
May 14, 2018 | Author: ahmadfaiz2012 | Category: Inventory, Business, Business (General)



QUICK REFERENCE MANUAL FOR SAP MATERIALS MANAGEMENTVERSION 1.2 Page 1 of 33 PREFACE This SAP-MM Quick reference Manual release 1.2 is being released for Refinery users of Material Management for their day to day reference. This covers Master data maintenance, Transactions and frequently used reports of Refinery Division. Extensive coverage has been made on Reporting requirement of users. Since the users are already familiar with the SAP Screen navigation we screen shots have been eliminated and in their place explanatory notes, key sequence have been added, where required, to guide the user. Continuous improvements and updates are the current day norm and hence the user must keep himself updated with the changes notified by COIS core team from time to time. Such notifications are done through SAP system messages seen on the opening screen after logging in. This is the only means of reaching out all the end users. Such updated scripts / procedures are placed in the SAP shared folders and the users are encouraged to frequently check these and update their notes / reference copies. Please send your suggestions / comments to our core team members to further add value to this manual. This manual is the property of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., and is intended for limited internal use as reference material for the authorized SAP users of IOCL and subsidiary companies. Dated 01.06.06 A.M.Rao DGM-IS Corporate Information Systems Page 2 of 33 Table of contents Organization structure :....................................................................................................... 7 Material master : t-code MM03 .......................................................................................... 7 Material codification:...................................................................................................... 7 Vendor Master : t-code XK03............................................................................................. 8 Vendor Holiday listing: t-code YMR181 ....................................................................... 8 Material valuation: .............................................................................................................. 9 Purchase Requisition:.......................................................................................................... 9 PR creation t- code ME51N:........................................................................................... 9 Release of Purchase Requisition: t-code ME55.............................................................. 9 RFQ’s: t-code ME41:.......................................................................................................... 9 Pdf copy of RFQ: .......................................................................................................... 10 Defaulting tax code in RFQ : MEK1 ............................................................................ 10 Listing of RFQ : ME4S................................................................................................. 10 To Print RFQ: t-code ME9A ........................................................................................ 10 Maintain RFQ: t-code ME47 ............................................................................................ 10 Comparative statement: t-code YMR166 ......................................................................... 10 Tax code............................................................................................................................ 11 Purchase Order: t-code ME21N:....................................................................................... 11 Printing PO: t-code ME9F ............................................................................................ 11 Account assigned PO: ................................................................................................... 11 For non-inventory/non valuated materials:................................................................... 11 PO for Capital Schemes:............................................................................................... 12 Stock Transfer ( STO):ME21N......................................................................................... 12 Transfer of hydrocarbon material ................................................................................. 12 Excise table maintenance: t-code J1ID ............................................................................. 12 Chapter-id : ................................................................................................................... 12 Material and Chapter-id combination: .......................................................................... 13 CENVAT determination: .............................................................................................. 13 Vendor excise detail:..................................................................................................... 13 Excise tax rate :............................................................................................................. 13 Exceptional material excise rate : ................................................................................. 13 Good receipt in 2 steps: t-code MIGO.............................................................................. 15 Printing MRN: T-code YM12....................................................................................... 15 Material Contract: t-code ME31K .................................................................................... 15 To Print Contract: t-code ME9K................................................................................... 15 Reservations: t-code MB21............................................................................................... 15 Printing Reservation slip: t-code YM15 ....................................................................... 16 Project : ............................................................................................................................. 16 Receipt of LSTK project left-over ................................................................................ 16 Consumption of revenues stock into Project: MIGO................................................... 16 Issue Material from Project inventory to Project consumption: MIGO ....................... 16 Transfer from Project to Project stock: MB1B ............................................................. 16 Page 3 of 33 .......... 16 Print Delivery document: YM58 ................................................................................ 26 Range of coverage by usage: MC42 ................................... 25 Lead time for PO: t-code ymr174 .................................. 25 Complete description of material: t-code ym78................................................... 