Real Statistics Resource Pack _ Real Statistics Using Excel
3/23/2016Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Real Statistics Using Excel Everything you need to do real statistical analysis using Excel Real Statistics Resource Pack The Real Statistics Resource Pack contains a variety of supplemental functions and data analysis tools not provided by Excel. These complement the standard Excel capabilities and make it easier for you to perform the statistical analyses described in the rest of this website. We now explain how to download and install the Real Statistics Resource Pack for use with Excel 2010, 2013 or 2016. If you are using Excel 2007 click here. If you are using Excel 2003 or a prior version of Excel click here. If you are using Excel for the Macintosh click here. Download Real Statistics Resource Pack for Excel 2010, 2013 or 2016 If you accept the License Agreement, click here on Real Statistics Resource Pack for Excel 2010/2013/2016 to download the latest Excel 2010/2013/2016 version of the resource pack that accompanies this website (Release 4.6). This software is compatible with Excel 2010, 2013 and 2016 and is named RealStats.xlam. After downloading the software make sure that you install the software as described below. Downloading this resource pack means that you accept the License Agreement. Real Statistics Resource Pack for Excel 2002, 2003, 2007 or 2011 (Mac) If you are using Excel 2007, click here for instructions on how to download and install the Real Statistics Resource Pack. If you are using Excel 2003 or a prior version of Excel, click here for instructions on how to download and install the Real Statistics Resource Pack. If you are using a Macintosh version of Excel, click here for instructions on how to download and install a beta version of the Real Statistics Resource Pack. Installation Before trying to install the Real Statistics Resource Pack make sure that Excel’s Solver capability is installed on your computer. Check this as follows: 1. Open up a blank Excel spreadsheet 2. Press AltTI (i.e. hold down the Alt key and press the T and I keys). 3. On the dialog box that appears make sure that the Solver addin is checked. If not, check it and click on the OK button. 4. If the Solver addin was not checked you need to close the Excel file before proceeding to the next step. Once you have downloaded the Resource Pack and made sure that Solver is installed, you need to install the Real 1/60 3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Statistics Real Pack using the following steps: 1. Move the Resource Pack to where you want it located on your computer (see our recommendation below). Caution: once you install the resource pack at a particular location it will be more difficult to move it later. 2. Open Excel, but don’t try to open the realstats.xlam file that you downloaded earlier. 3. Select File > Help|Options > AddIns and click on the Go button at the bottom of the window (see Figure 1). Alternatively you can simple press AltTI (i.e. hold the Alt key down and simultaneously press T followed by I) and the dialog box shown in Figure 2 will appear. Figure 1 – Addins dialog box 1 4. Check the Realstats option on the dialog box that appears (see Figure 2) and click the OK button. 5. If this option doesn’t appear, click on Browse to find and choose the realstats.xlam file. Then complete step 4 as described above. Figure 2 – Addins dialog box 2 While you can place the Real Statistics Resource Pack anywhere on your computer, we recommend that you put the file in the following folder: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns 2/60 3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel where username is your user name in Microsoft Windows. Since some of these folders are hidden, you may find it convenient to enable showing hidden folders. E.g., in Window 7 you can do this by opening the Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options and then clicking the View tab. Now in the Advanced settings, click Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then click OK. Installation of Upgrades Once you have installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack as described above, to install a new version of the software you don’t need to repeat these steps. You only need to delete the previous version of the resource pack and put the new version of the software in the same location as the previous version. Real Statistics Functions Once you have installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack you can use the Real Statistics functions in the same way as you use the builtin worksheet functions supplied with Excel. These functions are described throughout the rest of this website. A complete list of these functions can be found in Real Statistics Functions and Real Statistics Multivariate Functions. Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools You can access the Real Statistics data analysis tools in one of the following ways, as described in Accessing Real Statistics Data Analysis Tools: By pressing Ctrlm or By clicking on an icon on the AddIns ribbon or By clicking on an icon on the Quick Access Toolbar or Via the Macro dialog box A dialog box will now appear which lists all the available Real Statistics data analysis tools. You need to choose one of the data analysis tools from this list. A dialog box will then appear as described in Real Statistics Supplemental Data Analysis Tools which enables you to specify your input data and choose from available options. You can also access Help to get more information about the selected data analysis tool. A complete list of Real Statistics data analysis tools can be found in Real Statistics Supplemental Data Analysis Tools. Uninstalling the Real Statistics Resource Pack 1. Open Excel 2. Press AltTI 3. Uncheck the Realstats option on the dialog box that appears and click the OK button. 282 Responses to Real Statistics Resource Pack Rodrigo says: March 21, 2016 at 4:48 pm Dear Charles, 3/60 Note that eVECTORS is an array function and so you need to highlight a range of cells and press CtrlShiftEnter to get all the values.000 cells.S. Charles Reply Pingback: Some Assembly Required » Blog Archive » Support page for GDC16 “TLDR statistics” Saket says: March 16. You can find my email address at Contact Us. the results are fine but when I try to do the same with a 588×588 matrix. 2016 at 7:53 am Charles. I have been getting a lot of messages that begin with “Compile error in hidden module: …” (where … can be AnovaAnalysis. When I use it in a small data matrix (10×10). frmAnova2post. Best Regards.realstatistics. Click on Contact Us for my email 4/60 . 2016 at 1:27 pm Dear Charles I installed realstat for eVectors ans eigenvalues but it returns only one value for whole matrix. I believe that my current implementation is limited to a little over 65. See Array Functions and Values to get more information about how you use array functions.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel I’d like your advise to solve a problem with the “Jenks Natural Breaks”. 2016 at 2:09 pm Dear Saket. I had been using the one released in November 2015). Please advise the guideline.744 cells. If you send me an Excel file with your data I will try to figure out what is going on. I will try to figure out how to handle the larger size input. Reply Charles says: March 21. What should I do? P. Thank you for coding this resource pack. I upgraded to Office 2016 and to the latest release of Real Statistics (prior to now. Rodrigo. It is tremendously helpful.: Thank you very much for making this addin available for us. If you send me an Excel file with your data. etc). 2016 at 11:00 pm Rodrigo. the results shows only the message #VALUE! (I am using Excel 2010 and all my data is numeric…). I would need to see your data to comment. Charles Reply Al says: March 13. Moreover. both the values are same. Saket Reply Charles says: March 16. A 588 x 588 matrix has 345. How can I fix this? Reply http://www. If so. 2016 at 7:29 pm Rahul. which I issued on May 11? You can check this by entering the formula =VER() in any cell. 2016 at 9:02 am Matthew. I ran the LogitCoeff but I get no values. Rel 4. This release has only been tested on Windows computers. This is not so unusual with such a limited amount of data. I doubt that Rel 4.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles says: March 14.6. Note. Charles Reply Rahul says: February 28. I need to estimate the coefficient. You can download this release from Real Statistics Resource Pack for Mac.6 will work on a Mac. shows up in the addins list.realstatistics. The model doesn’t converge to a solution. All I see is #VALUE on the output. Can you advise? Thanks for your time Reply Charles says: February 28. Charles Reply Matthew says: March 22. Charles Reply http://www. On a new Mac Pro. 5/60 . You will need to use the Mac version of the software. Any suggestions greatly appreciated! Thanks! Matt Reply Charles says: March 22. I have a very simple 4 sample model . that if you replace the last y value by 0 you will get a solution. 2016 at 3:17 am I’m having this same problem. not sure about other functions).6. using the 4. Still getting “compile error in hidden module: Analysis” (specifically when I tried to run a ttest.e. and the Solver is checked as well. using excel 2016. You do this by pressing Alt TI and making sure that there is a check mark next to Solver. Are you using the latest release. 2016 at 5:15 pm Dear Charles Thanks a lot for making the resources available for everyone to use. i. which currently is an older release. 2016 at 10:27 pm Al. My data is as follows x y 1 1 2 1 3 0 1 1 y is the mode choice and x is the travel time for a simple logit with utility of form V= beta*time. one possible problem is that you need to make sure that Excel’s Solver is installed. Everything downloaded/installed correctly. 3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel AbdelRazzak says: February 21. 2016 at 5:10 pm First of all thanks Charles for outstanding library. 2016 at 9:25 am I am not sure what the problem that you are encountering 6/60 . Hope this helps downloaders. I will pass it on to anyone who has these sorts of problems in the future. then another user (Cyberpreneur) suggests that you install the software in the following directory instead: /Microsoft Office/Office12/Library/Analysis. These are related to missing Service Pack. then copy it and save in the suggested directory : C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns. Thanks very much for sharing this with me. and the addin works without problems. Charles Reply Greg says: http://www.realstatistics. the message disappear but the AddIn appears at the EXCELL panel. I updated to Service Pack 3. 2016 at 6:29 pm Yuriy. 2016 at 9:02 am Dear Charles I tried to install the Real Statistics Source. Charles Reply Yuriy M says: March 3. I had both “can’t find project or library”. really impressive fit. then whent I click on CANCEL for the Username question . Download. but if you are using Excel 2007. then I suggest that you delete any previous version of the software and start over by putting the software anywhere you like. Reply Charles says: March 3. by downloading from microsoft website and installing. Can you help? Thank you Reply Charles says: February 21. Then. and “compilation error in hidden module” errors. If you are having problems with both approaches. then when I tried to use some of the AddIn functions; it gives me the measssage ” “Compile Error in Hidden Module : “Name of teh function”. When I tried to install as explained; it gives the message : “Can’t Find Project or Library” ; then when I click on OK; I had the Username question message. password. Quick question: is this addon approved by microsoft and/or validated for use by the FDA? Reply Charles says: February 19. But every time I try to open it and click “enable Macros”. When you press AltTI do you see the addin RealStats in the list with a check mark next to it? If not then the addin was not installed 7/60 . 2016 at 8:02 pm Matt. The installation process tells the new Excel file where to look for the software in the downloaded file. 2016 at 9:34 pm Hello. I have installed the ‘RealStats.xlam Excel shows that ‘RealStats’ is an “Active Application Addin” referencing the same location as above I have tried the following functions =LEVENE(N5:P11) where N5:P11 is my data formatted as ‘General’ =MEAN(N5:P11) =VER() These functions even show up as options when I start typing them into the cell. You should not try to open the file that you downloaded. Instead you need to install it as described on the referenced webpage and then open a new Excel file (not the one you downloaded). and nicely put together. 2016 at 3:38 am This is a great package. 2016 at 8:31 am Thanks Greg. The program is saved in: C:\Users\mconverse85\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\RealStats.xlam).realstatistics. The addon has not been approved by Microsoft nor have I tried to get approval from Microsoft. 2016 at 12:23 am Hello Lihua. I assume that you are joking about the FDA.xlam’ addin as described; however. Charles Reply Matt says: February 11. I don’t know what’s wrong with my computer.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel February 19. Lihua Reply Charles says: February 6. but they always return a “#NAME?” (excel error: The formula contains unrecognized text) Any advice? Reply Charles says: February 11. Excel doesn’t recognize any of the functions. Charles http://www. Charles Reply Lihua says: February 5. there always be an ‘ unexpected error’. 2016 at 6:53 pm Hi Charles! I have Excel 2013. I have download the file (RealStats. My Real Statistics addin keeps disappearing from my Excel program (in Office 2016 for Windows 10). http://www. 2016 at 2:02 pm Dejan. Reply Charles says: January 11. Thx Charles Reply Charles says: January 30.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply Joe Horwath says: January 29. love the program. and so you probably can’t use the software on your iPAD. Real Statistics requires VBA. Suggest a way to permit operating RealStatistics on the Apple iPad . I’ve installed the Real statistics Excel addins for Excel 2010 in order to perform cluster analysis (k means). Glad you like the program. What should I do about this? Many thanks. What happens is that it doesn’t seem to show up in the Addins options in the menu. but today I’ve tried redownloading and reinstalling it several times and failed. only that access to the program via the Addin ribbon disappears. It sounds like the Real Statistics doesn’t disappear. I tried re downloading it. You can use it on a Mac or Windows computer. Please advise how do I add this calculation too.1 Mb) its not working with Excel – does not show up under the Addon Icon – as the file may be empty / pls. 2016 at 8:45 am Joe. Regards Reply Charles says: January 14. 