R12 - List of Obsolete Tables and Columns

March 24, 2018 | Author: cpsharma_vns | Category: Application Programming Interface, Data Model, Table (Database), Database Index, Invoice



White Paper Oracle R12- Table and View Changes List Technical DocumentPrepared for: Department: Authors: Application Module: Reviewer: Telmar Network Technology IT Nitesh Roy Oracle Apps Technology Stack Mohan Mysore Page 1 of 35 R12 - List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 1 of 35 8/25/2011 Module: General Ledger .....................................................................................................................................3 New Tables and Views .............................................................................................................................. 3 Changed/Modified Tables and Views ....................................................................................................5 Obsolete Tables and Views ...................................................................................................................... 7 Module: Tax........................................................................................................................................................ 10 New Tables and Views ............................................................................................................................ 10 Changed/Modified Tables and Views .................................................................................................. 10 Obsolete Tables and Views .................................................................................................................... 10 Module: Cash Management ............................................................................................................................. 12 New Tables and Views ............................................................................................................................ 12 Changed/Modified Tables and Views .................................................................................................. 13 Obsolete Tables and Views .................................................................................................................... 13 Module: Purchasing .......................................................................................................................................... 14 New Tables and Views ............................................................................................................................ 14 Changed/Modified Tables and Views .................................................................................................. 15 Obsolete Tables and Views .................................................................................................................... 16 Module: Receivables.......................................................................................................................................... 19 New Tables and Views ............................................................................................................................ 19 Changed/Modified Tables and Views .................................................................................................. 20 Obsolete Tables and Views .................................................................................................................... 24 Module: Paybles................................................................................................................................................. 26 New Tables and Views ............................................................................................................................ 26 Changed/Modified Tables and Views .................................................................................................. 26 Obsolete Tables and Views .................................................................................................................... 27 Module: TCA ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 New Tables and Views ............................................................................................................................ 28 Changed/Modified Tables and Views .................................................................................................. 30 Obsolete Tables and Views .................................................................................................................... 34 Page 2 of 35 R12 - List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 2 of 35 8/25/2011 Module: General Ledger This section describes the table and View changes under GL New Tables and Views Table / View Name FUN_SEQ_ASSIGNMENTS FUN_SEQ_CONTEXTS FUN_SEQ_ENTITIES FUN_SEQ_HEADERS FUN_SEQ_REQUESTS FUN_SEQ_RULES FUN_SEQ_VERSIONS GL_ACCESS_SET_ASSIGNMENTS GL_ACCESS_SET_NORM_ASSIGN GL_ACCESS_SETS GL_AUTOREV_CRITERIA_SETS GL_BC_PACKETS_HISTS GL_BUDORG_BC_OPTIONS GL_COA_MAPPINGS GL_DEFAS_ACCESS_SETS GL_DEFAS_ASSIGNMENTS GL_DEFAS_RESP_ASSIGN GL_JE_INCLUSION_RULES GL_JE_LINES_RECON GL_JE_SEGMENT_VALUES GL_LE_VALUE_SETS GL_LEDGER_CONFIG_DETAILS Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Description Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Journal Entry Budgets and related objects Budgets and related objects Consolidation and Eliminations Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Reconciliation Journal Entry Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Page 3 of 35 R12 - List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 3 of 35 8/25/2011 Translation and Conversion Rates Journal Entry GL_LEDGER_LE_BSV_SPECIFIC_ V Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Revised