RAN Feature Documentation



RAN Feature DocumentationProduct Version: RAN16.0 Library Version: 08 Date: 03/30/2015 For any question, please contact us. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2015. All rights reserved. Call Admission Control Contents 3.4.2 Call Admission Control WCDMA RAN Call Admission Control Feature Parameter Description Issue 01 Date 2014-04-30 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: [email protected] 3.4.2 Contents 1 About This Document 1.1 Scope 1.2 Intended Audience 1.3 Change History 1.4 Differences Between Base Station Types 2 Overview 2.1 CAC Policy 2.1.1 System Resources 2.1.2 Resource Requests 2.1.3 Channels 2.1.4 Service Priorities 2.2 CAC Procedure 3 NodeB Credit Resource-based CAC 3.1 NodeB Credit Resources 3.2 Admission on RNC 3.2.1 Calculation of the Remaining NodeB Credit Resources on the RNC Side 3.2.2 Admission Decisions on RRC Connection Setup Requests 3.2.3 Admission Decisions on Other Resource Requests 3.3 Admission on NodeB 4 Iub Transmission Resource-based CAC 5 Cell Code Resource-based CAC 5.1 Admission Decisions on RRC Connection Setup Requests 5.2 Admission Decisions on Other Resource Requests 6 CAC Based on the Number of HSPA Users 6.1 CAC for HSDPA Users 6.2 CAC for HSUPA Users 7 Cell Power Resource-based CAC 7.1 Overview 7.2 Admission Control Algorithm 1 7.2.1 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm 1 7.2.2 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm 1 7.3 Admission Control Algorithm 2 7.3.1 ENU 7.3.2 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm 2 7.3.3 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm 2 7.4 Admission Control Algorithm 3 7.5 Admission Control Algorithm 4 8 Common Channel Admission 8.1 CAC on Traditional Common Channels 8.1.1 CAC for Users on the FACH 8.1.2 Reserved Resources for Traditional Common Channels 8.2 CAC on the E-FACH or E-RACH 8.2.1 CAC Based on Iub Transmission Resources 8.2.2 CAC Based on the Number of E-FACH and E-RACH Users 8.2.3 CAC Based on Power Resources 9 Follow-up Processing in the Case of Admission Failures 10 Engineering Guidelines 10.1 WRFD-020101 Admission Control 10.1.1 Feature Deployment Requirements Activation Using MML Commands MML Command Examples Using the CME Activation Observation Deactivation Using MML Commands MML Command Examples Using the CME 10.1.2 Performance Monitoring 10.1.3 Parameter Optimization 10.2 WRFD-01061003 HSDPA Admission Control 10.2.1 Feature Deployment Requirements Activation Using MML Commands MML Command Examples Using the CME Activation Observation Deactivation 10.2.2 Performance Monitoring 10.2.3 Parameter Optimization 10.3 WRFD-01061202 HSUPA Admission Control 10.3.1 Feature Deployment Requirements Activation Using MML Commands MML Command Examples Using the CME Activation Observation Deactivation 10.3.2 Performance Monitoring 10.3.3 Parameter Optimization 11 Parameters 12 Counters 13 Glossary 14 Reference Documents 1 About This Document 1.1 Scope This document describes Call Admission Control (CAC), including its technical principles and engineering guidelines. This document covers the following features:   WRFD-020101 Admission Control WRFD-01061003 HSDPA Admission Control BTS3900AL.0 01 (2014-04-30) This issue does not include any changes.2 Intended Audience This document is intended for personnel who:   Need to understand the features described herein Work with Huawei products 1. BTS3900L. . WRFD-01061202 HSUPA Admission Control This document applies to the following NE types. BTS3812AE Micro BTS3803E. BTS3902E LampSite DBS3900 LampSite 1. There are two types of changes. BTS3812E.0 Draft B (2014-02-28) This issue includes the following changes. NE Type RNC NodeB NE Model BSC6900. BTS3900A.3 Change History This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. which are defined as follows:  Feature change Changes in features of a specific product version  Editorial change Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier version RAN16. BTS3900C 3800 series macro base stations: DBS3800. RAN16. DBS3900. BSC6910 Macro 3900 series macro base stations: BTS3900. Change Type Feature change Change Description Parameter Change Added descriptions Added the following parameters: about the principles of the Dynamic  NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.1 ENU 10.Change Type Change Description Parameter Change Feature change None None Editorial change For details about feature None support and function implementation differences between base station types.0.4 Differences Between Base Station Types . RAN16.0 Draft A (2014-01-20) Compared with Issue 04 (2013-12-30) of RAN15.4 Differences Between Base Station Types.BSC6910) ENU based on the RTWP function and the corresponding engineering guidelines. Draft A (2014-01-20) of RAN16.BSC6910) Adjustment of Total UL  RoTControlTarget(BSC6900. 1.3.0 includes the following changes.1 WRFD020101 Admission Control Editorial Added descriptions None change about the methods of performance monitoring and parameter optimization for related features in chapter 10 Engineering Guidelines. see the following sections:   7. see 1. For details. cell power resources. that is. The RNC triggers CAC upon receipt of a service request such as service setup. N indicates that a feature is not supported. and the number of HSPA users. NA indicates that an NE is not involved. Iub transmission resources. When CAC is being implemented. Function Implementation in Macro. cell code resources. a feature does not require the support of the NE. service change. 2 Overview Call Admission Control (CAC) is used to determine whether system resources in a cell are sufficient to accept a service request. System resources include NodeB credit resources.Feature Support by Macro. and LampSite Base Stations Feature ID Descriptio Supported by Supported by Supported by n Controller(Y/N/NA Macro(Y/N/NA Micro(Y/N/NA) ) ) BSC690 BSC691 0 0 WRFD020101 BTS3803 E BTS3902 E LampSit e Admission Y Control Y Y Y Y Y WRFD. The service request will be rejected if the system resources are insufficient. NodeB credit resource-based CAC at the board level Micro base stations do not support this function.HSUPA Y 0106120 Admission 2 Control Y Y Y Y Y NOTE: Y indicates that a feature is supported. . handover. Micro. the RNC also considers the cell load reported by the load measurement module. and LampSite Base Stations Function Difference NodeB credit resource-based CAC at the LCG level Micro base stations do not support this function. Micro.HSDPA Y 0106100 Admission 3 Control Y Y Y Y Y WRFD. and cell update. and D2D transitions NOTE: For details about state transitions of UEs. F2D for CELL_FACH to CELL_DCH. inter-RAT incoming handovers.1 System Resources The system resources involved in CAC are as follows:     NodeB credit resources Iub transmission resources Cell code resources Number of users. NOTE: For details about cell load measurements. resource requests. hard handovers. 2. F2D.1.1 CAC Policy The RNC implements differentiated CAC based on system resources.CAC aims to increase the use of system resources and guarantee the quality of service (QoS) for existing users. and circuit switched fallback (CSFB)    State transitions: P2D. 2. channels.1. including HSDPA/HSUPA and E-FACH/E-RACH users  Cell power resources The RNC implements differentiated CAC based on system resources requested by users. and service priorities.2 Resource Requests The resource requests involved in CAC are as follows:  Cell updates  Service setup: new radio resource control (RRC) setup and radio access bearer (RAB) setup Service change: RAB reconfiguration and service rate increase or decrease Handovers: soft handovers. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. . and D2D for CELL_DCH to CELL_DCH. 2. P2D is short for a state transition from CELL_PCH/URA_PCH to CELL_DCH. see State Transition Feature Parameter Description. which will be described in the corresponding chapters.1. and therefore the RNC implements differentiated CAC based on channels. In the RRC connection setup phase. and power resource-based admissions as follows:  The RNC preferentially admits high-priority service requests such as emergency calls. admission succeeds since some system resources are released. In the RAB setup phase.1.2. detachments. 2. For details. and 7 Cell Power Resource-based CAC. 2. see 3 NodeB Credit Resource-based CAC. Common Channels Users consume relatively smaller amount of resources on common channels. see 8 Common Channel Admission.2 Admission Decisions on RRC Connection Setup Requests and 7. Dedicated Channels Generally. admission is implemented based on the system resources requested by signaling radio bearers (SRBs). For other service requests. For details.3 Channels The amount of consumed resources is channel-specific. or registrations. . the RNC reserves some resources for certain common channels and does not implement CAC for specific requests. Admission decision in the RAB setup phase is included in other resource requests. NOTE: This document separately describes admission decisions on RRC connection setup requests and other resource requests. 5 Cell Code Resource-based CAC. Therefore. Therefore. For service setup requests.2 Admission Control Algorithm 1.The CAC policies based on resource requests are as follows:    For service rate decrease requests. users consume more resources on dedicated channels than they do on common channels. CAC focuses on service requests on DCH channels and HSPA channels. see sections 3. cell code resource-based. admission is implemented based on the system resources requested by SRBs and TRBs in total.4 Service Priorities The RNC implements differentiated CAC for resource requests other than RRC during NodeB credit resource-based. For details about the CAC policy on common channels. admission is implemented based on the system resources requested by SRBs and traffic radio bearers (TRBs) in total. admission is implemented in the RRC connection setup phase and RAB setup phase in sequence. 2 CAC Procedure Figure 2-1shows the basic CAC procedure. the RNC admits the service request. see the following sections: o 3. If admission succeeds.2.2 Admission Decisions on Other Resource Requests o 7.2 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm 2 This document does not describe admission control for Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS). which is detailed in MBMS Feature Parameter Description. adaptive multirate (AMR) services. A special admission threshold is used for handover-related resource requests and differentiated admission thresholds are used for non-handover-related resource requests. The RNC provides differentiated admission thresholds for RRC connection setup requests due to different causes such as handovers. and other services because these requests have different QoS requirements. non-AMR services.2. which is described in 9 Follow-up Processing in the Case of Admission Failures.1 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm 1 o 7.3.3 Admission Decisions on Other Resource Requests o 5.2. the RNC implements relevant functions to increase the access success rate. If admission fails. For details.2 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm 1 o 7. . 2. Figure 2-1 Basic CAC procedure The following table describes the resource-based CAC methods in Figure 2-1 . Table 2-1 Resource-based CAC methods SN Admission Control Method Applicable Service Uplink/Downlink Mandatory/Optional Decision Criteria Detailed In . 1 NodeB Credit Resources The NodeB credit resource is an RNC-related concept. transmission and HSUPA resourceservices based CAC Uplink and downlink Mandatory 4 Iub Transmission Resource-based CAC 3 Cell code resourcebased CAC R99 services Downlink Mandatory 5 Cell Code Resource-based CAC 4 CAC based on the number of HSDPA users HSDPA services Downlink Mandatory 6 CAC Based on the Number of HSPA Users CAC based on the number of HSUPA users HSUPA services Uplink Mandatory Cell power resourcebased CAC R99. . indicating the channel demodulation capability of a NodeB. New services can be admitted only when there are sufficient NodeB credit resources on the RNC side and sufficient CE resources on the NodeB side. resourceand HSUPA based CAC services Uplink and downlink 2 Iub R99. and HSUPA services Uplink and downlink Optional 5 Optional Detailed In It is controlled by switches. HSDPA. HSDPA. It is referred to as the channel element (CE) on the NodeB side.SN 1 Admission Control Method Applicable Service Uplink/Downlink Mandatory/Optional Decision Criteria NodeB credit R99. HSDPA. It is controlled by switches. and HSUPA services in the uplink and downlink. 3. 3 NodeB Credit Resource-based CAC 7 Cell Power Resource-based CAC 3 NodeB Credit Resource-based CAC NodeB credit resource-based CAC applies to R99. HSDPA. BSC6910) parameter and the CRD_ADCTRL check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. see CE Resource Management Feature Parameter Description. LCG (if any). Table 3-1 provides the meaning of CEs at different levels.4 kbit/s signaling traffic consume one downlink CE. A downlink 12. the NodeB does not report the amount of LCG-level CEs to the RNC. the NodeB considers the amount of physical and licensed CEs.4 kbit/s signaling traffic consume one uplink CE. Therefore. Uplink and downlink CEs are independent from each other. The NodeB sends the RNC an AUDIT RESPONSE message to report the amount of CEs at different levels.BSC6910) parameter are selected. Table 3-1 Meaning of CEs at different levels CE Meaning . 3. NodeB credit resourcebased admission control is implemented separately in uplink and downlink with the same admission criteria. If no LCGs are configured on the NodeB. and LC levels. The RNC implements NodeB credit resource-based admission control based on the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB.1 Calculation of the Remaining NodeB Credit Resources on the RNC Side CE Capability Reporting The amount of CEs is calculated at the NodeB level.2. Before reporting the amount of CEs at different levels. One CE is required even when the DCH or HSPA channel carries the 3.4 kbit/s signaling traffic. For details about CEs and number of CEs consumed by different types of service.CEs are classified into uplink and downlink CEs:   An uplink 12. NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds only when the remaining NodeB credit resources at the three levels are sufficient for the service to be admitted. local cell group (LCG) level (if any).2 kbit/s voice service (SF = 128) plus 3.2 kbit/s voice service (SF = 64) plus 3. 3. and local cell (LC) level. NOTE: A group of local cells are configured to form an LCG.2 Admission on RNC On the RNC side. the NodeB credit resource-based CAC takes effect in a cell only when both the NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH check box under the CacSwitch(BSC6900. Relationship Between NodeB Credit Resources and CEs The relationship between NodeB credit resources and CEs is as follows:   In the uplink. the LCG-level CEs are the LCG-level physical CEs. . the LC-level CEs are the physical CEs of the baseband processing board to which the cell belongs. LCG-level. LC-level CEs In the uplink. the LCG-level CEs are the sum of downlink CEs on all the boards of the LCG.CE Meaning NodeB-level CEs The NodeB-level CEs are the licensed CEs of the NodeB. LCG. In the downlink. and LC levels based on the following factors:     Reported amount of NodeB-level. In the downlink. and LC-level CEs Relationship between NodeB credit resources and CEs CE consumption rule Current traffic volume 3. LCG-level CEs In the uplink.2 Admission Decisions on RRC Connection Setup Requests Figure 3-1 shows the NodeB credit resource-based admission control procedure for RRC connection setup requests. the amount of NodeB credit resources equals the amount of CEs. the amount of NodeB credit resources is twice the amount of CEs. In the downlink. Remaining NodeB Credit Resources :The RNC calculates the amount of remaining NodeB credit resources at the NodeB. the LC-level CEs are the physical CEs of the uplink resource group to which the cell belongs.2. LCG (if any). LCG (if any). the RNC implements NodeB credit resource-based admission control based on the cause value carried in the RRC connection setup request: o If the cause value is "Emergency Call" or "Detach". NodeB credit resource-based admission control is implemented as follows:   When RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900. o For other causes.Figure 3-1 NodeB credit resource-based admission control procedure for RRC connection setup requests For an RRC connection setup request. LCG (if any).BSC6910) is set to STRICT_CAC. When RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900. and LC levels are sufficient for setting up an RRC connection. NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. and LC levels are all greater than the reserved credit resource plus the resource for setting up the RRC connection.BSC6910) is set to LOOSE_CAC. and LC levels are sufficient for setting up the RRC connection. The reserved credit resource and the spreading factor (SF) have a . NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. For details about the mapping relationship. AMR Services .SC6910) .BSC6910) DLOtherRRCCacCeCodeResvS f(BSC6900. NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. The RNC does not reserve extra resources. Therefore.BSC6910) Other causes 3. The following table lists the uplink and downlink SFs corresponding to different causes of RRC connection setup requests.mapping relationship. Cause of the RRC Conne ction Setup Reque st Uplink Reserved Credit Resource (SF) Downlink Reserved Credit Resource (SF) Setup UlRRCCeResvSf(BSC6900. Handovers Handover requests have a high service priority on a mobile communication network.BSC6910) time (RT) service s Setup ULNRTRRCCacCeResvSf(B of non.BSC6910) ULOtherRRCCacCeResvSf( BSC6900.B DlRRCCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900 of real.3 Admission Decisions on Other Resource Requests This section describes the NodeB credit resource-based admission decisions on other resource requests from different services. and LC levels are greater than or equal to the resource requested by the handover. see CE Resource Management Feature Parameter Description.BSC6910) realtime (NRT) service s DLNRTRRCCacCeCodeResvSf( BSC6900.SC6900. which means the reserved credit resource threshold is determined once the SF is specified. LCG (if any).2. BSC6910) is set to OFF. The SF is specified by DlHoCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900. The RNC does not reserve extra resources. and LC levels are greater than or equal to the reserved credit resource plus the resource requested by the AMR service. LCG (if any). Figure 3-2 NodeB credit resource-based admission control procedure for AMR service requests For an AMR service request.Figure 3-2 shows the NodeB credit resource-based admission control procedure for AMR service requests. NodeB credit resource-based admission control is implemented as follows:   If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6910) (for the downlink) or UlHoCeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC6910) is set to ON. NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. For details about the mapping relationship between the reserved credit resource and the SF. and LC levels are greater than or equal to the resource requested by the AMR service. LCG (if any). If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. NodeB credit resourcebased admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. .BSC6910) (for the uplink). see CE Resource Management Feature Parameter Description. The reserved credit resource and the SF have a mapping relationship. The reserved credit resource and the SF have a mapping relationship. LCG New services are admitted only when the amount of CEs required by all the UEs in an LCG is less than or equal to the amount of physical CEs of the LCG. and LC levels are greater than or equal to the reserved credit resource plus the resource requested by the service.   In the uplink. 3. In the uplink.3 Admission on NodeB NodeB credit resource-based CAC on the NodeB side is not switch controlled and it admits new services at the following levels: NOTE: The BTS3803E and BTS3902E do not support NodeB credit resource-based CAC at the LCG level and board level. The SF is specified by DlHoCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC6910) (for the uplink). NodeB credit resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining NodeB credit resources at NodeB. the LC-level CEs are the physical CEs of the uplink resource group to which the LC belongs. the LCG-level CEs are the smaller one between the LCG-level physical CEs and the NodeB-level licensed CEs. the LClevel CEs are the physical CEs of the baseband processing board to which the LC belongs. NOTE: . LC New services are admitted only when the amount of CEs required by all the UEs in an LC is less than or equal to the amount of physical CEs of the LC.PS Services or CS Services (Non-AMR Services) For PS or CS service (non-AMR service) requests.BSC6910) (for the downlink) or UlHoCeResvSf(BSC6900. In the downlink. In the downlink. the LCG-level CEs are the sum of downlink CEs on all the boards of the LCG. LCG (if any). NodeB New services are admitted only when the amount of CEs required by all the UEs on the NodeB is less than or equal to the amount of licensed CEs of the NodeB. . 4 Iub Transmission Resource-based CAC Iub transmission resource-based CAC applies to R99. HSDPA.1 Admission Decisions on RRC Connection Setup Requests Figure 5-1 shows the cell code resource-based admission control procedure for RRC connection setup requests. NOTE: Cell code resource-based CAC does not apply to HSDPA services because code resources have been reserved for HSDPA services. see Transmission Resource Management Feature Parameter Description. For details about code resource allocation for HSDPA services.The LC-level CEs in the downlink of the BTS3803E or BTS3902E are physical CEs of the BTS3803E or BTS3902E. 5. see HSDPA Feature Parameter Description. 5 Cell Code Resource-based CAC Cell code resource-based CAC applies to R99 services only in downlink. these resources can be shared by HSDPA services. In addition. For details about Iub transmission resource-based CAC. New services cannot be admitted at the board level when no board can accommodate the new services. Board New services are admitted only when the amount of CEs required by all the UEs on a board is less than or equal to the amount of physical CEs of the board. and HSUPA services in both uplink and downlink. BSC6910) is set to STRICT_CAC. .BSC6910) is set to LOOSE_CAC. cell code resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining cell code resources (the remaining minimum SF for the cell) are sufficient for setting up an RRC connection.Figure 5-1 Cell code resource-based admission control procedure for RRC connection setup requests For an RRC connection setup request. When RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900. the RNC implements code resource-based admission control based on the cause value carried in the RRC connection setup request: o If the cause value is "Emergency Call" or "Detach". cell code resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining code resources are sufficient for setting up an RRC connection. cell code resource-based admission control is implemented as follows:   When RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900. AMR Services Figure 5-2 shows the cell code resource-based admission control procedure for AMR service requests.2 Admission Decisions on Other Resource Requests This section describes the admission decisions on other resource requests from different services.BSC6910) Other causes DLOtherRRCCacCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900. cell code resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining code resources are sufficient for the handover request to be admitted.BSC6910) 5. The following table lists the thresholds of reserved code resources corresponding to different causes of RRC connection setup requests.BSC6910) Setup of NRT services DLNRTRRCCacCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900. Cause of the RRC Connection Setup Request Threshold for the Reserved Code Resource (SF) Setup of RT services DlRRCCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900. cell code resource-based admission succeeds if the remaining code resources are greater than or equal to the resource reserved plus the resource required by the RRC.o For other cause values. Therefore. . Handovers Handover requests have a high service priority on a mobile communication network. cell code resourcebased admission succeeds if the remaining code resources are greater than or equal to the resource reserved by DlHoCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900. cell code resourcebased admission succeeds if the remaining code resources are sufficient for the AMR service to be admitted. cell code resource-based admission control is implemented as follows:   If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. For PS services requests that require HSDPA RABs. the downlink code resource admission criteria are as follows: .Figure 5-2 Cell code resource-based admission control procedure for AMR service requests For an AMR service request. If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. PS Services or CS Services (Non-AMR Services) For PS or CS service (non-AMR service) requests that require DCH RABs.BSC6910) plus the resource requested by the service. cell code resourcebased admission succeeds if the remaining code resources are greater than or equal to the resource reserved by DlHoCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC6910) plus the resource requested by the AMR service.BSC6910) is set to ON.BSC6910) is set to OFF. BSC6910) once the HSUPA service is admitted. .  SRB Over DCH o If PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch2(BSC6900. Admission based on the number of HSPA users succeeds when all the following conditions are met:  The number of HSUPA users in the cell is less than or equal to the threshold specified by MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900. It is not counted for an HSDPA user on the secondary cells. 6 CAC Based on the Number of HSPA Users This section describes CAC based on the number of HSDPA and HSUPA users in a cell.BSC6910) parameter in the SET UNBMPARA command is set to OFF. a UE is admitted as long as the remaining code resources in the cell are sufficient for the SRB setup. SRB Over HSDPA UEs are admitted without any decision. The number of HSDPA users in the NodeB is less than or equal to the threshold specified by NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC6900. a UE is admitted only when the remaining code resources in the cell are greater than the reserved code resources and the code resources required by the service. admission based on the number of HSPA users succeeds when all the following conditions are met:    The number of HSDPA users in the cell is less than or equal to the threshold specified by MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900.1 CAC for HSDPA Users For HSDPA service requests such as service setup and handovers. The number of HSDPA users in the cell is less than or equal to the licensed limit once the HSDPA service is admitted. 6. CAC based on the number of HSPA users is implemented only on the primary cell. such as DC-HSDPA. Therefore. or 4C-HSDPA user. is counted for an HSDPA user on the primary cell. DB-HSDPA. A multi-carrier HSDPA user. o If PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH under the PerfEnhanceSwitch2(BSC6900. 6.BSC6910) parameter in the SET UNBMPARA command is set to ON.2 CAC for HSUPA Users HSUPA service requests include service setup and handovers.BSC6910) once the HSDPA service is admitted.BSC6910) once the HSDPA service is admitted. 3C-HSDPA. and algorithm 4 in this document.2 Admission Control Algorithm 1 through 7. algorithm 3.BSC6910) is selected and the algorithm switch in section 7. 7. for resource requests from other services. Section 7. Table 7-1 describes these algorithms. The number of HSUPA users in the NodeB is less than or equal to the threshold specified by NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. algorithm 2.BSC6910) once the HSUPA service is admitted. and HSUPA services. Table 7-1 Algorithms used for cell power resource-based CAC . 7 Cell Power Resource-based CAC Cell power resource-based CAC applies to R99.1 Overview is turned on.1 Overview is turned on. A DC-HSUPA user is counted for an HSUPA user on the primary cell. 8 Common Channel Admission describes cell power resource-based CAC on common channels.  The number of HSUPA users in the cell is less than or equal to the licensed limit once the HSUPA service is admitted. HSDPA services (uplink data carried on DCH channels and downlink data carried on HSDPA channels): Cell power resource-based CAC is enabled when HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. and 3 apply to admission control in uplink and downlink.5 Admission Control Algorithm 4 describe four algorithms used for cell power resource-based CAC on dedicated channels. Algorithm 4 applies only to admission control in uplink. For resource requests from intra-frequency handovers.    R99 and HSPA services (uplink and downlink data carried on HSPA channels): Cell power resource-based CAC is enabled when the algorithm switch in section 7. the RNC does that first in uplink and then in downlink. HSUPA services (uplink data carried on HSUPA channels and downlink data carried on DCH channels): Cell power resource-based CAC is enabled when HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.1 Overview Cell power resource-based CAC is performed by using one of four algorithms. CAC based on the number of HSPA users is implemented only on the primary cell. which are referred to as algorithm 1.BSC6910) is selected and the algorithm switch in section 7. Therefore.BSC6910) specify the algorithms used in uplink and downlink.1 Overview is turned on. NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. Algorithms 1. respectively. the RNC performs cell power resource-based CAC only in downlink. 2. HSDPA. admission control is . the RNC rejects the service request.BSC691 0) 7.Algorith m GUI Value in Uplink/Downlin Descriptio NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.2 ALGORITHM_FIRST Admissio n Control Algorithm 1 Uplink and downlink In algorithm 1. Otherwise. If the RNC determines that the expected power load will exceed the preset threshold once the new service is admitted. the RNC admits the service.BSC691 k n 0) and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.3 ALGORITHM_SECOND Admissio n Control Algorithm 2 Uplink and downlink In algorithm 2. 7. admission control is based on the cell power load and the expected power load increase caused by a new service. BSC691 k n 0) and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. Otherwise. the RNC rejects the service request.Algorith m GUI Value in Uplink/Downlin Descriptio NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.BSC691 0) based on the equivalent number of users (ENU) and the expected power load increase caused by a new service.4 ALGORITHM_THIRD Admissio n Control Algorithm 3 Uplink and downlink In algorithm 3. the RNC performs admission control without . the RNC admits the service. 7. If the RNC determines that the expected ENU will exceed the preset threshold once the new service is admitted. If yes. Algorithm 3 is similar to algorithm 1. The only difference is that algorithm 3 assumes that the expected power load increase caused by the new service is 0. Otherwise. the RNC .BSC691 k n 0) and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.Algorith m GUI Value in Uplink/Downlin Descriptio NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. The RNC determines whether the current cell power load exceeds the preset threshold.BSC691 0) considering the power load increase caused by a new service. the RNC rejects the service request. BSC691 k n 0) and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.5 ALGORITHM_FOURTH Admissio n Control Algorithm 4 Uplink In algorithm 4. admission control is based on the actual uplink service load and the expected service load increase caused by a new service. Depending on the actual uplink service load in the cell. the RNC determines whether the actual uplink service load will exceed the preset threshold once the new service .BSC691 0) admits the service.Algorith m GUI Value in Uplink/Downlin Descriptio NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. 7. 7. Calculation of Uplink Power Load for a Cell The following describes how to calculate the uplink power load factor for an R99 cell. and DC-HSUPA cell. For details about cell load measurements. SCHSUPA cell. Otherwise. or DC-HSUPA cells).R99-Total and calculated using the following formula: ηUL. the RNC rejects the service request.2. If yes. the uplink power load factor is represented by ηUL.2 Admission Control Algorithm 1 Algorithm 1 performs admission control based on the cell power load and the expected power load increase caused by a new service. the RNC admits the service.1 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm 1 In uplink. 7. Algorithm 1 applies to admission control in uplink and downlink.BSC691 k n 0) and NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. For an R99 Cell For an R99 cell.BSC691 0) is admitted.Algorith m GUI Value in Uplink/Downlin Descriptio NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. SC-HSUPA cells. algorithm 1 makes admission decisions based on resource requests and cell types (R99 cells. The measurement quantities relevant to the cell power load are processed and reported by the load measurement module on the RNC.CCH .R99-Total = 1 – PN/RTWP + ηUL. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. The load measurement module of the RNC calculates the uplink power load factor based on received total wideband power (RTULOLCTRIGTHDWP). Ctrl Where. If the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm is enabled. .HSUPA-Total – ηUL. RSEPS is the ratio of the receive power of all scheduled users to RTWP in the current cell.BSC6910). which is set by UlCCHLoadFactor(BSC6900.R99-Total in an R99 cell.NonCtrl and calculated using the following formula: ηUL.HSUPA-Total and calculated using the following formula: ηUL. RSEPS is measured by the NodeB and periodically reported to the RNC. ηHS-DPCCH is the reserved load factor on the uplink HS-DPCCH. PN is updated in real time.Where. it is represented by ηUL. The relationship between dBm and mw is 1dBm=10*log(1mw). o NOTE: ηUL.Ctrl is the controllable uplink load factor and equals the received scheduled EDCH power share (RSEPS). RTWP is the received total wideband power in uplink. For an SC-HSUPA Cell In an SC-HSUPA cell. o The other variables are defined the same way as for ηUL. For details about the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm. It is represented by ηUL. see Load Measurement Feature Parameter Description. It is set by UlHsDpcchRsvdFactor(BSC6900. ηUL.BSC6910).NonCtrl = ηUL.    PN is the uplink background noise and the unit is mw.CCH + ηHS-DPCCH Where.CCH is the reserved load factor on the uplink common channels.HSUPA-Total = 1 – PN/RTWP + ηUL. It is measured by the NodeB and periodically reported to the RNC. Uncontrollable uplink load factor o  The uncontrollable uplink load factor is the load factor for the receive power of a cell excluding the receive power used for scheduling services. algorithm 1 uses the following three types of uplink power load factor:  RTWP-based uplink power load factor For an SC-HSUPA cell.BSC6910) and the unit of the parameter is dBm. PN is set by BackgroundNoise(BSC6900. R99Prefer-Total ensures that R99 services are preferentially admitted.R99Prefer-Total is calculated using the following formula: ηUL. the uplink power load factor is calculated on the primary and secondary cells.  Total uplink load factor for preferential admission of R99 services It is represented by ηUL. ηUL.BSC6910) is set to ALGORITHM_FIRST or ALGORITHM_THIRD and HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. If NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.NonCtrl depends on the periodic RSEPS measurement according to the above formula.R99Prefer-Total. see 7. . and therefore R99 service admission is difficult. the RTWP-based uplink power load may also be too high. It is set by HsupaMaxGBPThd(BSC6900. the RNC performs admission control for the cell using algorithm 2. When the guaranteed bit rate (GBR) for HSUPA services is too high.BSC6910).3 Admission Control Algorithm 2.BSC6910) is set to 0. In this case. The calculation method is the same as that for an SC-HSUPA cell. ThdHSUPAMaxGBP is the maximum guaranteed load threshold for HSUPA services when the RNC makes an admission decision on an R99 service. ηUL. For details about algorithm 2. For a DC-HSUPA Cell In a DC-HSUPA cell group.NonCtrl + ThdHSUPAMaxGBP Where.R99Prefer-Total = ηUL. Uplink Admission Decisions Based on Algorithm 1 Figure 7-1 shows the procedure for an uplink admission decision based on algorithm 1.The algorithm for calculating ηUL. The RTWP reported by the NodeB contain the power load consumed by existing DC-HSUPA services. The RNC calculates the uplink power load increase (ΔηUL) based on the initial admission rate of the new service. The RNC calculates the uplink power load for the cell based on the result from the load measurement module. In admission control on an RRC connection setup request.Figure 7-1 Procedure for an uplink admission decision based on algorithm 1 This procedure is implemented as follows: 1. 2. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. NOTE: o o For details about the initial admission rate. the RNC calculates the load increase based on the signaling radio bearer (SRB) rate carried in the RRC . and cell update) DCHSUPA cell DCH RAB. In algorithm 1. If the RTWP anti-interference function switch is turned on (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. SCAdmission Criteria for Other HSUPA RAB. see 7. If the admission criteria are met. handover. The RNC makes an admission decision. and bearer type. and Resource Requests in a DCDC-HSUPA RAB HSUPA Cell 4. NOTE: For details about the total uplink load of ENU on the cell.BSC6910) is selected). see Table 7-2 . the RNC performs the next step. Table 7-2 Uplink admission criteria in algorithm 1 Resource Request Type RRC connection setup requests Cell Type R99 cell Bearer Type Admission Criteria Described In N/A Admission Criteria for RRC Connection Setup Requests R99 cell DCH RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an R99 Cell SCHSUPA cell DCH RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SCHSUPA Cell (for the DCH RAB) SC-HSUPA RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SCHSUPA Cell (for the SCHSUPA RAB) HSUPA cell Other resource requests (such as RAB setup. . The SRB rate of an RRC connection setup request is set by running the SET URRCESTCAUSE command. the RNC checks whether the total uplink load of ENU on the cell is less than CellUlEquNumCapacity(BSC6900. uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds. Otherwise. uplink admission based on algorithm 1 fails. uplink admission criteria vary according to the resource request type. uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds.3 Admission Control Algorithm 2. cell type. For details about the uplink admission criteria.connection setup request. 3. o Otherwise.BSC6910). RAB reconfiguration. o If yes. RRCTotal  ηUL.RRCTotal Criterion 2 is met if either of the preceding inequalities is satisfied. the uplink admission criteria for RRC connection setup requests are described in the following table.HSUPA-Total + ΔηUL ≤ ThdUL.NonCtrl + ΔηUL ≤ ThdUL. ηUL.HSUPA-Total + ΔηUL ≤ ThdUL.RRC Uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if the criterion is met. HSUPA cell SRB Over DCH Criterion 1 (uncontrollable uplink load factor-based admission criterion): Uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if both criteria 1 and 2 are met. SRB Over HSUPA Criterion 1 (uncontrollable uplink load factor-based admission criterion): ηUL.RRC Criterion 2 (total cell power-based admission criterion):  ηUL.RRC-Total Uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if both criteria 1 and 2 are met. .RRC Criterion 2 (total cell power-based admission criterion): ηUL.Admission Criteria for RRC Connection Setup Requests In algorithm 1.NonCtrl + ΔηUL ≤ ThdUL. Cell Type Bearer Type for RRC SRBs Uplink Admission Criterion Admission Result R99 cell SRB Over DCH ηUL.R99Prefer-Total + ΔηUL ≤ ThdUL.R99-Total + ΔηUL ≤ ThdUL. RRC. .RRC-Total.BS C6910)) is used as ThdUL. the uplink OLC triggering threshold (UlOlcTrigThd) is used as ThdUL.BSC6910) is set to STRICT_CAC.RRC-Total. 2. the uplink OLC triggering threshold (UlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900. This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control. the RNC rejects the RRC connection setup request.RRC-Total indicates the uplink total cell power-based admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests. the RNC rejects the RRC connection setup request.If the cell is not overloaded. If the cell is not overloaded. These thresholds use the same values in algorithms 1.When the UL_UU_OLC check box under the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter is not selected.RRC indicates the uplink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests.  When UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BS C6900.RRC) Uplink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdUL.BSC6910) is set to 1: If the cell is overloaded. and ThdUL.RRC. the RNC uses the loose admission thresholds listed in Table 7-3. the uplink OLC triggering threshold UlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.BSC6910):   If RRCCacChoice(BSC6900. BSC6910) is used as ThdUL.BSC6910) parameter is selected:If the cell is overloaded. The RNC performs either loose or strict admission control on RRC connection setup requests according to the value of RRCCacChoice(BSC6900.ThdUL. the uplink OLC triggering threshold (UlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900. 3.BSC6910) is set to LOOSE_CAC.RRCTotal) This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control. If RRCCacChoice(BSC6900. and 4. the RNC uses the strict admission thresholds listed in Table 7-4 .  When UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BS C6900.  SRB Over DCH When the UL_UU_OLC check box under the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6 900.BS C6910)) is used as ThdUL.BSC6910) is set to 0. Table 7-3 Loose uplink admission thresholds for RRC connection setup requests Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request    Emergen cy call Detachm ent Registrat ion Other services Uplink Admission Threshold (ThdUL. BSC6910) parameter is not selected: ThdUL.BS C6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a real-time service)  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSI STENT_WITH_RAB check box under the .RRC-Total = UlNonCtrlThdForAMR(BSC6900. NOTE: For details about the overload state of a cell and overload control (OLC).RRC-Total) This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control.Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request Uplink Admission Threshold (ThdUL.RRC) Uplink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdUL.RRCTotal)  SRB Over HSUPA This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.RRC) This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control.BS C6910) + RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900. Table 7-4 Strict uplink admission thresholds for RRC connection setup requests Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request   Emerge ncy call Detach ment Real-time services Uplink Admission Threshold (ThdUL. UlNonCtrlThdForAMR(BSC690 0.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a real-time service) Uplink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdUL.  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSI STENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC69 00.BSC6910) + RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC690 0. BSC6910) parameter is not selected: ThdUL.RRC-Total = UlNonCtrlThdForOther(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter is selected: ThdUL.B SC6910) + NRTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request Uplink Admission Threshold (ThdUL.BSC69  When the .BSC6910) + RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.B SC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a non-real-time service) Other services UlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.RRC-Total = UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.RRC-Total) NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC69 00.B SC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a non-real-time service)  When the NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WI TH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC69 00.BSC6910) + NRTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter is selected: ThdUL.RRC-Total = UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.RRC) Uplink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdUL.BSC6910) + NRTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC69 00.BS C6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a real-time service) Non-real-time services UlNonCtrlThdForOther(BSC69 00.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a nonreal-time service)  When the NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WI TH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC69 00. BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a service other than a real-time or nonreal-time service) NOTE: To ensure that admission control over RRC connection setup requests is as strict as or stricter than admission control over RAB setup requests. you can select the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter.BSC6910) parameter and the NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.RRC-Total = UlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request Uplink Admission Threshold (ThdUL.BSC6910) + OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.BSC6910) + OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of ULOLCTRIGTHD the other service) RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSI STENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC69 00.BSC6910) parameter is selected: ThdUL.RRC-Total = UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.RRC-Total) 10) + OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6 900. BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a service other than a real-time or nonreal-time service)  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSI STENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC69 00.RRC) Uplink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdUL.BSC6910) parameter is not selected: ThdUL. After these check boxes are selected: . Otherwise.BSC6910) is used as ThdUL. The RAB setup success rate increases.Nonctl)   If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. admission fails. Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an R99 Cell When algorithm 1 is used for an R99 cell. as described in Table 7-5 .BSC6910) is deselected or the cell is not overloaded.BSC6910) is set to OFF.Nonctl.Nonctl is the admission threshold for the uplink power load of non-HSPA services.Nonctl.Nonctl is 100%. the RNC performs the next step.BSC6910) Other services UlNonCtrlThdForOther(BSC6900. the uplink admission criteria for resource requests other than RRC connection setup requests are as follows: 1. UlNonCtrlThdForAMR(BSC6900.Nonctl. This minimizes the possibility that radio resources used for admission control over RRC connection setup requests are wasted. the uplink OLC triggering threshold (UlOlcTrigThd) is used as ThdUL. If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. If UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. The RNC checks whether the sum of ηUL.BSC6910) Handovers UlNonCtrlThdForHo(BSC6900. 2. if the bearer type is the DCH RAB. ThdUL. uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds.BSC6910) Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSUPA Cell (for the DCH RAB) In an SC-HSUPA cell. A RAB setup request may be admitted if an RRC connection setup request has been admitted. The threshold varies according to resource request types.When the OLC algorithm is disabled (UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is deselected). uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds when both the following criteria are met: . service admission fails.   The traffic volume is controlled at the RRC connection setup procedure. Table 7-5 Admission thresholds for the uplink power load of non-HSPA services Resource Request Type AMR services Admission Threshold for the Uplink Power Load of Non-HSPA Services (ThdUL. Non-AMR services UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR(BSC6900. If UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.R99-Total and ΔηUL is less than or equal to ThdUL.BSC6910) is set to ON: When the OLC algorithm is enabled (UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is selected). If yes.BSC6910) is selected and the cell is overloaded. ThdUL. total. uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds when either PBR-based admission or load-based admission succeeds.total is 100%. UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900. The uplink provided bit rate (PBR) is the effective uplink throughput on all users corresponding to a scheduling priority indicator (SPI) successfully received by the NodeB. .HSUPA-Total + ΔηUL) ≤ ThdUL.BSC6910) Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSUPA Cell (for the SCHSUPA RAB) In an SC-HSUPA cell.Nonctl is the admission threshold for the uplink power load of non-HSPA services.BSC6910) is used as ThdUL.R99PreferTotal + ΔηUL) ≤ ThdUL. PBR is periodically reported by the NodeB to the RNC.total is the admission threshold for the total uplink power of the cell.Nonctl ThdUL.BSC6910) is set to ON: When the OLC algorithm is enabled (UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is selected). For details about the admission threshold. See Table 7-6 for details.total ThdUL.BSC6910) is set to OFF.total. Table 7-6 Admission thresholds for the total uplink power of the cell Resource Request Type AMR services Admission Threshold for the Total Uplink Power of the Cell (ThdUL. Other services UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900. if the bearer type is the SC-HSUPA RAB.total or (ηUL. The RNC admits the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) signaling services carried on HSUPA RABs directly. ThdUL. If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. (ηUL.BSC6910) is set to 1).When the OLC algorithm is disabled (UL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is deselected). PBR-based Admission Decisions The RNC performs PBR-based admission control only when the HSUPA PBR measurement switch is turned on (HSUPA_PBR_MEAS of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.NonCtrl + ΔηUL) ≤ ThdUL.total)   If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. the uplink OLC triggering threshold (UlOlcTrigThd) is used as ThdUL.  Either of the two inequations applies: (ηUL. see Table 7-5. BSC6910) 2 All HSUP A users whose schedul ing prioriti es equal the priority of the user being admitte d ThdE is HsupaEqualPriorityUserPBRThd(BSC6 900. PBR-based admission succeeds if any of the criteria described in Table 7-7 is met. the RNC can admit new users.BSC6910) 3 All HSUP A users whose ThdGE is HsupaHighPriorityUserPBRThd(BSC69 00.If the sum of PBRs of some users is greater than the sum of their GBRs multiplied by a certain factor. Table 7-7 PBR-based admission criteria S User N Range Admission Criteria Parameter Description 1 All HSUP A users whose schedul ing prioriti es are lower than the priority of the user being admitte d ThdL is HsupaLowPriorityUserPBRThd(BSC69 00.BSC6910) . the RNC determines that the QoS requirements of the cell are met. In this case. NonCtrl + ΔηUL) ≤ ThdUL.S User N Range Admission Criteria Parameter Description schedul ing prioriti es are higher than the priority of the user to be admitte d Load-based Admission Decisions  For HSUPA scheduling services. uplink admission decisions based on algorithm 1 are the same as those in an SC-HSUPA cell.HSUPA-Total + ΔηUL ≤ UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.  For DC-HSUPA non-scheduling services . load-based admission succeeds only when both the following criteria are met: o (ηUL. For details.HSUPA-Total + ΔηUL) ≤ UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900. if the bearer type is the DC-HSUPA RAB.Nonctl ThdUL.Nonctl is the admission threshold for the uplink power load of non-HSPA services. See Table 7-5 for details. the RNC performs load-based admission control.  For HSUPA non-scheduling services. if the bearer type is the DCH RAB or SC-HSUPA RAB. Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in a DC-HSUPA Cell In a DC-HSUPA cell. In a DC-HSUPA cell. load-based admission succeeds if the following formula is satisfied: ηUL.BSC6910) Otherwise.BSC6910) o (ηUL. see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSUPA Cell (for the DCH RAB) and Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSUPA Cell (for the SC-HSUPA RAB). load-based admission fails. The admission decision method is the same as that for an SC-HSUPA scheduling service.2 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm 1 In downlink.2. Calculation of Downlink Power Load for a Cell The following describes how to calculate the downlink power load for an R99 cell. and multi-carrier HSDPA cells such as DC-HSDPA. or multi-carrier HSDPA cell. 7. For an R99 Cell In an R99 cell. 3C-HSDPA. For an SC-HSDPA Cell In an SC-HSDPA cell.BSC6910). algorithm 1 makes admission decisions based on resource requests and cell types (R99 cells. SC-HSDPA cell. Uplink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if load-based admission succeeds on either the primary or secondary cell.BSC6910). the TCP-based total downlink load factor is represented by ηDL. the RN makes downlink admission decisions according to the TCP-based total downlink load.The RNC makes load-based admission decisions only on the primary cell. The admission decision method is the same as that for an SC-HSUPA non-scheduling service.  For DC-HSUPA scheduling services The RNC makes load-based admission decisions on the primary or secondary cell.R99-Total = ηTCP + ηDL.   ηTCP is the transmitted carrier power (TCP).R99-Total and calculated using the following formula: ηDL. algorithm 1 uses the following downlink power load factors:  TCP-based total downlink load factor . SC-HSDPA cells. which is the ratio of the total TCP value on one downlink carrier to the maximum downlink transmission power MaxTxPower(BSC6900. or 4C-HSDPA cells).CCH is the load factor reserved for the downlink common channels. which is calculated in real time by the load measurement module of the RNC. DB-HSDPA. ηDL.CCH Where. For an R99 cell. It is set by DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff(BSC6900. GBP is calculated based on the GBR of HSDPA users in a cell.HSUPARes Where. the HSDPA GBP-based total downlink load factor may also be too high.HSUPARes is the power load factor reserved for HSUPA downlink control channels (E-AGCH/E-RGCH/E-HICH).MaxHSPA is the threshold for the maximum available HSDPA power.  HSDPA GBP load factor It is represented by ηDL.R99Prefer-Total ensures that R99 services are preferentially admitted. ηDL.GBP-Total and calculated using the following formula: ηDL.  Total downlink load factor for preferential admission of R99 services It is represented by ηDL.MaxHSPA = 1 – 10(HspaPower/10) .BSC6910) using the formula ηDL.BSC6910).BSC6910). and therefore R99 service admission is difficult. When the GBR for HSDPA services is too high. ηDL. E-RGCH.HSUPARes.GBP to the RNC. In this case.NonHSPA. It is calculated based on HspaPower(BSC6900.  