2016 at 7:04 pm Anna.xlam shows up on Dropbox – (2. Charles Reply Dejan says: January 8/60 . Unfortunately this option was not on the list. 2016 at 1:55 pm Hello Charles.realstatistics. You can find it by first choosing Multivariate Analysis Charles Reply Anna says: January 11. but I don’t believe that the iPAD version of Excel supports VBA. 2016 at 7:49 pm Am trying to down load the realstatisticsresourcepack using my Apple iPad – am trying to upload it to Drop box – whereas the file RealStats. which worked once. 2016 at 3:28 pm Hi Charles. The following blog explained what to do in this case. And thank you!. this binomial stuff has all kinds of applications. how to solve this issue.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel I’m not sure why this is happening. Charles Reply Quiet says: December 27.realstatistics. 2015 at 9:25 am To try to figure out what is happening. I intend to download your Excel materials. http://www. 2016 at 12:06 am Thanks so much – it’s a mystery. What do you see when you enter the formula =VER() in any spreadsheet cell? 2. a pop up “password” appear. I assume conversion to C isn’t difficult. Charles Reply Anna says: January 12. but after i close the excel 2013. i knew it’s a free software Reply Charles says: December 28. 2015 at 1:10 pm dear it was successfully installed and run 9/60 . for contributing your time and effort to write this. please answer the following questions: 1. 2016 at 12:39 pm Hello Remember you can always access the Real Statistics data analysis tools by pressing Ctrlm (even if access disappears from the AddIn ribbon). When you press AltTI do you see RealStats on the list with a check mark next to it? If not the program was not installed corrected and you need to click on the Browse button to locate where you stored the file you downloaded containing the Real Statistics software.realstatistics. but something similar happened with Excel 2013. If it’s not confidential could you post a few remarks about what you do and why you published this material. Charles Reply http://www. Reply Charles says: January 11. Please see Author webpage regarding why I decided to publish this material. Yes. but it works a treat! Reply Jules Gilbert says: January 11. 2016 at 6:30 pm Jules. Reply Charles says: February 25. 2016 at 10:59 pm I am having the same issue. 2016 at 3:37 pm Not when I open it. When I enter the formula =VER() in anyspreadsheet cell. Reply Charles says: March 12. Once you have done this. I am using a new mac and excel 10/60 . I checked the version (4. Charles Reply Christian S says: December 9. then press AltTI and make sure that Solver is checked in the dialog box that appears.realstatistics.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Mike M says: February 24. Hopefully the password message no longer appears.6 EXCEL 2007. close Excel and reopen it. You might be getting this message because you have not activated Excel’s Solver capability. 2016 at 2:09 pm Charles. And of course I’ve tried the obvious password combinations “password” “realstats” “1234” “0000” nothing has worked. Michelle Araújo says: March 12. If not. My suggestion is to check whether the Solver tab appears on the right side of the Data ribbon in Excel. 2016 at 10:55 pm Michelle. 2016 at 7:48 am Mike.4.2) and the program is clicked with a check mark when I check AltTI. Regards Chris Reply http://www. But I closed all excel files and the prompt is still there even after I close all the files and when I reopen them. After closing Excel 2013 it is prompting me for a password. The latest version of the software uses Solver. Are you prompted for a password when you open an empty Excel file? Charles Reply Mike M says: February 25. I can still use Excel with the prompt in the background… I just can’t get rid of the prompt. I see 4. 2015 at 10:17 pm I have followed your instructions several times as have tried older versions of the file but always receive the same Can’t find project or library message. When I tried to install the same pop up “password” appear. 2015 at 6:21 pm Christian. Samuel says: November 11/60 .3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles says: December 10. Charles Reply Silom Jamulitrat says: November 26. but I don’t know whether these are impacting the Real Statistics software. 2015 at 8:38 am I have not added Cluster Analysis to the Mac version yet. I am a student currently taking up MA Applied Statistics here in the Philippines and I am really interested in learning the tools.realstatistics. I’m using Excel for Mac. Can anyone else comment on this? Charles Reply Chi says: December 2. Currently I am trying to learn multiple regression and correlation using matrices but we have to do it manually. I have not tested the Real Statistics software as yet with Excel 2016 for the Mac. 2015 at 2:54 am I installed RealStats. Charles! I can’t seem to find cluster analysis. You can only find it in the Windows version. NOR multivariate analysis in the choices. Hope I could ask later regarding several topics. Thanks! Reply Charles says: December 2. Charles Reply Freda Kate D. Reply Charles says: November 26. 2015 at 10:20 am Freda. I might as well use the software just to countercheck my answers. 2015 at 6:46 am Thanks Sir Charles for this wonderful software. I have read that there are lots of problems with VBA (which is required for Real Statistics) for Excel 2016 with the Mac. 2015 at 4:51 am Hi. there was a massage window “Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications” saying “Permission denied” and “Automation error” ” Unspecified error” How to correct this error Silom http://www. After finish the final step. Thanks again and God speed.xlam to Microsoft Excel 2016. The website also explains how to carry out multiple regression and correlation manually. I have noticed that you regularly update the toolpack as the version number keeps increasing. http://www. Charles Reply Germain Pozo says: October 15. les escribo puesto que nos han solicitado instalar la aplicación para uso académico en uno de nuestros laboratorios.realstatistics.xlam file; you don’t need to open this file nor should you try to. Another problem is that the user tries to open the RealStats. Charles Reply Andre Forte says: November 12. 2015 at 10:18 am Others have told me that the software works without problems with Excel 2016. mi nombre es Germain Pozo. Charles Reply Brian says: November 25. y necesitamos puedan ayudarnos a saber si esta solicitud puede llevarse a cabo sin problemas de licenciamiento. but I don’t see cluster analysis as an option? Did I miss something? Thanks. Supervisor de Soporte IT. en la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez en Santiago de Chile. If you press AltTI when in Excel and don’t see RealsStats on the list with a check mark next to it. Andre Reply Charles says: November 12. 2015 at 9:12 am Choose the Multivariate Analysis option and then the Cluster Analysis option from the resulting dialog box.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply Charles says: November 26. Do you have some sort of tracking of what changes from one version to the next? Thanks again. thank you. 2015 at 11:52 pm Andre. Brian Reply Charles says: November 25. 2015 at 8:13 pm Buenas Tardes. Most of the time when someone gets this type of error message it means that the software was downloaded but not installed properly (so that Excel recognizes the software as an addin). then the software wasn’t installed properly. 2015 at 3:45 am I installed RealStats. You can find this in the 12/60 . 2015 at 9:59 pm Hello Charles. I have been using your wonderful tool and I appreciate it very much. uai. Thanks. Step 3: Place the formula =IF(A1D$2. Reply http://www. Range B1:B200000 now contains the same data as A1:A200000 except that the smallest and largest values have been replaced by the cutoff values. Follow the following steps: Step 1: Place the formula =INT(COUNT(A1:A200000)*p/2) in cell E1 Step 2: Place the formula =SMALL(A1:A200000. Suppose that the data is contained in the range A1:A200000 and you want to winsorize based on a value p (as for the WINSORIZE formula). but it requires a password. E1) in cell D2.A1)) in cell B1. You need to tell me more about how you want to use the software in your labs so that I can help you determine whether what you want to do is permitted under the license agreement.D$ Reply Charles says: October 16. Also. Cells D1 and D2 will contain the lower and upper cutoff values.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Atento a sus comentarios. 2015 at 5:00 pm Jake. The WINSORIZE function is restricted to about 65. Charles Reply Jake says: October 15. Is there any way to get around that? I was going to look at it in the Visual Basic Editor. E1) in cell D1 and =LARGE( Email: gpozo@uai. Some cautions. I am looking to use the winsorize function for a large data set (100k+) and it seems it is only able to work with around 63k data points.500 data points. Step 4: Highlight the range B1:B200000 and press CtrlD. Jake Reply Charles says: October 16. You can use ordinary Excel to create a similar outcome. this approach will handle ties in a way that is different from what you desire. 2015 at 4:32 pm Teléfono: (562) 331 18 00 – 331 13 90 Conócenos e Infórmate de Nuestros Servicios en: 13/60 . saludos cordiales. 2015 at 4:35 pm Charles.realstatistics. — Germain Pozo Supervisor de Soporte IT Encargado de Adquisiciones Hardware y Software IT Gerencia de Tecnologías de Información Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Mesa de Servicio: mesadeservicio@uai. I haven’t tried to perform these steps myself and so I may have made an error. Charles Reply Felix says: September 15. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! Cheers Felix Reply Charles says: September 15. Next select one of the option. Charles Reply Felix says: September 15. Just select the Factor Analysis or Cluster Analysis option (by clicking on the radio button) and click on the OK button. thanks! Pete says: September 14/60 . 2015 at 8:29 am Hi there — Just downloaded and installed the latest version. This will bring up another dialog box which you need to fill in as described in the webpage corresponding to that analysis. 2015 at 9:26 am Felix. I am having some issues with the binary logistic regression package.imgur. but clustering and factor aren’t showing up in the options. I am trying to train the data on a subset then test the accuracy on the remaining data. I don’t see how I can ascertain the unstandardized B coefficients. these are the options I see. However. this is a very nice tool. Specifically. Any help would be appreciated. Where’s the radio box I’m supposed to tick? Thanks! Image of options I’m seeing here: http://i. and click on the OK button. First off.realstatistics. Start by clicking on the Multivariate Analysis option and then clicking on the OK button. 2015 at 8:50 am I don’t understand the problem. 2015 at 9:43 am Awesome. That helped. as the values are exported as an array function. Thanks for sending me the screen shot. http://www. 2015 at 2:23 pm Hello there.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Felix says: September Reply Charles says: September 15. say Cluster Analysis. 2015 at 9:10 am Thanks for the prompt response! So I’m probably being thick… but when I open up the addin. Sorry. 2015 at 2:51 am Hello – first of all. when i run this on my data set. but in any case 8 predictors should not be a problem. this would not result in the error message that you received.000 records and it all worked fine. If the “churn records” contain blanks or nonnumeric values. 2015 at 3:06 am When i was trying to reduce the number of predictors to just education (x3)and birth year – what i get is “Runtime error 5 – Invalide procedure call or arguement”. i get this “Run time error 6: Overflow”. 2015 at 5:34 pm Justin. If you send me an Excel spreadsheet with your data I can try to figure out what has gone wrong. In any case. thanks for making this available on excel. You can find my http://www. Birth Year; 2. 2015 at 5:34 pm See my previous response. then until the latest release you were limited to 64 predictors. Justin Reply Justin says: August 21. Really glad to see this excel version. Was wondering if ther’s a the tool has a limit on the number of predictors that can be used/ the number of records for regression? The dataset i’m currently using have the following characteristics: – Number of records: 158623 with 467 churned records – Predictor: 1. but I don’t understand what the problem 15/60 . This limit was increased in the latest release of the software. However. Not sure if there’s any issue with my excel… Reply Charles says: August 22. 2015 at 10:13 pm Pete. then these have to be eliminated before running the regression. Education (3 dummy category) = 8 predictors Are there any issues on this? Help much appreciated! Regards. Charles Reply Charles says: August 22. I just ran a model with 11 predictors and over 160.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Pete Reply Charles says: September 12. The software won’t work with when any of the data is nonnumeric (except the column headings). If you are using multiple linear regression. Payment menthod (4 dummy category); 3. Can you explain it in more detail? Charles Reply Justin says: August 21.realstatistics. hold the Alt key down and press the T key followed by the I key). 2015 at 8:54 pm Charles. Thanks. However.ocx fixed those last 3 errors. 2015 at 8:47 pm Carlo. Adins. Does this mean that you are able to use the Real Statistics software now? Charles Reply Jennie says: August 13. Click on the Browse button and find where you stored the RealStats file and then click the OK button. Reply Charles says: June 25.1) was installed. In this Security Update a newer version of mscomctl.realstatistics.