Rebate Process in SAP

March 25, 2018 | Author: Anupa Wijesinghe | Category: Accrual, Invoice, Rebate (Marketing), Payments, Business (General)



ContentsWhat is a Rebate? ......................................................................................................................................... 2 Configuring Rebates ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Define Condition table .............................................................................................................................. 6 Define Access Sequence ........................................................................................................................... 7 Define Condition Type .............................................................................................................................. 9 Define Pricing Procedure ........................................................................................................................ 12 Configuring the Rebate Agreement ........................................................................................................ 15 Configuring Condition Type Groups ........................................................................................................ 25 Assigning Condition Types to Condition Type Groups ............................................................................ 26 Assignment of Condition Type Groups to Rebate Agreement Types ..................................................... 27 How to create a Rebate agreement in SAP ................................................................................................. 28 Scenario: ............................................................................................................................................. 29 Process flow ........................................................................................................................................ 29 Managing Rebate Agreements and Payments ........................................................................................ 35 Creating Partial Settlements ................................................................................................................... 37 Manual Accruals ...................................................................................................................................... 42 Correction Documents ............................................................................................................................ 44 Final Settlements .................................................................................................................................... 46 How to update existing billing documents with new rebate conditions ................................................ 48 More tips: ................................................................................................................................................ 51 What is a Rebate? In the practical business world you would have seen some businesses give discounts to the customer; if he/she reaches a certain amount of gross sales for a certain period (May be for a year or 6 month) for specific set of products. Sometimes some businesses offer certain amount of money back; if the customer buys certain products from them. Those are fall under REBATES AGREEMENTS, not discounts or any other. Therefore those rebate conditions will apply only on applicable invoices (When rebate agreement is applicable only for certain products that customer buys not all products he/she buys) as accruals (Cumulative value of applicable invoices only), not like normal discounts which apply on individual invoice value). You can keep a track of applicable individual invoices & amounts within the rebate agreement itself. Once applicable customer invoices reach the agreed amount in the rebate or once we decide to pay out any rebate amount to the customer, we can create a rebate settlement. This process will be handled through a credit memo request in SAP. Once you pay that, it reverses the accrued amount for that rebate. Configuring Rebates IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing Figure 1: IMG Path for Rebate Processing Prerequisites 1. In the Payer partner function, “Rebate” field should be ticked – Path: Customer master / Sales Area / Billing Document tab Figure 2: Activate Rebate for Payer Partner Function 2. The billing type should be ticked as “Relevant for rebates” IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Activate Rebate Processing -> Select billing documents for rebate processing Figure 3: Path to activate Rebate Processing Figure 4: Select Billing Document for Rebate processing Billing Type must be ticked for “Relevant for rebate” Figure 5: Billing Type should be ticked for Rebates 3. The sales organization must be ticked as “Rebate proc. active” IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Activate Rebate Processing -> Activate rebate processing for sales organizations Figure 6: Activate Rebates for Sales Organization Figure 7: Sales Organization should be marked for Rebates Define Condition table Rebates use the condition technique as pricing, but;  Conditions in rebates – apply on transactions over a time period  Conditions in pricing – apply on a transaction Creation of rebate condition tables is same as creating pricing condition tables. IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Condition