Quran Dictionary

March 24, 2018 | Author: intikhabansari | Category: Breastfeeding, Religious Belief And Doctrine, Qur'an, Religion And Belief



www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-1: Al-Fatihah 48 14 15 16 16a 17 Part: 1 judgment, religion, faith, creed Thee Alone we worship and we ask for help, assistance, support In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful !        The Opening Surah 1: Al-Fatihah 1                               ` to take refuge, to seek protection               \ 18 to ask for help, succor, support 2 3 4 I take refuge, I seek protection prep. of, with, by, in prep. from, of, some of, 19 im. guide, direct, lead on right course or way, show the way, make aware 20 21 22 pl. us, our, ours since, then 5 6 7 path, way, course straight, upright, erect, correct, righteous, honest stoned, cursed, damned name, noun xg. Beneficent, Compassionate 23 24 pl. those, who you have favored, you bestowed grace 8 xg. Merciful, Compassionate 25 26 27 prep. unto them, upon them 9 the praise, thanks, commend, admire other than those who earned wrath 10 prep. for, because of, due to, for the sake of, for the sake of 11 Sustainer of the worlds,   \      28 29 not, no, do not, don't who go astray, who lose the way (vn.: Lord of the worlds / creatures 12 13 owner, king, master day  ) www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 49 Part: 1 45 46 < Part :1 +    < revealed, sent down unto thee which, whatever before thee life after death, hereafter, life to come               `     \                 The Heifer / The Cow Surah 2: Al-Baqarah 30 31 32 33 47 48 49 this, (that) no doubt, no suspicion prep. in this, in, at, on, within                  \        50 they are certain of, sure, affirm those who ward off evil, pious, God-fearing 51 52 53 54 55 56 those / (these) people prep. on, upon, above 34 35 36 37 they believe unseen, secret, invisible prep. and, and also      guidance ap. pl. successful, certainly, undoubtedly, doubtless they disbelieved, they rejected they establish, they are steadfast 38 39 40 prayer 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 equal, all the same whether (sign of interrogation) you warned / frightened or not they do / will not believe sealed, closed, concluded hearts prep. of that, from that we have provided, bestowed, blessed, endowed with livelihood 41 42 43 44 pl. we, us, our pl. them, they, their they spend / distribute which, with www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah (sr.: 65 66 67 68 69 70 50 82 Part: 1 increased painful because they were they tell a lie when, whenever pv. is said / told, 73, 92, 579, 602, 616 \ ) their ears / hearing pl. eye-sight, eyes            1  83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90      \    covering, dimness and for them punishment, torment Great 1 v: 7 Ruku' 71 72 73 unto them ni. pl. make not   \  b\           the men / mankind / people who he says / speaks / tells, 88, 92, 579, 602, 616     (vn.: mischief, act not wickedly / corruptly 91 92 on the earth they said, 73, 88, 92, 579, 602, 616 )                74 we believe, we have faith, 34, 62 93 94 95 only, infact, verily we ap. those who put 75 76 they are not they beguile, they deceive things right, reformers 96 77 78 79 but, except their person / soul they don't perceive / realize be aware, be careful, better understand 97 ap. mischievous,  \   persons, disturbance creators 98 99 80 81 disease, illness, sickness therefore, then but im. pl. believe, become faithful, 34, 62, 74, 104, 580 www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 100 101 102 51 Part: 1 guided persons 118 like, as, alike what (sign of interrogation?) pl. foolish/insolent/ `                        X              )      119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 example as, like relative pronoun one who X         `              )  ) stupid persons 103 104 they met, 371 we believed / became faithful, 34, 62, 74, 99, 104, 580 kindled, lighted fire when lighted 105 they went in loneliness, secluded in privacy, they are alone 106 107 devils, devil type behavior ap. those who around him, his surroundings took away, carried off left, abandoned in, in between pl. darkness, gloom scoff / sneer / laugh 108 109 110 grants leave, gives respite contumacy, wickedness they wander blindly in confusion they do not see pl. deaf pl. dumb (sr.: pl. blind (sr.: 111 they purchased / bartered 112 113 114 115 deception, straying guidance, right way, 53 so (it did) not fg. profited, benefited \          therefore they they do / will not return (did not profit: 116 117 136 137 or like commerce, trade, trafficking ap. rightly directed / wished everything omnipotent. thunderclaps    163  ) (sr.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 138 139 140 141 142 143 52 Part: 1 155 156 157 rain-laden cloud.) pl. one who surrounds.: Sustainer. bed canopy. 33 168 169 170 171 172 created. command. whenever they walked when became dark . pl. you become righteous / pious.iqbalkalmati.: 145 pl. made. 11 (pl. Provider. danger death ap. Lord. you may encompasses 149 150 almost.:   `          they stood still if willed. nearly snatches / takes away ward off (evil). worship. 16    `    144 ears (sr. molded. 253 so that you (pl. covering 151 152 153 154 as often. shaped.) earth couch. 148 X  ) pl.   X             \ 164 165 166 167 created.blogspot.: 146 147. 179.www. your relative pronoun one who             ` fear. skillful 2 v: 13 2    `      158 159   ) Ruku' 160 161 162 ) O! mankind im. 267. rainy storm sky thunder lightening they thrust / put / place fingers (sr. 859 for you (pl. resting place. capable. : 208 slave. unto prepared ap. you can do set up / appoint. revealed. give glad tidings Surah. 173 prep. from   `      )  \      ) U   ) like it. 219 (sr.:  ) truthful (sr.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 173 174 175 176 177 178 53 Part: 1 Qur'aan (pl. stones pl. you are / were in. and call witnesses (sr. pl. those who are        195 196 fruits. gains. within doubt. 859 180 181 182 partners. you know / are     \            aware (vn. pl. so produce / bring  ) im. with it prep. pl. its. of. whose. her pl. by.: apart from Allah ap. you pl.blogspot.iqbalkalmati.: 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191  \ )       \     \b   never fg.: 179 ni. disbelievers. upon. 267. that which if 203 204 205 206 207 fuel fg. 187 water brought forth therewith. suspicion we revealed. equivalent pl. similar to it / him im. benefits.www. then do not             197 198 199 200 201 202 then if not pl. servant im. on. 168. a chapter of the (good news:  ) .: 192 193 194 sent down. those who reject faith (sr. under rivers (sr.blogspot.: sr. 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226   ) that for them gardens (sr.: whenever pv. transgressors     b                      \                  (mg. intended leads astray guides many except ap. fg. one who is purified ap. wished. mosquito . did deeds fg. are provided. they are provided with   ) fruit (pl.: this  ) they break covenant after it ratification (of covenant) they cut off commanded pv. abide forever        245 246 247 248 249 disdains not uses a similitude. flows  X)             ) 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 underneath.www. gives an example 227   V    X    how pl. pl. dead 228 gnat. be joined ap. pl. fg. similitude spouses (sr. are given similar.: pp. pl.iqbalkalmati. righteous deeds     or ought above it then as that it / he truth what desired. losers pv.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 209 210 54 Part: 1 229 230 231 232 they worked. : all (of them) presented im.iqbalkalmati. aware 3       Ruku' 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 your Lord to.: knower.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 250 251 252 55 Part: 1 270 271 and (he) gave you life then pv. them        . you'll be    b      blood we proclaim (your) praise `         ) returned 253 254 255 272 we glorify / sanctify for Thee. You All Knowing All Wise and when Did I not tell? I know seven skies (sr. You ..) all turned (towards) towards fashioned fg.www. vicegerent. for angels verily I ap. for You taught names (sr. one who creates / places  X `   X  X      286 286a 287 288 289 viceroy.blogspot. tell me  created for you (pl.      `  ) v: 9 3 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 `         `                  \     256 257 258 259 260 261 262 me these Glory to You for us You taught in truth. successor will shed / pour . pl. bow down.     \      '   \         \   \          got (them) out / expelled   311 dl. anywhere dl.www. provisions. live im. dl. im.) from me followed my guidance fear made (them) slip dl. dwell.: (sr. one who ni. pl. you reveal pl. eat dwelling place 316 means of livelihood. alight. you hide im.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 290 291 292 56 Part: 1 310 pl. Satan refused became haughty (he) became / was im. then whenever comes to you (pl.blogspot.: 312 ) Iblees. dl. do not go near this tree dl. oft-returning. goods plentifully wherever. time thereafter (he) learnt words (sr. you desired / wished 317 318 319 320 321 period. get down. they both from fg. you (will) become forgives 322 323 324 325 326 327 and if. 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 ` ) X ) turned towards ap. it / her . destination.           Z          \b      disembark 313 314 315 some enemy pp. pl. they (two) were prostrate 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 (sr.iqbalkalmati. do not cover / 331 332 333 they belied our signs companions of the fire. bend down 357 358 359 360 those that bow down do? (what?) pl. 342 343 344 345 346 right conduct. call to mind 337 338 339 340 341 be steadfast in 356 im.blogspot. prime ni. that which confirms 361 362 363 364 pl. righteousness I revealed / have sent down ap. perform. hide (vn. small ni. pl. be not. pl. with you ni. pl. promise I (shall) fulfill me alone im. pl. do not sell         V  \    \           \b             my signs price little. you read / recite will then (you) not . pl. pl. bow down. you forget (for) that which pl. pl. they disbelieved             4  the first. fulfill im. inhabitants of the fire 4 v: 10 350 351 352 confound Ruku' 334 335 336 O! children of Isreal im. covenant.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 328 329 330 57 Part: 1 become 347 348 349 on them grief. do not yourselves pl. pl.www. piety.iqbalkalmati. do not conceal. pl. sorrow they rejected faith. recall               \  V         353 354 falsehood ni. you enjoin and have awe of me. and fear me.: 355  ) im. remember. www. shall not avail soul with regard to.iqbalkalmati. followers Pharaoh (A cruel king in the time of Prophet Moses meet 388 :) they afflict. 374. those who are pv.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 365 58 Part: 1 381 382 pl. about pv. great when We divided / separated accepted . we delivered you humble 369 370 371 they bear in mind that they ap. shall not be tremendous. pl.blogspot. seek help helped 383 384 385 386 387 indeed hard ap. and beware / guard 395 396 397 398 399 400. your Lord Ruku' 5 v: 7 390 1st Part 373. they cause severe pains 372 ap. those who return 389 evil punishment. male-children (sr. pl. and in that trial pl. I gave preference   \        \   \  392 393 394 ` `       `      \  375 376 377 378 379 380 im. those who are going to people. you understand /                      5  intercession pv. chastisement to slaughter sons.: they spare / let live women and therein. shall not be taken compensation pl. 1/4 +  391 that I I preferred. they shall be X                           ) think 366 367 368 im. pl. day fg. blogspot. manifestly 419 420 forgiveness we (will) forgive . pl. say 416 417 418 im.www.: then pl. township wherever pl. turn (in repentance) Maker. you wished 412 413 414 415 We pardoned after that The Scripture to differentiate between right and wrong plentifully gate prostrating im. pl. until we see openly.iqbalkalmati. for you    \  \             )  \  X                     thunderbolt.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 59 Part: 1 421 pl. eat pl. 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 quails im. thunder and lightning X  X   \  \ \       X     \        X    sea we drowned pl. you were seeing 422 423 424 425 raised up we gave shadow cloud grains like those of coriander seeds We promised forty night (pl. wrong doers they wronged but this town. pl. good things calf after him evil doers. Creator till. you took 426 427 428 429 430. fountain (pl. pl. 310 fg. thus call upon. germinates Ruku' 449 450 asked / prayed for water im.iqbalkalmati. eat im. those who do good 461 462 463 im.www. strike     (vn.: certainly knew all people            \   )       471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 lower (grade) good.: 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459  ) herbs. you demanded / asked . you exchange staff stone. then 464 465 466 corruptly food one im. grows. rock gushed forth twelve spring. a kind of pulse onions pl. pl. (better) big city. plague. drink ni. don't act but. substituted wrath. vegetables cucumbers wheat lentils. in near future we will increase ap. pl. your faults /               \  6  drinking place. metropolis pl. scourge they infringe / transgress 6 v: 13  pray 467 468 469 470 for us brings forth. pl. place for water                     X \ `   X       /     \b transgressions 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 soon. changed.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 441 60 Part: 1 460 pl.blogspot. despised. monkeys (sr. 691 pl. 814 we took convenant.iqbalkalmati. became sad. in their presence 489 490 491 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 vn.: pl. admonition commands. good their reward / remuneration with Lord grieved.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 480 61 Part: 1 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 pv.blogspot. succeeding.:   \  if verily they transgressed / went beyond the limit  )   ) 7 v: 2 506 507 508 509 510 Sabbath.: they disobeyed (vn. bond . abasement poverty they made themselves entitled they kill. acted righteous. pray 492 493 494 495 496 497 498. example before them. (was) covered /    X X    `         7  we raised over. behind lesson. beseech. Saturday apes. above. fg. 690 name of a mountain. 666. 621                )     V      \ X     \b     struck / hit 481 482 483 484 485 486 humiliation. 1072 prophets (sr. you turned back / away. orders that cow to make fun I take refuge im.www. rejected 487 they transgress Ruku' 488 they became Jews Christians Sabians the last day (of resurrection)        \            \    deterrent. call upon. worked. 544. whatever pv. unblemished 541 542 543 now you came they almost did not 8 v: 10 that which. middle im. pl. do. gladdens ap.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 62 Part: 1 538 539 make clear what she is like says not old aged too young between. (sound) 540 without any scar. act . thereafter . with some of it thus. tills / shows you (pl.www. ambiguous (sr. you are Ruku' 544 545 pl. one who brings forth pl.: dispute 546 547 548 \ )  ap. farm pp. resembling. in this way brings to life pl. pl.blogspot.) pl. signs pl.  X       \  \   8  physically fit. waters (the field) then. you fell into a  \       \         commanded 528 her / its color (pl.: 552 553 554 555   )         534 535 536 willed. you understand ploughs the earth 537 fg. without any defect. dead 549 550 551 beholders 533 became dubious. wished used for any sort of work fg.iqbalkalmati. onlookers. perform         \     \         \         `  b\        field. you hide / conceal 529 530 531 532 yellow bright delights. you killed pl. : 562 563. got privacy. disclosed. coveted that surely a group. secrets: 588 they proclaim (vn. do you then  . 99.blogspot. opened to / unto / on you (pl.: thus  \ )    574 575 576 577 578 fg.www.: 557 558 559  hearts (sr.) they argue / controverse they hide / conceal (secret:   )        \       586 587 568 569 570 571 splits asunder falls down fear of Allah pl.:        581 \  )          `      ) 582 583 584 585 pl. 561  . 34. Hardened   ) desired. like rocks. 105 (vn. 62. (they: used here as a pronoun referring to a broken plural) 560. 104 was in privacy. a party they change / alter they understood they met they said / spoke (vn.:  579   ) 580  ) we believed. more severe hard. you tell / narrate that which revealed. 564 565 566 567 or worse. verily gushes out.:               (vn. do you then have any hope? . 74.: )    covet?.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 556 63 Part: 1 572 573 fg. she. 556 for indeed. bursts forth rivers (sr. stones (sr.iqbalkalmati. pl. will act contrary religious tax to purify the assets . 1059 (sr. illiterate / unlettered    + then or yes!. cost.: (people) 590 591 592 except 607 608 609     X  ambitions. wrong (pl. establish im.: parents relatives.: Ruku' 9  )    ) v: 11 9  596 597 598. fair im. pl. gained evil. pl. say 617 618 619 620 polite manner. desires if (if  is followed by the meaning of will be "nothing")  1st Part 593 594 595 1/2  )  X  ) 610 fg. poor. never will touch us days (sr. miserable im.:  '                    ) pl. speak  )   \     601 602 603 604 a certain number im.blogspot. kindred orphans. why not! who earned.iqbalkalmati.: error. give covenant. 599 600 price. say. woe.www. promise will do against.: X   \        \       615 616 612 613 614 611  X   encompassed (vn.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 589 64 Part: 1 605 606 pl. mistake (pl. destruction. ruin they write their hands (sr. needy. surrounded. value they earn / gain not. ) captives pl.: so what recompense. you witness   \    ` `    \     \         646 647 648 these (folk / people) pl.blogspot. very few pl.e. unlawful.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 621 622 623 624 625 626 65 Part: 1 640 641 642 643 pl. you have ratified pl. they will be brought  \      . amongst / of you pl.www. no doubt we gave we followed up son of Mary pl. who   ) 657 The Holy Spirit   (i. backsliders back 644 645 towards. you support decreased 649 pv.            few. clear (signs)               \ 633 they come to you (pl. you ransom pp. you turned away     V          does disgrace life pv. they will be helped one another 631 632 Ruku' 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 10 v: 4 10 sin transgression. reward whosoever. forbidden 634 635 636 637 638 639 we supported / strengthened Messengers (sr..: ) 627 628 629 630 pl. to exceed the limits verily. will be lightened / houses (sr. the Angel Gabriel or Jibra'eel) . to most severe and no / nor of what pv.iqbalkalmati. assuredly. you ap. they when ap. disgraceful besides. pl.: they said hearts (sr. yourselves. covering nay. reject faith to rebel / revolt.:  \ 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 wrapping. over name of a mountain im. and listen what was with them they ask for victory we disobeyed / denied .blogspot. you slay / kill 684 685 686 687 ap.iqbalkalmati.www.        \    \      `     `  X               `         \  V    \    ) 678 679 680 681 682 683 evil is that which they sold that they disbelieve. a party pl. after why? Prophets of Allah (sr. insolence they incurred / drew upon themselves 662 663 your hearts 664 665 666 667 668 pl. but cursed them.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 658 659 660 661 66 677 Part: 1 which they recognised is then? whenever came Messenger desired not pl. pl. with strength im. humiliating. hold firmly. that which confirms  \ \           \    ) 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 calf we raised above. you became arrogant a group. Knower you will indeed find. pl.: 712 713 714 715 wishes. permission glad tidings the angel Gabriel   : 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 im. sent before         the angel Michael : ap. 448 (sr. 724 725 726 enemy leave.  ) 731 732 733 as if they they do not know they followed. 803 most greedy life they associated (partners with Allah) against Allah's commands.: 727 728 729 730  ) threw away. 719 pv. (they were made to drink) 697 698 699 700 701 702 gives command if it is home of the Hereafter with Allah exclusively. long for. desires each one / everyone of them if pv. one who can save. eternal fg. cast aside pv. ever.  \           filled of. specially not for others of mankind remover 720 beholder. 722 723. pl. those who rebel their hands Aware.blogspot. is allowed to live. one who sees 11 v: 10 11 Ruku' 721. they were given behind backs (sr.iqbalkalmati.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 696 67 Part: 1 716 717 718.www. forever. they were      \b     \    V                                one thousand year not that / it ap. wish for always. 851  b       given life . dl. those who harm / 739 740 magic two angels (sr. 286 (vn.iqbalkalmati. until          X   ) 761 762 763 764 they knew / learnt verily who bargained. from those two they sow discord / cause separation (vn. pl.g.: 747 748 749 in fact we trial. (one of the two) they (were) not ap. 182. bought. read (vn. 751 (vn. vb. 769 nothing for him portion.. among the man wife. profits 744 745. blaspheme not  \            \ )   \                   they learn.: 741 742 name of the city of Babylon names of two angels impair (sr. share 746. 348.:    )         )   754 755 756 757 758 759 by which between.blogspot. test 765 766 767 .: 752 753 dl.:   ) 736 737 738 kingdom but they teach. 182. see 734)  ) that which harms fg. to anyone till. 274.:     )  \     ni.www.: 760 743 none (This word has different meanings depending upon the context for e.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 734 735 68 Part: 1 750 751 that which recited. pl. they say (vn. if became manifest.www. evident.blogspot. to pass over brings about. by twisting their tongues. even way doesn't like/ love /. reward better 12 v: 7 12  \   X       do (you) not you know besides Allah patron. infinite. But intend? 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 the Jews. you question which means our as pv. was questioned herdsman. friend (pl. used to say. Therefore. wished. 519 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 chooses whom (He) wills of bounty / grace great. 794 wish desired.:      )   Ruku' 773 attend to us . 765 that they recompense.iqbalkalmati.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 768 769 770 771 772 69 Part: 1 783 784 785 786.   pl. look upon us          `            \b exchanges plain road. do you desire? / have similar meanings. 398 we abrogate or we bring 798 to forgive / pardon / excuse 799 800 to look over. sends . listen to us (These two Arabic words     787 helper (                         \   \  b           )   788 pl. surely it is evil they sold. Muslims were forbidden to use this word and advised to use 774 775   ) im. longed. 712 many that. 348. to enter ap. 444 (pl. order (pl. evidence (pl. prevented mosques (sr. 329.: 828 829 830 831          ) there face of Allah son (pl.:  ) whithersoever. gloom. you send forth pl.:    821. why not surrendered.: 813 reward. not   \        ) 3/4 1st Part 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 (mg.:  + the Jews said fg.www. bring 819 820 forbade. those who fear vn. you turn 812 one who does good. wage. sorrow. 494 814 grief. 708        \              818 with these (actual meaning is "that") their desires im. wherever pl. 822 823 824 825 826 827   ) pv. remuneration. 412 pl.: strived ruin vn. sadness. disgrace    ) 809 810 811 nay. being mentioned proof.: 817   )   \      \    X    `          ) likewise greater wrong-doer.iqbalkalmati.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 801 70 Part: 1 815 816 command.blogspot. submitted his face. you will find.     . more unjust. pl. 496 13 v: 9 13 Ruku' 832 be He Glorified. himself (pl. one who renders worship  ) with you unless you follow. Imam offspring. 267 (vn.: 834 835 836      The Originator. 384 tried.:     )  X   X    \      \ V  ) 858 859 860 861 fulfilled ap.: 844 845 846  ) leader. Innovator when decreed (judge:     851 852 853  ) 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 matter im.: .:         )  `   v: 9 14  to Allah (pl. 179. progeny (pl. maker. one who gives good tidings compensation. be                      ) 854 855 came unto thee you have no 14 Ruku' 856 857 it becomes why (does) not similar. alike.iqbalkalmati.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah Glory be to Him 833 71 Part: 1 849 850 ap. promise.www. you will not be asked inmates of the Hell    \     862 863 864 865 866 shall not reach covenant.blogspot. 396 (vn. resembling we have made clear ap. 241. 168. 338 we made the house (at Makkah) a place of resort / assembly 847 848 never will be pleased / satisfied (ap. warner pv. 733 their form of religion desires (sr.: ap. be.:  ) of what im. pl.     )                ) (at mosques for worship) 873 those who bow down and prostrate 874 875 876 877 peace.iqbalkalmati. relent. turn (in mercy). rites . accept. become 883 884 im. passed away 878 I shall compel / coerce 879 880 881 882 raised foundations (sr. makes them grow 15 v: 8 15 go round (the Ka'ba) 872 Ruku' 889 889a 890  ap. provide 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 we chose im. raise up.blogspot.: fg. 422.   \  \ \    place where accept (our repentence). 320.: im. those who wisdom purifies. 1202 place of worship (prayer) im. surrender. 321. those who stay turned away turned towards be fooled (stupids:    . adopt       Z       `                ) im. purify. show us 901 ways of worship.www. submit people of I will grant (them their) pleasure enjoined sons O my sons when (it) came God fathers (sr.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 867 868 72 Part: 1 885 im. clean ap. pl. take. security im. dl. 416 886 887 888 Prophet Ibrahim : stood 869 870 871 im. 380    \  X    `      group of people. (community) (pl. worshippers 904 tribes. sincere (worshippers) 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 between anyone they turned away schism. 753 (vn. 1052 so.iqbalkalmati.:     \  X                 you in defense against them 917  )  b\     color.: 921  ) concerning Allah. dye who better ap. was / were given Prophets (sr.:  )   \ )       (sr. in near future suffices (vn.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 902 73 Part: 1 915 916 pl. you will be    V  you. regarding Allah 907 made distinction / separated.blogspot. then shortly.www.: know better concealed testimony 16 v: 12 16 Ruku'   \  X  ) . descendants (of Prophet Yakub : ) 918 919 920 905 906 pv. your Allah will suffice rightly guided 903 the upright (pl. dissension. split.: 922 923 924 925 ap. even though you have completed only one Part.www.iqbalkalmati. In fact you have covered perhaps more than 25% or 1/4th of the words of this dictionary since many of them are repeated. keep on going and there is no other book on the face of this earth which deserves more attention th Prophet Muhammad   7U   7    9     \         \          \  relates that the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:  (Bukhari) .blogspot. So.com Surah-1: Al-Baqarah 74 Part: 1 Masha-Allah you have completed almost 1/6th of this dictionary. were given the Book (scripture) 955. which. 956 even if you brought they recognize (vn. (ii) a relative pronoun: that. 948 place towards which one faces while praying  Z    V  V  \      )                  (see the breakup of this word below) 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 so verily we will cause you to turn surely.:       `     957 958 942 943   X  ) 959 sons .iqbalkalmati. and (iv) conjunction: as long as.). as far as. his two heels though it was verily  ) wherever. (iii) negation: not. It is used as (i) an interrogative pronoun: what. whatever. not momentous. all that. why.blogspot. etc. grievous. near. verily im. whenever. wheresoever pv. 367 lets (it) go waste full of kindness assuredly we see turning   (The meaning of this word depends upon the context. inviolable place of worship 953 954 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 turns away (vn. in near future what has turned them. we shall turn you       now.www. turn. 967 towards the sacred mosque 929 a group of people justly balanced      930 931 932 thus we did not appoint / made who (combination of \    \    \   \    and (the mosque containing Ka'bah).com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 75 Part: 2 944 945 926 927 928 Part :2      < your face now.: heel dl. calamity blessings names of two even as. remembrance. you are / will be rightly X       \        986 987 fruits. dead        ) `      \   ) 962 963 964 direction. living. 291. might pl. goal ap. worldly goods so that (it may) not ( ) 984 985     969 970 971 972 argument I (may) complete may.:  988 989 990 991 fg. struck. compete.) recites mountains in Makkah near Ka'bah 992 symbols. alive 965 966 967 968 good deeds.: 960 961 76 (vn. wherever im.: 982 vie with one another pl. pl.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah (sr. gratitude 18 v: 5 (those who) waver Ruku' 17 v: 6 Ruku' with way / path of Allah pl. crops (sr.: Part: 2 )      1  979 977 978 ) \ \   2 concealed. signs . turn (sr. wealth. doubters. one who turns im. 354. 