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel email address at Contact Us.e. I downloaded the Excel 2013 Real Stats pack and the worksheets popped up on my the number of those error messages went down to and under “Active Adins” I saw my Analysis ToolPack and VBA version but not the RealStats. Press AltTI (i. Kay Reply Charles says: July 25. 2015 at 3:07 pm http://www. Thanks for creating this website for us. 2015 at 4:07 pm After installation I get about 35 times the message “Could not load some objects because they are not available on this machine. I’ve discovered this problem is related to previously having Office 2010 on my machine which some time ago received a flawed Security Update. Repeating the process from the above KB manually for the file comctl32. Please help! I am not that tech savvy. The RealStats file will now be checked in the list of addins.ocx (v2. Charles Reply Carlo says: June 25. Charles Reply Kay Ford says: July 24. but the reference to the old v2.” I’m running Office 2013 of a Windows 7 64bit 16/60 . 2015 at 1:18 pm Kay. After applying the fix from https://support.0 wasn’t removed. I went ahead and saved it to my desktop. I am lost at how to save it in the app data folder that you suggested. Then I went to Excel. 3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Hi, I am using office 2010. The same error “Could not load some objects because they are not available on this machine.” is coming up and I am unable to use realstat. How do I solve this? Reply Charles says: August 13, 2015 at 9:11 pm Jennie, Have you followed the specific Installation instructions that are listed on the referenced webpage? If you enter the formula =VER() in any cell in any Excel spreadsheet, what result do you see? Charles Reply Carlo says: June 25, 2015 at 10:00 am For the installation location there is an easier notation. The hidden directories make it sometimes difficult to find. Instead of installing to: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns try entering the following name in Explorer %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns Reply Charles says: June 25, 2015 at 2:12 pm Carlo, Thank you very much for suggesting this approach. This simplifies things quite a lot. On my computer (Windows 8.1), I get an error message if I enter %APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns. But %APPDATA%\Microsoft\AddIns works perfectly. Charles Reply Carlo says: June 26, 2015 at 8:29 am You are right. On Windows 7 you should omit the ‘roaming’ part too. Reply Gagan says: June 19, 2015 at 12:42 pm I do not see cluster analysis option in the available selections. I am using office 2010 Reply Charles says: June 19, 2015 at 10:34 pm You need to first select Multivariate Analyses Charles Reply 17/60 3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Hooman says: June 16, 2015 at 2:51 pm Hi. Hope you`ll have a good day. I just wanted to thank you for your example`s and the pack you made available for download. You help`ed me a lot at my project for Statistical methods unit at the university and I referenced your site in my project because I used some of your examples in my project. I hope would not make a problem. Best regards Hooman Jafari. Reply Charles says: June 16, 2015 at 4:23 pm Hooman, I am pleased that you have found the site useful. Thanks for referencing the site in your project. Charles Reply Ramasubramanian says: June 11, 2015 at 8:16 am Dear Sir, This AddIns utility is a great service to the users. Thanks a lot and keep it up. I appreciate. Ram Reply sera says: May 29, 2015 at 10:22 am hello. i have installed the addon but in the table of contents i dont see cluster analysis why? i can see all the other functions thanks Reply Charles says: May 29, 2015 at 9:38 pm First select Multivariate Analyses. Cluster Analysis will be one of the choices on the dialog box that then appears. Charles Reply Orcel Mouanda says: May 26, 2015 at 3:16 pm Bonjour, j’ai téléchargé le pack real statistics avec succès, je tiens à vous en remercié pour cet outil d’analyse indispensable. 18/60 3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Encore une fois mercu Reply Charles says: May 26, 2015 at 3:37 pm Merci beaucoup. Charles Reply Rebecca says: May 17, 2015 at 4:10 am Hi, I was directed to download this resource pack to be able to use the logistic regression feature. However, after downloading it and enabling the addon, I do not see the option for logistic regression? I have watched videos of people successfully using this addin, but cannot figure out what is different that I am doing. Here is a screenshot of all of the options it gives me: Thanks so much, Rebecca Reply Rebecca says: May 17, 2015 at 4:13 am Nevermind, it is just under the blanket “Regression” option. Sorry for my confusion! I guess this is an updated version from the ones in the videos I have seen. Thanks for the addin! If only I knew the difference between binary logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression… Reply Charles says: May 17, 2015 at 6:55 am Rebecca, I am in the process of updating the website to explain the recent change to the software whereby the Logistic Regression data analysis tool is now under the Regression tool. To understand the difference between binary and multinomial logistic regression, please see the Multinomial Logistic Regression webpage. Charles Reply John Lawson says: May 14, 2015 at 12:05 am Thanks. The real statistics resource pack is very useful. Do you have any plans to an add in package for a public domain spreadsheet like Libre Office? Reply Charles says: May 14, 2015 at 6:13 am 19/60 realstatistics. click the Analysis ToolPak and click on the OK button. You never need to supply a password. The problem is how Excel 2013 handles addins. Charles Reply PiSheng Deng says: May 6. Click on the Browse button and search for the Real Statistics software at location where you downloaded the file to. My addin also displayed Real Statistics in the group. (2) Close Excel and reopen Excel (I am not sure this step is necessary).3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel John. The AddIns dialog box should reappear. but this time the RealStats selection should appear in the list and should be checked (if not check it). Charles Reply Preeti says: April 28. press AltTI (i. for every function it is suggesting “compile error in hidden formula module : frmMatrix” http://www. 2015 at 9:09 pm The usual reason for this message is that you have downloaded the software but not installed it. hold the Alt key down and press the T and I keys). I followed the procedure suggested on your website. I will try to address this in the next release of the software. when I came back to access Real Statistics the next day. 2015 at 9:58 am Hi I have downloaded the real stats pakage but it is asking me the password? what should i do now?? Reply Charles says: May 7. You will see the AddIns dialog box. but for now if this happens do the following: (1) press AltTI and unclick the Analysis ToolPak and click on the OK button. 2015 at 8:05 am I just found out what is probably going on. To install the software. When you find it you need to click on the OK button. To do so would require two things: (1) the package supports VBA and (2) there are enough people who request this support. Could you please advise? Thanks a lot! Reply Charles says: May 8. I could not see it in the Addin group. However. (3) Press AltTI.e. I have no immediate plans to support Libre 20/60 . Charles Reply Sufiyan Shaikh says: May 6. 2015 at 10:29 pm I downloaded and successfully installed the Resource Pack for Excel 2013. 2015 at 8:52 am I was trying to download and install realstat resource pack for MS 2007. Now click on the OK button and you are done. When I finished adding on the resource pack using Excel Options>AddIns and tried to use matrix operations. You should be able to use the software. however. Thank you very much for this addin! I installed the addin correctly and have validated it by doing an analysis for a frequency table and I know it works because I did not get any compile errors. Charles Reply Azfer Saeed says: April 27. but some people are running into this problem. 2015 at 7:33 am Azfer. No I don’t have a version for calc 4.4. I have a faulty Ctrl key so sometimes it does not work.4. Azfer Reply Charles says: April 25. Are you running the software in English? Charles Reply andrea vironda says: April 28. I understand that calc 4. 2015 at 9:47 pm Hi Charles. You have mentioned 4 options.1? Reply Charles says: April 28. but I now see that Addin Ribbon is not visible on my computer using Excel 2013 (while it is visible on another computer using Excel 2010).1 has a limited VBAlike capability.1. 2015 at 5:28 pm http://www. I don’t know what is causing this. 2015 at 5:12 pm Unfortunately. 2015 at 8:25 am hello charles do you have any version of this pack regarding openoffice calc 4.1. 2010. is about how to launch it. Charles Reply Azfer Saeed says: April 24. Actually so far no one has mentioned this problem.realstatistics. The vast majority of people have no problems getting the software to work with Excel 2007. You are the first person to ask about this. 2015 at 5:10 pm Andrea. My question. 2011 or 2013. I’ll try to look into to 21/60 .3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Please advise Regards Preeti Reply Charles says: April 28. I was wondering if you have heard from others about not seeing the Real Statistics option in the AddIn Ribbon. but it will take some work to get the Real Statistics Resource Pack to work there. Regards. I apologize for not giving you details about my environment. Charles Reply J. Thank you so much for sharing. Regards. 2015 at 7:20 pm Thanks for your comment. Reply Charles says: April 13. Charles Reply Mohamed says: April 9.g. Good to hear that you found the tool easy to use. How should I refer it (e. 2015 at 11:07 am Dear Dr. You are correct about the Addin Ribbon not being visible on Excel 2013. This is a fantastic tool to use. 2015 at 12:23 am Thank you very much Reply grishem says: April 10. Charles.realstatistics. Marcos Jurado says: April 12. Azfer Reply Urvashi Bhattacharyya says: April 19. I have 4 groups. 2015 at 11:04 pm I can’t believe this is 22/60 . 2015 at 4:44 pm I am very pleased to read that you appreciate the tools that I have created. Thank you so much for creating it and making it available for free. I will be referencing your work on my paper. “significant differences derived using Real Statistics Tool Set Add In for Excel” )? Thanks a ton again! Reply Charles says: April 19. each with a sample size of 9. Thank you very much for looking into it. The observation in each group is a mean of populations (of different N). 2015 at 5:31 pm http://www.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles. You can reference the software or website as described on the webpage Citation. I will use Tukey HSD for comparison. (Hope I am right). I plan to use this so I can rapidly vary my input data and immediately see results in PCA output without having to go back and forth to minitab. I wish Your « Real Statistics Using Excel » includes also the analysis of data from designed experiments ( as crossover. after Real Statistics has been installed. The problema is not present in the prior version of Real Statistics (3. I wait with impatience for your futur enhancements about the analysis of data from designed experiments. On the laptop I was able to install RealStatistics and the two Examples workbooks. latin square. Both run Windows 7 Enterprise and Office 2013 enterprise. William Agurto. 2015 at 8:25 pm Charles: There’s a little bug in Real Statistics 3. Please. 2015 at 2:52 pm Hi Charles ! Congratulations for your « Real Statistics Using Excel ». I will add the others to the enhancement list. Maybe Real Statistics suffers from claustrophobia and hides on laptops? Reply William Agurto says: March 27. Is it possible ? Thanks for all Mohamed from Mauritania Reply Charles says: April 9. etc. Thank you for your quick reply. Thanks for your support.6.realstatistics. On the desktop the Menu item showed up immediately. Who knows? I did all the same stuff. but couldn’t get the menu button to show up.). I already use it in my job (agriculture research). I have two computers.2). I haven’t try to install the addin in my another CPU (that has Office 2010). Well. Thnks for all Mohamed Reply Mohamed says: April 9. Although the problem can be solved closing the message. split plot. I will prove it tonight. so I’m not sure if the problem is present in Office 2010 23/60 . Charles Reply Joel Dubow says: April 3.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Dear Charles. Excel shows a VBA error message: “Runtime error ‘5’: Invalid procedure call or argument”. response surface designs. 2015 at 4:32 pm Mohamed. a lap top and a Desktop. http://www. 2015 at 8:57 pm Well I just wrote a little while ago about difficulties getting RealStatistics to show up on the Add ins tool bar menu. it’s not normal to get that one when opening an Excel file. The program worked through pressing ctrlM. I already have response surface design on my list of possible future enhancements.7: when I open an Excel file (in Office 2013).. Tnahk you. take a look at the VBA code. then simply open a blank Excel file and use the Real Statistics functions just like any other Excel functions and access the data analysis tools by pressing Ctrlm. 2015 at 3:47 pm I have downloaded the Real Statistics Resource Pack but can get it installed because the file cannot open for me to proceed with its installation. You should never open this file.Please give me the solutions. If you have already installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack. Error message shown “Project cannot be found” and after that it requires password. Charles Reply Rajvi says: March 20. 2015 at 5:33 pm David. Thank you. nor do you need to. Thanks for the update. perhaps I should create separate versions of the software for Excel 2010 and Excel 2013. Reply Charles says: March 20. People who get this type of message are usually trying to open the Real Statistic Resource Pack file. I request for some advise.realstatistics. I am using Microsoft Office Excel Plus 2013. I have updated the antivirus as required for certain corrupt files but that still hasn’t helped. 2015 at 10:10 am Rajvi.