Reading Sample Sappress 1350 Implementing SAP S4HANA Finance

April 2, 2018 | Author: MAYURA MULLA | Category: Depreciation, Debits And Credits, Book Value, Valuation (Finance), Balance Sheet



First-hand knowledge.Reading Sample These sample chapters describe the customizing steps you must perform for the new SAP General Ledger and the new Asset Accounting prior to your migration to SAP S/4HANA Finance. “Customizing for the SAP General Ledger” “Customizing for the New Asset Accounting” Contents Index The Author Anup Maheshwari Implementing SAP S/4HANA Finance 535 Pages, 2016, $79.95 ISBN 978-1-4932-1350-4 Chapter 3 This chapter highlights the Customizing for SAP General Ledger and currencies, the integration of postings from Controlling, and the creation of ledger groups required as part of the migration to SAP S/4HANA Finance. 3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger Following are some of the key customization steps that you need to perform for migration to the new SAP General Ledger (new G/L) as part of the overall SAP S/4HANA migration: 왘 Checking and adopting fiscal year variants 왘 Migrating G/L settings 왘 Defining settings for the journal entry ledger 왘 Defining the ledger for the Controlling (CO) version 왘 Defining document types for postings in CO 왘 Defining offsetting account determination 왘 Defining the source ledger for migration of balances 왘 Executing a consistency check of G/L settings 왘 Activating the required business functions This configuration is completed under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide 폷 Migration from SAP ERP to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA 폷 Preparations and Migration of Customizing 폷 Preparations and Migration of Customizing for the General Ledger, as shown in Figure 3.1. 127 3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger Check and Adopt Fiscal Year Variants 4. Under Activate/Deactivate New Implementation Guide, choose Activate New IMG, and then select Execute (Figure 3.2). Figure 3.2 Activating the New Implementation Guide 5. In another SAP session, enter the Program RFAGL_SWAP_MENU_NEW. 6. Select Execute. 7. Under Activate/Deactivate New Menu, choose Activate New Menu (Figure 3.3), and then select Execute so that the relevant structure is visible. Figure 3.1 Customizing the General Ledger Figure 3.3 Activating the New Menu Let’s begin by activating the SAP reference IMG structure for SAP ERP Financials (FI). 3.2 3.1 Activate SAP Reference Implementation Guide for SAP ERP Financials In this activity, you activate the SAP reference IMG structure for FI and the menu path that is associated with it by following these steps: 1. Select Transaction SA38. 2. Enter the Program RFAGL_SWAP_IMG_NEW. 3. Select Execute. 128 Check and Adopt Fiscal Year Variants The migration to the Universal Journal requires the same fiscal year variant to be used in both FI and CO. In this activity, you compare the fiscal year variants between controlling areas and their assigned company codes. If an inconsistency exists in the fiscal year variant configuration, a report is created with a proposal for the required configuration change. You need to execute the report as part of the migration process. The fiscal year variants of CO and FI have to be aligned before the migration of the transaction data can be started. The report lists all CO areas and company codes that need to be changed, as well as the number of the posting periods and special periods. 129 3.2 The following requirements must be met before performing this Customizing activity: 왘 Company codes are configured with currency.5 Migrating General Ledger Customizing 130 131 3.4 appears.3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger The Det. the appendix ledger takes the base values from the standard ledger and then combines the specific appendix ledger postings. Figure 3. The step-by-step configuration settings are shown in Figure 3. Thus. Only one ledger can be defined as the leading ledger (the standard leading ledger is 0L). the information window shown in Figure 3.3 Migrate General Ledger Customizing In this activity.9. There are two types of ledgers: 왘 Standard ledger The standard ledger consists of all journal entries related to any business transactions. Define Settings for the Journal Entry Ledger In this activity. and open period variants. which you use in accounting.4 Aligning Fiscal Year Variants between CO and FI 3. an appendix ledger is assigned to a standard ledger from where it inherits all the journal entry postings.4 . This prevents multiple data footprints and significantly reduces data redundancy because the journal entries don’t need to be posted to both the appendix and the standard ledger.4 Figure 3. you define ledgers. 3.6 through Figure 3.5. FYV for CoCd (determined fiscal year variant for company code) columns provide the proposal for the configuration change. Any specific adjustments required to be posted only to the appendix ledger aren’t duplicated in the standard ledger. The report must be executed using Transaction FINS_MIG_FYV for all relevant controlling areas. 왘 Appendix ledger Introduced in SAP S/4HANA Finance. you can proceed to the next step. FYV for CoAr (determined fiscal year variant for controlling area) and Det. If no changes are required. as shown in Figure 3. you migrate all the ledgers to the new configuration using Transaction FINS_MIG_LEDGER_CUST. Define Settings for the Journal Entry Ledger The following settings are migrated: 왘 Company code assignments 왘 Currency settings 왘 Fiscal year variant 왘 Open period variant 왘 Settings for real-time integration of CO and FI After all these items are migrated successfully. fiscal year variants. You also need to assign company codes to ledgers and define currency settings and fiscal year variants. 6).5 . 왘 Company codes are assigned to controlling areas. as shown in Figure 3. Here.8 Accounting Principle Assignment to Ledger 0L and Company Code Figure 3. fiscal year variants. see SAP Note 1951069: Different Fiscal Year Variants in General Ledger Accounting (New). This assignment ensures that documents posted for a particular accounting principle get posted to the assigned ledger while documents where the accounting principle hasn’t been assigned are posted to all ledgers (Figure 3. you also need to configure company code assignments to other ledgers along with currency settings. The creation of ledger groups simplifies the individual functions and processes of SAP General 133 3. 왘 The leading ledger is assigned to all company codes.6 Standard Ledger Customizing In this Customizing setting.10. In this Customizing setting. you define ledger groups. 왘 Ledger 0L is configured as the leading ledger.7). Here.9). Ledger 0L needs to be assigned as the Leading Ledger (Figure 3.3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger 왘 Controlling areas are configured with currency types and fiscal year variants.8 and Figure 3.5 Figure 3. all company codes need to be assigned to the leading ledger 0L. 왘 Migration and customization of the ledger is completed. Figure 3. Figure 3. you need to select the Parallel GL Accts checkbox (Figure 3.9 Accounting Principle Assignment to Ledger L1 and Company Code References/Tips For more information. you need to assign accounting principles to the ledger. Define Ledger Groups In this Customizing setting. If you want to do parallel accounting using G/L accounts instead of various ledgers. and open period variants for nonleading ledgers. 3. you also need to create all the other standard (nonleading) ledgers and extension (appendix) ledgers required for parallel accounting for the organization.7 Ledger Assignment to Company Code 132 Define Ledger Groups In this activity. 11 Defining the Ledger Group and Representative Ledger 3. The best practice is to have the leading ledger 0L as your representative ledger.6 Assign the Accounting Principle to the Ledger Group After the ledger groups are created. a ledger group with the same name is automatically created whereby data to an individual ledger can be posted and accessed by merely entering the ledger group. Some of the properties of ledger groups include the following: 왘 You can rename the ledger group that was created automatically when creating the ledger. Assign the Accounting Principle to the Ledger Group by the posting period of the representative ledger. Thus. Upon execution of this Customizing transaction. as shown in Figure 3.10 Customizing the Ledger Group When a ledger is created in the system. Within the ledger group. 왘 If a ledger in the group has the same fiscal year variant as assigned to the company code. the system by default posts to all the ledgers. that ledger must be assigned as the representative ledger within the ledger group. you need to assign the ledger group to the accounting principle for the organizational legal and statutory reporting requirements. the system still posts to all the ledgers. Figure 3. you then assign the accounting principle to the ledger group.6 . You can create as many ledger groups and can assign any number of ledgers in a ledger group as needed to meet your business goals. you may not be able to use the same ledger group for all the active company codes within the organization. creating ledger groups for all ledgers isn’t required. you need to assign and check one ledger as the representative ledger as shown in Figure 3.13.11. 왘 You can create ledger groups that enable you to bring several ledgers together for joint processing in a function. You can do this by choosing SAP Customizing Implementation Guide 폷 Financial Accounting (New) 폷 Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) 폷 Ledgers 폷 Parallel Accounting 폷 Assign Accounting Principle to Ledger Groups.3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger Ledger Accounting. 왘 If a ledger group isn’t specified while posting an entry. The criteria for a representative ledger are listed here: 왘 Any ledger can be assigned as a representative ledger if all the ledgers in the group have a fiscal year variant that is different from the one assigned to the company code. as depicted in Figure 3. Posting to all the ledgers is determined 134 Figure 3. If the posting period of the representative ledger is open while the posting period of the nonrepresentative ledger is closed.12. Thus. 135 3. The fiscal year variant of the company code must be identical to that of the controlling area. you can create a separate document type that can be used for the reposting or allocation of primary costs.15 Document Type Properties for CO 137 3.7 Define the Ledger for the Controlling Version In this activity. Currently. as shown in Figure 3. Document Type CO is defined with account type G/L account checked. you create and define new document types for CO-related postings.15.3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger Define Document Types for Postings in Controlling Figure 3. 136 Figure 3.14. and the same ledger needs to be used for all company codes. you must select the G/L account indicator under the Account types allowed section.12 Assign Accounting Principle to Ledger Groups In the example shown in Figure 3.8 . you define a ledger where all actual data relevant to CO are posted by assigning Version 0 to a ledger. Figure 3. The version is assigned at the company code level. Version 0 need to be assigned to the leading ledger for all company codes that are assigned to a CO area.14 Assigning the Ledger to the CO Version 3. For example.13 Ledger Groups Assigned to Accounting Principles 3.8 Define Document Types for Postings in Controlling In this activity. For document types used in CO. Figure 3. Figure 3. you define default values for posting CO business transactions in which the user interfaces don’t allow any document type or ledger group as an 138 Here. Figure 3. as shown in Figure 3. 