Ramadan Mubarak

March 19, 2018 | Author: Dhanish Truman | Category: Quran, Muhammad, Ramadan, Planets, Alchemy



RAMADAN MUBARAKhttp://amirfatir.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan.htm Get Hair Direct www.HairDirect.com Great Hair. Zero Risk. Guaranteed. Manage Your Hair From Home. RAMADAN MUBARAK, RAMADAN KARIM Hey, you who (strive to attain) Nirvana, abstention is written upon (your nature) just like it was written upon those from before you, so that you might retain (your semen). -- Quran 2:183 In other writings I’ve translated “alladhina amanu” as “those who are unconditioned” and “those who (strive to attain) Amen.” The Amen state is the unconditioned state where the initiate realizes that he is essentially unconditioned and undifferentiated. His mind is still and he insperiences the No Thingness of ultimate reality. In Buddhism, that state is called Nirvana. In the West more people are familiar with Nirvana than its corresponding terms Amen (kamitic), Ain Soph Ur (Qaballah), or Wu Chi (Taoism). So I will occasionally translate “amana” Nirvana to provide insight into this highly technical word. It’s a verb, in this case and would more accurately be “hey, you who Amenize,” but that might be confusing. In modern English, we seldom use the word “O.” To get someone’s attention, we are far more likely to say, “Hey!” While that may seem too colloquial for scripture, it’s apropro when we know the core meaning of “hey.” 1 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan.htm Hey derives from the Arabic “Hayya,” which means life. Among American Indians it is a sacred chant: “Hayya, hayya, hayya.” The word causes a vibration in the crown chakra and, when accompanied by drumming and dance, can place you into trance. In Quran 2:255 Allah Himself is named “Hayya.” So I think “hey” is very appropriate. The word siyaam refers to a broad range of abstentions. The word itself means abstention. Hans Wehr: “Sama (siyaam) to abstain; to abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse.” Over time, highly technical terms were lost or obscured. The main purpose of siyaam is to abstain from ejaculation, not sexual intercourse per se, Since, for men, ejaculation usually accompanies intercourse, the two have been so associated that now people think abstention means from intercourse, but it actually means from ejaculation. Most of the written scriptures were for young male initiates. Few of the goddess texts for women have seen print. When we grasp that young men were the students for whom the coded words were intended we can begin to see that some hyperbole, exaggeration and embellishment is employed to drive important points home. Since young men, often teenagers, would have next to no control over their sexual energies and will ejaculate with the slightest stimulation, the texts are replete with warnings to stay away from women, because of the temptresses, don’t be beguiled by their beauty, and all that jazz. When non-initiates got ahold of the texts meant for the true initiates, they took the hyperbolic warnings as the true, permanent, unalterable word of God. This has led to the shameful oppression of women. So what’s the big deal about ejaculation? Religion’s Prime Directive is the alchemical transformation of animalistic man into divine man. Everything else is secondary. All the injunctions, prohibitions, dietary practices, ceremonies and rituals exist to further that end. 2 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan.htm Wise initiates can safely apply those alchemical principles to help society and to gradually uplift the ignorant masses. But when Religion’s Prime Directive is forgotten and it mainly becomes a means of crowd control then Religion degenerates into what Marx said it was, the opiate of the masses. Religion’s prime directive has been coded in various ways. For example, the Quran teaches that the Objective of every human is to return to Allah. The Bible says “ye are all gods.” Since the purpose of Religion is to reach divinity, Religion is a journey. Thus, it is called a Path, a Way, a Road, the Tao. Diyn, Siraat, Sabil are all words that mean a Way or Path. To successfully make the journey, fuel (energy) is necessary. And to use fuel, storage units to hold it are required. Sperm cells are the storage units men have to store the energy that can propel them from animal to divine. Man is like a 3-stage rocket. He has a physical body, an energy body, and a spirit body. Energy (chi, ruach, prana) must be stored and then refined (like crude oil to gasoline) to enable the energy body to separate from the physical body to travel to the cosmic realms. Still another separation is required to free the spirit body from the energy body to travel to the divine worlds. This special energy is called Kundalini or Salaat. The Prophet’s Night Journey to the seven heavens occurred by his riding a special white animal called a borak. This is code for Kundalini. Among the Sufis, baraka (borak) means Kundalini. So when we greet people with “Ramadan Mubarak,” we’re actually wishing them Kundalini activation during the month of abstention. The Tao masters known as the Eight Immortals rode dragons to heaven. This, like the Night Journey, symbolizes consciousness ascension (and out-of-body projection) by riding the kundalini current (symbolic dragon). Witches’ Broom Sticks Female initiates, called witches, were said to fly on broomsticks. Just as male initiates used their common instruments to symbolize occult secrets, so did women. 3 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM high above the towns and villages. -. By riding the stick to higher and higher orgasms she reached ecstatic trance which facilitated her projecting out of the body. Because group energy increases the “juice” exponentially.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. female sexual energy is stored in their ovaries and breasts. the sister of Aaron. 4 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . And Miriam the prophetess. Sing ye to the Lord. the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. so that the soft lunar light can shine upon their breasts and vaginas and thereby greatly increase their energy and their depth of trance. The women often dance skyclad.tripod. A very beautiful. for he hath triumphed gloriously. and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.e. took a timbrel in her hand. I promise not to tell the cavemen everything. the women often conjured up the power by dancing in groups.