Questions on C



Dr. K. N.Modi University, Newai – Rajasthan QUESTION BANK (3rd Semester – B.Tech) VOLUME - II NAME BRANCH ROLL NO :_____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ Campus: Plot No. INS-1, RIICO Industrial Area Ph-II, Newai, Distt. Tonk, Rajasthan – 304021 (India) E-mail : [email protected] Website : Contact No. 08875010002/08 1|Page CONTENTS S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Particulars SYLLABUS : Page No. 4 5 6 7 8-28 29-69 70-95 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING & C++ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT QUESTION BANK OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING & C++ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2|Page Dr. K. N. Modi University, Newai – Rajasthan SYLLABUS For 3rd Semester B.Tech Programme 3|Page Defining data members and member functions. PHI Herbert Schieldt.4 Polymorphism: Run time. “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”. Unit . TMH. A simple C++ program. Type conversions in C++.3 Inheritance: Introduction. 5. class.5 Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators. 4. dynamic binding. message passing. Constructors and Destructors Unit . Base class and derived class. Early binding. Late binding. Classes and Objects. Thinking in C++ . Exception Specification (i. Rajesh K.Bruce Eckel. Usage of Try. hierarchical. “Programming in JAVA”. Unit . Examination Scheme: Component Assignment Weightage Reference Books: 1. new operators and keywords. multiple. James Rumbaugh. hybrid. Throw). Polymorphism. this pointer. Array of objects. Basic concept of object oriented programming: Object. Inline Functions. Shukla “Object Oriented Programming in C++”. “The Complete Reference: Java”. Unit – 1 Introduction to OOP: Procedural Programming. Virtual functions and pure virtual functions. 2.e. overloading using friend functions. Abstract class. multilevel. Virtual base class. 25 Mid Term University Examination Examination 15 60 Total 100 4|Page . Inheritance. TMH. Basic Facilities: Data Types. data abstraction and encapsulation. Exception handling: Error Handling. Friend Functions. Unit . Catch. Compile time. application of OOP. Balaguruswamy. 3. Static class members. Functions: Call by reference. Object oriented Programming Paradigm.2 Tour of C++: Application of C++. structure of C++ program.OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING & C++ Subject Code: 02BT305 Course Objective: Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a Programming Paradigm that uses objects data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions to design applications and computer programs. Types of Inheritance: single. Function overloading. E. statistical process control. Total Quality Management – Text and Cases. William J. Probability Distributions. Creating Quality. T distribution. Pearson Education. Chi. operating characteristics curve. the PDSA cycle. and Control Charts for attributes .p chart . Unit1: Quality and Quality Control. Introduction to design experiments. ShridharaBhat K. quality control. 2. Tools and Techniques of TQM. Normal Curve . Inspection . process capability. Poornima M. some important design . Binomial Distribution.Charantimath.Kolarii. Benchmarking and competitive analysis Quality by design. History of Quality control in India. double Sampling plan. c chart or U chart. reliability. 5 Principles of TQM . TQC tools. Evolution of Quality. Introduction to design experiments. 1995. TQM organization.Square Distribution. redundancy. 6 sigma Quality. types of sampling plans. c chart or U chart. Terminology used in design experiments. acceptance sampling. Himalaya Publishing House. Poisson Distribution . n p chart. DaleH. Unit4: Control Charts for attributes . Role of TQM Leadership Unit3: Continuation Process Improvement. Normal approximation to binomial.p chart . Pearson Education (First Indian Reprints 2004). Characteristics of Quality Leaders. TQM concepts. Terminology used in design experiments. Characteristics of Quality Leaders. Unit2: Demig’s Philosophy . quality control. Inspection and Quality Characteristics Demig’s Philosophy. n p chart. some important design . Binomial Distribution. statistical quality control tables.Total Quality Management. Total Quality Management. Third edition. Leadership. Benchmarking and competitive analysis. Quality by design. Mcgraw Hill. 3. Reference Books 1. Unit5: Experimental design. First Edition 2002.Besterfield et al. Poisson Distribution .Total Quality Management Subject Code: 02BT306 Course Objective: To make students familiar with Quality and Quality Control. Quality Characteristics. 4. First Indian Reprint 2003 5|Page . Gurus of TQM. Promotions/Demotions. K.Human Resource Management Subject Code: 02BT307 Objectives: The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the different aspects of managing Human Resources in the organization through the phases of acquisition. Types of Training. S. 2. Monappa. Gary : Human Resource Management. Scope. Course Contents Unit I: Introduction: Concept. Unit V: HRM Strategies for the New Millennium: Role of HRM in strategic management. emotional quotient. Oxford Higher Education. Pearson Education. Evaluation of Training Effectiveness. 5. Personnel Management vs. Evolution of HRM. separations & Lay Off. Overview of Employee Welfare. mentoring. Process and Significance. and Saiyadain. McGraw-Hill Education. Significance & process. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. 9th edition. 3. development and retention. Human Resource Management. 6|Page . Socialization & Paternalistic approach. Traditional and Modern Methods.. 6. and Robbins. Nature. Human Resource Management. Challenges of HRM. (2010). Components of Employee Remuneration – Base and Supplementary. and Venkatesh. A. Objectives and Importance of HRM.P. Praveen. Limitations of Performance Appraisal Methods. Difference between Recruitment and Selection Unit III: Training and Development: Concept and Importance of Training. Social Security. Performance and Potential Appraisal – Concept and Objectives. DeCenzo. (2007). Job Analysis – Job Description and Job Specification. Aswathappa. D. Job Changes – Transfers. P.N. John Wiley. D. (2010). A. Unit IV: Job Evaluation – Concept. (2006). Dessler. human capital. M: Personnel Management. McGraw Hill Education. Unit II: Acquisition of Human Resources: HR Planning: Meaning. Text Books 1. HRM. Pearson Education. Health and Safety. Design of Training Programs. Jyothi. 360 Degree Appraisal Technique. Durai. Human Resource Management. 4. Objectives. QUESTION BANK FOR OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING & C++ (02BT305) 7|Page . it is called: a) Extensible b) Overloaded c) Encapsulated d) Reprehensible 5) State the object oriented languages: a) C++ b) Java c) Eiffel d) All the above 6) The value of EOF is : a) 1 b) 0 c) Infinity d) -1 7) What is the notation used to place block of statements in a looping structure in C++? a) % % b) ( ) c) { } d) None of the Above 8) Which of the following language given below uses the concepts of OOPs? a) C++ b) Java c) C# d) All the above 9) What is used to convert C++ source code in to object modules? 8|Page .OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ UNIT – I SECTION: A 1) C++ was originally developed by: a) Nicolas Wirth b) Donald Knuth c) Bjarne Stroustrup d) Ken Thompson 2) The standard C++ comment : a) / b) // c) /* and */ d) None of these 3) The preprocessor directive #include is required if a) Console output is used b) Console input is used c) Both a and b d) None of these 4) When a language has the capability to produce new data type. 12) Objects have : a) Behavior b) State c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 13) An instance of a user-defined type is called : a) Class b) Object c) Method d) None of these 14) The isolation of data from direct access by a C++ program is called as : a) Data Hiding b) Data Isolation c) Data Encapsulation d) None of the Above 15) Which of the following denotes feature of OOPS? : a) Inheritance b) Encapsulation c) Polymorphism d) All the Above Answers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) ( c ) Bijarne Stroustrup ( b) // ( c ) Both a and b ( a) Extensible ( d) All the above ( d) -1 (c ) { } ( d) All the above 9|Page .a) Compiler b) Linker c) Both a and b d) None of the Above 10) The first fully Object-oriented language is : a) Java b) C++ c) Simula d) None of the above 11) Which of the following remains static in a C++ program? a) Class b) Object c) Both a and b d) Noen of the above. calculating and printing.  Employs top down approach in program design.  Data is hidden and cannot accessed by external functions  Follows bottom up approach in program design.  Data move openly around the system from function to functions. 6) Write the process of programming in an object oriented language?  Create classes that define objects and their behaviour. FORTRAN and C are commonly known as procedure oriented language (POP). The data is not accessible to the outside world and only those functions. In POP numbers of functions are written to accomplish the tasks such as reading.  Programs are divided in to objects.  Larger programs are divided into smaller programs known as functions.  Most of the functions share global data.  Establishing communication among objects. which are wrapped in the class. 2) Give some characteristics of procedure oriented language?  Emphasis on doing thing (algorithms).  Creating objects from class definition. 3) What are the features of object oriented programming language?  Emphasis is on data rather than on procedure. can access it. Object oriented programming can be easily upgraded from small to large systems. using high level language such as COBOL. 10 | P a g e . 7) What are the advantages of OOPS? The principle of data hiding helps the programmer to build secure programs that cannot be invaded by code in other parts of the program.9) ( a) Compiler 10) ( c) Simula 11) ( a ) Class 12) ( c) Both a and b 13) ( b) Object 14) ( a ) Data hiding 15) (d ) All of the above SECTION: B 1) What is procedure oriented language? Conventional programming. 4) What are the basic concepts of OOPS?  Objects  Classes  Data abstraction and Encapsulation  Inheritance  Polymorphism  Dynamic binding  Message passing 5) What is data abstraction? The insulation of data from direct access by the program is called the data hiding or information hiding. Software complexity can be easily managed. It is possible to have multiples instances of an object to co-exist without any interference. 12) What is a class? The entire set of data and code of an object can be made a user defined data type with the help of a class. 14) What are the features of C++? Since C++ allows us to create hierarchy related objects.  C part of C++ gives language the ability to get close to the machine level details.  Automatic initialization and clear up of objects  Operator overloading  Inheritance  Dynamic binding.  Automatic initialization and clear up of objects  Operator overloading. 13) What is encapsulation? Wrapping up of data and function within the structure is called as encapsulation. a place. They may represent a person. which can be used later by any programmer. 10) What are the application areas of OOPS?  Real time systems  Simulation and modeling  Object oriented systems  AI and expert systems 11) What are objects? Objects are basic run time entities in object oriented system.  It is expected that C++ will replace C as general purpose language in the near future. 15) What are the rules of naming the identifiers in C++?  Only alphabetic characters. Classes are user defined data types and behave like built in types of the programming language. digits and underscore are permitted. a table of data or any item that the program has to handle. we can build special object oriented libraries.  The upper case and lower case letter are distinct. Each object has the data and code to manipulate the data and these objects interact with each other. Once a class has been defined.  The name cannot start with a digit. a bank account.8) What are the features required for object based programming language?  Data encapsulation  Data hiding and access mechanisms.  A declared keyword cannot be used as identifier. 9) What are the features required for object oriented programming language?  Data encapsulation  Data hiding and access mechanisms.  C++ is easily maintainable and expandable. we can create any number of objects belonging to the class. 11 | P a g e . d) Can't be passed as an argument 5) The differences between constructors and destructor are: a) Constructors can take arguments but destructor can't b) Constructors can be overloaded but destructors can't be overloaded c) Both a and b d) None of these 6) A destructor takes: a) One argument b) Two argument c) Three arguments d) Zero arguments 7) Constructors are used to: a) Initialize the objects b) Construct the data members c) Both a & b d) None of these 8) In C++ a function contained within a class is called: a) A member function b) An operator c) A class function d) A method 9) Variables that are declared. but not initialized. 2) The operator >> is called: a) Extraction operator b) Get form operator c) Either a or b d) None of these 3) A constructor is called whenever: a) A object is declared b) A object is used c) A class is declared d) A class is used 4) A class having no name: a) Is not allowed b) Can‘t have a constructor c) Can‘t have a destructor. contain: a) Blank spaces b) Zero 12 | P a g e .UNIT – II SECTION: A 1) The operator << is called: a) Insertion operator b) Put to operator c) Either a or b d) None of these. c) Garbage value d) None of these 10) In C++ 14 % 4= a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 11) The name of a variable is known as its: a) Identifiers b) Constant c) Data type d) Base 12) A variable is given a value through: a) Osmosis b) The cout statement c) The <iomanip.h> header file d) An assignment statement 13) Reference to its own class can be accepted by : a) Constructor b) Copy constructor c) Both a and b d) None of the above 14) The member functions of a class can be defined outside the class using a) Extraction Operator b) Insertion Operator c) Scope resolution operator d) None of the Above 15) The block of memory allocated by the new is released by using : a) Delete b) Realloc c) Both a and b d) None of the Above Answers: 1) (c) Either a and b 2) (c) Either a and b 3) (a) A object is declared 4) (c) Can‘t have a destructor. 5) (c ) Both a and b 6) (d) Zero arguments 7) (a) Initialize the objects 8) ( a) A member function 9) ( c) Garbage value 10) (b) 2 11) (a) Identifiers 12) ( d) An assignment statement 13) ( c) Scope resolution operator 13 | P a g e . Ex: if. EX: int a. 2) What are the tokens? The smallest individual units in a program are known as tokens.14) ( a) Pointer 15) ( a) delete SECTION: B 1) What are the data members and member functions? Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract attributes such as size.* Pointer to member operator  Delete memory release operator  Endl Linefeed operator  New Memory allocation operator  Setw Field width operator 5) What is scope resolution operator? Scope resolution operator is used to uncover the hidden variables. New operator can be used to create objects of any data type. b are data members. In addition to insertion operator << and extraction operator >>the other new operators in C++ are:  : Scope resolution operator  : : * Pointer to member declarator  ->* Pointer to member operator  . switch. Void getdata (). Scope resolution operator is used to define the function outside the class. C++ has the following tokens:  Keywords  Identifiers  Constants  Strings  Operators 3) What are the keywords? The keywords are the explicitly reserved identifiers and cannot be used as names for the program variable or other user defined program elements. The attributes are sometimes called as data members because they hold information. The functions that operate on these data are called as methods or member functions. Syntax: Return type<class name> :: <function name> Eg: Void X : : getdata() 6) What are the free store operators or memory management operator? New and delete operators are called as free store operators since they allocate the memory dynamically. 4) What are the operators available in C++? All operators in C are also used in C++. b. It also allows access to global version of variables. weight and cost and uses functions to operate on these attributes. union etc. 14 | P a g e . Delete operator is used to release the memory space for reuse. // a. // member functions. 15 | P a g e . // constructor -------} Integer: : Integer () // default constructor { m=0. The endl manipulator when used in an output statement causes a line feed to be inserted and its effect is similar to that of the newline character ―\n‖. Manipulators are operators that are used to format the display. n=y. n=0. Eg: Class Integer { Int m . It is special because its name is same as class name. It takes a reference to an object of the same class as an argument. int y) // parameterized constructor { m=x . 12) Define dynamic constructor. endl are known as manipulators. 8) Define constructor? A constructor is a special member function whose task is to initialize the objects of its class.7) What are manipulators? Setw . } 10) Define parameterized constructor? Constructor with arguments is called parameterized constructor. The constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created.n. Public: Integer(). Eg: integer i2(i1). // constructor -------} 9) Define default constructor. Eg: Class Integer { --------Public: Integer().n. Public: Integer (int x. It is called constructor because it constructs the values of data members of the class. } 11) Define copy constructor. Class Integer { Int m . A copy constructor is used to declare and initialized an object from another object. The constructor with no argument is called default constructor. Allocation of memory to objects at time of their construction is known as dynamic constructor. n=i.  They are invoked automatically when the objects are created.  They cannot be inherited. That class that has different types of constructor is called multiple constructors. It is used to destroy the object that has been created by constructor.n. } Void main() { Integer i1. int y) // parameterized constructor { m=x. 14) Write some special characteristics of constructor. Eg: Class Integer { Int m . 13) Define destructor. // invokes default constructor Integer i2 (4. 5). Public: Integer () // default constructor { m=0. } Integer (&i) // copy constructor { m=i.n. n=y.  They should be declared in public section. // invokes parameterized constructor Integer i3 (i2). } Integer (int x. // invokes copy constructor } UNIT – III SECTION: A 1) Inheritance in C++ have default access specifier as : a) Private b) Public c) Protected d) None of the Above 16 | P a g e . The memory is allocated with the help of NEW operator.  They can have arguments. n=0.m.  They do not any return type. Destructor name is also same name as class name preceded by tilde symbol (~). 15) Define multiple constructors (constructor overloading). 2) Which of the following denote advantages of inheritance? a) Saves program development time b) Code reusability c) Both A and B d) All the Above 3) Which of the following includes the concept of derived classes in C++? a) Encapsulation b) Polymorphism c) Inheritance d) None of the Above 4) Pure virtual function in C++ is one in which the virtual function : a) has no body b) has at least one member c) which cannot be inherited d) None of the Above 5) The data members and member functions that are only available to derived classes are : a) Private b) Public c) Protected d) None of the above 6) Virtual functions are defined in : a) Derived class b) Base class c) Both a and b d) None of the above 7) The vtable entry for a pure virtual function in C++ is: a) Zero b) NULL c) One d) No entry in vtable 8) The fields in a class of a C++ program are by default: a) Private b) Public c) Protected d) None of these 9) The private member in derived class: a) Cannot be inherited b) Can be inherited at all instances c) Can be inherited only if the derived class is inheriting from base class with private access level d) None of the Above 10) The process by which object of one class acquires the properties of object of another class is : a) Encapsulation b) Data hiding c) Inheritance d) polymorphism 11) The derived class is also known as : a) Superclass 17 | P a g e . 2) What is a derive class? 18 | P a g e .b) Subclass c) Parentclass d) None of the above 12) Polymorphism is extensively used in implementing : a) Inheritance b) Encapsulation c) Data hiding d) None of the above 13) Which of the following statements are TRUE? a) Reference variables must be initialized in C++ b) Array of reference is possible c) Both A) and B) d) None of the Above 14) Inheritance is also known as : a) ―Has a‖ relationship b) ―Is a‖ relationship c) Both a and b d) None of the above 15) A class which is not used to make objects is: a) Base class b) Derived class c) Abstract class d) Parent Class Answers: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) ( a) Private ( c ) Both a and b ( c) Inheritance ( a) Has no body ( c) Protected ( a) Derived class ( b) NULL (a ) Private ( c) Can be inherited only if the derived class is inheriting from base class with private access level 10) ( c) Inheritance 11) (b ) Subclass 12) ( a) Inheritance 13) (a) Reference variables must be initialized in C++ 14) ( b) ―Is a‖ relationship 15) ( c) Abstract Class SECTION: B 1) What is base class? Classes may be used to create other classes. A class that is used to create (or derive) another class is called the base class. The parent class of a derived class is called base class. which in turn is derived from another class. if the base class is not virtual the derived class will inherit more than one copy of members of the base class. 4) What is meant by single inheritance? If a single class is derived from a single base class is called single inheritance. 5) What is multiple inheritance? If a class is derived from more than one base class. A base class that contains pure virtual function is an abstract base class. Eg: Base classes Derived class Here class C is derived from two base classes A & B. Class test is derived from class Student. this can be used inside any method to refer to the current object.e. No objects of an abstract base class are created. But D cannot access private members of B. Eg: Base class: Grand father Intermediate: Base class Father Derived class: Child 7) What is hybrid inheritance? It is the combination of one or more types of inheritance. 8) What is hierarchical inheritance? If a number of classes are derived from a single base class then it is called hierarchical inheritance. it is called multiple inheritance. base class). 3) What is meant by inheritance? Inheritance is the process by which objects of one class acquire the properties of another class. It supports the concept of hierarchical classification. is called multilevel inheritance.. In case of multiple inheritance. Class result is derived from class Test and sports. We can add additional features to an existing class without modifying it by deriving a new class from it. 6) What is multilevel inheritance? If a class is derived from a class. This process can be extended to any number of levels. 10) Write short notes on virtual base class. For a virtual base class only one copy of members will be inherited regardless of number of inheritance paths between base class and derived class. Eg: Base class Derived class Here class A is the base class from which the class D is derived. As a virtual base class as a virtual base class 11) What is the use of This keyword? This is always a reference to the object on which the method was invoked. Multilevel inheritance Multiple inheritance The class result will have both the multilevel and multiple inheritances. 19 | P a g e . Assume that class sports derive the roll number from class student. It provides the idea of reusability. 12) What are pure virtual functions? Write the syntax. A derived class inherits all of the member variables and methods of the base class from which it is derived. Eg: Processing of students‘ results. Class D is the public derivation of class B hence it inherits all the public members of B. A base class that is qualified as virtual in the inheritance definition. Eg : Hierarchical classification of students in University 9) What is meant by Abstract base class? A class that serves only as a base class from which derived classes is derived.A class that was created based on a previously existing class (i.  Virtual function in a base class must be identical. the compeller requires each derived class to either define the function or re declare it as a pure virtual function.  Virtual functions must be member of some class.A pure virtual function is a function declared in a base class that has no definition relative to the base class.  