547 ap. similarly we (have) sent among you (pl. X           980 981 (sr. 1246 thanksgiving.www. works wheresoever. befall   X          `  guided 973 974 975 976 misfortune.iqbalkalmati.: 983  ) we shall try / test hunger loss pl.blogspot. runs. means if it were for us. relations. difference.www. wrong did (more) good on his own accord   ) 1013 1014 clouds pp.: sin.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah (sr. they will be     love stronger. bountiful in rewarding subservient 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 998 999 1000 1001 aware. Makkah to perform the pilgrimage in a period other than that of Hajj) 995 996 to control the movement of 1012 winds (sr. would that be for us fg. all-knowing pl. all between besides Allah pl. cut asunder     aims. 563. scattered 1026 1027 (second / more) chance pl. ties. alternation  \      \     night day ship (pl. cleared oneself.: 1011  )                      3 X      performed Hajj (the pilgrimage) performed Umrah (visited ) vn.: 993 994 77 1010 Part: 2 moving creatures. to create vn. dispersed. stauncher.:   ) 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 those who were followed they followed cut off. creation. beasts (pl. combined. intense regrets . exonerated reprieved / granted respite Ruku' 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 19 v: 11 vn. that which is made                         997 responsive to gratitude.blogspot. sails sea spread. 645 disowned. compeers. veering. equals lightened pv.iqbalkalmati. :    ) 1061 1062 1063 wayfarers ap. those who are near. (necks of slaves). transgressing  ) fire. flesh swine. indecent. disobedient . those who ask. dead blood meat.iqbalkalmati. good footsteps (sr. piety towards gave (vn.: \            Ruku' 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 wholesome. those who come out      ap. guilt (pl. consecrated Ruku'  2nd Part 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1/4      (it is) not righteousness.blogspot. 615 (sr. how constant are they? / How daring are they? 1052 1053 schism far 21 v: 9 5 we found what even though to shout to call to cry (to) him only / alone forbade.: needy. 613 1059 1060 orphans. kindred relations. made unlawful carrion. hell fire 20 v: 4 4 1049 1050 1051 sin. beggars 1046 pv.: bellies (sr. 614 (sr.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1028 1029 78 Part: 2 1048 ap. poor. those in bondage ap. pig on which a name is invoked.: evil pl.www. is driven / forced by necessity 1047 slaves. shameful     `   \    `    X         \ ) \  ) Then.:      ) ' \    )             `  kinsfolk. www.blogspot.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah (sr. 1216. to follow.: mind. ` \b  \b\    life those (men) of understanding or insight (sr. alleviation. goodly manner of a certain number count. X )       ap. fair payment. just retribution. those who   1083 act of making light transgressed.: as days (sr. is prescribed. testator God-fearing 1070 pv. prescribed number . 594 1071 retaliation. apprehended ap. exceeded the limit 1084 1085 keep/fulfil (promise) 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 suffering. law of equality 1072 murdered. sincere / true pl. hardship time of stress / panic pl. slain. guilt feared. neck 1064 79 1082 Part: 2 vn.iqbalkalmati. 1233 to make bequest. mistake. concession. goods. to adhere according to usage. partiality 22 v: 6 6 ) Ruku' 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 fasts (sr. 666 (sr. listened sin. intellect ) \b\              \          1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 approached left (behind) wealth. 484. tribulation adversity.:  )       his brother vn. is forgiven / pardoned unjust. compensations kindness.     X  ordained. will heard. God-conscious. 544.:    \   V   X  ) 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 the free man slave female pv. : Ruku' 1126 1127. mine.www. you will find many words ending with for 1107 .iqbalkalmati.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1100 80 Part: 2 1112 1113 1114 pl. you magnify / glorify   b     to go to wife. you deceive / 1102 concerning me. signs to mark fixed periods of time (sr. they / extol 1101 asked. my). i. where stands  .) pl. forgave. have sexual intercourse (vn. In im. pl. houses (sr. for me. caller (       \     X         defraud 1118 1119 relieved. unto me. you present / inform Qur'an. so let them      \        1125 hear my call / respond to my call 1108 1109 1110 1111     / notify / convey / (to hang down)  23 v: 6 7 new moons marks. call. garment that you (pl.:  `     )    ) 1115 1116 1117 raiment. is made lawful / permitted     )   night of the fasting days 1128. your wives / women fg. seek thread white black pl. questioned (vn. about me (  1103 1104 1105 I answer / respond prayer.:        ) 1120 1106 calls unto me (In fact the word is    but 1121 1122 1123 1124    ) short-form is used here by removing of the end.e. pardoned now hold intercourse. to cohabit pl.blogspot. me led right way pv.:    ) . 518 suppliant. quarrel im.iqbalkalmati. they desist / cease (vn. 1141. offering ni. shave not months (sr. the last 1155        is dropped. destruction are because it is used as here. you returned 1132. you are in security     1130. offering provision .: )    pl. hostility the forbidden month.blogspot.:   )   \                but 1153 1154 family. you        \ severe in punishment 24 v: 8 8 besieged / held back 1139. abuses 1159 1143 1144 1145 1146 reaches its destination ailment. people of those present. make act of worship. sacrifice.:    )                1157 1158 pl. pl.: ) enjoined. pl. im. well known heads (sr. inhabitant (Actually it was 1134.    X     found found. pl. pl.) 1138. 1142 Ruku' 1156 obtained with ease gift. wickedness. 1135. undertakes pl. 1140. fight 1131.:   )  angry conversation. 1137.www. 81 Part: 2 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 doors. you     \    you came upon 1133. hurt         1160 1161 (sr. relatives. the sacred month 1136. three seven ten pl. pv. gates (sr.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1129.    forbidden (things) ruin.   \    \      took charge.:   )  ) 1184 1185 1169 1170 im.blogspot. dazzled  b   1163    vn. bed sells seeking pleasure (of Allah) entered.iqbalkalmati.e.: 1179 \ )  \ Z          `     \ X` X name of the ground where Hajis assemble on the 9th day of the Hajj month. where Hajis stay for a night while returning from Arafat 1167 1168 1181 made effort (vn. talk. stayed on pleased. give us im. It is a few miles away from Makkah.: pl.. save us portion. quick              1187 1188 1189 1190 2nd Part 1174 1175 1/2 1191 hastened two days    1192 1193 1194 . most rigid of opponents.www.e.. tilth progeny. i. God-consciousness to ward off evil   \  delayed. saying 1164 1165 return (pl. cattle pride enough resting place. save ( 1171 1172 1173 X      1186 guard us. completely to slide back shadows rites (sr. conversation. turned away i. guard.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1162 82 Part: 2 1176 1177 1178 best of provisions piety. Islam fully. prevailed. came in submission. most contentious 1180 Sacred monument. share swift. tillage. 1166. you completed   )  1182 1183 crops. Muzdalifah. became waste they emigrated / suffered exile       X \ )           1209 1210 1211 when Allah's help what 7     1226 they strove / struggled 1227 they have hope.www. 1058 warfare. 1233 bad 26 v: 6 10    \         Ruku' 1197 1198 1199 im. to hinder greater they will not cease they turn (you) back they could (vn. fighting hateful dislike (it) may happen. may be good. scoffed. how many pv. single sent. decides (vn. relatives.:   \     1201 1202 1203 1204 one. 886 pl.blogspot.: \  ) 1223 X   ) 1205 1206 1207 1208 not as yet the like of befell. you thought       1219 1220 1221 1222             judges. beautified. ridiculed to prevent.: turns back (vn to forsake the religion    )    \ 1225 1224 came to nothing. they are hopeful . mocked.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1195 1196 83 Part: 2 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 clouds the case is already judged. 1088. touched they were shaken (vn. decreed 25 v: 14 9    b\   near kindred.      fair-seeming 1200 Ruku' 1218 made a jest.iqbalkalmati. ask \      many a. raised. 422. slave-girl pleased ni.www. 1242 1239 fg. one who puts the things right.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1228 1229 1230 1231 84 Part: 2 1245 1246 wine. gambling superfluous. you may reflect /      \            \    forgiveness they may remember / recall. pl. best. 1232 1237 1252 ap.blogspot. you mingle / mix ap. ailment. one who spoils. do not hindrance oaths (sr. idolatresses. 1236 good. make not marry not. pl. 1088. your being righteous. your giving good treatment to others . those  X             1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 (females) who ascribe partners with Allah (sr. intoxicant games of chance.: give in marriage. those who turn in overburdened / put in difficulty   1253 repentance constantly ap. 1145 im. wed /    1254 care for cleanliness tilth as (when) you (pl. pl. 1216 pl.) will they sent before those who are to meet ni.    `    \           \          X     away 1250 1251 women they have cleansed / purified foul-dealer 1236  ap.iqbalkalmati. 1238 1243 1244 slave they invite / call   )  1261 pl.: 1240 1241 1242 X  )     bond-woman. those who have 1238 ni. so keep     to put things right. pl. reformer. 977 27 v: 5 11       Ruku' 1247 1248 1249 ponder 1232 1233 1234 1235 menstruation illness. surplus pl. : ) limits imposed by Allah 1273 husbands (sr. divorcees 1270 1271 three monthly menstruation periods (sr.: Ruku' 1278 1279 unintentional clement. retention. enforced a legal claim other.:         X 28 ) v: 7 12  divorce twice vn. pl. they come together again 1276 1277 in that (case) men    1292 1293 fg.:   ) 1286 dl. kindness        1269 pp. to release vn. appointed time .www.: X ) 1272 wombs (sr. they keep / abide                  X   ) 1287 (vn.  )   Y      `           ( 1265 1266 1267 1268 to wait four months they go back / return they decided / resolved 1280 retaining. 1294 1281 1282 1283 honorably vn. they reached term. sin trespasses other than him dl.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. women who 1284 1285 is not lawful that (they do / can ) not are divorced. they return to each 1274 1275 more entitled took back.:    )  1288 1289 1290 1291 blame. forbearing they swear (vn.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1262 1263 1264 85 Part: 3 (sr. 1282    pv. pl.1318 1303 1304 1305 dl. two whole / complete vn. you made an breast. pl.www.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1294 1295 1296 1297 86 Part: 2 1310 im. provision. place not       \  1315 1316 1317 1318   \ V                   ` \    \ difficulties. lactation. 1305.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. 2nd Part 1298 3/4         ni. let go. give                     you ask a women to suckle (your baby). two years dl. made not to suffer X 29 ) 13  Ruku' v: 3 1313 1314 mother child like of that. 1318 1306 1307 child the one with child (father) (indirect) offer 1325 troth (marriage offer) with women 1308 1309 feeding. pl. you kept secret secret. admonishes (vn. prevent not from 1299 1300 1301 1302 more virtuous cleaner mothers they suckle. suckling at mother's they die they leave behind four ten pl. retain. 1302. likewise to wean (from suckling) consultation pl. confidential . you gave out to nurse. not be charged /           1311 burdened her capacity ( hurt exhorts. sustenance clothing 1326 1327 pl. release.:     1312  \  or soul is feminine in Arabic) pv. you paid fully suck (at mothers breast). 1305 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 pl. 1280 im. 1302. offers loan manifold (sr. forget not  X       \    \   \ \          (them) out. to enlarge chiefs     X b ) 1343 the mid most / middle prayer   \    1344 im. keep watch 1342 prayers (sr.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. standing pl.:     \     \)    \  V    ) 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 fear of death im. grace im. die 1338 1339 1340 1341     X      who is he that lends. maintenance the year without turning 1330 to be aware / cautious Ruku' 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 30 v: 4 14 1349 1350 to touch appointed portion. be   guardian. poor half to forgo nearer piety. stand up .: double    kindness. (those) with devotion V     \    \  riding provision.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1328 1329 87 Part: 2 1345 1346 1347 1348 to resolve wedding knot. pl. (dower) rich. righteousness ni. well to do strained. much to straiten. marriage    \ \  on foot.:  1358 1359 1360 1361 many. pl. pl.www. pl. give scantily to amplify. without expulsion Ruku' 1351 1352 31 v: 7 15 Did you not see? thousands (sr. we have been 1384 1385 1386 1387 remnant. and knowledge of warfare bestowed to him by Allah 1375 1376 1377 1378  1391 1392 ap. he was appointed as the king of Israel. raise.iqbalkalmati.www. 1373 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 king is?. how it would happen pv. personality. 1362 Ruku' 1388 1389 1390 set out armies.blogspot. stream (pl. relics left behind carry angels 32 driven (out) 1371 1372 1373 1374 children.: whence. is given      V  ) abundance .com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1362 88 Part: 3 1379 1380 1381 im. because of his wisdom. set up. perchance (you) 1382 the Ark of the Covenant if that not (    )       `      1383 peace of reassurance. inner peace Why should we not? verily pv. Although poor. forces one who will try / test you             SAUL: A believing and obedient leader in the time of Prophet David : and Samuel. \  V  \     has chosen has increased abundantly. from where. sons they turned away raised up. one who tests / tries river. to be well to do   V    X   X       v: 6 16  appoint. would? pl. corrupted earth of kindness these (actual meaning: that) surely you are verily among / of messengers. group they came into the field.:  ) 1411 helped .www. make firm  \  \   1424 The Holy Spirit. bestow. vanquished.: 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 they drank crossed Goliath that they ap.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 89 Part: 3 1412 drank not to taste scoop of handful hand (pl.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. they came face to face Part : 3 1421 1422 1423 messengers spoke we supported / strengthened him \     \ \  \      ) 1408 1409 1410 im. (those who are sent) (sr. vanquished company. steps (sr.:      X    )          X   X     routed out. (Gabriel) 1425 1426 1427 fought with one another does wills. those who are to meet   )   \    < how many a little overcame. intends (vn.: feet. foothold. pour out im. defeated    Y   \        1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 repelled fg. took hold hand-hold firm.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah Ruku' 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 90 1  Part: 3 1447 33 v: 5 im. confounded 1445 1446 most high. eternal slumber sleep who is he who (relative pronoun) leave.blogspot. patron (pl. sublime compulsion 1464 or .: 1442 1443 1444 argued.iqbalkalmati.:   ) 1456 1457 pl. spend     X X   \  X                     \ the religion. 1448 1449 1450 became distinct / clear error false deities.www. the living self-subsistent. [the system of life]             \       2  bargaining friendship intercession the alive. disputed gives life causes death I fg. tire became dumb founded. exalted. among before them they encompass not. permission between. idols or whatever is worshipped besides Allah 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 grasped. darkness light 34 v: 4 Ruku' 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 they cannot bound / encircle (vn. fatigue. unfailing never breaking protecting friend. fatigue could not weary. sun `            X  ) throne to weary. pl. untouched by the passing of time   ) 1493 1494 im.: did (you) not to be at ease my heart (heart: im. seed grows (vn.blogspot. it fg. take 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 fg.iqbalkalmati.: 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 im. part with speed 35 v: 3 3      Ruku' 1497 1498 grain.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1465 1466 91 put together Part: 3 like passed by (vn. donkey bones how we set up / 1499 1500 seven ears (of corn)    . overturned  \ \   roofs.: 1495 1496 portion. town (pl. tame    ) mountain (pl.:   ) X   X     X   \            ) 1484 1485 1486 1487 we clothe flesh im.www. hamlet. this four bird (pl. turrets fg. look X    )    ass. caused death one hundred year you tarried / remained thus food drink not rotten. she.: made to die. show me  \      \   \ ) 1467 township. multiplies. yields (of harvest) dl. two fold showers. dew liked any of you pl.: 1503 pl. seek pleasure of Allah X   )       )  )       ) X   )  X  \ \  `       \ X )  X   gives manifold. wealth certainty.: 1525 1526 on a height fruits.www.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah (sr.: 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 reminding (others) of generosity hurt kind word forgiveness charity        X         ` \   1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 self sufficient. strengthening garden (pl.iqbalkalmati.: 1504 do not follow (vn.: 1501 92 1517 Part: 3 fell rainstorm smooth.: (sr. barren / smooth rock soil.blogspot. increases (vn. free of all wants forbearing ni. palm trees. date palms pl. dust   1533 1534 1535 old age children pl. void not.: 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1502 they spend (vn. vines (sr. bare they have no control in search of. pl. weak   X `  . feeble. cancel not   X    ) like him who to be seen (of) hard. com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah (sr. you disclose     )        `      sr. whirlwind. consumed by         1556 1557 1558 1559 well. evils (sr. Allah's face bad / vile things pl. redeemed back.: pl.blogspot. poor. you may give thought Ruku' 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 36 v: 6 4  good things ni. you close eyes     1563 repaid fully. you would not ap.www. takers. modesty you know / recognize mark importunity. 1604 1564 pv. hurricane fg.   those free from want (sr. acceptors pl. seek not X                 \ `      X \   X    X  ) 1560 1561 1562 it is not but Allah's countenance. needy  fire. wealthy (people). you made vow (restricted from travel) 1565 1566 1567 to travel / move about thinks.iqbalkalmati. good pl. spending pl. straitened            ` \     to close eyes owner of praise poverty obscenity gives. burnt 1538 atones. removes from ill deeds.: 1568 1569 1570 1571  ) restraint. pl. you may ponder. covered)     V \ if . (wrapped.: 1536 1537 93 1555 Part: 3 pl. grants wisdom receives admonition almsgiving. accounts pl. 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 to touch trade came admonition refrained. desisted (that is) past. you repent 1576 1577 as.www. then take notice 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 war if pl. you remit the debt. pv. believers then be warned. like driven to madness. ungrateful (sr.iqbalkalmati. to grant time ease that pl. to deprive increases impious. passed repeated (vn. pl.:               Z   6  you waive the amount 1603 pl. remnant ap. capital sums the one with difficulty to postpone.: be paid in full.blogspot. give up          \b     3rd Part 1572 1573 1574 1575 1/4 in secret openly usury.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah Ruku' 37 v: 7 5    \    94 1588 1589 Part: 3 guilty. 1563 38 v: 8 Ruku' 1605 pl. you will be brought back 1604 1585 1586 1587 to blight. interest they will not stand / rise up X             ` X         )      ) 1590 1591 1592 remained. you borrow       from one another . sinner im. confounded principal. big more equitable / just more upright testimony.: 1637 1638   ) men (sr. errs (through forgetfulness) 1624 one out of the two (women) . mentally defecient 1628 ni. feeble. unGodliness teaches pledge pp. justice should not refuse (he shall) dictate diminish. you doubt not 1615 1616 1617 weak. pl. you approve / agree              X  \  carry out 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 let no harm be done   sin. call to / get witness 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 dl. lessen. decrease man of low understanding.com Surah-2: Al-Baqarah 1606 1607 1608 95 Part: 3 1625 debt fixed term and (he) should record / write     X   \  \   \b          V          ) will remind (the other) the other when they are summoned or called          \b      \ \  /       1626 1627 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 scribe. pl. two women pl. pl. short great.iqbalkalmati. infirm guardian im.www.: X             hand to hand. taken in hand witnesses fg. to disdain small. disdain not 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 to averse. writer equity. you transact / dl. be not averse. witness small ni. two witnesses (vn. on the spot pl.blogspot. return does not burden we forgot we fell into error.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1644 1645 1646 96 Part: 3 step by step) 1659 1660 1661 entrusted. you make known /           \     1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 bring into open 1648                X  `  X  X           reckons. confirming V            before it avenger of retribution is not hidden fashions. perversity seeking confusion interpretation. explanation pl. shapes wombs as firmly constructed. cause not to The Family of Imran Surah 3: Aal-e-'Imran 1658   stray / deviate 1676 im. trusted deliver up.blogspot.iqbalkalmati. bestow. discharge sinful 39 v: 2 7      ap.www. we did wrong unwillingly  \b        1668 1669 others allegorical (not entirely clear) 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 deviation. firmly 1656 1657 im. and pardon (us) our protector / master 40 v: 3 8     Ruku'          < 1675 grounded / sound (people) ni. accounts for   1649 1650 1651 we heard / listened we obeyed / followed (grant us) your forgiveness 1667 foundation of the book. substance of the book 1652 1653 1654 1655 end of journey. grant revealed (sent down  1677 from your side . clear Ruku' 1647 pl. eyes (insight) pv. beautified bestower. punishment pv.: be overcome 1688 1689 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 women children. they two met fighting another ap. those of pl. offspring. twice in their number 1714 1715 . treasures hoarded. two hosts / armies (sr. heaped up gold silver horses branded cattle land. pl. disbelieving.blogspot. terrible retribution. fg. you shall love joys.www.iqbalkalmati. granter ap.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1678 1679 97 1696 Part: 3 to see. sons hoards. 1692 1693 denying 1694 1695 they see dl.:    )              1703 1704 1705 severe.: 1690 1691 X )   \          \ dl. one who gathers     9  1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702                   ) `          X X  X      or assembles 1680 promise. strict. cultivation resting place dl. worldly desires pleasurable things (sr. tilth. to perceive eye strengthens. tryst 1 v: 9 Ruku' 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 fuel like way of doing something sins (sr. supports help lesson those (who have). blogspot. save us (im. obedient. dawn. failed   \b   obedient. equity . learned 1732 1733 maintaining.: 1737 I have surrendered. devout ones Ruku' 1742 1743 they enjoin have come to naught. bondsmen. sovereign sovereignty. us: ) pl. purified swift in reckoning / calling to account  \                 goodwill. servants im. true (people) pl. guard: 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 . powerful wise 1/2         \   1717 1718 1719 1720 spouses 3rd Part 1736 pp. best resort  \                               \ \   ` X mighty. truthful.  \          Z   \ `  what they forge / fabricate 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1728 pl.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1716 98 Part: 3 1734 1735 excellent abode.www. to deliver 2 v: 11 10 1721 1722 slaves. submitted  ) 1738 1739 1740 1741 myself. pleasure one who sees. fg. dominion you please / will bore witness that he men of learning. deluded what they invent. standing firm justice. guard us from. beholder (vn. later parts of night.iqbalkalmati. devout those who spend those who pray for pardon   1744 1745 deceived. my face (those) who followed me they turned back / away to convey. early hours of morning 1729 1730 1731 how be in full O Allah! owner. chamber whence.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 99 Part: 3 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 you take off / strip off          pp. from where there. kindness 3 v: 10 11     V   V     Ruku' 1768 descendant. gave birth         you bring low. bestow. wife womb. noble chaste 1769 1770 woman. to protect warns. that place prayed im. you humiliate hand verily you you make pass. delivered. grant      \          of distance.: X X  \ 1787 ap. one who confirms 1788 1789 1790  ) word leader. a great distance 1767 from Your (bounty / presence) full of pity.www. delivered the male female I named I seek protection.blogspot. dedicated fg. cautions himself. offspring (pl. confirming. I commit to protection      X   `    1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 night day friends. presented a mighty space                    1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 made (her) grow growth appointed guardian sanctuary. allies besides in anything to guard. belly . his self confronted.iqbalkalmati. you plunge gave birth. be obedient  \ `           \   \        tidings.: we reveal you were not with them with b) X   ) to breathe into permission of Allah I heal blind by birth leper pl. dead pl. willed a matter.: tokens. you store up when they drew their lots pens (sr.blogspot. became conscious helpers disciples (companions of Prophet Jesus :) 1810 illustrious. praise. news (sr.: old-age barren that not (  \ )         )       v: 11 12      V              \    \           cradle manhood. glorify evening.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 100 1811 Part: 3 those brought near (unto Allah) 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 son (pl.www. be devout.:  ) 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 which of them which they quarreled / disputed perceived. of great honour .iqbalkalmati. maturity man decreed. early hours of night morning 4 Ruku' 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 im. a thing I fashion / create / make clay like the shape / figure of bird (pl. gestures im. remuneration X `        \b       ` X  1850 singles out. a section beginning of the day. equitable. to pray humbly/ 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 you trust / entrust a treasure will return / pay back you kept constantly ap. specially chooses 1837 1838 1839 dust we pray humbly / earnestly vn. recompenses rewards. scheme 5 v: 13  13  \     \    pl.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1831 1832 101 Part: 3 1844 1845 1846 1847 we to plot. common terms      1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 kept. you are     `       15 these. come lords. path (pl.iqbalkalmati. account ( X   6   v: 9 14 way. share they distort / pervert their tongues 1842 1843 im. ascends pays in full. fulfilled oaths portion. pl. raises. (those who) pl.www. you argued / disputed Ruku' 3rd Part 1833 3/4 nearest of mankind (I will) take you / gather you            \        ) Ruku' 7 v: 8  1848 1849 a party. gods (sr. wages.: ) . standing  earnestly 1840 narrative.: Ruku'  X  )    \      \ 1841 equal.blogspot. daybreak 1834 1835 1836 one who lifts. com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran (sr. you will attain vn.iqbalkalmati.: Ruku' 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 8 v: 9 my burden (of covenant) they seek willingly unwillingly seeks came. fabricated falsehood.www. Makkah place where 1875 gold offered as ransom painful 9 v: 11 17 Ibrahim : stood (for prayer). is appointed / setup they put the things right / made amends 1873 1874 they increased earthful. in quantum of earth that. had come pv. made unlawful (vn. will not be lightened          `      b\  \  \      )  1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 invented (a lie). lie spoke truth upright.blogspot. you teach pl. sane in faith pv. by no means pl. secure pilgrimage to the house (of Allah) \    Ruku'  1895 is able to undertake why Part :4      < 1896 . to attain  )         16     X  \    \  V            faithful servants of Allah pl. 868 1893 1894 1876 1877 8 safe. verily that Bakkah. you study 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 the piety / righteousness food lawful forbade.: 1862 1863 1864 102 1878 Part: 4 never. equal `   1910 1911 1912 1913 brink abyss. evil trifling hurt backs (sr.blogspot.: 1898 1899 1900  )   pl.: X      (vn. you became X             1926 1922 1923 1924 1925 evolved pl.: )  ) 1917 1918 1919 blacken. darken pv. drew upon (himself) rebelled. raised up. a nation whiten.www. made to return      b\  2 all things. you forbid indecency. affairs. you hinder / obstruct                 a band of people.: ) incurred. are recited / rehearsed Ruku' 1920 holds fast / firmly to hold fast / firmly 10 v: 10 1 best community. cord all together enemies made friendship. brethren (sr. rescued let there be  \   \ 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931           . you seek 1916 crookedness (they will) turn / send (you back) (vn. fg.iqbalkalmati. lit up faces (sr.:  ) brothers. cable. disobeyed used to transgress to transgress (they are) not alike. rope. best of peoples            Ruku' 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909  1921 pv. joined pl. matters 11 v: 8 1901 1902 1903 pv.