
March 23, 2018 | Author: Leonardo Gastiaburu Lopez | Category: Parameter (Computer Programming), Parallel Computing, Metadata, Central Processing Unit, Computer Engineering



Switch Stage: Definition : The switch stage takes a single data set as input and assigns each input row to an output data set based on the value of a selector field. It can have a single input link, up to 128 output links and a single rejects link. This stage performs an operation similar to a C switch statement. Rows that satisfy none of the cases are output on the rejects link. Property: when Selector Mode = Auto Input : Output - 1 : Output - 2 : Reject : Output - 3 : Job (after execution): Property : when Selector Mode = Hash Input : Output - 1 : Output - 2 : Output - 3 : Job (after execution): Property : when Selector Mode = User Defined Mapping Input : Output - 1 : Output - 2 : Reject : Output - 3 : Job (after execution): Modify Stage: Definition : The Modify stage alters the record schema of its input data set. The modified data set is then output. It is a processing stage. It can have a single input and single output. Null Handling: Job (before handling): Step – 1: "NULL" value has to be handled… Null Handling Step – 2: Syntax : Column_Name=Handle_Null('Column_Name',Value) Input Link Columns Output Link Columns Step – 3: "NULL" value has been handled… Job (after execution): Drop Column(s): Job (before execution): Step – 1: The column "MGR" has to be dropped… Step – 2: Dropping Column Syntax : DROP Column_Name Input Link Columns Output Link Columns Step – 3: The column "MGR" has been dropped… Job (after execution): Keep Column(s): Job (before execution): Step – 1: The column "EmpNo" has to be kept… Keeping Column Step – 2: Syntax : KEEP Column_Name Input Link Columns Output Link Columns Step – 3: The column "EmpNo" is kept… Job (after execution): Type Conversion: Job (before execution): Step – 1: The column "HireDate" has to converted to Date… Type Conversion Step – 2: Syntax : Column_Name=type_conversion('Column_Name') Input Link Columns Output Link Columns Step – 3: The column "HireDate" has been converted to Date… Job (after execution): Multiple Specifications: Job (before execution): Step – 1: The column "MGR" has to be Null handled… The column "HireDate" has to converted to Date… Null Handling Step – 2: Type Conversion Input Link Columns Output Link Columns Step – 3: The column "MGR" has been Null handled… The column "HireDate" has been converted to Date… Job (after execution): Compress Stage The Compress stage uses the UNIX compress or GZIP utility to compress a data set. It converts a data set from a sequence of records into a stream of raw binary data. Steps : Set the Stage Properties : "Command = Compress" Load the Metadata in the Output tab… Example Job Limitations A compressed data set cannot be processed by many stages until it is expanded, i.e., until its rows are returned to their normal format. Stages that do not perform column based processing or reorder the rows can operate on compressed data sets. For example, you can use the copy stage to create a copy of the compressed data set. Expand Stage The Expand stage uses the UNIX compress or GZIP utility to expand the data set. It converts a data set from a stream of raw binary data into sequence of records. Steps : Set the Stage Properties : "Command = Uncompress" Load the Metadata in the Output tab… Example Job : Runtime Column Propagation:  DataStage EE is flexible about meta data. It can cope with the situation where meta data isn’t fully defined. You can define part of your schema and specify that, if your job encounters extra columns that are not defined in the meta data when it actually runs, it will adopt these extra columns and propagate them through the rest of the job. This is known as runtime column propagation (RCP).  RCP is always on at runtime.  Design and compile time column mapping enforcement.  RCP is off by default.  Enable first at project level. (Administrator project properties)  Enable at job level. (job properties General tab)  Enable at Stage. (Link Output Column tab) Enabling RCP at Project Level: Enabling RCP at Job Level: • To Do • Column definition will define all columns that must be carried through to the next stage • Column definition column name must match those defined in the schema file • Ensure RCP is disabled for the output links record {final_delim=end, record_delim='\n', delim='|', quote=double, charset="ISO8859-1"} ( REGION_ID:int32 {quote=none}; SALES_CITY:ustring[max=255]; SALES_ZONE:ustring[max=255]; SALES_TOTAL:int32 {quote=none}; ) • When the input format changes • ONLY the schema file must be modified! • Data Set will always contain the columns for which the definition is included within the stages as well as the computed field Enabling RCP at Stage Level:  Go to output link’s columns tab.  For transformer you can find the output links columns tab by first going to stage properties. Runtime Column Propagation:  When RCP is Disabled  DataStage Designer will enforce Stage Input Column to Output Column mappings.  At job compile time modify operators are inserted on output links in the generated OSH. Runtime Column Propagation:  When RCP is Enabled  DataStage Designer will not enforce mapping rules.  No Modify operator inserted at compile time.  