Rahu & Ketu in Brighu Nadi Astrology

March 25, 2018 | Author: Dilpreet Singh | Category: Astrology, Astronomy, Science, Nature, Religion And Belief



RAHU&KETHUIN BURIGUASTROLOGY RAHU&KETHU IN BHRlGU ASTROLOGY PREFACE RahuandKethuare thetwo shadowyplanets whichreveals the beginning and the ending oflife. Different astrological writers have given different significations about Rahuand Kethu. InthisbookI havenarrated aboutthe significations whicharealittle differentfrom the regular writers andalso I have explained the effectsof RahuandKethubasedon their placement from Jupiter inthe natal chart. Inadditionto this 1 have also given the period whenthese shadowyplanets will give theireffectin anative'slife. Rahu andKethuwill not effect a person throughout the life, but, based on their placement from Jupiter wecanknowthe period whenheis going to give theeffect. Thisbookis unique in itsown style, because, it isframedas per Naadi Astrology. I wouldlike to repeat once again that lam giving all the signitications and effects/transit effects of Rahu and Kethubased on their placements from Jupiter. Thisbook gives detailsaboutRahu and Kethuin reference to signs, differenthouses, andthe period ofits transit effects. Thisbookalso provides you remedial measures for bothRahuandKethuandalso the methodsof eradicating Sarpa Dosham. I always like to give to readersan easy anddifferent style of reading the birth charts, which helps them in knowing their problemsprecisely. Astrological Science Celebrity Dr. N. Srinivasan Shastry PREFACE Rahu and Kelhu are the two shadowy planets which reveals the begi nning and the ending of li fe. Different astrological writers have given different significati ons about Rahu and Kethu. In thi s book I have narrated about the significati ons which are a little di fferent from the regular writers and also I have explained the effects of Rahu and Kethu based on their placement from Jupiter in the natal chart. In addition to this I have also given the period when these shadowy planets will give the ir effect in a nati ve's life. Rahu and Kcthu will not effect a person throughout the life. but, based on their placement from Jupiter we can know the period when he is going to give the effect. This book is unique in its own style. because, it is framed as per Nandi ASlrO!ogy. I would like to repeal once again that I am giving all the significations and effects/transit effects of Rahu and Kethu based on their placements from Jupiter. This book gives details about Rahu and Kethu in reference to signs, different houses, and the peri od of its transit effects. 1b.is book also provides you remedial measures for both Rahu and Kethu and also the methods of eradicating Scupa Dosharn. 1 always like to give to readers an easy and different style of reading the birth charts. which helps them in knowing their probJcms precisely. Astrological Science Celebrity Dr. N.Sri nivasan Shastry ¯CKIFKIS .·ri..· i~n. i~n. .· r-.-r-·- ..¸·. : i~n. .· i...-r-· n..-. 1. i~n. ~·i n-r ç~·-. `0 i~n.`. r~·.. -..-. `: i~n. · .r.-. ~·i r-·-i.-. ~` i-n. ~6 i-n. .· r-.-r-·- ..¸·. ~9 i-n. .· i...-r-· n..-. :~ i-n. ..n ç~·-. 7~ i-n.`. r~·.. -..-. 79 i-·-i.-. .r i-n. `6 ...-~·-.. `9 S~rç~ Ð.n~· ~·i .. r-·-i.-. 9` CONTENTS lntroduction .... .... ......... ................................................... ill; Rallu .............................................................................. I Rahu in reference losigns ...... ... ...................................... 5 Rahu indifferent houses .............. . , ................................ t 2 Rahu and other planets ......................... ........ .... ... .... ..... 30 Rahu's transit effects ............... .. .............. ..................... . 35 Rahu - curses and remedies .......................................... 43 Kethu ....................... .................................................... 46 Kethu in reference to signs ................ .. .. ....................... 49 Kethu in different houses ......................... .. ................... 54 Kerhu with planets ............................................... ......... 74 Kethu's transit effecto; ................................................... 79 Remedies ror Kethu ....... .............................................. 86 Miscellaneous ........................................ ..... .......... ........ 89 Sarpa Dosham and it.:; remedies .................................... 93 INTRODUCTION RahuandKethu arereferred in mythology as the demons whoconsumed nectar andbecame immortal. Rahuand Kethu arecalled shadowyplanets by ourancients. Also thereis another serpent symbolism associated withRahuandKethu to Kundalini Shakthi (Energy). The Head being Rahu (Signifying head of the Cosmic Snake,SahasraChakraor Awakening) andthetail being Kethu (Muladhara Chakra - Ganesha - or the beginning). According toaPuranic story after churning of theocean (Samudra Manthan) cameout Nectar. Aboutthe distribution ofNectar therewasa serious disputeamongst theDevasandAsuras.The Supreme Lord (Vishnu) assuming the shape ofan alluring Mohini,took charge of distributing theNectar withtheconsentofbothDevas and Asuras. He so distributed the Nectar that all of it was consumed by Devasbutone among theAsuras had stealthily joined theranks of Devas and got ashareof Nectar butwas exposedby theSunandthe Moon. The Supreme Lordcut theAsuraintwo pieces butas hehadtakennectar boththe severed parts remained alive though separated. The head got thename of 'Rahu' andthe body andtail 'Kethu'. This madeRahuandKethueternal enemies oftheSunandthe Moon. TheSkandaPurana story ofRahuis a repetition ofthesame withonedifference. Clods andDemons haddecidedtochum theoceanto extract nectar. The emphasis is that demons INTRODUCTION Rahu and Kelhu are referred in mythology as the demons who consumed nectar and recame immortal, Rahu and. Kethu are called shadowy planets by our ancients. Also there is anomer serpent symboli sm associated with Rahu and Kethu to Kundalini Shakthi (Energy). The fi ead bei ng Rahu (Signifying head of the Cosmic Snake. Sahasrn Chakra or Awakening) and the tail being Kethu (Muladhara Cbakra - Ganesha- or the beginning). According to a Puranic story after churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan) came out Nectar. Abom the distribution ofNectac Ult!re was a serious dispute amongst the Devas and Asuras. The Supreme Lord (Vishnu) assuming the shape of an alluring Mohini, took charge of distributing the Nectar wi th the consent ofboth Devus and Asuras. He so distributed the Nectar that all of it was consumed by Devas but one among the Asuras had stealthil y joined the ranks of Devas and got a share of Nectar but was exposed by the Sun and the Moon. The Supreme Lord cut the Asura in two pieces but as he had taken nectar both the severed parts remained alive though separated. The head got the name of "Rahu' and the body and tail ' Kethu'. This made Rahu and Kethu eternal enemies of the Sun and the Moon. The Skanda Purana story of Rahu is a repetition of the same with one difference. Gods and Demons had decided to chum the ocean to extract nectar. The emphasis is that demons x i i R a l i u &K eIIIU i n S h r i g n A . c t r o / o g v wer e a s mu c h a pa r t o f t h e effo r t t o c h u r n t h e o c ea n . Wh en n ec t a r wa s g o t , Lo r d Vi sh n u dec i dedt o g i v e n ec t a r o n l y t o g o ds, n o t t o demo n s. R a h u c a me t o kn o wo ft h i s dec i si o n a n d a ssu medt h e sh a pe o fa g o d a n den t er edt h e g r o u p o f g o ds t o dr i n kn ec t a r . Wh en S u n a n dMo o n n o t i c edt h i s a n d i n fo r medLo r d Vi sh n u , Lo r dVi sh n u c u t o f R a h u 's h ea d, bu t , R a h u wh o h a d a l r ea dy dr u n kt h e n ec t a r h e c o u l d n o t di e bu t bo t h t h e c u t pa r t s o f t h e bo dy bec a me a n i n di v i du a l per so n a l i t i es. Th e fa c t t h a t h a s si n c e been u n i v er sa l l y a c c ept ed i s t h a t R a h u K c t h u a r e c el est i a l po i n t s o n t h e Zo di a c wi t h r eg u l a t ed mo v emen t a n d t h ey h a v e a di st i n c t a n d pr edi c t a bl e i n fl u en c e i n h o r o sc o pes. Th e mo t i o n o ft h ese po i n t s wh i c h i s a l wa ys r et r o g r a de, c a n be c a l c u l a t ed a s a c c u r a t el y a s t h e po si t i o n o f t h e S u n o r t h e Mo o n . West er n er s h a v e n a medR a h u a n d K et h u a s Dr a g o n 's Hea d a n d Dr a g o n 's Ta i l r espec t i v el y. Ca pu t a n d Ca u da a r e t h e o t h er n a mes g i v en t o t h em by West er n er s. Th e Mo o n , a s t h e sa t el l i t e o ft h e Ea r t h mo v es r o u n di t a n di t s pa t h i s a l so el l i pt i c a l wi t h t h e o r bi t i n c l i n edt o t h e Equ a t o r a t a n a n g l e o f28 deg r ees, so t h a t t h e pl a n es o f t h e o r bi t s o f t h e S u n a n dt h e Mo o n a ppea r t o t h e o bser v er o n Ea r t h t o be i n c l i n edt o ea c h o t h er. Th e t wo po i n t s a t wh i c h t h e o r bi t o f t h e Mo o n c u t s t h e o r bi t o f t h e S u n a r e c a l l ed n o des, a n d t h ey a r e ex a c t l y 180 deg r ees a pa r t . Th e po i n t o f i n t er sec t i o n fo r medwh en t h e Mo o n 's mo t i o n i s fr o m S o u t h t o No r t h , i s t h e a sc en di n g n o de n a medR a h u , a n dt h e po i n t o f i n t er sec t i o n fo r medwh en t h e Mo o n 's mo t i o n i s fr o mn o r t h t o so u t h i s c a l l ed t h e desc en di n g n o de o r K et h u. It h a s been o bser v ed t h a t t h e n o desh a v e a r et r o g r a de mo v emen t i n t h e Zo di a c a t t h e r a t e o f 19 deg r ees 20 mi n u t es per yea r . A l l t h e .xii were as much a part of the effort to churn the ocean. When nectar was got, Lord Vishnu decided to give nectar only to gods, not to demons. Rahu came to know of this decision and assumed the shape of a god and entered the group of gods to drink nectar. When Sun and Moon noticed this and informed Lord Vishnu, Lord Vishnu cut or Rahu's head, but, Rahu who had already drunk the nectar he could not die but both the cut parts of the body became an indi vi dual personalities. The fact that has si nce been uni versally accepted is that Rahu Kethu are celestial points on the Zodiac with regulated movement and they have a distinct and predictable influence in horoscopes. The motion of these points which is always retrograde, can becalculated as accurately as the position of the Sun or the Moon. Westerners have named Rahu and Kethu as Dragon's Head and Dragon' s Tail respectively. Caput and Cauda are the other Dames given to them by Westerners. The Moon, as the satellite of the Eanh moves round it and its path is also eUipticai with the orbit inclined to the Equator at an angle of28 degrees, SO that the planes of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon appear to the observer on Earth to be inctined to each other. TIle two points at which the orbit of the Moon cuts the orbit of the Sun are called nodes, and they are exactly 180degrees apart. The point of intersecti on formed when the Moon's motion is from South 10 North, is the ascending node named Rahu, and the point of intersection fomled when the Moon 's motion is from north 10 south is called the descending node or Kethu. 1t has been observed that the nodes have a retrograde movement in the Zodiac at the rate of 19 degrees 20 minutes per year. Al l the Introduction xiii planets which have forwardmotion will give the results ofthe bhavas as and when they touch each bhava, but Rahu and Kethu are the nodes which has retrograde motion andin this retrograde motion theygive the results of the karma orkarmic actions performed by the individual in the recent past i. e. Whena planet with forward motion makes a native do a particular act, andnow according tothatactwhich is initiated by the forward moving planet, the nodes Rahu and Kethu in their retrograde movements will give the beneficor malefic results. fmrotim·,jon xiii planets which have forward motion will give the resul ts of the bhavas as and when they touch each bhava. but Rahu and Kethu are the nooes which has retrograde motion and in lhis retrograde motion they give the re.<;;ult<; of the kanna or kannic acti ons perfonncd by the indi vidual in the recent past i.c. When a planet with forward motion makes a native do a particular acL, and now according to that act which is initialed by the forward moving planet, the nodes Rahu and Kethu in their retrograde movements wi ll give the benefi c or malefic results. RAHU Thenorthnodeofthe moon i s called as Rahu and als o called as dragon's head by Wes tern As trologers . Rahui s the planet wi ththe formof headles s /s erpent headed pers on, hence, Rahu rules temptati ons and materi ali s ti c thi ngs , andwi ll never be s ati s fi ed wi ths mall benefi ts but, wi ll opt for a li on's s hare. Rahu i s a warri or, hence, the nati ves i nfluenced by Rahu wi ll havethe quarrelli ng type of mentali ty. Themodeof trans port for Rahu i n mythology i s Li on, andthe li on i s an ani mal whi ch does not hunt when not hungry, li kewi s e the nati ves ruled by Rahu wi ll relax and s tri ke/hunt only when there i s neces s i ty. Features & s i gni ti cati ons of Rahu Features : Rahuowns the s i gn Vi rgo. I t i s exhaltedi n Gemi ni and debi lated i n Sagi ttari us . Themoolatri kona for Rahu i s Leo. Fri ends - Venus - and Saturn Enemi es - Sun Moon and Mars Si ght - 7th hous e, als o 5thand 9thhous es . Gender - Female Trans i t peri od - 1- 1/2 year Di recti on - South Wes t Beneti c places - 3 , 6 &11th hous es Gems - Gomed RAHU TIle north node of the moon is called as Rahu andmsocalled as dragon's head by Western ASlrOlogers. Rahu is the planet with the form ofheadles.'Jserpenl headed person, hence, Rahu rules temptations and materialisti c things, and wil l never be satisfied with small benefits but. will opt for a lion's share. Rahu is a warrior, hence, the natives influenced by Rahu win have the quarrelling rype of mentali ty. The mode oftrnnsport for Rahu in mythology is Lion, and Ihe li on is an animal which does not hunt when not hungry, likewise the natives ruled by Rahu wi ll relax und slrikclhunt only when there is necessity. Features & significations of Rahu Features: lMlu owns thesign Virgo. If is exhalted in Gemini anddebilrued in Saginarius. The moolatri kona for Rahu is Leo. Friends Enemies Sight Gender Transit period Direction Benene places Gems Venus nnd Saturn Sun Moon and Mars 7th house. also 5th and 9th houses. Female 1- 1/2 year South West 3,6& Iithhouses Gomed 2 Rahu &Kethuin BhriguAstrology Signitications: Thebelowmentioned significations areas per Naadi. Rahuis the beginning. Theauthor hasjustified the above statement in the following lines. As said in the book "Brighu Naadi Sangraha" written by the sameauthor, Jupiter is the life force (or you can treat it as the native). In thecourseof time Jupiter transits andtouches all theother planets. Jupiter takes 1 year for transiting in one sign andtakes 1 2 years for one round of transit. Jupiter transiting 1 2 signs for the 1 st timefrom the year of birth of the nativewill effect only the native. The2nd roundof Jupiter's transit in the 1 2 signs (i.e., 1 2 years to 24 years) will give the effect of the 2nd housefrom Jupiter or about family (2nd house in Astrology tells about money/family/speech etc.). The3rdroundof Jupiter in the 1 2 signs (i.e. from24 years -36 years) will give the effect of 3rdhouse from Jupiter or 3rd Bhava. Here, when Jupiter touches Rahu that particular period of Jupiter (transiting) touching Rahuwill give a new beginning orwill bring a change in life and the change will be according to the placement ofRahufrom Jupiter or theNumberof rounds of Jupiter's transit. Theabove said is well understoodwithan example. E.g.: Date of Birth 22-09-1 960. Placeof birth Kolar. Please observe the below given chartwhich gives you aclear understanding of the subject. 2 Rulru &: Kelhu ill 8hrigu AXlrQ/ogy Significations: The below mentioned significations are as per Naadi. Rahu is the beginning. The author hasjustitied the above statement in \he following lines. As said in the book " Brighu Naadi Sangraha" written by the same author, Jupiter is the life force (or you can treat it as the nali ve). In the course of lime Jupiter transits and touches all the other planelS. Jupiter takes I year for transi ting in one sign and takes 12 years for one round of trans it. Jupiter transiting 12 signs for the 151 time from the YC(lfofbirth af the native will effect only the native. The 2nd round of Jupiter's transit in the 12 signs (i.e. , 12 years to 24 years) will give the effect of the 2nd house from Jupiteror aboul family (2nd house in Astrology tells about money/family/speech etc.) , The 3rd round of Jupiteri n the 12 signs (Le. from 24 yean; - 36 years) wiIJ give the effect of 3rd house from Jupiter or 3rd Bhava. Here, when Jupiter touches Rahu that particul ar period of Jupiter (transiting) touching Rahu will gi\le a new beginning or will bri ngachange in life and lhechange will be according to the placement of Rahu from Jupi ter or the Number of rounds of Jupiter' s transit. The above said is well understood wi th an exampl e. E.g.: Date of Birth 22-09- 1960. Place of birth Kolar. Please observe the below given chart which gives you a clear understanding of the subject. Ru/rn Mar Mer Ven 6 7 Rah Mar . 3 Mon Ket 5 8 2 11 Rah Jup 9 Ket I Asc. Sat 10 12 Jup Ven Sun 0Sun Sat Mon - Mer Please gothrough theabovechart, here when Jupiter in his firstround of transit touches Rahu atthe age of 9- 10 years of the native madethe native change hisschool i. e. when he joined a new school for 5thstandard. Assaidearlierthefirst roundof Jupiter's transitwill effect only thenativeandthis effectwas beginning of anewschool. When Jupiter transitsand touches Rahu in his 2ndround i. e. at the age of 21- 22, this wasthetimethenative got married. Withtheabovewecan clearly understand thatin the1stround of Jupiter's transit touching Rahu wasthe beginning of anew school and the2ndround of Jupiter's transit touching Rahu was the beginning of family life. Rahu's placement in a sign: Rahu's placement in a sign tellsaboutthedirection in which thebirthhouseof thenativeis situated. For e. g. . , When Rahu is inAriesin abirthchart, thebirthhouseof thenative will besituated in theeast part of the city/town. Thesame placement of Rahu in a sign will tell aboutthe road/lane in front of thebirthhouseof thenative. For e. g. . When Rahu is Huhu J M" • ) Mar K" , , Roh Asc. hp V" ,,, 'm Moo Moe Plea.'ie go through the above chart. here when Jupiter in his fi rst round of transit touches Rahu at the age of9·10 years of the nalive made the native change his. school i.e. when he joined a new school for 5th standard. As said earl ier the fi rst round of Jupiter's transit will effect onl y the native and this effect was beginning of a new school. When Jupitertransits and touches Rahu in his 2nd round i.e. at the age of 21-22, this wa.<; the time the native got married. With the above we can clearly understand I.twt in the I st round of Jupiter's tntnsi t touching Rahu was the beginning of anew school and the 2nd round of Jupiter's transit touching Rallu wa.<; thebeginningoffamily life. Rahu's placement in a sign: Rahu's placement in a sign tells about thedirectioll in which the birth house of the nati ve is situated. For e.g .. , When Rahu is in Aries in a birth chart. the birth h o u ~ of the native will be situated in the east part of me ci ty/town. The same placement of Rahu in a sign will tell about the road/lane in fronl of the birth hOllseofthe nati ve. Fore.g .. When Rahu is 4 Rahu&Kethuin fibriguAstrology placed in Leo, in abirth chart, this showsthat thenative is born in a house whichhas a road or alane in front of the house running from Eastto West. Rahu's placement and health:- Rahu's placement in a sign also tells about the parts ofthe body which may be effected. For e.g., Rahuin Leo in a birthchart will give problems pertaining to stomachand spine to the native of thechart. Rahualso signifies, dryness, darkness, gas, emptiness, etc., When Rahuis placed in the 11thhousefrom J upiter, the native will have less or dry friends. Rahualso signifies trouble - When ever J upiter touches Rahu in his transits in addition to change he will also cause little troubleand this trouble will be in reference to the number of J upiter's round oftransit i.e., 1st round or 2nd round or 3rd round etc. Rahu also signifies grandparent - Rahualso signifies grand parent because, whenever Saturn (planetsignifying death) touches Rahu may kill a grandparent. In addition to the above Rahu also signifies, spirits, photography, research, servant, accidents, fear, family circle, previous life's karmaorthe causes for previous life 4 Rahu &, Kelhu in Bhrigl / A.\'/fu/ogy placed in Leo, in a birth chart, thi s shows thallhe native is born in a house which has a road or a lane in front of the house running from East to West. Rahu 's placement and health:- Rahu's placement in a sign al so tell s aboutlhe parts of the body which may be effected. For e.g., Rahu in Leo in a birth chart will give problems pertaining to stomach and spine 10 the nati ve of the chart. Rahu also signifies, dryness. darkness, gas, emptiness. etc., When Rallu is placed in the 11 th house from Jupitcr, the native will have less or dry fri ends. Rahu also signifies trouble - When ever Jupiter touches Rahu in his transits in addition to change he will also cause little trouble and this trouble will be in reference to the number of Jupiter's round of transit i.e., 1 5t round or 2nd round or 3rd round etc. Rahu also signifies grandparent - Rahu al so signifies grand parent because, whenever Saturn (planet signifying death) touches Rahu may kill a grandparent. In addition to the above Rahu also signifies. spirits. photography, research. servant, accidents, fear. family circle. previous life's kanna or the causes for previous life Rahuin reference to signs Rahu in Aries - Persons who are born with Rahu in Aries will suffer problems in head and also will have a wavery type of thinking. These people are daydreamers. People born withRahuin Aries will take birthin ahouse which is situated in the East part ofthe Town / City and the Road /lane in front oftheir birthhouse will run from East to West. Rahuin Aries will give good materialistic benefits and prosperity. People born with Rahu in Aries will keep them worried and also make them selfish in meeting their demands/goals. Rahuin Aries will make the person desirous ofother people's women, and also will make him a daring personality. These people who have Rahuin Aries will have danger from chemicals, electricity, animals etc. Rahuin Taurus - People who have Rahuin Taurus in their birthchart will have problems pertaining to thyroid glands/ throat. These people are born in ahouse whichis situated in the South part ofthe Town/City and the lane/road in front of the birth house will run from Southto North. These people will have hidden artistic talents and secret affairs. These people speak roughly. Persons born withRahuin Taurus will adopt wrong means or measures to attain their materialistic/sensual goals. These people will have a magnetism to attract people of opposite sex. These will have danger from overwork, medicines,women, bad habits, etc. Rahu in reference to signs Rahu in Aries Persons who are born with Rahu in Aries wiU suffer problems in head and also will have a waverytype of thinking. These people arc daydreamers. People born with Rahu in Aries will take birth in a house which is situated in the East part of the Town ICity and the Roadllanc in front of their birth house will run from East to West. Rahu in Aries will give good materialistic benefit'i and prosperity. People born with Rahu in Aries will keep them worried and also make them sel fi sh in meeting theirdemandslgoals. Rahu in Aries wi ll make the p!l"SOn desirous of other people's women. and also will make him a daring personality. These people who have Rahu in Aries wi ll have danger from chemicals, electri ci ty, animals etc. Rahu in - People who have Rahu in Taurus in their birth chart will have problems pertaining 10 thyroid throat. These people;trc born in;l house which is situated in the South part of the TOWn/City and the laneJroad in front of the birth house wil l run from South to North. TIlese people will have hidden arti stic talents and secret affuirs . These people speak roughly. Persons born with Rahu in Taurus wi ll adopt wrong means or measures to attain their materiali stic/sensual goals. These people wi ll have a magneti sm toattraCI peopleofoppositesex. 'These will have danger from overwork, medicines, women. bad habits, etc. Rcthu & Kethu i n Bhri gu Astrology Rahu i n Gemi n i - People born wi th Rahu i n Gemi n i are pron e to acci den ts, an d i f an acci den t occurs they may break thei r collarbon e/ri bs. These people are born i n a house si tuated i n the West part of the Ci ty /Town an d the lan e i n f ron t of the bi rth house wi ll run f rom West to East. These people wi ll suf f er f romNervousn ess an d wi ll havean i n q ui si ti ve or detecti ve mi n d. People born wi th Rahu i n Gemi n i are talen ted i n Pri n ti n g, Medi a, Journ ali sm, wri ti n g, or research ty pe of jobs. These people wi ll have power or may be associ ated wi th powerf ul people. These people wi ll have con ti n uati on of thoughts, good expressi on s, good phy si cal stren gth an d wi ll have stron g desi re f or self - respect. These people may f ace dan ger f rom thi eves on travel, or may f ace dan gers i n travelli n g. Rahu i n Can cer - Person s born wi th Rahu i n Can cer are pron e to problems pertai n i n g to heart/lun gs/chest etc. There are chan ces f or these people to get dry cough i n thei r chi ldhood day s. Mother of these people wi ll have lot of problems an d also wi ll suf f er f rom depressi on s. These people are born i n a house whi ch i s si tuated i n the North part of the Town /Ci ty an d the lan e i n f ron t of the house run s f rom North to South. These people wi ll have psy chologi cal brai n s, dry i n thi n ki n g, i llusi on ary etc. These people wi ll take bi rth i n ahouse whi ch i s i n the shape of "L" an d wi ll have lot of problems i n the f ami ly . The mother of thi s person wi ll try to run /domi n ate the house. These people wi ll have dan ger f rom water. Rahu i n Leo - Person s who are born wi th Rahu i n Leo wi ll take bi rth i n ahouse si tuated i n the East part of the Ci ty / Town an d the Road/Lan e i n f ron t of the bi rth house run s Rallll & Kethu in Bhrigu Astrology Rahu in Gemini - People born with Rahu in Gemini are prone to accidents, and if an accident occurs they may break their collarbone/ri bs. These people are born in a house situated in the West part of the Cityrrown and the lane in fronlofthe birth house wi ll run from West to East. These people will suffer from Nervousnessand will have an inquisitive or detective mi nd. People born with Rahu in Gemini are talented in Printing, Media, Journali sm, writing, or research type of jobs. These people wi ll have power or may be associated with powerful people. These people will have continuati on of thoughts, good expressions, good physical strength and will have strong desire for self-respect. These people may face danger from thieves on travel . or may face dangers in travelling. Rahu in Cancer - Persons born wi th Rahu in Cancer are prone to problems pertaining to heartllungslchest etc. There are chances for t.hese people to get dry cough in their childhood days. MOlher of the.<;e people will have lot of problems and also will suffer from depressions. These people are born in a house which is situated in the North part of the Town/City and the lane in front of the house runs from North to South. These people will have psychological brains, dry in thinking, illusionary etc. These people wi ll take birth in a house which is in the shape of "L" and will have lot of problems in the fami ly. The mother of this person wi ll try to rlm/dominate the house. These people wi ll have danger from water. Rahu in Leo - Persons who are born with Rabu in Leo will take birth in a house situated in the East pan of the City/ Town and the RoadlLane in front of the birth house runs Rn/ut in reference to signs 7 from Eastto West. These people sufferfrom Gastricor spinal problems. These people will have desire for drinking or gambling. These people will also stay away frequently from the family enjoying theirmeanlife. These people havebeen cursed by theirfatherin their previous life and becauseofthis he will become a wanderer and acts like a ruler. These people may face danger from surgery/Medicines/Electricity . People who are born with Rahuin Leo will have danger from Govt. Or political parties. These people will get help from rich and powerful people. The native's fatherwill bea learned person butwill suffering from lot of problems, he may dieat the age of30-31. These persons will lead a secretlife oranisolated life. Rahuin Virgo - People born with Rahuin Virgo will take birth in a house situated inSouth part ofthe CityiTown and thelane/road infront ofthe birth housewill be running from South to North. These people sufferfrom intestinal problems. These people will have lot of secretenemies. These people will haveinterest in law/literature/astrology . These people though hypersensitive will have analyzing capacity in a systematic way. Persons born with Rahuin Virgo will have danger from pets/servants. These people whenever they are sick will get cure from Ayurvedic medicines rather than allopathy. People with the above said Rahu position will have problems from landed property also. These people are prone to evil eye and tantrik effects. RahuinLibra - People born with Rahuin Libra will take birth in a house situated in the West part of the City/Town and the lane in frontofthehousewill run from Westto East. Ruhu in /0 sign., 7 from East to West. These people suffer from Ga'itric or spinal problems. These people will have desire for drinking or gambling. These people will also stay away frequentl y from the famil y enjoying their mean life. These people have been cursed by their father in their previous life and because of this he will become a wanderer and acts like a ruler. Thesepeoplc may face danger from surgerylMedicinesIElectricity. People who are born with Rahu in Leo will have danger from GOYl. Or political parties. These people will gel help from ri ch and powClful people. The nati ve's father will bea learned person but will suffering from 101 of problems, he may die at the age of 30-3 ). lbese persons will lead a secret life or an isolated life. Rnhu in Virgo _ People born with R:lhu in Virgo will take birth in a house situated in South part Oflhe Cityrrown and the lane/road in front of rhe birth house will be running from South 10 North. 1bese people suffer from inte. .. ti nal problems. These people will have lot of secret enemies. These people wi ll have interest in lawll iteralUrclaslrology. These people though hypersensiti ve will have analyzing capacity in a systematic way. Persons born with Rahu in Vi rgo will have danger from pets/servanl". These people whenever rhey arc sick wi ll get cure from Ayurvedic medicines rather than allopathy. People with the above said Rahu position wi ll have problems from landed property also. These people are prone to evil eye and tantrik effects. Rahu in Libra - People born with Rahu in Li bra will take birth in a house situated in the West part of the Cityrrown and the lane in front of the house will run from West to East. 8 Rahu&Kethuin BhriguAstrology These people will have less friends, and if they have they will have cheating/roughtype of friends. These people will have success and failures equally and always optforjustifications. These people are very social and diplomatic in nature. These people will not only havesuccess butwill also gain jealousy and enemity. These people may suffer from problems pertaining to kidneys, sexual organs, liveretc. These people will face tensions/problems in marriage. People born with Rahuin Librawill have lovefor photography/electronics/fine arts. The grandparent of these people will bearich person and will haveclose relationship withthenative. These people will have luck in travelling and dangers from vehicles, electronics etc. Rahuin Scorpio - People born withRahuin Scorpio will takebirthin ahouse situated in the Northof the Town/City and the lane/road in frontof the birth house runs from North to South, These people suffer from problems pertaining to sex organs and if this is afemalebirthchart she will haveless discharge of blood during her menstrual cycles. Formen the sperm count may be less and thewomen will have dryness in the vagina. There is alotof scope for these people to have jobs/business in foreign land or foreign countries. These people's spouses will become spendthrifts. There is chances for these people to face danger in sexual acts. When Rahuis in Scorpio, thefather of the nativewill have very few friends. The grandparent of these people will beaambitious landlord /preacher. These people will have danger from Machinery/ E lectricity. 8 RailU &. Kt! /}l/I i n Bhrigu A!,mlQgy These people will have less fri ends, and if they have they will have cheating/rough type of fri ends. These people will have success and failures equally and always opt for justifications. These people are very social and diplomatic in nature. These people will not only have success but will also gainjealousy and enemity. These people may suffer from problems pertaining to kidneys. sexual organs, li ver etc. 