Protected: When a base class is specified as Protected. it need not be redefined in the derived class. the base class can only be seen by subclasses of Base Class. It is also known as ―do nothing‖ function. the base class can only be seen by the class itself. A class containing pure virtual function cannot be used to declare any object of its own.  It is easy to partition the work. In such cases. the base class can be seen by anyone who has access to the derived class.  It is possible to have multiple instances of objects of class without any interface.  We can build program from the standard working modules that can communicate with the one another rather than having start writing code from beginning.  Private: When a base class is specified as Private.  Prototypes of base class version of a virtual function and all the derived class versions must be identical.  Object oriented system can be easily upgraded from the small to the large systems.  They cannot be static members and they are accessed by using object pointers. 14) What are the benefits of inheritance?  Through inheritance we can eliminate the redundant code and extend the user of the existing classes. 13) Write some of the basic rules for virtual functions. The ―do-nothing ― function is defined as follows: Virtual void display ( ) =0. 15) What are the different access specifiers? In C++ there are three access specifiers:  Public: When a base class is specified as Public.  Easily modifying and extending implementations of components without having to recode everything from scratch.  If a virtual function is defined in the base class. UNIT – IV SECTION: A 1) What is a reference? a) Operator b) A reference is an alias for an object c) used to rename an object d) None of there 2) Overload function in C++: a) A group function with the same name b) All have the same number and type of arguments c) Functions with same name and same number and type of arguments d) All of the above 20 | P a g e . 3) In Late binding the function calls gets resolved during : a) Compile Time b) Run Time c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 4) Using pointers to call a function is called as : a) call by value b) call by reference c) call by address d) All the Above 5) The overriding method must have the which of the following same as that of the method in the super class definition : a) Same identifier b) Same signature c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 6) The inserting of the code of a called function at the point where the function gets called is achieved by using : a) Inline functions b) virtual functions c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 7) The friend function of a class in C++ can access : a) Private members of the class b) Protected members of the class c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 8) A function in a C++ program can be called: a) Only once b) Cannot be called at all c) Any number of time d) None of the above 9) A function named as exforsys has three implementations associated with it. This means the function exforsys is : a) Overloaded b) Overriding c) Both a and b d) None of the above 10) How many values can be returned by a C++ function? a) 1 b) Infinity c) 0 d) None of the Above 11) Which of the following denote library function in C++? e) Isalpha f) Isdigits 21 | P a g e . g) Isspace h) All the Above 12) If a function in C++ does not return a value then its return type is denoted as: a) Float b) Void c) Int d) None of the above 13) Strict parameter type checking is followed with which of the following? a) Inline function b) Macro c) Both a and b d) None of the above 14) A function defined within a class is called as: a) Member function b) Class function c) Object function d) None of the above 15) The actual implementation is present in: a) Declaration b) Definition c) Both a and b d) None of the above Answer: 1) ( b) A reference is an alias for an object 2) ( b) A group function with the same name 3) ( b) Run Time 4) (b ) Call by reference 5) ( c ) Both a and b 6) ( a) Inline function 7) ( c) Both a and b 8) ( c) Any number of time 9) (a ) Overloaded 10) ( a) 1 11) (d ) All the above 12) ( b) Void 13) (a) inline function 14) ( a) Member function 15) ( b) definition SECTION: B 1) What is static binding or early binding? Binding refers to the linking of a procedure to the code to be executed in response to the call. When the compiler is able to select appropriate function for a particular call at the compile time itself is called early binding. 2) What is dynamic binding or late binding? 22 | P a g e . Static binding means that the code associated with the given procedure call is known at the time of the call at the run time. 5) What some situations where inline expansion may not work?  For functions returning values. Friend function is not in the scope of the class to which it has been declared as friend. if a return statement exists. 10) Write some properties of friend function. Syntax: Data type & reference variable = variable name 4) What is function prototype? The function prototype describe function interface to the compiler by giving details such as number. type of argument and type of return value. The general form is Friend data type function _name (). or a goto exists. Hence it cannot be called using the object of that class. It can be declared either in the public or private part of a class. 7) How the objects are used as function arguments? This can be done in two ways:  A copy of the entire object is passed to the argument  Only address of the objects is transferred to the function 8) Define inline function. For ex: if make the variable sum a reference to the variable total. 3) What is reference variable? A reference variable provides as alias for a previously defined variable. replaced by the statement that defines the function. if loop. then sum and total can be used interchangeably to represent that variable. It is expended in line when it is invoked.  For functions not returning values. a switch. Friend function is preceded by the keyword ‗friend‘. It has to use an object nam3e and dot membership operator with each member name. X) 11) What is polymorphism? What are its types? 23 | P a g e . Eg: (A . Dynamic binding means that the code associated with the given procedure call is not known at the time of the call at the run time. It cannot access member names directly. The general form is: Inline function-header { Function body } 9) What are friend functions? A function that has access to the private member of the class but it not itself a member of the class is called friend functions.  If function contain static variables  If inline functions are recursive 6) What is a default parameter? Default parameter assigns a default value to the parameter. Usually it has object as arguments. which does not have matching argument in the function call. Default values are specified when the function is declared. Inline function is defined as a function definition such that each call to the function is in effect.Binding refers to the linking of a procedure to the code to be executed in response to the call. In some cases. ) add (3 . //add function with 2 arguments of different type //Function calls add (3 . There are several important differences:  Inline functions follow all the protocols of type safety enforced on normal functions. // Declarations int add( int a. while inline functions are parsed by the compiler. int c). ) UNIT – V SECTION: A 1) Which of the following denotes advantages of operator overloading? a) Operator not limited to operate only with primitive Data Type b) Extensibility c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 2) Operator overloading is: a) Making C++ operators works with objects b) Giving new meaning to existing C++ operators c) Making new C++ operator d) Both a and b 3) Template can be instantiated by: 24 | P a g e . Eg: An overloaded add ( ) function handles different data types as shown below.Polymorphism is the ability to take more than one form. 14) What is the difference between inline function and normal function? The difference between an inline function and a regular function is that wherever the compiler finds a call to an inline function. Polymorphism is of two types.  Expressions passed as arguments to inline functions are evaluated once. They are  Function overloading  Operator overloading 12) What is called pass by reference? In this method address of an object is passed. a normal function call is generated. //uses prototype ( iii. 4). Function overloading means we can use the same function name to create functions that perform a variety of different tasks. double q). int b. expressions passed as arguments to macros can be evaluated more than once. 5). 4. the called function works directly on the actual arguments. but the macros are expanded by the preprocessor. with a regular function. //add function with 3 arguments of same type double add( int p.0). it writes a copy of the compiled function definition. //uses prototype ( i. 10. 13) How does an inline function differ from a macro? Inline functions are similar to macros because they both are expanded at compile time. ) add (3. //uses prototype ( ii. An operation may exhibit different behaviors in different. 15) What is function overloading? Give an example. The behavior depends upon the type of data used. However. //add function with 2 arguments of same type int add( int a. int b).  Inline functions are specified using the same syntax as any other function except that they include the inline keyword in the function declaration. .*) b) Scope resolution operator (::) c) Size operator ( sizeof ) d) All the above 9) Which of the following error is handled by exception handling? a) Syntax error b) Logical error c) Runtime error d) All the above 10) The header that should be included while using manipulators in C++ is : a) iomanip.h d) None of the Above 11) The class that in C++ for file input is : a) Ifstream b) Ofstream c) Both A and B d) The class that in C++ for file input is 12) A condition that must be true on exit from a member function if called as: a) Precondition b) Post-condition 25 | P a g e .a) Explicit Instantiation b) Implicit instantiation c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 4) Which of the following denote types of polymorphism in C++? a) Virtual function b) Function overloading c) Operator overloading d) All the above 5) Which of the following denote stream classes in C++? a) Ios b) Fstream c) Ostream d) All the Above 6) Which of the following OOPS concepts are used with cin and cout? a) Encapsulation b) Data Hiding c) Operator Overloading d) None of the Above 7) Which of the following is not associated with exception handling? a) Try b) While c) Catch d) Throw 8) The operator which can cannot be overloaded are: a) Class member access operator (.h c) ifstream. .h b) manip. c) Both A and B d) None of the Above 13) Which of the following is returned by the operating system if a C++ program completes successfully? a) No Value Returned b) -1 c) 1 d) 0 14) Which of the following is used to group a set of global classes, objects and functions under a name? a) Area named b) Namearea c) Namespaces d) None of the above 15) When dynamically allocated memory is lost to the C++ program then : a) Warning occurs b) Memory leak occurs c) The program executes successfully d) None of the above Answers: 1) ( c) Both a and b 2) (d) Both a and b 3) (c ) Both a and b 4) (d ) All the above 5) ( d) All the above 6) ( c) Operator overloading 7) ( b) While 8) ( d) All the above 9) ( c) All the baove 10) ( a) iomanip.h 11) ( a) Ifstream 12) ( b) Post condition 13) ( d) Zero 14) ( c) Name space 15) ( b) Memory leaks occurs SECTION: B 1) What is operator overloading? C++ has the ability to provide the operators with a special meaning for a data type. This mechanism of giving such special meanings to an operator is known as Operator overloading. It provides a flexible option for the creation of new definitions for C++ operators. 2) List out the operators that cannot be overloaded.  Class member access operator (.,.*)  Scope resolution operator (::)  Size operator (sizeof )  Conditional operator (?:) 26 | P a g e 3) What is the purpose of using operator function? Write its syntax. To define an additional task to an operator, we must specify what it means in relation to the class to which the operator is applied. This is done by Operator function, which describes the task. Operator functions are either member functions or friend functions. The general form is return type classname :: operator (op-arglist ) { function body } where return type is the type of value returned by specified operation. 4) What is unary operator? The unary operators require only one operand to perform different kind of operations such as increasing/decreasing a value, negating an expression, or inverting a boolean value. These operators cannot be used with final variables. 5) Write at least four rules for Operator overloading.  Only the existing operators can be overloaded.  The overloaded operator must have at least one operand that is of user defined data type. The basic meaning of the operator should not be changed.  Overloaded operators follow the syntax rules of the original operators.  They cannot be overridden. 6) How will you overload Unary & Binary operator using member functions?  When unary operators are overloaded using member functions it takes no explicit arguments and return no explicit values.  When binary operators are overloaded using member functions, it takes one explicit argument. Also the left hand side operand must be an object of the relevant class. 7) How will you overload Unary and Binary operator using Friend functions? When unary operators are overloaded using friend function, it takes one reference argument (object of the relevant class).When binary operators are overloaded using friend function, it takes two explicit arguments. 8) How an overloaded operator can be invoked using member function?  In case Unary operators, overloaded operator can be invoked as op object_name or object_name op  In case of binary operators, it would be invoked as Object . operator op(y) ;where op is the overloaded operator and y is the argument 9) How an overloaded operator can be invoked using Friend function?  In case of unary operators, overloaded operator can be invoked as Operator op (x);  In case of binary operators, overloaded operator can be invoked as Operator op (x , y) 10) List out the operators that cannot be overloaded using Friend function.  Assignment operator =  Function call operator ( )  Subscripting operator [ ]  Class member access operator 11) What is meant by casting operator and write the general form of overloaded casting operator? A casting operator is a function that satisfies the following conditions It must be a class member. It must not specify a return type. It must not have any arguments. The general form of overloaded casting operator is operator type name ( ) { 27 | P a g e ……….. // function statements } It is also known as conversion function. 12) What is an exception? An Exception is logical error. An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions. When an exception is occur the program is terminated suddenly. 13) Explain one class to another class conversion with an example. Conversion from one class type to another is the combination of class to basic and basic to class type conversion. Here constructor is used in destination class and casting operator function is used in source class. Eg: objX = objY objX is the object of class X and objY is an object of class Y. The class Y type data is converted into class X type data and the converted value is assigned to the obj X. Here class Y is the source class and class X is the destination class. 14) What is the use of final keyword? It is used to prevent its contents from being modified. It is similar to const in C/C++.We must initialize a final variable when it is declared. Eg: final int FILE_NEW=1; 15) Difference between Error and Exception?  Syntax Errors: The mistakes had done while writing statements. For example, instead of "WRITE", if you type "WIRTE" it is a syntax error. Compiler can detect these types of errors. You will not be able to run the program till these errors are rectified. Runtime Errors (Exceptions) : Runtime Errors are thrown when the situation occurs during execution of program where the system will not know how to deal with such situation. For example, you have written a program that takes an excel file and reads the data and stores in the database. You have done the program perfectly. No syntax errors. But while executing the program, if the user enters a filename that does not exist, the program will not know what to do next, at that time runtime error occurs. Runtime error terminates the execution of the program abruptly. 28 | P a g e QUESTION BANK FOR TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (02BT306) 29 | P a g e . ultrasonic testing." This definition basically says that quality is "meeting or exceeding customer expectations. 6." Deming states that the customer's definition of quality is the only one that matters. Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) or Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) describes a number of technologies used to analyze materials for either inherent flaws or damage from use. As a manufacturer we are interested in the quality of the product that we produce.Unit -1. What do you mean by „control‟? Quality control is a process employed to ensure a certain level of quality in a product or service. Write a note on “Contract Review”? The office of the General Counsel and the Risk Management Department must review all contracts of sufficient importance. or when in motion. 5.both features of a quality control process. A modern definition of quality derives from Juran's "fitness for intended use. In addition. a check weigher 4. While the signing authority must use his/her own judgment in determining which contracts need to be reviewed by the General Counsel‘s office and the Risk Management department. many non-destructive inspections can be performed by a precision scale. Inspections are usually non-destructive. tests. It is 30 | P a g e . and Quality Characteristics. Some common methods are visual. and all contracts where there is potential for significant or uncertain liability to flow to the University. Quality often means different things to different people but can generally be regarded as meaning that the product meets certain targets. and fiscally sound. Mention the control process. radiographic. We will consider some ways of measuring the quality of a product and detecting quality changes . satisfactory. This can range from routine checking of equipment. Inspection. Liquid or dye penetrant inspection. For a light bulb quality might mean that it works when we buy it. The legal review of such contracts will be done by the General Counsel‘s office. or processes provided meet specific requirements and are dependable. eddy-current testing. It involves the measurements. What do you mean by inspection? An inspection is. acoustic emission testing. or by external counsel appointed by the General Counsel‘s office after consulting with the signing authority. It may include whatever actions a business deems necessary to provide for the control and verification of certain characteristics of a product or service. Quality and Quality Control. 1. As a consumer we are interested in the quality of the product that we buy. services. Businesses use different types of quality control through every aspect of production. this is called internal quality control. Define quality. inspection. having a co-worker go over another employee's data analysis. and thermo graphic inspection. Internal Quality Control When a company institutes protocol to check their system. regardless of value. The basic goal of quality control is to ensure that the products. The results are usually compared to specified requirements and standards for determining whether the item or activity is in line with these targets. most generally. 2. So. and gauges applied to certain characteristics in regard to an object or activity. who is the customer? 3. whilst for a packet of cornflakes quality might mean that we have over a certain minimum amount of cornflakes in the packet. Mention different types of quality control. or running standards and controls on a regular basis. an organized examination or formal evaluation exercise. A food company may routinely analyze the nutritional value or shelf-life of a food item it produces in its own lab. Proficiency Testing Quality Control A special type of quality control often done on a volunteer basis or to gain accreditation is proficiency testing. Process – The method of doing something. This type of testing is often done in laboratories. 31 | P a g e . Those results are dependent on customer requirements. a weighing scale. In this type of quality control. the company is sent a series of tests to perform. but to verify its results. External Quality Control When products or data is sent to an outside business not affiliated with the company. for example. It is always preferable to use variable data Variable data will provide better information about the process than attribute data additionally. Control – We use the data to adjust the process to achieve the desired results. this is external control. The results are sent back and the company receives a grade on its proficiency. We study that data to learn how our actions affect the performance of our products.generally up to management to decide if internal quality control measures are reliable and performed as needed. where sensitive equipment and complex protocols need to be verified as accurate before the lab is allowed to continue its work. One example of external control is in food production. 7. 8. Control charts fall into two categories: Variable and Attribute Control Charts Variable data are data that can be measured on a continuous scale such as a thermometer. quality. Attribute data are data that are counted. variable data require fewer samples to draw meaningful conclusions. Mention two types of control charts. This verification by an outside lab is important to obtain Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling and to prove to the FDA that the food company's production methods are sound. as possessing or not possessing a particular characteristic. the food item will also be sent to an outside lab. efficiency. What is statistical process control? Statistical process in which the collect large amounts of data about our memory products from experiments. as good or defective. or a tape rule. and reliability. The subgroup mean (all of the points in the subgroup added up and divided by the number of points in the subgroup) is plotted on the X-bar Chart. Instead. How do you do Using Variables Control Charts? Two types of charts are used to track variable data. These charts are commonly used together and are known as an X-bar & R Chart. Remember to add a comment on a chart to indicate the action taken to correct an out-of-control situation. or dispersion. only one of the charts will go out-of-control at any one time. one for averages and one for ranges. Raw data are not plotted on X-bar & R charts. 32 | P a g e . samples of data are collected in subgroups of 2 to 5 data points and the mean and the range of those samples are plotted on the charts.9. the points are connected to the previous point and the charts are interpreted to determine if one of the out-of-control patterns has occurred. The R Chart monitors the process variation. or location. Typically. The subgroup range (highest point minus the lowest point in the subgroup) is plotted on the R Chart‘s the data points for each subgroup are plotted. The Chart monitors the process center. ISO images can be created from optical discs. and even customers. the system checks whether the other control indicators for the characteristic are suitable for the control chart type. The following indicators are checked:  Measured values  Upper specification limit  Lower specification limit  Confirmation of number of defects  Single result  Scope not fixed  Fixed scope  Smaller scope  Larger scope 11. For a more precise definition one needs to distinguish between discrete and continuous random variables. probability density. Other types of control charts display the magnitude of the quality characteristic under study. You assign the control chart type to the characteristic. Planning the Control Chart Type for an Inspection Characteristic The basic prerequisite when maintaining a characteristic in the task list is that you set the two control indicators for the sampling procedure and the SPC characteristic. Mention the characteristics of control charts. a probability mass. TQM functions on the premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services offered by an organization. It is used around the world. workforce. What is ISO? An ISO image (International Organization for Standardization) is an archive file of an optical disc. using the sampling procedure. or probability distribution is a function that describes the probability of a random variable taking certain values. or can be used to recreate optical discs using software from many software vendors. What do you mean by TQM? TQM (Total Quality Management) is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes. each of the 33 | P a g e . In the discrete case. in order to meet or exceed customer expectations. In statistical quality control. the p-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor the proportion of nonconforming units in a sample. suppliers. ISO image files typically have a file extension of iso. In other words. one can easily assign a probability to each possible value: when throwing a die. where the sample proportion nonconforming is defined as the ratio of the number of nonconforming units to the sample size. 13. composed of the data contents of every written sector of an optical disc. making troubleshooting possible directly from those charts In probability theory. What is P-chart? Explain.10. 