Danger of runtime error if column names incoming do not match column names outgoing link – case sensitivity. Merits of RCP: RCP is useful when you are dealing with hundreds of columns. RCP can be very useful is in the case of a complex program with more stages, i.e., the more places you have to correct table definitions. With RCP you change it once at the beginning and the changes will flow through the rest of the program. RCP is a feature of the base orchestrate framework. It cannot be switched "off". What actually happens when RCP is switched off is an implicit Modify operator is added after every stage that changes column definitions. This may mean potentially doubling the number of operators in your job causing performance hits. Demerits of RCP RCP should be switched off at certain stages in your job where leaving it on will cause all those headaches (Defaulting, dropping issues). Example of such a stage would be funnel. A recommended best practice is to document through annotations where in the job RCP has been switched off. you can write jobs that contain no column metadata. Configuration Files: Objectives:  Understand how DataStage EE uses configuration files to determine parallel behavior.  Use this understanding to:  Build a EE configuration file for a computer system.  Change node configurations to support adding resources to processes that need them.  Create a job that will change resource allocations at the stage level. Configuration File Concepts:  Determine the processing nodes and disk space connected to each node.  When system changes, need only change the configuration file – no need to recompile jobs.  When DataStage job runs, platform reads configuration file  Platform automatically scales the application to fit the system. Processing Nodes Are:  Locations on which the framework runs applications.  Logical rather than physical construct.  Do not necessarily correspond to the number of CPUs in your system.  Typically one node for two CPUs.  Can define one processing node for multiple physical nodes or multiple processing nodes for one physical node. Optimizing Parallelism:  Degree of parallelism determined by number of nodes defined.  Parallelism should be optimized, not maximized  Increasing parallelism distributes work load but also increases Framework overhead.  Hardware influences degree of parallelism possible.  System hardware partially determines configuration. More Factors to Consider:  Communication amongst operators:  Should be optimized by your configuration.  Operators exchanging large amounts of data should be assigned to nodes communicating by shared memory or high-speed link.  SMP – leave some processors for operating system.  Desirable to equalize partitioning of data.  Use an experimental approach:  Start with small data sets.  Try different parallelism while scaling up data set sizes. Factors Affecting Optimal Degree of Parallelism:  CPU intensive applications:  Benefit from the greatest possible parallelism.  Applications that are disk intensive:  Number of logical nodes equals the number of disk spindles being accessed. Configuration File:  Text file containing string data that is passed to the Framework  Sits on server side  Can be displayed and edited  Name and location found in environmental variable APT_CONFIG_FILE  Components  Node  Fast name  Pools  Resource Node Options:  Node name – name of a processing node used by EE:  Typically the network name  Use command uname –n to obtain network name  Fastname:  Name of node as referred to by fastest network in the system  Operators use physical node name to open connections  NOTE: for SMP, all CPUs share single connection to network  Pools:  Names of pools to which this node is assigned  Used to logically group nodes  Can also be used to group resources  Resource:  Disk  Scratchdisk Sample Configuration File: { node "Node1" { fastname "BlackHole" pools "" "node1" resource disk "/usr/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Datasets" {pools "" } resource scratchdisk "/usr/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Scratch" {pools "" } } } The Configuration File: CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU An SMP A Cluster Ethernet or High-speed network CPU { node "node0" { fastname "node0_byn" pools "" "node0" "node0_fddi" resource disk "/dsee/s0" { } resource disk "/dsee/s1" { } resource scratchdisk "/scratch" { } } node "node1" { fastname "node0_byn" pools "" "node1" "node1_fddi" resource disk "/dsee/s0" { } resource disk "/dsee/s1" { } resource scratchdisk "/scratch" { } } { node "node0" { fastname "node0_css" pools "" "node0" "node0_fddi" resource disk "/dsee/s0" { } resource scratchdisk "/scratch" { } } node "node1" { fastname "node1_css" pools "" "node1" "node1_fddi" resource disk "/dsee/s0" { } resource scratchdisk "/scratch" { } } } No change in Application. Just a Config File change. } Disk Pools: Pool "bigdata"   Disk pools allocate storage By default, EE uses the default pool, specified by "" Sorting Requirements: Resource pools can also be specified for sorting:  The Sort stage looks first for scratch disk resources in a "sort" pool, and then in the default disk pool. Another Configuration File Example: { node "n1" { fastname “s1" pool "" "n1" "s1" "sort" resource