or sign WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? > >? > >no treatment is necessary(Correct) > >88 what is the optimal incisal reduction of anterior porcelain fused to metal crown > >a. reactive light microscopy > >c. 1mm > >b. feed patient with sugar good(ture if patient is conscious) ans: option b IV infusion of 50%dextrose 50 ml.5mm > >c. and odontogenic keratocyst? > >a. there is obvious occlusal disharmony. is missing. 2.> >b.0mm > >d. 2. > >133 what is the most definite way to differentiate ameloblastoma. IV injection of 5% dextran water > >b. What is the most likely cause? > . What should the dentist do? > >a.5mm ans: 2 mm > >107 what are the systemic effect of lidocaine and epinephrine? > >a-syncope > >b. > > >42 a patient who suffers from insulin shock turns unconscious.reposition sx flap with releasing incision > >c.reposition sx flap w/ no releasing incision ans:rectangular flap with no releasing incision(u can damage the lingual nerve with the vertical releasing incision) given in decks. How will you treat a patient with a type I furcation lesion? > >Is it SRP right? > >correct S RP.hypotensive shock maybe option a i think some part of q. reflective microscopy >ans: option c >138 when the dentist inserts in new complete denture in a patient's mouth. 1. but first give IM injection of 0. the casts were mounted at the wrong hinge axis ans: improper horizontal relationship recording (b/w maxilla & mandible) > >157 what is the cause of epulis fissuratum > >a. potentially necrotic pulp chambers by translumination . social > >b. initiate root canal treatment on the two teeth > >b. public > >d. She has six mandibular anterior teeth remaining in the mouth. the target tooth and film should be as close as possible. keep the film and the target tooth as parallel as possible > >b. She is asymptomatic and there is no evidence of decay or tooth destruction. traumatic occlusion option b > >171 parallel technique in X-ray taking follows many of the rules to optimize the resultant image except for one. there are periapical radiolucency present on two mandibular central incisor. option d > >179 the tube of the dental x-ray machine is surrounded by > >a. vacuum > >b.>a. Although slight periodontal disease is present. over extention > >d. unstable denture > >b. Electric pulp testing indicates all teeth are responsive in a small fashion. under extention > >c. personal no idea about this (maybe personal!!!!) > >04 > >64. helium ans:insulating oil > >* 198 which best describes the interpersonal distance zone in which dentist usually treat their patient > >a. Radiographically. initial vertical dimension > >b. intimate > >c. a 34 years old patient present for a routine oral examination. what is this rule? > >a. identify the dark. oil > >c. the film should be placed as far to the source of X-ray as possible > >d. the incoming central ray should be perpendicular to the film and the target tooth > >c. test cavities on mandibular central incisors > >c. Which of the following is the treatment of choice > >a. B-glucuronidase > >134. gingival recession > >c. pulpectomy(answer) . bone loss > >b. How will you treat this person? > >a. recurrent lesions on ono-keratinized tissue in 20 year old female are most likely > >a. no treatment(correct) > >which tooth has the most cervical enamel projections > >a. which of the following cause the bone loss > >a. maxillary incisors mandibular 2nd molars. interleukin(ans) > >d. wear facets(ans) > >d. mandibular premolar > >b. endotoxin > >c. involuntary jerky movements of the child > >128. autism presents as a problem due to > >a. aphthous(correct ans) > >d. herpetic gingivostomatitis > >c. a 6 years old patient has acute lymphatic leukemia. shingles > >111. > >e. > >102. maxillary molars > >d. C3a. inability to communication(answer) > >d. pulpotomy > >b. C5a > >b. which of the following is a definite sign of traumatic occlusion > >a. mandibular molars > >c. food impaction > >131. child playing with hair constantly > >c. metal retardation of child > >b. extract and replace teeth with a mandibular partial denture. Her deciduous molar has a large carious lesion and furcation lucency.