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply William Agurto says: March 28. William Agurto Reply Charles says: March 29. http://www. 2015 at 5:57 am I have downloaded your resource pack but when i have installed it through add ins. 2015 at 7:41 am 24/60 . Charles Reply David Mukungu says: March 19.7 runs OK in Excel 2010. Based on this. Real Statistics 3. then open a blank Excel file (not the file you downloaded) and follow the instructions on the referenced webpage. David Reply Charles says: March 19. 2015 at 7:45 pm Charles: I confirmed that the error message is only present for Excel 2013. If you have not yet installed the Real Statistics Resource Pack. realstatistics. There is an additional complication with the REVERSE function. Open Excel (or any Excel document except the the Real Statistics Resource Pack). Say I have a list A1:A3 I can find DIAGONAL(REVERSE(A1:A3)) and excel returns the correct 3×3 matrix However if I then try and multiply this by another matrix by say MMULT(B1:D3. Reply http://www. I’ll look into the issues again. 2015 at 4:23 pm ok thank you. DIAGONAL(REVERSE(A1:A3))) i get an #N/A error However if I compute the DIAGONAL(REVERSE part first then use MMULT on this it works. The REVERSE function not only reverses the order of the elements in a range. You are correct. but it also puts those elements in an array potentially of a different shape. 2015 at 6:05 pm Hi. I have a problem with the DIAGONAL() and REVERSE() functions and performing other matrix operations. Charles Reply Charles says: March 20. Charles Reply Ben says: March 17. particularly DIAGONAL which was meant to be used with other 25/60 . This makes the REVERSE function essentially useless in matrix operations. you should not open it ever. I developed most functions to be used standalone. although periodically I look into this issue and modify some of the functions so that they behave properly in conjunction with other functions.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel You don’t need to open the file to install it. In fact. 2015 at 12:02 pm Ben. I havent experienced any issues with DIAGONAL() which appears to work fine with other matrix operations. Reply Charles says: March 18. press AltTI and then continue as described in the instructions on the referenced webpage. This causes problems. 2015 at 10:01 am David. It is just REVERSE that doesn’t perform well. Charles Charles Reply Ben says: March 18. You should not open the file! Follow the instruction after opening a blank Excel file. I haven’t always made sure that the Real Statistics array functions can call another function or be called by another function. com/c/titanicgettingStarted/data?train. Great to hear that it works. 2015 at 4:42 pm Deyan. Place Survived. The only numeric variable in the example that has missing data is the Age variable. I have added a new function called REV to the Real Statistics Resource 26/60 . You should be able to use it instead of REVERSE. The Name.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles says: April Deyan Reply Charles says: March 10. Charles Reply Deyan says: March 12. 2015 at 10:06 am Hi Charles. 2015 at 4:32 pm Deyan. I tried to repeat the example from: https://www. Thank you very much! The problem is solved! I should chanage the “. You need to do something about any missing data. the dependent variable. You can probably use one of the simple approaches described on the webpage Traditional Approaches for Handling Missing Data. Charles Reply Deyan says: March and used popular data set from: https://www. Ticket and Cabin variables are alphanumeric and should probably be eliminated. 2015 at 8:29 pm Charles. The video chose to replace all missing data by the average of all the age data. Other choices are described on the webpage Handling Missing Data. The decimal symbol tends to cause problems from one language to another. 2015 at 5:08 pm Ben. 3. in the last column The person who did the video was able to use the Real Statistics tool to perform the logistic regression on the http://www.” with “. Transform all alphanumeric variables into numeric variables or eliminate them.” in the boxes for cutoff and alpha but when I em in Bulgarian keyboard register.kaggle. You have some choices about what to do.realstatistics. you need to perform the following steps on the data before you can run Real Statistics’ Logistics Regression data analysis tool: 1. As described on the You Tube video. You can make Sex and Embark numeric by using the approach shown on the You Tubes video or you can use the Real Statistics’ CATCODE array function.csv whit the restrictions mentioned in the video. Again your software is great! Thausand thanks and very good luck! Deyan Reply Charles says: March 12. Charles Reply Deyan says: March 10. but I am not running a Bulgarian version of Excel. 2015 at 10:09 pm Hi Deyan. perhaps I can figure out where in the software the problem occurs. I suggest that you reenter it to make sure that the software recognizes it properly. All time when I have run logit regression I got this error.realstatistics.05. Charles Reply Deyan says: March 11. I got no problems with other analysis from the list (… this I’ve check) just with logit.) but translated in Bulgarian. 2015 at 10:55 am Deyan. Charles Deyan says: March 9. I sent you my spreadsheet to czaiontz@gmail. I would have thought that this would not be language related.2. Perhaps I can duplicate the error if I have the exact data input that you are using. Thanks in I am not sure whether you need to enter it as . If you can give me more information about this. I used a specific version (3. You should try both possibilities to see which one works. From my first contact to your software till now I tried different data sets. If you used the default value of . Do you have an experience with such problems. 2015 at 4:57 pm Hi Charles. I’m very familiar with missing value analysis and data preprocessing.05 or as . The Bulgarian version of the software doesn’t like the format of the value used in the input field. Deyan Reply Charles says: March 11. Since the error message you are getting is related to a type mismatch.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel resulting data set. I am not seeing this error message on my computer running Excel 2010. Deyan Charles says: March 27/60 . I think that the problem comes somewhere from the communication of my Excel 2010 (specific options) and your software. I looked at the spreadsheet you sent me and I can see that the problem is in the value for alpha. Are you getting partial results? Perhaps you are seeing headings or some of the output when you get the error. 2015 at 6:23 pm http://www. but I actually have done this steps exactly like you describe them. Thank you for the advice. In any case. 2015 at 5:32 pm Charles. I suggest that problem comes from that specificity.6. it would be helpful if you can send me a spreadsheet with your data (after you have resolved any missing data and have done the data preprocessing). Even I organised an online experiment yesterday and collect new data but the results are similar. I found it when I looking for logit 28/60 . Type mismatch”. 2015 at 8:14 pm Hi. 2015 at 11:13 am By any chance is there a copy of the Real Statistics Resource Pack available for Office 365? Reply Charles says: http://www. I have run the logistic regression tool in Excel 2010 myself without any problems. your software is fantastic. tools with Excell. That is strange. If you send me your data I will try to understand what went wrong. 2015 at 9:59 am Are you referring to Fisher’s Exact Test (substitute for Chisquare test)? You should be able to use the FISHERTEST function (not data analysis tool) on the Mac. Charles Reply Bismark says: March 9. Zaionts. Charles Reply John Rattham says: February 26. I got an error: “A run time error has occured. 2015 at 8:05 pm Deyan. The analysis tool will be aborted. please can it be updated for Mac users? thanks Reply Charles says: March 9. Deyan Reply Charles says: March 9. it appears the Mac version of the package is not updated with Fischer test.realstatistics.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Dear Mr. Excel 2002)? Charles Reply Deyan says: March 9. Can you advise me how to solve the problem? Thanks in advance. But when I run the logistic regression on Excell 10. 2015 at 3:03 am Hi. Are you referring to Excel 2010 or Excel version 10 (i. I mean Excel 2010. Deayn Reply Charles says: March 9.e. 2015 at 8:17 pm Deyan. com/freedownload/realstatisticsresourcepack/ 29/60 . It is a worksheet function.464101615 2. If anyone else has any experience using the Real Statistics software in Office 365. ? I cannot see where the problem lies. Assuming that the matrix is located in range A1:C3. Charles http://www. 2015 at 11:21 pm Knut. 2015 at 12:39 pm I seem to be haveing problems with the eigenvector and eigenvalue methods. I’m using Office 365 and it downloaded successfully and I can perform analyses using the addins function. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? Reply Charles says: February 19.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel February 26. 2016 at 8:38 pm Hello. But the eValue(mat) gives me 1 and 2 . I understood that Office 365 operates in two modes: desktop and web. SlopesTest is not one of the Real Statistics data analysis tools. by entering : 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 Which should give the eigenvalues 3. The desktop mode supports VBA and so the Real Statistics Resource Pack should work.464101615 1 which seem to be correct. see the Tools menu on the home page of the Real Statistics website. Can you help ? Reply Charles says: February 12. To get more information about the SlopesTest function see the webpage SlopesTest Charles Reply Pingback: How To Logistic Regression | Data Analysis with Excel knut Foshaug says: February 12. please let us know. I’m not sure where you got the figures in your comment..3 with 3 as a second order root. However. The web mode doesn’t support VBA and so the Real Statistics software won’t work.realstatistics. so I cannot see the entire table and I have not been able to figure out something around this so far. Charles Reply Charlotte says: February 18. 2015 at 2:43 pm John.. 2016 at 8:36 am Charlotte. For a complete list of functions and data analysis tools. when I use the array formula =eVALUES(A1:C3) I get the eigenvalues 4. I have been trying to use the Slopetest array and the formula affects only one output cell. Tools is the Tools menu in some versions of Excel. Say yes. I’ve since moved it to the recommended folder and tried to reinstall it. — Mark Reply Charles says: February 12. 2.464 (rounded off to 3 digits). Very frustrating. Click on the file name which contains the Resource Pack in the download folder location 5. but what is AltTI? Tools? (there is no I command). 1. Charles Reply Mark Kennedy says: February 9. but I seemed to have overlooked your comment.. but not for your values of c. 4. C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns Reply Charles says: February 10. Make a copy of the Resource Pack and put it where you want it to go. You should receive an error message requesting that this file be deleted from the list. Charles Reply Mark Kennedy says: February 12. In any case I calculate the eigenvalues for 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 to be 1. I’m sorry. I’ve deleted the Resource Pack from the download folder location. Press AltTI 4. If you check. 2015 at 10:40 am Mark.464. but whenever I open excel it still looks for your package in the downloads folder. 2015 at 12:14 pm Knut. 2015 at 12:45 am Dear Charles.xlam could not be found. 2.e. http://www. I don’t see where you got the values 3. I think the following approach will work. 2015 at 11:49 pm I installed the resource pak while it was still in my download folder (oops!). This will bring up a dialog box. Always looking in the downloads folder. det(AcI) = 0 for my values of c.realstatistics. How do I get excel to stop doing this and just look for the file where I’ve stored it? (i. Delete the Resource Pack from the your download folder 30/60 . Let me know if you have any problems. I can’t find any record that I responded to you. 3. Now you should be able to install the Resource Pack where you want. 3. AltTI means hold the Alt key down and type a T followed by an I. Sorry for the delay. Excel still opens with this error window: “C:/Users/…/RealStats.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply Charles says: March 11. 2015 at 8:55 am Mark. 2015 at 11:41 am Hi Charles. Charles says: February 14.2 not 3.6 Reply stefan says: March 9.6. Perhaps the error is due to a basic problem in the MS office or the windows. 2015 at 12:15 pm Well I reinstalled it twice more and the same rumtime error occurs.2. which is not so likely).2.realstatistics. 2015 at 8:03 pm Stefan. Charles stefan says: February 7. i made it several times. when you enter the formula =VER() in any worksheet cell you should see the version number of the software (something like 3. I wil try to reinstall it again. If you have done this correctly. Yes. 2015 at 10:10 pm WhooHoo! I think that did it. The most common problem is that the software has not been installed properly. The installation process do not seem so complicated.2). Reply Charles says: http://www. Reply stefan says: March 9. 2015 at 11:43 am Sorry my mistake i receive 3. Congratulations on getting it to work. It is probably not your version of MS Office (unless you are running the 64 bit version of Excel. 2015 at 10:48 am I downloaded the pack for excel 2010/ 2013 several times. I had to close Excel. 2015 at 5:12 pm Mark. You need to follow the installation instructions on the referenced 31/60 . Please let me know whether you see this. When I try to use some of the statistical analysis in data analysis tools and it gives me the same error as I read somewhere in the comments Runtime error “424” object required Could be from my MS office? Reply Charles says: February 9.m running W7 ulitmate 32bit. Thanks. when i enter =ver() i receive exactly Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles Reply Mark Kennedy says: February 13. Then I reopened it and installed the addin without a problem. Charles Reply stefan says: March 9. I. that is good to hear. After I deleted the file from the list. 2015 at 8:51 pm Dear Mr. cell reference H1. With these setting the user can very quickly set very different values and see what happens if the values are changes. 