Raymond Pile Brochure

April 2, 2018 | Author: moyarek | Category: Deep Foundation, Strength Of Materials, Concrete, Structural Load, Stress (Mechanics)



RAYMOND PILERaymo nd Systems, Inc. is an engineering a nd cons tructio11 company specializing in the e ng ineering design, manufacture, and installatio n o f Raymond Piles. Raymond Piles are unique structural foundation members used when inadequate soil conditions require the use of piles to suppo rt heavy toads. The Raymond Pile can be ins talled rapidly, economically, and the structural integrity iis insured. Alfred E. Raymo nd developed lhe first Raymond Pile in 1893. Since lhe n, research and development, along with continuing programs to improve efficiency, have resulted in innovative pile f o undatio n design, improved installation techniques and significantly increased design loads. Thousands of m ajor and rniJlOr structures thro ug ho ut the world are successfully supported by Raymo nd Piles. Raymo nd S ystems, Inc. offers vario us servjces relative to the Raymond Pile such as; geotechnical engineering, founda tio n engineering, specia lized piledriving equipme nt, ma nufacturing, s upply, a nd insta llation. Raymond" s management and engineering s taff consist of professio na l engineers who specialize in geotechnical engineering, mechanical e ng ineering, founda tion design a nd equipment design. Raymond" s construction management staff consists of experie nced managers and field personnel. Raymond remains dedicated to continue its ongoing research and development programs to provide specialized foundation solutio ns, a nd to provide the Raymo nd Pile to the world marke t into the 2 1st century. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Nominal Dimensions 18¥8" Detail 1TVa" 163/s" 5 15%" 4 14%" ClOSURE PlATE WELDED TO BOTTOM DRIVE RING 3 133/s" 2 12:Ys" Note Other methods of JOint waterproofing can be used Step-Taper piles can be manufactured in the size and configuration required to best meet almost any subsoil condition and loading requirement. The versatile Step-Taper pile is installed by driving a closed-end steel shell and heavy steel mandrel to the requ1red res1stance or penetration. The mandrel is then withdrawn and the shell filled with concrete. The shell is helically corrugated to resist subsoil pressures. Standard sections are 8. 12 and 16 feet long and nominal diameters range from 8 to 18 inches. Longer and larger shell sections can be made. Starting with the required tip diameter, sections are joined to make up the pile length needed, with an increase of one inch in diameter at each joint. The end product is a tapered pile which generally provides higher load capacities than non-tapered piles of the same length. Within limits. different section lengths can be combined to make a wide variety of pile shapes . Usually, 8 to 14-inch tip diameters with 12 to 16-foot lengths are used. By using different tip diameters and section lengths. piles can be made to satisfy almost any requirement. Joints are screw connected. with a drive ring and corrugated collar welded to the bottom of each section; the boot section 1s closed w1th a flat steel plate During dnv1ng a shoulder on the mandrel engages the drive ring at each joint and at the pile tip. Hammer energy is effic1ent1y transmitted through the rigid steel mandrel to each section and to the pile tip. There is no possibility of structural damage to the completed pile because of high driving stresses, since all of the driving is actually done on the steel mandrel. The result is optimum pile drivability, an important factor in the consistent success of Step-Taper piles in realizing the maximum load-bearing potential of almost any soil system. 11:Ys" 10¥8" H 0 00 u 8%" General view of Step-Taper shell assembly area. n:p TAP R Pll I= FEATURES AND BENEFITS ADVANTAGES OF STEP-TAPER PILES Variable Configurations The s1ze and shape of Step-Taper p 1es can be vaned over a w1de range to best sat1sfy subSOil cond1t1ons and loadmg requirements Driving Efficiency The steel mandrel effectively transmits hammer energy along the ent1re length of the pile w1th m1nor elastic energy losses. Effective Hard Driving The heavy steel mandrel used to dnve Step-Taper shells assures effective hard dnving for the development of pile capacity to the lim1tat1ons of the so1l. Flexibility The length of Step-Taper piles can be adjusted in the field to meet changing subsoil