139 3.17 depicts how the CO business transactions are assigned to the document type. If a default ledger group isn’t specified in this Customizing activity. In this activity. all CO-related transactions are posted to all the ledgers. as shown in Figure 3.16 Variant for Mapping the CO Transaction to Document Types To define the ledger group and assign the ledgers (Figure 3.19).18 Default Values for Postings in CO Figure 3. The system assigns a representative ledger within a group that has more than one ledger. the system still posts to all the ledgers in the group.10 Check and Define Default Values for Postings in Controlling In this activity.18. you use the Customizing menu path. and then assign ledgers as applicable to each of the ledger groups. you first create ledger groups as required. If the representative ledger is open.16. The representative ledger is used to determine the posting period and to check if the period is open for posting.10 . You must conduct and define this mapping exercise for all CO actual posting business transactions. Figure 3.19 Ledger Group Assignment Figure 3. Financial Accounting (New) 폷 Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) 폷 Ledgers 폷 Ledger 폷 Define Ledger Group. A default mapping variant is generated during the Customizing activity for the migration of the ledger where all CO business transactions are mapped to the document type associated with the CO-FI real-time integration. you can specify a ledger group so that all the documents get posted only to those ledgers that are in that group. even though the posting period for the other ledgers in the group might be closed.17 Mapping of CO Transactions to Document Types 3.3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger 3. When posting a document. provide a description to each of the groups.9 Define Document Type Mapping Variants for Controlling Business Transactions Check and Define Default Values for Postings in Controlling input while posting. you define a variant for mapping CO business transactions to document types. the Customizing settings for the ledgers are checked using Transaction FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK.21. you need to activate the business functions that are necessary for migrating to SAP S/4HANA Finance. 왘 FIN_GL_CI_2 This new SAP General Ledger Accounting business function enhances the processes for parallel accounting by enabling its integration with CO. 0L is defined as both the source and target ledger for CoCd 1000 for the purpose of migration of balances. 140 3.13 Execute Consistency Check of General Ledger Settings In this activity. you apply the settings for all fiscal years) Organizations using the new G/L can specify one entry per ledger. You have to activate the following business functions in the Customizing system using Transaction SFW5 and then import them into the production system: 왘 FIN_GL_CI_1 This new SAP General Ledger Accounting business function helps to optimize the processes related to parallel accounting as well as planning and reporting based on profit centers. upon execution of this consistency check.22.21 Source Ledger for Migration of Balances 3.20 Define Offsetting Account Determination Figure 3.14 .20. where the source and target ledger are equal. Figure 3. Figure 3. because this option always displays the offsetting account with the highest amount along with the line items that are generated automatically. To do so. This check must be executed before migration of transaction data with no error messages. In the example in Figure 3. you define the offsetting account determination for all applications. but including line items generated automatically option. as shown in Figure 3. This activity needs to be executed before the migration to SAP S/4HANA Finance. you use the following: 왘 Target ledger 왘 Company code (you can specify * to apply the settings to all company codes) 왘 Starting fiscal year (by specifying year “0001”. you define the source ledger and the source database table of the balances for SAP General Ledger Accounting from which you want to transfer the opening balances.3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger 3.11 Activate Business Functions Define the Offsetting Account Determination Type In this activity. You should choose the As case 2.12 Define the Source Ledger for Migration of Balances In this activity.14 Activate Business Functions In this activity. You should receive the Check passed message. 141 3. as shown in Figure 3.22 Consistency Check of General Ledger Settings 3. you need to customize the new Asset Accounting (new FIAA) in the system. and specifying the posting rules. setting up the postings in CO. Other tasks you must perform include determining and migrating active charts of depreciation. checking accounting principle and ledger group settings. which is mandatory for the implementation of SAP S/4HANA Finance (Figure 3. and checking the prerequisites for activating the new FI-AA. This chapter focuses on the Customizing and activation steps related to new Asset Accounting. 143 .3 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger 왘 FIN_GL_CI_3 This business function helps to improve the processes related to periodic tasks and optimize the usage of archive functionality. This business function also plays an important role in managing the assigned numbers when assets are transferred. migrating and defining the chart of depreciation. and migration requirements related to the new SAP General Ledger Accounting. classic Asset Accounting is replaced by new Asset Accounting. making any additional manual settings in Customizing for new FI-AA. and activating any missing business functions. The SAP S/4HANA Finance migration includes performing prechecks for using the new FI-AA.23 New General Ledger Business Functions Activated 3. checking the currency type of depreciation areas. and finally activating the Customizing switch for new FI-AA. assigning the accounting principle to the ledger group. are shown in Figure 4. including performing the prechecks. the system shows the Customizing structure for new FI-AA in the SAP Reference IMG. which is replacing the classic Asset Accounting (classic FI-AA) in SAP S/4HANA Finance.23). This requires checking the consistency of the fiscal year variants between company code and controlling area. 4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting All three business functions activate functionality in G/L. Figure 3. defining transfer rules for the posting values and depreciation terms of a depreciation area. By default. You now understand the prerequisites.15 Summary You’ll need to execute the Customizing steps for the G/L before migration to SAP S/4HANA Finance to accommodate the required changes. along with any additional details. Analysis of actual/actual comparison between the ledgers can be done while conducting the financial statement analysis.1. it hides the Customizing structure for classic FI-AA. where we’ll discuss the Customizing for the new Asset Accounting. as shown in Figure 4. changing definitions of depreciation areas. All of the major steps. When you install SAP S/4HANA Finance. Chapter 4 With the installation of SAP S/4HANA Finance. and you can perform the Customizing steps as well. preparations. 142 Prior to the migration. Some of the key customization steps that you need to perform for migration to the new FI-AA are covered in this chapter. Let’s now move on to Chapter 4. defining the ledgers and their assignment to the accounting principle.1. then you only have to migrate your charts of depreciation and check and possibly add to delta Customizing. The company codes that are assigned to the same chart of depreciation should have the same number and type of parallel currencies used in SAP General Ledger Accounting. 144 Make sure that the period-end closing has been performed along with the reconciliation of the asset subsidiary ledger with the SAP General Ledger (G/L). If you weren’t already using FI-AA and now want to use it in the future. New FI-AA needs to be configured in preparation for migrating to SAP S/4HANA Finance. creating and assigning the technical clearing account. you also need to migrate the assigned chart of depreciation. you have to ensure that the prerequisites are met by using Program RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK for preliminary checks. As a prerequisite. creating a new ledger group for local valuation. You have to activate the SAP ERP Financials (FI) Extension (EA-FIN) because it provides the depreciation calculation program (DCP). and the production client. You’ll also be responsible for configuring and assigning the accounting principle to the depreciation areas. you have to configure your system completely for FI-AA.1 Prerequisites Before you install SAP S/4HANA Finance. After the migration activities are complete. the test client.4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Install SAP S/4HANA Finance with New Asset Accounting 4. Figure 4. If you were already using classic FI-AA. and defining the depreciation area for quantity updates. Some of the tasks will include setting the new FI-AA activation status to In Preparation. specifying alternative document types for accounting principle-specific document postings. you should also perform year-end closing before the migration. and the new FI-AA has been activated. You’ll also need to complete and follow the relevant steps for migrating to the new SAP General Ledger Accounting before you can customize the new FI-AA.1 Customizing New Asset Accounting No postings to FI-AA are allowed until the migration of Customizing and transaction data is complete. If you happen to install SAP S/4HANA Finance at the close of the fiscal year. 4. assigning the ledger group to the local generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). which is used for the new depreciation calculation. 145 4. Perform this check in all of your SAP clients— the development client.2 . setting up accounts assigned to the local accounting principle as asset reconciliation accounts. You have to ensure that the parallel currencies in the leading ledger of SAP General Ledger Accounting and the depreciation areas of the leading valuation in FI-AA are the same. you can’t revert to classic FI-AA. You have to import this program to your system by means of SAP Note 1939592 before you install SAP S/4HANA Finance. it’s no longer possible to post any transactions in FI-AA.2 Install SAP S/4HANA Finance with New Asset Accounting After you start the installation of SAP S/4HANA Finance. and assigning all the active company codes to the chart of depreciation. Customization Prior to Activation 왘 Settings for posting to the G/L (for each depreciation area): Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Valuation 폷 Depreciation Areas 폷 Define Depreciation Areas 왘 Value transfer for acquisition and production costs (APC): Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Valuation 폷 Depreciation Areas 폷 Specify Transfer of APC Values 왘 Transfer of depreciation terms: Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Valuation 폷 Depreciation Areas 폷 Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms 왘 Use of parallel currencies: Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Valuation 폷 Currencies 폷 Specify the Use of Parallel Currencies You can also use these activities if you want to check the Customizing settings after charts of depreciation have been migrated automatically. and because the deactivated company code’s data haven’t been archived yet. the asset values for both the leading and parallel valuation will be posted directly in FI-AA. 왘 Your charts of depreciation are assigned to a deactivated company code.4. 4. This is possible at any time by making the following settings in Customizing for new FI-AA: 왘 Assignment of accounting principles and ledger groups to depreciation areas: Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Valuation 폷 Depreciation Areas 폷 Define Depreciation Areas 146 4. Figure 4.2 Migrating Chart of Depreciation You’ll have to manually migrate the charts of depreciation in the following cases: 왘 Your charts of depreciation couldn’t be migrated during the automatic migration because the migration program doesn’t recognize the starting situation defined in your system.3 Migrate Charts of Depreciation You either have to migrate the charts of depreciation automatically using the migration program or do it manually. In the accounts approach. one or more additional valuations are represented by separate depreciation areas where the posting is made to separate accounts in the G/L. Before the migration. these asset balance sheet accounts were posted directly in FI. you have to make additional Customizing settings as described in the following subsections. If you run the program as an update run. Thus.4 Customization Prior to Activation After the migration of the charts of depreciation. In this activity.1 Define Asset Balance Sheet Accounts of Parallel Valuation This step is required if you’re using the accounts approach for parallel valuation.4 . In the future. you can define G/L accounts as reconciliation accounts for depreciation areas of a parallel valuation of FI-AA. the system updates the tables for the depreciation areas. It isn’t relevant if you’re using the ledger approach.2. You can change the existing balance sheet accounts of the parallel valuation that were posted directly as asset reconciliation accounts for the future in Customizing 147 4. This chart of depreciation should therefore be migrated manually.4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting 4. these asset balance sheet accounts must be defined as asset reconciliation accounts because they will only be allowed to be posted in FI-AA. or you can define them again as accounts for normal posting. before you can check and activate new FI-AA. You should run the migration Program FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN as a test run first. as shown in Figure 4. the company code must be migrated with the document migration. so that you can correct any errors before processing the update run. 3 Defining Reconciliation Accounts for New Asset Accounting Before the migration to SAP S/4HANA Finance.4 . 