'I1lese people will face tensions/problems in maniage. People born wilh Rahu in Libra will have love forphotography/clectroni cS/fine arts. The grandparent of these people will be a ri ch person and will have close relationship with the native. These people will have luck in travelling and dangers from vehicles, electronics etc. Rahu in Scorpio- People horn with Ruhu in Scorpio will take birth in a house situated in the North of the Town /City and the lane/road in front of the birth house runs from North to South!, These people suffer from problems pertaining to sex organs and if this isa female birth chart she will have less discharge of blood during her menstrual cycles. For men the spenn count may be less and the women will have dryness in the vagina. There is a lot of scope for these people to have jobslbusiness in foreign land or foreign countries. These people's spouses will become spendthrifts. There is chances for these people to face danger in sexual acts. When Rahu is in Scorpio, the fatherofthe n(1tive wi ll have very few Friends. The gr.mdparent of these people will be a ambitious landlord /preacher. These people will have danger from Machinery/ Electricity. Rn/ru in reference to signs - 9 Rahu in Sagittarius - People born with Rahu in Sagittarius will takebirth in ahouse situated in the East part ofthe village and the lane/road in front ofthe birthhouse leads from East to West. These peoples suffer from problems in thighs and lower back. These people may suffer from piles, because they have the curse oftheir Guru in their last life. These people's spouse will have danger ofdeathin the earlyperiods oftheirlife. These people will meet lotofnew friends/business partners while on travel. These people will have lot of knowledge but very few certificates (educational). The spouses ofthese people will be loosing things frequently and also they have very less courage. These people may face danger from heights, wood, forest animals, etc. These people's father will be a person who is always interested in foreign trade/travel. These people will have danger from learned people/religion and also danger in forest/isolation. Rahuin Capricorn - People bornwithRahu in Capricorn will takebirthin ahousewhichis situated in the South part of the Town/Village with a main- doortowards the South, and the lane/road in front ofthe birth houseruns from Southto North. These people will have weak knees or problems in the knees. These people havebeen cursed by their father in their last life. These people may face troublefrom alocal leading personality. These people may escape danger of deathfrom bad people or neighbors. These people's mother will have lot oftensions in life. People born withRahu in Capricorn will havechildren who are prone to evil eye which makes them frequently sick. These peoplemay face problems from mother- in- law. Most ofthese people do nothing but, pretend busy in the fields of rendering service to political, Huhu in referl.'ncr l(} 5 i ~ n s 9 Rahu in Sagittarius - People born with Rahu in Sagittarius will take birth in a house situated in the East part of the village and the lane I road in front of the birth house leads from East to West. These peoples suffer from problems in thi ghs and lower back. These people may suffer from piles, because they have the curse of their Guru in their last life. These people's spouse will have danger of death in the early periods of their life. These people will meet lot of new friends/business partners while on travel. These people will have lot of knowledge but very few certificates (educati onal). The spouses of these people will be loosing thi ngs frequentl y and also they have very less courage. These people may face danger from heights, wood, forest animals. etc. These people's father will be a person who is always interested in foreign trade/travel. These people wi ll have danger from learned people/reli gion and also danger in forest/isolation. Rahu in Capricorn - People born with Rahu in Capricorn will take birth in a house which is situated in the South part of the TownlVillage with a mai n-door towards the South. and the lane/road in front of the birth house runs from South to North. These people wil l have weak knees or problems in the knees. These people have been cursed by thei r father in their last life. These people may face trouble from a local leading personality. These people may escape danger of death from bad people or neighbors. These people's mother will have lot of tensions in life. People born with Rahu in Capricorn will have children who are prone to evil eye which makes them frequently sick. These people may face problems from mother-in-law. Most of these people do nothing but. pretend busy in the fields of rendering service to political. /0 RaIzu &Kerhu in Bhrigu Astrology poor or needypeople. These people will develop well in the field of politic s. These people will fac e danger from water whilein travel to holyplac es. Rahuin Aquarius - People born withRahuin Aquarius will takebirth in a housewhic his in the West part of the village! c ity besides a wateryplac e and the lane/road in front of the birth house will run from West to East. These people are daydreamers, and will have problemspertaining to c alves! legs. These people will have sec ret friendships. These people will have lot of long distanc e travels and will also travel to pilgrim c entres. Themotherof the nativewhois having the above said c ombination may die in a foreign land or may have an unnatural death. These people will have good relationships with daughter- in- laws and son- in- laws. The spouses of their persons may be less educ ated. These people's father though earns alot, wastes money orwill spend all the money. These people will also fac e frequent losses in theirbusiness, thereason forthis is, they had been c ursed by theirfriends in theirlast life. Rarely these people are blessed with mystic al powers. These peoplemay have danger of deathin flowing waters. Rahuin Pisc es - People born withRahuin Pisc es are born on travel and theirbirth house will be situated in the North part of the village/ town and the lane/road in front of the birth housewill run fromNorth to South. These people usually sufferfrom pain in the feet. These people oc c asionally have danger of death from heights. These are the liberation (Moksha) seeking people. These people will not enjoy muc h of bed pleasures. These people's younger brother/sister may have problems in profession. These persons mother may 10 Rulla ,{ Ktthu in 8lirigu Astrology poor or needy people. These people will develop well in the field of politics. These people will face danger from water while in trdvel to holy places. Rahu in Aquariw; - People born with Rahu in Aquarius will lake birth in a house which is in the West pan oflhe vi llagel city besides a watery place and the lane/road in front aflhe birth house will run from West to East. These people are daydreamers. and will have problems pertaining to calves! legs. These people will have secret friendships. These people wi ll have lot of long distance travels and will also travel to pi lgrim centres. The mother of the native who is having the above said combination may die in a foreign land or may have an unnatural death. The.-;e people will have good relationships with daughter-in-laws and son-in-laws. The spouses of their persons may be less educated. These people's falherthough eamsa lot. wastes money or will spend all the money. 11lese people will also face frequent losses in their business. the reason for this is, they had been curred by their fri ends in their last life. Rarely these people are blessed with mystical powers. These people may have danger of death in nowing waters. Rahu in Pisces - People born with Rahu in Pisces are born on travel and their birth house wi ll be situated in the North pan of the village/ lown and the lane/road in fronlofthe birth house will run from North to South. These people usually suffer from pain in the feet. These people occasionally have danger of death from heights. These are the liberation (Moksha) seeking people. These people will not enjoy much ofbed pleasures. These people's younger brother/sister may have problems in profession. These persons mother may Rahuin reference to signs face danger from long distance travels. These people will have chances of giving birthto children who will die early . These people's spouse will have problems pertaining to evil ey e and tantrik effects. These people will meet aGumwho will be unhappy or will be suffering from lot of problems. There is chances forthese people to face frequent losses in business. These people willhave lotof developments in foreign trade or if they have a profession in a foreign land. These people may face danger from spiritual practices. R(lhll ill rt/trtm:t /0 signs /I face danger from long di stance travels. These people wi ll have chances of giving birth to children who will die early. These people's spouse will have problems pertaining toevil eye and tantrikeffects. These people will meet a Guru who will be unhappy or will be suffering from lot of problems. There is chances for these people to face frequent losses in business. These people will have latof developments in foreign trade or if they have a profession in a forei gn land. These people may face danger from spiritual practices. Rahu in different houses As said earlier this is also in reference to Naadi, and so, here we should consider/assume Jupiter's placement asAscendent. Rahu's placement in different houses will be from Jupiter i.e. Jupiter's placement is the 1st house whichtells about self, personality, structure, nature etc., and 2nd house from Jupiter is for family, speech, money, etc. Jupiter's 3rd house is strength, trav els, losses, neighbors. Jupiter's 4thhouse is birth house, education, family, happiness family life etc. Jupiter's 5th hose is about children, Luck, Pleasures and so on. The usage of Rahuin different houses/bhav as is to be noted from Jupiter's placement treating Jupiter as the Ascendent. Rahuin the 1st house (From Jupiter) - Rahuin the 1st house will giv e the nativ e a creativ e type of mind. There are chances for these people to hav e problems in the head. These people will suffer from lot of sickness in the early ages of their childhood. These people will hav e lot of secrets/secret affairs. These people hav e less courage when they are alone, but, when they are with a company they act brav e. These people talk loudly and harshly . These people are smart and good looking and are easily attracted by fair sex. These people will see their grandparents in their early ages and will also hav e grandparent qualities. These people will hav e interest in mystical sciences, mantras, tantras and spiritual studies. These people may suffer from Nerv ousness! Neurolysis for a short period. These people will be away Rahu in different houses As said earlier this is also in reference 10 Naadi, and so, here we should consider/assume Jupiter's placement as Ascendent. Rahu's placement in different houses wiIJ be from Jupiter i.c. Jupiter 's placement is the I SI house which tells about self. personaljty, SU1JCture. nature etc., and 2nd house from Jupiter is for family, speech, money, etc. Jupiter's 3rd house is strength. travels, losses, neighbon;, Jupiter's 4th house is binb house, education, family. happiness family life etc. Jupiter's 51h hose is about children. Luck, Pleasures and so on. The usage of Rahu in dift'erenl houses/bhavas is to be noted from Jupi ter 's placement treating Jupitcras lheAscendent. Rahu in the 1st house (From Jupiter) - Rahu in the lSI house will give the nativeacreative typeofmind. There are chances for these people to have problems in the head. These people will suffer from lot of sickness in the early ages of their childhood. These people will have 1m of secrets/secret affairs. These people have Jess courage when they are alone, but, when they are with a company they act brave. These people talk loudly and harshly. These people are smart and good looking and are easi ly attracted by fair sex. These people will see their grandparents in their early ages and will also have grandparent qualities. These people will have interest in mystical sciences. mantras, tanlras and spiritual stUdies. These people may suffer from Nervousness! Neurolysis for a short period. These people will be away Ro/tu in different houses /3 from the family for along time or will have lot of problems in the marital life. These people if they have pets, the pets may fall sick frequently, or may run away from the house. These people may have enemity withthe children/stay away from children in the early days. These people will have less friends. In addition to the above when Rahuisin 1 w house from Jupiter the significations ofRahu will differ a little in accordance to his placementsign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 1 house from Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer - These people may lead a secret life in a foreign place. Leo - These people will have children serving in the Government. Virgo - These people will have a prolonged sickness or a disease whichis hard to diagnose. Libra - These people will have a sick spouse. Scorpio - These people will have danger ofdeath through air or Machinery. Sagittarius -These people will be travellers seeking spiritual knowledge. Capricorn -These people work in research/secret services. Aquarius - These people will have danger through drinks or friends. Pisces - These people will have problemspertaining to head/ mind during their spiritual initiations. Aries - These people may get hurt in the head during an accident. Taurus - These people may spend all the money for the pleasures oftheir family. Gemini - These people will have lossesor danger in travels. RlIlm ill tliJJt>rl!flllrmue., /3 from the famil y for a long time or will ~ a v e lot of problems in the marital life. These people if they have pets, the pets may fall sick frequently, or may run away from the house. These people may haveenemity with the children/slay away from children in the early days. TIlese people wi ll have less friends. In addition to the above when Rahu is in \- house from Jupiter the significationsofRahu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in I · house from Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer - These people may lead a secret life in a foreign place. Leo - These people will have children serving in the Government. Virgo - These people wi ll have a prolonged sickness or a disease which is hard 10 diagnose. Libra - These people will have a sick spouse. Scorpio - These people will have danger of death through air or Machinery. Sagittarius - These people will be travellers seeking spiritual knowledge. Capricorn - These people work in research/sccret services. Aquarius - These people wi ll have danger through drinks or friends. Pisces- These people will have problems pertaining to headJ mind during theirspirilUaI initiations. Aries - These people may gel hurt in the head during an accident. Taurus - These people may spend aU the money for the pleasures of their family. Gemini - These people wi ll have losses or danger in travels. 1 4 Rah, &K e t hu i n I 3 hr i g u A s t r o l o g y Rahu i n 2n dho u s e (Fr o mJu pi t e r ) - Pe o pl e who have Rahu i n t he 2n d ho u s e fr o m Ju pi t e r wi l l t al k r o u g hl y an d chan ce s o f havi n g a s car o n t he face . The s e pe o pl e may face dan g e r o fde at h at t he ag e o f 1 -2 ye ar s . The s e pe o pl e wi l l have har s h vo i ce , an d may s u ffe r fr o m t hr o at /t hyr o i d pr o bl e ms . The s e pe o pl e wi l l was t e l o t o f mo n e y an dbe cau s e o ft hi s , t e n s i o n s pr e vai l i n t he fami l y. The s e pe o pl e wi l l s e e a l i t t l e bi t o f s t abi l i t y i n l i fe aft e r mar r i ag e . The s e pe o pl e wi l l have chan g e s i n do me s t i c/pr o fe s s i o n al fr o n t at t he ag e o f 1 2 an d abo ve . The s e pe o pl e may have fi n an ci al l o s s o r l o s s i n jo u r n e y at t he ag e o f 26. The r e i s chan ce s o f e ar l y de at h o f t he s po u s e i n a fe w cas e s . The s e pe o pl e may g e t /g ai n mo n e y fr o mfr i e n ds . The s e pe o pl e may s po i l t he happi n e s s o ft he fat he r . The s e pe o pl e wi l l l o o s e t he i r fr i e n ds at t he ag e o f3 8 an d bu y/co n s t r u ct a ho u s e at t he ag e o f 3 8-3 9. I n addi t i o n t o t he abo ve whe n Rahu i s i n 2 ho u s e fr o m Ju pi t e r t he s i g n i fi cat i o n s o f Rahu wi l l di ffe r a l i t t l e i n acco r dan ce t o hi s pl ace me n t s i g n i n t he n at al char t . Rahu pl ace d i n 2n dho u s e fr o m Ju pi t e r whe n pl ace d i n Can ce r - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have t r o u bl e wi t h t he i r r o àg h s pe aki n g mo t he r o r t r o u bl e wi t h t he i r r o u g h s pe e ch. Le o - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have chi l dr e n havi n g pr o bl e ms o f s pe e ch o r chi l dr e n who ar e s pe n dt hr i ft s . Vi r g o - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have s i ck bu t po pu l ar chi l dr e n . Li br a - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have a do mi n at i n g bu t car i n g s po u s e . Sco r pi o - The s e pe o pl e may have pr o bl e ms i n s e xu al o r g an s . Sag i t t ar i u s -The s e pe o pl e wi l l g e t pr o bl e ms o u t o f t he i r way o f s pe e ch. Capr i co r n - The s e pe o pl e wi l l be co me a i mpo r t an t s pi r i t u al pe r s o n i n a l o cal i t y. /4 Nolm & in 811';8u Rahu in 2nd house (From Jupiter) - People who have Rahu in the 2nd house from Jupiter willlalk roughl y and chances of having a sear on the face. These people may face danger of death at the age of 1-2 years. These people will have harsh voice. and may suffer from throat/thyroid problems. These people will waste lot of money and because of this, lensionsprevail in the famil y. These people w\11 see a little bit of stability in li fe after marriage. These people will have changes in domestidprofessional front at the age of 12 and above. These people may have financial loss or loss in journey at the age of26. There is chances of early death of the spouse in a few cases. These people may gel/gain money from friends . These people may spoi l the happiness of the father. These people will loose their fri ends at the age of 38 and buy/construct a house at Iheage of 38·39. In addition (0 the above when Rahu is in house fromJupiter the significati ons ofRahu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rallu placed in 2nd house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer- These people will have trouble with their rough speaking mother or trouble with their rough speech. Leo - These people will have chi ldren having problems of speech or children who are spendthrifts. Virgo- These people wi ll have sick but popularchildren. Libra - These people wi ll have a dominating but caring spousc. Scorpio - These people may have problems in sexual organs. Sagittarius - These people wil l get problems out of their way of speech. Capricorn - These people will become a important spiritual person in a locality. Rahu in different houses 15 Aquarius - These people mayspend and loose their money on their friends. Pisces - These people waste lot of money on charities. Aries - These people give dry talk and bring their own tensions. Taurus - These people thoughthey earn alot will also loose a lot of moneythrough pleasures. Gemini -These people loose alot of moneybylending it to others. Rahuin the 3rd house (FromJupiter) - People born with Rahuin the 3rd house will be atraveller. These people may suffer from problems pertaining to nerves, ears and stability of mind. These people are very bold and courageous. There is achance of these people getting lost during their childhood days at the age of 3-4 years of their life. These people may face problems by their own brothers/sisters. These people may face trouble or losses while on travel. If this person is a businessperson he will do very good marketing. These people mayget help from their friends during their study period. These people's children will have less friends. The spouse of this person will have a preacher/Guru who may bring trouble or loss to the family. These people's father will be prone to sickness due to tantrik effects. These people will have a good change in their life after their 39 years of age. These people will shine well in Marketing, media, communication and also change their residences frequently. In addition to the above when Rahuis in 3" house from Jupiter the significations of Rahuwill differ alittle in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 3 house from Jupiter when placed in 15 Aquarius - These people may spend and loose lheir money on their friends. Pisces - These people waste lor of money on chari ti es. Aries - These people give dry talk and bring their own tensions. Taurus - These people though they earn a lot will also loose a lot of money through pleasures. Gemini - These people loose a lot of money by lending it to others. Rahu in the3rd house (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahu in the 3rd house wilt be a traveller. 1l1cse people may suffer from problems pertaining to nerve<;, ears and stability of mind. These people are very bold and courageous. There is a chance of these people getting lost dUling their childhood days al the ageof3-4 years of lheir li fe. The.<;c people may face problems by their own brothers/sisters. These people may face trouble or losses while on tnl vel. If this person is a businessperson he will do very good marketing. These peopl e may get help from their friends during their study period. These people'schildren will have less friends. The spouse of thi s person will have a preacher/Guru who may bring trouble or loss to the family. These people's father wiIl be prone to sickness due to tantri k effects. These people will have a good change in their li fe after their 39 years of age. These people will shine well in Marketing. media. communicati on and also change their residences frequentl y. in addition to the above when Rahu is in 3 ~ housefromJupiter the signifi cati onsof Rahu will differ a Littl e in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 3" house from Jupiter when placed in :. 16 kahn &Ke r hu i n B hr i g u A s t r o l o g y Cance r - The s e pe o pl e wi l l face l o t o f t r o u bl e t hr o u g h t r ave l i ng o r may face t r o u bl e t hr o u g h t hi e ve s . Le o - The s e pe o pl e may face l o s s t hr o u g h t he Go ve r nme nt o r po we r fu l pe o pl e . Vi r g o - The s e pe o pl e may s pe nd a l o t o f mo ne y o n ho s pi t al i zat i o n bi l l s . Li br a - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have l o s s e s t hr o u g h t he i r par t ne r s . Sco r pi o - The s e pe o pl e make l o t o f mo ne y by t r e at i ng /cu r i ng ! s o l vi ng o t he r 's pr o bl e ms . Sag i t t ar i u s -The s e pe o pl e wi l l have a l o s s t hr o u g h r e l i g i o u s pe o pl e . Capr i co r n - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have l o s s e s t hr o u g h Go ve r nme nt pe o pl e . A qu ar i u s - The s e pe o pl e s pe nd a l o t fo r t he i r fr i e nds o r wi l l s pe nd a l o t fo r t r ave l i ng t o di s t ant ho l y pl ace s . Pi s ce s -The s e pe o pl e wi l l l o o s e i nt e r e s t i n s pi r i t u al /t r adi t i o nal cu s t o ms . A r i e s - The s e pe o pl e wi l l t ake u p t he pat h o f l i be r at i o n! s al vat i o n and l o o s e t he i r fami l y l i fe . Tau r u s - The s e pe o pl e wi l l l o o s e al l t he mo ne y fo r t he po o r o r char i t i e s . Ge mi ni - The s e pe o pl e wi l l have dang e r o f de at h t hr o u g h acci de nt s . Rahu i n t he 4t h ho u s e (Fr o mJu pi t e r ) - Pe o pl e who have Rahu i n t he 4t h ho u s e wi l l no t have happi ne s s i n t he i r l i fe t i l l t he ag e o f 46 ye ar s . The s e pe o pl e wi l l al s o face pr o bl e ms i n t he i r e du cat i o n. The bi r t h ho u s e fo r t he s e pe o pl e wi l l be i n t he s hape o f "L" and t he mo t he r o f t hi s pe r s o n wi l l l e ad t he fami l y . The mo t he r o f t hi s pe r s o n wi l l al ways face pr o bl e ms i n he r l i fe . The s e pe o pl e wi l l have a de t e ct i ve ! I. RClhu & Kethu ill B h ' ; ~ 1 1 Asrrul fJgy Cancer - These people will face lot of trouble through traveling or may face trouble through thieves. Leo - These people may face loss through the Government or powerful people. Virgo - These people may spend a lot or' money .on hospitalization bills. Libra - These people will have losses through their partners. Scorpio - These people make lot of money by treating/curing! solving other's problems. Sagittarius-These people will have a loss through religious people. Capricorn - These people will have losses through Government people. Aquarius - These people spend a 101 for their fri ends or will spend a lot for traveling to distant holy places. Pisces- These people will loose interest in spirituaVtraditional customs. Aries - These people wi ll take up the path of liberationl salvation and loose their family tife. Taurus - These people wil l loose all the money for the poor or charities. Gemini - These people will have danger of death through accidents. Rabu in the 4th house (From Jupiter) - People who hzve Rahu in the 4th house will nol have happiness in their life ti ll the age of 46 years. These people wi ll also Face problems in theireducaLion. The birth house for these people will be in the shape of "L" and the molherofthis person witt lead the famil y. The mother of thi s person wi ll always face problems in her li fe. These people will have a delective! Raliu in differen t houses 17 in q uisitiv e type of brain an d w ill shin e w ell in research, auditin g, spiritual, man tras etc. These people may face dan ger from fallin g or sev ere sickn ess at the age of 4-5 years. These people may en joy life after 42/46 years of their life. The family members ofthese people w ill hav e lot of trav ellin g. These people may face differen ce of opin ion w ith their father- in -law . There is chan ces of these people facin g death in a foreign lan d/far off place. Though these people are eligible forgettin g good return s for their hardw ork, these return s w ill be delayed/n eglected alw ays. These people may also face dan ger from their en emies children . The causes for the troubles these peoples face is the curse of their mother in their prev ious life. In addition to the abov e w hen Rahu is in 4 house from Jupiter the sign ification s ofRahu w ill differ a little in accordan ce to his placemen t sign in the n atal chart. Rahu placed in 4th house from Jupiter w hen placed in :- Can cer- The n ativ e w ill hav e lot of pain s in gettin g success in life. Leo - The n ativ e w ill dev elop in a differen t place other than his place ofbirth. Virgo - Problems from mother an d un successful in the field of education . Libra - The n ativ e w ill get loss in lan ded property. More pain s but less gain s. Scorpio - The n ativ e may become an adopted son or may grow in a differen t place. Sagittarius -The n ativ e w ill feel un happy in the family an d tries to hav e lot of trav elin g. Capricorn - The n ativ e w ill hav e lot of troubles in life an d also faces problems from the local people. RallU ill dijJfrell/ houses 17 inquisitive typeofbrain and will shine well in research, auditing, spiritual, mantras etc. These people may face danger from falling or severe sickness at the age of 4-5 years. These people may enjoy life after 42146 years of their life. The famil y members ofthcse people will have lot oftraveUing. These people may face difference of opinion with their father- in-law. There is chances of these people facing death in a forei gn lancVfar off placc. Though these people areeligible for getting good returns for their hardwork. these rerums wi ll bedelayedlnegJected always. These people m<ly also face danger from their enemies children. The causes for the troubles these peoples face is the curse of their mother in their previous life. In addition to the above when Rahu is in 400 house from Jupiter the significations ofRahu will difTera little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chan, Rahu placed in 4th house from Jupiterwhen placed in :- Cancer- The nalive will have Jot of pains in getting success in life, Leo - The native will develop in a different place other than his place ofbirth. Virgo - Problems from mother and unsuccessful in the fi eld of educati on. Libra - The native will get loss in landed propeny, More pains but less gains. Scorpio - The nalive may become an adopted son or may grow in a different place. Sagittarius-The nati ve wi ll feel unhappy in the family and tries to have lot of traveli ng. Capricorn - The native will have lot of troubles in life and also faces problems from the local people. 18 Rahu &Kethu i n B hr i g u A s tr o l o g y A quar i us - The n ati ve wi l l en jo y a l o t i n the do mes ti c l i f e. The n ati ve wi l l wo r khar d f o r f ami l y devel o pmen ts . Pi s ces - The n ati ve wi l l be al ways pr o n e to ten s i o n s an d may be n eg l i g en t to war ds f ami l y. A r i es - The n ati ve wi l l have s ucces s af ter a har d s tr ug g l e but the pl an s o f the n ati ve wi l l g o f uti l e. Taur us -Tr o ubl e f r ee f r o m mo n ey an d s ucces s i n l i f e wi l l be af ter 42 year s o f l i f e. Gemi n i - The n ati ve may have a s tep mo ther o r may be br o ug ht up by an o ther per s o n . The n ati ve wi l l be al ways wo r r i ed an d s ad. Rahu i n the 5th ho us e (Fr o m Jupi ter ) - Peo pl e who ar e bo r n wi th Rahu i n the 5th ho us e wi l l have a mi s car r i ag e f o r thei r 1s t chi l d. Thes e peo pl e f ace pr o bl ems cr eated by thei r chi l dr en . Thes e peo pl e may g et i n to s ecr et s exual af f ai r s bef o r e thei r wedl o ck. Ther e i s chan ces o f g etti n g dan g er o f death by el ectr i ci ty at the ag e o f 5-6. Thes e peo pl e may g o i n to g ambl i n g o r wi l l be i n ter es ted i n maki n g a f as t buck. Thes e peo pl e ar e pl eas ur e l o ver s . Mo ther s o f thes e peo pl e wi l l n o t have a happy mar i tal l i f e. Peo pl e havi n g Rahu i n the 5th ho us e may f ace dan g er thr o ug h thei r s po us es f r i en ds. Thes e peo pl e's f ather may have an un n atur al death o r may di e ear l y. The co -bo r n s o f thes e peo pl e wi l l have l o t o f tr avel l i n g . When thes e peo pl e ar e 40 year s o l d the co -bo ms wi l l f ace l o s s es /tr o ubl es . Ther e wi l l be dan g er to f ather at the n ati ve's ag e o f 31-33 year s . In addi ti o n to the abo ve when Rahu i s i n 5, ho us e f r o m Jupi ter the s i g n i f i cati o n s o f Rahu wi l l di f f er a l i ttl e i n acco r dan ce to hi s pl acemen t s i g n i n the n atal char t. Rahu pl aced i n 5th ho us e f r o m Jupi ter when pl aced i n 18 Rahu & Knhu ill Bhrigu ASlmlogy Aquarius - The "att ve will enjoy a lot in the domestic life. The native will work hard for fami ly developmems. Pisces - The n'ati ve will be always prone 10 tensions and may be negligent famil y. Aries - The nati ve wi ll have success after a hard struggle but the plans of the native will go futile. Taurus - Trouble free from money and success in life will be after42 years oflife. Gemini - The nalive may have a step mother or may be brought up by another person. The nati ve will be always worried and sad. Rahu in the 5th house (From Jupiter) '. People who are born with Rahu in the 5th house will have a miscarriage for their I sl child. These people face problems created by their children. These people may get into secret sexual affairs before their wedlock. There is chances of getting danger of death by electricity at the age of 5-6. These people may go into gambling or will be interested in making a fast buck. These people are pleasure lovers. Mothers of these people will not have a happy marital life. People having Rahu in the 5th house may face danger through their spouses frie nds. These people's father may have an unnatuml death or may die early. The co-borns of these people will have lot of travelling. When these people are 40 years old the co-boms w.i ll face losses/troubles. There wi ll be danger to father at the nati ve's age of 3l-33 years. In addition to the above when Rahu is in house from Jupiter the signjfications of Rallu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 5th house from Jupiter when placed in ;- Ra/zuin different houses /9 Cancer-These people will have research type ofeducation! hurdles or lot of changes in education. Leo - These people will have problems /losses in speculations. Health problems to children. Virgo- These people may face litigations through children or may have problematic children. Libra - These people's children will show development in the field of fine artsor they may have sick children. Scorpio - These people will have children whoare talented in sports or children may get severely hurt in sports. Sagittarius -These people's children may have danger of death by falling from heights. Capricorn - These people's children may become an important person in a locality. Aquarius- These people's children will face danger through watersor the development of the children will be in a different land. Pisces- These people's children may be interested in aviation courses/foreign travels. Aries - These people's children may have problems pertaining to head or the children may excel in history or literature. Taurus - These people will have children whoshine well in fine arts or may have problems with medicines. Gemini - These people's children are good orators/will shine in journalism/media. Rahu in 6thhouse (FromJupiter) - People bomwith Rahu in 6thhouse will have lot of open enemies. These people may also face danger from pets. There is danger of death through sickness/water at their age of 6-7 years. These people may get into trouble by widowsor females. These RaJJU ill dijfrrellf hOI/xes " Cancer-These people will have research !ypeor education! hurdles or lot of changes in education. Leo - These people will have problems /losses in speculations. HeaJth problems to chi ldren. Virgo - These people may face li tigations through children or may have problematic children. Libra - These peoplc'schi ldren wi ll show development in the field of fme arts or they may have sick children. . Scorpio - These people will have children who are talented in sports or children may gel severely hun in sports. Sagittarius -These people's children may have danger of death by falJj ng from heights. Capricorn - These people's children may become an important person in a locality. Aquarius- Thesepeople'schildren will face danger through waters or the development of the chil dren wi ll be in a different I;:md. Piscfs- These people's children may be interested in aviation courses/foreign travels. Aries - These people's chil dren may have problems pertaining 10 head Or the children may excel in hi story or literature. Taurus- These people will have children who shine well in fine arts or may have problems with medicines. Gemini- TIlese peopJe 's children are gocx.l orators/will shine in joumalism/me<lia. Rahu in 6th house (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahu in 6th house wi ll have lot of open enemies. These people m1:\y also face danger from pets. There is danger of death through sickness/water at their age of 6-7 years. These people may get into Lrouble by widows or femal es. These 20 Rahu &Kethuin Bhrigu Ass rolagv people are prone to evil eye/tantrik effects frequently. People having Rahuin 6th housewill have unhappy brothers/sisters or trouble creating brothers/sisters. These people's mother will be always on travel and will bring losses to the family by her travel. People born withRahuin 6th housewill have children whowastelotof money. The spouse of these people will always be sick, and becauseof this these peopleforego bed pleasures. These people friends are prone to accidents or may die early. At the age of 42-43 these peoplemay fall seriously sick whileon travel. In addition tothe above when Rahuis in 6- housefrom Jupiter the significations of Rahuwill differ alittle in accordance to his placementsign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 6th house from Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer-Thenative may have problems from awidow or a woman. Leo - Thenative may suffer from spinal problems or may get involved in illegal activities. Virgo - Thenativewill have problems through courtcases. Libra - Thenativewill have problems/dangersthroughpets. Scorpio - The native may get sexually transmitted viral diseases. Sagittarius -The native may get hurt by afall from heights. Capricorn - Thenative may haveweak kneesor may get troublefrom thelocal people. Aquarius - Thenative may fall intoa trap and face problems/ litigations. Pisces - Thenativewill havetrouble in a foreign land. Aries - Thenative may get hurtin the head orsuffer from mental trauma. Taurus - Thenative may havelotof troublefrom creditors. Gemini -Thenative may get bad name and publicity. '" Rahu & Kef/III in BlrriKIf A$fro!uIIY people are prone to evil tyeltantrik effects frequenll y. People having Rahu in 6th house will have unhappy brothers/sisters or trouble creating brothers/sisters. These people's mother will be always on lmvel and will bring losses to the famil y by her travel. People born wi th Rahu in 6th house will have children who waste lot of money. 1be spouse of these people will always be sick, and because afthi s these people forego bed pleasures. These people friends are prone to accidents or may die earl y. AI the age of 42-43 these people may rail seriously sick while on travel. In addi tion to the above when Rahu is in 6- house from Jupiter the significalionsof Rahu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 6th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer - The nati ve may have problems from a widow or a woman. Leo - The nati ve may suffer from spinal problems or may get involved in illegal activities. Virgo - The nalive will have problems through court cases. Libra - The native will have problems/dangers through pelS. Scorpio - The nati ve may get sexually transmitted viral diseases. Sagittarius-The nali ve may get hurt by a fall from heights. Capricorn - The nati ve may have weak knees or may get trouble from the local people. Aquarius-The nati ve may raJ] intoa trap and face problems! litigations. Pisces- The nati ve will have trouble in a forei gn land. Aries - The nati ve may get hurt in the head or suffer from mental trauma. Taurus - The native may have lot of trouble from creditors. Gemini - The nali ve may get bad name and publicity. Rai:u in # / i- r e nt / unse 21 Rahuin 7t h house (Fr om Jupit e r ) - Pe ople bor n wit h Rahu in t he 7t hhouse will have a good looking wife , but , will face t e nsionsin t he family be cause ofdiffe r e nce of opinions. The se pe ople will also have pr oble ms t hr ough fr ie nds! busine ss par t ne r s. The se pe ople 's spouse s will be pr one t o accide nt s fr e que nt ly. The se pe ople will have a posit ive change in life aft e r mar r iage . The se pe ople may have dange r of de at h at t he age of 7- 8 and also t he y may suffe r fr om pr oble ms in t he se xual or gans or kidne ys. The r e is chance s of t he se pe ople 's spouse s t o die at an e ar ly age . The se pe ople will ge t mar r ie d t o a pe r son who is a day dr e ame r and has a poe t ic mind. The spouse s of t he se pe ople will be inquisit ive in nat ur e . The se pe ople may face an accide nt at t he age of 31or 43. The se pe ople will win ove r e ne mie s quickly. The se pe ople will me e t ne w pe r sons and will de ve lop busine ss r e lat ions while on t r ave l. The se pe ople have chance s of ge t t ing alit t le of ance st r al pr ope r t y. The se pe ople 's childr e n will he on t he t r ave l always. The se pe ople will always have r oughly spe aking pe ople as t he ir se r vant s. At t he age of 41 ye ar s t he se pe ople may face losse s t hr ough fr ie nds. The se pe ople always love good food and clot hing. The se pe ople ar e occasionally lucky in it iakiiiz mone y t hr ough wome n. In addit ion t o t he above whe n Rahuisin 7d house fr om Jupit e r t he signifle at ions of Rahuwill diffe r alit t le in accor dance t o his place me nt sign in t he nat al char t . Rahu place d in 7t hhouse fr om Jupit e r whe n place d in:- Cance r - The nat ive 's mar r iage will be fixe d sudde nly wit h an out side r / out cast e . Le o - The nat ive will me e t a par t ne r who is r ich and an impor t ant pe r son. R"//II it! difft'f1'1Ir /UJ/lSI'$ ZI Rahu in 7th house (From Jupiter)· People born with Rahu in the 7th house will have a good looking wife, but, will face tensions in the fami ly because of difference of opinions. These people will also have probl ems through friends/ business panners. These people's s p o u ~ s will be pronelo accident<; frequently. These people wi ll have a positive change in life after maniage. These people may have dangcrof death at the age of7-8 and also they may suffer from problems in the sexual organs Of kidne)'s. There is chances ofthese people's spouses to die at an early age. These people will get married to a person who is a day dreamer and has a poetic mind. The spollses of these people wiJi be inquisitive in nature. These people may face an accident at the age of 31 or 43. These people will win over enemies quickly. These people will meet new persons and wi ll develup business relations while on travel. These people have chances of geninga liuleof ancestral property. These people's children will bean the travel always. These people will always have roughly speaking people as their servants. AI the age of 4 1 years these people may face losses through friends. These people always love good food and clothing. These people <Jreoc.'Casionally lucky in Iliakin,:; money through women. In addition to the above when Rahu is in 7· house from Jupiter the significations ofRahu will difTcra liule in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 7th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer- The native's marriage will be fixed suddenly with an outsider/outcaste. Leo· The nati ve wi ll meet a partner who is ri ch and an important person. 