26 Listing of important t-codes................................................. 18 Receipt of Scrap:.. 17 To check existing stock of a material at any location : t-code MMBE...... 26 Usage based ABC analysis : MC40 ................................. 29 Purchasing reports:........................... 20 Material requirement planning:................................................... 25 Surplus check: t-code ymr120 ................ 26 Slow moving items analysis : MC46 .......................................................................................................... 22 Display MRP list: t-code MD05 ...................................................................... 17 To display inventory for a period with documents: t-code MB5B ................................ 22 Material requirement planning: t-code : MD01 /MD03 ......... 25 Single Tender PO:YMR141.................................................................................................. 19 Material Return to Vendor:...................................Transfer of material to other Plant: t-code MB1B ... 17 Code to code Transfer: t-code MB1B................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Receiving material from legacy: t-code MIGO ............... 29 Page 4 of 33 ..... 19 Material return when after acceptance of material and payment released: t-code MIGO 19 To print outward Excise cum delivery challan: t-code YM58............................................................................................................ 19 To print challan for above: t-code YM59 ......................... ............................................. 28 Purchasing listing.......................................................... 26 Inventory turnover : MC44 ........ 25 Purchasing analysis MC$I / MC$G ................................................................................. 26 Exception reporting on non moving items: MCYG............................................................1................................................................................. 16 To list transactions for a given period / material etc..................................... 25 List of PO’s exceeding given value: t-code ymr137.............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Purchasing document : YMR187.................................................................... 23 Reports .. 17 Posting consumption from Stores: t-code MIGO ................................. 16 Cancellation of a Material document :t-code MIGO ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 Transfer of Surplus material : ......................................................................................................................... 22 Display stock requirement list collectively: t-code: MD07 ......................... 25 Pending material PO summary: t-code ymr176.................................................................... 25 Plant stock analysis: T-code : mc............................................................................................................................................... 18 Create material type SBOM series 0M02001 etc............................................................................ 25 General purchasing Evaluation: ME80FN...............: t-code MB51 .............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Aging analysis : t-code ym25 ............ 18 SALE OF SCRAP / SURPLUS MATERIAL ............................................................................................................ 19 To issue material to S/contractor vendor: t-code MB1B ................... 18 Sub-contracting PO: t-code ME21N............................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Purchasing transaction ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................Inventory transaction ................................ 32 MRP transaction.......................................................... 33 Vendor evaluation......... 30 Inventory listing ......................................................................................... 31 Master data:........................................................................ 31 Inventory report: ............................................................................................................. 32 MRP listing / report .................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Page 5 of 33 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... MASTERS AND PURCHASING Page 6 of 33 . Identifier Main group XX XX XX XXX X Identifier / indicator: Imported proprietary Imported common spare Page 7 of 33 . These definitions will be used to understand the business from Materials Management perspective and to define key data structures like material master. These entities hold the material inventory in terms of quantity. is held at Plant level. purchasing data. Material can be extended to desired company code. short description is held at Client level. AFCN. Non Hydrocarbon material is a 10 digit intelligent coding. Excise master etc. The codification hierarchy is as under: Sub Group Sub-sub Group Serial no. where set of rules are defined for purchasing typically Hydrocarbon. valuation data etc. Purchasing Organization is a floating entity. Logical storage locations for stores Hydrocarbon Non Hydrocarbon Services R01. SURP) Purchasing Organization (NHVT. Lube.Organization structure : This is the definition of each entity of IOCL in terms of SAP like IOCL is Client in SAP. Material codification: Material codification is at the client level with a view to have common codification of material across IndianOil. ( material type ) for the purpose of Reporting & accounting. This is done at Refinery level is further consolidated at HQ/ Corporate. Where actual transaction takes place or where inventory is maintained. non hydrocarbon and services These are group responsible for actual purchasing of material / services Panipat Plant (9060) Storage Tank. Bulk. non valuated material etc. Sales data. R03 Storage Locations (REVN. vendors master. Entity IOCL Panipat SAP entity Client (310) Company code (9060) Features A single entity holding Group of company codes Where accounting is done for transactions and Trial balance is drawn. Accounting data is held at Company code level. Pack. MRP data. SERV. R02. Chemicals. Materials are also classified as Stores. Purchasing data. Stocks are held at Storage Data level. Likewise Location is defined as company code / Plant in SAP. quality data. MRP data. At this level material valuation is same across all storage location for a Plant. Storage data etc. accounting data. HCP) Purchasing Group Material master : t-code MM03 Material master is comprehensive data including material code. short test. Material is valuated at Plant level. First 6 digit is called coding schedule followed by 3 digit which is running numbers and followed by another digit which is a identifier / indicator. Material code. Plant as per the requirement of the Plants. Vendor Master : t-code XK03 Similarly Vendor Master is also collection of data like Vendor code. Whenever you do not find a material in CDK. Purchasing data. Whenever new vendor is required to be codified. In the meantime users will be required to map their material / codify material to regular codes and transfer material lying under 98 group to regular codes. a request may be sent to CO-IS online ( t-code ymc1) for extending the material to your Plant. Material codification request on the prescribed format be sent to CO-IS duly suggesting codification schedule i. Vendor Holiday listing: t-code YMR181 Vendor holiday listing / purchase block / posting block is being maintained centrally by respecting Divisional HO/ HQ and can be displayed thru above t-code. imported vendor.35 click on the desired main group for which you want the material code. Vendor on Holiday list are being updated in SAP by respective divisional co-ordinators. Whenever going live at locations. Duplicate vendors can be blocked by respective IS group/COIS. address. In case Material is already codified and existing in some other Plant. Finally you get desired material code as given below. a request may be sent to IS. Page 8 of 33 . address. Vendors are unique at Name and address combination i. address. Any vendor with 2 different addresses will have 2 Vendor codes. PIN.units for extending the Vendor to your Company code.66. PIN code etc. city. name. 1st 6 digits after checking in the system that it is not already codified. material lying in inventory needs be done mapped to above codes. Continue above to get sub-sub group. Balance material( unidentified and having stock) would be codified under material group 98 ( temporary codes) and purchasing blocked so as to enable user to post consumption / issue the material.14.Indigenous proprietary Indigenous common Non valuated / Insurance spare CDK ( Catalogue Development Kit ) is available for viewing in Server at WTC with ip address 10. WHT ( in case Service Vendor) etc. State key. Vendors are further grouped such as Material vendor. Country. Request for extension of Material master can be done online thru t-code YMC1.e.e. In case Vendor is already codified and is available in some other company code. Vendor code name. after verifying in the system that vendor is not already codified. Accounting data. This will take you to fist screen and again click on icon to get sub group of main group. service vendor. Government vendor. Employee vendor etc. Vendor master is a 8 digit code allocated and maintained by IS Officers at State Office. is maintained at client level Accounting data is held Company code level Purchasing data is held at Purchasing Organization level Withholding tax code data is held at Company code level Vendor code is not maintained at the Plant level. Vendor codification request is sent to respective IS State offices in the format prescribed which includes name. Material valuation: Material Valuation is at Plant Level. System also checks surplus available at any other Refinery and prompts the same while printing PR. MAP does not get changed during issue transaction. If we receive another consignment of 100 units @ Rs.e.e. To Print purchase Requisition: t-code YM17 for services and YM11 for Material Give PR number and item no.code ME51N: Put material code under material head. DG. Strategies are predefined as per the value of PR. document type should be RV. QC etc. Gp. Page 9 of 33 . delivery date etc. as per value of the value of PR. HOD. Finance concurrence. Release Group is mapped to Departments (MM. at the appropriate place. Purchase Requisition: This is usually created by the user Deptt. Purchasing Deptt. change the estimate price.) and release codes are mapped to role (IN. Budget check will happen at the time of consumption of these material from inventory.e. no budget check during purchase / payment transactions. For CENVATable goods the valuation of material is net of CENVAT amount ( Excise duty) as this amount is claimable in RG23 Register. CL. If ‘x’ material is valued at Rs.100/. Give Plant. Storage Location and Department code. i.each. will process. PR creation t. Item specific text etc. GM etc.in a Plant for a total quantity of 100 units. stationery/ insurance items.120/.) Release strategy automatically gets triggered and levels are set like initiator. Document type is ZM for normal RFQ. initiator and approver ( HOD) RFQ’s: t-code ME41: Purchase Requisition ( PR) can be processed for Tendering thru RFQ( Request for Quotation). Strategy Value Value of PR CL L1 upto 50000 CL L2 50001 -500000 CL L3 500001-2500000 CL L4 > 2500000 For IC item the release is 2 steps i. Save the Purchase Requisition and this will generate a PR number. if required. Indicate Document date and quotation deadline in appropriate field. System will automatically determine the valuation of material at MAP of the Plant.e. into Inventory ( codified items only) except for non valuated material i. Purchase Requisition for RFQ( Request for Quotation) and PO( Purchase Order/ Contract).each unit. thus generated. For the material or services required. You may. FC etc. No a/c assignment is required for material recd. then the MAP automatically changes to 110/. and execute (F8) Release of Purchase Requisition: t-code ME55 PR release is activated for certain Departments. Maintain qty. For consumable material the CENVAT is available 100% at the time of GR and in case of Capital Goods the CENVAT is available 50% against GR and 50% is on hold which can be utilized next fiscal. This can also be done without referring to any PR also. Put text such as Header text. Non Hydro carbon Material are valuated at Moving Average price Concept i. Document type is NB for standard PR and for which contract is required.. click Execute Page down and this will show the break-up of the prices inputted for individual quotations. Delivery date Storage Location. say PRP/01/06 and target value ( estimated LC) and click enter Select the item and click Adopt+details. Indicate quotation deadline date. Save the document. Plant. Page 10 of 33 . Pdf copy of RFQ: RFQ in pdf format is also generated to be sent to vendor in soft form. required tracking number (any file reference) etc. Following access sequence has been given Plant/Vendor/Material Plant/Vendor/Matl group Plant/Vendor Plant/Material Plant/Matl group Purchasing Organisation The system accesses above table top down and whenever it encounters valid record. Listing of RFQ : ME4S Input another vendor code and save the document. Click the back arrow. this leaves the table and populates the value into transaction. and enter Enter Quotation reference and date and enter Select the item and Click on item conditions Input tax code as given in the details below: In the next screen input the conditions like basic price. Purchasing group and click reference to Purchase requisition. Comparative statement: t-code YMR166 Give Purchasing Organization Collective number in the appropriate field.e. Save the document. and execute (F8) Maintain