technique for rebate processing -> Maintain condition tables for rebate Figure 8: IMG Path: Maintain condition tables for Rebates Note: Rebates have their own field catalog and their own condition table naming convention. You can have two condition tables “001”; one for pricing and one for rebates, which could have different key fields. If you want to query the tables with transaction SE16, you need to use the technical names: AXXX for normal pricing and KOTEXXX for rebates. “XXX” stands for the table number. Eg: A002 for Pricing & KOTE002 for Rebate conditions. Define Access Sequence IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Condition technique for rebate processing -> Maintain Access Sequences Figure 9: IMG Path: Maintain Access Sequences Please note that you have to put “Relevant for Rebate” Control for the Access Sequence that you defined for Rebates. Figure 10: Access Sequence relevant for Rebates It is very much similar to access sequence in pricing. But you won’t get “Exclusion” flag available for rebate-related access sequences. What is “Exclusive” condition access Indicator? It controls whether the system stops searching for a record after the first successful access for a condition type within an access sequence. This means multiple tables for an access sequence could apply at the same time. A Price related Access Sequence – This has the “Exclusive” check box option Figure 11: Exclusive Check Box in Price related Access Sequence A rebate related Access Sequence – This doesn’t have the “Exclusive” check box option Figure 12: No Exclusive Check Box option for Rebate related Access Sequence Define Condition Type IMG path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Condition technique for rebate processing -> Define condition types Figure 13: IMG Path: Define condition types Rebate-related condition types are identified by condition class “C” (Expense Reimbursement). Figure 14: Condition Class in Rebate related Condition Types Most of the fields that you can see in regular pricing conditions type will be hidden here. Refer below for more details on some of those unique fields that you can see in a rebate condition type. “Rebate proc.” field – 2 values are available. Figure 15: “Rebate proc.” Field in Condition Type Blank - For condition types such as material rebates where the rebate payment is based on sales volume. Accruals are then posted automatically every time you process a billing document which is relevant for the rebate agreement. The accruals amount posted is determined by the accruals rate defined in the condition record. Set the indicator 'A' - For condition types such as lump sum payments where the rebate payment is based on promotional performance, for example, rather than sales volume. Accruals are then posted manually (paid out as a lump sum and would require the creation of a manual accrual). You decide when accruals are to be posted and for which amount. Eg: If you give $1000 rebate for customer to displays your product at his store for a certain time, you have to create a one-time manual accrual of $1000. Once the agreed time is over & you’re satisfied, you can create a lump sum payment in that amount, which would reverse the accrual and pay the amount to the customer. “Provision con.” Field – Controls whether an accrual is reduced, or corrected, by the amount of the partial payment received. Figure 16: “Provision con.” Field in Condition Type Blank - If you want the system to automatically correct accruals “A” - If you do not want to correct accruals “B” - If you have entered an accrual manually and do not want the system to change it Define Pricing Procedure IMG path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Condition technique for rebate processing -> Maintain Pricing Procedures Figure 17: IMG Path: Maintain Pricing Procedures Take a look at the Standard Pricing procedure: RVAA01 Figure 18: Rebate condition types in the Access Sequence Note:  All configuration fields will not be available for the rebate conditions. Fields “AltCTy” (Alternate condition type) and “AltCBV” (Alternate condition base value) will be locked for manual entry. Figure 19: No "AltCTy” & “AltCBV” for Rebates  You will not be able to do any manual changes to rebate conditions. Figure 20: Manual changes are not allowed for rebate conditions  The requirement “24” in column “Reqt” is used to display rebate conditions only in billing documents. If you want to have visibility of rebates at order entry time, take this Requirement “24” off from there. Figure 21: Requirement “24” in Rebate conditions Most important setting in a pricing procedure for rebate conditions is account keys. At invoice time, accruals are being created and post to accounting. This will give you visibility on how much you owe your customers based on the rebate agreement. The posting of this accrual is done by the account key in column ‘Accrls’ (Accruals). ‘Accrls’ - Account key - accruals / provisions is the Key which identifies various types of G/L accounts for accruals or provisions. With the aid of the account key, the system can post amounts to certain types of accruals accounts. For example, rebate accruals which are calculated from pricing conditions can be posted to the corresponding account for rebate accruals. Figure 22: ‘Accrls’ - Account key for Rebates The settlement document (in form of a credit memo) will use the accounts assigned to the account key in column ‘ActKy’ (Account key). This