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1897 103 Part: 4 1914 1915 pl. pit saved.  ) happens to you 1939 1940 1941 1942 biting and icy. intense cold harvest. is evil unto them 1958 1959 to rejoice guile. hours they hasten / vie with one another `          \         )          X       pl. intended . they will not be denied / rejected 1937 will not avail / profit them with what is in breasts (hearts)              1938 wind (pl. pl.: 1936   ) 1953 1954 1955 pv. hamper / V    morning or at day break 1961 1962 you assign (positions) assigned positions (sr.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1932 1933 104 Part: 4 (sr. die 1934 1935 good deeds. hatred. you are those they bit (past tense of bite) to bite fingers. befalls you.iqbalkalmati.:  X  \b 1957 grieves them.www. perish.blogspot. appeared vehement. cunning (idea) 12 v: 11 3 Ruku' 1960  ) you went out early           1943 1944 1945 ruin. virtues pl. righteous (persons) (sr.:    `   \ 1963 distress you 1946 1947 1948 came into open. tilth intimate friend they will not fail / spare no pains (vn.: 1956 pl. finger-tips rage im.: 1949 1950 1951 1952 parts. corruption they loved / desired pl. malice mouths  \ ) 1964 1965 battle meditated. pl. glad tidings   \   V   1997 sins (sr. indecency message of good cheer. frustrated Ruku' 1986 1987 1988 1989 13 v: 9 4 doubling.blogspot. get assured cut off.: 1985 pl. destroyed a part. two-times redoubling. ob those who are         X     X   another. multi-times pv. reinforces three thousand pl. vie with one V  X   X  ) 1971 1972 1973 1974 is it not? supports. helpless (sr. those who control / sent down 1975 1976 1977 1978 nay. anger ap. a fringe abased. fg. prosperity adversity. ap. evil thing. bountiful    . is prepared im.www.: 1980 1981 1982 1983 set at rest. humiliated   ) 1998 1999 2000 not they persist / repeat excellent. 2041 (battle of) Badr utterly weak. those who forgive / 4th Part 1979 1/4        1996 pardon fg.iqbalkalmati. all of a sudden five marked repress 1994 1995 wrath. hasten 1990 1991 1992 1993 width ease. why not immediately.:      `  )  to fail cowardly. disappointed. they fail cowardly  `  \ X  X                 they turn back / retire (vn.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 105 Part: 4 1984 two parties / sections dl. time of hardship ap. excellent 15 v: 5 Ruku' 2035 2036 Ruku' 2017 2018 14 v: 14 we shall cast / put terror. end declaration. pl. will (you) if . make sure. guidance ni. faint not. plain statement admonition. you turned back/      V     b              6  consequence.blogspot. to purify.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 106 Part: 4 2019 2020 ap. to wipe out.. then? 2021 2022 died pl. turned about 2023 2024 heels (sr. wasted efforts im.iqbalkalmati. systems.www.:   ) term appointed. workers pl.: 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 many a. ways im. make firm good. pl. how many devoted men. distress touched. dread warrant. recorded time loose not heart 2008 overcome. to blight pl.. travel. purifies vn. met with weakness they did not demean themselves / give in  ) 2009 2010 2011 2012 wound. authority  \     \ will? so. go about        X     X                     5  ) if if it be that?. received days we change by turns (vn. then 2037 . rise high (sr. you wish / long 2032 2033 2034 excesses.: 2013 2014 2015 2016 purges. to purge vn. Godly men to loose heart for that befell. you shall turned.: )   disputed 2043 pl. you paid no heed /         \ \         did not look back 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 be brought together / gathered together 2064 2065 that not missed slumber overcome it was by the. to sigh and regret surely.iqbalkalmati. evil abode. verily pl.blogspot.www.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 2038 107 Part: 4 2055 2056 2057 hapless. 1968 2042 pl. pardoned 16 v: 7 7 pl. severe hard of heart Have we any part? Have we aught? they dispersed / broke away around you im. pv. counsel 2052 2053 2054 here went forth places to lie down. made (them) slip (vn.: 2041 )   2058 forgave. you routed /annihilated  \ \       \           met. directed pl. two parties / hosts  \       2039 2040 caused (them) to backslide. you disagreed / traveled fighters (sr.: 2044 2045 2046    X    ) 2061 2062 2063 anguish.:  ) . consult. you failed / Ruku' 2059 2060 flagged. it was then of you became lenient / gentle (    )     \        2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 harsh. death places (vn. you disobeyed (vn. you climbed       \          pl. came face to face dl. home pl. 1967. acted dishonestly pv. had (they)! they had obeyed im.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 2071 108 Part: 4 2090 2091 2092 you resolved / took decision         Z    \b  \          im. displeased resort. defend. is repaid in full 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 condemned.www. evil. vile journey's end. reckon not pv. fight im. how they became hypocrites im. abode hapless.blogspot. grace . withdrew help deceives. rejoicing they rejoice in glad tiding 4th Part 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 1/2 2102 they did not join 17 v: 16 what? and when dl. forsook. (they are) given provision / sustenance 2100 2101 jubilant. pl. raised up then turn away. those who place / put their trust 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 that day nearer they sat if. acts dishonestly deceived. push back     \                  \  8  2072 ap. pl. woeful. then ward off 2098 2099 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 think not. pl. pl. showed grace sent. then avert.iqbalkalmati. twice (as great) Ruku' 2103 they responded / answered         \     Y 2104 sufficient for us most excellent trustee/ guardian  \       2105 whence. destination bestowed favor. come 2106 2107 they turned of bounty. from where. were rejected ap. giving light. were denied. pl. enjoyment.blogspot. sets apart. pl. you will be paid in full wages. eats why then 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 portion. oppressor.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 2108 2109 2110 109 Part: 4 2126 makes (you) fear.    X    ) 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 wicked.www. consumes. elects they hoard up / niggardly cling to of enlightenment 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 fg. friends. pl. goods and chattels heard poor. bad. allies im. fear me   `   rich.: ` \       )    \ \b    ) 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 im. discriminates pv. bondsmen (sr. pv. recompense (sr. wrong-doer they vie with one another. pure lets (you) know chooses. evil good. is removed. became triumphant (vn.iqbalkalmati. sacrifice devours. taste fear (im. abandons separates. fire xg. share we give rein. taste pl. wealthy (sr.): 2111   .: offering. me: burning.:             pv. drawn away succeeded. frightens partisans. we grant respite shameful. be hung around  )    b\    (their) necks Ruku' 2123 2124 2125 18 v: 9 9  2141 comfort. ignominious leaves.: 2122 pv. deception matter of great resolution . indigent we       2142 2143 illusion. they hasten                    \       slaves. endure. those who       2158 2159 Glory be to Thee you humiliated / covered with shame      humble themselves 2175 im.    2176 persevere in patience im. excel in patience . cities (sr. reclining (sr. misdeeds im.: they remember / recall standing sitting sides. without meaning and purpose ap. pl. be praised take our souls back 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 with pl.com Surah-2: Aal-e-'Imran 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 110 Part: 4 2161 2162 flung. to be successful 19 v: 9 10 male female pv. abode resting place gift of welcome   ) 2156 they contemplate / reflect 4th Part 3/4 2174 2157 in vain. pl. caller.iqbalkalmati.: 2152 2153 2154 2155 ) 2169 movements to and fro lands.:           ( im. announcer   endurance. remit. Ruku' 2150 2151 those who have  \ suffered hurt (sr. pl.blogspot.www. were persecuted. efface           evil deeds. righteous. outdo others in 2160 ap. truly virtuous to be safe. threw away behind backs (vn.  ) 2163 they have given / brought pv.:  \        V  2170  ) \b  V        2171 2172 2173 habitation. make us die. pl.:   /       The Women Surah-4: An-Nisaa 2194 2178 2179   ) more likely. It is known as Sadaqah.www. pl. it is incumbent on husbands to offer gifts in cash or kind to their wives by way of contract of marriage.) will not do injustice spread.: fours justice they reached / attained found. or made prisoners of war. scattered men (sr. pl. suitable that you (pl. or purchased are called malaket-aiman or captives) 2193 right hands (vn.: 2180 pl. wombs watcher. Mahr (sr.iqbalkalmati. strengthen  11 <  became the owner. make trial twos threes 2204 2205 2206 orphans (sr. cloth X b V  V     \            ) 2202 2203 to clothe im. test. you demand  `           X :\    2197 2198 2199 2200 2201  ) from one another 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 ties of kinship.   each other Ruku' 20   v: 11 `   possessed (women taken in bondage. marriage portions. perceived . observer orphans sin great deal fairly / justly seemed good.blogspot.com Surah-3: An-Nisaa 2177 111 Part: 4 2192 im.:  V  2195 X ) 2196 dower. Ujr or Mahr) willingly with pleasure with good cheer means of support im. pleased (According to Islamic law. com Surah-3: An-Nisaa 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 112 Part: 4 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 sound judgment. those nearest      X child. appropriate blazing fire 1 v: 10 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 brother sister each one. ordained division.blogspot. share parents pl. relatives (let them) fear / beware justly.iqbalkalmati. 1/8 deceased man or woman having left neither parent nor children in relationship 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 be little. two thirds  \ 2243 Ruku' 2244 those of (women) who  . you delivered /              \   \ X  ' \           12    handed over 2213 2214 2215 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 pl. discretion im. you know not portion.www. deliver.:    X    ) squandering. son one-fourth. everyone sharers. 1/6 one-third. 1/2 one-sixth. dues (pl. 1/3 brothers (or sisters) debt. small be much. extravagantly in haste (let him) abstain pl. distribution near of kin. hand over   V   one-half. large allotted. those who share not causing any harm / loss    `      U    13  2242 limits imposed by Allah transgresses 2 v: 4 Ruku' 2224 2225 2226 portion dl. 1/4 one-eighth. two females dl. pl. hateful 3 v: 8 14 V    \   2264 2265 Ruku'   2266 mothers (sr. don't X        2269 2268  )   X )  b\          `       `  ) sisters (sr.www. confine dl. acceptor of Repentance.: ignorance forcibly. punish im. sister's daughters fg.:   keep under constraint 2254 pl.      2267 most merciful.: 2255 2256 open. leave them (alone) X    solemn. may be possible sisters (sisters from suckling) 2273 2274 pl. against will ni.com Surah-3: An-Nisaa 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 113 Part: 4 2263 four im.blogspot. gave in unto each other 2275 under your protection / guardianship 2276 wives. spouses.: )    oft-returning. strong past. sisters of father so that you (pl. pl. (sr.: 2262 covenant. live or consort pl. dispenser of Grace 2251 2252 2253 daughters (sr. firm. treasure gave oneself to another.iqbalkalmati. guardianship place sum of money. pledge. step daughters 2258 2259 2260 2261 vn. they gave suck with them 2257 foster   may happen. to replace (under) protection. two persons im. manifest im. bond X   ) . pl. pl.) may take away  \               \   2270 2271 2272  (sr. pl. passed abomination. pl. www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-3: An-Nisaa 2277 114 Part: 5 2287 2288 loins (sr.:  \   ) fg. not fornicators            to debauch, secret paramour 2278 dl. two sisters  2289 pv. be married, (sr.: ) taken in wedlock Part :5 2279   \    < 2290 2291 fg. they commit / come commit sin, doing wrong 4 v: 3 1 married women, those who have husbands          Ruku' 2292 ways, systems (sr.:    X                   2280 those who seek honest wedlock, desiring chastity X) 2281 2282 fornicators dowers, portions 2293 2294 2295 vain desires, lusts incline, turn away with mutual consent, with mutual agreement (that is incumbent on husbands to pay to their wives as per agreement at the time of marraige or Nikah). 2283 2284 2285 to afford, have means believing free women maids, slave-girls (sr.: V       2296 2297 aggression, malicious intent we shall cast in (vn.:     ) )       is derived from   2298 pl. you avoid, shun (vn.: 2299 ) 2286 honest, chaste and modest women, well fortified ( great sins, most heinous (sr.: ) which means to enter into fort. The above three words numbered 2279, 2284, and 2286 are the same but their use conveys the appropriate meanings). 2300 2301 pv. pl. you are forbidden we will remit / efface / expiate www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-3: An-Nisaa 2302 2303 2304 115 Part: 5 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 gate, entrance V              2  boastful, vainglorious companion, intimate what would be? if so much as the weight of if there be from His own self we brought these be leveled discourse, fact 6 v: 9 3    \       \ `    V   noble, respectable, honorable ni. pl. covet not,   do not desire 2305 2306 2307 heirs, inheritors made covenant, pledged pl. your right hands Ruku' 2308 5 v: 8 in charge, overseers, caretakers             \    \       V      2309 2310 good / righteous women fg. pl. obedient, fully devoted 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 rebellion, refractory conduct beds high, exalted arbitrator, umpire neighbor neighbor not of kin, distant neighbor Ruku' 2332 ni. pl. draw not   \            near, approach not 2333 2334 intoxicated, drunken vn. state of pollution caused by ejaculation or intercourse 2335 2336 2337 2317 companion, fellow traveler journeying, passers by pl. you take bath  2318 2319 traveler, way farer proud, arrogant ill, sick (sr.:   ) www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah-3: An-Nisaa 2338 2339 116 Part: 5 2357 closets, (toilets) pl. you touched, X                         Y       X \  \  \    backs (sr.:  ) (did intercourse) 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2358 2359 people of Sabbath pl. you make tayammum    V  \    \   executed, carried out save that, besides that invented, fabricated husk of a date-stone, i.e., the least 7 v: 8 4 soil, sand clean (good) im. pl. rub therewith pl. faces 2360 2361 2362 benign, pardoning they change / pervert / displace Ruku' 2363 2364 idols, superstitions groove on a date-stone, speck, farthing        2347 context, (places) (sr.:  ) 2365 fg. consumed, burnt up, roasted 2366 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 we disobeyed im. hear skins (sr.: \ )     \    not made to hearing vn. twisting, distorting 5th Part 1/4 2367 2368 2369 forever shadow, shade plenteous shadow, dark shade  V    b\  tongues vn. slandering, taunting more upright, more proper we will destroy / efface 2370 2371 pl. you restore / render back excellent those in authority 2356 we turn (them)  2372 www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah 4: An-Nisaa 2373 117 Part: 5 2392 2393 vn. interpretation \b V 5 im. pl. take \      X                      \        7 Ruku' 2374 2375 8 v: 9  precautionary measures for security they claim / assert they go / resort together for judgment            V     \   V                    \    V  6 2405 2406 2407 2408 2394 im. pl. advance, go forth, proceed 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 aversion, to turn away they swear not, (if) concord, harmony im. leave (them) alone im. admonish in detachment, separately lags behind, tarries behind vn. to delay / lag behind unto me, upon me friendship, love, affection Oh! would that I had been vn. success, achievement effective word but nay! by Your Lord disputed, disagreed dislike, resistance, bar you decided / decreed they submit / surrender with entire submission firmly, strongly truthful (people) companion 9 v: 11 they sell / trade what ails you, what happened to you 2404 pp. those who are made feeble / weak / utterly helpless children its inhabitants from Thyself strategy, craft 10 v: 6 Ruku' 2409 2410  Ruku'  im. pl. withhold, hold back X   fear 117 two months (sr. you went forth (to fight) it may be. conflict stronger in inflicting punishment  \b    V X \ X   2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 wheresoever overtakes. continuous purposely. a term.www.iqbalkalmati. a while equivalent to a piece of thread. restricting. part greetings 11 v: 11  Ruku' 5th Part 2436 2437 8   \   1/2 turned back. consecutive. fortresses lofty. finds out towers. least  X  V             X \ )  \  X                   very strong.: obedience planned at night time they plan at night gave power / dominion 12 v: 4 9 Ruku' 2440 2441 2442 to set free neck. overthrown they join / meet / seek refuge        2419 they do not come near to 2438 2439 fg. persuade. intentionally pl. so what happened 2434 2435 portion.com Surah 4: An-Nisaa 2411 2412 2413 118 Part: 5 2431 2432 2433 why not respite. urge dl. high.blogspot. restraining 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 they understand (vn. (slave) blood money paid as     X X  X     )              they ponder / think deeply verily they would have found compensation to victim's relatives 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 (paid) fully dl. perchance will restrain / withhold marched forth  118 . hard enough battle.: 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 they propagate / spread they elicit / investigate im. fortified so what ails. devise a plan spacious area to get became due / incumbent 14 v: 4 11 Z    X      pl.www.iqbalkalmati. perishable goods plunders. accuses  119 . swoop at once. in what manner strategy.                       treacherous 2477 2478 2479 quarrel. gave death in what state. sinner they hide / feel ashamed they make conspiracy by night puts in distress you were let it stand up / stand by arms. supporter. breachers of trust. pleader ni. weapons let it come up precautionary measures 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 blames. trust breacher sinful. you hope Ruku' 2475 2476 15 v: 4  showed ap.blogspot.com Surah 4: An-Nisaa 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 119 Part: 5 for safety. 2393 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 offered you are not profits. you shorten /   \  \      X   \b \ curtail 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 they deceive / defraud disloyal. gains equals not other than those \         10 your baggage to attack.    X          \b \   \b    12     who have a disabling hurt Ruku' 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 13 v: 5 you feel safe from danger 2473 caused to die. you are undergoing sufferings. hardships 2474 pl. you are secure. suddenly rain that you lay down pl. do not dispute / plead Ruku' 2460 pl. com Surah 4: An-Nisaa 2485 2486 120 Part: 5 2503 innocent carried (burden).: pl. hanging. resolved. speech little bit. beguile. cattle (sr. you wished/ desired/     X       \b  coveted 2510 pp. refuge more true words.  \ \        X      ) 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519   ) deception.blogspot.www. the lust pl.: 2499 2500 2501 2502 escape. other than that    V            V    2511 2512 2513 you also / too praise worthy produces. accepted blame V    13 friend 18 v: 11 15   V  Ruku' 2504 Ruku' 2487 2488 16 v: 8  they consult / ask for decree pl. intended      2505 2506 2507 husband fg. miserliness. vain desires they increased / exceeded they engage in talk conversation. you lapse / incline . contends we will make him enter 17 v:3 14         swayed 2508 2509 greed. you desire \      X    fg. brings forth 19 v: 8 16 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 female idols. goddesses rebellious they will cut (slit) ears (sr. selfishness pl.: Ruku' 2514 nearer the passion.iqbalkalmati. made to be present / taught 5th Part 2489 2490 2491 3/4    \ secret conference opposes. talk (pl. least   ) 2520 they wait and watch  120 . in suspension Ruku' 2492 besides that. thunderbolt  X   121 .iqbalkalmati. deep made pure / sincere what will (he) do? / gain? 2542 we mentioned / narrated 2543 2544 vn. lazily. made doubtful / languidly. proof clear proof. 2521 2522 we overcome / protect we defend / guard you                 \      violate not the limit. do not exceed 2538 2539 Ruku' 2523 2524 2525 2526 20 v: 7 17 to crucify pv. pl. plainly. we have repeated the words in this Lughat. to shout powerful truly. to speak ap. cast three im. \     dubious 2540 ap.com Surah 4: An-Nisaa 121 2536 2537 Part: 6 we forgave / pardoned ni. pl. pl. manifest authority . in truth 21 v: 11 1       exceed 2550 2551 2552 2553 word conveyed.www. cease.) ap. desist Ruku' 2534 2535 manifestly. way easy ni. openly storm of lightening. reluctantly those who sway / waver authority. those who give good news or glad tidings 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 (Note: A verb has different meanings depending upon the context. warrant. warners argument. plea road. To acquaint the readers with different meanings. bestowed. don't exaggerate / Part:6 2531 2532 2533 U      < to say loudly. transgress not. those who give or pay Ruku' 2541 22 v: 10 2     \      \   Book of Psalms of Prophet David :       \         X           X \ X   2527 2528 2529 2530 the rank lowest.blogspot. carrion X    122 .: one-third or 1/3: ) 4 2570 ap.        you cooperate 2578 transgression. those resorting / Ruku' 24 v:6  < intending to go 2571 the sacred house. enmity im. In this state. enmity 6th Part 1/4 U     (Hajj or Umrah) under Ihraam. do not violate / he will not     2566 2567 2568    `    \    \ `     \    \  \              profane monuments.blogspot. The Table Spread Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2559 2573 you went out of sacred territory im. argument they ask for a legal decision.www. to disdain. 2579 dead. to hunt obligations. they seek a decree collars or garlands put around the necks of the animals meant for sacrifice. two unstitched sheets of white cloth are worn by male pilgrims. 2/3 (sr. malice.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah Ruku' 2554 122 3 Part: 6 2565 23 v: 9  ni. forbidden hunting be in the state of pilgrimage 2576 2577 hatred. you may hunt vn. (Ka'bah) 2572 you put off Ihram. animals brought for sacrifice 2569 disdain.iqbalkalmati. 2558 two-third. undertakings.:   X    2574 2575 \ ) let (it) not provoke you 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 beast cattle unlawful.    the inviolable house. pl. will not feel too proud to 2555 vn. pl. you help one another.    \   to regard with contempt 2556 2557 proof. symbols the sacred month offerings. covenants (sr. pl. iqbalkalmati.blogspot. the wild animal pl. beaten to death pp. 5 from height 2587 2588 2589 killed by goring of horns the beast. strangled pp. consecrated 2584 2585 2586 2600 2601 2602 they held / caught virtuous / chaste women those who take (Actually it was but because it is the last pp. 2590       X slaughtered. etc. meat swine. altars pl.. elbows pl. dedicated.) v: 5 Ruku' 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 1  you stand / prepare both the hands pl. to know one's luck or fortune) 2608 2609 dl. you purified / cleaned  is dropped. lost all hopes is driven / forced to extreme hunger one who has    X       state of pollution caused by ejaculation or intercourse 2610 2611 privy. dead after falling    .: X ) divination devices (dices. ankles      X `    2594 2595 2596 2597 despaired. heads (made lawful by slaughtering in the name of Allah while it is still alive). (did intercourse)  123 . toilet you touched. pig over which a name     X      X    X             \   2598 those who cause injury. you try the luck feet (sr. slit the throat of an animal 2591 2592 2593 place of idols.www. inflict wound      \      2599 animals trained for. arrows. hunting hounds is invoked.  .com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2580 2581 2582 2583 123 an inclination Part: 6 blood flesh. www.iqbalkalmati. we have caused the gate. fight 2628 2629 peace. handiwork paths. you support (it) with    \        \        \     X        Ruku' 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 3  might. you will be overthrown 2623 2624 im. why then mortal. as long as they remain 2625 2626 2627 nearly. you will find / discover holy ni. go im. wardens pl. was not given             \         to breach / break you will not cease to you will get information.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 124 Part: 6 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 ratified (covenant) blazing fire. you strengthen (it) 2620 2621 2622 pv. held back 2 v: 6 6           destroys we sons (sr. overlook those of exceeding strength dl. ways (sr. dl. (hell) intended they stretch out withheld. do not turn back pl. pl.:       ) ` `     v: 8 7 beloved ones so why. the door never. two men we have stirred up. forever till they remain. man an interval (between two messengers) Ruku' 2617 2618 2619 2635 2636 twelve chiefs.: X ) 2646 2647 2648 im. salvation who has power here  124 . soon they do.blogspot. made pleasant forty year they shall wander / roam ni.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 125 Part: 6 2666 2667 2668 2669 I have no control / power myself my brother im. story (news) (pl. you will become 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 fg. one who stretches   X                  7            b    you draw on yourself you would be. those full of regrets. grieve not. and convey    2675 2676 2677 2678 tale. offering pv. they offered     2680 2681 sacrifice.: 2679 I become I may hide / conceal ap. forbidden     \   \ X      X     \b  your hand ap. was accepted remorseful (sr.:  )  ) 2660 two sons (sr. those committing 2664 2665 you stretched towards me \  excesses  125 .blogspot. (crow) scratches hide.www. conceal corpse.: 2682 2683 2684 ) 6th Part 1/2 U     (for) that cause / reason as if ap. separate pp. and recite. 2661 2662 2663 dl. induced.iqbalkalmati. dead body woe unto me am I unable / too weak to Ruku' 2658 2659 4 v: 7 8 im. sorrow not became sent raven. blogspot. wounds              X        opposite side. are cut off                \ 9 priests. Shariat traced-out way. turn (of fortune) they took oath.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 126 Part: 6 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 they wage war they strive / endeavor pv. are expelled. virtues 7 v: 7 11 Ruku' 2716 2717 2718 turns (for friendship) change.iqbalkalmati. illicit they seek judgment 6 v: 9 Ruku'  2719 2720 forcible. exiled pl. thief    X  V  \  2711 2712 2713 2714 footsteps. thief fg. law of equality you overpower Ruku' 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 5 v: 8  2709 2710 expiation. rabbis. we sent (after) way of approach. example mouths (sr. scholars eye nose ear tooth pl. solemn their oaths  126 .www. alternate pv. they swore      \     2700 2701 forbidden things. just retribution. you get power. course of action deterrent. are crucified pv. atonement we caused to follow. means mg.:  )              10 2715 2697 2698 2699 eager listeners others those who swallow greedily good works. footprints watcher law. lowly stern. one who censures / blames 2741 stretched out 2742 2743 2744 2745 we have cast / placed they lighted / kindled fire war.:  8 v: 6 ) 12 Ruku' 2727 2728 2729  play. men of God priests. monkeys. are fettered. reproach.: 2733 2734 2735 2736  ) 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 you are not you establish / stand fast by ni. on right course evil. group (pl.iqbalkalmati. tied up fg. pl. will turn back   X    2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 humble. wide spread.www. grieve / sorrow not pl. swines worse in rank they became Jews Sabians desired not most strayed one.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 127    Part: 6 2737 2738 2739 2740 6th Part 2721 3/4 U rabbis. scholars pp. recompense pl.:          \b      X  ) (sr.blogspot. pv. further astray why not 2755  127 . battle extinguished we effaced / remitted / expiated party. apes will protect (vn. mighty blame. vile 9 v: 10 13 Ruku' 2749 2730 2731 2732 shall I inform you retribution. is shackled / tied up dl.   