
March 18, 2018 | Author: bozza85 | Category: Absorption Spectroscopy, Microsoft Windows, File Format, Chromatography, Tab (Gui)



LabSolutions LC/GCVersion 5.71 SP1 Readme Last updated: July 28, 2014 Table of Contents 1. Overview 2. Contents of Installation Disk 3. LabSolutions LC/GC Feature Enhancements 3.1 Version 5.32 Feature Enhancements 3.1.1 Support for Windows 7 3.1.2 Support for LC-30AD LPGE Mode and 10mL/min Flow Rate 3.1.3 Other Enhancements 3.2 Version 5.42 Feature Enhancements 3.2.1 Support for SIL-30ACMP and CTO-30AS 3.2.2 Other Enhancements 3.3 Version 5.42 SP5 Feature Enhancements 3.3.1 Improving the execution speed 3.4 Version 5.51 Feature Enhancements 3.4.1 Support for 64-bit Windows 3.4.2 Support for GC-2025 3.4.3 Improving the Peak Integration 3.5 Version 5.54 Feature Enhancements 3.5.1 Support for SPD-M30A 3.5.2 Support for 4 channel wavelength acquisition 3.5.3 Support for multiple ovens 3.5.4 Support for solvent blending 3.5.5 Support for Intelligent Peak Deconvolution Analysis (i-PDeA) 3.5.6 Support for HS-20 3.6 Version 5.54 SP2 Feature Enhancements 3.6.1 PDA Intelligent Dynamic Range Extension Calculator (i-DReC) 3.6.2 Improvement the Loading of PDA data file 3.6.3 Support for LabSolutions SIMDIS GC Software 3.6.4 Support for BID Detector (GC) 3.7 Version 5.54 SP3 Feature Enhancements 3.7.1 Improving the SPD-M30A Time Constant Settings 3.7.2 Support for LC-20ADXR LPGE Mode 3.8 Version 5.57 Feature Enhancements LabSolutions Readme Page 1 of 31 3.8.1 Support for LC-20ADXR Compressibility Setting 3.8.2 Support for LC-20AP LPGE Mode 3.8.3 Support for LabSolutions Direct 3.9 Version 5.63 Feature Enhancements 3.9.1 Support for LabSolutions GPC Software 3.9.2 Support for PDA Detector 2D Mode (SPD-M30A) 3.9.3 Overlapped Injection (SIL-30AC) 3.9.4 Improving the Quant Browser 3.10 Version 5.71 Feature Enhancements 3.10.1 Support for the integrated LC “Nexera-i (LC-2040) / Prominence-i (LC-2030)” 3.10.2 Control Panel Graphical User Interface (LC-2030/LC-2040, CBM-20A) 3.10.3 Quick Batch (LC-2030/LC-2040, CBM-20A) 3.10.4 Support for RID-20A 3.10.5 Improving the Quant Browser 3.10.6 Other Enhancements 4. LabSolutions LC/GC Corrected Defects List 4.1 Version 5.30 SP1 Corrected Defects List 4.2 Version 5.32 Corrected Defects List 4.3 Version 5.32 SP1 Corrected Defects List 4.4 Version 5.42 Corrected Defects List 4.5 Version 5.42 SP1 Corrected Defects List 4.6 Version 5.42 SP2 Corrected Defects List 4.7 Version 5.42 SP3 Corrected Defects List 4.8 Version 5.42 SP5 Corrected Defects List 4.9 Version 5.42 SP6 Corrected Defects List 4.10 Version 5.51 Corrected Defects List 4.11 Version 5.54 Corrected Defects List 4.12 Version 5.54 SP1 Corrected Defects List 4.13 Version 5.54 SP2 Corrected Defects List 4.14 Version 5.54 SP3 Corrected Defects List 4.15 Version 5.54 SP4 Corrected Defects List 4.16 Version 5.54 SP5 Corrected Defects List 4.17 Version 5.57 Corrected Defects List 4.18 Version 5.57 SP1 Corrected Defects List 4.19 Version 5.57 SP2 Corrected Defects List 4.20 Version 5.63 Corrected Defects List 4.21 Version 5.63 SP1 Corrected Defects List 4.22 Version 5.71 Corrected Defects List 4.23 Version 5.71 SP1 Corrected Defects List LabSolutions Readme Page 2 of 31 LabSolutions Readme Page 3 of 31 LabSolutions LC/GC Feature Enhancements 3.1 update program] ├─Dongle [Dongle driver installer] ├─DotNET [.1 Version 5. Overview This file describes supplementary information about purpose and usage of LabSolutions LC/GC version 5. Contents of Installation Disk The installation disk stores the installation files and documents under the following folders. LabSolutions Readme Page 4 of 31 . 2.NET Framework installer] ├─LabSolutions [LabSolutions installer] │ ├─ManualFL │ │ ├─en [English Instruction Manuals] │ │ └─jp [Japanese Instruction Manuals] │ └─IQOQ │ ├─CheckDataGC [IQ/OQ check data(GC) installer] │ └─CheckDataLC [IQ/OQ check data(LC) installer] ├─LabSolutionsDirect [LabSolutions Direct setup program] ├─LabSolutionsLCGC [LabSolutionsLCGC installer] │ ├─Sample [Sample data] │ ├─Supplement [Other supplemental files] │ └─Template [Template files (reserved area)] │ ├─en [English template files] │ └─jp [Japanese template files] ├─MSXML [MSXML 4. 2.32 Feature Enhancements 3. Installation disk Root ├─AdobeReader │ ├─en [Adobe Acrobat Reader English Installer] │ └─jp [Adobe Acrobat Reader Japanese Installer] ├─CBM102 [CBM-102 Ver.0 installer] ├─OraSilent [Oracle database setting files] ├─SkyPDFSilent │ ├─x64 [SkyPDF installer for 64-bit Windows] │ └─x86 [SkyPDF installer for 32-bit Windows] └─Vcredist [MFC Runtime for 64-bit Windows] 3.1 Support for Windows 7 LabSolutions LC/GC supports Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32bit English version).1.1. Curve] is set to “Conc.42 SP5 Feature Enhancements 3. To control these instruments.3 Version 5.4 Version 5. 1] and GCsolution [Ver. the ROM version of CBM-20A/lite should be updated to Ver. 3. [Default X Axis of Calib.1 Improving the execution speed The execution speed of Postrun Batch and Data Explorer has improved.2 Support for LC-30AD LPGE Mode and 10mL/min Flow Rate LabSolutions supports LC-30AD LPGE mode and 10mL/min flow rate.10 or later Ver. The [Default X Axis of Calib. The [X Axis of Calib.42 Feature Enhancements 3. 3. b. 1~2]. Curve] setting can be edited in the Quantitative parameters of method. Curve] in order to set the default value of [X Axis of Calib.2. Please select “Area/Height” for [Default X Axis of Calib. the ROM versions of CBM-20A/lite and LC-30AD should be updated.3 Other Enhancements a.3. # 1 2 Item Supporting LC-30AD low pressure gradient mode Extending the LC-30AD flow rate up to 10mL/min CBM-20A/lite LC-30AD Ver. 2. Curve] setting of method files already created is not changed.3. neburizing gas valve can be closed on Shutdown. To use the following functions. Curve] in the Quantitative parameters to “Area/Height” that is compatible with LCsolution [Ver.1. Curve] in the Quantitative parameters can be selected in the [Data Processing Settings] sub-window in the system settings.2. and PDA Data Analysis Windows. Curve] setting is applied to a method file newly created.2. Data Analysis.” By default.2 Version 5. 3. [X Axis of Calib. chromatogram of a chromatogram label selected on the Chromatogram View can be moved by dragging mouse. When using ELSD.1 SIL-30ACMP and CTO-30AS LabSolutions supports SIL-30ACMP and CTO-30AS. 3.51 Feature Enhancements LabSolutions Readme Page 5 of 31 .1.2 Other Enhancements a. Default value of the [X Axis of Calib.10 or later 3. 2. By selecting the [Move Chromatogram] menu in the Data Acquisition. Please update each unit if necessary.20. 4 Support for solvent blending LabSolutions becomes supporting high-pressure gradient analysis by specifying the mixed solution ratio of up to 4 types of mobile phase solution on each pump and using the mobile phase blended in the pump.) 3.3 Improving the Peak Integration In Data Analysis. When using the Version 5. LabSolutions Readme Page 6 of 31 . 3.5. please update ROM versions of CBM-20A/lite and other instruments referring to the following table. 3.5.5 Version 5.54 Feature Enhancements.3.1 Support for SPD-M30A LabSolutions supports SPD-M30A.54 Feature Enhancements 3. 3. LabSolutions becomes supporting data acquisition with up to 4 channels of different excitation wavelength and emission wavelength. the peak integration of LC/GC chromatogram can be done by specifying the maximum number of peaks or relative threshold to the main peak.4.2 Support for 4 channel wavelength acquisition By using RF-20A/AXS.2 Support for GC-2025 LabSolutions supports GC-2025.5.1 Support for 64-bit Windows LabSolutions LC/GC supports 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 R2 and 64-bit version of Windows 7 Professional. 3. LabSolutions supports up to 4 ovens.3 Support for multiple ovens By using CBM-20A/lite. Application systems such as using a post-column are available.5.4. (Previous version supported data acquisition with up to 2 channels.4. 3. 3 Support for LabSolutions SIMDIS GC Software LabSolutions supports SIMDIS GC software (Option). it can set up numerically like before. 