12. TQM capitalizes on the involvement of management. including the optical disc file system. When you assign the sampling procedure. The p-chart only accommodates "pass"/"fail"-type inspection as determined by one or more go-no go gauges or tests. effectively applying the specifications to the data before they are plotted on the chart. the cumulative distribution function gives the probability that the random variable is not larger than a given value. the binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of nondependent yes/no experiments. Discrete probability distribution for the sum of two dice. Such a success/failure experiment is also called a Bernoulli experiment or Bernoulli trial. In contrast. the most important continuous random distribution In probability theory and statistics. it is the anti derivative of the non-cumulative distribution.six values 1 to 6 has the probability 1/6.If total order is defined for the random variable. probabilities are nonzero only if they refer to finite intervals: in quality control one might demand that the probability of a "500 g" package containing between 500 g and 510 g should be no less than 98%. also called Gaussian or "bell curve". when n = 1. the binomial distribution is 34 | P a g e . when a random variable takes values from a continuum. each of which yields success with probability. Normal distribution. The binomial distribution is the basis for the popular binomial test of significance. equal to the expected number of occurrences during the given interval. 2 .. if the events occur on average 4 times per minute... As a function of k.. and one is interested in the probability of an event occurring k times in a 10 minute interval.71828. If the expected number of occurrences in this interval is λ. one would use a Poisson distribution as the model with λ = 10×4 = 40. A classic 35 | P a g e . not a binomial one. What is Poisson distribution? Explain. 14. In probability theory and statistics. and widely used.) k is the number of occurrences of an event — the probability of which is given by the function   k! is the factorial of k λ is a positive real number. The Binomial distribution is an n time repeated Bernoulli trial. The Poisson distribution can be applied to systems with a large number of possible events. each of which is rare. The work focused on certain random variables N that count. the Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time and/or space if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event. For instance. this is the probability mass function. the number of discrete occurrences (sometimes called ―arrivals‖) that take place during a time-interval of given length. for N much larger than n. The Poisson distribution can be derived as a limiting case of the binomial distribution.) is equal to Where   e is the base of the natural logarithm (e = 2. If the sampling is carried out without replacement. However. The binomial distribution is frequently used to model the number of successes in a sample of size n drawn with replacement from a population of size N. among other things. the draws are not independent and so the resulting distribution is a hyper geometric distribution. then the probability that there are exactly k occurrences (k being a non-negative integer. k = 0. the binomial distribution is a good approximation. 1.a Bernoulli distribution. Equipment includes materials. chemical reaction or misuse. lighting. vibration. Inspections are important as they allow you to:       listen to the concerns of workers and supervisors gain further understanding of jobs and tasks identify existing and potential hazards determine underlying causes of hazards monitor hazard controls (personal protective equipment. and ventilation. when and how. rest areas. unsafe work practices. e. Chemical hazards caused by a solid. 19. Aspects to Examine Every inspection must examine who. tools and apparatus for producing a product or a service. heat. What is inspection? Explain the purpose of inspection. corrosion. and awkward postures arising from improper work methods and improperly designed workstations. workplaces should be inspected. wear. policies. where. dust. such as repetitive and forceful movements. bacteria. As an essential part of a health and safety program. Biological hazards caused by organisms such as viruses. The Poisson distribution is sometimes called a Poissonian. What types of hazards do we look for in a workplace? Types of workplace hazards include:     Safety hazards. fume or mist. Pay particular attention to items most likely to develop unsafe or unhealthy conditions because of stress. How do you plan for inspections? Planning is essential for an effective inspection. gas. Inspect the entire workplace area each time. inadequate machine guards. Include areas where no work is done regularly. Workplace Elements Look at all workplace elements . temperature. liquid. temperature extremes. radiation and pressure.g. fungi and parasites. heat. physiological. the equipment and the process.example is the nuclear decay of atoms. electricity. unsafe workplace conditions. what. cold. impact. Physical hazards caused by noise. vibration. and psychological demands on the worker. vibration. tools.. such as parking lots. vibration. vapor. The environment includes such hazards as noise. and equipment. The process involves how the worker interacts with the other elements in a series of tasks or operations 21. Ergonomic hazards caused by anatomical. engineering controls. procedures) recommend corrective action 20. What do you mean by Binomial distribution and normal approximation in TQM? 36 | P a g e .  22. weather.the environment. energy. office storage areas and locker rooms. and Characteristics of Quality Leaders. then an excellent approximation to B normal approximation (n. p) is given by the normal distribution Binomial PDF and The approximation generally improves as n increases and is better when p is not near to 0 or 1. and p is far enough from the extremes of zero or one: Binomial PDF and normal approximation for n = 6 and p = 0. the Japanese car parts were virtually identical to each other. Various rules of thumb may be used to decide whether n is large enough. Ford engineers decided to take apart the two different transmissions.5 One rule is that both x=np and n (1 − p) must be greater than 5. 2. 1. Gurus of TQM. Leadership. Define Leadership. Write a note on “Demig‟s Philosophy”? Dr. Students of leadership have produced theories involving 37 | P a g e . and much closer to the nominal values for the parts . and they were willing to wait for the Japanese model. History of Quality control in India.If n is large enough. Unit -2.then the Japanese parts were all within 1/16 of an inch. if a suitable continuity correction is used. Engineers at Ford could not understand how this was done until they met Deming. five Principles of TQM . Ford engineers could not understand the customer preference for the model with Japanese transmission. Demig’s Philosophy . TQM organization. if a part was supposed to be one foot long. This made the Japanese cars run more smoothly and customers experienced fewer problems. the specific number varies from source to source.. However.e. Deming's teachings and philosophy are best illustrated by examining the results they produced when they were adopted by Japanese industry. Soon after the car model was on the market. Ford customers were requesting the model with Japanese transmission over the USAmade transmission. Finally. In this case. Role of TQM Leadership. Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal. Leadership." The leader may or may not have any formal authority. then the skew of the distribution is not too great. n=7752). some sources give 10 which gives virtually the same results as the following rule for large n until n is very large (ex: x=11. and depends on how good an approximation one wants. On the other hand. plus or minus 1/8 of an inch . The American-made car parts were all within specified tolerance levels. Demig’s Philosophy. As both transmissions were made to the same specifications. Characteristics of Quality Leaders.g. as the following example shows: Ford Motor Company was simultaneously manufacturing a car model with transmissions made in Japan and the United States. you need to assume that people will think you are a little dishonest. people won‘t see that unless you actively communicate it with them. The five leadership traits/leadership qualities are:      Honest Forward-Looking Competent Inspiring Intelligent 4. The leader is unwilling or scared to share the vision with others.[1] situational interaction. power. Many times when a leader has no time to think and plan for the future. it usually because they are spending so much time on today. While you may know where you want to go. Some leaders have a clear vision. this is no longer true. When you start a leadership position. With modern scandals. In order to be seen as an honest individual. many leaders want to avoid failure to the extent that they don‘t admit when something did not work 5. What do you mean by Forward-Looking as a Leadership Trait? The whole point of leadership is figuring out where to go from where you are now. behavior. When a leader doesn‘t have a vision for the future. 3. People want to follow an honest leader. Much of a leader‘s job is to try new things and refine the ideas that don‘t work. it is because they are doing a poor job of leading in the present. vision and values.traits. these traits aren‘t just things you need to have. many employees started out by assuming that their leadership was honest simply because the authority of their position. they are things you need to actively display to those around you. They have created an organization and systems that rely too much on the leader for input at every stage. Years ago. Most of the time they are concerned that they will lose credibility if they share a vision of the future that doesn‘t come 38 | P a g e . Mention Five Most Important Leadership Traits. On a very simplistic level this can be solved simply by setting aside some time for planning. Remember. but don‘t wish to share it with others. and intelligence among others. function. However. strategizing and thinking about the future. People will not assume you are honest simply because you have never been caught lying. that leader is usually suffering from one of two possible problems:   The leader doesn‘t have a forward-looking vision. One of the most frequent places where leaders miss an opportunity to display honesty is in handling mistakes. When people do not consider their leader forward-looking.[2] charisma. Define Honesty as a Leadership Quality. you will have to go out of your way to display honesty. that they haven‘t really thought about tomorrow. fictitious examples from your customers. that may be a promise they can‘t keep. one of the safest ways to ―toot you own horn without blowing it‖. A great example of inspiration is when Steve Jobs stole the CEO from Pepsi by asking him. This goes back to the trait of honesty. thanks to everyone‘s hard word. Stories can be examples from your customers. Being inspiring means telling people how your organization is going to change the world. There is a danger of drawing too much attention to yourself in a way that makes the leader seem arrogant. For example: ―Last year I set a goal of reaching $12 million in sales and. people need to know that a leader has a strong vision for the future and a strong plan for going forward. People want to be inspired. Some people will assume you are competent because of your leadership position. If these moments are infrequent.about. it is likely that some demonstrations of competency will help boost your leadership influence. For a leader to demonstrate that they are competent. you are demonstrating competency. 7. or even historical fables and myths. we have reached $13. If you have developed the other traits in this article. it isn‘t enough for a leader to be competent. Leaders run into trouble sharing their vision of the future when they start making promises to individuals. 6. Stories that communicate on an 39 | P a g e . it isn‘t enough to just avoid displaying incompetency. Explain Competency as a Leadership Quality. When people under your leadership look at some action you have taken and think. If a leader tells someone that ―next year I‘m going to make you manager of your own division‖. This can be a delicate balance. The leader is probably basing this promotion on the organization meeting financial goals. but they need to be able to demonstrate competency. being inspiring is usually just a matter of communicating clearly and with passion. Like the other traits. is to celebrate and bring attention to team achievements. there is a whole class of people who will follow an inspiring leader–even when the leader has no other qualities. as of today.5 million. Stories can help you vividly illustrate what you are trying to communicate. ―that just goes to show why he is the one in charge‖. Another potential danger is that of minimizing others contributions and appearing to take credit for the work of others. In fact. However. They must demonstrate competency in a way that people notice. People want to follow someone who is competent. This is a legitimate concern. Describe Inspiration as a Leadership Trait. or do you want to change the world?‖ Being inspiring means showing people the big picture and helping them see beyond a narrow focus and understand how their part fits into the big picture. In this way you indirectly point out your competency as a leader. but most will have to see demonstrations before deciding that you are competent. As a leader. ―Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life. but the individual will only hear the personal promise. One technique to develop your ability to inspire is telling stories. This doesn‘t mean a leader needs to be the foremost expert on every area of the entire organization. While there will always be room for improvement. one of the best ways to exhibit intelligence is by asking questions. long and can‘t be completed without investing considerable time. you now know more about what makes them so intelligent. Learning from the people you lead by asking intelligent thoughtful questions will do more to enhance your intelligence credibility than just about anything. With modern advances in distance. Describe is Intelligence as a Leadership Trait. 8. Arrogance will put you in a position where people are secretly hopeful that you‘ll make a mistake and appear foolish. Learning to be inspiring is not easy–particularly for individuals lacking in charisma. The fact is that most people won‘t make a regular investment in their education. It can be learned. 40 | P a g e . Look for ways to passionately express your vision. you can develop a great deal of intelligence in any field simply by investing a reasonable amount of time to reading on a daily basis. much of what is taught in college functions merely as a foundational language for lifelong educational experiences. Your focus needs to be on helping others learn–not demonstrating how smart you are. people will notice if you are intelligent by observing your behavior and attitude. The road toward becoming more intelligent is difficult. Everyone considers themselves intelligent. Spending 30 minutes of focused reading every day will give you 182 hours of study time each year. Of course this means you need to be capable of asking intelligent questions. Your college graduation was the beginning of your education. Intelligence is something that can be difficult to develop. education it is easy to take a class or two each year from well respected professors in the evening at your computer. the greater your understanding of how little we really understand. For the most part. As unintuitive as it may seem. You can demonstrate your intelligence by gently leading people toward understanding–even when you know the answer. Trying to display your intelligence is likely to be counterproductive. After all. Write the Characteristics of Quality Leaders.emotional level help communicate deeper than words and leave an imprint much stronger than anything you can achieve through a simple stating of the facts. To develop intelligence you need to commit to continual learning–both formally and informally. Your ability to demonstrate respect for the intellect of others will probably do more to influence the perception of your intellect than your actual intelligence. In fact. not the end. 9. The greater your education. If you ask them to explain parts of their area of expertise and spend the time to really understand (as demonstrated by asking questions). so you must be smart as well. One of the greatest signs of someone who is truly intelligent is humility. Take note of people who inspire you and analyze the way they communicate. their opinion of your intelligence will go up. Developing intelligence is a lifestyle choice. Informally. a small investment in effort and awareness will give you a significant improvement in this leadership trait. Suppliers provide products or services that affect an organization‘s ability to perform its mission. Process management Process management involves the leadership actions required to begin and sustain continuous improvement of significant processes. Under TQL. Customers and end-users The term ―customers‖ refers to those people who buy and/or use products and services. they are more frequently associated with services. They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance. subordinates. and contribute more to meeting mission requirements. cost less. They learn from problems. They empower. Processes are improved when they are more predictable. Working with suppliers to clarify current needs 41 | P a g e . They encourage and recognize team effort. ordnance on target. While mission requirements can involve products. They choose suppliers based on quality not by price. weapons systems.            They give priority to internal as well as external customers. They establish organizational systems to support the quality effort. successful aircraft launchings. training. 10. They continually try to improve communications. rather than direct and supervise. Customers can provide information that helps an organization to focus its improvement efforts on those product and service characteristics that have the greatest impact on quality. engineering support. Through process improvement problems or errors are prevented rather than fixed after they have occurred. etc. They emphasize prevention They encourage collaboration rather than competition. Process improvement Process improvement involves systematically analyzing and changing process factors so that they work together better to improve quality. redesign. What are the Basic Concepts of Total Quality Leadership? Quality focus For the naval service. etc. rather than control. or innovation of processes. medical care. In the world of commerce they ultimately define quality. medical care. ―end-users‖ of products and services provided by the DON. engineering support. The Sailors and Marines are the customers or. Extended process An organization can and should work with customers and suppliers as part of an extended system to improve quality. quality refers to the extent to which naval organizations satisfy their mission requirements. Some of these are delivery of supplies. the focus of quality improvement efforts is to meet mission requirements as defined by the operational forces. Mission effectiveness is increased through improvement. Sailors and Marines are the ultimate judges of the quality of the supplies. They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality. They train and coach. more appropriately. .and mid-level managers chartered by the ESC who are jointly responsible for significant processes. 11. The highest-level team is called an Executive Steering Committee (ESC). PATs are made up of individuals who work directly in a process. QMBs organize subordinate teams. then they submit those changes as recommendations through the chain of command to QMBs. 13. and working levels of an organization. 42 | P a g e . These teams are chartered by a QMB to assist in the process management effort because of their (1) knowledge of process performance and (2) location in the process where data are to be collected. work is actually accomplished through processes that flow horizontally. to collect and analyze information to identify the process factors influence the quality of performance. and some teams are following:     TQL teams ESCs QMBs PATs 12. What do you mean by the Structure of Teams? Teams need to be formed that reflect existing ownership responsibilities and the way the work is actually performed. During Phase Two the ESC is responsible for strategic planning and strategic management. and senior enlisted person. As needed. What do you mean by ESCs? ESCs represent the executive level. What do you mean by QMBs? QMBs are cross-functional teams of top. PATs. 15. The up-and-down vertical flow on the current organizational charts only reflects how control is exerted from the top to the bottom. A critical responsibility of PATs is to collect. What are TQL teams? In an organization practicing TQL. While all three levels of teams are expected to share a common approach to improvement. A QMB uses the combined knowledge of its members to select the process areas or factors that contribute the most toward achieving performance improvement. It develops an implementation plan and selects improvement goals. Contrary to the way management structures appear on hierarchical organization charts. an ESC should include the Commanding officer. implementing the management changes needed to optimize mission effectiveness. regulatory agencies). and provide summary information to QMBs about processes. PATs also take actions to stabilize process performance. The ESC collects and uses information from the organization‘s customers and other external Groups (e. Teams of mid-level leaders are called Quality Management Boards (QMBs). middle. department heads. analyze. across the organization. senior civilian. Define PATs. 14.g. For naval organizations. It charters and supports the analysis and improvement efforts conducted by subordinate teams. teams are created to represent the top. If they identify changes that they cannot make at their level of authority. Teams of individuals who work in a process are called Process Action Teams (PATs).or to share process improvements can reduce problems and avoid defects due to faulty materials or inadequate service. among other factors. and the maximum possible 43 | P a g e . and they contain the continuous process of improvement as an express constituent. 17. Product quality: Result of the tests conducted upon receipt of goods Complaint index. but new structures for horizontal coordination are often required. middle managers are the quality champions. The analysis of the data is the starting point for permanent improvement. cross-functional management is essential ¾ existing vertical organizational structures and independent operational units may be retained. provides the resources and leads by example. Customer's satisfaction: Service. What is Strategic Quality Management? Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved. or a new social. First. Logistics objectives: Punctuality of the deliveries from the producer and to the customer. The following characteristic figures are judged for this purpose:     Sales objectives: Sales volume and gross profit. Second. Write five principles TQM applications. Quality 18. Every employee is obliged to work for the benefit of both our enterprise and that of our customers in accordance with the guidelines of our Quality Management (QM) documentation. new technology. Standing at the crossroads of vertical and horizontal structures. Senior management sets the environment. What are its Objectives quality management? The Quality Policies. Third. the implementers of quality systems.. top management is the driving force.16. the Declaration of Principles and the Quality Objectives of our enterprise were formulated by the management. Quality Policies and Quality Objectives serve as a guideline for all employees in carrying out all their work. Keeping of deadlines. The Zero . Quality is a strategic issue. and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances.Fault . Trelleborg Sealing Solutions evaluates the quality of the processes by the attainment of the objectives. new competitors. assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors. middle managers are the dominant quality controllers in most organizations.Strategy is established in the Declaration of Principles. a new economic environment. Explain. financial. A part of the quantifiable objectives constituting the basis for QM-Assessment is derived from the Quality Policies (in the QM-plans of the departments/divisions.) Data is regularly collected and submitted to the management board for evaluation. and internal customer relationships are commonly created. or political environment. Objectives are set up annually and partial objectives and their attainment are checked regularly. Unit -3. 