Radar Data

March 21, 2018 | Author: leandroafm | Category: Power Supply, Transmitter, Amplifier, Mains Electricity, Transmission (Mechanics)



Chapter 6Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3.3.5 Magnetron Replacement – Masthead and Bulkhead Transceivers ...................... 143 3.3.6 Setting the Magnetron Current.............................................................................. 144 3.3.7 Trigger PCB – Replacement ................................................................................. 144 3.3.8 Trigger PCB – Link Settings.................................................................................. 144 3.3.9 Modulator PCB – Replacement............................................................................. 144 3.3.10 Modulator PCB – Link Settings............................................................................. 144 3.3.11 PSU PCB – Replacement..................................................................................... 144 3.3.12 PSU PCB – Link Settings ..................................................................................... 144 3.3.13 Bearing and Heading Marker PCB – Replacement .............................................. 145 3.3.14 Heading Marker Alignment ................................................................................... 145 3.3.15 Receiver Assembly – Replacement (Masthead) .................................................. 145 3.3.16 Receiver Assembly – Replacement (Bulkhead) ................................................... 146 3.3.17 Performance Monitor – Replacement ................................................................... 146 3.3.18 Motor Drive Board – Replacement ....................................................................... 147 3.3.19 Motor and Gearbox Assembly – Replacement..................................................... 147 3.3.20 Drive Belt – Replacement ..................................................................................... 148 4 3.4 2-Way Interswitch 65842A ................................................................................... 171 3.5 6-Way Interswitch 65846A ................................................................................... 171 3.6 Interface Unit 65847A........................................................................................... 171 Limited Spares List for Field Replacement .................................................. 172 4.1 CRT Monitors ....................................................................................................... 172 4.2 FPD Monitors ....................................................................................................... 172 4.3 2-Way Interswitch 65842A ................................................................................... 172 4.4 6-Way Interswitch 65846A ................................................................................... 172 4.5 Interface Unit 65847A........................................................................................... 172 4.6 Spares for Transceivers and Turning Units.......................................................... 173 4.6.1 S-Band Turning Units (Masthead and Bulkhead) ................................................. 173 4.6.2 Standard X-Band Turning Units and Transceivers ............................................... 174 4.7 Processor Electronics Unit ................................................................................... 175 4.8 Extended Processor Electronics Unit ................................................................... 175 4.9 Kit Control Panel Modules.................................................................................... 176 4.10 Deck Mounting 340 Display Control Panel........................................................... 176 Figures Figure 6.1. Figure 6.2. Figure 6.3. Figure 6.4. Figure 6.5. Figure 6.6. Processor Electronics Unit – Disassembly ........................................ 108 Split Cabinet Console – Monitor Access ........................................... 109 Block Diagram – 180 Monitor (14” High Resolution) ......................... 110 Block Diagram – 250 Monitor (21” Medium Resolution) .................... 111 Block Diagram – 250 Monitor (21” High Resolution) ......................... 112 Block Diagram – 340 Monitor (29” Medium Resolution) .................... 113 65800010B 6-2 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 546 of 1618 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.7. Interconnection Diagram – Processor Electronics Unit ......................114 Figure 6.8. Access to Transceiver (Turning Unit with Integral Transceiver) .........118 Figure 6.9. Access to Transceiver (Bulkhead Transceiver)..................................119 Figure 6.10. Location of Major Parts ..................................................................120 Figure 6.11. Removing Transceiver from Turning Unit .......................................121 Figure 6.12. Removing Transceiver Assembly 65830630 (Bulkhead Transceiver) .......................................................................................................122 Figure 6.13. Magnetron Replacement ................................................................123 Figure 6.14. Setting Magnetron Current .............................................................124 Figure 6.15. Replacing Trigger PCB...................................................................125 Figure 6.16. Link Settings Trigger PCB ..............................................................126 Figure 6.17. Replacing Modulator PCB ..............................................................127 Figure 6.18. Link Settings – Modulator PCB.......................................................128 Figure 6.19. Replacing Power Supply PCB ........................................................129 Figure 6.20. Link Settings – Power Supply PCB ................................................130 Figure 6.21. (Sheet 1 of 2) – Replacement of Receiver Assembly 65830616 ....131 Figure 6.22. (Sheet 2 of 2) – Replacement of Receiver Assembly 65830616 ....132 Figure 6.23. Access to Performance Monitor and Bearing and Heading Marker PCB................................................................................................133 Figure 6.24. Replacing Bearing and Heading PCB ............................................134 Figure 6.25. Replacing Performance Monitor .....................................................135 Figure 6.26. Replacement of Fan Assembly ......................................................136 Figure 6.27. S-Band Turning Unit Schematic .....................................................137 Figure 6.28. S-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Schematic ......................................139 Figure 6.29. X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – Internal view showing Transceiver .......................................................................................................149 Figure 6.30. X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – View showing Main Assemblies 150 Figure 6.31. X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – Fitment of Main Assemblies ......151 Figure 6.32. X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – View inside upper casting with Transceiver removed .....................................................................152 Figure 6.33. X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – Side view showing Motor Drive Board retaining screws...................................................................153 Figure 6.34. X-Band Bulkhead Turning Unit – View showing Main Assemblies .154 Figure 6.35. X-Band Bulkhead Turning Unit – View showing assemblies fitted to lower casting ..................................................................................155 Figure 6.36. Bulkhead Transceiver – View with Cover Removed (earlier version) .......................................................................................................156 Figure 6.37. Bulkhead Transceiver – View with Cover Removed.......................157 Figure 6.38. Setting Magnetron Current .............................................................158 Figure 6.39. Replacing Trigger PCB...................................................................159 Figure 6.40. Link Settings – Trigger PCB ...........................................................160 Figure 6.41. Replacing Modulator PCB ..............................................................161 Figure 6.42. Link Settings – Modulator PCB.......................................................162 Figure 6.43. Replacing PSU PCB.......................................................................163 Figure 6.44. Link Settings – PSU PCB ...............................................................164 Figure 6.45. X-Band Turning Unit (Aloft) Schematic...........................................165 Figure 6.46. X-Band Transceiver Schematic ......................................................167 Figure 6.47. X-Band Turning Unit (Bulkhead) Schematic ...................................169 6-3 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 547 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Flowcharts Flowchart 1 Flowchart 2 Flowchart 3 Flowchart 4 Flowchart 5 Flowchart 6 Flowchart 7 Flowchart 8 Flowchart 9 Flowchart 10 Flowchart 11 Flowchart 12 Flowchart 13 Flowchart 14 Flowchart 15 Flowchart 16 Flowchart 17 Flowchart 18 Flowchart 19 Flowchart 20 Flowchart 21 Flowchart 22 Flowchart 23 Flowchart 24 Flowchart 25 Flowchart 26 Flowchart 27 Flowchart 28 Flowchart 29 Flowchart 30 Flowchart 31 Flowchart 32 Flowchart 33 Flowchart 34 Flowchart 35 Flowchart 36 Flowchart 37 Flowchart 38 Flowchart 39 Flowchart 40 Flowchart 41 Flowchart 42 Flowchart 43 Flowchart 44 Flowchart 45 Flowchart 46 Flowchart 47 Flowchart 48 Flowchart 49 DISPLAY UNIT FAULTS (No Picture).............................................. 11 MONITOR UNIT FAULTS (No Picture)............................................ 12 MONITOR UNIT (CRT) FAULTS (WITH PICTURE) ........................ 13 MONITOR UNIT (FPD) FAULTS (WITH PICTURE) ........................ 14 OVERALL FLOWCHART – S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .............. 33 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 34 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Azi error’ shown) ............................ 35 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 36 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 37 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 38 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 39 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 40 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 41 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 42 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 43 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘STBY/TX error’ shown) .................. 44 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Spark gap test’ failure) ................... 45 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Missing HMKR error’ shown).......... 46 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 47 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Trigger error’ shown) ...................... 48 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX error’/’Low video error’ shown) . 49 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 50 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 51 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Low video error’ shown) ................. 52 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 53 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 54 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 55 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX comms error’ shown) ................ 56 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX BIST error’ shown).................... 57 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 58 OVERALL FLOWCHART – X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .............. 75 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 76 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘AZI error’ shown)............................ 77 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 78 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 79 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 80 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 81 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 82 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 83 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 84 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 85 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘STBY/TX error shown) ................... 86 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Spark gap test’ failure) ................... 87 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Missing HMKR error’ shown).......... 88 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 89 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Trigger error’ shown) ...................... 90 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX error’/’Low video error’ shown) . 91 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 92 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS .......................................................... 93 65800010B 6-4 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 548 of 1618 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Flowchart 50 Flowchart 51 Flowchart 52 Flowchart 53 Flowchart 54 Flowchart 55 Flowchart 56 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘Low video error’ shown)..................94 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS...........................................................95 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS...........................................................96 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS...........................................................97 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX Comms error’ shown) ................98 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX BIST error’ shown) ....................99 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS.........................................................100 6-5 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 549 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual This page has been left blank intentionally 65800010B 6-6 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 550 of 1618 . please contact you supplier or local dealer. For general non-urgent enquiries.1 Contact If a unit exhibits a fault. The module may be covered by the Service Exchange scheme. 1. 6. SERVICE CONTROL Telephone: +(44)(0) 208 329 2400 Burlington House Or +(44)(0) 208 329 2000 118 Burlington Road New Malden Fax: +(44)(0) 208 329 2458 Surrey KT3 4NR England or: Request support on line by going to www. 6-7 65800010B 440-1057.com 1. the following e-mail address is also available: service@sperry-marine. Fault description (with as much detail as possible).2 Information Required for Service Please give the following details when reporting a fault: 1. Service repair is therefore by module (PCB) replacement only.sperry-marine. 5. 4. Equipment type. and clicking on the customer support link. The majority of the PCBs are assembled using surface mount techniques.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 1 Introduction Fault diagnosis to component level is not possible without the use of specialised test equipment. contact: Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine B. Contact name.com. including prefix and suffix letters. ETA and ship’s agents. 3. or if on International trade.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 551 of 1618 . Software status (version number). 2.V. Next port of call. Name of vessel (Satcom or Fax number if fitted). This link must only be used in this position as a service aid. TCU. Only qualified persons should work on the equipment when power is applied. It must be reset afterwards to position 2 – 3 for normal operation otherwise the display will not be able to switch the transceiver on or off. 65800010B 6-8 440-1057. The high voltage is only removed if the unit is isolated from the mains supply. It is not necessary for serial data to be present. the following paragraphs describe some fundamental characteristics of the BME units. 2. and Radar Slave Interface Unit. 2. as there are high voltages present at any Power Supply that is not mains isolated. This fact should be noted when servicing the Display. the presence of a DC voltage >2. It is not adequate to turn the unit off. This voltage is present even when the unit is switched off. the DU Data+ and DU Data. 65601012 BridgeMaster II S-Band Supplement (Hybrid Systems) Chapter 6 Additionally covers DCU and Scanner Control Unit faults.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2 Fault Identification and Isolation Refer to the following associated manuals for assistance in identifying and isolating System faults. For the Power Supply to operate. Interface Unit. the Display or the TCU. 65601013 BridgeMaster II X-Band Supplement (Hybrid Systems) Chapter 6 Additionally covers DCU faults.1 BME System Fundamentals In order to simplify the diagnosis of system faults.signal lines must be active. !WARNING! Lethal voltages are exposed when the covers are removed from the units. Note – A test link LKA on Power Supply PCB’s can be set to position 1 – 2 to make the Power Supply operate independently of the DU Data input. ALWAYS isolate the unit from the mains supply when removing or replacing the cover. the Transceiver and the TCU. 65800011 Ship’s Technical Manual 65800012 Ancillary Units and Radar Systems Manual Covers DCU.& 6-way Interswitch.5V between the lines will start the Power supply. high voltage DC is present on all primary power components. Power Supply Start-up !WARNING! Once mains is applied to the PSU board in either the Transceiver.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 552 of 1618 . To make the units safe it is necessary to isolate them from the mains supply. Each pulse causes the Transceiver or TCU to send one character of data. 6-9 65800010B 440-1057. Fault Identification and Isolation Each of the various signals in the radar system may pass through a number of units before reaching its final destination. video. The tellback messages are a serial message stream. They contain the azimuth and heading marker information as well as BIST and status tellback bits. The fault in a particular unit may then be due to defective hardware or lack of power to that unit. TCU. the faulty unit can be examined in more detail using the diagnosis charts in the relevant manual. The messages are made up of a number of characters. which results in the display raising a “TX Comms” alarm.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 553 of 1618 . If the antenna stops rotating synthetic azimuth pulses are produced by the Pulse Bearing PCB to maintain the serial comms between the Transceiver and the Display. azimuth pulses are produced. Once this has been done. The frequency of the messages is reduced under this condition. Therefore. With many of the faults it is only possible to identify a particular missing signal. and serial tellback messages from the Transceiver. Loss of azimuth pulses will result in no messages being sent to the display. a low video alarm on a display could be caused by a failure in the Transceiver. It is assumed that the engineer will make sure that ships mains is present at each of the units where expected and that all isolating switches are in the correct operating position before proceeding with fault diagnosis. RS422 trigger.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Azimuth and Comms There are four separate signals between a BME Display and Transceiver: x x x x serial control messages from the Display. It is then simply a case of using an oscilloscope to trace inputs to and outputs from each unit in turn in order to isolate the fault. Interswitch or cabling. As the antenna rotates. Section 4 for its position.2 Display Unit BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Flowcharts for the isolation of Display Unit faults are given on the following pages. non-function of menus. it automatically resets after 15 seconds. It can be found approximately 125mm from the right-hand side of the power supply. Non-circular range rings. After the removal of an overload. It can be seen through the front grill of the PSU. The DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY has a thermal trip that shuts down the power supply if the heat sink temperature exceeds 110°C. Missing text. towards the rear of the PSU. ensure that the power is applied and that the power LED is lit.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 2.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 554 of 1618 . Set colours vary. 65800010B 6-10 440-1057. A YELLOW LED shows when the power supply is active It is found approximately 100mm from the right-hand side of the power supply. A RED LED shows if there is a power supply trip. The YELLOW LED is similarly not affected. The PSU will automatically reset when the heat sink cools to approximately 90°C. no gain. It can be seen through the front grill of the PSU. strange patterns. The DISPLAY EHT SUPPLY has a thermal trip circuit. Use the following table to help with decisions on Flowchart 3 and 4. Flowcharts 1 & 2 cover the situation where there is no picture. where there is a picture but there are other faults. misaligned text. towards the rear of the PSU. Missing targets. This thermal trip will not activate the PCU RED TRIP LED. Notes –Before using the following fault finding flow chart visually check the units to make sure there are no loose plugs or connections. strange patterns. For a Flat Panel Monitor that is powered directly from an AC or DC input. and Flowchart 3 & 4. Decision Is the display distorted? Are the colours correct? Where is the fault? Answers Digital Distortion Analogue Distortion Incorrect Colours Discolouration Within Radar Picture Text and Synthetics Example Symptoms Broken or missing text. Refer to Chapter 5. The Flowcharts should be read in conjunction with the following notes. Different colours shown from those set. CHECK PROCESSOR UNIT FUSE (AT REAR OF UNIT) YES UNSCREW FRONT PANEL OF PROCESSOR UNIT. WAIT 30 SECONDS AND THEN SWITCH-ON AGAIN. IS THE PROCESSOR UNIT FAN RUNNING (AT THE FRONT)? NO CHECK MAINS SUPPLY. IS YELLOW LED ILLUMINATED? YES ARE BOTH CORRECT? NO NO REPLACE FUSE/RE-ESTABLISH MAINS SUPPLY THE POWER SUPPLY IS FAULTY YES NO IS RED TRIP LED ILLUMINATED? CHECK MONITOR CONNECTIONS YES SWITCH-OFF IS THERE A PICTURE? NO REFER TO MONITOR FAULT FINDING CHART YES END GO TO ‘FLOW CHART 2’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 6-11 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 555 of 1618 . BUT LEAVE CABLES CONNECTED.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 1 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing DISPLAY UNIT FAULTS (NO PICTURE) START TURN BRILLIANCE CONTROL FULLY CLOCKWISE TO MAXIMUM IS THERE A PICTURE? YES END NO SWITCH-OFF. OBSERVE YELLOW & RED LEDS THROUGH FRONT GRILL. SWITCH-ON THE POWER SUPPLY IS FAULTY NO DID THE RED TRIP LED GO OUT? 65800010B 6-12 440-1057. SWITCH-ON DID THE RED TRIP LED GO OUT? NO SWITCH-OFF DISCONNECT THE RADAR PROCESSOR PCB BY UNPLUGGING FROM THE BACK PLANE (INCLUDE ANY CABLES AT THE FRONT).341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 556 of 1618 .Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 2 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual MONITOR UNIT FAULTS (NO PICTURE) ‘FLOW CHART 2’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ DISCONNECT THE DISPLAY MONITOR VIA SKR (AT REAR) SWITCH-ON DID THE RED TRIP LED GO OUT? YES THE MONITOR IS FAULTY YES THE MONITOR IS FAULTY YES THE RADAR PROCESSOR IS FAULTY NO SWITCH-OFF DISCONNECT THE DISPLAY PROCESSOR PCB BY UNPLUGGING FROM THE BACK PLANE (INCLUDE ANY CABLES AT THE FRONT). Chapter 5 .DISPLAY MENU FUNCTION INCORRECT COLOURS (SEE TEXT) NO ARE COLOURS CORRECT? DISCOLOURATION (SEE TEXT) NO THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT THERE IS A CRT BASE OR DRIVER BOARD FAULT WITH TEXT & SYNTHETICS (SEE TEXT) WHERE IS THE FAULT? WITH THE RADAR PICTURE (SEE TEXT) THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT DO TX/RX BIST TESTS ON THE TEST DATA MENU.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 3 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing MONITOR UNIT (CRT) FAULTS (WITH PICTURE) START DIGITAL DISTORTION (SEE TEXT) IS THE DISPLAY DISTORTED? YES YES ANALOGUE DISTORTION (SEE TEXT) NO THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT THERE IS A CRT BASE OR DRIVER BOARD FAULT DEGAUSS .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 557 of 1618 . (Ref.Operator Tests) FAIL RESULTS? PASS THERE IS A SCANNER UNIT FAULT. PROBABLY IN THE TRANSCEIVER THERE IS A RADAR PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT GO TO TX FAULT FINDING CHART ‘TOP SHEET’ CHANGE RADAR PROCESSOR BOARD 6-13 65800010B 440-1057. Operator Tests) FAIL RESULTS? PASS THERE IS A SCANNER UNIT FAULT. REFER TO CHAPTER 5. (Ref.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 4 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual MONITOR UNIT (FPD) FAULTS (WITH PICTURE) START CHECK CABLE. SECTION 4 WITH THE RADAR PICTURE (SEE TEXT) THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT DO TX/RX BIST TESTS ON THE TEST DATA MENU. Chapter 5 . OTHERWISE THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 558 of 1618 . PROBABLY IN THE TRANSCEIVER THERE IS A RADAR PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT GO TO TX FAULT FINDING CHART ‘TOP SHEET’ CHANGE RADAR PROCESSOR BOARD 65800010B 6-14 440-1057. YES MESSAGE: ‘NO RGB INPUT’ DISPLAYED NO DIGITAL DISTORTION (SEE TEXT) IS THE DISPLAY DISTORTED? YES YES THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT ANALOGUE DISTORTION (SEE TEXT) THERE IS A FPD MONITOR FAULT NO DOES THE TEST PATTERN FILL THE SCREEN HAS THE CORRECT CABLE BEEN FITTED? NO NO YES FIT CORRECT CABLE INCORRECT COLOURS (SEE TEXT) THERE IS A DISPLAY PROCESSOR BOARD FAULT WITH TEXT & SYNTHETICS (SEE TEXT) NO YES ARE COLOURS CORRECT? YES WHERE IS THE FAULT? MONITOR UNIT IS NOT CORRECTLY SET UP. xDefective Inter PCB cable from Power Supply to Modulator PCB. If the message rate drops below this the transmitter is switched to Standby and a Message Fail error is shown. The transceiver stays in the state it was in when it received the last valid message. Spark Gap Detect The Modulator incorporates a spark gap to protect the pulse transformer from the excessive voltage that is generated if the magnetron misfires. xFailure of Magnetron Heater Supply from the Power Supply PCB. Possible causes: xControlling device failure. xDefective Trigger PCB. and the Transmitter is switched to Standby.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 559 of 1618 . xDefective Input PCB (signal is only looped through). xDefective Modulator PCB.3. xMissing magnetron heaters. Possible causes. xDefective Trigger PCB. and the Corrupt Data error will be cleared when the next valid message is received. xDefective Inter PCB cabling in transceiver.1 Error Messages The following errors are reported by the transceiver: Message Failure The transceiver expects to receive a message from the display at least once per second. If enough corrupt messages are received a Corrupt Data error is returned.3 Error Messages and Tellbacks for ‘S’ and ‘X’ Band Transceivers 2. xDefective Input PCB (signal looped through only). due to Modulator PCB failure. 6-15 65800010B 440-1057. xInter unit cabling. xDefective Trigger PCB. Normal operation will be resumed. If the spark gap operates for more than two seconds this is detected and Spark Detect error is signalled. Possible causes: xControlling device failure. xMagnetron instability at end of its life. xInter PCB cabling in transceiver. xBad connections or earth bonding on inter unit cabling between Transceiver and controlling device.BridgeMaster E Radar Chapter 6 Ship’s Manual Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 2. The Transmitter will remain in Standby until the next message is received which contains a ‘transmit request bit’ set to transmit. Corrupt Data The transceiver checks the parity of each character in an incoming message and verifies the checksum for each complete message. Antenna rotation is confirmed by checking for the presence of the Heading Marker.3. provided the display has not switched the transmitter to standby.+13.-680V Pass Pass Remarks 25kW and 30kW 10kW BIST data is only approximate and must not be used for making adjustments. xIncorrectly configured Input PCB. 65800010B 6-16 440-1057. xDefective Trigger PCB 2.2 BIST DATA The following information is transmitted from the transceiver to the display unit to be shown in the TX BIST box. Possible causes. and Charge Triggers.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 560 of 1618 .4V +26V . Possible causes: xDefective Inter unit cabling from Transceiver to Scanner unit. A deviation from the above values shows a possible fault condition. Transmission is restored if a Heading Marker is detected. Charge Trig Fail The Trigger PCB generates the Modulator.5A 4. If either pulse is detected as missing a Mod Trig Fail. Mod Trig Fail. xDefective Digitiser or Pulse Bearing Board in Turning Unit.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual HMKR Failure When operating normally the transmitter will not transmit unless the antenna is rotating.0A – 7A +11V .+36V -500V . Parameter Magnetron Current Magnetron Current +12V +30V MOD HT Mod Trigger Charge Trig Normal Range 6. xDefective Input PCB. If the Heading Marker is missing but azimuth pulses are still present the Transceiver will be switched to Standby and a HMKR Failure error message is shown on the display.0A – 9. or Charge Trig Fail error is returned as applicable. For some transceivers. It is set to “0” for a preset period of 180 seconds after the transceiver is turned on. This data is monitored and shown on the display unit. when the Radar Silence input is active on units fitted with the additional features option. After the warm-up delay the transceiver can be turned off. this bit may be permanently set to “1” as a result of internal link settings. Medium Pulse and Short Pulse These bits reflect the status of the pulse length control signals within the transceiver. The selected bandwidth is linked to the pulse-width as shown in the table above. xThere is not a Spark Gap error. when set to “1” “wideband” is selected.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 561 of 1618 . Timer This bit indicates the status of the magnetron “warm-up” timer within the transceiver.3. xThe Heading Marker has not failed. When set to “1” AFC mode is selected. 6-17 65800010B 440-1057.3 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing TELLBACKS Within the serial data transmitted by the transceiver are a number of status tellbacks to show the Transceiver status. They show the status as follows: Selection SP Bit MP Bit Short Pulse Medium Pulse Long Pulse (Illegal Code) 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 Receiver Bandwidth Wide Wide Narrow Undefined Wide-band This bit shows the bandwidth selected for the receiver. AFC On This bit indicates the tuning mode selected for the receiver. For example.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2. The timer lets the magnetron cathode reach its operating temperature before the HT is applied. Inhibit This bit is set whenever the display unit requests ‘Transmit’ and the transmitter is inhibited. If it is turned back on within 10 seconds the timer will be overridden. letting it immediately return to the transmit condition. The following tellbacks are used: Transmit This bit is set if the controlling device requests transmit and: xThe transceiver has completed its warm up. xThere is not a Message Fail error. If no transceiver module is fitted.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 562 of 1618 . If a separate Transceiver Unit is used. At either end of the Turning Unit there is an aluminium cover. The performance monitor is housed under the front cover. A serial data link is used to communicate between the Transceiver and the Display. When fitted. The Scanner Unit and the Transceiver Unit are compatible with BridgeMaster display units if a Display Compatibility Unit is used. The Antenna is attached to the Turning Unit by the antenna support casting. a shallower cover is used. The Scanner Unit is comprises of an Antenna. and a Turning Unit. Physical Arrangements The Turning Unit is constructed from a central aluminium casting. The terminal strips for interconnecting cables to other units are under a cover on the opposite side to the motor and gearbox. to one side of which is attached a motor and gearbox.4. The Transceiver Unit contains the following items: xa base casting xa cover xa transceiver module xan Input PCB. The transceiver module can be removed for below decks servicing. the Transceiver Unit is housed under the rear cover.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 2. an RF feeder (coaxial) is used to transfer the microwave energy between the Transceiver Unit and the Turning Unit. An RF feeder cable is used to transfer the microwave signals between the Turning Unit and the Antenna. an antenna support casting. Four M16 bolts are used to attach the Scanner Unit to the radar platform or wheelhouse roof.4 S-Band Scanner Unit 2. 