conditions as they are encountered Exact predetermination of length IS not necessary Waste IS mm1m1zed. Driving Resistance Retained - All penetration resistance developed during dnvlng is retained because the steel shell remams in intimate contact with surround1ng soli Structural Damage Eliminated The steel mandrel absorbs all dr•v1ng stresses concrete IS poured only after driVIng 1s complete and IS not subjected to poss1ble damage from dnv1ng forces. Easy Internal Inspection - The full length of each pile 1s eas1ly accessible for 1nspection after 1t and adjacent p1les have been dnvcn and before concrete 1s poured Proven Concreting Methods Spec1al concrete mixes combmed w1th field-tested and proven concretmg techn1ques assures the structural1ntegnty of each p1le. Concrete Protection - The steel shell permits proper setting prevents d1stortton and separat1on and ma1ntams a contmuous concrete section. Maximum Load Capacity Effective hard driving, full utilization of hammer energy, easy Internal inspection and protection of concrete by steel shell add up to h1gh load capac1ty w1th safety. Problem Solving Ray-Step personnel can draw upon their vast store of collective and individual expenence spanmng many years and situations to exped1t1ously solve the many problems Inherent 1n the 1nstallat1on of p1le foundations. Minimum Cost - H1gh capacity combined with Ray-Step's t1me-sav1ng methods, eff1c1ent equipment and expenence result m S1gn1f1cant savmgs m total foundat1on costs Fast Installation -Proper eqUipment, techn1ques and expertise add up to p1le 1nstallat10n rates which are d1ff1cult or 1mposs1ble for other contractors to match. The results: shorter schedules, reduced overall construction and fmance costs. and earlier ava1lab1hty of revenue-produc1ng fac1ht1es. Dependability Step-Taper p11es have been dnven for over s1xty years under almost every subsoil condition. The success and un1versal acceptance of StepTaper p1les by eng1neers. contractors and owners is your assurance of cost-effectiveness and quality. Assembled Step-Taper shells ready for driving. . Step-Taper shells are filled w1th high-quality concrete after internal inspection. ~n:p _T A PI=P PI I I=C Pipe Step· Taper Piles Typical Dimensions Since the maximum practical length of an all-shell Step-Taper pile is about 140 feet pipe is combined with shells to make up exceptionally long piles where high capacity, high quality piles are requ1red. Pipe is used for the lower portion of the pile, and shell sections for the upper part. If the drivmg mandrel extends only as far as the shell sections, the pipe wall1s of sufficient thickness to withstand driving forces. In some cases, the mandrel1s extended through the p1pe portion of the pile, depending on the capac1ty of the pile rig and other factors. However, the length of pipe Step-Taper piles is not limited by rig capacity. Piles can be installed in two or more stages, with the p1pe section or sections followed by the shell portion. Detail •• Sfi( L ~ __J w I ' • en 0:: w c... J.~ c... !it.H.\!: w >- en VA'I.DREL CA.... STOP At 0~1VE r:l "fG E:.. TENO NTO PIPE <1 ·8 HE 1 A!t f.U1Ut 011 "J SPECIAl C~S E"ENO 10 ClOSURE PLATE I 1 J,. - U.OOUHL Pt.AfE Note: Other joint systems available. Note. Other combinations of pipe and shell sizes can be used. WAVE EQUATION ANALYSIS 500 ,aa!ar en z 0 400 >- / w (.) z <1: >en 300 I u; w a: w >- 200 <1: I~ ~ t= __J ::J ::J 100 a: ~ 20 LB/FT ~ IV 0 0 5 10 15 20 BLOWS PER INCH Assembled Step-Taper shells are ratsed to a vertical posttion to start shell-up procedure Note closed-end boot section in foreground. T TA C I C Typtcal Wave Equation analysts demonstrates the superiority of a heavy stiff pile (or mandrel for StepTaper plies) in dynamtcally developtng po1nt bearmg capactty. Both 120-ft steel piles dnven with 32.500 ft-lb hammer MANUFACTURING INSTALLATION Shell sections are assembled on a horizontal rack with joints screw-connected and waterproofed, usually with 0-rings. The assembly is then raised to a vertical position and placed over a full-length steel mandrel. The pile is installed by driving the internal steel man drel which carries the pile sheel to the required depth. When the pile shell is in place, the mandrel is withdrawn and the pile is checked internally for any damage which may have occurred because of subsurface obstructions encountered during driving, and axial alignment is verified . The final step is to fill ·~' the shell with concrete to cut-off grade. Excess pile shell lengths may be cut off either before or after concrete is poured. DETERMINING PILE-SOIL CAPACITY Methods for determining the capacity of the pile-soil system include static analyses (see Design Section), dynamic formulas and load tests. Driving criteria are indispensible to assure uniform loading capacity of piles and prevention of significant differential settlement of the completed structure. . A power w1nch ass1sts in assembly of Step-Taper shells on rack. D a Lofting of next set of Step-Taper shells dunng dnvrng saves 1nstallatJon time T T II Shelling up- Mandrel tip positioned over Step-Taper shells which are then drawn up onto mandrel. INSTALLATION --< -· -•uo .....,"n IHIU. -TIOIIIO DIU>"" ...,.""" .. I!<Ul -.cu CM~ INTO To place the Step-Taper shells on the mandrel , the assembled set is first lowered into a set of driven shells: the mandrel lip Is positioned over the assembled set: and the assembled set is then drawn up onto the mandrel. The mandrel-shell assembly is now ready for positioning on the pile location stake and driving. .. 011 IIWC)Rf&. 0 The steel mandrel encased by the Step-Taper shells is driven to the required penetration ; the mandrel is withdrawn leaving the shells in place ready lor internal inspection and filling with concrete. y INSTALLATION SEQUENCE t"T n T rn ll r Dynamic Formulas Most dynamic formulas developed for pile driving are empirical, and are based on an energy equation which relates pile hammer weight and distance of hammer fall to the distance of movement of the pile against soil resistance. The design load is based on the final driving resistance of the pile over the last few inches of penetration. These pile driving formulas are somewhat inexact, since so many variables are involved in the hammercapblock-pile-soil system. In some cases, penetration resistance and the pile capacity will drop off with time (relaxation) but a more common occurrence is for penetration resistance and pile capacity to increase as the soil regains its shear strength after driving (soil freeze). Indication of soil freeze usually occurs within a relatively short time. and any type of computation should be based on retap data. Under normal circumstances, dynamic formulas may still be applied with reasonable confidence when experience and good judgement are used and design loads are not heavy. P T C II C Because of the limitations and possible unreliability of most dynamic formulas. and with the development of computer technology. the one-dimensional Wave Equation has now been applied to establishing driving criteria. In the absence of soil freeze or relaxation. the Wave Equation solution indicates the final penetration resistance (blows per inch) for the ultimate pile capacity required. Ray-Step foundation consultants can provide these solutions for any set of conditions. Load Tests Driving criteria are also established by pile load test results which can then be applied to production pile driving. These tests can be conducted prior to foundation design or in conjunction with installation to verity or establish the installation criteria and the pile design load. Procedures conducted during installation generally follow ASTM 0 1143. DESIGN Step-Taper piles work efficiently 1n most types of soils. They funct1on as either friction or point-beanng piles. or a combination of both. Structural Design Structural capacity for compressive axial loading is determined by applying the allowable compressive stress for the piling material to the cross-sectional area of the p1le at the critical section. which normally occurs 1n the upper third of the pile. and whrch can be determined by load tests on Instrumented piles Formulas for structural capacrty of Step-Taper piles follow Shell portion (unconfined): Pa =0.33 f'c Ac Shell portion (confined): Pa =0.40 f'cAc Pipe portion· Pa =0.33 f'c Ac + 0 35 fyAp in which. Pa = Allowable axial compressive load f c = spcc1fied 28-day concrete strength Ac = cross-sect1onal area of concrete at the critrcal section fy = specified yield strength of steel but not to exceed 36 ksi for computation purposes Ap = cross-sectional area of steel 1n pipe The capacity of the pile-soil system may be est1mated by static analyses. or by driving formulas or determ1ned by load tests. A safety factor of two is normally required , and a p1le structural capacity safety factor of more than two is standard procedure. Static Analysis A static analysis can be used to estimate the required pile length for a given load or the bearing capacity of a pile of a given length. However. varrat1ons rn soil characterrsllcs frequently occur within short distances, and usually change durrng p1le driving. Also, the static analysis must reflect the advantages of Step-Taper piles. or the results w1ll generally be conservative. Bearing Capacity in Cohesionless Soils The ultimate bearing capacities of Step-Taper piles in cohesionless soils can be calculated based upon a method proposed by Nordlund usrng the nomagraphs in F1gures 5-1. 