19. but then gradually leads to larger and more 44 | P a g e . Quality organizations are characterized by the internalization of a commitment to quality. What is Product quality? Role of measurement and calibration in the manufacture of products for the global market The purpose of the present guide is to assist small and medium-sized enterprises and other interested users to understand how to control product quality. it gains positive word-of-mouth marketing. PDCA is a successive cycle which starts off small to test potential effects on processes. when these ratings dip. To be able do this. using statistical methods. with no middle management. What is PDSA? PDCA (plan–do–check–act) is an iterative four-step management process typically used in business. Furthermore. and a focus on the absolute priority of the customer. Fourth. 1. While the language of teamwork is the standard discourse among managers. its products. team leaders are the quality champions. it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction. entrenched quality systems. They focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers‘ expectations. Rigorous and systematic issue -identification and problem-solving. and measure. test. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a Balanced Scorecard. Within organizations. by all participants. Chapters 5-8 of the guide also cover various third-party schemes for product certification and pre-shipment inspection and also how the World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade can facilitate product conformity assessment procedures. In flat organizational structures. firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction. 20. customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. or percentage of total customers.responsibility should be devolved to this level. and high levels of trust. Shewhart cycle. Therefore. customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. control circle/cycle. It is also known as the Deming circle/cycle/wheel. a term frequently used in marketing. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers. or at least understood. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers. and decision-making techniques should be adopted. they warn of problems that can affect sales and profitability. distributed (and collective) decision making." In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers. 71 percent responded that they found the "customer satisfaction" metric very useful. cost/benefit and cause and effect analysis. question. or plan–do–study–act (PDSA). open communications. is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. TQM has the potential to align reality with rhetoric. When a brand has loyal customers. Fifth. What is Customer satisfaction? Customer satisfaction. whose reported experience with a firm. or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals. These metrics quantify an important dynamic. 6 Sigma Qualities. in practice it is often more exhortatory than real. the improvement process both creates and depends on cultural change within the organization. Benchmarking and Competitive Analysis. which is both free and highly effective. targeted change. Plan, Do, Check, Act are the four components of Work bench in Software testing. 2. What do you mean by PLAN? Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the expected output (the target or goals). By making the expected output the focus, it differs from other techniques in that the completeness and accuracy of the specification is also part of the improvement. 3. What do you means by DO words? Implement the new processes, often on a small scale if possible, to test possible effects. It is important to collect data for charting and analysis for the following "CHECK" step. 4. What is CHECK? Measure the new processes and compare the results (collected in "DO" above) against the expected results (targets or goals from the "PLAN") to ascertain any differences. Charting data can make this much easier to see trends in order to convert the collected data into information. Information is what you need for the next step "ACT". 5. What is ACT? Analyze the differences to determine their cause. Each will be part of either one or more of the P-D-C-A steps. Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement. When a pass through these four steps does not result in the need to improve, refine the scope to which PDCA is applied until there is a plan that involves improvement. 6. What do you mean by Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986.[1][2] As of 2010, it is widely used in many sectors of industry, although its use is not without controversy. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.[3] It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Black Belts", "Green Belts", etc.) who are experts in these methods.[3] Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified financial targets (cost reduction and/or profit increase).[3] The term Six Sigma originated from terminology associated with manufacturing, specifically terms associated with statistical modeling of manufacturing processes. The maturity of a manufacturing process can be described by a sigma rating indicating its yield, or the percentage of defect-free products it creates. A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of the products manufactured are statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4 defects per million). Motorola set a goal of "six sigma" for all of its manufacturing operations, and this goal became a byword for the management and engineering practices used to achieve it. 7. Describe the six sigma project methodologies? Six Sigma projects follow two project methodologies inspired by Deming's Plan-Do-CheckAct Cycle. These methodologies, composed of five phases each, bear the acronyms DMAIC and DMADV.[14] 45 | P a g e   DMAIC is used for projects aimed at improving an existing business process.[14] DMAIC is pronounced as "duh-may-ick". DMADV is used for projects aimed at creating new product or process designs.[14] DMADV is pronounced as "duh-mad-vee 8. What do you mean by DMADV or DFSS? The DMADV project methodology, also known as DFSS ("Design For Six Sigma"),[14] features five phases:   Define design goals that are consistent with customer demands and the enterprise strategy. Measure and identify CTQs (characteristics that are Critical To Quality), product capabilities, production process capability, and risks.   Analyze to develop and design alternatives, create a high-level design and evaluate design capability to select the best design. Design details, optimize the design, and plan for design verification. This phase may require simulations.  Verify the design, set up pilot runs, implement the production process and hand it over to the process owner(s). 9. Describe the role of Six Sigma? Six Sigma identifies several key roles for its successful implementation.[15]  Executive Leadership includes the CEO and other members of top management. They are responsible for setting up a vision for Six Sigma implementation. They also empower the other role holders with the freedom and resources to explore new ideas for breakthrough improvements. Champions take responsibility for Six Sigma implementation across the organization in an integrated manner. The Executive Leadership draws them from upper management. Champions also act as mentors to Black Belts. Master Black Belts, identified by champions, act as in-house coaches on Six Sigma. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They assist champions and guide Black Belts and Green Belts. Apart from statistical tasks, they spend their time on ensuring consistent application of Six Sigma across various functions and departments. Black Belts operate under Master Black Belts to apply Six Sigma methodology to specific projects. They devote 100% of their time to Six Sigma. They primarily focus on Six Sigma project execution, whereas Champions and Master Black Belts focus on identifying projects/functions for Six Sigma. Green Belts are the employees who take up Six Sigma implementation along with their other job responsibilities, operating under the guidance of Black Belts.     10. Origin and meaning of the term "six sigma processes". The term "six sigma process" comes from the notion that if one has six standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit, as shown in the graph, 46 | P a g e practically no items will fail to meet specifications.[10] This is based on the calculation method employed in process capability studies. Capability studies measure the number of standard deviations between the process mean and the nearest specification limit in sigma units. As process standard deviation goes up, or the mean of the process moves away from the center of the tolerance, fewer standard deviations will fit between the mean and the nearest specification limit, decreasing the sigma number and increasing the likelihood of items outside specification Sigma Normal distribution 11. What is DMAIC project methodology? The DMAIC project methodology has five phases:      Define the problem, the voice of the customer, and the project goals, specifically. Measure key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data. Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause-and-effect relationships. Determine what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out root cause of the defect under investigation. Improve or optimize the current process based upon data analysis using techniques such as design of experiments, poka yoke or mistake proofing, and standard work to create a new, future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability. Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from target are corrected before they result in defects. Implement control systems such as statistical process control, production boards, visual workplaces, and continuously monitor the process. 12. Describe the Tools and Techniques? The Seven Basic Tools of Quality is a designation given to a fixed set of graphical techniques identified as being most helpful in troubleshooting issues related to quality.[1] They are called basic because they are suitable for people with little formal training in statistics and because they can be used to solve the vast majority of quality-related issues.[2] The tools are:        The cause-and-effect or Ishikawa diagram The check sheet The control chart The histogram The Pareto chart The scatter diagram Stratification (alternately flow chart or run chart) The designation arose in postwar Japan, inspired by the seven famous weapons of Benkei. At that time, companies that had set about training their workforces in statistical quality control 47 | P a g e to yield a breakthrough improvement. When to use Benchmarking? Benchmarking can be done prior to embarking on a new process or reengineering an existing one. it seeks innovation by looking outside the industry paradigm. number crunching.Do . What is Benchmarking? The pioneer of benchmarking. Companies benchmark in order to: develop and implement strategic goals establish realistic actionable objectives provide a sense of urgency encourage striving for perfection and innovative thinking create a better understanding of the industry. Provide team with information and overall materials necessary.[ 13. Identify results you want to achieve through examining other similar processes and resources. Benchmarking can be a very useful management tool. How to use PDCA? This is parallel to the Plan . 14. 15. and adapting outstanding practices from organizations anywhere in the world to help your organization improve its performance. defines benchmarking as the continuous process of measuring products. 16. 48 | P a g e . understanding. Once the agreement is in place. easy. People often mistake benchmarking for competitive analysis. continued measurement can track progress over time. spying. espionage or gradual improvement. By understanding the state of operations before one can define improvement goals such as reducing unit costs by x percent a year. It is a methodology in striving to attain a leap-ahead rather than gradual improvement and looks for the significant new aspect of a process that will accelerate innovation and change. This enables the organization to set a stake of objectivity in the ground and establish a standard.Act (PDCA) cycle]? Plan: 1 2 3    Develop a team which represents all stakeholders. Benchmarking doesn't limit itself to competitive information. or improving service levels by y percent a year.Check . Benchmarking can be applied to processes or process metrics. Why is benchmarking important? Benchmarking eliminates the guess work by looking at processes and enablers that lead to best practices. product breakdown (reverse engineering) strategic goals. services and practices against the toughest competitors or those companies recognized as industry leaders (best in class). Benchmarking is not a way of getting someone off your case by proving that you have nothing to learn and it is not a quick. Benchmarking is the process of identifying. copying. It's a guessing game as to how to achieve the competitive advantage.found that the complexity of the subject intimidated the vast majority of their workers and scaled back training to focus primarily on simpler methods which suffice for most qualityrelated issues anyway. Xerox. and emphasize sensitivity to changing customer needs. Competitive analysis typically looks at intelligence data: facts and figures. on the way to a world-class level of performance / customer satisfaction. which will have an impact on what competitive pressures are around which will influence who you choose as your target audience. Who you choose as your target audience will have implications for what capabilities you need. What is the basis of competition? Where are the threats? Where is their pressure and where is the market easy? Analysis of the three areas is interrelated. Identify qualitative data that explains success factors and how the process is best-in-class. 17. What do they do? What would help them do what they do better? What are their needs? Where are the most profitable customers? Competencies: Skills. 18. What do you do well? What abilities could you draw on? What costs do you have to carry? Where do you make money? Competition: The whole competitive environment from regulation to real life competition.4  5  Analyze: 1  2  3 4 5   Develop a vision of what doing the process better means. Determine strengths and weaknesses presented in the information. Setting a strategy requires knowledge in three areas: Customers: Existing customers and potential customers and markets. From this analysis and by applying creativity will come a number of options and opportunities that can be used to build and implement a solid strategic plan for new or existing markets. What do you mean by Strategic analysis? An objective analysis and understanding of your markets and your costs and capabilities forms the bedrock for the strategy development process. What is Process Capability? 49 | P a g e . Identify quantitative data that can help you measure performance and set future targets. knowledge and relationships. Determine how information will be collected. Compare data and determine what you can learn from it. Describe Chart details. 20.Process capability is the long-term performance level of the process after it has been brought under statistical control. A control chart consists of:    50 | P a g e Points representing a statistic of measurements of a quality characteristic in samples taken from the process at different times. the mean of the means. 2. also known as Shewhart charts or process-behaviour charts. machine. Under SPC. And also Process capability is the ability of the combination of people. Key tools in SPC are control charts. What do you mean control chart? Control charts. a focus on continuous improvement and designed experiments. and measurements to produce a product that will consistently meet the design requirements or customer expectation. 19. The mean of this statistic using all the samples is calculated (e. in statistical process control are tools used to determine whether or not a manufacturing or business process is in a state of statistical control. material. mean of the ranges. Unit-4. When the study is completed. A center line is drawn at the value of the mean of the statistic. What is a Process Capability Study? Process capability study is a scientific and a systematic procedure that uses control charts to detect and eliminate the unnatural causes of variation until a state of statistical control is reached. . n p chart. mean of the proportions). process capability is the range over which the natural variation of the process occurs as determined by the system of common causes. Variations in the process that may affect the quality of the end product or service can be detected and corrected. Control Charts for attributes. In other words. What do you mean by Statistical process control (SPC) Statistical process control (SPC) is the application of statistical methods to the monitoring and control of a process to ensure that it operates at its full potential to produce conforming product. you will identify the natural variability of the process. methods. While SPC has been applied most frequently to controlling manufacturing lines. c chart. a process behaves predictably to produce as much conforming product as possible with the least possible waste.g. thus reducing waste as well as the likelihood that problems will be passed on to the customer. 1. Much of the power of SPC lies in the ability to examine a process and the sources of variation in that process using tools that give weight to objective analysis over subjective opinions and that allow the strength of each source to be determined numerically.. p chart. it applies equally well to any process with a measurable output. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the mean. C. drawn as separate lines. or expected value). stochastic processes. Tippett. typically two standard errors above and below the center line. unlike variance. in terms of sample variance.and special-causes of variation. An alternative method is to use the relationship between the range of a sample and its standard deviation derived by Leonard H. It is algebraically simpler though practically less robust than the average absolute deviation. Technically. the standard deviation (error) required is that of the common-cause variation in the process. the standard deviation of a statistical population. A useful property of standard deviation is that. data set. 5. The central objects of probability theory are random variables. It shows how much variation or "dispersion" there is from the average (mean. Annotation with events of interest. What is Standard deviation? Standard deviation is a widely used measurement of variability or diversity used in statistics and probability theory. is not used as this estimates the total squared-error loss from both common. an estimator which tends to be less influenced by the extreme observations which typify special-causes.  The standard error (e. as determined by the Quality Engineer in charge of the process's quality.g. standard deviation/sqrt(n) for the mean) of the statistic is also calculated using all the samples. with the addition of rules governing frequencies of observations in each zone. The chart may have other optional features. 4. Upper and lower control limits (sometimes called "natural process limits") that indicate the threshold at which the process output is considered statistically 'unlikely' are drawn typically at 3 standard errors from the center line. or probability distribution is the square root of its variance. and events: mathematical abstractions of non-deterministic events or measured quantities that may either be single occurrences or evolve over time in an apparently random 51 | P a g e . What is Probability theory? Probability theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with analysis of random phenomena. What do you mean by Calculation of standard deviation? As for the calculation of control limits. it is expressed in the same units as the data.. whereas high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. including:    Upper and lower warning limits. Hence. the usual estimator. Control Chart 3. Division into zones. the mean is not necessarily the same as the middle value (median). The mode income is the most likely income. 22. then if repeated many times the sequence of random events will exhibit certain patterns. the geometric mean of six values: 34. What is Harmonic mean (HM)? Explain. which can be studied and predicted. or distribution. Two representative mathematical results describing such patterns are the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. For example. 55. For example. and 34 is 7. so that the majority has an income lower than the mean. 27. the arithmetic mean of six values: 34. 55. The harmonic mean is an average which is useful for sets of numbers which are defined in relation to some unit. The median or mode is often more intuitive measures of such data. 22. mean income is skewed upwards by a small number of people with very large incomes. What do you mean by Arithmetic mean (AM)? The arithmetic mean is the "standard" average. If an individual coin toss or the roll of die is considered to be a random event. 45. however. By contrast. 52 | P a g e . for example speed (distance per unit of time).g. mode or range. The geometric mean is an average that is useful for sets of positive numbers that are interpreted according to their product and not their sum (as is the case with the arithmetic mean) e. for skewed distributions. often simply called the "mean". or the most likely (mode). the median income is the level at which half the population is below and half is above. and favors the larger number of people with lower incomes. The mean may often be confused with the median. For example. many skewed distributions are best described by their mean – such as the exponential and Poisson distributions. Nevertheless. What is Geometric mean (GM)? Explain. 45. The mean is the arithmetic average of a set of values. and 34 is: 8. rates of growth. 6. 22. What is the Relationship between AM. and HM? AM. 55. 45. 27. It is defined for a set of n positive numbers xi by By choosing the appropriate value for the parameter m we get all means: maximum m=2 m=1 quadratic mean arithmetic mean geometric mean m=−1 harmonic mean minimum ƒ-mean This can be generalized further as the generalized f-mean And again a suitable choice of an invertible ƒ will give 53 | P a g e . GM. The generalized mean. is an abstraction of the quadratic. 10. also known as the power mean or Hölder mean. arithmetic. and HM satisfy these inequalities: Equality holds only when all the elements of the given sample are equal. geometric and harmonic means. and 34 is 9. Describe generalized means (Power mean). GM.For example. the harmonic mean of the six values: 34. the p-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor the proportion of nonconforming units in a sample. 11. What is truncated mean? Sometimes a set of numbers might contain outliers. where the sample proportion nonconforming is defined as the ratio of the number of nonconforming units to the sample size. Assuming the values have been ordered. f(x) = xm f(x) = lnx power mean. It is simply the arithmetic mean after removing the lowest and the highest quarter of values. 12. Geometric mean. What do you mean by P CHART? In statistical quality control. effectively applying the specifications to the data before they are plotted on the chart. so is simply a specific example of a weighted mean for a specific set of weights. a datum which is much lower or much higher than the others. 14. Describe weighted arithmetic mean. outliers are erroneous data caused by artifacts. The number of values removed is indicated as a percentage of total number of values. n. Explain Interquartile mean. Other types of control charts display the magnitude of the quality characteristic under study. In this case one can use a truncated mean. making troubleshooting possible directly from those charts. It involves discarding given parts of the data at the top or the bottom end. if one wants to combine average values from samples of the same population with different sample sizes: The weights wi represent the bounds of the partial sample.e. Often. 