65800010B 6-18 440-1057.1 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Technical Description There are two basic types of S-Band Scanner Unit: xWith an integral transceiver module xWithout an integral transceiver Each type has variants dependent on motor supply and the options that are fitted. The Turning Unit contains the following items: xa motor and gearbox xa Bearing and Heading Marker PCB xan Input PCB xan optional Performance Monitor xan optional integral transceiver module. Communication between the Transceiver Unit and the Display Unit uses two serial data links: xone from the Transceiver to the Display Unit xone from the Display Unit to the Transceiver. The data passed from the Transceiver to the Display includes: xHeading Marker xIncrement Bearing xTransceiver Status xError Messages xBuilt In Test Equipment (BITE) data xTuning Indicator The data transmitted from the Display to the Transceiver includes: xStandby/Transmit xPulse Length xTuning xAFC/Manual xSector Blanking xPerformance Monitor control. TRANSCEIVER MODULE OVERVIEW (S-Band) The transceiver module can be fitted in the Turning Unit. xa Power Supply PCB. xthe Trigger PCB. or mounted on a casting for below decks bulkhead mounting as a separate unit. The module contains: xthe Modulator PCB. and Installation Settings 6-19 65800010B 440-1057. The separate Transceiver is designed to be Bulkhead mounted and is attached using four M8 bolts. xthe Receiver. studs or screws (coachbolts). and xthe microwave components.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 563 of 1618 . All the cables that enter the Scanner Unit do so via waterproof cable glands that use an EMC gasket that makes contact with the cable braid. This information is transmitted using a special data cable that incorporates four twisted pairs: xtwo pairs are used for data transmission xone pair is used for the trigger xthe other pair is spare.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Interconnections between the Scanner Unit and other units in the system are made using screened cables. Receiver The receiver consists of: xa low noise amplifier.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 564 of 1618 . The mixer has a 60MHz output. including the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). or adjacent radars. The AC mains is always present at the power supply even when the radar is switched off at the display. and generates an error signal to be transmitted to the Display Unit via the serial data link. xa logarithmic amplifier. the 65800010B 6-20 440-1057. and a number of switching regulators to generate the necessary voltage supplies. It monitors functions within the Transceiver. xa linear preamplifier. When the trigger PCB detects this signal it switched the radar to standby. The presence of data on the serial data link when the display is switched on is detected by the power supply. Microwave The transceiver uses a conventional three-port circulator to direct the path of the microwave energy to and from the antenna. A signal from the trigger PCB is used to enable swept attenuation to be applied to the solid-state limiter to reduce the system sensitivity at short ranges. Overcurrent detection circuits protect the power supply against overloads on its outputs.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Power Supply The power supply operates from the ship’s AC mains. Continual operation of the spark gap is detected and a signal is fed back to the trigger PCB. and provides all of the power requirements for the electronic modules within the Turning Unit and Transceiver. The data is transmitted each time a bearing pulse is received from the Turning Unit. xa mixer. the Heading Marker. The power supply includes a Power Factor Correction circuit. and encodes the information for transmission to the Display Unit. The trigger PCB generates the various timing signals required by the transceiver. When the output is detected. and xa video amplifier. A solid-state limiter coupled to the circulator protects the receiver from high-powered microware signals from the magnetron. The error signal causes the Display Unit to switch to standby and generate an error alarm. A spark gap on the modulator is fired if the magnetron fails to operate. Modulator PCB The modulator PCB generates high voltage negative pulses required to drive the magnetron. which then becomes active. Trigger PCB The Trigger PCB processes the serial data from the Display Unit. A magnetron coupled to the circulator provides the RF energy to be transmitted. The modulator pulse widths and timing signals are controlled from the trigger PCB. and generates the required control signals for the Transceiver. which is amplified by the linear pre-amplifier followed by the logarithmic amplifier. The Power Supply in the Transceiver is only active during normal operation when there is a Display (or Compatibility Unit) connected to it. transmission is immediately halted and. after one complete revolution of the antenna. On the S-Band Scanner Unit. 6-21 65800010B 440-1057. When standby is selected. The RS422 serial data stream from the Display is used to drive an opto-coupler in the PSU. This signal is at its minimum value when the receiver is correctly tuned. The receiver also incorporates an AFC system. 12 (as “PSU START” and “PSU START RTN”). Once the antenna has done one complete revolution transmission is started. should be read in conjunction with Figure 6. this signal is fed via the Power Supply Unit to the Input PCB and (via TSB 10) to the Scanner Control Unit to start the antenna rotating. AUTOMATIC START-UP SEQUENCE (S-Band) The automatic start-up sequence described below. For test purposes the PSU can be turned on in the absence of a serial data stream by linking pins 1-2 on LKA (PSU). When mains power is applied the PFC is active and cannot be manually switched off.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing resulting video signal is then further amplified before transmission to the Display or Compatibility Unit.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 565 of 1618 . It is then passed to the Trigger Board via PLYB 16. Once the receiver has been tuned. and then on to the PSU via PLTH 11. The Modulator starts to generate radar pulses when the Trigger PCB sends it MOD TRIGGER pulses (to PLVC 9). 17. the AFC system makes sure the receiver remains in tune during variations in tuning due to thermal drift of the mixer. A signal from the AFC circuit is fed to the trigger circuit to indicate the state of tune of the receiver. the TU Enable signal is activated LOW on the Trigger PCB (PLYH 10). Note that the CHARGE TRIGGER pulse (on PLVC 8) is present even in Standby mode. Transmit Enable When the operator selects Transmit. The start circuitry only controls the flyback converter so High Voltage DC is present on primary power components whenever mains power is present on the board. 2 (as “DU DATA +” and “DU DATA-”). The operator can select between manual tuning and automatic tuning. This fact should be noted when servicing the Transceiver. A signal from the trigger PCB is used to select the mode of operation. TU Enable is disabled. magnetron etc. The RS422 serial data stream from the Display enters the Input Board on connector TSB1. Start-up !WARNING! When mains power is applied to the PSU board the Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuitry starts and generates 390V. which detects the presence of either polarity voltage and enables the flyback converter in the PSU.28 S-Band Turning Schematic’. the Trigger PCB switches the radar to Standby. and generates the required control signals for the Transceiver. On the Trigger PCB. and generates an error signal. When Standby is selected. The spark gap detect signal is generated by the modulator when the magnetron arcs over. Continual operation of the spark gap is detected and a signal is fed back to the Trigger PCB. The modulator pulse widths and timing signals are controlled from the Trigger PCB.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 566 of 1618 . there is a timer circuit.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual A signal indicating that the Magnetron has fired is fed via MAG SAMPLE from PLVC 7 on the Modulator PCB to the Trigger PCB. On detection of this signal. rotation of the Antenna is inhibited. The Trigger PCB processes the serial data input from the display. This signal is processed on the Trigger PCB and outputted as TX TRIG (PLYB 20 & 21) to the Input PCB (PLZB 20 & 21) and then to the Display Unit via TSB 5 & 6. 65800010B 6-22 440-1057. The Modulator supply voltage and the magnetron current (only when transmitting) are measured and sent to the Display as an aid to fault finding. It determines whether the transceiver has been switched off for long enough to require inhibiting transmit for three minutes until the magnetron heaters have had time to warm up again. If it reaches a predetermined level the microcontroller inhibits transmission for approximately one second and sends an error messages to the Display. Transmission from the radar is inhibited if the Antenna is not rotating (unless in Test Mode). Note – TX DATA is sent from the Transceiver to the Display Unit. The other analogue signals into the Trigger PCB come from the Modulator. The Trigger PCB generates the various timings signals required by the Transceiver including the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). which is transmitted to the Display Unit via the serial data link. On power-up the microcontroller measures the charge remaining on the capacitor. Magnetron Operation The Modulator PCB generates the high-voltage negative pulses required to drive the magnetron. A spark gap on the Modulator is fired if the magnetron fails to operate. This is basically a capacitor that slowly discharges (between 4s and 18s) when power is removed from the PCB. The data is transmitted each time a bearing pulse is received from the Turning Unit. DU DATA is sent from the Display Unit to the Transceiver Unit. The error signal causes the Display Unit to switch to Standby and generates an error alarm. The terminations for interconnections for the transceiver and the Turning Unit are under a cover on the side of the Turning Unit. 6-23 65800010B 440-1057. An isolating switch is provided for AC systems to switch the scanner motor supply off for safe servicing. generates 128 pulses per rotation of the Antenna. Interconnections AC power to the motor is by direct connection to terminal strips in the terminal box attached to the motor. The output of the gearbox drives the final output helical gear via a pinion to give an overall reduction between the motor and Antenna of approximately either 30:1 or 60:1 dependent on whether the Turning Unit is a high speed variant or not. Correct alignment of the Heading Marker is set at installation by electronic adjustment within the Display Unit. A Scanner Control Unit connects the scanner motor to the ship’s AC Supply. optional extra circuitry can be fitted to the Input PCB to let the alignment to be made electronically within the Turning Unit. The AC power from the isolating switch is terminated at a terminal block within the filter box.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing TURNING UNIT OVERVIEW (S-Band) Drive System The scanner motor is an AC induction motor. Where it is not possible to adjust the Heading Marker alignment at the display.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 567 of 1618 . Bearing and Heading Marker System A disc with 128 teeth is attached to the antenna torque tube and. All other connections are made to plugs or removable terminal strips on the input PCB. When standby is selected. When this option is fitted an additional (isolated) Heading Marker output is provided. rotation of the Antenna is inhibited. combined with an opto-coupler. As an option for special applications a size 11 synchro can be fitted as an alternative source of bearing information. A second opto-coupler together with a flag on the toothed disc generates a Heading Marker approximately 10° before the Antenna is pointing dead ahead. Transmission from the radar is inhibited if the Antenna is not rotating (unless in test mode). This unit incorporates a contactor controlled by the Transceiver to switch the scanner motor on. It drives either a 12:1 or a 20:1 reduction gearbox. There are two serial links.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual TRIGGER PCB (S-Band) General Description The Trigger PCB controls the operation of the Transceiver under instruction from the Display. The PSU is enabled with a signal from the Trigger PCB. +5V. Performance Monitor and Biased Limiter. 0V & -12V Supply lines xTurning Unit Enable xPower Supply Start and Return 65800010B 6-24 440-1057. Long Pulse operation) xVoltage/Current Monitor signals x10/25kW and S-/X-Band Configuration signals To/From Receiver xTuning Voltage signal xBandwidth Control signal xAFC/Manual control xAFC Trigger xTune Indicator signal To Biased Limiter xTrigger signal To Performance Monitor xOn/Off signal xMode Control signal xTuning Voltage signals To/From Power Supply PCB x+30V. Receiver.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 568 of 1618 . The Trigger PCB generates the control and tuning signals required by the Modulator. Signals To/From the Trigger PCB To/From Display xSerial Data to Display xSerial Data from Display xTrigger to Display To/From Modulator xPulse Length select lines xCharge and Modulator Triggers xMagnetron Heater Turndown signal (only used for S-Band. +12V. which are used to transfer control messages from the Display to the Trigger PCB and Transceiver information back to the Display. Trigger Outputs There are a number of trigger signals generated by the Trigger PCB: xPre-Trigger xCharge Trigger xModulator Trigger xDisplay Trigger xPerformance Monitor Trigger xAFC Trigger xSwept Attenuation Initiate The Charge Trigger is the timing signal used to recharge the Modulator PFN. The Power Supply in the Transceiver is only active during normal operation when there is a Display (or Compatibility Unit) connected to it. The Bearing signal from the Turning Unit is used to initiate serial transmission from the Trigger PCB. The serial data format is 8-bit data. Program memory and RAM are included within the microcontroller IC. Baud rate is fixed at 76800 baud for operational use but is link selectable to 19200 or 38400 baud for test purposes. The Display sends serial messages comprising four or five characters depending on message content. This is generated by the microcontroller using an internal timer routine set to the appropriate PRF for the pulse length selected. Control messages are four bytes long and tuning messages are five. which are converted on the Trigger PCB using a four channel DAC before amplification/buffering and distribution to the Receiver and Performance Monitor. Each time one of the 4096 azimuth pulses per rev is generated and fed into one of the microcontroller’s interrupt pins. the bit is toggled. One bit in each of the characters sent is dedicated to the heading marker. This is not normally fitted and is intended for use in Special Options applications. 1 stop bit and even parity. The RS422 serial input from the Display is used to drive an opto-isolator. The wobbulation is calculated according to the number of serial messages received before going to transmit and the position of the antenna between each trigger pulse. Serial I/O is handled by the microcontrollers internal UART and an external RS422A driver and receiver. a character (one byte) is sent to the Display. 6-25 65800010B 440-1057. A wobbulation factor is added to the basic timing to ensure that no two radar transmissions are locked together. An optional Pre-trigger will be produced approximately 11μs before the modulator trigger. On every new heading marker pulse from the Turning Unit.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 569 of 1618 . which detects the presence of either polarity voltage and enables the PSU. The tuning voltage levels are sent as 12-bit values.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION (S-Band Trigger PCB) The 80C51 family microcontroller provides overall control of the Trigger PCB functions. The AFC Trigger is used by the receiver when in AFC mode and is only generated when the transceiver is in transmit mode. Xr and Xt Adjust are 0V to +15V signals used to control the receive and transmit attenuators in the Performance Monitor. When the transceiver is in transmit mode the triggers begin on the leading edge of the magnetron sample pulse and end after a preset time. which generates the control for the biased limiter. 65800010B 6-26 440-1057. adjustable using RV1. They are initiated by the Modulator Pulse and last for approximately 2.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual The Modulator Trigger is used to let the charge out of the PFN into the magnetron and is the trigger that starts the modulator firing.5μs. Additional buffering is added to the LO and PM Tune outputs of the DAC and x3. In standby. The pulse is started on the front edge of the Modulator Trigger and terminates on the back edge of the magnetron sample pulse. the Display and Performance Monitor Triggers are generated from the Mod Trigger pulse. The Display and PM Triggers are essentially the same trigger and are present at all times when the radar is powered up. A 12-bit. four channel DAC is used to generate the tuning signals from the message data. It is started by the edge of the Pre-trigger (approximately 2μs prior to magnetron firing) and terminated 2. The Swept Attenuation Initiate pulse is the timing signal fed to the Limiter Drive PCB.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 570 of 1618 . LO Tune is the 0V to +5V receiver tuning control and PM Tune the 0V to +5V Performance Monitor main tuning control. It is delayed from the Charge Trigger by 100μs and gated off when the transceiver is in standby.5 amplification to the Xr and Xt Adjust signals. Analogue Outputs The Trigger PCB generates four tuning signals: xLO Tune xPM Tune xXr Adjust xXt Adjust These signals are coded as 12-bit digital values and incorporated into the serial messages from the Display.5μs after the leading edge of the magnetron sample pulse. There are also some on-board signals that are fed into an eight channel 8-bit ADC.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Analogue Inputs There are various analogue inputs to the Trigger PCB from other PCBs in the transceiver. The Modulator supply voltage and the magnetron current (only when transmitting) are measured and sent to the Display as an aid to fault finding.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 571 of 1618 . The spark gap detect signal is generated by the modulator when the magnetron arcs over. The power supply levels are measured and the results sent to the Display as an aid to fault diagnosis. One channel of the ADC is used to detect whether a Performance Monitor has been fitted to the system. which shows how close it is to being on tune. The Receiver sends a tune indicator signal to the Trigger PCB. These are used for further processing by the microcontroller or are passed to the Display via the serial message link. The voltage on this channel will be lower than a preset value if a Performance Monitor is present otherwise it will be pulled to the +5V supply rail. The timer circuit is basically a capacitor that slowly discharges (between 4s and 18s) when power is removed from the PCB. and converted to digital values. On power-up the microcontroller measures the charge remaining on the capacitor to determine whether the transceiver has been switched off for long enough to warrant inhibiting transmit for three minutes until the magnetron heaters have had time to warm up again. This signal is coded as part of the serial message and sent to the Display. The other analogue signals into the Trigger PCB come from the Modulator. The signals on the Trigger PCB that are measured are the dropout timer and +12V and +30V supplies. 6-27 65800010B 440-1057. This information is encoded and sent as part of the configuration message to the Display. If it reaches a predetermined level the microcontroller inhibits transmission for approximately one second and sends an error message to the Display. An active signal at this input will cause the microcontroller to inhibit transmission within one trigger pulse at either of the internal PRFs. When standby is selected. TU Enable is the control signal fed to the Motor Drive PCB to start the antenna rotating. Optional I/O There are several optional I/O signals for use with Special Options variants of the PCB: xPre-trigger (as describe in the section on triggers) xExternal Trigger Input xRadar Inhibit. transmission is immediately halted and. xSP and MP both set to 0V is an illegal state and will not happen in normal operation. Once the antenna has done one complete revolution transmission is started. Modulator signals MP and SP are used to set the pulse length as requested by the radar operator: xSP set to 0V indicates short pulse operation xMP set to 0V indicates medium pulse operation xBoth SP and MP set to +5V indicates long pulse operation.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Digital Outputs The digital outputs from the Trigger PCB are all simple on/off control signals to various parts of the transceiver.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 572 of 1618 . AFC or manual mode is selected by the radar operator and is part of the control message sent from the Display. The control signals PM On/Off and PM Tx/Rx are used to switch the Performance Monitor on and to switch it between system test mode and receiver test mode. Trigger signals fed to this input are PRF limited to prevent damage to the modulator. The External Trigger input is used when the modulator needs to be triggered from an external source rather than the Trigger PCB. after one complete revolution of the antenna. Turndown enable is used to reduce the heater current in the magnetron and is only set when an S-Band magnetron is fitted and is transmitting in long pulse. When the operator selects transmit. TU Enable is disabled. 65800010B 6-28 440-1057. Signals to the Receiver select wide or narrow bandwidth (Wideband) and AFC or manual tuning mode (AFC On). Narrowband is selected when the modulator is transmitting in long pulse and briefly during pulse length changing. Radar Inhibit is a method of inhibiting transmission without using the appropriate command in the serial message. the TU Enable signal is activated to start the antenna rotating. reconnected to the Display below decks (with suitable test cables) and run as per normal operation. of use to service engineers. A dummy load MUST be connected to the RF output. 6-29 65800010B 440-1057. When in this mode the transceiver can be removed from the turning unit. Error situations that are monitored in the transceiver are: xSerial message corruption xLoss of Display messages xLoss of Heading Marker signal xLoss of either Charge or Modulator Trigger xMagnetron arcing Error situations will in all cases cause the microcontroller to inhibit transmission until the error has been cleared. The other signals that are monitored and sent directly to the Display without further action by the microcontroller are the power supply lines and magnetron current as described in the section on analogue inputs. the bearing and heading marker information normally required for Trigger PCB operation is simulated on a section of test circuitry on the Trigger PCB. Test Modes There are two test modes for the Trigger PCB. can be initiated by fitting the two links LK5 and LK6 to position 2-3.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Built In Self Test (BIST) The microcontroller performs a number of self-test operations and reports the results to the Display as part of the serial message link. The second test mode. This must only be done on the production test bed as connecting this link when incorporated into a transceiver could lead to unpredictable and possibly dangerous operation.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 573 of 1618 . Since the Transceiver has been removed from the Turning Unit and the Pulse Bearing PCB outputs. The production test mode is used solely during production testing of the PCB and is initiated by fitting the test link LK4. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 574 of 1618 . For test purposes the PSU can be turned on in the absence of a serial data stream by linking 1-2 on LKA. In the PSU off state Q2 is held on by current in R37 from Vcc. pulling down the gate of Q2 below its threshold voltage. x+30V. Note – After the mains supply is applied to the PSU board. Q2 turns off allowing the compensation pin 1 of U4 to lift enabling output of the IC U4.9. and x+50V for the Motor Drive PCB (for the X-Band Turning Unit variant). The power unit uses a boost converter front-end to provide a regulated high voltage DC to a flyback converter providing the output supplied. On detection of the data stream the photo-transistor in U5 is turned on. xUniversal input from 95V to 276V without tap changing. -12V and +5V). +12V. 65800010B 6-30 440-1057. While mains power is applied. the Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuit starts and generates 390V. This fact should be noted when servicing the Transceiver. x+20V. Power factor corrected providing a PF of better than 0. The opto-coupler detects the presence of a serial data stream from the display at PLTH 11. Some of these supplies use additional switch mode converters to provide regulated outputs. The inverter is housed on a single board and is powered by an AC supply of nominal 115V or 230V in the frequency range 47-64Hz.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual TRANSCEIVER POWER SUPPLY (S-Band) General Information The power supply is an AC to DC inverter that generates the supplies for the Transceiver. the PFC is active and cannot be manually switched off. xOutput short circuit protection. xmagnetron heaters (via further regulator. The start circuitry only controls the flyback converter and so High Voltage DC is present on primary power components whenever mains is present on the board. 12 and switches the flyback converter on. The power unit has the following features: x-600V adjustable over the range -550V to -650V for control of magnetron current via modulator. The outputs supplied by this power supply are: xvariable –600V. An SCR is used to resonantly charge a Pulse Forming Network (PFN) to –1200V from the – 600V Modulator HT supply. Typically 4μs.+27V Magnetron Heater Bulk Supply x+12V x-12V Short Pulse Control Line When 0V selects short pulse.5V positive pulse. At a define time after the PFN is fully charged it is discharged by three series-connected Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors through a pulse transformer. The number of sections of the PFN used defines the length of the output pulse. 3. The Modulator Trigger starts the discharge. Medium Pulse Control Line When 0V selects medium pulse. 3. 6-31 65800010B 440-1057.5V Standby Medium and Short Pulse. The Pulse Transformer.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing MODULATOR PCB (S-Band) Functional Description The principal function of the Modulator PCB is to generate an 8kV. and xgeneration of a timing reference for the Radar Trigger. 8A negative pulse to drive the cathode of the magnetron. which has a set-up ratio of 12:1. The Charge Trigger starts the charging cycle.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 575 of 1618 . A saturable reactor connected across the primary of the pulse transformer speeds up the back edges of the medium and short pulses. The number of sections of the PFN is selectable by the replays controlled by the Pulse Length Control Lines. Charge Trigger Starts charging of Pulse Forming Network. transforms the resulting pulse to 8kV. Typically 1Amp current pulse. Inputs to the Modulator PCB x-600V Modulator HT Supply x+20V Modulator Trigger Supply x+16V . 0V on long pulse. Modulator Trigger Starts discharging of Pulse Forming Network. Other functions include: xregulating the magnetron heater supply. xmonitoring a spark gap to ensure correct operation of the magnetron. Turn Down Enable DC voltage controls the magnetron heater voltage. 2 Standby. A DC voltage proportional to the magnetron current derived from the secondary of the pulse transformer. Short Pulse.5V if the spark gap operates continuously for 2 seconds.1 V depending on the type of magnetron fitted Fault Isolating Flowcharts (S-Band Scanners) Flowcharts for isolating faults on S-Band Scanner Units are given on the following pages. Magnetron Heater Supply The magnetron heaters are derived from the Magnetron Heater Supply at PLVD1 and PLVD2. Typically 40V amplitude.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 576 of 1618 . Medium Pulse and Long Pulse Standby.19 ‘Link Settings – Modulator PCB’. The setting of link LK1 (fitted to the Modulator PCB) configures the Modulator PCB for the intended magnetron. System Mode 10kW X-Band Standby.5V dependant on link settings.1V 6.1V Can be reduced to 5.1V Can be reduced to 5. Link settings used to define modulator type to Trigger PCB. Short Pulse and Medium Pulse Long Pulse Required Magnetron heater voltage (measured between TSJ1 and TSJ2) 6. Refer to Figure 6. 0V or 3. in this chapter. Sample of Modulator HT Supply fed to Trigger PCB for inclusion in BITE message sent to display. 65800010B 6-32 440-1057. This supply may vary between 16V and 27V.5V. Flowchart 5 shows the overall flow through Flowchart 6 to Flowchart 30 . for further information. Typically +2.4. A signal that is normally 0V that rises to >2. !WARNING! On no account should the heater voltage be measured while the Transceiver is transmitting.1 V depending on the type of magnetron fitted 6.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Outputs from the Modulator PCB Primary sample Magnetron current sample TX Active HT Sense TX Define Positive pulse sample from pulse transformer used to initiate Radar Trigger. This signal is used by the Trigger PCB to indicate a transmitter fault to the display. Short Pulse and Medium Pulse Long Pulse 25kW X-Band 30kW S-Band 2. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 577 of 1618 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 5 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing OVERALL FLOWCHART – S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FLOWCHART 6 START DISPLAY FAULT FLOWCHART 7 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 8 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 9 END FLOWCHART 10 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 11 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 12 ‘A’ ‘B’ END FLOWCHART 13 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 14 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 15 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 16 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 17 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 18 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 19 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 20 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 21 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ FLOWCHART 22 ‘A’ DISPLAY FAULT ‘B’ FLOWCHART 23 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 24 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 25 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 26 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ FLOWCHART 27 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 28 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 29 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 30 ‘A’ 6-33 65800010B 440-1057. dangerous voltages are exposed. SL or NO SCAN HL ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 29’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS ’TRIG ERROR’ DISPLAYED? IS ’LOW VIDEO ERROR’ DISPLAYED? YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 21’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 18’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO NO YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 7 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES END IS ’Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO YES 65800010B GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 20’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 6-34 440-1057. CHECK CONNECTIONS TO SHIP’S SUPPLY START ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES DOES DISPLAY RUN UP? NO NO IS MAINS PRESENT BETWEEN TSP L & N AT DISPLAY FILTER BOX? AT THE DISPLAY REMOVE THE COVER FROM THE MAINS FILTER BOX YES IS DISPLAY PICTURE NORMAL IN STANDBY? YES NO DISPLAY FAULT YES IS ’STBY/TX ERROR’ DISPLAYED? IS ’AZI ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO YES YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 16’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS ’Tx BIST ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 28’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS ’MISSING HL.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 578 of 1618 . Only qualified persons should work on the equipment when power is applied. Always isolate the turning unit from the ship’s supply before working on it. Always isolate the transceiver from the ship’s supply while removing or replacing the transceiver cover.