
March 23, 2018 | Author: jotiroy | Category: Optics, Physics, Physics & Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics, Chaos Theory



Kabat, Elvin A. , Experimental Immunoschemistry Kabir, Mohammed J., CGI Primer Plus For Windows Kac, Mark , Probability and Related Topics in Physical Sciences Kac, Mark , Mathematics and Logic Kacmarek, Robert M. , Monitoring in Respiratory Care Kaczinski, Tomasz , Computational Homology Kadanoff, Leo P. , From Order to Chaos: Essays: Critical, Chaotic, and Otherwise Kadanoff, Leo P. , Statistical Physics: Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization Kadanoff, Leo P. , Quantum Statistical Mechanics Kadesch, Robert R. , The Crazy Cantilever and Other Science Experiments Kadin, Alan M. , Introduction to Superconducting Circuits Kadomtsev, B. B. , Tomomak Plasma: a Complex Physical System Kaelble, David H. , Physical Chemistry of Adhesion Kaelble, Emmett F. (ed.) , Handbook of X-rays: For Difrraction, Emission, Absorption, and Microscopy Kaempffer, F. A. , Concepts in Quantum Mechanics Kafatos, Menas , The Conscious Universe: Part and Whole in Modern Physical Theory Kafri, Oded , The Physics of Moire Metrology Kafrissen, Edward , Inudstrial Robots and Robotics Kahaner, David , Numerical Methods and Software Kahn, Douglas , Wireless Imagination: Sound, Radio, and the Avant-Garde Kahn, Peter B. , Mathematical Methods For Scientists and Engineers: Linear and Nonlinear Systems Kailath, Thomas , Linear SYstems Kaimal, J. C. , Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows: Their Structure and Measurement Kaiser, Gerald , A Friendly Guide to Wavelets Kaiser, Joe , Electrical Power: Motors, Controls, Generators, Tranformers Kaiser, W. , Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Applications Kak, Avi , Spatial Reasoning and Multi-sensor Fusion Kak, Avinash C. , Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging Kaku, Michio , Introduction to Superstrings Kaku, Michio , Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century Kaku, Michio , Quantum Field Theory: a Modern Introduction Kaler, James B. , The Ever-changing Sky: a Guide to the Celestial Sphere Kaler, James B. , Stars Kaler, James B. , Cosmic Clouds: Birth, Death, and Recycling in the Galazy Kaler, James B. , Stars and Their Spectra Kales, Anthony , Evaluation and Treatment of Insomnia Kalinovskii, A. N. , Passage of High-energy Particles Through Matter Kallen, G. , Quantum Electrodynamics Kallen, Howard P. , Handbook of Instrumentation and Controls Kallenberg, Lawrence , Modeling in Wax For Jewellry and Sculpture, 2nd ed. Kalos, Malvin H. , Monte Carlo Methods Vol. 1, Basics Kalouptsidis, N. , Signal Processing Systems: Theory and Design Kalpakjian, Serope , Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 2nd ed. Kalpakjian, Serope (ed.) , Tool and Die Failure Sourcebook Kalvoda, RObert , Operational Amplifiers in Chemical Instrumentation Kamas, Alan , Digital Signal Processing Experiments Using a Personal Computer With Software Provided Kamen, E. W. , Introduction to Optimal Estimation Kamen, Edward W. , Introduction to Signals and Systems, 2nd ed. Kamichik, Stephen , Semiconductor Essentials: For Hobbyists, Technicians & Engineers Kamichik, Stephen , Oscillator Circuits & Projects Kamien, Morton I. , Dynamic Optimization: the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management, 2nd ed. Kaminow, Ivan P. , Laser Devices and Applications Kamke, E. , Theory of Sets Kamm, Lawrence J. , Designing Cost-efficient Mechanisms Kamm, Lawrence J. , Real-world Engineering: a Gyuide to Achieving Career Success Kanare, Howard M. , Writing the Laboratory Notebook Kandel, Abraham , Fuzzy Control Systems Kandel, Eric R. , Principles of Neural Science, 2nd ed. Kandel, Robert , Our Changing Climate Kandinsky, Wassily , Point and Line to Plane Kane, Gordon , Modern Elementary Particle Physics: the Fundamental Particles and Forces Kane, Les A. (ed.) , Process Control and Optimization Handbook For the Hydrocarbon Processing Industries Kane, Raymond , Revolution in Lamps: a Chronicle of 50 Years of Progress Kaneko, Kunihiko , Collapse of Tori and Genesis of Chaos in Dissipative Systems Kaneko, Kunihiko , Complex Systems: Chaos and Beyond: a Constructive Approach With Applications in Life Sciences Kaneko, Kunihiko , Life: an Introduction to Complex Systems Biology Kanen, John D. , Appled Hydraulics For Technology Kang, Henry R. , Color Technology For Electronic Imaging Devices Kangro, Hans (ed.) , Planck's Original Papers in Quantum Physics: German and English Edition Kanicki, Jerzy , Amorphous & Microcrystalline Semiconductor Devices Kanigel, Robert , Apprentice to Genius: the Making of a Scientific Dynasty Kant, Immanuel , Logic Kantele, Juhani , Handbook of Nuclear Spectrometry Kantrowitz, Philip , Electronic Measurements Kantz, Holger , Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Kanwal, Ram P. , Generalized Functions: Theory and Technique, 2nd ed. Kao, Charles K. , Optical Fiber Systems: Technology, Design, and Applications Kapandji, I. A> , The Physiology of the Joints, Vol 3: the Trunk and the Vertebral Column Kaper, H. G. , Spectral Methods in Linear Transport Theory Kapitaniak, Tomasz , Chaos in Systems With Noise Kapitaniak, Tomasz , Controlling Chaos: Theoretical and Practical Method Sin Non-linear Dynamics Kaplan , MCAT Home Study Notes: Physics Kaplan, Daniel , Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics Kaplan, Irving , Nuclear Physics Kaplan, Robert , The Nothing That Is: a Natural History of Zero Kaplan, Wilfred , Advanced Calculus Kapon, Eli , Semiconductor Lasers I: Fundamentals Kappraff, Jay , Connections: the Geometric Bridge Between Art and Science Kapps, Charles , Assembly Language For the PDP-11 Karakash, John J. , Transmission Lineas and Filter Networks Karapetoff, Vldimir , Electrical Laboratory Experiments: Theory and Practice Karassik, Igor J. , Centrifugal Pump Clinic, 2nd ed. Karatzas, Ioannis , Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus, 2nd ed. Karch, R. Randolph , Graphic Arts Procedures: the Offset Process Kardestuncer, Hayrettin , Finite Element Handbook Karim, M. , Experimental Gravitation Karim, Mohammad A. , Electro-optical Devices and Systems Karim, Mohammad A. , Optical Computing: an Introduction Karlen, Arno , Biography of a Germ Karmeli, David , Rain Bird ® Trickle Irrigation Design Karniadakis, George Em , Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: a Seamless Approach to Parallel Alhorthms and Their Implementation Karow, Hank H. , Fabrication Methods For Precision Optics Karp, Jeff , Ricoh Camera Guide & Photo Answer Book Karplus, Martin , Atoms and Molecules Karplus, Walter J. , Analog Simulation: Solution of Field Problems Kartam, Nabil , Artificial Neural Networks For Civil Engineers: Fundamentals and Applicaitons Kasdorf, William E. (ed.) , The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing Kashima, Norio , Passive Optical Components For Optical Fiber Transmission Kashyap, Raman , Fiber Bragg Gratings Kasper, Joseph E, , The Complete Book of Holograms: How They Work and How to Make Them Kasper, Louis , Cams, Design and Layout Kasriel, Robert H. , Undergraduate Topology Kassab, Vincent , Technical C Programming Kassakian, John G. , Principles of Power Electronics Kasson, John F. , Civilizing the Machine: Technology and Republican Values in America, 1776-1900 Kasten, Stephen D. , Electronic Prototype Construction Kastner, Bernice , Space Mathematics: a Resource For Secondary School Teachers Katchalsky, A. , Nonequilbrium Thermodynamics in Biophysics Kates, Edgar J. , Electric Generators: Operation and Maintenance Kathren, R. L. , Radiation Protection Katsaras, J. , Lipid Bilayers: Structure and Interactions Katsnelson, A. , Microscopic Theory of Nonhomogenous Structures Katz, Amnon , Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Field Theory Katz, Bernard , Nerve, Muscle, and Synapse Katz, J. , Photographic Analysis: a Textbook of Photgraphic Science Katz, Jack , Handbook of Clinical Audiology, 2nd ed. Katz, Michael J. , Elements of the Scientific Paper: a Step-by-step Guide For Students and Professionals Katz, Milton , Introduction to Geometrical Optics Katz, Paul , Digital Control Using Microprocessors Katznelson, Yithak , An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis Kauffman, Louis H. , On Knots Kauffman, Stuart , At Home in the Universe: the Search For the Laws of Selforganization and Complexity Kauffman, Stuart , Investigations Kauffman, Stuart A. , The Origins of Order Kaufman, James A. , Laboratory Safety and Health Kaufman, John E.(ed.) , IES Lighting Handbook, 4th ed. 1966 Kaufman, Morris , Giant Molecules: the Technology of Plastics, Fibers, and Rubber Kaufmann, Arnold , Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic: Theory and Applications Kaufmann, William J., III , Black Holes and Warped Spacetime Kaufmann, William J., III , Discovering the Universe Kaufmann, William J., III , Supercomputing and the Transformation of Science Kauzmann, Walter , Quantum Chemistry: an Introduction Kauzmann, Walter , Kinetic Theory of Gases Kavalar, Lucy , Freezing Point: Cold As a Matter of Life and Death Kavanagh, Barry F. , Surveying: Principles and Applications Kawaguchi, Hitoshi , Bistabilities and Nonlinearities in Laser Diodes Kaxiras, Efthimios , Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids Kay, David C. , Graphics File Formats, 2nd ed. Kay, Desmond H. (ed.) , Techniques For Electron Microscopy Kay, J. M. , Fluid Mechanics and Transfer Processes Kay, J. M. , Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, 3rd ed. Kaye, Brian H. , Direct Characterization of Fineparticles Kaye, G. W. C. , Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants and Some Mathematical Functions, 13th ed. Kaye, G. W. C. , Tableof Physical and Chemical Constants, 16th ed. Kays, W. M. , Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd ed. Kazainoff, Nicholas D. , Geometric Inequalities Kazan, B. , Electronic Image Storage Kearman, Jim , Now You're Talking: Discover the World of Ham Radio Keast, David N. , Measurements in Mechanical Dynamics Keating, Eugen , Applied Combustion Keating, Terrence J. , Quantification of Non-point Sources Sedimentaion Through Densitometric Analysis of Color Infrared Aerial Photography Kedem, Benjamin , Time Series Analysis By Higher Order Crossings Keedy, Mervin L. , A Modern Introduction to Basic Mathematics Keefer, William R. , The Geologic Story of Yellowstone National Park Keen, Martin L. , How It Works, Vol. 2 Keen, Martin L. , Let's Experiment: Over 150 Safe, Easy Experiments For Junior Scott . History. George L. and Instrumentation Keller. John . . A. The Story of Electrical and Magnetic Measurements: From 500 BC to the 1940s Keizer. Evelyn Fox . Unit-load and Package Conveyors: Application and Design Keller. Joel . J. Metaphors. . Visual Cues: Practical Data Visualization Keller. and Landscape Keller. Michael C. Improving Your Clock Repairing Skills Kelly. . Peter A. Porpoises and Sonar Kellogg. . . Liquid. A Feeling For the Organism: the Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Keller. 3rd ed. Stephen H. Keeping Warm: a Guide For Wintertime Kelsall. H. Winthrop N. . In the Wake of Chaos Kelley. . . The Penguin-Honeywell Book of Tables Keller. W. Barbara . Numerical Methods For Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Keller. George V. Peter R. . Lectures on Numerical Methods in Bifurcation Problems Keller. George V. Edward A. and Machines Keller. . . Strong Solids. Mathematical Physiology Kehl. James P. Nanoscale Science and Technology Kelso. . . Peter A. Robert . Units) Keener. 2nd ed. 3rd ed. and High Impedance Measurements. . Edward A. The Design of Switching Circuits Keithley Instruments . The Earth's Ionosphere: Plasma Physics and Electrodynamics Kelley.I. Kelly. . . General Topology Kelley. Keister. Keller. 5th ed. F. Joseph F. Illustrating For Science Kemeny. John G. . Principles of Applied Mathematics: Transformation and Approximation Keener. The Cathode-ray Tube: Technology. Tectonic Map of the Colorado Plateau Showing Uranium Deposits Kellog. Dynamic Patterns: the Self-organization of Brain and Behavior Kelvin. . . John l. Low Level Measurements For Effective Low Current. Steam Tables: Thermodynamic Properties of Water Including Vapor. Herbert B. Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes Kellaway. Harold C. E. Electronic Display Measurement: Concepts. C. . A. Low Voltage. . W. The Robot Zoo Kelman. Active Techtonics: Earthquakes. Vincent C. Herbert B. William . . . Uplift. Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Keller. Evelyn Fox . Oliver Dimon . Foundations of Potential Theory Kelly. and Applications Keller. and Solid Phases (S. Herbert B. Techniques. The Principles of Metallographic Laboratory Practice. Environmental Geology. . . Joseph H.Scientists to Perform at Home Keenen. Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development With Models. Clock Repairing As a Hobby Kelly. james . Helium-3 and Helium-4 Kellert. Mathematical Models For the Social Sciences . Keithley. Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems Keller. . Harold C. Structure in Art and Science Kepes. R. Rank Correlation Methods.) . . Alice Abel . Vector Analysis: a Physicist's Guide to the Mathematics of Fields in Three Dimensions Kemp. Internal.) . The Origin of Life. George (ed. Keppel. 3rd ed. 2nd ed. Compressible Flows: Theory and Applications Keoke. Emory Dean .) . The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art From Brunelleschi to Seurat Kemp. G. George . Martin . Applied Infrared Spectroscopy Kendall. The Nature and Art of Motion Keppel. 2: Inference and Relationship. John . Maurice G. David N. Inspection and Gaging. PSpice and Circuit Analysis Keown. Tak . Herbert . Anthony . Nonsteady. . 2nd ed. Kendall. . Time Series. The Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology Kenjo. Philip . (ed) . One-dimensional. (ed. Takashi . Martin . Electronic Communication Systems Kennedy. James . 3rd ed. C. Design & Analysis: a Researcher's Handbook. 3rd ed. . Donald W. Florence Peterson . . N. Clifford W. 6th ed. Women's Work: Degraded and Devalued Kemp. 2nd ed. Tom. Change Detection and Input Design in Dynamical Systems . Jr. Kennedy. . Maurice G. Raymond D. (ed. Musical Acoustics: Piano and Wind Instruments Kent. Experimental Low-temperature Physics Kent. . 4th ed. The Advanced Theory of Statistics. Spectacular Bodies: the Art and Science of the Human Body From Leonardo to Now Kemp. John . George (ed. Takashi .) . George (ed. Peter . Education of Vision Kepes. The NALCO Water Handbook Kemmer. The Honeywell Pentax Way Kerestecioglu. Kendall. Kaiser Permanente Healthwise Handbook: a Self-care Guide For You and Your Family Kempton.Kemmer. Muscles: Testing and Function Kendall. Geoffrey . A Handbook of Public Speaking For Scientists and Engineers Kent.) . Vol. American Indian Contributions to the World: 15. Keppler. Electronic Components Hobby Manual Kendall. Frank N. John . Peter . . John A. Fun With Electricity Kenny. Power Electronics For the Microprocessor Age Kenjo. Design & Analysis: a Researcher's Handbook. Martin . . Do-It-Yourself TV Servicing Kennedy. Feza . Keown. Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls Kennard.000 Years of Inventions and Innovations Keosian. Geoffrey . Orcad PSpice and Circuit Analysis. Earle H. The Speech Sciences Kentfield. Maurice . Kepes. Earle L. Electric Motors and Their Controls: an Introduction Kenjo. Swarm Intelligence Kennedy. The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea Kemper. . Kendrew. Kinetic Theory of Gases Kennedy. John . Visualizations: the Nature Book of Art and Science Kemp. Edwin (ed. Pulse and Switching Circuits Ketchum. . . Fabrication. Harnessing the Sun to Heat Your House Keyes. The Scattering of Light and Other Electromagnetic Radiation Kerlow. I. Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth Century Kevles. . Donald J. Richard H. . John . 2nd ed. Charles F. .Kerker. The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Imaging. and Cultures Kessin. Brian W. an Instruction Manual Kevles. Edwin (ed. 3rd Ed. . Kesteloot. R. Carl A. Robin . Heliotechnique and Development. 6th ed. . R.: Data For the Design and Construction of Steel Bvridges and Buildings Kettani. J. . Geta Grip on Astronomy Kershaw. Printed Circuit Boards: Design. . Tissues. D. Materials Science in Engineering: Second ed.) . . (ed. The ARRL Spread Spectrum Sourcebook Kester. Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Mechanics . . One Hundred Electronic Circuits. S.) .) . Robin . The Culture of Time and Space 1800-1918 Kernighan. The Physics of VLSI Systems Keylin. 2nd ed. . Walt (ed.) . Dictyostelium: Evolution. K + E Slide Rules: Deci-Lon. and Assembly Khazan. Milton . . Andre . Nerve & Muscle. Structural Engineers' Handbook. The Way it Works: Man and His Machines Kerrod. Transducers and Their Elements Khinchin. 2: Circuits 101-200 Khalatnikov. 2 Kettenmannm.) . Milo S. . Arleen (ed. Donald E. Brian W. William K. The Advanced Pilot's Flight Manual. Enginering Differential Systems Kessel. Richard G. Alexander D. Kern. . . M. Basic Medical Histology: the Biology of Cells. Arleen (ed. Isaac Victor . 2nd ed. Perturbation Methods in Applied Mathematics Keyes. revised and Enlarged Kessler. I. R. Brian W. . Faiz M. Quantitative and Dynamic Ecology Kershner. Software Tools Kernighan. . The Elements of Programming Style Kernighan. Vol. Introduction to the Theory of Superfluidity Khan. . Kersten. Khandpur. . Robert D. A. J. Robert W. Ali . . The Thunderstorm in Human Affairs. Science of the Times 2: a New York Times Survey Keylin. Cell Biology. Optical and Infrared Detectors Keyes. The Physicists: the History of a Scientific Community in Modern Amercia Kevorkian. Mixed-signal and DSP Design Techniques Ketchum. Propagation of Short Radio Waves Kerrod. Vol. Kenneth A. Keyser. Practical Electrophysiological Methods: a Guide For in Vitro Studies in Vertebrate Neurobiology Keuffel & Esser Co. M. 2nd ed. The C Programming Language Kerr.) . The Physics of Radiation Therapy. Helmut . . Instruments and Techniques For Thunderstorm Observation and Analysis. and the Development of Multicellularity Kessler. 2nd ed. Stephen . Daniel J. Science of the Times 3: a New York Times Survey Keyne. . Bettyann Holtzmann . Kezer. . Desmond . . Michael R. Architecture: Residential Drawing and Design Kidder. III. Iam-Choon . . Problems For Chemistry Kihara. Ronald W. 2nd Ed. (ed. Kicklighter. Linear Circuits and Computation Kinata. Sung Jin . Applied Chaos Kim. . Rodney F. . and Vehicle Kiernan. B. Edward Wilson . A. U. Observing Earth Satellites . A. David . Principles of Radar. Yacht Design Explained: a Sailor's Guide to the Principles and Practice of Design Kim. Sunracing King. Environmental Engineering Kiencke. Steve . 4th ed. V. Naval Shipboard Communications Systems Kim. Ronold W. Yen-Hsiung .: Synchronous Machines Kimbrell. Judson . W. Rushworth M. Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory Khomchenko. T. . H. T. Edward W. Andrew . [P] . Clois E.) . Microstructure and Phase Transition King. Edward Wilson . C. Power System Stability. . . P. Reinventing the Future: Global Goals For the 21st Century Kidder. Intermolecular Forces Kikoin. Branching Processes in Biology Kimura. Tracy . Bharat . Separation Processes King. . I: Elements of Stability Calcualations Kimbark. An Agenda For the 21st Century Kidder.) . Rushworth M. Air Cooling Technology For Electronic Equipment Kimbark. Waveguid Spectroscopy of Thin Films Khoo. L. House Kiel. The Evolution of North America King. . Kimbark. (ed. Reaching For the Sun: How Plants Work King. A. P. 2nd ed. Vol. B. Power System Stability. Electrical Transmission of Power and Signals Kimbark. . P. Ronold W. . J. . Ken-Ichi . . Edward Wilson . The Measurement and Suppression of Noise King. Waste Energy Utilization Technology Kibble. Jong Hyun . Automotive Control Systems: For Engine. John . . Classical Mechanics. The Histroy of the Telescope King. Henry C. Version 4 Kinderlehrer. Gerard . Richard . Vol. . . A. . Arrays of Cylindrical Dipoles King. The Scattering and Diffraction of Waves King-Hele. Managing Chaos and Complexity in the Government Kiely. Liquid Crystals: Physical Properties and Nonlinear Optical Phenomena Kiang. Transmission-line Theory King. Working With Word: the Definitive Guide to Microsoft Word on the Apple Macintosh. I. Histological & Histochemical Methods: Theory and Practice Kiesel. Driveline. A.Khinchin. Scientific Basis of Air Conditioning Kinariwala. P. J. Principles of Cellular Engineering: Understanding the Biomolecular Interface King. Physics Killing. Chris . The Human Body Shop: the Engineering and Marketing of Life Kimmel. Molecular Physics Killen. Marek . John C. A. Douglas . (ed. Salem . Handbook of Print Media Kipphardt. Part 1. . . Structures & Pecking Orders Kipiniak.) . Introduction to Ceramics. D. and Systems: Fundamentals and Applications Kinloch. Lens Design Fundamentals Kingslake. . J. Heart Disease: the Medical Approach Versus the Nutritional Approach Kirby. Present. Manufacturing. John F. Applied Optics and Optical Engineering Vol. Rudolf . Fundamentals of Acoustics Kinsler. Gordon S. W.3 Optical Components Kingslake. Elements of the Theory of Representations . Detectors. Kingslake. Blair . Lawrence E. . heinar . (ed. Kip. Optical Sources. R. Rudolph . 2nd ed. R. D. Robert Oppenheimer kirban. R. High Technology Ceramics: Past. Wind Waves: Their Generation and Propogation on the Ocean Surface Kinsman. Barbara Ann .) . Applied Optics and Optical Engineering Vol. Lawrence E. and Analog Signal Processing Kinsler.2 The Detection of Light and Infrared Radiation Kingslake. .) . Arthur F. Kingslake. Walerian . Acoustic Waves: Devices. Richard Shelton .1 Light: Its Generation and Modification Kingslake. Understanding Radar Systems Kingston. H. . and Application Kint. Optical System Design Kingsley. A. Applied Optics and Optical Engineering Vol. Lila . The Order of Things: How Everything in the World is Organized into Hierarchies. A. Detection of Optical and Infrared Radiation Kingston.Kingery. Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism. 2nd ed. Kingslake. R. Geometric Data Analysis: an Empirical Approach to Dimensionality Reduction and the Study of Patterns Kirby.) . Y.) . Crystal Filters: Design. Blair . . In the Matter of J. A. A. . Michael . Stellar Structure and Evolution Kippenhahn. . . Engineering in History Kircher. and Future: the Nature of Innovation and Change in Ceramic Technology Kingery.) . (ed. . 3rd ed. Simon . R. Durability of Structural Adhesices Kino. A. Fundamentals of Acoustics. Kinsman.) . 2nd ed. Helmut (ed. Applied Optics and Optical Engineering Vol.4 Optical Instruments. Adhesion and Adhesives: Science and Technology Kinloch. Kipfer. Mathemaical Methods in the Theory of Queueing. V. MHD Energy Conversion: Physiotechnical Problems Kirillov. Imaging. R. Constructors of Colorado Kintchine. Dynamic Optimization and Control: a Variational Approach Kippenhahn. R. (ed. . Robert H. Wind Waves: Their Generation and Propogation on the Ocean Surface Kinsman. (ed. J. Robert G. A. . . Effects of Radiation on Materials and Components Kirillin. (ed. Rudolph . Applied Optics and Optical Engineering Vol. Light From the Depths of Time Kipphan. W. . Part 2.5 Optical Instruments. Instrumentation. Raymond E. . Lysomal Cystein Proteinases. 2nd ed. . . Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 5: Di. Selected Topics in Statistical Mechanics Kirkwood. J. . Vol. Vol. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. and Students Kirschke. Seeing Through Paintings Kish. Optical Tooling For Precise Manufacture and Alignment Kissam. Philip . Vol. 13: Stilbite to Thermochemistry Kirk. Vol. (ed. Raymond E. Philip . Vol. . . G. 9: Metal Surface Treatment to Penicillin Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Barrett . G. . Vol. Alan J. Vol. The Architecture of Charles Bullfinch Kirkwood. Proteins Kirkwood. 11: Polyols to Rutin Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 1: A to Anthrimides Kirk.Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Kirschman. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Raymond E. John G. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. . Raymond E. Leslie . 8: Ion Exchange to Metal Plating Kirk. . Low-temperature Electronics Kirschner. Tom . Vol. . 2nd ed. J. . 2: Anthrone to Carbon-Arc Kirk. Raymond E. Vol. J. Raymond E. Vol. Raymond E. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Helmut . Vol. The Plausibility of Life Kirsh. Raymond E. 14: Thermodynamics to Waterproofing Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Survey Sampling Kissam. Chemical Thermodynamics Kirkwood. Franklyn W. . Raymond E. Marc W. Andrea . Raymond E. Randall K. . . 15: Waxes to Zymoisterol & Index Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. . . Raymond E. Raymond E. The Theory of Liquids Kirkwood. Time of Our Lives: the Science of Human Aging Kirsch. Raymond E. Vol. . . 12: Sabadine to Stilbestrol Kirk. Raymond E. Harold .to Explosions Kirk. Raymond E. Kirk. 3: Carbon to Cinchophen Kirk. . Vol. . 7: Furnaces to Iolite Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4: Cineole to Dextrose Kirk. Ruth . John G. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.) . . First Supplement Volume Kirk. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Technologists. 10: Pentacene to Polymethine Dyes Kirk. Vol. Applied Mineralogy: For Engineers. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Chemical Thermodynamics Kirkwood. Snow Kirker. . G. . Surveying Practice . Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 6: Explosives to Furfural Kirk. Raymond E. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Vol. . Charles . J. . Introduction to Solid State Physics. Quick Calculus: For Self-study and Classroom Use . R. A. Chris . Kittel.1) Kittredge. Charles . Mechanics. Introduction to Physics Kitaigorodsky. R. Eric . The Fluid Earth: Physical Science and Technology of the Marine Environment Klemperer. Soft Matter Physics: an Introduction Klemm. Abusing Science: the Case Against Creationism Kitchin. . C. Introduction to Solid State Physics. Introduction to Solid State Physics. Optical Astronomical Spectroscopy Kitchin. Seeing Starts: the Night Sky Through Small Telescopes Kittel. C. Charles . Erhard (ed. Curtis D. R. Kivenson. W. 2nd ed. R. Casarett and Dooull's Toxicology: the Basic Science of Poisons. Doppler Color Flow Imaging Kitaigorodsky. Charles . O. Cornelis . E. . Robert Y. Miles V. Charles . The World of Measurements Klein. Klaidman. . 6th ed. Klaas B. A. Barbara . . Saving the Heart: the Battle to Conquer Coronary Disease Klar. Optics. Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Klaassen. 2nd ed. Bioluminescence Klein. Stephen . 2nd ed. The Science of Measurement: a Historical Survey Klein. .) . H. C. Kleppner. Arthur . C. Kittel. (after James D. Exhibits: Planning and Design Klein. Kitchin. Gilbert . Durability and Reliability in Engineering Design Kiver. . Optics Klein. R. Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances Kleinknecht. Kittel. I. C. . Daniel . . Astrophysical Techniques Kitchin. John R. Milton S. Television Simplified Klaasen. . Self-taught Navigation: Ten Easy Steps to Master Celetial Navigation Kivenson. Detectors For Particle Radiation Kleman. H. Powder Metallurgy: Applications. . Larry . Hiroaki . . 3rd ed. (Berkeley Physics Course Vol. 4th ed. Electronics of Microwave Tubes Kleiman. 3rd ed. Maurice . 2nd ed. 5th ed. Kleinert. Thermal Physics Kittel. Arthur . H. 2nd ed. Miles V. Philip . Introduction to Solid State Physics. Journeys to the Ends of the Universe Kitchin. Charles . 20th ed. Astrophysical Techniques. Order and Disorder in the World of Atoms Kitano. I. Joseph . Fundumentals of Quantum Optics Kleen. Konrad . Advantages and Limitations Klauder. . Quantum Theory of Solids Kittel. Arthur . 2nd ed. Valeria D. C. . Companion to Angular Momentum Klein. Telescopes and Techniques: An Introduction to Practical Astronomy Kitchin. The Art and Science of Inventing. Kittel. Foundations of Systems Biology Kitcher. Dana) Klein. . Gilbert . Charles . Electron Optics.Kisslo. RMS to DC Conversion Application Guide. . . Manual of Minerology. Kitchin. Electromagnetic Theory and Geometrical Optics Klingshirn. Perspectives in Human Biology Knaster.learning. A Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding Klip. Mathematics and the Physical World Kline. . Kenneth A. . 12th ed. Semiconductor Optics Klinker. Gudrun J. Discovering Curves and Surfaces With Maple Kline. Vol. Knight. M. . Wound Healing: Alternatives in Management Klotz. The Nergy Resources Cneter Illustrated Guide to Home Retrofitting For Energy Savings Knight. Barry . Temperature. The Hedonistic Neuron: a Theory of Memory. Randall . . Knauth. Alvin H. . Scott . Modern Seamanship. . . Loren . . Part 1: Physical and Mineralogical Methods. L. Concepts of Quantum Optics Knight. Modern Seamanship. Nonemissive Electrooptic Displays Knable. The Metalsmiths Knief. Knight. 2nd ed. Vol. Daniel . Mathematics For the Nonmathematician Kline. Wolfgang . E. Morris . Irving M. and Intelligence Kloth. Willem . Electric Power Systems Engineering Knapp. Implementation. The Science of Mind Kloeden. C. Theoretical Foundations of Medical Physics. Modern Seamanship. Macintosh Programming Secrets Knaster. II: an Introduction to Medical Physics (with an Emphasis on Cardiovascular Research) Klipp. Disaster Science Kmetz. Vol. . Knight. Numerical Solution of Stochasitc Differential Equations Kloeden. Austin M. . Randall . Introduction to Biomolecular Energetics: Including LigandReceptor Interactions Kluger-Bell. . . Five Easy Lessons: Stragegies For Successful Physics Teaching . Quick Calculus: a Short Manual of Self-instruction Kliemann. Randall D. 1 Preliminary ed. Systems Biology in Practice: Concepts. R. Irving . Degree-days and Global Kt For 248 National Weather Service Stations Knapp. Physics: a Contemporary Perspective. Peter E. Austin M. How to Write Macintosh Software: the Debugging Reference For Macintosh. 1 Preliminary ed. A. . Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics Klimek. Methods of Soil Analysis. Klutz (eds. Knight. 2nd ed. Insolation Data Manual: Long-term Monthly Averages of Solar Radiation. . Percy . Peter E. Scott . . Arnold (ed. F. Morris . .) .) . Grazyna . The Exploratorium Guide to Scale and Structure Klute. Knight. P. 15th ed. Austin M. Energy Changes in Biochemical Reactions Klotz. Numerical Solution of SDE Through Computer Experiments Klopf. Nuclear Energy Technology Knight. . and Application Klivington. Paul A. Harry . . Mathematical Thought From Ancient to Modern Times Kline. Luther C. Morris . A. Ronald Allen . Physics: a Contemporary Perspective.Kleppner. 16th ed. Connie L. . The Art of Computer Programming Vol. Konrad . Cytology. Donald E. Winston E. A. The TeXbook Kobayashi. Pulp and Paper Manufacture. J. U. Sun Rhythm Form Knowlton. Koelble. G. William J. Experimental Techniques in Fracture Mechanics Kobayashi. Jr.) . . Eugene F. Fundamental Algorithms Knuth. Comprehensive Mass Metrology Kock. . . Laboratory Manual in Physics Knox. Albert S. The Art of Computer Programming Vol. Biological Applications of Liquid Scintillation Counting Kober. Genetics. Christof . . Thoery and Application of Infinite Series Knott. J. Magnetic Fields: a Comprehensive Theoretical Treatise For Practical Use Knoll. Dictionary of Conformal Representations Koch. Statistical Analyiss of Geological Data. Norbert . Fluvial Forms and Processes Knoepfel. Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons Koch. The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 1: Properties of Fibrous Raw Materials and Their Preparation For Pulping. . . . Julie . Power Systems Engineering and Mathematics Knighton. 3rd ed. (ed. Glenn F. (ed. Frank T. and Illustrating Plants and Animals Knuth. David . Vol. Cast Iron Soil Pipe Fittings Engineering Manual Koenig. Vol. H. . Collection. yutaka . 101 Projects. Winston E. High-performance Liquid Chromatography Knudsen. Infinite Sequences and Series Knopp. Koch. Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Ions to Networks. Donald E. 3: Sorting and Searching Knuth. George S. 2. Knuth. . Speech Recognition: the Future is Now! . Preserving. David M. Konrad . 1. Sound Waves and Light Waves: the Fundamentals of Wave Motion Kockler. Radiation Detection and Measurement Knopfmacher. . Reproduction.) . . Lasers and Holography: an Introduction to Coherent Optics Kock. Abstract Analytic Number Theory Knopp. H. Donald E. J. TeX: the Program Knuth. . Seminumerical Algorithms. Radar Cross Section Measurements Knott. Elements of Newtonian Mechanics Knudsen.. Development. 2nd ed. Jens W. .Knight. I Koch. Biological Techniques: Collecting. Ralph L. . . Black Forest Clockmaker and the Cuckoo Clock Kochsiek. Heinz E. 2nd ed. M. John . Donald E. Christof . . . Karl . Life on a Young Planet: the First Three Billion Years of Evolution on Earth Knoll. . Winston E. M. . . .) . Donald E. Andrew H. . M. Control and Anaysis of Noisy Processes Koerner. Numerical Mthods and Scientific Computing: Using Software Libraries For Problem Solving Kocurek. . A. Michael (ed. and Identification of the Major Plant Groups Kochman. Seeing Sound Kock. Plants in the Laboratory: a Manuall and Text For Studies of the Culture. Plans and Ideas For the High-tech Household Knowles. Philip . Handbook of Materials and Techniques For Vacuum Devices Kohler. I. Cell Structure and Function By Microspectrofluorometry Kohl. Biological and Oceanographical Survey of the Santa Barbara Channel Oil Spill 1969-1970: Vol. Part I Theory and Practice. Ronald L. M. Elli . Kolmogorov. . Friedrich . . M. Lebesque Integrals. Volume 2 Kolthoff. Kohen. Part I Theory and Practice. A. Zvi . A. How Does It Work? Kogan. Volume 3 Kolthoff. Volume 1 Kolthoff. . Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. . Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Bernard . I. . 2nd ed. . 1 Kolthoff. M. Part II Analytical Chemistry of the Elements \ Vol. Helmut . Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. M. M. Bryan . A Silk Worker's Notebook. F. Erik L. I. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Introductory Real Analysis Kolmogorov. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. Glass: an Artist's Medium Kohlrausch. Walter H. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. M. Part II Analytical Chemistry .Koff. . I. Bryan . Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. M. M. . I. Measure. Soil Physics Kojima. Fundamentals of Human Neurophysiology. Switching and Finite Automata Theory. Rev. . Stress Waves in Solids Kolthoff. Petar . and Hilbert Space Kolpack. The Cerebral Cortex of the Rat Kolb. 3 Kolthoff. Part I Theory and Practice. M. I. Part I Theory and Practice. . Chemical and Geological Studies Kolsky. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. The Liquid State Kohler. M. . Microwave and Millimeter-wave Mixers Kolman. Volume 10 Kolthoff. 3rd ed.) . . I. Part II Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. Richard M. I. Kolb. . . Cheryl . The Unseen Spectrum Kohavi. Edward W. Volume 6 Kolthoff. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. N. . 4 Kolthoff. Volume 4 Kolthoff. Introductory Linear Algebra With Applicaitons. 1 Kolthoff. Stress Waves in Solids Kolsky. . Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. N. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. . The Early Universe Kollberg. . H. ed. I. II Physical. Singular Perturbation Methods in Control: Analysis and Design Kolander. Josef . Part I Theory and Practice. M. Crane Design: Theory and Calculations of Reliability Kogan. Lucartha . I. M. Part I Theory and Practice. Part II Analytical Chemistry of the Elements \ Vol. Ken-Ichi . . H. I. (ed. Praktische Physik Kohnke. Kolb. Part I Theory and Practice. Volume 5 Kolthoff. Mathematical Topics in Population Genetics Kokotovic. 5th ed. . Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. . I. Part II Analytical Chemistry of the Elements \ Vol. Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics With Engineering Applications: Volume 2: Introduction to Optimal Design Theory Komo. 1 Koren. Quantum Mechanics of Many Degrees of Freedom Koltun. John . Steven E. Random-process Simulation and Measurements . 12 Kolthoff. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. M. Petr . Barnard Osgood . . A. . Dilip . John J. Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures Konikow. I. Part II Analytical Chemistry of the Elements \vol. 9 Kolthoff. R. . L. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. 6 Kolthoff. Part II Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. II Koltun. . . Random Signal Analysis in Engineering Systems Komp. . . Andrzej K. Koonin. Handbook of Environmental Health and Safety: Principles and Practices Kormilitsin. 2nd ed. J. . M. Vol. Practical Photovoltaics: Electricity From Solar Cells. Claude . Robert B. . 5 Kolthoff. Herman . I. The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals Kordon. . Vol. Part II Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. Methods. M. . Koopoman. 2nd ed. The Language of the Cell Koren. Daniel S. . Part II Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic and Organic Compounds \ Vol. I. 2nd ed. Programming With Pascal Kooijman. . I Kolthoff. I. . M. 2nd ed. Richard J. G. I. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. . N.. 11 Kolthoff. S. Search and Screening: General Principles and Historical Applications Koppel. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. M. I. I. Handbook of Environmental Health and Safety: Principles and Practices. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. (ed. Y. . Part II Analytical Chemistry of the Elements \vol.) . . 13 Kolthoff. 2nd ed. Exhibit Design: the Graphics of Trade Show Communication Konikow. Robert B. Granino A. Exhibit Design 2: Trade Show Graphics Konikow. Herman . Polarography.. Treatise on Analytical Chemistry. and Concepts Konvalina. Dynamic Energy and Mass Budgets in Biological Systems. Kondepudi. M. Systems Biology: Principles. Vol. Tom . Solar Cells: Their Optics and Metrology Komen. Part II Analytical Chemistry of the Elements \vol. Theory of Submarine Design Korn. M. . Computational Physics Koopmans. Lambert H. Robert B. The Spectral Analysis of Time Series. Exhibit Design 3: Trade Show Graphics Koningsveld. 8 Kolthoff. Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves Komkov. M. . .of the Elements \vol. . M. Vadim . . Polarography. I. M. M. Powering the Future: the Ballard Fuel-Cell and the Race to Change the World Korbel. Polymer Phase Diagrams: a Textbook Konopka. V. N. and Medicine. Introducing Biological Rhythms Kovach. Wind Energy: the Generation. Methodicum Chimicum: a Critical Survey of Proven Methods and Their Application in Chemisty.) . Interactive Dynamical System Simulation Korn. . Stephan .Korn. Bénard Cells and Taylor Vortices Koshlyakov. Earth's Fury: an Introduction to Natural Hazards and Disasters Kovarik. and Conversion of Wind Power For Practical Use Today Kowal. Image and Brain: the Resolution of the Imagery Debate Kosslyn. . G. Physicochemical Basis of the Analysis of the Paragenesis of Minerals Koschmieder. . Molecular Mechanisms For Sensory Signals: Recognition and Transformation Kosslyn. Electrical Illumination Kraemer. S. Screen Printing Techniques Koslow. . 1 Analytical Methods. Operational Calculus Kraehenbuehl. V. John O. Databasing the Brain: From Data to Knowledge Kosow. Beyond the Moon: a Golden Age of Planetary Exploration 1971-1978 .) . Dexter C. Reflective Office Korte. Educated Guesses: How to Cope in an Uncertain World Koukkari. . Keith Lee . Granino A. Wet Mind: the New Cognitive Neuroscience Koster. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: a Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence Kosloff. Fromt the Closed World to the Infinite Universe Koza. Adrian . L. . . Gregers . Bart . . Methodicum Chimicum: a Critical Survey of Proven Methods and Their Application in Chemisty. Irving L. . A. The Theory of Optimum Noise Immunity Kotsch. . Natural Science. . Microwave Theory and Measurements Kosower. . Robert L. Space Groups and Their Representations Kostrov. Vol. Stephen M. Alexandre . . Part B Korzhinskii. Tom . . Irving L. James A. . D. Differential Equations of Physics Kosko. The Design and Analysis of Algorithms Kozloff.Borelli Koyré. . Part A Korte. . John R. B. Robert S. Friedhelm (ed. The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus . E. Vol. Analyzing Systems Koyré. F. 3rd ed. Stephen M. 1 Analytical Methods. . Electronic Analog and Hybrid Computers Körner. Granino A.Kepler . Dietrich . (ed. Friedhelm (ed. Transistors: a Self-instructional Programmed Manual Kosow. Weather For the Mariner. The Philosophy of Mathematics: an Introductory Essay Korpel. A New Power Base: Renewable Energy Policies For the Nineties and Beyond Krabbe. Willard L. Edward M. Stephen H. . Genetic Programming: on the Programming of Computers By Means of Natural Selection Kozen. Acousto-optics Korsch. William J. Kotz. . Principles of Earthquake Source Mechanics Kotel'nikov. S. Natural Science.) . . Storage. and Medicine. Samuel . Albert . Alexandre . . Equilibrium Properties of Fluids and Fluid Mixtures . Krauss. Lawrence M. Bernie . Gerhard . Modern Physics Kranzberg. . . Antennas. . Krebs. II: Technology in the Twentieth Century Krar. Eugene F. Charles . Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World Krause. Paul C. Maurice . The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics Kramer. 2nd ed. S. Volcano: Introduction By Eugene Ionesco Kraft. Saul (ed. Helge . Analysis of Electrical Machinery Kraushaar. Analysis of Electrical Machinery Krause. Caustics. Kraus. Kraus. . . Aleksander .Krafft. Jack J. 4th ed. 4th ed. The Physics of Star Trek Krauss. Technology in Western Civilization. . Technology in Western Civilization. Lawrence M. Audificatrion. . Taxicab Geometry: an Adventure in Non-Euclidian Geometry Krause. Auditory Display: Sonification. Ultrasonic Testing of Materials. Melvin . . Krauss. A. John D. . Electromagnetics. Nicholas A. . Radio Astronomy Kraus. Catastrophes and Wave Fields. Melvin . A. . Semiconductor Devices: a Simulation Approach Krane. Energy and Problems of a Technical Society. . Ecology. Predictability of Complex Dynamical Systems Kravtsov. Yu. . Volcanoes: Fire From the Earth Kraftmakher. Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation. Solid State Radio Engineering Krauss. 2nd ed. . Kreglewski. 2nd ed. . . A. Gregory (ed) . The Ubiquity of Chaos Kraus. Coppercraft and Silver Made at Home Kramer. . Beyond Star TrekL Physics From Alien Invasions to the End of Time Krausz. 2nd ed. Lawrence M. Qualitative Methods in Physical Kinetics and Hydrodynamics Krall. J.) . Principles of Plasma Physics Kramer. . Steve F. Experiments and Demonstrations in Physics Kragh. Fear of Physics: a Guide For the Perplexed Krauss. . Kevin M. John D. Bertram S. Quantum Generations: a History of Physics in the Twientieth Century Kragh. 2nd ed. Kravtsov. Vol. . Pansy D. Radio Astronomy. Kraus. Eraliest Times to 1900 Kranzberg. (ed. and Auditory Interfaces Kramer. Helge . Edna E. Kenneth . Paul C. Yaakov . I: the Emergence of Modern Industrial Society. Dental Anatomy and Occlusion Kraus. Introducion to Lapidary Krause. Maurice . Karl Robert . John D. John D. Electromechanical Motion Devices Krause. Herbert L. Vladimir P. . Vol. . Cosmology and Controversy: the Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe Krainov. 4th ed.) . Deformation Kinetics Krautkrämer. Illustrated Dictionary of Metal Working and Manufacturing Technology Krasner. Paul C. Yu. and Sequencing. III Energy Managment and Conservation Krell. Andres . Blotting. . Lucien . mil F. Biomechanics: a Qualitative Approach For Studying Human Movement. Equivalent Circuits of Electric Machinery Kronquist. Atomic and Nuclear Physics. Practical Design. Constitution of Matter: Mathematically Modeling the Most Everyday of Phsyical Phenomena Kriete. Solar Heating and Cooling: Engineering. Bruce E. T. Venkatarama . Krolik. Real-time Systems Krishna. Nonequilbrium Thermodynamics and Its Statistical Foundations Kreuzer. Active Galactic Nuclei: From the Central Black Hole to the Glalactic Environment Kroll. Jan F. Dru . Molecular Rotation Spectra . Julian H. Energy: From Opulence to Sufficiency Kreuzer. J. Metalwork For the Craftsman: a Step By Step Guide With 55 Projects Kroto. Edward . Martin H. . Heinz-Otto . Doing Physics: How Physicists Take Hold of the World Krieger. . Compuational Systems Biology Krinsky. 2nd ed. Helen . . An Architecture of Complexity Kron. Initial-Boundary Value Problems and the Navier Stokes Equations Kreith. Principles of Solar Engineering Kreith.Kreider. An Introduction to Global Spectral Modeling Krishnan. S. 2nd ed. . Aircraft Power Plants. Frank . . . The Solar Heating Design Process: Active and Passive Systems Kreider. Gopala . Jan F. W. An Introduction to Engineering Kricka. 3rd ed. H. . Erwin . Breath Was the First Drummer: a Treatise on Drums. Ellen . Thomas . Krieger. G. . Krishnan. Plastics. Prem . . Jerrold H. . and Economics Kreider. Kreiss. Stochastic Integrals and Estimation Kristel. and Metals: an Introduction to the Science of Solids Kroes. . Differential Geometry Krick. C. Frank . Erwin . K. Solar Energy Handbook Kreighbaum. Carol Herselle . 2nd ed. Michael J. Nonlinear Filtering and Smoothing: an Intoduction to Martingales. M. Richard . Gabriel . Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreysig. . 6th ed. Linear Equations in Banach Spaces Kreis. . H. Contemporary Native American Architecture: Cultural Regeneration and Creativity Krishna. Ceramics. Jan F. Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology: a Guide For Teachers Kreysig. . Nonisotropic Probing. . Larry J. N. Mikhail A. Martin H. . Guidebook to the Cytoskeletal and Motor Proteins. Theory of X-Ray and Thermal Neutron Scattering From Real Crystals Krock. Economics of Solar Energy and Conservation Systems: Vol. Pocket PC Developer's Guide Krenz. Krein. Cable-suspended Roofs Krishnamurti. Drumming and Drummers Krivoglaz. . John A. Wilfried . Physik: IIID Schwingungen Und Wellen Kuhnel. . Milan . . 2nd ed. Meir H. 2nd ed.Krotov. Leonard . V. Vol. Kuecken. John A. An Introduction to Statistical Models in Geology Krumbein. Prospects in Nanotechnology Kruse. H. Microwave Cavity Antennas Kumar. R. G. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Krummenacker. P. Antennas and Transmission Lines Kuethe. Paul . Jack B. . . . . Physik: IIIC Felder and Ladungen Kuhn. H. . John A. Prabha . Markus . Thermodynamics: an Advanced Course With Problems and Solutions Kubo. Janis . . Power System Stability and Control . 2nd ed. W. Wolfgang . Arnold M. Fiber Optics Kuecken. Kuhn. . D. . Ryogo . and Detection Krusz. Fundamentals of Transistors Krugman. Witold . Dorie . Kubo. Quaternions and Rotation Sequences: a Primer With Applications to Orbits. 5th ed. Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design Krug. Building Miniature Houses and Furniture Krut'ko. . From Neuron to Brain. Stephen W. Power Semiconductors Kubo. BASIC Stamp. Talking Computers and Telecommunications Kuecken. . Radiation From Charged Particles in Solids Kumar. Modern Component Families and Circuit Block Design Kullander. Foundations of Aerodynamics: Bases of Aerodynamic Design. Pathophysiology of Respiration Krylov. Wilfried . Thomas S. Kuffler. Aerospace. Kuiper. Gerard P. Statistical Mechanics: an Advanced Course With Problems and Solutions Kuby. . A. Physicichemical Hydrodynamics of Capillary Systems Krstic. The Effects of Noise on Man Kubat. From Neuron to Brain Kuffler. Elements of Infrared Technology: Generation. Statistical Dynamics of Sampled Data Systems Kruyt. . Works on the Foundations of Statistical Physics Kryter. Immunology. Pijush K. 3rd ed. . Fluid Mechanics Kundur. The Sun Kuipers. Contributions to Interference Microscopy Krugman. . Basic Pathology. Colloid Science. Kundu. W. Ryogo . Vinay . 2nd ed. and Virtual Reality Kula. M. Claus . Miroslav . 1: Irreversible Systems Kryeger. C. V. Measures and Men Kularatna. Statistical Physics II: Nonequilibrium Statisitical Mechanics. . Atomic Spectra Kuhn. . C. Nikolai Sergeevish . Nihal . Geography and Trade Krumbein. Out of Sight! From Quarks to Living Cells Kumakhov. Transmission. . The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Aastronomy in the Development of Western Thought Kuhn. A. Karl D. Sven . . Stephen W. Paul W. R. . Plasticity of Metals Kurrent. . and Turbulence Kurata. Analysis and Synthesis of Sampled-data Control Systems Kuo. V.) . (ed. . A. VSLI Array Processors Kunii. W. .) . . B. A. Shan S. and Surprse Kutz. Boris . . Complete Guide to Understanding Electronics Diagrams Ladenburg. Gas Encyclopedia L'e Turner. Field Guide to Snow Crystals Lacy. . Myer . 4. . Relativist Effects in the Spectra of Atomic Systems Lacey. Daizo . Huibert . Light Microscopy in Biology: a Practical Approach. Fluidization Engineering Kunkel. . Edward A. 8th ed. Gerard . The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook. Ray . Paul . Approximate Linear Algebraic Equations Kupfmuller. Benjamin C. Alexander . .) . Digital Control Systems Kuo. Myer . (ed. Harold . The Thermodynamic Machinery of Life Kushner. Paul . Mechanical Engineers' Handbook Kutz. (ed. Antique Scientific Instruments L'Hote. . Racing With the Sun: the 1990 World Solar Challenge L'Air Liquide . J. . Introduction to Electric Transients Kurtz. . Step Motors and Control Systems Kuo. Francois . K. . Benjamin C. Kurtz. Edwin B. Friedrich (ed. Behram . Chemical Oscillations. Science's Trickies Questions: 402 Qustions That Will Stump. Scale Models: Houses of the 20th Century Kursunoglu. The Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics . A. Quantum Statistical Mechanics in the Natural Sciences: a Volume Dedicated to Lars Onsager on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday Kurtz. . Computer Applications of Numerical Methods Kuperman. 2nd ed. Richard W. Edward R. S. Benjamin C. Automatic Control Systems. L. Physical Measurements in Gas Dynamics and Combustion Ladyzhenskaya. Edwin B. Zweite Auflage Kuramoto. Joseph . B. Russian-English Polytechnic Dictionary Kwakernaak. .) . R. The Glassmakers: an Odyssey of the Jews: the First Three Thousand Years Kurrein. Linear Optimal Control Systems Kyle. . Robot Components and Systems La Salle. Edwin B. Solid State DC Motor Drives Kuttner. I. Michal . Temperature Control Kuznetov.0 Kurinsky. . Light Microscopy in Biology: a Practical Approach Lacey. Dong Objects in Microsoft Visual Basic 5. J. O. . Max . Robot Technology: Vol. Y. Samual . 4th ed. Max . Y. Kuo. 5th ed. Introduction to Stochastic Control Kusko. Einfuhrung in Die Theoreticsche Elektrotechnik.Kung. Benjamin C. Einstein and Dostoyevsky Kuznetsow. The Age of the Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence Kurzinski. Digital Dreams: the Work of the Sony Design Center Kuo. Amuse. . Hard to Swallow: a Brief History of Food LaChappelle. The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook. Lacey. Waves. Deborah . Stability By Liapunov's Direct Method: With Applications Labzowsky. Kurtz. Handbook of Applied Mathematics For Engineers and Scientists Kurtzweil. Chester R. Carl A. William . Laminar Flow Theory Lahee. 6th ed. Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery Lakshminarayanan. Hydrodynamics. The Submarine in War and Peace: Its Developments and Its Possibilities Lakin. J. Lafrance. Gold Panning is Easy Lagerstrom. (ed. T. 2nd ed. 2nd ed. Budugur . Transmission Line Reference Book: 345 KV and Above. A. Murray A. Jiri . CMOS Cookbook. A. Sir H. Pattern Formation. M. Field Geology Laithwaite. L. Lancaster. Pierre . Lagrangian Optics Lam. Joachim . revised 2nd ed. . R. George . 2nd ed. 2nd ed. Larry W. Adhesives and Sealants Lammeraner. . . . Fundamental Concepts in Communication Lagal. 2nd ed. Biosensors: Microelectochemical Devices Lamey. . Attractors For Semigroups and Evolution Equations Lafferty. Horace . Lamb. Lamb. The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow. TTL Cookbook Lancaster. Peter . Differential Equations For Engineerings and Scientists Lambe. . The Cheap Video Cookbook Lancaster. J. Olga . Joseph R. 6th ed. A. . Statics. G. Introduction to Nonlinear Physics Lam. Roy . E. Lamb. . Field Geology. . . Enhanced Oil Recovery Lake. Sir H. Lambe. P. Frederic H. Don . Nonlinear Physics For Beginners: Fractals. D.) . .. The Dynamical Theory of Sound. Eric . Simon . P. William D. Matched Aysmptotic Expansions: Ideas and Techniques Lagerstrom. Lui (ed. 3rd ed. 6th ed. Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. G. Lui . Active Filter Cookbook.) . C. Transport Without Wheels Laithwaite. Chaos. An Inventor in the Garden of Eden Lake.) . . Current Injectionin Solids Lancaster. O.Ladyzhenskaya. Lakshminarayana. Horace . Linda . 5th ed. Soil Testing For Engineers Lambek. Hydrodynamics. Solitons. . Cellular Automata and Complex Systems Lam. . Learning the vi Editor. Elements of Soliton Theory Lamb. Frederic H. Don . . M. Lambert. Eddy Currents Lampert. 2nd ed. . Ladyzhenskaya. Lectures on Rings and Modules. Lamb. Allic and Industrial Mineral Deposits Lammas. Modeling Complex Phenomena Lamb Jr. Lahee. 2nd ed. Vasudevan . Dynamics. Volcanoes Lambrechts. Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being Lakowicz. . Lamb. Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations Lakoff. Lui . Force & Motion LaForest. (ed. Don . . Horace . David . B. . D. Complex Analysis. D. DC and AC Circuits. Vol. 3rd ed. 4th Rev. . 2nd ed. Applied Analysis Land. Sex. Vol. . 3rd ed. . . D. Joseph . Introduction to Microwave Theory and Measurements Lanczos. Rubin H. Graphic. The Violent Earth Lane. D. L. Vol.(Course in Theoretical Physics. D. 8) Landau. M. 3rd ed. Power. Mechanics. Langdon. A First Course in Scientific Computing: Symbolic. Peter . (Course in Theoretical Physics. Vol. A. Ted . Quantum Mechanics (Non-relativistic Theory). SL2(R) Lang. Gordon . Movable Insulation Lange. Theory of Matrices Lancaster. Jerome C. . Statistical Physics. . D. The Telescope Makers: From Galileo to the Space Age Landahl. T. William K. Astrophysical Formulae. L. English ed. 2) Landau. Statistical Physics. Turbulence and Random Processes in Fluid Mechanics Landahl. Handbook of Metal Forming . Lanczos. . L. . 5) Landau. and Numeric Modeling Landau. Frank W. D. (Course in Theoretical Physics. 7) Landau. Mechanics and Electrodynamics (A Shorter Course of Theoretical Physics. Vol. 4th ed. The Physics of Flight Landee. Edmund . . Fluid Mechanics (Course in Theoretical Physics. 3rd ed. 6) Landau. Serge . . Vorlesungen Uber Zahlentheorie. . Serge . Fluid Mechanics.Lancaster. Mac OS X Help Line: Tiger Edition Lande. Electronic Designers Handbook Landin. 1) Landau. Barbara . Serge . Vol. Algebraic Geometry Lang. Theory of Elasticity (Course in Theoretical Physics. 2nd ed. Vol. D. . Curve and Surface Fitting: an Introduction Lance. 2nd ed. T. . Robert W. Lancaster. (Course in Theoretical Physics. (Course in Theoretical Physics. Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (Course in Theoretical Physics. (Course in Theoretical Physics. 3rd Ed. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Lane. Landahl. . L. Cornelius . D. 6) Landau. F. L. Lang. Cornelius . Serg . The Classical Theory of Fields. The Variational Principles of Mechanics. Alfred . . L. 2nd ed. L. Vol. Kurt . M. L. . Correlation Techniques Lange. Landau. . . Kenneth R. L. 6) Landau. . Unsteady Transonic Flow Landau. Vol. Algebraic Structures Lang. An Introduction to Algebraic Structures Landsberg. . . Nick . Peter T. Fluid Mechanics (Course of Theoretical Physics. Turbulence and Random Processes in Fluid Mechanics. Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life Lang. 1) Landau. . Vol. Marten T. Part 1. D. L. 2nd ed. H. D. Peter . L. 3) Landau. Vol. 5) Landau. L. Interactive Computer Graphics Applied to Meechanical Drafting and Desing Lange. Space Carrier Vehicles: Design. . II Lanteri. Edouard . Vol. Pat . Daniel N. (ed. Python Scripting For Computational Science. Vol. Electric Controls For Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Langley. Nonlinear Problems Langetepe. Lapp. Superconductivity: the New Alchemy Langsam. 2 Laplace. Langton. Billy C. . 2nd ed. Icing Accident Case Studies. Magnetic. Celestial Mechanics. Russell . Vol. I Lanteri. Advanced Photography. Lapp. R. The Illustrated Petroleum Reference Dictionary. Edouard . Telecommunications Primer. .) . . Random Processes in Automatic Control Lankford. . Robert D.) . Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Langley. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering Laplace. Structure. 3 Laplace. Aircraft Icing: a Pilot's Guide to Supercooled Drizzle Droplets. Practical Vacuum Systems Lapidus. Modelling and Sculpture: a Guide For Artists and Students (with a New Introduction By Nathon Cabot-Hale). 6th ed. E. Elmar . (ed. . 3rd ed.) . Vol. Leon . Part A: Preparation. Michael . Geometric Data Structures For Computer Graphics Langford. Yedidyah . Langley. III Lapedes. . 5 Lapp. Practical Statistics: Simply Explained Langone. Langer. . Ralph E. Vol. E. Modelling and Sculpting the Human Figure Lanteri. halcombe. Celestial Mechanics. Edouard . . Nuclear Radiation Physics. Introduction to Animal Physiology Lark-Horovitz. . . James . John . B. Modelling and Sculpting Animals Lanteri. and Testing of Launching Rockets Langenkamp. Modelling and Sculpture: a Guide For Artists and Students (with a New Introduction By Nathon Cabot-Hale). Edouard . Hans Petter . Artificial Life III Laning. Celestial Mechanics.Lange. R. Jr. Marquis de . Radiotron Designer's Handbook Langley. Langford-Smith. 1 Laplace. Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Processes Langley. Marquis de . C. Nuclear Radiation Physics. J. Vol. Marquis de . 2nd ed. Vol. Part B: Electrical. . Mechanical and Thermal Properties Lark-Horovitz. Rolland Rutledge . Cold Weather Techniques Lanteri. . Solid State Physics. K. Marquis de . . Development. W. (ed. Terry T. 2nd ed. K. Oswald H. Christopher G. 2nd ed. Celestial Mechanics. R. Edouard . Vol. Rudolph E. Modelling and Sculpture: a Guide For Artists and Students (with a New Introduction By Nathon Cabot-Hale). Ignition Systems Larimer. Celestial Mechanics. Solid State Physics. Roads to Discovery Lardner. F. 4 Laplace. Data Structures For Personal Computers Langtangen. Marquis de . McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of the Geological Sciences LaPelle. . Walter B. Mathematical Theory of Dislocations and Fracture Larew. and . G. Thyristor Theory and Application Latchman. B. . 3rd ed. Lectures in Mathematical Models of Turbulence . E. Paul . Systems. American Indian Archery Laud. Life Safety Code Handbook Latour. High Voltage Insulation: the Physical Basis Lathi. . Lewis . Clay . David S. . The Art and Science of Grand Prix Driving Laudon. B. James W. Aramis: the Love of Technology Latour. Harry . Peter . Lass. Servomechanism Fundamentals Laufer. Electromagnetics. P. and Communication Lathi. . . Clay . David . 2 Launder. Lauda. Braving the Elements: the Stormy History of American Weather Lasota. Laboratory Life: the Construction of Scientific Facts Lau. . John H. . James K. Harold J. I: Random Variables and Stochastic Processes Larson. 3rd ed. Intro. Vector and Tensor Analysis Lass. Great Ideas in Engineering Larsen. Medical Applications of Microwave Imaging Larsen. Laster. Vol. 4th ed. . The Beginner's Handbook of Amateur Radio. . V. The Beginner's Handbook of Amateur Radio. Harry . Harold J. Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences. Fractals. Harold J. Lawrence E. Science in Action Latour. Signals and Dynamic Systems Larson. Vol. Bruno . . Niki . 2nd ed. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems Lathrop. Wiley J. Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences.Optical Properties Larmore. Chaos. To the Third Power: the Inside Story of Bill Koch's Winning Strategies For the America's Cup Larson. (ed. . Principles of Yacht Design Lascoe. . Graphical Thinking For Architects and Designers Laseau. Andrzej . Space Mission Analysis and Design Larsson.) . B. 2nd ed. Laster. Boyd . Machine Shop Operations and Setups. . Signals. B. . to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference Larson. B. Paul C. Kenneth C. Eukaryotic Transcription Factors. Reginald . Laseau. Latham. (ed. End ed. II: Random Noise. Gabriel . Clay . Electrogenic Ion Pumps Launder. Lars . Graphic Problem Solver For Architects and Builders Laskin. Introduction to Photographic Principles Larrick. Bruno . R. Egon . Gene Regulation: a Eukaryotic Perspective Latchman.) . Paul . Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology Lauer. Power Control Electronics Larson. Turbulence Models and Their Applications. . B. Introduction to Optics and Lasers in Engineering Läuger. Henri . O. Flip Chip Technologies Laubin. . Implementation of Solar Thermal Technology Larson. Reverse Transcriptase PCR Larsen. Ronal . James W. . and Noise: Stochastic Aspects of Dynamics. David . E. Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics Laster. P. Gene Therapy: Application of Molecular Biology Larrick. D. Vol. Bruno . Variational Methods For Boundary Value Problems For Systems of Elliptic Equations Law. 2nd ed. . Yagi Antenna Design Lawson. Essential Invertebrate Zoology. Shipboard Operations. Dennis . L. . James L. Peter D. H. Thomas . M. Breastfeeding: a Guide For the Medical Profession Lawrence. Modern Inertial Technology: Navigation. Law. 2nd ed. Thomas S. Ceramic Science For the Potter Lawrie. Lawrence. Lavie. Air Pollution and Human Health Lavenda. Monitoring of Soil-Structure Interaction: Instruments For Measuring Soil Pressures Lazzari. W. Thomas S. Instrumentation Applications For the Pulp and Paper Industry Lavin. Gale . ELV Payload Environment Laurila. . S. and Density Logging Lawson. Hans . Pater A. Anthony . Averill M. J. a Family Guide Lavoisier. D-C Instrumentation Amplifiers Lawrence. . . Michael . Chung K. Threshold Signals Lax. Ian D. Bernard H. Real Time Microcomputer System Design. G. . . A Unified Grand Tour of Theoretical Physics Laws. . L. Lawrence. R. George E. Coherent Optics: Fundamentals and Application Lauwerier. Simulation Modeling & Analysis. David . . Neutron. Antoine . . 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H. 1: Mathematics: Concepts and Development Le Lionnais. Henry C. What is the Question? Ledin. Web Designer's Guide to Typography Lebedev. 7th ed. . Lee. F. 2nd ed. John N. From Quarks to the Cosmos: Tools of Discovery Lederman. Table of Isotopes. Norbert . Compass and Gyroscope: Integrating Science and Politics For the . Lecoultre. . Renal Pathophysiology League of Women Voters Education Fund . . Napoleon's Buttons Le Couteur. . Hua . Nonequlibrium Phenomena I: The Boltzmann Equation Lebowitz. Joseph . C. Penny . Synamptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are Lee Company . Worked Problems Applied Mathematics Lebovitz. Great Currents of Mathematical Thought. THe Microtomist's Vade-Mecum: a Handbook of the Methods of Microscopic Anatomy. W. Electromagnetic Principles of Integrated Optics Lee. Table of Isotopes. 2nd ed. Hua . Vol. J. . L. F. Special Functions and Their Applications Lebedev. L. The Auto ID Book: Bar Coding and Automatic Identification Technologies . 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An Introduction to Hydrodynamics and Water Waves Leach. Kai N. Chromatography: a Review of Principles and Applications Lederman. Nonequlibrium Phenomena II: From Stochastics to Hydrodynamics Lechner. . Magnetism: an Introductory Survey Lee. . Lee. Information. Marshall . L. . Leslie W. Meine Gesangskunst Lehmkuhl. Elementary Principles of Laboratory Instruments. Y. . . . E. Chemistry of Engineering Materials. Robert B. Understanding Lung Sounds. Bayesian Statistics: an Introduction. Human Structure Leff. Lefond. Statistical Theory of Communication Leebaert. 2nd ed. William C. Lee. A. TCP/IP For Dunnmies. The Acoustic Bubble Leimkuhler. 2nd ed. Lefort. Maxwell's Demon: Entropy. Part 1: Functions of One Variable. S. Biochemistry: the Molecular Basis of Cell Structure and Function Lehninger. Candace . Bookmaking: Editing/design/production. Phycology Lee. Steven . Brunsstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Lehninger. and Infinite Series . Principles of Biochemistry Lehninger. . Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog and Digital Systems. 5th ed. W. The Day That Lightning Chased the Housewife and Other Mysteries of Science Leighou. Don . J. Design and Construction of Water Wells: a Guide For Engineers Lehrer. . Principles of Modern Physics Leighton. Leeming. William P. Louis . The Historical Background of Chemistry Leiden.T. Peter M. Computing Leffler. . W. Nuclear Radiations Lefschetz. . Modern Ship Stowage: Including Methods of Handling Cargo at Ocean Terminals Leeson. Marc . . Albert L. Petroleum Refining For the Non-technical Person. . Leslie W. 4th ed. Julia . Derek . . Exercises in Introductory Physics Leighton. . Plane Analytic Geometry. 2nd ed. Industrial Minerals and Rocks. 2nd ed. . Stanley J. J. E. Bioenergetics: the Molectular Basis of Biological Energy Transformations Lehr. 2nd ed. Statistical Theory of Communication Lee. Albert L. L. Lee. Lee. Classical Mechanics. Calculus With Analytic Geometry. Solomon . William L. W. C. Henry M. Jay . Y. 4th ed. 4th ed. . Roland . . . Differential Equations: Geometric Theory LeGaye. Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics Leipold. Joseph . The Problems of Physics Lehmann. Lee.Environment Lee. Nonlinear Waves Leicester. 2nd ed. A. Y. Lear: Designer and Inventor Leithold. Albert L. 3rd ed. . . The Electronic Metal Detector Handbook: For Serious Beginners and Inquisitive Professionals Leggett. . Sidney . J. The Problems of Physics Leggett. . G. . Leigh. Benedict . Robert B. Robert B. Technology 2001: the Future of Computing and Communications Leech. Leslie W. Lee. Lilli . Leighton. . Leibovich. Elementary Principles of Laboratory Instruments. Robert Edward . 2nd ed. . Elementary Principles of Laboratory Instruments. 3rd ed. Harvey S. .) . Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. (ed. Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. 8th ed. . Analysis and Design of Mechanisms. Circuit Troubleshooting Handbook Lenk. and CD-ROM Technology Lenk. . Harvey Brace . Simplified Electrical Wiring Design Handbook Lenk. (ed. Vax Architecture Reference Manual Leondes. Methods For Neuronal Recording in Conscious Animals Lena. 2nd ed. . Lasers. 2nd ed. John D. John . John D. John D. Mechanics of Solid Materials Lemay. John D. Pierre . Simplified Design of IC Amplifiers Lenk. Handbook of Practical Solid-state Troubleshooting Lenk. Lenk. . Handbook of Simplified Solid-state Circuit Design. John D. Lemaitre. Laura .. Lentner. C. Pharmacogenetics and Ecogenetics Lentner. J. John D. Lenk's RF Handbook: Operation and Troubleshooting Lenk. . Handbook of Electronic Meters: Theory and Application Lenk. John D. C. John D. . Nutrition. . Simplified Design of IC Amplifiers Lenk. Superinsulated Design and ConstructionL a Guide For Building Energy-efficient Homes Lengyel. Teach Yourself Java For Macintosh in 21 Days Lemon. Bela A. . 4: Biochemistry. . . CDV. John D. John D. Design of Automatic Machinery Leo. C. Analytical Experimental Physics Lemon. Advances in Contol Systems: Theory and Applications. Deane . Composition of the Body. Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. . Jacqueline . Somatometric Data Lentner. Lenk's Laser Handbook: Featuring CD. Manual For MOS Users Lenoble. (ed. Human Engineering: the Body Re-examined Lenk.) . Lentner. (ed. Jr. Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML r in 14 Days. Hematology.Lemaitre. John D. Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures Leonard. . Observational Astrophysics Lenchek. John D. Teach Yourself Web Publishing With HTML in a Week Lemay. Laura . . Simon I. Inborn Errors of Metabolism. T. Charles T. Vol. Laura . A Course on Damage Mechanics. . Simplified Design of Data Converters Lenk. 2nd ed. Composition of Blood. 3: Physical Chemistry. R. 2nd ed. The Neuroscience of Human Movement Leonard. Lenihan. Alberto .) . Manual For Integrated Circuit Users Lenk. 2nd ed. Lemay. J. John D. John D. 1: Units of Measurement. Mathematical Formulae Lentner. . . Metabolism of Xenobiotics. 2: Introduction to Statistics. 3 . . Kendrick W. Electronic Corrosion Control For Boats Lenk. . . W. John D. Handbook of Modern Solid-state Amplifiers Lenk.) . Thomas .) . . Timothy E. 5: Heart and Circulation Lentz. C. . Geigy Scientific Tables Vol. Body Fluids. C. Techniques For Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: a How-to Approach Leon. Handbook of Basic Electronic Troubleshooting Lenk. . . An Encyclopedia of Candy and Ice-cream Making Leon-Garcia. (ed. C. Atmospheric Radiation Transfer Lent. Roger . Statistical Tables. . . An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology Lesieur. Robert . 1 Levi. Modern Chemical Specialties Lester. A. Numerical Methods For Conservation Laws. Siegmund . 6th ed. . Nomography Levenson. Cornelius T. An Introduction to Luminescence in Solids Levi. . Melba . Randall J. I. Tullio . K. Lance A. 8080A/8085 Assembly Language Programming LeVeque. . Enrico . Rita G. F. Stability of Nonlinear Control Systems Levarie. . One Culture: Essays in Science and Literature Levine. E. Encyclopedia of Physics Lerski. . A. (ed) . Wilbur R. (ed. M. G. Harold L. J. Physicochemical Hydrodynamics Levick. Peter F. Veniamin G. The Secret of Life: Redesigning the Living World Levine. Devices & Systems Lesurf. . Millimeter-Wave Optics. 4th ed. . revised Edition Leventhal. Primo . (ed. .Leondes. . Developments in the Theory of Turbulence Lesser. Viruses Levine. Automatic Controls For Heating and Air Conditioning: Principles and Applications Letov. The Earth Through Time. Vol. Including Solutions Levi. Levine.. The Periodic Table Levi-Civita. J. . Louis . Jr. Applied Optics: a Guide to Modern Optical System Design. Applied Quantum Mechanics Levi. . . . C. The Creative Power of Chance Lesurf. W. . . J. Leo . Turbulence in Fluids Lesko. H. . Leverenz.) . Turbulence: a New Perspective For Pilots Lestienne. GPS Made Easy. John S. Graphics: With an Introduction to Conceptual Design Levens. Alan I.) . Cosmic Rays Lerner. B. 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A Geography of Time: the Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist . .. Dr. . 