148 Figure 4. you need to check and reconcile the balance sheet values of both FI-AA and SAP General Ledger Accounting for parallel valuations as part of closing operations.5.3 Define the Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition This is a necessary process to post an integrated asset acquisition in SAP S/4HANA Finance. while in Figure 4.4. This setting is relevant if you’re using collective low-value assets in your organization. 149 4. When. the document is posted for Accounting Principle US GAAP. new FI-AA breaks the posting into the following two components: 1. as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. using Transaction F-90. The second document is created with document Type KR. The Customizing is done under Asset Accounting (New) 폷 General Valuation 폷 Depreciation Areas 폷 Define Depreciation Area for Quantity Update. 4.4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting under Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Preparations for Going Live 폷 Production Startup 폷 Accounts Approach. You can reset the reconciliation accounts for parallel valuations. you specify which depreciation area you want to use for updating quantities in your chart of depreciation. Customization Prior to Activation 4. The first document is created with document Type AA which is posted for the specified ledger/ledger group with a debit to the asset and a credit to the technical clearing account. When there is a posting made to this depreciation area. the quantities are updated in the asset master record. In Figure 4. as specified in Customizing. FI-AA Posting for IFRS 2. which is not posted to any specific ledger/ledger group. you post an asset acquisition through a vendor and input all the necessary parameters. including a debit to the fixed asset and a credit to the vendor account.2 Define the Depreciation Area for a Quantity Update In this activity. the document is posted for Accounting Principle IFRS. 7. Because it has a zero balance.” This account is created using Transaction FS00 and appears in both the chart of accounts and the company code section. In this Customizing step. as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4.4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Customization Prior to Activation for Integrated Asset Acquisition 폷 Define Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition.4 Figure 4. if your organization policy is to have separate document types for both valuating and operative documents.6 Defining the Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Acquisition 4. the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions is posted automatically and always has a zero balance for each of the accounting principles in the chart of depreciation. You need to assign this G/L account in the FI-AA account determination for your chart of accounts in Customizing under Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Integration with General Ledger Accounting 폷 Technical Clearing Account 150 Specify an Alternative Document Type for Accounting-Principle-Specific Documents If your organization is using the new G/L with document splitting activated. and you want the document splitting rules for the valuating document (asset acquisition) and the operative document (Accounts Payable) to be different.6. 왘 For each valuating part (capitalization of the asset). a separate ledger-group-specific document valid for each of the accounting principles is posted against the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions. you need to specify the method for distribution of revenue for asset retirement under Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Transactions 폷 Retirements 폷 Gain/Loss Posting 폷 Define Revenue Distribution for Fixed Asset Retirement.5 FI-AA Posting for US GAAP The business transaction is thus divided into an operational part and a valuating part during the integrated asset acquisition posting: 왘 For the operational part (vendor invoice). Alternatively.4. As a prerequisite. you need to create a new G/L account as an asset reconciliation account with the following description: “technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions. You need to check if the existing document types can be used for this activity. as shown in Figure 4. or if you need to create a new one to assign to the valuating documents. this account doesn’t appear in the balance sheet. a ledger-group-independent document valid for all accounting principles is posted against the technical clearing account for integrated asset acquisitions.4. but it appears as notes to the financial statement. You assign the alternative document type for the posting of your accounting-principle-specific valuating documents in Customizing under Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Integration with General Ledger Accounting 폷 Integrated Transactions: Alternative Doc. Type for Accounting-Principle-Specific Documents 폷 Specify Alternative Document Type for Accounting-Principle-Specific Documents. you’ll need to specify separate document types for the valuating document that are valid for each of the accounting principles. Thus. 151 4. 4. this Customizing activity needs to be executed.5 Specify Revenue Distribution for Asset Retirement You can distribute revenues generated from the retirement of assets for a company code either on the net book value or on an acquisition and production cost (APC) basis.4 . 7 Revenue Distribution Method for Asset Retirement 4. nonrestricted transaction types are adequate to meet your requirements. Check Transaction Types In the existing SAP ERP environment. In that case. you need to identify the depreciation areas within the company codes for posting the net book value to a revenue clearing account during the asset retirement process.6 Post Net Book Value Instead of Gain/Loss In this step. you must identify the company codes where you require the use of this posting option. France)..4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Check Prerequisites for Activating New Asset Accounting 4.8. Therefore. those transaction types can’t be used after the migration. the net book value is posted to the account for clearing of revenue from asset sales to either vendors or affiliated companies. In this activity.5 . and performed the additional manual Customizing settings.7 After you’ve migrated the charts of depreciation. made the assignments to the company codes. you need to specify the posting method for the retirement of an asset due to the sale or scrapping of that asset. If not.8 Business Function FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL Activated You then need to execute Transaction FAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION to check if all prerequisites are met for activating the business function PARALLEL_VAL Customizing switch and if all periodic postings have been successfully completed. for each company code level. You also need to ensure that no postings are made between the execution of Transaction FAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION and the import of the PARALLEL_VAL Customizing switch.g. the standard process is to post a gain or a loss during the asset retirement. 152 Check Prerequisites for Activating New Asset Accounting Figure 4.9. 4. if some of the transaction types that you had been using were restricted to certain depreciation areas. In some countries (e.5 Figure 4.4. you check the prerequisites for parallel valuation in the new FIAA. You need to ensure that the current. however. This program checks whether all the prerequisites for activating new FI-AA have been met. based on your legal and organizational requirement. Next. you can then determine whether the prerequisites for activating the new FI-AA have been met. you can configure to post the net book value of the assets for a depreciation area.4. as shown in Figure 4. then you must create new transaction types that don’t have restrictions to depreciation areas to bridge the gap. you need to check if it’s a legal requirement to post the net book value for individual depreciation areas and then configure accordingly in Customizing under Asset Accounting (New) 폷 Transactions 폷 Retirements 폷 Gain/Loss Posting 폷 Post Net Book Value Instead of Gain/Loss 폷 Specify Depreciation Areas for Net Book Value Posting. Figure 4. The prerequisite for changing the leading valuation in the new SAP General Ledger Accounting is met by setting up and activating the business function FIN_ AA_PARALLEL_VAL using Transaction SFW5. By default. as shown in Figure 4. You can activate new FI-AA using the business function PARALLEL_VAL Customizing switch. First. you’re legally required to post the net book value.9 Check Prerequisites for Parallel Valuation in FI-AA 153 4. 12 Assigning Charts of Depreciation to Company Codes 4. This also applies for reserves for special depreciation areas. Figure 4.10.15 allow all depreciation areas to post immediately to the G/L instead of periodically. Check if all active and relevant company codes are assigned the correct chart of depreciation. you need to check if all the active charts of depreciation have been migrated and assigned to the company code before any documents can be migrated. Otherwise. Delete the assignments for charts of depreciation that aren’t relevant or are unused. as shown in Figure 4. 154 Figure 4.7 Change Definitions of Depreciation Areas The migration of the chart of depreciation is done in such a way that the Customizing settings as depicted in Figure 4.11. as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. 2.10 Checking Data before Activating the PARALLEL_VAL Customizing Switch 4. Figure 4.7 . activation of new FI-AA isn’t possible. as shown in Figure 4.12).4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Change Definitions of Depreciation Areas The report must show a green light under the Type column.6 Determine Active Charts of Depreciation In this Customizing step. You need to perform the following activities: 1.13 Depreciation Area Posting to the General Ledger 155 4.11 Determining Active Charts of Depreciation All links between “sample” charts of depreciation and company codes must be deleted because they will trigger an error during new FI-AA activation (Figure 4.13. you can specify additional depreciation areas from which APC transactions are posted automatically to the G/L.14 Account Determination Assignment to Chart of Depreciation Specify Transfer of Acquisition and Production Cost Values In this activity. as shown in Figure 4. The system posts automatically to the G/L from other standard depreciation areas in accordance with the specific requirements of the country.17.17.15 Depreciation Area Definition 156 157 4. as shown in Figure 4. 왘 AREA POSTS APC IMMEDIATELY AND DEPRECIATION 왘 You have special requirements for legal consolidation of your corporate group. The system transfers the posting amounts of any transactions that affect APC from this area to the dependent area.16 Specify Transfer of APC Values In the ValAd field in Figure 4. you specify the reference depreciation area that provides values to another depreciation area.g. you define transfer rules of APC posting values of depreciation areas.13 to specify if and how they should post automatically to the G/L: It’s normally sufficient to post APC transactions and depreciation from one area automatically to the G/L. you want to post depreciation that differs from book depreciation to expense accounts or cost elements.4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Specify Transfer of Acquisition and Production Cost Values For your depreciation areas.. Figure 4. special reserves). 