5-2 and 5-3 for friction values and a standard bearing capac1ty formula for endbeanng values using Tables S-1 . 5-11 and S-Ill. The formula for calculat1ng the ultimate bearing capac1ty IS. R =Cp L+Nap oA HOMOGRAPHS FOR DETERMINING FRICTION VALU The confining action of the steel shell increases the u1t1mate strength of the concrete · the degree depend1ng on the thickness and d1ameter of the shell. An allowable stress of 0 40 f c has been established for confined concrete for shells of at least 14 gage and a nominal diameter not greater than 16 inches. Since the shell does not carry any of the axial load. the function of the steel is to resist hoop tension. Lateral Support Sufficient lateral support can be prov1ded by any soil other than a very fluid soil, to prevent buck1ng under axial compressive loads. Unsupported pile lengths (extending through air, water or very fluid soil) should be des1gned as columns for the loads rnvolved. Design vs. Driving Stresses Dynamic drrvrng stresses are usually considerably higher than static design stress. and could control the structural design of the pile. Since dynamic driving stresses are absorbed by the Step-Taper pile's steel mandrel, only service load stresses need to be considered for structural design. Pile-Soil Bearing Capacity A p1le should not be selected for 1ts structural capacity alone because the actual p1le bearrng capac1ty is generally controlled by the soil bearing capacitynot by the p1le's structural capacity. A C:::TI=P _TAPI=P Pll I=C::: in which : Ru = estimated ultimate capacity C = constant for Step-Taper pile shell from Figures 5-1 . 5-2. or 5-3 po = effective overburden pressure at mid-height of shell section or at pile tip. L = length of shell section NQ= bearing capacity factor from Table 5-I A = area of pile tip from Table 5-11 Use of Nomographs Each of Figures 5-1 , 5-2 and 5-3 show two families of curves, one of which is used to determine the value of the constant C for various shell sizes and shell lengths of 8, 12 or 16 feet. The other family of curves is used to determine the value of a limiting overburden pressure which represents a maximum to be used in the calculations of friction capacity for each shell size and section length . The indicated overburden pressure limits are based on experience and engineering judgement and should not be considered absolute. To enter nomographs, the Standard Penetration Test values N are first converted to an equivalent angle of internal friction q>. Before conversion to friction F ~ 52-< angles. the N values determined in the field are first multiplied by a correction factor given by the formula :t•J 20 CN = 0.771og _ p in which : CN = correction factor: p = effective vertical overburden pressure. tsf The corrected N values are used to determine the approximate equivalent friction angle according to Figure 19.5 in Peck, Hanson and Thornburn.141 End-Bearing Calculation The values of the factors used in calculating the endbearing capacity can be obtained from Tables 5-I , 5-11 . and 5-11 1. Table 5-I is entered with the angle of internal friction to find the corresponding value of the bearing capacity factor NQ. The tip areas for various Step-Taper shell sections are shown in Table 5-11. Table 5-11 1shows the recommended limits for NQpo in determining the end-bearing capacity. ;=:53.. ~ ....... , , . r / ~ ~ ,J ,-J ___., - ,-il ..........~.. .,. , , ..! : : :--:7, ~,-;: ... .,....,. ... ..,. .,. ,. , .. I" -;. ..- .. : - ,.#:,. .- " Y' _... :--< - ---;- ., -- / ~-;/ .