2015 at 11:35 am Stefan. Probably I had some issues with the windows. I suggest one way to make it even more demonstrative and userfriendly. So after reinstallation of the windows.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel March 9. Charles Zoltan Somogyi says: February 5. (I wonder what your opinion on this may be.stat. tried to demonstrate the binomial distribution to them. Similar developments could be done in many other worksheets. increment 1. it looks like you have installed the software correctly. 2015 at 10:34 am Charles.realstatistics. Can you tell me which data analysis tools produce the error and which data analysis tools don’t produce the error. This does not really has a simulation value. I am a scientist using statistics as an empirical tool in my forest research. you have data and a graph with FIXED data.g. solved! The problem was in my computer. Also thank you for sharing this product. 2015 at 1:24 pm Stefan. Also which version of Excel are you using? Charles Reply stefan says: March 18. but this should be able to be changed say between 10 and 100 F1 contains “p (any number between 0 and 1)” as a label G1 contains any value of p H1 contains the value of 100*p I have inserted a Scroll Bar (Developer. In your Examples Workbook. Stefan Charles says: March 18. Insert) with settings: minimum value 0. Since you see the release number when you enter the =VER() formula. Zoltan Reply http://www. Zaionts. and downloading the real. your software is awsome. Thank you for the responsiveness. Best regards. file again it worked fine. but I am also a father trying to sell and teach statistics to my kids. Good to hear that you got it working. maximum value 100.) Thanks for making this wonderful software freely available. You of course also need to adjust the formulas to not use fixed numbers but to use the variable numbers in H1 (and possibly E1. I am suggesting this to you for your consideration. sheet Binomial 1. I have 32/60 . I have just changed a few things and the graph started to “move”: D1 contains “n” as a label E1 now contains 20. although this requires changing the structure). xlam’ so please help me Please Sir If u can also send to me the Real Statistics Examples Workbooks via my email address. and it sounds like you have a nice product as well.realstatistics. and what exactly the VBA code contains within the addon. I did something similar when I was trying to explain queueing theory via simulation to my students.xlam but finds it difficult to do so. but I will ask people to pay a small fee for them. and the effort you put forth. 2015 at 3:09 pm Zoitan.2 . 3.5. I genuinely appreciate that. 2015 at 5:07 am Charles: Something has changed in Real Statistics 3. The addin is indeed a product. These books are optional. 2015 at 3:01 pm i finish the installation process and try to open the RealStats. Reply Charles says: January 22. 2015 at 11:13 am Mark.1 and 3. This is an excellent idea.5.5. you can use Excel normally and it will give you access to the Real Statistics functions and data analysis tools. Thanks for your suggestion and thanks for your kind remarks about the Real Statistics software. Instead you should install it as described on the webpage http://www. It seems like there are some problems with the VBA code in http://www. Once this is done.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles says: February 6. But I’m a little confused on why you’d be offering these addons for free.xlam application blank page with a pop up dialog box that reads… excel found unreadable contents in ‘RealStats. 2015 at 5:21 am You have a very helpful I am pleased that over time my objective is being realized. I will try to add something along the lines you suggested in the future. but I am satisfied that people can use it for free. it open up the RealStats. Charles Reply William Agurto says: January 17. Charles Reply Mark Farrell says: January 30. Charles Reply Adamu says: January 22. My original objective was to create an educational website along with a free version of statistics software that could be used by everyone without having to spend a lot of money (which is why I chose Excel as the platform).realstatistics. I plan to release a couple of books to accompany the website. Reply Charles says: January 30.xlam 33/60 . 2015 at 5:25 pm You shouldn’t try to open the RealStats. Excel indicates that this error usually occurs when the VBA code is not compatible with the version.5. BTW. if users correct the “comma” error in interface Windows. or your Windows system? I supposed that because I have not changed my Microsoft Office version (2010) or my Windows system (Windows 7). because it has produced some problems at my work place (for example: Solver Addin is in German language; Data Analysis is in Spanish; some personaldeveloped addins can’t run in that version of Excel.5. frmTTest).1 and 3. Statistical Power and Sample Size.4 and before versions runs properly).realstatistics. and so on).2) in the alfa box (appears “0. 2015 at 3:11 am Charles: http://www. as Stephen Druley reported).2 is to correct a bug in resampling for correlation. and so on). That problem was reported for me in a prior message as a KolmogorovSmirnov function (KS2TEST) problem. 6.3. T Tests. In spite of that. I haven’t made any major changes in the design.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel that versions related to the number of bits (32 or 64.5. Statistical Power and Sample Size. but the “help” button is not running.5. and they worked properly (obviously. Reply Charles says: January 17.6 which is now available for download. 2015 at 9:38 am William. without bug corrections that you have tried to apply in Real Statistics 3.5. Personally I prefer not to work with Microsoft Excel 2013.1. That problem is not present in prior versions of Real Statistics (3. T Tests. and so on). T Tests. 3. 4.5. Have you change your Microsoft Office version to 2013 recently. Analysis of Variance. Today I ran Real Statistics 3. Charles Reply Charles says: January 22. 3. When you press the “Help” button in any of the interface windows of Real Statistics Analysis Tool (versions 3. it seems Real Statistics 3. That problem is also related with the “comma” error appearing in the interface windows of Real Statistics Analysis Tool (versions 3. Probably the origin is the use of the VBA environment in Excel 2013 instead of Excel 2010. The problem is general: it appears in all the options (Descriptive Statistics. related to some Real Statistics functions): There are no problems with the “comma” in alfa box. I haven’t changed how I handle the Help button. Statistical Power and Sample Size.05” instead of “0. 3. the Excel version (2013). This is quite strange.2). or the Windows version: 1. 2015 at 8:11 am William.5. Thank you.1 and 3.4.1 and 3. but I am not sure since I didn’t see the problem on my computer previously.5. I am still using Windows 7 and Excel 2010 (32 bit version) as before. Charles Reply William Agurto says: January 34/60 . I have not changed my Excel options either (they are the same since 1 year ago aprox). Analysis of Variance. but the problem is general: it appears in all the options (Descriptive Statistics.5. 3.2 get the correct results. Excel shows a message related to a “compilation error in hidden module: frmXXX” (for example.05 (the comma issue). release 3. 5. the platform or architecture of application. except to add new features and to explicitly define the defaults for alpha to be .3. so I suppose that the problem is probably related to a change of your software. William Agurto. I made a minor change that I hope has resolved the problem. 3. but they run properly in 2010 version).05”). 2.5. Please let me know if this problem has gone away with the Rel 3. or in the “help” button in any of the interface windows in all the options (Descriptive Statistics. Analysis of Variance. 3. I hope you can use this information to correct the bugs. I wonder how you compute Beta (B11) from NCHISQ_DIST. Charles Zaiontz.realstatistics. Would you please help me understand the formula behind it ? Thanks. but since I have never tested the Real Statstics software on Excel 64 bit. William Agurto. Dr.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Real Statistics 3. 2015 at 10:53 am Thank you for your very kind words.6 runs OK. Stephen Druley Reply Charles says: January 16. 2015 at 8:59 pm Dear Charles. 2015 at 6:58 pm Dear Dr. PD: The “comma bug” is not present in Office 2013. Reply Stephen Druley says: January 15. I attended Goshen College in Goshen Indiana and Purdue as well. I am just wondering if your statistical addin is compatible with Excel 2010 64 bit. This is explained on the webpage . Wishing you and your lovely wife a great year ahead. Glad to see that you are enjoying the world and that it’s limits are not just the state lines of Indiana. Charles Reply Lei says: January 9. 2015 at 1:11 am http://www. 2015 at 10:02 am Lei. Thank you very much. sheet NCHI2: Power of Goodness of Fit. I am so impressed with your work and how you have articulated the mathematical treatise behind it. Lei Reply Charles says: January 10. I am not using any of the capabilities that I know don’t work in Excel 35/60 . Charles Reply Tien says: January 7. without errors in VBA code or “help” button reported by Excel (although “comma bug” in alfa value persists; but it isn’t important: user can modify it before or after get the results). I can’t say for sure whether it functions properly or not. I looked at the RealStatisticsExampleWorkbook. Office 7 and =ver() is 3. Charles Reply Subhadip Chattopadhyay says: December 27. I plan to release a new version of the software in the next day or two which I hope will resolve this problem. Would you tell me what’s wrong and how to fix it? thanks. Only a small suggestion: as far as I know it is not possible to check which version is currently installed. Reply Charles says: January 5.4. Mabe you can add in the message that appears when clicking on the Help button an identification of the version. Thanks.realstatistics. 2014 at 8:51 am I am using Windows 7. Thank you so much for creating this heaven for this mathdumb person. but whenever I tried to use the functions. 2015 at 7:22 am Tien. Charles Reply Eduardo Kropnick says: January 3. If you enter the formula =VER() in any cell on the spreadsheet you will get the release number of the software being used. I am running Windows 7 with Excel 2007 on my computer and am not experiencng this problem. 2015 at 4:40 pm Dear Mr. A number of people have reported this problem with the Excel 2007 version of the software. I don’t know what is causing the problem on your computer. 2014 at 3:30 pm By Office 7. I clicked “OK” but then nothing happened. In any case. That small change will allow to the users of you software to check easily if we are using the latest version available!. I hope that you will be able to use this version without 36/60 . 2015 at 10:40 pm Eduardo. I find both very useful. let say Anova with repeated measure. I am getting the error “Compile Error in Hidden Module” for all functions. Tien Reply Charles says: January 7. What to do? Reply Charles says: December 29.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Dear Charles. I got this Microsoft Visual Basic pop up saying ” Compile error in hidden module: Analysis” with “OK” and “help” buttons. Regards. I tried another function and the same message appear. I’ve installed the package. Thank you very much for you software and for your website. Zaiontz; Greetings from Madrid (Spain). I assume that you are referring to Excel 2007. I will be issuing a new release of the software in a few days. Unable to set the formula array property of the Range class” Whats the reason for this. Charles Reply Ben Fernandez says: December 10. The operating system is Windows XP or older. 2014 at 8:11 am It shows” compile error in hidden model analysis” Reply Charles says: December 20. this is likely to be the problem. 2015 at 10:58 am I expect to issue a new release of the software this week. Charles Reply Sithiq ibn Shiek says: December 20. Charles Reply Charles says: January 6. The Mac version of Excel is prior to Excel 2011.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel problems. but not installed properly. 2014 at 1:40 pm The usual reasons for this message are 1. Thanks. 2014 at 12:43 pm Hi Charles. Great piece of software. Reply Charles says: December 10. then perhaps the problem is resolved in this new release. The analysis tool will be aborted. congratulations for such a useful piece of software.realstatistics. The Windows version of Excel is prior to Excel 2002. You should see the release number of the resource pack when you enter the formula =VER() in any cell of a worksheet. 2014 at 1:16 pm http://www. I have 40 variables each with about 7k observations. 2. The Real Statistics Resource Pack was 37/60 . Please make sure that you follow the instructions in the referenced webpage to enable Excel to recognize the resource pack as an “add in”. 3. If not. has been easy to use thus far and seems to produce results comparable very costly software packages! I am having a problem with factor analysis. If the approaches that i suggested earlier haven’t resolved this problem. and is there a solution? Again. when attempting to run the analysis I am given the error message “A run time error has occurred. com/freedownload/realstatisticsresourcepack/ 38/60 .xlam extension) thankfully it is working but partially. you are to be highly commended for 1) making this product available. 2014 at 10:41 pm Ngan. My objective from the beginning was to create a site for people to learn statistics and gain access to tools without having to pay a lot of money. The analysis tool will be aborted. Charles Reply JeetkumarN says: November 27.1 Office 2013 and seems to be working fine. I need to ask you the following questions: Which versions of Excel and Windows are you using? Which reliability capability are you using (the Reliability data analysis tool or one of the reliability functions)? Are you able to use other Real Statistics data analysis tools and functions? Charles Reply William Allen says: November 30. 2) responding as patiently as you have to all the comments above. Seems grand… Please tell me you have some ulterior motive. I had been holding off watching how the comments above would evolve. 