> >d. herpes labialis > >b. fracture of the left side > >b. platysma. thus the answer is the bleaching agent doesn't cause any dehydration of tooth structure. the jaw deviates to the right on opening and there is an open bite. vertical ramus osteotomoy is useful for mandibular setback (severe cases) it is associated with less chances of damaging the inferior alv. skin. What is the cause > >a. superficial fascia. patient presents tenderness on palpation of the right joint.> >c.bilateral sagittal split osteotomy is useful for correction of mild-moderate mandibular excess/retrognathism but it's not useful for anterior open bite(apertognathia) for apertognathia correction we need lefort I osteotomy. bilateral fracture > >c. hi. the first sign of insulin shock: i am not sure of whether it's pallor or increased sweating. the patient complains that the lower denture keeps popping up what is the most likely reason > >a. Enterococci . fracture of the right side(answer) > >d. nothing > >137. > >36 organism implicated on causing severe spreading abscesses include > >a. buccinator > >c. extraction > >d. skin. nerve 6. superficial fascia. underextended > >b. i wanted to make few corrections to some of my previous answers: 1. skin. in office bleaching whitens the tooth by all mech. symphysis fracture > >139. what do u say??? 3. Fusobacterium > >b Campylobacter > >c. overextended(ANS) 5. masseter > >b. lack of the tongue space > >c. deep cervical fascia(answer) > >166. superficial fascia. in office bleaching uses either superoxol which oxidizes the coloring agent or HCl which both demineralizes superficial tooth structure & causes etching of the tooth surface. except: the answer is by dehydrating the tooth. 2. platysma. an extra oral incision for a submandibular space abscess passes through > >a. the first statement is wrong. pallor . lidocaine > >ans: epinephrine > >24 after implant placement. better compression strength > >b. Bacteroides ans: bacteroides > >43 which drug is LEAST likely to result in an allergy reaction > >a. The detached plaques within subgingival area are the ones that are more toxic to tissue than attached plaques. immediately have healing abutments placed over the implants > >c. > >a. interfere with signal interpretation in the CNS > >d. the first statement is correct but not the second > >c. an edentulous patient should > >a.> >d. but second statement is correct > >d. avoid wearing anything for 2 weeks > >b. stopping local signal production and transduction ans: option d > >89 compared with class II plaster. should wear an immediate denture to protect the implant sites ans: maybe option 1. bisulfite > >d. both statements are correct > >b. require less water > >d. epine > >b. stopping the signal transduction in the cortex > >c. procaine > >c. stopping the upward transduction of pain signal in the spinal cord > >b. both statements are wrong ans: option a > >71 aspirin stops pain by > >a. better tensile strength > >c. >What is the first sign of a patient who is suffering from insulin shock? > >a. which one of the following is NOT the characteristics of die strength > >a.(let me find out more) > >29 there are more detached plaques within supragingival plaques than subgingival plaques. higher expansion >ans: better tensile strength is not a charactersitic of any gypsum product. patients with angina > >b. 2% > >e 25% ans: 35-40% > >183 with a modified Widman flap you mostly reduce bone if > >a. 15% > >b. patients with hypertension > >c. adaptation of trial bases and CD are different > >b. osseous restructuring > >c. 55% > >d. shaking > >c. 35% > >c. This might have been caused by which of the following? > >a. removal of infected osseous tissue > >d removal of malignancy tissue in MWF bone is removed only if it interferes with adaptation of flap margin. compensate for improper face bow transfer ans: option a > >04 > >5 Class II amalgam restoration has a overhang at gingival margin. it is not used in routine osseous surgery where bone removal/osseous restructuring is contemplated. (sure ans) > >184 why do clinical remount > >a. poor adaptation of the matrix band > >b. patient with COPD >ans: option c >180 what percent of lower molar first molar have 4 canals > >a. patients with asthma > >d. poor carving > . compensate for VDO > >c.