RFQ: t-code ME47 Enter the RFQ no. Freight. For detailed condition break-up tick in the box and execute(F8). In the next screen input Purchase requisition no. i. Inspection etc. Delivery date. Defaulting tax code in RFQ : MEK1 Tax code cannot be directly inputted into RFQ but needs be inputted in condition record table thru t-code MEK1 for condition type NAVS.Indicate Purchasing organization and Purchasing Group In the default data for items indicate Plant. Quotation comments should be inputted which forms basis for reports like single Tender report etc. Tender no. Give collective no. and click enter. Change the quantities if required Enter and this will take you to next screen. You can list all such documents by t-code ME4S Input collective number and other details like Purchasing Organization etc. and execute To Print RFQ: t-code ME9A Give RFQ number and item no. Gp. and save the PO. If you take a final out put you will not be able to take a print-out again without resetting the print options. ED. Budget check will happen at the time of consumption of these material from inventory. VAT (if applicable)) has changed. CST etc in conjunction with Excise Duty rates. into Inventory ( codified items only) except for non valuated material i. LST + Surcharges = 8.e. Vendor will always will be actual vendor from where the material is being recd. stationery i. LST + Surcharges = 8. Scroll right in the item overview and input RFQ no. CST etc are also given. NON VAT STATES All materials. separately for LST/CST. which are Excisable. For example if the LST is 8% and there is a surcharge of 10 % and ED is applicable then the tax code to be used is JL = ED. No a/c assignment is required for material recd. is made mandatory in PO.8%. NON VAT STATES If the LST is 8% and there is a surcharge of 10 % and ED is not applicable then the tax code to be used is HL = Nil ED. G/L code. as NHVT. should also have an entry in Cenvat Determination table apart from Material Chapter ID Combination table.8%. V1) used earlier now there would be multiple tax codes corresponding to different rates of LST. Or Where material is being issued for Capital Works against Internal Order or maintenance Order or . Instead of 2 tax codes (V0. Pur.Tax code With migration to Standard SAP Tax Codes. the method of calculating taxes (CST. For non-inventory/non valuated materials: No inventory can be maintained for the purchase where no code for the material is available and as such acctt. Purchase Order: t-code ME21N: PO type will be ZP in case of indigenous and ZQ in case of imported and date of PO will be actual date of PO. Collective no. no budget check during purchase / payment transactions. cost center and fund etc. Assignment ( Budget reference) has to be given in the PO itself i. which are Cenvatable. All materials. as shown in the figure below. Therefore instead of putting the rates. B04 and company code 9060 at the header. and item no. For above transaction choose document type ZP. Account assigned PO: Acct. These rates are inclusive of surcharge if applicable. should have entry in Excise Master (J1ID) in the Table Material Chapter ID Combination. assigned PO where material code is not known or direct consumption is to be posted.e. Page 11 of 33 . now one has to select the appropriate tax codes corresponding to the correct combination of Excise rate and LST/CST. In the description of Tax Codes the rates of LST. LST. Input Purchasing Org. Upon entering it will automatically populate details from RFQ as under: Change the conditions if required and insert texts etc.e. Printing PO: t-code ME9F Give PO number and execute (F8) Tick the left item box and take a trial print out. input valuation type as ‘stor_spare’ in PO. Plant and Storage Location where the material is required in item overview screen. PO type ZN shall not be used and this type of PO will be created under doc. qty. date.e. Transfer of hydrocarbon material For transfer of hydro carbon material. Note: For normal purchase PO's on vendors. qty. Excise table maintenance: t-code J1ID Following tables appearing in above t-code needs be maintained Chapter-id Material and Chapter-id combination CENVAT determination Vendor excise detail Excise tax rate Exceptional material excise rate Chapter-id : In this table Chapter-id and material description id given as per the Excise tariff table. This type of Order will be used for Capital procurement. 9030 for Gujarat Refinery.90 MTBE CD COLUMN CATALYST HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS Page 12 of 33 . In case of ‘N’ input G/L code 588888888888( 5 followed by all 8’s). No shipping instructions) Save PO PO for Capital Schemes: The process is same as given above. type ZP or ZQ ( indigenous/ imported )as the case may be. the same may be captured in Header text of PO by the MM user. Assign. Expand item overview button.. Assignment ‘Q’ nothing need be inputted as it will default from PR.e. create PO ( doc. Chapter-id Material description 3811. this should not be changed and this item should be deleted and redone with appropriate G/L code ) Indicate Shipping instructions appropriately ( In most cases this is V4 i. Now give material code. Give Purchasing Org.. This may be done with immediate effect.e. HO/RO/SO etc. In case of acctt. Assignments maintained. type ZO) and give vendor as the Plant from where is indented i. In the PO header give Purchasing Organization( NHVT). basic rate etc. irrespective of placement of order by non SAP locations or payment by non-SAP locations i. Cat) In short text put material description to be purchased. Purchasing Gp. Give doc. For instructions to local Finance not to release payment for such PO's. I header data In item overview screen put ‘K’ in column A ( acctt. In Place of K put Q or N and this will prompt you for WBS and G/L. Please note that once acctt.Create PO type ZP by t-code ME21N Give vendor code and date of PO. Company code. Stock Transfer ( STO):ME21N In case supplying Plant is on SAP. Storage Loc( REVN) . This will enable the material to be valuated as stores & spares instead of finished goods while doing GR. cost center and fund( in case of maintenance item). Material group ( say 89 for packaging machinery) Put appropriate tax code after maintaining excise tables) Put appropriate G/ L code. Indicate Plant. and Company code. Also GR reference that single or multiple Excise is also indicated.2001 9040 9880500234 8946053014 31. CST no.2003 Excise rate 4819. Material Plant Chapter-id Material type GR. Chapter –id Exc.2000 Chapter-id 31.no Exc.reg. maintain 1. Indicator pl.07. Plant Input Material Output Material Date 9060 9880500204 8946053014 31. Assets are given.12 9. Indicator Valid from In Exc. range Exc.Ref 0835101013 9500 84 C Consumables 2 Multiple GR for one excise CENVAT determination: This table is to be maintained only if the material is CENVATable.03.2001 Vendor excise detail: Following details are required to be maintained: Vendor ECC number Exc.12.Material and Chapter-id combination: In this table material and chapter-id for a Plant is given. LST no. Coll. Valid to Excise rate Exceptional material excise rate : If a vendor is charging Excise rate other than that maintained in above table then exception rate is maintained in this table Plant 9020 Material 8911425174 Vendor 10229207 Validity 18.6000 Page 13 of 33 . Capital goods. Exc. PAN Exc. Div. Indicator Excise tax rate : In this table Excise tariff for Chapter-id combination is maintained. Also Material type is defined like raw material. In this table Input / output relationship is maintained for a Plant.12. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Page 14 of 33 . For material Contract can be made without Plant also. Assignment i. Total contract value can be controlled in the contract at Header level. Document type MK for Quantity and WK for value contract(item rate) Assign Purchasing Organization. Type 105. This is prepared by the user indicating the material mvt. Page 15 of 33 . Type 103 Go to the quantity tab and change the quantity if required Go to the where tab and tick the item okay Check the document before posting by clicking F7 and post the document Step 2: Now release the material from GR block stock by clicking the appropriate option from the drop down. Give the Vendor code. and mvt. Material Contract: t-code ME31K Contracts are agreements with vendor normally for a longer period of time without firm committment. assignment for all services. recd. Reservations: t-code MB21 The reservation is a transaction to draw material from the stores. and year and select ac-99 or A4 plain stationery. In the second step. and Material gp... G/L code. based on the challan raised by the vendor without subjecting to inspection etc. Printing MRN: T-code YM12 Put Document no. Release from block stock by mvt. At the time of making call-up Plant is a mandatory field. material code. Change the quantities if required. Budget check does not happen at Contract level. Give validity date of the contract and target value Click enter to go to next screen where you will enter services in short text and other details like Quantity( optional in case of value contract). cost center. Receive into block stock by mvt. Storage location. Input PO no. Click Repeat acctt. For the above transaction receive material for a Purchase Order. (ZSERV in case of service contract) . Execute (F8). If you take a final out put you will not be able to take a print-out again without resetting the print options. is recd. Purchasing Gp. Material can be received against these call-ups ( PO) only. Type 105 ( t-code MIGO) for the actual qty. into the stock. the material is subjected to inspection etc. Unit rate Enter and Enter and maintain acctt. Unit of measure. MRN print is possible for document posted for mvt. Plant( if contract for multiple Plant leave this field blank). Type. Type 103 ( t-code MIGO) for the challan qty. Go to PO data tab and evaluate shipping instructions Save the document. Enter To Print Contract: t-code ME9K Give PO number and execute (F8) Tick the left item box and take a trial print out. / physically verifying the material/ qty. NOTE: In case QM activated material like process chemicals 105 can be done only after this is cleared by Lab. quantity and text for any details etc.Good receipt in 2 steps: t-code MIGO Goods receipt to be done in 2 steps in case the material is first recd.e. and then actual qty. cost center and fund ( for maintenance only ) as given below. Assignment button for repeating acctt. Call-up are made ( Purchase Order in SAP) against these Contracts for the firmed up quantity. filter and mvt. Text. del. S. and year and select ac-99. This will directly debit (+) the Project and credit (-) the Inventory.loc – 311 & 312 Material to Material – 309 & 310 Issue to SAP loc – 351& 352 Issued to non SAP Loc: 911 & 912 Receipts 101. Doc. Execute (F8) Note: Capture Excise Invoice w. To list transactions for a given period / material etc. Reservations print out is not possible for completed reservations.r. Loc. Issue Material from Project inventory to Project consumption: MIGO This is again done against reservation by mvt. loc etc. Maintain text Save the document. delivery document before dispatch of material. Type 221.: t-code MB51 Give Plant / S. Printing Reservation slip: t-code YM15 Enter the reservation number and execute. date etc. and click adopt +details In the next screen indicate material code. Enter doc. Consumption of revenues stock into Project: MIGO Consumption can be directly posted from revenue stores to Project without going by Project inventory route. This will credit (-) the Project and debit (+) the inventory. This can be posted against reservation for mvt. Tick in the check box and enter. 105 Return to vendor 122. Click tab ‘To Purchase order’ In the next screen put PO no. Type. qty. This will credit (-) the Excise register of the dispatching location based on which receiving location can avail the CENVAT. 103. as under: S. Budget check is facilitated while printing reservation. This debits Project consumption and credits inventory Transfer from Project to Project stock: MB1B This is done through mvt.t. Print Delivery document: YM58 Put Document no. Type 281 Q . T-code MB1B for SAP location mvt. Type 415 Transfer of material to other Plant: t-code MB1B Material to SAP locations can only be issued against STO( Stock Transport Order) issued by receiving Plant onto your location. 124 Page 16 of 33 . type 351. Date.The user will take the print out of this Reservation cum GI slip and hand over to the Stores in-charge for issuing the material against this slip.Loc to S.Loc. Project : Receipt of LSTK project left-over Receipt of leftover material from LSTK project will be taken into inventory thru mvt. Note Indicate mvt. posting date. Plant and S. Type 222. Type 351 against STO raised by receiving location. Put material code. Give the doc. to be cancelled. Enter Maintain the requisite text and save the document. Put the desired values as indicated above. PO can be amended for except for doc.Loc if required. click on environment/ material mvt. Code to code Transfer: t-code MB1B Initially when appropriate code is not available at the time of go-live. Click the execute icon again to execute query. system will ask Material. To see the details of all mvt. location level.Issued to s/contractor vendor 541 For multiple selection click on icon as indicated above. NOTE: This is particularly useful to find surplus stock available at any location. type. post consumption at the time of issue to the Plant by mvt. This will take you to screen as given below. issuing Plant. t-code MB1B mvt. double click on the document no. Type 201 (t-code MIGO) typically all except Capital material. indicate reason code and text and save. The click environment -> material movement.Loc. qty and where tab respectively. material is codified under 98 group.Loc. To do this leave Plant field blank and maintain S. and this will take you to that document display mode. Type. quantity and