22 Rahu &Kethuin BhriguAstrology Virgo - Thenative may haveto face litigations created by his neighbors/relatives. Libra - Thenative will havearichwoman as a partner and will have good flow of money. Scorpio- The nativewill have problems in sexual organs or will shinein life. Sagittarius - Thenative will havea longjourney and will meeta spiritual Guru. Capricorn - Thenativewill getsupport of alocal person in a foreign land. Aquarius - The native may celebrate/conduct holy ceremonies. Pisces - The native may have a long distance travel witha partner. Aries - Thenative will havetensions fromthe partners/in profession. Taurus - Thenative will havelot of bed pleasures or may get rich working person as a spouse. Gemini - Thenative may face lotof losses or may facean accident caused by his partner. Rahuin 8thhouse (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahuin 8th house will havean unnatural death. These people will have a secret/isolated life. These people may have problems in sex/sexual acts. These people may face danger of deathorsickness attheir age of 8- 9 years and will haveto suffer enemity between the brothers/sisters throughout their life. These people may handoverthe business / property to their children atthe age of 53. These people's servants or employees will be frequently on leave or on travel. The spouses of these people will havea roughtongue and will wastelot of money on their personal needs. These people 22 Ru/ut & Kt!lhu in Blirigu rulra/ogy Virgo - The nati ve may have to face liti gations created by his neighbors/relatives. Libra - The native will have a ri ch woman as a partner and will have good flow of money. Scorpio-The nati ve will have problems in sexual organs or wi ll shine in life. Sagittarius- The naLive will have a longjoumey and will meet a spiritual Guru. Capricorn- The native will get support of a local person in a foreign land. Aquarius - The native may celebrate/conduct holy ceremonies. Pisces- The native may have a long distance travel with a partner. Aries- The nati ve will have tensions from the partners/in profession. Taurus - The native wi ll have lot of bed pl ea. .. ures or may get rich working person a..'i a spouse. Gemini -The nati ve may face lot of losses or may face an accident caused by his partner. Rahu in 8th house (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahu in 8th house will have an unnatural death. These people will have a secret/isolated life. These people may have problems in sex/sexual acts. These people may face danger of death or sickness at their age of8-9 years and wi ll have to suffer enemity between the brothers/sisters throughout their life. These people may handover the business I property to their children at the age of 53. These people' s servants or employees will be frequentl y on leave or on travel. The spouses of these people will have a rough tongue and will waste lot of money on thei r personal needs. These people Ra/zuin different houses 23 may face dangerthroughelectricity/chemicals attheir age of 44 years. These people will shift their residence at the age of 45 years. These people's children maybuy/construct ahouse at the age of 56 years (native's age). These people may loose a little property (ancestral) through the court oflaw. In addition tothe above when Rahuisin &house from Jupiter the significations ofRahuwill differ a little in accordance to his placementsign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 8thhouse from Jupiter when placed in Cancer-Thenative has danger of death through waters. Leo - The native hasa danger of getting poisoned or serious spinal problems. Virgo - The native will have trouble from his own family members. Libra - The native myget monetaryhelp either fromhis children or his wife. Scorpio - The native may have an accidental death. Sagittarius -The native will get a spiritual Guruor mayget lot of money fromthe spouse. Capricorn -The native will have problems or losses in profession and will begin anew life after getting the problems solved. Aquarius - The native will meet a spiritual foreign friend. Pisces - The native may have a residence in a foreign land or livelihood in a foreign land. Aries-Thenative will have lot of troubles/tensions through family/financial matters. Taurus - The native maydevelop in artistic talents or may have a surgery in the throat. Gemini -The native will get problemsthrough auditors/media/ journalists. Rahu in dif!f'rt tlf houus 21 may face danger through electricitylchemicaJs at their age of 44 years. These people will shift their residence at the age of 45 yean;. These people's children may buy/construct a house at tbe age of 56 years (native's age). These people may loose a little property (anceslral.) through the court oflaw. In addition to the above when Rahu is in 8- house from Jupiter the significations of Rahu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 8th house from Jupiterwhen placed in ;- Cancer-The nati ve has danger of death through waters. Leo - The native has a danger of getting poisoned orserious spinal problems. Virgo - The nalive will have trouble from his own famil y members. Libra - The nati ve my get monetary help either from his children or his wife. Scorpio - The native may have an accidental death. Sagittarius -The native will get a spirilUaI Guru or may get lot of money from the spouse. Capricorn -The native will have problems or losses in profession and wiU begin a new life after gening the problems solved. Aquarius- The native will meet a spiritual foreign fri end. Pisces- The native may have a residence in a foreign land or livelihood in a foreign land. Aries - The native will have lot oflrOublesltensions through family/financial maners. Taurus- The nali ve may develop in arti stic talents or may have a surgery in the throat. Gemini-Thenative will get problelTlS throughauditorslmedial journalists. 24 Rahu&Kethuin RhriguAstrology Rahuin the9thhouse (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahuin the9thhouse will face danger of death by drowning atthe age of 9- 10 years. These people will have pilgrimage trips to holy places in their early ages of life. These people will alsohaveadesireof learning Astrology andTantras. These people will havea spiritual life in thelater part of their life. These people may loosetheir family at their early ages of 36 or42 years of their age. These peoplemay suffer from piles because of the curse of their Guru in their previous birth. These people's motherwill always be sick. These people may face losses or loose their property through their grandchildren. These people's spouses will always be travelling. Foreign tradeor business may bring loss for these people. These people may begin their spiritual life or may take initiations from aGuruat the age of 46 or 57 years. These people may suffer great loss at the age of 39 years. These people may have to shift jobs and struggle hard in life to attain success, and also these people use lot of mean methods to meettheir goals. In addition to the abovewhen Rahuis in 9th house from Jupiter the significations of Rahuwill differ alittle in accordanceto his placementsign in thenatal chart. Rahu placed in 9thhouse from Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer- Thenative may have longjourneys or the mother of the nativewill be living in adistant place. Leo - These people will get awards/honors from richand powerful people. Virgo - These peoplemay get into trouble in a foreign land. Libra - These people may not have satisfactory sexual pleasures or may exhibit their talents in adifferent land. Scorpio - These people may have danger of death in a Rahu & Kerhu ill BI,rigll Asrraiogy Rahu in the 9th house (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahu in the 9th house wil l face danger of death by drowning at the age of9-IO years. These people will have pilgrimage lrips to holy places in their early ages of life. These people will also have a desire ofleaming Astrology and Tanttas. These people will have a spiritual life in the later part of their life. These people may loose their family at their early agesof36 or42 years of their age. These people may suffer from piles because of the curse of their Guru in thei r previous binh. These people's mother wi ll always be sick. These people may face losses or loose their property through their grandchildren. These people's spouses will always be travelling. Foreign trade or business may bring loss for these people. These people may begin their spiritual life or may lake iniliati nm; fmm a t.llnl al Ihe age nf 4(1 nr .;7 years. These people may suffer great loss at the age of39 years. These people may have to shift jobs and struggle hard in life to attain success, and also these people use lot of mean methods to meet their goals. In addition to the above when Rahu is in 90- house from Jupiter the significations of Rahu will differ a LilLIe in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 9th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer- The native may have longjoumeys or the mother of the nati ve will be living in a distant place. Leo - These people will get awardslhonprs from rich and powerful people. Virgo - These people may gel inlo trouble in a foreign land. Libra - These people may not have satisfactory sexual pleasures or may exhibit their talents in a different land. Scorpio - These people may have danger of death in a Rahu in d(fferent houses 25 foreign land. Sagittarius -These people will have a change in their life after spiritual initiations or they may wander alot for spiritual understandings. Capricorn - These people may loose money through a local head or may have danger of drowning. Aquarius -These people may have business/profession in a holy place. Pisces - These people may acquire higher education in a foreign land. Aries - These people may face lot of tensions from the Government. Taurus - These people may earn a lot through export business. Gemini-These people will have lot of publicity in a foreign land. Rahuin 10thhouse (FromJupiter) - People born with Rahuin 10th house will have serious health problems at the age of 10 - 11 years. These people are free birds, they will have alow paidjob or sometimes, they will be free without a job doing all the miscellaneous things. Some cases Rahuin 10th house will provide themwith a good job of Research assistants or detective services. These people's father will have lot of problems and will die at an early age. These people's mother-in-law will be a powerful and sickly person. Even these people's children are prone to frequent illness, and the cause of the illness will be evil eye. The co-born of these people will have an accidental death. These people if they do business in a foreign land may see losses/may be deceived by their partners. There is chances of heavy Huhu in differenl hOllses foreign land. Sagittarius -These people will have a change in their life after spiritual initiations or they may wander a lot for spiritual understandings. Capricorn - These people may loose money through a local head or may have danger of drowning. Aquarius-These people may have business/profession in a holypJace. Pisces - These people may acquire higher education in a foreign land. Aries - These people may face lot of tensions from the Government. Taurus - These people may earn a lot through export business. Gemini - These people will have lot of publicity in a foreign land. Rahu in 10th house (From Jupiter) • People born with Rahu in 10th house wi ll have serious health problems at the age of 10· II years. These people are free birds, they will have a low paid job or sometimes, they wi ll be free without a job doing all the miscellaneous things. Some cases Rahu in lOth house will provide them with a good job of Research assistants or detective services. These people's father will have lot of problems and will die at an early age. These people's mother· in· law will be a powerful and sickly person. Even these people's children are prone to frequent illness, and the cause of the illness will be evil eye. The ccrbom of these people will have an accidental death. These people if they do business in a foreign land may see losses/may be deceived by their partners. There is chances of heavy 26 Rn/rn &Kerhuin !Jhrigu Astrology expenditure to the native for court cases at the age of 58 years. These people will havea new life at the age of 46 years and also they will faceminor losses just before46 years of age. In addition to the abovewhen Rahuis in 1 0 .h housefrom Jupiter the significations ofRahuwilldiffera little in accordance to his placement sign in thenatal chart. Rahu placed in 1 0 th house from Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer - These people will have lot of changes in their business or they may take their mother for treatment to a foreign land. Leo - These peoplemay settle down in an important city and will have profession in a rich institution. Virgo - These people will have grand father's profession or may havelot of enemies in their profession/business. Libra - These peoplemay have illegal tradeor business or will have underhand dealings in their profession. Scorpio - These may havedeath in a holy place or may havea spiritual profession. Sagittarius -These peoplemay become preachers/spiritual people wandering for livelihood. Capricorn -These people may become Govt. Servants or leaders of a locality. Aquarius - These people exhibit their talents for charities or for a good cause. Pisces - These people will conduct ceremonies for the dead/profession in travels, tourism and aviation. Aries-These people may havetensions in business/ profession in a foreign land. Taurus - These people's children may excel in the field of medicine/finearts. " Rahu & Knhu in Bhris u AstrolQgy expenditure to the native for court cases at the age of 58 years. These people will have a new life at the age of 46 years and also they will face minor iossesjusl before46 years ofage. In addition to the above when Rahu is in tOo house from JupirerthesigniflCalionsofRahu will diffcra liuJe in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 10th house from Jupiter when placed in :· Cancer - These people wi ll have lot of changes in their business or they Illay take their mother for treatmenllo a foreign land. Leo - These people may settle down in an imponant city and will have profession in a rich institution. Virgo - These people wiU have grand father 's profession or may have Jot of enemies in their professionlbusiness. Libra - These people may have il legal trade or business or wi)) have underhand dealings in their profession. Scorpio - These may have death in a holy place or may have a spiritual profession. Sagittarius -These people may become preachers/spiritual people wandering for li velihood. Capricorn -These people may become Gove Servants or leaders of a locality. Aquarius - These people exhibit their talents for charities or for a good cause. Pisces - These people wil l conduct ceremonies for the dead/profession in travels. tourism and aviation. Aries - These people may have tensions in businessl profession in a foreign land . . Taurus - These people's children may excel in the field of medicine/fine ans. Rahu in different houses 27 Gemini - There people mayget enemitythrough their pub lic ity. Rahuin 11thhouse (From Jupiter) - People b orn with Rahuin 11thhouse will suffer fromear prob lems and will fac e dangerous sic kness at the age of 11-12 years of their age. These people will havelessfriends. These people may fac e danger or losses through their friends. These people will also neglec t their studies in theirc hildhood days b ec ause of b ad c ompany in their c hildhood days. These people's mother may have an unnatural death. These people if they have pets, they may fall sic k frequently, and even these people's servantswill b e prone to frequent sic kness. These people's father will have prob lemspertaining to sight or speec h. These people should avoid c ourt c asesb ec ause lossof peac e and moneythrough c ourt c asesis seen. In addition to the ab ove when Rahuis in 1 I house from Jupiter the signific ations ofRahuwill differalithe in ac c ordanc e to his plac ement sign in the natal c hart. Rahu plac ed in 11thhousefrom Jupiter when plac ed in:- Canc er-The native will have heart prob lems/b ac k-stab b ing friends. Leo - The native will have ab ove aged/spiritual friends or he may have prolonged sic kness. Virgo - These people will have friends whoc reate never ending prob lems. Lib ra - These people's partner/spouse will ac t as a good friend and development in life isseen after marriage. Sc orpio - These people will have powerful friendsand maintain long relationships. Kahil in d i f f ~ " n t houstif Gemini - There people may get enentity through their publicity. 27 Kahn in 11th house (From Jupiter) • People born with Rahu in 11 th house will suffer from ear problems and will face dangerous sickness at the age of 11 - 12 years of their age. These people will have less friends. These people may face danger or losses through their friends. These people will a1so neglect their studies in their childhood days because of bad company in their childhood days. These people's mother may have an unnalura1 death. These people if they have pets, they may fall sick frequently, and even these people's servants will be prone to frequent sickness. These people's father will have problems pertaining to sight or speech. These people should avoid court cases because loss of peace and money through court cases is seen. In addi tion to the above when Rahu is in 11 · house from Jupiterthe significationsofRahu will differa little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 11 th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer - The native will have heart problemslback-stabbing friends. Leo - The native will have above aged/spiritual fri ends or he may have prolonged sickness. Virgo· These people wi ll have friends who create never ending problems. Libra· These people's partner/spouse will act as a good friend and development in life is seen after marriage. Scorpio - These people ,,<ill have powerful friends and maintain long relati onships. 28 Rahu&Kethuin BhriguAstrology Sagittarius -These people will haveateacher/Guru who acts as aclose friend. Capricorn - These people will havelot of richand powerful people as followers. Aquarius -These peoplemay have ajob in a foreign land or may travel a lot to foreign countries. Pisces-These peoplemay getseriously ill in a foreign land or may havechances of getting imprisonment in a foreign land. Aries - These people may get lot of publicity or may work in thefield of advertisement/journalism etc., Taurus - These peoplegetmonetary benefits from female friends. Gemini - These peoplemay havebusiness minded friends orthese peoplemay facelosses/trouble through their friends. Rahuin 12thhouse (From Jupiter) - People born with Rahuin 12th housewill suffer from dangers at the age of 11-12 years. These people will have secret affairs or may nothave proper bed pleasures athome. Awidow will become asecret enemy for these people. These people's co-horns may have jobs/business in a foreign land. These people may stay away fromhomeormother and also haveachanceof loosing theirlanded property. These peoplemay haveachild who will dieatan early age. These people will develop in a foreign land and also they may buy a property in a foreign land. These people's spouse is prone to frequent accidents orfalls. These people will facelot of losses in their profession These peoplemay face danger through their friends. RClhll &: Kelhu in Bhrigll Amviflgy Sagittarius-These people will have a teacher/Guru who acts as a close friend. Capricorn - These people will have lot of rich and powerful people as followers. Aquarius - These people may have a job in a foreign land or may travel a lot to foreign countries. Pisces - These people may get seri ously ill in a foreign land or may have chances of getting impri sonment in a forei gn land. Aries- These people may get Jot of publici ty or may work in the field of advertisement/journalism etc., Taurus - The.<;e people get monetary benefits from female friends. Gemini - These people may have business mi nded fri ends or these people may face losses/trouble through their friends. Rahu in 12th house (From Jupiter)· People born with Rahu in 12th house will suffer from dangers at the age of 11-12 years. These people will have secrel affairs or may nOI have propcr bcd pleasures at home. A widow will become a secret enemy (or these people. These people's co-horns may have jobslbusiness in a foreign land. These people may stay away from home or mother and also have a chance of loosing their landed property. These people may have a child who will die at an early age. These people will develop in a foreign land and also they may buy a property in a foreign land. These people's spouse is prone to frequent accidents or faUs. These people will face lot of losses in their profession These people may face danger through their friends. Rahu in different houses 29 In addition to the above when Rahu is in 12- house from Jupiter the significations ofRahuwill differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 12thhouse from Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer -These people will have enmity with their mothers and danger ofdeath through waters in a foreign land. Leo - These people may get into litigations and court cases or may have powerful enemies. Virgo - These people will get problems/sickness in a foreign land or through bed pleasures. Libra - These people will have partners in a foreign land or riches through foreign land. Scorpio - These people will have problems froma foreign Government in a foreign land. Sagittarius -These people may go against religion or may develop enemity with religious people. Capricorn - These people will have losses or litigations in their profession through the local people. Aquarius - These people will have danger of death through waters in a holy place. Pisces - These people may danger of falling from heights in a foreign land. Aries - These people loose their peace of mind by the problems caused by their family members. Taurus- These people will have losses through women. Gemini - These people will have loss of name through publicity or j ournalists. NOTE: Rahu's placement in different housesis from Jupiter not fromAscendant In addition to the above when Rahu is in 12 .. house from JupiterthesignificationsofRahu will differ a Linle in accordance to his p[acement sign in the natal chart. Rahu placed in 12th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer- lbese people will have enmity with their mothers and danger of death through waters in a foreign land. Leo - These people may get into litigations and court cases or may have powerful enemies. Virgo· These people will gel problems/sickness in a foreign land or lhrough bed pleasures. Libra - These people will have partners in a foreign land or riches through foreign land. Scorpio - These people will have problems from a foreign Government in a foreign land. Sagittarius -These people may go against religion or may developenemity with religious people. Capricom-These people will have losses or litigations in their profession through the local people. Aquarius - These people will have danger of death through waters in a holy place. Pisces - These people may danger of falling from heights in a foreign land. Aries - 111ese people loose their peace of mind by the problems caused by their family members. Taurus- These people will have losses through women. Gemini - These people will have loss of name through publicity or joumalisl'i. NOTE: Rahu's placement in different houses is from Jupiter not from Ascendant. Rahu &Other Planets After completing the study of Rahuin different signs and different houses, wehave to study Rahu's significations when he is conjoined withother planets. Though Rahuis called a shadowy planet, his placement and conjunction withother planets influence an individual's life. The earlier chapters gave us adetailed study about Rahuin different signs and Rahuin different houses. Now, wehave herein the following pages a study aboutRahu's significations when conjoined withother planets. Rahu&Sun - If a person has Rahu&Sun together in the birth chart, the father of the native may die at an early age. Theabovecombination will also give a problematic life to the fatherof the native. The native may sufferfrom adiseased body or problems pertaining to sight. These people are admired and respected secretly. These people may also suffer from bonemarrowon the left side of the body. These people will have problems from Richand powerful people or through the Government. These people will also be egoistic, boastful and false prestige maintaining type of people. When Sun is in 4th house to Rahu makes the father of the native a free bird withless attachment towards the family and also with lot of unhappiness in the domestic front. Rahu &Sun conjoined indicates that the native has been cursed by his father in his previous life. Rahu & Other Planets After completing the study of Rahu in di fferent signs and different houses, we have to study Rahu's significations when he is conj oined with otherpiancis. Though Rahu is called a shadowy planet. his placement and conjuncti on wi th other planets influence an individual's life. Theeariler chaptefS gave us a detailed study about Rahu in different signs and Rahu in different houses. Now. we have here in the following pages a shtdy al:x>ut Rahu's significations when conjoined with other planets. Rahu & Sun - If a person has Rahu & Sun together in the birth chart, lhe father afthe native may die at an early age. The above combinati on will also give a problematic life to the father of the nati ve. llle native may suffer from a disea'ied body or problems pertaining to sight. These people are admired and respected secretl y. These people may also suffer from rone marrow on the left side of the body. These people will have problems from Ri ch and powerful people orthrough the Govemment. These people will also be egoistic. boastful and fal se prestige maintaining type of people. When Sun is in 4th house to Rahu makes the father of the native a free bird with less attachment towards the famil y and also with lot of unhappiness in the domestic front. Rahu & Sun conjoi ned indicates thal lhe nati ve has been cursed by hi s father in his previous life. Rahu &Other Planets 31 Rahu &Moon - People having Rahuand Moon together in their birthchart will lack in decision taking. These people will havea dry mind very emotional and creative in nature. The motherofthis person will suffer fromlot of problems and may be haunted by evil forces or energies called as physic problems. These people face emotional problems in all walks of life. These people's mother may die or may become a widow in an early age. These people may face health problems pertaining tochest, lungs, or breasts. People with this combination will develop well in a foreign land rather than their place of birth. These people will have a good looking motherlearned in fine arts, but, ends the marital life at an early age. These people will have more interest in spiritual or mystical sciences. Rahuand Mooncombination in abirthchart indicates curseof the mother in their previous life. Rahu&Mars - People having Rahuand Mars together in their birthchart will have problems pertaining totheir blood. These people will alsohave a magnetism attracting fair sex towards them and alsohave lot ofdesires and passion. One of the co- borns of these people will have lot of problems or will get lost in their childhood days. This combination of Rahuand Mars makes the native acriminal minded person. Theco- borns of these people will become a photographer or will be interested in finearts. These people are frequently prone toaccidents or quarrels. One ofthebrother orsister of this person may stay away fromthe family. Person with the above said combination may have disabled limbs or amputated limbs. These people will also get problems pertaining tolanded property or in getting landed property. Ralrll d: Othu Planets 3/ Rahu & Moon - People having Rahu and Moon together in their binh chart wil l lack indecision taking. These people wil l have a dry mind very emotional and creative in nature. The mother of this person will suffer from lot of problems and may be haunted by evil forces or energies called as physic problems. 1hese people face emotional problems in all walks of life. These people's mother may di eor may become a widow in an early age. These people may face health problems pertai ning to chest, lungs. or breasts. People with this combinati on will develop well in a foreign land rather than their place of birth. These people wi ll have a good looki ng mother learned in fine arts, but. ends the marital life at an early age. These people wi ll have more interest in spiritual or mysti cal sciences. Rahu and Moon combination in a birth chart indicates curse of the mother in theirprevious life. Rahu & Mars - People having Rahu and Mars together in their birth chart will have problems pertaining to thei r blood. These people wi ll also have a magneti sm attracting fair sex towards them and also have lot of desires and passion. One ofLhe co-barns of these people wi ll have lot of problems or will get lost in their child hood days. This combi nat ion of Rahu and Mars makes thenativeacriminal minded person. The co-barns of these people wi ll become a photographer or will be interested in [me arts. These people are frequently prone to accidents or quarrels. One of the brother or sister of this person may stay away from the family. Person with the above said combination may have di sabled limbs or amputated limbs. These people will also get problems pertaining to landed property or in gelling landed property. 32 Rahu &Kethuin BhriguAstrology In a female chart having Rahuand Mars combination the native will face lot of problems with the husband or the husband will stay away from the family. Thefemales with such combination of Rahu&Mars may have a diseased husband. Females having this combination will also have problems in getting married or problems in the marriage and also she may have problems in conceiving. Rahu& Mercury - People having Rahuand Mercury will have problems in education. These peoplemay have interest in foreign cultures or literature and will learn manylanguages. These people will study fine arts, photography, research or auditing. There is also chances of these people becoming writers or journalists. These people may be betrayed or cheated by their own relatives or neighbors. These people are speculative in natureand will befond of gambling. These people are also prone to frequent stomach problems, undiagnosed diseases/madness and skin allergies. These people frequently fall into dry arguments withaharshtone. Rahu& Jupiter- People born with Rahuand Jupiter will have health problems or will be a day dreamer. There is danger to thenativein the year he is bom. These people are good looking but rough in nature. These people will havelot of secrets or secret affairs. These people are neglected) avoided bymany for their bad behaviorand rough nature. These people may suffer from nervousness or mental depressions and even chances ofsuicidal deathis seen. These people love vehicles, but, are prone to frequent minor accidents. These people will also show interest in finearts. A few ofthem may learn tantrasimystical sciences. People born 32 Rahl4 & Kt!thu ill 8lrrigll A.rtmlngy In a female chart having Rahu and Mars combination the nalive will face lot of problems with the husband or the husband will stay away fTOm the family_ The females with such combination of Rahu 8£ Mars may have a di seased husband. Females having this combination wi ll also have problems in getting manied or problems in the maniage and also she may have problems in conceiving. Rahu & Mercury . People having Rahu and Mercury will have problems in education. These people may have interest in foreign cultures or literature and wil l learn many languages. These people will study fine arts, photography, research or auditi ng. There is also chances of these people becoming writers or journaJ ists. These people may be betrayed or cheated by their own relatives or neighbors. These people arespeculati ve in nature and will be fond of gambling. TIlese people are also prone to frequent sto mach problems, undiagnosed diseasesl madness and skin allergies. These people frequently fall into dry arguments with a harsh lone. Rahu & JupiterM People born with Rahu and Jupiter will have health problems or wi ll be a day dreamer. There is danger 10 the naLive in the year he is born. These people are good looking bUI rough in nature. These people will have Jot of secrets or secret affairs. These people are neglected! avoi ded by many for their bad behavior and rough nature. These people may s uffer from nervousness or menial depressions and even chances of suicidal death is seen. These people love vehicles, bUI , are prone to frequent minor accidents. These people will also show interest in fine arts . A few of them may learn tantraslmystical sciences. People born Rahu&Oilier Planers 33 with Rahuand Jupiter may become an imposter. These people will have problems in conceiving orwill havechildren whodie early. These people will always have adesire of wanting new things. Because Jupiter &Rahuare conjoined, the native will have lot ofhurdlesin the development of their life. Rahu&Venus - People born with Rahuand Venus will have accidents. These people will enjoy secret pleasures, and even the sexual practices will be secret. These people will waste lot of money orthe money theirearnwill flow out very fast. These people alsohavechancesof getting hidden money or treasures. RahuandVenus makesthe native an attractive and anartistic person. Thereare chancesfor these people to either become gamblers or drug addicts. In a male birthchart thiscombination indicate problems withthe wifeor problems at the timeof marriage, and in somecases the marriage would beasuddenand secret one. Men having this combination of Rahuand Venus intheir birthchart will havea goodlooking wife withartistic talents. Ifit is business, these people maygo into the businessof liquors. Men having thiscombinationwill develop soonalter their marriage, but, danger tothe wife at an early age is seen. This combination inamale horoscope will bring problems inthe marital life. Rahu&Saturn - People having Rahuand Saturnin their birthchart will go for alow paidjobs or sometimes will be jobless. These people arealsointerested in photography or working indark. These people will alsohaveabad behavior, revengeful and are always in fantasy. These people may also workfor adetective agency or inthe filed of research. These Huhu &: Othtr Pla-Itls JJ with Rahu and Jupiter may become an imposter. These people will have problems in conceiving or will have children who di e earl y. These people will always have a desire of wanting new thi ngs. Because Jupiter & Rahu are conjoined, the nati ve will have 10l of hurdles in the development of thei r life. Rahu & Venus - People born with Rahu and Venus wi ll have accidents. These people will enjoy secret pleasures. and even the sexual practices wi11 be secret. These people will waste lot of money or the money their earn will flow out very fast. These people also have chances of getting hidden money or treasures, Rahu and Venus makes the native an attractive and an artistic person. There are chances for these people to either become gamblers or drug addicts. In a male birth char1 this combination indicate problems wi th the wife or problems al lhe time ofmarriagc. and in some cases the maniage would be a sudden and secret one. Men havi ng this combination of Rahu and Venus in their birth chart wi ll have a good looking wife with artistic talents. If it is business. these people may go into me business of liquors. Men having this combination will develop SOOI1 after their maniage, bUI, danger to the wife <tt <tn early age is seen. Thi s combination in a male horoscope will bring problems in the marital li fe. Rahu & Saturn - People having Rahu and Saturn in their birth chan will go for a low paid jobs or sometimes wi ll be jobless. These people are also interested in photography or working in dark. These people will also have a bad behavior, revengeful and are al ways in fantasy. These people may also work for a detective agency or in the flI ed of research. These 34 Rahu &Kethu i n Bhri gu A s tro l o g y peo pl e have chan ces o f o wn i n g heavy vehi cl es i n thei r l i fe ti me, whi ch frequen tl y bri n gs l o s s es to the n ati ve. If i n bus i n es s , thes e peo pl e may go i n to a bus i n es s deal i n g wi th vehi cl e s pare parts o r ty res an d tubes . Thes e peo pl e wi l l wo rkti l l thei r o l d age. Thes e peo pl e wi l l s hi n e wel l i n tan tri k an d s pi ri tual practi ces an d s o me peo pl e al s o mas ter the ceremo n i es o f the dead. Thes e peo pl e make l o t o f fal s e pro mi s es whi ch wi l l n o t be ful fi l l ed by them. Thes e peo pl e al s o face pro bl ems pertai n i n g to pro fes s i o n /bus i n es s . Ruhu <I: Ki!fhu in Bhn'su ASfro/QSY people have chances of owning heavy vehicles in their life time, which frequently brings losses to the native, If in business, these people may go into a business dealing with vehicle spare parts or tyres and tubes, These people will work till their old age. These people will shine well in tantrik and spiritual practices and some people also master the ceremonies of the dead. These people make lot of fal se promi ses which will not be fulfi lled by them. These people also face problems pertaining to professionlbusiness. Rahu's Transit Effects Generally astrologers concentrate on the planets moving in forward motion to know about the developments and happenings of an individual. But, the Author, here in this bookhas brought out into light a few lines about Rahu's anti- clock wise movements arid its effects in the native's life. The author is of the opinion that the regular planets which move forward give positive or negative effects to the native according to their portfolios and significations. Rahu which is a karmic planet moving and- clock wise observes, the malefic or henefic deeds of a person created by forward moving planets and will give the native the required dosage of positive or negative effects (pleasures/sufferings) in his roundsoftransit in accordance to the karmic action done by the native. Secondly, not all the rounds of Rahu's transit will give the effects. The placement of Rahu from Jupiter or the distance of Rahuand Jupiter will tell the part of the life in which Rahu will exercise his transit effect. Rahu takes 1 - 1 /2 year to transit in one sign and takes 1 8 years to complete one rotation. The above said can be understood with an example. For e.g.., When Rahu is placed in 2 nd house from Jupiter, Rahu's transit effect to the native will begin in the 2 nd round of Rahu's transit i.e. after 1 8 years (because Rahu takes 1 8 years to complete one rotation. The effect also will be in accordance to the Rahu's Transit Effects Generally astrologers concentrate on the planets moving in forward mOLi on to know about the developments and happenings of an individual. BUI, rheAuthor. here in thi s book has brought out into light a few lines about Rahu's anti- clock wise movements and its effects in the native's life. The author is of the opinion that the rcgular pJancts which move forward give positi ve or negative effects to the native accordi ng 10 their portfolios and si,e;nificalions. Rahu which is a kannic planet moving anli-clock wise observes, the malefic or benefic deeds of a person created by forward moving planets and will give the nati ve the required dosage of JX>Sitive ornegati vecffects (Pleasures/sufferings) in hi s rounds of transit in accordance tO,the kannic action done by the nati ve. Secondly, not all the rounds of Rahu' s transit will give the effects. The placement ofRahu from Jupiter or thedist.ance ofRahu and Jupiterwi tllellthe pml of the li fe in which Rahu wi ll exercise his tnmsit effect. Rahu takes 1- 1/2 year to transit in one sign and takes 18 years to complete one rotation. 