R 2000iC Line



FANUC Robot R-2000iCFANUC CORPORATION Export Control:  Controlled (Related item No. of Foreign Exchange Order Attachment List of Japan:   Non-controlled for item No. 2 to 15 of Foreign Exchange Order Attachment List of Japan July 29th 2014 ) A-97606-0293E_05 1 Full-model change of R-2000iB Over 70,000 units of previous model R-2000iB have been operating throughout the world since 2006. High reliability proven by past results More convenient use due to slimmer body Higher productivity due to speeding up Extensive application due to enhanced wrist load capability Less varieties of spare parts due to common units among main models No need of spare entire cable assembly due to modular configuration R-2000iC July 29th 2014 New motor - Quick-release connector, - Enhanced waterproof A-97606-0293E_05 2 Line up Standard Long reach Rack mount Heavy payload Ceiling mount 165F 125L 165R 210F Compact 210R  Various options for multiple applications July 29th 2014 Spot welding Material handling Motor covers Stud welding Severe dust & Liquid protection Cooling fan A-97606-0293E_05 3 . 015 0 depth10 Succeeding compatibility and high reliability 30 ° 30 ° Common compact wrist 125 ±0.05 10-M10 tap depth16 (Same dimension with R-2000iB/165F’s) O 1 25 ° 30 ° 30 215 30° 30° Identical arm length with R-2000iB 8-O24 through O 42 c'bore depth5 (for fixing robot) Robot front 230 270 540 460 J1-axis rotation center 230 460 270 540 Identical installation with R-2000iB July 29th 2014 A-97606-0293E_05 4 .5 O 160 h8 9 O 80 H7 +0.030 0 Identical mounting face with R-2000iB 30° 2.O 10 H7 30° +0.Successor to R-2000iB 0 -0.063 10. Slimmer body R-2000iB/210F R-2000iB/210F R-2000iC/210F 284 J3 axis One-sided width -22% Total width -16% J2 axis One-sided width -17% Total width -6% 235 R-2000iB/210F R-2000iC/210F R-2000iC/210F 265 Rotation radius R620 R581 215 More convenient use July 29th 2014 A-97606-0293E_05 5 . 4 82 1240 1090 210F Allowable distance of load gravity center from mounting face [load:210kg] R-2000iB/210F 5% up (Converted to actual capability) 4% up 4% up R-2000iC/210F 5% up 12% down A-97606-0293E_05 6 . load at wrist [kg] 210 210 - Reach [mm] 2655 2655 - J1 95 120 26% up J2 90 105 17% up J3 95 110 17% up J4 120 140 17% up J5 120 140 17% up J6 190 220 16% up J4 1333 1360 Max.Speed up & Enhanced wrist load capability R-2000iB /210F R-2000iC /210F Conventional ratio Max.1 147 J5 141. speed [deg/sec] Allowable load moment at wrist [Nm] Allowable load inertia at wrist [kgm2] Mass [kg] July 29th 2014 J5 1333 1360 J6 706 735 J4 141.1 147 J6 78. 8 72 J6 22.4 89 J6 40. speed [deg/sec] Allowable load moment at wrist [Nm] Allowable load inertia at wrist [kgm2] Mass [kg] 21% up 3% up 22% up A-97606-0293E_05 7 .8 72 J5 58. load at wrist [kg] 125 125 - Reach [mm] 3005 3100 3% up J1 110 130 18% up J2 110 115 5% up J3 110 125 14% up J4 170 180 6% up 20% up J5 170 180 6% up 18% up J6 260 260 - J4 588 710 J5 588 710 J6 343 355 J4 58.4 89 165F.2 46 14% up 1170 1090 7% down Max. load at wrist [kg] 165 165 - Reach [mm] 2655 2655 - J1 110 130 18% up J2 110 115 5% up J3 110 125 14% up J4 150 180 20% up J5 150 180 J6 220 260 J4 921 940 Max.Speed up & Enhanced wrist load capability R-2000iB /165F R-2000iC /165F Conventional ratio Max.125L 6% up 14% up J5 78.5 40 78% up 1190 1115 6% down 2% up J5 921 940 J6 461 490 J4 78. speed [deg/sec] Allowable load moment at wrist [Nm] Allowable load inertia at wrist [kgm2] Mass [kg] July 29th 2014 R-2000iB /125L R-2000iC /125L Conventional ratio Max. load at wrist [kg] 165 165 - Reach [mm] 3095 3095 - J1 110 115 5% up J2 100 110 10% up J3 110 125 14% up J4 150 180 20% up J5 150 180 J6 220 260 J4 921 940 Max. speed [deg/sec] Allowable load moment