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 6 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS ! WARNING ! When the covers are removed from the equipment. IS MAINS PRESENT BETWEEN TSE3 AND TSE4 AT SCANNER UNIT? YES NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 8 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 10’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES NO CHECK CONNECTIONS TO SHIP’S SUPPLY END YES IS FUSE IN SCANNER UNIT BLOWN? ARE BOTH VOLTAGES INCORRECT? YES DOES REPLACING THE FUSE CLEAR FAULT? YES NO NO AT THE SCANNER UNIT. AT THE INPUT PCB REMOVE PLZB IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 2.0V-4.5V? NO CHANGE INPUT PCB YES REPLACE PLZB. IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 2. CYCLE THROUGH TESTS ARE +12V AND +30V CORRECT? NO YES AT THE SCANNERCONTROL UNIT. MEASURE SHIP’S MAINS BETWEEN TSE3 AND TSE4. TX BIST. IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 2. SELECT TEST DATA 1. RESTORE SHIP’S MAINS. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S MAINS AND REMOVE COVER.0V-4.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 7 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘AZI ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SWITCH TO TRANSMIT GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 14’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES IS ANTENNA ROTATING? NO AT THE DISPLAY. SET THE ISOLATION SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE SCANNER UNIT SAFE FOR SERVICING AT THE SCANNER UNIT. AT TRIGGER PCB REMOVE PLYH.0V-4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 579 of 1618 . UNPLUG CABLE 230 (MASTHEAD) or 228 (BULKHEAD) FROM TSB (INPUT PCB) MEASURE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 ON THE CABLE.5V? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB REPLACE PLYH 6-35 IF FAULT NOT CLEARED GO TO ‘FLOW CHART12’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 65800010B 440-1057. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER.5V? GO TO ‘FLOW CHART12’ ENTRY POINT ‘B’ NO CABLE 228 (BULKHEAD) or 230 (MASTHEAD) IS FAULTY YES RECONNECT TSB. CHECK THERMAL OVERLOAD. 65800010B GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 9’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 6-36 440-1057. SAR-SAS (3 PHASE). REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER AT THE TRANSCEIVER. SAT-SAS. IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT. SAT-SAS (SINGLE PHASE) ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES NO IS SHIP’S MAINS CORRECT? CHECK SHIP’S SUPPLY FROM SWITCH FUSE YES NO IS +12V PRESENT BETWEEN SAN AND CHASSIS? YES AT THE SCANNER UNIT.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 8 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 7 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT PRESS RESET YES END IS ANTENNA ROTATING? NO OPEN THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT. SET ISOLATION SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE THE SCANNER UNIT SAFE FOR SERVICING. REMOVE THE FILER BOX COVER AT THE TURNING UNIT IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS BELOW. NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TSA1 0V? YES FAULT IS IN SCANNER CONTROL UNIT CHECK CONTACTOR.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 580 of 1618 . MEASURE SHIP’S MAINS BETWEEN SAR-SAT. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 581 of 1618 . RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY. REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. NO YES CHANGE INPUT PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT TSB10 0V? NO YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZG3 (INPUT PCB 0V? NO CHECK CONTINUITY OF CABLE TO DISPLAY. REMOVE COVER FROM TRANSCEIVER UNIT IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLTG3 (PSU PCB) 0V? YES YES CHANGE CABLE NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLTH10 (PSU PCB) 0V? IS +12V PRESENT BETWEEN CHASSIS AND PLTG3 (PSU PCB)? NO YES CHANGE PSU PCB NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLTY10 (TRIG PCB) 0V? YES CHANGE CABLE NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB 6-37 65800010B 440-1057. SCANNER CONTROL UNIT.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 9 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 8 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS +12V PRESENT BEWEEN CHASSIS AND TSB9? NO YES IS +12V PRESENT BEWEEN CHASSIS AND PLZG3(INPUT PCB)? ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. AT THE POWER SUPPLY MEASURE THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TP6 AND EARTH AND TP4 AND EARTH.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 10 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 7 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S MAINS AND REMOVE COVER.5V . RESTORE SHIP’S MAINS.5V . AT THE POWER SUPPLY FIT LKA 1-2.5V .6V? NO AT THE POWER SUPPLY UNPLUG PLTG YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 11’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP4 +28.5V? NO 65800010B AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYA AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYH CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-38 440-1057. IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.4V .+31.+12.+31.+31.5V? NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP4 +28.5V? YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB CHANGE RECEIVER YES YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP4 +28.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 582 of 1618 . +12.6V? YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY 6-39 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 583 of 1618 .+12.6V? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB.+12. CHECK WIRING BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PERFORMANCE MONITOR.4V . IF FAULT PERSISTS CHANGE PERFORMANCE MONITOR.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 11 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 10 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11. NO AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYB IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.+12.4V . CHECK WIRING TRANSCEIVER TO SCANNER CONTROL UNIT.6V? NO AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYH IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11. IF FAULT PERSISTS CHANGE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT.6V? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB. YES CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN RECEIVER AND TRIGGER PCB NO AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYA IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.4V .4V . RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 12 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 7 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB17PLZB18 2.5V? AT INPUT PCB MEASURE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLZB17 AND PLZB18 NO CHANGE INPUT PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLYB17PLYB18 AT THE TRIGGER PCB 2.5V? NO CHANGE CABLE YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLYH11PLYH12 AT THE TRIGGER PCB APPROX 1. IF LINK IS FITTED CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB. IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TP14TP2 380VDC . CABLE FROM MAINS FILTER PANEL TO PLTA. CHECK MAINS FILTER. CABLE FROM MAINS FILTER PANEL TO PLTA. CHECK THAT LKB IS FITTED ON POWER SUPPLY PCB.418V? NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. WIRING ON MAINS FILTER PANEL.240VAC? YES CHANGE PSU NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. IS THE VOLTAGE 115VAC .0V? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLYH11PLYH12 AT POWER SUPPLY PCB APPROX 1. FROM FLOWCHART 7 ENTRY POINT ‘B’ ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 584 of 1618 .4.0V? NO CHANGE CABLE YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLTA4PLTA6 115V . CHECK MAINS FILTER.0V-4.0V . MEASURE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLTA4 PLTA6. REMOVE PLTA FROM PSU. 65800010B 6-40 440-1057. WIRING ON MAINS FILTER PANEL.230V? NO YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 13’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES ON PSU PCB. 25V? RECONNECT PLYA. AND AT TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYA IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.25V? NO YES YES CHANGE INPUT PCB.5.75V .75V .5.75V .5.75V . AND AT INPUT PCB UNPLUG PLZD IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.25V? UNPLUG PLTH NO UNPLUG PLTG YES CHANGE PSU IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.25V? UNPLUG PLTB AND PLTD YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4. CHECK WIRING TO SCANNER CONTROL UNIT CHANGE RECEIVER NO RECONNECT PLYA.25V? DURING THIS TEST.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 13 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 12 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ! WARNING ! AT PSU FIT LKA IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.25V? YES CHANGE PERFORMANCE MONITOR NO CHANGE INPUT PCB 6-41 65800010B 440-1057. CHANGE TRIGGER PCB OR RECEIVER PCB YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.75V .75V .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 585 of 1618 .5.5.5. CHANGE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT. OUTPUT VOLTAGES WILL BE PRESENT AT THE POWER SUPPLY WHEN THE RADAR IS TURNED OFF. 25V? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 15’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO UNPLUG PLZE CHANGE INPUT PCB NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON THE INPUT PCB 4.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 14 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 7 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT SET THE ISOLATOR SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE SCANNER UNIT SAFE TO SERVICE.5. IS FAULT STILL PRESENT? YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE2 ON THE INPUT PCB 11.5V .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 586 of 1618 .2V .IS SET 2 -3 FOR HIGH SPEED TURNING UNITS 1 -2 FOR LOW SPEED TURNING UNITS IS FAULT CLEARED? YES END NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.12.12. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB & PULSE BEARING PCB.5V? IF FAULT IS NOT CLEARED: CHECK DATA CABLE FROM DISPLAY TO TRANSCEIVER. ENSURE THAT BRAIDS ARE PROPERLY BONDED.5V? YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON THE INPUT PCB 4. AND LK6 TO 2 .25V? YES 65800010B CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB 6-42 440-1057.3.12. IF FAULT PERSISTS THERE IS A DISPLAY FAULT. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. AT THE MODULATOR PCB UNPLUG PLVB.2V . REMOVE PERFORMANCE MONITOR COVER. ON THE PULSE BEARING PCB CHECK LK1 .5. AT THE TRIGGER PCB SET LK5. IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLRE2 ON PULSE BEARING PCB 11.2V .5V? YES NO NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB RESET LK5 ON TRIGGER PCB TO POSITION 1 -2 CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CHECK CABLE FROM TRIGGER PCB TO INPUT PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB9 ON INPUT PCB 11. CHECK FOR DAMAGED OR MISSING TEETH ON THE PULSE DISK.5V . NO CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB11 ON INPUT PCB IN TRANSCEIVER UNIT APPROX 2. YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYB11 ON TRIGGER PCB APPROX 2.5V .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 15 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 14 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLRE4 ON PULSE BEARING PCB APPROX 2. NO IF FAULT IS NOT CLEARED CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.25V? YES NO THE FAULT IS PROBABLY ON PULSE BEARING PCB. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TSC11 ON INPUT PCB IN TURNING UNIT APPROX 2. CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB. CLEAN OPTO COUPLERS ON THE PULSE BEARING PCB.5V? NO CHANGE INPUT PCB IN TRANSCEIVER CHECK CABLE BETWEEN TURNING UNIT AND TRANSCEIVER.5V? NO YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLRE1 ON PULSE BEARING PCB 4. INPUT PCB IN THE TURNING UNIT.5V? NO CHECK PULSE DISC FOR DAMAGE.5.5V? CHANGE INPUT PCB.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 587 of 1618 .5V? IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB11 ON INPUT PCB IN TURNING UNIT APPROX 2. WHERE THE TRANSCEIVER IS BELOW DECKS. CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB IS TRANSCEIVER ALOFT? YES NO CHANGE INPUT PCB. ALSO CHECK FOR SHORT CIRCUITS ON: TRIGGER PCB. CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB 6-43 65800010B 440-1057. INPUT BOARD IN THE TRANSCEIVER. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 16 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘STBY/TX ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHECK DATA CABLES BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER AND DISPLAY IS ‘STBY/TX’ ERROR DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHECK CABLE BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB IS ‘STBY/TX’ ERROR DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS ‘STBY/TX’ ERROR DISPLAYED? NO END YES DISPLAY FAULT 65800010B 6-44 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 588 of 1618 . PLVD4 ON MODULATOR PCB >16V? YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO UNPLUG PLVD FROM THE MODULATOR PCB IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVD1 .TSJ2 ON EHT PCB >4. MEASURE THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSJ1 .TSJ2 ON THE EHT PCB IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSJ1 .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 589 of 1618 . RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY TO THE TRANSCEIVER. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER.PLVD4 ON THE CABLE >16V? YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB IF THE ABOVE TESTS FAIL TO LOCATE THE CAUSE OF THE SPARK GAP TEST FAILURE FAULT IS ON MODULATOR PCB OR TRIGGER PCB 6-45 65800010B 440-1057.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 17 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘SPARK GAP TEST’ FAILURE) FROM FLOWCHART 29 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT. SET ISOLATION SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE SCANNER UNIT SAFE FOR SERVICING.7V? YES CHANGE MAGNETRON NO IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVD1 . SET THE ISOLATION SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE THE SCANNER UNIT SAFE TO SERVICE.25V? YES 65800010B CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB 6-46 440-1057.25V? CHECK CABLE FROM TRIGGER PCB TO INPUT PCB YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 19’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO UNPLUG PLZE NO CHANGE INPUT PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON PLUG ON INPUT PCB 4.5.5V .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 590 of 1618 . SET LK5 AND LK6 TO POSITION 2 .5V? YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB9 ON INPUT PCB 11. IS FAULT CLEARED? NO YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB. CHECK BEARING CABLE FROM DISPLAY. ENSURE THAT BRAIDS ARE PROPERLY BONDED. ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES AT THE TRIGGER PCB.2V . IF FAULT IS NOT CLEARED: CHECK DATA CABLE BETWEEN DISPLAY AND TRANSCEIVER.12.3. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB.5V? IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLA2 ON BEARING PCB 11.2V .2 IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE2 ON INPUT PCB 11. IF FAULT PERSISTS THERE IS A DISPLAY FAULT RESET LK5 AND LK6 TO POSITION 1 .2V .Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 18 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘MISSING HMKR ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 OR 30 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE SCANNER UNIT.12.5V? NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES YES CHANGE INPUT PCB NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON INPUT PCB 4. AT THE MODULATOR PCB UNPLUG PLVD.5. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER.12.5V . RESTORE POWER TO TRANSCEIVER. 0V ONCE PER REVOLUTION? YES NO CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES DOES THE VOLTAGE SWITCH BETWEEN 5V .0V ONCE PER REVOLUTION? NO MONITOR VOLTAGE AT PLRE5 ON THE PULSE BEARING PCB WHILE ROTATING THE ANENNA BY HAND THROUGH ONE REVOLUTION DOES THE VOLTAGE SWITCH BETWEEN 5V .25V? NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN PULSE BEARING PCB AND INPUT PCB YES IS TRANSCEIVER ALOFT? NO CHANGE INPUT PCB YES NO IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN TSC12 ON TURNING UNIT INPUT PCB AND TSC12 ON TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB? IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN TSC12 AND PLZB12 TURNING UNIT INPUT PCB? NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN TURNING UNIT AND TRANSCEIVER NO CHANGE TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB YES IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN TSC12 AND PLZB12 ON TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB? YES IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN PLZB12 ON INPUT PCB AND PLYB12 ON TRIGGER PCB? NO CABLE IS FAULTY BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB 6-47 65800010B 440-1057. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY YES IS VOLTAGE AT PLRE1 ON PULSE BEARING PCB 4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 591 of 1618 . IF FAULT IS STILL PRESENT CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 19 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 18 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ MONITOR VOLTAGE AT TSC12 ON THE INPUT PCB WHILE ROTATING THE ANTENNA BY HAND THROUGH ONE REVOLUTION CHANGE INPUT PCB. AND WHEN THE TRANSCEIVER IS BELOW DECKS ON THE INPUT BOARD IN THE TRANSCEIVER.5V . IF FAULT PERSISTS CHECK FOR SHORT CIRCUITS ON INPUT BOARD IN TURNING UNIT.5. 4. MODULATOR PCB. TRIGGER PCB.0V? NO RECONNECT WIRES: IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT SET THE ISOLATING TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE THE SCANNER UNIT SAFE TO SERVICE.4. RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY. YES AT THE TRIGGER PCB.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 20 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TRIGGER ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ REMOVE COVER FROM TRANSCEIVER FILTER BOX IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB5 AND TSB6 AT THE TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB 2. INPUT PCB. IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLY20 AND PLYB21 2. DISCONNECT WIRES TO TSB9 AND TSB10 IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB5 AND TSB6 2. REMOVE FILTER BOX COVER.0V . DISPLAY UNIT.0V .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 592 of 1618 .0V .0V? CHECK DATA CABLE BETWEEN DISPLAY AND INPUT PCB YES CHANGE INPUT PCB. CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CABLE OK? CHANGE CABLE YES DISPLAY FAULT 65800010B 6-48 440-1057.0V? YES NO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IS FAULTY: CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB. AT THE INPUT PCB. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER.4. MONITOR THE SIGNAL ON THE VIDEO OUTPUT TO THE DISPLAY CHECK VIDEO CABLES FROM SKV DISPLAY UNIT TO SKV TRANSCEIVER FOR CONTINUITY AND SHORT CIRCUITS YES FAULT IS IN THE CABLE BETWEEN THE DISPLAY AND THE TRANSCEIVER IS THERE APPROX 0. RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY TO TRANSCEIVER. REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. CHANGE INPUT PCB ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. CHECK VIDEO COAXIAL CABLES FROM TRANSCEIVER/TURNING UNIT SKV. UNPLUG THE VIDEO LEAD TO THE DISPLAY. SET THE ISOLATING SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE THE SCANNER UNIT SAFE TO SERVICE REPAIR CABLE YES IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT. AND FROM SKZV ON I/P PCB TO SKXV ON RECEIVER FOR CONTINUITY AND SHORT CIRCUITS. ON THE I/P PCB CHECK FOR CONTINUITY BETWEEN SKV AND SKZV. CHECK THAT SKZV IS NOT SHORTED TO EARTH.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 593 of 1618 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 21 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX ERROR’/’LOW VIDEO ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS NORMAL BACKGROUND NOISE VISIBLE? YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 24’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ DISPLAY FAULT NO YES IS AN OSCILLOSCOPE AVAILABLE? YES IS THERE APPROX 0.5V PEAK-PEAK VIDEO NOISE? NO ARE CABLES OK? NO IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT. RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY TO THE TRANSCEIVER GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 22’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO ARE CABLES AND SOCKETS OK? YES 6-49 GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 22’ ENTRY POINT ‘B’ 65800010B 440-1057. MONITOR THE SIGNAL ON THE CABLE TO PLV NO NO AT THE TRANSCEIVER. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER AT THE TRANSCEIVER. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER AT THE TRANSCEIVER. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER.5V PEAK-PEAK VIDEO NOISE? AT THE DISPLAY UNPLUG PLV. SET THE ISOLATING SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE TE SCANNER UNIT SAFE TO SERVICE. REPAIR CABLE. PLPB1 -11.2V . PLPB1 -11.31.12.-12.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 22 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 21 FROM FLOWCHART 21 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ENTRY POINT ‘B’ AT THE RECEIVER UNPLUG PLXV.25V DISPLAY FAULT NO ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE RECEIVER ASSEMBLY IS THE FAULT CLEARED? NO ARE ANY OF THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES YES CHANGE POWER SUPPLY YES CHANGE RECEIVER ASSEMBLY END NO UNPLUG PLPB AND MONITOR THE VOLTAGES ON THE SAME PINS ON PLPB ON THE RECEIVER FILTER PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? NO MONITOR THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES AT PLPA ON THE RECEIVER FILTER PCB.2V .6V PLPB2 11.-12.6V PLPB2 11.12.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 594 of 1618 . AND THE VIDEO CABLE BETWEEN THE RECEIVER AND THE INPUT PCB.5V PLPB4 4. IS THERE APPROX 0.2V .5V .5V .7V .31.6V PLPB3 27.25V ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE RECEIVER FILTER PCB NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 23’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 65800010B 6-50 440-1057.5. MONITOR THE SIGNAL A SKXV ON THE RECEIVER CHANGE THE INPUT PCB.5V PEAK-PEAK VIDEO NOISE? CHECK THE VIDEO CABLE BETWEEN THE TRANSCEIVER AND DISPLAY UNIT.5.6V PLPB3 27.7V .5V PLPB4 4.2V . YES NO MONITOR THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES AT PLPB ON THE RECEIVER FILTER PCB. 12.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 595 of 1618 . CHECK CABLE FROM INPUT PCB TO PERFORMANCE MONITOR. OR INPUT BOARD IN TRANSCEIVER.6V PLTH2 27.7V . OR SCANNER CONTROL UNIT.6V PLTH4 11. CHECK CABLE FROM TRIGGER PCB TO PLPA. PLTH9 -11.-12. CHECK CABLE FROM INPUT PCB TO SCANNER CONTROL UNIT. OR PERFORMANCE MONITOR. CHECK CABLE FROM PLTH TO TRIGGER PCB.2V .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 23 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 22 or 29 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ MONITOR THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES AT PLTH ON THE POWER SUPPLY PCB.5V . NO UNPLUG PLTG AT POWER SUPPLY PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB.25V ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.5V PLTH6 4.5.2V . NO UNPLUG PLYB AT TRIGGER PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB.31. NO UNPLUG PLYA AT TRIGGER PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES RECEIVER FILTER PCB IS FAULTY NO UNPLUG PLTD AT POWER SUPPLY PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-51 65800010B 440-1057. 9.5A? YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 26’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT SET THE ISOLATION SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE THE SCANNER SAFE TO SERVICE. 65800010B 6-52 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 24 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘LOW VIDEO ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 21 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE DISPLAY.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 596 of 1618 . CHANGE MODULATOR. SELECT THE TRANSCEIVER TEST DATA Tx BIST MENU IS ‘CHARGE TRIGGER’ CORRECT? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES IS ‘MODULATOR TRIGGER CORRECT? NO YES IS ‘MAGNETRON CURRENT 6A . ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY. GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 25’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHANGE TRIGGER PCB. 22V? IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVB1 AND PLVB4 ON THE CABLE -540V .-650V? NO UNPLUG PLVB FROM THE POWER SUPPLY YES NO AT THE MODULATOR PCB. MONITOR THE VOLTAGE AT PLVD1. AND PLVD5 TO GROUND.-650V? CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO UNPLUG PLVD.PLVD4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 597 of 1618 .26V PLVD5 18V . AND AT PLVD5 IS VOLTAGE AT PLVD1 16V . MONITOR ON THE CABLE THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVD1 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 25 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 24 OR 29 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHANGE MODULATOR PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLVB1 ON THE MODULATOR PCB -540V .22V? NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-53 65800010B 440-1057. IS VOLTAGE AT PLVD1 16V .26V PLVD5 18V . ON THE TRIGGER PCB. COARSE TUNE ENTER PASSWORD AND SET TUNING CONTROL TO MINIMUM. IS FAULT CLEARED? YES AT THE DISPLAY. DISCONNECT PLYB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB > 4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 598 of 1618 .75V? YES NO IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER CONTROL UNIT SET THE ISOLATION SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ AND LOCK IT TO MAKE SCANNER UNIT SAFE TO SERVICE. DISPLAY FAULT NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB < 0. CHECK CABLE TO RECEIVER FILTER BOARD.75V? NO YES AT THE DISPLAY. RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 26 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 24 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ END YES IF RADAR TUNING PROCEDURE IS PERFORMED.75V? GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 27’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES RECONNECT PLYA. SET THE TUNING CONTROL TO MAXIMUM IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB > 4.75V? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB CHANGE RECEIVER NO 65800010B CHANGE RECEIVER FILTER PCB 6-54 440-1057. IS THE VOLTAGE > 4. DISCONNECT CABLE TO PLYA AND MEASURE THE VOLTAGE ON PLYA7. SELECT TX SETTINGS. SELECT AFC TUNING IS RADAR PICTURE STILL OK? NO NO CHANGE RECEIVER OR. CHANGE RECEIVER. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER.5V? YES AT THE DISPLAY. SET THE TUNING CONTROL TO MAXIMUM IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB > 4. CHECK CABLE FROM RECEIVER FILTER BOARD TO RECEIVER. CHANGE TRIGGER PCB AT THE DISPLAY. CHANGE RECEIVER FILTER BOARD. 5V? CHANGE RECEIVER. . OR CHANGE MAGNETRON YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA3 ON THE TRIGGER PCB 27.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 27 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 26 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA3 ON THE TRIGGER PCB 27.5V? UNPLUG PLYA AT THE TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE RECEIVER YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO NO UNPLUG PLYH AT THE TRIGGER PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYTH2 ON THE POWER SUPPLY PCB 27.31.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 599 of 1618 .5V? CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-55 65800010B 440-1057. OR CHANGE LIMITER.5V .5V? YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYH2 ON THE TRIGGER PCB 27.5V .5V . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 28 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX COMMS ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHECK DATA CABLE BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER AND DISPLAY IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHECK CABLE BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHANGE TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES DISPLAY FAULT SUSPECT DISPLAY INPUT PCB. 65800010B 6-56 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 600 of 1618 . GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 17’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SUSPECT MODULATOR.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 601 of 1618 .640V? NO YES IS THE +30 VOLT LINE BETWEEN +26 . SUSPECT MODULATOR. GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 23’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SUSPECT POWER SUPPLY. SELECT TEST DATA MENU.9.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 29 S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX BIST ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 6 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SELECT SYSTEM MENU.+13. SUSPECT POWER SUPPLY. GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 23’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES IS THE MODULATOR VOLTAGE BETW EEN 540V .+36V? NO YES IS THE +12 VOLT LINE BETWEEN +11 .5A ON LONG PULSE? NO SUSPECT MAGNETRON. IS THE MAGNETRON CURRENT BETWEEN 6A .4V? NO YES DOES SPARK GAP PASS? NO GO TO ‘FLOW CHART 17’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES GO TO ‘FLOW CHART 30’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 6-57 65800010B 440-1057. GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 25’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SUSPECT POWER SUPPLY. SELECT TX BIST MENU. SUSPECT INPUT PCB. SUSPECT PULSE BEARING PCB. SUSPECT TRIGGER PCB. SUSPECT INPUT PCB. CHANGE INPUT BOARD. CHANGE TRIGGER BOARD.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 30 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 29 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ DOES DATA PASS? NO CHECK DATA CABLE FROM DISPLAY. NO CHECK PERFORMANCE MONITOR & BEARING CABLE IN BULKHEAD SYSTEMS.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 602 of 1618 . GO TO ‘FLOW CHART 18’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES IS HEADING MARKER CORRECT? YES END YES DOES CHARGE TRIGGER PASS? NO DOES CHARGE TRIGGER PASS? CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES NO MODULATOR TRIGGER FAILURE CHANGE TRIGGER PCB DOES MODULATOR TRIGGER PASS? NO CHANGE MODULATOR YES END 65800010B 6-58 440-1057. The terminal strips for the interconnecting cables to other units are under a screen cover on the base of the lower casting. The motor. The Scanner Unit includes: xan Antenna xan antenna support casting xa Turning Unit. when fitted. The Transceiver Unit includes: xa base casting xa cover xa transceiver module xan Input PCB.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2. Each type can have a number of variants dependent on motor supply and the options that are fitted.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 603 of 1618 . The upper casting is hinged at one end to the lower casting for service and installation. fitted on the top surface of the upper casting. an RF feeder (waveguide) is used to transfer the microwave energy between the Transceiver Unit and the Turning Unit. xWithout an integral transceiver. 6-59 65800010B 440-1057. Communication between the Transceiver and the Display is by means of a serial data link. Physical Arrangements The Turning Unit is constructed from upper and lower aluminium castings.1 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-Band Scanner Unit Technical Description There are two basic types of X-Band Scanner Unit: xWith an integral transceiver module. Included in the Turning Unit is: xa motor and gearbox xa Bearing and Heading Marker PCB xan Input PCB xa Performance Monitor and integral transceiver module (optional). Where a separate Transceiver Unit is used. The Scanner Unit and the Transceiver Unit are compatible with BridgeMaster Display Units if a Display Compatibility Unit is used.5 2.5. The Antenna Support Casting attaches the Antenna to the Turning Unit. is bolted to the upper casting and can be removed as a unit for below-decks servicing. The transceiver module. Four M10 x 45 bolts are used to attach the Scanner Unit to the radar platform or wheelhouse roof. This directly transfers the microwave signals between the Turning Unit and the Antenna. gearbox and drive assembly are bolted to the upper casting. The Performance monitor is housed beneath the upper casting and has a microwave transparent cover protecting it. This information is transmitted using a special data cable that incorporates four twisted pairs: xtwo pairs are used for data transmission xone pair is used for trigger xthe other pair is spare.