location storage location from where material is being issued in Material tab. Execute the query by clicking To display warehouse stock for all material as on date: t-code MB52 click icon Material document cannot be modified. Click Enter. To check existing stock of a material at any location : t-code MMBE T-code MMBE. To display inventory for a period with documents: t-code MB5B Tick no zero stock line in case you do not wish to see material with ‘0’ stocks. For this material / S. To be cancelled and reposted.Loc as SUPR and execute the query. At this point of time. To see the details of the document .loc. Posting consumption from Stores: t-code MIGO For consumable material. However. Cost center. a reservation document also. S. This will show the material stock for Company code.Loc for which you wish to see the movements. Page 17 of 33 . place cursor on the S.r. Type 309 Give reason code for mvt. Cancellation of a Material document :t-code MIGO Go to MIGO and choose cancellation option. Vendor and a/c assignments. location code and S. When this material is codified under regular group the material is transferred from 98 group to regular code using this mvt. This will deplete the stocks from the stores. Save the document. Locations and S. No. Click on execute icon. To check what all movements have happened for the material at a Plant/S. This can also be done w. icon on the screen.t. give material code. Enter . ass. tab Put cost center in the acct. This transaction debit (+) the inventory and also credits (-) the project/ cost center etc. Date and posing date.Loc . ( use Y21 Q for Project receipts) Give doc.……. Tab. And text in the where tab. Attaching material to SBOM material Note: if the material is sold individually. For INSR material input ‘0 value as value field has been made mandatory. Put cost center Save the document. T-code CS01 Enter In the next screen enter material for which sales BOM is required. ass.Loc. Use mvt. attach individual material to SBOM material already created in the system.Loc – SURP Create material type SBOM series 0M02001 etc. Put material code in material tab as shown above. assignment tab. and value in the respective field. Please note to mention value in the quantity tab of the document before posting otherwise material will be recd. SALE OF SCRAP / SURPLUS MATERIAL Receipt of Scrap: Create Receipt of material to be disposed off into Unrestricted Stock without reference to Process order thru T-code MIGO Mvt type – Y21 Plant . 9040 S. Materials Master: Page 18 of 33 . appropriate reason code and any text. Receiving material from legacy: t-code MIGO This transaction is used to receive the material into stores which was issued before SAP go-live. Post the document. Put Plant storage loc. In the qty tab put quantity and value of the material. Put qty.i.SCRP Or Mvt. Note : If the value of dismantled asset is ‘0 leave the fields blank. input Cost center in case of revenue stores or WBS in case of Project. And Storage location. In the system with ‘0’ value which will distort the valuation of material.e.REVN Receiving S. Transfer of Surplus material : Make transfer posting of identified surplus material from REVN stores to SURP ( Surplus ) stores thru tcode MB1B Mvt type – 311 Issuing S. In the where tab put Plant where the material is being received. type y21 in MIGO Goods issue transaction.(. Reason for mvt.Click enter and 2 more tabs will appear on the screen namely Partner and acct. In the acct. Type – z21 done dismantling of asset You need to put wdv ( book value) of the dismantled asset while doing the transaction. skip the item If material is being disposed off in lots. System will automatically take the appropriate mvt. 2/. For the material. from vendor will automatically be valued at Rs. In case the material has been recd. Click tab ‘To Purchase order’ In the next screen put PO no.per Kg. from the vendor. Loc. date etc. Page 19 of 33 . type 541 . Put the return qty. Go to material data tab To issue material to S/contractor vendor: t-code MB1B Enter doc. Material return cycle with mvt. in material master. S. for 1 tank fabrication 750 Kg end plate and 250 kg bottom plate is required then in the 1st screen code for Tank will be given and qty. Follow sales cycle Sub-contracting PO: t-code ME21N This is used where certain material from inventory is issued to a vendor for value addition like Copper sheets are issued for converting into Copper tubing. qty. Save the document and note down the number. Type 105 against which material was recd. return to vendor can be done either from GR block stock / QM block stock / unrestricted use. 22/. This can be seen in the PO history. Material return when after acceptance of material and payment released: t-code MIGO In such a case payment for such defective material is to be received first. To print challan for above: t-code YM59 Put Document no. In the appropriate field. or deemed to have been recd. Date. Maintain text Save the document. and click adopt +details In the next screen indicate material code. to the actual / contract qty.per Kg then the material recd. Upon clicking ‘enter’ this will take you to component screen where material code/s issued from the store will be entered in the appropriate ratio e.g. as 750 kg and 250 Kg respectively. Return to Vendor may be done by t-code MIGO giving reference of original document mvt. This will automatically update the component qty.20/.per Kg is issued and conversion charges are paid @ Rs. loc etc. Plant and S. Upon going GR of the material this will post consumption in proportion to the quantity received for the finished goods. note Indicate mvt. If plates @ Rs. del. code for such mvt. and year and select ac-99 or A4 plain stationery. del. Type for the transaction depending on where the material is lying in the system. This process adds value to the material being issued to the tune of amount paid for services e. in the proportion.g. After this go back to the initial screen and replace 1 with the qty. posting date. is more than the return qty. will be 1 and in component screen 2 code for end plate and bottom plate will be given with qty. before go-live. Type 122 to be followed under MIGO as given above. Execute Material Return to Vendor: Pick up the relevant Purchase Order for the material against which material was recd.