will reverse the accrued amounts and credits that amount to the customer. ‘ActKy’ - Account key is the key that identifies different types of G/L account. The account key enables the system to post amounts to certain types of revenue account. Figure 23: ‘ActKy’ for Rebates Configuring the Rebate Agreement IMG path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Rebate Agreements -> Define Agreement Types -> Define Agreement Types Figure 24: IMG Path: Define Agreement Types Refer below for more details on the fields that you see here. “Default values” section Define the defaults that apply for every rebate agreement of that type. All of these defaults can be overwritten during creation of the actual rebate agreement. Figure 25: “Proposed Valid from” & “Valid to” fields in the Rebate agreement type Proposed Valid From - Specifies the beginning validity date that the system automatically proposes when you create a rebate agreement of this type. Eg: If “Proposed Valid From date” of a rebate agreement to today’s date, all invoices from that moment on will fall under that rebate and will apply on the invoice itself. If “Proposed Valid From date” is First day of year, the system will calculate rebates for all invoices in the past, from that date on, even if they did not apply on the invoice. Those are called retroactive. Proposed Valid To - Proposed value for how long a condition should remain valid. Payment method - Figure 26: Payment method field The payment method determines how payments are to be made, e.g. by check, bank transfer or bill of exchange. Payment methods are entered in the master records of customers and vendors in order to specify how payments are made. If an open item is to be paid using a specific payment method, enter it in the open item. The terms which have been defined for the payment method must be satisfied for the payment. Payment methods are to be defined in the Financial Accounting configuration menu, where the following steps are to be carried out: 1. First of all, make all specifications that are required for a country-specific payment method. 2. Then define per company code the terms under which a payment method can be used. All payment methods are displayed in the customer or vendor master record in the screen for selecting the payment method. Here you select the required payment method by marking it; the system transfers the payment methods to the customer/vendor master record. Default Status – Specifies the default status that the system automatically proposes when you create a new rebate agreement. Figure 27: Default Status field  “B” – If you want to pre-release all your rebate agreements so that they can be processed in batch after their validity periods expire, The agreements need not be released individually released for settlement.  Blank – If you want to check each rebate agreement before it is settled. The following statuses are NOT allowed as defaults:  “C” - Credit memo request already created for settlement  “D” - Final settlement of agreement already carried out “Control data” Section Figure 28: “Control data” Section “Condition type group” field – Figure 29: “Condition type group” field Specifies a grouping of condition types and condition tables for use during rebate processing. As a rule, the condition type group consists of only one rebate condition type. However, if your rebate processing requires it, you have the following possibilities:  You can assign more than one condition type to a group  You can enter the same condition type in a group more than once and use different condition tables, or key combinations, for each instance This allows you to break down the rebate settlement within an agreement. Using more than one condition type within a group would allow you to post Eg: Part of a rebate settlement to an account for advertising costs and part to an account for administrative costs. “Verification levels” field – Figure 30: “Verification levels” field Determines the type of information you see when you display or print out the verification for a particular rebate agreement. Eg: It may be sufficient simply to display totals by customer and material for the entire validity period of the agreement. For other rebate agreements, it may be important to display every single document that contributes towards a rebate. “Different val. period” option – Figure 31: “Different val. period” option Controls whether condition records within a rebate agreement must have exactly the same validity period as the agreement itself or can have validity dates outside of the ones of the agreement. The validity period for every condition record within a rebate agreement must either be the same as that of the rebate agreement or must lie within the agreement validity period. This indicator lets you specify which of these options you would prefer. If the condition records may have a different validity period to the agreement, select this field. “Manual Accruals” option & “ManAccrls Order Type” fields – Figure 32: “Manual Accruals” option check box & “ManAccrls Order Type” field Manual Accruals tick will be ticked if you want to post manual accruals for this agreement type. Specify the sales document type which you want the system to use when you perform manual posting of accruals for a rebate agreement. You agreed to make a lump sum payment of $ 1000 to your customer if your product is displayed in front-of-store display. You have now established that your product