111e above said can be understood with an example. Fore.g .. , When Rahu is placed in 2nd house from Jupiter, Rahu's transit effect to the native will begin in the 2nd round ofRahu's transit i.e. after 18 years (because Rahu takes 18 years to complete one rotati on. The effect also will be in accordance to the 36 Rahu &Kethuin Bhrigu Astrology bhavalportfolio of the house (please note portfolio is from Jupiter - treating Jupiter as Ascendant) When Rahuis placed in 3rdhousefrom Jupiter, Rahu's transiteffect to the native will begin in the3rdroundof Rahu's transiti. e. after 36 years and so on. The above said theory is made easier when compared withabirthchart. Seethe below mentioned birth chartof a nativeborn on 22- 09- 1960in South India. Mer Mar Ven 6 4 7 Rah 3 Mar Mon 5 Ket 8 2 Fig. I I I Rah Jup Asc. 9 Kct Sat 10 12 Jup Ven Sun 0Sun Sat Mon Mer Theauthor hasalso provided atableof Rahu's placement and the effect of Rahu's transit here- below for an easy understanding ofthetransitofRahuandits effect. Rahu's placement from Jupiter Period fromwhichthe effect takes place. In 2ndhouse In 3rd house In 4thhouse In 5thhouse In 6thhouse From 18 years From36 years From 54 years From 72 years From 90 years. 36 Rahll & Kel /III in Bhrigfl Astrology hhava/portfolio of the house (please note portfolio is from Jupiler - treati ng Jupiler a'i Ascendant) When Rahu is placed in 3rd house from Jupiter, Rahu's transit effect to the native will begin in lhe 3rd round of Rahu's transit i.e. after 36 years and so on. The above said theory is made easier when compared with a birth chart. See the below mentioned birth chart of a nati ve born on 22-09-1 960 in South India. Mar K" Fig. I Roo Asc. Jo p """ SO" Sat Moo M" The author has also provided a table ofRahu's placement and the effect of Rahu's transit here-below for an easy understanding afme transit ofRahu and its effecl Rahu's placement from Jupiter In 2nd house In 3rd house In 4th house In 5th house ln 6th house Period from which the effect takes place. From 18 years From 36 years From 54 years From 72 years From 90 years. Ra/ut ) Transit Effects 37 VERY IMPORTANTNOTE:The transit ofRahu is given only for 6throundbecause of the belowmentionedreasons whichare as follows:- I) A human life is the effects of karma (action) and the life force in the body performs the action. In Naadi we call Jupiter as the life force or the native, andSaturn as karma (action) . Jupiter (life force) takes 12 years to complete one rotation from Aries to Pisces and by the time it completes the 6th roundthe native wouldbe running around 72 years of age. After 72 the life force activity will be gradually reduced because Jupiter is in the 6th round and that round is for diseases, enemity etc. The karma or action which is performed by the individual is seen fromSaturn. Saturn which takes 30 years for one rotation fromAries to Pisces will be active till the end of 3rdround, by the time Saturn completes the 3rdroundthe native wouldbe running around 90 years of age. So, when a person slows down action-wise andhas been drainedoutof strength oflife force will notutilise or get muchbenefits from planets after90 years of age. 2) Thesecondreason for stopping Rahu's transit at6thround is, Rahu is not alone as he is withKethu standing opposite to him. Here, kethuwhois ready to give liberation to the soul is opposite to Rahu, and will wait for an opportunity to liberate the native when life force of the nativeis weakafter pertbrmiiig the actions significated through Saturn. So, when Rahu is 6th house beginnings are there butwhen becomes to 7th house from Jupiter you will findKethu in the 1st house and the liberation/ending begins. Forthe above mentionedmasons Rahu was stopped at 6thhouse or at the 6throtation. You Nil /ill S Trill/ sit Effects 37 VERY Il\1PORTANT NOTE: The transitofRahu is given only for 6th round because of the below mentioned reasons which are as follows:- I) A human life is the effects ofkanna (action) and the life force in the body perfomls the action. In Naadi we cal l Jupiter as the life foreeor the native, and Satum as karma (aclion). Jupiler( life force) takes 12 years 10 complete one rotation from Aries to Pisces and by the time it completes the 6th round the nalive would be runni ng around 72 years of age. After 72 the life force activity will be gradually reduced because Jupiter is in the 6th round and thai round is for diseases, enemily etc. The karma or aclion which is perfonned by the individuaJ is seen from Saturn. Saturn which takes 30 years far one rolaLiun from Aries to Pisces will be active till the end of3rd round, by the time Saturn completes the 3rd round the native would be running around 90 years of age. So, when a person slows down action-wise and has been drained out ofstrcngth of lire force will not utiLise or gel much benefits from planets after 90 years of age. 2) The second reason for stopping Rahu 's transit at 6th round is, Rahu is not alone a" he is with Kethu standing opposite 10 him. Here, kethu who is ready to give liberation 10 the soul is opposilelo Rahu, aoo will wail for an opportunilY 10 Hbemle the native when life forceofthe nati ve is weak aftcrperfonning the actions signifi calcd through Sat urn. So, when Rahu is 6th house beginnings are there bUI when he comes to 7th house from Jupiter you will find Kethu in the I sl house and the liberation/ending begins, For the above mentioned reasons Rahu was stopped at 6th house or at the 6th rotation. You 38 Rahu &Kethu in ShriguAstrology may understand this still better when you do comparative study withKethuwhichis in the 2nd part ofthe same book. Fora practical study let us study thebirthchart given in the earlier pages as Fig. I andwatchRahuand its effects in the native's life, in the above chart Rahu is in the 9th house (Leo) from Jupiteraspecting 3rd housefrom Jupiter, so, here in this person's life Rahuwill give effects from36 years ofhis life. Rahu aspecting the 3rd housewill create losses orlotof travels so, thenativewas travelling long distance at the age of 39 years (this is the period when Rahu touched Jupiter) and changes in life was seen. Andat the age of42-43he settled in a foreign place, and started even earning money, this is period when Rahutouched Venus and Moon in Libra (refer Fig. I chart). At the age of44-45 he started getting good name and his works were published, this is the period when RahutouchedSun and Mercury, here Mercury which was aspected by Mars fromGemini gave him publicity through his writings. The author here-below gives a few points for readers regarding the effects given by Rahu during transit in accordanceto his placement in differenthouses from Jupiter. Rahu in 2nd house from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahuin different houses as given in earlier chapters) When Rahuis placed in 2nd housefrom Jupiter theeffects will start from18 years of the nativeandtheeffect will be in accordance to the houseandalso the planet's significations. - When Rahutouches Jupiter (in thenatal chart) in his 2nd round after 18 years, the native will have a change in the Rahu & Ktlhu in Bhri/l u Astr% g)' may understand this still better when you do comparati ve study with Kcthu which is in the 2nd part of the same book. For a practical study let us study the birth chart given in the earlier pages as Fig. l and watch Rahu and its effects in the nati ve's life. In the above chart Rahu is in the 9th house (Leo) from Jupiter aspecring 3rd house from Jupiter, so, here in this person' s life Rahu will giveeffcclS from 36 years of his life. Rahu ao; pecting the 3rd house wi ll create losses or lot of lravels so, the nalive was travelli ng long dislanceat the age of 39 years (thi s is the period when Rahu touched Jupiter) and changes in life was seen. And at the age of 42-43 he settled in a foreign place, and started even earning money, this is period when Rahu touched Venus and Moon in Libra (refer Fig. 1 char1) . Allhe age of he started lleuin2 good name and hi s works were published, this is the peri od when Rahu touched Sun and Mercury. here Mercury which was aspecled by Mars from Gemini gave him publicity through his writings. The author gives a few points for readers regarding the effects given by Rahu during transit in accordance to his placement indifferent houses fromJupiter. Rahu in 2nd house from (Please also refer Rahu in ditTerent houses as given in earlier chapters) When Rahu is placed in 2nd house from Jupiter the effects will start from 18 years of the nalive and the effect will be in accordance to the house and also the planet's significations. When Rahu touches Jupi ter(in Ihe natal chart) in hi s 2nd round afler 18 years, Ihe native will have a change in the Ru/rus Transit Effects 39 family oranewlife. - When Rahutouches Venus (in the natal chart) the native may meeta woman,orwill gainmoney in pleasures/gambling. - WhenRahu touches Saturn (in the natal chart) there may he change of job or changes in job. - WhenRahu touches Mars (in the natal chart) there may be celebrations in the family orthe native may receive money through accidents. - When Rahutouches Mercury (in the natal chart) the native will have a change in the education/educational institution, may receive award/scholarship money from institutions or Government. - When Rahutouches Sun (in the natal chart) the native will havecelebrations, publicity or good name. - When Rahutouches Moon (in the natal chart) the native will face lot of changes in life or may change his residence. Rahu in 3rd house from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahuin different houses as given in earlier chapters) Rahuin 3rd house will make the native atravellerand also will give loss to the native in accordance to the planet he touches during his transit. Theeffect ofRahuwill begin after 36 years ofthe native and the effect will be in accordanceto the houseand also the planet's significations. - WhenRahutouches Jupiter (in the natal chart) the native will have journeys for his livelihood or profession. - WhenRahutouches Venus (in the natal chart) the native may meeta woman/have pleasures/make money whileon travel. - WhenRahutouches Sun (in the natal chart) the native will attend ceremonies orwill travel for attending a function. Hahll :r Tratuit £JJ«ts 19 family or a new life. • When Rahu touches Venus (in the natal chan) the nati ve may meet a woman, or will gain money in pleasures/gambling. · When Rahu touches Saturn (in the natal chan) there may be change of job or changes in job. · When Rahu touches Mars (in the natal chan) !.here may be celebrations in the famil y or the nati ve may receive money through accidents. · When Rahu touches Mercury (in the llatal chart) the native will have a change in theeducationleducational institution, may receive award/scholarship money from institutions Of Government. · When Rahu touches Sun (in the natal chart) the native will have celebrati ons, publicit y or good name. - When Rahu touches Moon (in the nalal chart) the native will face lot of changes in li fe or may change his residence. Rahu in 3rd house rrom Jupiter :- (Please also refer Rahu in different houses as given in earlier chapters) Rahu in 3rd house will make the nati ve a traveller and also wi ll give loss to the nati ve in accordance to the planet he touches during his tmllsit. The effect of Rahu will begin after 36 years of the native and theefTect wi ll be in accordance to the house and also the planet's signifi cations. - When Rahu touches Jupiter (in the natal chart) !.he native will have journeys fOf his Ii velihood Of profession. - When Rahu touches Venus (in the natal chart ) tbe native may meet a womanlhavc pleasures/make money while on travel. - When Rahu touches Sun (in the natal chart) the naLi ve will attend ceremonies Of will travel for anendinga function. 40 Rome &Kethuin fibriguAstrology, - When Rahu touches Moon (in the natal chart) the native will haveloss in changing the residence. - When Rahu touches Mercury (in thenatal chart) the native may face problems or litigations through his relatives or neighbors. - WhenRahu touches Saturn (in thenatal chart) the native has toface theft/quarrels whileon travel. - When Rahutouches Mars (in the natal chart) thenativewill meet withan accident whileon travel. Rahu in 4th house from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahuin different houses as given in earlier chapters) In this round ofRahu's transit it will give theeffect of family matters, houseor land development. Theeffect will bein accordancetothe planets (as per natal chart) Rahu touches on his transit. This round oftransit will begin atthe age of54 years ofthe native. - When Rahu touches Jupiter (in thenatal chart), he will give a new lifeand will bring domestic changes. - When Rahu touches Mars (in the natal chart) Thenative may buy a landed property or may havealteration workfor thehouse, thereare chances of getting problems in the family. - When Rahutouches Venus (in thenatal chart) This will bea very happy period at homeand also money or materialistic things may flow in. - When Rahu touches Saturn (in thenatal chart) The family of the native may facetensions or problems. There will be lot of negativechanges in the domestic front - When Rahu touches Moon (in the natal chart). Thenative will change theresidenceand afemalemember will facehealth problems in this period. 40 Ruhu & K('lhu in BhriguASlrolflg}' - When Rahu touches Moon (i n the natal chart) the nati ve will have loss in changing the residence. - When Rahu touches Mercury (i n the nalal chart) the nati ve may face problems or litigations through his relati ves or neighbors. - When Rahu touches Saturn (in the natal chart) the nati ve has to face theft/quarrels while on traveL - When Rahu touches Mars(in the natal chart) the native will meet with an accident while on travel. Rahu in 4th bouse from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahu in different houses as given in earlier chapters) In this round ofRahu' s transit it will give the effect of family matters. house or land development. The effect will be in accordance to the planets (as per natal chart) Rahu (ouches on his transit. This round oftransil will begin at the age of 54 years afthe nati ve. - When Rahu touches Jupiter (in the nata) chart), he will give a new (jfe and will bring domesti c changes. - When Rahu touches Mars (in the nata) chart) The nati ve may buy a landed property or may have al terati on work for the hoose, there are chances of getting problems in the family. - When Rahu touches Venus (in the natal chart) This will be a very happy period at home and also money or materiali stic thi ngs may fl ow in. - When Rahu touches Saturn (in the nata) chart) The famil y of the nati ve may face tensions or problems. There will be Jot of negative changes in the domesti c front - When Rahu touches Moon (in the natal chart). The native will change the residence and a fema.le member will face health problems in this peri od. kahn v Transit E f f e c ts 41 - Whe nRahutouc he s Sun ( in the natal c hart. The nativ e will c onduc t c e re monie s or f unc tions at home . Ric h pe ople or powe rf ul pe ople may v isit the house of the nativ e . - Whe n Rahu touc he s Me rc ury ( in the natal c hart). The re will be de v e lopme nt of ne w re lativ e c irc le s orthe nativ e may hav e ne w ne ighbours. Rahu in 5th house f rom Jupite r:- ( Ple ase also re f e r Rahuin dif f e re nt house s as giv e n in e arlie r c hapte rs) This round of Rahu's transit will giv e the be ne f its of the 5th house i.e . about gambling, c hildre n, ple asure s, e tc . whic his in ac c ordanc e to the plane ts ( as in the natal c hart) Rahu touc he s during his c ourse of transit. This round of Rahu's transit be gins at the age of 72. - Whe nRahu touc he s Jupite r ( in the natal c hart). The nativ e will hav e a happype riod through c hildre n or the c hildre n's lif e will c hange a lot. - Whe nRahu touc he s Ve nus ( in the natal c hart). The nativ e maye njoygood mone y or mate rialistic things prov ide d by his c hildre n. - Whe nRahutouc he s Saturn ( in the natal c hart). The c hildre n of the nativ e will hav e c hange s in job orne w job opportunitie s. - Whe nRahu touc he s Mars ( in the natal c hart). The re may be c e le brations or ac c ide nts to c hildre nof the nativ e . - Whe n Rahu touc he s Moon ( in the natal c hart). The re may be shif ting of re side nc e of the c hildre nof the nativ e orc hange s inthe lif e patte rn of the c hildre n. - Whe nRahutouc he s Sun ( in the natal c hart). The c hildre n of the nativ e may be c ome popular or may se e promotions in prof e ssions or busine ss. Rulul S TrwlSil Eff« ls 4/ - When ROOu touches Sun (i n the natal chart. The native will conduct ceremonies or functions at home. Ri ch people or powerful people may visit the house of the native. - When Rahu touches Mercury (in the natal chart). There will be development of new relative circles or the native may have new neighbours. Rahu in 5th house from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahu in different houses as given in earlier chapters) Thi s round of Rahu' s transit will give the benefits of the 5th house i.e. about gambling, children. pleasures, etc. which is in accordance to the planets (as in the natal chart) Rahu touches during his course of transit . This round of Rahu 's tmnsit begins at the age of 72. - When Rallu touches Jupiter (in the natal chart). The native will have a happy period through children or the children's life will change a lot. - When Rahu touches Venus (in the natal chart). The native may enjoy good money or materi alistic things provided by hischildren. - When Rahu touches Saturn (in me nalal chart). The children of the nati ve will have changes in job or new job opportunities. - When Rahu touches Mars (in the natal chart). There may bccelebration.s or accidents to children of me native. - When Rahu touches Moon (in the natal chart). There may be shifting of residence of the children of the native or changes in the life pattern of the children. - When Rahu touches Sun (in the nalal chart). The chi ldren of the native may become popular or may see promotions in professions or business. 42 Rahu &Kethuin RhriguAstrology - When Rahu touches Mercury (in the natal chart). The children may havenew relationships or may win courtcases. Rahu in 6th house from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahu in different houses as given in earlier chapters) This round of Rahu's transit will give the effects ofthe 6th house i.e. diseases, enemity, problems with servants etc., whichis also in accordanceto the planets (as in natal chart) Rahutouches whileon transit. This round oftransit will begin from 90 years of age. - When Rahu touches Jupiter (in the natal chart) . Thenative will experience serious sickness or dangers though servants. - WhenRahutouches Venus (in thenatal chart). The native will have expenditure for hospitalisation or may fall into an accident. - WhenRahu touches Saturn (in the natal chart) . There may be danger of deathto the native. - When Rahu touches Mars (in thenatal chart) . Loss ofblood or surgery to thenativeis indicated. - When Rahutouches Moon (in thenatal chart) . The native may see improvements in health conditions or may shift his residence. - When Rahutouches Mercury (in thenatal chart) . Thenative may face problems or litigations through relatives. - When Rahutouches Sun (in the natal chart). The native will have celebrations or dinners withrich and powerful people. The family members may face problems through the Government. 42 Rolw &. Kl'lhu in BhriRu AstrolORY - When Rahu touches Mercury (in the natal chart), The children may have new relati onships or may win court cases. Rahu in 6th house from Jupiter:- (Please also refer Rahu in different houses as given in earlier chapters) Thi s round ofRahu's transi! wil l give the effects oflhe 6th house i.e. diseases. enemil y. problems with servants etc., which is also in accordance to the planets (as in nalal chart) Rahu touches whileon lfaJ1sil. This round oftnll1sit will begin from 90 years of age. - When Rahu touches Jupiter (i n the natal chart), The native will experience serious sickness or dangers though servants. - When Rahu touches Venus ( in the natal chart). The nati ve will have expenditure for hospitalisation or may fall into an accident - When ROOu touches Saturn (in the natal chart). There may be danger of death to the native. - When Rahu touches Mars (in the natal chart). Lossofblood or surgery to the native is indicated. - When Rahu touches Moon (in the natal chart). The nali ve may see improvements in health condi ti ons or may shift his residence. - When Rahu touches Mercury (in the natal chart). The native may face problems or litigations through relatives. - When Rahu touches Sun (in the natal chart). The native will have celebrations or dinners with rich and powerful people. The fami ly members may face problems through the Government. Rahu - Curses &Remedies As said in the earlier chapters Rahuis akannik planet which indicates about the curses of the previous life. There are some specific problems whichthe individual faces for the bad karma he haddone in the previous life. These problems andreasons for the problems (in reference to Rahu only) if diagnosed properly the curse can be eradicated to make the native's life smooth and happy. The planet conjoined with the Rahuin the native's chart is the cause ofthe curse in the previous life and the bhava (from Jupiter) where in placed is the house which will be effected in the present life of the native. After detecting the right cause ofthe curse, propitiation toClod, Talisman, Prayers will be helpful toremove themalefic effects ofthe native. The following paragraphs explain the causes andremedies for the curse. Rahu &Sun - Rahuand Sun together indicate curse ofthe father in the previous life. This combination may give problems in the eye sight ofthe native and delay in getting male issues. Propitiation to Sun Clod and giving bathto 7 small silver snake idols in raw milk daily for 11 days will reduce the effect. Feeding of 100 holymen, giving a cow in charity will be removing the effects ofthe curse completely. Rahu&Moon - Rahu andmoon together indicate thecurse ofthe mother in previous life. This combination will give problems pertaining to the mindand an unhappy family life. In some cases the native may become depressed or insane. Rahu - Curses & Remedies As said in theearli crchapters Rahu is a kannik planet which indicates about the curses of the previous life. There are some specific problems which the individual faces for the bad karma he had done in the previous life. These problems and reasons for the problems (in reference to Rahu onl y) if diagnosed properl y the curse can be eradicated to make the nali ve's life smooth and happy. The planet conjoined wilh the Rahu in the nati ve's chart is the cause of the curse in the previous life and the bhava (from J upitcr) where in placed is the house which will be effected in the present life of the nuUvc. After detecting the ri ght cause ofthecUTSe. propitiation to God. Talisman, Prayers will be helpful 10 remove the malefic effects of the native. The fOl lowing paragraphs explain the causes and remedies for the curse. Rahu & Sun - Rahu and Sun together indicate curse of the father in the previous li fe. Thiscombination may give problems in the eye sight of the nati ve and delay in getting male issues. Propitiation to Sun God and giving bath to 7 small sil ver snake idols in raw milk daily for I I days will reduce the effect. Feeding of 100 holymen, giving a cow in charity will be removing the effects of the curse completely. Rahu & Moon - Rahu and moon together indicate the curse of the mother in previous life. This combinat ion wi ll give problems pertaini ng 10 the mi nd and an unhappy famil y life. In some cases the native may become depressed or insane. 44 Ra/iu &Kethuin Bhrigu Astrology This cursecan beeradicated by chanting "Gayatri Mantra" daily, going around peepal tree everyday for42 days without fail and offering poojas to Lord Hanuman. Rahu & Mars - Rahuand Mars together indicatethecurse ofa brother in the previous life. This combination will give problems pertaining to blood, prone to frequent accidents, and the nativewill havea mad drive for doing illegal deeds. This cursecan be eradicated by giving 10 cowsin charity, planting a peepal sapling, giving a piece ofland witha mango treein the land in charity. Rahu & Mercury - Rahuand Mercury together indicate curseofa family memberora unclein the previous life. This combination will makethenativedull orwill create problems in education, court cases, stomach problems and nervous disorders. This cursecan be eradicated by propitiation to Lord Vishnu, installation of Lord Vishnu orconstruction ofa well for public purposes or making water supply arrangements for the people in need. Rahu & Jupiter - Rahu and Jupiter together indicate the curseofa holymaniTeacher/preacher. This combination will makethe native a gloomy personality orthe native may have criminal tendencies. Thenativehas tofacelotof hurdles in the development of his life. These people may also suffer from piles. Thecurse can beeradicated by giving a cow, cash and gold studded withstones in charity to a Brahmin. Rahu &Venus - Rahu and Venus together indicate the curseof a female in the previous life. This combination will 44 R(Ji!u & Kethu in 8hn'Sfi AstrQlogy Thi scursecan be eradicated by chanting "Gayatri Mantra" daily, going around peepaJ tree everyday for42 days without fail and offering poojas to Lord Hanuman. Rahu & Mars ~ Rahu and Mars together indicate the curse of a brother in the previous life. This combination wil1 give problems pertai ning [ 0 blood, prone to frequent accidenls, and the native wil l have a mad dri ve fordoing il legal deeds. lllis curse can be eradi cated by giving 10 cows in charity, planting a peepaJ sapli ng, giving a pieceof land wi th a mango tree in lhe land in charity. Rahu & Mercury - Rahu and Mercury together indicate curse of a family member or a uncle in the previous life. This combination will make lhe nati ve duU or wi ll create problems in educati on. court cases, stomach problems and nervous disorders. This curse can be eradicated by propitiation to Lord Vishnu, installation of Lord Vi shnu or construction of a weU forpubHc PL1Ip)SeS or making water supply arrangements for the people in need. Rahu & Jupiter - Rahu and Jupiter together indicate the cur..eof a holymanlTeacher/preacher. This combination will make the nati ve a gloomy personality or the native may have criminal tendencies. The native has to face lot of hurdles in the development of his life. These people may also suffer from piles. The curse can be eradicated by giving a cow, cash and gold studded with stones in Charity to a Brahmin. Rahu & Venus - Rahu and Venus together indicate the curse of a female in the previous life. Thiscombination will Ra/tu - Curses &Remedies 45 giveproblems in marriage, finance, women, andalso will make aman an addictandwill giveunhappiness in themarital life. This can beeradicated byconducting a marriage fora poor girl, by giving abed/cotin charity, ornamentsandclothes to aBrahmin couple. Rahu&Saturn - RahuandSaturn together indicate the curse gotby neglecting therituals fordeadfatherordead motherin the previous life. This combination will give problems in limbs, profession, working hardwithout proper benefits, aservants life. Thiscursecan beeradicated by conducting pinda daan or Rudrabhishek to Lord Shiva, feeding Brahminsand giving themcashas presents, bygiving an idol of cowmadein silverto aBrahmin. Apart fromtheseabovesaidcombinations, even when Moon is having behindhimMars, RahuandSaturn without any other planet in between Moon andRahu/Saturn/Mars, thenative of such achartwill sufferfrommental imbalances, orwill be haunted by evil spirits. The eye lashesof such people will be darkand long. These people will have frequent attacksof evil-eye or may behave abnormally. Thiscan berectified by wearing a talisman filled with Sudharshan Yantra, Kali, Mahamnitunjaya andRahu-Kethu Yantras. NOTE The mantrafor offering prayers toRahu is "ARUHAKAYAAMMAIIAVEERAM, CHANDRA AADITHYAVIMARDHANAM, SLMHIKA GARBHA SAMBHOOTHAM, TWAMRAH1JM PRANAMAAYAHAM" Nalrl! - Orrsrs ,{ Ntmttlirs 45 give problems in maniage, finance, women, and also will make a man an addict and will give unhappine.-;s in the marital life. This can beeradicated by conducting a marriage for a poor girl, by giving a becVcot in charity. ornaments and clothes to a Brahmin couple. Rahu & Saturn · Rahu and Saturn together indicate the curse got by neglecting the ri tuals for dead father or dead mother in the previous life. This combination will give problems in limbs, profession, working hard wi thout proper benefit s, a servants life. This curse can be eradicated by conducting pinda daan or Rudrabhishek to Lord Shiva, feeding Brahmins and giving them cash as presents, by giving an idol of cow made in sil verIo a Brahmin. Apart from these above said combinations, even when Moon is having behind him Man., Rahu and Saturn without any other planet in between Moon and RahulSatumlMars. the native of such achan. will suffer from mental imbalances. or wi ll be haunted by evil spirits. The eye lashes of such people will be dark and long. These people wi ll have frequent attacks of evil--eye or may behave abnonnally. This can be rectified by wearing a talisman fitl ed with Sudharshan Yanlra, Kali, Mahamrutunjaya and Rahu· Kethu Yantras. NOTE The mantra for olTering prayers to Rahu is "ARDHA KAYAAM MAHAVEERAM, CHANDRA AADlTHYA VIMARDHANAM, SIMHIKA GARBHA SAMBHOOTHAM, TWAM RAHUM PRANAMAAYAHAM" Kethu Thesecond shadowy planet i s Kethu, whi chi s also called as Moon's south node or dragons tai l. Kethu whi ch i s the tai l part of the dragon i s known as a "taker" i . e. endi ng, because kethu bri ngs to an end the portfoli os ofthehouses or planets i t touches whi leon transi t. In other words i t bri ngs an end to the physi cal and materi ali sti c exi stence. Kethu gi ves the li berati on to the soul by ki ndli ng the cosmi c awareness. Kethualso si gni fi es aboutdead, li fe alter death, ways of death, prayers, spi ri tual enli ghtenment, astrology, electri ci ty, pi lgri mage tours, chemi cals, arguments, quarrels, secret affai rs/ associ ati ons, selfi shness, evi l spi ri ts, grand father, unnatural death, detachment, trouble from enemi es, associ ati on of sudras, etc. Kethu works same as Saturn. Thedi seases caused by Kethui s Leprosy, mi grai ne, wounds, ski n di seases caused by worms. Nati ves i nfluenced by Kethu wi ll help a lot of needy people. These people are lazy, but wi ll jump i nto acti on when theneed ari ses. Features of Kethu Kethuowns Pi sces, stands exaltedi n Sagi ttari us and debi lated i n Gemi ni . Themoolai ri konafor kethui s Aquari us. Fri ends - Venus and Saturn Enemi es - Sun Moon and Mars Si ght - 5th7thand 9th houses Gender - Eunuch Transi t peri od - I - 1/ 2 year Kethu The second shadowy planet is Kethu, which is also called as Moon's south node or dragons tail . Kethu which is the tail part of the dragon is known as a "taker" i.e. ending. because kethu brings 10 an end the portfolios of the houses or planets it touches while on transit. In other words it brings an end to the physical and materiali stic existence. Kethu gives the liberation to the soul by kindling the cosmi c awareness. Kethu also signifies aboul dead, li fe after death. ways of death, prayers. spirilUal enlightenment, astrology, electricity. pilgrimage tours. chemicals. argumenl<;, Quarrel s. secret affairs/associations, selfishness, evil spirits, grand father, unnatural death, detachment , trouble from enemies, association of sudras, etc. Kelhu works same as Satum. The diseases caused by Kethu is Leprosy. migraine, wounds, skin diseases caused by worms. Natives influenced by Kethu wi ll help a lot of needy people. These people are lazy, but will jump into action when the need arises. Features of Kethu Kethu owns Pisces, stand'i exalted in Sagittarius arxl debilatecl in Gemini . The moolatrikona For kethu is Aquarius. Friends Venus and Saturn Enemies Sight Gender Transit period Sun Moon and Mars 5th 7th and 9th houses Eunuch I -1/2 year Lerr· ~¯ ..ecr· · :.rr · Ð..r Ðe·eLc ,L.ce. · 3,·& .. Ce·. · ¯.r`. e,e .