왘 AREA POSTS IN REALTIME 왘 You need special valuations for the balance sheet (e. You might need additional areas that post automatically to the G/L for the following reasons: 왘 AREA DOES NOT POST 왘 AREA POSTS DEPRECIATION ONLY 왘 For cost-accounting purposes. 왘 If you’re using the new SAP General Ledger Accounting and the ledger approach. Figure 4. The standard depreciation areas in the SAP reference chart of depreciation are set up so that book depreciation area 01 posts APC transactions and depreciation automatically to the G/L.8 Figure 4. you may select one of following four options in the G/L column from in Figure 4. These transfer rules define the depreciation areas that will have identical asset values.8 . 4.16. as shown in Figure 4.15. 18 Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms Figure 4. 158 It’s only possible to adopt depreciation terms from depreciation areas that have the same ledger group. you specify how the depreciation terms from one depreciation area are adopted to another depreciation area.. as long as both areas have the same ledger group. Instead.9 . as shown in Figure 4. areas for investment support or revaluation) are allowed to adopt depreciation terms from another area. A depreciation area can also adopt depreciation terms from a depreciation area that has a larger key than it does. changes to control parameters in the reference depreciation area aren’t automatically transferred to dependent depreciation areas that adopt depreciation terms. the system transfers all changes in the reference depreciation area to the dependent depreciation areas. 왘 The other depreciation areas that post in real time (e. The terms can be transferred only from a depreciation area to which the same accounting principle is assigned. you specify the depreciation area from which the depreciation terms are adopted by the current depreciation area in the Transfer of Depreciation Terms from Depreciation Area (TTr) field.18. In the standard system. The terms can be transferred between depreciation areas that have been assigned the same accounting principle.19. when you set the Identical checkbox shown in Figure 4. you can change the depreciation terms in dependent depreciation areas in the asset master record.17 Depreciation Area Rules You must adhere to the following rules when transferring APC values: 왘 A transfer of APC values is only possible from depreciation areas that have been assigned the same accounting principle.4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms Figure 4. where it’s then not possible to change them. enter “00” as the key for the depreciation area. 왘 When transferring values from one depreciation area to another.18 using Transaction OABD. However. A depreciation area can also adopt depreciation terms from a depreciation area that has a larger key than it does. it doesn’t make any difference if the depreciation area adopts values from an area that has a key either greater or smaller than its own key. For those depreciation areas that post their APC to SAP General Ledger Accounting in real time. 159 4. the depreciation area must never use values from another depreciation area.9 Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms In this activity. the following applies: 왘 Depreciation areas that manage APC are never allowed to adopt depreciation terms from another depreciation area. 4. Within the customizing activity shown in Figure 4.19. as shown in Figure 4. In that case.g. 왘 For those depreciation areas that post their APC in real time to SAP General Ledger Accounting. For each set of depreciation areas that are assigned to the same accounting principle. you can post using the new posting logic. Figure 4.11 Adjust Parameters in Charts of Depreciation This activity supports you in adjusting the parameters for charts of depreciation. and then save (Figure 4. to make the following adjustments: Figure 4. 160 왘 Assign the accounting principle An accounting principle is assigned to each depreciation area.20. you’ll be taken to the new FI-AA activation screen where you can select the Actv.20 Activate New Asset Accounting After executing the Customizing setting in Figure 4. as shown in Figure 4. if necessary. From this point onward. including the nonposting depreciation areas.22 Adjust Parameters in Chart of Depreciation You can use this activity. new FI-AA becomes activated. Figure 4.11 .4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting Adjust Parameters in Charts of Depreciation Figure 4. After the checks have been passed successfully and the settings have been saved.21 New Asset Accounting Active 4. When you execute this Customizing transaction. only one depreciation area is allowed to manage APC and have the option Area Posts in Real Time or Area Posts APC Immediately. The system derives the accounting principle from the relevant ledger group already assigned to the depreciation area. as shown in Figure 4. 161 4. the new FI-AA functionality is activated.19 Rules for Takeover of Depreciation Terms 4.10 Activate New Asset Accounting In this activity. Depreciation Periodically. (active) option.21).20.22. the system performs various checks and then saves this setting if no errors are encountered. You also need to set up a parallel area for each additional currency used in the corresponding G/L.12 Display Migration Log You can use this activity to display the migration log of the charts of depreciation during either the test run or the update run.23 Job Log for Adjusting Parameters in a Chart of Depreciation 4. this data must be migrated with the document migration. After reading this chapter. 왘 The charts of depreciation in FI-AA are assigned to a deactivated company code.13 Summary The introduction of SAP S/4HANA Finance introduced some significant changes in the FI-AA module. You need to ensure that all inconsistencies and errors are fixed during the migration. The charts of depreciation are adjusted manually in the following cases: Summary depreciation is active.23. whereby the depreciation areas that represent reserves for special depreciation. 왘 The parameters of the charts of depreciation couldn’t be adjusted automatically because the program doesn’t recognize the starting situation defined in your system. You need to execute the special check Report RASFIN_ MIGR_PRECHECK for FI-AA installation and check whether the new asset 162 163 4. regardless of circumstances. post immediately to the G/L. therefore. Let’s now move on to Chapter 5. Figure 4. in the future. you now understand the Customizing of and migration steps for the new FI-AA. and it’s prudent to involve all the stakeholders to evaluate relevant data for acceptance of migration. as shown in Figure 4. 왘 Adjusting the charts of depreciation manually is standard procedure.13 .4 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting 왘 Change posting indicator for depreciation areas The system changes the settings for posting in the G/L. 4. for example.22 changes the depreciation areas for the specified chart of depreciation to Depreciation Area Posts Balance Sheet Value Immediately. The execution of the program as depicted in Figure 4. The data of this deactivated company code aren’t archived. Any error messages must be resolved before you can mark the migration to new FI-AA as complete. where we’ll discuss the steps you need to take to customize Controlling for your SAP S/4HANA Finance migration. Depreciation Periodically. ..... 1...........................6 1........8........9. 1................................................ 1.....7 1........................ Perform Period-End Closing Activities .............................................................2 Lock Periods in Materials Management .......4 Reconciliation of the General Ledger with Materials Management ..9......1 1...................1 Copy Number Ranges ................ 19 27 PART I Migrating to SAP S/4HANA Finance 1 Preparation ........................................................ 51 1...... Parallel Valuation ........ 1...... 1...... 1..............................................................1 Check Custom Code and Modifications ...........7.............10 Check Functional Scope and Restrictions ...........1 Execute the Periodic Depreciation Posting Run ............................................................................................2 Execute Year-End Closing .... Check and Activate New Depreciation Calculation .....3 1................ Check Custom Coding ...........9.................... 1...9.......................4 Execute the Periodic Depreciation Posting Run ...5 Reconciliation of Ledgers ............... 1.............10.......9....................................................................................................................................10.....10........................ Feasibility Checklist ..7................ Precheck for Migration to New Asset Accounting ...........4....... Check Sizing .....8..............................7........4 1.......................................8 1........................ 1............3 Perform Closing for Periodic Asset Postings ............................................................................................4............. 1.................................5 1..2 1........2 Reconciliation of General Ledger and the Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Subledgers .. 1......................8................ 1.......3 Reconciliation of the General Ledger with Asset Accounting ......................... 1........... 1.............................. The Maintenance Planner and Prechecks ............1 SAP ERP Financials Data Consistency Checks .........10.. 1..................................1 Activate Business Functions for Asset Accounting................. Activate Business Functions .............2 Activate Enterprise Extension EA-FIN ............... Consistency Checks ........... 1........................3 Fiscal Year Change ....................3 Activate Business Function FIN_AA_CI_1 .........................2 Handling Custom-Defined Fields and Interfaces .. 51 53 60 60 61 61 62 63 65 65 67 69 69 70 71 72 73 73 76 77 79 81 83 83 84 84 85 7 .....................Contents Preface .. 1............... Introduction .....................9 1.......... .......4..................................... 2.................................... Execute Consistency Check of General Ledger Settings ......... 2............................... 93 Summary ..... 2................................................1...........9 Batch Jobs ... Define Ledger Groups ..........................4...... 85 Carry Balances Forward to the Current Fiscal Year ...........6 1............................11 3.... 2..............10 Execute Report to Confirm Asset Accounting Prerequisites .......... Check and Adopt Fiscal Year Variants .......15 106 106 108 109 109 110 110 111 114 114 115 115 116 118 120 120 121 121 122 123 124 124 125 125 Customizing for the SAP General Ledger .............................................1......... and Browser Support ...........3 Optimization Best Practice ..........5 3.............. 4....4 2....................1 Optimization Approach ......................4..4.....9 Customer Code .............Contents Contents 1.................. Assign the Accounting Principle to the Ledger Group ......................... 4..................................... and Cost Object Hierarchies ............ Content Deployment with SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management ................ 127 3...................... 2............... 91 Execute Business Reconciliation ................................4...............4 3.........6...................1..........................1 SAP HANA and Minimum Versions ............................... 145 145 146 147 147 148 149 151 151 152 152 153 154 155 157 158 9 ................................. Summary ....................................... 2........4 SAP HANA Modeling ........... Migrate Charts of Depreciation .. 4.9 Prerequisites . Release Information Note....................8 3.................10................... 4......................3 SAP HANA Live ..............9 3........2 Optimization Tools ........... 103 4 Activate SAP Reference Implementation Guide for SAP ERP Financials .......3 3.................................7 1......8 4.......7............. 