Rate Analysis HUme Pipes

April 2, 2018 | Author: Ramesh | Category: Value Added Tax, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Taxes, Government Finances, Pressure



Rate Analysis for Hume PipesLowering, laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars, jointing materials i.e. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp, including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides, bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts, including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). Sl. No. Item Unit 1 Providing & laying NP2 Class 300mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 900.00 65.00 80.00 Rmt Rmt 97.50 26.67 1169.17 120.63 15.20 96.50 1401.49 210.22 1611.71 537.24 540.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 M Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 540.00 / Rmt 2 Providing & laying NP2 Class 450mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 M Cost for 1.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 960.00 / Rmt 3 Providing & laying NP2 Class 600mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total Page 1 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rate Rmt Each Rmt 1620.00 120.00 129.00 Rmt Rmt 177.00 43.00 2089.00 217.50 26.93 174.00 2507.43 376.11 2883.54 961.18 960.00 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rmt Each Rmt 3000.00 180.00 185.00 Rmt Rmt 229.50 61.67 3656.17 64 318.e. 3845.00 4407.50 90.Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes Lowering.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 Rmt Rmt 375. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.00 180.52 2473.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.475. 1. 4 Item f) VAT @ 12.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. Rs. Rate 397.27 690.81 Rs.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 59.50 250.02 7421. jointing materials i. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.50 862. 2.00 M Cost for 1.33 5368.00 750.845.00 8387.00 / Rmt Providing & laying NP2 Class 900mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).31 661. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides.00 .5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.49 968.00 M Cost for 1.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3. 3.50 35.94 Rs. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2.00 Rs.33 570. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.40 1689.00 / Rmt Page 2 Unit Rs. No.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 325.00 180.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).690.27 1504.00 M Cost for 1. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts.84 2475.00 108. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.54 Rs. Rs.16 456.47 1690.00 6453.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 Rmt Each Rmt 4380. Rs.10 5068. Rmt Each Rmt Rmt Rmt 6720. 11534.00 / Rmt 5 Providing & laying NP2 Class 1200mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). Sl. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.00 487. Rs. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp.00 10030. 3844.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).00 80.30 626. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Rs.30 138.67 173.00 Rmt Rmt 225.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 4178. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2. Rmt Each Rmt 2940.00 120.600. Rs.00 / Rmt 2 Providing & laying NP3 Class 450mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 129. 1.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).05 1601.00 Rmt Rmt 180.67 1671.00 43.00 3457. Sl.Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes Lowering. Sl. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts. . Rs.00 / Rmt Page 3 Rs. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.e.50 32.75 4805.00 65.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. Rs. No. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2.00 26.00 382. No.13 25.29 2309.96 770. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides.00 M Cost for 1. jointing materials i. Item Unit Rate 1 Providing & laying NP3 Class 300mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). jointing materials i.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.80 306.59 301. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides.00 Rs. Item Unit Rate Lowering. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp.88 769. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.e. 770.68 1600.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 M Cost for 1.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.50 2008. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-3 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 1320. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.50 61.50 43. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts. e) Labour charges for sand filling Rmt Rmt 645.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 180.00 9282. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 3720. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 10800.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. Item Unit Rate 3 Providing & laying NP3 Class 600mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). Sl. Rmt Each Rmt 6600.00 M Cost for 1. Rs.e.00 M Cost for 1.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.67 2055.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.00 Rmt Rmt 472.00 180. Rs.Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes Lowering. 3558.36 Rs. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp. 3.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.17 487.50 108.35 390.00 185.79 Rs.00 Page 4 .43 1392.00 / Rmt 5 Rs.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).00 180. 2.00 6164.560.00 325.83 847. 3560. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides.09 678.26 Rs.02 2054.33 7685.00 250.00 Rmt Rmt 292.00 Providing & laying NP3 Class 1200mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).055.00 5360.67 4439.50 71. No.00 / Rmt 4 Providing & laying NP3 Class 900mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). jointing materials i.02 804.