March 31, 2018 | Author: saxravi | Category: General Contractor, Engineer, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Valve, Polyvinyl Chloride



NIT No.23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 20 e f f e c t i nt o c ons i de r at i on) e t c . The de s i gn of RCC o ve r he ad re s e r voi r s hal l be unde r t ake n wi t h SBC as 8 0 KN/ Sqm e ve n i f t he ac t ual SBC wor ks out mor e t han 80 KN/ Sqm but s hal l be on t he ac t ual val ue of SBC i n c as e i t i s de t e r mi ne d l e s s or e qual t o 80 KN/ Sqm and no e xt r a payme nt s hal l be admi s s i bl e unde r s uc h c as e . The dr a wi ngs mus t be on s c a l e s a s a ppr opr i a t e s ubj e c t t o t he pr i or a ppr ova l of t he Engi ne e r i n Ch a r ge . Ap pr ova l of a l l de s i gn a nd dr a wi n gs , ma t e r i a l t o be us e d, e qui pme nt s pe c i f i c a t i ons a nd t he s a mpl e s , pr i or t o c ommi s s i on i n g of wor k on s i t e . Unl e s s me nt i one d ot he r wi s e , i f f or a n y s pe c i f i c pr ovi s i on / r e f e r e nce s ha ve be e n ma de i n mor e t ha n one s pe c i f i c a t i ons , t he pr ovi s i on mor e s t r i nge nt s ha l l be a ppl i c a bl e . Ma nuf a c t ur i ng, s hop t e s t i ng, pr e - di s pa t ch i ns pe c t i o n, t r a ns por t a t i on t o s i t e , pr ovi di n g t r a ns i t i ns ur a nc e , s t or a ge , ha ndl i ng a t s i t e , i ns t a l l a t i on, pr e - c ommi s s i oni n g t e s t i ng, c ommi s s i oni n g a n d f or a l l c o mpone nt s of t he s ys t e m i nc l udi n g va l ve s e t c . To pe r f or m t he r e qui r ed t e s t s t o f ul f i l l t he r equi r e me nt of a ppl i c a bl e c ode s . Ma i nt e na nc e a nd r e pa i r s of t he c ompl e t e s ys t e m dur i ng t he de f e c t l i a bi l i t y pe r i od. 4. 3 Maj or Compone nt s of Wor k The wor ks unde r t hi s c ont r a c t a r e br oa dl y di vi de d u nde r t he f ol l owi n g c omp one nt s : De t e r mi na t i on of Sa f e Be a r i ng Ca pa c i t y a n d ot he r s o i l pa r a me t e r s a t t he gi ve n l oc a t i on of OHSR ( RCC I nt z t ype c ont a i n e r bui l t on RCC c ol umn wi t h RCC Br a c i ng) St r uc t ur a l de s i gn of RCC r e s e r voi r s , i t s c ons t r uc t i on i nc l udi n g s uppl y of mat e r i a l , s c a f f ol di ng, c e nt e r i ng, s hut t e r i ng, e qui pme nt & ma c hi n e r y, s ki l l e d a nd uns ki l l e d l a bor , wa t e r f or c ons t r uc t i on & dr i n ki ng t o t he l a b or e r , t e s t i ng a nd c ommi s s i oni ng Suppl y a nd Fi xi ng of DI f l a n ge d t o we l d pi pi ng a t b ot h t he t wo ESR a l ong wi t h t he i r j oi ni ng wi t h e xi s t i ng pi pe l i ne s of de pa r t me n t Suppl y a nd Fi xi n g of DI f l a nge d t o we l d pi pi ng f or I nl e t , Out l e t , wa s hout & Ove r f l ow wi t h t he i r j oi ni n g ma t e r i al s . Suppl y & i ns t a l l a t i on of Sl ui c e va l ve & dua l pl a t e c he c k va l ve wi t h a l l s pe ci a l s l i ke t e e , be nd r e duc e r / e nl a r ge r , t a i l pi e c e s e t c . . Te s t i ng a nd Commi s s i oni n g of Sys t e m/ St r uc t ur e a s s p e c i f i e d a nd di r e ct e d. Cons t r uc t i on of Mul t i pur p os e Room. The wor k s ha l l be ca r r i e d out s t r i c t l y i n a cc or da nc e wi t h s pe c i f i c a t i ons a nd i ns t r uc t i ons of Engi ne e r i s s ue d f r om t i me t o t i me . The wor k s ha l l be c ompl e t e d wi t hi n t he t i me pe r i od me nt i one d i n t he t e nde r . Al l pr e l i mi na r y wor k s uc h a s s i t e c l e a r a nc e i n a l l t ype s of c ondi t i ons , e t c. a s de s c r i be d e l s e whe r e i n t he s e s pe c i f i c a t i ons , f or s u c h wor k n o e xt r a pa yme nt s ha l l be ma de t o t he Cont r a c t or. The Cont r a c t or i s a dvi s e d t o i ns pe c t s i t e be f or e t e nde r i ng t o a s c e r t a i n t he qua nt um a nd c os t of s uc h wor k a nd i n cl ude t hi s c os t i n t he i r of f e r. Re mova l of de f e c t s i n pr op os e d s ys t e m dur i ng c ons t r uc t i on i . e. up t o c ommi s s i oni n g a s we l l a s dur i ng de f e c t l i a bi l i t y pe r i od. Compl i a nc e of a l l s a f e t y r ul e s a t wor k s i t e s . To t a ke a l l - s a f e gua r ds t o a voi d a c c i de nt a t s i t e p r e ve nt l os s t o ot he r p i pe l i ne s , t e l e phone a nd e l ec t r i c c a bl e s a nd ot he r gove r nme nt or pr i va t e pr ope r t y dur i ng a l l pha s e s of wor ki n g. Cl e a ni ng, Di s i nf e c t i on, t e s t i ng a nd c ommi s s i oni n g o f s t r uc t ur e , pi pe s e t c . 4.4 Over Head Service Reservoirs Construction of over head clear water reservoir at Loonawas Jatan village in RCC Intz type construction resting upon RCC Column tied with RCC Bracing and having base of RCC raft foundation based upon actual safe bearing capacity if equal or less than 80 KN/Sqm otherwise with 80 KN/Sqm also to be determined by contractor including Structural Design, its` vetting through prescribed agencies, Design Mix. Providing and fixing all accessories like stair with railing, ladder, level gauge, lightning arrestor, plinth protection, ventilator, man hole with cover, water proof cement color wash on RCC surfaces. Providing and installation of four vertical pipes of prescribed diameter in DI welded to flange pipe along with rubber gasket, nut bolts, puddle collar, duck foot NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 21 bend, one sluice valve (including complete construction of its` chamber as per drawing provided with this tender document) lead pipe with same material in case of all the four piping. All these inclusive of material, equipment & machinery, skilled & unskilled labor. Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Representative .......... 03 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PART 'A` 3.1 DEFINITIONS ~Department¨ means the Public Health Engineering Department of the Government of Rajasthan. It is the Executing Agency of the Project. ~Executive Engineer ' means Executive Engineer , PHED, District Division-III, District Div.II Jodhpur . 'Materials' means things of all kinds (other than equipment) intended to form or forming part of the permanent works, including the supply of materials to be supplied by the contractor under the contract. 