¸·Lc.r·. L Lerr·.. ,e. :..d Lerr·.. ,e. :..d ..r.L¸, . rre e·d·¸ Lrre ,r,.c.L . ·.re..L.rc LLe Lerr·r.. LrL .¸·Lc.r·. L· e ,L¸.·.¸e r·..,c.rr · rL, ..re.., .,.r·.L ·r.r·., ..r.L¸,, ¸..·dL.rre., eLecr.cr,, cre·c.L., ..¸··e·r., L¸rrc.¸rr·e.., .·.., ,.·, Lee., d.·¸e.de.rr, r.·cLeL.· e·e·e. L.. L .,,erre, r.·cLec.e.r. .·d ce·¸ ·dLLe.e·rr rre..Ld Lerr·. .L. c.LLed .. rre e·d·¸, c·rrr. e·d·¸ . ·r ·L, L. ¸d r.,,e··¸., ee· rrec.d ,e.d .LL c·e r .· e·d.re· Lerr· r·cre. ce.r.· ,L.·er. · r. .··d. Lr..·.r ¯r. c.· ce·.de ·.ecLe.. .rr e×.·,Le. .. ·e·r·ed ceL. Ð×.·,Le. · · Jre· Lerr·r·cre. \e··. · rre·.r.L cr..r) · r. .··d. Lr..·.r.·d cec.·.e\e··. . .rre ,L.·er.¸·L,·¸ ··e,, ,Le..·.e., .Le · . ·.Lec.rrcr..r) rr. ,..rc·L.. ..,ecr .rcrrre\e··. . .¸·L,·¸ .LL cee·ded. d.r·.ced · Jre· Lerr· r·cre. ..r·.· · r. ·.r.L cr..r), ..r·.· .rcr. rre ,L.·er .¸·L,·¸ ,.Le..· . c·.·e.. .re· r·cred c, Lerr·.LL c.·¸ .· e·d r rre ,.Le..· . ,.e.e·r .r,Le L ,.Le..· .·d .L. .LL ¸e . ·e. ,.Le..· . cr.·¸e. · ,.Le..· · Jre· Lerr·r·cre. H... · . ·.r.L cr..r) re ·., c.·¸ .· e·d r rre .eL.r·.r, L rrec· c.·. . ·., c.·¸ ,.cLe·. r rre c· c.·. K ~ l h u Direction Benefi c places Gems North - East 3,6& II Cat'seye Signifi cations of Ket hu as per Naadi 47 Kethu as per Naadi astrology is the ending of the physical or materialistic life. Kethu has lot ofsignifiC'dtions like pilgrimage tours, bath in holy waters, spiritual initi ati ons, astrology. grandfather, electri city. chemicals. arguments. lightlbrighule..<;s, aura, pain. fever, danger/death, trouble from enemies Joss of appetite. trouble creator and being indifferent to the world . Kethu is also called as the ending, but thi s ending is not enly for good happenings, even the bad period will come to an end when Kethu touches certain planets in his rounds of transit This can be made more clear with examples as mentioned below. Example: - - When Kethu touches Venus (in the natal chart) in his rounds of transit and because Venus is a the planet signifying money. pleasures. wi fe (in a male birth chart ) this particular a<;pect which the Venus is signifying will beended or disturbed. - When Kelhu touches Saturn (i n his natal chart), Saturn which is the planet signifying profession or business when touched by Kethu wi ll bring an end 10 the profession or present style of profession and aJso will give u new profession or changes in profession. - When Kethu touches Mars (in a natal chart) he may bring an end to the relationship of the co-barns or may bring problems to the co-borns. 48 Rahu & Kethu i n Shri gu Astrology So, as per the above examples the reader wi ll be able to un derstan d better the effects of Kethu's tran si t. In addi ti on to the above the followi n g few li n es are also i mportan t to justi fy Kethu's si gn i fi cati on s. - Kethu's placemen t i n a si gn tells about the dan ger of death, i n referen ce to the quali ty of the si gn . Kethu's placemen t i n a si gn also si gn i fi es the part of the body whi ch wi ll be i n dan ger/ di sabled. For e. g. . , When Kethu i s placed i n Leo the n ati ve wi ll have seri ous stomach or spi n al problems. - Kethu's placemen t i n a si gn also tells about the back door of the house accordi n g to the di recti on of the si gn i n whi ch Kethu i s placed i n the n ati ve's bi rth chart. - Kethu's placemen t i n a si gn also tells about n ature of death (i n accordan ce to other plan ets) For e. g. When Kethu i s i n Pi sces, den otes dan ger of death by falli n g from hei ghts . When Kethu i s i n Aquari us, dan ger of death from drown i n g, Kethu i n Ari es death by poi son i n g or electri ci ty. 48 Rahu &: Kel/III In Bhrigu Aflro/Ogy So, as per the above ex.amples the reader will be able to understand beuerthe effectsofKethu's transi t. In addition to the above the following few lines are also important to justify Kethu's significations. - Kethu's placement in a sign tells about the danger of death, in .reference to the quality of the sign. Kethu's placement in a sign also signifies the part of the body which will be in dangerf disabled. For e.g .. , When Kelhu is placed in Leo the nalive will have serious stomach or spinal problems. - Kethu's placement in a sign also tells about the back door of the house according to the direction of the sign in which Kethu is plated in the native's birth chart. - Kethu's placement in a sign also tells about nature of death (in accordance [0 other planets) For e.g. When Kethu is in Pi sces, denotes danger of death by fal ling from heights. When Kethu is in Aquarius, danger of death from drowning, Kethu in Aries death by poisoning or electricity. Kethu in reference to signs Kethu in Aries - People born withKethuin Aries will get frequent headacheor migraine, these people will havelotof tensions in their head and at times behave like trouble creators. These people will nothave continuation of thoughts, but they remember every bad deed done to them by others and usethem while quarrelling. These people takedecisions spontaneously. These people will havelotof other's secrets stored in them, but they seldom give outtheir secrets. In somecases these people may become insane or mentally retarded (in reference to other planets) This people usually follow divide and rule policy. These people have danger of death throughelectricity/ fire. These people may get losses through their own family members or by theGovernment. Kethuin Taurus - These people suffer from problems in throat. Natives having Kethuin Taurus may havea small scar or a mark on their face. These people will nothave happiness in marital lifebecauseoftheir sharp tongue. These peoplemay loosetheir money or may stay away from their family for a short period. These people are interested in working in light/ in the field of fine arts. These people face loss in business/ profession towards Southdirection or through a woman. People having KethuinTaurus will attain liberation/ salvation by doing "Kanyadaan" or serving women folk. These people may have danger of death by sexual acts, pleasures or medicines, consumption of poison. Kethu in reference to signs Kethu in Aries - People born with Kethu in Aries will get frequent headache or migraine. these people will have lot of tensions in their head and at times behave like trouble creators. 10ese people will nOI have continuation ofthoughls, but they remember every bad deed done to them by others and use them while quarreUing. These people take decisions spontaneously. These people will have lot of other' s secrets stored in them, but they seldom give Ollt their secrets. In some cases these people may become insane or mentally retarded (in reference to other planets) "Illis people usually follow divide and rule pol icy. These people have danger of death through electricity/fire. These people may get losses through Lheir own f amily members or by the Government. Kethu in Taurus - These people suffer from problems in throat. Natives having Kethu in Taurus may have a small scar or a mark on their face. These people will not have happiness in marital li fe because of theirsharp tongue. These people may loose thei r money or may stay away from their famil y for a short period. These people are interested in working in li ght/in the field offine arts. These people face loss in business/profession towards South direction or through a woman. People having Kethu in Taurus will attain libemtionl salvation by doing "Kanyadaan" or serving women folk. These people may have danger of death by sexual acts, pleasures or medicines, consumption of poison. 50 Rahu&Kethuin BhriguAstrology Kethu in Gemini - People born withKethuin Gemini will have an accidentand may loose ribs/collar bone. These people will have loss of memory power. Natives born with Kethuin Gemini will have very good relations withothers and also act as a go- between and solve problems. These people will have danger of death through accidents. These people are also selfish in nature, by which they loose their name. These people also face losses fromtheirrelatives or neighbours. These people will face losses/danger when they travel towards West. These people attain liberation after doingpenance to Lord Vishnu. Kethu in Cancer - Natives born with Kethuin Cancer in their birthchart will have danger of death through water. These people suffer from Heart, chest, breast problems. These people's motherwill haye lot of problems and may die at an early age. These people get liberation/salvation by serving their mothers/by taking bathin holy waters. In certain cases people withthis type of birthchart may stay away from marriage or marital life. These people will face losses/danger towards the Northdirection. Themother of the nativeis a tensed and argumentative type of a person, she may even suffer from mental diseases. Therewill belack of mother's affection. Kethuin Leo - People having Kethuin Leo will suffer from stomachand spinal problems. These people will also face problems with the father. These people will have danger of death throughfire/electricity. These peoplemay facelosses or danger towards East direction. These people may also have problems in having children. These people will learn 50 Rahu &: Kelhu jrr Bhrigu As/roIQ8Y Kethu in Gemini - People born Wi lh Kethu in Gemini will have an accident and may loose ribs/collar bone. These people wi ll have loss of memory power. Nati ves born with Kethu in Gemini will have very good relations with others and also act as a go-between and solve problems. These people will havedangerofdealh through accidents. These people are also sel fi sh in nature, by which Ihey loose their name. These people also face losses from their relatives or neighbours. These people will f'lce losses/danger when they tra vel towards West These people attain li beration after doing penance to Lord Vishnu. Kethu in Cancer - Natives born with Kethu in Cancer in their birth chart will have danger of death through water. These people suffer from Heart, chest, breast problems. These people's mother will haye lot of problems and may die at an earl y age. These people get li beration/salvat'jon by serving their rnothers/by taking bath in holy waters. in certain cases people with this type of birth chart may stay away from maniage or marilal li fe. These people will face losses/danger towards the North di rection. The mother of the native is a tensed and argumentati ve type of a person, she may even suffer from mental diseases. There will be lack of mother's affection. Kethu in Leo - People havillg Kethu in Leo will suffer from stomach and spinal problems. These people will also face problems wi th the father. These people will havedangerof death through fire/electricity. These people may face losses or danger towards East di rection. These peopl e may also have problems in having chi ldren. These people wi llieam Kethu in rejèrenee to signs 5/ Vedic sciences or astrology and they would he having salvation/liberation by offering prayers to lord Shiva and feeding the poor. These peoplemay not complete theirstudies completely or may have breaks in education. These people many nothave happiness from children and they also have dangerthroughpleasures. Kethuin Virgo - Peoplehaving Kethuin Virgo will have serious problems pertaining to stomach, liver, or large intestines. These people face dangerthroughpets/animals. These people facelosses in theSouth direction. These people may develop interest in poetry and finearts. These people are also argumentative in nature. These peoplemay face dangerthroughstrong enemies. People born with Kethu in Virgo may have frequent losses through thefts. These people expertise in thefield of homeopathic medicines. These people may attain salvation/liberation by offering prayers to Lord Laxmi Narayana. Kethuin Libra - People born with Kethuin Libra will have problems pertaining to small intestines or kidneys. These people face dangerthrough their friends or their partners. These people facelosses in theWest direction. These people have danger through medicines/drugs. These people facelot of problems in their marital life and may even face losses through their spouse. These people change friends frequently. The profession/business for these people will be changing a lot or will havelot of changes. These people will havea strong sex drivebutwill notheableto enjoy thesame. These people haveto pray Goddessesfor their salvation/liberation. Kt lhu in lo ,dg,u " Vedic sciences or astrology and they would be having salvationlli beration by offering prayers to lord Shi va and feeding the poor. These people may not complele their studies complctely or may have breaks in education. These people many not have happiness from children and they also havc danger through pleasures. KClhu in Virgo - Peopl e having Kcthu in Virgo wi ll have seri ous problems pertaining to stomach, liver, or large intestines. These people face danger through pets/animals. These people face losses in the South di rection. These people may develop interest in poetry and fine arts. These people are also argumentati ve in nat ure. These people may face danger through strong enemies. People born with Kethu in Vi rgo may have Ihmll gh then". These people expertise in the field ofholllcopathic medicines. These people may altain salvalionllibcnHi on by offering prayers 10 Lord Laxmi Narayana. Kethu in Libra - People born with Kethu in Libra wi ll have problems pertaining to small intestines or kidneys. These people face danger through their fri ends or their partners. These people face losses in the West directi on. These people have danger through medici nes/drugs. These people face lot of problems in their marilallife and may even face losses through thei rspousc. These p.. "'Oplechange friends frequentl y. The profession/business for these people will be changing a lot or will have lot of changes. These people wi ll have a strong sex drive but will not 00 able to enjoy the same. These people have to pm} Goddesses for their salvationlliberation. 52 Rahu &Kethuin BhriguAstrology Kethuin Scorpio - People born with Kethuin Scorpio will have problems pertaining to sexorgans. In a female chart having Kethuin Scorpio, thenativewill face pain, dryness or irritation in thesexual organ or thetimeofsexual act. These people have danger through over sex or health problems created bychanging sexual partners. These people may face dangerof deathfrom electricity, machinery, chemicals. These people face losses towards Northdirection. These people may also face dangerthroughpoliticiansorby theGovernment. These people also have a chance of early unnatural death. These people get liberation byoffering prayers to Lord Hanuman or Goddess Durga. Kethu in Sagittarius - People born withKethuin Sagittarius will have problems in the thighs or danger of falling from heights. These people may also learn Ayurvedic medicines. These people may have inclination towards spiritual knowledge but maytry to cheattheir teachers or Gurus. These people will have long distance spiritual journeys. These people travel a lot for enlightenment. These people will begin the path of spiritual lifeand will attain salvation or liberation in the next2lives. These people will havelosses in the eastern direction. These people haveto pray to Lord Ganesh for their liberation. Kethuin Capricorn - People born withKethuin Capricorn will have problems in their knees. These people areon the path ofliberation and will achieveliberation suddenly in their life. These people will have teaching, preaching type of qualities and sometimes they actas advisors. These people usuallyspread spiritual knowledge to asmall locality. These 52 Ruhu &. Kel/'ll in BhriguASlrtJ/08Y Kethu in Scorpio· People born with Kelhu in Scorpio will have problems pertai ni ng to sexorgans. In a femal e chart having Kethu in Scorpio. the nati ve wi ll face pain, dryness or irritation in the sexual organ or the lime of sexual acl. These people have danger through over sex or health problems created by changing sexual partner.\. These people may face dangerof death from elecuicil y, machi neI)'. chemicals. TIlese people face losses towards North direction. These people may al<;() face danger through politicians or by the Government. These people also have a cbance of early unnatural death. These people gel liberation by offering prayers to Lord Hanuman or Goddess Durga. Kethu in Sagittarius · People born with Kethu in wi ll have problems in the thighs or dan,gcr of falling from heighL'i. These people may also learn Ayurvedic medicines. These people may have inclinat ion towards spiritual knowledge but may tty to cheat their teachers or Gurus. l1lese people will have long distance spiri tual journeys. These people travel a lot for enli ghtenment. lbese people will begin the path of spiritual life and wil l auain salvation or li beration in the nex: t 2 li ves. These people will have losses in the ea'\tem direction. These people have to pray to Lord Ganesh for their liberation. Kethu in Capricorn · People born with Kethu in Capricorn will have problems in their knees. These people are on the path ofliberation and will achieve liberation suddenly in their life. These people wi ll have teaching. preaching type of qualities and someti mes they act as advisors. These people usuaJl y spread spiritual knowledge to a smallloca1ity. These Kethu in reference in siçns 53 people may take birth near holy watersor may settle down in a place nearby holy waters. These people will have problems withtheir profession orwith theGovernment. These people may facelot of problems withtheir father or desert the family becauseoftheir father. Kethuin Capricorn will give the nativea goodreputation in asmall locality. These peoplemay face danger ofdeath bydrowning andalso may face tosses from South direction. Kethuin Aquarius - People born withKethuin Aquarius areatthe point ofliberation. These people will have problems in the legs. These people will also have dangerthrough waters. These people during their last daysmay settledown in a place nearby holy waters. These people will nothavefriendsand they do not expect any proFits for thedeeds they do. If they are in business these peoplemay havelotoflosses. These people will havelosses fromWestdirection. Peoplehaving Kethuin Aquarius are frequently cheated by their friends becauseoftheirbroad mindednature. Kethuin Pisces - People with Kethu in Pisces will have problems in their feet. These people will get liberatedin this life. These people will not havebed pleasures or may not enjoy marital life. These people may have dangerby air or death byhanging. These people will haveenemieswho will loose frequently. These people will havelosses through North direction. These peoplethoughtheystruggle alotwill receive less gains. These people will stay near holy waters at the timeoftheirdeath. These peoplemay also preach orwork for spiritual institutions. Kt l/JII ill f l!jl' f ellct 10 signs 53 people may take birth near holy waters or may settle down in a place nearby holy waters. These people will have problems with their profession or with the Govemmenl 1llese people may face lot of problems with their father or desert the family because of their father. Kethu in Capricorn will gll,'e lhe nati ve a good reputation in a smatllocality. These people may face danger of death by drowning and also may face losses from South direction. Kethu in Aquarius - People born with Kethu in Aquarius are at the point of li beration. These people will have problems in the legs. These people will also have danger through waters. These people during their last days may senJedown in a place nearby holy waters. These people will not have friends and they do not expect any profits for the deeds they do. If they are in business these people may have 101 oflosses. These people wiJl have losses from West direction. People having Kethu in Aquarius are frequentl y cheated by their friends bccause of their broad minded nature. Kethu in Pisces - Peopl e with Kethu in Pi sces will have problems in their feel. These people wiJi get Ij berated in thi s life. These people wi ll not have bed pleasures or may not enjoy marital life. These people may have danger by airor death by hanging. These people will have enemies who will loose frequently. These people will have losses through North direction. These people though they suuggle a lot will receive less gains. These people will stay near holy waters at the time of their death. These people may also preach or work for spirituaJ instirutions. Kethuin differenthouses This is also in referenceto Naadi, and herealso weconsider/ assume Jupiter's placement as ascendant. Kethu's placement in different houses will be from Jupiter treating Jupiter as ascendant, i.e. Jupiter's placement in the 1 S t house is self, personality, nature looks etc., Jupiter's 2nd houseis for family, money, speech, etc., Jupiter's 3rd houseis strength, travels, losses, neighbours etc., Jupiter's 4thhouse is for education family/birth house, happiness, mother etc., Jupiter's 5thhouse is aboutchildren, pleasures arid so on. The usage of Kethu in different houseslbhavas is to be noted from Jupiter's placement. Kethu in 1 st house (from Jupiter or with Jupiter) - Peoplehaving Kethuin 1 sthouse suffer from tensions in life, and because of this, they are prone to frequent attacks of headacheor migraine. These people have danger of death within the year of birth. These people have argumentative type of mentality and will havean unhappy life. These people love to serve many, buttheir services goes unrecognized. These people love their parents a lotbut will quarrel with them. These people lack good thinking and will always create trouble by their dominating and stubborn nature. These people will have good memory power and will record all the good and had whatothers do to them and will repay them in the samecoin. These peoplealways actas leaders or try to lead others. These people havesecretaffairs and also hold Kethu in different houses This is also in reference (0 Naadi, and here also we considerl a<iSumeJupiter's placement as ascendant. Kethu's placement in different houses wil l be from Jupiter treating Jupiter as ascendanl. i.e. Jupiter's placement in the I SI house is self, personality, nature looks etc" Jupi ter's 2nd house is for famil y, money, speech, etc" Jupiter's 3rd house is strength, travels, losses, neighbours eIC., Jupilcr's 4th house is for education famil ylbirth house, happiness. mother etc., Jupiter' s 5th house is about children, pleasures and soon. The usage of Kcthu in different houscslbhavas i s to be noted from Jupiter 's placement. ' Kethu in 1st house (from Jupiter or with Jupiter) - People having Kethu in 1 st house suffer from tensions in life, and because of lhi s. they are prone to frequent attacks of headache or migraine. These people have danger of death wilhi n the year ofbinh. These people have argumentative typeofmenlality and wil l have an unhappy life. 11lese people love 10 serve many, but their services goes unrecognized. These people love their parents a 101 bUI will quarrel with them. These people lack goOO thinking and will always create trouble by their dominating and stubborn nature. These people will have good memory power and will record all the good and bad what others do to them and will repay them in the same coin. These people always act as leaders or try to lead others. These people have secret affairs and also hold Kelmin different houses 55 lot of secrets. These people willalso haveassociation of sudras, through whom they facetrouble. These people frequently facetrouble through enemies. These people are people willhavedual personalities, they may not speak what they havein their heart, and what they speak willnot bein their heart. These people hate taking demandsand if any body wantsto get anything donefromthemhaveto get it done by asking them pleasingly. These people are very devoted towork but thehardwork goesunrecognized. These people will havesuicidalmentalities. In addition to theabovewhen Kethu is in I" housefrom Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a little in accordancetohis placement sign in thenatal chart. Kethu placed in 1st housefrom Jupiter when placed in Cancer - Thenative may have frequent changes in education or may have problems withmother. He may alsosuffer from lung/chest allergies. Leo - Thenativewillhavelossesin speculations ordifference of opinion with thechildren. Virgo - Thenativewillsufferfromstomach/liver problems. Libra - Thenativewillhave problems or separation from spouse.. Scorpio - Thenative may havean unnaturaldeath or danger through electricity/machinery. Sagittarius -Thenativewillhavea spiritual lifeand will wandera lot. Capricorn - Thenative may bea spiritual teacher or a teacher in profession wherein hehastofacelot of problems. Aquarius - Thenativewill havea spiritual lifeand lives in solitude. Kellru in dif/uent Irnuse.f 55 101 of secrets. These people will also have associati on of sudras, through whom they face lrOuble. These people frequentl y face lrOuble through enemies. These people are people will have dual personalities,they may not speak what they have in their heart, and what they speak will not be in their heart. These people hale laking demands and if any body wants to gel anything done from them have to get it done by aski ng tbem pleasingly. These people are very devoted to work bUlthe hardwork goes unrccogrti zed. 111CSC people will have suicidal mentalities. In addition 10 the above when Kethu is in I - house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu will di ffer a littie in accordance to his placement sign in the nalal chart. Kethu placed in 1st house fromJupiler when placed in :- D ncer - 1ne nati ve may have_ frequent changes in education or may have problems with mother. He may also suffer from lung/chest allergie.'\i. leo - The native wi ll have io&.-;es in speculations or difference of opinion with the children. . Virgo - The nalive will suffer from stomachllivcrproblems. Libra - The nati ve will have problems or sepamlion from spouse .. ScorpiO - TIle nati ve may have an unnatural death or danger throughelectricity/machi nery. Sagittarius - The native wi ll have a spir ilualli fe and will wander a 101. Capricorn - The native may be a spirilual teacher or a leacher in profession wherei n he has 10 face lot of problems. Aquarius - The nati ve will have a spiritual life and li ves in solitude. 5 6 Rthu &K e thu i n B hr i g u A s tr o l o g y Pi s ce s -The n ati ve may attai n l i be r ati o n /s al vati o n o r he may have de ath i n a fo r e i g n l an d. A r i e s - The n ati ve wi l l have pr o bl e ms i n the he ad. Taur us - The n ati ve wi l l have l o s s o f fami l y o r he may face fi n an ci al pr o bl e ms thr o ug h wo me n . Ge mi n i -The n ati ve wi l l face dan g e r whi l e tr ave l i n g o r wi l l l o o s e l i mbs i n an acci de n t. K e thu i n the 2n d ho us e (fr o mJupi te r ) - Pe o pl e havi n g K e thu i n the 2n d ho us e fr o m Jupi te r wi l l have pr o bl e ms i n the fami l y . The s e pe o pl e wi l l have a s har p to n g ue an d ar g ume n tati ve type o f me n tal i ty. The s e pe o pl e wi l l have the habi t o f te l l i n g l i e s al l the ti me s . The s e pe o pl e wi l l al s o have pr o bl e ms wi th mo n e y o r the mo n e y the y e ar n wi l l be s pe n t l avi s hl y . The s e pe o pl e wi l l have dan g e r o f de ath at the i r ag e o f 2-3 ye ar s , an d may face s e r i o us fami l y pr o bl e ms at the i r ag e o f 12-13 ye ar s . The s e pe o pl e may l e ar n to s pe ak a l i ttl e l ate i n l i fe o r the y may have s tamme r i n g . The s e pe o pl e may s tay away fr o mwi fe o r fr o m fami l y. The s e pe o pl e wi l l have pr o bl e ms wi th the i r co -ho r n s . The s e pe o pl e may be the yo un g e s t i n the fami l y. K e thu i s ve r y n e ar to Jupi te r , s o the r e ar e chan ce s fo r the n ati ve to have an e ar l y de ath. Pe o pl e who have K e thu i n the 2n d ho us e to Jupi te r wi l l have a s po us e wi th s ui ci dal me n tal i ti e s . The s e pe o pl e s o me ti me s tr y fo r hi g he r e ducati o n an d fai l to g e t i t. The s e pe o pl e 's fathe r wi l l n o t e n jo y much pl e as ur e s i n the i r l i fe an d i f the y have pl e as ur e s the y wi l l be l o o s i n g l o t o f mo n e y. The s e pe o pl e 's fr i e n ds g e t mar r i e d i n the i r l ate ag e s an d s o me ti me s the y may n o t be happy i n the i r mar i tal l i fe . The s e pe o pl e wi l l al s o have l o t o f po we r ful e n e mi e s . 56 Rillul &: K" ,hll ill BhriRIi ASlrology Pisces - The naLi ve may attain Jjlx:rationlsal vation or he may have death in a foreign land. Aries - The nati ve will have problems in the head. Taurus - The nati vc will have loss of family orhe may face fmancial problems through women. Gemini -The native will face danger while traveling or will loose limbs in an accident. Kethu in the 2nd house (rrom Jupiter) ~ People having KClhu in the 2nd house from Jupiter will have problems in the family. These people wi ll have a sharp longue and argumentative typeo( mentality. These people will have the habit of tclling li es all the limes. These people will also have problems with money or the money they earn will be spent lavishl y. These people will have danger of death at their age of2-3 years, and may face serious family problems at their ageof 12-13 years. Thesepeoplc may learn to speak a li ttle late in life or lhey may have stammering. These people may stay away from wife or from family. These people will have problems wit h their c o ~ b o m s . These people may be the youngest in the famil y. Kethu is very near to JupiLer. so there are chances for the nati ve to have an early death. People who have Kethu in the 2nd house to Jupiter wil l have a spouse with suicidal mentalities. These people sometimes try for hi gher education and fai l to get it. These people's father will not enjoy much pleasures in their life and if they have pleasures they will be loosing lot of money. These people's friends get married in their late ages and sometimes they may not be happy in thcir maritallifc. These people will also have lot of powerful enemies. Kethu i n di fferen t houses 57 In addi ti on to the above when Kethu i s i n 2 house from Jupi ter the si gn i fi cati on s of Kethu wi ll di ffer a li ttle i n accordan ce to hi s placemen t si gn i n the n atal chart. Kethu placed i n 2n d house from Jupi ter when placed i n : - Can cer - The n ati ve's mother wi fi havelotof ten si on s because of the losses created by the n ati ve. Leo - The n ati ve may be i n di fferen t to hi s chi ldren . Vi rgo - The n ati ve may have problems i n speech or he may always be a si ck person . Li bra - The n ati ve wi ll desert hi s wi fe/wi ll have loss of mon ey due to hi s stubborn n ess. Scorpi o - The n ati ve may commi t sui ci de because of the fami ly problems. Sagi ttari us - The n ati ve may have spi ri tual studi es or problems from a teacher . Capri corn - The n ati ve wi ll be wan deri n g a lot n eglecti n g hi s fami ly an d duti es. Aquari us - The n ati ve who wi ll be an i mportan t person , may loose hi s fami ly/fri en ds because of hi s bad speech/rough ton gue. Pi sces - The n ati ve wi ll be a spi ri tual talker an d may get opportun i ti es abroad to gi ve lectures i n spi ri tual mai lers. Ari es - The n ati ve wi ll become a spi ri tual person an d wi ll loose i n terest i n worldly affai rs. Taurus - The n ati ve wi ll create problems i n the fami ly because of hi s own men tali ty an d rough talk. Gemi n i - The n ati ve may become a popular person or may appear i n the medi a. For hi s talen ts. Kethu i n the 3rd house (from Jupi ter) - People havi n g Kethu i n 3rd house i n thei r bi rthchart wi ll have lot of traveli n g Ktlhu In diJJtrtm hoU.ftS 57 In addition to the above when Kethu is in 2" house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 2nd house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer -The nalive's motherwill have 1000ftensions because of me losses created by the native. Leo - The native may be indifferent to his children. Virgo - The native may have problems in speech or he may always be a sick person. Libra - The native wiJI desert his wife/will have loss of money due to his stubbornness. Scorpio - The native may commit suicide because of the family problems. Sagittarius - The native may have spiritual studies or problems from a teacher. Capricorn - The nalive will be wandering a lot neglecting his family and duties. Aquarius - The native who will be an important person, may loose his famil y/friends because of his bad speech/rough tongue. Pisces - The nati ve will be a spirituallalker and may get opportuniti es abroad to give lectures in spiritual matters. Aries - The native will become a spi ritual person and will loose interest in worldl y affairs. Taurus-The native will create problem'i in the family because of his own mentality and rough lalk. Gcmini - The nati ve may become a popular person or may appear in the media. For his talents. Kcthu in the 3rd house (from Jupiter) - People having Kethu in 3rdhouse in thei r birth chart wi ll have lot of travel ing 58 Rahu &Kethuin BhriguAstrology in their lif e. These people are very bold and rough. These people will get lostorwill have danger at3-4 years of their age. These people looselotof things on travel and sometimes even dangerous incidents also may take place whileon travel. These people will haveaco-born who may havean early death. These people are very superstitious and will have touchwith philosophy, they will also learn astrology or spiritual sciences. These people f ace problems of all kinds during their ages of 39-45 and af ter 45-46 years of their age they will shine well in lif e. These people will havean unhappy motherwhowill bea spiritual seeker. These people's children will haveless f riends or may not moveof ten outof thehouse. These people also f ace dangerthroughpets. These people will haveaf ather whowill be suf f ering f rom thecurses of the dead. These people will loose money on their f riends f or their pleasures. These peoplewill suf f er f rom black magic or evil eyef requently. These peoplemay also f acelosses through landed property also. In addition to the abovewhen Kethu is in 3rd housef rom Jupiter the signif ications of Kethu will dif f er a little in accordance to his placement sign in thenatal chart. Kethu placed in 3rd housef rom Jupiter when placed in:- Cancer - Thenative may loose his mother atan earlyage or maygive losses to his mother. Leo - The native may f ace losses due to his excessive exposure to the public. Virgo - Thenativewill be suf f ering f rom depression arid this depression will give him health problems. Libra - Thenativewill bean importantperson and he travels alot f or his prof ession/business. Scorpio - Thenative has a chanceof getting murdered. 