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Interconnections between the Scanner unit and other units in the system are made using screened cables. and xone from the Display Unit to the Transceiver. TRANSCEIVER MODULE OVERVIEW (X-Band) The transceiver module can be fitted in the Turning Unit. The module consists of: xthe Modulator PCB xa Power Supply PCB xTrigger PCB xthe Receiver xthe microwave components. The exception is the Bulkhead system. and Installation Settings 65800010B 6-60 440-1057. Communication between the Transceiver Unit and the Display Unit is by means of two serial data links: xone from the Transceiver to the Display Unit. studs or screws (coachbolts). where the microwave signals are carried between the Turning Unit and the Transceiver via a waveguide. The separate Transceiver is designed to be bulkhead mounted and is attached using four M8 bolts. These incorporate an EMC gasket that makes contact with the cable braid. The data passed from the Transceiver to the Display includes: xHeading Marker xIncremental Bearing xTransceiver Status xError Message xBuilt In Test Equipment (BITE) data xTuning Indicator The data transmitted from the Display to the Transceiver includes: xStandby/Transmit xPulse Length xTuning xAFC/Manual xSector Blanking xPerformance Monitor Control. All the cables that enter the Scanner Unit through waterproof cables glands. or mounted on a casting for below-decks bulkhead mounting as a separate unit.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 604 of 1618 . the Heading Marker.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 605 of 1618 . The power supply includes a Power Factor Correction circuit. and generates an error signal to be transmitted to the Display Unit via the serial data link. Trigger PCB The Trigger PCB processes the serial data from the Display Unit. and generates the required control signals for the Transceiver. or for use with Vision processing. Continual operation of the spark gap is detected and a signal is fed back to the trigger PCB. When the trigger PCB detects this signal it switches the radar to standby. which then becomes active.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Power Supply The power supply operates from the ship’s AC mains. The AC mains is always present at the power supply even when the radar is switched off at the display. Modulator PCB The modulator PCB generates the high voltage negative pulses needed to drive the magnetron. and a number of switching regulators to generate the necessary voltage supplies. A solid-state limiter coupled to the circulator protects the receiver from high-powered microwave signals from the magnetron. Microwave Circuit The transceiver uses a conventional three-port circulator to direct the path of the microwave energy to and from the antenna. The presence of data on the serial data link when the display is switched on is detected by the power supply. and encodes the information for transmission to the Display Unit. The error signal causes the Display Unit to switch to standby and generate an error alarm. The modulator pulse widths and timing signals are controlled from the trigger PCB. The data is transmitted each time a bearing pulse is received from the Turning Unit. and provides all of the power requirements for the electronics modules within the Turning Unit and Transceiver. or adjacent radars. The trigger PCB generates the various timing signals required by the transceiver including the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). Under the control of a signal from the trigger PCB the limiter applies swept RF attenuation to radar returns to reduce the system sensitivity at short ranges. 6-61 65800010B 440-1057. A spark gap on the modulator is fired if the magnetron fails to operate. a biased limiter is fitted in place of the standard limiter. On Scanner Units and Transceivers fitted with additional features options. It monitors functions within the Transceiver. Overcurrent detection circuits protect the power supply against overloads on its outputs. A magnetron coupled to the circular provides the RF energy to be transmitted. 46 ‘X-Band Turning Unit (Aloft) Schematic’. Once the receiver has been tuned. 65800010B 6-62 440-1057. 2 (as “DU DATA +” and “DU DATA-”). The DU DATA signals from the Display enter the Input Board on connector TSB 1. and then on to the PSU via PLTH 11. This detects the presence of either polarity voltage and enables the flyback converter in the PSU. the output of which is detected.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 606 of 1618 . It is then passed to the Trigger Board via PLYB 16. The linear preamplifier followed by a logarithmic amplifier amplifies the 60MHz output of the mixer. This fact should be noted when serving the Transceiver. not the presence of serial data. AUTOMATIC START-UP SEQUENCE (X-Band) The automatic start-up sequence described below. the AFC system makes sure that the receiver remains on tune during variations in tuning due to thermal drift of the mixer. The Power Supply in the Transceiver is only active during normal operation when there is a Display (or Compatibility Unit) connected to it. The resulting video signal is then further amplified before transmission to the Display or Compatibility Unit. that starts the Power Supply. It should be noted that while mains is applied the PFC is active and cannot be manually switched off. This signal is at its minimum value when the receiver is correctly tuned. The operator can select between manual tuning and automatic tuning. For test purposes the PSU can be turned on in the absence of a serial data stream by linking pins 1-2 on LKA (PSU). The receiver also incorporates an AFC system. A signal from the trigger PCB is used to select the mode of operation. The start circuitry only controls the flyback converter so High Voltage DC is present on primary power components whenever mains power is present on the board. 12 (as “PSU START” and “PSU START RTN”). should be read in conjunction with Figure 6. 17. It is the presence of a voltage on the DU DATA inputs.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Receiver The receiver consists of: xa low noise amplifier xa mixer xa linear preamplifier xa logarithmic amplifier xa video amplifier. magnetron etc. The presence of a voltage on DU DATA input from the Display is used to drive an opto-coupler in the PSU. A signal from the AFC circuit is fed to the trigger circuit to indicate the state of tune of the receiver. Start-up !WARNING! Once mains power is applied to the PSU board the Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuitry starts and generates 390V. the TU Enable signal is activated LOW on the Trigger PCB (PLYH 10). Continual operation of the spark gap is detected and a signal is fed back to the Trigger PCB. Once the antenna has done one complete revolution. there is a timer circuit that is basically a capacitor that slowly discharges (between 4s and 18s) when power is removed from the PCB. TU Enable is disabled. The Trigger PCB generates the various timing signals required by the Transceiver including the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF).BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Transmit Enable When the operator selects Transmit. this signal is fed to the Power Supply Unit and via the Turning Unit On/Off and Input PCB to the Motor Drive PCB to start the antenna rotating. The error signal causes the Display Unit to switch to Standby and generate an error alarm. A signal indicating that the Magnetron has fired is fed via MAG SAMPLE from PLVC 7 on the Modulator PCB to the Trigger PCB. The Trigger PCB processes the serial data input from the display. transmission is immediately halted and. It determines if the transceiver has been switched off for long enough to warrant inhibiting transmit for three minutes until the magnetron heaters have had time to warm up again. after one complete revolution of the antenna. On detection of this signal. The data is transmitted each time a bearing pulse is received from the Turning Unit. Note that the CHARGE TRIGGER pulses (on PLVC 8) are present even in Standby mode. and generates the required control signals for the Transceiver. 6-63 65800010B 440-1057. the Trigger PCB switches the radar to Standby. transmission is started. A spark gap on the Modulator is fired if the magnetron fails to operate. rotation of the Antenna is inhibited. The modulator pulse widths and timing signals are controlled from the Trigger PCB. Transmission from the radar is inhibited if the Antenna is not rotating (unless in Test Mode). When Standby is selected.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 607 of 1618 . On the X-Band Scanner Unit. This signal is processed on the Trigger PCB and outputted as TX TRIG (PLYB 20 & 21) to the Input PCB (PLZB 20 & 21) and then to the Display Unit via TSB 5 & 6 Note – TX DATA is sent from the Transceiver to the Display Unit. and generates an error signal that is transmitted to the Display Unit via the serial data link. On power-up the microcontroller measures the charge remaining on the capacitor. When standby is selected. Magnetron Operation The Modulator PCB generates the high-voltage negative pulses required to drive the magnetron. On the Trigger PCB. DU DATA is sent from the Display Unit to the Transceiver Unit. The Modulator starts to generate radar pulses when the Trigger PCB sends it MOD TRIGGER pulses (to PLVC 9). The Motor Drive PCB is supplied with +50VDC from the Transceiver power supply (in both Aloft and Bulkhead fits). The 6 output FET switches. rotation of the Antenna is inhibited. the default is High Speed operation. or not fitted. The motor drives an integral 32:1 reduction gearbox. 65800010B 6-64 440-1057. Transmission from the radar is inhibited if the Antenna is not rotating (unless in test mode). When standby is selected. The link should be set between pins 1 & 2 for Low Speed operation (Factory Default). The overall reduction between the motor and Antenna is approximately 96:1. Note that if no link is fitted. Link LK1 is used to select between High or Low speed operation. If it reaches a predetermined level the microcontroller inhibits transmission for approximately one second and sends an error messages to the Display.5 volts starts a slow build up of speed up to the maximum set by the speed selection link. which has the capability of providing High and Low speed operation by link selection. A switch is provided on the Scanner Unit to inhibit rotation for safe servicing. This gives the operator the option to change the antenna rotation speed. TURNING UNIT OVERVIEW (X-Band) Drive System The scanner motor is a 3-phase electronically commutated DC motor. On Scanner units fitted with the additional features option additional circuitry allows the links to be selected by a remotely mounted switch. The Modulator supply voltage and the magnetron current (only when transmitting) are measured and sent to the Display as an aid to fault finding.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual The other analogue signals into the Trigger PCB come from the Modulator. For remotely selectable antenna speed the link should be set between pins 2 & 3. which perform the commutation. the link is parked on pin 1. The motor commutation drive signals are provided by the Motor Drive PCB. in the event of overload or stall. Motor Drive Board (Incorporating the Dynamic Brake facility) The Motor Drive PCB generates the supply and control signals for the 3phase electronically commutated DC motor that turns the Scanner Unit. The output of the gearbox drives a pulley system with a single toothed belt having a reduction ratio of 3:1. The spark gap detect signal is generated by the modulator when the magnetron arcs over.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 608 of 1618 . Pulling control line ‘TU Enable’ below 1. For High Speed operation. The final pulley is attached to the Antenna torque tube assembly. are protected by a current sensing and limiting circuit. This circuit is passive and will operate with no supply voltage. Both opto-couplers are on the Pulse Bearing PCB. The link should be set between pins 1 & 2 for Low Speed operation (Factory Default). Note that if no link is fitted. a method is given (on the Input PCB) to allow the heading marker alignment to be made electronically within the Turning Unit. The AC power from the isolating switch is terminated at a terminal block within the filter box on the inside of the lower casting of the Turning Unit. The 4096 azimuth pulses and the heading marker are routed through the Input PCB to the Trigger PCB. 6-65 65800010B 440-1057. When this option is fitted an additional (isolated) Heading Marker output is provided. and are also used to provide a degree of speed compensation in high wind load conditions.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Signals form the Hall Sensors in the motor are used to control the commutation sequence. the default is High Speed operation. A second opto-coupler together with a flag on the toothed disc generates a Heading Marker approximately 10° before the Antenna is pointing dead ahead. Correct alignment of the Heading Marker is set at installation by electronic adjustment with the Display Unit. the link should be set between pins 2 & 3. An additional feature of the PCB is a Dynamic Brake that prevents the antenna from ‘windmilling’ when the radar is turned off or on standby. the link is parked on pin 1. As an option for special applications a size 11 synchro can be fitted as an alternative source of bearing information. All other connections are made to plugs or removable terminal strips on the input PCB. They are then incorporated into the serial data to be transmitted to the Display Unit. For remotely selectable antenna speed. On Scanner units fitted with the additional features option an additional relay allows the links to be selected by the same remotely mounted switch used to select the antenna rotation rate. Bearing and Heading Marker System A disc with 128 teeth is attached to the Antenna torque tube and combined with an opto-coupler generates 128 pulses per rotation of the Antenna. On scanner units fitted with the additional features option. The Pulse Bearing PCB multiplies the 128 bearing pulses by 32 to generate 4096 pulses per antenna revolution. Interconnections The terminations for interconnections for the Transceiver and the Turning Unit are under a cover on the inside of the lower casting of the Turning Unit. Link LK1 is used to select between High or Low speed operation.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 609 of 1618 . For High Speed operation. This makes sure speed settings match those remotely selected on the motor drive PCB. +12V. The Trigger PCB generates the control and tuning signals required by the Modulator. Performance Monitor and Biased Limiter. 0V & -12V Supply lines xTurning Unit Enable xPower Supply Start and Return 65800010B 6-66 440-1057. Receiver.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual TRIGGER PCB (X-Band) General Description The trigger PCB controls the operation of the Transceiver under instruction from the Display. +5V. The PSU is enabled with a signal from the Trigger PCB. Long Pulse operation) xVoltage/Current Monitor signals x10/25kW and S-/X-Band Configuration signals To/From Receiver xTuning Voltage signal xBandwidth Control signal xAFC/Manual control xAFC Trigger xTune Indicator signals To Biased Limiter xTrigger signal To Performance Monitor xOn/Off Signal xMode Control signal xTuning Voltage signals To/From Power Supply PCB x+30V. Signal To/From the Trigger PCB To/From Display xSerial Data to Display xSerial Data from Display xTrigger to Display To/From Modulator xPulse Length select lines xCharge and Modulator Triggers xMagnetron Heater Turndown signal (only used for S-Band. which are used to transfer control messages from the Display to the Trigger PCB and Transceiver information back to the Display. There are two serial links.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 610 of 1618 . The Bearing signal from the Turning Unit is used to initiate serial transmission from the Trigger PCB. Program memory and RAM are included within the microcontroller IC. The RS422 serial input from the Display is used to drive an opto-islolator that detects the presence of either polarity voltage and enables the PSU. This is generated by the microcontroller using an internal timer routine set to the appropriate PRF for the pulse length selected. Transceivers fitted with additional features provide a Pre-trigger approximately 11μs before the modulator trigger. The Power Supply in the Transceiver is only active during normal operation when there is a Display (or Compatibility Unit) connected to it. The tuning voltage levels are sent as 12-bit values. One bit in each of the characters sent is dedicated to the heading marker on every new heading marker pulse from the Turning Unit (the bit is toggled). Trigger Outputs There are a number of trigger signals generated by the Trigger PCB: xPre-Trigger xCharge Trigger xModulator Trigger xDisplay Trigger xPerformance Monitor Trigger xAFC Trigger xSwept Attenuation Initiate The Charge Trigger is the timing signal used to recharge the Modulator PFN. Serial I/O is handled by the micrcontrollers internal UART and an external RS422A driver and receiver.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FUNCTION DESCRIPTION (X-Band Trigger PCB) The 80C5 family microcontroller provides overall control of the Trigger PCB functions. The wobbulation is calculated according to the number of serial messages received before going to transmit and the position of the antenna between each trigger pulse. Control messages are four bytes long and tuning messages are five. The serial data format is 8-bit data. a character (one byte) is sent to the Display.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 611 of 1618 . which are converted on the Trigger PCB using a four-channel DAC before amplification/buffering and distribution to the Receiver and Performance Monitor. A wobbulation factor is added to the basic timing to ensure that no two radar transmissions are locked together. The Display sends serial messages comprising four or five characters depending on message content. Each time one of the 4096 azimuth pulses per rev is generated and fed into one of the microcontrollers interrupt pins. 1 stop bit and even parity. 6-67 65800010B 440-1057. Baud rate is fixed at 76800 baud for operational use but is link selectable to 19200 or 38400 baud for test purposes. the Display and Performance Monitor Triggers are generated from the Mod Trigger pulse. It is started by the front edge of the Pre-trigger (approximately 2μs prior to magnetron firing) and terminated 2. They are initiated by the Modulator Pulse and last for approximately 2. Additional buffering is added to the LO and PM Tune outputs of the DAC and x3. LO Tune is the 0V to +5V receiver tuning control and PM Tune the 0V to +5V Performance Monitor main tuning control. The AFC Trigger is used by the receiver when in AFC mode and is only generated when the transceiver is in transmit mode.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 612 of 1618 . 65800010B 6-68 440-1057. Analogue Outputs The Trigger PCB generates four tuning signals: xLO Tune xPM Tune xXr Adjust xXt Adjust. A 12-bit. The Swept Attenuation Initiate pulse is the timing signal fed to the Limiter Drive PCB which generates the control for the biased limiter. adjustable using RV1. four channel DAC is used to generate the tuning signals from the message data.5 amplification to the Xr and Xt Adjust signals. Xr and Xt Adjust are 0V to +15V signals used to control the receive and transmit attenuators in the Performance Monitor. The pulse is started on the front edge of the Modulator Trigger and terminates on the back edge of the magnetron sample pulse. When the transceiver is in transmit mode the triggers begin on the leading edge of the magnetron sample pulse and end after a preset time. The Display and PM Triggers are essentially the same trigger and are present at all times when the radar is powered up.5μs after the leading edge of the magnetron sample pulse. It is delayed from the Charge Trigger by 100μs and gated off when the transceiver is in standby. These signals are coded as 12-bit digital values and incorporated into the serial messages from the Display. In standby.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual The Modulator Trigger is used to let the charge out of the PFN into the magnetron and is the trigger that starts the modulator firing.5μs. Narrowband is selected when the modulator is transmitting in long pulse and briefly during pulse length changing. Signals to the Receiver select wide or narrow bandwidth (Wideband) and AFC or manual tuning mode (AFC On).BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Analogue Inputs There are various analogue inputs to the Trigger PCB. The spark gap detect signal is generated by the modulator when the magnetron arcs over. The Receiver sends a tune indicator signal to the Trigger PCB that shows how close it is to being on tune. Digital Outputs The digital outputs from the Trigger PCB are all simple on/off control signals to various parts of the transceiver. This information is encoded and sent as part of the configuration message to the Display. The Modulator supply voltage and the magnetron current (only when transmitting) are measured and sent to the Display as an aid to fault finding. The other analogue signals into the Trigger PCB come from the Modulator.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 613 of 1618 . They are then converted to digital values either for further processing by the microcontroller or to be passed to the Display via the serial message link. AFC or manual mode is selected by the radar operator and is part of the control message sent from the Display. xSP and MP both set to 0V is an illegal state and will not happen in normal operation. Modulator signals MP and SP are used to set the pulse length as requested by the radar operator. On power-up the microcontroller measures the charge remaining on the capacitor to determine whether the transceiver has been switched off for long enough to warrant inhibiting transmit for three minutes until the magnetron heaters have had time to warm up again. One channel of the ADC is used to detect whether a Performance Monitor has been fitted to the system. The signals on the Trigger PCB that are measured are the dropout timer +12V and +30V supplies. The power supply level is measured and the results are sent to the Display as an aid to fault diagnosis. The voltage on this channel will be lower than a preset value if a Performance Monitor is present otherwise it will be pulled to the +5V supply rail. xSP set to 0V indicates short pulse operation xMP set to 0V indicates medium pulse operation xboth SP and MP set to +5V indicates long pulse operation. If it reaches a predetermined level the microcontroller inhibits transmission for approximately one second and sends an error message to the Display. 6-69 65800010B 440-1057. The on-board signals are fed into an eight channel 8-bit ADC. This signal is coded as part of the serial message and sent to the Display. The timer circuit is basically a capacitor that slowly discharges (between 4s and 18s) when power is removed from the PCB. These are from other PCBs in the transceiver and some on-board signals. xLoss of either Charge orModulator Trigger. TU Enable is disabled. after one complete revolution of the antenna. Error situations will in all cases cause the microcontroller to inhibit transmission until the error has been cleared. xExternal Trigger Input – used when the modulator needs to be triggered from an external source rather than the Trigger PCB. xRadar Silence – used to inhibit transmission without using the appropriate command in the serial message. Optional I/O There are several optional I/O signals for use with the additional features variant of the PCB: xPre-trigger – described in the section on triggers. The other signals that are monitored and sent directly to the Display without further action by the microcontroller are the power supply lines and magnetron current (as described in the section on analogue inputs) 65800010B 6-70 440-1057. xMagnetron arcing. xLoss of Heading Marker signal. An Active signal at this input will cause the microcontroller to inhibit transmission within one trigger pulse at either of the internal PRFs. TU Enable is the control signal fed to the Motor Drive PCB to start rotation of the antenna. transmission is immediately halted and. The control signals PM On/Off and PM Tx/Rx are used to switch the Performance Monitor on and to switch it between system test mode and receiver test mode. Built In Self Test (BIST) The microcontroller performs a number of self test operations and reports the results to the Display as part of the serial message link.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 614 of 1618 . When standby is selected. Once the antenna has done one complete revolution. Trigger signals fed to this input are PRF limited to prevent damage to the modulator.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Turndown enable is used to reduce the heater current in the magnetron and is only set when an S-Band magnetron is fitted and is transmitting in long pulse. Error situations that are monitored in he transceiver are: xSerial message corruption. When the operator selects transmit the TU Enable signal is activated to start the antenna rotation. transmission is started. xLoss of Display messages. The second test mode. can be initiated by fitting the two links LK5 and LK6 to position 2-3. The production test mode is used solely during production testing of the PCB and is initiated by fitting the test link LK4. These links allow the Trigger PCB to generate azimuth pulses and heading marker pulses internally..341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 615 of 1618 . A dummy load MUST be connected to the waveguide outlet of the transceiver. 6-71 65800010B 440-1057. When in this mode the transceiver will transmit without the antenna rotating. Failure to do so may result in serious personal injury and could cause severe damage to the transceiver. of use to service engineers. Connecting this link when incorporated into a transceiver could lead to unpredictable and possibly dangerous operation.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Test Modes There are two test modes for the Trigger PCB. This must only be done on the production test bed. The transceiver assembly can then be removed from the turning unit. and be connected to the Display below decks (with suitable test cables) and run as per normal operation. Q2 turns off allowing the compensation pin 1 U4 to rise enabling output of the IC U4. xUniversal input from 95V to 276V without tap changing. 12 to switch the flyback converter on. 65800010B 6-72 440-1057. While mains is applied. Note that once the mains supply is applied to the PSU board. In the PSU off state Q2 is held on by current in R37 from Vcc. the PFC is active and cannot be manually switched off.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 616 of 1618 . The outputs supplied by this power supply are: xvariable x–600V x+30V x+20V xmagnetron heaters (via further regulator. the PFC (Power Factor Correction) circuit starts and generates 390V.9.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual TRANSCEIVER POWER SUPPLY (X-Band) General Information The power supply is an AC to DC inverter that generates the supplies for the Transceiver. The power unit has the following features: x-600V adjustable over the range –550V to –650V for control of magnetron current via modulator. -12V and +5V) x+50V for the Motor Drive PCB (for the X-Band Turning Unit variant). xOutput short circuit protection. For test purposes the PSU can be turned on in the absence of a serial data stream by linking 1-2 on LKA. This fact should be noted when servicing the Transceiver. +12V. The start circuitry only controls the flyback converter and so High Voltage DC is present on primary power components whenever mains is present on the board. The opto-coupler detects the presence of a serial data stream from the display at PLTH 11. pulling down the gate of Q2 below its threshold voltage. The inverter is housed on a single board and is powered by an AC supply of nominal 115V or 230V in the frequency range 47-64Hz. Power factor corrected providing a PF of better than 0. The power unit uses a boost converter front end to provide a regulated high voltage DC to a flyback converter providing the output supplied. On detection of the data stream the photo transistor within U5 is turned on. Some of these supplies use additional switch mode converters to provide regulated outputs. The Charge Trigger initiates the charging cycle. Other functions include regulating the magnetron heater supply. monitoring a spark gap to ensure correct operation of the magnetron. Typically 1Amp current pulse.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 617 of 1618 . Turn Down Enable DC voltage controls the magnetron heater voltage. 0V on long pulse. An SCR is used to resonantly charge a Pulse Forming Network (PFN) to –1200V from the – 600V Modulator HT supply. Inputs to the Modulator PCB x-600V Modulator HT Supply x+20V Modulator Trigger Supply x+16V . Modulator Trigger Initiates discharge of Pulse Forming Network. At a defined time after the PFN is fully charged it is discharged by three series-connected Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors through a pulse transformer.+27V Magnetron Heater Bulk Supply x+12V x-12V Short Pulse Control When 0V selects short pulse.5V Standby Medium and Short Pulse. 3. 3. transforms the resulting pulse to 8kV. which has step up ratio of 12:1. 6-73 65800010B 440-1057. and generation of a timing reference for the Radar Trigger. The number of sections of the PFN used defines the length of the output pulse. Line Charge Trigger Initiates charging of Pulse Forming Network. 8A negative pulse to drive the cathode of the magnetron. Typically 4μs.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing MODULATOR PCB (X-Band) Functional Description The principal function of the Modulator PCB is to generate an 8kV. The number of sections of the PFN is selectable by the relays controlled by the Pulse Length Control Lines.5V positive pulse. The Modulator Trigger initiates the discharge. The Pulse Transformer. A saturable reactor connected across the primary of the pulse transformer speeds up the back edges of the medium and short pulses. Medium Pulse Control When 0V selects medium pulse. This supply may vary between 16V and 27V.1V 6.5V.1 V depending on the type of magnetron fitted 6. Short Pulse and Medium Pulse Long Pulse 25kW X-Band 30kW S-Band 2. fitted to the Modulator PCB.5. A DC voltage proportional to the magnetron current derived from the secondary of the pulse transformer.5V if the spark gap operates continuously for 2 seconds. Typically +2.5V dependant on link settings. configures the Modulator PCB for the intended magnetron.1V Can be reduced to 5. Sample of Modulator HT Supply fed to Trigger PCB for inclusion in BITE message sent to display. A signal that is normally 0V that rises to >2. Magnetron current sample TX Active HT Sense TX Define Magnetron Heater Supply The magnetron heaters are derived from the Magnetron Heater Supply at PLVD1 and PLVD2. Medium Pulse and Long Pulse Standby. System Mode 10kW X-Band Standby. Short Pulse. 0V or 3. Short Pulse and Medium Pulse Long Pulse Required Magnetron heater voltage (measured between TSJ1 and TSJ2) 6.19 ‘Link Settings Modulator PCB’. Typically 40V amplitude. Link settings used to define modulator type to Trigger PCB. !WARNING! On no account should the heater voltage be measured whilst the Transceiver is transmitting. This signal is used by the Trigger PCB to indicate a transmitter fault to the display. Flowchart 31 shows the overall flow through Flowchart 32 to Flowchart 56 .1V Can be reduced to 5. for further information. The setting of link LK1.1 V depending on the type of magnetron fitted Fault Isolation Flowcharts (X-Band Scanners) Flowcharts for isolating faults on X-Band Scanner Units are given on the following pages. 65800010B 6-74 440-1057. Refer to Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 618 of 1618 . in this chapter.2 Standby.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Outputs from the Modulator PCB Primary sample Positive pulse sample from pulse transformer used to initiate Radar Trigger. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 31 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing OVERALL FLOWCHART – X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FLOWCHART 32 START DISPLAY FAULT FLOWCHART 33 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 34 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 35 END FLOWCHART 36 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 37 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 38 ‘A’ ‘B’ END FLOWCHART 39 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 40 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 41 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 42 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 43 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 44 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 45 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 46 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 47 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ FLOWCHART 48 ‘A’ DISPLAY FAULT ‘B’ FLOWCHART 49 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 50 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 51 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 52 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ FLOWCHART 53 ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 54 DISPLAY FAULT ‘A’ END FLOWCHART 55 ‘A’ FLOWCHART 56 ‘A’ 6-75 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 619 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 32 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS !WARNING! When the covers are removed from the equipment. Always isolate the turning unit from the ship’s supply before working on it. CHECK CONNECTIONS TO SHIP’S SUPPLY START ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES DOES DISPLAY RUN UP? NO NO IS MAINS PRESENT BETWEEN TSP L & N AT DISPLAY FILTER BOX? AT THE DISPLAY REMOVE THE COVER FROM THE MAINS FILTER BOX YES IS DISPLAY PICTURE NORMAL IN STANDBY? YES NO DISPLAY FAULT YES IS ’STBY/TX ERROR’ DISPLAYED? IS ’AZI ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO YES YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 42’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO IS ’Tx BIST ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 54’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS ’MISSING HL. Only qualified persons should work on the equipment when power is applied. dangerous voltages are exposed.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 620 of 1618 . SL or NO SCAN HL ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 55’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS ’TRIG ERROR’ DISPLAYED? IS ’LOW VIDEO ERROR’ DISPLAYED? YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 47’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 44’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO NO YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 33’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES END IS ’Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO YES 65800010B GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 46’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 6-76 440-1057. Always isolate the transceiver from the ship’s supply while removing or replacing the transceiver cover. IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 2.5V? NO CHANGE INPUT PCB YES REPLACE PLZB. RESTORE SHIP’S MAINS.5V? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB REPLACE PLYH 6-77 IF FAULT NOT CLEARED GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 38’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 65800010B 440-1057. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S MAINS AND REMOVE COVER.0V-4. SELECT TEST DATA 1. CYCLE THROUGH TESTS ARE +12V AND +30V CORRECT? NO YES AT THE SCANNER. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER. MEASURE SHIP’S MAINS BETWEEN TSE3 AND TSE4. AT TRIGGER PCB REMOVE PLYH.0V-4. TX BIST.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 621 of 1618 . AT THE INPUT PCB REMOVE PLZB IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 2. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO OFF TO MAKE SCANNER UNIT SAFE FOR SERVICING AT THE SCANNER UNIT. IS MAINS PRESENT BETWEEN TSE3 AND TSE4 AT SCANNER UNIT? YES NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 34’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 36’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES NO CHECK CONNECTIONS TO SHIP’S SUPPLY END YES IS FUSE IN SCANNER UNIT BLOWN? ARE BOTH VOLTAGES INCORRECT? YES DOES REPLACING THE FUSE CLEAR FAULT? YES NO NO AT THE SCANNER UNIT. IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 2.5V? GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 38’ ENTRY POINT ‘B’ NO CABLE 228 (BULKHEAD) or 230 (MASTHEAD) IS FAULTY YES RECONNECT TSB. UNPLUG CABLE 230 (MASTHEAD) or 228 (BULKHEAD) FROM TSB (INPUT PCB) MEASURE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB1 AND TSB2 ON THE CABLE.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 33 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘AZI ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SWITCH TO TRANSMIT YES IS ANTENNA ROTATING? GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 40’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO AT THE DISPLAY.0V-4. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 34 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 33 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES END IS ANTENNA ROTATING? NO SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO OFF. AT THE MOTOR DRIVER IS THE VOLTAGE ON EITHER PIN OF D6 +45V TO +65V? YES NO (2-PIN POWER DEVICE ON HEAT SINK) AT THE MOTOR DRIVER IS THE VOLTAGE ON Pin 2 of IC. IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 622 of 1618 .U1 +4.U1 AND CHASSIS? NO YES AT THE SCANNER UNIT. REMOVE THE FILER BOX COVER AT THE TURNING UNIT IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS BELOW. ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES NO CHECK SHIP’S SUPPLY FROM SWITCH FUSE IS SHIP’S MAINS CORRECT? YES AT THE MOTOR DRIVER IS +12V PRESENT BETWEEN Pin 11 of IC.75V To +5. RAISE SCANNER TOP AND ENSURE SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER AT THE TRANSCEIVER.3V? NO CHANGE MOTOR DRIVER BOARD YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 35’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 65800010B 6-78 440-1057. CHECK WIRING TO ON/OFF SWITCH YES IS THE VOLTAGE ON PIN 23 OF IC.5? NO CHECK WIRING BETWEEN PLZL5 (INPUT BOARD) AND PLN5 (MOTOR DRIVE BOARD) YES IF STILL NO ANTENNA ROTATION. RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY.U1 <0.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 35 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 34 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE INPUT PCB IS +12V PRESENT BEWEEN CHASSIS AND PLZL6? NO YES IS +12V PRESENT BEWEEN CHASSIS AND PLZG3(INPUT PCB)? NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. YES CHANGE INPUT PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT TSB10 0V? NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZG3 (INPUT PCB 0V? NO REMOVE COVER FROM TRANSCEIVER UNIT YES AT SCANNER. CHANGE MOTOR DRIVE BOARD IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLTG3 (PSU PCB) 0V? YES YES CHANGE CABLE NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLTH10 (PSU PCB) 0V? IS +12V PRESENT BETWEEN CHASSIS AND PLTG3 (PSU PCB)? NO YES CHANGE PSU PCB NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLTY10 (TRIG PCB) 0V? YES CHANGE CABLE NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB 6-79 65800010B 440-1057. SET ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘ON’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZL5 0V? NO CHANGE INPUT BOARD.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 623 of 1618 . 6V? NO AT THE POWER SUPPLY UNPLUG PLTG YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 37’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE RECEIVER YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP4 +28.+12.+31.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 36 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 33 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S MAINS AND REMOVE COVER. AT THE POWER SUPPLY FIT LKA 1-2.+31.5V .5V .4V . RESTORE SHIP’S MAINS. IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.5V? NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP4 +28.5V . AT THE POWER SUPPLY MEASURE THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TP6 AND EARTH AND TP4 AND EARTH.5V? NO 65800010B AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYA AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYH CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-80 440-1057.+31.5V? NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP4 +28.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 624 of 1618 . 4V .6V? YES CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN RECEIVER AND TRIGGER PCB NO AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYH IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11. CHECK WIRING BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PERFORMANCE MONITOR.+12.+12.6V? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB.+12.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 37 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 36 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.6V? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB. NO AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYA IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.+12. IF FAULT PERSISTS CHECK WIRING TRANSCEIVER TO DISPLAY UNIT NO AT THE TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYB IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP6 +11.4V .4V .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 625 of 1618 . IF FAULT PERSISTS CHANGE PERFORMANCE MONITOR.6V? YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY 6-81 65800010B 440-1057.4V . IF LINK IS FITTED CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB.4. RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY. CABLE FROM MAINS FILTER PANEL TO PLTA.0V .0V? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLYH11PLYH12 AT THE POWER SUPPLY PCB APPROX 1.0V-4.5V? NO CHANGE CABLE YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLYH11PLYH12 AT THE TRIGGER PCB APPROX 1. WIRING ON MAINS FILTER PANEL.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 626 of 1618 . FROM FLOWCHART 33 ENTRY POINT ‘B’ ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. MEASURE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLTA4 PLTA6. REMOVE PLTA FROM PSU. 65800010B 6-82 440-1057. IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TP14TP2 380VDC . IS THE VOLTAGE 115VAC .5V? AT INPUT PCB MEASURE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLZB17 AND PLZB18 NO CHANGE INPUT PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLYB17PLYB18 AT THE TRIGGER PCB 2. CHECK THAT LKB IS FITTED ON POWER SUPPLY PCB.0V? NO CHANGE CABLE YES IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLTA4PLTA6 115V .230V? NO YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 39’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES ON PSU PCB.418V? NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY.240VAC? YES CHANGE PSU NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. CHECK MAINS FILTER. CABLE FROM MAINS FILTER PANEL TO PLTA.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 38 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 33 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB17PLZB18 2. WIRING ON MAINS FILTER PANEL. CHECK MAINS FILTER. 25V? UNPLUG PLTB AND PLTD YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4. AND AT TRIGGER PCB UNPLUG PLYA IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4. CHANGE TRIGGER PCB OR RECEIVER PCB YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.75V .341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 627 of 1618 .5.5.75V .75V .75V .75V .25V? YES CHANGE PERFORMANCE MONITOR NO CHANGE INPUT PCB 6-83 65800010B 440-1057.5. OUTPUT VOLTAGES WILL BE PRESENT AT THE POWER SUPPLY WHEN THE RADAR IS TURNED OFF.25V? UNPLUG PLTH NO UNPLUG PLTG YES CHANGE PSU IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.5.25V? NO YES YES CHANGE INPUT PCB CHANGE RECEIVER NO RECONNECT PLYA.5.25V? RECONNECT PLYA. AND AT INPUT PCB UNPLUG PLZD IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.75V .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 39 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 38 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ! WARNING ! AT PSU FIT LKA IS THE VOLTAGE AT TP7 ON POWER SUPPLY PCB 4.5.25V? DURING THIS TEST. AT THE TRIGGER PCB SET LK5. AT THE MODULATOR PCB UNPLUG PLVB. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’ TO PREVENT ROTATION. IS FAULT STILL PRESENT? YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE2 ON THE INPUT PCB 11. ON THE PULSE BEARING PCB CHECK LK1 . YES CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB RESET LK5 ON TRIGGER PCB TO POSITION 1 -2 CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO YES NO NO CHECK CABLE FROM TRIGGER PCB TO INPUT PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLRE2 ON PULSE BEARING PCB 11.IS SET 2 -3 FOR HIGH SPEED TURNING UNITS 1 -2 FOR LOW SPEED TURNING UNITS IS FAULT CLEARED? YES END NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB. CHECK FOR DAMAGED OR MISSING TEETH ON THE PULSE DISK.2V .25V? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 41’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO UNPLUG PLZE NO CHANGE INPUT PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON THE INPUT PCB 4.5V? IF FAULT IS NOT CLEARED: CHECK DATA CABLE FROM DISPLAY TO TRANSCEIVER. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB & PULSE BEARING PCB.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 628 of 1618 .5.25V? YES 65800010B CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB 6-84 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 40 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 33 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES AT THE SCANNER. AND LK6 TO 2 .5V . ENSURE THAT BRAIDS ARE PROPERLY BONDED. RAISE TOP COVER AND ENSURE SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED.12.2V .5V? IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB9 ON THE INPUT PCB 11.2V . ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND EXPOSE TRANSCEIVER. YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON THE INPUT PCB 4.12.5V . IF FAULT PERSISTS THERE IS A DISPLAY FAULT. WHERE THE TRANSCEIVER IS BELOW DECKS.5V? NO CHECK PULSE DISC FOR DAMAGE. CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB 6-85 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 629 of 1618 .5V? CHANGE INPUT PCB. NO CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB11 ON INPUT PCB IN TRANSCEIVER UNIT APPROX 2.5V? NO CHANGE INPUT PCB IN TRANSCEIVER CHECK CABLE BETWEEN TURNING UNIT AND TRANSCEIVER. ALSO CHECK FOR SHORT CIRCUITS ON: TRIGGER PCB. CLEAN OPTO COUPLERS ON THE PULSE BEARING PCB. INPUT PCB IN THE TURNING UNIT. YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYB11 ON TRIGGER PCB APPROX 2.5.5V? IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB11 ON INPUT PCB IN TURNING UNIT APPROX 2.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 41 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 40 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLRE4 ON PULSE BEARING PCB APPROX 2.25V? YES NO THE FAULT IS PROBABLY ON PULSE BEARING PCB.5V? NO YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLRE1 ON PULSE BEARING PCB 4. INPUT BOARD IN THE TRANSCEIVER. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT TSC11 ON INPUT PCB IN TURNING UNIT APPROX 2.5V . CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB IS TRANSCEIVER ALOFT? YES NO CHANGE INPUT PCB. NO IF FAULT IS NOT CLEARED CHANGE TRIGGER PCB. CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 630 of 1618 .Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 42 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘STBY/TX ERROR SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHECK DATA CABLES BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER AND DISPLAY IS ‘STBY/TX’ ERROR DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHECK CABLE BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB IS ‘STBY/TX’ ERROR DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS ‘STBY/TX’ ERROR DISPLAYED? NO END YES DISPLAY FAULT 65800010B 6-86 440-1057. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE THAT SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY.PLVD4 ON MODULATOR PCB >16V? YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO UNPLUG PLVD FROM THE MODULATOR PCB IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVD1 .PLVD4 ON THE CABLE >16V? YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB IF THE ABOVE TESTS FAIL TO LOCATE THE CAUSE OF THE SPARK GAP TEST FAILURE FAULT IS ON MODULATOR PCB OR TRIGGER PCB 6-87 65800010B 440-1057.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 43 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘SPARK GAP TEST’ FAILURE) FROM FLOWCHART 55 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE SCANNER UNIT. EXPOSE THE TRANSCEIVER (MASTHEAD VERSION). ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES MEASURE THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSJ1 .TSJ2 ON THE EHT PCB IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSJ1 .TSJ2 ON EHT PCB >4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 631 of 1618 .7V? YES CHANGE MAGNETRON NO IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVD1 . SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’. RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY TO THE TRANSCEIVER. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE THAT SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. IS FAULT CLEARED? NO YES IF FAULT IS NOT CLEARED: CHECK DATA CABLE BETWEEN DISPLAY AND TRANSCEIVER. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB.25V? YES CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB 65800010B 6-88 440-1057. CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.5. RESTORE POWER TO TRANSCEIVER. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY.25V? CHECK CABLE FROM TRIGGER PCB TO INPUT PCB YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 45’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO UNPLUG PLZE NO CHANGE INPUT PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON PLUG ON INPUT PCB 4. ! WARNING ! THIS TEST EXPOSES DANGEROUS VOLTAGES AT THE TRIGGER PCB. AT THE MODULATOR PCB UNPLUG PLVD. ENSURE THAT BRAIDS ARE PROPERLY BONDED.5V? IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLA2 ON BEARING PCB 11.12.2V .5V? NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES YES CHANGE INPUT PCB NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE1 ON INPUT PCB 4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 632 of 1618 . IF FAULT PERSISTS TTHERE IS A DISPLAY FAULT RESET LK5 AND LK6 TO POSITION 1 . SET LK5 AND LK6 TO POSITION 2 .5V .5V? YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZB9 ON INPUT PCB 11.5.12.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 44 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘MISSING HMKR ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 OR 56 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE SCANNER UNIT.2 IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLZE2 ON INPUT PCB 11.12. CHECK BEARING CABLE FROM DISPLAY. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’.2V .5V .3.2V . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 633 of 1618 . IF FAULT IS STILL PRESENT CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 45 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 44 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ MONITOR VOLTAGE AT TSC12 ON THE INPUT PCB WHILE ROTATING THE ANTENNA BY HAND THROUGH ONE REVOLUTION CHANGE INPUT PCB.5V . IF FAULT PERSISTS CHECK FOR SHORT CIRCUITS ON INPUT BOARD IN TURNING UNIT.5. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY YES IS VOLTAGE AT PLRE1 ON PULSE BEARING PCB 4. AND WHEN THE TRANSCEIVER IS BELOW DECKS ON THE INPUT BOARD IN THE TRANSCEIVER.0V ONCE PER REVOLUTION? NO MONITOR VOLTAGE AT PLRE5 ON THE PULSE BEARING PCB WHILE ROTATING THE ANENNA BY HAND THROUGH ONE REVOLUTION DOES THE VOLTAGE SWITCH BETWEEN 5V .0V ONCE PER REVOLUTION? YES NO CHANGE PULSE BEARING PCB.25V? NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN PULSE BEARING PCB AND INPUT PCB YES IS TRANSCEIVER ALOFT? NO CHANGE INPUT PCB YES NO IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN TSC12 ON TURNING UNIT INPUT PCB AND TSC12 ON TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB? IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN TSC12 AND PLZB12 TURNING UNIT INPUT PCB? NO CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN TURNING UNIT AND TRANSCEIVER NO CHANGE TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB YES IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN TSC12 AND PLZB12 ON TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB? YES IS THERE CONTINUITY BETWEEN PLZB12 ON INPUT PCB AND PLYB12 ON TRIGGER PCB? NO CABLE IS FAULTY BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB 6-89 65800010B 440-1057. CHECK CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND PULSE BEARING PCB YES DOES THE VOLTAGE SWITCH BETWEEN 5V . 0V? IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE THAT SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. YES RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY.4.0V . INPUT PCB. NO AT THE INPUT PCB. IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLY20 AND PLYB21 2.0V .0V . MODULATOR PCB.4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 634 of 1618 .4.0V? CHECK DATA CABLE BETWEEN DISPLAY AND INPUT PCB YES CHANGE INPUT PCB.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 46 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TRIGGER ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ REMOVE COVER FROM TRANSCEIVER FILTER BOX IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB5 AND TSB6 AT THE TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB 2. NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. DISPLAY UNIT.0V? YES ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IS FAULTY: CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB. SET THE SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’. AT THE TRIGGER PCB. CHANGE CABLE BETWEEN INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CABLE OK? CHANGE CABLE YES DISPLAY FAULT 65800010B 6-90 440-1057. TRIGGER PCB. DISCONNECT WIRES TO TSB5 AND TSB6 RECONNECT WIRES: IS VOLTAGE BETWEEN TSB5 AND TSB6 2. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. REPAIR CABLE ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’. MONITOR THE SIGNAL ON THE VIDEO OUTPUT TO THE DISPLAY YES FAULT IS IN THE CABLE BETWEEN THE DISPLAY AND THE TRANSCEIVER IS THERE APPROX 0. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. CHECK THAT SKZV IS NOT SHORTED TO EARTH.5V PEAK-PEAK VIDEO NOISE? NO ARE CABLES OK? NO IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER. ON THE I/P PCB CHECK FOR CONTINUITY BETWEEN SKV AND SKZV. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER AT THE TRANSCEIVER. ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 635 of 1618 . SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 47 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX ERROR’/’LOW VIDEO ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS NORMAL BACKGROUND NOISE VISIBLE? YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 50’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ DISPLAY FAULT NO YES IS AN OSCILLOSCOPE AVAILABLE? YES IS THERE APPROX 0. RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY TO TRANSCEIVER YES IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER. UNPLUG THE VIDEO LEAD TO THE DISPLAY. RESTORE SHIP’S SUPPLY TO TRANSCEIVER REPAIR CABLE.5V PEAK-PEAK VIDEO NOISE? AT THE DISPLAY UNPLUG PLV. CHANGE INPUT PCB NO ARE CABLES AND SOCKETS OK? GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 48’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES 6-91 GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 48’ ENTRY POINT ‘B’ 65800010B 440-1057. CHECK VIDEO COAXIAL CABLES FROM TRANSCEIVER/TURNING UNIT SKV. AND FROM SKZV ON I/P PCB TO SKXV ON RECEIVER FOR CONTINUITY AND SHORT CIRCUITS. MONITOR THE SIGNAL ON THE CABLE TO PLV NO NO CHECK VIDEO CABLES FROM SKV DISPLAY UNIT TO SKV TRANSCEIVER FOR CONTINUITY AND SHORT CIRCUITS AT THE TRANSCEIVER. REMOVE THE FILTER BOX COVER AT THE TRANSCEIVER. 12. PLPB1 -11.5. MONITOR THE SIGNAL A SKXV ON THE RECEIVER CHANGE THE INPUT PCB.2V .6V PLPB2 11.31.2V .25V ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE RECEIVER FILTER PCB NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 49’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 65800010B 6-92 440-1057. AND THE VIDEO CABLE BETWEEN THE RECEIVER AND THE INPUT PCB.5V PLPB4 4.5V PLPB4 4. IS THERE APPROX 0.7V .2V .2V .5V .5V .25V DISPLAY FAULT NO ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE RECEIVER ASSEMBLY IS THE FAULT CLEARED? YES NO ARE ANY OF THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE POWER SUPPLY YES CHANGE RECEIVER ASSEMBLY END NO UNPLUG PLPB AND MONITOR THE VOLTAGES ON THE SAME PINS ON PLPB ON THE RECEIVER FILTER PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? NO MONITOR THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES AT PLPA ON THE RECEIVER FILTER PCB.12. YES NO MONITOR THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES AT PLPB ON THE RECEIVER FILTER PCB.31.6V PLPB3 27.6V PLPB3 27.-12.5.5V PEAK-PEAK VIDEO NOISE? CHECK THE VIDEO CABLE BETWEEN THE TRANSCEIVER AND DISPLAY UNIT.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 636 of 1618 .6V PLPB2 11.7V .-12. PLPB1 -11.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 48 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 47 FROM FLOWCHART 47 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ENTRY POINT ‘B’ AT THE RECEIVER UNPLUG PLXV. 5V . OR INPUT BOARD IN TRANSCEIVER. CHECK CABLE FROM TRIGGER PCB TO PLPA.2V . CHECK CABLE FROM PLTH TO TRIGGER PCB.6V PLTH2 27.5. OR PERFORMANCE MONITOR.5V PLTH6 4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 637 of 1618 .-12. CHECK CABLE FROM INPUT PCB TO PERFORMANCE MONITOR.12.25V ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB.6V PLTH4 11.2V . PLTH9 -11.7V . NO UNPLUG PLTG AT POWER SUPPLY PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES CHANGE INPUT PCB NO UNPLUG PLYB AT TRIGGER PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? YES NO UNPLUG PLYA AT TRIGGER PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? CHANGE INPUT PCB.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 49 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 48 OR 55 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ MONITOR THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES AT PLTH ON THE POWER SUPPLY PCB.31. YES RECEIVER FILTER PCB IS FAULTY YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO UNPLUG PLTD AT POWER SUPPLY PCB ARE THE VOLTAGES CORRECT? NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-93 65800010B 440-1057. SELECT THE TRANSCEIVER TEST DATA Tx BIST MENU IS ‘CHARGE TRIGGER’ CORRECT? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES IS ‘MODULATOR TRIGGER CORRECT? NO YES IS ‘MAGNETRON CURRENT ON LP 4A .5A (25Kw)? YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 52’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 50 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘LOW VIDEO ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 47 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ AT THE DISPLAY. GO TO ‘FLOW CHART 51’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY AND REMOVE TRANSCEIVER COVER. CHANGE MODULATOR.7A (10Kw) 6A . RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 638 of 1618 .9. 65800010B 6-94 440-1057. CHANGE TRIGGER PCB. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED. IS VOLTAGE AT PLVD1 16V .22V? NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-95 65800010B 440-1057.PLVD4.-650V? NO UNPLUG PLVB FROM THE POWER SUPPLY YES NO AT THE MODULATOR PCB. AND AT PLVD5 IS VOLTAGE AT PLVD1 16V . MONITOR ON THE CABLE THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVD1 .22V? IS THE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PLVB1 AND PLVB4 ON THE CABLE -540V . MONITOR THE VOLTAGE AT PLVD1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 639 of 1618 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 51 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 50 OR 55 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHANGE MODULATOR PCB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLVB1 ON THE MODULATOR PCB -540V .26V PLVD5 18V .26V PLVD5 18V .-650V? CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB YES CHANGE MODULATOR PCB NO UNPLUG PLVD. AND PLVD5 TO GROUND. SET SCANNER ON/OFF SWITCH TO ‘OFF’.75V? NO CHANGE TRIGGER PCB CHANGE RECEIVER NO 65800010B CHANGE RECEIVER FILTER PCB 6-96 440-1057. ON THE TRIGGER PCB. IS FAULT CLEARED? YES AT THE DISPLAY. SET THE TUNING CONTROL TO MAXIMUM IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB > 4. CHANGE RECEIVER. CHECK CABLE TO RECEIVER FILTER BOARD. CHECK CABLE FROM RECEIVER FILTER BOARD TO RECEIVER. COARSE TUNE ENTER PASSWORD AND SET TUNING CONTROL TO MINIMUM. SET THE TUNING CONTROL TO MAXIMUM IF THE TRANSCEIVER IS ALOFT: AT THE SCANNER. DISCONNECT PLYB YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB > 4.75V? NO YES AT THE DISPLAY.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 52 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 50 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ END YES IF RADAR TUNING PROCEDURE IS PERFORMED. IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB > 4. SELECT AFC TUNING IS RADAR PICTURE STILL OK? NO NO CHANGE RECEIVER OR. CHANGE TRIGGER PCB AT THE DISPLAY. RAISE SCANNER TOP COVER AND ENSURE SAFETY LOCK IS ENGAGED RECONNECT SHIP’S SUPPLY. DISCONNECT CABLE TO PLYA AND MEASURE THE VOLTAGE ON PLYA7.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 640 of 1618 . IS THE VOLTAGE > 4.75V? YES NO ISOLATE TRANSCEIVER FROM SHIP’S SUPPLY. SELECT TX SETTINGS.5V? YES AT THE DISPLAY.75V? GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 53’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES RECONNECT PLYA. CHANGE RECEIVER FILTER BOARD. DISPLAY FAULT NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA7 ON THE TRIGGER PCB < 0. 5V? CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO CHANGE POWER SUPPLY PCB 6-97 65800010B 440-1057. OR CHANGE MAGNETRON YES NO IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA3 ON THE TRIGGER PCB 27.31.5V .31.31.5V .5V? YES IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYH2 ON THE TRIGGER PCB 27. OR CHANGE LIMITER.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 53 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 52 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYA3 ON THE TRIGGER PCB 27.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 641 of 1618 .31.5V? UNPLUG PLYA AT THE TRIGGER PCB YES CHANGE RECEIVER YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB NO NO UNPLUG PLYH AT THE TRIGGER PCB IS THE VOLTAGE AT PLYTH2 ON THE POWER SUPPLY PCB 27.5V .5V .5V? CHANGE RECEIVER. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 642 of 1618 . 65800010B 6-98 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual FLOWCHART 54 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX COMMS ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ CHECK DATA CABLE BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER AND DISPLAY IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHECK CABLE BETWEEN TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB AND TRIGGER PCB IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHANGE TRIGGER PCB IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES CHANGE TRANSCEIVER INPUT PCB IS ‘Tx COMMS ERROR’ DISPLAYED? NO END YES DISPLAY FAULT SUSPECT DISPLAY INPUT PCB. IS THE MAGNETRON CURRENT BETWEEN 6A . GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 49’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SUSPECT POWER SUPPLY.7A (10kW) ON LONG PULSE? NO SUSPECT MAGNETRON. SELECT TEST DATA MENU.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 643 of 1618 . GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 51’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SUSPECT POWER SUPPLY.5A (25kW) 4A .9.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 55 X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS (‘TX BIST ERROR’ SHOWN) FROM FLOWCHART 32 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SELECT SYSTEM MENU.+13. GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 43’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ SUSPECT MODULATOR. SUSPECT POWER SUPPLY. SELECT TX BIST MENU. SUSPECT MODULATOR.640V? NO YES IS THE +30 VOLT LINE BETWEEN +26 . GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 49’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES IS THE MODULATOR VOLTAGE BETW EEN 540V .+36V? NO YES IS THE +12 VOLT LINE BETWEEN +11 .4V? NO YES DOES SPARK GAP PASS? NO GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 43’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ YES GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 56’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ 6-99 65800010B 440-1057. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 644 of 1618 . CHANGE INPUT BOARD. NO CHECK PERFORMANCE MONITOR & BEARING CABLE IN BULKHEAD SYSTEMS. SUSPECT INPUT PCB. SUSPECT TRIGGER PCB. GO TO ‘FLOWCHART 44’ ENTRY POINT ‘A’ DOES DATA PASS? YES IS HEADING MARKER CORRECT? YES END YES DOES CHARGE TRIGGER PASS? NO DOES CHARGE TRIGGER PASS? CHANGE TRIGGER PCB YES NO MODULATOR TRIGGER FAILURE CHANGE TRIGGER PCB DOES MODULATOR TRIGGER PASS? NO CHANGE MODULATOR YES END 65800010B 6-100 440-1057. CHANGE TRIGGER BOARD. SUSPECT INPUT PCB. SUSPECT PULSE BEARING PCB.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing FLOWCHART 56 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-BAND SCANNER FAULTS FROM FLOWCHART 55 ENTRY POINT ‘A’ NO CHECK DATA CABLE FROM DISPLAY. 