2nd ed. B. 2nd ed. David H. Matthys . Adele . Lewis. Thread of Life: the Smithsonian Looks at Evolution Lewis. C. Roger . Sr. WebMaster Macintosh: How to Build Your Own World Wide Web Server Without Really Trying Levy. Fusion Levine. Optimal Control Lewis. Finite Difference Equations Levy. P. Artificial Life: the Quest For a New Creation Lewellen. David H. Findley's Practical Physical Chemistry. Lois . G. Richard S. Roger . The Origin of Modern Humans Lewin. Thermiionic. Genes V Lewin. Photovoltaic. Roger . Combustion. . . Lewis. Robert I. H. Why the Earth Quakes: the Story of Earthquakes and Volcanoes Levy. John . W. The Control Handbook Levinson. Why Flip a Coin? the Art and Science of Good Decisions Lewis. . . Bob . Benjamin . Challenger: the Final Voyage Lewis. Rapid Guide to Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace. Selected Papers on New Techniques For Energy Conversion: Thermoelectric Methods. L. LeVitus. Flames. Lewis. Roger . Matthys . 2nd ed. Joel . . Richard J. H. . Thermodynamics. Harry R. I. Communications Technology Handbook. The Boy Scientist Lewin. David H. Sell. T. . . The Quest For Comets: an Explosive Trail of of Beauty and Danger Levy. the Ultimate Universe: the Most Up-to-date Guide to the Cosmos Levy. Science of Materials . . . (ed. Levitan. The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger Levitan. The Best Resumes For Scientists and Engineers Lewis. and Advice on Mastering the Macintosh LeVitus. J. 9th ed. Raymond . Geoff . and Cash in on Their Ideas Levy. Bob . A Comprehesive Guide to AI and Expert Systems: Turbo Pascal Edition Levine.N. Theory of Waveguides Lewin. Sy . . and Explosions of Gases Lewis. The Neuron: Cell and Molecular Biology. Sumner N. Macintosh: Tips. . Improving Your Gardening With Backyard Research Levitt. . Skywatching: a Nature Company Guide Levy. Richard C. Frank L. Irwin B. William S. Really Useful: the Origins of Everyday Things Levy. Bernard . 2nd ed. Making Mechanical Marvels in Wood Levy. . Patterns in Evolution: the New Molecular View Lewin. . .. . Techniques. Basic Concepts and Passive Components Levine. and Electrochemical Effects. . Why Buildings Fall Down Levy. Symbolic Logic Lewis.Levine. From Workshop to Toy Store: a Faxcinating Inside Look at How Toy Inventors Develop. Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos Lewin.) . Elements of the Theory of Computation Lewis. ed. Marc . Steven . Physical Kinetics (Course in Theoretical Physics. . Internal Combustion Engine Processes Lide. Ultrasound in Synthesis Ley. Liberty. . (ed. Joel F.) . Universal Principles in Design Lieb. . Samuel Y. J. Richard . Paul A. Liebman. J. Sol . W. Mathematical Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Soluble Models of Interacting Particles Lieberman. Kinetic Theory: Classical. Tom . 2: Physical Measurements Liebman. Vol. . (ed. More Modern Wonders and How They Work Li. 3rd ed. 1: Chemical Bonding Models Liebman. William . . H. Internal Combustion Engines. and Relativistic Descriptions Lichtenberg. Lester C. Empire of the Air: the Men Who Made Radio Lewontin.Lewis. . Richard L. Molecular Structure and Energetics. . Vol. E. 10) . Introduction to Experimental Ecology Lewis. Vol. . . Regular and Chaotic Dynamics Lichtenstein. A. Quantum. Direct Stone Sculpture: Techniques and Insigths into Creativity From One of America's Foremost Sculptors and Teachers Lieder. . . J. Lifshey. . Vol. Ben . Architecural Working Drawigs. Willard F. Alvin A. Introduction to the Thoery of Disordered Systems Lifshitz. . . . James R. Molecular Structure and Energetics. Printing As a Hobby Liebing. Principles of Fluid Mechanics Liao. . Elements of Gasdynamics Liff. Burr W. 81st ed. A Supplement to "Helium" Lifshits. 2nd ed. . Repairing Transistor Radios Liboff. . The Housewares Story Lifshits. Microwave Devices and Circuits Liao. Radiocarbon Dating. The Discovery of the Elements Leyson. Steven V. E. Claude . Color and Black & White Television Theory & Servicing.: Biophysical Aspects Liebson.) . Signal and Image Processing Sourcebook Libby. Regular and Stochastic Motion Lichtenberg. Molecular Structure and Energetics. 5th ed.Wen-Hsiung . Il'ya M. M. Microwave Electron-tube Devices Libbey. Introduction to Turbulence Libby. Jesse . T. Lester C. M. A. Milt . . . 2nd ed. Lichty. Steamlined: a Metaphor For Progress: the Esthetics of Minimized Drag Lichty. . Joel F. Introduction to Aerodynamics of a Compressible Fluid Liepmann. Samuel Y. 2000-2001 Lidwell. David R. H. . C++ Unleashed Libes. Introduction to the Theory of Kinetic Equations Liboff. Human Diversity Ley. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Tracy . WIlly . W. RObert L. Joel F. Modern Prestressed Concrete: Desing Principles and Construction Methods Libby. Ralph W. Richard L. . . . Gravity Rules Liepmann. Earl . 4. Elliott H. (ed. Michael R. C. Leonard S.) . Waldemar . Great Ideas in Physics. William . B. Alan . E. . Roy A. Inertial Confinement Fusion: the Quest For Ignition and Energy Gain Using Indirect Drive Lindley. J. Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences Linchevsky. J. Origins: the Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists Likhtenshtein. Manipulation. . Lindelof. C. Thomas M. Alan . . Statistical Theories of Turbulence Lin. M. Rayleigh. . and Fanno Flow. An Informal Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Lighthill. Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Generalized Functions Lighthill. 3rd ed. Alan . James . Ancient Light: Our Changing View of the Universe Lightman. . Alan . Michael R. The Cambridge Guide to Astronomical Discovery Lillesand. Time For the Starts: Astronomy For the 1990s Lightman. C. Bill . A Modern Day Yankee in a Connecticut Court and Other Essays in Science Lightman. Craig A. . 9) Lifshitz. Coal: a Contemporary Energy Story Lindeberg. David . . (ed. . Methods of Metallurgical Experiment Lincoln. . Karen K. Great Ideas in Physics Lightman. Kristina . Alan P. Part 2 (Course in Theoretical Physics. Samuel . Gertz I. Handbook of Batteries. . Lindinger. Le Calcul Des Residus Linden. The Cambridge Astronomy Guide: a Practical Introduction to Astronomy Liller. C. Lin. Programming and Customizing the Picaxe Microcontroller Lind. . Fire and Explosion Protection Systems: a Design Professional's Introduction. 2nd ed. 2nd ed. Men. E. Herbert (ed. . David . . Dynamics of Ionized Gases Lightman. C. Heart Physiology and Stimulation: an Introduction Lindgren. Ernst . . C. Machines and History: the Stroy of Tools and Machines in Relation to Social Progress Lilly. . C. Consolidated Gas Dynamic Tables: Data For Isentropic. 4) Lighthill. Alan . . David . Vol. Turbulent Flows and Heat Transfer Lin. Lindgren. Alan . 2nd ed. . and Normal Shock Waves Lindeberg. Biophysical Labeling Methods in Molecular Biology Liller. Relativistic Quantum Theory. Statistical Physics. M.) . Pathophysiology of Heart Disease. M. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation.) . Lightman. M. C. Exploring Science in Early Childhood: a Developmental Approach Lindberg. Ulm Design: Hichschule Fur Gestaltun Ulm 1953-1968 Lindl.Lifshitz. 4th ed. James . Practical Image Processing in C: Acquisition. Waves in Fluids Lighthill. John D. Part 2: Theory of the Condensed State (Course in Theoretical Physics. Welding and Other Joining Processes Lindbergh. Vol. 2nd ed Lilley. Anders . . The Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability Lin. Time Travel and Papa Joe's Pipe Lightman. Mineral Deposits. The Physics of Skiing: Skiing at the Triple Point Lind. Walter W. . Hydrology For Engineers. Degrees Kelvin: a Tale of Genius. Statistical Design and Analysis of Engineering Experiments Lipson. Control of Distributed Singular Systems Lipin. J. Jospeh . . Lippman. . Telecommunication Systems Engineering Lindsey. Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics Lines. . H. 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A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell Linne. Physical Acoustics Lindsay. C++ Primer Lipson. Gilbert N. Meaningfulness of Data . . Stanley B. Physical Mechanics: an Intermediate Text For Students of the Physical Sciences Lindsay. House of Invention: the Secret Life of Everyday Products Lindsay.and 32-bit Microcomputer Interfacing: Programming Examples in C and M68000 Family Assembly Language Lipovski. Foundations. 2nd ed. Bruce (ed.Sotrage Lindley. The Determination of Crystal Structures . The End of Physics: the Myth of a Unified Theory Lindley. . S. 2nd ed. Linstromberg. -L.. George E. E. Optical Transforms Lipson. Stanley B. H. . R. Linsey Ray K. G. Robert Bruce . Jack L. David . David . Malcolm E. 2nd ed. 16. . Frederick Fongsun . Lines. On the Shoulders of Giants Linfoot. Lippincott.and Multiple-Chip Microcomputer Interfacing Lippert. Robert Bruce . Organic Chemistry: a Brief Course. G. Instrumentation For Scientific Research: Electrical Input Transducers Lions. . Active Network Design: With Signal Filtering Applications Lindsay. Linsey. H. Kristen . David . Boltzmann's Atom: the Great Debate That Launched a Revolution in Physics Lindley. . 3rd ed. David . Building Power Supplies: Useful Designs For Hobbyists and Technicians. C++ Primer. Charles . Richard S. Digital Processing of Geophysical Data: a Review Lindsey. Claude S. Roy O. Margaret . S. Stanley (ed. G. Little. System Identification: Theory For the User Llewellyn-Jones. Instrument Engineer's Handbook. The Physics of Electrical Contacts Lo.Lipson.) . Eclipses of the Sun. a Gaggle of Geese. Optical Physics. Computers in the Laboratory Lish. The Eternal Trail: a Tracker Looks at Evolution Lockley. Lennart . . Christopher S.: Process Measurement and Analysis Liptak. Ionization Avalance and Breakdown Llowarch. H. (ed. . 3rd Ed. Electric Circuits and Machines. Totality: Eclipses of the Sun Littmann. William . Litton Aero Products . The Tubular Thermosyphon: Variations on a Theme Locke. 2nd ed. Vision and Art: the Biology of Seeing Livio. Optical Physics. Mark . . Martin .) .: Process Control Liscouski. . Gary . G. Mark . The Well-built House: Everything You Need to Know Before Building a New House Or Remodeling an Old One Lockhart. 6th ed. Michelson Livingston. W. Vincenzo . G. Martin . Plasma Diagnostics Lock. . Fundamentals of Intertial Navigation Liveri. M. Donald C. Bela G. .) .) . Ionization Avalanches and Breakdown Llewellyn-Jones. The Dvelopment of High-energy Accelerators Livingston. Stanley . Magnetohydrodynamics Littman. RVRepair & Maintenance Manual Livingston. revised ed. Mario . Succesful Lab Reports: a Manual For Science Students Lochte-Holtgreven. . . Lipson. . The Master of Light: a Biography of Albert A. 3rd ed. S. M.) . S. . 2nd ed. Livingstone. Particle Accelerators Livingston. How to Make Patent Drawings: a Patent It Yourself Companion Lobban. Optical Physics. The Physics of Microwave Propagation Livingston. W. The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Dicovered the Language of Symmetry Ljung. G. Physico Chemical Experiments. Ripple Tank Studies of Wave Motion LLwellyn-Jones. 3rd ed. 3rd Ed. The Growth and Decay of Ice Lock. (ed. Martin . . Controlled Synthesis of Naoparticles in Microheterogeneous Systems Livingood. A Field Guide to Dinosaur Ridge. . James D. G. 2nd ed. Lipson. Jim . S. High-energy Accelerators Livingston. Driving Force: the Natural Magic of Magnets Livingston. . Dorothy Michelson . John J. Joseph G. . . The Heavens on Fire: the Great Leonid Meteor Storms Littmann. Kenneth C. Bela G. Stanley . Noel C. S. . F. Principles of Cyclic Particle Accelerators Livingston. and Their Real Life Incredible Journey South Lister. . Jack . F. Mark . Bob . M. F. Instrument Engineer's Handbook. Liptak. Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Equipment Lishman. (ed. Tracking Dinosaurs: a New Look at an Ancient World Lockley. Father Goose: One Man. Robert . Eugene C. (ed. The Weather Companion Lockley. H. . II: Macroscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium London. An Elementary Treatise on Statics Long. . Michele . High Energy Astrophysics. When Cells Die: a Comprehensive Evaluation of Apoptosis and Programmed Cell Death Locotte. Jim .Lockley. . L. A. . Maurice W. . Aircraft Systems: Understanding Your Airplane Lomborg. Superfluids. Vol. 3rd ed. . Harvard . Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics Lombardi. . David A. Superfluids. Werner R. . Fritz . Science and Technology in Medieval Society Long. David . Longair. Charles G. Martin . Basic Compounding and Processing of Rubber Long. Leonard B. Robert R. Photons. The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information. Leonard B. Harry (ed. . Longuski. Freemasonry and the Birth of Modern Science Lomax. . Vol. . E. S. J. Plastics in the School and Home Work Shop Lockshin. Bjorn . 3rd ed.4th ed. Chester R. Michael A. Radar Reflectivity of Land and Sea Long. How to Start and Operate a Home-based Word Processing Or Desktop Publishing Business Logan.1. 3rd ed. . NIST Time and Frequency Services Lombardo. Loeb. Cell Communication. Molecular Cell Biology. Malcolm S. 1: Particles. Tracking Dinosaurs: New Interpretations of Dinosaurs Based on Footprints Lockrey. Vol. Vol. M. the Galax and the Interstellar Medium. Loewenstein. . Advanced Aircraft Systems Lombardo. Fundamentals of Hot Wire Anemometry Lomas. Harvey . Loew. Paper . Vol. II: Macroscopic Theory of Superfluid Helium Loney. Radio Control Model Helicopter Handbook Lodish. Superfluids. Introduction to Molecular Cloning Techniques Lodge. The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist Longwell. Mechanics of Solids and Fluids Longair. . A. J. Don . Fritz . 2: Satrs. . 2nd ed. Dirt: the Ecstatic Skin of the Earth Lomas. 3rd ed.) .Art & Technology: the History and Mehtods of Find Papermaking With a Gallery of Contemporary Paper Art Long. 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The Development of Dictyostelium Discoideum LOOOO?. . Analytic Geometry. Experimental Principles and Methods Below 1K Lounsbury. R. Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Phenomena Lotka. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves. . . . H. the Illustrated Encyclopedia: How Big (or Little) Things Really Are Lorentz. 1 Lovesey. . . and Skipping Stones Loretto. Theory of Neutron Scattering From Condensed Matter. Gail Dexter . . Theory of Neutron Scattering From Condensed Matter. Stephen W. Spinning Flicth: Dynamics of Frisbees. . Lorrain. . John . History of the Future: a Chronology Lorrain. T. .Lonngren.V. Konrad Z. L. . . . H. Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour. K. and Variational Principles Lovelock. 2nd ed. Vol. Sheldon G. The Manual of Museum Planning Lord. . Elements of Mathematical Biology Lotspeich-Steininger. H. Ralph D. Alfred J. E. Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation Louisell. Clinical Hematology: Principles. 1 Lorenz. Karl E. . William H. The Quantum Theory of Light. . 2 Lorenz. A. Condensed Matter Physics: Dynamic Correlations. 4th ed. . Man Meets Dog Lorenz. Radiation and Noise in Quantum Electronics Louisell. The Chemical Biology of Fishes Loveday. George . . Problems in Modern Physics Lorentz. Introduction to Geographic Field Methods and Techniques Love. Konrad . Konrad . 2nd ed. 5th ed. 2nd ed. Vol. Industrial Process Control Lord.) . Augmented Plane Wave Method: a Guide to Performing Electronic Structure Calculations Loudon. Electronic Testing and Troubleshooting Lovelock. Paul . Condensed Matter Physics: Dynamic Correlations Lovesey. . Procedures. Konrad Z. Samaras. Differential Forms. Tensors. Cheryl A. John F. Lorenz. Handbook of Veterinary Neurology. . Peter . A. E. Crystals and X-rays Loomes. A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity. Boomerangs. Electron Beam Analysis of Materials Lorie. The Quantum Theory of Light Louisell. Stephen W. 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On Nature Ludwick. G. Per-Olov . Godforsaken Sea: Racing the World's Most Dangerous Waters Lunetta. How to Build a Solar Heater Luce. Frederick A. The Structure of Atmospheric Turbulence Lumley. Quirky Qwerty: the Story of the Keyboard @ Your Fingertips Lundquist. . Linear Integral Equations Low. David G. Loyd. Lynn . William . Herbert . Demonstrating Science With Soap Films Lovins. Introduction to Plant Diseases: Identification and Management Lucas. Edwin C.) . and Applications Lucretius . Spacetime & Electromagnetism Lucas. Martin . J. David H. Lowenberg. Mark . John W. Linear Integral Equations Lovitt. Lozier. Vortex Flow in Nature and Technology Luikov. Characteristics. 3rd ed. L. (ed. Visual Illusions: Their Causes. Russel E. . (ed. . R. Ted . Fundamentals of Numerical Control Lugt. M. Experimental Cookery: From the Chemical and Physical Standpoint. B. L. Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey Luckiesh. E. V.) . Physics Laboratory Manual. Ning . T. 3rd ed. Lowenheim. . . . 2nd ed. . Vincent N. J. Hans J.Lovett. . Industrial Pollution Control Handbook Lunde. Least-cost Energy: Solving the CO2 Problem Lovitt. Instructor's Manual to Accompany Physics Laboratory Manual. Electronic Circuits Lowenheim. Whither Trubulence? Turbulence at the Crossroads Lumley. D. 2nd ed. M. Solar Thermal Engineering: Space Heating and Hot Water Systems Lundmark. Frederick A. The McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook Lund. William Vernon . David H. Gay Gaer . John L. . R.) . Practical Transformer Design Handbook Lowe. Optical Rotary Power Loyd. Derek . Linear Algebra For Quantum Theopry Lowdon. . Inquiring and Problem Solving in the Physical Sciences: a . .) . Model Making Lu. Indium Lueg. . David . William Vernon . . . Symmetries and Elementary Particles Low. J. On Biomineralization Lowry. Peter J. T. Heinz A. . . Heat and Mass Transfer Lumley. Industrial Chemicals Lowenstam. . Fractal Imaging Lucas. (ed. Fundamentals of Spacecraft Thermal Design Lucas. Duncan . Basic Electronics For Engineers and Scientists Luenberger. Torbjorn . Herbert F. Amory B. Modern Electroplating. Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids Lowdin. . Control Systems Theory With Engineering Applications Lytel. . . High Temperature Superconductivity Lynton. Shang-Keng . John Tillman . Stephen . . 2nd ed. Culture Methods For Invertebrate Animals Luxenberg. Jery L. William C. Arch C. Carleton John . Warren J. Craig . Frederick K. P. William S. Frank E. Portable Programs For Parallel Processors Lutgens. Modern Thery of Critical Phenomena Maass. Transistor AF and RF Circuits Lytel. . Data Compression: Techniques and Applications Lynde. . . Minerals in Rock Sections: the Practical Methods of Identifying Minerals in Rock Sections With the Microscope Lusk. ABC's of Antennas Lytel. Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering. 3rd ed. Fire Lyons. ABC's of Lasers & Masers. Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion Lutz. lea McIlvaine . Ernest A. . Jeffrey W.. Regenerative Design For Sustainable Development Lyman. Statistics For Nuclear and Particle Physicists Lyons. . . . Sergey Edward . Build Your Own Robot Lupis. Jerry L. Medicine: an Illustrated History Lyons. Louis . . Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering. 1 Lyons. Lyon's Valve Designer's Handbook Lyons. Walter A. Luther. Andre . Biological Order Lyle. P. . Color and Light in Nature Lynch. . Karl . Thomas J. Superconductivity. Display Systems Engineering Luxon. H. Louis . Science Experiences With Home Equipment Lynn. 3rd ed. 3rd ed. R.vol. John W. Warren J. Gear Drive Systems: Design and Application Lyon. . Albert S. James T. Foreniscs For Dummies Lyle. C. . Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials Luquer. D. David K. . Surfaces and Interfaces of Solid Materials. . Mobility and Degradation of Organic Contaminants in Subsurface Environments Lyn. Shang-Keng . Peter .vol. A Practical Guide to Data Analysis For Physical Science Students Lyons. . The Mac 3D Handbook. . Lüth. Wolfgang . Industrial Lasers and Their Applications Luzadder. The Designer's Handbook of Pressure-sensing Devices Lyons. Dynamical Systems With Applications Using MAPLE Lynch. 2 Lyshevski. The Handy Weather Answer Book Lyons. Allan . H. Pulsed Neural Networks .Sourcebook Lunt. Introduction to Engineering Drawing: the Foundations of Engineering Design and Computer-aided Drafting Lwoff. Kathryn . Ewing (et al) . Lynwander. Allan . Allan . William C. . . Statistical Mechanics Ma. Digital Video in the PC Environment Luttgens. Lynch. Ma. 36d ed. The Atmosphere: an Introduction to Meteorology. Guide to Activation Analysis Lyons. H. The Principles of Electrochemistry Macintosh. Display Systems: Design and Applications Macedo. . 2nd ed. . . Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control Machine Design . MacGregor. 2nd ed. Robert E. Volcanoes of the National Parks in Hawaii. The Schooner: Its Design and Development From 1600 to Present Macgregor-Morris. . Macdonald. . Macdonald. Mill Macaulay. . David . David . Donald R. Gordon A. Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms MacCracken. Sir Robert . Edward . Fundamental Theory of Servomechanisms MacColl. Gordon A. K. Basics of Design Engineering 1991 Machol. K. David . The Science of Mechanics. . Jeffery J. Knotcraft: the Art of Knot Tying Macfayden. and Measure Macfarlan. D. Peter . Volcanoes in the Sea: the Geology of Hawaii. Anne L. . Illustrate Encyclopedia o f Solid-state Circuits and Applications Macey. Scientists at Work Maccurdy. Feminine Ingenuity: How Women Inventors Changed America MacDonald. Power System Dynamics and Stability Macinante. Cathedral: the Story of Its Construction Macaulay. . The Book of the Horse Mach. Noise and Fluctuations: an Introduction MacDonald. The New Way Things Work Macaulay. 2nd ed. The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci MacDermott. A Physics Laboratory Handbook in S. Ship Macaulay. Volcanoes Macdonald. . Samuel L. Near Zero: The Physics of Low Temperature Macdonald. Lindsey .I. Pamela . David . Underground Macaulay. City: a Story of Roman Planning and Construction Macaulay. Molecular Biology of Cancer. . . F. Theoretical Basis of the Living System Macenroth. David . The Principles of Physical Optics: an Historical and Philosophical Treatment Machamer. Ernst . David . C. . 7th ed. Selecting Thermoplastics For Engineering Applications. Janet . Eximer Laser Refractive Surgery Macher. David R. Duncan A. .Macaulay. Ernst . Method. 2nd ed. M. System Engineering Handbook Machowksi. David . The Dynamics of Progress: Time. Castle Macaulay. A. . Jorge . Units. D. . Leroy A. Leroy A. Physics For the Anaesthetist: Including a Section on Explosions. Charles P. Jan . Allen . 2nd ed. The Cambridge Companion to Galileo Machat. A. Tune Up Your Tools: the Woodshop Maintenance Handbook MacColl. Introduction to Impact Engineering Maccarone. Pyramid Macaulay. Sal . Joseph A. K. . David . Seismic Mountings For Vibration Isolation MacInnes. MacDonald. . 6th ed Mach. Helen Dolman . The Way Things Work Macaulay. . . Macdonald. Gordon A. C. David . Roman . . Integrated Circuit Engineering: Basic Technology. . Game Theory.Mack. Black's Medical Dictionary. John Von Neumann: the Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer. Chemistry at Interfaces Madala. . . Advanced Telescope Making Techniques. Introduction to Solid State Theory Madhu. Stochastic Simulation in Physics MacKeown. Ray . Electronics: Circuits and Systems Madhusudana. What Remains to Be Discovered Madelung. Programming in Mathematica Maffei.) . Chemical Sensing With Solid State Devices Maeda. Transmission Lines and Wave Propagation . Hill's Equation Magnusson. Desktop Computer Animation: a Guide to Low-cost Computer Animation Macpherson. Gordon (ed.) . Classroom Computers: a Practical Guide For Effective Teaching Maffett. Nigel . . Marc J. Inductive Learning Algorithms For Complex Systems Modeling Maddalon. Induced Representations of Groups and Quantum Mechanics Mackey. The Museum of the Mind: Art and Memory in World Cultures Mack. James . George W. V. Lawrence (ed. Data Analysis in Biochemistry and Biophysics Magid. Glen R. The Solar Wind Mackintosh. Rudolf . Laminar Flow Control: 1981 Research and Technology Studies Maddox. Goethe As a Scientist Magnus. I. A. Swaminathan . Vol. Allan . Dal V. CNC Machining Handbook Madland. Magne. Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Locations. William Duncan . Statics and the Dynamics of a Particle MacNicol. . Design By Numbers Maeder. Finlay . . Calm Working Spaces Mackay. Introduction to Mdoern Inorganic Chemistry MacKay. M. H. . . Hema R. Andrew Lewis . Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Magie. and Much More MacRitchie. . A Source Book in Physics Magison. Philip C. Advanced Telescope Making Techniques. Thermal Contact Conductance Madisetti. Allan . Nucleus: a Trip into the Heart of Matter Macknight. 1: Optical Mackintosh. Norman . 2: Mechanical Mackintosh. Vijay K. . Vol. Madou. Ernest C. O. . Kevin . . William Francis . . Passportg to World Band Radio Magnus. John . Macrae. Lorrie . . The 8051 Microcontroller MacKeown. P. S. R. Kevin . C. gregory . Time's Arrow: the Origins of Thermodynamic Behavior Mackin. . John . Computational Techniques in Physics Mackey. K. P. 40th ed. Dorothy . The Digital Signal Processing Handbook Madison. Anthony C. Nuclear Deterrence. Topics For a Statistical Description of Radar Cross Section Magar. Technology of the Champ Car MacLeod. RObert J. Design For the Environment MacKenzie. 4th ed. Thin-film Optical Filters MacMillan. Magar E. . Leonard M. 2nd ed. Michael C. John . Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems: a Reprint Selection Mackenzie. Scott . Wilhelm . . . Mahler. J. Geometric Methods in Bio-medical Image Processing Mallat. Daniel . Jean-Laurent . . The Quantum Beat: the Physical Principles of Atomic Clocks Majumdar. Maidment. Biological Chemistry. Physical Optics and Light Measurements Malacara. Gunther . Peter F. Laser Physics Maitland. Joel . 2nd ed. Howard V. . . Handbook of Hydrology Maiman. Malacara. A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing Mallet. . . 2nd ed. The Air & Space Catalog Makower. Kinetic Art: Theory and Practice (selections From the Journal Leonardo) Malinowsky. Digital Electronics For Scientists Malmstadt. . J. Gerald D. 2nd ed. Geomodeling Mallette. . . 2nd ed. . H. Subash . Essential Statistics For Social Research. . Windows CE Programming in 24 Hours Makower. Operational Research Makridakis. Malladi. Pneumatic Systems: Principles and Maintenance Makofsky. Virendra N. Edward B. Daniel (ed. John C. 2nd ed. Statistical Computation Mainzer. Malina. Cable Technology. The Map Catalog: Every Kind of Map and Chart on Earth and Even Some Above It Makower. Principles of Growth and Processing of Semiconductors Mahajan. Laser Safety Handbook Malm. H. Daniel (ed. Frank J. H. Vincent . . S. Chemistry: An Experimental Science Laboratory Manual Malmstadt. F. . Robert . Joel . Interactive Forecasting: Univariate and Multivariate Methods. Stephane . The Foundations of Magnetic Recording Mallow. . Ravikanth (ed. Geometrical and Instrumental Optics Malacara. Steve . . David R. Installation Practice Mahn. Lloyd E. Many Particle Physics Mahan. . 2nd ed. Bassitic Trauma: a Practical Guide. . Pattern Formation: a Primer in Developmental Biology Malec. Alex . . George . Thinking in Complexity: the Complex Dynamics of Matter. and Mankind Maitland. Daniel. Theodore .) .Magrab. G. Interferogram Analysis For Optical Testing Malacinski. Science and Engineering Literature.) . The Laser Odyssey Maindonald. R. A. Spyros . Modern Imaging of the Alimentary Tube Mahajan. Geoffrey C. . . Optical Imaging and Abberations: Part 1 Ray Geometrical Optics Mahan. V. Many-particle Physics. (ed. Fiber Optic Cables: Fundamental. Gerald D. Mahlke. Mind. Michael A. Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety: Physical Hazards in the Academic Laboratory Mahoney.) . Electronics and Instrumentation For Scientists . The Science of the Summer Games Mallinson. Optical Shop Testing Malacara. William J. Intermolecular Forces: Their Origin and Determination Major. Computer Integrated Experimentation Magulis. S. Henry R. M.. ed.) . . Klaus . A. The Fractal Geometry of Nature Mandelbrot. Maltby. 3rd ed. Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics Mandel. Harland . (ed. . Manasreh. Simple Kitchen Experiments: Learning Science With Everyday Foods Mandell. . Experiments For Transitor Circuit Approximations. River Morphology: a Guide For Scientists and Engineers Mangold. Leonard . 2nd ed. Muscle Injury and Rehabilitation. Terry R. Mangelsdorf. The New World of Machines Mandel. The Microprocessor: a Biography Malone. . Digital and Analog Data Conversions: Text With Lab Summaries Malmstadt. Malvino. Optimization of Electronic Measurements (Moodule 4: Text With Experiments) Malone. . 3 Maloney. . R. Coal Liquification and Gasification Technologies . Chance. Fitting. L. Benoit B. . Albert Paul . Digital and Analog Data Conversions: Text With Experiments Malmstadt. John . Biology. I: 1850-1960 Mandel. Frequency Synthesizers: Theory and Design Manchester. Benoit B. O. Industrial Solid State Electronics: Devices and Systems. Mike . Writing For Science and Technology: a Practical Guide Mandelbrot. . M. Experiments For Electronics Principles: a Laboratory Manual For Use With Electronics Principles. M. Leo . Albert Paul . Vadim . Siegfried . J. E. . Howard V. 2nd ed. Howard V. 3rd ed. and Repair: the Principles and Procedures.) . Selected Papers on Coherence and Fluctuations of Light. Howard V. F. Albert Paul . Vol. II: 1961-1966 Mandel. Multifractals and 1/f Noise: Wild Self-affinity in Physics Mandelkern. Malthus. Benoit B. revised ed. Golf Club Design. Selected Papers on Coherence and Fluctuations of Light. . Muriel . Malvino. John . . Howard V. Vol. . Control of Electrical Properties in Instrumentation: Text With Experiments Malmstadt. Coherence and Quantum Optics Mandel. . L. Muriel . and Dimension Mandelbrot. 2nd ed. Alteration. . An Introduction to Macromolecules Mandell. Statistical Physics Mandl. . . . Electronic Analog Measurements and Transducers Malmstadt. It Doesn't Take a Rocket Scientist: Great Amateurs of Science Malone. The Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data Mandel. . T. Modern Transistor Electronics and Design Manassewitsch. . Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Superlattices For Longwavelength Infrared Detectors Manasse. Electronic Principles. Physics Experiments For Children Mandl. C. Ralph . Malvino. . M. Albert Paul . 2nd ed. Fractals: Form. Timothy J. Transitor Circuit Approximations. An Essay on the Principle of Population Malvino. 1 No. Vol. Fred K.Malmstadt. Howard V. L. Elements of Optical Coherence Theory Marbek Resource Consultants . S. Radioactivity and Its Measurement Mann. March. Abc's of Transistors. Anatomy of Architecture Mansperger. The Great Tool Emporium Manners. A. . . and Analysis For Reliable Bonding. Microsystem Technology in Chemistry and Life Sciences Manzini. Chaos and Turbulence: an Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems Manning. Wallace . Charles L. . Mario . . Arvind S.Mangonon. Adaptive Filtering. Howard H. Plastic Packaging of Microelectronic Devices Maor. Caruso's Method of Voice Production: the Scientific Culture of the Voice Marathay. Terry . and Array Processing Manolatou. C. Introduction to Industrial Minerals Manning. W. . . Manning. 2nd ed. W. Harold P. The Material of Invention: Materials and Design Manzione. Jerry . Masud . and Structure. The Nervous System and Behavior Mann. . Diana H. Dale E. Disaster Technology: an Annotated Bibliography Manning. Preliminary ed. George B. Plastics: Problems and Processes Mansuripur. 3rd ed. Mechanisms. . Plasma Science and the Environment Manigault. The Principles of Materials Selection For Engineering Design Manheimer. David X. . MHD and Microinstabilities in Confined Plasma Manheimer. W. . Susanna C. Design. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions. Unusual Telescopes Manly. . . Moonshadow: the Story of the Total Eclipse Manneville. 11th ed. P. Applied Principles of Hydrology. . Pat L. . Signal Modeling. R. Solder and Soldering: Materials. William R. George . Handbook on Air Sealing Homes For Energy Conservation. . Dissipative Structures and Weak Turbulence Manneville. . D. Dimitis G . Carbon and Graphite Handbook Manz. Sandra . High Pressure Engineering Manolakis. To Infinity and Beyond: a Cultural History of the Infinite Maples. Eli . . Mann. Production. 2nd ed. . John C. Peter L. Paul . Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation. Christina . . The Book For Math Emppowerment: Rethinging the Subject of Mathematics Manko. Peter L. The 20-cm Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope Mann. Drake's Cyclopedia of Radio and Electronics: a Practical Reference Book. V. Passive Components For Dense Optical Integration Manrubia. Paul . Wilfrid B. M. . A. Emergence of Dynamical Order: Synchronization Phenomena in Complex Systems Mansell. William M. Wild Animals in and Out of the Zoo Manners. . Dead Men Do Tell Tales: the Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Antorhpologist Marafioti. Manly. D. High Pressure Engineering Manning. . . . Ezio . R. Louis T. . Mankovsky. D. Classical Optics and Its Applications Mantell. Instabilities. Micael D. Acoustics of Studios and Auditoria Manly. Light Transmission Optics Marcuse. . . H. H. Mitchell P. Elaine N. Elements of Synchotron Light For Biology.4th ed. Nonlinear Control Design: Geometric. Introduction to Liquid State Chemistry Marcuse. 2nd ed. Approaching Quantum Computing Marino. The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry. . Jerry B.2 Margolis. . Swithing Circuits For Engineers Marcus. Atomic Dynamics of Liquids March. N. Physics For Poets. Theory of Dielectric Optical Waveguides Marcuse. Research Organizations. Milos . . Jerry B. H. Engineering Quantum Electrodynamics Marder. Origins of Life: Chemistry and Radioastronomy Margulis. Adaptive & Robust Marion. Vol. Light Transmission Optics. Marcuse. Conductive Polymers and Plastics Margolis. Riccardo . Marchaj. Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual: Cat Version. . N. . Abraham . Dan C. H. Elaine N. Introduction to Synchotron Radiation Margaritondo. 2nd ed. Dietrich . Giorgio . . Giorgio . . Henry . Marieb. Physics For Science nd Engineering. Henry . Degna . . . Michael P. Chemical Physics of Liquids March. Robert H. Donald . B. J. Elaine N. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems. Marvin . . Dietrich . . Elements of Radio Marcus. Elaine N. . Aero-hydrodynamics of Sailing Marchand. Erich W. Lynn . . Treatment Centers. Chemistry & Medical Research Margenau. Human Anatomy Marier. Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual: Cat Version. (ed. . Margenau. Dietrich . N. Nuclear Research With Low Energy Accelerators Marion. My Father Marconi Marcus. Jerry B. Dietrich . Chaotic Behavior of Deterministic Dissipative Systems Margaritondo. James M. Interactive Physiology Marieb. Part 1 . and Support Groups Margulis. What is Life? Marieb. Henry . Yizhak . Wind Power For the Homeowner: a Guide to Selecting. The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry. Siting. A. March. . C. Classical Electromagnetic Radiation Marion. A. Lynn . Simeon . Gradient Index Optics Marchant. Sail Performance: Theory and Practice Marchaj. N. Alan B. Collective Effects in Solids and Liquids March. 2nd ed.) . and Installing an Electricity-generating Wind Power System Marinescu. The Mathematics of Physics and Chemistry Margenau. . Marieb. The Many-body Problem in Quantum Mechanics March. A Survey of Matrix Theory and Matrix Inequalities Marcus. Condensed Matter Physics Marek. . The Johns Hopkins Medical Handbook: the 100 Major Medical Disorders of People Over the Age of 50 and Directory to the Leading Teaching Hospitals. 4th ed. . C. Optical Recording: a Technical Overview Marconi. Marion. 5th ed. 2nd ed. . Vol. James E. Vol. Herman F. Vol. Vol. . Vol. . . Vol. . 16 Index to Volumes 1-15 Mark. Vol. Vol. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. James E. 6 Enzymes to Finishing Mark. Herman F. 2nd ed. 11 Polyester Fibers and Rayon Mark. . . Herman F. 15 Wood to Ziegler-Natta Catalysts Mark. Ultralight Aircraft: the Basic Handbook of Ultralight Aviation. 3 Casting to Cohesive Energy-density Mark. Mark. 1 Acrylonitrile Polymers Deregulation to Vinyl Chloride Mark. Herman F. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. The Home Owner's Survival Manual: a Beginner's Guide to Home Maintenance and Repair Markowski. 4 Collagen to Dialysis Mark. Dave . . Herman F. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. . . Inorganic Polymers Mark. Macintosh Programming Primer: Inside the Toolbox Using Think C™. 10 Phenolic Resins to Polyelectrolytes Mark. Herman F. Vol. . Herman F. Herman F. 1 A to Amino Acids Mark. 14 Thermogravimetric Analysis to Wire and Cable Coverings Mark. Vol. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. . Herman F. Dave . Vol. Herman F. 2 Amino Resins to Casein Mark. 13 Step Reaction Polymerization to Thermoforming Mark. Michael . Macintosh Programming Primer: Inside the Toolbox Using Think's Lightspeed C™ Mark. II: Mastering the Toolbox Using Think's C™ Mark. Macintosh Programming Primer. 8 Keratin to Modacrylc Fibers Mark. . Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. . 5 Dielectric Heating to Emulsion Mark. Herman F. . 7 Fire Retardancy to Isotopic Labeling Mark. Dave . . . Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. 9 Molding to Petroleum Resins Mark. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Wnd ed. Vol. .) . Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. . Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. . Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Herman F. Physical Properties of Polymers Markovich. Herman F. Herman F.Mark. Vol. Vol. Alex (ed. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Herman F. Dave . Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Herman F. . 12 Reinforced Plastics to Starch Mark. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Supplement Vol. Vol. Learn C++ on the Macintosh Mark. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Vol. Vol. Herman F. W.) . Distrubution Resource Planning: Distrubution Management's Most Powerful Tool Martin. . . Marshall.) . K. . Alan G. Lionel S. General Engineering Science in SI Units. John . Integrated Circuit and Waveform Generator Handbook Marston. Vasilis Z. The Viking Mission to Mars Martin Marietta Corporation . Introduction to Crystal Optics. Markus. 2nd ed. . Cranes. J. 4th ed. Load Lifters: Derricks. . Frederick N. Modern Electronic Circuits Reference Manual Markus. Janusz A. M. M. . Designed to Win Marshall. Tissue Culture Techniques: an Introduction Martin. R. Recommended Reference Materials For the Realization of Physicochemical Properties Marshak. C. Robert T. Power Control: Circuits Manual Marston. Mikhail Ya. . Ben . Roger . Marsh. Design of Machine and Structural Parts Marston. Andre J. Multiphase Flow in Porous Media Marler. Ray . . The Hopf Bifurcation and Its Applications Marsden. The Planet Venus Marquand. Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling of Physiological Systems Maroon. M. . . Hope Irvin . Mechanisms of Animal Behavior Marlow. 2 Marrinan. Security Electronics: Circuits Manual Marston. Optical and Mass Spectrometry: a User's Handbook Marshall. Newnes Electronic Circuits Pocket Book Marszalec. Vol. . Lectures on Mechanics Marsden.Marks. Emulsion and Water-soluble Paints and Coatings Martin Marietta . (ed. Ice Cream. Meson Physics Marshall Cavendish Books Limited . Jerrold E. G. E. Charles R. Keepers of the Sea Marov. . Watt's Perfect Engine: Steam & the Age of Invention Marsden. The Mind Alive Encyclopedia: Technology Marshall. C. Free-electron Lasers Marshall. Thermofluids: an Integrated Approach to Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics Principles Marr. Viking Mars Expedition 1976 Martin. . . Communications Circuits Ready Reference Marle. R. Integration of Lasers and Fiber Optics into Robotic Systems Martens. . . Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering Marshek. Jerrold E. Introduction to Audiology . Ultimate CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Marsden. . . 5th ed. G. R. M. Introdution to Mechanics and Symmetry. . . R. Robotic Explorations: a Hands-on Introduction to Engineering Martin. . . John . Fred J. and Helicopters Marston. Mechanical Engineers' Handbook. Peter . M. Corinne . Instrumentation and Test Gear Circuits Manual Marston. . E. Robert E. N. H. . . Vol. Aerosol Microphysics I: Particle Interaction Marmarelis. Thomas C. Stanley V. Bernice M. 1 Marr. (ed. W. Kurt M. Fred G. . . General Engineering Science in SI Units. . Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications Marshall. C. Marshall. 2nd ed. . W. Fourier Transforms in NMR. W. Martin, George E. , Transformation Geometry: an Introduction to Symmetry Martin, Hugh , The Design of Hydraulic Components and Systems Martin, J. L. , Basic Quantum Mechanics Martin, James , Technology's Crucible Martin, James , Communications Satellite Systems Martin, James , Hyperdocuments and How to Create Them Martin, James , Fourth Generation Languages, Vol. 1: Principles Martin, James N. , Systems Engineering: a Process For Developing Systems and Products Martin, James , Fourth Generation Languages, Vol. 2: Representative 4GLs Martin, James , Fourth Generation Languages, Vol. 3: 4GLs From IBM Martin, Joe , Tabletop Machining: a Basic Approach to Making Msall Parts on Miniature Machine Tools Martin, John H. , Principles of Field Crop Production, 3rd ed. Martin, John W. , Materials For Engineering Martin, Keith , Web Color Expert Martin, Mike W. , Ethics in Engineering, 2nd ed. Martin, Perry L. , Electronic Failure Analysis Handbook Martin, Robert M. , Scientific Thinking Martin, Tom , Rappelling, Edition II Martin, Vaughn D. , Optoelectronics: Vol. 1 The Introduction Martin, Vaughn D. , Optoelectronics: Vol. 2 Intermediate Study Martin, Vaughn D. , Optoelectronics: Vol. 3 Lab Manual Martin, William F. , Hazardous Waste Handbook For Health and Safety Martin, William Ted , Elementary Differential Equations Martinez, Patrick (ed.) , The Observer's Guide to Astronomy, Vol. 1 Martinez, Patrick (ed.) , The Observer's Guide to Astronomy, Vol. 2 Martinez, Patrick , A Practical Guide to CCD Astronomy Marton, L. , Electron and Laser Beam Technology Marton, L. , Problems and Solutions For Students Marvin, Carolyn , When Old Technologies Were New: Thinking About Electric Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century Marx, S. , Astrophotography With the Schmidt Telescope Marz, Reinhard , Integrated Optics: Design and Modeling Mase, George E. , Theory and Problems of Continuum Mechanics Maskill, Howard , The Physical Basis of Organic Chemistry Mason, Bernard S. , Boomerangs: How to Make and Throw Them Mason, Bill , Sports Illustrated Fly Fishing: Learn From a Master Mason, John R. , Switch Engineering Handbook Mason, Matthew T. , Robot Hands and the Mechanics of Manipulation Mason, Max , The Electromagnetic Field Mason, Max , The Electromagnetic Field Mason, Robert J. , Atlas of United States Environmental Issues Mason, Robert L. , Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments: With Applications to Engineering and Science Mason, Stephen F. , A History of the Sciences Mason, Stephen F. , Chemical Evolution: Origins of Elements, Molecules, and Living Systems Mason, Timothy J. , Sonochemistry: Theory, Applications and Uses of Ultrasound in Chemistry Mason, W. P. , Physical Acoustics and the Properties of Solids Mason, W. P. (ed.) , Physical Acoustics, Vol.1, Part A Mason, W. P. (ed.) , Physical Acoustics, Vol.1, Part B Mason, Warren P. , Crystal Physics of Interaction Processes Mason, Warren P. , Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods, Vol.7 Masoro, Edward J. , Handbook of the Biology of Aging Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Inadvertent Climate Modification; Report of the Study of Man's Impact on Climate (SMIC) Massachusetts Institute of Technology , MIT Wavelength Tables Massel, Stanslaw R. , Ocean Surface Waves: Their Physics and Prediction Massey, B. S. , Mechanics of Fluids, 3rd ed. Massey, H. S. , Electronic and Ionic Impact Phenomena Massey, Harrie , Space Physics Massignon, Daniel , Mecanique Statistique Des Fluides: Fluctuations Et Proprietes Locales Masson, Louis T. , Physics Made Easy Masten, Larry B. , Understanding Optronics Masters, Gilbert M. , Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science Masters, Timothy , Neural, Novel & Hybrid Alogrithms For Time Series Prediction Mastini, Frank , Ship Modeling Simplified: Tips and Techniques For Model Contrsutction From Kits Maté, Ferenc , Shipshape: the Art of Sailboat Maintenance Math, Irwin , Wires & Watts: Understandig and Using Electricity Mather, K. B. , Nuclear Scattering Mather, Kirtley (ed.) , Source Book in Geology, 1900-1950 Mather, Paul M. , Computer Processing of Remotely-sensed Images: an Introduction Mathews, Christopher L. , Biochemistry Mathews, Donald K. , The Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics Mathews, Jon , Mathematical Methods of Physics, 2nd ed. Mathews, Keith , Encyclopedia MAC ROM: a Complete A-Z Reference For Macintosh Toolbox and Operating System Routines Mathieu, J. P. , Optics Mathieu, Jean , An Introduction to Turbulent Flow Matick, Richard E. , Transmission Lines For Digital and Communication Networks Matijevic, Egon (ed.) , Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 1 Matijevic, Egon (ed.) , Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 2 Matijevic, Egon (ed.) , Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 4 Matijevic, Egon (ed.) , Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 5 Matijevic, Egon (ed.) , Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 7 Matijevic, Egon , Surface and Colloid Science, Vol. 13 Matin, Philip , Clinical Nuclear Medical Imaging Matis, K. A. (ed.) , Flotation Science and Engineering Matis, K. A. (ed.) , Flotation Science and Engineering Matisoff, Bernard S. , Wiring and Cable Designer's Handbook Matisoff, Bernard S. , Handbook of Electronics Manufacturing Engineering Matisoff, Bernard S. , Handbook of Electronics Packaging Design and Engineering Matsch, Charles L. , North America and the Great Ice Age Matsen, F. A. , Vector Spaces and Algebras For Chemistry and Physics Matsushita, S. , Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena, Vol. 1 Mattauch, J. , Nuclear Physics Tables and Introduction to Nuclear Physics Matthews, Clifford , Case Studies in Engineering Design Matthews, G. Peter , Experimental Physical Chemistry Matthews, Gary G. , Cellular Physiology of Nerve and Muscle, 3rd ed. Matthews, J. , Creative Light Wood Carving Matthews, John I. , Solid-state Electronics Concepts Matthews, L. Harrison , The Life of Mammals, Vol. 1 Matthews, Robley K. , Dynamics Stratigraphy: a Guide to Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, 2nd ed. Matthies, Kurt W. G. , Macintosh C Programming By Example: a Step-by-step Guide to Developing Programs With Think C Matthys, Robert J. , Crystal Oscillator Circuits Matthys, Robert J. , Accurate Clock Pendulums Mattingly, Jack D. , Aircraft Engine Design Mattis, D. C. , The Theory of Magnetism I: Statics and Dynamics Mattis, D. C. , The Theory of Magnetism II: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Mattson, Roy