HSDPA GBP-based total downlink load factor It is represented by ηDL. ηDL. The NodeB periodically reports ηDL.CCH + ηDL. Guaranteed Bit rate Power (GBP) is the power required to reach the GBR of HSDPA users in a cell. it is represented by ηDL. It is calculated using the following formula: . ηDL.HSDPA-Total = ηTCP + ηDL. ηDL. o The other variables are defined the same way as for an R99 cell. HS-SCCH.MaxHSPA) + ηDL.NonHSPA is the ratio of the total transmitted power for the codes not used in HS-PDSCH. It is set by DlHSUPARsvdFactor(BSC6900. ηDL.GBP + ηDL.R99Prefer-Total. and E-HICH channels on one downlink carrier to the maximum transmission power MaxTxPower(BSC6900.NonHSPA is measured by the NodeB and periodically reported to the RNC. E-AGCH.GBP-Total = ηDL.For an SC-HSDPA cell.NonHSPA + min (ηDL. Downlink non-HSPA power load factor o  It is represented by ηDL. ηDL.GBP.CCH Where.HSDPA-Total and calculated using the following formula: ηDL. ηDL. With the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature disabled. For a Multi-carrier HSDPA Cell A multi-carrier HSDPA cell can be a DC-HSDPA.HSUPARes + ηDL. or 4C-HSDPA cell. For a DC-HSDPA cell group. 3C-HSDPA. Therefore. the HSDPA GBP power load includes the following parts shown in Figure 7-2: o o o Downlink non-HSPA power load on the primary and secondary cells HSDPA GBP load for SC-HSDPA users on the primary and secondary cells HSDPA GBP load for DC-HSDPA users in the DC-HSDPA cell group . For a single cell. DB-HSDPA. ThdHSDPAMaxGBP is the maximum guaranteed load threshold for HSDPA services in the cell when the RNC makes an admission decision on an R99 service.NonHSPA + ThdHSDPAMaxGBP + ηDL.R99Prefer-Total = ηDL. It provides multi-carrier HSDPA services for users. the downlink HSDPA GBP loads for the primary and secondary cells and the DC-HSDPA cell group are calculated. calculation of the downlink power load for a DC-HSDPA cell is different from that for other types of cells. the HSDPA GBP load includes the downlink non-HSPA power load and HSDPA GBP load for SC-HSDPA users in the cell.  For a DC-HSDPA cell with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature disabled The RNC needs to perform admission control based on single cell level and the DCHSDPA cell group level.BSC6910).CCH Where. It is set by HsdpaMaxGBPThd(BSC6900. Figure 7-2 HSDPA GBP load of a DC-HSDPA cell group with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature disabled  For a DC-HSDPA cell with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature enabled or a DBHSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4C-HSDPA cell The RNC calculates the total HSDPA GBP factor on the primary cell and the secondary cell. the total GBP used for each DC-HSUPA/DB-HSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4C-HSDPA user is calculated and then apportioned on each carrier of the cell group based on the transmit power ratio per carrier. On a cell. . the total HSDPA GBP consists of three parts shown in Figure 7-3: o o o Downlink non-HSPA power load on the cell HSDPA GBP load for SC-HSDPA users on the cell HSDPA GBP load for multi-carrier HSDPA users on the cell In calculation of HSDPA GBP load for multi-carrier HSDPA users. Figure 7-3 HSDPA GBP load of a DC-HSDPA cell with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature enabled or a DB-HSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4C-HSDPA cell Downlink Admission Decisions Based on Algorithm 1 Figure 7-4 shows the procedure for a downlink admission decision based on algorithm 1. Figure 7-4 Procedure for a downlink admission decision based on algorithm 1 This procedure is implemented as follows: . RAB reconfiguration. The SRB rate of an RRC connection setup request is set by running the SET URRCESTCAUSE command. the RNC calculates the load increase based on the SRB rate carried in the RRC connection setup request. cell type. 2. handover. downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds. In algorithm 1. The RNC calculates the downlink power load increase (ΔηDL) based on the initial admission rate of the new service and the pilot quality received at the UE. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. Table 7-8 Downlink admission criteria in algorithm 1 Resource Request Type RRC connection setup requests Cell Type R99 cells Bearer Type Admission Criteria Described In N/A Admission Criteria for RRC Connection Setup Requests R99 cells DCH RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an R99 Cell SC-HSDPA cells DCH RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SCHSDPA Cell (for the DCH RAB) SC-HSDPA RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SCHSDPA Cell (for the SCHSDPA RAB) DCH RAB Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in a DCHSDPA Cell HSDPA cells Other resource requests (such as RAB setup. Otherwise.1. The RNC calculates the downlink power load for the cell based on the result from the load measurement module. In admission control on an RRC connection setup request. and cell update) DC-HSDPA cells SC-HSDPA RAB DC-HSDPA RAB . downlink admission criteria vary with the resource request type. NOTE: For details about the initial admission rate. 3. If the admission criteria are met. downlink admission based on algorithm 1 fails. The RNC makes an admission decision. See Table 7-8 for details. and bearer type. R99-Total + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL. or 4CHSDPA Cell 3C-HSDPA cells 4C-HSDPA RAB Admission Criteria for RRC Connection Setup Requests In algorithm 1. 3C-HSDPA.RRC Downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if the criterion is met. the downlink admission criteria for RRC connection setup requests are described in the following table: Cell Type Bearer Type for RRC SRBs Downlink Admission Criterion Admission Result R99 cell SRB Over DCH ηDL.RRCTotal Criterion 2 is met if any of .NonHSPA + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL.RRC Criterion 2 (total cell power-based admission criterion):  ηDL.RRCTotal   ηDL.Resource Request Type Cell Type Bearer Type DB-HSDPA cells DCH RAB 3C-HSDPA cells SC-HSDPA RAB 4C-HSDPA cells DB-HSDPA RAB Admission Criteria Described In Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in a DBHSDPA.R99Prefer-Total + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL. ηDL.RRC-Total ηDL.GBP-Total + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL. HSDPA cell SRB Over DCH Criterion 1 (non-HSPA power-based admission criterion): Downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if both criteria 1 and 2 are met.HSDPA-Total + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL. RRCTotal  ηDL. the RNC uses the strict admission thresholds listed in Table 7-10.RRC-Total Criterion 2 is met if either of the preceding inequalities is satisfied. If RRCCacChoice(BSC6900. 2.RRC-Total indicates the downlink total cell power-based admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests. and 3.HSDPA-Total + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL.GBP + ΔηDL ≤ ηDL.GBP-Total + ΔηDL ≤ ThdDL.RRC indicates the downlink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests.RRC) This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control.RRCTotal) This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control. ThdDL. and ThdDL. Table 7-9 Loose downlink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request   Emergen cy call Detachm ent Downlink Admission Threshold (ThdDL. .BSC6910) is set to STRICT_CAC. Downlink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdDL.MaxHSPA Downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if both criteria 1 and 2 are met. The RNC performs either loose or strict admission control on RRC connection setup requests according to the value of RRCCacChoice(BSC6900.BSC6910):   If RRCCacChoice(BSC6900.Cell Type Bearer Type for RRC SRBs Downlink Admission Criterion Admission Result the preceding inequalities is satisfied. SRB Over HSDPA Criterion 1 (GBP-based admission criterion): ηDL. the RNC uses the loose admission thresholds listed in Table 7-9. Criterion 2 (total cell power-based admission criterion):  ηDL.BSC6910) is set to LOOSE_CAC. These thresholds use the same values in algorithms 1. Table 7-10 Strict downlink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests . the RNC rejects the RRC connection setup request. NOTE: For details about the overload state of a cell and OLC.If the cell is not overloaded.RRC.BSC6910) is set to 0.RRCTotal) Registrat ion Other services  When DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BS C6900.RRC.Cause of RRC Connection Setup Request  Downlink Admission Threshold (ThdDL. If the cell is overloaded.  SRB Over HSDPA This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control.RRC) Downlink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdDL. the downlink OLC triggering threshold (DlOlcTrigThd) is used as ThdDL.BS C6910)) is used as ThdDL.BSC6910) parameter is selected:If the cell is overloaded. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.BSC6910) parameter is not selected.RRC-Total. the RNC rejects the RRC connection setup request.When the DL_UU_OLC check box under the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6 900. the downlink OLC triggering threshold DlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.  SRB Over DCH When DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BS C6900. BSC6910) is used as ThdDL.BSC6910) is set to 1:  When the DL_UU_OLC check box under the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6 900. the downlink OLC triggering threshold (DlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.BS C6910)) is used as ThdDL.RRC-Total. If the cell is not overloaded. the downlink OLC triggering threshold (DlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900. Cause of RRC Downlink Admission Threshold Connection (ThdDL.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a real-time service)  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSIST ENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6910)(admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a real-time service) Non-real-time services DlOtherThd(BSC6900.BSC 6910) + RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900 .  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSIST ENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. BSC6910) parameter is not selected: ThdDL.RRC-Total = DlCellTotalThd(BSC6910. DlConvAMRThd(BSC6900.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC  When the NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH _RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.B SC6910) + RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC69 00.RRC-Total = DlConvAMRThd(BSC6900.RRC-Total) This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control. BSC6910) parameter is selected: ThdDL.BSC6 900)+ RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900 . BSC6910) parameter is not .BSC69 10) + NRTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6 900.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a realtime service) Downlink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdDL.RRC) Setup Request   Emerge ncy call Detach ment Real-time services This threshold does not apply because the RNC accepts the RRC connection setup request without admission control. RRC-Total = DlCellTotalThd(BSC6910.RRC-Total = DlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.BSC6910 )+ NRTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC69 00. BSC6910) parameter is selected: ThdDL.BSC6 900) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a non-real-time service) Other services DlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900.RRC) Setup Request Downlink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdDL.RRC-Total = DlOtherThd(BSC6900.Cause of RRC Downlink Admission Threshold Connection (ThdDL. BSC6910) parameter is not selected: ThdDL.BSC 6910) + OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BS C6900.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a service other than a real-time or non-realtime service) .BSC69 10) + OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6 900.BSC6 900) + DlCellTotalThd(BSC6910.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a service other than a real-time or non-real-time service)  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSIST ENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a non-real-time service)  When the NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH _RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.RRC-Total) connection setup request of a nonreal-time service) selected: ThdDL. Cause of RRC Downlink Admission Threshold Connection (ThdDL,RRC) Setup Request Downlink Total Cell Power-based Admission Threshold (ThdDL,RRC-Total)  When the RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSIST ENT_WITH_RAB check box under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter is selected: ThdDL,RRC-Total = DlCellTotalThd(BSC6900,BSC6 910) + OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6 900,BSC6910) (admission threshold offset for the RRC connection setup request of a service other than a real-time or non-realtime service) Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an R99 Cell When algorithm 1 is used for an R99 cell, the downlink admission criteria for resource requests other than RRC connection setup requests are as follows: 1. If DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is selected and the cell is overloaded, admission fails. If DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is deselected or the cell is not overloaded, the RNC performs the next step. 2. The RNC checks whether the sum of ηDL,R99-Total and ΔηDL is less than or equal to ThdDL,Nonctl. If yes, admission succeeds. Otherwise, admission fails. ThdDL,Nonctl is the admission threshold for the downlink power load of non-HSPA services. The threshold varies with resource request types, as described in Table 7-11. Table 7-11 Admission thresholds for the downlink power load of non-HSPA services Resource Request Type AMR services Admission Threshold for the Downlink Power Load of Non-HSPA Services (ThdDL,Nonctl)   If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to OFF, DlConvAMRThd(BSC6900,BSC6910) is used as ThdDL,Nonctl. If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to ON: Resource Request Type Admission Threshold for the Downlink Power Load of Non-HSPA Services (ThdDL,Nonctl) When the OLC algorithm is enabled (DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is selected), the downlink OLC triggering threshold (DlOlcTrigThd) is used as ThdDL,Nonctl.When the OLC algorithm is disabled (DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is deselected), ThdDL,Nonctl is 100%. Non-AMR services DlConvNonAMRThd(BSC6900,BSC6910) Handovers DlHOThd(BSC6900,BSC6910) Others DlOtherThd(BSC6900,BSC6910) Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the DCH RAB) In an SC-HSDPA cell, if the bearer type is the DCH RAB, downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds when both the following criteria are met:  Non-HSPA power-based admission criterion: (ηDL,NonHSPA + ΔηDL) ≤ ThdDL,Nonctl ThdDL,Nonctl is the admission threshold for the downlink power load of non-HSPA services. See Table 7-12 for details.  Total cell power-based admission criterion: Any of the following three inequations applies: (ηDL,HSDPA-Total + ΔηDL) ≤ ThdDL,total (ηDL,GBP-Total + ΔηDL) ≤ ThdDL,total (ηDL,R99Prefer-Total + ΔηDL) ≤ ThdDL,total ThdDL,total is the admission threshold for the total downlink power of the cell. See Table 7-12. Table 7-12 Admission thresholds for the total downlink power of the cell Resource Request Type AMR services Admission Threshold for the Total Downlink Power of the Cell (ThdDL,total) o o If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to OFF, DlCellTotalThd(BSC6900,BSC6910) is used as ThdDL,total. If CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to Resource Request Type Admission Threshold for the Total Downlink Power of the Cell (ThdDL,total) ON: When the OLC algorithm is enabled (DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is selected), DlOlcTrigThd is used as ThdDL,total.When the OLC algorithm is disabled (DL_UU_OLC of NBMLdcAlgoSwitch is deselected), ThdDL,total is 100%. Other services DlCellTotalThd(BSC6900,BSC6910) Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the SCHSDPA RAB) In an SC-HSDPA cell, if the bearer type is the SC-HSDPA RAB, downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds when either PBR-based admission or load-based admission succeeds. PBR-based Admission Decisions The RNC performs PBR-based admission control only when the HSDPA PBR measurement switch is turned on (HSDPA_PBR_MEAS of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900,BSC6910) is set to 1). The downlink PBR is the effective downlink throughput on all UEs corresponding to an SPI successfully received by the NodeB. PBR is periodically reported by the NodeB to the RNC. If the sum of PBRs of users implementing a certain service is greater than the sum of their GBRs multiplied by a certain factor, the RNC determines that the QoS requirements of these users are met. In this case, the RNC can admit new users. For streaming services and BE services, PBRbased admission succeeds if the following service-specific inequations apply:  Streaming services: Where, o o  PBRstrm is the PBR of all existing streaming services. Thdhsdpa-str is the PBR-based admission threshold for streaming services HsdpaStrmPBRThd(BSC6900,BSC6910). BE services: Where, o o PBRbe is the PBR of all existing BE services. Thdhsdpa-be is the PBR-based admission threshold for BE services HsdpaStrmPBRThd(BSC6900,BSC6910). NOTE: Conversational services in the PS domain carried on HSPA RABs can be considered as streaming services in admission control. Load-based Admission Decisions Load-based admission succeeds only when both the following criteria are met:   GBP-based admission criterion: (ηDL,GBP + ΔηDL) ≤ ηDL,MaxHSPA Total cell power-based admission criterion: Either of the following two inequations applies: (ηDL,HSDPA-Total + ΔηDL) ≤ ThdDL,total (ηDL,GBP-Total + ΔηDL) ≤ ThdDL,total ThdDL,total is the admission threshold for the total downlink power of the cell. For details about the admission threshold, see Table 7-12. Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in a DC-HSDPA Cell Downlink admission control based on algorithm 1 depends on whether the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature is enabled in the DC-HSDPA cell. NOTE: For details about the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature, see Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA Feature Parameter Description.  For a DC-HSDPA Cell with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA Feature Disabled The RNC performs admission control based on single carriers and the DC-HSDPA cell group. For details about how to calculate the downlink cell power loads for single carriers and the DCHSDPA cell group, see Calculation of Downlink Power Load for a Cell. The admission policies for different RAB types are as follows:  For the DCH RAB or SC-HSDPA RAB The RNC performs power-based admission control on both single carriers and the DCHSDPA cell group. If the admission criteria are met, downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds. Otherwise, downlink admission based on algorithm 1 fails.  For the DC-HSDPA RAB The RNC performs power-based admission control for each DC-HSDPA cell group. Table 7-13 describes the admission policies for a DC-HSDPA cell group with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature disabled. Table 7-13 Admission policies for a DC-HSDPA cell group with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature disabled Bearer Type Admission Level DCH RAB Single carrier Admission Policy Same as the admission policy for an SC-HSDPA cell. For details, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SCHSDPA Cell (for the DCH RAB). DC-HSDPA The total GBP for a DC-HSDPA cell group is less than or equal to cell group the sum of admission thresholds for the total downlink power on the primary cell and secondary cell. For details about the admission threshold for the total downlink power, see Table 7-12 . SC-HSDPA RAB Single carrier Same as the admission policy for an SC-HSDPA cell. For details, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SCHSDPA Cell (for the DCH RAB). DC-HSDPA Load-based admission succeeds. The following criteria must be cell group both met:   NOTE: The total GBP on the primary and secondary cells of the DC-HSDPA cell group is less than or equal to the sum of threshold for the maximum available HSDPA power on the primary and secondary cells. The total power on the primary and secondary cells of the DC-HSDPA cell group is less than or equal to the sum of threshold for the total downlink power on the primary and secondary cells. Bearer Type Admission Level Admission Policy For details about the preceding criteria, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the SCHSDPA RAB). DC-HSDPA RAB DC-HSDPA PBR-based admission or load-based admission succeeds. cell group  PBR-based admission decisions For streaming services and BE services, PBR-based admission is performed only for all DC-HSDPA users in the DC-HSDPA cell group. For details about the admission criteria, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the SC-HSDPA RAB).   Load-based admission decisions Both the following criteria are met: Criterion 1: The total GBP on the primary and secondary cells of the DC-HSDPA cell group is less than or equal to the sum of threshold for the maximum available HSDPA power on the primary and secondary cells. Criterion 2: The total power on the primary and secondary cells of the DC-HSDPA cell group is less than or equal to the sum of threshold for the total downlink power on the primary and secondary cells.  For a DC-HSDPA Cell with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA Feature Enabled Admission control is the same as that for a DB-HSDPA, 3C-HSDPA, or 4C-HSDPA Cell. For details, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in a DB-HSDPA, 3C-HSDPA, or 4C-HSDPA Cell. Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in a DB-HSDPA, 3C-HSDPA, or 4CHSDPA Cell For details about how to calculate the GBP load for a multi-carrier HSDPA cell, see Calculation of Downlink Power Load for a Cell. In a DB-HSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4C-HSDPA cell or a DC-HSDPA cell with the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature enabled, the RNC makes admission decisions on the primary and secondary cells. Downlink admission based on algorithm 1 succeeds if load-based admission succeeds on the primary or secondary cell. The admission policies for different bearer types are as follows:  For the DCH RAB Same as the admission policy for the DCH RAB in an SC-HSDPA cell. For details, seeAdmission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the DCH RAB).  For the SC-HSDPA RAB The RNC performs load-based admission decisions. The admission policy is the same as that for the SC-HSDPA RAB in an SC-HSDPA cell. For details, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the SC-HSDPA RAB).  For the DC-HSDPA/DB-HSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4C-HSDPA RAB The RNC performs load-based admission decisions. The admission policy is the same as that for the SC-HSDPA RAB in an SC-HSDPA cell. For details, see Admission Criteria for Other Resource Requests in an SC-HSDPA Cell (for the SC-HSDPA RAB). 7.3 Admission Control Algorithm 2 Algorithm 2 performs admission control based on the ENU and the expected ENU increase caused by a new service. The measurement quantities relevant to the cell power load are processed and reported by the load measurement module on the RNC. For details about cell load measurements, see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. Algorithm 2 applies to admission control in uplink and downlink. 7.3.1 ENU Concept When the activation factor is 100%, a 12.2 kbit/s AMR service is defined as one ENU. The following aspects are considered when the ENU is calculated:     Cell type (a typical urban cell or a suburban cell) Traffic QoS, which is the Block Error Rate (BLER) Target number of retransmissions Activation factor for a service type, which is set with the SET UADMCTRL command. Table 7-14 describes the ENU references for some services in typical scenarios. The following are typical configuration scenarios:   The cell is a typical urban cell. The target BLER of R99 users in the cell is 1%. 3252 2.9806 3.4 kbit/s + 1.463 4.1193 13.36 0.8749 3.1150 .2625 3.5057 0.2463 3.7611 3.2225 9.4 kbit/s+ 32 kbit/s (PS service) 0.9192 3.2279 5.0305 144 kbit/s (PS service) 0.5098 1.4 kbit/s + 12.1044 0.6615 5.7548 0.4 kbit/s 0.6228 0.4698 3.4 kbit/s + 64 0.1248 0.0489 9.7566 kbit/s (PS service) 0.0738 0.545 3.6430 4.9786 3.4 kbit/s + 16 0.3107 0.8713 1.6851 8.2 kbit/s 0.0279 0.2847 0.1063 7.0869 3.8773 2.5545 5.1227 9.8196 0.6500 kbit/s (PS service) 0.9332 17.9248 128 kbit/s (PS service) 0.0420 0.1115 0.5926 4.4 kbit/s + 0.1655 3.  Target number of retransmissions: o 10% for 2 ms TTI HSUPA users o 1% for 10 ms TTI HSUPA users Activation factors for different service types: o 10% for SRBs o 50% for AMR 12.5856 2.2 kbit/s services o 10% for DCH PS services o 100% for HSPA PS services Table 7-14 ENU references in typical scenarios Service ENU Uplink for DCH Downlink for DCH HSDPA 2 ms TTI HSUPA 10 ms TTI HSUPA 3.2187 1.4106 3.4 kbit/s + 1.0242 1.4399 256 kbit/s (PS service) 1.1369 13.5523 13.5420 - 2.4 kbit/s + 8 kbit/s (PS service) 0.4 kbit/s + 1.6 kbit/s 0. 6353 39.4 kbit/s + 1800kbit/s (PS service) - 104.4 kbit/s + - 743.4993 - - 3.4 kbit/s + 768kbit/s (PS service) - - 27.2048 - - 3.6481 - - 3.4 kbit/s + 1024kbit/s (PS service) - 38.9493 - - 3.384 kbit/s (PS service) 3.0128 - - - .4095 - - 3.4 kbit/s + 1536kbit/s (PS service) - 76.4 kbit/s + 512kbit/s (PS service) - - 17.8401 - 3.4 kbit/s + 608kbit/s (PS service) - - - 24.4 kbit/s + 2048kbit/s (PS service) - 130.4 kbit/s + 3600kbit/s (PS service) - 272.5029 - 3.4 kbit/s + 5440kbit/s (PS service) - - 86.5091 - - 3.4 kbit/s + 2720kbit/s (PS service) - - 55.4 kbit/s + 1280kbit/s (PS service) - - 41.4 kbit/s + 2048kbit/s (PS service) - - 50.8530 3.2614 3.9238 - - 3.9127 28.8805 - 3. Total is the sum of ENUs corresponding to the RABs that have been used in the cell. o o o ENUUL. the ENU for 2 ms TTI HSUPA is the same as the ENU for 10 ms TTI HSUPA. Calculation of Uplink ENU Uplink admission control based on algorithm 2 uses the following load measurements:  Total uplink ENU load factor It is represented by ηUL.4 kbit/s or 13.7200kbit/s (PS service) 3. When UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP is set to OFF.CCHis the reserved load on the uplink common channels. ENUUL.4 kbit/s or 13. It is set by UlCCHLoadFactor(BSC6900. HSUPA (3.Max according to the long-period filtering rise over thermal (RoT.4 kbit/s + n kbit/s) indicates the ENU when SRB over DCH and TRB over HSDPA are used.Max is specified by the UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter.BSC6910).4 kbit/s + n kbit/s) indicates the ENU when SRB over DCH and TRB over HSUPA are used. which . It depends on the value of UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.Max+ ηUL. ENUUL.0269 - - - NOTE: In Table 7-14:      HSDPA (3. HSUPA (3. When Turbo IC phase2 is enabled.6kbit/s) indicates the ENU when SRB over HSUPA is used. the RNC adjusts the value of ENUUL.ENU and calculated using the following formula: ηUL.6kbit/s) indicates the ENU when SRB over HSDPA is used.4 kbit/s + 8640kbit/s (PS service) - 1247.4 kbit/s + 10100kbit/s (PS service) - 1531.Max is the sum of ENUs in the uplink of the cell. ηUL. HSDPA (3.CCH Where.ENU= ENUUL. When UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP is set to ON.Total/ENUUL.BSC6910) parameter.3427 - - 3. BSC6910). the RNC increases ENUUL.BSC6910).BSC6910)x 0. Otherwise.ENU is less than the value of UlLdrTrigThd(BSC6900. NOTE: o o o o A long-period filtering RoT is the RoT value obtained by a filter whose length is 30.Max to the value of the following formula: Current ENUUL.9 . If the long-period filtering RoT is greater than the value of RoTControlTarget(BSC6900. its minimum value is 0 and its minimum value is 5.Max x (1 + Increase step x 0.Max as follows: When the following conditions are met.Max is less than the maximum value of UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910).Maxto the value of the following formula: Current ENUUL.Max x (1 – Decrease step x 0.BSC6910).Max remains unchanged.Max is greater than the value of UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900.Max remains unchanged. The short-period filtering RoT is the RoT value obtained by a filter whose length is specified by UlCacAvgFilterLen(BSC6900. the RNC decreases ENUUL.BSC6910). the RNC decreases ENUUL. Decrease step = Short-period filtering RoT – RoTControlTarget(BSC6900. If the long-period filtering RoT is less than the value of UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) (the default value is 5). the RNC increases ENUUL. ENUUL. ENUUL. uplink admission control algorithm 2 is implemented based on the value of .Max as follows: When ENUUL.9.BSC6910) parameter is set to ON. Increase step = RoTControlTarget(BSC6900.01): Condition 1: The current ENUUL.01) Otherwise.reflects RTWP of the cell) at an interval specified by UlTotalENUAdjPeriod(BSC6900. When UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP under the NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.Short-period filtering RoT. Condition 2: The current ηUL. its minimum value is 0 and its minimum value is 10.BSC6910)xUlTotalEqUserNum(BSC690 0.BSC6910).BSC6910)x 0. BSC6910) to LOOSE_CAC. To enable the algorithm.CellDCHUEs counter exceeds 50. Note that the traffic increase can be caused by an increase in the number of UEs (the value of the VS. which may result in frequent reattempts of the UEs. which improves access success rate of CS services and CS service capacity. For details on preemption. set RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900. F2D/P2D state transition success rate.BSC6910) and RRCCacChoice(BSC6900. Before enabling this algorithm familiarize yourself with the following issues: o o It is now recommended that admission control algorithm 2 be used in the uplink and UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900. Otherwise. Therefore. As a result. If a cell has a high RTWP due to serious external interference. after this function is enabled.BSC6910). the RTWP may have a great value. which affects the uplink coverage.) If the current RTWP is much greater than RoTControlTarget(BSC6900. NOTE: To reduce the impact of this algorithm on CS services. and hard handover success rate. leading to decrease in the number of UEs or throughput of the cell. Therefore. Admission control algorithm 2 helps control the RTWP by controlling the admission. thereby improving the uplink coverage.RoTControlTarget(BSC6900. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. so the following counters decrease: RRC connection setup success rate.Max to impose strict admission control.BSC6910).BSC6910) be set to a large value or the uplink admission control algorithm be disabled. it is recommended that the RB Parking feature and a loose RRC admission control algorithm be enabled in this cell to avoid excessive admission rejections. However. For details about the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm. it is recommended that the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm be enabled to prevent a dramatic decrease in cell capacity. However. the load of neighboring cells will raise the background noise of the cell. the algorithm decreases ENUUL. it is recommended that the preemption function be enabled for CS services. if the WRFD-160206 RB Parking feature has been activated in the network. When . This policy has a loose control on the RTWP. The degree of the decrease depends on the RTWP target and the RTWP of the existing network. it will decrease the cell's access success rate and capacity. o It is recommended that this algorithm be enabled on a cluster basis instead of for a cell independently. the opportunities in which PS services are preempted increase and the PS call drop rate increases. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. RAB setup success rate. this algorithm is only recommended in a cell experiencing an RTWP increase due to traffic increase when the operator wants to improve the uplink coverage and accepts the decrease in the cell's access success rate and capacity. Calculation of Downlink ENU Downlink admission control based on algorithm 2 uses the following load measurements:  Total downlink ENU load factor It is represented by ηDL.Max.ENU and calculated using the following formula: ηDL. It is the ratio of the sum of ENUs for all DCH RABs to the maximum ENU in a cell UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900. the Load Reshuffling (LDR) feature (which requires decision of whether a cell is in the basic congestion state). and the Measure-Based Directed Retry (MBDR) feature.Max. which affects the features that require decision of the cell load status. For details about the LDR and CLB algorithms.CCH .RAC. For details. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.Total/ENUDL. and therefore R99 service admission is difficult. The larger the value of ENUUL. o o ηUL.ENU= ENUDL. For details about the MBDR algorithm. It is set by HsupaMaxGBPThd(BSC6900. for example.Maxis dynamically adjusted.Mean.ENUUL.ENU) also changes. see Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description.R99PreferENU ensures that R99 services are preferentially admitted. CLB. It is calculated using the following formula: ηUL. observe the counter VS. the earlier the cell enters the LDR.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.DCH_ENU + ThdHSUPAMaxGBP Where. the total uplink ENU load (ηUL.Max.BSC6910).DCH_ENUis the ENU load of all DCH RABs in a cell. the Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold (CLB) feature.BSC6910). the later the cell enters the LDR. CLB. ηUL. or MBDR state. The smaller the value of ENUUL.  Total uplink load factor of ENU for preferential admission of R99 services It is represented by ηUL. or MBDR state. In this case. ThdHSUPAMaxGBPis the maximum guaranteed load threshold for HSUPA services when the RNC makes an admission decision on an R99 service.R99Prefer-ENU. the total uplink ENU load factor may also be too high.R99Prefer-ENU= ηUL. To know the adjusted value of ENUUL. When the GBR for HSUPA services is too high.Max+ ηDL. It is set by DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff(BSC6900. ηDL.Where. The RNC calculates the uplink ENU load for the cell based on the statistics from the load measurement module. 2.Maxis the maximum ENU of the cell.BSC6910).   ηDL.BSC6910). 7. the total downlink ENU load factor may also be too high. ENUDL. Total downlink ENU load factor for preferential admission of R99 services It is represented by ηDL. and therefore R99 service admission is difficult.R99Prefer-ENU= ηDL. When the GBR for HSDPA services is too high. In this case.DCH_ENUis the ENU load of all DCH RABs in a cell. It is calculated using the following formula: ηDL. If a cell is not in the OLC state.3. NOTE: o For details about the initial admission rate. .R99PreferENU ensures that R99 services are preferentially admitted.BSC6910).BSC6910). It is the ratio of the sum of ENUs for all DCH RABs to the maximum ENU in a cell DlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900.ENU) based on the initial admission rate of the new service. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.2 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm 2 Uplink admission control based on algorithm 2 depends on the overload state of a cell. It is set by HsdpaMaxGBPThd(BSC6900. the admission procedure is as follows: 1.DCH_ENU+ ThdHSDPAMaxGBP Where.CCHis the reserved load on the downlink common channels. o    ENUDL. ThdHSDPAMaxGBPis the maximum guaranteed load threshold for HSDPA services when the RNC makes an admission decision on an R99 service.R99Prefer-ENU. For multi-carrier HSDPA users (such as DC-HSDPA/DB-HSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4CHSDPA users).Total is the sum of ENUs for RABs that have been used in the cell. It is set by DlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900. the consumed downlink ENU is calculated only on the primary cell. ηDL. The RNC estimates the ENU load increase (ΔηUL. RRC ηUL. which is the same as the threshold in Table 7-6. see Table 7-3 and Table 7-4.ENU + ΔηUL.R99Prefer-ENU + ΔηUL. In the following admission criteria.  Admission criteria for other resource requests Other resource requests include RAB setup.RRC ThdUL. The admission criteria vary with bearer types and service types.total .ENU) ≤ ThdUL. The admission criteria vary with resource request types.total is the admission threshold for the total uplink power of the cell. The RNC makes an admission decision.ENU ≤ ThdUL. ThdUL.ENU ≤ ThdUL.ENU) ≤ ThdUL. These thresholds use different values for loose admission control and strict admission control. and cell update.Nonctl Criterion 2: (ηUL. RAB reconfiguration.RRC-Total o SRB Over HSUPA Admission succeeds if the following inequality is met: ηUL.  If the bearer type is the DCH RAB. admission succeeds if either of the following criteria are met: Criterion 1: (ηUL. ThdUL.R99Prefer-ENU + ΔηUL.ENU + ΔηUL.ENU ≤ ThdUL.RRC indicates the uplink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests. handover.o In admission control on an RRC connection setup request.Nonctl is the admission threshold for the uplink power load of non-HSPA services. which is the same as the threshold in Table 7-5.  Admission criteria for RRC connection setup requests o SRB Over DCH Admission succeeds if either of the following inequalities is met: ηUL. 3. and ThdUL. For details.ENU + ΔηUL. The SRB rate of an RRC connection setup request is set by running the SET URRCESTCAUSE command.RRC-Total indicates the uplink total cell power-based admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests. the RNC calculates the load increase based on the SRB rate carried in the RRC connection setup request. If the RTWP anti-interference function switch is turned off (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. The admission criteria vary with resource request types.ENU) ≤ ThdUL.ENU is less than CellUlEquNumCapacity(BSC6900.RRC-Total . uplink admission based on algorithm 2 succeeds only when ηUL. If the bearer type is the SC-HSUPA RAB. The admission criterion is the same as that for the SC-HSUPA RAB.ENU) based on the initial admission rate of the new service.BSC6910) is deselected). the RNC rejects the service request. The RNC estimates the ENU load increase (ΔηDL.Nonctl  If the bearer type is the DC-HSUPA RAB.ENU + ΔηUL. the criterion is as follows: (ηUL.RRC ηDL. NOTE: o For details about the initial admission rate. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. If a cell is in the OLC state. The RNC calculates the downlink ENU load for the cell based on the statistics from the load measurement module.3 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm 2 This procedure is implemented as follows: 1. the RNC performs admission control only on the primary cell. 2. the RNC calculates the load increase based on the SRB rate carried in the RRC connection setup request.ENU ≤ ThdDL. The SRB rate of an RRC connection setup request is set by running the SET URRCESTCAUSE command. o In admission control on an RRC connection setup request.BSC6910).BSC6910) is selected).  Admission criteria for RRC connection setup requests o SRB Over DCH Admission succeeds if either of the following inequalities is met: ηDL. the admission procedure is as follows:   If the RTWP anti-interference function switch is turned on (RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. 7.ENU ≤ ThdDL. 3.3. The RNC makes an admission decision.ENU + ΔηDL.R99Prefer-ENU + ΔηDL. R99Prefer-ENU + ΔηDL.RRC ThdDL.ENU + ΔηDL.ENU ≤ ThdDL.RRC indicates the downlink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests.ENU + ΔηDL. ThdDL.Nonctl Criterion 2: (ηDL. the criterion is as follows: (ηDL.Nonctl o If the bearer type is the DC-HSDPA RAB.Nonctl) for the primary and secondary cells.total is the admission threshold for the total downlink power of the cell. admission control is performed only on the primary cell. which is the same as the threshold in Table 7-12.Nonctl is the downlink power-based admission threshold for non-HSPA services.o SRB Over HSUPA Admission succeeds if the following inequality is met: ηDL.ENU) ≤ ThdDL.total o If the bearer type is the SC-HSDPA RAB.  Admission criteria for other resource requests The admission criteria vary with bearer types. o If the bearer type is the DCH RAB.ENU) on the primary and secondary cells is less than or equal to the sum of admission thresholds (ThdDL. If the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature is not enabled. admission succeeds if either of the following criteria are met: Criterion 1: (ηDL. ThdDL. see Table 7-9 and Table 7-10. and ThdDL. These thresholds use different values for loose admission control and strict admission control. If the Flexible Dual Carrier HSDPA feature is enabled.RRC-Total indicates the downlink total cell power-based admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests. . which is the same as the threshold in Table 7-11.ENU) ≤ ThdDL. For details. In the following admission criteria. admission control on the DC-HSDPA RAB depends on whether the Flexible DC-DB/HSDPA feature is enabled in the DC-HSDPA cell. The admission criterion is the same as that for the SC-HSDPA RAB.ENU) ≤ ThdDL. admission control is performed based on the DC-HSDPA cell group. Admission succeeds if the sum of downlink ENU loads (ηDL.ENU + ΔηDL. 7. 7. Algorithm 3 applies to admission control in uplink and downlink. .Actual-Total and calculated using the following formula: ηUL. Otherwise. the RNC rejects the service request. admission control is performed only on the primary cell. the RNC determines whether the current cell power load exceeds a preset threshold when making a decision on a service request. HSUPA service load required by the HSUPA GBR. In algorithm 3. Calculation of the Actual Uplink Service Load The total uplink service load factor is represented by ηUL. and control channel load. the RNC admits the service. and control channel load.Actual-Total = ηUL. HSUPA service load. It is set by UlCCHLoadFactor(BSC6900.o If the bearer type is the DB-HSDPA/3C-HSDPA/4C-HSDPA RAB. Algorithm 3 is similar to algorithm 1.Actual is the actual uplink service load factor. the total uplink service load and the uplink minimum guaranteed service load.BSC6910).CCH Where.4 Admission Control Algorithm 3 Algorithm 3 performs admission control based on the cell power load. o The uplink minimum guaranteed service load includes R99 service load.CCH is the reserved load on the uplink common channels. the actual uplink service load introduced by a DC-HSUPA user is calculated and then apportioned on the primary and secondary cells based on the user rate ratio per cell.  ηUL. If the cell power load exceeds the threshold.Actual + ηUL.5 Admission Control Algorithm 4 Algorithm 4 performs admission control based on the expected load increase that corresponds to the actual uplink service load. It considers RTWP measurement results.  ηUL. Algorithm 4 applies to admission control only in uplink. For a DC-HSUPA cell. The only difference is that the estimated power load increase caused by the new service is always set to 0 in algorithm 3. The admission criterion is the same as that for the SC-HSDPA RAB. o The total uplink service load includes R99 service load. this cell does not support algorithm 4. see section 7. Otherwise.NOTE:    For details about the preceding load. For details about ENU-based admission control. service admission fails. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. Thd is the corresponding admission threshold.  For other resource requests Thd is the uplink power-based admission threshold for non-HSPA services. When the feature of Independent Demodulation of Signals from Multiple RRUs in One Cell is configured.Actual-Total and ΔηUL is less than or equal to Thd. If the sum of ηUL. for example. the RNC calculates the load increase based on the SRB rate carried in the RRC connection setup request.3 Admission Control Algorithm 2. which is described in Table 7-3 and Table 7-4. NOTE: o For details about the initial admission rate. 2.  For RRC connection setup requests Thd is the uplink admission threshold for RRC connection setup requests (ThdUL. which is described in Table 7-5. o In admission control on an RRC connection setup request. When the bearer type is the DC-HSUPA RAB: . The SRB rate of an RRC connection setup request is set by running the SET URRCESTCAUSE command. If measurements on the actual uplink service load for a cell are unavailable. which depends on the resource request type. Admission Decisions Based on Algorithm 4 The procedure for an uplink admission decision based on algorithm 4 is as follows: 1. For details. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.RRC). the RNC performs admission control for the cell based on ENU (algorithm 2). when the relevant NodeB boards cannot report the measurement results. The RNC calculates the uplink power load increase (ΔηUL) based on the initial admission rate of the new service. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. admission based on algorithm 4 succeeds. Measuring the uplink minimum guaranteed service load depends on the hardware. algorithm 4 enables the RNC to admit more users and increases the user access success rate when the cell serves few users but the RTWP is large due to high traffic volume. the RTWP increases and the call drop rate rises after more users have accessed the cell. For DC-HSUPA scheduling services. Algorithm 4 is based on the actual uplink service load. which considers RTWP rise. Compared with algorithm 2. the RNC makes admission decisions on the primary and secondary cells. admission decisions are made only on the primary cell.1.  E-FACH and E-RACH channels 8.BSC6910) is set to a large value in algorithm 2. If the value of background noise involved in calculation is greater than the actual value. the calculated uplink service load is greater than its actual value and the admission success rate decreases. Comparison with Other Algorithms Compared with algorithm 1 and algorithm 3. which are classified in the following manner:  Common channels except the enhanced FACH and enhanced RACH channels The common channels except the EFACH (E-FACH for short) and ERACH (E-RACH for short) channels are referred to as traditional common channels in the following sections. otherwise. it is a preset value. The RNC does not perform admission control on users over traditional common channels except the users over the FACH.1 CAC on Traditional Common Channels The amount of consumed resources for traditional common channels keeps a steady level in general. on which the RNC will perform admission control by considering the number of online users on the FACH and the cell overload status. 8. Calculation of RTWP rise involves the background noise.1 CAC for Users on the FACH . However. the admission success rate increases. If the value of background noise involved in calculation is smaller than the actual value. The value of background noise is updated automatically if the auto-adaptive background noise update algorithm is enabled. 8 Common Channel Admission This section describes CAC for common channels.  For DC-HSUPA non-scheduling services. Admission based on algorithm 4 succeeds if admission is successful on the primary or secondary cell. algorithm 4 tightens admission control and reduces the number of admitted users when the total number of uplink equivalent users UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900. 1. and registrations. When this switch is turned off. see Flow Control Feature Parameter Description. Admitting or rejecting FACH resource requests from other service types in an overloaded cell is specified by FACH_UU_ADCTRL of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. The ADD UCELLFACHCONGCTRL command is automatically executed when you enable the WRFD160253 Automatic Congestion Handler feature. 8. For details. FACH resource requests from other service types in an overloaded cell are rejected. The number can be increased to 60 by turning on FACH_60_USER_SWITCH of the CacSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter in the SET UCACALGOSWITCH command.BSC6910) parameter in the ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH command. the RNC rejects subsequent service requests on the FACH. Manually executing this command is not recommended.BSC6910). The RNC performs flow control in case of FACH congestion in a cell. With CAC.   When this switch is turned on. If internal RNC specifications are reached. the maximum number of UEs in the CELL_FACH state in a specified cell is increased to 60. The restriction on the number of online users on the FACH can be canceled by turning on FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL of the NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. NOTICE: When the FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL switch is turned on.2 Reserved Resources for Traditional Common Channels The reserved resources for traditional common channels are as follows:  NodeB CE resources . Generally. an overloaded cell can accept FACH resource requests only from emergency calls. NOTE: When FACH_60_USER_SWITCH under the NBMFACHCTRLALGOSWITCH parameter in the ADD UCELLFACHCONGCTRL command is selected. the maximum number of online users on the FACH is 30.The number of online users on the FACH per cell is limited by RNC. the RNC decides whether to admit the request according to the number of online users on the FACH per cell. the number of available radio resources will decrease and FACHs will possibly become congested if the number of online users on the FACH has reached or exceeded the maximum number specified by FACH_60_USER_SWITCH and the number is still increasing. detachments. Reserved power load factor for the downlink common channels: It is set by DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff(BSC6900. the RNC implements CAC based on Iub transmission resources. including E-AGCH.The NodeB reserves CE resources for traditional common channels.2.  Power resources The RNC reserves some power resources for traditional common channels and the resource reserving thresholds are configurable. see CE Resource Management Feature Parameter Description. E-RGCH. which consume more resources than traditional common channels do.1 CAC Based on Iub Transmission Resources For details about CAC based on Iub transmission resources. 8. . Reserved power load factor for the HSUPA downlink common control channels.  Iub transmission resources The RNC reserves Iub transmission bandwidth for traditional common channels. Therefore.BSC6910). Channel code resources have been allocated when channel setup is complete.BSC6910).  Code resources Traditional common channels are first set up when a cell is established. and therefore does not need to be reserved. For details about CE consumption for common channels. 8. see Transmission Resource Management Feature Parameter Description. o o o Reserved power load factor for the uplink common channel: It is set by UlCCHLoadFactor(BSC6900. number of users.BSC6910) / DlCCHLoadRsrvCoeff(BSC6900.BSC6910). NOTE: The reserved power specified by UlCCHLoadFactor(BSC6900. see Transmission Resource Management Feature Parameter Description.BSC6910) is mainly used for RACH and FACH. and power resources in turn. For details about CAC based on Iub transmission resources.2 CAC on the E-FACH or E-RACH The E-FACH and E-RACH channels are over HSPA channels. The power consumed for other types of traditional common channels is fixed and calculated in the total downlink power load of the cell. and E-HICH channels: It is set by DlHSUPARsvdFactor(BSC6900.  Power-based admission algorithm 2 This algorithm is not implemented for resource requests on the E-FACH and E-RACH.BSC6910).  Power-based admission algorithms 1. the RNC implements CAC based only on Iub resources and number of users. the RNC will admit the resource request. With CAC.8. Otherwise. . 8. the power-based admission algorithm does not take effect for resource requests on the E-FACH and E-RACH. an overloaded cell can accept E-FACH resource requests only from emergency calls.2 CAC Based on the Number of E-FACH and E-RACH Users The admission criteria based on the number of E-FACH and E-RACH users are as follows:  For a resource request on the E-FACH If the number of E-FACH users in a cell does not exceed the value of MAXEFACHUserNum(BSC6900. Otherwise. the admission policy for resource requests on the E-FACH and E-RACH is basically the same as that for RAB setup requests of the SC-HSDPA/SC-HSUPA services. the RNC will admit the resource request. the RNC will reject the resource request.  For a resource request on the E-RACH If the number of E-RACH users in a cell does not exceed the value of MAXERACHUserNum(BSC6900. detachments.BSC6910). 3 and 4 When one of algorithms 1. When algorithm 2 is selected in NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6910) or NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. In this situation. Admitting or rejecting E-FACH resource requests from other service types in an overloaded cell is specified by FACH_UU_ADCTRL of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900.2.2. and registrations.3 CAC Based on Power Resources The admission policy based on the power resources for resource requests on the E-FACH and ERACH is similar to that for resource requests on common HSPA channels.BSC6910) after the resource request is admitted.BSC6910) after the resource request is admitted.BSC6910) or NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6910). the RNC will reject the resource request. 3 and 4 is selected in NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. The only difference is that the estimated load increase of a new E-FACH or E-RACH user is set to 0 because E-FACH and E-RACH activities are low. This is because the E-RACH depends on the E-FACH and E-RACH users consume the E-FACH resources in downlink.1 Requirements  Requirements for hardware Uplink power admission algorithm 4 introduced in RAN14.1.BSC6910) also takes effect for E-RACH users in an overloaded cell. and preemption are performed.1 Feature Deployment 10. FACH_UU_ADCTRL of NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. verify. If service admission fails.1 WRFD-020101 Admission Control This section describes how to activate. and deactivate the basic feature WRFD-020101 Admission Control. For HSPA services: HSPA services are degraded to R99 services and then attempt to access cells by cell priorities on the candidate cell list. If the service fails to be admitted to any of the preceding neighboring cells. For details.1. When this switch is turned off.0 makes admission decisions based on the total uplink service load that depends on the NodeB boards' measurement of . the RNC decides whether to admit the request according to the number of E-FACH users per cell. the RNC performs Directed Retry Decision (DRD) to admit the service in one of the neighboring cells that support blind handovers and meet the signal quality requirements. 10 Engineering Guidelines 10.  When this switch is turned on. queuing. see Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description. CAC works with the rate negotiation function and features WRFD-010505 Queuing and Pre-Emption and WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction Package.1. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description. 10. For details about DRD. DRD is controlled by a switch. 