> >b. sweating > >d. nervousness ans: pallor > >142 which kind of parents can not be treated with b-blocker as anti-arrithymic medication > >a. adapt the flap margin > >b. low compressive strength > >b. Dental management of hearing impairment patient?? > . all of the following are mechanism of action of N2O > >a. mandibular ramus > >b. high impact strength ans. increased half life > >c. biocompatible > >d. a non working interference occurs in which of the following? > >Ans---maxillary lingual and lower buccal > >148.>c. after a gingivectomy how does the site heal > >a. pharmacokinetics and biotransformation of drugs is affected in the elderly due to > >a. high tensile strength > >c. endothelium of the blood vessel > >d. from the epithelium of the pockets > >b. rapid biotransformation > >b. did not wedge the matrix band ans: option c > >114. primary intention option d > >153. biocompatible > >160. rapidly reversible > >c. mylohyoid ridge > >d. epithelium of the adjacent alveolar mucosa > >c. what best describes porcelain > >a. decreased renal excretion ans: decreased renal excretion > >141. What is the problem if you want to perform apically repositioned flap surgery in the mandibular second and third molar areas > >a. poor blood supply to the area external oblique ridge > >193. rapid biotransformation in the liver ans: option c > >170. increased onset of action > >b. external oblique ridge > >c. and d only?? i know a & c are true . breakdown in the liver > >c. correct mandibular retrognathia > > remove the unsupported enamel ans: option b > >261 a patient early recovery from an ultrashort acting barbiturate is related primarily to ? > >a.. a. 2-4 min d. what about d??? > >309 how long after eating is the PH in the mouth significantly lower > >a. 10-15 min 2-4 min.trim margins > >B-?? ?hatchet to smooth the proximal walls ??& GMT. breakdown in the blood > >e. correct a mandibular protrusion > >b. redistribution > >b. Hatches and gingival trimmer different in what? > >A-?? hatchets to remove unsupported enamel & GMT . midface ecto > >c. increase VDO. mandibular retro > >b. increased interocclusal distance? option c > >321 postural hypotension is a common complaint of patients who take antihypertensive agents because many of these agents interfere with the . > >313 which of the following can cause bilateral angular cheilitis in a patient with complete denture > >a. it is safer and in the operation room and less painful > >c. binding to plasma protein >ans: option a >291 what is the advantage of sagittal split osteotomy over the transoral vertical subcondylar osteotomy > >a.c. excretion in the urine > >d. 10-30 min b. improper centric relation > >c. correct mandibular prognathism and apertognathia > >e. > >b. maxillary prog not sure > >212.. 1-2 hours c.>?speak slowly and using sign language. > >203 Studer-Weber syndrome > >a. 3-6 hours e. all of the above > >f. sympathetic control of vascular reflexes > > stimulation of salivary glands >4.if an autogenous bone graft was made in mandible after 1 year where is the bone within the cavity from? >a-from the autogenous bone cells >b-from the peripheral cancellous bone >c-peripheral from cancellous bone. epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla > >d. parasympathetic stimulation >2.which one gives the best image of TMJ >a-panorex >b-MRI >c-CT >d-transcranial MRI(soft tissue) > >78.incease in saliva after wearing denture due to >1.In the case with the 11 year old child who had cystic fibrosis .which saliva is most acidic? >a-fresh >b-just after meal >c-old saliva option c(not sure) >92. which sedation did you chose? > >a-Oral benzodiazepam > >b-conscious sedation > >c-Valium conscious sedation > >? >90. center from bony graft option a > > stimulation of sympathetic ganglion >option a >91.If an autograft fails. it is because of >a)infection >b)autoimmunity >c)not compatible >d)lack of nutrition lack of nutrition > >63. option a > >43.sympathetic stimulation >3. parasympathetic control of vascular resistance > >e. neuromuscular transmission in skeletal muscles > >ans.Dietary deficiency of vitamin D can result in? . release of acetylcholine in the ganglia > >c.