as ofPage 4 of 35 8/25/2011 VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW R12 .Table / View Name GL_LEDGER_CONFIGURATIONS GL_LEDGER_NORM_SEG_VALS GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS GL_LEDGER_SEGMENT_VALUES GL_LEDGER_SET_ASSIGNMENTS GL_LEDGER_SET_NORM_ASSIGN GL_LEDGER_SET_REQUESTS GL_LEDGERS GL_LEGAL_ENTITIES_BSVS GL_MGT_SEG_UPGRADE GL_MGT_SEG_UPGRADE_H GL_SEG_VAL_HIERARCHIES GL_SEG_VAL_NORM_HIERARCHY GL_SUMMARY_BC_OPTIONS GL_BUDGET_ASSIGNMENTS_UNIQUE_ V GL_BUDORG_BC_OPTIONS_V GL_DEFAS_ASSIGNMENTS_V GL_DEFAS_RESP_ASSIGN_V GL_ENTERED_CURRENCIES_V GL_HISTORICAL_RATES_PERIOD_V GL_JE_LINES_RECON_V GL_LEDGER_LE_V GL_LEDGER_NAMES_V GL_LEDGER_NORM_BSVS_V GL_LEDGER_SET_ASSIGNMENTS_V GL_LEDGER_SET_NORM_ASSIGN_V Page 4 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW Description Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Other Issues Other Issues Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Budgets and related objects Budgets and Related Objects Budgets and Related Objects Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Balances and Related Objects Revaluation.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . Table / View Name GL_LEDGER_SETS_V GL_LEDGERS_PUBLIC_ALL_V GL_LEDGERS_PUBLIC_V GL_LEDGERS_V GL_REC_BATCHES_LOV_V GL_SECONDARY_LEDGER_RSHIPS_V GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Description Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Recurring Journals and Budgets Setup Forms and Programs Setup Forms and Programs Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name GL_ALLOC_FORMULAS Object Type TABLE Description Add currency_conversion_type to support foreign currency allocations Add chart_of_accounts_id.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 5 of 35 8/25/2011 . project_to_date_dr_beq and project_to_date_cr_beq to store entered ledger currency balances GL_AUTO_ALLOC_SETS TABLE GL_AUTOMATIC_POSTING_OPTIONS GL_AUTOMATIC_POSTING_SETS TABLE TABLE GL_AUTOREVERSE_OPTIONS TABLE GL_BALANCES TABLE Page 5 of 35 R12 . period_set_name and accounting_period_type to enable sharing of AutoAllocations across ledgers sharing the same chart of accounts and calendar Add ledger_id to enable AutoPost across ledgers Add chart_of_accounts_id. quarter_to_date_cr_beq. period_set_name and accounting_period_type to enable sharing of AutoPost Criteria Sets across ledgers sharing the same chart of accounts and calendar Add criteria_set_id to support AutoReverse criteria sets stored in the master table GL_AUTOREV_CRITERIA_SETS Add quarter_to_date_dr_beq. period_set_name and accounting_period_type to support batches containing journals for multiple ledgers sharing the same chart of accounts and calendar Add columns to store the accounting and reporting sequences Add ledger_id and retain set_of_books_id for backward compatibility Add currency_conversion_type to support foreign currency recurring journals Add efb_upgrade_flag and reconciliation_upg_flag to track successfully completed optional post-update programs Modify to refer to GL_LEDGERS instead of GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS Modify to uptake new eTax data model GL_CONSOLIDATION TABLE GL_INTERFACE TABLE GL_JE_BATCHES TABLE GL_JE_HEADERS TABLE GL_PERIOD_STATUSES TABLE GL_RECURRING_HEADERS TABLE GL_SYSTEM_USAGES TABLE GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS_V GL_TAX_COD S_V VIEW VIEW Page 6 of 35 R12 .Table / View Name GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS Object Type TABLE Description Add alternate_code_combination_id to support replacement for disabled accounts functionality implemented by Journal Import Add coa_mapping_id to enable consolidations to use chart of accounts mappings Add ledger_id and retain set_of_books_id for backward compatibility Drop set_of_books_id and add chart_of_accounts_id.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 6 of 35 8/25/2011 . List of Obsolete Tables and Columns .Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name GL_IEA_AUTOGEN_MAP GL_IEA_CLEARING_ACCOUNTS GL_IEA_IMPORT_REGISTRY GL_IEA_INTERFACE GL_IEA_RECUR_BATCHES GL_IEA_RECUR_LINES GL_IEA_SEGMENT_MAP GL_IEA_SEGMENT_RULE_MAP GL_IEA_TRANSACTION_LINES GL_IEA_TRANSACTION_TYPES GL_IEA_TRANSACTIONS GL_INTERCOMPANY_ACC_SETS GL_INTERCOMPANY_ACCOUNTS GL_MC_BOOK_ASSIGNMENTS GL_MC_CONVERSION_RULES GL_MC_REPORTING_OPTIONS GL_OASIS_FIN_ASSIGNMENTS GL_OASIS_FIN_ITEMS GL_OASIS_FIN_METRICS GL_OPEN_INTERIM GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS GL_SHARES_ACTIVITY GL_SHARES_OUTSTANDING Page 7 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Revised as ofPage 7 of 35 8/25/2011 GL_POSTING_INTERIM GL_LEDGERS Replaced By Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature Advanced Global Intercompany System feature GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS GL_JE_INCLUSION_RULES GL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPS R12 . Obsolete Table / View Name GL_SYSTEM_SETUP GL_TRANSLATION_RATES RG_DSS_DIM_SEGMENTS RG_DSS_DIMENSIONS RG_DSS_HIERARCHIES RG_DSS_HIERARCHY_DETAILS RG_DSS_REQUESTS RG_DSS_SEG_RANGE_SETS RG_DSS_SEG_RANGES RG_DSS_SYSTEM_SEG_ORDER RG_DSS_SYSTEM_VARIABLES RG_DSS_SYSTEMS RG_DSS_VAR_DIMENSIONS RG_DSS_VAR_SELECTIONS RG_DSS_VAR_TEMPLATES RG_DSS_VARIABLES GL_ALL_JE_CATEGORY_NAME_VIEW GL_ALLOC_BATCHES_ACTIVE_V GL_AUTOPOST_OPTIONS_CURRENT_V GL_CONS_FLEXFIELD_MAP_HIGH GL_CONS_FLEXFIELD_MAP_LOW GL_JE_BATCHES_AP_V GL_JE_HEADERS_LOV_V GL_MC_BOOKS_ASSIGNMENTS_V Page 8 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Replaced By Relevant columns were moved to the GL: Number of formulas to validate for each MassAllocation GL_DAILY_RATES batch. GL: Number of formulas to Enterprise Planning and validate for each Recurring Journal Budgeting product batch and GL: Archive Journal Import Data profile options Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product Enterprise Planning and Budgeting product R12 .