Rac Syllabus

May 25, 2018 | Author: Sam Sukumar | Category: Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heat Pump, Hvac, Thermodynamic Properties



COURSE INFORMATION SHEET- REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONINGPROGRAMME: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEGREE: BTECH COURSE: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning SEMESTER: IV/I CREDITS: 4 COURSE CODE: REGULATION: R10 COURSE TYPE: CORE COURSE AREA/DOMAIN: THERMAL CONTACT HOURS: 5+1 (Tutorial) hours/Week. CORRESPONDING LAB COURSE CODE (IF ANY): LAB COURSE NAME: SYLLABUS: UNIT DETAILS HOURS Introduction to Refrigeration : Necessity and applications – Unit of refrigeration and C.O.P. – I Mechanical Refrigeration – Types of Ideal cycles of refrigeration. Air Refrigeration: Bell Coleman cycle 11 and Brayton Cycle, Open and Dense air systems – Actual air refrigeration system problems – Refrigeration needs of Air crafts. Vapour compression refrigeration – working principle and essential components of the plant – simple II Vapour compression refrigeration cycle – COP – Representation of cycle on T-S and p-h charts – effect 07 of sub cooling and super heating – cycle analysis – Actual cycle Influence of various parameters on system performance – Use of p-h charts – numerical Problems. System Components : Compressors – General classification – comparison – Advantages and III Disadvantages. Condensers – classification – Working Principles Evaporators – classification – Working 09 Principles Expansion devices – Types – Working Principles Refrigerants – Desirable properties – classification refrigerants used – Nomenclature – zone Depletion – Global Warming . Vapor Absorption System – Calculation of max COP – description and working of NH3 – water system IV and Li Br –water ( Two shell & Four shell) System. Principle of operation Three Fluid absorption system, 06 salient features. V Steam Jet Refrigeration System – Working Principle and Basic Components. 06 Principle and operation of (i) Thermoelectric refrigerator (ii) Vortex tube or Hilsch tube. Introduction to Air Conditioning : Psychometric Properties & Processes – Characterization of Sensible VI and latent heat loads –– Need for Ventilation, Consideration of Infiltration – Load concepts of RSHF, 06 GSHF- Problems, Concept of ESHF and ADP. VII Requirements of human comfort and concept of effective temperature- Comfort chart –Comfort Air 08 conditioning – Requirements of Industrial air conditioning , Air conditioning Load Calculations. Air Conditioning systems - Classification of equipment, cooling, heating humidification and VIII dehumidification, filters, grills and registers, fans and blowers. Heat Pump – Heat sources – different heat 07 pump circuits. TOTAL HOURS 60 TEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: T/R BOOK TITLE/AUTHORS/PUBLICATION T1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / CP Arora / TMH. T2 A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning / SC Arora & Domkundwar / Dhanpatrai R1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – R.S. Khurmi & J.K Gupta – S.Chand – Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd. TEXT BOOKS SNO TITLE AUTHOR PUBLISHER T1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. CP Arora TMH T2 A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning SC Arora &Domkundwar Dhanpatrai REFERENCE BOOKS SNO TITLE AUTHOR PUBLISHER R1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Manohar Prasad New Age R2 Principles of Refrigeration Dossat PearsonEducation R3 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning P.L.Bellaney LAKSHMI R4 Basic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Ananthanarayanan TMH Problems Concept of ESHF and ADP Numerical Problems UNIT-VIICOMFORT AIR CONDITIONING .RAM GOPAL MHRD-GOVT OF INDIA- NPTEL lecture notes & Video lectures NPTEL-IITKHARAGPUR UNIT – I AIR REFRIGERATION NAME OF THE TOPIC Necessity and applications Unit of refrigeration and C. Open and Dense air systems Actual air refrigeration system problems Refrigeration needs of Aircrafts Numerical Problems UNIT – II VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM NAME OF THE TOPIC working principle and essential components of the plant Simple Vapour compression refrigeration cycle – COP – Representation of cycle on T-S and p-h charts Effect of sub cooling and super heating – cycle analysis Actual cycle Influence of various parameters on system performance Use of p-h charts – Numerical Problems.Mechanical Refrigeration Types of Ideal cycles of