2......... 91 Consistency Check before Activation of SAP S/4HANA Finance ........................1...........11 Lock Users ...................................14 3........ Define Document Types for Postings in Controlling ........................................... 128 129 130 131 133 135 136 137 138 138 140 140 141 141 142 Customizing for the New Asset Accounting ........................................................ 4........... 86 Reset Valuations for Periods in the Current Fiscal Year .....................1....................................4 Administrator’s Guide.........2 4..........10................................ Check and Define Default Values for Postings in Controlling .....4 Specify an Alternative Document Type for Accounting-Principle-Specific Documents ..........................................7 4............3 2...............1........2 3..... 105 2............................................1 Define Asset Balance Sheet Accounts of Parallel Valuation .....................11 1.......................................................................................................................1........5 2........................................ Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms ..............................10...... Perform HANA-tization .................................................7 2.... 2................................ 3................ 2..........................................1 8 Verify Held Documents Status .. 88 Lock Prior Periods in SAP ERP Financials and Controlling .8 Installation and Upgrade Checklist ...........7 3.......................................................................... Summary .. 4...............3 4...............................................1.............1 HANA-tization Checks ...............10........ Activate Business Functions .............4...........................8 Target Stack XML and SAP NetWeaver Kernel .... Define the Source Ledger for Migration of Balances ................12 3.............. 2.......13 2 3 2... 2............6 3................. Optimization ........3 Define the Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition ......................................................................10............................... 2.....10 Data Definition Language Statement Corrections ...1....7 Maintenance Optimizer ............7 Check Transaction Types ..............................8 1..... Apply SAP Notes ................. Cost Objects............2 Define the Depreciation Area for a Quantity Update .......................6 Industry Solutions and Add-Ons . Check Prerequisites for Activating New Asset Accounting .......... Install SAP S/4HANA Finance with New Asset Accounting ..........10...................................... 143 4......1 4..................................... 91 1............6 4.................13 3................... 89 1.................................................................................. Define Document Type Mapping Variants for Controlling Business Transactions .............................1 Installation and Upgrade ......1................... Install the Related Software Component Version .6 2......4............................5 1..............................................................10..2 2........2 Software Update Manager ....................... Determine Active Charts of Depreciation ................... Migrate General Ledger Customizing ...........7........... Define the Ledger for the Controlling Version ...........5 SAP Cash Management Powered by SAP HANA........... Define the Offsetting Account Determination Type .......................................... 4.........4 4. 2..........................7.... Use the Maintenance Planner ............. 2................. Define Settings for the Journal Entry Ledger ...........................................10 3.........12 1..6 Post Net Book Value Instead of Gain/Loss ....5 4...................... 2...........................7.... Change Definitions of Depreciation Areas ..............2 HANA-tization Tools ....................... 91 1... Customization Prior to Activation ...............6............................5 Specify Revenue Distribution for Asset Retirement ............ 2......... Specify Transfer of Acquisition and Production Cost Values ............. ...........................................................1 Migrate Accounting Documents to Universal Journal Entry Structure ...........................................................4 Display Status of Migration of Balances Check ...............................................................6........2 5............. 7...................................... Summary ... 6........8......................10..................7...........................................3 Check Initial Depreciation and Total Values .........2 Define Sensitive Fields to Be Protected from Changes ...........................................2 Display Status of Analysis of Transaction Data ...................... 7.............................................3.......... Migration of House Bank Accounts ................. Calculation of Depreciation and Totals Values ...... Summary .........................3.................3 10 Partitioning of the Universal Journal Entry Line Items Table ........4....... 166 166 167 168 169 169 170 7......... 6............................... 7..7................6..1 Analyze Transactional Data ........................... Activate Account-Based Profitability Analysis ....................5 160 161 162 162 7................................4...............4 Display Status of Technical Reconciliation of Transactional Data ...............2 6.......................... Completing the Migration .3 Check Migration of Balances .............................. 7..............................1 Bank Account Types ............................ 192 192 193 198 199 200 203 204 207 208 209 210 211 211 212 213 214 216 217 219 219 220 221 222 226 227 228 229 229 232 233 234 235 235 236 11 .........1 Migrate Balances ...........................................2 Display Status of Calculate Initial Depreciation Values ...... Technical Check of Transaction Data ..4 Display Status of Accounting Document Migration Check ........... 7....................... 7.......................1 Check Consistency of SAP General Ledger Accounts and Cost Elements ....4 Migrate Default Account Assignments .................13 Contents Activate New Asset Accounting ..................2 7.......6..2 Display the Status of Document Migration to Universal Journal Entry .............. 7.............8........................3...... 7....11.............6..7........................3....................... Maintain the Operating Concern ........................... 182 183 185 187 7................... 165 5........................4 Display Status of Check Initial Depreciation and Total Values .............. 7...... Define Settings for Bank Account Master Data ..............4 5........... 7.............. Maintain the Operating Concern for the Banking Add-On .......................... 7...5........................8.............................................................. 7..........3 5....................................... 7..................................10 189 190 190 7..12 4...................... Migration of Cost Elements ......3...........................1 Enrich Transactional Data ..... 7....... 171 6...........4.........................5.............11 4.................. 7....7 Define Authorizations and Profiles .... 7........................... Enrichment of Data ......4 Define Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs ......3............. Regenerating Core Data Services Views and Field Mapping ..1 Overview of Near Zero Downtime ...... 7......... 7.........3......3....................................................7........................ 7....5 7......2 Display Status of Transactional Data Enrichment .............3 Check of Migrated Documents ...........5.......5..10...............................3 Display Status of Migration of Cost Elements ........... 7........................................................................1 6........3....2 Display Status of Migration of Balances ........3 Reconcile Transactional Data ............. Adapt Settings for Profitability Segment Characteristics ............ Summary ..........5 Define the Signatory Groups and Approval Sequence for Approval Patterns ..8 7 Data Migration ....................... 7.......................2 Migrate Secondary Cost Elements to the Chart of Accounts ........ 7......................6..............3............................................. 172 172 173 173 174 176 176 7..... 6..7 Execute SAP Business Warehouse Delta Extraction for Account-Based Profitability Analysis ........................7 177 178 179 7....5 5..............................................9 7...................................................5 Migrate General Ledger Allocations .......6 Assign Approval Patterns .10 4.. 7.........2 Set Migration to Completed ......... 7........... Adjust Parameters in Charts of Depreciation .................... 7.........................1 5............................... 6....6 Adopt Authorizations ............................................1 Calculate Initial Depreciation Values ......................1 Reconcile and Compare Migrated Data .......3............................................3......3 Check Migration of Accounting Documents to Universal Journal Entry .. 6...4 Display Status of Migrated Documents Check .. Migration with Near Zero Downtime ........... 7.........8..4 Define Signatory Groups for Payment Approvals ....... Migration of Balances .................. 7.................................................... Transport Operating Concern ................................................ 7.................1 7....... 6..................... 7.............. 7........ Display Migration Log ............................. 181 7..... Migration of Line Items into New Data Structure .......................................11 Display the Status of the Default Account Assignments Migration ..3 Define Import Methods for Bank Statements ....3.................................................Contents 4.......6 6 Customizing for Migration of House Bank Accounts ............................................................3 6. 7.. Define Number Ranges for Change Requests ................4............6 5...4 5 Customizing for Controlling ........ ...........................................4..........................1 Basic Setting for Approval ...... Load Data to One Exposure from Operations ....................................................... 10........................4 Check Account Determination .........................6 8............3............................ 10...............................................3 Define Responsibilities and Assign Users .....3.....1 10.................1 Define and Assign Flow Types .......................... Define the Payment Approval Process ................... Test Closing Improvement ........ 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 274 276 276 281 281 285 286 287 288 288 289 290 300 304 308 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 316 318 318 13 .... Display Status of Offsetting Account in SAP ERP Financials Documents ........................ Display Status of Due Dates into SAP ERP Financials Documents .......3.....................................9 9 Contents Run Reconciliation Reports to Check Data Consistency ....................... Setup Bank Account Master Data . 10.............7.. 241 8..... 10.......4 10.............................. 10.......................................... 10............1 Install and Configure SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Content ..................5 Predefined Workflows ..........6 Rebuild Flow Types in Accounting Documents ................ Test Database Footprint Reduction ........................2 Restrictions on Business ..........................................................6.................................5 247 248 Post-Migration Testing ....... 261 262 262 264 265 266 267 10... Summary ............5........... 10..................11.......7......1 Banks and House Banks ...........Contents 7....... Test Multidimensional Reporting Capability .2 Define Liquidity Items and Hierarchies ......4 Insert House Bank and House Bank Account Data to Accounting Documents ........ 