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Astrologically. I hope my sisters will forgive me for letting a little bit of light shine on a secret or two.Exodus 15: 20-21 The yogic Full Moon Yoni Puja is a sacred divine feminine rite. It was such a joyous experience that the witches were depicted laughing as they flew about. As male sexual energy is stored in their testicles. in the nude. The broomstick is simply the male penis which the woman “rides” by mounting the man.. a “shameful” act during the middle ages. the Moon rules the breasts. i. And Miriam answered them.htm Kundalini reaches a very high level when it is activated to sexual heat. Witches Brew Some of the women’s rites were secret (“sacred”) and concealed from men. sacred act became demonized by those with little real knowledge. especially under moonlight in the forest. tripod. is the engine that turns the universe. Dancing helps transmute ching (sexual force) into chi. a masturbatory device or finger used to bring the female initiate to orgasm. Again.Quran 22:67 Nectars of the Goddess The women initiates soon discovered that the Rituals and kundalini heating transmuted their vaginal secretions into a powerful nectar.” and “salsabil” in various scriptures. -. According to Mantak Chia. Dances like Taoist and Yogic Trance Dance bring the center of gravity down to the lower Tan Tien which helps increase chi pressure that naturally moves the body in natural waves. literally. The brew is the chi force that is stirred steamed and slowly cooked to refine it. It has an innate erotic and sensual quality to it. vibration in their various organs which is very blissful. So the wise women kept their rites secret. although they are excited by female sexuality. Moving the hips activates the sacral pump and opens the hip joints to facilitate chi flow. Belly dancing is a ritualistic dance that is associated with fertility rites and conjuring the feminine forces of the cosmos.htm Dancing and pressing their bare feet to the earth causes earth energy to rise up through the soles of their feet and causes trembling. It is too powerful. dancing becomes a moving energy meditation that fills the joints with chi and generates joy. Deep down. the stirring instrument symbolizes the male penis. The purified and refined secretions of women initiates have been called “ambrosia” nectar of the gods.” “Zanjabil.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. 5 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . “ “Soma drink.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. The lower Tan Tien (behind the navel) is the cauldron in which the witch stirs her brew. It. The heat to promote the cooking is sexual stimulation. men fear it. To every nation We appointed Rituals they must devoutly observe. Saad Material wealth 15. Tha Love 5. Men learned they could access those powers by anointing a Talisman with them or by licking them directly from the woman initiate. Ta Keeping venomous creatures away 17. Siyn Separation and divorce 13. Ha Victory in battle 7. a Fountain therein named Salsabil. 1. Ra Misfortune in Love 11. the nectars were derived from goddesses. Cheyn Dealing with enemies 6 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . Za Harmony in marriage 12. Jiym Material well being 6.htm They are given to drink therein a cup whose mixture is Zanjabil.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan.tripod. Alif Good Fortune 2. Shiyn Friendships 14. Daad Keeping thieves away 16. Kha Overcoming illness 8. -. Ba Separation and ill will 3. On certain days of a woman’s menstrual cycle her vaginal secretions radiate particular magical powers. ‘Ayn Aiding hunters 19. Daal Maintaining Health 9. Ta Gaining Official Favor 4. Dhaal Spirituality 10. Women initiates endeavor to evolve or transmute into a replica of them.Quran 76:17-18 Originally. Tza Aiding births 18. Magical Powers in Vaginal Secretions According to the 28 Day Menstrual Cycle which matches the cycle of the Moon and 28 Arabic Letters. As Heru symbolizes the Sun. Separation is a must There are 14 alchemical processes required to turn lead into gold. -. Joseph and his brothers are symbolized as 12 planets. Arabic’s 14 solar letters also stand for those alchemical processes. Jesus. that makes 14. I saw eleven planets plus The Sun and the Moon – I saw them prostrating to me. 26. plus Mary Magdalene (the symbolic Moon) makes 14. Heru the Elder. but some were destroyed. etc. Heru son of Isis. Fa Dealing with fugitives Qaaf Destruction Ka Domesticated animals Laam Vegetation Miym Gaining love and favor Nvwn Liquids and containers Ha Water creatures Waw Destruction Ya Reconciliation Ill treatment of women throws off their emotional equilibrium and diminishes the powers within their vaginal secretions. 24. The processes are also coded as the 14 Kau (Transformations) of Ra and the 14 pieces of Osris’ body. 21.Quran 12:4 In the above verse. Heru Khenti Amenta. These Herus actually encode the 14 alchemical processes.tripod. These are Heru Pa Khart. the operation of disuniting or decomposing substances.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. 28. In Kamitic sciences there are 14 Herus. 27.htm 20. The 5th process is called separation.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. With the luminaries. 25. His 12 disciples. 23. Herukhuti. Revelation says the dragon’s tail knocked out 1/3 7 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . 22. This solar system should contain 12 planets. ” When the Honorable Elijah Muhammad preached that “separation is a must. turning the human dross or lead into spiritual gold.e.htm of the planets in the solar system (“heaven”). part 2 In most men orgasm and ejaculation are one and the same.” There are various techniques which facilitate non-ejaculatory orgasm. Uninitiates translate mu'min into “believers” and mutaqqin as “righteous. But careful observation reveals that there is a brief period of from one to four seconds between the beginning of orgasm and the ejaculatory reflex which spurts forth semen. Animals are before us and when they are sick. The ancient cultures practiced abstentions including fasting. i.” everybody thought he meant racial separation. This is accomplished through a technique Master Mantak Chia calls the Big Draw. The male initiate cultivates increasing the separation between ejaculation and orgasm until he is able to achieve orgasm without ejaculating and thus he retains his masculine sexual energy. The divine wisdom is conveyed in code or "Twilight language. With practice that will reduce. Eventually. Abstaining from food and drink helps one to reduce his sexual urges.tripod. in our nature.” The root word is waqa which means “to preserve. he will be able to experience orgasms in his Tan Tiens. Egyptian archetype of sexual energy cultivation) or mutaqqin (one who has mastered semen preservation and retention). the student initiate may lose 60% of his semen. The blood is kept in the head. not the belly. Separation is a must. At first. The Quran says abstention (fasting) is written upon us.