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 8 of 35 8/25/2011 . List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as ofPage 9 of 35 8/25/2011 .Obsolete Table / View Name GL_MRC_REPORTING_SOB_PROFILE_V GL_PERIOD_STATUSES_REV_BUD_V GL_TRANS_BUDGET_PERIODS_V GL_TRANS_PERIODS_BSV_V GL_TRANSLATION_RATES_CURR_V GL_TRANSLATION_RATES_PERIODS_V GL_TRANSLATION_RATES_V GL_TRANSLATION_TRACKING_V RG_REPORT_STANDARD_AXES_V Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Replaced By Page 9 of 35 R12 . List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name AP_TAX_CODES_ALL AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B GL_TAX_CODES_V Object Type TABLE TABLE VIEW Description This table is now used to store only withholding tax codes This table is now used only by Latin Tax Engine. New Tables and Views Oracle E-Business Tax is a new product in Release 12.Module: Tax This Section describes the table and view changes under module Tax. This view is modified to return information from the new tax configuration tables of Oracle E-Business Tax. Replaced By Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name AP_TAX_RECVRY_RATES_ALL AP_TAX_RECVRY_RULES_ALL AR_TAX_EXTRACT_DCL_ITF AR_TAX_EXTR_SUB_AP_EXT AR_TAX_EXTR_SUB_AR_EXT AR_TAX_EXTRACT_SUB_ITF AR_TAX_EXTRACT_MATRIX_ITF AR_TAX_EXTR_SUB_COM_EXT AR_LOCATION_COMBINATIONS AR_LOCATION_RATES AR_LOCATION_VALUES AR_SALES_TAX AR_SALES_TAX_REP_ITF AR_TAX_CONDITION_ACTIONS_ALL AR_TAX_CONDITION_LINES_ALL AR_TAX_CONDTIONS_ALL GL_TAX_OPTIONS GL_TAX_OPTION_ACCOUNTS AP_TAX_RECVRY_RULES AP_TAX_RECVRY_RATES AP_TAX_CODES_NAMES_V AP_TAX_CODES_V Page 10 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 10 of 35 R12 . Obsolete Table / View Name AP_TAX_LINES_SUMMARY_V AP_TAX_CODES_VAL_V AP_TAX_CODES_TN_V AP_TAX_CODES_ACTIVE_V AR_TAX_EXTRACT_ITF_V TAX_LINES_DELETE_V_V TAX_LINES_INVOICE_IMPORT_V TAX_LINES_DELETE_V TAX_LINES_INVOICE_IMPORT_V_A TAX_LINES_DELETE_V_A TAX_LINES_INQUIRY_V TAX_ADJUSTMENTS_V OE_TAX_LINES_SUMMARY_V_V TAX_LINES_CM_V_A AR_DEFAULT_TAX_CODE_V AR_CM_DIST_TAX_L_V AR_CM_DIST_TAX_L_VL AR_CM_TAX_L_V TAX_ADJUSTMENTS_V_V TAX_LINES_RECREATE_V TAX_LINES_CREATE_V_A TAX_LINES_RECURR_INVOICE_V TAX_LINES_RECURR_INVOICE_V_A TAX_LINES_RMA_IMPORT_V_V TAX_LINES_CM_V TAX_LINES_CREATE_V_V AR_TAX_L_V AR_CM_TAX_L_VL OE_TAX_LINES_SUMMARY_V_A TAX_LINES_CREATE_V TAX_ADJUSTMENTS_V_A TAX_LINES_RMA_IMPORT_V TAX_LINES_INVOICE_IMPORT_V_V TAX_LINES_CM_V_V TAX_LINES_RMA_IMPORT_V_A TAX_LINES_RECURR_INVOICE_V_V TAX_LINES_ENGINE_REVERSE_V AR_TAX_L_VL AR_DIST_TAX_L_VL Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Replaced By Page 11 of 35 R12 .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 11 of 35 . List of Obsolete Tables and Columns .Module: Cash Management This section describes the table and view changes under module Cash Management. New Tables and Views Table / View Name CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL CE_GL_ACCOUNTS_CCID CE_INTEREST_BALANCE_RANGES CE_INTEREST_RATES CE_INTEREST_SCHEDULES CE_BANK_ACCT_BALANCES CE_PROJECTED_BALANCES CE_INT_CALC_DETAILS_TMP CE_CASHFLOWS CE_CASHFLOW_ACCT_H CE_PAYMENT_TRANSACTIONS CE_PAYMENT_TEMPLATES CE_TRXNS_SUBTYPE_CODES CE_XLA_EXT_HEADERS CE_CONTACT_ASSIGNMENTS CE_AP_PM_DOC_CATEGORIES CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS CE_SECURITY_PROFILES_GT CE_CHECKBOOKS CE_SECURITY_PROFILES_V CE_LE_BG_OU_VS_V CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS_V CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V CE_BANK_ACCT_USES CE_BANK_ACCTS_GT_V CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_BG_V CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_LE_V CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_OU_V CE_BANK_ACCTS_CALC_V CE_INTEREST_RATES_V CE_260_CF_RECONCILED_V CE_260_CF_TRANSACTIONS_V CE_260_CF_REVERSAL_V CE_INTERNAL_BANK_ACCTS_GT_V CE_XLA_EXT_HEADERS_V CE_INTERNAL_BANK_ACCTS_V CE_BANKS_V Page 12 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 12 of 35 Description R12 . List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 13 of 35 .Table / View Name CE_BANK_ACCTS_SEARCH_GT_V CE_XLA_TRANSACTIONS_V CEFV_BANK_ACCOUNTS CEBV_BANK_ACCOUNTS CEFV_BANK_BRANCHES CEBV_BANK_BRANCHES CE_BANKS_V Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Description Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name CE_AVAILABLE_TRANSACTIONS_TMP CE_STATEMENT_RECONCILS_ALL CE_ARCH_RECONCILIATIONS_ALL CE_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL CE_ARCH_HEADERS CE_ARCH_INTERFACE_HEADERS CE_ARCH_INTRA_HEADERS CE_INTRA_STMT_HEADERS Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Description Add LEGAL_ENTITY_ID and ORG_ID Add LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Add LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Add LEGAL_ENTITY_ID. Add Columns for BAT project Drop ORG_ID Drop ORG_ID. Add more balance columns Drop ORG_ID Drop ORG_ID Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name CE_ARCH_HEADERS_ALL CE_ARCH_INTERFACE_HEADERS_ALL CE_ARCH_INTRA_HEADERS_ALL CE_INTRA_STMT_HEADERS_ALL CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS_ALL CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS_INT_ALL Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Replaced By CE_ARCH_HEADERS CE_ARCH_INTERFACE_HEADE RS CE_ARCH_INTRA_HEADERS CE_INTRA_STMT_HEADERS CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS CE_STATEMENT_HEADERS_INT ERFACE Page 13 of 35 R12 . Module: Purchasing This section describes the table and view changes under module Purchasing.