242 242 243 244 244 245 246 10.....................................................7 Specify Settings for the Bank Statement Monitor ...........................4......................................3....2 9....2.........................4........ Fill the Offsetting Account in SAP ERP Financials Documents ....... 10................... 10...................................... Set Up SAP Liquidity Management . and Dates in Accounting Documents ............................. 10................ 250 250 251 252 252 253 253 254 255 10.......................................................3.....1 Activate Individual Source Applications ...2 10....... Display Status of Application Indexes Transfer ... 10........4 Create Custom-Defined Workflows ..............................8 8..... 10.........2 Migrate House Bank Accounts ..........................6 Enable Signatory Control ...6..........6 10...........2 Activate Multiple Source Applications ....... 10................6 9....... 10............................2.........5...3 Rebuild Planning Levels. 10...........5.. Mark Rules for Automatic Payment ...5 Rebuild Liquidity Items in Accounting Documents ............................9 Rule Maintenance ....... 10.... Groups..........2..................................... Summary . 10........7 Load Transaction Data into One Exposure from Operations Hub ....................3 8..... 10....11...........3...........8......8............... Transfer Application Indexes ......... Manage Cash Operations ..... 10...........4.......... Summary ............ Set Up Cash Management Transaction Data ..............8................................................3 Upload and Download Bank Accounts ....................................5.2 8............................8........5 237 237 237 239 Post-Migration Activities ............... Additional Criteria for Payment Grouping ............... Execute Change Management ..........................................................1 Define Clearing Accounts for the Receiving Bank for Account Transfers ...12 8 7...............................2 Integration with Remote Systems ...............................................................................7 9....8......8 9.............................. Fill Due Dates in SAP ERP Financials Documents ....................................................2 Define Clearing Accounts for Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers ............8.....................9 Test SAP HANA-Optimized Report Transactions .....11...................4 Delta Migration ....... Specify the Signature Method for Approval Using a Simple Signature ..............................1 8.......9..................3 Activities on the Clone System .............4 9........................ 10............ Test Intercompany Reconciliation ...........5 8..........................................3 12 Validate Prerequisites .......................................3 Define Planning Levels and Groups ................................3 9.....................................6.................8 PART II New Functionality in SAP S/4HANA Finance 10 SAP Cash Management ..........4 8..................4.....7 8... 10...1 Integration with Source Applications .............1 9................. 10...................... Test the Universal Journal ..................... 249 9............ 259 10................... Create Cash Pools for Cash Concentration ...............................1 Maintain Event Type Linkage .........................................4 10......................................3.................... 7..........................................8.................3 Define Account Determination .......................... 10....... Test the New Process Redesign ..7 10...... Validate Business Process to Ensure Successful Migration ..2 10............................................... 10.................. 10...............................................3 10........... Enable SAP Business Workflow for Bank Account Management ............ 10.................................... 10............................................2 Define and Maintain Organizational Hierarchy ..................... 10..........5 9... 10.... 7....................................... .........4 Currency Conversion Rules ........... 10...11 Summary ..5 Cash Manager ..................3 Activate Services for the Planning Applications ............5............................................. SAP Fiori Application and Roles .....................10 Summary ...............................6 Install the Technical SAP Business Warehouse Content ..6 Cost Manager ......10......................................4................... 334 334 337 338 338 339 340 341 345 345 345 347 348 Test the SAP Business Warehouse Installation .........6...3 11.....................2 SAP Smart Business for Accounts Receivable .....1 Check General Settings for Web Dynpro .....3 Accounts Receivable Accountant ............................ 12.....4........9......... 363 364 364 366 367 367 368 369 371 373 378 12 SAP Fiori Applications ............................ 10......................................... 10...7 351 352 353 355 12...............9 SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Microsoft Office ............................................................4 SAP Smart Business for SAP Cash Management ............................ 11.4..3 Activate Business Functions for Planning .......................5 Reference Data Sources ..........3 SAP Smart Business Key Performance Indicators ........4............. 10...2 Data Flow Architecture ................................ 10........... 11............... 11.. 10........................................... 11........................................6...................................6.5 Activate SAP BPC Content ......................10..............5 12........3 Install Template for Cash Flow Analysis ..............1.....9................. 11.............2 11................. 11........4 Test the New Planning Application ..........................6 Exclude Liquidity Items Representing Balance Values .....................1 11... 11...5 Set SAP Business Warehouse Namespaces to Changeable ............................................. 380 381 383 386 386 387 387 388 390 392 394 394 397 399 401 405 408 409 409 411 412 413 414 356 357 358 15 .........5..........6........ 11.............10 Set Up Liquidity Planning ...................... Authorizations . 12........ 11...........4.............................................................6 12......................... 10..............................2 Create Planning Units ...............1 Choose SAP Business Warehouse Client ............................................... SAP Smart Business Application and Roles ........... 10.......................2 Backend Configuration Screen ......................................... 11................................................ 12..1 Transaction and Fact Sheet Apps ..........................7............7..................... Architecture ....................... Architecture ..........................................2 320 321 323 324 324 327 327 328 328 330 331 331 331 332 11 SAP BPC for S/4HANA Finance ..................7 Check Installation Status and Resolve Errors ..............1 Frontend User Screen ..............6................................4............................ 12................................. 10..................................4...... 11...... 12....................... 11. Activate Embedded SAP Business Warehouse ...........8 SAP Fiori Project Phases .................9...................................................1.1 Activate the DataSources .6 Install SAP BPC Content . 11........... 11... 10....................................................................................... 12....4 12............................2 Applications Used by Planning ...... 12....1....... 11..2......... 333 11........5 14 Planning Overview and Activation ............................. 11..................................................................4.....5.. 12.1 Business Benefits ....................1 12..... 12.3 12...10.................5........... 12.................................. Configure SAP Fiori .................................................7.................................... 12...................7................... 11.........7 Activate Services and Test Planning Applications ...Contents Contents Activate SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Content ................................................7 Liquidity Planning Types ..........................................7..........................7....... 11............................1 Set the User Parameter ..1 SAP Smart Business for Accounts Payable .. SAP Fiori Launchpad ................................................ 10............. 11.............. 12....4 Controller .......................................................................................5..................................... 11.............................10. Activate the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Content Bundle ...............4 11.....................................4...............................2.................2 Activate the Content Bundle ....................... 12.............2 Analytical Apps .......4 Assign the Logical System Client .....2 Test the Planning Query Installation .........................6....................9................. Summary ...................................1 Specify an SAP BPC Configuration Set .....................3 Set the SAP Business Warehouse Client ................... 11.................................. 12........8 Check Planning Content Activation ........ 379 12.4.......2 Check SAP Business Warehouse Client Setting ................ 10.......7.. 12......................................... 11...6............10.........................................................................3 SAP Smart Business for Chief Financial Officers ........................6.6 10.........7................8 Planning Modeler ........10..4 Generate a Planning View ........ 11....1 Planning Accelerators ................. 11...................1 General Ledger Accountant . 10.............3 Activate Planning Unit Hierarchy ...........9...................2 Run Report RSICF_SERVICE_ACTIVATION ..2 12......2 Accounts Payable Accountant ................ 11.................... 11....... Install SAP Fiori Apps ................10.. .................. 13..............7 Cash Journal View .............2 14 Impact on New Asset Accounting .. Functionality Impact .......................................... 13............... 14.1 13... 453 13 Impact on SAP General Ledger Accounting and Related Areas ..........................................................12 Cost of Goods Sold Posting ......9 Reference and Simulation Costing View .......2.......3........1.....................................................................................3............ 13.........1 Cost Elements .....................2......5 Document Numbers in Controlling ............................................. 15.........5 Ledger Configuration ............7 Architectural Impact .............. 15...............................................................................1...............................2...4 Integration of SAP ERP Financials and Controlling ...........2........... 15..................................1 17...3 Functionality Impact .........11 Assign SAP Material Ledger Type to Valuation Area .................. SAP HANA Views in SAP S/4HANA Finance ..................1 General Functionality Changes ..3....4 Activate New Asset Accounting ........ 481 17 ..............9 Changes in Transaction Codes .......... 13.......9 Define Ledger for the Controlling Version .2 14..................................................4 Universal Journal Entry Organization .......3.1.....2........................................................................ 15.......................................... Summary ......3 14....2.......................2............................ 15... 471 16.................... Summary .... 439 14...............................3.......................................6 SAP Material Ledger ....... 15.......... 15....................... 13...................10 Assign Currencies to SAP Material Ledger ..............3.......3....................................3.....................................................1 16.............................3 Table Changes .....................................1 Copy Company Code ................................. 