13. The weighted arithmetic mean is used.The p-chart only accommodates "pass"/"fail"-type inspection as determined by one or more go-no go gauges or tests.harmonic mean. 54 | P a g e . i. and then taking the arithmetic mean of the remaining data. In other applications they represent a measure for the reliability of the influence upon the mean by respective values. typically an equal amount at each end. The interquartile mean is a specific example of a truncated mean. Write the Assumptions of p chart. Some organizations may elect to provide a standard value for p. The binomial distribution is the basis for the p-chart and requires the following assumptions:    The probability of nonconformity p is the same for each unit. Describe the Calculation and plotting of p-chart. process observations only need be plotted against the upper control limit. Each unit is independent of its predecessors or successors. 55 | P a g e . P control chart P Chart Calculations Plotted statistic: The percent of items in the sample meeting the criteria of interest.15. effectively making it a target value for the proportion nonconforming. 16. The inspection procedure is same for each sample and is carried out consistently from sample to sample. if the lower control limit is less than or equal to zero. Note that observations of proportion nonconforming below a positive lower control limit are cause for concern as they are more frequently evidence of improperly calibrated test and inspection equipment or inadequately trained inspectors than of sustained quality improvement. The control limits for this chart type are Where is the estimate of the long-term process mean established during control-chart setup? Naturally. What is np-chart? Explain. In statistical quality control.   he number nonconforming (np). the np-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor the number of nonconforming units in a sample. The sample size.Where nj is the sample size (number of units) of group j. is plotted against the control limits. rather than the fraction nonconforming (p). 56 | P a g e . LCL (Upper and Lower Control Limit) Where nj is the sample size (number of units) of group j. is constant.[1] The np-chart differs from the p-chart in only the three following aspects:  The control limits are . Where n is the sample size and is the estimate of the long-term process mean established during control-chart setup. n. It is an adaptation of the p-chart and used in situations where personnel find it easier to interpret process performance in terms of concrete numbers of units rather than the somewhat more abstract proportion. 17. and m is the number of groups included in the analysis. Center Line Where nj is the sample size (number of units) of group j. p-bar is the Average percent. UCL. np control chart Center line Control limits Plotted statistic 18.chart? Explain. 57 | P a g e . Nonconformities may also be tracked by type or location which can prove helpful in tracking down assignable causes. What is c. The c-chart differs from the p-chart in that it accounts for the possibility of more than one nonconformity per inspection unit. In statistical quality control. the c-chart is a type of control chart used to monitor "count"-type data. It is also occasionally used to monitor the total number of events occurring in a given unit of time. The p-chart models "pass"/"fail"-type inspection only. typically total number of nonconformities per unit. The number of defectives is then counted and compared to the first sample's acceptance number a1 and 58 | P a g e . a second sample is taken. The sample size is n. What is double Sampling? Double and multiple sampling plans were invented to give a questionable lot another chance. For example. How many Types of Sampling Plans? Three types of sampling plans 1. otherwise the lot is accepted. single sampling plan 2. 20. Application of double sampling requires that a first sample of size n1 is taken at random from the (large) lot. as previously defined.Center line Control limits Plotted statistic 19. is specified by the pair of numbers (n.c). Multiple sampling plan A single sampling plan. double sampling plan 3. and the lot is rejected if there are more than c defectives in the sample. if in double sampling the results of the first sample are not conclusive with regard to accepting or rejecting. for example. 22. the experimenter is often interested in the effect of some process or intervention (the "treatment") on some objects (the "experimental units"). What do you understand by design of experiments (DOE) or experimental design? Experimental design is the design of any information-gathering exercises where variation is present. is counted. If D2 r2. and Distribution Curve. Reliability may refer to: Reliability (engineering). d2. Now this is compared to the acceptance number a2 and the rejection number r2 of sample 2.  Reliability (computer networking).  Data reliability. What is redundancy in quality? In total quality management. perhaps because of the positive connotations of the term redundancy used in connection with safety-critical systems. as a theoretical concept. etc. Introduction to Design Experiments. natural experiments and quasi-experiments (for example.  Reliability (statistics). The total number of defectives is D2 = d1 + d2. a second sample is taken. TQM. If a1 < d1 < r1. What do you mean by reliability? In general. whether under the full control of the experimenter or not.  Reliabilism in philosophy and epistemology. redundancy in quality or redundant quality means quality which exceeds the required quality level. creating unnecessarily high costs of production. of a set of data and experiments. r2 = a2 + 1 to ensure a decision on the sample. the lot is rejected 21. Denote the number of defectives in sample 1 by d1 and in sample 2 by d2. Other types of study. plants. reliability (systemic def. In double sampling. However. materials. groups of people. 1. quasiexperimental design).  High reliability is informally reported in "nines". the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time.) is the ability of a person or system to perform and maintain its functions in routine circumstances.rejection number r1. the lot is accepted. these terms are usually used for controlled experiments. 59 | P a g e . the number of defectives.  Reliability theory. If a second sample of size n2 is taken. are discussed in the articles on opinion polls and statistical surveys (which are types of observational study). in statistics. Tolerances may be too accurate. Redundant quality is sometimes incorrectly used instead of even quality or constant quality. the lot is rejected. then: If d1 a1. a category used to describe protocols. to explain biological aging and species longevity. If D2 a2. which may be people. a property of some disk arrays in computer storage. and their design. animals. the lot is accepted. See Experiment for the distinction between these types of experiments or studies. If d1 r1. In the design of experiments. parts of people.  Unit -5. as well as hostile or unexpected circumstances. As an example. Randomization There is an extensive body of mathematical theory that explores the consequences of making the allocation of units to treatments by means of some random mechanism such as tables of random numbers. and great care must be taken that appropriate random methods are used. all the information that can be captured from the experiment is obtainable from the set of contrasts. Provided the sample size is adequate. If there are T treatments and T – 1 orthogonal contrasts. each orthogonal treatment provides different information to the others. Random does not mean haphazard. Factorial experiments 60 | P a g e . Blocking reduces known but irrelevant sources of variation between units and thus allows greater precision in the estimation of the source of variation under study. Comparisons between treatments are much more reproducible and are usually preferable. 2. Blocking Blocking is the arrangement of experimental units into groups (blocks) consisting of units that are similar to one another. scientific control. in his innovative book The Design of Experiments (1935). Contrasts can be represented by vectors and sets of orthogonal contrasts are uncorrelated and independently distributed if the data are normal. or traditional treatment that acts as baseline. the risks associated with random allocation (such as failing to obtain a representative sample in a survey. Because of this independence. Explains the principles of experimental design? A methodology for designing experiments was proposed by Ronald A. Measurements are repeated and full experiments are replicated to help identify the sources of variation and to better estimate the true effects of treatments. Orthogonality Example of orthogonal factorial design Orthogonality concerns the forms of comparison (contrasts) that can be legitimately and efficiently carried out. or having a serious imbalance in a key characteristic between a treatment group and a control group) are calculable and hence can be managed down to an acceptable level. While this sounds like a frivolous application. he described how to test the hypothesis that a certain lady could distinguish by flavour alone whether the milk or the tea was first placed in the cup. or the use of randomization devices such as playing cards or dice. Often one compares against a standard. it allowed him to illustrate the most important ideas of experimental design: Comparison In many fields of study it is hard to reproduce measured results exactly.Design of experiments is thus a discipline that has very broad application across all the natural and social sciences. Fisher. Replication Measurements are usually subject to variation and uncertainty. 4. How analysis of design of experiments built the foundation of analysis of variance? Analysis of the design of experiments was built on the foundation of the analysis of variance. the jth treatment have exactly the same effect tj on every experiment unit. 7. The assumption of unit treatment additivity usually cannot be directly falsified. The property of unit-treatment additivity is not invariant under a "change of scale". the assumption of unit-treatment additivity implies that the variance is constant for all treatments. In its simplest form ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the means of several groups are all equal. Therefore. three or more means. What is Analysis of variance In statistics. following the ideas of C. the assumption of unit-treatment additivity states that the observed response yi.j = yi + tj The assumption of unit-treatment addivity implies that. by contraposition. a necessary condition for unit-treatment additivity is that the variance is constant. following the experimental protocol. In a randomized controlled experiment.Use of factorial experiments instead of the one-factor-at-a-time method. ANOVAs are useful in comparing two. Peirce and Ronald A. that is yi. For this reason. The objective random-assignment is used to test the significance of the null hypothesis. analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models. According to Cauchy's functional equation theorem. Doing multiple two-sample t-tests would result in an increased chance of committing a type I error. and their associated procedures. the treatments are randomly assigned to experimental units. S. This design-based analysis was discussed and developed by Francis J. according to Cox and Kempthorne. so statisticians often use transformations to achieve unittreatment additivity. 3. What is Unit-treatment additivity? In its simplest form. 5. For a randomized experiment. Fisher. This randomization is objective and declared before the experiment is carried out. many consequences of treatment-unit additivity can be falsified. However. If the response variable is expected to follow a parametric family of probability distributions.j from experimental unit i when receiving treatment j can be written as the sum of the unit's response yi and the treatment-effect tj. a collection of models in which the observed variance is partitioned into components due to different factors which are estimated and/or tested. the logarithm is 61 | P a g e . for every treatment j. and therefore generalizes t-test to more than two groups. in which the observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation. These are efficient at evaluating the effects and possible interactions of several factors. Write the name of different models?  Fixed-effects models (Model 1)  Random-effects models (Model 2  Mixed-effects models (Model 3 What do you mean by Randomization-based analysis? 6. 8. Fisher and his followers. when applied to data from non-randomized experiments or observational studies. statistical significance is tested for by comparing the F test statistic 62 | P a g e . Kempthorne's use of unit treatment additivity and randomization is similar to the design-based inference that is standard in finite-population survey sampling. model-based analysis lacks the warrant of randomization. we show the model for a simplified ANOVA with one type of treatment at different levels. What are Statistical models for observational data? However. For example. For example. In practice. Partitioning of the sum of squares The fundamental technique is a partitioning of the total sum of squares S into components related to the effects used in the model. So. In practice. very similar to the textbook model discussed previously. The F-test is used for comparisons of the components of the total deviation.the only continuous transformation that transforms real multiplication to addition. in one-way or single-factor ANOVA. For observational data. The test statistics of this derived linear model are closely approximated by the test statistics of an appropriate normal linear model. The assumption of unit-treatment additivity was enunciated in experimental design by Kempthorne and Cox. Explain logic of ANOVA. 10. the derivation of confidence intervals must use subjective models. "statistical models" and observational data are useful for suggesting hypotheses that should be treated very cautiously by the public Freedman. What is Derived linear model? Kempthorne uses the randomization-distribution and the assumption of unit treatment additivity to produce a derived linear model. there are differences. On the contrary. 9. as emphasized by Ronald A. the randomization-based analysis results in a small but negative correlation between the observations In the randomization-based analysis. the estimates of treatment-effects from observational studies generally are often inconsistent. For example. there is no assumption of a normal distribution and certainly no assumption of independence. according to approximation theorems and simulation studies by Kempthorne and his students However. the number of degrees of freedom f can be partitioned in a similar way and specifies the chi-square distribution which describes the associated sums of squares. the observations are dependent. Eta-squared is a biased estimator of the variance explained by the model in the population. omega. Common effect size estimates reported in univariate-response anova and multivariateresponse man ova include the following: eta-squared. Power analysis can assist in study design by determining what sample size would be required in order to have a reasonable chance of rejecting the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true. 11. What is Effect size? Effect-size estimates facilitate the comparison of findings in studies and across disciplines. A statistically significant effect in ANOVA is often followed up with one or more different follow-up tests.nT − I degrees of freedom. Partial η2 (Partial eta-squared): Partial eta-squared describes the "proportion of total variation attributable to the factor. partial eta-squared. Planned tests are determined before looking at the data and post hoc tests are performed after looking at the data.Where I = number of treatments And nT = total number of cases To the F-distribution with I − 1. partialling out (excluding) other factors from the total non error variation" Partial eta squared is often higher than eta squared. Follow-up tests are often distinguished in terms of whether they are planned (a priori) or post hoc. Power analysis Power analysis is often applied in the context of ANOVA in order to assess the probability of successfully rejecting the null hypothesis if we assume a certain ANOVA design. sample size and alpha level. On average it overestimates the variance explained in the population. Post hoc tests such as Tukey's range test most commonly compare every group mean 63 | P a g e . Using the F-distribution is a natural candidate because the test statistic is the ratio of two scaled sums of squares each of which follows a scaled chi-square distribution. and inter correlation. This can be done in order to assess which groups are different from which other groups or to test various other focused hypotheses. Η2 Eta-squared describes the ratio of variance explained in the dependent variable by a predictor while controlling for other predictors. effect size in the population. As the sample size gets larger the amount of bias gets smaller. When there are only two means to compare. and associated processes. is an approach that extends beyond ordinary statistical quality control techniques and quality improvement methods.] especially on the protocol that specifies the random assignment of treatments to subjects. the design of a pressure vessel should include not only the material and dimensions. What is Study designs and ANOVA? There are several types of ANOVA. motivation. 12. performance and integrity criteria. quality control issues are among the top reasons for not renewing a contract. the binomial distribution is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of independent yes/no experiments. 15. confidence. If the original specification does not reflect the correct quality requirements. safety. What is binomial distribution? In probability theory and statistics. issues that led to the defects in the first place. such personnel integrity. For instance. team spirit. 64 | P a g e . It is also common to apply ANOVA to observational data using an appropriate statistical model. What is Quality control? It is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. but also operating. the relation between ANOVA and t is given by F = t2. since the two-group case can be covered by a t-test. the protocol's description of the assignment mechanism should include a specification of the structure of the treatments and of any blocking. defined and well managed processes. This approach places an emphasis on three aspects. Different levels of urea application in a crop. It implies a complete overview and re-evaluation of the specification of a product. environmental. and identification of records Competence. Typically. Factorial ANOVA is used when the experimenter wants to study the interaction effects among the treatments. whereas quality assurance attempts to improve and stabilize production. 13. organizational culture. quality cannot be inspected or manufactured into the product. Comparisons. such as knowledge. or at least minimize. to avoid. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is used when there is more than one response variable. which are most commonly planned. 14. For contract work. however. skills. reliability and maintainability requirements. Many statisticians base ANOVA on the design of the experiment. Some popular designs use the following types of ANOVA: One-way ANOVA is used to test for differences among two or more independent groups. job management. can be either simple or compound. and documentation of findings about these requirement. particularly work awarded by government agencies. and quality relationships. Elements such as controls. Repeated measures ANOVA is used when the same subjects are used for each treatment.with every other group mean and typically incorporate some method of controlling for Type I errors. experience. and reporting to management who make the decision to allow or deny the release. the t-test and the ANOVA F-test are equivalent. Quality control emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects. also called total quality management. What is total quality control? Total quality control". and qualifications Soft elements. the one-way ANOVA is used to test for differences among at least three groups. The quality of the outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects is deficient in any way. rather than just considering a more limited set of changeable features within an existing product. and widely used. k) different ways of distributing k successes in a sequence of n trials. The probability of getting exactly k successes in n trials is given by the probability mass function: For k = 0. with the exception of the case where (n + 1)p is an integer. 1. there are two values for which ƒ is maximal: (n + 1)p and (n + 1)p − 1. the draws are not independent and so the resulting distribution is a hyper geometric distribution. the probability can be calculated by its complement as So.. n. if the random variable K follows the binomial distribution with parameters n and p. What is Probability mass function? In general. If the sampling is carried out without replacement. also denoted C (n. The Binomial distribution is n times repeated Bernoulli trial. The formula can be understood as follows: we want k successes (pk) and n − k failures (1 − p) n − k.. 16. where The binomial coefficient (hence the name of the distribution) "n choose k". and there are C (n. usually the table is filled in up to n/2 values. 2.each of which yields success with probability. the binomial distribution is a good approximation. This is because for k > n/2. the k successes can occur anywhere among the n trials. However. for N much larger than n. or nCk. n. not a binomial one. Note that the probability of it occurring can be fairly small. In this case. k). when n = 1. its behavior is not arbitrary. In creating reference tables for binomial distribution probability. nCk. What is Cumulative distribution function? The cumulative distribution function can be expressed as: 65 | P a g e . p). the expression ƒ(k. M is the most probable outcome of the Bernoulli trials and is called the mode. Such a success/failure experiment is also called a Bernoulli experiment or Bernoulli trial. However. 17. However. the binomial distribution is a Bernoulli distribution. The binomial distribution is frequently used to model the number of successes in a sample of size n drawn with replacement from a population of size N. The binomial distribution is the basis for the popular binomial test of significance. p) is monotone increasing for k < M and monotone decreasing for k > M. There is always an integer M that satisfies As a function of k. one must look to a different k and a different p (the binomial is not symmetrical in general). we write K ~ B(n. There are two possible outcomes: 1 and 0. i. Suppose first that we have a single Bernoulli trial. the first occurring with probability p and the second having probability 1 − p. Hoeffding's inequality yields the bound And Chernoff's inequality can be used to derive the bound Moreover. X is a binomially distributed random variable). p) (that is. since the following expression holds for all k ≥ 3n/8 Mean and variance If X ~ B(n. then the expected value of X is And the variance is This fact is easily proven as follows. upper bounds for the lower tail of the distribution function can be derived. In particular. The generic binomial distribution is a sum of n independent Bernoulli trials.e. The variance in this trial is calculated similarly: σ2 = (1−p)2·p + (0−p)2·(1−p) = p(1 − p). the greatest integer less than or equal to x. as follows: For k ≤ np. It can also be represented in terms of the regularized incomplete beta function. these bounds are reasonably tight when p = 1/2. The mean and the variance of such distributions are equal to the sums of means and variances of each individual trial: 66 | P a g e .Where is the "floor" under x. The expected value in this trial will be equal to μ = 1 · p + 0 · (1−p) = p. These cases can be summarized as follows: In general.[4][5] When p = 1/2 and n is odd. then the mean. Any median m must lie within the interval ⌊np⌋ ≤ m ≤ ⌈np⌉. p) distribution is equal to ⌊(n + 1)p⌋. then the distribution has two modes: (n + 1)p and (n + 1)p − 1. and it may even be non-unique. this gives and for n such trials again due to independence If X and Y are the same variable.A median m cannot lie too far away from the mean: |m – np | ≤ min { ln 2. 