> > phobia is hard to eliminate because is? >A) self reinforcing >B) become habit >C) patient can not seen self reinforcing > >68. the child behaves as if he is dumb.>a. Osteitis fibrosa cystica >c. > >What asthma drug causes oral fungal infection? > >a-Theophilline > >b-terbutaline > >c. Osteosarcoma >ans: depends on location. usually squamous cell carcinoma have 50% or more of survival rate. Abnormal formation of osteoid >b. >Generalized hypercementosis is MOSTLY SEEN IN? >a.corticostero ans: corticosteroids as they depress immune function they cause fungal infection. autism is a heridetary condition leading to failure of communication skills. Osteogenesis imperfecta osteoid tissue 7.pagets disease > >Âns: Paget's dis > >(07-1) > >Which of the following characteristics of autism presents a major obstacle to successful dental management of an ambulatory patient > >a. Squamous cell carcinoma >b. automation. >c)pan >d)substraction id >ans: i think it's digital subtraction radiography. Adenocarcinoma >c. impaired communication >b. apparent insensitivity to pain >c. hypothyoidsm >b. inability to perform fine-motor activities > >d. Myositis ossificans >e.acromegly >c. >Pulpectomy and filling a Mnd Molar. > > What is used to chk bone volume radiograph: > >a)bw >b)p. >Which of the following has the BEST survival rate? > >a. osteosarcoma :worst prog. where would you most likely perforate? > > > >Lingual or mesial ans: lingual. adenocarcinoma most commonly occurs in lungs & GI tract & has very bad prognosis. Pagets disease >d.a. >Tearing of the flap is MOST commonly > . such as hair twirling and body rocking               >ans: impaired communication. second is true. & one applies press. >ans:intial /early : increase in GCF is the first sign of developing gingival inflammation >When do you make the custom tray for pfm crown? > >a.>a. no longer used . second is false.envelope incision >c.gingival inflammation >b. advanced . First statement is false.broken abutments >ans: gingival inflammation >When is gypsum strongest >a. both true >d. first statement is true second false >b.semilunar incision          ans:semilunar incision. > >a. after final impression >b. histologically bone destruction has been noted.wear >d. Staphylococci >2. because it provides very limited access & if the lesion turns out to be larger. b4 final impression >c. > >Increase of gingival crevicular fluid starts to occur in which stage of inflammatory perio disease > >a. Facultative aerobes >3. around the margins of the flap. >ans:both statements are true >What is the clinical ‘hallmark’ of a chronic periradicular abscess? > >a. Both statements are false. Non-specific salivary microorganisms      >Ans:facultative aerobes >Trauma 4m occlusion with implants does not cause > >a. at final set >b. established >c. First statement is true. initial early >b. Both statements are true >b.prognosis of cracked teeth varies with extent and depth of the crack? >a. 1 hour after >c. it tears plus it heals with lot of scarring . > >Which of the following are the primary bacterial invaders that cause pulpal infections? > >1.repeated incision in the same place >b. both false >ans: option b >There usually is no lesion apparent radiographically in acute apical periodontitis. Gram-positive strict anaerobes >4.broken screws >e.mobility >c. after prep >d. firt false second true >c. 24 hours > >Âns:final set. However. >c. Streptococci and gram-negative rods >5. >d. Sinus tract drainage . Large periradicular lesion >b. b4 prep >ans:before preparation/ >Vertical root fractures are also called cracked teeth . Type I diabetes is characterized by absolute insulin deficiencey due to non functioning by pancreatic islets. poor oral hygiene. >d.body > >b.coronid > >d. during delivery of denture >D. B) Why is oral hypoglycemic drugs not used in type I