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 750. 10674. 00 1372.00 M Cost for 1.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12. jointing materials i. Page 5 Rate 12625. 17485. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides. Item Unit Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.830.00 .50 109.e.00 / Rmt Note : Labour cost for laying & jointing adopted from KUWSDB 1999-2000 as basis. 5828. 5830.00 15205.81 Rs. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts.55 1098.05 2280. Sl. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.76 Rs. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2.Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes Lowering.60 Rs.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 5. No. 69 1344. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.33 1195. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.50 53.98 919.00 65. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp. Rs.e. Rmt Each Rmt 3000.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 185.74 2757.00 86.63 515. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 900.00 174.00 Rmt Rmt 177. 920. 515.00 / Rmt 3 Providing & laying NP2 Class 600mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).83 96.50 1292.24 359. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rs.00 M Cost for 1.Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes Lowering. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 2306. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Rate Rmt Each Rmt 1620.00 . No.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).00 120.21 515.00 92. Rs.33 920. jointing materials i. Rs.00 M Cost for 1.00 180. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides.00 129.00 80.03 201.00 Rs.60 1545. Item Unit 1 Providing & laying NP2 Class 300mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). Sl.24 2398. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.00 2132. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2.00 / Rmt 2 Providing & laying NP2 Class 450mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).33 51.00 Rmt Rmt 97. Rs. 59 4826.97 925.00 / Rmt 4 Providing & laying NP2 Class 900mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).56 3720.09 11155.00 180.d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. .50 373.95 1610.00 Rmt Rmt 375.00 M Cost for 1.67 456.50 7095.00 Rs.43 4197. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.83 161.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.610.67 237.50 500.00 216.720.00 Rs.00 Rmt Each Rmt 4380.00 M Cost for 1.47 2365. Rmt Each Rmt 6720.67 5476.365. 3.00 M Cost for 1.33 3717. Rs. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Rs.00 325.27 629. Rs. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.16 2365.86 1608. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.60 1455.31 6169.50 690. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3. Rs.00 Rmt Rmt 487.50 123.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 180.10 9700.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 9327.00 4035. 2. Rs.00 / Rmt 5 Providing & laying NP2 Class 1200mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). 1.83 318. 229.00 8637.69 3718.00 5932.00 / Rmt Rmt Rmt Rs.00 750. Rs. 47 1910.00 53.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.00 Rs.55 2196.00 306. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-3 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.00 120.50 1836.00 3500.00 Rmt Rmt 225. including giving hydraulic test to the required pressure equal to 2. Rmt 292.00 86. Rs.00 180.00 185.24 593.31 286.Lowering. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 1320. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.85 732.00 3806.00 M Cost for 1.00 / Rmt 2 Providing & laying NP3 Class 450mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). 735.50 .28 735. Rs.00 / Rmt 3 Rs.520. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts. Rs.24 3958.00 129.00 65.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.98 1517.e. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides.00 M Cost for 1. Rs. No. Rmt Each Rmt 2940.74 4551.33 138.00 152. Sl. Providing & laying NP3 Class 600mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).33 1698. Item Unit Rate 1 Providing & laying NP3 Class 300mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 Rmt Rmt 180. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp. 1.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 3720.83 73. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.33 1520. jointing materials i.10 times the working pressure (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).00 80. 97 5849.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 558.57 5570.00 / Rmt Note : 1) Labour cost for laying & jointing adopted from KUWSDB 1999-2000 as basis.44 1949. 3.00 Rs.00 8472.380. Rs.50 216.63 5086. 123. Rs. 2) Collar joints considered one in every 3 M. Rs. 5.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.17 678. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.92 2179. 1.92 14531.00 13973.00 4890.00 Rmt Each Rmt 6600.57 3380.81 1950.570.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 180.05 1321.79 16711.950. Rmt Each Rmt 10800.00 M Cost for 1.00 325. Rs.66 10132.00 1098.83 390. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 Rs.00 / Rmt 4 Providing & laying NP3 Class 900mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).17 338.00 180.83 195.89 8811.47 762.00 12875.33 4500. Rs.00 500.e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3. .71 5570.00 Rmt Rmt 472.00 M Cost for 1.71 3377. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.00 / Rmt 5 Providing & laying NP3 Class 1200mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). Rs.00 750.00 Rmt Rmt 645. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total g) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total f) WCT @ 4% on sub total Sub Total h) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.67 7794. Rmt Rs.00 M Cost for 1. 