refrigeration Air Refrigeration: Bell Coleman cycle and Brayton Cycle. salient features Calculation of max COP.PSYCHROMETRY NAME OF THE TOPIC Psychrometric Properties & Processes Characterization ofSensible and latent heat loads Need for Ventilation.O.K Gupta S. Other BOOKS/Material SNO TITLE AUTHOR PUBLISHER O1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning R. GSHF.Numerical Problems. Consideration of Infiltration Load concepts of RSHF.S. UNIT – III System Components & Refrigerants NAME OF THE TOPIC Compressors – General classification – comparison – Advantages andDisadvantages Condensers – classification Working Principles Evaporators – classification – Working Principles Expansion devices – Types – Working Principles Refrigerants: Desirable properties – classification refrigerants used – Nomenclature Ozone Depletion– Global Warming UNIT – IV VAPOR ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM NAME OF THE TOPIC Vapor Absorption System – description and working of NH3 Practical VAR System water system and Li Br –water ( Two shell & Four shell) System Principle of operation Three Fluid absorption system. UNIT – V STEAM JET REFRIGERATION SYSTEM NAME OF THE TOPIC Steam Jet Refrigeration System – Working Principle and Basic Components Principle and operation of (i) Thermoelectric refrigerator (ii) Vortex tube or Hilsch tube Numerical Problems UNIT – VI AIR CONDITIONING. Khurmi& J.Chand O2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning STOECKER & JONES McGrawHill O3 REFRIGRATION & AIRCONDITIONING Prof M.P . S. filters.Classification of equipment. Requirements of human comfort and concept of effective temperature. Principle of operation 06 Three Fluid absorption system. Vapour compression refrigeration – working principle and essential components of the plant – simple Vapour compression refrigeration cycle – COP – Representation of cycle II on T-S and p-h charts – effect of sub cooling and super heating – cycle analysis – Actual 07 cycle Influence of various parameters on system performance – Use of p-h charts – numerical Problems. Vapour compression refrigerating cycles and evaluate their performance [K4] .O.Problems. heating humidification and dehumidification. Students are able to analyze various air refrigerating cycles. Concept of ESHF and ADP. – Mechanical Refrigeration – Types of Ideal cycles of refrigeration. Air conditioning 08 Load Calculations.K Gupta – S. TOTAL HOURS 60 TEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: T/R BOOK TITLE/AUTHORS/PUBLICATION T1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / CP Arora / TMH.P. 06 Principle and operation of (i) Thermoelectric refrigerator (ii) Vortex tube or Hilsch tube. heating humidification VIII and dehumidification. T2 A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning / SC Arora & Domkundwar / Dhanpatrai Publications R1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning – R. grills and registers. grills and registers.Comfort chart – VII Comfort Air conditioning – Requirements of Industrial air conditioning . fans and blowers Heat Pump – Heat sources – different heat pump circuits SYLLABUS: UNIT DETAILS HOURS Introduction to Refrigeration: Necessity and applications – Unit of refrigeration and I C. cooling. Introduction to Air Conditioning : Psychometric Properties & Processes – VI Characterization of Sensible and latent heat loads –– Need for Ventilation. GSHF.Chand Publications 1. salient features. System Components : Compressors – General classification – comparison – Advantages and Disadvantages. NAME OF THE TOPIC Requirements of human comfort concept of effective temperature. Open and Dense air systems – Actual air refrigeration system problems – Refrigeration needs of Air crafts. Air Conditioning systems . V Steam Jet Refrigeration System – Working Principle and Basic Components. Khurmi & J. Condensers – classification – Working Principles Evaporators – III classification – Working Principles Expansion devices – Types – Working Principles 09 Refrigerants – Desirable properties – classification refrigerants used – Nomenclature – zone Depletion – Global Warming . Consideration 06 of Infiltration – Load concepts of RSHF. filters. cooling. Heat Pump – Heat 07 sources – different heat pump circuits. Air 11 Refrigeration: Bell Coleman cycle and Brayton Cycle. Vapor Absorption System – Calculation of max COP – description and working of NH3 IV – water system and Li Br –water ( Two shell & Four shell) System.Comfort chart Comfort Air conditioning Requirements of Industrial air conditioning Air