diabetes? >ans. after constructing study cast and treatment plan >C. during try in  appointment >B. after the final cast >ans: option b 8.angle > >c. therefore are not much useful in type I DM oral sulphonlyureas do have a mild stimulatory effect on pancreatic islets. > > >(M) Prognosis of periodontal disease is worse in?  3 x in the exam > >a-African Americans > >b-Caucasians/ > >c-Asians > >d-Latino >ans.when we do the occlusal adjustment >A. Granulation tissue in the periapex. >ans: sinus tract drainage >The office bleaching changes the shade through all except > >1)dehydration >2)etching tooth >3)oxidation of colorant >4)surface deminearalization ans: surface demineralization (not sure) > >In constructing upper complete denture against lower natural dentition . BODY > >Most common spot for Lymphangioma is? > >Tongue?? The anterior two-thirds on the dorsal surface of tongue is the most common site for intraoral Lymphangiomas leading to macroglossia.>c. african americans ( sure ) > > > (S)Most common fracture in mand is at? 2 x in exam > >a. and bleeding from tongue associated with oral trauma.[3]. > . Cyst formation.ramus > >Ans. oral hypoglycemic drugs act by increasing uptake & utilization of glucose.[4] These patients tend to have speech disturbances. 5mg at a concentration of 1:1000.OH > >d.3-0. fluid retention & raises blood volume & BP. 2. > >I KNOW IT INCREASES BLOOD PRESSURE! DO YOU KNOW MORE?? > > > > >(Ma) DOSE OF EPI GIVEN TO PT WITH HYPERTENSION SHOULD NOT EXCEED? > >a.>How to TX moderate ANXIETY? > >N20??/hydroxyzine is also a safe anxiolytic in children.acts on vascular smooth muscles & causes peripheral vasoconstriction raising BP.4mg ans: 0.gingivectomy > >Âns.0. > > >DOSE OF EPI GIVEN FOR PT WITH ANAPHILAXIS SHOUL BE? >0.stimulates release of aldosterone from zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex.3mg > >0.003mg ans. can be repeated after 10 min. > > >(P) Pulse rate and respiratory rate are? > Pulse rate and respiratory rate are? >a-nominal > >b-ordinal > >c-interval > >Âns: interval????(not sure ) > >How to treat pubertal gingivitis? > >a-deep scaling and root planning > >b-clorexidhine mouth rinse > >c.04mg. OH > >Type 2 Diabetes (NIDDM) mellitus more common in? ASKED 3 X . aldosterone causes Na+ retention & k+ excretion. can't be sure without seeing options) > > > >What is the effect of Angiotensin? angiotensin II has two effects: 1. > >How to TX severe ANXIETY? > >Benzodiazepine??? (seems to be ok. look for it in options.0.03mg > >0. given by intramuscular route only.04mg > >b-0. > >Person is known to be “Active listener” when he does what? > >a.body movement > >b.eyebrow movement > >Âns: eye movement > > > > >As the maxilla resorbs it becomes what? > >a.Africans > >c.eye movement > >c.Asians > >d. How can he say the pt is paying attention? > >a.short.notes down all the information succinctly > >d.short.Americans > >Âns: blacks in all ages have an increased incidence of type II diabets.Africans > >c.body posture > >d.> >a.Non-Hispanic Whites > >Âns: The highest incidence is among whites and among Hispanic children in the Philadelphia.Asians > >d.paraphrases what is said > >b-maintain eye contact with speaker > >c.Hispanics > >b.narrow > >b. PA area (where most Hispanics are Puerto Rican).Hispanics > >b. > >Type 1 diabetes more common in? ASKED 2 X > >a.Native Americans > >e.maintains eye contact with speaker > >Dentist is giving OH instructions to pt. followed by black and Mexican-American children.wide > .ask questions > >Âns :B. odontogenic keratocyst > >b.: odontogenic keratocyst(will confirm tomorrow) > >Pt snores in the middle of the procedure The dentist should? > >a. > >WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP OF CORTICOSTEROIDS AND NUCLEAR RECEPTOR? > >ans.(given in book) > >What is the effect of taking ACE inhibitors (captopril) and diuretics simultaneously? > >??? dehydration??? Or hypovolemia??? > >Âns:dehydration seems to be more logical. 