at wrist [Nm] Allowable load inertia at wrist [kgm2] Mass [kg] July 29th 2014 R-2000iB /200R R-2000iC /210R Conventional ratio Max.4 89 165R. speed [deg/sec] Allowable load moment at wrist [Nm] Allowable load inertia at wrist [kgm2] Mass [kg] 5% up (Converted to actual capability) J5 1333 1360 J6 706 735 J4 141.4 147 J5 141.4 147 J6 78.4 82 5% up 1540 1370 11% down 4% up 4% up A-97606-0293E_05 8 .Speed up & Enhanced wrist load capability R-2000iB /165R R-2000iC /165R Conventional ratio Max.2 46 14% up 1480 1370 7% down Max. load at wrist [kg] 200 210 3% up Reach [mm] 3095 3095 - J1 90 105 17% up J2 85 97 14% up J3 95 110 16% up J4 120 140 17% up 20% up J5 120 140 17% up 18% up J6 190 220 17% up J4 1333 1360 2% up J5 921 940 J6 461 490 J4 78.4 89 J6 40.210R 6% up 14% up J5 78. 485 [sec] 0. Time of Segment [sec] 0.Speeding up on spot welding motion  Drastically reducing cycle time Robot + Servo gun motion (Except pressuring time) i i 50mm interval x 10 points Average time R-2000 B/210F R-2000 C/210F with R-30 B with R-30 B (Actual) (Actual) X (Back & Forth) direction 0.402 [sec] ▲17% Y (Side to side) direction 0.50 Z- iC Joint X- X+ 0.493 [sec] 0.412 [sec] ▲16% Z (Up & Down) direction 0.40 0 July 29th 2014 Y- 70 140 Wrist Load [kg] 210 280 YA-97606-0293E_05 9 .45 Z+ 0.60 iB Linear 0.495 [sec] 0.55 iC Linear iB Joint 0.417 [sec] ▲16% i i Tip distance Gun tip : 10mm Fixed tip : 10mm 50mm 10 points  Reducing cycle time depending on wrist load BOX C yc le T im e Ave. Common units among main models Less varieties of spare parts Common units among main models • Motors • Wrist unit (including reducers) • Mechanical inner cable • Balancer unit 210F Motors Wrist unit July 29th 2014 165F 125L 210R 165R Same configuration for 5 models Common for 5 models Mechanical inner cable Common for 3 models Common for 2 models Balancer unit Common for 3 models Common for 2 models A-97606-0293E_05 10 . Modular configuration of mechanical inner cable Basic cable unit (for driving 6 motors) and other optional one are separated. Available to individually replace or install each cable unit. No need of spare entire cable assembly Basic cable unit Optional cable unit Entire cable assembly Basic cable unit Basic cable unit Optional cable unit Optional cable unit J1 connector plate Side of J2 arm July 29th 2014 A-97606-0293E_05 11 . High reliability *1 Quick-release connector *2 Enhanced waterproof by improved seals ① Motor configuration Axis J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 Pulsecoder ② July 29th 2014 R-2000iB R-2000iC αiSR30/3000 αiSR22/4000 A06B-0041-B605#S042 A06B-2048-B605#0042 αiSR30/3000 αiSR30/3000 A06B-0041-B605#S042 A06B-2041-B605#0042 αiSR30/3000 αiSR30/3000 A06B-0041-B605#S042 A06B-2041-B605#0042 αiS12/4000 αiSR10/4000 A06B-0238-B605#S000 A06B-2047-B605 αiS12/4000 αiSR10/4000 A06B-0238-B605#S000 A06B-2047-B605 αiS12/4000 αiSR10/4000 A06B-0238-B605#S000 A06B-2047-B605 αiAR128 αiAR128 A860-2010-T341 A860-2060-T321 A-97606-0293E_05 12 .Easy maintenance .New motor . 125L R 1 58 +185v 0v 1280 (210F.165F.Outline (Standard) 210F.165F) 3490 (125L) R -185v 1919 (210F.165F) 1730 (125L) 1075 225 312 49 7 215 J5-axis rotation center 220 416 3045 (210F.165F) 815 (125L) 670 796 A-97606-0293E_05 13 .165F) 2364 (125L) July 29th 2014 333 418 Motion range of J5-axis rotation center 2655 (210F.165F) 3100 (125L) 370 (210F. 165R 60 3 220 416 +185v -185v 0v 1708 2975 R8 59 1075 333 225 565 1280 600 720 1758 215 J5-axis rotation center Motion range of J5-axis rotation center 1117 July 29th 2014 3095 A-97606-0293E_05 14 .Outline (Standard) R 210R. A-97606-0293E_05 15 . In case of wrist axis solution arm is ordered. 2. 