conditioning Load Calculations Numerical Problems UNIT-VIII AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS & HEAT PUMP NAME OF THE TOPIC Air Conditioning systems Classification of equipment. fans and blowers. Requirements of industrial air conditioning. Principles of Refrigeration . fansand blowers heat pump – heat sources different heat pump circuits Books recommended for reading: TEXT BOOKS: 1.S.Desirable properties Nomenclature-Commonly used refrigerants- Alternate refrigerants.O. Requirements of human comfort and concept of effective temperature Comfort chart –comfort air conditioning. filters. Psychometric properties & processes characterization of sensible and latent heat loads – need forventilation. Air conditioning load calculations. grills and registers. Basic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning – Ananthanarayanan / TMH . 3. Compressors – Classification –Comparison – Advantages and Disadvantages Condensers – classification – working principles Evaporators – classification – working principles Expansion devices – types – working principles VAPOR ABSORPTION SYSTEM description and working of NH3 – water system Li Br –water ( Two shell & Four shell) System principle of operation three fluid absorption system salient features Calculation of maximum COP STEAM JET REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: Working Principle and basic Components Principle and operation of (i) Thermoelectric refrigerator (ii) vortex tube. 2. [K2] Necessity and applications –Mechanical refrigeration Unit of refrigeration and C. Students are able to Identify Refrigerants and refrigeration system components[K3] 3. 3.Gupta/ S. heating humidification and dehumidification. Air refrigeration: Bell Coleman cycle . consideration of infiltration load concepts of RSHF. cooling.Khurmi&J. A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning / SC Arora&Domkundwar / Dhanpatrai. 2.Dossat / Pearson Education. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning/ R. Steam jet refrigeration system and other nonconventional refrigeration systems [K2] 4. Classification of equipment. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Manohar Prasad / New Age.Chand REFERENCES: 1. concept of ESHF and ADP temperature.P Types of ideal cycles of refrigeration. 2. GSHF problems. Students are able to Illustrate psychometric properties & processes for designing of an air conditioning system for human comfort and industrial applications and also differentiate various air conditioning systems and components. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / CP Arora / TMH.open and dense air systems Refrigeration systems used in air crafts problems Working principle and essential components of the plant Simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle – COP – representation of cycle on T-S and p-h charts Effect of sub cooling and super heating – cycle analysis Actual cycle influence of various parameters on system performance Use of p-h charts Numerical problems Classification of refrigerants.K. Students are able to explain the working of Vapor absorption system. steam jet. work done with and without clearance volume. salient features. Describe various components used in vapour-Compression refrigeration system and Estimate the performance 3. description and working of NH3–water system and Li Br– water (Two shell & Four shell) System. essential components. applications. 5. Refrigerants: Desirable properties–classification refrigerants UNIT III Performance of vapor absorption refrigeration system: Calculation of max COP. Recognize the properties of air. effect of sub cooling and super heating– cycle analysis. unit of refrigeration Refrigeration: Carnot cycle. automatic expansion valve. Bell Coleman cycle and Brayton Cycle. Influence of various parameters on system performance . methods of air refrigeration systems UNIT II VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: Cycles and performance Simple Vapour compression refrigeration cycle -working principle. Calculate the COP of air refrigeration systems 2. COP. COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Actual cycle. capacity control. Steam jet refrigeration system: Working Principle and Basic Components . summarize the various Psychometric processes and acquire the knowledge of load estimation.numerical Problems Components Compressors – classification –single stage reciprocating compressors. Refrigeration needs of air craft’s. thermoelectric and vortex tube refrigeration systems 4. Condensers –classification– Working