2014 at 3:05 pm I am using MSO 2007. In order to try to identify the cause of the problem. William Reply Charles says: November 30. The specified dimension is not valid for the current chart http://www. When i give some basic command a msg display in middle with wrong incomplete output. If you send me a spreadsheet with your analysis I will try to figure out why you are getting this error message. I am having fun doing this and have learned a lot myself. 2014 at 5:04 pm Charles. some profit angle here or you will destroy my cynicism in humanity? Seriously. still i found using Real statistics Excel 2003 (which has a . “A run time error has occurred. for example QUARTILE.EXC function giving #Name? may be functions conflicting with existing one or something else. I just downloaded in Windows 8. No ulterior motives. 2014 at 11:17 pm William.realstatistics.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Ben. profoundly. the line”compile error in hidden module: analysis” appeared.xla extension instead of an . But. Charles Reply Ngan says: December 4. and 3) providing versions for old software that even MS doesn’t support anymore (eg XT). I just tried using it to find reliability of my data. 2014 at 4:06 pm Charles. may I know whether any mistake I made here? Thanks. Thank you. Reply Charles says: December 4. why? Reply Charles says: May 7. 2015 at 6:37 am Hi there. Though same result when i use this exclusively. win xp 32 bit.xlam as well as RealStats2007.xlam placed it at C:\Documents and Settings\narendra. I know that some people have had some similar problems. 2014 at 3:52 pm Dear Prof Zaiontz Congratulations for the global appreciation for this addin 39/60 . I am using Windows XP Office 2007 downloaded both RealStats.EXC function is not supported in older versions of Excel. I tried and followed all steps and also tried the basic steps to resolve errors. Unfortunately i am still unable to use this. Charles Reply ron says: May 6. 2015 at 9:12 pm Ron. Are you able to use any of the other data analysis tools? What do you see when you enter the formula =VER() in any cell in a worksheet? Charles Reply JeetkumarN says: November 20. applicationdefined or object defined error. The analysis tool will be aborted. The analysis tool will be aborted. My excel is 2010. ” Is this tool is not workable with Analysis ToolPak VBA?. You should avoid using it or any options for the exclusive percentiles or quartiles (especially in the descriptive statistics and boxplots data analysis tools.kumar\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns But find errors also i tried replacing them at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Library same output http://www. Applicationdefined or objectdefined error” when I wanted to create a boxplot. This blog i found useful but i am not able to crack it.” even when i use descriptive stats without exclusive version of quartile it is giving error “A run time error has occurred. These have been partially corrected in more recent releases of the software.realstatistics. Not too many people are still using Windows XP and Microsoft no longer supports this version of the operating system. Reply Charles says: November 27. 2014 at 8:13 pm The QUARTILE.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel type. I got “A run time error has occurred. kumar\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns Next you should press AltTI. help is also not working. Click on the Browse button and search for the Real Statistics software at the file location you specified above. You should be able to use the software. Charles http://www. after cancelling that password box though Real statistics tab is appearing under the AddIns section. 2014 at 8:54 pm Unfortunately. You will see the AddIns dialog 40/60 . Screen shots are: http://s36.jpg. The software should work no matter where you place it and you don’t need to supply a 11_20_20147_49_16PM_zps202f4397. I don’t know why you are having this problem. 2014 at 11:31 am KumarN. Caution: I have never tested the Excel 2007 version of the software in Windows XP. after clicking help tab under real statistics section VB error box saying “compile error in hidden module: FrmInput”.xlam extension) and see whether that works. but this time the RealStats 2007 selection should appear in the list and should be checked (if not check it). but the above approach should work. Charles Reply JeetkumarN says: November 26. Now click on the OK button and you are done.xla extension instead of an . now when i try to use it VB error box saying “compile error in hidden module: Analysis”. The AddIns dialog box should reappear. Does the problem persist with the latest version of the software. suppose you place it at C:\Documents and Settings\narendra.photobucket. When you find it you need to click on the OK button. no out put so far. which I put online on Monday? One other option is to try to use the version of Real Statistics Resource Pack for Excel 2003 (which has a .3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Errors screen shots are Though almost functions working properly i checked but dont know why it is asking for password and VB error that cannot find project or library or compile error in hidden module: Analysis Help me out.realstatistics.html? filters%5Buser%5D=141974259&filters%5Brecent%5D=1&sort=1&o=2 Reply Charles says: November 26. please Thanks and Regards KumarN Reply Charles says: November 22. 2014 at 3:45 pm I am still unable to find why it is asking for password after following all of above instructions and click on the OK button. For example. A Error: Source not found It must be something simple that I can’t understand. MS Office 2013 64bit Reply http://www.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply George says: November 16. 2014 at 6:18 pm George. This is the reason why you are getting error messages and seeing =’C:\Users\C\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\RealStats. I use: win 7 x64 . When I use the =VER() I received 3. I like your great add in and wan to use it. I downloaded the office 2013 version.xlam Work…. you need to tell Excel where that addin is on your computer. I added it to excel add in and was able to use its commands. PS If anyone had this error and corrected I’d greatly appreciate the insight.2.realstatistics. Reply Charles says: November 41/60 . 2014 at 4:49 pm Admin; I’ve downloaded the office 2013 for how to address this. then my office froze and stopped and then restarted! Please let me know if there is a way to solve this. Please advise if you can. 2014 at 5:53 pm Hi Admin.realstatistics. Please refer to the webpage http://www. But I need “correlation” from the menu “ctrl + m” I could get to load the correlation screen and input the data but it didn’t respond after clicking “OK” button. Thanks. When using a spreadsheet that someone else has prepared which refers to an Excel addin. I added it to excel add in and was able to use its commands. Charles Reply Monica says: October 21. Fortunately you only need to do this once.1 My issue is I’m unsure if I in fact downloaded the Excel 2013 version or am having another issue for the error I’m receiving while going through the RealStatisticsMultivariateExamples are from a link issue: Cell reflects: #NAME? =’C:\Users\C\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\RealStats.xlam’!COVP(B4:F30) Looking at the link it identifies an error: Source Type Update Status RealStats.xlam’!COVP(B4:F30). 2014 at 8:30 pm What a great resource! One small bug I’m getting: when I select anything option from the Real Statistics window. I don’t know why this should happen. Now proceed as described in the instructions using the new name instead of the old name. Let’s see if anyone else having this problem? Charles Update: One other possibility is that the data was not formatted properly and the software crashed. 2014 at 6:33 pm A great help. Charles Reply Sara says: August 11. delete it from the list (you should be prompted to do this since the file no longer exists). It’s easy to get around. Download the file to your computer and then rename it (say RealStatistics instead of RealStats). 2014 at 4:52 am Hello! I accidentally downloaded and rather than saving. the “Professional Plus” edition. opened the file and now it seems that even if I erase the file and try to reinstall the addin following the correct instructions (Saving as rather than opening etc. Alternatively. 2014 at 7:30 am Andrew. http://www.).com/freedownload/realstatisticsresourcepack/ 42/60 . Hopefully one of these works. it doesn’t seem to work! Please help! Reply Charles says: October 8. I installed it and had it running working in a few minutes. Thank you! Reply Andrew says: October 8.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles says: October 23. 2.realstatistics. I don’t understand what happened. but in any case it is possible that this happened. but here are two suggestions for how to proceed. Now download the RealStats file and proceed as in the instructions. and you can’t dismiss it by hitting cancel or anything. I was looking for a way to calculate eigenvectors. Then press AltTI and if RealStats appears on the list of addins. Charles Reply Keith says: October 20. delete the RealStats file. This should not happen since the software should make sure that even if the input is not properly formatted error messages are given instead. 2014 at 8:10 am Monica. 1. I just retested the Correlation data analysis tool on my PC (Office 2010) and it works fine. but a little annoying. Any ideas on what could be causing this? It’s in Office 2013. that Real Stats window will immediately become active again on top of the input window for whichever test I’ve selected. Clicking away to any other program and coming back to excel causes the correct window to appear from the background again and I can finish putting in the information to run the test. 2014 at 8:43 pm Can you please provide me step by step instructions on how to properly install this software so that i may be able to make use of it for my upcoming project work. Only a blank Msexcel sheet appears. Installation instructions are quite simple. but nothing seems to be working . The usual problem in these cases is that it is necessary to install the package before you can use it.realstatistics.2).3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Thanks! Reply Charles says: August 12. 2014 at 8:28 am Dear sir. thanks for all the resources. but have not had access to Excel 2013 long enough to try and correct it. 2014 at 8:49 am You should only see a blank Excel worksheet. I have completed all the above mentioned steps on installing this software. http://www. I have tried to download the RealStats package for Excel 2010. If you don’t see these. I am a college student currently taking Statistics as my honors paper and would really appreciate it if this software could help me with my project work. I plan to purchase Excel 2013 shortly and I should be able to figure out how to address this problem. 2014 at 9:55 am Hi Martina. Reply Charles says: June 26. 2014 at 5:20 pm Hi. I just checked and found no problems downloading the RealStats package for Excel 2010. Also let me know which version of Excel you are using. Once you complete the installation you may need to close Excel and open it again before you will see the AddIns window. let me know. but necessary. Charles Reply Eleazerkurzz says: August 1. I am aware of the problem. thnkyou Reply Charles says: August 1. Thanks for your help.realstatistics. Charles Reply Martina says: June 25. You can find the instructions for doing this on the webpage http://www. You will also see the Real Statistics icon in the AddIns ribbon. but it appears only as a blank grey sheet without lines and columns. You can tell whether the Real Statistics software has been installed by entering the formula =VER() into any cell. it doesn´t work and I cannot see it in the AddIns window in my Excel 43/60 .16. If you see the release number (if you are using Excel 2010 or 2013 this will be 2. 2014 at 9:59 am Lahlou. With sincere appreciation.real 44/60 . Can you tell me why? Reply Charles says: June 26.all the file “.realstatistics. 2014 at 6:20 pm Hi. Charles Reply Lahlou says: June 25. In doing so. 2014 at 2:50 pm I can not dowload “Real Statistics Resource Pack” for excel 2007/2010. 2014 at 3:56 pm Dear Charles. Did you click on the link to the “Real Statistics Resource Pack” on the http://www. To use the program you must first “install” it. 2014 at 5:39 pm hi i’m like to try the new of this program .realstatistics. You don’t need to “open” the program to use it.xlam”need a password to open it .3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Let me know if this doesn’t solve the problem. Please help me understand the nature of the problem that you are It is amazing that you have made such a wonderful tool available free of charge. you have strengthened my belief in the basic goodness of “real” people who know the true meaning of giving. The instructions for doing this are simple and explained on the referenced webpage http://www. Reply Charles says: May 23. Charles Reply http://www. i do not a have a macintoch but the program not work need a password .com/free download/realstatisticsresourcepack/ and the file was not downloaded to your computer? Or was the file downloaded to your computer but it didn’t work? Charles Reply Vinod Jindal says: May 27. and so you don’t need the password. Vinod Jindal Reply badih says: May 23. I hadn’t seen that page. where a different set of data is being used in each loop iteration. 2014 at 11:08 pm Thank you.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Dan Vicarel says: May 2. Specifically. The easiest thing would be to see the code for these functions. 2014 at 7:24 pm Dan. (2) The return value for MANOVA_Hotel is a Variant which contains a 2D array. Reply Charles says: May 8. 