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . New Tables and Views Table / View Name PO_DRAFTS PO_HEADERS_DRAFT_ALL PO_LINES_DRAFT_ALL PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_DRAFT_ALL PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_DRAFT_ALL PO_GA_ORG_ASSIGN_DRAFT PO_PRICE_DIFF_DRAFT PO_NOTIFICATION_CTRL_DRAFT PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_DRAFT PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_TLP_DRAFT PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_TLP PO_ATTR_VALUES_INTERFACE PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_INTERFACE PO_ATTR_VALUES_ARCHIVE PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_ARCHIVE PO_DOC_STYLE_HEADERS PO_DOC_STYLE_VALUES PO_DOC_STYLE_LINES_B PO_DOC_STYLE_LINES_TL PO_CHANGE_ORDER_TOLERANCES_A LL PO_BC_DISTRIBUTIONS PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_INTERFACE PO_ATTR_VALUES_INTERFACE PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_INTERFACE PO_HEADERS_MERGE_V PO_LINES_MERGE_V PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_MERGE_V PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_MERGE_V PO_GA_ORG_ASSIGN_MERGE_V PO_PRICE_DIFF_MERGE_V PO_NOTIFICATION_CTRL_MERGE_V PO_ATTR_VALUES_MERGE_V Page 14 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 14 of 35 Description Document Styles New User Interface for Oracle Purchasing Setups Uptake Subledger Accounting for Funds Control Interface table for price breaks and standard PO shipments Interface table for line nontranslatable attribute values Interface table for line translatable attribute values R12 . Page 15 of 35 R12 .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 15 of 35 . FAX.Table / View Name PO_ATTR_VALUES_TLP_MERGE_V PO_DOC_STYLE_LINES_VL PO_ALL_DOC_STYLE_LINES PO_STYLE_ENABLED_LINE_TYPES PO_STYLE_ENABLED_PAY_ITEMS PO_STYLE_ENABLED_PUR_BASES PO_EXTRACT_DETAIL_V PO_DISTS_REF_V PO_EXTRACT_HEADER_V PO_HEADERS_REF_V PO_LINES_REF_V PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_REF_V PO_RELEASE_TRANSACTION_V PO_REQ_DISTS_REF_V PO_REQ_EXTRACT_DETAIL_V PO_REQ_HEADERS_REF_V PO_REQ_LINES_REF_V PO_REQ_TRANSACTION_V PO_TRANSACTION_V PO_REQ_EXTRACT_HEADER_V PO_RELEASES_REF_V PO_EXTRACT_DETAIL_V Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Description Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name PO_HEADERS_ALL Object Type TABLE Description Added columns (SUPPLIER_NOTIF_MET HOD. Added new columns: created_language cpa_reference last_updated_program Added the STYLE_ID column for capturing the style of each document. EMAIL_ADDRESS) for capturing the Communication Details specified for a PO on the Create/Update Order page. List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 16 of 35 .Table / View Name PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE Object Type TABLE TABLE Description Added new columns: created_language cpa_reference Added new columns: created_language cpa_reference last_updated_program Added new columns: catalog_name supplier_part_auxid ip_category_id last_updated_program Added new columns: catalog_name supplier_part_auxid ip_category_id last_updated_program Added new columns: catalog_name supplier_part_auxid ip_category_id processing_id Added new columns: ip_category_id last_updated_program Added new column: column_value PO_LINES_ALL TABLE PO_LINES_ARCHIVE_ALL TABLE PO_LINES_INTERFACE TABLE PO_REQEXPRESS_LINES_ALL TABLE PO_INTERFACE_ERRORS TABLE Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name PO_ACCRUAL_ACCOUNTS_TEMP PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TEMP PO_ACCRUAL_WRITE_OFFS PO_AUTOSOURCE_DOCUMENTS PO_CONTROL_GROUPS PO_DISTRIBUTIONS PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ARCHIVE PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_B PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_TL PO_HEADERS Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Replaced By PO_ACCRUAL_ACCOUNTS_TE MP Secured Synonym PO_ACCRUAL_RECONCILE_TE MP Secured Synonym PO_ACCRUAL_WRITE_OFFS Secured Synonym PO_AUTOSOURCE_DOCUMENT S Secured Synonym PO_CONTROL_GROUPS Secured Synonym PO_DISTRIBUTIONS Secured Synonym PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ARCHIVE Secured Synonym PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_B Secured Synonym PO_DOCUMENT_TYPES_TL Secured Synonym PO_HEADERS Secured Synonym Page 16 of 35 R12 . Obsolete Table / View Name PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE PO_HISTORY_POS PO_HISTORY_REQUISITIONS PO_LINES PO_LINES_ARCHIVE PO_LINE_LOCATIONS PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIVE PO_LOCATION_ASSOCIATIONS PO_MASSCANCEL_INCLUDES PO_NOTIFICATIONS PO_POSITION_CONTROLS PO_QUOTATION_APPROVALS PO_RELEASES PO_RELEASES_ARCHIVE PO_REQEXPRESS_HEADERS PO_REQEXPRESS_LINES PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS PO_REQUISITION_LINES PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE PO_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL PO_REQ_TAX_LINES_SUMMARY_V Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Replaced By PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE Secured Synonym PO_HISTORY_POS Secured Synonym PO_HISTORY_REQUISITIONS Secured Synonym PO_LINES Secured Synonym PO_LINES_ARCHIVE Secured Synonym PO_LINE_LOCATIONS Secured Synonym PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ARCHIV E Secured Synonym PO_LOCATION_ASSOCIATIONS Secured Synonym PO_MASSCANCEL_INCLUDES Secured Synonym PO_NOTIFICATIONS Secured Synonym PO_POSITION_CONTROLS Secured Synonym PO_QUOTATION_APPROVALS Secured Synonym PO_RELEASES Secured Synonym PO_RELEASES_ARCHIVE Secured Synonym PO_REQEXPRESS_HEADERS Secured Synonym PO_REQEXPRESS_LINES Secured Synonym PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE Secured Synonym PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS Secured Synonym PO_REQUISITION_LINES Secured Synonym PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS Secured Synonym PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE Secured Synonym PO_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS Secured Synonym PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CON TROL Secured Synonym E-Business Tax Integration Page 17 of 35 R12 .