3. Fast. the multi-chromatogram wavelength is automatically shifted to a lower absorption wavelength to calculate the peak area and height.1 PDA Intelligent Dynamic Range Extension Calculator (i-DReC) i-DReC function becomes usable for the PDA data. 3. 3. 2.5.4 Support for BID Detector (GC) LabSolutions supports BID detector for GC-2010Plus.6 Version 5.7 Version 5. Slow. and Other".2 Improvement the Loading of PDA data file In application windows like Quant Browser and Calibration Curve.5.20 or later 3. Although it was set up numerically before.6.# Item CBM-20A/lite 1 SPD-M30A 2 4 channel wavelength acquisition 3 Multiple ovens 4 Solvent blending Ver. 2.10 or later LC-30AD Ver.54 SP3 Feature Enhancements 3.6.1 Improving the SPD-M30A Time Constant Settings The setting method of the "Time Constant" was changed by the instrument parameter of SPD-M30A. the number of PDA data files which can be loaded simultaneously increased.5 Support for Intelligent Peak Deconvolution Analysis (i-PDeA) i-PDeA is the function to distinguish coeluted two peaks. and then the peak area and height at the target wavelength are obtained by multiplying the absorption ratio between two wavelengths of the sensitivity correction spectrum extracted from the peak shoulder by this function. When "Other" is selected. LabSolutions Readme Page 7 of 31 . 3.40 or later Instrument version RF-20A/AXS Ver. 3.6. 3.6 Support for HS-20 LabSolutions supports HS-20 (a head space sampler).6. each component can be detected by two separate chromatograms. When the peak intensity at the retention time exceeds the specified threshold. 1. By peak deconvolution theory at specific wavelength.54 SP2 Feature Enhancements 3.7. it was made to select from "Standard. 57 Feature Enhancements 3.2).1 Support for LC-20ADXR Compressibility Setting LabSolutions supports LC-20ADXR compressibility setting.3 Support for LabSolutions Direct It became possible to control LabSolutions and monitor chromatograms from mobile devices. An optimal compressibility can be set as required type of mobile phase.2 Support for LC-20AP LPGE Mode LabSolutions supports LC-20AP (the pump for preparative LC system) LPGE Mode. 3.30 or later LC-20AP Ver. When using these Feature Enhancements (3. LabSolutions Readme Page 8 of 31 . When using this function.60 or later Instrument version LC-20ADXR Ver. 1.2 Support for LC-20ADXR LPGE Mode LabSolutions supports LC-20ADXR LPGE Mode. LPGE Mode can be used by connecting low-pressure gradient valve unit FCV-200AL to LC-20AP.50 or later Instrument version LC-20ADXR Ver. 1.10 or later 3. please update ROM versions of CBM-20A/lite and LC-20ADXR referring to the following table.8. 2. 3. Version 5.8.30 or later 3.1. # Item 1 LC-20ADXR Compressibility Setting 2 LC-20AP LPGE Mode CBM-20A/lite Ver.8. 1.7. please update ROM versions of CBM-20A/lite and other instruments referring to the following table. # Item 1 Support for LC-20ADXR LPGE Mode CBM-20A/lite Ver. 3 Overlapped Injection (SIL-30AC) In LC system using the autosampler SIL-30AC. LabSolutions Readme Page 9 of 31 .3. the summary output can be exported from the Export Quantitative Result window.1 Support for LabSolutions GPC Software LabSolutions supports GPC software (Option).9. the overlapped injection which shortens analysis time by injecting the next sample during analysis became possible. And it is necessary to turn ON the checkbox "Start pretreatment for next sample during current data acquisition" with the [General] tab of the settings of Realtime Batch. It can be set up by the "Pretreatment" of the [Autosampler] tab in the Instrument Parameter View.4 Improving the Quant Browser In the Quant Browser. and only the data of the set-up channel is acquired). 3.63 Feature Enhancements 3.9 Version 5.2 Support for PDA Detector 2D Mode (SPD-M30A) The PDA detector "SPD-M30A" was corresponded to 2D detector mode (the wavelength conditions of chromatogram are set up as a "channel".9. 3.9.9. 3. The mode (3D/2D) is changed by the configuration of PDA detector. 10. LabSolutions can display the Control Panel GUI at the data acquisition window. LabSolutions Readme Page 10 of 31 . 3.1 Support for the integrated LC “Nexera-i (LC-2040)” / “Prominence-i (LC-2030)” LabSolutions supports the integrated LC “Nexera-i (LC-2040/LC-2040C 3D)” and “Prominence-i” (LC-2030/LC-2030C/LC-2030C 3D). [Instrument Parameter View] (the classic style) or [Control Panel]. CBM-20A) For LC-2030. CBM-20A) For LC-2030. "Quick Batch" assists you to create the realtime batch sequence easily.10.10. LC-2040 and CBM-20A systems.3. You can select the view style. "Quick Batch" function is available in the data acquisition window and realtime batch window. 3. The Control Panel makes it much easier to control instruments and to monitor instrument status with graphical view style.3 Quick Batch (LC-2030/LC-2040.71 Feature Enhancements 3.2 Control Panel Graphical User Interface (GUI) for LC-2030/LC-2040. The PDA detector model " LC-2040C 3D " and " LC-2030C 3D (internal detector is the PDA detector)" support for PDA Detector 2D Mode.10 Version 5. LC-2040 and CBM-20A systems. 3. 3) The [Full Size].10.4 Support for RID-20A LabSolutions supports RID-20A. an option is now available which enables to apply the reason for changes to multiple files at once. "Edit Report Format (Graph Range)" and "Edit Method (New File)" have LabSolutions Readme Page 11 of 31 . 2.10.10. 3.The "Quick Batch" sub-window can be opend by clicking [Quick Batch] button on the Control Panel or by selecting the [Quick Batch] of [Tools] menu in the Data Acquisition window. Ctrl+V) is now available in the [Quantitative Results View] in the Quant Browser. please update ROM versions of CBM-20A/lite referring to the following table. Method Editor window.80 or later 3. To control RID-20A. # 1 Item Support for RID-20A CBM-20A/lite Instrument version Ver. 2) The data file can be removed by selecting multiple rows and pressing [Delete] key in [Quantitative Results View] in the Quant Browser. 4) When using the Audit Trail function in the Quant Browser.6 Other Enhancements 1) Two user rights. [Normal Size] and [Wide Size] can be switched in each pane in the Quant Browser. Realtime Batch window and Batch Editor window.5 Improving the Quant Browser 1) The shortcut key operation (Ctrl+C. an option of “Wait after downloading instrument parameters” is available for the settings of “Wait before acquisition” and “Pause before acquisition”. LC-20AT. SIL-30ACMP LabSolutions Readme Page 12 of 31 . Startup can be added to the batch queue by clicking the Startup button in the toolbar during analysis. once a new method file has been edited and then saved. SIL-20ACXR. SIL-20AC. LC-2010. LC-20ADXR. the user can no longer edit the method file. 3) From this version. LC-2010. LC-20AB. LC-20AP.been added. SIL-30AC. With the "Edit Method (New File)" user right. SIL-20AXR. LC-20AD. LC-30AD 5) Rinse Remaining and Rinse Capacity Ratio for the autosamplers below can be monitored on the Instrument Monitor. SIL-20A. 2) In the “Run Mode” of batch table. 4) Mobile Phase Remaining and Mobile Phase Capacity Ratio(%) for the pumps below can be monitored on the Instrument Monitor. it was output with the scale including invalidated calibration points which were not displayed. Height. 1. When reporting a calibration curve including invalidated calibration points. LabSolutions LC/GC Corrected Defects List 4. total values of Area. When reporting only the status traces by specifying “Displayed Chromatogram” to [No Chromatogram] in the Chromatogram report item. an error message was displayed when terminating the program. Group concentration was displayed as zero.% and Norm. the file could not be saved as the LabSolutions format batch file. (Conc. Description Remarks 1 Quantitative calculation 00002 Concentration of Corrected Area Normalization (with Scale Factor) was not calculated properly when a compound consists of multiple peaks. Description 1 Data analysis 00006 2 Report 00007 3 Batch table 00008 4 LC Analysis 00009 5 Batch analysis 00010 6 General 00011 When opening the data file created on the LCsolution Ver. Remarks 4. Description 1 Quantitative results report 00013 When “Data” to be output was specified to [All] in the Quantitative Results report item.32 SP1 Corrected Defects List # Category No. 2 4. In the batch analysis with only selected rows.4. Multiple peaks are identified as a compound when Peak Selection of Identification is set to All Peaks.32 Corrected Defects List # Category No. Concentration.1 Version 5. [Ref Std ID]. application error occasionally occurred. [Correction Factor] and [Standard Concentration Factor] could not be displayed in the Compound Table.30 SP1 Corrected Defects List # Category No.2 Version 5. ) Quantitative calculation 00004 Group concentration was not calculated when “Grouping Type” was set to [Group Calibration] and “Curve Fit Type” was set to [Manual RF]. Are calculated correctly. 