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.. just like it’s in the nature of those before us. When 8 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . He was actually referring to the ancient alchemical principle and the greater alchemy is inner alchemy.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. enlightenment. in body organs for healing or in his brain to facilitate enlightenment. When he becomes adept he is called a mu’min (master of the practices of Min. The purpose of cultivating abstention is to develop semen retention. They know that fasting promotes healing. they don’t eat. ” we are preserving the code Krim which activates the highest kundalini power called 9 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . Witness the Grand Canyon. Ramadaan. Earlier we wrote that there were once 12 planets in our solar system. rimma. Fasting brings greater clarity to dreams. Venus use to “attack” other planets.” It is the 9th month of the lunar calendar. enervated or worn out. blood concentrates in the stomach and then seeps those few inches down into the genitals awakening arousal. Celestial bodies have slammed into other bodies. Mercury. The dryness brings on the sense of heat. Sun. When we say “Ramadan Karim.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. cadavers. the dry. deserts. The Great Dryness Ramadaan means “double dryness. Earth has been hit. emaciated.” Its noun. Vulcan. In Kamitic Science Binah is called Seker.”We have. The most daunting part of the Ramadan fast is the abstention from fluids.htm we eat. means “cadaver. orbiting between the Sun and Mercury. old people and time. to be repaired. gaunt. then. Ramma means “to decay.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Seker’s master heka is Krim.tripod. rot. Ramadan seems to be a combination of ramma and daniya (danan). Those planets should accord with the 12 months. Jupiter and Saturn. We are left to try to cope in this dysfunctional family of planets. emaciated or gaunt. Moon. In 2009 a comet or asteroid hit Jupiter. The solar system is in trauma and that is why people are so messed up. We need Religion to be a crutch to help us stay upright in a shock-trauma style solar system. Saturn on the Tree of Life The sphere called Binah is the same as Saturn. It rules such things as cemeteries. a great or double dryness designed to repair through making one lean. Saturn is considered cold and dry. Mars. earthy planet Saturn is the 9th celestial body counting from Earth. bones.” Danan means “to become lean. Many scientists posit the existence of a small planet. If Vulcan exists or if Chiron really is a small planet. The physical fast is a means of supporting that goal. Venus. The purpose of the abstention is to cultivate semen retention. That makes Saturn the significator of the 9th month. Sakiynah and Shen in various traditions.tripod. “I cannot read. suddenly. Then the third time. (It is) a guidance to the (forgetful) individuals and clear evidence of the guidance and the Discrimination. Shekinah. He created man from corruption (‘alaq).htm Shekem. Gabriel said: “Read in the name of your Lord who created. He taught the (forgetful) individual what he never knew (before). “We read the Quran in Ramadan so that the Quran can be revealed to us. “Read!” ordered Gabriel.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Shakti. Gabriel appeared.” Muhammad again replied. The meaning God gives me might be different than what He gives you.Quran 2:185 There Quran says. The Quran was sent down to Muhammad by Allah through Gabriel on the 27th night of the month. “But I cannot read.” said Muhammad.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Gabriel: Arch-Angel of the Moon Ramadan is the month in Which the Quran was Sent down. So both Ramadan Mubarak and Ramadan Karim refer to the kundalini force. “Surely We are always revealing”.” 10 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . -. albeit covertly. He it is who taught with the Oracle. Read! And your Lord is most generous. pressed Muhammad to his chest and commanded him to read. We need an adult understanding of what that is actually teaching us. Muhammad ibn Abdullah was fasting and meditating in the cave of Hira when. According to the story. That blessed (mubarak) night is known as Lailat al-qadr (Night of Karma). Allah.e. So it is reinforcing the 9th sphere as the one in charge of the process. his consciousness reached the deeper subconscious levels. Yesod/Auset.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Each means that the newly born divine consciousness must be nourished by regular mediumistic trance induction. who is shown suckling her baby. however. This continues until the rising 11 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . archetype of revelation) were all lunar divinities. Gabriel. Heru. The revelation was downloaded or sent down from the higher regions of consciousness. Auset (Isis). The Moon is the planetary basis for trance and. i. The Angels and The Ruh (Spirit) descend during it by the permission of their Guru (to address) every command. Gabriel pressing Muhammad to his chest is code for the same thing as Isis suckling Heru or Mary nursing baby Jesus. The Night of Karma is better than a month’s AliF. In the Arabian mythology. Gabriel symbolizes the faculty that induces trance. Muhammad had a visionary experience. The Night of Karma being on Ramadan 27 is code. Shadai and Tehuti (Thoth. At the deepest regions one encounters divine light or Ra filling the Underworld of Tuat. the Merciful Rahman We definitely sent it down in the Night of Karma. Another spirit in charge of the 9th sphere is Shaddai. the breasted one. now misplaced at 96:1-5. In the Tree of Life Gabriel is the arch-angel of the 9th sphere.” In Kamitic iconography the sphere is ruled by Auset. an experience which is classified under the 3rd Tree of Life sphere Seker (Saturn). “the many breasted one. the many breasted one has lost her breasts and we are left with a male angel forcibly squeezing the prophet to his chest. Hira means light.tripod.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. The principle of the 9th sphere is meditative trance. But you don’t even realize what the Night of Karma is. Salaam. over the eons..htm This was the first Quranic revelation. Muhammad was meditating in the cave. 27 = 2 + 7 = 9. In the Name of Allah. The prophets don’t just pop out of the womb and get chosen by God at whim.Quran 2:28 If you “return to Him. you put in work and earned it. God is fair and just. Mozart wrote symphonies at the age of three.