Raj Papers Self 6-22-11

March 18, 2018 | Author: Ajith Krishnan | Category: Thin Film, Ceramics, Sintering, Epitaxy, Fracture



Rishi Raj (06/22/2011) Publications BOOKS and SPECIAL ISSUES B001 B002 B003 “Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperature”, Edited by R. Raj, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH, (Sept 1985). “Interface Science and Engineering '87”, R. Raj and S. L. Sass, Journal de Physique, Colloque C5, 1988. “Interfaces in Ionic Materials”, Editors: J. Maier, R. Raj, and M. Rühle, Proceedings of International Conference Held at Schloss Ringberg, Germany, March 7-11, 1994, North Holland, Reprinted from Solid State Ionics, Vol. 75, pp.1-286, 1995. “Integration of Scientific and Engineering Aspects of Structural Materials in High Temperature Applications”, Guest Editors: R. Mohan and R. Raj, Dedicated Special Issue in the Jounral of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol 122, No. 3, pp. 245-367 (July 2000). “Ultrahigh Temperature Polymer Derived Ceramics”, Guest Editors: R. Raj, R. Riedel and G. D. Soraru, Special Issue of the Journal of the American Ceramic Soceity, Vol. 84 (10), 21582264 (2001) . B004 B005 CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS C001 C002 C003 C004 “The Use of a Bubble Model to Study Stress Induces Migration and Sliding of Grain Boundaries”, M.F. Ashby and R. Raj, Harvard University Technical Report, No. 556, (1968). “Creep Fracture”, M.F. Ashby and R. Raj, Proceedings of the Conference on Mechanics and Physics of Fracture, Cambridge (1975), Institute of Physics, London. “Time Dependent Effects in Creep Fatigue”, R. Raj, ASME MPC-3 Symposium of Creep Fatigue Interaction, New York, 1976, p. 337348-. “Kinetics of Hydrogen Assisted Crack Growth”, R. Raj and V.K. Varadan, Proceedings of the Conference on the Mechanisms of Environmental Cracking in Materials, Surrey, England (1977) p. 426-436, The Metals Society. “Mechanisms of Intergranular Fracture in High Temperature Fatigue”, R. Raj, Materials Science Center Report #2843 (1977), prepared for the National Materials Advisory Board, National Academy of Sciences. “Use of Holographic Interferometry to Study Crack Propagation in Metal Plastic Composites”, R.C. Koeller, R.H. French and R. Raj, Proceedings of the Conference on Failure Modes and Processing of Composites IV, The Metallurgical Society of AIME (1979). “A Mechanism of Intergranular Fracture During High Temperature Fatigue”, B.K. Min and R. Raj, Fatigue Mechanisms, ASTM-STP (1979), Kansas City, pp 569-591. C005 C006 C007 C008 “The Effect of Cycle Shape on Creep Fatigue Interaction in Austenitic Stainless Steels”, R. Raj and B.K. Min, ASME/Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference (1978), Mechanical Engineering, Vol 100, No 11, (1978), p 122. “Superplastic Flow in Ceramics Enhanced by a Liquid Phase”, R. Raj, R.L. Tsai, J.G. Wang and C.K. Chyung, Deformation of Ceramic Materials II, Materials Science Research, Vol 18, Editors: Tressler and R.C. Bradt, Plenum Press, NY, 1984, pp353-378. “Interaction Between Lattice and Grain Boundary Dislocations and Their Role in Mechanical Properties of Interfaces”, L.C. Lim and R. Raj, Journal de Physique, Colloque C4, Supplement au no. 4, Tome 46 (April 1985), pp581595-. “The Evolution of Grain Size Distribution During Superplastic Deformation”, A.K. Ghosh and R. Raj, Superplasticity, Editors: B. Baudelet and M. Sirery, Edition du CNRS, Paris, (1985), pp 383406-. “Environmental Effect in Nickel-Base Alloys”, S. Floreen and R. Raj, Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures, ASM Materials Science Seminar, American Society Metals, Metals Park, OH (1985), pp 383-406. “Mecanisms of Creep Fatigue Interaction”, R. Raj, Flow and Fracture at Elevated Temperatures, ASM