X          \   b\   \  `  becomes renegade. pigs. you disapprove          \  X            2746 2747 2748 moderate. censure ap. sport you call / proclaim you find fault. good.www. surely bad you (will) see they make friends. to transgress. were cursed               \         tears rewarded 11 v: 9 1 by the tongue they rebelled / disobeyed they transgress / exceed the limit Ruku' 2783  ni. look pv. void oaths you made a knot. pl. those devoted to learning          2778 monks. to feed (others) average.blogspot. overflows           deluded away from the truth Ruku' 2764 2765 2766 2767 10 v: 11 14 pv. those who have renounced the world Part:7 2779 2780 2781 2781a 2782      < they heard / listened their eyes fg. forbid not. more or less the same  128 . see. you made binding 2770 surely evil. they ally sent on before.            \  do not make unlawful 2784 2785 2786 2787 2768 vn. they are turned away /        X  \b        you will surely find affection priests. pure they do not forbid / restrain one another vain.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 128 Part: 7 2775 2776 2777 they thought / counted on they became blind they became deaf the third of three truthful / saintly woman dl. they used to eat im. sent forward condemned. incensed 2771 2772 2773 2774 2788 2789 vn.iqbalkalmati. to exceed the limit 2769 pl. two 2796 im. she-camel which gives 2793 2794 2795 will cast. they became entitled 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 to be brought to Ka'ba dl. you were replied. to grasp spears. penalty returned. altars infamy. repeated traveler. how pv. to take. you turned away Ruku' 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 12 v: 7  hunting to reach.blogspot.iqbalkalmati. seafarer hunting on land the sacred / inviolable house more likely. desist birth to two females and freed in the name of idol-gods. more suitable pv. loathsome  \          \        2 fg. get known dl. will be refuted Ruku' 2823 2824 14 v: 8 4 what. put what? will you? (interrogative) those who abstain from. weapons cattle (domestic) animals two (persons) known for justice         \      \      \    \ 3 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 you detain / stop / withold you doubted sinful people.www. abomination.com Surah 5: Al-Maaidah 2790 2791 2792 129 Part: 7 2808 you have sworn idols. she-camel with split ears    X  ` X        \               /   set free in honor of some idol-gods 2809 fg. sinners ascertained. she-camel set free in honor of idol-gods 2810 fg.     the response you received Ruku' 13 v: 7  2825 cradle  129 . 2811 stallion camel freed from work 2812 2813 2814 enough for us we found mg. two (persons) nearest in kin evil consequences. rivers sins we raised parchment. appointed time   X          `        \b       2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 you doubt ap. so long as I stayed  \          < 6 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2837 2838 observer.iqbalkalmati. achievement 16 v: 5 Ruku' X )    \       b\   The Cattle 2855 we have confused / obscured / confounded Surah 6: Al-An'aam 2839 2856 they confuse (themselves).www. they obscure they hold (others as) equal. era.blogspot. in time tidings. overwhelmed they scoffed  130 . they ascribe rivals    2857 2858 surrounded.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 130 Part: 7 2840 maturity clay the likeness of you breath into you heal born blind. paper touched. those who turn away soon. blind since birth leper. generation we had established. watcher triumph. we gave place 2847 2848 2849 established. leprosy patient I restrained table spread with food  V         \   \ `      v: 7 5 fixed term. placed rain in abundance streams. felt angel (pl. news time. age.: 7th Part Ruku' 2835 2836 1/4 15 I did not speak / say while I dwelt. mocked 1 v: 10 7    will not be their excuse / contention By Allah (oath of Allah) we were not listens veils. deafness they argue / dispute fables. they are made to stand omnipotent. reliever. I am commanded / ordered 2869 2870 2871 2872 pv. travel. maker feeds pv. beliers unto whom. irresistibly supreme may it be that we!. above what thing 2 v: 10 8 2893 pv. is averted / spared 2889 2890 2891 2892 they forbid / prohibit (others) that day ap. manifest. is not fed pv. originator. remover they avoid / keep off (themselves) pv. ancients Ruku' 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868      U     X \ \                          ) im.www. rejecters. pl. (covers) to understand heaviness. we are to be returned / sent back Ruku' 2875 2876 2877  2894 we would be became clear. (present tense: invented. fabricated where im. stories old peoples.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 2859 131 Part: 7 make believe 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 scoffed.blogspot.iqbalkalmati. they will commit the same  131 . whose dwelt. rested ap. you assert / \       2895 2896 they surely would revert. would that we! 2873 2874 over. tales. consequence ap. go about   X            \    \             end. made alluring which they bear sport. dumb founded 2911 2912 2913 you seek tunnel ladder 2930 2931 was cut off roots. what they were reminded 2928 2929 they rejoiced those in despair. pastime they flout / deny hard. nations.: the hour of final judgment suddenly alas for us! woe unto us! we committed mistakes they bear burdens (sr.blogspot. backs X  X       \    2919 X ) whom Allah wills / wishes U      \  10 2920 2921 him only. you could they forgot pv.www. our misfortune pv. made fair. those who will          flies its two wings         be raised again 2898 is it not 3 v: 10 9 Ruku' 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 peoples. grievous you are able to. relieves 4 v: 11 Ruku' 2922  ) they might become humble      \b               U                    V       2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 why not our disaster. remnants. last parts they turn away / aside treasures of Allah 7th Part 2914 2915 1/2 animal flying creature X  ` 2932 2933  132 .iqbalkalmati. unto him alone removes. communities (sr.: pl.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 2897 132 Part: 7 2916 2917 2918 pp. com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 2934 133 Part: 7 judges 2952 I don't know / have no knowledge          \      11 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 key pl. warn im. whenever  133 . pain covers. no decision discussion.blogspot. meddle. I am forbidden         \  \  you hasten / are impatient 2950 no judgment.www. in humility secretly affliction. keys \        \        v: 5 13 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 unseen I do not say are (they) equal? blind one who sees 5 v: 9 does not fall / drop leaf. fresh dry (sear) you gained / committed 7 Ruku' 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945  im. caretaker they do not neglect / overlook         V \    \              morning evening his countenance / face not on you. distress. paper money wet.iqbalkalmati. confounds faction will make you taste I am not they plunge into not accountable / answerable 2946 2947 we tried / tested become clear / manifest / plain Ruku' 2948 2949 6 v: 5 12 pv. you are 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 more swift. quicker humbly. wrangle 2970 2951 best of deciders /   \   if. do not repel / drive away   \                Ruku' 2959 2960 guardian. forsake. overshadowed saw star set ap. sun  134 .www. come to us   \     2973 after remembrance / recollection be so it becomes / shall become 2974 2975 2976 im. be blown                 V    destroyed 2977 2978 trumpet (of resurrection) name of the father of Prophet Ibrahim intercessor fg. do not sit        \  \    companions.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 2971 2972 134 Part: 7 2989 2990 2991 2992 cause you to forget ni. rising (in splendour) fg. deceived pv. things that set or go down mg. friends im. offer ransom / equal amount 2996 2997 2998 2999 2979 : idols I see thee we show kingdom. governance.iqbalkalmati. beguiled. compensate. we may be turned back             heels beguiled / fooled him bewildered. be given to ruin / perdition 2981 2982 2983 drink boiling water painful 8 v: 10 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 covered. may get caught / 7th Part 3/4                     14 2993 2994 2995 pv. dominion full of every compensation.blogspot. reparation 2980 pv. perplexed uprising. moon Ruku' 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988  shall we call upon / invoke pv. leave fg. Makkah   ) b    3023 3040 3041 produced. dawn 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 parchments. agonies ap. daybreak. more worthy safety. torment you have come to us alone. rest. computing time measure. fruit kernel pl. one who splits / cleaves          \    they did not attach proper value or esteem. time limit 3024 around  135 . papers vain discourse.: before it you warn mother of villages.www. I have set (my face)   V        \   pl.blogspot. they estimated             \  3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 date-stone. follow Ruku' 3033 11 v: 4 17 Ruku' 3017 10 v: 8 16  ap. two factions / parties spread 3027 3028 disgrace. idle talk ap. that which confirms stillness. brought into being habitation. disposition stars (sr. those who stretch /        \   \     3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 upright dl. single first time we bestowed / granted you claimed / asserted more right. security did not obscure/ mix/ confound 3029 3030 3031 3032 Ruku' 3014 9 v: 13 15 they associated / set up partners    \ \ 3015 3016 we entrusted im.iqbalkalmati. repose reckoning.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 3008 135 Part: 7 3025 3026 I turned (my face). turn away. guardian cannot comprehend / grasp       X    X                      3047 3048 3049 3050 date-palm spathe. similar fruits bore fruits. turn back ni. corn (pl.      18 3043 3044 3045 vegetation green stock grain.blogspot. such is caretaker. sheaths. to comprehend / grasp pl. pollen bunches.:  ) Ruku' 3064 3065 3066 3067 12 v: 6  3046 thick clustered. there is no consort. revile not. vision.www. to ripe they invented / ascribed sons subtle you have studied im. resting place (after death)          X  \   X        \           daughters highly / sublimely exalted about what they attribute / ascribe  . closely growing Originator how has no. sight alike.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 3042 136 Part: 7 3060 3061 3062 3063 repository. clusters pendant. spouse that is.iqbalkalmati. pl. do not abuse 3077 what will make you realise 3078 we will overturn / turn aside  136 . came to fruition its ripening ripen. hanging low and near 3068 3069 3070 3051 3051a 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 grapes olives (sr. pomegranate    ) 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 vn. earners I seek.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 3079 3080 3081 3082 137 Part: 8 3098 3099 hearts first time contumacy. abasement expands.iqbalkalmati. I desire judge fully explained. fulfilled word truly. we are given knows better humiliation. one who changes V           3100 3101 they guess / conjure pv. face to face they ignore / are ignorant enemy (pl. deception.blogspot. was mentioned / Ruku' pronounced 3102 explained fully / in detail they inspire / whisper unto 14 v: 11 1 Part:8 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097      < 3103 before. trespass they are wandering 13 v: 10 19  \         justice. justly ap.:  V           \   \       V   X V ) Ruku' 3104 3105 3106 walks great ones. flowery delusion. climbs ignominy. opens bosom. in truth  137 . leave 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 pv. guile pl. close strait. leaders wicked ones / evil doers of that (place)                  V    b       guilded. constricted as if ascends. abomination abode / home of peace incline they earn / do ap. in detail perfected. breast narrow.www. prohibited     3136 vn. camels 17 v: 4 males.blogspot.iqbalkalmati.: Ruku' 3151 3152   ) I don't find pp. dwelling place 15 v: 8 3138 trellises. forbidden vn. 3141 small cattle (like goats. men (sr. enjoyed we reached / arrived you appointed            \ \   2 foolishly 16 v: 11 3    Ruku' 8th Part 1/4      3122 abode. destroyer  \b               harvesting cattle used for loading. to attribute  138 .com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 3118 3119 3120 3121 138 Part: 8 3137 O! assembly made use.www. sheep etc. appoints successor 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 sure to come reaches they ruin / destroy they cause confusion vn. plants     V   X   \b          X 4 Ruku' 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 supported by a structure of light bars 3139 3140 comes unto you they recount / relate we testified / witnessed ap. two females follow after. forging. of mercy causes something to 3142 3143 3144 3145 eight pairs sheep goats dl. burden. fabrication     \    \    3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 contained wombs camel. forbidden. two males dl. home.) merciful. teachings. all embracing pl. on an eater Y        Y         \  X         \  5 X    X 6 blood pp. you lie / guess better guided greater wrong doer turned away. measure 3172 3173 ap. undivided hoof Ruku' 3174 3175  lest you (should) say vn. penury them also that what is apparent / open what is concealed / secret / hidden          3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 most right religion sacrifice. which reaches home 3180 3181 3182 you are not good deed ten-fold. running weight. fulfil  139 .blogspot. (age of) full strength im. shunned 3179 they turn away from / keep off / shun final argument. give full. equity 19 v: 4 animals with claws. tallow. rites my life my death will not bear bearer of burden burden 3170 3171 maturity. fat assiduous study 3176 3177 3178 entrails mixed up bone extensive.com Surah 6: Al-An'aam 3153 3154 3155 3156 139 Part: 8 3171a vn. kept off. poured forth.     X   \       X                    3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 sheep. ten like thereof 3165 bring forward 18 v: 6 Ruku'  3166 3167 3168 3169 poverty.www. balance justice.iqbalkalmati. pl. goats pl. blogspot. heaviness at night ap. vicegerents    `  \     im. one who is degraded / The Heights Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 let there be no our scourge / wrath straitness. those taking rest at noon    \b                   8 abject 3213 pp. they cover scales fg.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3190 3191 140 Part: 8 3204 3205 returning place successors. reprieve pv.www. became light means of livelihood 1 v: 10 Ruku' 3203  pl.iqbalkalmati. one who is driven away / banished 3214 3215 3216 I will fill pv. those who are given reprieve 3207 3208 Ruku' 8th Part 20 v: 11 7 you seduced / sent astray I will surely lie / lurk in (ambush) 1/2         b\  < 3209 3210 3211 3212 right hands left hands you will not find pp. became manifest dl. they will be raised             \  \   `      \       Z    (from the dead) 3206 3192 swift in punishment / retribution / prosecution pp. viceroys. was hidden that day fg. those degraded. respite. became heavy those parts of a body which should be covered 3217 3218 3219 3220 swore caused (them) to (their) fall fg. those given respite.    (by heaping) 3221 leaves meanest  140 . cried (called loudly) ap. you (shall) return cries (calls loudly) 3247 3248 3249 Ruku' 3230 3 v: 6 10 crookedness veil heights.  \b   \        11 they can not cause any delay 3231 3232 3233 3234 they can not advance they departed / strayed away its sister they followed on each another 4 v: 8 separating paradise from hell.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf Ruku' 3222 141 9 Part: 8 3239 2 v: 15  (fold and folds of ) coverings adornment garment of   \     \              3240 3241 3242        we removed / stripped away rancor. (elevated places they cannot put off. The persons whose good deeds and evils are equal shall stay there for a certain time. is turned     \   12 Ruku' 3235 3236 3237 3238  pv. establish called out yes         proclaimed. one who proclaims / every act of worship pl. pl.) 3250 3251 marks they hope pv. set up.iqbalkalmati. deep rooted hate pv.www. goes through camel eye of a needle Ruku' 3254 3255 did not avail / profit will not bestow / make it reach \     141 . they will be called 3223 God-consciousness / righteousness 3224 let (him) not seduce you 8th Part 3243 3244 3245 3246 3/4     3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 pulls off.blogspot. fg. strips off his tribe im. will not be opened     X    \   3252 3253  ` \  meeting 5 v: 8 passes through. has come upon punishment. bore. pour down       \   13 vegetation scanty 7 v: 5 14     we (will) forget are / is (there) for us? pv. large growth cloud heavy we drive / lead it dead land good land bounties. counselor X     V   `    ) increased vn.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3256 3257 3258 3259 142 Part: 8 3277 3278 im. foolishness we deem / think ap.www. blind people 8 v: 6 15 Ruku' 3283 blessed humbly. longing winds (heralding) glad-tidings fg. advisor. with humility secretly hope. benefits has fallen. we are sent back Ruku' 3279 messages (sr.:              X   ) 3281 3282 pl.:    142 . swiftly pl. carried people of 'Aad (towards whom Prophet Hud : was sent  b 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 chiefs. made subservient      \  V         V \         V \       \ 3280 I give you good advice / counsel (vn.iqbalkalmati.:  ) Ruku' 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 6 v: 6  X  six days / periods covers seeks in haste. you wondered blind folk.blogspot. pl. filth names (sr. leaders folly. www. houses (sr. none had preceded gave station / habitation vn. lurk not.: ni. you come / commit she-camel fg. bring to us  143 . messenger 3308 3325 ni.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3294 143 Part: 8 3311 3312 pl. prostrated a nation towards  X  \b            )         X       \ whom Prophet Saleh :was sent 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 on the ground 3315 3316 3317 turned away pl. 3322 3323 we rained / showered rain 10 v: 12 17 Ruku' 3324 reckoned powerless 3307 a place where Prophet Sho'aib : was sent            \  pp. messengers. do not act wickedly pv.blogspot.iqbalkalmati.: 3295 X   ) 9 v: 8 16 sr. lagged behind dwellings. pl. pl.:  ) 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 pl. goods ni. eats / may eat never did before. pl. don't deprive / they ham-strung / cut the legs withold 3326 3327 things. plain and soft (land) 3318 3319 3320 anyone people they seek to keep pure and clean castles. you named      you promise pp. pl. you hew / carve out mountains (sr. were kept weak. root those who are sent 3313 3314 Ruku' 3296  earthquake ap. one who is sent. palaces (sr.: X  ) 3321 those who stayed behind.        X    Z  \b                 (vn. squat not 3309 3310 they insolently defied / flouted im. those who are sleeping        \    \     \   \          \ daytime.              you shall (have to) return ap.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3328 3329 3330 144 Part: 9 3345 3346 pl. well versed magicians. those who we invented / forged we returned had never dwelt / lived I feel sorrow / lament 11 v: 9 1 collect / summon / call 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 magician. drew out white 13 v: 9 3     gave (you) increase Ruku' 3347 3348 Part:9 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 b \ what im. throw  144 . or that you throw ap. broad daylight vn. throw Ruku' 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 they grew and multiplied felt / became secure ap. you threaten pl. cast serpent 3362 3363 they produced. put off (a while). scheme. pl.    \  one from whom it is right to (say) 3343 3344 threw. they enchanted / cast spell eyes they terrified / struck terror devising Ruku' 3342 12 v: 6 2 approved on condition that.www. contrivance.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. those who hate / detest      \       let (him) wait a while 3349 3350 cities ap. those who throw im. brought im. sorcerer knowing. wizards either. you hinder          < drew forth. wizard. vengeance 3375 im. lice pl. 3398 they erect / build. pl. those who go back / return 3374 plague.www. fell down 3385 3386 evil fortune whatever. were overcome 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3384 they ascribe /blame evil fortune on then and there pv. this is due to us   Y \                           vanquished. they do not keep their words you take revenge. were defeated /  \  \b      \          \ 4 famine. vermin. terror.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3364 3365 3366 3367 145 Part: 9 3381 3382 3383 swallows up they fake / feigned made (it) vain / vanish pv. (any calamity) removed those who reach they break covenant. shortness this is ours. whatsoever pl. those having irresistible power 3380 pv. droughts dearth.blogspot.iqbalkalmati. 3138 we were made to suffer Ruku' 15 v: 3 5 9th Part 3399 1/4 b\    we brought / led (them) across  145 . pour out Ruku' 3376 3377 3378 14 v: 18  you leave (alone) we will slay we will spare to live / let live         3394 3395 3396 3397 sea eastern parts. locusts pl. easts western parts. we have been oppressed. frogs I give you leave / permission 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 I will (surely) cut off I will (surely) crucify ap. wests we utterly destroyed / annihilated 3379 ap. thunder-struck 18 v: 4  stilled. bound to destruction Ruku' 3402 3403 3404 3405 16 v: 12 6 thirty appointed time / term forty im. show me (them to) rejoice Ruku' 3428 3429 3430 3431 you can not see Me revealed glory crumbled to dust fell down senseless.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3400 146 Part: 9 Ruku' 3419 they sit as devotees. appeased writing. take my place. brother ni. given up to (idols)       17 v:6 7  ornaments body lowing sound (of a cow) pv.: I will show I will cause (them) to turn away     )  ) 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 seventy me also. recovered senses tablets (sr. one who is going to be 3420 3421 3422 destroyed. wrong conduct  146 .blogspot. don't make be my successor or vicegerent 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 im. put things right / rectify im. right conduct error. in sorrow dragging son of mother. trial from you best of forgivers we have been guided            \   3417 3418 righteousness.:   X       woke up. abated.         \        Z    V  \     3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 angry grieved. fell down after breakage         V        8 3401 pp.iqbalkalmati. inscription they fear / dread chose (vn. (myself) your trial.www. things they studied they hold fast / keep we raised covering. inclined dog you attack / load  147 . passed (them) by                \   Ruku' 3449 3450 fishes (sr. they were prohibited    Y      3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 followed. described relieves (from burden) burden fetters.iqbalkalmati. overtook those who went astray clung. openly  ) b  \      3469 3470 9th Part 3451 3452 3453 3454 3455 1/2 you preach to justify to be free from guilt grievous. yokes honored 19      3462 3463 3464 3465 3466   \  Ruku' 3445 3446 3447 3448  twelve tribes gushed forth springs (of water) 20 v: 5 10     \ V         Ruku' 3467 3468 am I not? ascribed partners followers of falsehood sloughed off.blogspot.www.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3437 3438 3439 147 Part: 9 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 I afflict I will        \   \  v: 6 9 we have tried succeeded successor they inherited they take / clutch goods. severe they exceeded the bounds pv.: visibly. canopy going to fall 21 v: 9 11       \   \b    X   one who can neither read nor write. shackles. written down. unlettered 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 pp. blogspot.iqbalkalmati. coming to pass aright.com Surah 7: Al-A'raaf 3476 148 Part: 9 3492 3493 3494 pants with (his) tongue. those who are silent 3490 will not manifest / reveal / disclose to nobody 3491 fg.www. they prayed / called unto 3487 3488 3489 ap. fairest Ruku' 3480 22 v: 10 12  we will lead (them) step by step           X  \             I (would have) amassed. excellent. became heavy dl. lolls out (his) tongue \  \      :  sudden as if you eager in search I have no power for myself If I had / were I know unseen V    b       \          \    \   3477 3478 3479 (rightly) guided one we made / created more misguided. sound we will surely be they are not able to ap. became heavy  148 . bore         X V                   \ burden light fg. I (would have) multiplied 23 v: 7 13 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 I grant respite / give rein contrivance. guide when its coming to its port. worse in error 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3479a most beautiful. goodly. carried (it) about fg. firm madness drew near what or which discourse Ruku' 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 takes rest. scheme strong. dwells covered fg. what is right prompting. seek refuge Z     \      \            3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536             b           matters among yourselves fg. kindness. pl.com Surah 8: Al-Anfaal 3512 3513 3514 149 Part: 9 they walk they hold / grasp im. you seek help / 3/4 implore  149 .blogspot. pl. one evil thought they plunge / draw into they stop / desist not you have brought / got it together 3523 3524 pv. falsify pl. protects good. just as if pv. is recited / read im. keep quiet in order to listen 3526 3527 without loudness mornings evenings 24 v: 18 14 b  \  \ other than armed one 3541 3542            prove / cause / establish truth to triumph 3528 Ruku' 9th Part   3543 3544 prove falsehood. contrive against me.www. being driven fg. filled with fear just as. 3537 3538 3539 3540 that it should be yours pl. suggestion im. even as they dispute / argue became manifest as if.          3529  b\   < The Spoils of War Surah 8: Al-Anfaal spoils /booty (of war). lend ear. (something done / given in excess of one's obligation) 3530 plot against me 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 befriends. you wish / long listen with attention 3525 im.iqbalkalmati. answer the call 3565 3566 3567 comes in between. distinguishes piles up. provided asylum ni. helper       ni. intervenes exclusively. you return / revert if they desist / cease that which is past / has passed away      we (shall) return / revert 2 v: 9 16 Ruku'  150 . drowsiness makes strong necks (sr. do not defraud Ruku' 3570 3553 stratagem. in a battlefield (the trust).iqbalkalmati. do not betray 3552 in hostile array.:         V V      3564 im. trial ap. one who makes         `         3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 guardians (sr. battle maneuver 3 v: 9  they confine / keep in bond / restrain   \     ) 3554 to retreat to (his own) troop 3571 im.www. kidnaps Y  ) each finger tip they opposed / contended against 3568 3569 gave refuge. pl. pl. pl.com Surah 8: Al-Anfaal 3545 3546 150 Part: 9 3562 3563 ap. vilest of the beasts Ruku' 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 1 v: 10 15 slumber.blogspot.: whistling hand clapping `             separates. rain down 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 you threw He threw He tests / tries test. particularly snatches away. respond. turn not away           `        17 ranks on ranks. heaps together 4 v: 9 18 (others) weak 3560 3561 Ruku' 3577 3578 pl. following one upon another worst of the (moving) living creatures. manner was not ap.iqbalkalmati. scatter. lower you made a mutual appointment every time. near end yonder bank. preceded / has gone      . (would have) discouraged / lost heart 3591 3592 strike fear 3607 3608 saved makes (it appear) little / few (from you fear im. you took as spoils / Ruku' 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 booty 3583 3584 blazing fire xg. full of self-conceit (vn. insolently. you strike terror . steeds of war Ruku' 3593 5   \      fg. farthest end way. cast back X  ) v: 7 1 Ruku' 3609 7 tethered (tied) horses. protector Part:10 3581a im. the one who changes 3585       \    \   v: 10 3 3586 3587 3588 the caravan below. unjust    one-fifth. tyrant. every opportunity 3604 you gain mastery over. disperse.:       \ )    patron. your power. you 3605 3606 war im. near turned on heels. throw back. will depart  \  3610 pl. pl.com  Surah 8: Al-Anfaal 3579 3580 3581 151 Part: 10 3594 3595 they return / revert fg. 1/5 th near bank.www.blogspot. know 3582      < 3596 3597 neighbor. you come on them 3589 3590 your dream pl. ran away 6 v: 4 2            \     \         \      pl. (your air) boastfully. thoroughly subdues 3625 had it not (been). freedom from obligation.