May 19, 2018 | Author: Aba Nandar | Category:
Psychology & Cognitive Science
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Richards–Campbell SleepQuestionnaire (RCSQ) 73 Purpose This five-item, visual analogue scale Reliability and Validity In a psychometric eval- was designed as an outcome measure for assess- uation of the RCSQ [1], researchers found an ing the perception of sleep in critically ill patients internal consistency of .90 and demonstrated that [1]. The scale evaluates perceptions of depth of scores on the scale have a correlation of .58 with sleep, sleep onset latency, number of awakenings, the same sleep variables as measured by PSG. time spent awake, and overall sleep quality. Obtaining a Copy A copy of the scale’s items Population for Testing The scale has been vali- can be found in the original article published by dated in a population of critical care patients developers [1]. between the ages of 55 and 79 years. Scoring For each item, respondents are given a Administration The scale is a self-report, paper- visual analogue scale and are asked to place a and-pencil measure requiring approximately 2 min mark on the line indicating where their own expe- for completion. Developers chose a visual ana- riences fit between two extremes (for example, logue format to minimize the physical exertion the degree to which they received a “good night’s and manual dexterity required to complete the sleep” or “a bad night’s sleep”). Scale lines extend scale [1]. Richards and colleagues also recom- from 0 to 100 mm, and scores are calculated by mend that the directions and scale items should be measuring where responses fall on each line. read aloud to respondents as initial testing sug- A total score is obtained by summing each score gested that patients tended to experience some dif- out of 100 and dividing the total by five. Lower ficulties when no assistance was given. scores indicate a poorer quality of sleep. A. Shahid et al. (eds.), STOP, THAT and One Hundred Other Sleep Scales, 299 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-9893-4_73, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012 300 73 Richards–Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) . Reprinted with permission. Reproduction of this scale is strictly prohibited. [1]. .73 Richards–Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) 301 Copyright © Kathy Richards et al. E. P.302 73 Richards–Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) Reference Bourne.. K. G. A. Aizpitarte. When used on a reported basis for a single subject it can be very informative. Perception of night- time sleep by surgical patients in an intensive care unit. 25–33.. Irruarizaga.. C. C. R. & Minelli. Vázquez. (2008). O’Sullivan.. A. (2008) Melatonin therapy to improve nocturnal sleep in critically ill patients: encouraging results from a small randomised 1. S.. Journal of Nursing Measurements. R52.. & Phillips. . (2000). Note: It should be noted that a once off use of a visual analogue scale is highly suspect.. Representative Studies Using Scale Nicholás. Critical Care. Measurement of sleep in critically ill patients. C. 13(1). & Asiain. 131–144. Richards. controlled trial. 12(2).. R. A. M. Margall. L. Nursing in Critical Care.. H. 8(2). S. Mills.
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