9 Follow-up Processing in the Case of Admission Failures To maximize the access success rate. E-FACH resource requests from other service types in an overloaded cell are rejected. the RNC implements the following operations:   For R99 services: Rate negotiation. Run the RNC MML command SET UCACALGOSWITCH. BTS3812E.the uplink service load. Iub transmission resource-based CAC. The following NodeBs do not support uplink power admission algorithm 4: o o o  BTS3812A. 10. 1. which are NodeB credit resourcebased CAC. and BTS3812AE DBS3800 3900 series base stations configured with a WBBPa board or a 20 W RRU3801C Requirements for other features None  License This feature is not under license control. In this step. Only part of NodeB boards supports the measurement. In this step. select NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch) from the CAC algorithm switch drop-down list to turn on the NodeB credit resource-based CAC switch at the RNC level.1.1. cell code resource-based CAC.2. There is no particular sequence in which the other three functions must be activated.1 Using MML Commands WRFD-020101 Admission Control consists of four functions.1. Iub transmission resource-based CAC is automatically activated and the other three functions need to be activated separately.1.2 Activation 10. set Credit and Code CAC Choice for RRC to LOOSE_CAC or STRICT_CAC and set CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch to ON or OFF. Therefore. not all NodeBs support uplink power admission algorithm 4. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH to set the admission policy parameters. Activating NodeB Credit Resource-based CAC NOTE: NodeB credit resource-based CAC shares the admission policy parameters (including Credit and Code CAC Choice for RRC and CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch) and parameters related to downlink control (including DL Credit and Code Reserved SF for RRC and DL Handover Credit and Code Reserved SF) with cell code resource-based CAC. select CRD_ADCTRL(Credit Admission Control Algorithm) from the Cell CAC algorithm switch drop-down list to turn on the NodeB credit resource-based CAC switch at the cell level. 3. . 2. In this step. and cell power resource-based CAC. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. Activating Iub Transmission Resource-based CAC This function is automatically activated without the need for manual operations. Activating Cell Power Resource-based CAC 1. 2. In this step. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC. In this step.4. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH to set the admission policy parameters. set Uplink CAC algorithm switch and Downlink CAC algorithm switch. set Credit and Code CAC Choice for RRC to LOOSE_CAC or STRICT_CAC and set CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch to ON or OFF.   If Credit and Code CAC Choice for RRC is set to STRICT_CAC. . 1. 2. If CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch is set to OFF. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH to set the admission policy parameters. set UL handover credit reserved SF and DL Handover Credit and Code Reserved SF in this step. set DL Handover Credit and Code Reserved SF in this step. set UL Credit Reserved SF for RRC and DL Credit and Code Reserved SF for RRC in this step. set Uplink CAC algorithm switch or Downlink CAC algorithm switch to ALGORITHM_OFF. In this step. NOTE: To disable cell power resource-based CAC in uplink or downlink. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC. set DL Credit and Code Reserved SF for RRC in this step. If CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch is set to OFF. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH to select the uplink and downlink power admission algorithms.   If Credit and Code CAC Choice for RRC is set to STRICT_CAC. set Power CAC Choice for RRC to LOOSE_CAC or STRICT_CAC and set CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch to ON or OFF. Activating Cell Code Resource-based CAC NOTE: Cell code resource-based CAC shares the admission policy parameters (including Credit and Code CAC Choice for RRC and CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch) and parameters related to downlink control (including DL Credit and Code Reserved SF for RRC and DL Handover Credit and Code Reserved SF) with NodeB credit resource-based CAC. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set the power admission parameters when Uplink CAC algorithm switch or Downlink CAC algorithm switch is set to a value other than ALGORITHM_OFF.NOTE: CS RAB Setup Resource Allocation Switch is used among NodeB credit resourcebased CAC. cell code resource-based CAC. resource requests from other services in an R99 cell Uplink CAC algorithm switch is set to ALGORITHM_SECOND. resource requests from other services in an R99 cell Downlink CAC algorithm switch is set to ALGORITHM_SECOND. Run the RNC MML command ADD/MOD UCELLCAC with Target RoT for UL Total ENU Adjustment set to an appropriate value. The following table describes the parameters to be set based on different parameter setting criteria. Parameter to Be Set RT Service RRC CAC Power Thd Offset Non-RT Service RRC Power CAC Thd Offset Other Service RRC Power CAC Thd Offset Uplink Uplink CAC algorithm admission switch is set to a value other threshold for than ALGORITHM_OFF. 3. DL Threshold of Conv AMR Service UL Threshold of Conv Non_AMR Service UL Handover Access Threshold UL Threshold of Other Services UL Total Power Threshold DL Threshold of Conv non_AMR Service DL Handover Access Threshold DL Threshold of Other Services DL Total Power Threshold Activating RTWP-based Dynamic Adjustment of Total UL Equivalent Users 1. and cell power resource-based CAC. UL Threshold of Conv AMR Service Downlink Downlink CAC algorithm admission switch is set to a value other threshold for than ALGORITHM_OFF. Category Parameter Setting Criterion RRC admission Power CAC Choice for parameters RRC is set to STRICT_CAC. . Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME. DlHOThd=85. RoTControlTarget=100.2. //Activating cell power resource-based CAC MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. 1. NBMCacAlgoSwitch2=UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP-1. UlNonCtrlThdForHo=80.2. . //Activating RTWP-based dynamic adjustment of total UL equivalent users MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_SECOND. UlNonCtrlThdForAMR=75. MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. select the ALGORITHM_SECOND check box under the Uplink CAC algorithm switch parameter and select the UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP check box under the Cell CAC algorithm switch 2 parameter.1. Therefore. UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR=75.3 Using the CME NOTE:   When configuring the Admission Control feature on the CME. it is recommended that the value of this parameter be set and adjusted based on the average RTWP during busy hours and the network plan.UlOlcTrigThd(BSC6900. //Activating cell code resource-based CAC MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. DlCellTotalThd=90. DlConvNonAMRThd=80. DlConvAMRThd=80. 10.BSC6910)))to ensure that admission control is implemented before overload control. 2. UlCellTotalThd=83. In this step. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. The smaller the value of the Target RoT for UL Total ENU Adjustment parameter. and then perform a batch modification if required. 10. DlHoCeCodeResvSf=SF32. Perform a batch modification before logging out of the parameter setting interface.NOTE: When Switch for Cell Load Control is set to UL_UU_OLC. UlNonCtrlThdForOther=60. Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. NBMCacAlgoSwitch=CRD_ADCTRL-1. perform a single configuration first.1. DlOtherThd=75.1. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH.2 MML Command Examples //Activating NodeB credit resource-based CAC SET UCACALGOSWITCH: CacSwitch=NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH-1. UlHoCeResvSf=SF16.1. NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_FIRST. it is recommended that Target RoT for UL Total ENU Adjustment be set to a value smaller than the value of 10*log(1/(1. NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_SECOND. the greater the decrease in the access success rate and capacity. MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. 2. (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. CAC BSC6910) Algorith m Switch Downlin NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. k CAC BSC6910) Algorith . For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration. Table 10-1 Parameters to be set on the CME S N 1 Managed Object (MO) NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificat ion Center UCELLALGOSW RN Credit RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900.BSC6910) CAC Choice for RRC CS RAB CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide.BS Setup C6910) Resourc e Allocati on Switch Uplink NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help.B Yes C and ITCH SC6910) Code CAC Choice for RRC Power RRCCacChoice(BSC6900. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects in batches. For instructions on how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center.Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence in Table 10-1 . click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. S N Managed Object (MO) NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificat ion Center m Switch 2 UCACALGOSWI TCH RN CAC CacSwitch(BSC6900.BSC Handove 6910) r Credit and Code Reserve d SF Yes .BS Credit C6910) and Code Reserve d SF for RRC UL UlHoCeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC691 C Credit 0) Reserve d SF for RRC DL DlRRCCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC6910) Handove r Credit Reserve d SF DL DlHoCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC CAC 6910) Algorith m Switch 3 UCELLCAC RN UL UlRRCCeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC6910) C Algorith m Switch Yes Cell NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. B SC6910) UL UlNonCtrlThdForAMR(BSC6900.BSC6910) d of Conv Non_A MR Service UL UlNonCtrlThdForHo(BSC6900.B Service SC6910) RRC Power CAC Thd Offset Other Service RRC Power CAC Thd Offset OtherRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.BS C6910) Non-RT NRTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.S N Managed Object (MO) NE Parame ter Name RT Service RRC CAC Power Thd Offset Parameter ID RTRRCCacThdOffset(BSC6900.BS Threshol C6910) d of Conv AMR Service UL UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR(BSC6900 Threshol .BSC6 Handove 910) Configura ble in CME Batch Modificat ion Center . BSC6910 Threshol ) d of Conv AMR Service DL DlConvNonAMRThd(BSC6900.BSC Threshol 6910) d of Conv non_AM R Service DL DlHOThd(BSC6900.BSC6910) Total Power Threshol d DL DlConvAMRThd(BSC6900.B Threshol SC6910) d of Other Services UL UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.S N Managed Object (MO) NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID r Access Threshol d UL UlNonCtrlThdForOther(BSC6900.BSC6910) Threshol d of Other Configura ble in CME Batch Modificat ion Center .BSC6910) Handove r Access Threshol d DL DlOtherThd(BSC6900. 4.S N Managed Object (MO) NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificat ion Center Services DL DlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.BSC69 Yes C RoT for 10) UL Total ENU Adjustm ent 4 UCELLCAC 5 UCELLALGOSW RN Uplink C CAC ITCH algorith m switch NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set DL total equivalent user number to 1 for CELL_A11. Enable a UE in the idle state to camp on the test cell.1.BS CAC C6910) algorith m switch 2 10. 3. 2.1. Set the PS service type to interactive on the HLR. Yes BSC6910) Cell NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.BSC6910) Total Power Threshol d RN Target RoTControlTarget(BSC6900. Connect the UE to a laptop through the USB port and initiate a PS service. which is named CELL_A11.3 Activation Observation The procedure for verifying ENU-based downlink admission control on R99 non-real-time PS services is as follows: 1. . 6. cell power resource-based CAC and RTWP-based Dynamic Adjustment of Total UL Equivalent Users.1. In this step.1 Using MML Commands Iub transmission resource-based CAC and cell code resource-based CAC are mandatory and cannot be deactivated. Deactivating NodeB Credit Resource-Based CAC 1. Expected result: The PS service is successfully set up. 10. Deactivate cell power resource-based CAC Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH.1.4. deselect CRD_ADCTRL(Credit Admission Control Algorithm) from the Cell CAC algorithm switch drop-down list to turn off the NodeB credit resource-based CAC switch at the cell level." 5.1. containing the cause value "no-radio-resources-available-in-target-cell. set Uplink CAC algorithm switch and Downlink CAC algorithm switch to ALGORITHM_OFF. deselectthe ALGORITHM_OFF check box under the Uplink CAC algorithm switch parameter and deselect the UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWPcheck box under theCell CAC algorithm switch 2parameter.2 MML Command Examples //Deactivating NodeB credit resource-based CAC SET UCACALGOSWITCH: CacSwitch=NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH-0. //Deactivating cell power resource-based CAC . MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11.4 Deactivation 10.1.Expected result: The PS service fails to be set up.4. The following procedure describes how to deactivate NodeB credit resource-based CAC. In the Iu Interface Trace window. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set DL total equivalent user number to 80 for CELL_A11. 10. NBMCacAlgoSwitch=CRD_ADCTRL-0. In this step. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. Run the RNC MML command SET UCACALGOSWITCH. Connect the UE to a laptop through the USB port and initiate a PS service. 2. an RANAP_RAB_ASSIGNBMENT_RESP message sent from the RNC to the CN is displayed. Deactivating RTWP-based Dynamic Adjustment of Total UL Equivalent Users Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. deselect NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch) from the CAC algorithm switch drop-down list to turn off the NodeB credit resource-based CAC switch at the RNC level. In this step.1.1. In this step. 1. For instructions on how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center.MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard.1. NBMCacAlgoSwitch2=UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP-0. Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence in Table 10-2 . (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME.BSC6910) C Algorith m Switch Downlin NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900 Configura ble in CME Batch Modificati on Center Yes . Perform a batch modification before logging out of the parameter setting interface. NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_OFF. press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects in batches. and then perform a batch modification if required.4. 10. NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_OFF. perform a single configuration first.BSC6910) Algorith m Switch RN CAC CacSwitch(BSC6900. Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.1. Table 10-2 Parameters to be set on the CME S N MO NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID 1 UCACALGOSWI TCH 2 UCELLALGOSW RN Uplink NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900 Yes C CAC ITCH .3 Using the CME NOTE:   When configuring the Admission Control feature on the CME. see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. 2. NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_OFF. //Deactivating RTWP-based dynamic adjustment of total UL equivalent users CellId=11. Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration. Rej.1. Monitor the success rate of RRC connection setups due to causes other than service setup requests.BSC6910) Algorith m Switch 3 UCELLALGOSW RN Uplink C CAC ITCH algorith m switch NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900 Yes .BS CAC C6910) algorith m switch 2 10.RRC. and RAN Integrated Flow Control.Sum.BSC6910) Cell NBMCacAlgoSwitch2(BSC6900.Other). If any of the two KPIs does not meet the requirement. which include cell reselection and registration. due to various causes such as Network Congestion. the current cell resource admission is in a good state.  Monitoring the total number of failed RRC connection setup requests Monitor the total number of failed RRC connection setup requests by observing the RNC-level counter VS. This counter measures the total number of failed RRC connection setup requests. Transmission Setup Failure. parameters do not need to be optimized. In this case. by observing the KPI RRC Setup Success Ratio (Cell. . observe other counters to locate the major cause of the RRC connection admission failures.Service).2 Performance Monitoring Monitoring RRC Connection Setup Requests  Monitoring the radio resource control (RRC) connection setup success rate Monitor the radio resource control (RRC) connection setup success rate of service initiation by observing the KPI RRC Setup Success Ratio (Cell. If the two KPIs meet the requirements.S N MO NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID Configura ble in CME Batch Modificati on Center k CAC . which measures the total number of failed RRC admission requests due to congestion of different resources such as uplink/downlink power. only the corresponding counter related to insufficiency of the uplink resource is measured. Counter Name Description VS. In this case.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (UL CE Resource Congestion) VS.FailConnEstab.FailConnEstab.RRC.ULIUBBand. parameters do not need to be optimized. The number of RRC admission failures due to each type of radio resource congestion is monitored by a dedicated counter.NodeBResUnavail Number of RRC Connection Rejects Due to NodeB Resource Unavailable If a large number of RRC admission failures are caused by a type of resource congestion.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (DL Power Congestion) VS.ULPower. uplink/downlink Iub bandwidth.Code.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) VS. If the RAB setup success rate does not meet the .RRC.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) VS. consider optimizing the parameters according to section 10.RRC.Rej.DLPower.Rej. If the RAB setup success rate meets the requirement.The total number of RRC admission failures caused by radio resource congestion is monitored by the counter VS.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (Code Resource Congestion) VS. If congestion occurs in both the uplink and downlink due to insufficiency of the same resource.Rej. the current cell resource admission is in a good state.Rej.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects Due to Network Congestion for Cell VS.RRC. Monitoring RAB Setup Requests  Monitoring the RAB setup success rate Monitor the RAB setup success rates for AMR.RRC.Rej.Rej. and downlink code resources.3 Parameter Optimization. VP. and HSUPA services by observing the KPIs in the following table.RRC.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (DL CE Resource Congestion) VS.1. uplink/downlink CE resources.RRC.DLIUBBand.ULCE.Cong Number of RRC Connection Rejects for Cell (UL Power Congestion) VS. as shown in the following table. HSDPA. PS.DLCE.RRC.Rej.Rej.RRC.Cong.RRC. CS. RAB.ULPower. Monitoring the number of failures caused by radio resource congestion The number of failed RAB setup requests for CS services due to each type of radio resource congestion is monitored by a dedicated counter. Counter Name Description VS.FailEstabCS.requirement.RAB.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) VS.RAB.DLPower. as shown in the following table. observe other counters to locate the major cause of the RAB admission failures.DLIUBBand.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) . HSDPA RAB Setup Success Ratio(Cell) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of the HSDPA service in a cell.FailEstabCS.RAB.FailEstabCS. HSUPA RAB Setup Success Ratio(Cell) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of the HSUPA service in a cell. PS RAB Setup Success Ratio (Cell) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of all PS services in a cell. Counter Name  Description AMR RAB Setup Success Ratio(Cell) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of the AMR service in a cell.RAB.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) VS.ULIUBBand.FailEstabCS. CS RAB Setup Success Ratio (Cell) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of all CS services in a cell. PS RAB Setup Success Ratio (RNC) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of all PS services in an RNC.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments due to Congestion VS.FailEstabCS.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) VS. VP RAB Setup Success Ratio(Cell) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of the Video Phone (VP) service in a cell. CS RAB Setup Success Ratio (RNC) This KPI is used to check the RAB Setup Success Ratio of all CS services in an RNC. FinalCong Number of PS RAB Setup Failures Caused by Admission Failures in the Last Candidate Cell Due to Uplink CE Congestion Based on the preceding counters.FailEstabPS.FailEstabPS.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Congestion) VS.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) VS.FailEstabPS.Code. Counter Name Description VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.FailEstabCS.ULCE.RAB.FinalCong indicates the number of PS RAB setup failures caused by congestion of uplink CEs during admission of RAB setup on the DCH in both the uplink and downlink.Counter Name Description VS. The larger the value of this counter.ULPower.RAB.RAB.RAB.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL CE Congestion) VS.ULCE. check the resource congestion status of the cell and take optimization measures.DLPower. as shown in the following table.Code.FailEstabPS. .DLCE.FailEstabPS.DLCE.RAB.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL CE Congestion) VS.RAB.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) The number of failed RAB setup requests for PS services due to each type of radio resource congestion is monitored by a dedicated counter.ULCE.FailEstabPS.FailEstabPS.RAB.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) VS.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) VS.FailEstabPS.RAB.RAB. For example.DLIUBBand.FailEstabPS.RAB.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL CE Congestion) VS.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) VS. VS.ULIUBBand. If this counter is excessively large.RAB.FailEstabCS.RAB.ULCE. consider adding boards to the NodeB in order to increase uplink CE credit resources.Cong Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) VS.Cong Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL CE Congestion) VS. the more insufficient the uplink credit resources.FailEstabPS. xxx.FailEstabPS. If the value is small. If the value is large. determine whether the admission control parameters can be optimized according to the following rules: When loose RRC admission is used (RRCCeCodeCacChoice(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter. too many resources are reserved. rate negotiation. rate negotiation.xxx.FailEstabCS. and queuing.NOTE: VS. you are advised to change the parameter to a value greater than or equal to 64. you are advised to follow other suggestions in parameter optimization. the RRC connection setup success rate cannot be improved through parameter optimization. If the value is small.1. preemption. consider other suggestions in parameter optimization. for example.xxx. for example.For details about the inter-frequency DRD process.BSC6910) parameter.RAB.3 Parameter Optimization Optimizing Parameters Related to Admission of RRC Connection Setup Requests If the performance monitoring results show that the RRC connection setup success rate does not meet the requirement and a type of resource congestion causes a large number of failed RRC admission requests. inter-frequency DRD. In this case.FailEstabPS. 10.FinalCong measures RAB setup failures in the first candidate cell due to insufficiency of a certain type of resource after all required admission measures have been taken.Cong measures RAB setup failures in the first candidate cell due to insufficiency of a certain type of resource after all required admission measures have been taken. and queuing.RAB. Downlink credit resource and code resource Check the value of the DlRRCCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900. preemption. determine whether any admission parameters can be optimized according to suggestions in the following table. If the value is large. Optimizing Parameters Related to Admission of RAB Setup Requests .BSC6910) is set to LOOSE_CAC). you are advised to set this parameter to a value greater than or equal to 128. inter-frequency DRD. In this case. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.RAB. VS. too many resources are reserved. If strict RRC admission is used (RRCCacChoice(BSC6900.Cong or VS.BSC6910) is set to STRICT_CAC). Resource Congested Suggestion in Optimizing Admission Control Parameters Uplink credit resource Check the value of the UlRRCCeResvSf(BSC6900.BSC6910) is set to LOOSE_CAC and RRCCacChoice(BSC6900. see Load Control Feature Parameter Description.BSC6910)is set to ALGORITHM_FIRST or ALGORITHM_THIRD.BSC6910)) for AMR services. When the admission threshold for PS services is greater than or equal to the recommended admission threshold.BSC6910)) and the downlink power admission threshold (DlConvAMRThd(BSC6900. you are advised not to increase the threshold.BSC6910). If it is less than 120. uplink and downlink credit resources. o Check the value of UlNonCtrlThdForOther(BSC6900. If NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.If the performance monitoring results show that the RAB setup success rate does not meet the requirement and a type of resource congestion causes a large number of failed RAB admission requests. In this case. For details about the preemption function. you are advised to use other methods described in section "Other Optimization Suggestions" to reduce admission failures. such as preemption. because admitting too many users may result in more severe cell congestion. optimize the RAB admission parameters for PS services. optimize parameters related to the admission of RAB power resources for CS services. o Check the value of UlTotalEqUserNum(BSC6900. For example:   If a large number of failures of admission requests are caused by the uplink power resource congestion: o Check the value of NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. If it is less than the recommended value. and the RAB setup failures are mostly caused by congestion of the following resources: uplink and downlink power. you can change it to ALGORITHM_SECOND.BSC6910) (threshold for uplink power admission). you can also enable related functions. you can set it to the recommended value. determine whether the admission control parameters can be optimized according to the following rules: If the performance monitoring results show that the RAB setup success rate of CS services does not meet the requirement. If the performance monitoring results show that the RAB setup success rate of PS services does not meet the requirement. If most failures of admission requests are caused by the downlink power resource congestion: . For example:   Increase the uplink power admission threshold (UlNonCtrlThdForAMR(BSC6900. Enable optimized resource allocation of CS RAB setup resources by setting CSRABCacOptSwitch(BSC6900. NOTE: In addition to adjusting the admission threshold. you can increase the value.BSC6910) (switch for the uplink power admission algorithm). and uplink and downlink code resources.BSC6910) to ON to increase the threshold for RAB admission of CS services. to increase the CS service setup success rate. If the Uu interface or code resources are insufficient. contact Huawei technical support personnel. . For details. If this parameter is set to a value greater than or equal to SF16. In this case. Otherwise. If it is less than SF16.BSC6910) is set to ALGORITHM_SECOND. DRD.BSC6910) (threshold for admission of uplink credit resources). resources reserved for handovers are insufficient. resulting in handover failures and call drops. If the load is unbalanced. o Check the value of UlHoCeResvSf(BSC6900. consider optimizing the load control or networking policy or expanding hardware capacity. do not increase the value. resulting in handover failures and call drops. o Check the value of DlOtherThd(BSC6900. NOTE: This section only provides the optimized policies without details. If this parameter is set to a value greater than or equal to SF32. When the admission threshold for PS services is greater than or equal to the recommended admission threshold. you can set it to the recommended value. add boards to expand resources. adjust the reselection. do not increase the value. resources reserved for handovers are insufficient. set it to SF32 to reduce resources to be reserved. because admitting too many users may result in more severe cell congestion. Optimizing the networking policy: Check whether the load is balanced among cocoverage carriers.BSC6910) (threshold for admission of downlink code and credit resources). see section "Load Reshuffling" in Load Control Feature Parameter Description. For example:    Optimizing the load control policy: Enable load reshuffling (LDR) to alleviate the congestion.BSC6910) (threshold for downlink power admission). o  Other Optimization Suggestions If the RRC connection setup success rate or RAB setup success rate still does not meet the requirement or the resource congestion is still severe after the preceding optimization measures have been taken. set it to SF16 to reduce resources to be reserved. If NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. you are advised to use other methods described in section "Other Optimization Suggestions" to reduce admission failures. you are advised to change it to ALGORITHM_FIRST or ALGORITHM_THIRD. If it is less than the recommended value. If most failures of admission requests are caused by congestion of downlink code resources or uplink and downlink credit resources: o Check the value of DlHoCeCodeResvSf(BSC6900.Check the value of NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900. expand the bandwidth of the Iub interface.BSC6910) (switch for the downlink power admission algorithm). you are advised not to increase the threshold. For details. If it is less than SF32. and LDR policies to balance the load. Otherwise. If the Iub resources are insufficient. add carriers. Expanding hardware capacity: If the CE resources are insufficient. .2. see HSDPA Feature Parameter Description. For details.1 WRFD-020101 Admission Control.1.2. Activate NodeB credit resource-based CAC.2.2.1 Using MML Commands This section describes how to activate the feature WRFD-01061003 HSDPA Admission Control after the feature WRFD-020101 Admission Control has been activated. verify.2.1. This feature is controlled by the license for the WRFD-010610 HSDPA Introduction Package.2 WRFD-01061003 HSDPA Admission Control This section describes how to activate. 10.1 Using MML Commands in 10. See 10.1.10. Activate Iub transmission resource-based CAC. 2.1 Requirements  Requirements for hardware None  Requirements for other features The feature WRFD-010610 HSDPA Introduction Package has been configured before this feature is activated. 10. see section 10.2.1 WRFD-020101 Admission Control. This feature is not under license control.1. 1. For details about the license control items and how to activate the license.1 Feature Deployment 10. see License Management Feature Parameter Description.1. For details about this license. and deactivate the optional feature WRFD01061003 HSDPA Admission Control.  Others The feature WRFD-020101 Admission Control has been activated.  License The license controlling this feature has been activated.2 Activation 10. select the relevant admission algorithms from the Cell CAC algorithm switch drop-down list. 4. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. MaxHsdpaUserNum=64.1. you need to run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set HSDPA Streaming PBR Threshold. b. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. NBMCacAlgoSwitch=CRD_ADCTRL-1. Activate cell power resource-based CAC. If HSDPA_PBR_MEAS(HSDPA PBR Meas Algorithm) is selected. //Activating CAC based on the number of HSDPA users MOD UNODEBALGOPARA: IDTYPE=BYNAME. and MOD ADJNODE o BSC6910: MOD ATMLOGICPORT and MOD ADJNODE 3. NodeB Max HSDPA User Number in the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA. 10. UlHoCeResvSf=SF16. HSDPA Best Effort PBR Threshold. HsdpaBePBRThd=30. //Activating cell power resource-based CAC MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. Maximum HSDPA user number in the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC. NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum=6144. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. the configurable parameters are as follows: a.2. and UL Total Power Threshold. select a downlink power admission algorithm from the Downlink CAC algorithm switch drop-down list. a. MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. MOD IPPATH. MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. including HSDPA_GBP_MEAS(HSDPA GBP Meas Algorithm). HsdpaStrmPBRThd=70. In this step.This function is automatically activated without the need for manual operations. NBMCacAlgoSwitch=HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL1&HSDPA_GBP_MEAS-1&HSDPA_PBR_MEAS-1. b. and HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSDPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). . NodeBName="nodeb1". MOD RSCGRP. HSDPA_PBR_MEAS(HSDPA PBR Meas Algorithm).2. In this step. NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_FIRST. NOTE: You can modify the Iub transmission bandwidth by running the following RNC MML commands: o BSC6900: MOD ATMLOGICPORT. DlHoCeCodeResvSf=SF32. Activate CAC based on the number of HSDPA users.2 MML Command Examples //Activating NodeB credit resource-based CAC SET UCACALGOSWITCH: CacSwitch=NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH-1. UlCellTotalThd=83. . For CAC based on the number of HSDPA users. Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME. For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration. (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. 1. For instructions on how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center. and then perform a batch modification if required. see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide.3 Using the CME NOTE:   When configuring the HSDPA Admission Control feature on the CME. Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. 2.2.BSC6910) C Bandwi T dth Backwa RXBW(BSC6900.1.10. perform a single configuration first. press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help.2. Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence in Table 10-3 .BSC6910) rd No . click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. Perform a batch modification before logging out of the parameter setting interface. Table 10-3 Parameters to be set on the CME S N 1   MO NE Parame ter Name BSC6900: IPPATH BSC6910: IPPOOL RN Forward TXBW C Bandwi dth Parameter ID Configur able in CME Batch Modificat ion Center No Backwa RXBW rd Bandwi dth ATMLOGICPOR RN Forward TXBW(BSC6900. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects in batches. BSC6 Yes C CAC ITCH 910) Algorith m Switch Downlin NBMDlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.BSC6 Yes C Streami 910) ng PBR Thresho ld HSDPA HsdpaBePBRThd(BSC6900.BSC6910) HSDPA User Number 4 UCELLCAC Yes RN HSDPA HsdpaStrmPBRThd(BSC6900.S N MO NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID Configur able in CME Batch Modificat ion Center Bandwi dth 2 UCELLALGOSW RN Cell NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. k CAC BSC6910) algorith m switch 3 UNODEBALGOP RN NodeB NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC690 C Max ARA 0.BSC6910) Total Power Thresho ld Maximu MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900.BSC691 Best 0) Effort PBR Thresho ld UL UlCellTotalThd(BSC6900.BSC6 . 3 Activation Observation 1. 2.4 Deactivation Iub transmission resource-based CAC and CAC based on the number of HSDPA users are mandatory and cannot be deactivated. You can view that the new-H-RNTI IE is not under the rb-mappinginfo IE and the value of the dl-TransportChannel-Type IE is dch. 3. Check the RRC_RB_SETUP message over the Uu interface.1. Expected result: The service fails to be established.S N MO NE Parame ter Name Parameter ID Configur able in CME Batch Modificat ion Center m 910) HSDPA User Number 10. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set Maximum HSDPA user number to 64 for CELL_A11. Establish HSDPA PS services on UE1 and UE2. 5. Expected result: The services are established successfully on UE1 and UE2. Set the PS service type to background or interactive on the HLR. 8. The procedures for deactivating NodeB credit resource-based CAC and cell power resourcebased CAC are the same as those described in 10. 7. . Check the RRC_RB_SETUP message over the Uu interface.2. which is named CELL_A11. Establish an HSDPA PS service on UE2. Expected result: The service is established successfully.1 WRFD-020101 Admission Control. Release all the PS services in CELL_A11. Establish an HSDPA PS service on UE1. 10.1.2. You can view that the new-H-RNTI IE is under the rbmappinginfo IE and the value of the dl-TransportChannel-Type IE is hsdsch. Enable UE1 and UE2 in the idle state to camp on the test cell. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set Maximum HSDPA user number to 1 for CELL_A11. 4. 6. CELL_A11 supports HSDPA and serves only UE1 and UE2. 10.RAB.2 Performance Monitoring For monitoring of admission for RRC connection setup requests. compare the number of UEs specified in the license file with the values of the NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910).BSC6910) is equal to the number in the license file.1.2. The following table lists the traffic statistics counters used for monitoring the admission of RAB setup requests for HSDPA services. purchase more licensed UEs and increase the value of NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.FailEstabPS.BSC6910) parameters. Monitor the RAB setup success rate of HSDPA services by observing the KPI HSDPA RAB Setup Success Ratio(Cell).BSC6910) or MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900. and Iub resources) admission of RAB setup requests for HSDPA services are similar to those described in section "Optimizing Parameters Related to Admission of RAB Setup Requests" in section 10.2 Performance Monitoring. The only difference is that the number of HSDPA UEs is considered during admission of RAB setup requests for HSDPA services.1. see section 10. code resources.If the value of NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) and MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900. see section 10. The methods of monitoring radio resources (credit resources.HSDPAUser.3 Parameter Optimization.2.BSC6910) or MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900.1.3 WRFD-01061202 HSUPA Admission Control .BSC6910) parameter is less than the number of UEs in the license file. increase the value of NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.2 Performance Monitoring.BSC6910). Counter Name VS.BSC6910) or MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900. whereas the admission failures caused by insufficiency of other resources such as power and code resources are comparatively fewer. 10.3 Parameter Optimization If a large number of admission requests are rejected due to the reason that the maximum number of HSDPA is exceeded.BSC6910) or MaxHsdpaUserNum(BSC6900. For the parameter optimization for admission failures caused by congestion of other resources. power resources.Cong Description Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (New RAB Setup Failures When the Maximum Number of HSDPA UEs Is Reached) 10. If the value of the NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum(BSC6900. .1 Using MML Commands This section describes how to activate the feature WRFD-01061202 HSUPA Admission Control after the feature WRFD-020101 Admission Control has been activated.  Others The feature WRFD-020101 Admission Control has been activated.This section describes how to activate. see HSUPA Feature Parameter Description. see License Management Feature Parameter Description. For details about this license.2.1. see 10. This feature is not under license control. For details.1 Feature Deployment 10.2 Activation WRFD-020101 Admission Control. This function is automatically activated without the need for manual operations.3. Activate Iub transmission resource-based CAC.1 Using MML Commands.1 Requirements  Requirements for hardware None  Requirements for other features The feature WRFD-010612 HSUPA Introduction Package has been configured before this feature is activated. See 10.  License The license controlling this feature has been activated. and deactivate the optional feature WRFD01061202 HSUPA Admission Control. verify.1.1. 2. For details about the license control items and how to activate the license. Activate NodeB credit resource-based CAC.3. This feature is controlled by the license for the WRFD-010612 HSUPA Introduction Package. 10. 1. NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch=ALGORITHM_SECOND. HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS(HSUPA EDCH RSEPS Meas Algorithm). a. Maximum HSUPA user number in the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. select an uplink power admission algorithm from the Uplink CAC algorithm switch drop-down list. and MOD ADJNODE o BSC6910: MOD ATMLOGICPORT and MOD ADJNODE 3.NOTE: You can modify the Iub transmission bandwidth by running the following RNC MML commands: o BSC6900: MOD ATMLOGICPORT. In this step. NBMCacAlgoSwitch=CRD_ADCTRL-1. Activate cell power resource-based CAC. NodeB Max HSUPA User Number in the RNC MML command MOD UNODEBALGOPARA. CAC based on the number of HSUPA users is mandatory for HSUPA services and this function is automatically activated. MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. DlHoCeCodeResvSf=SF32. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. In this step.1. MaxHsupaUserNum=20. HsupaHighPriorityUserPBRThd=100. MOD IPPATH. NodeBHsdpaMaxUserNum=6144. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. The configurable parameters are as follows: a. MOD UCELLCAC: CellId=11. 10. run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH. 4. NodeBName="nodeb1". b. HsupaEqualPriorityUserPBRThd=100. and High Priority HSUPA User PBR Threshold. you need to run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set Low Priority HSUPA User PBR Threshold. //Activating CAC based on the maximum number of HSUPA users MOD UNODEBALGOPARA: IDTYPE=BYNAME.2.2 MML Command Examples //Activating NodeB credit resource-based CAC SET UCACALGOSWITCH: CacSwitch=NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH-1. NBMCacAlgoSwitch=HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL1&HSUPA_PBR_MEAS-1&HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS-1. If HSUPA_PBR_MEAS(HSUPA PBR Meas Algorithm) is selected. HsupaLowPriorityUserPBRThd=100.3. and HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSUPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). Equal Priority HSUPA User PBR Threshold. select the relevant admission algorithms from the Cell CAC algorithm switch drop-down list. MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. Activate CAC based on the number of HSUPA users. . . MOD RSCGRP. For HSUPA services. including HSUPA_PBR_MEAS(HSUPA PBR Meas Algorithm). b. //Activating cell power resource-based CAC MOD UCELLALGOSWITCH: CellId=11. UlHoCeResvSf=SF16. For instructions on how to perform the CME single configuration. and then perform a batch modification if required. 1.2.3. 2. (CME batch modification center) To modify objects in batches. press F1 on the wizard interface to obtain online help. see CME Single Configuration Operation Guide. click on the CME to start the batch modification wizard. Configure a single object (such as a cell) on the CME.10. Perform a batch modification before logging out of the parameter setting interface. (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. For instructions on how to perform a batch modification through the CME batch modification center. Table 10-4 Parameters to be set on the CME S N 1   MO NE Param eter Name BSC6900: IPPATH BSC6910: IPPOOL RN Forwar TXBW C d Bandwi dth Parameter ID Configur able in CME Batch Modifica tion Center No Backwa RXBW rd Bandwi dth ATMLOGICPO RT RN Forwar TXBW(BSC6900.1.3 Using the CME NOTE:   When configuring the HSDPA Admission Control feature on the CME. Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. perform a single configuration first.BSC6910) C d Bandwi dth No . Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence in Table 10-4. C Max BSC6910) HSUPA User Number 4 UCELLCAC RN Maxim MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) HSUPA User PBR Thresho ld Equal HsupaEqualPriorityUserPBRThd(BSC Priority 6900.S N MO NE Param eter Name Parameter ID Configur able in CME Batch Modifica tion Center Backwa RXBW(BSC6900.B CAC SC6910) algorith m switch 3 UNODEBALGO PARA RN NodeB NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) HSUPA User Yes .BSC691 Yes 0) Uplink NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch(BSC6900.BSC691 Yes C um 0) HSUPA User Number Low HsupaLowPriorityUserPBRThd(BSC69 Priority 00.BSC6910) rd Bandwi dth 2 UCELLALGOS WITCH RN Cell C CAC Algorit hm Switch NBMCacAlgoSwitch(BSC6900. 1.3 Activation Observation 1. Expected result: The service fails to be established. 3. 7. 10. 6. Enable UE1 and UE2 in the idle state to camp on the test cell.3. Set the PS service type to background or interactive on the HLR. 4.4 Deactivation . Check the rb-mappinginfo IE in the RRC_RB_SETUP message over the Uu interface. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set Maximum HSUPA user number to 20 for CELL_A11.BSC6910) HSUPA User PBR Thresho ld 10. 8. Establish HSUPA PS services on UE1 and UE2. 2. Run the RNC MML command MOD UCELLCAC to set Maximum HSUPA user number to 1 for CELL_A11. Establish an HSUPA PS service on UE1. which is named CELL_A11.3. You can view that the value of the rrcStateinditator IE is CELL_DCH. Check the rb-mappinginfo IE in the RRC_RB_SETUP message over the Uu interface.S N MO NE Param eter Name Parameter ID Configur able in CME Batch Modifica tion Center PBR Thresho ld High HsupaHighPriorityUserPBRThd(BSC6 Priority 900.1. Expected result: The service is established successfully. Release all the PS services in CELL_A11. 5. You can view that the value of the ul-TrCH-Type IE is e-dch. CELL_A11 supports HSUPA and serves only UE1 and UE2. Expected result: The services are established successfully on UE1 and UE2. Establish an HSUPA PS service on UE2. The procedures for deactivating NodeB credit resource-based CAC and cell power resourcebased CAC are the same as those described in 10.3 Parameter Optimization If a large number of admission requests are rejected due to the reason that the maximum number of HSDPA is exceeded. If the value of the NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum(BSC6900. compare the number of UEs specified in the license file with the values of the NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.HSUPAUser.2 Performance Monitoring. and Iub resources) admission of RAB setup requests for HSUPA services are the same as those in section "Optimizing Parameters Related to Admission of RAB Setup Requests" in section 10.Cong Description Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (New RAB Setup Failures When the Maximum Number of HSUPA UEs Is Reached) 10. power resources.BSC6910) or MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910). The methods of monitoring radio resources (credit resources.BSC6910). see section 10.BSC6910) or MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900. purchase more licensed UEs and increase the value of MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900.2 Performance Monitoring For monitoring of admission for RRC connection setup requests.BSC6910) parameters.RAB. The following table lists the traffic statistics counters used for monitoring the admission of RAB setup requests for HSUPA services.3.FailEstabPS.1 WRFD-020101 Admission Control. code resources.1. whereas the admission failures caused by insufficiency of other resources such as power and code resources are comparatively fewer. Monitor the RAB setup success rate of HSUPA services by observing the KPI HSUPA RAB Setup Success Ratio(Cell). .BSC6910) is equal to the number in the license file. If the value of NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum(BSC6900. 10. The only difference is that the number of HSUPA UEs is considered during admission of RAB setup requests for HSUPA services.BSC6910) or MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900.Iub transmission resource-based CAC and CAC based on the number of HSUPA users are mandatory and cannot be deactivated.BSC6910) or MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900. Counter Name VS. increase the value of NodeBHsupaMaxUserNum(BSC6900.1.2 Performance Monitoring.BSC6910) and MaxHsupaUserNum(BSC6900.BSC6910) parameter is less than the number of UEs in the license file.3. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17.1. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5.For the parameter optimization for admission failures caused by congestion of other resources. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8. Therefore. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15. . this parameter is not recommended for the configuration interface. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7. The 32-bit o parameter is reserved for further change request use. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22. Disuse n statement: This parameter is used temporarily in patch versions e and will be replaced with a new parameter in later versions. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14. B S C 6 9 0 0 SET UCE LLA LGO RSV PAR A Description GUI Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12. The new parameter ID reflects the parameter function. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11. see section 10.3 Parameter Optimization. 11 Parameters Table 11-1 Parameter description Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D RsvS witch 0 N None Meaning: RRM algorithm reserved U32 Switch Para 0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23. . RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32 Unit: None Actual Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26.RESERVED_SWI TCH_0_BIT8:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32 Default Value: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1:0. The new parameter ID reflects the parameter function.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT 15:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27:0.R ESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14:0. . The 32-bit o parameter is reserved for further change request use. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_ BIT26:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_ BIT4:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3:0. Disuse n statement: This parameter is used temporarily in patch versions e and will be replaced with a new parameter in later versions.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT 2:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24: 0. Therefore. this parameter is not recommended for the configuration interface.RESERVED_SWI TCH_0_BIT19:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25.RESERVED_SWIT CH_0_BIT28:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5:0.RES ERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9:0.RESER VED_SWITCH_0_BIT32:0 RsvS witch 0 B S C 6 9 1 0 SET UCE LLA LGO RSV PAR A N None Meaning: RRM algorithm reserved U32 Switch Para 0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31:0.RESERVED_ SWITCH_0_BIT30:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_ 0_BIT17:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7:0.RESERVED_ SWITCH_0_BIT10:0.RESERVED_SWITCH _0_BIT6:0.RESERVE D_SWITCH_0_BIT21:0.RESER VED_SWITCH_0_BIT12:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description GUI Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9. . RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32 Unit: None Actual Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT32 Default Value: RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT1:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT30. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT8.RESERVED_SWITCH . RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT10. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT12. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_ BIT4:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT4.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT 2:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT3.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT26. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT11.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT20:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT31:0.RESER VED_SWITCH_0_BIT12:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT11:0.RESERVED_SWI TCH_0_BIT19:0.RESERVE D_SWITCH_0_BIT21:0. this parameter is not recommended for the configuration interface.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT7:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT10.RESERVED_SWI TCH_0_BIT8:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT12.RES ERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT23:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT27:0. GUI Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT1. The 32-bit o parameter is reserved for further change request use.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT9:0.RESERVED_SWIT CH_0_BIT28:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT22:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT29:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_ BIT26:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT24: 0.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT13:0. Therefore.RESERVED_ SWITCH_0_BIT30:0.RESERVED_ SWITCH_0_BIT10:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT3. . RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT9.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT16:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT13.R ESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT14:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_ 0_BIT17:0. Disuse n statement: This parameter is used temporarily in patch versions e and will be replaced with a new parameter in later versions. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT8. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT4.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT 15:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT6. The new parameter ID reflects the parameter function. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT14.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT25:0.RESER VED_SWITCH_0_BIT32:0 RsvS witch 2 B S C 6 9 0 0 SET UAL GOR SVP ARA N None Meaning: RRM algorithm reserved U32 Switch Para 2.RESERVED_SWITCH_0_BIT18:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description _0_BIT6:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT4. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT13. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT12. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT10.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT26. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT11. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT9. . RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT14. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT25. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT8. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT23. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT22. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT32 Unit: None Actual Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT27. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT30. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT3. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT29. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT24. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT13:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_ 2_BIT17:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT31:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT16.R ESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT14:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT32 Default Value: RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT1:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT11:0.RESERVED_ SWITCH_2_BIT10:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT5:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT 15:0.RESERVED_SWITCH _2_BIT6:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_ BIT26:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT22.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT3:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT9:0.RESERVED_SWI TCH_2_BIT8:0.RESERVED_SWI TCH_2_BIT19:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT30. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT19.RESER . RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT27.RESER VED_SWITCH_2_BIT12:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT18:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT18.RESERVED_ SWITCH_2_BIT30:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT 2:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT16:0.RESERVE D_SWITCH_2_BIT21:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT23.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT22:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT25. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT24.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT7:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT26.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT24: 0.RES ERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT23:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT29:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT29.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT20:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT25:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_ BIT4:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT27:0.RESERVED_SWIT CH_2_BIT28:0. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT22. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT4. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT8. The 32-bit o parameter is reserved for further change request use. The new parameter ID reflects the parameter function.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description VED_SWITCH_2_BIT32:0 RsvS witch 2 B S C 6 9 1 0 SET UAL GOR SVP ARA N None Meaning: RRM algorithm reserved U32 Switch Para 2. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT3. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT13. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT25. Therefore. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT26. this parameter is not recommended for the configuration interface. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT24. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT10. . RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT14. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT9. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT23. Disuse n statement: This parameter is used temporarily in patch versions e and will be replaced with a new parameter in later versions. GUI Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT27. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT11. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT12. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT32 Unit: None Actual Value Range: RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT1. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT14. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT25. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT22. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT18. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT17. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT2. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT31. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT4. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT13. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT29. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT16. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT30. . RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT12.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT29. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT9. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT11. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT27. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT21. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT7. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT8. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT5. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT10. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT3. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT6. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT24. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT19. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT15. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT23. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT26. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT28. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT20. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT3:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT30.RESERVED_SWITCH_ 2_BIT17:0.Therefore.RESERVED_SWI TCH_2_BIT19:0.RES ERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT23:0.RESERVED_SWI TCH_2_BIT8:0.RESER VED_SWITCH_2_BIT32:0 PerfE nhanc eSwit ch B S C 6 9 0 0 SET UNB MPA RA W R F D 0 1 0 4 0 1 Syste m Infor matio n Broad castin g Meaning: 1.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT5:0.The RNC. PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH(R99CellBroadcastHs paCapSwitch): When this switch is turned on.users are not advised to use this switch. 2.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT16:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_ BIT26:0. PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH(Fach User Select Switch): This switch is configurable in the current version.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT29:0. 3.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT20:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT27:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT 2:0.Later versions will not support this switch.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT31:0.RESERVED_ SWITCH_2_BIT30:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT25:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT11:0. Admi PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_OPT_SWITCH(Optimized ssion MBDR Load Calculation Algorithm Switch): When this switch is Contr turned on.RESER VED_SWITCH_2_BIT12:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT 15:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT7:0.RESERVE D_SWITCH_2_BIT21:0.RESERVED_SWIT CH_2_BIT28:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT24: 0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT22:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_ BIT4:0.RESERVED_ SWITCH_2_BIT10:0.does not use this switch any longer. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT32 Default Value: RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT1:0.RESERVED_SWITCH _2_BIT6:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT18:0. R99 cells broadcast HSPA capability of neighboring cells in a system information message.R ESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT14:0. however. RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT31.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT13:0.RESERVED_SWITCH_2_BIT9:0. the DL transmit power in a cell is calculated using the following formula:Percentage of the DL transmit power in a cell = W . When this switch is turned off. PERFENH_DTCH_FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH: When this switch is turned on and DTCHs are congested. no matter whether the UE uses the DCH or EDCH under a NodeB. the percentage of the HSDPA GBP is not considered during the calculation of the DL transmit power in a cell. the algorithm for calculating the number of equivalent HSUPA UEs will not be optimized. PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to optimize the calculation results of equivalent HSUPA UEs. handover to this neighboring cell cannot be performed.Turn on this switch only when the HSUPA guaranteed bit rate (GBR) is greater than 750 kbit/s. To modify this parameter. 4. 7. 5. all local cell groups consume an RLS CE if multiple RLs occupy more than one local cell group. When this switch is turned on. When this switch is turned off. 6. If the HSUPA GBR is less than or equal to 750 kbit/s and this switch is turned on. and the original algorithm is used for selecting a neighboring cell using MBDR.This parameter is an advanced parameter. PERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to activate the RLS CE-based admission optimization algorithm.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D 1 5 0 2 2 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 3 1 W ol HSU PA Time Divisi on Sched uling Opti mizati on of R99 and HSU PA Users Fairn ess HSU PA Introd uction Packa ge Meas ureme nt Based Direct Retry Description Percentage of the non-HSPA transmit power + Percentage of the HSDPA guaranteed bit power (GBP) + Reserved power coefficient for DL common channels + Reserved power factor for DL MBMS services + Reserved power factor for DL HSUPA users. When this switch is turned on. no matter whether the UE uses the DCH or EDCH under a NodeB. PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER: Whether to allow resource preemption of common users for HSUPA common channels to ensure that the code resources are allocated to the left. the optimized calculation results can accurately reflect the uplink cell load. the RNC transits UEs that are in the CELL_DCH state and do not process services to the idle mode. a local cell group consumes an RLS CE if multiple RLs occupy more than one local cell group.If UL or DL load in a neighboring cell exceeds the value of InterFreqUlMbdrTrigThreshold or InterFreqDlMbdrTrigThreshold (in the ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ command). contact Huawei Customer Service Center . 9. 13. When this switch is turned on. 12. PERFENH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether channel codes for HSPA services are pre-allocated during cell setup. E-AGCH. the 64-frame-period scheduling is not used. E-RGCH. channel codes are allocated only when HSPA services are established. When this switch is turned on.When this switch is turned off. SIB7 and MIB transmitted from the cell are two independent messages. When this switch is turned on. When this switch is turned on. the algorithm reduces the BE service rate of only the users whose uplink and downlink services are carried on R99 channels. 8. PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLITY_NOT_BRD_SWITCH: Whether not to send HSPA capability indication messages in SIB5. PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH: PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH: Whether the last vacant SF16 code is used as the HS-PDSCH code when HSDPA has been activated. When this switch is turned on and HSDPA has been activated. SIB7 and MIB transmitted from the cell are combined to one system information to save air interface resources and improve scheduling efficiency. and E-HICH immediately after the cell is set up. When this switch is turned off. PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH: Whether SIB7 and MIB are combined when the RNC sends system information in a cell.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 W R F D 0 2 0 4 0 2 Description for technical support. channel codes are allocated for the HS-SCCH. PERFENH_R99UPA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH: Whether the R99 and HSUPA fairness algorithm reduces the BE service rate of only the users whose both uplink and downlink services are carried on R99 channels. When this switch is turned off. When this switch is turned off. PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_SWITCH: Whether the RNC sends system information in a cell at a 64-frame scheduling period to improve the scheduling efficiency. 11. the 64-frame-period scheduling is used. 10. no matter whether the last SF16 code . the algorithm reduces the BE service rate of users whose uplink services are carried on R99 channels and downlink services are carried on R99 or HSDPA channels. PERFENH_FDPCH_FAULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH: Whether the fault recovery function is available for F-DPCH codes. When this switch is turned on. PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDCCC_SWITCH: Whether to prohibit the DCCC-triggered state transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_DCH (F2D for short) when a cell is in the overload control (OLC) state. When this switch is turned on. PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH: Whether the background noise one-time quick update algorithm is enabled. the RNC does not check the usage of F-DPCH codes and restores the abnormal F-DPCH codes. When this switch is turned off. 16. This improves the HSDPA activation efficiency. When this switch is turned off and HSDPA has been activated. which effectively avoids incorrect demodulation. When this switch is turned off. upon receiving the RTWP report. 17.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description is vacant. 18. If the HS-PDSCH setup fails. the hamming distance between the HRNTI identifiers distributed by the RNC is equal to or larger than 1. the RNC repeatedly attempts to allocate this code to the HS-PDSCH This improves the SF spreading code usage. When this switch is turned off. When this switch is turned on. When this switch is turned on. upon receiving the RTWP report. the RNC allocates the last vacant SF16 code to the HS-PDSCH. the RNC updates the background noise value based on the common measurement report if no UEs in the CELL_DCH state are served by the cell. When this switch is turned off. . 14. the RNC allocates the last vacant SF16 code first to the HS-PDSCH. the hamming distance between the HRNTI identifiers distributed by the RNC is equal to or larger than 4. the RNC checks the usage of F-DPCH codes periodically or when SF code resource allocation fails and releases the unexpectedly used F-DPCH codes. 15. the RNC does not support the DCCC-triggered F2D state transition. the RNC allows the DCCC-triggered F2D state transition. PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH: Whether HRNTI adopts an optimized algorithm. the RNC does not update the background noise value based on the command measurement report that is reported when the Uu interface carries no load. When this switch is turned on. The SF reserved for a handover can be configured by the UlHoCeResvSf and DlHoCeCodeResvSf parameters in the [CMD]ADD UCELLACAC[/CMD] command. the RNC makes admission decisions only on CS service procedures. see the [CMD]ADD UCELLCAC[/CMD] command. That is. The HSDPA power increment is considered during downlink power admission for HSDPA users only when this switch is turned off and the HSDPA_GBP_MEAS switch under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch" parameter in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" is turned on. the channel codes released by a common channel are reserved during reestablishment of the common channel. PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH: Whether the RNC makes an admission decision on RAB setup when the resources required by RAB setup for a low-rate PS user do not outnumber the resources used for RRC connection setup. the RNC always admits PS service requests. When this switch is turned on. That is. That is.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RESERV_SWITCH: Whether the channel codes released by a common channel are reserved during reestablishment of the common channel so that the reestablished common channel can use the same channel codes after cell setup. PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWITCH: Whether the HSDPA power increment is considered during downlink power admission for HSDPA users. A low-rate PS user is a user whose SF corresponding to RAB setup is equal to or larger than the SF reserved for a handover. When this switch is turned on. 21. the HSDPA power increment is always considered during downlink power admission for HSDPA users. 20. For related admission thresholds. PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT: Whether . the reestablished common channel uses different channel codes after cell setup. the channel codes released by a common channel are not reserved during reestablishment of the common channel. When this switch is turned off. the RNC makes admission decisions on both CS and PS RAB setups. the reestablished common channel uses the same channel codes after cell setup. 19. When this switch is turned off. The cell measurement set is deleted after cell deactivation. 2: This switch is turned off. PERFENH_DEACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH: Whether to reserve the cell measurement set after deactivating a cell. PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH: Accuracy at which the RNC calculates the background noise. 24. 26. Alignment using chip offset configurations for HSUPA time division scheduling does not take effect in the RRC connection setup phase. PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH: Whether to admit UEs in LDR status after incoming inter-RAT handovers.Cell. When this switch is turned off. PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH: Whether the cell LDR status is considered during a CSFB user admission. The RNC admits UEs in LDR status after incoming inter-RAT handovers.UnavailTime counter. 0: This switch is turned off. 25. 22. the RNC starts from the place . The RNC does not admit UEs in LDR status after incoming inter-RAT handovers. 1: This switch is turned on. After cell deactivation. 1: This switch is turned on. When this switch is turned on. 23. and selects an available C-RNTI for a UE. Alignment using chip offset configurations for HSUPA time division scheduling takes effect in the RRC connection setup phase. the cell measurement set is reserved and the unavailable duration for the cell caused by deactivation is measured by the VS.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description alignment using chip offset configurations for HSUPA time division scheduling takes effect in the RRC connection setup phase. 1: This switch is turned on. the RNC starts from the place where the last allocated C-RNTI is located. The RNC calculates background noise at a high accuracy. 1: This switch is turned on. The cell LDR status is not considered during a CSFB user admission. The RNC calculates background noise at a low accuracy.ON: This switch is turned on. PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to use the optimized C-RNTI allocation method. 0: This switch is turned off. 2: This switch is turned off. The cell LDR status is considered during a CSFB user admission. OFF: This switch is turned off. sequentially polls C-RNTIs following the last allocated C-RNTI. 28. As a result. 27. When this switch is set to off. the user selection algorithm for LDR and preemption is optimized. the actual priority of static relocation UEs is used for LDR and preemption. the number of FACH UEs in a cell is limited not only by the FACH UE number specification but also by the CELL_FACH UE number specification (CELL_FACH UEs include both E-FACH UEs and FACH UEs). the RNC cannot update the LCG CE resources used by a UE in time. That is. the CE resources consumed on the link that is deleted after a soft handover are not calculated. If the UE is preempted. PERFENH_RELOCINUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH(Optimiz ation Switch for Static Relocation User Selection for LDR and Preemption): Whether to optimize the user selection algorithm for LDR and preemption. the number FACH UEs in a cell is only limited by the FACH UE specification. the available CE resources increase and excess users access the cell. When this switch is set to on. these resources are provided to the preempting UE. the RNC correctly maintains the LCG CE resources used by a UE after an RRC connection setup. which makes the user priority recognition more accurate. 30. When this switch is turned off. PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH: LCG CE resource optimization switch for preempted UEs. which leads to incorrect resource . sequentially polls CRNTIs following the first allocated C-RNTI. the RNC correctly calculates the consumed CE resources.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description where the first allocated C-RNTI is located. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to on. If this parameter is set to ON. PERFENH_FACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH (FACH UE Number Control Enhancement Switch): Whether the number of FACH UEs in a cell is limited by the CELL_FACH UE number specification. That is. 29. and selects an available C-RNTI for the UE. default user priority is used for LDR and preemption. If this parameter is set to OFF. the total number of FACH UEs and E-FACH UEs in a cell cannot exceed the CELL_FACH UE number specification. When this switch is set to off. PERFENH_SOFTERHO_CE_OPT_SWITCH: Calculation method of consumed CE resources. This switch is set to on by default. When this switch is set to off. If the setting of only this parameter is delivered.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description maintenance and affects the calculation of resources for preemption. This cannot ensure even DOFF distribution. This ensures even DOFF distribution. As a result. the system automatically replaces this parameter with FACH_60_USER_SWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SW ITCH)("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") and the setting takes effect. the consumed cell resources are more than the resources recorded on the RNC. When this switch is turned on. the RNC uses the original DOFF allocation algorithm for a new UE or a C2D UE whose SRBs are carried over HSDPA (C2D refers to an F2D or P2D state transition). the RNC uses the optimized DOFF allocation algorithm for a new UE or a C2D UE whose SRBs are carried over HSDPA. When this switch is turned off. Disuse Statement:PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH will be replaced with FACH_60_USER_SWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SW ITCH)("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") in later versions. When this switch is set to on. the RNC immediately calculates the resource consumed by the users who stop queuing. The configuration interface in this version supports delivery of the settings of both this parameter and FACH_60_USER_SWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SW ITCH)("SET UCACALGOSWITCH"). 32. PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH: Cell resource maintenance policy when the users queuing to access cells based on the RAB DRD algorithm stop queuing. the RNC does not immediately calculate the resource consumed by the users who stop queuing. ensuring that the RNC correctly calculates cell resources. If the setting of SET UCACALGOSWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SWITCH . and excessive users access the cell. PERFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to optimize the Default DPCH Offset Value (DOFF) allocation algorithm for a specified UE. 31. PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH. PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_SWITCH. PERFENH_SOFTERHO_CE_OPT_SWITCH. the setting of only SET UCACALGOSWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SWITCH )("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") takes effect in the system. this parameter is not recommended. PERFENH_DTCH_FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH. PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH. PERFENH_RELOCINUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description )("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") is delivered. PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER. PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. . PERFENH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDCCC_SWITCH. PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_OPT_SWITCH. GUI Value Range: PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH. PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT. PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RESERV_SWITCH. PERFENH_R99UPA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH. PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH. Therefore. PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLITY_NOT_BRD_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH. PERFENH_DEACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH. PERFENH_FDPCH_FAULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH. PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH. PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH Unit: None Actual Value Range: PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH. PERFENH_SOFTERHO_CE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_DTCH_FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH. PERFENH_DEACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH. PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER. PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH. PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_RELOCINUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH. PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT. PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RESERV_SWITCH. PERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLITY_NOT_BRD_SWITCH. PERFENH_R99UPA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH. PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH. PERFENH_FDPCH_FAULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH. . PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH. PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDCCC_SWITCH. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH Default Value: PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_FDPCH_FA ULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_FACH _USER_NUM_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN _LDR_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER:1.PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITC H:1.PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH: 1.PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RE SERV_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_SOFTERHO_ CE_OPT_SWITCH:1. 2.PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLIT Y_NOT_BRD_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH(Fach User Select Switch): This switch is configurable in the current version.PERFENH_RELOC INUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH:0.PERFE NH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT:0.PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH:1. PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH(R99CellBroadcastHs paCapSwitch): When this switch is turned on.PE RFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH:1 PerfE nhanc eSwit ch B S C 6 9 1 0 SET UNB MPA RA W R F D 0 1 Syste m Infor matio n Broad castin Meaning: 1.PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OP TIMIZE_SWITCH:1.The RNC.PERFENH_HSPDSCH_ SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_O PT_SWITCH:0.does not use this switch any .PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_S WITCH:0.PERFENH_F ACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_DE ACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDC CC_SWITCH:0. R99 cells broadcast HSPA capability of neighboring cells in a system information message.PERFENH_R99U PA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_AD M_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_DTCH_ FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OP T_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR _SWITCH:0.PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWIT CH:1.PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH:1.P ERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH:0. however. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 g 4 0 Admi 1 ssion Contr W ol R F HSU D PA - Time 0 Divisi 2 on 0 Sched 1 uling 0 1 Opti mizati W on of R R99 F and D HSU - PA 1 Users 5 Fairn 0 ess 2 2 HSU 2 PA Introd W uction R Packa F ge D - Meas 0 ureme 2 nt longer.Later versions will not support this switch.Therefore,users are not advised to use this switch. 3. PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_OPT_SWITCH(Optimized MBDR Load Calculation Algorithm Switch): When this switch is turned on, the DL transmit power in a cell is calculated using the following formula:Percentage of the DL transmit power in a cell = Percentage of the non-HSPA transmit power + Percentage of the HSDPA guaranteed bit power (GBP) + Reserved power coefficient for DL common channels + Reserved power factor for DL MBMS services + Reserved power factor for DL HSUPA users.If UL or DL load in a neighboring cell exceeds the value of InterFreqUlMbdrTrigThreshold or InterFreqDlMbdrTrigThreshold (in the ADD UCELLMBDRINTERFREQ command), handover to this neighboring cell cannot be performed. When this switch is turned off, the percentage of the HSDPA GBP is not considered during the calculation of the DL transmit power in a cell, and the original algorithm is used for selecting a neighboring cell using MBDR. 4. PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to optimize the calculation results of equivalent HSUPA UEs. When this switch is turned on, the optimized calculation results can accurately reflect the uplink cell load.Turn on this switch only when the HSUPA guaranteed bit rate (GBR) is greater than 750 kbit/s. If the HSUPA GBR is less than or equal to 750 kbit/s and this switch is turned on, the algorithm for calculating the number of equivalent HSUPA UEs will not be optimized. 5. PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER: Whether to allow resource preemption of common users for HSUPA common channels to ensure that the code resources are allocated to the left. 6. PERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to activate the RLS CE-based admission optimization algorithm. When this switch is turned on, a local cell group consumes an RLS CE if multiple RLs occupy more than one local cell group, no matter whether the UE uses the DCH or EDCH under a NodeB. When this switch is turned off, all local cell groups consume an RLS CE if multiple RLs occupy more than one local cell group, no Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 Based matter whether the UE uses the DCH or EDCH under a NodeB. 7. 1 Direct PERFENH_DTCH_FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH: When this 3 Retry switch is turned on and DTCHs are congested, the RNC transits 1 UEs that are in the CELL_DCH state and do not process services to the idle mode.This parameter is an advanced parameter. To modify this parameter, contact Huawei Customer Service Center W for technical support. 8. R PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLITY_NOT_BRD_SWITCH: F Whether not to send HSPA capability indication messages in D SIB5. 9. PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_SWITCH: Whether the RNC sends system information in a cell at a 64-frame 0 scheduling period to improve the scheduling efficiency. When this 1 switch is turned on, the 64-frame-period scheduling is used. When 0 this switch is turned off, the 64-frame-period scheduling is not 6 used. 10. PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH: Whether 1 SIB7 and MIB are combined when the RNC sends system 2 information in a cell. When this switch is turned on, SIB7 and MIB transmitted from the cell are combined to one system W information to save air interface resources and improve scheduling R efficiency. When this switch is turned off, SIB7 and MIB F transmitted from the cell are two independent messages. 11. D PERFENH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether channel codes for HSPA services are pre-allocated during cell 0 setup. When this switch is turned on, channel codes are allocated 2 for the HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH immediately 0 after the cell is set up.When this switch is turned off, channel 4 codes are allocated only when HSPA services are established. 12. 0 PERFENH_R99UPA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH: 2 Whether the R99 and HSUPA fairness algorithm reduces the BE service rate of only the users whose both uplink and downlink services are carried on R99 channels. When this switch is turned off, the algorithm reduces the BE service rate of users whose uplink services are carried on R99 channels and downlink services are carried on R99 or HSDPA channels. When this switch is turned on, the algorithm reduces the BE service rate of only the users whose uplink and downlink services are carried on R99 Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description channels. 13. PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH: PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH: Whether the last vacant SF16 code is used as the HS-PDSCH code when HSDPA has been activated. When this switch is turned on and HSDPA has been activated, no matter whether the last SF16 code is vacant, the RNC repeatedly attempts to allocate this code to the HS-PDSCH This improves the SF spreading code usage. If the HS-PDSCH setup fails, the RNC allocates the last vacant SF16 code to the HS-PDSCH. When this switch is turned off and HSDPA has been activated, the RNC allocates the last vacant SF16 code first to the HS-PDSCH. This improves the HSDPA activation efficiency. 14. PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDCCC_SWITCH: Whether to prohibit the DCCC-triggered state transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_DCH (F2D for short) when a cell is in the overload control (OLC) state. When this switch is turned off, the RNC allows the DCCC-triggered F2D state transition. When this switch is turned on, the RNC does not support the DCCC-triggered F2D state transition. 15. PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH: Whether the background noise one-time quick update algorithm is enabled. When this switch is turned on, upon receiving the RTWP report, the RNC updates the background noise value based on the common measurement report if no UEs in the CELL_DCH state are served by the cell. When this switch is turned off, upon receiving the RTWP report, the RNC does not update the background noise value based on the command measurement report that is reported when the Uu interface carries no load. 16. PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH: Whether HRNTI adopts an optimized algorithm. When this switch is turned on, the hamming distance between the HRNTI identifiers distributed by the RNC is equal to or larger than 4, which effectively avoids incorrect demodulation. When this switch is turned off, the hamming distance between the HRNTI identifiers distributed by the RNC is equal to or larger than 1. 17. PERFENH_FDPCH_FAULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH: Whether Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description the fault recovery function is available for F-DPCH codes. When this switch is turned on, the RNC checks the usage of F-DPCH codes periodically or when SF code resource allocation fails and releases the unexpectedly used F-DPCH codes. When this switch is turned off, the RNC does not check the usage of F-DPCH codes and restores the abnormal F-DPCH codes. 18. PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RESERV_SWITCH: Whether the channel codes released by a common channel are reserved during reestablishment of the common channel so that the reestablished common channel can use the same channel codes after cell setup. When this switch is turned on, the channel codes released by a common channel are reserved during reestablishment of the common channel. That is, the reestablished common channel uses the same channel codes after cell setup. When this switch is turned off, the channel codes released by a common channel are not reserved during reestablishment of the common channel. That is, the reestablished common channel uses different channel codes after cell setup. 19. PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH: Whether the RNC makes an admission decision on RAB setup when the resources required by RAB setup for a low-rate PS user do not outnumber the resources used for RRC connection setup. When this switch is turned on, the RNC makes admission decisions on both CS and PS RAB setups. For related admission thresholds, see the [CMD]ADD UCELLCAC[/CMD] command. When this switch is turned off, the RNC makes admission decisions only on CS service procedures. That is, the RNC always admits PS service requests. A low-rate PS user is a user whose SF corresponding to RAB setup is equal to or larger than the SF reserved for a handover. The SF reserved for a handover can be configured by the UlHoCeResvSf and DlHoCeCodeResvSf parameters in the [CMD]ADD UCELLACAC[/CMD] command. 20. PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWITCH: Whether the HSDPA power increment is considered during downlink power admission for HSDPA users. The HSDPA power increment is considered during downlink power admission for Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description HSDPA users only when this switch is turned off and the HSDPA_GBP_MEAS switch under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch" parameter in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" is turned on. When this switch is turned on, the HSDPA power increment is always considered during downlink power admission for HSDPA users. 21. PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT: Whether alignment using chip offset configurations for HSUPA time division scheduling takes effect in the RRC connection setup phase. OFF: This switch is turned off. Alignment using chip offset configurations for HSUPA time division scheduling does not take effect in the RRC connection setup phase.ON: This switch is turned on. Alignment using chip offset configurations for HSUPA time division scheduling takes effect in the RRC connection setup phase. 22. PERFENH_DEACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH: Whether to reserve the cell measurement set after deactivating a cell. 0: This switch is turned off. The cell measurement set is deleted after cell deactivation. 1: This switch is turned on. After cell deactivation, the cell measurement set is reserved and the unavailable duration for the cell caused by deactivation is measured by the VS.Cell.UnavailTime counter. Disuse Statements: This switch will be deleted from later versions. Although the configuration interface in this version supports delivery of the setting of this parameter, the system does not use this parameter. Therefore, this parameter is not recommended. 23. PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH: Accuracy at which the RNC calculates the background noise. 1: This switch is turned on. The RNC calculates background noise at a high accuracy. 0: This switch is turned off. The RNC calculates background noise at a low accuracy. 24. PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH: Whether to admit UEs in LDR status after incoming inter-RAT handovers. 1: This switch is turned on. The RNC admits UEs in LDR status after incoming inter-RAT handovers. 2: This switch is turned off. The RNC does not admit UEs in LDR status after incoming inter-RAT handovers. 25. PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH: Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Whether the cell LDR status is considered during a CSFB user admission. 1: This switch is turned on. The cell LDR status is not considered during a CSFB user admission. 2: This switch is turned off. The cell LDR status is considered during a CSFB user admission. 26. PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to use the optimized C-RNTI allocation method. When this switch is turned on, the RNC starts from the place where the last allocated C-RNTI is located, sequentially polls C-RNTIs following the last allocated C-RNTI, and selects an available C-RNTI for a UE. When this switch is turned off, the RNC starts from the place where the first allocated C-RNTI is located, sequentially polls CRNTIs following the first allocated C-RNTI, and selects an available C-RNTI for the UE. 27. PERFENH_FACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH (FACH UE Number Control Enhancement Switch): Whether the number of FACH UEs in a cell is limited by the CELL_FACH UE number specification. When this switch is set to on, the number of FACH UEs in a cell is limited not only by the FACH UE number specification but also by the CELL_FACH UE number specification (CELL_FACH UEs include both E-FACH UEs and FACH UEs). That is, the total number of FACH UEs and E-FACH UEs in a cell cannot exceed the CELL_FACH UE number specification. When this switch is set to off, the number FACH UEs in a cell is only limited by the FACH UE specification. 28. PERFENH_RELOCINUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH(Optimiz ation Switch for Static Relocation User Selection for LDR and Preemption): Whether to optimize the user selection algorithm for LDR and preemption. When this switch is set to on, the user selection algorithm for LDR and preemption is optimized. That is, the actual priority of static relocation UEs is used for LDR and preemption, which makes the user priority recognition more accurate. When this switch is turned off, default user priority is used for LDR and preemption. 29. PERFENH_SOFTERHO_CE_OPT_SWITCH: Calculation method of consumed CE resources. If this parameter is set to ON, the RNC correctly calculates the consumed CE resources. If this Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description parameter is set to OFF, the CE resources consumed on the link that is deleted after a soft handover are not calculated. As a result, the available CE resources increase and excess users access the cell. 30. PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH: LCG CE resource optimization switch for preempted UEs. When this switch is set to on, the RNC correctly maintains the LCG CE resources used by a UE after an RRC connection setup. If the UE is preempted, these resources are provided to the preempting UE. When this switch is set to off, the RNC cannot update the LCG CE resources used by a UE in time, which leads to incorrect resource maintenance and affects the calculation of resources for preemption. 31. PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH: Cell resource maintenance policy when the users queuing to access cells based on the RAB DRD algorithm stop queuing. When this switch is turned on, the RNC immediately calculates the resource consumed by the users who stop queuing, ensuring that the RNC correctly calculates cell resources. When this switch is turned off, the RNC does not immediately calculate the resource consumed by the users who stop queuing. As a result, the consumed cell resources are more than the resources recorded on the RNC, and excessive users access the cell. 32. PERFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to optimize the Default DPCH Offset Value (DOFF) allocation algorithm for a specified UE. This switch is set to on by default. When this switch is set to off, the RNC uses the original DOFF allocation algorithm for a new UE or a C2D UE whose SRBs are carried over HSDPA (C2D refers to an F2D or P2D state transition). This cannot ensure even DOFF distribution. When this switch is set to on, the RNC uses the optimized DOFF allocation algorithm for a new UE or a C2D UE whose SRBs are carried over HSDPA. This ensures even DOFF distribution. Disuse Statement:PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH will be replaced with FACH_60_USER_SWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SW ITCH)("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") in later versions. The PERFENH_R99UPA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH. PERFENH_FDPCH_FAULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH. GUI Value Range: PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH. If the setting of only this parameter is delivered. PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLITY_NOT_BRD_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH. . PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OPT_SWITCH. If the setting of SET UCACALGOSWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SWITCH )("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") is delivered. PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDCCC_SWITCH. the system automatically replaces this parameter with FACH_60_USER_SWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SW ITCH)("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") and the setting takes effect. PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description configuration interface in this version supports delivery of the settings of both this parameter and FACH_60_USER_SWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SW ITCH)("SET UCACALGOSWITCH"). Therefore. PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH. PERFENH_DTCH_FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH. PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_SWITCH. PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RESERV_SWITCH. PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH. the setting of only SET UCACALGOSWITCH("CacSwitch":FACH_60_USER_SWITCH )("SET UCACALGOSWITCH") takes effect in the system. PERFENH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER. this parameter is not recommended. PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RESERV_SWITCH. PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_SWITCH. PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDCCC_SWITCH. PERFENH_DEACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH. PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER. PERFENH_RELOCINUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH. PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT. PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_ADM_SWITCH. PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH. PERFENH_FDPCH_FAULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH. PERFENH_R99UPA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH. PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. . PERFENH_DTCH_FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLITY_NOT_BRD_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_FACH_USER_NUM_SWITCH.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT. PERFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH Unit: None Actual Value Range: PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH. PERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SOFTERHO_CE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSPDSCH_SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH. PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH. PERFENH_F ACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_BGNOISE_QUICK_UPT_SWITCH: 1.P ERFENH_CE_RLS_ADM_OPT_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_HSUPA_CCH_PREEMPT_USER:1. PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_SIB7MIB_COMBINE_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH Default Value: PERFENH_R99_BRDCSTHSPA_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_FACH _USER_NUM_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH. PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SOFTERHO_CE_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_FDPCH_FA ULTY_RECOVER_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_CCH_DLCODE_RE SERV_SWITCH:1.PERFE NH_HSPA_CODE_ALLOC_OPT_SWITCH:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_DEACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH.PERFENH_RELOC INUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN _LDR_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_DTCH_ FACH_CONG_D2I_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_DE ACELL_PFMRSV_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_MBDR_LOADCOND_O PT_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_CRNTI_OPT_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_FACHUSER_NUM_CTRL_ENH_SWITCH.PERFENH_TD_ALIGN_RRC_EFFECT:0. PERFENH_RELOCINUSER_LDRPRE_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_HSDPA_DLPWR_ADM_OPT_SWIT CH:1. PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OPTIMIZE_SWITCH. PERFENH_INTERRATHO_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR_SWITCH.PERFENH_OLC_REJ_F2DDC CC_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_CSFBUSER_CAC_OPT_IN_LDR _SWITCH:0.PERFENH_R99U PA_FAIRNESS_USR_SEL_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_HSPDSCH_ SF_FORCEALLOC_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_SMALL_RATE_PS_FORCE_AD M_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_HSPA_CAPABLIT Y_NOT_BRD_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_CALALGO_FOR_HSUPAENU_OP T_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_SOFTERHO_ .PERFENH_HRNTI_OPT_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_BGNOISE_UPT_OP TIMIZE_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_SYSINFO_64FRAME_S WITCH:0. HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable air-interface load admission control algorithm for HSUPA UEs who process uplink services over the HSUPA channels and downlink services over the DCHs. 7. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable air-interface load admission control algorithm for Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) UEs. 1. The NodeB reports the GBP of HSDPA UEs to the RNC only after the measurement is enabled.N 0 Cell 2 Resou 1 rce 1 Dema Meaning: Whether to enable the algorithms related to cell service admission. The cell barring function in the event of Iu interface faults can be enabled only when this switch is turned on and the SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST (RNC-level switch) check box under the "Process switch" .PERFENH_LCGCE_RSRC_OPT_SWITC H:1.PERFENH_QUEUE_CANCEL_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH:1. The NodeB reports the PBR of HSDPA UEs to the RNC only after the measurement is enabled. HSDPA_GBP_MEAS: Whether to enable GBP measurement for HSDPA UEs. SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST: Whether to update system information after the Iu interface resets. 3.PE RFENH_SRB_OVER_HSDPA_DOFF_OPT_SWITCH:1 NBM CacAl goSwi tch B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UCE 5 LLA 4 LGO SWI W TCH R F D 0 2 1 1 0 2 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Cell Barri ng Emer gency Call 96 HSD PA Users per Cell Load Meas W ureme R nt F D MOC . HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable air-interface load admission control algorithm for HSDPA UEs who process uplink services over the DCHs and downlink services over the HSDPA channels. This switch does not take effect for UEs who process uplink services over the HSUPA channels and downlink services over the HSDPA channels. This switch does not take effect for UEs who process uplink services over the HSUPA channels and downlink services over the HSDPA channels. The credit admission control algorithm is valid only when this switch is turned on and the NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH check box under the "CAC algorithm switch" parameter in the "SET UCACALGOSWITCH" command is selected. CRD_ADCTRL: Whether to enable the credit admission control algorithm. 4. Selecting a switch enables the corresponding algorithm and clearing a switch disables the corresponding algorithm. 6. 5. 2. HSDPA_PBR_MEAS: Whether to enable provided bit rate (PBR) measurement for HSDPA UEs.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description CE_OPT_SWITCH:1. State a cause value other than Detach. 15. The NodeB reports the PBR of W Admi HSUPA UEs to the RNC only after the measurement is enabled. 2 . If this switch is 1 CELL turned off for many cells under the RNC. signaling storms occur and CPU usage on the RNC. If this switch is turned on F and a UE initiates an RAB or RRC connection setup request (with D UE . 8. dormancy-capable UEs in the CELL-DCH state. and this switch is invalid. the FACH user admission procedure is 0 (CEL initiated regardless of whether the cell is overloaded and the UE can access the cell after the procedure succeeds. 2 LDCH. SIGNALING_SHO_UL_AC_SWITCH: Whether to enable uplink 6 r 5 Switc power-based soft handover control for UEs who have established 3 h off RRC connections but process no services. If this switch is turned Based on. Registration. R ssion HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS: Whether to enable the periodic F Contr measurement of total receive power generated by scheduling services on E-DCHs. If this 1 Mode switch is turned off. FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL: Whether to enable admission R F PCH. EMC_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable D ol power admission control for UEs initiating emergency calls. 12. 13. The function corresponding to this switch has been deleted in R13. or Emergency Call) in an overloaded cell. the setup request is rejected. If the cell is not 0 in 2 Conn overloaded. and SGSN increases 4 0 FAC significantly. W on R QoS FACH_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable admission control for UEs that establish services on FACHs.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 rcatio parameter in the "SET URRCTRLSWITCH" command is 4 n selected. control for fast dormancy-capable UEs. such UEs cannot access target cells by using soft handovers if the target cells are in the OLC state in the uplink. affecting service access.PCH. 9. 11.alleviate FACH congestion by disabling state migration for fast . MIMOCELL_LEGACYHSDPA_ADCTRL: Whether to enable W CELL admission control for common HSDPA UEs in MIMO cells. the FACH user admission procedure is initiated and 0 ected the UE can access the cell after the procedure succeeds. This switch is used to D URA. 10. NodeB. 