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah 3611 3612 152 Part: 10 3629 3630 3631 they inclined (has) put affection 8 v: 6 4      duty to help / protect they sought help those kindred X       b\   . pl. Ruku' 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 im. exhort. now lightened weakness two thousand captives (sr. travel.: X   ) Y          four months (those) who can't slaughters greatly. disavowal im.www.blogspot. (those) who can't escape ap. one who humiliates / 3626 gone fore 9 v: 5 5    3638 3639 disgraces proclamation. if (it were) not frustrate. rouse        V\ \   V   \ 3634 3633 3632 by blood.:      3623 3624   )   \   3637 3635 3636 (vn. urge. go about 3619 3620 3621 3622 for the present.iqbalkalmati. announcement they have Ruku' 3627 gave (you) mastery / power over         not failed / abated nothing 3640 3628 they gave refuge / asylum passed . those (who are) closely related nearer 10 v: 6 6 twenty they overcome two hundred a hundred one thousand Ruku' 10th Part  1/4          < Repentance Surah 9: At-Taubah immunity. triumphant delights. protector 2 v: 10 8 im. leave free. lay / sit waiting Ruku' 3663 3664 3665 ambush im.iqbalkalmati. pl. agreement. family.:   ) . decline (of commerce) 3651 they do not pay regard / respect 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 kinship covenant. higher in degree / rank Ruku' 3650  they overcome / get upper hand   \       V '\b    ) V      3669 3670 3670a 3671 3672 3673 3674 pl.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah 3641 153 Part: 10 3660 3661 the sacred / inviolable months   \    \    \           \b 7 anger. blessings lasting. is averse they broke / violated leaders. tie fg. 3666 providing water /        \                      \     anyone sought your protection im. leave alone it is not right they maintain. gained slackening (of trade).: they intended has more right. rage. besiege. pl. protect giving drink to the pilgrims. worthier heals 3675 dwellings (sr. you are left alone / X      X    3642 im. refuses. pleasure. confine spared 3662 beleaguer 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 friend. pl.blogspot. indignation pv. kindred acquired. 3666 maintenance (to pray in and to look after) place of safety 1 v: 6 3667 3668 they are not equal greater in worth. enduring they loved tribe. chiefs (sr.www. iqbalkalmati. to treasure number four inviolable .: X   )    ) 3703 flanks.: from the free able-bodied non-Muslim male subjects of the Muslim government that ensures them protection. taken yearly 3701 3702 foreheads (sr. 3689 3690 3704 3705 3706 3707 to hoard.blogspot. will be branded with calm. tranquillity.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah 3676 3677 154 Part: 10 3692 3693 dearer im.www. straitened. Zilhajjah. sacred (Ziqa'da. impure year poverty (due to loss of trade) a tax. Muharram and Rajab are sacred months in with their hands pl. sides (sr. 3680 3681 3682 3695 will not allow makes it prevail fg. hosts unclean. constrained fg. who are subdued     10 Ruku' 3691 4 v: 5  they imitate    . will be heated pv. scholars those who renounced the world    \  '\b  \       Ruku' 3678 3679 3  fields a place between       3694 they put off / extinguish (vn. pl. wait     v: 8 9 priests. those who turn   3696       X        X  X  10th Part 3697 1/2 they hoard / treasure up   \    X   \     X   their backs in a fight. became vast / wide ap. peace of reassurance 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 forces. who turn back in retreat 3683 3698 3699 3700 gold silver pv.: \ ) Makkah and Taif where a battle was fought in 8th year of Hijri. you became    \   \    \  \  V V     X  heavy 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 among you they upset / turned things upside down second of the two low uppermost. appeared far 3735 im. gain easy. evil hurried to and fro ap. contributions. transposing the sacred months with ordinary months X 3726 3727 3728 3710 they make up / make it agree     11 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 Ruku' 3711 3712 5 v: 8  im. all together postponement. setting out they made preparation preparation. grieves well pleased. march forth pl.www. moderate fg. two good / 3739 3740 (tiresome) long distance 6 v: 5 12 glorious things 3741 3742 3743 3744 Ruku' 3722 willingly unwillingly pl. rejoiced fg. allow me. equipment to be sent forth trouble. pl.iqbalkalmati. spendings you granted leave / exemption   \b    3723 3724 asks leave / exemption fg. eager listeners       V    b     \              . give me exemption 3736 3737 3738 they have fallen fg. one dl. go forth. became prey to doubt lazily .blogspot.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah which war is prohibited as a sign of respect to Hajj) 3708 3709 155 3725 Part: 10 they waver / hesitate to go forth. supreme lightly (armed) heavily (armed) adventure. took revenge it will be chastised. everlasting gardens   Ruku' 3772 3773 3774 3775 9 v: 6 3755 ap. caves place to enter. make no excuse        3748 3749 pl. those in bondage.iqbalkalmati. those who are employed       be reconciled. came           15 3751 3752 3753 3754 slanders. share you indulged in idle talk overthrown (cities) fg. be hard \ \                 7 v: 17 13 found fault. slaves 3776 failed to fulfill. put as a consequence ap. finds fault pv. those in debt wayfarer they hurt ear       3777 those who do something willingly 3778 3779 endeavor seventy . those who turn with hope. turned adverse 3759 3760 3761 3762 debtors. those who implore Ruku' 3756 3757 3758 im. place of refuge     \  V b \     V      \             10th Part 3763 3764 3765 3766 3/4    opposes. pl.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah 3745 3746 3747 156 Part: 10 caused to depart they are afraid place to flee to. be won over necks.www.blogspot. sufficient unto us gardens of Eden. are / were given they are enraged enough for us. sets against talk idly jest. play ni. a retreating hole Ruku' 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 8 v: 7 14 3750 they run away in haste / in obstinate rush portion.   3803 3804 things that bring (them) near blessings sr. circle / turn / change (of fortune) 3802 3785a 3786 those who remained behind those who have wealth and influence pl. circles / turns / changes pp.iqbalkalmati. approach.www. penalty. pray (for them) assuagement. they should laugh (of fortunes) 3801 3785 let them weep. they should weep sr. those who are first /                  foremost around you they became stubborn / persisted 3808 excuses 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 the Arabs living in desert they are sincere and true I give ride tears way pl. fine pl. those left behind     \                               X  1 behind sitting heat let them laugh. matters more likely to be loss.blogspot. rich (persons)       X   \ 3807 they acknowledged / confessed 3809 3810 3811 3812 they mixed / mingled im. 3802 3787 (women) who are left behind when their husbands go out (on war) Ruku' 3805 12 v: 10  Ruku' 3788 11 v: 9 17 ap. relief those who are made to Part:11     < . approaches. those who make  3806 ap.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah Ruku' 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 157 16 Part: 11 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 10 v: 8  they make excuses to make excuse news. those held in suspense 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 158 Part: 11 3831 to put off (for a while) ambush.com  Surah 9: At-Taubah await. straitened. bank. 3680    b X    founded on building brink. outpost warred against ni. clement. time of distress    \        3832 3833 3834 three pv. broke down with him 3823 3824 3825 will never cease they built doubt. they were left behind fg. those who forbid test 3846 3847 (others from) 3829 3830 every year turned grievous tender-hearted. soft-hearted forbearing. 3681 Ruku' 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 14 v: 8 3 thirst fatigue. edge precipice. became vast / spacious. they are put in trial / \        ap. patient    3848 . cliff that which is ready to crumble down 3835 fg.blogspot. tiredness hunger they walk / stepped any step to gain valley 15 v: 4 4 X      V    V   3822 tumbled down with him. suspicion 13 v: 11 2 Ruku' 3843 3844 Ruku' 3826 3827  they are nearer to you harshness. those who praise ap. do not stand. to be stern ap.iqbalkalmati.www. constrained. never stand                  X  hour of hardship.           X \     11th Part 3845 1/4 those who wander in devotion to cause of Allah 3828 pv. those who fast. com  Surah 10: Younus 3849 159 Part: 11 3862 you're overburdened/ made to suffer          \    \ they do not expect / hope     X   6 3850 3851 full of pity.www. I tarried (a big portion of) life 2 v: 10 3858 3859 measured.: . bright.: Ruku' 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 keep moving / blowing stormy wind they rebel / transgress plants. to desire with haste           \       \   7        <        \        )    X  ) on his side ap. prayer greeting 1 v: 10 Ruku' 3865 3866 3867 3868  3852 The tremendous Throne. most kind suffices me. disposed stages (sr. prodigals. bring good actions (they had) advanced other than this im.iqbalkalmati. The Supreme Throne Ruku' 16 v: 7 5 hastens vn.blogspot. sufficient to me 3863 3864 call. greenery ornament. adornment reaped corn. shining glory 3872 3873 3874 I make you know I dwelt. change 3854 3855 3856 3857 begins creation repeats splendor.              3860 3861 number years (sr. (Prophet) Jonah : Surah 10: Younus 3853 extravagant people 3869 3870 3871 im. are covered / 3900 3901 3902 when by night what is there of.: darkness. sent before. business you start doing . escapes not. did in past Ruku' 3906 3907 3908  regret. apprehend fg. what could there be overcast with 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3903 3904 3905 they seek information yea. overshadowed darkness ap..iqbalkalmati. pieces (sr. hadn't tarried  \  Ruku' 11th Part 7 v: 10  3/4 . yes by (oath) my Lord 5 v:13 slices. defender pv.blogspot. split to us only then and there experience. remorse Lo! has Allah permitted? 6 v: 7 11 X   U  Ruku' 3909 3910 3911  you are not condition. proved true       9 3912 3913 3914 cannot find guidance 4 v: 10 Ruku' 3897 they didn't stay.www. pitch dark (stand at) your place separated. protector. will not overshadow            \ X  \ )   \              a part of the day they recognize one another   V      7         10 3882 3883 3884 3885 covered. not hidden smaller they only guess/ make conjectures    \b               12     Ruku' 11th Part 3894 3895 3896 3 v: 10 8     or who is? fg.com  Surah-10: Younus clean-mown harvest 3881 160 Part: 11 3898 3899 will not cover. explained in detail / Ruku' 3921 3922 expounded lofty. supremacy 8 v: 12 13     <         \             < (Prophet) Hud : Surah 11: Hud 3934 pv. hesitating those who warn those who are warned you turn greatness. my staying vn.: provide dwellings 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 im. do not follow  )         Part:12 3941 3942 overtook we delayed. deface. is / was accepted ni.com  Surah 11: Hud 3915 3916 3917 3917a 3918 3919 3920 161 Part: 12 3933 my sojourn. admonishing     \  X          \  `    one who can keep back / repel 11 v: 6 16 Ruku'  dubious. decisive 3935 pv. destroy im. harden pv.blogspot. tyrant dl.: 10 v: 11    \     what keeps (it) back cannot be turned away    V      v: 8 1   ) 15   Ruku' 3945 1 is despairing Ruku'   . guarded. reminding. perfected. dl. garments (sr. held back reckoned time.iqbalkalmati. (you both)    \     `   3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 from near He will give / grant they fold up they cover (with clothing) clothes. settlement they read avail not warners (sr. definite term 3943 3944 body 9 v: 10 14 Ruku' 3929 3930 3931 3932  abode.www. guilt my guilt. sects (sr. they will to track away 3971 not be given less. be not distressed. fabricated we repay fully pv. to make: 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 brought before 3960 3961 3962 3963 our eyes ni. apparently   \    one who gives up 3951 3952. foresaker. build. without a doubt the greatest losers they humbled / bowed will fall / unloose gushed forth oven . favors exulting boastful ap.         \         dl. will not have diminution 3955 scorn! to hold in mean estimation they contrived/ designed               )       b\  3972 3973 crime.:      ) Ruku' 3974 im.iqbalkalmati.www. they are im. (both of them are)    equal Ruku' 3965 3966 2 v: 16 2 abject. meanest at first thought.com  Surah 11: Hud 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 162 Part: 12 3964 thankless. make (to build. to drive away. ungrateful graces. one who drives away vn. 3957 3958 3959 im.:         surely. you be not      X   ) don't grieve 3975 doubt pv. my crime 3 v: 11 3 3956 clans.blogspot.    straitened invented. 3953 3954 3967 3968 3969 3970 made obscure from sight we compel / adhere ap. speak not witnesses (sr. www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com  Surah-11: Hud 3981 3982 163 Part: 12 denied, opposed arrogant enemy of truth they were pursued by 5 v: 11 5 im. pl. ride / embark            \             3999 4000 4001       its course / sailing its mooring / anchoring aloof, apart I will betake myself 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 Ruku' 4002 4003 4004 made you to dwell ap. responsive                \    X        6 came in between im. swallow up im. hold, cease one in whom people have great expectations 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 loss, perdition they cut the legs will not be belied blast they were lifeless on ground abated, subsided, sank rested Judi, name of a mountain in Iraq 3992 be away, be cursed 12th Part 3993 3994 1/4 4010 they dwelled not / lived not I admonish im. descend, disembark \   4011 Ruku' 6 v: 8  made no delay roasted reach not felt mistrust conceived, felt fear Ruku' 3995 4 v: 14 4        X  'Aad, a people towards whom Prophet Hud was sent as a messenger  4012 4013 3996 3997 3998 ap. forsakers, deserters    X   4014 4015 4016 seized forelock www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com  Surah 11: Hud 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 164 Part: 12 4037 4038 fg. laughed   7           we want / desire strong support / refuge they cannot reach part of the night ni. turn not back,     Y \      Y \  \       Y     X       7 after Oh! Woe unto me! Shall? I (will) bear / give birth (to a child) 4039 4040 4041 look not back 4042 4043 4044 4045 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 old woman my husband man of old age people of this house departed fear, alarm one who often turns to God again and again upper side of it downside of it, under it rain of stones pp. piled up \     (layer on layer) 4046 4047 pp. marked                       X  far off, far away 7 v: 15 Ruku' 12th Part 4048  4029 cannot be averted, unavoidable 1/2     ap. most loving, 4030 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 grieved, distressed straitened in heart dreadful, distressful they came rushing my guests a right minded man fountain of love (vn.: 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 ) we do not understand your family we (would have) stoned family more honorable \      X  www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com  Surah 12: Yousuf 4054 4055 4056 165 Part: 12 4072 behind back im. pl. watch, wait       never cut off, unfailing, unceasing             4073 4074 4075 ni. you be not watcher 8 v: 12 8 Ruku' 4057 4058 4059  doubt unabated, undiminished 9 v: 14 9 brought / led (them) to destination, descent pp. place to descend, Ruku' \                     )              4076 ni. pl. transgress not, \           V            be not inordinate 4077 place to be led to 4060 4061 ni. pl. incline not, gift, present pp. that which is gifted/ lean not 4078 4079 dl. two ends presented 4062 4063 4064 some hours of night, approaches of night reaped, mown ruin, perdition, downfall a day of witness, a day of testimony 4080 4081 4082 4083 virtues, good deeds evils, vices men of understanding pv. they were given 4065 wretched, unhappy (pl.:  ` ) 4084 4085 plenty / luxury we make firm your heart 10 v: 14 10 4066 4067 4068 4069 glad, happy (pl.: wailing, sighing sobbing so long as (they) endure/remain Ruku' <      4070 4071 one who does / accomplishes gifts (Prophet) Joseph : Surah 12: Yousuf www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com  Surah 12: Yousuf 4086 4087 4088 166 Part: 12 pp. one whose help, eleven vision, dream interpretation of events        b\   \b 11 4104     , \     is sought 4105 4106 you describe / assert water-drawer / carrier let down bucket O! Good luck! boy (boys: Ruku' 4089 4090 1 v: 6  4107 4108 a strong group im. pl. cast away / X     \       \ \            \           4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 drive away 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 will be free / alone dark depths well, pit will find / pick up some caravan of travelers \ ) X  Y     treasure, merchandise small, mean Dirhams, silver coins of that age 4114 ap. those who renounce / attach no value Ruku' 4115 4116 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 tomorrow, morning enjoys, refreshes wolf at nightfall they weep we race / compete 2 v: 14 12 keep him honorably fg. made (him) yield / \        U  entreated 4117 4118 4119 4120 fg. closed doors come on, O you (I seek) refuge in Allah, Allah forbid! 12th Part 4102 4103 made up most fitting, pretty  X   4121 fg. tore be imprisoned pv. seeks to seduce    7   V b     \ U        Ruku' 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 pl. recollected after long time you (will) cultivate . will be crucified.iqbalkalmati. sundry (lords) pv.: pl. cows.com  Surah 12: Yousuf 4121a 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 167 Part: 12 Ruku' 4 v: 6 14 his shirt dl. kine (sr.www. astonished dignity is for Allah! How perfect is Allah! (sg:    ) seven pl. fat  )             slave-boy inspired. he abstained 4155 4156 4157 remembered. they met     \             13  4140 4141 4142 prison two young men I press / squeeze (to get juice)               her husband near. at what is recompense for? pv. dry you interpret / answer confused / madly dreams            4138 4139 you blamed me he proved consistent.blogspot. lean pl. before / front behind / back 3 v: 9 (cross: 4146 4147     ) one who is saved / released few years 5 v: 7 Ruku'      15 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 women fg. (settled firmly) cushioned couch knife exalted. is torn 4143 4144 4145 breads diverse. squeeze to get oil and juice Ruku' 4162 4163 6 v: 7 16 4178 4179 4180 4181 what was the case / matter? open. thieves V  X   \       \   \   \  I will take (him) specially 4168 4168a 4169 of high standing fully trusted treasures of earth they turned what is? you miss.iqbalkalmati. hosts. will have abundant water young men their money / goods saddle bags we bring our measure what more can we desire? we will bring food a full camel's load solid oath. firm covenant I cannot avail (you) against       they will press. provided provisions     168 . manifest. took to stay drinking cup saddle bag O! caravan ap. came to light              < 4164 I betrayed not Part:13 4165 I do not exculpate / absolve / acquit             b\    1 4182 desire. incites I will single (him) out.blogspot. you find lost we miss / have lost Ruku' 4170 4171 7 v: 8  furnished.www. then what you reap  you preserve    pv. need.com  Surah 12: Yousuf 4158 4158a 168 Part: 13 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 as usual and (the harvests)  ap. entertainers           \ \         Y     V   V     \    4159 4160 4161       that you reap. want 8 v: 11 2 Ruku' 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4166 4167 enjoins. lodged. pl. ascertain        U        \   soothing Mercy of Allah small. covering   V   4224 men 12 v: 7 6 4209 of ruined health. contrived turned away 4219 4220   / unite (me with) 4220a.blogspot. started luggage.www. baggage (sr.iqbalkalmati. no fear 10 v: 14 4 Ruku' 4199 4200 4201  Ruku' 4218 they (sat) apart. in privacy to confer. im. extensive. bestow in charity  ) 4197 4198 we planned king's law 9 v: 11 4216 4217 preferred / chosen you no reproach. you think that I have old age madness   13th Part throne desert 1/4     4202 4203 4204 4205 you failed caravan made up.:   Y           \   3 I complain. join 4221 4222  \        Z            \   \  with them you desired strongly 11 v: 11 5 4206 4207 4208 Alas! my grief! became white you will not cease remembering Ruku' 4223  overwhelming. bound began. inquire.com  Surah-13: Ar-Ra'd 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 169 Part: 13 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 drinking cup a camel load guarantor. extremely ill Ruku'  169 . to counsel I will not go forth / leave / move         \    you think me a dotard. scanty im. I expose (grief) my grief / emotion / distress im. water courses      4230 plam trees each growing on its own roots 4231 4232 4233 shackles.blogspot.: 4226 4227 4228  <             \    v: 7 7 raises.www. supports (sr. tarries. one who stretches 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 dl.iqbalkalmati. bordering each other 4245 ap. brings up pl. channels. heavy      \    X      X    X         X \     8 Thunder Surah 13: Ar-Ra'd 4225  ) thunder mighty in prowess. defender  170 . stretched out different tracts / regions neighboring. scum swelling on top they smelt / kindle ornaments refuse. lasts 2 v: 11 Ruku' 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 fall short Highly Exalted one who hides one who walks guards / watchmen (in succession) following one another             Ruku' 4239 protector. yokes necks exemplary (punishments) 1 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 bore torrent. clouds pl. scum remains. his two palms / hands 4229 palm trees growing out of a single roots mouth shadows flew valleys. severe in avenging spread out. water course foam.com  Surah-13: Ar-Ra'd 170 Part: 13 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244   pillars. : )     \      9  4\    \   4277 4278 Ruku' 4279 4280 4261 final attainment of the (eternal) home makes to pass away. name (them)       4286 our ways / paths (sr. bliss pv. excellent they break / violate 3 v: 8 4281 4282 to reduce.iqbalkalmati. to curtail borders. made to speak disaster. more painful protector.:        X ) harder.blogspot. befall 4 v:5 10 days of Allah 1 v: 6 13   U    Ruku' 13th Part 4285 Ruku' 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 3/4 I gave respite im.www. final. everlasting end. get satisfaction joy. cause to be torn pv. sudden calamity cause to settle. sides. 171 Part: 13 4276     perpetual. defender food. (outcome) they rejoice 5 v: 6 11 they join / unite they repel / overcome (vn. source of ordinance. fruits the hurt you caused us. basis of book     \   \ \ 4262 4263. effaces original book. you are persecuting us 2 v: 6 14 Ruku'  171 . pl. cause to be moved /  \  '      X   4283    Ruku' passed 4267 4268 4269 4270      < Abraham Surah 14: Ibrahim 4284 pv. outlying parts none can put back / reverse 6 v: 6 12 Ruku' 4264 4265 4266  set at rest.com  Surah-14: Ibrahim 13th Part 4259 4260. one who responds   X   stare in horror they run in fear heads upraised eyes. avert we be impatient / rage place to escape.com  Surah-15: Al-Hijr 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 172 Part: 14 Ruku' 4307 disappointed.: 4309 4310 4311 befriending. became hard.                keep me away 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 I (have) settled valley without cultivation stormy day they came forth. enemy (of truth) pv. made sacred / inviolable incline. constant in courses X   ) 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 will not be near swallows ashes fg.www. save me. refuge 3 v: 9 15 pp. helper. made to drink                                 4 v: 6 16  caused (their people) to alight   \         4308 house of perdition / desolation liquid pus sips in gulps (vn. frustrated tyrant.iqbalkalmati. furious you cannot count / compute 5 v: 7 17 Ruku' 4312 im. yearn towards old age 6 v: 7 18 Ruku' 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 Ruku' 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 ap. gaze hearts        \    \ root firmly fixed branch uprooted    172 . making friends dl.blogspot. appeared following you can avail. delude (vn. big stars stole the hearing fiery comet we spread out mountains in due balance             chains. molded mud 4348 4349 (fire of) scorching wind portion. those bound / tied in            4338 bewitched / enchanted Ruku' 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 1 v: 15  constellations. a gaping void pv. will be changed pp.iqbalkalmati. we creep into 4335 pl.com  Surah-15: Al-Hijr (sr. those in peaceful security    they kept on (doing).:  \              \ ) 4347 dark transmuted mud.: 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 173 ) 4337 Part: 14 pv. they continued grudge.www. fetters shirts. class (pl. sects we make it traverse.blogspot. tar 7 v: 11 19 Ruku'  4344 4345 Part:14      <   \  < The Rocky Tract Surah 15: Al-Hijr 4330 4331 those which fecundate / impregnate    Ruku' 4346 2 v: 10 2 sounding clay. crackling clay  \  Y     ) 3 often beguile. hidden sense of injury couches 4336 they ascends / climb  173 .  v: 19 Ruku' 4350 4351 4352 3  we make way. those who are        1 vacant.: 4332 4333 4334 why not factions. garments pitch. intoxicated pp. : 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 174 4371 Part: 14 those who read the signs highway dwellers of wood open highway. plain to see Ruku' 4375 4376 4377 4378    )       \   X      \     4        X   ap. take a start pp. would be cut-off ni.com  Surah-16: An-Nahl (sr. pl. proclaim. inform b\    Y    5 those who are afraid to fear.iqbalkalmati. afraid 5 v: 19  they hew / carve oft-repeated strain not. feel uncomfortable. unknown people             \    \        4380 those who make divisions 4381 parts. lower. pl. promulgate.blogspot.              \        4358 4359 then of what those who despair / despond 4360 4361 4362 discouraged. arms (pl. do not me 14th Part 4382 1/4 im. cast not im. fatigue im. death 6 v: 20 6 Ruku' disgrace 4369 4370 by (oath) your life ! time of sunrise    < The Bees Surah 16: An-Nahl  174 . pl. travel by night im. go.www. sides. keep gentle. despaired what business is? those who stay behind 4 v: 16 spread low 4379 wings.: X  ) Ruku' 4363 uncommon people.      expound 4383 that which is certain. bits 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 they doubt im. facing each other 4372 4373 4374 toil. you disputed / opposed ap.: fresh pl. you drive them back 4400 4401 4402 to home in evening (vn.iqbalkalmati. asses (sr. you bring forth /     \       X \ 4411 4412  ) wrong (sinful) 4413 4414 persons pure / free from filth encompassed. given to denial        ) 9 morning for pasture 4388 4389 4390 4404 4405 4406 no doubt. pl. signposts when 2 v: 12 8 4385 4386 4387 one who disputes warmth. those who do     ) 4391 right way. stories burdens 3 (sr.com  Surah-16: An-Nahl 175 Part: 14 4398 4399 4384 semen-drop containing sperms X\           X  X  )            ap. you X  ) lead them in Ruku' 4403 refuse to know.: donkeys.: 4387a pl. cleaving          that shakes landmarks.blogspot. ploughing.www.:  ) Ruku' 4407 4408 4409 4410  building foundations (sr.: fell down roof im. straight way      \         4392 that which turns aside / deviating 1 v: 9 7 Ruku' 4393 4394 4395 4396 you pasture cattle colors (sr. encircled 4 v: 9 10 extract 4397 Ruku' 4415 ornament solemn oaths       175 . assuredly fables. warm clothing pl.: v: 4 horses mules (sr. feeble (age) so that nothing 9 v: 5 darkens full of wrath. Ruku' 4423 4424 4425 4426 6 v: 10 12  X ) X  V  15 constantly. in wardly inward grief Ruku' 4443 4444  pv. are favored. you cry for help                4440 submissively. midst of goings gradually. those who throw back / 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 hides himself keeps. pleasant to swallow       4438 4439 strong drinks bees (sr.iqbalkalmati. do not  176 .blogspot.com  Surah-16: An-Nahl Ruku' 4416 176 11 Part: 14 4432 5 v: 6  expound. retains disgrace.:    ) Ruku'  4447 ni. excretion. utter lie tongues (sr. wrath. low. pl. dung milk palatable. perpetually pl. hides dust. humblest manner            Ruku' 4435 4436 4437 8 v: 5  refuse.: those who possess / \      X \ 4433 know the message / admonition 4417 scriptures. smoothly 4441 4442 most abject. blessed ap. writings (revealed before Qur'aan)  )   \  14 4434 those who will be hastened on (into it).www. those neglected 14th Part 1/2     4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 cause (earth) to swallow journeys. soil 7 v: 10 13          hand over 4445 4446 sons grand sons (sr. moments of alert they incline / turn around pl. contempt buries. humbly. blogspot.www. assets. i. wherever sends him 10 4465 explaining all 8   18 Ruku' 4466 4467 12 v: 6  ratification.:        4473 (that which) remains / endures  ) ) Ruku' 4474 13 v: 11 19  foreign.  