58 Rahu de Kethu in Bhrig •• Astrology in their life. These people are very bold and rough. These people will gct lost or wi ll have danger at 3-4 years of their age. These people loose lot of things on travel and sometimes even dangerous incidents also may take plac.:e while on lmvel. These peopl e wi ll have a co-born who may have an early death. These people are very superstitious and will have [OUch with philosophy. they will aJse learn a<;trology or spiritual sciences. These people face problems of all kinds duri ng their ages of 39-45 and after 45-46 years of their age they wi tl shine welJ in life. These people will have an unhappy rnotherwho will be aspirituaJ seeker. Thesepeoplc'schildren will have less fri ends or may not move often out of the house. These people also face danger through pelS. These people will have a father who will besuffering from the curses of the dead. These people wi ll loose money on their friends for their pleasures. These people wjll suffer from black magic or evil eye frequently. These people may also face losses through landed property also. In addi ti on to the above when Kethu is in 3rd house from Jupiter the significations of Kelhu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 3rd house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer - The native may loose his motller at an early age or may give losses to his mother. Leo - The native may face losses due to hi s excessive exposure to the public. Virgo - 1be nati ve wi ll be suffering from depression and this depression will give him health problems. Libra - The native will bean important person and he travels a lot for his profession/business. Scorpio - The nalive has a chance of getting murdered. Kethu i n di fferen t houses 59 Sagi ttari us -The n ati ve may travel a l otor mayget probl ems byrel i gi ous person s. Capri corn -The n ati ve i fhe i s i n professi on there i s chan ces of getti n g suspen ded an d i f i t i s a busi n ess he maychan ge the busi n ess. Aquari us - The n ati vewi l l facel ot of probl ems/l osses through hi s fri en ds. Pi sces - The n ati ve may have death i n an ai r-crash, or i n ai r i n a forei gn l an d. Ari es - The n ati ve wi l l be havi n g a weak men tal i ty or probl ems i n deci si on taki n g.. Taurus - The n ati ve wi l l travel a l ot to exhi bi t hi s tal en ts i n fi n e arts. Gemi n i - The n ati ve wi l l have l ot of travel s an d publ i ci ty i n hi s l i fe. Kethu i n tl i ! e 4th house (fromJupi ter) - Peopl e havi n g Kethu i n the 4th house from Jupi ter wi l l take bi rth i n a house whi ch i s si tuated at the en d of the street or road. These peopl e wi l l have dan ger of death at 4-5 years of thei r age an d wi l l con struct a house at the age of 40 years. These peopl e may have a si ck mother or the n ati ve's mother may have l ot of probl ems. These peopl e l ackmother's affecti on an d al so they may l oose the an cestral property through treachery. These peopl e mayman y l ate i n l i fe or thei r mari tal l i fe maygo for a breakwi th l ot of l i ti gati on s. Though these peopl e have l ot of probl ems i n compl eti n g thei r educati on they wi l l have l ot of gen eral kn owl edge. These peopl e may al so study, astrol ogy, spi ri tual sci en ces an d photography. These peopl e's mother may di e earl y an d i n case i f she l i ves, she wi l l have prol on ged si ckn ess. Peopl e havi n g Kethu i n Kt:tlm in difft:rt:nt houses " Sagittarius - The native may travel a Jot or may get problems by religious persons. Capricorn - The nati ve ifhe is in profession there is chances of getting suspended and ifil is a business he may change the business. Aquarius- The native will face iOl ofproblenNIosses through his fri ends. Pisces - The nati ve may have death in an air-crash. or in air in a foreign land. Aries - The nali ve will be having a weak mentality or problems in decision taking .. Tauros - The nati ve wi ll travel a lot loexhibit his talents in fine arts. Gemini - The native will have lot of travels and publicity in his life. Kethu in tl\e 4th house (from Jupiter) - People having Kelhu in the 4th house from Jupiter will lake birth in a house which is situated at the end of the street or road. These people wi ll have danger of death at 4-5 years of their age and wi ll construct a house at thc age of 40 years. These people may have a sick mother or the native's mother may have 101 of problems. Thcse people lack mother's affection and also they may loose the ancestral property through b"eachery. These p::ople may marry late in life or their marital life may go for a break with lot of litigations. Though these people have lot of problems in completing their educati on they wiU have 101 of general knowledge. These people may also study. astrology. spiritual sciences and photography. These people's mother may die early and in case ifshe lives. she wi ll have prolonged sickness. People h ~ v i n g Kethu in 60 Raliu &Kethu in ShriguAstrology 4th housefrom J up iter, w ill takebirthin a house w hichw ould be haunted by evil sp irits or forces and because of this the develop ment of the houseorthe inmates w ill not be good. These p eop le's brother/sister may loose money because of their rough handling ofmatters. These p eop leget married to a p erson w ho may be a teacher, p reacher or a guru. These p eop le's relations w iththeir Guruw ill end fast. In addition to the above w hen Kethu is in 4th house from J up iter the significations of Kethu w ill differ a little in accordanceto his p lacement sign in thenatal chart. Kethu p laced in 4thhousefrom J up iter w hen p laced in Cancer - The native may havelot of tensions/changes in his family life and also his education. Leo - Thenative may looselotof moneybysp eculation or byp leasures. Virgo - Thenative w ill get health p roblems because ofhis travelling. Libra - Thenative thoughgood w ill have p roblems from sp ouse or business p artners. Virgo- The native mayget suicidal mentalities. Sagittarius -The native w hois sp iritual minded may avoid family life. Cap ricorn - Thenative may becomean imp ortantp erson in a small locality forhis talents orhis p rofession. Aquarius - The native may loosehis education orw ill have bad habits through his friends. Pisces - Thenative may nothave a family life becauseofhis sp iritual and w andering mind. Aries -Thenative may loosehis mother or fail in education because ofhis dominatingmentality. Taurus -The native w ill have p sychological disorder and 60 RuJUI " Ktlh" in Bhrigll ASlro/OKY 4th house from Jupiter, wi ll lake birth in a house which would be haunted by evil spirits or forces and because afthi s the development of the house or the inmates wi ll not be good. These people's brother/sister may loose money because of their rough handling of matters. These people get married to a person who may be a teacher, preacher or a guru. These people's relations with their Guru will end fast. In addition to the above when Kethu is in 4th house from Jupiter the significations of Kelhu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 4th house from Jupiter when placed in :. Cancer-The native may have lotoftensionslchanges in his famil y life and also his education. Leo - The nati ve may loose lot of money by speculation or by pleasures. Virgo - The native will get health problems because ofms tJavclling. Libra - The native though good will have problems from spouse or business partners. Virgo- The native may get suicidal mentalities. Sagittarius - The native who is spiritual minded may avoid family life. Capricorn- 1be nati ve may become an important person in a small locality for his talents or his profession. Aquarius- The naLive may loose his education or wi ll have bad habits through his friends. Pisces - The native may not have a family life because of his spiritual and wandering mind. Aries -The nati ve may loose his mother or fail in education because orms dominating mentality. Taurus - The native will have psychological disorder and Kethuin different houses 61 may waste money for hospitalization expenses. Gemini - Thenativeis a piousperson who travels a lot and will have publicity in 2 places. Kethu in 5thhouse (fromJupiter) - Peoplehaving Kethu in 5thhouse will have problems in having children. These people also looselot of money in speculation. These people also learn astrology/spiritual sciences. These people will have lot of pleasures or may face dangers in their pleasures. These people haveto perform ceremonies to eradicate the curse of the previous life to beget-children . These people may have danger ofdeathattheir age of5-6 years. These people get married fromahouse wherethe family members havelot of problems or the family membersare pious and spiritual in life. These people will haveabrother or sister who suffers a lot in their age of39-45 years. These people's mother hasa sharp tongue or argumentative nature and will not have happiness in her marital life. These people's spouse will have less or no friends, and in caseif they have friends they face losses through them. These people enter into their spiritual life at their age of 55 years. These people's father may have an early deathand the reasons for death may be by poisoning or electricity. These people if they travel abroad, may fall sick or face losses in a foreign country. In addition to the above when Kethu is in 5- house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a little in accordanceto his placementsign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 5thhouse from Jupiter when placed in Cancer -Thenative will avoid getting children for a long timeor will stop at onechild. Leo - The nativewin have problems in begetting children or Kt lltu in difftrtltl hOUStl 6/ may waste money for hospitalization expenses. Gemini - The native is a pious person who travels a lot and will have pUblicity in 2 places. Kethu in 5th house (from Jupiter) • People having Kethu in 5th house will have problems in having children. These people also loose lot of money in speculation. These people also learn astrology/spiritual sciences. These people will have lot of pleasures or may face dangers in their pleasures. These people have to perform ceremonies to eradicate the curse of the previous life to beget·chi ldren . These people may have danger of death at their age of 5·6 years. These people get married from a house where the family members have lot of problems or the family members are pious and spirirual in life. These people will have a brother or sister who suffers a lot in their age of 39AS years. These people's mother has a sharp tongue or argumentative nature and will not have bappiness in her marital life. These people's spouse will have less orno friends, and in case if they have friends they face losses through them. These people enter into their spiritual life at their ageofS5 years. These people's father may have an early death and the reasons f<? rdeath may be by poisoning or electricity. These people if they travel abroad, may fall sick or face losses in a foreign country. In addition to the above when Kethu is in 5· house from Jupiter the significati ons of Kethu wi ll differ a Iiule in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 5th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer - The nati ve wi ll avoid getting children for a long time or will stop at onechild. Leo - The native will have problems in begetting children or 62 Rcthu & Kethu in Bhrigu Astrology w ill have higher education. Virgo - The native mayget sick due to pleasures orover sex .. Libra - The native w ill have problems w ith partners or partners maygive a bad publicity to the native. Scorpio- The native w ill have danger ofdeath in w aters. Sagittarius - The native w ill get royal treatment or appreciation for his spiritual study. Capricorn - Thenative may suffer problems in the field of law /court cases. Aquarius - Thenative's friends w ho act as partners may bringmisery to thenative. Pisces - Thenative may settle dow n in a foreign country. Aries - The native w ill not be ambitious in his life or may ex cel in history and literature. Taurus - The native may desert his w ife and his family becauseofhis interest in politics orhis leadership. Gemini - The native may becomea good spiritual talker or ajoumalist. Kethu in 6th house (from Jupiter) - Peoplehaving Kethu in 6th housefrom Jupiter w ill have problems by their servants or pets. These peoples alsofacelosses through theirenemies. These people may face danger ofdeath at their 6- 7 years of age. These people's family members may havelosses through speculations. These people's co- boms w ill not havea happy marital life. These people's mother w ill have lot of pilgrimage tours and w ill suffer serious problems in her age of44 years. These people w ill have rough and harsh speaking children w ho w ill not have a happy domestic life. These people w ill not have much bed pleasures. These people may have a Rallll & Ker/III ill BhriRu Astrology wiU have hi ghereducalion. Virgo - The native may get sick due to pleasures or over sex .. Libra - The native will have problems wi th partners or partners may give a bad publicity to the native. Scorpio- The nalivewil l have danger of death in waters. Sagittarius -The nati ve will gel royal treatment or appreciation for his spiritual study. Capricorn - The native may sllfferproblems in the field of law/court cases. Aquarius - The native's friends who act as partners may bri ng misery lothe native. Pisces - The native may settle down in a foreign country. Aries - The nalive will not be ambitious in his life or may excel in history and literature. Taurus - The nati ve may desert his wife and his famil y becauscofhis interest in politics or his leadership. Gemini - The nali ve may become a good spiritual talker or ajoumalist. Kethu in 6th house (from Jupiter) - People havi ng Kethu in 6th house from Jupi ter will have problems by their servants or pets. These peoples also face losses through their enemies. These people may face danger of death at their 6-7 years of age. These people's family members may have Josses through speculati ons. These peoplc'sco-boms will not have a happy maritaJ li fe. 1hese people's motherwili have lotof pilgrimage lOUrs and will suffer serious problems in her age of 44 years. These people wi ll have rough and harsh speaking children who will not have a happy domestic life. These people will not have much bed pleasures. These people may have a Kethuin different houses 63 longjourney for higher studiesor sp iritua l initia tions. These p eop lema y enjoy friendship fora short p eriod. These p eop le will ha ve sickness ca used by the curse ofthe dea d p eop le. These p eop le ma y fa ce da nger to their life a tthe a ge of 65 yea rs. In a ddition to the a bove when Kethu is in 6- house from Jup iter the significa tions of Kethu will differ a little in a ccorda nce tohis p la cementsign in thena ta l cha rt. Kethu p la ced in 6th house from Jup iter when p la ced in : - Ca ncer-Thena tive ma y ha vedifferenceof op inion withhis mother or ma y ha ve p roblems in studies. Leo - Thena tivewill ha ve enmity withthechildren or losses through sp ecula tion whichla ter crea tehea lth p roblems. Virgo - Thena tivewithhis unnecessa ry tensions will sp oil his hea lth (stoma ch/liver) . Libra - The na tivewill ha vea da nger/enmity fromhis sp ouse or his p a rtners. Scorp io - The na tive beca use of his over work ma y get p rolonged sickness. Sa gitta rius -Thena tive ma y ha ve his higher educa tion in a foreign la nd or ma y excel in sp iritua l studies. Ca p ricorn - The na tive will a lwa ys ha ve enmity/losses through the loca l Govt. or loca l hea d. Aqua rius -Thena tive ma y chea t his friendsor suffer p roblems through thembeca useof his stubborn/domina ting na ture. Pisces - The na tive ma y goa ga inst religion or tra ditiona l va lues. Aries-Thena tive ma y ha velotoftrouble fromPolice Dep t., or Government p eop le. Ta urus-Thena tive ma y loosehis money a nd ga in enmity of the fa mily membersbeca useofa woma n. Ktl1r1l in differtlll /!OIlJU 61 longjoumey for higher studies or spiritual initi ati ons. These people may enjoy fri endship for a shon peri od. These people will have sickness caused by the curse of the dead people. These people may face danger to their life at the ageof65 years. In addition to the above when Kethu is in 6* house from Jupiter the significati ons of Kethu will differ a li tt le in accordance to hi s placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 6th house from Jupiter when placed in :. Cancer - The native may have di fference of opinion with his mother or may have problems in studies. Leo · The native wi ll have enmi ty with thechildren or losses through speculation which later create health problems. Virgo · The native wi th his unnecessary tensions will spoil his health (stomachlliver). Librn · The native will have adanger/enmi ty from his spouse or his partners. Scorpio · The nati ve because of hi s over work may get prolonged sickness. Sagittarius - The native may have his highcr educaLion in a foreign land or may excel in spiri tual studies. Capricorn - The nati ve will always have enmity/losses through lhe local Govt. or local head. Aquarius-The native may cheat his friends or suffer problems through them because of his stubbomldominating nature. Pisces - The native may go against religion or tradi tional values. Aries- The native may have lot of trouble from Poli ce Dept., or Government people. Taurus- The native may loose his money and gai n enmit y of the famil y members because of a woman. 6 4 R n / i n &K e t h u i n Sh ri gu Ast rology Ge mi n i - Th e n at i ve wi ll be an i mport an t pe rson an d wi ll face lot of bad pu bli ci t y. K e t h u i n 7t h h ou se (from Ju pi t e r) -Pe ople born wi t h K e t h u i n 7t h h ou se wi ll n ot e n joy mari t al li fe an d wi ll h ave lot of proble ms wi t h t h e spou se . Th e se pe ople wi ll ge t a domi n at i n g an d st u bborn t ype of a spou se . Th e se pe ople may face dan ge r of de at h at t h e i r age of 7-8 ye ars an d t h e y wi ll h ave fri e n ds/ part n e rs wh o bri n g t h e m losse s. Th e se pe ople always wi n ove r e n e mi e s. Th e se pe ople wi ll h ave a spou se wh o falls si ck fmqu e n t ly. Th e co-h orn s oft h e se pe ople wi ll h ave proble ms i n e du cat i on , bu t man y sh i n e we ll i n spi ri t u al sci e n ce s. Th e se pe ople 's mot h e r wi ll n ot h ave a h appy dome st i c li fe . Th e se pe ople s ch i ldre n wi ll t rave l a lot ari d wi ll face losse s i n t h e i r age s of 36 -4 2 ye ars. Th e se pe ople may h ave wi dows as t h e i r se rvan t s. Th e se pe ople may me e t n e w fri e n ds on a lon g jou rn e y at t h e age of 4 3 an d i n cu r h e avy losse s t h rou gh t h e m. Th e se pe ople loose t h e i r gran dfat h e r at a ve ry e arly age . Th e se pe ople wi ll h ave pi ou s an d spi ri t u al fri e n ds. Th e se pe ople wi ll h ave e n e mi e s/ e n mi t y wh i ch i s sh ort li ve d. In addi t i on t o t h e above wh e n K e t h u i s i n 7h h ou se from Ju pi t e r t h e si gn i fi cat i on s of K e t h u wi ll di ffe r a li t t le i n accordan ce t o h i s place me n t si gn i n t h e n at al ch art . K e t h u place d i n 7t h h ou se from Ju pi t e r wh e n place d i n : - Can ce r - Th e n at i ve may ge t losse s t h rou gh h i s part n e rs or t h e spou se may h ave di ffe re n ce of opi n i on t o t h e mot h e r of t h e n at i ve . Le o - Th e n at i ve wi ll face losse s t h rou gh spe cu lat i on or se xu al ple asu re s wh i ch wi ll be t h e t rap of h i s part n e rs. R"hu & Ktuhll in BhriR11 ASlrolQg), Gemini - The nati ve wi ll be an important person and will face lot of bad pUblicity. Kcthu in 7th house (from Jupiter) -People born with Kethu in 7th house will not enjoy marital life and will have lot of problems with the spouse. These people will get a dominating and stubborn type of a spouse. These people may face danger of death at their age years and they wi ll have fri ends/partners who bring them losses. These people always win over enemies. These people will have a spouse who falls sick frequently. Theco-lx:mls of these people wi lt have problems in education. but many shine well in spiritual sciences. These people's mother will not have a happy domestic li fe. 1bese peoples children will travel a lot and will face losses in \heir agesof36-42 These people may have widows as their servants. These people may meet new friends on a long journey at the age of 43 and incur heavy losses through them. These people loose their grandfather at a vel)' early age. 111ese people wiU have pious and spiritual fri ends. These people wil l have enemies/enmity which is short li ved. In addition to the above when Kethu is in 7 .. house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 7th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer - The nati ve may get losses through his partners or the spouse may have difference of opinion to the mother of the native. Leo - The native will face losses through speculation or sexual pleasures which will be the trapof his partners. Kethu in different houses 65 Virgo - The native's spouse may be a sick person or the native may have enmity withhis own partners. Libra - Thenative will have lot of trouble in marital life or the native ill be facing losses through his partners. Scorpio - Thenatives partners will bethecausefor his death. Sagittarius - The native will be wandering a lot and will be advertising about his spiritual study. Capricorn - The native will have problems in his profession in a foreign land. Aquarius - Thenative's children will bring in lot of problems to the native. Pisces - Aserious sickness will force the native to commit suicide. Aries - The native will have lot of tensions and will get problems in the head becauseof the spouse. Taurus- Thenative's spousemaybring losses or may desert the native withhis belongings. Gemini - Thenative's friends will give a bad propaganda for the native. Kethu in 8th house (from Jupiter) - People born with Kethuin 8th house from Jupiter may havean unnatural death. These people will have danger of death at the ages of 8- 9 years. These people's family membersarenot friendly or may have few friends. These people's co- borns are prone to prolonged sickness. These people's mother would be a spiritual person. These peoples children will not enjoy much in their marital life or may lead an unsatisfactory life. These people will have servants who leave the house without intimation. These people's spouse will have a rough and argumentative type of mentality. These people's father will 65 Virgo - The nati ve's spouse may be a sick person or the native may have enmity with his own partnen;. Libra - The native wi ll have lot of trouble in marital lire or the nalive ill be facing losses l.hrough his partners. Scorpio - The nati ves partners will be thccause for his death. Sagittarius - The native will be wandering a 101 and will be advertising about his spiritual study. Capricorn - The native will have problems in his profession in a foreign land. Aquarius- The native's children will bring in 10l of problems to the native. Pisces - A seri ous sickness will force the nati ve to commit sui cide. Aries - The nati ve wi ll have lot of tensions and will get probl ems in the head because of the spouse. Taurus - The native's spouse may bring losses or may desert the native with his belongings. Gemini - The nati ve's fri ends will give a bad propaganda for the native. Kethu in 8th house (from Jupiter) -People born wit h Kethu in 8th house from Jupiter may have an unnatural death. These people will have danger of death at the ages of 8-9 years. These people's fami ly members are not fri endly or may have few fri ends. These people's co-boms are prone to prolonged sickness. These people's mother would be a spiritual person. These peoples children will not enjoy much in their marital life or may lead an unsati sfactory life. These people will have servants who leave the house without intimation. These people's spouse will have a rough and argumentative type of mentality. These people's fatherwiIJ 66 Rahu &Kethuin Bhrigu Astrology have pious and spiritual friends, andhe may also face losses through them. These people will develop friendship with people who wanderandloiter freely. In addition to the abovewhen Kethuis in 8" housefrom Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in thenatal chart. Kethu placed in 8th house from Jupiter when placed in Cancer-Thenative will have deathin a foreign land. Leo - Thechildren will become the causeforthe native's deathandthedeathwill bein hospital. Virgo - Thenative will have danger of death by his own pets. Libra - Thenative's spouse will bethecauseforthe death of the native. Scorpio - Thenative may commitsuicide or poison himself. Sagittarius -The native's deathis caused byfamily member andthedeathwill take place byfalling from height. Capricorn -Thenative will get bad publicity which may causehisdeathandthe deathis by water. Aquarius-The native will be having deathin a holyplace. Pisces -Thenativewill havedeath byhanging. Aries-Thenative may die becauseof hisown carelessness or because of his serious sickness. Taurus -The spouse andthe family members may kill the nativeor may become the causeforthe native's death. Gemini - Thenative may die through an accidentor may be murdered. Kethuin 9thhouse (from Jupiter) - People having Kethu in 9th housewillhave troublewith religion or religious people. These people will have danger of deathat the age of 9-10 Ralw & Kl!thli in Bl rrigll ASlml,,!:), have pious and spiritual fri ends, and he may also face losses through them. These people will develop friendship with people who wander and loiter freely. In additi on to the above when Kethu is in 8 .. house from Jupi ter the significati ons of Kethu will diffcr a little in accordance to his placement sign in the nalal chan. Kethu placed in 8th house fmm Jupiter when placed in :- Cancer - The native will have death in a foreign land. Leo· The children will become the cause for the nati ve's death and the death wi ll be in hospital . Virgo · The nati ve will have danger of death by hi s own pets. Libra · The native's spouse will be the cause for the death oftbe native. Scorpio· The native may commit suicide or poison himself. Sagittarius - The nati ve'sde,lth is caused by family member and the death will uke place by falling from height. Capricorn- The nat ive will get bad publicity which may cause his death and the death is by water. Aquarius - The nati ve will be having death in a holy place. Pisces - The mltive wil\ have death by hunging. Aries - The native may die because orhis own carelessness or because or his seri ous sickness. Taurus - The spouse and the famil y members may kill the native or may become the cause for the nati ve's death. C.emini - The nati ve may die through an accident or may be murdered. Kethu in 9th house (from Jupiter) . People having Kethu in 9th house will have trouble with religion or reli gious people. These people will have danger of death at the age of 9· 10 KeiI:u ii: t/i/7'i-e,u houses 67 years and may suffer fromdiseases pertaining to anusor sexual organs in their early ages of life. There is danger to father's life at an early age with prolonged sickness or sufferings. These people's co-bomswill have a problematic marital life. These people's mother will he suffering from prolonged sickness or may havelot of enemies. These people's children are spiiitual minded. These people will have a spouse who will havelot of traveling or lossesin traveling. These people may face lossin foreign trade or travels. These people also have chancesof getting drowned at the age of 18/36 years. These people also perform holy ceremonies( i. e. installation of an idol or giving a cow in charity etc. ) in a holy place. These people may face problems created by the father either in his profession/business. In addition to the above when Kethu is in 9- house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 9th housefrom Jupiter when placed in Cancer - The native may get publicity or popularity in a foreign land. Leo - The native may travel long distance for study or fortune. Virgo - The native will get enmity in a foreign land. Libra- The native will havelossesor problems withbusiness partners or friends. Scorpio- The native will die in a secret place oraforeign land. Sagittarius -The native will behonored in a foreign land. Capricorn - The native will have an accident while in profession and may loose a knee or may have problems in the knees. A q uarius-The native will get the wrathof spiritual leaders K..,1111 III Iliffi' rl.'l11 hUIISf'S 67 yean; and may suffer from diseases pertaining to anus orsexua! organs in their early ages of li fe. There is danger to father's life at an earl y age with prolonged sickness or sufferings. These people's co-boms wil l have a problcmatic marital life. These people's mother wi ll be suffering from prolonged sickness or may have lot of enemies. l1lcse people's children are spiritual minded. These people will have a spouse who will have lot of traveling or losses in lraveling. Thesepeoplc may face loss in foreign trade or travels. These people also have chances of getLing drowned at the age of 18/36 years. These people also pcrfonn holy ceremonies (i .e. instaJ lati on of an idol or givi ng a cow in charity etc.) in a holy place. These people may face problems created by the fatherei lher in his professionJbusiness. In addit ion to the above when Kcthu is in 9-- house from Jupiter the significat ions of Kethu will differ a lillie in accordance to his placcment sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 9th house from Jupiterwhen placed in :- Cancer - The nati ve may get publicity or popularity in a foreign land. i..A'O- llle nativemuy tfavcllollgdistance for study or fOllune. Virgo - The nati ve will gel enmity in a foreign land. Ub ... J - The native will have losses or problem .. with business partners or friends. Scorpio - The native wil l die in a secret place or a foreign land. Sagittarius - The nati ve will be honored in a foreign land. CalJricorn - The native wi ll have an accident while in profession and may loose a knee or may have problems in the knees. Aquanus - The nalive will get the wrath ofspi rituallcadcrs 68 Ra/zu &Kethu in 8/irigu Astrology for the bad talk he does. Pisces - The native may settle down in a foreign land or the native's mother may diein a foreign land. Aries - The native will have tensions or problems with the Govt. or politicians. Taurus-Thenative may loose money in a foreign tradeor may desert his wife or family to settle down in a foreign land. Gemini - The native will have partners who cheat and create had publicity to the native. Kethu in 10th house (from Jupiter) - People born with Kethu in the 10th housefrom Jupiter will beinimical to father. These people's father will he a dominating and stubborn personality. These people will have danger of death in the early ages of 10-11 years. These people will either work in electricity/machinery/spiritual professions. These people face lot of losses or changes in their profession/business. These peopleperform thekarma at an early age. These people's family members will have lotof pilgrimagetours/foreign travel. These people co-bomwill be unlucky and may havean early unnatural death throughpoisoning/fire. These people's mother may not have a happy married life or may stay away from her husband. People having Kethu in the 10th house beget sick children or children suffering fromsickness caused by thecurseof theforefathers. These peoplemay get losses in their business through their open enemies or their servants may back-stab them. These people will havea spouse who lacks mother's affection. Friendships for these people will be shortlived. These peoplemay face losses in foreign trade/ business. People who have Kethu in the 10thhouse become womanisers or will haveaffairs with other people's wives. RlIlm & K ~ 1 1 r 1 l in Blrrigll As/mIngy forlhe bad talk he does. Pisces - The nati ve may settle down in a foreign land orthe nali ve's mother may die in a foreign land. Aries - The nati ve wi ll have tensions or problems with the Govl. or poli ticians. Taurus - The nati ve may loose money in a foreign trade or may dcscn his wife or family 10 senJe down in a foreign land. Gemini - The native will have partners who cheat and create bad publicity to the native. Kethu in 10th house (from Jupiter) - People born with Kethu in the 10th house from Jupiterwill be inimical 10 father. These people' s father wi ll be a dominating and stubborn personality. These people will have danger of death in the t'll rl y :3gt's of 10- 11 years. The!'>e people wil l either work in electricity/machi nery/spiritual professions. These people face lot of losses or changes in their profcssionlbusiness. These people perfonn the kanna at an earl y age. These people's family members will have II)( of pilgri mage tour.slforeign travel. These pcopleco--bom will be unlucky and may have an early unnaturnl death through poisoning/fue. The.....e people's mother may not have a happy marri ed life or may stay away from her husband. People havi ng Kethu in the 10th house beget sick children orchildren suffering from sickness caused by the curse of the forefathers. These people may get losses in their business Ihrough their open enemies or lheirservants may back-stab them. These people will have a spouse who lacks mother's affection. Friendships for these people will be short li ved. These people may face losses in foreign trade! business. People who have Kethu in the lOth house become womanisers or wi ll have affairs with other people's wives. KeIhu i n di fferen t houses 69 These peoples wi ll n ot have good relati on shi p wi th the i n - laws. These people lack con ti n uati on of thoughts an d wi ll n ot be able to complete thei r work/jobs. In addi ti on to the above when Kethu i s i n I 0 th house from Jupi ter the si gn i li cati on s of Kethu wi ll di ffer a li ttle i n accordan ce to hi s placemen t si gn i n the n atal chart. Kethu placed i n 10 th house from Jupi ter when placed i n :- Can cer -The people may have busi n ess i n a forei gn lan d. Leo - The n ati ve wi ll overwork an d get problems i n spi n e an d lower back. Vi rgo - The n ati ve wi ll be suspen ded i n thei r job or they mayget si ck of thei r busi n ess. Li bra - The n ati ve wi ll have to face lot of li ti gati on s or problems wi th thei r partn ers i n busi n ess. Scorpi o - These people face dan ger through thei r fri en ds i n busi n ess / professi on . Sagi ttari us -These people may get hon or or award i n a forei gn lan d. Capri corn -These people wi ll get lot of problems from the local people i n executi n g thei r duti es. Aquari us-The n ati ve wi ll get fi n an ci al losses i n busi n ess through father. Pi sces - The n ati ve wi ll have dan ger of death or i mpri son men t i n a forei gn lan d. Ari es - The n ati ve's father wi ll loose hi s n ame an d fame. Taurus-The n ati ve's father maybri n g loss to the fami ly or may desert the n ati ve's mother. Gemi n i -The n ati ve's father wi ll loose all hi s earn i n gs because of the n ati ve's men tali ty/si ckn ess. 69 These peoples will nol have good relationship with the in· laws. These peopl e lack continuation oflhoughts and will nOI be able to complete their work/jobs. In addition to the above when Kethu is in l{)oo house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu will differ a liule in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart . Kethu placed in 10th house from Jupiter when placed in :- Canccr - The people may have business in a foreign land. Leo - The native wi l l overwork and get probl f' ms in spine and lower back. Virgo - The nati ve wi ll be suspended in their job or they may gCI sick oflheir business. Libra - The native will have to face lot of litigati ons or problems with their partners in business. Scorpio - These people: fac:edilngcr through tllcirfricllus ilL business! profession. Sagittarius - These people may get honor or award in a foreign land. Capricorn - These pt."'Oplc will gel 101 of problems from the local people in executing their duties. Aquarius - The nalive will gCI financial losses in business through father. Pisces - The nali ve wi ll have danger of death or imprisonment in a foreign land. Arics - The nati ve's father will loose his name and fame. Taurus - TIle nati ve's father may bring loss to the famil y or may desert the nati ve's mother, Gemini - The nati ve's father williooscall his c.'U11ings because of the native's mentality/sickness. 