'Equipment' means the apparatus, machinery, articles and things of all kinds to be provided under the contract or intended to form or forming part of the permanent works. 'Contractor`s Documents' means the calculations, computer programs and other software, drawings, manuals, models and other documents of the technical nature supplied by the contractor under the contract; as described in sub clause 8.2 [Contractors Documents]. 'Specifications' means the specifications according to which the works are to be executed as referred to in the agreement documents and any other specifications agreed thereon. 3.2 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PHED AND THE CONTRACTOR ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES Notices with legal and contractual issues shall be addressed to the Executive Engineer, PHED, District Div.II Jodhpur¨ or any changed address¨. Notices with technical issues shall be addressed to the respective Engineer(s) in Charge and copy to Executive Engineer, PHED, District Div.II Jodhpur¨. Any notice given by the Contractor to the Executive Engineer or the Engineer in Charge under the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, courier, cable, telex, or fax to or left at the office of the Executive Engineer or the Engineer in Charge only or the addresses as he shall be indicated for this purpose only. All certificates, notices or instructions to be given to the Contractor by the Executive Engineer or the Engineer in Charge under the terms of the Contract shall be sent by post, courier, cable, telex, or fax to or left at the Contractor's principal address or the address as the Contractor shall indicate for this purpose only. It shall be essential for the contractor to obtain a receipt of authorized officer otherwise the notice shall be treated as null & void¨. 3.3 CONTRACT TYPE OF CONTRACT The works described in this tender document are considered to be a single responsibility turnkey job on lumsump basis. The Contractor is responsible for the entire, site reconnaissance, design, implementation, testing and commissioning of the work, and removing the defects and maintenance during the defect liability period of 6 months from the date of physical completion of the work as described in the Bid documents. PRIORITY OF CONTRACT The documents forming part of the agreement are to be taken as mutually explanatory documents of one another. In case of discrepancies they shall be explained and adjusted by the Engineer in Charge. The priority of the Contract documents shall be as follows: Contract Agreement Letter of award Special Conditions of Contract. Instructions to Bidders General Conditions of Contract Scope of Work Technical specifications Drawings Schedule of prices The addenda issued in the tender document in relevant above sections shall be read with the respective sections while giving priority. 3.4 AUTHORITIES 3.4.1 SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, REPRESENTATIVES The Superintending Engineer PHED Distt Circle Jodhpur shall be the Engineer-In-Charge for the work and shall be the authority for approval of drawing & designs. NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 22 The Executive Engineer , PHED, District Division-II District Div.II Jodhpur , shall implement the project. He shall appoint Engineer(s) in Charge as Representatives who shall carry out such duties and exercise such authority, as may be delegated to them. The Executive Engineer may also authorize consultants or institutions as Assistants. Such Assistants shall have no authority to issue any instructions to the Contractor save in so far as they are necessary and to secure their acceptance of materials, equipments and workmanship as being in accordance with the Contract. Any instructions given by them for those purposes shall be deemed to have been given by the Engineer or the Engineer`s Representative. 4 LAND FOR WORK AND FOR CONTRACTOR`S ESTABLISHMENT The Department shall give the contractor right of access to all parts of the site. The site for execution of the work will be made available as soon as the work is awarded. In case, it is not possible for the Department to make the entire site available on the award of the work, the Bidder shall arrange his working program accordingly. No claim, whatsoever, for not giving the site in full on award of the work or for giving the site gradually in parts will be tenable. However, if and to the extent that the Department's failure was caused by any error or delay by the contractor, including an error in, or delay in the submission of, any of the contractor's documents, the contractor shall not be entitled to such extension of time. For the purpose of constructing Contractor`s yard, godown, site office etc. the contractor may utilize the land and existing buildings / structures allocated to him by PHED after obtaining requisite permission from the Engineer in Charge. All expenses in connection with purchase or construction or maintenance or removal etc. of such items shall be borne by the Contractor. PHED may allocate the land and buildings for use by the Contractor according to its possibilities only. If the land or buildings are not sufficient for the purposes of the Contractor`s establishment, additional land or buildings will have to be procured/rented by the Contractor himself at his own cost and expenses. Recovery of rent towards the use of building by contractor for office/store/residence provided by the department shall be done on fair rent assessment basis. 