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 17 of 35 . Obsolete Table / View Name PO_REL_TAX_LINES_SUMMARY_V PO_TAX_LINES_SUMMARY_V Object Type VIEW VIEW Replaced By E-Business Tax Integration E-Business Tax Integration Page 18 of 35 R12 .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 18 of 35 . Added numerous columns AR_DEFERRAL_REASONS AR_DEFERRED_LINES_ALL AR_RDR_PARAMETERS_GT AR_REVIEWED_LINES_GT AR_MEMO_LINES_VL AR_SHIP_ADDRESS_V RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_V AR_DOCS_RECEIVABLES_V AR_FUNDS_CAPTURE_ORDERS_V ARBR_DOCS_RECEIVABLES_V ARBR_DOCUMENT_LINES_V ARBR_FUNDS_CAPTURE_ORDERS_V AR_CBA_BANK_BRANCH_CONTACTS_ V AR_CBA_BANK_ACCOUNT_CONTACTS _V AR_CBA_EFT_USER_NUMBER_V AR_LINE_DEFERRAL_REASONS AR_LINE_CONTINGENCIES_V AR_RDR_ITEMS_V TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Revenue Deferral Reasons Revenue Deferral Reasons Reasons.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 19 of 35 . Revenue Deferral Reasons Revenue Deferral Reasons Revenue Deferral Reasons Revenue Deferral Reasons Added tax_product_category. Validation Set for RDR setup Page 19 of 35 R12 . New Tables and Views Table / View Name AR_REC_TRX_LE_DETAILS_ALL Object Type TABLE Description Added detail level table under AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ALL to record the relationship between a receivables activity and the sets of asset and liability tax codes by legal entity.Module: Receivables This section describes the table and view changes under module AR. Removed hz_loc_assignments. tax_header_level_flag. Added tax_product_category to support E-Business Tax uptake. merchant_id. Added Payment extension identifier. Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax uptake. Added legal_entity_id column. Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax and linelevel Ship To Obsoleted invalid_tax_rate_rule column. Added parent_line_id and deferral_exclusion_flag. payment_server_order_num. Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax uptake. approval_code. and tax_classification to ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE and ZX_REGISTRATIONS tables.Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL Object Type TABLE Description Added numerous columns to support E-Business Tax and linelevel Ship To. merchant_ref. Added parent_line_id and deferral_exclusion_flag. Added Payment Channel Code and obsoleted. Renamed column REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCOUN T_ID to REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID. address_verification_code. Migrated tax_code.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 20 of 35 . auto_print_program_id AR_MEMO_LINES AR_TRX_LINES_GT TABLE TABLE AR_TRX_LINES_TMP_GT TABLE AR_ARCHIVE_DETAIL TABLE RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL HZ_CUST_SITE_USES TABLE TABLE AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL TABLE AR_RECEIPT_METHODS TABLE Page 20 of 35 R12 . tax_reference. payment_type_code. Added Payment extension identifier and obsoleted. List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 21 of 35 . Added legal_entity_id column. Added parent_line_id and deferral_exclusion_flag. RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL TABLE AR_AUTOREC_EXCEPTIONS TABLE AR_BATCHES_ALL TABLE AR_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL TABLE AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL AR_RECEIPT_METHOD_ACCOUNTS_A LL AR_TRX_HEADER_GT AR_TRX_HEADER_TMP_GT AR_LINE_CONTS_ALL AR_TRX_CONTINGENCIES_GT TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Page 21 of 35 R12 . address_verification_code. approval_code.Table / View Name RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL Object Type TABLE Description Added Payment extension identifier and Payment Attributes. Renamed column REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCOUN T_ID to REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID. Renamed column REMIT_BANK_ACCT_ID to REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID Renamed column REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCOUN T_ID to REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID Renamed column DEFAULT_REMIT_BANK_ACCO UNT_ID to REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID Renamed column REMITTANCE_BANK_A Renamed column BANK_ACCOUNT_ID to REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Added contingency_id as a foreign key to AR_DEFERRAL_REASONS Added contingency_id. and obsoleted payment_server_order_num. expiration_event_date and completed_flag. approval_code. Added Payment extension identifier and Payment Attributes. obsoleted payment_server_order_num. address_verification_code. Added legal_entity_id column. Also modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project. Also modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project.Table / View Name AR_AUTOMATIC_RECEIPTS_FORMAT_ V Object Type VIEW Description Added Payment extension identifier & payment channel code to view.