3. not for R-2000iC/125L. motion range restriction is applied to J4/J5/J6 axis. Wrist axis solution arm is available for standard reach. its motion range is changed from the standard one. In case of primary axis solution arm is ordered.Solution arm (Option) • Compact dressout including weld power cables and hoses • Highly reliable durability of weld cables and hoses • Unnecessary to check the interference due to optimized cable bundle Wrist axis solution arm • Ease of maintenance realizes shorter downtime to replace the unit Available taps around J3 axis to install equipments Optimized cable bundle prevent the interference with EOAT Minimize the interference area Primary axis solution arm July 29th 2014 Note 1. 165F Restriction to J4/J5/J6 axis (with wrist axis solution arm) 1 +185v J4軸動作範囲 J4 motion range J4=+210v 0v -185v R 49 7 J2+J3=-75v J2+J3=+180v J2+J3=-79v J4=30v J2+J3 motion range J2+J3軸動作範囲 312 215 360 1280 265 457 J4=-180v J4=-210v 1075 J5-axis rotation center J6=+205v 3045 225 J6J6軸動作範囲 motion range J6=+130v 333 796 418 J5=-115v J5=+115v 844 July 29th 2014 J5=+120v Motion range of J5-axis rotation center J6=-15v 370 670 J5=-120v 2655 J5 motion range J5軸動作範囲 J6=-170v J6=-205v A-97606-0293E_05 16 .Outline (with solution arm) R 58 210F. Outline (with solution arm) R 60 3 210R.165R Restriction to J4/J5/J6 axis (with wrist axis solution arm) 265 457 +185v -185v J4軸動作範囲 J4 motion range 0v J4=+210v R8 59 J2+J3=-75v J2+J3=+180v J2+J3=-79v J4=30v J2+J3 motion range J2+J3軸動作範囲 J4=-180v 1708 2975 J4=-210v J6J6軸動作範囲 motion range 720 1075 333 225 731 J6=+205v 600 J6=+130v J5=-115v J5=+115v J5=-120v 1280 J5=+120v J6=-15v J5 motion range J5軸動作範囲 360 215 1758 J5-axis rotation center Motion range of J5-axis rotation center 393 July 29th 2014 J6=-170v J6=-205v 3095 A-97606-0293E_05 17 . 5 O 80 H7 +0.165F.063 10.05 10-M10 tap depth16 O 1 25 ° 30 ° 30 215 30° 30° Based on ISO 9409-1-A125 July 29th 2014 A-97606-0293E_05 18 .015 0 depth10 30 ° 30 ° 125 ±0.165R 0 -0.030 0 O 160 h8 9 30° 2.O 10 H7 30° +0.End effecter mounting face 210F.125L 210R. 1 Pin holes for positioning are added 230 270 540 205 ±0.210F.165F.1 278 278 (Mounting face) 310 ±0.165R Installation 348 (Mounting face) 37 (Mounting face) 281 268 8-O 24 through O 42 c'bore depth5 (for fixing robot) 8-M20 through (for mounting transportation equipment) 50 230 305 45 J1-axis rotation center 460 Robot front 230 205 ±0.018 0 through 460 270 540 Section A-A July 29th 2014 35 278 278 35 A-97606-0293E_05 19 .125L 210R.1 45 30 5 A 230 (Mounting face) A 2-O 16 H7 +0. • Available with R-30iB A-cabinet/B-cabinet controller. • Suitable for high-duty application such as press-to-press handling and high-speed palletizing.Press handling package (option) • The cooling fans for J1/J2 axis or J1/J2/J3 axis motor improve duty performance. Cooling fan Power supply cable Power supply connector for cooling fan July 29th 2014 A-97606-0293E_05 20 . water proof connectors and protection sheath for exposed cable Main body :IP56 J3 arm.Severe dust and liquid protection (option) • Enhanced protective performance against harsh environment • Include motor covers. wrist : IP67 • Anti-rust bolts and washers for exposed parts • Available with epoxy paint designation (FoundryPRO) Motor covers Water proof connector for EE(RI/RO) Battery box cover July 29th 2014 A-97606-0293E_05 21 . Zero-positioning plate (option) • New option for zero degree mark in addition to scribe mark and vernier mark seal • Stainless plate and bolts for all • Suitable for harsh environment J4-axis J5-axis J6-axis J3-axis J6-axis Type1:A05B-1333-H063 J2-axis J6-axis Type2:A05B-1333-H064 J1-axis J1-axis July 29th 2014 J5-axis J4-axis J2-axis J3-axis A-97606-0293E_05 22 .
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