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan.htm of the Dawn. The yearned the right to be spiritual masters by their hard labor in previous lives.. -.” Some refer to karma as predestination and make it a 6th pillar of Islam: Talents and gifts were earned in previous lives.” If you have a special ability. Before Abraham was. As the Quran teaches.” then you were once already with Him before.tripod. People live many times and accumulate talents during their lives. though not necessarily in this life. Even psychic and spiritual abilities are the result of effort applied in previous lives.e. It was probably earned in prior lives. How can you suppress in Allah [i.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. -.Quran Surah 97 The Arabic Qadr is equivalent to the Yogic Karma. That gift was earned through study and practice in other lives. -. hence “Night of Karma. I am.John 8:53 12 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . Allah within] and you were dead and He revived you? Then he kills you then revives you (and) then you return to Him. “man can have nothing but what he earned. The Sumerian tablets refer to it as the family of Anu and his children Ea. Anu was the Cup Bearer (Prime Minister) of Alalu on the Planet Nibiru. -.htm Those who We gave the Book recognize him like they recognize their sons. Dumuzi and Ausar (though Dumuzi/Tammuz and Ausar might be the same). Inanna/Ishtar. The Jews are the chosen gold collectors for Anu’s kids in the world today. One of Anu’s sons.” That family is known by many names.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Adad and Ninurta.tripod. including their rivalries. Briefly. Enlil’s children include Nannar/Sin. Goldstein. Ea (Enki) was dispatched to Earth to find gold which was needed to protect Nibiru’s decaying atmosphere. failures and achievements. Goldman and Gold. Enlil.Quran 6:20 There is a misunderstanding among Islamic learned people as to the identity of “the People of the Book” and “those who were given the Book. Erra (Nergal). and Ninharsag. Enlil (“The Beneficent.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. The offspring of Enki and Enlil have been rivals ever since. 13 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . then they cannot attain the Amen level. Enki’s gold mining was inadequate. All peoples were enslaved to mine gold for their gods. They control the global money supply. Anu overthrew Alalu who escaped in a spaceship not unlike the Shah’s flight by jet from Iran at the beginning of the Islamic Revolution.” Ahl-l-kitaab means “family of the Book or Record or Scripture. romances. the Merciful”) in charge of Operation Gold. That is why gold is sacred around the world. Utu/Shamash. Those who have lost their souls. That is why they carry names like Goldberg. so Anu put his younger son. The bulk of the Scriptures of antiquity chronicle the events in the lives of that one family. Engishzidda. Enki’s kids include Marduk. you alone. Offspring. Ninharsag is Het-Heru (Hathor). Ninharsag. one of the other. Surely Allah chose Adam and the family of Nuwh (Noah) and the descendants of Abraham and the descendants of Amran over the nations? -. “My Lord. I dedicate what is in my womb to you.tripod. a female. When the wife of Amran said. Enki is also known as Ptah.Quran 3:33 .com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. she said: “My Lord.35 14 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .Quran 3:32 Question: what “Nations” existed when Adam was alive for Allah to choose him over? Same question for Noah. Ningishzidda is Tehuti (Tawoot or Thoth) and In-Anna or Hanna is “the wife of ‘Imraan” of Surah 3 of the Quran.” -. are the Hearing Scientist.” But Allah best knew what she’d delivered.htm The beautiful daughter of Anu. “And I have named her Maryam and I commend her offspring to your protection from the Missle-Struck Shaytaan. Erra as Ra (although Zechariah Sitchen thinks Marduk is Ra). And Allah is a Hearing Scientist. And the male is not like the female. I have delivered it.” So when she delivered it. So accept it from me. was given control of space facilities and mining operations for lapis lazuli and bronze.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Surely you. botanist and zoologist.” i. As David was a master musician.tripod. the T’s being replaced by D’s. Tehuti was known as the supreme scientist. the family of David. The divine Engishzidda is Tehuti whose Coptic name was Tawoot. Anna is none other than Inanna (Ishtar or Ashtoreth). “he who sent the combatants home in peace.htm These are some of the Family of the Record. then David could not have been human. -. Most female Anunnaki wore the feminine title Nin. husbandry and had the epithet. So we can now identify King David (Dawud) as the wisdom deity Tehuti. This wife of ‘Amran (‘Imraan) is named Anna. peacemaker.Quran 38:26 15 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . -.e.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. In Quran 34:13. magic (technology). but Inanna was a bit different. lest it lead you astray from the path of Allah. creator of music. the Jinn are called the “Aala Dawuwd. astronomy. medicine. The “In” is a prefix meaning divine. David! Surely we have made you a Khalifah in the Earth..” And to (David and Solomon) We gave wisdom and science. If the Jinn (military or security force of the Anunnaki) are David’s family. math. David/Tehuti is one of the few people named as world rulers in the Quran.Quran 21:78 Wisdom (hukm) is the sphere of the Tree of Life that Tehuti rules. so judge between the humans with the Heka and don’t follow the desire. In Arabic that becomes Dawud (Dawood).com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. granddaughter of Anu and sister of the Airforce commander Shamash (Arabic Shams). Hey. ..com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Elishah.tripod. The Great Mythology 16 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .Quran 16:89 The Quran says that the Akashic Record or Mother of the Book is a book that “leaves out nothing. Prophets. etc. The Y became a J and hence there were Elijah. But hints endured as to their original status. etc. In Sumer. are able to see events in the past and future. We have sent down the Record To you (that’s) an explanation For everything and a guidance And a mercy and prophetic Information for the Muslims (i. Dingar meant “fiery rocket ship” and only the gods were riders of the Dingar. Those who achieve unshakeable Inner peace).e. -.