1 − p} }. this reduces to the variance formula given above. p) and Y ~ B (m. and mode coincide and equal np. its distribution is 67 | P a g e . median. When p is equal to 0 or 1.Mode and median Usually the mode of a binomial B(n. Defining pB as the probability of both happening at the same time. estimating their covariance can be useful. Using the definition of covariance. where ⌊ ⌋ is the floor function. If p = 1/2 and n is even. then m = n/2 is the unique median. Covariance between two binomials If two binomially distributed random variables X and Y are observed together. then X + Y is again a binomial variable. the mode will be 0 and n correspondingly. max{p. any number m in the interval ½(n − 1) ≤ m ≤ ½(n + 1) is a median of the binomial distribution. there is no single formula to find the median for a binomial distribution. However when (n + 1) p is an integer and p is neither 0 nor 1. 1 − p} except for the case when p = ½ and n is odd). and μX and μY are equal to the two probabilities. Relationship to other distributions Sums of binomials If X ~ B (n. However several special results have been established: If np is an integer. p) are independent binomial variables.The median is unique and equal to m = round (np) in cases when either p ≤ 1 − ln 2 or p ≥ ln 2 or |m − np| ≤ min{p. in the case n = 1 we have The first term is non-zero only when both X and Y are one. is the sum of n independent Bernoulli trials. each with the same probability p. the proportions would follow an approximate normal distribution with mean equal to the true proportion p of agreement in the population and with standard deviation σ = (p(1 − p)/n)1/2.5 If n is large enough. p) has the same meaning as X ~ Bern(p). The approximation generally improves as n increases (at least 20) and is better when p is not near to 0 or 1. p). in a common test statistic. Explain Poisson binomial distribution? The binomial distribution is a special case of the Poisson binomial distribution. known as de Moivre–Laplace theorem. and p is far enough from the extremes of zero or one: The following is an example of applying a continuity correction: Suppose one wishes to calculate Pr(X ≤ 8) for a binomial random variable X. then an excellent approximation to B (n. If X has the Poisson binomial distribution with p1 = … = pn =p then X ~ B(n. The proportion of people who agree will of course depend on the sample. Large sample 68 | P a g e .5). Various rules of thumb may be used to decide whether n is large enough. X ~ B(1. In this case. If you sampled groups of n people repeatedly and truly randomly. p) is given by the normal distribution. Symbolically. If Y has a distribution given by the normal approximation. suppose you randomly sample n people out of a large population and ask them whether they agree with a certain statement. a "proportion z-test. the uncorrected normal approximation gives considerably less accurate results. 18. p)." for the value of p using x/n. which is a sum of n independent non-identical trials Bern (pi). The addition of 0. then Pr(X ≤ 8) is approximated by Pr(Y ≤ 8. any binomial distribution. p) is a sum of n independent. B(n. identically distributed Bernoulli variables with parameter p. if a suitable continuity correction is used. the sample proportion and estimator of p.Bernoulli distribution The Bernoulli distribution is a special case of the binomial distribution. Normal approximation Binomial PDF and normal approximation for n = 6 and p = 0. This approximation. where n = 1. it can be seen as a consequence of the central limit theorem since B(n. Bern(p).5 is the continuity correction. For example. Conversely. This fact is the basis of a hypothesis test. and then the skew of the distribution is not too great. Poisson approximation The binomial distribution converges towards the Poisson distribution as the number of trials goes to infinity while the product np remains fixed. Some examples of chi-squared tests where the chi-square distribution is only approximately valid:  Pearson's chi-square test. for testing whether there is evidence of the need to move from a simple model to a more complicated one (where the simple model is nested within the complicated one). also known as Yates' correction for continuity Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel chi-square test.      One case where the distribution of the test statistic is an exact chi-square distribution is the test that the variance of a normally-distributed population has a given value based on a sample variance. or if n ≥ 100 and np ≤ 10. Yates' chi-square test.sizesn are good because the standard deviation. According to two rules of thumb. What is the application of chi square method? The chi-square distribution has numerous applications in inferential statistics. Linear-by-linear association chi-square test. which allows a more precise estimate of the unknown parameter p. Therefore the Poisson distribution with parameter λ = np can be used as an approximation to B (n. each divided by their respective degrees of freedom. testing for the presence of autocorrelation Likelihood-ratio tests in general statistical modelling. or any in which this is asymptotically true. which is the distribution of the ratio of two independent chi-squared random variables. What is chi Square method? A chi-square test is any statistical hypothesis in which the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-square distribution when the null hypothesis is true.05. this test is usually understood (for an exact test used in place of χ . 69 | P a g e . 19. this approximation is good if n ≥ 20 and p ≤ 0. meaning that the sampling distribution (if the null hypothesis is true) can be made to approximate a chi-square distribution as closely as desired by making the sample size large enough. gets smaller. p) of the binomial distribution if n is sufficiently large and p is sufficiently small. also known as the chi-square goodness-of-fit test or chi-square test for independence. for instance in chisquare tests and in estimating variances. When mentioned without any modifiers or without other 2 precluding context. Such a test is uncommon in practice 20. It enters the problem of estimating the mean of a normally distributed population and the problem of estimating the slope of a regression line via its role in Student‘s t-distribution. as a proportion of the expected value. The portmanteau test in time-series analysis. It enters all analysis of variance problems via its role in the F-distribution. see Fisher's exact test). QUESTION BANK FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (02BT307) 70 | P a g e . He presents his ideal behavior and sets his own example. Ans. a) To develop the HR strategy as an integral part of the business strategy. He brings innovation in personnel activities. priorities and skills of the HR department to facilitate and support the HR strategy as to value creation. As an educator-HR manager must be interested in learning and also in achieving growth. they are initiated in the organization and on the job. 71 | P a g e . integration. Ans. maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual. Q8. directing. Before industrial revolution. State two objectives of HRM. compensation. a) To utilize the available human resources effectively.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT UNIT-1 PART-A Q1. Do you think HR manager is a ‘functional expert’? How? Ans. development. What is master-servant concept? Ans. follow-the-order. laws governing working conditions prevailed. and controlling of the procurement. Q9. organizational and societal objectives are accomplished. selection. b) To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualization. workers were no more than servants. ‘Hire and fire’ approach was used. exploitation. Yes. Q4. He serves as an internal change agent to initiate improvements in personnel practices. b) To reorient the processes. he deals with the administrative practices that are central to what the HR department offers the organization ( recruitment. Q5. Q3. There were no fair wages. As a leader-HR manager is basically concerned with people and groups of people. Q6. payroll etc. Employer did not think to give labour a human treatment. He also reminds the management of their moral and ethical obligations towards employees. Ans.” Explain. He brings changes in the organization. To enable new recruits to perform their duties effectively. no healthy working conditions and no protection given to labour. He provides opportunities for his employees to learn and to assimilate new ideas. Define human resource management. What is induction? Ans. Ans. Describe two general responsibilities of HR manager. organizing. meager wages. He inspires his employees and motivates them towards better performance. labour was treated as a commodity or slave. “HR manager is a change agent. rules. At this stage. Human resource management is the planning. What are the ‘leader’ and ‘educator’ roles of HR manager? Ans. He assists in introducing and implementing major institutional changes in the organization. What is commodity concept? Ans.) Q7. A climate of ill-treatment. Q2. absence of voice. It is essentially a strategically driven activity i. esteem. Ans. State two characteristics of human resource. HRM should create a feeling of regard for ‘work’ among the employees. He acts as a “linking pin” between different departments of an organization. What is the Liaison Man role of an HR manager? Ans. He coordinates the personnel activities of various departments. To increase goodwill.e. Q15. “HRM is about shaping and delivering corporate strategies with commitment and results”. the activities included are as follows:  Training and Development  Organization/ Job Design  Human Resource Planning  Compensation and benefits Q14. Employees are accepted as partners in the progress of organization and community. To achieve this goal. If his capacity to work is not accentuated. HRM has linkages between the employment relationship and wider organizational strategies and corporate policies. Hence. Ans. Q18. a) HR function is concerned with the management of the human resources of an organization. He serves as a connecting link. Better quality of working life is offered to employees. the person may suffer from acrimony and his talent may be abated. Explain the HRM principle of individual development. health benefits. A man has unlimited potential to grow. Q16. employers adopted some welfare measures. He acts as the “right arm of the top executive” to ensure that line managers are implementing the firm’s human resource policies and practices. Human resources are the key to success of the organization. Q17. Explain the strategic function of HRM. Ans. The HR manager exercises functional control and authority to coordinate personnel activities. and medical care. Ans. Q19. they provided some safety measures. Specifically. in contrast to the material or financial resources. these must be developed. Hence. What is the scope of HRM? Ans. What is partner concept? Ans. Explain the principle of ‘dignity of labour’. It is the task of bringing people and organizations together. proper training and guidance must be provided to employees. Their psychological needs (social. Q13. What is welfare concept? Ans. Employer and employees become joint and co-entrepreneurs and managers in the organization. recognition and self-actualization) are fulfilled. What is Functional Authority? Ans. He must be developed to his fullest extent. b) It focuses on ‘action’ rather than on records or procedures. “Each job is dignified” and “To be sincere in one’s duty”. It solves personnel problems to achieve both organizational and employees personal goals. Employers showed their willingness to improve the well being of workers. Q12. 72 | P a g e .Q10. According to this concept workers are regarded as the most valuable assets of an organization. rest rooms. It should propagate such tenets as “Work is Worship”. What do you mean by human resource concept? Ans. Q11. Human resource management has certain principles to guide the conduct of employees. Q23. These are as follows:  Principle of individual development.It focuses on ‘action’ rather than on records or procedures. or the recruiting manager.HRM should create a feeling of regard for ‘work’ among the employees. How is HR Manager a strategic partner? Ans.A man has unlimited potential to grow. proper training and guidance must be provided to employees. 73 | P a g e . “Each job is dignified” and “To be sincere in one’s duty”.  Human objective. and Directors. Explain the various principles of HRM. The following are the basic features and characteristics of HRM:  People oriented. To achieve this is a basic principle of HRM. He works with other top managers to formulate the company’s strategy as well as to execute it. HR directors. may head up several different departments that are each led by functional or specialized HR staff such as the training manager.This principle states that the employees should be selected through proper tests and screening. It attempts at getting the willing cooperation of the people for the attainment of the desired goals. and occasionally HR managers. separated roles in HR management with progressively more authority and responsibility in the hands of the Manager.  Principle of motivation. Ans. In larger organizations. may have overlapping responsibilities. Human Resources Generalists. It solves personnel problems to achieve both organizational and employees personal goals. control and clarification of human behavior. It should propagate such tenets as “Work is Worship”. Describe the various characteristics and facets of HRM. It is an act of stimulating someone to encourage a desired course of action.  Principle of dignity of labour. the Director. the compensation manager. The scientific analysis of the traits and abilities of the candidate must be made. the Manager.The main object of HRM is to help employees to develop their potentialities and capacities to the full so that they can derive the greatest satisfaction from their work. the Vice President who may lead several departments including administration. and ultimately. Q22. He performs it by providing “up-to-date information on current trends and new methods of solving problems. the Human Resources Generalist.  Innovator role.”  Action oriented. in contrast to the material or financial resources. and the Director have clearly defined. If his capacity to work is not accentuated. It is the task of bringing people and organizations together. It is a direction. It refers to the degree of readiness of a man to pursue some goal. His entire personality must be judged. or Director Do? Ans.As part of his service activities.Q20. Generalist.HR function is concerned with the management of the human resources of an organization. HR manager is a strategic partner in the strategy development process. Ans. Managers.  Principle of scientific selection. PART-B Q21. the person may suffer from acrimony and his talent may be abated. depending on the size of the organization. What Does a Human Resources Manager. the HR manager also carries out an “innovator” role. He must be developed to his fullest extent. and a chief goal may be to have managers of various departments develop the skills necessary to handle personnel related tasks. The various features of HRM include: • It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises. and job creativity are seen as the primary motivators. human resources is described as much broader in scope than personnel management. tends to be an integral part of overall company function. Human resources. Personnel management can include administrative tasks that are both traditional and routine. It can be described as reactive. With human resources. and the simplification of work responsibilities. What are the differences between Personnel Management and HRM? Ans. The opposite is true of human resources. personnel management typically seeks to motivate employees with such things as compensation. and handling related tasks. From the personnel management point of view. • It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the organization. work groups. Human resource management. all of an organization's managers are often involved in some manner. complying with employment law. employee satisfaction provides the motivation necessary to improve job performance. • It encourages employees to give their best to the organization. rewards. both as individuals and groups. Ans. providing a response to demands and concerns as they are presented. Human resources is said to incorporate and develop personnel management tasks. on the other hand. • It is all about people at work. • It tries to help employees develop their potential fully. Personnel management is typically the sole responsibility of an organization's personnel department. With human resources.Human Resources staff members are advocates for both the company and the people who work in the company. Q25. As far as motivators are concerned. 74 | P a g e . while seeking to create and develop teams of workers for the benefit of the organization. A primary goal of human resources is to enable employees to work to a maximum level of efficiency. Explain the nature of Human Resource Management. • It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and wellmotivated employees. Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met. a good HR professional performs a constant balancing act to meet both needs successfully. human resources involves ongoing strategies to manage and develop an organization's workforce. as it involves the continuous development of functions and policies for the purposes of improving a company's workforce. Consequently. Personnel management is more administrative in nature. Personnel management is often considered an independent function of an organization. • It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results. dealing with payroll. on the other hand. When a difference between personnel management and human resources is recognized. • Its focus is on results rather than on rules. bonuses. is responsible for managing a workforce as one of the primary resources that contributes to the success of an organization. It is proactive. By contrast. Human resource management holds that improved performance leads to employee satisfaction. Q24. effective strategies for meeting challenges. collective bargaining. Human resource or manpower planning. joint consultation. health and safety. The various objectives of HRM are as follows: • To help the organization reach its goals. 2. Quality Circle. • To develop and maintain a quality of work life. 4. • To inculcate the sense of team spirit. transfer. selection. Training and development of employees. team work and inter-team collaboration. selection and placement of personnel. Collective bargaining. housing. 16. Potential Appraisal.• It is a multidisciplinary activity. 3. • To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of human resources. economics. • To achieve and maintain high morale among employees. 12. • To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization. 5. etc. 3. Setting general and specific management policy for organizational relationship. 10. What are the objectives of HRM? Ans. 8. placement. In order to achieve the above objectives. Role Analysis for job occupants. Developing and maintaining motivation for workers by providing incentives. utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology. layoff and retrenchment. settlement of disputes. Remuneration of employees. Job Rotation. • To ensure respect for human beings. transport. Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens. What is the scope of HRM? Ans. incentives. training and development. 6. remuneration. recreation facilities. 15. etc. • To develop overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect. 2. Taking corrective steps such as transfer from one job to another. Personnel aspect-This is concerned with manpower planning. rest and lunch rooms. 13. Aiding in the self-development of employees at all levels. What are the various functions of HRM? Ans. Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management relations. contract negotiation and grievance handling. Feedback Counseling. • To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society. Q27. recruitment. grievance and disciplinary procedures. 17. Reviewing and auditing man¬power management in the organization 14. Appraisal of performance of employees. medical assistance. Organization development and Quality of Working Life. 11. education. Q28. 7. 9. Q26. • To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization. Staffing the organization. productivity etc. To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals. • To equip the employees with precision and clarity in trans¬action of business. • To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees. • To enhance employee's capabilities to perform the present job. creches. Human Resource Management undertakes the following activities: 1. The scope of HRM is very wide: 1. Social security and welfare of employees. etc. Recruitment. 75 | P a g e . promotion. Ans. Job specification focuses on the person i. What is role analysis? Ans. What do you mean by Layoffs? Ans. Q2.e. skills. Job specification is a statement of the minimum levels of qualifications. Define Human resource planning. In this technique. a) job grading and classification b) Placement and orientation of new employees.UNIT-2 PART-A Q1. Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. What is job description? Ans. Define job enlargement. Q4. Q9. Q3.. What is the use of job description? Ans. Q11. Q5. the experts do not meet face to face. Q10. Layoffs have the potential of reducing productivity since surviving employees feel demotivated. Ans. who are capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives. What do you mean by job enrichment? 76 | P a g e . It is the reduction in jobs based on a desire to operate more efficiently. It is the plan to deal with surpluses. What is Delphi technique? Ans. It includes interactions and sentiments of the jobholder. Human resource planning is the process by which management ensures that it has the right number and kinds of people in the right places. employee layoff is done when there is an economic downturn. physical and other abilities and attributes. What is job analysis? Ans. and at the right times. Q7. A role consists of the total pattern of expected behavior. along with a second anonymous questionnaire. The first step in the Delphi process is to develop an anonymous questionnaire that asks the experts for an opinion and the reasons why they hold that opinion. the job holder. It is a horizontal change generally involving the addition of one or more similar tasks to the individual job. Define Downsizing. Job description is a functional description of the contents what the job entails. The results of this questionnaire are complied and returned to the experts. Job enlargement is expanding the scope of a job. Ans. Q6. It is usually avoided by firms. several companies have eliminated thousands of jobs. What is job specification? Ans. Q8. In order to bridge the demand-supply gap in terms of both the number and type of employees. However. What is the importance of human resource planning in an organization? Ans. PART-B Q21. What is Preliminary interview? Ans. past employees. job enlargement attacks the lack of diversity in over-specialized jobs. In many instances. reason and to make judgment. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.Ans.  Personnel costs may be less because the management can anticipates imbalances before they become unmanageable and expensive. candidate’s background and thinking are examined in detail. It is used to go into more detail on a particular subject of an important nature. For example. Selection is the process by which an organization choose from a list of screened applicants. These combine aspects of both performance and personality testing. Define Recruitment. word fluency. It increase the degree to which the worker controls the planning. Transfer. What is the basic objective of job rotation? Ans. Job enrichment refers to the vertical expansion of the jobs. comprehension. Q17. this will reduce his boredom. Q19. What do you mean by job diversity? Ans. Following are other potential benefits of HRP:  Upper management has a better view of the HR dimensions of business decision. the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria for the position available. It increases job interest. Q20. The basic objective of job rotation is to increase the skill and knowledge of the employee about related jobs.  Better planning of assignments to develop managers can be done. memory. Q18. Q12. it measures the ability to grasp. Its object is the elimination of the obviously unqualified. etc. Q14. For taking correct decision. it is a stand-up interview conducted at a desk or railing. Ans. Promotion. numbers. picture arrangement. understand. What do you mean by depth interview? Ans. It is of quite short duration to see the worth of a candidate. They are designed to observe how job applicants react to stressful but realistic real-life situations. dependents and Apprentice. etc. Ans. Q13. Q16. Ans. What do you mean by intelligence test? Ans. What do you mean by selection? Ans. Name the internal sources of recruitment. Q15. It makes exhaustive analysis. 