2 Chromatogram report LabSolutions Readme 00014 Page 13 of 31 Remarks . communication with the LC instrument was occasionally disconnected because of an error. When installing Windows update program KB976576. application error occurred when the batch file was saved after pausing the batch analysis and then deleting the selected rows to be acquired.2 or before. Conc. When a method file was downloaded to change the pump mode. When opening the batch file saved as a text format. Area% and Height% of a certain detector were output to those of the other detectors.3 Version 5. when stopping the batch analysis by clicking the [Batch Stop] button and enabling only the [Batch Processing] on the Stop Process dialog. 10 GC Analysis 00037 The tray number was set as 1 in a data file acquired by single run analysis 11 User Authentication tool 12 Agent Registration 00039 When linking with the CLASS-Agent User Authentication tool..42 Corrected Defects List # Category No. LabSolutions Readme 00019 00040 Page 14 of 31 Remarks The defect has been fixed as the calculation method is converted to the JP2 method. The data file where data acquisition for all detectors was disabled was not registered to the CLASS-Agent database. the sample suction for the next analysis was executed. (In the JP method in the CLASS-VP. In addition.2. When the data acquisition time of PDA detector was longer than the time range in the display settings in the Data Acquisition window.55 has been used as a coefficient for the calculation of the number of theoretical plate. In the Data Comparison window.4. the value of 5. The defect has been fixed as the tray number is set as blank.54 for the JP method and 5. the calculation method was converted to the JP method. the combo box of the valve was blanked when specifying to FCV-32AH and then re-displaying the setting dialog. The default value of the valve position of the 2-position valve connected to CTO-20A/C has been changed to 1. there was a case the chromatogram was reported with the intensity range from -0. backup of the User Authentication DB failed. In the LabSolutions. Description 1 Quant Browser 00012 2 Summary report 00016 3 System configuration 4 LC Analysis 00018 5 Instrument method 00024 6 System configuration 00025 7 LC Analysis 00030 8 File Conversion 00031 9 Data Comparison 00036 When editing the quantitative parameters by clicking the [Peak Integration for All Data] on the Assistant bar. for data files whose display settings were specified to [User Defined] in the Data Analysis window. the intensity range of the chromatogram was displayed with 1000 times greater than the specified range. the calibration curve expression displayed on the Calibration Curve View was not updated. In the system configuration of the CTO-20A/C. the coefficient is 5. In the batch analysis using the acquisition cycle time optimization function. when the summary settings were specified to [Using range in data] as the intensity range and [Separate] as the chromatogram display type. In the summary report item. when the intensity range of the [User Defined] was less than 0. application error occasionally occurred. . report preview was not displayed properly when opening a data file acquired by disabling data acquisition for certain detector.2 in the summary report settings. The defect has been fixed as the channel acquired by disabling data acquisition is not opened.2 to 0.4 Version 5.55 for the JP2 method. The default value of the [Auto Zero] in the ELSD system configuration has been changed to On. When converting the CLASS-VP file where a JP method was specified as a column performance calculation method. 5.5. Was not calculated properly Peak top comment of the chromatogram has been displayed with the format specified on the [Data Proc Settings] in the [Administration Tools]/[System Settings] menu. Conc. This defect occurs in version 5.5 Version 5. the Calibration Curve window could not load the method file. if AOC-20d(S) is set in the analytical line 2 side. The defect has been fixed as [Enable Autosampler] parameter is reported as Use/Not Used. (before) mix 3. the [Sample Load Timing] was reported. aspiration speed and dispersing speed of mixing command are changed from rs (aspiration and dispersing speed of rinse solution. the [Enable Autosampler] parameter was reported as On/Off. When a method file was saved and closed in the Postrun Analysis and then the same method file was opened in the Realtime Analysis.13 Batch Analysis 00041 14 General 00043 15 Calibration Curve 00046 16 Method report 79489 17 Method Report 79291 18 Pretreatment 00042 19 Pretreatment 00045 20 Data recovery function 21 GC Analysis 00047 22 Quantitative calculation 00052 23 Data Analysis Window 00053 80052 When the method file used for the batch analysis was opened on the other application at the start of the batch analysis registered in the batch queue. when [Dilution] or [Reagent] mode is Norm. For example. (after) a1=2 a2=10 mix 3.a1.42.) to 2 uL/sec and 10 uL/ sec. 4. pretreatment error was occurred before injection if the aspiration volume to dilute exceeded the needle loop volume.42 SP1 Corrected Defects List # 1 Category LC/GC Analysis LabSolutions Readme No. When reporting the [Sample Loading Overlap Time] parameter in the system controller. dual-line analysis was not started. In the Peak Table report item. In addition. If the network path which standard data files were stored was not found. when a compound consists of multiple peaks. Page 15 of 31 . In the SIL-30AC pretreatment. the batch analysis was not executed. When using SIL-30AC.5. Description Remarks 10002 It was not possible to perform [Change Acquisition Time] and [Snapshot] after you close Realtime Analysis program during acquisition and restart it.% of these peaks was not displayed properly. if multiple different channels were set to the analysis channel of the Compound Table. In the SIL-30AC pretreatment. when [Dilution] mode was selected and R0 (rinse solution) was specified for “Diluent vial”.5. When using dual AOC.a2 The buffered data was not recovered properly when using the SPD-M20A PDA detector. Conc. a message appeared to mention the file has been used. When a fraction collector was collecting.42 SP3 Corrected Defects List # Category No. there was a case the hatching of fraction collection range was not displayed properly in the Data Acquisition Window. This defect occurs only in English version 1 Audit Trail 10018 2 Summary report 10027 3 10044 4 Sample information report General 5 Data analysis 10066 6 GC analysis 10070 7 Batch Edit 10074 8 Peak report Purity 10077 9 Chromatogram report LC analysis 10082 Administration Tools 10085 10 11 LabSolutions Readme 10053 10083 When opening a LabSolutions file with the Windows Explorer. the setting of a gas type in the Additional Flow was not downloaded to the instrument.7 Version 5.8 Version 5. Remarks 4.42 SP2 Corrected Defects List # 1 Category Audit Trail No.42 SP5 Corrected Defects List # Category No. Description Remarks The Audit Trail items about [Settings of Mobile Phase] for Pump C and D were not displayed properly. When using [Overlay Chromatograms]. 