H. , Basic Junction Devices and Circuits Mattuck, R. D. , A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many Body Problem, 2nd ed. Matveev, Alexey S. , Qualitative Theory of Hybrid Dynamical Systems Maunder, Michael , The Sun in Eclipse Maurer, H. R. , Disc Electrophoresis and Related Techniques of Polyacrylimide Gel Electrophoresis Maurette, Michel , Hunting For Stars Maxfield, Clive "Max" , Beebop to the Boolean Boogie: an Unconventional Guide to Electronics Maxfield, Clive "Max" , The Design Warrior's Guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and Flows Maxwell, James C. , A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., Vol.1 Maxwell, James C. , A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., Vol.2 Maxwell, James Clerk , Matter and Motion Maxwell, Jonathan , Catadioptric Imaging Systems Maxwell, M. Walter , Reflections: Transmission Lines and Antennas May, Leopold (ed.) , Spectroscopic Tricks May, Leopold (ed.) , Spectroscopic Tricks May, Leopold (ed.) , Spectroscopic Tricks, Vol. 2 May, Leopold (ed.) , Spectroscopic Tricks, Vol. 3 Mayall, R. Newton , Skyshooting-photography For Amateur Astronomers Mayall, W. H. , Principles in Design Maycock, Paul D. , Photovoltaics Maycock, Paul D. , Photovoltaics: Sunlight to Electricity in One Step Mayer, E. , Mechanical Seals, 2nd ed. Mayer, Edmund , Introduction to Dynamic Morphology Mayer, Joseph Edward , Statistical Mechanics Mayer, Ralph , The Painter's Craft: an Introduction to Artists' Methods and Materials Mayer-Kress, G. (ed.) , Dimensions and Entropies in Choatic Systems Mayne, Roger , Introduction to Engineering Mayo, Jonathan L. , The Radio Amateur's Digital Communications Handbook Mayr, Ernst , The Growth of Biological Thought Mayr, Otto , The Origins of Feedback Control Mazabrand, Andre , Pathology of Bone Tumors Mazda, F. F. , Electronic Instruments and Measurement Techniques Mazda, F. F. , Discrete Electronic Components Mazda, F. F. , Power Electronics Handbook: Components, Circuits, and Applications, 2nd ed. Mazlish, Bruce , The Fourth Discontinuity: the Co-evolution of Humans and Machines McAdams, William H. , Heat Transmission, 3rd ed. McAfee, John , Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs, and Other Threats to Your System: What They Are, How They Work, and How to ... McAlexander, Aaron , Hands-on Applied Physics McAllister, James W. , Beauty and Revolution in Science McArdle, William D. , Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance, 3rd ed. McArthur, J. Vaun , Microbial Ecology: an Evolutionary Approach McCabe, Robert E. , Metering Pump Handbook McCabe, Warren L. , Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 3rd ed. McCafferty, J. , Antibody Engineering: a Practical Approach McCall, J. S. , Ultracentrifugation McCamy, Calvin S. , Precision Measurement and Calibration: Selected NBS Papers on Image Optics McCance, Kathryn L. , Pathophysiology: the Biologic Basis For Disease in Adults and Children, 2nd ed. McCarthy, Wil , Hacking Matter: Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, and the Infinite Weirdness of Programmable Atoms McCarty, Goerge , Topology: an Introduction With Application to Topological Groups McCash, Elaine M. , Surface Chemistry McCauley, J. L. , Chaos, Dynamics, and Fractals: an Algorithmic Approach to Deterministic Chaos McCauley, Joseph L. , Classical Mechanics: Transformations, Flows, Integrable and Chaotic Dynamics McCaw, W. W. , Fundamentals of Roentgenologic Physics and Technique, 2nd ed. McClean, W. G. , Theory and Problems of Engineering Mechanics McClelland, James , Parallel Distributed Processing: A Handbook of Models, Programs, and Exercises McClelland, James , Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microsctructure of Cognition, Vol. 2: Psychological and Biological Models Pipefitters and Welders Pocket Manual McConnell. . Bayard H. The Laser Cookbook: 88 Practical Projects McComb. David . Ray Guns & Light Cannons: Projects From the Wizard's Workbench McComb. Aeronautics. . Cryogenics McClintock. Structural Steel Design McCormac. The Avalanche Handbook McComb. . . P. Jack C. Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules McCormac. Michael . Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Polyatomic Gases McCoy. D. Robert D.) . 2nd ed. Barnes W. Measurement. Food Emulsions: Principles. Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist McCourt. . A. and Flight Mechanics McCormick. Matter at Low Temperatures McCluney. McComb. Ross . Principles of Polymer Engineering McCrum. Structural Analysis McCormack. McCullough. W. Statistics. Joseph M. and Computation McCormick. W. . Tim . Pedal Power: in Work. . Applications of Tensor Analysis McConnell. . David Julian . . Polarized Light Microscopy McCrum. . Walter C. Barnes W. The Solar Greenhouse Book McCulloch. Polarized Light Microscopy McCrone. The Solar Greenhouse Book McCullagh. Gordon . Gordon . Michael E. Stuart (ed. J. . Ocean Wave Energy Conversion McCormmach. David . Ocean Engineering Wave Mechanics McCormick. The Great Bridge: the Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge McCullough. Russell . Jack C. McCreight. The Complete Metalsmith. James C. Anelastic and Dielectric Effects of Polymeric Solids McCullagh. . .. Steve . N. Wound Healing: Alternatives in Management. and Transportation McCullagh. P. Practical Casting: a Studio Reference McCrone. Gordon . (ed. The Physics of Fluid Turbulence McConkey. Aerodynamics. Gordon . Gordon . G. Robot Builder's Sourcebook McComb. Jr. Tim . James C. . Rings and Ideals McCready. Barry M. G. . Gordon . and Techniques McClintock. The Two Dimensional Ising Model McCoy. Walter C. Physical Fluid Dynamics McCormick. (ed. . The Robot Builder's Bonanza: 99 Inexpensive Robotics Projects McComb. V.) . Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry McClung. The Anatomy of Memory: an Anthology McConnaughey. Gordon McComb's Gadgeteer's Goldmine: 55 Space Age Projects McComb. David . Troubleshooting and Repairing Fax Machines McComb. The Discovery of Time McCreight. Aerodynamics of V/STOL Flight McCormick. Gordon . James . Leisure. Introduction to Marine Biology McConnel. . Gordon . Troubleshooting and Repairing VCR's McComb. Lasers. Charles N. .) . Gordon . revised ed. Practice. D. Frederick R. NEal H. Constructing Robot Bases McComb. E. . . . N. The Robot Builder's Bonanza.McClements. 2nd ed. Michael E. . A New Look at Technical Analysis . James C. Physics By Inquiry. II McDivitt. Catherine . William H. . Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: Lesson 1 FETs and Linear Amplifier Design McGraw-Hill Book Company . Physical Geology: Earth Revealed McGee. Jr. . Minerals and Men: Rev. Mass Spectrometry McEliece. Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: Lesson 1 Bipolar and Field-effect Transistor Circuit Models McGraw-Hill Book Company . Christie . Control. . D. Thermoluminsescence of Geological Materials McDowell. Clare D. James A. D. Flying the Helicopter: All About the History. . John . . Thomas D.Its Acoustics. . Principles and Methods of Temperature Measurement McGeough. Analysis of Plates McFerrin. Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis McFadden.) . Jinks . . A. 2nd ed. Principles of Eletrochemical Machining McGeough. Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making. James F. Optical Tooling in Industry McGrath. Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: Lesson 3 Differential and Operational Amplifiers McGraw-Hill Book Company . Judith A. McDonald. Edwin D. McDaniel. A. . J.) . Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things McDougall. David . Document Imaging Technology: How Automated Solutions Are Revolutionizing the Way Organizaitons and People Work McDonough. W. jinks . Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord: Perspectives of a Neurologist McDonell. . Henry A. Techniques of Combined Gas Chromatogrpahy / Mass Spectrometry McFall. John J. Operation. The Mobility and Diffusion of Ions in Gases McDermott. Lillian . John D. E. The Language of Lighting McGraw-Hill Book Company . Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: Lesson 4 Applications of Linear Integrated Circuits McGraw-Hill Book Company .. . (ed. . Book of 20th Century Design McDermott. Henry . (ed. ed. . Lillian . W. The Theory of Information and Coding McFadden. . Earl W. . Advanced Methods of Machining McGillem. Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: . and Use of These Fascinating Flying Machines McDonald. Basic Jewelry Making Techniques McGrath. I McDermott. J. Introduction to the Unix System McGovern. The Fireside University: For Home Circle Study and Entertainment McGrae. Vol. J. Basic Jewelry Making Techniques McGraw-Edison Company . . Continuous and Discrete Signal and System Analysis McGiton. The Piano . William . McGaw. America Underground McFarland. Molecular Engineering McGee. . . Vol. I.McCurnin. RIchard H. 1801-1885 McGeary. . Charles A. 3rd ed.. Denis M. Clinical Textbook For Veterinary Technicians. and Enlarged ed. The Essence of Engineering Thermodynamics McGovern. Physics By Inquiry. Robert J. . V. Introduction to Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics McLucas. A. 3rd ed.Lesson 5 Switching Properties of Transistors Iin Design McGraw-Hill Book Company . T. Ordinary Non-linear Differential Equations in Engineering and Physical Sciences. Electronic Imaging in Astronomy: Detectors and Instrumentation McLean. . . Marshall . Theory of Vibrations McLachlan. Supercritical Fluid Extraction: Principles and Practice McIntosh. . W. . McKinney. N. . 2nd ed. Maintenance and Repair of Aerospace Vehicles. G. 2nd ed. Shirlyn B. Bill . W. Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Buildings. D.J. . W. L. Harnessing Water Power For Home Energy McGuigan. McKibben. McIntyre. McGuiness. Richard . James L. The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know About the Past. 3rd ed. The Nature of Craft and the Penland Experience McLean. Images of the Universe: Leonardo DaVinci: the Artist As Scientist McLaughlin. Design With Nature McHugh. . Jane . Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Buildings.0 McKown. C. The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know About the Past. R. R. WIlliam J. . Michael . N. Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: Lesson 7 Bistable Logic Design McGuigan. . Bruce . Textbook of Hematology. The Way of the Earth: Encounters With Nature in Ancient and . Electric Motor Control Fundamentals. McLean. McGuire. John L. The Fabulous Isotopes: What They Are and What They Do. 2nd ed. Jr. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Engineering Mechanics McLellan. . Meteor Science and Engineering McKinley. . 4th ed. Electronic Circuit Design With Solid State Devices: Lesson 6 Digital Logic Gates McGraw-Hill Book Company . Dan. . .H. N. . McLachlan. Electricity and Electronics For Aerospace Vehicles. 5th ed. W. N. . 5th ed. . Solid State and Semiconductor Physics McKenzie. 2nd ed. McKelvey. Geology For Civil Engineers. John P. W. W. W. WIlliam J. 2nd ed. . C. James A. McLean. . McKinley. Jean W. Harnessing the Wind For Home Energy McGuiness. James L. Statistical Mechanical Analogies McLachlan. The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man McLuhan. . Robin . Dermot . Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics. G. Elements of Physical Oceanography McLennan. Dermot . An Eye For Fractals: a Graphic and Photographic Essay By Michael McGuire McHarg. McIntosh. 2nd ed. . 2nd ed. Ian S. . . Hardcore Visual Basic Version 5. . Mark . Ian L. The Age of Missing Information McKinley. Theory and Application of Mathieu Functions McLachlan. Space Commerce McLuhan. McLachlan. Jane . Theory of Vibrations McLanathan. Gene . The Control of Nature McPhee. John . . Energy Resources McMullen. Exterior Ballistics McShane. General Chemistry McQuillin. Rising From the Plains McPhee. Thomas . . Process/industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook.Contemporary Thought McLyman. Faye C. How to Do Everything With Your PocketPC & HandheldPC McPherson. Assembling California McPhee. Frank . . Handbook of Practical Electrical Design. John . Don . Polar Research: to the Present. Carver A. Motor Cicuits and Controls McPartland. William R. . Collective Electrodynamics: Quantum Foundations of . FM Repeaters For the Radio Ameteur McMurry. Analog VLSI and Neural Systems Mead. . J. Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control McShane. McRae. Steven P. Steven P. and the Future McWhorter. An Introduction to Seismic Interpretation McQuiston. Duane . . . Respiratory Therapy Equipment. John . . Leo F.) . and Air Conditioning: Analysis and Design. . George . . Thomas A. Joseph F. McQuarrie. McMahon. An Introduction to Electrical Machines and Transformers. Donald W. Surveillance. Ian (ed. . Donald A. The Ionosphere: Communications. F. McPherson. 21st Ed. Understanding Digital Electronics Mead. Stardust to Planets: a Geological Tour of the Universe McWhinnie . McGraw-Hill's National Electrical Code Handbook. 2nd ed. . Reflexes. . The Big Dig McPartland. How to Make Holograms McNamara. . Gregory K. McMullan. . 3rd ed. The Pine Barrens McPhee. John . .) . MRI: From Picture to Proton McRuer. Quantum Mechanics McNair. Harry Y. Respiratory Care Equipment. John . Dan . J. An Encyclopdia of the History of Technology McNeil. Joseph F. Shipbuilding in Miniature. John . Carver . 2nd ed. Basin and Range McPhee. McNeil. 5th ed. John . . Muscles. . Donald . Fuzzy Logic McNichol. Thomas A. An Encyclopedia of the History of Technology McNeill. 5th ed.: Based on the Current 1993 National Electrical Code McPartland. Ventilating. T. Daniel . McPhee. . 2nd ed. Heating. Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook. Sara M. and Locomotion McMillan. 2nd ed. McPherson. R. Ian (ed. On Size and Life McMahon. . William T. Hamish . 2nd ed. Edward J. and Direction Finding McNarry. The World in 2020 McRobbie. Traffic Engineering McSween. Looking For a Ship McPhee. Annals of the Former World McPherson. P. A. Victor . Alistair I. P. (ed. . Gary G. . A. G. 2nd ed. D. Pressure Vessel Handbook. Mehata.) . 5th ed. C. Dyes Meindl. . The Life Science: Current Ideas of Biology Medawar. E. B. B. The Applied Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves Meier. L. J. Inspiration. Twilights. . J. Aristotle to Zoos: a Philosophical Dictionary of Biology Medawar. Magnetic Recording: Vol. M. Magnetic Recording: Vol. and Evening Skies . L. . Audio.) . . Electroic Components: Selection and Application Mees. Stress and Strain: Basic Concepts of Continuum Mechanics For Geologists Mech. Cultural Patterns and Technical Change Meadows. C Programming For the Macintosh Mee. and Instrumentation Recording Meehan. Analytical and Quantitative Methods in Microscopy Meeks. Meilach. The Limits to Growth Meadows. P. P. Eugene F. Zigurd R. Dennis . Kurt . P. Introduction to VLSI Systems Mead. . D. Flow of Real Fluids Meijer. H. The Art of the Soluble Medawar. Dona Z. Astrophysics. Integration / Interaction of Oncological Growth Means. . E. 2nd ed. John J. . Mee. M.) . Winding Back the Clock Meditch. L. C. Dennis . W. Jagdish . Presentation Graphics. Carver . . Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control Mednieks. (ed. .) . Anita (ed. Applied Solar Energy: an Introduction Meinel. Donella H. . Handbook of Animal Radio Tracking Medawar. . Part B: Radio Telescopes Meeks. . 1: Technology Mee. . Analog VLSI Implementation of Neural Systems Mead. Magnetic Recording Technology. The Beat of a Different Drummer: the Life and Science of Richard Feynman Mei. Carver . Dona Z.Electromagnetism Mead. Peter . Granular Matter: an Interdsciplinart Approach Mehlhorn. G. Pluto's Republic: Incorporating The Art of the Soluble and Induction and Intuition in Scientific Thought Medina. 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Electron Microscopy: a Handbook For Biologists Mercier. James L. Vol. D. W. Mathematical Physics Menzel. Donald H. Adrian C. Menzel. . Peter . Wind in Architectural and Environmental Design Melcher. Cryophysics Mendelssohn. Polarographic Techniques. Donald H. . Paul . The Art of Making Pottery Menard. Fundamental Formulas of Physics. Duncan A.. Mathematical Ideas.2 Menzel. K. Reinhard . 2nd ed. Steven A. H. Photographing Your Craftwork: and Hands-on Guide For Craftspeople Melzak. James R. William .Meiners. Steve . Our Sun. Donald H. Methods of Analytical Dynamics Meis. The Physics of the Earth's Core: an Introduction Melissinos. . Meites. . Selected Papers on Physical Processes in Ionized Plasmas Menzel. . Fundamental Formulas of Physics. Cat Physics Mendler. Z. . Meinesz. . Bypasses: a Simple Approach to Complexity Melzak. Harry . The Earth's Crust and Mantle Meirovitch. . . Peter . H. Radar Systems and Components Memmott. Bert . The HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design Menke. Rev. Elements of Vibration Analysis Meirovitch.. F. Harry E. A. E. . Leonard . A. The Quest For Absolute Zero: the Meaning of Low Temperature Physics. ed. Analytical and Canonical Formalism in Physics Mercier. . Principles of Modern Technology Mellichamp. B. Adrian C. Robosapiens: Evolution of a New Species Mercer. Vening . Laboratory Phyiscs. Analytical and Canonical Formalism in Physics . Mendenhall . Michele . ed. Field-Coupled Surface Waves: a Comparative Study of Surfacecoupled Electrohydrodynamic and Magentohydrodynamic Systems Melchior. 2nd ed.1 Menzel. . Shop Floor Control Melrose. . K. Material World Menzel. ed. Naftaly . . II of Companion to Concrete Mathematics Members of the Staff of Bell Telephone Labs . (ed) . and Applications: Vol. Islands Mendelowitz. . Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media: a Treatment Based on the Dielectric Tensor Melsa. Donald H. Louis . A Guide to Drawing Mendelson. Donald H. Introduction to Topology. Sandra F. Practical Optics Menzel. Leonard . . . Geophysical Data Analysis: Dscrete Inverse Theory Menn. Vol. Louis . . Linear Control Systems Meltzer. Real Time Computing: With Applications to Data Acquisition and Control Melnyk. . Modeling. Tesla & the Electric Chair Meyer. . Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics. The Merck Index. S. Ronald C. . SI Version Meriam. .2 Mesterton-Gibbons. Boojums All the Way Through: Communicating Science in a Prosiac Age Merrick. Mesirov. L. . . . . F. 4th ed. A. Part II. Albert . Flow Visualization. . . Introduction to the Theory of Stability Merletti. Meredith. Quantum Mechanics Merzkirch.Merck . Fred A. . Frederick S. Eugene .The Story of Meteorites. P. Pulsed Gas Lasers Metaxas. Acoustic Holography. Well Log Formation Evaluation Merkin. Fortran 90 Explained Metherell. Laser Cooling and Trapping Metcalf. C. Roberto . . Scanning Probe Microscopy Meyer. Gems and Gem Minerals Merrill. Great Modern Inventions Messersmith. Breakthrough! Merkel. Frederick S. Dale D. 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Transistor Designers Guide Miczo. . Etc. Elevators.and Workbook Michalec. 3rd ed. . Leo . How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics. Laboratory Lotus: a Complete Guide to Instrument Interfacing Miannay. Henry N. P. Middleman. Fracture Mechanics Michael. . Stephen L. Richard E. Design of Devices and Systems. Elements of Space Technology Meyer. Arthur R. Stuart L. (ed. Dominique P. Stanley . An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory Middleton. . . and Membranes Michlovitz. David . Television Service Manual. Robert A. Intermediate Classical Dynamics With Applications to Beam Physics Michelson. Meyer-Spasche. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: a Comprehensive Desk Reference Meyers. E. Robert G. Robert G. Rudolf X. . Middleton. . . . Mezei. Digital Logic Testing and Simulations0-06-04444404 Middelhoek. Data Analysis For Scientists and Engineers Meyer-Arendt. A. Basic Machining Reference Handbook Meyers. Studies in Optics Michl. R. Designing Electronic Circuits: a Manual of Procedures and Essential Reference Data Middleton. Thermal Agents in Rehabilation Mickelson. Dating Techniques For the Achaeologist Michaeli . Susan L. Jurgen R. . Pattern Formation in Viscous Flows: the Taylor-Couette Problem and Rayleigh-Benard Convection Meyers. 2nd ed. Precision Gearing: Theory and Practice Michalewicz. Introduction to Mathematical Fluid Dynamics Meyer. A.Meyer. . in Liquid Crystals. Alexander . Zbignieww . Ronald Elbert . Silicon Sensors Middendorf. Polymers. Robert A. Spectroscopy With Polarized Light: Solute Alignment By Photoselection. Rita . George W. Jerome S. 2nd ed. Hypercard: the Complete Reference Michelotti. Transition and Turbulence Meyer. . 2nd ed. 2nd ed. Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment Without Service Data. 4th ed. Eggplants. 101 Ways to Use Your Oscilloscope Middleton. . Robert G. . Training in Plastics Technology: a Text. .) . Guided Wave Optics Mickelson. Great Inventions Meyer. Alan Rolf . . Bob Middleton's Handbook of Electronic Time-savers and Shortcuts Middleton. Josef . . (ed. The Flow of High Polymers Middleman. Eugene . . Elements of Quantum Optics. . . An Introduction to Nonlinear Oscillations Micowave Associates . Alan Rolf . Realistic Guide to Oscilloscopes Middleton. S. Living in the Environment. 2nd ed. Knowles . Functional Computed Tomography Miles. Drew . Migliori. Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics Mihura. Stellar Atmospheres Mihalas. Pete . Albert . Chas E. 10th ed. Tyler. Franklin. Meteorological Instruments. Schrodinger's Machines: the Quantum Technology Reshaping Everyday Life Milburn. . Jr. 7th ed. Intoduction to Plastics and Composites: Mechanical Properties and Engineering Applications Miller. Albert . Build Your Own Combat Robot Miles. E. Environmental Science: an Introduction Miller. E. G. E. . E. Knowles . Knowles . Basic Theory of Oscillations Mihalas. Susan R. W. College Physics. Robert V. W. E. 3rd ed. W. Tyler. Kinetics. Ralph F. Bluetooth Revealed: the Insider's Guide to an Open Specification For Global Wireless Communications Miller. Bioanalytical Chemistry Milazzo. Knowles . . Imagery in Scientific Thought Miller. Tyler. C. . G. and Nondestructive Evaluation Migulin. G. Environmental Hazards: Radioactive Materials and Wastes: a Reference Handbook Miller. Knowles . Brent A. Living in the Environment. Gerard J. R. . . TV Tube Symptoms & Troubles Middleton. Color TV Servicing Guide Middleton. ed. W. . Gerard J. . Willard . . Plastics Technology Miles. 2nd ed. E. A. . W. W. Kenneth . Edward . Guilio . . C. The Colours of Life: an Introduction to the Chemistry of Porphyrins and Related Compounds Millar. E. The Feynman Processor: Quantum Entanglement and the Computing Revolution Milby. Supersonic Aerodynamics: a Theoretical Introduction Miles. Jr. Invention of Meteorological Instruments Middleton. Valve Radio & Audio Repair Handbook. I. Miller. Jr. Robert G. B. Bruce . Lionel R. Robert G.Middleton. . A. and Life . Systems Concepts: Lectures on Contemporary Approaches to Systems Milgrom. Fundamentals of Soil Science Miller. Meteorolgoical Instruments Middleton. Miller. Energetics. . Dimitri .. .V. Cerebral Palsey: a Complete Guide For Caregiving Miller. A History of the Thermometer Middleton. Miller. E. . Freeman . Miller. Tyler. The History of the Barometer Middleton. Meteorology Miller. Tables of Standard Electrode Potentials Milburn. Jr. G. Jr. . . A History of the Theories of Rain Middleton. E. Materials Meaurements. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: Applications to Physics. Jr. . LabVIEW For Data Acquisition Mikhailovskii. Knowles . Black Hat: Physical Device Security: Exploiting Hardware and Software Miller. . . Electromagnetic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous Plasma Mikkelsen. Dimitri . Marc D. The Technique of Lighting For Television and Motion Pictures Millikan. and Heat Millikan. 2nd ed. Dynamics of Molecular Collisions. . Vol. Making and Enjoying Telescopes: 6 Complete Projects & Stargazer's Guide Miller. Jacob . Raymond W. Part B Millerson.. Atom Probe Field Ion Microscopy Miller. Soils in Our Environment. R. Molecular Physics. . . . Robert Andrews . Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook. Robert Andrews . Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems Millman. Vol. . Robert Andrews . Nathan . . . The Color Mac: Production Techniques. Rev. Elements of Modern Abstract Algebra Miller. Design Process: a Primer For Architectural and Interior Designers Miller. Thomas (ed. Symmetry and Spearation of Variables Miller.. The U. Hary B.) . The Electron: Its Isolation and Measurements and the Determination of Some of Its Properties Millikan. Jacob . ed. 6th ed. Ronald D. 3rd ed. . Mechanics. Samuel C. William H. The Science of Words Miller. . Mechanics. M. Exercises in Laboratory Physics For Secondary Schools Milliken. Miller. Robert . Stewart E. . . Miller. and Use Miller. . 2nd ed. The Electron: Its Isolation and Measurements and the Determination of Some of Its Properties. Robert Andrews . (ed. (ed. 1 Miller. The Grand Tour: a Traveller's Guiide to the Solar System Miller. Millikan.Miller. Robert Andrews . Richard .) . Miller. Cardiac Radiology: the Requisites Miller. Anatomy of the Dog Miller. 2nd ed. . W. Optical Fiber Telecommunications II Miller. K. . . Kenneth S. Millikan. 2 Miller. Molecular Physics. Anesthesia. Exercises in Laboratory Physics For Secondary Schools Millikan. Robert Andrews . Robert Andrews . Ronald D. Soils: an Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth. The Reciprocating Pump: Theory. . Neural Networks For Control Miller. Gerald . . and Heat Millikan. B. Ron . Gary M. Part A Miller. George A. Optical Fiber Telecommunications Miller. 2nd ed. Stewart E. Miller.) . (ed. A Laboratory Course in Physics For Secondary Schools Millikan. .) . . William H. Engineering Mathematics Miller. Anesthesia. Analysis of Messy Data. Navy: an Illustrated History Miller. An Introduction to the Physics of Intense Charged Particle Beams Miller.S. 3rd ed. Miller. Continents in Collision Miller. Raymond W. Complex Stochastic Processes Miller. Power System Operation. 2nd ed. Neon Techniques and Handling Miller. Modern Electronic Communication. John E. 2: Nonreplicated Experiments Millman. . Miller. Robert H. George A. Kenneth S. Stephen Wilmot . Gerald . Robert Andrews . Microelectronics. Sam F. Dynamics of Molecular Collisions. Malcolm E. Willard . Video Production Handbook Millerson. Kenneth S. Acoustic Measurements: Methods and Instrumentation Miller. Russell . Vol. Design. A First Course in Physics. . 3rd ed. 8th ed. Residential Water Re-use Milne.. Forrest M. Milnes. User's Guide to Sound Synthesis With VST Instruments Milne. . John FitzMaurice . William Edmund . Forrest M. Forrest M. Electronic Formulas. III. Robert . . A. Numerical Solution of Differential Equations Milne-Thompson. Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems Millman. Forrest M. III.. H. Timer.Millman. Science and Communication Circuits and Projects Mims. Fred D. . Jacob .. and Switching Waveforms: Devices and Circuits For Their Generation and Processing Millman. . III. and Basic Circuits Mims. Atmospheric Turbulence and Its Relation to Aircraft . D. Time. . Simon .. . . Forrest M. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Environmental Projects Mims. Mark . Engineer's Mini-notebook: Optoelectronics Circuits Mims. Introduction to Cluster Chemistry Minifie. 2nd ed. Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Electronics Milsom. Aviation and Space Science Projects Millward. Forrest M. Ben .L. . Patterns of Survival Milne. Forrest M. III. . Engineer's Notebook: IC Applications Mims. .M.. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Basic Semiconductor Circuits Mims. Vortex/t: the Poetics of Turbulence Mingos. The Senses of Animals and Men Milne. Forrest M. III. Forrest M. . Mims. J. Design and Testing Mims. . Jacob . Forrest M. Pulse and Digital Circuits Millonas. Forrest M.. . Jacob . . Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments Mills. III.. 3rd ed. Theoretical Hydrodynamics. Michael P. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Formulas.. Mills. A. Engineer's Mini-notebook: 555 Timer IC Circuits. . Lorus J. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Op Amp IC Circuits. Op Amp & Optoelectronic Circuits & Projects Mims. III. . . Device Packages. III. Jacob . Encyclopedia of Sculpture Techniques Mills. Hearing. . Field Geophyiscs Milton. Lorus J. .. Symbols and Circuits Mims. and Language Ministry of Aviation . . III. Forrest M. III. 2nd ed. George W. Robert ... III. Forrest M. G. 4th ed. Charles D. Lorus J. . III. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Science Projects Mims. Practical Astronomy: a User-friendly Handbook For Sky Watchers Mills. Space. Pulse.. Murray . Plastics: Microstructure & Engineering Applications. and Quanta: an Introduction to Contemporary Physics Millspaugh. Forrest M. .. ed. . John . Engineer's Mini-notebook: Digital Logic Circuits Mims. Fluctuations and Order: a New Synthesis Mills. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Communications Projects Mims. .. Electronic Sensor Circuits & Projects Minahen. Tables. III. . Robert . Electronic Devices and Circuits Millman. III. . Propogators For Many Particle Systems Mills. Engineer's Mini-notebook: Schematic Symbols. Digital. Forrest M. Mass Spectrometry: Techniques and Applications Milne. John . . N. J. The World of Night Milne. III. Mims. Epilepsy As a Dynamic Disease Mims.. Normal Aspects of Speech. Frederic S. . Light and Color in the Outdoors Minnaert. David M. Mitchell. Mirkin. . Nicholas . Signals. R. Ralph S. Banking. Marvin . J. Thick Films. An Introduction to Linear Algebra Mirvis. The Economics of Money. 5th ed. G. . John W. J. The Finite Difference Method in Partial Differential Equations Mitchell. Heat and Sound Minorsky. Kenro . Colin . Ralph (ed. Mitchell. Nonlinear Oscillations Minsky. . . (ed. William J. .) . Energy Engineering Mitchell. Frank . Resonance Radiation and Excited Atoms Mitchell. Paul E. Jr. Denny K. William J. The LaTeX Companion. John. Bob . Perceptrons: an Introduction to Computational Geometry. Mize. . Treatise on Clean Surface Technology.Minkoff. 2nd ed. & Active Sensors Minnaert.) . More Heat Than Light: Economics As Social Physics. Marvin L. Gravitation Misner. Physics As Nature's Economics Mirsky. Mislow. Charles W. . K. L. Mitton. The Society of Mind Minsky. The Art of Computer Graphics Programminig: a Strcutured Introduction For Archtiects and Designers Mitra. . Electrocardiography: a Physiologic Approach Mishkin. Frank . L. K. John . Charles . Terrain Evaluation. Daytime Star: the Story of Our Sun Mitton. . Mechatronics: Electromechanics and Controlmechanics Mix. Ronald B. (ed. ed. Water Pollution Microbiology Mitchell. and Financial Markets. Noise. Marie . Vol. . Essentials of Simulation Mizon. Rev. Practical Work in Elementary Astronomy Minor. M. Simon (ed. . 1 Mittal. Simon . Part I. Physical Measurements. William J. M. and Bulk Coatings Mittelbach. Aquametry. Reading the Irish Landscape. . Intentional Oil Pollution at Sea: Environmental Policy and Treaty Compliance Mitchell. M. Streams: Their Dynamics and Morphology Mirowski. Expanded ed. . The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Postphotographic Era Mitchell. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Astronomy Miu. Sanjit K. . Properties of Matter. Spreadsheet Physics Mitchell. The Nature of Light and Color in the Open Air Minnaert. Philip . . Kurt . G. Allan C. 2nd ed. Introduction to Stereochemistry Misner. and the Infobahn Mitchell. . Active Inductorless Filters Mittal. Joe H. Light Pollution: Espones and Remedies . The Sports Medicine Book Mirosawa. Introduction to Nondestructive Testing: a Training Guide Miyamoto. . Part One: Mechanics. A. Adhesion Measurement of Thin Films. Mitchell. . . . Plasma Physics For Nuclear Fusion.) . Gabe . Place. 2nd ed. L. City of Bits: Space.) . revised ed. H. Repair. Metallurgical Micrscopy Modinos. William G. .) .2 . R. A. Magnetic Field Generation in Electrically Conducting Fluids Moffatt. Michael F.1 Monin. A. The Marine Acquarium Handbook: Beginner to Breeder. A. Designing Business: Multiple Media. Statistical Mechanics: Methods and Applications Mohr. Quantum Theory of Matter: a Novel Introduction Modley. Anders Pape . SPI Handbook of Technology and Engineering of Reinforced Plastics/composites Moje. . S. Vol. A. Per . 1 Molyneux-Child. S. GIlbert . . EMC Shielding Materials: a Designer's Guide Monaco. Rudolf . Hydraulics and Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics Mneyan. L. . Michael . J. and Improvement Moelwyn-Hughes. G. . H. Steven W. . . N. . . . (ed. Francis H. Michael . Martin . (ed. J. Vol. H. . Helfrid . K.d Moeller. Vol. Bill . Collapsible: the Genius of Space-Saving Design Mollison. Paper Clip Science: Simple & Fun Expeiments Mok. Guide to Plastics Modest. The Control and Treatment of Industrial and Municipal Stormwater Moffatt. G. Pictographs and Graphs: How to Make and Use Them Moe. M. Asymmetry. The Amateur Meteorologist: Explorations and Investigations Moglestue. J. The Structure and Properties of Materials.. Elements of Physical Chemistry Monin. . P. Far Infrared Spectroscopy Mollerup. F. W. 2nd E. and Optimization Mohr. I: Structure Moffitt. Bill . A. H. K. 6th ed. . . Applied Shape Optimization For Fluids Mohapatra. Optics Möller. and Evolution Moller. E. Semiconductors For Solar Cells Möller. Vol. . Photogrammetry Mofrad. C. K. Tornoadoes Mogil. Franz . . William . . Clement . Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions Mohling. Fluids. Far Infrared Spectroscopy Möller. Permaculture: a Designers' Manual Moltrecht. States of Matter Moffa. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis: a Practical Approach Moncrief. Finite Elements For Solids. A. Karl Dieter . Radiative Heat Transfer Modin. Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence. Tunable Lasers Moller. Designing Interactions Mogil. RV Electrical Systems: a Basic Guide to Troubleshooting. Multiple Disciplines Mollenauer. Cytoskeletal Mechanics: Models and Measurements Moggridge. . . D. Mohammad R. A. Moffitt. The Wonderful Wizard of Magnesia Mobberley. Astronomical Equipment For Amateurs Modern Plastics . . M. Monte Carlo Simulation of Semiconductor Devices Mohammadi. Statistical Fluid Mechanics: Mechanics of Turbulence. . ed. Surveying. Karl Dieter . . Jr. K. Francis H. Machine Shop Practice. Hans Joachim ..) . Martin A. B. Peter E.Mkhitaryan. Bill . Developmental Stability. . . Francis C. The Dependent Gene: the Fallacy of "Nature vs. . Mark . P. C. Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics: an Introduction For Applied Scientists and Engineers Moon. Mark S. Moore. Physical Chemical Techniques. Frederick J. Francis C. (ed. Part B. D. 2nd ed. Chance and Necessity: an Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology Monser. (ed. Akbar . . The Place of Houses Moore. Antenna Design: a Practical Guide Monster Garage . George S. Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Spectrometry Montenbruck. Montgomery. Francis C. Responding to "rountine" Emergencies Montaigne. Dynamics and Chaos in Manufacturing Processes Moon. Applied Dynamics: With Applications to Multibody and Mechatronic Systems Moon. Light: Principles and Experiments. Introduction To Unsteady Thermofluid Mechanics Moody. . The Liquid State of Matter: Fluids. Dan H. W. . ed. Francis C. Oliver . Andrei S. E. Medicine By Design: the Practice and Promise of Biomedical Engineering Montaser. Metrics and Case Studies For Evaluating Engineering Designs Mook. Superconducting Levitation: Applications to Bearings and Magnetic Transportation Moon. Invention. Inside Relativity Moon. A. Fen . Astronomy on the Personal Computer. Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in America Monod.) . D. Plasma Kinetic Theory Montgomery.Monin. Moon. W. Vol. Field Theory Handbook: Including Coordinate Systems. Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Projects Monmonier. 2nd ed. Charles .Simple and Complex Moody. The Scientific Basis of Illuminating Engineering Moore. Physical Chemical Techniques. and Creativity Moore. II. David S. . Predict. and Dramatize Weather Monmonier. Parry . . ed. Nurture" Moore. D. Bruce . 2nd ed. . Air Apparent: How Meteorologists Learned to Map. E. Principles of Microwave Circuits Montgomery. . . Differnetial Equations and Their Solutions. 2nd ed. Fluctuation Phenomena Montroll. D. How to Weld Damn Neat Everything Montagna. ... and Using Static Electricity. Scott L. . Monmonier. (ed. Jay Alan . . 2nd ed. . Vol. Dan H. Viscoelastic Machine Elements: Elastomers and Lubricants in . Discovery. C. Jacques . G. Frank C. Electrostatics: Exploring. Physical Techniques in Biological Research. .) . . II. Chaotic Vibrations: an Introduction For Applied Scientists and Engineeers Moon. Solenoid Magnet Design Montgomery. Delo E. .) . A. Physical Techniques in Biological Research. . Francis C. . . . Controlling. Moore. 2nd ed. Weather Forecasting As a Problem in Physics Monk. Part A. Moore. Desmond F. Science in Translation: Movements of Knowledge Through Cultures and Time Montroll. George J. Mark S. Clinically Oriented Anatomy. F. The Forensics Handbooks Moore. W. Moore. John A. The Limitations of Science Morgan. Meteorology: the Atmosphere and the Science of Weather Moran. . . The Study of Rocks in Thin Section Moran. . Michael J. Schrodinger: Life and Thought Moore. The Amateur Astronomer Moore. Building Scientific Apparatus Moore. Robust Process Control Moravcsik. 2nd ed.) . Musical Sound: an Introduction to the Physics of Music Moravcsik. Wayne R.) . Raymond S. . Communications Receivers: the Vacuum Tube Era: 50 Glorious Years 1932-1981 Moore. Building Scientific Apparatus. 3rd ed. X-ray Diffraction and the Identification and Analysis of Clay Minerals Moore. Wave and Diffusion Analogies Moore. . . The Night Sky With Binoculars. . J. . Isaac Newton More. 2nd ed. . John H. Keith L. Salvatore D. Louis Trenchard . 4th ed. Digital Signal Processing: Applications to Communications and Algebraic Coding Theories Mori. Manfred . Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy Moore-Ede. K. . David O. J. E = Mc2 The Great Ideas That Shaped Our World Moore. The Cell Cycle: Principles of Control Morgan. Moore. The Modern Amateur Astronomer Moore. W. . The Observational Amateur Astronomer Moore. Steve . Patrick (ed. The Clocks That Time Us: Physiology of the Circadian Timing Systems Moorey. Richard K. Making Mobiles: Hanging Decorations From Simple Materials Moorhouse. Theory of Laminar Flows Moore. Carbon Fibers and Their Composites Morganthaler. James J. Science As a Way of Knowing: the Foundations of Modern Biology Moore. . . The Physical Basis of Musical Sounds Morgan. Traveling-Wave Engineering Moore. . Anne . . Pete . Moore.) . Boys' Book of Science and Construction. . . Martin C. Peter . Joseph M. Demand Morgera. Moore. George W. . Dissipative Structures and Chaos Morikuni. . Richard K. H. Pete . . Patrick . Chemical Metalurgy. Energy Delta: Supply Vs. Dynamic Positioning of Offshore Vessels Morgan. Patrick (ed. The Two-Nucleon Interaction More. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Morari. Essential Clinical Anatomy Moore. . Joseph . . John H. Louis Trenchard . . Morgan. .Machine Systems Moore. Patrick . . Michael J. revised ed. Patrick (ed. Computer-aided Design of Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits . Alfred P. Michael J. The Amateur Astronomer Moore. Small Astronomical Observatories: Amateur and Professional Designs and Constructions Moore. Walter . Duane M. Keith L. Designing With Analog Switches Moore. Patrick . Max J. Bruce . Conway . The Ring of Truth: an Inquiry into How We Know What We Know Morrison. Randomness. Ralph . Expoloring Planetary Worlds Morrison. Separation Methods in Biochemistry Morris. Weather For the New Pilot Morse. Philip (ed. . R. David . . W. The Art of Modeling Dynamic Systems: Forecasting For Chaos. .and Systems Morlock. The Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems Morrison. Grounding and Shielding Techniques in Instrumentation. Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning Morone. Morrison. L. & Determinism Morrison. Technical Illustrating Morris. Powers of Ten: About the Relative Size of Things in the Universe Morrison. . George E. I. Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe Morris. Harold J. . . The Custom Graphite Fly Rod Morrison. 3rd ed. O. Mayonnaise and the Origin of Life: Thoughts of Minds and Molecules Morowitz. Robert Thornton . . Philip . . Ralph . .) . Noise and Other Interfering Signals Morrison. ed. Introduction to Fourier Analysis Morrison. Gregory L. Beginning of Cellular Life: Metabolism Recapitulates Biogenesis Morrill. Averting Catastrophe: Strategies For Regulating Risky Technologies Morowitz. . Part 1 . HTML in Action Morris. Skip . . Robert Thornton . Norman . Joseph G. 2nd ed. Candle Power: Advanced Candlestick Recognition and Filtering Techniques For Trading Stocks and Futures Morris. . E. 6th ed. Organic Chemistry. Harold J. Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings Morse. Tom . The Essence of Measurement Morris. . Vibration and Sound Morse. Richard . Foster . T. Organic Chemistry. Philip M. Richard . Organic Chemistry: Answers to Problems Morrison. . . The Emergence of Everything: How the World Became Complex Morowitz. . . Methods of Theoretical Physics. P. Robert Thornton . . The Art of Computerized Measurement Morrison. Richard L. . Philip . Achilles in the Quantum Universe Morris. Entropy and the Magic Flute Morowitz. Alan S. The Thermodynamics of Pizza: Essays on Science and Everyday Life Morowitz. Harold J. Instrumentation Fundamentals and Applications Morrison. Morrison. The Spatial Organization of Society Morris. Handbook of Structural Design Morris. Harry L. Philip M. Edward S. . Environmental Control in Electronic Manufacturing Morrison. Edward K. The Edges of Science: Crossing the Boundary From Physics to Metaphyiscs Morris. J. Harold J. P. . Morrison. The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence Morrison. A. Air Quality Meteorology and Atmospheric Ozone Morris. C. Harold J. Ralph . Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Medical/surgical Management. Robert T. Public Works: a Dangerous Trade Mosher. Aerobatics: a Comprehensive Guide For Sport and Competition R/C Pilots Motchenbacher. . . . Design Characteristics and Applications Motorola . Mosley. S. T. 3rd ed. Noise in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Moss. Robert . Anti-friction Bearings. Hudson T. Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability With Solutions Mosteller.Morse. Motorola Zener Diode Manual Motorola . Introduction to Auto Engines. Automechanic's Guide to Electronic Instrumentation and Microprocessors Moskowitz. Solid State Projects Manual . 2nd ed. Techniques and Mechanisms of Gas Sensing Moser. . Packaging Mosburg. Theoretical Acoustics Morse. 3rd ed. Motorola . Semiconductor Opto-electronics Mosteller. Roland W. Introduction to Higher Algebra Motazedi. MC68020 32-Bit Microprocessor User's Manual. . P. Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems: With Special Emphasis on Celestial Mechanics Moser. Stewart . Optimal. Motorola . Specs & Ratings Motorola . Handbook on Basic Land Management Mosca. . Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments Moses. Edoardo . Predictive. Mosberg. Circuit Design. Rubber Technology. Lester R. Low Noise Electronic Design Motor . Maurice . Alfred J. Frank . Philip M. and Adaptive Control Moschytz. Linear Integrated Networks: Design Moscinski. C. Lynn . Advanced Control With Matlab and Simulink Moseley. MC68851 Paged Memory Management Unit User's Manual Motorola . Permanent Magnet Design and Application Handbook Moskowitz.. Philip M. George S. Michael E. . Silicon Rectifier Handbook: Characteristics. Part 2 Morse. W. T. Jerzy . Lectures on Hamiltonian Systems. Jr. . . Reinforced Concrete Design. 2nd ed. . Frederick . Sensor Materials Moseley. J. Morton. Methods of Theoretical Physics. Motorola . 5th ed. Jürgen . MC68881 Floating-Point Coprocessor User's Manual Motorola . Frederick . The Practicing Scientist's Handbook Moses. . Mary Anne . . Moss. A. H. Lewis G. P. . How to Make & Fly Model Hot-air Baloons Mort. Rigorous and Formal Stability of Orbits About an Oblate Planet Moser. George S. T. . . Geometric Modeling Morton. Jürgen .D. Ray . The Semiconductor Data Book. Plasma Deposited Thin Films Mortenson. Silcon Zener Diode Handbook: Theory. Probability With Statistical Applications Mostowski. 3rd ed. . Linear Integrated Networks: Fundamentals Moschytz. . Cooling Techniques. . 8th ed. Tom (ed. Morton . Electroceramics: Materials. Gerhard . The Principles of Electromagnetism Moullin. N. L. . P. B. A. B. N.) . E. Bluetooth Demystified Multidimensional Signal Processing Committee . Electronic Processes of Ionic Crystals. J. 2nd ed Mott-Smith. Vol. . Fundamentals of Chemical Technology Mulcahy. James . John . Electromagnetic Principles of the Dynamo Moulson. N. Microsensors Mullin. W. H. Computer Studies of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Mouritsen. Wave Mechanics and Its Applications Mott. . Laser-induced Interstitial Thermotherapy Muller. Experimental Electronics Muller. Pantazis . Applications Mound. . . N. N. II Mott. B.: a Guide to Exploring the Heavens Muirden. Spontaneous Fluctuations of Voltage Moullin. . James . Device Electronics For Integrated Circuits. F. 2nd ed. . . . A. . . Naval Architecture For Marine Engineers Muhlhaus. Sir . The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys Mott. Elements of Wave Mechanics Mott. Nevill. Roy . The Theory of Atomic Collisions. Techniques & Jigs For Woodworkers and Metalworkers Mouritsen. Mark . Mott. The Polarographic Method of Analysis Müller.) . B. Muller. Photovoltaic Performance Reliability Workshop Muckle. Materials Handling Handbook Müller. . (ed.. 2nd ed. James . Laurence . HF Antennas For All Locations Moyseyev. F. Shop Savvy: Tips. . N. Life . A. . Science & Criticism: the Humanistic Tradition in Contemporary Thought Müller. David E. Nathan J. Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics Mouroulis. F. . F. N. Ole G. Visual Instrumentaion: Optical Design and Engineering Principles Mouroulis. .As a Matter of Fat: the Emerging Science of Lipidomics Mourou. . Properties. L. . 3rd Ed. . Otto H. E. Introduction to NMOS and CMOS VLSI Systems Design Mukhlyonov. F. . Astonomy With Binoculars Muirden. . The Amateur Astronomer's Handbook. . Dynamical Stability of Bodies Containing Fluid Mrig. J. Continuum Models of Materials With Microstructure Muir. Ole G. Francis S.) . . Amar . Metal-Insulator Transitions. . E. Ralph H. Pantazis . 3rd ed. Richard S. Neural Networks: an Introduction Muller. Insect Moungovan. Herbert J. Object Oriented Program Design With Examples in C++ Mullin. (ed. Geometrical Optics and Optical Design Moxon. Multidimensional Digital Signal . B. The Concept of Energy Simply Explained Moullin. Integrated Circuits Projects From Motorola Mott. The Story of My Boyhood and Youth Muirden. G. The Nature of Chaos Mulller. How to Use an Astronomical Telescope Mukherjee.Motorola . . Electron and Ion Microscopy and Microanalysis: Principles and Applications Murr. . 