70 R c a / u t & Ket hu i n B / : r i g : e Ast r olog y Ket hu i n 11t h hou se (fr om Ju pi t er ) - People bor n wi t h Ket hu i n t he 11t h hou se wi ll ha ve less fr i en ds or wi ll ha ve t r ou ble c r ea t i n g fr i en ds. These people a lso fa c e losses i n bu si n ess. These people wi ll ha ve pr oblems or en mi t y wi t h t hei r elder br ot her / si st er . These people wi ll ha ve lot of di ffer en c e of opi n i on wi t h t hei r fa t her . People ha vi n g Ket hu i n 11t h hou se wi ll g et ma r r i ed t o a per son who i s spi r i t u a l or ma y ha ve t ea c hi n g t y pe of pr ofessi on . These people's c o- hor n s wi ll ha ve losses i n for ei g n t r a de or t r ou ble t hr ou g h r eli g i ou s people. These people's br ot her / si st er wi ll ha ve a da n g er of dr own i n g i n wa t er s. These people's mot her ma y ha ve a n u n n a t u r a l ea r ly dea t h. These people's c hi ldr en wi ll ha ve a n u n ha ppy ma r i t a l li fe or ma y fa c e pr oblems t hr ou g h t hei r fr i en ds / pa r t n er s. These people wi ll ha ve si c k pet s or t he a n i ma ls a ft er c omi n g i n t o t he fa mi ly fa lls si c k fr equ en t ly . These people's wi fe/ hu sba n d ma y be spec u la t i ve a n d wi ll i n c u r hea vy losses t hr ou g h spec u la t i on s. These people ma y ha ve for t u n e i n t r a velli n g t o holy pla c es These people's fa t her w'H ha ve a r ou g h t on g u e a n d a r g u men t a t i ve men t a li t y a n d he wi ll a lso su ffer fr om u n ha ppy ma r i t a l li fe. In a ddi t i on t o t he a bove when Ket hu i s i n 1 1, , hou se fr om Ju pi t er t he si g n i fi c a t i on s of Ket hu wi ll di ffer a li t t le i n a c c or da n c e t o hi s pla c emen t si g n i n t he n a t a l c ha r t . Ket hu pla c ed i n 11t h hou se fr om Ju pi t er when pla c ed i n : - Ca n c er - The n a t i ve ma y loose hi s mon ey n a me a n d fa me bec a u se ofhi s ba d ha bi t s. Leo - The n a t i ve looses hi s bu si n ess/ mon ey on a c c ou n t of plea su r es a n d spec u la t i on s. Vi r g o - The n a t i ve wi ll loose lot of mon ey for hospi t a li za t i on expen ses. 70 RlI /r1i & KnJlI/ ill Bil rillll Kethu in IUh house (from Jupiter) - People bom with Kethu in the 11th wi ll have less friends or wi ll have trouble creating friends. These people also face losses in business. These people will have problems orenmily with their elder brother/sister. These people wi ll have Jot of difference of opinion wi th their father. People having Kethu in 11th house wi ll gel marri ed to a person who is spiritual or may have teachi ng type of profess ion. These people' s co- borns will have losses in foreign trade or trouble through rel igious people. These people's brother/sister will have a danger of drowning in waters. These people's mother may have an unnatural earl y death. These people's children will have an unhappy marital life or may face problems through their friends I partners. These people will have sick pets or the animals after coming into thc famil y fall s sick frcqucnll y. These people's wifelhusband may be speculative and will incur heavy losses through specul ations. These IXOpic may have fortune in travelling to holy places These people's father will have a rough tongue and argumentative mentality and he will also suffer from unhappy manlalli fe. In addition to the above when Kethu is in II " house from Jupiter the significations of Kethu wi ll differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart . Kethu placed in II th house from Jupiler when placed in :. Cancer - The naLi ve may loose hi s money name and fame because of his bad habits. Leo - The native looses his busi ness/money on account of pleasures and SIXculations. Virgu - The native will loose 101 of money for hospitalization expenses. Kethu in d if f e rent houses 71 Libra - The native mayget problems in his sexual organ becauseof his illegal af f airs or a misund erstand ing between f riend s maybring him losses. Scorpio - Thenative will nothave anymonetary success in lif e. Sagittarius - Thenative may spend alot of money f or spiritual ceremonies or celebrations. Capricorn - Thenative will be unlucky and will havetrouble through the Governmentor rich people Aquarius - Thenative will have loss creating f riend s or the native mayspend alot f or his f riend s. Pisces - The native will have enemies among his f riend s who bring d anger to the native. Aries- The native will haveloss of nameor will haveabad publicitythrough f riend s. Taurus- The f amily will spend lot of money f or the native's ed ucation or the native will havef inancial loss through women. Gemini - Thenative's und erhand d ealings or activities will be brought to light through the med ia. Kethu in 12th house (f rom Jupiter) - People born with Kethuin the 12th housef rom Jupiter are liberation/salvation seekers. These people will settle in holyplaces at the time of d eath. These people may suf f er f rom litigations/problems created by their secret enemies. These people may also f ace d anger through enemies. These people will not enjoy bed pleasures. These people if they borrow money f romothers will be put into lot of trouble by the lend ers. These people's f amily members will have less/no f riend s. These people's co- borns will have lot of problems in their prof essions/ business. These people's mother would be a spiritual person Kt!lhu;/I differem hflllSe.1 71 Libra - The native may get problems in his sexual organ because of his illegal affairs ora mi sunderstanding between fri ends may bring him losses. Scorpio - The nati ve will not have any monetary success in life. Sagittarius- The native may sJX!nd a lot of money for spiritual ceremonies or celebrations. Capricorn - The native will be unlucky and will have lrouble through the Government or ri ch people Aquarius - The nati ve will have loss creating fri ends or the nati ve may spend a lot for his friends. Pisces - The native will have enemies among his fri ends who bringdangerto the nali ve. Aries - The native will have loss of name or wil l have a rnld publicity through friends. Taurus - The family will spend lot of money for the native's education or the nati ve will have financial loss through women. Gemini - The native's underhand dealings or activities wi ll be brought to light through the media. Kethu in 12th house (from Jupiter) -People born with Kethu in the 12th house from Jupiter are li beration/sal vatian seekers. These people will settJe in holy places at the time of death. These people may suffer from litigati ons/problems created by their secret enemies. These people may also face danger through enemies. These people wi ll not enjoy bed pleasures. These people if they borrow money from others will be put into lot of trouble by the lenders. These people's family members will have less/no fri ends. These people's co-barns will have 101 of problems in thei r professions! business. These people's mother would be a spiritual person 72 Rohu &Ketizu in Bit nc:, Astrology with verygood sp iritua l knowledge, but da nger toherlif e in holy wa ters is seen. These p eop le ma y ha vechildren p rone toa ccidentsor ma y ha veunna tura l dea th. These p eop le will ha vea sp ouse who ma y ha velot of enemiesor sicknessdue tothe curse of dea d. Though these p eop le ha ve a good knowledge a nd educa tion they will nothe either ha p p y or sa tisf ied. These p eop le's f a therwouldbe a tra vellerorwill ha ve losses in tra veling. These p eop le ma y f a ce lot of trouble f losses of moneythrough theirf riends. These p eop le throw lot of money on cha rities a nd holy ceremonies. These p eop le ma y a lsof a ce lossesin their p rof ession orwill not show much interest in their p rof ession/business. In a ddition tothe a bove when Kethuis in 12 house f rom Jup iter the signif ica tions of Kethu will dif f er a little in a ccorda nce tohis p la cement sign in thena ta l cha rt. Kethu p la ced in 12thhouse f rom Jup iter when p la ced in:- Ca ncer-The na tive willha ve da nger of dea th through wa ters in a f oreign la nd. Leo - The na tive will ha vecha nceof getting imp risonment orconf inement. Virgo - The na tive will f a ce da ngerthrough enemies or p ets. Libra - The na tive will ha ve da nger of dea th through his f riendsor sp ouse. Scorp io - The na tive will ha ve da nger of dea th byp oisoning. Sa gitta rius -The na tive will ha vetrouble throughreligious p eop le or ma y ha ve enmity towa rds religion. Ca p ricorn -Thena tive'sf a ther ma y die in a f oreign la nd. Aqua rius-The na tive will ha ve da nger of dea thin holy wa ters orin a holyp la ce. Pisces - Thena tive ma y commitsuicide or ha ng himself in a holyp la ce. 72 Rahll &: Kt!tlm ill B/!r;,flil with very good spiri tual knowledge, but danger to her li fe in holy waters is seen. These people may have children prone to accidents or may have unnat ural death. These people will have a spouse who may have lot of enemies or sickness due to the curse of dead. Though these people have a good knowledge and education they wi ll not be either happy or satislied. These people's father woul d be a traveller or wi ll have losses in traveling. These people may face lot of trouble fl osses of money through their fri ends. These people throw lot of money on charities and holy ceremonies, These people may also face losses in their profession or will not show much interest in their professiorubusiness. In additi on to the above when Kethu is in 12" house from Jupi ter the signifi cations of Kethu wi lt differ a little in accordance to his placement sign in the natal chart. Kethu placed in 12th house from Jupi ter when phlced in :- Cancer - TIle native will have danger of death through waters in a foreign land. Leo - The nati ve will have chance of getting impri sonment orconrinemenL Virgo - The native will face danger through enemies or pets. Libra - The native wi ll have danger of death through hi s fri ends or spouse. Scorpio - The nati ve wi ll havc danger of death by poisoning. Sagittarius -The native will have lrouble through religious people or may have enmity towards reli gion. Capricorn - The native's fat her may die in a foreign land. Aquarius - The native wi ll ktvc danger of death in holy waters or in a holy place. Pisces - The native may commit suicide or hang himself in a holy place. Kethuin different houses 73 Aries - Thenative may dieor meetwitha dangerous accident becauseof his family/spouse. Taurus-Thenative may looseoneof his family members on travel. Gemini -Thenativewill havea chanceof getting murdered in a foreign land. Kellru in different h o u s ~ s 73 Arics- The nalive may di e or meet with a dangerous accident because of ms family/spouse. Taurus - The native may loose one of his family members on travel. Gemini - The native will have a chance of getting murdered in a foreign land. Kethu with Planets In the previous chapters we have learnt about the study of Kethu in different signs and different houses (from Jupiter) and now, we have to have a look at Kethu's behavior or significations when conjoined withdifferent planets. Kethu though is a shadowy planet influences the effects in an individual's life when conjoined withother planets. As earlier said Kethu is the ending or the taker, which means Kethu ends the significations ofa particular planet with which he is conjoined with. Here, in this book the author is ofthe opinion that Kethu is very importantplanet becauseit is not gaining in life that is important, but the knowledge about loosing something is very important. As Kethu is a taker and will bring an end' o whatever significations that a planet indicates, and, if the native is able to know the loosing, he may take precautions against it. Theabove said will be understood better in the following lines. KethuwithSun (in thenatal chart) -Peoplehaving Kethu with Sun will havechances of loosing their sight or eyes through an accident. These people will have eyesight problems and weak bones. These people will meet with an accident and may loose a part of the bone or a rod may hefixed in their body. These people will have problems withthe Government or problems with their father. These people's father may die early. These people will have lot ofhealth problems which is due to the curse of the Brahmin in the previous life. This combination also tells that the father of the native is a Kethu with Planets In the previous chupters we have learnt about the study of Kethu in different signs and different houses (from Jupiter) and now, we have to have a look at Kethu 's bchavioror significations when conjoifled with different planets. Kethu though is a shadowy pl anet influences the effects in an individual's life when conjoined with otherplanell;. As earlier said Kethu is the ending or the taker, which means Kethu cnds the significations of a particular planet with which he is conjoined with. Here, in this book theauthorisoflhc9pinion that Kethu is very important planet because it is nol gai ning in life that is important , but the knowledge about loosing something is very important. As Kelhu is a taker and will bring an end ,() whatever significations t/1al a planet indicates. and, iflhe native is <l ble 10 know Ihe loosing. he may take precautions agains! it. The above said wi ll be understood bener in the following lines. Kethu with Sun (in the nata] chart) - People having Kethu with Sun will havechanccsofloosing their sight oreyes lhrough an accident. These people will have eyesight problems and weak bones. These people will meet with an accident and may loose a part of the bone or a rod may be fixed in their body. These people will have problems with the Govemment or problems with their father. These people's father may die ea:-Iy. These people will have lot ofhealt.h problems whjch is due to the curse of the Brahmin in the previous life. This (;ombination also tel ls Ih;1I the father of the native is a Kethuwith Planets 75 dominating and stubborn person. These people will get into spiritual lif e at a very early age. These peoplemay f ace danger by tire/electricity/chemicals. These people may nothave f ather's af f ection. Kethuwith Moon (in the natal chart) - People having Kethuand Moon together will always havelot of tensions in their head. These people also suf f er f rom headache/migraine becauseof their tensions. I f Kethu is ill aspected the native my suf f er f rom neurolysis or insanity. These people will have a trouble creating mind. These people's mother will have a problematic lif e, or may havean unnatural death in her early ages. These people will have danger f rom waters. These people will start a new lif e in a f oreign place but with lot of tensions and problems. These people may not get their mother's af f ection in their lif e. These people will havesuicidal mentalities. These people will have a mother who tries to have complete control of the f amily. Kethuwith Mars (in the natal chart) - People having Kethuwith Mars in their birthchartwill have problems with brothers or the co- boms may havean unnatural early death. These people also have great desires and sometimes they will f ace dangers through their desires. These people will have sk ill on their hands, i.e. they may develop well in the f ield of arts/photography. These people are easily attack ed by diseases pertaining to blood and sk in. These people are also prone to accidents or burns and boils. These people will have problems with landed property or if they have landed property they will dispose it f ast. These people may loose their limbs in accidents. I n case of a f emale birth chart the Kt lirll wilir Plant/!; 75 dominating and stubborn person. These people will get into spiritual li fe at a very early age. These people may face danger by fi re/electricit y/chemicals. These people may not have father's affecti on. Kethu with Moon (in the natal chart) - People havi ng Kelhu and Moon together wi ll always have lot ortensions in their head. These people also suffer from headache/migrai ne because of their tensions. If Kcthu is ill aspected the native my suffcr from ncurolysis or insanity. These people will have a troublecrcating mind. These people's mother will have a problematic li fe, or may have an unnatural death in her earl y ages. These people will have danger from waters. These people will start a new life in a foreign place but with lot of tensions and problems. These people may not get their mother's affecti on in their life. These people will have sui cid'l.l mentalities. These people wi ll have a mother who tri es to have complete control of the family. Kethu with Mars (in the natal chart) - People having Kethu with Mars in their birth chart will have problems with brothers or the co-borns may have an unnatural early death. These people also have great desires and sometimes Ihey will face dangers through their desi res. These people will have sk.ill on their hands, i.e. they may develop well in the fi eld of arts/photography. These people are easi ly attacked by diseases pert aining to blood and skin. These people are also prone to accidents or bums and boil s. These people wi U have problems with landed property or if they have landed propert y they will dispose it fast. These people may loose thei r limbs in accidents. Ln case of a female birth chart thc 76 Rahu &Kethuin Rhrigu Astrology nativewill not he happy withherhusband and will havean argumentative and tensed type of an husband. Thenative (female) withtheabove said combination of Kethuand Mars will beforced to stayaway from husband. Kethuand Mars together in a femalechart may also make her awidow in the earlystages ofher life. Kethu with Mercury (in natal chart) - People having Kethuwith Mercury may have problems in talking or may have stammering. These people will have intelligence but, the intelligence will blackoutand will notsave them in times ofneed. These people will have problems in completing their education or theymay have problems in education. These people are prone to have problems from courtcases. These people are neglected by their relatives and neighbours. These people will have problems pertaining to stomach and liver. These people will have losses through courtcases. Hot and spicy food for these people bringproblems in their health and may lead to constipation. In afemale chart, the native may havea surgery for her uterus. Thenativewill be noblein character and will have legal knowledge. Kethu with Jupiter (in natal chart) - People bom with Jupiter and Kethuin their birthchart will havelotof tensions in life. These people are argumentative in mentality and trouble creators. These people are dominating, calculative, stubborn and respect seeking people. These people will do anything for others if asked pleasingly, but, they hate taking demands. These people suffer alot and will not see happiness in their life. These people are leaders and not followers. These people havesuicidal mentalities and are always dissatisfied 7. native will not be happy with her husband and will have an argumentative and tensed type of an husband. The nalive (female) wi th lhe above said combination of Kedm and Mars will be forced to slay away from husband. Kethu and Mars together in a female chart may also make her a widow in the early stages of her life. Kelhu with Mercury (in natal chart) - People having Kelhu with Mercury may have probl ems in tal king or may have stammering. ll1CSC people wi ll have intelligence bUI. the intelligence will black out and will nol save them in times of need. These people wi ll have problems in completing Lheir education or they may have problems in education. These people are prone to have problems from court cases. These people are neglected by lheirrelatives and neighbours. These peopl e wi ll have problems pertaining 10 stomach and li ver. These people wi ll have losses through court cao;es. HOi and spicy food for these people bring problems in Iheir health and may lead 10 constipation. In a fema le chan, the nali ve may have a surgery for her uterus. TIle native will be noble in ch:lrdcter and wi ll have legal knowledge. Kethu with Jupiter(in natal chart) • People born with Jupiter and Kethu in their birth chart will have lot of tensions in life. These people are argumentative in mentality and trouble creators. 1bese people are dominating, calculative. stubborn and re.o;pect seeking people. These people will do anything for others if asked pleasingly. bUl.lhey hate laking demands. These people suffer a 101 and wiU nol see happiness in their life. These people are leaders and not followers. These people have suicidal mentalities and are always dissati sfied Kethuwith Planets 77 or discontented. These people though they work hard the hardships goes unrecognised. Thenativewill suffer from nervousness. Kethu with Venus (in natal chart) - People horn with Kethu and Venus in their birthchartwill have problems with money. These people will also have lot of pleasures and incur losses through them. These people face tough time with money or accumulation of money. These people have problems created by women. These people are prone to accidents or may have danger through vehicles. These people also face danger through sweet drinks/liquids. If Kethuand Venus is found in a male horoscope, the native will have a dominating wifeorwill face problems from wife. These people will havea wifewho will be argumentative and trouble cmating in nature. Natives (men) who have the combination may desertthe wifeor stay away from their wife frequently. In some cases the natives may loose the wife at a very early ages. Kethuwith Saturn (in natal chart) - People having Kethu with Saturn will have problems in profession! business. These people will also have problems in performing their duties properly. Natives having Kethuand Saturn will be frequently changing business/profession. These people will work/trade in machineries. People having Kethuand Saturn in their birth chartwill havelotof difficulties in the early stages of their life. These people also loose their job once and continue with another. People having Kethu and Saturn with Sun may have profession/business in the medical field and if it with Moon hc will land in Hotels/Restaurants profession/business. Kellru will! Planeu 77 or discontented. These people though they work hard the hardships goes unrecognised. The native will suffer from nervousness. Kethu with Venus (in natal chart) - People born with Kethu and Venus in their birth chart will have problems with money. These people wi ll also have lot of pleasures and incur losses through them. These people face tough time wi th money or accumulati on of money. These people have problems created by women. These people are prone to accidents or may have (!anger through vehicles. These people also face danger through sweet drinksll iquids. If Kcthu and Venus is found in a male horoscope, the nali ve wil l have a dominating wifeor will face from wife. These people will have a wife who will beargumentativeand troublecrealing in nature. Nati ves (men) who have the combination may desert the wife or stay away from their wife frequently. in some cases the nati ves may loose the wife at a very early ages. Kethu with Saturn (in natal chart) - People having Kcthu with Saturn will have problems in profession/ business. 1llesc people will also have probl ems in perfonni ng Iheirduties properly. Natives havi ng Kethu and Sarum wiU be frequently changing business/profession. These people will work/trade in machineri es. People having Kethu and Saturn in their birth chart will have lot of difficulties in the early stages of their life. These people also loose their job once and conti nue wi th another. People having Kethu and Saturn wi th Sun may have professionlbusiness in the medical fi eld and ifil wi th Moon he wi ll land in HOlelslReslauronl'i professionfbusiness, 78 Ra/iu &Kethu in Bhrigu As:rokigv These people also have keen interest in Vedic studies or astrology. These people occasionally take up spiritual professions of conducting ceremonies for the dead.These people will be suspended in their service once. Generally people with Kethu andSaturn are well suited for teaching / preaching type of professions. These people may have a unnatural or suicidal death and danger from electricity/fire! chemicals is also seen . 78 Rahll ({ Ketlm in Bhrigu Astrulogy These people also have keen interest in Vedic studies or astrology. These people occasionall y take up spiritual professions of conducting ceremonies for the dead. These people wil l be suspended in their service once. General ly IX!Opie with Kethu and Saturn are well suited for teaching I preaching lype of professions. These people may have a unnatural or sui cidal death and danger from e1ecUicity/fire/ chemicals is also seen. Kethu's Transit Effects In the earlier chapters we studied Rahu's behavior or effects of Rahu during his transit. Here, nowwe study Kethu's transit and its effect on individuals when Kethutouches planets as per natal chart. Kethu is ataker or the ending so, during his transit when Kethutouches different planets he will bring an endtocertain significations in relation to the planets he touches. Theword transit hasto be understood carefully for timing of events, because Kethu though he transits for 1-1/2 year in every sign and takes 18 years for one rotation in all the 12 signs, he imposes his transit effect only in that round of transit which will be in accordancetothe distance from Jupiter found in the natal chart. e.g. if Kethu in 2nd house from Jupiter its transit effect will take place in the 2ndround of Kethu'stransit i.e. at the age of 18 and above. When Kethu is in the 3rd house from Jupiter Kethu's transit effect will begin in the 3rd round of Kethu's transit at the age of 36 years. If Kethuis in the4thhouse from Jupiter in the natal chart the transit effect of Kethuwill take place in the 4th round of Kethu's transit at the age of 54 and so on. The significations of the houses from Jupiter whichwill be effected by Kethu's transit are the same i.e. 1st house from Jupiter about self, 2nd house from Jupiter about money, family, speech, 3rd housefrom Jupiter about travels, losses, brothers, 4th house from Jupiter as mother, study, happiness. 5th house from Jupiter as children, fortune, luck, gambling, and6th house from Jupiter as servants, Kethu's Transit Effects In thcearlier chaptcrs we studied Rahu's behavior or effects ofRahu during his trdrlSil. Here. now we study Kethu's (romsit and its effect on indi viduals when Kelhu touches planets as per natal chart. Kethu is a takerorthcending so, during his transit when Kethu touches different planct'i he will bring an end locertain significations in relation to the planets he touches. The word tmnsit has 10 be understood carefull y for liming of events. because Kethu though he transits for 1- 1/2 year in every sign and takes I g years for one rotation in all the 12 signs, he imposes his transit effect only in thai round of transit which wi ll be in accordance to the distance from Jupiter found in the natal chart. e.g. if Kethu in 2nd house from Jupiter its lninsil effect will take place in the 2nd round of Kcthu 's transit i.c. at the age of 18 and above. When Kethu is in the 3rd house from Jupiter KeLhu's transit effect will begin in the 3rd roundofKethu's transit at the age of36 years. If Kethu is in the 4th house from Jupiterin the natal chart the lmnsit effect of Kethu will take place in Lhe4th round of Kethu's transit at the age of 54 a n ~ so on. The Significati ons of the houses fromJupilerwhich will be effected by Kethu's transit are the same i.e. 1st house from Jupiter about self. 2nd house from Jupiter about money. famil y. speech. 3rd house from Jupiter about travel s, losses, brothers, 4th house from Jupiter as mother, study, happiness, 5th house from Jupiter as children. fortune. luck. gambling. and 6th house from Jupiter as servants. 80 J ' a h u &K e t / u t i n B h r ~ q u A s t r o l o g y pe t s , di s e a s e s e t c. Th e be l o wme n t i o n e d t a bl e wi l l co me i n h a n dy t o kn o wt h e be g i n n i n g o f K e t h u ' s t r a n s i t e ffe ct s. K e t h u fr o m J u pi t e r (i n n a t a l ch a r t ) A g e o ft r a n s i t e ffe ct (n a t i ve ' s a g e ) K e t h u wi t h J u pi t e r 2n d h o u s e fr o m J u pi t e r 3r d Ho u s e fr o m J u pi t e r 4t h h o u s e fr o m J u pi t e r 5t h h o u s e fr o m J u pi t e r 6t h h o u s e fr o m J u pi t e r Wi t h i n 18 ye a r s o f a g e . A ft e r 18 - 36 ye a r s A ft e r 36- 54 ye a r s A ft e r 54- 72 ye a r s A ft e r 72- 90 ye a r s A ft e r 90- 108 ye a r s. A s pe r t h e a bo ve t a bl e , r e a de r s a r e r e q u e s t e d t o n o t e t h e t a bl e o f ye a r s fo r pr e di ct i n g K e t h u ' s t r a n s i t e ffe ct a n d t h e r e s pe ct i ve B h a va s (a s pe r t h e h o u s e fr o m J u pi t e r ) a n d i n r e l a t i o n t o t h e pl a n e t (a s i n n a t a l ch a r t ) K e t h u t o u ch e s wh i l e o n h i s t r a n s i t . K e t h u i n 2n d h o u s e fr o m J u pi t e r (i n t h e n a t a l ch a r t ) (Pl e a s e a l s o r e fe r K e t h u i n di ffe r e n t h o u s e s a s g i ve n i n e a r l i e r ch a pt e r s .) K e t h u i n 2n d h o u s e wi l l g i ve pr o bl e ms i n mo n e y, fa mi l y s pe e ch t o t h e n a t i ve i n a cco r da n ce t o t h e pl a n e t K e t h u t o u ch e s i n h i s t r a n s i t a n dt h e t r a n s i t e ffe ct wi l l be g i n a t t h e a g e o f 18 ye a r s a n d a bo ve . So . a ft e r 18 ye a r s wh e n e ve r K e t h u i n h i s t r a n s i t s t o u ch e s a pl a n e t (a s i n n a t a l ch a r t ) i n h i s t r a n s i t , wi l l g i ve t h e r e s u l t o f t h e s i g n i fi ca t i o n o f t h e pl a n e t i n a cco r da n ce t o t h e bh a va o ft h e pl a n e t . xO pelS, diseases elc. The below mentioned Ittble wi ll come in handy to know the beginning of Kethu 's lr.Ulsit effects. Kethu from Jupiter (in natal chart) Kethu with Jupiter 2nd house from Jupiter 3rd Hoose from Jupiter 4th house from Jupiter 51h house from Jupiter 6th house from Jupiter Age of transit ellect (native's age) Within 18 years of age. After 18 ~ 36 years After 36-54 years After 54- 72 years After 72-90 years Aft er 90-108 years. As per Ihe above table. readers are requested to note the table of years for predict ing Kethu's transi t effect and the respecti ve Bhavas (as per the house from Jupiter) and in relati on to the planet (as in nalal chart) Kcthu touches while on his tr.msil. Kethu in 2nd house from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (please also refer Kethu in different houses as given in earlier chapters. ) Kcthu in 2nd holl5e will give problems in money. family speech' to thenarive in acconJance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will begin at the age of 18 years and above, So, after 18 years whenever Kelhu in his transit ... touches a planet (as in natal chart) in his transit, will give the result of the signification of the planet in accordance to lhe bhllVa ofthe planet. Transit E f f e c ts RI Ke thutouc he s Jupite r -The native will have proble ms with mone y or proble ms c re ate d by hisill talk . He may also have proble ms at home . Ke thu touc he s Ve nus - The native will have proble ms pe rtaining to ple asure s/mone y orone of the f e male me mbe r of the f amily may f ac e proble ms. He may also have dif f e re nc e of opinion with hiswif e ( in a male birth c hart) Ke thutouc he s Saturn - The native will have atransf e ror c hange of plac e , and he may be f orc e d to stay away f rom f amily. Ke thu touc he s Me rc ury - The native will have proble ms pe rtaining to litigations of f amily me mbe rsor ne ighbours. Ke thu touc he s Mars - The native may have proble ms f rom hisbrothe r or proble ms to his brothe r. Ke thu touc he sSun - The native 'sf athe r may have proble ms or dange r to lathe ris indic ate d. Ke thu touc he sMoon-The native 'smothe r may f all sic k orthe native may have lot of te nsions pe rtaining to f amily me mbe rs. Ke thu in3rd house f rom Jupite r ( in the natal c hart) ( Ple ase also re f e rKe thu indif f e re nt house sas give n in e arlie r c hapte rs. ) Ke thu in3rd house will give proble ms in trave ls, losse sand, trouble sin trave lling to the native inac c ordanc e to the plane t Ke thu touc he sin histransitand the transite f f e c twill be gin at the age of 36 ye ars and above . So. af te r36 ye ars whe ne ve r Ke thu in his transit touc he sa plane t ( as innatal c hart), will give the re sultof the signif ic ation of the plane t inac c ordanc e to the hhava of the plane t. Ktl/lll S Trllll.r;t Effrcu Kcthu touches Jupiter -TIle native wi ll have problems with money or problems created by his ill talk. He may also have problems at home. Kethu touches Venus - The native wi ll have problems pertaining 10 pleasures/money or one of the female member of the famil y may face problems. He rrl.1.y a1so have difference of opinion with his wife (i n a male birth chart) Kethu touches Saturn - The native will have a transfer or change of pl ace. and he may be forced to stay away from ramily. Kethu touches Mercury - The native wi ll have problems pertaining to litigations of family members or neighbours. Kethu touches Mars - The native may have problems from his brother or problems 10 his brother. Kcthu touches Sun - l11c native's falhermay have problems ordangerlo father is indicated. Kethu touches Moon -The native's mOlhermay fall sick or the native may have 101 of tensions pertaining to famil y members. Kethu in 3rd house from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (Please also refer Kethu in dilTerent houses as given in earlier chapters.) Kethu in 3rd house will give problems in travels, losses and. troubles in travelli ng 10 the native in accordance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will begin at the ageof36 years and above. So. after 36 years whenever Kcthu in hi s transit touches a planet (as in naml chart), will give the result of the signification of the planet in accordance to the bhava of the planet. 82 Rain &Ketliu in Bhriqu Astrology Kethu touches Jupiter - The native will have lot of losses, he may also wanderorloiter aimlessly. Kethu touches Venus - The native (in a male birth chart) may loose his wife or pleasures from his wile. The native may loose money, gold orahouse. Kethu touches Saturn - The native will loose his job and wander freely. Kethu touches Mars - The native may have problems with his brother or the Government. He may also loose his relationship withhis co- borns. There is danger to one ofthe co- boms during this period. Kethu touches Mercury - The native may have losses in travel or he may incur loss due to litigations /court cases. Kethu touches Sun - The native may loose his eyesight or may have loss of name and fame. The native may have an accident and injure his limbs. Kethu touches Moon - The native may have problems withhis motheror danger to mother is seen. He may suffer from mental diseases. Kethu in4thhouse from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (Please also referKethu in different houses as given in earlier chapters.) Kethu in 4thhouse will give problems pertaining to mother, land and building, happiness and domestic affairs ofthe native in accordance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will begin at the age of54 years and above. So, after 54 years whenever Kethu in his transit touches a planet (as in natal chart), will give the result ofthe signification of the planet in accordance to the hhava of the planet. Nil/III & Ketlw Kethu touches Jupiter - The nati ve wil l have Jot of losses. he may also wander or loiler aimlessly. Kelhu touches Venus -The nali ve (in a male birth chart) may loose hi s wife or pleasures from his wife. The nalive may loose money. gold or a house. Kelhu touches Saturn - The native will loose his job and wander freel y. Kethu touches Mars -The native may have problems with his brother or the Government. He may also loose his relationship with his co-boms. There is danger to one of the co-boms during thi s period. Kethu touches Mercury -The nali ve may have losses in trAvel or he may incur loss due to litigations I court cases. Kelhu touches Sun - The nati ve may loose hi s eyesight or may have l os!