2014 at 1:01 am Hi Charles.1) = 5 as you pointed out.FormulaR1C1” assignments. Unfortunately the MANOVA functions were implement to accept only a range. F and pvalue ‘ assumes that the first column of rg consists of identifiers of the independent variables and each of the ‘ other columns consists of data for the dependent variables w/o column headings Charles Reply Dan Vicarel says: May 2. I hate to ask for more when you are already providing these tools for free. The calls to all the functions are described under the Tools menu. (1) I have implement many of the functions which take a range to accept either a range or a 2D 45/60 . but I don’t know what they’re arguments or return values are. Reply Charles says: May 2. but I understand if you don’t want to give that out. Can you explain this? Thanks again. Charles Reply http://www. A few things are still confusing me though: 1) I am trying to call the MANOVA functions within a loop. UBound(x. So could you please provide either that password or an example call to the above functions? Thank you so much. I would like to call the MANOVA_Pillai(). df2. df1. and it successfully gave returnArr a Ubound of 5. I think the macro will run much faster if I can pass a 2D array to the functions rather than copy new values to a range and pass that range to the function every time. but I’m having issues using your functions within my own VBA macros. but I believe that you also need to specify the second dimension even though UBound(x.2) = 1. Dan V. For example the MANOVA_Hotel function is as follows Function MANOVA_Hotel(rg As Range) As Variant ‘ return a 5 x 1 array with Hotelling’s Trace for MANOVA. However. MANOVA_Wilks(). Let me first say. very impressive work! This website has been very educational and your RealStats plugin is helping me a lot. Can your code do this? 2) I tried assigning the return value of MANOVA_Hotel() to a Variant variable called returnArr in my code. 2014 at 11:23 am Hi Dan.realstatistics.1)) and see if that works. Try using MsgBox returnArr(2. if I try to access any elements of returnArr (for example MsgBox returnArr(2)) I get a “subscript out of range” error. and MANOVA_Hotel() functions in my code without making a bunch of messy “Range. 2014 at 3:38 am I have noticed that the MAD function is affected by the order of the array of data. Please help to enable them because once I enable them there is no response. Release 2. 75. and Solver Addin appear. which version of Excel are you using? Charles Reply Mike says: February 20. Charles Reply James Jihulya says: April statistics. 75. only the Analysis Toolkit. Release 2. which will be available in a few days. The usual problem in these cases is that you need to follow the installation instruction on http://www. It won’t appear. No mistake. If you see RealStats on the list then click on the check box and press OK. Thanks for identifying this error. I will include this correction in the next full release of the software. A dialog box will appear. You can’t simply open the Resource Pack file. just in case this is not the problem you are encountering. You need to press on the GO button at the bottom of the Addins screen. For people who use versions of Excel prior to Excel 2010.1. There was simply a small error in the 46/60 . 100 produces MAD=25; 100. 2014 at 9:14 pm James.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Jeannie says: April 10.5 I’m assuming the function requires the data to be sorted in a certain order. can you advise on the correct method to sort for the function to work correctly? Many thanks! Reply Charles says: April 10. 2014 at 8:35 am Jeannie. Is there a way to get around this? If there is not a workaround. Reply Charles says: April 2. 2014 at 2:49 pm I downloaded the Real Statistical Pack but I can not do anything because of macros being disabled. Is there a problem. 75 produces MAD=37. 2014 at 7:07 am Mike. For example: 25. The data doesn’t need to be any particular order. By the way. I have now corrected this error in the latest Excel 2010/2013 version of the software. which is now available for free download.5; 100.12. I would prefer to not sort the data before calculating. 25 produces MAD=12. If not press the Browse button http://www. 2014 at 8:50 pm I was tried to download and install RealStats twice but when I get to the Addins available screen.realstatistics. RealStats does not appear. or have I made some mistake? Mike Reply Charles says: February 21. Once you follow the installation instructions you should be able to use all the embedded macros. 25. Analysis Toolkit VBA.13. Thanks. Thanks. To access the the data analysis tools press Ctrlm. 2014 at 11:05 pm New Tools dropdown works for me! Also. 47/60 . Is it possible to include more direct access to the inventories of functions and tools.realstatistics. Rich Reply Kevin Schulte says: February 14. saw your posts about new studentized range distribution functions.realstatistics. The data analysis tools for logit and chisquare can be found by pressing Ctrlm (or alternatively by pressing AltF8 and inserting InitStats). perhaps from the link bar across the top of the pages? Thanks.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel and navigate to where you saved the RealStats file and click on it.realstatistics. Rich Reply Charles says: February 19. Charles Reply Rich says: February 16. For chi square see http://www. Charles Reply Rich says: February 19. Is there a user manual I can reference to use the logit and chi square functionality? I can’t find these options (logit and chi sqare) on any of the drop down menus within excel. Thanks. The website describes these distributions/ and especially http://www. 2014 at 9:32 pm Kevin. Please let me know if this provides the capabilities that you are looking for. but find access to the lists a little cumbersome (too many clicks). I have added a Tools submenu to the Top menu.realstatistics. You should now be able to use all the supplemental functions on any spreadsheet just as you would for a normal Excel worksheet function. Click on the check box next to it and press the OK button. For logit see http://www. 2014 at 4:22 pm Charles I use the inventory of your functions and tools 2014 at 9:02 pm I’ve got realstatistics loaded and in the active addins area. RealStats will now appear on the dialog box. 2014 at 10:01 pm Rich. K Reply Charles says: February All the Real Statistics supplemental functions are described at so stay tuned. Thanks! Max Reply Charles says: February 14. I hope you find the software and website useful. 2014 at 11:04 am Hi Max.realstatistics. Charles Reply Declan says: January 20.realstatistics. 2014 at 9:16 am Hi there Charles I am using excel 2007 but I have Windows 8 Pro (not sure if that is a problem). Kind regards Declan Reply Declan says: January 19. I plan to continue to add new functionality in the future.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel There is a brief description of all the data analysis tools at http://www. I’d just like to say thank you for making this availble to capabilities/supplementaldataanalysistools/.realstatistics. 2014 at 10:23 am Hi 48/60 . Good to hear. Charles Reply Max Sass Egebo says: February 14. I downloaded. instaled and used according to the instruction (Excel 2007) and it worked like a charm. 2014 at 2:23 pm Hi there Charles I downloaded the latest version but I am getting a Miscrosoft Visual Basic error Compile error in hidden module: logistic regression Compile error in hidden module: Misc Compile error in hidden module: ChiSquare Compile error in hidden module: Matrix Compile error in hidden module: Regression Compile error in hidden module: Lookup Compile error in hidden module: Nonparametric Please can you help regarding the above. I will follow your instructions and let you know. Kind regards Declan http://www. If the problem persists please tell me whether you can can enter the formula =VER() and whether you can access any data analysis tools when you press Ctrlm. I have now created a new version of the software. 2014 at 6:54 pm Hi Ed. 2014 at 7:49 pm Declan. Sorry to see that you are having these 2007/. I experienced the same issue as Arturo et al on Excel 2007.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply Charles says: January 19. I created a new version today called Rel 2. specifically designed for Excel 2007. Are you using Excel 2007? Charles Reply Charles says: January 19. I have had similar issues before with versions of some of the microsoft libs.realstatistics. Please let me know whether you have been able to download and install it successfully. since vb will immediately highlight the problem lib.1. You can find it at http://www. one for Excel 2007 and one for versions of Excel prior to Excel 2007. but that may be unrelated. 49/60 .9. you have a reference to a module that . I am a programmer and thought you might be interested in this vb error msg (I can’t paste the image): Can’t find project or library So it seems in your vb project. Charles Reply Ed W says: January 16. win 7. Especially if you are using Excel 2007 or prior versions of Excel I suggest that you delete the existing version and download the latest version again. Of course the easy way to clearly identify the issue would be to run it with the source on a system where the issue occurs.realstatistics. but I’m sure you don’t want to give out the source code… Best of luck. Reply Charles says: January 20.for some reason. http://www. 2014 at 6:56 pm Declan. I am quite sure that I followed your installation of addin instructions accurately (did it several times) – there is definitely an issue with the vba program. 2014 at 9:04 pm Hi. is not found on the windows installations that are having the issue (like mine and Arturo). I also have created three versions of this software: one for use with Excel 2010/2013. Charles Reply David Arnold says: January 3. I hope to be able to find a Mac sometime soon.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles Reply Rishi Raj Gautam says: January 7. 2014 at 11:53 pm very useful Reply Charles says: January 8. Have you been able to download the latest Mac version of the resource package? Is it working well enough for your needs? Charles Reply Bo Sann says: http://www. 2014 at 1:21 pm Hi David. 2014 at 11:06 pm Thanks Rishi. Unfortunately I am still looking for someone to give me access to a macintosh/ Charles Reply Charles says: February 50/60 . 2014 at 9:53 pm David. Charles Reply Charles says: January 31. For more information. I have just released a beta version of the Real Statistics Resource Pack for Mac. but it does not yet give access to the data analysis tools. It only partially works: it provides access to the supplemental functions. see http://www. A friend who has a MAC had a version of Excel but in a language which wasn’t English and so I couldn’t use it. David. 2014 at 11:17 am Hi David.realstatistics. 2014 at 8:00 pm Any news on a Mac version for your resource package? Thanks. Reply Charles says: January 4. Other functions are okay. I just released a new version of the AddIn. I press OK (it’s my only choice with Help options that leads) and then it asks me for a password also. says: December 13. 2013 at 12:43 am Hi Cyril. etc) I hope it helps. Could you help me why it is happening. Do you have any suggestion of what the problem could be? Reply Charles says: December 11. But the problem is that when I calculated eigenvalues/vectors by using Matrix Operations. By the way. same error message as before. I’m unable to install the new software. a part of Office Professional Plus (12. I have downloaded and successfully installed Real Statistics Resources Pack in my computer(windows 7. what release of Excel are you using? Charles Reply Cyril says: December 11.realstatistics. My version of Excel is Excel 2007.0. Thanks very much for finding this error. Reply Arturo J Patungan Jr. browsed to get the file added in the box and ticked the box and finally pressed OK and it bounces an error message telling me that a reference or a library is not found. transpose function. 2013 at 10:48 am Hi again. I couldn’t understand because my matrix is completely square like 3 rows x 3 columns. copied the file in the AddIns folder as you suggested and went through the excel options > AddIns pressed Go. I have now corrected this and so the data analysis tool should now work properly.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel December 23. Charles Reply Cyril says: December 10. for example. I am a student form Kyoto University. I suggest that you delete the previous version and downloading the latest version. I did understand that there is no need for any password. 64 bit) for Microsoft excel 2007. 2013 at 3:13 pm Hello Bo. I have followed your setup instructions. there appeared a message box ” Input data range must be square”. 2013 at 9:53 am Hello. 2013 at 6:52 pm Hi. Bo Sann Reply Charles says: December 23. but I tried to follow the instructions you gave already three times without any success and I don’t think I missed something by now as I have read and followed the instructions carefully. 2013 at 3:33 am http://www. I recently changed the IsSquare(R1) supplemental function and inadvertently introduced an 51/60 . Let me know if you still are unable to install the software. Best regards. realstatistics. You can find it at http://www. but I have not been able to test it myself.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Hi Charles. Charles http://www. Perhaps others readers can offer some suggestions. I don’t know why you are having this problem. 2013 at 7:40 am Cyril. I have recently heard from others who are having problems specifically with Excel 2007 as part of Office 2007 Professional. It is not clear to me what is different about your computer configuration that prevents you from completing the installation. Charles Charles says: January 20.realstatistics. specifically designed for Excel 2007. Thanks Art Reply Charles says: December 14. perhaps other readers can offer some suggestions. There is also a new version designed for versions of Excel prior to 2007. 2015 at 5:12 pm Cyril. The installation is really quite simple. In any case. Others have been able to successfully install the software. 2013 at 7:44 am Hi excel2003/ Please let me know whether you have been able to download and install it pack/realstatisticsresourcepackexcel2007/. I have now created a new version of the software. Most people have been able to successfully install the software. Charles Reply Charles says: July 19. I don’t know why you and a few others are having this problem. Charles Charles says: December 14. I have the same problem with Cyril. Perhaps this will help. I tried to follow step by step instruction on how to install the addins but it always lead to the realstat asking for a password. 