4. Description Remarks 1 Data Analysis Window 10026 This defect occurs in version 5. Page 16 of 31 This defect occurs only in English version This defect occurs in version 5.7. The line types and line widths of [graph – Rack Plate L Temp/M Temp/R Temp] could not be set. 2 LC Analysis 10035 The [Default X Axis of Calib. the application could not be started. it was not possible to connect with the instrument.42 or later. When the ROM version of ELSD-LTII was Ver. . the [Security Patch Information] was not displayed. [CMD Inj Counts] could not be displayed. Curve] in the Quantitative parameters. When the end point of the tailing main peak was moved to the specified time by the Move BL command in Manual Integration. it occasionally occurred that the top of peak was not displayed in the graph display range. The Y-axis unit of chromatogram in the LC summary report Items was not displayed properly depending on the detector configuration. This defect does not occur in the Postrun Analysis View. When the F10 key was pressed while inputting Japanese words into a cell of a Batch Table. 1. application error occasionally occurred. Description 10015 When changing the number of lines of the Integration time program and then saving the file with enabling the Audit Trail. if the chromatogram intensity was low.6 Version 5. there was a case the height of the end point was also moved to the specified time and became different from that of the chromatogram.4. If the [PC Information] in the [Administration Tools] – [Validation] was selected on Windows 7. it occasionally became impossible to input words. Curve] selected on the [Data Processing Settings] sub-window in the system settings was not applied to the default value of the [X Axis of Calib. In the system configuration of GC-2014.42 or later. When executing peak integration in Data Browser.9 Version 5.42 or later. it occasionally occurred that the report was not displayed properly. This defect occurs in version 5.12 System configuration 10088 13 Report general 14 General 10094 15 Batch Edit 10104 16 Agent Registration 10122 17 Chromatogram report 10145 in 10092 In the system configuration of RID-10A. the current value was not properly displayed in the Instrument Monitor bar. When there isn’t the folder which is set at [Copy to] in [Auto Copy] tab page of [Option] menu.42 or later. the following error occasionally occurred: [CAB?????. if a vial number was set including alphabet such as ‘A1’ and [Fill Series] was selected. If the [Output report type in header] in the [Security Policy] was is not found. When the state of degassing unit connected to subcontroller was changed in the time program. If the curve name of chromatogram was set to draw outside a graph. If the Agent authentication database was restored while it was being connected to. In the Chromatogram and Summary report item. If multiple postrun batch analyses were run simultaneously. when executing [move BL] to PDA data where Display of Ch1 in the Multi Chromatogram settings was unchecked. In the Batch Editor window. the time axis was displayed without separated. resolution and so on) became 0. Description Remarks When reports were generated in the analysis. LabSolutions Readme Page 17 of 31 Remarks . 1 Report 10169 2 LC/GC Analysis 10171 4. Description 1 System Check 10001 2 Report 10025 3 Instrument Monitor Bar 10028 4 Batch Postrun 10041 5 Calibration Curve 10042 6 Data Browser 10057 When executing System Check on the OS locale settings where decimal point was set to comma(such as German) in Region and Language options. This defect occurs in version 5. This defect occurs only in version 5.]. there was a case that the service could not be started after the restoration.42 SP6 Corrected Defects List # Category No.10 Version 5. the decimal fraction of adjustment parameters and validation results was output as 0.51 Corrected Defects List # Category No.42 or later. there was a case that the application got hung-up. In the manual integration of Calibration Curve window. when Time Range was Manual and Separate Display was 2 or larger. Settings] was not applied. the numbers were set instead of XY format. 4. the System Check threshold View could not be opened. the number of digits set in [Administration] of [Data Proc. the result of the Column Performance(tailing factor. The vial number of the sample information of data registered to the CLASS-Agent was not correct. there was a case an error message was displayed and peak integration could not be executed. there was a case that a lead line of the graph was not drawn properly. This defect occurs in version 5.42 SP3. It was not possible to run LabSolutions on the computer where WindowsScriptingHost was not installed. When the slope test was executed to detector A. the inserted macro text strings were not correct. it was not possible to run analysis with those method files even when the sample type was [Unknown] and the method files were not to be changed. In the system configuration of the GC. it was applied to different line. the comments were not converted.7 PDA analysis data 10060 8 Macro Settings 10061 9 LC Analysis 10071 10 File conversion 10078 11 Quantitative Result Report /Grouping Result Report Data Comparison 10093 13 System Configuration 10133 14 System Configuration 10136 15 Graph of Time Program 10141 16 Data Acquisition 10142 17 Summary Report 10147 18 Quantitative Browser 10154 19 Report overall item 10165 20 Method Report 10168 21 Installer 10170 22 Calibration Curve 10173 12 LabSolutions Readme 10115 When analyzing PDA data where Display of Ch1 in the Multi Chromatogram settings was unchecked. When restarting System Configuration and selecting the same column list. when Sample Name was changed soon after toggling display/hide of the statistic calculation results. [identification]. When converting CLASS-VP method or data files to LabSolutions format. In the Quantitative result and Group Results report item. When executing [Initialize Zoom] to the graph of the time program soon after creating new method file. Page 18 of 31 This defect occurs only in English version . if a new entry was made to the column list. the results were not reported. The problem was corrected. it was executed to detector B if the graph view was set to [Stack] in Display Settings and detector A had multiple wavelength channels. [compound table] and [column performance]) by inserting Macro Variable. the graph was not displayed correctly. On the Macro settings of the method report item. when setting display item of [PDA Data Processing Parameters] ([peak integration]. Cell Temperature of RF detector was not reported. it was not displayed correctly in some cases. [quantitative]. When performing Zoom Up/Down. the message containing Audit Trail with [ID of Column DB] changed was displayed. the two types of column registered initially disappeared. When method files were set to read only. an application error occurred. when selecting data to [PDA] and unchecking Fix Detector Number. the scale size of Full Chromatogram was changed. The problem was corrected. On [Quantitative Results View] in Quant Browser. Lambda max was not reported correctly on summary data of Summary (Compound) Report Item. Zoom Left/Right or Move Up/Down in Data Comparison window. When starting to plot the data of PDA detector soon after setting the Criteria Value of the QA/QC parameter in Data Acquisition window. an application error occasionally occurred after clicking [Program] button(starting integration time program) in Compound Table Wizard. When a report with vertical texts was output in PDF. In the pretreatment of SIL-10A series and SIL-10ADvp. Page 19 of 31 This defect occurs in version 5. With enabling Auto Copy in [Tools]-[Setting Options].23 Auto Copy 10175 24 Auto Copy 10176 25 Batch 10177 26 PDA analysis 27 Data Acquisition 10181 28 10185 29 Batch Postrun Report LC Analysis 30 LC Analysis 10187 31 Start-up 10189 32 Report 10191 33 Autopurge 10197 34 Peak Integration 10198 35 Batch 10199 36 Vial Number 10200 37 QR Code 10203 38 Batch 10204 LabSolutions Readme data 10180 10186 With enabling Auto Copy in [Tools]-[Setting Options]. With the Chromatogram View Display Setting set to Single.1 minutes. the value of [Unspiked] was not reported correctly.0 on particular data then the data could not be saved to database for the calculation result became infinity. In Calibration Information of Data Processing Parameters of Method report item. When setting vial number with XY format and executing batch analysis enabling Acquisition Cycle Time Optimization. when closing PDA Data Analysis window and then opening the PDA data in PDA Data Analysis