Ray Kurzweil: In the 2030s, Nanobots in Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike'
Ray Kurzweil: In the 2030s, Nanobots in Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike'
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Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s, Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' Search The Huffington Post Edition: US FRONT PAGE 10/7/15, 4:46 PM POLITICS BUSINESS MEDIA WORLDPOST Like SCIENCE TECH HEALTHY LIVING 5.3m Follow HUFFPOST LIVE Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s, Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' Once we're cyborgs, he says, we'll be funnier, sexier and more loving. Kathleen Miles Senior Editor, The WorldPost Posted: 10/01/2015 08:47 AM EDT KTSIMAGE VIA GETTY IMAGES An artistic rendering of a neural network with an artificial connection in a nanotechnology concept. Futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil predicts humans are going to develop emotions and characteristics of higher complexity as a result of connecting their brains to computers. “We’re going to be funnier. We’re going to be sexier. We’re going to be better at expressing loving sentiment,” Kurzweil said at a recent discussion at Singularity University. He is involved in developing artificial intelligence as a director of engineering at Google but was not speaking on behalf of the company. Kurzweil predicts that in the 2030s, human brains will be able to connect to the cloud, allowing us to send emails and photos directly to the brain and to back up our thoughts and memories. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 1 of 11 " “People will be able to very deeply explore some particular type of music in far greater degree than we can today. “Right now. he says. I’ll be able to access that in the cloud -."we we can actually become more different. 4:46 PM This will be possible. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15.” In addition to making us cleverer in hallways. ‘I better think of something clever to say.ones and zeros -. But Kurzweil believes that being connected to computers will make us more human. he said. he says. To demonstrate. will enhance not just our logical intelligence but also our emotional intelligence.swimming around in the capillaries of our brain. that cyborg technologies make us more robotic.” he said.he pointed to his head -. “When we can expand it without the limitations of a fixed enclosure" -. he gave a hypothetical scenario with Google co-founder Larry Page.tiny robots from DNA strands -.huffingtonpost. Miguel Nicolelis. Ray Kurzweil: We'll Become Godlike When We Connect Our Brai… “So I’m walking along. connecting our brains to the Internet will also make each of us more unique. This concern is expressed by Dr. He sees the extension of our brain into predominantly nonbiological thinking as the next step in the evolution of humans -.” Kurzweil said. head of neuroengineering at Duke University. more unique and even godlike. http://www.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 2 of 11 . and I see Larry Page coming. “We’re going to add more levels to the hierarchy of brain modules and create deeper levels of expression. we’ll lose diversity in human behavior because computers operate in black and white -.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. “We’re going to expand the brain’s neocortex and become more godlike. often portrayed in science fiction. we all have a very similar architecture to our thinking. It’ll lead to far greater individuality. And this extension.just as learning to use tools was for our ancestors. not less. and I think. who fears that if we rely too much on machines.just like I can multiply intelligence with my smartphone thousands fold today.” This view is in stark contrast to a common perception.’ But my 300 million modules in my neocortex isn’t going to cut it. I need a billion in two seconds. less emotional and less human. via nanobots -.without diversion. thinks that we're only two to five years away from being able to effectively use brain nanobots. researchers injected into living cockroaches DNA nanobots that were able to follow specific instructions.” he said.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 3 of 11 . more knowledgable. Evolution is a spiritual process. professor of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine." he said. like being loving. nanobots were injected into the stomach lining of mice. allowing us. founder of the MIT Media Lab. largely due to how little we currently understand about how the brain works. including dispensing drugs.huffingtonpost. Nicholas Negroponte. to load the French language into the bloodstream of our brains. and this year. Although the science is far from application in brains. nanotechnology has long been heralded as a potential game changer in medicine. for example to prevent epileptic seizures. Linden says there are huge obstacles. more capable of expressing higher sentiments. a professor of mechanical engineering at UC San Diego focused on medical nanotechnology.” Nanites? Robots. However. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15. http://www. “It’s moving in the direction of qualities that God is described as having without limit. thinks that nanobots in our brains could be the future of learning. getting approval from the U. evading cells that attack foreign bodies and avoiding harming the proteins and sugars in the tiny spaces between brain cells. James Friend. Friend told The WorldPost. or are they doomed to the fate of flying cars? Like Kurzweil.it all comes from the neocortex. who thinks the timing of Kurzweil’s estimation that nanobots will be in our brains in the 2030s is premature.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. So we’re going to expand the brain’s neocortex and become more godlike.S. Other scientists are skeptical that brain nanobots will be safe and effective anytime soon or at all. Last year. One such scientist is David Linden.” “So as we evolve. for example. we become closer to God. There is beauty and love and creativity and intelligence in the world -. more creative. 4:46 PM “Evolution creates structures and patterns that over time are more complicated. such as adding a nanobot power source. and the research is advancing. But will brain nanobots actually move out of science fiction and into reality. Food and Drug Administration would likely be very difficult. He thinks approval would take “anywhere from only a few years to never happening because of people being concerned about swimming mysterious things into your head and leaving them there. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 4 of 11 . a few dozen people who were given brain implants that delivered targeted shocks to their brain scored better on memory tests. similar brain stimulation made people learn math faster. 72 percent of Americans are not interested in a brain implant that could improve memory or mental capacity. And according to a survey last year. 4:46 PM The Nanorobot Surgeon You Can Swallow And we are learning how to enhance our brains. such as Parkinson’s patients who have a brain chip that enables better motor control and deaf people who have a cochlear implant. ethical and safety concerns arise. But when it comes to enhancing brains without disabilities and for nonmedical purposes. which enables hearing. They use the analogy of breast implants -.breast surgery was developed for post-mastectomy reconstruction and correcting congenital defects but has since become popular for breast augmentation. Yet. government study. albeit not with nanobots. In another study. professor of psychology at New York University. by stimulating the brains from the outside using electromagnetic induction. Researchers have already successfully sent a message from one human brain to another. And in a recent U.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. including Christof Koch.huffingtonpost. some believe enhancement of healthy brains is inevitable. Nicholas Negroponte: Nanobots in Your Brain Could Be the Fut… http://www. Brain implants could follow the same path. We’re already implanting thousands of humans with brain chips. chief scientific officer of the Allen Institute for Brain Science. they say. and Gary Marcus.S. 4:46 PM Here are Kurzweil’s answers to a couple of the questions he took at the Singularity University discussion: You have predicted that in 2029. The common man or woman. we have [20 million] today. “Don't worry. the primary strategy comes from governance and social systems. having looked at the positive impact that technology has had on human life. We have that today with humans using intelligent weapons. Other speakers have been a little more ambivalent. The weavers. about [40 percent] of you work on farms and a third work in factories. You say. “What new jobs?” And you http://www. and there were actually more jobs. each enhanced by AI. Would you elaborate on your overall sentiment on the post-2029 world? I’ve actually written about the dangers of AI more than most. The reality is that employment went up. When it comes to the existential threat of AI. we will reach the singularity -. You could look at almost every job.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 5 of 11 . rather than just having one shirt.