-< ~ ..... .. ' , # , • I ...... , ./. ·----Fop 5 :?o T n Fy 5·3b DESIGN TABLE 5-I Values of Nq after Berezantzer et al [5] N 10 20 TABLE 5-11 Tip Areas for Step-Taper Piles Shell 70 40 Area Area Shell A Section Section A ft2 ft 2 28 ° 18 15 10 5 29 ° 21 18 12 8 30 ° 24 21 15 10 31 ° 28 24 19 14 000 0.41 4 1.13 049 5 1.29 32° 34 29 23 18 00 33° 41 35 29 24 0 0.59 6 1.46 1 0.71 7 1.65 8 1.84 34 ° 49 42 36 32 35° 57 50 45 41 2 0.84 3 0.98 36° 69 62 57 53 37° 85 77 72 69 38° 105 86 90 87 39° 129 120 112 109 40° 156 145 137 133 TABLE 5-111 Limits for end-bearing MaxNq 41 degrees D Depth to pile tip B Pile tip diameter Pile SOli 100 35 200 > 38 300 -b Po Po (hmrt)c ft ksf ksl 5 6 0.68 2 .15 4 18 1.66 3 30 2 Depth a Shell IS : 113 pet 12 Ru = 2: C p0 L + Nq p0 A cd - L Ru ksl f1 kipS 3 .65 0.68 12 29.8 2 .35 3 .15 1.66 12 62.8 2.26 2 .55 2 .80 2.26 12 75.9 42 2.86 2.80 2 .35 2.8oe 12 79.0 52 3.40 2.05 3.50 2.05e 8 57.4 0 60 3.88 2.25 3 .00 2.25e 8 54 .0 00 68 4.36 2.55 2.40 2.sse 8 49.0 72 4.60 Sectron 0 ksf < 30 Example o f application o f bea r ing capaci t y f o rm u la: Po X Po X ~ 4> = 32 ° 24 11 -; so pel 36 48 4> = 35° 56 / 64 72 l5 = 60 pet End bearing = Nq p0 A = (41 )1 (4 .60)9 (0.49)h = (188.6)' (0.49) = Total Ru a. b c. d. e. To mid -height each shell sechon and to prle trp Calculated overburden pressures. Depth x unrt werght Limiting overburden pressures from Frgures 5-1 band 5·2b Constant from Figures 5·1a and 5·2a Controlled by limrting overburden pressures. = 92.4 500.3kips f. Beanng capacity factor from Table 5-1 g Calculated overburden pressure at pile tip h. Prle tip area lrom Table 5-11 1. Lrmrtrng N q p0 = 200 ksf from Table 5-111. Use calculated Tt:D T D Dl r:: Pile Drivability Pile drtvabtlity often determines the ultimate load capacity which can be achieved by dynamic driving. Pile stiffness largely determines dnvability. The stiffness of a pile is expressed as T = AE/L; modulus of elastictty is E. cross-secttonal area is A and pile length is L. Stiffness or drtvabtlity is not a function of steel yield strength. Modulus of elasticity of steel piles rematns constant despite any 1ncrease 1n yteld strength. When ptpe 1s driven without an internal mandrel. or for steel ptles. stiffness factors and limitattons become Important constderattons. and piles with adequate wall thickness or cross-sectional area must be used Group Capacity For predominantly point-bearing piles and for friction piles in granular soils. group capacity can be considered at least equal to the sum of individual pile capacities. For cohesive soils, factors such as shear strength. beanng capacity of the soil, support by shear on the periphery and by end-bearing on the base area of the group. should all be considered. Group reduction formulas based on spactng and number of ptles are not recommended. Uplift Capacity Uplift capac1ty can be estimated using pile and soil properties For friction piles. it can usually be considered to be at least 50 percent of the pile bearing capacity. If uplift capacity is critical it should be determined by field test The Step-Taper shape has proven eHect1ve in developing uplift as well as bearing capac1ty Lateral Capacity Although batter piles are usually used to carry large honzontal loads, vertical piles can be des1gned to accommodate lateral loading. Analysis of lateral loading capacities should be based on factors such as axial compressive loads. passive soil pressures and methods using soil modulus and the beam-on-elastic foundation theory The Dcsrgn Gu1dc Charts (Figs. 5-4 to 5-12 inclusive) can provide a preliminary estimate of re1nforcing steel needed in Step-Taper piles for the conditions shown Internal Reinforcement Reinforc1ng steel is required only when the concrete in the pile may be under tension from such conditions as uplift. high lateral loads. or for unsupported pile lengths. For uplift loads. steel is bundled if more than one bar is requ1red . and installed in the port1on of the p1le under tension The amount. of course is dictated by the magnitude of the load . Steel Installed to resist bending of for unsupported pile lengths should be placed in a Circular pattern using four to six bars. Depth requtred for reinforcement to res1st bending 1s rarely more than 15 feet below ground surface. The use of high strength bars is generally most practical. CTCD T II DC:O 011 C:C' Logg1ng the p1le References 1. Recommendations for Des1gn Manufacture, and InstallatiOn of Concrete Piles" Amencan Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete Pract1ce Part 3, 1974 2. "Report on Allowable Stresses 1n Concrete Piles··. Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., June 1971. 