disk "/data/n1/d1" {} resource disk "/data/n1/d2" {} resource scratchdisk "/scratch" } node "n2" { fastname "s2" pool "" "n2" "s2" "app1" resource disk "/data/n2/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/scratch" } node "n3" { fastname "s3" pool "" "n3" "s3" "app1" resource disk "/data/n3/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/scratch" } node "n4" { fastname "s4" pool "" "n4" "s4" "app1" resource disk "/data/n4/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/scratch" } ... } {"sort"} 6 {} 4 2 1 5 3 {} {} Resource Types:  Disk  Scratchdisk  DB2  Oracle  Saswork  Sortwork  Can exist in a pool  Groups resources together Using Different Configurations: Lookup stage where DBMS is using a sparse lookup type Building a Configuration File:  Scoping the hardware:  Is the hardware configuration SMP, Cluster, or MPP?  Define each node structure (an SMP would be single node):  Number of CPUs  CPU speed  Available memory  Available page/swap space  Connectivity (network/back-panel speed)  Is the machine dedicated to EE? If not, what other applications are running on it?  Get a breakdown of the resource usage (vmstat, mpstat, iostat)  Are there other configuration restrictions? E.g. DB only runs on certain nodes and ETL cannot run on them? Working with Configuration Files:  You can easily switch between config files:  '1-node' file - for sequential execution, lighter reports—handy for testing  'MedN-nodes' file - aims at a mix of pipeline and data-partitioned parallelism  'BigN-nodes' file - aims at full data-partitioned parallelism  Only one file is active while a step is running  The Framework queries (first) the environment variable: $APT_CONFIG_FILE  # nodes declared in the config file needs not match # CPUs  Same configuration file can be used in development and target machines. Scheduling Nodes, Processes, and CPUs: • DS/EE does not: – know how many CPUs are available Nodes = # logical nodes declared in config. file – schedule Ops = # ops. (approx. # blue boxes in V.O.) Who knows what? Processes = # Unix processes CPUs = # available CPUs • Nodes User Orchestrate O/S Y Y Ops N Y Processes Nodes * Ops " CPUs N Y • Who does what? – DS/EE creates (Nodes*Ops) Unix processes – The O/S schedules these processes on the CPUs Configuring DSEE – Node Pools: { node "n1" { fastname "s1" pool "" "n1" "s1" "app2" "sort" resource disk "/orch/n1/d1" {} resource disk "/orch/n1/d2" {} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {"sort"} } node "n2" { fastname "s2" pool "" "n2" "s2" "app1" resource disk "/orch/n2/d1" {} resource disk "/orch/n2/d2" {} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {} } node "n3" { fastname "s3" pool "" "n3" "s3" "app1" resource disk "/orch/n3/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {} } node "n4" { fastname "s4" pool "" "n4" "s4" "app1" resource disk "/orch/n4/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {} } 3 1 4 2 Configuring DSEE – Disk Pools: { node "n1" { fastname "s1" pool "" "n1" "s1" "app2" "sort" resource disk "/orch/n1/d1" {} resource disk "/orch/n1/d2" {"bigdata"} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {"sort"} } node "n2" { fastname "s2" pool "" "n2" "s2" "app1" resource disk "/orch/n2/d1" {} resource disk "/orch/n2/d2" {"bigdata"} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {} } node "n3" { fastname "s3" pool "" "n3" "s3" "app1" resource disk "/orch/n3/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {} } node "n4" { fastname "s4" pool "" "n4" "s4" "app1" resource disk "/orch/n4/d1" {} resource scratchdisk "/temp" {} } 3 1 4 2 Job Properties • • View/Modify from Designer/Director General Properties – – – – Job Properties Job Descriptions Enable RCP – To be discussed shortly Multiple Instances – To allow parallel execution of multiple instances. Job Design must ensure that there is no conflict, e.g. writing into the same file, etc. Before/After Job Subroutine • Before/After Job Subroutine – – – Job Properties Execute subroutine – Creation/definition of these to discussed later Does not return data values After job routine can be conditionally executed based on successful job execution • • • Defining through Job Properties > Parameters Used to pass business & control parameters to the jobs Recap of sample usage: Recap Of Job Parameters #XXX# Usage as stage parameter for string substitution Default value optional Direct usage for expression evaluation • Setting Parameter Values Recap Of Job Parameters – Passed by calling sequence**/script/program – If value set is by calling program, this will overrides default value – If no default value, calling sequence/script MUST set parameter, else job fails • Used For • Flexibility – Change business parameters • Reuse– Run same job with different parameters to handle different needs • Portability – set path, user name, password, etc. according to the environment Some Common Parameters • Run Date • Business Date • Path • • • • Filename suffix/prefix (input/output) User Name/password Database connection parameters, DSNs, etc. Base currency, etc. • Can also set/override Environment Variables Values - valid only within the job Recap Of Job Parameters • Orchestrate Shell Script that is compiled by the engine
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