3.6 THE CONTRACTOR 3.6.1 CONTRACTOR`S GENERAL OBLIGATIONS The Contractor shall design the system, execute and complete the works in accordance with the contract, and shall remedy any defects in the works. The contractor is also required to confirm the availability of the material required for the contract in the time schedule given herein after, so as to complete the job within the prescribed time. No time extension shall be provided on this account. If required under such circumstances, the contractor after prior approval of department shall be allowed to use superior type of material so as to complete the job within the prescribed time. No additional payments shall be made on account of use of superior quality material, on this account. The Contractor shall provide the equipment and Contractor's Documents specified in the contract, and all Contractor's personnel, goods, consumables and other things and services, whether of a temporarily or permanent nature, required in and for this design, execution, completion and remedying of defects and maintenance during defect liability period. The works shall include any work, which is necessary to satisfy the Department's requirements, or is implied by the contract, and all works that (although not mentioned in the contract) are necessary for the completion, or safe and proper operation, of the works. The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, stability and the safety of all site operations, of all methods of construction and of all the works. The Contractor shall provide all facilities required for quality control tests, tests for material and equipment(s), and/or all other facilities otherwise referred in the conditions of contract(s) and/or otherwise necessary to complete the works with due supervision of Engineer-in-charge. The testing of material, quality control tests etc. may be got done through recognized labs after approval of EIC. The Contractor shall, whenever required by the Department, submit details of the arrangements and methods, which the contractor proposes to adopt for execution of the works. No significant alteration to the arrangements and methods shall be made without this having previously been notified to the Department. 3.6.2 CONTRACTOR`S STAFF AND SUPERVISION The contractor shall employ for the execution of the work only such persons who are skilled and experienced in all activities required for the completion of the work from reconnaissance and surveys through execution and testing to commissioning. The contractor shall provide at least one Engineer to manage and supervise the work and to act as the Contractor`s Representative. The contractor shall also provide sufficient foremen/ fitters and skilled staff experienced in pipe laying, installation of valves and specials, plumbing and civil works associated with the work, with semi skilled and unskilled labour as are necessary to ensure completion of the various sections of the contract in the time required. The contractor shall himself supervise the execution of the work or shall appoint a competent agent at his own expense as his accredited agent approved by the Engineer in charge. The agent shall be the responsible person adequately authorized by the contractor to take decisions on the site and to spend money if required for procuring material and labour etc. to carry out the work in the interest of the contract Orders given to this contractor`s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if these have been given to the contractor. If the contractor fails to appoint a NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 23 suitable agent as above, the Engineer in charge shall have full power to suspend the execution of the work until such date as a suitable agent is appointed. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the delay so caused to the work. The Engineer in charge shall be at liberty to object and ask the Contractor to remove from the work any person who in the opinion of the Engineer in charge misconduct himself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties. Such person shall not be again employed without permission of the Engineer in charge. The Engineer in charge can ask contractor to deliver to him a return in detail in such form and at such intervals as the Engineer in charge may prescribe, showing the supervisors and labour employed by the Contractor on the site. The contractor shall make his own suitable arrangements for lodging and boarding and other facilities (required as per labour laws) for his labour, supervisors and engineers. 3.6.3 SETTING OUT The contractor shall set out the works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference specified in the contract. The contractor shall be responsible for the correct positioning of all parts of the works, and shall rectify any error in the positions, levels, the dimensions or alignment of the works. He shall be responsible for effective working of the scheme. 3.6.4 THE SAFETY PROCEDURES The contractor shall: (a) Comply with all applicable safety regulations, (b) Take care for the safety of all person's entitled to be on the site, (c) Choose reasonable efforts to keep the site and work clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons, (d) Provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the works until completion and its taking over by the department. (e) Provide any temporary works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the execution of works, for the use and protection of the public and of owners and occupy a server adjacent land. 3.6.5 UNFORESEEN DIFFICULTIES (a) The contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risk, contingencies and other circumstances, which may influence or affect the works; (b) By signing the contract, the contractor accepts the total responsibility for having sustained all difficulties and costs of successfully completing the works: and (c) The contract price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or costs. 3.6.6 AVOIDANCE OF INTERFERENCE The contractor shall not interfere unnecessarily or improperly with: (a) The convenience of the public, or (b) In the access to and use and occupation of all roads and other land, irrespective of whether they are public or in the possession of the Department or others. The contractor shall indemnify and hold the Department harmless against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) resulting from any such unnecessary or improper interference. 3.6.7 SECURITY OF THE SITE Unless otherwise stated in particular conditions the contractor shall be responsible for: (a) Keeping unauthorized person's off the site, offices, campus etc. within the scope of work and (b) Authorized person's shall be limited to the Contractor`s personnel and the Department's personnel; and to any other personnel notified to the Contractor, by (or on behalf of) the Department, and (c) Providing adequate manpower for the security of the material brought to the site for which payment has been made to the contractor. 3.6.8 CONTRACTORS OPERATION ON SITE The Contractor shall confine his operations to the site, and to any additional areas, which may be obtained by the Contractor and agreed by the Department as working areas. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to keep Contractor`s equipment and Contractor personnel within the site and these additional areas, and to keep them off adjacent land. During the execution of the works, the Contractor shall keep the site free from all unnecessary obstruction, and shall store or dispose of any Contractor`s equipment or surplus materials. The Contractor shall clear away and remove from the site any wreckage, rubbish and temporary works, which are no longer, required. 3.6.9 SITE BOOKS For the purpose of quick communication between the Engineer in Charge and the Contractor, site books shall be maintained at all sites, where work is being carried out, so as to be readily available. Any instructions or order which the Engineer in Charge may like to issue to the Contractor may be recorded by him in the site book and two copies thereof taken by him for his record. NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 24 3.7 DESIGN AND DRAWINGS 3.7.1 GENERAL DESIGN OBLIGATIONS The Contractor shall be deemed to have scrutinized, prior to submission of bid, the Department's Requirements (including design criteria and calculations, if any). . 3.7.2 CONTRACTOR`S DOCUMENTS & SUBMISSION PROCEDURE FOR DETAILED DESIGN AND EXECUTION DRAWINGS The Contractor`s Document shall comprise the Technical Documents specified in the departments requirement, documents requirement to satisfy all regulatory approvals and as built documents. The Contractor`s documents shall be written in the language for communications defined in the contract. If errors, omissions, ambiguity inconsistencies, inadequacies or other defects are found in the contractors document, these and the works shall be corrected at the contractor`s cost, notwithstanding any consent for approval under this clause. The contractor is required to submit the detailed design and the execution drawings such as site plans, general arrangement drawings, architectural, structural drawings an all working drawings of all civil works. The drawings shall be sufficient in details and the scale has to be chosen accordingly in coordination with the Engineer in charge. 3.7.3 CONTRACTOR`S DOCUMENTS & SUBMISSION PROCEDURE FOR DETAILED DESIGN AND EXECUTION DRAWINGS After submission of detailed designs, working drawings and documents etc., the competent authority or his authorized representative shall progressively review them and issue and approval within 15 days. The period will be counted after all quarries are replied satisfactorily. The contractor should submit all design and drawings in a time schedule so as not to obstruct the actual construction work. The following shall be the procedure for submission and approval of detailed design and execution drawings: Structural Design of RCC Over head Reservoirs shall be got checked and complied from Structural Engineering Department of MBM Engg College Jodhpur / MNIT College Jaipur/ Govt. Engineering College Kota only. The contractor shall submit three copies of design/drawings etc. to the Engineer in charge. All the drawings are to be signed by the contractor or his authorized representative The Engineer in charge will review the design/drawings etc and if found fit for approval, will convey approval and return one copy to the Contractor within 15 days duly signed in token of approval In case the design/drawings etc. are not found fit for the approval, the Engineer in charge will mark the comments on them and return two copies to the contractor within 15 days and the same shall be repeated till drawings are finally approved as narrated above. The contractor in such cases shall submit the reviewed and corrected designs/ drawings within 15 days to the receipt of comments from Engineer in charge. On request of the Engineer in charge the contractor shall depute the Design Engineer responsible for the particular design/drawing to discuss with the Engineer in charge or his representative On receipt of approved designs/drawings as discussed above, the contractor shall submit four(4) additional copies of the approved design/drawings to the PHED for reference and records No designs/drawings with corrections made after taking the prints will be accepted The approval of drawings/designs by the Engineer in charge shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility in terms of the contract for soundness of the designs. The contractor shall be responsible for the structural safety and water tightness of all the components of the work. 3.7.4 DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS In case of discrepancies between drawings and specifications or data sheets arising from the meaning, dimensions or quality of the materials and equipment for the due and proper execution of the Work, the Engineer in Charge shall explain the discrepancy. His explanation shall be the final decision and the Contractor shall execute the Work accordingly without any extra payment. 3.7.4 CONTRACTOR'S UNDERTAKING The design, the Contractor`s Documents, the execution and the completed works shall comply with the relevant standards, building, construction and environmental laws, law as applicable to the product being produced from the NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 25 works, and other standards specified in Part 'A` Scope of Work & Technical Specifications¨ applicable to the works, or defined by the applicable laws. All these laws shall, in respect of the works shall be, the laws prevailing at the time of letter of invitation. References in the contract to published standards shall be understood to be references to the edition applicable on the date of supply / execution as the case may be. Whenever there are contradictory provisions in applicable Indian Standards, the most stringent of the provisions shall apply unless specifically mentioned otherwise. 