3 "Bearing Capacrty or Piles In Cohesronless Sorls" by R.L. Nordlund. Journal of the Soil MechaniCS and Foundallon DIVISIOn. ASCE Vol. 89 No. SM3 May 1963 4 Foundat1on Engrneenng" by R 8 Peck. W.E Hanson and T.H. Thornburn. Second Ed1t1on John Wrley & Sons. Inc. New York. NY.. 1974. 5. Load Beanng Capacrty and Deformatron of Pile Foundatrons" by V. Berezantzev V Khnsoforov and V. Golubkov. Proceedrngs Fifth International Conference on Sotl Mechan1cs and Foundation Eng1neenng. Pans. 1961. DESIGN Design Guide Charts for Laterally Loaded Step ·Taper Piles Ftg 5·4 Case 1 loose Sand (submerged). These Design Guide Charts can provide an esbmate of re1nforc1ng steel reqwed 1n Step-Taper p1les under lateral loading for the conditions shown The charts are based on the COM622 computer program and the follow1ng Pile Step-Taper, 5 sections@ 12 feet= 60 feet Butt· No.5 section- nominal diameter 15 J~ tnches Concrete strength 4000 ps1 Butt fixity 50 percent Re-steel yield strength 60 ks1 Re-steel cage diameter· 10 I tnches Load factor 1 7 Pile predrilled yes The charts are not applicable for piles that cannot be considered fixed at some po1nt beneath the ground surface. For top sections one size smaller (No. 4) or one size larger (No.6) the required steel areas indicated by the charts will be within± 10%. 125 100 t ·zt· 0.,.11 .. Gto.M - - • 0 o.,,,. " "'-• c.~ •" · o 25 Use of Design Charts 1. Enter the design chart for the applicable soil condition with the axial and lateral work1ng loads Judgement should be used in selecting the ax1al compressive load that will be acting with the lateral load 2. Read or mterpolate for the reqUired area of remforc1ng steel. As, 1n square inches. as 1nd1cated by the curved lines If the point falls w1thin or on the dashed curve, no steel is required 3. Read the required length of reinforcing steel as ind1cated by the enc~rcled numbers. If the potnt falls between encircled numbers. interpolate either vertically or horizontally or both to obtain the approximate cut-off depth of the reinforcing steel. 4 The vertical dashed lines indicate a specific pile butt deflection 1n mches. If the point falls to the left of one of these lines the pile butt should not deflect more than the value 1nd1cated Approx1mate deflections can be determined by interpolation for intermediate points. The maximum butt deflections are Indicated for axial loads of zero and 125 tons at the max1mum lateral load shown on each chart Example Estimate the area and length of longitudinal reinforcing steel and the approximate butt deflection expected for the following conditions: Given: Pile: Step-Taper Top Section: No. 5 Section lengths 12 feet Concrete strength f'c = 4 ks1 Rebar yield fy = 60 ks1 Axial load (working) 60 tons Lateral load (working). 9 tons Soil Medium st1ff clay Cu = 800 psf Solution 1 Use CaseS (Fig 5-11)Medium Stiff Clayw1thCu= 750~. 2 Enter chart with an axial load of 60tons and a lateral load of 9 tons 3. Interpolate between the curved lines to obtain the required retnforcmg steel area As of 0.6 in 2 4. Interpolate both horizontally and vertically between the surrounding encircled numbers to get the required length of 9.2 feet for the retnforctng steel. 5. Interpolate between the vertical dashed lines to get an approximate butt deflection of 0.67 1nches. 0 0 I 2 LAT£11AL I.J)AO S K· TONS Fig 5· 7 Case 4 loose Sand 125 ---- .... - ... --.....; -!:._0 _.._ 100 ~ ~ ..· "'z ... 0 Q. 75 .~ . tt • o.t'" ,. .,..,.. .,,., • .ao'' c.,., ,. ", 0 c~ .~ , • lOft ~ .... so --~ c x c i '? .. 0 25 1' 0 0 L ATE RAL LOAO H· TONS Ftg 5·10 Case 7 Soft Clay 125 • 100 - ., ...:.z ; ..· 0 75 ~ 0 9 "~0 · .. , ·' .... c so ~ I a 0 0 ------+---.....o.t-, ..,.o 25 : _!.--- ~-.--' ' ' I 0 0 LATERAL LOAD H· TONS ~n:p. T API=R Pll I=~ . . .. r Fig 5·5 Case 2 Med1um Dense Sand (submerged) 125 ...... -:-...... ......... 100 ~·o "' .. z I I ...0 ...' 75 ' ;-;'"))• Fig 5·6 Case 3 Dense Sand (submerged) 125 . ... \ . .;:.. ...0 ...' 0 ..J il J 7~ 0 c 0 3 ..J c ii c 0 z !:! O.pt" •• Oftwf\4 ...., • 0 0.•'" .. ,,.. c .., . .,, . Q c ... 100 0 eo ..J :: .." ? f eo i ii ~ 0 0 ;. 0 0 0 s.o 2S LATERAL LOAD 0 75 ,..._ ...~I ... 100 75 c.,,.. ..c... .., . -.Of.... • 1\4 Iff • ... 0 .. ... 0 _... 0 0 25 75 0 . ~~ ·: ~ ~: ---- ----0 c 0 . ~ '/ •· 0 25 so 75 100 12 5 15.0 16 5 H· TONS 100 ~ ? .. .. z 0 ...':" 75 0 c 9 eo ::0 ..J ..J c .. ..J . . "' 50 "0 ii c 0 0 ;c c I Fig 5·12 Case9StlffCiay 125 . :; Cv • 7)()flf - LATERAL lOAD ? 