00 Rmt Rmt 177. Rs. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp. 550.83 120. Rmt 229.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.46 96. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 900.00 217. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.00 86.19 174. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 3000. No.13 548.Rate Analysis for Hume Pipes Lowering.50 53.50 1431. Rate Rmt Each Rmt 1620.e.35 2939.00 / Rmt 2 Providing & laying NP2 Class 450mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). including giving hydraulic test for water tightness (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing).00 Rs. Item Unit 1 Providing & laying NP2 Class 300mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 80.00 185.00 180. Rs.00 2555.00 129.00 2132.00 120.04 979. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-2 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars.71 550. Rs. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.42 214.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Rs.00 / Rmt 3 Rs.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts.63 18.33 1195.68 980. 980. jointing materials i.00 Rmt Rmt 97.00 65.00 M Cost for 1.71 1646.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.50 .00 Rmt Say Say Rs. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.50 32.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 M Cost for 1. Providing & laying NP2 Class 600mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Sl.69 383. 50 Rs.00 10310. 3952. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 1716. Rs.00 180.00 1720. 1.e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12. Rs.48 5148.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 750. 11857.00 6575.42 456.50 Rs.720.00 Rs.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.00 180.00 216. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.26 7561. 3.00 . 2. 123.955.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 72.33 3717.50 500.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.87 690.00 / Rmt Rmt Rs.00 M Cost for 1. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.19 318.00 8637.00 / Rmt 4 Providing & laying NP2 Class 900mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 Rmt Rmt 375.52 671.50 862.00 M Cost for 1.00 4476.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.520.09 986.87 1546.50 43.67 5476.45 2520.50 120. 3955. Rs.63 Rs. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.00 325.35 2520.00 M Cost for 1. Rmt Each Rmt Rmt Rmt 6720.00 / Rmt 5 Providing & laying NP2 Class 1200mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 Rmt Each Rmt 4380. Rs.67 570.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.83 397.00 487. 33 173.33 1698.07 306. laying and jointing true to line and level RCC Hume pipes (NP-3 class) with specials including collars and perfect linking of joints with jack to correct position including cost of pipes & collars. Sl. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 3720.00 180. Rs.13 28.00 M Cost for 1.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.78 2344.30 781. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes Rmt Each Rmt 1320. No.52 305.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 185.56 138. Rs. including giving hydraulic test for water tightness (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing). e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.00 80.00 4226.43 785.00 / Rmt 2 Providing & laying NP3 Class 450mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 3500.33 .00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Rs.e. jointing materials i. 1. Providing & laying NP3 Class 600mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).00 53.18 1620. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material. Item Unit Rate 1 Providing & laying NP3 Class 300mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).98 4860. including filling the excavated trench with approved quality saturated sand on sides. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.50 123.620.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 382.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.55 1620. e) Labour charges for sand filling Rmt Rmt 292.00 d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.57 633.00 129.50 2038.00 / Rmt 3 Rs.00 65.50 38.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. Rs.Lowering.00 Rmt Rmt 180.00 Rmt Rmt 225.00 M Cost for 1.00 86. Rmt Each Rmt 2940. 785.00 Rs. C:M 1:3 proportion and tar dipped hemp.00 120. bottom and top surface of pipe with all leads and lifts. 00 / Rmt Note : Labour cost for laying & jointing adopted from KUWSDB 1999-2000 as basis.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 3.00 Rmt Rmt 472.50 84.Sub Total f) VAT @ 12. Rs.00 / Rmt 5 Providing & laying NP3 Class 1200mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length).17 847.85 Rs.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.50 216.00 645. Rmt Each Rmt 4500.00 750.35 678.23 814. 17808. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.00 500.50 50.00 M Cost for 1.00 9404.605.00 Rmt Say Say Rs.62 2081. 3605.00 / Rmt 4 Providing & laying NP3 Class 900mm Hume pipes (for 3 M length). a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.90 390.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.00 1372. Rs.65 2322.15 1098.085.00 M Cost for 1. 5936.21 2085.02 1410.00 .5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.60 Rs. 2.00 180.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.50 140.00 Rmt Say Say Rs. 10814.00 Rmt Each Rmt Rmt Rmt 10800.87 Rs.00 180.67 7794.00 M Cost for 1.5% on (a) & (b) g) Service Tax @ 12.00 5429.17 Rs. e) Labour charges for sand filling Sub Total f) VAT @ 12.38 6243.00 6600.24% on (d) & (e) h) Transportation @ 10% on (a) & (b) Sub Total i) Add 15% for Overheads & Profit Grand Total for 3.50 Rs. 3604. 5940. Rs.00 12875.62 Rs. 5.83 487. a) Cost of Pipe b) Cost of Collar c) Sand filling around pipes d) Labour charges for laying & jointing pipes including cost of jointing material.940.00 15485.00 325.
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