177 .e.: \ )       v: 6 16 3/4     4450 4451 4452 burden whithersoever. travel wool (sr. rest.: soft fibers (sr. waste away \ ) 4457 4458 4459 4460 you find light in weight migrate. they will be allowed     to make amends / plea 14th Part 4449 dumb (pl. they are put to trial.:  )  V  \ 4475 pv. rich stuff under compulsion 4476 they chose / loved 4463 places of refuge / shelter 4477 pv. is forced / house hold stuff. other than Arabic    \     4461 4462 hair (sr.iqbalkalmati.:  \        4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 to spin thread untwisted strands more numerous will slip passes away. quiet skins (sr.com  Surah-17: Bani-Israa'eel coin / invent / strike 4448 177 Part: 15 Ruku' 4464 a man (slave) who is a property of others V        11 v: 7 17  pv. confirmation one who is appointed for surety      V  V  '       Ruku' 4453 4454 4455 4456  twinkling of an eye between earth and sky abode. www. mosque. life) 4504 4505 4506 pp. actions. we effaced We made (it) to cling / fastened      \            X    \        took for a journey (   ) 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 fate. one who is rejected pp. the Mosque in Jerusalem 4485 4486 4487 4488 terrible warfare they entered inmost parts of homes turn which hastens away.com  Surah-17: Bani-Israa'eel subjected to persecutions Ruku' 4478 178 4489 Part: 15 numerous in man-power pl. (i. dungeon 1 v: 10 Part:15        <        < The Children of Israel Surah 17: Bani-Israa'eel 4482 Ruku' 4496 4497  We made dark.e. you did evil    14 v: 10 20  4490 4491 garment of hunger 15 v: 9 21  \     \b               1 ) they will destroy / will waste Ruku' 4479 4480 4481 was not you punished pv.blogspot. wide open. deeds pp. you were afflicted           22 4492 4493 utter destruction pl. one who is condemned pp. annihilated utter destruction ap. the inviolable place of worship. the Mosque in Makkah 4484 Masjid-ul-Aqsa. quick-passing. appreciated  178 .iqbalkalmati. you repeated / reverted ( 4494 4495      Ruku' 16 v: 9 we will repeat / revert prison. spread out     4483 the sacred   \    \  \ b\    \    \b     We commanded destroyed. grateful. made soft and kind / veil. want sin. waste not               4538 pv. one who is forsaken    pp. wrong pp. that which is X          preference. follow not. childhood ap. give ni. both of them im. pursue not ni. Ruku' 4540 4541 4542  wasteful people 4523 4524 pp. one who is blamed / rebuked 4527 Ruku' 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 2 v: 12 2 pp.blogspot. repentant. merit chained/shackled 4526 4509 pp. do not repel / repulse Ruku' 4528 4529 4530 3 v: 8 3 poverty. you would be thrown / to be spendthrift. they brought me up / cared (nursed) me 4517 4518 young age. destitute commanded. gracious submission. excellence. humility scale.www. wantonness cast 4539 chosen. proudly height hateful (any) other god turn to Allah in repentance again and again 4519 4520 4521 im. coverings deafness. heaviness  179 . impoverished. those who exultantly. one who is helped /  V b\      \      V   \      \  4                aided 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 generous.iqbalkalmati. made invisible   \ pl. balance ni. to spend waste-fully. decreed Him alone dl. you hope pp. squander not. walk not dl. preferred 4 v: 10 4522 ap. that which is closed     \  V V  pp. squanderers.com  Surah-17: Bani-Israa'eel 4507 4508 179 Part: 15 easy 4525 pp. :       bones \ )           X  X         V   horses infantry im. keep awake. something to you were near you incline / lean we made you taste double 8 v: 7 8     \   be afraid of 4551 4552 4553 pp.www. written. stirs up discords         V     V   V   \  6 4565 4566 4567 fierce gale.com  Surah-17: Bani-Israa'eel 15th Part 4543 4544 4545 4546 180 4559 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 Part: 15 im. fg. share im.iqbalkalmati. transference pp. disappeared 4557 4558 full.blogspot. perform Tahajjud 4575 4576 4577 4556 I will seize / perish / destroy additional. frighten pp. arouse 1/4 (sr. one who is cursed Ruku' 4572 Ruku' 4554 4555 6 v: 8 going down of       V   you honored / exalted you give respite. you provide a chance         \  the sun. declination of the sun 4573 4574 darkness im. enough tempt. urge. helper 7 v: 10 7 4548 pl. you asserted / pretended 4549 4550 Ruku' 4568 4569 4570 4571  change. promise decayed. summon. inscribed warning. excite       180 .:  ) 5 v: 12 5 makes it go smooth / drives another time Ruku' 4547  sows dissension. fragmented new they shake (heads) (vn. supererogatory state of praise / glory vanished. hurricane of wind avenger. abated    \          11   ) 12 v: 11 12 4611 humiliation. to ascend 10 v: 9 10 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 chins. miserly person 11 v: 7   \  < The Cave Surah 18: Al-Kahf Ruku'   181 .: Ruku' 4591 4592 4593 4594 in piece and quiet man. gathered up We divided (into parts) at intervals they fall down in prostration. doomed to destruction \      V  \  \              4597 drives them out. niggardly. backer          \     ) 4600 4601 4602 spring. rushing out you make fall pieces (sr. be not loud (voiced) ni. mortal fg. helper. fountain to gush forth.blogspot. blazing flame Ruku'  15th Part 4595 1/2   stingy. way 9 v: 7 9 V    X   pp. weakness burning flame.com  Surah-18: Al-Kahf 4578 4579 4580 4581 181 Part: 15 4596 bound to vanish turned. removes them 4598 4599 rolled up.www. extinguished. face to face shining gold you ascend / mount to climb. withdrew side disposition.iqbalkalmati. fall down upon forehead Ruku' 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 ap. faces they weep whichever ni. be not low (voiced) X V  V             V in between these way / path / course (pl. pl) those who dwell / remain      will dispose of. moves away 4613 ap.iqbalkalmati. stretching forth dl. declines. spacious part ap. following after barren dust / mound the cave inscription a group of youths im. two parties       \   X  \         right side fg. person who best able to compute (calculate) guides / leads to right way Ruku' 4638 4639 4640 2 v: 5  4622 4623 they remained time period 1 v: 12 13 awake asleep we give turn ap.www. to withdraw 4627 then take refuge / accommodation  182 . set fg. you have \  V   \    \b 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 threshold you looked at you turned back in flight pv. pl. its both forelegs V               \   X  Ruku' 4624 4625 4626  We braced / made firm enormity (in disbelief) im. one who kills / frets to death 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 foot-steps. turns away left side wide space.to separate. will make easy \    V        \    \       14 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 comfort and ease fg. facilitate. rose fg.com  Surah-18: Al-Kahf 182 Part: 15 4628 4612 (sb. you would be filled forsaken / withdrew 4626a to forsake . dispose of dl.blogspot. blogspot. money let him behave with care and courtesy                   4666 4650 4651 discover. make known we made (it) known not / argue not 4667 raised couches / thrones 4 v: 9 16 Ruku' 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4651a ni. both \  \             V       debate. leveled plain     V  armlets. hope ap.iqbalkalmati. argument 3 v: 5 15 Ruku' 4653 4654 4655 between the two argues. garments  183 . couch pv. debate 4652 we surrounded dl. patronage 5 v: 13 17 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 will burn / scald resting place. dry twigs expectation. they will be 4677 smooth hillside.com  Surah-18: Al-Kahf 4648 4649 183 4665 Part: 15 fine silk thick silk brocade inter woven with gold coin. bracelets robes.   \  \ \ V    exceeding bounds 15th Part 3/4 4656 4657 walls or roofs of a tent they cry / ask for help / water          X   V         4658 pv. fg. they will be adorned Ruku' 4680 4681 4682 dry stubble.www. disputes more powerful and honored men that it will perish less thunderbolt (by way of reckoning) refuge we made (him/it) heedless beyond all bounds. dregs of burning oil 4678 4679 dry out. to go underground protection. slippery earth helped / given water 4659 melted brass. dreadful 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 I will go on for years fish (pl. helpers destruction. set / brought before pv. fearful.iqbalkalmati.: does not leave anything 6 v: 5 18 as in a tunnel we betook refuge rock retracing. they went on / proceeded 4693 refuge. do not lay / constrain contentious disputing they refute / weaken V       V           V \  V 4704 4705 4706 4706a dl. is placed / laid upon ap. following 9 v: 11 Ruku' 4688 4689 4690 aides. dreadful ni.blogspot. pl. barrier those going to fall 7 v: 4 19    V      4701 4702 Ruku' 4703  Ruku' 4691 4692 grievous.www.com  Surah-18: Al-Kahf 4683 184 Part: 15 4695 we did not leave out / behind             junction of two seas   \           )         21 4684 4685 4686 4687 pv. escape 8 v: 6 20 dreadful thing a thing prohibited / unheard of Ruku' 4694 I will not cease / give up    184 . snatch forcibly    v: 12 1 4724 4725 4712 oppressed 10 4726 dl. made equal. means black mud. pl. rampart im.blogspot. (two) steep Ruku' 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718  mountain sides way.: X  ) strong wall / barrier blocks / plates of iron filled up.iqbalkalmati. pl. leveled up 4710 4711 wall to seize by force. unheard covering.   \       4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 im. you help/assist for food 4708 4709 they refused they entertain (as guest) / be hospitable (vn.com  Surah-18: Al-Kahf 185 Part: 15 two mountains Part:16 4706b 4707      < 4719 names of two  \b    \b         \          \         \    you will not be able to dl. blow molten copper they could not they were unable to pierce / dig through surges  185 . protection with him two high walls. murky water unknown. shelter. they asked        \       4723 4720 4721 4722 tribes of wild people tribute barrier.www. cover 11 v: 19 2    V     V      barren of the same name extreme. cool. assumed the likeness of 16th Part 4757 4758 4759 1/4   Ruku' distant. [fired] shining white hairs like flames fresh ripe dates im. human being amazing. streamlet im. drew aside / went aside    appeared as. removal ink exhausted. in low voice Surah 19: Maryam 4742 4743 4744              4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 utterly forgotten rivulet. fg. unfortunate. remote pains of childbirth the trunk of the palm tree     \                    Mary in secret. refresh 4745 4746 4747 head old age unblessed.com Surah 19: Maryam 4733 4734 186 Part: 16 4749 4750 4751 4752 4753 4754 to present. plain to view veil. strange. fg. unsuccessful man. consumed 12 v: 9 3 < Ruku' 4755 4756 fg. became feeble glisten with gray.blogspot.iqbalkalmati. deeds paradise change. most unusual 4748 my heirs / successors .www. shake weakened. last easy (you) were not childhood 1 v: 15 4           Ruku' 4735 4736 entertainment (for guests) the greatest / worst losers     b\ 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 works. fixed. perdition 4778 sure to come. kind presence.iqbalkalmati. opponent 5 v: 17 8        \    \ Ruku' 4790 Ruku' 4773 4774 4775 to incite delegation thirsty monstrous. most deserving to be there in fire final. crashing affection. council. terrible in utter ruin. established  . must come to pass Ruku' 16th Part  4779 4780 forgetful be constant and patient 4 v: 15 7 1/2    < Ruku' 4781 4782 4783 4784  Taa-Haa Surah 20: Taa-Haa 4798 4799 4800 on knees worthy.www. a good while affectionate. return alone.    you fall into distress high in depth of earth or anything    . gracious I separate / withdraw 3 v: 10 6            \b     4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 Ruku' 4776 they wasted / neglected / missed 4777 destruction.blogspot. company outward appearance resort.com Surah 20: Taa-Haa 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 187 Part: 16 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 cradle so long as I remained dutiful. good. deception. witness-box how clear a hearer! how clear a seer! 2 v: 25 5              assembly. single adversary. love contentious whisper 6 v: 16 9  long time. loosen. you may be brought up 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 I (have) almost I (will) keep it hidden you perish I lean I beat down fodder / branches / leaves           X         4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 My eyes / supervision I show / inform cooled. associate. pl. fg. dl.blogspot. cast. snake condition. state im. strengthen. burning brand im. 4807 I have chosen (vn. press acts hastily gave what state. draw close. do not slacken 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 my sheep uses serpent. wait                im. put off. diverse white 1 v: 24 10 Ruku' . remove  \   \     \              \      \      I have seen / perceived live coal. that im. confirm my strength im. make (him) share 4825 4826 so that. expand.com Surah 20: Taa-Haa 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 188 Part: 16 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 im. take off dl. name of a sacred valley in the Sinai peninsula.:    ) 4827 throw pv.iqbalkalmati. what condition various. where Prophet Moses : received revelation. gladdened to put on trial I have chosen for myself ni.www. put. enlarge im. two shoes knot im. perished my track / foot-step name of a man of tricks V   men of understanding 2 v: 30 11 Ruku' 4841 4842 second time a place where both                    \           in the era of Prophet Moses : 4858 4859 4860 shall have equal chances / terms 4843 4844 appeared long.iqbalkalmati. to overtake went down. image hollow-sound.: rods. pasture.www. 4848 gained upper hand.blogspot. feed     to pursue. exemplary doctrine 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 beard you did not wait / observe I took / grasped handful no touch you remained / continued to devoted we will burn to scatter blear-eyed with terror. seemed conceived 16th Part Ruku' 4853 3/4 3 v: 22   4870 4871 12 dry path   (used when normal color of eyes is changed due to severe pain or terror) . seemed long body. sticks (sr. lowing sound 4 v: 13 13 day of the festival / feast the time when sun is well up.com Surah 20: Taa-Haa 4839 4840 189 Part: 16 4854 4855 4856 4857 im. my brother                 \ V    V  V 4846 4847 failed. overcame 4849 4850 ropes (sr.: X  )  ) 4851 4852 appeared. early forenoon      Ruku' 4861 4845 (will) destroy / extirpate at once O son of my mother. is lost best tradition. curtailment it may renew firmness.blogspot. they do not get tired 4900       Ruku' 4887 they flag not. new.com Surah 21: Al-Ambiyaa' 4872 190 Part: 16 4889 they will speak with low     we may test / try 8 v: 7 17  \   voice / murmuring / whispering 4873 better 5 v: 15 14  Ruku' Ruku' 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 plain smooth and leveled uneven. steadiness 6 v: 11 mood. shrunken 7 v: 13 weary not.www. continued reaped harvest / mowed ap. which comes necessarily   4901 dl. humbled  V \             15  Part :17   \    < <  ` b\  pp. pl. preoccupied. in light The Prophets Surah 21: Al-Ambiyaa' 4890 4891      to diminish. fresh ap. (they) disordered. set on passing delights Ruku' 4892 1 v: 10 1 We have destroyed / shattered          \          \    Ruku' 4882 you shall not be hungry       4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 they felt /perceived they flee to flee did not cease. height hollow sound of feet fg.iqbalkalmati. 4888 splendor  fallen into ruin . extinguished 4883 you shall not be naked 4884 you shall not be thirsty    \     V  16  4885 you shall not suffer from the sun they 4886 narrow. intermit not inevitable. guards violent.com Surah 21: Al-Ambiyaa' 4902 191 Part: 17 17th Part 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923  \ im. saves from pv. bring. burn im.iqbalkalmati. to dumb found 3 v: 12 3 great distress. pl. awesome calamity              4928  fg. permanent life if you die they shall not be able to ward off / drive off V \  V\     \   images pieces. sheep We gave understanding. illumination 4 v: 9 Ruku' . We inspired 4931 4932 4933 4934 art of making garments . pastured at night Ruku' 4913 4914 4915 who guards from. joined together We parted / cloved / unlocked broad passages roof. canopy they float /swim eternity.blogspot. produce      Ruku' 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 2 v: 19 2 closed up. be          cool 5 Ruku' 4927 4911 4912 will confound / stupefy to confound. to stupefy.www. fg. they will   \     X \   `  4  4929 4930 goat. strongly raging be defended / given company 4916 4917 4918 breath mustard light. were relapsed /                    v: 25 5  confounded 4924 4925 4926 im. fragments youth they speak / talk pv. goats. pl. coats protects. suckling woman. duly formed 4965 we cause to stay / remain / rest 4966 infant .com Surah 22: Al-Hajj 4935 4936 192 Part: 17 4954 they dive the companion of the fish (i.www. will deliver / lay down / drop pregnant drunken. kept far away. swiftly staring widely (in terror) fuel. great terror we shall roll up to roll up written scroll I have proclaimed / warned 4962 4963 4964 clot lump of flesh. preserved 1/2      \  < chastity 6 The Pilgrimage Surah 22: Al-Hajj 4955 4956 Ruku' 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 rejection. obstinately rebellious 4961 4946 4947 roaring. will forget / forsake fg. firewood those who will come.. wailing pp.e.iqbalkalmati.   \       Y       X     \ V nursing mother 4957 fg. shaped. be friends slightest sound supreme horror. piece of flesh pp. formed. the Prophet Jonah :)           v: 18 6  I know not 7 v: 19 7  \    Ruku' 17th Part 4937 4938 4939 cured. those who have to come \          4958 4959 fg. intoxicated rebellious.        \    Z   4960 removed far 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 turns to (somebody) for friendship. denial mound.blogspot. hill hastening. made sound fg. opponents. humble ones     Ruku'  . pl. (local dweller) visitor. animals (sr. cord beasts. distressed they bring to end / complete unkemptness The Ancient House.com Surah 22: Al-Hajj 4967 193 Part: 17 4985 feeblest old age. shall be melted 4999 5000 5001 snatch away.blogspot. hammers Ruku' 5002 4984 iron 2 v: 12 9 ap. pl. carry off makes something to fall far.iqbalkalmati. lean mount deep ravine. shall be poured pv. partiality 3 v: 3 10        \  4986 4987 4988 4989 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 barren. border rope. eat im. hooked rods. feed 4995 4996 4997 4998 hungry. dry and lifeless fg.  Y     b\       \  \  \  X     \    \         Ruku' 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 distant mountain highways 4992 4993 4994 verge. distant. swelled beautiful pairs turning. stirred fg. shoulder 1 v: 10 Ruku' 4990 4991 lean camel. stranger. edge. pl. Ka'bah 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983 pv. abject time of life  \       Y     \ 8  pearls silk dweller.www. antogonists they disputed / contended )                        beast of cattle im. nomad profanity. bending side. fg. remote 4 v: 8 11 maces. have been cut out garments pv. fortified become blind 6 v: 10 13 beggar meat. to release 10 v: 6 Ruku' . that (it) may fall they attack 9 v: 8 16       is made.           ) well pp. punishment 5032 to rescue. cloisters churches synagogues I gave respite / rein denial. upon whom war                    5027 5028 to fall. flesh (sr.: one who lives in contentment 5007 5008 5021 5022 lofty and well-built. contended. void of all hope 7 v: 9 14 5009 who betrays his trust. abandoned \ X    ) castle (pl.    sanction is granted 5011 Ruku' pv. deserted.iqbalkalmati.:        Ruku' 5023 desired.blogspot. hoped submit humbly barren. treacherous 5 v: 5           5024 5025 Ruku' 17th Part 5010 12  \  Ruku' 5026 became green 8 v: 7 15 pv.com Surah 22: Al-Hajj 5003 5004 5005 5006 194 Part: 17 5018 5019 5020 camels standing in rows.www. demolished 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 fly snatches away they cannot release / rescue         17  monasteries. who are fought against 5012 pv. permission is given. lined up fell down ap. would have been Ruku' 5029 5030 5031 pulled down. disapproval. height 3 v: 18 3 Ruku' 5051 5052 5053 5054  5035 ap. roads. of dead leaves. error groan in supplication pl. dye 1 v: 22 18th Part 5057 1/4    those deviating from path     4  5058 persisted obstinately 4 v: 27 Ruku' 5043 5044 Ruku' 5059 5060 you boarded / embarked ap. refined.blogspot. those who put        protects no protection is given against him 5 v: 15 5           (others) to test Ruku' 2 v: 10 2  Ruku' . wreckage 5047 5048 Surah 23: Al-Mu'minoon 5033 private parts relating to sex. modesty (sr.: back on your heels 5055 5056 telling fables by night pl. essence we clothed paths. in succession ) 5034 not blame-worthy.iqbalkalmati. you talk senselessly X  ) 5040 5041 5042 to take it away oil sauce.www.com Surah 23: Al-Mu'minoon 195 5045 Part: 17 we had given plenty / granted ease 5046 Part :18  \     < < \      `         \  The Believers to give plenty far. color. very far rubbish. sects confused ignorance. orbits (sr. free from blame          X        X  1  high ground. transgressors. those who observe. keeper (literal: shepherds) 5037 5038 5039 extract. you turn   \         \  exceeding bounds 5036 ap.:  5049 5050  one after another. www. whisperings ap. divorced or widowed) 5072 5073 eighty will avert. spreads. flog. you receive / take it up . pl. compassion they accuse / launch charges husbands (sr. male servants )  \    who are beyond sexual desire 5088 5089 5090 child hidden / private parts single (unmarried. those who count in vain.: X ) murmured 5092 slave girls 5076 pl. (let them) swear not \b  \   to swear pl. mere idle play 6 v: 26 6 (of accusations) Ruku' 5082 Ruku' 3 v: 6 9     pl. you ask permission  \b               X \       < 5083 houses not used for living The Light Surah 24: An-Noor 5068 5069 5070 5071 5084 to lower (gaze) / (sights) fg. one who speaks / utters  X   \     V  trifle. averts 1 v: 10 Ruku' 5074 5075 calumny. innocent 5066 5067 ap. burns those with their lips displaced in pain Ruku' 18th Part 5079 5080 5081 2 v: 10 8  \  1/2 ni. scourge    \ X         7  5085 5086 5087 flog pity. light matter fg. (let them) display not im. you indulged /  \     5091 female slaves (sr. propagates       ties of kinship scorches.com Surah 24: An-Noor 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 196 Part: 18 5077 5078 suggestions. lie pl.blogspot. slander.iqbalkalmati. lit                       X       11  5116 5117 will deal unjustly. radiant pv. will make successor oil glows forth. enjoyments.blogspot. you lay aside \b            \ noon time. kindled. piled up one upon other  5125 children .com Surah 24: An-Noor 5093 5094 5095 197 Part: 18 5112 5113 5114 5115 prostitution. hardly 5 v: 6 7 v: 7 13  seeks permission to ask leave / permission puberty pl. brilliant.iqbalkalmati. pleasures     rain between.www. whoredom chastity. gives light pv. cold flashing those who come with all submissions     \      12  Ruku' 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 4 v: 8 10  niche lamp glass star shining. those who frustrate (others) Ruku' 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 turn about. fortification goods. be raised / exalted        5119 ap. will wrong them in judgment Ruku' 6 v: 10 18th Part 5118 3/4  \   will give inheritance. midst hail. overturn mirage sandy desert thirsty deep can not. middle of the day Ruku' 5111 layers. hiding 9 v: 3 15 < Part :19 5149       < Ruku' barrier. ban motes.iqbalkalmati.www. father's brother walks markets (sr. to raise the dead          have any longing for marriage) 5127 (women) who make display of their beauty 5138 5139 5140 5141 helped pv.:  ) 1 v: 9 16  Ruku' 5142 5143 5144 5145 palaces fury. affair they slip away secretly from \b             5147 5148 destroyed. rage narrow. constricted pp. dust be scattered   \       5150 5151 The Criterion Surah 25: Al-Furqaan .: paternal aunts (father's sisters) (sr. bound /  V   V       \    5132 maternal uncles (mother's brothers) (sr. devoid of all good 2 v: 11 17 Ruku' 5135 5136 to slip away secretly from surreptitiously. are dictated / read out 5128 5129 5130 5131 lame pl. paternal uncles sr. pl.com Surah 25: Al-Furqaan 5126 198 Part: 18 5137 old women (who do not          X )   resurrection.blogspot.:    5132a 5132b mother's sisters separately chained together 5146 destruction you led astray / misled (others) Ruku' 5133 5134 8 v: 4 14  matter. gently they pass / spend the night anguish.www. high stations (would) not concern with cleaving. annihilated       5159 the people of Ar-Rass 5177 5160 utter ruin / destruction 4 v: 10 2 5178 they spend stingily / niggardly Ruku' 5161 5162 5163 5164 shadow guide. one who is neglected / 5170 5171 relationships through wedlock 5 v: 16 3 Ruku' 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 discarded 5156 gradually. complete destruction  \           \            4    5157 explanation. ties of kinship       5153 5154 5154a.com Surah 25: Al-Furqaan 5152 199 Part: 19 5168 5169 place of noon day rest / repose   V    V        V   \   bitter barrier.iqbalkalmati. just disgraced. slow and well arranged lamp following one another they walk modestly.blogspot. interpretation 3 v: 14 1 Ruku' 5158 destroyed completely. inevitable 6 v: 17 5165 5166 5167 sweet thirst-quenching salt Ruku' 19th Part    . partition relationship (of blood). cause of rest joined yet separate / independent  V    \   \ 5179 5180 balanced. 5155 clouds shall bite betrayer pp. in ignominy 5181 5182 5182a high places. pilot repose. disdained. no harm 3 v: 18 7 5204 5205 friend loving.com Surah 26: Ash-Shu'araa 200 < Part: 19 5195 5196 5197      The Poets divided. is brought near pv. fg. mound we brought near 4 v: 17 8   \   Surah 26: Ash-Shu'araa 5183 ap. fg. join pv.www. let (him) wait a while      5203 be thrown headlong / hurled 5188 no matter. those who bow their     Ruku' 5198 necks in humility Ruku' child pp. those stoned          (to death) 19th Part are overtaken 5194 1/2 by no means . fore-fathers   \      \            1 v: 9 5 5184 5185 5186         v: 24 6 5199 5200 5201 5202 gives me to drink im. fore-warned those who are fully prepared against danger 5207 ap. band ap. warm (friend) 5 v: 36 9 Ruku' 5189 5190 troop. X           Ruku' 5206 those who are meanest / lowest offended (others) 5191  those who are. prisoners those who passed before. parted. one who drives away / repulses 5208 5192 5193 at sunrise pp. those who enraged. separated mountain.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. serpent 2 Ruku'  is placed in full view 5187 put off (a while). those who pp. unite. is made manifest. you may warm pv. is blessed Ruku' 5221 wood (collection of tangled times) X  X \  14 moving. pl. fine buildings (sr. seized Ruku' 11 v: 36 15  < aided. near to breaking      5229 Surah 27: An-Naml Z   5217 skillful 8 v: 19 12    19th Part 5230 5231 Ruku' 5218 5219 5220 flame.www. opening at the neck and bosom of a shirt 5222 5223 generations im. bestowed 7 v: 18 Ruku' 5215 5216      The Ants pv.com Surah 27: An-Naml 5209 201 Part: 19 5225 laden. sg.blogspot. removed far. wriggling serpent.iqbalkalmati. castles. 5234 5235 5236 5237 pl. filled 6 v:18 10     We made it traverse. debarred 5227 high place strong holds. banished. We caused to pass through \         Ruku' 5210 5211 5212 pl. snake did not look back bosom. you build           )     11 5226 pp. burning brand          `     males. you laid hands.: they vindicated. [took revenge] 5228 place of turning / overturning 5213 5214 pl. sons those who hate / abhor old woman 9 v: 16 13 \      5232 5233. burning borrowed flame. make (it) fall Ruku' 5224 10 v: 16  non-Arabs     . you are receiving   here heavily laden. writhing. disguise         )     18 language. name of a country hidden im. men swear one to another X        19 reviewed. one who decides /  X     \   resolves 5252 5253 5254 Part :20 5269 present. gift stalwart. those kept in ranks. throw down we will surely attack at night destruction 4 v: 14 Ruku' 5267 5268  chosen Is Allah?   U       < Ruku' 5251 2  ap.:      X   ) 5270 beautiful.blogspot. dispose Ruku' 5263 5264 5265 5266  groups. alter. uncovered / bared dl. of shining beauty . inspire. took a muster hoopoe (a bird) Sheba. lake fg. fg. speech pp.:  ) V           \ 17 v: 17 paved. pl. giant returns orchards.        