77 | P a g e . Its aim at testing the mental capacity of a person with respect to reasoning. Explain situational tests.  More time is provided to locate talent  Better opportunities exist to include women and minority groups in future growth plans. execution and evaluation of his work. a clerk in an office who is doing the typing work only may also be assigned the tasks of drafting letters. mergers. knowledge. 4. Employees estimated to be deficient can be trained while employees with higher. 6.  Ensuring career planning of every employee of the organization & making succession programmers. Q23. Process of Human Resource Planning 1. 2. Analyzing the Corporate Level Strategies: – Human Resource Planning should start with analyzing corporate level strategies which include expansion. Ans. Once the future internal supply is estimated. the manpower planner has to suggest to the management regarding the alterations or modifications in the organizational plans. the organization has to plan for retaining of existing employees.  Controlling wages & salary casts. 78 | P a g e .  Helping the organization to cope with the technological development & modernization. There are various objectives of HRP as follows:  Assessing manpower needs for future & making plans for recruitments & selection. Such comparison will reveal either deficit or surplus of Human Resources in the future. acquisitions. human resource structure and the processes should be controlled and reviewed with a view to keep them in accordance with action plans. Forecasting of quality of human resources like skills. reduction in operations. Hence. Internally. Modify the Organizational plans: – If future supply of human resources form all the external sources is estimated to be inadequate or less than the requirement. Therefore Human Resource Planning should begin with analyzing the corporate plans of the organization before setting out on fulfilling its tasks. Demand forecasting: – Forecasting the overall human resource requirement in accordance with the organizational plans is one of the key aspects of demand forecasting.  Anticipating surplus or shortage of staff & avoiding unnecessary detention or dismissal. Plans to meet the surplus manpower may be redeployment in other departments and retrenchment. Controlling and Review: – After the action plans are implemented. human resources can be obtained for certain posts through promotions and transfers. supply of external human resources is analyzed. People may be persuaded to quit voluntarily through a golden handshake.  Surplus or deficiency of employees strength is due to absence of planning. What are the objectives of human resource planning? Ans. Analyzing Human Resource Supply: – Every organization has two sources of supply of Human Resources: Internal & External. Estimating manpower gaps: – Manpower gaps can be identified by comparing demand and supply forecasts. better skills may be given more enriched jobs.  Assessing skill requirement in future.  Ensuring higher labour productivity. values and capabilities needed in addition to quantity of human resources . technology to be used. diversification. plans are prepared to bridge these gaps. Action Planning: – Once the manpower gaps are identified. Major and successful demands on local Labour markets can be made. 7. 3.  Ensuring optimum use of human resource in the organization. 5. method of production etc. Explain the process of Human Resource Planning.  Determining training & development needs of the organization. Q22. Interview includes structured Interviews. performance appraisal. such as factory or assembly-line jobs. INTERVIEW METHOD Interview method is a useful tool of job analysis to ask questions to both incumbents and supervisors in either an individual or a group setting. 4. level of experience and technical. Work methods analysis Work methods analysis is used to describe manual and repetitive production jobs. It points out the educational qualifications. Direct observation Direct Observation is a method of job analysis to observe and record behavior / events / activities / tasks / duties while something is happening. Job Analysis plays an important role in recruitment and selection. What are the purpose of job analysis? Ans. Recruitment and Selection: Job Analysis helps in determining what kind of person is required to perform a particular job. critical incident technique. unstructured interview. The objective is to fit a right person at a right place. + Stress interview. 3. Critical incident technique is a method of job analysis used to identify work behaviors that classify in good and poor performance. emotional and personal skills required to carry out a job in desired fashion. work methods analysis. These are about 10 methods of interview such as: + group interview. Critical incident technique (CIT model). OBSERVATION METHODS OF JOB ANALYSIS Methods of observation includes direct observation. Work methods analysis includes time and motion study and micro-motion analysis. job evaluation.Q24. deciding compensation and benefits packages. open-ended questions. 79 | P a g e . analyzing training and development needs. 2. What are the observations methods of job analysis? Ans. job designing. 1. physical. assessing the worth of a job and increasing personnel as well as organizational productivity. Q25. + panel interview. effort. It also helps in deciding the training content. skill. and dangerous explosives. Equipment may include protective clothing. Both recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process. Ans. the pay package depends on the position. complexity. The work environment may include unpleasant conditions such as offensive odors and temperature extremes. The difference between the expected and actual output determines the level of training that need to be imparted to employees. Differentiate between Recruitment and Selection. Job Analysis should collect information on the following areas:  Duties and Tasks The basic unit of a job is the performance of specific tasks and duties.  Environment This may have a significant impact on the physical requirements to be able to perform a job. This is done to enhance the employee satisfaction while increasing the human output. duration. Q26. skills. 80 | P a g e . Training and Development: Job Analysis can be used to assess the training and development needs of employees. The differences between the two are: 1. hostile and aggressive people. Job Designing and Redesigning: The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the best possible output. tools and equipments to be used to conduct training and methods of training. evaluation criteria and individual’s output. radioactive substances. etc. The process guides HR managers in deciding the worth of an employee for a particular job opening.  Relationships Supervision given and received. After all. equipment. There may also be definite risks to the incumbent such as noxious fumes. evaluating and also cutting back and adding the extra responsibilities in a particular job. and abilities (KSA's) required to perform the job. It helps in deciding the performance standards. Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation WHEREAS selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts.Performance Analysis: Job analysis is done to check if goals and objectives of a particular job are met or not. Information to be collected about these items may include: frequency. Q27.  Tools and Equipment Some duties and tasks are performed using specific equipment and tools. job analysis plays a vital role in deciding the pay packages and extra perks and benefits and fixed and variable incentives of employees. a Job Analysis typically only states the minimum requirements to perform the job.  Requirements The knowledges. While an incumbent may have higher KSA's than those required for the job. Relationships with internal or external people. the overall performance of an employee is measured and he or she is appraised accordingly. On this basis. These items need to be specified in a Job Analysis. 2. The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation. enriching. What Aspects of a Job Are Analyzed? Ans. It helps in designing. standards. Compensation Management: Of course. by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organisation WHEREAS the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organisation. job title and duties and responsibilities involved in a job. redesigning. IT helps to define of the applicant for -succession planning -talent management 4. 5. 5.IT helps to select the BEST FIT for the organization 9. There is no contract of recruitment established in recruitment WHEREAS selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected employee.IT provides the input for HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM.3. DEMERITS ARE 81 | P a g e . 10. Q28.IT helps to determine for the applicant the requirements after the recruitment -induction -orientation -Job analysis -job Role/ -Job enrichment -Job rotation 3. MERITS OF RECRUITMENT 1. What are the merits and demerits of recruitment? Ans. 4.e.IT helps to determine for the applicant programs for -training -education -development -management development -career planning /development.rewards -benefits 6. Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources of human resources WHEREAS selection is concerned with selecting the most suitable candidate through various interviews and tests. 7.IT helps to meet the recruitment compliances like -equal opportunity guidelines -diversity guidelines etc 8. encouraging more and more employees to apply WHEREAS selection is a negative process as it involves rejection of the unsuitable candidates. IT helps to generate a wider choice.position description -position specifications -role of the job function -job responsibilities -job accountabilities -reporting to whom -who are reporting to the applicant -interactions with which departments -position in the organization structure 2. Recruitment is a positive process i.It leads to the preparation of the following before recruitment.IT helps the organization to meet its strategic direction.IT helps to determine for the applicant -job evaluation . . Ans. the mentor acts as an advisor and protector to the trainee. it takes time to carry it out. Ans. a) To impart the new entrants the basic job knowledge and skill. Q4. 82 | P a g e . A training need is any shortfall in terms of employee knowledge. pay and benefits. Describe the various aspects of determining training needs. Describe two benefits of on-the-job training. What do you mean by ‘Training needs’? Ans.1. a) To increase productivity b) To improve quality of the product or service. What is ‘development’ of human resources? Ans. helping the employee learn the ropes. What do you mean by ‘Training’? Ans. Q10. manufacturing processes and work rules. TIME. Q3. Q9. safety practices. a senior manager is paired with a more junior employee for the purpose of giving support. Development includes both training to increase skill in performing a specific job and education to increase general knowledge and understanding of our total environment. Q7. b) It can be used to enhance the effectiveness of diversity training programmes. Explain the need of training. What are the objectives of Training? Ans. a) It diagnoses present problems and future challenges to be met through training and development. skill and attitudes against what is required by the job. In mentoring. or the demands of organizational change. Q5. COST. Q8. and for increasing responsibility. it costs money to carry it out. Refresher training is organized for existing employees for giving them training in latest developments in their jobs and technology. What do you mean by mentoring? Ans. policies and procedures. a) It motivates employees and make them productive. Q6. What is refresher training? Ans. The costs of a separate training facility and a fulltime trainer are avoided. b) To prepare employees for higher level tasks. conditions of employment. understanding. b) It is less expensive and consumes less time. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Ans. Q2. Hence. 2. What is orientation training? Ans. UNIT-3 PART-A Q1. This training provides new employees with information on such matters as company history. This method is designed around the “incoming mail” of a manager. employees receive training whilst remaining in the workplace. What do you mean by videoconferencing? Ans. The trainer can present more material in a given amount of time than he can by any other method. A variety of decision situations are presented to trainee.With on the job training. or with groups in several cities. Q15. On-the-job training .showing the trainee how to do the job 83 | P a g e . This method allows people in one location to communicate live via a combination of audio and visual equipment with people in another city or country. Selected candidates carry on regular studies and they are also sent to factory or office during their vacations to get practical knowledge of their job. Q19. the trainer uses several examples and demonstrates the job to the trainee by performing it himself. a) It is simple way off imparting knowledge to trainees.Q11. discussions. a) Trainees get some amount of stipend during training. PART-B Q21. This training is conducted away from the actual work floor. Coaching occurs between an employee and that person’s supervisor. These are often used with lectures. It involves offering support and guidance where it is needed in a specific work activity. What is coaching? Ans. Explain the methods of training at work. With tele-training. text materials. What do you mean by job rotation? Ans. Q13. Q16. Ans. Q17. Q14. In this method. Q18. The main methods of one-the-job training include:  Demonstration / instruction . It involves simulation of a series of decisions a trainee might have to make in real life. What is tele-training? Ans.e. Workers are trained on special machines in a separate location i. Describe two benefits of lecture method. etc. What is demonstration method of training? Ans. Ans. Q12. Ans. What is Vestibule training? Ans. Describe a few merits of Apprenticeship Programme. students are given practical training while they study. Q20. a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at remote locations via television hookups. What is Internship? Ans. Describe ‘In-Basket Exercise’ method of training. b) The trainees acquire valuable skill which carries good demand in the market. This involves moving from one task to related tasks. b) It requires less time. pictures. classrooms. Ans. c) it reduces production cost as labour turnover is very low. It involves a series of assignments to different positions or departments for a specified period of time. In this method. g.g. experience. needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the important factors that affect training design. The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training objective has been produced. positive perception for training program. Training climate – A good training climate comprises of ambience. skills. what could be included. The trainees – A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their profiles. and attitudes. a graduate management trainee might spend periods in several different departments)  Projects . interpersonal. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the end of their training. Therefore. Trainers break the content into headings. judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers. topics. Trainees’ learning style – the learning style. etc. Sequence the contents – Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:      From simple to complex Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance From known to unknown From specific to general Dependent relationship 84 | P a g e . age. The trainer – Before starting a training program. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program. when the climate is favorable nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable.where the employee spends a longer period of time at college (e. computer-based training Q22. How training program can be designed? Ans. a trainer analyzes his technical. six months) before returning to work  Sponsored courses in higher education  Self-study. trainer decides upon the content to be delivered. to gain experience of a wide range of activities (e.a more intensive method of training that involves a close working relationship between an experienced employee and the trainee  Job rotation . knowledge. feelings.employees join a project team . ad modules.This occurs when employees are taken away from their place of work to be trained. Common methods of off-the-job training include:  Day release (employee takes time off work to attend a local college or training centre)  Distance learning / evening classes  Block release courses . These topics and modules are then classified into information. The trainer prepares the priority list of about what must be included. the trainer translates it into specific training areas and modules. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved by the end of training program i. tone.which may involve several weeks at a local college  Sandwich courses .which gives them exposure to other parts of the business and allow them to take part in new activities. Coaching . Age. Training topics – After formulating a strategy. Most successful project teams are "multi-disciplinary" Off-the-job training .e. Training strategies – Once the training objective has been identified.where the trainee is given several jobs in succession. educational background of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the program. experience. almost everything goes wrong. The trainer plays a pivotal role from start to end of the training that includes the following:  Training plan  Timing of different training sessions  Choosing the relevant training methods  Preparing the training materials and aids  Conducting training sessions and  Evaluating the post training session Q24. However. Sometimes a manager deliberately pairs up a new employee with an experienced one. breathing exercises through Yoga and meditation that are not directly related with the production process of a company but play an important part in the development of the employee. Training makes an employee more productive for the organization and is thus concerned with his immediate improvement. Discuss the importance of training. It is only after a brief training period that a new employee is able to perform his job at a satisfactory level. What is the role of a trainer in a company? Ans. a manager may entrust an employee the job that may not be a part of his duty but plays a part in his development. So while training concentrates on short term needs of the organization. training can also be one on one when a supervisor instructs a new employee on a machine. What are the difference between Training and Development? Ans. sound knowledge and good awareness of his goals. development looks after long term goals of the organization. Trained employees use better methods of work. development refers to techniques such as stress management. Training and development are closely interrelated terms that aim to help in achieving the objectives of the company while at the same time increasing the efficiency and productivity of the employees. Q25. Importance of training are as follows:  Higher productivity – training improves employee performance. Sometimes. This is done to make the new employee learn to do things correctly. Ans. The role of a trainer is to develop a competency and skill sets in an individual to perform his/her effectively and efficiently in the work place. Though similar in a broader sense. Training is imparted so that he understands his roles and responsibilities and learns to perform the tasks entrusted to him with ease and with efficiency. and is an event that is variously called as workshops and seminars.  Sometimes.Q23. there are many differences between training and development as follows:  Training of a new employee is an integral part of his induction and orientation. This can be termed as employee development.  Development of an employee is an ongoing process which continues well beyond training. The trainer should communicate to the trainees about what is expected out of training in a simple and professional way. Development concerns with making the employee efficient enough to handle critical situations in future.  Training often takes place in groups. It results in increased quantity of work and output. It is clear then that it is easy to see the tangible effects of a training program but difficult to quantify the benefits accruing to the company through employee development though it really helps employees to grow on a personal level. The focus of development process is the person himself where the focus of training is the organization. 85 | P a g e . What is market comparison method? Ans. Job evaluation is a process of determining the relative worth of the various jobs within the organization. managers (i. Q7. What is factor comparison method? Ans. Q5. Q8. Intuitive approach In this approach. What is the purpose of job evaluation? Ans. UNIT-4 PART-A Q1. Q6. Jobs are measured as whole jobs. mental stress. What is performance appraisal? Ans.  Job satisfaction – dissatisfactions. fear. a supervisor or manager judges the employee based on their perception of the employee's behavior. Performance appraisal is the specific and formal evaluation of an employee to determine the degree to which the employee is performing his job effectively. spoiled work. complaints. team members. work tensions. b) To solve wage and salary controversies. · Group approach the employee is evaluated by a group of persons. Q2. new contents of job and to new work relationships. Ans.  Less learning time and cost – the training time and costs are reduced considerably by training.  Adaptability – training can help an employee to develop his ability to adapt to new work methods. This method requires accurate market-pricing surveys. suppliers/ vendors . What is job grading method? Ans. Ans. Job evaluators compare compensation for your organization's jobs to the market rate for similar jobs. In this. so that differential wages may be paid to jobs of different worth. What are the approaches in performance appraisal? Ans. A scale of values is created with which jobs and their job descriptions can be compared. superior). They need not waste their efforts in learning through trial and error. Define 360 degree appraisal. Uniform work methods and procedures help to improve the quality of product or service. · Self-appraisal approach Employees evaluates their own performance using a common format. a) To have external and internal consistency in wage structure and to remove inequalities in wages. customers. frustration and absenteeism can be greatly reduced when employee are well-trained.e. Q3. Better quality of work life – training helps in standardizing the methods of work and right use of tools. yardstick is provided in the form of job classes or grades.anyone who comes into contact with 86 | P a g e . subordinates. The evaluators then analyze jobs in the external labor market to establish the market rate for such factors. new kinds of equipments. Jobs across the organization are then compared to the benchmark jobs according to the market rate of each job's compensable factors to determine job salaries. Job evaluators rank jobs that have similar responsibilities and tasks according to points assigned to compensable factors. Define job evaluation. Q4. 