2014 at 7:00 pm Hi Arturo. It is not clear to me what is different about your computer configuration that prevents you from completing the installation. You can find this at 52/60 . Unfortunately.realstatistics. but unfortunately. I have also been given the suggestion that upgrading to the latest Office 2007 service pack (namely SP3) can resolve this type of problem. I will improve the explanation of the implementation process. If not. Charles Reply Owen says: November 24. Once you do this you should be presented with a dialog box as described in the instructions. It draws blank. You need to follow the instructions on the website (on the download page) to install it. I followed the steps as explaine dto place the addin in Roaming directory (C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns). You do not need to supply a password. 2013 at 8:20 pm Resource pack is not opening after downloading. You need to click on this button.realstatistics. That you are being prompted for a password indicates that you haven’t installed the file 53/60 . but nothing ofmuch help. 2013 at 9:06 am Unmesh. 2013 at 3:23 pm Owen. Appreciate your help with teh passowrd. it is important that you look for the Go button at the bottom of the window. It keeps asking me for a password and doesn’t install. The process is pretty easy (essentially you are telling Excel that the resource pack is an http://www. Umesh Reply Charles says: December 9. Could you please advise what to do? Regards Owen Reply Charles says: November 27. in which case you need to make sure that the file is checked. The Real Statistics Resource Pack doesn’t selfinstall. Regards. If not you will need to search for it by pressing the Browse button on the dialog box. 2013 at 11:24 am I tried downloading and adding the addin to the Excel Addin section. I read the other posts on this page in relation to password. Please let me know if this doesn’t work for you. It is not sufficient to put the file in the correct directory. If you have already put the Real Statistics Resource Pack file in the appropriate addin directory you should see its name on the list shown. But not succeding.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Reply umesh says: December 8. Appreciate your help. Please follow the following steps: After selecting Office Button > Excel Options > AddIns in Excel 2007 or File > Help|Options > AddIns in Excel 2010/2013. Any hel will be appreciated. Then complete step 2 as described above. Check the Realstats option on the dialog box that appears and click the OK button. Other addins. Move the Resource Pack file to where you want it located on your computer (see our recommendation on the website). You will need to add it to the list. 2013 at 5:17 pm Thanks for your tips. Charles Reply Jorge Camacho says: November 22. simple way to get some stats done. 2. http://www. Caution: once you install the resource pack at a particular location it will be more difficult to move it later. it was a mess to get it working again. are available after installation. on AddIns menu in the top ribbon of Excel or Data Analysis add in is located on Data menu after 54/60 . Thanks again for your tips Jorge Reply Jorge Camacho says: November 20. MegaStat for example. 2013 at 4:20 pm Hi Just downloaded a few days ago to finish up some research and it works great. but I do not know where is RealStatistics available after installation. I did mine while it was still in the downloads folder and when I moved it. I am using MS Office 360 on Windows 8.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Excel addin). If this option doesn’t appear. Select Office Button > Excel Options > AddIns in Excel 2007 or File > Help|Options > AddIns in Excel 2010/2013. well at least for someone like me. Jorge Reply Charles says: November 21. I followed your instructions step by step but at the end I can not find where is the pack available. 2013 at 6:47 pm I downloaded the pack and install the add in but the add in did no appear on Add Ins. and click on the Go button at the bottom of the window. Just a reminder in the setup may be helpful for other nonsavvy people looking for a easy.xlam file. 3.realstatistics.1 64 bits OS. I’d suggest to tell people to move the file to where they want it before loading it into excel through their addins though. Charles Reply Zflan says: October 25. Sometimes (but not usually) after performing the above steps you will need to close Excel and then reopen it again. I have the windows version. The pack won’t necessarily appear in the list of addins. My husband whipped it up in less than 3 minutes. I hope this helps. click on Browse to find and choose the realstats. Usually the approach is as follows: 1. 2013 at 6:42 am Hi Jorge. 4. I’ve downloaded the Real Stats Resource Pack and now I’m trying to install it when I go to AddIns in excel. I´ve saved it as is but why don´t I have the option to download the xla filke Reply Charles says: October 22. 2013 at 5:52 pm Hi EMM.xla. Charles Reply EMM says: October 17. You need to click on this button. it appears that the Fisher exact test is not one of the functions included in resource pack? elsewhere on your website it’s stated that the fisher exact test function is included. I’ve also tried just entering the function directly in the cell (=FISHERTEST(desired range. The Resource Pack was designed and tested for Excel 2007. 2013 at 5:31 pm Hello. This dialog box will have a Browse button.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Thanks for making it! Reply Charles says: October 26. but it did not work… please advise. but as I cautioned on the website it has not been tested. Once you do this you should be presented with a dialog box as described in the instructions. 2010 and 2013. 2013 at 8:35 pm Sorry 55/60 . I may have found Excel 2003 software now and so will try to address this issue. This is because I haven’t had access to Excel 2003. 2013 at 6:46 pm got it.realstatistics. number of tails)). http://www. I had hoped that by saving the Resource Pack as an .3). 2013 at 2:10 pm great resource but when I click on the link for the Xcel2003 version it automatically opens a text file of hyroglyphics altho with extension . but I cannot find it among the list of functions when I open real stats. After selecting Office Button > Excel Options > AddIns in Excel 2007 or File > Help|Options > AddIns in Excel 2010/2013. I will update the website based on your suggestion when I do so. Reply Charles says: October 17. Charles Reply EMM says: October 17. nor is there a Browse function to find the realstats file… how can I find it and install? Thank you. it is important that you look for the Go button at the bottom of the window. 2013 at 11:38 am Zflan. there is no Realstats option in the dialog box.xla file it would work with Excel 2003. Charles Reply Max Sharratt says: October 22. thank you now. I am about to put out a new release (Release 2. Please let me know if this doesn’t work for you. Charles Reply EMM says: October 18. If you receive the message #VALUE! then the FISHERTEST function is included in the resource pack. For an hour and a few minutes I have been unseccussfully struggling to download Real Statistics Resource Pack following the provided link. 2013 at 8:12 am EM. Please let me know which message you receive.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Thank you Reply Charles says: October 18. Charles Reply Francisco Abecasis says: October 8. Somewhere along the line I am being asked for my phone number. Please help. try =VER(). E. I just tested the function and found that =FISHERTEST(R1. I needed that badly as my current research is based on Logistic Regression. 2013 at 10:07 am EMM. I hope this helps. Also which version of Excel are you using? (2003? 2007? 2010? 2013?).t) works fine on my computer. I have the 2007 version of excel. When you say it didn’t 56/60 . EM Dube says: October 16. what message did you receive? If you receive the message #NAME? then Excel didn’t recognize this function. 2013 at 1:14 am Hi Charles I have just downloaded the resource pack and it works perfectly. http://www.g. In this case. I have just checked and was able to download the resource pack without any problems. it is definitely only numeric data. please check to see whether any of the other functions work in the Real Statistics Resource Pack work. when I try the fisher test function. 2013 at 6:56 am Hi Charles. Likely problems are the inclusion of nonnumeric data in the data range or that the range you specified is not 2 x 2. I will contact you directly to help you solve the problem. You should not be asked for a telephone number. but there is some other problem. 2013 at 4:07 pm Other functions work ( I tested the chi square function). Is that part of the conditions? And thanks for the Logistic regression tutorial in EXCEL. Reply Charles says: October 16. I don’t know why you have experienced so many problems. I get #VALUE? I am selecting only the 2×2 table for my data range. You don’t need a password to use the RealStats addin. I saved a spreadsheet to Microsoft Skydrive account. Reply Charles says: August 21. Best regards Francisco Abecasis. Charles Reply Avi Wes says: August 15. 2013 at 2:41 am After using a few of the functions in the toolkit. follow the instructions for installing the software as written on the webpage http://www. Please. MD Reply Nárcio says: August 21. How can i make it aavailable.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Thank you very much for your site and 57/60 . Can you please provide the password? Thanks. 2013 at 7:36 am Hi Avi. 2013 at 8:40 am Marcio.realstatistics. but not finding it on the skydrive. You will then be able to use the software (without needing the password). was prompted for links that the error message indicated should be found on the Skydrive account. After downloading the software to your computer. Charles Reply Rich says: July 26. Just follow the Installation instructions written on this webpage and you will be able to use all the supplemental functions and data analysis tools without a password. Any ideas? Or just don’t use or save to the cloud service. 2013 at 3:35 am Thank you for the download/realstatisticsresourcepack/. 2013 at 7:45 am I real download the package but i could´t install due to password not available. However RealStats addin requires a password. if sharing a spreadsheet between multiple computers that have the resource kit located in different folders on each of the computers? Thanks. Do you believe there would be similar issues with links. So the spreadsheet would not open cleanly. When trying to open on Skydrive or after downloading the same file. Reply Charles says: August 15.realstatistics. You don’t need the password to install the package. It seemed to be looking for the resource kit. Rich Reply http://www. realstatistics.xlam to the Addin folder of Office 2011. but does it work with the Macintosh version of Excel 2011? Your description of the installation seems to apply to the Windows version of Excel. Your addin for Excel looks incredibly powerful and useful for my research. KINDLY MAIL ME THE LINK. 2013 at 4:37 pm DEAR SIR. but let me know if you have any problems. I downloaded and copied RealStats. PLEASE HELP. 2013 I am a professor at University of California. It looks like the full version of Excel is not supported in Skydrive. When I started Excel and then opened Tools > Addins. Thank you. 2013 at 5:23 pm Hi Rich. http://www. Charles Reply Donald McDonald says: July 15.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel admin says: July 28. Your guidance would be appreciated. 2013 at 10:29 am The current version only works with Windows versions of Excel. Go to the page http://www. Donald McDonald Professor Reply admin says: July 15. 2013 at 2:53 am July 14. San Francisco. Charles Reply Dr.realstatistics. DR. I will take a look at the Macintosh version after the summer. I ALSO TRIED TO CLICK ON REAL STATISTICS RESOURCES FREE DOWNLOAD ICON BUT COULD NOT DOWNLOAD.WADIKAR Reply admin says: July 58/60 . This should work. In particular I don’t see any way to link to AddIns. Surendra Wadikar says: July 24. but to try to answer your question I just opened Excel under Skydrive. Click on that link and the resource pack should download to your computer automatically. 2013 at 5:26 pm Dear Dr. I got an error message that a data file was not found and then was requested to enter a password. Right after the heading Download you should see a link called Real Statistics Resource Pack. I TRIED TO LOOK FOR THE FREE DOWNLOAD REAL STATISTICS RESOURCE PACK LINK BUT DID NOT FIND IT ON YOUR WEB SITE ANYWHERE. I am not familiar with Skydrive. I AM A DOCTOR FROM INDIA AND I NEED YOUR HELP FOR MY RESEARCH. Sorry. I am sorry to read that you were unable to download the Real Statistics using Excel software. The main reason for this is that I don’t have a Mac and haven’t been able to get my hands on one. 2013 at 11:29 am Kieran. Since Mac’s iWorks Numbers doesn’t support the Excel programming language I don’t have any plans to provide a version for that environment. Thanks. but eventually I intend to get a Mac version out Once you are on that webpage you will need to click on the link marked Real Statistics Resource Pack to get the download. I will create a mac version. I have just located a PC running Excel 2003 and so I will soon try to get out a version of the software for that environment. 2013 at 6:39 am Hello David.realstatistics. David Reply admin says: May 23. I hope you enjoy using the software.realstatistics. I just checked and saw that I was able to download the software without any problem. I tried downloading the addin softwarefor Excel but the link does not seem to work. Once I do.3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel Charles Reply Kieran says: November 4. 2013 at 9:08 pm Hi. Please let me know if you are still having problems. No progress yet on the Mac 2011 version. The link appears on the webpage http://www. has there been any progress developing an Office for Mac 2011 or iWorks Numbers equivalent? Reply Charles says: November 59/60 . Is the software still available and if so. 2013 at 8:50 pm Hi. can you please check the link and/or send me a new way to download the data. Charles Reply David says: May 22. http://www. realstatistics. http://www. Charles Zaiontz Reply Real Statistics Using Excel : © 20132016. Charles 60/60 .3/23/2016 Real Statistics Resource Pack | Real Statistics Using Excel I plan to release an new version of the Real Statistics Resource Pack in the next week or two. All Rights Reserved Proudly powered by WordPress.
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