1.2 Removal and Replacement of Processor Electronics Unit Subassemblies Processor Electronics Unit sub-assemblies may include the following units: xDisplay Power Supply xDisplay/Radar Processor board(s) xIntegral Keyboard (optional) xIntegral Joystick/Trackerball xIntegral Memory Card Unit xOn/Off Switch assembly The Integral Processor Electronics Unit is mounted underneath the display monitor. make sure the integrity of the connections to the units has been checked. All radar user controls. The Kit Processor Electronics Unit is fitted into the pedestal of deck or console-mounted displays. Unplug the cables connected to the front of the PEU. Unbolt the PEU for access. 2.1 Display Units (Including Processor Electronics Units (PEUs) and Control Modules) 3.2 and the steps below for access to these units. the Joystick/Trackerball. 6-101 65800010B 440-1057. are routed through the Display Processor board. 3. except for monitor brilliance. Refer to Figure 6. This is identified by the location of either the operator controls or the fan. 3. the equipment must be isolated from the mains supply.1 and Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 645 of 1618 .1. 2. Remove the pedestal covers. 2. To release the outer PEU moulding: 1. 3. Therefore. Before disassembling the Processor Electronics Unit or Monitor components of the Display Unit. the Memory Card Unit or the Keyboard. Remove the two fixing screws at the front. Isolate the mains supply to the display unit. In console displays: 1. 3. Pull the moulding forward. Make sure that access is available to the front of the PEU. a display processor fault may indicate faults on the Display Processor board.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3 First Line Servicing !WARNING! Before removing any component parts.1 Preliminary Notes 1. Remove the four nuts securing the keyboard into the outer moulding.1 3. Push the switch assembly out of the fixing plate 3. Change the filter and refit the grill. 2. 3. Pull on the strap at the front of the power supply cover and slide the unit out. Remove the switch fixing plate from the inner moulding using a small M3 spanner 2. Disconnect the power cable at the front of the power supply. Removing and Replacing the Integral On/Off Switch assembly 1. ensuring that it is firmly pressed home. Undo the fixing screws securing the inner moulding to the PEU main body. Reconnect the power cable. Disconnect all cables to units in the inner moulding at the processor boards and power supply in the main body of the PEU. Reverse the procedure for replacement. For an integral keyboard or kit version: 1. 2. It is removable once the outer moulding has been released. 2. Disconnect the cable from the keyboard and where it plugs into the inner moulding. Reverse the procedure for replacement. Pull the required assembly out from its moulding aperture by pivoting it on the lower edge of the aperture. 65800010B 6-102 440-1057. Removing and Replacing the Power Supply 1. To release the Inner PEU moulding: 1. Reverse the procedure for replacement. 4. 2. Slide the replacement unit back in. Remove the four screws securing the fan grill. Loosen the locating screws for the appropriate assembly – see Figure 6. Removing and Replacing the Integral Joystick/Trackerball and Memory Card assemblies 1. Removing and Replacing the Integral Keyboard (optional) 1. Pull the moulding away from the body. 3. and then lifting up.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 646 of 1618 . If a memory card assembly is fitted. 4. 3. disconnect the cable linking it to the joystick/ trackerball assembly.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Removing and Replacing the Fan Filter The fan filter is located in the rectangular filter recess at the front of the inner moulding for non-keyboard integral displays. 2. 8 when re-connecting cables. 10.1. to other processor boards. 2. Remove all daughter boards from the processor board. Use the plastic ejection levers at each end of the board to lever the board out. Remove any cables still connected to the board. 3. Make sure the links on the replacement board are set appropriately. 6.7 and Figure 6. Make sure the ejection levers are in their home position when the board is plugged in. 1. but in this case only replace the compass board. Make sure links on the replacement board are set appropriately. Reconnect cables from front PEU moulding. Removing and Replacing the Compass Board The compass board is a daughter board on the Display Processor board or Combined Processor board. if appropriate. 9.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Removing and Replacing the Processor Board(s) In displays with a single Combined Processor board. 3. The display processor has more connectors on its edge than the radar processor.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 647 of 1618 . 1. Remove the nuts securing each module (underneath the control panel top surface). 5. 2. replace this board if either radar processor or display processor faults are suspected. In displays with separate Radar and Display Processor boards. remembering to re-connect the Keyboard. Refer to Figure 6. Unplug connecting cables to the modules before removing them. Re-assembling the Processor Electronics Unit 1. Pull out the board. Use the above procedure for replacing the processor board(s). Secure the moulding. 7. identify the board to be replaced. 4.7 and Figure 6.8 when re-connecting cables. Refer to Figure 6. 8. if appropriate. 6-103 65800010B 440-1057. 3. Make sure that the board is firmly pressed home. with one of the same type. 3. ensuring correct orientation and location. Transfer the daughter boards to the replacement board. 2. Reconnect any cables. Replace the board.3 Removal and Replacement of Kit Control Panel Modules Kit Control Panel modules may include the following modules: xKeyboard module (optional) xJoystick/Trackerball module xMemory Card module xOn/Off Switch module xBrilliance module 1. 2. 8. 3.1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 648 of 1618 .3 to Figure 6. Remove the drive board assembly (this includes the finned heat sink) by unscrewing the hinge arms and board stay from the unit. Make sure that at least 3 minutes has elapsed from switch-off for the CRT anode voltage to safely discharge. Release the two securing screws hidden behind the slotted covers on the underside of the control panel (the control panel will be hinged down). by unscrewing it from the bezel moulding. This will expose the locating screws for the Trackerball/Joystick and Memory Card assemblies at the back of the unit. 5. Lift the cover up and then forward. identify the monitor components contained within the dotted outline in the diagram. 65800010B 6-104 440-1057. 2.6. 3. Unscrew the four screws at the edge of the finned drive board heat sink (used secure it to the chassis) and hinge it away from the chassis. 7. 3. 6. Unplug the interconnecting cables before fully removing the assembly from the aperture. Loosen the locating screws for the appropriate assembly 4.5 Removal of CRT Display Monitor Unit Sub-assemblies Desk Mounted 180 and 250 Display Monitors Remove the monitor outer cover as follows: 1. Proceed as in sub-section 3.3.4 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Removal and Replacement of Operator controls on 340 Display Units For versions with extruded control panel (as shown in Figure 6. Reverse the procedure for replacement. Remove the assembly by pivoting it upwards on the front edge of the moulding aperture. Disconnect the identified interconnected components from the rest of the unit. if fitted. Using the appropriate monitor block diagram for the particular monitor display (Figure 6. Unplug the brilliance control cable at the Brilliance board (mounted on the bezel moulding). For versions with the moulded control panel (as shown in the Preamble at the front of the manual): 1. 4. Unplug all cables connected to the monitor. Unscrew the two screws on the top of the cover. these must be replaced as a group). taking note of the location of the Secondary Viewer cable. 2.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3. Remove the control panel lower cover 2. leaving the drive board until last 10.2 in this chapter): 1.1. 6. if necessary. 9. Remove the Brilliance board.1. 5. 3. b.3 to Figure 6. 6. Continue as for monitor modules below. release its two captive fixing screws. After reconnecting the external monitor cables. Using the appropriate monitor block diagram for the particular monitor display (Figure 6. if fitted. Release the two captive monitor fixing bolts under the monitor (accessible from between the control panel and display monitor). Release the board stay if fitted. this must be transferred to the drive board in the replacement board set. Undo the four CRT bezel fixings. 2. leaving the drive board until last. 250 and 340 Kit Monitor Modules 1. identify the monitor components contained within the dotted outline in the diagram (these must be replaced as a group). 3. and guide the top of the monitor forward into the unit’s service position. 2. 2. Slide the drive board hinges apart. 5.6).BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 340 Deck Mounted Display Monitors To gain access to the display monitor in the 340 deck-mounted display unit refer to Figure 6. taking note of the location of the Secondary Viewer cable. connect the internal brilliance control up (if applicable) 3. Remove the display top handle by undoing its three fixing screws. Release the two latch levers securing the finned drive-board heat sink to the chassis. 6. Unplug all cables connected to the monitor. The drive board (this includes the finned heat sink) can be removed as follows: a. 3.1 of this chapter.1. 5. and then let it swing down carefully. Disconnect the identified interconnected components from the rest of the unit as a group. Detach the earth braid connection to the chassis at the drive board. 4.2. 180. Make sure at least 3 minutes have elapsed since switch-off for the CRT anode voltage to safely discharge.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 649 of 1618 . and hinge it away from the chassis. Use the reverse of the removal procedure. Note: it may be necessary to remove the control panel lower cover to access these fixing screws. 6-105 65800010B 440-1057. Make sure the display unit is securely fixed to the deck. Note – If an RGB output board is fitted to the drive board that is being replaced. Leave the drive board in its hinged down position to facilitate adjustments during the setting up procedure below. c. While supporting the console control panel. 4. To fit the board sets: 1.6 Replacing and Setting-up of CRT Display Monitor Unit Sub-assemblies Replace the boards using the appropriate board set as shown in Section 4. Its ribbon cable plugs into the drive board. 1. Two screws on the drive board heatsink secure it. After checking that the display boards are fully reconnected. Adjust the display brilliance control to maximum. 4. Geometry Using the Monitor Test menu on the screen: 1. adjust the horizontal linearity inductor L1 to match the width of the left hand squares to the other squares. 6. and a white rectangle with a hint of blue. adjust the screen (G2) control on the drive board as follows: 1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 650 of 1618 .Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 4. Refer to ‘Monitor Test Mode’ section in Chapter 5 for the following adjustments: a. Select Test Pattern 2 2. 3. power up the radar display. If necessary. Adjust the pattern size to fill the screen with its white border fully visible. 2. Adjust the brilliance control to a normal level. Adjust the display brilliance. b. Adjust the screen control so that the three voltages measured are in the range 65 to 95V. the green gain can also be adjusted. they will be found on the adjoining dual focus module. Repeat the colour level adjustment procedure until no further adjustments are required. 65800010B 6-106 440-1057. Access the monitor test mode. Identify the location of the focus and screen (Grid 2) controls. and select Test Pattern 1. If necessary. Adjust (if necessary) the geometrical parameters in the left hand column of the menu to produce the closest match to Test Pattern 1 as shown in the manual. 5. Adjust the focus control(s) for the sharpest white grid lines. black level (red) and black level (blue) so that the white rectangle is just visible and a good white. Adjust the present brightness parameter (Monitor Test menu) so that the pattern is just visible. If any problems are encountered regarding insufficient control range on any of the controls. Select Test Pattern 3 (which shows a solid white rectangle). Using a DVM. measure the voltages on TP26. c. 6. 7. 2. Adjust the display brilliance control. 3. d. Carry out the colour level adjustment procedure again. 3. Check that the fan (if fitted) is operating. 27 and 28 on the drive board (on external connectors edge of board) with respect to the chassis. Colour Level Adjustment This must be carried out under the minimum operating ambient light level conditions: 1. and red and blue gain controls to give the brightest picture without any signs of video overload (streaking). 5. If they are not situated on the LOPT. Deck Mounted 340 Flat Panel Monitor 1. Remove the four screws securing the monitor to the chassis. 2. Set the display brilliance to maximum. 2. Desk Mounted 180 and 250 Flat Panel Monitors 1. Switch off and complete the re-assembly of the display monitor. Adjust the preset contrast control to give the brightest picture without video overload. If the picture size was adjusted without the CRT bezel fitted.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 651 of 1618 . Undo the five screws holding the bezel to the cover. 3. Section 4 for full details of setting up. 250 and 340 Flat Panel Monitors 1. Disconnect the connecting cables and power cables. 3. Desk Mounted 340 Flat Panel Monitor 1. 2. 6. The only parameter they may require setting after a change of Flat Panel Monitor is the phase parameter. 3. Reverse the procedure for replacement. 5. 6-107 65800010B 440-1057. Disconnect the connecting cables and power cables. 4.1.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Final check 4. Disconnect the connecting cables at the PEU.7 Removal and Replacement of Flat Panel Monitors There are no user serviceable parts for Flat Panel Monitors. 3. Remove the four screws securing the monitor to the PEU. re-adjust the picture size so that the white border of Test Pattern 1 is fully visible. Disconnect the connecting cables and power cables. Kit 180. Reverse the procedure for replacement. Remove the eight screws securing the monitor to the chassis. 7. the only service replacement is the whole unit. Reverse the procedure for replacement. Reverse the procedure for replacement. two at the sides and three at the top. Final check Refer to Chapter 5. 2. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Processor Electronics Unit – Disassembly 65800010B 6-108 440-1057.1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 652 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Split Cabinet Console – Monitor Access 6-109 65800010B 440-1057.2.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 653 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Block Diagram – 180 Monitor (14” High Resolution) 65800010B 6-110 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 654 of 1618 .3. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 655 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Block Diagram – 250 Monitor (21” Medium Resolution) 6-111 65800010B 440-1057.4.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Block Diagram – 250 Monitor (21” High Resolution) 65800010B 6-112 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 656 of 1618 .5. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Block Diagram – 340 Monitor (29” Medium Resolution) 6-113 65800010B 440-1057.6.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 657 of 1618 . 65800811 or COMBINED PROC 65800839 26w 24w 16w 68w* 10w* 32w 32w 20w 8w 2w* SKDV PLDC PLDX PLDN PLDP PLDL PLDM PLDF PLDS PLDR SKDN SKDP SKFL SKFM SKDS SKDR 26w 24w 20w 8w 2w 32w 32w COMPASS I/F 32 BIT FLASH 16 BIT FLASH DONGLE 32FADnnn 32FABnnn STANDARD 65800831 32SDAnnn SYNCHRO 65800832 or 32FACnnn COMPONENTS NOT AFFECTED BY LOCATION OF MAIN USER CONTROLS (ALL OPTIONS SHOWN) PLSD SKSD SKDC 65800520 SKJB SKJC PLJB PLJC 6w 68w SWITCH MEMORY CARD 65800842 65800816 PCMCIA PLJA MEMORYCARD MODULE 65800602 SWITCH 65800607 SKDF 65800519 65800518 no keyboard 65800536 + keyboard SKKD SKKC SKKB SKKF PLLF PLKD PLKC PLKB PLKF SKLF 65800522 6w 6w 6w 10w PLLF SWITCH SWITCH POINTER I/F TRACKERBALL MA00008185 65800841 65800841 65800817 SKLF 12w 4w 4w (left) (right) 9w JP1(X) JP1(Y) PLKA KEYBOARD JOYSTICK SKKA OR SKKA JS1(X) JS1(Y) 65800825 65800608 KEYBOARD 65800538 MODULE POINTER MODULE JOYSTICK 65800606. TRACKERBALL 65800603 PLKG 9w 65826512 SKLF 9w 65800825 KEYBOARD COMPONENTS REQUIRED WHEN MAIN USER CONTROLS ARE INTEGRAL WITH PROCESSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT (ALL OPTIONS SHOWN) COMPONENTS REQUIRED WHEN MAIN USER CONTROLS ARE SEPARATE FROM PROCESSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT (ALL OPTIONS SHOWN) KEYBOARD 65845600 KEYBOARD KIT 65845A JOYSTICK 65821620. TRACKERBALL 65800603 65845600 SKSD SKDC SKDX 65800540 65800520 65800539 SKJC SKJX PLJC PLJX 68w 10w BUFFER 65800837 100w PLJD SKSD SKDF 65800537 PLKF PLLF PLSD SKJD 65826513 65826503 65826504 SKJE SKSD PLJG SKKG SKKF 65826502 PLKF SKLF 65826501 PLLF PLSD 9w SWITCH 65826656 PLJE SKJG 100w 9w BUFFER 65800845 PLJG 65826514 SKJG 65800520 SKJC SKJB PLJB PLJC 68w 6w MEMORY SWITCH CARD 65800842 65800816 MEMORYCARD I/F PLJA 65821622 SKKF 9w 65826508 SKKD SKKC SKKB SKKF PLKD PLKC PLKB PLKF 6w 6w 6w 10w TRACKERBALL SWITCH SWITCH POINTER I/F MA00008185 65800841 65800841 65800817 4w 4w 12w (left) (right) JP1(X) JP1(Y) PLKA JOYSTICK SKKA OR SKKA JS1(X) JS1(Y) 65800608 65800538 JOYSTICK 65800606.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 658 of 1618 . 65800812/814 or 815 24w 24w 68w 96w 96w PLEL PLEM PLEB PLEH PLEF SKFL SKFM 96w 96w 24w 24w 65800521 16 BIT FLASH 96w 96w 32FACnnn or 32FAAnnn PLDE PLDD PLDB 68w* 96w 96w DISPLAY PROC.DWG Issue D 17/MAR/05 MEMORYCARD 65821619 PROCESSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT AND USER CONTROLS . Interconnection Diagram – Processor Electronics Unit 65800010B 6-114 440-1057.CABLE CONNECTIONS Figure 6.7. TRACKERBALL 65821623 File Ref.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing MONITOR VIDEO MIST I/P MONITOR POWER SKS 15w VIDEO I/P REMOTE POINTER SKR 9w PLN 9w SERIAL COMPASS I/P 1 I/P TRACK LOG I/P TABLE O/P & SERIAL MAINS SERIAL TXRX INTEROR I/F UNIT INPUT O/Ps 1 & 2 I/P 2 SIGNALS SWITCH MIST O/P SKM SKV SKX COAX COAX COAX DC 2w AC 3w LNE LNE BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual TSA 8w TSB 7w TSC 10w TSD 13w TSE 3w TSF 3w SKY 25w TSP 4w 96w SKBA PLBA 96w POSITIONING OF PROCESSOR BOARDS BACKPLANE 65800819 BOARD SLOT TOP BOTTOM SYSTEM TYPE EPA. ATA or ARPA 65800811 65800812/814/815 65800839 EPA(L) 65800515 (AC) or 65800516 (DC) SKCB PLCB 12w 96w SKBC PLCC PSU 96w 65800823 AC or 65800822 DC 6w PLCD SKCD 65800613 FAN RADAR PROC. PROSCHM. TRACKERBALL 65821623 File Ref. TRACKERBALL 65800603 65845600 SKSD SKDC SKDX 65800540 65800520 65800539 SKJC SKJX PLJC PLJX 68w 10w BUFFER 65800837 100w SKSD PLJD SKDF 65800537 PLKF PLLF PLSD SKJD 65826513 65826503 65826504 SKJE SKSD PLJG SKKG SKKF 65826502 PLKF SKLF 65826501 PLLF PLSD 9w SWITCH 65826656 PLJE SKJG 100w 9w BUFFER 65800845 PLJG 65826514 SKJG 65800520 SKJC SKJB PLJB PLJC 68w 6w MEMORY SWITCH CARD 65800842 65800816 MEMORYCARD I/F PLJA 65821622 SKKF 9w 65826508 SKKD SKKC SKKB SKKF PLKD PLKC PLKB PLKF 6w 6w 6w 10w TRACKERBALL SWITCH SWITCH POINTER I/F MA00008185 65800841 65800841 65800817 4w 4w 12w (left) (right) JP1(X) JP1(Y) PLKA JOYSTICK SKKA OR SKKA JS1(X) JS1(Y) 65800608 65800538 JOYSTICK 65800606. 6581814 24w 24w 96w 96w PLEL PLEM PLEH PLEF SKFL SKFM 96w 96w 24w 24w 96w 96w 16 BIT FLASH 32FACnnn PLEB 68w 50w PLEC 65818524 PLEC 50w 68w PLEB 65818523 PLDE PLDD PLDB 96w 96w 68w DISPLAY PROC.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 659 of 1618 . 65818814 24w 24w 96w 96w PLEH PLEF PLEL PLEM SKFL SKFM 96w 96w 24w 24w 96w 96w 16 BIT FLASH 32FACnnn BACKPLANE 65818819 6w PLCD SKCD 65818613 TSZ 8w I/O PANEL 65818818 96w 96w SKBC PLCC PSU 96w 65800823 SERIAL SERIAL SERIAL COMPASS POWER I/P 1 I/P 3 I/P 5 TRACK NOT I/P & RELAY TABLE USED LOG I/P O/PS AC & SERIAL & SERIAL MAINS SERIAL SERIAL NOT INTERO/Ps 3.CABLE CONNECTIONS Figure 6.DWG Issue A 17/MAR/05 MEMORYCARD 65821619 EXTENDED PROCESSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT AND USER CONTROLS . TRACKERBALL 65800603 PLKG 9w 65826512 SKLF 9w 65800825 KEYBOARD COMPONENTS REQUIRED WHEN MAIN USER CONTROLS ARE INTEGRAL WITH PROCESSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT (ALL OPTIONS SHOWN) COMPONENTS REQUIRED WHEN MAIN USER CONTROLS ARE SEPARATE FROM PROCESSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT (ALL OPTIONS SHOWN) KEYBOARD 65845600 KEYBOARD KIT 65845A JOYSTICK 65821620.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual MONITOR VIDEO MIST I/P MONITOR POWER SKS 15w VIDEO I/P REMOTE POINTER SKR 9w PLN 9w MIST 2 I/P MIST 2 O/P VIDEO 2 I/P MIST O/P TXRX 2 SIGNALS SKM SKV SKX SKM2 SKV2 SKX2 COAX COAX COAX COAX COAX COAX TSA 8w 65800515 FAN TSB 7w TSC 10w TSD 13w TSE 3w TSF 3w TSJ 3w TSH 3w TSG 3w TSK 15w TST 8w SKW 15w TSL 13w TSP 4w POSITIONING OF PROCESSOR BOARDS (TOP) BOARD SLOT (BOTTOM) SYSTEM TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 65818ZAS* 65818811 65818814 65818814 65818ZAW* 160w RADAR PROC.8.4 & 5 O/Ps 1 & 2 INPUT I/P 2 I/P 4 USED SWITCH TXRX SIGNALS 160w SKBA PLBA 160w 3w LNE LNE SKCB PLCB 12w Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing RADAR PROC. 65818811 26w 24w 16w 68w 10w 32w 32w 20w 8w PLDC PLDX PLDN PLDP PLDL PLDM PLDF PLDS PLDR SKDN SKDP SKFL SKFM SKDS SKDR 26w 24w 32w 32w 8w 20w COMPASS I/F 32 BIT FLASH 16 BIT FLASH 32FADnnn 32FABnnn STANDARD 65800831 SYNCHRO 65800832 2w SKDV 2w DONGLE 32SDAnnn COMPONENTS NOT AFFECTED BY LOCATION OF MAIN USER CONTROLS (ALL OPTIONS SHOWN) PLSD SKSD SWITCH 65800607 SKDC 65800520 SKJB SKJC PLJB PLJC 6w 68w SWITCH MEMORY CARD 65800842 65800816 PCMCIA PLJA MEMORYCARD MODULE 65800602 SKDF 65800519 65800518 no keyboard 65800536 + keyboard SKKD SKKC SKKB SKKF PLLF SKLF PLKD PLKC PLKB PLKF 65800522 10w 6w 6w 6w PLLF SWITCH SWITCH POINTER I/F TRACKERBALL 65800841 65800841 MA00008185 65800817 SKLF 12w 4w 4w (left) (right) 9w PLKA JP1(X) JP1(Y) KEYBOARD JOYSTICK SKKA OR SKKA JS1(X) JS1(Y) 65800825 65800608 KEYBOARD 65800538 POINTER MODULE MODULE JOYSTICK 65800606. PROSCHME. Interconnection Diagram – Extended Processor Electronics Unit 6-115 65800010B 440-1057. 3. 5. Set the magnetron current as details in 0. Refer to Figure 6. Rotate the antenna until the front face is pointing away from the transceiver. and remove the transceiver cover. Refer to Figure 6. 4. 2. 3. and select long pulse. and follow the procedure for removing and replacing the magnetron. Refer to Figure 6.9. Wait 3 minutes for the magnetron time delay to expire. Reset LK5 and LK6 to position 1-2.2. and switch the radar ON. 3. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the isolating switch provided.2 3. 3. the magnetron current must be set as follows: 1. On the Trigger PCB set links LK5 and LK6 to position 2-3. the magnetron current must be set as follows: 1. 65800010B 6-116 440-1057.14. 5. Reconnect the ship’s mains supply. and remove the transceiver cover from the scanner unit. 4. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the isolating switch provided. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the isolating switch provided. and select long pulse.2 Magnetron Replacement (Bulkhead Transceiver) 1.10. 7.14. and switch the radar ON. Refer to Figure 6.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3. 6. 2. 4. 2. Replace the transceiver cover.2. Magnetron Current (Scanner Unit with Integral Transceiver) When a Magnetron is replaced. Magnetron Current (Bulkhead Transceiver) When a magnetron is replaced. Reconnect the ship’s mains supply. 3. 2. Set the magnetron current as detailed in 0. 5. Wait 3 minutes for the magnetron time delay to expire. At the Scanner Control Unit set the isolating switch to the ‘OFF’ position and lock it.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 660 of 1618 . Replace the transceiver cover. and follow the procedure for removing and replacing the magnetron.1 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-Band Scanner Unit Magnetron Replacement (Scanner Unit – Masthead Transceiver) 1. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the isolating switch provided. 3. 5.2. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the isolating switch provided. Remove the two securing screws and remove the PCB. At the Scanner Control Unit set the isolating switch to the ‘OFF’ position and lock it. Refer to Figure 6. Replace the PCB and secure with the two screws (two dowels of different diameters locate the PCB in the correct orientation). The location of the Pulse Bearing PCB is shown in Figure 6. 3.25.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3.4 Heading Marker Alignment Alignment of the Heading Marker is achieved via the Initialisation menu at the Display Unit. 6-117 65800010B 440-1057.2. Rotate the antenna until the front face is pointing away from the transceiver. 6. and remove the Performance Monitor cover. 4.3 Bearing and Heading Marker PCB – Replacement 1.24. 2.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 661 of 1618 . 7. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Access to Transceiver (Turning Unit with Integral Transceiver) 65800010B 6-118 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.9.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 662 of 1618 . To rem ove filter box cover unscrew two M 6 captive screw s. Figure 6.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing D AN G ER ! LETH AL VO LTAG ES AR E EX PO S ED W HE N C O VER S A R E R E M O VED . Access to Transceiver (Bulkhead Transceiver) 6-119 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 663 of 1618 . To rem ove Transceiver cover unscrew four M 6 captive screw s. E N SU R E TH A T TR AN SC EIV ER IS ISO LA TED FRO M SH IP'S SU PP LY B EFO R E R E M O VIN G C O VE R S.10. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Location of Major Parts 65800010B 6-120 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 664 of 1618 .Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.11. ENSURE TRANSCEIVER IS ISOLATED FROM SHIP'S SUPPLY BEFORE REMOVING TRANSCEIVER Figure 6. Removing Transceiver from Turning Unit 6-121 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 665 of 1618 .12.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing DANGER! LETHAL VOLTAGES ARE EXPOSED WHEN COVERS ARE REMOVED. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual DANGER! LETHAL VOLTAGES ARE EXPOSED WHEN THE COVERS ARE REMOVED. ENSURE TRANSCEIVER IS ISOLATED FROM THE SHIP'S MAINS SUPPLY BEFORE REMOVING COVERS.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 666 of 1618 . Removing Transceiver Assembly 65830630 (Bulkhead Transceiver) 65800010B 6-122 440-1057.13. Figure 6. 14.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. Magnetron Replacement 6-123 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 667 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.15. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Setting Magnetron Current 65800010B 6-124 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 668 of 1618 . 16.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 669 of 1618 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. Replacing Trigger PCB 6-125 65800010B 440-1057. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 670 of 1618 .17. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Link Settings Trigger PCB 65800010B 6-126 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.18. Replacing Modulator PCB 6-127 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 671 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Link Settings – Modulator PCB 65800010B 6-128 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 672 of 1618 .19.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. Replacing Power Supply PCB 6-129 65800010B 440-1057.20.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 673 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 674 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Link Settings – Power Supply PCB 65800010B 6-130 440-1057.21. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing (Sheet 1 of 2) – Replacement of Receiver Assembly 65830616 6-131 65800010B 440-1057.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6.22.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 675 of 1618 . 23.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 676 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual (Sheet 2 of 2) – Replacement of Receiver Assembly 65830616 65800010B 6-132 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Access to Performance Monitor and Bearing and Heading Marker PCB 6-133 65800010B 440-1057.24.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 677 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Replacing Bearing and Heading PCB 65800010B 6-134 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.25.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 678 of 1618 . Replacing Performance Monitor 6-135 65800010B 440-1057.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 679 of 1618 .26. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.27. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Replacement of Fan Assembly 65800010B 6-136 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 680 of 1618 . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Figure 6.28.6-137 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing S-Band Turning Unit Schematic 440-1057. Page 681 of 1618 65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 682 of 1618 .440-1057. 6-139 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.29. 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 S-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Schematic Page 683 of 1618 65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual . 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 684 of 1618 . 4.3. 2. Set Transceiver Unit to Standby.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 685 of 1618 . Switch off the Display unit from the front panel.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). 7. Remove the three screws that hold the Modulator heat sink to the chassis. Slacken the two large bolts that hold the PSU heat sink to the chassis. Disconnect the cables from the following sockets: SKV Video co-axial cable to receiver assembly. Isolate and remove both Ship’s Switch Fuses in DC systems. 8. Refer to sub-section 3. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the Isolating Switch provided for AC systems.32. 3. 5. Refer to Figure 6. 3. PLYB Ribbon cable to Trigger PCB. across the Transceiver axis.30. 3. Raise the upper casting into the upright position and make sure the support stay engages in the locked position. i. 4. On earlier units the sliding locking bolt should be pushed to the bottom of the slot in the stay to prevent inadvertent release of the upper casting.3 Removing and Replacing the Transceiver from Masthead Turning Unit 1. 6-141 65800010B 440-1057. paying attention to all safety aspects.e.3. 3. 6. Switch off the Display Unit from the front panel. Turn the antenna into the service position.3 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Scanner Unit 3. Refer to Figure 6. 5. Isolate the radar from the ship’s mains supply using the Isolating Switch provided for AC systems. 3. Undo the four screws that retain the upper cover to the lower chassis and lift clear. 7. clear of any obstructions. 2. 4. 6. Release the four M6 captive screws that hold the microwave assembly to the waveguide transition (around the base of the Circulator plate).3. Isolate and remove both Ship’s Switch Fuses in DC systems. PLTA Cable from PSU to Input Filter PCB (mains supply). 5. Check that the transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply.1 Access to Masthead Transceiver 1.3. Undo the four captive bolts on the underside of each the upper casting (these secure the upper casting to the base casting). PLTG Cable from PSU to Input PCB. Set Transceiver Unit to Standby. PLTK Cable from PSU to Motor Drive PCB.2 Access to Bulkhead Transceiver 1. Note – The Masthead and Bulkhead Transceiver Units are identical and only minor differences exist in terms of fixtures.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3. 2. Refer to Figure 6. 3. Fully tighten the two screws that hold the PSU chassis plate to the Modulator chassis plate. 65800010B 6-142 440-1057. PLTA Cable from PSU to Input Filter PCB (mains supply). Fully tighten the screw that holds the circular mounting plate to the PSU chassis. paying attention to all safety aspects.2 (Access to Bulkhead Transceiver). 10. Slacken the screw that holds the Circulator mounting plate to the PSU chassis plate. 9. Fully tighten the two large bolts in the slotted holes in the PSU heat sink. 2.37. 8. 3.3. 5. Place the Transceiver approximately onto the upper casting using the two large slotted holes in the PSU heat sink. Before sliding up and removing the Transceiver. Release the four M6 captive screws that hold the microwave assembly to the waveguide transition (around the base of the Circulator plate). PLTK Cable from PSU to Input PCB (motor supply). 4. see Figure 6. 9. Replacement The replacement sequence is as follows: 1. 2. Refer to sub-section 3.3. Fully tighten the three screws in the Modulator heatsink.32 and Figure 6. 