60 / H·TONS z 0 ~/ ~ i 75 eo 100 100 I I _J_ 0 $0 Fig 5-11 Case 8 Med1um St1ff Clay 125 ... c •M OU OttO._'''* C.t•oft • 2 0" 25 LATERAL LOAD 0 o. ... ,.c;,.~ -. "-' ..J ? • ~) 75 0 eo " \· z ~ 0,, ~ . ... .. ...' ,2 0" .... 100 3" 25 10.0 ~ ........ ..J ..J 75 H·TONS Fig. 5·9. Case 6 Dense Sand 12S 0 :! so LATERAL LOAD I ))" Otttfil .. 0 c --- 25 H·TONS Fig 5·8 Case 5 Med1um Dense Sand 12S .. ·"' 2~ 25 ·' 25 0 25 0 0 25 $0 LATERAL LOAD 75 H- TONS 9 100 0 2.5 so 75 LATERAL LOAD 100 H·TONS 12 5 15.0 16.5 CONCRETE CONTENTS -STEP TAPER SHELLS (CUBIC YARDS) 12' STEP SHELLS 000 BR .01 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .09 .10 .12 .13 .14 - .15 .17 19 .20 .22 .23 .25 .26 .28 .30 .31 .33 .34 .36 .38 .40 .42 .44 .46 .48 .50 .51 .53 .55 .57 .59 .62 .64 .66 .69 .71 .73 .75 .78 .80 .82 .85 87 .90 .93 .96 .98 1.01 1.04 1.06 1 09 1.12 1.15 1.17 FEET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ~ I 0 1 2 3 BR BR BR BR BR 02 .03 .05 .06 08 10 11 .13 .14 16 17 19 21 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 13 .15 .17 .19 .21 .23 .25 .02 .05 07 .09 . 12 . 14 16 . 18 .21 .23 .25 .28 .30 03 06 .08 .11 14 17 19 .22 25 .28 30 33 .36 .?3 .?fl .::13 ::19 25 .27 .29 30 .32 .34 .36 .38 .40 .42 44 .46 .30 .32 .34 37 .39 .41 44 .46 48 50 53 56 .36 .39 .41 .44 .47 .50 .52 .55 .58 .60 .64 .67 43 .46 .49 52 56 59 62 .65 .69 .72 .76 .79 03 07 10 13 16 .20 23 .26 .29 .32 36 39 43 46 50 54 .58 .61 .65 69 73 77 .80 00 ~49 .51 .53 .56 .58 .60 .62 .65 .67 .69 .72 .75 .77 .80 .83 .86 .88 .91 .94 .97 .99 1.02 1.05 1.09 1.12 1.15 _ 1.18 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.38 1.41 f ~ I .73 .87 5~+70+83 77 91 .61 .64 .67 70 .72 .75 .78 .8 1 .83 86 .90 .93 96 .99 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.19 1 22 1.26 1.29 1.33 1.37 1.41 1 45 1.48 1.52 1 56 1.60 1.63 1.67 .80 .83 .86 .90 .93 .96 99 1.03 1.07 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.22 1.25 1.29 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.44 1.49 1.53 1.57 1.62 1.66 1 70 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.92 1.96 I t I I .94 98 1.02 106 1.09 1.13 1.17 1 21 1.26 1.30 1.34 1 39 1.43 1.47 1.52 1.56 1 60 1.64 1 69 1.74 1 79 1.84 1 89 1.94 1 99 2.03 2.08 2.1 3 2.1 8 2.23 2.28 .84 88 93 .97 1.01 1.06 1.10 1 14 1.19 1.23 1.27 1.32 136 1 41 1.46 1.51 1.56 1 61 1.66 1.71 1.76 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.01 207 2.12 2 18 2.23 2.29 2.35 2 40 2 46 2.51 2 57 2.63 I I 4 000 00 0 BR FEET BR BR BR 04 08 12 15 .19 23 27 .30 34 38 .42 .45 50 .54 .58 .63 .67 .71 76 80 .84 .89 .93 .97 1 02 1 07 1.12 1 17 1 22 1.27 1.32 1.37 1 42 1 47 1.52 1.57 1 62 1.68 1.73 1.79 1.85 1.90 1.96 2.01 2.07 2.13 2.18 2.24 2.30 2.37 243 2.49 2.56 2 62 2.68 2.74 2.81 2.87 2.93 3.00 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1.21 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.34 1.37 1.40 1.43 1.46 1.50 1.53 1.56 1 60 1.64 1.45 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.63 1.67 1.71 1.75 1.78 1.82 1.86 1 90 1.95 1.99 2.03 2.08 2. 12 2.16 2.21 2.25 2.29 2.34 2.38 2.43 2.48 2.53 2.58 2.63 2.68 2.73 2.77 2.82 2.87 I 75+1.67 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 1.71 1.75 1.79 1.82 1 86 1.90 1.94 1.98 2.01 2.06 2.10 2.14 2.19 2.23 2.27 2.32 2.36 2.40 2.45 2.49 2.53 2.58 2.63 2.68 2.73 2.78 2.83 2.88 2.93 2.98 3.03 3.08 3.13 3.18 3.24 3.29 3.35 3.41 3.46 3.52 3.57 3.63 3.69 3.74 3.80 - 1.71 176 1.80 1.84 1.89 1.93 1 97 2.02 2.06 2.10 2. 15 I 2. 19 I 2.24 2.29 234 2.39 2.44 2.49 2.54 2.59 2.64 2.68 2.73 2.78 2.84 2.90 2.95 3.01 3.06 3. 12 3.18 3.23 3.29 3.34 I j 1 2 BR BR 2.01 2.06 2. 11 2.16 2.21 2.26 2.31 2.36 2.41 2.46 2.51 2.56 2.6 1 2.67 2.72 2.78 2.84 2.89 2.95 3.00 3.06 3.12 3.17 3.23 3.29 3.36 3.42 3.48 3.55 3.61 3.67 3.73 3.80 3.86 2.34 2 39 2 45 2.51 2.56 2.62 2.67 2.73 2 79 2.84 2.90 2.95 3.01 3.08 3. 14 3.20 3.27 3.33 3.39 3.45 3.52 3.58 3.64 3 71 2.92 3.~~92 .?-n-1- 3.46 3.99 3.03 3.08 3.14 3.20 3.25 3.31 3.36 3.42 3.48 3.53 3.59 3.64 3.70 3.77 3.83 3.89 3.96 4.02 4.08 4.14 4.21 4.27 4.33 4.40 3.52 3.59 3.65 3 71 3.78 3.84 390+ 3.96 II 4.03 4.09 4.15 4.22 I +- SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEP ·TAPER PILES 1. GENERAL 1.1 All piles shall be installed by a piling contractor qualified to install the type of pile specifications used, in accordance with the plans and specifications. 1.2 The pile contractor shall furnish and his prices shall include all necessary tools, equipment, material, labor and supervision to install and cut off the piles in accordance with the plans and specifications. 