> of name and fame. The nati ve may have an accident l. Uld injure hi s limbs. Kethu touches Moon - The nati ve may have problems with his mother or danger to mother is seen. He may suffer from mental diseases. Kethu in 4th house from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (Please also refer Kethu in different houses as given in earlier chapters.) Kethu in 4th house will give problems pertaining 10 mother, land and building, happiness and domestic affairs of the nati ve in accordance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will begin al the age of 54 years and above. So, after 54 years whenever KClhu in his transillouches a planet (as in natal chart), will give the result of the signification of the planet in accordance to the bl1ava oftht: planet. Keilite c /}ansn Eftec i.c 83 Kethu touc hes Jupiter - The native will dispose his land or property or he may have problemsthrough them. He will be loosing domestic happiness or he may be away fromthe family. Kethu touc hesVenus - The native will desert his wife or will suffer from lot oftensionsdue to afemale member of the family. There are c hanc es of lossof money, sale ofvehic les, problems through pleasures. Kethu touc hesSaturn - The native will be transferred or will c hange his plac e ofbusiness by whic hhe may have some problems. Adeath may take plac e in the family. Kethu touc hes Merc ury - The native will be put into lot of probleins/litigations by the family members. He may also have problemspertaining to stomac hand skin. Kethutouc hesMars - The native's brother will get into trouble and this brings loss to the family. Partition of the anc estral property may take plac e. Kethutouc hesSun - The native will have loss ofname and will also see disgrac e and ruinto the family. Kethu touc hes Moon - The native will having tensions pertaining to domestic affairs and bec ause of this he may get into bad habits like drinking or drugs. Kethu in5thhouse from Jupiter (in the natal c hart) (Please also refer Kethu in different houses as given in earlier c hapters.) Kethuin5thhouse will give problemspertaining to c hildren, fortune, sexual pleasures of the native inac c ordanc e to the planet Kethu touc hes inhistransit and the transit effec t will begin at the age of 72 years and above. So, after 72 years Kt'/I/J/:" Tralls;/ £fff!C'1S 8.1 Kethu touches Jupiter - The native will dispose his land or property or he Ill ay have problems through them. He wiU be loosing domesti c happiness or he may be away from the family. Kcthu touches Venus - The nati ve wi ll desert hi s wife or wi ll sufferfrom 100oftensions due toa female mcmoorofthe fami ly. There are chances of loss of moncy, sale of vehicles, problems through plea.:;ures. Kelhu touches Saturn - The native will be transferred or wi\\ change his place of business by which hemay have some problems. A dealh may take place in the family. Kelhu touchl.'S Mercury - The native wi ll be put into lot ofproblemsltitigations by the family members. He may also have problems pertaining to stomach and skin. Kelbu touches Mars - The native's brother wi ll get in to trouble and thi s brings loss to the fami ly. Partition of the ancestral property may take place. Kethu touches Sun - The native wi ll have loss of name and will alsosee disgrace and min lo the family. Kelhu touches Moon - The native wi ll having tensions pertaining to domestic affairs and because of this he may gel into bad habits Like drinking or drugs. Kethu in 51h house from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (please also refer Kelhu in different houses as given in earlier chapters.) Kelhu in 5th house will give problems pertaini ng to children, fortune. sexual pleasures of the native in accordance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will hcgill <lllhe age of72 years and above. So. after 72 years 84 Rahu &Kethu i n Rhri gu Astrology when ever Kethu i n hi s tran si t touches a plan et (as i n n atal chart), wi ll gi ve the result ofthe si gn i fi cati on ofthe plan et i n accordan ce to the hhava ofthe plan et. Kethu touches Jupi ter -The n ati ve wi ll have trouble through chi ldren . The n ati ve wi ll also loose mon ey on speculati on s . Thi s wi ll be an un lucky peri od. Kethu touchi n g Ven us - The n ati ve's chi ldren wi ll have problems through women /vehi cles, the n ati ve wi ll also face health problems of the chi ldren . Kethu touches Saturn - The chi ldren of the n ati ve wi ll ei ther chan ge professi on /busi n ess or wi ll have lot oftrouble i n professi on /busi n ess. Kethu wi th Mercury - The n ati ve wi ll have trouble through chi ldren 's li ti gati on s/court cases. The n ati ve wi ll also face problems wi th n ei ghbours due to chi ldren . Kethu touches Mars - The n ati ve's chi ldren wi ll have problems i n lan ded property or may di spose lan ded property . Kethu touches Sun - The n ati ve wi ll have celebrati on s at the chi ldren 's place or the n ati ve's chi ld wi ll have loss ofn ame i n that peri od. Kethu touches Moon - The n ati ve wi ll have head i n jury whi le travelli n g. The n ati ve's chi ldren may get bad n ews from a forei gn lan d. Kethu touches Sun - The n ati ve wi ll have celebrati on s wi th the chi ldren or may have loss of n ame i n thi s peri od. 84 Ralru & K ~ l h u in BhriguAJlrology whenever Kethu in his lransit touches a planet (as in natal chart), will give the result,of the signification of the planet in accordance 10 the bhava of the pl anet. Kethu touches Jupiter -The native wiU have (f'Ouble through children. The nali ve wi ll also loose money on speculations. This will be an unlucky period. Kethu touching Venus - The nati ve's children wi ll have problems through women/vehicles, the naLive wi ll al so face health probl ems of the children. Kethu touches Saturn - The chjldren of the native wi ll either change professionlbusiness or wil1 have lot of trouble in profession/business. Kethu with Mercury - The native will have trouble through children's litigationslcourt cases. The native will also face pmhlems WiTh nei ehhcnl rlo: rh. elochilrl ren. Kethu touches Mars - The nati ve's children will have problems in landed property or may dispose landed property. Kethu touches Sun - The native will have celebrati ons at the children's place or the nati ve'schild will have loss of name in thai period. Kethu touches Moon - The nati ve will have head injury while travell ing. The nati vc's children may get bad news from a foreign land. Kethu touches Sun -The native wi ll have celebrations with the children or may have loss of name in this period. Keith, iv Transit Effects 85 Kethu in 6th house from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (Please also refer Kethu in different houses as giv en in earlier chapters.) Kethu in 6th house will giv e problems pertaining to sickness, enemies, problems from pets tothe nativ e in accordance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will begin at the age of 90 years and abov e. So, after 90 years whenev er Kethu in his transit touches a planet (as in natal chart), will giv e the result ofthe signification ofthe planet in accordance tothe bhav a ofthe planet. Kethu touches Jupiter - The nativ e will hav e danger to his life by sickness or pets. Kethutouches Venus - The nativ e's wife or a female family member will be hospitalised. Kethu touches Saturn - The nativ e will hav e trouble through serv ants and because ofthis he may hav e loss ofname. Kethu touches Mercury - The nativ e may face litigations/ enemity through his serv ants or his subordinates. Kethutouches Mars - The nativ e may loose his limbs in an accident or he may suffer from serious disease pertaining to blood. Kethutouches Sun - The nativ e will loose his name and fame or he may conduct ceremonies for the dead at a holy place. Kethutouches Moon - The nativ e will either suffer from mental diseases or he may become insane. Kelhu'y rrllluil EJJeCl $ " Kethu in 6th house from Jupiter (in the natal chart) (Please also refer Kethu in different houses as given in earlier chapters.) Kethu in 6th house will give problems pertai ning to sickness, enemies, problems from pelS to the r!ali ve in accordance to the planet Kethu touches in his transit and the transit effect will begin al the age of 90 years and above. So, aft er 90 years whenever Kethu in his transit touches a planet (as in nalm chart). will give the result of the signification of the planet in accordance to the bhava of me planet. Kethu touches Jupiter - The nati ve will have danger 10 his li fe by sickness or pets. Kethu Venus -Th!! nali ve's wife o( a female family member will be hospitali sed. Kethu touches Saturn -The nali ve will have trouble through serv<lnls <l nd because of thi s he may have loss of name. Kethu touches Mercury -The nalive may face litigationsl cnemity through his servants or hi s Kethu touches Mars - The nati ve may loose- his limbs in an accident or he may suffer f rom seri ous disea5C JX!l1aining to blood. Kethu touches Sun -The nali ve will loose hi s name and fame or he may conduct ceremonies for the dead at a holy place. Kethu touches Moon - The native will either suffer from mental di seases or he may become insane. Remedies for Kethu In the earlier chapters we studied about the curses of Rahu and its remedies, but when we study Kethu we cannot call it a curse because the curse has already begun in the previous life whichis known by the Rahu's placement, so nowKethu the taker shows the effects we face in this life according to his placement or his conjunction with planets. Kethuis known as, prayers, ceremonies for warding off the curses I bad karma created by the native in his previous life. Kethu is the planet which showsthe effect of curses of the previous lifein this connection wehave to notice the placement of Kethuand the planet conjoined with Kethu for eradicating the curse of the previous life. When Kethu is alone in a sign the placement of Kethu's Raasi will denote the steps to be taken for eradicating the curse. Please find here-below the methods to be followed for removing thecurseof the previous life. When Kethu is alone in a sign without any conjunction of any planet the remedies are as under:- Kethuin Aries - Thenative has to give a cowand a calf in charity to a Brahmin for removethe effects/curse. Kethu in Taurus - Thenative has to give cashdonations to temples or he has to assist people on construction of temples. Remedies for Kethu In the earlier chapters we studied about the curses of Rahu and its remedies. but when we study Kelhu we cannot call it a curse because the curse has already begun in the previous life which is known by the Rallu's placement, so now Kethu the taker shows the e ffecl.<t we face in this life <lccording 10 his placemenlor his conjunction with planets. Kethu is known as, prayers, ceremonie.." for warding off the curses / bad karma created by the native in hi s previous life. Kethu is the planet which shows the effect of curses of the previous li fe in this connection we have to notice the placement of Kethu and the planel conjoined with Kelhu for eradicating Lhecurse of me previous life. When Kethu is alone in a sign the placement of Kethu's Raasi wi ll denote the sleps to be taken forcradicating the curse. Please find here-below the melhods to be foll owed for removing lhe cur.;e of the previous life. When Kethu is alone in a sign without any conjunction of any planet the remedies are as under:- Kethu in Aries - The native has to give a cow and a calfin charity to a Brahmin for remove the effects/curse. Kethu in Taurus -The native has to give cash donati ons to temples or he hm; 10 assist people on constructi on oflemples. Remedies for Kethu 87 Kethuin Gemini - The native has to chant Bhajans in a temple orwith groups of people to remove thecurse Kethuin Cancer - Thenativehasto pour milk to snakes! snake idols ( silver) daily in the morning after taking bathto remove theeffects ofthecurse. Kethuin Leo - Thenativehasto install an idol in a temple orbuild a temple to removethiscurse. Kethuin Virgo - The native hasto give rice, cereals, grains as "Daan"to Brahminstoremovethe curse. Kethuin Libra - The nativehasto perform Kanya Daan or he shouldbearthe expenditure ofa poorgirl' s marriage in ordertoremovethe effects ofthecurse. Kethuin Scorpio - Thenativehasto give a piece oflandin Daan toa Brahmin in orderto remove thecurse. Kethuin Sagittarius - The native has to distribute free books or stationery to poorboys and girls orhe has to meet the educational expenditure ofthe poorboys/girls toremove thecurse. Kethuin Capricorn - The native has to arrange drinking water facilities tothe poor and needy in a poorlocality. Kethuin Aquarius - Thenative has to take bath in holy waters for21 days and chanting of Gayatri for3000 times will removethecurse. Kethuin Pisces - The native hastorenderhis free services to charity institutions or helping in cremating ceremoniesof thedead will removethecurse. Till now westudies theremedial measuresforKethu placed alonein a sign now, wehaveto study Kethu in conjunction with other planets andthe ways of eradicating thecurse. Rl!lnedies/or Ketllu 87 Kethu in Gemini - The native has to chant Bhajans in a temple or with groups of people to remove the curse Kcthu in Cancer - The native has to pour milk to snakes/ snake idols (silver) daily in the morning after taking bath to remove the effects of the curse. Kethu in Leo - The native has to install an idol in a temple or build a temple to remove this curse. Kethu in Virgo - The native has to give rice. cereals. grains as "Daan" to Brahmins to remove the curse. Kethu in Libr.t - The native has to pcrfonn Kanya Daan or he should bear the expenditure of a poor girl's marriage in order to remove the effects ofthe curse. Kethu in Scorpio - The nati ve has to give a piece of land in Daan to a Brahmin in order to remove the curse. Kcthu in Sagittarius - The nalive has 10 distribule free books or sl'alionery to poor boys and girls or he has 10 meet the educational expendi ture of lhe poor boys/girls to remove Ihecurse. Kethu in Capricorn - The native has 10 arrange drinking water facilities to the poor and needy in a poor locality. Kethu in Aquarius - The nati ve has to take bath in holy waters for21 days and chanting of Gayatri for 3000 limes will remove the curse. Kcthu in Pisces - The native has 10 render his free services to charity institutions or helping in cremating ceremonies of the dead will remove the curse. Till now we studies the remedial measures for Kethu placed alone in a sign now, we have to study Kethu in conjunction with other planets and the w.ays of eradicating the curse. 88 Rahu&Kethuin Bhrigu Astrology WhenKethuis conjoined with:- Sun - Watermixedwithred sandal wood paste should he offered to Sun in the earlymorningdaily for42 days, chanting "OMGR1N1SURYAYASWAt-IA" for108times daily to removethecurse. Moon - Thenative should visit daily to Kali temple and should offerredflowers, lightcamphor to Kali for removing thecurse. Mars - Thenativeshould fast on Saturdays/Tuesdays and visit Lord Hanuman temple . He should also do parikrama(going around the temple) for 11 times daily for 42 days to remove thecurse. Mercury - Reading "VishnuSahasranaam" daily and visiting LordVishnu temple will help thenativetoremovethecurse. Jupiter - Reading "GumCharitra" daily and offeringprayers toLord Dakshinamurthy" will removethecurse. Venus - Performingpooja to SreeChakraor Meruand reciting "KanakaDhaara Sthotra"for11 times daily will removethecurse. Saturn - Offeringprayers to Lord Byravadaily for42 days or offering liquor toLord Bymv will removethecurse. NOTE:Thenativeshould performpoojas or prayers personally to get thebenefits, arranging someone to pray forhimwill not give himthedesired results. In easeif hewishes hecan offersomefruits ordakshina to Brahminsafter completing the prayers. R(lhl/ & Kellm in Bhrigu ASlru/oKY When Kethu is conjoined with:- Sun - Water mixed with red sandal wood paste should be offered to Sun in the early morning daily for 42 days, chanting "OM GRINl SURYAYASWAHA" for 108 times daily to remove the curse. Moon - The nati ve should visit daily to Kali templ e and should offer red flowers, light camphor 10 Kali for removing the curse. Mars - The native should fast on Saturdays/Tuesdays and visit Lord Hanuman temple. He should also do parikrama (going around the temple) for II times daily for 42 days to remove the curse. Mercury - Reading ';Vishnu Sahasrnnaam" daily and visiting Lord Vishnu temple will help the native to remove the curse. Jupiter - Reading ' 'Guru Charirrct" daily and offering prayers to Lord Dakshinamurthy" will remove the curse. Venus - Performing pooja to Sree Chakra or Meru and reciting "Kanaka Dhaara Slhotm" for 11 times daily will remove the curse. Saturn - Offering prayers to Lord Byrava daily for 42 days or offering liquor 10 Lord Byrava, wiu remove thecurse. NOTE: The native should perform poojas or prayers personally to get the benefit'i, arranging someone to pray for him will not give him the desired results. In case if he wishes he can otfer some rruits or dakshina to Brclhmins after completing the prayers. Miscellaneous RahuandKethu together arecalled as family circle. Rahu andKethu individually significatemany things, but, thesame planets RahuandKethuwhicharethetwo divisions of the same body are calledas family circle. Hence, after studying theirindividualcharacters and significations wecanalsoknow a few more features by assuming/treating them as the beginning and ending ofthe family. The planet encircledwith Rahu andKethuoreither way form the family andthe planets outside thecircleof RahuandKethuwill significate qualities whicharedifferentfrom the family. Rahuwhichdenotesthe causesof birth/karmaand Kethuwhich speaks aboutthe endwill give aclear picture ofthenative's lifein relationship tothe family andhis ways of life. RahuandKethu circling planets showsthe ways thenativewill perform hisdutiesin accordancetothe family andthe planets outsidethecircle willtell aboutthenaturesofthenative differenttothe family. The theory of calling RahuandKethua family circlecanbe understoodbetter from the following lines. Whena planet is outof RahuandKethucircle, andthe signifIcations ofsuch planet whichis outsidetheRahuKethucirclewillbeaxed/ handicapped. The below givenparagraphs will help the reader in understanding theabove statements. - When Jupiter is out of the family circle - Rahuand Kethuor Kethu andRahu having all theother planets onone Miscellaneous Rahu and Kethu together are called as family circle. Rahu and Kelhu individually significate many things. but. the same planets Rahu and Kethu which are the two divisions of the same body are called as family circle. Hence. after studying their individual CharclClcni and significations we can also know a few more features by assuming/treating them as the beginning and ending of the fami ly. The planet eocircled with Rahu and Kethu or either way form lhefamily and the planets outside the circle of Rahu and Kethu will significate qualities which are different from the famil y. Rahu which denotes the causes of birthlkarma and Kethu which speaks about the end will give aclearpictureofthenativc's life in relationship to the fami ly and his ways of life. Rahu and KeLhu circling planets shows the ways the native will perform his duties in accordance to the famil y and the planets outside the circle will tell about the natures of lhe native different to the fami ly. The lheory of calling Rahu and Kethu a fami ly circle can be understo<X1 bener from the foll owing li nes. When a planet is out ofRahu and Kethu circle, and the significations of such planet which is outside the Rahu Kethu circle will be axed! handicapped. The below given pamgraphs wi ll help the reader in understanding the above slatements. - When Jupiter is out orthe ramil y circle - Rahu and Kethu or Kethu and Rahu havingaJ1 the other planet'i on one 9 0 Rahu & I C n h, u i n B hr i g u A s t r o l o g y s i de an d Jupi t er o n t he o t her s i de, i n di cat e t hat t he n at i ve wi l l be ei t her away fr o m t he fami l y o r may be i n di ffer en t t o t he fami l y member s . The n at i ve may be an ado pt ed chi l d t o t he fami l y . The n at i ve wi l l t ake bi r t h i n o n ce pl ace an d g r o wt h i n an o t her . The n at i ve may s et t l e do wn i n a fo r ei g n l an d. The n at i ve may l ead a s o l i t ar y o r l o n el y l i fe. The n at i ve may be n eg l ect ed by t he fami l y member s o ft he fami l y . The n at i ve may fo l l o w hi s o wn s t y l e o f l i vi n g an d may l ead a l i fe o f a wan der er wi t ho ut pr o per s et t l emen t /ai m i n l i fe. When Sat ur n i s o ut o ft he fami l y ci r cl e -. Rahu an d Ket hu o r Ket hu an d Rahu havi n g al l t he o t her pl an et s o n o n e s i de an d Sat ur n o n t he o t her s i de, i n di cat e t hat t he n at i ve may wan der fo r hi s l i vel i ho o d o r t he n at i ve's pr o fes s i o n may be t o t al l y di ffer en t fr o m t he fami l y . The n at i ve may wo r k i n a fo r ei g n l an d o r wi l l have a jo b/bus i n es s wi t h l es s ben efi t s / pr o fi t s . The n at i ve's deat h may t ake pl ace i n a fo r ei g n l an d. The n at i ve may do t hi n g s whi ch ar e ag ai n s t t he i deas o f fami l y member s o r he may do i l l eg al t hi n g s . The n at i ve may have pr o bl ems i n s et t l i n g do wn i n l i fe i n r eg ar d t o hi s pr o fes s i o n o r may n o t be havi n g s at i s fact i o n i n hi s jo b/pr o fes s i o n . When Sun i s o ut o f t he fami l y ci r cl e - Rahu an d Ket hu o r Ket hu an d Rahu havi n g al l t he o t her pl an et s o n o n e s i de an d Sun o n t he o t her s i de, i n di cat e t hat t he fat her o ft he n at i ve may be away fr o m hi s fami l y o r t her e may be di ffer en ce o f o pi n i o n bet ween t he par en t s o f t he n at i ve. Ther e i s al s o chan ces o ft he fat her bel o n g i n g t o a di ffer en t cas t e. The n at i ve may g et n ame an d fame i n a di ffer en t l an d. The n at i ve wi l l fo l l o w a di ffer en t cul t ur e o r t r adi t i o n . The mo t her o ft he n at i ve may have a di vo r ce fr o m t he fat her . The n at i ve may g o ag ai n s t 90 Raflll & KrlJIII ill Rhri}/II As/mingy side and Jupitcron the other sidc. indicate that the nati ve will be either away from the family or may be indi fferent to the fami ly members. The nati ve may be an adopted child to the fami ly. The native will take birth in once place and growth in another. The nati ve may settle down in a forei gn land. The native may lead a solitary or lonely lifc. The native may be neglected by the family members af the family. The native may follow his own style of living and may lead a lifeofa wanderer without proper settlement/aim in life. When Saturn is out of the family circle - . Rahu and Kethu or Kethu and Rahu having all the other planets on one side and Saturn on the other side, indicate that the nati ve may wander for his livelihood or the native's profession may be totall y different from the fami ly. The native may work in a foreign land orwill have ajoblbusi ness with less benefitsl profits. The native's death may take place in a forei gn land. TIle nati ve may do things which are against the i d e a ~ of family members or he may do illegal things. The native may have problems in settling down in life in regard to his profession or may not be having satisfaction in hisjob/profession. When Sun is out of the famil y circle - Rahu and Kethu or Kethu and Rahu having all the other planets on one side and Sun on the other side, indicate that the father of the native may be away from his family or there may be difference of opinion between the parents of the native. There is also chances of the father belonging to a different caste. TIle native may get name and fame in a different land. The native will fol low a different culture ortrndition. The mother of the native may have a divorce from the father. The nati ve may go against Miscellaneous 91 theGovernment or may have indifferencetowardsrich and powerful people. WhenMoonisoutofthe family circle - Rahuand Kethu orKethuand Rahu having all the other planets ononeside andMoonontheotherside, indicatesthat themother may bea step mother of thenativeorthere may be problems of understanding betweenthenative's parents. Themotherof thenative may be away fromthe family ofshe may behave indifferently to the family. The native'smind will be totally negligent towardshis family. The native may alsoloosehis mental balanceand havelot of depressions. Thenative may have problems with hismother. When Mars isoutof the family circle - Rahuand Kethu orKethuandRahu having all theother planets ononeside and Mars ontheotherside, indicatesthat the native may havea step brotherorthe native may havelot of difference of opinion with hisownbrother. Thenative'sdesireswillbe against theideasof the family member.Thebrotherofthe native may stayaway fromthe family or he may dislike the ideasofthe family members.Ina female birth chart theabove placement of Marsindicate that the husband ofthenative maystayaway fromthe nativeorthemarital life ofthenative will go forabreak. Thenative maymarry a person belonging to adifferent caste. If the native stays together with the husband shewill havelot of problems or quarrels with the husband. When Venusis outof the family circle - Rahuand Kethu or KethuandRahu having all theother planets onone side MiJct'l/wII!OUJ 91 the Government or may have indifference towards ri ch and powerful people. When Moon is out of the family circle - Rahu and Kethu or Kethu and Rahu having all the other planets on one side and Moon on the other side, indicates that the mother may be a step mother of the native or there may be problems of understanding between the native's parents. The mother of the nati ve may be away from the family of she may behave indifferently to the famil y. The nativc's mind will be totall y negligent towards his fami ly. The native may also loose his mental balance and have lot of depressions. The native may have problems with his mother. When Mars is out of the family circle - Rahu and Kethu or Kethu and Rahu having all the other planets on one side and Mars on the other sidc, indicates that the native may havea step brother or the native may have lot of difference of opinion wi th his own brother. The native's desires will be against the ideas of the family member. The brother of the native may stay away From the fami ly or he may dislike the ideas of the family members. In a female birth chart the above placement of Mars indicate that the husband of me native may stay away from thc native or the marital life of the nati ve will go fora break. The native may many a person belonging to a different caste. If the nati ve stays together with the husband she wi ll have lot of problems or quarrels with the husband. When Venus is out of the family circle - Rahu <!-nd Kethu or Kethu and Rahu having all the other planets on one side 92 Rahu &Kethuin Bhrigu Astrology and Venus on the otherside, indicates thatthe native will have problems with money/materialistic things. I t also indicates thatthe native may havea step sisteroroneof his sister will be away from the familyhaving dislike towards the family members. The nativehas to struggle alot for money or he may havelotof pains for less gains. I n caseof amalebirth chartit indicates thatthe wifeofthenative maybeaway from the family orthe wife maybelong to a different caste. The native will have lotof difference of opinion withthe wife. Thewife ofthenative will act indifferently towards the native's family. When Mercury is out of the family circle - Rahu and Kethu or Kethuand Rahu having all the other planets on one side and Mercury on the other side, indicates that the native will be having a different education apart from the family members orthe native may have his education in adifferent place/land. Thenative may lack goodthinking and because of this he may create his own problems. The native may adopt achild or he maybeget achild by awoman of a different caste. The native may face lot of problems in his education orhe may incomplete theeducation. The native may have relationship with people / neighbours who are against his family. Thenative may learn foreign languages and foreign culture. .2 Rahu " Kel/III in Bhrigu A$lro1Q8Y and Venus on the other side, indicates thaI the nalive wi ll have problems wi th money/materialistic things. It also indicates that the native may have a step sister or one of hi s sister wi ll be away from the family having di slike towards the family members. The native has to struggle a lot for money or he may have 101 of pains for less gains. In case of a male birth chan it indicates thaI the wife of the native maybe away from the famil y or the wife may belong to a different caste. The nati ve will have \01 of difference of opinion with the wife. TIle wife afthe native will act indifferently towards the native's family. When Mercury is out of the family circle - Rahu and Kethu or Kethu and Rahu having all the other planets on one side and Mercury on the other side, indicates that the native will be having a different education apart from the famil y members or the native may have his education in a different placelland. The native may lack good thinking and because of this he may create his own problems. The nati ve may adopt a child or he may beget achild by a woman of adifferent caste. The nati ve may face lot of problems in his education or he may incomplete the education. The native may have relationship with people I neighbours who are against his family. The native may learn foreign languages and foreign culture. Sarpa Dosham andi t s remedi es Sarpa-Dosham i sacurse of asnake Godwhi chcomesfrom t he ancest ors andt hi s can be known fromt he bi rt h chart whenRahu andKet hu enci rcles all t he planet s wi t hout leavi ng any planet out si de t hei r ci rcle. In t he olden books i t has been t oldt hat a personki lli ng asnake wi ll sufferfrom Sarpa- Doshamandt hi s curse wi ll cont i nue for7 generat i ons. When a grandfat her ki lls asnake, t he curse of t he snake wi ll t rouble not only t he grandfat her, but , event he fat her, son, grandson andsoon. The speci alt y of Sarpa-Dosham i s t hat when a person ki lls a snaket he curse wi ll t rouble not only oneoft he next generat i on but , all t he chi ldren of t hat fami ly wi ll suffer fromt hi scurse, up t i ll 7 generat i ons. Onemore i mport ant t hi ng Ast rologers should not e i st hat i fone person i n a fami ly has Sarpa-Dosham i nhi sbi rt hchart all hi s fami ly members i ncludi ng hi s parent s wi ll havet hecurse andalsot hese people marry a personhai li ng froma fami ly sufferi ng from Sarpa- Dosham. The chi ldrenbornt ot hese t ype of people wi ll also sufferfromt hi scurse. Thereare di fferent vi ewson Sarpa-Dosham and Ast rologers are of t he opi ni on t hat whenall t he planet s are enci rcled by Rahu &Ket hu i t i scalled as Sarpa-Dosham. TheAut horof t hi sbook hasa sli ght change from t he general vi ew whi chi s gi ven below:- - When Jupi t er i s out of t he ci rcle of Rahu andKet hu Sarpa- Dosharn wi ll not effect t he nat i ve. Sarpa Dosham and its remedies Sarpa-Dosham is a curseofasnakeGod which comes from the ancestors and this can be known from the birth chart when Rahu and Kethu encircles all the planets without leaving any planet outside their circle. In the olden books it has been told thai a per.;on killing a snake will suffer from Sarpa- Dosham and thi s curse will continue for 7 generations. When a grandfather ki ll s a snake, thecurseofthesnake will trouble not onl y the grandfather. but, even the father, son, grandson and so on. The specialty of Sarpa-Dosham is thaI when a person kills a snake lhecurse wi ll trouble not onl y one of the next generation but, aU the children ofiliat family will suffer from thi s ~ u r s e . up till ? generations. One more important thing Astrologers should no{e is that if one person in a family has Sarpa-Dosham in his birth chart all his family members including his parents will have the curse and aJso these people marry a person hailing from a famil y suffering from Sarpa· Dosham. The children born to these type of people wilJ also suffer from this curse. There are different views on Sarpa·Dosham and Astrologers are of the opinion that when all the planets are encircled by Rahu & Kethu it is call ed as Sarpa· Dosham. ThcAuthorof lhis book has a slight change from the general view which is given below:· • When Jupiter is out of the circle ofRahu and Kethu Sarpa· Dosham will not effect the native. 94 Ru/in &Ket/zu in Blingu Astrology -When Jupiter is in Ascendant or in his own house Sarpa- Doshamwill not effect the native. -When Jupiter aspects the Ascendant or the Ascendant lord Sarpa-Dosham will not effect the native. Some Astrologers are of the opinion that when one planet is out of the circle of Rahu and Kethu, Sarpa-Dosham stands nullified, but here in this aspect the Author clearly mentions that out of his experience onlyJupiter if standing outside the circle of Rahu & Kethu will be able to nullify the curse and if any other planet other than Jupiter is outside the Rahu & Kethu circle, the effect of the curse will play its role. After going through the know-howof Sarpa-Dosham we have to lookinto the effects of Sarpa-Dosham and compare it to the native. When Sarpa-Dosham exists in the birthchart of a native the following are the effects/troubles the native would be facing:- 1 ) The native will be suffering fromlot of unnecessary tensions in his life. 2 ) The native will be dreaming about snakes regularly/ frequently. 3 ) The native will experience pain in the knees and below even if he walks a little distance. 4) The native whatever he tries to dowill go futile in two attempts and he may see success of the object only in his 3 " attempt. 5 ) The native will be lucky forothers because wheneverhe goes with someone else for their workthe workeven if longpending will materialize immediately onthat day. Rahlf " Kelhll ill BhriSII Al'lru/(JSY -When Jupiter is in Ascendant or in his own house Sarpa- Dosham will not effect the nati ve. -When Jupiter aspects the Ascendant or the Ascendant lord Sarpa-Dosham will not effect the Ilative. Some Astrologers are of the opinion that when one planet is out of the circle of Rahu and Kethu. Sarpa-Dosham stands nullified, but here in thi s aspect theAuthorclearly menti ons that out of his experi ence only Jupiterifstanding outside the circleof Rahu & Kethu wiD be able to nullify the curse and if any other planet other than Jupiter is outside the Rahu & Kethu circle, the effect of the curse will play its role. After going through the know-how of Sarpa-Dosham we have to look into the effectsofSarpa-Dosham and compare it to the native. When Sarpa-Dosham exists in the birth chart of a nati ve the following are the effects/troubles the native would be facing:- I) The native will be suffering from lot of unnecessary tensions in his life. 2) The nati ve wi ll be dreaming about snakes regularly/ frequently. 3) The native will experience pain in the knees and below even ifhe walks a linle distance. 4) The native whatever he tries to do will go futi le in l si two attempts and he may see success of the object only in hi s 3rd attempt. 5) The native wi ll be lucky for others because whenever he goes with someone else for their work the work even if long pending will materialize immediately on tharday. Sarpa Doshani andits remedies 95 6 ) The native will face problems in begetting achild. 7 ) Thenative may have baddreamsor may seedead people, flesh, blood inthedreams. The general opinion oftheAuthor isthat thenative suffering from Sarpa-Dosham will develop or get stability in life after 34-35 years of life. Methods of eradicating Sarpa-Dosham Sarpa-Dosham can be removedof its effects can be minimized by the following methods. - Thenative hastooffer prayers toRahu at "Kaalahasthi" a place in SouthIndia. -Purchasea Sarpa-Doshamyantra available inthe market and perform "SHODASOPACI-IAARA" pooja after doing praanaprathistaapan, laterinfuse it with the mantra"OM NAMONAAGA DEVATHAAYAI NAMAHA" for 1008 times. The native shouldtake bath and put the infused/ invoked Sarpa-Doshamyantra ina plate and pour raw milk (unboiled) onthe yantra. Pick up the yanira whichis immersed in milk and wash it withfreshclean water ) do not washit with Ganges waterafter infusing) and apply redvermilIonon the yantra and keep it among the idolsof inthe place of worship. After doing yourdailyprayers collect the milk from the plate ina cup and drinkthemilk. Theabovesaid process isdone for 11 days continuouslybeginning from Monday andafter11 days, the native hasto carry onthesame system of offering prayers to the yantra on everyMonday forthe whole life. If thenative stopsprayers, snakeswill appear in Sllrpa Dosham and its rl'medju .5 6) The native will face problems in begetting a child. 7) 11le native may have bad dreams or may seedcad people. Oesh. blood in the dreams. The generaJ opinion of the Author is that the native suffering from Sarpa-Dosham will develop or get stability in li fe after 34-35 years af lifeo Methods of eradicating Sarpa-Dosham Sarpa-Dosham can be removed of its effects can be minimized by the following methods. - The native has to offer prayers to Rahu at "KaaJahasthi" a place in South India. -Purchase a Sarpa-Dosham yantra available in the market and perfann "SHODASOPACHAARA o , pooja afterdaing praanaprathistaapan. later infuse it with the mantra "OM NAMO NAAGA DEVATHAAYAI NAMAHA" far 1008 times. The native should take bath and put the infused I invoked Sarpa-Dosham yantra in a plate and pour rdW milk (unboiJed)on the yantrn. Pick up the yantnl which is immersed in milk and wash it with fresh clean water )do not wash it with Ganges water after infusi ng) and apply red vermilion on the yantra and keep it among the idols of in the place of worshi p. Afterdoing your daily prayers ,-:oUcct the milk from the plate in a cup and drink the milk. The above said process is done for II days continuously beginning from Monday and after II days. the native has !ocarI)' on the same system of offering prayers to the yanu-a on every Monday for the whole life. Uthe native stops prayers, snakes will appear in 96 Rahu&Kethuin BhriguAstrologv the dreams to indicate that the Sarpa-Dosham is again alive. The following arethe effects seen/observed by the nativeto get confirmed that the Sarpa--Dosham has gone. - Tensions will stop immediately on the Pt day of conducting the prayers to the Sarpa-Doshani yantra. - Baddreams will stop fromthe I ' day of prayers to Sarpa-Doshamyantra - Pains in the legs or at knees will be reduced on the day of prayers to the Sarpa-Doshamyantra. - On the5th day or 8th day after beginning the prayers, thenative may seeadead snake, snake running away from him, somebodykilling asnake, or the native himself killing asnake inks dream. - Good news or fulfillment of an obj ect/desire within 15 days afterthe process has ended. So, by theabovementionedeffects thenativecan know for himselfthat the Sarpa-Dosham has gone. - Purchase 7silver snakeidols (small) sitting withhood up keep it in a plate and give raw milkbath. Even this system will also cure Sarpa-Dosham. These process are very beneficial and less costly for the native to help himin his marriage, childbirth, success, monetary benefits and prolonged sickness. OMTATSAT 96 Rahu & Kelhu in Bhrigll ASlro/OK)' lhedreams to indicate thatlhe Sarpa. Dosham is again alive. The foll owing are the effects seen/observed by the nalive to get confirmed thallhe Sarpa--Dosham has gone. Tensions will stop immedi Cltely on the 1M day of conducting the prayers to the Sarpa-Dosham yanlf'J. Bad dreams wi ll stop from the 1 Sl day of prayers to Sarpa-Dosham yantra Pains in the legs or at knees will be reduced on the 1 Sl day of prayers to the Sarpa-Dosh<lm yamra. On the 5 th day or 8 th day after beginning the prayers, the nalive may see a dead snake. snake running away f rom him, somebody killing a snake. or the nali ve himself killing a snake in his dream. Good news or fulfillntent of an object/desire wi thin IS days after the process has ended. So. by the above mentioned effects the nali ve can know for himse1fthat has gone. - Purchase 7 si lver snake idols (smal l) silting wiLh hood up keep it in a pla[e and give raw mi lk balh. Even this system wi ll aJsocure Sarpa-Dosham. . These process are very benefi cial and less costly forthe native 10 help him in his marriage, childbirth. success, monetary benefits and prolonged sickness. OM TAT SAT Documents Similar To Rahu & Ketu in Brighu Nadi AstrologySkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextNadi Astrology (Patel)Bhrigu Prashna Nadi - R.G. 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