6. PLTG Cable from PSU to Input PCB.32. Note – The Masthead and Bulkhead Transceiver Units are identical and only minor differences exist in terms of fixtures. Slacken the two screws that hold the PSU chassis plate to the Modulator chassis plate. 3. 5. 7. make sure that no cables are caught on any of the metalwork to avoid damage.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 686 of 1618 . Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply.4 Removing and Replacing the Transceiver from Bulkhead Transceiver Chassis 1. Fit and only partially tighten the three screws in the Modulator heat sink.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 8. Fully tighten the four M6 microwave assembly-retaining screws. Disconnect the cables from the following sockets: SKV Video co-axial cable to receiver assembly. PLYB Ribbon cable to Trigger PCB. Replace all cables removed earlier. The PSU heat sink has slotted holes: slide upwards (towards the microwave output transition) and remove without fully removing the two bolts. 4. Note – This sequence is important to make sure the microwave alignment takes priority in terms of mechanical tolerances. 3. Fit and partially tighten the three screws in the Modulator heat. 7.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). Make sure the small clip fitted to the chassis engages the lower edge of the Modulator PCB and support plate during the replacement process. 3. 8. Locate the Transceiver approximately onto the chassis using the two large slotted holes in the PSU heatsink. This is purely a slide-in fixture and does not require undoing. Fully tighten the two large bolts in the slotted holes in the PSU heat sink. 2.5 Magnetron Replacement – Masthead and Bulkhead Transceivers 1. Replace all cables removed earlier. 7.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 6. After replacement the magnetron current must be set up as in the following sub-section. The PCB is marked ‘Y’ for yellow and ‘G’ for green. 4. Note – On Bulkhead Transceivers. Slacken the two screws that hold the PSU chassis plate to the Modulator chassis plate. Fully tighten the three screws in the Modulator heat sink. refer to Figure 6. Disconnect the two EHT leads from the Modulator PCB terminal block. Fully tighten the four M6 microwave assembly-retaining. Replacement is the reverse of the removal process. 8. 9. paying attention to all safety aspects. Replacement 1. Before sliding up and removing the Transceiver. Remove the four screws holding the Magnetron to the Circulator plate.3. Make sure the polarity of the EHT leads is correct. 3. Replacement 1. 3. Refer to sub-section 3. 2. Refer to Figure 6. Make sure any earth bonding leads to the Magnetron are refitted. 4.32. 6. 6-143 65800010B 440-1057. Note – This sequence is important to make sure the microwave alignment takes priority in terms of mechanical tolerances. The PSU heat sink has slotted holes: slide upwards (towards the microwave output transition) and remove without fully removing the two bolts. a small clip is fitted to the chassis to retain the lower edge of the Modulator PCB and support plate. Remove the three screws that hold the Modulator heat sink to the chassis. 2. 5.37. 3. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. make sure that no cables are caught on any of the metalwork to avoid damage. 5.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 687 of 1618 . Slacken the two large bolts that hold the PSU heat sink to the chassis. Refer to Figure 6.3. paying attention to all safety aspects.43 for the necessary procedure for setting the link settings on the Modulator PCB. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. 3. 3. Refer to Figure 6.3.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3.11 PSU PCB – Replacement 1.3.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 688 of 1618 .10 Modulator PCB – Link Settings 1. 3. 3.41 for the necessary procedure for setting the link settings on the Trigger PCB.3.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver).39 for the necessary procedure for setting Magnetron current. Refer to sub-section 3. Refer to sub-section 3. 3. Refer to Figure 6. 3.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver).1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). Refer to Figure 6. 65800010B 6-144 440-1057.42 for the necessary procedure for replacing the Modulator PCB. Refer to Figure 6.9 Modulator PCB – Replacement 1. 2. 2.3. paying attention to all safety aspects.44 for the necessary procedure for replacing the PSU PCB.40 for the necessary procedure for replacing the Trigger PCB. paying attention to all safety aspects. Refer to Figure 6.45 for the necessary procedure for setting the link settings on the PSU PCB.3.3.8 Trigger PCB – Link Settings 1. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. Refer to Figure 6. 3.3. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. 3.7 Trigger PCB – Replacement 1.12 PSU PCB – Link Settings 1. Refer to sub-section 3. 3.6 Setting the Magnetron Current 1. 2.3.3. Remove the four screws that hold the LNFE to the Limiter. b.32. and fit it to replacement unit. paying attention to all safety aspects. Before fitting the replacement assembly. paying attention to all safety aspects. Refer to section 3. 10. The PCB is attached to a support casting and should be removed as a combined assembly as follows: a.3. 2. 3.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 689 of 1618 .32 for location of the screws securing the Low Noise Front End (LNFE) to the Limiter. Slacken the two screws retaining the support casting. 5. 6-145 65800010B 440-1057. Alignment of the Heading Marker is achieved via the Initialisation menu at the Display Unit. 11.3.3. Refer to sub-section 3. Unplug the ribbon cable from the Receiver Filter PCB to the Trigger PCB. 4. 4. Refer to Figure 6. 3. Unplug the ribbon cable from the Receiver to the Receiver Filter PCB. 3. 3. check that the link LK1 is set for either Normal Speed (pins 1-2) 28 RPM or High Speed (pins 2-3) 45 RPM.15 Receiver Assembly – Replacement (Masthead) 1. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. Before refitting the assembly.3. 5. Remove the PCB and support casting. Remove the Transceiver Assembly as described at sub-section 3. Note – The replacement Receiver is supplied with the LNFE already fitted. 2. remove the Receiver Filter PCB from the old unit. 7.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3.13 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Bearing and Heading Marker PCB – Replacement 1.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). Note – When refitting the PCB to the support casting there are dowel pegs of different diameters used to locate the PCB in the correct orientation. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. Slide it towards the outside of the upper casting to clear the screws.14 Heading Marker Alignment 1. 6. 9. Remove the whole Receiver assembly.3.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). 8. Unplug the cable from the PLRE. 8. 6.3. For PCB assembly 65801826 see Chapter 9.3. Remove the bracket that secures the Receiver to the microwave assembly at the Receiver end. Refer to Figure 6. Replacement is the reverse of the removal process. 7. paying attention to all safety aspects. the RF absorber is refitted. Make sure the ribbon cable is reconnected to the Performance Monitor. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). paying attention to all safety aspects. 2. 6. 65800010B 6-146 440-1057. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. Disconnect the ribbon cable to the Performance Monitor.16 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Receiver Assembly – Replacement (Bulkhead) 1. Note – The replacement Receiver is supplied with the LNFE already fitted. Before fitting the replacement assembly.3. Unplug the ribbon cable from the Receiver to the Receiver Filter PCB.3.17 Performance Monitor – Replacement 1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 690 of 1618 . Un-screw the bar that retains the RF absorber to the body of the Performance Monitor. 2. 4. 5. the Performance Monitor must be set up as detailed in Chapter 4 under ‘Selecting the Performance Monitor’ Facility.32 for the location of screws securing the Low Noise Front End (LNFE) to the Limiter. 3. 8.32. Unplug the ribbon cable from the Receiver Filter PCB to the Trigger PCB. remove the Receiver Filter PCB from the old unit. Remove the two retaining screws that hold the Performance Monitor to the upper casting (see Figure 6. 9. 5. Refer to sub-section 3. 7. Refer to sub-section 3. Replacement is the reverse of the removal process. 3.32) and withdraw the unit. After replacement. and fit it to replacement unit. Replacement is the reverse of the removal process. Refer to Figure 6. Unplug the video co-axial cable from the Receiver. 3.38. Remove the four screws that hold the LNFE to the Limiter and remove the whole assembly.3. Figure 6.2 (Access to Bulkhead Transceiver).3.37 and Figure 6. 4. Refer to Figure 6. 7. 6. 10. 2. 7.19 Motor and Gearbox Assembly – Replacement 1. Replacement is the reverse of the removal process. 6. Note – These four countersink screws are fitted with screw retaining fluid. Replacement is the reverse of the removal process. 3. 2.33 for the location of the three screws that retain the motor support casting to the upper casting. 4. make sure the speed setting link LK1 is correctly set for the intended operational speed.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 691 of 1618 . 3. If in doubt. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply. 5. When fitting the new motor. Refer to sub-section 3.3.3. xPosition 1 & 2 marked ‘LO’ is for 28 RPM operation. xPosition 2 & 3 marked ‘HI’ is for 45 RPM operation. Refer to sub-section 3. 4. 5.33). Unplug the three cable assemblies from the Motor Drive PCB. 8. 7. paying attention to all safety aspects.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3. Withdraw the motor support casting complete with Motor Drive PCB from the belt drive. Refer to Figure 6. 6. taking care to engage the motor pulley into the drive belt. 3. Slide the PCB out of the retaining clip at the opposite end of the PCB.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). Fit the replacement impeller. For PCB Assembly 65801827 see Chapter 9. Before fitting the replacement PCB. these screws should be refitted using ‘Loctite Screwlock 222’ low breaking strength fluid. 6-147 65800010B 440-1057. paying attention to all safety aspects.18 Motor Drive Board – Replacement 1. Remove the screws. compare the setting with the old PCB. 9. Remove the impeller from the old motor 8. Make sure all three cable-assemblies are reconnected to the PCB. Remove the four screws that retain the motor and gearbox assembly to the support casting. Remove the three screws (refer to Figure 6. 10. (Access to Masthead Transceiver). Fit the replacement drive belt. 6. 4. 11.19. 8. Care should be exercised when removing the casing to avoid damage to the assembly or to the brass microwave probe at the centre of the hub. 10. Remove the Transceiver as detailed at sub-section 3.20 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Drive Belt – Replacement 1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 692 of 1618 . 3.3. 5. paying attention to all safety aspects. Care should be exercised to avoid damage to the brass microwave probe at the centre of the hub during re-insertion into the transition.31) that retain the waveguide transition support casting to the rotating joint.33.3. Remove the motor support casting and motor assembly as detailed in sub section 3. Refer toFigure 6. Note – Since the waveguide transition support casting has two sleeve inserts to aid accuracy in alignment.1 (Access to Masthead Transceiver). Make sure the motor pulley is correctly engaged into the belt. Refer to sub-section 3. 9. 65800010B 6-148 440-1057.3. Re-assembly is the reverse of the removal process.3.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 3. 7. some resistance may be felt when removing it. Remove the three bolts (as shown in Figure 6. 2. Check that the Transceiver is fully isolated from the ship’s supply.3. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.30. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – Internal view showing Transceiver 6-149 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 693 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.31. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – View showing Main Assemblies 65800010B 6-150 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 694 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.32. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – Fitment of Main Assemblies 6-151 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 695 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.33. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – View inside upper casting with Transceiver removed 65800010B 6-152 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 696 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.34. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Masthead Turning Unit – Side view showing Motor Drive Board retaining screws 6-153 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 697 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.35. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Bulkhead Turning Unit – View showing Main Assemblies 65800010B 6-154 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 698 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.36. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Bulkhead Turning Unit – View showing assemblies fitted to lower casting 6-155 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 699 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.37. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Bulkhead Transceiver – View with Cover Removed (earlier version) 65800010B 6-156 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 700 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual POWER SUPPLY PCB 2 SLOTTED HOLES (TRANSCEIVER REMOVAL) MAINS FUSE MAINS INPUT FILTER COVER 4 CAPTIVE SCREWS MICROWAVE ASSEMBLY (TRANSCEIVER REMOVAL) MAGNETRON THREE SCREWS (SLACKEN DURING TRANSCEIVER REPLACEMENT) TRIGGER PCB MODULATOR PCB RECEIVER INPUT PCB COVER (REMOVE 6 SCREWS FOR ACCESS) MODULATOR PCB LOCATOR THREE SCREWS (TRANSCEIVER REPLACEMENT) WAVEGUIDE OUTLET Figure 6.38. Bulkhead Transceiver – View with Cover Removed 6-157 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 701 of 1618 39. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Setting Magnetron Current 65800010B 6-158 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 702 of 1618 . 40.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Replacing Trigger PCB 6-159 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 703 of 1618 . Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.41.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 704 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Link Settings – Trigger PCB 65800010B 6-160 440-1057. 42. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Replacing Modulator PCB 6-161 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 705 of 1618 .Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.43.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 706 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Link Settings – Modulator PCB 65800010B 6-162 440-1057. 44.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 707 of 1618 . BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Replacing PSU PCB 6-163 65800010B 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Link Settings – PSU PCB 65800010B 6-164 440-1057.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Figure 6.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 708 of 1618 .45. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 X-Band Turning Unit (Aloft) Schematic Page 709 of 1618 6-165 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing . 440-1057.65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6.46. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 710 of 1618 .440-1057. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Figure 6.65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X-Band Transceiver Schematic 440-1057.47. Page 711 of 1618 6-167 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 712 of 1618 .440-1057. 440-1057.65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 6.48.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 X-Band Turning Unit (Bulkhead) Schematic Page 713 of 1618 6-169 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing . 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 714 of 1618 . 6 Part Number 65846800 65846801 Interface Unit 65847A First Line Servicing for this unit is limited to field replacement of the following item. Assembly PCB ASSEMBLY BYPASS PCB ASSEMBLY 3. Assembly PCB ASSEMBLY Part Number 65847851 65800010B 6-171 440-1057.5 Part Number 65842800 6-Way Interswitch 65846A First Line Servicing for this unit is limited to field replacement of the following item. Assembly PCB ASSEMBLY 3.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3.4 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 2-Way Interswitch 65842A Refer to next section for actual spares order code. First Line Servicing for this unit is limited to field replacement of the following item.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 715 of 1618 . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 716 of 1618 .0”) 250 KIT (AC-20. 250 High Res.1”) 250 KIT (AC-19.1”) 250 KIT (AC-19.0”) 250 KIT (AC-20.Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 4 Limited Spares List for Field Replacement 4. 4.1”) 340 DESKTOP 340 KIT 340 DECKSTAND 4.2 FPD Monitors FPD Assembly Type 180 DESKTOP 180 KIT (AC) 180 KIT (DC) 250 DESKTOP 250 KIT (AC-18.1 CRT Monitors Assembly Type CRT Degauss Coil CRT Board Set* consisting of:Drive PCB Base PCB Controller PCB Brilliance PCB Fan Video O/P (Optional) Part Numbers 180 250 Med Res.3 2-Way Interswitch 65842A Assembly PCB ASSEMBLY 4.5 Part Number T65846800 T65846801 Interface Unit 65847A Assembly PCB ASSEMBLY Part Number T65847851 6-172 65800010B 440-1057.4 Part Number 65815C 65815A 65815D 65817C 65817A 65817G 65819A 65817D 65817H 65819D 91003790 91003791 91003799 Part Number T65842800 6-Way Interswitch 65846A Assembly PCB ASSEMBLY BYPASS PCB ASSEMBLY 4.1”) 250 KIT (DC-18. 340 3025845 MA00010231 MA00011866 N/A 91003688 91003689 91003689 91003608 T65826611 T65821611 T65820611 T65814611 consisting of:consisting of:consisting of:consisting of:65826882 65821882 65820882 65814882 65826883 65821883 65820883 65814883 65800881 65800881 65800881 65800881 T65800885 (desk mounting displays ONLY) 65826612 T65800884 *Note that all three CRT PCBs must be ordered and changed as a complete matched set. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 4.6 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Spares for Transceivers and Turning Units The tables below list the spares for standard transceivers and turning units. For units fitted with additional features options see Chapter 9. In the tables below replace “xx” with 10 or 25 as appropriate. (e.g 658xxA becomes 65825A or 65810A), and ”yy” with suffix as explained in Chapter 2 (e.g 65825WAR is a 25KW Turning Unit without biased limiter, with performance monitor , and AC mains input) 4.6.1 S-Band Turning Units (Masthead and Bulkhead) Assembly TRIGGER PCB ASSEMBLY INPUT PCB ASSEMBLY (MASTHEAD TRANSCEIVER) INPUT PCB ASSEMBLY (BULKHEAD TRANSCEIVER) POWER SUPPLY PCB ASSEMBLY BEARING AND HEADING MARKER PCB ASSEMBLY RECEIVER FILTER PCB ASSEMBLY RECEIVER ASSEMBLY MODULATOR PCB ASSEMBLY LIMITER ASSEMBLY MAGNETRON CIRCULATOR PERFORMANCE MONITOR MOTOR 110/120V AND 220/240V Normal Speed MOTOR 110/120V AND 220/240V High Speed MOTOR 220/240V AND 380/440 3PH Normal Speed MOTOR 110/220V 3PH Normal Speed MOTOR 220/240V AND 380/440V 3PH High Speed MOTOR 110/220V 3PH High Speed MAINS FILTER PCB ASSEMBLY FUSE FAN – AXIAL 80x80x25 24VDC (MASTHEAD Tx/Rx) THERMAL SWITCH (FOR FAN – MASTHEAD Tx/Rx) Part Number T65801801 T65801804 or T65801813* T65801814 T65801809 T65801805 T65801818 T65830616 T65830812 T91005224 T91005225 T91005223 T91003746 T91003757 T91003759 T91003751 T91003752 T91003753 T91003754 T91005228 MA00007245 T65830656 MA00007765 * 65801804 can be replaced with T65801813 65801813 must be replaced with T65801813 65800010B 6-173 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 717 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 4.6.2 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Standard X-Band Turning Units and Transceivers 65825A, 65825G, 65825H, 65825P, 65825W, 65825Lyy, 65825Myy, 65825Pyy, 65825Wyy, 65810A, 65810G, 65810H, 65810P, 65810W, 65810Myy, 65810Pyy, 65810Wyy Assembly TRIGGER PCB ASSEMBLY (STANDARD) TRIGGER PCB ASSEMBLY (FOR UNITS PART No. 658xxP, 658xxG, 658xxPyy) INPUT PCB ASSEMBLY (TURNING UNIT) INPUT PCB ASSEMBLY (TURNING UNIT) (FOR TURNING UNIT PART No.65825Lyy) INPUT PCB ASSEMBLY (FOR BULKEAD TRANSCEIVERS PART No. 658xxH, 658xxG) INPUT PCB ASSEMBLY (FOR BULKHEAD TRANSCEIVERS PART No. 658xxA, 658xxP, 658xxW) POWER SUPPLY PCB ASSEMBLY AC MAINS INPUT POWER SUPPLY PCB ASSEMBLY DC MAINS INPUT BEARING AND HEADING MARKER PCB ASSEMBLY RECEIVER FILTER PCB ASSEMBLY RECEIVER ASSEMBLY MODULATOR PCB ASSEMBLY LIMITER ASSEMBLY (10kW) (NITS FOR UNITS PNo 65810A, 65810P, 65810G, 65810Myy, 65810Pyy, 65810SDy, LIMITER (10KW) (FOR UNITS PNo. 65810W, 65810H, 65810Wyy LIMITER ASSEMBLY (25KW) FOR UNITS PNo. 65825A, 65825G, 65825Lyy, 65825Myy, 65825Pyy, LIMITER 25KW FOR UNITS PNo. 65825H, 65825W, 65825Wyy MAGNETRON (10kW) MODULATOR PCB ASSEMBLY (25kW) (STANDARD) MODULATOR PCB ASSEMBLY (25Kw HIGH PRF) FOR UNITS PNo. 65825P, 65825Pyy. MAGNETRON (25kW) CIRCULATOR PERFORMANCE MONITOR MOTOR DRIVE & DYNAMIC BRAKE PCB ASSEMBLY MOTOR & GEARBOX ASSEMBLY IMPELLER MAINS FILTER PCB ASSEMBLY FUSE BELT DRIVE (40W) FAN – AXIAL 80x80x25 24VDC (BULKHEAD Tx/Rx) THERMAL SWITCH (FOR FAN – BULKHEAD Tx/Rx) CABLE ASSY – SCANNER ON/OFF (INC SWITCH) 6-174 Part Number T65801801 T65801822 T65801813 T65801819 T65801814 T65801820 T65825816 T65810816 T65801805 T65801818 T65801616 T65810812 T91005221 T91003241 T91005226 T91005210 T91003582 T65825812 T65825813 T91003496 T91005227 T91005220 T65801811 T91003765 65801136 T65825601 MA00007245 MA00008979 T65830656 MA00007765 T65801506 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 718 of 1618 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 4.7 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing Processor Electronics Unit Assembly DISPLAY PROCESSOR PCB RADAR PROCESSOR PCB (ATA/ARPA + VISION) RADAR PROCESSOR PCB (ATA/ARPA) RADAR PROCESSOR PCB (EPA) COMBINED PROCESSOR PCB (EPA(L)) STANDARD COMPASS PCB SPECIAL COMPASS PCB AC INPUT/OUTPUT PANEL PCB DC INPUT/OUTPUT PANEL PCB BACKPLANE PCB AC POWER SUPPLY PCB DC POWER SUPPLY PCB JOYSTICK ASSEMBLY TRACKERBALL ASSEMBLY MEMORY CARD ASSEMBLY MEMORY CARD BUFFER PCB (for KIT versions) KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY ON/OFF SWITCH ASSEMBLY FAN ASSEMBLY AIR FILTER (STANDARD) AIR FILTER (INTEGRAL KEYBOARD OPTION) 4.8 Part Number T65800811 T65800812 T65800814 T65800815 T65800839 T65800831 T65800832 T65800818 T65800821 T65800819 T65800823 T65800822 T65800606 T65800603 T65800602 T65800837 T65845600 T65800607 T65800613 65800111 65800214 Extended Processor Electronics Unit Assembly DISPLAY PROCESSOR PCB RADAR PROCESSOR PCB (ATA/ARPA) STANDARD COMPASS PCB SPECIAL COMPASS PCB AC INPUT/OUTPUT PANEL PCB BACKPLANE PCB AC POWER SUPPLY PCB JOYSTICK ASSEMBLY TRACKERBALL ASSEMBLY MEMORY CARD ASSEMBLY MEMORY CARD BUFFER PCB (for KIT versions) KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY ON/OFF SWITCH ASSEMBLY FAN ASSEMBLY AIR FILTER (STANDARD) AIR FILTER (INTEGRAL KEYBOARD OPTION) 65800010B Part Number T65818811 T65818814 T65800831 T65800832 T65818818 T65818819 T65800823 T65800606 T65800603 T65800602 T65800837 T65845600 T65800607 T65818613 65800111 65800214 6-175 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 719 of 1618 Chapter 6 Fault Reporting and First Line Servicing 4.9 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Kit Control Panel Modules Module JOYSTICK TRACKERBALL MEMORY CARD KEYBOARD ON/OFF SWITCH BRILLIANCE Width (mm) 154 170 154 170 154 170 312 73 163 73 Part Number T65826658 or T65800606 T65821620 or T65800606 T65826654 or T65800603 T65821623 or T65800603 T65826655 T65821619 T65845600 T65826656 T65826657 T65821621 Note – To replace the joystick or trackerball, it is possible to just replace the internal assembly. 4.10 Deck Mounting 340 Display Control Panel Note – For units fitted with extruded panel (as shown at Figure 6.2 in this chapter), refer to Section 4.9. Assembly JOYSTICK ASSEMBLY TRACKERBALL ASSEMBLY MEMORYCARD ASSEMBLY MEMORY CARD BUFFER PCB KEYBOARD ASSEMBLY ON/OFF SWITCH ASSEMBLY BRILLIANCE PCB 6-176 Part Number T65800606 T65800603 T65800602 T65800845 T65845600 T65827617 T65800885 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 720 of 1618 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 7 Routine Maintenance CHAPTER 7 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Contents 1 Introduction .........................................................................................................3 2 Maintenance Plan................................................................................................4 65800010B 7-1 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 721 of 1618 Chapter 7 Routine Maintenance BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual This page has been left blank intentionally 7-2 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 722 of 1618 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 7 Routine Maintenance 1 Introduction The BridgeMaster E Radar System is designed to function reliably for many years. To make sure of the best possible performance, you must complete specific maintenance tasks at regular intervals. This chapter has details of the recommended maintenance plan. 65800010B 7-3 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 723 of 1618 bolts and washers must be replaced if they are heavily corroded. Use a soft cloth to clean the screen. Action Notes 6 Monthly Check the window of the Antenna for excessive dirt. Refer to Figure 6. it is essential that the circulating air within the unit is maintained. This is to make sure any high voltage capacitors have discharged. If available. refer to Service Engineer. check that the CRT Monitor fan is working (with unit switched on) 3 Monthly Interval Plug rechargeable memory cards into a powered-up display for at least one hour. Solvents must not be used as a cleaning agent. 6 Monthly Check all external nuts. If leaks are detected. no components or assemblies should be touched for at least five minutes. Note – If damage to any of the items being checked during routine maintenance is observed. 7-4 65800010B 440-1057. bolts and washers on the Scanner Unit. and suitable anti-corrosion compound applied. To ensure good reliability. Rechargeable memory cards have no removable batteries. Use hot soapy water to clean the antenna window.Chapter 7 Routine Maintenance BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2 Maintenance Plan !WARNING! Lethal voltage hazard Before the following maintenance tasks are started (except the fan operation check). Interval Action Notes 3 Monthly Check the screen of the Display for dirt. If practicable. 6 Monthly In the S-band Scanner unit check for oil leaks in the gearbox.1 (Chapter 6) to remove any dust build up on the air intake filters at the front of the unit.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 724 of 1618 . In the X-band Scanner unit check for condition of the drive belt. (Memory card battery replacement kit Part No 65600712) Notes Change battery while card is plugged into a powered-up display. the equipment must be isolated from the mains supply. If necessary. 3 Monthly Check that the Processor Electronics Unit fan is working (with unit switched ON). for corrosion and for correct tightness. Never use solvents. use an anti-static spray. The nuts. Excessive dirt or carbon deposits from the ship’s funnels may cause reduced radar performance. call for a service repair. wash or replace the filter. In addition to this. Interval 2 Yearly Action Replace the primary battery on nonrechargeable memory cards. 3 65800010B 8-1 440-1057.............341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 725 of 1618 .........................................................................BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 8 Modifications CHAPTER 8 MODIFICATIONS Contents 1 Introduction ..................... 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 726 of 1618 .Chapter 8 Modifications BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual This page has been left blank intentionally 8-2 65800010B 440-1057. BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 8 Modifications 1 Introduction This chapter will be used for recording system and equipment modifications (including the issue of Modification Leaflets). 65800010B 8-3 440-1057. and for conveying information released after publication.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 727 of 1618 . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 728 of 1618 .Chapter 8 Modifications BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual This page has been left blank intentionally 8-4 65800010B 440-1057. 6 Radar Silence Input ..............................4 2.......................................................................9 Antenna Speed Selection Input (later X-Band units only) .......................19 3...............3 Pulse Bearing Output.............21 3.........................................................................................3 X-Band Turning Unit (for use with Bulkhead Transceiver) ...............................8 3.......1 General .............3 Input PCB Assembly 65801821 ..................... 65825F...23 4.............5 Motor Drive Board 65801827..........................................7 S-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Units 65831B....4 S-Band Turning Unit (for use with Bulkhead Transceiver) ..3...........................5 2................................................13 3...........................................................................3..............................23 4........4 Synchro and Resolver Bearing Output .. 65825T ..........3..................................2 Interconnections...............5 Pre-trigger Output .2 Input PCB Assembly 65801819 ......4 Pulse Bearing PCB Assembly 65801826 .............................................24 4....................................................................6 2..........3..... ......7 External Trigger Input ..........................................6 X-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Units Type 65810B.......................................................1 X-Band Turning Unit (Masthead Transceiver)....................1 General ...........................................2 S-Band Turning Unit (Masthead Transceiver).....25 65800010B 9-1 440-1057........... 65810L............................................ 65810T............23 4......................................................24 4...............................................................................................1 Input PCB Assembly 65801815 .............3............3 Configuring Printed Circuit Boards........................................................................24 Circuit Diagrams...................................4 3 4 5 2.8 3........................... 65825B.......................................................................................2 Isolated Ship’s Heading Marker Output .......8 3..................................................341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 729 of 1618 ...................3 2 Technical Specification ..........13 3.......................................................5 X-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Units Type 65810F.........................................................................15 3...................23 4..................23 4...........................................................................................22 Spares List for Field Replacement Modules................................................................................................................................... 65825L.......6 2...... (later X-Band units only).........4 2.7 Installation and Interconnections ..............8 Forced Antenna Rotation in Standby Input........................................7 2................................4 2......................................5 2..........................................BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features CHAPTER 9 ADDITIONAL FEATURES Contents 1 Introduction ................................... .........9.............................................. Figure 9.. 29 Circuit Diagram Input PCB 65801821 ... 19 Pulse Bearing PCB Assembly 65801826 ............. Figure 9..........................1.............................Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual List of Figures Figure 9.........................10.2... Figure 9............... 27 Circuit Diagram Input PCB 65801815 ..........................341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 730 of 1618 .....8............................. 31 9-2 65800010B 440-1057......................... Figure 9.................................7.....................................5........ Figure 9. Figure 9....4........ Figure 9............. X-Band Turning Unit Cable Entry Installation Drawing ... Figure 9...............3....... 12 Input PCB Assembly 65801815.......................6.... 21 Motor Drive PCB Assembly 65801827 ................................. 13 Input PCB Assembly 65801819... 15 Input PCB Assembly 65801821........ Figure 9....... 22 Circuit Diagram Input PCB 65801819 ... 11 S-Band Turning Unit Cable Entry Installation Drawing ................ The additional features are as follows:Isolated Ship’s Heading Marker output. and uncommitted relay contacts 4096 Pulse Bearing Data output. RS423 voltage levels.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 731 of 1618 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features 1 Introduction This chapter contains the additional information required to cover the installation and operation of radar systems equipped with the Additional Features option. (not available on early units that have high PRF option fitted) Optional synchro or resolver bearing output. RS422. Note – Some options are mutually exclusive. and on later units closing contact input. 65800010B 9-3 440-1057. RS422. Antenna Rotation in Standby Input (X-Band only) On later X-Band units remote selection of high and normal rotation rates for antenna. and open drain FET output External Triggering input Pre-trigger output Radar Silence input i. Selectable for RS422.( transmission inhibit control .e. Except where indicated. the following specification applies equally to X-Band and S-Band Transceivers.5:1 9-4 65800010B 440-1057.2 Isolated Ship’s Heading Marker Output Output 1 Parameter Output Type Voltage Rating Current Rating Closure Duration Adjustment Range Adjustment Increment Reference Sense Value Uncommited contact ( solid state relay) 24V dc maximum 0.0V min Isource -20mA 0.088° Leading edge Selectable to be rising or falling edge Pulse Bearing Output Output 1 Parameter Output Type Pulses per Revolution Voltage Rating Current Rating Mark Space Ratio Value Open drain FET (referenced to 0V) 4096 25V dc maximum 100mA maximum <1.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 732 of 1618 .0V min Isource -20mA 0.5V max Isink 20mA <1. and Turning Units.5V max Isink 20mA 20° approx ±10° approx wrt true heading 0.5:1 Output 2 Parameter Output Type Pulses per Revolution Output Drive Vout high Vout low Mark Space Ratio Value RS422 (differential) 4096 To drive 120ohm twisted pair 2.3 Value RS422 (differential) To drive 120ohm twisted pair 2.7A maximum 20° approx ±10° approx wrt true heading 0. for all other parameters see Chapter 1. 2.088° Leading edge Selectable to be rising or falling edge Output 2 Parameter Output Type Output Drive Vout high Vout low Closure Duration Adjustment Range Adjustment Increment Reference Sense 2.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2 Technical Specification 2.1 General This section only gives details of the technical specification for the additional features. 0 μs nominal Positive <100ns -11μs typical 75 ohms 65800010B 9-5 440-1057. Control transmitter (CX) or control differential transmitter (CDX) synchro options are available.90%) Time wrt Magnetron Output Drive Capability Value 8V min 15V max 1. The reference supply is assumed to be from an external source. any alignment must be made externally.4 Synchro and Resolver Bearing Output Chapter 9 Additional Features The turning unit may be fitted with one size 11 synchro or resolver.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2.5 Value Data transmission 1:1 26V rms line to line 11.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 733 of 1618 . Standard synchros available are: 11CX4c Parameter Type Ratio Reference Voltage Output Voltage Frequency Value Control transmitter 1:1 115V rms 90V rms line to line 400Hz 11CDX4b Parameter Type Ratio Input Voltage Output Voltage Frequency Value Differential control transmitter 1:1 78V rms line to line 90V rms line to line 400Hz Standard resolver available is: 11M6P1 Parameter Type Ratio Input Voltage Output Voltage Frequency 2. This is not aligned.8V rms line to line 400Hz Pre-trigger Output Parameter Amplitude Duration Polarity Rise Time (10% . 90%) Delay to Magnetron Output Input PRF Input Impedance Average Input Power* Value 4.4W max Trigger pulse amplitude.<-10mA for Vin -7V other input at 0V Selectable External Trigger Input Parameter Amplitude Duration Polarity Rise Time (10% .Chapter 9 Additional Features 2. 5.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 734 of 1618 . duration and PRF must be considered in limiting the input power.0V max 0.7 Value RS423 bipolar Within 1 PRI +/-2V +/-7V max .5kHz max 200Hz min (Output PRF limited within the TxRx) 75 ohms 0.0V min 40.2μs min 40μs max Positive <50ns 11μs approx. The presence of a signal at the external trigger input will automatically select external trigger operation.6 BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Radar Silence Input RS422 Parameter InputType Response Time Input Impedance Value RS422 (differential) Within 1 PRI 120 ohms Closing Contact (later units only) Parameter Input Type Voltage on Open Conatct Sink Current Through Closed Contact Response Time Sense Value Uncommitted closing contact 6V max 4mA max Within 1 PRI Selectable RS423 Parameter Input Type Response Time Minimum Differential Input Voltage Input Voltage Input Current Sense 2. 9-6 65800010B 440-1057. they are mutually exclusive.8 Chapter 9 Additional Features Forced Antenna Rotation in Standby Input. For 10KW dc systems high speed operation should only be used where a 1. Parameter Input Type Voltage Applied to Open Conatct Sink Current Through Closed Contact* Sense Value Uncommitted closing contact 5.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 2. (later X-Band units only) An isolated closing contact can be connected to X-band turning unit to force the antenna to rotate when in the standby mode. 2.9 Antenna Speed Selection Input (later X-Band units only) An isolated closing contact can be connected to the X-band turning unit to enable remote selection between normal and high speed antenna rotation.8m (6ft) and 2.5V DC <500uA 65800010B 9-7 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 735 of 1618 . In the absence of the closing contacts links allow the rotation speed to be preset to normal or high speed. Notes: This function cannot be used in conjunction with the Forced Antenna Rotation in Standby feature. Rotation is forced when the contact is closed. This feature is not available on early units fitted with the high PRF option.2m (4ft) antenna is fitted to the turning unit. 45 rpm nom Uncommitted closing contact Closed contacts select 28rpmOpen contacts select 45rpm < 5. i.e. Note – This function cannot be used in conjunction with the remote speed change option.5V max 1mA max Rotation enabled when contact is closed *The switch or contacts should be specified for switching low currents. Parameter Antenna Speed Normal Antenna Speed High Control Signal Type Signal Sense Voltage Applied to Open Contact Sink Current Through Closed Contact Value 28 rpm nom. they are mutually exclusive. i.4m (8ft) antennas the antenna rotation speed must be preset to the Normal setting. For 1.e. 6C To: Unit Connector No: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Connector: Colour Pin No. EXT-TRIGGER I/P 1 PIN 2 SCREEN OUTER Cable Type: PT1YM (75ohm coax) From: Unit Connector: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Colour Pin No. No.1 and Figure 9.2. For details see Figure 9. Remarks INNER BRAID INNER BRAID PIN OUTER PIN OUTER Masthead transceiver only Masthead transceiver only R B G Y W BK BRAID 9-8 65800010B 440-1057. Remarks Cable No: EMC CAT — From: Turning Unit Unit Connector No: TSD Cable Connector Type: 159749 BL3.2 . No.2 Interconnections Only the extra connections required for the additional features are listed in this section. Belling Lee Line Function Pin No. 1 SYNCHRO S1 1 2 SYNCHRO S2 2 3 SYNCHRO S3 3 4 SYNCHRO R1 ( Ref) 4 5 SYNCHRO R2 (Ref Ret) 5 6 SYNCHRO R3 6 7 SCREEN ETAG Cable Type: 16 . for all other connections see Chapter 2.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 736 of 1618 . PRE-TRIGGER O/P 1 PIN 2 SCREEN OUTER Cable Type: PT1YM (75ohm coax) To: Unit Connector: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Colour Pin No.1 General To make use of the additional features requires the fitting of extra cables to the turning unit or transceiver. To facilitate the fitting of the extra cables the turning units are supplied with additional cable glands fitted. Belling Lee Line Function Pin No.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3 Installation and Interconnections 3. 3. No. Remarks Cable No: EMC CAT — To: Turning Unit Unit Connector No: SKJ Cable Connector Type: L734PNI Manufacturer. X and S Band Turning Unit Connections Cable No: EMC CAT — From Turning Unit Unit Connector No: SKH Cable Connector Type: L734PNI Manufacturer.5/15 Manufacturer: Weidmuller Line Function Pin No. 5/15 Manufacturer: Weidmuller Line Function Pin No.5/15 Manufacturer: Weidmuller Line Function Pin No. 1 ISOLATED HMKR 7 2 ISOLATED HMKR RET 8 3 PULSE BEARING 4096 9 4 RADAR SILENCE 10 5 RADAR SILENCE RET 11 6 HEADING MKR+ 12 (RS422) 7 HEADING MKR13 (RS422) 8 PULSE BEARING+ 14 (RS422) 9 PULSE BEARING15 (RS422) Unit Connector No: TSK Cable Connector Type: 171634 BL5. Pin No. 1 RESOLVER S1 1 2 RESOLVER S2 2 3 RESOLVER S3 3 4 RESOLVER R1 4 5 RESOLVER S4 5 6 RESOLVER R3 6 7 SCREEN ETAG Cable Type: 16 . No. 65800010B 9-9 440-1057. No. 10 SPEED SELECT/ 1 MOTOR START 11 SPEED SELECT RET/ 2 MOTOR START RET 12 SCREEN E/TAG Cable Type:* To: Unit Connector No: Cable Connector Type: Manufacture: Colour.6C To: Unit Connector No: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Connector: Colour Pin No. Remarks Cable No: EMC CAT — From: Turning Unit Unit Connector No: TSD Cable Connector Type: 159749 BL3.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features Cable No: EMC CAT — From: Turning Unit Unit Connector No: TSD Cable Connector Type: 159749 BL3.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 737 of 1618 .08/4 Manufacturer: Weidmuller Line Function Pin No. Remarks R B G Y W BK BRAID Masthead transceiver only Twisted Pair Twisted Pair Unit Connector No: Cable Connector Type: Manufacture: Colour. Any alternative cable should have similar dimensions to 6224C. Pin No. No. Remarks X-Band only Function depends on link settings Braid *Cable gland is designed to fit 8-core cable type 6224C (MA00007419).2 . Belling Lee Line Function Pin No. Remarks Cable No: EMC CAT — To: Transceiver Unit Unit Connector No: SKJ Cable Connector Type: L734PNI Manufacturer.2 . No.08/5 Manufacturer: Weidmuller Line Function Pin No. No. Belling Lee Line Function Pin No.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual X and S Band Transceiver Connections Cable No: EMC CAT — From Transceiver Unit Unit Connector No: SKH Cable Connector Type: L734PNI Manufacturer.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 738 of 1618 . No. 1 RADAR SILENCE 1 2 RADAR SILENCE RET 2 3 SCREEN ETAG Cable Type: 16 .2C or 6224C From: Unit Connector No: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Connector: Colour Pin No. Remarks Cable No: EMC CAT — To: Transceiver Unit Unit Connector No: TSD Cable Connector Type: 171635 BL5. Remarks INNER BRAID INNER BRAID PIN OUTER PIN OUTER If RS422 use twisted pair BRAID 9-10 65800010B 440-1057. PRE-TRIGGER O/P 1 PIN 2 SCREEN OUTER Cable Type: PT1YM (75ohm coax) To: Unit Connector: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Colour Pin No. EXT-TRIGGER I/P 1 PIN 2 SCREEN OUTER Cable Type: PT1YM (75ohm coax) From: Unit Connector: Cable Connector Type: Manufacturer: Colour Pin No. LJE DATE 03/02/00 A3/ 65801050/4-1 B REV DATE APP LJE BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features X-Band Turning Unit Cable Entry Installation Drawing 9-11 Page 739 of 1618 . TX Data. Antenna (4 twisted pairs) Speed Select Synchro 16-2-6C (TP3144) 8mm (MA00012039) DU Data. PROPERTY. Cable Type 37-3-2R Turning Unit With Integral Transceiver Function Mains Input Cable Gland Useage NOTE: This drawing is to be used in conjunction with drawings: 65801050/1.Figure 9.V. 65801050/2.65801050sht4. Azimuth 6224C (Black) 8mm (MA00012039) Radar Silence.Trigger TU Enable Isolated HMkr. DRN. IT MAY NOT BE COPIED OR EXHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION Cable Gland 3 PM Control +/-12V 16-2-12C (TP3145) Cable Gland 3 Cable Gland 3 Seal unused cable entries in the glands with the sealing pins supplied. No. 6224C (Black) Trigger (4 twisted pairs) Not Used 16-2-2C (TP3141) 7mm (MA00009662) Video Coaxial (PT1YM) Seal unused cable entries in the glands with the sealing pins supplied. Azimuth.dwg APP'D LJE TITLE CABLE INSTALLATION DRAWING DATE 03/02/00 FOR TURNING UNIT WITH APP'D MW ADDITIONAL FEATURES DATE 03/02/00 DRG.Trigger 6mm (MA00009738) Coaxial (PT1YM) Pre . See ship's manual for details of assembling cables into cable glands. A/CAD FILE:.1. Turning Unit Without Integral Transceiver Sealing Pin Ext . PM . 65800010B 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Synchro Cable Gland 2 16-2-6C (TP3144) Coaxial (PT1YM) 16-2-2C (TP3141) 6224C (Black) (4 twisted pairs) Cable Type 37-3-2R (TP3149) 8mm (MA00012039) 6mm (MA00009738) 7mm (MA00009662) 8mm (MA00012039) Sealing Pin THIS DRAWING IS NORTHROP GRUMMAN SPERRY MARINE B.Trigger 6mm (MA00009738) Coaxial (PT1YM) Isolated HMkr. 65801050/3 contained in Despatch Kit 65801660. Antenna Speed Select Function Motor Supply Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 1 Cable gland No. IT MAY NOT BE COPIED OR EXHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION WEIGHT :DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES CENTRE OF GRAVITY POSITION SHOWN THUS Cable Gland Useage 16-2-12C (TP3145) Synchro PM Control +/-12V Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 3 Cable Gland 3 Coaxial (PT1YM) 16-2-2C (TP3141) 6224C (Black) (4 twisted pairs) 16-2-6C (TP3144) PM .J. ENSURE ADEQUATE CLEARANCE FOR SERVICE ACCESS. DATE 21/01/00 A3/ ASSEMBLY INTO TURNING UNIT FOR THE COAXIAL CABLES FOR THE MULTICORE CABLES TO INSTALL THE CABLES WATERPROOF SEAL EMC GASKET WHEN MOUNTING UNIT. 65830050/2. 9-12 440-1057.Trigger Isolated HMkr.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Cable Gland 3 8mm (MA00012039) 6mm (MA00009738) 7mm (MA00009662) 8mm (MA00012039) DU Data.Figure 9. PROPERTY. TX Data. 6224C (Black) (4 twisted pairs) 16-2-2C (TP3141) Coaxial (PT1YM) Coaxial (PT1YM) Coaxial (PT1YM) 6224C (Black) (4 twisted pairs) 16-2-6C (TP3144) COMPASS SAFE DISTANCES :STANDARD :STEERING :- THIS DRAWING IS NORTHROP GRUMMAN SPERRY MARINE B. 3RD ANGLE PROJECTION REV DATE APP LJE Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual S-Band Turning Unit Cable Entry Installation Drawing 65800010B Page 740 of 1618 . Trigger TU Enable Video Ext . Cable Type 37-3-2R (TP3149) Turning Unit With Integral Transceiver Sealing Pin Function Mains Input Cable Type Turning Unit Without Integral Transceiver Function NOTE: This drawing is to be used in conjunction with drawings: 65830050/1. Azimuth Radar Silence Synchro 7mm (MA00009662) 8mm (MA00012039) 6mm (MA00009738) 6mm (MA00009738) 8mm (MA00012039) Sealing Pin CABLE GLAND BODY CABLE APERTURES UNUSED CABLES EMC GASKET (CLAMPS ONTO CABLE BRAID) A/CAD FILE:. Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 2 Cable Gland 1 Cable gland No.2. Azimuth. No. 65830050/3.DWG APP'D LJE TITLE DATE APP'D MW DATE DRN.Trigger Pre .V. 65830050/4 contained in Despatch Kit 65830660. L.E DRG.65830050_6.Trigger Not Used Isolated HMkr. 3 Configuring Printed Circuit Boards.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3.3. 65810L.3. 3. 65825F.1 Chapter 9 Additional Features Input PCB Assembly 65801815 (Used in S Band and X Band bulkhead transceiver types 65810F. 65825L. LK2 LK3 Input PCB Assembly 65801815 Default Settings Unit Type 65810F 65825F 65810L 65825L 65831B LK1 1-2 1-2 1-2 LK2 2 -3 2 -3 2 -3 LK3 2 -3 2 -3 2 -3 LK6 1-2 1-2 1-2 65800010B LK7 Parked Parked Parked 9-13 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 741 of 1618 . 65831B ) LK7 LK6 LK1 Figure 9. e. not linking two pins. The closing contact option is only available on later units. that have LK6 on the Input PCB. (TSC8) 9-14 65800010B 440-1057. If a termination is not required (e. LK6 and LK7 :-Radar Silence These links allow the radar silence input to be configured for different signal types. not linking two pins. Closing Contact or No Input (default setting) Closing contact option not available on early units fitted with Trigger PCB 65801803 LK1 fitted 1 – 2 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 not fitted (park on pin 1) Connect input to TSD2 Transmission is inhibited when TSD2 is shorted to 0V.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 742 of 1618 . not linking two pins. for daisy chained inputs) fit the link in position 1 – 2. (TSC8) To change the sense of operation of the input: LK1 fitted 2 – 3 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 not fitted (park on pin 1) Connect input to TSD1 Transmission is enabled when TSD1 is shorted to 0V. and Trigger PCB type 65801806 fitted in the transceiver. ) LK6 fitted 2 – 3 LK7 not fitted (park on pin 1) Transmission is inhibited when the input at TSD1 is positive wrt that at TSD2 To change the sense of operation of the input reverse the connections to TSD1 and 2 RS423 LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 ( i. Transmission is inhibited when the voltage at TSD2 is negative. To change the sense of operation of the input: LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 ( i.g.e. Input Type RS422 LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 ( i.e. When LK6 is fitted in position 2 – 3 a 120 ohm terminating resistor is connected across the input.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual LK1. ) LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 fitted 1 – 2 Connect the input to TSD1 Transmission is inhibited when the voltage at TSD1 is positive. ) LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 fitted 2 – 3 Connect the input to TSD2. 65825Txx. *LK6 is not fitted to earlier issue printed boards. Unit Type 65801CAx 65810Nxx 65810Txx 65825NAx 65825TAx 65830Cxx 65830Nxx 65830Txx 65825Lxx LK1 x 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 x 1-2 1-2 x LK2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 x LK5 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 x LK6 x 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 x 1 1 x LK8 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 LK9 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 parked parked parked 1-2 ‘x’ Don’t care for this unit. 65830Cxx. 65810Nxx.4. To select normal speed rotation link TSK1 to TSK2. Remote selection of antenna rotation speed is not available on turning unit type: 65825Lxx. units fitted with the earlier issue boards do not have the remote speed selection option. Input PCB Assembly 65801819 Default Settings The default setting for Turning Units 65801Cxx. 65825Nxx. 65800010B 9-15 440-1057.3.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 743 of 1618 .2 Chapter 9 Additional Features Input PCB Assembly 65801819 (Used in S and X Band Turning Units) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 9. 65830Nxx.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3. 65810Txx is for high speed rotation. LK8 and LK9 are not fitted to earlier issues of the printed circuit board. 65830Txx) These links let the radar silence input be configured for different signal types. RS423 LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 ( i. and Trigger PCB 65801806 fitted in the transceiver. for daisychained inputs) fit the link in position 1 – 2.g. not linking two pins. ) LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK8 fitted 1 – 2 Link TSD11 to 0V on TSC8 Connect the input to TSD10 Transmission is inhibited when the voltage at TSD10 is positive. Closing Contact or No Input (default setting) No closing contact option available on units with Trigger PCB 65801803 LK1 fitted 1 – 2 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK8 fitted 1 – 2 Connect input to TSD11 Transmission is inhibited when TSD11 is shorted to 0V (TSC8) To change the sense of operation of the input: LK1 fitted 2 – 3 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK8 fitted 1 – 2 Connect input to TSD10 Transmission is enabled when TSD10 is shorted to 0V (TSC8) 9-16 65800010B 440-1057.e. To change the sense of operation of the input: LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 (i.e. Transmission is inhibited when the voltage at TSD11 is negative. 65825Txx. If a termination is not required (e.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual LK1. that have LK6 on the Input PCB. ) LK6 fitted 2 – 3 LK8 fitted 1 – 2 Transmission is inhibited when the input at TSD10 is positive wrt TSD11 To change the sense of operation of the input.) LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK8 fitted 1 – 2 Link TSD10 to 0V on TSC8. 65810Txx 65825Nxx. reverse the connections to TSD10 and TSD11. LK6 and LK 8: Radar Silence (only applicable to Turning Unit Types 65810Nxx. and 65830Nxx.e. not linking two pins. Connect the input to TSD11. The closing contact option is only available on later units. not linking two pins. When LK6 is fitted in position 2 – 3 a 120ohm terminating-resistor is connected across the input.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 744 of 1618 . Input Type RS422 LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 ( i. contact closure between TSD5 and TSD7. Adjustment is effected by setting DIL switch SA in a binary sequence. covering an approximate range of ±10° about ship’s head. or a fixed heading marker. Usually the link will be set to the adjustable heading maker position. Heading Marker Polarity Inverted LK2 fitted 1 – 2 Defined as valid on rising edge of signal on TSD12 and falling edge of signal on TSD13 or. This link allows selection between an adjustable heading marker that can be preset to lead or lag the true heading. contact opening between TSD5 and TSD7. Adjustable Heading Marker Position LK5 fitted 2 – 3 Heading marker can be preset to lead the or lag the true heading. When all switches are set to OFF (binary 00000000) the output is set to approximately 10° before ship’s head. When all switches are set to ON (binary 11111111) the heading marker is delayed to approximately 10° after ship’s head.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features LK2: Heading Marker Polarity Selection. Fixed Heading Marker Position LK5 fitted 1 – 2 The fixed Heading marker precedes true heading by approximately 10° The fixed heading marker output is only available in RS422 format. Heading Marker Polarity Normal LK2 fitted 2 – 3 Defined as valid on falling edge of signal on TSD12 and rising edge of signal on TSD13 or. 65800010B 9-17 440-1057.088° from this.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 745 of 1618 . A binary setting of 10000000 (when only switch 8 is ON) equates approximately to ship’s head (0°). LK5: Fixed/Adjustable Heading Marker Selection. The timing of the isolated heading marker output can be delayed in increments of 0. Switch 1 sets the least significant bit. The standard heading marker output (on TSC12) occurs approximately 10° before ship’s head. 65825Nxx. 65810Txx. 65810Nxx. and an open circuit selects high speed. Remote Speed Selection Enabled LK9 fitted 2 – 3 Remote Speed Selection Disabled LK9 not fitted or parked on pin1 ( i.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 746 of 1618 . Forced Rotation Enabled LK9 fitted 1 – 2 Forced Rotation Disabled LK9 fitted 2 –3 or parked on pin1( i. 65825Txx) This link has to be set in conjunction with LK1 on the Pulse Bearing PCB (65801826). not linking two pins) LK9: Forced Antenna Rotation (only applicable to Turning Unit Type 65825LAR. 65810Txx.e.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual LK9 This link is used to select one of two options. The function can only be used if the Remotely Selectable Antenna Speed facility is not required. The two functions are mutually exclusive.e. or forced antenna rotation. not linking two pins) If TSK1 is shorted to TSK2 the antenna will rotate and override the internal control logic. LK9: Remote Speed Selection LK9 (only applicable to later versions of X-Band Turning Unit types 65801Cxx. Remote selection of antenna rotation speed. 65801Cxx. 65810Nxx. for example when the transceiver is switched to standby. 9-18 65800010B 440-1057. When LK9 is set to enable remote selection of antenna rotation speed a short circuit between TSK1 and TSK2 selects normal speed. 65825Txx) This link allows an external switch to override the internal control logic to force the antenna to rotate when it would normally be inhibited. 658825Nxx. and LK1 on the Motor Drive PCB (65801827). 3 Chapter 9 Additional Features Input PCB Assembly 65801821 (Used in X Band bulkhead transceiver types 65810B.5. 65825B. 65810T.3. Input PCB Assembly 65801821 Default Settings Unit Type 65810B 65825B 65810T 65825T LK1 1-2 1-2 LK2 2 -3 2 -3 LK3 2 -3 2 -3 LK6 1-2 1-2 65800010B LK7 Parked Parked 9-19 440-1057.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 747 of 1618 . 65825T) LK6 LK7 LK1 LK3 LK2 Figure 9. and Trigger PCB type 65801806 fitted in the transceiver. When LK6 is fitted in position 2 – 3 a 120 ohm terminating resistor is connected across the input. not linking two pins. Transmission is inhibited when the voltage at TSD2 is negative.g. (TSC8) 9-20 65800010B 440-1057. Input Type RS422 LK1 not fitted or parked on pin 1 ( i.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 748 of 1618 . (TSC8) To change the sense of operation of the input: LK1 fitted 2 – 3 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 not fitted (park on pin 1) Connect input to TSD1 Transmission is enabled when TSD1 is shorted to 0V.e. ) LK6 fitted 2 – 3 LK7 not fitted (park on pin 1) Transmission is inhibited when the input at TSD1 is positive wrt that at TSD2 To change the sense of operation of the input reverse the connections to TSD1 and 2 RS423 LK1 fitted 2 – 3 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 fitted 1 – 2 Connect the input to TSD1 Transmission is inhibited when the voltage at TSD1 is positive. To change the sense of operation of the input: LK1 fitted 1 – 2 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 fitted 2 – 3 Connect the input to TSD2. The closing contact option is only available on later units. If a termination is not required (e. Closing Contact or No Input (default setting) Closing contact option not available on units fitted LK1 fitted 1 – 2 LK6 fitted 1 – 2 LK7 not fitted (park on pin 1) Connect input to TSD2 Transmission is inhibited when TSD2 is shorted to 0V.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual LK1. that have LK6 on the Input PCB. LK6 and LK7: Radar Silence These links allow the radar silence input to be configured for different signal types. for daisy chained inputs) fit the link in position 1 – 2. 658825Nxx.e. 65825Txx) Earlier units were fitted with standard Pulse Bearing PCB Assembly 65801805.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3.dwg Figure 9. LK1 Shown fitted 2 .6. 65810Nxx.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 749 of 1618 . 65810Txx.4 Chapter 9 Additional Features Pulse Bearing PCB Assembly 65801826 (fitted to later versions of X-Band Turning Unit types 65801Cxx. not linking two pins) Selectable Speed Selected LK1 fitted 2 – 3 65800010B 9-21 440-1057.3.3 1 LK1 file ref: 65801805. Pulse Bearing PCB Assembly 65801826 LK1: Speed Select Normal Speed Selected LK1 fitted 1 – 2 High Speed Selected LK1 not fitted or parked on pin1 (i. dwg Figure 9.5 Motor Drive Board 65801827 (fitted to later versions of X-Band Turning Unit types 65801Cxx. 658825Nxx.7.3. not linking two pins) Selectable Speed Selected LK1 fitted 2 – 3 9-22 65800010B 440-1057.e.Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual 3. 65825Txx) Earlier units were fitted with standard Motor Drive PCB Assembly 65801811 LK1 shown fitted 2 . 65810Nxx.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 750 of 1618 .3 LK1 1 LO HI file ref:65801811. 65810Txx. Motor Drive PCB Assembly 65801827 LK1: Speed Select Normal Speed Selected LK1 fitted 1 – 2 High Speed Selected LK1 not fitted or parked on pin1 (i. 4. During the life of the equipment there has been some rationalisation and modifications to some of the PCB’s. 65825Txx T65801803 or T65801806 T65801825 T65801819 T65801819 T65801826 T65801826 T65801827 T65801827 65825Lxx T65801801 T65801819 T65801805 T65801811 *T65801806 can be used to replace T65801803 fitted to earlier units. 4.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 751 of 1618 . but if the radar silence input is being used with the RS422 format it will be necessary to connect a 120ohm resistor between input terminals on the tagstrip. The following list shows the boards that are different in the Additional Features systems. but if the radar silence input is being used with the RS422 format it will be necessary to connect a 120ohm resistor between TSD1 and TSD2. As a general rule the PCB’s fitted to later units can used as replacements for those used in earlier units. **65810Txx. but if the radar silence input is being used with the RS422 format it will be necessary to connect a 120ohm resistor between TSD10 and TSD11 ** Early units do not have selectable speed option so standard Pulse Bearing and Motor DrivePCB’s are fitted 4.4 Spare Part Number T65801819 T65801826 T65801827 S-Band Turning Unit (for use with Bulkhead Transceiver) Description Input Board Spare Part Number T65801819 65800010B 9-23 440-1057.3 X-Band Turning Unit (for use with Bulkhead Transceiver) Description Input PCB Pulse Bearing PCB Motor Drive PCB 4.BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features 4 Spares List for Field Replacement Modules Standard PCBs are replaced by Additional Features variants in systems with additional features.1 X-Band Turning Unit (Masthead Transceiver) Description Turning Unit Type Trigger Board* Input Board Pulse Bearing PC Motor Drive PCB Spare Part Number **65810Nxx. Input PCB T65801819 can be used to replace Input PCB T65801804 Pulse Bearing PCB T65801826 can be used to replace Pulse Bearing PCB T65801805 Motor Drive PCB T65801827 can be used to replace Motor Drive PCB T65801811 Trigger PCB T65801806 can be used to replace Trigger PCB T65801803. 65825Nxx.2 S-Band Turning Unit (Masthead Transceiver) Description Trigger Board* Input Board Spare Part Number T65801803 or T65801806 T65801819 * T65801806 can be used to replace T65801803. 65825B.Chapter 9 BridgeMaster E Radar Additional Features Ship’s Manual 4. 4. 65825L T65801803 or T65801806 T65801825 T65801815 T65801815 * T65801806 can be used to replace T65801803. 65810T. 65825T T65801803 or T65801806 T65801825 T65801821 T65801821 * T65801806 can be used to replace T65801803.5 X-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Units Type 65810F. T65801806 T65801815 * T65801806 can be used to replace T65801803. but if the radar silence input is being used with the RS422 format it will be necessary to connect a 120ohm resistor between TSD1 and TSD2.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 752 of 1618 . 65825L Description Transceiver Type Trigger Board* Input Board Spare Part Number 65810F.7 S-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Units 65831B Description Trigger Board* Input Board Spare Part Number T65801803. 65825T Description Transceiver Type Trigger Board* Input Board Spare Part Number 65810B.6 X-Band Bulkhead Transceiver Units Type 65810B. but if the radar silence input is being used with the RS422 format it will be necessary to connect a 120ohm resistor between TSD1 and TSD2. 65825B 65810T. 4. but if the radar silence input is being used with the RS422 format it will be necessary to connect a 120ohm resistor between TSD1 and TSD2. 65825F 65810L. 65810L. 9-24 65800010B 440-1057. 65825F. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 753 of 1618 .BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Chapter 9 Additional Features 5 Circuit Diagrams. This sections includes circuit diagrams for the Input PCB’s. for the main unit schematic diagrams see Chapter 6. 65800010B 9-25 440-1057. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 754 of 1618 .Chapter 9 Additional Features BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual This page has been left blank intentionally 9-26 65800010B 440-1057. 65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 9. 440-1057.8.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Circuit Diagram Input PCB 65801819 Page 755 of 1618 9-27 Chapter 9 Additional Features . 440-1057.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 756 of 1618 . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Circuit Diagram Input PCB 65801815 Page 757 of 1618 9-29 Chapter 9 Additional Features .65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 9. 440-1057.9. 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Page 758 of 1618 .440-1057. 65800010B BridgeMaster E Radar Ship’s Manual Figure 9. 440-1057.10.341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 Circuit Diagram Input PCB 65801821 Page 759 of 1618 9-31 Chapter 9 Additional Features . %ULGJH0DVWHU 6HULHV5DGDU 7HFKQLFDO0DQXDO 6FDQQHU8QLWV 7UDQVFHLYHUV'LVSOD\0RQLWRUV 3URFHVVRU(OHFWURQLF8QLWV DQG&RQWURO0RGXOHV . %XUOLQJWRQ +RXVH  %XUOLQJWRQ 5RDG 1HZ 0DOGHQ 6XUUH\ .V. Litton Marine Systems B.7 15 (QJODQG 7HO  .     )D[  . 341-S-001/452-411-UM-102127 .    5HI  3ULQWHG LQ (QJODQG 440-1057.VVXH  0D\  Page 760 of 1618 . 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