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. initiates who reach sphere 2 of the Tree of Life. but to sages who have the Akashic Record downloaded into their consciousness.htm The Family of the Scripture referred to divine or cosmic beings who were downgraded to human status in Semitic texts. Those writings become the scriptures.” That book is not the Quran of 114 Surahs. Mica-El (Michael). In Canaan. the prefix En was replaced by the suffix El. Hence. What they see is sometimes told (usually orally) to their disciples and they reduce some of that to writing. For example. the Jewish worshippers of Yah (Yahweh) began to use an “ah” suffix. Jonah. the angels Jabr-El (Gabriel). small or big. Rafa-El (Raphael). Later.e. the designation of a god or extraterrestrial was Dingar. Literally. i. not to the Family of the Book. Later the Sumerians designated them with the titles En or Nin. “Those who were given the Book” refer. the Quran doesn’t teach how to raise the Salaat (although the scriptures of India do). Isaiah. RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. No. 17 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . Every year the Sun/son of God is reborn from a Virgin. those stories are told by special conveyors called griots.” Much of the Quran consists of a collection of the old stories. a circle. “Jesus was born of a virgin. They seem to be as old as the people who possess them. The Greek myths. when Muhammad recited them. These include a picture of a mother. the Ramayana and Mahabhrata of India and the Hebrew scriptures are all among the great myths of the world. people dismissed them as “stories of the ancients. By myth.htm All peoples have stories. As a statement can be factual yet devoid of truth.” The stories contained in the Quran are so old that. myths contain truths so deep they defy the linear processes of left brain logic.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. the pictures become animated and though these animated pictures. For example. Thanks to Carl Jung we know that everyone is born with a databank of graphic images he called genetic memory. In Africa. so can a story be true (on multiple levels) without necessarily being factual. the Sumerian tablets. In our dreams. Thousands of initiates have been transformed (“died”) on the cross of the Four Elements and been brought back to life (spiritually awakened) after dying to the World. the Egyptian divine histories.tripod. interpreted in a particular way. academics have labelled them mythological. died on the cross and then came back from the dead” is a cosmic truth whether or not such a physical man ever existed. I do not imply untrue. which rises at the moment of the Winter Solstice. fish etc. a snake. Because they have layers of meanings. even as babies. stories that are so old that no one can say who authorized them. The root of Quran is qara’a which means “he collected things together. the Quranic Surah on Joseph is pretty much the same as the Genesis story about him. higher spiritual beings teach and guide us. the Mayan stories. the sign of Virgo. that’s code for the zodiacal cycle (Jacob) starting in Aquarius. medicinal.. Superman’s father is Jor-El. Let’s take the Greek Story in which the god Uranus ate his children. His eldest son Saturn overthrew him and forced him to spit out the kids as rocks. initiatory.T. Uranus rules Aquarius and it gets replaced by Capricorn/Saturn (“eldest son” since Saturn rules old age) and then Capricorn is replaced by Sagittarius/Jupiter. They also often explain alchemical processes in a coded. The story of E. Krypton. snakes are poisonous killers who hide in the folds of the nomadic tents.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Why the differences? In tropical areas snakes kill rodents and reduce disease. For example a snake appears in every people’s mythology. The physical environment affects the story (myth) a great deal. human. a man of steel like Jesus was a “manchild” who would rule with a rod of iron. then.tripod. He was a big shot (prince) of a heavenly kingdom. when Saturn became a tyrant.htm Natural stories are made or perhaps remembered from our angel lessons and these stories become part of the myths of a nation. In tropical regions the snake is a wise. Such stories bespeak a symbolic truth on multiple levels: cosmic. E. Then. The Superman myth is but a technocratic remake of the story of Jesus. subatomic. When Genesis calls Reubin Jacob’s eldest son. He is a saviour for the world.T. was a body of such myths which some would call Fairy Tales and miss the deeper truths they convey. was a variation on that same theme. Quicksdraw McGraw All art amounts to a variation on the theme of the myths. the snake is an evil devil. This story codes the precession of the equinox ages. But in the deserts. died and came back to life. 18 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . The most powerful stories become part of a special mythology that becomes scripture.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. like Jesus. El means God. I think the mother figure was actually named Mary. The Quran. his brother Zeus (Jupiter) dethroned him and made Saturn stay out on the outer edge of Mount Olympus. and meditative. The Book of Daniel also codes the Ages brought in by precession. friendly creature. But in the desert. symbolic manner. Quicksdraw McGraw is a horse. Two Currents When the Quran speaks of Gardens beneath which rivers flow. it is code for the kundalini currents that flow through the nadis (meridians). the sign just before Capricorn..e. Sagittarius. many cartoons encode some of the sacred wisdom. It always comes down from the higher regions and settles at man’s heart. there. The other flows from the soles of the feet. -.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. There are two main currents: one flows from the top of the head down (north to south). The current that flows north to south is called Sakiynat.htm Children love and identify with cartoons because the animated images of their dreams are very similar to TV cartoons. Also Salaat. Like scriptures.. These represent polarities as shown by their glyphs which are inversions of each other: . He it is who sent down the Sakiynat into the hearts of The Min initiates. Every episode he tells his sidekick: “Hold on.” So one is a Quickdraw and the other is slow and delaying. Babalooie!” Babalooie is simply Babalu Aye or Saturn/Capricorn whose function is to delay. i. i. Shechinah.e. perineum and coccyx (“Earthgate”) upward (south to north).tripod. The Quran calls such meridians “tracts in the Earth.” Kundalini energy supports or upholds trance induction.Quran 48:4 19 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . Babalu Aye is also the same as Seker/Saturn and the sign Capricorn. to “hold on there. Lazarus is code for Ausar (El-Asar-us/Osiris). Shakti. so the rivers flow “beneath” the gardens (trance states). The Haitians associate the god Babalu Aye with Lazarus. Shekem and Shen. The current that flows south to north is kundalini proper and its Islamic code name is mubarak.