3.8 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL 3.8.1 SAMPLES The contractor shall submit samples (except for samples for valves and or other items for which inspection and testing is to be carried out at the factory or prior to dispatch etc) to the Department, for review in accordance with the procedure for Contractor's Documents described in sub clause 8.2, as specified in the Contract and at the Contractor cost. Each sample should be labeled as to origin and intended use in the works. The Department`s Personnel or authorized representative shall at all reasonable times: (a) Have full access to all parts of the site and to all places from which natural materials are being obtained, and (b) During production, an effective and construction (at the site and, to the extent specified in the contract, elsewhere), be entitled to examine, inspect, measure and test the materials and workmanship, and to take the progress of manufacture of equipment and production and manufacture of materials. The Contractor shall give the Department`s personnel full opportunity to carry out these activities, including providing access the facilities, promises and safety equipment. No such activities shall relieve the Contractor from any obligation or responsibility. The department may opt for third party inspection also in addition to above. Equipment of similar kind to be used in the contract shall be same unless specifically approved by the EIC. Unless specific approval of EIC is obtained all equipment of one kind, to be used in the project within three weeks to six weeks shall be offered for inspection in one lot. If such equipment are offered in different piecemeal lots, (the inspection of material in similar lots will be alone as per norm ) and the delay caused to the project on this ground, shall solely attributed to the account of the contractor. 3.8.2 THIRD PARTY INSPECTION For material to be supplied for erection/installation viz. DI D/F pipes, specials, all kinds of valves (Sluice valves, Non return Valve) required for execution of the work, the arrangement for inspection and expenses thereto shall be borne by the contractor. The cost of inspection to the inspection agency shall be initially paid by the vendor/contractor at rates decided by the department, and the same shall be reimbursed to the contractor after production of the bill of inspection and the receipt of payment to the inspection agency. The department shall appoint the inspection agency as and when asked for, by the contractor for inspection of the supply. 3.9 TESTING The Contractor shall provide all apparatus, assistance, documents and other information, electricity, equipment, fuel, consumables, estimates, labor, materials, and suitably qualified and experienced staff in relation to supply of material and are necessary to carry out the specified test efficiently. The Contractor shall agree, with the Department, the time and place for the specified testing of any equipment, materials and other parts of the works. The Department may, vary the location or details of specified test, or instruct the Contractor to carry out additional tests. If these varied or additional tests show that the tested equipment, materials or other workmanship is not in accordance with the contract, that cost of carry out in this variation shall be borne by the contractor, notwithstanding other provisions of the contract. The Contractor shall promptly forward to the Department duly certified reports of the tests. When the specified test has been passed, the Department shall endorse the Contractor's test certificate, or issue a certificate to him, to that effect. 3.10REJECTION If as a result of an examination, inspection, measurement or testing, any equipment, materials, designs or workmanship is found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the Department may reject the equipment, materials, designs or workmanship by giving notice to the Contractor, with reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly make good that effect and ensure that the rejected items compliance with the contract. If the rejection and re-testing, cause the Department to incur additional costs, the Contractor shall pay these costs to the Department. 3.11APPROVAL OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT The fact that the Contractor has agreed to provide the material prescribed in the Tender Documents does not release him to ask for the final approval of the equipment and material to be used for the Work. The specifications and drawings of each item to be supplied shall be individually scrutinized and the Engineer in Charge shall verify its conformity with the technical specifications and the standards. Prior to ordering any material and equipment such as pipes, specials, measuring equipment`s, mechanical and electro- mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, material for civil works and interior decoration, paints, etc. the Contractor has to supply the detailed specification, drawings, performance curves and data, operation instructions etc., to the NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 26 Engineer in Charge. If the Contractor has any doubts about the required specifications as prescribed in the Contract, he has to clarify them with the Engineer in Charge. The procedure for the submission of documents, verification, re-submission if necessary and approval of these items is the same as that for the drawings, described in clause 8.3. If equipment or material which the Contractor submitted first is refused in the approval process he has to submit documents of such equipment which corresponds to the specifications of the Tender Documents and which is likely to be approved. Only after approval of the material and equipment, the Contractor can place the order or start the manufacturing or purchasing procedures. Four weeks prior to packing and shipping the Contractor must inform the Engineer in Charge when the material/equipment is ready for inspection and testing. At this date, the Contractor shall supply the results of all manufacturer`s own tests made during or after manufacturing and his own quality control certificates. The Engineer in charge will decide whether he or his authorized representative or TPI will inspect and test the material/ equipment or whether he will approve it on the basis of the supplied documentation. Inspection of all bought out items such as DI pipes, Sluice Valves, may be done by third party appointed by the Department. The Department or any of his authorized representatives in the factory or at site can also inspect the material. The inspection charges shall be paid as per the provision in clause 3.8.2 above. The Engineer in charge will provide an authorization for packing and shipment after inspection and/or approval of the material/equipment. If the Contractor packs and ships the material/ equipment without approval or authorization of the Engineer-in-Charge, it can be refused if it is not matching with the specifications of the Contract. All costs resulting from this are to be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor has then to provide the material/ equipment, which is matching with the Contract. 