1. narrow > >Âns: short & narrow (sure) mandible becomes wide . > >Dentist making cast post-core crown when will you finish the margins of the left over tooth structure? > >a-before wax up and impression making > >b-before cementation of cast post > >c-after cementation > >Âns.large. i didn't understand the question itself.steroids act on intracellular receptors which act as transcripton factors. i hope the above questions are easy to understand now.stop tx and wake him up > >c. i think some details are missing.lateral periodontal cyst > >c.>c. wide > >d. HEX internal : same function as above but the hexagonal portion extends out from its coronal part of the .reposition pt’s head > >b.radicular cyst > >Âns. it was asked in Part I.continue while he is sleeping > >Âns:stop treatment & wake him no tx > >d. so edentulous patients over time develop CLASS III occlusion. > >Which can be confirmed strictly by histology? > >a. 9.dentigerous cyst > >d. HEX:INTERNAL a hexagonal portion of the body of the implant within its coronal aspect that mitigates rotational tendencies of attached components. palate ulcer. some says ultrasound so unless we know the answer options we can't say for sure.. clinical trial study. function of analog: An implant analog is for supporting an article that is used to develop a dental prosthesis.. contraindications of nitroglycerine. instead it shows PERIOSTEAL INTERGRATION in which the implant is retained by a dense collagen fibrous sheath continous with the outer layer of periosteum.helix.. or quad helix. 11. how much %?population has dental phobia > >?4. The main body includes an upper surface for contacting the article that is used to develop a dental prosthesis.. > >6. amount of bone resorption around implant surface: 0. 3.. due to trauma after the birth. The analog includes a groove extending inward along a periphery of the main body below the upper surface for receiving a soft modeling material that replicates gingival tissue. to some question paper. > >5. 3. i hope this helps u.. mode & median.turner tooth syndrome . some spiral tomorgraphy. implant analog: (implant try in) a replica or slightly undersized near -replica of the body of a speicific implant configuration used for testing the size of a prepared implant osteotomy.. w.Amphetamine? for ADHD.. The analog provides a main body for being anchored in a model of a mouth of a patient. osteo conduction.maxillary osteotomy. > >7.8mm first year then after 0. . 2mm. for Acute asthematic attack > >8. osteo genesis. not given in this book) 5. > >2. how this distance is measured??? ans. unless u can provide me with possible answer options this question is difficult acc. 10.body of an to decrease the pnumbra of the x-ray.. some says ct scan. defi of osteo induction.answer is necrotizing sialometaplasia . mobility of the implant is the biggest evidence of IMPLANT FAILURE 7 a subperiosteal implant does not show osteointegration. cohort study. that's given in decks. also find out definitions of case control study. mean.1 mm/year. dist b/w 2 implants: 7 mm (acc. (not sure if this is an option or not) 4. herpes simplex. Material for forming a soft tissue model flows into the groove to create a corresponding rib in the soft tissue model that allows the soft tissue model to be properly registered on the underlying stone model. treatment of bilateral cross bite in 40 years old woman. to this book a millimeter measuring rod can be used for accurate radiographic assessment of the dist. > >3. the distance of an implant from mandibular canal/maxi sinus seems to be min. dist b/w inf alveolar canal & implant : 1-2 mm. retrospective study.min length of implant : 10mm (sure) 6.Salbutamole. how this dist is measured ?? i don't know .. >1. .vicryl (polyglactic acid).. 151 forcep for lower anterior teeth removal > >32.. A patient of epileptics in the clinic.AIDS treatment..> >9. atenolol & metoprolol > >28.. 