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. 20 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .D. The 11 days are a reminder for initiates of the 11 principles and worlds depicted on the Tree of Life. kundalini and Sakiynat.Quran 9:26 The higher force.tripod. -.htm Then Allah sent down His Sakiynat on the Messenger and upon the Min initiates. That makes you receptive to the wisdom from the Quran that should be read throughout the month. The word Ramadan (Ramadaan) is a dual word.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Is the Veil Really Islamic? Every century a Reviver is necessary to clean Religion of all of the man-made cultural debris that’s become attached to it. not Sakiynat itself. The fast of no fluid keeps you in a perpetual state of mild trance. Mubarak and Karim. The lunar year’s 354 days are 11 days shorter than the solar year’s 365.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Rama is the name of the ancient fire god of India. Overcoming the Gravitation of Materialism Imam W. is established at the 3rd Tree of Life sphere whose master heka is Krim. the duality standing for the two currents. But these are the reaction to Sakiynat. So Ramadan Mubarak and Ramadan Karim conceals the two types of energy. They are two fires. Because Sakiynat energy is very subtle and can put you to sleep or into a trance. Sakiynat. the word is often translated calm or tranquillity. It also facilitates important dreams that contain messages. It stands for the two fires that dry you out and make you lean. Ramadan’s purpose to help us to overcome material appetites and programmed conditionings. Muhammad published an article with the above title. The Abstention is a type of austerity that helps to break our identification with the lower self or nafs al-ammaarah. Danan is to make lean. tripod. But no “thou shalt wear a beard” commandment appears anywhere in the Quran.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. men wore their hair long. This edict seeped into the general culture and to this day. Roman army culture has become a religious tenet: cut your hair… for Christ’s sake. In many churches in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. They wore veils to protect their faces from the desert sand which can seriously damage the skin during a sandstorm. I am not saying it is wrong to adhere to cultural practices. This custom seeped into church culture. not religious. Furthermore there is no mention of a prayer rug in the Quran. pashas and other rich rulers used ornate rugs as status symbols of wealth and luxury.” Yet. in most of those churches. In European culture men use to hide knives under their helmets. although women do all the time. There is nothing Islamic about the veil. There is never to be any Compulsion through the Deen [Way or Religion]. to show benign intent. Arab women wore veils way before Muhammad taught Islam.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. there was a picture of Jesus himself (or an Aryan fantasy of him) with long hippy hair and no one noticed the irony. It would be considered sacrilegious for a man to wear his hat inside a church. A lot of Arab men are so hyped up over beards that they actually think you cannot be a Muslim if you don’t wear a beard. men are expected to wear short hair. preachers excoriated “those long-haired hippies who don’t love God and hate their country. Later on. Beard fanaticism is cultural. One of the Roman generals declared that Roman soldiers had to cut their hair so the long hair couldn’t be grabbed in battle by Rome’s enemies. it became customary for men to remove their hats when they entered a dwelling. The right direction is clearly 21 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . So. The purpose of the rug was to protect people’s faces from the desert sand when they prostrated. But it is wrong to make your customs obligatory in the religion and to punish people who refuse to abide by your cultural imperialism.htm Before the Roman Empire. i. Libra is the sign of integration and marriage. unity. -. hierarchical relations. Human beings need to be balanced in order to live and function as the Designer intended. Water is submissive. but not at all weak. Your Women are Clothes One of the meanings of the duality signified by the “aan” in Ramadaan is the unification of the masculinity and femininity in man. And raise up the balance with equity and don’t lose the balance. Although it assumes the shape of its container it is indestructible and can cut through solid rock. militarily. separatism. Through yoga we discover that opposites are really polarities or extremes of the same continuum.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. The primary polarity is that of male/female. against hot. Now.tripod.Quran 55:9 In Arabic. Whole regions are powered by water via dams. Cultures that become overly male are prone to excessive war. It also breeds animosity which keeps Muslims in a perpetual defense posture.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. 22 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . destructive Aryan fire. Tawheed functions to integrate and unify opposites. it is a feminine culture. African-Americans are also ruled by a submissive feminine sign. I am not saying those peoples are weak. despite its strength.Quran 2:256 One problem with the three Desert Religions is that as soon as their numbers grow they start trying to compel people to submit to them and their ways. discrimination and pollution. That is a violation of the Quran.e. Because Africa is ruled by Cancer. Cultures that are overly female are easily enslaved. Pisces. watery people are virtually defenceless. The Arabic word al-meezaan (the balance) is also the name for Libra. -. yoga is Tawheed. violence.htm Distinguished from error. Yet.. For example. The chi force exchanged between husband and wife can. “Doggy style. to send healing energy to a friend or family of the wife. both having the hl root.” Helios (sun) is the primary healing planet and its archangel.” would be used to affect a relative of the husband or events in his life. so the English heal and the Arabic halaal. should and does engender health and longevity – if the husband knows what he’s doing. or integrating one with the other.” and “hail. is the Divine Physician.” “holistic. Rafael. A hammer might represent her father if he was a carpenter or a wrench if he was a mechanic. is the approach to your women.htm Ramadaan is an opportunity for balance to be achieved between opposing energies via wedding.” “helios. are “whole. have similar or related meanings. the night of the Abstention Fast. The Abstention by day is completed by sexual energetic exchange by night. 