14....................................................2 13...........................................1 14..1 15............... Summary ...........1..3 Currencies ..........2.. 14................6 SAP General Ledger Planning ................................................... SAP HANA Views in SAP S/4HANA Finance ...... 15.... 15................1..................... Customer and Vendor Master Data ..........................................................8 Report Hierarchies Added ............................................ 13........................2 Allocations . 15.......3........................2.............3 13. Functionality Impact ............. 15.........................................1 Define How Depreciation Areas Post to the SAP General Ledger ............ 15.............................................. 15.2 Cost Element as an SAP General Ledger Account ......2 Consistency Check ........................ 14.........................4 Rule for Posting in Controlling ..................2 Specify Transfer of Acquisition and Production Cost Values .2..........................7 Transfer Pricing .......4 13....2. SAP HANA Views in SAP S/4HANA Finance .....................................................................................1.......3............................... Configuration Impact .......3... 15......2 16.....5 13.........3 Ledger for Controlling ................ 14...........................................................1..... 13.. Credit Management Impact ...........1...............6 Document Types and Numbering .................. 13.................................................................5 14.......................... 471 473 476 476 477 17 Impact on Profitability Analysis .............3 Document Summarization ................................................................... Summary ..........................................................................................1 Integration of Controlling with SAP ERP Financials ...............................................................6 16 Architectural Impact .........................5 Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition ............................................ Configuration Impact ................... 13...4 14..........2 Changes in Transaction Codes ..........................................................8 General Cost Objects and Cost Object Hierarchies .... 14.....1...5 Ledger View in Customizing .... Functionality Impact ......... Configuration Impact .............. 14...................................................................................................................... 417 13............... 15................................................... Web Dynpro Reports ..........3......3.......................2......................... 453 454 454 455 456 456 457 459 459 460 461 461 462 463 463 464 465 465 466 467 468 468 469 469 16 Impact on Cost Center Accounting and Profit Center Accounting .............................................................................3....... 15.. 15........5 Architectural Impact ................. 439 440 440 445 446 447 447 447 448 449 449 450 451 451 15.......2 Architectural Impact ...............Contents Contents PART III Impact of SAP S/4HANA Finance 15 Impact on Controlling ....... 15................... 15.... 480 Functionality Impact ................2.................... 15................................3 Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms ...............................................4 16...6 13.........................................2................. 417 424 426 426 427 427 427 428 431 431 432 434 434 435 436 437 15...3 16...................2.................................................. 479 17. 15...8 Integration of SAP ERP Financials and Controlling .................... Closing Process Impact .7 Document Posting .................................................................................................................... 14........................ 527 18 ........4 Configuration Impact ............................................ 491 19.........................5 Architectural Impact ..............3 18....... Security Impact ............................Contents 17...4 19......................................................2 19...... 525 Index .......................................................... Summary .................................................................3...1 18.............................................................................................................................................5 A B Introduction of SAP Business Client ......3. 499 The Author ........................................................3 Segment-Level Characteristics for Distributed Profitability Analysis ...................................... 485 486 488 489 490 19 Impact on SAP Cash Management and Bank Account Management ... SAP HANA Views ..............4 18............ Security Impact ................................................3 19.......................2 18............................... Summary ........ 491 493 495 496 497 Project Plan for Migrating to SAP S/4HANA Finance ..............1 19............................................................. 17...........1 Define Profitability Segment Characteristics ..... Functionality Impact ......... 485 18......................2 SAP HANA Integration .................................................................... Configuration Impact .................................................................................................................... 17...................................... Summary ........................3.............................................................................. Functionality Impact ...................................................................................................................................................... 482 482 483 484 484 18 Impact on Period-End Closing ............................ 17.........................................................3 17. 285. 52 Administrator’s Guide. 168 Business Add-In (BAdI). 288 Accounting. 125 Appendix ledger. 172. 157 value. 88. 123 ABAP Workbench. 259. 489 Accounts payable accountant. 281 Business unit. 135. 68 Business function. 338 FIN_CO_ORPLAN. 109 Adopt authorizations. 141. 177–179 Architecture. 115. 382 ABAP Development Tools (ADT). 429 Application index. 487 Bank account closure. 441 Asset retirement. 190 Balance sheet adjustment. 232 Bank clearing account. 450 transaction. 261 FIN_GL_CI_1. 276. 262 review. 270 Balance carryforward.Index A B ABAP. 161 Accounting principle document. 232. 125 Authorization. 294 Bank clearing account determination. 157 Balance sheet account. 363 Activity-based costing (ABC). 243 EA-FIN. 36 Accounts receivable accountant. 62 OPS_PS_CI_1. 493 Bank account master data. 61 Business Configuration Sets (BC Sets). 141 FIN_GL_DISTR_SCEN_1. 410 Accounts Receivable (AR). 153 FIN_CO_CCMGMT. 173–174 Bank Account Management. 62 FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL. 114 Business Object Repository. 140. 151 Asset value. 496 Bank statement. 263 Bank master data. 129 Allocation. 441 Accounts Payable (AP). 284 Bank account number mapping. 338 Business function/switch concept. 131. 172 type. 399 Acquisition and production cost (APC). 157 Activation log. 34 Asset. 30 Accounting principle. 288 Bank directory. 266. 244 transfer. 61. 338 FIN_CO_CCPLAN. 193. 383 frontend server. 192 Adopt fiscal year variant. 491. 145 Asset acquisition. 273 Bank subaccount. 190 Account determination. 62 Approval pattern. 64. 196 Authorization profile. 176 Bank statement monitor. 338 DAAG_DATA_AGING. 274. 486 Balance sheet. 422–423. 232 Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI). 36. 294 Banking add-on. 124. 196 Automatic payment. 157 Attribute view. 67 FI-G/L. 387 backend server. 197 Authorization value. 338 FIN_FSCM_CLM. 479 527 . 81. 159. 172–173 technical ID. 161. 454 Analytic view. 494 master data. 439 Asset Accounting. 65. 159. 397 Accounts Payable Manager app. 243 Application Linking and Embedding (ALE). 342 Account assignment. 290. 34 Data cleansing. 243 posting. 232 I Import and Export Bank Accounts tool. 454 transactional data. 455 Currency conversion. 344. 204 document migration. 161. 137. 125 Greenfield implementation. 187. 473 Cost manager. 496 Central Finance. 135–136. 405 Cash manager role. 111 Enrich transactional data. 292 Function module RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_SET. 471. 244 Duplicate entry. 441. 43 End-of-day statement. 191. 67 Internet Communication Framework (ICF). 114 Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). 463 Compatibility view. 368 F FI-CO integration. 115 Data Dictionary. 37 Data model. 105. 357 Days sales outstanding (DSO). 310 Content bundle. 85 House bank. 289 Cash pool. 138 document. 60 Custom Development Management Cockpit (CDMC). 72 Fiscal year variants for fixed assets. 290 Flow type. 28. 172 Chart of accounts. 465 Cash manager. 132. 44 CFO. 341 Change management. 183. 312 Fiscal year. 85. 495 Cash Operations. 476–477 Cost element. 432 FI-CO reconciliations. 158–159. 251 Compliance Management. 168 Error message. 305 HBKID. 154. 441 Fixed Assets functionality. 215 E EDI. 463 Delta CO totals. 38. 201 Document number range. 379 Days Sales Outstanding app. 450 Cluster table. 469. 444. 339. 175. 242 Data definition language (DDL). 120 DataSource. 158–159. 108 Database size. 38. 252. 42 Industry solution. 38. 92. 259. 40. 121 Code pushdown. 494 EHP 7. 110 Cost of goods sold (COGS). 401 Controlling. number range. 31 Field FDTAG. 453. 146 Charts. 115. 83 Document posting. 412 Declustering. 30. 243 Graphical calculation view. 227 initial. 38. 213 Document number. 358 Control parameter. 174 G G/L accountant. 226 area. 314 Financial close. 473 Cost center. 40 Flow category. 169. 346 Functional account. 412 Change and Transport System (CTS). 121 Held document. 92. 479 Create Manual Payment app. 131. 35. 314 HKTID. 356 InfoProvider. 330. 486 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). 31 Concur. 459 Data Warehousing Workbench. 339 posting. 447 calculation. 447 migration. 51 H HANA-tization. 148. 121 Depreciation. 206 version. 400 Document migration status. 290 Flow level. 139. 145 Depreciation run. 480 Index table. 33 Financial operations source application. 122 Company code. 474 views. 208 Enterprise Risk. 42. 176 Enhancement Package Installer (EHPI). 285 Cash Position. 285 Cash Journal. 200. 145. 339 Installation. 189. 394 General Availability (GA) Care program. 314 House bank account. 41 Document type. 367 Internet Communication Manager (ICM). 431 Due date. 233 Import method. 399 529 . 183 description. 473 Cost Center Accounting. 155. 480 business transaction. 52. 39 Data consistency. 140 Fiscal year change. 64. 105 Integrated asset acquisition. 219 Delta migration. 431 Document splitting. 162. 330 Custom code. 127. 457 historic plan data. 70 terms. 348 Data migration. 146. 165. 236 Closing Cockpit. 123 D Data aging. 125 Cluster/pool table. 120 tools. 110 Cost object hierarchy. 449 Intercompany reconciliation. 448 Depreciation calculation program (DCP). 211. 183. 476 Cost center planning. 489 area. 55 Database table. 251 Database migration option (DMO). 67 Goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR). 408 Cost object. 217. 393 Checklist. 286–287 Clone system. 115 Data structure. 136 528 Index Core Data Services (CDS) view. 338. 73. 115 Data definition language statement (DDLS) views. 141. 73. 426. 254 Change request. 159 Controller. 367 Invoice Verification. 229 Display Customer Balances app. 398 Credit Management. 372 Database footprint. 171. 27 Consistency check. 339 InfoObject. 122 Default ledger group. 486 Closing process. 110 InfoCube. 397. 444 Depreciation value. 138. 176 Income statement.Index C Cash concentration. 435 Currency new settings. 472 Compliance capabilities. 190 Chart of depreciation. 237 Depooling. 489 Cost center report. 43. 471. 146–147. 106 Clearing account. 206 Error log. 31 Error. 339. 143. 187 Consumer and Mortgage Loans (CML). 252. 230. 162 phases. 38 Remote Function Call. 89 Product Cost Controlling (CO-PC). 140. 52. 213 Program FAA_DEPRECIATION_CALCULATE. 331 Relational database management system (RDBMS). 70 FCO_ADD_COPA_FIELD_TO_ACDOCA. 123 Period control. 100 RFDEPL00. 396 Post-migration activity. 152 New Asset Accounting. 139 Restrictions. 237 General Ledger Line Items List. 83. 63–64. 