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. by the year [2012]. You’re going to get new jobs creating apps. Ray Kurzweil: A. It’s a difficult political situation because people can see the jobs that are going away. over the last century. certainly regarding the future of employment. But I’m also optimistic. This started 200 years ago in the textile industry in England. only about two percent of us will work on farms and [nine percent] in factories. we’re going to be out of work!” I’d say. chip designs and data analysis” -. Not Fewer If I were a futurist in 1900 and said. We’re destroying jobs at the bottom of the skill ladder and creating new jobs at the top.” and people say. “Well but there will be new jobs. Will Result In More Human Jobs. We will have conflict between different groups of humans.S. I predict. We had 50. We’ve invested more in education in the U. When it comes to potential unemployment caused by AI. Your opening remarks suggest that you’re fundamentally positive about AI in the post-2029 world. “Oh my God. who had enjoyed a business model passed down for centuries. web sites. could now have a whole wardrobe. were suddenly losing their jobs to machines that could spin thread or weave cloth. it’s always been the case that we can clearly see the jobs that are going away.nobody would have any idea what I’m talking about. liberty and respect for each other.000 college students in 1870. and that's painful.huffingtonpost. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15. Life became better.” everyone would go. and it would not be long before it’d be automated.I. “OK. and prosperity went up. We’ve increased per capita investment in K-12 education significantly. The best tool we have to combat that is to continue to work on our democracy.the point at which artificial intelligence outpaces human intelligence. So why are people so upset if these jobs go away? We’ve created a society where you need a job to have a livelihood.huffingtonpost. you have a coexistence of a free open-source market and a proprietary market. all to think about knowledge and organize knowledge. First. to an increasing degree. movies and books. People a century ago for the most part were happy if they could have a job and provide for their family. We are already redefining the nature of work. 4:46 PM say. like music. it’ll be somewhat realistic but not really the same. letters.lots of people are pursuing entrepreneurial ideas. Today. Fueled by the ease of distribution and promotion. I don't know. How do you explain your theory of immortality? In the film “Transcendent Man. video. We’re going to have the means of providing an extremely high standard of living to everyone easily within 15 to 20 years. http://www. including clothing. We have 20 million college students and an equal amount of people who teach them and support that infrastructure. We’re also creating jobs that move up Maslow’s hierarchy so we can spend more time doing things that give us gratification. see the latest blockbuster and buy music from their favorite artist. Frederick Kurzweil.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 6 of 11 .” It’s kind of a weak argument. Most things are becoming information technology. which are pennies for pounds. That's the direction we’re moving in. we’ll create an avatar based on emails. people get gratification from what they’re doing.we’re going to keep moving in that direction. That’s not something people spent much time doing a century or two ago . It’ll go through several different stages. like fashion and construction. But some people do actually have an interest in bringing back an unrealistic replicant of someone they loved. you are preparing yourself to transcend your death. 3-D printing designs will be open source and free so you can live extremely well and print out everything you need. “In the 2030s.” But look at industries that have already gone from physical products to digital products. But it’s true. I’m writing a book now called The Singularity Is Nearer. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15. they haven’t been invented yet. In the documentary about yourself. In the 2020s. People say. there goes all these industries.” I talk about bringing back my father. There’s an open source market with millions of free products but people still spend money to read Harry Potter. We’ll be able to grow food in vertical agriculture and print it on 3-D printers. Let’s say in 2025. where we bring back someone who has passed away. “Great. and I’m talking about this concept of a replicant. we will be able to send nanobots into living people’s brains and extract memories of people who have passed away. But that’s going to be redefined. audio and memories of the person. I can’t actually describe exactly what the new jobs will be but they will be more gratifying. They look for a career that meets their passion -. including printing out houses. I don't feel like I’m working when I go to Google because I’m doing what I’m passionate about. text messages. which will be printed on 3-D printers. A lot of people today don't like their jobs. “Well. huffingtonpost. music. I have his letters. Also on WorldPost: Stunning Brain Images Reveal Beauty Of F… 1 of 16 University of Edinburgh http://www. it will ultimately pass a Frederick Kurzweil Turing test -. 