window again. an application error occasionally occurred. the formula of the detector connected to line 2 was not displayed correctly. When Sample Type was set to [Unspiked] or [spiked] except at the first line of Batch." was displayed. the AutoPurge window was not displayed on the next AutoPurge and Analysis program could not be stopped. the gas flow was not calculated if another tab was focused directly. a part of the [Reagent] parameter was not downloaded properly. After executing AutoPurge with more than two solutions and with the setting of [Purge Time] for Autosampler set to 0. When starting analysis program. connection failure occasionally occurred after beep sound from the instrument. In batch analysis with the configuration of GC dual-line. . When calculating peak valley ratio. After CBM-20A/20Alite was restarted without setting any pumps in the system configuration. The Report Number in the report of [Batch Postrun] appeared as [1]. Batch Add-in settings in the batch table were not saved in the data file on Analysis.42 or later. data file was not registered to Agent database when the copy destination folder was set to blank or it did not exist. Auto Copy was not executed when GC data was saved in Data Analysis window. It was not possible to output QR code in the report format file created by LCsolution. division was performed by the value around 0. When entering the value of carrier gas at [Injection Unit] tab in the Instrument Parameter. an error message "Vial number is not correct. the first and last line were not acquired when executing batch analysis only to line 2. there was the case that data acquisition was not started when single run or batch analysis was performed. In the [Network Instrument] window in [Communication Settings]. system check and start single run were enabled. even when the [Other Detectors] checkbox in [Display Settings] in [Chromatogram View] was selected. the [Xe Lamp Change Interval] item was displayed twice in the [Detector A] item. the result was displayed as NG. the [Data Acquisition] window was unintentionally closed. the [Login Status] item was not displayed. This defect occurs when operating data acquired without selecting the checkbox of [Detector A] in [Data Acquisition]. When performing [Tools]-[Show Check Result] after saving a data file in Data Analysis. Description When editing a method items on the configuration with RF-20A (2 Wavelength Mode) and printing a report. When editing a method items on the configuration with RF-20A (2 Wavelength Mode) and printing a report in English. In the peak table.4. The [Summary (Data)] report item supports to report the settings of [LC Time Prog.11 Version 5. chromatograms of other detectors were not plotted.54 Corrected Defects List # Category No. On the configuration with multiple detectors. Even if the autosampler is set to LocalMode. the result after reference correction is displayed. In the [PC Information] window. ‘0’ could be set as the excitation wavelength. When creating Batch Table items and outputting a report. the filter specified by time was not available. a chromatogram without reference correction was plotted. 1 Report 10009 2 Report 10010 3 Report 10011 4 LC Analysis 10012 5 Report 10148 6 Data Analysis window 10201 7 Data Analysis window 10202 8 Log Browser 10207 9 LC Analysis 10220 10 Summary report 10221 11 Report 10226 12 System Configuration 10227 13 Instrument method 10228 14 Data analysis 10229 15 Data Comparison 10230 16 Report 10231 17 Data Comparison 10236 LabSolutions Readme Page 20 of 31 Remarks This defect occurs only in Japanese version This defect occurs only in Japanese version This defect doesn’t occur when saving a PDA data file. When editing a method items on the configuration with RF-20A (2 Wavelength Mode) and printing a report. When updating a PDA contour graph during PDA data acquisition. the same values of X axis scales plotted redundantly. When using the log browser function. unnecessary strings “RF” were output in Display Items. the contents of [RF Analog Output] and [RF Analog Output2] were displayed in incorrect character format. Even when loading PDA data in the [Data Comparison] window after selecting the [Reference Correction] checkbox. the items of “Created by” and “Modified by” displayed in the file property couldn’t be reported. [Printer Information (Driver Information)] was not displayed properly. When 1 Wavelength mode was selected for RF-20A/AXS.] in [Instrument Parameter View]. the tool buttons of autopurge. When creating a new [System Configuration] report item and then loading the data acquired by RF-20A/ AXS. This defect occurs only when reporting data acquired by RF-20A/ AXS. In [Results View] in the Data Analysis window. the font set in the Compound Result Table did not reflect the one set in [Table Style]. [RF Analog Output]. . [RF Analog Output2] were not displayed correctly. When repeatedly zooming a chromatogram. the items of [Sensitivity]. The following are the items which could not be saved. Overrides -System Suitability -Sampler File -Barcode -Multi Injection 2 Batch Table Wizard 10311 3 Report 10315 LabSolutions Readme The following are the items which could not be loaded. [LC Control] buttons as follows could not be clicked. standard deviation) of [Number of Theoretical Plate/meter] was not correctly calculated.Instrument On/Off . some items could not be saved or loaded. When overwriting a method file soon after the line of [LC Time Prog. 4. display of [Data Explorer] flickered in particular configuration of PC.] was cut or cleared. .12 Version 5. “LPGE Mode: Auto” was displayed in each pump item in the LC instrument parameters of method report items even when the other pumps did not have LPGE Mode parameters. When pop-up menu was displayed in [Spectrum View] of PDA data analysis. integration (%RSD.18 Report 10239 19 Report 10243 20 LC Analysis 10261 21 Batch Analysis 10262 22 Batch Postrun 10263 23 PDA analysis data 10274 24 Data Analysis window 10277 25 Data Acquisition 10281 Default values in the [Settings] tab of batch table items were corrected. correct vial numbers were not sent to TurboMatrixHS.54 SP1 Corrected Defects List # 1 Category Batch No. In [Summary (Compound)] Report Item. and numerical value was set to [Index] of comment 7 and 8 in [Prefilter] of [Library]. the file was not saved. -Action -ISTD Amt. When a pump was in the LPGE mode. search was not correctly performed. -Conc. -Data Comment including tab characters In the [Batch Table Wizard] using a method file in which Rack 14 of SIL-10ADvp was set as Sample Rack. Page 21 of 31 Remarks . When performing batch postrun. When performing Auto-Purge of autosampler.Drain fraction collector . and setting [Start Line] and [End Line] in [Settings] of realtime batch. When decimal points are set to comma in Region and Language such as Garman format. the tray could not be set even after making a rack definition file. [Sampling Count from the Vial] of [Sample Information] was reset to ‘0’.Scan spectrum When performing batch analysis in [System Configuration] of TurboMatrixHS and GC. Description 10302 When saving a batch file in text format. . Even if data acquisition was run using the method file containing the Manual Integration table.lsr".4 Calibration Curve 10333 5 Calibration Curve 10334 When method parameters of the data file acquired by dual-line configuration GC were loaded to the method file of dual-line configuration GC by “Load Data Method Parameters” in Calibration Curve Window. the temperature of injection port can be set. the data file containing the Manual Integration command was created. When the report format file on a network drive was specified on the batch table and analysis was performed.14 Version 5. The default value of "Slit Width" in the SPD-M30A instrument parameters has been changed into 8 nm from 1 nm. Page 22 of 31 Remarks This defect occurs only on SIMDIS GC option.54 SP3 Corrected Defects List # Category No. NOACK calculation has been corrected. Reid vapor pressure calculation has been corrected. method parameters of Line 2 of the data file was loaded to Line 1 of the method file. 1 Data Analysis 10391 2 Data Analysis 10322 3 Report 10365 4 Batch 10376 5 SIMDIS GC Analysis SIMDIS GC Analysis GC Analysis 10386 6 7 LabSolutions Readme 10387 10389 When using HS-20. application error occurs. there was a case that the user program was not run by batch processing. the saved method file couldn’t be opened in Calibration Curve Window. If “Library of Windows OS" has no directory and it is expanded in [Data Explorer]. When data acquisition was run using the method file containing the Manual Integration table. This defect occurs only on SIMDIS GC option. It was corrected so that the Manual Integration table might not be stored into a method file. When the full pathname of the current folder was long. This defect occurs when data was acquired by dual-line configuration GC. and the "Peak Valley Ratio" became a smaller value. Without sample with SIL-30ACMP is run in [Realtime Analysis]. there was a case that the logs of different log type are displayed. Remarks 4. Description There was a case that the "Peak Valley Height"(valley height between the target peak and the previous peak) became a larger value than the real value with peak shape. there was a case that error is displayed. 