0 Multi Received total wideband power_RESIST_DISTURB: Whether to enable anti-inference processing when Received Total Wideband 1 0 Carrie Power (RTWP) is abnormal. HSUPA_PBR_MEAS: Whether to enable PBR measurement for HSUPA UEs. 14. HSDPA_GBP_MEAS.h off 0 Based 2 on 0 Traffi 1 c 0 Load 1 AntiW Interf R erenc F e D Sched . FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL(FACH USER UNLIMITED) Unit: None Actual Value Range: CRD_ADCTRL. RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB(RTWP Resist Disturb Switch). SIGNALING_SHO_UL_AC_SWITCH(Signaling Sho Ul power cac switch). EMC_UU_ADCTRL(emergency call power admission). HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL. SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST. SIGNALING_SHO_UL_AC_SWITCH. HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL(MBMS UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). HSDPA_PBR_MEAS. HSDPA_PBR_MEAS(HSDPA PBR Meas Algorithm). FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL. FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL: Whether to restrict the number of admitted UEs that use FACHs to transmit service data. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL. GUI Value Range: CRD_ADCTRL(Credit Admission Control Algorithm). HSDPA_GBP_MEAS(HSDPA GBP Meas Algorithm).Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 2 H) 3 Multi W R Carrie F r D Switc . FACH_UU_ADCTRL(FACH power cac switch). . MIMOCELL_LEGACYHSDPA_ADCTRL(Legacy HSDPA Admission Control Algorithm in MIMO Cell ). RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB. HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSUPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm).uling 0 for 2 HSU 0 PA 1 2 20 2 HSU PA W Users R per F Cell D 0 1 0 2 16. HSUPA_PBR_MEAS. EMC_UU_ADCTRL. HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS. HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSDPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). FACH_UU_ADCTRL. HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS(HSUPA EDCH RSEPS Meas Algorithm). HSUPA_PBR_MEAS(HSUPA PBR Meas Algorithm). SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST(System Info Update Switch for Iu Reset). FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL(Fast Dormancy User Admission Control Algorithm). MIMOCELL_LEGACYHSDPA_ADCTRL. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL:0.FACH_ USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL:0 .HSUPA_UU_ADCT RL:0.FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL:1.HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS:0.EMC_UU_AD CTRL:1.HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL:0.SIGNALING_SHO_UL_ AC_SWITCH:0.SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST:0.FACH_UU_ADCTRL:0.RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB:0.HSDPA_ PBR_MEAS:0.HSUPA_ PBR_MEAS:0.MIMOCELL_LEGACY HSDPA_ADCTRL:0.HSDPA_GBP_MEAS:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 1 7 W R F D 0 2 0 1 3 6 W R F D 0 1 0 6 Description FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL Default Value: CRD_ADCTRL:1. The NodeB reports the PBR of HSDPA UEs to the RNC only after the measurement is enabled. 6. This switch does not take effect for UEs who process uplink services over the HSUPA channels and downlink services over the HSDPA channels. 2. 4. 1. Selecting a switch enables the corresponding algorithm and clearing a switch disables the corresponding algorithm.N 0 Cell 2 Resou 1 rce Meaning: Whether to enable the algorithms related to cell service admission. 5. SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST: Whether to update system information after the Iu interface resets. 3. HSDPA_GBP_MEAS: Whether to enable GBP measurement for HSDPA UEs. This switch does not take effect for UEs who process uplink services over the HSUPA channels and downlink services over the HSDPA channels.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 2 1 1 NBM CacAl goSwi tch B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UCE 5 LLA 4 LGO SWI W TCH R F D 0 2 1 1 0 2 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Cell Barri ng Emer gency Call 96 HSD PA Users per Cell Load Meas W ureme R nt F D MOC . HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable air-interface load admission control algorithm for HSDPA UEs who process uplink services over the DCHs and downlink services over the HSDPA channels. HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable air-interface load admission control algorithm for HSUPA UEs who process uplink services over the HSUPA channels and downlink services over the DCHs. HSDPA_PBR_MEAS: Whether to enable provided bit rate (PBR) measurement for HSDPA UEs. CRD_ADCTRL: Whether to enable the credit admission control algorithm. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable air-interface load admission control algorithm for Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) UEs. The cell barring function in the event of Iu interface faults can be enabled only when this switch is turned on and the SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST . 7. The credit admission control algorithm is valid only when this switch is turned on and the NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH check box under the "CAC algorithm switch" parameter in the "SET UCACALGOSWITCH" command is selected. The NodeB reports the GBP of HSDPA UEs to the RNC only after the measurement is enabled. 0 Multi Received total wideband power_RESIST_DISTURB: Whether to enable anti-inference processing when Received Total Wideband 1 0 Carrie Power (RTWP) is abnormal. SIGNALING_SHO_UL_AC_SWITCH: Whether to enable uplink 6 r 5 Switc power-based soft handover control for UEs who have established 3 h off RRC connections but process no services. dormancy-capable UEs in the CELL-DCH state. EMC_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable D ol power admission control for UEs initiating emergency calls. If the cell is not 0 in 2 Conn overloaded. R ssion HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS: Whether to enable the periodic F Contr measurement of total receive power generated by scheduling services on E-DCHs.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 Dema (RNC-level switch) check box under the "Process switch" 0 rcatio parameter in the "SET URRCTRLSWITCH" command is 4 n selected. 8. The NodeB reports the PBR of W Admi HSUPA UEs to the RNC only after the measurement is enabled. W on R QoS FACH_UU_ADCTRL: Whether to enable admission control for UEs that establish services on FACHs. 13. The function corresponding . If this 1 Mode switch is turned off. signaling storms occur and CPU usage on the RNC. MIMOCELL_LEGACYHSDPA_ADCTRL: Whether to enable W CELL admission control for common HSDPA UEs in MIMO cells. Registration. NodeB. control for fast dormancy-capable UEs. such UEs cannot access target cells by using soft handovers if the target cells are in the OLC state in the uplink. 12. If this switch is turned Based on.alleviate FACH congestion by disabling state migration for fast .PCH. 9. HSUPA_PBR_MEAS: Whether to enable PBR measurement for HSUPA UEs. the FACH user admission procedure is initiated and 0 ected the UE can access the cell after the procedure succeeds. If this switch is 1 CELL turned off for many cells under the RNC. the FACH user admission procedure is 0 (CEL initiated regardless of whether the cell is overloaded and the UE can access the cell after the procedure succeeds. This switch is used to D URA. 11. FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL: Whether to enable admission R F PCH. the setup request is rejected. 15. 2 LDCH. affecting service access. If this switch is turned on F and a UE initiates an RAB or RRC connection setup request (with D UE .State a cause value other than Detach. or Emergency Call) in an overloaded cell. 14. 10. and SGSN increases 4 0 FAC significantly. FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL(FACH USER UNLIMITED) Unit: None Actual Value Range: CRD_ADCTRL. MIMOCELL_LEGACYHSDPA_ADCTRL(Legacy HSDPA Admission Control Algorithm in MIMO Cell ). HSDPA_GBP_MEAS(HSDPA GBP Meas Algorithm). MIMOCELL_LEGACYHSDPA_ADCTRL. 16. SIGNALING_SHO_UL_AC_SWITCH(Signaling Sho Ul power cac switch). HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL. RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB(RTWP Resist Disturb Switch). HSUPA_PBR_MEAS(HSUPA PBR Meas Algorithm). MBMS_UU_ADCTRL(MBMS UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS. FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL: Whether to restrict the number of admitted UEs that use FACHs to transmit service data. and this switch is invalid. HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS(HSUPA EDCH RSEPS Meas Algorithm). HSDPA_GBP_MEAS. GUI Value Range: CRD_ADCTRL(Credit Admission Control Algorithm). SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST(System Info Update Switch for Iu Reset). HSUPA_PBR_MEAS. SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST. RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB. EMC_UU_ADCTRL. FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL. .Based 0 on 2 Traffi 0 c 1 Load 0 1 AntiInterf W erenc R e F Sched D uling . HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSDPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL(Fast Dormancy User Admission Control Algorithm). HSDPA_PBR_MEAS(HSDPA PBR Meas Algorithm). SIGNALING_SHO_UL_AC_SWITCH. HSDPA_PBR_MEAS. EMC_UU_ADCTRL(emergency call power admission). HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL(HSUPA UU Load Admission Control Algorithm). FACH_UU_ADCTRL(FACH power cac switch). FACH_UU_ADCTRL.for 0 HSU 2 PA 0 1 20 2 HSU 2 PA Users W per R Cell F D 0 1 0 to this switch has been deleted in R13. MBMS_UU_ADCTRL. HSUPA_UU_ADCTRL.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 2 H) 2 3 Multi W Carrie R r F Switc D h off . FACH_ USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL:0 .HSUPA_ PBR_MEAS:0.RTWP_RESIST_DISTURB:0.FAST_DORMANCY_ADCTRL:1.HSDPA_ PBR_MEAS:0.HSDPA_GBP_MEAS:0.SIGNALING_SHO_UL_ AC_SWITCH:0.MBMS_UU_ADCTRL:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 1 7 W R F D 0 2 0 1 3 6 W R F D 0 1 0 Description FACH_USER_NUM_NOT_CTRL Default Value: CRD_ADCTRL:1.HSUPA_EDCH_RSEPS_MEAS:0.EMC_UU_AD CTRL:1.MIMOCELL_LEGACY HSDPA_ADCTRL:0.HSUPA_UU_ADCT RL:0.SYS_INFO_UPDATE_FOR_IU_RST:0.FACH_UU_ADCTRL:0.HSDPA_UU_ADCTRL:0. the same credit and channel code resource admission thresholds are used for real-time (RT) services. When this switch is turned on. the uplink or downlink power resource admissions for the RRC connections of real-time services and other services are less restrict than that for RABs. When this switch is set to off.N 0 Cell 2 Resou Meaning: Whether to enable the algorithms related to cell service admission. UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP: Whether to dynamically adjust the total number of uplink equivalent users based on the RTWP. When this switch is turned off. When this switch is turned off. and other types of services. 3. When this switch is set to on. The thresholds are specified by the "UlRRCCeResvSf" . When this switch is turned on. the RNC dynamically adjusts the total number of uplink equivalent users in a cell based on the RTWP changes in the cell. the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of real-time services and other services is consistent with that for RABs. the uplink or downlink power resource admissions for the RRC connections of non-real-time services are less restrict than that for RABs. RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT: RRC credit and channel code resource admission optimization switch. NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB: Whether the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of non-real-time services is consistent with that for RABs. RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB: Whether the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of real-time services and other services is consistent with that for RABs. Selecting a switch enables the corresponding algorithm and clearing a switch disables the corresponding algorithm. 4. 1. 2. non-real-time (NRT) services. the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of nonreal-time services is consistent with that for RABs.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 1 2 1 1 NBM CacAl goSwi tch2 B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UCE 5 LLA 4 LGO SWI W TCH R F D 0 2 1 1 0 2 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Cell Barri ng Emer gency Call 96 HSD PA Users per Cell Load Meas W ureme R nt F D MOC . 0 Multi 1 GUI Value Range: UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP(SW for 0 Carrie RTWP based UL Total ENU Dynamic Adjustment). D URA. 1 Mode RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT 0 (CEL 2 LDefault Value: DCH. UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP:0.NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RA R B:0.RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CON W CELL SISTENT_WITH_RAB:0.RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT:0 F PCH. 2 Conn RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB. 6 r RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB(RT/Other 5 Switc RRC and RAB Power Admission Consistent Switch). The W Admi admission thresholds for NRT services are specified by the R ssion "UlNRTRRCCacCeResvSf" and "DlNRTRRCCacCeCodeResvSf" F Contr parameters. RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT(RRC CE and Code Admission W on R QoS Optimize Switch) F D UE Unit: None . The admission thresholds for other types of services are specified by the "UlOtherRRCCacCeResvSf" and D ol "DlOtherRRCCacCeCodeResvSf" parameters. 3 h off NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB(NRT RRC and RAB Based Power Admission Consistent Switch).Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 1 0 4 rce Dema rcatio n Description and "DlRRCCeCodeResvSf" parameters. 1 CELL 4 - . different RRC credit and channel code resource admission thresholds are used for RT. The admission thresholds for RT services are specified by the "UlRRCCeResvSf" and "DlRRCCeCodeResvSf" parameters. When this switch is set to on. 0 ected NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB.PCH.State 0 in Actual Value Range: UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP. NRT. and other types of services. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 FAC 2 H) 2 3 Multi W Carrie R r F Switc D h off .for 0 HSU 2 PA 0 1 20 2 HSU 2 PA Users W per R Cell F D 0 1 Description .Based 0 on 2 Traffi 0 c 1 Load 0 1 AntiInterf W erenc R e F Sched D uling . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 1 7 W R F D 0 2 0 1 3 6 W R F D 0 1 Description . 1. non-real-time (NRT) services. and other types of . the uplink or downlink power resource admissions for the RRC connections of non-real-time services are less restrict than that for RABs. NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB: Whether the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of non-real-time services is consistent with that for RABs. the RNC dynamically adjusts the total number of uplink equivalent users in a cell based on the RTWP changes in the cell. When this switch is turned off. RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT: RRC credit and channel code resource admission optimization switch. When this switch is turned on. When this switch is turned on. the same credit and channel code resource admission thresholds are used for real-time (RT) services. the uplink or downlink power resource admissions for the RRC connections of real-time services and other services are less restrict than that for RABs. 2. Selecting a switch enables the corresponding algorithm and clearing a switch disables the corresponding algorithm. RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB: Whether the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of real-time services and other services is consistent with that for RABs. the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of nonreal-time services is consistent with that for RABs. When this switch is set to off.N 0 Cell Meaning: Whether to enable the algorithms related to cell service admission. UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP: Whether to dynamically adjust the total number of uplink equivalent users based on the RTWP. When this switch is turned off.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 6 1 2 1 1 NBM CacAl goSwi tch2 B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UCE 5 LLA 4 LGO SWI W TCH R F D 0 2 1 1 0 2 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Cell Barri ng Emer gency Call 96 HSD PA Users per Cell Load Meas W ureme R nt F D MOC . When this switch is set to on. the uplink or downlink power resource admission policy for the RRC connections of real-time services and other services is consistent with that for RABs. 3. 4. RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT(RRC CE and Code Admission W on R QoS Optimize Switch) F D UE Unit: None . 1 CELL .RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT:0 F PCH. 6 r RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB(RT/Other 5 Switc RRC and RAB Power Admission Consistent Switch). different RRC credit and channel code resource admission thresholds are used for RT. 1 Mode RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT 0 (CEL 2 LDefault Value: DCH. The admission thresholds for RT services are specified by the "UlRRCCeResvSf" and "DlRRCCeCodeResvSf" parameters.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 1 1 0 4 Resou rce Dema rcatio n Description services. and other types of services. 0 Multi 1 GUI Value Range: UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP(SW for 0 Carrie RTWP based UL Total ENU Dynamic Adjustment). The admission thresholds for other types of services are specified by the "UlOtherRRCCacCeResvSf" and D ol "DlOtherRRCCacCeCodeResvSf" parameters. D URA. 3 h off NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB(NRT RRC and RAB Based Power Admission Consistent Switch). NRT. When this switch is set to on.RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CON W CELL SISTENT_WITH_RAB:0. The W Admi admission thresholds for NRT services are specified by the R ssion "UlNRTRRCCacCeResvSf" and "DlNRTRRCCacCeCodeResvSf" F Contr parameters.State 0 in Actual Value Range: UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP. The thresholds are specified by the "UlRRCCeResvSf" and "DlRRCCeCodeResvSf" parameters.PCH. 2 Conn RTRRC_OTHERRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB.NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RA R B:0. UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP:0. 0 ected NRTRRC_CONSISTENT_WITH_RAB. for 0 HSU 2 PA 0 1 20 2 HSU 2 PA Users W per R Cell F D 0 Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 4 0 2 2 3 FAC H) Multi Carrie r Switc h off Based on Traffi c Load W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 AntiInterf W erenc R e F Sched D uling . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 0 2 0 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 1 7 W R F D 0 2 0 1 3 6 W R F D 0 Description . 1dB Actual Value Range: 6~50 Default Value: 100 RoTC B ADD W ontrol S UCE R Target C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: 1. the RNC loosens the admission control by increasing the total number of uplink equivalent users allowed in this cell. If the RTWP in a cell is less than the value of this parameter. If the RTWP in a cell is greater than the value of this parameter. the RNC tightens the admission control by reducing the total number of uplink equivalent users allowed in this cell. It is recommended that this . the RNC tightens the admission control by reducing the total number of uplink equivalent users allowed in this cell. the RNC loosens the admission control by increasing the total number of uplink equivalent users allowed in this cell. Target RoT (increment of the RTWP relative to the background noise) in the RTWP control algorithm. GUI Value Range: 60~500 Unit: 0. The relationship between the RoT and the load factor (%) is as follows: RoT = -10 x lg(1 . If the RTWP in a cell is greater than the value of this parameter.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 6 1 2 1 1 RoTC B ADD W ontrol S UCE R Target C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: 1. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value less than or equal to the RoT corresponding to the "UlOlcTrigThd" parameter in the "ADD UCELLLDM" command. 2. Target RoT (increment of the RTWP relative to the background noise) in the RTWP control algorithm. If the RTWP in a cell is less than the value of this parameter. 2.Load factor). If some UEs are processing signaling messages.Load factor). GUI Value Range: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch). the system performs CAC based on the usage state of NodeB credit. When the NodeB's credit is not enough.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description parameter be set to a value less than or equal to the RoT corresponding to the "UlOlcTrigThd" parameter in the "ADD UCELLLDM" command.When this switch is turned on. FACH_60_USER_SWITCH Default Value: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH:1. . FACH_60_USER_SWITCH (Switch for allowing a Maximum of 60 UEs on the FACH): Maximum number of UEs that use FACHs to transmit service data. more than 60 UEs can be carried on the FACH.1dB Actual Value Range: 6~50 Default Value: 100 CacS witch B S C 6 9 0 0 SET UCA CAL GOS WIT CH W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: 1. When this switch is turned off. When this switch is turned on. a maximum of 60 UEs can be carried on the FACH. GUI Value Range: 60~500 Unit: 0. the system rejects new access requests. more than 30 UEs can be carried on the FACH. a maximum of 30 UEs can be carried on the FACH. FACH_60_USER_SWITCH(FACH Allowed Max 60 Users Switch) Unit: None Actual Value Range: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH. The relationship between the RoT and the load factor (%) is as follows: RoT = -10 x lg(1 .If some UEs are processing signaling messages. 2. NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch): Whether NodeB credit CAC is allowed. When the NodeB's credit is not enough. FACH_60_USER_SWITCH(FACH Allowed Max 60 Users Switch) Unit: None Actual Value Range: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH. When this switch is turned off. If some UEs are processing signaling messages. a maximum of 30 UEs can be carried on the FACH. the RRC admission threshold equals the RAB admission threshold plus the RRC admission threshold offset for the corresponding service. the system rejects new access requests. STRICT_CAC . FACH_60_USER_SWITCH (Switch for allowing a Maximum of 60 UEs on the FACH): Maximum number of UEs that use FACHs to transmit service data. NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch): Whether NodeB credit CAC is allowed. When this switch is turned on.When this switch is turned on.If some UEs are processing signaling messages. more than 30 UEs can be carried on the FACH. When this parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. FACH_60_USER_SWITCH Default Value: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH:1. 2. a maximum of 60 UEs can be carried on the FACH. When this parameter is set to LOOSE_CAC. more than 60 UEs can be carried on the FACH. the original RRC admission threshold remains unchanged. GUI Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. FACH_60_USER_SWITCH:1 RRCC eCode CacC hoice B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH MO D W R F D 0 2 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: RRC connection admission control (CAC) mode.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description FACH_60_USER_SWITCH:1 CacS witch B S C 6 9 1 0 SET UCA CAL GOS WIT CH W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: 1. GUI Value Range: NODEB_CREDIT_CAC_SWITCH(NodeB Credit CAC Switch). the system performs CAC based on the usage state of NodeB credit. the RNC rejects the RRC connection setup request. When this parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. STRICT_CAC Unit: None Actual Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. When the . the RRC admission threshold equals the RAB admission threshold plus the RRC admission threshold offset for the corresponding service. If the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources is lower than the threshold specified by this parameter. When this parameter is set to LOOSE_CAC. the RNC calculates the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources in a cell after the RRC connection admission. the original RRC admission threshold remains unchanged. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. GUI Value Range: LOOSE_CAC.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D UCE 0 LLA 1 LGO SWI TCH RRCC eCode CacC hoice DlRR CCeC odeRe svSf B S C 6 9 1 0 B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH Unit: None Actual Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. STRICT_CAC Default Value: LOOSE_CAC Meaning: When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. When a UE initiates an RRC connection setup request and the cause value for the RRC connection setup request is other than "Emergency Call" or "Detach". the RRC allows the RRC connection setup request. STRICT_CAC Default Value: LOOSE_CAC W R F D 0 2 MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLA 1 LGO SWI TCH Admi ssion Contr ol ADD UCE LLC AC Admi ssion Contr ol W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description Meaning: RRC connection admission control (CAC) mode. If the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources is higher than or equal to the threshold specified by this parameter. this parameter specifies the downlink credit and code resource admission threshold during the RRC connection setup procedure. the RNC does not calculate the amount of downlink credit and code resources during the RRC connection setup procedure. GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). SF16. SF256(SF256). the RNC does not reserve downlink credit and code resources for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF32. SFOFF(SFOFF) Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SF16(SF16). SF64. SF128.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and the RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT switch under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. the RNC does not calculate the amount of downlink credit and code resources during the RRC connection setup procedure. If the UE initiates an RRC connection setup request to establish real-time services. the admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources is greater than or equal to the sum of resources required and reserved. When a UE initiates an RRC connection setup request and the cause value for the RRC connection setup request is other than "Emergency Call" . "Terminating Conversational Call". this parameter specifies the threshold of reserved downlink credit and code resources for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF256. SF32(SF32). SF64(SF64). SFOFF Default Value: SF128(SF128) DlRR CCeC odeRe svSf B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. or "Originating Streaming Call". When this parameter is set to SFOFF. SF8. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. the UE initiates real-time services. If the cause value carried in the RRC connection setup request message is "Originating Conversational Call". this parameter specifies the downlink credit and code resource admission threshold during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF128(SF128). SF8(SF8). the RNC does not reserve downlink credit and code resources for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. this parameter specifies the threshold of reserved downlink credit and code resources for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. or "Originating Streaming Call". SFOFF Default Value: SF128(SF128) .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description or "Detach". SFOFF(SFOFF) Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SF64(SF64). If the UE initiates an RRC connection setup request to establish real-time services. SF8. SF16. If the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources is higher than or equal to the threshold specified by this parameter. the admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources is greater than or equal to the sum of resources required and reserved. the RRC allows the RRC connection setup request. SF128(SF128). the RNC rejects the RRC connection setup request. the RNC calculates the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources in a cell after the RRC connection admission. SF64. When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and the RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT switch under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. SF256(SF256). SF32. SF8(SF8). SF16(SF16). SF128. the UE initiates real-time services. SF256. SF32(SF32). "Terminating Conversational Call". GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). If the cause value carried in the RRC connection setup request message is "Originating Conversational Call". If the amount of remaining downlink credit and code resources is lower than the threshold specified by this parameter. If the amount of remaining uplink credit and code resources is lower than the threshold specified by this parameter. SF16(SF16). SF128(SF128). SF64(SF64). SF32(SF32). the UE initiates real-time services. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. this parameter specifies the uplink credit admission threshold during the RRC connection setup procedure. SFOFF(SFOFF) . the RNC does not calculate the amount of uplink credit during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF256(SF256). or "Originating Streaming Call".Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D UlRR B ADD W CCeR S UCE R esvSf C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Description Meaning: When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. the admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining uplink credit is greater than or equal to the sum of resources required and reserved. If the amount of remaining uplink credit is higher than or equal to the threshold specified by this parameter. GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). this parameter specifies the threshold of reserved uplink credit for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and the RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT switch under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. the RRC allows the RRC connection setup request. "Terminating Conversational Call". SF8(SF8). When this parameter is set to SFOFF. the RNC calculates the amount of remaining uplink credit in a cell after the RRC connection admission. If the cause value carried in the RRC connection setup request message is "Originating Conversational Call". the RNC ejects the RRC connection setup request. the RNC does not reserve uplink credit for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. When a UE initiates an RRC connection setup request and the cause value for the RRC connection setup request is other than "Emergency Call" or "Detach". If the UE initiates an RRC connection setup request to establish real-time services. the RNC ejects the RRC connection setup request. the RRC allows the RRC connection setup request. If the amount of remaining uplink credit is higher than or equal to the threshold specified by this parameter. SF8. this parameter specifies the threshold of reserved uplink credit for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF16. "Terminating Conversational Call". When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and the RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT switch under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. If the UE initiates an RRC connection setup request to establish real-time services. this parameter specifies the uplink credit admission threshold during the RRC connection setup procedure.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. the RNC does not reserve uplink credit for real-time services during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF32. SFOFF Default Value: SF64(SF64) UlRR B ADD W CCeR S UCE R esvSf C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: When the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. SF128. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. When a UE initiates an RRC connection setup request and the cause value for the RRC connection setup request is other than "Emergency Call" or "Detach". When this parameter is set to SFOFF. or . If the amount of remaining uplink credit and code resources is lower than the threshold specified by this parameter. SF64. the RNC does not calculate the amount of uplink credit during the RRC connection setup procedure. SF256. the RNC calculates the amount of remaining uplink credit in a cell after the RRC connection admission. the admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining uplink credit is greater than or equal to the sum of resources required and reserved. If the cause value carried in the RRC connection setup request message is "Originating Conversational Call". SF256(SF256). the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for uplink credit resource admission control. SF8(SF8). SF64. resources are not reserved during uplink RRC credit resource admission for NRT services. SF128(SF128). "Originating Background Call". SFOFF . see 3GPP TS 25.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description "Originating Streaming Call". the UE initiates real-time services. SF8. SF64. uplink RRC credit resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining uplink credit resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved. For the relationship between RRC credit resources and the SF. If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. SF32. SFOFF(SFOFF) Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. "Originating High Priority Signalling". GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). "Terminating High Priority Signalling"." GUI Value Range: SF4. SF128. SF128. This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). "Terminating Background Call". SF256. SF16.433. SF16. SF32. SF8. "Terminating Interactive Call". SF16(SF16). SF32(SF32). "Originating Subscribed traffic Call". SFOFF Default Value: SF64(SF64) UlNR TRRC CacCe ResvS f B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Uplink RRC credit resource reservation threshold for non-real-time (NRT) services. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. SF256. NRT services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are "Originating Interactive Call". SF64(SF64). or "Terminating Streaming Call. When UEs initiate RRC connection requests for NRT services. SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SFOFF Default Value: SF32 . "Originating Subscribed traffic Call". uplink RRC credit resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining uplink credit resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved.433. SF256. SF32. SF16. resources are not reserved during uplink RRC credit resource admission for NRT services. SFOFF Default Value: SF32 UlNR TRRC CacCe ResvS f B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Uplink RRC credit resource reservation threshold for non-real-time (NRT) services. SF16. SF16. This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). SF256. or "Terminating Streaming Call. SF8. SF32." GUI Value Range: SF4. the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for uplink credit resource admission control. SF8. SF128. SF64. SF64. SF128. If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. see 3GPP TS 25. "Originating High Priority Signalling". NRT services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are "Originating Interactive Call". "Originating Background Call". "Terminating Background Call". SF64. SF256. SF8. "Terminating High Priority Signalling". SF128.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. "Terminating Interactive Call". When UEs initiate RRC connection requests for NRT services. SF32. For the relationship between RRC credit resources and the SF. "Originating Background Call". 6 D ol For the relationship between RRC credit and channel code . SF64. "Terminating Interactive Call". SF32. SF128.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d DlNR TRRC CacCe Code ResvS f B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Description Meaning: Downlink RRC credit and channel code resource reservation threshold for non-real-time (NRT) services. downlink RRC credit and channel code resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining downlink credit and channel code resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved. SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SF64. SF256. SF8. SF8. "Terminating High Priority Signalling". This C LLC F Contr threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). or "Terminating Streaming Call.433. "Originating High Priority Signalling". SF16. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. NRT services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are "Originating Interactive Call". resources are not reserved during downlink RRC credit and channel code admission for NRT services. This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). "Terminating Background Call"." GUI Value Range: SF4. SFOFF Default Value: SF64 DlNR TRRC CacCe Code B ADD W Admi Meaning: Downlink RRC credit and channel code resource S UCE R ssion reservation threshold for non-real-time (NRT) services. SF16. When UEs initiate RRC connection requests for NRT services. the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for downlink credit and channel code resource admission control. see 3GPP TS 25. For the relationship between RRC credit and channel code resources and the SF. SF128. If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. SF256. "Originating Subscribed traffic Call". SF32. "Originating High Priority Signalling". or "Terminating Streaming Call. When UEs initiate RRC connection requests for NRT services. SF64. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. "Terminating High Priority Signalling". If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. SF32. see 3GPP TS 25. NRT services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are "Originating Interactive Call". "Originating Background Call". SF128. SFOFF Default Value: SF64 UlOth erRR CCac CeRes vSf B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Uplink RRC credit resource reservation threshold for other types of services. "Originating Subscribed traffic Call".433. SF256. If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. downlink RRC credit and channel code resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining downlink credit and channel code resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved.433. "Terminating Interactive Call". For the relationship between RRC credit resources and the SF. SF8. see 3GPP TS 25. "Terminating Background Call"." GUI Value Range: SF4. SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SF256. SF8. SF16. resources are not reserved during downlink RRC credit and channel code admission for NRT services. SF16.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D ResvS 9 AC f 1 0 MO D UCE LLC AC 0 2 0 1 0 1 Description resources and the SF. SF32. the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for uplink credit resource . This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for downlink credit and channel code resource admission control. SF64. SF128. When UEs initiate RRC connection requests for other types of services." GUI Value Range: SF4. Other types of services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are other than those: "Originating Interactive Call". SF64. uplink RRC credit resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining uplink credit resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved. SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4.433. SF8. SFOFF Default Value: SF64 UlOth erRR CCac CeRes vSf B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Uplink RRC credit resource reservation threshold for other types of services. or "Terminating Streaming Call. SF128.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description admission control. SF16. SF8. resources are not reserved during uplink RRC credit resource admission for other types of services. "Terminating High Priority Signalling". SF128. SF32. "Terminating Background Call". SF16. see 3GPP TS 25. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. resources are not reserved during uplink RRC credit resource admission for other types of services. uplink RRC credit resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining uplink . "Originating Subscribed traffic Call". "Originating High Priority Signalling". "Originating Background Call". This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). For the relationship between RRC credit resources and the SF. "Terminating Interactive Call". the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for uplink credit resource admission control. SF32. SF64. When UEs initiate RRC connection requests for other types of services. SF256. SF256. If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. "Originating Background Call". Other types of services are services whose cause values for RRC connection . "Terminating Background Call". SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SF8. For the relationship between RRC credit and channel code resources and the SF. resources are not reserved during downlink RRC credit and channel code admission for other types of services. "Originating Subscribed traffic Call".Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description credit resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved. SF16." GUI Value Range: SF4. SF8. SF64. SF16. SFOFF Default Value: SF64 DlOth erRR CCac CeCo deRes vSf B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Downlink RRC credit and channel code resource reservation threshold for other types of services. When UEs processing other types of services initiate RRC connection requests. "Terminating High Priority Signalling". Other types of services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are other than those: "Originating Interactive Call". downlink RRC credit and channel code resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining downlink credit and channel code resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved. This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). SF256. SF64. "Terminating Interactive Call". If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. "Originating High Priority Signalling". the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for downlink credit and channel code resource admission control. SF32. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. see 3GPP TS 25. or "Terminating Streaming Call.433. SF32. SF128. SF128. SF256. This threshold is measured by the corresponding spreading factor (SF). "Originating High Priority . SFOFF Default Value: SF128 DlOth erRR CCac CeCo deRes vSf B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Downlink RRC credit and channel code resource reservation threshold for other types of services. "Originating Subscribed traffic Call". the RNC uses the value of this parameter as the threshold for downlink credit and channel code resource admission control. SF64. "Originating Background Call". "Terminating Background Call". SF8. "Originating High Priority Signalling". SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. "Terminating Interactive Call". SF8. SF32.433. If this parameter is set to SFOFF. If the "RRCCeCodeCacChoice" parameter is set to STRICT_CAC and RRC_CE_CODE_CAC_OPT in the "ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH" command is set to on. SF16.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description requests are other than those: "Originating Interactive Call". SF32. "Originating Background Call". "Terminating Interactive Call". When UEs processing other types of services initiate RRC connection requests. For the relationship between RRC credit and channel code resources and the SF. "Terminating Background Call". SF256. downlink RRC credit and channel code resource admission succeeds only when the amount of remaining downlink credit and channel code resources is greater than or equal to the total amount of resources required and reserved. or "Terminating Streaming Call. resources are not reserved during downlink RRC credit and channel code admission for other types of services. SF128. SF256. SF16. SF64. see 3GPP TS 25. SF128. "Terminating High Priority Signalling"." GUI Value Range: SF4. Other types of services are services whose cause values for RRC connection requests are other than those: "Originating Interactive Call". GUI Value Range: OFF. SF64. SF128. the RNC allocates power resources. the RNC does not allocate resources during CS RAB setups based on the loose CAC algorithm. SF16. When this parameter is set to OFF.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Signalling". ON Unit: None Actual Value Range: ON. This setting increases the CS service setup success rate. SF8. When this parameter is set to ON. SF128. SFOFF Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SFOFF Default Value: SF128 CSRA BCac OptS witch B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 2 MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLA 1 LGO SWI TCH Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether resource allocation is optimized during CS RAB setups. code resources. When this parameter is set to OFF. "Terminating High Priority Signalling". SF16. SF256." GUI Value Range: SF4. When this parameter is set to ON. "Originating Subscribed traffic Call". This setting increases the CS service setup success rate. SF32. channel element (CE) resources during CS RAB setups based on the loose CAC algorithm. or "Terminating Streaming Call. the RNC does not allocate resources during CS RAB setups based on the loose CAC algorithm. . SF64. channel element (CE) resources during CS RAB setups based on the loose CAC algorithm. SF32. SF8. OFF Default Value: OFF CSRA BCac OptS witch B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH MO W R F D 0 2 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether resource allocation is optimized during CS RAB setups. code resources. the RNC allocates power resources. SF256. Otherwise. see 3GPP TS25. SF8(SF8). SF128. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. SF128(SF128). SF16(SF16). the RNC evaluates the remaining downlink credit and code resources after admitting the service. for details about their relationships. SF32(SF32). the ssion RNC admits the service. After receiving a service access request. SF64(SF64). Cell SFOFF Default Value: SF32(SF32) . If the remaining downlink credit resources are greater than Admi or equal to reserved resources specified by this parameter. SF16. SF32.433) reserved for handovers. OFF Default Value: OFF DlHo CeCo deRes vSf B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 5 4 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D - 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Meaning: Downlink credit and code resources (measured by the spreading factor. the RNC rejects the service. ON Unit: None Actual Value Range: ON. SF8. no credit or code resources are reserved for handovers. SF256(SF256). Contr ol GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). SFOFF(SFOFF) 96 HSD PA Unit: None Users per Actual Value Range: SF4. SF256.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D D 1 UCE 0 LLA 1 LGO SWI TCH Description GUI Value Range: OFF. SF64. Contr ol GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). After receiving a service access request. SF16(SF16). SF64. SF256. the RNC rejects the service. If the remaining downlink credit resources are greater than Admi or equal to reserved resources specified by this parameter. Cell SFOFF Default Value: SF32(SF32) . the ssion RNC admits the service. SF32(SF32). SF128. SF16. SF256(SF256). SF32. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. Otherwise.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 1 0 6 5 3 DlHo CeCo deRes vSf B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 5 4 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D 0 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Meaning: Downlink credit and code resources (measured by the spreading factor. SF128(SF128). SFOFF(SFOFF) 96 HSD PA Unit: None Users per Actual Value Range: SF4. see 3GPP TS25. the RNC evaluates the remaining downlink credit and code resources after admitting the service.433) reserved for handovers. for details about their relationships. no credit or code resources are reserved for handovers. SF8(SF8). SF8. SF64(SF64). SF64(SF64). If the remaining uplink credit resources are greater than or equal to reserved resources specified by this parameter. SF16(SF16). SF128. SFOFF(SFOFF) Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. For Contr example. The larger the ssion digit following SF. Otherwise. SF256(SF256).Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 6 5 3 UlHo B ADD W CeRes S UCE R vSf C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 1 UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 5 4 128 HSD PA Users per Cell W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 96 HSD PA Users per Cell W R F D 0 1 Meaning: Uplink credit resources (measured by the spreading factor) reserved for handovers. SFOFF Default Value: SF16(SF16) . ol GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). no credit resources are reserved for handovers. SF64. the RNC admits Admi the service. SF8. SF128(SF128). SF8(SF8). SF16. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. After receiving a service access request. the RNC rejects the service. the RNC evaluates the remaining uplink credit resources after admitting the service. SF32. SF32(SF32). SF256. the less the corresponding resources. the credit resources corresponding to SF32 are less than those corresponding to SF8. SF64. the RNC admits Admi the service. the credit resources corresponding to SF32 are less than those corresponding to SF8. SFOFF(SFOFF) Unit: None Actual Value Range: SF4. SF8(SF8). no credit resources are reserved for handovers. If the remaining uplink credit resources are greater than or equal to reserved resources specified by this parameter. The larger the ssion digit following SF. SFOFF Default Value: SF16(SF16) .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 6 5 3 UlHo B ADD W CeRes S UCE R vSf C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 1 UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 5 4 128 HSD PA Users per Cell W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 96 HSD PA Users per Cell W R F D 0 1 0 Meaning: Uplink credit resources (measured by the spreading factor) reserved for handovers. ol GUI Value Range: SF4(SF4). SF256(SF256). the RNC rejects the service. SF64(SF64). SF16. SF8. For Contr example. After receiving a service access request. SF32. SF256. SF32(SF32). the RNC evaluates the remaining uplink credit resources after admitting the service. SF128. When this parameter is set to SFOFF. Otherwise. SF16(SF16). SF128(SF128). the less the corresponding resources. the RNC does not recalculate the resources for preemption if RRC UEs are to be preempted. When this switch is set to off. When this switch is turned on. Note: This solution is always effective during resource preemption for platinum UEs and UEs initiating emergency calls. When this switch is turned off. the code admission optimization switch for HSDPA SRB over DCH is enabled. When this switch is set to off. Note: This solution is always effective during resource preemption for platinum UEs and UEs initiating emergency calls. 5. 2. PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH: Whether a UE can preempt multiple RABs from UEs processing combined services. PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_LIMIT_SWITCH: Whether to set the maximum scheduling period for SIB3 to 160 ms. 4. a UE can preempt only one RAB from UEs processing combined services if cell resources are insufficient. When this switch is set to off. the code admission optimization switch for HSDPA SRB over DCH is not enabled.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 5 3 PerfE nhanc eSwit ch2 B S C 6 9 0 0 SET UNB MPA RA W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: 1. the duration of the code readjustment timer is changed to the value of "HoPhychRecfgTmr" in "SET USTATETIMER" plus 3s. 3. When this switch is set to on. PERFENH_CODEADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to change the duration of the code readjustment timer. PERFENH_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether the RNC re-calculates the resources for preemption if RRC UEs are to be preempted. a UE can preempt multiple RABs from UEs processing combined services if cell resources are insufficient. the RNC recalculates the resources for preemption after releasing the resources preempted from RAB UEs if RRC UEs are to be preempted. When this switch is set to on. the duration of the code readjustment timer is fixed to 6s. When this switch is set to on. PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH: Code admission optimization switch for HSDPA SRB over DCH. When this . or two times the maximum scheduling period among SIB1/SIB5/SIB11.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description switch is set to off. the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature takes effect in the cells under the NodeB. the RNC processes . PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to enable the SIB3 scheduling optimization function. 9. The sharing type of a NodeB is specified by the "SharingType" parameter in the "ADD UNODEB" command. When this switch is set to off. this feature does not take effect in the cells under the NodeB. the scheduling period for SIB7 is extended to 160 ms. In addition. When this switch is set to off. 8. the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature in a cell does not depend on the sharing type of the NodeB. PERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH: Whether the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on QoS feature is controlled by the license for the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load feature. the scheduling period for SIB3 is equal to. half. the maximum scheduling period for SIB3 is 160 ms. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to off. the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature in a cell depends on the sharing type of the NodeB. when the "SharingType" parameter for the NodeB is set to MOCN. In other cases. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to off. the MultiCarrier Switch off Based on QoS feature is controlled by the license for the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load feature. PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH: Whether the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature in a cell depends on the sharing type of the NodeB. When this switch is set to on. the maximum scheduling period for SIB3 is 40960 ms. the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on QoS feature is not controlled by the license for the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load feature. 6. the scheduling period for SIB3 is 1/8 of the maximum scheduling period among SIB1/SIB5/SIB11. 7. PERFENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether the RNC processes IEs in event measurement reports sent by the NodeB. That is. 0: This switch is turned off. E2D. When this switch is set to on.RAC. E2D. During preemption. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to off. the RNC uses the same method for determining the LDR state and OLC state of downlink power load . The IE "Multiple PLMN List" is not deliverd in cells that are served by an MOCN NodeB but belong to one operator. CS RAB modification cannot use functions such as admission guarantee for CS AMR (controlled by the "CSRABCacOptSwitch" parameter) and CS forcibly preempting PS (controlled by the "PsBERrcPreemptVulnerable" parameter).TrChSwitchCallAcc counters. the RNC includes the D2H. CS RAB modification uses different policies from CS RAB setup for admission and preemption. When this switch is set to off. PERFENH_CHTYPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to enable the optimized channel type switching function.