was used in a display at the customer location and you want to post accruals for the lump sum payment. You specify the amount of accruals to be posted on the manual accruals screen in the rebate agreement. The system automatically creates a credit memo request using the document type specified here. This request must then be forwarded to Financial Accounting where the accruals are posted. “B4” is the standard SAP order type for manual rebate accruals. “Arrangement calendar” field – Figure 33: “Arrangement calendar” field The arrangement calendar defines the end of the validity period of rebate arrangements and controls their extension. The validity period end date is simultaneously the date for final settlement (for rebate arrangements with a settlement calendar) or the date for settlement (for rebate arrangements without a settlement calendar). Transaction “VB(D” can be used to extend your agreements automatically. “Manual payment” Section Figure 34: “Manual payment” Section This section defines how much can be paid out during a partial settlement. Eg: The rebate agreement is defined for a full year, but the payouts are supposed to happen on a monthly, quarterly, or any custom defined schedule. “Payment Procedure” field – Figure 35: “Payment Procedure” field Enter an indicator here if you want to allow manual payments for a rebate agreement of this type. The indicator you enter determines the amount which can be paid. For example, by selecting the appropriate indicator, you can limit the manual payment to the amount of accruals posted for each rebate condition record. Eg: If you don’t want to pay out more than what the customer is entitled to you can use “A” “Partial settlement” field – Figure 36: “Partial settlement” field Enter the sales document type which should be used when you perform partial settlement for an agreement. “Reverse accruals” Check box – Figure 37: “Reverse accruals” Check box Mark this field if you want accruals to be reversed when a manual payment is made for a rebate agreement of this type. The system reverses accruals for the amount of the manual payment. If the cumulative accruals are not sufficient, the system reverses the accruals amount which exists. “Settlement periods” field – Figure 38: “Settlement periods” field The settlement periods define that periodic partial settlement is to be carried out for a rebate agreement. This can be carried out at the relevant settlement dates. Use program RV15C001 (accessible through transaction “VB(7”) to schedule your payment runs. This will create automatic payments according to the defined schedule. “Settlement” Section Figure 39: “Settlement” Section “Final Settlement” Field – Figure 40:“Final Settlement” Field Specifies the sales document type that the system uses as a default when you request final settlement for a rebate agreement. “Correction” field – Figure 41: “Correction” field Specifies the sales document type that the system automatically uses to correct the values (for example, the sales volume) on which the rebate payment is based. When you want to pay out a settlement for a rebate agreement, the system sometimes has to correct the values on which the rebate is based. Eg: If you created a rebate condition record with a starting date in the past, the system may need to adjust the sales revenue of the customer. In this case, the system has to take into account invoices that were processed between the retroactive starting date of the condition record and the actual date on which you entered the starting date. “Minimum Status” Field – Figure 42: “Minimum Status” Field Specifies the minimum status that a rebate agreement must have before the settlement can be calculated. During the processing of a final settlement, the system checks whether the rebate agreement is assigned the minimum status. You want to make sure that a rebate agreement is only calculated by explicit request. In this case, you enter the following status as the minimum:  B - Agreement released for settlement You cannot enter the following statuses as a minimum status:  C - Credit memo request already created for settlement  D - Final settlement of agreement already carried out Text determination Section Figure 43: Text determination Section You can assign text types through standard SAP text determination to the agreement type as well, which will enable you to add comments. These comments will show on a printed rebate agreement Configuring Condition Type Groups Here you can define the condition type groups which define a group of condition types and tables for rebate processing. IMG path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Rebate Agreements -> Condition type groups -> Define condition Type Groups Figure 44: IMG Path: Define condition Type Groups Make sure that you leave the “Cat.” (Category) field blank. This defines the Condition Type Group as relevant for rebates. Sales deals share this configuration transaction and would be identified with a category of “A”. Figure 45: Category of Condition Type groups Figure 46: Condition Type groups Assigning Condition Types to Condition Type Groups IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Rebate agreements -> Condition type groups -> Assign Condition Types/Tables To Condition Type Groups Figure 47: IMG Path: Assign Condition Types/Tables To Condition Type Groups Here you assign condition types and condition tables for rebate processing and condition type groups. Figure 48: Assign