4. This defect occurs when data was acquired by dual-line configuration GC.54 SP2 Corrected Defects List # Category No. If [Y Display Area] is changed in Contour Graph report item. When the data file acquired by Line 2 of dual-line configuration GC was saved by “Save Method As…” in Data Analysis Window. the report output was carried out using "Default.13 Version 5. application error occurs. Description 1 Log Browser 10319 2 Data Explorer 10321 3 Report 10346 4 LC Analysis 10350 5 LC Analysis 10374 When the [Log Type] is changed before Log Browser displays all logs. it was corrected so that the Manual Integration command might not be stored into a data file. the unnecessary compression ratio was displayed in the instrument parameter report of LC-30AD. When the solvent delivery mode was except Low Pressure Gradient. Ex) Sampling Period 100msec 20msec Acquisition time 1747. there are unnecessary or mistaken named parameters in the system configuration and instrument parameter view.54SP2. data acquisition completes correctly. When running batch analysis. when pressed the pretreatment button in [Instrument Parameter View] of the [Autosampler] tab page.54 SP4 Corrected Defects List # Category No.54SP2. an application error occurred. It occurred when the checkbox of the “Fix file(s) in the item” was selected. data acquisition completes correctly. The Help for [PDA Data Processing Parameters] in method report item was not displayed correctly. the instrument parameter of TurboMatrixHS was not downloaded properly. Though the hang up occurred. When loaded the report format which exported from LabSolutions DB. After the carrier gas type was changed. It occurs when (Data Acquisition/Sampling Period) surpassed 1024 x 1024. This defect was fixed in 5.54SP3.) On the OS locale settings where decimal point was set to comma(such as German) in Region and Language options. the file occasionally not displayed in [Data Explorer]. GC Only . 4. In the instrument environment of SIL-30AC. [Realtime Analysis] program was occasionally closed. 8 GC Analysis 10412 9 LC Analysis 10416 When executing System Check with the setting of the name of column in [system configuration] to more than 32 characters. the font setting was not saved. LabSolutions Readme Page 23 of 31 This defect was fixed in 5.8 GC Analysis 10395 9 Report 10400 GC Analysis 10404 10 When using HS-20. Description Remarks 1 Quant Browser 10195 This defect was fixed in 5. (It occurs only in LabSolutions LC/GC. [Realtime Analysis] program hung up.54SP2. 2 Report 10287 3 Report 10300 4 General 10312 5 GC Analysis 10399 6 LC Analysis 10406 7 GC Analysis 10409 When the display font setting of [Results View] in the [Quant Browser] was changed. This defect was fixed in 5. When started [Realtime Analysis] / [Postrun Analysis] program with PC in high-intensity. When executed long acquisition with fast sampling. there was a case that the previous gas type was used for carrier gas flow calculation.62 min 349.15 Version 5.52 min Though the hang up occurred. an application error occurred. an application error occurred. System configuration was not printed.When set the cell of "Conc. It occurred when executed [Print] right after opening the file stored at the different disk drive from which LabSolutions was installed (for example at D drive). When the Realtime monitor of the Anti-virus software operated in the PC.54SP1 or later. When set the [Wait Time] of oven. This defect occurs in 5. the registered log at the same time is not correctly sorted. .When set the Quantitative Method of the Quantitative tab to "Area Normalization". Some settings of the [# of Items in a Row] in the Method report item and the System Configuration report item were not saved in Report Format. Operating LabSolutions for long time without restarting had possibility to occur Insufficient memory error and caused system instability." of the #1 on the compound table to "Not Used" or set the "Area" checkbox of the #1 on "Calibration Table" to invalidation. there was a case that the program got hung-up. On the Calibration Curve of SIMDIS GC Report Item. . batch processing occasionally stopped. handle leak occurred. In the method report item. This defect occurs in 5. GC Analysis No.17 Version 5.54SP2 or later. It occurred in the case as described below.16 Version 5. the R column information in the [GC Instrument Parameters] was displayed as the information in the [Column Oven Information]. When specified Background compensation in PDA Data Analysis or batch processing to PDA data. Description 1 Log Browser 10255 2 Report 10445 3 Report 10456 In the Log Browser. This defect occurs in 5. This defect occurs in 5. it occurred when an Injection Unit was DINJ. Remarks 4. The instrument operated as using the downloaded Wait Time [0]. .54 SP5 Corrected Defects List # Category 1 LC Analysis. LabSolutions Readme Page 24 of 31 Remarks It occurred when using the licenses of GC or LC without PDA. Description 10444 In Realtime Analysis program.54SP1 or later. the change of the value was not downloaded to the instrument.54SP2 or later.10 System configuration 10417 11 LC Analysis 10428 12 Report 10430 13 General 10431 14 PDA data Analysis 10432 15 Report 10433 When executed [Print] from [System Configuration] sub-window. Data file names were not reported correctly. there was a case data file which loaded with canceling the snapshot mode was deleted.57 Corrected Defects List # Category No. when executing repetitive snapshots and starting up a number of [Data Analysis] windows. when the log is filtered. 4. When executing [Tools]-[Customization]-[Toolbar Customization Settings] from [Report] window. regardless of the set unit in system configuration.1 worked in Low pressure gradient mode. In the method report item. Even when the intensity axis range was set by editing the printing format of the graph image in the [Data Comparison] window. there were cases where the retention time and intensity of chromatograms were not created correctly. The peak top comment was not printed when the PDA chromatogram image printing of the data browser is used. 5 Batch 10466 6 Report 10469 7 Report 10470 8 LC Analysis 10481 9 LC Analysis 10491 When the System Suitability testing(SST) is performed in the instrument number from 10 to 15. the message "(0342)Value is not correct. a template is used. In a system where LC-10AT/10Ai V3.54SP3 or later. the acquired data was always drawn from the Start Wavelength. 