X       just like this pool.: 5259 5260 part of leg) 5261 5262 (sr. smoothly paved glasses. arouse.iqbalkalmati. gardens (sr. crystals 3 v: 13 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 laughingly im.www. two shanks (lower set in (battle) order 5240 5241 5242 5243 valley of the ants ant may not crush smiled (vn.com Surah 27: An-Naml Ruku' 5238 5239 202 16 Part: 20 5255 5256 5257 5258 1 v: 14  glance im. are thrown down / cast down Ruku' 7 v: 11 3 5296 5297   \   The Narration Ruku' 5298 Surah 28: Al-Qasas 5282 5283 5283a 5284 turned his face towards fg. fg. stricken with terror 5279 5280 5281 pl. in humility       < firmly fixed. trace. dl. smitten. suckle  \ V 5299 5300 5301  picked up. stopped short 5 v: 8 1      im. looking about yesterday cries / calls aloud stretches hand to seize farthest end.iqbalkalmati. took up void (of patience) are driven away / taken back .blogspot. recounts 6 v: 16 2    1/4 to ask / call for help asked / called for help struck with fist vigilant. keeping back    ` \    name of a Pharaoh's minister im. follow     4     from distance I point out / direct 1 v: 13 Ruku' 5274 5275 5276 Ruku' 20th Part 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295  close behind (in pursuit) hide narrates. solid pv. uttermost part running they counsel / deliberate upon 2 v: 8 5 X                 \     \b  Ruku' 5277 5278 or what terrified.www. fg.com Surah 28: Al-Qasas 5271 5272 5273 203 Part: 20 5285 5286 5287 mountains barrier. separating bar failed. humbled. blogspot. exulted. rejoice exceedingly Ruku' 5327 5328 5329 5330 6 v: 10 9  chooses choice everlasting. engage on wages. imposed  hateful / cast away / despised . fg. support        `   Ruku' 5331 weigh down. journeyed a brand (of fire).com Surah 28: Al-Qasas 5302 204 Part: 20 Ruku' 5321 shepherds. those who are 5332 we made (something) to sallow 5333 Ah! it is indeed 8 v: 7 Ruku' 5334  ordained.www. hire fg. to be too heavy a burden  \   b  11 we will strengthen arm they shall not reach im. a burning coal  \  \    \         \  5326 fg. herdsmen (sr.iqbalkalmati. bank field.: X ) v: 7 6 we do not desire / seek pv.:      \b        4 v: 14 7   ) prolonged dweller 5 v: 8 8 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 bashfully. ground these two more eloquent helper. we shall be         whichever. shyly im. kindle / light (fire) pp. these two 5322   Ruku' 5323 we caused (it) to reach \  20th Part 5324 5325 1/2    years (sr. perpetual light 7 v: 15 10 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 side. which one 3 Ruku' 5309 5310 snatched away traveled. one dl. within oneself. Part :21 5351 5352  ) 2 v: 9 14  `     <      ) < fg.:    \   practice is discontinued as the number of words will be smaller in each Ruku. keen observers. So far. made to suffer. home you hope / expect 9 v: 6 12     X            16      5347 those with insight 5348 5349 blast. 1/2 and 3/4th Part (Parah) will be retained.www. pl.: Ruku' 5342 5343 im.blogspot. have been overcome/   defeated . Other marks such as those of 1/4th. we have given the marks of "Ruku'   " but hence forward the is afflicted Ruku' 5340 1 v: 13 13 produces. pl. burn     15 council. you will be turned you do not write / transcribe (vn. brings forth (vn.   It is surely a favor of Allah who enabled you to memorize the meanings of the Qur'aanic words up to this point.com Surahs 29-30: Al-'Ankaboot. creates. restrains 5341 pv. forbids. Al-Rome 5335 5336 5337 205 5346 Part: 21 earthquake ap.iqbalkalmati. one who brings back place of return. awful cry spider frailest. troubled in self. assembly. in heart   5353 Surah 30: Ar-Room pv. flimsiest 4 v: 14 Ruku' 20th Part 3/4 5350    \   The Spider < Ruku'  Part 20th ends Surah 29: Al-'Ankaboot 5338 5339 sure to come pv. meeting 3 v: 8    Ruku' 5344 5345 The Romans grieved. pl. be victorious b\       X        \      they make provision fg. pleasure of Allah mustard rock firmness of purpose.blogspot. do not swell 5384 cheek . easier Luqmaan (The wise) Surah 31: Luqmaan 5378   \    21th Part 1/4  `       pillars 5364 5365 ap. mead pv. raises            X        < rain yellow (colored). do not turn. pastime discourse 5379 5362 5363 you are scattered most easy.www. those who turn to    U           21th Part 5380 5381 5382 1/2   `   countenance / face of Allah. will be made happy 5374 5375 5376 5377 weakness gray hair due to old age those who make amends let not them make (you) impatient or excited you enter night (evening:  )  ) 5361 you enter the morning (afternoon:   \   idle tale.com Surah 31: Luqman 5354 5355 206 Part: 21 5370 5371 5372 nearby land soon they will overcome. firmness in affairs     b\        5366 5367 5368 5369 usury increases does not increase they are separated / divided 5383 ni. built upon it garden. turned to yellow 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 tilled.iqbalkalmati. dug 5373 populated. com Surahs 32-33: As-Sajdah. inhabitants of desert. breast nearer. written  .blogspot. ) Wandering Arabs.iqbalkalmati. knows not      5408 < roll.www.          \  \         V          harshest abominable voice (pl.: did not stay those who keep back / hinder come along being sparing of their help. vainglorious im. strongholds past tense cast. leave off we lead / drive     5411 [those living outside towns /cities] (sr. niggardly 5390 5391 traitor. be moderate    \   inside of body. revolve sharp pl.:   )    \        5406 5407 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 in lines throats pv. The Prostration Surah 32: As-Sajdah 5395 5396 5409 5410 forsake. [put in] < 5413 5414 The Confederates Surah 33: Al-Ahzaab . perfidious one who can be of avail to another \ ) 5392 5393 5394 rain tomorrow fg. pledge fortress. he who compromises / stops in between old name of Al-Madinah sides (sr. Al-Ahzaab 5385 5386 5386a 5387 5388 5389 207 Part: 18 5397 5398 5399 braggart. Bedouins 21th Part 3/4   `   5412    b\   vow. closer pv. were / was tried made it flow. completed kept to the middle course. salute The City of Saba Surah 34: Saba 5447 escapes not. gave as spoils of war 22nd Part 1/4   \      5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 you may put off / defer you may take / receive you set aside watcher preparation (of food) those who sit whole-heartedly    \   \       \b         5443 what will make you understand 5444 5445 5446 our leaders / chiefs our great ones straight (to the point). justly appropriate b   5431 5432 5433 they send blessing im. spreading false rumors 5438 5439 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 want we gave in marriage adopted children fathers sends blessings im. fierce slaughter returned. accursed. hidden not    .blogspot. send blessing im.iqbalkalmati. they draw close                   \   \  V             < Part :22 5417  \      < outer garments. set foot release     salutation fg. disregard we will setup against them they will not be (able to stay as) neighbors 5440 pp. to make dazzling display           5437 those who stir up     sedition.www.com Surah 34: Saba 5415 5416 208 Part: 22 5434 5435 5436 you tread. pl. pl. wrapping garments bedizenment. those who are cursed 5441 5442 they are found slain with fierceness. com Surah 35: Al-Fatir 5448 5449 209 Part: 22 5467 5468 5469 scattered to pieces echo with me.: The Originator of Creation Surah 35: Fatir 5482    5466 of. having  ) . casts they are terrified no escape to reach people of their kind. reservoirs cauldrons. partisans   )   ) 5463 5464 5465 fixed. fortresses images (sr. those            \        < made to stand 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 lofty halls. mansions he replaces one tenth (1/10th) hurls.: large dishes tank. pl.www.blogspot.: 22nd Part 5473 1/2  pp. repeat with me         \  \ \                 b  \     fruits. set firm his staff flood (released) from the dams Y   with wings (sr. huge pots (sr.iqbalkalmati. food bitter tamarisk lote tree fear is removed you joined Y  \   \  \  \   5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 we made soft 5470 5471 coats of mail measure 5472 links its morning stride / course its evening stride / course we made it flow fount of molten copper arches. www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah 36: Yaa-Seen 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 210 Part: 23 5502 ascends, mounts up shall perish, will be void sweet, palatable pleasant to drink fresh husk of a date stone     \     \   dl. (they two) moved away /  deviated / ceased to function   Yaa-Seen < Surah 36: Yaa-Seen 5503 5504 pl. stiff necked (people)  \      Y      22nd Part 3/4  \  foot prints, what (they) left behind 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 pp. heavily laden X \                  \    5505 5505a 5506 we have taken account clear book, clear register we strengthened sun's heat has passed tracts, streaks white red intensely black, raven black black will not perish / fail weariness they will cry aloud / shriek Part :23 5507     <  they cannot save / deliver me       \   \       5508 5509 5510 before us we strip, we withdraw they are plunged in darkness 5511 5512 5513 5514 measuring, decree became, returned branch, stalk of palm tree old 5500 5501 hatred, odium, abhorrence dl. lest they move away / deviate / cease [to function]  www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah 37: As-Saaffaat 5515 5516 211 Part: 23 5534 5535 5536 they float / swim helper (to hear their cry), shout        X         Y     X         \   decomposed, decayed dark green pl. you kindle       < 5517 they will be disputing / contending 5518 5519 5520 will, disposition graves, tombs they shall hasten / rush forth  `   Those Ranged in Ranks Surah 37: As-Saaffaat 5537 fg. those who check /          5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 grave bed / sleeping in occupations happy, joyful fruit im. pl. be apart, aside repel / restraint 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 to check / restraint / repel fg. those who recite outcast, driven away lasting, perpetual glistening, bright sticky pl. disgraced, humiliated multitude, great numbers im. pl. enter quenched, blot out to transform / efface / deface / deshape 23rd Part 5545 5546 1/4 ,  couches (sr.: 5530 we cause (him) to bend (from straightness)   )    \b  pl. facing one another 5531 5532 5533 it is not fit    5547 5548 cup headache we have subdued / subjected pl. riding www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah 37: As-Saaffaat 5549 5550 212 Part: 23 5567 5568 they get intoxicated fg. pl. women        \                                         then (he) turned hastening, hurriedly pl. you carve dl. they submitted /                  V          \ who restrain 5551 5552 5553 5554 5569 5570 gaze, glance [delicate like] eggs pp. closely guarded pl. be brough to judgment, surrendered 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 flung down, laid, prostrated forehead, temple that makes (things) clear name of an idol ran away, fled joined to cast lots those who are be brought to book 5555 you cause me to ruin / perish 5556 pp. (those) brought forward 5557 name of a bitter tree with thorns in hell 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 ap. pl. those who shall fill condemned / rejected / rebutted 5578 5579 5580 swallowed fish (pl.: bare desert mixture boiling water they hasten / rush down ap. pl. warners pp. those who have  ) 1/2     23rd Part 5581 5582 tree of gourd  \         been warned 5564 those who can tempt (anyone) to rebel ap. those who respond / answer 5565 5566 5582a 5583 5584 one who is going to pl. arranged in ranks calamity, distress sick, off-mooded courtyard www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah 38: Saad 213 < Part: 23 5603 5604 5605   Saad im. entrust me \ \  `  overcame partners (sr.: Surah 38: Saad 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 (it was) not time escape, flee away invention they ascend pp. one who is defeated X   )              `  \                 Z b\  \     \       X   5606 those who turn aside from right, wicked 5607 5608 pv. was / were presented coursers of the  \    highest breeding and swift of foot 5609 5610 fg. gone out of sight stakes, tent-poles doom, punishment delay, deferment portion, fate (man) of strength / hands decisive speech they climbed over wall private chamber terrified be not unjust ninety-nine to pass / rub hand over (lightly) 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 shanks, lower part of leg necks body gently whithersoever (he) willed, witherwhat (he) directed 5616 5617 5618 5619 builder diver nearness beautiful place of (final) return ewe, young female sheep 5620 distress, affliction com Surah 39: Az-Zumar 5621 5622 5623 214 Part: 23 5637 5638 5639 im.www. quarreling among themselves 5649 5650 5651 mockery. crumbled to dust consistent.blogspot. ceasing. those who are to die   b\   5635 pl. rolls    . break not oath pl. stamp  X    V \          bestowed.:  )             \                  5641 5642 withers up. strike. turns yellow chaff. chosen / excellent ones pl. one who is to die ap. a little grass 5624 5625 5626 ni. softens companions 23rd Part 5627 5628 5629 3/4 end. shivers fg.iqbalkalmati. ridicule. impostors. caused to penetrate  X        water to wash (bath) handful of twigs. bad ones without any crookedness 5648 pl. wicked. exhaustion dark / murky fluid. pretenders     The Groups < Part :24 5652  \      <  Surah 39: Az-Zumar 5636 are filled with disgust / aversion overlaps. well matched 5640 springs (sr. paired fg. chiefs on heights entirely ap. pus rushing headlong / blindly   \             5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 no welcome they will burn / roast pl. con-similar repeated. derision exalted chiefs. trembles. granted built led through. those who will   come forth / appear 5670 5671 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 neglected.blogspot. shone pv. perdition  are brought are driven / led troops. are thrust /            < encircling / thronging around 24th Part stocked    \   The Believer    <    Haa-Meem Sajdah Surah 41: Haa-Meem Sajdah 24th Part Surah 40: Al-Mu'min 5667 one (who is) all bountiful    3/4  \    5668 meeting 5681 unending     . throngs. uppermost. pl. H. one who will be heard drawing near. surrounding / 24th Part 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680  \   I entrust / confide evildoer. protector. wicked chains pv. fell senseless fg. Alas! my grief!      U      \       \    X         \    ap. pl. keeper you have well done pl. Sajdah 215 5653 Part: 24 5669 woe is me!.com Surahs 40-41: Al-Mu'min. defender pl. triumphant       swooned. is set up / laid day of mutual calling / summoning 5675 ruin.www. groups warder. rolled up pv. they are dragged pv.M.iqbalkalmati. approaching near 5672 5673 5674 ap. remised towards Allah keys pl. marched in ranks pl.www. sustenance \                        \              X   Part :25 5700 5701 5702 5703        < \    smoke those who are obedient.blogspot. lying desolate of punishment . sheaths we assured / confessed prolonged utmost horizons.iqbalkalmati. incitement. you try to hide they ask for favor / pardon      they rent asunder multiples ordained. wipes out rain 5697 they do not get tired / weary 25th Part 5713 5714 5715 1/4     (smoothly running) ships higher mountains / banners they will become     \ \  5698 5699 lowly. farthest regions 5685 5686 5687 5688 furious. prompting blots out. void. drown the hearing 5693 5694 worst those who are the nethermost / lowest  5695 5696 that (they) desire whisper. established hard. affection < The Consultation Surah 42: Ash-Shoora 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5689 those who are favored / pardoned   \    X        X    5690 5691 5692 we have assigned companions. dreadful futile. babble. roaring (wind) pl. pl. willingly coverings. comrades im. grievous.com Surah 42: Ash-Shoora 5682 5683 5684 216 Part: 25 pl. of no weight they dispute / debate loving kindness. effaces. counsel denial. mother of the book  \   \ \        \    X \     5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 to take / turn away vn. motionless caused to perish / destroy consultation. you mount / sit firmly 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 distance partners.blogspot. reared ornament. gives in pairs barren turn / tend (towards )                 < followers  \      25th Part 5734 1/2  clear / innocent (of doing wrong)       V X    \  V           \       5735 created. chooses to remain blind gone forth. portion pv. 5721 5722 217 Part: 25 5733 still. brought into being. made light they provoked. originated 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 dl. is bred up. prowess 5743 withdraws. refusal mingles . two towns.com Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720. mastering over something 5729 5730 5731 5732 share. two cities to be under subjection roofs silver stairs they ascend / go up ornaments / adorments of gold      The Gold Ornaments Surah 43: Az-Zukhruf 5723 original book.iqbalkalmati.www. adornment those who hold fast . sharers those in procession made fool. angered they raise a clamor / cry out those capable of subduing. passed pl. will seethe boiling. pl. to seethe im. trays goblets.www. take away        V  X    \       \      < 5751 5752 ni.iqbalkalmati. pour im. viceroys       ` 3/4      im. give in . did not weep pp. will not be abated / 5768 5769 fg. takes delight in pv. pl. those who revert / return 5764 they commit / seek / earn time im. to boil. Jathiyah 5750 218 25th Part 5765 Part: 25 they succeed each other. cups fg. enjoying friends (sr. drag lightened / relaxed 5757 5758 they determined / settled those who determine / settle     5775 midst of hell / blazing fire The Smoke Surah 44: Ad-Dukhaan 5759 5760 5761 5762 5776 im. dregs of oil will boil. taste pv. as it is those taking delight. one who is taught / Surah 45: Al-Jathiyah 5778 tutored 5763       ap. have no doubt 5766 5767 at rest.com Surahs 44-45: Ad-Dukhaan. watch  \         5777    \   The Kneeling persists. those who shall      be raised again 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 friend molten brass.: X   )  \           < 5753 5754 5755 5756 dishes. wait. restore. made distinct / clear im. pl.blogspot. continues to be obstinate 5779 5780 smoke pp. vestige. ridded of. expiated improved condition. kneeling X   X             we put on record (vn.blogspot. to rout out 5807 bonds . remnant new. reluctance thirty we will overlook / pass by pl.com Surahs 46-47: Al-Ahqaaf. approach company.www.:     )    5783 5784 we know not those who are           5798 convinced / having firm assurance 5785 he wearied not. let go waste removed. innovation in pain.iqbalkalmati. to be sure / convinced 26th Part Part :26    <      <   b\   < The Winding Sand-Tracts Surah 46: Al-Ahqaaf 5800 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 Muhammad (peace be upon him) Surah 47: Muhammad rendered astray. group guards / delivers / shields you 5799 fg. you squandered / took                 X \   5801 5802 5803 5804      \  you thoroughly subdued / routed / slain them greatly winding sand tracts cloud. did not fatigue vn. state smite / strike at necks 5805 trace. approaching 5806 to make a great slaughter. Muhammad 5781 5782 219 5795 5796 5797 Part: 23 valleys means of access. to subdue. bowing the knee. dense cloud advancing towards. tokens one who swoons / faints fitting. incorruptible. importance 5840 imposed.: war booty.www. perish by stumbling       X   V     . debarred pl. press. pride and haughtiness. pl.blogspot. heat and cant 5825 5826 will never put (you) in loss urge.iqbalkalmati. beautified gave false hope secrets pl. pl. made (you) overcome 5834 5835  \  \ V          X   \ the animals of sacrifice detained. not stale   b         5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 wine honey entrails. gone before (which is) to come / follow thinkers im. bowels just now portents. made (somebody) stick close . you may assist im. \ X\ ) 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832   \   The Victory < Surah 48: Al-Fath past. alas locks (sr. you tread (them) 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 instigated. rancor      \       5836 under foot / trample down 5837 5838 guilt they separated / became apart mode / tone of speech 5839 zealotry. (secret) hates. war gains 26th Part 5833 gave victory. woe. you honor / revere 5811 unpolluted.com Surah 48: Al-Fath 5808 5809 5810 220 Part: 26 ransom made known destruction. those that scatter will not diminish. pl. returns to.blogspot. stalk     \           \     \b      <    < 5856a 5857 5858     \   5859 5860 5861 The Inner Apartments Surah 49: Al-Hujuraat 5848 5849   \    tested fg. do not back-bite The Winds That Scatter Surah 51: Adh-Dhaariyaat 5867 5868 fg. those who           \  5856 5855    Qaaf < get their heads shaved 5842 ap. covering fg. you shun veil. those Surah 50: Qaaf confusing.com Surahs 49-51: Al-Hujuraat.iqbalkalmati.. do not (call  \             they wandered / traversed each other) by nickname 5852 5853 5854     ni. blade strengthened became thick stem. are you filled up? who get their hair cut short 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 marks shoot. flaws. not able to differentiate rifts. Qaaf. belittle  to scatter . stupor you escape. lofty piled up one over another we were weary / worn out jugular vein ready agony. 5841 221 Part: 26 ap. faults shoots of fruit-stalks tall. complies with      5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 26th Part 5850 5851 3/4  ni. do not defame ni. do not spy ni. pl.www. . pl. outrageous composed / fabricated / forged 5893 might. dispensers. heaving.www. one who can avert / Surah 53: An-Najm  ward off . power portion. load fg. unrolled. adverse turn of fortune (accident: 5890 5891 they used to sleep loud cry.blogspot. will be tried / tormented by time. unfolded 5894 pp. those transgressing Part : 27 5878 5879   \      < 5892 beyond bounds. struck   . An-Najm 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 222 Part: 26 5885 burden. accident of time. reasons ap.iqbalkalmati. shaking        \    )         \     < 5886 5887 to thrust / push we diminished / deprived not starry ways / paths those who conjecture/ speculate 5888 5889 held in pledge calamity (hatched) 5874 5875 5876 5877 pv. smote. controllers. those burdened / ladened 5895 5896 Surah 52: At-Toor 5880 5881 5882 our eyes retreat/ setting / decline of the stars        5897 the Much Frequented House    \    \     The Star went down. clamor fg. kept filled ap. those that flow / glide fg. share pl. those that distribute \        \         \  < commotion. minds. set 5883 5884 pv. those incharge     The Mount fine parchment pp. death:  intellects.com Surahs 52-53: At-Toor. grudged complete. more rebellious unfair. repulsed. constant deterrent. creation gave wealth. unjust naming attainment. highest point. terrible affair / thing 5928 5929 pv. turn away.blogspot. embryos sr. 5903 5904 5905 5920 more in transgression. stopped. full made (others) laugh made (others) weep caused death gave life       5926 5927 im. destroyed 5923 those involved in vanities 27th Part 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 1/4  \     \    X   \ 5924 5925 < minor / little offenses pl. driven out poured out abundantly . overthrew. gave satisfaction / contentment :  b  :\ :\  \      5916 5917 5918 5899 5900 5901 drew near came down / closer measure of two bows [indicates closeness] 5902 farthest lot-tree    \   5919 name of a mighty star.com Surah 54: Al-Qamar 5898 223 Part: 27 5915 the one free from any defect in body or mind   Z       poured forth bringing forth. hidden.iqbalkalmati. withdraw unacquainted. (enough warning) to check (them from evil)              hardened. (that one can reach)  X      5921 5922 overthrown cities threw down.www. Sirius (The distinctive mark between the boundary of the physical world and the heavenly world which none can pass). embryo The Moon Surah 54: Al-Qamar continuous. enriched made possessor. favors. rash. they can/do not transgress / pass / mix  . sweeps away. boastful brought forward (by suitable turns) 5952 5953 King fully powerful. torn-up madness insolent. plucks out seat of truth / true honor trunks uprooted. tornado showering stone 5944 time before day-beak. (thorny enclosure used by herdsmen for their cattle stock) punctual. course computed creatures. written. living beings husked grain. slew dried-up. last hour of night 5945 5946 5947 most grievous most bitter scorching-fire barrier dl. benefits sounding clay clay (like that of pottery) dl. crumbling twigs fence. fodder sweet smell.   \ Y          \     \  < one who receives admonition. sovereign     The Most Gracious Surah 55: Ar-Rahmaan 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5958a 5959 5960 5961 5962 5939 5940 5941 5942 took ham-strung.www. was ungratefully rejected                               twinkle of an eye groups. parties pp. one that remembers 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 line by line 5951 fg.com Surah 55: Ar-Rahman 5930 5931 5932 224 Part: 27 5948 5949 5950 nails. they get / join together     \   `  \   \       5943 stone-storm. fragrance bounties.blogspot. palm-fibers pv. enclosure. recorded.iqbalkalmati. zones sanction. ointment 5988 two pouring forth springs 5989 5990 pomegranates virtuous and good looking (ladies)     \    < 5991 5992 5993 carpets green beautiful mattress 5976 forelocks. you pass out / penetrate 5987 two gardens of well watered dark green trees regions. ships ships. authority fire-flames (without smoke) flash of brass red like red oil. (momentous) affair dl. got nearer ruby. burning oil. jacinth. full of Honour \ \b  \ \        \    5985 5986 touched. vessels like mountains         b\   \    boiling spreading two branches inner lining silk brocade (selected) fruit at hand.blogspot. foreheads (sr. 5965 5965a. gems boats. 225 Part: 27 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 pearl coral stones. inevitable event 5977 5978 feet boiling water The Inevitable Event Surah 56: Al-Waaqi'ah 5994 X .iqbalkalmati.: X  )   \   ap.com Surah 56: Al-Waaqi'ah 5963 5964 5964a. full of Glory. easy to reach. fg. (two) heavy (creations) pl. precious stone 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 work. easily accessible \           `     27th Part 5966 full of Majesty.www. you would be left 6006 6007 6008 pl. jugs they will not get headache with debt 6025 6026 cloud pl. dwellers in wilderness 6010 6011 pp.. good people 6017 6018 6019 equal age black smoke they persisted sin. piled                 X    \            \  up one above another 6013 6014 pp.blogspot. i. abasing. outspreading shadow pp. is shaken X  X   `   pp.www. exalting pv. those burdened goblets. broken into pieces pl. majority thrones in or wrought with golden threads and precious stones 6022 6023 chaff. sinful discourse strike-out fire 6027 travelers. bad people 6004 6005 multitude. bringing low fg. wickedness to drink like thirsty camels    \       \    X X              \b    Y\ 6003 companions of 6020 6021 the left hand. clustered.: 27th Part 6028 \ 3/4  \    ) setting of stars      .iqbalkalmati. gushing shock 6015 6016 ever virgins virtuous. made thornless bananas (sr.e. you kindle / 6009 recrimination. loving their husbands to crumble and scatter dust particle scattered companions of right hand.. i. fg. immortal in wonderment 6024 pp.com Surah 56: Al-Waaqi'ah 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 226 Part: 27 6012 fg.e. pl. roasting blazing fire.. to boast.www. burning hell double portions / parts    \   The Iron pp. 6057 (rel. they touch each other . missed we made to follow monasticism. two-fold / 6032 6033 6034 6035 happiness 6051 6052 6053 aromatic. "You are to me as the back of my mother. complains       \   \   \b      The Woman who pleads Surah 58: Al-Mujaadilah 6054 6055 6056 we may borrow im.. to multiply Zihar: to say to one's wife.? prolonged time. pl. 6029 227 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 Part: 27 extensiveness we bring in existence ni. fragrance vn. grieve not pp. pl.iqbalkalmati.com Surahs 57-58: Al-Hadeed." In the days of ignorance. seek       contention. lost. barrier before Is it not high time that . made successors Part :28 U      < < Surah 57: Al-Hadeed 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045    \   fg. discourse they do zihar wall. Al-Mujdlh. those who                     <     \b         \ are purified 6030 those who take message in light esteem / look with disdain 6031 those who will not be accountable escaped.blogspot. (a length of) time vn. pronoun) those (women) who    6058 dl. to pride vn. this utterance from husband implied that he has divorced his wife. monkery observe dl.                                    6076 6077    \   The Gathering < continuously 6061 6062 6063 Surah 59: Al-Hashr protection.www. shield gained mastery. rise up cover.com Surah 59: Al-Hashr 6059 6060 228 Part: 28 dl. were disgraced. strongholds (sr. defence fortresses. be humbled to dust / X    abased 6064  )      `    \  V  \ X        U       pv. company. group pl.blogspot. is saved sit comfortably 6069 6070 6071 6072 to make room for im.iqbalkalmati. exile. successively. migration palm-tree you made expedition a circuit rich malice. pl. lowest X   they make friend niggardliness 28th Part 6091 1/4 they became hypocrites   . kept account disobedience they greeted im. cast they ruin / demolish im. learn a lesson made abased 6065 6066 6067 6068 recorded. need they prefer. pl. spite. two months dl. engrossed 6073 6074 6075 party. give preference poverty pv. you make room. most abased.: 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 sixty they oppose / contend pv. pl. wood  )         ties (of marriage)  \  fg. gone 28th Part 1/2 U     6094 6095 6096 disunited. structure pp. diverse evil or ill effects falling down. you show / encounter /  \         meet 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 are clear. 