condition types and condition tables to condition type groups Assignment of Condition Type Groups to Rebate Agreement Types IMG path: Sales and Distributions -> Billing -> Rebate Processing -> Rebate Agreements -> Condition Type Groups -> Assign Condition Type Groups to Rebate Agreement Types Figure 49: IMG Path: Assign Condition Type Groups to Rebate Agreement Types Here you assign condition type groups to agreement types. Figure 50: Assign Condition Type group to Rebate agreement type How to create a Rebate agreement in SAP Tx Code: VBO1 (Not ZERO it’s “O”) Menu path: Logistics -> Sales and Distribution -> Master Data -> Agreements -> Rebate Agreement -> Create Figure 51: Easy Access Path: To create a Rebate agreement The rebate agreement is the central point for processing rebates. Scenario: Customer (A300) entitles to receive 3% from his/her gross sales amount regardless of the products he/she buys within a specific time period. Process flow  Enter the relevant rebate agreement type and click on the “Organizational Data” button. . Since your rebate agreement is only depend on the customer, not with a material or group of materials, you can select “Customer Rebate” type. If your rebate is applicable only for group of products, then you have to select the relevant Rebate Agreement type. (Eg: Group Rebate or Material Rebate) Figure 52: Enter the relevant agreement type  Enter the sales area in which the rebate should be paid. Figure 53: Enter the Sales Area It is important to understand that this sales area will be used to create the rebate settlements. The condition records that are created within this rebate agreement can be for the same or for different sales areas. For example, your rebate payments are going to be made in sales area A300 / A1 / A1. However, you set up different condition records for different rates in different sales areas (1% for A300 A1/ A, 1.5% for A300 / A2 /A2, etc)  Click on the “Copy” button.  Enter the description of the rebate Figure 54: Enter description of the rebate  Enter the Rebate recipient and the currency in which the rebate payments are going to be made Figure 55: Enter the Rebate recipient and the currency The rebate recipient has to be a payer partner. You also need to make sure that the payer partner type that you are using is linked to the account group you are using for the sold-to. The rebate recipient becomes the sold-to in the rebate settlement credit memos.  Enter the Payment method Figure 56: Enter the Payment method F will get defaulted from the rebate agreement type configuration setting and can be overwritten here. In my case it’s “C”. (Figure: 26)  External description is used to identify the customer's own description of the rebate agreement.  Enter Validity period of the agreement. Figure 57: Validity Period of the agreement Same as Payment Method, defaulted from the Configuration & can be edit here. As per my Rebate agreement type configuration; “Default Valid From & To” dates appear as “First day of year” & “End of the current year” (Figure: 25)  Click on the button to create rebate condition records. Based on your Configuration in “Assign Condition Types/Tables To Condition Type Groups” Key Combinations pop up screen will appear. (Figure: 48) Since I have used only one table in my Access sequence (i.e. Customer table, (Figure 12)) for the Condition type (BO03) attached to Condition Group (BO03), I don’t get that pop up screen. (See below). If I have more than one table in the access sequence (Like for Group Rebate 0001), I should get the Key combination pop up to select the relevant combination. This works as same as Pricing access sequence in VK11 transaction. Figure 58: Assign Condition Types/Tables To Condition Type Groups Select the key combination for which you would like to create a record & Click on . You can see that the validity period for the condition record defaults from the validity period of the rebate agreement. Figure 59: Create customer rebate Enter “Customer”, “Amount” fields & press Enter. You can see the “Accrual” Column also gets the same value. The rate (What you enter under “Amount” column) represents what you are going to pay to the customer, and the accrual is what you accrue over time on invoices. Depending on the condition type, the rate can be a fixed amount or a percentage. If you create a condition that includes prices (for example, prices for a material), you enter an amount. (Calculation Type in your Rebate Condition type) – (Figure: 14) If you enter a condition rate as a percentage discount, the system automatically proposes the same percentage for the accrual rate. However, if you enter an absolute amount as the condition rate, the system cannot determine what the accrual rate should be. In this case, you must estimate, based on the customer's expected sales revenue, what the accrual rate should be and enter it manually.  