1 Data Analysis 10380 2 Report 10396 3 Report 10440 4 Report 10544 5 LC Analysis 10560 LabSolutions Readme Page 25 of 31 Remarks This defect occurred in 5. Remarks 4.57 SP1 Corrected Defects List # 1 Category Batch No. When a method file created with a different detector base rate was opened and the sampling rate in the instrument parameter was no longer an integer multiple of the new base rate.57 SP2 Corrected Defects List # Category No. the result cannot be shown and printed. regardless of the value of [Y-axis Minimum Wavelength]. depends on the file new setting of the batch file. there was a case that data acquisition ran until the end time of the detector. and method of which data acquisition was set to [Off] except for PDA detector.19 Version 5. [Integration Time Program (Data)] was not output. some option items were not displayed. And the analysis program became inoperable. The carrier gas pressure value of GC instrument parameters in the Method report item. Description Custom parameter result set in the last line of a batch was not calculated by SST. the value always printed in kPa unit. To display such items. When the checkbox for a detector in the Instrument parameter view was set to [Off]. the setting was not applied in some cases.54SP1 or later. It occurred in acquired data file with instrument configuration including PDA detector and other detector(s).54 or later The problem does not occur if the sampling rate is corrected in the instrument parameter view." was displayed on the Pump tab page of [Instrument Parameters View]. there was a case that the channel to display could not be selected because the channel selection window was not displayed. When setting [Y-axis Display Area] in the Contour Graph report item.54SP2 or later. Description 10510 When a batch table file (GCsolution text format) was loaded. This defect occurred in 5.18 Version 5. This defect occurred in 5. This defect also occurred in the 3D Graph report item. 4.4 PDA data Analysis 10457 When opening the data file as reference data file. This defect occurs in 5. . there was a case that the intensity unit of a chromatogram was displayed in units other than [uV]. those colors were not applied to report actually. the changes of the integration-time-program were not displayed on the audit trail log. the user who exists in a domain was not added. The file name edit box sometimes became blank when a tray setting was performed using the batch table wizard. When the shutdown was performed by setup which does not turn Off the pump of LC.57SP1 is used. PDA Data Analysis 10423 8 Audit Trail 10424 9 LC Analysis 10442 10 LC Analysis 10451 11 Postrun. When the colors of GC Status curve (Setting) on Chromatogram item ware changed. When a batch file was saved in a text format from batch analysis. when "Display not identified peaks as peaks with zero area(height)" was checked in the Identification parameters. Force B Peaks) for particular peaks. some items were missed in the contents of the shutdown. characters did not fit in the list box for some items. the analysis program was occasionally closed. it corrected so that the data file could be read by LabSolutions.6 PDA Data Analysis 10570 In some cases. The tooltips were not displayed on the buttons of toolbar. When it turned ON [Refer to a Windows Domain] at the time of user authentication tool extension. 1 Report 10193 2 User Authentication tool 10278 3 Batch 10372 4 Batch 10388 5 Data Analysis 10407 6 Report 10418 7 Data Analysis. When a data file was outputted with [Export Data]-[Export Chromatogram to Data File] of [file] menu of LCsolution <PDA Data Analysis>. Using Manual Integration commands (Force V Peaks. .54SP2-5. Data Comparison 10455 12 LabSolutions Readme 10463 Page 26 of 31 Remarks The noise value displayed on the peak table is satisfactory.63 Corrected Defects List # Category No. Change of manual-integration was not reflected in the peak-detected result which was displayed on the <Integration Time Program> dialog. When the manual-integration and the integration-time-program were changed simultaneously.20 Version 5. In Data Analysis. “Purity Index”. Description In the [Properties] sub-window of the report item of [PDA Data Processing Parameters]. With the [Fraction Collector] tab of the Instrument Parameter View of LC. It corrected so that the intensity unit might certainly be displayed by [uV]. “Threshold” and “Impurity” were not correctly calculated in the Peak Purity Analysis. 5. This defect occurs only when the noise spectrum calculated by the Ver. the pump had stopped after the shutdown. Browser Data Analysis. there was a case that the noise value displayed from the popup menu of a chromatogram view was not correct. 4. 7 LC Analysis 10574 8 Data Analysis 10585 Response speed of the [FRC Drain/Collect] tool button has been improved in FRC-10A system. When the start wavelength of data extraction of SPD-M20A was specified as the multi-chromatogram table. A setup of the 0. The initial value of the system check parameter "Max Number of Valve Rotations" of the CDD detector was changed into 40000 from 1000." N. a batch processing stopped very occasionally. When LabSolutions Direct was operated on iOS7. the file save by the file name of more than 8 characters was not completed. the System Check is started. the message "mismatching of a wavelength" was displayed at the time of tab movement. (High) : when peak area is larger than the local maximum. screen transition did not work properly. the method read with the data acquisition tab had become no title. when a solution was not able to be found. Page 27 of 31 This defect occurs in version 5. When printing failed. For the [CMD information] opened from a control strip. The intensity unit "RIU" of the RID detector data was displayed as "RI". In quantitative calculation that the curve fit type is quadratic. N. "Compressibility Setting" of LC pump (LC-20AP/20ADXR/30AD) parameter was not outputted to a report. Quantitative Method : Internal Standard "Use level 1 conc. I.13 Browser 10474 14 LC Analysis 10476 15 Browser 10480 16 General 10487 17 GC Analysis 10488 18 Data Analysis. (High)" or "N. When “Wait for an executed program to close” was selected at User program Action.4 ROM version of CBM-20 A/lite.I. I. There was a case where LSSService did not start rarely at the time of PC reboot immediately after installation.I. When the batch file from GCsolution (all items of System Check are unchecked) is used in LabSolutions. .1C unit was not completed at the cell temperature of RID-10A. When it indicated by the chromatogram for every detector and PDA data was read by the summary compound report item. the chromatogram of PDA was not drawn on a layout screen. The sort function was made possible even when [column list] was displayed from the instrument parameter view. Data Acquisition 10493 19 General 10501 20 LC Analysis 10509 21 Batch 10524 22 LC Configuration 10527 23 LC Analysis 10532 24 Data Processing 10535 25 Report 10559 26 LC Analysis 10567 27 LC Analysis 10572 28 Report 10579 29 LC General 10619 30 General 10634 LabSolutions Readme The copy and paste operation in the Sample Type column could not be performed in [Quantitative Result View] of <Quant Browser>. The auxiliary line might not be correctly drawn in the Calibration Curve when the grouping quantitation was performed in the following conditions. it changed so that it might be displayed on the [Check Result] as "N. When the method file read with the data acquisition tab of the real time analysis program was overwritten by [Apply to Method] of a postrun program. (Low) : when peak area is smaller than the local minimum. the application log for it was not recorded. The mobile phase settings were not reflected in equipment by less than 2. (Low). in the compound table" is checked in the data file properties.54 or later. The combo box of the 2D wavelengths was blanked in the SPD-M30A system configuration set by Ver. error messages had not been displayed.63.63. When PDA data was converted to ASCII format. Analysis program could not connect to the instrument. This defect occurs in version 5.] button was disabled.5. the SPD-M30A method file edited by Ver.5.Conc was set to 100.54~ When there were [Cell Temperature Auto] setting errors or [Suppressor Control Time] setting errors in CDD [Instrument Parameter View]. there was a case that A.63. This defect occurs in version 5.57SP2 did not work correctly at the mode. .63 SP1 Corrected Defects List # No. When [PDA] was displayed and another datafile on the configuration was opened. Description 1 GPC analysis Category data 10761 2 GPC analysis data 10762 3 LC Report 4 5 PDA analysis Installer 6 LC Analysis 10831 7 PDA analysis 10849 8 LC Analysis 10854 9 LC Analysis 10855 10 System configuration 10858 11 System configuration 10859 12 General 10863 13 LC Analysis 10866 