3.12COMPLETION OF THE WORK 3. 12. 1 TI ME FOR COMPLETI ON The whole of the Work, including mobilization, reconnaissance, design, manufacturing, transportation, construction, installation, testing, commissioning, and demobilization has to be completed within a period of 6 months calculated from the commencement date, which is 10 days after the written order to commence the Work. The duration of the tests and commissioning period is included in the completion period, defined in Clause 2 of General Conditions of Contract. 3. 12. 2 TOTAL PHYSI CAL COMPLETI ON Certificate for Total Physical Completion shall be issued when all the works as envisaged in the contract and essential as per the site conditions are completed in all respect to the satisfaction of Superintending Engineer and the complete system is tested successfully, test gaps are closed and interconnections/connectivity made as required. The issuance of the Total Physical Completion does not releases the Contractor from his duties to repair or remove defects in the work until the end of the defect liability period. 3.12.3 COMPLETION OF WORK AND FULLY COMMISSIONING Immediately after the physical completion, the work of testing and commissioning the entire system on designed conditions as per the procedure of test given in Scope of Work & Technical Specifications¨ shall be taken up. Once the entire system has been successfully tested and commissioned as per the conditions of tests of commissioning referred in Scope of Work & Technical Specifications¨, and removal of all visible defects to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge, the work shall be treated as ~Completed¨. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, after the successful testing and commissioning of system, the Engineer-in- charge shall issue a certificate of Completion of Work¨. The date of Certificate notifying Completion of Work¨ will be used for the final payment as per clause 6 and 7 of General Conditions of Contract. From this date of certificate for Completion of Work¨, the defect liability period shall commence. 3.12.4 DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD The defect liability period shall be of 12 Months, from the date of issue of the certificate for Completion of works as per clause 3.12.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for satisfactory performance of the system under all design and operation conditions for the duration of the defects liability period, except for damage due to unprecedented natural calamities. During the defect liability period, the contractor shall have to carry out the repair and maintenance without any cost. Any constructional defect as pointed out by the Engineer in Charge, such as defects due to premature use of materials, works not executed in accordance with the Contract, hidden faults in material and equipment not discovered during inspection and testing, manufacturing, erection and in construction shall be rectified by the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to rectify the defect within a period of 15 days after notification, the Engineer in Charge may forfeit the security deposit or an amount thereof required for the rectification through a third party without prejudice to any other right the Department may have against the Contractor in respect of his failure to remedy such defects. Na payment sha// be made far ma/ntenance and repa/r af the system dar/ng defect //ab///ty per/ad. 3.13 COST OF WATER FOR TESTING The contractor shall be liable for all expenses against the arrangements for construction, including the cost of water. NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 27 3.14 PAYMENT TERMS The accepted lump sum offered amount for OHSR will be paid as per its` following break up subject to the deduction as per the general and special conditions of contract a) On completion of foundation raft and its` beam : 10% b) -do- half staging including Column, bracing and stairs : 10% c) -do- full staging including column, bracing and stairs : 10% d) -do- bottom ring beam, bottom dome, conical dome, balcony ring beam: 15% e) -do- half the height of vertical wall of tank : 10% f) -do- full ht. of vert. wall, top ring beam, top dome, stairs up to top dome : 15% g) -do- piping, lightning arrestor, railing : 10% h) -do- plinth protection, valve chambers, painting & multipurpose room : 10% i) -do- testing & commissioning : 10% Documents required for Payment The contractor shall submit the following documents in duplicate along with the invoice/bill: Inspection reports/ test reports/ reports certifying completion of activity with acceptable results as per PHED or any other agency representing PHED. Report/certificate of inspections /tests carried out by the supplier of the contractor or by the contractor himself. Any other such details/documents as may be reasonably specified by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time during execution of the contract. Photographs of the work executed during the period for which the invoice has been raised. Other documents required by the Engineer-in-charge. 3.15 DEDUCTIONS 3. 15. 1 STATUARY DEDUCTI ONS The Department is required to make statutory deductions at source from all running bills and final bill as in force through relevant statutes in force from time to time at the rates prescribed therein. 3. 15. 2 OTHER DEDUCTI ONS Any other deductions to recover any reduction in rates or any other Department's claims accrued as per the contract or in respect to any other liabilities arising, shall be deducted from subsequent interim payments or final payments or from the securities with the Department. 3.15.3 TAXES AND DUTIES All taxes, duties, levies applicable by any act of the Government of India and/or State of Rajasthan and/or of the local bodies on the company or its personnel, during the period of work in progress shall be of the Contractor. All goods manufactured / procured and supplied by the contractor and work executed under this contract, responsibility of payment of sales tax, surcharge, VAT, octroi and any other tax and levies in force, responsibility of payment of all taxes, duties, levies shall be of the contractor. For excise duty, exemption certificate of the District Magistrate for following goods covered under notification No. 6/2008 dated 1.03.08 will be made available to the contractor. ¨The pipes needed for delivery of water from the source to the treatment plant and from there to the storage facility (i.e. pipes required for obtaining untreated (raw) water from its source to the plant, and for supplying the treated (potable drinking) water to the storage place from which it would be further supplied for consumption of humans or animals)'. 