of evaporative condensers Evaporators– classification–Working of flooded and dry expansion evaporators Expansion devices–Types–capillary tube. III B.TECH -II SEMESTER REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Course code: ME6T4 Credits: 3 Lecture: 3 periods/week Internal assessment: 30 marks Tutorial: 1 period/week Semester end examination: 70 marks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the course are: To make the students understand the concepts of various refrigeration systems To estimate the loads for different applications of air conditioning. Discuss the working principles of vapour absorption. thermostatic expansion valve. Open and Dense air systems. Actual air refrigeration system –numerical problems.Working Principle. Principle of operation of three fluid absorption system. representation of cycle on T–S and p-h charts. Evaluate cooling and heating loads in an air conditioning and describe the various components of air conditioning system Pre-Requisite Basic thermodynamics UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO REFRIGERATION: Necessity of refrigeration and air conditioning. Basic refrigeration and air conditioning/PN Ananthanarayanan/Mc Graw hill education Data Books 1. ESHF and ADP. Reference Books: 1. psychrometric chart. basic psychrometric processes CO1 Understand and analyze air refrigeration system and systems used in aircrafts. Nonconventional refrigeration methods: Principle and operation f(i) Thermoelectric refrigerator (ii) Vortex tube or Hilsch tube.. 3.1997 4.e) CO2 Analyze simple VCR cycle and factors affecting the performance of the cycle and understand . Mc Graw hill Edu.Prentice Hall. by Dossat . Refrigeration and Air conditioning Data book-Domakundwar & Domakundwar / Dhanpathi rai & CO GATE MECHANICAL: Refrigeration and air-conditioning: Vapour and gas refrigeration and heat pump cycles. filters. S K kataria & sons . by Stoecker . Consideration of Infiltration. CP Kothandaraman /New age publishers 2. Learning Resources Text Books: 1. Air Conditioning Systems Classification of equipment. GSHF. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / CP Arora / TMH. Air conditioning Load Calculations.2004 5. heating humidification and dehumidification. (a. cooling. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by R K Rajput. grills and registers fans and blowers. UNIT IV INTRODUCTION TO AIR CONDITIONING: Psychometric Properties & Processes– Characterization of Sensible and latent heat loads––Need for Ventilation. UNIT V Human comfort and load calculations Requirements of human comfort and concept of effective temperature-Comfort chart– Com fort Air conditioning –Requirements of Industrial air conditioning.c. Load concepts of RSHF. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning / Manohar Prasad / New Age. Refrigeration and Air conditioning Data book. properties of moist air. 2010 2. Heat Pump –Heat sources– different heat pump circuits. Principles of Refrigeration. Refrigeration and air conditioning. A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning / SC Arora & Domkundwar / Dhanpatrai 2. Non-conventional refrigeration methods: Principle and operation of thermoelectric refrigeration. Air Refrigeration:Bell Coleman cycle.c. problems. VCR System components:Compressors. (a. pressure losses. the operation of various devices of VCR system. Cooling Loads: Sensible and latent heat loads. TEV and capillary tube. H2O -Li Br system. nomenclature.e) CO3 Select the most appropriate refrigerant for a given cooling application and understand the impact of refrigerants on the environment.classification. winter and year round A/C systems. UNIT – IV Air conditioning: Psychrometry.c.h) CO5 Understand thermodynamics of air –vapor mixtures and analyze A/C process & systems and heat pump circuits to design real world heating & cooling needs. working of NH3 . Actualrefrigeration cycle. Condensers . desirable properties commonly used refrigerants and alternative refrigerants.c.j) UNIT – I Introduction to refrigeration:Applications.j) CO4 Understand the vapor absorption and other non conventional refrigeration systems and their application as alternatives to VCR systems. Expansion devices –AEV. T-S. comparison between VCR and VAR systems.e. heat pump. application. Refrigerants-classification. working. Types of heating. max COP. P-h diagrams. human comfort and effective temperature. different heat pump circuits. UNIT – III Vapor absorption system: COP of absorption system. GSHF. Open and Dense air systems. refrigerationneeds of