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 22 of 35 . AR_BOE_AUTO_RECEIPTS_V AR_BOE_REMIT_RECEIPTS_CBUNR_V VIEW VIEW AR_BOE_REMIT_RECEIPTS_NONCBR_V VIEW AR_BOE_REMIT_RECEIPTS_V VIEW AR_BR_ASSIGNMENTS_V VIEW AR_BR_MAIN_REMIT_BATCH_V VIEW AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_V VIEW AR_CUSTOMER_BILLS_TRX_V VIEW AR_REMITTED_RECEIPTS_FORMAT_V VIEW Page 22 of 35 R12 . Added Payment extension identifier to view Added Payment extension identifier & payment channel code to view. Added Payment extension identifier & payment channel code to view. Also modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project. Modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project Modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project Modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project Added Payment extension identifier and payment channel identifier to view Added Payment extension identifier and payment channel identifier to view Added Payment extension identifier & payment channel code to view. Also modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 23 of 35 RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_PART_CB_V VIEW RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_PARTIAL_V VIEW AR_AEL_GL_REC_V AR_AEL_SL_REC_V AR_CUSTOMER_BILLS_TRX_V AR_BR_MAIN_REMIT_BATCH_V AR_BATCHES_V AR_BATCH_REMIT_V AR_BOE_REMIT_RECEIPTS_V AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_V AR_INTERIM_CR_LINES_V AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_V AR_CUSTOMER_BILLS_TRX_V AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_PMT_V AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_TRX2_V RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_CR_TRX_V Page 23 of 35 VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW R12 . Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model. Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model.Table / View Name RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_CM_V Object Type VIEW Description Modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project Added Payment extension identifier and the payment channel identifier to view Modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project Added Payment extension identifier and the payment channel identifier to view Modified the view to accommodate the data model changes related to payment uptake project Added Payment extension identifier and the payment channel identifier to view Made changes to support the new Internal Bank Account data model.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . Table / View Name RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_PARTIAL_V RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_PART_CB_V AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_V RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_V Object Type VIEW VIEW VIEW VIEW Description Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Added legal_entity_id column Added column user_generated_flag Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name AR_TA_ASGN_TO_INT_ALL AR_TA_CASHAPP_OB_ALL AR_TA_CR_AGEN_INF_ALL AR_TA_CUST_HIER_CHILD AR_TA_CUST_HIER_PARNT AR_TA_CUST_INT_ALL AR_TA_CUST_TRXSTR_ALL AR_TA_DEDN_ASSGNS_ALL AR_TA_DEDN_INT_ALL AR_TA_DEDN_RELATE_ALL AR_TA_LEGACY_CUST_INT AR_TA_LEGACY_STAT_INT AR_TA_PAYMNT_HIST_ALL AR_TA_PROF_ASSGNT_ALL AR_TA_PROMOTIONS_ALL AR_TA_PROMOTIONS_INT AR_TA_PROM_CUST_ALL AR_TA_PROM_CUST_MAP AR_TA_PROM_LINES_INT AR_TA_PROM_PAYMNT_ALL AR_TA_PROM_PAYMNT_TYP AR_TA_PROM_PRODS_ALL AR_TA_PROM_STATUS_MAP AR_TA_RECON_INFO_ALL AR_TA_RECV_TRXSET_ALL AR_TA_REMIT_HIST_ALL AR_TA_REMIT_PROF_ALL AR_TA_RISK_COMENT_ALL AR_TA_RULES_ALL AR_TA_RULE_OUTPUT AR_TA_RULE_SETS_ALL AR_TA_RULE_SET_LN_ALL AR_TA_TRX_SETS_ALL AR_TA_TRX_SET_LN_ALL Page 24 of 35 Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 24 of 35 Replaced By R12 .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 25 of 35 .Obsolete Table / View Name AR_TA_TRX_TO_CREATE AR_TA_TRX_TYP_INT_ALL AR_TA_VERSIONS Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE Replaced By Page 25 of 35 R12 . Number of columns were added to this table due to almost all the projects done for R12. Some existing columns from the same tables have been made obsolete.Module: Paybles This section describes the table and view changes under module AP. for list of columns added please refer to the TDD of the respective projects. for list of columns added please refer to the TDD of the respective projects.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . New Tables and Views Table / View Name CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL AP_ALLOCATION_RULES AP_ALLOCATION_RULE_LINES AP_ALLOCATION_RULE_LINES_GT AP_SELF_ASSESSED_TAX_DIST_ALL AP_PRODUCT_REGISTRATIONS AP_PRODUCT_SETUP AP_TOLERANCE_TEMPLATES AP_NEGOTIATION_HIST AP_NEGOTIATION_HIST Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Description Internal Bank Accounts Payment Documents to be used for Printed type Payments Info for Payee (Trading Partner paying invoicesto Bank Accounts Used for Remit Invoice Lines Invoice Lines Invoice Lines Global Temp Table for Invoice Lines – Allocations E-Business Tax Invoice Lines Multi Org Access Control Support of complex PO Contracts Invoice Requests Holds Resolution Workflow Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name AP_INVOICES_ALL Object Type TABLE Description Numerous columns were added to this table due to almost all the projects done for R12. Some new columns are added to AP_CHECKS_ALL table for maintaining real time synchronization with Oracle Payments and Cash Managements. Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 26 of 35 AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL TABLE AP_INV_APRVL_HIST_ALL AP_CHECKS_ALL TABLE TABLE Page 26 of 35 R12 . Hold_ID column was added. Table / View Name AP_HOLDS_ALL Object Type TABLE TABLE Description New Columns Added were: Hold_id and wf_status. item_type and item_key. New Columns Added were: hold_instruction. AP_INV_APRVL_HIST_ALL AP_TAX_DERIVATIONS AP_LINE_APRVL_HIST_ALL AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS AP_BANK_ACCOUNT_USES AP_BANK_ACCOUNT_USES_V TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW Page 27 of 35 R12 . replaced by This feature is distributions itself. hold_id and history_type New Columns Added were:child_process_item_key.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 27 of 35 . New Columns Added were:line_number. wait_before_notify_days. Replaced by relevant EBTax tables/views. distributions itself represent the allocation of charges. AP_HOLD_CODES AP_INV_APRVL_HIST_ALL TABLE AP_APINV_APPROVERS TABLE Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name AP_BANK_BRANCHES AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_USES_ALL AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL AP_CHECK_FORMATS AP_TAX_RECVRY_RULES_ALL AP_TAX_RECVRY_RATES_ALL AP_CHRG_ALLOCATIONS_ALL Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE Replaced By CE_BANK_BRANCHES_V CE_BANK_USES_OU_V/IBY_EX T_BANK_ACCOUNTS_V CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS Replaced by relevant EBTax tables/views. child_process_item_type. reminder_days This will be used to record history for both the Invoice level Approvals and Invoice Line level approvals. Replaced by relevant EBTax tables/views. List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 28 of 35 . Address usage is used during Geography Name Referencing (GNR) process to identify the required geography components in order for an address to pass GNR process for that address usage. data is written to this table when an organization is created. New Tables and Views Table / View Name HZ_ADAPTER_USERS HZ_ADDRESS_USAGE_DTLS Object Type TABLE TABLE Description This table is used for third party integration. This table stores business object definitions. When Raise Events concurrent program runs. This table stores all the DQM setup diagnostic reports and their information. this table stores the potential business object identifiers for raising events. HZ_ADDRESS_USAGES TABLE HZ_BES_GT TABLE HZ_BUS_OBJ_DEFINITIONS TABLE HZ_BUS_OBJ_TRACKING TABLE HZ_DQM_SETUP_DIAGNOSTICS TABLE HZ_SHADOW_ST_CONTACTS TABLE Page 28 of 35 R12 . This table stores transactions of business objects. and business object APIs are tracked in this table. Seeded business object definition will be shipped with R12 release. forms. Insert/update transaction on all business objects/entities from Oracle Customer Online. V2 APIs. This is a session specific global temporary table. For example. This table is a replica of HZ_STAGED_CONTACTS.Module: TCA This section describes the table and view changes under module TCA. This table stores the required geography components for address usages per country and address style. This table stores the address usages per country and address style. Table / View Name HZ_SHADOW_ST_CPTS Object Type TABLE Description This table is a replica of HZ_STAGED_CONTACT_POINT S. This table is a replica of HZ_STAGED_PARTY_SITES. This table is a condensed form of HZ_STAGED_CONTACTS without all the staged columns.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 29 of 35 . This table is a condensed form of HZ_STAGED_PARTIES without all the staged columns. HZ_SHADOW_ST_PARTIES HZ_SHADOW_ST_PSITES HZ_THIN_ST_CONTACTS TABLE TABLE TABLE HZ_THIN_ST_CPTS TABLE HZ_THIN_ST_PARTIES TABLE HZ_THIN_ST_PSITES TABLE JTF_RS_DEFRESOURCES_V VIEW JTF_RS_DEFRESOURCES_SRP_V VIEW Page 29 of 35 R12 . Retrieves resource details for the Define Resource page in Define Resource Form. Retrieves salesperson details for the Receivables tab in Define Resource form. This table is a replica of HZ_STAGED_PARTIES. This table is a condensed form of HZ_STAGED_PARTY_SITES without all the staged columns. This table is a condensed form of HZ_STAGED_CONTACT_POINT S without all the staged columns. LANGUAGE. when the customer converts from non-multi-orgto multi-org. These columns are obsolete because users must upgrade to multi-org in Release 12. LANGUAGE column is obsolete because it is a duplicate of HZ_LOCATIONS. Added CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ID column as a primary key. Migration scripts are provided to move the values from the customer account level to site level. HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ALL HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL Page 30 of 35 R12 . They are usable at the customer level only in a nonmulti-org environment. This is required by auditing.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 30 of 35 . PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID and TAX_CODE are organization sensitive columns.Changed/Modified Tables and Views Table / View Name AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS Object Type TABLE Description Obsolete Indexes: AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_N1 Obsolete Columns: ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DATE ACCOUNT_TERMINATION_DA TE CURRENT_BALANCE ACCT_LIFE_CYCLE_STATUS DORMANT_ACCOUNT_FLAG REALTIME_RATE_FLAG ACCOUNT_LIABLE_FLAG DEPARTMENT COMPETITOR_TYPE SUSPENSION_DATE NOTIFY_FLAG ORDER_TYPE_ID PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID TAX_CODE ORDER_TYPE_ID. Address validation level is specific to a country and value for ADDR_VAL_LEVEL should be set only at country level. Added column ADDR_VAL_LEVEL (VARCHAR2 (60)).Table / View Name HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS Object Type Description Added columns for Oracle Receivables enhancements for Balance Forward Billing and Late Charges: EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE MIN_FC_INVOICE_OVERDUE_T YPE MIN_FC_INVOICE_PERCENTNU MBER MIN_FC_BALANCE_OVERDUE_ TYPE MIN_FC_BALANCE_PERCENTN UMBER INTEREST_TYPE INTEREST_FIXED_AMOUNTNU MBER INTEREST_SCHEDULE_ID PENALTY_TYPE PENALTY_RATENUMBER MIN_INTEREST_CHARGENUMB ER PENALTY_FIXED_AMOUNTNU MBER PENALTY_SCHEDULE_ID Obsolete Indexes: HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS_N1 Added columns for Oracle Receivables enhancements for Balance Forward Billing and Late Charges: CONS_BILL_LEVEL LATE_CHARGE_CALCULATION _TRX CREDIT_ITEMS_FLAG DISPUTED_TRANSACTIONS_FL AG LATE_CHARGE_TYPE LATE_CHARGE_TERM_ID INTEREST_CALCULATION_PERI OD New column PERSON_PARTY_ID HOLD_CHARGED_INVOICES_F added.