Materials Science Seminare, American Society Metals, Metals Park, OH (1985), pp215-250. “Relationships Between Interface Structure and Superplastic Deformation”, R. Raj, Journal de Physique, Colloque C5, Suppl. n: 10, (1988), pp C5 35-47. “Mechanisms of Superplastic Deformation in Ceramics”, R. Raj, Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming, Editors: C.H. Hamilton and N.E. Paton, The Minerals, Metals and Mterials Society, Warrendale, PA, (1988), pp 583-594. “n/a”, R. Raj, Advances in Fracture Research, Editors: K. Salama, K. Ravi-Chandra, D.M.R. Taplin and P. RamaRao. Pergamon Press, New York, NY (1989), pp 2769-2785. “Phase Formation and Phase Stability in the Al-Ti System”, L.R. Parks, D.A. Lilienfeld, P. Borgeson and R. Raj, MRS Proceedings, 1991. “Superplastic Flow in Nanograin Ceramics”, R. Lappalainen and R. Raj, Superplasticity in Advanced Materials, Eds S. Hori, M. Tokizane and N. Furushiro, The Japan Society for Research on Superplasticity, Osaka, Japan, 1991, pp 195-204. “Optical Properties of Zinc Sulphide Diamond Composites”, L. A. Xue, T. W. Noh, A. J. Sievers, and R. Raj, Diamond Optics IV, Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, Diamond Optics IV, Eds. A. Feldman and S. Holly, Vol 1534, 22-23 July, 1991, San Diego, CA, pp183-197 (1991). “Role of Shear in Sintering of Composites”, R. K. Bordia and R. Raj, Tailoring Multiphase and Composite Ceramics, eds R. E. Tressler, G. L. Messing, C. G. Pantano, and R. E. Newnham, Plenum, NY 1986, pp26-36.. “Enhancement of Tensile Ductility in Nanophase Superplastic Ceramics through Control of Interface Chemistry”, R. Lappalainen, A. Pannikkat and R. Raj, Grain Boundary Controlled C009 C010 C011 C012 C013 C014 C015 C016 C017 C018 C019 C020 C021 Anseth. pp. Nastasi. 17-22 July 1994. May 6-10. An. “Growth of Epitaxial Lithium Tantalate on Sapphire by Chemical Beam Epitaxy by Lithium Hexaethoxy Tantalate”. New York. 277278-. Dordecht. Thermal Shock and Thermal Fatigue Behavior of Advanced Ceramics. Giamei. Proceedings of the 47th International Instrumentation Symposium. (2001). 1994. D. W. “Orientation Control of KNbO3 Thin Films Deposited by Laser Ablation on MgO (100) using SrTiO3 Transition Layers”. Netherlands. J. M. The Minerals. Critical Issues in the Development of High Temperature Structural Materials. Dehm. “Crystallization of the Nanophase in Silicon Nitride”. R. Raj. G. Warrendale PA. Kluwer Academic Press. H. L. C022 “The Design of the Interface Phase for Obtaining Thermal Shock Resistance in Silicon Nitride”. Raj. 1992. Raj. G. “Superplasticity of Nanograin Ceramic Films Tested by the Stress Relaxation Method”. International Conference on Electron Microscopy-13. L. K. G. Vol 152. “Fabrication of Novel Polysilazane MEMS Structures by Micro Casting”. Cross. eds. Raj. J. Ford. 1993. E: Applied Sciences Vol. Raj.. M. pp 7-12 (1994). R. April 28 . Kluwer Academic Publishers. Elsevier Applied Science.-Y. Parkin and H. New York. Metals and Materials Society. 104th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Ceramic Society. Isotani and R. Eds. “Fabrication of a MEMS SiCN Pressure Sensor Using Photopolymerization”. NY. J. Anderson. Luo. Ferroelectrics 1994. F. Conner and R.Dunn. (2002). pp201-217. Y. Proceedings of the 2001 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Petzow. Ding and R. Netherlands. “Investigating Photopolymerization of PUVMS for Derivation of Silicon Carbonitride”. Raj. R. and R. J. pp. N. Gleiter. St. Ferroelectrics 1994. M. C023 C024 C025 C026 C027 C028 C029 C030 C031 C032 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS . Stoloff.May 1. 233. Nov 11-16. Publishers. Vol 152. G. M. Cramer. “Structure of Copper/Sapphire Interfaces”. Daily. eds. (eds) K. Raj. M. and R. “Single Crystal Based Microstructure Design of Metal Matrix Composites for High Temperature Applications”. Rühle. Eds. A. Liu. Ser. K. Xie. R. D. Bellman and R. Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of Materials Having Ultra-Fine Microstructures. “In-situ Study of MgO on GaAs (001) for Integrating Thin Film Ferroelectrics with Semiconductors”. T. C. Niihara. Petzow. S. Gopalan. M. Denver. Hsu and R. V. pp. M. Liew. T. Ishizaki. NATO ASI Series. Raj. pp 353358 (1994). 1993. M. V. L. Bowman. Schneider and G. Louis MO. A. Raj. Ferroelectrics 1994. Paris. Tailoring of High-Temperature Properties of Si3N4 Composites. Raj. Bright. Lappalainen and R. R. Raj. Hutchinson. Bright and R. Hoffmann and G. A. Netherlands. B. J. L.71-86. V. Duquette and A. N. (Accepted May 2001).Properties of Fine Ceramics. pp 55-60 (1994). pp. 1993. Vol 152. 238-247. CO. Liew. pp 207221. R. W. Kluwer Acad. 401406-. Cross. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. p 737.R. H. 11.W. p 1113–1127. 1499–1509. Raj and M. R. “On Grain Boundary Sliding and Diffusional Creep”. (1974). Metallurgical Transactions A. (1972). “Transient Behavior of Diffusion Induced Creep and Creep Rupture”. “Crack Initiation at Grain Boundaries under Conditions of Steady State and Cyclic Creep”. (1975). R. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. p. Mosher and R. 1917 (1977). Vol 11. (1966).N. Kossowsky. 839 (1977). p 1937. W. J002 J003 J004 J005 J006 J007 J008 J009 J010 J011 J012 J013 J014 J015 J016 J017 . “Life Prediction of Tungsten Filaments in Incandescent Lamps”. (1970). “Correction to: Intergranular Fracture at Elevated Temperature”. Raj. Metallurgical Transactions A. “Fracture at Elevated Temperatures”. Raj. Raj and M. French and R. 653-666. R. Acta Metallurgica. Scripta Metallurgica. p 1502.F. (1976). Y. VanBaren. Vol 23. R. Source by Simple Two Terminal Device”. King. (1975).T. Raj. Raj. Raj. Ashby. R. 8. Vol 22. R. D. M. American Society for Testing and Materials. Vol 3. Mao and R. p. Proceedings of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. Ashby. Raj and F. S. Raj. Raj and C. Vol 45. Metallurgical Transactions A. (1976). 7. Raj. p 339.F. Vol 53. Raj.H. p. Metallurgical Transactions A.F. Ashby. R. Raj. Pavinich and R. Vol 4. Raj and G.C. “Grain Boundary Sliding and the Effect of Particles on its Rate”. R. R. Johnson. Vol 98. 49. pp. “Measurement of Viscosity of the Grain Boundary Phase in Hot-Pressed Silicon Nitride”. “Sintering Rate of Clevagve Cracks”. W. Ashby. Acta Metallurgica . p. ActaMetallurgica. “Use of the Internal Friction Rechnique to Measure Rate of Grain Boundary Sliding”. “Intergranular Fracture at Elevated Temperature”. (1974). Vol 23. Ahlquist. Philosophical Magazine. Raj and R.H. Mosher. p 909. Vol 32. 160 (1979). R. Vol 2. (1971). “Intergranular Fracture in Bicrystals”.J001 “Coherent Pulse Train Generated from D. p 132. 9. Acta Metallurgica. p 2031. Dang. 941 (1978). Review of Scentific Instruments. “De-Adhesion by Growth of Penney Shapped Bubbles in an Adhesive Layer”. R. Scripta Metallurgica. Vol 6. Chen and F. Pavinich and C. Gifkins. Raj. “Diffusion Controlled Sliding at a Serrated Boundary”. Metallurgical Transactions A. “Use of Double Torsion Technique to Study Crack Propagation in an Adhesive Layer”. F.C. R. 26. “High Sensitivity Creep Tester”. p. 341 (1978). Journal of Materials Science. Shih and H. (1975). (1975).F. D.H. R. R. p 1469–1474. Raj and M. Raj.F. “Kinetics of Dissolution and Recrystallization in a Beta-Spodumene Glass Ceramic”. pp 385-394 (1980). “Micromechanical Modeling of Creep Using Distributed Parameters”. R. “Creep Crack Growth by Cavitation Near Crack Tips”. R. Raj. Acta Metallurgica. “Development of a Processing Map for Use in Warm-Forming and Hot-Forming Process”. [7]. Raj. 26. “Dynamic Effects of Flow and Fracture During Isothermal Forging of a Titanium Alloy”.C. “Grain Size Effects in Superplasticity”. pp 194-200 (1981). Canadian Metarurgical Quarterly. Raj. 18. 