Select the Condition Line & Click on Figure 60: Select the Condition Line At the bottom of the “Control Data” section of the details screen, you can see that the “Condition record was created retroactively”. This means that not only will invoice line items apply from this day forward, but also the ones that were created from the valid from-date of the condition record, until today’s date. This happens because the validity date of the agreement starts from the first day of the year. (Figure: 25) Figure 61: Control Data section of the rebate agreement condition Since a rebate settlement in SAP is reflected as a credit memo request, a Material Number is needed to generate the credit. The material for this credit memo is stored in field “Matl. f. settl.” (Material for settlement). You have to create a dummy material for this purpose & assign it here. Figure 62: Material for settlement Save the agreement. Now if you process a Sales Order/ Delivery & Billing cycle for that Sold to Party & check the Conditions tab of the Billing Document Header, you will see that Rebate condition get calculated. Figure 63: Rebate Condition in the billing Document Conditions tab Now if you highlight that Condition Line & click on , Figure 634: Go to Detail of the rebate condition type You can see the details of that Rebate condition type. Figure 645: Condition type Details Managing Rebate Agreements and Payments After several invoices are created, we can access the rebate agreement either in change (Tx. Code VBO2) or display mode (VBO3). To see which invoice line items applied, select the option. Figure 656: How to see the sales volume for a rebate There you can see the Sales Volume, & Accrual amount. Figure 67: Sales Volume & Accrual amount in a rebate If you want to change the level of detail shown, you can use to do so. The figure shown below is with the Scope “Blank” (Display all documents) option. Figure 68: Display all documents (Using Scope) Items that show accruals of 0 are invoice line items that applied retroactively. Since the rebate agreement did not exist when they were created, no accrual could be made. You can drill down to an individual invoice by clicking the invoice number once. Creating Partial Settlements Tx. Code: VBO2 Clicking the button (“Create Manual Rebate Payment”) will open the partial settlement screen. In order to do so, you have to set the “Payment procedure” field to allow Manual Payments in the Rebate Agreement Type in configuration. (Figure: 35) Figure 69: How to create a Partial Payment In the “Max amount” field you see the accrued amount as of today, which, by our configuration setting, is the maximum amount we are able to pay in a partial settlement. Enter the amount you want to pay in the “Amt. to be paid” field. Note that the amount you enter always defaults as a negative amount. Save your changes. Figure 660: Enter Amount to be paid An information message is displayed that a partial rebate settlement request was created. Figure 671: New Credit Memo Request No Note: You cannot create a final settlement until all open settlement requests are posted to accounting. The reason for that is the actual payments are updated in the rebate agreement only at accounting time, to determine what is left to pay. You can process the settlement request with transaction VA02. Figure 682: Process Settlement Request using Tx: VA02 If you check the LI / Conditions tab; Figure 693: Condition Value in the Settlement There are two entries. One is to actually credit the customer with the specified amount, the other one to reverse the accrual. Since we configured the partial settlement in the agreement type to always reverse the accrual. (Figure: 37) The amounts are always the same in a partial settlement. If you realize you made a mistake before you invoice the credit memo request, you can delete the credit memo request with transaction VA02, which will increase the available accrual amount in the rebate agreement again. In case you already invoiced the settlement, you will need to cancel the credit memo. Since you then cannot delete the credit memo request, you have to reject all the line items. You have to release the Header Billing Block in-order to create the Credit Invoice. Go to Header / Billing Figure 704: Go to / Header / Billing Release the Billing Block Figure 715: Release the Billing Block Then by using the transaction VF01, you can create the Rebate Part Settlement Invoice & make the customer payment. Figure 726: Billing Document for Rebate settlement Now to check all available Credit Memo requests & Credit Memo’s for the given rebate, you have to go to VBO2 or VBO3 & select Rebate Payments / Rebate Documents option. Figure 737: View Rebate Documents Based on the payment that you have done, you can select the relevant option. Figure 748: Select the relevant settlement type By selecting option, you’ll be able to see all available Credit Memo requests & Credit Memo’s. Figure79: Settlement Documents for the Rebate Agreement You can go in to detail level by clicking on the relevant document no. Manual Accruals Sometimes we need to make manual accruals in order to increase the accrued amounts for a given condition record. T Eg: When you create a rebate agreement in the middle of the year, but set it retroactively valid for the whole year. Then the system will take previous invoices into account, but no accruals for those invoices will be taken. If we want to make partial settlements, we would not have accrued as much as we would like to pay out. In that case we use manual accruals to increase the accrual amount. In order to know how much we need to accrue, Click on the button. Figure 80: Click on "Sales Volume" button The resulting screen will show the actual eligible rebate amount ($ 19.70) and the accrued amount ($ 8.70). Figure 81: Resulting screen for Sales Volume Manual Accrual can be done using the button option ( ) in the `”Overview Agreement Screen”. In the resulting screen we can enter the relevant accrual amount. Note: A negative amount will increase the total accrual