aircrafts. air conditioning load calculations. . subcooling. (a. types of aircraftrefrigerationsystems. comparison.i. C. advantages of air refrigeration.O. (h. three fluid absorption system.P.Psychrometric properties and processes. methods of refrigeration.water system. (a. UNIT – II Vapor compression refrigeration: simple vapor compression refrigeration cycle.Summer. Steam jet refrigeration system: Principle of working. Psychrometric chart. merits and demerits. RSHF. Evaporators – Flooded and dry expansion types. ESHF & ADP.h. problems.types. Effect of super heating. evaporative and condenser pressures. application. unit of refrigeration. Vortex tube and adiabatic demagnetization. htm 2.Dossat.Stoecker and Jones 1983.htm 3. A course in refrigeration and air conditioning . 6.wisegeek. NAI Refrigeration & Air-conditioning. Vpour Absorption Systems. Introduction to Refrigeration. Thermal Comfort. Psychrometric Chart.HTM 5. 2 Aircraft Refrigeration Cycles.C. ASHRAE . Tata Mc Graw-Hill.com/thermodynamics/AIRCOND. Compound Compression with Intercooling.taftan. References: Refrigeration & Air-conditioning. Dhanapat Rai & Co. Air Refrigeration Cycle. Psychrometric Processes. P. Refrigeration and air conditioning .Refrigeration and air conditioning . Problem Solving. 5. Arora. 7 Cooling Load. 2. 2006 Reference books: 1. SS Banwait and SC Laroiya. Air-Conditioning Systems. Vapour Compression Cycle. http://www.. CP Arora. 4. 8 Human Physiology. TMG Refrigeration & Air-conditioning. the comfort airconditioning and indoor environment health are also addressed in this course.Pearson Education Ltd. MGH Principles of Refrigeration. 3. Refrigerants. Web Resources: 1. 4th Reprint 1997.Refrigeration and Air conditioning Data book by Domkundwar&Domkundwar .htm NOC: Refrigeration and air conditioning . Arora. Problem Solving. Infiltration Design Conditions. Further. Air Distribution System. LPE ASHRAE Handbook (Fundamentals). Text books: 1.refrigerationbasics. Introduction to Air-conditioning. http://www. McGraw Hill Data Books: 1.howstuffworks.com/how-does-air-conditioning-work. http://www.org 4. http://www. Problem Solving. P-h Charts. Domkundwar.ashrae. Properties of Moist Air.Refrigerant & Psychrometric Tables & charts. Indoor Environmental Health. 2. Multiple Evaporator and Cascade System.Principles of Refrigeration . RC Dosset.com/ac. Ideally suited to those with a little or no knowledge of the subject. Birla publication pvt ltd. The course consists of different refrigeration cycles and understanding of psychrometry and psychrometric processes used for the purpose of air-conditioning. 7th Print.Actual Vapour Compression Cycle. Cooling Load.S. 2014 2. Recapitulation of Thermodynamics. Stoecker & Jons. C. 1. Manohar Prasad. http://www. Aircraft Refrigeration Cycles. Actual Vapour Compression Cycle.Video course COURSE OUTLINE This Course provides a simple understanding of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning fundamentals..com/index. Psychrometric Processes. Possess the knowledge of system components of refrigeration and air conditioning 2.Graphical method.ERSHF .Dynamic and frictional losses in air ducts .Evaporators - Expansion devices . . Design and implement refrigeration and air conditioning systems using standards 3. UNIT 3: Cycling Controls and System Balancing Pressure temperature control range and different settings . Refrigeration Cycle Analysis – Development of Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle from Reverse Carnot Cycle – conditions for high COP – deviations from ideal vapor compression cycle – Multi-pressure Systems .Cooling towers. VIT 1.Fan characteristics of duct system.Condensers . Refrigerant compressors Reciprocating –Rotary .different types of loads . REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 1. Apply the knowledge of psychrometry in calculating cooling load and heating load calculations UNIT-1: Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants Vapour compression refrigeration cycles-Air refrigeration cycles-Simple saturated vapour compression refrigeration cycle-P-H charts .Cascade Systems – Analysis.Estimation Of total load .Psychrometric chart . UNIT 4 Psychrometry Moist air properties . To teach students the principles of psychrometry 5. To develop the knowledge of students in selecting the right equipment for a particular application of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Expected Outcome: Student will be able to 1. To expose the students to cyclic controls and system balancing 4.Air distribution patterns .Cooling load