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description IEs in the event measurement reports. 11. and D2E procedures in the VS. 12. When this parameter is set to on. PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_NO_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH: Whether the IE "Multiple PLMN List" is deliverd in cells that are served by an MOCN NodeB but belong to one operator. PERFENH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH: Whether CS RAB modification can use the same policy as CS RAB setup for admission and preemption. CS RAB modification uses the same priority as CS RAB setup for admission. 1: This switch is turned on. PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_LOAD_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to optimize the downlink power load decision and broadcasting method for DC-HSDPA carrier groups. H2D. the RNC does not process IEs in the event measurement reports. The IE "Multiple PLMN List" is deliverd in cells that are served by an MOCN NodeB but belong to one operator.RAC. CS RAB modification has the same preempting capability as CS RAB setup and can preempt resources of the same UEs as CS RAB setup. or D2E procedure in the VS.TrChSwitchCallReq and VS. 10. When this switch is set to on.RAC. H2D.TrChSwitchCallReq and VS. the RNC does not include the D2H.RAC. 13.TrChSwitchCallAcc counters. PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_NO_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH. PERFENH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH. .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description for DC-HSDPA carrier groups as that for SC-HSDPA carrier groups. PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CHTYPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH. PERFENH_CODEADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_LIMIT_SWITCH. PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_NO_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH. PERFENH_CHTYPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_LIMIT_SWITCH. GUI Value Range: PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CODEADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_LOAD_OPT_SWITCH Unit: None Actual Value Range: PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH. PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH. PERFENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH. the RNC considers the load state of DCHSDPA carrier groups when reporting UMTS cell load state to another system. PERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH. In addition. PERFENH_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. a UE can preempt only one RAB from UEs processing combined services if cell resources are insufficient. When this switch is set to off. When this switch is set to on.PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWIT CH:0.PERFENH_CHT YPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH:1.P ERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH:0. When this switch is set to off. the RNC recalculates the resources for preemption after releasing the resources preempted from RAB UEs if RRC UEs are to be preempted. PERFENH_CODEADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to change the duration of the code readjustment timer. 2. When this . PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH: Whether a UE can preempt multiple RABs from UEs processing combined services. the RNC does not recalculate the resources for preemption if RRC UEs are to be preempted.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_LOAD_OPT_SWITCH Default Value: PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH:0. Note: This solution is always effective during resource preemption for platinum UEs and UEs initiating emergency calls. PERFENH_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether the RNC re-calculates the resources for preemption if RRC UEs are to be preempted. a UE can preempt multiple RABs from UEs processing combined services if cell resources are insufficient. 3.PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_C ODE_CACOPT_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_ LOAD_OPT_SWITCH:0 PerfE nhanc eSwit ch2 B S C 6 9 1 0 SET UNB MPA RA W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: 1. When this switch is set to on.PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_ LIMIT_SWITCH:0.PER FENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH:1. Note: This solution is always effective during resource preemption for platinum UEs and UEs initiating emergency calls.PERFE NH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_N O_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_CODE ADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH:1.PERFEN H_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH:0. this feature does not take effect in the cells under the NodeB. PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_LIMIT_SWITCH: Whether to set the maximum scheduling period for SIB3 to 160 ms. 7. When this switch is set to off. 8. 6. the maximum scheduling period for SIB3 is 40960 ms. 5. When this switch is set to on. PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH: Code admission optimization switch for HSDPA SRB over DCH. PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to enable the SIB3 scheduling optimization function. the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature in a cell does not depend on the sharing type of the NodeB. . In other cases. When this switch is set to off. The sharing type of a NodeB is specified by the "SharingType" parameter in the "ADD UNODEB" command. When this switch is turned off. half. 4. the code admission optimization switch for HSDPA SRB over DCH is not enabled. When this switch is set to off. or two times the maximum scheduling period among SIB1/SIB5/SIB11. When this switch is set to on. the scheduling period for SIB7 is extended to 160 ms. the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature takes effect in the cells under the NodeB. when the "SharingType" parameter for the NodeB is set to MOCN. That is.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description switch is turned on. In addition. When this switch is set to on. the scheduling period for SIB3 is 1/8 of the maximum scheduling period among SIB1/SIB5/SIB11. the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature in a cell depends on the sharing type of the NodeB. When this switch is set to off. When this switch is set to on. the code admission optimization switch for HSDPA SRB over DCH is enabled. PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH: Whether the MOCN Cell Resource Demarcation feature in a cell depends on the sharing type of the NodeB. the maximum scheduling period for SIB3 is 160 ms. the duration of the code readjustment timer is fixed to 6s. the scheduling period for SIB3 is equal to. the duration of the code readjustment timer is changed to the value of "HoPhychRecfgTmr" in "SET USTATETIMER" plus 3s. RAC. When this switch is set to off. During preemption. the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on QoS feature is not controlled by the license for the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load feature. or D2E procedure in the VS. CS RAB modification uses the same priority as CS RAB setup for admission. 10. E2D. 12. PERFENH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH: Whether CS RAB modification can use the same policy as CS RAB setup for admission and preemption. PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_NO_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH: Whether . E2D. the RNC does not process IEs in the event measurement reports. When this switch is set to on.RAC. 11.TrChSwitchCallReq and VS. PERFENH_CHTYPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to enable the optimized channel type switching function. CS RAB modification uses different policies from CS RAB setup for admission and preemption.RAC. H2D. PERFENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH: Whether the RNC processes IEs in event measurement reports sent by the NodeB.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH: Whether the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on QoS feature is controlled by the license for the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load feature.RAC. When this switch is set to off. the RNC does not include the D2H. When this switch is set to off. the MultiCarrier Switch off Based on QoS feature is controlled by the license for the Multi-Carrier Switch off Based on Traffic Load feature.TrChSwitchCallReq and VS. 9. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to off. the RNC processes IEs in the event measurement reports. the RNC includes the D2H.TrChSwitchCallAcc counters. When this switch is set to on. When this switch is set to on. CS RAB modification cannot use functions such as admission guarantee for CS AMR (controlled by the "CSRABCacOptSwitch" parameter) and CS forcibly preempting PS (controlled by the "PsBERrcPreemptVulnerable" parameter). CS RAB modification has the same preempting capability as CS RAB setup and can preempt resources of the same UEs as CS RAB setup. and D2E procedures in the VS.TrChSwitchCallAcc counters. H2D. PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_LOAD_OPT_SWITCH Unit: None Actual Value Range: PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH. the RNC considers the load state of DCHSDPA carrier groups when reporting UMTS cell load state to another system. PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_NO_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH. The IE "Multiple PLMN List" is deliverd in cells that are served by an MOCN NodeB but belong to one operator. PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_LOAD_OPT_SWITCH: Whether to optimize the downlink power load decision and broadcasting method for DC-HSDPA carrier groups.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description the IE "Multiple PLMN List" is deliverd in cells that are served by an MOCN NodeB but belong to one operator. In addition. PERFENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH. 13. PERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH. PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_LIMIT_SWITCH. PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH. the RNC uses the same method for determining the LDR state and OLC state of downlink power load for DC-HSDPA carrier groups as that for SC-HSDPA carrier groups. GUI Value Range: PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH. . 1: This switch is turned on. PERFENH_CHTYPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH. The IE "Multiple PLMN List" is not deliverd in cells that are served by an MOCN NodeB but belong to one operator. PERFENH_CODEADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH. 0: This switch is turned off. When this parameter is set to on. P ERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_CHTYPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH. PERFENH_QOSSHUTDOWN_BY_LOAD_LIC_SWITCH.PERFENH_CHT YPE_CHG_PFM_OPT_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_LIMIT_SWITCH.PERFENH_SIB3_MAX_PEROID_ LIMIT_SWITCH:0. The user in this parameter refers to the user with services on the HSDPA channel.PERFE NH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description PERFENH_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_N O_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH:0.PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_C ODE_CACOPT_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH. HSD PA GUI Value Range: 0~192 Admi . PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH. PERFENH_CODEADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_DEMARC_NODEB_TYPE_REF_SWITCH:1.PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWIT CH:0. regardless of the number of RABs carried on the HSDPA channel.PERFEN H_RRC_PREEMPT_RSRC_OPT_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_SIB3_SCHEDULE_OPT_SWITCH. In practice. PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_LOAD_OPT_SWITCH Default Value: PERFENH_MULTIRAB_PREEMPT_OPT_SWITCH:0. PERFENH_HSDPA_SRBDCH_CODE_CACOPT_SWITCH. Maximum HSDPA user number cannot exceed the HSDPA capability of the NodeB product.PERFENH_DC_HSDPA_GROUP_ LOAD_OPT_SWITCH:0 MaxH sdpaU serNu m B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 5 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Meaning: Maximum number of users supported by the HSDPA channel. the value can be set based on the cell type and the richness of the available HSDPA power and code resources. PERFENH_CSMODIFY_ADMPRE_OPT_SWITCH.PERFENH_CODE ADJ_TIME_OPT_SWITCH:1. PERFENH_ONE_CNOP_NO_PLMN_LIST_SWITCH.PER FENH_EVENT_MEAS_ELEM_PROC_OPT_SWITCH:1. DRD 0 2 0 .PA 0 Users 1 per 0 Cell 6 1 Admi 0 ssion 0 Contr 3 ol W R F D 0 1 0 6 5 3 160 HSP A Users per Cell 192 HSP A Users per W Cell R F HSD D PA .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 4 ssion Unit: None Contr W ol Actual Value Range: 0~192 R F 96 Default Value: 64 D HSD . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 0 1 W R F D 1 6 0 2 0 8 W R F D 1 6 0 2 0 9 W R F D 0 1 0 Description . regardless of the number of RABs carried on the HSDPA channel. Maximum HSDPA user number cannot exceed the HSDPA capability of the NodeB product. HSD PA GUI Value Range: 0~192 Admi ssion Unit: None Contr W ol Actual Value Range: 0~192 R F 96 Default Value: 64 D HSD . In practice. the value can be set based on the cell type and the richness of the available HSDPA power and code resources.PA 0 Users 1 per 0 Cell 6 1 Admi 0 ssion 0 Contr 3 ol .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 1 1 1 2 MaxH sdpaU serNu m B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 5 4 128 HSD PA Users per Cell W R F D - 160 HSP A Users per Meaning: Maximum number of users supported by the HSDPA channel. The user in this parameter refers to the user with services on the HSDPA channel. DRD 0 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D 1 6 0 2 0 8 W R F D - Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 5 3 Cell 192 HSP A Users per W Cell R F HSD D PA . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 6 0 2 0 9 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 1 1 2 Node BHsd paMa xUser Num B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UNO DEB ALG OPA RA W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UNO 5 DEB 4 ALG OPA W RA R F D 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Meaning: Maximum number of HSDPA users allowed by the NodeB. GUI Value Range: 0~9216 Unit: None HSD Actual Value Range: 0~9216 PA Admi Default Value: 6144 ssion Contr ol 96 HSD . GUI Value Range: 0~9216 Unit: None HSD Actual Value Range: 0~9216 PA Admi Default Value: 6144 ssion Contr ol 96 .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 Description PA Users per Cell W R F D 0 1 0 6 5 3 Node BHsd paMa xUser Num B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UNO DEB ALG OPA RA W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UNO 5 DEB 4 ALG OPA W RA R F 128 HSD PA Users per Cell Meaning: Maximum number of HSDPA users allowed by the NodeB. the RNC proceeds with the admission decision operation. If the value of this . If the current number of HSUPA users admitted to a cell is smaller than the rounded-down value of this parameter multiplied by "MaxUpaUserNumDynAdjFactor". If the number of PA Users HSUPA users increases but insufficient codes are provided for the E-DCH Relative Grant Channel (E-RGCH) or E-DCH Hybrid per Cell ARQ Indicator Channel (E-HICH). Otherwise.Increasing the value of this parameter also requires an increase in the value of "ErgchEhichCodeNum". This parameter must be set based on product specifications. the RNC rejects new HSUPA user admission 128 HSU requests. radio link (RL) setup or reconfiguration for HSUPA users may fail.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 Description HSD PA Users per Cell W R F D 0 1 0 6 5 3 MaxH supaU serNu m B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 1 2 0 2 HSU PA Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of users supported by the HSUPA channel in a cell. The number of HSUPA users must be determined before HSUPA user admission. If the value of this parameter ranges from 21 to 40.A 1 Users 6 per 0 Cell 2 0 60 9 HSU PA .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description W R F D 0 1 0 6 7 0 Admi ssion Contr ol parameter ranges from 1 to 20. set the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter to 1. W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 96 Actual Value Range: 0~192 HSU PA Default Value: 20 Users per Cell 192 HSP A Users GUI Value Range: 0~192 per Cell Unit: None 20 HSU PA Users per W Cell R F 160 D HSP . increase the value of the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter by 1 each time the value of this parameter increases by 20. That is. set the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter to 2. Set the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter to 7 if the value of this parameter ranges from 121 to 128. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D W Users R per F Cell D 0 1 0 6 3 9 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 1 1 W R F D 1 6 0 2 0 Description . If the current number of HSUPA users admitted to a cell is smaller than the rounded-down value of this parameter multiplied by "MaxUpaUserNumDynAdjFactor". the RNC proceeds with the admission decision operation. radio link (RL) setup or reconfiguration for HSUPA users may fail. If the value of this parameter ranges from 21 to 40. That is. F Contr set the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter to 2.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 8 W R F D 0 1 0 6 3 4 MaxH supaU serNu m B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLC 6 AC 1 2 0 2 HSU PA Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of users supported by the HSUPA channel in a cell. 0 A 6 Users . Otherwise. the RNC rejects new HSUPA user admission 128 HSU requests. The number of HSUPA users must be determined before HSUPA user admission. increase the value of the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter by 1 each time D ol the value of this parameter increases by 20. If the value of this W Admi parameter ranges from 1 to 20. If the number of PA Users HSUPA users increases but insufficient codes are provided for the E-DCH Relative Grant Channel (E-RGCH) or E-DCH Hybrid per Cell ARQ Indicator Channel (E-HICH). set the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" R ssion parameter to 1. This parameter must be set based on product specifications.Increasing the value of this parameter also requires an increase in the value of "ErgchEhichCodeNum". Set the "ErgchEhichCodeNum" parameter to 7 if the value of this 0 192 1 HSP parameter ranges from 121 to 128. A 1 Users 6 per 0 Cell 2 0 60 9 HSU PA W Users R per F Cell D 0 1 0 6 .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 7 per 0 Cell Description GUI Value Range: 0~192 Unit: None W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 96 HSU Actual Value Range: 0~192 PA Users Default Value: 20 per Cell 20 HSU PA Users per W Cell R F 160 D HSP . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 3 9 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 1 1 W R F D 1 6 0 2 0 8 W R F D 0 1 Description . GUI Value Range: 0~9216 Unit: None 96 Actual Value Range: 0~9216 HSU PA Default Value: 6144 Users per Cell HSU PA Admi ssion Contr ol .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 6 3 4 Node BHsu paMa xUser Num B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UNO DEB ALG OPA RA W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UNO 7 DEB 0 ALG OPA W RA R F D 0 1 0 6 3 9 W R F D 0 1 0 128 HSU PA Users per Cell Meaning: Maximum number of HSUPA users allowed by the NodeB. GUI Value Range: 0~9216 Unit: None 96 Actual Value Range: 0~9216 HSU PA Default Value: 6144 Users per Cell HSU PA Admi ssion Contr ol .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 1 2 0 2 Node BHsu paMa xUser Num B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UNO DEB ALG OPA RA W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UNO 7 DEB 0 ALG OPA W RA R F D 0 1 0 6 3 9 W R F D 0 1 128 HSU PA Users per Cell Meaning: Maximum number of HSUPA users allowed by the NodeB. ALGORITHM_FOURTH Call Default Value: None Load Meas ureme nt W R F D 0 Rate . Emer ALGORITHM_FIRST. ce Rene gotiat GUI Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. gency ALGORITHM_THIRD. ALGORITHM_SECOND. ALGORITHM_FOURTH: y of Servi Uplink admission control algorithm based on the actual service load and the predicted service load increment. ALGORITHM_THIRD. Qualit ALGORITHM_THIRD: Uplink admission control algorithm based on the power load in a cell. ALGORITHM_SECOND: Uplink admission control algorithm based on the number of equivalent UEs and the predicted RAB increment in the number of equivalent UEs to be admitted. ALGORITHM_FIRST: Uplink admission control algorithm based on the power load and the predicted power load increment caused by admitting new UEs.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 6 1 2 0 2 NBM UlCac AlgoS elSwit ch B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 2 MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLA 8 LGO SWI W TCH R F D 0 1 0 5 0 6 Code Resou rce Mana geme nt Meaning: Selection of uplink power admission control algorithms ALGORITHM_OFF: Uplink power admission control algorithm disabled. over ALGORITHM_FOURTH Iu Interf Unit: None ace Actual Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. ALGORITHM_FIRST. ion ALGORITHM_SECOND. Contr 0 ol 2 0 Load 1 Reshu 0 ffling 2 Overl W oad R Contr F ol D .Intra 0 Frequ 1 ency 0 Load 5 Balan 0 ce 7 Poten W tial R User F Contr D ol 0 Servi Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 1 1 0 4 Negot iation at Admi ssion Contr W ol R F Admi D ssion . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 6 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 7 ce Steeri ng and Load Shari ng in RRC Conn ection Setup Queui ng and PreEmpti on Inter Syste m Redir ect InterRAT Redir ection Based W on R Dista F nce D 0 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 0 4 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 5 W R F D 0 2 0 1 2 0 W R F D 0 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 5 0 5 W R F D 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 3 W R F D 0 2 0 4 0 1 NBM UlCac AlgoS elSwit ch B S C 6 9 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI W R F D - Code Resou rce Mana geme Meaning: Selection of uplink power admission control algorithms ALGORITHM_OFF: Uplink power admission control algorithm disabled. . ALGORITHM_FIRST: Uplink admission control algorithm based on the power load and the predicted power load increment caused by admitting new UEs. gency ALGORITHM_THIRD. ALGORITHM_FIRST.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 TCH 0 0 2 MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLA 8 LGO SWI W TCH R F D 0 1 0 5 0 6 W R F D 0 2 1 1 0 4 nt Description ALGORITHM_SECOND: Uplink admission control algorithm based on the number of equivalent UEs and the predicted RAB increment in the number of equivalent UEs to be admitted. ALGORITHM_FOURTH Call Default Value: None Load Meas ureme nt Rate Negot iation at Admi ssion Contr W ol R F Admi D ssion . Qualit ALGORITHM_THIRD: Uplink admission control algorithm based on the power load in a cell. ion ALGORITHM_SECOND. ce Rene gotiat GUI Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. ALGORITHM_THIRD. Emer ALGORITHM_FIRST.Contr . ALGORITHM_FOURTH: y of Servi Uplink admission control algorithm based on the actual service load and the predicted service load increment. ALGORITHM_SECOND. over ALGORITHM_FOURTH Iu Interf Unit: None ace Actual Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 2 W R F D 0 1 0 5 0 7 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D - ol Load Reshu ffling Overl oad Contr ol Intra Frequ ency Load Balan ce Poten tial User Contr ol Servi ce Steeri ng and Load Shari ng in RRC Conn ection Description . m 0 Redir 2 ect 0 1 Inter0 RAT 7 Redir ection W Based R on F Dista D nce 0 2 0 1 0 4 W R F D - Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 6 Setup Queui ng and PreEmpti W on R F Inter D Syste . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 5 W R F D 0 2 0 1 2 0 W R F D 0 1 0 5 0 5 W R F D - Description . ALGORITHM_FIRST. MBM ALGORITHM_SECOND: Downlink admission control algorithm based on the number of downlink equivalent UEs and the S over predicted increment in the number of downlink equivalent UEs to be admitted.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 3 W R F D 0 2 0 4 0 1 NBM DlCac AlgoS elSwit ch B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 1 MO 0 6 D UCE 6 LLA 0 LGO SWI W TCH R F D MBM S Phase 2 Meaning: Selection of downlink admission control algorithm ALGORITHM_OFF: Downlink power admission control algorithm disabled ALGORITHM_FIRST: Downlink admission control algorithm based on the power load and the predicted power load increment caused by admitting new UEs. ALGORITHM_THIRD r Estim Unit: None ation . Dyna GUI Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. mic Powe ALGORITHM_SECOND. ALGORITHM_THIRD: Downlink admission control Iur algorithm based on the power load in a cell. MTC ALGORITHM_FIRST.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 6 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 2 W R F D 0 1 0 6 2 7 W R F D Description for Actual Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. H ALGORITHM_THIRD FAC Default Value: None H Trans missi on Shari ng for MBM S MBM S Chan nel Audie nce Ratin g Statist ics InterFrequ ency Neigh borin g Cell Select ion for MBM S . ALGORITHM_SECOND. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 6 5 PTP Users W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 4 MBM S P2P over HSD PA W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 MSC H Sched uling Admi ssion Contr ol MBM S Admi ssion Enha ncem ent Strea ming Servi ce on MBM S W MBM R S Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 2 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 Broad cast Mode MBM S Load Contr ol MBM S Admi ssion Contr ol MBM S Trans port Resou rce Mana geme nt MBM S Soft/S electi ve Comb ining MBM Description . S 0 Enha Description .Frequ 0 ency 1 Layer 0 Conv 6 ergen 1 ce)/F 6 LD(F 0 reque 1 ncy Layer W Dispe R rsion) F D MBM .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 3 S Introd W uction R Packa F ge D .16/32 0 /64/1 1 28Kb 0 ps 6 Chan 1 nel 6 Rate 0 on 6 MBM S W R MBM F S D FLC( . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 0 6 1 6 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 2 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 5 nced Broad cast Mode Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 4 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 Description . MBM ALGORITHM_SECOND: Downlink admission control algorithm based on the number of downlink equivalent UEs and the S .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 0 8 W R F D 0 1 0 6 2 6 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 1 NBM DlCac AlgoS elSwit ch B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 0 1 MBM S Phase 2 Meaning: Selection of downlink admission control algorithm ALGORITHM_OFF: Downlink power admission control algorithm disabled ALGORITHM_FIRST: Downlink admission control algorithm based on the power load and the predicted power load increment caused by admitting new UEs. ALGORITHM_THIRD Default Value: None .for 0 MTC 1 H 0 6 FAC 6 H 1 Trans missi W on R Shari F ng for D MBM . ALGORITHM_FIRST. ALGORITHM_FIRST. GUI Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF. ALGORITHM_THIRD Unit: None Actual Value Range: ALGORITHM_OFF.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description MO D UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH 0 over 6 Iur 6 0 Dyna mic W Powe R r F Estim D ation .S 0 1 MBM 0 S 6 Chan 6 nel 2 Audie nce W Ratin R g F Statist D ics 0 Inter1 Frequ predicted increment in the number of downlink equivalent UEs to be admitted. ALGORITHM_THIRD: Downlink admission control algorithm based on the power load in a cell. ALGORITHM_SECOND. ALGORITHM_SECOND. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 6 2 7 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 5 ency Neigh borin g Cell Select ion for MBM S PTP Users Admi ssion Contr ol W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 4 MBM S P2P over HSD PA W R F D - MSC H Sched uling MBM S Admi ssion Enha ncem ent Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Strea ming Servi ce on MBM S W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 2 MBM S Broad cast Mode W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 3 W MBM S Load Contr ol MBM S Admi ssion Contr ol MBM S Trans port Resou rce Mana geme nt Description . 16/32 0 /64/1 1 28Kb 0 ps 6 Chan 1 nel 6 Rate 0 on 6 MBM S W R MBM F S D FLC( .Frequ 0 ency 1 Layer 0 Conv 6 ergen 1 ce)/F 6 LD(F Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D R F D 0 1 0 6 6 3 MBM S Soft/S electi ve Comb ining MBM S Introd W uction R Packa F ge D . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 reque 1 ncy Layer W Dispe R rsion) F D MBM .S 0 Enha 1 nced 0 Broad 6 cast 1 Mode 6 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 2 W R F D - Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 5 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 4 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 W Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 8 W R F D 0 1 0 6 2 6 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 Description . For details about this parameter. it is used to set background noise of the cell. see the Admi 3GPP TS 25. new background noise is restricted by this parameter and "BgnAbnormalThd". For details about this parameter. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~621 ol Unit: 0.133. see the Admi 3GPP TS 25.1dBm Actual Value Range: -112~-50 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Backg B ADD W round S UCE R Noise C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 Default Value: 61 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: If [Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to OFF.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 1 Backg B ADD W round S UCE R Noise C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 2 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: If [Auto-Adaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to OFF.133. If [AutoAdaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to ON. new background noise is restricted by this parameter and "BgnAbnormalThd". it is used to set background noise of the cell. If [AutoAdaptive Background Noise Update Switch] is set to ON. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~621 ol . the RNC does not make separate power-based admission decisions but reserve some resources. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 UlCC B ADD W Admi Meaning: Factor of the load reserved for the uplink common .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d UlCC HLoa dFact or B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 2 Unit: 0. For dedicated channel users. the RNC admits the new call. the RNC rejects the new call. The RNC applies different admission policies for dedicated channel and common channel users. the RNC uses the admission control algorithm to predict the new uplink load factor of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current uplink load factor and the service characteristics of the new call. If the predicted new uplink load factor is less than or equal to the uplink load factor threshold (depending on the new admission and handover situations). Otherwise.1dBm W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Actual Value Range: -112~-50 W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Default Value: 61 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Factor of the load reserved for the uplink common channels. For common channel users. If the predicted new uplink load LLC 1 factor is less than or equal to the uplink load factor threshold AC 0 1 (depending on the new admission and handover situations). the RNC does not make separate power-based admission decisions but reserve some resources. the RNC admits the new call.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d HLoa dFact or S C 6 9 1 0 F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description UCE R ssion channels. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 UlHs Dpcch RsvdF actor UlHs Dpcch RsvdF actor B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi Meaning: Factor of the power reserved for the uplink HSssion DPCCHs that carry ACK/NACK messages Contr ol GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 B ADD W Admi Meaning: Factor of the power reserved for the uplink HSS UCE R ssion DPCCHs that carry ACK/NACK messages C LLC F Contr 6 D ol . The RNC applies different admission policies for LLC F Contr dedicated channel and common channel users. For common AC D ol channel users. For dedicated channel users. the RNC rejects the new call. Otherwise. the RNC uses the admission control algorithm to MO 0 2 predict the new uplink load factor of a cell after admitting a new D call based on the current uplink load factor and the service UCE 0 characteristics of the new call. Thus.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 9 AC 1 0 MO D UCE LLC AC Hsupa MaxG BPTh d B S C 6 9 0 0 F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 1 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold of the maximum guaranteed power for HSUPA users. HSU GUI Value Range: 0~100 PA Admi Unit: % ssion Contr Actual Value Range: 0~100 ol Default Value: 100 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Hsupa B ADD W Admi Meaning: Threshold of the maximum guaranteed power for MaxG S UCE R ssion HSUPA users. a part of power resources are reserved for . a part of power resources are reserved for DCH users to ensure their network access. This threshold limits the power that can be used by HSUPA users. This threshold limits the power that can be used by BPTh C LLC F Contr HSUPA users. Thus. HSU GUI Value Range: 0~100 PA Admi Unit: % ssion Contr Actual Value Range: 0~100 ol Default Value: 100 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 CellUl EquN umCa pacity B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Basic capacity for the uplink equivalent users in a cell. the RTWP antiinterference algorithm takes effect when this algorithm is enabled and the uplink service load of a cell is within the allowed range. This algorithm cancels admission rejection and some OLC actions triggered by high RTWP.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D d D 0 2 0 1 0 1 6 AC 9 1 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC ol Description DCH users to ensure their network access. This parameter is used to check whether the uplink service load of a cell is within the allowed range. In addition. Note: If UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter is set to on. the value of this parameter is dynamically adjusted based on the RTWP changes in the cell. The uplink service load of a cell is within the allowed range only when the uplink service load is less than the value of this parameter. The lower threshold of the adjustment is the product of . The lower threshold of the adjustment is the product of this parameter and the "UlTotalEqUserNum" parameter. This parameter is used to check whether the uplink service load of a cell is within the allowed range. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 40 RRCC B ADD W acCho S UCE R ice C LLA F 6 LGO D Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: RRC connection admission control (CAC) mode. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 40 CellUl EquN umCa pacity B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Basic capacity for the uplink equivalent users in a cell. In addition. When this parameter is set to LOOSE_CAC. RRC connection admission adopts a loose admission threshold. the RRC admission threshold equals the RAB . When this parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. the value of this parameter is dynamically adjusted based on the RTWP changes in the cell. the RTWP antiinterference algorithm takes effect when this algorithm is enabled and the uplink service load of a cell is within the allowed range.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description this parameter and the "UlTotalEqUserNum" parameter. The uplink service load of a cell is within the allowed range only when the uplink service load is less than the value of this parameter. Note: If UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter is set to on. This algorithm cancels admission rejection and some OLC actions triggered by high RTWP. GUI Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. Selecting a switch enables the corresponding algorithm and clearing a switch disables the corresponding algorithm. PUC: Whether to enable the Potential User Control . STRICT_CAC Default Value: LOOSE_CAC Meaning: Whether to enable the algorithms related to cell load control. 1. the RRC admission threshold equals the RAB admission threshold plus the RRC admission threshold offset for the corresponding service. When this parameter is set to STRICT_CAC. RRC connection admission adopts a loose admission threshold. This algorithm automatically becomes invalid when the load-based dynamic PCPICH transmit power adjustment algorithm (controlled by the Load DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH switch) takes Reshu effect. STRICT_CAC Unit: None Actual Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. 2. STRICT_CAC Unit: None Actual Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. This algorithm adjusts P-CPICH transmit power of a cell based on the downlink TCP load to achieve load balancing between intra-frequency cells. STRICT_CAC Default Value: LOOSE_CAC RRCC B ADD W acCho S UCE R ice C LLA F 6 LGO D 9 SWI 1 TCH 0 0 2 MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLA 1 LGO SWI TCH Admi ssion Contr ol NBM LdcAl goSwi tch Camp ing Strate gy Switc h for Mass Event B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH W R F D 1 5 MO 1 2 D UCE 0 LLA Description Meaning: RRC connection admission control (CAC) mode.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 9 SWI 0 TCH 0 0 2 MO 0 1 D UCE 0 LLA 1 LGO SWI TCH admission threshold plus the RRC admission threshold offset for the corresponding service. When this parameter is set to LOOSE_CAC. GUI Value Range: LOOSE_CAC. INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB: Whether to enable the cell breathing algorithm. uncontrollable real-time service QoS renegotiation. distributing best effort (BE) service to common channels. this algorithm alleviates the downlink load by using quick TF restriction. distributing BE services to common channels. uncontrollable real-time service QoS renegotiation. This algorithm adjusts cell selection and reselection parameters based on the cell load to enable UEs to reselect lightly loaded cells. this algorithm alleviates the uplink load by using load-based interfrequency handovers. AMR service rate reduction. or reconfiguring the maximum transmit power of FACHs. UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB: Whether to enable RTWP- .ection 1 from 5 UMT 0 S to 2 LTE 3 1 Load Based W PS R Redir F ection D from . this algorithm alleviates the uplink load by using quick transport format (TF) restriction. BE service rate reduction. 5. code tree reshuffling.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D LGO 3 ffling SWI TCH W RIM R Based F UMT D S . UL_UU_OLC: Whether to enable the uplink overload control (OLC) algorithm.Targe 0 t Cell 2 Select 0 ion 1 for 0 LTE 6 Cover W age R Based F PS D Redir . When the downlink power is overloaded in a cell. When the uplink power is overloaded in a cell. and AMR service rate reduction. 10. 4. 7. CELL_CODE_LDR: Whether to enable cell code reshuffling algorithm. and load-based interfrequency handovers. BE service rate reduction. 3. uncontrollable real-time service QoS renegotiation. this algorithm alleviates the downlink load by using load-based inter-frequency handovers. DL_UU_LDR: Whether to enable the downlink LDR algorithm. this algorithm alleviates the code resource overuse by using BE service rate reduction. 8. and MBMS power restriction. DL_UU_OLC: Whether to enable the downlink OLC algorithm. In the event of code resource overuse. 6. UL_UU_LDR: Whether to enable the uplink load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm. and load-based CS/PS inter-RAT handovers. When the uplink load is heavy in a cell.UMT 1 S to 5 LTE 0 2 Load 1 Based Description (PUC) algorithm. load-based CS/PS inter-RAT handovers. 9. load-based CS/PS inter-RAT handovers. BE service rate reduction. releasing UEs. or releasing UEs. CELL_CREDIT_LDR: Whether to enable the cell credit reshuffling algorithm. OLC_EVENTMEAS: Whether to enable OLC event measurement. When the downlink load is heavy in a cell. this algorithm alleviates the credit overuse by using loadbased inter-frequency handovers. In the event of cell credit overuse. 12. DL_UU_CLB: Whether to enable the downlink load-based CLB algorithm. If a cell is in the CLB state. CELL_CODE_CLB: Whether to enable code resource-based CLB algorithm. DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH: Whether to enable downlink load-based dynamic primary common pilot channel (P-CPICH) power adjustment algorithm. measurement-based interfrequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between inter-frequency cells.LTE 1 5 SRV 0 CC 2 from 1 LTE 6 to UMT W S R with F PS D Hand . measurementbased inter-frequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between inter-frequency cells. measurement-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between inter-frequency cells. This algorithm adjusts P-CPICH transmit power of a cell based on the RTWP load to achieve load balancing between intra-frequency cells. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the credit resource usage. 13.nt 1 5 MOC 0 N 2 Cell 1 Resou based intra-frequency load balancing algorithm. This algorithm adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power by the downlink non-HSPA power load to reduce the downlink non-HSPA power load.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 9 PS Hand W over R from F UMT D S to . CELL_CREDIT_CLB: Whether to enable credit-based CLB algorithm. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the uplink load on the air interface. ADAPTIVE_RACH: Function . measurement-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between interfrequency cells. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the downlink load on the air interface. UL_UU_CLB: Whether to enable the uplink load-based CLB algorithm. If a cell is in the CLB state. If this algorithm takes effect. 16. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the code resource usage. If a cell is in the CLB state. This algorithm automatically becomes invalid when the load-based dynamic P-CPICH transmit power adjustment algorithm (controlled by the DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH switch) takes effect. 14.over 1 5 HSD 0 PA 2 Admi 1 ssion 7 Contr ol W R Load F Meas D ureme . 11. If a cell is in the CLB state. 15. other enabled algorithms for intra-frequency load balancing (based on TCP or RTWP) automatically become invalid. DL_UU_CLB. CELL_CREDIT_LDR. PUC. CELL_CODE_LDR. When this switch is turned off. In this case. CELL_CREDIT_CLB.Fast 0 Retur 2 n 0 from 1 UMT 0 S to 2 LTE switch for the adaptive RACH feature. CELL_CODE_CLB. DL_UU_LDR. CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH: Whether to enable the camping policy switching function when traffic is heavy. CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH Unit: None Overl Actual Value Range: INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB. UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB. Then. Intra UL_UU_CLB. the RNC measures the number of acknowledged PRACH preambles. oad Contr UL_UU_LDR. DL_UU_LDR. DL_UU_CLB. When this switch is turned on. OLC_EVENTMEAS. ency DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH. ACK_PRACH_PREAM_MEAS. this feature is deactivated. When this switch is turned off. UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB. When the switch is turned on. CELL_CODE_CLB. this feature is activated. ADAPTIVE_RACH. CELL_CODE_LDR. DL_UU_OLC.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 5 rce Dema W rcatio R n F D Load . the RNC adjusts the random access parameters based on the random access state and on the uplink power load of the target cell. but a random camping cell. DL_UU_OLC. Frequ CELL_CREDIT_CLB. PUC. the camping policy switching function is enabled if traffic is heavy in the entire network. UL_UU_OLC. ol CELL_CREDIT_LDR. the target cell is no longer a preferred camping cell for the UE in question. W R F D 1 4 0 GUI Value Range: INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB. the RNC does not measure the number of acknowledged PRACH preambles. . DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH. OLC_EVENTMEAS. When this switch is turned on. This is a function switch for the function. ACK_PRACH_PREAM_MEAS: Whether to measure the number of acknowledged PRACH preambles. UL_UU_CLB. 18. UL_UU_OLC. UL_UU_LDR.Based 0 Dyna 1 mic 0 Adjus 6 tment 1 of 0 PCPI 0 CH 3 Admi W ssion R Contr F ol D . 17. HSU 0 PA 2 Admi 0 ssion 1 Contr 0 ol 1 PS W Servi R ce F Redir D ection .DL_UU_ R tial LDR:0.CELL_CREDIT_CLB:0.PUC:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 2 Load ADAPTIVE_RACH.OLC_EVENTMEAS:0.UL_INTRA_FRE D Contr QUENCY_ULB:0.UL_UU_CLB:0.CELL_COD .CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH:0 0 ity 2 Betw 3 een 6 UMT S and W LTE R Phase F 1 D .DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_ 1 PWR_ADJ_SWITCH:0. 2 Balan CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH 3 ce Default Value: W Poten INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB:0.UL_UU_LDR:0.DL_UU_OLC:0.CELL_CREDIT_LDR:0. F User CELL_CODE_LDR:0.UL_UU_OLC:0.ol E_CLB:0. ACK_PRACH_PREAM_MEAS.ADAPTIVE_RACH:0.from 1 UMT 4 S to 0 .ACK_PRACH_PR 5 Mobil EAM_MEAS:0.DL_UU_CLB:0. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 LTE 2 6 MBM S W FLC( R Frequ F ency D Layer .Conv 0 ergen 2 ce)/F 0 LD(F 1 reque 0 ncy 7 Layer Dispe W rsion) R F FAC D H .Trans 0 missi 2 on 0 Shari 1 ng for 0 MBM 4 S W R F D 0 2 0 Inter Frequ ency Load Balan ce MBM Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 S 0 Phase 5 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 2 6 MBM S over Iur Dyna mic Powe r Estim ation for W MTC R H F D MSC .H 0 Sched 1 uling 0 6 MBM 1 S 2 Chan 0 nel 2 Audie nce W Ratin R g F Statist D ics 0 CS Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 2 9 Fallba ck Guara ntee for LTE W Emer R gency F Calls D .HSD 0 Description .Inter0 Frequ 1 ency 0 Neigh 6 borin 2 g Cell 6 Select ion W for R MBM F S D PTP .Users 0 1 Strea 0 ming 6 Servi 2 ce on 7 MBM S W R MBM F S P2P D over . MBM 0 S 1 Enha 0 nced 6 Broad 6 cast 0 Mode W R F D 0 Cover age Based PS Hand over from UMT Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 0 3 PA W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 1 MBM S Trans port Resou rce Mana geme nt MBM S Admi ssion W Enha R ncem F ent D . Inter0 Frequ 1 ency 0 Load 6 Balan 6 cing 5 Based on W Confi R gurab F le D Load .S 0 Load 1 Contr 0 ol 6 6 MBM 3 S Admi W ssion R Contr F ol D .Thres 1 Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 0 6 6 2 S to LTE MBM S Broad W cast R Mode F D MBM . MBM 0 S 1 Introd 0 uction 6 Packa 6 ge 0 0 16/32 4 /64/1 28Kb W ps R Chan F nel D Rate .on 0 MBM 1 S 0 6 Servi 1 ce6 Based 0 PS 6 Hand over W from R UMT Description .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 4 0 1 0 2 hold MBM S Soft/S electi W ve R Comb F ining D . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D F S to D LTE 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 2 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 5 W R F D 1 5 0 2 2 0 W R F D 0 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 0 6 1 6 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 2 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D W R F D 1 4 0 2 1 7 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 4 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 Description . Selecting a switch enables the corresponding algorithm and clearing a switch disables the corresponding algorithm. INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB: Whether to enable the cell breathing algorithm. This algorithm automatically becomes invalid when the load-based dynamic PCPICH transmit power adjustment algorithm (controlled by the .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 8 W R F D 1 4 0 2 1 8 NBM LdcAl goSwi tch B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH MO D W R F D 1 5 1 2 Camp ing Strate gy Switc h for Mass Event Meaning: Whether to enable the algorithms related to cell load control. This algorithm adjusts P-CPICH transmit power of a cell based on the downlink TCP load to achieve load balancing between intra-frequency cells. 1. This algorithm adjusts cell selection and reselection parameters based on the cell load to enable UEs to reselect lightly loaded cells. uncontrollable real-time service QoS renegotiation. 7. CELL_CODE_LDR: Whether to enable cell code reshuffling algorithm. BE service rate reduction. 4. code tree reshuffling. 3. In the event of cell credit overuse. or releasing UEs. this algorithm alleviates the downlink load by using quick TF restriction. DL_UU_OLC: Whether to enable the downlink OLC algorithm. this algorithm alleviates the downlink load by using load-based inter-frequency handovers. and load-based W R F D 1 5 0 2 3 1 W R F D 1 5 0 2 Cover age Based PS Redir ection from UMT S to LTE Load Based PS Redir ection from UMT S to LTE . 5. releasing UEs. BE service rate reduction. this algorithm alleviates the uplink load by using load-based interfrequency handovers. and load-based interfrequency handovers. load-based CS/PS inter-RAT handovers.S 0 Targe 2 t Cell 0 Select 1 ion 0 for 6 LTE DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH switch) takes effect. or reconfiguring the maximum transmit power of FACHs. 9. OLC_EVENTMEAS: Whether to enable OLC event measurement. and AMR service rate reduction. distributing best effort (BE) service to common channels. When the uplink load is heavy in a cell. CELL_CREDIT_LDR: Whether to enable the cell credit reshuffling algorithm. In the event of code resource overuse. DL_UU_LDR: Whether to enable the downlink LDR algorithm. this algorithm alleviates the uplink load by using quick transport format (TF) restriction. distributing BE services to common channels. uncontrollable real-time service QoS renegotiation. PUC: Whether to enable the Potential User Control (PUC) algorithm. BE service rate reduction. UL_UU_LDR: Whether to enable the uplink load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm. 2. this algorithm alleviates the credit overuse by using loadbased inter-frequency handovers. When the downlink load is heavy in a cell. UL_UU_OLC: Whether to enable the uplink overload control (OLC) algorithm. 8.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description UCE LLA LGO SWI TCH 0 Load 3 Reshu ffling W R RIM F Based D UMT . load-based CS/PS inter-RAT handovers. 6. AMR service rate reduction. this algorithm alleviates the code resource overuse by using BE service rate reduction. uncontrollable real-time service QoS renegotiation. When the uplink power is overloaded in a cell. When the downlink power is overloaded in a cell. and MBMS power restriction. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the uplink load on the air interface. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the code resource usage. If this algorithm takes effect. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the downlink load on the air interface. If a cell is in the CLB state. measurement-based interfrequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between inter-frequency cells. If a cell is in the CLB state. This algorithm determines whether a cell enters the CLB state by the credit resource usage.S to 1 LTE 5 0 SRV 2 CC 1 from 6 LTE to W UMT R S F with D PS .ureme 1 nt 5 0 MOC 2 N CS/PS inter-RAT handovers. 15. 13. UL_UU_CLB: Whether to enable the uplink load-based CLB algorithm.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 Load 9 Based PS W Hand R over F from D UMT . UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB: Whether to enable RTWPbased intra-frequency load balancing algorithm. CELL_CREDIT_CLB: Whether to enable credit-based CLB algorithm. measurement-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between inter-frequency cells. 11. 14. This algorithm automatically becomes invalid when the load-based dynamic P-CPICH transmit power adjustment algorithm (controlled by the DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH switch) takes effect. measurement-based inter-frequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between interfrequency cells. other enabled algorithms for . measurementbased inter-frequency handovers are triggered periodically to achieve load balancing between inter-frequency cells. This algorithm adjusts the P-CPICH transmit power by the downlink non-HSPA power load to reduce the downlink non-HSPA power load. CELL_CODE_CLB: Whether to enable code resource-based CLB algorithm. If a cell is in the CLB state. This algorithm adjusts P-CPICH transmit power of a cell based on the RTWP load to achieve load balancing between intra-frequency cells. DL_UU_CLB: Whether to enable the downlink load-based CLB algorithm. DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH: Whether to enable downlink load-based dynamic primary common pilot channel (P-CPICH) power adjustment algorithm. 12. 10. If a cell is in the CLB state.Hand 1 over 5 0 HSD 2 PA 1 Admi 7 ssion Contr W ol R F Load D Meas . UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB. 16. This is a function switch for the function. ACK_PRACH_PREAM_MEAS. When this switch is turned on. the camping policy switching function is enabled if traffic is heavy in the entire network. the RNC measures the number of acknowledged PRACH preambles. When this switch is turned off. ACK_PRACH_PREAM_MEAS: Whether to measure the number of acknowledged PRACH preambles. Intra UL_UU_CLB. CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH: Whether to enable the camping policy switching function when traffic is heavy. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB. CELL_CREDIT_CLB. ADAPTIVE_RACH: Function switch for the adaptive RACH feature. n from DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH. CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH S to LTE Unit: None Overl Actual Value Range: INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB. DL_UU_OLC.Load 0 Based 1 Dyna 0 mic 6 Adjus 1 tment 0 of 0 PCPI 3 CH W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 2 W R F D 1 4 Description intra-frequency load balancing (based on TCP or RTWP) automatically become invalid. PUC. . DL_UU_CLB. the RNC does not measure the number of acknowledged PRACH preambles. 17. 18. When this switch is turned off. the RNC adjusts the random access parameters based on the random access state and on the uplink power load of the target cell. but a random camping cell. oad Contr UL_UU_LDR. CELL_CODE_LDR. UL_UU_OLC. CELL_CODE_CLB. PUC. UL_INTRA_FREQUENCY_ULB. DL_UU_OLC. CELL_CODE_CLB. DL_UU_LDR. the target cell is no longer a preferred Admi camping cell for the UE in question. this feature is deactivated. When this switch is turned on. UL_UU_OLC. ol OLC_EVENTMEAS. UMT ADAPTIVE_RACH. Fast CELL_CREDIT_LDR. UL_UU_LDR. CELL_CODE_LDR. this feature is activated. When the switch is turned on. Retur UL_UU_CLB.