4:46 PM Transcendent Man Film Trailer By the 2030s. It will be possible to create a very realistic avatar in a virtual environment or augmented reality. I have collected and keep many boxes of information about my father.meaning he’ll be indistinguishable from our memories of the actual Frederick Kurzweil. In the 2030s. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15. the AIs will be able to create avatars that will seem very close to a human who actually lived. This is part of the WorldPost Series on Exponential Technology. Kurzweil’s comments have been edited for clarity. When you actually interact with an avatar physically.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. Then you can really make them very realistic.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 7 of 11 . We can take into consideration their DNA. 8mm movies and my fading memories of him. we will be able to send nanobots into living people’s brains and extract memories of people who have passed away. to make money next.I found it obvious that he assumed that the mind and the soul were one in the same thing! That is not true. Like · Reply · Subscribe! SUGGESTED FOR YOU 1.. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15. AI ..com The Huffington Post HuffingtonPost. Like · Reply · 10 · Oct 2. or a jolt of malicious stimulation could have enormous and destructive consequences. Right now. What would be the risk if we were to create actual links with other minds or widespread networks of minds and servers? The wrong information. Why This Author Calls Leadership Training A Bunch Of Bullsh*t Mike Barden . Exponential Technology.. Brain Nanotechnology. Like · Reply · 28 · Oct 1. ideologies.. our brains are physically independent. Nanobots. Ray Kurzweil. Artificial Intelligence. and then if any good is capable it will be last.. iinsulated from one another by physical barriers (like skulls).. The capacity of your intellect and aptitudes will remain basically the same.huffingtonpost. 4:46 PM MORE: Nanotechnology. The mind receives and processes and the soul creates and expresses. Add a comment. can spread through a population and cause deadly behaviours. mind 'viruses' (memes) like religions. 2015 5:12pm Jon Adam That and your wife will be able to know exactly what you are thinking at all times. I human history has taught us anything is that new technology will be used in the worst possible way first.com (AOL) drug addict 2. Kurzweil Nanobots. Brain Nanobots. Nanomedicine. panic. etc. Scarey scarey! Like · Reply · 9 · Oct 1. 2015 5:37pm Mike Barden · Ball State University So THIS Development will Weed Out Greed & the Tendency toward Violence? Like · Reply · 4 · Oct 2. 2015 1:55am Chad Hanson a week ago live. 2015 1:46am Mike Barden · Ball State University i MEAN i'm Still Waiting For them flying Cars i Was Promised As a Child So i AM Dubious About His Timetable BUT. Like · Reply · 5 · Oct 2.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 8 of 11 .3m Weird News Like 1.not actually expand it from it's already finite potential. Kurzweil Brain Nanobots. WorldPost Future Series.1m CONVERSATIONS 192 Comments Sort by Top HUFFPOST NEWSLETTERS Get top stories and blog posts sent to me each day. Artie Lange: Friendship With Stern Is My Biggest Loss From Heroin Addiction 40 · Oct 1. Even with that separation.. Kurzweil. 2015 5:47pm http://www. Nanorobot FOLLOW WEIRD NEWS GET THE NEWSLETTER Suggest a correction address@email. His bots are only going to magnify what's already there to be worked with. Nanomachines.com FOLLOW HUFFPOST Subscribe! YOU MAY LIKE Around The Web HuffPost Like 5. but we'd better think this out very carefully at every step. 2015 6:31am Show 9 more replies in this thread Garth Haygood · Chief Engineer at Retired Sorry to disagree with Mr. mob rumours.huffingtonpost.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s.com Ian Monteith · University of Saskatchewan It's an exciting idea. address@email. Worldpost Science And Tech. Texas talking about protecting intellectual property.huffingtonpost..com HuffingtonPost..com The Huffington Post HuffingtonPost. 