3.16 DEPARTMENT`S RIGHT TO RECTIFY The Department retains the right, at the cost of Contractor, to perform any of the materials or work obligations on default of the Contractor. 3.17 MAKES OF EQUIPMENT The equipments used by the bidder for the project shall be one of the following makes given for each equipment in annexure -A to this section of special condition of contract. 3.18 REFUND OF SECURITY DEPOSIT OF CAPITAL WORKS The Security deposit in lieu of capital works (execution part) will be refunded after satisfactory completion of defect liability period provided the final bill has been paid for all type of works including capital work (execution part). 3.19 TIME SCHEDULE FOR CONTRACT ACTIVITIES For completion of the job in the prescribed time it is essential to maintain a timely and logical sequencing of the contract activities. 3.20 PRICE ESCALATION Price escalation clause of General Condition shall not be applicable for this work. Hence no price escalation amount shall be paid to the contractor for this work. NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 28 ANNEXURE ~ ~A¨ (List of SPECIFIED MAKES) SN PARTICULARS OF EQUIPMENT SPECIFIED MAKES 1. Sluice Valve & Dual Plate check valve Kirloskar Pune/ IVC/ Fouress/ Durga/ Shiv Durga/ Keystone/ Mayur/ Dulai/ IVP Nasik/ BEW Jaipur/ Audco/ VAG/ Jash/ Bharat Inustrial Corp./ Oriental Sluid Controls/ R&D 2. Paints Asian/ Shalimar/ Jenson & Nicholson/ Goodlac Nerolac/ ICL/ British Paint/ ICI ltd 3. Pressure Gauge Bells Controls/ JN Marshal/ H Guru/Manometer India / Pricol/ Apian Instruments/ General Instruments Pvt Ltd Signature of Tenderer or Authorized Representative .......... 05 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.1 GENERAL STANDARDS Except as otherwise specified in this technical specification, the Indian/ International Standards and codes of practice in their latest version, National Building code, PWD specification of the state of Rajasthan and Manual of water supply of GOI shall be adhered to for the manufacturing, inspection, factory testing, packing, handling, transportation, laying, installation and site testing of all material and works. Should any product be offered to other standards, the equipment or product shall be equal to or superior to those specified and the documentary confirmation shall be submitted for the prior approval of the Engineer In-charge. If any material is not covered under these specifications than it shall be strictly as per relevant ISS. If any provision is prescribed in more than one Indian Standards, the specifications more stringent shall be used for the work. The use of different pipe material and other equipments in the contract shall be in accordance with the provisions given in the scope of work¨ and the principals defined therein. 5.2 TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS The Contractor has to provide all the tools and equipments required for timely, efficient and professional implementation of the work as specified by the instructions of manufactures of material to be handled under this contract. On demand he shall provide to the Engineer in charge a detailed list of tools and equipment available. If in the opinion of the Engineer in charge the progress or the quality of the work cannot be guaranteed by the available quantity and type of tools and equipment, the contractor has to provide additional ones to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge. 5.3 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DI PIPELINE 5.3.1 DI PIPES(FLANGED) The DI pipes to be provided for various piping arrangement in the proposed Elevated Service Reservoir viz. Inlet, Outlet, Overflow and Washout shall be of Welded on Flange PN 10 K-9 class (internally lined with CM lining) conforming to IS 8329 in the ranging between 4.5 and 6m suitable to the given staging / heights thereof. Rubber gaskets for use with flanged joints shall conform to IS 638. 5.3.2 SPECIALS Specials like puddle collar, duck foot-bend, enlarger/reducer for connection with existing pipes shall be of CI/DI unless in case of abnormal site conditions warranting use of M.S. specials. and spigots for insertion of valves and flanged specials. 5.4 SPECIFICATION OF SLUICE VALVE The specification covers supply of non rising stem type sluice valves used for water works purpose with nominal pressure rating of PN 1.0 and with cap and having double flanged ends for connection conforming to IS 14846:2000 PD type (amended up to date). The material for different component parts of sluice valve shall confirm to requirement given in table 1 of IS 14846 (amended up to date). The dimensions of all parts and mass of the sluice vales shall be as per IS 14846. (Amended up to date) Nominal size of valve shall refer to the nominal bore of the waterway. The actual bore at any point shall not be less than the nominal size required. Sluice valve shall be provided without bypass arrangement All coating shall be carried out after satisfactory testing of valves. All the un-machined ferrous surfaces of the valve (both inside and outside) shall be thoroughly clean, dry and shall be free from rust and grease before painted with one coat of aluminum red oxide primer confirming to IS 5660. Two coats of Black Japan NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 29 confirming to Type B of IS 341 or paint confirming to IS 9862 or IS 2932 shall be applied by brush or spray for exterior application. Testing: Each valve shall be tested to hydrostatic tests as described in Annexure-B of IS 14846 The following information shall be cast on each valve body in raised letter`s: (i) Manufacturer`s Name or trademark. (ii) Nominal pressure of valve P.N. 1.0 (iii) Nominal size of valve (mm) (iv) Heat number of cast (v) Year of manufacture (vi) Serial number in punch on top of flanges (vii) Standard mark of BIS (viii) Inspection mark of third party 