9 years > >33....trismus . > >14. clindamycin > >22....? arch loss.... > >? occlusion. sun ray appreance. remove all the sharp object near him > >31.multiple sclerosis patient . normaocclusion > >15.. cross-sectional study > >20.xray.. LA dose . most coomon cause? pericoronitis > >12.TMJ disc displacement... which composite . by inhibiting uptake of nor epinephrine & serotonin.... Age at which 12 primary and 12 secondary teeth in the mouth.. Antihistamine which block H2 receptors...class 3 Malocclusion. normal > >19......chromic gut.. Increase ..most common developmental anamoly. succinylcholine M/A persistent depolarization at the neuromuscular junction it is an anti nicotinic drug acting to produce neuro muscular blockade by causing persistent depolarization of .. cleftpalate and lip > >17.posterior palatal seal importance .. osteogenic and osteoconductive > >?????????????????????????????? disadvantage ..cardioselective antihypertensive drug...on the attached gingiva > >10..Dovel post .. Rantidine > >??????????????????????????????????????????????H1. most common graft .. > >23..tricyclic antidepressant M/A.. physical strength.. supraocclusion .ans... infraocclusion ...if debries? get in the post space . condyle back and disc forward > >11...... osteosarcoma > >18..Thumb sucking doesn't have . class3 malocclusion > >16. which head gear reverse pull head gear > >24.. resorable suture material . compensate for the shrinkage of denture > >13. > >21..pyogenic granuloma. decrease. ans.penicillin allergy. hybrid type > >26.... only B1 action not B2 .?? citrazine > >30.Thiazide?drug.. deepbite > >25Class 4. Zidovudine > >29.... iliac crest graft > >34.polylactic acid > >35. cancelous bone advantage. mandible canine loss..oral cancer incident in hospital.. we give K+ supplement > >27...cleft palate. Function of Hex in the implant.. Moyers mixed dentition analaysis. acute inflamation. SNA. Silicate > >42.. main growth center of mandible . > >61. > >44. 1st .chamfer margin. what is the value of ANB... inhibits maxillary growth & promotes mandibular growth forwards. > >55. SNB-78.. leeway space is utilized by.. lichen palnus > >57.6-9week > >52.84. adenoid > >45. most soluble cement . apically postioned flap > >49.the nerve memb.. HCL > >46. most common intraoral tumor. > >36. condylar cartilage > >51. Wickm's striae. herpes > >59. ossifying fibroma treatment .... . extention of LF -2 fracture lines. from one hamular notch to the other... multiple osteoma. corticosteriod are avoided in ..Furcation Grade clssification? question > >47.... Surgery > >54. used to produce skeletal muscle relaxation prior to endotracheal intubation.. what is the surgical procedure to increase attached gingiva.. craters > >60. Cleft palate in which trimester .extension of posterior palatal seal . same color appears different under different light source... mesial shift > >55.... to measure the width of the unerupted canine and premolar from the width of lower anterir teeth > >58. Indication of Band and loop space maintainer.. C/f of petuz Jeger syndrome > >56..which acid is used for Pickling ... to meaure the undercuts > >54. treatment of Purpura. fuction of survey. > >37. Single tooth loss unilaterlally > >53..... allergy due to methyl parabine > >39.? 6 > >48..metamerism. sialography is not done in .. Gardner's syndrome > >62. prevent the denture from lifting up from the tissue > >41.Herbst appliance? function for correction of class II .. Function of indirect retainer in prostho.. > >50.L... i didn't understand the question > >38. with torpedo bur > >40.type-2 dentine dysplasia features..most common bone deformity.A.. selfresorable > >43.... Ansiced.S.x-ray one half is very dark. dentine. Gold... articane . Tooth ankylosis.Amiodarone ...Water view...? to split the tooth . defects in muscle proteins. Antifibrinolytic Aminocaproic acid is used to treat excessive postoperative bleeding. rest were through liver > >85.increases the penitrating power of the x-rays > >69.... and the death of muscle cells and tissue > >74. Bespar....Bibeveled chisel. anterior mandible > >75. Anti benzdizapine > >80.? Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of genetic. Anxiron...DMFT index..> >63. Buspinol.. Gorlin cyst site predilection.. multiple myeloma > >73. Its structure is unrelated to those of the benzodiazepines.. Cervical burn is confused for proximal caries > >67.. Buspirone (brand-names Ansial. focal spot size decreases..