6092 6093 229 Part: 28 6107 great fear fortified towns. guiltless you are at enmity they backed up / helped im. fenced cities          passed away. pp.: timber. odious building.. compact. examine ni. pl.: they dispersed \ )    < pl. that which is humble    < The Battle Array Surah 61: As-Saff 6108 6097 6098 6099 splitting. propped up with disbelieving women . bursting guardian superb. hold not    \   The Hypocrites Surah 63: Al-Munafiqoon 6113 6114 6115 bodies (sr. solid \        < 6109 6110     \       \   The Woman to be Examined Surah 60: Al-Mumtahanah 6100 The Assembly (Friday) Prayer Surah 62: Al-Jumu'ah 6111 6112 books (sr. .iqbalkalmati.com Surahs 60-63: Al-Mumtahanah. possessing every greatness         < hateful.www.blogspot. separate (them) two honest men ap. rebelled. you disagree among one another 6142 virgins . capacity secretly told or communicated disclosed made known avoided fg.. 6116 6117 6118 230 Part: 28 6127 6128 6129 6130 shall suckle / milk fg. expiation 6133 6134 to show or to be in loss and gain 28th Part 3/4 U          \                < The Divorce Surah 65: At-Talaaq 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 brings a new thing im. pl.iqbalkalmati. you back each other                 Y 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 repentant or penitent women 6140 6141 fasting women widows / divorced / previously married (women) 6125a fg.blogspot. one who attains / reaches fg.www. those having pregnancy 6125 means. revolted cry they turn they breakup / disperse X       <        <      The Mutual Loss and Gain Surah 64: At-Taghabun 6119         6131 6132 Holding (something) to be Forbidden Surah 66: At-Tahreem you seek absolution (from oath). another one who has capacity fg. . inclined dl.com Surahs 64-66: At-Taghabun. they deliver (the child) 6126 pl. tracks fg.blogspot. braying 6155 6156 6157 fg. you compromise . chaste body persisted in.iqbalkalmati. gushing  \   The Pen by (oath) the pen they write sublime morals < Surah 68: Al-Qalam 6170 6171 6172 6173 6174 \    Y   Y  \     6154 loud moaning. far off from mercy you become soft / suppliant. sides. level paths. close grieved will protect became sink away. something to stone with V      V      V       V  6167 6168 6169 flowing. afflicted with madness will burst remote. Al-Qalam 6143 6144 6145 6146 231 Part: 29 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 stern sincere im.com Surahs 67-68: Al-Mulk. disorders two times. smooth. again and again low. disgraceful fatigued missile.www. fault rifts. boils pp. build        < < subservient. get lost in the underground Part :29   \  \   6164 6165 6166 The Dominion Surah 67 : Al-Mulk 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 one above another oversight. set in headlong. roaring. shall quake V        \             chastity. groveling better guided near. outburst cut out from root laid low fg. best they reproach one another remember fg. violent of a doubtful birth we will brand him trunk. snout they do not say "if Allah wills.. lower part of leg . the one who remembers blow to crush 6192 6193 pv. slanderer." make no exception barren land.blogspot. sleepers \ X              X \  X plucked. Prophet Jonah : ) 6195 xg. barren and bleak they called unto one another those who cut or pluck (fruits) 6189 6190 6191 withholding most moderate. who swears [uselessly].com Surah 69: Al-Haaqqah 6175 232 Part: 29 6194 xg. exceeding. is cast calumny. is bared shanks.www. increasing 6184 one that encompasses / encircles 6185 6186 6187 6188 ap. obtained pv.       Z         companion of  \    \            < oath monger 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182 6183 the fish (i. going about the one in anguish / agony / despair 6196 6197 6198 6199 reached. defamer xg.iqbalkalmati.e. slander cruel. wilderness they had all but killed 29th Part 1/4  \                 \     6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208  ` \   The Sure Reality Surah 69: Al-Haaqqah sure reality violent upheaval. decisive. fasten does not urge . pl. flimsy X                         \    \          washing of wounds soothsayer. put chain. shackle im. dead my authority / power im. roast fifty thousand year flakes (tufts) of wool kinsfolk. pl. diviner. I was not given 6232 6233 6234 6235 invented / fabricated sayings sayings life-artery. frail. kindred [relatives]     \   X  \   V    chain its length seventy cubit (length of a hand 6241 gives / will give him a shelter 6242 6243 6244 6245 blazing fire. raging flame fg. artery of heart those who withhold     \   The Ways of Ascent Surah 70: Al-Ma'arij 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 I had not known making end. pl.com Surah 70: Al-Ma'arij 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 233 Part: 29 6230 6231 fg. insert.iqbalkalmati. tearing away measuring approximately 18 inches) 6228 6229 skin (of face) withheld. [fortune-teller]          < sides hidden come you all! my book life clusters near at hand (that are) gone pv. hid im.blogspot.www. thrust. let (him) enter. impatient                    dweller destruction. begrudging 29th Part 1/2  (always) constant in groups. After their death. divergent flight loss.iqbalkalmati. unjust (people). perdition. majesty (diverse) stages wide expanse. Al-Jinn 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 234 Part: 29 6262 6263 xg. 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 they persisted dignity. diminution pl. stations (watching in) ambush different.www. fg. niggardly. firewood abundant (water) ever-growing .com Surahs 71-72: Nooh. filled    Noah V  V                V   < 6265 6266 6267 Surah 71: Nooh guards sitting places. ruin    fretful. bewailing xg.blogspot. carpet Wadd  \  V  6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 (This and the following four are the names of five pious persons of Prophet Noah's era. in crowds those who are outrun they rush / hasten  \   The Jinn < Surah 72: Al-Jinn 6264 utter extravagant lie perversion pv. people used to worshipped them) 6258 6259 6260 6261 deviators 6274 6275 6276 6277 Suwaa' Yaghooth Ya'ooq Nasr         they sought out fuel. www.. warn im. is sounded 6288 6289 6290 6291 im.iqbalkalmati.blogspot. glorify 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 rising by night to tread upon correct in speech occupation. shun. uncleanness.com Surahs 73-74: Al-Muzzammil. split two-thirds they travel in the land    b\      <   \   <   \   Folded in Garments Surah 73: Al-Muzzammil 6282 One Wrapped Up Surah 74: Al-Muddath-thir wrapped one. fewer guard       left asunder. keep off pv. 235 6278 6279 6280 6281 Part: 29 6294 6295 6296 crowded will not protect / deliver lesser. Al-Mdthr. arise im. folded in garments X  X  V\    V \      V \  V     V   V   6297 one who envelops (in garments or sheet of cloth)                       6298 6299 6300 6301 im. crushing gray headed / old aged (people) . magnify. business to cut off from others and devote exclusively pollution. abomination 6302 6303 6304 6304a im. give respite trumpet I made smooth to make smooth I will impose painful uphill climb frowned fetters that chokes [throats] 6305 6306 6307 6308 heap of sand poured out and flowing down 6292 6293 painful. shriveling nineteen shone forth. showed displeasure. we enter in vain discourse those who talk vanities with vain talkers beam in brightness and beauty 6330 fg.e. great calamity or disaster 6332 6333 6334 throat. pleas fg. no safety excuses. accusing. dismal. driving 29th Part 3/4 6337 6338 6339 arrogantly.com Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah 6309 236 Part: 29 6323a 6324 6325 scowled. frightened. emitted.: fg. darkened. reproaching X  6340 pv. collar bone ap. donkeys (sr. refuge no refuge. gushed forth . scorching. buried in darkness                    \      . wizard. brightened held in pledge 6326 6327 6328 6329 place to flee to..blogspot.iqbalkalmati. fled overcast with despair 6331 fg. lower part of leg vn. glared     X        X         )         \      \     tips of fingers dazed. enchanter fg.www. asses. lion Fount of all God-consciousness joined with another 6335 6336 6322 Fount of all forgiveness shank. resplendent. waist-breaking [matter] i. conceitedly woe. derived from old xg.  :   6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 pv. radiant. without purpose    \   < The Resurrection Surah 75: Al-Qiyamah 6323 xg. sad. to drive. nearer (to doom) uncontrolled. wild fg. fg. confounded eclipsed. despondent 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 pl. entangled. blogspot. Al-Mursalaat 237 6358 6359 6360 Part: 29 glasses. close upon. put out pv. remembered. collars. those who pv. mingled chains shackles. fg. set . lowered vessels. brought unto appointed time 6373 pv.www. cleft pv. fg.   \    \  6361 mentioned 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 pp. make     \   Those Sent Forth Surah 77: Al-Mursalaat 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371                       \  V   fg. fg. dimmed.com Surahs 76-77: Ad-Dahr. goodness storming separation fg. 6355 6356 6357 bunches of fruits within reach. rent asunder. near unstrung [pearls] 6363 frame. those sent (winds)   V  V  V   \           one after another.iqbalkalmati. fg. crystals measure ginger name of a fountain in heaven 6362     The Time <       \     V   \  V     < Surah 76: Ad-Dahr 6341 6342 long / endless period of time pp. goblets scattered to wind as dust 6372 pv. fg. deferred. blown away. yokes admixture wide spreading captive frowning distressful pleasure. scattered. joy (heat of) sun bitter cold lowered ones. abundantly     V \          V V   6375 6376 6377 6378 lofty. those who abide for ages dark murky fluid. brimming over. [pus] proportioned. pl. those who drag forth about what? concerning what? sleep repose. cloak   V submerging . be gone. blaze fg. rest covering. high.: three branches / columns. marching camels 6384 yellow X   ) V   Part :30    < < 6401 full. fitting gardens (sr.blogspot. overflowing  b   6402 right The (Great) News Surah 78: An-Nabaa 6385 6386 6387 6388         6403 6404   < Those Who Tear Out Surah 79: An-Nazi'aat ap. receptacle that holds within itself       Y              \ dazzling.iqbalkalmati. tall sweet (water) im.com Surahs 78-79: An-Naba.www. destination dwellers. An-Nazi'aat 6374 238 Part: 30 6389 6390 place to draw together. depart 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 dense. three fold 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 will not shade flame. throws sparks (a string of) camels. of thick foliage mirage place of ambush resort. blazing rainy clouds xg. blogspot. vegetation dense. great disaster how could you be concerned with? 6435 6436 6437 6438 pour forth.iqbalkalmati. righteous pv. beating painfully X                   \   you neglect / disregard hands of scribes noble virtuous. crumbled open surface height. canopy made dark. pouring cleaving vegetables.com Surah 80: 'Abasa 6405 239 Part: 30 what have you got to do with? 6424 to loose knot. follows fg. did not perform 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 sunrise. former state decayed. covered with darkness perished. 6412 those who are restored / returned 6428 6429 6430 6431 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 first state. glide. fixed firmly grand calamity. the one that follows after (He) Frowned Surah 80: 'Abasa you pay regard / whole attention 6427            \   \ \     \ throbbing. thick . [swim] to press forward / speed [as in a race]     6408 6409 6410 6411 the quaking one fg. happens after. morning spread it out. rotten. woe to 6432 How ungrateful (he is)? What has made (him) reject Allah? 6433 6434 put in grave not fulfilled. stretched it out pasturage set firm. to release (gently) V    V  X    6426 6425 an evening a morning of it (that follows the evening) X    < 6406 6407 float. is destroyed.www. ransacked The Cleaving Asunder Surah 82: Al-Infitaar 6460 6461 6462 pv. paired. is wound round 6444 6445 fg. fall. dissipating 6465 6466 they take full measure they gave by measure (to others)      . left unattended. fodder deafening cry / noise laughing rejoicing         < ` X      < 6456 6457 6458 6459 there unwilling to give. those who give less in     \  measure and weight / defraud 6464 torn away 6451 6452 6453 6454 they demanded / received by measure that recedes swiftly moving hiding departing. united female (child) buried alive pv.iqbalkalmati.. stripped off. . losing the luster                \              she-camels which are ten-months-pregnant 6446 pv.www.blogspot. fg. one who is obeyed herbage. scattered burst forth overturned. be filled.com Surahs 81-83: At-Takweer. boil over with a swell 6448 6449 6450    \   < Dealing In Fraud Surah 83: Al-Mutaffifeen 6463 pv. fg. 6439 6440 6441 6442 240 6455 Part: 30 breathed held in honor. is folded up. fg. fg. 30th Part 1/4 abandoned 6447 pv. of high rank pp.. withhold grudgingly  \   The Folding Up Surah 81: At-Takweer 6443   \    dispersed. fg. split fg. ditches those seated The Zodiacal Signs Surah 85: Al-Burooj 6493 6494 6495 6478 6479 6480 jesting. written                             \  fg. xg. joking what? is? are? pv. listened     (star) coming at night . are rewarded / paid back     \   ap. spread out fg.iqbalkalmati. they 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 pure drink (wine) pp. full of loving kindness < The Rending Asunder Surah 84: Al-Inshiqaaq 6481 6482  nightly visitor.com Surahs 84-86: Al-Inshiqaaq. is sealed seal musk those who have aspirations.blogspot.www. working to toil. to work shall never return afterglow of sunset brought together became full they hide in chest. 6467 6468 6469 6470 241 Part: 30 6483 6484 6485 they give less pp. stretched out. become empty                 rusted . .: name of a spring in the Heaven   ) < 6477 they wink / signal with eyes (in mockery)   \   pits.   < The Night-Visitant Surah 86: At-Taariq 6496 fg. needed (to do so) fg. stained those who are covered / veiled 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 toiling. those who hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah 6476 gather (of good and bad deeds) (vn.. com Surahs 87-89: Al-A'alaa. . fg. fg. boiling pv.4. weary.8)  \ .6.www. are set up. fg. pleasantry for a little while silken carpet pp. unfortunate enters. ribs overwhelming 6513 6514 6515 6516 ap. fg. 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 242 Part: 30 ap. gushing \              < 6512 ap.. those spread out pv.   b\   The Most High Surah 87: Al-Aala 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 fixed firm rooted pasturage stubble.iqbalkalmati. dry grass dusky. backbone chest-bones. fg. placed.                  X                   loins. shall roast   `         < 6523 6524 6525 pv. fg. fatigued ap. set cushions pp. ranged 6504 6505 amusement. will be tested / searched out secrets the one that returns (the rain) bitter thorn-fruit shall not nourish / give strength 6503 the one that splits/ opens out 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 pp. rust-brown. is spread out warden return 30th Part 1/2     \   The Dawn <    \   Surah 89: Al-Fajr 6526 The Overwhelming Event Surah 88: Al-Ghashiyah even (number such as 2. enveloping.blogspot. shuns more wretched. fg. set in rows. swarthy avoids. of relationship of dust. steep up-hill road freeing 6531 6532 6533 6534 they hewed / cut out poured down. (lying low) in dust 6535 6536 6537 inheritance. inflicted scourge. free to do 6557 .blogspot.3. expanse corrupted. not prohibited.5. two highways 6529 6530 name of a nation having pillars. boundless love 6552 closing around. would be brought.iqbalkalmati.9) those who understand / have sense  someone put in toiling struggle           \  X       \       <   6543 6544 abundant dl. hungry of kin.www. possessing lofty columns  \       `   V \   `  \  6545 6546 6547 6548 did not attempt / hasten ascent. disaster you don't urge. two lips dl. one another you don't encourage one another 6549 6550 6551 of hunger.     is brought 6539 6540 The Sun Surah 91: Ash-Shams 6553 to bind satisfied. heritage devour greedily love exceedingly. buried drink   Z    \  \   The City < 6554 6555 6556 Surah 90: Al-Balad 6541 inhabitant. Ash-Shams 6527 6528 243 Part: 30 6542 odd (numbers such as 1.com Surahs 90-91: Al-Balad. vaulted over 6538 pv. at peace followed her showed up light spread. consequence  4\  ni. dispersed hardship. proclaim.iqbalkalmati. doomed.com Surahs 92-95: Al-Layl.. 6558 6559 244 Part: 30 6571 destroyed. went down [to grave]             < 6563 6564 6565 blazing fiercely most wretched. in need         V fig stature. fell headlong. crushed sequel. weighed down heavily 6576 6577 diverse. do not be harsh /   \       < oppress / coerce 6572 ni. toil [for worship] 6578    im. conformation. turn with love < The Glorious Morning Light Surah 93: Adh-Dhuha 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570     The Fig Surah 95: At-Teen 6579 6580 6581 6582 brightness of morning grew still and dark have not forsaken not displeased destitute. do not chide / repulse im. unfortunate most pious. God-conscious your back im. adversity perished. .blogspot. labor hard.www. those who are low   \      . mold lower pl. speak     The Night < 6573 Surah 92: Al-Layl 6560 6561 6562        Z    6574 6575 The Expansion Surah 94: As-Sharh We removed / took off galled. . relates \         forces of heavenly chastisement 6598 issue forth.www. panting. . correct worst of the creatures best of the creatures The Leech-like Clot Surah 96: Al-'Alaq 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 X   \    \   < clot [of blood] the most bountiful return we will drag along forelock. right. snorting < Those That Run Surah 100: Al-'Adiyat 6600 night of power / destiny  \              30th Part 3/4  6601 6602  \   < those who strike sparks [with their iron -shoes] The Clear Evidence Surah 98: Al-Bayyinah 6591 6603 6604 tramp of a horse-foot those raiding those who abandon /    . assembly angels of punishment. cut off from one another   \   < 6599 The Night of Power (honour) Surah 97: Al-Qadr 6590    \   pl. recounts. shaking. 245 depart < Part: 30   \   6592 6593 6594 straight. forehead council. proceed scattered groups.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surahs 96-100: Al-'Alaq. running vn.    \ b\            \ \   The Convulsion Surah 99: Al-Zilzaal 6595 6596 6597 quake. convulsion what has happened to her? speaks out. carded [wool] ungrateful. raised  \  \      moths pp. stormed into will be mountains wool pp. is raised and brought out pv. Then. fg. THE TRANSLATION OF THE SURAHS IS ALSO GIVEN SO THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK FOR ONE WHILE MEMORIZING THE MEANINGS OF THESE SURAHS. Will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction. fg. . ingrate pv.blogspot. And the mountains will be like carded wool. the sudden calamity  \  X   \        what what will explain to you   `       6611c 6611d 6611e 6611f day will be mankind. be scattered                          ) clouds of dust pl. is brought [to light] FROM THIS SURAH ONWARDS.www. WHICH ARE RECITED DAILY.Will have his home in a (bottomless) pit. MEANINGS OF ALMOST ALL THE WORDS OF EACH SURAH. ARE PROVIDED. men like The (day of) clamor: What is the (day of) clamor? And what will explain to you what the (day of) clamor is? (It is) a day where on men will be like moths scattered about. fg.iqbalkalmati.com Surah 101: Al-Qari'ah 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 246 Part: 30 6612 6613 6613a 6613b 6613c 6614 6614a 6614b 6614c 6614d 6614e pl. But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light. he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) heavy. but whose heavy scales pleasant life light his abode (mother: abyss what she is raging / blazing fire   \   < 6614f 6615 6615a 6615b 6616 The Day of Clamour Surah 101: Al-Qari'ah 6611 6611a 6611b ap. And what will explain to you what this is? (It is) a fire blazing fiercely! . . shall you be questioned that day about the joy! (you indulged in!)    < The Piling Up Surah 102: At-Takathur 6617 6618 6618a 6619 6620 6620a 6620b 6620c 6620d 6620e 6620f 6620g 6620h 6620i 6620j 6620k 6620l diverted. for e. you shall see it with certainty of sight! Then. declining day     Y             6622a 6622b 6622c 6622d 6622e 6622f 6622g 6623 man in a state of loss except. would that knowledge you will behold (see) hell vision you will be asked that day pleasure \           \                  \   < Time Through the Ages Surah 103: Al-Asr 6621 by (particle used for swearing. But nay. you soon shall know (the reality). Al-Asr 247 Part: 30 more serious things). Except those who have faith. and do righteous deeds. patience The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the By the time.www. . you soon shall know! Nay.g.blogspot. were you to know with certainty of mind. and (join together) in the mutual enjoining of truth. distracted (greed for) more and more until you visited / reached graves nay soon you will know then but (again) if. (You would beware!). Verily Man is in loss. and of patience and constancy. Until you visit the graves.com Surahs 102-103: At-Takathur. You shall certainly see Hell-fire! Again. save (those) who believe do good (works) they exhort / enjoin upon one another 6623a 6623b truth endurance.iqbalkalmati. Again. by God) 6622 [flight of] time. It shall be made into a vault over them.iqbalkalmati.www.:  ) 6631a 6623a 6624 6625 6625a 6625b 6625c 6625d 6626 6626a 6626b 6627 6628 closed columns pp.com Surahs 104-105: Al-Humazah. rises over.   \   < The Elephant Surah 105: Al-Feel       `      6632a 6632b 6632c you have seen how dealt with owners. That which does mount (right) to the hearts. fault-finder. And what will explain to you that which breaks to pieces? (It is) the Fire of Allah kindled (to a blaze). slanderer backbiter. which breaks (others) to pieces 6628a 6628b convey 6632d Ah. leaps up over     \      \ The Scandal-Monger Surah 104: Al-Humazah 6631 hearts (sr. surely pv. all scandal-monger. endless every. companions         \      \ \    crushing (torment). outstretched.blogspot. Thinking that his wealth would make him last forever! By no means! He will be sure to be thrown into that which breaks to pieces. be thrown. what will convey unto you 6633 companions of the elephants 6628c 6629 6629a what pp. traducer gathered counted thinks that made him live forever nay verily. flung               6631b 6632 Woe to every (kind of) sandal-monger and backbiter. Who piles up wealth and lays it by. Al-Feel 248 6630 < Part: 30 fg. In columns outstretched. kindled 6634 6634b the elephant brought (made) which . eaten up. devoured Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant? Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray? And (He) sent against them flight of birds. Al-Ma'oon 6634c 6635 249 Part: 30 6639a 6640 6641 6642 6642a stratagem to let go astray. Then did (He) make them like an empty field of stalks and straw (of which the corn has been eaten up).      6642j . brought to naught                  Y        \b Quraish (name of a tribe) journey winter summer so they must worship Y  X         \     \ 6635a 6635b 6636 6636a 6636b 6636c 6636d 6636e 6637 6638 sent birds. . flying creatures swarms / flocks (of birds) pelted stones baked clay made like 6642b 6642c 6642d 6642e this house (Kaabah) fed them fed them against hunger       \         6642f 6642g made them safe made them safe from fear (field of) stalks and straws pp. Their familiarity with the journeys by winter and summer.www.iqbalkalmati. For the familiarity of the Quraish. And with security against fear (of danger). Striking them with stones of baked clay.Let them worship the Lord of this House. who provides them with food against hunger.blogspot. Y       \   < < Neighborly Needs Surah 107: Al-Ma'oon 6642h 6642i The Quraish (Custodians of Ka'bah) Surah 106: Quraish have (you)? did (you)? you observed belies 6639 familiarity.com Surahs 106-107: Quraish. taming protection. www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surahs 108-109: Al-Kauthar, Al-Kfrun 6642k 6642l 6643 250 Part: 30 requital that is he repels, thrusts, pushes away             X                      6645a 6645b 6646 6646a 6646b 6646c 6647 6648 The Abdundance Surah 108: Al-Kauthar verily we we have given the abundance therefore im. pray unto your Lord im. sacrifice     \           6643a 6643b 6643c 6643d 6643e 6643f 6643g 6643h 6644 6644a 6644b orphan (n) urges, encourages feeding needy woe the praying ones those their prayer pl. neglectful, careless [your enemy] who hated / insulted / traduced you 6649 cut off, one without posterity pretend stop others from doing To you have we granted abundance. Therefore to your Lord turn in prayer and sacrifice. For he who hates you, he will be cut off (from every good thing in this world and Hereafter)  \   < 6645 small things of daily use Those Who Reject Faith Surah 109: Al-Kaafiroon 6649a 6649b 6650 small kindness, neighborly needs Have you seen him who denies the judgment (to come)? Then such is the one who repulses the orphan, And encourages not the feeding of the indigent. So woe to those performers of Salah who are neglectful of their prayers, Those who (want but) to be seen, But refuse (to supply) (even) neighborly needs. Oh! Disbelievers I worship I do not worship \    `         \   < www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surahs 110-111: An-Nasr, Lahab 6650a 6651 251 Part: 30 6654h 6655 6655a 6655b 6655c 6655d 6656 6656a that (which) pl. what you                          entering in troops then hymn the praise praise of your lord im. seek forgiveness      \        worship 6651a 6651b 6652 6652a 6653 you shall worship that which I worship I that which you have worshipped verily is ever ready to show mercy, oft-returning 6654 6654a 6654b 6654c ap. worshipper 6656b 6656c unto you your religion unto me  When comes help of Allah, and victory, And crowds, Celebrate the praises of your Lord, and pray for His forgiveness. For He is oftreturning (in forgiveness). Say: O you who reject faith! I worship not that which you worship, Nor will you worship that which I worship, And I will not worship that which you have been wont to worship, Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you be your way, and to me mine.    The Flame <    The Help 6654d 6654e 6654f 6654g < Surah 111: Al-Lahab 6657 fg. perished, doomed Surah 110: An-Nasr came help triumph you have seen    Y      `      6657a 6657b 6658 6658a both hands Abu Lahab (name) perished, doomed not www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surah 112: Al-Ikhlaas 6659 252 Part: 30 availed not, did not profit :\             Y   X       X    6666a 6667 6668 6668a 6668b 6669 6665 6665a  \   < The Purity (of Faith) Surah 112: Al-Ikhlaas the one begets not is not begotten 6659a 6659b 6659c 6659d 6659e 6659f 6659g 6659h 6660 6660a 6661 6662 6663 6663a 6663b 6664 from him his wealth that which earned soon                          6665b pv. (he) 6665c 6665d 6665e 6666 comparable, co-equal, like he the one the Eternal, the Absolute, he will be plunged fire of blazing flame woman, wife fg. carrier Besought of all, One who needs none but all need Him not begets not was not begotten there is none unto him comparable wood, (fire wood) neck her rope, halter palm-fiber Perish the hands of the father of flame! Perish he! No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains! Burnt soon will he be in a fire of blazing flame! His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - as fuel! A twisted rope of palm-leaf fiber round her (own) neck! Say: He is Allah, the One; Allah, the eternal, absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. www.iqbalkalmati.blogspot.com Surahs 113-114: Al-Falaq, An-Naas 253 Part: 30 \   The Dawn <   < The Mankind Surah 114: An-Naas Surah 113: Al-Falaq 6670 6670a I seek refuge to take refuge, to seek protection        Y       6675c 6675d 6676 6676a 6676b 6676c 6676d 6677 say mankind King God from evil whishperer the one who sneaks / withdraws (pl.: \    )       \         6670b 6671 6671a 6671b 6671c 6672 6672a 6673 6674 Lord, Sustainer daybreak, rising dawn evil which he created darkness when overspread, came fg. pl. blowers 6677a 6678 6678a 6678b 6678c who whispers in breasts, (hearts) Jinn (sr.: 6675 6675a 6675b ) knots envier envies Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn, From the mischief of created things; From the mischief of darkness as it overspreads; From the mischief of those who blow the knots; And from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envy. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and cherisher of mankind, The king of mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the whisperer, who withdraws (after his whisper), who whispers in the breasts (hearts) of mankind, of jinns and men.  i.www. you must have developed the capability to identify the meanings of new words in the translation. ***** ) @ D And say: "O My Lord! Increase me in knowledge. Hadith. insha-Allah." .e.blogspot.iqbalkalmati. There are plenty of Hadith collections available which contain the Arabic text alongside the English translation.. By now. You can start with any of them.com Lughatul-Qur'aan 254 Where Do I Go From Here? ! Where Do I Go From Here? Well! You can start studying the second main source of Islam. ..www.com Lughatul-Qur'aan 255 Where Do I Go From Here? An excellent guide to lead you to the understanding of the Qur'aan. Make this book a part of your life. SPEND 5 to 10 MINUTES PER DAY and insha-Allah WITHIN ONE YEAR. you will understand most of the Qur'aan. Is that not an effort worth investing! And Indeed. We have made Qur'aan easy to understand and remember. then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)? (Al-Qur'aan 54:17) So. All you have to do is. Keep it on your desk and study it for a couple of minutes everyday until you are able to understand Qur'aan.iqbalkalmati. .blogspot.
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