2015 5:17pm Show 6 more replies in this thread William Gaskill · Works at Reliability Consultants..com The Huffington Post HuffingtonPost. 5 days ago huffingtonpost.com (AOL) business 3.. and still underpowered.huffingtonpost. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15.com AOL Mail Cameron Keady Cameron Keady Marta Caproni 5. Inc... That snow they predict in July will come--in December.. And the existing ones (see top500.anytime. the weather and earthquakes come as predicted. 2015 4:43pm Uncl Mark Would this mean that people would be able to contact you mind to mind via a cloud? Could you imagine the nightmare of everyone being able to contact you all the time. Like · Reply · 16 hours ago huffingtonpost. Pup Rescued After Being Trapped In Hawaii Volcanoes National Park 2 · Oct 2. they can steal out thougths now. I'm not interested. Supercomputers (clusters with 100's of 000's of CPUs) are needed to run very complex algorithms with tons of data.a way for the gov't to access/influence our thoughts in the cloud (i. that's all we need. Colorado No.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-bra…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 9 of 11 . new technology is NOT always used in the worst possible way! Where did you get that notion? Like · Reply · 7 · Oct 1.com Highlighter (Chrome Extension) Justin Block Justin Block Cleveland Browns 7. and this is what will lead to the "technological singularity".com (AOL) gay voices 4. 2015 7:17am Robert South · Seated at Retired Oh. But Moore's Law still applies (kind of). 2015 6:01pm Jim Nation · Wheat Ridge. Kurzweil is predicting for 2030 what will be more like 3 to 10 times as far away. Like · Reply · a month ago live. if there is no on & off switch/filter to this mental cloud...huffingtonpost. An Open Letter To My Future InLaws Who Won't Be At My Wedding Show 10 more replies in this thread Daniel Morgenbesser · Works at Mostly in the kitchen They can't even get the weather right half the time. 4:46 PM Wanda Lee Exactly Garth. a futuristic "Patriot Act"). just not at the time predicted.com (AOL) huffpost live 6. 2015 4:51pm Khoi Nguyen · Austin. 2015 4:51pm Adam Griffith · San Clemente. This Has To Be The Spookiest NFL Photo Of The Year a day ago huffingtonpost.being unable to be alone with your own thoughts? Sounds like a lot of futuristic insanity. 2015 1:15pm Show 3 more replies in this thread Uncl Mark Great.com AOL http://www. Like · Reply · 11 · Oct 1.they can keep it. Will we have worry about Chinese or Russian hackers too? Like · Reply · 18 · Oct 1.huffingtonpost. California Probably more likely some corporation will manipulate you to purchase things you don't need or want.. Like · Reply · 13 · Oct 1.. Why This Fox News Anchor Is Suing Hasbro Over Her Name 2 · Oct 2. Bacon Lovers Met An Adorable Piglet And Lives Were Changed 17 · Oct 1. The same is true here. Like · Reply · 21 · Oct 1. 2015 6:26pm 16 hours ago live. Like · Reply · a month ago live.e. and quantum computing is becoming a reality.org) are few..Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. the reason for not getting the weather right is computational power. Like · Reply · 6 · Oct 1. 2015 12:07pm Vilk Floyd · Software Engineer at Self-Employed Daniel. 2015 4:43pm Chris Miller Earthquake predictions are even worse! Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 2. we can't even protect our current technology from hacking. however. 2015 6:39pm Don Gettys · Joliet Junior College That's actually natural evolution since a naturally evolved creature is instituting the change. Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 1. Like · Reply · 11 · Oct 1. I believe that all societies reach this point and most move on. Like · Reply · Oct 6.it will be. Kurzweil may indeed be a great idea generator. The next stage in our evolution will be learning to live in a "hive mind". Massachusetts No thanks. where the entirety of our mind will be open to everyone else . 2015 6:00pm Ben Rubin · Williamstown. moving easily between a virtual world and interfacing with a mechanical body in the real world. Like · Reply · 11 · Oct 1. Like · Reply · 1 · Oct 2. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' Once our brains become interwoven with AI. 2015 8:08am Trent Balalis Wouldn't this open the door to hackers? Can you imagine planting a virus in the cloud that causes all our brains shut down or false memories. Within a hundred years. by far.com AOL Forex Kimberly Yam Kimberly Yam pig 8.many won't. the next step in our evolution. but his understanding of what it means to be human is not only cloistered but also a bit superficial. Inc. Like · Reply · 17 · Oct 1.