241 (1980).K. 1089-1097 (1981). K. 12A. p. Aug/Sept. “Hold-Time Effects in High Temperature Fatigue. “An Upper Bound in Strain Rate for Wedge Type Intergranular Fracture in Nickel During Creep”.Gandhi and R. p. 46. “Nucleation of Cavities at Second Phase Particles in Grain Boundaries”. Ghosh and R. Scripta Metallurgica. Acta Metallurgica. Metallurgical Transactions A. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 20. Raj and A. 1551 (1978). Raj. May. Acta Metallurgica. 7. [4]. “Crystallization of Small Quantities of Glass Segregated in Grain Boundaries in Ceramics”. Dalal and R. 29. Gegel. 24 (1979). American Society for Testing and Materials. R. 26. Theory and Experiment”. 159-166 (1981). Raj. 26. Baik. B. 63. 1007 (1978). Raj. 171 (1979). Metallurgical Transactions A. R. Acta Metallurgica.K. R. “Solution Precipiation Creep in Glass Ceramics”. (1980).L.J018 J019 J020 J021 J022 J023 J024 J025 “A New Fixture for Fatigue Testing”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Raj and C. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. H. Raj. pp 513-517. R. 607-616(1981). p.K. 12A. n/a. Chyung. Ghosh. [1]. pp 245-248 (1981). R. p.K. Raj. A. B. Koeller and R. Nadiv and R. Acta Metallurgica. [3]. pp 1993-2000 (1981). [9-10]. 1291-1302 (1981). [6]. Raj. p.K. “Morphology and Stability of Glass Phase Segregated to Triple Grain Junctions”. R. S. Acta Metallurgica. pp 283-292 (1981). Raj. 64. Ghosh. “Stress Rupture”. Acta Metallurgica. Raj and S. Metallurgical Transactions. Lange. Raj and A. 12A. “Diffusional Relaxation of Stress Concentration at Second Phase Particles”. Min and R. pp 515-520 (1981). C. 995 (1978). Feb vol 29. J026 J027 J028 J029 J030 J031 J032 J033 J034 . R. Tsai and R. 14.K. “The Importance of Wedge Cracking in Creep Fatigue”. Min and R. Raj and F. Metal Science Journal. [29]. p. “Role of Grain Boundary Sliding in Intergranular Fracture of Hot-Pressed Silicon Nitride”.H. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. R. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Bampton and R. Acta Metallurgica.L. R. Acta Metallurgica. 30. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.4731-4739 (1982). Raj. Baik and R. R. [10]. S. B. Raj.D. C46 (1982). Raj. 31. Metallurgical Transactions. Baik and R. 65. Journal Geophysial Research. 30. Morgan. 273-274 (1981). [15]. 29-36 (1983). C143-145 (1981).Baik and R. “Creep in Polycrystalline Aggregates by Matter Transport Through a Liquid Phase”. “Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure and Multiaxial Straining on Cavitation in a Superplastic Aluminum Alloy”. Raj. J051 . C88 (1982).J. Raj. R. Scripta Metallurgica. 1207-1214 (1982). “Activation Energies for Densification. 2043-2054 (1982). “Dissolution Kinetics of -Si3N4 in an Mg-Si-O-N Glass”. “Wedge Type Creep Damage in Low Cycle Fatigue”. 30. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Raj. 64.J035 J036 J037 J038 J039 J040 J041 J042 J043 J044 J045 J046 J047 J048 J049 J050 “Equations for Diffusional Creep under Multiaxial Loading”. Frost and R. “Intergranular Fracture in Bicrystals--II”.E. [11]. “Mechanisms of Creep Fatigue Interaction”. 1087-1090 (1983). S. 17. Raj. Tsai and R. Tsai and R. Raj and P. Raj. B6. [5]. 65. “Creep Fracture in Ceramics Containing Small Amounts of a Liquid Phase”. R. “Separation of Cavitation-Strain and Creep-Strain During Deformation”.L. Scripta Metallurgica. Feb. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Acta Metallurgica. “A Mechanism for Intergranular Fracture During High Temperature Fatigue”. Metallurgical Transactions. “Creep-Fatigue Interaction in OFHC-Copper”. 