Reading Material in English

June 11, 2018 | Author: Lee Caballero | Category: N/A



FIRST STEPIN READING ENGLISH Name:_____________________________________ School: Abangay Elementary School Address: Abangay , Dingle , Iloilo Prepared by: Mrs. Lee D. Caballero Adviser PHILIPPINE ALPHABET Aa Ee Ii Mm Oo Ss Ww Bb Cc Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll Nn Ññ Ngng Pp Qq Rr Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s BASIC SIGHT WORDS Locating and correcting reading difficulties.LEVEL 1 is if of un I we so as it my an no do be us at in go up or you by to on a am he me Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s * Shanker. E. pp. OH: Merrill. By permission. Columbus. J. BASIC SIGHT WORDS LEVEL 2 . 261. (1998). & Ekwall. 263. & Ekwall. 261. 263.far has the she all now too got six of run has are her and all any old eat fly use out its him was ate how saw who try hot Sit red yes but why put can may ten Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s * Shanker. J. pp. OH: Merrill. (1998). Locating and correcting reading difficulties. BASIC SIGHT WORDS LEVEL 3 . Columbus. By permission. E. By permission.said with then like went very into blue want help that they them look some have down when what this would will come long came over your ride onto unto just from good away know take jump here call well Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s * Shanker. Columbus. pp. 263. & Ekwall. (1998). 261. OH: Merrill. BASIC SIGHT WORDS LEVEL 4 . J. Locating and correcting reading difficulties. E. pp. OH: Merrill.three light which small those found clean these thank laugh funny under would little could Shoul d going sleep myself write white around right where every green their about brown think again eight today drink once first Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s * Shanker. Columbus. & Ekwall. 263. By permission. . Locating and correcting reading difficulties. (1998). 261. E. J. BASIC SIGHT LEVEL 5 WORDS while because please together neither either always carry second beginning sometime whenever s important mountain example enough something anything anyone everyone everything someone anyone Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s . 261. (1998). Columbus. OH: Merrill. SHORT ‘a’ CVC PATTERN LEVEL 6 -ab cab dab jab lab tab -ad bad dad had tad sad -ag bag gag lag nag tag -am dam ham jam Sam ram -an van tan pan man can -ap lap cap rap map sap -at sat cat rat bat hat -ar car far tar bar war Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s . pp. J. By permission.* Shanker. Locating and correcting reading difficulties. E. 263. & Ekwall. q=LIST+OF+CVC+WORDS&biw=1152&bih=605&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6N5_VPvKMKLKmwWAroHABQ&ved=0CAg Q_AUoAQ .ph/search? q=LIST+OF+CVC+WORDS&biw=1152&bih=605&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6N5_VPvKMKLKmwWAroHABQ&ved=0CAg Q_AUoAQ SHORT ‘e’ CVC PATTERN LEVEL 7 -ed bed fed led red wed -eg beg leg peg keg Meg -en den hen pen ten men -et pet set wet bet yet Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s -it fit bit sit lit kit SHORT ‘i’ CVC PATTERN LEVEL 8 -id -ig -im kid big dim bid fig him did pig Tim rid rig rim lid wig Kim -in fin sin tin win bin -ip dip hip tip sip rip -ib bib pip rib Lib Sib Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ ______________________ . ph/search? q=LIST+OF+CVC+WORDS&biw=1152&bih=605&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6N5_VPvKMKLKmwWAroHABQ&ved=0CAg Q_AUoAQ SHORT ‘o’ CVC PATTERN LEVEL 9 -ob cob gob job mob sob -og cog dog jog hog log -op cop hop mop top pop -ot cot hot dot not lot Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature ______________________ Parent’s’s Signature Signature Parent’s q=LIST+OF+CVC+WORDS&biw=1152&bih=605&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6N5_VPvKMKLKmwWAroHABQ&ved=0CAg Q_AUoAQ . SHORT ‘u’ CVC PATTERN LEVEL 10 -ub cub hub sub -ug hug dug mug -um hum gum mu m tub jug sum pub rug rum -un bun run nun gun sun Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ ______________________ . Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s q=LIST+OF+CVC+WORDS&biw=1152&bih=605&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6N5_VPvKMKLKmwWAroHABQ&ved=0CAg Q_AUoAQ LONG ‘a’ SOUND LEVEL 11 wake fare lace case lake mare face make sake hare pace cake take fare race ware care case same lame hate late mate fate Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ ______________________ . Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s http://www.pdf LONG ‘e’ LEVEL 12 SOUND meet seat leak meat heat meal seal feat feel feet beak beat heat heap leap seam mean meek keen keep bean wean seek been Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ ______________________ reyn.Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s LONG ‘i’ SOUND LEVEL 13 wide mile bye cry hide like fly lye mine site try fry wise time sly why side lime tile might nice fire tire fight rite white mice height Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ . org/Downloads/cvcwordslistbymedialsound.reyn._______________________ ______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s http://www.pdf LONG ‘o’ LEVEL 14 SOUND boat bowl coke loaf mole zone soul zone cone phone lone soul sole pole coal home pose hose coast bone Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _______________________ ______________________ . LONG ‘u’ LEVEL 15 SOUND cube cure cute cue few view mute muse review hue due huge pure sure fuse use cube value rescue fume Number of words read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ .Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s http://www. com._______________________ ______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s %252Flong_vowels_sounds%252Fvowels_words_list%252Flong_vowels_sounds_words_lists_U.php%3B248%3B351 PHRASES LEVEL 16 a bag a cat a hat a leg a bet a pet a pin a bin a sin a cot a dot a lot a cub a bud a bus Number of phrases read:______ Teacher’s Comment: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ .gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F q=long+u+sound+word+list&hl=en&biw=1152&bih=639&site=imghp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=V2SKVKzuAol8AWys4CoBw&ved=0CCQQsAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=XRNPP1q8sHb55M%253A%3BeSXDJU-3ugxOuM%3Bhttp%253A%252F 8. The man is bad. 10. 2. The pin is pink. I big a fig and a yam. A hot pot was shot. 7. I see a rat. Dan ran to the 5. 3.pdf SENTENCES LEVEL 17 1.reyn. My mother 6. The mail is in the box. They beg for a red dress.Date :________________ _______________________ ______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature Parent’s http://www. Number of sentences read:______ Teacher’s Comment: . 4. 9. Pop got a lot of yams. __________________________________________________________________________ Date :________________ _________________________ _______________________ Teacher’s Signature Signature http://www.htm Parent’s Short Story . 1. Thapa? http://reading. 2. 4.wordzila. Where did . Thapa live? Where did Khanchhi go every day? Why did Khanchhi stop at the fruit shop every day? What did Khanchhi do to Mrs. 3.
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