23 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . marrying. but it also means healthy. the couple can visualize healing in themselves or in others.Quran 2:187 I learned from Imam Benjamin Bilal of New York that the word halaal not only means lawful. That could be the Jupiter glyph or the solar disk and an item that stands for the person. she should be on top with her back facing him while she looks at or visualizes a symbol set that represents healing energy going to the person. There are various sexual positions which direct energy to specific purposes. -.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. The good Imam has shown that word roots cross languages.tripod. Lawful for you. It is healthy for you to approach your wives sexually on the nights of the Fast. then. So uhilla (lawful in the above ayat) also connotes healthy. Some words in that family.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them. The Ra or Salaat force raised during the intercourse would understand the symbol and go forth to heal the father of the wife. To facilitate and promote healing. Without women there would be no civilization.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. That science is half of what true religion is all about.tripod. The clothes reflect a certain mindset and they also generate or reinforce that mindset. Clothing protects you from the weather. water enriched land) to express her value and preciousness. Clothing reflects the civilization of which you are a part.Quran 2:223 Each tantric position channels and directs energy to achieve a particular willed objective. an idea-seed. Causing one’s will to manifest appropriately is a heavy science. and affects our behaviour. Ramadan is a reminder of the need to resolve dualities and to establish Tawheed (yoga or unity). Within man and woman is an awesome irresistible force that is electromagnetic in nature and which can accomplish anything you will. A wife both reflects the man’s consciousness and feeds it. A wife is called a tilth (cultivated. so go into your tilth However you will. a mantra or word of power. every object. the elements. There is a symbiotic relationship between apparel and the wearer of it. Women are. moist arable earth. -. Note that I said “will” and not “want.” The Arabic word for will is shay. A tilth is the proper place for a farmer to plant seeds.htm Your women are a tilth for You. in that manner. person and circumstance is the expression and embodiment of someone’s will. a clothing for men and vice-versa. And a spouse protects the mate from all manner of temptations vices and even diseases. microscopic sperm cell and incubate it and cause it to grow into a human being.” So every thing. But there is another “seed” that a wise initiate implants. event. Put a uniform on a man and see how he acts.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. 24 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . The same word also means “thing. There was nothing more valuable in the deserts of Arabia than rich. Just as a woman is the only being who can take a little. A husband also plants seeds into his wife. so also is she the goddess power that can magnify and develop a spiritual seed into a new divine reality. Various things can act as triggers to activate their unseen program commands. the God of Humanity from the harm (that comes from) the whispering of the Retrograde (Khanaas). To try to side-step sexual power in religion is like trying to blaze up fire but ignoring or pretending to discount the presence of heat.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. lamas. the King Of Humanity.htm That awesome energetic force is the power that runs the universe and it is sexual by its very nature.tripod. 25 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . People think more negatively and speak in less than noble ways such as gossip.Quran. the One who whispers into the hearts of the Humans from the Jinn and the (other) Humans. when Mercury is retrograde (moving backwards from Earth’s vantage point) communication problems are more pronounced. sarcasm and lies.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. wives. Surah 114 (The Humanity) The Khanaas refers to retrograde planets’ negative effects upon human consciousness and affairs. rabbis. mothers and communities to imams. For example. but because can’t be in control if they haven’t mastered the control curriculum (6th Tree of Life Sphere).” or reverends who have not mastered their sexual potency? A man or woman who has not mastered sexual initiation is subject to do anything – not because he or she is evil. You simply cannot advance far in religion if you fail to understand and cultivate your sexual power. Mail problems and computer problems are also more likely and more severe during Mercury retrograde . priests. -. I seek refuge with the Guru of Humanity. “fathers. These invisible programs or samskaras are called “evil whispering” in the Quran. Say. sons. Such people are subject to the whims of their emotions and the many conditionings (subliminal program commands) embedded inside their subconscious minds. gurus. How can we trust our daughters. Ghandi use to sleep next to his teenage niece and imbibe energy from her. Then Taoist methods such as the Six Healing Sounds can alchemically transmute any negative emotion into healing vitality. be grateful. Let’s say a Fitrah teacher is conducting a workshop that includes men and one guy asks her a question in a kind of flirtatious manner and before she knows it she finds herself flushed with a turned on sensual feeling. He did not have intercourse with her. she would simply regard the spark as energy. It is possible to have a major tantric experience without even touching.” Nor would she indulge the emotion and allow herself to be swept away. Because she knows everything is energy.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. That is not to suggest that initiated men and women don’t experience sexual arousal or other lower emotions. he may not be able to disconnect the emotion’s power to influence his behaviour. unexpected sexual arousal. “Oh I’m such a bad person. so approach your tilth (in whatever position) you will. But project into the future for (the good of) your souls. And retain (your) semen (in order to realize) Allah and know 26 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM . She would not chastise herself with guilty thoughts like. The force of sexual heat is called ching chi or nafs al-amaarah. for it and then circulate that energy in her microcosmic orbit and then store it in her lower tan tien. The big difference is that initiates don’t identify with those emotions and they know what techniques have to be employed to deal with them in an appropriate manner.