calculations .Multi stage compression –Multi evaporator system-cascade system-Vapour absorption systems.Selection and balancing of system components .GRSHF . To teach the students how to calculate the cooling load for different applications of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3. UNIT2: System Components Refrigeration classification –Designation-Alternate refrigerants –Global warming and Ozone depleting aspects. UNIT 5 Air Conditioning Air conditioning systems – classification .Different Psychrometric process analysis.Equal friction method . To enable the students to understand the principles of refrigeration and air conditioning 2. NH3 . merits and demerits. Actual air craft refrigeration system. Psychrometry – Moist Air properties – use of Psychrometric Chart – Various Psychrometric processes – Air Washer – Adiabatic Saturation. . Reference Books 1. Refrigeration and Air conditioning. Advanced Measurement Techniques and applications – Shadowgraph – Schileren – interferometer – Laser Doppler anemometer – Hot wire anemometer – Heat flux sensors – Telemetry in measurement. types of systems. System Components – Compressor . Bell Coleman cycle. Condensers. AIR REFRIGERATION: Reversed Carnot Cycle.Types – performance – Characteristics of Reciprocating Compressors – Capacity Control – Types of Evaporators & Condensers and their functional aspects – Expansion Devices and their behavior with fluctuating load. Open and Dense air systems. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.water system. REFRIGERANTS: Nomenclature. [Lecture to be videotaped]. application. ODP. 2. evaporator pressure. H2O system. Stocker and J. common refrigerants used. Eco friendly refrigerants. C. 4. Manohar Prasad (2011). unit of refrigeration and COP. Jones (2002). Different Types of Refrigeration Tools – Evacuation and Charging Unit – Recovery and Recycling Unit – Vacuum Pumps. F. Advantages and disadvantages of air refrigeration. Expansion devices. Evaporators. Desirable properties. Refrigerants – Classification of Refrigerants – Refrigerant properties – Oil Compatibility – Environmental Impact. 6. 3. 2. W. Summer and Winter Air Conditioning: Air conditioning processes – RSHF – summer Air conditioning – Winter Air conditioning – Bypass Factor. Production of Solid CO2. W. Applications with specified ventilation air quantity – Use of ERSHF – Application with low latent heat loads and high latent heat loads. VAPOUR COMPRESSION REFRIGERATION: Working principle. Arora. Three fluid absorption system. VAPOUR ABSORPTION SYSTEM: COP. PRODUCTION OF LOW TEMPERATURE: Cascade system. SYSTEM COMPONENTS: Compressors. methods of refrigeration. Effect of condenser. Min of 2 lectures by industry experts.Montreal / Kyoto protocols – Eco Friendly Refrigerants. System Balancing and Control – Estimation of Cooling Load – System Equilibrium and Cycling Controls – Electric Circuits in – Refrigerators – Window A/C – Types of motors – Relays. Li . Wiley Eastern Ltd. Text Book 1. Multi pressure systems. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. KL UNIVERSITYSYLLABUS INTRODUCTION TO REFRIGERATION: Necessity and applications. sub cooling and super heating. McGraw Hill. (2007). Refrigeration and Air conditioning. 5. Use of p–h charts. 7. Components. Use of physical and computer models to lecture. STEAM JET REFRIGERATION SYSTEM: Principle. 8. Visit to Industry. Simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle. Contemporary Discussion # Mode: Flipped Class Room.Br. Food processing and preservation – Freezing and drying – Cold storage – Refrigerated Containers and Trucks. P. Human comfort and Effective temperature. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration”. deodorants. Comfort air conditioning. Prentice Hall . Thomas J. New Delhi. ASHF. Langley “Heating. filters. RSHF. Stoecker & Jones “Refrigeration and Air conditioning” 2. 3.. ESHF & ADP. Ltd. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS: Classification. Air conditioning load calculations. Billy C. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”. grills and registers. Industrial air conditioning and requirements. fans and blowers. 2. TEXT BOOKS: 1. SHF. Jordon and Priester. Ventilation. Manohar Prasad “Refrigeration and Air conditioning”. Horan “Principles of Refrigeration”. Heat loads. . REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.INTRODUCTION TO AIR CONDITIONING: Psychrometric properties. Dossat. New Age International (P) Ltd. Ventilating. Infiltration. Pub.
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