5.5 SPECIFICATION OF SPRING LOADED DUAL PLATE CHECK VALVE The valve shall be of flanged type suitable for mounting on a horizontal pipeline. Valves shall possess high speed closing characteristics and be designed for minimum slam condition when closing. Dual plate check valves conform to API 594 and API 598. They shall have resilient sealing. The spring action shall optimize the equal closing rates of each plate especially when the friction coefficients are uneven due to one plate resting upon one another. The plates shall not drag on the seat while opening. The plates shall not vibrate under full or partial flow condition. The minimum body-wall thickness shall conform to those given in Table 1B of API Standard 594. The face-to-face dimensions of valves (including valves with ring-joint facings) shall conform to those mentioned in Table 2B of API Standard 594. The valve body shall be furnished with a clearly visible cat, forged, machined-in, or die-stamped arrow to indicate the direction of flow through the valve. Double Flanged quick closing non slam spring loaded dual plate generally conforming to API 594 for pressure rating as per requirement at particular section of size equivalent to the delivery pipe shall be provided with following material of construction: 1 Rating As per requirement at particular section 2 Body CI to IS 210 Gr FG 260 3 Plate ASTM, A 216 Gr WCB 4 Hinge Pin /Stop Pin SS. AISI 431 5 Springs SS. AISI 316 6 Body & Plate Seat 13% Chromium overlay. 7 Seal EPDM 8 Retainer Carbon Steel 9 Body Bearing SS AISC 316 10 Plate Bearing SS AISC 316 The following information shall be cast on each valve body in raised letter`s: (i) Manufacturer`s Name or trademark. (ii) Nominal pressure of valve P.N. 1.0 (iii) Nominal size of valve (mm) (iv) Serial number and Year of manufacture (v) Inspection mark of third party 5.6 Installation of DI Flanged Pipes DI welded to flanged pipes to be provided on proposed over head tank shall be joined with rubber gasket and nut bolts. Each pipe length shall be tied with RCC column with the clamps. NIT No. 23(13)/2013-14 Public Health Engineering Department Tender Document For Provision for construction and commissioning of pump house, CWR, boundary wall at Ram Nagar, construction of ESR at Loonawas Jatan, Providing, Laying and Jointing of DI and uPVC pipe line at Badlya Basni Jhoota, Loonawas Jatan including 5 years O&M of complete civil and mechanical work of this scheme Distt. Dn. II Jodhpur 30 5.7 OVER HEAD SERVICE RESERVOIR (SR) 5.7.1 Safe Bearing Capacity: Department has presumed SBC of the site of OHSR as 80 KN/Sqm, however, contractor is required essentially undertake test of SBC at his cost through either from expert team of state/central government institution/department or from the agency after its` prior approval of EIC. The SBC shall be determined at the level where footing of SR is proposed to be rest, which shall not be less than 2.0m. Necessary margin of increment in water content in post monsoon period and/or likely of other natural / un-natural source of water entry, shall be taken into consideration of final value of SBC adopted for design purpose. Contractor shall also undertake determination of other soil parameters like physical characteristic, liquidity & plasticity indices, and swelling characteristic; and opinion of soil expert would be obtained by the contractor at his cost over the nature/ precautionary measures in the construction of footing and implication in its` design etc. The design of SR shall be carried out with SBC as 80 KN/Sqm in case the actual SBC is found equal or more than it, but the same shall be carried out with actual SBC in case it is less than 80 KN/Sqm and no additional payment shall be admissible for it. 5.8.1 Structural Design: OHSR is proposed in RCC Intz type of water containing structure resting upon RCC Columns bounded with RCC external braces spaced vertically not more than 4.0 meters center to center and erected upon RCC raft footing on minimum 150mm thick PCC (1:2:4). Based upon the SBC duly approved by department, the contractor is liable to prepare the structural design at his cost strictly in adherence with the provisions covered under IS:3370, IS:456 and IS:875 (all amended up to the date of construction). Grade of Cement Concrete shall not be leaner than M25. Effect of wind and seismic forces shall be taken to check safety and soundness of structure. Structural Design shall be got checked and complied from Structural Engineering Department of MBM Engg College Jodhpur / MNIT College Jaipur/ Govt. Engineering College Kota only. The design must provide capacity and staging of reservoir as defined in Scope of Work. And, free board not less than 300 mm shall be adequate to house over flow pipe; yet structural design to be carried out with full water column i.e. inclusive of free board. Minimum parameters of various elements are produced below: Thickness of Bottom Dome and Vertical Walls : 150 mm Thickness of Top Dome : 125 mm Free Board : 300 mm Dead Storage : 200 mm Plain Cement Concrete : 150 mm Minimum Grade of Cement Concrete suitable to Moderate conditions Plain Concrete : M 15 Reinforced Concrete : M 25 Reinforced Concrete in Water Returning Structures : M 30 Design and construction must include Hounching on both up and down face of bracing at their junction with RCC Columns Major Design features shall remain as produced below:  Design of container part shall be based on WORKING STRESS method and the staging & foundation may be designed by adopting LIMIT STATE method.  Tank portion shall be designed by using membrane theory and then it shall be checked and corrected for continuity analysis. It implies that higher of two forces arrived by membrane theory and continuity analysis shall be used for actual structural design.  The design shall be based on 28 days characteristic strength of concrete. No increase of strength with age beyond 28 days characteristic strength of concrete shall be allowed in the design.  Live load for top dome shall be 1500 N/Sqm and that for balcony & staircase shall be 3000 N/Sqm for design purpose.  In vertical wall reinforcement shall be provided in two layers i.e. on both faces.  For computing wind load, terrain 2 and class B structures shall be considered.  For computing Siesmic load, zone 2 as per I.S.1893 shall be taken.
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