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-br…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 10 of 11 . Ben Rubin : It doesn't matter whether you like it or not . 4:46 PM 5 days ago huffingtonpost. 2015 6:54pm William Gaskill · Works at Reliability Consultants. with dark periods every one in a while but mass shootings specifically and terrorist activity doesn't seem to be winding down anytime soon and is more likely to escalate much more due to the ability to instantly become world famous. Southern Baptist Leader Speaks Out Against Controversial Therapy For Gays 13 · Oct 1. or infamous by committing ever more heinous acts. Wouldn't truly-increased emtional intelligence consist in not needing to say something clever to gain acceptance/leverage/momentary dominance? He may have made some good keyboards in the 80s. 2015 9:37pm Show 10 more replies in this thread Jon Adam Odd that such a smart man fascinated with increasing emotional intelligence and expannding the human mind's capabilities can't seem to see the obvious pitfalls in his vision of the future. we will start the permanent change to digital presence. the idea for mass shootings being planted in sick minds by the wide broadcast of reports of mass shootings by the news media. Religion has pretty much been OK. It is. 2015 6:04pm F-erenc Szabo · Toronto. Like · Reply · 7 · Oct 1. Ontario A similar thing already happens via interaction (mass hysteria like religion for example). Like · Reply · 10/7/15. the most loving and the scariest experiences possible. 2015 9:27pm Craig Schultz F-erenc Szabo .Or.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. It's telling that Kurzweil's example of machine-enhanced emotional intelligence consists in being able to say something clever to a colleague more quicky/efficiently. and organic bodies will eventually be left behind. Like · Reply · 9 · Oct 2. we could be totally digital. but it's blantantly obvious he lives a life cloistered from reality. and the "fittest" will survive. 2015 5:44pm Kenneth Moore · Professor at Sookmyung Women's University Good point. 2015 3:12pm Matt Bevacqua · The University of Texas at Austin http://www. Privacy Comment Policy About Us About Our Ads Contact Us FAQ "The Huffington Post" is a registered trademark of TheHuffingtonPost. human-centric. Inc. It also requires the intelligence to process it and the technology to integrate it into biological systems. Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 1. 2015 5:49pm Jed Fribley · University of Mississippi ~ Ole Miss You should check out The Abolitionist Project. Not only does none of that exist. I think 100 years might be closer to the mark. The 2030s are 15 years away and there is nothing remotely close to suggesting that technology at this level will emerge in 15 years. if a tree falls in the forset and YOU are not there to hear it.a common enemy.com.huffingtonpost. unless the dreaded AI singularity occurs and takes over from humans to accelerate the technology.. California And then Skynet becomes self aware.com/entry/ray-kurzweil-nanobots-br…b0af3706dbe1e2?section=weird-news&ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000022 Page 11 of 11 . Like · Reply · 5 · Oct 2. Ray's vision is sort of an extension of Google . 2015 5:56am Jon Adam Brian Sharritts Not even close. 2015 12:19pm Show 3 more replies in this thread Load 10 more comments Facebook Comments Plugin Advertise User Agreement Copyright © 2015 TheHuffingtonPost. 2015 4:58am Half W.a massive collection of data. Nanobots In Our Brains Will Make Us 'Godlike' 10/7/15. Like · Reply · 7 · Oct 1. Satire In your world. 4:46 PM So sick of all these naive. Like · Reply · Oct 2. Like · Reply · 2 · Oct 2. 2015 7:45pm Edward Stew Resistance is futile. Pretty sure I'll be long gone before any of this and glad of it.com. "thinkers" who truly believe technology will make the world a better place.. 2015 5:16pm Joe Breaux · Lafayette. But you need more than data to develop something like this. I think his timeline is way off.. Inc. but those biological systems are not even deeply understood. Like · Reply · 1 · Oct 2. How about nanotech that will save and make life better for ALL creatures humans share the planet with? Like · Reply · 10 · Oct 1. All rights reserved. 2015 6:51am John Gorn Setting aside the ethical issues. 2015 8:16pm Adam Griffith · San Clemente. I hope to be dead before that happens and not to be "resurrected" as an avatar. Like · Reply · 8 · Oct 1. Part of HPMG News http://www. 2015 8:50pm Beth McKinney · Edmonds High School Me too. Louisiana Would be a good way to unite humanity.Ray Kurzweil: In The 2030s. It makes NO sound ! Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 2.
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