3rd ed. . The Color of Nature Murphy. The Nature of Matter Mulvey. Modern Approaches to Control System Design Munro-Smith. Petr . Lewis . The Myth of the Machine.) . Governing Nature Murphy. Vol. H. Basics of Digitial Computers. J. Douglas B. B. I. Pat .) . Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers: With Application to Exhaust and Ventilation System Design Munk. Shock Waves For Industrial Applications Murray. Frank F. N. Dave . D. Andrew . Lawrence .) . . Journey into Space: the First Thirty Years of Space Exploration Murray.Processing Mulvey. Earl Finbar . A. What is Life? The Next Fifty Years: Speculations on the Future of Biology Murphy. An Introduction: Vol. M. Exploring Electricity Murphy. R. Handbook of Electronic Design and Analysis Procedures Using Programmable Calculators Murdock. N. John S. Exploring Cities Murphy. John S. Vol. The Myth of the Machine: the Pentagon of Power Mundy. . . Properties of Engineering Materials Murphy. . . By Nature's Design Murr. . Bruce K. Basics of Digitial Computers. Lewis . Supernova Murdoch. Pat (ed. Technics and Civilizations Mumford.) . (ed. D. Guy . . Mathematical Biology. Bruce . M. Basics of Digitial Computers. .) . Lawrence E. . L. James A. Perturbations: Theory and Methods Murell. J. Vol. Z. Music of the Spheres Murdin. J. Failure Analysis. A. . 2 Murphy. ed. Solid-State Electronics Murr. . . Ships and Naval Architecture Munshi. The Cell Cycle: an Introduction Murray. Pat . Solid State: Nuclear Methods Munem. Introduction to Macromolecular Science Munro. Neil . Paul . 4th ed Munjal. 1 Murphy. and Litigation Murr. . Precalculus: Functions and Graphs. John S. Solar System Dynamics Murray. Joseph B. . J. Handbook of Solid State Batteries & Capacitors Munshower. Lawrence E. House Training Your VCR: a Help Manual For Humans Murray. Lawrence E. Network Theory Murdoch. J. . 3 Murphy. Vol. Pat (ed. C. . Glenn . Lewis . John . (ed. M. Pat (ed. Practical Handbook of Disturbed Land Revegetation Murchie. What Every Engineer Should Know About Material and Component Failure. Semiconductor Device Measurements Mumford. Michael P. . Properties of Liquids and Solutions Murphy. Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging Murphy. Exploring Energy Murphy. . Illumination Engineering: From Edison's Lamp to the Laser Murdock. 1: Technics and Human Development Mumford. The Bonded Electrical Resistance Strain Gage Murrill.Murray. Theory of Crystal Dislocations Naber. . A. Eadward . Cultures of Habitat: on Nature. R. . Paul W. Tyn . Eadward . Seismic Refraction Prospecting Musgrave. . Engineering Mechanics of Materials Muybridge. and Story Nabok. M. P.) . B. Morris . 3rd ed. S. The Flow of Homgenous Fluids Through Porous Media Muskat. . John J. Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures Nabokov. 3rd ed. D. Eugene N. D. . Musser. Jon . Solid Surfaces and Interfaces Myshkis.) . The New Wind Power: a Timely Report on How Business. What Every Engineer Should Know About Ceramics Musk. N. Chassis Suspension and Brakes Murray. D. Albert W. (ed. Culture. . B. 4th ed. Structural Design and Crashworthiness of Automobiles Musa. . Manual of Clinical Microbiology. N. Spencer (ed. Cancer of the Head and Neck. Fundamentals of Experimental Design Myers. John D. Spencer (ed. Synchro Conversion Handbook Muvdi. . Weather Systems Muskat. Singular Integral Equations. . The Human Figure in Motion Mycek. T. Partial Differential Equations For Scientists and Engineers. Steve (ed. September 24-27. . Native American Architecture Nachman. Machine Art Musgrave. E. 2 Murray. Gary Paul . Jerome L. . . Jon . . Government. Design For a Livable Planet: How You Can Help Clean Up the Environment Nabarro. Mathematical Biology Murray. Prediction. Handbook of Biomedical Fluorescence Myers. Sir Banister Fletcher's A History of Architecture Musikant. II. Handbook of Ocean and Underwater Engineering Myint-U. J. Vol. . . . Joseph F. Murray. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Rare Earth Research. . Alexei . 2nd ed. STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming With the Standard Template Library Muth. The Flow of Homgenous Fluids Through Porous Media Muskat. . David R. Jack . Gregory L. Applicaion Museum of Modern Art New York . . The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime Nabhan. I. . . Physical Principles of Oil Production Muskhelishvili. Paul W. Mykura. . H. 1961 . J. K. Crystal Acoustics Musgrove.) . . Fundamentals of Process Control Theory Murt. Animals in Motion Muybridge. Murray. Highlights® Book of Science Questions That Children Ask Myers. M. Mary-Ann . Automatic Control of Processes Murrill. J.) . F. Basic Engine Hot Rodding No. Low-gravity Fluid Mechanics Naar. Physical Measurement and Analysis of Thin Films Murthy. John . Solomon . Partick R. Leslie F. Peter . Software Reliability: Measurement. M. Mathematical Biology. Myers. M. 6th ed. and Independent Research Are Creating a New Energy Industry Naar. William M. . S. Control System Engineering (2nd Ed. . Morton . R. G. Electron Transport in Compound Semiconductors Nagaosa. Andrew R. S. I. 1990 Lectures in Complex Systems III Nadel. J. Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked World Nancollas. . Lynn (ed. W> . Lorenzo M. S. Atlas of Visualization II Nakazawa. Lynn (ed. S.Nachod. Interactions in Electrolyte Solutions Napier. F.) . John . . Violent Phenomena in the Universe Narlikar. The Macintosh Bible: Thousands of Basic and Advanced Tipes. Joe . The Science of Radio Naiman. Lynn (ed. Exploring With the Microscope Nachtrieb. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Nakayama. Strength of Materials. K. Principles of Precision Enegineering Namba. Kumpati . Pattern Recognition Engineering Nag. Introduction to Chaos: Physics and Mathematics of Chaotic Phenomena Nagata. MOSFET's and Integrated Circutirs Nanavati.) . N. Elements of Electronic Navigation. Kumpati S. . and Shortcuts Logically Organized and Fully Indexed Najder. Norman H. Quantum Field Theory in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems Nagaraja. Semiconductor Devices: BJT's. . A. Mechanics-graphics. Joe Nagata's LEGO Mindstorms Idea Book Nagdi. J.) Nahin. R. Jayant V. Introduction to Design For Civil Engineers Narcus. 2nd ed. Science and Technology Og Mesoscopic Structures Nanavati. . . Activation Analysis With Neutron Generators Narlikar. 2nd ed. 1991 Lectures in Complex Systems IV Nadel. Laser Physics and Laser Instabilities Narendra. V. Yasuki . Werner . Metallizing of Pastics Narducci. 1993 Lectures in Complex Systems VI Nadkarni. . Vol. (ed) . Nagashima. . Katsuhiro . Determination of Organic Structures By Physical Methods.) . NASA . 2 Nachtigal. . Sam S. Principles and Practice of Spectrochemical Analysis Nadel. . Instrumentation & Control: Fundamentals and Applications Nachtigall. Hands Nara. . B. Arthur (ed. Basic Ergodic Theory Nadler. Y. H. Samir . . G. The Lighter Side of Gravity. Paul J. Khairi . Applications of Adaptive Control Narendra. Rubber As an Engineering Material: Guideline For Users Nagel. A Forecast of Space Technology 1980-2000 NASA . Blood Pressure Narayanan. Ernest . . The Physics of Elementary Excitations Nakamura. Harold . Chester L. . Machine Designers' Guide: Formulas. Tricks. H. JFET's. Outlook For Space Nasar. . Linear Motion Electric Machines . Gödel's Proof Nagrath. Hiromu . S. . Quantum Chaos: a New Paradigm of Nonlinear Dynamics Nakayama. . Stable Adpative Systems Nargowalla.) . N. . M. . Examples Nakajima. Rahendra . S. . C. Ocean Wave Spectra National Association of Relay Manufacturers . Special Methods Nastuk. Physical Techniques in Biological Research. Vol. P. . I. Leonard I. Discrete-time Signals and Systems Nathanson. Jerry A. Vol. Kurt . . I. National Academy of Sciences . Essentials of Optimal Control Nass. . Encyclopedia of PVC. Electrophysiological Methods Part B Natanson. . V. . The Phsyics and Chemistry of Color: the Fifteen Causes of Color Nastuk. Physics in Perpective: the Nature of Physics and the Subfields of Physics. . I Natanson. and Pollution Control National Academy of Sciences . Vol. Theory of Functions of a Real Variable. . IV. Fundamentals of Amorphous Semiconductors National Academy of Sciences . The Craftsman in America National Geographic Society . Student ed. William L. Engineers' Relay Handbook National Audubon SOciety . . 1 Nass. Nasir Ahmed T. Vol. . . Those Inventive Americans . 3 Nassau. Elements of Chemical Thermodynamics Nash. Leonard I. Illustrated Experiments in Fluid Mechanics National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements . Proerties. K. Physical Techniques in Biological Research. A Beautiful Mind Nash. Review of the Current State of Radiation Protection Philosophy National Fire Protection Association . Leonard I. II Natarajan. Raging Forces: Earth in Upheaval National Geographic Society . 2 Nass. Earth From Space National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films . Syed A. Theory and Problems of Strength of Materials Naslin. . Electrophysiological Methods Part A Nastuk. Waste Disposal. 2: Growth and Properties Nassau. William L. P. Encyclopedia of PVC. . VI. The Molecules of Life Nass. Vol. and Applications. P. Charles . Topology and Geometry For Physicists Nash. Atomic & Molecular Physics National Academy of Sciences . Sylvia . Linear and Nonlinear Programming Nash. Radar Design Principles: Signal Processing and the Environment nathanson. . Stephen G. . William L. William A. Vol. Jason John . . 3000 Solved Problems in Electric Circuits Nasar.Nasar. Theory of Functions of a Real Variable. Crystals: Grwoth. . NFPA 101 Life Safety Code 1988 National Geographic Society . Gisela . Encyclopedia of PVC. Vol. L. Vol. Basic Enironmental Technology: Water Supply. K. . Physical Techniques in Biological Research. Builders of the Ancient World: Marvels of Engineering National Geographic Society . A Textbook of Practical Astronomy Nassau. Vol. Fred E. Alpha-emitting Particles in Lungs National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements . Instruction Manual For Steamfitter-pipefitter Journeyment & Apprentices. Health Risks of Radon and Other Internally Deposited Alpha-emitters National Research Council . . Carl R. Physical Techniques in Biological Research. . .) . Computational. Electronic Materials and Devices Nayfeh. Arch W. David H. Naylor. 3rd ed. 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Various Radio Service Manuals National Research Council . Perturbation Methods Nayfeh. Navon. Workplace Use of Back Belts National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Division of Safety Research . Special Report 209. . National Rural Electric Cooperative Association . . Managing Coastal Erosion National Research Council . Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering.National Geographic Society . B. Ali H. Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation National Research Council . Ali H. 3rd ed. . Materials Science and Engineering For the 1990s: Maintaining Competitiveness in the Age of Materials National Research Council . Technology For Small Spacecraft National Research Council . Introduction to Perturbation Techniques Nayfeh. Gillian .Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board . V: Electrophysiological Methods Part A Naugolynykh. Highway Capacity Manual. National Radio Institute . People . 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Part II: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Magisteries of Gold and Immortality Needham. . Quantum Many-particle Systems Negus. Valerie (ed. . Statistical Mechanics of Membranes and Surfaces. Ceramics: a Potter's Handbook Nelson. Aircraft Hydraulic Systems. Visual Complex Analysis Neelakanta. Yuval (ed. 4th ed. Vol. Norman S. Stratigraphic Modelling and Interpretation . 43rd ed. Help! For the Small Museum: Handbook of Exhibit Ideas and Methods Neal. Arminta . H. 5th ed.) . To Fulfill a Vision: Jerusalem Einstein Centennial Symposium on Gauge Theories and Unification of Physical Forces Ne'eman. Herbert P. . Science and Civilisation in China. Ne'eman. Morris . . .) . Ceramics: a Potter's Handbook. Selling Science Nelson. Science and Civilisation in China.Naylor. Kathleen Suttles . John W. John E. Science and Civilisation in China. Dorothy . 3rd ed. 2nd ed. Vol. Glenn C. Basic Electromagnetic Fields Negele. Anthony V. Effects. 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Mciroscosmos: the Invisible World of Insects Nussbaum. Design of Machinery Norton. Fire Officer's Handbook of Tactics Norman. . E. . R. Optical System Design Nussbaum. Dynamics of Elastic Systems Nowak. Cam Design and Manufacturing Handbook Norton. X-ray Diffraction Methods Nuhfer. Dynamics: Numerical Explorations . Noninvasive Instrumentation and Measurement in Medical Diagnosis Northrup.Norman. S. Quantitative Analysis By Gas Chromatography Novotny. William Albert. John . . V. Solar Energy Experiments: For High School and College Students Norton. Robert L. Introduction to Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors Novotny. I Can Become and ElectroWiz: Magnetism Norman. H. . Jason P. Advanced Amateur Astronomy Northrip. .Peter . Phillipe . Jr. Machine Design . . Robert H. Harry N. Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analysis For Engineers Norton. Robert B. SAMS Teach Yourself Windows CE Programming in 24 Hours Novak. Lung Surfactants: Basic Science and Clinical Applications Nottingham. . 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The Photochemsitry of Gases Nozdrev. Lukas . Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements Norton. . Robert L. Robert B. . Electric Gas Lighting North. M. Robert W. Josef . E. Keeping Watch: a History of American Time O'Mongain. Nye. Computational Geometry in C O'Shaughnessy. Beginning Partial Differential Equations O'Neill. Introduction to Statistical Optics O'Neill. 2nd ed. Physical Properties of Crystals Nye. 2 of X Window System Users Guide) Nye. Paul . J. . William J. Hazardous Waste Site Remediation: the Engineer's Perspective O'Brien. T. Qualitative Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics . Peter V. T. Circuits For Electronic Instrumentation O'Halloran. A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology O'Hara. . O. . . 21st ed. Obert. Elements of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Obert. X-Toolkit Intrinsics Reference Manualk. E. Adrian (ed. Walter J. Michael . Natural Focusing and Fine Structure of Light: Caustics and Wave Dislocations Nyer. . . Marian Maeve . . John F. . Edward F. and Embryological Drawings of Leonard Da Vinci O'Malley. John F. Oberg. Obert. . C. . Speech Communication: Human and Machine O'Shea. Practical Reliability Engineering. Evan K. 5 of Window System Users Guide) O'Rourke. Gemstones O'Neil. J. Geographical Literacy O'Malley. Pring Publishing: a Hayden Shop Manual O'Reilly and Associates Staff . Rory . O'Connor. Edward F. Physiological. 2nd ed. . J. . . Physical Computing Oakley. F. Douglas . . E. Joseph . . 3rd ed. Machinery's Handbook. (vo. Physics in Industry O'Nan. Kieran . Xlib Reference Manul (vol. 1 of X Window System Users Guide). 2nd ed. Ochi. Practical Reliability Engineering. Internal Combistion Engines. H.) . A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology. Mariner's Gyro-navigation Manual O'Mahony. Linear Algebra O'Neil. . . Time-correlated Single Photon Counting O'Connor. 3rd ed. Patrick D. . Applied Probablity and Stochastic Processes in Engineering & Physical Sciences Ockendon. Guide to Creating 3D Worlds O'Quinn. . Leonardo Da Vinci on the Human Body: the Anatomical. The Calculus Oates. Adrian . Gas Turbines For Automotive Use O'Brien. Power Management: Manual 01740B O'Hanlon. Dan . O'Hanlon. H. Edward F. Desmond V. Internal Combustion Engines. Viscous Flow Oden. Charles D. Michel K. C. T. Elements of Modern Optical Design O'Sullivan. John P. Xlib Programming Manual (vol. . F. . O'Dell. Machinery's Handbook. Tinsley . . Groundwater Treatment Technology O'Brien and Gere Engineers Inc. Donnie . G. Make Your Own Dollhouses and Dollhouse Miniatures O'Connor. . Donald C. . 12th ed. 2nd ed. . Patrick D. . . Michael .Nye. 2nd ed. Aerothermodynamics of Gas Turbine and Rocket Propulsion Oberg. Edward L. C. 5th ed. Katsuhiko . Separation of Particles From Air and Gases. . Howard T. Patterns in the Void: Why Nothing is Important Odette. Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices Ohtsu. Real-time Shading Old. A. Principles of Gene Manipulation: an Introduction to Genetic Engineering. Rufus . Designing Linear Control Systems With MATLAB Ogata. Stochastic Differential Equations: an Introduction With Applications. Milton . . Power. Introduction to Power Electronics Ohring. Eiichi . Akira . B. Diffusion and Ecological Problems: Modern Perspectives. Katsuhiko . R. Elementary Excitations in Quantum Fluids Ohio. 3rd ed. Richard P. 3rd ed. VLSI Image Processing Office of Technology Assessment . Oksendal. Particle Physics: the Quest For the Substance of Substance Olano. Ogawa. . A Guide to Fluid Mixing Olenick. L. Motoichi . Marc . . 2 Ogilvie. Modeling. T. . Energy Efficiency: Challenges and Opportunites For Electric Utilities Offner. Modern Control Engineering Ogata. Vol. Discrete-time Control Systems Ogata. Akira . Environment. Peter J. Sten F. Theory of Wave Scattering From Random Rough Surfaces Ogrodnik. Congress . Katsuhiko . Marilyn Bailey . . THomas A. Textbook of Large Animal Surgery Oelke. and Control Ohanian. Ohbayashi. . Electronics For Biologists Ogata. Separation of Particles From Air and Gases. Babatunde A. . . Barbara . Continued Fractions Oldshue. Katsuhiko . Okun. Drawing and Painting Horses Offen. Mathematical Engineering Analysis Olds. Akira .U. Louis L. D. Katsuhiko . K. Near-Field Nano/Atom Optics and Technology Ohtsu. Digital Nonlinear Editing: Editing Film and Video on the Desktop. Franklin F. M. Bernt . 2nd ed. . The Mechanical Universe: Introduction to Mechanics and Heat .Odenwald. Stochastic Differential Equations: an Introduction With Applications. Raymond J. J. Bernt . Women in Science: Antiquity Through the Nineteenth Century: a Biographical Dictionary With Annotated Bibliography Ogilvy. . J. Modern Control Engineering. Oldenburger. Denise .S. State Space Analysis of Control Systems Ogata. 2nd ed. R. Energy Efficiency: Challenges and Opportunities For Electric Utilities Office of Technology Assessment . W. 2n ed. Intelligent Embedded Systems Odum. Process Dynamics. . . Fundamental Engineering Mechanics Ogunnaike. . Boundary Layer Climates Oksendal. Y. I Ogawa. and Society Oehme. Vol. . Five Essential Steps in Digital Video: a DV Moviemaker's Tricks of the Trade Ohno. Frederick W. . Highly Coherent Semiconductor Lasers Oke. . Okubo. (ed) . Ivo . 7th ed. George . Physics of Meteor Flight in th Eatmosphere Oppenheim. Frederick L. Applications of Digital Signal Processing Oppenheim. . Breast Cancer: All You Need to Know to Take an Active Part in Your Treatment Ollier. . Ernst J. Bernard M. M. Signals and Systems Oppenheim. 2nd ed.) . . The Chemistry of Life Olsen.) . Richard P. S. The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery Oliver. A. and Engineering. Shelter. The Shaggy Steed of Physics: Mathematical Beauty in the Physical World Oliver. Smith's Introduction to Industrial Mycology. Olsen. Shelter. Mechatronics: Principles and Applications Opik. Roland . Paul (ed. Gerner A. 2nd ed. Basic Machine Technology Olivotto. Alan S. Aircraft Wake Turbuelnce and Its Detection Olson. . . . . Practical Anthropology Olivo. . Alan V. Cliff . Alan V. Thomas . . C. Ceramic Processing Before Firing Onofri. Specifications & Construction. AutoCAD Release 12 Instant Reference Onions. . Strength of Materials. Alan V. Papers on Digital Signal Processing Oppenheim. Engineering Complex Systems With Models and Objects Oliver. Goerges . . . Fertilizer Technology & Use Olson. . 3rd ed. Physics. . W. Bernard M. Frank . Weathering Olomucki. M. F. J. Irwin . . David W. Sign & Symbol: an Exploratory Work on Vernacular Architecture Oliver. . A. Harry F. Omar. Working Prototypes: Exhibit Design at the Exploratorium . Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations. .Olenick. Onoda. Volcanoes Ollier. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Oliver. Phased Array Antennas Oliver. 2nd ed. Arthur A. R. 2nd ed. A.) . Beyond the Mechanical Universe: From Electricity to Modern Physics Olesko. Elementary Solid State Physics: Principles and Applications Omnes. The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Omura. Godfrey C. Music. David . Alan S. 2nd ed. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Oliver. Martin . Olsen. . Physics As a Calling: Discipline and Practice in the Konigsberg Seminar For Physics Oliner. John H. Harry F. Fluid Dynamical Aspects of Combustion Theory Onwubolu. . . Stochastic Processes in Chemical Physics: the Master Equation Oppenheimer. Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Oppenheim. . Jack E. George Y. . . Introduction to Asymptotics and Special Functions Olver. (ed. Cliff . Olver. H. Peter J. . Sign & Symbol: an Exploratory Work on Vernacular Architecture Oliverier. Olson. Digital Signal Processing Oppenheim. Kathryn M. Signals and Systems. (ed) . Acoustical Engineering Olson. . Paul (ed. The Kiln Book: Materials. Reuben M. . Computer-aided Ananlysis of Electric Machines: a Mathematica .Oct. G. . William I. Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei Osterhout. Proceedins of the Japan-U. Carol . 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Vertebrate Biology. Orbitals. Radio Handbook. Marilyn M. Simple Low-cost Wire Antennas For Radio Amateurs Ortiz de Zarate. Flow Cytometry Orr. The Forgotten Art of Building a Good Fireplace: the Sotry of Ocunt Rumford and His Fireplace Designs That Have Remained Unchanged Since 1795 Osborn. Milton . Orr. Arthur W. William I. . Frederic I. Gerald . Physics of the Home Osborne.C. an Introduction 2nd ed. Road Transportation Research Outlook Organizing COmmittee of the Japan-U. Atom and Void: Essays on Science and Community Oppenheimer. Graphs and Their Uses Orfanidis.Sept. Robert . workshop on snow avalance. Basic Astronautics: an Introduction to Space Science. Erecting Structural Steel Orchin. The Open Mind Oppenheimer. Material For the Gunn Effect Orton. Sophocles J.Tsukuba Japan Orlando. . Decomtamination and Decommisionaing of Nuclear Facilities Ostovic. William F. Optimum Signal Processing. 4th ed. Complex Variables and Their Applications Osborne. The Story of Semiconductors Orton. William I. Robert T. Physical Techniques in Biological Research. G. William I. Topics in the Theory of Funcitons of Several Complex Variables Osgood. Robert . Orr. Oystein . . 2nd ed. J. J. . . Anthony D. I. . Terry P. Perpetual Motion: the History of an Obsession Ordway.Oppenheimer. John . Landslide. . Jacob . Othonos. Keith . Natural Resource Conservation: an Ecological Approach Owens. . Automotive Fuels Reference Book. Owen. R. ed. Frank J. Personal Computers For Scientists: a Byte at a Time Ouichi. Coping With Chaos: Analysis of Chaotic Data and the Exploitation of Chaotic Systems Ott. Roads. David . 9th ed. Minoru . Edward . Glenn I. The Kinematics of Mixing: Stretching. Glenn I. K. Lev A. Edward . . Phillip F.R. . Fundamentals of Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Overman. Edwin . Tensile Structures Ouchi. M. 2nd ed. . . . V. Alternating Current Measurements Owen. Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics Owen. . . Robert K. . Bridges. . R. Manufacturing Processes and Systems. . 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