[1][2] >81..Ulcer not healing in two weeks . only one half of the film is in developer > >64..Al-filtration effect. Buspisal.Cusp tip caries .Thermal test most reliable for primary teeth > >84...Bens Jones proteins .. Sorbon) is an anxiolytic agent and a serotonin receptor agonist belonging to the azaspirodecanedione class of compounds.muscular atrophy etiology....Acute narrow angle glaucoma > >82.Gy > >70. in kidneys in children > >72. but it has an efficacy comparable to diazepam in treating generalized anxiety disorder. increases sharpness > >65.Abnormal growth at noraml place > >76. One scenario where it may be useful is to treat bleeding after dental extractions in patients with hemophilia..... Narol. For both suraventricular as well as ventricular arrhythemia > >83.. Dentine > >78. class 6 > >77 Least dense.[1][2] Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness. BuSpar.Buspiron ans.. because the oral mucosa is rich in plasminogen activators. F? for filled > >66. Spitomin. Flumazenil ... A meta-analysis found that lysine analogs like aminocaproic acid significantly reduced blood loss in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting > >86. hereditary muscle diseases that cause progressive muscle weakness.. biopsy > >71.. which one is metabolised in plasma. replacemental resorption > >79..wilm's tumor. Buspimen...hemartoma.I unit of Rad. It can be given orally or intravenously.. Axoren. Aminocaproic acid. maxillary sinus > >68.. amalgam.contraindication of diazepam.. 20% are an isolated cleft lip (18% unilateral. begins at the incisive foramen and contains a bony section and a muscular section. The incidence among whites is one in 1. The incidence of cleft palate varies by race.6 in 1. sodium valproate. The incidence among Japanese newborns is 2. the palate consists of 2 parts. The medial nasal prominences form the intermaxillary (premaxillary) segment. the anterior (primary) palate and the posterior (secondary) palate. The lateral palatine processes appear at about the sixth week of gestation.3 in 1.000 newborns. African Americans have an incidence of 0. Native Americans have an incidence of 3. with the highest rate among American Indians. Etiology: Palate formation begins at the end of the fifth week of gestation. also increase the incidence of clefting.6 cases per 1000 live births. which ultimately are derivatives of the first branchial arch. 2% bilateral). Bifid uvula occurs in 1 of 80 patients and often occurs in isolation. At this stage. These shelves are originally on either side of the tongue. incidence of cleft lip: The incidence of cleft lip and palate not associated with a syndrome is one in 700 newborns. with an incidence of 1 case in 1200-2000 patients. Fusion of the hard palate begins anteriorly and continues posteriorly in the eighth week of gestation.000 newborns. Environmental factors that increase the risk of cleft lip and palate include cigarette and alcohol use during pregnancy. with no clefting of the palatal muscles. Some drugs. and methotrexate.000 newborns. at 3. which comprises the primary palate and incisor teeth. The secondary palate. with 0. They comprise the deep portions of the maxillary prominence that form 2 horizontal structures or palatal shelves. Submucous cleft palate is more common. As the tongue moves downward in the seventh week of gestation.000. 50% are a cleft lip and palate (38% unilateral. depending on the study population. The incidence of isolated cleft palate (without cleft lip) is 1 case in 2000 live births. The pregnant mother's nutrition may affect the incidence of clefting as well . which is formed by the lateral palatal processes.1 in 1.12.3 cases per 1000 live births. and 30% are a cleft palate alone. and the lowest rate among African Americans. namely. The primary palate extends posteriorly to the incisive foramen. the lateral processes grow medially. such as phenytoin. some of the fact regarding cleft palate: The overall incidence of cleft palate with or without cleft lip is 1 case in 1000 live births. Among the total number of clefts. 12% bilateral).
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