amount and a positive amount will decrease it. Figure 82: Enter the value under "Accrual to Post" Save it. You will get an Information message for the Manual Accrual. Figure 83: Message - Manual Accrual created. Now go to VA02 & process the document relevant for the Manual Accrual & post it to FI. If you check the Order type it will be “B4” as per the configuration we did. (Figure 32) If you go back to the rebate agreement and check the sales volume, you’ll see that the accrual amount got changed. Correction Documents Correction document is same as Manual accrual, especially when you have retroactive documents, To see those differences, you can run the following report IMG Path: Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Compare Rebate Basis And Correct Accruals Figure 84: IMG Path for Compare Rebate Basis And Correct Accruals Enter the rebate agreement number & execute the report. Figure 85: Enter the rebate agreement If there is a difference between, Billing Docs & Statistics, you can directly run the button option to correct those. (but in my case there is no back logs available) Figure 86: Billing Documents Vs. Statistics This step will automatically create a “B2” correction document. (As per the configuration in Figure: 41). After invoicing this credit memo request, the billing document and statistic amounts are equal Final Settlements At the end of the rebate agreement, we can execute the final settlement to close the agreement. Before that we need to manually set the “Agreement status” field on the Overview screen to “B” - Figure 87: Agreement Status field This is a manual check that prevents us from accidentally closing the agreement. Then select the button option in the Overview screen. Please note that you have to close all Payment requests before this. (Either delete all open requests or post all to FI) – You can view them from the menu option “Rebate Payments -> Rebate Documents” Figure 88: Select the Button option "Execute Statement" You can enter the amount you want to settle here & save. Figure 89: Final settlement amount Then you can proceed with the New request document in VA02 & Post it to FI using the transaction VF01. Or else you can directly use the button option to do the final settlement directly. Figure 90: Button option - Create Final Settlement If you choose this option; you can’t manually change the final settlement amount. It will directly create the Credit Memo request for the payment & give you an information message. Then you can see the Agreement Status get changed to “Settlement has been created” Figure 91: Agreement Status field Once you bill the request (transaction VF01); Check the “Agreement Status” field again. Figure 9275: “Agreement Status” after final settlement passed to FI How to update existing billing documents with new rebate conditions This has to be done when the Rebate condition was created retroactively. Eg: Say you have created your rebate on 01/04/2009 & the validity date of your condition is from 01/01/2009. All invoices created from 01/04/2009 will automatically get updated with this rebate condition. But all the invoices created from 01/01/2009 to 01/04/2009 should be updated with this new rebate condition. Tx: Code: VBOF You have to enter following fields,  Validity end date before (This is a mandatory field)  Posting Date – In order to post the new account document created for the update.  FI-Doc.type – Use “AB”. When existing billing documents become relevant for a new rebate, the original FI postings of billing documents themselves are not updated (they have already been posted to FI). VBOF creates additional Adjusting FI postings to accrue for the rebate, as if it had been relevant at the time of billing. The system can't create these new FI postings using the same SD/FI billing document number, so the AB FI doc-type needs to be specified here. If VBOF run is successful, you should see the additional FI documents in the document flow.  Test & Changed agreements fields should be UN-TICKED.  Execute the report.  Now if you look at the Item Conditions tab in those billing documents, you can see the new rebate got apply to the billing document.  If you look at the document flow, you can see the additional document created for the rebate condition. More tips:  If you make changes to rebate relevant sub-totals in the pricing procedure, you need to recalculate these sub-totals with report using the IMG path; Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Recalculate Subtotals For Rebate Processing  If you mark a payer relevant for rebates (see Prerequisites section – Figure: 2) after the agreement was created, you should update the billing index for the invoice documents that were created since the start date of the rebate agreement using IMG path; Sales and Distribution -> Billing -> Rebate processing -> Create Billing Index Play with different scenarios, different agreement types & enjoy results! Author: Anupa Wijesinghe E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: View my profile in LinkedIn Follow me on Twitter Disclaimer This article is done based on my research and readings, unless otherwise stated. The views expressed are my own and not of anyone else. Author accepts no liability for the content of the articles in this website or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. Using this information is at the users own discretion and responsibility.
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