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . LAG MESSAGE_TEXT_ID MULTIPLE_INTEREST_RATES_F Added column USAGE_CODE LAG CHARGE_BEGIN_DATE (VARCHAR2(30)). Obsolete Indexes: HZ_LOC_ASSIGNMENTS_U1 Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 31 of 35 HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES HZ_DQM_STAGE_GT HZ_GEO_NAME_REFERENCE_LOG HZ_GEO_STRUCTURE_LEVELS HZ_LOC_ASSIGNMENTS Page 31 of 35 R12 . New HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES_N3 index added to improve performance. so these columns are not populated. HZ_MATCH_RULES_B HZ_MERGE_ENTITY_ATTRIBUTES HZ_ORG_CONTACTS HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES Page 32 of 35 R12 . Added new columns USE_CONTACT_ADDR_FLAG and USE_CONTACT_CPT_FLAG. Obsolete Indexes: HZ_MERGE_ENTITY_ATTRIBUT ES_N1 TITLE is obsolete because it is a duplicate column of HZ_PARTIES.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 32 of 35 . This is a dedicated column for the country of the bank as validations are country specific. HOME_COUNTRY column is added in HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES table and denormalized into HZ_PARTIES table.Table / View Name HZ_LOCATIONS Object Type Description Obsolete Columns: PO_BOX_NUMBER HOUSE_NUMBE STREET_SUFFIX STREET STREET_NUMBER FLOOR SUITE Columns are obsolete because address lines 1-4 are not parsed.PERSON_PRE_NA ME_ADJUNCT. New column QKEY added. New columns PERSON_PARTY_ID. Salesperson in Resource Manager Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 33 of 35 HZ_PARTY_SITES HZ_STAGED_CONTACT_POINTS HZ_STAGED_CONTACTS HZ_STAGED_PARTY_SITES HZ_WORD_REPLACEMENTS JTF_RS_SALESREPS Page 33 of 35 R12 . New Columns (provide significant performance benefit when determining the appropriate events to raise): PERSON_BO_VERSION ORG_BO_VERSION PERSON_CUST_BO_VERSION ORG_CUST_BO_VERSION These columns should .List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . New columns DELETE_FLAG and STAGED_FLAG. Oracle Payabes populates this column during Supplier upgrade to TCA and JFMIP/Federal integration leverages this column. HOME_COUNTRY added in HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES table and denormalized into HZ_PARTIES table. and HZ_PARTIES_N5 (functional index on HZ_PARTIES. New columns PERSON_PARTY_ID. New column DUNS_NUMBER_C will be for internal use only and is exposed only in TCA Party Site API without any validations. QKEY added. LANGUAGE is obsolete because it is a duplicate column of HZ_LOCATIONS.UPPER(PARTY_NA ME)) in place of HZ_PARTIES_N9. LANGUAGE.Table / View Name HZ_PARTIES Object Type Description Obsolete Indexes (for performance reasons): HZ_PARTIES_N6 HZ_PARTIES_N9 Rewrite any queries that use index HZ_PARTIES_N6 or HZ_PARTIES_N9 to use HZ_PARTIES_N1 (index on HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_NAME) in place of HZ_PARTIES_N6. QKEY added. Removed Client Info predicate from the Where Clause of the view. Added ORG_ID and ORG_NAME columsn in this view since it returns multiple records for salespersons in different operating units. Removed Client Info predicate from the Where Clause of the view. Added ORG_ID and ORG_NAME colums in this view since it returns multiple records for salespersons in different operating units.List of Obsolete Tables and Columns . TABLE VIEW VIEW JTF_RS_ALL_RESOURCES_VL VIEW JTF_RS_RESOURCES_VL VIEW Obsolete Tables and Views Obsolete Table / View Name HZ_CUST_CONTACT_POINTS HZ_INDUSTRIAL_CLASSES HZ_INDUSTRIAL_CLASS_APP HZ_LOC_ASSIGNMENTS HZ_PARAM_TAB HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES HZ_CUST_SITE_USES HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE Object Type TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE VIEW VIEW VIEW Replaced By HZ_CONTACT_POINTS Classification Model Classification Model None None Multi-Org Synonym HZ_CUST_ACCT Multi-Org Synonym HZ_CUST_ACCT_HZ_CUST_SIT E_USES Multi-Org Synonym HZ_CUST_ACCT Multi-Org Synonym RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE Multi-Org Synonym RA_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_INT ERFACE Multi-Org Synonym RA_CONTACT_PHONES_INTER FACE Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 34 of 35 RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE RA_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_INTERFACE RA_CONTACT_PHONES_INTERFACE VIEW VIEW VIEW Page 34 of 35 R12 . Added ORG_ID NUMBER column.Table / View Name RA_CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADERS RA_CUSTOMER_MERGES JTF_RS_DEFRESOURCES_VL JTF_RS_RESOURCE_DTLS_VL Object Type Description Added ORG_ID NUMBER column. List of Obsolete Tables and Columns Revised as of 8/25/2011 Page 35 of 35 .Obsolete Table / View Name RA_CUSTOMER_BANKS_INTERFACE Object Type VIEW Replaced By Multi-Org Synonym RA_CUSTOMER_BANKS_INTER FACE Multi-Org Synonym RA_CUST_PAY_METHOD_ HZ_PARTIES and HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS RA_CUST_PAY_METHOD_INTERFACE VIEW RA_HCUSTOMERS VIEW Page 35 of 35 R12 .
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