360 degree respondents for an employee can be his/her peers. What is checklists? Ans. Q10. b) It requires proper training to use it. In this method. Q16. What are the demerits of Factor Comparison method? Ans. Q15. These are workoriented appraisals. job-related characteristics are evaluated to determine employee potential for promotion. A state of complete physical. b) The job evaluation plan must be acceptable to employees. What is Appraisal by objectives? Ans. Q12. What is result appraisal? Ans. Q17. What are the merits of graphic rating scale? Ans. Ans. a) Rating scales are less time-consuming to develop and administer. Define Assessment centre method. Define the term ‘Health’. a) The factors selected should be less in number. Q13. The evaluators prepare a summary report and feedback is also provided to the employees who ask for it. Q18. What are the characteristic of job evaluation? Ans. a) Reliability: a measure of performance must be consistent. not people. It focus on the record of outcomes that the person achieved on the job. Q14. c) Acceptability: the criterion should be deemed to be satisfactory or adequate by those who use it. In the checklists. a) Job evaluation is a ranking of jobs. Q11. a) It is a sophisticated and quantitative ranking method. Ans. 87 | P a g e . Discuss three criteria of performance appraisal. Q19. State the merits of Factor Comparison method. Employees are evaluated by how well they accomplish a specific set of objectives that have been determined for their job. the evaluator uses a list of “behavioral descriptions” and ticks those behaviors that apply to the employee. Describe the principles of job evaluation. Q9. Ans. b) Relevance: a measure of performance must be related to the actual output of an incumbent as logically as possible. b) They allow many employees to be rated quickly. This method is also known as management by objectives. Ans. a) It is dependent on key jobs as anchor points. mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or illness or infirmity. Ans. b) It follows job analysis which provides data in respect of each job.the employee and can provide valuable insights and information or feedback regarding the "onthe-job" performance of the employee. b) There is no problem of translating points into monetary values. The negotiated rates will be influenced by the market rates. Also. the economic situation. To rank positions. the relative strength of the employers and the unions.They should aim to achieve equity in the sense that individuals should feel that their rewards are in balance both with their own output in the shape of effort. Disadvantages Ranking jobs is subjective.Q20. • Evaluate “fit” between candidates and job requirements. Negotiated pay scales . skill and contribution. Market rates . More value is also assigned to jobs that supervise. These risks are essentially contingencies of life which the individual of small means cannot effectively provide by his own ability. and government antiinflationary pay regulations. What are the common purposes of job evaluation? Explain the factors affecting the job values? Ans. a job-ranking system might rank the job of CEO as the most valued job within the organization and the job of product assembler as the least valued. and with the rewards received by others in relation to their output. 88 | P a g e . The process of job ranking typically assigns more value to jobs that require managerial or technical competencies. and it is easy to understand. • Develop a grade structure and pay ranges. For example. Q22. PART-B Q21. and • Develop career paths.It can be said that a job is worth what the market says it is worth. and • Assign jobs to a grade structure. What do you mean by Social Security? Ans. Employment • Identify “families” of occupations. It is also easy to communicate the results to employees. Retaining people will be very difficult if their rates of pay are not kept in line with those prevailing in the local and national labor markets. Pay administration • Define key responsibilities and skills to aid in conducting salary surveys. What is Ranking method of job evaluation? Explain its merits and demerits. b. b. fastest. Jobs are evaluated. • Identify skills and competencies needed for successful performance. order jobs from highest to lowest based on their relative value to your organization. Ans. It is also most effective in smaller organizations with few job classifications. c. Advantages Simplicity is the main advantage in using a ranking system. Internal equity • Determine whether different jobs have comparable requirements and responsibilities. Social security is the security that society furnishes through appropriate organization against certain risks to which its members are exposed. when creating a new job. Internal relativities and equity . or rely on independent judgment. Ranking jobs is the easiest. or foresight alone or even in private combination with his fellows. and their value and complexity are often assessed on the basis of opinion. existing jobs must be reranked to accommodate the the new position. Common purposes of job evaluation include: a. and least expensive approach to job evaluation. exercise decision-making authority. c. legislation. and • Ensure compliance with the Equal Pay Factors affecting the job values a. in addition. These jobs will be accurately described in an agreed job description. Short-term bonus – a lump-sum payment related to the targeted achievement of corporate. Bonuses are not pensionable. Bonuses are not pensionable. the year. The corporate goals are derived from the annual financial targets set by the Board and take into account external expectations of performance. functional and individual goals.  It is possible to make a judgement about a job's contribution relative to other jobs in an organisation. Some Principles of Job Evaluation  Clearly defined and identifiable jobs must exist.  Job evaluators will need to gain a thorough understanding of the job  Job evaluation is concerned with jobs.  The real test of the evaluation results is their acceptability to all participants. The corporate goals are derived from the annual financial targets set by the Board and take into account external expectations of performance. functional and individual goals.  be instrumental in helping employees to better understand their strengths and weaknesses with respect to their role and functions in the organization. What are the basic principles of job evaluation? Ans. with provision to recognize. Q25.  Job evaluation can aid organisational problem solving as it highlights duplication of tasks and gaps between jobs and functions. given their role and function.  The job is assessed as if it were being carried out in a fully competent and acceptable manner. Annual bonus – a lump-sum payment related to the targeted achievement of corporate. The functional goals are agreed by the Remuneration Committee at the start of. resulting from their ability and experience. Benefits (such as healthcare) – cost-effective and compatible with relevant welfare arrangements. The functional goals are agreed by the Remuneration Committee at the start of. A properly designed performance appraisal system can :  help each employee understand more about their role and become clear about their functions. What are the components of employee remuneration? Ans. not people.  increase mutuality between employees and their supervisors so that every employee feels happy to work with their supervisor and thereby contributes their maximum to the organization. measured over a year and contained within a specific plan. measured over a year and contained within a specific plan. and are monitored throughout.  Job evaluation is based on judgement and is not scientific. What are the Uses of an appraisal system? Ans. However if applied correctly it can enable objective judgements to be made.  All jobs in an organisation will be evaluated using an agreed job evaluation scheme. and are monitored throughout.  help in identifying the developmental needs of employees. the year. the value of an individual’s sustained personal performance. It is not the person that is being evaluated.Q23. Q24. Share participation – various plans provide the opportunity for employees to take a personal stake in the Company’s wealth creation as shareholders. They are as follows: Annual salary – based on conditions in the relevant geographic market. 89 | P a g e . Individual goals are based on annual objectives which are linked to functional goals. managers (i. superior). Self appraisal 2. Also known as internal customers.  be instrumental in creating a positive and healthy climate in the organization that drives employees to give their best while enjoying doing so. Subordinates appraisal gives a chance to judge the employee on the parameters like communication and motivating abilities.  help employees internalize the culture. each employee gets to know the expectations of their superior.anyone who comes into contact with the employee and can provide valuable insights and information or feedback regarding the “on-thejob” performance of the employee. thus developing an identity and commitment throughout the organization. co-operation and sensitivity towards others. norms and values of the organization.  help prepare employees for higher responsibilities in the future by continuously reinforcing the development of the behavior and qualities required for higher-level positions in the organization. the correct feedback given by peers can help to find employees’ abilities to work in a team. also known as 'multi-rater feedback'. this method is being used in the (MARUTHI SUZUKI and HCL) 360 degree respondents for an employee can be his/her peers. Subordinate’s appraisal 4. subordinates. his achievements.e. act as a mechanism for increasing communication between employees and their supervisors. Ans. customers. and  assist in a variety of personnel decisions by periodically generating data regarding each employee. and each superior also gets to know the difficulties of their subordinates and can try to solve them. In this way. Peer appraisal.360 degree appraisal has four integral components: 1. What is 360 degree appraisal technique? Explain. Together. Superior’s appraisal 3. Q26. suppliers/ vendors . they can thus better accomplish their tasks. 360 degree feedback. Superior’s appraisal forms the traditional part of the 360 degree appraisal where the employees’ responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the superior. 90 | P a g e .  provide an opportunity to each employee for self-reflection and individual goal-setting. and judge his own performance. leadership qualities etc. is the most comprehensive appraisal where the feedback about the employees’ performance comes from all the sources that come in contact with the employee on his job. superior’s ability to delegate the work. so that individually planned and monitored development takes place. team members. Self appraisal gives a chance to the employee to look at his/her strengths and weaknesses. an employee’s quality and quantity of work is assessed in a graphic scale indicating different degrees of a particular trait. Explain the modern methods of performance appraisal. 4. above average. FIELD REVIEW-In this method. 1. Some of the organizations following it are Wipro. After all the comparisons on the basis of the overall comparisons. also known as “Free Form method" involves a description of the performance of an employee by his superior. the evaluator rates the employee on the basis of critical events and how the employee behaved during those incidents. the employees are given the final rankings. CHECKLIST METHOD The rate is given a checklist of the descriptions of the behavior of the employees on job. CRITICAL INCIDENTS METHODS -In this method of Performance appraisal. one at a time. a senior member of the HR department or a training officer discusses and interviews the supervisors to evaluate and rate their respective subordinates. 6. 360 degree appraisal is also a powerful developmental tool because when conducted at regular intervals (say yearly) it helps to keep a track of the changes others’ perceptions about the employees. A 360 degree appraisal is generally found more suitable for the managers as it helps to assess their leadership and managing styles. the evaluator is asked to distribute the employees in some fixed categories of ratings like on a normal distribution curve. The rater chooses the appropriate fit for the categories on his own discretion. and Reliance Industries etc. 3. 2. Infosys. 91 | P a g e .Self assessment is an indispensable part of 360 degree appraisals and therefore 360 degree Performance appraisal have high employee involvement and also have the strongest impact on behavior and performance. the appraiser ranks the employees from the best to the poorest on the basis of their overall performance. A major drawback of the method is the inseparability of the bias of the evaluator. For example a trait like Job Knowledge may be judged on the range of average. ESSAY APPRAISAL METHOD . Q28. This technique is being effectively used across the globe for performance appraisals. It is quite useful for a comparative evaluation. It provides a "360-degree review" of the employees’ performance and is considered to be one of the most credible performance appraisal methods. 7. It includes both negative and positive points. The drawback of this method is that the supervisor has to note down the critical incidents and the employee behavior as and when they occur. outstanding or unsatisfactory. FORCED DISTRIBUTION -To eliminate the element of bias from the rater’s ratings. But this method helps to reduce the superiors’ personal bias. What are the Traditional methods of Performance appraisal? Ans. In this method. GRAPHIC RATING SCALE -In this method. Q27. The description is an evaluation of the performance of any individual based on the facts and often includes examples and evidences to support the information. A major drawback of this method is that it is a very time consuming method. this method compares each employee with all others in the group. The factors taken into consideration include both the personal characteristics and characteristics related to the on the job performance of the employees. STRAIGHT RANKING METHOD -This is one of the oldest and simplest techniques of performance appraisal. 5. The checklist contains a list of statements on the basis of which the rater describes the on the job performance of the employees. 8.This traditional form of appraisal. PAIRED COMPARISON A better technique of comparison than the straight ranking method. assessment centers are also an effective way to determine the training and development needs of the targeted employees. This is the step-by-step plan of action by which an organization employs. motivation. These statements are developed from critical incidents. particularly in service industries where labor is generally greatest cost * Successful SHRM efforts begin with identification of strategic needs Q3. The set of skills which an employee acquires on the job. planning and organizing capabilities. What are the Benefits of a Strategic Approach to HR? Ans. recruitment and selection costs. In this method the Performance of the employees is judged in terms of cost and contribution of the employees. through training and experience. tests and exercises. develops. the contribution of the employees should be greater than the cost incurred on them. assignments being given to a group of employees to assess their competencies to take higher responsibilities in the future. ASSESSMENT CENTRES -An assessment centre typically involves the use of methods like social/informal events. UNIT-5 PART-A Q1 What is Strategic Human Resource Management? Ans. Ideally. The major competencies that are judged in assessment centers are interpersonal skills. In this method. Generally. * Facilitates development of high-quality workforce through focus on types of people and skills needed * Facilitates cost-effective utilization of labor. and deploys its human resources in order to attain its defined corporate mission and objectives.Ans. career orientation etc. Human resource accounting method tries to find the relative worth of these assets in the terms of money. an employee’s actual job behavior is judged against the desired behavior by recording and comparing the behaviour with BARS. employees are given an assignment similar to the job they would be expected to perform if promoted. 92 | P a g e . utilizes or manages. Define human capital. induction and training costs etc whereas their contribution includes the total value added (in monetary terms). intellectual capability.Human resources are valuable assets for every organization. HUMAN RESOURCE ACCOUNTING METHOD . The difference between the cost and the contribution will be the performance of the employees. It consists of predetermined critical areas of job performance or sets of behavioral statements describing important job performance qualities as good or bad . The cost of employees include all the expenses incurred on them like their compensation. BEHAVIORALLY ANCHORED RATING SCALES Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) is a relatively new technique which combines the graphic rating scale and critical incidents method. and which increase that employee's value in the marketplace. Developing and practicing BARS requires expert knowledge. Ans. The trained evaluators observe and evaluate employees as they perform the assigned jobs and are evaluated on job related characteristics. Q2. Explain the demerits of paternalistic approach. That means training and development are guaranteed to be needed at some point of the strategic growth process. a) More two-way communication so motivating b) Workers feel their social needs are being met Q8. Having the right people in the right places is vital. Organizational Development: Strategic planning often encompasses change in workplace systems or processes. HRD folks will be able to speak instantly to any issues. State the qualities of a good leader or a manager. Again. Q6. PART-B Q11. they will be able to speak to OD issues with unique insights on how changes may impact systems and processes already in place. HR folks are usually on top of the employee market. Senior managers take all the important decisions with no involvement from workers. and decisions will be more effective if HR knows firsthand the clear direction of the company. a) Slows down decision making b) Still quite a dictatorial or autocratic style of management Q9. Ans. What are the merits of paternalistic approach? Ans. Accordingly. They can immediately speak to any potential conflicts between what a company wants and what is truly realistic in HR terms. It can be an informal practice or a formal program. Ans. Define mentoring. What is autocratic management style? Ans. Ans. Mentoring is a tool that organizations can use to nurture and grow their people. Ans. Here are some reasons to include HR in the planning process: 1. What is Emotional Quotient? Ans. a) Be able to think creatively to provide a vision for the company and solve problems b) Be calm under pressure and make clear decisions c) Possess excellent two-way communication skills d) Have the desire to achieve great things Q7. Define paternalistic management style. Explain the role of HR in strategic planning. Emotional Quotient (EQ) refers to an employee’s ability and understanding of his or her emotions along with his or her colleagues’ emotions at the workplace to create better work coordination and environment. HR folks are often aware of group initiatives and changes that has occurred companywide. Training & Development: Research shows that only 20% of the workforce has the skills that will be required ten years from now.Q4. Managers make decisions in best interests of workers after consultation. it’s people who work to fulfill those goals. Selection and Staffing: When goals are set. Q10. 3. finding the right people is equally vital. Ans. Although individual departments are likely aware of the status of their own departments. 2. and possibly provide input that could help a company achieve its goals faster. thus helping ensure the plans are workable right from the start. 93 | P a g e . Q5. and if new hiring is to occur. 1. peaceful. Mentoring -. or even a string of discrete events. often unforgettable insight. Regardless of the facilities. Rather. The strategic management process is typically broken down into five steps: 1. strategic formulation 4. If it helps. it is the synthesis of ongoing event. the timing. They also need to share their experiences of failure. observation. 3. look at the situation through the eyes of the other person. 4. Both types of stories are powerful lessons that provide valuable opportunities for analyzing individual and organizational realities. coaching. leaving only the pure. mission and goals 2. 2. because they offer valuable. Mentoring is a joint venture. Q13. white energy inside you. Leader need to tell their stories. you can imagine the air that you inhale as pure. studies. The style is closely linked with Mayo’s Human Relation view of motivation and also the social needs of Maslow.Q12. and all other variables. They consult employees over issues and listen to their feedback or opinions. Q14. peaceful.when it works -. As you continue to breathe deeply. Ans. Both failure and success are powerful teachers. and find yourself beginning to relax. Once you have identified the lower emotion and are connected with it. Deliberate learning is the cornerstone. Q15. Explain paternalistic approach in detail. What are the assumptions of mentoring program? Ans. Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. Once you have identified the true cause for your feelings.taps into continuous learning that is not an event." Development matures over time. experiences. Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure (pater means father in Latin). try to understand how they are feeling and where they are coming from based on your actions. The mentor's job is to promote intentional learning. imagine your lower emotions releasing with each breath. the protégé.e. white energy. must be shared. i. Mentors. Successful mentoring begins with setting a contract for learning around which the mentor. Mentors who can talk about themselves and their experiences establish a rapport that makes them "learning leaders. The manager will however make the actual decisions (in the best interests of the workers) as they believe the staff still needs direction and in this way it is still somewhat of an autocratic approach. certainly need to share their "how to do it so it comes out right" stories. anecdotes and case examples. Successful mentoring means sharing responsibility for learning. modeling and advising. Discuss the model of strategic management process. and thoughtful analyses. Focus your attention on where you feel those lower emotional feelings in your body – focus on how you are feeling that emotion. which includes capacity building through methods such as instructing. providing experiences. What are the steps which are helpful for developing and increase Emotional Quotient? Ans. environmental analysis 3. Personal scenarios. as leaders of a learning experience. and as you exhale. "how I did it wrong". the subject matter.. and their respective line managers are aligned. try to understand the true reasons for feeling as you do. strategy implementation 94 | P a g e . purposefully relax and begin to take slow and deep breaths. Ans. it is the organization’s raison d’être and indicates the direction in which senior management is going. Ans. ‘What business are we in?’ Devising a strategy for a Multidivisional company involves at least four types of initiative:  establishing investment priorities and steering corporate resources into the most attractive business units  initiating actions to improve the combined performance of those business units with which the corporation first became involved  finding ways to improve the synergy between related business units in order to increase performance  making decisions dealing with diversification. Such strategies determine the types of business a corporation wants to be involved in and what business units should be acquired. Strategic formulation involves senior managers evaluating the interaction between strategic factors and making strategic choices that guide managers to meet the organization’s goals. The mission describes the organization’s values and aspirations. Environmental analysis looks at the internal organizational strengths and weakThe factors that are most important to the organization’s future are referred to as strategic factors and can be summarized by the acronym SWOT – Strengths. it refers to activities that deal with leadership style. In addition to focusing on the validity of the matching SHRM model and typologies of HR strategy. a number of important themes associated with the notion of SHRM that are discussed briefly here and. In particular. Q17. These are:  HR practices and performance  re-engineering organizations and work  leadership  workplace learning  trade unions 95 | P a g e . Opportunities and Threats. Strategy implementation is an area of activity that focuses on the techniques used by managers to implement their strategies. strategy evaluation. Goals are the desired ends sought through the actual operating procedures of the organization and typically describe short-term measurable outcomes. Explain the corporate level strategy. Q16. Some strategies are formulated at the corporate. and the management of human Strategy evaluation is an activity that determines to what extent the actual change and performance match the desired change and performance. Corporate-level strategy describes a corporation’s overall direction in terms of its general philosophy towards the growth and the management of its various business units. business and specific Functional levels. The strategic management model depicts the five major activities as forming a rational and linear process. The first step in the strategic management model begins with senior managers evaluating their position in relation to the organization’s current mission and goals. modified or sold. with the exception of leadership. the information and control systems. This strategy addresses the question. Weaknesses.5. What are the Dimensions of strategic human resource management? Ans. the structure of the organization. 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