( to be done by CO-IS. Click the item okay and change the quantity Enter the text and reason for movement. pick up the latest PO where GR qty. Text. Excise Invoice for such returns may be captured in the system if required. rate. Doc.Now extend the sales view incorporating relevant material pricing gp. qty. In this case item category will be ‘L’ in the PO and in the item overview the indicate finished material code. Execute Page 20 of 33 . This document facilitates vendor to take credit based on credit surrendered by us.To print outward Excise cum delivery challan: t-code YM58 This may be noted that this document is to be printed after capturing excise invoice. Put Document no. and year and select ac99 or A4 plain stationery. MRP Page 21 of 33 . reservations etc. Upon prompting click enter. Display MRP list: t-code MD05 In this screen MRP list is displayed individually or collectively. Material requirement planning: t-code : MD01 /MD03 Material requirement Planning ( MRP) can be done at individual level and collective level i. This procedure deals with the MRP for a single material at a plant. The MRP run is used to automatically generate planned orders or purchase requisitions enabling the replenishment of stocks depleted by consumption and the planning of known requirements identified by reservations. Planned orders can be automatically adjusted when the planning data changes. . The purpose of the MRP run is to ensure that the right material arrives at the right place at the appropriate time. The MRP controller uses the display function to review both MRP lists and stock requirements list to analyze the requirements and decide on a course of action. We normally use NETPL type planning only. stock’ when material goes below ROL. MD01 is used for running MRP at plant level or at Group level / range of codes MD03 is used for running MRP at individual material level This transaction is used to process materials requirement planning for individual Materials Master. Upon clicking this will give material master data this will show the details To see the details of each dependant requirement click on icon Upon clicking the spectacles icon this will take inside the corresponding material document where this can be edited if required. stock transfers. The planning is ‘replenish to max. Multiple groups / selected material can be selected by entering respective material groups as shown above. there is one key difference. The system shows the statistics as under. However. stock – existing stock. It may be noted that it considers safety stock for the purpose of calculation of availability but creates PR for quantity = Max. This will show MRP for individual material. t-code : MD04 On the initial screen input as under: Upon entering the will give the stock requirement list: This list gives all dependant requirements like opening stock.e. as against the MRP List which will at all times show the positions at time of Planning. and that is that this listing always will show the CURRENT Date position in Planning. all material for the plant or by selection of group.Material requirement planning: Stock requirement list: The purpose of this procedure is to display the Current Stock versus Requirement list for an individual item. You can select the item go inside the planning details for the individual item for reviewing. You can go to individual planning or requirement list by clicking respective icon. purchase orders. This listing is almost identical to the MRP List Display – for an Individual Material. In the selection screen either MRP controller ( REF) or MRP date can be given to see the MRP list. Page 22 of 33 . One can also see the run time statistics. This will display the entire material for planning. The key difference is that here you see the CURRENT as on date position of Planning as against the position as on date of Planning in the case of MRP List.Display stock requirement list collectively: t-code: MD07 The purpose of this procedure is to display a collective Stock versus Requirement list of several Materials together. You can restrict selection in foreground or background. As you keep reviewing the material this will flag the material by putting green/ red button against that item. This list is almost identical to the Collective Display of MRP List. Page 23 of 33 . The MRP controller uses the display function to review both MRP lists and stock requirements list to analyze the requirements and decide on a course of action In the initial screen you can input the MRP controller. REPORTS Page 24 of 33 . t PR and RFQ can be checked by executing above Report. Purchasing analysis MC$I / MC$G This analysis purchasing ( quantities / values) Plant-wise / vendor-wise for PO / GR / IV quantity / value General purchasing Evaluation: ME80FN It returns list of PO’s for a given plant/vendor / material / doc.100 which is replica of production server and gets updated every night. List of PO’s exceeding given value: t-code ymr137 This helps user to list PO’s exceeding certain value / as per CVC requirement Lead time for PO: t-code ymr174 Lead time w. date range / material group ( any other parameter at header / item level) in ALV format. Such reports are grouped together and are available under t-code YX01. Surplus check: t-code ymr120 Surplus check can be done by inputting Purchase requisition. Pending material PO summary: t-code ymr176 This enables user to list / analyse PO’s due until <date> for a plant / purchasing group Single Tender PO:YMR141 Enables tracking single Tender PO with quotation comments for further analysis Purchasing document : YMR187 Lists all Purchasing documents from RFQ.r. the complete viewing of material data can be taken by above t-code. There are some standard SAP reports which start with M* and a few reports are developed specifically as per IOCL requirement ( starting with y*).51. Purchasing Complete description of material: t-code ym78 As the material description gets details partly from header data and partly from item data. PO and contracts for a collective no.Reports Reports should be run on reporting server only (ip 10. Page 25 of 33 .10. This is available for date range.1 This gives reporting on Stock quantity.Inventory Management Plant stock analysis: T-code : mc. Plant and created by. consumption. Page 26 of 33 . issues. value. In terms of value On material type attribute on material groups ABC analysis on value Usage based ABC analysis : MC40 Slow moving items analysis : MC46 Inventory turnover : MC44 Range of coverage by usage: MC42 Exception reporting on non moving items: MCYG Exceptions as given below are created in the system NON_MOVE_1 Non Moving > One Year NON_MOVE_4 Non Moving > 4 Years NON_MOVE_5 Non Moving > 5 YEAR Aging analysis : t-code ym25 To report all RC’s (mvt. Type 103) for which 105 is pending. receipts for a set of or all material for a given period. LIST OF COMMON TRANSACTION CODES Page 27 of 33 . Listing of important t-codes Purchasing transaction ME21N ME22N ME23N ME31 ME31K ME33K ME41 ME42 ME43 ME47 ME48 ME51N ME52N ME53N ME54 ME55 ME56 ME57 ME5A ME9A ME9E ME9F ME9K MEDL MEK1 MEK2 MEK3 Create Purchase Order Change Purchase Order Display Purchase Order Create Outline Agreement Create Contract Display Contract Create Request For Quotation Change Request For Quotation Display Request For Quotation Create Quotation Display Quotation Create Purchase Requisition Change Purchase Requisition Display Purchase Requisition Release Purchase Requisition Collective Release of Purchase Reqs. Schedules Message Output: Purchase Orders Message Output: Contracts Price Change: Contract Create Conditions (Purchasing) Change Conditions (Purchasing) Display Conditions (Purchasing) YM01 YM08 YM46 YM78 