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.htm So if an unitiated man’s mind is stimulated by a thought that triggers a command program. Let me tell you one (of many) ways a Fitrah initiate might deal with sudden. That force can actually be healing for her. The Men Ab Em Aungkh Em Maat breathing procedure disconnects consciousness from the emotional charge. This ching chi can be transmuted into chi (life force energy) by various procedures.tripod. Let’s re-examine a verse we touched upon previously. Your women are a tilth for you. Ausar’s mystic number is 10. -.tripod.Quran 103. don’t give much attention to the decans. All signs are divided into three 10 degree segments called decans.” or to “return to your Lord. “to meet Allah.” The only God you will meet is the one inside you who’s closer to you than your jugular vein. the “good news” or gospel. That shows that the woman’s tilth nature is not. It’s for his spiritual seed.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Such bushra is man’s true nature and that is why one of the Arabic words for man is bashr. -. This goal of all spiritual activity is to resurrect the indwelling god or goddess.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Decan means 10. They should also project into the future a force that will improve their souls. i. That could be an image of themselves as a divine being or one symbolizing an attribute of Allah. they should not focus exclusively on material or worldly achievement.Quran 2:223 When initiate men engage in spiritual sex with their wives using special yogic positions. These procedures result in the maturation of your Khu. so that you can know the future. Most importantly the initiate is to retain his semen. for his physical seed. Except those (strive to attain) Amen and work to mend together in the Heka and entrust in the (power of) perseverance.” to be “face to face with Allah.e. The Time and What Must Be Done Even people who know astrology. Al – Asr (The Age) 27 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .htm that you will (eventually) meet Him. in this case. And prophesy to the (initiates who have attained) the Amen (level). one of your seven bodies. By the Age [‘Asr] the (forgetful) individual is definitely in a damaged (condition). Arch-Angel of the Moon. This is more of a psychic heat while the heat of the daytime food-liquid fast is more of a physical heat. The initiate works the sacrum via methods such as spinal cord breathing and breathes into that hiatus until it becomes unblocked. Hence Allah.. Once it is open ching chi can flow through it and rise up the spine into the brain where it activates glands so they cause fluids to flow which “water the whole face of the ground.920 year zodiacal cycle (“Great Year”) is divided into 12 Ages. The Great Dual Heat When an initiate approaches his wife and raises the Salaat Kundalini force without ejaculation. the crown chakra opens and allows the heavenly force called Sakiynat to flow into the brain and down. But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. In the coccyx is a small hole or sacral hiatus at the very tip of the coccyx.htm The entire 25..RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir. Together they comprise the dual heat of Ramadaan. Prophet Muhammad lived during the second Piscean decan which is ruled by the Moon. Each Age contains 3 decans.e.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan.tripod. and Gabriel. a strong heat builds within both their bodies. were the main focus of Islam in Muhammad’s time.” i.” Every initiate strives to become Christ-like. the Moon God. The psychosexual heat is made to move from the genitals to the coccyx. “Christian. Once the force reaches the brain. -. the region called the Earth Gate in esoteric writings like the Bible. i. In most people this hole is closed.e. “anointed one.” The force that rises up the spine is also called salaat. 28 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .” The Quran repeatedly tells those who’ve mastered sexual force (mu’mineen) to “raise up the salaat. the kundalini.” This alchemical flow of glandular secretions is an anointing and that’s what Christ and Messiah mean.Genesis 2:6 The mist refers to the seminal essence in men and the ovarian essence in women. RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.htm Nearly all the Quranic salaat verses say to raise it up and most of the Sakiyanah verses describe it as going down.) The Quranic equivalent of the Amen state of energy/matter is iymaan. -. i. And Allah Became a wise scientist. 29 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .e. -. Hu/Sa. the consciousness/will. Amen/Ament.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. Because the one Being is inherently polarized into positive/negative. And for Allah are the forces of the Asteroid Belts and the Earth. infinite undifferentiated energetic matter or material energy.” In the Subjective Realm. energy/matter is primordial. In that realm there are: Nu/Nut. the realm of Amen.Quran 48:4 I’ve translated iymaan “undifferentiated energy/matter” instead of the usual “faith. but those two are not yet differentiated.Quran 9:26 He is the One who sent down the Sakiynat into the hearts of the Unconditioned Ones [mu’mineen] that they might add undifferentiated energy/ matter to undifferentiated energy/matter. Sphere 0 of the Tree of Life. So does the physicist’s atom. and other polarities. and Atem. iymaan implies two.tripod. (The Quranic Adam comes from the Kamitic Atem. Nut. Amen. Then Allah sent down His Sakiynat upon the initiates who’ve mastered their sexual powers [mu’mineen] and sent down armies that you didn’t see. The Egyptians called this unconditioned undifferentiated state Nu. ” And Elisha said.com Scholars examine the facts about Jesus' claims to be God 30 of 30 3/23/2013 10:06 AM .II Kings 2:9 Each vertebra to which the ching chi ascends transmutes it alchemically.tripod. Another is in the mid-back and one is at the top of the spine where the cranium begins and is called the cranial pump. There are three pumps that help lift up the salaat force to the brain.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/ramadan. The descension of Shen Chi down to the heart corresponds to Ramadan Karim. One is at the sacrum and is called the sacral pump. Is Jesus Really God? Y-Jesus. -.RAMADAN MUBARAK http://amirfatir.htm In the Old Testament. The upward rise of chi corresponds to Ramadan Mubarak. Let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. I pray thee. By the time it reached the back of the head (Jade Pillow) it has been thoroughly refined and spiritualized. this adding of zero point energy to zero point energy is called “a double portion of your spirit.
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