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 Cell 5 Resou rce W Dema R rcatio F n D . DL_UU_LDR. In this case. OLC_EVENTMEAS. DL_UU_CLB. Then. ol CELL_CREDIT_LDR. CELL_CREDIT_CLB:0.UL_INTRA_FRE QUENCY_ULB:0.CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH:0 ity Betw een UMT S and LTE Phase 1 Poten tial User Contr ol HSU PA Admi ssion Contr ol PS Servi ce Redir ection from UMT .UL_UU_CLB:0.DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_ PWR_ADJ_SWITCH:0.ACK_PRACH_PR Mobil EAM_MEAS:0. CELL_CODE_LDR:0. ADAPTIVE_RACH. DLLOAD_BASED_PCPICH_PWR_ADJ_SWITCH.UL_UU_OLC:0.DL_UU_OLC:0.DL_UU_ LDR:0. ACK_PRACH_PREAM_MEAS.OLC_EVENTMEAS:0.DL_UU_CLB:0.ADAPTIVE_RACH:0.CELL_COD E_CLB:0. CAMPING_STRATEGY_SWITCH Default Value: INTRA_FREQUENCY_LDB:0.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 2 3 W R F D 1 5 0 2 3 6 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 W R F D 1 4 Frequ ency Load Balan ce Description CELL_CREDIT_CLB.PUC:0.CELL_CREDIT_LDR:0.UL_UU_LDR:0. Trans 0 missi 2 on 0 Shari 1 ng for 0 MBM 4 S W R F D 0 2 Inter Frequ ency Load Balan ce Description .Conv 0 ergen 2 ce)/F 0 LD(F 1 reque 0 ncy 7 Layer Dispe W rsion) R F FAC D H .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 S to 2 LTE 2 6 MBM S W FLC( R Frequ F ency D Layer . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 5 MBM S Phase 2 W R F D 0 2 0 1 2 6 MBM S over Iur Dyna mic Powe r Estim ation for W MTC R H F D MSC .H 0 Sched 1 uling 0 6 MBM 1 S 2 Chan 0 nel 2 Audie nce W Ratin R g F Statist D ics - Description . Users 0 1 Strea 0 ming 6 Servi 2 ce on 7 MBM S W R MBM F S P2P D over .Inter0 Frequ 1 ency 0 Neigh 6 borin 2 g Cell 6 Select ion W for R MBM F S D PTP .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 2 9 CS Fallba ck Guara ntee for LTE W Emer R gency F Calls D .HSD Description . rce 0 Mana 1 geme 0 nt 6 6 Cover 1 age Based W PS R Hand F over D from .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 3 PA MBM S Admi ssion Enha W ncem R ent F D MBM .S 0 Enha 1 nced 0 Broad 6 cast 6 Mode 0 MBM W S R Trans F port D Resou .UMT Description . Load 0 Contr 1 ol 0 6 MBM 6 S 3 Admi ssion W Contr R ol F D Inter.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 6 2 S to LTE MBM S Broad cast W Mode R F MBM D S .Frequ 0 ency 1 Load 0 Balan 6 cing 6 Based 5 on Confi W gurab R le F Load D Thres - Description . S 0 Introd 1 uction 0 Packa 6 ge 6 0 16/32 0 /64/1 4 28Kb ps W Chan R nel F Rate D on .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 4 0 1 0 2 hold MBM S Soft/S electi ve W Comb R ining F D MBM .MBM 0 S 1 0 Servi 6 ce1 Based 6 PS 0 Hand 6 over from W UMT Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D R S to F LTE D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 2 W R F D 0 1 0 6 6 0 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 6 0 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 5 W R F D 1 5 0 2 2 0 W R F D - Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 3 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 W R F D 1 4 0 2 1 7 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 4 W R F D 0 1 0 Description . oad . uplink OLC (overload state) is triggered and OLC actions are performed to reduce the cell load.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 6 1 6 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 6 0 8 W R F D 1 4 0 2 1 8 UlOlc B ADD W TrigT S UCE R hd C LLL F 6 DM D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: Threshold for triggering uplink OLC. Overl The recommended value difference between "UlOlcRelThd" and "UlOlcTrigThd" is higher than 10% because the load fluctuates. If the ratio of the uplink load to the uplink capacity is higher than or equal to this threshold for a duration longer than that specified by the "UlLdTrnsHysTime" parameter. If the ratio of the uplink load to the uplink capacity is higher than or equal to this threshold for a duration longer than that specified by the "UlLdTrnsHysTime" parameter. ol GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % W R F D 0 2 0 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 95 . oad Contr Otherwise. a cell frequently enters and leaves the overload state. uplink OLC (overload state) is triggered and OLC actions are performed to reduce the cell load.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description UCE 0 Contr Otherwise. a cell frequently enters and leaves the overload state. LLL 1 ol DM 0 GUI Value Range: 0~100 2 Unit: % W R Actual Value Range: 0~100 F D Default Value: 95 0 2 0 1 0 7 UlOlc B ADD W TrigT S UCE R hd C LLL F 6 DM D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLL 1 DM 0 2 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: Threshold for triggering uplink OLC. Overl The recommended value difference between "UlOlcRelThd" and "UlOlcTrigThd" is higher than 10% because the load fluctuates. this service will be rejected. When an AMR speech service accesses a cell. this service will be admitted. If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. AMR conversational services. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 75 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor AMR B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether AMR speech services are admitted. Otherwise. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". non-AMR conversational services. When an AMR speech service accesses a cell. the recommended value of this parameter is 83. this service will be rejected. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the AMR speech service is accessed. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the AMR speech service is accessed. AMR conversational services. Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of an AMR speech service. this service will be admitted. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of an AMR speech service. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". non-AMR conversational services. and other services. "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 7 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor AMR B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether AMR speech services are admitted. Otherwise. Different access priorities can be assigned for these . and other services. "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 Description services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". With the strict CAC. Originating Streaming Call. GUI Value Range: -100~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: -1~1 Default Value: 5 RTRR B ADD W Admi Meaning: Power threshold offset for RRC connection admission CCac S UCE R ssion control (CAC) on real-time services. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 75 RTRR CCac ThdOf fset B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Power threshold offset for RRC connection admission control (CAC) on real-time services. the ThdOf C LLC F Contr uplink power admission threshold equals RTRRCCacThdOffset . "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". The RNC identifies services as real-time services if the establishment cause in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message is one of the following: Originating Conversational Call. the uplink power admission threshold equals RTRRCCacThdOffset plus UlNonCtrlThdForAMR and the downlink power admission threshold equals RTRRCCacThdOffset plus DlConvAMRThd for real-time services. the recommended value of this parameter is 83. Terminating Conversational Call. If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. and Terminating Streaming Call. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". With the strict CAC. The value of this parameter must be a bit greater than the value of "MaxTargetUlLoadFactor". Originating Streaming Call. the RNC rejects the new call. For dedicated channel users. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 83 . and Terminating Streaming Call. If the predicted new uplink load factor is less than or equal to this threshold. GUI Value Range: -100~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: -1~1 Default Value: 5 UlCell B ADD W Total S UCE R Thd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the total uplink power resources in HSUPA cells. Terminating Conversational Call. Otherwise. the RNC predicts the new uplink load factor of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current uplink load factor and the service characteristics of the new call. the RNC admits the new call. This parameter must be configured based on the setting of the "MaxTargetUlLoadFactor" parameter. The RNC identifies services as real-time services if the establishment cause in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message is one of the following: Originating Conversational Call.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D fset D ol 0 2 0 1 0 1 6 AC 9 1 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC Description plus UlNonCtrlThdForAMR and the downlink power admission threshold equals RTRRCCacThdOffset plus DlConvAMRThd for real-time services. because the HSUPA scheduling mechanism causes the total uplink load to fluctuate and be close to the value of "MaxTargetUlLoadFactor". the RNC predicts the new uplink load factor of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current uplink load factor and the service characteristics of the new call. this service will be admitted. If the predicted new uplink load factor is less than or equal to this threshold. "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR".Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D UlCell B ADD W Total S UCE R Thd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Description Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the total uplink power resources in HSUPA cells. Otherwise. This parameter must be configured based on the setting of the "MaxTargetUlLoadFactor" parameter. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of the service. the RNC admits the new call. The value of this parameter must be a bit greater than the value of "MaxTargetUlLoadFactor". AMR conversational services. and other services. the recommended . excluding AMR speech services. because the HSUPA scheduling mechanism causes the total uplink load to fluctuate and be close to the value of "MaxTargetUlLoadFactor". Otherwise. For dedicated channel users. and conversational non-AMR services. Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". this service will be rejected. handover services. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 83 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor Other B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether other services. nonAMR conversational services. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the service is accessed. "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. are admitted. When a service accesses a cell. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". the RNC rejects the new call. When a service accesses a cell. If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 60 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor Other B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether other services. nonAMR conversational services. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the service is accessed. this service will be admitted. the recommended value of this parameter is 83.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description value of this parameter is 83. Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of the service. excluding AMR speech services. handover services. and other services. "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". Otherwise. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 60 NRTR B ADD W Admi Meaning: Power threshold offset for RRC CAC on non-real-time RCCa S UCE R ssion services. and conversational non-AMR services. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". This offset applies to the uplink load admission threshold cThd C LLC F Contr specified by the "UlNonCtrlThdForOther" parameter and the . are admitted. AMR conversational services. "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". this service will be rejected. Originating Background Call. Originating Background Call. Originating High Priority Signaling. With the strict CAC. and Originating Subscribed traffic Call. . Terminating Interactive Call. The RNC identifies services as non-realtime services if the establishment cause in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message is one of the following: Originating Interactive Call. the uplink power admission threshold equals this offset plus the value of "UlNonCtrlThdForOther" and the downlink power admission threshold equals this offset plus the value of "DlOtherThd" for non-real-time services. Terminating Background Call. The RNC identifies services as non-realtime services if the establishment cause in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message is one of the following: Originating Interactive Call. With the strict CAC. GUI Value Range: -100~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: -1~1 Default Value: 5 NRTR RCCa cThd Offset B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Power threshold offset for RRC CAC on non-real-time services. the uplink power admission threshold equals this offset plus the value of "UlNonCtrlThdForOther" and the downlink power admission threshold equals this offset plus the value of "DlOtherThd" for non-real-time services. and Originating Subscribed traffic Call. Terminating High Priority Signaling. This offset applies to the uplink load admission threshold specified by the "UlNonCtrlThdForOther" parameter and the downlink load admission threshold specified by the "DlOtherThd" parameter. Originating High Priority Signaling.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Offset 6 AC 9 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC D ol 0 2 0 1 0 1 Description downlink load admission threshold specified by the "DlOtherThd" parameter. Terminating High Priority Signaling. Terminating Background Call. Terminating Interactive Call. Originating Streaming Call. Terminating Background Call.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description GUI Value Range: -100~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: -1~1 Default Value: 5 Other RRCC acThd Offset B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Power threshold offset for RRC call admission control (CAC) on services other than real-time and non-real-time services. With the strict CAC. Originating Interactive Call. Terminating Streaming Call. The RNC identifies services . the uplink power admission threshold equals OtherRRCCacThdOffset plus UlOlcTrigThd and the downlink power admission threshold equals OtherRRCCacThdOffset plus DlOlcTrigThd for the other services. and Originating Subscribed traffic Call. With the strict CAC. Terminating Interactive Call. GUI Value Range: -100~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: -1~1 Default Value: 0 Other RRCC acThd Offset B S C 6 9 1 ADD UCE LLC AC MO W R F D 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Power threshold offset for RRC call admission control (CAC) on services other than real-time and non-real-time services. Terminating Conversational Call. Originating High Priority Signaling. The RNC identifies services as the other services if the establishment cause in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message is none of the following: Originating Conversational Call. Terminating High Priority Signaling. Originating Background Call. the uplink power admission threshold equals OtherRRCCacThdOffset plus UlOlcTrigThd and the downlink power admission threshold equals OtherRRCCacThdOffset plus DlOlcTrigThd for the other services. Terminating High Priority Signaling. Terminating Background Call. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a conversational non-AMR service. GUI Value Range: 0~100 . AMR conversational services. Terminating Streaming Call. Originating Background Call. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the conversational non-AMR service is accessed. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". this service will be admitted. Originating High Priority Signaling. the recommended value of this parameter is 83. When a conversational non-AMR service accesses a cell. Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services. and other services. Otherwise.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 0 D UCE LLC AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 0 1 Description as the other services if the establishment cause in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message is none of the following: Originating Conversational Call. this service will be rejected. non-AMR conversational services. and Originating Subscribed traffic Call. Originating Interactive Call. Originating Streaming Call. Terminating Interactive Call. GUI Value Range: -100~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: -1~1 Default Value: 0 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor NonA MR B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether conversational non-AMR services are admitted. Terminating Conversational Call. "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". this service will be admitted. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a conversational non-AMR service. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 75 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor Ho B S C 6 9 0 ADD UCE LLC AC MO W R F D 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether uplink handover services are admitted. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the handover service is accessed. "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". When a handover service accesses a cell. this service will be admitted. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". this service will be rejected. "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". the recommended value of this parameter is 83. this service will be rejected. the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the conversational non-AMR service is accessed. If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. Different uplink load thresholds are used . Otherwise. AMR conversational services. When a conversational non-AMR service accesses a cell. and other services. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a handover service. Otherwise. non-AMR conversational services.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 75 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor NonA MR B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether conversational non-AMR services are admitted. If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. and other services. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". the RNC evaluates the uplink load of the cell after the handover service is accessed. and other services. nonAMR conversational services. AMR conversational services. Otherwise. If the "NBMUlCacAlgoSelSwitch" parameter is set to ALGORITHM_FOURTH. and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther". GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 UlNo nCtrlT hdFor Ho B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether uplink handover services are admitted. If the uplink load of the cell is higher than this threshold after the access of a handover service. "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". this service will be admitted. Different uplink load thresholds are used to admit handover services. the recommended value of this parameter is 83. the recommended value of this parameter is 83. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % . AMR conversational services. Different access priorities can be assigned for these services based on the relationships among the parameters "UlNonCtrlThdForHo". and "UlNonCtrlThdForOther".Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 0 D UCE LLC AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 0 1 Description to admit handover services. nonAMR conversational services. "UlNonCtrlThdForNonAMR". "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". "UlNonCtrlThdForAMR". this service will be rejected. When a handover service accesses a cell. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 Hsupa LowP riority UserP BRTh d B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether to admit HSUPA services. If the sum of PBR of all HSUPA users with a lower scheduling priority than the user to be admitted is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all HSUPA users with a lower scheduling priority than the user to be admitted, the QoS of HSU the admitted users can be satisfied and new HSUPA services are allowed. Otherwise, the QoS of the admitted users cannot be PA Admi satisfied and new HSUPA services are rejected. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Hsupa LowP riority UserP BRTh d B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC MO D W R F D 0 2 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 100 Admi ssion Contr ol HSU PA Meaning: Whether to admit HSUPA services. If the sum of PBR of all HSUPA users with a lower scheduling priority than the user to be admitted is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all HSUPA users with a lower scheduling priority than the user to be admitted, the QoS of the admitted users can be satisfied and new HSUPA services are allowed. Otherwise, the QoS of the admitted users cannot be Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description UCE 0 Admi satisfied and new HSUPA services are rejected. LLC 1 ssion AC 0 Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 1 ol Unit: % W R Actual Value Range: 0~100 F D Default Value: 100 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Hsupa Equal Priorit yUser PBRT hd B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: WWhether to admit HSUPA services. If the sum of PBR of all HSUPA users with the same scheduling priority as the user to be admitted is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all HSUPA users with the same scheduling priority as the user to be admitted, the QoS of the HSU admitted users can be satisfied and new HSUPA services are allowed. Otherwise, the QoS of the admitted users cannot be PA Admi satisfied and new HSUPA services are rejected. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 100 Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Hsupa Equal Priorit yUser PBRT hd B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: WWhether to admit HSUPA services. If the sum of PBR of all HSUPA users with the same scheduling priority as the user to be admitted is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all HSUPA users with the same scheduling priority as the user to be admitted, the QoS of the HSU admitted users can be satisfied and new HSUPA services are allowed. Otherwise, the QoS of the admitted users cannot be PA Admi satisfied and new HSUPA services are rejected. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 100 Hsupa B ADD W Admi Meaning: Whether to admit HSUPA services. If the sum of PBR HighP S UCE R ssion of all HSUPA users with a higher scheduling priority than the user riority C LLC F Contr to be admitted is higher than or equal to the product of the value of Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D UserP 6 AC BRTh 9 d 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC D 0 2 0 1 0 1 ol this parameter and the sum of GBR of all HSUPA users with a higher scheduling priority than the user to be admitted, the QoS of HSU the admitted users can be satisfied and new HSUPA services are allowed. Otherwise, the QoS of the admitted users cannot be PA Admi satisfied and new HSUPA services are rejected. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Hsupa HighP riority UserP BRTh d B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R Description Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 100 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Whether to admit HSUPA services. If the sum of PBR of all HSUPA users with a higher scheduling priority than the user to be admitted is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all HSUPA users with a higher scheduling priority than the user to be admitted, the QoS of HSU the admitted users can be satisfied and new HSUPA services are allowed. Otherwise, the QoS of the admitted users cannot be PA Admi satisfied and new HSUPA services are rejected. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D F D 0 1 0 6 1 2 0 2 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 100 MaxT B ADD W xPow S UCE R er C LLS F 6 ETU D 9 P 0 0 0 MO 2 0 D UCE 5 0 LL 1 Open Loop Powe r Contr ol MaxT B ADD W xPow S UCE R er C LLS F 6 ETU D 9 P 1 0 0 MO 2 0 D UCE 5 0 LL 1 Open Loop Powe r Contr ol DlCC HLoa Description Meaning: Sum of the maximum transmit power of all DL channels in a cell. For detailed information of this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.433. GUI Value Range: 0~500 Unit: 0.1dBm Actual Value Range: 0~50 Default Value: 430 Meaning: Sum of the maximum transmit power of all DL channels in a cell. For detailed information of this parameter, see 3GPP TS 25.433. GUI Value Range: 0~500 Unit: 0.1dBm Actual Value Range: 0~50 Default Value: 430 B ADD W Admi Meaning: Coefficient of the power reserved for downlink common S UCE R ssion channels. This parameter mainly applies to FACHs, and the power Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description dRsrv C LLC Coeff 6 AC 9 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC F Contr reserved for common channels is the product of the value of this D ol parameter and the value of the "MaxTxPower" parameter. The RNC applies different admission policies for dedicated channel 0 and common channel users. For common channel users, the RNC 2 does not make separate power-based admission decisions but 0 reserve some resources. For dedicated channel users, the RNC 1 uses the admission control algorithm to predict the new transmit 0 power of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current 1 transmit power and the service characteristics of the new call. The RNC predicts the new downlink load as follows: Predicted new downlink load = Predicted new transmit power + Power reserved for common channels + Power reserved for downlink HSUPA control channels. If the predicted new downlink load is less than or equal to the downlink load threshold (depending on the new admission and handover situations), the RNC admits the new call, Otherwise, the RNC rejects the new call. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 DlCC HLoa dRsrv Coeff B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Coefficient of the power reserved for downlink common channels. This parameter mainly applies to FACHs, and the power reserved for common channels is the product of the value of this parameter and the value of the "MaxTxPower" parameter. The RNC applies different admission policies for dedicated channel and common channel users. For common channel users, the RNC does not make separate power-based admission decisions but reserve some resources. For dedicated channel users, the RNC uses the admission control algorithm to predict the new transmit power of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current transmit power and the service characteristics of the new call. The RNC predicts the new downlink load as follows: Predicted new Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description downlink load = Predicted new transmit power + Power reserved for common channels + Power reserved for downlink HSUPA control channels. If the predicted new downlink load is less than or equal to the downlink load threshold (depending on the new admission and handover situations), the RNC admits the new call, Otherwise, the RNC rejects the new call. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 DlHS UPAR svdFa ctor B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Factor of the power reserved for downlink HSUPA control channels (E-AGCH, E-RGCH, or E-HICH). The power reserved for downlink HSUPA channels is the product of the value of this parameter and the value of the "MaxTxPower" parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 DlHS UPAR svdFa ctor B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Factor of the power reserved for downlink HSUPA control channels (E-AGCH, E-RGCH, or E-HICH). The power reserved for downlink HSUPA channels is the product of the value of this parameter and the value of the "MaxTxPower" parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 1 Description Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 0 HspaP B ADD ower S UCE C LLH 6 SDP 9 A 0 0 MO D UCE LLH SDP A HspaP B ADD ower S UCE C LLH 6 SDP 9 A 1 0 MO D UCE LLH SDP A Hsdpa MaxG BPTh d B S C 6 9 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 4 HSD PA Powe r Contr ol W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 4 HSD PA Powe r Contr ol W R F D 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: This parameter specifies the offset between the total HSPA power and the maximum transmission power of a cell. a part of power resources are reserved for DCH users to ensure their network access. The total HSPA power is the maximum value of HSPA dynamical power can be adjusted. .308. see 3GPP TS 25. see 3GPP TS 25. Thus. For details about this parameter. For details about this parameter. This threshold limits the power that can be used by HSDPA users. The total HSPA power is the maximum value of HSPA dynamical power can be adjusted.1dB Actual Value Range: -50~0 Default Value: 0 Meaning: Threshold of the maximum guaranteed power for HSDPA users.1dB Actual Value Range: -50~0 Default Value: 0 Meaning: This parameter specifies the offset between the total HSPA power and the maximum transmission power of a cell.308. GUI Value Range: -500~0 Unit: 0. GUI Value Range: -500~0 Unit: 0. HSD GUI Value Range: 0~100 PA Admi Unit: % ssion Contr Actual Value Range: 0~100 ol Default Value: 100 . a part of power resources are reserved for DCH users to ensure their network access. This threshold limits the power that can be used by HSDPA users. Thus.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 0 MO D UCE LLC AC Hsdpa MaxG BPTh d B S C 6 9 1 0 F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 2 0 1 0 1 HSD GUI Value Range: 0~100 PA Admi Unit: % ssion Contr Actual Value Range: 0~100 ol W Default Value: 100 R F D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D - Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold of the maximum guaranteed power for HSDPA users. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 DlOlc B ADD W TrigT S UCE R hd C LLL F 6 DM D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLL 1 DM 0 2 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: Threshold for triggering downlink OLC. Overl The recommended value difference between "DlOlcRelThd" and "DlOlcTrigThd" is higher than 10% because the load fluctuates. oad Contr Otherwise. downlink OLC (overload state) is triggered and OLC actions are performed to reduce the cell load. a cell frequently enters and leaves the overload state. downlink OLC (overload state) is . ol GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 7 DlOlc B ADD W Load TrigT S UCE R Meas hd C LLL F ureme 6 D Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 95 Meaning: Threshold for triggering downlink OLC. If the ratio of the downlink load to the downlink capacity is higher than or equal to this threshold for a duration longer than that specified by the "DlLdTrnsHysTime" parameter. If the ratio of the downlink load to the downlink capacity is higher than or equal to this threshold for a duration longer than that specified by the "DlLdTrnsHysTime" parameter. "DlConvNonAMRThd". the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. When receiving an AMR voice service request. Otherwise. Otherwise. the RNC rejects the AMR voice service. and "DlOtherThd". these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 9 DM 1 0 MO D UCE LLL DM F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 2 Description nt triggered and OLC actions are performed to reduce the cell load. Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". a cell frequently enters and leaves the overload state. conversational AMR services. oad Contr ol GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 7 DlCon B ADD W vAM S UCE R RThd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 95 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting an AMR voice service. The recommended value difference between "DlOlcRelThd" and Overl "DlOlcTrigThd" is higher than 10% because the load fluctuates. and other services. The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. the RNC admits the AMR voice service. If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. conversational non-AMR services. "DlConvAMRThd". "DlConvAMRThd". When receiving an AMR voice service request. If the predicted new downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 DlCon B ADD W vAM S UCE R RThd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting an AMR voice service. the RNC rejects the AMR voice service. Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 DlCell B ADD W Total S UCE R Thd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the total downlink power resources in HSDPA cells. the RNC predicts the new downlink load of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current downlink load and the service characteristics of the new call. If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. the RNC rejects the new call. . the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. and "DlOtherThd". For dedicated channel users. conversational non-AMR services. the RNC admits the new call. and other services. Otherwise. conversational AMR services. the RNC admits the AMR voice service. Otherwise. "DlConvNonAMRThd". The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. conversational AMR services. and other services. the RNC predicts the new downlink load of a cell after admitting a new call based on the current downlink load and the service characteristics of the new call. "DlConvAMRThd". If the predicted new downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. conversational non-AMR services. When receiving a request for such as service. For dedicated channel users. GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 90 DlOth B ADD erThd S UCE C LLC 6 AC 9 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting a service other than conversational AMR services. Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". the RNC admits the service. the RNC rejects the service.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 90 DlCell B ADD W Total S UCE R Thd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the total downlink power resources in HSDPA cells. these types of services are allocated different access priorities in . and handover services. and "DlOtherThd". the RNC admits the new call. conversational non-AMR services. If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. the RNC rejects the new call. Otherwise. "DlConvNonAMRThd". Otherwise. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 75 DlOth B ADD erThd S UCE C LLC 6 AC 9 1 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting a service other than conversational AMR services. conversational non-AMR services. Otherwise. and "DlOtherThd". Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". When receiving a conversational non-AMR service . When receiving a request for such as service. these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 75 DlCon B ADD W Admi Meaning: Threshold for admitting a conversational non-AMR vNon S UCE R ssion service. conversational AMR services. the RNC rejects the service. "DlConvAMRThd". and other services. If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. "DlConvNonAMRThd". the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. and handover services. conversational non-AMR services. the RNC admits the service. When receiving a conversational non-AMR service request. the RNC admits the conversational non-AMR service. the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. Otherwise. Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". and "DlOtherThd". "DlConvAMRThd". the RNC rejects the conversational non-AMR service. and other services. "DlConvNonAMRThd".Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d AMR Thd C 6 9 0 0 F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D LLC F Contr AC D ol MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description request. "DlConvNonAMRThd". If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. Otherwise. conversational AMR services. these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > . "DlConvAMRThd". conversational AMR services. the RNC rejects the conversational non-AMR service. and "DlOtherThd". the RNC admits the conversational non-AMR service. conversational non-AMR services. The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. and other services. conversational non-AMR services. Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 DlCon vNon AMR Thd B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting a conversational non-AMR service. and other services. and "DlOtherThd". Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". conversational AMR services.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 80 DlHO B ADD Thd S UCE C LLC 6 AC 9 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting a handover service. the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. "DlConvAMRThd". conversational non-AMR services. the RNC rejects the handover service. If the predicted downlink load is less than or equal to this threshold. Otherwise. the RNC predicts the new downlink load after admitting the service. The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. "DlConvNonAMRThd". the RNC admits the handover service. these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 85 DlHO B ADD Thd S UCE C LLC 6 W R F D Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admitting a handover service. When receiving a handover service request. the RNC . When receiving a handover service request. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 9 AC 1 0 MO D UCE LLC AC F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 0 2 0 1 0 1 Description admits the handover service. If the sum of PBR of all admitted HSDPA streaming users is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all admitted HSDPA streaming users. conversational AMR services. these types of services are allocated different access priorities in the following order: Handover services > Conversational AMR services > Conversational non-AMR services > Other services GUI Value Range: 0~100 Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 85 Hsdpa StrmP BRTh d B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the average throughput of HSDPA streaming services. Based on the parameter relationships between "DlHOThd". The threshold for admission based on downlink load can be configured separately for the following four types of services: handover services. "DlConvAMRThd". the QoS of the admitted users HSD can be satisfied and new HSDPA streaming services are allowed. "DlConvNonAMRThd". the QoS of the admitted users cannot be satisfied and PA Admi new HSDPA streaming services are rejected. conversational non-AMR services. Otherwise. and other services. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 70 . Otherwise. the RNC rejects the handover service. and "DlOtherThd". Otherwise.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 Hsdpa StrmP BRTh d B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the average throughput of HSDPA streaming services. the QoS of the admitted users cannot be satisfied and PA Admi new HSDPA streaming services are rejected. If the sum of PBR of all admitted HSDPA streaming users is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all admitted HSDPA streaming users. This parameter . ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 70 UlTot B ADD W Admi Meaning: Total number of uplink equivalent users corresponding alEqU S UCE R ssion to the 100% cell uplink capacity when the ENU-based admission serNu C LLC F Contr algorithm is used for uplink admission control. the QoS of the admitted users HSD can be satisfied and new HSDPA streaming services are allowed. Contr ol GUI Value Range: 1~60 . the value of this parameter is dynamically adjusted based on the RTWP changes in the cell.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D m D ol 0 2 0 1 0 1 6 AC 9 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC Description must be set based on the admission control threshold and the actual network conditions. GUI Value Range: 1~255 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 120 UlTot alEN UAdj Period B S C 6 9 0 SET ULD CPE RIO D W R F D 0 Admi Meaning: Period for adjusting the total number of uplink ssion equivalent users by the RTWP control algorithm. GUI Value Range: 1~255 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 120 UlTot alEqU serNu m B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Total number of uplink equivalent users corresponding to the 100% cell uplink capacity when the ENU-based admission algorithm is used for uplink admission control. This parameter must be set based on the admission control threshold and the actual network conditions. If UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter is set to on. If UL_ENU_ADJ_BAS_ON_RTWP under the "NBMCacAlgoSwitch2" parameter is set to on. the value of this parameter is dynamically adjusted based on the RTWP changes in the cell. The recommended value difference between Frequ "UlLdrRelThd" and "UlLdrTrigThd" is higher than 10% because ency the load fluctuates. Otherwise. a cell frequently enters and leaves Load the preliminary congestion state. Contr ol GUI Value Range: 1~60 Unit: s Actual Value Range: 1~60 Default Value: 5 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: Threshold for triggering uplink LDR. Balan ce GUI Value Range: 0~100 W Load Unit: % R Reshu F ffling Actual Value Range: 0~100 D Default Value: 55 0 2 . If the ratio of the uplink load to the uplink capacity is higher than or equal to this threshold for a duration longer than that specified by the "UlLdTrnsHysTime" parameter. uplink LDR (preliminary congestion state) is triggered and LDR actions are performed to Inter reduce the cell load.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d 0 UlTot alEN UAdj Period B S C 6 9 1 0 F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 2 0 1 0 1 SET ULD CPE RIO D W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 1 UlLdr B ADD W TrigT S UCE R hd C LLL F 6 DM D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLL 1 DM 0 2 Description Unit: s Actual Value Range: 1~60 Default Value: 5 Admi Meaning: Period for adjusting the total number of uplink ssion equivalent users by the RTWP control algorithm. Otherwise. uplink LDR (preliminary congestion state) is triggered and LDR actions are performed to Inter reduce the cell load. Balan ce GUI Value Range: 0~100 W Load Unit: % R Reshu F ffling Actual Value Range: 0~100 D Default Value: 55 0 2 0 .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 1 0 3 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 6 UlLdr B ADD W TrigT S UCE R hd C LLL F 6 DM D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLL 1 DM 0 2 Load Meas ureme nt Meaning: Threshold for triggering uplink LDR. If the ratio of the uplink load to the uplink capacity is higher than or equal to this threshold for a duration longer than that specified by the "UlLdTrnsHysTime" parameter. a cell frequently enters and leaves Load the preliminary congestion state. The recommended value difference between Frequ "UlLdrRelThd" and "UlLdrTrigThd" is higher than 10% because ency the load fluctuates. The filtered measurement results are taken into ureme account in the uplink CAC algorithm. nt GUI Value Range: 1~32 ADD UCE LLL DMP ARA Load Meaning: Length of the filtering window for measurement results Meas from the NodeB.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 1 0 3 W R F D 0 2 0 1 0 6 UlCac AvgFi lterLe n UlCac AvgFi lterLe n B S C 6 9 0 0 B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLL DMP ARA W R F D 0 MO 2 0 D UCE 1 LLL 0 DMP 2 ARA Load Meaning: Length of the filtering window for measurement results Meas from the NodeB. The filtered measurement results are taken into ureme account in the uplink CAC algorithm. nt GUI Value Range: 1~32 MO D W R F D 0 2 0 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 1~32 Default Value: 5 Unit: None . GUI Value Range: 1~255 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 80 DlTot alEqU serNu m B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of downlink equivalent users in a cell. this parameter specifies the total number of equivalent users corresponding to the 100% downlink load. this parameter specifies the total number of equivalent users corresponding to the 100% downlink load. Set this parameter to suit the admission control threshold and actual network requirements. When downlink power control uses the admission algorithm based on the number of equivalent users. When downlink power control uses the admission algorithm based on the number of equivalent users.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D UCE 1 LLL 0 DMP 2 ARA DlTot alEqU serNu m B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Description Actual Value Range: 1~32 Default Value: 5 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of downlink equivalent users in a cell. Set this parameter to suit the admission control threshold and actual network requirements. HUser C LLC F Contr the RNC evaluates the number of E-FACH users in the cell after . When receiving an access request from an E-FACH user. GUI Value Range: 1~255 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 1~255 Default Value: 80 MAX B ADD W Admi Meaning: Maximum number of E-FACH users that a cell can EFAC S UCE R ssion admit. .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Num D ol 0 2 0 1 0 1 6 AC 9 0 MO 0 D UCE LLC AC Description admitting the E-FACH service. the RNC accepts the access request. contact Huawei Customer Service Center for technical support. the RNC rejects the access request. Otherwise. When receiving an access request from an E-RACH user. If the evaluated result is less than or equal to the value of this parameter. the RNC evaluates the number of E-FACH users in the cell after admitting the E-FACH service. the RNC accepts the access request. Otherwise. When receiving an access request from an E-FACH user. Otherwise. GUI Value Range: 0~300 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 0~300 Default Value: 300 MaxE RAC HUser Num B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of E-RACH users that a cell can admit. If the evaluated result is less than or equal to the value of this parameter. If the evaluated result is less than or equal to the value of this parameter. the RNC rejects the access request. To modify this parameter. the RNC evaluates the number of E-RACH users in the cell after admitting the E-RACH service. This parameter is an advanced parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~300 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 0~300 Default Value: 300 MAX EFAC HUser Num B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of E-FACH users that a cell can admit. the RNC accepts the access request. the RNC rejects the access request. GUI Value Range: 1~3000000 Unit: kbit/s Actual Value Range: 1~3000000 Default Value: None . the RNC accepts the access request.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D 1 Description GUI Value Range: 0~300 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 0~300 Default Value: 300 MaxE RAC HUser Num B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD UCE LLC AC W R F D MO 0 2 D UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Maximum number of E-RACH users that a cell can admit.IP 0 Trans D IPPA 2 missi TH 0 on 1 Introd 1 uction 1 on Iub Meaning: Transmit bandwidth. To modify this parameter. GUI Value Range: 0~300 Unit: None Actual Value Range: 0~300 Default Value: 300 TXB W B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD W One IPPA R Tunn TH F el D MO . If the evaluated result is less than or equal to the value of this parameter. Otherwise. This parameter is an advanced parameter. When receiving an access request from an E-RACH user. the RNC evaluates the number of E-RACH users in the cell after admitting the E-RACH service. the RNC rejects the access request. contact Huawei Customer Service Center for technical support. Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D W R F D 0 5 0 4 0 2 W R F D 0 5 0 4 0 3 Interf ace Hybri d Iub IP Trans missi on ATM/ IP Dual Stack Node B IP Trans missi on Introd uction on Iu W Interf R ace F D 0 5 0 4 0 4 Description . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description W R F D 0 5 0 4 0 9 RXB W B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD W One IPPA R Tunn TH F el D MO .d Iub 0 IP 5 Trans 0 missi 4 on 0 2 ATM/ IP W Dual Meaning: Receive bandwidth.IP 0 Trans D IPPA 2 missi TH 0 on 1 Introd 1 uction 1 on Iub W Interf R ace F D Hybri . GUI Value Range: 1~3000000 Unit: kbit/s Actual Value Range: 1~3000000 Default Value: None . Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D R F D 0 5 0 4 0 3 Description Stack Node B IP Trans missi on Introd uction on Iu W Interf R ace F D 0 5 0 4 0 4 W R F D 0 5 0 4 0 9 TXB W B ADD W Overb Meaning: Backward bandwidth of the logical port. S AT R ookin . o n GUI Value Range: 512~149000 e Unit: kbit/s Actual Value Range: 512000~149000000 MO D Default Value: None .Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d C 6 9 0 0 ML OGI CPO RT MO D AT ML OGI CPO RT TXB W B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD AT ML OGI CPO RT MO D AT ML OGI CPO RT RXB W B S C 6 9 0 0 ADD AT ML OGI CPO RT F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description F D 0 5 0 4 0 5 g on GUI Value Range: 512~149000 ATM Trans Unit: kbit/s missi on Actual Value Range: 512000~149000000 W R F D 0 5 0 4 0 5 Overb ookin g on ATM Trans missi on Default Value: None Meaning: Backward bandwidth of the logical port. GUI Value Range: 512~149000 Unit: kbit/s Actual Value Range: 512000~149000000 Default Value: None N None Meaning: Backward bandwidth of the logical port. the QoS of the admitted users can be satisfied HSD and new HSDPA BE services are allowed. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 30 . If the sum of PBR of all admitted HSDPA BE users is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all admitted HSDPA BE users. o n GUI Value Range: 512~149000 e Unit: kbit/s Actual Value Range: 512000~149000000 MO D AT ML OGI CPO RT Default Value: None Hsdpa B ADD W BePB S UCE R RThd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 0 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the average throughput of HSDPA BE services. Otherwise.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description AT ML OGI CPO RT RXB W B S C 6 9 1 0 ADD AT ML OGI CPO RT N None Meaning: Backward bandwidth of the logical port. the QoS of the admitted users cannot be satisfied and new HSDPA BE PA Admi services are rejected. the QoS of the admitted users can be satisfied HSD and new HSDPA BE services are allowed. Otherwise. the QoS of the admitted users cannot be satisfied and new HSDPA BE PA Admi services are rejected.Para N MM meter E L ID Com man d F Featu e re a Name t u r e I D Description 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 Hsdpa B ADD W BePB S UCE R RThd C LLC F 6 AC D 9 1 MO 0 0 D 2 UCE 0 LLC 1 AC 0 1 W R F D 0 1 0 6 1 0 0 3 Admi ssion Contr ol Meaning: Threshold for admission based on the average throughput of HSDPA BE services. ssion Contr GUI Value Range: 0~100 ol Unit: % Actual Value Range: 0~100 Default Value: 30 . If the sum of PBR of all admitted HSDPA BE users is higher than or equal to the product of the value of this parameter and the sum of GBR of all admitted HSDPA BE users. Dedicated Number of dedicated DL CEs configured for an operator Node B Multi.LicenseGroup 556 Average number Node of downlink CEs B consumed by an operator Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.12 Counters Table 12-1 Counter description Count er ID Counter Name 50332 VS.DLMean.ULMean.LC.License 557 Group.Admission mode: Control None GSM: .Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.LC.DLCreditAvailable.LicenseGroup 555 Counter Description NE Average number Node of uplink CEs B consumed by an operator Featu Feature Name re ID Multi.LC. Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.LC.ULCreditAvailable.License 558 Group.Shared 559 Number of UL CEs configured for a shared group Node B Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: .Dedicated Number of dedicated UL CEs configured for an operator Node B Multi.LC.ULCreditAvailable. Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.ULMean.Shared 560 Number of DL CEs configured for a shared group Node B Multi.LC.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : .LicenseGroup.LC.LicenseGroup.Sha Average number Node 561 red of UL CEs B consumed in a shared group Multi.LC.DLMean.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID None 50332 VS.Sha Average number Node 562 red of DL CEs B consumed in a shared group Multi.DLCreditAvailable. LC.DLCreditAvailable 565 Number of Available Downlink Node B Multi.Shared of shared uplink B CEs consumed by HSUPA services of a shared group Multi.ULMean.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.LicenseG Average number Node 564 roup.LC.LicenseG Average number Node 563 roup of uplink CEs B consumed by HSUPA services of an operator Multi.HSUPA.Admission mode: Control .ULMean.HSUPA.HW. Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 .UlGroup 573 The Number of Node CEs Configured B on All Available Boards in an Uplink Resource Group Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.ULAvailable.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Hardware CEs Featu Feature Name re ID None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.CE.ULCreditAvailable 566 Number of Available Uplink Hardware CEs Node B Multi.HW. Board 583 The Number of Node Uplink CEs B Configured on a Baseband Board Multi.DLAvailable.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Board 582 The Number of Node Downlink CEs B Configured on a Baseband Board Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: .Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.CE.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.CE.ULAvailable.UlGroup 574 Mean Number Node of Uplink CEs B Consumed by All Cells in an Uplink Resource Group Multi.CE.ULMean. CE.Board 584 Mean Number of Downlink CEs Consumed by a Baseband Board Node B Multi.RlSetup.DLMean.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50332 VS.Cong 585 Number of radio Node link setup B rejections because of license congestion in terms of the signaling processing capability Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: .Reject.License. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID None 50332 VS.ULMean.HSUPA.LicenseGroup 555 Maximum Node number of B uplink CEs consumed by an Multi.Admission mode: Control None .CE.LeftPwrLmtUserRatio 855 Ratio of the Node number of B HSUPA users with limited uplink load to the total number of HSUPA users in a cell Multi.ULMax.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50341 VS.Board 586 Mean Number Node of Uplink CEs B Consumed by a Baseband Board Multi.HSUPA mode: Admission None Control GSM: Enhanced Fast None UL Scheduling UMTS : WRF D01061 202 WRF D01061 402 LTE: None 50342 VS.LC. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE operator Featu Feature Name re ID GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 .LC.Shar 561 ed Maximum number of UL CEs consumed in a shared group Node B Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.LicenseGroup 556 Maximum Node number of B downlink CEs consumed by an operator Multi.DLMax.LicenseGroup.LC.ULMax. Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS .LC.Shar 562 ed Maximum number of DL CEs consumed in a shared group Node B Multi.ULMax.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.DLMax.Shared Maximum number of shared uplink CEs consumed by HSUPA services of a shared group Node B Multi.LicenseGroup.HSUPA.LicenseGr 564 oup.LC.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.HSUPA.ULMax.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID LTE: None 50342 VS.LC.LicenseGr 563 oup Maximum Node number of B uplink CEs consumed by HSUPA services of an operator Multi. LicenseGro Minimum 569 up.Admission mode: Control .LC.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.LC.Share Minimum 568 d Number of UL CEs consumed in a shared group Node B Multi.HSUPA.ULMin.LicenseGroup.DLMin.LC.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.ULMin.Shared Number of Node B Multi.LicenseGroup.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.Share Minimum 567 d Number of DL CEs consumed in a shared group Node B Multi. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Shared uplink CEs Consumed by HSUPA Services of a shared group Featu Feature Name re ID None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.LC.ULMin.LC.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.LicenseGroup 570 Minimum Node number of B downlink CEs consumed by an operator Multi.DLMin.LicenseGroup 571 Minimum Node number of B uplink CEs consumed by an operator Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 . UlGroup 575 Maximum Node Number of B Uplink CEs Consumed by All Cells in an Uplink Resource Multi.UlGroup 574 Minimum Node Number of B Uplink CEs Consumed by All Cells in an Uplink Resource Group Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.ULMax.ULMin.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.CE.LC.ULMin.CE.Admission mode: Control None GSM: .LicenseGro Minimum Node 572 up number of B uplink CEs consumed by HSUPA services of an operator Multi.HSUPA. Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: .Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Group Featu Feature Name re ID None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.DLMin.Board 584 Minimum Node Number of B Downlink CEs Consumed by a Baseband Board Multi.Board 585 Maximum Node Number of B Downlink CEs Consumed by a Baseband Board Multi.CE.CE.DLMax.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS. CE.8/13.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 67179 VS.ULMin.Code.RRC.Cong 524 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (Code Resource 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 3.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID None 50342 VS.Board 586 Minimum Node Number of B Uplink CEs Consumed by a Baseband Board Multi.Admission mode: Control None GSM: None UMTS : WRF D02010 1 LTE: None 50342 VS.CE.6/27 .Board 587 Maximum Node Number of B Uplink CEs Consumed by a Baseband Board Multi.4/6.ULMax.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment .Rej. RAB.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67181 VS.SHOCallReq 072 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 900 DControl Requests During 02010 SHO for Cell 1 67181 VS.NewCallReq 071 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 900 DControl Requests During 02010 RAB 1 Establishment for Cell 67181 VS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67179 VS.Cong 864 Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.6/27 .RAC.HHOCallReq 074 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 900 DControl Requests During 02010 .4/6.RAB.4/6.ReconfigCallReq 073 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 900 DControl Requests Due to 02010 UE RAB 1 Reconfiguration for Cell 67181 VS.FailEstabPS.RAC.FailEstabCS.RAC.Code.RAC.Code.8/13.Cong 967 Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.8/13.6/27 .Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID and Release 67179 VS. ReconfigCallAcc 078 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 900 DControl Resource 02010 Requests Due to 1 UE RAB Reconfiguration for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description HHO for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 67181 VS.Fail.SHOCallAcc 077 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 900 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 SHO for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.HHO.RAC.TrChSwitchCallAcc 080 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 900 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 Channel Type Switch for Cell 67189 VS.NewCallAcc 076 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 900 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 RAB Establishment for Cell 67181 VS.TrChSwitchCallReq 075 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 900 DControl Requests During 02010 Channel Type 1 Switch for Cell 67181 VS.HHOCallAcc 079 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 900 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 HHO for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.Cong 859 Number of Failed Requests for Code BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 .RAC.Code.RAC.RAC. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Resources During HHO for Cell 67190 VS.ULCE.8/13.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.FailEstabCS.DLCE.4/6.Cong 404 67190 VS.RAB.4/6.6/27 .4/6.6/27 .RRC.Rej.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer .RAB.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.8/13.FailEstabCS.Cong 407 NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (UL CE 1 Resource Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (DL CE 1 Resource Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of BSC6 WRF Failed CS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (UL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of BSC6 WRF Failed CS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 Admission Control 3.Cong 405 67190 VS.Cong 406 67190 VS.ULCE.8/13.RRC.6/27 .Rej.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.DLCE. Fail.ULCreditUsed.4/6.FailEstabPS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 0 67190 VS.DLCE.DLCreditUsed.6/27 .4/6.Min 166 Minimum Usage BSC6 WRF Admission of UL Credit for 900 DControl Cell 02010 1 67191 VS.ULCE.Cong 408 67190 VS.LC.RAC.Max 165 Maximum Usage of UL Credit for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.8/13.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 67191 VS.DCCC.Max 167 Maximum Usage of DL Credit for Cell 67191 VS.DLCreditUsed.LC.8/13.LC.Cong 409 Establishment and Release Number of BSC6 WRF Failed PS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (UL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of BSC6 WRF Failed PS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 3.RAB.6/27 .FailEstabPS.LC.RAB.Min 168 Minimum Usage BSC6 WRF Admission of DL Credit for 900 DControl Cell 02010 1 67191 VS.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 BSC6 WRF Admission .ULCE.ULCreditUsed. DCCC.RAC.SHO.Cong 492 BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 Number of Failed Requests for UL CE .RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.HHO.ULCE.Cong 840 Number of Failed Requests for DL CE Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.Fail.RAC.Cong 841 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL CE 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67191 VS.RAC.DLCE.ULCE.RAC.Fail.DLCE.RAC.Fail.NewCallReq.Fail.SHO.ULCE.Cong 842 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL CE 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67191 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 839 Failed Requests for UL CE Resources During DCCC for Cell 900 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.Fail.C Number of 843 ong Failed Requests for Uplink CE Resources During RAB Establishment for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.DLCE.C Number of 844 ong Failed Requests for Downlink CE Resources During RAB Establishment for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67192 VS. 8/13.Cong 609 BSC6 WRF 900 D- 3.6/27 .ULIUBBand.6/27 .RAB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Resources During HHO for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 67192 VS.RAC.RRC.Fail.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.FailEstabCS.DLIUBBand. Number of BSC6 WRF 610 Cong Failed CS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.HHO.Rej.4/6.DLIUBBand.RRC. Number of 611 Cong Failed CS RAB Admission 67192 VS.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release .Rej.8/13.RAB.Cong 493 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL CE 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Cong 608 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (UL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (DL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.ULIUBBand.DLCE.FailEstabCS.4/6. NewCallReq.8/13.Cong Failed BSC6 WRF 900 D- HSUPA Admission .FailEstabPS.Fail.HSDPA Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 916 Num.4/6.8/13.FailEstabPS.NewCallReq. Number of BSC6 WRF 612 Cong Failed PS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.RAB.8/13.Cong Failed 900 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSDPA User 003 Number Exceeding Threshold During RAB Establishment for Cell 67192 VS.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 67192 VS.HSUPA Number of 917 Num.6/27 .4/6.RAC.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.6/27 .4/6.6/27 WRF .DLIUBBand.RAB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) NE Featu Feature Name re ID 02010 Control 1 3.2Kbps RRC DConnection 01051 and Radio 0 Access Bearer Establishment and Release 67192 VS.RAC.ULIUBBand.Fail. Number of BSC6 WRF 613 Cong Failed PS RAB 900 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (UL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 3. RAC.Cong 918 NE Featu Feature Name re ID 01061 Control 202 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for Code 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.SHO.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 920 ng Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.RAC.RAC.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Admissions Due to HSUPA User Number Exceeding Threshold During RAB Establishment for Cell 67192 VS.RAC.DLIUBBand.HSUPANum.Code.ULIUBBand.Fail.SHO.Fail.DCCC.Code.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 919 ng Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.RAC.Fail.Fail.Co Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA 921 ng Failed 900 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.SHO.Cong 922 Number of Failed Requests for DL Code Resources BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 .SHO. RAC.C Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 923 ong Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL CE 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.Cong Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 925 ng Failed Requests 900 DControl for Code 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.C Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 924 ong Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL CE 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.TrChSwitch.Code.Fail.RAC.TrChSwitch.Fail.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID During DCCC for Cell 67192 VS.RAC.RAC.HSDPA Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA .Fail.TrChSwitch.DLIUBB Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 927 and.ULCE.TrChSwitch.Cong Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.TrChSwitch.Fail.Fail.Fail.RAC.ULIUBB Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 926 and.RAC.DLCE.TrChSwitch. HHO.HSDPANum.HHO.C 931 ong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.DLIUBBand.RAC.HHO.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA Failed 900 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.C 930 ong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.Fail.RAC.RAC.Count er ID 928 Counter Name Num.C Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 932 ong Failed 900 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSDPA User 003 Number Exceeding Threshold During HHO for .Fail.Cong Counter Description NE Failed 900 Admissions Due to HSDPA User Number Exceeding Threshold During Channel Type Switch for Cell Featu Feature Name re ID DAdmission 01061 Control 003 67192 VS.ULIUBBand.HSUPA 929 Num.TrChSwitch.RAC. DLPower.RAC.RAC.Fail.HHO.HHO.Fail.RAC.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Cell 67192 VS.ULPower.RAC.C Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA 933 ong Failed 900 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Cong 939 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL Power 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.HSUPANum.Fail.DLPower.DCCC.SHO.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 942 Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL Power 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.HHO.RAC.ULPower.Fail.RAC.Fail.Cong 940 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL Power 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.SHO.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 941 Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL Power 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.Con Number of 943 g Failed Requests for UL Power Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 .ULPower. 6/27 .Rej.RRC.TrChSwitch.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.RAC.RAC.Fail.4/6.Cong Failed Requests 900 DControl for UL Power 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.4/6.Cong Failed Requests 900 DControl for DL Power 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67193 VS.Rej.FailEstabCS.RAB.ULPower.Co Number of BSC6 WRF 3.RRC.DLPowe Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 946 r.Cong 609 67193 VS.ULPower.Fail.TrChSwitch.6/27 .Con Number of 944 g Failed Requests for DL Power Resources During DCCC for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67192 VS.DCCC.ULPowe Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 945 r.DLPower.8/13.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description 67192 VS.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release Admission .Cong 610 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (UL Power 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRejects for Cell 02010 (DL Power 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67193 VS.8/13.DLPower.Fail.RAC. 4/6.FailEstabCS.6/27 .UL.8/13.FailEstabPS.Co Number of 613 ng Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.8/13.RAB.Count er ID 611 Counter Name ng Counter Description Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) NE 900 Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 3.RAB.4/6.Co Number of 612 ng Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.8/13.Co Number of 614 ng Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.4/6.RAC.4/6.8/13.ULPower.EqvUserNum 663 BSC6 WRF 900 D- Mean Number of UL Admission Control .DLPower.RAB.DLPower.6/27 .6/27 .2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67199 VS.FailEstabPS.6/27 .2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67193 VS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67193 VS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67193 VS. Fail.EqvUserNum 664 Mean Number BSC6 WRF Admission of DL 900 DControl Equivalent 02010 Voice UEs in 1 CEL_DCH State for Cell 67202 VS.ULCreditUsed.DLPow Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 830 er.NewCallReq.Mean 570 Mean Usage of DL Credit for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67202 VS.FailEstab.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Equivalent Voice UEs in CEL_DCH State for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 02010 1 67199 VS.DLIUB Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 831 Band.HSDPA.LC.Cong Failed HSDPA 900 DAdmission Service 01061 Control Establishments 003 Due to DL Iub Bandwidth Insufficiency for Cell 73393 VS.RAB.RAB.ULPow Number of BSC6 WRF Admission .LC.Mean 567 Mean Usage of UL Credit for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 67202 VS.HSDPA.RAC.Cong Failed HSDPA 900 DAdmission Service 01061 Control Establishments 003 Due to DL Power Insufficiency for Cell 73393 VS.MeanPwr 921 Average CPICH BSC6 WRF Admission Power for Cell 900 DControl 02010 1 73393 VS.CPICH.RAC.DLCreditUsed.DL.FailEstab. ULIUB 964 Band.Cong Counter Description NE Failed Requests 900 for Uplink Power Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for Downlink 02010 Power 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73393 VS.DLPow 962 er.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 963 ng Failed Requests 900 DControl for Code 02010 Resources in the 1 RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73393 VS.NewCallReq.UE.Max.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for Uplink Iub 02010 Bandwidth 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73393 VS.NewCallReq.NewCallReq.Count er ID 961 Counter Name er.Fail.NewCallReq.Fail.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 900 DControl for Downlink 02010 Iub Bandwidth 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73403 VS.Fail.Fail.RAC.Code.RAC.Cong 73393 VS.DLIUB 965 Band.Cell 761 Maximum Number of HSUPA UEs in BSC6 WRF HSUPA 900 DAdmission 01061 .RAC.HSUPA.RAC. D2F Related to the Failed Number of D2F Process Triggered by DCCH Congestion BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 73423 VS.Max.F2D Related to the Failed Number of F2D Process Triggered by DCCH Congestion BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 73423 VS.HSDPA.DCCH.DSP.TrChSwitch.UE.Ove Counters 957 rload.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description a Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 202 Control WRF Admission DControl 02010 1 73403 VS.Free 469 Maximum Number of Free HSDPA Users in a Cell BSC6 WRF HSDPA 900 DAdmission 01061 Control 003 73423 VS.C Counters 955 ong.RAC.HSDPA.D2F Related to the Failed Number of D2F Process Triggered by DSP Overload BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 73426 VS.UE.C Counters 956 ong.Max.Fail.ULCreditUsage.NodeB.TrChSwitch.Fail.TrChSwitch.Cell 763 Maximum Number of HSDPA UEs in a Cell BSC6 WRF HSDPA 900 DAdmission 01061 Control 003 Admission WRF Control D02010 1 73423 VS.Cell.0 BSC6 WRF Number of Admission .Fail.RAC.DCCH.RAC. ULCreditUsage.NodeB.2 950 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 500 per mill (Included) and 550 per mill 73426 VS.3 951 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 550 per mill (Included) and 600 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.1 949 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 250 per mill (Included) and 500 per mill 73426 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 948 Times the 900 Uplink NodeB Credit Resource Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 0 per mill (Included) and 250 per mill DControl 02010 1 73426 VS.4 952 Number of Times the Uplink NodeB BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 .NodeB.NodeB.ULCreditUsage.NodeB. NodeB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Credit Resource Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 600 per mill (Included) and 650 per mill NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 73426 VS.8 956 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 .NodeB.ULCreditUsage.NodeB.ULCreditUsage.5 953 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 650 per mill (Included) and 700 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.NodeB.7 955 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 750 per mill (Included) and 800 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.6 954 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 700 per mill (Included) and 750 per mill 73426 VS. ULCreditUsage.DLCreditUsed.9 957 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 850 per mill (Included) and 900 per mill 73426 VS.NodeB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 800 per mill (Included) and 850 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.NodeB.10 958 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 900 per mill (Included) and 950 per mill 73426 VS.NodeB.Max 963 Maximum Downlink NodeB Credit Resource Consumption for UE BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 .11 959 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 900 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Greater than or Equal to 950 per mill 73426 VS.NodeB.ULCreditUsage. ULIUCSBan Number of CS 181 d.RRC.Rej.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Admission 73426 VS.6/27 .DLCreditUsed.Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by DL Iu-CS Congestion for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.Cong 174 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRequest 02010 Rejected due to 1 NodeB UL CE Congestion for WRF Cell D01051 0 Admission Control Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 900 DRequest 02010 Rejected due to 1 NodeB DL CE Congestion for WRF Cell D01051 0 Admission Control 73428 VS.NodeBULCE.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 73428 VS.RRC.8/13.Min 964 Minimum Downlink NodeB Credit Resource Consumption for UE Admission 73428 VS.4/6.FailEstabCS.4/6.NodeB.NodeBDLCE.6/27 .6/27 .4/6.FailEstabCS.Cong 175 BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.Rej.Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused BSC6 WRF Admission 900 D02010 .RAB.8/13.8/13.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 73428 VS.DLIUCSBan Number of CS 180 d.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.RAB. 2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 73428 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description by UL Iu-CS Congestion for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 Control WRF D01051 0 3.8/13.DLCreditUsage.8/13.0 316 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 0 per mill(Included) and 250 per mill 73428 VS.ULIUPSBand Number of PS 184 .Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by DL Iu-PS Congestion for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.NodeB.1 317 Number of Times That NodeB BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 .4/6.DLCreditUsage.RAB.DLIUPSBand Number of PS 183 .6/27 .8/13.FailEstabPS.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 73428 VS.6/27 .Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by UL Iu-PS Congestion for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 3.NodeB.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 73428 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.6/27 .4/6.4/6. 5 321 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 650 per mill(Included) .DLCreditUsage.NodeB.NodeB.NodeB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Downlink Credit Usage for UE Admission Is between 250 per mill(Included) and 500 per mill NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 73428 VS.NodeB.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.2 318 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 500 per mill(Included) and 550 per mill 73428 VS.3 319 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 550 per mill(Included) and 600 per mill 73428 VS.4 320 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 600 per mill(Included) and 650 per mill 73428 VS. NodeB.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.10 326 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 .NodeB.8 324 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 800 per mill(Included) and 850 per mill 73428 VS.7 323 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 750 per mill(Included) and 800 per mill 73428 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID and 700 per mill 73428 VS.NodeB.6 322 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 700 per mill(Included) and 750 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.9 325 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 850 per mill(Included) and 900 per mill 73428 VS.NodeB.DLCreditUsage.NodeB. LCG.DLCreditUsage.0 328 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 0 per mill(Included) and 250 per mill 73428 VS.NodeB.2 330 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 500 per mill(Included) and 550 per mill 73428 VS.1 329 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 250 per mill(Included) and 500 per mill 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Usage for UE Admission Is between 900 per mill(Included) and 950 per mill 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage.11 327 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is Is Greater than or Equal to 950 per mill 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage.LCG.3 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission .LCG.ULCreditUsage.LCG. 5 333 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 650 per mill(Included) and 700 per mill 73428 VS.4 332 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 600 per mill(Included) and 650 per mill 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.LCG.LCG.7 335 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 750 .LCG.ULCreditUsage.LCG.6 334 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 700 per mill(Included) and 750 per mill 73428 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 331 Times That 900 LCG Uplink Credit Usage for UE Admission Is between 550 per mill(Included) and 600 per mill DControl 02010 1 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage. ULCreditUsage.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID per mill(Included) and 800 per mill 73428 VS.LCG.ULCE.FinalC Number of PS 350 ong RAB Setup Failures Caused BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 .9 337 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 850 per mill(Included) and 900 per mill 73428 VS.FailEstabPS.LCG.ULCreditUsage.LCG.ULCreditUsage.10 338 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 900 per mill(Included) and 950 per mill 73428 VS.8 336 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 800 per mill(Included) and 850 per mill 73428 VS.LCG.ULCreditUsage.11 339 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 900 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is Greater than or Equal to 950 per mill 73428 VS.RAB. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description by Admission Failures in the Last Candidate Cell Due to UL CE Congestion NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 3.RAC.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum.RAC.UL. CELLPCH.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection and Radio D01051 Access Bearer Establishment 0 and Release WRF Intra System D02040 Direct Retry 001 73428 VS.FailCellUpdt.M Maximum BSC6 WRF Admission 534 ax Number of 900 DControl Adjusted Uplink 02010 Equivalent 1 Users for Cell 73428 VS.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum.8/13.EqvUserNum.DL.RAC.RAC.Max 639 Maximum Number of Downlink Equivalent Users on All DCHs for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 73428 VS.Cong 882 Number of BSC6 WRF Failed State 900 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_DCH WRF Due to Resource DCongestion for 01020 Admission Control UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH.M Minimum BSC6 WRF Admission 535 in Number of 900 DControl Adjusted Uplink 02010 Equivalent 1 Users for Cell 73428 VS.6/27 . URA- .P2D.EqvUserNum.Max 638 Maximum Number of Uplink Equivalent Users on All DCHs for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 73428 VS.4/6. P2D.CSConv.P2D.Cell.Fail.Free 142 HSDPA Admission Average Number of Free BSC6 WRF 900 D- UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH.Mean. URAPCH. CELLFACH) 73428 VS.DCCC.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF 885 Failed State 900 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_FACH WRF and then to DCELL_DCH for 01020 Existing Data 2 Transmission Requirements Due to Resource Congestion for Cell Admission Control 73441 VS. URAPCH. CELLPCH. CELLFACH) .F2D.AfterP2F. URAPCH.OldRAB.FailCellUpdt.FailCellUpdt. CELLFACH) UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH. CELLPCH.UE.HSDPA.Con Number of BSC6 WRF 883 g Failed State 900 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_DCH for WRF New CS DServices Due to 01020 Resource 2 Congestion for Cell Admission Control 73428 VS.Con Number of BSC6 WRF 884 g Failed State 900 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_DCH for WRF Existing Data DTransmission 01020 Requirements 2 Due to Resource Congestion for Cell Admission Control 73428 VS. CELLFACH) UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 2 PCH. CELLPCH. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description HSDPA Users in a Cell 73443 VS.NodeB.DLCreditUsed.Mean 299 Average Downlink NodeB Credit Resource Consumption for UE Admission NE Featu Feature Name re ID 01061 Control 003 BSC6 WRF Admission 900 DControl 02010 1 73444 VS.RAC.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum.M Average BSC6 WRF Admission 379 ean Number of 900 DControl Adjusted Uplink 02010 Equivalent 1 Users for Cell 67179 VS.RRC.Rej.Code.Cong 524 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (Code Resource 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 67179 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.Code.Cong 864 Number of Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67179 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.Code.Cong 967 Number of Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (Code Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67181 VS.RAC.NewCallReq 071 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 910 DControl Requests During 02010 RAB 1 Establishment for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.SHOCallReq 072 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 910 DControl Requests During 02010 SHO for Cell 1 67181 VS.RAC.ReconfigCallReq 073 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 910 DControl Requests Due to 02010 UE RAB 1 Reconfiguration for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.HHOCallReq 074 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 910 DControl Requests During 02010 HHO for Cell 1 67181 VS.RAC.TrChSwitchCallReq 075 Number of Cell BSC6 WRF Admission Resource 910 DControl Requests During 02010 Channel Type 1 Switch for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.NewCallAcc 076 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 910 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 RAB Establishment for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.SHOCallAcc 077 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 910 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID SHO for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.ReconfigCallAcc 078 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 910 DControl Resource 02010 Requests Due to 1 UE RAB Reconfiguration for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.HHOCallAcc 079 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 910 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 HHO for Cell 67181 VS.RAC.TrChSwitchCallAcc 080 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Successful Cell 910 DControl Resource 02010 Requests During 1 Channel Type Switch for Cell 67189 VS.RAC.HHO.Fail.Code.Cong 859 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for Code 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67190 VS.RRC.Rej.ULCE.Cong 404 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (UL CE 1 Resource Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (DL CE 1 Resource Admission Control 67190 VS.RRC.Rej.DLCE.Cong 405 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Congestion) 67190 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULCE.Cong 406 67190 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLCE.Cong 407 67190 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULCE.Cong 408 67190 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLCE.Cong 409 NE Featu Feature Name re ID WRF D01051 0 Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release Number of BSC6 WRF Failed CS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (UL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of BSC6 WRF Failed CS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of BSC6 WRF Failed PS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (UL CE 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of BSC6 WRF Failed PS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL CE 1 Congestion) WRF Admission Control 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67191 VS.LC.ULCreditUsed.Max 165 Maximum Usage of UL Credit for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.LC.ULCreditUsed.Min 166 Minimum Usage BSC6 WRF Admission of UL Credit for 910 DControl Cell 02010 1 67191 VS.LC.DLCreditUsed.Max 167 Maximum Usage of DL Credit for Cell 67191 VS.LC.DLCreditUsed.Min 168 Minimum Usage BSC6 WRF Admission of DL Credit for 910 DControl Cell 02010 1 67191 VS.RAC.DCCC.Fail.ULCE.Cong 839 Number of Failed Requests for UL CE Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.RAC.DCCC.Fail.DLCE.Cong 840 Number of Failed Requests for DL CE Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.ULCE.Cong 841 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL CE 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67191 VS.RAC.SHO.Fail.DLCE.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 BSC6 WRF Admission Count er ID Counter Name 842 Counter Description NE Failed Requests 910 for DL CE Resources During SHO for Cell Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.ULCE.C Number of 843 ong Failed Requests for Uplink CE Resources During RAB Establishment for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67191 VS.RAC.NewCallReq.Fail.DLCE.C Number of 844 ong Failed Requests for Downlink CE Resources During RAB Establishment for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67192 VS.RAC.HHO.Fail.ULCE.Cong 492 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL CE 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.RAC.HHO.Fail.DLCE.Cong 493 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL CE 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.RRC.Rej.ULIUBBand.Cong 608 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (UL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release Count er ID Counter Name 67192 VS.RRC.Rej.DLIUBBand.Cong 609 Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (DL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLIUBBand. Number of BSC6 WRF 610 Cong Failed CS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.ULIUBBand. Number of BSC6 WRF 611 Cong Failed CS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (UL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.DLIUBBand. Number of BSC6 WRF 612 Cong Failed PS RAB 910 DEstablishments 02010 for Cell (DL Iub 1 Bandwidth Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 67192 VS.RAB.FailEstabPS.ULIUBBand. Number of Admission BSC6 WRF 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.4/6.8/13.6/27 .2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release NewCallReq.NewCallReq.SHO.Fail.HSUPA Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA 917 Num.RAC.Fail.8/13.Cong Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSDPA User 003 Number Exceeding Threshold During RAB Establishment for Cell 67192 VS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67192 VS.RAC.4/6.Code.6/27 .Fail.ULIUBBand.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 919 ng Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During SHO for .Fail.RAC.Cong 918 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for Code 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.SHO.HSDPA Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 916 Num.Cong Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During RAB Establishment for Cell 67192 VS.RAC.Count er ID 613 Counter Name Cong Counter Description NE Failed PS RAB 910 Establishments for Cell (UL Iub Bandwidth Congestion) Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 3. Fail.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Cell 67192 VS.RAC.TrChSwitch.Co Number of 925 ng Failed Requests for Code BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 .DLCE.RAC.HSUPANum.DCCC.Fail.SHO.TrChSwitch.Fail.Fail.Fail.C Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 923 ong Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL CE 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.ULCE.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 920 ng Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.Co Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA 921 ng Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.TrChSwitch.DLIUBBand.RAC.SHO.Code.Code.RAC.Cong 922 Number of Failed Requests for DL Code Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67192 VS.RAC.RAC.Fail.C Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 924 ong Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL CE 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS. Cong Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSDPA User 003 Number Exceeding Threshold During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.TrChSwitch.TrChSwitch.Fail.HHO.ULIUBB Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 926 and.Fail.Fail.DLIUBB Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 927 and.RAC.Fail.HSDPA 928 Num.RAC.TrChSwitch.RAC.Cong Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.TrChSwitch.Fail.Cong Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.HSUPA 929 Num.RAC.RAC.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Resources During Channel Type Switch for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 67192 VS.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.C Number of BSC6 WRF Admission .ULIUBBand. DLIUBBand.HHO.RAC.RAC.RAC.SHO.Fail.C Number of BSC6 WRF HSUPA 933 ong Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSUPA User 202 Number Exceeding Threshold During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.HHO.C 931 ong Counter Description NE Failed Requests 910 for UL Iub Transmission Resources During HHO for Cell Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL Iub 02010 Transmission 1 Resources During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.HHO.Count er ID 930 Counter Name ong 67192 VS.SHO.Fail.C Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 932 ong Failed 910 DAdmission Admissions Due 01061 Control to HSDPA User 003 Number Exceeding Threshold During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Cong 939 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL Power 02010 Resources 1 During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.Cong 940 Number of Failed Requests for DL Power Resources BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 .RAC.HSDPANum.DLPower.HSUPANum.Fail.RAC.ULPower. RAC.Con Number of 943 g Failed Requests for UL Power Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67192 VS.HHO.TrChSwitch.Fail.RAC.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID During SHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.Con Number of 944 g Failed Requests for DL Power Resources During DCCC for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67192 VS.RAC.Fail.ULPower.Cong Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL Power 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell .Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 941 Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL Power 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.Fail.DLPower.ULPowe Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 945 r.TrChSwitch.HHO.RAC.Fail.Cong Failed Requests 910 DControl for UL Power 02010 Resources 1 During Channel Type Switch for Cell 67192 VS.RAC.Fail.RAC.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 942 Failed Requests 910 DControl for DL Power 02010 Resources 1 During HHO for Cell 67192 VS.DLPowe Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 946 r.DCCC.DLPower.DCCC.ULPower. FailEstabCS.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 67193 VS.RAB.FailEstabCS.DLPower.Co Number of 612 ng Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.RAB.ULPower.DLPower.8/13.Co Number of 611 ng Failed CS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.6/27 .Rej.8/13.FailEstabPS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67193 VS.8/13.RRC.RRC.Rej.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission .4/6.Cong 609 67193 VS.4/6.4/6.6/27 .RAB.6/27 .4/6.ULPower.6/27 .ULPower.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release 3.Cong 610 Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (UL Power 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRejects for Cell 02010 (DL Power 1 Congestion) WRF D01051 0 Admission Control 3.Count er ID Counter Name 67193 VS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67193 VS.8/13. FailEstabPS.8/13.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.6/27 .2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 67199 VS.RAC.LC.6/27 .Mean 567 Mean Usage of UL Credit for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67202 VS.Mean 570 Mean Usage of DL Credit for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 67202 VS.LC.UL.MeanPwr Average CPICH BSC6 WRF Admission .RAC.Co Number of 614 ng Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (DL Power Congestion) NE 910 Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 3.DLPower.4/6.Count er ID 613 Counter Name ng Counter Description Failed PS RAB Establishments for Cell (UL Power Congestion) 67193 VS.EqvUserNum 664 Mean Number BSC6 WRF Admission of DL 910 DControl Equivalent 02010 Voice UEs in 1 CEL_DCH State for Cell 67202 VS.ULCreditUsed.DL.CPICH.RAB.EqvUserNum 663 Mean Number BSC6 WRF Admission of UL 910 DControl Equivalent 02010 Voice UEs in 1 CEL_DCH State for Cell 67199 VS.DLCreditUsed.8/13.4/6. DLPow Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 830 er.HSDPA.RAC.NewCallReq.RAC.RAC.NewCallReq.DLIUB Number of BSC6 WRF HSDPA 831 Band.Cong Failed HSDPA 910 DAdmission Service 01061 Control Establishments 003 Due to DL Power Insufficiency for Cell 73393 VS.FailEstab.RAB.FailEstab.NewCallReq.Cong Failed HSDPA 910 DAdmission Service 01061 Control Establishments 003 Due to DL Iub Bandwidth Insufficiency for Cell 73393 VS.Fail.RAB.ULPow 961 er.Count er ID Counter Name 921 Counter Description Power for Cell NE 910 Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 73393 VS.Co Number of BSC6 WRF Admission 963 ng Failed Requests 910 DControl for Code 02010 Resources in the 1 RAB Setup Procedure for .DLPow 962 er.Fail.HSDPA.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for Downlink 02010 Power 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73393 VS.Fail.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for Uplink 02010 Power 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73393 VS.Code. DCCH.Max.Cell.Fail.RAC.Max.UE.UE.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for Uplink Iub 02010 Bandwidth 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73393 VS.Cell 763 Maximum Number of HSDPA UEs in a Cell BSC6 WRF HSDPA 910 DAdmission 01061 Control 003 Admission WRF Control D02010 1 73423 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Cell 73393 VS.RAC.Max.NewCallReq.ULIUB 964 Band.TrChSwitch.Free 469 Maximum Number of Free HSDPA Users in a Cell BSC6 WRF HSDPA 910 DAdmission 01061 Control 003 73423 VS.HSUPA.HSDPA.UE.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Failed Requests 910 DControl for Downlink 02010 Iub Bandwidth 1 Resources in the RAB Setup Procedure for Cell 73403 VS.Cell 761 Maximum Number of HSUPA UEs in a Cell BSC6 WRF HSUPA 910 DAdmission 01061 Control 202 Admission WRF Control D02010 1 73403 VS.Fail.C Counters BSC6 WRF Admission .NewCallReq.Fail.HSDPA.RAC.DLIUB 965 Band. C Counters 956 ong.2 950 Number of Times the Uplink NodeB BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 .NodeB.UP.NodeB.NodeB.1 949 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 250 per mill (Included) and 500 per mill 73426 VS.0 948 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 0 per mill (Included) and 250 per mill 73426 VS.TrChSwitch.Count er ID 955 Counter Name ong.D2F Related to the Failed Number of D2F Process Triggered by DCCH Congestion NE 910 Featu Feature Name re ID DControl 02010 1 BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 73425 VS.Fail.F2D Counter Description Related to the Failed Number of F2D Process Triggered by DCCH Congestion 73423 VS.DCCH.RAC.ULCreditUsage.D2F Related to the 910 DControl Failed Number 02010 of D2F Process 1 Triggered by UP Overload 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.Overl Counters BSC6 WRF Admission 655 oad.RAC.Fail.TrChSwitch. 3 951 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 550 per mill (Included) and 600 per mill 73426 VS.5 953 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 650 per mill (Included) and 700 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.4 952 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 600 per mill (Included) and 650 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.NodeB.6 954 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 .Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Credit Resource Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 500 per mill (Included) and 550 per mill NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 73426 VS.NodeB.NodeB.NodeB. ULCreditUsage.10 958 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for .Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 700 per mill (Included) and 750 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.NodeB.NodeB.NodeB.8 956 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 800 per mill (Included) and 850 per mill 73426 VS.ULCreditUsage.9 957 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 850 per mill (Included) and 900 per mill 73426 VS.NodeB.7 955 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Between 750 per mill (Included) and 800 per mill 73426 VS. DLCreditUsed.8/13.Rej.4/6.NodeBDLCE.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID UE Admission Is Between 900 per mill (Included) and 950 per mill 73426 VS.Cong 175 Admission Control 3.Min 964 Minimum Downlink NodeB Credit Resource Consumption for UE Admission BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 73428 VS.NodeB.2Kbps RRC Connection and Radio Access Bearer Establishment and Release Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Admission Connection 910 DControl Request 02010 .Rej.11 959 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times the 910 DControl Uplink NodeB 02010 Credit Resource 1 Utilization for UE Admission Is Greater than or Equal to 950 per mill 73426 VS.NodeB.NodeB.Max 963 Maximum Downlink NodeB Credit Resource Consumption for UE Admission BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 73426 VS.RRC.NodeBULCE.RRC.DLCreditUsed.6/27 .ULCreditUsage.Cong 174 Number of RRC BSC6 WRF Connection 910 DRequest 02010 Rejected due to 1 NodeB UL CE Congestion for WRF Cell D01051 0 73428 VS. 6/27 .FailEstabPS.ULIUPSBand Number of PS 184 .6/27 .4/6.Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by DL Iu-CS Congestion for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.RAB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Rejected due to NodeB DL CE Congestion for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 3.FailEstabPS.8/13.RAB.ULIUCSBan Number of CS 181 d.4/6.8/13.4/6.FailEstabCS.4/6.FailEstabCS.4/6.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection and Radio D01051 Access Bearer Establishment 0 and Release 73428 VS.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 73428 VS.8/13.8/13.Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by UL Iu-CS Congestion for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.6/27 .2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 73428 VS.Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by DL Iu-PS Congestion for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.6/27 .Cong RAB Setup Failures Caused by UL Iu-PS BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 3.RAB.DLIUCSBan Number of CS 180 d.6/27 .DLIUPSBand Number of PS 183 .8/13.RAB.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release 73428 VS. NodeB.0 316 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 0 per mill(Included) and 250 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.NodeB.1 317 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 250 per mill(Included) and 500 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.2 318 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 500 per mill(Included) and 550 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.3 319 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 550 per mill(Included) .NodeB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Congestion for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 1 .2Kbps RRC Connection WRF and Radio Access Bearer D01051 Establishment and Release 0 73428 VS.NodeB. NodeB.6 322 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 700 per mill(Included) and 750 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.NodeB.NodeB.NodeB.5 321 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 650 per mill(Included) and 700 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID and 600 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.NodeB.8 324 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 .7 323 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 750 per mill(Included) and 800 per mill 73428 VS.DLCreditUsage.4 320 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 600 per mill(Included) and 650 per mill 73428 VS. 11 327 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is Is Greater than or Equal to 950 per mill 73428 VS.1 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission .ULCreditUsage.0 328 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 0 per mill(Included) and 250 per mill 73428 VS.NodeB.NodeB.LCG.DLCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.DLCreditUsage.10 326 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 900 per mill(Included) and 950 per mill 73428 VS.NodeB.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Usage for UE Admission Is between 800 per mill(Included) and 850 per mill 73428 VS.LCG.9 325 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl NodeB 02010 Downlink Credit 1 Usage for UE Admission Is between 850 per mill(Included) and 900 per mill 73428 VS. 4 332 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 600 per mill(Included) and 650 per mill 73428 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID 329 Times That 910 LCG Uplink Credit Usage for UE Admission Is between 250 per mill(Included) and 500 per mill DControl 02010 1 73428 VS.LCG.3 331 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 550 per mill(Included) and 600 per mill 73428 VS.LCG.ULCreditUsage.LCG.5 333 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 650 .LCG.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.2 330 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 500 per mill(Included) and 550 per mill 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage. LCG.LCG.8 336 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 800 per mill(Included) and 850 per mill 73428 VS.10 338 Number of Times That BSC6 WRF 910 D- Admission Control .ULCreditUsage.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID per mill(Included) and 700 per mill 73428 VS.9 337 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 850 per mill(Included) and 900 per mill 73428 VS.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.6 334 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 700 per mill(Included) and 750 per mill 73428 VS.LCG.ULCreditUsage.ULCreditUsage.LCG.7 335 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is between 750 per mill(Included) and 800 per mill 73428 VS.LCG. M Maximum BSC6 WRF Admission 534 ax Number of 910 DControl Adjusted Uplink 02010 Equivalent 1 Users for Cell 73428 VS.UL.6/27 .Max 638 Maximum Number of BSC6 WRF 910 D- Admission Control .11 339 NE Featu Feature Name re ID 02010 1 Number of BSC6 WRF Admission Times That 910 DControl LCG Uplink 02010 Credit Usage for 1 UE Admission Is Greater than or Equal to 950 per mill 73428 VS.RAC.RAB.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum.RAC.LCG.8/13.2Kbps RRC WRF Connection Dand Radio 01051 Access Bearer 0 Establishment and Release WRF DIntra System 02040 Direct Retry 001 73428 VS.FinalC Number of PS 350 ong RAB Setup Failures Caused by Admission Failures in the Last Candidate Cell Due to UL CE Congestion BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 3.FailEstabPS.M Minimum BSC6 WRF Admission 535 in Number of 910 DControl Adjusted Uplink 02010 Equivalent 1 Users for Cell 73428 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description LCG Uplink Credit Usage for UE Admission Is between 900 per mill(Included) and 950 per mill 73428 VS.4/6.ULCreditUsage.EqvUserNum.RAC.ULCE.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum. CELLPCH.DL.Con Number of BSC6 WRF 883 g Failed State 910 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_DCH for WRF New CS DServices Due to 01020 Resource 2 Congestion for Cell Admission Control 73428 VS.OldRAB. URAPCH. CELLPCH. CELLFACH) UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH. URAPCH. CELLFACH) .FailCellUpdt.P2D. URAPCH. CELLPCH. CELLFACH) UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH.RAC.P2D.FailCellUpdt.FailCellUpdt.Max 639 Maximum Number of Downlink Equivalent Users on All DCHs for Cell BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 73428 VS.Con Number of BSC6 WRF 884 g Failed State 910 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_DCH for WRF Existing Data DTransmission 01020 Requirements 2 Due to Resource Admission Control UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH.Cong 882 Number of BSC6 WRF Failed State 910 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_DCH WRF Due to Resource DCongestion for 01020 Cell 2 Admission Control 73428 VS.Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description Uplink Equivalent Users on All DCHs for Cell NE Featu Feature Name re ID 02010 1 73428 VS.CSConv.EqvUserNum.P2D. Count er ID Counter Name Counter Description NE Featu Feature Name re ID Congestion for Cell 73428 VS.DLCreditUsed.F2D. URAPCH. see Glossary.Cong Number of BSC6 WRF 885 Failed State 910 DTransitions from 02010 CELL_PCH/UR 1 A_PCH to CELL_FACH WRF and then to DCELL_DCH for 01020 Existing Data 2 Transmission Requirements Due to Resource Congestion for Cell Admission Control UE State in Connected Mode (CELLDCH. CELLPCH.Mean.Fail.HSDPA. CELLFACH) 73441 VS.AdjUlTotalEqUserNum.Free 142 Average Number of Free HSDPA Users in a Cell BSC6 WRF HSDPA 910 DAdmission 01061 Control 003 73443 VS. abbreviations.RAC. terms.Mean 299 Average Downlink NodeB Credit Resource Consumption for UE Admission BSC6 WRF Admission 910 DControl 02010 1 73444 VS.M Average BSC6 WRF Admission 379 ean Number of 910 DControl Adjusted Uplink 02010 Equivalent 1 Users for Cell 13 Glossary For the acronyms.DCCC.UE.NodeB.Cell.AfterP2F. and definitions. 14 Reference Documents . 1. 2. 7. 3. 6. 8. 5. Load Control Feature Parameter Description HSDPA Feature Parameter Description Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description Transmission Resource Management Feature Parameter Description Radio Bearers Feature Parameter Description MBMS Feature Parameter Description License Management Feature Parameter Description CE Resource Management Feature Parameter Description . 4.
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