14 LC Analysis 10870 When the [RT/MW Range Setting] of PDA detector was opened in GPC data analysis. This defect occurs in version 5.21 Version 5. This defect occurs in version 5. This defect occurs in version 5. When [Data Acquisition Mode] was [2D] in the SPD-M30A.63.63. LSSClientLicenseManagerMain. When the [Data Acquisition Mode] set by Ver. 4. When the datafile is specified as noise data of [Noise/Drift Calculation] by PDA data analysis and the chromatogram item is displayed in Data Report.0 at the Low pressure gradient mode. When data acquisition started with a method file in which [Acquisition Time(PDA)] was unchecked. In some firmware version of CBM. Method Scouting Solution Option did not work correctly.exe was terminated for a brief moment. When LabSolutions with Method Scouting Solution Option was updated to LabSolutions Ver. [detector A] was always displayed first. an application error had occurred. there was a case that the [M. Background compensation was not performed at PDA data analysis. an application error occurred.57SP2 was changed to [2D] mode.W.Conc to D. LabSolutions Readme 10811 data 10814 10815 data Page 28 of 31 Remarks This defect occurs in version 5. When the datafile on the configuration of [detector A+PDA] was opened by GPC data analysis. LC Analysis 10845 When the sum total from B. When CTO-10AC was manually configured in the [System Configuration]. and so on.Conc was set to 100. negative value in LC 3D Data had been converted to the value that is correct one plus 1. This defect occurs in version 5. it changed so that [PDA] was displayed first. When three days had been passed after PC was started.0 in LC-2010.54~5. It occasionally caused print errors. nonexistent ch8 was displayed as the reason for the change. the functions under development were displayed. It required a long time to Create Batch on Method Scouting Solution (option software).D’s mobile phase C & D were missing in the configuration where LC-30AD is included with its Compressibility Setting on. 10 Report 10817 11 Data Processing 10824 12 GPC Postrun 10833 13 Method Scouting Solution 10835 14 Report 10838 LabSolutions Readme When outputting a report with a new method report item.63 or later. In the ASCII output of SPD-M30A data. instrument’s key lock was not locked during the wait time. This defect occurs in the GPC Postrun of version 5. This defect occurs in the GPC Postrun of version 5. The number of multi-chromatogram channels is output properly from this version. Contour View was not updated at the time when ASCII-exported data files were read into PDA data analysis window. the “Lambda min” was always output as integer in the header even when it was specified to output the figures after the decimal point. the results are saved properly.54SP1 or later. 2 LC Analysis 10547 3 LC Mobile Phase Settings 10611 4 Report 10616 5 GC Postrun 10653 6 PDA analysis data 10660 7 PDA analysis data 10665 8 GPC Postrun 10807 9 LC Analysis 10816 With the system of LC Security Mode On (the function to wait until cell temperature and cooler temperature get stable) . This is a defect of displaying a chromatogram in the Data Acquisition window. A chromatogram was displayed at an incorrect magnification when starting data acquisition immediately after changing measurement modes (Analytical/Semi-Preparative) in the instrument parameters of RID-10A. This defect occurs in version 5. [# of Channels] were always output as “0”.63 or later. . This defect occurs in version 5.63 or later. At the Mobile Phase Settings window. The acquired data are correct and displayed correctly in the analysis program.C. which were acquired with the configuration of 2 lines but not included any detector in the line 2. this problem has been fixed.4. Page 29 of 31 This defect occurs in version 5. the items and check boxes for pump B. In the report output of the batch table by [File] > [Print Batch Table] menu.22 Version 5. In the Spectrum report item. were rollbacked to the Original Data. Noise/Drift values were not output in the chromatogram view of the Postrun window for the GC data. the tab position of the items of the detector B in the instrument parameters was different from that of others. Data Report was not saved into data files on the GPC Postrun window when closing data files. QA/QC parameters were not saved in the method file which was exported from data file by “Save Method File As”. Chromatogram in the Chromatogram View disappeared when data files of only PDA detector. even after the Data Report was saved on the Data Report window.63 or later. 1 System Suitability Test 10502 The result of System Suitability Test showed nothing in the case when one-byte space was included at the head of the batch file name. the comment of the batch table was not output. The default setting of the tab stop of the detector B was different from that of the other instruments. Description Remarks This is the problem only on the display.71 Corrected Defects List # Category No. With SIL-30AC system in which the “Acquisition cycle time optimization” is enabled. the concentration. when “Channel” was set as “Select Channel” and “Display chromatogram” was set as “Each Detector” or “Each Channel” in the property.15 GPC Postrun 10856 16 GC Analysis 10872 17 Report 10874 18 Agilent-LC Analysis 10884 19 LC Analysis 10886 20 Log Browser 10895 LabSolutions Readme In the GPC Summary report. the report the same outputs result as those of the Quant Browser. Analysis stopped at the second row of batch table with the status of “Waiting for Start Signal” in the condition as below. in the Calibration Curve report which are output by batch processing. chromatogram were not output properly for data of more than 2 detectors. The order of the log is changed so as to record “'Logout.” after “Close Application. .” is recorded. deviation(%). The results of “Check Raw Data” for data acquired by Agilent-LC analysis were output as “NG”. From this version. Page 30 of 31 This defect occurs in the GPC Postrun of version 5. The column information in the [Injection Port] tab was not updated when the column information was changed from [Settings] in the [column] tab on the instrument parameter view. By setting Calibration Curve report at the last standard sample in the batch table. And the LC Stop Time is shorter than that of Acquisition Time of detectors. deviation and accuracy(%) in the table are calculated from the latest calibration curve obtained by the batch processing.63 or later. When method files of SIL-30AC system. in which the Pretreatment Mode was not “Standard”. the view mode of the analysis window for existing CBM-20A systems were changed to “Control Panel” mode. were imported to the system of SIL-20A / SIL-20AC / SIL-20AXR / SIL-20ACXR.71 SP1 Corrected Defects List 1 Data Analysis 10909 2 LC Analysis 10916 3 LC Analysis 10922 4 LC Analysis 10915 5 Installer 10924 6 LC Analysis Window 10925 LabSolutions Readme When opening GPC chromatogram data files created by LCsolution GPC option software.23 Version 5. When updating the LabSolutions on the “Windows XP Professional (32bit) SP2”. LabSolutions aborted in some cases. LabSolutions displayed the message “Please update windows XP SP3” and failed to update.71 from version 5. When the LabSolutions was updated to version 5.n” commands with “0” as its 1st parameter (“0” represents control vial rack).57 SP2 or before.63 or later.63 or later.2.4. LabSolutions failed to run analysis.63 or later.. . This defect occurs in version 5. Microsoft no longer supports the Windows XP. LabSolutions failed to run analysis for vial number 11 or larger in the SIL-30AC systems in the case that the method parameter of SIL-30AC Pretreatment Mode was “Pretreatment Program” and the program contained “vial. This defect occurs in version 5.40 or before (not supporting Solvent blending) and “LPGE Unit” or “FCV-10AL(vp)” was set to LC-30AD. LabSolutions failed to download method when executing at LC systems configured with CBM-20A and LC-30AD. where CBM-20A ROM version was Ver. Furthermore. Updating to the Window XP SP3 is highly recommended if using Windows XP. Page 31 of 31 This defect occurs in version 5.
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