1.3 The general contractor shall provide: all necessary excavation, sheeting and bracing or other adequate maintenance of excavation banks; suitable runways and ramps as necessary for pile driving; control of ground and surface water as necessary to keep the work area sufficiently dry; suitable access roads for movement of equipment and materials to and from pile locat1ons; field layout required for pile work including setting and maintaining a location stake for each pile and giving cut-off grades on all piles ; and removal of all overhead and underground obstructions as required. 1.4 Except for operations, equipment and personnel directly under the control of the pile contractor, the general contractor shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of all Federal and State safety and health regulations applicable to this work. 1.5 The results of test borings made at the site are shown on the drawmgs. Soil samples recovered are available for ins pection. This information is to be considered as indicalfve of subsoil conditions and is made available to the contractors to use at their discretion. Contractors may make their own subsurface investigation at the site. 1.6 Each pile shall consist of a steel shell driven in intimate contact II with the soil, using an internal non-mechanical steel mandrel. The mandrel shall be withdrawn leaving the steel shell in place . The steel shell shall be filled with concrete as specified herein. 2. PILE SHELLS 2.1 Pile shells shall be step-tapered with a tip diameter of _ _ inches. The increase in diameter at each step shall be not greater than one inch. 2.2 The lower one-third of the pile shell shall be minimum No. 14 gage (0.075 inches) and the pile contractor shall assume responsibility for providing shells of sufficient strength and thickness to withstand driving to the required penetration and to resist harmful distortions due to soil pressures. 2.3 Step -Taper shells shall be closed at the point with a flat steel plate having a diameter not more than 3/• inch greater than the diameter of the shell to which the plate is attached. The plate thickness shall be 1/• inch. The driving mandrel shall extend the lull length of the pile. 3. PILE CONCRETE 3.1 Concrete fill for the piles shall have a 28 day strength of not less than __ psi and shall be composed of approved Portland cement, clean, sharp sand and gravel or crushed stone having a 3/• inch maximum size. Concrete shall have a slump of 4 to 6 inches. The Pile Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, a mix design developed from the results of having broken 3 and 7 -day tests on standard cylinders all as per applicable current ASTM standards. 3.2 No concrete shall be placed until the pile shell has been inspected and is free of all foreign matter and contains no more than 4 inches of water. 3.3 Concrete shall be poured into the shell at the top through a steep-sided funnel having a discharge opening of not more than 10 inches in diameter. Concrete in the top six feet of the pile shall be rodded . 4. PILE INSTALLATION 4.1 The Pile Contractor shall have performed by a competent Eng ineer a Wave- Equation Analysis of the pile-hammer-soil system which is proposed . The Wave - Equation solution shall determine the Ultimate Pile Compressive capacity as a function of driving resistance, and the maximum compressive and tensile stresses in the mandrel as the pile reaches final anticipated penetration . These solutions shall be submitted to the Engineer prior to commencement of pile driving. 4.2 The pile shall be driven to at least the resistance indicated by the Wave-Equation Analysis for an Ultimate Load of 200% of the design load of __ tons. However, if the pile does not conform to the settlement criteria set forth in the section of specifications entitled "Load Tests", then the pile shall be driven to such greater resistance as may be required. 4.3 The piles shall be driven with a steam, air, hydraulic or diesel hammer having a rated energy of not less than footpounds per blow. 4.4 All piles shall be driven with a hammer operating in fixed leaders or other methods shall be used to hold the hammer and pile in accurate alignment. 4.5 All piles shall be cut-off to within one inch of the required pile butt elevation.
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