YM83 YMC184 YMR166 YMR178 Enter LR/RR Details Storage Bin Maintenance Letter of Acceptance / Internal Note Material List Tender Committee Recommendation TCode For text Upload CS(Material) for VAT Purchase Requisitions Page 28 of 33 . Requisition Assign and Process Requisitions Purchase Requisitions: List Display Message Output: RFQs Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Assign Source to Purch. Selection Purchasing Information System PURCHIS: PurchGrp Analysis Selection PURCHIS: Update Diagnosis Purch. Selection PURCHIS: Vendor PurchVal Selection PURCHIS: Vendor Freqs. Selection PURCHIS: MatGrp Freq.Doc. Selection PURCHIS: Material Freqs. PURCHIS: Vendor Analysis Selection PURCHIS: MatGrp Analysis Selection PURCHIS: Material Analysis Selection Purchasing Information System Price Comparison List Purchasing Reporting Purchasing Reporting: RFQs General Analyses (A) Purchasing Reporting: POs Page 29 of 33 .Purchasing listing ME2B ME2C ME2J ME2K ME2L ME2M ME2N ME2O ME2S ME31 ME31K ME33K ME41 ME42 ME43 ME47 ME48 ME49 ME4B ME4C ME4L ME4M ME4N ME4S POs by Requirement Tracking Number Purchase Orders by Material Group Purchase Orders for Project Purch. Orders by Account Assignment Purchase Orders by Vendor Purchase Orders by Material Purchase Orders by PO Number SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor) Services per Purchase Order Create Outline Agreement Create Contract Display Contract Create Request For Quotation Change Request For Quotation Display Request For Quotation Create Quotation Display Quotation Price Comparison List RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number RFQs by Material Group RFQs by Vendor RFQs by Material RFQs by RFQ Number RFQs by Collective Number Purchasing reports: MC$0 MC$2 MC$4 MC$: MC$E MC$O MCE0 MCE1 MCE2 MCE3 MCE5 MCE7 MCE9 ME49 ME80 ME80A ME80AN ME80F PURCHIS: PurchGrp PurchVal Selection PURCHIS: PurchGrp Freqs. K) Analysis of Order Values Analysis of Order Values YM115 YM168 YMR120 YMR137 YMR139 YMR141 YMR146 YMR174 YMR176 IC stocks less than Reorder Level Purchase Values Purchase Req.Change Status Invoice Overview Enter Invoice Service Entry Sheet Display Service Entry Sheet Message Processing: Service Entry List of Service Entry Sheets Display Batch YM01 YM12 YM175 YM25 YM37 YM52 YM54 YM57 YM58 Enter LR/RR Details Goods Receipt Note Forms Tracking Ageing Analysis Insurance Claims Action (104) LR /RR Register Free Issue of Material for Services Consignment Note Payment Request Excise Challan cum Invoice Page 30 of 33 . Surplus Material List Of POs Exceeding Given Values VENDOR Wise Regretted Enquiries Single tender/Deemed Sing.ME80FN ME80R ME80RN ME81 ME81N General Analyses (F) Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts. General Analyses (L.Code for Lead Time in PO Report Pending PO Summary report Inventory transaction MB1B MB21 MB22 MB23 MIGO MIGO_GI MIGO_GO MIGO_GR MIR4 MIR6 MIRO ML81N ML82 ML83 ML84 MSC3N Transfer Posting Create Reservation Change Reservation Display Reservation Goods movement Goods Movement Goods Movement Goods Movement Call MIRO . Tender PO PSL Report for NHC materials T. Stock INVCO: SLoc Anal.Sel.Sel. List List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand Display Plant Stock Availability Material Doc.Selection.Anal.4 MC.C MC.8 MC. Turnover INVCO: MRP Cntlr.Selection. Coverage INVCO: Material Anal.Selection. Rec/Iss INVCO: Plant Anal.Sel.Sel.V MC. Selection.7 MC.Type Anal. Selection.F MC.Group Anal.A MC.Type Anal.Type Anal.9 MC.1 MC.Anal. Rec/Iss INVCO: MRP Cntlr Anal.3 MC.Anal. Selection: Stock INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection. Coverage INVCO: Mat.YM59 DISPATCH CHALLAN Inventory listing MB24 MB25 MB51 MB52 MB53 MB59 MB5B MB5L MB5S MB5T Reservation List Reservation List Material Doc.Sel. Selection: Rec/Iss INVCO: SLoc Anal.E MC.U MC. Turnover INVCO: Mat.Coverage INVCO: SLoc Anal.5 MC.T MC. Stock INVCO: MRP Cntrllr Anal.Anal.O MC.Selection. Rec/Iss INVCO: Mat.D MC. Turnover INVCO: Mat. Turnover INVCO: Mat. List Stocks for Posting Date List of Stock Values: Balances Display List of GR/IR Balances Stock in transit CC YMR138 YMR173 YMU154 List of IC Items as per Stock Value 103 Listing of Non Hydrocarbon Month end Subcontracting Stock Inventory report: MC. Stock INVCO: Mat.B MC. Rec/Iss INVCO: Mat.Turnover INVCO: Plant Anal.Turnover INVCO: SLoc Anal.Sel. Coverage INVCO: Mat.Group Anal.M MC.Group Anal. Sel.2 MC.Selection. Sel.Anal.Selection Stock INVCO: Mat. Sel. Rec/Issues INVCO: Mat.6 MC. Coverage Page 31 of 33 .Group Analysis Sel.Sel.G MC.N MC.Selection.Type Anal.W INVCO: Plant Anal.L MC. Coverage INVCO: MRP Cntrllr.Stock INVCO: Mat.Selection. Analysis Selection INVCO: Material Analysis Selection INVCO: MRP Cntrlr Analysis Selection Stock Overview Master data: ME01 ME03 ME04 ME05 ME06 ME07 ME08 ME0M MM01 MM02 MM03 MM04 MM06 MM60 Maintain Source List Display Source List Changes to Source List Generate Source List Analyze Source List Reorganize Source List Send Source List Source List for Material Create Material & Change Material & Display Material & Display Material Change Documents Flag Material for Deletion Materials List YMC1 YMC2 YMC3 Material Code Extension Material Code Extension (Status) Material Code Extension (Upload) MRP transaction MD01 MD02 MD03 MD04 MRP Run MRP .Val. of Current Stock Values INVCO: Mean Stock Values INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection INVCO: Stor. Multi-level MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level Display Stock/Requirements Situation Page 32 of 33 . INVCO: Range Of Coverage By Reqmts INVCO:Analysis of Inventory Turnover INVCO: Analysis of Usage Values INVCO: Analysis of Slow-Moving Items INVCO: Analysis of Reqmt Values INVCO: Anal. Loc.Single-item.MC40 MC41 MC42 MC43 MC44 MC45 MC46 MC47 MC48 MC49 MC50 MCBA MCBC MCBE MCBG MMBE INVCO: ABC Analysis of Usage Values INVCO: ABC Analysis of Reqmt Values INVCO: Range of Coverage by Usg. Single-level MPS . Serv Page 33 of 33 .Single-item.. MRP lists of MRP controller Product Group Planning Evaluation Cross-Plant Evaluation Vendor evaluation ME61 ME62 ME63 ME64 ME65 ME6A ME6B ME6C ME6D ME6E ME6G ME6H YM10 Maintain Vendor Evaluation Display Vendor Evaluation Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria Evaluation Comparison Evaluation Lists Changes to Vendor Evaluation Display Vendor Evaln.MMD1 MMD2 MMD3 MMD6 MMD7 Create MRP Profile Change MRP Profile Display MRP Profile Delete MRP Profile Display MRP Profile Usage MRP listing / report MD05 MD06 MD07 MD41 MD42 MD43 MD44 MD45 MD46 MD47 MD48 Individual Display Of MRP List Collective Display Of MRP List Current Material Overview MPS . for Material Vendors Without Evaluation Vendors Not Evaluated Since.Single-item. Evaluation Records Without Weighting Vendor Evaluation in the Background Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluation Score Entry for Criteria Gen.. Interactive MPS Evaluation MRP List Evaluation Eval.Single-item. Multi-level MPS .
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