97 Program (Cont. 133–135. 115 Manage Bank Accounts app. 172 interval. 246 One Exposure from Operations. 41 Parallel currency. 139. 309 PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY. 453 Profit Center Accounting. 111 Maintenance planner. 122–123 Overdraft Limit tab. 165. 496 Liquidity item. 116 Production variance. 94 RM07MBST. 331 M Maintenance Optimizer. 79 RMMMPERI. 79 RM07MMFI. 221 display status. 249. 74 RFKEPL00. 385 Report. 88. 428. 147 Parallel ledger. 52 Real-time integration. 33. 462 Prior period. 175 Overdue Payables app. 42. 147. 81. 177 Joint Venture Accounting. 428 Nonoperating expense. 440 Representative ledger. 94 RAABST02. 242. 268 Payment request. 98 RFTMPBLD. 70 Plan data. 185 Real Estate Management. 476 FINS_MIGRATION_STATUS. 73 Migrate Balance activity. 182 Payment approval. 298. 439 Planned status. 129 RFBELJ00. 221 check. 304. 96 RFDAUB00. 473 Profit Centers – Actuals app. 479 distributed. 184 house bank account. 52. 127. 83 RKKBSELL. 457 Migrate house bank accounts. 81 Reconciliation reports. 69 Parallel valuation. 434. 449 New G/L migration. 422. 235 Net book value. 73. 131–132. 226. 108. 89. 190 data. 190 Primary cost element. 181. 346 Operational entry document. 484 Profitability characteristic. 463 Materials Management (MM). 367 Report hierarchy. 52 Journal entry. 364 Planning unit. 304 Planning Modeler. 85 RGUCOMP4. 383 Offsetting account. 234 ledgers. 184 Mapping variant. 295 Performance expectations. 306 Planning level. 440 Number range. 327 Liquidity planning type. 474 Profit center planning. 181 data view. 227 FAA_DEPRECIATION_POST. 441 Optimization. 407 Mapping. 55 Performance statistics. 60. 485 Periodic depreciation posting run. 210 Migration. 185 cost elements. 165. 206. 37 Nonleading ledger. 242 Reference data source. 153 Partitioning. 160. 379 Near Zero Downtime (NZDT). 219. 232 log.) RAHAFA_ALV01. 66 Planning group. 52. 51 Prima nota. 143. 136. 53 R Read access. 100 RFDUML00. 266 Payment grouping. 143. 100 RFINDEX_NACC. 440 Multidimensional reporting. 410 P P&L account. 174 Operating concern. 131 Reconciliation. 187. 250 My Spend app. 57. 454 account-based. 479 costing-based. 198 RSICF_SERVICE_ACTIVATION. 185 FQME_BANK_CASH_BAL_IMPORT. 361. 328–329 Planning view. 466 Reporting. 51 531 . 145 RFAGL_SWAP_IMG_NEW. 302 Liquidity Planning. 110 Product System Editor. 241 Preparation. 353 Joint signature. 165. 98 RFKUML00. 84 Project plan. 116 Leading ledger. 439. 190 Nonsequential signatory pattern. BI_TCO_ACTIVATION. 59 Ledger comparison report. 404 Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). 480 Profitability segment. 81 Ledger group. 473 Parallel accounting. 40. 222 Month-end depreciation run. 300. 499 Q Questionnaire. 264 Migrated documents check. 166. 447 Planned depreciation value. 471. 128 RFAGL_SWAP_MENU_NEW. 422 Primary cost. 481 FINS_MIGRATION_START. 93. 371–372 Planning query. 167–168 Operational data providers (ODP). 243. 457 Migration of balances. 323 Post General Journal Entries app. 172 L Landscape Management Database (LMDB). 62. 97 RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK. 178 Nonstatistical line item. 206 cost element. 486 activation.Index J Index Job. 480 Profit & loss. 348. 45 530 O Object FINS_MIG. 77 RAGITT_ALV01. 84 Period-end closing. 206 Liquidity Forecast. 303. 331 Liquidity item hierarchy. 463 Lease Accounting Engine (LAE). 308 Operating account. 408 K N Key performance indicator (KPI). 30. 239 OData services. 328 Planning unit hierarchy. 108 Support Package Manager (SPAM). 112 SAP Fiori. 486 Root cause. 56. 57. 114. 384 SAP General Ledger. 402. 345 T012K. 304. 439–440. 225. 382 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Content Activation Workbench. 71. 44 integration. 62. 36 SAP ERP 6. 382 SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager (HLM). 78. 260. 105. 264 Table index. 124 SQL Performance Tuning Worklist. 460. 467 MLHD. 287 SAP Web Dispatcher. 359 SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Content bundle. 411 for cash management. 250. 382. 459. 483 artifact. 496 FDES. 36. 40–41. 214. 459 SAP GUI. 124 SAP Material Ledger. 179. 111 Switch Framework. 454. 443 ABLDT. 28. 70. 153 System landscape. 157. 422 MLIT. 107 SAP NetWeaver ABAP. 64. 128–129. 58. 27 SAP Bank Communication Management. 39. 127. 337. 475 ACDOCA. 241. 121. 485 Secondary cost element. 178 Server group. 298. 128 SAP S/4HANA. 379 app. 446. 271 Signatory control. 290 HRRP_DIRECTORY. 494 SAP Smart Business. 493 SAP BPC web client. 340. 480 account. 282 FCLM_REVWOR. 58. 73 Table join. 52. 419 FAGLFLEXT_BCK. 40. 53–54 SAP ERP 6. 351 SAP Business Workflow. 39 Secondary cost. 27 SAP S/4HANA Finance. 201 BSIS_BCK. 422 RSADMINA. 186. 56. 386 SAP Process Integration (SAP PI). 436. 444 Signatories tab. 27 SAP HANA Extended Application Services Advanced. 451 SAP HANA application lifecycle management (HALM). 399. 140–141. 39 Scale-up. 456 allocation. 427 BSID_BCK. 264 FCLM_BAM_AMD. 417 BNKA. 419 FCLM_BAM_ACLINK2. 34–35. 386 Scale-out. 381 dashboard for Cash Manager. 347 embedded. 52. 174 SAP BusinessObjects BI. 106 SAP Liquidity Management. 328. 124 Stack calculation. 114. 312. 496 SAP Code Inspector (SCI). 108. 114. 232. 382. 491 SAP Cash Management. 38. 106. 147. 109. 262 BSAD_BCK. 189. 439 FAAT_PLAN_VALUES. 379 SAP Fiori launchpad. 395. 451 533 . 174 Sequential approval pattern. 109. 387 Sizing.0. 87 AS91. 271 Single signature. 377. 34 SAP Treasury and Risk Management. 417. 36. 120 SAP HANA Cloud Platform. 337. 342 Switch PARALLEL_VAL. 381 SAP NetWeaver. 496 apps. 35. 392 SAP Smart Business mobile UI. 123–124 SAP DataSource. 310 FQMI_FLOW_CAT. 65 SAP Business Suite on SAP HANA. 456 ANLC. 356 SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio. 318. 130 document. 176–177 Signature method. 61. 156. 202 BSAS_BCK. 28. 78 AFAR. 53 T Table. 491. 221 reconciliation. 217 Customizing. 379 SAP Business Warehouse. 468 SAP Mobile Platform. 474. 109 SAP HANA view. 73. 165–166. 117. 109 SAP HANA Live. 39 Technical clearing account. 176 Signatory group. 124. 379 project phases. 339 SAP_SFIN_CASH_MANAGER. 409.0 EHP 7. 439 BKPF. 471. 454. 206 Rule FCLM_CASHMGR. 345 namespace. 145 SAP EWM. 116 Sorting behavior. 489 SAP HCM Organizational Management. 418. 202 BSEG. 484 Sensitive field. 60. 29. 38 SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search. 406 SAP Gateway. 113. 56. 61. 473 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 443 AFAB. 76 SUM with DMO. 457. 483 modeling. 385 Segment reporting. 203 summary table. 310 FQM_FLOW. 53 System review. 108. 78 AJRW. 187. 259. 107 Standard ledger. 61 SQL Monitor. 387 SAP Fiori UI5. 407 Fact sheet app. 344 SAP Business Suite. 41 Segment-level characteristics. 183. 397. 449 Transaction. 486 analytical app. 123 database. 467 HRRP_NODE. 474. 443. 125 view. 131 Statistical data. 58. 379. 454 account mapping. 281 FCLM_CASHSYSCOLL. 36. 79. 445. 324. 127. 143. 217 SAP General Ledger Accounting. 113. 491 KPIs. 110. 214. 62 Software Update Manager. 226. 474. 339. 223. 343 SAP ERP. 190. 106. 421 FAGLFLEXT. 465. 177 Single Sign-On (SSO). 335 client. 165. 122 Source ledger. 147. 27. 107 532 Index SAP ERP Financials (FI). 229 AJAB. 282 S SAP Add-On Installation Tool (SAINT). 447 Subledger. 33. 386 architecture. 31. 195. 439–440 FAGLFLEXA. 108 SAP Ariba Network. 110. 175 Signatory approval. 140 SQL. 382. 198 SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server. 491– 492 SAP Business Explorer. 72. 261 Roll up values. 337 SAP NetWeaver 7. 465. 252. 383 SAP reference IMG structure. 117. 334 SAP HANA. 266 SAP BPC for S/4HANA Finance. 120 packages. 380 Transactional app. 194 FUCN_GL_ACCOUNTANT. 406 SAP Cash and Liquidity Management. 27 database migration. 489 migration. 377. 479. 54. 355 SAP_SFIN_ACC_PLANNING. 419. 201 FAAT_DOC_IT. 337 SAP Business Client. 454 SAP ERP Financials Extension (EA-FIN). 149.Index Role. 192 SAP_BW_BI_ADMINISTRATOR.40. 86. 73. 439 ANLP. 336– 337. 318 SAP List Viewer (ALV). 380. 486 AB01. 60. 413. 345. 35. 474 LMDB. interface. 113 SPDD/SPAU. 244 FINS_MIG_GCM. 276 PPOMW. 243 FINS_MIG_LEDGER_CUST. 395. 242 KA01. 150. 70 AW01_AFAR. 189 FINS_MIG_GKONT. 89 Valuation area. 181. 200 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC1. 385 SWDD. 192. 147 Value type. 454. 303 for reports. 248. 34. 219 FINS_MASS_DATA_MONITOR. 353 S_ALR_87012993. 29. 359 RSPLAN. 233. 265 SM30. 185 SAT. 474 FCLOCO. 68–69 SICF. 76 FAGLGVTR. 342 SM37. report. 198–200. 276 RSA1. 203 FINS_RECON_RC3. 216 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC4. 447 Transport Layer Security. 83 OXK3. 244 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DAA. 328. 54 Universal Journal. 228 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CLD. 287 FAGLF03. 211 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC3. 27. 65. 468–469 Value transfer. 496 FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK. 383–384 SU01. 101 SA38. 462 KA06. 111 MR21. 316 FQM_UPD_LITEM. 203 Transfer rule.) FLQC15. 274 custom. 406 report. 212. 215 FINS_RECON_RC5. 357 CODE_SCANNER. 371 RSRTS_ACTIVATE_R3IS. 312 FQM_INITIALIZE. 265. 229 FINS_MIG_STATUS. 102 S_ALR_87013611. 367. 496 FI01. 348. 274 SWLT. 189. 358 SQLM. 315 FQM21. 419 KP06. 309 FS00. 218 GCAC. 419. 193. 333 User screen. 355 RSOR. 248 SMSY. 457. 282 Workflow. 419 PFCG. 281 SWETYPV. 234–235 GR55. 128. 190 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GKO. 254 Y Year-end closing. 238 FINS_MIGRATION. 213 FINS_MIG_DAA. 319 RSTCO_ADMIN. 419 KEA5. 123 Transaction data. enhancement. 229 FLQC0. 204 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC2. 281 Workflow template. 368 SLG1. 402. 31–32. 303 FLQQA5. 78 AW01. 121 F. 114 Transaction (Cont. 209 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_AFA. 123 STC01. 57. 297. 70 BAUP. 66. 246 FINS_MIG_INIT_COLD. 185. 233. form (WRICEF). 85. 262 FI12_HBANK. 316 FQM_UPD_FLOW_TYPE. 491 OBH2. 86. 141. 252 Workflow. 303 534 Index Transaction (Cont. 208 FINS_RECON_RC0. 253–254. 264. 457 KB41. 199 FINS_RECON_RC1. 192 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DUE. 130 FINS_MIG_MONITOR. 462 KB11. 303 FLQQA1. 81. 247 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC0.Index Transaction (Cont. 476–477 Work in Process (WIP). 357 RSD1. 462 GCA9. 488 FCLOCOC. 335. 191 FINS_MIG_DUE. 252 FBL3H. 382 U Unicode. 81. 28. 87 F111. 427 FINS_MASS_DATA_MASTER. 379 User interface (UI). 473 W Web Dynpro. 157. 252 FBICS3. 84 535 . 222 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC5. 388 V Valuating part. 485 User experience (UX). 422 NWBC.) ASKB. conversion. 245 FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCM. 488 FF7A. 385 PPOCE. 353. 39. 356 RSA5. 262 BSANLY_BI_ACTIVATION. 310 Transaction type. 420 KB11 and KB41. 449 Valuation. 250 FQM_ACTIVATE. 152 Transactional data. 123 SFW5.) SPRO. 424 FBICA3. 420 KEA0.07. migration.First-hand knowledge. an SAP Certified Application Associate for SAP Simple Finance On-Premise Edition 1503. Controlling. . SAP BPC for S/4HANA Finance. Collaborative Finance Operations. but only in its We hope you have enjoyed this reading sample. new SAP Cash All usage and exploitation rights are reserved by the author and the publisher.95 ISBN 978-1-4932-1350-4 www. and an SAP Certified Application Consultant for Accounting. He has successfully led and managed numerous full lifecycle and global rollout SAP implementation projects across North America. DC. Accounts Payable. Europe. Anup has led the design. including all pages. Anup Maheshwari is an SAP S/4HANA Finance practice leader and project management professional with more than 18 years of IT and business-consulting experience in managing and delivering complex SAP and enterprise transformation projects focused on finance efficiency. Financial Supply Chain Management. 2016. and Travel Management. and Asia Pacific. Accounts Receivable. new General Ledger. Asset Accounting. Washington. $79. productivity. This reading sample and all its parts are protected by copyright law. Anup Maheshwari Implementing SAP S/4HANA Finance 535 Pages. Anup’s SAP functional experience includes SAP S/4HANA Finance. and profitability. You may recommend or pass it on to others. Anup has master’s degrees in business administration and project management from The George Washington University. He is a Stanford Certified Project Manager and a PMI-certified Project Management Professional (PMP). and implementation teams in some of the first global deployments of SAP S/4HANA Finance. Anup is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
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