30. S. 1259-1268 (1282) . Raj.L. Raj. Acta Metallurgica.K Min and R. “Intergranular Creep Fracture in Aggressive Environments”. Creep and Grain Boundary Sliding”. 30. Creep and Dilation for Multiaxial Loading”. H. R. 13A. R. Raj. 1215-1221 (1982). [3]. Raj. Raj. “Limiting Densities for Dense Random Packing of Spheres”. Tsai and R. 569-591 (1979). R. 1043-1058 (1982). S. R. 270-274 (1982). Raj. “The Effect of Environment on Grain Boundary Internal Friction in an Al-5% Mg Alloy”. 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Raj. “On the Retention of Equiaxed Grain Structure after Superplastic and Other Forms of High Temperature Deformation”. “Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure and Humidity on Superplastic Ductility of Two BetaSpoudemene Glass-Ceramics-”. 32. “Effect of Boundary Structure on Slip Induced Cavitation in Polycrystalline Nickel”.K. Raj. Panda. 33. Zielinski. 1183-1190 (1984). S. R. Baik and R. Morgan.J052 “Control of Superplastic Cavitation by Hydrostatic Pressure”. A. Blakely and R.2Al2O3 Spinel”. “Suppression of Frothing by Silcon Addition During Oxynitride Glass Synthesis”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. [6]. 14A. Fowler. “Continuity of Slip Screw and MIxed Crystal Dislocations across Bicrystals of Nickel at 753K”. Raj. Raj and F. “On the Distribution of Conicidence Grain Boundaries in Nickel”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. “Mechanism of Superplastic Flow in a Fine-Grained Ceramic Containing Some Liquid Phase”. 67. P. Raj. R. S. 32.G. [7]. [9]. 32.C. Bordia and R.E.G.K. Acta Metallurgica. 287-292 (1985).C. Gleichmann. “The Role of Residual Dislocation Arrays in Slip Induced Cavitation. 522-529 (1985).W. Reusswig. Wang and R. [8]. [5]. 2205-2214 (1985). “Sintering Behavior of Ceramic Films Constrained by a Rigid Substrate”. Raj and R. Acta Metallurgica. Raj. [6]. 67. 1003-1019 (1984). D. 1177-1181 (1984). [5]. [5]. 68. Lim and R. C-125-126 (1985). Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Raj. L. J.E. [8]. Raj. L.G. Metallurgical Transactions A.D. Ghosh and R. Raj. P.F. Acta Metallurgica.K. Acta Metallurgica. 1583-1593 (1983). Raj. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. L. Wang and R. 33. Bamption. S. “Superplastic Deformation of an Ultrafine Grained Intermetallic Alloy Prepared by Crystallization of a Metallic Glass”. “Effect of Silicon Activity on Liquid Phase Sintering of Nitrogen Ceramics”. 68. 68.C. [8]. C168-170 (1985). S. Bordia. 281-286(1985). Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Raj. 399-409 (1984). J053 J054 J055 J056 J057 J058 J059 J060 J061 J062 J063 J064 J065 J066 J067 . 385-390 (1984). C.C. R. Ast and R. 727-733 (1984). C. 699-703 (1985). 33. Mahoney. Raj.H. Baik and R. 1577-1583 (1985). J. Lim and R. Lange. R. 32. [10]. [12]. D. Raj and P. Lim and R. “Superplastic Deformation in Fine-Grained MgO.G. Baik. [7]. R. 643 (1987). 69. 122-126 (1988). Journal Crystal Growth. 69. “Enhancement of Strength Through Sinterforging”. 70. “Hot Isostatic Pressing of Ceramic/Ceramic Composites at Pressures <10MPa”. Bordia and R. R. [5].K. Venkatachari and R. 708-712 (1986). Raj. 365-373 (1986). 71. C210-211 (1987). 843-849 (1987). L. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. A. 70. 20. “Liquid Phase Bonding of Silicon-Nitride Ceramics”. 3.C. S.K. “Sapphire Whiskers from Boehmite Gels Seeded with -Alumina”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 71. Raj. Baik and R. 276-280 (1988). Raj. M.R. K. “Kinetics of Precipitation of 8-Al2O3 in Polycrystalline super saturated MgO 2Al2O3 Spinel Solid Solution”. “Superplastic Flow in Fine-Grained Alumina”. Raj. C. [2]. 85. Advanced Ceramic Materials. 302-310 (1988). [11] 635-11. “Measurement of the Sintering Pressure in Ceramic Films”. “Internal Friction in Theoleiitic Basalts”. J069 J070 J071 J072 J073 J074 J075 J076 J077 J078 J079 J080 J081 J082 J083 . Raj. Panda and R. Lim and R. [5]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. B11. Lim and R. Raj. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 92. R.Bordia and R. Raj. 135-138 (1986). [5]. 69. Manghnani and R. K. 69. C105-107 (1987). Venkatachari and R. Venkatachari and R. E. Raj.J068 “On Slip-Induced Intergranular Cavitation During Low Cycle Fatigue of Nickel at Intermediate Temperature”. K. [2]. Acta Metallurgica. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. P. R. [11]. “Shear Deformation and Densification of Powder Compacts”. Raj. Raj. 32. Journal of Geophysical Research. L. “Packing and Sintering of Two-Dimensional Structures Made from Bimodal Particle Size Distributions”. Liniger and R. Weiner. R.H. Communications of American Ceramic Society. Raj. 539-544 (1986). Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Raj. 69. 70. 514-520 (1987). “Analysis of Sintering of a Composite with a Glass or Ceramic Matrix”. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Raj. Raj. [4]. “Analysis of the Sintering Pressure”. C. T. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. [9]. Raj. R. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 70. R. S. “Slip-Twin Interactions in Bicrystals of Nickel at 573K at Large Strains”. 499-506 (1986). 527-534 (1987). C55-C57 (1986). [4]. [3]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. [6]. Cheng and R. Scripta Metallurgica. Jagota and R. [9].K. 727-733 (1984).T. [7]. “Sintering of TiO2-Al2O3 Composites: A Model Experimental Investigation”. “Unstable Spreading of a Fluid Inclusion in a Grain Boundary under Normal Stress”. Bordia and R. Raj. S. V. C. vol 72. L. Raj and C. A. M. E. 72. [12]. Physical Review B. 71. Yanoviak and R. [9]. J. Sievers. The American Physical Society. C. 1031-1035 (1988). D. T. W. C. Xue and R. C408-410 (1988). Panda and R. Acta Metallurgica et Materiala. C. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 72. P. C. Xia. 2035-2038 (1989). Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Kennefick and R. Raj. Journal of the American Ceramic Soceity. Vol. “Measurement of the Ultimate Shear Strength of a Metal Ceramic Interface”. 71. “Flaw Generation During Constrained Sintering of Metal-Ceramic and Metal-Glass Multilayer Films”. Raj. 38. “Superplastic Deformation of ZnS Near Its Transformation Temperature (1020oC)”. [12]. Wang. G. C.J084 “Shear Deformation and Compaction of Nickel Aluminide Powders at Elevated Temperatures”. Raj.7Tm”. 22. E. M. J. “Copper on Sapphire: Stability of Thin Films at 0. Panda. J. W. [7]. Journal of American Ceramic Society. Acta Metallurgica. “Grain Growth Transition during Sintering of Colloidally Prepared Alumina Powder Compacts”. D. [11]. [5]. “Sinterforging Characteristics of Fine-Grained Zirconia”.Cameron and R. “Autonucleation of Cavities in Thin Ceramic Films”. Raj. Liniger and R. Sulewski. C. 1265-1270 (1989). Raj. Cohen. [2]. Cheng and R. Panda. Noh. T. 1260-62 (1989). C. Raj. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Acta Metallurgica et Materialia. R. P. “Optical Resistivity Studies of Polycrystalline La4BaCu5O13 and La2SrCu2O6”. Acta Metallurgica et Materiala. Raj. G. Journal of American Ceramic Soceity. P. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. H. Raj. Agrawal and R. P. M. W. A. 37. A. Raj. 36. [11]. Raj. “Shear and Densification of Glass Powder Compacts”. 72. L. LaGraff and R. J. Mobley and R. 1792-96 (1989). 846-848 (1989). T. No. 71. 1929-1939 (1988). 2148-53 (1989). 1649-1655 (1989). M. Raj. 5006 (1988). “Investigation of the Infrared Properties of ZnS:Diamond Composites”. 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